TK57 The Bar and Beyond

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BABYLONE Collection


Tasting Kitchen (TK), Asia’s epicurean lifestyle media group, leads the way to the world’s best in food and drink, art and design, and luxury travel adventures.

Tasting Kitchen (TK) 是亚太地区最具前瞻性的奢华生活方式品牌 , 荟萃全球高品质的生活文化,艺术设计,以及舌尖上的梦幻美味。

Tasting Kitchen Limited •

SHANGHAI: Room H2, No 25, Lane 550 South Shaanxi Road, Shanghai • 上海市徐汇区陕西南路 550 弄嘉善老市 25 号 H2 室 HONG KONG: Units 1-2, 6/F., Oceanic Industrial Centre, 2 Lee Lok Street, Ap Lei Chau, Hong Kong • 香港鸭脷洲利乐街 2 号海湾工贸中心 6 楼 1 室

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Mark Hammons



Joey Cheang



Mamie Chen

Marilyn Burkley

Robert Burkley



Zita Wan

Vivian Pun

Victoria Lei



Violien Ng



J. Carl Kerkman, MFA



Kate Nicholson




Andrew Dembina

Joyce Kwok

Julie Tu

Lorria Sahmet

Lucy Morgan

Nicole Slater



Alicia Beebe ART DIRECTOR 艺术总监

Richard Lee


Phoebe Yeung


Fiona Lee




Photography by David

Dimple Yuen, cofounder and head distiller of Two Moon Distillery, peers into the pot of “Luna,” their 100-liter copper still. Custom-designed and handhammered in Germany, Luna’s unique design features a moon-like – hence its name – spherical helmet that sits above the pot and provides a very large copper surface area to interact with alcohol vapors to produce a cleaner, more refined spirit. Read more about Hong Kong’s first gin distillery, starting on page 106.

香港致月蒸馏酒厂的联合 创办人兼首席蒸馏师阮澔 查看 100 公升的铜制蒸馏器 Luna 。 Luna 在德国定制设计 和手工锤制,设计亮点是如圆 月般的球形顶部,宽广的铜表 面与酒精蒸气充分接触,产生 更纯净精致的烈酒。翻阅第 106 页,了解更多香港首家琴 酒蒸馏酒厂的故事。




Eleanor Hawkins








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Amber Qian



Eddie Cheung



Edison Xia



©Tasting Kitchen Limited 2024

All rights reserved

Welcome to Tasting Kitchen issue TK 57, The Bar and Beyond

When you think about what makes a bar great, the first thing that probably comes to mind is the cocktails.

You’ll assume that the bartenders of any top-notch establishment have mastered the nuances of flavor and the intricacies of ice, that they maintain a Rolodex of classics on instant recall and are technically brilliant at shaking, stirring, layering, and garnishing.

The interior design of the bar may also be a key element. Through the evocative use of space and color, sound and light, you want to be transported – even before you’ve sipped your first drink –to another realm.

Also crucial is spirit selection. Seeing a backbar filled with a diverse array of premium, rare, and boutique spirits – some that you’ve never seen and are curious to try – whets the palate and assures you that your guides for the evening have good taste and will soon lead you on a good tour of taste.

And then there’s the secret ingredient that can’t be bought but that all great bars keep on endless tap: a warm welcome for their guests. The feeling of being generously recognized makes us feel better than any libation can.

This issue offers an ample supply of all of the above and more as we lead you on a tasting adventure to Asia’s best bars and beyond.

亲爱的 TK 读者,展卷愉快。

欢迎阅览 TK 第 57 期《酒吧以外》(The Bar and Beyond)。

当思考什么是造就一间优秀酒吧的关键, 首先浮现在脑海中的可能是酒吧的鸡尾酒。

您会认为任何顶级酒吧的调酒师都已精 通风味的细节和冰块的奥妙。他们能瞬间回想 起经典的酒谱,并在摇匀、搅拌、分层和装饰 之间展现卓越技巧。

酒吧的室内设计也是关键元素之一。透 过富有感染力的空间和色彩运用,以及声音和 光线的巧妙搭配,让您在品尝第一口酒之前, 就仿如进入了另一个世界。

鸡尾酒精选的烈酒也同样至关重要。看 到吧台后方摆满各式珍稀烈酒 —— 其中可能有 一些您未曾见过却渴望尝试的新酒款 —— 这些 美酒让您期待不已,也确立了一场品味非凡的 味觉之旅。

还有一项无法用金钱买到,却是所有优 秀酒吧都能无限供应的秘密配方:待客的热 情。被真诚款待的感觉,比任何美酒都令人 愉悦。

本期将为您呈现有关酒吧的丰富内容, 并引领您一览亚洲的最佳酒吧及酒吧内外的细 节,期待能启发您开展属于自己的品味冒险。 请享受悦读时光。



LARK Distillery and artist Del Kathryn Barton collaborate to help protect Australia’s oceans.

AT THE SAPPHIRE PROJECT’S June fundraising dinner for ocean conservation, the very first of 208 bottles of LARK x Del Kathryn Barton Art Release, a premium single-cask limited-edition single-malt whisky from the Tasmanian distillery, was auctioned for AUD16,000. Adorning the label and adding the artist’s award-winning idiosyncratic style to this exceptional whisky was an image of Barton’s 2024 acrylicon-linen, Heart Nectar

The collaboration between the renowned maker of Australian single-malt whiskies and the two-time Archibald Prize winner, celebrated for her renegade mixed-media canvases, follows other artist partnerships, including those with Shenzhen creatives Yao and Susu of 1983ASIA for LARK’s 2024 Year of the Dragon Lunar New Year Release and with Shanghai-based illustrator Menghui Huang, which is ongoing for 2025.

“Art is LARK’s new, long-term creative platform for delivering quality innovative experiences that celebrate craftsmanship,” says LARK Global Head of Marketing Cleo Smeeth. “Just as an artist carefully selects the colors, textures, shapes, and forms to create a masterpiece, so does a master distiller when it comes to the unique casks, wood profiles, flavors, water, barley, and peat to create whisky that will mature and be enjoyed for years to come.”

↖ The label on LARK’s latest limited-edition art release features Heart Nectar (2024) by Del Kathryn Barton. LARK 最新推出的限量版 艺术酒标上的是 Del Kathryn Barton创作的 《Heart Nectar (2024)》 。

↗ A bottle of LARK x Del Kathryn Barton Art Release in the artist’s studio. Del Kathryn工作 室中的一瓶 LARK x Del Kathryn Barton威士忌。

LARK x Del Kathryn Barton Art Release 是来自这间塔斯曼尼亚酿酒厂的顶 级单桶限量单一麦芽威士忌。在六月份的 The Sapphire Project 募款晚宴 上,首批 208 瓶 LARK x Del Kathryn Barton Art Release 以 16,000 澳币的 价格拍卖成交。酒标上的画作为 Del Kathryn 于 2024 年创作的丙烯颜料作 品《Heart Nectar》,以艺术家独树一格、荣获奖项肯定的创作风格来搭配 杰出的威士忌。

这家著名的澳洲单一麦芽威士忌制造商,与两届 Archibald Prize 大 奖得主 Del Kathryn 合作,以宣扬她叛逆不羁的风格及复合媒材的技法。 LARK 也曾与其他艺术家联名合作,例如与深圳创意团队 1983ASIA 的杨松 耀和苏素合作推出的 LARK 2024 龙年农历新年系列。LARK 目前也正与上 海插画家 Menghui Huang 筹备 2025 年的合作计画。

LARK 全球行销主管 Cleo Smeeth 表示:「透过艺术这个全新、可持续 发展的创意平台,LARK 的目标是宣扬精湛工艺带来的高品质创新体验。艺 术家在作画时,会精心挑选色彩、材质、形状和形式来打造杰作;酿酒大师 亦是如此,如果想打造能随时间变得更醇厚、供人享用多年的威士忌,酒桶、 木材特性、风味、水、大麦和泥炭,每项元素都同等重要、缺一不可。」



A student collection of glass cocktail vessels and accompanying drinks pays tribute to the neglected impact of women in design.

IN THE MATERIAL SENSE, spirits are distilled liquors, their varied flavors, scents, and colors spanning the breadth of human sensory experience. In 2023, students from the Space and Communication master’s program of Swiss art and design school  HEAD Genève created a series of seven blown glass cocktail vessels and matching tipples to highlight women’s chronically overlooked contributions to the global history of product and experience creation.

The resulting exhibition, Spirits: Excellent for the Head, debuted at Milan Design Week 2023, with each glass paying homage to a specific designer: Ray Kaiser Eames, Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg, Eileen Gray, Anab Jain, Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Magdalene Odundo, and Valentine Schlegel. The collection was acquired later that year by the Museum of Contemporary Design and Applied Arts (MUDAC) in Lausanne, where the works are now on display. The student designers drew inspiration from the speakeasies of the US Prohibition era – a time when mixologists and creatives, many among them women, thrived even though their work was often hidden from wider society or deemed illicit. Spirits, here, refers as much to wit, soul, and brave defiance of social norms as it does to alcohol.

E-1027, a Tribute to Eileen Gray, by Emile Demerliac and Victoria Jospin, honors Gray’s design ethos and Mediterranean influences.

E-1027,向设计师Eileen Gray致敬,由 Emile Demerliac与Victoria Jospin创作,颂 扬 Eileen 的设计精神和地中海的影响。

Hopeful Future, a Tribute to Anab Jain, by Joseph Curle and Constance Thiessoz, explores future visions via present-day signs. Hopeful Future,向设计师 Anab Jain致敬, 由 Joseph Curle和 Constance Thiessoz 创 作,通过现今的标志探索未来的景象。

Else, a Tribute to Valentine Schlegel, by Chiara Kocis and Chirine Samii, honors Schlegel’s seamless mix of art and daily practice.

Else 由Chiara Kocis和Chirine Samii 创作,向设计师 Valentine Schlegel 致敬,赞扬Valentine将艺术与日 常实践完美无缝的结合。

Who Manipulates Who?, a Tribute to Daisy Ginsberg, by Camilla Hoffmeister and Hannah Mackaness, explores environmental perspectives through magnified views. Who Manipulates Who?由Camilla Hoffmeister和Hannah Mackaness创 作,向设计师Alexandra致敬,透过 放大的视角探索不同环境观点。

从物质层面来看,烈酒是蒸馏酒类,而烈酒的各种风味、香气及色调都在 不断拓展人类感官体验的广度。2023 年,日内瓦艺术与设计大学(HEADGenève)的空间与传播硕士课程学生,创作了由七件吹制玻璃鸡尾酒器皿 及配套酒水组成的作品,以突显女性在全球产品设计和体验创造历史中, 长期被忽视的贡献。

由系列而生的展览名为「Spirits: Excellent for the Head」,在 2023 年米兰设计周上首次亮相。每件玻璃酒器都向一位特定的设计师致敬: Ray Kaiser Eames、Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg、Eileen Gray、Anab Jain、 Sophie Taeuber-Arp、Magdalene Odundo 及 Valentine Schlegel。该系列 同年稍后由瑞士洛桑当代设计及应用艺术博物馆(MUDAC)取得,正于馆 内展出。这群学生设计师的灵感来自美国禁酒时代的地下酒吧。当时的调 酒师和调酒界创意人士有许多都是女性,虽然她们的付出与工作往往不为 社会所知或被视为非法,但依然发展蓬勃。此系列中的 Spirits 不仅指酒精, 更是机智、灵魂及勇敢反抗社会规范的精神。


Hong Kong speakeasy Dragonfly brings its enchanting flights of fantasy to Singapore.

The imposing wings of the bar’s fairy-like dragonfly were custom-crafted by skilled stained glass artisans.

Morgan Raelin Barron presides over cocktail creation at Dragonfly Singapore.
Morgan Raelin Barron
Dragonfly Singapore

Bite the Blossoms contains vodka infused with Hanami tea, Oloroso sherry, bittersweet grapefruit, and a hint of vegetal freshness from rhubarb.

Bite the Blossoms使用了注入日本花茶的伏特加、


Rocks and coupe glasses selected for their curved silhouettes that mimic Art Nouveau lines complement classic highball and martini glasses.

曲线优美的岩石杯和高脚杯有新艺术风格线条的风采, 与经典高球杯和马丁尼杯完美搭配。

IN JUNE, Hong Kong bar scene headliner Dragonfly opened Dragonfly Singapore, tucked into the back of the Vibe Hotel Singapore Orchard. Describing itself as “a one-room revolt for luminaries,” it preserves the original’s speakeasy charm by remaining cleverly hidden from the view of anyone entering the hotel lobby.

“We wanted guests to have the distinct impression of entering another reality when they walk in,” says interior designer Ashley Sutton, who also designed Dragonfly Hong Kong. “There’s so much joy to experience within a fantasy world.” An enormous dragonfly of sorts, a handcrafted fairy-like being with glass mosaic wings, hovers over the bar area, while various dragonfly motifs embellish cast iron lamp arches and tabletops. The ceiling undulates with a bloom of iridescent sea-green jellyfish that are, in fact, hand-blown lampshades hung upside down at varying heights.

“I’ve always been particularly drawn to the works of the Art Nouveau period and how its lines and mediums reflected the natural world,” says Sutton. As an apprentice in a glass studio, he studied the work of Louis Comfort Tiffany, whose early use of dragonfly themes became a brand signature. “Drawing inspiration from this, we explored the fascinating life of dragonflies, particularly their underwater life cycle, which many are not aware of.”

The bar’s master mixologist, Morgan Raelin Barron of Jigger & Pony and 28 HongKong Street fame, has transformed Sutton’s vision of dragonflies skimming along at twilight or dawn and creating delicate ripples on the surface of the water into a distinctly original selection of cocktails for Dragonfly’s menu, The Cause and Effect

今年六月,香港酒吧品牌 Dragonfly 在新加坡乌节 艾博酒店开设了 Dragonfly Singapore。这间酒吧号 称「窗明几净中的叛逆角落」,保留原先隐藏式酒 吧的魅力,巧妙隐身在酒店大堂入口处的视线之外。 主理香港 Dragonfly 室内设计的 Ashley Sutton 说:「我们希望宾客走进酒吧时,能有踏入另一个 世界的感觉。在这个奇幻国度里,有许多乐趣等待

着宾客去探索。」像是吧台区上方悬挂着一只手工 制作的巨型蜻蜓,马赛克玻璃翅膀散发着精灵般的 气息,而在铸铁灯拱和桌面上也可见各种蜻蜓图案 点缀。天花板上有一片波动闪烁的海绿色水母,实 际上是倒挂在不同高度的手工吹制灯罩。

Ashley 说:「我一直以来都热爱新艺术运动时 期的作品,尤其是如何以线条和材质表现大自然 的元素。」曾是玻璃工作室学徒的他研究过 Louis Comfort Tiffany 的作品,他早期的创作以「蜻蜓」 为主题,后来成为了品牌的标志。他说:「我们受 此启发,去探索蜻蜓迷人的生命历程,特别是许多 人不了解的水下生命周期。」

声名远播的首席调酒师 Morgan Raelin Barron,

曾在 Jigger & Pony 和 28 HongKong Street 服务。

她将 Ashley 对蜻蜓在黄昏或黎明时轻掠水面、在 水面上激起细腻涟漪的想像,转化为 Dragonfly 独 特原创的鸡尾酒系列 The Cause and Effect。



The Glenrothes celebrates the artistry of The 25 and The 18 single malt whiskies with elegantly restyled packaging.

IN THE PASTORAL SPEYSIDE town of Rothes in the Highlands of Scotland, The Glenrothes has produced its renowned single malt whiskies since 1879. This year opens a fresh chapter in the legendary distillery’s legacy, as its 25- and 18-year-olds don sophisticated new garb that is an art form in itself.

Fully recyclable cylinders of luxurious copper for The 25 and regal purple for The 18 encase the bottles in tribute to the first-fill sherry-seasoned oak casks that hold the whiskies as they mature. The cylinders are embossed with the topographic contours of The Glenrothes Estate, source of the pure spring water from The Lady’s Well that is essential to the distillery’s inimitable house style.

The Glenrothes 来自苏格兰斯佩塞产区路思镇,自 1879 年以来持续提炼淬取闻名遐迩的优质单一麦芽 威士忌。今年,The Glenrothes 25 年、18 年单一麦 芽威士忌皆推出崭新精致包装,以顶级艺术品般的 外观设计,展开传奇酿酒厂的新篇章。

The Glenrothes 25 年单一麦芽威 士忌采用了古铜色包装,而 18 年则采 用华丽的淡紫色,包裝皆为可回收的材 质,形状则象征盛装威士忌的珍贵雪莉橡木桶。外 盒上刻有品牌采用的「淑女泉」泉水及酒厂一带的 地形轮廓,细腻的线条呈现了威士忌特殊的甜韵。

Twisting a cylinder rolls back the front panel to reveal the bottle inside with its newly lengthened neck for a smoother pour. Each bottle, bearing a transparent label with the whisky maker’s handwritten tasting notes, is truly one-of-a-kind.

轻轻转动外盒便可将前板打开,揭示高雅的 酒瓶。新设计的加长瓶颈,让倒酒更流畅。每个 瓶身都带有镀上酿造者手写品鉴笔记的透明酒标, 令每一瓶酒更显独一无二。

The spirits within are the result of time and patience, a very slow distillation and aging process, and an evolution of flavor intensified with exceptional depth.

The delicate and fruity, golden-hued 25-year-old fills the nose with an aroma of ripe peaches and zesty orange peel. A palate of luscious vanilla, Swiss milk chocolate, ripe stone fruit, and orange oil is infused with toasted almonds, delicate oak, and lingering sweet spice. Rounded, balanced flavors are followed by a rich, sweet finish with silky nuttiness and persistent fragrance.

The 18-year-old delivers an intense and rich flavor profile and vibrant fruitiness. On the nose is a waft of ripe pear and sweet vanilla pods with a hint of dried ginger. The deeply flavorful palate is alive with sweet ginger, pear, and rose water. Aromatic fruit and light oak balance an undercurrent of creamy vanilla, and the silky, lingering finish is brimful of sweet, spicy, peppery notes.

瓶中的酒液是经由时间与耐心淬炼出的成果, 透过 The Glenrothes 的慢速蒸馏工艺,经历风味演 化,最终沉淀成一瓶瓶珍稀佳酿。

25 年呈黄金色泽,有着丰富果香与细腻的酒 体,散发成熟桃子和清新橙皮的香气。品酩后,口 腔满溢奶油香草与瑞士牛奶巧克力溶化后的浓醇气 息,带有成熟的核果和橙油气味,融入烤杏仁、橡 木和甜味,萦绕于喉腔。余韵圆润而平衡,绽放出 丰富、甜美的丝滑坚果气息。

而 18 年是一款优雅、果味香浓、充满活力的 威士忌,散发熟成梨子和甜香草豆荚香气,以及干 姜香料风味。入口后,甜姜、梨子和玫瑰水的韵味 更添活力,水果和淡淡橡木质调创造出温和的香料 气息,与奶油香草味完美平衡,悠长的甜味与辛香 料交织,带来绵延迭起的尾韵。


Hong Kong’s Krug Ambassade Chefs present exquisite pairings of Krug Champagnes with dishes featuring edible flowers.

NDIVIDUALITY IS THE ART of understanding that every plot, as one wine, is in itself a single ingredient in Krug Champagnes.

Joseph Krug founded the House of Krug in 1943 with the dream of crafting the very best Champagne he could offer, every single year, regardless of climate variations. He was able to achieve this by paying close attention to the vineyard’s character, respecting the individuality of each plot and its wine, as well as building an extensive library of reserve wines from many different years.

For the past ten years, the House of Krug has honored its savoir-faire by selecting a single ingredient and inviting their Ambassade Chefs to create original dishes to pair with the latest editions of Krug Grande Cuvée or Krug Rosé. This year, Krug turns to the realm of flowers, celebrating their delicate elegance, exquisite diversity, and unparalleled potential.

In viticulture, a vineyard in bloom is more than just a beautiful sight. Flowering marks the crucial period when weather conditions influence the number of berries that will grow in each cluster. A successful bloom sets the stage for a bountiful harvest.

In the world of fine dining, edible flowers open new doors for culinary creativity, well beyond the vivid array of color they bring to the plating. They can be infused, dried, served fresh, cooked, or made into salts. Consider the iodized flavor of borage, the delightfully bitter dandelion, the lemony elderflower, or the peppery nasturtium. The kaleidoscopic spectrum of blooms is as diverse as it is delicious.

“Edible flowers in the kitchen heighten the aromatic expression of a pairing, infusing entirely new flavors and unexpected aromas,” says Krug Cellar Master Julie Cavil. “They offer chefs a blossoming spectrum diversity, adding refinement and a touch of the unexpected to any culinary creation.”

For the 2024 Krug x Flower campaign in Hong Kong, Krug Ambassade Chefs demonstrate creative ways to craft flowerinspired menus to pair with a glass of Krug Grande Cuvée 172ème Édition and the elegance and boldness of Krug Rosé 28ème Édition.

