TK8 Global Chefs

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Glob bal Chefss ġ໱੒ ੒ಚ‫ڷ‬ᗃᗸ!!!!

White Ice & Summer Blue ġሧ ሧ‫׼‬჋଻


Wild Wine ଘᇑܿඈ྾એġ


At Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong’s Pierre, Chef de Cuisine Jean Denis Le Bras serves a three-part lobster dish which includes this lovely lobster claw salad with combawa mayonnaise and flower petals. ኷ცࡰၭख़‫ߴބ‬એ‫ ݥ‬Pierre ߟ໮‫خ‬࿩ˈ᎐‫ ڷ‬Jean Denis Le Bras ፟Ꮾੴᅤܿ ௝Ⴡ๲໤ல୲ˈ֡ଭጝܻ‫܋‬ിcombawa ‫ॵܫ‬ਟঽॗ֏ܿ௝Ⴡෆຆఊȃ



july 2013



Tasting Kitchen 7A, 22/F, Kodak House II, 39 Healthy East Street Quarry Bay, Hong Kong Tel: +852 2642 0008

Tasting Kitchen is a celebration of the Pearl River Delta’s finest restaurants, greatest chefs and most delicious food. Our mission is simple: to share our enthusiasm for all the great culinary experiences the region has to offer.



Jeff Hammons

Jean Alberti



David Hartung

Alicia Beebe



Helene Wong


Sarah Dallof Annabel Jackson Gabriella Lee Lucy Morgan Inara Sim CONTRIBUTING WRITERS



Gerard William Whitty ASST. SALES DIRECTOR HK : +852 5196 0253 Macau: +853 6279 2238

Kennis Yuen


PRINTING Infinity Printing Company Limited 3/F, Cheung Lee Industrial Building 9 Cheung Lee Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong



Blackstone Concepts Communication

Timothy Tang

+ 852 3481 0518



on our cover Black garlic with ginger, coriander and garlic blossoms, prepared at The Hotel Mira Hong Kong by Whisk’s Chef de Cuisine Bjoern Alexander. For more of Chef Alexander’s memorable cooking, turn to “Global Chefs” starting on page 64. ቈThe Mira Hong Kong ഒ௾‫خ‬࿩ Whisk ܿ᎐‫ڷ‬Bjoern Alexander ੴᄩ‫ۑ‬Ꮾܿफཱ ിਕȂᖋᗟঽཱॗȃቺம੍࢑޹቏࣋᎐‫ڷ‬Alexander ᎌ໤୿‫ˈڋ‬ขᡬ୅Ș໱੒ಚ ‫ڷ‬ᗃᗸș‫ݕ‬64ᇔȃ

Photograph by David Hartung ©Tasting Kitchen 2013. All rights reserved



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publisher’s note

Welcome to Tasting Kitchen. In this issue we invite you to spend time with some of the talented, globe-trotting chefs who have been drawn to Hong Kong and Macau. It’s fun to try and guess the backgrounds of chefs from the flavors they create, but today’s global chefs are difficult to categorize: they’ve each followed highly individual paths. A common theme is how they have strengthened different talents while working in different regions: expanding their understanding of spice in Southeast Asia, for example, or mastering the art of plating in Japan. Their deliciously original cuisine makes this a thrilling time to be dining here. As you consider their culinary evolutions, you may soon hear the sound of corks popping. There’s never a bad time for Champagne, but summer is perfect. We start you off with a prized 1985 bottle of brut in our new column, Vaunted Vintages. Then we head out to Middle Island for a yacht cruise and a glass of the very first Champagne designed to be served over ice. Next, a seafood brunch and three choices of boutique free-flow while enjoying some of Hong Kong’s greatest views. Still thirsty? Enjoy a glass of New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc, cocktails mixed by two of Hong Kong’s finest bartenders, or a glass of fragrant and potent bai jiu, brewed in Sichuan. As you spirit off to try all these magnificent places, you’ll be seeing us more and more: TK is now available at more than 2,000 locations in Hong Kong and Macau. Enjoy.


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july 2013

chef’s note

Greetings from Tasting Kitchen. Welcome to Global Chefs, where TK explores how today’s top chefs have been shaped by their travels. Every place I have worked has left its mark on me as well. I learned the basics of hospitality by watching my father pour his heart and soul into his own restaurant. He taught me to be passionate about my craft and to be an ambassador for my trade. I went to culinary school, not just to learn to cook, but also because I wanted to meet new people, explore new cultures, and discover new food. In my late twenties I accepted my first executive chef position in downtown Los Angeles. I learned the importance of building a hard-working team that can perform under pressure, and also how to calm down an angry, knife-wielding maître d’. I had a regular customer there who invited me to help him open his dream resort on a private Caribbean island called Jumby Bay. We started with nothing—no electricity, no water—and I learned to be creative, how to do a lot with not much. Later, I learned how to do a lot with a lot. As executive chef for the Saudi Royal Family, we created grand spectacles: wedding banquets for 3,000; rows of lambs coated with gold leaf roasting over open fires. I learned logistics and how to create luxury on a large scale. I’ve been in Macau for four years already, and as I prepare for the opening of a new restaurant here, The Seasons, I’m happy to still be still working in this industry that has given me so much, ready to share what I’ve learned and preparing for my own next lesson.


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contents T A S T I N G N E W S 24-37 A Champagne for the Centuries 22 • Catching the Perfect Wave 38 • Summer Nights, Perfect Picnics 40 Miroir, Miroir Fairest of All 42 • Gaggenau Living 44 • 150 Years of Bernardaud 48 • Pastry Contender 52 • Wedding Bliss 54 Bread Winner 56 • Flavor Fireworks 60 • Global Chefs 64 • A Chef en Vogue 84 • True Italian 88





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White Ice & Summer Blue 76 • Beautiful Evolution 92 • A Splendid Spread 96 Gourmet Discovery 102 • Bottled Love 106 • Classic Spoon 112 Brilliant Brunch Bubbly 116 • Wild Wine 120 • Class Act 124 W H E R E T O F I N D T K 128 • R E S T A U R A N T L I S T I N G S 134 • D E S S E R T 136








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vaunted vintages

‫ۈ‬໱৞೭ վ೧‫؜‬༴

a champagne for the centuries In 1985 all the stars aligned and a great Champagne came to life.

THERE’S THE CHAMPAGNE that accompanies a celebra-


tion, then there’s the Champagne that is the celebra-

‫צ‬໸॥ฃܿ‫ܗ‬ಚۧȃ॥ሬᇜඩ੣๠ 1985

tion. Enter the 1985 Perrier-Jouët Belle Epoque. It’s

೧ Perrier-Jouët એ ᎦȘ ॗ ᆽ ೧ ख़ (Belle

the vintage that almost wasn’t due to a particularly


harsh winter that destroyed a large part of the


Champagne vineyard. Amazingly, perfect weather


conditions from then on yielded a harvest of


superb quality and one that lives on inside the


classic white anemones bottle.


Recently, the House of Perrier-Jouët

Perrier-Jouët એ Ꭶ Ꮵ ੧ ෸ ත એ ਼

has begun inching open its cellar doors and


offering customers a new opportunity to bring

1985 ೧Șॗᆽ೧ख़ș݃൰፣Ꮆુ

home bottles of some of its finest vintages


including the 1985 Belle Epoque. Those


who’ve tasted it confirm time has been more

໢঩ȃ Perrier-Jouët ೭ એ ໗ Hervé

than kind. “Today it is a masterpiece of elegance,”

Șղ୭ፇ Deschamps แ ‫ ؜‬᎘ ང ˖

says Perrier-Jouët Chef de Caves Hervé


Deschamps. “The nose reveals brioche and


dried fruits, candied ginger, honey and butter-




As a connoisseur, Deschamps says the

য়ˈDeschamps ‫װ‬໯ੜ࿙ጸ໸൰

best time to experience the flavors and


aromas is today. But he’s also a romantic: he


envisions customers cellaring their own bottles

เ ਼ ‫ ع‬Ꮛ ে ܿ 1985 ೧Ș ॗ ᆽ ೧

of the 1985 Perrier-Jouët Belle Epoque and


handing it down through the generations to be


celebrated one hundred years from now. “Like me in 2011,” he recalls, “when I tasted a bottle of 1911.”



ྊইჲܻ ˖ Ș ખ ჸ ၻ ኷ 2011 ೧ ൰ ١ ࣰ ᇜ କ 1911 ೧ ܿ ‫ ځ‬೭ ᇜ ᆼˈ‫׳‬નሃሆȃș

july 2013

tasting news

ᏧೞঠৠִੲᏧᔐ ཤࢆୁ၉໰৖ᄧ‫ྰݩ‬

welcome to johnnie’s house At the Johnnie Walker House Beijing, whiskey connoisseurs can commune with others who share their passion

ȘᏧೞঠৠִੲᏧᔐșጝ‫މ‬ན‫ل‬ਓ᎗‫؜‬੡໸ ภฉፃಚܿཤࢆୁ၉໰৖‫ׁܐ‬ሩˈ࢑ٜ༧ ம୿ઌ‫؜‬༴ঽஉᄵ‫ܿ᠂؜‬ඬᇖ጗ᅪȃ‫෇ڏ‬

and ġbarley – basic elements of whiskey

from home. The Johnnie Walker House

ġreimagined in a rich way.

৙ॄˈၓᄧᇜ‫ܗ‬೭એ᎟য়࿎࢜තߙቪௌࡥȃ ᏧᔐᏯథ኷ዕၓॹ‫্ݖ‬ᮘ᎟ቂቸܻܿ

Beijing is four floors celebrating not only

Special rooms include the Striding Man


the world famous scotch whiskey but also

Bar, an homage to founder John Walker,


the process and philosophy behind it. Built

and the Churchill room, named after loyal


to honor those who’ve shaped the brand

drinker Sir Winston Churchill. Upstairs in the


through the years, the house also serves to

Odyssey Room, clients can begin a legacy

‫ࡐ ࠘ ۫ ل‬Ȃ ሃ ሆ ‫ ׳‬નȃ ࿅ ‫ ׳‬ዴ ৱ ቏ ჹ ‫ۑ‬

inspire the tastemakers of the future.

of their own by storing beloved whiskeys

֑เ John Walker ፛੽ܿȘశ‫؞‬ჹ෇ܿໃ

Located on a royal road once used

inside specially made cabinets. The blending

໰ (Striding Man Bar)șᇵঽ൰ഡુޭሴ॓

by emperors to attend ceremonies, the

room on the first floor allows guests to


entrance to the building is marked by six

sharpen their skills and senses. There’s also

ߔ༃ (Churchill Room)șȃ၄ຢܿȘᏧẟ୍

arches representing individual master

a Master Blender Suite where VIPs enjoy

(Odyssey Room)șˈ૰ุঐ኎ਖ፬Փܿ၉


bespoke whiskies. It’s an adult playground


for those with a love of scotch whiskey and


a desire to always keep walking.

໐ࡥ࣌೙உ ˗VIP ঐ኎२૰ፚȘ‫ܐ‬໗‫ݲ‬ിࣦ

The interior materials and finishings reflect copper, yeast, water peat

‫׹‬༃ (Master Blender Suite)șᇜჴኁ‫ܿށ‬ The Johnnie Walker House Beijing No. 23, Ch’ien Men East Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing ġ ִੲ‫چބ‬ฏ෇౤‫ੁܐ‬23ख +8610 6526 5139



july 2013

᎟༥၉໰৖ȃޭ቙฽Փཤࢆୁ၉໰৖ܿਅ ຠয়ହངˈִੲᏧᔐખ໸Ꮵ֙ܿቍ୛ኍȃ

Courtesy of Johnnie Walker House Beijing

FOR WHISKEY LOVERS, it’s a true home away



King Street Reception Odyssey Lounge The Alexander Walker Blending Room The Art of Blending

tasting news


The Philosopher Continuum Hob C H E F A N D R É C H I A N G points to the stylised white olive tree that

ߟ࣭վ೧‫ڷ‬ન൰ഡȘDe Dietrichșቪఄજᄬৠൻܿྕူಚ‫ڷ‬

decorates De Dietrich’s new, limited edition Philosopher Continuum Hob.


“I wanted the olive tree design to represent my roots in the south of

Continuum Hob) ෍๠໮൶ಅ௰ȃਘጬ‫ڎ‬ፑᎼ௰ຢ໢ຣܿ

France. I brought an olive tree with me from France when I moved to

ռᩢᩀ༨ဇ՝‫װ‬໯ ˖ Șᩢᩀ༨‫װܗ‬ၻ኷ߟ࣭ೌ‫ࢎܿؠ‬ȃၻ

Singapore to open my restaurant ANDRE. Olive trees grow vigorously


but they need to be aware of the seasons or they can die, so in winter


we buried ice cubes in the soil to remind the tree to rest and save its


energy for spring. Now my olive tree stands outside my restaurant and


reminds me of France. It keeps me strong.”


De Dietrich asked Chiang to help design the hob. The gleaming

ȘDe Dietrichșᆾขਘጬ‫ົڎ‬৓൶ಅ௰ˈ௰ಅቈफ؄ஊ

black glass cooking surface is zoneless. “When they asked me to design

܏ዉˈᮇᮇߙࣕˈၝࠍใटฏଐᏟࢉȃྊইჲܻ ˖ Șਾঠᆾ

the hob I wanted to represent what cooking is about,” says Chiang. “It


should have no boundaries.” The intelligent design of the hob heats a

ट੒ღ‫ޭئ‬ȃ ș൶ಅ௰ܿ፠ঊົ৓෠ཋ኷቙ˈᎌ࣫ড൶‫࣫ݒ‬

pot or pan wherever it is placed on the surface and is able to maintain


Alongside the olive tree are a series of beautifully crafted inscriptions

ᩢᩀ༨ဇ՝യᇜஏ‫ົۋ‬৓ੴ౟ܿ૳Ꮝˈ‫ܿװܗ‬ጸ໸ਘ ጬ‫ޙڎ‬ᇜႇߗܿ౟໤጗ᅪȃȘെៀቪࡥ࣌౻‫؜‬૰ࠍȃல୲໤

paying tribute to Chef Chiang’s unique philosophy of food. “Cooking is


about senses. When you cook an ingredient it’s not about the process,


whether to grill or fry it – it’s about the elements of that ingredient:


texture, pureness, salt. I wrote these sentences explaining my philosophy, so that while you are cooking, you can reflect on what food is all about.”



july 2013

Only 18 hobs available worldwide.

Courtesy of De Dietrich

the same level of heat, tracking the pan as it moves around the hob.

tasting news

ცࡰ‫ݲ‬એ‫܌‬เ ਲᎉ໱੒Ꮵ৞‫ݲ‬એ໗֩Ᏸ

Hong Kong’s Finest Earlier this year, Ricky Liau of Wyndham the 4th was crowned Hong Kong’s best bartender at the Diageo Reserve World Class final. His mastery of technique, creative mixing and showmanship earned him the title and the right to represent Hong Kong at the World Class Global Final. He talked recently with TK about winning the Hong Kong championship. You were competing against some really talented bartenders

ცࡰ໢ຣએծ Wyndham the 4th ܿ‫ݲ‬એ‫܌‬เ Ricky Liau ੜ೧‫ڴ‬

and you came out on top.

኷ȘDiageo Reserve World Classșภฉ‫ݲ‬એ‫ܐ‬๱ცࡰฏિ๱፩৉

World Class Best Bartender was a tough competition. I’ve com-


peted before, but this year the competitors were even better and


the rounds were difficult. We had to choose a gentleman’s drink

ࡰ੣ૅภฉᏓિ๱ȃRicky ቪ TK ٨ྥྊዥ჉ࠍฏࣣ࣍ܿࡥჲȃ

and a tropical drink. Those aren’t easy topics. There was a written exam and a blind tasting too – really hard.

ೠ೙኷፳޹ᄵᇖ෣‫ڽ‬፩လሰߑ‫ˈڵ‬ጡ௑เീ࠵ȃ ȘWorld Class Best BartenderșᏥ৞‫ݲ‬એ໗

The judges cited your impeccable tech-


nique and perfectly balanced cocktails.

␙ ၻ౞ᇜగ‫ޕ‬ᇋ໪‫ڵ‬চເ੍༮‫ئ‬೙ࣰ࣋ȃ

What did you mix for the competition?


For the gentleman’s drink I thought about


what makes a gentleman – there’s a hard


and a soft side. To make my “Locker Room” drink I mixed whisky, masculine,


with gin, feminine. For the tropical round


I used Don Julio tequila and two home-


made ingredients. I wanted a pineapple

‫ܬ‬໢ၻቂம࿱٣໢ৱ‫ࢬئ‬ཋ‫ “ˈڵ‬ໃ໰‫ݲ‬

liqueur but it doesn’t exist commercially

એ ” ጝࢋ᎐࿏ሥࡘ࿷໢નֻໃ໰ܿࡪሄञ

so I made it myself. I also made my own


grenadine as I wanted the drink to be re-


ally fresh. I called it “Don the Bootlegger”

ৱ (Locker Room)șȃ኷‫ݲ‬፟฽‫ܕ‬঳ၛએ፩ˈ

with a nod to Prohibition, and served it

ၻቂமȘDon Julioș௝ຳୁञ஠፯Ꮛ፟ Ἁ

in a small soft drink bottle, covered with


brown paper.

ྴਗˈ‫ޕ‬໸ၻᏋে‫ݲ‬፟ܿˈႪ၆ࢍเ෼ᄧ Ꮛะܿࡥ།ȃ‫ݲ‬એ‫־‬໓኷ᄆᄲཫਥሜல൸፩ˈࡇຢ૎߿๾֤ፖˈ

What kind of preparation did you do?

ጝְถಚၓȘཌએ჏ໍ (Don the Bootlegger)șܿ঳ၛએ໸ၻ

I did a lot of physical preparation – I ate healthily and worked


out. Being fit has an effect on your palate and it helps you to focus. I also studied a lot, researched the concepts and prac-


ticed my drinks at my bar, Wyndham the 4th.


Are you ready to represent Hong Kong at the World Class

the 4thș෱ৠசႷȂ‫ࡧ؜‬቏ཎऒᄝ‫ܜ‬ȃ

࿎ࡴȃ࿷໢ၻ२ແ๠ᆓઈ‫؜‬ຬ‫׋‬๱૵࿏ˈ኷ၻ౦ܿȘWyndham Global Final? The final will take place on a cruise ship travelling around Eu-


rope. I’m going to keep practicing and getting even fitter. I have


made drinks in Hong Kong Harbour before, and it was pretty


hard. But I think the cruise ship will be steadier!


Wyndham the 4th, 4/F, 48 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong, ცࡰ፩०ୁࣣ߲ኣდੁ48ख4௦,



july 2013

july 2013



tasting news

ࡷ‫؀‬ಚ‫ڷ‬ᠨᆗ୛௏ૅ ഒ໮༇ࢗಅ֡෗ዷ༁٠

On the Rise AT FIRST GLANCE, some things don’t seem to add up about the new

ಅ֡ൕߙໍஉૅȘBread Elementsșዢ૛ཕॆ൶ߩႇඟȃ‫ܦ‬

wholesale bakery start-up Bread Elements. For one thing, it was a risky


move for co-founder Grégoire Michaud to leave his position of eight

Ꮣ‫ڷ‬հ೧ܿࢗᏮ࡯ၤᇵ໦ოᏋেܿ౭ჲ ˗ௐိፎܾ࿎ܿ໸ˈ

years as Executive Pastry Chef of the Four Seasons Hong Kong to start


up Bread Elements. An even riskier move was opening up a bakery

֡ঽࡷ‫ˈݞ‬ቁන૰৛ȃ‫ࣰ؜‬ო኷૛ହˈ౏ნ໸ፎܾܿˈ ȘBread

that sold bespoke artisan bread and pastries in a region of the world


where rice is the primary staple. Yet somehow, these risks paid off, and

ᠨᆗ୛ࠍ႟ ˖ Șࣰบໟ೧ହˈცࡰ໤൰༁٠ႇజ኷༮

with a growing list of clients, Bread Elements has shown that there is a


demand for good bread.

٢೎ግȃၻ౦ޭ཰ၟਸဂ፟ᏮȂࡴ൰፣༇ࢗಅ֡ܿ৮‫ڕ‬ঽ ခ๠ᇲঠ‫؜‬ຬ౟໤‫خ‬࿩ไ࿷ˈ‫ڈ‬ၓၻ౦ܿ᎐உ૴ॖȃș ȘBread Elementsșੜ೧๲ኟ૑໭ሩከˈ᎐ᇋᄁ༌ಅ֡

“However, authentic artisan bread is still a rare commodity in Hong


Kong. We are exchanging with gourmet restaurateurs that share our

ȘChez Patrick DelișठᏮˈ኷ცࡰࢌ‫ܐ‬દ‫ݞ‬ထ‫ڵ‬ภႼளಅ֡ȃ

vision and passion for quality, sourdough-based artisan bakeries.” After beginning production this year in March, Bread Elements has been supplying to boutique hotels and gourmet restaurants, and since

ཱུᎼȘBread Elementsș‫ڕ‬ᅝဣዴ֋ဇˈᠨᆗ୛ঽတެᇜ ኶ጽಖˈ෇ߴ‫࣏؜‬቏޹ຬ࿡ዸˈু໪໸ཥ‫װ۽‬൝ܿ࿙‫݋‬Ș໛ ‫ޡ‬șˈᇓႇߟᏟ‫ܭ‬ྊ౦षֽ౟ၟಅ֡ܿિᄩȃ

June, Bread Elements has also started selling a range of their breads at Chez Patrick Delis around Hong Kong. As Bread Elements continues to expand in Hong Kong, Michaud and his team are showing that nothing, not even the humidity – a crunchy crust’s worst nightmare – can stop them from baking delicious bread.



july 2013

Bread Elements ġ Atelier Block A, 24th Floor, Unit 3, Fortune Factory ġBuilding, 40 Lee Chung Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong ġ ცࡰْူ஀፳ੁ40खࡐ‫ࢗڎ‬ᇖ‫ܐ‬჊AᏰ24௦3༃ ġ +852 3996 8570

Courtesy of Bread Elements

“Over the last ten years, the Hong Kong food scene has known an amazing growth both in volume and quality,” says Chef Michaud.




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tasting news


Dee-lish Dish NOTHING SAYS SUMMER like ice cream cake. Ice cream and cake

are both tasty desserts. When they join forces they can become a truly luscious treat. And that’s exactly what Chef Patissier Alain Guillet has created this summer for the Island Gourmet at the Island Shangri-La. His signature ice cream cakes, which debuted on July 1st, will come in three distinct flavors – Tosca, Chloe, and Arabella. Guillet layers each unique cake with two contrasting flavors of ice cream and decorates them with delicious toppings that include macarons, meringue, and coconut biscuits. The result, as Chef Guillet puts it, is “an irresistibly delicious selection of cakes that are perfect for this season.” ᇜܸ჋࿙ˈ२቏໣౓‫ܐ׋‬ଓ޽ᇤ‫׼‬᡼ி‫ܿ֙࢑ࡷܫ‬ᄂ༟ߴ໮ೕ˛ ‫׼‬᡼ிञ‫ޕࡷܫ‬໸௑เۖიܿ࿝‫ˈݞ‬஠ጚყৠ࢑໸ৠֹቔเȃጝ ᇓጸ໸ࡰܵცࢆ୴ଲ‫ܐ‬એ‫ݥ‬Șࡴ౟໤‫( ݥ‬Island Gourmet)ș‫߶؀‬ ᄵጹ᎐‫ ڷ‬Alain Guillet ੜ჋Ꮵᄧܿ᎐܏࿝‫ݞ‬ȃጋഡ‫׼‬᡼ி‫ࢥࡷܫ‬


Sweet Summer

቏ȘToscașȂȘChloeșঽȘArabellaș๲፯‫؜‬࿷ଁၟˈᏋ඘ኟᇜ ๊ඩߙ༌ȃ౞କ‫ޕࡷܫ‬ቂம஠፯ଁၟ੃ะ‫؜‬࿷ܿ‫׼‬᡼ிˈ኶ᇵమ ૏௝Ȃ‫ܫ‬ռ༹ঽᇍᏊ‫݃࡞؀‬౟ၟ࿝൰Ꭷ໿ȃ Guillet ੴᄩ፟Ꮾܿ ‫׼‬᡼ி‫ˈࡷܫ‬࿄ભྊᏋেܿय़ˈ໸Ș௑เቔঢ೎‫ܿܭ‬჋๊౟ၟș ȃ Island Gourmet ࡴ౟໤‫ݥ‬ ġ Level 5, Island Shangri-La, Pacific Place, Supreme Court Road, Central, Hong Kong ცࡰਜ਼፬ਜ਼፬ܻ88ख྘ࢸࣖ٠2Ᏸࡰܵცࢆ୴ଲએ‫ݥ‬5௦ ġ +852 2820 8550

SUMMER TREATS have gone seriously upscale at Shore this

July and August. A popsicle in the park has been replaced by magnificent desserts on the restaurant’s 1,800 sq. ft. patio including chilled lime soup with honey ice cream and tropical fruit consommé with grilled fruit salad. “As the seasons change we wanted to introduce desserts that suited the temperature,” explains Shore Hospitality’s Executive Chef James Black. “The weather is hotter and our customers require lighter, fresher dishes to finish their meals.” Will decadence be lacking? No: Shore’s seven-layer cake is made up of fudge, praline buttercream, chocolate sabayon, ganache and sponge cake topped with tangy dark cherries and coffee-cocoa soil. It’s a splurge worthy of summer. ੜ჋඘հኟ໓༟໢੅ˈ‫߸؜‬ჴ།ᇜ჉ࡴܰܿ჋๊ᾆᆪȃኺն኷ ࢞ኍ‫֙׼ړ‬ᄂ༟߼ᇜയˈ४ࢋᄩ฀ହȘShoreșࣖ‫ ܌‬1,800 ൶ߴ ሡ‫ˈྕ௷ܿڞ‬औऔჴቂ֡ଭ෷⇍ഴ‫׼‬ിࠛ౺‫׼‬᡼ிড૥એცẍ᝛ ༽ุ࣮݃เፊॅࣰᴮܿ࿝൰ȃ ངܻ ˖ Ș੣๠჋࿙ˈၻ౦ჲထ‫ڵ‬໻ठო኷࿙න൰١ܿ࿝‫ݞ‬ȃཱུᎼ නၫ໐ࡴˈ૴เᇓঐჲ኷ቂ‫خ‬Ꮵॄହ‫ݞ‬෼༻ᄧბܿ౟໤ȃș ‫ܦ‬ጝ૰‫װܗ؜‬ၟ୞ખ‫؜‬೙औऔ߼ཐᇜߣʽȘShoreșܿ෠૲ உ඘‫ܐࡷܫل‬஢໪ቂ๞ፅ๢ྴȂ࣮฿ྴ೉༹ȂຆղၵȂ࡟ೆᅒঽ ࣴ౿‫ˈࡷܫ‬Ꮵॄ኶අຢ఻఻ܿफሢ྿ঽ૎߿૰૰ࠒˈცၟནለȃ ੜ჋ખହऔऔ߼ཐჴ།ᇜ჉ծʽ

Shore, 3/F, L Place, 139 Queen’s Road Central, Central, Hong Kong ġ ცࡰ፩०ॹॄ‫ܻܐ‬፩ 139ख L Place3ঽ4௦ +852 2815 1638



july 2013

Courtesy of Island Gourmet and Shore

ȘShore Hospitalityș‫خ‬ሜ়တᄵጹᏓ‫ ڷ‬James Black ᄰࠓ‫ݓ‬

tasting news sponsored by

ߺ‫ॹڷ‬ጴչ ᅳግ჉ᇜၤ‫ڷ‬ᇶፚᏧ

Seeking the Next King of Chefs ߟ ࣭ െ ៀ ༚ ঻ ໭ Ꮭ Ո ૭ ߽ (Auguste Escoffier) ܿ ધ ᏮȘ െ ៀ ፑ ೌ (Le Guide Culinaire)ș1903 ೧ ထ ‫ ॄ ڵ‬ၓ ᇖ ੒ ‫ ܕ‬ହ ࢄ A U G U S T E E S C O F F I E R ’ S landmark 1903

have the chance to display their culinary


cookbook, Le Guide Culinaire, revolution-

prowess in the Asia Pacific Finale of the


ized cooking, modernizing culinary tech-

Disciples Escoffier Young Talent Trophy.

Ș Ո ૭ ߽ ෷ ೧ ‫ ڷ‬໗ ‫ ܐ‬๱ (Disciples

niques with a focus on refined simplicity.

Representing countries from across Asia,

Escoffier Young Talent Trophy)șᆊ྘ฏિ

The famous French chef’s book is still

the competitors will be tasked with

๱ ઎ ኟ ਖ ቙Ș ც ࡰ ‫ خ‬ሜ ዴ (Restaurant &

widely used today. Known as the King

handling Escoffier’s own recipes, and will

Bar Hong Kong)ș໓‫݂ܐ‬٠ˈହᏋᆊ፷ࢌ

of Chefs and the Chef of Kings, Escoffier

serve their dishes to the competition’s


paved the way for many chefs with his

judges. The competition will last three


illustrious career, so it is only fitting that

days and the winner will go on to compete


a competition meant to introduce the

in the global final in France.


next generation of great chefs would be

Ո૭߽ዕང ˖ Șऔܿ໤႘໸ᄷ࠸ܿࢎ

named after him.

Escoffier once said, “Good food is the foundation of genuine happiness.”


This September at the Restaurant

Anticipating this gathering of culinary


& Bar Hong Kong trade event , eight

talents, one feels happy in advance, just


chefs under twenty-five years old will

thinking about all the good food.



july 2013

Albert Harlingue / Roger Viollet / Getty Images

ಛᄹܿሯჳˈ૑‫ۑ‬மო‫ڷܗ‬ᇶፇ჏त ȃՈ ૭߽቏Ș‫ڷ‬໗ፇ၀ș౟ችˈၓமჹྊ፛੽ˈ

tasting news sponsored by


Expo Extraordinaire R E S T A U R A N T A N D B A R H O N G KO N G is

Some of the best in the bartending

ᆊ፷ፑ‫׭‬ᄹܿȘცࡰ‫خ‬ሜዴ (Restaurant &

just around the corner. Asia’s premier fine

business will be on hand at the Cocktail &

Bar Hong Kong)șুਖ݂٠ˈᇖ੒ࢌߴჳ

dining and bar expo is the place where

Spirit Theatre. Mixing, muddling, creating


many of the industry’s most accomplished

and sipping, participants will search for the


movers and shakers meet to teach and

definitive Hong Kong cocktail.

ਖ૑ਝ૵‫ۈڋ‬་౷ીˈ ᴦ მცࡰ‫خ‬ሜዴܿ

learn, buy and sell, meet, eat and drink.

The Modern Chinese Cookery Theatre

Among the many reasons to attend are the

is the expo’s iconic event. Featuring some


unique educational events at which food

of the region’s most celebrated chefs, the


and wine experts share their knowledge

event is an exploration of Chinese cuisines


and give demonstrations.

and artisanal skills. The master chefs will

༥ܿᏥ৞એ‫ˈܠ‬ঽ֔౅‫׳‬เ࿡ᅤᏥ֙ܿ౟ એȃ

At the Wine Tasting Theatre, som-

conduct ongoing cooking demonstrations

meliers and certified wine masters will talk

and will talk about their inspirations. The


about their favorite wines, the world’s great

audience is invited to sample the dishes


wine regions and wine pairing. Guests can

and meet the chefs. Situated at the heart


discover how to put together the perfect

of the show, this is the destination event


wine list and get tips about choosing, and

for everyone who visits Restaurant & Bar


helping others to choose, great wines.

Hong Kong.

է౷ঽ፩ख़ல୲ܿᄧ੼੒ȃ‫ڷܐ‬ო٠໯߭ ౞ᄆ໢ຢᆠˈ಼ܿ໸Ⴊ၆ ᜌ␶ ጚ೙቏ྈත ߙȂঠܾᄧፃȃȘ‫ڷ‬ᇶ߲șၤ቙ዴ୅जᄩ ฏቱˈ‫࣎د‬Șცࡰ‫خ‬ሜዴșᇜ‫ށ‬ᇋହऔऔ ࿒ᆬᇜߣȃ



july 2013

Courtesy of Restaurant & Bar HK


inspired living


catching the perfect wave Kenneth Cobonpue’s dining table creates its own rippling rhythm without ever moving A platform for food, wine and joyful celebrations. A piece of modern art and a conversation starter. Wave by Kenneth Cobonpue is all of these things as well as a stunning anchor to a sophisticated dining room. Cobonpue fits walnut, ash or mahogany slats together into a graceful, undulating ౟໤Ȃۙએঽ॥ฃ໢૳‫؜‬૰ডฦܿኇཧȂო‫ܗ‬ᇶ༦ܿੌੰȂ

Originally from Cebu in the Philippines, the designer


built his reputation utilizing bamboo, rattan and other

Kenneth Cobonpue ܿ உ ᏮȘ ؉ ୐ (Wave)șȃCobonpue

locally-sourced materials to handcraft innovative furniture.


His client list now stretches around the globe and includes


the likes of Brad Pitt and the Queen of Jordan – people


who can afford to be very discriminating when choosing

Cobonpue ହᏋ߽ఊ‫཭چܐࣕ࣎׹‬႖ˈᇵ๕ठᎊᏊ

their furniture. Admirers can check out Cobonpue’s stylish


designs in the movie Ocean’s Thirteen or on the TV show


CSI: Miami , or head to Wanchai, where Wave is currently on


display, to purchase a piece of their own.

