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15. Sonia Sun-Yang Lee

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16. Tammy Kim

16. Tammy Kim

Dear Sisters of the Rock,

My biggest testimony to you is that I have been born again as a Christian and have encountered Jesus Christ as my personal savior and that I have promised to give my life to him.


My story begins when I was sailing the spiritual sea for the longest time. Not like my name suggests, which means pleasant or gentle ocean in Korean, Life in reality is not always pleasant and certainly I felt like I was wondering through a dark stormy sea. For years I have been fighting against the wind, taking directions that I only wanted to take and trying to avoid any dangers and hassles that laid in my path,

Jesus is my wind. He only to leave me so weary and tired that I was all torn apart and did not know takes me to different which way to go anymore or what else to do. I was helpless… Then one day the Holy Spirit spoke to me saying that I had to stop beingplaces in my spiritual life in control and navigating my own way. I had to just let it go and give my trust to and when I give my trust the wind to guide me and lead me. It was the surrendering of my will that I got to completely to Him, I don’t trust fully of God. . I made free of myself and I felt like I was born again. I can say have to fight back now that I am not as afraid as I used to of what my life awaits ahead. I know that anymore and I drift there will be times, and plenty for sure, that will be rough and unpleasant, but at least now I know for sure that I will be going where God’s will is and He will take wherever He takes me. care of me no matter what happens. In the process of realizing all this, I had so much encouragement from my peers at Rock church that I will never forget their prayers and dedications. When I look back from the time I arrived at Rock church and now, I have to be honest and say that I had rough times and struggles. I see now that it was the will of God to show me that I shall not wonder anymore and should stay in Rock church. “ You have shown me more kindness at the end than the beginning “ and this is one of the passage in Ruth ch. 3. v. 10 that I would like to share with you all today. Because of your kindness you showed me when I returned to church, I was melted away by the love of God that He truly is kind and generous and took care of such a lost and weary lamb like me. He truly shows more kindness at the end than the beginning and God has worked through you to show me that. God bless you and have faith in His journey and will that He is going to take you through the mist and storms of your lives. Bon voyage to you all.

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