库克香槟酒庄深信每座葡萄园都能展现其独特个 性,就如香槟中的一款款单一食材。

Joseph Krug 于 1843 年在法国兰斯创立库 克香槟酒庄时,就決意不论天候如何变化,每年 都会酿造出最好的香槟。他的成功归功于他密切 关注葡萄园的特色,尊重每块园地及其葡萄酒的 个性,并建立了一个收藏不同年份基酒的庞大味 觉库。

在过去的十年间,为了彰显这个理念,库 克香槟酒庄每年都会选择一种食材,并邀请库克 名厨大使创作原创料理,以搭配最新的库克陈年 香槟(Krug Grande Cuvée 172ème Édition)或 库克粉红香槟(Krug Rosé 28ème Édition)。今 年,酒庄就以「花卉」为主题,以赞颂花朵之美, 以及其提升食物风味的可能性。

以葡萄栽种而言,花卉盛开不只是一片美 景。花期的气候条件将影响每串葡萄 结果的数 量,因此花期顺利与否,将决定最终能否丰收。 在精致餐饮界,花卉的魅力远不止于装饰 作用。它们可以用以提升风味、晒干、新鲜食用、 入馔或制成盐。想象看看您面前赏心悦目的料理 上有带有碘味的琉璃苣、苦味宜人的蒲公英、柠 檬风味的接骨木花或胡椒调性的金莲花。这些可 食用花卉能带来丰富的风味、质地和香气,增添 层次感,挑逗感官。

库克酒庄首席釀酒师 Julie Cavil 说:「可食 用花卉增强了香槟与佳肴搭配的芳香表现,注入 了全新的口味和意想不到的香气。它们也为厨师 提供了丰富的多样性,为菜式增添了精致度和令 人意想不到的迷人气息。」

为了迎接 2024 年的「Krug x Flower」系列 活动,香港的库克名厨大使透过创新料理诠释各 种花卉的特质,搭配具有「最丰富的香槟特质」 的库克陈年香槟(Krug Grande Cuvée 172ème Édition),以及优雅而大胆的库克粉红香槟(Krug Rosé 28ème Édition)。

Pumpkin, corn, saffron

Guillaume Galliot


Floral inspiration

 Saffron (crocus flower stigmas) 番红花

I once made a dish featuring corn and pumpkin, and to my astonishment, Pierre Hermé drew inspiration from my creation to craft a macaron. It was an extraordinary honor that I cherish. Now I’m re-creating it as an amuse bouche and infusing it with saffron, a golden treasure that brings a vibrant hue and a delicate aroma. / 我曾经制作了一道以玉米和南瓜 为主的菜肴,然后知名法国糕点师 Pierre Hermé 制作了一款以 此为灵感的马卡龙。此事出乎我的意料,也是我珍视的非凡荣 耀。现在我将它重新创作成一道开胃小菜,并加入增添色彩与 香气的番红花。

Pairing notes

The floral and honeyed nuances of saffron harmonize with the vibrant fruitiness and elegant structure of Krug Rosé 28ème Édition. The saffron’s earthy undertones complement the complexity of the Champagne, enhancing its depth and adding a touch of intrigue to each sip. Furthermore, the subtle spiciness of saffron provides a delightful contrast to the wine’s fresh, crisp character. / 番红花的花香和蜜糖感,很能搭配 Krug Rosé 28ème Édition 的活力果香和优雅结构。番红花的土壤气息增加 了香槟的层次,每一口都多了一丝神秘感。此外,番红花 些微的辛辣感,与这款清新爽脆的香槟创造出令人愉悦的 对比。

Brittany lobster, filo pastry, harissa

布列塔尼龙虾、 酥皮、哈里萨辣酱

Uwe Opocensky


Floral inspiration

 Nasturtium flowers, cucumber flowers, blue borage flowers 金莲花、小黄瓜花、蓝色琉璃苣

Flowers have always been a part of my cooking since day one. They play a significant role in a life circle. When they bloom, they get pollinated and create more life. If I were to be a flower, I wouldn’t be a single bloom but rather a sea of wildflowers, because they represent my philosophy in the kitchen, which is endless reinvention without boundaries. / 花在生命循环 中扮演了重要角色,也是我自厨艺生涯之始不可或缺的一部分。花朵盛开、 授粉,孕育更多生命。如果我是一朵花,我不会是单一的花朵,而是一片 野花海;这样的意象与我的厨艺理念呼应,那就是无止境、无界限的创新。

Pairing notes

Krug Rosé 28ème Édition complements the peppery notes in the nasturtium flower. And the sweet, creamy flavors of the lobster add another dimension to both the dish and the Champagne. / Krug Rosé 28ème Édition 与金莲花的胡椒调性完美搭配;龙虾香甜滑顺的口感则为菜肴和香 槟增添层次。

Vicky Cheng

Floral inspiration

↓ Chinese almond panna cotta, osmanthus jelly 中式杏仁奶冻、桂花冻

 Dried osmanthus flowers, various edible flowers in different colors 干桂花、各式可食用花卉

The osmanthus tree is widely grown in Hong Kong. During its blossoming period, a sweet aroma wafts through the air and provides a natural, longlasting fragrance in the surrounding area. The small flower buds are dried and are often used in desserts or enjoyed as a floral tea. / 桂花树在香港 广泛种植,每逢花期空气中便弥漫一股清甜,周围环境充满了天然持久的 芳香。小巧的花蕾经干燥后,常以甜点或花茶的形式享用。

Pairing notes

The creaminess of panna cotta made with Chinese almond milk and osmanthus jelly amplifies the blooming aroma and nutty almond notes of Krug Grande Cuvée 172ème Édition. / 中式杏仁奶冻 和桂花冻的爽滑口感,更加突显了 Krug Grande Cuvée 172ème Édition 四溢的香 气和杏仁风味。

Ricardo Chaneton


Floral inspiration

 Nasturtium flower


The nasturtium plant grows at high altitudes in the Andes Mountains. I remember eating the root and being astonished at its spicy flavor profile and how it contrasts with the texture and delicacy of the flower. / 金莲花生长于安地 斯山脉的高海拔地区。初尝金莲花根部,辛辣的风味让我印 象深刻,与小巧精致的花朵形成对比。

Pairing notes

The delicate, spicy, and smoky elements provide a beautiful contrast of flavors and textures with the complexity and delicacy of Krug Grande Cuvée 172ème Édition. The pairing brings together all the nuances in the dish and the Champagne in a harmonious way to create a symphony of flavors. / 这道料理包含的精致、辛辣和烟熏元素,为复杂 而精致的 Krug Grande Cuvée 172ème Édition 提供了美妙风 味和质地对比。两者的搭配仿佛演奏了一场味觉的交响乐, 菜肴和香槟间所有细微的差异反倒和谐共处。

↑ Roasted mashua (nasturtium root), nasturtium leaf sauce, nasturtium flower pickles



Agustin Ferrando Balbi ANDŌ

Floral inspiration

 Orange blossom honey, saffron, yellow chrysanthemum 橙花蜜、番红花、黄菊花

It was interesting to think outside of the box and not simply use a pretty flower. I chose flowers that have very distinctive sweet and spicy notes. And I used different parts of a flower, such as the pistils of saffron, the nectar of orange blossom, and the petals of chrysanthemum, to showcase flowers in an unexpected way. / 跳脱框架而不仅是使用漂亮的花朵作装 饰,是一件相当有趣的事。这次,我选择了具有 独特甜味和辛辣味的花种,并使用花的不同部位, 像是番红花的雌蕊、橙花的花蜜和菊花的花瓣, 以意想不到的方式呈现花卉。

Pairing notes

The light golden color and fine, vivacious bubbles of Krug Grande Cuvée 172ème Édition pair well with the foam and the texture of the dessert. The Champagne’s aromas of flowers in bloom and of ripe and dried citrus fruits complement the passion fruit sauce, and its marzipan almond paste notes match the almond cake. / Krug Grande Cuvée 172ème Édition 的淡金 色泽和细致活泼的气泡,与甜点的泡沫 和质地完美搭配。香槟中盛开花朵的芳 香,以及成熟干燥柑橘的香气,与甜点 中的百香果酱相呼应,而香槟的杏仁膏 风味则与杏仁蛋糕互相配合。

← Almond cake, orange blossom honey ice cream, saffron foam, passion fruit sauce 杏仁蛋糕、橙花蜜冰淇淋、 番红花泡沫、百香果酱

Robin Zavou


Floral inspiration

 Shiso flowers, chive flowers, borage flowers 紫苏花、韭菜花、琉璃苣

Flowers lend delicacy to a dish, but sometimes they do not have the flavor you want. With the shiso and chive flowers, we felt that the bitterness and onion notes were contrasts to the texture and umami flavor of the rice. The borage, on the other hand, gave a sweet, sea-like taste that enhanced the uni. / 花虽然能让菜肴更为精致,但有时它们并 不具备你想要的风味。我们发现紫苏花和韭菜花的 苦味和洋葱味,与米饭的质地和鲜味形成对比;琉 璃苣则带来鲜甜的海味,提升了海胆的风味。

Pairing notes

The freshness of the uni and the flowers give the scent of summer and enhance the summer fruit notes of Krug Grande Cuvée 172ème Édition. The shiso flower gives a hint of Asian flavor that enhances the delicate nuttiness of the Champagne.

/ 海胆和花朵的鲜味为 Krug Grande Cuvée 172ème Édition 带来夏日气息,突显了香槟的夏季水果香调; 紫苏花带有一丝亚洲风味,更衬托出香槟细腻的坚 果风味。

Samosa cones, rice-dashi filling, amaebi filling, uni 萨莫萨饺脆皮、米汤内馅、 甜虾内馅、海胆

Mori Tomoaki

Floral inspiration

 Torenia flowers, cosmos flowers 夏堇、波斯菊花

I would be a cosmos flower, because it symbolizes order, harmony, and balance. It is also peaceful, tranquil, modest, and joyful. And that’s what a sushi chef should be. / 如果我是一朵花,我会选择波斯菊。波斯 菊象征秩序、和谐与平衡,也有和平、宁静、谦逊和喜 悦之意,这些正是一名寿司师傅应该具备的特质。

Pairing notes

Japanese flounder, which is subtle and smooth, and cosmos and torenia flowers, which are light and slightly sweet, harmonize with the honey, plum, and vinegar sauce. Together, they amplify the freshness of Krug Grande Cuvée 172ème Édition and create an umami aftertaste. / 细腻滑顺的日本比目鱼,以及轻甜的波斯 菊花和夏堇,与蜂蜜、梅子和醋汁和谐融合。这些元素 一同放大了 Krug Grande Cuvée 172ème Édition 的清新 感,并创造出鲜美的余韵。

↓ Japanese flounder, torenia flowers, cosmos flowers


Stefano Bussi




Vida Rica Bar introduces a new menu of cocktails inspired by the past and present of some of Macau’s most famous landmarks.

LOCATED IN THE LUXURIOUS MANDARIN ORIENTAL, Macau, Vida Rica Bar offers sweeping views of the city and across the waterfront, accompanied by a cozy and welcoming atmosphere that encourages guests to sit back and unwind with one-of-a-kind cocktails.

Celebrating the vibrant flavors of Southern China and Macau, Vida Rica Bar’s recently launched Sensing the Multiverse cocktail menu offers a unique perspective on the city’s well-known landmarks and heritage sites. Head Mixologist Stefano Bussi, after moving to Macau in November 2023, spent his first three months discovering its unique combination of Chinese and Portuguese traditions, architecture, and flavor profiles. He decided to design eight cocktails that reflect eight notable places across the city.

Macau’s contrast of old and new is one element that Bussi wanted to explore. By working with AI, he was able to reimagine important sites around the area, both transforming their modern aspect to the world of 1488 and bringing their fifteenth-century legacy into modern society. By distorting time, Bussi aimed to make the familiar unfamiliar and the unfamiliar familiar. “AI is a big part of our society now, though it’s still quite niche in Asia. It’s a great tool for inspiration and allows you to explore endless possibilities.”

Born and raised in Northern Italy, Bussi has always had an interest in cocktail culture. He sampled his first Negroni in his family’s café and has been making his way up in the industry ever since. After bar-backing at The Ritz in London and bartending in Sydney, he made his debut in Asia at the end of 2023 as head mixologist at Vida Rica Bar. “It was a big step out of my comfort zone, but I was ready for a challenge.”

The Reflection 反思

在时尚高雅的澳门文华东方酒店内,御苑酒廊坐拥 澳门的辽阔景致和湖畔风光,悠闲轻松的氛围吸引 旅客在此品尝独一无二的鸡尾酒。


He has more than met the challenge by recently winning the 2024 Diageo World Class Competition Hong Kong & Macau. Crowned the region’s Bartender of the Year, he will go on to the finals in September in Shanghai to vie for the title of Global Bartender of the Year.

Bussi finds many similarities between the cocktail cultures in

御苑酒廊最新推出「Sensing the Multiverse」 鸡尾酒菜单,从独特视角诠释澳门的知名地标及文 化遗产,打造代表中国南方和澳门的绚 丽味觉体验。首席调酒师 Stefano Bussi 自 2023 年 11 月迁居澳门后,利用三个月 的时间探索当地独特的中葡融合文化传 统、建筑及料理风味,并依此设计了象 征澳门著名景点的八款鸡尾酒。

澳门新旧并陈的面貌,正是 Stefano 想探索的元素之一。他利用 AI 将重要地标的现代面 貌重塑为 15 世纪样貌,也让当时的古迹再现今日风 采。Stefano 穿梭时光隧道,试图让熟悉的事物变得 陌生,也让陌生的事物变得熟悉。他说:「尽管在亚 洲 AI 还算是很新的概念,但这项技术已然是我们当 代社会的一部分。它是找寻灵感的绝佳工具,协助 你探索无限的可能性。」

A World of Dreams 梦的世界

Western and Asian markets, but he notes that Instagram is particularly strong here, and he has been working to impress guests with both the appearance and the contents of his creations. Using specially designed glassware from Italy, he presents his cocktails in a stylish fashion while letting the unique flavor combinations and techniques tell the story of each location.

As one of the pioneers in sustainable luxury hospitality, Mandarin Oriental, Macau believes it is essential to create the minimum possible waste for every ingredient. “Many departments of the hotel are using a variety of ingredients daily,” says Bussi, “and by cooperating, we’re able to reduce wastage while creating something wonderful for the bar.” The Foundation cocktail, for example, makes use of leftover coffee grounds from breakfast to infuse sparkling wine from the previous night’s service. This is paired with homemade banana water that uses leftovers from reception fruit baskets to create an aromatic, bubbly take on a classic Negroni.

“While it’s challenging to achieve zero waste at the bar,” says Bussi, “we’re constantly taking steps and coming up with new and unique techniques to make sure everything we use gets a second or even a third life.” The Bay of A-Ma cocktail is a perfect example of giving an ingredient multiple lives. Bussi and his team infuse the remainder of the breakfast croissants, along with leftover butter, into light rum and then toast the croissants to create a powdered garnish. The result is a cocktail with a silky, buttery texture and a contrasting crumbly finish, and one that also makes full use of otherwise wasted ingredients.

With such an intricately thought-out menu of cocktails and with such rich stories behind them, Bussi’s top priority is to ensure that guests feel entirely comfortable in making their choices. Team members take the time to walk each one through the landmark sites to find a perfect fit. “If a guest leaves with a bigger smile than they came in with, our mission is complete.”

Stefano 在意大利北部长大,因而对 鸡尾酒文化情有独钟。他在家族咖啡馆 里第一次品尝尼格罗尼,并展开了他的 鸡尾酒事业。他曾于伦敦丽思酒店担任 调酒师助理,并于雪梨担任调酒师,后 于 2023 年底首度在亚洲任职,担任御苑 酒廊的首席调酒师。他说:「这是个跳离 舒适圈的大胆尝试。不过,我已经准备 好迎接挑战。」

Stefano 最近赢得了 2024 年「Diageo World Class 世界顶尖调酒大赛」的香港 及澳门区赛的年度最佳调酒师头衔,并 将于 9 月参加在上海举行的总决赛,争 夺全球年度调酒师的荣耀。

西方与亚洲鸡尾酒文化有许多相似 之处,但 Stefano 发现 Instagram 打卡文 化在亚洲特别盛行,因此他致力透过作 品创造令人惊艳的视觉和味觉体验。他 使用意大利订制玻璃杯,赋予每一款鸡 尾酒时尚风貌,同时让独特的风味组合 与调酒技巧诉说每个景点的故事。

澳门文华东方酒店作为可持续奢华 酒店的先驱,他们深信必须尽可能善用 原料,避免一丝一毫的浪费。Stefano 表 示:「酒店各部门每日使用许多不同食材, 我们透过跨部门协作减少浪费,同时为 酒廊创造美妙佳作。」举例来说,「基石」 (The Foundation)利用早餐剩余的咖啡 粉及前一日晚宴剩余的气泡酒,再搭配 柜台水果篮内的香蕉制作的香蕉水,赋 予经典尼格罗尼一种全新香气和活力。

Stefano 说:「虽然在酒吧实现零浪 费仍是个挑战,但我们不断尝试各种新 颖独特的手法,务求让每一项食材都能物 尽其用。」以「海湾」(The Bay of A-Ma) 为例,这款鸡尾酒展现了食材获得二次、 甚至三次新生的绝妙手法。Stefano 和团 队先将早餐剩余的可颂面包和黄油浸入 淡兰姆酒后烘烤至酥脆,制作面包粉作 为鸡尾酒的装饰。最终的成品口感细致丝 滑,不只入口带有可颂面包的香脆质感, 更实现对剩余食材的完美利用。

对于这份别出心裁的鸡尾酒单及酒 款背后的独特故事,Stefano 最重要的 任务是确保宾客能够自在作出选择。酒 吧团队会细心解说每个地标景点的由来, 协助宾客找到最对味的酒款。他说:「只 要宾客在相较入店时带着更灿烂的微笑 离开,我们的任务就算完成了。」

The Bay of A-Ma



Mesa Bar offers delectably imaginative cocktails that capture the essence of Macau’s rich history and culture.

“THE MAIN FLAVOR of this cocktail is honey,” says Resort Master Mixologist Frederick Ma of Mesa by José Avillez at THE KARL LAGERFELD MACAU at Grand Lisboa Palace Resort Macau. “We use specially selected wild honey from Portugal that arrives with a real bee in the jar.” In just one such sentence, Ma offers vivid and engaging cocktail presentations that captivate his guests. “Excellent handcrafted cocktails should not just look good,” he says. “They should also sound great and taste wonderful.”

Ma, who has been in the industry for more than fifteen years, has seen dozens of trends come and go, including molecular mixology, double distillation, infused spirits, but he believes the key to a good cocktail is that it connects with the drinker and has deep roots in the local culture. The taste should also reflect the bartender’s perspective on the world around, as well as his craftsmanship, which includes expert spirit selection and temperature control.


「这杯调酒的主要风味是蜂蜜;我们特意挑选 了来自葡萄牙的野生蜂蜜,而那罐蜂蜜内还躺 着一只真的蜜蜂 」在澳门上葡京综合度假 村的澳门卡尔拉格斐奢华酒店大楼内,综合度 假村调酒专家马铭康于味赏介绍招牌葡国风情 鸡尾酒「蜜乡」时,用精简生动的 铺陈,在短短六秒间抓住重点,也 抓住客人的注意。「出色的手工鸡 尾酒,不可以光是『好看』,更需 要『好听』、『好喝』。」

Just how, as a Hong Kong native, has Ma managed to distill Macau’s unique blend of Chinese and Portuguese culture in a line of cocktails with names like Casa de Abelha, Amor de Lisboa, and The Highest Peak? He laughs and explains that it was difficult at first “until I started chatting with locals and visiting tourists to better understand how they would describe the culture of Macau.” From these conversations, several ideas gradually took shape.

The Casa de Abelha, for example, is bursting with an elegant floral aroma in a tribute to the bounty of blooms that await visitors to Portugal in spring. The eco SPIRITS Widges Gin used also reflects the team’s

来自香港的马铭康入行超过 十五年,见证各种流行一时的鸡尾 酒行业趋势,例如分子调酒、二次蒸馏、浸制 烈酒等。他认为,手工鸡尾酒应该能与客人连 结、与在地文化紧扣,味道层次亦能反映调酒 师的手艺,包括对选酒的理解、对温度的掌控 等,及其眼界。

然而,港澳生活环境大不同,马铭康如 何在短时间内抓住澳门独特的中葡文化,变成 现时鸡尾酒单上风韵各异的「蜜乡」、「里斯本 之恋」及「高峰」?他笑言这确实是一项艰巨 挑战。「直至我开始与本地人和游客聊天,问 他们怎样看这里的文化特色。」构想就在对谈 间逐渐成形。

充满优雅花香的「蜜乡」,显然描述着葡 萄牙大自然的春日朝气,所用的 ecoSPIRITS

Casa de Abelha


→ Amor de Lisboa


→ Frederick Ma 马铭康

← The Highest Peak 高峰

commitment to a sustainable F&B industry. Amor de Lisboa, which uses a sour cherry wine produced in Portugal and a handmade chocolate bowl, evokes the streets of Lisbon where the sweet liqueur, ginja, is a local favorite. The Highest Peak was inspired by Ponta do Pico, the tallest volcano in Portugal, and features Islay whisky, a peaty single malt that brings to mind the smoke hovering over the mountain, and verdelho wine, which is grown on its slopes.

Over the last decade, with the proliferation of bartending competitions and bar rankings, the prestige of top mixologists has grown to nearly rival that of the chefs of Michelin-starred restaurants. But Ma believes that bartenders must be even more willing than chefs to explore and experiment. To find creative nourishment for his future cocktails, he often likes to step out of his comfort zone by flying to various locales to participate in

威基斯琴酒也蕴藏了团队对可持续餐饮的 承担;「里斯本之恋」用当地产的酸樱桃酒 配搭手工巧克力碗,侧写了里斯本人爱喝

Ginja 甜酒的街头风光;「高峰」则是以当地 最高睡火山「皮库山」作灵感,以艾雷岛泥 煤威士忌模拟长年萦绕火山的烟雾,并且加 入了皮库山产的华蒂露葡萄酒,诉说风土故 事。

最近十年,尽管全球热衷举办各种的 调酒比赛及排名,让调酒师的地位提升不少, 俨如米其林星级餐厅主厨;但调酒师必须比 主厨更具探索与实验精神。马铭康自言喜欢

competitions or to work as a guest bartender. “Although I’m doing these things outside of work, my international trips have been key to much of my growth at work,” he says. In fact, he credits his ability to grab his customers’ attention in just six seconds with a pithy introduction to a cocktail to his long experience on the competition circuit.

“I’ve always felt that mixologists are like artists – they must allow their imaginations to run wild when coming up with new ideas," says Ma. “But on the other hand, when running a bar, they also need to adopt a more pragmatic attitude so that the team’s products are consistent.” That’s why Ma is more than willing to share his knowledge with his team, to help them grow as a whole, and to inspire them with the possibilities for new and exciting paths forward.

走出舒适圈,抽空飞抵各地参加比赛,或到相 熟知名酒吧做客席调酒师,让见识成为他的创 作养份。「虽然这都是工作以外的时间,但每 次出国的经历,都让我成长不少。」那用六秒 钟一下子抓住客人注意的说酒本领,也是藉由 参加比赛练就出来的。

马铭康也乐于把自己的见闻分享给团队, 与团队一起成长。「我总觉得,调酒师就像艺 术家,构想时不免天马行空;但营运酒吧时必 须抱持务实的态度,确保团队的出品一致。」

他相信能与理念相同的团队集思广益,为酒吧 开辟新路。

MO Bar Manager Clare Teng and Head Bartender Tiger Chang


MO Bar at Mandarin Oriental, Shenzhen creates a delightful menu of cocktails inspired by the Chinese invention that revolutionized communication.

