Volume 8 Issue 38

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MPs could be fined $50,000 or jailed for 3 years Cont’d


If found guilty the person is liable on summary conviction to a fine of $10,000 or to imprisonment for 3 years or to both. In addition, a person is guilty of an offence if he or she offers to a Member or to an officer of the House a bribe, in order to influence the Member or officer in his or her conduct as a Member or officer; or offers to a Member or to an officer of the House a fee, compensation, gift or reward for or in respect of the promotion of or opposition to a Bill or matter submitted, or intended to be submitted to, the House or a committee. If found guilty of this particular offence, that person shall be liable on conviction before the Supreme Court to a fine of $50,000 or to imprisonment for five years, or to both. In relation to acceptance of bribes, a Member is guilty of an offence if the member accepts or agrees to accept or

obtains or attempts to obtain for himself or herself or any other person a bribe, fee, compensation, reward or benefit of any kind for speaking, voting, or acting as a Member in proceedings in the House, or a committee, or for refraining from so speaking, voting or acting; for absenting himself or herself from the proceedings of the House or a committee. Again, if found guilty the member shall be liable on conviction before the Supreme Court to a fine of $50,000 or to imprisonment for five years, or to both Governor Todd said that the new provision would ensure that the House is conducted in a more efficient and less trivial manner, but reiterated that it was not designed to draw the reins on politicians to express how they feel on a particular issue, but would govern on the basis on how those issues should be discussed. He said that the Bill was modeled on the old ordinances but were updated

and modernized to suit today’s running of the House of Assembly. He said that under the new law, parliamentarians would not be allowed to mislead, abuse or seek to bribe or corrupt Parliament without facing certain consequences. “I think everybody wants a House of Assembly which can work honestly, openly and in the interest of the people of the Islands,” Governor Todd reiterated. But fielding questions from the media relating to the possibility of the piece of legislation forcing politicians to take reticent positions on important House matters, Governor Todd retorted: “Gosh, it is a fascinating thought that a piece of legislation which essentially models itself on previous legislation here, which strengthens, in a sense, the responsibilities of the House, which encourages good behavior by parliamentarians, and which sets in place penalties for those who abuse the

House of Assembly, I don’t think that can possibly be seen in any sense, controlling or stopping or muzzling members of the House of Assembly. “On the contrary, what it is designed to do is to give the people of the TCI what they want, which is a parliament/house of assembly which is effective, open, transparent, where the members of the House display high standards and where they are treated properly and with respect. So, for example, giving false information knowingly to Parliament would become a punishable offense.” Governor Todd pointed out that there was a marked difference between the piece of legislation and the standing orders, pointing out that, while the legislation would be put in place to address the conduct of its members, the standing, which would deal with, among other things, manner in which members rise to address the house, would be established by the House itself. “The standing orders are the responsibility of the House itself to set up. This is the ordinance, which sets up a slightly higher set of things. But may I suggest that generally speaking that the hierarchy in any country is constitution, law, regulation,” Governor Todd said.

PNP takes credit for successful Blue Hills landfill The progressive National Party (PNP) is taking credit for the landfill in Blue Hills, which over the past year has been transformed from a dump filled with rats, stray dogs, human scavengers and noxious smoke on a daily basis. The landfill is being run by the Turks and Caicos Environmental Management, headed by Timothy Hodge, the president of the organization. Giving an interview to the media at the site on September 19, during the facility’s one-day open house exercise, At Large Candidate, Royal Robinson, who was a member of the former Michael Misick administration, told journalists that it was the PNP which initiated the landfill installation, but that party’s plan was more elaborate that what it was today. According to him, the former PNP administration original plan for the landfill included a liner with the aim of preventing seepage from the compact waste entering the ground and possibly affecting the water table. “I thought it would have been some time ago, but we had some issues with financing, because, at the time that we wanted to have it completed, the financing for it was not in place, so it came on stream much later than we anticipated, when we first started the project. It (completion of the project) makes me feel good, but the only thing that happens to the project is that, since the Interim Administration came into being it (project) had been downsized quite a bit, particularly with respect to the liner that would prevent leakage from going into the ground. That would go in sometime later,” Robinson said. However, Robinson hasted to point out that the absence of a liner did not compromise the scale of the project, rather declaring that it merely delayed its overall potential. “Because what they have done is to move what used to be a garbage dump and put into a fairly good, safe sanitary landfill. So this is the first phase of what is being

done, and the second phase would be the liner, which is included in the project. The people of the Turks and Caicos, the people of Providenciales, Wheeland and Blue Hills have gotten a tremendous opportunity to see what a proper landfill is all about. Remember that persons used to complain every day about the stench, the smoke coming from this place. They don’t complain about it anymore,” Robinson said. In the meantime, PNP Leader Dr. Rufus Ewing said that he was happy that plans that the PNP had initiated were still being realized even after three years since it left office. He said that landfill was the product of some of the sound policies that the party, which he is attempting to bring back to power, always had. “This is a project, like the hospital, that Mr. Robinson worked on tirelessly, to bring to fruition. And as he said, it was towards the end of the PNP administration, after the British Interim Administration came on board that finance was not available and was delayed within the three years (of the Interim Administration),” Ewing said. He continued: “We thought that the Interim Administration would have implemented it much earlier than now, but it is better late than never. I have happy (for the project, but) there are a few things that have not yet been implemented, like the lining, but that is not much of a concern right now in the sense that the material that goes into the dump is not so toxic or hazardous that we have to be extremely concerned about. But if we move into the hazardous industrial type products, then that would be a problem. So from day one, we would have this lining put into place, because the longer you delay it, the more difficult and more expensive it becomes to do. So we would look at putting the finances in place to get it done, and to upgrade the sanitary landfill that we all can be proud of and multi-use, because also, the opportunities exist for alternative energy generation as well. And so, we are going to finish this, what we have started,” Ewing said.



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DOMINO tournament OCT 5-27, 2012


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South Caicos Qualifying

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Chef ’s decomposing body found at Leeward apartment Forensic experts and detectives from the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force are trying to determine what led to the death of a Barbadian national, whose decomposing body was found at his rented Leeward Palms Apartment on Friday, September 21. The man, George Bynoe, who came to the Turks and Caicos Islands more than 20 years ago, worked as a private chef at one of the TCI’s most popular resorts, was married to a Belonger Sigrid Missick,

but they were separated for years and he was living alone at the time of this death. A source close to Bynoe said that he was not feeling well in recent days. The police also confirmed that the 248 Palm Circle apartment was owned by former minister of government Jeffrey Hall and his wife Eleanor. Police spokesman, Inspector Calvin Chase told journalists that the man’s body was found after one of the apartment owners visited the complex to check up on tenants as they regularly did. The chef’s body, according to Chase, was found in the passage way of the apartment. He said also that from initial investigations no evidence of foul play was detected. “At about 7:30 this morning, police received a call of a possible dead body in a home. The police visited that scene where we discovered a male (body), partly decomposed. He is in his mid 50s. We have an ID on

him but we would be releasing that name when we notify the next of kin. At this stage we are early in our investigation. “We can’t say much in our investigation because the detectives were still working on it. But from our initial investigation, there is no apparent evidence or sign of foul play that we can see with the naked eye, but remember we are looking there with the naked eye,” Chase reiterated. He said that police were gathering information as to where the chef was last seen, so as to help make their investigations become clearer. And while the police suspect that the chef’s body may have been at the location for more than a day, Chase pointed out that only the pathologist would be able to determine such findings, promising that more information would become available soon.

PPP will create 10,000 jobs, says Harold Charles BY VIVIAN TYSON SUN SENIOR EDITOR

AIDS, AIDS, COOL AID From Keith at Sweet T’s


To all the guys in the Turks and Caicos Islands: Stop telling your wives and girlfriends I have AIDS! Thank you and Good Day I give you all permission to go to Dr. Malcolm’s office at Downtown Providenciales, to confirm my results!! Keith Cielo


candidates had been tentatively placed in their respective constituencies, as the party searched for the right formula. The newly-formed People Deputy Leader Zhavargo Progressive Party (PPP) plans Jolly has been placed in the to elect approximately 10,000 Wheeland constituency; Dr. jobs if allowed to form or be Edward Smith in Cheshire Hall part of the next & and Richmond Hill; while administration of the Turks Dorell Pratt Delancey now and Caicos Islands. occupies the Bight. Party Leader Harold “I anticipate that more Charles, while fielding changes would come because questions from the media during we want to put the right the launch of the country’s third candidates in the right place, to political party on Wednesday, win this election. October 9 is September 19, at its Southern the time that will be our Shores Headquarters in deadline, and then we will take PPP Party Leader Harold Charles Providenciales, said that the PPP it from there. We control the party was in the business of creating and we will make the final decision at the right jobs for the people of the country and making time,” Charles said. their lives better in a number of areas. In the meantime, Charles said that the PPP He told the media that since the party slate so would not, at this time, looking to contest all 15 far comprised non-career career politicians, it parliamentary seats, but would be fielding enough would be easy for them to see the changes needed candidates to make an impact on the political by the Turks and Caicos Islands and endeavor to home front. He emphasized that one of the party’s implement them, which he said was not the same initially objective was to form a coalition for career politicians. “We are not career politicians; we are government, with the aim of working with the two business people and educators; that is why we can major political parties – Peoples Democratic make the change that the country deserves. Watch Movement (PDM) and the Progressive National career politicians when they are out of office, and Party (PNP), to get the country’s business done. “We do not intend to run 15 candidates in this take a look at what they do. They either vanish or don’t create one job. But I have created more than election. What we intend to do is to empower a 2,000 jobs in this country, and you know what, I new government; what personally we will be am going to create another 10,000 jobs in this seeking is a coalition government, because I think at this time this is what this country needs. country,” Charles said, to thunderous applause. Usually, whenever one party gets into power Launching its campaign with less than a third of the candidates required to fill the fifteen all decision-making goes through party-line. That parliamentary slots, the PPP insisted that it would means that whether or not that decision is good be fielding all its candidates that it hopes to for you, all the members of that one party still vote for it. So, I think that a coalition government contest for the November 9 election. Charles told the media that by October 9, the will serve the best interest of the country at this PPP hoped to have all its candidates in place time,” Charles said. The PPP leader, however, did not say how before the October 25 deadline, by which time all parties and independent candidates are required many seats his party intended to field in order to to sign off on their constituency and At Large make a tangible impact in the next election. He stressed that even if fledgling political entity did representatives. Charles, who initially told the media that he not make the expected impact this time around, it would run in the Blue Hills constituency, has would remain undaunted, and continued its switched to Five Cays, while the other three building exercise for future elections.

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PDM leader Oswald Skippings’ anti-foreigner statements must be condemned The Black Power Movement, decisions of those whose which many thought had died a responsibility it is to fashion natural death, seems to have social, economic and national been reincarnated in the Turks policies. And while Mr. and Caicos Islands, with Pastor Skippings is not now a policy Oswald Skippings, leader of the maker, he should have had People’s Democratic Movement enough gumption to know that (PDM) spouting stupidness of the political and social the silliest sort, by calling on implications of loose-cannon people to “block those bloody pronouncements like the one he gates” at the Clement Howell made are quite enormous. High School to protest the Try as they might to gain appointment of a foreign political mileage during principal there. elections, what too often On September 6th, during a emerges from politicians is a PDM rally in Providenciales, in futile pre-occupation with what can best be described as negativity which regrettably BY HAYDEN BOYCE shameless and awful bid to manifests itself in the PUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF exploit party loyalty and score promotion of disunity rather cheap political points that Mr. Skippings, the fire- than harmony and gives birth to some rather crude brand politician and pastor said: “I heard they (are) forms of dislike and mistreatment of non-nationals. bringing in another expat as principal, while we There can be no denying this in the Turks and have our very own capable Turks and Caicos Caicos Islands. I have seen it and I have lived it. Islanders right here. You all should go down there Let it be at once understood that the right for a and block those bloody gates, and no man move, politician to advocate for the promotion of one’s no man…I am serious, enough is enough.” own people is not being challenged. But it how you go about it. The sheer hostility, recklessness and insanity So extensive is the range of areas that require of Mr. Skippings statement, which clearly was foreign labour, that it is difficult, if not impossible inciting violence, cannot inspire any hope to imagine a Turks and Caicos Islands without whatsoever for the national unity which the Turks expatriates. This, of course, is not to say that and Caicos Islands so desperately craves at this natives should not be given their rightful place in juncture. their own country. They absolutely should. But a Nor can Mr. Skippings’ vicious words give any sensible balance must be struck; one that denies degree of comfort to foreigners or expatriates now unfair encroachment on territories and areas that living, working or investing in this country, or are justifiably reserved for locals, but which also those who may be considering doing so. These simultaneously confirms the existence of full people must, of necessity be asking themselves tolerance and respect for foreigners and whether the comments by Mr. Skippings, who expatriates, and most important of all, the granting could possibly be the next Premier of the Turks and of opportunities based on merit. Caicos Islands, represent the views of the PDM, It is, for example, the height of folly to outline and, if his brutal statement, which cannot at all be a certain set of criteria for persons to become taken lightly, will characterise the party’s position workers, citizens, permanent residents or investors on immigration and foreign labour if it wins the of the Turks and Caicos Islands, and then when November 9th general elections. they properly satisfy those criteria, natives want to Indeed, this position has to be made crystal mistreat and vilify them. This cannot be right. clear; sooner rather than later. And it not only What if, pray tell, the same treatment and a applies to Mr. Skippings and the PDM, but also to similarly awkward and skewed yardstick was the Progressive National Party (PNP) which is not applied to Turks and Caicos Islanders who apply without fault when it comes to dealing with issues to live and work in other countries? relating to foreign labour and expatriates. Yet, it is rather easy to understand why many If we care to be honest about it, it must be Turks and Caicos Islanders feel the way they do agreed that the anti-foreigner and anti-expatriate about certain things and certain people. sentiment in the Turks and Caicos Islands can A generally undemonstrative people by nature, potentially do more damage to the social fabric, the they have been faulted for a docility and economy and the future development of this conservatism which has not only led to many of country than the Value Added Tax (VAT). them being overlooked, but which frequently puts That is precisely why no one furnished with them at odds with contemporaries, especially the semblance of a conscience or common sense within the Caribbean region, whose more (not even the staunchest PDM member or chequered colonial past gives rise to somewhat supporter) can seriously suggest or argue against different perspectives on life. the view that what Mr. Skippings said was classless Still, a deeper analysis of the issue would show and divisive, and that he should very well be that it is people like Mr. Skippings who cannot charged with attempts to disturb the peace. escape blame or responsibility for some of the very After all, here is a man, Oswald Skippings, a practices and policies which he now seeks to seasoned politician and former Chief Minister with criticise and which have adversely affected the great influence, a born-again Christian and pastor same “very own capable Turks and Caicos who, of late, extols such lofty virtues, that if better Islanders”. As Sir Walter Scott famously said, “oh was not known, one would almost be inclined to what a tangled web we weave, when first we believe that he is inches away from Sainthood. practice to deceive.” Yet, despite his spiteful urgings to cause The Turks and Caicos Islands is not the only violence and disruption at the high school, there country faced with the difficulty of foreign labour. are cynics and critics who would argue that Mr. This country is unique only to the extent that some Skippings, for whatever reasons, never would have among us, especially myopic politicians and some made such a statement about “blocking those of their faithful followers fail to realise that no bloody gates” if a foreign manager was hired at other can solve the country’s problem, if indeed the Beaches, which for years has been one of his people are at all serious about solving it favourite resorts. But that is not the point. themselves. But bashing foreigners is far from the Commonsense, decency and propriety must solution. The unvarnished truth that this country always be brought to bear on the statements and not only needs more foreign labour, it needs a


Turks and Caicos Sun Suite # 5, Airport Plaza Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands Tel: (649) 946-8542/ (649) 241-1510 Fax: (649) 941-3281 Email: sun@suntci.com Read us online at www.suntci.com

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Hayden Boyce Senior Editor: Vivian Tyson Journalist/Web Designer: Patrina Moore-Pierre Graphics Editor: Joleen Grant Office Manager: Dominique Rigby Distribution Manger: Kelano Howell Advertising and Marketing ManagerPatrina Moore-Pierre The Turks and Caicos SUN is a subsidiary of The SUN Media Group Ltd. We are committed to excellence in journalism, educating and informing our readers, serving and satisfying our advertisers and assisting in the overall development of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

much larger population than the 31, 000 people who now live here. Changed economic circumstances have adversely affected the profits and performance of businesses big and small in the Turks and Caicos Island. As anyone in business would attest and agree, this country cannot function effectively with the current population of which the majority are foreigners. Again, that is why politicians like Mr. Skippings must be inclined or persuaded to think that their mission to lead a modern-day country and economy cannot be buttressed by actions and policies of the 1970s and 1980s. Progressive thinking, level-headedness and strategic planning must be paramount. Dealing injudiciously, recklessly and imprudently with immigration issues, as Mr. Skippings did, not only tends to divide rather than harmonise people, but it also fundamentally affect the way the society and economy behaves and functions. Politicians and others in the Turks and Caicos Islands must well understand, perhaps now more than ever, that a critical distinction must be made between nationalism and xenophobia on one hand and all-inclusiveness and open-mindedness on the other. In today’s interdependent world, prejudices of class, caste and country must be wrenched from our psyche. As a proud and industrious people who wish to soon become an independent country, this, to be sure, is the only mature and sensible way to establish or reinforce social and economic development. There is but a tenuous hope that one day, this anti-foreign sentiment in the Turks and Caicos Islands would be curtailed. But these things can only be overcome if our intellectual progress and maturity frees us from the handicap of an inbred reflex to treat those who look different, talk different or who just happen to not be born in the Turks and Caicos Islands, as necessary threats to the existence of natives. • Hayden Boyce is journalist who was born to a Barbadian mother and a St. Lucian father and is married to a Turks and Caicos Islander.


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Hugh McLean disappointed in Governor’s decision on 28 storey hotel BY VIVIAN TYSON SUN SENIOR EDITOR

Hugh McLean, the man behind the proposed 28-storey high-rise hotel on Grace Bay, says he is disappointed about Governor Ric Todd’s decision to leave approval of the project to the next elected Government. In an interview with SUNtv earlier this week, McLean said he was not averse to the development being handled by an elected regime, but was more concerned about the delay that it would cause, owing to the consideration that such an administration would need sometime so settle in. In the same breath, McLean warned that his financial backers may not be running on the same time schedule as the next administration, and so, they may pull out of the development if they believed the process was becoming too arduous to achieve. “I knew for some time that it (decision to pass the approval to the next elected government) would possibly be heading in that direction. I was disappointed primarily because of the delay that this would cause. And I warned the governor of that, months ago, if the process took too long and if it extends beyond the elections – elections is the 10th of November – then it could extend many months beyond that. Because ministers would need to get their portfolios and to understand what the portfolio is about, and then they have to deal with everything else government has to deal with. “And I said it would be extremely difficult to keep my development partners in the boat with us, as a group because we need all the partners that we have. That’s the biggest fear that I have, that the delay would cause a real set back and possibly the end of the

project,” McLean lamented. Recently when McLean – a longstanding citizen of the TCI - first made the proposed development public, he said that the project was being financially backed by a consortium of developers and financiers from Canada, who specialized in high rise resorts. He said a $5.5 million advertising blitz has already set aside for its marketing campaign to lure guests. The amenities of the project is to include three restaurants, a tournament-style racquet club with stadium seating facilities, a spa and a business centre to complement the minimum 12,000 square-foot/400 seating capacity conference centre. There will also be an area for shops. On completion the resort should employ more than 500 persons, 75 percent of whom he said would be Turks and Caicos Islanders. He said the condos would cater to the upper middle class demographic, while the room rates would be lower than what most hotels in the TCI currently charge. McLean, however, hasted to say that he did not envision a decline in the quality of the TCI tourism product, which is currently being marketed as a high-end destination. Since the developer announced the planned high-rise hotel and conference centre, there had been some level of push back, including from the local political parties, who argued that such a decision should be left to them to decide as a government, since the project was the first of its kind in the country. They also batted for a lower density project. However, McLean, while explaining that he and his team were always willing to compromise, stressed that there was a limit below which would be a deal breaker. He noted also that in the event that they are forced to go beyond certain floors, government may be required to cut them certain concessions.

Congratulations Alicia!

We thank God for enabling you to successfully complete your Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. From your Mom Othella Missick, husband Xavier Malcolm, son XJay, sister Olincia Missick, brother and family Stafford, Glenda and Caylb Missick, and adopted sisters Magnola and Wealthy Smith.

“Our plan was to present, certainly, to the government and then ultimately to the people for their views on (us) raising height and density limits. It wasn’t that we come and say this is what we wanted to build, we said this is what we need in order to build that. So it would be impossible (to build below certain limits). Initially we came with 28 floors; we are looking at a compromise –something lower than that; a compromise on the other buildings; it would depend on the ultimate site. If we were to have selected one site and government were to say, ‘no, there are too many objections in that area, you have to move’, then the design might be different – the angle to the sun, the angle to the beach and so on. “We had enough specifics for the people to determine, and for the government, certainly, to determine whether or a not a higher density highrise was something they would entertain. We weren’t looking for approval for the Governor for our project in total; we were simply looking for a change in the law to allow us to present a detailed plan. Obviously, the detailed plan would have to follow with the changing of the law. We wouldn’t submit a plan for something that didn’t comply with the

law at the time, that would be pointless,” McLean said. In the event that the high-rise hotel project not coming to fruition, McLean estimated that the country would lose up to a thousand jobs. “It would have been 500 in construction and 500 or more in the resort properties; that’s a thousand direct jobs from us. There would be at least another 500 perhaps and an additional thousand jobs for others who are subcontractors and people providing services. So, that is employment between one and two thousand people. There is loss in opportunity for small businesses that would be supplying it; there is loss of government revenue of $24 million a year. “But most importantly, there is a loss of confidence. Small business people and large business people in the Turks and Caicos have told me that in the past two months since we have brought our project forward that there is a renewed confidence in the Turks and Caicos Islands; people have seen that; investors have started to come in after they have seen our project. If we lose the project, then that investor confidence would evaporate – and that’s my biggest fear,” McLean warned.

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$5million Leeward Marina preparing to open in November BY ANLESLIE GARLAND SUNTV REPORTER

Representatives from Leeward Marina have made a formal application to carry out dredging works within the Leeward Channel. The dredging is to facilitate the berthing and passage of mega-yachts into the $5million Leeward Marina, which is now in the process of being repaired after suffering damage from Hurricanes Hanna and Ike. Government officials said although the application has been made to the Planning Department, no dredging works can be carried out until a decision is made. In the meantime, developers of the marina which was once owned by one of Lord Michael Ashcroft’s companies, have been busy over the past few weeks preparing the marina for opening in November 2012. The Leeward Marina, which is being repaired to the tune of half

Environmentalists are in an uproar about the proposed dredging of the marina

million dollars, will be able to berth more than 12 mega yachts, including one up to 300-feet long.


