Volume 8 Issue 31

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*While supplies last.

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Dog bites did not cause death of North Caicos resident Mary Craig Police said that none of the dig bites sustained by North Caicos resident Mary Craig caused lifethreatening injuries. According to a press release from police spokesman Paul Baker, 48-year-old Craig, whose body was on the beach near Whitby in North Caicos on Wednesday July 25, died of a heart attack.

Baker said initial indications suggested that Craig had succumbed to injuries sustained during a suspected dog attack. He added: “As a result the RTCI Police launched an investigation and an autopsy was performed. This revealed that Mrs Craig died from ‘acute coronary artery thrombosis’ (heart attack). It

also revealed none of the dog bites sustained by Mrs Craig caused lifethreatening injuries.” Baker said police are continuing their investigations and are working with other Government agencies to ensure the safety and security of the communities of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Foreigners exploited in the TCI CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

In one instance, Ft. Been said that he learned of cases where expatriates have been employed locally to work for far less than what the minimum wage required. According him, a number of persons came to the Turks and Caicos Islands to advance themselves, but instead they were taken advantage of by those who sought to enrich themselves at their expense. “I had the privilege of being able to speak with a number of persons who have migrated to the country and were being taken advantage of, so that someone else could make more money. One of the stories I have heard is that persons who work in bars start working 3 o’clock in the afternoon and leave 2 – 3 o’clock in the Rector for the Monica’s Anglican Church, morning and are paid $80 a week. Fr. Bernard Been addressing the Fortis “And sometimes, if they are fortunate, Plenary Session (they are paid) a hundred or a hundred and twenty (dollars). Minimum wage suggest that they should be getting at least $200 a week. But they are told (by owners of the establishments in which they work) that these are the laws of the country, and of course, they (workers) don’t agitate for anything, and so they accept that,”Ft. Been revealed. He said that there were other instances of persons coming to the TCI illegally and obtained work through illicit means, and are therefore, paid according to the level of conscience of the employer. He said in other cases, employee, after completing a job and were expecting their wages, the unscrupulous employers summoned the immigration department of their illegality, resulting in their deportation without receiving a penny. On the matter of sexual exploitation, Fr. Been said there were establishments in the TCI that were recruiting girls to “parade” in their establishments for amorous men to solicit on nightly basis. According to him, the sex hungry clients were required to pay the owner of the enterprise a fee for the girl of his choosing before requiring her accompany to his love nest. He said the young lady is also required to pay the establishment’s owner a fee for using his business place as her showcase. “These things are wrong. These are things that are happening in our society, and you would be surprised to know how popular it is becoming. Exploitation – taking advantage of people, manipulating persons so that we can take advantage of them (is happening in the TCI),” Ft. Been said. Fr. Been said however, that a recent policy established by the Interim Administration to combat the practice was a step in the right direction. “I am happy to know that there are now policies in place to help combat these social problems that we face (where) if a person is working illegally, then if those persons who hire that person are caught, they would be fined or they would go to jail and they must also pay the person (who they hire). The policies are put in place to tell you that you just can’t use people for your own benefit and send them back (to their country). I challenge all of us to get involved and play our part in terms of finding solutions and be a part of the solution. It is a moral obligation that we must take on. We can’t see wrong being done and turn a blind eye to it. Each us must be accountable. Each of us must seek to do the right thing; resist the temptation of being selfish, that’s what causes exploitation, too; we are only concerned about me and (pay) little concern about those persons who we are exploiting,” Fr. Been said.

Mary Craig

Desiree Lewis appointed PS in Ministry of Health Governor Ric Todd has appointed Desiree Lewis as Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health, replacing Judith Campbell who was originally selected but never took up the post. A Government press release said Lewis’ appointment was ratified by Governor Todd on Thursday, August 2nd, 2012 following a “fair, objective and transparent recruitment process”. Mrs. Lewis currently Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry has been the Acting Permanent Secretary since April 2012. A public service official with some 25 years experience she has held Under Secretary positions in the former Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the office of the Chief Minister and more recently in the Ministry of Finance. She takes up the position with immediate effect. Commenting on the appointment TCI Government Chief Executive, Patrick Boyle, Chairman of the interview panel said: “I am delighted that Mrs. Lewis has been confirmed in the position of Permanent Secretary, Health and Education. She brings a wealth of experience to the role and can be justifiably proud of her personal commitment to outstanding public service. I look forward to working with her in the transition to a new elected Government”. The post of PS Health was advertised on 10 November 2011 on the TCI Government website and in TCI’s three local newspapers with a closing date of Sunday 1st July 2012. Five candidates applied, all TCI Islanders. The selection panel agreed a shortlist on 25th July 2012 to consider the applications, reviewing them against the experiential requirements and competences published in the candidate specification. Three applicants were selected for the short list based on

Desiree Lewis

the strength of their applications. On the evidence of their applications, the remaining applicants were not considered by the panel to be a strong enough fit against the required profile and were informed that they had been unsuccessful. The short listed applicants were called for interview on the 1st August 2012. One applicant withdrew for personal reasons on the morning of the interviews so the panel interviewed two candidates. The interview included a formal presentation by each candidate. Candidates were asked to nominate two personal referees, and these references were taken up ahead of the interviews, with referee comments being made available to panel members to contribute to their decisions. Panel members recorded their assessments on individual rating sheets for each candidate. The recommendations of the panel are made collectively with the full agreement of all panel members. The decision was unanimous. The panel comprised Mr. Patrick Boyle (Chief Executive TCIG) – Chairman, Mr. John Smith (Chief Executive - TCIAA) – External Member and Mr. Mark Greenway (Human Resources Director - TCIG) – Member .




consultants. PWC, Finance; Tracks, Clinical Services and Human Resources, Eversheds, I have tried as best that I can to Legal and Human Resources; keep away from continuing to Ove Arup, I M and explain the process that took T/Construction, Nightingale, place some years ago with Design. These consultants respect to the two state-of-the were chosen because they had art hospitals that have been a proven track record in erected and commissioned in delivering the type of service the Turks and Caicos Islands. that TCIG required. It goes Some people try to without saying, that the conveniently spew the templates for PPI and ISTC nonsense that these hospitals were modified to suit the TCI began and ended with the scenario. Progressive National Party A design concept was (PNP). That notion and developed utilizing all of the assertion is as far from the truth named consultants who were as the difference between chalk ROYAL ROBINSON guided by the requirements and cheese! CONTRIBUTER for TCI coupled with the need We must go back to the to satisfy the UK’s demands time when the Foreign and that it meet the criteria of being effective, efficient, Commonwealth Office (FCO) commissioned a study and provide value for money, but most especially on the health care delivery systems in the Turks and that there would not be any contingent liability to the Caicos Islands that took the views of a wide crossUK government. section of the people in this country and concluded A Request for Expressions of Interests in a that a hospital should be built to improve the service project as shown by TCIG was sent out. We had delivery, and that hospital should be built in advertisement in all of the major international news Providenciales. papers, including the Financial Times of London. We At that time, I was a member of the Providenciales Chamber of Commerce and when the received more than twenty Expressions of Interests meeting was held there, advocated for the one and according to our consultants, this number was hospital solution. Eventually, the report more than usually obtained for a project such as ours. Subsequently, a Request for Proposals (RFP) recommended that view as well. The British was sent out using the information provided by Government was going to fund the building at that TCIG and those companies were required to come time. However, Hon. Derek Taylor in his infinite to TCI and do their own due diligence and make their wisdom told the British that the hospital should be proposals. They had to come with their own built in Grand Turk. They on their part, as with the financing package in addition to a design, clinical location on the prison being built in Grand Turk in and infrastructural solution that would satisfy 1995, said that it is our money; a Providenciales is TCIG’s requirement. where the hospital would go and that If you, Taylor, Most of the companies that came forward had want it in Grand Turk, then you find the money and either a UK or US connection and had previously build it there. provides some form clinical services that we were This impasse continued for some time until looking for. The initial company that seemed to jump Washington Misick, as Leader of the then PNP out to the team was the Swedish one, CAPIO, and Opposition suggested that two hospitals should be that was because of its approach to socialized built, one in Grand Turk and the other in medicine. We visited facilities that were being run in Providenciales. Taylor agreed with the suggestion the UK by these companies under the ISTC and there was the genesis of the two hospitals programme. solution. The companies that presented final proposals to The Taylor administration, under the leadership TCIG had to, as part of the process, make public of the Minister of Health, Clarence Selver, tried, but presentations of their proposals. These presentations failed to deliver the hospitals, even though there were done in Providenciales for logistical reasons were a number of proposals. The PNP in 2003, took and each group had a set time to showcase to the TCI over the government and went about trying to population, what was intended by each group. WIV accomplish what Taylor and Selver did not. The Television, in one of its nightly news programme, Canadians through CIDA had started to help TCIG pronounced that the CAPIO and InterHealth prior to 2003 and this continued under the Misick solutions seemed to fit TCI and so did the Weekly government. The Canadian consultants provided a News. This was done before the technical evaluation building solution, but TCIG, in the financial position as previously agreed to, had taken place. So there that it was in, could not raise the capital on its own was general buy-in by the people for CAPIO to build the buildings. A new approach had to be followed by InterHealth from the very inception. made and a justification for it was the new policy Team TCIG was disappointed that CAPIO withdrew would be that there would be the development of a after being hijacked by Global Health. healthcare renewal system, with five planks and the As indicated previously, each Bidder had to hospitals would be one of those important planks. come with its design, financing, construction and To make this happen, two concepts were clinical solution for the project. InterHealth came merged. These concepts were the Public, Private Initiative (PPI) and the Independent Sector with a financial syndicate headed by First Caribbean Treatment and Care (ISTC). Both of these had taken Bank, which was being advised by Barclays Bank root in the UK and we decided to use them as a basis UK, and Johnston International as their main and modify them to meet TCIG’s needs and ability. contractor. A number of the bidders had chosen Johnston for By this time, team TCIG consisted of Delton Jones, the build component because they could have Finance; Dr. Rufus Ewing, Clinical Services; Mrs. provided the types of warrantees and guarantees of Rhondalee Braithwaite-Knowles, Legal; Miss a fixed price contract of this magnitude. TCIG had Denise Saunders, Human Resources; Lorraine nothing to do with which company a bidder chose as Kenlock/Benjamin Robinson, I M and T, Mr. Royal long as the requirements of the contract could be Robinson, Design and Construction and Project fulfilled. So TCIG did not impose any entity on any Director. of the bidders as some would like to be the case. The team was supported by the following UK One of the constraining factors for TCIG was the

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Turks and Caicos Sun Suite # 5, Airport Plaza Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands Tel: (649) 946-8542/ (649) 241-1510 Fax: (649) 941-3281 Email: sun@suntci.com Read us online at www.suntci.com

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Hayden Boyce Senior Editor: Vivian Tyson Journalist/Web Designer: Patrina Moore-Pierre Graphics Editor: Joleen Grant Office Manager: Dominique Rigby Distribution Manger: Kelano Howell Advertising and Marketing ManagerPatrina Moore-Pierre The Turks and Caicos SUN is a subsidiary of The SUN Media Group Ltd. We are committed to excellence in journalism, educating and informing our readers, serving and satisfying our advertisers and assisting in the overall development of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

affordability of the hospitals as part of its programme. That being the case, a number of the proposed services and building had to be scaled back. However, it was decided that the envelope would be designed such that any expansion would be able to be made without any major adjustment of the facilities. To this end, it was agreed that the sum of $235M would be approved to be placed as a charge on the properties, but the initial draw down would be limited to $127M to allow for the first phase to be commissioned and when the utilization reached a point that the expansion was necessary, all that had to be done was to agree the further draw down without having to get additional loan agreements and a whole raft of paper work having to be done. There was nothing untoward being done at all, contrary to what has now been suggested by certain persons in the community for their own uninformed reasons. I will address some of the other issues in Part 2.

Royal Robinson was a former Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance and Health in the Progressive National Party (PNP) Administration.


The Turks and Caicos SUN welcomes Letters to the Editor. Letters containing libelous or defamatory charges, personal attacks or abusive language will not be considered for publication. We would prefer letters of 500 words or less, and we will not print anonymous letters or letters tagged with initials. All letters are subject to the final approval of the Publisher and Editor-inChief, who reserves the right to accept or reject submissions and to edit letters and headlines to meet our established standards for grammar, clarity and length.

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Turks and Caicos Islands population is now 31,458 The population of the Turks and Caicos Island is 31,458 persons according to the preliminary findings of the 2012 TCI Government Population and Housing Census published on Thursday, August 2nd, 2012. According to a Government press release, the initial assessment of data collected during the 2012 census undertaken by the Government’s Strategic Policy and Planning Unit (SPPU) revealed that the population of the TCI grew from 19,886 in 2001 to 31,458 persons in 2012, that there are 16,037 males and 15,421 females living in the country and that Providenciales has the largest population of any Island with 23,769 persons, nearly five times larger than the next biggest, Grand Turk with 4,831 The population of each of the family islands is: as follows, Providenciales: 23,769 (an 82.5% increase on the 2001 census), Grand Turk: 4,831 (an increase of 21.5% on the 2001 census), South Caicos: 1,139 (a 7.1% increase on the 2001 census), North Caicos: 1,312 (a 2.6% decrease on the 2001 census), Middle Caicos: 168 (a 44.2% decrease on the 2001

census),¬ Parrot Cay: 131 (a 125.9% increase on the 2001 census), Salt Cay: 108 (a 10% decrease on the 2001 census) Statistics show that in the census period since 1960, Providenciales and Grand Turk are the only two Islands never to experience a net loss of people and thatTCI has a population density of 214 persons per square mile, withGrand Turk being the most densely populated island at 700 people per square mile, up from 576 in 2001 Middle Caicos is the least densely populated island at 4 persons per square mile andProvidenciales, the most populated island, has a density of 634 persons per square mile According to the census, 42.5% of the population in 2012 are Belongers, 57.5% non-Belongers. In 2001, 52% were Belongers and 48% nonBelongers. Some 73.7% of the 2012 population is aged 18 years or over. “The Census is an extremely important piece of research conducted for the benefit of the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands,” said His Excellency Governor Ric Todd. “It provides empirical data, both now and historically, that allows Government to make better informed decisions about


every area of its operations. Its factual assessment improves the ability to make policy; informs where future spending is directed across the board, for example in education, health and social policy; gives evidence to shape the Government’s approach on long term issues such as immigration, pensions, capital investment and transport policy; and facilitates action to address the challenges of changing populations across the Islands.” He added: “I was personally involved in the launch of the census earlier in the year and have followed its progress with interest. I would like to thank everyone who took the time to contribute to it and the hardworking and dedicated enumerators and other Government staff for a job well done.” Census Enumeration commenced on January 25th 2012 and continued throughout all of the islands for a period of three months. Census Day was January 25th 2012. This is the reference point for which all the statistics provided by members of private households and institutions in response to questions contained in the Census Questionnaires relate. The Census Order for the conduct of the 2012 Census of Population and Housing was made by Governor Todd in January 2012 in accordance with the Census Ordinance of the revised laws

Governor Ric Todd

of the Turks and Caicos Islands 2011. The Statistical Office started precensus planning one year earlier in 2011 The 2012 Population and Housing Census was undertaken as part of the 2010 Round of Population and Housing Census in the region. The Turks and Caicos Islands is a member of the Regional Census Coordinating Committee. Through this mechanism, participating countries have agreed to collaborate with regard to census methodology and procedures and the type of tables and statistics to be disseminated. The final Census report will be prepared after all information in the questionnaires is edited, verified for consistency, coded, scanned and processed for tabulation. The editing and verification phase is currently ongoing. It is expected that the final report will be submitted to the Governor by November, 2012.

