Welcome to TaxiPoint Magazine April 2022 Edition 36. TaxiPoint is the UK's most read taxi industry news source and in this issue we cover:
- WOMEN'S SAFETY: Is it a taxi USP?
- UBER VAT READY... But when will the others follow?
- CARD PAYMENTS: Time to mandate across the UK?
- INSTITUTE OF LICENSING: Exploring current issues facing the industry
- BUS LANES: Why can taxis use them?
- FACEMASKS: How often are they still being worn in taxis
- PRICE INCREASES: Juraj Atlas covers three strategies PHV could use to retain customers
- Are you a ranker?
- TAXI PLUS: New best practice guidance consultation launched
- Safety as a Standard introduced
- Importance of personal appearance in the taxi work place
- Cost of living could lead to rise in 'DEATH TRAP' tyres
- Global taxi news round-up
and more