፫໦૴ॖȃ኷‫ݢ‬ሯȘస࿙ࣰࣴ ˖ໟ๲၀ഡșঽሯ়ȘCSI ፱՝ო٠˖శՇ౻ș‫ޕ‬૰૛ܸ Cobonpue ໢ຣ߾ߩܿົ৓ȃ ጡܿ݃‫؜‬ঽᇓ૰ᇵፊดူᏇዴฏᇜଡȘ؉୐șܿ௯ຐጡ ಅ಼ˈፊਾ‫ܕ‬ᇜ਋ইয়ȃ Wave by Kenneth Cobonpue OVO home, +852 2526 7226. HKD15,100 (small), HKD18,800 (large)



july 2013

Courtesy of Kenneth Cobonpue

pattern that seems to float off the ground.

inspired living

፲჋ᇚ ᇑ‫ܿخ‬ো੅

summer nights, perfect picnics Celebrating the past but always looking forward; Bernardaud commissions limited-edition dinnerware sets by contemporary artists to mark their sesquicentennial.


Forget the paper plates and plastic cups and plan an al fresco evening worthy of an urban sophisticate with these elevated picnic must-haves.



Aston Martin Picnic Hamper

Shanghai Tang Lhasa Candle

Practicality and luxury pack up perfectly inside this 28-piece hamper stocked with fine bone china plates, crystal Champagne glasses and stainless steel cutlery.

A warm glow and exotic scent set a romantic mood.

Aston Martin 28਋໮ᇑ‫خ‬ ࿄Ꮰ়໦ቂঽະख़቙ᇜເˈ ࢺ‫خۦ‬ധȂ༽ੰცᩗએְঽ ‫؜‬ᅇ࡫‫خ‬નᇜሥબภȃ

๖ञ݁ࣕിᇵል࣭ცࠌ଴ᎋˈ ሩዉ୐ిࠌၐȃ HKD580 +852 2368 2932

£2,750 +44 20 7803 0464



july 2013

www.grantmacdonald. com/astonmartin









Alessi Socrates Corkscrew

Graf & Lantz Quiver Cosy

This corkscrew by designer Jasper Morrison operates with ease, leaving more time for philosophical debates or fun flirtations.

The leather straps adjust to keep everything from a standard-size bottle of white to the most special bottle of Champagne perfectly chilled.

૑એධ‫ڵ‬Ꮛົ৓໗ Jasper Morrisonፇ༇ˈ૑એ෸෸མ མˈุเ቏࢑޹໢ৱྪ࿃጗ ᅪၳ࿏ড‫ݲ‬฀Ꮾ୛ᇜߣȃ

൝ࢄֶ‫ݲܕ‬ጶᏋ๜ˈඎ࿳ ܿռએ൸ܸ‫ޙ‬࿅൸ເܿც ᩗ‫ޕ‬૰‫ܕ‬ᎼᏖˈ‫಼ܿ܌ݑ‬ ‫ॄݓ‬ᇡ઒‫׼‬ஜ૰ଁȃ



Vivaraise Gastounet Souris Throw

Braven BRV-1 Rugged Bluetooth Speaker

After eating, snuggle up and gaze at the stars or city lights.

Not only does this portable speaker have an impressive 12 hours of battery life, it’s also built to withstand a sudden rainstorm or spilled glass of bubbly.

֨‫خ‬ᇜ޲ॄˈ‫ۨ׎‬ᇡᑾȂ ૛Ꮌᄬૼড༁ฏᇚ੹ȃ HKD4,880 +852 2530 0686



+852 2968 1188

+852 2954 9922

ጝକ૰ᄔ໮ᆲ໌ධ‫ڗݢ‬ᇜ۫૰ ໪ቂ٣‫܌‬ໟߗᄆ໢ˈ֬ࠞቩဆ ะହႵড๬ܸცᩗ‫؜ޕ‬ഝˈ৮ ࢿೊቂ໦኷௑เੳᆡ‫؜‬ᇲȃ


+852 3972 1500

inspired living

ქ஢੾ಅ‫׼‬࿻ ತॲ὿உႇฅ

miroir, miroir fairest of all Hervé Van der Straeten’s brilliant ice bucket reflects the sparkling qualities of the Ruinart Champagne it is designed to hold

Science says symmetry and beauty go hand in


hand. Renowned French artist Hervé Van der

‫ܦ‬ፃಚܿߟ࣭ົ৓໗ Hervé Van der Straeten

Straeten begs to differ. He has created a striking


and decidedly asymmetric ice bucket for Ruinart,


the world’s oldest Champagne house. Influenced


by 18th century table design and French art, the


objet d’art’s sharp angles and bright mirrored sides


cradle three bottles of the house’s bubbly. Only fifty


numbered and signed ice buckets are available for


purchase worldwide. The piece functions both as a


chiller and kind of ultra-elegant modern disco ball –


any celebration is sure to be centered around it.



+852 2810 1120

Courtesy of Ruinart

“Miroir” Ice Bucket.



july 2013

july 2013





july 2013

inspired living


Ga agg ge en nau Hea ad of of Brand rand ra nd Sv ve en S Scch hn nee nee e say ys th t att lux xur u y ha happ pp p pen ns in n you ur he ead d an nd d in yo our u heart ea arrtt. Gr Grea ea e at en ngiine neer erin er in ng he help ps to too. o o.

july 2013



inspired living

德国厨具领导大牌「Gaggenau」( 嘉格纳 ) 品牌总监 Sven Schnee 来到香港展示间,站在一整面没经过修饰的干木 嵌板前说道 : 「这是直接从黑森林一间木屋拆组送来的, Gaggenau 出身平凡,1683 年从打造铁钉起家,传承至今已 有数百年的历史。木墙代表我们的优良传统。」 展示间的木墙或许历史悠久,但「Gaggenau」结合高 科技打造的纯钢厨具可是不断与时俱进。 Schnee 向我们展 示全新「400」系列烤箱的顶级工艺,他把箱门轻轻打开, 然后关上,眼神满是期待,静候神奇的一刻到来。 确实,声音就像摩登的两人座跑车关门声一样,沉沉砰 的一声后以清脆的喀嚓声做结。坚实又繁复,不愧是来自保 时捷技术承包商的杰作,其负责人还打包票说这是做过最复 杂的组件设计。诚如 Schnee 所形容的 : 「听起来就很扎实、 坚固。」 谈到奢华,Schnee 有很深的体悟 : 「奢华就在脑子里, 也存在心中。价钱、功能、特性或品牌故事都是其次,关键 是塑造产品时内心的态度为何,脑海中浮现的想像是什么。」 「Gaggenau」式的奢华源自想像,但可绝非凭空幻想, 而是揉合最新科技及纯粹空间设计线条的结晶,让厨房成为 效率一流、优雅大度的舒适环境。无懈可击的关门声正可作 为最佳注解。

HEAD OF BRAND at Gaggenau, Sven Schnee stands in the company’s Hong Kong

showroom, in front of a wall clad with rough panels of seasoned wood. “These are from a wooden house in the Black Forest,” says Schnee. “This wooden wall pays homage to the firm’s humble beginnings as a nail smith in 1683. Gaggenau has a long heritage.” There may be ancient wooden panels on the walls of the showroom, but Gaggeanau’s hi-tech steel appliances have moved with the times. Schnee opens and shuts a new 400 series oven door and his eyes light up as he watches for a reaction. The sound of the door closing is like that of a modern two-seater sports car – a deep thud followed by a clean click. Solid and complicated, the door is made by a supplier who also works for Porsche. The supplier claims the oven door is the most complex piece he produces. “It should sound solid and strong,” says Schnee. It does. Sven Schnee understands luxury: “It happens in your head and your heart. Luxury is not about price, features, characteristics or brand knowledge. It is the personal atGaggenau luxury may start in the imagination, but it’s no figment: the fusion of the newest technology and pure spare design lines creates a gloriously elegant and highly efficient kitchen range. With undeniably fantastic door sounds. H



july 2013

Courtesy of Gaggenau

titude you have when you think about a product – what happens in your imagination.”

inspired living

ߟ࣭‫ۦৃݾ‬ධսဇ ୿໨ঃॼ150೧

150 years of bernardaud Celebrating the past but always looking forward, Bernardaud commissions limited-edition dinnerware sets by contemporary artists to mark their sesquicentennial.










Last supper (Megaplex)



The Boundless Sea


by Marco Brambilla

by Sarkis

by Nabil Nahas

by David Lynch

by Fassianos

A pop-art take on The Last Supper starring movie characters.

Created in one sitting and based on the Japanese technique of Kintsugi.

Thousands of starfish sparkle in ever-changing hues.

A story and a meal served on 12 plates.

Greek gods come to life in bold colors.


ᇵ؉ඎᇶ༦፱ᄧᆠሐ੶‫ݟ‬ಚ Ꮾˈ᎐ਲ੪໸‫ܬ‬ऽ‫ݢ‬ሯಖᄬȃ

ቂׁ๊ਜ਼ක‫ۦؚ‬৉ ᇶȘKintsugișᇜන घ‫ۑܿڈ‬ሃȃ


ໟߗࢋ‫خ‬ധȂᇜާࢽ ໳Ȃᇜ‫خ‬ᾆᆪȃ

Ⴊଵᎇໄᨧᨧ๜ໍȂ ๾‫ݲ‬ბಖ‫ܣܐ‬ȃ


USD $630



july 2013



inspired living


by Michael Lin The artist hopes his collection creates connections between diners. ጝၤᇶ༦য়Ⴊ၆ྊܿᇶ༦Ⴜள೙‫ڈ‬ၓ૴เቂ‫خ‬໢ܿ॔‫ވ‬ො஝ȃ USD880



july 2013

p r es pr e ente en n te ted d by


Why did you decide to enter the Fonterra Pastry Challenge? It’s exciting and it really is a challenge. It’s great to see so many different ideas, creations and pastry possibilities.

ੴᎳৠ‫ۑ‬ሃ ઃᎉࡷ‫ݞ‬၀ጚ

pastry contender Two years ago in Hong Kong, Galaxy Macau™ Executive Pastry Chef Frédéric Château and his team captured the bronze medal at the Fonterra Pastry Challenge. Launched in 2008 and held annually in a series of international locations as a way to help promote the pastry industry, the competitions are organized by Fonterra, the world’s largest dairy exporter. Chef Frédéric recently spoke with TK about his passion for pastry and competing. §Șթ


(Galaxy Macau)ࡷ‫ݞ‬ᄵጹ᎐‫ߟڷ‬࿅๥ঽඝတެ஠೧෇ዕ቙ცࡰዥ჉ऴ࿙ะ

षֽ‫ܐ‬๱ (Fonterra Pastry Challenge) ࿸ਜȃۨ‫ܐ‬๱Ꮛ2008೧ඩ૑໭ˈቈภ ฉᏥ‫ܐ‬๞൰‫ଁڵ‬ຟऴ࿙ะˈ౞೧቙໱੒ࢌ‫چܐ‬༁ઢ֑ˈᇵ‫ވܕ‬षֽᇖܿጶ ࿒ߙዴȃ TK ࿅‫ߟߺت׳‬࿅๥ˈᇵம੍ጝၤ‫ܿڷܐ‬፛໕౷ીȃ



july 2013

How did you prepare for the competition? As soon as we received the brief about the theme, I selected a team, and we started training. The cakes have to be made again, again – and again! The chefs have to be very motivated. At the same time, it is fun being a pastry chef, playing with cream and chocolate and fruit, and you must never lose that sense of fun. What does it take to win? You have to practice a lot! The theme of the competition I was in was “Taste of Life,” and we had to incorporate cream in our cake. The judges liked the fresh, green apple taste of our team’s “Apple of My Eye” cake, and they thought the ingredients were perfectly balanced.


In your daily cooking and during the Pastry Challenge, you rely on Anchor dairy products from New Zealand. What makes them special? They taste great. And they have good texture too. New Zealand is such an unpolluted country – most of the cows are grass-fed, which means dairy products made with their milk are also more nutritious. What qualities does a person need to become a great pastry chef? Passion, precision and innovation. How do you balance precision with creativity? You have to be very precise. If you don’t use the right amount, you don’t get the right result. You also have to be very creative, coming up with new flavors and textures. Inspiration comes from everywhere – you have to keep your eyes open. Other chefs always think that pastry chefs are crazy!


ၓटჲ‫د‬ৠऴ࿙ะषֽ‫ܐ‬๱˛ ࡘ‫ܐ‬๱‫఻ڣ‬࿡ዸञੳႹˈ࿷໢૰ᇵ૛ ܸࢌ፯‫؜‬࿷ܿ‫ۑ‬ሃঽߙჲˈᎼ໦਻เ‫ܐ‬૑ ᆞ੒ȃ ೠ‫ܬ‬໢໸๜टֻዸ˛ ‫ܬ‬᎐࿏࢞‫ˈॄ؝‬ၻખᎼ༇࿡ᅤတެ‫ڈ‬ ኎ˈஅু૑໭౻়ᅸசȃ‫ࡷܫ‬ᇋᇜᏭ኶Ꮽˈ ‫ި؜‬፱ࡉ࿷ᆼࣰܿ‫ڋ‬ʽ‫ڷ‬໗ᇜ‫ށ‬ᇋ೙ၕ‫ڕ‬ ‫ވ‬உ‫ئ‬ᄵȃඝ໦፟Ꮾࡷ‫ݞ‬໸भऔေܿࢗᏮˈ ၐ฻ເ‫ܿע‬੪໸೉ቌȂ෠૲உञ༽࣮ˈ໢ ໢૳૳֦‫ڕ‬࿺ᄩጸ໸࣋ਉྈ኷ȃ ፛໕౷ીၓट˛ ‫ݓި؜‬சႷʽၻ‫د‬๱ܿೄᇜ೧᎐࿏໸ Șվၟเໍșˈࣙ‫୴ࡷܫށ‬ᇋৠ๠೉ቌȃၻ ౦တެቂ෷൴࣮፟ᏮܿȘ෷൴࣮‫ࡷܫ‬șଁ ၟ෼ᄧˈࢌ፯ኇཧဵ౟๏ठˈঠܾ൹ໆᇜ ፛औ൹ȃ ‫࣏؜‬൶๊჉‫ڷ‬ডऴ࿙ะ‫ܐ‬๱ඓৱˈೠ‫ޕ‬ᅤ ቂഁႠୁܿȘ՗৞ (Anchor)ș๞፟൰ˈ቏ ໣౓࿅‫ܿ׳‬ኊሓఱ˛ ೄᄎ๞፟൰١ඩହᏃၟभ֙ˈଁࡥᇓ

ႇ૰࿡࿋ȃഁႠୁ໸ࢋౚ቏ႄำ࣭ܿয়ˈ ‫ޕࠍؠܐ‬໸‫ؾ‬བ೾ˈሓ࣭ۨٛ೾೉ܿ๞፟ ൰ሩᆻ‫ࠍڈ‬ᇓभࡴȃ

‫ڈ‬ၓऔܿࡷ‫ڷݞ‬໗቏໣౓࿢਋˛ ฽฀ȂੴᎳ‫ޡ‬ঽ‫ۑ‬ሃȃ ੴᎳ‫ޡ‬ञ‫ۑ‬ሃ஠ጚፇৱ๜टถܾ൶ळ˛ ੴᎳ‫؜ޡ‬జट໢‫؜ޕ‬೙܏጖ଂȃ໪ቂ ܿࠔ஢቏ႜˈ‫࣮ڈ‬ખ‫؜‬৞ȃ‫ܦ‬࿷໢ᇓᇋ቏ ࿙మᄵૼܿჲߟˈ૑ߙᄧܿၟܻঽଁࡥȃ ‫כ‬ᅐཱུ໢ጱ‫ܐ‬ᆞ੯ٍ࣎ˈใट໳႘‫ޕ‬೙‫ڈ‬ ၓௌࡥହኑȃ኷ඝྊ࿷ᄵᆞ፩ˈࡷ‫ڷݞ‬໗ ٢࢏ࠟᏊౚ໣౓஠ᆼʽ ġSee

page 134 for contact details.


Passion of Love ፁᴝᚍዺ᡾‌


Galaxy Macau Executive Pastry Chef Frédéric Château ෞ ‌ࢳჿᐯ࿢䔴ጚᘓ᭭ ෝ


Apple of My Eye ᎏ⩪ዶ᡾‌

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Grand Hyatt Macau’s Outdoor Glass Marquee

Profiterole Pyramid Wedding Cake

A happy couple in front of the Wall of White Roses




Grand Hyatt Macau’s unforgettable 1930s Shanghai wedding theme թ౤૆አએ‫ݥ‬௑เ೎၇ܿຢࣴ1930ঘ୶᎐

AT GRAND HYATT MACAU, it’s the season for the magic of summer weddings. A wedding is about a blushing bride and a nervous groom pledging their love to one another. It’s also about throwing a spectacular party. Increasingly, modern couples are looking for inventive new twists on classic traditions to make their big days unforgettable. Start with the flowers. At Grand Hyatt Macau’s 2013 Grand Wedding Fair, a dramatic Wall of White Roses was presented. More than 50,000 fresh white blooms were used to create the fragrant panel, perfect for romantic photos. Grand Hyatt Macau also used the occasion to launch their stunning new Outdoor Glass Marquee. Decorated with soft white interiors, the air-conditioned structure has windows on four sides and is located on a terrace overlooking the property’s swimming pool and gardens – the perfect setting for an outdoor wedding.



july 2013

ঘ୶᎚࠸ ᄷ࠸఻‫ݞ‬

wedding bliss Drawing crowds were the pastry team’s romantic, show-stopping wedding cakes. A French profiterole pyramid, towers of traditional Chinese wedding buns, exquisitely detailed and sculpted cakes – cakes that make it easy to say, “I do.”

թ౤૆አએ‫ˈݥ‬໸ઢᄵ໓჋ඟ಍ঘ୶ܿ‫ܬ‬ ো໖‫ݩ‬ȃ‫୶ݟ‬໸ᬾ࿠ܿᄧ೬ঽ੟ጀܿᄧ୎ ॔ყᅒഐቂՓࢥ‫ޡ‬ᇜໍܿໄ໖໢૳ ˗ঘ୶ ࿷໢ᇓ໸ઢᄵ໓‫ܐ‬തޭܿુ৞໢঩ȃኚହ ኚ޹೧෸ᄧเჲ኷‫ۈ‬࿾ᇨ໮፩ହ‫ݞ‬Șቪ፳ ‫؜‬࿷ș ˈุጝ࿙‫ڈ‬ၓ፳เ೎၇ܿ࿅‫๊׳‬Ꮚȃ ખ ჏ ۰ ॗ Ꮌ ༇ ծȃ թ ౤ ૆ አ એ ‫ݥ‬ 2013 ೧ ઢ ֑ ܿȘ Ꮷ ࣦ ත ߾ ߩ ঘ ୶ ዴ ș ፩ዴ໯Ꮁ఻٫ࣰႎွ޽ᄧბռ๾౔ࣘܿ ᇜጶಅॗුˈ఻༃ໍცˈᏮၓঘ୶‫؝‬፜ ֶܿ֊Ꮵ໻ठ‫ˈࣰ؜‬૰ุᄧเௗ჉୐ిܿ ࿝౺ठጐȃ թ౤૆አએ‫ܿݥ‬ᏥᄧஉᏮˈॖိ؄ஊ ጅൌᇓ኷ঘ୶ዴ፩༈‫ޡ‬தყˈ೗Ꭷᇵ෼ᄧ ්ܿռ๾ၓ᎐‫ݲ‬Ȃภૼ‫ົݲ‬৓Ȃጅൌནಅ ቈథ‫ݓ‬؄ஊᏠ‫ˈڈ‬Ᏸథ቙એ‫ݥ‬๲௦ܿॖိ ൶ྕຢˈ༄ᇑ૑ରˈ૰࠾ᰔሽ‫ڗ‬ঽॗኍˉ ጸ໸ॖိঘ୶ܿ౭ॲ٠‫ݓ‬ȃ ௐိˈએ‫؀ࡷܿݥ‬፟Ꮾတެ෺ภஉ፟ Ꮾܿঘᆪ‫ి୐ࡷܫ‬ख़ࣦˈ௑เኻྫ‫؜‬ᇲˈ ᇓ‫ڈ‬ၓภ٠ᎎ಼ܿਤ‫ݞ‬ȃ‫࣏؜‬໸ߟ໮സᖊ ༨ড‫ۈ‬࿾፩࣭৫Ⴙ‫ࢌˈ؀‬໮ੴᄩ‫ݬ‬Ꮈܿ‫ܫ‬ ࡷุเ૛மแ‫؜‬᎘ჲངȘၻንሃșʽ

Photographs 1 – 4 courtesy of Grand Hyatt Macau


sponsored feature

One of Grand Hyatt Macau’s elegant wedding cakes թ౤૆አએ‫ܿݥ‬ ቄᆈঘ୶‫ࡷܫ‬

Beetroot Snails ᒼᨲ₆࿻



july 2013

sponsored feature

ಅ֡၀ጚ ‫׳‬ႇࠍख

bread winner Every day at Galaxy MacauTM, Executive Bakery Chef Hendri Syahrudin bakes five dozen different delicious varieties of bread

july 2013



sponsored feature

Hendri Syahrudin, Executive Bakery Chef, Galaxy MacauTM



THE BREAD TROLLEY that trundles down the

Galaxy Macau esplanade leaves the irresistible scent of freshly baked bread in its wake. “I’ve worked in many different places – Dubai, Turkey, Jakarta – and they have all had an influence on me and my work,” says Hendri Syahrudin, Executive Bakery Chef for Galaxy Macau. Beetroot snails, pesto ciabatta, and squid ink rolls are some of his creations that fill the trolley. Sourdoughs, multigrain loaves and crunchy baguettes are also on offer. Hendri uses the poolish technique, baking with pre-fermented starter dough that sits for twelve hours before being used. The result is organic, additive-free bread with extraordinary flavor. TM

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Apple Rolls ൴࣮֡




“I learned the poolish baking techniques when I studied in Paris. It gives loaves a slightly different color and taste and creates air pockets inside the bread.” Hendri taps the bottom of an apricot hazelnut loaf: the hollow sound means it has been cooked just right. “Baking on a stone instead of a tin gives loaves a nice crisp crust outside but keeps them beautifully soft inside.” “There is something magical about baking a loaf of bread,” says Chef Hendri. “I love that you can take such simple ingredients and transform them into something so delicious.” ġSee

page 134 for contact details.

Beetroot Rolls and Squid Ink Rolls ऽ‫ج‬ဂጾ໰֡ঽನቢፆ֡ Chef Hendri and his team supply the bakery items to all of the Galaxy Macau food outlets. तșࢌࢋ౟໤ᄁ༌‫ݞ‬ȃ

ಅ֡‫ٴ‬३३ထፚȘթ त ™șࣖ٠ , ࡪ ‫ ڵ‬௰ ܿ ಅ ֡ ც ၟ ඄ ‫ ߑ ׊‬ହȃ ‫ خ‬ሜ ᄵ ጹ ಅ ֡ ᎐ ‫ ڷ‬ጏ য় ऑ (Hendri Syahrudin) ‫ װ‬໯ : Ș ၻ኷ᅒ޹‫ࢗߴݓ‬Ꮾࣰ , ๜‫ޞ‬ւȂဌߓඝ ঽᆈৠ‫ ܌‬, ‫ޭޕ‬ၻࢋเञ፟Ꮾࠞࢆ‫ܕ‬ହሯ ჳȃș ಅ֡‫ٴ‬ຢ఻໸᎐‫ܿڷ‬ੴᄩੇᏮˈ֡ଭ ऽ‫ج‬ဂ֡Ȃ෷ਟယᄑಅ֡ঽನቢಅ֡શˈ ‫ܬ‬ะᇓ‫؜‬೙‫ߙࣰ܊‬ਸȂႎࢻኰ஛ቪཥ‫ࠞ۽‬ ၟܿ࣪Ꮚಅ֡ȃ ጏয়ऑ፟Ꮾಅ֡૦ܿ໸ Șਸ ဂ (poolish)șߴ໮ˈ໪ቂ੻፜ໟߗᄆ໢ܿ ኁߙਸ෇፟ಅတˈषֽ‫ڵ‬ହܿ໸‫؜‬ৠใट ࿚ৠৎܿಅ֡ˈࠞၟ࿙ะȂცၟནለȃȘਸ ဂ৉༦໸኷ղ୭ᅪܿˈᏭ‫ڵ‬ହܿಅ֡ᆘ๾ ঽၟܻ‫ޕ‬቏ᄎᅒ‫؜‬࿷ˈ೗‫ܕل‬቏൨தܿන ૾ȃș ጏয়ऑཱུ༇ೀඩᇜ࿢ᄸ฿ᩎ࣮ಅ֡ˈ ၄‫ؠݒ‬ടமᇜ჉ˈૼ‫໌ܿލ‬ሕ‫װܗ‬षֽܿ මܸऔ‫ۃ‬ȃྊང ˖ Șᅤዎቂ໠Ꭰ௰ߑ߾Ⴆ ፟૥ძषֽˈ૥‫ڵ‬ହܿಅ֡ိ൝ཥ‫ˈ۽‬೗ ୴མ๢ቔเȃșྊߙᏋ೗ᄩኻྫܻ ˖ Șषֽ ಅ֡቏፯ໄඟܿತஉȃ໤‫إ‬኶৿‫ˈࣰ؜ܠ‬ ษ ೙ ‫ ק‬फ़ ‫ ڵ‬๜ ۨ ౟ ၟˈ ጡ ໸ ௑ ၻ Ꮴ ᄩ ‫؜‬ ᇲȃș july 2013



tasting notes

Crab and oysters “Perle de Cancale,” with celery jelly, rice vinaigrette and caviar ᷥᄜঽໍᶛȘ૜૏ߔጟᎂ(Perle de Cancale) șᏫෲ‫ج‬ፆȂ౶ც۴ঽቢᏊਟ


flavor fireworks At L’altro Hong Kong, Chefs Philippe Leveille and Antimo Maria Merone mix and match French and Italian with striking results

tasting notes

THE SOQQUADRO has missed the plane. The tubular pasta, made by a small producer in Brescia, in northern Italy, was meant for one of the day’s dishes. As a substitute, Chefs Philippe Leveille and Antimo Maria Merone are playing around with tuffoli, a kind of ridged rigatoni from an artisanal producer in Italy’s Marches region. They’re cutting the tuffoli at different lengths, standing them on end and arranging them to resemble the Hong Kong skyline. Welcome to the kitchen of L’altro which opened last September in Central, and weeks later picked up a Michelin star. “This dish is a game,” says Chef Leveille, who runs the two-Michelin star Miramonti L’altro (the original L’altro) back in Brescia, Italy. “You can change all the colors and flavors, depending on the season. This is not a dish to compare with rich, traditional Italian dishes.” One by one, each little tube is filled with a different vegetable puree – eggplant, bell pepper, asparagus – and then topped with tomato-Parmesan foam and a pancetta crisp. “It looks simple but it requires a lot of preparation. But I don’t want it to look complicated. I want it to look simple – but elegant.” Born in France, Leveille moved to Italy for love and has lived there for twenty-five years. “It has never been a problem to mix and match,” he says, referring to the way his cooking is informed by the traditions of both homeland and adopted home. Merone, from Napoli, fell into cooking by accident. Studying finance at university, he worked part-time in restaurants on the weekends – and got hooked. In 2010, he graduated not in finance but as Student of the Year from Alma Scuola Internazionale di Cucina, Italy’s top culinary institute. He worked as Leveille’s protégé for a year before opening L’altro in Hong Kong. How does the collaboration work? “The most important thing is for Philippe to transmit to me his sense of taste, his palate, his concept of cuisine. I am representing his cuisine in Hong Kong,” says Merone. The



july 2013


Tuffoli filled with vegetable puree and topped with tomato-Parmesan foam and pancetta crisps Tuffoliધᄲ࿳ᄩࠒჩ༐‫ج‬ೝᏫߣ෨ജఫ຀ඩཌྷಪঽሃ໮഻ࢎཥದ ABOVE RIGHT

Chefs Philippe Leveille and Antimo Maria Merone L’Altro ܿ஠ၤ‫ڷܐ‬

pair create the menu together, skyping almost every day, exchanging recipes and insights. Leveille does not define his cooking – or himself – as either Italian or French, happily incorporating the butter, say, which so identifies French cooking, with a deep but simple (more Italian) belief that food should be fun and eating it convivial. He has famously said that his cooking is “never brainy,” and would never present a dish which intimidated to the point of embarrassment, whereby a guest would have no idea how to approach it. French cooking, he says, is codified, whereas Italian cooking is still strongly related to the traditions of “Mama.” Everything on the plate must contribute to the

essence of the dish, not just its appearance – drips of balsamic to cut through the richness of foie gras; lemon zest to bring freshness to crab meat; radish because radish is needed, not just for the red. “In Europe, there’s a trend for the young chefs to follow too much the presentation. In the end the dish is empty. There’s no soul.” Is the menu in Italy very different from the menu in Hong Kong? “The most important difference is that in Italy I describe my menu as a bomb – of flavors,” explains Leveille. “Here, it is more like fireworks. This is a new challenge. I can’t bring the concentration, the richness, the saltiness here. I have never cooked in such a delicate and light way.”

ሃ‫ؠִ஀ܐ‬ᄆ‫ چ‬Brescia ‫ߴݓ‬ᄆ‫ݥ‬፟Ꮾܿ ٣ ࣏ ࿳ ᄩ ࠒȘsoqquadroș ‫ ࣰ ܊‬օ ঩ˈ ႇ ߟ ঽ ໢ ૼ ከˈPhilippe Leveille ঽ Antimo Maria Merone ஠ၤ‫ڷܐ‬ௌ঩ᇜ‫ˈވ‬ቂሃ‫ܐ‬ ஀ Marches ‫ܿߴݓ‬ಅ࿢‫܌‬เྈ፟ܿု࣏࿳ ᄩࠒ (tuffoli) ‫ܗ‬࿓ˈ‫ܿؤ‬٣‫؜ޥ‬ᇜˈੴᄩഠ ‫ڈ‬ცࡰ࿙ৗღܿᄳᎫȃ॥ሬࣕ஼ȘL’altroș ሃ‫خ஀ܐ‬࿩ˈบ೧઎ኟ኷፩०૑ᇖॄ‫ܸ؜‬ ༮፵ˈ‫צ‬ዥ჉ᇜ૬౶ඝஹᄬᄬȃ Ꮿ ጭ Brescia ౶ ඝ ஹ ߗ ᄬ ‫ خ‬࿩ȘMiramonti L’altroș( ু L’altro ׁ য় ) ܿ ᎐ ‫ڷ‬ Leveille ખང ˖ ȘᏭጝܻ‫ج‬ખჸေቍႾˈཱུ ো੅‫؜‬࿷ˈ๾‫ݲ‬ञၟܻ૰ᇵཱུሃ࢑࡙ȃጝ ܻல୲‫؜‬Ꮦၟܻ࠘ࡐܿ‫ۈ‬࿾ሃ‫௸ج஀ܐ‬ ღȃș౞ᇜ࿢࣏ಅ୴‫ޕ‬ჩ੣෨ᏊȂ࿝ਢড௬ ྀ݃ࢌ፯༐‫ج‬ೝˈຢಅ኶ࡇᇵߣ෨ജఫ຀ ඩཌྷಪঽሃ໮഻ࢎཥದȃȘ૛ຢบभ৿‫ˈܠ‬ Ꮃֻඩହษभࠈࢗȃ‫ࣰ؜‬ၻႹ॥ጝܻ‫ࢍج‬ เ৿‫ܠ‬ञቄᆈܿࡥાȃș Leveille ኷ߟ࣭‫ॄˈໍڵ‬ହᇧજሃ‫ˈ஀ܐ‬ ፚੜᇲ٣‫ ܌‬25 ೧ȃྥܸᏋে๏ठߟ໮ֶ੹ ঽ‫ࢋߗݕ‬য়ხሃ‫ˈࢆࠞܿ஀ܐ‬ྊᇜത෸མ

‫װ‬໯ ˖ Șੌठ‫؜‬࿷ࠞၟޭၻହང኶Ꮛะ‫ࣰ؜‬ மȃș ᄵጹᏓ‫ ڷ‬Merone ዏହᏋೀൻ୴ˈ૰ ང໸ႜ܏ႜᎩ‫ئ‬Ꮦຢ‫ڷ‬໗ጝ࿢௸ȃ‫ܐ‬ᅪ໢ ᎐ᅃਜ਼๏ˈ፵ದ‫ئ‬኷‫خ‬࿩৳ፉ܏ࢗˈౚჲ ܸખۨੌ჉‫੍؜‬ፇኒȃ 2010 ೧‫ג‬ᇖ໢ೀܿ ‫؜‬໸ਜ਼๏ᅪ໰ጽ༚ˈߑ໸ᇵ೧‫ڵੇޡ‬ᅪໍ ܿ༓๎ࠞࣕ୰૑ሃ‫஀ܐ‬༈ณᇜፑܿ‫ڷ‬ᇶᅪ ࡃȘAlma Scuola Internazionale di Cucinașȃ ྊ჏࢏኷ Leveille ເ‫ע‬ᅪᇶᇜ೧ˈॄହખ ܸცࡰ૑மȘL’altroșȃ ஠เઈં๜टठᏮႇৱ˛ Merone ‫װ‬ ໯˖ Ș࣋ਉ኷቙ၻ೙ဵภ௏ঐ Leveille ܿࠞ ࢆȂྈᇋܿၟܻঽޭல୲ܿჲߟˈၻ኷ც ࡰ੶ሩܿખ໸ྊܿጋഡȃș஠เᇜඩ‫ۑ‬Ꮾᄧ ‫ˈج‬౞࿙‫ޕ‬ቂ skype ฽ღˈਦ४໤ඐঽᄩܾȃ Leveille ۰‫؜‬ၓல୲ࠞࢆডᏋেׁເ჉ ‫ށ‬ሆȃሃ໮ᇓऔˈߟ໮ᇓպˈྊ୛኷െៀˈ ়஠፯ࠞၟˈ৕࿒ოߟ໮ல୲ܿੴໄˈᇓ ཛᆲ૛ཕ৿‫ܠ‬ษߙเແཋܿሃ໮ࠞࢆˈุ ல୲‫ܾק‬቏นȃྊܿᏰቑಙፇᇜખ໸Ꮽ‫ج‬ Ș۰‫ࡸ؜‬ᄩ঩șˈߑ‫ޤ‬ຢᎷܿ‫ุܸࣷ୼ج‬เ

‫؜‬ፃ๜ट჉༇ˈፔ቏ߙ୨ᙘᙗܿࠔߒˈ࢑ ໸ྊ‫ן‬ፇၑ૽‫؜‬ঽܿ฀ଝȃ ‫ߟ਺׋‬ሃ஠፯ࠞࢆˈྊང෇ጚᏋ‫ڈ‬ᇜ ࿄࿒Ⴜˈߑሃ໮ல୲ዏቪȘ఩఩șܿ‫ۈ‬࿾ ႩႩყ࣋ȃ໤‫ࣕ؜إ‬ፔ໸տധऔ૛ቂܿˈ ሥࡘᇋ೙࿒ოጝܻ‫ܿج‬ੴໄˉჸ໸ቂ৅݉ ඈ྾એ۴ (balsamic) ହ፩ञ߅ࡣਟഃታܿ ଁࡥȂᷥᄜ‫خܐ‬ሓၓ೸౩൝‫ˈଁ༻ܾק‬ড ࡘቂऽఝ‫ؘ‬ખቂȂߑ߾ፔ໸ၓம࿚ຢऽ๾ ‫ஂ݃ݲ‬Ꮚȃ Ș‫؜‬ຬഒ፷ܿ೧෸‫ڷ‬໗Ⴙ॥‫ࠈܐ‬ ࢙ࠩտധˈல୲ׁເษ߾٢ૼᅎˈౚ቏ௌ ঙȃș ሃ‫ׁ஀ܐ‬য়ञცࡰȘL’altroșܿ‫ܠج‬໸ ࠨ‫ܐ‬ልඝน˛ Leveille ࠍ႟ ˖ Ș኷ሃ‫ˈ஀ܐ‬ ၻႷ࣒ቂዣ‫ܪ‬ହᄳ๒ၻ౦য়ܿ‫ܦˈج‬኷ც ࡰ‫਺׋‬ჸ໸ᆏটˈጝ‫࡚ܐ‬໸Ꮵ‫؜‬ᇜᆼܿ‫ݓ‬ ߴˈޭၻߑᆗᇓ໸፯ภᄧܿ࿡ዸȃ໤‫ܿإ‬ ഃታ‫ޡ‬Ȃ࠘ࡐ‫۫ل‬ঽ൤დଁၟၻ‫ࣰ؜ܕޕ‬ ହ ˗๜ۨႿ፛‫ܨ‬ᆈܿെ‫ߴݲ‬໮ˈ૰໸ၻ‫ڷ‬ ໗ໍᆇ፩ܿ‫ݕ‬ᇜ۫ȃș ġSee

page 134 for contact details. july 2013




Global Chefs Today’s globetrotting chefs come to Hong Kong from points all over the map. Their global knowledge and experience make for confident, inspired cooking.