A display of antique movable type enhances the décor. 酒吧陈列了一台古董级的活字印刷机,呼应主题。

OFFERING EXHILARATING VIEWS across the city skyline, the seventy-ninth floor of Mandarin Oriental, Shenzhen is home to an upscale bar with a unique theme. Both the stylish décor and the innovative drinks list of MO Bar pay tribute to China as the birthplace of movable type printing.

“It starts with the bar’s industrial-chic interior design that features elements of steel and wood, both of which are materials used in printing presses,” says Tiger Chang, who heads up MO Bar’s skilled mixology team. “But it’s the cocktails that really connect to the concept of movable type. I know it seems unusual, but actually it makes a lot of sense. We visited a museum to get a better understanding of the history and processes of movable type printing and what concepts we could draw from it to apply to our drink menu.”


MO 酒吧位于深圳文华东方酒店 79 楼,不仅坐 拥闪烁耀眼的城市夜景,还具有独一无二的特色 —— 无论是内部装潢,还是精心调配的创新鸡尾 酒,灵感都源自于中国古老的活字印刷术。

带领 MO 酒吧实力高超的调酒团队的首席 调酒师张明儒表示:「故事要从酒吧的装潢说起。


Chang compares the early period of cocktail creation, when drinks were classically simple and elegant, to initial forays into movable type printing. “The first printing blocks were made of clay, then they were made of wood, and after the Industrial Revolution, they were made of steel. Bartending has also gone through a series of changes over the years. In the beginning, there was very little equipment – even ice cubes were a luxury. Then technology brought many advances, just as it revolutionized the printing industry. Today, you can find many different bartending techniques, like clarification and the use of chemical reactions.”

我们的装潢运用钢铁,跟一些木质 调的材料,而金属与木头正是进行 活字印刷的必要材料,不过真正与 活字印刷术中可移动的字块概念相 连结的,其实是鸡尾酒本身,乍听 之下好像有点难懂,但的确如此。

我们还到博物馆研究活字印刷术的 历史跟印刷过程,寻找能够运用于设计鸡尾酒 的灵感。」

张明儒还将鸡尾酒及活字印刷的早期发展 相比较,早期的调酒走的是经典路线,单纯而 优雅。他表示:「最早的印刷版使用胶泥作字块, 后来改用木头,工业革命后则是用金属字块。


一开始要做调酒,设备很少,连冰块都是奢侈品。 后来科技带来许多进步的技术,就如同科技彻 底改变印刷业一样。现在有各种五花八门的调 酒技术,比如澄清和化学反应的运用。」

“I think we are the first to celebrate this piece of Chinese history. MO 酒吧是第一家以此中国历史上划时代发明为主题的酒吧。”

Tiger Chang 张明儒

Drawings and art pieces showcase the concepts and ingredients of the bar’s ten signature cocktails.


Three cocktails on the list that relate to different eras of printing were ingeniously designed by Chang to evoke the theme – and also to delight the palate. “Our Clay Aged Negroni, whose Chinese name means ‘Earth,’ was inspired by the earliest printing blocks made from clay. The drink contains rice wine to add a traditional Chinese element, along with a little bit of white chocolate and Suze. We use white chocolate because it is similar in texture to clay, fragile and easily broken, much like the first printing blocks.”

To reflect the evolution to wooden blocks, Chang presents a drink named Moving On, or “Wood” in Chinese. It offers woody notes from bourbon but also some freshness from a little fermented rose jam. “The fermented elements also have a crossover with our theme,” he says. “The development of movable type printing unfolded across the ages, much like fermentation also develops over time.”

Chang’s cocktail called The Copper Press, or “Copper” in Chinese, celebrates further progress in the story of printing. “Copper was a product of the Industrial Revolution,” he says, “and as time passed, printers started using steel or other metals that were more durable. So we serve the drink in a copper cup to honor this step forward.”

“Rum, coconut, and pandan leaf are in this tropical-style cocktail. We also add our own white pepper foam and again recall the printing theme by spelling out the MO Bar logo on top with cocoa powder. The flavor of this drink is sweeter and a bit more refreshing than the others, and the pandan leaf gives it a Southeast Asian taste.”

→ Moving On 木

张明儒运用创意巧思,将三款鸡尾酒与不 同时代的印刷术结合,不仅贴合主题,也带来 味觉上的新鲜感。他说:「Clay Aged Negroni 这款鸡尾酒的中文名字为『土』,灵感来自最 早的泥土字块。我们使用黄酒来代表中国传统 元素,以及少许白巧克力和苏士利口酒,因为 白巧克力容易破碎的质感与泥土类似,就像最 早的印刷活体字块一样。」

为了呼应活字印刷术进展到木头字块的 演变,张明儒推出一款名为 Moving On 的鸡 尾酒,中文名字为「木」,散发波本威士忌的 木质香,但也带有发酵玫瑰酱的新鲜口感。他 表示:「发酵元素也与我们的主题有关,活字 印刷术的发展跨越许多时代,而发酵这个过程 也正是随着时间的推移而产生变化。」

另一款名为 The Copper Press 的鸡尾酒, 中文名字为「铜」,则是象征印刷术的突破。 张明儒说:「铜是工业革命的产物,随着时间 的推移,印刷师傅开始使用钢铁或其他更耐用 的金属来印字。因此,这款鸡尾酒被盛装在铜 杯中,纪念这个划时代的进步。」

「这款热带风格的鸡尾酒含有朗姆酒、椰 子和班兰,还加入自家制作的白胡椒泡沫,并 在顶部用可可粉拼出 MO 酒吧字样,再度呼应

Clay Aged Negroni

Among MO Bar’s sections is the outdoor balcony, perfect for enjoying the sunset at happy hour. MO酒吧的景观开扬,露台更是享受欢 乐时光及黄昏美景的绝佳地点。

As a fan of classic cocktails with fewer elements, Chang rounds out his menu with a good selection of martinis, sours, and old-fashioneds. He also includes creamy, sweet, and fruity mixed drinks along with some deliciously imaginative mocktails.

“We want to offer our guests both a modern and a retro experience,” he says. “I like to look at the local dining culture, too, and take inspiration from that.” And for him, teamwork is essential. The fact that the MO mixology team comes from diverse environments and cultures presents an opportunity for creativity and fruitful exchanges of ideas. “We all work together, and communication is really important to us,” says Chang. “With all these different backgrounds and personal qualities, there’s a good chance that someone will have tried something that I haven’t.”

MO Bar’s movable type printing experience continues even after the drink is poured. Guests can print out a coaster and take it home as a souvenir. “I think we have something really special here,” says Chang. “Lots of bars work with elements of Chinese style, but I think we are the first to celebrate this particular piece of Chinese history.”

印刷主题。这款鸡尾酒的味道比其他饮料更甜、更 清爽,班兰赋予它一丝东南亚风味。」

张明儒崇尚单纯的经典鸡尾酒,精选马丁尼酒、 酸酒和古典鸡尾酒勾勒出更完善的酒单风貌。此外, 酒吧也提供奶油、甜味和水果风味的鸡尾酒,以及 充满无限想象力的美味无酒精鸡尾酒。

张明儒表示:「我们希望为客人提供融合古今 魅力的体验,我个人也很喜欢深入了解当地餐饮文 化,从中寻找灵感。」他认为团队合作非常重要。

MO 酒吧的调酒团队成员都来自不同的环境和文化 背景,这也更能激发创造力与高效的脑力激荡。张 明儒解释:「因为我们要一起工作,所以沟通非常重 要,而且每个人的背景和个性都差很多,很可能有 些人曾经尝试过的做法,是我从未接触过的。」

MO 酒吧的客人不只能体验与活字印刷术完美 融合的鸡尾酒,还能当场印制出一个杯垫带回家作 纪念品。张明儒说:「我认为 MO 酒吧独一无二,许 多酒吧都融入了中国风格的元素,但我们是第一家 以此中国历史上划时代发明为主题的酒吧。」

亚 洲 新 酒 势


Asia’s 50 Best Bars 2024 highlights the creativity and growth of the vast region’s flourishing drinks scene. 2024年「亚洲50最佳酒吧」榜单出炉, 充分展现亚洲调酒业丰沛的创意与成长势能。

BBEFORE THE GALA CEREMONY at Rosewood Hong Kong opened with a showstopping Chinese dragon dance, an A-list of invited guests sipped on custom-crafted cocktails that had been curated by some of Asia’s most lauded bartenders. The occasion on July 16 was the eagerly anticipated Asia’s 50 Best Bars 2024 awards, the ninth edition of the prestigious annual event and the second one in a row to be held in the multicultural mecca that is Hong Kong.

“I am thrilled that Hong Kong claimed first place on Asia’s 50 Best Bars for four years in a row,” commented Executive Director Dane Cheng of the Hong Kong Tourism Board, which has provided support for the awards for two years. “I am also happy to reveal that this event marked the first event in a new long-term partnership with 50 Best, which will see Hong Kong host more 50 Best events over the next three years.”

Asia’s 50 Best Bars, created in 2016 with the purpose of showcasing the best and most innovative of Asia’s bar talent, was the first regional event of The World’s 50 Best Bars brand. Each year, industry professionals, drinks media representatives, and mixology experts from across Asia wait with bated breath for the announcement of the rankings, which are based on the votes of Asia’s 50 Best Bars Academy, composed of some of the most knowledgeable and well-traveled members among these groups. To accurately reflect the diversity of Asia’s drinking scene and the development and importance of the bar cultures in a variety of locations, the Academy spans dozens of cities across the continent.

In recent years, the event has branched out to include awards for achievements in sustainability, hospitality, and bar design and to recognize notable establishments and individuals for exceptional contributions to the bar scene.

With eleven destinations featured on this year’s list, from Ho Chi Minh City’s energized streets to Indonesia’s tranquil landscapes, the ceremony gathered a full spectrum of about one thousand participants from widely differing backgrounds and cultures to celebrate each other’s achievements under one roof. And by shining a spotlight on unique concepts, innovative cocktails, and talented individuals, the event has fostered growth, adaptation, and exchange of ideas across Asia’s drinks sector.

TK raises a toast to the top five bars in the rankings and to several winners of special distinctions.

于香港瑰丽酒店举行的「亚洲 50 最佳酒吧」 颁奖典礼开始之前,一群贵宾品尝着由亚洲 最受赞誉的调酒师们精心调制的鸡尾酒。 2024 年度的颁奖典礼于 7 月 16 日盛大举行, 今年来到活动的第九年,也是连续第二年在 多元文化荟萃的香港举行。

「我很高兴香港的酒吧连续四年荣登 『亚洲 50 最佳酒吧』榜首。」香港旅游发展 局已连续两年为奖项提供支持,总干事程鼎 一表示:「我也很高兴地宣布,这次活动标 志着我们与『亚洲 50 最佳酒吧』新的长期 合作伙伴关系的开端,未来三年,香港将举 办更多相关活动。」

「亚洲 50 最佳酒吧」奖项成立于 2016 年,旨在展示亚洲最优秀和最具创新精神的 调酒人才,是「世界 50 最佳酒吧」品牌的 首个区域性活动。每年,来自亚洲各地的业 界专业人士、酒饮媒体代表和调酒专家都翘 首以待,等待排名揭晓。排名由「亚洲 50 最佳酒吧」评审委员会评选,成员皆为业内 具见识和经验的专业代表。为了准确反映亚 洲调酒业的多样性,以及各地酒吧的文化发 展和重要性,委员会成员遍布亚洲数十个城 市。

近年来,活动增设了可持续发展、待客 之道和酒吧设计领域等奖项,表扬对调酒产 业有卓越贡献的知名机构和个体。

今年的榜单涵盖十一个地区,从胡志明 市充满活力的街道到印尼的宁静角落,颁奖 典礼汇聚了约一千名来自不同背景和文化的 参与者,齐聚一堂庆祝彼此的成就。通过聚 焦独特的概念、创新的鸡尾酒创作及顶尖人 才,活动期待促进亚洲调酒业的增长、砥砺 与思想交流。

让我们为排行前五,以及获得特别奖项 的酒吧举杯恭贺。


Bar Leone


The Best Bar in Asia

The Best Bar in Hong Kong Disaronno Highest New Entry Award

ONE-YEAR-OLD neighborhood hotspot Bar Leone was triplecrowned as The Best Bar in Asia 2024, The Best Bar in Hong Kong 2024, and, as the first new entry ever to be named No. 1 on the list, winner of the 2024 Disaronno Highest New Entry Award. Embodying a characteristically Italian ethos of “cocktail popolari,” meaning “cocktails for the people,” the bar is well-known for its revived classics and laid-back vibe that make it a crowd favorite. Framed football jerseys line the walls and music ranges from Italo disco to Pavarotti. It is the first solo venture of Lorenzo Antinori, who wanted to dispense with complex techniques associated with his previous posts and emphasize speed, simplicity, and spirits and ingredients, especially Italian ones, that are found on almost any back bar.

这家邻家酒吧 Bar Leone 在开业仅一年内取得了非凡 的成就 , 荣获 2024 年「亚洲最佳酒吧」、2024 年「香 港最佳酒吧」,以及 2024 年 Disaronno 最高新进榜奖。

这也是有史以来首家新上榜就夺得榜首的酒吧。Bar Leone 体现了典型的意大利精神「cocktail popolari」 (为大众而设的鸡尾酒),以复兴经典配方和轻松氛围 而闻名,深受大众喜爱。酒吧墙上挂满裱框的足球球 衣 , 音乐涵盖意大利电子音乐到帕瓦罗蒂的流派。这 家酒吧的创始人 Lorenzo Antinori 希望摆脱过往职涯 中繁琐的调酒技术,转而采用强调速度和亲和力的调 酒方式。同时巧妙地使用了几乎所有吧台都能找到的 常见烈酒和原料 , 尤其是意大利产品。



The Best Bar in Korea

WITH SUSTAINABILITY at the forefront of its menu, modern Korean bar Zest continues to hold the title of The Best Bar in Korea for a second year in a row. Founder Dohyung “Demie” Kim, named Altos Bartenders’ Bartender 2024, and his team utilize every ingredient on their compact cocktail list to minimize waste and inspire sustainable change throughout the industry. Minimalist in style, Zest celebrates local ingredients like Gujwa village carrots and specialty Jeju oranges in its Jeju Garibaldi cocktail. The orange peels are upcycled and redistilled into a house gin, and the pulp is transformed into cordial or sauerkraut. In Oh. My. G!bson, citrus cardamom gin and Italian vermouth meet local ingredients like omegi artisanal sour yakju and seasonal pickles. The bar also reduces plastic and can waste by making its own carbonated beverages.

以可持续发展为核心的现代韩式酒吧 Zest,连续第二年 蝉联「韩国最佳酒吧」称号。创始人 Dohyung “Demie”

Kim 荣获 2024 年 Altos Bartenders 调酒师奖,他和团 队在精简的鸡尾酒单上充分利用每一种原料,尽其所能 减少浪费,激励调酒产业的可持续发展。 Zest 的调酒 风格简约,透过鸡尾酒赞颂韩国当地食材,如旧左邑胡 萝卜、济州柑橘等。例如鸡尾酒「Jeju Garibaldi」,柑橘 皮被回收并重新蒸馏成自家琴酒,果肉则被制成糖浆或 蜜饯;鸡尾酒「Oh. My. G!bson,」中,柑橘小豆蔻琴酒 和意大利苦艾酒、omegi 手工酸味药酒、时令腌菜等在 地食材相遇。此外,酒吧亦透过自制碳酸饮料,减少塑 料和罐头浪费。

NAMED THE BEST BAR IN SINGAPORE for the fifth consecutive year, Jigger & Pony is an industry icon, well known for its converted classic cocktails and welcoming hospitality that has earned it the nickname “living room of the city.” Among its ever-changing roster of magazine menus, known as “menuzines,” is the latest release, Smash! Its twenty vibrant cocktails, mocktails, and sharing punches are a colorful and flavorful celebration. A case in point is Strawberry Fields, which combines tequila, local strawberries, and strawberry blossoms. Smashing Sundae is a blend of melon, green tea, shiso, and vanilla ice cream fortified with gin and vodka. Imaginative bar snacks include the masala toastie and the bikini sandwich, made with burrata, serrano ham, and black truffle.


Jigger & Pony


The Best Bar in Singapore

Jigger & Pony 连续五年被评为「新加坡最佳酒吧」, 是业界标杆,凭其改良的经典鸡尾酒和热情好客而 闻名,酒吧赢得「城市客厅」的美誉。在其不断更 新的「杂志式菜单」(menuzines)中,最新发布的 是「Smash!」。这份鸡尾酒单包括二十款色彩多样 的鸡尾酒、无酒精鸡尾酒和分享式鸡尾酒,是一场 丰富美味的品饮盛宴。其中,鸡尾酒「Strawberry Fields」混合了龙舌兰酒、当地草莓和草莓花; 「Smashing Sundae」混合了哈密瓜、绿茶、紫苏和 香草冰淇淋,并添加了琴酒和伏特加。这里也提供 创意酒吧小食,如马萨拉吐司、由布拉塔奶酪、西 班牙火腿和黑松露制成的比基尼三明治等。




LAST YEAR, this intimate, candle-lit stellar standout became the first bar ever to be named three times as No.1 on the list of Asia’s 50 Best Bars. It launched in 2019 with the Highest New Entry Award, and in 2020, owner-bartender Jay Khan won the Altos Bartenders’ Bartender Award. Aptly named for the machete-like tool employed in harvesting the plant that is distilled into tequila and mezcal, COA offers Hong Kong’s largest array of agave-based spirits. Khan, who has visited every distillery on the list of two hundred bottles, dispenses his deep knowledge on the topic along with signature drinks like La Paloma de Oaxaca, a blend of grapefruit, mezcal, and tequila. In 2022, he opened a branch, COA Shanghai, and 2023 saw the debut of The Savory Project in Hong Kong.

去年,这间氛围魅密的精致酒吧成为有史以来首间三度 获评「亚洲 50 最佳酒吧」榜首的酒吧。COA 于 2019 年 以最高新进榜奖之姿亮相;2020 年,老板兼调酒师的 Jay Khan 荣获 Altos Bartenders’ 调酒师奖。COA 以「收割采 摘龙舌兰的砍刀」命名,植物可蒸馏成龙舌兰酒和梅斯卡 尔酒,也恰好反映了这间酒吧拥有香港种类最多的龙舌兰 酒。Jay 亲自造访过酒单上两百瓶酒的每一间酒厂,在提 供招牌饮品如 La Paloma de Oaxaca(混合葡萄柚、梅斯 卡尔酒和龙舌兰酒)的同时,也传授他对这个主题的深入 见解。2022 年,他在上海开设分店 COA Shanghai。2023 年,他的 The Savory Project 在香港首次亮相。

Bar Benfiddich


The Best Bar in Japan

AWARDED THE TITLE THE BEST BAR IN JAPAN 2024, this fifteen-seat establishment in the heart of Tokyo is noted for its farmto-glass ethos. Ingredients are grown on owner-bartender Hiroyasu Kayama’s family farm, roots and native vegetation are personally foraged, and many of the bar’s unique glassware pieces come from his personal collection. Bar Benfiddich’s apothecary-inspired interior blends past and present. Cultural artifacts from days past are displayed along with homemade tinctures and aged herbal liquors, stuffed owls, one hundred different bottles of absinthe, and rare antique glassware. Behind the bar’s walnut counter, Kayama works his mixological magic using everything from juniper berries and wormwood to anise to fennel in his custom-made cocktails.

荣获 2024 年「日本最佳酒吧」称号的 Bar Benfiddich 坐落于东京心脏地带,店内仅有 15 个座 位,以其「从农场到酒杯」的理念而闻名。原料来 自老板兼调酒师 Hiroyasu Kayama 的家族农场,根 茎和本土植物皆为人手亲自采集,酒吧许多独特的 玻璃器皿均来自他的个人收藏。Bar Benfiddich 的 装潢灵感源自药房,融合古今元素。酒吧亦展示了 文化古董、自制酊剂、陈年草本利口酒、猫头鹰标 本、一百种不同的苦艾酒,以及珍稀古董玻璃器皿。 在胡桃木吧台后方,Hiroyasu 运用杜松子、苦艾草、 茴香、茴香籽等原料,施展他的调酒魔法,调出独 一无二的作品。

The St. Regis Bar


The Best Bar in Macau

EMBODYING THE GLAMOUR and nostalgia of New York’s golden era, The St. Regis Bar Macao offers sophisticated luxury, stunning décor, and stellar service. Mixologist Kevin Lai presides over a gleaming onyx bar set amid sumptuous furnishings, crystal accents, and soft jazz from the piano. On the menu are imaginative takes on cocktail classics, including the Maria do Leste, the bar’s signature variation on the Bloody Mary, containing Macau-inspired ingredients like Portuguese chorizo, black vinegar, and Chinese peppercorns. In tune with the bar’s ambience, many of Lai’s creations reference New York, like Times Square, A Day in West Village, and Garnet Sour, a reimagined New York sour that adds ruby port in honor of Portuguese immigration to the US in the 1940s. “The drink list can be diverse,” says Lai, “but your style needs to be distinct. We get guests coming back by making sure every visit is fresh.”

澳门瑞吉酒吧体现了纽约黄金时代的魅力和怀旧 情怀,精致奢华,装潢迷人,服务水平超卓。在 华丽的家具、水晶装饰、柔和钢琴爵士乐的围绕中, 调酒师 Kevin Lai(赖祥如)掌管闪闪发光的玛瑙 吧台。鸡尾酒单上有许多想象力十足的经典鸡尾酒 改良版,如招牌鸡尾酒 Maria do Leste,融入了葡 式腊肠、黑醋、花椒等澳门本地特色元素,重塑了 经典的血腥玛丽。赖祥如的许多创作都以纽约为 主题,呼应酒吧氛围,如:Times Square、A Day in West Village 和 Garnet Sour。其中 Garnet Sour 加入了红宝石波特酒,是对经典 New York Sour 的重新演绎,以纪念 1940 年代赴美移民的葡萄牙 人。赖祥如表示:「酒单可以多种多样,但风格必 须有与众不同的差异性。我们确保客人每次光临 的体验都是新鲜的,从而吸引他们回访 。」


BKK Social Club

The Best Bar in Thailand

BANGKOK MEETS BUENOS AIRES in engaging, gardenlike surroundings at BKK Social Club at the Four Seasons Hotel Bangkok at Chao Phraya River. The sophisticated cocktail menu, curated by Beverage Manager Philip Bischoff, a native of Berlin, is an Argentina-inspired tribute to the lively Buenos Aires bar scene of the 1970s and 80s and to some of the country’s legendary personalities. The bar’s signature Evita, for example, is a classy tribute to an iconic figure. Made with Plantation Pineapple Rum, Campari, Aperol, citrus mix, bay leaf, and cinnamon syrup, it pairs the bitterness of a Negroni with the tang of a sour. Argentinian ingredients feature on the menu, including yerba mate and apple, along with craft spirits like Principe de los Apostoles gin and a lineup of house-made infusions and macerations.

