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13. Michelle To

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14. Soojin Do

1 Peter 5:6

“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time.”



Michelle To

In small group, we were discussing how easy it is to get down about our daily routine. Sometimes my days go by so quickly without any big accomplishments and I feel so insignificant, but we really never know when or how God will use us for His purpose. I wanted to share about a time where God used three women that played a huge role in my life. They were pretty much a turning point for me, from being lost to being born again. I had grown up in the Catholic church, but had rejected that religion. My life was pretty empty, and my future felt very hopeless and terrifying. My first year at U of T, I lived at New Collage. I became good friends with my three neighbours: Tara Bak, Anne Lee and Lynn Tan. Living together, we all became quite close. These girls were like me in almost every way, but it was pretty soon that I learned that there was one major difference between us. These girls went to church, these girls read the Bible, these girls loved the Lord! They fascinated me, because I really hadn’t met any true Christians before. It was amazing to see how God was so important in their lives, yet they were still just normal people!!! I remember one night we were hanging out in Tara’s room. Tara and Anne were talking about church, and I asked them, “If you died today, would you know for sure that you would go to heaven?”. Their answer was yes. Now, I’m sure they did not know that at that moment, a life-changing, path-altering event had just occurred for me, but it did! Their answer had a huge impact on me! I hungered for the certainty and confidence that they had. I was looking for hope, and basically through example, they showed me where to find it. Not long afterwards, I found myself at a service with an alter call, and I gave my life to the Lord.

God has a great plan for all of us, and we never know when or how it will happen. I try to remember that when I’m washing my third load of dishes for the day! I thank God that He brought Tara, Anne and Lynn into my life, and I look forward to Him using me for His glory!

I also wanted to thank all the ladies at the Rock. Every Sunday you all inspire me to be a better Christian/mother/wife. Thank you for being such great examples for me!

God bless all of you! Merry Christmas!

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