Pierre Chef de Cuisine Jean Denis Le Bras’ “Perfume of the Earth”

Whisk Chef de Cuisine Bjoern Alexander’s black garlic with ginger, coriander & garlic blossom Whisk࿢䔴Bjoern Alexanderፇ ᪫ᵷᄎᏢඪ⢸⺰ྭᵷ፮

Angelini Head Chef Marco Medaglia’s Beef Striploin with tuna sauce, capers flowers from Partelleria and baby vegetables AngeliniᏓ‫ڷ‬మ‫܌‬৛ܿႠ୩೾լ֎ਜ਼ැቢፆঽბ೘໢‫ج‬

BEFORE ARRIVING IN HONG KONG, today’s global chefs have often cooked their way around the world. Defined by their curiosity, confidence and creative openness, they bring with them a broad range of experience, repertoires comprised of an extraordinary variety of ingredients and mastery of a very personal set of techniques and culturally specific approaches. Don’t mistake their cooking for fusion. These days, in über-chef circles, fusion is the ugly duckling. “What, so I use coriander and ginger, and suddenly I’m ‘fusion’?” says Bjoern Alexander, the German-born chef now ensconced at Whisk in the fashionable Mira Hotel after cooking stints in England and America. The way he sees it, he’s simply looking out for the world’s best and most interesting produce, whether that’s black garlic from Switzerland, seaweed from Spain, or herbs from Japan. Or just plain ginger. Marco Medaglia also likes to use ginger in his contemporary Italian cooking at Angelini in the Kowloon Shangri-La. “It’s exciting and dynamic to introduce new tastes,” says

this native of Abruzzo who arrived in Hong Kong via Germany, the United States, Myanmar and Indonesia. “But don’t mix it up too much.” When cooking traditional Italian dishes, he expresses himself with a light touch. Jean Denis Le Bras, from Brittany in France, has a supplier just outside London who hand picks edible wild flowers and sends them over to Hong Kong. He is now Chef de Cuisine at Pierre at Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong, having worked for many years for the creative genius Pierre Gagnaire in France, England and the Caribbean. Le Bras loves sharing ideas and experience with his international colleagues. “There is interesting food from all over the world, not just France,” he says. In the same way that studying another language can deepen a person’s understanding of their mother tongue, Chef Le Bras’ exquisite French cuisine is informed not just by what it is but also what it confidently decides not to be. To work away from your native home takes a certain personality. “If you’re not

interested in other cultures, of course you don’t move around,” says Chef Medaglia. Before arriving in Hong Kong from Dubai, Alexander endeavoured to read up on Chinese culture. “When you travel,” says Le Bras, “you’re always learning.” Chef Alexander speaks of the days, as recently as fifteen years ago, when everyone looked to French cuisine for a peak dining experience. With their bold experiments in molecular gastronomy, Ferran Adrià and his Spanish cohorts changed all that, says Alexander, and then the focus moved to Scandinavia and restaurants like Noma in Copenhagen, where the chefs were still challenging expectations but with an emphasis on local – to the point of foraged – produce. Today’s global chefs don’t follow the leader. They have their own hard-earned styles. Sourcing ingredients and drawing inspiration from all the places they have worked and cooked, they have the confidence to know when to respect tradition and when to give expression to their own inspirations. The results are beautiful, and delicious.

ጝ۫੔ຯܿ‫੶ࢋࢋڷܐৃݾ‬ᆬ୔ܸˈ৅ॆ ‫ޕ‬ᇵ໱੒ၓয়ˈዕ།ᆾፚࢌ‫خܐ‬࿩ᇜዴ௰ টۜ෷ܿ‫ڷ‬ᇶȃᏰథცࡰॄˈಚ‫ڷ‬౦‫ܐ‬ዴ ເ༇ˈከቂܿ໤‫ૂإ‬໸‫ܬ‬োፇᅤˈዴოࢌ Ꮛܿ৉෠ঽ‫ޙ‬࿅ၭफ़ܿ೗ኩˈ໤૴౦೙኷ ৞ᬗ౟៎፩൰ၟல୲‫܌‬เܿᏋᄪȂྪ྆ၝ ፃܿऔඟᄩঽ࿙మᄵૼܿ‫ۑ‬ዉஉȃ ‫׳ܦ‬ਖྊ౦ܿ౟໤ञ๏ठல୲ (fusion) ছၓᇜྥȃო኷኷Ș٫ৃ‫ڷ‬໗șป፩ˈ๏ ठ ல ୲ ખ ቏ ๜Ș ‫ ڲ‬ᄆ ᅿ ș ᇜ ֈȃ ዕ ቙ ሡ ౟݃‫خݓ‬࿩ࢗᏮȂოਾጁ The Mira Hong Kong ഒ௾‫خ‬࿩ȘWhiskșܿܽ঻᎐‫ ڷ‬Bjoern Alexander ખང ˖ Ș೎ܻၻቂமც‫ج‬ञਕ ખ਻๏ठல୲மఱ˛șખྊߑᆗˈ౟໤െ ៀˈ‫ۜܠ‬ፔ໸ᅳ౸໱੒Ꮵ֙ȂᏥ቏นܿഄٛˈ ๥໰ܿफཱဂȂႠօᆃܿࣴ‫ؾ‬ড໸ׁ๊ܿ ‫ؾ‬ᇊ‫ޕ‬ᄵˈುഝ໸৿‫ܠ‬๜ໍਕȃ ઎ ௝ ც ࢆ ୴ ଲ ‫ ܐ‬એ ‫ݥ‬ȘAngeliniș ሃ ‫خ஀ܐ‬࿩Ꮣ‫ڷ‬మ‫܌‬৛ (Marco Medaglia) െ ‫ܗܬݲ‬ሃ໮ல୲໢ᇓᏓຬ‫؜‬மਕጝᇜၟȃ మ ‫ ܌‬৛ ହ Ꮛ ሃ ‫ ஀ ܐ‬፩ ‫ ؠ‬Շ ‫ ௴ ؝‬Ꮻ (Abru-

zzo) ‫ݓ‬ฏˈହࡰ෇ዕ‫ࣰ࣭ܽܚ‬Ȃ౟࣭Ȃ಄ ‫ݤ‬ঽሠೞˈ੶ᆬ߾٢࠘ࡐȃྊ‫װ‬໯ ˖ Ș‫ۑ‬ ዉᄧଁၟุเᄰࠓȂાܾ‫ڤ‬੫ໟᏚȃ‫ࣰ؜‬ ෧৔ˈ‫׳‬Ꮦট๠ತ ȃșെᎌ‫ۈ‬࿾ሃ‫ج஀ܐ‬ ໢ˈ ྊႹ॥ቂ෸‫ܿܨ‬െៀ༇ߟହ‫܌װ‬ྊᏋ েȃ ହᏋߟ࣭Ⴀִ‫؝‬ளྍೞ֐ܵ (Brittany) ܿ Jean Denis Le Bras ოၓცࡰၭख़‫ߴބ‬એ ‫ݥ‬ȘPierreșߟ໮‫خ‬࿩᎐‫ˈڷ‬ዕ໗۰ல୲࣠ ‫ ئ‬Pierre Gagnaire ޹೧ˈ቙ߟ࣭Ȃሡ࣭ঽ ৠ୚‫خ݃ࣴ׋‬࿩ጁ‫ڷ‬ȃ Le Bras ޭல୲ܿ ൰፣۰‫؜‬ဢᄒˈቪఘ‫ޱ‬੧ਧܿ࢜ሥຟठᏮˈ ખၓமੴᄩ࿡ᅤܿ໤ቂᇑॗˈ‫ށ‬ඓፊཛྷც ਘȃྊ٢฽፭቙‫د‬ቪࢌ࣭ᗧሡᏠ‫࣭ܿڈ‬ৗ တެࠍჴᄩܾঽ੶ᆬˈූ‫ݲ‬Ș቏นܿ໤႘ ‫؜‬ሥፔஅᏚߟ࣭ˈ࢑ሥ߼ᆞภฉșȃྊᇓყ ᄪᆓႷඝྊቮᆗ቏஀቙ৠແޭ቙ವቮܿ୲ ੍ȃ Le Bras ܿᄧ໮ߟ࣭‫؜ج‬੡቏ိ࣎ྈਈ ܿੴ፛ቄᆈˈ૳ሃ቏ྈ‫؜‬ၓܿ጗ᅪ࢑ุல ୲ቪ፳‫؜‬࿷ȃ ና୰য়ხ኷ል࣭ࢗᏮˈమ‫܌‬৛ූ‫ݲ‬เ

ࢆ࿅፣भ፱ᇋ ˖ Șޭඝྊၭफ़ऒႇᄰนˈᏋ ะঐ࿮፦‫෇؜‬ȃșAlexander ۰‫ޞ‬ւᎡ၄ც ࡰࢗᏮඓৱ‫ܐ‬஢ᆓ‫ޚ‬፩࣭ၭफ़ˈඓ೙ଓཨ ๏๠ᄧໍঝȃLe Bras ᇓࠍჴܻ˖ Șቍ୿ဉ፩ˈ ႇ໢ႇ૳‫ޕ‬኷ᅪႷȃ ș Alexander ٨ ྥ ‫ ڷ‬੒ ࠞ ࢆ ܿ Ꭱ ‫ ˈק‬۰ ໟႎ೧෇‫ܐ‬য়ࠥߟ࣭ல୲ၓ‫ྰݩ‬౟៎૑໭Ȃ ܸႠօᆃ‫ڷ‬ໄ Ferran Adrià ঽတެሞ௏ܿ ࠍᏊல୲ᅢࠞˈ۰࡙ۨ‫ڷק‬ᇶಅ౑ ˗໢ᅗ ହܸ੧೧ˈჸ໸ࡼׁࣱࢎȘNomașִ݃ഒ ‫خ‬࿩ุภฉ಼ࣕતਤ቙཈૗‫ݓ‬ၕೞᆊ֐ܵȃ ִഒ‫ۑ‬ሃ‫ڷܐ‬౦‫ڕ‬ᅝ࿡ዸসქȂྪ྆ႇქ ૰೙ˈᇵ‫ܿߴݓ‬࿙ะഄٛ൰ၓ᎐૑ߙ‫ۑ‬ሃ ல୲ȃ ‫؜‬ชᎮཱུ჏ᄵጚˈੜ๊ܿ໱੒ৃ‫ڷܐ‬ ࢌ቏ଇச޹໢‫ڈ‬ખܿ‫ޙ‬࿅ࠞࢆȃል࣭޹೧ ܿ࠘ࡐ੶୿഻ᆻ‫ڵ‬ᅤቂ໤‫ܿإ‬ಓ๦ፊાȂ ‫ۑ‬ሃௌࡥ࠾໡ু໸ȃಚ‫܄ࠍڷ‬ೀ೰ܾ‫ˈܬ‬ Ꮷ፱‫ۈ‬࿾ፇৗˈᇓ೙໻໢ߙং‫ۑ‬ሃȂെ‫ݲ‬ ౟ၟல୲ȃ‫ޤ‬ຢᎷܿ౟໤ඪ໸ᇜભȘ๾ȂცȂ ၟબภșખ૰ᇵ࡚༧ȃ

july 2013




Bjoern Alexander Chef de Cuisine, Whisk The Mira Hong Kong


He wou o uld ld h ave ve g gone t o art scho go o oll h ad i t no not be een en fo or par ae are enta en tall pr ta prot otes ot est. es t. Tho hose se str tron ong on g ae aest sthe st heti he tiic in nst stin inct in ctss a ct are ar e cl cl e cle earl ea rly rl y ev evid iden id entt in Bjo en joer ern er n Al Alex exan ex a de an der’ r’ss r’ cook o in ok ing, g in hi g, hiss cr crea eati ea t ve inv ti nven enti en tion ti onss an on and d da dari ring ng pre r s nttattio se ion. on. n Loo n. ook, k, sme mellllll,, th then en tas aste te,, he s ay te ays, s, and d in tha at orrde der. r. A dissh st star a ts out as a dr ar draw awin aw ing in g at home ho me e, a an nd th t en en he wo work rkss on it, and wor rk orks ks on it so ome mo ore, or e, unt n ill he iss 120 20 perr cen e t su sure r it de re delililivv vers. s Th s. here he e re re’s ’s a d is isti t nc ncti tive v l us ve ushl h y bo hl bota tani ta nica ni call st ca styl yle yl e t h to his i c rre is reat atio at ions io ns, wi w th h j un n gl gless, fo fore rest stt s an and d litt li ttt le kitc ki itc t h he en ga g rd rden enss ap en a pe pearrin ng on n plate tes. s. Som ome e of o hiss d ssh dis di hes he es loo ok al a iv ive e . Hi H s Sn Snow owba b ll dessse sertt – mer erin in ngu g e, th hiccke ke n ned ne d lilime me jui uice ce and ice c cre ce eam – looks ks lik ke an a n ast s eroi ster erroi oid o id ccr cras asshe hed d la and n ed e on the moon. Wh Wher ere e did di id d th t att com that me m e fr from om? “I om “I don o ’tt alw l ay ayss know whe h re I g ge get et my m ins in p pira pi ira rrat atti tion on. on o n. I wa as th thin inki in king ki ng g abo bout white. Wh W hit ite ite e is a grre eat color ea olor ol or. r. I p play pl ay y. Th Then en put u it on o the me m enu nu..”” It It’ tt’s ’s hi hiss la late ate ttes est st sig igna gna natu nat ture ure dissh, h he sa says y , an a d he h e de efin efi ne ess a sig igna gnatu natur na ture tu urre e dis ish sh lilike like ke this: his: hi s “If I peo eopl p e se pl see it go oing oi ng to an anot not no n oth ot o th her he err ta e ttab abl ble, ble e, the e h y hey y’ll y’ ’lll ord der it. t” ᇋ ‫ ؜‬໸ࡍ ᇋ‫؜‬ ໸ࡍವ ໸ ໸ࡍವ߫ ࡍ ವ߫ޭ ವ߫ޭˈ ವ߫ ವ ߫ޭ ޭˈAl ዄྑຢᇶ ዄ ዄྑຢ ྑຢ ຢᇶ༦ፇ ຢᇶ ༦ፇ௸ம ༦ፇ ௸மȃ ௸ம ȃ A ex exa exa an nde derr ዄྑ d ࿙ໍ ࿙ໍ ໍܿ ܿ౟ᅪႿ ܿ౟ᅪ ܿ౟ ܿ ౟ᅪႿ ᅪ ֠኷ྊ‫ޤ‬ ᅪႿ֠኷ ֠኷ྊ ྊ‫ڵޤ‬ହ ྊ‫ޤ‬ ‫ڵޤ‬ହ ‫ڵ‬ହܿ ‫ڵ‬ ‫ڵ‬ହܿ‫ۑ‬ ହܿ‫ۑ‬ሃ ܿ‫ۑ‬ሃ ܿ‫ۑ‬ሃ‫ج‬ ܿ‫ۑ‬ ሃ‫ج‬ ‫ج‬๾ঽ ๾ঽ‫ܣܐ‬ ‫෇ ܐ‬ၩ ܿտധ ܿտ ܿ տധ տധ ധ፩ ፩ ੪მ ੪მႇᇦ მႇ ႇᇦȃ᎐ ႇᇦ ȃ᎐‫ڷ‬቏ ȃ᎐ ᎐ ‫ڷ‬቏ ‫ ڷ‬቏ ਦ‫ˈܗ‬ᇋ ‫ڷ‬቏ਦ‫ܗ‬ ਦ‫ܗ‬ ‫ˈܗ‬ᇋ ˈᇋ჏૛ ˈᇋ ᇋ ჏૛ ჏૛Ȃॄ Ȃॄၮˈ ॄ ၮˈ ၮ Ꮵॄ‫ئ‬ Ꮵॄ‫ئ‬ Ꮵॄ ‫ړئ‬ ‫ړ‬ȃ Ale ܿ‫ۑ‬Ꮾ௚‫ڋ‬۰ ܿ‫ۑ‬Ꮾ௚ Ꮾ௚‫ڋ‬۰য় ‫ڋ‬۰য় ‫ڋ‬ য়୴૑໭ য়୴ ૑໭ˈ‫ؾ‬ ૑໭ ‫ؾ‬ lexa xand nde er ܿ‫ۑ‬ ဇ‫ڵ‬ ဇ ‫ڵ‬ହॄ ‫ڵ‬ ହॄખ ହ ହॄ ॄખ૑ ખ૑໭ৠ ખ ૑໭ৠ ໭ৠࢗˈ ࢗ ᇜ‫ݞ‬ ᇜ‫ݞ‬ᇜ‫ݞ‬ৠຢ ᇜ‫ݞ‬ᇜ‫ݞ‬ ᇜ‫ݞ‬ ᇜ ‫ݞ‬ৠຢบ ৠຢบˈ ৠຢ บˈፊܸ บˈ บ ፊ վࠍ ፊܸ վฬ վ ฬ ฬไ ไౚၳ࿏ ไ ไౚ ౚၳ࿏ ၳ࿏‫૶ئ‬ ࿏‫جڵ૶ئ‬ ࿏‫૶ئ‬ ‫جڵ૶ئ‬ȃྊ ‫૶ئ‬ ‫جڵ‬ ‫ڵ‬ ‫ج‬ȃྊ ྊܿ ྊ ܿ‫ۑ‬ ܿ ‫ۑ‬Ꮾ፩ Ꮾ፩‫ܕ‬ Ꮾ፩‫ܕ‬ ‫ܕ‬቏ ቏‫ޙ‬࿅ ‫ޙ‬࿅Ȃ࠘ Ȃ Ȃ࠘ ࡐܿ‫ؾ‬ ࡐܿ‫ؾ‬ ࡐܿ‫ׁؾ‬ ࡐܿ ‫ׁؾ‬ፋ႘ ‫ׁؾ‬ ፋ႘๾‫ث‬ ፋ႘ ႘๾‫ث‬ ๾‫ˈث‬۱ ๾ ˈ۱ ۱ஹ ۱ ஹȂ຀ ஹ ஹȂ຀ஹ ஹȂ ຀ஹডᄆ ຀ஹ ຀ ຀ஹড ஹড ডᄆ෠ ডᄆ ᄆ෠ ෠ܿ ܿ‫߶ڷ‬ ‫߶ڷ‬ॗඍ ॗඍ ‫ޕ‬૰ ‫ޕ‬ ૰ ೙ঐ ೙ঐ‫ڵ‬ო ೙ ೙ঐ‫ڵ‬ ‫ڵ‬ო኷‫خ‬ ‫ڵ‬ ‫ڵ‬ო኷ ‫ڵ‬ო ኷‫خ‬ധຢ ኷‫خ‬ ኷ ‫ خ‬ധຢ ധ ຢˈ቏ ˈ቏ᄎல ቏ ᄎல ᄎ ல ୲૛ ᄎல୲૛ ୲૛ඩହ ୲ ඩହખჸ ඩହ ખჸ໸ ખჸ ໸ Șঝșܿ Șঝ șܿᇜᆼ ș ܿᇜᆼ ᆼȃ᎐ ȃ᎐‫ڷ‬ೀ ᎐‫ڷ‬ೀ ᎐‫ڷ‬ೀ ೀ༇ ༇ܿ‫ތ׼‬ ༇ܿ ܿ‫ތ׼‬ ܿ ‫ތ׼‬ᅬฉ ‫ތ׼‬ᅬ ‫ތ׼‬ ‫׼‬ ‫ތ‬ᅬ ‫ތ‬ ᅬฉࡷ໪ቂ‫ܫ‬ ᅬ ᅬฉࡷ໪ ࡷ໪ቂ‫ܫ‬ ࡷ໪ ‫ܫ‬ռ༹ ռ༹Ȃ Ȃ ഃታସ಴ ഃታ ସ಴ፆঽ ସ ಴ፆঽ ፆঽ‫׼‬᡼ ‫׼‬᡼ி ‫׼‬᡼ ி፟ ፟‫ڈ‬ ‫ˈڈ‬ቪᎩ ቪᎩদኟ ቪᎩদኟ দኟฉ‫װ‬ দ ฉ‫װ‬ಅܿ ฉ‫װ‬ ಅܿᄆᄵ ಅܿ ಅ ܿᄆᄵ ᄬ๜ ๜ ‫ڵ‬ᇜ ‫ڵ‬ᇜጙȃ ጙȃၳܸ ၳܸௌ ၳܸௌࡥ ၳܸ ௌࡥ۰ट ௌࡥ ௌࡥ۰ ࡥ۰ ۰टߑହ ۰ट ट ߑହ टߑହ ߑହˈ ߑ ହˈAl Alex ex xan ande derr ܴ໸ de भ୔໦‫ݓ‬ भ୔ ໦‫ݓ‬ই ໦‫ݓ‬ই ই‫܍‬ ‫˖܍‬ Ș Șၻ ၻᏋেᇓ ၻᏋ েᇓ‫؜‬ েᇓ‫྘؜‬෼‫ڽ‬ ‫྘؜‬ ྘෼‫ڽ‬ ෼‫ڽ‬ȃೄ ȃೄ໢఻ ໢఻೑Ꮚ ໢఻ ೑Ꮚ૰ ೑Ꮚ ૰ ೙኷ ኷ჲ ჲռ๾ծ ჲռ๾ ჲռ ռ๾ ๾ծˈၻ ๾ծ ծˈၻ ˈၻાܾ ˈၻા ၻા ၻ ાܾռ๾ ા ાܾ ܾռ ռ๾भ֙ ռ๾ ๾भ֙ भ֙ˈખ भ ֙ˈખ ˈ ჲೀ ჲೀହေ ହေᇜေ ହေ ᇜေˈ ᇜေ ะॄ ॄખ ॄ ખ‫ڵ‬ ખ ખ‫ڵ‬ო኷ ‫ڵ‬ო኷ ო኷‫ج‬ ო ო኷‫ܠج‬ ‫ܠج‬ຢம ‫ܠج‬ ‫ج‬ ‫ܠ‬ຢம ຢமȃ மȃ ம ȃ ș ș‫ތ׼‬ ‫ތ׼‬ᅬฉ ‫׼‬ ฉࡷጸ ࡷ ໸ྊ ໸ ܿᏥ ܿᏥᄧ ᄧ ጋഡ ጋ ഡஉ உᏮȃ உᏮ Ꮾȃ


Pigeon Pigeon eon d de e Ro Rouil R uillon ui uil i llon wi with th mus ushro us hrooms hro m , ms celery cel e ery ery ya an nd pean eanuts uts ጚ ጚ࢈መ ࢀᛑ⌧ㄽ ᛑ⌧ㄽඪᄁ፭ ඪᄁ፭ྭ፮၉ ྭ፮၉


Snowba wb lll des wba d ser sertt with with icce crea cream, m, gin ginger ger,, carame me el a and nd lim ime im e ‫ތ׼‬ᅬฉᏫਕ Ꮻ ၟᅬࡷ ၟᅬ Ȃਤྴ Ȃਤྴ֤‫۽‬ঽ ֤‫۽‬ঽ෷೸಺ ෷೸಺ཎ ཎ


Tas asm ma ian man ia salmo sa almo lmon with no n ri,, cu cucum cumber ber ju juss and jal jalape apeño ape ño ాᎌྍ཈ఽೞ ాᎌྍ ཈ఽೞᆊ๲ၭ ཈ఽೞ ᆊ๲ၭቢിᏆ ᆊ๲ၭ ቢിᏆ ിᏆ‫ج‬Ȃ෷ ‫ج‬Ȃ෷ࣂፆঽ ‫ج‬Ȃ෷ ࣂፆঽನႠࡼ ࣂፆঽ ನႠࡼਢ ನႠࡼ ਢ



Sautéed scampi and seared foie gras with strawberries marinated in balsamic vinegar from Modena ‫༽ܨ‬ᄆ௝ჁȂ߅ࡣ֎‫ځ‬۴‫ؾ‬ᗙ


Homemade candy pasta with mascarpone, 24-month aged Parmigiano Reggiano cream and confit tomato Ꮛয়፟ጾ໰ሃࠒ֎࿅ۙղ మ‫ٻ‬ጾ໰ঽ݈ၫߣ෨


Sea bass tartare with Sicilian red prawn and caviar ἭቢὩὧ֎ႠႠ୴ ऽჁঽቢᏈਟ



Marco Medaglia Head Chef, Angelini, Kowloon Shangri-La, Hong Kong ઎௝ცࢆ୴ଲ‫ܐ‬એ‫ݥ‬

Taste is personal, says Marco Medaglia, and it develops when you are young. He developed his taste while growing up in Chieti in central Italy, spending afternoons in the kitchen of his grandmother’s restaurant. Medaglia favors seafood and cooks modernized Italian dishes with a light touch. He serves foie gras with a prawn on a bed of strawberries which have been marinated in balsamic vinegar. In the way of great Italian chefs, he finds ways to express himself in his dishes while honoring tradition and keeping things simple so that his ingredients will shine. He says he loves the sensation of feeling close to guests when they are eating his food – a sure sign of a confident chef. He crafts perfect little open ravioli, one side white pasta and the other colored green with spinach. Simple but not too simple, he says. Not his grandmother’s recipe exactly, but one suspects she’d approve. మ‫܌‬৛‫װ‬໯ˈ౞ࢋเܿၟા‫؜ޕ‬࿷ˈ೧෸ܿ໢ृጸ໸ᆻ‫ܿڈ‬፱ᇋ໢ඓȃྊ኷ሃ‫஀ܐ‬፩ ‫ؠ‬ᄆ‫چ‬নᇏ‫( ݔ‬Chieti) ٣‫ˈܐ‬ጭ๊႐ॄ‫ޕ‬኷Ꮭವྈ૑‫خ‬࿩ܿ‫ˈࣰޡ୴߶ڷ‬சખமޭၟ ܻܿ‫ޙ‬౤ਅຠ࢙ࠩȃྊႹ॥ࣴბˈՓቂ‫؜‬Ꮌबরܿ‫ܨ‬ᆈ༇ߟെ‫ݲ‬ო‫ܗ‬ሃ໮ல୲ȃྊᇵ ղ๭౶૰۴ᬶᏌܿ‫ؾ‬ᗙၓ‫ˈݒ‬኶տຢ߅ࡣঽಖჁ‫ڈဵצ‬ᇜܻ༻ଁܿல୲ȃᇜ๜ྈ቏‫ݾ‬ ৃܿሃ໮ಚ‫ˈڷ‬మ‫܌‬৛ᇓᏋ‫ל‬ợ੿ˈ኷֦ௗ‫ۈ‬࿾ሃ‫ܿج஀ܐ‬ੴख़ܿ࿷໢მოᏋၻ࿅๾ȃ ྊܿல୲৿‫ˈܠ‬ዾმඝᇵ໤‫إ‬ၓ᎐ਲܿࠞࢆȃ౞‫૴ܬ‬เჴቂྊܿੴᄩੇᏮ໢ˈྊᏓၓ ೙྄‫ޥ‬ቪ૴เܿ઩୰ߑᄰࠓ‫؜‬ᇲˈጝᇓጸ໸ເၓ቏Ꮛᄪܿ‫ڷ‬໗ܿ‫װ‬ጲȃ




Jean Denis Le Bras Chef de Cuisine, Pierre Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong ცࡰၭख़‫ߴބ‬એ‫ݥ‬