曼谷湄南河畔曼谷四季酒店的 BKK Social Club 拥有花园般的环境, 如将曼谷与布宜诺斯艾利斯融为一体。酒吧精致的鸡尾酒单由来 自柏林的饮品经理 Philip Bischoff 精心策划,以阿根廷风格致敬 20 世纪 70、80 年代充满活力的布宜诺斯艾利斯酒吧风光,以及 该国的传奇人物。例如,酒吧的招牌鸡尾酒 Evita 是对一位知名 人物的优雅致敬。这款酒由 Plantation 凤梨兰姆酒、金巴利香甜 酒、艾普罗香甜酒、柑橘混合果汁、月桂叶和肉桂糖浆调制而成, 将尼格罗尼的苦味与酸味融合。鸡尾酒菜单上以阿根廷食材为主, 包括马黛茶、苹果等,以及 Principe de los Apostoles 琴酒等手工 烈酒和一系列自制浸泡酒与浸渍酒 。

The Savory Project

London Essence Best New Opening Award

ON THE HEELS of the stunning success of Hong Kong’s COA, its cofounders, Jay Khan and Ajit Gurung, have opened their newest venture, The Savory Project, a welcoming bar done up in warm earth tones and a mix of marble, metal, wood, and stone. As its name implies, the cocktail concept is to downplay sweetness, celebrate complex and nuanced flavors, and feature unorthodox ingredients with an accent on savory and umami notes. Often inspired by food recipes that call for ingredients normally found in the kitchen, the bar’s drinks contain such items as beef jerky, fungus, corn husks, Japanese white soy sauce, and brine. The menu creates equity for all by offering two sections, Hedonism for those partaking of spirits, and Temperance for those who prefer the bar’s selection of specially crafted nonalcoholic drinks.

继香港 COA 取得惊人成就后,联合创始人 Jay Khan 和 Ajit Gurung 又启动了另一项新

计画 —— The Savory Project。这家温馨的 酒吧以温润的大地色调为装饰特色,融合 了大理石、金属、木材和石材。正如酒吧 名称所暗示,这里的鸡尾酒概念是淡化甜 味、并强调复杂而微妙的风味,以使用明 显咸味和鲜味的非传统食材为特色。这里 的鸡尾酒经常受家常料理食谱启发,用上 像牛肉干、菌类、玉米皮、日本白酱油、 盐水等原料。此外,这里的鸡尾酒菜单为 满足多元需求,分为两部分:「享乐主义」 给烈酒爱好者,以及偏好无酒精特调的「温 和主义」。

Hope & Sesame


The Best Bar in Mainland China

THIS TECHNIQUE- driven speakeasy, the first of its kind to open in Guangzhou, has gone from strength to strength since its founding in 2016. Concealed behind a nondescript cha chaan teng in a quaint district filled with Cantonese curio shops, it has staked its claim on the list of Asia’s 50 Best Bars for six years in a row. In a formerly stick-to-tradition bar scene, Hope & Sesame has introduced such modern mixology trends as centrifugal clarification, sousvide infusions, slow-cooking, and rotary distillation. Inventive menus with names like The Kitchen Pantry and To the Flavours have explored a global range of unusual flavors. The bar’s Truffle Banana cocktail, for example, achieves a rich complexity by combining spiced banana bread liqueur, fermented banana distillate, black truffle honey, and applewood-smoked sticky rice wine.

这间以技术为主导的隐藏式酒吧是广州第一家走这 类风格的酒吧,自 2016 年成立以来不断壮大。在一 个满布粤式古玩店的古雅街区内,酒吧隐身在一家不 起眼的冰室后方,并已连续六年入选「亚洲 50 最佳 酒吧」榜单。在从前墨守成规的调酒年代,庙前冰 室已引入离心澄清、真空低温烹调、慢煮和旋转蒸 馏等现代调酒技术。其自家研发、名为 The Kitchen Pantry 和 To the Flavours  的创意鸡尾酒单探索了全 球各种不寻常的风味。例如,酒吧的松露香蕉鸡尾酒 通过混合芳香香蕉蛋糕利口酒、发酵香蕉蒸馏精华、 黑松露蜂蜜和苹果木熏糯米酒,创造出丰富复杂的味 蕾组合。

The Best Bar in Taiwan Vender

THIS BAR’S UNIQUE and quirky concept is inspired by the ubiquitous vending machine. To gain access, guests must insert a coin in the machine at the entrance, after which they are welcomed with a small-sized Singapore Sling. Founded by Summer Chen and Darren Lim, Vender offers bottled cocktails and beers from vending machines and also encourages guests to explore the menu by selecting capsules that denote each cocktail and its main ingredients, which often include herbs and spices from Southeast Asia. Smoking her first Cuban cigar was Chen’s inspiration for The Cigar Vending Machine cocktail, made with dark rum, red wine syrup, fresh lemon juice, egg white, and aromatized wine and chocolate bitters smoked with Taiwanese cypress wood chips.

这间酒吧奇趣又古怪的概念灵感来自随处可见的自动贩卖 机。客人必须在入口处机器中投币才能进入,内进后会收到 一小杯迎宾的新加坡司令鸡尾酒。Vender 由 Summer Chen 及 Darren Lim 创立,提供在自动售货机贩售的瓶装鸡尾酒 和啤酒,他们还鼓励客人通过选择标有每种鸡尾酒及其主 要成分的胶囊来探索酒单,这些成分通常为来自东南亚的 草药和香料。Summer 第一次抽古巴雪茄的经历成为「雪茄 自动贩卖机」鸡尾酒的灵感来源,这种鸡尾酒由黑朗姆酒、 红酒糖浆、新鲜柠檬汁、蛋白、香料葡萄酒和用台湾柏木片 熏制的巧克力苦精制成。



Nikka Highest Climber Award

The Best Bar in Malaysia

RISING AN ASTOUNDING forty-two places on the list of Asia’s 50 Best Bars from its debut ranking in 2023, Penrose has achieved the Nikka Highest Climber Award 2024 as well as the title of The Best Bar in Malaysia 2024. Led by Jon Lee, Penrose encourages interaction across the bar in an intimate ambience. Its innovative and holistic approach centers on each cocktail’s “compound structure” of five elements: alcohol, flavor, taste, body, and dilution.

Penrose 自 2023 年首次入选以来,在「亚洲 50 佳酒吧」榜单中上 升了 42 位,并获得 2024 年 Nikka 最大跃进奖及 2024 年「马来西 亚最佳酒吧」称号。在 Jon Lee 的带领下, Penrose 鼓励宾客与调 酒师在亲密氛围中进行互动。其创新和全面的风格以每种鸡尾酒的 「复合结构」为中心,聚集了酒精、风味、口感、酒体和浓度五个元素。



Ketel One Sustainable Bar Award

LED BY SASHA WIJIDESSA and Christina Rasmussen, gastrobar Fura takes an approach to sustainability that spans the bar’s every element, from food waste and staff well-being, to responsible sourcing and community support. Every possible thing is upcycled, recycled, or repurposed. When the neighboring oyster bar was tossing its shells, Fura began reusing them as coasters. Cocktails, often featuring surplus and invasive ingredients, include the Jellyfish Martini, a gin martini with invasive jellyfish, fish leaf, and kombu oil.

在 Sasha Wijidessa 和 Christina Rasmussen 的领导下, 美食酒吧 Fura 采取可持续发展的方针,涵盖了酒吧的 方方面面,从食物浪费、员工福利、负责任采购及社 区支持。他们把握任何物品可以升级再造、被回收或 重新利用的机会。举例来说,当邻近的生蚝吧要丢弃 蚝壳时,Fura 将它们重新利用制成杯垫。酒吧的鸡尾 酒以经常利用厨余和入侵性物种为特色,像是「水母 马丁尼酒」,这是一款琴酒马丁尼,并加入了入侵性水 母、鱼叶和海带油调制而成。

Yangdup Lama


Roku Industry Icon Award

LIVING LEGEND and trailblazer of Indian mixology Yangdup Lama began his love affair with cocktail-making early in his career, when he filled in behind the bar one night. He went on to found Cocktails and Dreams, a mobile barkeeping service for events, as well as Cocktails and Dreams School of Bar and Beverage Management. Today, his acclaimed Sidecar in New Delhi has ranked among Asia’s Best Bars for four years in a row.

印度调酒界的传奇人物和先驱 Yangdup Lama,在职涯初期一 次替班调酒的机缘下,展开了他与调酒的亲密关系。后来他创 立 Cocktails and Dreams,专门为活动提供移动调酒服务,以及 Cocktails and Dreams 酒吧和调酒管理学校。如今,他在新德里 备受赞誉的 Sidecar 已连续四年入选「亚洲最佳酒吧」榜单。

Virtù TOKYO 东京

Michter’s Art of Hospitality Award

THIS OPULENT BAR at Four Seasons Hotel Tokyo at Otemachi offers Art Deco interiors, Parisian-style gilded embellishments, and an unparalleled guest experience that effortlessly blends influences of French and Japanese drinking cultures. Virtù presents micro-seasonal cocktails in artisanal Japanese glassware along with fun and flair in every aspect of its impeccable service. “For us,” says Head Bartender Keith Motsi, “the deep-rooted Japanese cultural practice of omotenashi, which means wholeheartedly looking after a guest, epitomizes hospitality.”

这间位于东京大手町四季酒店的豪华酒吧,采用装饰艺术风格的内部装潢,巴黎风镀 金装饰,配以无与伦比的顾客体验,将法国和日本饮酒文化的精髓完美地融合在一起。

Virtù 以精美的日本手工玻璃器皿奉上微型季节性鸡尾酒,并在其无可挑剔的服 务中处处呈现乐趣和风格。首席调酒师 Keith Motsi 表示:「对我们来说,深植于日本 文化中的『款待精神』(omotenashi),就是要全心全意照顾客人,成为热情好客的 典范。」



Bareksten Best Bar Design Award ign Award

BEHIND THE IMPOSING ART DECO FAÇADE of Singapore’s Parkview Square, known as “the Gotham City building,” lies Atlas, the edifice’s Jazz Age-inspired lobby bar that is the inaugural winner of the Bareksten Best Bar Design Award. Lofty frescoed ceilings, glittering chandeliers, and sumptuous Spanish-flavored furnishings are dominated by a twelve-meter-high bronze tower holding more than thirteen hundred bottles of gin and accessed by an elegant staircase. Below it lies a rose gold Champagne room filled with hundreds of labels.

新加坡百威广场拥有雄伟的装饰艺术复兴风格外观,被称为 「哥谭市大厦」,Atlas 就座落于此。这间大堂酒吧以爵士时 代为风格灵感,是首届 Bareksten 最佳酒吧设计奖的获奖者。

酒吧拥有高耸的壁画天花板、晶光闪闪的水晶吊灯及奢华的 西班牙风格家具,其中最引人注目的是一座 12 米高的酒塔, 存放超过 1300 瓶琴酒,可通过优雅的楼梯内进。酒塔下方 有一个玫瑰金香槟室,存放着数百款香槟。

Nest by Pun



Siete Misterios Best Cocktail Menu Award

OPEN TO ANY BAR IN THE WORLD, whether or not it has made The World’s 50 Best Bars list, the Siete Misterios Award of Asia’s 50 Best Bars this year went to casual drinkery Nest by Pun. Guests descend into a moody space with a honeycombed interior and hexagonal tables. The clever, centrally bound cocktail menu, Tales of Nest, rotates to present nine categories, each offering two creations grouped by a common ingredient or technique and paired with flavor profile descriptions and an apt quote.

Siete Misterios 奖项开放给全球任何酒吧参与,无论其是否入选「世界 50 最佳酒吧」名单, 而今年「亚洲 50 最佳酒吧」的 Siete Misterios 最佳鸡尾酒单奖就颁给了轻松惬意的 Nest by Pun。酒吧空间以蜂巢概念为核心,内部摆放着六角形结构桌子,充满情调。巧妙设计 的鸡尾酒单 Tales of Nest,可旋转展示九个饮品类别;每个类别提供相互的两杯创意调酒, 以共同原料或调酒技巧分组,附随上风味描述和细味引言。



1. Bar Leone (Hong Kong)

2. Zest (Seoul)

3. Jigger & Pony (Singapore)

4. COA (Hong Kong)

5. Bar Benfiddich (Tokyo)

6. Nutmeg & Clove (Singapore)

7. BKK Social Club (Bangkok)

8. Penrose (Kuala Lumpur)

9. ARGO (Hong Kong)

10. The Aubrey (Hong Kong)

11. Virtù (Tokyo)

12. The Cocktail Club (Jakarta)

13. Vesper (Bangkok)

14. Hope & Sesame (Guangzhou)

15. Sago House (Singapore)

16. Night Hawk (Singapore)

17. Darkside (Hong Kong)

18. Mahaniyom Cocktail Bar (Bangkok)

19. The Savory Project (Hong Kong)

20. Bar Cham (Seoul)

21. Bar Us (Bangkok)

22. The St. Regis Bar (Macau)

23. The SG Club (Tokyo)

24. Penicillin (Hong Kong)

25. Offtrack (Singapore)

26. Quinary (Hong Kong)

27. Pantja (Jakarta)

28. Craftroom (Osaka)

29. Smoke & Bitters (Hiriketiya)

30. Vender (Taichung)

31. Native (Singapore)

32. Origin Bar (Singapore)

33. The Curator (Manila)

34. The Bellwood (Tokyo)

35. Analogue Initiative (Singapore)

36. Bar Trigona (Kuala Lumpur)

37. Bar Mood (Taipei)

38. Employees Only (Singapore)

39. Barc (Kathmandu)

40. ZLB23 (Bengaluru)

41. Reka (Kuala Lumpur)

42. Fura (Singapore)

43. CMYK (Changsha)

44. The Public House (Taipei)

45. Mostly Harmless (Hong Kong)

46. Alice (Seoul)

47. The Halflington (Hanoi)

48. Le Chamber (Seoul)

49. Atlas (Singapore)

50. Pine & Co (Seoul)



Head of Content for 50 Best Bars & Hotels, Emma Sleight tells Lucy Morgan what makes a fabulous cocktail menu. § 50 Best Bars & Hotels 内容主管 Emma Sleight与TK分享一份精采的鸡尾酒单应具备哪些条件。

How should bars go about creating their cocktail menus?

Bars need to appeal to consumers with different palates. The range of drinks is crucial, but the drinks menu should also be in line with the bar’s identity. Good bar menus often offer great storytelling to consumers – and that’s equally important. As is innovation. A great classic will always be well received, but finding something new for consumers that they haven’t tried before – that is increasingly sought after.

Please tell us about the Siete Misterios Best Cocktail Menu Award.

It’s open to any bar around the world, whether it has been ranked in The World’s 50 Best Bars list before or not. There are no specific criteria for any bar to meet. It can be newly opened, old, small, large. This award was created to recognize the incredible research and development that can go into the process of creating a cocktail menu and sharing it with consumers. It helps to amplify diverse voices within the industry.

How does judging work?

There are five assessment criteria: design and layout, storytelling, innovation, range of drinks, and communication of the bar’s identity. There are regional and global awards. We’ve seen previous winners focus on things like using unusual ingredients and sustainability. North America’s 50 Best Bars 2024 winner based its menu on a historical event that happened in their city. It’s also about how these cocktails work together to create an ultimate menu.

怎样才算是一份优秀的鸡尾酒单? 酒吧需要吸引不同口味的消费者。饮品种类固然重要,但鸡尾酒单选 择更应符合酒吧的形象,并忠于酒吧的特质。好的鸡尾酒单经常能带来精彩 的叙事,这点非常重要。创新当然不可或缺。经典的鸡尾酒毫无疑问会受到 好评与青睐,但重点是为消费者提供未曾尝试过的新事物,这是越来越受欢 迎的趋势。

请跟我们分享 Siete Misterios 最佳鸡尾酒单奖的详情。

全球任何酒吧都可以参加 Siete Misterios 最佳鸡尾酒单奖,就算未曾 登上前五十最佳榜单的也能参加。参赛不需要符合任何特定标准,不论是新 开设、既有、小型或是大型酒吧,只要填写线上表单就能轻松参赛。设立这 个奖项的目的是表扬设计优秀的鸡尾酒单,特别是店家在开发与研究酒单时 的创意与心血,并把成果与消费者分享。有更多酒吧来参赛角逐,能让业界 多元、不同的声音被更多人听见。

What stands out about Asia’s cocktail scene?

Asia is a young and dynamic drinks market with great cultural diversity across the region and plenty of innovation. There’s a lot of openness to integrating different ingredients and techniques. The Siete Misterios Best Cocktail Menu has a regional iteration for Asia’s 50 Best Bars. This year’s award was taken home by Nest by Pun for their Tales of Nest menu. Of course, anywhere is eligible to win the global award at The World’s 50 Best Bars. It’s entirely possible for a bar in the region to win.


鸡尾酒单的评选有五项核心评审标准:分别是设计与排版、叙事能力、 创新性、饮品种类及酒吧形象的传达。评选分地区性和全球性奖项。从过去 的获奖者中,我们看到他们关注的重点包括使用不寻常的食材和可持续发展, 如 2024 年「北美 50 最佳酒吧」的获奖者就根据他们所在城市发生的历史 事件来创作鸡尾酒单。评选的标准在于如何把这些鸡尾酒搭配在一起,创造 最终的组合呈献。


亚洲是一个年轻、充满活力的饮品市场。整个区域文化十分丰富多元, 且持续创新,乐于接纳各种不同的食材和调酒技巧。本年度「亚洲 50 最佳 酒吧」的 Siete Misterios 最佳鸡尾酒单奖由 Nest by Pun 的 Tales of Nest 鸡 尾酒单获得。事实上,任何地区的酒吧都有机会赢得「世界 50 最佳酒吧」 的 Siete Misterios 最佳鸡尾酒单奖 亚洲地区的酒吧也相当有潜力。



Tasting Kitchen’s Mamie Chen chats with Lorenzo Antinori, the visionary bartender behind Bar Leone, about his journey, philosophy, and creative process. Known for his distinguished career at renowned bars like the American Bar at The Savoy and Dandelyan, both in London, and ARGO at Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong, Lorenzo has now turned the focus of his new venture to simplicity and approachability. In an exciting turn of events, just two days after the interview, Bar Leone was named The Best Bar in Asia 2024, becoming the first new entry in history to be ranked No. 1 on the list of Asia’s 50 Best Bars. § Tasting Kitchen 的 Mamie Chen 访问香港知名酒吧Bar Leone 的调酒师Lorenzo Antinori, 在访谈中讨 论他担任调酒师的心路历程、理念和创作过程。Lorenzo曾在伦敦The Savoy酒店的The American Bar、Dandelyon酒吧、香港四季酒店的 ARGO酒吧掌舵,早以闻名业界。现在的他开设了一家自己的酒吧, 致力追求简约、轻松友善的风格氛围。令人惊喜的是,Lorenzo接受 采访两天后,Bar Leone 便荣登2024年「亚洲50最佳酒吧」第一名, 更是首间首次上榜就获得此荣誉的酒吧。

Can you tell us about your journey as a bartender?

I did law school for three years, but I wasn’t very good at it! So, I took a sabbatical year to travel in Australia and worked in a bar, and I loved it! The environment, the energy, always connecting with new people. That was the fun part. But I also became interested in the craftsmanship behind the cocktail making.

My first real bartending job was at The Savoy in London at the American Bar, one of the oldest cocktail bars in Europe. Later, I became curious about different approaches, so I worked with Mr. Lyan at Dandelyan. He has a very innovative, very radical approach. Then I moved to South Korea, and I had to mold myself into the Asian bar scene. So I took all my experiences in London and found my own direction and style. Here in Hong Kong, ARGO is definitely very, very innovative. I think the program we set up was unique and a little bit ahead of its time. With Bar Leone, I’m going back to the things that I really like, which are the beauty of simplicity and the question of how can we take something simple and make it very unique.

Lorenzo Antinori

The term “simple” may mean different things to different people. What does it mean to you?

For me, simplicity is the way we filter our ideas, as complex as they might be, and translate them into a very accessible language. Of course in the process, there’s a lot of study and research. The challenge is taking an idea that might sound simple, adding layers to make it unique, but keeping the idea approachable and easy to digest.

For example, the Filthy Martini is our take on a dirty martini. We have in-house smoked olives that people went crazy for and became a signature on our food menu. The brine has a unique flavor that is like smoked meat or barbecue. So, we decided to use that with vodka for the martini. It’s so simple. I mean, it’s just two ingredients, right? But it’s incredibly delicious.

Our Olive Oil Sour is basically a whiskey sour with extra-virgin olive oil from Italy. It takes the drink into a different dimension with the texture and flavor profile. There are different techniques that can be applied to use oils and fats in cocktails. We just dump it in the shaker and shake it hard. Sometimes when I explain this very simple method, even bartenders are surprised. Often people are searching for a larger-than-life concept, but sometimes the best answers are just next to us.

What inspired you to make this change in style and approach from ARGO to Bar Leone?

I was getting tired of focusing so much on just the cocktail aspect. And I think Covid also pushed people into wanting a different type of experience, where conviviality is put at the front. People want good, personal service and don’t want to break their wallet. I think that’s what drove me in the direction of more accessible fun.

Our motto is “cocktail popolari,” which means “cocktails for the people.” Our drinks are approachable. They’re balanced. Guests don’t need a dictionary to understand the ingredients or a deep explanation of the root causes behind the drink. We don’t talk about techniques or the machinery we use to extract flavors. Because I don’t think that’s important in this bar experience. We’re a neighborhood bar, and as long as the guests have a good time, that’s what really matters.

