VOLUME 8 No. 04
FOR LAND DEAL Website: www.suntci.com
Email: sun@suntci.com
Fifteen persons, many of them prominent citizens of the Turks and Caicos Islands, have been taken to court by the Attorney General and the Civil Recovery Unit, for their involvement in a major land deal. The individuals are Samuel Lightbourne Snr., Percy Williams, Enos Gardiner, Christoval Williams, Wendal Swann, Albert Grant, Chris Stubbs, Sydrin Pratt, Tom Lightbourne (deceased), Oswald Williams, Conrad Howell, Edith Cooper, Ivy Cunningham, James O. Rigby and Claridge Wilson. They are equal shareholders in a company called Holiday Resorts Development Limited, which was incorporated in July 1996 and which had plans to develop a tourist village that would have included condominiums/villas, a hotel, a marina, a convention, a gambling casino, a horse track and an industrial area on 100 acres of land that is part of the Pigeon Pond and Frenchman’s Creek Nature Reserve, which is located close to Silly Creek and Chalk Sound and has a view of West Caicos. In a writ of summons that was filed in the Supreme Court of the Turks and Caicos Islands on November 24, 2011, the Attorney General along with the Civil Recovery Unit is claiming that the land was obtained by deceit, and that the company and its officials made representations to the Government which it knew to be false and which caused the land to be transferred to them. The 15 individuals and their company are also being accused of unjust enrichment. According to the court documents which were released the media by CRU head Laurence Harris, of the English law firm Edwards Wildman, the shareholders and the company received freehold title to the land without making any payments and unjustly enriched themselves at the expense of the Turks and Caicos Islands Government. “It was, and is, unconscionable for the (company and shareholders) to acquire and retain the land and/or any benefits accruing to it by reason of interests in the land,” the court documents stated. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
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The controversial land that is part of the Pigeon Pond and Frenchman’s Creek Nature Reserve, which is located close to Silly Creek and Chalk Sound and has a view of West Caicos, which can be seen in the background with the buildings.
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15 in court for land deal (CONT’D CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
In outlining the background to the case, the court documents revealed that the company and its shareholders initially presented a development proposal to Derek Taylor-led People’s Democratic Movement (PDM) in August 1996, which entailed developing a site of around 300 acres in and around West Harbour Bluff. They were informed later that year by TCIG that it would need to find an alternative site for its proposal as the proposed site fell within the Nature Reserve. In 1997, they made amendments to their proposal and held meetings with representatives of TCIG. However, representatives of TCIG remained concerned over the prospect of protected areas of land being developed for commercial purposes. In April 1998, TCIG's Chief Scientific Officer inaccurately advised TCInvest that the Defendant's proposal did not entail developing an area that fell within the Nature Reserve, although the advice also raised concerns over the development of an area in close proximity to the Nature Reserve. Following the advice provided by the Chief Scientific Officer, Executive Council (ExC0) granted approval in principle for the Defendant's proposal to proceed. This approval was communicated by TCInvest to the Defendant on 19 May 1998. By mid 1998, TCIG had received complaints from the Turks and Caicos National Trust that approval in principle had been given for the development of a section of the Nature Reserve. Furthermore, TCInvest had raised concerns as to whether the area should be developed and whether the Defendant would be able to properly finance the development. In August 1998, meetings took place between John Steer, the Senior Crown Counsel for Commercial matters within the Attorney General's Chambers, and the company Holiday Resort Development, whereat a possible option agreement was discussed that would provide the company with an opportunity to put together a detailed development plan. Around the same time, the company raised the idea of constructing a road from the Millennium Highway to the development site, whereby Government would be compensated by receiving a plot of land. In October 1999, Mr Steer was replaced as Senior Crown Counsel for Commercial matters within the Attorney General's Chambers by Marsha Cummings. DEVELOPMENT SCALED DOWN By May 2001, ExCo had approved TCIG executing the Agreement with the company. However, when the Agreement was sent to the company for signature, they complained that it did not provide for the development of land on Silly Cay. Ms Cummings confirmed to the Defendant that Silly Cay would not be included in any agreement and requested that the company sign the Agreement and make the necessary payment of $25,000 if it wished to proceed. No further correspondence took place between the company and TCIG until June 2002, when the company expressed its desire to proceed with the Agreement on the terms previously offered in May 2001. Notwithstanding the concerns over the land designated in the Agreement and the lack of any change to the boundary of the Nature Reserve, the Agreement was executed on 24 July 2002. The primary purpose of the Agreement was to ensure that the Crown
