At The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County, we make it easy to give back to the community we all love through comprehensive and trusted charitable giving.
We partner with donors, professional advisors and nonprofits to fund local needs through community endowments and support to charities. By expertly managing these funds in-house or with local financial advisors, we’re able to power the arts, faith-based initiatives, environmental grants, human services, domestic and wildlife animal organizations and educational initiatives that help to strengthen our community and
make it a vibrant place to live and work.
Great Community Give is an initiative that pursues our mission because it enables people who love their community to easily give back to local causes. Whether you donate $10, $20, $100 or more, it adds up to an incredible day of support for the nonprofits that meet needs, enrich our lives, and build a community we all enjoy.
The Great Community Give is an initiative of The Community Foundation and gives you the opportunity to sponsor and donate to your favorite local nonprofits. The Great Community Give – A community wide giving day for local partner nonprofit organizations, takes place on the third Wednesday in April, from 6:30am to 8pm. All donations are tax-deductible.
Great Community Give celebrated its fifth year on April 20, 2022. Thousands of donors have given back to the home we know and love. The Community Foundation owes the success of Great Community Give to the volunteers, sponsors, donors, nonprofits, and community members of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County.
D i s c o v e r h o w y o u r d o n a t i o n s t o l o c a l n o n p r o f i t o r g a n i z a t i o n s m a d e a d i f f e r e n c e
Blue Ridge Christian School's enrollment grew by 50% over the last two years. We are grateful for generous support through the Great Community Give. This year's gifts helped complete our Preschool expansion (we now serve 62 preschoolers) and fund our financial aid program Thank you for impacting the lives of the 420 students at BRCS!
Carolyn Paradzinski Director of Admissions and MarketingV2V will be using funds from the Great Community Give for facilitating not only moving refugee families into their homes but hosting meals once a month for local refugee families, purchasing resources for cleaning training for families and emergency needs that may come up. We continue to provide most of what families need when they initially move into their homes like furniture, clothes, dishes, hygiene items and more We have been able to provide assistance with funding for paperwork to Ukrainian families over the past few months and will continue to do what we can to help them get settled
Heidi Dove DirectorAlliance for the Shenandoah Valley is so grateful to the Community Foundation and to the generous community members who make Great Community Give such a success. The funds that we raised in 2022 are helping to make possible our work in Rockingham County—guiding future growth to towns and cities and protecting our working farmland and forests in the countryside. Rockingham-based Kim Sandum is deeply engaged in local land use planning and transportation decisions because of community support. We look forward to participating again in 2023!
Erin Burch Director of Communications and DevelopmentOur team is grateful for the community support we've received the last several years during the Great Community Give The funds raised have been used to provide scholarships for swimmers in need, both in clinics and the year-round team, as well as purchase equipment for clinic swimmers to keep their fees down We continue to work toward joining with other non-profits to provide swim instruction for those in our community who have a financial need and develop a scholarship program that will allow as many children as possible to develop a lifelong love for Swimming.
Jolanthe Erb Director of OperationsAdagio House
Alliance for the Shenandoah Valley
American Cancer Society - Harrisonburg/Rockingham
Amplify Music
Anicira Veterinary Center
Any Given Child Shenandoah Valley Arts Council of the Valley AVA Care of Harrisonburg
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Harrisonburg-Rockingham County
Black and Brown Owned Business Growth Program (B-Cubed)
Blue and Gray Search Dogs, Inc
Blue Ridge Area Food Bank
Blue Ridge CASA
Blue Ridge Christian School
Blue Ridge Community College Educational Foundation
Blue Ridge Foster Love
Blue Ridge Free Clinic
Blue Ridge Legal Services
Boys & Girls Clubs of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County
Brain Injury Connections of the Shenandoah Valley Breaking Free
Brethren & Mennonite Heritage Center
Brethren Woods Camp & Retreat Center
Bridge of Hope Harrisonburg-Rockingham
Briery Branch Community Club
BSA Troop 42 & 242, Pack 42
Build Our Park
Cat's Cradle of the Shenandoah Valley Center For Art Humor & Soul
Central Valley Habitat for Humanity
Cinderella Project of the Shenandoah Valley, Inc. Collins Center
Comité Salvadoreño paisanos unidos (COSPU)
Community Counseling Center
Community Preschool
Cornerstone Christian School
Cross Keys Equine Therapy
DePaul Community Resources (Harrisonburg)
Destinys Daughters Incorporated
Disabled American Veterans Harrisonburg VA Chapter 24
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County
East Gate Ministries
Eastern Mennonite School
Elkton Area United Services
Elkton Progressive Improvement Committee (EPIC)
EMU Summer Musical Theater
Explore More Discovery Museum
FairField Center
Faith in Action
Family Life Resource Center
First Step: A Response to Domestic Violence
First Tee- Shenandoah Valley Friends of Valley Charities
Friendship Industries, Inc.
Gemeinschaft Home Generations Crossing
Girls on the Run of the Shenandoah Valley Good Shepherd School and Day Care Harmonia Sacra Society
Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance Harrisonburg Education Foundation
Harrisonburg Police Foundation
Harrisonburg Rockingham Child Day Care Center
Harrisonburg Rockingham Living Wage Campaign
Highland Retreat Hope Distributed
Horizons Youth Sports Academy
HRock Young Life Impact Living Services
Journey Counseling Ministries Kerus Global Education Kingsway Prison and Family Outreach LifeHouse Ministries LWFI Inc
Massanetta Springs Massanutten Regional Library Mercy House
New Community Project / Vine & Fig New Creation
NewBridges Immigrant Resource Center
Northeast Neighborhood Association, Inc. Northern Rockingham Stewards
On the Road Collaborative Open Doors, inc.
Our Community Place Patchwork Pantry
Plains District Memorial Museum
Pleasant View Inc
Redeemer Classical School RMH Foundation
Roberta Webb Child Care Center
Rockingham Ballet Theatre
Rockingham Educational Foundation, Inc.
Rockingham-Harrisonburg SPCA
Rocktown History | HRHS Scholars Latino Initiative
Second Home Learning Center
Shenandoah Housing Corporation (Harrisonburg Redevelopment and Housing Authority)
Shenandoah LGBTQ Center - Friendly City Safe Space
Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival
Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition Shenandoah Valley Black Heritage Project Shenandoah Valley Children's Choir Shenandoah Valley Choral Society Skyline Literacy
SONshine Ministries
Still Meadows Enrichment Center & Camp Stone Haven
Strength In Peers
Suitcase Clinic (JMU)
Ten Thousand Villages - Harrisonburg
The Arc of Harrisonburg and Rockingham
The Gus Bus (JMU)
The HALT Foundation
The Sadie Rose Foundation
The Twila and Larry Showalter Cancer Fund
Valley Area Swim Team (Virginia Gators of Harrisonburg) Valley Associates for Independent Living Inc.
Valley Conservation Council Valley Program for Aging Services
Virginia Clean Cities Virginia Quilt Museum Way to Go
Your Economic Success (YES)
The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1068, Harrisonburg, VA 22803
Physical Address: 317 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Phone: 540-432-3863 Website: www tcfhr org
The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County makes charitable giving easy, acting in the best interest of our donors and partners to facilitate bold philanthropic initiatives for a stronger, healthier community.
Confirmed in Compliance with National Standards for U S Community Foundations