1 minute read

09. Julie Song


Julie Song


Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus

- Philippians 4:6 & 7

I am a worrywart, so this passage is both a challenge and a promise for me. In the past year, God demonstrated that He honours his promise of peace and hears my prayers when I turn to Him with a thankful heart. My previous workplace went through rounds of layoffs due to a merger. I was thankful for our new house, but I needed my job to help pay for it! Thankfully, I was safe but my entire team was gone and my remaining boss was a toxic individual who made some bad decisions. God had a plan for me but I needed faith and lots of peace. I kept repeating this passage over and over again almost everyday. Although my circumstance didn’t change instantly, God did give me peace and assurance as I needed it. I continued praying for a new job, specifically to work with people who were open, supportive and more positive. He answered in a way I did not expect and I was offered a new job within months. Instead of a sullen, moody stressful boss, God’s blessed me with a friendly and supportive superior who’s developed a great relationship with me. Moreover, I’m surrounded by wonderful, kind and talented people on my creative team. Only God could have known He would place me in this new job, even when layoffs were happening. Only God could have given me the peace I needed because He knows what His plan is. It makes me thankful that He’s working in my life preparing me for the future. I may not comprehend His plan at the time, but I can have peace in His promises knowing that He always fulfills His Word to us.

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