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Government on target for surplus budget BY VIVIAN TYSON SUN SENIOR EDITOR

Despite a shortfall in revenue collection for the first quarter, government is still on target to achieving its surplus budget for 2012/2013, according to Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance. Addressing a news conference on Monday, July 30, at the Department of Environmental and Coastal Resources (DECR), Providenciales, Williams said that even though government was experiencing a shortfall, revenue collection was far better than the corresponding period over last year. She said that at the end of June this year, Government ended the first quarter with an $8.2 million surplus, pointing out also that $49.2 million in revenue was collected, while expenditure was 35.3 million. She said that non-recurrent expenditure

was $4.2 million; capital contribution was $1.8 million, while debtservicing payment was $0.3 million. “Revenue at the end of the quarter was about $1.9 million or about four percent below budget, but $7.5 million or 18 percent above last year. Revenue for the first quarter performed particularly well, especially in the area of stamp duty, which continues to have strong collections. Customs processing fees, as well as other revenues accounts continue to do well. “During the first quarter of this year we had a substantial grant from the FCO of about $6 million that was to fund the cost of SIPT (Special Investigation and Prosecution Team)/Civil Recovery. And then we had other revenues that came in as well from the business licensing, work permits and accommodation tax and so on,” Williams said. She noted that the major revenue fallout was due mainly to a drop in the hotel sector earlier this year courtesy

Accidental drowning is cause for Canadian toddler’s death Post-mortem examination on two-year-old Canadian female toddler, who was found floating face down in a pool at a Cherokee Road residence in Providenciales revealed accidental drowning, according to police blotters. Police reports suggested that the incident took place on Sunday, July 22. The police said that at the time of the incident, the residence was being occupied by a family which had arrived on vacation from Canada just a day prior to the tragic incident. Family members present and paramedics, who arrived later, performed Cardio Respiratory Resuscitation after fishing her from the pool, but she remained unresponsive. She was later pronounced dead by medical officials at the Cheshire Medical Centre. The Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force said investigations in the matter would continue. The police said their investigation so far did not turn up any foul play.

of the Norovirus, which caused many resorts to close or scale back in accepting guests. She also blamed a strike earlier this year by firefighters at the Providenciales International Airport and noncompliance in work permit payments as other variables for the fallout. “You would recall that there was the incident of the Norovirus, which saw numerous hotels closed and other hotels having to rebook passengers at different days so they could avoid the risk of possibly getting sick. Also we had the fire officers’ strike in April, which saw the Providenciales International Airport being closed for a day or so and also saw passengers being booked for later dates. “At the end of the first quarter there was a drop in the number of tourist arrivals as well as from the accommodation tax collected. It is above of what we collected last year, but certainly it is not what we had hoped to collect in terms of the budget,” Williams pointed out. She said that Government was working closely with hotel industry players, including the Airports Authority and the Hotel and Tourism Association, to ensure that similar fallout does not occur for the remainder of the year and the foreseeable future. Meanwhile, Williams said that there was a substantial decrease in expenditure, which she said was due mainly to the chopping of the civil service. She said, too, that during the quarter the government received capital revenue of about $10 million, $7 million of which accrued from government selling its stake in Provo Water Company earlier this year. The $10 million, according to Williams, was transferred to the Sinking Fund. Responding to the question as to why Government saw the introduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) so critical to the economic stability of the TCI when current revenue measures were performing suitably, Williams explained that the component of this year’s budget included grants and SIPT/Civil

Airport authorities getting tough with curbside parking In an effort to meet and maintain international airport landside security standards, the Turks and Caicos Islands Airport Authority (TCIAA) has adopted a no nonsense approach to unauthorized parking. According to TCIAA’s Marketing Manager Lavern Skippings-Reynolds, as of September 1st, 2012 TCIAA will institute a strict policy of towing vehicles that participate in curbside parking, obstruction of roadways and vehicles that park illegally whilst on airport property. Providenciales International Airport is indeed private property and may cause to be towed, any vehicles, abandoned, parked in an unlawful or unsafe manner. TCIAA retains the right to decide whether towing or criminal prosecution may be levied on serious infringements. Strict measures will be enforced at the entrance road to Rubis TCI and continue throughout the airport property leading to the west of the terminal.

The front of the terminal shall be used for the purpose of pick up and drop off zones only. Use of parking lots will be encouraged to all patrons to avoid vehicle towing and associated fees. Vehicle towing will be carried out by Premier Towing Services owned and managed by Mr. Sean Selver as laid out in the Road Traffic Ordinance and as authorized by the Commissioner. Owners of towed vehicles will be subject to pay a fee of $175 in addition to daily storage fees. Unauthorized parking and obstruction may also be ticketed at a rate of $250 as specified in the Road Traffic Ordinance. The intent is not to make money, but to serve as a deterrent for persons that do not follow protocol. This new policy will assist in alleviating traffic congestion and enhance public safety for all those that pass through Providenciales International Airport. TCIAA advises that the general public be guided accordingly.

Recovery payments, and so next year would be a different. “We were hoping, when we do the budget exercise that it would be quite different from what next year will be. And I can say that because this year we would have said during the budget exercise that there is a lot of windfall revenue in this budget. When we say windfall – it is not continuous revenue. We spoke earlier that we got a grant from the FCO of about $6 million. That is not something that we can predict will happen next year. Also this year, Civil Recovery has been bringing in some significant recoveries. This is not something that is set in stone and is definitely going to happen next year. So automatically when you begin the process for next year’s budget, which we would have met with political parties in the last few weeks of introductory meetings, we would have said to them that November, when Ministers come into office, you basically have to go through straight into budget preparation, because the budget has to be tabled before March,” Williams said. Williams added: “This year revenues were projected at $200 million dollars. (Next year) automatically we would start with a budget of $180 million – we have to take out the FCO grant, take out the EU grant, included in this year’s budget, we have to take out the Civil Recovery – revenues that you would have had. So you are automatically starting with possibly a $20 million less budget. “Now, every year, we don’t want to have a situation where the government has to basically wait to see what the revenue is like and then start to make cuts. Certainly, when we prepared this year’s budget we weren’t aware of the Norovirus. We didn’t expect that in the months of May and June we would have had a lot of hotels closing. All indications were that, everything was going to be great in the tourism sector, so these are the things that we have to protect ourselves against.”

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An artist’s impression of new Providenciales International Airport’s panorama


An artist’s impression of section of the Providenciales International Airport’s terminal exterior

$10 million Provo Airport phase2 expansion BY VIVIAN TYSON SUN SENIOR EDITOR

The Providenciales International Airport is to undergo a US$10 million expansion of its terminal later this year which would create vast space for the ever increasing airlifts that the facility has been experiencing over the past three to four years. The planned expansions, which will increase the facility from 51,462 square feet to 92,321 square feet, will nearly double the size of the terminal to better accommodate the 500,000 passengers that pass through the Airport each year. Once completed passengers will be able to enjoy expanded check in counter areas and self check in facilities, additional bathroom facilities, larger retail space for shops and restaurants, and improved medical amenities. Phase two of the project would be done in three segments. The first part will include the construction of a new traffic circulation system and extensions to the existing west car park and departure Lounge. The second stage will be an extension to the international check in area, security check point as well as the arrivals hall, while the third stage would be an expansion of the domestic departures and arrivals area, completion of the car park and aesthetics, including water features. The existing car park at the front of the airport is to incorporate into the terminal expansion. John Smith, Chief Executive Officer for the facility, who made the announcement during a news conference at the airport on Tuesday, July 31, said that over the past few years, the facility had seen double digit growth in passenger arrivals, resulting in serious visitor, airline counter space and carparking challenges. Smith said the focus would be to focus on improving the passenger experience, since the Providenciales International Airport was the gateway to the Turks and Caicos Islands and also contributed significantly to the economic growth of the country.

“The challenges we are faced with are direct results of our own success. We have seen year on year in excess of double digit growth in passenger numbers through the airport and its terminal. The terminal, unfortunately, is not of the capacity to accommodate comfortably, and in some cases, at all. But we managed to receive these passengers and to accommodate the best as we possibly can. “Our main challenge is the lack of space - over capacity – on our peak operating periods. But what comes first, is it the chickens or the eggs? We need the passengers to drive the revenue, to enable us to finance the projects. Now we have the passengers, we are at a point where, quite frankly, we are finding it difficult, bordering on impossible, to accept additional interests to operate at the same during our peak periods, because we just don’t have the space to accommodate them. “Because we operate as a moving hub now, what you end up with, the vast majority of established carriers want to operate during that same period of time. And while we have space outside of that period – that window – they are not prepared to do it, because it doesn’t fit well in their network and that is causing a problem. This development will allow us to accommodate more flights within that window,” Smith said. Smith noted also that the project would be funded by the Airports Authority’s operational budget through development charges collected for that purpose. He said that a significant portion of the funds was already available to kickstart the project. The AA CEO said that operational kinks, including the acquisition of the once-run government aviation fire service, had jolted the project’s progress, but that the Airport’s Authority had successfully maneuvered those hurdles, and within six weeks the project should go to tender. He said that there were a slew of expressions of interest from both local and international contractors for phase two from as far back as phase one.

Phase one was a $40 million expansion of the runway by 1600 feet, enabling the facility to now accommodate larger jets. That undertaking was done be Canadian construction firm – Dexter International. Smith was not able to say how many new jobs would be created at the end of the expansion. In a press release, Governor Ric Todd said: “Providenciales International Airport is absolutely

crucial to the Islander and visitor experience. First impressions are vital, and I am certain that this work will provide the level of experience that our visitors demand. “People who use the airport facilities know that it can become crowded at peak times – so does the airport’s management. That is why they have been planning these crucial works as part of their overall master plan which also saw the runway expansion completed last year.”

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PDM leaders Oswald Skippings concerned about horror stories and neglect at hospitals The handling of patients at the two hospitals at Grand Turk and Providenciales managed by InterHealth Canada, is still akin to Russian Roulette being played with the lives of our people here in the Turks and Caicos Islands, says leader of the People’s Democratic Movement Oswald Skippings. In a strongly-worded press release, Skippings said: “In spite of the many horror stories of neglect and seemingly nonchalant handling of emergency cases that have been reported in the past which reportedly resulted in premature and in many cases, preventable death, the drama still persists on a daily basis.” He added: “The most recent widely known case is the handling of a gentleman from South Caicos

who seemingly suffered a serious stroke last week. In spite of the obvious seriousness of the case and his quickly deteriorating condition, not only was there a reluctance to refer the patient abroad to receive life-saving medical treatment, but there was strong opposition to releasing him in order for his relatives to do so.” Skippings said it was only because of the vigilance of the patient's concerned and determine sister that the patient was finally released and medically evacuated to a medical facility in the United States, where a three to four hour operation was commenced within thirty minutes of his arrival, in an effort to save his life. “The reason for these hospitals

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Provo Water Company Limited is seeking a Qualified Chartered Engineer to fill the position of

Head of Engineering

Position Summary The Head of Engineering Department of Provo Water Company shall manage, supervise and oversee the over-all technical operation of the company’s water distribution system including but not limited to the development of piping structural plans and the subsequent implementation thereof. This includes the following duties and responsibilities: Description of Duties • Designing of overall water distribution schemes and associated structures such as pumping stations, pipe works and earthworks where necessary. • Formulations of technical policies governing operational procedures in the building, renovation and expansion of the water distribution infrastructures and the proper utilization of material resources; • Development and maintenance of standards and practices for water installation and engineering practices within the company; • Transacts and negotiates with consulting engineers, government departments, others utilities, contractors and suppliers on works required by the company or as solicited by any government or private entity for the best interest of PWC; • Organizes work activities within the engineering department and delegate task among engineering staff in accordance with the level of importance and priorities as required in the distribution and maintenance; • Set up and maintain a data base that will consolidate all generated technical and administrative data from the engineering and distribution that will serve as primary source of information and reference in PWC’s future undertakings; • Carry out and implement all other activities for the engineering department as mandated and required by the Managing Director which includes among others the following: • Design of capital works, preparation of drawings and contract documents • Provision of standard specification for all material requirement in the distribution works • Implement health and safety, safe working procedures within the engineering and distribution department • Gathers data of meter readings for use in the billing and technical analysis • Conducts investigative and analysis works arising from technical complaints

Leader of the People’s Democratic Movement Oswald Skippings

and Inter-Health Canada being contracted in the first instance, was

to provide the highest level of health care needed in these Islands at a much less expensive way than was the case,” Skippings said. “This is obviously not the end result. In fact, we are now paying incredible amounts of money, far more than was paid out by government, for less health care and a total reluctance to refer patients to facilities where they may get that needed health care. Skippings continued: “We are all left to wonder about the kind of deal that Dr. Rufus Ewing as a leading TCI government representatives landed in the laps of our helpless people who are now paying the price not only with their hard earned money that is becoming scarcer by the day, but in many cases with their lives.”

Diamond Cleaning Services

DOMESTIC WORKER NEEDED Applicant must be honest and hardworking Salary: $5.50 per hour Contact: 241-7600

• Carry out land surveys for distribution requirement or in drawing out quotations • Coordinates main testing, flushing and sterilization function • Formulates leak detection plans and activities • Updates the mainlaying programmes • Prepares reports and technical information as required by the Managing Director • Attends meeting and seminar for the furtherance and upliftment of engineering operation • Supervises and controls all other technical activities as delegated by the Managing Director. Performs all other delegated functions from the Managing Director that is in line with engineering works and in consonance with the existing rules, policies and standards of Provo Water Company.

Education Successful applicant requires an accredited bachelor's degree in civil engineering. A post-graduate degree in civil engineering or water related field is preferred. Relevant professional qualification is required.

Desired Experience Applicant must have 7 to 10 years of progressive civil engineering experience, including previous supervisory duties. Experience in water supply utility environment is a must. Candidate should have a strong analytical background with a proven record of achievement. Salary Salary starts at $63,000 p.a. plus benefits Deadline All applications (inclusive of cover letter, CV & copies of qualifications) must be submitted by 1st August 2012 to: Managing Director PO Box 39 Provo Water Company Limited Grace Bay Road Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands provowater@tciway.tc

Only applicants selected for an interview will be notified

Page 12




Contract signed for repairing Blue Hills main road/Millennium Highway BY VIVIAN TYSON SUN SENIOR EDITOR

The contract to rehabilitate the pothole-riddled Blue Hills main road and the Millennium Highway has been signed and work should commence in a matter of weeks, according to Anya Williams, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry Finance. However, apart from indicating that the work would be completed 45 days after its commencement, Williams was not able to provide details of how much the project would cost and the contents of the contract, instead directing the media to Wesley Clerveaux, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Government Support Services, under whose portfolio the Ministry of Works falls. However, when contacted, Clerveaux said that a press statement was being prepared for media circulation

between the weekend and early next week, which he said would bear all the relevant information of the various road works across the country, and would include details such as the contractors and what those contracts entailed. While the Millennium Highway had never been graced with asphalt, the Blue Hills main road was already been paved but went into a severe state of disrepair with a number of huge craters formed, making it virtually impossible for motorist to navigate. It was being banded that the dilapidated state of the road was as a result of it created without curb walls being built to channel the water off its surface, and already, concerns have been raised as to whether or not this time around such corrective measures would be taken by the contractors this time around. Williams told a news conference on Monday, July 30,

that government had allocated $1million to rehabilitate roads across the country, the majority of which would be patched. However, she said that the Blue Hills main road/Millennium Highway would be resurfaced. “When we had first begun the budget exercise, we had a million dollars budgeted. We were hoping to do a lot of patch works around the islands. With the Millennium Highway, I am happy to report that we are actually going to resurfacing the Millennium Highway. The process should begin shortly; the contract should have been agreed and signed. “We have a million dollars budgeted for road works and we intend to spend every cent of that throughout the year. And we hope to spend it very, very soon because we have to get these road work started in the next few weeks,” Williams said.

Nigerian Missionary dedicates book of 1,000 dreams to TCI A book of 1,000 dreams and their meanings compiled by Nigerian Missionary, Pastor Sunday Adebamiro has not only been dedicated to the restoration of the Turks and Caicos Islands but part proceeds from sales would go to the less fortunate here. The book which is entitled “Missionary Dreams Interpretation The Prophecy” has already hit book stands, after being officially endorsed by Governor Ric Todd. The book costs $50. Adebamiro said that 10 percent of each book sold would go towards the needy, as a promise made to God. Adebamira, who told The SUN that he was on divine assignment from his West African country, said that God His Excellency Governor Ric Todd, cuts the ribbon in endorsement of the book of dreams compiled by Nigerian Missionary, Pastor Sunday Adebamiro (second left). Looking at left is Apostle Ruth Ariza, had been using dreams to speak to his while at right is Aduke Adebamiro, Pastor Adebamiro’s wife. people from the beginning of time, and told them that in the last days their asleep, your dream is your divine you would be able to pray off some evil children would able to dream dreams. camera, which captures what is going spirits, and also the good things that He said dreams appeared to a on around you, so that, by the time you God brought to you in the dream, you number of people but they were unable wake up, you ought to have an would be able to pray for to say what they meant since they did understanding of what takes place, so manifestation,” he said. not have the gift of interpretation. He said some of those dreams could be blessing or curse, and if interpreted correctly, person would be able to know what to do to achieve the blessing also how to repel the curse. “God gives you dreams to speak to you whether you are a Christian or nonChristian; whether you are a believer or non-believer. The dreams guide you. Joseph had a dream, and he saw the sun, he saw the moon and he saw the stars bowing down to him. He did not know the interpretation. “But when he was speaking to his father, Jacob, Jacob, who understood the vision, said ‘are you saying that myself, your mom and your brothers would bow to you?’ God showed Joseph the dream but he did not show him his mom, he did not show him his father and he did not show him his brothers, but that was the interpretation. Also when Joseph was in prison, Pharaoh was having dreams and he was looking for someone who could interpret the dreams, and he learned of Joseph, who interpreted the dreams for him,” Adebamiro said. He added: “So while you are

Giving a synopsis of what some dreams meant, Adebamiro said: “In colour, when you see red in a dream it means danger, when you see green it means safety, and if you see white that means righteousness. In terms of people, if you see one person that means oneness, if you see two that means unity and three means completeness. There are dreams that represent witchcraft. So I put them all in the book for people to read” Making the distinction between dream and vision, Adebamiro said one God comes in a vision to reveal himself, while in a dream, He reveals his plans. He said one can converse with God in a vision but not in a dream. “If you find yourself speaking back to God in a dream, it’s not you speaking; it is still God speaking through you, so that when you wake up, you would be able to do something. Your dream will tell you what God is saying. Your dream will tell you who you are; and the dream will tell you where you are going. Every dream has its own interpretation and that is where the vision is needed.” Adebamiro bemoaned the fact that a number of persons who claimed to be prophets were using their “gifts” as cash cows, which he said was wrong in the sight of God.