“The “T he foo ood d we are doi oing ng at Pi P er erre re is ve ery r —, —,” says sa ys Jea ean n De Deni niss Le Bra ni ras, s, str t ug uggl glin gl in ng fo forr th t e righ ri ghtt wo gh word rd and ins nste tead te ad cho hoos oosin osin os ing in ng a se ent nten en nce ce:: “We “W e ne need ed t o be focuse f oc ocus uss ed o n ev e er e y li litt t le tt deta de tailill.” You thi ta hink nk abo bout ut ttextu e ture ex ture re,, ac acid idit id itty, ric ichh-ness ne ss.. Th he ri righ ghtt pr gh prod oduc od uce uc e is esssen e ti tial a , he say al ays, s as is a cl clev ever err way of ha hand ndlililing nd ng it. Fin inel ely el y sl slic iced ic ed lobs lo bste te er de delilive vers rs a difffe fere rent re ntt sen nsa sati tion ti on tha h n a ch c un nk, k eve ven n if the tas aste te iss tth the e sa same me.. Le me B as ser Br erve vess sn snai ails ls wit ith h sm s oke oked ok ked ed d veg get e ab able less le an nd a po pour urin ing g off foi oie e gr gras as soup o p. ou p Tak a e so some me ha ay, bay a lea af, thy hyme me and cittru russ zze est s . He Heat att t e ha th hay y in a cov over ered ed pot ot,, ad add d tthe he h he he erb r s an and d z st ze s and the hen, n, as th the e sm smok oky y aroma arom ar omas mas ass ari rise se, se putt in pu i the e veg eget e ab et able les. s. You sme ell iitt first first rst, rrs t, tha h t liligh gh ght ht sm smok o in ok nes ess, s, but the h tas aste te is is very ve ery ssubtle er ubtl ub u tle e (too (t oo muc uch h ki k llllss yo your ur win ine) ne) e), e ), whil while wh w hile ile e the th t e ssnai snail ail brin br ings gss a che hewi wine wi ness ne ss and nd the th he e soup ou o up a richnes ric ri rich chn nesss. ness Chef Ch ef Le Br Bras ass’ di dish shes sh hess are e str ttrik rik king ing, in ng g,, e ele lega le gant an nt and and nd te emp mpti t ng ti g-l -loo ooki king k ki ing ng, an a d th they hey ey mak ake ke a an n imp iim mpre m mp pre p resessssion si on bef efor ore e you yo ou ev ven sm mell me ellll or ta tast ast ste ste, e, bu ut, ut tt,, he e says sa y , th ys the e most mo m ost st iimp mpor mp m po orrta ta ant n thi nt hing h in ng is tta tast ast ste. ste te e. ““IIn the th e en end, d, p d, peo eo eop op op ple pl le ar are e co omi m ng min ming ng to ea eat. t.”” t. ਝܸȘ ਝܸ ȘPie șܿ șܿ‫ج‬ᬗ șܿ‫ج‬ ܿ‫ج‬ ܿ‫ج‬ᬗ ܿ‫ج‬ ‫ج‬ᬗ ᬗˈ ང˖ ˖ P er Pi Pierreșܿ erre re eș Jea Je ea an-D an n--D -Den Den enis Le Br en Bras ང Șၻ ၻ౦ ౦ܿ ౦ܿ໤ ܿ໤ ܿ໤ ܿ໤႘ ໤႘߾٢ ໤႘ ໤႘߾ ႘߾ ߾٢ ٢ …șˈ ፔਈ ፔਈ‫ڷܐ‬ ፔਈ‫ܐ‬ ‫ڷܐ‬ਵ੪ ‫ڷܐ‬ ‫ܐ‬ ਵ੪ ੪೑ ੪೑ፆ ੪೑ ೑ፆ኷ ೑ፆ ፆ኷ ჲቂು ჲቂ ುࢋᏍᆞ ುࢋ ು ುࢋᏍᆞହᄳ ࢋᏍᆞ Ꮝᆞହᄳ ᆞହᄳ ହᄳ๒‫׋‬ ହ ᄳ๒ ๒ ਺औ ๒‫׋‬ ਺औ औˈ ˈ Șၻ౦ Șၻ Șၻ౦᎟ ౦᎟ ᎟᎙ ᎟ ᎙౞ࢋ ᎙౞ ᄆႿ੅ȃ ᄆႿ Ⴟ੅ȃ ੅ȃș ș๗፣Ȃ ș๗ ș๗፣ ๗ ๗፣ ๗፣Ȃ ፣Ȃ཰‫ޡ‬ ፣Ȃ ፣Ȃ཰ ፣ ཰‫ޡ‬ ཰‫ޡ‬ঽ‫ل‬ ཰ ঽ‫ل‬ ‫۫ل‬ ‫۫ل‬໸ ۫໸ ໸ࠨ ໸ࠨ࠘ ࠨ࠘ࡐ‫ޕ‬ ࠨ࠘ ࠘ࡐ ࠘ ࡐ‫ޕ‬ ࡐ‫ޕ‬ᇋೆ ࡐ ‫ޕ‬ᇋೆ ೆ ๠ૣ஢ˈ ๠ૣ ૣ ஢ˈᅤܸޭܿٛ൰ ஢ˈ ᅤ ஢ ᅤܸޭܿ ᅤܸ ᅤܸޭ ᅤܸޭܿٛ൰ ܸޭܿٛ൰ ܸ ޭܿٛ൰ ޭ ܿ ٛ൰ ޭܿ ٛ ൰ȃ๜ ȃ๜ट ȃ๜ ट෠಍ܿ ट෠ ෠಍ܿ ෠ ಍ܿ ಍ܿከቂ ಍ ܿ ከቂঽ ከ ঽ ከቂ െ‫ݲ‬࿷ᆼ െ‫ݲ‬ ‫ݲ‬࿷ᆼ፱ᇋȃ෧൥Ⴟ ࿷ᆼ፱ᇋ ࿷ᆼ፱ ࿷ᆼ ࿷ᆼ፱ᇋȃ෧൥Ⴟ፛ ࿷ᆼ፱ᇋȃ෧൥Ⴟ፛ञ ࿷ ፱ᇋ ᇋȃ෧ ෧ ൥Ⴟ ෧൥Ⴟ ൥ ፛ ፛ञଐᎫ ፛ञ ञ ଐᎫ‫ۃ‬ ञଐ ଐᎫ‫୲ۃ‬ ଐᎫ ଐ Ꭻ‫ۃ‬ Ꭻ‫୲ۃ‬ Ꭻ ‫ۃ‬ ‫ܿ୲ۃ‬௝ ‫୲ۃ‬ ୲ ܿ௝ ܿ௝ ܿ௝Ⴡ ௝Ⴡ Ⴡ ‫ړ‬ඩ ‫ړ‬ඩ ඩହၟཱིܻะُ‫޹؜‬ ହၟཱིܻะُ‫ܦˈ޹؜‬ ହၟཱིܻะ ହ ହၟ ହၟཱིܻะُ‫ˈ޹؜‬ ହၟཱིܻะُ‫޹؜‬ ၟ ཱིܻะُ‫ܦˈ޹؜‬ ܻ ะ ཱིܻ ะُ‫޹؜‬ ะُ ُ‫޹؜‬ ‫ܦˈ޹؜‬ ‫޹؜‬ ޹ˈ‫ܦ‬ ‫ܦ‬ ‫ܕܦ‬ ‫ࢍܕ‬ၟ୞ ‫ࢍܕ‬ၟ ‫ࢍܕ‬ ‫ܕ‬ ࢍ ၟ୞ ၟ୞ܿ‫ڤ‬ ၟ ܿ‫ڤ‬দ ܿ‫ڤ‬ ܿ দ ૰ၦ࿙ُ ૰ၦ ၦ࿙ ၦ࿙ ࿙ُ‫׳ݓ‬ ࿙ُ‫׳ݓ‬ ‫׳‬ȃ LLe ߙং ߙ ং෠ཋ ং ෠ཋ ෠ ཋ ‫܋‬ിၸ ཋˈ‫܋‬ ിၸ೾ eB Bras Br ass ߙং෠ཋ ঽᆏ ঽ ঽᆏᅯ໢༐ ঽᆏᅯ໢༐ˈ኶Ꮻᇵ࠘໓ܿ ᆏᅯ ᆏᅯ໢༐ ᆏᅯ໢ ᆏᅯ ᅯ໢༐ˈ ᅯ໢ ༐ˈ኶Ꮻ ኶Ꮻ ኶Ꮻᇵ࠘໓ܿ ኶ Ꮻᇵ࠘໓ܿ ኶Ꮻᇵ࠘ ᇵ࠘໓ܿ ᇵ࠘ ࠘ ໓ܿ߅ ࠘໓ܿ ໓ܿ߅ࡣ ໓ܿ ߅ࡣഃྭ ߅ࡣ ഃྭȃᎳ ഃྭ ഃ ȃᎳ Ꮃֻ ᄎᅒ࡞‫ؾ‬ ᄎᅒ ᄎ ᄎᅒ࡞‫ؾ‬ȂኟࣣᇗȂվ୴ცঽᩬ൝ ࡞‫ؾ‬Ȃኟ ࡞‫ؾ‬ȂኟࣣᇗȂվ୴ცঽᩬ൝ ࡞‫ؾ‬ȂኟࣣᇗȂվ୴ცঽᩬ ࡞‫ؾ‬ ࡞ ‫ؾ‬Ȃኟ ‫ؾ‬ȂኟࣣᇗȂվ୴ცঽᩬ Ȃኟࣣᇗ ࣣ Ȃվ ࣣᇗ վ ୴ც ୴ცঽᩬ ঽᩬ൝ˈ ঽᩬ ᩬ൝ ൝ˈ֡ࡇ ൝ˈ ൝ ֡ࡇ ֡ࡇ࣫ ࡇ࣫ Ꮚॄ቙೗ Ꮚॄ ቙೗‫ัݞ‬ ቙೗‫ؾ࡞ัݞ‬ ቙೗‫ˈؾ࡞ัݞ‬ৠ๠ ೗‫ˈؾ࡞ัݞ‬ৠ๠ᇊ‫ؾ‬ঽᩬ ೗‫ัݞ‬ ‫ؾ࡞ัݞ‬ ‫ˈؾ࡞ัݞ‬ৠ๠ᇊ‫ؾ‬ঽ ‫ݞ‬ ࡞‫ؾ‬ ‫ˈؾ‬ ˈৠ๠ᇊ ৠ๠ᇊ ৠ ๠ᇊ ᇊ ‫ؾ‬ঽ ‫ؾ‬ঽᩬ൝ ঽ ᩬ൝ ঽᩬ ᩬ൝ˈਈ ᩬ ൝ˈਈռ ˈਈռ ˈਈ ᆏ໐ඩু ᆏ໐ ඩু૰߼ ু૰߼๠໢༐ȃ൰١ጝܻ‫ج‬჏ቂ ু૰ ু૰߼๠໢༐ȃ൰١ጝܻ‫ج‬ ૰߼๠໢ ૰ ૰߼๠໢༐ȃ൰ ૰߼ ๠໢༐ȃ ༐ȃ൰١ ൰١ ൰ ١ጝܻ‫ج‬ ١ጝ ጝܻ‫ج‬჏ ጝܻ ܻ‫ج‬჏ቂၮ ܻ‫ج‬჏ ‫ج‬჏ ‫ج‬ ‫ج‬჏ቂ ჏ቂ ቂၮܿˈ ቂၮ ቂ ၮܿ ܿˈ ࡥ།ᆏᅯ ࡥ། ᆏ ၟ‫ܨܨ‬൧‫ˈڵ‬๠ଁ ᆏᅯ ၟ‫ܨܨ‬൧ ၟ‫ܨ‬ ၟ ‫ܨܨ‬൧‫ڵ‬ ‫ܨܨ‬൧‫ˈڵ‬๠ଁॄၟܻ ‫ܨ‬൧ ൧ ‫ˈڵ‬ ‫ ڵ‬๠ଁॄၟ ๠ଁ ଁॄၟܻ ଁॄၟ ॄၟ ॄ ၟܻ ၟ ܻ ܻႿ፛ ܻႿ Ⴟ፛ ፛(྘ ፱ܿय़ખ ፱ܿ य़ખ࡜ࣰ य़ખ ࡜ࣰએၟ ࡜ࣰ ࣰએၟ ࣰએ એၟம )ˈ࿷ ˈ࿷໢ᇓ ࿷໢ᇓ૰ ࿷ ࿷໢ᇓ ໢ᇓ ໢ ໢ᇓ૰ჴ ᇓ૰ჴ། ૰ჴ ૰ ჴ ჴ།ၸ །ၸ ། ၸ೾ ၸ ೾዗ ೾ ዗ ໦ܿଁࡥ ໦ܿ ଁࡥঽഃ ଁࡥ ঽഃ ഃྭცታ ྭცታܿ ྭც ྭ ྭცታܿᏃၟ ცታܿᏃၟ ታܿᏃၟ ታܿ ታ Ꮓၟ Ꮓၟȃ Ꮓ ၟȃ Le ܿல ல୲ Le Bra Bras ܿல୲ B Bras ိ࣎‫׳‬ન ိ࣎ ‫׳‬નᇜࢆ ‫׳‬ન ᇜࢆˈ኷ ᇜࢆ ˈ኷२ౚ ˈ኷ ኷२ౚၮড൰١ፇ෇ ኷२ౚ २ౚၮড २ౚ ၮড൰١ ၮড ড൰ ൰١ ൰١ፇ෇ˈࣕ ١ፇ ١ ፇ෇ˈࣕ ፇ ፇ෇ ෇ˈࣕ ෇ˈ ࣕ໸ ࣕ໸ ᄥຠખุ ᄥຠ ખุเຠ ખุ เຠᄩአ เຠ ᄩአ಼ȃ ᄩአ ಼ȃ‫ࣰ؜‬ ಼ȃ ‫ ࣰ ؜‬᎐‫ڷ‬ ‫ࣰ؜‬ ‫ࣰ؜‬᎐‫ූڷ‬ ‫ࣰ؜‬᎐‫ڷ‬ ᎐ ූ‫ݲ‬ ‫ݲ‬ၟ ‫ݲ‬ ၟܻ२ ၟܻ ၟ ܻ ܻ२ २ ໸Ꮵ፱ᇋ ໸Ꮵ ፱ᇋܿ ፱ᇋ ܿ˖ Ș‫ˈંג‬ Ș‫ג‬ ં ૴เ ંˈ ૴เ໸ହ เ໸ହ఻Ꮪ֨ࡎፇቺ ໸ହ఻Ꮪ ହ఻Ꮪ ఻Ꮪ֨ࡎ ఻ ఻Ꮪ ֨ࡎ ࡎፇ ፇቺ ቺ ܿȃș


Lobster side dish: lettuce stuffed with black rice with horseradish cream and bisque sauce ௝Ⴡ๲໤ல୲˖ᗖᖑჩफ౶Ꮻຐଢࡵঽഃྭਟ


From “Perfume of the Earth,” a fresh herbs salad with Iberico ham, a parsley ice cube and sliced cepes mushrooms, finished with herbs bouillon ȘPerfume of the Earthș˖ᄧბ‫ׁؾ‬ຆଲᏫᇢ‫஀׋‬ট ဓȂղႠ୴‫׼‬ฉঽ೾ࡣૃ෧൥ˈிᇊ‫ؾ‬෼ྭ


From “Perfume of the Earth”: black olive jelly, fresh mozzarella, leaf of vegetable juice, edible flowers ȘPerfume of the Earthș˖फᩢᩀ‫ތ‬ȂᄧბమᎿ๥ଲඩཌྷȂ༐‫ج‬ፆঽ໤ቂბॗ


pres pr r es esen e tee d byy en

TAKE TO THE SEA Charter the Ice Impérial Yacht at the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club and go on a glam summer joy ride. Feel the breeze on your neck and watch the dock recede as you sip a glass of Ice Impérial: ripe rosé Champagne served with fragrant crushed mint, a squeeze of lime and a sliver of citrus peel. P.134

኷ცࡰቍ࿲ঐ֡჉Ice Impérial ቍ࿲ˈख़୻‫ݓ‬ ჋๊ࣴऎȃࡥ།။ࠞ෸࠼ࣰ੺ˈና࿤బဂਐ ᄵਐናˈ࿷໢ႿႿ᛭ሜְ፩ܿ Ice Impérial˖ ᇵ༝‫ࠒܿڈ‬ऽცᩗˈ‫܋‬ി෼ცܿླྀ֤चᇗˈ ৠຢ৅݉ସ಴ፆȂᇜᄆ൥ࡡᩬ൝ܿ৞೭ȃ


WHITE ICE Break free on a stylish escape this summer to three luxurious locations that offer Moët Ice Impérial, the world’s first Champagne designed to be served on ice.

FRESH ON ICE Guests at JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong's newly opened Pool Lounge on the 7th floor can cool off this summer with refreshing Möet Ice Impérial Champagne paired with some of the city's best sustainable seafood. Resident Manager Richard Taffs says Ice Impérial has “a refreshing, crisp, fruity taste” that pairs perfectly with house specialties like Australian Kinkawooka Mussels served with white wine, shallot and fresh thyme. “It’s a truly unique Champagne,” he says, that deserves a memorable setting. ᆚᆚ჋๊ܸცࡰJWွऑએ‫ݥ‬඘௦ᄧ૑ᇖܿ Pool Lounge ჴቂ Möet Ice Impérial ცᩗञภ༁Ꮵᄧბܿࣴٛˈ஧ᇵ੍༟ȃ᎛‫ ୲੶ݥ‬Richard Taffs ੔ຯܻˈMöet Ice Impérial Ș෼༻Ȃბ೘࣮ܿცșˈ߾٢໻ठ‫܋‬ിჸ໸թ፷ Kinkawooka ᫎ ַᏫռએȂცۭˈᇵঽᄧბᗕఝȃྊང˖Șጝፀ‫ޙ‬ᇜႇߗܿცᩗșፎܾ‫܋‬ി௑ เ೎၇ܿ৞ᬗȃ P.134





Moët Ice Impérial has been expertly blended to be served

Ice Impérial’s aromas breathe summer: raspberry and

exclusively with ice. To enjoy your own glass of icy

gooseberry, mango and nectarine. Grapes are picked

summer effervescence, start by tossing three hand-cut

extra ripe and there’s a higher proportion than usual of

cubes of ice into a large cabernet-style glass.

red grapes: 40-50% Pinot Noir for structure and angles;

Garnish with your favorite combination of lime, fresh mint, cucumber, citrus peel, and red fruits. You’ll be

30-40% Pinot Meunier for fleshy richness; the rest Chardonnay for a refreshing finish.

rewarded with a rich Champagne cocktail that’s fresh and

The dosage (added sugar) is lusciously sweet at 45

exciting, intense yet fun, giving your outdoor celebrations a

grams per liter but the sugar is perfectly diluted by the ice

newfound freedom.

and complemented by the fresh garnishes.

Möet Ice Impérial ᇵῧ቏ܿছએߴ໮ˈ෠಍‫ݓ‬ി๠‫׼‬

Möet Ice Impérial ܿ჋๊ცࠌ ˖ࡇൃᏊञ۴୺Ȃు࣮ञ౔


ࣘ྿ȃዥถࢆိ༝‫ܿڈ‬ඈ྾ˈ‫؃‬࿎ࡴऽඈ྾ܿ‫˖ ஂ׋‬ৠ๠

߼๠‫ܐ‬૏ׁ೗એְȃ ᇵᏥႹՓܿᏠठˉସ಴Ȃᄧბ֤चᇗȂ

40 ˉ 50ˁܿफ൝ഐᏮၓએ࿒ন‫ˈݒ‬኶ᇵ 30-40% ܿ൝ഐ




࿚ৠৎ஢˄ྴࠍ˅ၓ 45 g/l˄౞࢞໐೗ࣽ࢞૲༮˅ܿഃ࿝ଁࡥˈ



july 2013



V IEWS / VIBE The rooftop terrace of Armani/Privé is legendary for its al fresco urban setting and the singular parties it inspires. Armani/Privé manager Manuel Palacio says Ice Impérial is the perfect iced summer drink for guests who want to chill out under the skyscrapers with some of the best cocktails and Champagne in town. “Hong Kong is always searching for something new.” ‫ۈ‬ང፩ܿ Armani/Privé. ࿙ྕॗኍˈᇵඝॖိ‫چ‬༁ዉ੹ቪઢ֑‫ޙ‬༨ᇜࢆܿതޭߑ ᄅᓞ໱੒ȃArmani/Privé. ܿᏓ੶୲ Manuel Palacio ‫װ‬໯ˈMöet Ice Impérial ໸ Ꮵဵ౟ܿ჋๊‫׼‬ሜˈ໻ठჲᇋ኷ࡴ௦ஹஅ჉߼མᄩ฀ˈሜቂภฏᏥ౟ၟܿ঳ၛ એञცᩗܿࢾ૴ȃྊང˖ȘMöet Ice Impérial ኷ഒ፷ᇲ቏፳޹Ꭾཱུጚˈߑ໢໢ ૳૳ᎮᅳᎼᄧბ໳႘ܿცࡰᇓ‫ိஂ؜‬ȃș


july 2013



sponsored feature


a chef en vogue Aurora’s Chef De Cuisine Michele dell’ Aquila introduces an extraordinary new menu showcasing exotic Tasmanian black truffles



july 2013

Sicilian red prawn carpaccio with peach brunoise and truffle ֤෧ႠႠ୴ऽჁിც྿ஆঽམ௷


ངܸࡴৃல୲ˈᄧბ໸൰፣֦ጽፇᇜȃ‫ܦ‬ ໤႘ܿ൰፣२‫ˈࢮ؜‬ல୲ጚܿਞᄩ‫ޙ‬નᇓ ໸፱‫ݞ‬ྈ኷ȃթ౤ᄧᣄࠝએ‫ܐݥ‬ಚ‫ܿݿݿ‬ Șէటଲșሃ໮‫خ‬࿩ᄵጹᏓ‫ ڷ‬Michele dell’ Aquila ጸ໸‫ۑ‬ሃல୲ܿ ፩෣‫ˈڽ‬ሃ໮ல ୲኷ྊ༇፩‫ק‬फ़ႇฅˈແન෠ཋܿੴ፛‫خ‬ ‫ݞ‬౞౞ุ૴เੳᆡ‫؜‬ᇲȃ ྊང˖ Șႇ໢ႇ૳ᇋ቏ᄧሃˈᄧܿᏠठȂ ড໸ᄧܿ࿒ᆬȃș Ꮣ‫ ڷ‬Michele ࣰ၄ܿࢌ໮੶ᆬ࠘ࡐம ல୲ܿ೗ࣾˈ኷ภᄧထ‫ܿڵ‬ქ஢֋‫ྍৃݾ‬ ཈ఽೞᆊफམ௷࿄‫خ‬፩૰ᇵႿႿ൰ၟȃफ མ௷ቈጸፎࣿ‫ܿޅ‬թ፷ྖఫࢻፊཛྷܸթ౤ˈ ᾉ૴ 8 ኟ 17 ๊෇૰ᅤዎᇵ࿄‫خ‬ড‫ܐݞܠ‬ଓ ޽ᇤᇜߣȃྖఫࢻ፯ፋܿ໸ߟ࣭ീ୴ࡿ‫ݓ‬ ฏܿམ௷ಚ፯ˈ੶ࣰ޹೧١༅Ȃ۰‫܊‬ႜ፩ ୠব੶ᆬ‫ئ‬኷ೌ֐ฉ഻ቼ‫ˈ࢙ڈ‬Ꮵ፮ᇓ‫ئ‬ ‫ڈ‬ၓȘէటଲșܿጟ់ፇᇜȃ



july 2013

࿄‫خ‬፩ܿ౞ᇜܻல୲‫ ੶ޕ‬Dell’Aquila ܿੴᄩົ৓ˈᇵ‫ڃ‬ရམ௷ܿ‫ߩ؜‬౟ၟȃஂ ๜޹֩ቢᏫղႠ୴మை༞ሃ‫஀ܐ‬ಅࢂ܎‫܋‬ ി௝Ⴡഃྭञམ௷ᇜ࿷ຢᎷ ˗ௐᇜܻ߅ࡣ ঳ᄽ֎‫ٴ‬୪Ꮚམ௷ঽႠ୩೾լ֎኏༞ྍി మຆଲ࿝એፆȃ Ꮣ‫ڷ‬ᇓႿᄩਝ੍ௐᇜܻ֤෧ႠႠ୴ऽ Ⴡിც྿ஆঽམ௷ ˖ ȘჁᏊ൤დၟȂც྿‫ܕ‬ ࿝Ȃམ௷኷፩ৱමමऔȃș Dell’Aquila ዕ኷‫ބ‬ੲᅃႷস৿‫ۑ‬ሃல ୲ˈዉખமྊ᲌ᱢ‫਺כ‬Ȃೀ೰ੴᅤ໤‫إ‬ৱ ဵ౟൶ळܿࢋเࠞࢆȃ‫ڷ‬໗ໍᆇዄඓˈ། ਷቙য়ხೌሃರၤಚ‫ˈڷ‬சખ๏ठࢌ፯െ ៀߴ໮࢙ܿࠩˈᇓත౨மޭ቙མ௷ܿႹՓȃ ୔໗ࡊዕངˈ૴เޭ቙ቁ቙‫ۑ‬ᄧܿ‫ڷ‬໗޹ ቏෷ᰄˈDell’Aquila ᇓ‫כ‬ਖ‫ڈ‬ၓ᎟ᇖ‫ڷܐ‬ȃ ྊᇜໍ།ঌ቙໗ࡊܿਜ਼ተடᆗˈፇॄናࡅ ղ୪ܵࢗᏮ໢ਖል࣭ცல๏๠‫ܐݞخ‬ঠऔ

൹ˈۨ۫኷མ௷࿄‫خ‬፩ᇓ‫ܸܾړ‬ഃ​ഃܿል ࣭ࠞၟȃ ཱི ะ ‫ ި ؜‬ช ᄧ ช ‫ˈק‬Dell’Aquila ษ ޭ ၕ‫خڕ‬࿩ܿቄட‫ۈ‬࿾৮‫؜ڕ‬ᄝȃྊᏓፃܻ ໣౓໢ृࡘบ࢏૴เ஧஧ᆞ෇ܿ໤‫ˈإ‬ம ੍ྊ౦ቂ‫ࡥܿخ‬ાȃጝᄎࣦ֩ሃਈ޹೧ହ ໭፮໸‫خ‬࿩੣‫ވܿ؞‬உˈቪ‫ڷܐ‬ყྥ່॥ ᇓᏓ೙‫ڈ‬ၓ૴เܿ೎၇ইህȃ ጝၤ෮ಐܿ‫ࠍڷܐ‬ჴᏋেܿᄩܾ ˖ Ș࢏ ૴เ஧࿙ྊ౦ঐभ૑ᄩȃၻჲቂல୲఻Ꮪ ૴เܿႹऔˈุྊ౦቏‫؜‬࿷ᇵ၄ܿ࿒ᆬȂ ჴ།᎟༥ܿ࠵ႚȃș Dell’Aquila ܿ‫߾ુ࢙ڈ‬ഗะˈ‫ڼ‬ம‫ި؜‬ ‫ۑ‬ᄧঽ੣‫૴ุ؞‬เᇜହ኶ହፇိˈྊᇓ‫ڕ׿‬ ‫ڴ‬፭ˈሿናุ૴เાܾ‫׹‬ፚ๜ࣜȃᆏᅯ‫ܕ‬Ꮚ ঽ಻ቢ෼ྭ֎མ௷ጾ໰ც‫ڇ‬൝ˈৠຢ఻఻ܿ ࠵ႚ฽‫ˈڎ‬ყᄪঐุ૴เ኶๲ইၟȃጝખ໸ Dell’Aquila ྈ৮‫ܿڕ‬ሃ໮౟ၟல୲ȃ

sponsored feature

n Smoked scallop and dashi broth broth with truffle Parmesan and orange skin ᆏᅯ‫ܕ‬Ꮚঽ಻ቢ෼ྭ ֎མ௷ጾ໰ც‫ڇ‬൝

o A Tasmanian black truffle ྍ཈ఽೞᆊफམ௷

WHEN IT COMES to the high-end dining scene, fresh is always best. That goes not only for the quality of the food but also for the creativity behind it. No one knows this better than Chef de Cuisine Michele dell’ Aquila of Aurora, Altira Macau’s signature Italian restaurant. His mission is to redefine Italian food for his guests, surprising them with inventive dishes that delight and excite. “Always something new,” says dell’Aquila. “Some new combination, something from a new experience.” Dell’Aquila has a wealth of experiences to draw upon, many of which are being showcased in a new limited-time menu featuring top-end Tasmanian black truffles. Until 17 August, guests can opt for a set menu or a la carte dishes featuring the truffles flown in from the winter cold of the Tamar Valley. They’re grown using Perigold truffles from France, a process that took several years of trial and error in the soil of the Southern Hemisphere before they finally achieved a quality worthy of Aurora. Each dish on Chef dell’ Aquila’s new menu is expertly constructed as a kind of stage upon which the truffles can star. Turbot with parsley potato gnocchi is served with lobster bisque and truffles. Another dish somehow manages to look light and elegant while featuring chicken breast and foie gras with cherry and tuffles, and sirloin steak with marsala sauce and potato timbale. “The prawn is on the salty side, the peach a bit on the sweet and the truffle is in the middle,” dell’Aquila explains of his Sicilian red prawn Carpaccio with peach brunoises and truffles. The careful balance of just a few select ingredients goes back to dell’ Aquila’s time in Tokyo, where he perfected a minimalist style of cooking. Early on in his career he was encouraged by a chef in his hometown in southern Italy, coincidently the person who first introduced dell’ Aquila to truffles, to incorporate a variety of cooking styles into his dishes. The older chef explained that guests would appreciate sampling something


new and dell’ Aquila would grow as a professional. The lesson clearly stuck with dell’Aquila who also honed his use of exotic spices while working in Bali, another technique that plays into his new menu. While he strives to always be experimenting in the kitchen, dell’Aquila is careful to keep certain traditions alive at the front of the house. He has always made a point to mingle with guests, quizzing them about what they enjoy and their overall moods. It’s provided invaluable feedback over the years as well as memorable moments for diners. “If you talk to the guests you can make them happy,” he explains. “I want to do what they like with my food. It makes a difference with the guests. It makes it personal for the guests.” The secret to dell’ Aquila’s success may be that while he is constantly experimenting and evolving, which keeps guests coming back, he also holds tight to his core values, which means guests always feel welcome. A dish of smoked scallop and dashi broth, truffle Parmesan and orange skin served with a side of warm hospitality is an experience that won’t soon be forgotten. That’s Chef dell’ Aquila’s version of Italian cuisine. july 2013



sponsored feature


true italian Terrazza’s new Chef de Cuisine Gleb Snegin wants diners to experience the full range of authentic Italian cuisine

“I WANT TO REPRESENT all facets of Italian

cuisine, not just the basics that everyone knows,” says Gleb Snegin, Chef de Cuisine at Terrazza, Galaxy MacauTM’s signature Italian restaurant. “You can see many unusual ingredients on the menu now - I want people here to be curious about Italian food and to try new things besides pizza and pasta.” While working as a waiter for many years, Chef Gleb discovered that his real passion was in the kitchen. After graduating from the ALMA Italian International Cooking School in Colorno, he left trail of satisfied diners in Milan, Sicily, and Singapore before moving to Macau. “When you are a chef who travels and works in different countries, every little thing contributes to an experience that is invaluable,” says Gleb. “You have to learn to communicate in different ways. You have to learn to appreciate different countries and their cultures. You need a deeper understanding of the people. Then you can be successful. It exposes you to new ingredients and new techniques which you can apply to your work.” Chef Gleb takes serious pride in presenting truly authentic Italian dishes. “I cook things exactly the way I’d cook them in Italy. Everyone knows carbonara pasta.

™șܿ ጋ ഡȘ ࿰ ኍ ሃ ‫ خ ஀ ܐ‬࿩ Ș (Terrazza)șᏓ‫ࢆڷ‬ଡ଼֩ (Gleb Snegin) Ⴊ၆˖ Ș೙࿒ოࢌ໮ࠞࢆܿሃ໮ல୲ȃ‫ܠج‬ຢ૰ᇵ ߙოᅒ޹ຬਈܿ໤‫ˈإ‬ၓܿખ໸঱ߙᾉ૴ ౦ޭሃ໮৞ᬗܿᄰนˈ١༅‫ڼ‬ம‫׋‬๭ञሃ ‫஀ܐ‬ಅፇိܿภᄧଁၟȃș Ꮣ‫ࢆڷ‬ଡ଼֩ใፉ‫خ‬࿩࠵ႚໍ޹೧ॄߙ ાޭ቙ሃ໮ல୲ܿ฽Փ , ናࡅሃ‫஀ܐ‬Ꭾᅳ ‫ڷ‬໗౭ȃᏋሃ‫஀ܐ‬૭టഐ (Colorno)ȘALMAș ࣭ৗ‫ڷ‬ᇶᅪኗ‫ג‬ᇖॄ , Ꮪর‫׬‬ঽ౶ୁȂႠ Ⴀ୴ঽᄧৠൻ݃‫خ‬࿩ , ֻ།ᾉ૴औ൹ , Ꮵ ੧ᅤዎ‫ށ‬જ቙թ౤ȃ ྊང ˖ ȘᏮၓ‫ڷ‬໗ˈ኷‫؜‬࿷࣭য়ቍ୿ ঽࢗᏮˈጾపཱ൝ܿᄆ໳‫ޕ‬໸࿒ᆬܿᇜ‫ؠ‬ ࠍˈ߾٢ࣦ֩ȃᇋᅪᎼቂ‫؜‬࿷ߴ໮ቪเࢨ ࿳Ȃᄥຠ‫؜‬ᇜᆼ࣭ܿ฀ঽၭफ़ȃແ๠ம੍ ‫ݓܬ‬เܿႹऔˈ‫ئ‬೙‫࢙ڈ‬ȃ኷ል‫ݓ‬ਾ‫ܿۂ‬ ภᄧ໤‫إ‬ঽെៀ৉෠‫ޕ‬໸Ꮓᆻെៀ࢙உܿ ᆻࠍȃ ș ࢆଡ଼֩ޭ቙ᇜ༇܏ዉܿۜጸܻ‫ݓ‬ሃ໮ ౟ၟᄪᄩ఻఻ȃȘ኷ሃ‫஀ܐ‬ዒ౓ᎌˈ኷ጝખ ዒ౓ᎌȃ‫ܐ‬য়‫ࣰړޕ‬೉ቌ഻ࢎሃ‫஀ܐ‬ಅ (carbonara)ˈጸ࿾ܿሃ‫஀ܐ‬ᎌߟඝ໦ፔቂ‫ॵܫ‬Ȃफ ोਢञඩཌྷˈ‫߼؜‬೉ቌȃጝܻ‫ܿج‬ሃၭಚᏍ ໸ྫྷࢗˈྊ౦ແ๠ଚ‫ݒ‬೙‫ܿܕ‬໤‫إ‬቏ქˈྈ ᇵᇜ෧۰৿ȃၻᏭጝܻ‫ج‬ᇓᇜ‫ܠ৿ށ‬ፚຢȃ ș ࢆଡ଼֩ထ‫ܿڵ‬ภᄧ‫ࣽ֡ܠج‬۰౶ୁܸ ႠႠ୴ˈሃ‫ࢌ஀ܐ‬ฏቱܿ‫جߴݓ‬ᬗȃྊང ˖ Șࣕ኷ሃ‫ˈ஀ܐ‬۰ִܸೌખ቏༮඾ࢋ‫܂‬ᎦȂ ૰ᇵᅪܸࢌ໮‫؜‬࿷ܿ໤‫إ‬ঽെៀߴߟȃș

Crispy Veal Roll with Vegetable Caponata ‫۽‬൝೾Ꮗ๗શി૑ၡ༐‫ج‬



july 2013

sponsored feature

Herb Sponge, White Melon Ice Cream, Sage Mint Macaron, White Chocolate Sauce ც‫ࣴؾ‬౿‫ࡷܫ‬ി࿝ࣂ‫׼‬᡼ிռᎅࢸஉፆ

But the original recipe is just egg yolk, black pepper and cheese – no cream. The charcoal miners the dish is named after could only take simple ingredients down the mine to cook with. So if someone asks me to make a carbonara, I’m going to make it that way.” The revamped menu features dishes from regions all across Italy, from Milan to Sicily. “Any place you go, you learn new things,” he says. “Even within Italy, you move from north to south, there are thousands of different villages, different ingredients and different ways of doing things.” Some of Chef Gleb’s favorite additions from his travels are the crispy veal roll with vegetable caponata; chitarra spaghetti with burrata, pinenut, dill, bottarga, and saffron; and a rack of lamb with herb



july 2013

crust, mint eggplant, leek, potatoes and mustard. “I love to work with vegetables, especially any kind of tubers or roots because they are really versatile, underestimated and undervalued,” says Chef Gleb. “You can do many things with them; they can give different textures and different flavors. I also like working with seafood. Any ingredient can inspire you if it’s bright and fresh.” One of his signature desserts is also new on the menu. The herb sponge, with white melon ice cream, sage mint macaron, and white chocolate sauce is a feast of green and white and adds a fresh and light dimension to the summer menu. “Whatever I do, I do it how it would be done in Italy. This is what Terrazza is all about – authentic Italian cuisine.”

