3 minute read
14. Soojin Do
Soojin Do
So, when we were asked to write a testimony i thought to myself...what am i going to write about?!?...do i write about how i was saved....work....family....I thought about it...and started thinking of how when one of us finds a really good restaurant, or a really good sale, we always share it with our friends so that they too can enjoy. So why am I sooooo hesitant to share about my faith?!
Immediately a song came into my head ....Pass It On. Remember that song from back in the day....
It only takes a spark, to get a fire going. And soon all those around, will warm up to its glowing That's how it is with God's love,
Once you've experienced it....You spread His love, to everyone, you want to pass it on........
SO guys, this is the biggest and best sale ever!!! you don't have to pay a cent!
God is so faithful.
Some of you know that i have had a hard time at work. I have totally been tested!
Just to give you an idea.....i start work at 8:30am and often don't leave till 8pm...sometimes later. I watch my peers pick up and leave at 4:30 pm and this angers me. Especially when those peers do nothing all day but chit-chat on the phone with their personal calls. Don't even get me started!
I like my job...but i don't like some of the peeps i work with. one in particular..and one day I just couldn't take it anymore!! I've worked with this person for about 5 years and up until the past couple of years we were great. She's not someone that i reported to but someone that i had to work closely with.
About 3 weeks prior to this day, there was an email that was passed around from another department saying that there was a position available. This position was a higher position with more responsibility. I wasn't going to apply...didn't even think of leaving my job cuz like i said, i like my job. But this one day i just had enough- of course the above mentioned person is not the sole cause of me looking for another job but she played a big part. This day happened to be the last day of the job posting. I emailed the hiring manager directly to ask if i could talk to her about the job. She ended up calling me to say that they had already started the interview process but that she would speak to me, so we set up a time to meet.
There were about 7 people that were in the running, who had gone through the whole string of interviews and in the end she wanted to hire me even though i didn't quite have all the qualifications or the experience...and i only had to go through 1 interview (yay!!) and...she was willing to wait almost 3 months for me to come over ( my current job couldn't release me till Dec 1st) even though she needed the position to be filled asap.
I KNOW that i wouldn't have gotten this position without GOD. He has totally blessed me and has been so faithful even though there are soooo many times that I fail!
During the times where i was tested, i remembered that I am working for GOD not my employer. I took on Phil 2: 3-4, 14-15 as my motto .......do nothing from selfishness, to or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard let each of you regard one another as more important that himself; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others....to do all things without grumbling or disputing that you may prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reporach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world.
Also wanted to add the a verse that helps when you feel defeated....
“And the Lord will continually guide you,
And satisfy your desire in scorched places
And give strength to your bones
And you will be like a watered garden,
And like a spring of water whose waters do not fail.” - Is 58:11
So gals......PASS IT ON!