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Owners of mega yachts, which cost millions of dollars each, usually travel around the world in groups, and

it is expected that no less than 15 of them will be in Providenciales later this year. A few years ago, dredging was started in the Leeward channel area to facilitate Star Island, which would have been the first man-made island in the Turks and Caicos Islands. This, however, was stopped, after strong objections from a number of environmental groups. Over the past few weeks, there were reports that sand mining was being carried out in the Leeward Marina area, but this was denied by Governor Ric Todd’s spokesman Neil Smith. Officials from Trade Wind Industries, the owners of Conch Farm, denied that they were the one who spread rumours about the sand mining. However, a statement from the Conch Farm owners said: “I remind Mr. Smith that dredging in the National Park is a criminal act and if Governor Todd attempts to authorize a criminal act a judicial review will follow immediately.”

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Governor wants higher buildings for Turks and Caicos Islands The seven-storey limit for buildings in the Turks and Caicos Islands may soon be changed, Governor Ric Todd indicated. “I am asking the Attorney General to consider options for amendments to legislation which would permit higher rise developments than those currently envisaged by existing law. I have also asked the TCIG Chief Executive Officer to instruct the Planning Department to consider options for updating the zoning, planning and development rules as a basis for work the elected Government can continue in November,” Todd said. The Governor said that changes in legislation to permit high rise developments in the Turks and Caicos

Islands will be the decision of a democratically elected House of Assembly and Government. Explaining his decision, Governor Todd stated: “The Skyline proposal for a mixed use, 28-storey high rise development on Providenciales has been widely debated across TCI for some weeks. I would like to note that before this development, or any development, can take place a procedure set out in law must be followed. It is an over-simplification to say that TCIG or the Governor can just ‘approve’ this or any development.” He added: “This case is unusual because the proposed development is of a height contrary to existing legislation. But even if that legislation were to


Primary Duties: Installation and disconnection of Television Cable Services to subscriber’s home or establishment. Respond to customer service calls and request, in a prompt manner to resolve challenges identify ways and solutions that will increase customer’s satisfaction

Main Duties and Responsibilities 1. Able to trouble shoot and maintain head-end (Fiber optic lasers, fiber optic splitters, modulators and RF combination network) equipment 2. Supervisor and train apprentice Repair and Field Technicians 3. Performs splicing operation in connection with installation, rearrangement and repair of outside plant facilities 4. Be able to read and interpret system maps, plans related repair to optimize system down time 5. Install, reconnect or disconnect aerial or underground cable service in customer homes or establishments in accordance with company procedures and standards. 6. Install converter to TV sets and related subscriber electronics, i.e. VCR and fine tune using appropriate test equipment. 7. Use of Signal Level Meter and VOM 8. Exhibit a positive image to subscribers 9. Report any accident, losses, injuries or property damage to supervisor as incurred. 10. Responsible for required paper work. 11. Must be willing to handle special projects 12. Perform all job functions with appropriate safety measures 13. Must be capable of carry/lift heavy equipment and climb 32ft ladder 14. Must be able to perform physical labor including but not limited to kneeling for long periods of time 15. Must be able to work flexible hours, including weekends and holidays if required 16. Valid driver’s license and ability to operate large vehicles in a safe manner 17. Liaise with WIV Cable to Maintain and repair cable television transmission lines 18. Communicating with other employees to coordinate the preparation and completion of work assignments 19. Inspecting, testing and repairing cable and fiber equipment at TCT various location 20. Verifying that repairs are made to the satisfaction of the customers and meet company standards. 21. Establish and maintain effective relationships with those contacted in the course of work Qualifications: Bachelors Degree or Equivalent in Electrical Engineering 10 years of job related experience with 5 years being in a Supervisory role Computer skills (Excel, Word and Outlook a plus) Able to read and understand maps Salary: $35,000.00 - $45,000.00 per annum

Contact: TCT Limited/Express High Speed Internet P.O. Box 679 Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands administrator@wiv.tc or Fax: 649-946-4790 No phone calls please


1 Domestic Worker Salary $5.00 per hour Please contact 241-4072

change, the proposal would still have to go through a full and normal planning process, including impact assessments and consultation. In the event the developer sought any investment incentives, there would also have to be a Development Agreement between the developer and TCIG prior to the planning process being initiated. I launched a public consultation on the Skyline proposal because such a development, while of considerable potential value to TCI, would clearly be both new to TCI and controversial.” Todd said he published the report written at my request by the Investment Unit of TCIG on that consultation (on 10 Sep), then he held a meeting on Grand Turk, on 13 September, with the representatives of the development, Mr Hugh McLean and Mr Mark Mungo, and the leaders of the political parties on TCI, Mr Oswald Skippings, Dr Rufus Ewing and Mr Harold Charles. The Governor added: “I have given careful consideration to all the issues concerning and surrounding this development; had discussions with those involved; and taken account of advice, formal and informal

representations and the results of the public consultation. I have given weight to the arguments put to me by the political parties that decisions on this development should, given the timing of this proposal, be made the responsibility of an elected House of Assembly and Government. The party leaders also stressed their willingness to assume this responsibility and to take the necessary decisions about the proposal. “Taking account of all the circumstances, I have concluded that there should not be any change to the legislation relating to the height of the buildings on TCI before 15 October and that a decision on this legislation should be taken by an elected House of Assembly. “In conclusion I would like to thank the developer for presenting this bold and imaginative proposal, with such potential, and for their interest in investing in TCI. “Their willingness to invest $200m is of course a major vote of confidence in TCI, illustrating both the strong economic position which TCI currently has and the potential of the islands.”

THE IT/IP ENGINEER Position Available

Primary Objective of the Job: The IT/IP Engineer will be responsible for the real-time management of all IT/IP based local and wide area networks which support the technical operations and services of Digicel TCI. Main Duties & Responsibilities: • Design IT/IP Network Architecture • Responsible for the design, installation and support of all IP based systems to support the technical operations of the business. • Design IP Numbering an addressing schemes, Development, Configuration and Implementation of IP based systems • Perform dimensioning and capacity planning of IP network • Implement and Support Cisco Call Manager PBX system. • Responsible for the operation and maintenance of all IP based systems, which include Cisco network devices, SUN Solaris servers. • Responsible for the operation and maintenance of all IP based services, IP traffic management utilising VLANs and routing protocols (RIP, OSPF), also DNS, Microsoft ISA 2004 Web PROXY, and NTP applications. • Perform all required software and hardware upgrades for above mentioned systems and services • Provide on-call support for after hour outages & planned works, including creation and submission of required forms • Develop and schedule preventative

and corrective maintenance policies and procedures, such as regular backups, hardware/software upgrades, and spares inventory, to ensure high availability of all IP based systems. • Ensure that Digicel TCI continue to operate on secure local and wide area networks with the implementation of VPN technologies and firewall policy management • Provide proactive support of WAN data and voice links (VSAT, leased lines) to provide 100% availability of all IP services, including VoIP, PRI, ITP (SS7 over IP) and internet, and to ensure continued connectivity to other Digicel locations and external parties • Ensure adherence with IP Security Established standards and policies as they relate to new and existing LAN and WAN network infrastructure, IP traffic, and network configuration procedures • Ensure that network metrics are closely monitored and captured so as to provide proactive network management, as well as regular feedback on network performance in the form of reports to management • Provide IT/IP Support to other departments and external parties as required • Provide support for VAS sytems.

Academic qualifications and experience required for the job • 3-5 years’ experience in IT/IP based network design, implementation and administration • CCNA, CCNA Voice and Microsoft MCSE certification and Solid hands on experience with Cisco devices • In-depth knowledge of switching, routing, LAN and WAN technologies • Hands on experience with UNIX and/or Linux systems to support applications Splat and Solaris. • Design, implementation and operational knowledge of network security (VPN, firewall management, intrusion detection) • Minimum of a Bachelors Degree in Computer Sciences or equivalent field

Interested Applicants should forward their resumes to hrtci@digicelgroup.com before September 30, 2012

Page 10




Clement Howell gets experienced Guyanese principal BY VIVIAN TYSON SUN SENIOR EDITOR

Guyanese Gerald Persaud is the new principal for the Clement Howell High School, the most populous educational institution in the Turks and Caicos. Persaud, who arrived in the country on Thursday, September 13, officially took up his position as that school’s new principal on September 17, two weeks after the official start of the new school year. The position was left vacant by the embattled Lloyd Fearon, who decided to depart at the end of last school year. Fearon missed being charged by the authorities after a parent accused him severely caning a student during what was described as a gang fight on campus. However, the Attorney General Chambers subsequently rejected the claim, citing no merit of leveling such charges against the principal. The Attorney General Chambers also ruled that Fearon was well within his bounds of disciplining the child under the circumstances. The new vice principal told The

New principal for Clement Howell High, Gerald Persaud at his office desk

SUN that he would be working closely with the administrative staff, teachers of the institution as well as parents, with the expectation of arriving at the common goal of allowing the students to reach their educational optimum. The new principal, who came to the TCI directly from the British Virgin Islands (BVI), where he held a similar

role, declared that his impression so far of the country was similar to that of his previous home, saying that it had the same features as Tortola and the culture was also the same. He said too, that the BVI, like the TCI, had a mixed population. The institution he previously headed in the BVI before arriving here

was a secondary school that he said was run by the church. However, Persaud was quick to point out that his impression so far of the Clement Howell High School was that it was no different from his previous school. “The Turks and Islands is a lovely place; the people are hospitable, the welcome was lovely, and I hope that we can work as a team, because I believe in team work. I don’t listen to speculation, I always try to get my own view of things, and I believe that once God is in control, all things are possible,” Persaud declared. He declared that before leaving for the BVI, he had worked at various rungs of the education ladder in Guyana, having held the job of principal for several schools in that country inclusive of primary and secondary. Persaud said that he learned of the Clement Howell High School vacancy in the media and decided to respond to it. He said that not much information was realized after he completed a research of the institution. His first interview was via telephone, while subsequent ones were done via Skype.


We are currently seeking a qualified to fill the position of Pipe Fitter:

REQUIREMENTS: • Minimum of 5 years experience in waterworks and piping networks. • Must be available for emergency maintenance calls on evenings and weekends according to rotational schedule. WORK ENVIRONMENT: • Hot, dusty and wet conditions including open and confined spaces • Active roadways and associated traffic noise levels • Remote locations

JOB DESCRIPTION: The Pipe fitter is responsible for installing, repairing and maintaining pipes, fixtures and other plumbing used for water distribution in residential, commercial and industrial connections.

MAJOR DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ARE TO: 1. Fill pipes or plumbing fixtures with water or air and observe pressure gauges to detect and locate leaks. 2. Reads and follows installation plans and establish the sequence of pipe installations. 3. Measure, cut, thread and bend pipe to required angle, using hand and power tools or machine such as pipe cutters, pipe threading machines and pipe bending machine. 4. Use hand or powered tools to excavate trenches and ditches 5. Cut openings in structures to accommodate pipes and pipe fittings, using hand and power tools. 6. Repair and maintain plumbing, replacing defective washers, replacing or mending broken pipes. 7. Attend Emergency callout when necessary. 8. Carry out all other duties as directed by the Supervisor. Salary Range: US$ 12.00 - $15.00 per hour All applications must be submitted September 24th, 2012. Turks & Caicos Islanders need only apply.


PROVO WATER COMPANY LTD. P.O. Box 39, Grace Bay Road Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Fax: (649) 946-5204 Email: K.Clarke@provowater.tc


Page 11


Lifeline for TCI Agriculture Agriculture – the Cinderella industry that had been perennially overlooked by successive administrations may have finally found its matching glass slipper after the Department of Agriculture hosted its inaugural symposium in an attempt to devise ways to make the sector more economically viable. The symposium which was held at the Environmental Centre in the Bight under the theme: “Agriculture – the way forward”, has the support of the Ministry of Environment and Home Affairs, as well as the Investment Unit, which pledged to provide the necessary support to boost the sector to the point of finding international markets. Local politicians also demonstrated their support by turning up to the event. Among other measures, the objective of the symposium was to: • Educate farmers on modern practical management techniques in swine production; • Afford farmers the opportunity to network with other stakeholders in an effort to promote; swine and farm animal production; and • Expose local farmers to best practices, which are designed to reduce animal production cost and maximize profit margins. The idea is also to provide an agriculture sector that is sustainable

and environmentally sound. Director for Agriculture Nicholas “Nicky” Turner was probably the happiest person in the room, having come to the TCI some 30 years ago to assist the country in crafting a practicable agriculture sector. He told the gathering that in the past, not much consideration was giving to the sector, which he said was evidenced by it being given a department just this year. Turner said the priority for agriculture was “pretty far down the ladder”, which he said had been the case because there was not agriculture department. “The situation today is very exciting. It has been my dream, when I came here 33 years ago, to get this agriculture department set up, and here it is functioning. We have got a fabulous turn out from all of the professions, from all of our major retailers, from all the politicians, from the farmers themselves from all over the country; we are thrilled. “You can’t expect people to do farming when they don’t have the knowledge or the extension services to help them, and that’s’ basically why we are here,” Turner disclosed. Turner said that the next step was to initiate the research and development that government promised to that to be done at the Government Research Institute in Kew, North Caicos, with a view to develop the crops deemed to be

Ricardo Fulford Consultant Services on behalf of


his clients:

Ricardo Fulford Contracting is seeking employment for the following: 1) DOMESTIC WORKER Estel Plumbing is seeking employment for the following: 1) PLUMBER Tropical Bar is seeking employment for the following: 1) WAITRESS

Interested candidates may apply through fulfordricardo@yahoo.com.

SEEKS Engineer - $8.00 per hour Labourer Carpenter Mason Painter Electrician Public Area Supervisor

Please contact 231-2158


$13.00 per hour TRADE WIND INDUSTRIES, LTD (TWI) Providenciales TWI is seeking an experienced Senior Conch Hatchery Technician for a position at the Caicos Conch Farm on Providenciales. A Senior Conch Hatchery Technician is responsible for the general operation of the conch hatchery as well as collection of conch egg masses, preparation of the metamorphosis facility, water testing and quality control, the training of hatchery staff, performance evaluations of subordinate staff, maintenance of hatchery equipment, hatchery record keeping and report submission and other related duties as assigned. The successful candidate must be a strong, competent and experienced swimmer & snorkeler. This is a physically demanding job in the outdoor environment and involves spending time wet in the sea or under the blistering TCI sun. Other staff duties include site maintenance, trash removal and assisting other employees. Persons interested in this position should submit their resume to tradewindconch@gmail.com . BELONGER PREFERRED

paramount to the forward movement of the sector and suitable to the country. “We would show the people the best way to grow them and make available all the information on research development that we have found out. As regards to animals, we have a very competent veterinary department, which will be providing up with information on better breeding, better breeds and better ways to bring up the animals to make money,” Turner said. For her part, Rebecca Astwood, Director of investment said that her department was interested in developing investment in agriculture and agro business in the TCI. “Agriculture is viable for every country. Each country, as we move into a global market needs look at resource and food scarcity for its own countries, but also, we have booming and always growing tourist industry. We have that opportunity to provide local products and showcase them. Agriculture is more than just fruits and vegetables, it is also into processing, adding value, creating our beautiful hot sauces and sauces of the Caribbean and the beautiful spices that we have here in the Turks and Caicos,” Astwood said. She argued that while the TCI was very late venturing into the agriculture market, such a position could be advantageous for the TCI, since it was presented with the opportunity to learn

LOCAL NEWS from its regional neighbours as to their successes, failures and how best to market our goods. Astwood also advised that it was best for the TCI to focus its expertise in a few areas to come up with products that are excellent, rather than to farm many crops were are okay. I the meantime, Susan Malcolm, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Environment and Home Affairs, said that Government was willing to lay the foundation for a strong agriculture sector; all efforts would be made to ensure that the sector becomes workable. “Today is a day that I think should be recorded in the history of the Turks and Caicos Islands. Today is a day that we move forward on one of the single, most important areas that sustains mankind – that of agriculture. Today is the day of the beginning; the beginning of recognizing that agriculture, animal husbandry and nutrition have not always got the attention that they deserve – no from the government, not from the populace, and certainly not from the private sector. “Today is the beginning; the beginning of our fight against hunger and indifference to this industry in our country. The beginning of an awareness of a government that is committed to set the foundation for the growth of this industry, and hopefully, the beginning financial institutions, supermarkets and other private sector entities to step in and step out in support of this most important industry,” Malcolm said.

InterIsland Aviation Services Group is seeking: TWO STORES CLERK

Must have 5-10 years of experience In aviation stores inventory, purchasing and proof there of. Salary commensurate with experience. This positions require the following: • Excellent command of the English language – reading, writing and speaking. • Good communication skills and team player • Detail oriented & organized individual • Ability to work shifts, early mornings, late nights, weekends and Holidays. • Clean police record • Able to work under pressure Belongers need only apply.

Interested applicants should apply to HR@flyairtc.com or via fax to HR Department 649-946-4040. No phone calls please. Qualified candidates will be contacted for an interview.


Wanted an experienced senior manager to handle multiple projects in the private sector. Must be a college graduate, demonstrate competency in the daily management, supervision, coordination and completion of projects with international experience. Position requires significant administrative and financial responsibilities. Must be an excellent communicator with good computer, planning and administration skills. Salary commensurate with experience. Please submit applications to the Human Resources Manager, P.O. Box 124, Regent Village, Providenciales or by fax 649-946-5191 by October 1, 2012. Suitable applicants will be contacted by email or telephone to schedule an interview.

Page 12




Ambergris Cay Facilities Ltd is seeking to employ someone to work ON A MONTH TO MONTH BASIS to fill a post on Ambergris Cay. The available post is for a:


To perform a variety of managerial and administrative tasks related to coordinating the overall operations and maintenance of Ambergris Cay and related facilities (in receivership), including its Airport to assure compliance with regulations related to airport operations including, but not limited to, fire rescue and airfield safety and security. 1. Your daily tasks will include, but will not be limited to the following: • Review and monitoring of development infrastructure, work efforts, schedule and quality; • Overseeing preservation and maintenance of Owner and Developer landscape design and installation; • Overseeing preservation of existing construction, observation during planning and any design implementation. • Overseeing of island cafeteria operation. • Overseeing of island housekeeping and guest services, if any. • Coordinate travel of employees/guests to and from Ambergris Cay. • Track guest tariffs whilst visiting Ambergris Cay. • Assists in the preparation of and administer the airport budget which includes but is not limited to ensuring that proper revenue and expenditure controls are followed. • Respond to inquiries and complaints related to airport operations or emergencies. • Coordinates airport operations and projects with local agencies, property owners, staff, entities and departments as is necessary. • Manage and monitor Airside Staff duties and performance. • Assists in preparation of manuals and procedures related to airport operations. Responsible for overseeing airport safety and security as required by regulations and adopted Ambergris Cay Airport policies to ensure compliance with operational standards and relevant legislation 2. Manages and is responsible for all facets of day-to-day maintenance operations of Ambergris Cay Facilities Ltd. Responsibilities are as follows, but not limited to:


Applications are invited from interested and suitably qualified individuals for the position of GIS Mapping Administrator in our T&D Design Department on Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands. Objectives and Purpose of the Job:

The role of the Mapping Administrator-GIS is to ensure end users are receiving the appropriate geographic information, facilities and asset management services. This includes coordinating all phases the mapping system process to ensure the GIS mapping project is meeting the needs of the end users including engineering, finance and IT.

Main Duties and Responsibilities: Key Responsibilities: • Ensure the timely and accurate development of the GIS Mapping data base including customized reports as required by stakeholders. • Managing the mapping system development and maintenance in such a manner as to ensure the mapping project delivers the required business solutions to the end user. • Developing and implementing mapping services and standards to deliver the required business solutions supported by the mapping project. • Prepare and deliver reports, recommendations or alternatives that address the existing issues and maximize the potential business benefits of the GIS mapping system. • Provide user training on GIS based mapping systems. • Provide on call technical support • Maintain the working relationship with the Millsoft and other suppliers. • Review and analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of the mapping data base and the processes used to both supports the data and business solutions delivered from the mapping data base. • Develop and deliver the asset management reports required by finance. • Develop and deliver a set of hurricane recovery books for use after a major storm. • Perform other duties as may be assigned from time to time. Monthly Duties • Ensure the GIS mapping data base is up to date and accurate. • Provide reports as required by various stake holders throughout the

• Providing general and technical support and oversight to the Facilities Department in order to maintain the facilities of Ambergris Cay Facilities Ltd. • Working closely with all department staff and others to ensure all maintenance needs are met. • Defining all facility needs, develop and execute plans that will ensure a highly functioning maintenance/Facilities Department. • Analyzing cost and budget and establishing quality assurance. • Required to work and live on Ambergris Cay with rotated weekends off. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS:

• Coordinate and manage all activities in the maintenance department through clear expectations of the maintenance staff. Determine needed repairs and improvements. Establish project priorities and assign work tasks. Schedule work to most effectively meet facility needs. • Develop and coordinate a solid PM schedule program. • Develop and implement a training program for maintenance employees. • Utilize effective, logical troubleshooting skills to develop corrective action plans. • Document departmental activity through preparation of various reports, work orders, maintenance schedules and other incidental record keeping. • Prepare, implement and monitor departmental budget. • Develop and maintain inventory of spare and repair parts, materials and tools. • Operate hand tools, light machinery and other equipment to make repairs or improvements to the facilities.


Salary: Between US$70,000 to US$75,000 per annum.

Closing Date for Applications is Friday October 13th, 2012 Applications must be in writing addressed to: Ambergris Cay Services Ltd Unit 51, Salt Mills Plaza, Grace Bay Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands E-mail: heather.allen@ambergristci.com Tel: (649)-941-3777 Fax: (649)-941-3778

company. • Provide a monthly report on the development of the mapping system data base. The report should include an assessment of the accuracy of the data and the satisfaction level of the stakeholders. • Complete daily or weekly timesheets accurately reflecting projected being worked on. • Monitor and control mapping expenditures. Academic/Technical/Management: Experience and Qualifications: • Minimum education requirement is a College Diploma or University Degree in the field of computer science, information systems, or GIS technology. • Preferred education would be a Bachelor of Technology Geographic Information Systems (BS GIS) or similar • A minimum of 5-7years experience working on GIS applications and related mapping systems. • A working knowledge and work experience with SQL database, AutoCAD, Windows operating systems, ESRI, Milsoft, and related products. Abilities; Skills; Experience; Aptitude and Judgment: • Goal-oriented and self-motivated to apply needed initiative, attention to detail and appropriate sense of urgency to achieve desired results. • Staying current with GIS and other related mapping technologies is required. • Ability to deliver to strict deadlines and to work under pressure. • Excellent planning, organizing and team building skills. • Excellent written and oral communication skills. • Solid negotiating skills. • Proficient in the use of computers. External Contacts (Level): • Customers – At all levels. • Technical Support consultants and suppliers are critical. • Outside Business entities. AUTHORISATION/CONFIRMATION Compensation

Grade: 11 (Range US$45,290.00-US$56,610.00 per annum (based on qualifications and ability) Deadline for submission of applications is September 28, 2012. Kindly submit applications stating qualifications and work experience to: Director, Human Resources FortisTCI Limited P. O. Box 132, Providenciales Email address: hrapplications@ppcltd.tc fax: 649-941-4304


Page 13



Turks and Caicos Conch farm reopens BY JOLEEN GRANT SUN REPORTER

After a month with a closed sign displayed at its gates, The Turks and Conch Farm has reopened with renewed vigor. Turks and Caicos Islanders are encouraged to tour the farm free of charge and the management has decided to expand the company to include a fishery. During a guided tour, Manager Danver Fortune told The SUN that operations at the Farm has commenced full steam ahead- the property is again open to tours with a special invitation to Belongers to take their children on the tour on Saturdays, completely free of charge. “On the tour we take you through the different stages of the conch growth. You get to see what a conch

egg looks like, a one year old conch, and the different stages up to maturity which is four years, “said Fortune. He explains that the conch begins life as an egg, which is moved from the hatchery to shallow indoor tables for up to 1 year. Afterwards they are planted in offshore pens and left to grow peacefully until four years when they can be harvested. During the tour, visitors can expect to meet two adult conchs Sally and Jerry. Described as ‘tame’ because they willingly came out of their shells, (something a wild conch would never do), Sally and Jerry will provide the chance for visitors to see what the uninitiated may consider the strange anatomy of a conch- their bulbous eyes, precariously balanced on a long stem, slowly swiveling this way and that; a mouth with no obvious opening; a large horned ‘toenail’ which


helps them to move around on the ocean floor and to see the differences between the male and female of the species. Reservations are recommended for persons interested in taking the tour. The Conch farm has also expanded from the usual stock and has taken steps to establish a fully operational fishery, raising four varieties of fishgrouper, snapper, cobia and pompano. While many are familiar with snapper and grouper which are very popular in the Turks and Caicos, they may be unfamiliar with the latter two. Cobia and Pompano are found throughout the Caribbean and the East Coast of the United States as far down as Panama and Central America. Cobia, also called the black Salmon can grow to a maximum of 150lbs, while Pompano, depending on the species can grow between 3-30lbs.

