Grant Purpose
Paying 3 therapists who continue to provide services to 12 patients - inability to pay during COVID-19 crisis Adagio House Big Brothers Big Sisters of Youth served in the School-based Mentoring Program Harrisonburg & to transfer to BBBS Office - staff supervision, Rockingham materials needed to open site Blessed Sacrament Purchase of milk, eggs, non-perishable food items for Catholic Church 900+ families/month Blue Ridge Area Food Bank
Food for pre-packed 1000 boxes $10.48 each
Grocery gift cards for foster families, car & booster seats, educational games & art supplies for children Blue Ridge CASA out of school Clients served are still facing legal issues that threaten Blue Ridge Legal Services their access to shelter, safety & security Boys & Girls Clubs of Cleaning supplies & food for the Elkton Unit Mon-Fri Harrisonburg & for 15 youth of essential workers (summer); 3 county Rockingham County club sites for academic support (fall) Rent assistance, access to transportation for food, Brain Injury Connections medicine & medical appts for 70-75 brain-injured of the Shenandoah Valley individuals, and PPE for staff Rent assistance for 1 month -COVID-19 positive singleparent household (4 individuals) - no work income
Bridge of Hope Central Valley Habitat for Humanity Mortgage deliquencies
Date(s) Funded Total Funded
Focus Mental Health
5/8/2020 6/19/2020 1/21/2021
Child Care
Food & Other
6/19/2020 1/21/2021
Safe Shelter
Food & Safe Shelter & Mental Health
4/27/2020 5/8/2020 9/4/2020 1/21/2021 4/27/2020 5/8/2020 6/19/2020 1/21/2021
Safe Shelter
4/27/2020 5/8/2020
Child Care