COVID-19 Resources

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COVID-19 Resources Last updated 11/10/2020

Resources Available Local  Small Business Grant Program provided by Harrisonburg-Rockingham COVID19 Business Support Taskforce c/o Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chamber of Commerce  Truist Foundation: BB&T and SunTrust formed Truist with a shared purpose— to inspire and build better lives and communities.  Estland and F&M Bank Partnership: Estland has partnered with F&M Bank to enable local small businesses to get discounted marketing services with loan options to pay later. If your business is eligible for both the Paycheck Protection Program and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan, you can qualify for up to 40% off of Estland marketing services.  Ogden Newspapers (parent company of the Daily News-Record) has established a $1 million Community Grant Program to help local businesses get back to full strength by subsidizing marketing through matching grants. The fund is open to all locally owned and operated businesses impacted by the coronavirus, whether or not they are current advertisers. Grant money can be used for local print and online advertising until June 30, 2020. Grants are available for a minimum of $200 and a maximum of $5,000 of matching funds each month. (For example: You spend $200/you receive $200 of matching funds.) Applications must be submitted at: The Daily News-Record will respond within 48 hours.  Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance (HDR) is doing its best to support our local downtown community. Go to and sign up for the HDR newsletter to get all the latest downtown news and updates every two weeks. They are also including a guide to assistance and resources for small businesses.  The Shenandoah Valley Emotional Support Line (540-820-5762) offers an additional compassionate presence for community members experiencing increased anxiety or stress throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Free and

confidential, licensed counselors are available in English and Spanish to offer emotional support and to connect you with local mental health resources for ongoing care. Many of us are experiencing huge shifts in our day-to-day lives due to the Covid pandemic, individually and collectively. Going through a big transition is stressful and takes a physical and emotional toll on each of us. Our team wants you to have the support you need to get through these changes. This line is intended as a complement to existing crisis services and ongoing therapy. If you or someone you love is in crisis, please call Community Services Board 24/7 Emergency Services at 540-434-1766, or call 911. State  Rebuild VA Grant Fund Application - The Rebuild VA Grant Fund is a program to help small businesses and non-profits whose normal operations were disrupted by COVID-19. THE APPLICATION WILL BE AVAILABLE STARTING ON AUGUST 10, 2020.  The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is working directly with states to provide targeted, low-interest Economic Injury Disaster Loans (or working capital loans) to private nonprofit organizations of any size and businesses that have been severely impacted by COVID-19 to help overcome loss of revenue. o SBA disaster loans (part of the federal stimulus package)  SBDC Business Resource Guide (for Shenandoah Valley businesses)  Virginia Department of Health Federal  Payroll tax relief available to non and for-profit businesses for paid sick leave and expanded leave under the FMLA o Two-page summary on the provisions in the Act relevant to nonprofits provided by National Council of Nonprofits o Key provisions highlighted in the National Law Review  Federal relief available to nonprofits and small businesses under the economic stimulus package o Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act)  Two-page summary provided by National Council of Nonprofits

Online  Facebook small business grants & credits  Google Ad credits (available to current Google Ad customers) Resource Collections  Collection of resources for nonprofits curated by nonprofit writers/bloggers  Wired Impact – operations/HR, leadership, volunteers, remote work, communications, events, fundraising, access to tech tools, news specific to nonprofits, example responses  Nonprofit Finance Fund – scenario planning template, cash flow tool, financial modeling  Independent Sector – nonprofit sector response  Bloomerang – fundraising during COVID, sample appeals, collection of webinars  The Chronicle of Philanthropy – fundraising and philanthropy considerations  Society of Human Resource Management and Nonprofit HR (Nonprofit HR provides a free 30-minute consult) – HR  TechSoup – IT training for nonprofits and optimizing the use of technology  Energize – for volunteer coordinators  Nielsen Training & Consulting – for nonprofit leaders related to virtual meetings and a work from home program, governance, legislation and advocacy, and the role of funders  Risk Alternatives –risk management, contingency planning, remote work, and vulnerable populations  The Bridgespan Group –nonprofits and funders, and managing through tough times  The Bridgespan Group - COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Resources for Nonprofits  Blackbaud –peer-to-peer event and fundraising leading practices  Nonprofit Association of Oregon – anti-stigma, health, programming, and staff considerations  Washington Nonprofits –events, adapting fundraising strategies, HR and legal considerations  Maryland Nonprofits –cancelling events and liability risks, administrative policies, remote work, and contingency plans