Hatchery Manager David Mowry said Cobia is a very good species which tastes very similar to grouper, and pompano is a nice white flaky fish meat, very good protein. He said one of the distinguishing characteristics of fish farmed at the Conch Farm will be its organic nature. “All our fish here will have no antibiotics, no PCB’s [polychlorinated biphenyls], very good fish, very healthy for the local markets here in the Turks and Caicos,” he added. The Conch Farm which is one of the main tourist attractions in the Turks and Caicos Islands and the only one of its kind in the World temporarily closed its doors after they allegedly lost millions of dollars in financing. They have since sued the Turks and Caicos Island Government, who they blame for the events leading to the closure.

Salary $5.00 per hour 4 days per week Contact 241-0730 Arthur Cardinal



ICCSCO is recruiting for the above position. Belongers are encouraged to apply. The Successful candidate should:-

• Possess a suitable qualification in building or quantity surveying • Have a minimum of 20 years experience a senior level within the construction industry of which at least 10 years in a management capacity. • Have a minimum of 10 years experience within the health care environment • Have worked on at least one public private partnership scheme • Gave extensive knowledge of the common forms of building contract (FIDIC, JCT, as a minimum) as well as the forms of project agreement used in public private partnerships and have worked in the international market in at least two differing locations for not less than 5 years. • Be prepared to travel to different locations at the discretion of the company both inside and outside the Caribbean. • Have extensive experience of building claims and be able to demonstrate thei4r ability to deal with these with minimal supervision. • The ability to prepare extensive financial reports and present these to the main board • Have interpersonal skills of a level suitable to deal effectively with very senior executives both internally and externally. • Deal effectively and in a proactive manner with all contract communications. The salary will be dependant on qualifications and experience.

Please send a CV by email to llawrence@interhealthcanada.tc ensuring a contact email and telephone number is included. The closing date is 28th September 2012


Seeking One Sales Clerk Salary $5 per hour Contact (649)946-4844

Page 14



Scotiabank (Turks & Caicos) Ltd. of Cherokee Road, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands hereby gives notice of its intention to sell by Public Auction the following properties pursuant to its power of sale as registered Chargee under the Registered Land Ordinance of the Turks and Caicos Islands:

1. Parcel 10308/42 Central, Grand Turk, comprising of a two storey residence with a single one bedroom one bathroom guest unit located on the ground floor. The upper floor comprises of two bedrooms with two large walk in closets, one bathroom and a laundry closet. Registered Proprietor: Kendle Berdette Williams and Tanya Doreen Cox 2. Parcel 10104/42, Lighthouse Road, North Suburbs, Grand Turk, comprising of a single storey residence containing four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a kitchen, living and dining room, and utility closet. Registered Proprietor: Lorraine Marcella Elizabeth –Ann Kenlock -Bovell and Weston Edward Livingston Bovell

3. Parcel 60604/17 Norway and Five Cays Providenciales, comprising of a single storey residence containing four bedrooms, two and a half baths, a kitchen, living and dining room. The house provides good elevation giving excellent views towards the ocean. Registered Proprietor: Timothy Moriah Nash and Delores Oleta RigbyNash 4. Parcel 10409/96 East Suburbs Grand Turk, comprising of a single storey residence containing three bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen, living and dining room. Registered Proprietor: Vanessa Denise Forbes 5. Parcel 60503/123 Blue Hills & Stamers Run Providenciales, comprising of a single storey residence containing four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, living and dining room with exterior patio. Registered Proprietor: Vylma Patricia Scriven Williams 6. Parcel 60900/170 Leeward Going Through Providenciales, comprising of a single storey residential building with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, living and dining room. There is a two car garage, fencing and an entrance gate to the front of the property. Registered Proprietor: Floyd Lyndon Ingham and Cherrie Romayne Ingham

The auction will be held at the offices of Scotiabank (Turks and Caicos) Limited, Grace Bay Branch, Providenciales at 10 o’clock in the morning on Friday the 5th day of June 2012 A reserve price will be fixed on all parcels. A deposit of 10% is due immediately upon all accepted bids. Terms and Conditions of Sale by Auction are available by request from Scotiabank Collections Department (649) 946-4750 Ext 275.



Job disputes flood Labour Tribunal BY VIVIAN TYSON SUN SENIOR EDITOR

The Labour Tribunal is to hear a number of matters of disputes between employers and employees between this week and next week. One of the cases to be heard is former shelf stacker and merchandiser Blackie Simmons versus Price Club in an unfair dismissal matter. Simmons is also claiming overtime pay from his employers from November 2007 to the time of his exiting the supermarket in October 2011. Simmons claimed to have worked 72 hours per week at the establishment but was only getting paid for 44 hours per week. Simmons wrote on his originating application that he worked 8am to 8pm Monday to Saturday and 8am to 3pm on Sunday. In its defense, Price Club said that Simmons was not dismissed, and so is calling for the Labour Tribunal to strike out the matter, since the allegation was not meaningful. The company, through its attorney Steven Wilson of Miller Simons O’Sullivan, said that Simmons’ contract contained among other things, expressed term about wages of $450 per week to be paid by cash in arrears. The supermarket said that the terms had to be agreed on by both parties before employment could commence. The company said that Simmons signed on to work for $450 per week irrespective of working hours, and that his salary would not be reduced even if no overtime was worked. The supermarket said also that Simmons’ salary was always on time and correct amount given during his tenure at the establishment. It added that Simmons salary was increased to $500 per week in April of 2010. The Tribunal will also hear the matter between Arlandre Joseph and Leonel Almonard versus Puritan Higgs. Both are claiming remuneration for work done between October and December 2008, but which they said Higgs refused to pay. They are also claiming overtime. But Higgs claimed that he did not owe the men anything, and that the two were paid in full. Saunders and Co. are representing the claimants while Higgs is represented by Alvin Garland. Marie Martino versus Regent Palms is another matter that the Labour Tribunal is down to hear. Martino is claiming unlawful dismissal. She said that she was terminated without legitimate reason, adding that her former employers failed to serve notice or grant money in lieu of notice. She also claimed that the company made unlawful deductions from her salary for work permit fees. She noted on her originating application that she believed she was dismissed because she often requested overtime payment for work done but was not reflected on her salary. However, the Regent Palms said that Martino was dismissed due to theft. The Tribunal will also hear the matter involving Innocent Hillus and Jean Metelus versus Security Centre which has now been renamed Caribbean Security Service. Both men are claiming unfair dismissal. The two said that they were put out of work scheduled for no clear reason. Hillus said on his originating application that after he contacted former owner of the company Rhynie Campbell by phone, for a reason as to why he was asked to stop working, the claimant said that Campbell promised to call him to his officer but never did. Hillus, through his legal representatives Finbar Grant and Associates, is claiming notice pay, vacation pay, overtime pay, sick leave pay and payment for national holidays. In reply, Caribbean Security Service, through its legal team Karam and Missick, said that Hillus was not dismissed, but rather walked off the job. The company said that after Hillus left work on March 8, 2011, he did not return. It also said that his roster indicated that he was supposed to turn up for duty at the Airports Authority, but he never did. Metelus said on his originating application that after he went to Campbell for answer as to why he was put out of work, the former boss told him that he was in no mood to talk to “no friggging body”, and despite requests from his lawyer for Caribbean Security Service, to provide a letter of termination and to state the reasons for the dismissal, they received nothing. Metelus is claiming notice pay, vacation pay, overtime pay, sick leave pay as well as pay for work done on holidays. However, in defense, Caribbean Security Centre said he was not dismissed, but refused to obey orders given to him and subsequently left the job.


Page 15


Investors scared of TCI – Cartwright Robinson BY VIVIAN TYSON SUN SENIOR EDITOR

Charlene Cartwright Robinson, Deputy Leader of the Peoples Democratic Movement (PDM) is maintaining that investors were being scared away from the territory as result of the Interim Administration’s handling of the TCI economy. Speaking Thursday night, September 6, at a party rally held in Providenciales, Cartwright-Robinson said that as a result of actions of the Administration, cash flow was hard to come by, since nothing was being done to change the minds of turned off investors. She said that as a result of the country not being successful in luring new investors, Government had to be scraping bottom to fund its programmes. “For the past few years, the doors of TCI have been closed for business – not a policy - but actions have frightened investors, not drawn investors and they have not been actively sought after. As a result of the approach to not go after “fresh monies”, we have effectively doomed TCI’s Treasury to lowest levels

of revenue and then seek to make expenditure/spending fall in line with base revenue. This has resulted in serious challenges and problems for us as a people –Investor confidence is at an all time low. I don’t see people knocking down our doors to invest. Cartwright Robinson said that the PDM had a proven track record fixing problems left by its predecessor, and if given the opportunity on the evening of November 9, would do so again. “Under Derek Taylor, it (investor confidence) was at an all time high. Under a PDM Government we had the fastest growing economy in the western world. We had access to monies but we didn’t squander it like we had trees growing in the back yard. Investors trusted us and we delivered most of the development on Grace Bay. “We delivered in Tourism and achieve records and awards in this area under the Hon O. O. Skippings. Hon Skippings negotiated many resorts and airlines and while the PNP boasts of bringing American (Airlines), we not only brought American’s NY and Boston route and got them to come three times a day, but we brought Delta, US Airways,




RAMP AGENTS/AIRCRAFT CLEANERS/SECURITY AGENTS/CUSTOMER SERVICE AGENTS • Good command of the English Language • Willing to work shift pattern including weekends and holidays • Clean Police record • Valid driver’s license Ramp Agent Starting salary $7.00 per hour Cleaners starting Salary $10.00 per aircraft Security Agent salary $7.50 per hour Submit application along with photograph to: General Manager TCA Handling Town Centre Mall Providenciales Tel: 649-941-5353



Responsibilities: The successful applicant will be responsible for the general cleaning of communal areas, sweeping and mopping of floors, cleaning of windows and removal of trash. The applicant will also be responsible for any other duties assigned in regards to general cleaning. Requirements: The successful applicant must be able to work with little to no supervision, capable of performing manual labour outside on a daily basis, should be physically fit, hard working and reliable. Wages: $6.00 per hour

Interested applicants should contact Veronica Rigby via email by September 24, 2012 at ronnie@habgroup.com or by fax 649-9465191. Suitable applicants will be contacted by email or telephone to schedule an interview.

British Airways, Air Jamaica, Bahamas Air and a few Charter Airlines. We know how to market this country to attract investors and we know how to expand our tourism market. We did it before and we can do it again. We will expand our tourism industry with greater emphasis on product development. We “Will strengthen this Industry and expand others including our Financial Services, Fishing and Agricultural Industries. We will stabilize this economy and grow it as only PDM Government’s can do,” CartwrightRobinson pledged. According to Cartwright-Robinson, at the end of the PDM’s two terms, the country enjoyed the highest level of investor confidence and attracted most of the developments on Grace Bay. “We created a business-friendly climate that saw strong financial growth and increase in investment that saw us rise to place of prominence in the region and were dubbed the “star of the region”. We could hold our heads up high while other countries wonder what we do and envy us. Our Leader became the first President of OCTA – PDM got positive name recognition,” the PDM Deputy

LOCAL NEWS boasted. She added: “When we first went in Office in 1995, we met a large national debt and even a $10 million dollar unsecured overdraft on our Bank account. The Taylor Administration went to work right away, placed strong fiscal policies in place and cleared so much of the debt that the UK wrote of the rest. We did it before and we can do it again. “We encouraged local business advancement by providing funding for local businesses in many areas, by lowering the cost of living through lowering telephone rates, electricity rates and land transfer stamp duty. We established the small business unit in TC Invest and encouraged local entrepreneurs. We have a record of supporting our local businesses. “We restricted many opportunities to local businesses and many government buildings constructed under our watch were built by local contractors - the Environmental Center in Provo, the Grand Turk Police Station, the Headley Durham TCInvest Building in Grand Turk, the Treasury, The Chief Minister’s Office, the Provo Airport, the Hilly Ewing Building, the NIB Building in Grand Turk, the new Airports and the Government Office Renovations in GT. All the trenching for city water was done by local contractors. We have a record of giving our local businesses real opportunities and large contracts because we believe in Turks and Caicos Islanders.”

Caicos Television Holding Ltd


Primary Duties: Installation and disconnection of Television Cable Services to subscriber’s home or establishment. Respond to customer service calls and request, in a prompt manner to resolve challenges identify ways and solutions that will increase customer’s satisfaction

Main Duties and Responsibilities 1. Able to trouble shoot and maintain head-end (Fiber optic lasers, fiber optic splitters, modulators and RF combination network) equipment 2. Supervisor and train apprentice Repair and Field Technicians 3. Performs splicing operation in connection with installation, rearrangement and repair of outside plant facilities 4. Be able to read and interpret system maps, plans related repair to optimize system down time 5. Install, reconnect or disconnect aerial or underground cable service in customer homes or establishments in accordance with company procedures and standards. 6. Install converter to TV sets and related subscriber electronics, i.e. VCR and fine tune using appropriate test equipment. 7. Use of Signal Level Meter and VOM 8. Exhibit a positive image to subscribers 9. Report any accident, losses, injuries or property damage to supervisor as incurred. 10 Responsible for required paper work. 11. Must be willing to handle special projects 12. Perform all job functions with appropriate safety measures 13. Must be capable of carry/lift heavy equipment and climb 32ft ladder

14. Must be able to perform physical labor including but not limited to kneeling for long periods of time 15. Must be able to work flexible hours, including weekends and holidays if required 16. Valid driver’s license and ability to operate large vehicles in a safe manner 17. Liaise with WIV Cable to Maintain and repair cable television transmission lines 18. Communicating with other employees to coordinate the preparation and completion of work assignments 19. Inspecting, testing and repairing cable and fiber equipment at TCT various location 20. Verifying that repairs are made to the satisfaction of the customers and meet company standards. 21. Establish and maintain effective relationships with those contacted in the course of work Qualifications: Bachelors Degree or Equivalent in Electrical Engineering 10 years of job related experience with 5 years being in a Supervisory role Computer skills (Excel, Word and Outlook a plus) Able to read and understand maps Salary: $35,000.00 - $45,000.00 per annum Contact: TCT Limited/Express High Speed Internet P.O. Box 679 Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands administrator@wiv.tc or Fax: 649-9464790 No phone calls please

Page 16

Career Opportunities

Grace Bay Club is looking for candidates that have the requirements listed along with an outgoing professional manner. They love to work with different types of people, meet challenges with a positive attitude and live the standards of our organization. Their management style is one that balances a commitment to people and their development with business/financial accountability and delivers an exceptional guest experience KITCHEN HELPER Requirements: • Assist with Food & Beverage service • Receive and store supplies. • Stock cupboards, refrigerators and salad bars • Clean food preparation and storage areas • Assist with food preparation • Work with minimal supervision Qualified Belongers need only to apply. Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience

BARTENDER Requirements: • Applicant must be a minimum of 19 years of age. • Be fluent in written and spoken English. • Possess a High School Certificate. • Have two years experience as a Bartender, or one year as a Bar back in a five star-hotel upscale environment. • Perform specified Bartender duties, including food and drink orders, preparation, and serving. • Direct and assist the Bar back and beverage servers. • Follow specific cash and system handling procedures. • Be responsible in the serving of alcohol and the laws and regulations surrounding it. • Maintain ongoing knowledge of the hotel operations. • Maintain the cleanliness, working order, and presentation of the bar top, tables, service areas and outlet itself. Qualified Belongers need only apply. Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience LABOURER Requirements: • Operate, maintain and repair the property’s heating, ventilation are conditioning and refrigeration systems • Perform Laundry and Kitchen services • Perform preventative maintenance on the hotel’s systems • Pool cleaning, chemical testing, adding chemical as required. • Maintain the proper use, cleaning, maintenance and storage of all tools. • Responsible for cleaning grease traps, lift stations, checking & treatment of sewage treatment plant. Qualified Belongers need only to apply Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience

DOMESTIC WORKER/HOUSEKEEPER Job Requirements: • Ensure the cleanliness of all hotel areas • Assist in all Housekeeping responsibilities, cleaning of all guest rooms, stocking amenities and linens. • Perform specified server duties, including food and drink orders, preparation and serving. • Ensure inventory is used properly and in supply at all times. • Possess knowledge of proper cleaning supplies and chemical handling. Qualified Belongers need only to apply Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience COOK: Job Requirements: • Middle level culinary skills • Dependable, proactive, organized, team player. • Education from a formal culinary program • At least two to three years cooking experience; preparing international breakfast, lunch and dinner in regional cooking environment. • Sanitation certificate. • Ability to plan, organize and execute meal plans • Must speak and read English fluently. Additional languages an asset. Qualified Belongers need only to apply


Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience Salary Range: Commensurate with experience

RESTAURANT SERVERS: Job Overview: Qualified individuals should have a minimum of 3 years restaurant experience. Individuals must possess strong work ethics; have a working knowledge of fine dining steps of service, and the ability to provide our guests with an outstanding dining experience. Servers should be industry professionals with excellent food and wine knowledge. Job Requirements: • Responsibilities include setup, organization and cleanup of service areas. • Responsible for staying current with daily menu items and changing wine lists. • Must be able to work as part of a motivated, high energy team that takes pride in their work. • Lifting of trays loaded with food, plates and glassware required. • Responsible for responding to any situation at any given time in a professional and courteous manner. This may include answering any questions posed by guests • Stack, lift, and carry trays in a systematic and safe manner. • Clean and retrieve tables in a neat, timely and professional manner. • Receive, process, and present all food and beverage orders according to Grace Bay Club standards. • Responsible for using suggestive selling techniques, when appropriate, and doing so in a courteous manner to up sell and, in turn, increase the average check Qualified Belongers need only to apply Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience POOL & BEACH ATTENDANTS Job Requirements: • The candidate must have good communications skills and must be able to work in a fast paced environment. • Individual is responsible for the set up and breakdown of the pool and beach umbrellas & beach beds. • 1-2 year related experience and/or training. • Provide towels/chairs/umbrellas to guests. • Perform side work including the folding of towels, preparing water and fruit skewers • Clean ashtrays, straighten chairs, and keep all outside beach and pool areas free of debris. • Must be friendly and guest service minded. • Must be able to carry heavy loads and work outdoors for long hours. Qualified Belongers need only to apply Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience RESTAURANT MANAGER Requirements: • At least 5 years of 5 star Food & Beverage experience. Caribbean experience considered an asset. • At least 5 years five star restaurant management experience. • Degree in hospitality desirable. • International experience and multi-lingual to assist our International clientele would be an asset. • Knowledge of fine wines. • Energetic, positive visionary leader, dedicated to motivating and developing team members. • Must be competent with a PC and Micros experience is an asset. • Assists with strategy, budgeting, cost management and delivering on objectives. • Exceptional communication and customer service skills and lives the standard of the organization. Qualified Belongers need only to apply Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience HOUSEKEEPING SUPERVISOR Requirements: • Possess 2 years experience in a Supervisory role at a high-end resort • Possess knowledge of proper cleaning techniques, requirements, and use of equipment • Assisting the Executive Housekeeper in the


day –to-day management and operation of the Housekeeping Department • Possess knowledge of proper cleaning supplies and chemical handling. • Assist the Executive Housekeeper to supervise the Housekeeping Staff, ensuring the standards of the hotel are met • Assist with administration duties, such as timesheets and tracking lost and found property. • Perform the Executive Housekeeper’s duties when not unavailable Qualified Belongers need only apply. Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience

SPA THERAPISTS Job Requirements: • Grace Bay Club is looking for a Massage Therapist/Esthetician who is an enthusiastic team player with excellent customer service. • The therapist will be responsible for administering professional facial, massage and body treatments to our guests. • Must have a thorough knowledge of the skin with numerous massage modalities. • Must possess a general understanding of body treatments and be willing to train in our spa’s specific facial, massage and body treatment offerings. • Must possess excellent communication skills and be able to learn the product and service knowledge necessary to effectively provide wellness solutions to meet the needs of our guests. • The Therapist will be required to properly care for equipment, perform prep work, clean and restock spa rooms • Assist in all areas of the spa operation as requested by Supervisors or coaches. • Be flexible with your schedule, supporting the needs of the spa. • Build respectful and cooperative relationships with colleagues and leaders. • He/she must maintain the standards of Grace Bay as found in the standard operating procedures of the department, an as they are amended from time to time. Education and Experience: • Secondary level education is required. Good writing, reading, listening and basic computation skills are necessary. • Previous experience in a 5 star spa is required. • International qualifications (or qualifications equivalent to international standards) are required in Esthetics and Massage Therapy. Qualified Belongers need only apply. Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience KIDS TOWN COORDINATOR Requirements: • Seeks to optimize all sources of revenue generating opportunities for KT (i.e. holiday camps, after school clubs, retail, etc.) • Inventory/ordering of all KT supplies (books, toys, VIK, retail, arts & crafts, water sports equip) • Ensures a safe and clean environment in Kid’s Town and Tree house at all times • Accommodates and anticipates the specific wants/needs of guests and seeks to develop a positive relationship with each guest, and their families • Ensures the safety, well being and personal growth of campers and co-workers • Interacting with children and organizing their activities on a day-to-day is the key task performed by children’s activities co-coordinators. • Be able to motivate children to take part in various activities. • The successful applicant should be extremely caring and should have intrinsic inclination for children • Must have First Aid Certification and should be a strong swimmer. Qualified Belongers need only apply. Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience

Interested persons can contact our Human Resources Department no later than October 5, 2012 @ (649) 946-5050 Ext. 1050 Email: veronica.clare@gracebayclub.com Fax: (649) 946-5758 P.O. Box 128 Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies


Page 17



PPP to make government work for the people


Making government work for all the people. That sums up the agenda on which the Harold Charles-led People Progressive Party (PPP) will seek to form the first elected government since the United Kingdom dissolved parliament and took charge of the country affairs in 2009. Speaking at the official launch of the party at its headquarters at the Southern Shores Complex in Providenciales, on Wednesday, September 19, Charles said that not enough was being done to tap into the financial potential of the Turks and Caicos Islands, which he said PPP would address if elected to office. Charles pointed out that a number of Turks and Caicos Islanders were being disenfranchised socially and economically, and a PPP administration would change that. He also stressed that his party would put tighter laws and regulations in place to address many of the TCI’s ills. “We, in the PPP know how to create jobs, and we are going to make sure that every one of our kids gets an opportunity to go to school, and we are going to make sure that we take care of our environment – removing those old cars from all over the place. We are going to make sure that we support the law enforcement of this country, to make sure that they (crime-fighters) get the support that they need to

People Progressive National Party (PPP) Leader and Candidate for Five Cays, Harold Charles is greeted by (right) is greeted by longtime business partner and master of ceremonies, Henry Mensen at the official launch of the party.

enforce the law. Answering the question as to why he refused to join two beltway parties – the Progressive National Party (PNP) or the Peoples Democratic Movement (PDM) - Charles told the packed room that those political entities offered little solutions. “Ten years ago, six years ago, two years ago, today it (condition of the country) is the same. Why all these years nothing changes. Every year the school opens, so many parents are complaining (that) they can’t get their kids to school. I can’t join a party unless it can show me a vision where I

NEEDED 3 Sushi Master Cooks salary based on experience 2 Sushi Waiters/Waitress salary based on experience 2 Labourers - $5.00 per hour Contact Good Hands Agency 946-3437 or 244-0277

Lyndon Gardiner seeks

Butler Must be able to tutor children, cook, clean etc. Must be able to speak Spanish, English and French. Must be able to read and write English. Salary commensurate with experience Send resume to Fax 946-4040 or email HR@flyairtc.com

HENRY WILSON Is seeking a PAINTER, wages $6.00 per hour. Interested person must be able to work long hours, weekends and holidays. If this job interests you please contact: (649)332-7196

can see their method for change. And change is needed not tomorrow or next week, it’s now. This is the reason why we form the PPP,” Charles reiterated. He however, hasted to point out that he was not casting aspersion on the two major political parties, since he was cognizant of the fact he would have to work with them to haul the

country from its decrepit state. Speaking to the issue of third party failures the world over, and why he had decided to form such a political entity at this time, Charles told the throng of what appeared to be early supporters that the People of the TCI were yearning for change, and that the formation of the party was merely a response to such desire. “I know that there are many questions out there as to why we want to form a third party, when third parties never succeed pretty much anywhere in the world. But I see that the people wanted change. So therefore, we are not looking back, we are looking to succeed. We are looking forward to (implement) the change that is needed in this country. “What is the change? They asked; the change is for job creation; the change is for better education; the change for better health care; the change for a better environment; and the change for all the people who have been left out (when parties are elected to government). There are too many people in the Turks and Caicos today, who cannot feed themselves; cannot pay their mortgages; and cannot get jobs. And this is what the PPP is about,” Charles pointed out.