可否跟我们分享您当调酒师的职涯经 验?

我在法学院读了三年,但念得不是太 好!于是就休学一年到澳洲旅行,并在当地 酒吧工作,结果就爱上调酒了!我喜欢酒吧 的工作环境、氛围,而且你常常能认识新朋 友,互相交流,都是这份工作有趣的部分, 不过我也对鸡尾酒制作技法充满兴趣。

我第一份真正的调酒工作是在伦敦 The Savoy 酒店的 The American Bar,这是 欧洲历史最悠久的酒吧之一。后来我对于新 的调酒方法充满好奇,因而前往 Dandelyan 酒吧与 Lyan 先生共事,他的调酒风格具突 破性,充满创新。接着我搬到韩国,努力融 入亚洲酒吧环境。结合自己在伦敦的经验, 我慢慢摸索出个人方向和风格。回到香港, ARGO 绝对是数一数二创新的酒吧,我觉得 当时我们设计的鸡尾酒单不只独特,更是有 点超前时代。而在 Bar Leone,我回归到自 己真正喜欢的简单美学。我不断问自己,如 何可以把简单的东西变得非常独特? 「简单」这个词对不同的人来说可能有不 同的理解。对您而言,何谓「简单」?

对我来说,简单是自身思考方式和传 达的过滤。想法本身可能很复杂,但是我 们能以浅显易懂的方式表达出来,当然这 个过程要进行很多研究,最大的挑战往往 在于如何把看似简单的想法加入更多层次, 使其变得独特 同时却要以容易理解、 平易近人的方式传达给他人。

例如,Filthy Martini 是经过我们独特 诠释的脏马丁尼,使用了本店自制的烟熏 橄榄。这款烟熏橄榄不但大受顾客欢迎, 甚至还成为了我们的招牌菜。其中所用的 盐水具有一种类似熏肉或烧烤的特别气味, 所以我们就决定用带有烟熏味的盐水和伏 特加来调制马丁尼,组合非常简单,我的 意思是,成分就只有这两种,但它的风味 却是绝妙香醇。

我们的 Olive Oil Sour 基本上是威士忌 酸酒混合意大利的特级初榨橄榄油。橄榄 油为鸡尾酒的口感和风味带来完全不同的 层次。在调制鸡尾酒时,萃取油脂风味入 酒的方法有很多种。我的方式是把油倒入 摇酒器中,用力摇晃即可。我跟别人解释 这个超级简单的方法时,有时连调酒师都 会感到惊讶。人们经常尝试寻觅超乎寻常 的概念,但有时最好的答案就在我们身边。

Olive oil whiskey sour

“We’re a neighborhood bar, and as long as the guests have a good time, that’s what really matters.

我们是一间邻家酒吧,舒适愉悦。 客人玩得开心,才是最重要的。”

What is in store for the future?

I like to see myself as a dynamic person. I like to change my mind about a lot of things. Maybe in a few years, I’ll buy the biggest distillery, or maybe I’ll open another bar that’s all about innovation. I don’t know. I think as a bartender, it’s important to be flexible and be ready to embrace new ideas and new styles. The market, consumer preferences, and technology all change so fast. So we need to be fast as well.

Now that it has been crowned The Best Bar in Asia 2024, what does this achievement mean for Bar Leone and for you?

We’re extremely proud. It’s an incredible honor being recognized amongst many friends and fantastic bars. At the same time, we’ll keep working on creating good bar experiences for our patrons. They are our main priority.

What do you think sets Bar Leone apart from other bars in Asia, leading to this incredible recognition?

The most common feedback we got from guests and fellow bartenders is how Bar Leone’s vibe and atmosphere are unique. I love this compliment because it means that people feel comfortable when at the bar and that the cocktails are not necessarily the most important thing.

How do you plan to keep the momentum going and ensure that Bar Leone continues to delight your guests?

We’ll keep pushing to improve ourselves with the service, food, and cocktail program, and we’ll work on projects that excite us and our patrons and keep spreading the “cocktail popolari” gospel.

从 ARGO 到 Bar Leone,您的风格和技法都有所转变,灵感来 自于什么呢?

我有点厌倦只关注鸡尾酒。我认为疫情也促使人们追求不同类 型的体验,并将尽兴、欢乐放在首位。人们想要优质、个性化的服务, 并且不想破费。我想这就是驱使我转向更普罗大众、趣味欢愉路线 的原因。

Bar Leone 的座右铭是「cocktail popolari」,意思是指为大众 而设的鸡尾酒。我们的饮品平易近人、均衡,客人不需要字典就能 了解调酒的材料,也不需要探究每款调酒背后的复杂由来。我们不 用高谈阔论店里萃取风味的技术或机器,因为我觉得这对酒吧体验 并不重要,我们是一间邻家酒吧,舒适愉悦。客人玩得开心,才是 最重要的。

您期许 Bar Leone 未来如何发展? 我喜欢把自己看作是一个充满活力的人。对很多事情我保持多 变、不设限制。也许几年后,我会买下规模最大的酿酒厂,也许会 开另一家以创新为特色的酒吧,我不知道,但我认为作为一名调酒 师,保持灵活变通,并随时作好准备迎接崭新理念与风格很重要。 市场、消费者口味和偏好及技术趋势都如此瞬息万变,我们因此也 需要快速同步。

现在,Bar Leone 已荣获 2024 年「亚洲 50 最佳酒吧」首位, 这对 Bar Leone 和您来说意味着什么?

荣获此殊荣让我们感到非常自豪,能与众多出色的酒吧和朋友 一起获得认可是莫大的荣幸。与此同时,我们将继续努力为顾客创 造良好的酒吧体验,这是我们最重要的任务。

您认为 Bar Leone 与亚洲其他酒吧有何不同,并因此获得如此 殊荣?

我们最常从客人和调酒师获得的反馈是 Bar Leone 拥有非常独 特的氛围和气氛,这种称赞让我很快乐,因为这表示他们在这里感 觉很舒服,而鸡尾酒反倒变得不那么重要了。

您打算如何保持目前的优势,并确保 Bar Leone 持续取悦客人?

我们会继续努力提升店内服务、菜式和调酒规划,努力打造 让自己和顾客都喜欢且兴奋的项目,继续传播「 cocktail popolari 」 福音。

Bar Leone’s Italian-flavored décor contributes to a classically comfortable ambience.
Bar Leone



At The St. Regis Macao, Mixologist Kevin Lai presides over the city’s most highly rated bar.

THIS JULY, at the ninth annual Asia’s 50 Best Bars awards, not only did The St. Regis Bar at The St. Regis Macao vault to twenty-second place in the rankings, but the iconic bar won the title of The Best Bar in Macau 2024. Following the announcement, a lavish celebration was held for management, associates, invited guests, and Mixologist Kevin Lai.

Lai, originally from Taipei, is undoubtedly one of the key figures behind The St. Regis Bar’s rapid ascent. Over a decade ago, while still studying financial management in university, he discovered his love of mixology. With the help of part-time jobs, he slowly grew an impressive skill set and career portfolio.

Despite starting later than many of his peers, Lai showed a zeal for mixology that quickly made up for lost time. With clear goals and a drive to achieve them, he ventured overseas, working in Beijing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Macau. Through international bartending competitions and guest bartending stints, he deepened his understanding of mixology. As word of mouth grew, Lai soon acquired a reputation as one of Asia’s rising bartenders.

今年七月,在第九届「亚洲 50 最佳酒吧」颁

奖礼,主持人在宣布澳门瑞吉酒店的「瑞吉酒 吧」拿下第二十二名最佳排名之时,也一并颁 予「澳门最佳酒吧」奖项。为了庆祝这项荣誉, 一众酒店管理层、员工、贵宾与酒吧调酒师赖 祥如(Kevin)一起举办了一场热闹的庆祝活动。

这位来自台北的大男孩,无疑是其中一 个让酒吧获奖的关键人物。Kevin 感慨回忆起 十年前在大学念理财与税务规划时,意外发 现对调酒的兴趣,透过兼职实战, 反覆确认自己的能力及职涯目标。


他的起步或许比同辈为晚, 但他一直专注向着标杆直跑,也 敢勇闯海外,到北京、广州、港 澳市场试水温,且借着各种国际 调酒比赛及客座活动,累积口碑 与名声,成为亚洲调酒界的一颗新星。

Localization and sustainability have become hot topics in the world of mixology, but Lai has always believed that it’s the experience a mixologist brings to the craft that wins fans. Today’s guests are well traveled, and many have experienced some of the best the bartending world has to offer. “We have to keep improving every day,” he says. “We get guests coming back by making sure every visit is fresh. The drink list can be diverse, but your style needs to be distinctive.”

As part of his “continuing education,” Lai laughs, he has traveled to many cities like Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Changsha, and Taipei to visit bars. Thanks to such trips, he has made friends with many of Asia’s top

尽管全球调酒界近年吹起「在地化」、「可 持续调酒」风潮,Kevin 一直认为能收服人心 的始终是体验。他观察到现代客人经常旅游, 并会特意到访当地著名酒吧尝新,作为其中一 个行程,让酒客的见识越来越广阔。「我们也 得不停进步,我认为掳获他们的方法,就是持 续给予他们新鲜感 酒单既能展现多样性, 但定位、风格必须非常鲜明。」 他笑言,他多次到访香港、深圳、长沙 和台北,每次都是为了跑到有名的酒吧「进修」; 但却也因为这样,他与各地调酒师建立起友谊,

Mixologist Kevin Lai

“Everyone on our team here brings enthusiasm and takes the initiative to offer new ideas or new cocktail creations.

我们的团队都充满活力,向心力很强; 也会主动提出想法,创作新调酒。 ”


Lai crafts this cocktail, inspired by the melting pot of diversity in New York City’s Times Square, with distilled lavender gin, butterscotch liqueur, and blueberries. 以纽约曼哈顿的时代广场为蓝本。Kevin 受当地的多元文化启发,于是以蒸馏薰衣 草杜松子酒、焦糖利口酒、蓝莓等创出这 杯风味纷陈的鸡尾酒。

mixologists while also putting The St. Regis Bar on the map for visitors to Macau. “After a visit to The St. Regis Macao, I always take them to see the Ruins of Saint Paul’s,” he says.

Lai attributes much of the bar’s success to the work of his team. “Everyone on our team here brings enthusiasm and takes the initiative to offer new ideas or new cocktail creations.” What he calls “team cohesion” has been built on work trips to Japan and Singapore, where they spent time socializing together.

让瑞吉酒吧成为业内人访澳必到的酒吧。「然后我就带 他们到大三巴牌坊参观、拍照,久而久之成为了固定 行程。」

言谈谦逊的 Kevin 认为,今年成功获奖必须归功 于他的团队伙伴。「我们的团队都充满活力,向心力很 强;也会主动提出想法,并创作新调酒。」他还说,平 时大家到日本、新加坡等作客座活动,工余时都聚在 一起吃宵夜、到访酒吧,良好的关系培养出更出色的 工作默契。「所以我的管理秘诀,就是与他们一直工作!」 说时这位大男孩哈哈大笑,展现率真的一面。

Gavin Liao and Narcelita Garduque

“The secret to my management style is simple,” he notes. “I’m always there working side by side with them.”

Only when team morale is high, Lai believes, can drinks and service reach the highest level of excellence, which is found in the smallest details at The St. Regis Bar. Cocktail recipes use precise quantities, measured in grams or milliliters. The preparation of ingredients follows strict protocols consistent with the meticulous attention to detail that Lai learned as a financial management student. “The second secret is our luxurious service,” he says. “We treat every guest equally and like royalty. We carefully inquire about any drink preferences they might have. For example, heavier or lighter fruity or herbal flavors. These extra touches make our guests feel truly valued.”

Lai’s insistence on luxury and elegance is mirrored in the layout and management of The St. Regis Bar, which draws inspiration from turn-of-the-century New York. Every evening features unique events like Champagne sabering and the Violet Hour Ritual that celebrates twilight with the Violet Hour Martini. The glamorous ambience is further enhanced by a rich tapestry of live jazz performances.

With its signature Maria do Leste Bloody Mary and contemporary expressions like Times Square and A Day in West Village, created by Lai after visits to New York and LA, The St. Regis Bar most definitely lives up to its newly minted reputation as The Best Bar in Macau 2024.

New York City’s renowned cultural neighborhood, the West Village, inspired Lai to create a cocktail based on gin and bianco vermouth. The addition of pistachio syrup evokes an afternoon in the West Village enjoying a pistachio gelato.

这杯以杜松子酒、白苦艾酒等为基调 的鸡尾酒,以纽约经典艺文区西村为 灵感。Kevin 特意加入开心果糖浆,期 望让宾客就如吃着开心果雪糕,于午 后惬意逛西村。

Sam Liang and John Okabe


Combining coffee and alcohol in a clarified-smoke form of the Espresso Martini, the C&A transports guests to the daily life of New York.

Kevin 在这杯澄清烟熏版本的意式浓缩咖 啡马天尼中将咖啡与调酒完美融合,其 风味更侧写了纽约人的日常都会生活。

Terry Leong and Abraham John


深信,唯有团队士气好,酒吧的调酒、服务品质 才能达到最高标准。现时酒吧的调酒酒谱份量精细,均以 「克」、「毫升」为单位,而备料也需依足既定程序,贯彻他 大学本科学到的精细态度。「其次是奢华的服务,我们对待 每位宾客都是一视同仁,细心询问他们的喜好,就像是『浓 或淡的水果和草本口味』等。这才是让客人感受最深的一环。」

Kevin 对「奢华」的看法,与瑞吉酒吧的定位如出一辙。

瑞吉酒吧以美国纽约曼哈顿为蓝本,每个傍晚既有入夜仪式 「军刀开香槟」,以及以马天尼为主角的「暮霭时光」,同场 亦有醉人爵士乐表演。

不论手上是酒吧经典的血腥玛丽,抑或是 Kevin 月 前只身飞往美国纽约、洛杉矶而创作的特色调酒「Times Square」、「A Day in West Village」等,每位宾客保证都能 尽情沉醉于奢华的「澳门最佳酒吧」。


Singapore’s Manhattan Bar offers barrel-aged cocktails in the luxe ambience of old New York, along with a Warhol-inspired progressive cocktail studio.

Cocktails age in oak barrels in Manhattan’s rickhouse. 精心调制的鸡尾酒在酒吧 的Rickhouse中陈年。

“WE CREATE A SEAMLESS BLEND of past and future,” says Assistant Bar Manager Riccardo Lugano of Manhattan Bar. “Inspired by the golden age of cocktails, Manhattan brings the glamour and sophistication of late-nineteenth-century New York to the present day.”

Located inside Conrad Singapore Orchard hotel, this stylishly low-lit space is dominated by a bar that looks like a stage, one that transports guests into a world of bygone elegance. In one corner is a room called the rickhouse, stacked with an array of oak barrels that guard one of Manhattan’s mixology secrets. Inside each one, a carefully formulated cocktail is aging and developing its own distinctive flavor profile.

「我们完美揉合过去与未来。」酒吧助理经理 Riccardo Lugano 如此形容 Manhattan 酒吧:「Manhattan 受到鸡尾酒黄金时代的启发,将十九世纪末 纽约的魅力与精致带到现在。」

“We have a collection of a hundred barrels that age whiskies, spirits, bitters, and single-cask cocktails, including our signature Barrel-Aged Manhattan, Aged Bamboo, and Charlie Chaplin,” says Head Bartender Zana Möhlmann. “Our goal was to push the boundaries of traditional bartending and offer our guests a one-of-a-kind experience.”

Not all cocktails benefit from aging. Citrus-forward, more delicate drinks or those that use fresh herbs are not suited to aging because they would tend to lose their vibrancy and freshness. On the other hand, spirit-forward drinks like Manhattans and Negronis mellow during their time in a barrel, their robust flavors developing depth and complexity. “Aging cocktails can help create a more nuanced drink,” says Möhlmann.

Manhattan regularly hosts visiting bartenders as part of their

Manhattan 酒吧位于新加坡乌节康莱德酒店 内,空间时尚低调,内装设计犹如同舞台,将宾客 带进一个不复存在的优雅旧世界。在酒吧其中一角 一间名为 Rickhouse 的房间里,收藏着 Manhattan 的调酒秘密。这里堆叠了各 式各样的橡木桶,每个橡木桶中都放着 精心调制的鸡尾酒,随时间陈酿,发展 出专属的独特风味。

「我们收藏了一百个橡木桶,用来陈酿威士 忌、烈酒、苦味酒和单桶鸡尾酒,其中包括我们 著名的桶陈 Manhattan、Aged Bamboo 及 Charlie Chaplin。」首席调酒师 Zana Möhlmann 表示:「我 们的目标是突破传统调酒的框架,为宾客提供独一 无二的体验。」

不是所有鸡尾酒都能靠陈酿的方式来加分。 柑橘口味、风味细致的品项,或者是使用新鲜香草 的鸡尾酒都不适合陈酿,否则会失去鲜活清新的特 性。相较之下,Manhattans 和 Negronis 等烈酒在 橡木桶中陈放的时间越长,风味就越醇厚,也会更 细致、有深度。 Zana 表示:「陈年鸡尾酒能创造 更细腻迷人的饮品。」

在「Friends of Manhattan」这项企划中,

“Friends of Manhattan” series. In one cherished tradition, the guest mixologist creates a sort of time capsule to remember moments spent together with the Manhattan team. It comes in the form of a cocktail that will be barrel-aged in the rickhouse. “We’ve hosted some of the world’s most renowned bartenders,” says Möhlmann.

“In the past year, we’ve barrel-aged cocktails from venues around the world, including The Connaught and DUKES London, Allegory in Washington, D.C., Vesper in Bangkok, and Tokyo Confidential and Bar TRENCH in Tokyo. Some of their cocktails are being harvested and shared with our guests as specials, while others are still aging until they are ready.”

Manhattan has one other unusual space, a secret bar tucked discreetly away to the side of the main seating area. Brightly lit, its gleaming metal provides a strong contrast to the romantic plush

Manhattan 会定期邀请客座调酒师驻店。客座调酒师 会打造一个时间胶囊,用来纪念与 Manhattan 团队 共度的时光,而这也成为酒吧珍贵的传统。这个时间 胶囊当中承装的当然是鸡尾酒,并且会放在酒桶中陈 酿。Zana 回忆说:「我们接待过几位全球知名的调酒 师。过去一年来,我们搜罗世界各地酒吧的鸡尾酒, 装进酒桶中,例如伦敦的 The Connaught 和 DUKES London、华盛顿的 Allegory、曼谷的 Vesper、东京 的 Tokyo Confidential 和 Bar TRENCH。有些陈酿酒款 已取出并用来制作鸡尾酒特调与宾客分享,有部分则 继续陈酿,直到时机成熟。」

Manhattan 酒吧中还有一个与众不同的空间,那 就是隐藏在主要座位区一侧的秘密酒吧。明亮的灯 光、闪闪发光的金属,这些元素都与主吧台浪漫的毛

Manhattan’s décor evokes the glamour of late-nineteenthcentury New York. Manhattan的内装设计复刻十 九世纪末纽约的魅力与精致。

Zana Möhlmann demonstrates flair and artistry in the imaginative cocktails she designs for both Manhattan and East47. Zana Möhlmann 为Manhattan和East47 的客人设计了富有创意与艺术气息的鸡尾 酒, 充分展现了她出色的调酒技艺。

furnishings and dark wood of the main bar. Named East47, this small futuristic bar-within-a-bar is inspired by Andy Warhol’s Silver Factory on E. 47th Street, which became famous as a gathering place for the cultural and artistic elite of the 1960s. “East47 features a progressive menu with imaginative cocktails inspired by the pop art movement,” says Lugano. The intimate space is designed to encourage interaction between guests and bartenders. “It embodies the spirit of creativity and innovation, allowing us to surprise and delight our guests with unique and unexpected experiences. For example, we have a Vintage Hanky Panky that we barrel-aged and bottled back in 2019, and that is now part of a cocktail we’ve created for East47. Think of East47 like a cocktail studio where every drink is a piece of art that tells a story of free-spiritedness and forward-thinking creativity.”

绒家具和深色木质硬件形成强烈对比。这个酒吧中 的酒吧名为 East47,设计灵感来自 Andy Warhol 位 于 E. 47th Street 的 Silver Factory,那是 1960 年代著 名的文化艺术菁英聚集地。 Riccardo 说:「East47 的 鸡尾酒单及充满想象力的饮品,灵感都源自波普艺术 运动。」这个私密的空间也鼓励宾客与调酒师互动。 Riccardo 指出:「这个空间体现了创意与创新的精神, 让我们能以独特且意想不到的方式带来惊喜。举例说, 我们有一款 Vintage Hanky Panky,团队早在 2019 年 就将其装桶和装瓶,现在它也成为 East47 特调鸡尾 酒的重要素材。大家可以将 East47 想像成一间鸡尾 酒工作室,每杯饮品都是一件艺术品,诉说着一个个 自由奔放、具前瞻创意的故事。」

Matthias Ingelmann



Fig leaf and pear martini 无花果叶香梨马丁尼

In the basement of a beautiful London townhouse, an atmospheric bar serves delicious Mexican snacks that complement a classy cocktail menu.

ALONG AN ELEGANT STREET in Marylebone London is one-Michelinstar Kol, offering refined and innovative Mexican-inspired dishes. Down the restaurant’s circular wooden staircase, lit so the steps glow orange, is an atmospheric bar, Kol Mezcaleria, where Group Bar Manager Matthias Ingelmann pairs exciting cocktails with Chef Santiago Lastra’s delightful antojitos

“Antojitos translates as ‘little bites,’” says Lastra. “They’re snacks that you have in Mexico traditionally while drinking in cantinas or when you go to Mexican restaurants or people’s houses during celebrations.” At Kol Mezcaleria, there’s an intriguing twist to these delicious snacks. Rather than importing ingredients, Lastra works with British products, forming relationships with growers and farmers to source what he needs. His quest across Britain revealed a treasure –Oaxacan-style cheese made on a farm in Kent in the South of England.