ࢆଡ଼֩ఄဉ፩Փ‫؜‬໾༇ܿ౟ၟ֡ଭ‫۽‬ ൝೾Ꮗ๗શി૑ၡ༐‫ج‬Ȃ‫ع‬ऽॗ‫ܙ؝‬ጾ໰ ሃࠒˈᇵঽცல‫۽‬૥ੑದᆵ৩ി֤च෨Ꮚ ঽమை༞ȃ ྊᄰࠓ‫װ‬໯ ˖ ȘၻՓቂ༐‫ˈج‬เ౦໢٢ ݈ࢳডᄆ૛ࢎ੮୥‫ج‬፯ˈ༓‫؜‬ፃ‫ק‬फ़޹ܸ ‫؜‬໕ౕઢȃጝᄎ‫ج‬૰ᇵቂହ‫ۑ‬ዉ‫؜‬࿷ܿଁ ࡥঽၟܻȃࣴბᇓ໸ၻ൤औܿ໤‫إ‬ȃፔᇋ ൰፣औቕᄧბˈ‫ޕ‬໸೙঱ߙ‫ۑ‬ሃܿऔ‫إ‬லȃș ྊܿጋഡ࿝‫ݞ‬ᇓ኷‫ܠج‬ຢภᄧ݂٠ȃ ც‫ࣴؾ‬౿‫ˈࡷܫ‬Ꮻᇵۜռ࿝ࣂ‫׼‬᡼ிȂ༤ ၛ‫֤ؾ‬चమ૏௝ˈ኶ிຢռ෠૲உਟ‫ڈצ‬ ၓռ఍ყৱܿᾆᆪˈၓ჋ো‫ܠج‬ዓ࿚ᇜܻ ෼༻෩ऒႇࡏ‫ܿܞ‬౟ၟȃ Șၻ኷ጝ୴ܿᏭߟቪ኷ሃ‫஀ܐ‬๜‫ڵ‬ᇜ ጙˈ ጝ ጸ ໸Ș ࿰ ኍ ș ܿ ੴ ໄ ྈ ኷ ˉ ֦ ጽ ุೠ‫ܸړ‬ኊፆኊၟܿሃ‫஀ܐ‬౟໤ȃș ġSee

page 134 for contact details.

Rack of lamb, herb crust, mint eggplant, leek, potatoes, mustard ੑದᆵ৩ി֤च෨Ꮚঽమை༞

“ I cook things exactly the way I’d cook them in Italy. ኷ሃ‫஀ܐ‬ዒ౓ᎌˈ኷ጝખዒ౓ᎌȃ” Gleb Snegin, Chef de Cuisine at Terrazza, Galaxy MacauTM

Chitarra Spaghetti, Burrata, Pinenut, Dill, Bottarga, Saffron ‫ع‬ऽॗ‫ܙ؝‬ጾ໰ሃࠒ

tasting notes

ቪ໢બ੣ ฎ੧ဵ౟

beautiful evolution At The Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong’s Italian restaurant Tosca, Executive Chef Pino Lavarra’s dishes are unusual, beautiful and always evolving.

“I DON’T KNOW where I get my ideas from

Lamb with summer flowers ૥ᆵՕᏫ჋োბॗ



july 2013

– probably everyday life,” says Tosca Executive Chef Pino Lavarra. “We need to play with ingredients and then the ideas come.” Chef Pino started his playful culinary journey as a child, following his mother into his school kitchen in Putignano, Italy, where she was a cook. “The idea of being a chef was in my head while I stood in the kitchen at my school. Now I am on the 102nd floor at the best restaurant in the world!” From the school kitchen, he launched a career that has taken him around the globe, from Italy to Germany, England, Malaysia and now Hong Kong. “It’s the place to be, culinary-wise,” he says of his new home. “Loads of top chefs are moving here. Europe is a little bit steady at the moment and I need new challenges.” Chef Pino has been in town for just a few months, but his colorful, quirkily presented dishes have already attracted a lot of attention to Tosca. One of his inventions is a creamy, savory, seafood tiramisu. Balanced on a thin, coralcolored carpet of prawn Carpaccio, the tiramisu, made with seafood foam on a base of cereal crumble, is sprinkled with fresh spring flower petals and decorated with caviar and a scallop. With a light, salty, fragrant seafood flavor, it’s a dish that intrigues, surprises and then delights. He has been making the tiramisu for three years, and says that it has never stopped evolving. “I keep adjusting and

‫ܬ‬ၳܸ‫ۑ‬ሃܿହኑ໢ˈ ȘToscașሃ‫خ஀ܐ‬ ࿩ᄵጹᏓ‫ڷ‬దၩख़ (Pino Lavarra) ཙཙ৴‫װ‬ ໯˖ Șၻᇓ‫؜‬ፃܻˈ‫࡚ܐ‬໸۰๊٢ໍঝ፩ ግᅳௌࡥծȃ޹ቪ໤‫إ‬ਾ‫ˈۂ‬૰ᇵ঱ߙၻ ౦ܿ‫ۑ‬ሃȃ șదၩख़ܿয়ხ኷ሃ‫ ஀ܐ‬Putignanoˈྊܿ࿺೧ᅪ‫ڷ‬ፇఄખ໸۰࢏ཱུ኷ವᄈ Ꮽ‫ڷ‬໗ܿ఩఩ᅪႷ૑໭ܿȃȘ‫ܬ‬ၻ኷ᅪᄈ‫ڷ‬ ߶ܿ໢ृખ౧ໍமᇵॄᇋ‫ܬ‬ᇜಚ‫ڷ‬໗ܿჲ ߟ ˗૛૛ო኷ၻເ኷ट‫ˈۃ‬ၤ኷ 102 ௦Ȃ ภฉᏥ֙ܿ‫خ‬࿩ʽș ඩ‫؞‬቙ᅪᄈܿ਷ᅪ‫ˈ߶ڷ‬దၩख़૦Ꮌ ௰টۜ෷ܿ‫ڷ‬ᇶᏖ‫׬‬ภฉˈᏥ჏໸۰ሃ‫ܐ‬ ஀ܸ࣭ܽȂ኶ܸሡ࣭ȂॄହమହႠᆊˈܸ ო኷థਰცࡰȃྊޭ಼෇ܿࢗᏮभ఻ሃ ˖ Șცࡰ૰ᇵང໸ல୲੒ܿ‫ˈྰݩ‬Ⴅሞ᎑໱੒ ࢌ‫ܿݓ‬ಚ‫಺ڷ‬ಚߑହȃޭ‫׋‬ცࡰߑᆗˈო ኷ܿഒ፷მܾ቏‫ࣰݞ‬቙՗ᇾˈߑၻჲᇋᄧ ܿ࿡ዸȃ șదၩख़ཱིะ‫ئ‬ହࡰ‫ࣰ؜‬༮ኟˈೄ ᦤࠎ෩‫఻ڣ‬ඟนܿ‫ۑ‬ሃல୲ঽտധˈዄุ ȘToscaș‫ڈ‬ၓᎎ಼ܿਤ‫ݞ‬ȃ ଁࡥ౿౻Ȃ૑ၡܿࣴბ࿎ଲ౶ཤጸ໸ దၩख़ܿጋഡ‫ۑ‬ሃல୲ፇᇜȃࣴბസಪ፟ ‫ܿڈ‬࿎ଲ౶ཤ፜቙ླྀࢻ൥‫ݒ‬ᏰຢˈᎱຢጸ ठ໢ᇬܿᄧბॗ֏ȂቢᏊਟঽປַˈ኶‫܋‬ ി෸֤๜ፖȂຍै๾ዐܿऽჁ෧൥ȃ෼‫۽‬ ༻ज़Ȃდ‫ޡ‬໻፩ঽცන఻ለܿࣴბ౟ၟ኷ ଁ፩फ़૑ˈၟܻሞเ๠໕Ȃ௑ᾉ૴ၡଁ‫ܐ‬૑ˈ ኻ‫ଁુ؜‬ȃ ጝܻல୲࢜ሥፚੜᇲ੶๲೧ˈదၩख़ ้৙ᅝዓ࿚ᄧܿኇཧȃȘၻ‫ݲި؜‬ጶঽ࡙ ນˈᇋุၟܻ࢑໕ᇜ‫ڮ‬Ȃ੠ຢ࿚ॗȃၻܿ ல୲‫ݓި؜‬኷࡙‫ק‬ȃș ྊང‫ۑ‬ᄧ‫؃‬ౚ቏ੈ੿૰ᅳˈదၩख़ූ ‫ݲ‬নׁ࢙Ȃჹಚ‫ڷ‬ถ੶ܿ፱ᇋᄹȃྊ้‫؜‬

Tosca Executive Chef Pino Lavarra ȘToscașሃ‫خ஀ܐ‬࿩ᄵጹᏓ‫ڷ‬దၩख़



making alterations to make it better. Over the years my dishes change.” There are no short cuts to innovation, explains Chef Pino. He talks about learning the basics, following the great chefs, perfecting his lasagna, cooking all the famous Italian dishes. “But then you think, let’s move in other directions. … Now all my dishes are unusual. There is nothing common. I work that way.” One of those unusual dishes looks at first glance like a giant cannellone, with pale green tentacles peeking out from the base of the pasta cylinder. “This is my seafood spaghetti,” he says, explaining that he starts



july 2013

with the basic ingredients of the traditional dish, but prepares them his own new way. “It’s spaghetti made with basil chlorophyll, wrapped in swordfish paper. The swordfish is basically a Carpaccio but cut really thin. I extract the basil chlorophyll as basil itself can be rather overpowering – the chlorophyll is lighter.” “This is a true spring dish,” says Chef Pino, presenting a tiny rack of lamb. “The lamb is only twenty-one days old – it has never eaten grass, so the flesh tastes milky and sweet.” Dotted around the plate are a small heart of lettuce, a coil of lamb bacon, white asparagus tips and translucent discs

of potato that have been slow-baked with flower petals. “I made the bacon by salting the lamb belly – you can make bacon from anything. It’s very good!” he says. “I like to remain faithful to the seasons. After the Summer Solstice, I switch to my summer menu. It’s how we eat in Italy – and this is a little corner of Italy.” “A recipe has to evolve to seek perfection,” says Chef Pino. “Perfection doesn’t exist but you can move closer to it. Nothing is perfect. If everything were perfect, the world would be still and dull. It’s the people coming up with new ideas that make our world more interesting.”

tasting notes


ިੴ੣ࢌ፯ሃ໮ಚ‫ܿج‬െៀ৉෠ˈႪ၆Ꮛ েܿ඾‫ل‬ಅጤፚဵ౟ȃȘ࿷໢ၻቕঐჲˈ ሥࡘᇓᇋ૑ߙඝྊܿ૰೙ᄹ ….. ྈᇵၻო ኷ܿ‫ج‬ᬗᏖ‫ޙ‬࿅௸ღˈ‫؜‬࿷቙ᅳ٢ˈጝખ ໸ၻܿെៀࠞࢆծȃș ન቏‫װܗ‬ᄹܿᇜܻல୲ዢ૛ჸ໸ધᄲܿ ࣏ಅશȂ ‫ܨ‬఍‫ۂ‬ਲ۰኏Ꭽᄳܿಅ࿒ན๵ߑ‫ڵ‬ȃ Șጝ໸ၻܿࣴბሃ‫஀ܐ‬ట୚ੴख़ಅș ˈదၩख़ ੔ຯܻȃྊܿ౷ી኷቙۰‫ۈ‬࿾‫ج‬ᬗܿনׁ໤ ‫إ‬Ꮌ༇ˈ Ꮃֻ፩኶ਐਐৠ๠Ꮛেܿ๾‫ث‬ȃȘಅ ࿢໸ৠமట୚ੴख़Ꮽܿˈ኶ቂ਎ቢ൥֡ඩହȃ ቢ൥෧ܾস֤ˈట୚ፊਾቂঐ྘፱ˈྈᇵፔ ᗸถ‫ڵ‬ੴख़ˈጝᆼၟܻঐ။಍ᇜᄎȃ ș ‫ڷܐ‬ਾ჉ହೀ‫ڵ‬ᇜᄆଐᆵՕང ˖ Șጝ໸ তጡ২໦ܿ‫ܬ‬োல୲ȃᅤቂܿ໸‫ޕؾ‬ౚ‫ړ‬

ࣰȂ21 ࿙‫ࡶܿܐ‬ᆵˈ๗‫ړ‬ඩହ‫ܕ‬቏೉ცঽ ࿝ၟȃș‫ݞ‬Ꮁ኷യܿዏ቏ᄆᗖᖑ‫ج‬ᄩȂᆵ ๗഻ࢎશȂռ௬ྀ৯ঽဃத‫؃‬ৠॗ֏ా૥ ܿమை༞኏൥ȃదၩख़Ꮛऑ‫װݓ‬໯ ˖ Ș഻ࢎ ૰ᇵቂใटኊல፟Ꮾˈጝࢋખ໸ၻᆑᏌᆵ ‫ޠ‬፟‫ˈܿڈ‬ၟܻभ֙ʽၻᇜჹ࢏Ꮌো੅ᏖȂ ፫቙ནো‫ק‬फ़ȃ჋ፚፇॄঐ४‫ڈ‬჋ো‫ˈܠج‬ ၻ౦኷য়ხખጝ౓‫ړ‬Ȃ֦ጽኊፆኊၟˈହ Tosca ખ๜࿷፜ເሃ‫஀ܐ‬ȃș దၩख़ࠍ႟˖ Șെៀߴߟᇓᇋ‫ި؜‬ᆠ੣Ȃ ᅳชဵ౟ȃཱིངဵ౟‫྘؜‬૰೙ˈ‫ܦ‬૰ᇵഇ உฎ੧ೄࢋ੼੒ȃ࿙჉ౚ቏ໟภໟ౟ˈ໣ ౓‫ဵޕ‬౟ႇ᧛ܿय़ˈፔഝ໱੒ঐभ྆ะႇ ၟȂ࿮፦‫෇؜‬ȃખ໸ᇜፊ቏࿙మᄵૼܿ‫ۑ‬ ᄧჲߟˈ໱੒‫ئ‬ঐ࢑ৠ቏นȃș


Sea Tiramisu: Mediterranean red prawn carpaccio, sea foam and cereal crumble, roasted scallop, caviar and parsley pasta ࣴბ࿎ଲ౶ཤ˖‫ݓ‬፩ࣴໍऽჁ֤൥Ȃࣴბസ ಪঽླྀࢻᏰȂ૥ປַȂቢᏊঽცᖴሃ‫஀ܐ‬ಅ


Spaghetti alla chitarra: basil chlorophyll chitarra wrapped with swordfish paper, topped with baby squid and black olive oil ሃ‫஀ܐ‬ಅിట୚ੴख़, ನቢᏇ਎ቢશിफᩢᩀቌ


Roasted rack of lamb with mustard and summer flowers, white asparagus, lamb bacon and sautéed lettuce ૥ᆵՕᏫੑᖡȂ჋োბॗȂ ռ௬ྀȂᆏᆵ๗ঽໍ‫ج‬

july 2013



Seafood Salad Portuguese Style ඈ໮ࣴბຆఊ

tasting notes

ွ࣭վ঒ ᅧ୻޹Ꮒ

a splendid spread In Macau, Grand Lisboa’s magnificent round-the-world buffet inspires food awe with more than two hundred dishes. Nobody walks away hungry. IT’S FIVE O’CLOCK on a Wednesday afternoon. Behind the gleaming counters of the Grand Lisboa’s Grand Buffet, a cluster of chefs wearing black or white uniforms move quietly around each other like chess pieces. Thirty chefs have been working since nine in the morning, preparing a fabulous feast for a thousand guests. Sweet-scented smoke rises like incense as one chef torches the cinnamon-colored surface of a hunk of gammon. A tank of wriggling shrimps heaves next to a deep pot of boiling water. A pair of chefs ladle fresh crustaceans into the hot water and watch as they turn from translucent to opaque pink. The cooked shrimps will be lined up in threes and served with a simple soy dressing. Hungry guests have already begun gathering outside, but a sense of calm still pervades the empty restaurant. With over two hundred different dishes, this is one of the longest buffet lines in the world. Executive Chef of Western Kitchen Andy Lam, who has been working on the buffet for seven years, is proud of the reputation it enjoys: “The menu changes all the time and with such choice, it’s impossible to get bored. We have some real highlights that

‫ܐ‬ಚ‫ܿݿݿ‬թ౤ᄧඈੲએ‫ݥ‬ȘᏋ᎓ຐș‫خ‬ ࿩࢜ሥ٫ࣰ஠վܻࢌ࣭࿅๾౟៎ˈହጚႇ ‫ࣰॅܐˈ࠸ଁ֨ܐ؜‬ᴮȃ ፵๲჉႐ႎ‫ˈݞ‬թ౤ᄧඈੲએ‫( ݥ‬Grand Lisboa Hotel) เන‫خ‬࿩ȘᏋ᎓ຐ (The Grand Buffet)șಖதܿถ‫ڷॄྕخ‬໗ᇜᏍഠ૑ˈເ ‫ۆ‬ռ๾ডफ๾፟࠵ˈ኷ඝ፩‫ྂۆ‬Ꮛ๜ቕ୩ ੻‫ڀ‬Ꮌˈቋ๜ඞധຢᇧ‫ܿވ‬Ⴀᆶඞȃ๲ໟ ၤ‫ڷܐ‬۰ᇜዄ઎‫צݞ‬૑໭౅௶ፚੜˈႪ၆ ุ݃Ꮌຢ౤ܿ඾ၤ‫ޕ૴׹‬೙ᇜ١౟ၟᾆᆪȃ ᇜၤ‫ڷ‬໗ೀ‫װڵ‬൝‫ډ‬๗ࣣ๾ዐܿूଐ ᅯটဓˈൂැ፤ຨ჉ᇜཎ‫ܕ‬Ꮌ࿝ၟܿცᆏ ३३໐ඩ ˗ௐ቏஠ၤ໗ࡊਖᇜ‫ൃܐ‬ბჁቢ ܴࣔ๠ࣩྐྵܿແ࿻༽፩ˈ‫؜‬໢ቂສᏊਬ‫ˈވ‬ ‫؜‬ᇜঐߒჁᏊ‫צ‬ቈ֐ဃಖ‫ק‬ၓ֨఻ܿࠒ೘ ๾ዐȃბჁᒓྐྵॄ๲ፔᇜᏠտധˈ৿‫ܠ‬Ꮻ ᇵਟቌ‫צ‬ყ‫ܬ‬౟ၟȃိဂዄᇲ‫ڵ‬ოয٥᪕ ᪕ܿഠެเٰˈ‫ૼ้ܦ‬ႇᇜเܿ‫خ‬࿩೗‫ڷ‬ ໗౦้ࢌཌྷඝፉˈ‫؜‬ি‫؜‬ᅑȃ Ș Ꮛ ᎓ ຐ ș ࢜ ሥ ٫ ࣰ ஠ վ ޹ ፯ ౟ ໤ˈ Ꮛ᎓‫خ‬໤႘ྕፇ٣૰ང໸໱੒ፇᏥȃႠ ‫ خ‬ᄵ ጹ Ꮣ ‫ ڷ‬ஹ ࣭ ᄧ ኷ ۨ ᇲ ቏ ඘ ೧ ୿ சˈ ޭᏋয়‫خ‬࿩ܿ‫ڈ‬ખᏋऑ‫؜‬ᇲ ˖ Șၻ౦ܿ‫ج‬ ‫ ި ؜‬ထ ‫ ڵ ځ‬ᄧˈ ᅤ ዎ ֡ ట ွ ჺˈ ֡ Ꮃ ‫؜‬ ঐ ೢȃ ౞ း २ ቏ ޹ ፯ ᎐ ࿏ ‫ ج‬๾ˈ Ⴅ ሞ ᅒ ޹ᾉ૴ᇜହ኶ହȃ቏ၤ٢૴ખޭၻ౦ܿ ༇ࢗះើಅ፬฀‫؜‬ᇲˈ౞۫ࣕࢾ‫ޕ‬ᇋହ ຢᇜံȃș

Mongolian Barbecued Beef with Vegetables ౨ࢸ࿧֊೾๗‫ٳ‬ኰ‫ج‬

july 2013



CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT Ꮺຢག໢፬ᇡᅗၓ Assorted Sushi and Nigerio Rolls ኰ੠༊ཌྷ Roast Rib-eye ૥๗ᆞլ Pan-fried Sole Fillet with Lemon Butter Sauce ৲௝ ௛ിც೸ፆ Hainan Chicken ࣴೌ঳ Tiramisu ሃ‫஀ܐ‬ጾ໰‫ࡷܫ‬ Mongolian Barbecued Beef with Vegetables ౨ࢸ࿧֊೾๗‫ٳ‬ኰ‫ج‬ Chocolate Brownies, Cream Puffs and Macarons ᎅࢸஉज྿‫ˈ؀‬೉ቌസᖊঽߟ໮‫ܫ‬ռᄸ฿‫؀‬ Fresh Steamed Dalian Abalone ෼ጯ‫ܐ‬ஏბ֮

feature every night and people come back for those too. One frequent guest always eats the same thing – a bowl of our handmade noodles with wontons. He loves them!” The buffet is a combination of regularly replenished self-service dishes and live stations, where chefs cook a la minute for diners, the food served a mixture of local and international dishes, with classics like baked sea bass, delicate dim sum, the freshest sashimi, oysters and a huge salad bar. A



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suckling pig lies crisp and glistening on a slab of granite. In another corner of the restaurant, beef ribs rotate on spits in front of a sheet of dancing flames. This meat will be sliced, mixed with cabbage and quick fried on a huge disc of heated metal – the working surface for a Mongolian barbecue. A chef armed with two spatulas is poised, ready for his first guest. “The combination of live stations and self-service is the most effective and best

way,” says Chef Andy. “There’s the excitement and interaction of watching a chef prepare something especially for you, and then the deliberation involved in picking which of the other dishes you want to eat that day.” The chefs carefully avoid dishes like steamed fish and soufflés that don’t do as well on a buffet. The hog roast, Mongolian barbecue, fresh shrimp, noodle and teppanyaki are among the busiest spots. Rows of abalone

tasting notes

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT Ꮺຢག໢፬ᇡᅗၓ Braised Pork and Baby Cuttlefish with Chili Sauce in Casserole “Si Chuan Style” ན‫࣫࡞ۅ‬ຨၟನቢᏇ Roasted Rib-eye ૥๗ᆞլ Freshly Cooked Ocean Prawn ‫ތ‬Ⴡ Pacific Oysters ྘൶ᆶ֐૮ໍᶛ Mango Cream Cheese Cake ు࣮৖஑ጾ໰‫ࡷܫ‬ Roasted Pork ਜ਼ഡຨ፩ᎆ Mango Pudding and Coffee Jelly ు࣮‫ݺ؝‬ঽ૎߿ ᛱ Barbecued Spare Ribs ૥ഠࢺ

ถ‫ྕخ‬቏٢ົᄹܿᏋ᎓౟ၟঽოᏭฏˈ ᾉ૴૰ᇵ‫ڷܸړ‬໗ო٠െ‫ߴݓܿݲ‬ঽ࣭ৗ ࠞၟல୲ˈ੶‫جݟ‬๾ሥ቏੪቏ˈ֡ଭ૥ἭቢȂ ੴ፛ኞ໮ሜ‫ݞى‬ᄩȂᄧბܿໍቢ൥Ȃໍᶛ ঽ‫ܐ‬ᄲຆଲծȃოᏭฏܿॗ࡯ᆕ‫ྕخ‬ຢᇓ ࢜ሥཥ‫۽‬ቌதܿ૥๞ᎆ ˗ௐᇜਲዏਈ೾୤ ഠ቙ᆩটຢ૥ܾፁፁᏮჳˈ୤ഠࠍ෧ॄ२ ঐ߼ຢ౨ࢸ૥๗᎟ቂܿધᄲ‫ݿ‬௰ˈቪࡴ୻ ‫ج‬ᇜ࿷֍‫ٳ‬ȃࡏውࡘฏܿ‫ڷܐ‬༇‫ڕ‬஠ፀ࣫ ٚˈጸ݃Ꮌੜ࿙༈ၤ૴เຢ౤ȃ ஹ࣭ᄧངಖ ˖ ȘնოᏭञᏋ᎓ฏছञ໸

Ꮵ֙ܿߴ໮ˈᄌ࣮भऔȃ૴เ‫؜‬੡೙ञ‫ܐ‬ ‫ˈވ॔ڷ‬ჴ།ܸ᎟༥࠵ႚܿ࿷໢ˈᇓ೙ཱུ ᄩྈቺȂ࿡ᅤ‫ܬ‬࿙ჲ‫ܿړ‬౟໤ȃșAndy ञ တެ੢໊൹ࢳˈഠ‫؜ڼ‬໻ठ‫ڵ‬ო኷Ꮛ᎓‫خ‬ ྕܿ‫ج‬๾ȃȘጯቢ߼ࣰઌഝঐࣰ୔Ȃ໘บ ቢ๗Ⴟ፛ܿଁࡥȃ༗ᖊ୞ᇓ໸ˈ‫؜‬அু໤ ቂખঐ྄‫ݯץ‬ȃș ૥ᎆȂ౨ࢸ૥๗ȂბჁȂოᎌಅ୥ঽ ࿧֊ຨ݃ოᏭ᎟ฏ෇౞౞‫ܐ‬ഠ٣௝ ˗ௐိ ᇓ቏ጶඤഠள቙؄ஊധຢ֮ܿቢˈᇵঽ፜ ቙֐૮፩ბ࿝ܿࣴఞ๗ˈ‫਻ޕ‬เ໤ፑ‫ވܐ‬ȃ

ஹ࣭ᄧખང ˖ Ș֮ቢเනभࡴˈᇜ࿙ખ૰ᇵ ‫ݯړ‬๲඾޹ࢋȃș ‫خ‬࿩ௐᇜቦˈ໗ࡊጸ኷๕ಅတˈከቂ ༺༇෠੫‫ި؜‬ലᎡˈፔਈᄧბಅ࿢‫ܾק‬Ⴟ ֤ˈ‫ֹި؜‬༮ዓৠȃᇜയ໓቙ੴ౟ਜ਼༥࣫ ധ೗ܿࢌ໮૎ᛱዏ‫ڵ‬Ꮛሠ‫ڷޡ‬໗ܿ෠༇ˈ ‫܋‬ി߼኷ି፩Ȃࡪ‫ڵ‬௰ၫ฽ܿሠ‫؀֤ޡ‬ᇜ ඩჴቂˈ࢑࿚౟ၟȃ ஹ࣭ᄧࠍ႟૴เᄩྙངܻ ˖ Șभ޹เঐ ჏೟औዸకˈჸᇜ۫ೀᇜުˈ໒บହইถ‫خ‬ ܿపߪ݃ȃ‫ܦ‬ၻાܾ቏࢑औܿߴߟ૰ᇵ‫ܸړ‬ july 2013



are arranged in a glass case, the sweet sea snails waiting juicily on pearly half shells. “We probably serve three thousand abalones a day,” says Chef Andy. “They are so popular.” A chef stretches dough between his hands, spinning and doubling it to produce a rope of thin, fresh noodles. His neighbor on the line, an Indian chef, stands proudly over a cluster of curries in beautiful metal dishes and fresh, warm naan nestled in a basket. “People definitely have a strategy,” says



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Chef Andy. “A lot of diners pile their plates high so they don’t have to make too many trips away from their table. But I think there is a correct way to enjoy the buffet and to get the best out of it. My theory, it’s pretty straightforward, is this: eat the cold dishes first– sashimi, oysters, salad. They won’t fill you up too much. Then move on to the hot dishes and pick and choose your favorites. … Leave dessert until last.” Waiting for dessert is easier said than

done. Colorful gateaux and creamy puddings tempt guests away from the savory dishes. A pastry chef stands ready to flambé paper-thin pancakes in rich orange sauce for on-the-spot crepe suzettes. A deep chest of pastel-colored ice creams attracts a stream of children. Others are drawn to the machine spinning sugar into bright pink cotton candy. Asian favorites like sweet bean soup and mango pudding lure sweet-toothed guests looking for something comforting. French,

tasting notes

Italian, German and American classics all feature on the international desert selection. The only limitation is a guest’s appetite. As their initial hunger is stilled, diners relax and become chattier as they approach the buffet line and make more daring choices. Dishes and plates are emptied and filled, and the chefs continue their work until everyone is satisfied. “I’m very proud of my team,” says Chef Andy. “I’ve never seen another buffet like it.”

Ꮛ᎓‫ܿخ‬ੴཷȃ ඝ໦ངହभ‫˖ۜܠ‬ ჏‫ໍړ‬ቢ൥Ȃ ໍᶛডຆଲ݃‫྘؜‬ዷၡܿ୩ധˈ኶Ꭱዸ฽໤ˈ ࿡ᇜᄎᏋেႹ॥‫ˈܿړ‬ ࿝‫ݞ‬ௗܸᏥॄ኶ჴቂȃ ș ངହ๒ᇸˈ‫ܦ‬ੴ፛࿝‫ݞ‬ᇋแܸᏥॄ‫ئ‬ ‫ړ‬ฬ໦भ೎ȃࢌ๾‫ࡷܫ‬ঽ೉ୗ‫ุݺ؝‬ೀဵ ૑ၡ‫૴ܿج‬เ‫؜‬੦ᑎᏚ ˗ᇜ‫ݞࡷܿע‬໗ࡊ ዏᎳֻᇋᆩຨည఻࠘ू‫ڇ‬ਟȂ෸֤๜ፖܿ ૰୻‫؀‬ȃᄆൎቐ౦ዏ໸།‫؜‬ம‫׼‬᡼ிቔঢˈ ၐ኷๾‫ࢌܿࠎᦤث‬໮‫׼‬᡼ி࿻෇ઌઌ‫؜‬ን ୰บˈࠒऽ౽ॗྴ፟ྴ঩෇ᇓ቏‫؜‬ຬ፫໦ ࠒཎȃऽ‫ྭޒ‬ঽు࣮‫݃ݺ؝‬፩໮࿝൰ዏႥ

ሞᅒ޹໹࿝๜ಛܿᾉ૴Ꮃֻ‫ܐ‬ଓ޽ᇤˈ२ ቏ߟ໮Ȃሃ໮Ȃܽ໮ঽ౟໮࿝‫ࡐ࠘݃ݞ‬ᅤዎˈ ખ૛ೠ೙‫޹ړ‬ຬʽ ᾉ૴౦‫ܸړ‬հࠍ֨ፇॄმܾ਺ၓ߼མȂ ถ‫خ‬໢૑ᄩ஧࿙ˈ١༅ᇜᄎ൶٢‫਺׋‬ຬ‫ړ‬ ܿ౟ၟȃ໤႘ྕ‫־‬ल๻ᇜૼॄஅ૳ᅍᇋ‫ؚ‬ ຢ౟ၟ‫ج‬๾ˈ‫ڷ‬໗౦ᇜ૳‫ܾ؜‬თˈખ໸ᇋ ุᾉ૴఻ኵߑࣜȃ ஹ࣭ᄧ‫װ‬໯ ˖ Șၻܿတެ ุၻभ਩զˈᏋ᎓ຐܿฬ໸‫ޙ‬ᇜႇߗȃ ș ġSee

page 134 for contact details. july 2013



presented by

౟໤ྪ྆ፇఄ ෮ߺ‫ৃݾ‬໤‫إ‬

gourmet discovery Great chefs need great ingredients. The best chefs are willing to search the globe to find the world’s best farms, markets and suppliers.

Foie Gras with Cherry and Truffle, Wagyu Beef with Marsala Sauce and Potato Timbale ߅ࡣ֎‫ٴ‬୪Ꮚམ௷ঽञ೾֎ ኏༞ྍിమຆଲ࿝એፆ

ANGLISS Hong Kong Food Service Limited is one of Asia’s premier food importers, a company that helps chefs seek out the world’s finest ingredients. During a recent Gourmet Discovery Trip organized by the company, a group of top chefs and food and beverage executives from Hong Kong and Macau visited some of France’s top gourmet suppliers. In Nantes, the group visited the Feyel-Artzner farms, which have been producing foie gras since 1803. The traveling chefs sampled Cadoret oysters straight from the Belon River, visited the Caviar de Sologne farm in the village of St. Viatre and capped the trip off with a visit to one of the world’s greatest food markets, the Rungis market outside of Paris. Altira Macau Executive Chef James Ngwan was one chef who made the trip. He spoke recently with TK about the Feyel-Artzner foie gras that he relies on.