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Association of Fundraising Professionals - AFP Resource Guide: Fundraising During the Time of Coronavirus Donorbox Nonprofit Blog - COVID-19 Resource Center for Nonprofits. The Donorbox resource center features a number of links to outside resources (and a few of our own) – like information about laws, articles, webinars, free templates, and more. Council of Nonprofits - Nonprofits and Coronavirus, COVID-19 Center for Nonprofit Excellence – COVID-19 Resources Network for Good - The Latest in COVID-19 Resources ConnectVA – COVID-19 Resources

Scenario Planning & Budgeting  What the Difference Between Contingency and Scenario Planning?, GrantSpace  What Nonprofits Should Do Right Now, Nonprofit Finance Fund - cash flow projections and scenario planning tools. And see here for a sample business continuity financial planning template, here for a cash forecasting example, and here for cash flow trackers from the Management Center.  Financial Leadership in the Face of Impossible Choices, Innovation in Nonprofit Finance Blog  From Sustainability to Survivability: How Nonprofits Can Manage Uncertainty Amid Crisis, Spectrum Nonprofit Services Re-opening  Workplaces During the COVID-19 Pandemic  Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting  Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting  Virginia Department of Health  Reopening Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces, Workplaces, Businesses, Schools, and Homes  Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility  Disinfecting Your Non-Emergency Vehicle

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COVID-19 Employer Toolkit Designed for Nonprofits, Unemployment & Workforce Solutions What’s the Difference Between a Furlough and a Layoff?, Hirschler

Contingency Planning  Nonprofit Guide to COVID-19 Planning, Georgia Center for Nonprofits  No Business Continuity Plan? Take These 4 Steps, NRMC  Coronavirus Update: Social Impact Organization Strategies and Planning, Nonprofit HR For Boards  How Nonprofits and Board Members Can Respond to COVID-19, BoardSource  What Nonprofit Board Members Should Be Doing Right Now to Address COVID, BoardSource  Virtual Board Meetings, BoardSource For Funders  COVID-19 – Seven Things Philanthropy Can Do, FSG  Time for Philanthropy to Double-Down in Response to COVID-19, Nonprofit Quarterly Remote Work  A Guide to Remote Working for Nonprofits, Wild Apricot  Remote Workers and Telecommuting for Nonprofits, National Council of Nonprofits  Tips for Working Remotely from People Who Do it All the Time, Vidyard  How to Embrace Remote Work, Trello – see p. 15 for digital tools Remote Work Policies  Telework & Flex Schedules Toolkit, San Mateo County – see p. 59 for sample policies and materials  A Charitable Nonprofit’s Guide to Remote Work, Standards for Excellence – see p. 14 for sample policies  Employee Remote Work Policy, Workable

Remote Work Software  Nonprofit Resources for Remote Work During the COVID-19 Outbreak, TechSoup  Free Video Conferencing – Coronavirus Spurs Special Deals, ZDNet  9 Best Collaboration Tools, Inside Design  9 Best Collaboration Tools for Remote Teams, High Fidelity  Zoom vs Skype vs Hangouts vs GoToMeeting, Liquid Digital Health  Flattening the Coronavirus Curve, The New York Times  World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – see left-hand bar for resources related to Work, Community and Faith-Based Organizations, Homeless Shelters, Events, Stigma and Resilience, etc)  Virginia Department of Health,  National Institutes of Health  Workplace, School, and Home Guidance Misc  Coronavirus: What am I Supposed to Do about My Fundraising Event? , Washington Nonprofits  Prepare Your Volunteer Program for COVID-19, Minnesota Association for Volunteer Administration  What are Companies’ Legal Obligations Around Coronavirus?, Harvard Business Review  When Xenophobia Spreads Like a Virus, NPR

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