位于伦敦优雅联排别墅地下室的氛围感酒吧, 带来高雅鸡尾酒单与美味墨式小点的完美搭 配。

米其林一星餐厅 Kol 坐落于伦敦马里波 恩区一条优雅的街道上,提供精致创新的墨 西哥风味佳肴。沿着木制旋转梯而 下,感受楼梯在光线映照下呈现橘 色调,您会来到一间气氛迷人的酒 吧 – Kol Mezcaleria。在这里,集 团调酒经理 Matthias Ingelmann 精心打造令 人惊艳的鸡尾酒,与主厨 Santiago Lastra 的 「Antojitos」美妙搭配。

The cheese features in a quesadilla, its stretchy creamy quality complemented by touches of wild garlic, giving a faint smokiness and bitterness to the sweet filling. Ingelmann likes to pair this snack with a sorrel-and-hop sour. British sorrel picks up the bitterness of the garlic, while the foamy texture of the sour, a mix of agave and tequila, matches

Santiago 解释道:「Antojitos 有『小口食 用』之意,是墨西哥人的下酒菜,也是到餐厅 用餐或是与家人团聚时享用的传统点心。」在 Kol Mezcaleria,这些美味点心更是别具一格: Santiago 不采用国外进口的食材,而是与当地 农民建立合作关系,以英国本土食材制作这些 墨式点心。他在英国各地寻寻觅觅,终于在南


the rich texture of the cheese. Another savory snack on the menu is the chalk stream trout tostada with a floral and fruity dressing. Ingelmann matches this with a fresh-tasting rose-and-grape white Negroni. The acidity and sweetness of both drink and dressing combine perfectly.

Kol Mezcaleria is a welcoming space. Warm lamps hang directly over the bar counter, each wearing a rattan shade. The combination of cozy corners with gently pulsing beats generates an energy that is at once relaxing and invigorating. Dark wooden furniture echoes

部肯特郡的一座农场发现了宝藏 道地的瓦哈 卡风格奶酪。

这种奶酪用以制作餐厅的墨西哥烤饼,它绵 密的奶香搭配野蒜创造出微妙的烟熏味和苦味, 为香甜的内馅增添了层次。Matthias 喜欢将这道 墨式小点与酸模酸酒(Sorrel and Hop Sour)搭配。 英国酸模与蒜的苦味相呼应,而由龙舌兰与龙舌 兰酒调制而成的酸酒,其绵密的口感与奶酪的浓 郁质地可说是天造之合。菜单上另一道咸食是白


Enoki Tostada


the bar’s commitment to the natural environment. Traditional brightly painted masks hang on the far wall, and colorful Mexican alebrijes sculptures can be found around the room.

Mezcal, the spirit from which the bar derives its name, features in a cocktail picked to pair with Kol’s extremely popular “guacamole.” This dip is not made from avocados, which would need to be imported. Its creamy texture is provided by zucchini and pine and hemp oils, and its sweet richness makes it

垩溪鳟鱼玉米饼配花香果味酱汁,这道菜搭配清新的 玫瑰葡萄白色尼格罗尼,完美衬托出彼此的酸甜口感。

Kol Mezcaleria 的空间情调温馨友善:温暖的吊灯 外围盖上质朴的藤编灯罩,直悬在吧台上方。舒适优 美的角落,结合轻柔悸动的节拍,营造了既放松又充 满活力的氛围;深色的木制家具呼应了酒吧对自然环 境的重视;远处的墙上挂着传统彩绘面具,色彩缤纷 的墨西哥阿莱布里赫雕塑放置在室内各处角落。

Kol Mezcaleria is a welcoming space decorated with traditional Mexican painted masks and alebrijes sculptures. Kol Mezcaleria装饰了墨西哥的传统彩绘面具及阿莱布里赫雕塑,打造温馨的氛围。

a bestseller. It pairs perfectly with a light-flavored fig leaf mezcal tonic, brightening the rich notes of the pine oil and refreshing the palate between bites. In contrast, the empanada, a traditional Mexican pie packed with flavorful beef short rib, requires a very sturdy drink. “I think the cornand-chamomile old-fashioned can stand up to the powerful flavors of the empanada,” says Ingelmann. This drink is made from a by-product from Lastra’s tortillas. “We save water from milling the corn and then reduce and sweeten it. It’s silky and milky and builds the base for the intense corn flavor.”

Kol Mezcaleria is taking part in a series of exciting collaborations with other internationally acclaimed bars to create imaginative and fun pop-up events. Together, they design a special menu highlighting each of their cocktail styles, which they serve alongside Lastra’s antojitos. “The bar industry is an incredible one that enables you to do this type of event all around the world, connecting with people globally and learning from and with each other,” says Ingelmann.

“The best thing about the Mezcaleria is it’s a unique place that creates a fun vibe with great drinks, a one-of-akind spirits selection, and amazing antojitos. We recreate Mexican flavors from British ingredients and mix those with the best of Mexican spirits. It really makes you connect with two countries at the same time and rediscover where you live through a completely different lens.”

这间以梅斯卡尔酒(mezcal 龙舌兰酒的一种)命 名的酒吧,特制了一款鸡尾酒,以搭配 Kol 大热的「特制 牛油果沾酱」(guacamole)。但是,这款酱料并没有用上 需要进口的牛油果,而是以栉瓜、松子和大麻籽油调制而 成,其绵密的质地和甜美浓郁的口感深受大家喜爱,成为 热销之一。这样的风味,配上清爽的无花果叶梅斯卡尔通宁, 可谓相得益彰。梅斯卡尔酒突显了松子油的浓郁风味,并 在每一口之间清爽口腔。相形之下,风味强烈的牛仔骨恩 潘纳达肉馅饼(empanada),则需要一款更为浓烈的饮品 搭配。Matthias 表示:「我认为加入玉米洋甘菊的古典调酒 很适合风味浓郁的馅饼。」这款饮品用上 Santiago 制作玉 米饼的副产品。Matthias 解释道:「我们保留了磨玉米的水, 将其浓缩并加入糖,质地上丝滑如奶,赋予饮品浓郁的玉 米基调。」

Kol Mezcaleria 正与其他国际知名酒吧合作,举办一 系列令人兴奋的趣味快闪活动。他们共同设计限定菜单, 制作突显各自风格的调酒,并和 Santiago 的墨式小点一并 供应。Matthias 说:「酒吧产业是一个令人难以置信的行 业。你可以在世界各地举办活动,与全球各地的人建立联系、 互相学习。」

「kol Mezcaleria 最棒的地方在于,这里是一个独特的 场所,以绝佳的饮品、独一无二的烈酒选择和美味墨式小点, 营造出愉悦趣味的感觉。我们使用英国食材重现墨西哥风 味料理,并搭配顶级墨西哥烈酒一起享用。这真的能让你 同时与两个国家产生连结,并透过全新的视角重新认识你 所生活的地方。」



With three vibrant beverage concepts, W Macau – Studio City is Macau’s top destination for creative cocktails and collaborations.

Destination α 22°12’N 113°33‘E

This cocktail, named for the latitude and longitude of Macau, is inspired by a local dish, Macanese chicken rice pilau. It contains spice-flavored spirits, turmeric, and white pepper and is topped with grilled bacon and raisin.

这杯调酒命名自澳门的经纬 度,调酒师以澳门本地特色菜 式嚤罗鸡饭为灵感,创作了 这杯以香料风味酒、姜黄和 白胡椒调制而成,并以烧烟 肉和葡萄干点缀的鸡尾酒。


SITUATED BETWEEN THE ISLANDS of Coloane and Taipa, W Macau –Studio City offers a unique contrast of old and new. The hotel, which takes inspiration from Hollywood films shot during the mid-1950s in Macau, brings to the city a lively and contemporary luxury.

Overseeing the hotel’s distinctive beverage concepts, Living Room and Blind Tiger, is Head Mixologist Samio Choi. He believes that a perfect drinking experience calls for complete and well-thoughtout beverage menus, good service, an engaging environment, and interesting collaborations with the local community – all of which W Macau’s venues offer in spades.

澳门新濠影汇 W 酒店坐落于路氹区,展现出 新旧交融的独特对比。这座酒店的设计灵感 源自 50 年代在澳门拍摄的好莱坞电影,带 来了活力四射的当代奢华。

Blind Tiger, which offers guests unparalleled views over the Cotai Strip from the hotel’s top floor, features a remarkable cocktail list divided into two sections. “Destination α” takes guests on a journey through Asia with cocktails inspired by regional specialties, like Taiwan’s signature pineapple cake and Macau’s Portuguese egg tart. The menu’s second section focuses on the popular highball, adding a spin to the classic by incorporating dried local ingredients that give each variation a unique flavor profile. “Delicious drinks, clear flavors, and quality ingredients encapsulate W Macau’s mixology philosophy,” says Choi.

The hotel focuses first on the guest experience but also believes in giving back. W Macau hosts the popular MIXO Nights at Blind Tiger to invite international new-generation bars and mixologists to show off their skills. MIXO events follow a unique “4+4” format, with both the guest bartender

主理酒店独特美酒概念中心 —— 潮堂 和 Blind Tiger 的是首席调酒师 Samio Choi。他认为完美的品酒 体验需要周全且精心设计的酒 单、服务、环境,以及与当地社 区的有趣合作,而澳门 W 酒店的酒吧在这些 方面都表现出色。

位于酒店顶楼、俯瞰路氹金光大道的 Blind Tiger,其引人注目的鸡尾酒单分为两 个部分:「Destination α」带领宾客穿越亚洲, 提供受地区特色启发的鸡尾酒,如台湾的凤 梨酥和澳门的葡挞;第二部分则以高球鸡尾 酒为核心,透过加入干燥的在地食材为经典 风味增添新意。Samio 表示:「美味的鸡尾酒、 清晰的口感和优质的原料,体现了澳门新濠 影汇 W 酒店的调酒理念。」

澳门 W 酒店著重顾客体验,同时也致 力于回馈社会。酒店会邀请国际新生代酒 吧和调酒师,在 Blind Tiger 的热门 MIXO

Blind Tiger

Living Room

and the resident team each designing four drinks to showcase. “Many hotel bars host guest mixologist events,” says Choi, “but they usually only invite the guest to provide four drinks. At W Macau, we ourselves also create an additional four event exclusive drinks to foster a sense of interaction and exchange.” MIXO events allow bartenders to learn from each other and give guests a chance to sample more unique creations throughout the evening.

By following “4+4” format, Choi and his team partner with Macau’s ever-growing bar scene by hosting bimonthly guest shifts. The “Who’s Next” events at Living Room, the hotel’s main bar on the first floor, give W Macau the opportunity to invite local emerging bartenders to display their talents and to spotlight potential rising stars. They also serve as a platform for local bartenders to gain wider recognition.

Living Room offers different experiences at different hours, from coffee options during the day to cutting-edge cocktails in the evening. The venue’s relaxed lounge style encourages guests to sit back and unwind as

Nights 活动中展示他们的调酒技巧。透过独 特的「4+4」模式,客座调酒师和酒店团队将 各自设计四款鸡尾酒。Samio 表示:「许多酒 店的酒吧也有客座调酒师活动,但通常只邀 请客座调酒师提供四款饮品。在澳门新濠影 汇 W 酒店,我们自己也会呈现四款活动特有 的鸡尾酒,促进双方的互动交流。」MIXO 活 动让调酒师们互相学习,也让宾客有机会品 尝更多独特的鸡尾酒。

Samio 和他的团队也会每两个月在潮堂 举办同样采用「4+4」模式的「Who’s Next」 客座调酒活动,与澳门日益蓬勃的酒吧业界 合作,并发掘本地新秀调酒师,让他们一展 所长。这些客座活动为本地调酒师提供了获 得更广泛认可的平台。


they would at home. Its unique cocktail list, accenting flavors and aromas that stimulate the brain to release the “pleasure hormone,” dopamine, includes sweet and nostalgic drinks like Ice Cream and KitKat.

A.P.D. (A Perfect Dose), W Macau’s hidden bar located next to Living Room, is the first bar in town to star mezcal, an on-trend Mexican spirit that has not yet become widely popular in the Macau market. A.P.D. unfolds into an extraordinary space where infusion meets smoke in a custom-crafted mezcal-based cocktail experience. Mixologists work their magic with fresh organic herbs from the bar’s vertical hydroponic garden, turning every drink into a botanical adventure.

Enhancing the ambience at every W Macau bar is tailor-made music. And inside Blind Tiger is Greater China’s first W Sound Suite, equipped with a state-of-the-art studio that allows enthusiasts to record live music. With such passion and attention to every detail, it’s no wonder that Choi and his team have continued to elevate the guest experience at W Macau – Studio City one delightful sip at a time.

早上的精品咖啡到入夜后的鸡尾酒,在不同 时段提供不同的饮品体验。轻松休闲的氛围 让宾客可以像在家的客厅一样放松身心。独 特的鸡尾酒单专注于能刺激大脑释放多巴胺 的味道,包括 Ice Cream、KitKat 等怀旧的香 甜口味鸡尾酒。

位于潮堂旁边的隠藏酒吧 A.P.D. (A Perfect Dose) 则是澳门首间主打梅斯卡尔酒 的酒吧。这款酒在各地非常流行,但在澳门 却相对小众。A.P.D. 的酒单以烟熏与浸渍为主 题,配合梅斯卡尔酒及水耕植物墙上的有机 植物香料,带来与众不同的鸡尾酒体验。

在 Blind Tiger 内,还设有大中华区首间 W 音效套房,内设专业的现场录音设备,让 音乐爱好者现场录制音乐,彰显了澳门 W 酒 店对音乐的热情。

Ice Cream Samio Choi



Beijing’s stylish Long Fong bar connects with customers through a new menu of straightforwardly delicious cocktails.

LONG FONG CONCEIVES of its ever-evolving series of cocktail menus as a bridge to cocktail lovers as well as a platform for showcasing the bar and its very considerable talents. At the end of May, it released its tenth original menu, Simple Drink, designated version 3.0.

In its previous menu launches, Long Fong explored a variety of issues. With menu 1.0, the newly opened bar focused primarily on its internal research and development and established the direction of modern technology-themed cocktails. Menu 2.0, I Am From China, was an exploration of the bounty of the natural environment, establishing a benchmark for the use of high-quality local raw ingredients.

Now, with Menu 3.0, the focus is on the balance between the bar and its customers. After pondering whether the emphasis should be on enjoyment or on showing off the intricate techniques behind each cocktail, Long Fong was inspired by the “iceberg theory.” The decision was made to hide the complex “works” beneath the surface – like an iceberg – so that customers could experience the pure joy of simple yet delectable drinks.

酒单是酒吧与酒客沟通的最直接途径,也是酒吧 展示自己最有效的窗口。北京廊房酒吧,近两年 来以酒单的高效更新迭代吸引鸡尾酒爱好者注 意。五月底,廊房发布了第十本原创鸡尾酒单《简 要的酒》,这本酒单也被廊房定义为 3.0 版本酒单。

在不同阶段的酒,廊房探索的问题都不一 样。1.0 阶段,刚起步的廊房,关注的是自身技 术研发和习得,也确立了廊房的现代技术流鸡尾 酒方向。2.0 阶段,廊房开始关注所处环境的优势, 以《我来自中国》酒单吸引了更大范 围的目光,也确立了本土优质原材料 的使用基准。

如今,在 3.0 酒单里,廊房开始 关注客人体验。复杂处理和大量技术细节对酒客 而言有多少是享受,又有多少是压力?廊房选择 「冰山理论」,把技法放在水面之下,水面之上面 向酒客的只有纯粹饮酒的快乐。

The result is the new 3.0 Simple Drink menu of original concoctions with clean presentation and minimal decoration. In crafting drinks that are easy on the taste buds, the question arose as to how the first cocktail on the menu, Durian Lipstick, could be made most appealing to guests. The result is a refreshing long drink with notes of durian, herbs, cream, nuts, jasmine, and coconut, but without any objectionable durian odor. The fruit’s flavor is extracted and its familiar character is presented as a lipstick-like decoration that is perceived only by the sense of smell when the drink is sipped.

Simple Drink showcases simplicity with complex techniques. For example, the Mango Martini is much like a dry martini with a mango aroma, an easy-drinking experience meant to be enjoyed by everyone. But this flavorful, seemingly simple drink was produced by a complex process of subtraction through distillation. Dark rum, dried mango, and the skin, flesh, and pits of mango are distilled together to remove the discordant rum flavor and create a mango-aroma-based liquor. With the addition of organic rhum bio and sake for sweetness, the result is Long Fong’s luscious Mango Martini, achieved without any of the ingredients of a dry martini.

Durian Lipstick


Melon Chawari


《简要的酒》里的鸡尾酒,呈现形式都以简 洁为主,没有过度无效的装饰。酒单一再强调要 做味蕾无负担的酒,但第一杯给客人的居然是榴 莲唇膏?廊房在这杯长饮里萃取了榴莲和草本、 奶油、坚果香气,和茉莉、椰子组成一杯轻松长 饮,口腔里没有熟悉的榴莲「臭」味,这个熟悉 的榴莲味留给了像唇膏一样的装饰,只存在嗅觉 里。榴莲风味在这杯酒里被拆分萃取了。

这本酒单存在大量用复杂技术把风味简单化 的地方。例如芒果马天尼,喝起来是一杯带有爆 炸芒果香气的干马天尼,这是廊房希望大家获得 的单纯饮用体验。但这并非用干马天尼任何原料 萃取芒果风味可以获得的效果。这背后是廊房使 用蒸馏减法 —— 大家诟病的蒸馏风味损失,蒸馏 黑朗姆和芒果的皮、肉、核和芒果干,去掉朗姆 里不和谐的风味,做出全方位芒果香气基酒,同 时加入有机农业朗姆和清酒,为芒果香气带来甜 度暗示,实现在没有干马天尼成分情况下,喝起 来毫无违和感的芒果香气干马天尼。

Cherry Pot 樱桃罐头

Super Natural Wine


Dimple Yuen and Ivan Chang



A local distillery pioneers new paths in the realm of gin, ensuring that each bottle tells a story.

ON THE NINTH FLOOR of an industrial building in Chai Wan lies

Two Moons Distillery, Hong Kong’s first producer of gin. At the heart of this small, trailblazing facility stands a 100-liter copper still, affectionately nicknamed Luna for its moon-shaped helmet. The unique design plays a critical role in removing impurities from the distillate by providing a large copper surface area to interact with the alcohol vapors, resulting in cleaner, more refined spirit.

There is the indisputable science behind the distillation process of gin-making, and then there is the intrinsic art involved in selecting a unique combination of botanicals to craft distinctive spirits that tell a special story. For cofounders Dimple Yuen and Ivan Chang, that freedom and ability to communicate a sense of place or share a passion is what first drew them to craft gins.

“When the craft gin wave grew in Hong Kong, we tried really interesting ones from around the world that were very different from the familiar classic English gins. We saw that Japanese gins could have their own style and Italian gins could have a completely different character,” says Chang. “But they all carried a key element that is unique to gin – the ability to express a story from the distillery. That’s when we began to fall in love with this spirit.”

Their exploratory trip to the UK in 2018 was transformative. After visiting multiple distilleries, Yuen and Chang made their first bottle of gin, which they named Virgin. Back home, friends consistently chose Virgin over commercial gins during blind taste testings, and they realized they had something special. Inspired by the positive feedback, they decided to establish their own distillery in Hong Kong.

After two challenging years to obtain a license and set up their operation, Yuen and Chang released their first Two Moons product, Signature Dry Gin, which retains much of the original Virgin recipe. “We changed some elements to include ingredients we grew up

香港首家琴酒蒸馏厂 致月蒸馏酒厂(Two Moons Distillery),位于香港柴湾的一栋工业大 厦九楼。这家规模虽小却极具开拓精神的蒸馏酒 厂,运作的核心是一台 100 公升的铜制蒸馏器, 因其月亮形状的顶部构造而被昵称为「Luna」。

这独特的设计在去除蒸馏物杂质上扮演着关键角 色,宽广的铜表面与酒精蒸气充分接触,有利于 酿造出最纯净精致的酒液。

琴酒的制作过程中,蒸馏的科学原理固然 不容置疑,但选择独特的植物配方打造富含故事 性的酒品,更是一门艺术。对于创办人阮澔和张 晓明而言,当初正是这种展现地方特色的叙事媒 介和发挥空间,吸引他们投身于精酿琴酒的世界。

张晓明表示:「当精酿琴酒的风潮席卷香港 时,我们品尝了来自世界各地的有趣琴酒,这些 酒款与我们熟悉的经典英式琴酒不大相同。像是 日本和意大利琴酒,都有各自的独特风味。但在 展现各自特色的同时,这些酒款都保留了琴酒的 一个关键元素,那就是能够表达蒸馏酒厂独特故 事的能力。这正是我们爱上琴酒的原因。」

2018 年,一趟英国之旅成为了他们酿酒生 涯的转捩点。阮澔和张晓明参观了很多家蒸馏酒 厂,并酿造出他们的第一瓶琴酒 —— Virgin。回 到香港后,他们的朋友总是在盲测中选择 Virgin 而非市售琴酒,他们这才意识到自己作品的非凡 之处。受到这些正面回馈的鼓舞,他们决定在香 港成立自己的蒸馏酒厂。

历经创业前两年的艰辛,阮澔和张晓明推 出致月蒸馏酒厂的第一款琴酒 ——「招牌干琴 酒」,创新之余更保留了 Virgin 的本色。同时也 是首席蒸馏师的阮澔说:「我们调整了 Virgin 的

Yuen operates Luna, a 100-liter copper still.
Signature Dry Gin and Five Flowers Tea Gin each tell a story.

“We tweaked it to infuse a bit of our DNA and heritage in a traditionally Western spirit.

我们调整了一些元素,将我们的DNA 和文化注入传统的西方烈酒中。”

Dimple Yuen

with in Hong Kong,” says Yuen, who serves as head distiller. “We tweaked it to infuse a bit of our DNA and heritage in a traditionally Western spirit.”

The new recipe includes dried tangerine peel, Chinese almond, Chinese licorice root, and other classic Asian spices. The result is an award-winning gin that is well-balanced and complex, mirroring the harmony of flavors in Cantonese cuisine.

A core value of the Two Moons brand is storytelling, and Signature Dry Gin shares the distillery’s exciting origin story. It is also a tribute to the can-do spirit of Hong Kong’s culture and people. “Everyone is so driven here,” says Yuen. “We’re both born and raised in Hong Kong, and it’s been instilled in us too. That’s what’s enabled us to overcome those grueling years to get the license and stabilize our footing in Hong Kong amid Covid and to do everything in our power to pursue what we love.”