HAB Limited is seeking a suitably qualified individual to fill the following opening. Only candidates who meet the minimum requirements will be considered:


JOB DESCRIPTION • Provide technical assistance and advice to developer’s management team including review of design drawings and recommendations of installation methods and materials. • Provide daily review of on-site activities of main contractors personnel for new build projects. • Supervision of developer’s maintenance personnel in respect of existing properties. • Preparation and review of preventative maintenance programs for all MEP Systems for all properties. REQUIREMENTS

• Minimum 10 years MEP experience. • Certificate/Degree in Engineering or related field preferred. • Knowledge of all technical aspects of MEP. • Must have extensive MEP experience in commercial construction. • Proficiency in MS Office, AutoCAD Design Review and MS Project. • Strong problem solving and analytical ability skills. • Excellent oral and written communication skills.

The salary range for this position is $60,000 - $80,000 per annum, commensurate with experience, training and education. Interested applicants should contact Veronica Rigby via email by September 24, 2012 at ronnie@habgroup.com or by fax 649-946-5191. Suitable applicants will be contacted by email or telephone to schedule an interview.

Page 18




Former Bill Clinton White House Advisor to assist PPP campaign BY VIVIAN TYSON SUN SENIOR EDITOR

Former Bill Clinton White House staffer and past Mayor of North Miami, Josaphat “Joe” Celestin is to assist the Harold Charles-led People Progressive Party (PPP) in its bid to form the next elected government for the Turks and Caicos Islands. Celestin, originally from Haiti, was in attendance at the official launch of the PPP on Wednesday, September 19, at its Southern Shores Complex headquarters along the Leeward Highway in Providenciales. As a matter fact, Celestin even hosted the media question and answer segment of the launch, informing the event that he flew into the TCI specifically to support Charles. Charles told the packed room that his reason for inviting Celestin to the event was that they both shared similar struggles on their way to achieving success. Charles, the owner

of the now defunct entities, Sky King Airlines and Sky Base FBO, explained that he had been victimized in many instances by successive regimes locally in his entrepreneurship. He stated that his name was sullied in many quarters and individuals made many attempts to tarnish his business and personal reputation, yet he weathered the storm and turned out to become a successful businessman. Likewise, he said that Celestin – a republican – while running for the office of mayor for North Miami after his stint in the Bill Clinton Whitehouse, was the target of mudslinging from his opponents, who he said delved into the proverbial political gutter to smear not only his campaign but also his reputation. “They went to the worst part of Haiti and took pictures and then showed it to voters and told them that if they elected Celestin that was how he was going to transform North Miami. He ended up winning (in


Applications are invited from interested and suitably qualified individuals for the position of Supervisor IT Services, FortisTCI, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands.

Objectives and Purpose of the Job: • To plan, coordinate, direct, and design IT – related activities of the organization, as well as provide administrative direction and support for the daily operational activities of the IT Department. • To ensure that the operation of the IT Department is aligned with the objectives of the organization. • Act as Company Liaison and provide effective control and supervision of various contract tradesmen performing essential IT services, repairs. • Work closely with decision makers in other departments to identify, recommend, develop, implement and support cost-effective IT technology solutions for all aspects of the organization.

Main Duties and Responsibilities: Key Responsibilities: • Supervise day-to-day direction to IT staff including employee development, technical training and team building. Ensure IT staff is following company policies and procedures. • Assist in the department’s operational and strategic planning, including fostering innovation, planning projects, and organizing and negotiating the allocation of IT resources. • Communicate to the business, on a regular basis, upcoming or ongoing initiatives, system maintenance requirements and incident reports. • Manage the development, monitoring, maintenance, upgrade, and support of the company IT network infrastructure. • Manage the development, monitoring, maintenance, upgrade, and support of IT systems, including servers, PC’s operating systems, hardware, software and peripherals. • Benchmark, analyze report on, and make recommendations for the improvement and growth of the IT infrastructure and IT systems. Oversee provision of end-user

Joe Celestin, former Bill Clinton White House advisor and limit-reaching North Miami Mayor speaking at the PPP launch

2001) and when it was time for him to run again for reelection (in 2005) no one run against him, because he did his job well. That is what PPP government would do for the Turks

and Caicos Islands,” Charles said. Celestin, an engineering architect by profession, told the gathering that prior to him serving as mayor for North Miami, he served in the White House for seven years as councilor to President Clinton. He informed the gathering that he could not resist Charles’ invitation after the party leader explained his vision for the TCI, to him and that he wanted his support. “Every time I talked to him (Charles) he always mentioned to me how grateful he is to be serving. Everything that he is today is because of the Turks and Caicos Islands. He has convinced me to walk away from my business to be here to support him in his endeavors to improve the quality of life for the people of the Turks and Caicos,” Celestin said. Celestin also told the audience that from discussions with Charles, the PPP would be running on issues only and was not in the business of launching attacks on its two political rivals, to gain power.

services, including help desk and technical support services. Work with stakeholders to define business and systems requirements for new technology implementations. • Prepare and deliver reports, recommendations, or alternatives that address existing and potential trouble areas in business systems or processes across the organization. • Liaise with vendors for efficient implementation of new application, hardware, and telecommunications. • Liaise with auditors to identify discrepancies/improvements in IT general controls and application controls and implement their recommendations as approved by the business. • Oversee the deployment of mobile technology and Microsoft’s suite of products within the organization. • Provide recommendations on future recruitment and terminations as required. • Any other duties as maybe assigned from time to time. Academic/Technical/Management: Experience and Qualifications: • Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science. • At least 10years experience. Abilities; Skills; Experience; Aptitude and Judgment: • Excellent team player and team building skills • Excellent written and oral communications skills • Ability to deliver to strict deadlines and to work under pressure • Goal-oriented • Self-motivated • Team Player External Contacts (Level): • Customers – At all levels • Outside Business entities Compensation

Grade: 14 (Range US$67,830.00-US$84,790.00 per annum (based on qualifications and ability) Deadline for submission of applications is September 28, 2012. Kindly submit applications stating qualifications and work experience to: Director, Human Resources FortisTCI Limited P. O. Box 132, Providenciales Email address: hrapplications@ppcltd.tc fax: 649-941-4304


Page 19



Canadian Investigators to fly in for alleged fraudsters court case BY VIVIAN TYSON SUN SENIOR EDITOR

Investigators from Canada are planning to fly into the Turks and Caicos Islands to sit in on the September 26 court matter of two alleged international fraudsters, who were caught on Providenciales in August and charged with a number of immigration violations. The two, Cullen Francis Johnson 64 and his female counterpart, Elaine Whyte 69, were arrested by the Turks and Caicos Islands Immigration officers at a Providenciales location. They are said to be wanted in their home country as well as the United States for money fraud and the possibility of other crimes. They were captured at a location on Providenciales after the two countries in which they are wanted issued international warrants for their arrests. The two were charged for overstaying their time in the Turks and Caicos Islands, after checks by the authorities revealed that they possessed outdated documentation. Whyte’s passport was also expired. An Ontario investigator told The SUN that a team could make the trip at

Elaine Whyte

Cullen Francis Johnson

the next court appearance. The investigator said that they had been pursuing the elderly pair of alleged fraudsters a while back, but each time the managed to elude them. The Investigator revealed that he was the one who explained to local authorities that Whytes’ passport had expired. He said that the two were wanted on a raft of fraud cases in Canada, and expressed glee that they had been finally apprehended. The two first appeared in court on

Tuesday, August 28 and both pleaded not guilty. Prosecutor Samantha Williams-Glinton, told the court at the time, that the duo was wanted in other countries for fraud and other crimes, and so, objected to bail. Their attorney Alvin Garland argued for bail nonetheless, but according to Glinton, based on their

RESTAURANT MANAGER HAB Management Limited is seeking an extroverted, bright, dynamic Assistant Restaurant Manager to assist with the management of our restaurant operations.

Main Duties • Assist restaurant owners with daily restaurant management. • Communicate to owners all matters relating to the restaurant. • Responsible for greeting guests in a warm and friendly manner. • Maintain a regular presence on the dining room floor and oversees the host stand. • Control the flow of work in the dining room by seating guests and handling the reservation book. • Assist with the training, scheduling and supervising of staffs. • Oversees the staff to ensure quality food and professional service is extended to all guest. • Must be a customer service advocate, maintaining a high level of customer service standards. Requirements • Must be suitably qualified. • Must have five years or more experience in hotel food and beverage industry. • Must have a strong working knowledge of dining room procedures, policies and EPOS system. • Strong organizational skills required. • Excellent oral and written communication skills required. • Must be willing to work unsociable hours and a variety of split shifts. • Excellent people skills in order to communicate well with guests and staff. Salary for this position starts from $36,000.00 per annum, commensurate with experience, training and education.

Interested applicants should contact Veronica Rigby via email by October 1, 2012 at ronnie@habgroup.com or fax 649-946-5191. Position is available immediately. Only persons selected for an interview will be contacted by email or telephone to schedule an interview. Belongers preferred.

record on being elusive, granting such privilege would be risky. They were then ordered remanded in custody by Magistrate Judge Clifton Warner for appearance on September 7. When they appeared in court again on September 7, they were again denied bail and are to appear in court again on September 27. The SUN understands that the two were involved in a series of frauds in the United States and in Canada. However, before the law could clamp down on them, they reportedly fled to the Bahamas, where they allegedly hid for a while. They later allegedly fled to the Turks and Caicos Islands after Bahamian police and immigration authorities were notified of their alleged crime and began close in on them. Local investigators said that it appeared the two had been living in the TCI for a while, since they purchased a condo at La Vista Azul in Turtle Cove, blended in the TCI community and were leading a normal life.

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CACTUS BAR & GRILL Is looking for

Executive Chef Sous Chefs Waitress/Waiters Helpers Bartenders To work 6 days per week Salary based on experience. Contact Angela or Gregory Lightbourne at 346-8933/347-2180

DELICIOUS DISHES SEEKS 1 DOMESTIC WORKER Salary $6.00 per hour Contact 242-1415 or 347-0720


Salary $5.00 per hour Belonger need only apply Contact: 242-9831

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TCIG resumes dog licensing As of September 3rd, 2012, the Turks and Caicos Government resumed the licensing of dogs and has increased the trapping of strays in Grand Turk and Providenciales in a multi-pronged approach to protect public health and promote animal safety. The Animal Health Services Division of the Department of Agriculture has introduced a modernised licensing and monitoring structure that aims to improve the monitoring and surveillance of dog ownership, importation, breeding and disease control. The improved licensing processes also includes the introduction of micro-chips as one way of recording, tracking and identifying animals thereby, enhancing the enforcement of regulations. The Division is encouraging TCI islanders to become familiar with the dog control laws. Under current laws, all dogs over the age of three months must be licensed and sterilised. The Department is recommending that dogs should also be vaccinated especially against rabies. TC Islanders are also being reminded that under the

law only three dogs are permitted in each household. The new system collects information that is vital for limiting the number of dogs per each household; improving vaccination records, controlling animal imports, exports and breeding; as well as keeping track of lost, stolen or trapped animals. The records will also enable the Division to better monitor shelters and other animal related services across the TCI. TCIG is mindful of the growing number of strays and unregistered animals. As a result, the Animal Health Division is promoting better animal ownership, the neutering and spaying of dogs in an effort to control the spiraling animal population. As an added incentive, dogs that are neutered and spayed during September 2012 will be fitted with a micro chip free of charge. The new system will improve TCI’s disease surveillance ability and enhance the country’s ability to adhere to international standards on animal health. Chief Veterinary Officer, Mark Butler said: “Licensing is a very



His Excellency the Governor invites applications for the position of:

DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS SALARY: US$125,000 per annum SUMMARY OF DUTIES AND RESPONBILITIES: An exciting opportunity awaits you in the Turks & Caicos Islands Government Service as Director of Public Prosecutions and Head of the Department of Public Prosecutions. This is a new position; the successful applicant must be able to provide legal advice to the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police and other Statutory Bodies in the investigation and prosecution of the full range of criminal offences, and, in particular, direct investigations, prosecutions and related proceedings in connection with serious fraud and money laundering cases. He/She must also be experienced in the conduct of major criminal trials, including preparatory hearings and appearing as prosecuting attorney before criminal courts at all levels. The successful candidate will also be expected to procure restraint/freezing orders, tracing and recovery of property as well as conduct civil recovery proceedings under the Proceeds of the Crime Ordinance. As Director of Public Prosecutions, he/she will be Accounting Officer for the Department and will take full responsibility for the management, development and training of the legal and support staff in the Department. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE: The successful applicant must be qualified and eligible to

important means of identification and when coupled with micro chipping forms a powerful tool that can assist you in finding your pets if they become lost or trapped by the Department. The Department wants to introduce this new initiative, to be

done jointly with the local TCSPCA; micro chipping of dogs. For a limited time all dogs that are spayed and neutered by the SPCA or the Clinical and Surgical Unit of Animal Health Services Division will be chipped for free”.



Needed to handle multiple desalination plants and waste water treatment plants in the private sector. Must have proven and verifiable track record demonstrating competency in the daily management, supervision, coordination of work. Candidate must be able to develop detailed technical and commercial reports for corporate headquarters executive staff. Position requires significant administrative and financial responsibilities. Must be computer literate. Excellent communication, planning and administrative skills are essential for this position. Please submit applications to Dempsey & Company, P.O. Box 97, Caribbean Place, Leeward Highway. All employment decisions will be made by our corporate offices located in the USA. Closing date for applications is September 17th, 2012. Salary commensurate with experience.

practice in a Commonwealth Common-Law Jurisdiction or the Republic of Ireland. Practical experience and strong competency in criminal prosecutions particularly serious fraud or money-laundering cases would be an advantage. This is a demanding senior position with responsibility for senior and junior attorneys and an applicant is unlikely to be appointed unless he or she has at least fifteen (15) years’ post qualification experience of which at least 5 will have been spent at a senior professional level. The applicant must also possess a high level of self-confidence, tact, discretion and confidentiality. The position also requires a good knowledge of the workings of Government. The successful candidate must be intellectually rigorous; possess the ability to give sound and timely advice in a demanding environment on a full range of complex legal issues and able to demonstrate good judgement and strategic thinking. Experience in the public service of a British Overseas Territory or a small independent common law jurisdiction would be a distinct advantage. Serving officers should apply through their Heads of Department. For persons recruited from outside of the Turks and Islands appointment will be subject to medical fitness and a two or three year extendable contract is offered. Other benefits may include: Professional, Housing Allowance, Telephone Allowance, Transportation Allowance, end-of-contract gratuity of 15% of salary, return passage for family of up to two children under the age of 16 years and duty concessions on the import of personal effects within six months of appointment. ONLY SUITABLE CANDIDATES WILL BE ACKNOWLEDGED. Please submit completed Government Application Form and resume to – His Excellency the Governor, Damian Roderic Todd Governors Office, Waterloo, Grand Turk Or send by Email to : governorgt@fco.gov.uk APPLICATION DEADLINE: midnight, Tuesday 10th October 2012



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The Turks and Caicos Islands once again flexed his muscles as the Americas staging of the World Travel Awards held at picturesque Beaches Resort Turks and Caicos Resort and Spa on Friday, September 14, by snaring a number of the region’s most coveted prizes. The perennially pristine Grace Bay Beach was named the Leading Beach Destination in the Caribbean, dethroning Negril Beach of Jamaica, which won the title at last year’s staging. Beaches Turks and Caicos Resort Villages & Spa retained the Caribbean’s Leading Family All-Inclusive award, which it won regained last year after surrendering it to sister property – Beaches Negril. Previously, Beaches Turks and Caicos Resort Villates & and Spa, won the title between 2006 and 2008. Parrot Cay won the Caribbean's Leading Boutique Hotel for the first time, snatching the title from Rockhouse Hotel in Jamaica, which won it last year. The Estate at Grace Bay Club retained the Caribbean’s Leading Hotel & Residences award, which it won last year. Amanyara captured the Caribbean’s Leading Luxury Villa, dethroning The Fleming Villa at Goldeneye, Jamaica, which won the title back to back. The Regent Palms dethroned Parrot Cay for the Caribbean’s Leading Spa Resort aware. The Grace Bay Penthouse Suite, Grace Bay Club snared the title of Caribbean’s Leading Suite, taking that title from The RitzCarlton Suite at The Ritz-Carlton Grand Cayman, which won it last year. Four of the leading hotels locally also walked away with national titles. The Seven Stars Resort was named Turks and Caicos’ Leading All-Suite Hotel; The Grace Bay Club was named Turks and Caicos Leading Hotel; Beach Turks and Caicos Resort Villages & Spa took the title of Turks and Caicos Leading Resort; while The Regent Palms walked away with The Turks and Caicos Leading Spa Resort award. Jamaica won most awards on the night – capturing the Caribbean’s Leading Destination award for the 7th consecutive year; the coveted Caribbean’s Leading Tourist Board award for the 6th consecutive year; Caribbean’s Leading Airport again going to Sangster International; Caribbean’s Leading Cruise Destination; Caribbean’s Leading Cruise Port, which went to Ocho Rios; Caribbean’s Leading Sports Tourism Destination which Jamaica also won in 2011; Caribbean’s Leading Meetings & Conference Centre for the Montego Bay Convention Centre; and the Port of Falmouth was again named the Caribbean’s Leading Tourism Development Project for the 2nd consecutive year. Other destinations and resorts, attractions and operators across the region also bagged prizes. Caribbean's Leading Activity Operator - Chukka Caribbean Adventures; Caribbean's Leading Adventure Excursion Operator - Dolphin Cove; Caribbean's Leading Airline - Caribbean Airlines; Caribbean's Leading All-Suite Hotel - Sandals Royal Plantation, Ocho Rios, Jamaica; Caribbean's Leading Attraction Company - Island Routes; Caribbean's Leading Boutique Resort - GoldenEye Hotel & Resort, Jamaica; Caribbean's


TCI shines at Americas World Travel Awards

A photo op with all the awardees

Representatives from the Sandals Group display their trophies

Leading Car Hire – Avis; Caribbean's Leading Casino Resort - Atlantis Paradise Island Resort, Bahamas; Caribbean's Leading Cruise Line - Royal Caribbean International; Caribbean's Leading Dive Destination - Cayman Islands; Caribbean's Leading Golf Resort - Casa de Campo, Dominican Republic; Caribbean's Leading Green Resort - Curtain Bluff, Antigua; Caribbean's Leading Honeymoon Destination - St Lucia; Caribbean's Leading Honeymoon Resort - Sandals Grande Antigua Resort & Spa, Antigua; Caribbean's Leading Hotel - Coco Reef Resort, Tobago; Caribbean's Leading Hotel Brand - Sandals Resorts International; Caribbean's Leading Hotel Residences - The Ritz-Carlton Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands; Caribbean's Leading Luxury All-Inclusive Resort Sandals Emerald Bay, Great Exuma, Bahamas; Caribbean's Leading Luxury Hotel - Caneel Bay, A Rosewood Resort, US Virgin Islands; Caribbean's Leading Meetings & Conference Hotel - Half Moon, Montego Bay, Jamaica; Caribbean's Leading New Hotel Buccament Bay Spa and Resort, St Vincent; Caribbean's Leading Private Island - Necker Island; Caribbean's Leading Resort - Sandals Grande Antigua Resort & Spa, Antigua; Caribbean's Leading Tour Operator -

Performer Julian Garland

Songstress Shawn Campbell

Host – Walt Willey & Co-Host - Anastagia Pierre, Miss Bahamas’ 2011

Barefoot Holidays DMC St. Luci; and Caribbean's Leading Travel Agency Trafalgar Travel. Described as the Oscars of the travel industry, the World Travel Awards was launched in 1993 to acknowledge and recognise excellence in the global travel and tourism industry. Now celebrating its 19th anniversary, it is regarded as the very highest achievement that a travel product could hope to receive. The World Travel Awards’ global media partner network includes

International Herald Tribune, CNBC Arabiya, Newsweek, ASTA Network, National Geographic Traveller, Access New York, Travel & Leisure China, Khaleej Times, Trade Arabia, TTN, Trav Talk India, Publituris, ABTA Magazine, Outlook Traveller, Breaking Travel News, eTurboNews and Travel Daily News International. And according to World Travel Awards, its global media partners’ network has a monthly readership of 1.7 million and a TV audience reach of 90 million.