Page 13



New GDP figures reveal return to growth in TCI The growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP)of the Turks and Caicos Islands in 2011 was 4.1% in 2011 it was announced by interim Chief Economist Stephen Pollard. The Strategic Planning and Policy Unit of the Ministry of Finance, Trade and Tourism has completed an update of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) figures in the TCI for the years 2009 to 2011. GDP is the value of all goods and services produced in the economy within a given period of time, usually one year. GDP is the monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period, normally on an annual basis. It includes all of private and public consumption, government outlays, investments and exports less imports that occur within a defined territory. The figures for GDP in constant market prices are $522.8 million in 2009, $527.9 million in 2010 and $549.6 million in 2011. These figures show a decline in GDP of 19.6% in 2009 followed by a slight increase of 0.98% in 2010 and the increase of GDP of 4.10% in 2011; that is, in constant, 2000 prices. Hotels and restaurants continue to dominate the economy contributing 47.4% to GDP in 2011. This sector

grew by 22.7 per cent in 2011, contributing significantly to the estimated growth in real GDP. The construction sector recorded a decline for the third consecutive year. “The improved performance of the economy in 2011 reflects an expansion in key industries such as hotels and restaurants, transport, storage and communication, and real estate, renting and business activity,” said Stephen Pollard. “However, the drastic fall in GDP in 2009 (19.6%) followed by smaller improvements since, shows that although the economic picture in TCI is improving, it has some way to go before it is back to pre-2009 levels.” “These statistics back up what I have been saying in public for some time – things are improving here in the Turks and Caicos,” said His Excellency Governor Ric Todd. “While I accept that not every individual is benefitting from this economic growth or the improving public finances, the direction of travel is positive. “I am grateful to everyone who contributed to this study whether a business, Statutory Authority or other types of organisations; that is by completing the annual survey of business establishments.”


Applications are invited from interested and suitably qualified individuals for the position of MECHANICAL Labourer, Generation, FortisTCI, Providenciales.

OBJECTIVES & PURPOSE OF THE JOB • Provide general labour in support of the work of general site service housekeeping and orderliness, under the general direction of the Plant Control Supervisor. • Under the direction of the assigned team leader on a job, the Generation Labourer must assist in installation and maintenance duties assigned in a sound technical manner, to ensure reliable operation and functionality of equipment as per design specifications.

MAIN DUTIES/KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: • Responsible for the daily cleaning of all Generation office and bathroom facilities, including floors, walls, furnishing, shelves and toilet fixtures. • Responsible for maintaining the floor and trenches around all engines, cleaned and free of dirt, oil and grease. Engine halls and trenches must be cleaned first off in the morning and on a continual basis during the course of the working day. • Responsible for tapping up jacket water systems with chemical additives as directed by the Operations Superintendent. It is also the responsibility of the generation labourer to place buckets and oil absorbent pads around any lube oil and/or fuel leaks so that leaks are contained until repairs can be affected by the mechanics. • Responsible for keeping the substation compound free of weeds and vegetation working under the supervision of an electrical technician. • The generation labourer is assigned to work with mechanics on completion of his daily plant cleaning routine and provides assistance in cleaning of engine parts and other non-skilled work. • The generation labourer also provides assistance to the electrical maintenance section in physical and application of chemical sprays to keep the electrical generator component cleaned of dirt and grease. • Ensure compliance to the company’s safety policy and procedures and consistent and proper use of issued personal protective equipment (PPEs) when on the plant site and during the execution of work duties. • Ensure familiarity and fully compliance with the company’s environmental commitment and policy at all times during the execution of daily work activities, with

particular emphasis to fuel and lube oil spill prevention. Report any equipment abnormalities or defects observed during the course of engine service and plant housekeeping activities to the Superintendent or to the designated maintenance team leader. • Operate company vehicles as required in a manner consistent with company policy and TCI traffic regulations. • Be properly and neatly attired in the uniform provided and ensure consistent and appropriate use of all personal protective equipment (PPEs) provided when on plant compound or in the execution of assigned duties. • Respond promptly when called by the Plant Control Supervisor in response to emergencies that may arise outside of regular working hours. Duties • Follow Supervisors directive and be diligent in correctly execute daily plant site and equipment clean up duties. • Perform other duties as may be assigned and/or required by Plant Operations contingencies from time to time. ACADEMIC/WORK EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: • Successful completion of a 4 year high school program would be an asset. • Be familiar with and qualified to operate plant machinery such as fork lifts. As the language of work is English, competence in verbal and written English is required.

CORE COMPETENCY SKILLS: • This position requires heavy lifting and hard work therefore an affinity for hard work and excellent physical strength is mandatory. • This position requires that cleaning work be done in a high voltage environment, therefore the candidate must be able to work safely and follow instructions when doing so. • This position is essentially that of a cleaner in a dirty, greasy and noisy environment therefore an affinity for heavy routine work, under a high pressure and noisy industrial environment is a necessary aptitude. • The holder of this position must be highly motivated, a self-starter who needs little supervision, and solution oriented. • Excellent Team player qualities and self-discipline is mandatory. • Competency in written and oral communication skills in English • Self-motivated, solution oriented and positive in outlook COMPENSATION Grade 5 (US$22,530.00-$28,160.00 per annum) Deadline for submission of applications is August 10, 2012. Please submit to: Director, Human Resources Fortis TCI Limited P. O. Box 132, Providenciales Email address: hrapplications@ppcltd.tc or by fax: 649-946-4532

Page 14




Devon Williams writes Governor Ric Todd about fixing the causeway between North and Middle Caicos Aspiring politician Devon Williams has written Governor Ric Todd urging him to ensure that remedial work is commenced on the causeway that links North and Middle Caicos. In a July 31st letter, Williams reminded the Governor that earlier this year he (Todd) announced that the government was committed to the reconstruction of the North and Middle Caicos Causeway which was damaged by hurricanes Hanna and Ike in 2008. “To date no work has been done on the causeway and no information has come out of TCIG to indicate when this project will start,” Williams wrote. “While I appreciate that there may be many issues that may be delaying the works these delays cannot continue. My investigations revealed that there are monies earmarked for this project and these monies are in the treasury. This project has dragged on long enough and is becoming an example of failure on the part of your government.” Williams said that in its present state the causeway is not only an

Aspiring politician - Devon Williams

eyesore but a hazard. “The original design has failed miserably and the entire project must now be rebuilt and redesigned. While the causeway connects two islands, it must be understood that this causeway spans across a natural waterway. The current design will not work as it does not make sufficient provisions for water to naturally flow between the two islands especially in the event of abnormally high tides,” Williams added.

“Everyone with the slightest knowledge of waterways and currents agree that a few buggies of dirt with an asphalt surface is not a sustainable way to connect two islands. We also know that these two islands must be connected. The causeway must be rebuilt and rebuilt to last. Your Excellency, today July 31, 2012, the causeway is officially one month past due based on the date you announced earlier this year. It cannot be allowed to go one day more. I am therefore requesting that you exercise your executive powers and have this project started within the next seven days and provide the residents of North and Middle Caicos with an

explanation of the delay in the interim.” “I am also requesting that you personally ensure that TCIG procure the relevant skills to ensure that the causeway is built high enough and strong enough to last for another 50 years and withstand the effects of the tidal surges. Finally, I admonish you and your government to create an annual line item in the TCI budget to deal with the maintenance of the causeway going forward and to provide the necessary catastrophe insurance or a ring-fenced reserved fund to deal with any future damages and avoid the unacceptable delay in having it repaired.

Delicious Dishes seeks 1 Kitchen Helper

Salary: $5 per hour Contact: 242-1315


Hallmark Trust Limited

CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER/COMPLIANCE OFFICER Required Qualifications: • Minimum Masters degree in Business Administration from reputable institution • CA/CPA required, additional certification in Business Information Systems desired • Minimum of 15 years experience in finance with exposure to global initiatives impacting financial industry compliance. • Minimum 5 years experience in the implementation and monitoring of compliance regulations and anti-money laundering initiatives. • Minimum 7 years executive management experience • Must meet the Compliance Officer certification requirements of the Financial Services Commission Qualified applicants must be of good moral character and reputation; must have excellent communication skills and the ability to adapt to a flexible working environment; must be a team player with excellent supervisory skills and an excellent work ethic. Salary range: $40,000 - $80,000. Salary will be based on qualification and experience. No phone calls Applications should be addressed to: Attn: Brian Trowbridge Hallmark Trust Ltd. P.O. Box 656 Providenciales Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI Or you may Email: btrowbridge@hbtl.tc or Fax: 649-941-5801

“Maintenance Foreman/Supervisor”

Job Duties: Manage all activities of the maintenance team; analyze complaints/information and evaluate options to choose the best solution. • Developing specific goals and plans to prioritize, organize, and accomplish the work of your team. • Inspect equipment and premises to identify possible problems or defects; take proactive action to address these. • Prepare material take-offs and arrange for the timely ordering of same to avoid continuity of project with minimum downtime. • Must be able to read plans • Maintain time for employees and prepare/submit maintenance reports as required by company. • Oversee all aspects of property maintenance and be on call for emergency maintenance issues. Must be able to work independently with limited supervision Qualifications: Appropriate Technical Training Minimum of five years experience in building/premises maintenance of which two years must be as a supervisor/foreman. Emoluments based on qualification and experience Submit resume with qualifications & testimonials to Butterfield Gold Group, Admin & Finance Dept, 23 Parade Ave, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands


Page 15



$1.5million work permit shortfall BY VIVIAN TYSON SUN SENIOR EDITOR

The Ministry of Border Control and Labour is to establish a work permit compliance unit to force unscrupulous bosses, to pay one way or another for their foreign national staff. Anya Williams, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance said there was a budgetary shortfall of about $1.5 million in work permit fees for the first quarter of the financial year, and a $75,000 drop this year when compared with the corresponding period last year. She fingered non-compliance as the main culprit. She made the announcement while addressing a news conference at the Department of Environmental and Coastal Resources (DECR) on

Monday, July 30. Williams reiterated that in order for Government to effectively collect revenue in that arena a compliance unit would have to be established. “I think we were honest in the budget exercise, that in the area of work permit, we face some challenges right now in terms of compliance. We know that the work permit collection was down last year, and so far this year we have had some disappointing results in the first quarter as well. We do have an issue with work permit; we do have an issue with compliance. “We have also been meeting lately with the police and revenue collection agencies to forming a compliance unit. Previously there was the SPICE (Special Police Immigration Customs Enforcement) Unit (that was responsible for compliance, capture and deportation of migrants working in the TCI illegally); we are not going

Electrical Supervisor

A licensed Electrical Supervisor is required on a part time basis, to service and maintain a high voltage diesel driven generation station and reverse osmoses water production plants. In order to fulfill the duties, excellent knowledge of all opperating systems will be required. The duties will include the service, maintenance and repairs of all plants and their related distribution systems. Hours of work will fluctuate from 8 to 40 hours per week, depending on demands. The selected candidate will be required to be on a 24/ 7 "on call" availability, which will include nights and weekends. Please forward resume to karl@everbrite.ca

back to SPICE, but we are certainly going towards putting together a compliance unit that would be in operation for the third quarter. And that is working closely with NIB, NHIB, the Revenue Control Unit and so on, because we know that compliance has always been one of our major issues,” she said. Williams added: “The Ministry of Border Control had announced, during the budget exercise, that they were going to restructure the Immigration Department. They have been working to create a one stop shop. They have moved the responsibility for work permits to the new Employment Services Division, which is the former Labour Department, and then the labour inspectors are supposed to do a lot of compliance work.” She said that the matter was taken up with the Ministry of Border Control and Labour, which she said had set-up a working group with the aim of establishing a compliance department, which she said should come on stream before the third quarter of the financial year. She said, too, that compliance department would work closely with the National Insurance Board to address the issues of the migrant health processing fees and other areas that she said would hamper the collection and compliance of work permits. The Finance Permanent Secretary said that the National Insurance Board was reporting good progress in the

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance, Anya Williams, during the news conference on Monday, July 30.

Migrant Health Evaluation Programme, and that it was working with doctors across the country to move the process exercise from being a manual to electronic, so that work permit processing would be much quicker. “National Insurance has now assured the government that they have cleared the backlog that they’ve had. They have already processed about three thousand five hundred applications for the Migrant Health Evaluation Programme. So it is coming on stream quite well,” Williams assured.



Carambola Grill and Lounge is seeking an

ENTHUSIASTIC WAITRESS EXPERIENCED COOK to support the Management team in the day to day running of the establishment. Cook Responsibilities include: Supervise food production Prepare food daily as outlined Maintain kitchen sanitation and safety standards Assist with setup, service and clean-up of food production Ensure proper sanitation and storage of kitchen equipment Other duties as assigned by supervisors Salary: $6.50 per hour

Requirements Must have experience in working in a busy established restaurant as a trained professional waitress Must be neat, tidy and smartly dressed Must be tactful, courteous and able to communicate well with people Have a good service attitude Be able to work in a team Call 946-4701 between 9 am and 5 pm Or drop off application and resume to Airport Inn Hotel, Airport Road, Providenciales

ICC&Sco are currently advertising the post for an experienced Corporate Healthcare Facilities General Manager responsible for Interhealth Canada Construction & Services (Hard & Soft Full Facilities Management & Construction Services). Belongers are encouraged to apply. The successful candidate must have a minimum of 10 years Healthcare Construction & Facilities Management experience at Directorate level, PFI / PPI experience or equivalent is also essential for this post, along with a proven track record in Contract Management & Business Development. The post reports to the Interhealth Canada & Construction Services Board & is based at Cheshire Hall Medical Centre Providenciales with frequent travel to Cockburn Town Medical Centre Grand Turk and overseas travel as determined. The post holder must be available to be on call 24hrs as required Post minimum Requirements / Qualifications or equivalent: Bachelors Degree in Business Studies / Facilities Management or equivalent Advanced Food Hygiene Certified BIFM (British Institute of Facilities Management) NEBOSH / IOSH Certified Good Knowledge of Accreditation Canada Standards / ROP’s, EFQM or equivalent & Corporate Governance Salary dependant on qualifications and experience. The closing date is Friday 17th August 2012. Please send CVs to pnicholson@interhealthcanada.tc and ensure contact numbers and email addresses are included.

Page 16




Seven Stars staff visit TCI Waste Disposal Seven Stars Hotel managing director ken Patterson, Food and beverage manager Javier Martinez and staff recently visited the TCI waste Disposal recycling factory. TCI Waste Disposal has been working hard with schools to educate the children on the environment and recycling, to protect the future of this country. However, they are now turning their attentions to the hotels. “Hotels affect the present. and the tourist industry. Seven Stars resort are a new member of the TCI waste Recycle Club,” Ramez Hakoura TCI Waste Disposal Director said. “We are very happy to welcome Seven Stars to the Recycling Club. They have been a pleasure to work with and have shown a lot of initiative in helping TCI waste in processing the recyclables, by playing an active role in segregating the waste.” Hakoura said that separation of recyclables with non recyclables is an

Seven Stars management and staff on their visit to TCI Waste Disposal

important part of maintaining the recycling initiative. He said Seven Stars has shown great initiative as they are the first hotel to visit the site in

Career Opportunities: Grace Bay Club is looking for candidates that

have the requirements listed along with an outgoing professional manner. They love to work with different types of people, meet challenges with a positive attitude and live the standards of our organization. Their management style is one that balances a commitment to people and their development with business/financial accountability and delivers an exceptional guest experience


Requirements: • Knowledge of the installation and maintenance of Saflok Door Locking systems • Specific engineering experience related to water treatment plants, swimming pool equipment, irrigation, lighting systems • Must have existing relationships with product suppliers in India, China and other Asian countries with knowledge of Indian languages helpful (Hindi, etc) • Project management experience including managing construction labor, contractors, engineers and architects • Minimum of 5 years experience in procurement and managing refurbishment budgets • Understanding and Experience of Strata Management • Diploma in International Hospitality Management • Computer literacy (Microsoft Word, Opera,CAD)

understanding the importance of segregation and recycling to the environment. “It feels like we are working as one

team rather than two separate entities,” Ken Patterson managing director said: “We are happy to be part of the TCI waste Recycling Club and are very pleased to work with TCI Waste Disposal who have given us a great service as well as help us to maintain the environment for this country.” He added: “A lot of hotels are part of the TCI Waste Disposal Recycling Club but I believe it is very important for every hotel to be part of it as this benefits the environment, tourism and everyone that lives in the Turks and Caicos islands.” TCI Waste Disposal is continuing to take the lead in recycling for the country but Hakoura says he wants to put an emphasis on the importance of separation and segregation of waste rather than just disposing of it in trash bags. He also wants to put more of his focus on Hotels now and they are pivotal to tourism and are the larger producers of waste in the country.


(Chef N B) to be responsible for overall Food & Beverage and Culinary Operations for Grace Bay Resorts by overseeing concepts for front and back of the house operations, creating the total guest experience. The successful candidate will have demonstrated experience in achieving food and beverage revenues, profit and guest satisfaction goals by developing and implementing menu designs and concepts that are current with international and local trends, ensuring that the Grace Bay Club and Veranda Resorts are culinary destinations.