did not dispose of any part of a onehundred acre plot within parcel 60300 (which also contained the Land) that the company was interested in purchasing and developing. Under the Agreement, the company made an upfront payment of $25,000 in consideration for the TCIG's agreement not to dispose of the affected land. The Agreement also provided the company with an option to purchase a fifty acre plot within parcel 60300 if certain conditions were met (the Option). The conditions of the Option were as follows: * Within three months of signing the Agreement, the company was to arrange for the survey of the fifty acre site which the company wished to purchase, the location of which had to be approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources and which in any event had to be outside the area of the National Park. * Within six months of signing the Agreement, the company was to produce a land use plan and conduct an environmental impact assessment in respect of the 100 acre plot, which was to be approved by the Department of Planning and Department of Environment and Coastal Resources. * Within a year of signing the Agreement, the company was to produce a development proposal for the fifty acre plot, which was to be approved in principle by the Crown and TCIG. * Within three years of signing the Agreement, the company was to submit an application for, obtain approval for, and construct, a road (the Road) connecting the Land to the Millenium Highway. The standard of the Road was to be approved by the Department of Planning and the Chief Engineer and was to be not less than the standard required for the construction of the Millennium Highway. * Within three years of signing the Agreement, the company was to supply the Crown and TCIG such other information as the Crown and TCIG reasonably required to satisfy themselves that the company had the necessary technical and financial capabilities to carry out the development. The 50 acre plot that was to be transferred under the Option was to be sold at a price of $30,000 per acre, minus the proper and reasonable costs incurred by the company in constructing the Road to the proper standard. The Agreement also contained a clause whereby if the company failed to comply with any of the terms of the Agreement within the time limits set out, the Agreement would automatically terminate and the Crown and TCIG would be released from all obligations arising under it. On 22 October 2002, the company sent a letter to the Chief Minister which stated that it had completed the physical survey of the 100 acre site and demarcated the 50- acre parcel out of it. The letter also said that the company was seeking to develop the land use plan for the 100 acre site. CONSTRUCTION OF ROAD WITHOUT PERMISSION The company made an attempt to begin construction of the Road in 2002 without planning permission. Consequently, TCIG informed the company on 12 December 2002 that it should cease construction of the Road whilst it obtained the proper planning permission. In early 2003, the company submitted a planning application for the construction of The Road. This application made clear that parts of the Road would encroach into the Nature Reserve. On 21 March 2003, the Physical Planning Board (PPB) granted conditional approval for the construction
of the Road. Amongst other things, this required the Road to be "constructed of well-compacted fill and asphalt surfaced". The company arranged for a company called Cove Construction Ltd (Cove) to begin construction of the Road in early 2004. Cove provided services throughout 2004, much of which was the leasing out of D8 bulldozers to roughly cut out the path of the Road. However, the construction work that was carried out did not produce a road of the standard required in the Agreement or the standard required by the PPB. The company did not arrange for the survey of a fifty acre plot outside of the National Park and the land, which was ultimately acquired by the company, remains within the Nature Reserve. The company did not, within six months of the Agreement, conduct an environmental impact assessment in respect of the 100 acre plot, which was approved by the Department of Planning and Department of Environment and Coastal Resources. Although the company part— constructed the road, it was not constructed to the same standard as the Millennium Highway and the road was not completed within the time frame specified in the Agreement, namely three years from entry into the Agreement; The company arranged for Cove to push through the path of the 6.3 miles of Road with a bulldozer in 2004. Cove also charged for the upgrading of a 3.5 mile stretch of the Road so as to make it suitable for vehicles. However, Cove did not provide services so as to construct the entire 6.3 mile stretch of Road to the standard required by the Agreement and the PPB. Cove sent an invoice to the company dated 7 September 2005 a total of just under $140,000 for the work it had carried out, much of which remains unpaid. In a letter to the Minister of Natural Resources on 13 January 2005, the Defendant represented that it had carried out 7 % miles of road works. However, much of the Road had only been pushed through (i.e. flattened to make way for vehicles) for a 6.3 mile length. The Road remains under 7 miles in length. ROAD NOT APPROVED The Road was not approved by the Department of Planning or the Chief Engineer and was not constructed to the standard required for the construction of the Millennium Highway, nor was it constructed in accordance with the conditional approval of the PPB. The Road has simply been pushed through with a bulldozer and has a surface consisting of crushed compacted limestone, which washes out easily and results in a poor quality surface: it is not asphalt surfaced. The road was not geometrically designed either vertically or horizontally, nor was any drainage mechanism accounted for. In a letter to the Chief Minister dated 31 May 2005, the company represented that it had completed the 'preliminary road as required by [the Agreement]". The company also requested at this time that the Land be transferred, and represented that the overall costs of constructing the Road would be in excess of $1.5 million. At this time, the company had incurred costs of under $140,000 (much of which it had not paid). In March 2007, the Chief Engineer was asked to provide a price estimate for works on the Road that would bring it up to the standard necessary in accordance with the Agreement. This estimate was prepared by the Senior Resident Engineer on Providenciales, Mr Herrol Sadler. Mr Sadler estimated that it would