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ht side of the bed, Woke up on the rig my head? Prince song inside What's up with this night, down to get down to re u' yo if up s nd Ha od time. Cuz it's always a go s like I didn't care, Slept in all my clothe take me anywhere. Hopped into a cab, t, to get down tonigh I'm in if you're down od time. Cuz it's always a go good night, Good morning and t. I wake up at twiligh to try, ev we don't en have ht rig al be a nn go s It' e. It's always a good tim h-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh Woa e It's always a good tim h-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh Woa e. s always a good tim t even have to try, it'

We don'

pool again, d my phone in the Freaked out droppe room hit the ATM. Checked out of my night, down to get down to re u' yo if t ou ng ha Let's od time. Cuz it's always a go good night, Good morning and t. I wake up at twiligh to try, we don't even have It's gonna be alright e. It's always a good tim


Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh -oh-oh It's always a good time Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh -oh-oh We don't even have to try , it's always a good time. Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh -oh-oh It's always a good time Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh -oh-oh We don't even have to try , it's always a good time. Doesn't matter when, It's always a good time the n. Doesn't matter where, It's always a good time the re. Doesn't matter when, It's always a good time the


It's always a good time! Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh -oh-oh It's always a good time Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh -oh-oh We don't even have to try , it's always a good time. Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh -oh-oh It's always a good time Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh -oh-oh We don't even have to try , it's always a good time.


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Nicki Minaj, Keith Urban join 'American Idol' Los Angeles - Rapper Nicki Minaj and Australian country singer Keith Urban will join the "American Idol" judges panel when the TV competition's 12th season starts in January, the Fox network said Sunday. The panel is growing from three to four judges next season, with singer Mariah Carey, hired in July, and "Idol" original Randy Jackson sitting with Minaj and Urban, the network said. The judges immediately jumped into action Sunday, auditioning singers at New York's Lincoln Center. Rocker Steven Tyler and singer Jennifer Lopez left the show at the end of last season, after judging for two seasons. Jackson's return was made official after weeks of speculation he would move to a mentor role on the show. Earlier speculation also included the names of Latin singer Enrique Iglesias and former "Idol" contestant

L-R: Rapper Nicki Minaj and Australian country singer Keith Urban

Adam Lambert as possible judges. The official announcement noted Minaj's "unique performance style and

Paris Hilton: Gay men are "disgusting," most of them "have AIDS" In a shocking audio clip on RadarOnline, the socialite, 31, was recorded chatting in an NYC taxi cab last week about Grindr, a popular smartphone app used by gay men to meet, date and sometimes hook up. After a pal explained how the GPS-enabled app worked, an appalled Hilton replied: "Ewww. Ewww. To get f***ed? Gay guys are the horniest people in the world. They're disgusting." Paris Hilton Continued the aspiring singer, DJ, perfume purveyor and former reality star: "Dude, most of them probably have AIDS . . I would be so scared if I was a gay guy. You'll like, die of AIDS." But a rep for Hilton claims to Us Weekly that the offensive tirade was taken out of context. "Paris Hilon's comments were to express that it is dangerous for anyone to have unprotected sex that could lead to a life threatening disease. The conversation became heated, after a close gay friend told her in a cab ride, a story about a gay man who has AIDS and is knowingly having unprotected sex. He also discussed a website that encourages random sex by gay men with strangers," the rep tells Us in a statement about the Grindr discussion. "As she was being shown the website her comments were in reference to those people promoting themselves on the site. The cab driver who recorded this, only provided a portion of the conversation. It was not her intent to make any derogatory comments about all gays. Paris Hilton is a huge supporter of the gay community and would never purposefully make any negative statements about anyone's sexual orientation."

iconic fashion." "Minaj became the first female solo artist to have seven singles

simultaneously on the Billboard Hot 100 chart," it said. Minaj, 29, "represents a different side of the music industry, who has now crossed into mainstream culture with her unique artistry, style and flair," Cecile Frot-Coutaz, the CEO of "Idol" owner FremantleMedia, said. Urban, 44, is a four-time Grammy Award winner and has recorded 14 songs that topped the country music charts. He's "one of country music's true stars who brings with him charm, wit and knowledge about the industry," FrotCoutaz said. "It's really an honor to have been invited to be a part of the 'American Idol' family," Urban said in a statement to CNN Sunday. "I'm looking forward to working with everyone and to seeing the same passion that I have for music in all of the participants." Minaj is getting $12 million for a one-year deal on the hit Fox singing series, a person in the music industry with knowledge of the deal told The Associated Press on Sunday. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss the deal. A representative for Urban wouldn’t disclose the singer’s compensation for “Idol.”

Lindsay Lohan arrested in New York after hitting pedestrian “Liz and Dick” actress Lindsay Lohan was arrested for allegedly striking a man while driving through a crowd on her way to party in New York City, Wednesday night. LiLo allegedly left the scene after she struck Manhattan chef José Rodríguez on the knee with her Porsche, The New York Daily News is reporting, citing police reports. “They acted like I was nothing,” Rodríguez told The New York Daily News about LiLo and her friends. “That no one could touch her because she was rich and powerful.” Rodríguez claims that while Lohan was walked by him to enter a hotel for a party, she was “slurring” her words and “smelled of alcohol real bad.” Police say she was given a Breathalyzer test and she was sober. Police are also questioning other parts of Rodriguez's story. A day after questions were raised about actress Lindsay Lohan's arrest for allegedly hitting a pedestrian and leaving the scene of an accident, the NYPD released surveillance video of the incident. But in the video, in which bystanders' faces are blurred, it is unclear whether a man was actually struck.

Kelsey Grammer pulls out of interview over ex-wife photo Kelsey Grammer pulled out of a TV interview with Piers Morgan at the last minute on Wednesday after spotting a photo of his ex-wife in the opening titles, according to the show host. The star was billed as a guest on “Piers Morgan Tonight,” but he allegedly bolted after producers included a photo of his third wife, Camille Grammer, in the CNN series’ opening sequence. Morgan was baffled by the no-show and took to Twitter.com to explain his guest’s absence, telling followers, “Kelsey Grammer was supposed to be on my show now but ran out of the building. Strange.”

“There’s contact — slight contact,” the source said. “Then he realizes what’s happened. He doesn’t go down. He takes off after the car.” Several law enforcement officials said they were waiting on the man's medical records to determine whether he was actually struck by the car. The surveillance video shows Lohan flashing her headlights as she signaled to the man to move out of her vehicle's path. She continued to drive forward and her right bumper either brushed by or completely missed the man. After Lohan passed him, the video shows the man running after her, yelling. It wasn't known what he said. But the 34-year-old chef insists Lohan’s hit left him “in so much pain” that he ended up falling to the side of the street. “We are confident this matter will be cleared up in the coming weeks and the claims being made against Lindsay will be proven untrue,” Steve Honig, Lohan’s spokesperson told the tabloid. A law enforcement official said there is no indication Lohan was intoxicated or had been drinking before or after the incident. Lohan was released with a desk appearance ticket. She's next due in court Oct. 23.

Moments later, he updated fans by writing, “So, Kelsey Grammer saw a photo of his ex-wife Camille in the open to our show and legged it (left). Extraordinary. Never had this happen before… I had a very friendly chat with Kelsey backstage (earlier), he said he was really looking forward to the interview. Weird… “I like Kelsey Grammer personally, but this was a shockingly unprofessional thing to do. I wasn’t even going to mention his ex-wife!” A representative for Grammer says in a statement, “Piers needs to take responsibility for what he did to Kelsey. It’s called accountability.” Last month, Grammer refused to utter Camille’s name during a chat with TV host Oprah Winfrey, simply referring to the reality TV star as “that person.” The couple endured a bitter divorce and custody battle after splitting in 2010, and the actor went on to marry Kayte Walsh in February.

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Installation and Repair Supervisor This position is responsible for the field technical and customer service results. This position is responsible for coordinating the daily duties of all technical personnel assigned, ensuring daily completion of assigned work and verifying the quality of work performed. The position is responsible for coordinating all departmental engineering activities; provide guidance and supervision to direct reports, generally ensuring the maintenance of tools and equipment and the integrity of the entire external network. This position assists higher-level technicians and managers in fiber splicing and restoration. ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES: 1) Plan and coordinate all signal transmission works 2) Ensure that the finished work of the technicians conforms to company standards of quality and reliability, and is completed within the time allotted. 3) Ensure that all external signal faults are cleared within the stipulated fault clearing standard, from the time of notice to the Operations Department 4) Arrange and carry out quarterly tool audits within the Operations Department 5) Assist in the development of technicians within the career path. 6) Work with the technicians to develop and improve field knowledge, quality and quantity levels. 7) Ensure all technicians are working in a productive, efficient, safe manner and are following all company processes and procedures. 8) Complete performance appraisals of direct reports monthly for probationers and casuals and quarterly and annually for established staff, 9) Complete various reports and forms, including the weekly progress reports on the number of new installations, quantity of cable dropped, number of faults reported and cleared and drop leads replaced and the monthly technical reports to the Manager of Operations by the second working day of each month 10) Ensure that his/her area is completely driven and measured for signal leakage and all reported leaks are repaired. 11) Effectively balance return and forward plant using the correct pad and equalizer. May be required to perform system sweep 12 )Effectively set up and troubleshoot/trunk amplifiers, bridges and line extenders both forward and return. Understand the functions of all active and passive devises in the hard-line and replace when necessary. 13) Perform voltage checks of amplifiers, check and maintain all types of system power supplies. Install and replace power supplies when required.

Digital Video Engineer Primary Duties: The Digital Video Engineer (DVE) is responsible for the day to day operations of all head end equipment providing digital video service to all cable and IPTV customers on Providenciales and Grand Turk. Main Duties and Responsibilities: • The DVE will work under the technical leadership of the CTO to design, develop, deploy, configure and maintain the master IP digital video network and all supporting equipment to ensure consistent, high quality digital video signals are delivered to the outside plant. • The DVE will be responsible for apprenticing and providing leadership to junior technical staff in support of head end operations. • The DVE will be responsible for budgeting for and administering expenses related to spare parts and equipment, software and annual maintenance contracts for all equipment deployed in the head end. • The DVE will work with and support members of the management team in marketing, selling and supporting the overall video and data operations of the company. • Monitoring and performance tuning of Application, and DHCP servers, Bacchus 150 Mpeg 2 Encoder, ASI turnaround units, 3200dt units, ZeeVee prolSO,Stream Cache, Arris D5 Universal Edge Qam switches, and Set Top Boxes. • Work with the CTO to develop a detailed business continuity plan for digital video operations, taking in to considerations risks such as hurricanes, fire, loss of critical employees, network security breaches etc. • Research, evaluate and recommend new technology solutions to address emerging business and technical needs • Prepare annual budgets for on-going operational and support activities and appropriate sparing for professional 24/7/365 operation of the digital head end offers support by providing expert assistance and knowledge to the management and diagnostics of proprietary software systems.


14) Effectively troubleshoot optical transition nodes (hub) and distribution nodes. 15 )Read and record signal levels with the use of field meters including RE meter and Volt/OHM meter. 16) Routinely detect and correct signal leakage. 17) Use the return tester and interpret the results to effectively troubleshoot plant problems. 18) Read and understand all plant blueprints. 19) Design plant extensions, including actives, passives and powering. Understand and effectively perform underground cable location. Check, maintain and use proper safety equipment in conformance with Company safety rules and regulations. 20) Become familiar with the safe operation of the work vehicle and ensures vehicle is properly maintained and in proper running condition. 21) Demonstrate and ensure compliance with National Cable Telecommunications Association (NCTA) Customer Service Standards. 22) Safely gaff poles, climb ladders, towers and other structures as needed. 23) Assist in the repair of broken lashing wire, strand and construction of plant extensions. 24) Know specifications perform pole transfers and hard line construction work. 25) Use the Optical Time Domain Reflect Meter and interpret the results to effectively troubleshoot plant problems. 26) Effectively troubleshoot high-speed data problems. 27) Perform other duties in keeping with the position 28) Knowledgeable on National Electrical Code (NEC) and National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) cable clearance specifications 29) Ability to write routine reports and correspondence. Ability to speak effectively before groups of customers or employees of organization QUALIFICATIONS, REQUIREMENTS & EXPERIENCE: Minimum of Associate Degree in Electronics, Electrical Engineering or related field Customer Service Essentials Program or equivalent course and or experience. Tap to Home Program or equivalent course and or experience. Quality Broadband Services or equivalent course and/or experience Valid Driver’s License is essential At least five years job and industry related experience Salary: $37,000.00 - $45,000.00 per annum Plus Benefits not limited to: Cable and Internet discount Company saving plan Contact: WIV Cable P.O. Box 679, Providenciales , Turks and Caicos Islands administrator@wiv.tc or fax 649-946-2896 No telephone calls please

Technical Skills • Knowledge of an operational experience with MPEG-2 transport streams • Knowledge of an operational experience with SD & HD digital video equipment • Wide knowledge of Operating Systems • Extensive knowledge of Set Top Boxes (Evolution, Amino, Xavi, ADB) • Video Technology and Multimedia • IPTV feature testing Qualification o Associate Degree or equivalent certificates o Minimum of five – ten years experience o Thorough knowledge and expertise in performance tuning o Extensive knowledge of emerging technologies o Excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to manage vendor relationships o Skill in conducting tests to newly installed/upgraded software o Skill in effectively communicating orally and in writing o Skill in isolating and resolving complex problems and utilizing appropriate diagnostic tools o Ability to analyze information and formulate conclusions and recommendations o Ability to plan and execute a platform change with minimal disruption in service to clients Salary: $35,000.00 - $45,000.00 per annum Contact: No phone calls please WIV Cable P.O. Box 679 Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands administrator@wiv.tc

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• Jamaica introduces Garveyism

in classrooms • Integrity Commission clears Trinidad and Tobago PM

Barbados enters into US$300million joint venture with Royal Caribbean Cruises BRIDGETOWN, Barbados - A new state-of-the-art cruise terminal expected to cost over US $300 million is being built in Barbados with the capacity to berth some of the world’s largest cruise ships. Partnering with the Barbados Port Inc on this multi-million dollar joint venture will be Royal Caribbean Cruise Limited, the world's second largest cruise operator, and Barbadian company SMI Infrastructure Solutions Inc. Minister of International Transport and International Business, George Hutson, announced these details on the two-year project at the recent Barbados Port Inc.’s 50th anniversary staff awards ceremony. “If we are going to remain relevant, if we are going to capitalize on the opportunities available from cruise tourism, we must renew our plant from the basic infrastructure currently existing to one which will accommodate and service the increasingly large cruise ships,” Minister Hutson said. Hutson said the government is banking on the new facility to attract

Barbados Cruise Port and Deep Water Harbour

more cruise ships, with a view to increasing the revenue generated from their passengers. “The number of cruise ship calls have declined as ships have become larger and requiring more dedicated berths with specialised

Cayman Islands offering instant $100 visas offered for visiting workers Visitors to Cayman who plan to engage in “non-professional” work for up to five days – such as entertainers and musicians-- can now apply for an instant Visitor’s Work Visa (VWV) that can be issued when they arrive on island. The new $100 visa, which was launched last week as part of the latest amendments to the immigration law, offers an alternative to a temporary permit for people coming to engage in short term employment. “It is designed to offer a more convenient service than the temporary work permits, while also discouraging anyone who might undertake work while on a visitor’s permit,” said Chief Immigration Officer Linda Evans. According to a government release, people applying for the new VWV would normally work outside of the Cayman Islands but are sponsored by a local person or business for a few days to do a specific job. Sponsors of visiting workers can download a ‘Letter of Invitation’ form and scan in the completed letter and email it directly to the department at least 24 hours before the visitor is due to arrive. This letter must provide details on when the person is due to arrive, the

job or jobs they will be undertaking while in Cayman and the details of the employment the person does in their country of residence. The visiting worker is then free to travel to the Cayman Islands and will be eligible to receive a VWV and pay their fee of CI$100 at the airport. However, officials warned that the visa will not be granted if the Letter of Invitation form has not been completed. “Of course, anyone seeking a VWV must comply with all other entry and landing requirements such as a valid entry visa, as applicable,” added the CIO. “Also, these visitors may only work with their approved sponsors.” A visiting worker can be granted only one VWV for the same sponsor within a calendar month and it cannot be extended except under exceptional circumstances. If so, the visiting worker can receive a further five calendar days and must pay a further $100. The immigration department explained that the VWV is not valid for professional workers such as lawyers, accountants, medical professionals, architects, surveyors, teachers and ministers of religion who may be visiting for short periods to work here.

infrastructure,” Hutson said. Hutson said the project will be done in two phases, the first of which is estimated to cost US $300 million. He said the initial stage will include two cruise piers, arrival and departure facilities, along with parking lots. The proposed Sugar Point Cruise facility will separate cruise and cargo activities, thereby addressing complaint s about the two competing for limited space within the port. The new terminal is expected to include dedicated cruise berths, a commercial retail development, new home-port facilities and ground transportation support along with additional facilities dedicated to the cargo sector. The development will take involve reclaiming 15 acres of land from the sea, 100,000 square feet of which will be provided for

commercial activity. Dredging is slated to begin in November. A minimum of 200 jobs are expected to be created during the construction phase, with 500 more added through related commercial activities. Once completed, the facility is also expected to feature Barbados rum and sugar culture as a major theme throughout. “The potential benefits to this project reinforces the policy position towards the development of Barbados as a cruise tourism hub and to reposition the country as the leading cruise destination within the southern Caribbean,” Hutson said. He pointed out that for Barbados to effectively compete with new and emerging tourism markets, it must improve the customer experience and satisfaction. The facility will bring Bridgetown to cruise passengers, the minister said. He also said that the development would assist Barbados' efforts to become a hub for cruise tourism. Cruise tourism in Barbados has grown from just over 127,000 in 1985 to 726,543 last year. The highest number of cruise passengers 812,863 was recorded in 2004. According to the latest Central Bank of Barbados figures, which are for the first half of this year, the number of cruise passengers rose slightly, by 2.5 percent, although 21 fewer cruise ships visited. The effort by the government to boost the intake from cruise tourism is in keeping with recommendations from the central bank, which has stressed that the country needs to earn more foreign exchange to register sustainable growth.

St Kitts and Nevis debt burden declines BASSETERRE, St Kitts and Nevis - Prime Minister and Minister for Finance of St Kitts and Nevis Dr Denzil Douglas has said that following an extensive debt restructuring process the island's debt burden had been further reduced from 156% to 131% of gross domestic product (GDP). Dr Douglas made this announcement during a recent Cabinet meeting where he also disclosed that the island's debt ratio would likely to fall into double figures in the near term as a result of ongoing budget consolidation efforts. This marks a landmark milestone for St Kitts and Nevis in its debt reduction efforts should its debt to GDP ratio fall below 100%, having seen peaks above 200% in the past, which landed it among the world’s highly indebted poor countries. In 2009, St Kitts and Nevis had the most significant public debt among its Caribbean peers, at 185% of GDP, and the third largest in the world as a percentage of the economy. Following the introduction of a value-added tax and excise tax reforms in November 2010, and the streamlining of import duty exemptions and the introduction of an environmental levy, the government has managed to make inroads into the debt problem and the International Monetary Fund has consistently reported that the territory is making significant strides towards fiscal consolidation under a 36-month financial assistance programme


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e Bahamas Government wants power company to help reduce electricity rates to consumers NASSAU, The Bahamas – The Grand Bahamas Power Company has commissioned its US $80 million 52 megawatt power plant here with government urging the owners of the company to support plans to significantly reduce the cost of electricity on Grand Bahama Island. Minister for Grand Bahama, Dr Michael Darville said he is convinced that the high cost of electricity is hindering the expansion of the industrial sector and the attraction of potential investors to the island, one of many that form The Bahamas. “I am also convinced that the use of alternative forms of energy will bring real change to the cost of electricity and open new doors for the industrial sector to grow, thus attracting many foreign and domestic investors to Grand Bahama in the areas of light manufacturing, pharmaceutical industry and food processing. This will create thousands of sustainable jobs for Grand Bahamians. “Therefore, I would like to urge

the executives of Emera to partner with the government to determine the protocol involved with utilising alternative forms of energy and the feasibility of its use at your establishment.” Darville said that while the government appreciates Emera’s “mammoth investment in power generation on Grand Bahama, we would like you to assist us in ensuring that Grand Bahama see a significant decrease in the price of electricity, which will mutually benefit all stakeholders, including your company”. Darville said that he was encouraging the Grand Bahama Power Company and Emera to “partner with the government to improve the economy of Grand Bahama and buy into our plans to significantly reduce the cost of electricity”. Darville said that the Perry Christie government is in the process of securing a number of investment projects that will undoubtedly

revitalise the economy of Grand Bahama. “However, in order to see many of these projects materialise, I am convinced that we need to think outside of the box and work together to determine the best means for ultimately reducing the high cost of electricity. “The community, small businesses, the industrial and tourism sectors are all crying out for relief. Therefore, we must work together to find short and long term solutions to this very challenging problem,” Darville added. He told the ceremony that the Ministry for Grand Bahama was established following the electoral victory of the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) earlier this year in order to address issues that are specific to Grand Bahama and to revitalise and restore the island’s ailing economy. Darville acknowledged that over the past few years, the cost of oil has escalated throughout the world, and that consequently, countries like The

Bahamas whose energy sector is highly dependent upon the use of fossils fuels are feeling the negative effects. He said it is the government’s position to move away from complete dependency on liquid fossil fuels and begin exploring the use of compressed natural gas or LNG for power generation in order to lower the cost of energy throughout The Bahamas. “The government recognises that it is imperative to develop new policies in order to reduce costs and currently we are taking many steps to do so. For this reason, we have established a National Energy Policy that will carry the country to 2030. “This policy clearly indicates that the demand and usage of fossil fuels in The Bahamas must be reduced, in order for growth in industry to be realised. We believe that tapping into sustainable and alternative sources of energy including ocean thermal and solar energy as well as existing renewable technology and waste to energy technology is the way forward,” he added.

US clamps down UN official says Haiti facing challenges on justice on Cuba tours reform and poverty UNITED NATIONS – A United Nations human rights official says while Haiti shows encouraging signs of progress, it is still facing challenges such as justice reform and poverty. Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights, Ivan Simonovic, who completed a four-day visit to the earthquake-ravaged, French-speaking Caribbean nation over the weekend, also called on the international community to support the country’s long-term development. “Haiti is at a crossroads. If the right steps are taken on a number of key issues, there is potential for progress,” he said. But, at the same time, there are risks of backsliding. During his visit, Simonovic met with senior Haitian officials and representatives of civil society to discuss the human rights challenges ahead of the Security Council’s revision of the mandate of the UN stabilization mission there, known by its French acronym MINUSTAH. Simonovic visited the national penitentiary, where about 3,400 inmates live in “precarious conditions,” the UN said. He noted that only 278 inmates have been convicted, while the rest are in “prolonged pretrial detention” stressing that this calls for stronger rule-of-law institutions. “Police reform is not enough,” he said, adding “a more independent, reliable and efficient justice system is necessary to resolve not only this situation but to ensure that the rights of the population are better protected, including land rights. “The ongoing penal code reform must be concluded without delay and should enable prosecution of past grave human rights violations in line with Haiti’s international legal obligations,” he said.