The successful candidate must meet the following qualifications and experience: • 10+ years experience in a Senior Culinary Role, either as Executive Chef or Culinary Director • Extensive culinary skills, with exposure and intimate knowledge of international cuisines and food trends. • International Hotel and Restaurant experience, a must. • Caribbean experience considered a definite plus. • As an Executive Committee member, work closely with the company’s senior management team to develop and implement strategies for food and beverage and kitchen operations that support achievement of the company’s goals. • Oversees the inventory, purchasing and disbursement of all supplies, while maintaining strong P&L statements. • Extensive experience overseeing multiple food and beverage units Responsibilities • Planning and managing all capital expenditure projects as decided by the simultaneously, while driving revenue. hotel owner, including setting out and managing budgets, procurement, • Ability to ‘think outside the box’ as it relates to menu design, concepts, trends purchasing and installation where necessary of furniture, equipment and other and culinary events. items for the hotel, negotiations with subcontractors, management of labor and • Ability to create the “WOW” factor for entertaining VIP guests. • Demonstrated experience overseeing and developing exceptional Front and equipment companies. • Negotiating with international suppliers, including existing key suppliers in Back of House teams to meet and exceed guest expectation, revenue generation and employee satisfaction. India, China and other Asian countries. • Assisting the hotel Engineering department with procurement needs, and • Ideal candidate will be a “strategic thinker”, skilled at identifying company repairs when necessary to systems installed in the hotel rooms, restaurant, development opportunities as it relates to overall food and beverage strategies kitchens, swimming pools and all other areas of the propertyKnowledge of the and growth of the Brand. • New Hotel opening experience considered a definite asset. installation and maintenance of Saflok Door Locking systems Qualified Belongers need only to apply Interested persons can contact our Human Resources Department no Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience later than August 3, 2012 @ (649) 946-5050 Ext. 1050 Email: veronica.clare@gracebayclub.com Fax: (649) 946-5758 P.O. Box 128 Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies


Page 17



Islandcom launches 4G network BY VIVIAN TYSON SUN SENIOR EDITOR

Islandcom – the country’s third telecommunications provider has rolled out 4G services, making it the only network in the TCI offering such technology. With 4G, not only will customer get a faster connection speed and crisper voice reception, but will also be able to download more data such as videos, photos, games and apps at record pace. She said also that the customers will now have the opportunity to stream videos like never before speed, which she said would be able to take place while on call, courtesy of the latest in smartphone technology. The official launch took place on Friday, July 27, at the Islandcom Retail Store at Graceway House in Providenciales, and according to Chandra Craig - the company’s Marketing and Procurement Specialist- while Islandcom was third to enter the market, it is now the leader in technological wireless telecommunications delivery. “Islandcom’s newly launched 4G will change the way you use your wireless phone as it brings you the information and entertainment you want at blazingly fast speeds. With our Islandcom 4G you can download

country to introduce. Craig said on the 3G network was still able to make video calls directly from cellphones. “With our new 4G network not only can you make video calls but while on a call you can send emails, browse the internet, and even send text messages simultaneously. Also your signal strength is high more consistently. Also, the bigger bandwidth allows your phone to multitask, giving it the ability to receive emails and other messages while in-call.” Craig noted also that Islandcom now has the latest and best handsets such as the Samsung Galaxy S III, which she said is a high performance smartphone with lots to offer. Speaking about the capabilities of the Galaxy SIII, Craig said: “If you’re Marketing and Procurement Specialist Chandra Craig, displays a pair of WiFi devices during the news in the midst of sending a text message conference. but want to call instead, just lift the music, photos, games, and applications with the advancement in technology phone to your ear and the phone will in seconds, video chat, stream video, and ever growing popularity of automatically dial the number. And or browse the web even while you’re smartphones worldwide, everyone is like the iPhone 4s, it also has a voice on a call. connected whether by the use of social command system that can search, read, “All smartphone devices on our media apps such as Facebook, Twitter and send messages for you. These network will now benefit from having or regular email. Islandcom has always phones along with many of the latest a higher bandwidth that gives you been a leader in the area of allowing smartphones, tablets and accessories more room to work with on your persons to truly use their smartphone you can find at an Islandcom store.” device and use it to its full potential. as a real smartphone.” Craig also unveiled a number of With the increase in data speeds The 4G upgrade is a graduation other devices, including wireless Islandcom allows you to fully from 3G service, which the company portable pocket WiFi’s that has the maximize your smartphone,” she said. could pat itself of the back for being capability of connecting a several She added: “In this day and age the first, and so far, only one in the devices at once.

Immediate opening


The Dining Room Manager will oversee the daily operation of P23 fine dining restaurant; Plunge casual outdoor restaurant and bar, Green Flamingo bar and In-room Dining.

Requirements: • Minimum of 6 years management experience in food and beverage, including fine dining • Post secondary degree or equivalent qualification by experience • Strong knowledge of a variety of cuisines and wines/beverages • Strong understanding and proven track record of operational controls and sales • Proven ability to train and develop team members • Ability to take initiative while working effectively in a team environment • Excellent organizational skills • Passion for luxury food and beverage service; positive and cheerful attitude with high energy • Computer skills (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) plus knowledge of POS systems • Must be able to work all shifts and days Duties include: • Supervises, trains and coaches staff to meet Regent standard of luxury and ensure Regent Experience for guests. • Participates in development of business strategies for food & beverage outlets aligned with business objectives for maximizing revenue and guest satisfaction. • Participates in development of budgets and monitors status regularly to ensure achievement of financial targets. • Assists in developing and implementing marketing and promotions to increase business and revenue. • Works closely with culinary team to create and implement menus consistent with guest expectations and Regent standards of luxury and quality. Starting salary $20,000 per annum not including service charge


Requirements: • Minimum 2 years prior experience in the Waste Water plant of a luxury hotel property.

• Knowledge of water testing and reading sample results. • Proficiency with hospitality operating systems. • Strong organizational and time management discipline with ability to multi-task. • Solid judgment and ability to resolve conflicts effectively. • Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts Duties Include: • Take water samples and provide testing for sediment amount, chlorine and ph. • Ability to make adjustments to the plant equipment pending outcome of testing results. • Washing down of all floats, sidewalks, equipment and railings on a daily basis. • The technician will also be required to fill the chlorine feeder with the proper amount of tablets as needed. • Responsible to do all checks and repairs on plant equipment to include air compressors, pumps and filter equipment. • Ensure that proper backwashing is done on a regular basis or as needed. • Required to legibly record all discrepancies and testing information on a daily record log. Starting salary $7.50 per hour not including service charge


Requirements: • 3 year experience as a restaurant supervisor working in a branded luxury resort • Post secondary graduate or equivalent qualification by experience Duties: • Supervises the operation of assigned restaurants and/or lounges • Coordinates the set-up of restaurant and lounge areas in accordance with Regent’s standards • Confirms daily specials and new menu additions with the

EXECUTIVE CHEF • Oversees the food and beverage service provided in assigned outlet; coaches employees on effective service and food presentation techniques • Inspects assigned restaurants and lounge areas on an ongoing basis and takes appropriate steps to ensure facilities meet or exceed resort standards at all times • Conducts daily pre-shift meetings to discuss specials, house count, reservations and new menu items • Takes over the responsibilities of the manager during his/her absence • feedback to the employee and department manager on the employee’s performance • Provide employees with the information and tools needed to perform their job effectively • Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts Starting salary 8.50 per hour, not including service charge and tips


Requirements: • Prior experience working as a Cosmetologist in the spa department in a luxury resort • Excellent communication skills • Ability to understand the guest, internal and external, and meet and exceed the needs of both the guest and the company • Ability to provide genuine service through actions that display self-confidence, grace and courtesy to guests and colleagues • Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts Duties Include: • Provides consistent professional hair treatments in accordance with spa protocols and accepted certification practices • Complete knowledge and understanding of all services and products while educating guests in these areas • Possess and maintain knowledge of current hairstyles and trends • Assist in inventory • Upholding the standards of sanitation and sterilization as directed by law and the spa’s policies and procedures • Performing prep work and properly cleaning and restocking work area as required • Must be able and willing to work all day and shifts Starting salary $5.50 per hour not including service charge and tips


Requirements: • Must have minimum 2 years experience as a housekeeping supervisor in luxury hotel/resort • Must have direct knowledge of housekeeping cleaning, processes and procedures, computer PMS systems, and telephone etiquette. • Must be able to read, write and speak English fluently. • Must be able to handle multiple buildings, floors, and guest requests. • Must posses high communication, handle guest complaints and procedures to resolve. • Must be a team player and team oriented. Must be highly organized, engaged with employees, guests and owners. Must have excellent time management and communication skills. • Must be able to work in an open air environment, and have flexible scheduling. Must be able to multi-task and accomplish assignment on time. • Must be able and willing to work all shifts Starting salary $8.50 per hour not including service charge Interested applicants should apply to Regent Palms, Human Resources Department, Monday through Friday, and bring along an updated resume, or by emailing your resume to marjorie.dorsett@regenthotels.com no later than Friday, August 10, 2012.

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TCI needs to change its way of thing going forward BY VIVIAN TYSON SUN SENIOR EDITOR

If the Turks and Caicos Islands is to maintain gains made in the last decade, it must abandoned fear, insularity and the paranoid misconception of its importance on the world stage, according to economist Gilbert Morris. Delivering the main address at the annual Fortis Plenary Session at that company’s corporate office, Providenciales on Wednesday, August 1, Morris said that if the Turks and Caicos was to become a critical clog in the wheel of international importance, it must figure out what dependencies it planned to identify and correct and what interdependencies it would like to cultivate and advance. Morris said that while the TCI could not remain where it is developmentally, it was yet to prove that it was able to foster a sustainable economic model beyond everyday political rhetoric and promises. He stressed that a national development plan for the country should be nonpolitical, arguing that the existing dependencies of the TCI was of

national importance and therefore had nothing to do with politics. Morris further argued that steps should be taken to build on the dependencies while forging interrelations with other countries. “First, our national initiatives must be making ready the people of this country for the sorts of things that we would have to do, and this means, even those people who never leave this country in furtherance of their education and experience. We must understand that even those people are competing with the best in the world, so we won’t get away with - if people were trying to get away with it – of using Turks and Caicos as a place to hide in fear and mediocrity from competition from the rest of the world. “In practical term, this means that if the Turks and Caicos is to compete, we must become the most welleducated nation in our region. Given our size, and given the life we have lived here, I see no reason why we shouldn’t be the well-educated country in the world,” Morris argued. He reiterated that being born in the Turks and Caicos does not guarantee someone rites of passage and therefore such thinking should be

Parrot Cay Resort and COMO Shambhala have vacancies for the following positions:


We are looking for a highly self motivated individual who has professional managerial experience in Hotel Security and hospitality within Five Star Resort environment. Qualification and Experience: • Degree from a recognized university or an equivalent professional qualification • A tertiary accreditation in the related field highly desirable • At least 7 years of operational experience in Security Management • Proven ability and experience in conducting management training as well as line staff is required • Experience in Hotel Security Management, knowledge of Canine Handling and security training will be an Asset. International certifications in these fields will be highly desirable. • Expected to easily familiarize with all aspects of the Company’s organization , its activities and personnel • Proven knowledge of investigation procedures and international terrorist activity • Knowledge of current security technology and security audits/surveys • Knowledge of Security processes and procedures • International Hotel Security Standards • Excellent Communication Skills • Exercise good judgment, proper planning with strong leadership capabilities • Business Acumen and Functional Skills

abandoned. “Our approach to the world cannot be based on fear or outrageous misconceptions about our importance. Our approach to the benefits of this country cannot be, ‘I am owed something because I was born here’. “Our approach to the future cannot be more of the way things used to be in the past. Our approach toward ourselves must simply be this, that this country has no greater resources than its people; thinking intelligently about its place in the world and pursuing practical policies and to bring into being our much heralded potential,” he Morris said. Morris further argued that if the Turks and Caicos Islands was to move forward, the development of its people is paramount, using Estonia, Singapore and South Korea as examples. “The important this is, we cannot cultivate a brand without first understanding where we need to go. It is good to remember as well that Singapore, South Korea and Estonia did not merely concentrate on external trade and finance as their main way out of their economic doldrums. “First, they develop their people and infrastructure internally, and this

Dr. Gilbert Morris

serves as a platform for their competitiveness, their reputational capital and the development of their brand externally,” Morris said. Speaking specifically to the decision by the United States to terminate the designation of the Turks and Caicos Islands as beneficiary developing country under the Generalized System of Preferences (duty-free) (GSP) program, Morris said that had the TCI established itself as a country of note, the possibility existed that a different approached would have been taken by the US. The decision was taken by the US since the World Bank had determined that the TCI had become high income country. “If we had cultivated strategic advantages in some way and made ourselves important in some way, then we would have received specific attention,” Morris said.

Duties and Responsibilities: • Be responsible for the safety and security of the entire Resort Property and its Assets. • Be responsible for the Safety and Security of all Employees and Guest. • Conduct Security Training in all areas in regards to investigations, Scene preservation, proper Patrols, Canine Handling, and report taking. • Effectively direct and manage the entire Security Department on a daily basis. • Prepare and Manage yearly Security Budget • Ensure that all Canines are properly cared for. • Implement and ensure that Policies are put in place to protect the integrity of the Resort and its clients. • Provide sound advice to top management on all security related issues. • Be willing to accept any other duties assigned to you by the Company Director.

Other available position:


The successful candidate will be required to work public holidays and weekends. Salary will be paid base on qualification and experience. Please note that all application must be submitted with a valid Police Record, two reference letters from previous employers or a notary public and current educational certificates. Only suitable Qualify Candidates will be contacted for an interview. All Curriculum Vitae’ should be forward to the Human Resources Department at the following address: Parrot Cay Resort and COMO Shambhala P.O. Box 164 Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Ph: (649) 946 7788, Fax: (649) 946 7749 Email: yolander.forbes@parrotcay.como.bz or joel.richards@parrotcay.como.bz


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Advancing the Kingdom with the Universal Household of Faith On July 26th and 27th The Universal Household of Faith (UHOF) Kingdom ministries international officially opened their doors in the Turks and Caicos. Over the two days services held at The Occasions Ballroom of The Turks and Caicos Airport Hotel, celebrated the Commissioning of the Church and the Installation of Pastors Joseph and Karen Higgs. An arm of the UHOF Alliance of Churches in the Bahamas, the Installation service was presided over by Apostle Ricardo Grant Founder and Prelate of Universal

Household of Faith Alliance of Churches with the assistance of his wife, Elder Shandlene Grant. After a blessed and intensely spiritual ordination of the newly installed pastors, founding members of the Church were received. Below are photo highlights of the event. Persons are encouraged to attend Bible Studies on Tuesdays at 7:30 pm and to participate in Worship Encounters on Sundays at 10:00 am. at the Occasions Ballroom at the Turks and Caicos Airport Hotel.


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Latoya Pinder wins the inagural Miss Body Beautiful TCI pageant! Latoya Pinder wins the inaugural Miss Body Beautiful TCI pageant - witnessed by a capacity crowd that was live! The 25-year-old Bahamian national captured the crown over the weekend, which took place at The Williams Auditorium in Downtown Providenicales that saw ten (10) young ladies of diversity compete for the coveted title. However, Miss Pinder, with her confident demeanor, dazzling smile, standout physique and captivating stage presentation – bested them all. “I am truly ecstatic that I won. I prepared myself, took on board the advice and coaching provided, and went out on that stage with the knowledge that I was the winner. And with my faith and belief that I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me – I felt self assured that the crown was mine,” said a beaming Latoya of her win. Not only did Latoya, a mother of one - win the pageant, but she also won the ‘Facebook Like Me’ award with 386 votes. Due to this win, Radio Turks & Caicos (RTC) has invited Latoya to do spot show - live on air. The Miss Body Beautiful TCI Pageant is one that aspires to encourage women to appreciate the beauty of who they are inside and out. As a fitness and personal growth competition, the show is geared towards empowering women to have a positive image of self, that they can accept their bodies as they are – thereby showcasing it in its entire splendor. The pageant was open to ladies 18 years of age and older, with no restriction on height, body shape, marital status or nationality. Through the event, contestants gained from the exposure and the experience, which will do well for

The contestants. Inset: Latoya Pinder

their personal growth, development and potential modeling career. The pageant saw the contestants compete for a LIME advertising campaign, cellular phones with service plans, resort stays, cash and numerous fabulous prizes. What is more, in the run up to the event, all contestants had the opportunity to get as fit as they possibly could with complementary training courtesy of Rock It Hot Fitness Studio. Additionally, they partook in workshops on ‘The Ultimate You! Living to Love Yourself’ hosted by Mrs Tremainne Swann-

Harvey, ‘Fitness and Healthy Eating’ conducted by Miss Straudy Lightbourne - along with stage presentation by Courtney Robinson, the event’s Executive Producer. There were three disciplines of competition before the contestants were whittled down to the top five. Namely: introduction, swimwear and fantasy wear. During each segment, they were judged on their confidence, personality, performance and overall stage presentation. Janice Bernadin, was first Runner Up and Straudia Forbes placed third.

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Snoop Dogg becomes Snoop Lion, readies reggae CD NEW YORK— Snoop Dogg wants you to know that he’s tired of hiphop, is Bob Marley reincarnated and is embracing reggae instead of the culture of guns he once rapped about. Also, he’s got a new name: Snoop Lion. The artist said at a news conference Monday in New York that he was ‘‘born again’’ during a visit to Jamaica in February and is ready to make music that his ‘‘kids and grandparents can listen to.’’ The former gangster rapper is releasing a reggae album called ‘‘Reincarnated’’ in the fall. He said that in Jamaica, he connected with Bob Marley’s spirit and is now ‘‘Bob Marley reincarnated.’’ Bob Marley’s son Rohan attended the conference and gave Snoop his blessing. ‘‘I feel like I've always been Rastafarian,’’ Snoop said of the spiritual Jamaican movement. While there, he said, he visited a temple,

Snoop Dogg- now Snoop Lion

was renamed Snoop Lion and was also given the Ethiopian name Berhane, meaning ‘‘light of the world.’’ Snoop didn’t explain why he was switching from ‘‘Dogg’’ to ‘‘Lion,’’

but it’s likely a reference to the Lion of Judah, a religious symbol popular in Rastafarian and Ethiopian culture. Later, he played five songs for a small crowd, including one called ‘‘No Guns Allowed.’’ It features his daughter and includes the lyrics, ‘‘No guns allowed in here tonight, we’re going to have a free for all, no fights.’’ ‘‘It’s so tragic that people are doing stupid things with guns,’’ he said. Snoop, best known for hits like ‘‘Gin and Juice’’ and ‘‘Drop It Like It’s Hot,’’ is an avid supporter of marijuana rights and has been banned from entering Norway for two years after trying to enter the country with a small amount last month. He said that in Jamaica, where he stayed for 35 days, he grew closer to his wife, who saw his transition. He added that he’s excited to perform music that his family and children can listen to.