Can you remember your first great experience eating a foie gras dish? My first great experience with foie gras was the foie gras sandwich. The ingredients used are seared foie gras with duck rillettes and Gruyère cheese on farm bread – the top of the bread is spread with butter and grilled on hot plate till the bread is crispy on



july 2013

Ș՗ܾ஀ცࡰ‫خ‬ሜ቏ქ࢞ཌྷ (Angliss Hong Kong Food Service Limited)șᇵᄒ᎓‫ڷ‬໗ᅳ ግ໱੒Ꮵ৞໤‫إ‬ၓፉፗˈၓᆊ፷༈ณᇜፑ ܿ໤൰੣ଁຟȃ੧ହ቏޹ၤცࡰঽթ౤ܿ ‫ݾ‬৯‫ڷܐ‬ঽ‫خ‬ሜࡴৃ᎐ཱུ࣏Ꮌ՗ܾ஀Ș౟ ໤ྪ྆ፇఄșܿਰ‫෇؞‬၄ߟ࣭ˈւߺ༮য় ൰፣ᇜ௚ܿ࢜ሥຟȃ኷ߟ࣭Ⴀִ‫ೌچܐ‬࿅ˈ ౟໤တ‫࣎د‬மᏋ 1803 ೧‫צ‬૑໭ໍٛ߅ࡣ ਟܿ୔Ꮝखഄ٠ȘFeyel-Artznerș˗‫ڷܐ‬౦ ᇓ቏঩ঐ෮١ࡪ۰ַ௢त୑ඩȂໍᶛ໱য় ȘCadoretșᆻፌܿ‫ໍৃݾ‬ᶛȂᇜߺၤ቙໖ ၕᆊ࿅໒‫܂‬థ‫ܿע‬ቢᏊਟ፱ጭȘSologneș ഄ٠ȃ౟໤တ‫ܬ‬ะᇓౚ‫ࣰ܊‬໱੒Ꮵ֙ܿഄ ٛ༁٠ፇᇜˈղ୭༁ਧܿȘRungisș়༁ˈ ภ‫ڋ‬௑တ኎౦ႇ‫؜‬ᄩ఻ሃᏚȃթ౤ᄧᣄࠝ એ‫ݥ‬ᄵጹᏓ‫ڷ‬๣࣍ඞጸ໸ཱུᄵܿ‫ڷܐ‬ፇᇜˈ ᇓ ቪ TK ٨ ྥ ޹ ೧ ହ ໪ ቂȘFeyel-Artznerș ߅ࡣਟܿᄩܾȃ

‫ݕ‬ᇜ۫‫ܸړ‬௑ೠੳᆡܿ߅ࡣਟல୲໸໣౓ ໢ृȂࡥા๜ट˛ ၻ৔ܾ໸‫ࡣ߅ړ‬๲ಖ፧ˈᄧბಅ֡೗ ߼๠࡞৲߅ࡣȂᅿ๗ਟঽࢅ๥ߔ (Gruyère) ඩཌྷˈᏥຢߴည఻೉ቌॄ߼ܸ฽ധष૥ˈ ૥ܸ஠‫ע‬ཥ‫۽‬Ȃඩཌྷ๏फ़ȃഃታܿცၟঽ ೉ცནለܿଁࡥ਻เ೎ᇵ၇ॢȃ ࢏Ꮌ՗ܾ஀Ș౟໤ྪ྆ፇఄșܸߟ࣭໢ˈ ೠ ౦ ‫ ߺ د‬ம ၤ ቙ ೌ ࿅ ܿȘFeyel-Artznerș ߅ࡣਟഄ٠ˈࡥા๜ट˛

Altira Macau Executive Chef James Ngwan թ౤ᄧᣄࠝએ‫ݥ‬ᄵ ጹᏓ‫ڷ‬๣࣍ඞ

Char Siu Skewer with Foie Gras ߅ࡣਜ਼ළ঳

both sides and the cheese inside is melted. If you try it, you will not forget the fragrant and buttery taste. While in France recently on an Angliss Gourmet Discovery Trip, you visited the foie gras farms of Feyel-Artzner, near Nantes. What is the farm like? Feyel-Artzner is an independent, family-run business and has established a reputation for producing high-quality foie gras. The farm is well organized, which allows the geese to grow in a very spacious and comfortable environment. I was very impressed by the environment where the geese were fattened by the farmer. They carefully control the mash fodder to ensure that the geese livers are the right size and healthy. What is special about the Feyel-Artzner foie gras? I already knew about this product before and was using it in my restaurant in Singapore. Compared with other brands, the taste is richer and more buttery and more delicate when poached. After I visited the



july 2013

factory and understood more about how they selected the foie gras, I could tell that they are really committed to producing the best quality fois gras. What makes foie gras a symbol of gourmet French food? Fois gras was originally from Egypt and after being brought into France was only served to the royal family. A taste for delicious foie gras spread down to the middle classes after the revolution. It continues to be a sought-after delicacy – in France, foie gras is haute cuisine, a luxury item, and the ultimate in decadence, served at the best tables and restaurants. Please tell us about some of the foie gras dishes you and your team serve at Altira Macau. Nowadays, the use of foie gras has extended beyond French cuisine to many international cuisines. At Altira Macau, we have been using foie gras in our Italian cuisine and also in our Japanese and Cantonese restaurants as well. I selected the foie gras with truffle today because of the great way

the ingredients complement each other. The crispy outside and buttery inside of the foie gras matches so well with this sliced Tasmania truffle. The chef at Kira, our Japanese restaurant, has prepared new ways to taste and experience this delicacy, including foie gras sushi, foie gras in miso, and foie gras with Japanese Wagyu in teriyaki sauce. And at our Cantonese restaurant Ying, we have replaced the chicken liver with foie gras in “Gold Coin Chicken,” one of our traditional signature dishes. This further enriches the taste of the dish and I find it matches well with the char siew. Great chefs always emphasize the importance of great ingredients. What does it mean to you to have access to foie gras of consistently great quality? Having this chance to visit the FeyelArtzner farm and factory and to see the whole production cycle from goslings to the finished foie gras has strengthened my confidence in the product. I’m very glad to have this familiar brand in Macau and have no doubts about using it at our restaurants at Altira Macau.

presented by

ȘFeyel-Artznerșၓ୿໨ቅઌܿয়Ꮬඬ ᇖˈᏮᇖ‫ޙ‬அˈᇵໍٛ‫ࡣ߅ৃݾ‬ਟ‫ڵ‬ಚȃ ഄ٠୴‫੷ۃۃ‬ะ቏ᅗˈབᆻ߅૰ᇵ኷ଔର ෩༗໻ܿૼৱ٣‫ܐ‬ȃጶ࿒०੼൰፣সࡴˈ ᇵ஀߅ፔዓࠁȃௐိˈၓமุ߅ࡣ਌૜෩ ‫ܐ‬ᄆමܸऔ‫ˈۃ‬ছञབலܿ༮஢ᇓ‫ࣰ੶ޕ‬ ᆒࢆ૿࣏ˈ჉࢙ܿࠩፇແጡܿ௑ၻሠჺແ ૳ȃ

ȘFeyel-Artznerș߅ࡣਟ቏໣౓࿅‫׳‬ፇ‫˛ۃ‬ ၻ भ ዄ ખ ፃ ܻ ጝ য় ഄ ٠ˈ ܏ ۰ ኷ ᄧ ৠ ൻ ૑ ‫ خ‬࿩ ໢ ඓ ખ ໸ ྊ ౦ ܿ ୔ ᎐ ࢾ மȃ ȘFeyel-Artznerșञඝྊয়ყ‫ˈ׋‬ၟܻ‫۫ل‬ ࢑ၓ࠘ࡐˈᎌඩହ፣‫ݓ‬Ⴟ፛Ȃ቏೉ቌܿცၟȃ ෮Ꮛ‫ˈॄࣰߺد‬੣ᇜ‫؞‬ம੍மഄ٠࿡ᅤ߅ ࡣࣰܿ‫ˈڋ‬ᇓࡥ།ܸྊ౦ᇜᄩᇜሃ܏ዉᏥ ৞߅ࡣਟܿિᄩȃ

ၓट࿎ܸߟ࣭౟໤Ꮣ‫؜‬೙ຬம߅ࡣਟ˛ ߅ࡣਟᏥዄ໸۰Ոঽ௚‫ˈ࣭ߟܸۈ‬ၓ ॹ༃ܿ᎟༥ல୲ȃፊܸ‫ࢄܐ‬ಛፇॄˈ፩ٛ ੂৃ‫ئ‬቏঩ঐᇜ١߅ࡣܿᏃၟȃ߅ࡣਟၓ ᾉ૴౭ౡᇵชܿጟ់ˈ໸ࡴৃல୲Ȃະख़ ౟໤ܿ‫ܗ‬ಚۧȃ኷ߟ࣭ˈ኷Ꮵࡴৃܿ‫خ‬࿩ ‫ئ‬೙ჴ།߅ࡣਟ‫ܕ‬ହܿႇ‫׋‬౟ၟȃ

๊ܿ໮‫خ‬࿩Șষடșܿ᎐‫ڷ‬ᇓߙং෠ཋˈ ‫ڵޤ‬ம߅ࡣ༊ཌྷȂ߅ࡣၟᜦྭঽጐຨਟ߅ ࡣᏫׁ๊ञ೾݃ᇜܻ​ܻภᄧࠞၟܿ‫ۑ‬ሃ߅ ࡣல୲ȃࣖ‫خބ‬࿩Ș‫ݖ‬ሯ௦șᇓնጋഡ‫ܐ‬ ‫ج‬ਜ਼ළ঳୴ܿ঳ࡣ४‫ุˈࡣ߅ڈ‬ၟܻ࢑ຢ ᇜ‫ل‬௦ˈ߅ࡣ່ፚᇓ೙ቪ‫ه‬ຨ‫܋‬ി‫ુڵ‬಍ औᏃၟȃ

ࠍჴᇜ჉ೠ౦တެ኷ᄧᣄࠝએ‫ݥ‬ထ‫߅ܿڵ‬ ࡣல୲ȃ ໢ፚੜ๊ˈ߅ࡣਟዄᇲ‫؜‬ქ቙ߟ࣭‫ˈج‬ ࢌ࣭౟໤ᇓ٢ਈ߅ࡣܿᏐሯȃჸ኷թ౤ᄧ ᣄࠝએ‫ࡣ߅ˈݥ‬ખࣖ߱ቂ቙ሃ໮Ȃ๊໮່ ፚ໸ࣖ‫ބ‬ல୲ȃ߅ࡣਟञམ௷ᇜඩ૰ᇵߙ ংৠ‫ܿڈ‬ᄌ࣮ˈྈᇵၻႹ॥ն஠ጚੌठȃ ߅ࡣိಅཥ‫۽‬Ȃ೗‫ؠ‬๜೉ቌֈज़೘ˈിຢ ྍ཈మೞᆊٛམ௷෧൥૰ང໸ુിȃၻ౦

ᇜ௚‫ڷ‬໗Ꮣූ‫ݲ‬ቄ፣໤‫ܿإ‬፱ᇋȃ೙ᇜፊ ໪ቂ‫ࡣ߅ৃݾ‬ਟˈޭೠ቏໣౓࿅༓ሃሆ˛ ጝ۫೙‫ߺد‬ȘFeyel-Artznerșഄ٠ঽ ፟ ٦ˈ ૛ ܸ ۰ ᄆ ߅ ᇜ ௸ ܸ ߅ ࡣ ਟ ‫ ڈ‬൰ ܿ ፟ Ꮾ ௚ ‫ ุ ˈڋ‬ၻ ޭ ྊ ౦ য় ܿ ٛ ൰ ૰ ང ໸ ᄪ ᄩ ֹ ዓȃ ኷ թ ౤ˈ ၻ भ ૑ ᄩ ໢ ໢ ቏ ๜ ۨ ༝ Ⴋ ܿ ൰ ഡ ყ ֎ˈ ‫ ܬ‬ะ ᇓ ໸ ၻ ኷ թ ౤ ᄧᣄࠝએ‫خܐࢌݥ‬࿩೗Ꮵ৞໤‫ߗ؜ܿإ‬ ፇᅤȃ

߅ࡣ൭ധ ߅ࡣ༊ཌྷ֍ు࣮ቪफ۴ፆ ຨ߅ࡣ֍࿝ၟᜦቪᎌఝ‫ؘ‬ ც৲߅ࡣঽթ፷ञ೾Ⴀ୩լ֍ጐຨፆ Foie Gras Combination Platter Foie Gras Sushi with Mango and Balsamic Vinegar, Grilled Foie Gras with Den Miso Sauce and Simmered Turnip, Pan-Seared Foie Gras and Australian Wagyu Beef Sirloin Steak with Teriyaki Sauce july 2013




THE MANY-RIVERED Qionglai region, in the peaceful Western reaches of Sichuan province, is the birthplace of the Chinese white spirit Wenjun. Famed for its clear water and fertile soil, Qionglai has ideal conditions for distilling and fermenting pure spirits. Wenjun is named after its creator, Zhuo Wenjun, a resourceful woman who lured customers to her shop with her sweet mellow liquor, handmade from the freshest water drawn from her garden well. Profits from the famous bai jiu allowed Wenjun to marry the man she had loved at first sight, a talented but poor poet. Two millennia later, another resourceful woman creates this wine – Master Blender Madame Wu, whose rigor and insistence on quality means only top grade raw spirits make it into her blend. These spirits are aged until they reach a peak and then are carefully blended into a clear liquid which, with time, becomes a prism of flavor. Sorghum, rice, corn, wheat and barley are the grains that shape the wine. Carefully selected from West Sichuan, these grains feed the fermentation process. Some say it is possible to identify as many as 340 different aromas in a premium blend of Wenjun. The first sip of Wenjun is intensely fragrant, like the scent of a perfect lily. Rich and exotic notes of orchid follow. On the palate, the flower becomes fruit, with pear, cantaloupe and a deep perfume of mangosteen on the finish. This sweet purity is balanced by flashes of toasted grain, which add elegance and structure to the drink. Tantalizing hints of osmanthus and mint add further herbaceous notes. The long history of Wenjun wine is symbolized by a decanter subtly shaped like a gu qin, an ancient seven-stringed Chinese instrument, revered by scholars and seen as a totem of nobility and refinement. Goldcolored characters on the front of the bottle tell the story of Zhuo Wenjun, the story of a love that lasted a lifetime and beyond.

ၭ૆એ౟୻ࢽ໳ ௗ߳඾೧

bottled love Invented over two thousand years ago and still going strong, the Chinese white spirit Wen Jun combines fierce potency with a delicate floral taste.

એხᔇᝤၤ‫ۃ‬ན‫ۅ‬Ⴀ‫ˈف‬೻੻࿞ᆈˈၓ‫ۅ‬௚ ঒়ፇ‫༽ˈݓ‬ኑۜ઄Ȃဌีࠁၿˈܾ࿙‫ूޙ‬ ܿ‫୲ݓ‬०੼ၓጯ௖ᗸถȂߙਸ೭፟ۙએܿ୲ ჲྈ኷ˈ Șၭ૆એșጸ໸ඝ፩‫װܗ‬ᄹܿ፩࣭ ‫ৃݾ‬ռએȃყ‫ۈ‬ऋ‫ٮ‬቏ᇜ‫ئ‬ᇶ༺ภፇ౟เ Ꮆၭ૆ˈถᏋয়ॄኗბۜ੷༽೭એˈᏃၟ࡟ ࿝࠘ۙˈႥሞ‫؜‬ຬએ૴ၮცߑହˈ Șၭ૆એș ፇಚ‫؜‬ᬥߑᏖȃᇓւۨಚએፇ۪ˈᎶၭ૆ܾ ᇵञᏋেᇜਈ෺ᄩȂ‫ࡴئ‬հ‫ސ‬ษ‫ڵ‬ເࣿ။ܿ ۧࡈয়ཌྷమყ๜ყ໧‫ੌ؃‬ၓࠩ඗ȃ ஠඾೧ॄˈௐᇜၤ‫ئ‬නᏔलܿഉᄹˈ ࣭য়ৃ‫ݲ‬એ‫ܐ‬໗ႋᄅ൵ࡈቧமռએᄧໍಛȃ ྌޭ൰፣ᇋชဵ౟Ȃᆒࢆն࣋ˈ໊ᅤ‫ৃݾ‬ ኊਗᇛᏋะ୔༝ˈ‫ࠞܚ‬ၟ‫ܸ܌‬Ꮵ৞ۙञੂ ާॄႿᄩ‫ݲ‬፟‫ੰڈ‬ሧ࿋ဃܿએ࿒ˈ੶ᇜާ ໢๊ু૰‫ڈ‬ખস፛ܿ౟ၟੌੰȃ ೭ዉၭ૆એˈᇵ‫ۅ‬Ⴀ඾୴ၿᇑ፩ੴᅤ ܿࡴஞȂ‫ܐ‬౶Ȃഏ౶ȂᄆఴȂተ౶݃ႎ፯ ஛໤ੴख़ၓ᎐ˈႫᄩ‫ॄ୲ۃ‬፜቙਼‫ڗ‬፩ߙ ਸȃੴ೭ၭ૆એܿၟܻ࠘ࡐˈ۰೗ࣽ޹‫܌‬ 340 ፯‫؜‬࿷ცၟᇜང፩૰ਈᇜքȃ ၭ૆એ๠ଁცන඄‫ˈ׊‬ቋ๜໓૑ܿվ ठॗˈॄ቏ഃታ෩‫ܕ‬ቄᆈܿୁॗცၟཱུፇ ߑହȃ‫ܸۂ‬ຳࢎॄˈॗცᎡၓ࣮ၟˈ༽୫Ȃ ࿝ࣂঽ࠘ूܿຐᎊცන቟ኬ౿٣ȃც࿝ܿ ۜბଁࡥ֎ཱུष૥ࢻცᇜጮᇜጮ‫ۈ‬ହˈ࢑ ࿚‫۫ل‬ঽᆈ፛ܿኬၟ ˗࿷໢ᇓ೙ࡥ།ࣣॗ ঽ֤चܿ஦เࠞၟˈ‫ܕ‬ହ෼ᄧܿ‫ׁؾ‬නႩȃ Șၭ૆એșလསܿએ൸ົ৓ௌࡥହᏋ፩ ࣭ࢸ‫ܿܗ‬඘ ᡂṭ ධࢸ෰ȃࢸ෰໸ࡴᆈঽ਷ ᆻܿჺጲˈၓၭเᆈ໰ྈ፱ˈቪۨಚએܿ ቅ٣୿໨ყܾሇዾȃએ൸ጸಅܿྐྵਜ਼Ꮝ࿒ ཮ངᎼᎶၭ૆ܿࢽ໳ˈೄᇜާሿ໱‫؜‬ቤܿ Փ฀৞य़ȃ july 2013




O n t h e u p p er r id g es of th e Kun l un mountains grows a rare and beautiful yellow daisy. Harvested and dried, these blooms are prized for their intense flavor and healthful properties. Executive Chef W.H. Leung of Dragon King restaurant adds some of the pungent Kunlun snow daisies to a fresh steamed mud crab. The crab is arranged on a bed of salt crystals and hot stones with some of the dried yellow flowers resting on its back. Chef Leung sprinkles the crab liberally with Wenjun wine and uses a lighter to set the dish on fire. “Wenjun wine has delicate floral notes which complement the wild flowers in the dish,” he says. “I set it afire to burn off any alcohol, so the delicate flavor and texture of the crab is enhanced by the pure and elegant bouquet of the wine. It tastes beautiful! This dish is good for the soul.”

Dragon King ௝ॹએয় Mikiki Mall, San Po Kong ᄧඊ࡯Mikikiຟ٠ ପఙຐฏࣴճ਺ࡴ‫ۃ‬٣Ꮌᇜ፯ंਈษ౟୻߾٢ܿॵ๾ᅬઞˈ‫تܚ‬༆࡞ዌॄනၟഃታȂ ሩᆻ২ፎসࡴˈֻ།ထ‫ڦ‬ȃȘ௝ॹએয়șᄵጹᏓ‫ڷ‬஝९ᄰߙং෠ཋˈᇵ߳ც෶‫ܿ׊‬ପ ఙᅬઞ‫܋‬ിოጯܿბ౟ೝᄜȃೝᄜ፜቙ᆑੴଐঽ฽ྐྵܿ໠ဂຢˈᄜ૮๫ຢ৅޽࡞ዌᅬ ઞᎱ໿ȃཱུॄ᎐‫ڷ‬ਖၭ૆એ๬኷ᷥᄜຢˈ‫؜‬ᅢớೀ‫܏ڵ‬ট঩‫ˈัݞ‬ጶܻ‫ج‬ཁৱ፜቙ট ᆩ፩ȃྊང ˖ Șၭ૆એܿႿ፛ॗცˈቪጝܻ‫ܿج‬ბॗනၟጸऔ॔‫ؚ‬ȃએੴัຨংߙॄˈ ռએۜ઄ቅᆲܿනኬ૰ุೝᄜܿࠞၟঽଁࡥ࢑ຢᇜ‫ل‬௦ȃ‫ړ‬ඩହ٫ৃბ౟ʽุᄩௌᇓ ঠܾம఻Ꮪȃ ș



july 2013

Executive Chef W.H. Leung ়တᄵጹᏓ‫ ڷ‬஝९ᄰ

Island Tang ࡰܵ࿩ The Galleria, Central ፩०৛ᅞࣖ٠ Șࡰܵ࿩șᄵጹᏓ‫୳ڷ‬ჯ‫װ‬໯ ˖ Șᇜܻፔᅤቂན፯໤‫ߑإ‬ቕ౟ၟܿ‫ج‬໮ˈ໸ᅍᇋೊᄩȂ ᎟᎙ञੴᎳȃጯბᄜෆ໸‫ބܻࣖܿݓ‬য়٢‫ˈج‬ၟܻᄧბȂኊ໭‫ئۜܠ‬औ‫ړ‬ȃၻቂၭ૆ એถ‫ܗ‬ᇜֈܿ፩໮ல୲એˈખ໸Ⴊ၆ۜ઄෼ᒰܿએც೙ࢮ‫ڃ‬ရᄜ๗ܿ౟ၟȃș኷ᷥᄜ ፩߼๠‫ॵܫ‬Ȃ঳ቌঽၭ૆એ‫ݲ‬፟ܿਟፆࣰ‫ˈۓ‬኶቙ധ፩఻‫؝‬ᇲቂాট᭽༝Ȃბ೘‫ܪ‬ज़ ܿ‫ܫ‬ռˈᏥॄտຢოጯᄜෆ‫ڈࡻ࢙ܐצ‬ȃȘၭ૆એၓਟፆ‫ܕ‬ହႿ။ܿᆏᅯၟˈએੴ‫܋‬ ി‫ॵܫ‬ঽ঳ྭ࠘ࡐܿၟุܻ‫ج‬ᬗමܸऔ‫ˈۃ‬ᇓุ‫ܨ‬ᆈܿࣴბໍცঝ๾Ȃ౟ၟࠎ‫ډ‬ȃș

“Making a dish with only four ingredients requires patience, concentration and precision,” says Executive Chef Cheung Li of Island Tang restaurant. “This steamed crab claw is a Cantonese home-style dish that relies on freshness and a pure clean taste. I substitute Wenjun wine for the traditionally used Chinese cooking wine as it has a purity and sweetness which highlights the flavor of the crab meat.” The crab is steamed in a sauce made from egg yolk, chicken essence and Wenjun. It is served on a gently quivering blanket of simmered egg whites. “The Wenjun gives a subtle smokiness to the sauce. The richness of egg yolk and chicken stock are balanced by the alcohol in the wine, allowing the light seafood taste of the dish to shine through.” Executive Chef Cheung Li ᄵጹᏓ‫୳ ڷ‬ჯ

july 2013



Pak Lok Chiu Chow վ୛ٰ፶એ௦

Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay ࿸డူႪ໊ܻ Șվ୛ٰ፶એ௦șᏓ‫ݥ‬᎐ใ‫ڷ‬໗ွ੠ঃང ˖ Ș೾ᬽ໸๗ፆᏥ޹ܿ‫ؠ‬ၤˈնྋ෧ଐȂᒓྐྵˈ ֍ठञհਲঽ‫ځ‬൝‫ݲ‬፟ߑ‫ۈܿڈ‬࿾ٰ፶ਟፆ֍‫ˈॄٳ‬኶߼ܸᇵ٥ࠒ౶ፖၓ‫ܿݒ‬ຆ࣫ખ ૰ᇵமȃ౶ፖ‫ݹل‬Ȃ ၝ੶‫ݲ‬ၟˈጸ૰Ⴅ༆೾๗ၭটգᎌॄܿ๗ፆੴख़ȃጝܻ‫ج‬ၟܻბ౟Ȃ ৿‫ˈܠ‬ቕ૰ᇵ൰١ܸ೾๗ܿज़೘ଁࡥˈߑ‫܋‬ിܿ౟એᇋ೙ငმ೾๗౟ၟˈ࿷໢ุเ‫ړ‬ ହ෼༻‫؜‬ቌೢȃၭ૆એጸ໸‫ߗ؜‬ᅤዎˈ‫ڼ‬மဆმ೾๗ᏥۜጸȂ࠘ࡐܿ౟಍Ꮓၟˈኩࣽ ࣮ܿၟᇓ೙‫ڃ‬ရ‫ڵ‬ጝܻ‫ࡡܿج‬ᩬঽცலࠉ߳ȃ‫܋‬ിၭ૆એᇜඩჴቂ኶໻ठ‫ࣰ؜‬மȃș

“I think the juiciest cut of beef is the belly,” says Chef Supervisor Jacky Man of Pak Lok Chiu Chow restaurant. “It is diced, boiled and stir-fried with some very traditional chiu chow spices: star anise and dried mandarin peel. I place the beef in a pot layered on slices of pale cheung fun rice paper. This will absorb the delicious juices from the slow-cooked meat. It’s a dish that is fresh and simple and the meat is really tender. It’s important to pair this dish with a drink that highlights the beefy taste of the meat but also cuts through the fat. Drinking Wenjun wine with this dish will showcase the rich beef flavor in the purest way. The fruit notes of the wine highlight the citrus and spice in the dish. Wenjun is the ideal match.” Chef Supervisor Jacky Man Ꮣ‫ݥ‬᎐ใ‫ڷ‬໗ ွ੠ঃ



july 2013


Wenjun Maison IN THE SICHUAN TOWN of Qionglai, set among beautifully landscaped gardens, are a group of elegant villas combining traditional Chinese architecture with modern design. This property is the Wenjun Maison, the first bai jiu brand house in Asia, where people can gather to learn about Wenjun wine. More than two thousand years of knowledge and winemaking are captured in every bottle of Wenjun wine. In the tasting room, visitors have the opportunity to taste and understand Wenjun’s complexity and subtle flavors. Guided by a master blender, guests can explore the different aromas in a Wenjun blend with expert tutelage. Wenjun aficionados can tour the brewery and stroll along the tranquil walkways through the gardens. It’s a chance to take in the scenery of Qionglai and gain a better understanding of the land that produces this exceptional clear liquor.

ན ‫ ۅ‬ᔇ ᝤ ቏ ᇜ ൥ ᇡ ຐ ߑ ඩ ܿ ॗ ኍˈ ੹ ፛ ᇬ เˈ ᆊ ፷ ༈ Ᏸ ռ એ Ꭶ ኍ ˉ ቈ ޹ ‫ މ‬๏ ठ ‫ۈ‬࿾፩໮ࠞࢆঽო‫ົܗ‬৓ܿঐ࣐ྈᏠ‫ڈ‬ ܿ ၭ ૆ Ꭶ ኍ ‫ צ‬Ᏸ థ ቙ ۨȃ ߺ ૴ ହ ۨ ૰ ᇜ ྪၭ૆એቅઌܿ୿໨ঽਈ໧ඝ‫ܸܿޙ‬೭ એߴߟȃ ౞൸ၭ૆એኩࣽܿૂ໸‫ڏۈ‬٫ࣰ஠ ඾ ೧ ܿ ೭ એ ၭ फ़ ঽ ‫ ۈ‬࿾ȃ ହ ܸ ൰ એ ฏˈ

એ૴౦૰኷࣭য়ৃ‫ݲ‬એ໗ܿ᎟ᇖሞ௏჉ ੣ ๠ ၭ ૆ એ ܿ ፃ ໧ ‫ ˈྰ ݩ‬Ⴟ Ⴟ ൰ ١ ඝ ߨ ࡉ ෩ Ⴟ ፛ ܿ ࢌ ໮ ࠞ ၟȃ ၭ ૆ એ ౳ ౦ ᇓ ૰ ‫ ࣎ د‬೭ એ ໍ ٛ ฏˈ ড ཱུ ᄹ ᆛ Ꮌ ੻ ᓨ ܿ Ꮦ ୍ ᇜ ߺ ॗ ኍȃ ጝ ໸ ᇜ ୅ ᔇ ᝤ ౟ ੹ ܿ ુ ৞ ঩ ঐˈ ૰ ੣ ᇜ ‫ ྆ ྪ ؞‬ክ ቼ ‫ ڵ‬೭ એ ࢻ ႘ ܿ ࿅ ༓ ኷ ‫ ࠞ ݓ‬ဌˈ ࡥ ། ၭ ૆ એ ႇ ᄝ ૰ দ ܿ ෼‫ࡥଁٹ‬ȃ

july 2013



੶‫ ج࣭ߟݟ‬ၟ୞ፚࡴჴ།

classic spoon

Josephine Rozman

At InterContinental Hong Kong’s classic French restaurant, Spoon by Alain Ducasse, Executive Chef Philippe Duc cooks French classics with a bright modern touch. Here he shares his thoughts about Spoon’s signature dish, Duck Foie Gras with Spicy Cherry Condiment and Toasted Brioche.

THIS HAS BEEN our signature dish since the restaurant opened. We use duck liver instead of goose – it’s smaller, the texture is more stable, and it has a more delicate and mild flavor. We also steam instead of pan frying, which makes the foie very light and mousselike in texture. It needs a powerful glaze to give it a good color and to intensify the flavor. Lemongrass and ginger give the glaze an Asian flavor. This dish changes throughout the year – it is served with a condiment made from seasonal fruits. At the moment we use black cherries from Europe. The cherry condiment is sweet and sour – we use cherry vinegar to deglaze the pan after cooking the cherries and there is a little onion to add a savory note. We decorate it with baby basil leaves to add fragrance and color and slivers of almond and pistachio for crunch. Sometimes we even crack the cherry stones and remove the sweet kernels to place on top of the condiment. It’s quite labor intensive but worth it. You take a little condiment each time you have a mouthful of the foie. The vinegar cuts through the sweetness of the cherry and lifts the richness of the dish. At Spoon, we respect traditional French cooking techniques but make the dishes a little lighter. We take the core ingredients of traditional dishes but brighten them up – make things fresh. I really like making this dish!

ც ࡰ ፷ ৗ એ ‫( ݥ‬InterContinental Hong Kong) ‫ خ ࣭ ߟ ৃ ݾ‬࿩ȘSpoon by Alain Ducasseșᄵጹ᎐‫ޞڷ‬ঃ஑๏ठߟ໮੶‫ݟ‬ ঽო‫ॲˈࢆࠞܗ‬फ़‫ڵ‬ᇜܻ​ܻຠᄩአ಼ܿ ౟៎ȃྊቪၻ౦٨ྥȘSpoonșጋഡ‫ج‬ ጯߟ࣭‫ৃݾ‬ᅿࡣ‫܋‬ിცଶሢ྿ਟঽߟ໮ ಅ֡ܿ౟ၟ౷ીȃ ᅿࡣ‫܋‬ിცଶሢ྿ਟᏋ‫خ‬࿩૑ᇖ ᇵହખ໸ၻ౦ܿጋഡ‫ˈج‬ၻ౦‫؜‬ቂ߅ ࡣˈߑ໸ყᄳ਺ᄆܿᅿࡣˈ‫ړ‬ඩହଁ ࡥ዗໦ˈࠞၟႿೢၫञȃၻ౦ܿെ‫ݲ‬ ߴ໮ᇓ቏ྈ‫؜‬࿷ˈᅤዎጯᎌߑ߾ቌ৲ˈ ุᅿࡣ١ඩହ༻ଁȂ๜಺཈ֈႿ೘ȃ ࡇ቙ඝຢܿ౺ፆ቏ड़௝‫ݞ‬੯ፇ ᄌˈዓ࿚ቔเ๾ዐ࿷໢ˈᇓุၟܻ࢑࠘ࡐȃ ౺ፆৠ๠೸౩‫ؾ‬ঽਕ݃໤‫ܕˈإ‬Ꮌᇜཎᆊ ፷ࠞၟȃ ᅿࡣ࠽ᇵ໪ቂ‫ܬ‬ো༽࣮፟‫ܿڈ‬Ꮻலˈ ኷‫؜‬࿷໢੅ঐዴო‫؜‬࿷ࠞ౑ȃ಼෇ၻ౦ቂ ܿ໸ഒ፷੣ଁܿफᗙˈᎌࣰॄቂሢ྿۴Ⴛ ࣫ˈ኶ৠ๠ᇜ‫ݞ‬ᆶۭዓ࿚დၟˈ‫ڈ‬൰ܿၟ ܻ৕཰ቕ࿝ȃᏥॄᎱᇵ೘ట୚ᇗ࿚ৠცන ঽി๾ˈ኶๫ຢᄸ฿൥ঽ૑ᄩ࣮࿎໐ཥ‫۽‬ ଁࡥખဵ‫ڈ‬மȃၻ౦቏໢२ፊਾඃ૑ሢ྿ जถ‫ڵ‬࿝ሢ྿฿፜቙Ꮻலຢˈभࠈࢗ‫ુܦ‬ ޭፎܾȃ ᇜଁᅿࡣിᇜ‫ݞ‬Ꮻலˈ۴ၟ૰ᇵ፩ञ ሢ྿ܿც࿝ˈุጝܻ‫࢑۫لج‬ၓ࠘ࡐȃ ȘSpoonșܿ୲೫໸Ꮷ፱‫ۈ‬࿾െៀߴ໮ˈ ࿷໢ุல୲࢑ၓ෼༻ȃၻ౦ᗸถ੶‫جݟ‬໮ ܿੴख़Ȃࡈቧᄧܿໍಛˈุߟ࣭౟໤‫ܾק‬ ࢑ৠ༻ଁቔเȃၻጡܿ٫ՓᏭጝܻ‫ج‬ʽ july 2013



ġ ġ




8 ġpieces Duck foie gras Roug ié (slices of abou t 50 grams ea 4 ġgrams Salt ch)

Wash the cher ries, cut in ha lf and remov Chop the red e the pits. onion. In a pa n, sear the on oil, then add ion with olive the halved ch erries and se with the vine ar. Deglaze gar, then add the mixed pe duck jus. Cook pper and the slowly. Check the seasonin g. GLAZE

GLAZE ġ 0.5 ġliter Du ck jus (base) 50 grams Lem ongrass 50 grams Ging er 20 grams On ions 2 deciliters Re d wine 100 grams Ho ney 5 grams Garli c 1 piece Bay le af 3 grams Blac k peppercorn s 1 piece Chilli 2 centiliters Ol ive oil 100 grams Ch erries



ġ 200 ġgrams Fr es

h ch 40 grams Chop erries ped red onion 2 centiliters Ol ive oil 2 grams Mixe d pe 3 centiliters Sh pper A.D. erry vinegar 1 gram Salt 2 centiliters Du ck 2 centiliters Ch juice icken stock (o ptiona

pp Duc by Spoon Executive Chef Philippe



ġ 10 ġgr g ams Pistach ios ġ 20 ġp pieces Basil le aves ġ 6 ġpiieeces Paris ian biroche ġ 20 ġgrraams Fresh almonds

໤‫ ( إ‬ནเࠔ

Chop the ging er, onion and lemongrass, them with ol and then sear ive oil in a co cotte. Then ad cherries and d the crushed sear. Deglaze with the red reduce. Then wine, and let add the hone it y, chilli, black and bay leaves pepper, garli . Let them cook c for few minut adding the du es before ck jus. Cook sl owly and redu thickness is rig ce until the ht. Finally, st rain and seas on. FINISH AND SET-UP Slightly roast the pistachios under the sala and then chop mander them. Prepar e the almonds them into stic and cut ks. Place the slices of foie gr with a rack an as on a tray d then cook in the steamer at seven to eigh 85º C for t minutes. Af ter it is cooked slice with the , glaze each sauce and se as on . With the he ring, display lp of a the condimen ts on the plat slices of foie gr e. Put two as in the mid dl e and then pl decoration (a ace the lmond sticks , basil leaves chios). Finally and pista, remove the rin g. Cut the brio toast, and th che in half, en place thre e pieces in a na folded in the pkin that is shape of an ar tichoke. Bon appétit!


