Summary Report 2019 GreatCommunityGive

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The Great Community Give Summary Report

4.17.19 MISSION Strengthening our communities through purposeful giving and active engagementÂ

Accomplishments 89 nonprofit organizations participated on 4/17/19

We trained 46 nonprofit organizations in social media We raised $73,500 in sponsorship prizes given back to nonprofits 24 nonprofit organizations received a prize (some received multiple!) We engaged with 59 partners to give their time or money to the GCG initiative Nonprofits received 5,725 donations from actively engaged community members

Nonprofits grew in community presence

$536,300 was raised from 6:30am to 8pm for nonprofit organizations by the community

We nearly doubled our total fundraising of last year's event!

Thank you to all participating nonprofits! Anicira Arts Council of the Valley AVA Care of Harrisonburg Big Brothers Big Sisters of HarrisonburgRockingham Blue and Gray Search and Rescue Dogs Inc. Blue Ridge Area Food Bank Blue Ridge Casa for Children Blue Ridge Christian School Blue Ridge Legal Services, Inc. Boys & Girls Clubs of Harrisonburg and Rockingham Brain Injury Connections of the Shenandoah Valley, Inc BRCC Educational Foundation Brethren Woods Bridge of Hope, Inc. Bridgewater Retirement Community Briery Branch Community Center Build Our Park Downtown Harrisonburg Center for Marriage and Family Counseling Central Valley Habitat for Humanity Church World Services Collins Center Cornerstone Christian School DePaul Community Services East Gate Ministries Eastern Mennonite School Elkton Area United Services Elkton Progressive Improvement Committee Explore More Discovery Museum FairField Center Faith in Action Family Life Resource Center First Step Friends of Valley Charities Friendship Industries, Inc Gemeinschaft Home Generations Crossing Gift and Thrift Harmonia Sacra Society Harrisonburg-Rockingham Child Day Care Center Harrisonburg-Rockingham Free Clinic Harrisonburg-Rockingham Historical Society Harrisonburg-Rockingham Sports Commission Highland Retreat Hope Distributed Journey Counseling Kingsway Prison & Family Outreach Lutheran Family Services of Virginia Massanetta Springs Conference Center Massanutten Regional Library Mercy House New Creation NewBridges Immigrant Resource Center Northeast Neighborhood Association Inc.


Leaderboard Winners!

Thank you to all participating nonprofits! OASIS Fine Art and Craft On the Road Collaborative Open Doors Our Community Place Plains Area Day Care Pleasant View, Inc. Redeemer Classical School RMH Foundation Roberta Webb Child Care Center Rockingham Ballet Theatre Rockingham Educational Foundation, Inc. Rockingham-Harrisonburg SPCA Sadie Rose Foundation Second Home Learning Center Shenandoah National Park Trust Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition Shenandoah Valley Black Heritage Project Shenandoah Valley Children's Choir Shenandoah Valley Scholars' Latino Initative Skyline Literacy Stephanie Hoover Foundation Steve Wingfield Evangelistic Association Still Meadows Enrichment Center and Camp Strength in Peers Ten Thousand Villages The Arc of Harrisonburg and Rockingham The First Tee of Harrisonburg The Salvation Army of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County United Way of Harrisonburg Rockingham Valley FCA Valley Program for Aging Services Village to Village VMRC Foundation Way to Go, Inc. Young Life - Harrisonburg/Rockingham County

Connecting Community to Causes The Great Community Give is known to many in the Harrisonburg and Rockingham community as one day of charitable giving. This exciting day of philanthropy, however, requires time, effort, and coordination of all participating nonprofit organizations (listed on the left) throughout the year. Read below about two nonprofits' experiences with the Great Community Give.

Ben Craig Executive Director, Way To Go Ben was fortunate to have interns by his side this year as the Way To Go team took on the Great Community Give. The team promoted the organization on social media, sent email blasts, made face to face appeals at Board meetings, and created awareness at their Chick Fil A Spirit Night. Overall, Ben's experience with Great Community Give was overwhelmingly positive. The exposure for his interns as well as exposure for Way To Go was priceless. His interns had direct experience with fundraising, outreach, marketing, communications, and donor stewardship. GCG provided Way To Go with not only funds that directly supported client services, but a platform to educate the community on how they serve the area. For more information on Way To Go, visit their website:

Rachel Howdyshell Executive Director, Open Doors The Great Community Give and Open Doors' annual fundraiser, Food Truck Fest, fell on the same week. Rachel strategized by promoting both events within each other through social media, emails, and board member involvement. She emphasized that Open Doors was not participating in GCG solely for the prizes. It was important for the community to know the funds raised in GCG went directly to their client services. Rachel sees the Great Community Give as working together with other nonprofits rather than competing with them. She understands that the Great Community Give is about bettering our community through camaraderie. For more information on Open Doors, visit their website:

Fundraising Together Read how Harrisonburg and Rockingham County showed up and gave back on 4.17.19

Running Totals


405,000 270,000


12 :0 0a m 6: 00 am 8: 00 a 10 m :0 0a 12 m :0 0p m 2: 00 pm 4: 00 pm 6: 00 pm 8: 00 pm


Nonprofits received the most funds in between 3:00pm and 4:00pm with a total of $92,682.66 given by community members. The hour with the second largest amount of dollars given was in between 9:00am and 10:00am with a total of $84,222. Both of these hours were designated Most Dollars Raised Power Hours supported by Janney Montgomery Scott LLC and Interchange. This demonstrates that these Power Hour incentives are influential for both nonprofits and community members.