‘‘As a 40-year-old man ... I've got to give them something,’’ he said. ‘‘That’s what you do when you’re wise.’’ Snoop Dogg said he’s not completely retiring from hip-hop but is ‘‘tired’’ of the genre because it is no longer challenging. ‘‘Reggae was calling ... it’s a breath of fresh air,’’ he said. ‘‘Rap isn’t challenging; it’s not appealing.’’ The album was produced by Diplo and will feature Snoop singing. It will be released on Vice Records. The album will be followed with a documentary of the same name, also produced by Vice. It features Snoop making music and will include some personal elements of his life, a producer of the film said. It will debut at the Toronto International Film Festival in September. A coffee table book about Snoop’s rebirth is also in the works. ‘‘It feels like I'm 19 or 20 years old again,’’ he said.

Eminem rules Facebook: Judge orders coHits 60 million 'Likes' before Lady Gaga, guardianship for Rihanna, anyone Jackson's kids LOS ANGELES — A judge on Thursday reinstated Katherine Jackson as the guardian of Michael Jackson's three children in an arrangement that also keeps their cousin as temporary coguardian. Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff said during a hearing that an investigator who looked into the children's care found that the late pop star's 82-year-old mother was an excellent guardian and the children love her very much. "I think the kids are in terrific hands," the judge said. "It appears from the report that Katherine Jackson has done a wonderful job and cares about the children very much." Beckloff noted that the children, Prince, 15, Paris, 14 and Blanket, 10, also have a close relationship with their 34-year-old cousin TJ Jackson, who was named co-guardian after working closely with Katherine Jackson since Michael Jackson died. TJ is "incredibly respectful" of the family matriarch and she is respectful of him, the judge said. Beckloff said he will finalize the arrangement later in the month but for now he will issue letters of co-guardianship allowing both Jacksons to make decisions about the children's welfare. The shared guardianship plan is apparently designed to remove pressure from Katherine Jackson who was previously named in her son's will as the children's sole guardian.

While Lady Gaga has won the Twitterpopularity contest and sat atop for some time now, she doesn't tower over everyone on all social media sites. On Wednesday, August 1, 2012, rap star Eminem rose to the pinnacle ofFacebook as his page reached 60 million "Likes." That is the most for any living person, period. Rihanna has a huge following online just asLady Gaga does, but Eminem seems to be ruling Facebook when it comes to followers. AppData states that Eminem's page on Facebook is close to getting more than 26,000 "Likes" every single day. Rihanna is a little bit behind with about 22,000 "Likes" per day on Facebook, but that's nothing to be ashamed of either.

Eminem doesn't really say much of anything on his page, but he does post links. Most of those links end up being YouTube videos of his music and interviews he may have done. If he does say anything, it's likely to be very little. People say it's hard to judge whether "Likes" mean much of anything on Facebook because someone can like a page, but then never return. Though, Facebook's new "talking about this" feature helps gauge interaction, and that appears to be where Eminem seems to slack off some. We can't forget all forms of social media though and even with Eminem and Rihanna dominating Facebook, Lady Gaga still rules all on Twitter with close to 28 million followers.

Rihanna, Drake dominate MTV VMAs with 5 nominations each Rihanna and her ex-lover Drake led the charge at this year’s MTV Video Music Awards, picking up five nominations each. The chart-toppers, who were rumoured to have casually dated recently, will battle it out in the Video Of The Year category for We Found Love and Drake’s Take Care, which features Rihanna. They will be competing against Gotye’s Somebody That I Used To Know, Katy Perry’s Wide Awake and M.I.A’s Bad Girls, the Sun reported.

Shockingly, Lady Gaga wasn’t for a single gong, even though her Marry The Night and You And I videos were eligible. Rihanna is also up for ‘Best Female Video’, ‘Best Pop Video’, ‘Best Choreography’ and ‘Best Visual Effects’, while Drake will be hoping to bag ‘Best Hip-Hop Video’, ‘Best Male Video’, ‘Best Art Direction’ and ‘Best Cinematography’. The rapper will be going up against his rival Chris Brown for the ‘Best Male Video prize’.

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• Canadians resign as top cops in Trinidad • St Lucia introducing a construction stimulus to boost economy

Cayman Premier faces severe backlash on foreigner tax GEORGE TOWN, Cayman Islands -Premier McKeeva Bush has raised the ire of thousands of expatriates and Caymanians alike over his move to close budget gaps by introducing a new tax aimed at foreign workers. Bush outlined plans last week for what he referred to as a “Community Enhancement Fee” to be charged at 10 percent of the remuneration paid to foreign work permit holders in the Cayman Islands in respect of remuneration levels that exceed $20,000 (US$24,000) per year. “Government had a choice. We could have introduced income tax, property tax, value added tax (VAT), or something softer such as the Community Enhancement Fee,” Bush said at the time. These proposals come amid ongoing discussion and delay in formulating a budget for the British Overseas Territory that is acceptable to the Foreign and Commonwealth

Cayman Islands Premier McKeeva Bush

Office (FCO) in London. However, this move has earned him widespread and stinging criticism. The Facebook group “Caymanians and expats united against taxation" formed to protest the tax has already attracted over 10,200 members. The Cayman Islands Real Estate

Brokers Association (CIREBA) has not held back in its response to the move: “The foundation of the lunacy surrounding this approach lies in the fact that this attempt to tax and spend our way out of financial trouble has been tried repeatedly over the course of history and failed miserably each time,” the CIREBA board stated, adding that Cayman should learn from the history of other countries that made a similar mistake,” said statement issued yesterday (August 1) by the CIREBA board. Andrew Bailey, the head of expatriate tax services at UK accountancy firm BDO LLP, said that the proposed tax would "be a rude welcome for all those who thought they had escaped the clutches of the taxman". While Forbes Magazine has called the proposed payroll tax on work permit-holders “fiscal suicide”. In reacting to the situation, leader

of fellow overseas territory and offshore rival Premier Paula Cox of Bermuda was swift to draw the difference in policy between the two jurisdictions. The Premier and Finance Minister issued a statement highlighting Bermuda’s competitive position and the government’s long-term strategic plans for balancing public finances as required by the FCO in respect of the Overseas Territories. The official added that: “The Business Development Unit was designed to provide an innovative body within the Government that focuses on stimulating job creation and GDP growth, improving brand equity and furthering diversification of the economy and industry sustainability, within the international business and tourism sectors of Bermuda’s economy.” “While Cayman has been forced to consolidate their finances, Bermuda has already taken plans to stabilise our fiscal position over the medium term.

Wall Street firm probing e Bahamas’ decision to buy back shares from Cable and Wireless NASSAU, Bahamas -- Wall Street has begun a probe into the government's apparent drive to re-nationalize the Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC), the Nassau Guardian has revealed. Edward Al-Hussainy, assistant vice president and analyst at Moody's, confirmed that he has reached out to the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) in an effort to resolve the million dollar question: How would The Bahamas pay for the re-nationalization of its only mobile services provider? "That is the biggest question," Al-Hussainy said from New York. "I have reached out to government, primarily to get a sense, if they are going to take an equity position to raise cash, and perhaps take on additional debt, what their thought process is." The top analyst is also attempting to discover whether acquiring a majority interest in BTC from parent company Cable and Wireless Communications (CWC) is indeed in the public interest. "To me it is not clear. As far as I can tell, it (BTC) is quite profitable. It's not in dire financial straits," he added. The disclosure by Moody's adds a new international dimension to the PLP's continued push for re-nationalization. CWC purchased 51 percent of the company in April 2011 for $204 million under the previous government. Al-Hussainy told Guardian Business that the renationalization campaign is not without precedent in the region. In Belize, the government re-nationalized the carrier, but the deal ended up in litigation over the proposed compensation. In fact, the analyst said the debt burden from this re-nationalization is a contributing factor in the country's recent default. "Obviously Belize has a very different credit story.

But their re-nationalization pushed them over the edge," he revealed. "They are in the process now of restructuring their debt, talking to investors to see if they can extend the maturity and alter the interest rate on one international bond outstanding." Reserving his final judgment on The Bahamas, and calling his comments "preliminary", Al-Hussainy said Moody's simply wants to ascertain if the move by the PLP "makes sense". Included in this discussion with the government would be an estimation of the fiscal cost, how much equity the government intends on buying back and whether the PLP plans to offset their costs through a public share offering. The government currently controls the other 49 percent of BTC and Prime Minister Perry Christie announced he has canceled any share offering in light of the upcoming negotiations with CWC. BTC and parent company CWC have not issued a statement on the upcoming negotiations. Tony Rice, the CEO of CWC, recently revealed during a conference call with investors, however, that he intends on convincing the prime minister that the foreign company is in the best interest of The Bahamas. "It's too early to make a final determination," AlHussainy added. Meantime, Prime Minister Perry Christie has appointed his negotiating team ahead of formal talks with Cable and Wireless Communications (CWC) aimed at getting a majority stake of the recently privatized Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC) back in the hands of the government. Christie said he expects talks to start by midAugust. The prime minister also confirmed that his

administration does not intend to follow through on a plan left in place by the Ingraham-led government to offer nine percent of the shares in BTC to the Bahamian public. “Let it be clear that when I came to office there was on the table I believe a decision by the former government to sell nine percent of the shares. I have stopped that because it stands in the way of what my government has a mandate to do,” he said. Christie again referred to a meeting he had last month with CWC CEO Tony Rice, who he said attempted to convince him not to move ahead with the bid to take back shares. “He said to me he’s going to make every effort to [persuade] me to adopt his position, and of course I said to him my difficulty is, it’s not what I think. It’s what the people who voted for me think and I can’t go back to them and tell them [maybe in] about the next four to five years,” the prime minister said. Last week, BTC CEO Geoff Houston reported that the government is getting almost double the profits as a 49 percent owner in BTC than it received as a full owner. Asked to respond to this revelation, the prime minister told The Nassau Guardian, “I’m very happy that they have announced making a profit. That’s the whole idea of that. “BTC was making a profit but you know when I came to power it had $4 million in the bank. When I left it had $135 million in the bank, and so we expect it to make a profit because it has a monopoly position right now in the economy, but we are still very unhappy with the dropped calls and we’re hoping there will be significant improvement in some of the areas that are there.”

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Two Canadians resign as top cops in Trinidad PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, – Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley has questioned the independence of the Police Service Commission (PSC) after Canadians Dwayne Gibbs and Jack Etwaski resigned as Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner respectively. “The Commissioner of Police must be seen to be operating at arms’ length from the wishes of the political directorate. If there is any occasion when there is a Commissioner of Police in office who can be perceived to be the creature of the political directorate, it would be whoever is coming in now after this development,” Rowley said. “I am concerned about the details and there is a whole lot more that we have to hear from the Government. I am particularly keen to hear from the Police Service Commission,” he said, saying he believed their independence was being threatened by the Minister of National Security, Austin “Jack” Warner.

“I found the conduct of the Minister of National Security to be out of line with respect to the office of Commissioner of Police. I though the Minister of National Security was indicating that he was exercising an authority which he does not have under the Constitutional arrangements,” he said. “These are political developments to respond to the crime wave in the country,” he added. On Monday night, Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar confirmed earlier reports that the two Canadians who were given the jobs in July 2010 had submitted their resignations effective August 7. There had been widespread media speculation that the two men would have been sent packing by the coalition People’s Partnership administration, particularly after Warner said he did not favour the 21st century policing initiative that Gibbs had introduced as a crime fighting measure.

Last month, Warner asked about his relationship with Gibbs, replied “if I have to, sometimes you have to crush grapes to get wine. “If I have to butt the head of the Police Commissioner to solve crime or to get things done so be it. It is not the first head I would have clashed nor it might not be the last. I don’t see that as a problem, I think he is a reasonable man.” Rowley told reporters that the last time the political directorate took such an initiative was during the State of Emergency (SOE), which was announced in August last year, and continued until December 5. “And it had precious little effect on the crime wave,” he said, adding that he is “concerned” that in the absence of an “independent” Commissioner of Police, “we may be in a worse state that we were when we started. “This is not a matter of politics, it is matter of procedure and respect for office and arrangements in place and

independence of offices,” he said, Persad Bissessar said that the battle lines had been “clearly drawn” in the fight against crime and that Warner over the next few weeks, “will be announcing the details of some of these measures” . She urged the population to “give him all our support as we give to those who would fill the vacancies created in the public service”. Soon after his appointment in June, Warner said the new crime initiative Gibbs wasn’t the solution and suggested the reintroduction of a unit once considered by some to be a “death squad” within the TTPS. So far this year, more than 200 people have been murdered and Warner said that in order to win the “urban warfare” which he insists is behind the increase in homicides since the end of the three month SOE last year, there was need for all stakeholders to be involved in the effort to deal with the matter.

US hospitals concerned about cuts in fund for illegal Caribbean immigrants WASHINGTON – An increasing number of hospitals in the United States say President Barack Obama’s health care law is putting tremendous burden on them by cutting aid they use to pay for emergency care for Caribbean and other illegal immigrants. The hospitals – which range from prominent public ones, like Bellevue Hospital Center in Manhattan, New York, to neighborhood mainstays like Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York, and Scripps Mercy Hospital in San Diego, California – say many of their uninsured patients are illegal immigrants. The hospitals lament that their large pools of uninsured or poorly insured patients are not expected to be reduced significantly under Obama’s Affordable Care Act, even as US federal aid shrinks. The federal government says it has been spending US $20 billion annually to reimburse these hospitals — most in poor urban and rural areas — for treating more than their share of the uninsured, including illegal immigrants. But hospital executives say the health care law will eventually cut that money in half, based on the premise that fewer people will lack insurance after the law takes effect. Health experts say the estimated 11 million people now living illegally in the United States are not covered by the health care law; and legislators, seeking to sidestep the contentious debate over immigration, say they excluded them from the law’s benefits. As a result, so-called safety-net hospitals said the cuts would result in a severe blow to their finances. All hospitals in the US are obligated under federal law to treat anyone who arrives at the emergency room, regardless of their immigration status. “That’s the 800-pound gorilla in the room, and not just in New York — in Texas, in California, in Florida,” said Lutheran’s chief executive, Wendy Z. Goldstein. “I was told in Washington that they understand that this is a problem, but immigration is just too hot to touch,” she added. The Affordable Care Act establishes state exchanges to reduce the cost of commercial health insurance, but people must prove citizenship or legal

immigration status to take part. In some states, including New York, hospitals caring for illegal immigrants in life-threatening situations can seek payment case by case, from a program known as emergency Medicaid. But health executives and immigration advocates say the program has many restrictions and will not make up for the cuts in the US $20 billion pool. “I kind of like living in a society where we don’t let people die on the steps of the emergency room,” said Mark Krikorian, the executive director of the Washington-based Center for Immigration Studies. But the Obama administration said the Affordable Care Act supports safety-net hospitals in other ways, pointing to measures that raise payments for primary care and give bonuses for improvements in quality. “We are taking important steps to make health care more affordable and accessible for millions of

Americans,” said Erin Shields Britt, a spokeswoman for the Department of Health and Human Services. “Health reform isn’t the place to fix our broken immigration system.” Hospitals in New York State say they now receive US $2.84 billion of the nation’s US $20 billion in socalled disproportionate share hospital payments. Hospital executives suggest those payments will begin to shrink in 2014 under the law, and drop to US $10 billion by 2019. “It is a difficult time to really advocate around this issue, because there is so much antipathy against new immigrants,” said Alan Aviles, president and chief executive of New York’s Health and Hospitals Corporation, which runs New York City’s public hospitals and treats 480, 000 uninsured patients annually, an estimated 40 percent of them illegal Caribbean and other immigrants.


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Page 33



St Lucia introducing a construction stimulus to boost economy CASTRIES, St Lucia – The St Lucia government says it is introducing a construction stimulus so as to give the island’s economy a much needed boost. Government has been holding talks with various stakeholders including the private sector on the stimulus that was first announced in the national budget earlier this year. “We have met the private sector to brief them on details of the stimulus package while giving the government a sense of the expectation of the business community,” said Deputy Prime Minister Phillip Pierre.