Simonovic noted that the planned recruitment of 5,000 police officers in the next four years has great potential for the country’s safety, but stated that they need to be recruited based on their merits and must receive adequate training. “The Haitian National Police will be strengthened, and so will the confidence of the population,” he said, adding “the role and independence of the Inspector General is [are] key for ensuring that human rights violators are excluded from serving. “The international community must urgently increase its support to Haiti’s longterm development efforts as the massive humanitarian aid that came to the country in the wake of the 2010 earthquake declines,” Simonovic emphasized. “For too long, too many Haitians have been claiming their economic and social rights in vain, and have not even been reached by basic services. “The new development efforts must be based on human rights and ensure that benefits are enjoyed by all, in particular the poorest. “Many of the most vulnerable are still trapped in camps, on private lands and threatened by forced evictions. I have stressed the need for consultation with residents and respect for international human rights standards in the process of dismantling these remaining camps,” he said, adding “a comprehensive housing and urban development policy is needed”. Simonovic said that strengthening the rule of law would also curb corruption, which would, in turn, attract investment and create new decent jobs

WASHINGTON – United States authorities have begun disrupting tours for American travelers on “people-topeople” trips to Cuba.The US Treasury Department said it has renewed only a handful of the one-year licenses required for the tours this summer, with dozens more renewals still pending. As a result, several of the entities awaiting renewals already have cancelled or delayed planned “people-topeople” tours. An estimated 10,000 Americans visited Cuba in the past year under the 140 licenses for “people-to-people” travel issued by the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), in charge of enforcing US economic sanctions on Cuba and other nations. CubanAmericans travel under separate family reunification licenses. The “people-to-people” trips, akin to cultural or educational travel, are required by law to foster “meaningful interactions” between the visitors and Cubans. Jeff Braunger, OFAC program manager for Cuba Travel Licensing, said his agency “revised” its criteria for granting “people-to-people” licenses in May in part “because of reports we received concerning travel under the licenses. These changes provide clarity to applicants and licensees seeking renewals, facilitate OFAC’s review of license applications, and help to deter abuses by licensees,” Braunger told reporters. OFAC spokesman John Sullivan said his agency is working to quickly resolve renewal applications that were returned for additional information “but not necessarily rejected.” Supporters of “people-to-people” trips to Cuba say they improve understanding between the two nations and put money in the pockets of private citizens on the island. Approved by the US Congress in 1992, the “people-topeople” trips to Cuba were broadly allowed by President Bill Clinton, halted by George W. Bush because of alleged abuses and then reopened by Barack Obama in January 2011. The luxury travel firm Abercrombie & Kent said it quickly sold out 13 tours, at about US$6,000 per person per week, but had to postpone the offerings after running into license problems.

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Jamaica introduces Garveyism in classrooms KINGSTON, Jamaica — Struggling with a chronically stagnant economy and one of the highest crime rates in the world, Jamaica is turning for help to a black nationalist leader who died more than 70 years ago. Marcus Garvey, who inspired millions of followers worldwide with messages of black pride and selfreliance, is being resurrected in a new mandatory civics program in schools across this predominantly black country of 2.8 million people. Students from kindergarten through high school are supposed to learn values such as self-esteem, respect for others and personal responsibility by studying Garvey, whom Martin Luther King Jr. called the "first man on a mass scale and level to give Negroes a sense of dignity and destiny." But the program almost totally avoids mention of the positions that made Garvey deeply controversial: his promotion of a "back to Africa" movement, his use of the title "provisional president of Africa" and a campaign for racial separation, born of the conviction that whites would never allow blacks justice. He even met with the grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, leading some mainstream African-American leaders to question his sanity.

American civil rights pioneer W.E.B. Du Bois once called him "the most dangerous enemy of the Negro race." The program is a major rethinking of Garvey's legacy in his Caribbean homeland. He was the first person named a national hero following independence in 1962, and the government put his likeness on coins. But it had declined repeated calls to use his teachings in schools, where history is not a required subject. "The teaching of Garveyism in schools is something that politicians of all stripes have shied away from partly because of their own intellectual ignorance and partly because they don't know what to make of this complex subject," said Robert Hill, a Garvey expert who is professor emeritus at the University of California, Los Angeles. But Jamaicans take great pride in the achievements of a native son who created an international movement. "We want all our children to believe they are important to what becomes of this country. Through Marcus Garvey, we see what it means ... to admit to no stumbling block that we cannot overcome," said Amina Blackwood Meeks, the Ministry of Education's culture director who led efforts to draft the Garvey-infused

civics program. For many Garvey adherents in Jamaica where reggae luminary Burning Spear once mournfully sang "no one remembers old Marcus Garvey," the only question is: What took so long? Born nearly 50 years after the abolition of slavery in Jamaica, Garvey founded the United Negro Improvement Association in 1914 on the island, and then built it into a mass movement in New York from 1919 to 1927. He established a network of "Liberty Halls" as venues for political debate, theater and scholarship around black themes, raising awareness of African achievements and calling for economic empowerment to circumvent racism. From his Harlem base, Garvey urged people find pride in their African history, and assured the descendants of slaves that there were no limitations to what they could accomplish. His PanAfrican philosophy urged blacks to return to the continent of their ancestors and he launched the Black Star Line, a fleet of steamships intended to take them there. During his meteoric rise, he was bitterly opposed by some fellow black intellectuals, especially Du Bois, who said Garvey was either "a lunatic or a

Marcus Garvey

traitor." In turn, Garvey called Du Bois a "rabid mulatto who needed a horse whipping," and he dismissed the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, or NAACP, as seeking black assimilation into white society. His movement claimed to speak on behalf of Africans and delegates at one congress elected him "provisional president of Africa." Garvey was eventually convicted of mail fraud charges in connection with his steamship line and was deported to Jamaica in 1927. But in the early decades of the 20th century, when segregation was deeply implanted in the United States and when European colonialism still stretched around the world, Garvey's words also inspired civil rights figures in America, political leaders in Africa and the Rastafarian movement in Jamaica.

Integrity Commission clears Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad – The Integrity Commission has found there was no breach of the Public Life Act when Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar took her sister, Vidwatie Newton, with her on official trips overseas since coming to office in 2010 costing nearly a million dollars. The Office of the Prime Minister has released the contents of a letter sent by the Integrity Commission dated September 12, 2012 on the issue. “Pursuant to Section 33 of the Integrity in Public Life Act, Chapter 22:01, ‘the Act’, the Integrity Commission has conducted an investigation into an alleged breach of the Act, to wit: Ms Vidwatie Newton, a non-employee of the State, travels on overseas trips which were financed by the Office of the Prime Minister. “Kindly be advised that the Commission has found no breach of the Integrity in Public Life Act, Chapter 22:01 by anyone at the Office of the Prime Minister,” the two paragraph letter stated. Earlier this year, the main opposition People’s National Movement (PNM) had written to the Integrity Commission requesting an investigation into whether there was a breach in the Integrity in Public Life Act with the Prime Minister utilising State funds for Newton to accompany her on overseas trips. The move by the opposition follows a statement in Parliament by government that an estimated TT$$868,268.11 (One TT dollar = US$0.16 cents) had been spent on Newton’s travel and other associated costs between June 1, 2010 and March 31, 2012. Leader of Government Business Roodal

undivided attention, without the distraction of critical personal care. “Ms Vidwatie Newton was a qualified nurse with many years experience. She is responsible for the Prime Minister’s diet, medication, exercise, wardrobe Moonilal also told legislators that and other health-related and TT$4.6 million was spent for the Prime personal issues. It is quite Minister and her official delegation to reasonable for the Honourable travel to India in January this year. Prime Minister to trust and rely Newton’s total expenditure for the upon her sister for this level of Kamla Persad Bissessar India trip was TT$233,600. personal care and attention. It In addition to India, Newton, whom should be noted as well that this the government said is a qualified nurse, also support is provided on a continuous basis literally, as travelled to Australia, London, Hong Kong and and when required.” Dubai with the Prime Minister. The statement said that the Prime Minister had the Earlier this year, the Office of the Prime option of formally employing her sister as a member Minister released a statement indicating that the election of a female prime minister brought with it of her personal staff, but “she refused to do so to avoid any allegations of nepotism, in consequence of which, different needs. “Many personal issues unique to a woman Ms Newton receives no salary from the State. “Moreover, such employment would essentially warrant the involvement of a close and trusted assistant. This, more so, on occasions of official be for fixed hours and a fixed work week, in keeping foreign travel when the hectic schedule and frenetic with industrial relations practice,” the statement pace demands the Honourable Prime Minister’s noted.

Grenada Parliament prorogued ST. GEORGE’S Grenada – Prime Minister Tillman Thomas Monday announced that he had requested Governor-General, Sir Carlyle Glean, to prorogue Parliament”. A two-paragraph statement from the Office of the Prime Minister gave no date for the start of the new parliamentary session but indicated that “the traditional Throne Speech is expected to be graciously delivered by His Excellency, the Governor-General”. The decision to prorogue Parliament means that the Prime Minister will not now face a motion of no confidence that had been filed by his former foreign affairs minister Karl Hood and was expected to have been debated in the current session of Parliament. Political observers say Hood will now have to re-file the motion.




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• Monica Lewinsky writing book • California judge rules anti-Islam film can stay on YouTube • Chef tells investigators he cooked murdered wife

Obama says immigration reform was his biggest failure MIAMI, Florida. - President Obama today said his failure to push comprehensive immigration reform as promised was the biggest failure of his first term but blamed Republicans in Congress for the lack of progress. Seeeking to appeal to Latino voters at a Univision News forum, the president explained "when we talked about immigration reform in the first year, that's before the economy was on the verge of collapse, Lehman Brothers had collapsed, the stock market was collapsing, and so my first priority was making sure that we prevented us from going into a Great Depression." In 2008, then-candidate Obama told Univision's Jorge Ramos, who anchored today's event with Maria Elena Salinas, "what I can guarantee is that we will have in the first year an immigration bill that I strongly support and that I'm promoting. And

I want to move that forward as quickly as possible." Today, Ramos repeatedly pressed Obama to acknowledge he had not kept that promise. "I don't want to get lost in translation," Ramos said in Spanish. Today's forum was conducted in Spanish and the questions translated for the president. "You promised… And a promise is a promise. And with all due respect, you didn't keep that promise." "I am happy to take responsibility for the fact that we didn't get it done," Obama said. "But I did not make a promise that I would get everything done a hundred percent when I was elected as president. What I promised was that I would work every single day as hard as I can to make sure that everybody in the country, regardless of who they are, what they look like, where they come from, that they would have a fair shot at the

Obama has more campaign money to spend than Romney WASHINGTON — At the end of August, President Barack Obama had about $88.8 million to spend on the final months of the campaign, nearly twice as much as Republican rival Mitt Romney, according to campaign fundraising reports released Thursday. While Romney's report showed he had $50.4 million to spend as of Aug. 31, he also owed $15 million on a $20 million loan taken that month. The loan helped Romney pay for mailings, staff salaries and TV advertising — and it helped his finances appear healthier on paper. It also boosted his cash-on-hand total from $35.4 million — a number that's closer to a third of Obama's haul. While Romney raised about $66.6 million in August to Obama's $84.7 million, the $20 million loan boosts Romney's total receipts to $86.6 million, slightly higher than his Democratic opponent's take. Both Romney and Obama spent about as much as they raised during the month of August. Romney spent about $66.4 million, while Obama spent about $83.7 million. Romney and the Republican Party raised more than $111 million combined. That was less than Obama and the Democrats, who raised more than $114 million. Romney took out a $20 million loan in late August, in the days before his campaign had access to funds they had raised for the general election because he was not yet the official nominee. He used general election money as collateral for the loan. The new report shows he paid back $5 million before the end of August. The campaign said it had paid back an additional $4 million in September, although that data won't be publicly recorded until next month.

Renee Bishop-McKean

American dream. And that promise I kept." The president placed blame squarely on Republicans. "I confess I did not expect - and so I'm happy to take responsibility for being naive

here - that Republicans who had previously supported comprehensive immigration reform - my opponent in 2008, who had been a champion of it and who attended these meetings suddenly would walk away. That's what I did not anticipate," he said, singling out Sen. John McCain, RAriz. "We initiated the meetings, had a series of meetings. And what we could not get was a single Republican, including the 20 who has previously voted for comprehensive immigration reform, to step up and say, we will work with you to make this happen," Obama continued. Asked about the biggest mistake of his first term, the president relented. "As you remind me, my biggest failure so far is we haven't gotten comprehensive immigration reform done, so we're going to be continuing to work on that," he admitted.

Woman convicted for trying to cut off her sleeping husband’s head with a saw EVERETT, WashA normal sheets. Police found evidence Washington state woman accused of trying to decapitate that Bishop-McKean had her sleeping husband with an purchased the saw, hatchet electric saw was convicted and mallet shortly before Thursday of attempted the attack and stockpiled murder. bleach and a supply of large Jurors needed only about garbage bags. three hours to reach a verdict Defense lawyer Ken in the trial of Renee BishopLee said prosecutors McKean of Everett. They also couldn't explain what convicted the 44-year-old happened or prove that his woman of first-degree assault client was responsible. He for hitting the man in the head offered three theories, with a hatchet and mallet. including the mysterious The jury was told the noise Renee Bishop-McKean intruder scenario suggested of the saw woke the victim last by Bishop-McKean. Oct. 14 and he fought his wife Lee also suggested the victim might have off. He was treated for cuts and scrapes. Bishop-McKean told police an attacker hurt himself and blamed his wife. The defense must have entered the home through an open lawyer acknowledged that option was "right window, found the saw and attacked her out of Alfred Hitchcock." Finally, Lee said the only other husband. Deputy Prosecutor Paul Stern noted the window was locked so it would only open possibility was that Bishop-McKean was a few inches. He called the woman's theory the responsible for the attack but if so, the "Tinkerbell did this" defense. evidence suggests "a very half-hearted The woman, who did not testify, shook her attempt" to kill. head in disagreement when the verdicts were The Daily Herald of Everett reports that announced. tests on the tools showed DNA from both Bishop-McKean faces at least 15 years in Bishop-McKean and her husband, with trace prison at sentencing set for Oct. 4. The couple had been living apart but jurors amounts from someone else. Jurors were were told the woman invited her husband over told the trace amount likely came from and told him to sleep on a mattress that she someone who handled the saw at the store had wrapped in plastic, then covered with before its purchase.

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Judge orders publisher to hand over topless Kate photos NANTERRE, France - A French court ordered a magazine publisher to hand over all digital copies of topless photos of the Duchess of Cambridge within 24 hours and blocked further publication of what it called a "brutal display" of William and Kate's private moments. Under the ruling, the publisher of the French gossip magazine Closer faces a daily fine of €10,000 ($13,100) if it fails to hand over the photos featured in Friday's "world exclusive" issue of Prince William's wife Kate. The photos were taken without authorization during the royals' vacation at a private residence in southern France. The court also handed out an injunction to stop Closer France from republishing the offending pictures including on its website and its tablet app - as well as re-selling them. A statement from the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge said they "welcome the judge's ruling." Maud Sobel, a lawyer for the royal couple,

described it as "a wonderful decision." "We've been vindicated," Sobel said. Although the decision was seen as a victory for the royals, it only affects the 14 partially clad snapshots of Kate that were in Friday's edition. It's unclear if Closer France possesses more pictures - but if they did they could technically go on and publish them, as the ruling has no power over that. In any case, if the royal family had hoped to block international publication, it's already too late. An Italian publication "Chi," published dozens even more racy photos of the duchess in a 26-page spread. An Irish newspaper editor, meanwhile, was suspended after he chose to publish some of the topless photos in the "Independent Star." The ruling only affects the French magazine branch of Mondadori, Closer's publisher, which also faces a €2,000 ($2,600) fine. "These snapshots which showed the intimacy of a couple, partially naked

Chef tells investigators he cooked murdered wife LOS ANGELES - A chef on trial for his wife's murder told sheriff's investigators that they couldn't find his wife's body because he had cooked it for four days in boiling water until little was left but her skull. Los Angeles Superior Court jurors heard David Viens make the statements in a recorded interview with sheriff's investigators that was played in court during his murder trial. "I just slowly cooked it and I ended up cooking her for four days," Viens could be heard saying on the recording, according to the Los Angeles Times. Viens gave detectives the interview as he lay in a hospital bed in March 2011, after leaping off an 80-foot cliff in Rancho Palos Verdes when he learned he was a suspect in the late 2009 disappearance of his wife, Dawn Viens, 39, whose body was never found. Viens, whose injuries from the leap have him attending his trial in a wheelchair, said in the interview that he stuffed his wife's body in a 55-gallon drum of boiling water and kept it submerged with weights. He said he mixed what remained after four days with other waste, dumping some of it in a grease pit at his restaurant in Lomita, and putting the rest in the trash. He said the only significant thing left was his wife's skull, which he stashed in his mother's attic at her home in Torrance. But a search of the house turned up nothing, nor did an excavation of the restaurant. On the recording played in court, sheriff's Sgt. Richard Garcia asked Viens what happened on Oct. 18, 2009, the night his wife disappeared. "For some reason I just got violent," he said.

on the terrace of a private home, surrounded by a park several hundred meters from a public road, and being able to legitimately assume that they are protected from passers-by, are by nature particularly intrusive," the French ruling decreed. "(They) were thus subjected to this brutal display the moment the cover appeared." The photos showed Kate relaxing at a private villa in Provence, in southern France, sometimes without her bikini top and, in one case, her suit bottom partially pulled down to apply sunscreen. The case is the first of two parallel legal actions by the British royals. In a reflection of just how intent they are on protecting their privacy - and likely dissuading paparazzi from future ventures - St. James's Palace said family lawyers would be filing a criminal complaint against 'x' - the unnamed photographer who took the pictures. The criminal lawsuit is thought to be aimed at flushing out the mystery photographer's name and - by targeting

Prince Harry got extra security during attack LONDON - Britain's defense secretary says Prince Harry got extra protection when the Taliban attacked his base in Afghanistan last Friday. Philip Hammond says the prince, a helicopter pilot, was moved to a secure position once it was clear that the perimeter of Camp Bastion had been breached. In an interview with the BBC Monday night, Hammond said: "He is serving there as an ordinary officer but clearly there are additional security arrangements in place that recognize that he could be a target himself specifically as a result of who he is." Two U.S. Marines were killed and six planes were destroyed. The Taliban said the attack was staged to avenge a film that insulted Islam and because Harry is serving at the base.

Scholar says Jesus cites wife in ancient script ROME - Is a scrap of papyrus suggesting that Jesus had a wife authentic? Scholars questioned the much-publicized discovery by a Harvard scholar that a 4th century fragment of papyrus provided the first evidence that some early Christians believed Jesus was married. And experts in the illicit antiquities trade also wondered about the motive of the fragment's anonymous owner, noting that the document's value has likely increased amid the publicity of the still-unproven find. Karen King, a professor of early Christianity at Harvard Divinity School, announced the finding at an international

the source - allow the royal couple to stop the photos spreading further around the world. If the criminal case goes ahead, 'x' could face a large fine and up to one year in prison. Christopher Mesnooh, an American lawyer who works in Paris, said French law strongly protects privacy rights but tabloids have their own reasons for publication, even when they might violate the law. "It appears to give satisfaction entirely to the royal couple," Mesnooh said of Tuesday's ruling. But he added the amount of damages is nowhere near enough to dissuade the publication of similar photos. "Damages are no more than €50,000 ($65,270) under French law... If you sell 100,000 copies, you're ahead of the game," he noted. The ruling listed the royal couple by their full names: William Arthur Philip Louis Mountbatten-Windsor and Catherine Elizabeth Middleton.

congress on Coptic studies in Rome. The text, written in Coptic and probably translated from a 2nd century Greek text, contains a dialogue in which Jesus refers to "my wife," whom he identifies as Mary. King's paper, and the front-page attention it received in some U.S. newspapers that got advance word about it, was a hot topic of conversation Wednesday during coffee breaks at the conference. Christian tradition has long held that Jesus was unmarried, although there is no reliable historical evidence to support that. Any evidence pointing to whether Jesus was married or had a female disciple could have ripple effects in current debates over the role of women in the church. Stephen Emmel, a professor of Coptology at the University of Muenster who was on the international advisory panel that reviewed the 2006 discovery of the Gospel of Judas, said the text accurately quotes Jesus as saying "my wife." But he questioned whether the document was authentic. "There's something about this fragment in its appearance and also in the grammar of the Coptic that strikes me as being not completely convincing somehow," he said in an interview on the sidelines of the conference. Another participant at the congress, Alin Suciu, a papyrologist at the University of Hamburg, was more blunt. "I would say it's a forgery. The script doesn't look authentic" when compared to other samples of Coptic papyrus script dated to the 4th century, he said. King acknowledged that questions remain about the fragment, and she welcomed the feedback from her colleagues. She said she planned to subject the fragment to ink tests to determine if the chemical components match those used in antiquity. "We still have some work to do, testing the ink and so on and so forth, but what is exciting about this fragment is that it's the first case we have of Christians claiming that Jesus had a wife," she said. She stressed that the text doesn't provide any historical evidence that Jesus was actually married, only that some two centuries after he died, some early Christians believed he had a wife.


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Monica Lewinsky writing a book Monica Lewinsky is set to reveal shocking new secrets about her affair with ex-President Bill Clinton in a bombshell $12 million tell-all memoir, in which she’s going to share intimate never-before-heard details about their relationship. The former White House intern, 39, desperately wants revenge on the powerful politician who sullied her name, insiders exclusively told the National Enquirer, and she has several publishers eager to get their hands on her book. She claims she’s tired of being villainized for her part in the affair. She claims she hasn’t been able to get steady work since her affair, and that President Clinton has gone on to live a completely normal life. “Monica has tried to move forward, but the nightmare of her affair with Bill still haunts her,” a close pal told The ENQUIRER. “She’s facing 40 without a man in her

Monica Lewinsky

life, and seething about the way her reputation was destroyed as the whole world watched.” For the first time ever, Mon¬ica will also release steamy love letters she penned to the Cheater-in-Chief. “Monica wrote the letters on her

computer,” said another source. “In them, she opened her heart about her love for Bill and how much happier she could make him than Hillary. Some of what she wrote was so raw that she never sent them.” Friends fear the blockbuster expose could finally torpedo the highprofile Clinton marriage, wreck Hillary’s future political career and trigger a potentially fatal health crisis for the 66-year-old politician. “With Bill’s history of heart problems, her book could be more than just revenge, it could kill him!” Monica has struggled to find employment over the years, and that’s when she started to develop the tellall book. “After testing the waters through publishing contacts, Monica learned she could get $12 million if she recount¬ed every juicy detail of the scandal,” the source tells the Enquirer.