69,750 46,500



12 :0 0a m 6: 00 am 8: 00 a 10 m :0 0a 12 m :0 0p m 2: 00 pm 4: 00 pm 6: 00 pm 8: 00 pm

Dollars Per Hour

Between 2:00pm and 3:00pm, we reached our initial goal of $333,000. Then we set our second goal of $444,000. Between the hour 4:00pm and 5:00pm, we exceeded that goal as well. Finally, we established our third and final goal of the day, $500,000. The Harrisonburg and Rockingham community burst through that goal between 6:00pm and 7:00pm.

Fundraising Together

Donations steadily rose throughout the day between 6:00am and 8:00pm. There is high probability that donations were made multiple times by the same people. This graph illustrates the number of donations and not donors. By the end of Great Community Give, 5,725 donations were made by the Harrisonburg and Rockingham community.

5,800 4,350 2,900 1,450 0

12 :0 0a m 6: 00 am 8: 00 am 10 :0 0a m 12 :0 0p m 2: 00 pm 4: 00 pm 6: 00 pm 8: 00 pm

Running Donations


950 760 570 380 190

12 :0 0a m 6: 00 am 8: 00 am 10 :0 0a m 12 :0 0p m 2: 00 pm 4: 00 pm 6: 00 pm 8: 00 pm


Donations per Hour The most number of donations received within a given hour was 925 donations between 11:00am and 12:00pm. The second highest number of donations was given between 7:00am and 8:00am at a total of 679. Both of these hours were Most Unique Donor Power Hours provided by Valley Engineering and LD&B Insurance and Financial Services. Again, we can conclude that these power hour incentives are instrumental for fundraising for nonprofits and community members.

We are happy to report that we exceed our unique donor goal of 3,333. The Great Community Give reached a total of 3,903 unique donors throughout the entire day!Â

Thank you to all of our Partners! Appeal Production Association of Fundraising Professionals Barbara & Karl Stoltzfus Blue Ridge Insurance Brown Edwards Cargill Timberville Chester and Nancy Bradfield Clark & Bradshaw, PC Classic Kitchen & Bath ComSonics, Inc. Daily News Record Darrin McHone Charitable Foundation Deirdre Staton, LCSW, PLLC Denton Family Foundation Dick Myers Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Fiat Dr. Charles & Mary Henderson Dynamic Aviation E&M Paint Estland Design F&M Bank Flora Pettit Frazier Quarry George & Ann Pace Glass & Metals Graves Light Wealth Management Harman Construction Harrisonburg Radio Group iHeart Radio Interchange IT Decisions Janney Montgomery Scott JMU Communications Department Lantz Construction Company Larson Wealth Management LD&B Insurance and Financial Services Market Place Agency and ElderCare Marissa Andrick, Marketing Media Specialist at Massanutten Resort MillerCoors Myers Ford Myrias Group Nielsen Builders, Inc. nTelos Paul & Sherry Cline PB Mares Pilgrims Pride Rockingham Insurance Roger & Sonja BIble RS Monger Sam Johnson, Lead Digital Marketing Specialist at Immerge Tech Stern & Heatwole Stone Law Group Summit Community Bank Sustainable Solutions The Board of The Community Foundation Tropical Smoothie Cafe Union Bank Wealth Management Valley Building Supply Valley Engineering Virginia Poultry Growers Co-Op LLC Weaver's Flooring America WHSV-TV3

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors nTelos Wireless Foundation A donor advised fund at The Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge

Darrin-McHone Charitable Foundation

Silver Sponsors Dr. Charles & Mary Henderson Valley Engineering Janney Montgomery Scott The Board of The Community Foundation LD&B Insurance and Financial Services

Thank you to our Media Partners! Appeal Production Daily News Record Estland Design Harrisonburg Radio Group iHeart Radio WHSV-TV3

Thank you to our Volunteer Committee! Melissa Mayhew, Amanda Bomfim, Revlan Hill, Tammy Duxbury, Amy Rush, Kay Harrison, Susanne Myers, Amy Lemmons, Toni Bentel Bailey, Dale Hulvey, Ann Siciliano, Abe Shearer, Mike Mehling and Alan Shelton

Thank You Harrisonburg and Rockingham County!

Photos taken by our generous photographers at The Downtown Creative. For the full album, please go to our Great Community Give Facebook page

Working together to Dream. Share. Build. OUR COMMUNITY

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