St. Lucia’s Deputy Prime Minister Phillip Pierre

The stimulus package goes into effect from August 8 and during the

Outbreak kills and sickens babies in e Bahamas NASSAU, The Bahamas – Almost two decades since its last deadly outbreak the pathogen acinetobacter bamannii has once again infected patients in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH), with deadly results. The Bahamas Public Hospitals Authority has reported that eight babies have tested positive and two of them have died as a result of infection caused by the bacteria outbreak. The other six babies are being treated. The bacteria enters the body through open wounds, breathing tubes and catheters and is highly resistant to antibiotics. A similar outbreak at the same hospital in August 1996 killed three infants. The PMH has come in for stinging criticism from Health Minister, Dr Perry Gomez who has told the media that he did not think the outbreak was properly handled because the hospital delayed in notifying authorities, given that the

Joseph Skippings

Seeks one labourer $120 per week 6 hours per day Tel: 242-7371

first case was detected about three or four weeks ago, he said. In the 1996 occurrence, eight infants acquired Acinetobacter bloodstream infection while at PMH. Three infants died and an investigation was initiated, noted the report. A report on that outbreak from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explained that acinetobacter are multi-drugresistant bacteria that grow well in water and cause infections with unexplained, increased summer prevalence. It said Acinetobacter may cause infection and death among infants during periods of polyclonal airborne dissemination; breaks in aseptic technique during intravenous medication administration may facilitate transmission from the environment to the patient, the report said. Environmental conditions that increase air conditioner condensation may increase the risk of infection, the report noted.

budget presentation, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Dr. Kenny Anthony said his administration had decided to “select the construction sector to drive the economy in the short term, at least until such time that there is full recovery in the tourism sector and investment returns to the island”. Pierre, who heads the Ministry of Works, Transport and Reconstruction, said that the stimulus package would include the removal of duties and taxes on selected items, promising that the list would be made available soon. “It is expected that the prices to consumers for these goods will be reduced. Further relief for consumers includes removal of Stamp Duty on loans for residential and commercial

mortgages,” Pierre said. He said that during the consultations it was agreed that the best approach to the successful implementation of the package was to allow consumers to realize the immediate benefits of reduced prices. “As a result government would seek to refund suppliers and retailers of building materials the duties paid on building supplies listed in the stimulus package, which are currently in stock. “As such, all suppliers, retailers of basic building materials such as sand, cement, lumber and paints and other building supplies will be required to contact the Customs Department’s warehousing section in order to schedule a stock verification appointment,” Pierre said.

St Kitts and Nevis benefiting from several multimillion dollar investments BASSETERRE, St Kitts and Nevis – In excess of EC$115 million is expected to flow into the St Kitts and Nevis economy following government’s recent approval of a number of tourism, construction, retail and entertainment projects for both islands. According to reports from the last two cabinet briefings on July 18 and July 23, cabinet approved three significant investment projects which are intended to boost the construction and tourism sectors. Spread over a period of five to seven years, the construction projects are expected to inject into the local economy and provide hundreds of jobs for builders, tradesmen and services providers. In addition to the jobs created in the development phases of the projects, long-term job prospects are expected to be enhanced, according to the release from the Office of the Prime Minister. One such approved project is a student complex with 46 apartments, student centre and overnight guest facilities and which is seeking to respond to the expected increase in demand for student accommodation on St Kitts. The second project is a 62-lot residential development phasing the construction of 20 cottages, 120 condominium units of different sizes, and common amenities over five to seven years. The third project approved was that for the creation of a bowling alley with a number of service centres such as restaurants, arcades and shops. Slated for Nevis is a villa development project, which will see the construction of 114 condominium units in eight phases over five years. This project will also provide a conference centre and other common amenities. Two other projects supported were a spare parts retail outlet and a web application development business. The web application business will require local software developers, designers and architects, graphic designers, sales and marketing personnel and managers.


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Page 34





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• Obama and Romney trade barbs over economic plans

Report: Holmes' psychiatrist reported behavior to colleagues The psychiatrist treating the accused Colorado movie theater gunman was so concerned about his behavior that she mentioned it to her colleagues, saying he could potentially be a danger to others, CNN affiliate KMGH reported Wednesday, citing sources with knowledge of the investigation. The psychiatrist's concerns surfaced in early June, nearly six weeks before the July 20 killings inside a movie theater in Aurora, sources told the Denver station. Twelve people were killed and 58 wounded when the gunman opened fire during a screening of the new Batman film. James Holmes, 24, was charged Monday with murder and attempted murder in the case; he also faces two weapons charges. Why Holmes was charged in 'unusual' way A court document filed Friday revealed Holmes was a patient ofUniversity of Colorado psychiatrist Lynne Fenton before the attack. Sources told KMGH that Fenton contacted several members of a "behavioral evaluation and threat assessment" team to say Holmes could potentially be a danger to others, the station reported. The "BETA" team consists of "key" staff members from various university departments who have specific expertise in dealing with assessing potential threats on campus, the school says on its website.

James Holmes

Holmes was a doctoral student at

the university's Anschutz Medical Campus until June, when he withdrew from the program. Sources told KMGH that university officials never contacted Aurora police with Fenton's concerns before the July 20 killings. "Fenton made initial phone calls about engaging the BETA team" in "the first 10 days" of June but it "never came together" because in the period Fenton was having conversations with team members, Holmes began the process of dropping out of school, a source told KMGH. Sources told the station that when Holmes withdrew, the BETA team "had no control over him." KMGH said sources did not know what Holmes told Fenton that sparked her concern.

"It takes more than just statements," one source told the station, explaining that Holmes would have had to tell Fenton "something specific" before she would have to report it to law enforcement. "He would have to tell her he had taken steps to make it happen," another source told the station. One source also told the station that the team may not have been convened because while Fenton had "serious concerns, there may not have been an immediate threat." It's not clear if Fenton continued treating Homes after he dropped out of school, whether she referred him to another medical professional or had any further contact with him, KMGH reported, citing sources familiar with the investigation.

Protesters ask crackdown on honor killing BETHLEHEM, West Bank- Women and human rights groups are demanding tougher action by Palestinian authorities after four women were allegedly killed by family members recently. Several placard-carrying women marched through the streets of Bethlehem Thursday in the latest of a series of protests demanding stricter enforcement of domestic abuse laws, the Los Angeles Times reported. A 28-year-old woman was stabbed multiple times Monday on a busy street in the city as passersby watched. Her 33-year-old husband has been arrested and may face

murder charges. Activists said the man had beaten his wife several times before, sometimes so severely she had been hospitalized, but had never been charged. Authorities only required him to stop beating his wife. The death follows several high-profile incidents earlier this year in which women were killed in what are believed to have been so-called honor killings. Such killings resulted in the deaths of 29 women in the West Bank by family members between 2007 and 2010, Palestinian human rights groups said.

Iraq attacks kill 33 people: oďŹƒcials Iraq attacks mainly targeting security force personnel killed at least 33 people on Thursday, officials said, after government figures showed July was the bloodiest month in almost two years. At least 39 people have been killed in violence in the first two days of August, which have seen a number of attacks on security forces and their facilities, including a prison, a military site and checkpoints. At least nine people were killed and at least 32 wounded in a car bombing in the Husseiniyah area of north Baghdad, medical officials said. In the northern oil city of Kirkuk, militants attacked the home of a Turkmen family, cutting the throats of a father, mother and two daughters, an AFP correspondent reported. Gunmen killed seven soldiers and wounded 11 others in three separate attacks south of the city, according to security and medical officials and Shalal Abed Ahmed, mayor of Tuz Khurmatu, where one of the attacks took place. Gunmen also shot dead four police in Tikrit, north of Baghdad, while three members of the Sahwa anti-

Qaeda militia were killed by a bomb near Balad, also north of the capital, security and medical officials said. And gunmen attacked a checkpoint near a police station northeast of Samarra, killing one police and one Sahwa member, a police captain and a hospital source in Samarra said. An army officer said that gunmen attacked a checkpoint near Dujail, north of Baghdad, killing a soldier and kidnapping four others. And Colonel Obeid Ibrahim al-Kataa was killed along with two other police in clashes with gunmen who tried to take control of a checkpoint in Al-Rutba, in the far west, police officers said. In the Euphrates Valley, a police major said a patrol was hit by a roadside bomb in Haditha, wounding four police, while three police were wounded in another attack by gunmen on a checkpoint east of the town. South of Kirkuk, six gunmen wearing explosive belts tried to attack a military site but five of them were killed and the sixth seriously wounded and the attack failed, Staff Brigadier General Mohammed Khalaf

Saeed al-Dulaimi said. And a police captain said that three gunmen, one of them wearing an explosive belt, tried to attack a police checkpoint in Baiji, north of Baghdad, but all three were killed. Al-Qaeda front group the Islamic State of Iraq has said it will look to retake territory in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan in an offensive slammed by Washington as "cowardly", and appealed for Sunni Arab tribes to send fighters in a recording posted in the name of its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The message posted on various jihadist forums said the ISI would begin targeting judges and prosecutors, and try to help its prisoners break out of jails. The latest violence comes a day after official figures put the number of people killed in attacks in July at 325, the highest monthly death toll since August 2010. While violence has decreased compared to its peak in 2006 and 2007, attacks remain common across Iraq. There were attacks on 27 of the 31 days in July.


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Kofi Annan to step down as Syria envoy GENEVA– Kofi Annan said Thursday he will quit his high-profile role as special envoy to Syria at the end of the month, delivering blistering criticism of world powers' failure to unite to stop the country's escalating violence. Annan told reporters that when he accepted the job, "which some called 'Mission Impossible'" — he wanted to help the international community, led by the U.N. Security Council, find a peaceful solution to the crisis. The goal was to stop the killings of civilians and human rights abuses, as well as to place Syria on a path toward political transition. "The severity of the humanitarian costs of the conflict, and the exceptional threats posed by this crisis to international peace and security, justified the attempts to secure a peaceful transition to a political settlement, however daunting the challenge," Annan said. But the former U.N. secretarygeneral told reporters that he cannot go on when the New York-based, 15-

Kofi Annan

nationSecurity Council doesn't back his role, particularly because of the standoff between its five veto-wielding members: Russia and China on one side, the United States, Britain and France on the other. "Things fell apart in New York," he summed up. "The increasing

Uganda’s Ebola toll climbs to 16 The death toll from an Ebola outbreak in western Uganda has risen to 16 after two more people died of the disease, health officials said on Wednesday, but they are hopeful that the worst has passed. Eighteen people are in an isolation ward at a hospital in Kibaale district, where the outbreak started, and teams of health workers are visiting villages to isolate people possibly infected and to advise others on preventive measures. There is no specific treatment for Ebola, which is transmitted by close contact and body fluids such as saliva, vomit, faeces, sweat, semen and blood. Health officials are hopeful there will be no repeat of the severity of the Ebola outbreak in Uganda in 2000, when 425 people were infected by the virus, more than half of whom died. “It was sad we recorded two more deaths … but we’re also encouraged by the fact that we’re not receiving many more new cases,” Kibaale district health officer Dan Kyamanywa said. The latest deaths occurred late on Tuesday, he said. Up to 176 people who are suspected to have had contact with Ebola victims are being monitored, but none have so far shown signs of the disease, Ministry of Health spokeswoman Rukia Nakamatte told Reuters. Neighbouring Kenya said it was monitoring a suspected case of Ebola after a man was placed in isolation in Siaya district hospital, near the Ugandan border. The country’s director of public health and sanitation said it was unlikely to be a case of Ebola. However, the Kenyan speaker of parliament has asked the public health minister to deliver a statement on the matter. Ugandan authorities said last week they had confirmed an outbreak of Ebola in Kibaale, about 170 km (100 miles) west of the capital Kampala, and near the Democratic Republic of Congo where the virus first emerged in 1976, taking its name from the Ebola River. Authorities in the east African country have not yet identified the source of the outbreak, although Kibaale Forest has a high concentration of monkeys and birds, which act as transmitters of the virus. President Yoweri Museveni has advised people to avoid shaking hands, casual sex and do-it-yourself burials to reduce the chance of contracting the deadly haemorrhagic fever. Kyamanywa said Ebola had been ruled out as the cause of death of two people, including a child, who officials said on Tuesday were suspected to have been infected with the virus. Although there is no cure for the virus, doctors can treat opportunistic diseases and symptoms affecting patients including diarrhoea, vomiting and malaria, and some patients can survive.

militarization on the ground (in Syria) and the clear lack of unity in the Security Council have fundamentally changed the circumstances for the effective exercise of my role." Annan was named the U.N.-Arab League envoy to Syria in February, overseeing a small staff in a secretive office in the sprawling Palais des Nations, the U.N.'s European headquarters in Geneva. He came up with a six-point peace plan to resolve the crisis in the Arab state, including a cease-fire that was supposed to take effect in mid-April. But, despite the presence of hundreds of U.N. observers on the ground, the cease-fire never took hold and the violence in Syria has morphed into a civil war. Rights activists say that more than 19,000 people have died since the popular uprising against Syrian President Bashar Assad began in March 2011. "The bloodshed continues, most of all because of the Syrian government's intransigence, and continuing refusal to implement the six-point plan, and also because of the escalating military campaign of the opposition — all of which is compounded by the disunity of the international community," Annan told reporters in Geneva. "At a time when we need — when the Syrian people desperately need action — there continues to be fingerpointing and name-calling in the

Security Council." Annan did not single out any country for criticism, but said, "Without serious, purposeful and united international pressure, including from the powers of the region, it is impossible for me, or anyone, to compel the Syrian government in the first place, and also the opposition, to take the steps necessary to begin a political process." "You have to understand: as an envoy, I can't want peace more than the protagonists, more than the Security Council or the international community for that matter," he said. Annan's announcement coincided with Arab countries dropping a demand that Assad resign in the latest draft of a symbolic U.N. General Assembly resolution that faces a Friday vote in New York. The watereddown resolution further illustrated the international struggle to build an effective diplomatic approach to Syria's civil war. The draft resolution was resisted by countries such as Brazil, Russia, India, China andSouth Africa who had problems with calling for regime change or sanctions. Russia and China have repeatedly vetoed stronger proposals on Syria in the Security Council, which, as the most powerful arm of the U.N., can adopt enforceable resolutions and impose sanctions.



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Qualifications and Experience • The successful candidate must have functioned in The Coca-Cola Company environment for a minimum of eight (8) to ten (10) years, of which five (5) must have been at a Senior Managerial level. • A minimum of five (5) years experience in sales. • College degree preferred, but minimum of a high school diploma. • Proven track record in managing a company of similar size and scope. If you are interested in a challenging career, designed to bring out the best in you, in a progressive environment, please email a copy of your resume to: cyndiwrahming@gmail.com, on or before August 22nd, 2012.

Page 38




Obama and Romney trade barbs over economic plans GOLDEN, Colo. - Mitt Romney promised Thursday that his economic program will create 12 million new jobs in the next four years, and likened President Barack Obama to a "dog trying to chase its tail" when it comes to strengthening the sluggish recovery. Firing back instantly, Obama said his rival favors "trickle-down fairy dust" that has failed to fix the economy in the past, and unleashed a new television ad with a scathing summation of Romney's tax plans: "He pays less. You pay more." The two men campaigned in battleground states hundreds of miles apart, the incumbent in Florida, his challenger in Colorado, both on a mission to convert undecided voters to their side in a race dominated by the economy and high joblessness. Nor was there any summer lull in the television ad wars. Americans For Prosperity, an independent group that backs Romney, intends to launch a $25 million ad campaign beginning next week, according to officials familiar with the arrangements. The organization was founded by David and Charles Koch, billionaire brothers, and has spent about $15 million in swing states this year on ads attacking Obama. For Romney, the day meant a return to domestic campaigning after a weeklong overseas trip. Aides say he intends to disclose a vice presidential

U.S President Barack Obama

pick before the Republican National Convention opens on Aug. 27 in Tampa, Fla., but the former Massachusetts governor told reporters: "I've got nothing to give you" by way of information on his decision. Instead, he unveiled what aides called Romney's plan for more jobs and more take-home pay, backed by an eight-page paper arguing that the economic stimulus and other policies backed by Obama "exacerbated the economy's structural problems and weakened the recovery ... At the present rate of job creation, the nation will never return to full employment," it said, on the eve of the release of the

Marketing and Sales Manager Job Title:

Position Type : Full Time Job Purpose: Accomplishes business development activities by researching and developing marketing opportunities and plans; implementing sales plans; managing staff. Duties: • P&L responsibility for WIV Media - a greenfield in-house ad agency. • Accomplishes marketing and sales human resource objectives by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, assigning, scheduling, coaching, counseling, and disciplining employees; communicating job expectations; planning, monitoring, appraising, and reviewing job contributions; planning and reviewing compensation actions; enforcing policies and procedures. • Achieves marketing and sales operational objectives by contributing marketing and sales information and recommendations to strategic plans and reviews; preparing and completing action plans; implementing production, productivity, quality, and customer-service standards; resolving problems; completing audits; identifying trends; determining system improvements; implementing change. • Meets marketing and sales financial objectives by forecasting requirements; preparing an annual budget; scheduling expenditures; analyzing variances; initiating corrective actions. • Determines annual and gross-profit plans by forecasting and developing annual sales quotas for regions; projecting expected sales volume and profit for existing and new products; analyzing trends and results; establishing pricing strategies; recommending selling prices; monitoring costs, competition, supply, and demand. • Accomplishes marketing and sales objectives by planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating advertising, merchandising, and trade promotion programs; developing field sales action plans. • Identifies marketing opportunities by identifying consumer

Mitt Romney

government's official report on July joblessness. In remarks in Golden, Colo., Romney said his economic policies would lead to creation of 12 million jobs in the four years of his term, if he is elected, and help make North America energy independent, a pledge that aides said included Canada and Mexico as well as the United States. Romney pledged expanded international trade, particularly with Latin America, and vowed to confront China over its own policies. "I'm finally going to sit down with the Chinese and they're going to understand that if they cheat there are going to be

consequences, because we're not going to let them walk all over us," the former Massachusetts governor said. He said he would help small business owners, improve the education system and cut spending to reduce the deficit, but he offered relatively few specifics. Romney previously has said he wants to extend the tax cuts due to expire on Dec. 31 and grant a new 20 percent cut in tax rates, in addition, to stimulate growth. He has also said he will reverse some of Obama's proposed defense cuts, and simultaneously reduce spending on other programs in a way that deficits would gradually subside. But he so far has refused to identify which existing tax breaks he would curtail to accomplish his goals, and generally avoided naming individual programs he wants to cut or eliminate. In his remarks during the day, Romney said he wants federal education funds that aid the disadvantaged and disabled to be tied to the student rather than flow to school districts, as is now the case. But he did not specify how much he would cut from them to achieve his goal of reducing federal deficits. He also criticized Obama for signing legislation that cut $500 billion from Medicare over a decade. Aides said he would restore the funding, which was reduced as part of the president's health care bill. But they had no additional details.

requirements; defining market, competitor's share, and competitor's strengths and weaknesses; forecasting projected business; establishing targeted market share. • Improves product marketability and profitability by researching, identifying, and capitalizing on market opportunities; improving product packaging; coordinating new product development. • Sustains rapport with key accounts by making periodic visits; exploring specific needs; anticipating new opportunities. • Provides information by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing data and trends. • Protects organization's value by keeping information confidential. • Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks; participating in professional organizations. • Accomplishes marketing and organization mission by completing related results as needed. Skills/Qualifications: Financial Planning and Strategy, Marketing Concepts, Positioning, People Management, Territory Management, Sales Planning, Competitive Analysis, Understanding the Customer, Product Development, Client Relationships, Creative Services Protects organization's value by keeping information confidential. Education: Candidate must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, Business Administration or related major. A Master’s degree or MBA is highly desirable.