Inspector faults federal agents in gun probe, clears Holder The U.S. Justice Department's internal watchdog faulted 14 federal agents and prosecutors on Wednesday for the botched anti-gun-trafficking effort known as "Operation Fast and Furious" but cleared Attorney General Eric Holder of any wrongdoing. The report by the department's inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, prompted two senior officials to leave the government. Congressional Republicans investigating the mismanaged operation had accused Holder of covering it up. A report bolstering their claim would have been an embarrassment for President Barack Obama, who appointed Holder to his job, in the home stretch of the presidential campaign. One U.S. agent was killed in Arizona, and two guns connected with the case were found at the scene of the shootout where he died. The new report found screw-ups of "systemic" scope that risked public safety but no cover-up. That, and a statement supportive of the report from Holder's main Republican accuser, Representative Darrell Issa, seems likely to defuse what could have been a politically explosive conclusion to the probe. Two senior department officials left the government as the report was made public. Kenneth Melson, former head of the U.S. agency that enforces gun laws, retired, while Jason Weinstein, responsible for oversight of many criminal-related matters, resigned. The highest-ranking person criticized, Lanny Breuer, the assistant attorney general in charge of criminal prosecutions, has been "admonished," said a department official. The book-length, 471-page report is the most indepth look yet at Operation Fast and Furious. It follows a 19-month review by the department watchdog that had access to non-public documents. Fast and Furious began in 2009 as an effort to stop the flow of firearms from Arizona to Mexican drug cartels. As U.S. agents tried to build an expansive case, they did not pursue low-level gun buyers who bought about 2,000 potentially illegal firearms and trafficked many of them across the border. The operation raised the fury of U.S. gun owners, who are an important Republican

constituency and who helped to drive attention to Fast and Furious in Congress and the media. The new report said that Melson and Weinstein failed to ask detailed questions about the tactics in Fast and Furious, allowing the operation to go on in 2010 when they could have stopped it. Melson said in a statement that he disagrees with parts of the report but added in a statement that he was "ultimately responsible for the actions of each employee." Melson was pushed out in August 2011 as acting director of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and recently worked on forensic policy for the department. Weinstein wrote in a blistering resignation letter that the inspector general's conclusion about him is "completely false." The report said Breuer, Weinstein's boss, should have alerted his superiors, including Holder, in 2010 to flaws in a program similar to Fast and Furious that was started during George W. Bush's presidency. The nature of any disciplinary action and whether any is taken is up to the Justice Department. A department official said no further shake-ups are expected. VINDICATION FOR HOLDER Holder pointed to the inspector general's report, which he requested in February 2011, as vindication. "It is unfortunate that some were so quick to make baseless accusations before they possessed the facts about these operations - accusations that turned out to be without foundation and that have caused a great deal of unnecessary harm and confusion," he said in a statement. In a rare show of agreement, Issa, the Republican who has led a congressional inquiry into Fast and Furious, also found reason to praise the inspector general's report. Issa said it confirms the operation's "near total disregard for public safety." Fast and Furious came to light after the December 2010 shooting death of a U.S. Border Patrol agent, Brian Terry. Two guns that firearms agents attempted to track were found at the scene of Terry's death in rural Arizona. Terry's family was pleased that Wednesday's report documented systematic failures, family spokesman Robert Heyer said in a statement.

An immunity deal she made for giving grand jury testimony against Clinton prevented Monica from exposing intimate details of their affair in Andrew Morton’s book bombshell expose that was penned in 1998. “But that agreement expired in 2001, and when Bill published his autobiography ‘My Life’ three years later, Monica felt betrayed by him all over again,” said the source. While Clinton skated through the scandal relatively scot-free, his health has suffered. He underwent emergency heart-bypass surgery in September 2004 and surgeons inserted two stents into a clogged heart artery in February 2010. “For years, Monica tried to protect Bill out of a misplaced sense of loyalty,” said the source. “But she no longer feels that way, and her memoir is his worst nightmare.”

California judge rules anti-Islam film can stay on YouTube LOS ANGELES - An anti-Islam film trailer that has spawned violent protests across the Muslim world can remain on YouTube despite a request from a California actress to have it taken down, a judge ruled on Thursday. Actress Cindy Lee Garcia had sought to have the film removed in a suit filed on Wednesday against YouTube parent company Google Inc and a California man linked to the film. She argued that she was duped into taking part and had since received death threats. "The request for a temporary restraining order is denied. The plaintiff has not shown a likelihood to prevail on the merits," Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Luis Lavin said. A date for a future hearing in the case was not immediately set. Garcia's is the first known civil lawsuit connected to the making of the video that depicts the Prophet Mohammad as a womanizer and a fool. The film helped generate a torrent of violence across the Muslim world last week during the anniversary of the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States and in the following days. The violence included an attack on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi in which the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans were killed. U.S. and other foreign embassies were also stormed in cities in Asia, Africa and the Middle East by furious Muslims. In her lawsuit, Garcia accused a producer of the movie, whom she identified as Nakoula Basseley Nakoula using the alias Sam Bacile, of duping her into appearing in a "hateful" film that she had been led to believe was a simple desert adventure movie. "There was no mention of 'Mohammad' during filming or on set. There were no references made to religion nor was there any sexual content of which Ms. Garcia was aware," read the lawsuit, which accused Nakoula of fraud and slander. For many Muslims, any depiction of the prophet is blasphemous. Caricatures deemed insulting in the past have provoked protests and drawn condemnation from officials, preachers, ordinary Muslims and many Christians. Last week, Google rejected a request by the White House to reconsider its decision to keep the clips on YouTube, but the company has blocked the trailer in certain Muslim countries such as Egypt and Libya. The White House had asked Google to evaluate whether the video violated YouTube's terms of service.

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In South Africa the poor feel betrayed by ruling ANC party ETWATWA, South Africa — The news that police killed 34 strikers at a platinum mine last month brought back painful memories for residents of this shantytown near Johannesburg — not of the apartheid era, but of more recent confrontations here with police. Residents angered by the inability of the government to improve their lives were summoned to the office of the local councilor, a stalwart of the African National Congress, they recalled. The official promised to put their names on a list for new housing. But a scuffle broke out, and police were called. "One policeman started to shoot. I was walking away and he shot me in the back," said Eunice Mabona, 50, who suffered two gunshot wounds in the incident two years ago. Another woman was killed. "When I saw that these miners were shot, it brought back memories of what happened to me." The killings of the miners shocked middle-class South Africans. But for poor blacks, the shootings illustrated the reasons for their growing anger at the ANC, the party of Nelson Mandela that came to power 18 years ago in a wave of black

empowerment. After suffering under apartheid's institutional racism, poor, marginalized blacks now have a litany of complaints about the ANC, including authorities' use of live ammunition to suppress antigovernment protests. "People say under the previous government of white people, apartheid was affecting people, but at least we had jobs and water and things," Mabona said. "But with this government, we only get freedom. We don't get anything else." The ANC's 1994 election manifesto was sweeping: Millions of jobs would be created by building houses, roads, schools, clinics and toilets and providing water and electricity. The party's most notable achievement has been extending social welfare grants, assisting several times the number of people since the end of apartheid. President Jacob Zuma told a union conference Monday that the ANC government had reduced dire poverty significantly. The government also built houses and infrastructure for many South Africans, but critics say that provincial and municipal ANC officials have often used building

contracts to enrich themselves. The populist Zuma, chosen to be ANC leader in 2007 and elected president in 2009, was thought to be a better choice than his buttoned-down predecessor, Thabo Mbeki, to represent the poor. But Zuma has been enmeshed in scandal since the beginning and now faces a challenge from the expelled leader of the ANC's youth wing, Julius Malema, who is a master at articulating the anger of the poor. Poor blacks put themselves in danger, according to one university researcher, when they try to organize themselves outside the ANC and its affiliates. The wildcat mine strikes that led to the fatal confrontation are the latest reverberation in South Africa's revolt of the poor against the ANC. These days, furious demonstrations and roadblocks by angry shack dwellers are so commonplace that they are reported as routine traffic news. The conspicuous wealth of ANC stalwarts and their families has helped turn South Africa into what researchers describe as one of the world's most unequal societies.

Police begin enforcing controversial Arizona immigration measure PHOENIX - Arizona police on Wednesday began enforcing a controversial "show-your-papers" provision of a state law targeting illegal immigration as civil rights groups prepared to document allegations of racial profiling. Police in the border state with Mexico are now authorized to begin conducting immigration status checks of anyone they stop for any reason and suspect of being in the country illegally after a federal judge on Tuesday lifted an injunction against the provision requiring such checks. The measure, upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in June, is part of a broad Arizona clampdown on illegal immigration signed into law in 2010 by Republican Governor Jan Brewer, an outspoken foe of President Barack Obama's administration on immigration. Brewer has said the law was needed because of the federal government's failure to secure the border with Mexico. She said enforcement would be free of any racial profiling. "It's definitely a new phase, and one where we'll be looking very carefully to monitor for civil rights violations in the state," said Karen Tumlin, managing attorney with the National Immigration Law Center, one of a coalition of groups that challenged the law. "There is a hotline set up ... where folks can report any violations or questionings or detentions that happen under the law," she added. The U.S. Supreme Court, in upholding the measure even as it struck down three other Arizona immigration provisions, has left open the door for legal challenges, saying constitutional or other challenges could proceed once the measure took effect. Rights activists who have fought a two-year legal battle against the measure have said they are ready to go to court

quickly if they learn of instances of racial profiling or illegal detention. Opponents of the measure are also pinning hopes on a legal challenge filed with the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that seeks an injunction to halt the law's enforcement. Police in Phoenix and Tucson said they were now enforcing the law, although law enforcement agencies from across the state have said they expect little change in their policing.

Police did not specify what enforcement steps officers were taking on patrol. Even before the injunction on the measure was lifted, the American Civil Liberties Union said a bilingual hotline on the law had already taken 3,500 calls in Arizona, where nearly a third of the population of 6.5 million is Hispanic. A rally was also planned later on Wednesday at a federal immigration office in Phoenix by a grass-roots group, Puente Arizona, which also called on

Obama to take action to prevent what it termed a "human rights crisis" in Arizona. In a statement after Tuesday's court ruling, Brewer said police " bring their training and experience to this important task, as well as a solemn commitment to serving the public, protecting our citizens and upholding the law. "That means all of our laws, including those barring racial profiling or discrimination," she added. The Obama administration battled the measure on the grounds that it interfered with federal immigration powers, and Arizona was expected to get limited help in enforcing the provision from the federal government.

China wary of US military moves in Asia-Pacific WASHINGTON — When a senior U.S. general met in Beijing recently with Lt. Gen. Cai Yingting, the deputy chief of China's armed forces, Cai forcefully objected to America's expanding military presence in Asia and the Pacific, describing it as an effort to encircle his country. "Why are you containing us?" Cai demanded, according to a U.S. official who was present and described the incident in return for anonymity. The U.S. general denied seeking to contain China, but it's easy to see why officials in Beijing might get that impression. The Obama administration is forging closer defense ties to countries near China, including India, Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia and Singapore; repositioning troops, planes and ships; and stepping up aid in the South Pacific to offset attention from Beijing. Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta is likely to face more sharp questions Monday when he arrives in Beijing for talks with Gen. Liang Guanglie, China's defense minister, the focal point of a trip that will also take him to Japan and New Zealand. Panetta is making his first visit to China — but his third trip to the region — since taking over the Pentagon in July 2011, as the administration seeks to shore up alliances and beef up forces to provide a counterweight

to China's growing influence in Asia and the Pacific. In the latest example, U.S. officials said they hoped to resume visits by Navy warships to New Zealand for the first time since 1984. Even though the South Pacific nation is a close American ally, Washington suspended a mutual defense treaty and most military cooperation with Wellington after it passed a law barring vessels carrying nuclear weapons or using nuclear power in its waters. U.S. officials said they were exploring whether New Zealand might repeal its ban on nuclear-powered ships, which in the U.S. fleet includes submarines and aircraft carriers. But the Pentagon also is considering changing its policy against sending even nonnuclear Navy vessels to New Zealand. As a result, Panetta will be the first U.S. Defense secretary to visit New Zealand in more than three decades. A resolution of the long-standing dispute would permit more joint naval exercises and training in the South Pacific, U.S. officials say. "We're in discussions right now, not to bring nuclear weapons to New Zealand but … to help them develop their amphibious capability, which they are very proud of because they consider themselves a southwest Pacific power," the U.S. official said.



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Forbes ranks the 400 wealthiest people in the U.S. READ MORE ON PAGE 40

Apple poised to sell 10 million iPhones in debut Apple Inc. is poised for a record iPhone 5 debut and may not be able to keep up with demand as customers line up from Sydney to New York to pick up the latest model of its topselling product. The iPhone 5 hits stores in nine countries today at 8 a.m. local time, giving customers in Australia the first chance to buy the device, followed by those in Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, France, Germany, the U.K., Canada and the U.S. With a new wireless contract, the device costs $199, $299 and $399 in the U.S., depending on the amount of memory. Pedro Mendez, a 21-year-old student from Elmhurst, New York, got in line at Apple’s flagship store on Fifth Avenue in New York on Sept. 18 to make sure he’d get the new phone. “It’s something you have to do,” said Mendez, who plans to sell his iPhone 4S to a friend. “You stand in line, you see everyone the next day at school and talk about it.” The crowds reinforce estimates from analysts that the iPhone 5 will be the largest consumer-electronics

debut in history. Apple may sell as many as 10 million iPhones during the weekend sales rush, according to Gene Munster, an analyst at Piper Jaffray Cos. Because Apple generates about two-thirds of its profit from the iPhone, a successful introduction is critical to fuel growth that has led investors to catapult Cupertino, California-based Apple to the world’s most valuable company. “We’ve never seen anything like this before,” said Andrew McAfee, principal research scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Center for Digital Business. “It used to be that with tech products the nerds got them, obsessed about them, and talked about them, and the cool kids wanted no part of that conversation. That’s just not true anymore.” Apple may have trouble keeping up with initial demand because of supply shortages of components such as in-cell screen displays, according to Barclays Plc. Already, the company had to push out some deliveries to October after early online purchases topped 2 million in 24 hours, double the record set last

year with the iPhone 4S. Apple is introducing the iPhone across the world faster than any of the device’s five previous debuts. The iPhone will go on sale in 22 more countries on Sept. 28, Apple said, and it will be in more than 100 countries by the end of the year. The new iPhone has a bigger screen, lightweight body design and faster microprocessor, and is compatible with speedier wireless networks. Software upgrades include new mapping and turn-by-turn navigation features. Technology gadget reviewers mostly praised the new device, especially for its swifter wireless speeds that improve Web browsing and other data-hungry tasks. One criticism was the new mapping features, which don’t include details on how to navigate public transportation. Apple is vying with rivals including Samsung Electronics Co., HTC Corp. and Google Inc.’s Motorola Mobility for dominance in a global smartphone market that reached $219.1 billion last year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg Industries. Those manufacturers primarily use Google’s

Microsoft and HP rapped by US Senate over tax havens like the Cayman Islands US Senate has criticised Microsoft and HewlettPackard for their use of tax avoidance schemes, which it says is rampant in the tech sector. The Senate's Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations said the companies used places such as the Cayman Islands so they did not have to pay US taxes. The chairman of the panel said their practices ranged from "egregious to dubious validity". Microsoft and HP denied any wrongdoing. Carl Levin has been investigating offshore tax havens for years. He said the industry was probably the number one user of these offshore entities to transfer intellectual property. Five of the top 10 companies with the biggest offshore cash balances are in the technology sector. The committee said that between 2009 and 2011, Microsoft moved $21bn (£13bn) offshore, almost half its US retail sales revenue. The panel said the moved saved it up to $4.5bn in taxes on goods sold within the US. It also said the company moves royalty revenue to divisions in lower-tax nations, including Singapore and the Republic of Ireland.

Microsoft's vice president for tax, William Sample, said the main reasons for moving operations outside of the US was not tax, although he admitted they came into consideration: "While the primary objective of our regional structure is to improve our competitiveness and efficiency in each of the three regions, we evaluated available tax incentives." The panel said Hewlett-Packard funded US operations with inter-company loans, using an exception in the law for short-term loans, to avoid billions of dollars in taxes. A spokesman for Hewlett-Packard said that the company complied fully with tax law adding that the Internal Revenue Service had never raised any concerns about the systems cited by the Senate panel. HP spokesman Michael Thacker said: "We are disappointed to see what appears to be a politically motivated attack on one of America's largest employers." The top Republican on the panel, Senator Tom Coburn, signed off the new report, but blamed Congress for the tax system that made such activities possible: "Tax avoidance is not illegal. Congress has created this situation." US corporation tax is one of the highest in the world at 35%.

The iPhone 5s

Android operating system, which is the world’s most popular mobile software. Microsoft Corp., which has been working closely with Nokia Oyj, also is introducing a new mobile version of Windows later this year.

China trade complaint challenges U.S. antidumping measures WASHINGTON -- China filed a World Trade Organization complaint Monday challenging U.S. anti-dumping measures on billions of dollars in goods as trade tensions escalated between the two economic superpowers. The move came as the Obama administration said Monday it was complaining to the WTO that China was illegally subsidizing exports of automobiles and auto parts. President Obama was set to announce the move while campaigning in Ohio, a key battleground in the November election and a state that has a large auto industry. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has criticized Obama for not being tougher on China, which Romney said has been "cheating" on trade rules. The WTO said China's complaint covered a wide range of products that China exports to the U.S, including kitchen appliances, paper, steel, tires, magnets, chemicals, wood flooring and wind towers. China estimated that the exports were worth about $7.2 billion, the Associated Press reported. The complaint stems from new powers granted to U.S. officials by Congress to impose anti-dumping duties on Chinese goods believed to be exports to the U.S. at a subsidized cost. A spokesman for China's Ministry of Commerce said the new U.S. duties put "Chinese enterprises in an uncertain legal environment, in violation of the relevant rules of the WTO transparency and due process." the AP said. Both the Chinese anti-dumping complaint, as well as the U.S. auto export complaint, request WTO-led consultations between the two countries to resolve the dispute. If there is no resolution after 60 days, the nation filing the complaint can ask that it be adjudicated by a WTO panel.

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Forbes ranks the 400 wealthiest people in the U.S. NEW YORK - Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates remains the nation's richest man by far, as the tech and philanthropy giant took the top spot on the Forbes 400 list with a net worth of $66 billion. Investor Warren Buffett, the head of Berkshire Hathaway, again took second with $46 billion, while Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison remains third with $41 billion and brothers Charles and David Koch, co-owners of Koch Industries, tied for fourth with $31 billion. Forbes said the rich mainly got richer in 2012, with net worth rising for 241 members of its list and shrinking for only 66. Rising stock prices, a rebound in real estate values and rare art prices helped. More members of the Walton family, the founders of Walmart, moved up into the Top 10, displacing investor George Soros and Las Vegas Sands founder Sheldon Adelson. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who made his fortune with the financial data services firm Bloomberg LP, is also back with the

1. Bill Gates, $66 billion

Warren Buffett, $46 billion

top dogs at No. 10 with an estimated net worth of $25 billion. Social media moguls took the biggest hit. Zynga's Mark Pincus and Groupon's Eric Lefkofsky dropped off the list entirely. Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg was the biggest dollar loser in Forbes' latest ranking of the 400 wealthiest Americans. The company's lackluster IPO in May resulted in a huge drop in market value that cut the value of his shareholdings almost in half, costing him $8.1 billion in net worth. That dropped Zuckerberg from No. 14 on the list to No. 36. But although Zuckerberg lost

Export surge could help US add 5 million factory jobs by 2020 Rising U.S. factory productivity, spurred by falling natural gas prices, could help the nation boost exports of products such as locomotives and factory machinery and add as many as 5 million manufacturing jobs by the decade's end, a new analysis found. High worker productivity and low energy prices driven by a surge in shale gas production will give the United States a cost advantage in exports against Western European rivals and Japan in the coming years, according to a Boston Consulting Group report set for release on Friday. By 2015, those factors will make average manufacturing costs in the United States lower by 15 percent than in Germany and France, 8 percent than in the United Kingdom and 21 percent than in Japan, the study projects. Factories' costs in China will remain 7 percent cheaper than those in the United States, however. The competitive gap in some ways reflects the open U.S. labor market, where companies can quickly add or cut workers to meet changes in demand, said Hal Sirkin, a senior partner at the BCG consultancy and author of the report. "In Europe and Japan, it's relatively hard to lay people off, and because of that you have employees for a long period of time that you may not be able to use," Sirkin said. "In the United States, there's much more flexibility." Besides the ease of adding or firing workers, lower wages and Americans' readiness to move for work will make U.S. factory labor costs 20 percent to 45 percent lower than prevailing costs in Western Europe and Japan by 2015, the study found. BCG forecast that a glut of natural gas production in the United States would keep the nation's prices of the fuel 50 percent to 70 percent below those in Europe and Japan, as well as hold down electricity costs. U.S. factory employment has grown by about 3.6 percent to roughly 12 million people from a 2010 post-recession low, a trend that could accelerate as the United States becomes a more competitive exporter, BCG said. The increase in part reflects a realization by manufacturers that rising shipping costs and wage inflation in China and other countries have made it cheaper to make products at home.

3. Larry Ellison, $41 billion

4. Charles Koch, $31 billion

more money than most people will make in many lifetimes, his net worth still totals an estimated $9.4 billion, according to the magazine. Twenty newcomers joined the list, which required $1.1 billion in net worth for entry, up from $1.05 billion a year ago. Among the freshly minted are Shahid Khan, owner of the NFL's Jacksonville Jaguars, at No. 179; Judy Faulkner, founder of health records firm Epic Systems, at No. 285; Andrew & Peggy Cherng, the husband and wife team behind restaurant chain Panda Express, at No. 239; and Twitter creator Jack Dorsey at No. 392.

6. Christy Walton

There are 45 women on the list, up from 42 a year ago, including Oprah Winfrey at No. 151. The top 10 people on this year's Forbes 400 list are: 1. Bill Gates, $66 billion 2. Warren Buffett, $46 billion 3. Larry Ellison, $41 billion 4. Charles Koch, $31 billion 5. David Koch, $31 billion 6. Christy Walton & family, $27.9 billion 7. Jim Walton, $26.8 billion 8. Alice Walton, $26.3 billion 9. S. Robson Walton, $26.1 billion 10. Michael Bloomberg, $25 billion

Checks worth $2.5 billion in the mail for Madoff victims NEW YORK -- More checks are in the mail for Bernard Madoff's victims, nearly four years after his epic Ponzi scheme collapsed. Irving Picard, the trustee overseeing the liquidation of Madoff's firm, mailed checks worth nearly $2.5 billion on Wednesday. The distribution -- the trustee's second -- satisfies about half of the allowed claims filed by Madoff's investor, Picard's office announced Thursday. Madoff investors had received an earlier October 2011 distribution of $343 million. The trustee's office says it has now distributed a total of $3.6 billion to Madoff victims. Picard has sued hundreds of Madoff customers who took out more cash than they contributed to Madoff's scheme, on the assumption they were pulling out investment profits. The trustee said he has recovered (or reached settlements to recover) $9.1 billion, or 53%, of the estimated $17.3 billion in principal contributed by Madoff's victims. Madoff is serving a 150-year prison sentence. The FBI arrested him in December 2008.