ᅿࡣ ġ

ᅿࡣଐ 8 ġ൥ ௸ඝ(Rougié) (౞ᇜ෧൥ኙ50૲)


4 ġ૲ ᆑ

౺ፆ (Ꮽ‫)ݒ‬ ġ 0.5 ġ࢞໐ ᅿፆ ġ 50 ġ૲ ცై ġ 50 ġ૲ ਕ ġ 20 ġ૲ ᆶۭ ġ 20 ġऒ໐ ऽએ ġ 100 ġ૲ ࠛ౺ 5 ġ૲ ཱဂ ġ 1 ġ൥ ኟࣣᇗ ġ 3 ġ૲ फोਢᏈ ġ 1 ġ൥ ଶਢ ġ ቌ ġ 200 ġऒ໐ ᩢᩀ ġ 100 ġ૲ ሢ྿

ᓳ‫م‬ ᇑ‫୽ݲ‬ഥ઻ ੀ ས଩ॷለូ ѓ ᚃЅ‫ݲ‬Ԓឨ ȘSpoonșᄵጹ᎐‫ޞڷ‬ঃ஑



july 2013



ሢ྿ਟ ġ 200 ġ૲ ბሢ྿ ġ 40 ġ૲ ླྀऽۭ ቌ ġ 200 ġऒ໐ ᩢᩀ 2 ġ૲ ছञਢ୥ ġ ۴ ġ 300 ġऒ໐ ᅬ୷ 1 ġ૲ ᆑ ġ ፆ ġ 200 ġऒ໐ ᅿྭ ി) ྭ (Ꮛᄵᅤዎ໸ࠨ‫܋‬ ġ 200 ġऒ໐ ঳ࡴ

տധ ġ 10 ġ૲ ૑ᄩ࣮ ġ 20 ġ൥ ట୚ᇗ 6 ġ൥ ߟ໮ಅ֡ ġ ġ 20 ġ૲ ᄧბᄸ฿

Ꮾߟ Ꮻல

Ȃบजˈ‫ླྀ؃‬෧ ሢ྿Ⴛ઄ॄ෧֐ ߼๠ऽۭቪ໻஢ ऽۭȃ቙൶‫࣫ݒ‬ ܴ๠ሢ྿৙ᅝ৲ ኶ ᩢᩀቌ࡞ຨˈ ߼๠ছञਢ୥ঽ ᎌȃৠ۴Ⴛ࣫ॄ ᎙ሃ‫ݲ‬ၟȃ ‫؃‬ ᅿፆգᎌˈాᎌ ౺ፆ

‫ؾ‬෧ާॄ߼๠᎖ ਕȂᆶۭঽ೸౩ ֯ცˈ‫߼؃‬๠ླྀ ࿧࣫ˈৠᩢᩀቌ એႻ࣫ॄ༆࡞ਟ ऽ ȃ ሢ྿ೝ৲ຨ ଶਢȂफोਢȂ ፆˈৠ๠ࠛ౺Ȃ գᎌ༮ࠍ፬ॄܴ ȃ ᇗ ‫ཱܐ‬ঽኟࣣ ᎌ༆ፆፚᇜ‫ށ‬᳉ ๠ᅿፆȃၭটా ၟȃ ‫ݲ‬ ঽ ‫ࣰॄޡूڬ‬ఌ ၛঽտധ

෧ ძວ။૥ࣰॄ ૑ᄩ࣮߼੣૥ ࡣ ᅿ ਖ ȃ Ꭻ ࿢ ‫ڈ‬ ൥ˈ‫؃‬ਖᄸ฿෧ ໟ հ ᇵ ௰ ߼๠ጯ ߼ຢ၃৩ጯധˈ ॄ ༝ ጯ ȃ ፬ ࠍ հ ႎ‫ޡ‬ጯᎌ඘ፚ ȃ०৩፜ ၟ ‫ݲ‬ ፆ ౺ ຢ ᇜ൥൥ක ኷യ߼ຢᏫலᎧ ቙ധ፩ॄˈু૰ ൥ᅿࡣˈᎱຢᄸ ஠ ຢ ໿ȃ፜፩߼ ૑ᄩ࣮ˈᏥॄถ ฿࿢Ȃట୚ᇗঽ ߟ໮ಅ֡෧֐ॄ ਖ ȃ Ꮦ०৩ু૰ ၤຢᎷˈ߼኷጖ ࣰ૥ˈ๲൥ၓ‫ܠ‬ ‫خ‬੘ຢু‫ࡻ࢙ܐ‬ ፇ ‫ٮڈ‬ბৈᄳᎫ ‫ڈ‬ȃቂ‫خ‬ባଓʽ

Josephine Rozman



sponsored feature



july 2013


brilliant brunch bubbly At Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Tower’s Oyster and Wine Bar, the star of Sunday brunch is the Ayala Champagne.

july 2013



Ayala RosĂŠ Majeur, Ayala Brut Majeur and Ayala Blanc de Blancs 2005

sponsored feature

THOUSANDS OF FINE BUBBLES race to the top of the flute, delivering aromas of toast and red apple, and an invigorating sense of freshness. Welcome to the unique style of Ayala Brut Majeur, a Champagne with soaring lightness and a crystal clear acidity that rise above a creamy texture. It is the label chosen by the Sheraton’s Oyster & Wine Bar for its Sunday brunch, where, along with two other Ayala Champagnes, it flows ever so freely for three hours. Ayala – a festive name which rolls off the tongue as easily as the liquid itself glides across it – is based in Aÿ, which boasts some of the best terroir in the Champagne region. The House of Ayala has its origins in a love story. Edmond de Ayala was a Colombian diplomat working in France when he fell in love with Gabrielle d’Albrecht, whose uncle was a viscount in Champagne. As a dowry, Ayala received the Château of Aÿ and the neighbouring vineyards. Founded in 1860, the House of Ayala has been owned since 2005 by Bollinger, to which it is the perfect complement. Two great Champagne houses, two very different styles. Bollinger offers a muscular, firmly structured and full bodied Pinot Noir experience, while Ayala has an elegant Chardonnay character distinguished by its fruity, refreshing taste and aroma. Ayala’s characteristic dryness allows for the full expression of the wine’s lemon acidity and mineral bite. It’s a wine with a vigorous elegance. With its ripe strawberry nose and soft but balanced acidity, says Assistant Sommelier Dennis Cheung, Ayala’s Rosé Majeur melds perfectly with the Duck Rillette from the buffet counter, and the Duo of Perigord Duck main course. There’s also the Ayala Blanc de Blancs 2005, a pure Chardonnay made entirely with Grand Cru grapes. It’s a stunning wine with a rich, toasty, almost coffee nose, gentle acids, and satiny texture – pure pleasure. Five different oysters are shucked at the bar, and there are trays of ice piled high with snow crab, king prawns and green mussels. What is it that makes seafood and Champagne such excellent partners? Oyster & Wine Bar Chef de Cuisine Oscar Chow says that, like a perfect squeeze of lemon, the Ayala lights up the flavors of the seafood. The bead of the purest bubbly married with the salinity of the freshest seafood make for exhilarating Sunday mornings. ġSee

page 134 for contact details.

Ayala Brut Majeur with oysters

ცᩗְ೗ሾඩጟᎂֈܿႿ፛സಪˈ๵ߙᎼ ૥ಅ֡ঽऽ൴࣮ܿცනˈᄧბ఻‫ݞ‬ȃጝጸ ໸ ಚ ၮ ᣵ ᣢ ܿ ߟ ࣭ ‫ ৃ ݾ‬ც ᩗȘAyala Brut Majeurșȃ๠ଁ෼ᄧˈ౿౻፣ࡥ፩ဃ‫ڵ‬මܸ औ‫ܿۃ‬။཰ȃȘAyala Brut Majeurș໸ცࡰ Ⴙହ݂એ‫ݥ‬Șᶛએծș‫܋‬ി፵๊ዄ႐‫ܿخ‬ ੴᅤˈৠຢௐိ஠କȘAyalașცᩗˈ૰੪ ჴ๲ᄆ໢൧൧ะܿ᠊ሃ໢ࣕȃ ȘAyalaș๜࿷॥ᆪܿ‫ܗ‬ಚۧˈცᩗག Ꮌຳࢎߑ჉ˈᏃၟ಍‫؜‬૰ᆗȃȘAyalașએ Ꭶၤ቙ცᩗฏࠞဌ࿢਋Ꮵ৞ܿՈᇸ‫( ܂‬Aÿ)ˈ ֶ ॄ २ ቏ ާ ‫ ވ‬เ ܿ Փ ฀ ࢽ ໳ȃ ᎐ ਲ ໸ ࡼ ఘ ‫ ׋‬ᆊ ိ ਦ ࣌ Edmond de Ayalaˈ ቙ ത ᎛ ߟ࣭໢ቪცᩗฏ‫ߴݓ‬Ꮚઽܿ ഉ Gabrielle d’Albrecht ფ๠Փतȃ஠เિ‫ށ‬٣ყᐠ༉ॄˈ Ayala ག୲‫ڈ‬ዽਾ༆மഉߴ৫ᎨˉՈᇸᎦኍ ঽ஽੧ܿඈ྾ኍȃ ȘAyalaș એ Ꭶ ॄ ቙ 1860 ೧ ጸ ໮ ‫ڈ‬ அˈᇓ໸ცᩗฏᇜ௚એᎦᏠ‫ܿڈ‬࿷ᇖ஍౪ ȘGrandes Marquesșܿ‫ۑ‬໭ঐ኎ȃએᎦ಼෇ ၓ࿷ᆼߙর቙Ոᇸ‫ܿ܂‬ცᩗ‫ܐ‬ᏜȘBollingerș ྈ቏ˈ஠য়୿໨ቅઌܿએᎦˈ஠፯੃ะ‫؜‬

࿷ܿࠞࢆȃ᎐ᇋቈჃ޹୻ඈ྾೭፟ˈ ȘAyalaș ሴ቏ࡴࣦ‫ݟ‬ᆈܿන፣ˈᇵඝც࣮ۙၟˈ෼ᄧ ଁࡥञ෼࿝ცනܿ‫ޙ‬࿅ࢋᄹ᎑‫ߑ˗ څ‬ᇵफ൝ ഐඈ྾ၓ᎐೭፟ܿȘBollingerșዏ‫ܕ‬ହᇜ፯ એ࿒࠘఻ˈۙू೗கˈએၟഃታܿ൰એ࿒ᆬȃ ჋๊ರ࿙ˈ෇ॄ஠ࢋྕࠞৱܿૼܰˈ۰ ცࡰႹହ݂એ‫ݥ‬ໟհ‫ࡴل‬௦၆‫ڵ‬บ෾ૼွ ୴ȃ ᶛએծ᎓୲໽એ໗ጀᄧූጸ౅Ꮌჹ૴เ ੔ຯȘAyala Rosé Majeurș౔ࣘცᩗˈ༝‫ڈ‬ ‫ؾ‬ᗙܿცၟঽ෸๖ܿ཰‫ˈޡ‬ቪᏋ᎓‫خ‬ծྕܿ ᅿ๗ਟঽ᎐‫خ‬ീ୴ࡿᅿ๗ߗ፱Ꮧ‫ڈ‬ၓુിȃ ᶛએծᇓጟ‫ع‬௑เੳᆡܿ Ayala Blanc de Blancs 2005 ცᩗˈ૥ಅ֡ၟ఻ለȂ੧ ॆ૎߿ܿცනˈၫ๖ܿ཰‫ޡ‬ৠຢཎީֈܿ ๖གଁࡥˈ໻ठ‫܋‬ിใट໤႘ʽ ႎ፯ໍᶛ኷ถ‫ྕخ‬ຢოೀო૑ˈᄧბ ႇ‫ܐˈ׋‬൥‫׼‬ଐຢ२߼ᎼᅬᄜȂ‫ܐ‬Ⴡঽ෷ ଁ݃౟ၟˈใ૆࿡ᅤȃცᩗञࣴბዒঐ‫܋‬ ിܿ๜ۨ࿙ᇣႇࠣ˛ᶛએծᏓ‫ڷ‬፵࣭ऑไ ၓᏥ‫ܿ܋‬ખ໸ໍᶛञ௝Ⴡˈྊᇓၓၻ౦੍ ঢˈූ‫ݲ‬ȘAyalaș೙ุࣴბܿ౟ၟ࢑ৠ෼༻ˈ ખჸȘೄᇜཎ೸౩ፆᇜᆼșʽ july 2013



wine masters


wild wine Matua is an ancient Maori term which means “head of the family.” The tribal families of Auckland, New Zealand have given their blessing for this name to be used by the pioneers of Sauvignon Blanc wine in their country.

TWO SKINNY ISLANDS. A diverse climate

influenced by extreme weather conditions, which race north from Antarctica, unchecked by any landmass. Volcanic terrain ruptured by bubbling mud pools and explosive geysers. New Zealand is not an obvious wine-making region. In 1974 brothers Ross and Bill Spence were living on Matua Road in Auckland on the North Island of New Zealand. From a winery in Napa, California, they bought three vines of Sauvignon Blanc, a variety of grape previously unknown in New Zealand. After the Spences moved their vines to Marlborough on the South Island, other winemakers followed their lead. Now the area is famous for its distinctive Sauvignon Blanc wines. There are many valleys in the Marlborough region, but the northern and southern valleys are the two principally used for growing Sauvignon Blanc grapes. The northern valley is alluvial, consisting of a wide, stony river bed – rock upon rock. By contrast the southern valley is made from silt and clay melded by rain from the hills. Matua Senior Winemaker Nikolai St George describes the distinguishing features of New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc wine: “There are five major aromas. Mineral:



july 2013

஠Ᏸ᝺ᝡܵቫˈւ஽੧ೌস፷ྈ۪ˈႇజ ‫ݓ‬໷ၓटˈস‫ޤ‬නृངହખହȂ๜๠ႇเ ፇ੼ˈዉખம޹ኇܿ࿙න฀ଝȃটຐฏན ‫ۃ‬૰ਈ౏സܿೝਗ‫ڗ‬ঽ֯ዣᄹৱᄏฟˈ‫ݓ‬ ໷‫ی‬ᴏȃഁႠୁཕॆ‫߾؃‬೭એܿ༈ᅤፇ‫ݓ‬ȃ 1974 ೧ˈRoss ঽ Bill Spence ஠ ᄻ ‫ݗ‬ २᎘኷ഁႠୁִܵ‫چܐ‬է૲ୁ Matua ੁຢ ໢ˈ۰ৠ፶ඈ྾፱ጭೆജళம๲ᎃռཤၕ ၵ (Sauvigon Blanc) ռએඈ྾፯ˈ༈‫ܬ‬ඝ‫ڤ‬ ሞ੣ഁႠୁˈ࿅‫׳‬ᅤዎமೌ‫ܿؠ‬మߔ֧૑ ໭፯ፋˈᅒ޹࿷ᇖᇓ૑໭ฯඩᄌ߹኷‫ݓܬ‬ ፯ඩռཤၕၵȃ໳໦ጽಖˈమߔ֧ྈٛܿ ռཤၕၵ‫ޙ‬༨ᇜࢆˈოੜᇲઢ໱‫ڈ‬ಚȃ మߔ֧ฏຐࢻ౿ᆖˈᇵִࢻঽೌࢻၓ ᎐ᇋܿඈ྾ٛฏȃִࢻၓবဌ‫ˈل‬ቈ఻໸ ໠ဂܿଔରत‫ۏ‬Ꮰ‫ۃۃˈڈ‬૰ਈધ໠‫ݹل‬ ߑຢ ˗ೌࢻબ໸ቘဌঽೝ‫੶ˈل‬ቈຐงᎁ ቩ‫ڤ‬༱ছञߑ‫ڈ‬ȃ ȘMatuaș એ Ꭶ Ꮑ ແ ೭ એ ໗ Nikolai St George ๜໸ᄳ๒ռཤၕၵܿ‫ޙ‬࿅ࠞၟ ˖ Șც න૰ࠍၓႎ፯ȃଚ႘፣ ˖ሱ፣Ȃ‫ܕ‬቏ಢܱ ໠ܿၟܻ ˗฽‫˖ ܕ‬๜վც࣮ᇜֈ ˗ࡡᩬ ˖ ೸౩ঽସ಴˗‫ܕ˖ׁؾ‬ᎼᗌపȂᆏ‫ܿؾ‬ცන˗ २቏ऊც ˖ऊ‫ܕ‬ହभ֙ܿ‫ݲ‬ᄹˈᇜ፯ุเ ባአܿცၟˈၓએ‫ܕ‬ହමܸऔ‫ܿۃ‬ෑଶၟˈ Ꮌ໦೎ܾᇜਈȃખჸ፟Ꮾც༽ᇜֈˈᅍᇋ ರࢋ߫ၟହငმඝྊ੻ᆈܿሟၟˈ๜ۨጝ ᄎ൨தܿ‫؜ئࠍڈ‬ঐ௚቙൶ߩႇඟȃ೭એ ܻܿ୲ᇓყ࿷ ˖኷ऊၟ‫ڃ‬ရ჉ˈॗცঽ࣮ ცঐ࢑ຢᇜ‫ل‬௦ȃ ș

Matua Senior Winemaker Nikolai St George

Hervé Laviale, winemaker ೭એ໗

New Zealand is thought by many to produce the world’s best Sauvignon Blancs. At the 2012 International Wine & Spirits Competition, Matua was named New Zealand Wine Producer of the Year. (Photo shot at Inagiku at Four Seasons Hotel, Hong Kong.) ഁႠୁ‫־‬ችၓภฉռཤၕၵඈ྾એᏥ৞ٛ‫ݓ‬ፇᇜȃȘMatuaș቙2012೧࣭ৗඈ྾એঽவએ‫ܐ‬๱፩๎ঠഁႠୁ೧‫ޡ‬ඈ྾એᎦ༓๎ȃ ˄ဇ൥ຶ቙ცࡰནোએ‫ܹݥ‬ઞׁ๊ல୲˅ঠഁႠୁ೧‫ޡ‬ඈ྾એᎦ༓๎ȃ ˄ဇ൥ຶ቙ცࡰནোએ‫ܹݥ‬ઞׁ๊ல୲˅



july 2013

wine masters

a flinty, whetstone taste. Tropical: like passion fruit. Citrus: lemon and lime. Herbal: nettle or tobacco leaf notes. And sweatiness – the sweat is a very good note, a lovely aromatic flavor. It’s hard to achieve but very desirable. It gives this beautiful pungency to the wine. It’s like with perfume, you need an off odor which can amplify quieter notes. Otherwise pretty elements can seem dull and neutral. It’s the same with wine: the sweaty base will make the floral and fruity notes pop.” These varying aromas are not attributable to any one particular external factor, rather to an alchemy which combines the natural grape flavor, terroir, climate and a little bit of magic. Different wines display different characteristics; mixing and matching grapes creates a balance. “The northern Marlborough valley produces wines that are tropical, clean and with clear notes. Quite linear. The southern is more herbal: green pineapple, nettle, tobacco leaf. Very different. When you blend the two they complement each other perfectly,” explains St George. The weather throughout the region can be harsh and difficult to predict. New Zealanders are famed for being good sailors, who watch variable weather conditions closely and have an instinctive understanding of winds and rainfall. Those instincts come in handy come harvest time, when fierce weather is sometimes on its way. “It’s extreme winemaking,” says St George. “New Zealand can have four seasons in one day. It makes it harder but also more interesting, and that shows through in the wines.” Once the grapes are harvested, secrecy surrounds the fermentation process. The magic that happens as the yeast meets the fruit sugars helps determine the ultimate flavor of wine. “When you crush grapes they smell of cut grass – that’s just about it. But as you taste the grape juice, your saliva breaks it down and starts releasing the tropical aromas and flavors. Certain yeasts will do the same thing. As they mingle with the wine the more

“ Winemaking attracts risk takers, interesting people willing to push the wine industry as far as possible. ጝᄵ቏ᅒ޹࡟౏ࠞნȂภ ᄩခ๠ܿเˈထ‫ވ‬ٛᇖ‫ڕ‬ ᅝ၄෇ˈ೭એᇖᇓ‫ܾئ‬ᇵ ቪ໢બ੣ˈ‫ި؜‬န‫ק‬ȃ”

complex flavors are set free. Yeast cuts the bonds and releases the aromas.” New Zealand winemakers are reasonably open about the grapes used in their wines but tend towards secrecy when it comes to the types of yeast they put into the mix, and St George isn’t inclined to give anything away about Matua winery’s secret yeast recipes. “No one really knows what other people use. It’s a big part of the house style of a winery.” But he does explain the concept behind their blue label wine: “We try to get all those five key flavors in there to make it a fullbodied Sauvignon Blanc. It is easy drinking but has everything that you relate to Marlborough. It’s uniquely New Zealand but we want it to be globally accepted.” When they designed a new label for their wines, the Spence brothers and their team wanted a symbol that reflected the long history and culture of the land they were working. Those chose a ta moko design – a facial tattoo awarded to the most experienced Maori warriors. “A full facial tattoo was something you could get only if you had been through a lot of wars and had a lot of wisdom,” says St George. “Winemaking has a lot of science behind it, but it is still farming, still relying on Mother Nature,” he says. “Winemaking attracts risk takers, interesting people willing to push the wine industry as far as possible.”

๜ۨ࠘ࡐܿცන߾ሓใटိৠྈ፛ˈߑ ໸ւ࿙ะඈ྾ᏃၟȂ‫ࠞݓܬ‬ဌȂ࿙නᇵঽᄎ ᅒȘತߟșܿဵ౟ੌठྈ۪ȃ‫؜‬࿷એ፯࿅ᄹ ࢌል ˗ੴᄩ‫܋‬ി‫؜‬࿷ඈ྾፯୥ˈ‫ئ‬೙‫ܸ܌‬Ꮵ ৞൶ळȃSt George ੣ᇜ‫؞‬ངಖ ˖ Șమߔִ֧ ࢻྈٛܿએ‫఻ڣ‬฽‫ࠞܕ‬ၟˈۜ઄෩෼‫ˈٹ‬ፊ ହፊ၄ ˗ೌࢻษ໸‫ׁؾ‬ၟ፱ ˖֐༝ࠦ୫Ȃᗌ పঽᆏ‫߳ࠉܿؾ‬ȃ஠፯એܿᏃၟೌኌִጙˈ ছठᇜඩษቕ૰ᇵ॔‫ˈؚ‬ၟܻႇᄝ૰দȃ ș మߔ֧࿳ฏනृ‫ॲק‬ಧ‫ࣰ؜ˈك‬ഁႠ ୁเ໸‫ڵ‬மಚܿऔ༽༇ˈޭ቙ഫި࿙න‫ק‬ फ़ˈࠞჹ࡙‫ק‬ঽਠቩ޹ຬ቏ಓ๦ፊાȃۨ ᇜቄ໷኷ഄ༆໢੅തຢቂ٠ˈᇵሥޭཱུ໢ ହܸܿߊஶ࿙ृȃ St George ખᄳ๒ ˖ Ș኷ ጝ୴໸সქ೭એȃഁႠୁᇜ࿙೗੶୿ནো ࿙ृི໸য়٢‫ˈ߰צ‬࿡ዸभ‫ܦˈܐ‬ᇓभ቏นˈ ඝሯჳᇓ኷ඈ྾એ፩ߙংܿிୱ੪፛ȃ ș ඈ྾‫ت‬༆ॄˈਾᎼ‫צ‬໸Ꮵࡴ঩౻ܿߙਸ ࣰ‫ڋ‬ȃȘತߟșખߙໍ኷ਸವঽ࣮ྴყ॔ਾ ‫ܿۂ‬ೄᇜ૳ˈᏪቑඈ྾એᏥ፮ܿၟܻȃ Șᅼ ླྀඈ྾ॄၮܸཕࢃ‫ܿॄؾ‬඄‫׊‬ცනખޭமȃ ඈ྾ፆ๠ଁॄˈၟܻঐ‫־‬ဤᇛࠍ੍ˈ૑໭๵ ߙ฽‫߳ࠉܿܕ‬ঽၟܻȃ቏ᄎਸವખ቏ጝ፯࢙ ᄌˈञએছञॄঐ໾߼࢑޹ߨࡉࠞၟˈᄳ࿷ ੍૑༩ࡔˈุࢌ፯ცනൿ৸ߑ‫ڵ‬ȃ ș ഁႠୁએᎦ‫؜؃‬৖ও೭એྈቂܿඈ྾ Ꮰठိ‫ܦˈۈ‬ངܸৠ๠ඝ፩ܿਸವ፯୥ษ ໸༉ଁ๜൸ȃޭ቙ ȘMatuaș ྈቂܿਸವᏠठˈ St George ৮‫ˈࠞଁ௷؜ڕ‬ፔང ˖ Ș‫׳‬เዒ౓ Ꮽܿၻ౦ᇜ࡚‫؜‬ፃˈጝ໸ၻ౦એᎦܿࠞࢆȃ ș ‫ࣰ؜‬቏࣋ȘMatuaș଻‫׭‬એֶॄܿࢽ໳ ྊܴ໸ऒ‫ع؜‬ཌ ˖ Șၻ౦༅Ꮌਖႎ‫ࠞܐ‬ၟठ ᇜˈ೭፟ᇜକၟܻഃታܿռཤၕၵˈ๠ଁ ज़གˈ࿷໢‫װܗ‬మߔ֧ܿᇜ෧ȃጝକએվ ࠍፇվഁႠୁࠞၟˈႪ၆೙།ܸภฉඈ྾ એ࿷औܿ෷ᰄȃ ș Spence ஠ᄻ‫ݗ‬ঽတެົ৓଻‫׭‬એຟ‫׭‬ ໢ˈႪ၆೙‫װܗ‬ጝଐဌ‫ݓ‬ቅઌ୿໨ঽၭफ़ˈ ྈᇵᅤ፩மȘta moko ș- ਜ୽ࢍᏥᥠቁນዸ ܿొ஀ዸ໰ܿภ஖۩෷ဇ࿇ȃ St George ੍ ໾˖ Ș୿੶‫ܐ‬ᄆዸᇼˈୠবᅒ޹፠ঊܿเ‫ئ‬ ቏Ꮑࢆᾫಅˈၻ౦ञէ૲ୁ‫஀ొܿݓܬ‬য়Ꮬ ૹྥˈุ‫ؾ‬ဇঠܾไ૰ˈ‫ܸܾ؃‬ྊ౦ܿ᎚࠸ȃ ș Ș೭એከቂமᅒ޹૭ᅪߴߟˈ‫ܸܦ‬ဂହ ้ܾইܸࣜഄ‫ݓ‬፯ፋˈᅍᇋᇡ଺‫ܐ‬Ꮛะܿ ߐঌȃጝᄵ቏ᅒ޹࡟౏ࠞნȂ ภᄩခ๠ܿเˈ ထ‫ވ‬ٛᇖ‫ڕ‬ᅝ၄෇ˈ೭એᇖᇓ‫ܾئ‬ᇵቪ໢ બ੣ˈ‫ި؜‬န‫ק‬ȃ ș july 2013



Lily & Bloom Bar Manager Eric Stephenson

world class

੶‫ݲݟ‬એ ὿உႇฅ

class act Inspired by his mother and a man with a large moustache, Lily & Bloom’s Eric Stephenson mixes a very classy cocktail

“I GREW UP COOKING with my mother every

day,” says Lily & Bloom bar manager Eric Stephenson. “We would spend two or three hours together in the kitchen, just getting lost in that time together. It made me understand flavors.” By way of demonstration, he muddles green apples, adds elderflower liqueur and vodka, brightens the alcohol with a ginger shrub and lemon juice, drops in some celery bitters, then shakes with egg white until frothy. He pours into an elegant coupe and adds Champagne, finally decorating the foamy surface of the drink with tiny celery leaves. Eric says he invented the drink as part of a special project involving cocktails named after guys with famous facial hair. There was the Hemingway daiquiri and drinks named for Charlie Chaplin and Douglas Fairbanks. “But I wanted one more. We have a beverage manager for the company who is well known in the neighborhood for his mustache – he looks like the Monopoly man and his name is Chester. So I chose the Chester’s Cup to honor him.” Lily & Bloom is a classy bar – gentleman’s club meets speakeasy. The walls are tiled with small, grey, ceramic oblongs that evoke the New York subway. Behind the bar,

ȘLily & Bloomșએծ੶୲ Eric Stephenson ই ህܻ ˖ Șᄆ໢ृ౞࿙‫ޕ‬ञၻ఩ᇜඩᎌ߰ˈ஠ ࢋเ኷‫߶ڷ‬ᇜഅખ໸஠๲ࢋᄆ໢ˈᆞ୴ౚ‫׳‬ ܿˈፔ቏໤႘ȃི໸ޭၟܻܿත౨਷ቼծȃ ș ྊო٠໯߭ˈ༈჏ਖ෷൴࣮ᅼླྀਬ֍Ȃ ਾᎼܴ๠ਾࢺ಻ॗ஀ଁએञ࠳࿅ৠॄȂৠ ຢਕፆႶଲ‫؝‬ञ೸౩ፆ፩ञଇၟˈ኶ിຢ ᄎᅒცෲଇੴȂৠ๠‫ܫ‬ռॄᇂએፊፚඩസˈ ኶ܴ๠ቄᆈ්ܿଁְॄˈৠ‫ݞ‬ცᩗˈ኷ְ ᆛസಪຢ‫ݞ‬Ꮁ৅ᄆ൥ෲ‫ج‬ᇗু‫ڈࡻ࢙ܐ‬ȃ

Eric ‫ݲ‬፟‫ڵ‬ᇜႼளᇵᅓोಚเಛಚܿ ঳ ၛ એˈ ჸ ໸ ࣴ ಖ ၉ ‫( ஀ ૲ ܔ‬Hemingway daiquiri)ˈড໸ቪႹરྖ‫ސ‬Ꮆ‫׳‬ஹড౟࣭ᆠ ኎߭ൎ૲ (Douglas Fairbanks) ࿷ಚܿએȃྊ ‫˖ ܻڣؚ‬ ȘጝႼள२ฦமᇜࢋˈྊ኷ጝࡒ ੧ႇเ‫؜‬ᄅȂᅓᎼቪ‫ࡐܐ‬ၵቍႾ‫ܗ‬ᆗเᇜ ಠᇜᆼܿհᏍोˈྊખ໸ၻ౦ܿ‫خ‬ሜ੶୲ Chesterȃጝְ Chester’s cup ખ໸ၓமჹྊ ፛੽ܿȃ ș ȘLily & Bloomșጶ࿒൰ၟ‫ڵ‬፳ˈ๏ठຢ july 2013



world class

rows of tea lights shine on reclaimed panels of seasoned wood and illuminate the bottles that line the shelves. Gracious, articulate, wearing a natty burgundy-colored bow tie, Eric fits right in. He has a strong and focused vision of what his bar should produce: excellent drinks. “We don’t go in for flair – people tossing shakers around. We strive for well-made and technically sound as opposed to flashy. Shake times are long and the ice cubes that we use are quite large. That allows us to vigorously shake without diluting the drink, so



july 2013

we can shake the daylights out of it. … It builds your upper body up.” The drink Eric has made is a pretty sage color, with a head of delicate off-white foam. At first sip, the foam clings to the lips, with a creamy texture. The vegetal, floral and fruit notes of the ingredients are accented by the acidity of the wine. The vodka delivers a gentle kick on the finish. “The first thing you do is put it in your mouth and let it roll around your tongue,” says Eric. “Then you take that second and third sip and determine what you think

about that drink. That’s the most important thing.” Eric’s journey has taken him from a dive bar opening beers and pouring whiskey shots, to some of the most exciting cocktail establishments in New York and Melbourne, and now to Lily & Bloom, where he mixes some of Hong Kong’s most satisfyingly flavorful cocktails. In the end, he says, creating and mixing drinks behind the bar is a way of returning home: “I think I was just drawn to the chance to feel like I did when I was cooking in the kitchen with my mother.”