Reports: Position reports to Chief Operating Officer. The position will have direct Sales Associate reports. Salary: $37,000.00 – $44,000.00 per annum Interested candidates should submit a completed resume and cover letter to: WIV Cable P O Box 679 Tower Plaza, Leeward Highway Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands administrator@wiv.tc No phone calls please


Page 39



Taiwan school sues Apple over Siri app

Facebook has more than 83 million illegitimate accounts Facebook has said it believes there are now more than 83 million illegitimate accounts on the social network. In company filings published this week, it said 8.7% of its 955 million active accounts broke its rules. Duplicate profiles - belonging to already registered users - made up 4.8% of its membership figure. User-misclassified accounts amounted to 2.4% - including personal profiles for businesses or pets - while 1.5% of users were described as "undesirable". The estimate comes at a time of growing concern about the effectiveness of marketing on the platform. Facebook defined duplicates as "an account that a user maintains in addition to his or her principal account." It said profiles were "usermisclassified" if "users have created personal profiles for a business, organisation, or non-human entity such as a pet". It added that "undesirable" accounts included those using fake names which were "intended to be used for purposes that violate our terms of service, such as spamming".

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook, whose business model relies on targeted advertising, is coming under increased scrutiny over the worth of its advertising model which promotes the gathering of "likes" from users. When a BBC investigation last month concluded that a rash of fake profiles was a cause for concern for Facebook advertisers, the social network was dismissive.

"We've not seen evidence of a significant problem," a spokesman told us. Now its own figures show that more than 80 million of its global audience may be in effect worthless to advertisers - either duplicate accounts, or spammers or perhaps cats and dogs. The problem is particularly acute in developing countries like Indonesia and Turkey where Facebook is enjoying rapid growth. A number of advertisers have been challenging Facebook to prove that the clicks they are receiving on their ads are "real" - these figures will provide them with added ammunition. "We generate a substantial majority of our revenue from advertising," the company said in its filing. "The loss of advertisers, or reduction in spending by advertisers with Facebook, could seriously harm our business." Last month, the BBC's technology correspondent Rory Cellan-Jones set up a fake company called VirtualBagel to investigate allegations of fake "likes".

His investigation found that the large majority of "likes" for the fake firm originated from the Middle East and Asia. Many users appeared to be false, such as "Ahmed Ronaldo" - apparently a Cairo-based user who is employed by Spanish football club Real Madrid. Last week, digital distribution firm Limited Press alleged that, based on its own analytics software, 80% of clicks on its advertisements within Facebook had come from fake users. In a post on its Facebook page, the company said: "Bots were loading pages and driving up our advertising costs. So we tried contacting Facebook about this. Unfortunately, they wouldn't reply. "Do we know who the bots belong too [sic]? No. Are we accusing Facebook of using bots to drive up advertising revenue. No. Is it strange? Yes." After a surge of attention to the company, it has since removed the Facebook posting, and said Facebook was now looking into its concerns.

Sharp to cut 5,000 jobs as losses continue to grow Japan's Sharp Corporation, the maker of Aquos TVs, has said it will cut 5,000 jobs, just under 10% of its workforce, in an attempt to cut costs. The cuts come as Sharp reported a net loss of 138.4bn yen ($1.8bn; ÂŁ1.1bn) for the April to June period. That was up from a 49.3bn yen loss during the same period a year earlier. Sharp said that a "greater-than-expected" slowdown in demand from Japan and China, and falling prices had hurt its earnings. The firm also widened its annual loss forecast to 250bn yen, up from its earlier projection of 30bn yen

in April. Sharp said it expected "the business environment to remain unpredictable, with increased downside risks". It added that the risks included "the possible return of the financial crisis in Europe, the appreciation of the yen, the ongoing deflation and energy supply issues in Japan". The eurozone is a key market for Japanese exporters and the fear is that as the region's debt crisis spreads to the bigger economies such as Spain, it will cut demand. At the same time, a strong yen also affects firms

such as Sharp, making their goods more expensive to foreign buyers and cutting their profits when they repatriate foreign earnings. The yen has risen by more than 6% against the US dollar since mid-March this year. To make matters worse for Japanese firms, domestic demand has not grown enough to offset a decline in foreign sales. Japan has been battling deflation, or falling prices, for many years. While a dip in prices is good for the consumers it can hit the economy and businesses, as buyers tend to put off their purchases in the hope of getting a better deal later on.


Griffiths & Partners are looking for a senior Commercial Lawyer with significant experience (10 to 15 years) dealing with commercial and property/development work. Must have relevant professional qualifications, be admitted to practice in the Turks and Caicos Islands (or eligible for admission) or admitted in a common law jurisdiction. The applicant must have worked in practice as a senior lawyer or at partner level, preferably with an international law firm. Recent experience should include commercial law advice, property finance work, and development, construction and investment schemes. Salary commensurate with experience. Closing date for application: 9th August, 2012 Apply with Curriculum Vitae to: Griffiths & Partners P.O. Box 143 Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands Email: recruitment@griffithsandpartneres.com Fax: 649-941-8251

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Taiwan school sues Apple over Siri app A Taiwanese university has sued Apple for alleged patent infringement in its Siri voice assistant, as part of an initiative to help Taiwan's local electronic firms fight back against intellectual property disputes brought by their foreign rivals. Taiwan's National Cheng Kung University alleged in the lawsuit, filed in a U.S. district court on Friday, that Apple's Siri feature infringes on two of the school's U.S. patents dealing with speech recognition technology. The university is demanding Apple pay a still undetermined amount in damages, and that the court order an injunction on Apple's use of Siri as a feature on its iPhones and iPads. The school filed the legal action in response to repeated patent infringement lawsuits that foreign companies have filed against Taiwan's electronic

firms, according to Chen Xisan, the director of the school's legal department. Apple has for example filed legal action against HTC, which recently saw shipments of its smartphones to the U.S. delayed because of the patent battles. "We want to help the local industry," Chen said in an interview. "We also want to protect Taiwan's patents from being infringed upon." Apple did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The university is also considering filing further legal action against other foreign companies that have infringed its patents, Chen said. "We are still in the stages of exploring. This lawsuit against Apple is just an early step," he said. Taiwan has grown increasingly vigilant in trying to prevent patent lawsuits from affecting its local

electronic industry. Earlier this month, a Taiwanese government office warned local PC vendors of a new Apple patent for its MacBook Air that could be used to stop the sale of ultrabook models. Last year, a major Taiwanese research institute also said it was creating an intellectual property "bank" to acquire patents in order to protect local vendors from patent infringement lawsuits. Taiwan's National Cheng Kung University is filing its lawsuit as a company in neighboring mainland China has also targeted Apple's Siri for patent infringement with its own lawsuit in the country. Shanghai Zhi Zhen Internet Technology, is the developer of software called "Xiao i Robot" that communicates through voice, and can answer users' questions. In 2006, the company was granted a patent in China covering the technology.

Employers slow down layoff announcements CHICAGO,- For the third time in the year, job cuts announced by U.S. firms in July were lower than the same month from the previous year, a research firm said. Outplacement specialist Challenger, Gray and Christmas said U.S. employers announced 36,855 layoffs in July, down from the 37,551 announced in June and down 45 percent from the 66,414 announced in July 2011. For 2012, January through July, 319,946 layoffs have been announced, slightly more than the 312,220 announced January through July in 2011.

"The pace of downsizing is virtually even with a year ago," the firm said. Financial firms led all job sectors in July with 6,156 job cuts announced. The ongoing financial crisis in Europe has challenged U.S. banks, where layoffs, totaling 26,352 this year, are 79 percent higher than the first seven months of 2011. For the year, however, the computer industry ranks first in job layoffs. The total number of job cuts announced for January through July is 35,006 which is 214 percent above the same seven months of 2011. The bulk of the 2012 layoffs in the computer industry,


REVERSE OSMOSIS OPERATOR Turks & Caicos Water Company Limited would like to fill the following position for a Reverse Osmosis Operator immediately. Applicant must have 5 years experience in Sea Water Reverse Osmosis, working for facilities producing a minimum of 2.0 MGD of potable water. Applicant must be proficient with RO Pro software, customized SCADA systems, design of membrane arrays, rebuilding of high pressure pumps & energy recover devices, TIG welding, and laboratory analysis of potable water. Applicant must be drug free, have high school degree, valid driver’s license, dependable transportation and clean criminal record. Position requires swing shift hours and 24/7 on call for emergencies. Resume with cover letter must addressed to Plant Manager and be mailed to PO Box 483, Providenciales or faxed to 649946-5191. Suitable resumes will be required to complete an application process, which includes basic written examination regarding safety and process technologies, police background check and drug test. Suitable applicants will be contacted by email or telephone to schedule an interview. Wages starts at $8.00 per hour based on experience. All resumes must be received by August 20, 2012.

however, were announced by one firm, Hewlett-Packard, which said it had plans to cut 27,000 jobs. In the transportation sector, there have been 29,965 job cuts announced this year, a 323 percent increase over January through July in 2011. Retail is close behind transportation with 27,925 layoffs announced this year, 4,135 of them announced in July. "While the decline in job cuts over the last two months is good news, it is not unusual to see these types of

slowdowns during the summer months, when business activity of all types seems to lag as key decision makers tend to be out of the office more frequently," said Chief Executive Officer John Challenger in a statement. "Employers may be in a preelection holding pattern. Historically, the fourth quarter tends to be the heaviest job-cutting period of the year, so, this may simply be the lull before the storm," Challenger said.

MBA Construction


Salary $8.00 per hour Contact 242-3450/243-4849 JOB POSITION: MULTI SKILLED CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR Required by medium sized construction company. Must be multi skilled, independent worker and have ability to work under pressure. Must have sufficient years of experience and reference from well recognized constructions companies Outline of projects recently worked on and task carried out. Please forward your resume to Fountainhead Construction Ltd., P.O. Box 709


Turks & Caicos Water Company Limited is seeking a suitable applicant to fill the following position: Applicants must be physically capable of hard manual labour outside on a daily basis. Previous experience is necessary. Candidates must be drug free, have a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation and clean criminal record. Position requires the successful applicant to be willing to work weekends and holidays when needed. Resume with cover letter must be addressed to the Plant Manager via email at TCWC@express.tc or faxed to 649-946-5830. Suitable applicants will be contacted by email or telephone to schedule an interview. Wages starts at $7.00 per hour based on experience. All resumes must be received by August 20, 2012.


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Delano represented TCI well at Olympic Trials BY ALVIN PARKER, DIRECTOR OF SPORTS CONTRIBUTOR

Prior to Turks and Caicos Island Sprint Sensation, Delano Williams making his way to the Alexander Track in Birmingham, England, he was chosen worthy by the merit of his athleticism for an opportunity that would change his life forever and that of the country. An opportunity that no other Turks and Caicos Islander has ever accomplished in the HISTORY of Turks and Caicos Islands Sports, that being, not only considered but INVITED to participate in the United Kingdom Olympic Trials with the hope that he would be selected once making the mark. Eighteen year-old Delano already making his mark and creating history by being selected as one of the Athletes to compete in the trials with his UK counterparts, for a spot in the 200 meters race to represent the UK. Representatives from the Turks and Caicos Island were invited to White Hall to participate in a meeting with

Delano Williams

other Sporting Officials. Those representing TCI were; Mr. Alvin Parker, Director of Sports, Mrs. Rita Gardiner, President Commonwealth Games Association, Mrs. Ruth Barton, Mother of Delano Williams. We all traveled to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

TCI Cricket Association holds Provo camp The Sport Commission in conjunction with the Turks and Caicos Cricket association held a cricket youth Camp from Monday 23, July to 27 July 2012 at the Down Town Ball Park Providenciales. The camp ran from the hours of at 9.30 am and 12.30 pm. The event, which was coordinated by Michael Pereira, saw 40 children, consisting of different age groups ranging between seven to 13 years. Children came as far as from the country’s capital Grand Turk and South Caicos. The sessions were conducted by Sean Khan, Development Officer of the Turks and Caicos Islands Cricket Association and Pastor Delano Hall. Khan, a former teacher, is a level one Cricket Coach, having completed the Introduction to Cricket course and Level One Coaching Course. He also has vast Knowledge in the sport of Cricket. Hall is a member of the Jamturk Cricket Team. The various days the participants were thought the fundamentals of cricket catching bowling, fielding throwing and hitting. The importance of discipline team work and fairplay and the final session the various age groups play two matches. The participants enthusiastically partake in each and every session and expressed that they thoroughly enjoy the camp and look forward for Saturday morning cricket programme for September. The Cricket Association expresses thanks to Alvin Parker, the Sports Director and Jennifer Higgs, Facility Manager.

(FCO) to meet with the representative responsible for the Turks and Caicos Islands, Mr. Malcolm Kirk. A similar meeting was scheduled prior to the group travelling to the UK during Minister Bellingham’s visit to the territory, when he announced the date for TCI general elections. However, due to pressing matters in London, he was called back urgently. The officials were adamant about the meeting and thus making a request by way of the Governor’s Office to schedule a meeting during their time in London, which was granted. It was an amazing experienced and the Officials hailed the meeting a success and planned to follow up with the information given. Amongst the many topics discussed were: -The future of Elite Athletes in the Turks and Caicos Islands - Academic and Sporting success – scholarships -Funding from UK Lottery for the Overseas Territories in developing sporting programs and projects, and appropriate Sporting Facilities on each island.

It was understood that Minister Bellingham was willing to work with the territories as far as projects for sports are concerned and to include them in the UK lottery once a comprehensive and sustainable proposal was put forth. This commitment was made by the Officials and they were indeed optimistic that a good relationship could be fostered with UK Athletics and the government going forward. The team was given a grand tour of White Hall and its surroundings. The Representative gave Delano words of encouragement and wished him well for the Olympic Trials and beyond. The Delegation would like to thank the Governor’s offices for all their support in arranging the meeting with the Mr. Malcolm and their assistance with Delano Williams road to the UK Trails. Since returning home Mrs. Gardiner and Mr. Parker have made contacts with Sports Authority from the other Overseas Territory on the way forward as it relates to UK Lottery.