When the pandemic struck in 2020 and severe restrictions were imposed on restaurants and bars, Yuen and Chang collaborated with mixologist Antonio Lai of Quinary and Room 309 to release a limitededition gin inspired by a culturally significant herbal healing drink. Featuring chrysanthemum, frangipani, self heal, honeysuckle, and silk cotton flower, Five Flowers Tea Gin succeeded in bringing comfort and relief during turbulent times, with all 309 bottles sold within a day.

Two years later, Two Moons rereleased Five Flowers Tea Gin as part of their permanent range. The story behind the gin has evolved to pay tribute to the legacy of Hong Kong herbal tea shops, the once-bustling community hubs that have slowly disappeared due to changes in behavior and lifestyles. “We don’t have the power to make people visit the herbal shops more,” says Yuen, “but what we can do is reinterpret the traditional drink in a modern format so that years from now, people can still savor and appreciate the cultural significance they once had in Hong Kong.”

As Two Moons approaches its fifth anniversary, Yuen and Chang are already experimenting with new flavors. “We haven’t locked in on anything concrete yet,” says Chang. “But we can guarantee it will be something completely different from what we have now, and there will be a message or important meaning behind it.”

一些元素,加入我们从小就很熟悉的本土食材, 将我们的 DNA 和文化注入这种传统的西方烈酒 中。」

新配方中加入了柑皮、南北杏、甘草等经 典中式香料,最终打造出一款获奖无数、平衡出 众、层次丰富的琴酒,恰如其分地反映了粤菜风 味的平衡与和谐。

致月的品牌核心价值之一,就是透过他们 的琴酒述说故事。「招牌干琴酒」分享了蒸馏酒 厂令人振奋的创业故事,同时也是对香港人「使 命必达」的精神致敬。阮澔说:「这里的每个人 都充满干劲。我们都在香港出生长大,这种精神 也深植于我们的心中。正是这种精神让我们挺过 那些艰辛的岁月,最终取得执照,并于新冠疫情 期间稳定我们在香港的地位,尽我们所能地追求 所爱。」

2020 年新冠疫情来袭,当时餐厅和酒吧 受到严格限制,阮澔和张晓明便与 Quinary 和 Room 309 的调酒师 Antonio Lai 合作,推出一 款以传统「五花茶」为灵感的限量版琴酒。这款 「五花茶琴酒」融入菊花、鸡蛋花、夏枯草、金 银花和木棉花,在动荡时期带来安慰和治愈,限 量 309 瓶在一天内全数售罄。

两年后,致月酒厂重新推出「五花茶琴酒」, 并将其纳入常规产品系列。这款琴酒背后的故事 也随之演变,成为对香港凉茶铺文化的致敬 —— 这些曾经热闹非凡的社区聚脚点,因人们生活模 式的改变而逐渐消失。阮澔说:「我们无法让人 们重新拜访凉茶铺,但我们可以用现代眼光重新 诠释传统饮品。这样一来,人们在多年后仍能接 触并欣赏凉茶铺的文化意义。」

随着致月蒸馏酒厂即将迎来五周年纪念, 阮澔和张晓明已经在实验全新风味的酒款。张 晓明说:「我们还没有确定具体的方向,但可以 保证的是,它将会是有别于现有商品的全新作 品,并且将传递一个重要的讯息或具有重大的 意义。」



Stig Bareksten talks to Lucy Morgan about Bareksten Botanical Gin, his extraordinary product that has won more than fifty international awards for its exceptional purity and nuanced flavor. § Bareksten琴酒凭着高纯度和细腻风 味囊括五十多项国际大奖,创作者Stig Bareksten与TK畅谈这款无与伦比的琴 酒,如何将酿酒精神与灵性相互结合。

What’s the story behind the name Bareksten?

It’s my family name and is rumored to have its roots among the gods venerated by the Vikings in ancient times. I wanted to create the best gin in the world, and I was so proud of the results I got after five years of development of the final recipe that I decided to put my name on the bottle.

Can you describe the flavor profile of Bareksten? What ingredients are used and how do they contribute to the gin’s distinct character?

Bareksten Botanical Gin is structured as a classic London dry gin, incorporating some of the most iconic Scandinavian botanicals that enrich its bouquet and taste with all the nuances of my homeland flora. It contains a total of twenty-six botanicals, nineteen of them local to Scandinavia, including juniper, angelica, lingonberries, blueberries, and other local wonders. The result is a classic gin covering the whole spectrum of flavor compounds that come from the juniper berry – bitter, pine and green, fruity, spicy, citric, and floral. It has a pleasant long-lasting aftertaste.

能与我们分享一下 Bareksten 这个名称的故事与意 义吗? Bareksten 是我的姓氏,传说其来源是古代维京人 崇敬的神祇。我希望创造出世界上最棒的琴酒,经过五 年研发,终于酝酿出令人骄傲的配方成果,所以我决定 在酒瓶上刻下自己的名字。

描述一下 Bareksten 琴酒的独特风味。酒中使用哪 些主要的植物成分,它们如何造就琴酒的特殊风味? Bareksten Botanical Gin 是款经典的伦敦干琴酒, 结合最具代表性的斯堪的纳维亚植物,让香气与口感更 丰润,还展现了我故乡花草的幽微调性。Bareksten 琴 酒一共含有 26 种精挑细选的植物,其中有 19 种是斯堪 的纳维亚当地独有,包括杜松、当归、越橘、蓝莓和其 他当地特有品种。这款经典的琴酒涵盖了杜松浆果的所 有风味:苦味、松木和绿叶、果香、辛辣味、柠檬香气 及花香,尾韵悠长、令人愉悦。

Can you walk us through Bareksten’s distillation process?

We produce our gin, from raw ingredients to final product, in our distillery in Bergen, Norway. First we distill potato spirit, which not only is very sustainable but also provides a velvety rich alcohol to work with. The potato spirit is then lowered in alcohol by volume with the addition of soft Norwegian waters. Most of our botanicals are added and left to macerate for around a day in a process known as “low steeping.” More botanicals, including flowers, mint, and rhubarb go into the so-called “vapor basket” located in the head of the still to add a subtle taste.

This “one shot” distillation is done in a small six-hundred-liter copper pot still. It’s a long distillation with meticulous control on temperature during the process. Distilling for a prolonged period of time in small stills gives the liquid a big exposure to the copper, and a lot of reflux – that’s when the liquid that goes up with vapor falls back into the still – resulting in an extremely rich and velvety texture.

How did you become a gin maker and what inspired you to create your own brand?

I grew up in the woods and still live surrounded by silent trees and all the dramatic flora of Norway. I developed a rich knowledge of the many different ingredients that nature can provide. Later I became a bartender, and I learned all about spirits and how they are produced. It was a natural transition from my early days as a bartender and a man of nature to becoming a distiller. The journey couldn’t end differently for me; the path was quite clear.

I wanted to become a passionate, talented distiller. And I wanted my creation to represent both myself and Scandinavia with its dark, dramatic, romantic black bottle. The simplicity and elegance of its design brings worldwide recognition to our bottle, filled with a rich, luxurious spirit.

您能让我们了解一下 Bareksten 的蒸馏过程 吗?

我们的琴酒从原料到成品,都是在挪威卑 尔根的酿酒厂生产。首先,我们会蒸馏马铃薯烈 酒,因为马铃薯烈酒除了可持续之外,还能提供 丝缎般丰富浓郁的酒精。接着,我们会加入挪威 软水在其中,降低酒精浓度。加入大部分草本原 料后,我们会将酒精进行一天左右的「低浸泡」 过程。其后我们会加入更多草本植物,包括花、 薄荷和大黄,这些原料会进入蒸馏器顶部的「蒸 气篮」中,由此增添隐约微妙的风味。

这种「一次完成」的蒸馏是在一个六百公 升的小型铜制蒸馏器中完成。蒸馏时间较长,过 程中的温控相当严谨。在小型蒸馏器中长时间蒸 馏,能让蒸馏液与铜大面积接触,产生大量倒流 (蒸汽上升的液体回落到蒸馏器中),因此会产生 极为丰富、滑顺的口感。

您是如何一步步成为琴酒制造师呢?是什么 启发您创造自己的琴酒品牌?

我在森林中长大,现在的生活依然被挪威 深静的树木、艳丽的花草植物围绕。大自然给 予的各种元素和材料我都相当熟悉。后来我成 为一名调酒师,学会所有关于烈酒的知识和制 造过程。我的早期生涯是调酒师,亦是与自然 为伍的人,后来慢慢成为酿酒师。对我来说这 段过程很自然,结果不会有太大差异,前进的 方向其实非常清晰。

我希望能成为一位充满热情与才华的酿酒 师,也希望自己的「创作」能以其深沉、戏剧性 和浪漫的黑色瓶身,恰如其分地代表我自己和斯 堪的纳维亚。简约优雅的设计,让我们的酒瓶得 到世界认可和肯定,而其中则承装了丰郁、宝贵 的酒露。

WHEN THE PRESTIGIOUS Asia’s 50 Best Bars 2024 awards ceremony was hosted in Hong Kong in mid-July, Hope & Sesame in Guangzhou impressively achieved the rank of No. 14 on the list, the sixth time in a row that it has made the coveted cut. But something was thrillingly different this year: when the fifteen winners of the Destination Awards were announced, Hope & Sesame was crowned The Best Bar in Mainland China 2024.

Hope & Sesame opened in March 2016 as the first “hidden” bar in the sprawling southern Chinese metropolis, tucked away down an alley in the quaint neighborhood of Dongshankou in the heart of old Guangzhou. In the eight years since then, its reputation as a testing ground for cocktail innovation has steadily grown, and its creativity has not only shone a spotlight on Guangzhou’s vibrant cocktail scene but has also heralded a new era for the craft cocktail movement across the country.

2024 年「亚洲 50 最佳酒吧」颁奖典礼在七月 中于香港举办,广州庙前冰室以第 14 名的佳 绩上榜。这也是广州庙前冰室连续登榜的第六 年,今年更斩获「中国内地最佳酒吧」的殊荣。

庙前冰室于 2016 年三月于广州老城区东 山口开业,是中国南方首家隐藏式 酒吧。开业八年,庙前冰室一直作 为鸡尾酒的创新试验场,不仅为广 州添彩,也为中国鸡尾酒版图开展 新局面。

自 2014 年起,内地的摩登鸡尾酒时代来 临,国际知名调酒师陆续在北京、上海展店, 世界聚焦内地鸡尾酒市场。同期开展新店的 庙前冰室创始人 Andrew Ho 与 Bastien Ciocca 决定在鸡尾酒文化相对传统的广州落脚,并大



After five consecutive years on the list of Asia’s 50 Best Bars, Guangzhou’s cocktail innovator Hope & Sesame has emerged as The Best Bar in Mainland China 2024.

Mainland China’s modern cocktail renaissance began around 2014 as internationally renowned bartenders set up shop in Beijing and Shanghai and captured the world’s attention. But Hope & Sesame’s founders, Andrew Ho and Bastien Ciocca, chose a different path. Rather than join the fray in the more prominent cocktail hubs, they settled in the relatively traditional market of Guangzhou and boldly began experimenting with unusual flavor combinations and distillation methods. “Being outside the glare of the public eye, we had more space to firmly establish our business foundations and explore new possibilities,” says Ho. Their contrarian mindset and laser focus set the bar apart in the conservative southern cocktail landscape.

The bar’s phenomenal success is rooted in the duo’s “reverse thinking” approach, which begins by imagining the opposite of what one expects or wants to achieve and then working backward to explore causes, consequences, and alternatives. Hope & Sesame’s

胆玩起「实验性」风味组合与蒸馏。Andrew 说: 「不在乎大众目光和资源的焦点,我们才有更多 空间扎稳经营根基,并探索更多的可能。」或许 正是这份自信、从容与逆向思维,才能带来别 开生面的鸡尾酒生命力。

如果说庙前冰室的成功,赢在「逆向思维」 (反其道而思之)的起点,那么积极地分享经验、 客座交流与创造机会,就是延续庙前辉煌成就 且不断前行的基石。

近年来,客座调酒是鸡尾酒世界圈促进酒 吧间的情感,也是分享文化的主流方式。活跃 于国际舞台的庙前团队借此机会将「中国」带 入世界,也将许多海内外调酒师带入「中国」, 让广州这座充满历史底蕴的美食天堂跃入了国 际酒圈人的视野。

Andrew Ho and Bastien Ciocca

Hope & Sesame provides opportunities for promising young bartenders. 庙前积极为新锐调酒师提供机会。

achievements and continuing progress are also built on a belief in actively sharing experiences, hosting guest bartender exchanges, and creating meaningful opportunities.

The guest bartending trend has emerged in recent years as a powerful way to forge connections and foster cultural exchange, and Hope & Sesame has played its part in bringing China to the world. By inviting international bartenders to experience the food and drink paradise of Guangzhou, Ho and Ciocca have helped to make the city’s rich culinary heritage known to the global cocktail community.

The bar’s influence has radiated as the brand has expanded to five directly affiliated establishments, including bars in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, as well as to the Miaoquan Sanyou and DSK Cocktail Club concepts. And its consulting projects have spanned Beijing, Shanghai, and Chengdu.

Hope & Sesame’s growth and evolution and its recent accolades are validation of their philosophy that, in Ho’s words, “one person may go very far, but the concerted efforts of a group go even further.”

From the outset, the bar has actively invited industry experts to hold master classes and has generously shared its own successful experiences. And by seeking out overseas exchange opportunities for promising young bartenders, it has seen its influence spread far beyond its Guangzhou roots.

The signpost reading “Miaoquan West Street” that has greeted countless cocktail enthusiasts from around the world and guided them to Hope & Sesame has also witnessed the transformation of this once obscure alley into a thriving global cocktail destination.

庙前冰室除了积极创造交流机会,近年 也奋力拓展事业版图。庙前冰室开业至今, 相关产业已经从一家酒吧辐射至五家直属酒 吧,分别是:广州与深圳庙前冰室,广州与 深圳庙前三酉,以及庙前岽舍。另外,庙前 旗下顾问项目遍及北京、上海、成都,也创 造了更多发展的可能。

作为具有行业指标性的庙前冰室,从「外 地人」变成一方之星到中国之最,最大原因 是由于他们深信「一个人可以走得很快,但 一群人齐心协力能走得更远」。所有成功事业 的背后,「人才」是最重要的基础,而这群人 并不仅限于庙前团队,而是整个鸡尾酒行业。

庙前不仅积极邀请各方能人举办大师 班,更不吝于分享自身成功经验。对于寻求 海外交流机会的新锐调酒师,更是不遗余力。 这种无私分享的雅量,让庙前冰室的成功更 显实至名归。

庙前冰室在八年间,招呼过无数世界调 酒旅人,见证了庙前西街的隐没到如今的昌 华;从一抹黄灯点亮深夜的街角,到如今带 领广州与中国的骄傲闪耀世界鸡尾酒地图。

属于庙前冰室的隽永,或许就是那至今不变 的温暖初心。


Madrid’s Salmon Guru is anything but a conventional cocktail bar.

Diego Cabrera

← Salmon Guru Dubai, opened two years ago, takes after the Madrid original.

两年前开业的Salmon Guru Dubai参考马德里店的风格。

↑ Salmon Guru’s second zone is a phantasmagoria of imagery, light, and color.

Salmon Guru的其中一个区域是想象力、灯光和颜色的狂想曲。

“THE SALMON IS BORN and develops downstream but comes back upstream to renew itself by overcoming adversity,” remarks Diego Cabrera, founder and creative director of Salmon Guru, of the creature that inspired not only the name of his bar but also his entire approach to the cocktail industry. “At Salmon Guru, our imagination runs wild. We continually seek to create environments that take our clients to unique and fascinating worlds.”

Cabrera has an impressive portfolio. In addition to Salmon Guru, quite an extraordinary bar with three different zones, he operates Viva Madrid, an eccentric tavern and cocktail bar; Guru Lab, which he describes as a laboratory where you eat and drink; and Dragon Experience Factory, a production center that is not open to the public but offers consultancy, an ice room, and events. All these properties are in Madrid. Two years ago, Cabrera opened Salmon Guru Dubai, and he plans to open Salmon Guru Milano in 2025.

「鲑鱼于下游诞生成长,但是它们会克服艰难险 阻,回到上游,得到重生。」Salmon Guru 的创 办人兼创意总监 Diego Cabrera 如此描述启发他 酒吧名称的鲑鱼,更说明这鱼类如何影响他经营 调酒事业的理念。他说:「在 Salmon Guru,我 们野性的想象力如实释放,期望创造独特精彩的 酒吧体验。」

Currently ranked number 16 by The World’s 50 Best Bars, Salmon Guru was recognized on the prestigious list for its imagination and charm. It’s also a past winner of the Michter’s Art of Hospitality Award.

Understanding the importance of constant evolution and innovation, Cabrera decided to give the bar a complete overhaul in May 2023. “I pressed the reset button,” he says, “which means taking Salmon Guru to the extreme to be more impactful.”

Antique tiles greet guests at the door, creating a link with the

Diego 拥有令人深刻的履历。除 了在三个不同地区开设出色的 Salmon Guru 酒吧,他也经营奇美小酒馆 Viva Madrid,以及被他形容为开放餐饮实验室的 Guru Lab ;此外,他还有一个不对公众开放的制作基地 Dragon Experience Factory,提供咨询、低温室 和活动策划服务 —— 以上这些场所都设立于马德 里。两年前,他在杜拜开设 Salmon Guru Dubai, 并计划 2025 年于米兰开设 Salmon Guru Milano。 Salmon Guru 目前在「世界 50 最佳酒吧」 排名第 16 位,以丰富的想像力和魅力闻名,酒 吧曾荣获 Michter’s 款待艺术奖,是对其宾至如 归的服务品质的一大肯定。

Diego 深知追求创新和持续进步的重要性, 因此在 2023 年 5 月决定改造酒吧。他说:「我按 下了重置键。重置意味着将 Salmon Guru 推向极 致,产生更大的冲击力。」

↑ Guru Lab is Cabrera’s eating and drinking laboratory. Guru Lab是一个餐饮实验室。

nearby tavern Viva Madrid. Inside, an unusual-looking bar with no bottles on display is covered with zinc “scales” recalling those of a salmon. To help break down boundaries between mixologist and visitor, the height of the bar is lower than most.

“As soon as you enter the first room,” says Cabrera, “it feels like you’re submerged underwater with a sense of depth, fantasy, and freshness. We have a water effect on the ceiling, because you’re in the habitat of the salmon, who works against the current.”

The next room, separated by a fuchsia car-wash column and porthole, is dedicated to neon and illustration, its walls decorated like the pages of a comic book. The bar’s final area is embellished with old drawings and luminescent bottles containing snakes. “It’s like an American diner set in Japan,” says Cabrera. “This has become the most coveted corner.”

The dream world continues with a quirky cocktail list divided into several categories: Fruity, Refreshing, Sweet and Sour, Strong, Untouchable, For Drivers (nonalcoholic), and What The Fuck? While most of these are self-explanatory, the Untouchable cocktails are reimagined classics that play a part in the bar’s history. What The Fuck? – much as the phrase implies – includes drinks that stray into crazy, with risky flavor combinations designed to shock and delight. “One of them, Panthera Jackson, is inspired by a dish the guys tasted during a trip to Malaysia,” says Cabrera. “A spiced mango appetizer that has been transformed into an umami cocktail with pisco, mango, coconut milk, and fish sauce.”

Quirky tavern and cocktail bar Viva Madrid 奇美小酒馆Viva Madrid

首先迎接宾客到来的是外墙古色古香的瓷砖,与 附近的 Viva Madrid 小酒馆相呼应。一进门,一个不寻 常的吧台映入眼帘 —— 上面没有展示任何酒瓶,反倒 是覆盖了锌制鳞片,让人联想到鲑鱼的表皮。内里吧 台的高度比大多数酒吧都来得低,试图打破调酒师和 顾客间的界限。

「为了让宾客感受到自己正处于鲑鱼的栖息地,我 们在天花板制造水流的效果,当进入第一个房间,你 会有一种潜入水中的感觉,感受到深沉、奇幻和充满 新意的氛围,这是我们试图营造鲑鱼在海中逆流而上 的意境。」Diego 如此形容。

下一个房间由紫红色的洗车柱和舷门隔开,专门 展示霓虹灯和插画,墙壁装饰得像漫画书内页。酒吧的 最后一个区域装饰着古老的绘画和装有蛇的发光瓶子。

Diego 说:「这就好比一间开在日本的美式餐厅 —— 这 里可说是最受大家欢迎的角落。」

奇幻的氛围延续到了非凡的鸡尾酒单上,主要分 为以下类别:水果味、清爽味、甜酸味、烈酒味、「难 以触及(Untouchable)」、「司机专属(无酒精)」和 「搞什么鬼?(What the Fuck?)」。大多数的类别不言 自明,至于「难以触及」包括了重新诠释的经典调酒, 这些经典在酒吧历史中扮演了重要角色;「搞什么鬼?」 则顾名思义,就是一些「疯狂」的鸡尾酒,以大胆的 风味组合震撼和取悦宾客。Diego 说:「其中一款名叫 Panthera Jackson 的调酒,其灵感来自于团队在马来

“Enjoy the moment, because you never know when an animal as capricious as the salmon might change direction.

我们希望所有宾客都能享受当下,因为你永远不会知道 如海鱼一般反覆无常的我们,何时会改变方向。”

Diego Cabrera

The water theme continues with one of the Untouchable cocktails, Ultramarino, which is mixed in a clay amphora before being submerged in seawater, a process that helps it acquire some salinity through osmosis. Inspired by the depths of the sea, it is served with a parmesan cracker for further umami.

“The idea,” says Cabrera, “was born when we were investigating Roman amphorae where garum [fermented fish sauce] was aged. We need to provide drinks to both the educated palate that has accompanied us over the years and the new one. Enjoy the moment, because you never know when an animal as capricious as the salmon might change direction.”

西亚旅行时品尝到的辛辣芒果开胃菜,如今被转化成一 款鲜味十足的鸡尾酒,使用了皮斯可酒、芒果、椰奶和 鱼露。」

「水」的主题在「难以触及」系列鸡尾酒之一的 Ultramarino 中得到延续。这款鸡尾酒先在陶制双耳酒瓶 中调制,然后浸入海水中,在渗透过程下赋予鸡尾酒盐 份,这灵感来自海洋深处,并搭配提鲜的帕尔马干酪脆 饼。Diego 说:「这个想法是在我们研究用来陈酿 garum (发酵鱼酱)的罗马双耳瓶时产生的。不论是旧雨还是新 知,我们希望所有宾客都能享受当下,因为你永远不会 知道如海鱼一般反覆无常的我们,何时会改变方向。」

something edgy

Maximilien Provis tells TK how Park Hyatt Seoul balances innovation and consistency to deliver exciting dining and drinking options.