CHESTER’S CUP 1 ½ ġoz Ketel One Vodka (࠳࿅ৠ) ¾ ġoz St. Germain (࿝એ) ½ ġoz fresh lemon juice (ᄧბ೸౩ፆ) ¼ ġoz simple syrup (‫ྴܠ‬ਗ) ¼ ġoz house-made ginger shrub (Ꮛয়፟ਕፆႶଲ‫)؝‬ 1 ġegg white (‫ܫ‬ռ) 3 ġdashes Bittermens Orchard Street Celery Shrub (ෲ‫ج‬Ⴖଲ‫)؝‬ ¼ ġof a green apple, muddled (෷൴࣮ˈಢླྀ) A little Champagne (ຬ஢ცᩗ)

Muddle the green apple. Add the rest of ingredients and dry shake, then shake with ice, and double strain into a chilled Egg Coupe. Top with Champagne. Garnish with a bouquet of fresh celery leaves. Cheers! ෷൴࣮ᅼླྀਬ֍ˈৠ๠ඝྊ‫࡞ॄࠍڈ‬ ᇂȃ߼๠‫׼‬ଐॄ኶۫ᇂְˈ༺፱ࣰዙܴ ๠්ଁ‫ˈְ׼‬ৠცᩗঽᄎᅒᄧბෲ‫ج‬ᇗ ‫ݞ‬Ꮁȃ࡞ְʽ

௚໼ໃ‫ۈ‬࿾ঽॢ઒‫ݓ‬჉એծܿ߫ബੴໄȃු ຢᄆ൥Ȃঁ๾ܿડᄳۢᎠุเ஍ჲܸഁኙ‫ݓ‬ ࿧ዹȃծྕॄߴ૛ܸܿ໸ߗ༇‫ځ‬೧಻ဂˈࣕ ღ኷એ৩‫ځ‬ளܿ؄ஊ൸ເ߫ື჉ᵡᵡ‫ވ‬เȃ Eric ܏Ꮌ؋ṻ‫ݕ‬๾‫ݲ‬௏ੌˈ۰๒ቄᆈቕ೙ᆗ ນܻˈቪ‫ݥ‬೗ࠌၐ‫؜‬ಮߑठȃྊ੶ሩએծܿ ᄪ೫໸ፔ࿎࢜Ꮵ֙ܿሜ൰ȃྊང ˖ Șၻ౦‫؜‬ ชཨ‫ݲޭˈڈ‬፟৉༦ञቂலܿᇋชᇜཎ‫ˈࢩ؜‬ ፛உ‫ݲ‬፟‫়ڵ‬ੴख़቙ᇜເܿऔએȃ ș Eric ‫ ܿݲ‬Chester’s cup ‫ঁډ‬఍๾ˈຢ‫ل‬ ఻‫؝‬Ⴟ፛ܿঁռസಪȃङ‫ݕ‬ᇜଁˈസಪዯ ຢᏣۚˈ‫ܕ‬ହ೉ၟܿ౿౻ଁࡥˈਾᎼએ཰ ၟषရ‫ڵ‬೗ኩܿፋ႘නȂॗცঽ࣮ၟˈᏥ

ॄᇵ๖གܿ࠳࿅ৠၟܻड़჉ભ‫ݞ‬ȃ Eric ࢏ ၻ౦ࠍჴ൰એߴ໮ ˖ Ș჏ุએ኷ຳৱज़۹ˈ ‫ߗݕ‬ড‫ݕ‬๲ଁङ჉บፇॄˈ‫ئ‬ጡጸፃܻጝ କ‫ݲ‬એ๜टȃ ș Eric ᇜ௸Ꮦହࠞࢆᣟልˈ۰຺ฏએծȂ ኷ഁኙঽನߔׁထ‫ڵځ‬ᄧȂ‫ݲ‬፟௑เ‫ܐ‬૑ᆞ

੒ܿ঳ၛએˈܸო኷థਰȘLily & Bloomș ˈ ፱ᄧছ‫܋‬ᆠሐ኷ცࡰ޹କเනঽࠞၟબ৞ ܿએ൰ȃߺྥᏥॄྊ቏ࡥߑߙངܻˈ኷ծ ྕॄ‫ި؜‬ᆓߙ‫ݲ‬ിએ൰ุྊ቏኷য়ܿࡥા ˖ Șၻ‫࡚ܐ‬໸ႇߟ၇฀౟औܿইህˈ቏঩ঐખ ჲ፱ၫञၻ఩኷‫ܿ߶ڷ‬ೄާ໢ࣕծȃ ș

Ketel One Vodka is the vodka of World Class, the global competition which celebrates the skill and style of the world’s best bartenders. Follow all the action at

july 2013



TK" WHERE TO FIND TK Tasting Kitchen is available at more than 100 newsstands and bookshops across the region, and at all of the following fine resorts, hotels and restaurants.

HONG KONG RESTAURANTS 1/5 nuevo 208 Duecento Otto 22 Ships 798 Unit & Co - JAR 8 1/2 Otto e Mezzo – Bombana A Touch of Spice Adagio Agehan agnès b. café L.P.G. (Chung San House, Cityplaza, Devon House, Fashion Walk) agnès b. le pain grillé Ah Yat Harbour View Restaurant Akita Al Bistro Mediterranean Restaurant & Bar - TST Al Dente (Great Eagle Centre, Jaffe Road, TST, SoHo) Al Molo Ristorante Italiano All Night Long Al's Diner Amante Amber Ambrosia Oyster Bar & Grill Amina Italian and Oyster Restaurant AMMO Amore Italian Restaurant ANA Oyster & Grill Angel's Share Another Fine Day An-Tico Enoteca • Pizzeria Antipasto Antique Patisserie Apgujeong Korean Tent Bar Applegreen CWB Applegreen TST Ayuthaiya Caffe Greco La Marmite Arima Teppanyaki Aropa Azure Baby Blue Cafe & Bar Bacar Bahama Mama's Caribbean Bar Banker Whisky and Wine Bar Barg Barista Jam Bella Vita Bellaria Berliner German Bar and Restaurant Bicho Biergarten Big Tree Pub Bistecca Italian Steak House Bistro Bamboo Bistrot Le Fauchon Bit Point Black stump Australian Grill & bar Bloom BLT Burger BLT Steak Blue Lemon café & wine bar Bo Innovation Bo-lo’gne Café & Bar Bo-Lo'gne Bombay Dreams Bonheur



Bouchon Bistro Francais Bourbon Brasserie Le Fauchon Brat Bricklane Brivo Brotzeit German Bier Bar & Restaurant Brunch Club Bulldog's Bar & Grill Cafe by the Park Cafe Deco Cafe Elite Cafe Eos Club Cafe Gray Deluxe Café Iguana Café Locomotive Café Loisl Café Muse Cafe O Café on the 1st Cafe Rivoli Cafe TOO Cafe Zambra Cammino Caprice Carousel Fine Cake & Pastries Carpaccio Casa Fina Casa Lisboa Portuguese Restaurant & Bar Casablanca Oyster Steak Restaurant Cecconi's Italian Census Lounge Cepage C'est la B Chesa Chez Moi Chez Patrick Deli Chez Shibata Chikayaki Chilli Fagara Chocolate Chum Chum Mi CIN CIN Ristorante Circle Oyster Classified Mozzarella Bar Classified The Cheese Room Club Chow Club de Flavor Club Havana coast Cocky Bar Cova Café - Admiralty Cova Café - Lee Gardens Cova Pasticceria & Confetteria Cova Ristorante & Caffe Coyote Bar & Grill Craftsteak Cuisine Cuisine - IFC Cutty Sark Da Ping Huo Daddyos Dan Ryan's Chicago Grill Dap Modern European Restaurant Delaney's Wanchai Délifrance Devil's Advocate Divino Patio Divino Wine Bar & Restaurant Domani Ristorante Double Happiness Café Duetto Dynasty - Wanchai Eat Right edo & bibo Oyster & Steak House EL CID Spanish Restaurant

july 2013

El Pomposo Estudio F.A.B French - American Bistro Fandango Spanish Restaurant Fat Angelo's Felix FINDS Fish Bar & Grill Flame at Towngas Avenue Fleur de Sel Flute Bar Flutes Champagne and Cocktail Bar Fook Lam Moon - Wanchai Forum Restaurant Fresh Café & Bar Frites Belgium on Tap Fu Ho Restaurant - TST Fuel Espresso Full/half Gaddi's Gaia Ristorante Gaylord Indian Restaurant Gemini glo restaurant + lounge Goccia Restorante Bar Terrace Gokayama Gold By Harlan Goldstein Grand Central Bar & Grill Grappa's Ristorante Grecoπ Green Grill Cafe Handle Bar Harbour Restaurant Hard Rock Café Harlan's Harvey Nichols Fourth Floor Restaurant & Bar Hoi King Heen Hokkaido Dairy Farm Milk Restaurant Holly Brown Hong Kong University Alumni Association Hooray Bar & Restaurant HOUSE il meglio Ristorante di Venezla Il Moro iL Posto 97 Inn Side Out Island Seafood & Oyster Bar - Causeway Bay Island Seafood & Oyster Bar - TST Island Tang Isola Italian No.5 Iwanami Jaa Kitchen Japas Jashan Celebrating Indian Cuisine Jimmy's Kitchen Joe Bananas Joe's Billiards & Bar Joia Kaiko Teppanyaki Katte Shabushabu King Ludwig Beerhall (TST, Wanchai) Kitchen 65 Kitchen M Knutsford Steak Chop & Oyster Bar Kosyu Kowloon Tang KYOTO JOE L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon

La Bodega La Bon Restaurant & Lounge La Bon’s Café la brezza café La Cantoche La Casa Chilean Oyster Bar LA Creperie La Cucina Italiana La Maison La Pampa La Parole La Serene Caffè La TASCA La Terrasse l'altro Lattitude 22⁰ LaVilla TST Lawry's the Prime Rib Le Gouter Bernardaud (ICC, IFC) Le Marron Le Mieux Bistro Le Monde d' Ulysse (Restaurant Galerie) Le Salon Restaurant et Croissanterie Le Souk Lei Garden - IFC Life Lil' Siam Limehouse Linguini Fini Lobby Lounge Louis' Steak House Lung King Heen LUPA LUX Bistro & Bar Magnolia Mangrove Bar & Restaurant Marlin Mask of Si Chuen McSorley's Ale House Merhaba Mes Amis Metropolitan Café Ming Court Mini Dans la Ville Mirror MiSet Restaurant Miyabi Japanese Fine Dining Moon Thai Mr. Steak Grill Ms B's Cakery Munch Myung Ga Korean Restaurant Nahm Vietnamese & Thai Nan Tei Nepal Nicholini's Nico's Oceanna Okaki Ole Spanish Restaurant Oliver's Super Sandwiches (Cheong Kong Centre, Hong Kong Station) Oliver's Super Sandwiches Melbourne Plaza One-Thirtyone Only Buonasera Oolaa Oolaa petite Orange Tree Restaurant Otto Restaurant & Bar OWL Our Wonderland Oysters Bar & Restaurant Papa Razzi Papi Pastis Bistro Francais Peace Square Peak Café Bar

Pearl on the Peak Peking Garden Restaurant Petrus Pier 7 Cafe & Bar Pierre PizzaExpress, Central PizzaExpress, Wanchai Pizzazaza Podium Cafe Portobello Posto Pubblico PRIME steakhouse Red Bar & Restaurant Red Rock Bar & Grill Rei Restoration Rex Caffe Roka Rouge Royal Feast Rustic Organic Pizza Kitchen Ruth's Chris Steak House Sabatini Ristorante Italiano Sabor Spanish Touch Private Kitchen Sahara Mezz Bar Sakaegawa Japanese Resaturant Sake Bar GINN Sashay Cafe & Wine Bar Scirocco Serenade Sevva Shanghai Fraternity Association Shanghai Jade Shanghai Lu Yang Cuo Shore Steak Shui Hu Ju Simplylife Bakery Cafe Simplylife Bread & Wine SML Social House Socialito SoHo Spice Vietnamese & Thai Solas Sole mlo Sorriso Italian Cuisine Spasso Italian bar SPICE Spicy Fingers Spoil Cafe Spoon by Alain Ducasse Spring Moon St.George Star Restaurant Starz Wine Bar Staunton's Wine Bar & Café Steik World Meats Stone's Stormies Studio City Studio Nineteen Su Casa Chilean Oyster Bar Summer Palace Sunning Restaurant Sushi Hiro Sushi Imamura Sushi Kuu Sushi Shin T2 Teppanyaki & Tapas Bar Tai Ping Koon Restaurant Tandoor T'ang Court Taste Tate Dining Room & Bar Teppanyaki Kaika Tequila Jack's Thai Orchids Café & Bar KLN Bay Thai Orchids Café & Bar Mongkok

The Box The Dutch Cheese and More The Fifties The Flying Pan The French Window The Great Indian Kebab Factory The Junk Pub The Lobby The Lotus The Parlour The Pawn The Peak Lookout The Press Room The Principal The Quarterdeck Club The Quarterdeck Hong Kong The Queen Victoria The Salted Pig The Square The Steak Kitchen Bar & Restaurant The Swiss Chalet The Wheel Tiffin Tim's Kitchen Tivo Tivoli Italian Restaurant Tonno Bar / Tonno Kitchen Trattoria Doppio Zero Tutto Bene Twyst Uno Duo Trio - Lana's Italian Home Cooking Up Va Bene Van Gogh Kitchen Via 28 Ristorante View 62 by Paco Roncero Vivo W28 Steak House Wabi Sabi Japanese Restaurant Wagyu Kaiseki Den Wagyu Lounge Wanya Japanese Restaurant Watson's Wine SoHo Weinstube Westwood Carvery Wildfire Wildfire pizzabar & Grill Wing's Kitchen Wooloomooloo Prime Wooloomooloo Steakhouse Wyndham the 4th Xi Yan Sweets Yan Toh Heen Yat Tung Heen - Wanchai Yi Pai Ya Yorkshire Pudding Yu Joy Chinese Restaurant Zelo Spanish Restaurant & Tapas Bar Zen Zentro Bar & Eatery ZOO Zummer ནठĂ

CLUBHOUSES United Services Recreation Club Pacific club HK Bartender's & Sommelier's Association Aberdeen Marina Club American Club - Hong Kong Country Club American Club - Town Club Asia Golf Club Caldecott Hill Chinese Recreation Club

TK" WHERE TO FIND TK ȖTasting Kitchenූ౟໤ፑೌ቙ࢌ‫ݓ‬ຢվࢋ༚֫ྜȂ༚‫ݥ‬ঽ჉ளࢌ‫ޡৃݾܐ‬০‫܂‬Ȃએ‫ݥ‬ቪ‫خ‬࿩ਿ೙ถܾȃ

Continental Club Craigengower Cricket Club Discovery Bay Recreation Club Fairview Park Country Club Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry Gold Coast Resident's Club House Gold Coast Yacht and Country Club Harbour Front Club House Hebe Haven Yacht Club Hong Kong Country Club Hong Kong Cricket Club Hong Lok Yuen Country Club Kerry Property Management services Ltd (15 Homantin Hill, Belgravia, Branksome Grande & Branksome Crest, Century Tower I & II, July Tower I & II, SOHO 38, Tavistock II & Aigburth, Valverde) Kowloon Tong Club Macau Jockey Club Marina Club Discovery Bay Marina Cove Club Mariners' Club (The Narubers Club) Mission Hills Golf Club Orient Express No. 8 Club Bel Air Pacific Club Palais Monaco Premier Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club Shek O Golf Country Club The Beverly Hills (Resident's Clubhouse) The China Club The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club, HK The Cullinan The Ellipsis The Foreign Correspondents' Club Hong Kong The Hong Kong Golf Club Deep Water Bay The Kowloon Club The Kowloon Cricket Club The Julyfair The Palazzo Derby Three Bays Ville De Jardin's Clubhouse

WINE AND GOURMET SHOPS Vamorosso Fine Wines Ltd. Concord Fine Wines Limited Cottage Vineyards (International) Limited Delish Hong Kong Wine Vault Jiontek Fine Wines (Hong Kong) Limited - Admiralty, Wanchai, TST, Kwai Chung Limitless Holdings Limited Monsieur Chatté - Sheung Wan Monsieur Chatté - Elements Pan-Handler Portrait Winemakers & distillers Prime Cellar Wine Tasting Room Queensway Wine Sino Vantage Asia Limited

Valentino Chocolatier - Sai Kung Valentino Chocolatier Wanchai

HOTELS City Garden Hotel Conrad International Hong Kong Cosmopolitan Hotel Courtyard By Marriott Hong Kong Crowne Plaza HK CWB Hotel Eaton Hotel Hong Kong Eaton House Excelsior Hotel Grand Hyatt Hong Kong Harbour Grand Hong Kong Harbour Grand Kowloon Harbour Plaza North Point Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel Hong Kong Marriott Hotel Hotel Icon Hotel Jen Hotel LKF by Rhombus Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui InterContinental Grand Standford InterContinental Hong Kong Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong Kowloon Shangri-La Lan Kwai Fong Hotel Langham Place, Mongkok, HK Lanson Place Hotel Le Meridien Cyberport L'hotel Island South Luk Kwok Hotel Mandarin Oriental Peninsula Hong Kong Regal Airport Hotel Regal Hong Kong Hotel Regal Hotels International Regal Kowloon Hotel Renaissance Harbour View Hotel, Hong Kong Rosedale on the Park HK Royal Garden Hotel Royal Pacific Hotel & Towers Royal Plaza Hotel Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers SkyCity Marriott Hotel The Kowloon Hotel The Landmark Mandarin Oriental The Luxe Manor The Park Lane Hong Kong The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong

AIRLINE LOUNGES CNAC Lounge Dynasty Lounge Emirate Lounge Emirates Airlines-BKK Lounge Hong Kong Lounge Morning Calm ( Korean Air) Red Carpet Lounge (UA) Royal Orchid Lounge SQ Lounge (Silver Kris) The Traveller's Lounge EAST The Traveller's Lounge WEST Virgin Clubhouse

Hong Kong Jet Jet Aviation Buisness Jets (HK) Ltd Metrojet Limited BAA - Business Aviation Asia Ltd

VANGO Wanchai North Point Ho Man Tin Kwun Tong Lok Fu Shatin Tin Shui Wai Kwai Chung Chai Wan Kwun Tong TST Saigon Tuen Mun Happy Vally Lok Fu Tai Kok Tsui Tin Shui Wai Yuen Long Tai Po

BOOKSHOPS Mandarin Oriental Kioskġ Bookazine (Discover Bay, Canton House, Ifc Mall, Harbor City, Kowloon, Prince Building, Central, Shui On) Dymocks (Peak, Ifc Mall, Lyndhurst Terrace, Harbor City, Kowloon, Bonham Road, Repulse Bay, Hopewell Centre, Citygate) Beachside Booksġ Hits Media Centerġ Metrobook (Elements, Kowloon, Mikki, Langham Place) Nobletimesġ Jumbo Gradeġ(City Plaza, Pacific Place, Admiralty, Wong Tai Sin) Swindon Book Co. Ltd.ġ Cham Keeġ Tung Sonġ Yung Keeġ Great Foodġ Park N' Shopġ(Baguia Villa, Caine Road, Caribbean Coast, Citygate, Clearwater, Cyberport, East Point City, Forview Heights, Festival Walk, Happy Valley, Hong Lok Yuen, Horizon Suite Hotel, Jardine Lookout, Kennedy Town, Metroplaza, Metropolis, New Hopewell Centre, Peak Road, Shouson Hill, South Horizons, Stanley Plaza, Tai Tam, Tin Hau Temple)

MACAU HOTELS Altira Macau Crown Tower Galaxy Macau Galaxy Macau - Banyan Tree Macau Galaxy Macau - Hotel Okura

Grand Hyatt Grand Lapa Grand Lisboa Hard Rock Hotel Hotel Lisboa Hotel San Tiago Mandarin Oriental MGM Macau Pousada de Mong-Ha, IFT Sands Cotai Central Sofitel Macau StarWorld Hotel Wynn Macau

RESTAURANTS 11 Cafe 360° Café A Lorcha A Petisqueira ABA Bar Albergue 1601 Antica Trattoria Antonio Restaurant Aurora Aux Beaux Arts Bambu Bar Azul Bar Florian Beijing Kitchen Belcanção Belon Bene Cabana Café Bela Vista Café Deco Café Lan Café Litoral Café of 4 Cafe Ou Mun Café Panorama Café Siam Camoes Restaurant Cascades China Rouge City Café Clube Militar de Macau Conrad the Lounge Copa Steakhouse Cozinha Pinocchio Taipa Cuppacoffee Bakery and Coffeeshop Don Quijote Dynasty 8 EDO Japanese @ One Central Edo Japanese Restaurant Edo Japanese Restaurant EDO Japanese Restaurant EDO Japanese Restaurant COD Edo Restautant Festiva Fogosamba Fortune Inn Restaurant Ginza Kaiten Sushi Golden Court Gosto Grand Emperor Court Grand Imperial Court Henri's Gallery Hero Chinese Restaurant Holiday Inn Lobby Lounge Illy Coffee Imperial Court Inagiku Indian Garden Restaurant Irish Bar Jade Dragon Jade Garden Jin Yue Xuan Kam Lai Heen King of Kings Kira

Kwun Hoi Heen L'Arc Coffee Shop L'Arc Lounge L'Arc The Chinese Restaurant La Bonne Keure French Cuisine La Cucina La Gondola La Kaffa Café La Paloma Lan Laurel Laurel Lax Café Le Cesar Lei Garden Lemongrass Macau Thai Café Litoral Restaurant Lord's Stow Bakery Lua Azul Macallan Macau Dynasty Café Madeira Portuguese Majestic Robatayaki McSorley's Mezza 9 MGM Patisserie MGM Mistral MJ Café MO Lobby Lounge + Cake Shop Modern Thai Morton's Steakhouse Mugs Talk Myung Ga Korean Restaurant Naam Thai Nagomi O Porto Interior Restaurante Old Shanghai Old Taipa Tavern Osgatos Pacific Coffee Pacific Coffee COD Pacific Coffee Galaxy Pacific Coffee SCC Pak Lok Palms Pâtisserie, Lobby Lounge Pearl Lounge Petrus Pink Grill Pizzeria Toscana Prive R Bar Rendezvous Restaurante Fernando Rossio Royal Orchid Saffron Sakazuki Savory Crab Shanghainese 456 Singing Bean Sky 21 Spice Garden Square 8 Starworld Concierge Starworld Lobby VIP lounge Talay Thai Restaurant Tang's Cuisine Tenmasa Terrace Terrazza The Crystal Piano The Feast The Hotness The Roadhouse The Royal Kitchen The Tasting Room by Galliot Treasure Palace Tsui Wah Varanda

july 2013

Vasco Vergnano Italian Vida Rica Bar Vida Rica Restaurant Wave Westin The Lounge Windows Restaurant Windsor Lounge Xin Yamazato Ying Zi Yat Heen

CLUBHOUSES Airport Priority pass lounge Caesars Golf Macau FIT Club French Wine Institute Kings Ville La Baie du Noble La Cite Lake View Tower L'Arc Macau Jockey Club Manhattan Mariott Vacation Club Asia Pacific Millennium Nova City Ocean Garden Clubhouse One Central The Buckingham The Pacifica Garden The Praia The Residencia TIS The International School of Macao Macau Golf & Country Club Qube - Venetian Qube - Sands Cotai Central

PRIVATE BANKING Bank of China BOC BNU ICBC Wing Hang Bank - Elite Banking

GOURMET SHOP & WINE SHOP Akasaka Ibéricos Fu Wan Commercial and Industrial Enterprise ltd. Gourmet Corner Jointek Macau Shop MBL Pacific Wine Mart Prestige Jewelry & Gift

SPAS Grand Lapa Spa Six Senses Spa MO The Spa Royal Thai Spa Malo Clinic Spa Four Seasons Spa Bodhi Spa Altira Spa Banyan Tree Spa Rock Spa Isala Spa Crown the Spa

TRANSIT Air Macau Jet Asia Macau Jet Burgeon Rent a car Avis Turbojet Xunlong




$336 $168 for your first 6 issues Tasting Kitchen is a celebration of the Pearl River Delta’s finest restaurants, greatest chefs and most delicious food. Our mission is simple: to share our enthusiasm for all the great culinary experiences the region has to offer. Rate applicable to Hong Kong and Macau delivery only. Inquiries regarding overseas subscriptions should be sent to

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Tasting Kitchen Attention: Terrie Lam 7A, 22/F, Kodak House II 39 Healthy East Street Quarry Bay, Hong Kong Please make checks payable to “Tasting Kitchen Ltd.”


FEATURED IN THIS ISSUE Angelini Italian ġ Mezzanine Level, 64 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong ცࡰ৯ຆઠ౓‫ܻݓ‬ 64ख઎௝ცࢆ୴ଲ‫ܐ‬એ‫࢈ݥ‬௦ q +852 2733 8750 ġ HKD 300-500 5

Armani Privé Lounge, Pub, Deck & Patio 2/F, Landmark, Chater8, Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong ცࡰ፩०࡞ഐܻ፩ 8खጕ܏‫ܐ‬჊2/F, 203 खĂ q +852 3583 2828 5


Aurora էటଲ Italian ġ Level 10, Altira Macau, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa, Macau ġ թ౤ૣᏇ઒‫چ‬ฏࣖ‫ܐބ‬మ௸ ᄧᣄࠜએ‫ݥ‬10௦ q +853 2886 8868 5

Cascades ༽ஔ G03 & G05, G/F Galaxy Macau, Estrada da Baia de Nossa Senhora da Esperença, Cotai, Macau ġ թ౤௸ૣ၆ܽ໖ವူ‫ܐ‬మ௸Ș ™șG03 & G05 q +853 8883 2221 ġ

Dragon King Restaurant ௝ॹએয় Cantonese Shop 110, 1st Floor, Mikiki Mall, 638 Prince Edward Road E, Kowloon, Hong Kong ცࡰ઎௝ᄧඊ࡯྘Ꮚܻ‫ބ‬638ख ችࡰူMikikiຟ٠1௦110खĂ q +852 2711 8233 ġ HKD 151-300 5


Festiva ฯ߳ Buffet ġ G19, G/F, East Promenade, Estrada da Baia de Nossa Senhora da Esperença, Cotai, Macau ġ թ౤௸ૣ၆ܽ໖ವူ‫ܐ‬మ௸Ș ™șࢭ႘‫ݓބܐ‬჉G19 5 Buffet q +853 8883 2221 5

The Grand Buffet Ꮛ᎓ຐ International Cuisine Grand Lisboa Hotel, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau թ౤ ೌူඈੲ௸ᄧඈੲએ‫ݥ‬2௦ຢ‫ل‬ q +853 8803 7733 ġ Adult: MOP 280 + 10% service charge, Child / Senior Citizen: MOP230.00 + 10% service charge 5

ġ U2/F,

Grand Hyatt ġ City

of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai, Macau ġ թ౤௸ૣஏࣔ࢞௸ᄧᣄ࿙‫ݓ‬ q +853 8868 1234



july 2013

Inagiku ܹઞׁ๊ல୲

Pool Lounge

Japanese ġ Podium 4, Four Seasons Hotel, 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong ცࡰ፩०ਜ਼๏ੁ8खནোએ‫ݥ‬4௦ q ġ+852 2805 0600



Ice Impérial Yacht The only boat in Hong Kong with an inflatable slide and lounge day bed seating. Outings including crew, lifeguard and Moët Ice Impérial start at HKD19,900. Bookings can be made through Hong Kong Yachting. ġ Rm 801, 8F, 181 Johnston Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong ġ ცࡰူᏇᎦ໰‫ܻޱ‬181ख8௦801༃ q +852 2526 0151

Island Tang ࡰܵ࿩ Cantonese ġ Shop 222, 2nd floor, The Galleria, No. 9 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong ცࡰ፩०ॹॄ‫ܻܐ‬፩ 9ख৛ᅞࣖ٠2௦ q +852 2526 8798 ġ HKD 300-500 5

L'Altro Italian The L. Place, 139 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong ġ ცࡰ፩०ॹॄ‫ܻܐ‬፩139ख The L. Place 10௦ q +852 2555 9100 ġ Lunch HKD 300+, Dinner: HKD880+ 5

ġ 10/F,

Lily and Bloom Bar & Lounge & 6/F LKF Tower No 33 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong q +852 2810 6166 5

ġ 5/F

Oyster & Wine Bar ᶛએծ Seafood Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong ცࡰ৯ຆઠ౵‫ܻޱ‬20खცࡰ Ⴙହ݂એ‫ݥ‬18௦ q +852 2732-6945 5

ġ 18/F,

Bar and Lounge ġ Level 7, JW Marriott Hong Kong. Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong ġ ცࡰਜ਼፬ਜ਼፬ܻ88ख྘ࢸࣖ٠ ცࡰJWွऑએ‫ݥ‬7௦൶ྕ q +852 2810 8366 ġ HKD 280

Hotel Okura Macau, Galaxy Macau ™, COTAI, Macau ™ș ῔ᎆཫᕀએ‫ ݥ‬Ș ᵋ႓ᦖ᛭Ꮪ ῔ᎆᰗૣᏚ

SPOON by Alain Ducasse French Lobby Level, InterContinental Hong Kong,18 Salisbury Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong ġ ცࡰ৯ຆઠ༒໰ղ஀ܻ18ख ცࡰ፷ৗએ‫ྰܐݥ‬ q +852 2313 2256 ġ HKD1,000+ 5


Terrazza ࿰ኍሃ‫خ஀ܐ‬࿩ Italian 201, 2/F Galaxy Hotel, Estrada da Baia de Nossa Senhora da Esperença, Cotai, Macau թ౤௸ૣ၆ܽ໖ವူ‫ܐ‬మ௸ Ș ™șȘ ™ș 2௦201खඅ q +853 8883 2221 ġ MOP 500+ 5


Tosca Italian ġ Level 102, The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong, International Commerce Ctr., 1 Austin Road West, Kowloon, Hong Kong ცࡰ৯ຆઠ૩໰ ‫ܻݤ‬Ⴀ1ख०ฉ౒ᇸࣖ٠(ICC)ცࡰ ୻ཋ૏ߔ޲એ‫ݥ‬102௦ q +852 2263 2270 ġ HKD 500+ 5

The Crystal Piano ༽ੰ࡫෰ 5 Bar & Lounge

ġ 28/F qġ+853 8883 5109 ġ18:00–02:00 Closed Wed ġ MOP 60 and up A ġSmart Casual H ġ

Sakazuki Sake Bar ෼એ 5 Sake Bar

ġ 2/F q +853 8883 5125 ġ16:00–24:00 Tues–Sun ġ MOP 60 and up A ġSmart Casual H ġ

Whisk Contemporary European ġ 5/F, The Mira Hong Kong, 118 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong ცࡰ৯ຆઠ౵‫ܻޱ‬118 खThe Mira Hong Kong 5௦ q +852 2315 5999 ġ HKD 500+ 5


Pak Lok Chiu Chow Restaurant վ୛ٰ፶એ௦ Chiu Chow Cuisine 23-25 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong ġ ცࡰ࿸డူႪ໊ܻ23-25ख‫ݓ‬჉ q +852 2576 8886 ġ HKD 150-300


Yamazato ຐ୴Ă 5 Japanese/Kaiseki

ġ 2/F q +853 8883 5127 ġ12:00–22:30 Tues–Sun ġ MOP 300 and up A ġCasual Chic H ġ


ġ G/F,

Pierre French ġ 25/F, Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong, 5 Connaught Road,Central, Hong Kong ცࡰ፩०࡞ഐܻ፩5ख ცࡰၭख़‫ߴބ‬એ‫ݥ‬25௦ q +852 2825 4001 5

Poker Café

A unique poker-themed restaurant in Macau. ࿦Ṋᄢᑷ࿢≈ඩ ᣞሶ჌῔ᎆᘓ჻ፇ࿢≈₉␰ණ 5


ġ Avenida

de Almeida Ribeiro, Avenida de Cinco de Outubro No. 147 ᬛᛣᰗདྷ࿊፹ྌᨿ147ᯜ

q ġ+853 28 924370 ġ11:00-04:00


30 to 80

Terrace Restaurant ञ࿰‫خ‬࿩ Ă 5 International

ġ 2/F q +853 8883 5122 & 8883 5126 ġ07:00–24:00 ġ MOP 100 and up A ġResort Casual H ġ


At Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong’s Pierre, Pierre Gagnaire’s Grand Dessert delivers fresh fruitiness, tartness and a touch of sweet. One part of the dessert is this glass of blackcurrant four ways: jam, foam, parfait and sherbet, with a little crunch of sugar tuille and an edible purple petal balancing up top. ცࡰ‫ߴބ‬ၭख़એ‫ߟৃݾݥ‬໮‫خ‬࿩Pierreထ‫ܿڵ‬ȘPierre Gagnaire’s Grand Dessertș ࿝‫ݞ‬,ၓ‫ܐ‬য়‫ډ‬პᄧბȂཥഃঽ཰࿝ܿ࠘ࡐᏃၟȃफ۴୺ན‫ړ‬,ᾉ૴૰ᇜ۫ჴ቏: ࣮ਟȂ࣮ಪȂ ժ߽ঽ࣮‫׼‬, ߼ຢམ‫ྴ۽‬൥Ȃ኶ᎱᇵᏆ๾໤ቂॗ֏,‫צ‬໸ຠᄩአ಼ܿ੶‫ݟ‬࿝൰ȃ



july 2013

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