American Airlines cancels hundreds of flights through October Amid labor strife, ongoing bankruptcy proceedings and layoffs, American Airlines has canceled hundreds of flights through October. The airline, whose parent company AMR filed for bankruptcy last year, said Wednesday it is reducing its flight schedule for the rest of September and October by 1% to 2%. Between Monday and Wednesday, the Fort Worth-based airline had already canceled 271 flights, according to the website Flightaware.com. Travel experts suggest American Airline passengers check the status of their flight with the airline and sign up for online flight updates. The airline is forced to nix hundreds of flights because of an increasing number of calls for maintenance work filed by flight crews and a surge in pilots calling in sick, according to an

airline spokeswoman. "We are constantly evaluating our schedule based on operational and staffing resources, as well as seasonal demand, making adjustments when necessary," spokeswoman Mary Frances Fagan said. The cancellations are only the latest turmoil for one of the nation's largest airlines. The airline recently won a judgment from bankruptcy court to throw out its union contract with pilots. The airline also announced recently that it was sending out 11,000 layoff notices to employees, as part of a cost-cutting effort previously announced. In a statement issued Tuesday, the president of the pilots union criticized AMR, saying the airline company is only playing "lip service" to reaching an agreement with the union.


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And it begins! e Heineken and Pizza Pizza Tag League starts The Heineken and Pizza Pizza Tag League season started with a hiss and a roar last week, but before we review the action from Meridian Field here’s a quick look around the world to give you all an update on what’s going on in rugby globally. Los Pumas of Argentina found themselves on the Gold Coast of Australia to take on the Wallabies and with less than a quarter of the match remaining they led by 19 – 6. Two late tries to the Aussies saw them live up to their convict heritage and sneak in the back window for a 23 – 19 win. South Africa had been ridiculed all week in the build up to their match against New Zealand in Dunedin for being one-dimensional, boring and too reliant on kicking to win games. The latter was certainly proven as the Springboks lost 21 –

11 to the All Blacks at the fully enclosed Dunedin Stadium. The ‘Boks made only two goals from nine attempts and then found an unlikely ally in a Wellington scientist who blamed it on the roof http://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/rugby /7693146/Roof-turns-Dunedininto-kickers-nightmare Toulon remains unbeaten at the top of the French domestic championship, showing that money can indeed buy happiness for the supporters in South-Eastern France. Toulon has enough superstars to fill two teams and it looks as though they are finally gelling. Perpignan took their home game against Toulouse on the road to Catalan sister city Barcelona and gave the mighty ‘Rouges et Noirs’ a hiding. Meanwhile, the English premiership teams look like they might be playing a

European competition on their own when the current TV deal for the Heineken Cup expires at the end of the 2013-14 season. Greedy fishheads in some office somewhere have apparently signed a deal with BT Vision, whoever that is, seemingly overlooking the fact that there are several parties that need to agree on such things and ending up with egg on their faces as the French, Irish, Scottish, Welsh and Italian unions are all just fine right where they are thank you very much. There’s a big meeting taking place next Tuesday in Dublin to sort out the future of the European club game and hopefully logic and reason will prevail. But all of that is minor compared to the behemoth that is the Heineken and Pizza Pizza Tag League. The opening round of

matches featured some great games of Tag Rugby, with all the teams looking delighted to be back on the field. In a brave statement of intent to dethrone the reigning social monarchs, the Vix Tipsy Turtles, who have already equaled their number of wins from last term by toppling spring season finalists the BCQS Jolly Ranchers, the Scotiabank Red Mist side brought a rooster to the field. It didn’t work though as they couldn’t keep pace with the Turtles. The Turtles in turn couldn’t make it two from two but they did stay strong to the end, showing the Scotiabank Red Mist that they still have a way to go to match the sheer “socialness” of the Vix Tipsy Turtles. The Harriers and the Wahoos both recorded 100% returns, with Rosemon Joseph and Lincoln Outten starring for the respective teams. Outten was named the inaugural ‘Pizza Pizza Player of the Day’ for his 7 tries in two matches and will enjoy a large pizza to share with his team this week as a result. The Navy Seals and Legion of Doom matched the Vix Tipsy Turtles and BCQS Jolly Ranchers with their one win – one loss record, with each of those four teams putting up at least one display of quality Tag rugby to keep all the others on notice. The Trail Try Harders currently help the Scotiabank Red Mist to prop up the table despite pushing the Wahoos close. The Navy Seals’ Barbara Anderson took a nasty turn on her ankle and we all wish her a speedy recovery. Finally, many thanks to Heineken and Pizza Pizza for being such great sponsors of the league, and also to our latest addition of sponsors: The Vix (the Vix Warriors junior rugby club and the Vix Tipsy Turtles), Trail Enterprises (the Trail Stingrays junior girls’ rugby club and the Trail Try Harders), and BCQS (the BCQS Bears junior rugby club and the BCQS Jolly Ranchers), who all join Scotiabank (the Scotiabank Storm junior rugby club and the Scotiabank Red Mist) in supporting the continuing development of Rugby in the TCI. Enjoy The Heineken and Pizza Pizza Tag League Sensibly.

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“I am feeling confident more than ever and I think next year it’s going to be really hard for anybody coming up against me because I will be stronger, I will be much fitter and I will be much faster. Each year READ I grow dayBELOW by day” MORE

WICB hails Lara on Hall of Fame induction ST JOHN'S, Antigua - The West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) has saluted batting legend and world record holder Brian Lara on being inducted into the ICC Hall of Fame. The former West Indies captain joined 15 other West Indian legends in cricket's elite Hall of Fame during the gala ICC Awards event at the Water's

Edge in Sri Lanka on Saturday evening. WICB President Dr Julian Hunte, praised Lara for his contribution to the game and for the role he played as an ambassador for West Indies and Trinidad and Tobago. "Brian Lara is, unquestionably, one of the all-time greats of this

FIFA warns Jamaica after field invasion KINGSTON, Jamaica — The world's governing body for football, FIFA, has reprimanded Jamaica after fans invaded the field following the Reggae Boyz historic win over the United States in a World Cup qualifier in Kingston earlier this month. FIFA has also threatened to penalise the Jamaica Football Federation (JFF) if there is a repeat of the incident which occurred at the National Stadium on September 7. Scores of ecstatic fans scaled a fence on the Bleachers side of the stadium and swarmed the players after Jamaica rebounded to beat the US 2-1, for the first time in 22 outings. JFF president Captain Horace Burrell is promising to beef-up security personnel for future matches. "They have also informed us that if this happens again, very serious sanctions will be taken against Jamaica so let me appeal to spectators not to ever run on to the field," Burrell told reporters in Kingston. "Going forward we will also have a lot more security personnel in that area to prevent it." Some media reports in Kingston have suggested that the pitch

invasion occurred because of a lack of basic security measures which, they say, should have been in place. In 1997, a similar pitch invasion occurred after the Reggae Boyz qualified for the FIFA World Cup of France 1998. "It is a wrong practice because we could be penalised and all our home games moved out of the National Stadium," Burrell warned in reference to the incident on September 7. "If it is felt that invading the field is a threat to the players and the officials, then FIFA would simply ban the National Stadium as a venue for play." Meantime, the person responsible for the Reggae Boyz security for the past 15 years, Robert Finzi-Smith, has accepted blame for the field invasion at the 'Office'. "The field invasion the other day was unfortunate as we didn't anticipate it," said Smith, a former Jamaican soldier and 30-odd-year veteran in security matters. "In retrospect, my thought process was to ensure that people got out of the stadium safely because of the vast crowd. It was my fault and it will never happen again," Smith was quoted in the Jamaica Observer.

glorious game. He brought joy to the hearts of West Indians with his superhuman performances with the bat," Dr Hunte said. "That there is no consensus on which of his innings is his finest is a testimony to his wide array of memorable and historic performances."

During his 17-year international career Lara featured in 131 Tests and 299 ODIs. He totalled 11,953 runs with an average of 52.88 and scored 34 Test centuries and 48 fifties. Dr Hunte also mentioned Lara's captaincy of the West Indies in 2003 when the regional team prevailed over Australia at the Antigua Recreation Ground to set the record for the highest fourth innings run chase in Test cricket. "We join all others across the world as we salute this outstanding ambassador and Caribbean citizen on his due elevation to the ICC Hall of Fame," Dr Hunte said. "We can recall numerous individual performances, including two world records and countless match winning innings including the much celebrated 153 at the Kensington Oval and 277 in Sydney." Lara twice broke the world record for the highest individual Test score, toppling Sir Garfield Sobers' 36-yearold record in 1994 when he made 375 at the Antigua Recreation Ground. Ten years later, Lara returned to the ARG to reclaim the record with an imperious 400 not out against England which remains as the world record.

I will be hard to beat next season -Blake KINGSTON, Jamaica — Reigning 100 metre world champion Yohan Blake has sent out an early warning to his opponents — he will be hard to beat when the new track and field season starts next year. Blake, the Olympic silver medalist in the 100 and 200 metres says he will fix his flaws and be ready in time for the new season. Addressing a news conference in Kingston the 22-year-old Jamaican is signaling his intention to replace his 26-year-old teammate Usain Bolt as the fastest man on the planet. “I am feeling confident more than ever and I think next year it’s going to be really hard for anybody coming up against me because I will be stronger, I will be much fitter and I will be much faster. Each year I grow day by day” said Blake, nicknamed the beast for his work ethic. “Mentally I am good. I have a wonderful coach in Glen Mills. I am not pressured. Looking forward to next year,” said Blake. “What I am supposed to fix I will fix it because I am starting really well now, I am still running strong at the end of the race around 9.69”. During an interview on Jamaican television in late 2008, Bolt named Blake as “a potential threat” to his reign.

Blake won the world championship in Daegu, South Korea, last year after Bolt was disqualified from the final for a false start. He also went on to beat Bolt in the 100m and 200m Olympic trials in June. Blake, who will be 23 in December, says he did not reach his full potential during the sprint finals at the London Olympics. “My true potential was not at the Olympics because if you look back at my races after the Olympics I was running really fast. I was really nervous. If you touch me I would have fallen. That’s how nervous I was but I covered it up pretty well,” said Blake. “It was not an easy stage with thousands of people watching but I performed really well. I know I was not at my best but I learned, even if it was my first time and I got two silver and a gold and I am happy”. Since his return to Jamaica, Blake has been playing cricket, his first love, and recently represented his club Bartley's X1, which scored a 36-run win over Correctional Services. In the match, Blake made a run-aball 20, which included a straight six that cleared the venue and broke the windshield of a car in the parking lot.




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Shaq says Knicks, not Nets, are the team to beat in New York READ MORE ON PAGE 44

Battle lines being drawn in European Rugby

Currently, six teams from England, six teams from France, three each from Wales and Ireland and two each from Scotland and Italy, as well as the winners of the previous year’s Heineken and Amlin Cups, make up the 24-team Heineken Cup competition. But unlike in the Premiership and French Top 14, where teams must finish in the top six to qualify for the Heineken Cup, there is no such condition in the Pro12, and the English clubs want that to change. They want a 20-team competition where the top six finishers in the Pro 12, regardless of which country they are from, qualify alongside the English six, the French six and the previous year’s Heineken and Amlin Cup winners. There would no longer be automatic guarantees of participation for any country’s team. The downside of such a formulation is that it would lessen the European flavor of the Heineken Cup, which the competition is supposed to enhance. The other bone of contention for the English is that the lack of promotion and relegation in the Pro12 means teams are able to rest key players from matches in that competition in order to be at their best for Heineken Cup matches — a luxury the English cannot afford and one they believe gives those other teams an unfair advantage.

WELLINGTON — The future of the Heineken Cup remains in serious doubt as European rugby’s power brokers battle for change. The European Rugby Cup, better known as the E.R.C., was established in 1995 to run the Heineken Cup and the second-tier Amlin Challenge Cup. The E.R.C. comprises representatives from each of the six countries — England, France, Ireland, Italy, Scotland and Wales — whose clubs, provinces and regions are involved in the two competitions. It has rarely been a happy marriage, given the disparate interests of those involved and the greater financial clout wielded by Battle for Europe's future: Leinster, pictured celebrating last season's Heineken Cup win, and Munster have dominated Europe in recent years and Premiership Rugby is aiming to end that English and French clubs compared to their Celtic and Italian counterparts. There have been rumblings of the Top 14 playoffs begin. The English This latest controversy stems from discontent by English and French clubs are unhappy with a qualifying process the English clubs’ announcement last for several months now. for the Heineken Cup that they believe week of their own unilateral four-year The French want the Heineken Cup is weighted in favor of the Irish, Italian, broadcast deal that will see BT Vision to finish in April so their domestic Top Scottish and Welsh teams that play in pay £152 million, or about $247 million, 14 can take precedence in May, when the RaboDirect Pro12 competition. to show Premiership matches starting next season and European fixtures involving Premiership clubs starting in 2014. That follows an announcement in June by English and French clubs that they would quit the Heineken Cup after the competition next season if changes to the format and qualifying criteria of European rugby were not made. The battle lines have been drawn, because the E.R.C. is solely responsible No matter what you think of New York Jets and the time to help them, but somehow still for negotiating broadcast deals for the backup quarterback Tim Tebow, there's no find a way to make a difference. This Heineken and Amlin Cups. It said it had doubt that his "Q" rating is as high as that of hospital is one example of that." lined up its own new four-year contract anyone in the NFL, and his reach with the Cimini concluded his interview by extension with Sky Sports starting in American public has to do with a lot more asking Tebow what he'd like to do after the 2014, worth £70 million — a deal it than football. When a guy with a career game is over for him. claimed the English clubs had agreed to. completion percentage of 47.3 percent and Doing something with my foundation, Premiership Rugby, the umbrella 17 career passing touchdowns has this kind continuing everything we're doing now and, organization for the 12 English of hold on people, something is happening hopefully, expanding, building more Premiership clubs, disputes that, saying outside the game. hospitals, making a difference in people's that when that contract extension was This fact has some speculating that after lives. I want to do that while I'm playing agreed on, it had already given notice his NFL career is over, Tebow would be a football, and I want to do that after I'm done that it would not be in the tournament perfect fit in politics -- it's believed that he playing football. I want to do that until the then. could forward his personal beliefs in one of day I die because I don't look at that as a Its decision to strike a broadcast the few forums that has more of a global profession or a career. I look at that as what Tim Tebow deal on its own is a high-risk strategy reach than the NFL. When ESPN New I want to do with my life. I love doing it. I'm that could yet backfire. York's Rich Cimini asked Tebow about the possibility a natural for it. It had been hoped a meeting of all recently, the third-year quarterback said that it's not out of Each party would love to have Tebow on its side. Several E.R.C. representatives in Dublin on the question. Republicans have praised Tebow's faith-based messages, and Tuesday would bring about some I haven't ruled it out. Whatever avenue I feel like I can President Barack Obama recently called Tebow a "wonderful resolution, but despite what were make a difference in, I'd love to do. I haven't ruled out young man." characterized as “positive” talks, none anything like that. It won't be anytime soon in my future, but "He's got just a great winning attitude," Obama said in of the major issues were resolved. A new it'll be something I'll at least look at and consider one day. August. "He really steps up when things count, but there's meeting has been scheduled for Rome Tebow already has serious charitable interests -his going to be a lot of tension in that situation. So it'll be on Oct. 8. foundation does outreach work in America, the Philippines, interesting to see how it plays out." Should the English and French Haiti and Bangladesh. The Philippines, where Tebow was Obama also said that he wasn't in favor of a quarterback clubs withdraw from the Heineken Cup, born, is of special interest. controversy ... and his advisers most likely told the Prez to severe ramifications would follow for "Probably the hospital we're building right now," Tebow clam up. The last thing he needs with a possible re-election professional rugby in Ireland, Italy, said when asked about his most meaningful charitable effort. coming up is to alienate the fan base of the one person in Scotland and Wales, whose teams "Lord willing, it'll continue to help kids long after I'm gone. America who seems to transcend party lines. depend on the vital revenue stream from That's what I want out of everything that my foundation does. And hey -if former Michigan football star Gerald Ford European rugby to stay afloat. A I want to help kids when I'm no longer here, when I'm dead can become president, who knows what we might see from competition without the French and the and gone. I want to help kids when I don't have the energy Tebow down the road? English is a far less attractive package to broadcasters.

Tim Tebow has not ruled out a future in politics

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England battling against the odds Rarely can the defending champions in any competition have come into a tournament with so little expected of them. Despite winning the last World T20 in the Caribbean in 2010, winning the majority of their T20 games since and a position at the top of both of the rankings in both limited-overs formats, few expect England to retain the trophy. The reasons for that are simple: England have an inglorious record in Asian conditions and several of the architects of that 2010 success have gone. Kevin Pietersen, the Man of the Tournament in the Caribbean, will be in the commentary box while Ryan Sidebottom, the left-arm seamer whose contribution was seen as so vital, and Michael Yardy, who conceded runs at a rate of just 6.80 an over, have gone. So, too, has Paul Collingwood, the only England captain to have led an England team to success in a global event. While Danny Briggs has

replaced Yardy, no left-arm seamer was deemed ready to replace Sidebottom and Stuart Broad remains an inexperienced captain. England's record in Asian conditions is not quite so black and white as some might have you believe. While they were thrashed in the Tests in the UAE earlier this year, it is worth remembering that they bounced back to take both the ODI and T20 series. Similarly, while England were also thrashed in the ODI series in India less than a year ago and endured forgettable ODI World Cups played in Asian conditions - in 1996 and 2011, when they lost to Ireland and Bangladesh - it is worth remembering that in that same tournament they also defeated South Africa and West Indies and tied with the eventual winners, India. This England squad is not hugely experienced. Danny Briggs has bowled just 12 balls in international

T20 cricket, while Jos Buttler and Jonny Bairstow are talented but raw. But it is also worth remembering that they went into the 2010 event with an unproven team - both opening batsmen made their debuts in the first game and a relatively inexperienced captain. Just as on that occasion they required much to go their way, so they will this time. The difference is that this time they are without their most likely match-winner. Despite winning the World T20 in 2010, England have arguably suffered more embarrassment in this format than any Full Member. No team has lost more games - eight - than England in World T20s (though New Zealand and Bangladesh have also lost eight) and, in 2007 and 2009, they failed to progress beyond the last eight. In 2007, England's only victory came against Zimbabwe and they lost all three of their Super Eight games culminating in Yuvraj Singh's thrashing of Broad for

Shaq says Knicks, not Nets, are the team to beat in New York NEW YORK -As the Nets enter their first season in Brooklyn, plenty of New Yorkers are wondering if the Big Apple ever will be a Nets town. Future Hall of Famer Shaquille O'Neal doesn't think so. "No, probably not," O'Neal told ESPNNewYork.com. Looking for more Knicks news? ESPNNewYork.com has you covered. Blog The big man likes what Brooklyn did in the offseason, particularly its re-signing of center Brook Lopez. "Brooklyn got better," he said. O'Neal also thinks the Knicks-Nets rivalry will heat up now that Mikhail Prokhorov's team is in Brooklyn. "The good thing about (New Yorkers) is that they're always excited, they're very competitive," said O'Neal, who attended the Yankees-Tampa Bay Rays game Friday night in the Bronx. "(So) I'm looking for the Nets-Knicks rivalry to amp up a little bit more this year." Prokhorov, the Nets' owner, stirred up things in the East River rivalry recently when he called Knicks owner James Dolan "that little man" in a New York Magazine article. The Knicks and Nets have engaged in a publicity war this offseason. They face off Nov. 1 at the new Barclays Center in both teams' regular-season opener. O'Neal thinks the Knicks' stars, Carmelo Anthony and Amare Stoudemire, need to take things "more personally" to succeed against the defending NBA champion Miami Heat. "I think when Carmelo plays against LeBron (James) and (Dwyane Wade), he should take it personally, like he's always talked about last (among the three). When Amare plays against (Chris) Bosh, he should take it personally," O'Neal said. "That's what I always used to do. I played against guys, I used to take it personally that you're not talking about me. "They need to do that. In order to beat Miami, they've got to." O'Neal said Anthony and Stoudemire have played "OK" in their season and a half together in New York. The Knicks have a sub-.500 record

Future Hall of Famer Shaquille O'Neal

in games in which Anthony and Stoudemire have started. "They've done OK. But in New York, OK is not good enough," O'Neal said. "In order to have a legitimate 1-2 punch, OK is not good enough. "(Kobe) Bryant and Shaq, we were OK in 1997, '98, '99. But it just wasn't good enough. And then we both decided to become a little bit more aggressive, more dominant and it was OK." O'Neal also said that Knicks great Patrick Ewing made the right decision when he turned down the Knicks' offer to coach its D-League affiliate, the Erie Bayhawks. According to a source, Ewing turned down the job because he wanted to remain in the NBA and, as an eightyear NBA assistant, he felt slighted by the offer. "I think Pat made the correct decision not going to the D-League," O'Neal said. "He's done a lot for the organization and he wants to be a professional (NBA) coach. You have to look at the situation and say to yourself, 'Jacque Vaughn (the new Orlando Magic coach) gets a job before me?' "So Pat did the correct thing. Hopefully one day a slot will open up for him."

36 in an over in Durban. They fared little better in 2009 when they were beaten by Netherlands at Lord's, though England did defeat eventual winners Pakistan and India before they were eliminated. In 2010 they emerged from the group stages despite failing to win a match - they were beaten by West Indies and probably saved by the rain against Ireland - but then won their next five games to secure the trophy. England have won 15 of their last 20 completed T20 games and are currently rated No.1 in the official ICC T20 rankings. They have not lost a series of more than one game since the World T20 of 2009 and, of the six T20s they have played this year, England have won four. They have only played one T20 in Asia (against India in Kolkata), which they won, while in vaguely similar conditions - in the UAE - they won two of their three T20s against Pakistan.

Wimbledon loss inspired Andy Murray Andy Murray has said the support he received following his Wimbledon final defeat this summer has inspired him to push for the world number one spot. Speaking at a special homecoming event in Dunblane, Murray revealed it had made him want to start training hard again soon after the loss. The world No 3 added that now was a good time for him "to try and push on". The tennis star described the backing he got after the "tough" Wimbledon loss to Roger Federer as "amazing". He told BBC Scotland: "I know that the support I got after I lost at Wimbledon was something that I hadn't really experienced before. "It made me want to get back in the gym and start training hard again. "When I had lost in big finals before, I hadn't wanted to get back in the gym - I struggled with motivation for a while afterwards." The US Open champion and Olympic gold medallist said he had not set a timescale to try to reach the World No 1 spot. "Every player that is near the top of any sport would want to be number one in the world," he said. "I know how hard it is going to be to get there. I can't have tournaments where I am losing in the first round or being inconsistent for three or four months at a time. "I am going to have to play consistently well for the whole year - but with the way Wimbledon, the Olympics and now the US Open went, this is a good time for me to try and push on. "If I can have a good finish to the year, I'll set myself up for a shot at that early in next year." Murray was speaking as thousands of fans turned out on the streets of his hometown of Dunblane to celebrate his summer of success. Earlier he had arrived on an open-top bus before taking part in a walkabout to sign autographs. Praising those who turned up, he added: "I had no idea what to expect when I woke up this morning you just never know because I have never done anything like that before. "It was fairly overwhelming. I couldn't believe how many people were there. They stayed for four or five hours almost, and it was raining pretty hard at times as well."



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