“THIS IS AN ICONIC PROPERTY, but after Covid, there was a demand for new experiences, and we have been embracing that,” says Maximilien Provis, F&B Director of Park Hyatt Seoul. “Just having a quality product and top-notch presentation isn’t enough. We need to be pioneers, to create something edgy.”

On the hotel’s topmost floor, the twenty-fourth, The Lounge offers panoramic vistas from its glass-walled dining room as guests are treated to upscale and innovative Korean cuisine that appeals equally to local and foreign visitors. While respecting Korean culinary traditions, dishes are plated with imagination and finesse for a modern fine-dining feel. To further connect the restaurant to the country’s dynamic capital city viewed from its windows, selected Korean liquors and teas are available for pairing.

首尔柏悦酒店餐饮总监 Maximilien Provis 说: 「虽然我们颇具知名度,但后疫情时代顾客对新 颖体验的需求大增,我们也在全力回应这种趋势。

现在,优质佳肴和出色摆盘已不能满足顾客需求。 我们要扮演先驱者的角色,发掘创新的可能。」

For those seeking Western comfort food, flagship restaurant Cornerstone has its heart in rural Italy, offering diners a taste of homestyle cooking in relaxed surroundings with a wine list two hundred and fifty labels strong.

In contrast, there’s an avant-garde edge to The Timber House, the hotel’s innovative bar with striking décor inspired by traditional Korean design motifs. But rather than simply serving a series of cocktails with Korean characteristics, the bar is a place where vinyl meets izakaya Guests can enjoy authentic Japanese ramen, donburi, and yakimono accompanied by classic tunes played live by DJs as they sip Koreaninspired cocktails, including a range made with super-premium spirits.

“The bar scene has developed immensely over the last five years,” says Provis, “and we’re just at the beginning. Innovation is what Korea stands for. We do chef collaborations and are planning some bar takeovers too. It’s the next step in our quest for continuous improvement. We want guests to come and experience The Timber House – it has such great energy.”

The Lounge 位于酒店最高层的二十四楼, 在这里,贵宾一边被美景环绕,一边品尝本地与 外国旅客都会喜爱的创新韩式料理。这些料理兼 具了传统韩式料理精神,以及现代精致料理风格 与创意。此外,配搭餐点的精选韩国 酒品及茶品,让宾客更能沉浸在市景 的绚丽变化之中。

如果您是西餐爱好者,酒店旗舰 餐厅 Cornerstone 在舒适的用餐氛围中呈现意大 利乡村家常菜,且酒单上有多达 250 种酒款,绝 对会是您的理想之选。

与 Cornerstone 形成强烈对比的,是前卫时 尚的 The Timber House 。这间创新酒吧的室内 设计结合了传统韩国设计元素,令人印象深刻。 这里不只供应一系列韩国特色调酒,更是一处结 合黑胶唱片与日式居酒屋的多元文化场所。宾客 可以一边品尝正统日式拉面、丼饭和烧烤,一边 享受 DJ 现场表演,同时品饮顶级烈酒制作的鸡 尾酒。

Maximilien 说:「酒吧文化在过去五年间已 有进步,但这只是个开始,因为创新正是韩国 的代名词。为了与时俱进,我们会与名厨合作, 未来也规划邀请客座调酒师。我们希望每一位 宾客都能来体验 The Timber House 充满活力的 氛围。」

THE NARRATIVE of Bollinger’s 2015 vintage begins with an outstanding growing season marked by a mild, wet winter that transitioned into a balmy spring and culminated in a hot, dry, sun-filled summer. The vineyards’ chalky soil was saturated by winter rains and blessed by timely August showers, tempering any potential water stress. By the time the harvest commenced on the fourth of September, the days were warm and sunny, the nights were cool, and the grapes were in prime condition – healthy, compact bunches with high acidity and optimal ripeness.

of sun and soil 阳光与大地

Champagne Bollinger releases two cuvées that express the concentration, texture, and generosity of an exceptional vintage.

Bollinger 酒庄 2015 年份香槟的起点,是气 候条件理想的生长环境 冬季温和湿润, 春季凉爽和煦,夏季炎热干燥、阳光充足。

葡萄园的白垩质土壤在冬雨滋润下变得饱满 湿润,八月的降雨减轻了潜在的水分压力。 到九月四日开始采收时,白天温暖晴朗、夜 晚凉爽,葡萄处于最佳状态。葡萄看起来浑 圆饱满、硕果累累,果实酸度高,成熟度最 为理想。

“The appearance of the grapes and the weather in 2015 clearly pointed to a very promising vintage,” says Bollinger Cellar Master Denis Bunner. “And so we harvested, we made the wine, and then we waited seven long years. It was out of our hands. We relinquished our control, and today we give in to discovery. What a thrill! The taste is well-rooted, earthy, powerful, and concentrated. You can taste the sunshine, enhanced by the wood.”

Bollinger La Grande Année 2015, with its golden yellow undertones, is a testament to the house’s winemaking prowess. On the nose, it unfolds with inviting notes of stone fruits and Mirabelle plum accented by a hint of honey. This complex bouquet is enriched with dark berries and nuances of almond, mango, vanilla, and a delicate woody aroma. On the palate, the wine is lush and rich, with flavors of Mirabelle plum jam followed by a blend of chocolate and citrus.

Offering a different yet equally captivating profile is Bollinger La Grande Année Rosé 2015. With delicate pink undertones, it presents a nose rich in strawberry juice, mandarin, and rhubarb. The wine is layered and complex, its silky prelude leading to juicy notes of stone fruits and climaxing in a vibrant finish with hints of blood orange.

Bollinger 酒窖大师 Denis Bunner 表示: 「葡萄的外观和 2015 年的天气,都清楚显示这 是一个非常有希望、令人期待的年份。所以我 们将葡萄采收、酿酒,然后经过了 七年的漫长等待。葡萄一进到酒桶 里,就已经不在我们的控制范围内 了。我们不干预葡萄酒自然酿造的 过程。现在,我们用全然开放的心态去探索酿 造成果,实在是令人兴奋。香槟的口感非常沉 稳,充满泥土气息、强劲有力、浓郁集中。除 了阳光的气味,更有着浓烈的木头香气。」

Bollinger La Grande Année 2015 带有金黄 底色,证明酒庄的酿酒实力不容小觑。葡萄酒 散发着诱人的核果及黄香李香气,并伴有一丝 蜂蜜的味道。复杂的香气中还掺着深色浆果和 杏仁、芒果、香草的细微气味,以及细腻木香。 入口之后,酒香浓郁,黄香李果酱的味道与巧 克力和柑橘的味道交织融合。

Bollinger La Grande Année Rosé 2015 是 一款与众不同且相当迷人的葡萄酒。这款酒带 有细腻的粉红色调,散发着草莓果汁、柑橘及 大黄的香气。这款酒层次丰富、口感丰润,丝 滑的前调引出浓郁的核果香味,在充满活力的 余韵中达到高潮,并且伴有血橙芳香。


growing the future

Wine Institute takes the lead in advancing sustainable practices throughout California’s vast wine industry.

“I’M SO PLEASED to be in Hong Kong for Vinexpo Asia,” says Honore Comfort, Vice President of International Marketing at Wine Institute. “Hong Kong is one of the most sophisticated wine markets, which is why we are here.”

As an association of about a thousand California wineries and affiliated businesses, Wine Institute initiates state, federal, and international policy to promote the responsible production, consumption, and enjoyment of wine. It also works to enhance California’s economic and environmental health through its leadership in sustainable winegrowing and winemaking practices.

加州葡萄酒协会国际市场营销部副总裁 Honore Comfort 说:「我很高兴能来到香港参加 Vinexpo Asia。香港是最重要的葡萄酒市场之一,这正是 为何我们现在身处在此。」

加州葡萄酒协会汇聚多达一千家加州酒庄与 相关企业,共同制定州内、联邦和国际政策,倡 导葡萄酒的负责任生产、消费及品鉴。

“California is so fortunate to have such remarkable resources,” says Comfort, “but there are also pressures that are part of our ecosystem, such as water scarcity and wildfires. There are things that we can help manage and prevent that are tied to sustainable practices, from protecting our ancient vines to soil health to investing in our vineyards for the long term. But protecting the people who work in and live around the wine industry is the most important of all.”

协会作为葡萄酒业领航者,致力维护 加州的经济和环境健康。

Honore 表示:「加州很幸运 可以拥有酿酒所需的丰硕自然资源,但与此同 时也面临了干旱、野火等生态环境的考验。我 们得运筹帷幄、防患未然,以实践可持续精神 从守护珍贵的古老葡萄藤,到维护当前的 土壤健康,乃至于对葡萄园的长期投入。不过, 最重要的还是保障葡萄酒业从业人员及附近居 民的权益。」

This summer’s California Wine Month in Hong Kong spotlights sustainability. More than one hundred thirty promotions and offers invite wine lovers to discover California wines, including an array of certified sustainable ones.

According to Comfort, these ideas started as California’s wine grape growers and vintners got together and recognized that they needed to work toward a collective goal of leaving planet Earth better than they found it. By using viticulture to lead the way, they would help protect California so that future generations could keep making wines that are as alive as the place they’re from.

“For them to align and develop the California sustainable wine growing program and the certification program was pretty innovative,” says Comfort. Achieving the Code of Sustainable Wine Growing for California certification requires that producers adhere to more than one hundred fifty practices set out in a thick tome that is now in its fourth edition.

Once certified, growers can expect spot checks to ensure that certification requirements remain intact.

“One of the fundamental tenets of sustainability,” says Comfort, “is the notion of continuous improvement – that our work is never done and can always be better.”

今年夏天在香港举行的加州美酒 月聚焦可持续发展,带来超过 一百三十种促销优惠,邀请葡萄酒 爱好者探索加州美酒,其中包括一 系列经过认证的可持续葡萄酒。

据 Honore 所言,加州葡萄农与酒厂意 识到他们必须共同朝着让地球变得更好的集 体目标努力。他们通过葡萄栽培引领潮流, 有助于保护加州,让子孙后代能够继续酿造 与原产地一样有活力的葡萄酒。

Honore 说:「大家一起制定加州可持续 葡萄园经营规范和认证计画,可说是一项创 举。」

为获得加州可持续葡萄酒生产规范认证, 业者必须严格遵循超过一百五十项规范,目 前已修订至第四版。酒商即使已通过认证, 仍须接受实地查核,以确保流程符合认证要 求。

Honore 表示:「可持续的核心理念是持 续改善 可持续实践没有终止的一天,而 是一直迈向更好。」


from sea to stars

Guests at Soneva Jani embark, in barefoot luxury, on an enchanting Maldives journey.

IF EMBRACING LIBERATION is the ultimate measure of luxury, then Soneva Jani resort registers off the scale. The resort’s “barefoot guardians,” endearingly adorned in flowing white linen and beaming with genuine warmth, welcome visitors to a serene retreat where the frenetic hustle of everyday life fades away and where they can fully immerse in a transformative wellness adventure. In harmony with Soneva Jani’s cherished “No News, No Shoes” philosophy, guests receive a gentle invitation to

如果拥抱自由是奢华的极致标准,索尼娃贾尼可 说已超越极限。宾客一踏入这个静谧的度假胜地, 迎面而来的便是亲切的「赤脚私人管 家」,他们身穿飘逸的白色亚麻衫,以 最真挚温暖的笑容欢迎贵宾。来到这 里的那一刻起,宾客便远离了日常的 喧嚣。索尼娃贾尼奉行「没有新闻,脱下鞋履」(No News, No Shoes)的赤足理念,管家会温柔地询

Guests glimpse native sea turtles on guided diving excursions.


The overwater observatory offers serious stargazing along with fine dining. 给合观星和美食的味觉之旅。

shed their footwear as a symbolic gesture of releasing the burdens of the outside world.

Among the myriad island resorts in the Maldives, Soneva Jani stands out as a genuine sanctuary for refreshing mind, body, and spirit amid the beauty of its natural surroundings and the lavishness of its accommodations.

Visitors to the grounds are immediately impressed by the resort’s unwavering dedication to sustainability and environmental preservation. The ethos is apparent in every detail, from the villas constructed with eco-friendly materials to the solar panels that quietly power the entire property. Soneva Jani also offers its own range of natural toiletries, including a plant-based after-sun lotion that is reef-safe and gentle on the most sensitive skin.

问客人在入住期间是否愿意脫下鞋履,这也是摆脱 外在负担的象征。

在马尔代夫众多的岛屿度假村中,索尼娃贾 尼以其优美的自然环境与奢华设施闻名,是真正的 身心灵净化庇护所。

索尼娃贾尼奉行环保,不仅采用环保建材, 甚至整座酒店的电力都是来自于安静供电的太阳能 板。度假村对可持续发展和环境保护的不遗余力, 让宾客留下深刻印象。酒店专属的盥洗用品也以天 然温和为设计理念,如其中一款植物性晒后修复乳 液,对珊瑚礁不具危害性,而且天然不刺激的成分, 亦适合高敏感肌肤使用。


Adding magic to every moment at Soneva Jani is an array of one-ofa-kind recreational amenities, from the exclusive overwater private cinema to the observatory to the overwater dining platform.

各式各样独一无二的娱乐设施更为索尼娃贾尼增添魔幻魅力, 从专属的水上私人电影院、观景台到水上餐厅一应俱全。

The lush organic gardens that supply the on-site restaurants further underscore Soneva Jani’s commitment to nurturing the natural beauty of the Maldives and ensuring that its splendor remains untouched for generations to come. Visitors are invited to indulge in a guilt-free paradise.

At So Wild, guests dine barefoot on the same soil in which 90 percent of the menu’s ingredients are cultivated. The nourishing plantbased menu is meticulously crafted by visionary raw food chef Diana Von

内的天然餐厅,不仅展现索尼娃贾尼对培育马 尔代夫自然美景的用心良苦,也确保这片美景 不会遭受破坏,而宾客则是受邀沉浸在这个度 假天堂中,感受毫无环保罪恶感的假期。

在 So Wild 餐厅,客人赤脚踏在土地上用 餐,而菜单上 90% 的食材都源自于同一片土 地。生食厨师 Diana Von Cranach 为宾客精心


Soneva Jani’s overwater dining platform hovers above an endless blue sea.

plant-based menu



Cranach, whose innovative approach reimagines forgotten traditional recipes from the Indonesian Spice Islands and Southeast Asia.

Chef Von Cranach’s culinary prowess, drawing on five decades of expertise in plant-focused cuisine, shines through in a menu that transcends mere sustenance. It offers a sensorial experience composed like a symphony with healing herbs and precious botanicals – from sea purslane to rosary pea leaves – that grace the palate with each delectable bite.

Another unique dining event is the So Starstruck Astronomy Dinner, presented under a night sky of celestial beauty, dazzling with a multitude of stars. The menu is a culinary delight, each dish a work of art crafted with locally sourced seafood and sustainable ingredients. While indulging in the exquisite flavors, guests are guided by an astronomer who shares his knowledge of the heavens, pointing out constellations and offering fascinating insights into the universe. The blend of fine dining and stargazing evokes a sense of awe that makes for a truly unforgettable occasion.

Adding magic to every moment at Soneva Jani is an array of oneof-a-kind recreational amenities, from the exclusive overwater private cinema to the observatory to the overwater dining platform. And whether it’s taking a sunset cruise surrounded by dozens of dolphins, indulging in a starlit gourmet dinner, or unwinding with a rejuvenating spa treatment, the possibilities for relaxation and adventure are endless.

烹调营养丰富的蔬食佳肴,她秉持生食烹调的信 念,以创新方法重新演绎被遗忘的印度尼西亚香 料群岛及东南亚传统食谱。

Diana 主厨在蔬食料理领域深耕五年,积累 的精湛厨艺在菜单上大放异彩,超越单纯的食物 范畴,采用具有疗效的香草和珍贵的植物 —— 从 海马齿苋到念珠豌豆叶 —— 提供有如交响乐般的 感官体验,每一口美味的口感都让味蕾变得更优 雅。

除了 So Wild 餐厅,另一独特飨宴是在美丽 夜空下呈现的「So Starstruck 天文晚餐」,以满天 繁星相佐美味佳肴,每道菜都是采用当地海鲜和 可持续食材精心制作的艺术品。宾客尽情享受精 致佳肴之余,还有天文专家相伴,解析天文星象学、 辨认星座位置,并分享对宇宙的深入见解,这场 结合美食与观星的味觉之旅,相信能带给宾客难 以忘怀的回忆。

此外,各式各样独一无二的娱乐设施更为索 尼娃贾尼增添魔幻魅力,从专属的水上私人电影 院、观景台到水上餐厅一应俱全,也许是在数十只 海豚的包围下进行日落游船,也许是在星光灿烂下 享受晚餐,也或许是享受让人恢复活力的舒缓水疗 护理,在这里,只管尽情放松和自由探险。

of So Wild is crafted by Chef Diana Von Cranach. So Wild
Diana Von Cranach 精心制作。
Overseas by Mathias Dahlgren are supplied by lush organic gardens. Overseas by Mathias Dahlgren
Overwater and island villas offer luxury, privacy, and unforgettable views.

Bar Leone

5 Bar

11-15 Bridges Street, Central, Hong Kong

香港中环必列者士行11 15号


Closed on Mondays

Bar Long Fong 廊房

5 Bar

97 Jinbao Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing



q +86 010 8517 5879

Blind Tiger

5 Bar

Level 40, W Macau - Studio City, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai, Macau


Mon-Thur: 18:00-00:00

Fri-Sat: 18:00-01:00

q +853 8865 1366

Dragonfly Singapore

5 Bar

Vibe Hotel Singapore, 24 Mount Elizabeth, #01-05, Singapore 228518

Sun-Thur: 17:00-01:00

Fri-Sat: 17:00-02:00

q +65 8088 6525

Hope & Sesame 庙前冰室

5 Bar

MiaoQian Xijie 58, Dongshankou, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province

广州市越秀区东山口庙前⻄街58号 18:00-02:00 q +86 189 9841 8723

Kol Mezcaleria

5 Bar

9 Seymour Street, Marylebone, London W1H 7BA

Tue-Wed: 17:00-00:00

Thur-Sat: 17:00-01:00

Closed on Sundays and Mondays

q +44 20 3829 6888

Living Room 潮堂

5 Bar

Level 1, W Macau – Studio City, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai, Macau


Sun-Thur: 10:00-00:00

Fri-Sat: 10:00-01:00

q +853 8865 1366


Manhattan Bar

5 Bar

Level 2, Conrad Singapore Orchard, 1 Cuscaden Road, Singapore 249715

Mon-Thur: 17:00-00:00

Fri-Sat: 17:00-01:00

q +65 6733 8888

A Smart casual

Mesa by José Avillez 味赏

5 Contemporary Portuguese

Level 3, THE KARL LAGERFELD MACAU, Grand Lisboa Palace Resort Macau, Rua do Tiro, Cotai, Macau

澳门路氹射击路澳门上葡京综合度假村澳 门范思哲豪华酒店大楼三楼

Lunch: 12:00-15:00

Dinner: 18:00-22:30

Bar: 17:00-00:00

Closed on Tuesdays

q +853 8881 1800

A Smart casual

M.O. Bar MO酒吧

5 Bar

79/F, Mandarin Oriental, Shenzhen, Block A UpperHills, No. 5001 Huanggang Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Grangdong



Sun-Thur: 18:00-00:00

Fri-Sat: 18:00-01:00

q +86 755 8182 9379

Salmon Guru

5 Bar

Calle de Echegaray, 21, Centro, 28014 Madrid, Spain

Sun-Thur: 16:00-02:00

Fri-Sat: 16:00-2:30

q +34 910 00 61 85

St. Regis Bar 澳门瑞吉酒吧

5 Bar & Lounge

2/F, The St. Regis Macao, The Londoner Macao, Estrada do Istmo, s/n, Cotai, Macao

澳门路氹连贯公路澳门伦敦人澳门瑞吉酒 店二楼


q +853 8113 1300

A Smart casual

Vida Rica Bar 御苑酒廊

5 Bar

2/F, Mandarin Oriental, Macau, No. 945, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, Macau



Sun-Thur: 18:00-00:00

Fri-Sat: 18:00-01:00

q +853 8805 8928


5 Innovative Asian 1/F, Somptueux Central 52, Wellington Street, Central Hong Kong

香港中环威灵顿街52号Somptueux Central 一楼

Lunch: 12:00-15:30; Dinner: 18:30-22:30

Closed on Sundays q +852 9161 8697


5 French

6/F, Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong, 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong


Lunch: 12:00-14:00

Dinner: 18:30-20:30

Closed on Mondays q +852 3196 8880

A Smart casual


5 Latin American 5/F, 18 On Lan Street, Central, Hong Kong 香港中环安兰街18号五楼

Lunch: 12:00-15:00

Dinner: 18:30-23:00

Closed on Mondays and Sundays q +852 9726 9301

Restaurant Petrus 珀翠餐厅

5 French 56/F, Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong, Pacific Place, Supreme Court Road, Central, Hong Kong

香港中环法院道太古广场港岛香格 里拉五十六楼

Lunch: 12:00-14:30

Dinner: 18:30-23:00

q +852 2820 8590

A Smart casual

The Krug Room 库克厅

5 Western

1/F, Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong, 5 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong

香港中环干诺道中5号 香港文华东方酒店一楼

Tue-Fri: 18:30-22:00

q +852 2825 4014


5 Chinese x French

30/F, The Wellington, 198 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong


The Wellington三十楼

Lunch: Sat: 13:00-15:30

Dinner: Mon-Sat: 18:00-22:00

q +852 2711 8639


This artisan gin captures and confines the essence of arctic nature in a bottle A peaceful misty morning when the delicate scents of dew-laced arctic bilberry shrubs and spruce needles embrace in perfect harmony We wanted to capture this moment and confine it in a bottle

Flavour profile: An aromatic combination of fragrant spruces and bilberry shrubs. Elegant notes of juniper, bilberries, coniferous forest and spices.

Bois de Favresse, Cuis. Favresse Forest,

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