Road to the London Olympic Trials 2012 BY RITA J. GARDINER


OBTAINING INDEPENDENT MEMBERSHIP TO CGF In 2003 the Turks and Caicos Commonwealth Games Association was established, becoming an independent entity, emancipating itself from the Turks and Caicos Amateur Athletic Association under whose umbrella it operated since 1977. I was elected by a democratic process as the first CGA President. We were given an annual stipend to maintain an office and later in preparation for the 2010 Games in Delhi, the CGA received funding to train our athletes. This came at an opportune time, because of the downturn in the economy and the fallout of local government we were able to attend the games in Delhi with the largest athletic contingent and our athletes were trained and competed in all regional championships. Also, the association was fortunate enough to have our proposal honored for funding from Glasgow to train our athletes who are targeted to compete in the 2014 games. We are now seeing the results of our track and field athletes, who are now making a great impact on the regional and world stage, with financial support from Glasgow. In my position as President of the CGA, I networked with other countries and collaborated with my counterparts on best practices and garnished their support for training for administrators, coaches and athletes and used my position to lobby my CGA and IOC Collegues every time an opportunity presented itself. I went as far as taking our dilemma with the IOC to the Vice Patron of the Commonwealth Games Federation, the Earl of Wessex, at a meeting in Delhi, India, prior to the 2010 Commonwealth Games, when he asked to meet

with members from the Overseas Territories. It was evident that all (non IOC Members) were frustrated with the situation of being in such a position of not being able to receive Olympic Solidarity and their athletes could not compete in the Olympics under their country’s name. Case in point: Anguilla has one of the best athletes in the world in the Women’s Long Jump, but she is competing for Great Britain. We knew once the time came that Turks and Caicos reached the Olympic status of having an elite athlete qualifying for the Olympics, we would have to follow suit similarly. QUALIFYING WITH OLYMPIC STANDARDS In 2010, the time that we were all awaiting for, after many years arrived, when a young athlete by the name of Delano Williams training in Jamaica, qualified at the 2010 CARIFTA Games for the inaugural IOC Youth Olympic Games in Singapore, held from 14 – 26 August, 2010. The TCAAA received the invitation for his participation and the celebration had begun as we were about to make history, but that was short lived. Three days later another urgent letter was received from the Local Organizing Committee that although young Williams qualified for the games he was unable to participate due to the fact that his country was not a member of the IOC: he could participate if he could get in under another country. In September, 2010, Delano competed in the 2010 Commonwealth Games, where he clocked his best time for the 200 meters. In November, he was nominated at the ‘29th Commonwealth Sports Awards 2010’ held in Birmingham, England, for an award in the category as ‘Outstanding Young Achiever’. He ended up as 1st Runner up. TO BE CONTINUED

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Such is Bolt's popularity that ever since arriving in the Athletes' Village on Thursday, the double world record holder in the 100m and 200m events has had difficulty moving about in public. READ MORE BELOW

Bolt being mobbed; Four teammates acting as bodyguards LONDON, England — Global sprinting star Usain Bolt is now being protected by four teammates on the Jamaican track and field squad at the Olympic Games here as he is being mobbed by athletes from other countries. Such is Bolt's popularity that ever since arriving in the Athletes' Village on Thursday, the double world record holder in the 100m and 200m events has had difficulty moving about in public. However, according to team manager Ludlow 'Luddy' Watts, who described Bolt as "the star of the entire Games", there are no immediate plans to move Bolt to a more private area. "No, he is safe here and he does not mind, so we have no plans to move him," Watts told the Jamaica Observer yesterday. The four teammates — discus thrower Jason Morgan, shot putter Dorian Scott, 400m hurdler Leford Green and decathlete Maurice Smith — have had to be performing bodyguard duties for Bolt, and according to Morgan, the de facto security chief, "The (team) management says they are

asking for photo ops and autographs almost as soon as they got off the track. He added that security personnel and volunteers were also a part of the frenzy. Bolt was not the only big-name athlete in the ceremony as the American basketball team with superstars Kobe Bryant and LeBron James as well as several high-profile tennis players and swimmers were also there. Watts told the Sunday Observer that when the Jamaican team was about to leave the village for the main stadium, which is in walking distance, a number of athletes descended on Bolt, "as if they were waiting for him to come out". Bolt, who trained in seclusion in Athletes from other countries crowd around Jamaican sprint star Usain Bolt trying to get his autograph Birmingham before coming to London and photos with him during the Olympics opening ceremony Friday night in London. on Thursday with his track and field team members, appeared at a Jamaica happy to have us here." that he had to be escorted by his Olympic Association/Puma press Bolt was seen on television teammates through a throng of athletes monitors taking photographs with to get back to the Athletes' Village at the conference later that day and said he has not had the chance to see much of the fellow Olympians and signing end of the ceremony on Friday night. autographs on the infield during the Watts said athletes from the team Athletes' Village — "just the dining parade of teams at the Opening directly in front and behind the room" — but chances are he won't get Ceremony. Jamaican delegation in the parade — to see much, given the demand on his The Sunday Observer later learnt Italy and Japan, respectively — started time by other athletes.

Bajan footballer wins landmark race discrimination case in England KENT, England – Former Barbados international player Mark McCammon has not only proved his point, but has made history by winning the first race victimisation case brought by a footballer in a public forum in England. McCammon, 33, won the landmark case after an employment tribunal ruled he was racially victimised at his former club. The 6ft 2in striker took legal action against the Gillingham FC after being dismissed for alleged misconduct last year. McCammon’s claim for race discrimination – which is thought to be the first by a professional footballer – and unfair dismissal was brought against the League Two side and its chairman Paul Scally. Legal experts estimated McCammon would expect to receive in excess of £40,000 compensation, although the figure could be higher. McCammon's barrister nevertheless said that the tribunal panel had reserved its decision on compensation until a hearing scheduled for August 10. Rad Kohanzad, of Atlantic Chambers, Liverpool, said the ruling represented a landmark in British football as the first instance of racial

victimisation being proved by a player. “Usually, most disputes between club and player are dealt with by the Football League or the Football Association internally,” he said. “However, this is the first race victimisation case that a footballer has brought before an employment tribunal, in a public forum.” Officials at Gillingham were reportedly “staggered” by the ruling, saying the club had employed thousands of staff of different races and religions. “Today we have received the decision of the Ashford Employment Tribunal which sets out their findings that Mark McCammon was unfairly dismissed and that his dismissal was an act of racial victimisation,” the club said in a statement. “We are hugely disappointed, in fact staggered, by this decision. As an organisation we are an equal opportunity employer and do not discriminate against, nor victimise our staff. “This case is the first of its kind to be brought against the club in its entire history, a history that has seen the club employ many thousands of staff of various race, religion and creed, none of whom have ever felt the need to bring such a claim. “Given the nature of the case, and the findings,

we will discuss the judgment with our lawyers and decide upon the next course of action, whether that be an appeal against the findings, or another form of action, as deemed appropriate. “There will be no further comment on the case by the club until the matter has run its full course.” McCammon had told a hearing in Ashford, Kent, that he and other black players at the club were treated differently from white players. He said he was ordered to go to the ground amid “treacherous”, snowy driving conditions while some white players were told they were not required. He further stated that the club tried to “frustrate him out” by refusing to pay private medical bills to help him regain his fitness following injury. Instead, he claims he was offered the same operation on the NHS [National Health Service] rather than privately, a move he described as “completely out of character” for a Football League club, and that he was fined two weeks' wages when he paid a visit to a private consultant. The former Charlton, Swindon, Millwall and Brighton player said that, in contrast, a white teammate was flown to Dubai for treatment by an eminent physiotherapist at the club's expense.


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Is Michael Phelps the greatest Olympian? READ STORY ON PAGE 44

Sources: Browns sold for over $1B The Cleveland Browns have been sold by Randy Lerner to Jimmy Haslam for in excess of $1 billion, league sources said. The sale of the Browns is laid out in two parts. Haslam will take over controlling interest of the Browns for more than $700 million. Then, in the second phase of the purchase, he will pay more than $300 million to complete the deal. "This is a very exciting time for my family and me," Haslam said through the team in a statement Thursday announcing the agreement between the sides. "To own such a storied franchise as the Cleveland Browns, with its rich tradition and history, is a dream come true. We are committed to keeping the team in Cleveland and seeing it get back to the elite of the NFL -something all Browns fans want and deserve." Paperwork between the two sides was completed Thursday morning. NFL ownership is expected to approve Haslam's purchase at its October meeting. Commissioner Roger Goodell could expedite the process by calling a special meeting, although that is considered unlikely. The NFL helped bring Haslam to

The Cleveland Browns have been sold by Randy Lerner to Jimmy Haslam (pictured) for in excess of $1 billion

Lerner so that a sale could be completed smoothly, efficiently and

with a high probability of success. Haslam had informed the league how much he wanted to buy a team, and Lerner -- who is more interested in his soccer team (Aston Villa in England) - was interested in selling the Browns. Haslam is president and CEO of Knoxville, Tenn.-based Pilot Flying J, the largest operator of travel centers and travel plazas in North America with more than 550 retail locations. He is the older brother of Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam, who also worked for the family business before he was elected mayor of Knoxville in 2003 and again in 2007, then governor in 2010. The Browns have been owned by the Lerner family since 1999, when the franchise was reborn after the original club moved to Baltimore. The late Al Lerner, Randy's father, purchased the inactive franchise from the NFL in 1998 for $530 million. Randy Lerner, 50, inherited the

Browns in 2002 following his father's death. Some fans have been unhappy with Randy Lerner, long criticizing him as a disengaged owner of a club that has made the playoffs just once since it was recreated. Haslam has been a minority investor in the Pittsburgh Steelers and in a 2010 profile told the team's website that he had been a Dallas Cowboys and then anIndianapolis Colts fan. But with the Pittsburgh investment, Haslam said he had become "1,000 percent a Steelers fan." The Steelers, of course, are the Browns' chief rivals. Asked if he was surprised by the deal, Browns president Mike Holmgren said: "On one hand, the surprising part was the time of the year. But in this business, I gave up being surprised a long time ago."

Gabrielle Douglas has been nick named “The Flying Squirrel”

President Obama weighs in on Jets QB Tim Tebow Gabrielle Douglas becomes 1st black woman to win gold in All-Around Event

Is President Barack Obama taking a page out of Richard Nixon's playbook? In 1971, President Nixon suggested a play for the Redskins before their playoff game with the 49ers. On Thursday, more than 40 years later, Obama opined on the Jets trade for QB Tim Tebow. In an interview with 97.3 The Fan, a radio station in Columbus, Ohio, Obama said he thought Jets fans should be "nervous" about the trade and that he was not in favor of a quarterback controversy to start the season. He said that QB Mark Sanchez is "not Tom Brady yet," but he pointed out that he did lead the Jets to two consecutive AFC Championship games. Obama's stance on whether or not he feels that CB Darrelle Revis deserves a new contract remains unclear.

Gabrielle Douglas (pictured) earned her second gold medal on Thursday after winning the individual all-around gymnastics event, USA Today reports. She is the first African-American woman to win the all-around title at the Olympics. Here is how USA Today said the teenage phenom performed towards the end of the event: In her final event, the floor, Douglas began her routine to cheers of “Go Gabby!” As her techno music played, she had the crowd dancing as she turned North Greenwich Arena into Club Gabby. Cheers filled the place as she finished, her smile spread even wider as she fell into a bear hug from her coach, Liang Chow. Douglas became the fourth U.S. gymnast to capture the coveted all-around title, after Mary Lou Retton, Shannon Miller and Nastia Liukin. Douglas, 16, lead from the start, defeating Russia’s Victoria Komova. Aliya Mustafina, another Russian, took the bronze. Being the first woman of color to win the individual all-around event was one of the goals she wanted to achieve going into The Games. Dominique Dawes won an

individual bronze medal at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta. “She was one of my inspirations and role models growing up,” Douglas said. At the tender age of 14, Douglas away from her family in Virginia to train in Des Moines, Iowa with coach Liang Chow. Moving away from home and adjusting to a new environment at such a young age was indeed a challenge for her. USA Today reports that Douglas has been “undone by her nerves” in the past. At the Visa Championships last year, Douglas reportedly imploded and finished seventh in the all-round. It was an experience she says helped her to excel in future competitions. “I think I’ve improved so much with the mental situation,” Douglas said before London “I learned about being a competitor,” Douglas said. “No one is going to feel sorry for you. No one is going to be like, ‘Ooh, you fell.’ This is going to be my chance to shine. You have to go out there and be fierce.” Indeed she has been. So, perhaps, her Twitter hatters can shut up about her hair!

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Is Michael Phelps the greatest Olympian? LONDON - The greatest? When it comes to Michael Phelps, the answer seems obvious with just a cursory glance of the medals table. The guy has won 15 golds — "insane," says Serena Williams, who certainly knows a thing or two about winning — and now he's got more total Olympic medals than anyone, with a few more races to extend the record into almost unfathomable territory before he's done in London. Even President Barack Obama jumped on the bandwagon, phoning Phelps on Wednesday to congratulate him on his remarkable accomplishment. "He's definitely the greatest Olympian of all time," said South African swimmer Chad le Clos, who's actually one of the few guys to have beaten Phelps at the Olympics. "He's my idol." The greatest? That's where things get a bit dicier. While the sporting world — everyone from Masters champion Bubba Watson to Spanish soccer star Gerard Pique — peppered Phelps with praise in the Twitter-verse after he earned the 19th medal of his career, no less an authority than Sebastian Coe was reticent to bestow the ultimate crown. "My personal view is I'm not sure he's the greatest," Lord Coe said on Wednesday, speaking as a two-time gold medalist in athletics and the face of these games as head of the London organizing committee. "But he's certainly the most successful." Other think the sheer magnitude of Phelps' accomplishments leave little doubt about his place in history. "He's won more medals that any Olympian in history," said U.S. swimmer Tyler Clary. "That should speak for itself." Indeed, the numbers are mind-boggling: • Start with the golds. Phelps has six more than anyone else. If he wins his last three events in London, he'll have twice as many as anyone else. • Soviet-era gymnast Larisa Latynina previously held the record for total medals, winning 18 over a span of three Olympics from 1956-64. From there, the dropoff is significant. Next on the list is another Soviet gymnast, Nikolai Andrianov, with 15 medals. Three others captured 13. Just 23 more — in both Summer and Winter Games — have as many as 10. If Phelps was a nation, he would be tied for 57th on the Summer Games medal list and closing in on India, the secondmost populous nation on the globe. • Phelps won the most gold medals at a single games, his eight-race sweep in Beijing four years ago. In retrospect, the Great Haul of China looks even more impressive. While it's said that every record is made to be broken, it's hard to see anyone topping that mark. Equaling it at best, and that will be tough enough. Williams, who is competing in the Olympic tennis competition at Wimbledon, described Phelps as "the ultimate Olympian." "I mean, who does that?" she asked. "No one else could do that. It's insane." In London, Phelps has been a bit of letdown. He didn't even make the podium in his first race, laboring home fourth in the 400 individual medley, and he settled for the first two silvers of his career, including a shocking loss to le Clos in the 200 butterfly Tuesday. But he finally got his first gold of these games in the 4x200 freestyle relay, taking over with a big lead and cruising home while the roar inside the Olympic Aquatics Centre got louder with each powerful stroke. Afterward, the announcer proclaimed him "a complete legend" while the Foo Fighters song "Best of You" blared from the speakers. Someone held up a bedsheet with the handwritten message "PHELPS GREATEST OLYMPIAN EVER." That seemed to be the general sentiment around the Olympic city, a day after Phelps captured No. 19.s an arguable debate, but he has to be in the top." Coe begs to disagree. Sort of. "This is the great global pub game. Who is the greatest athlete of all time?" he said during his daily briefing. "Whether he's the greatest, I don't know. I could go around this whole room and we'd come up with different interpretations. You'd have to say he's up there. Is he the greatest? In my opinion, probably

Michael Phelps

not. But my opinion means no more than anyone else's." Coe was pressed for his choice. If not Phelps, who? "I could throw out a whole series of names," Coe said. "I could throw out Steve Redgrave, Daley Thompson," a couple of home-country faves. "If I wanted to go back a few generations and recall what Jesse Owens did in 1936, it was unbelievable. Nadia Comaneci. I don't know. It's the great local pub game." International Olympic Committee president Jacques Rogge also was hesitant to put Phelps above everyone else. "Definitely one of the greatest," Rogge told The Associated Press. "You cannot reduce everything to the medals. What Larisa Latynina has done with 18 medals and Michael has done with 19 medals is unequaled and is probably going to stay like this for decades to come. But there are other issues that both have. Personality. Larisa is a wonderful personality. Michael is a wonderful personality. There are great iconic athletes who have not won that many medals, but definitely it is a landmark." Rogge, too, was pushed to name others he would put alongside Phelps. "I'm not going to make an exhaustive list," he replied, "but there are legendary athletes like Paavo Nurmi, Carl Lewis and Jesse Owens and many more

that are really idols and icons of the sport." Indeed, it's worth noting that Phelps participates in a sport where it's possible to win multiple events at a single games. Compare that with someone such as basketball star LeBron James, who is at the top of his game but can only win one gold medal — no more than one medal, period — every four years. And while Phelps swims an impressive array of events, encompassing all four strokes and ranging in distance from 100 to 400 meters, it's hard to discount Nurmi winning five gold medals at the 1924 Games, including the 1,500 and 5,000 less than two hours apart. Lewis has to be considered for his versatility, winning everything from sprints to relays to the long jump. "There are a ton of athletes that are in the conversation," Greene said. "You could debate it for hours and hours. It's hard to say someone is THE greatest. You have different eras. Eight years from now, it might be someone who comes by and does something far greater than (Phelps) did, in a different event and a different sport and get more gold medals than that." But Greene added: "In this era, I'd give it to him." Hard to argue with that.

Lin goes from Knicks to Houston HOUSTON- Restricted free agent guard Jeremy Lin, who helped "Extremely excited and boost the New York Knicks into the honored to be a Houston playoffs last season, Tuesday Rocket again!!" Lin wrote on joined the Houston Rockets. his Twitter account. The Knicks declined to match "Welcome to Houston!, the Rockets' three-year, $25.1 We plan to hang on this time. million offer sheet by Tuesday's You will love RedNation," midnight deadline, allowing the 23Rockets General Manager year-old to move on to Houston. Daryl Morey Tweeted. Lin played for the Rockets in Lin missed the last month the pre-season of the lockoutof the regular season -- and shortened 2011-12 season before New York's only playoff series being picked up by the Knicks on -- after undergoing left knee waivers. surgery in April to repair a Jeremy Lin He scored at least 20 points meniscus tear. nine times in a 10-game stretch during The undrafted Harvard product averaged February for New York, sparking a late-season 14.6 points, 6.2 assists and 3.1 rebounds in 35 playoff push and a fan phenomenon dubbed games for the Knicks last season. "Linsanity."



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