cost $1,703,856 to construct the Road to a suitable standard and included provision for "site clearance, cut and fill using D8 dozer to suitable gradients, importation of suitable quarry fill and road base construction to include rolling and grading". The estimate was broken down into two parts: firstly, site clearance and bulk earthworks, which was estimated to cost $299,376; secondly, imported quarry base, which was estimated to cost $1,404,480. At the time the estimate was given, the company had only arranged for items falling within the first part of the estimate (i.e. some site clearance and bulk earthworks), which was the work undertaken by Cove. No work in respect of the base of the Road had been undertaken, nor was it undertaken subsequently. On 6 June 2007, the Minister of Natural Resources, which was by this date McAllister Hanchell, wrote to the company indicating that the Chief Engineer had certified that the cost of the works on the Road were in the amount of $1,703,856, and as this exceeded the value of the Land, the Defendant had been given approval to draw down on the Land. The company proceeded to draw down on the Land notwithstanding that it had not incurred costs of over $140,000 in constructing the Road and notwithstanding the fact that it was in breach of the Agreement, by virtue of which the Agreement had terminated. On 11 January 2008, the company was registered as the owner of the freehold interest in the Land. At the date of registration, the Land remained within the Nature Reserve. No payment was made by the company in respect of the Land. Instead, the consideration was alleged to have been provided for by way of construction of the Road in accordance with the Agreement. According to the Agreement, the price of the Land amounted to $1,500,000, being 50 acres at $30,000 per acre. The company was entitled to deduct the proper and reasonable costs it incurred in constructing the Road, which it represented to be $1,703,856. On that basis, the company was left with nothing to pay for the Land. On 20 May 2011, Edwards Wildman Palmer UK LLP (Edwards Wildman) wrote to the company on behalf of TCIG requesting certain information relating to the transfer of the Land; On or before 25 July 2011, a representative of the company, Tanya Parnell, contacted the Governor's Office with regard to the proposed development. The Governor's Office informed the company that Edwards Wildman would be in touch with the Defendant; On 25 July 2011, Edwards Wildman again wrote to the company on behalf of TCIG chasing a response to its letter dated 20 May 2011; On the same date, Laurence Harris, a Partner in Edwards Wildman, emailed Ms Parnell indicating that TCIG was awaiting a reply to a letter that had been sent to the company in May and that a further letter had been sent chasing a response. Ms Pamell responded the same day to say she had informed the directors of the company, and was "certain they will attempt to respond asap"; The Government is arguing that the Agreement therefore terminated prior to the Transfer having taken place. Accordingly, at the time the transfer did not take place, the neither Crown nor TCIG had any obligation to transfer the Land to the Defendant. They are saying that the Crown was no longer obliged to transfer the Land under the terms of the Agreement at the time the Transfer took place, nor was it obliged to allow for the deduction of any costs incurred in constructing the Road by the company.
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Disruption of meeting with Filipinos condemned by Consultative Forum Chairperson Chairperson of the Consultative Forum Lillian Misick has strongly criticised a group of individuals who disrupted a meeting which was held Thursday night with some Filipinos to discuss the pathway to citizenship in the Turks and Caicos Islands. The SUN understands that the Filipinos were terrified when their meeting was stalled by some concerned Turks and Caicos Islanders who felt it was wrong to have two separate meetings with different groups to discuss the serious matter of citizenship. However, Misick said the disruption of the meeting at the Graceway Sports Centre “by a small mob of TC Islanders manifested the kind of belligerent ignorance that we simply cannot tolerate”. She added: “It was unfair to the Filipinos who duly heeded the Forum’s admonition to register for this meeting and paid out of their pockets to organize it – just as groups of TC Islanders have done without any fuss
or controversy. And it was disrespectful to the Forum members who signed on to lead tonight’s discussions – just as other members have done without any fuss or controversy.” Misick said no member of the interim administration and, in particular, no member of the Consultative Forum has ever promoted or even suggested that there should be separate meetings for locals and expats. She added: “In fact I was so disappointed that so few locals were participating in the national questionnaire on the pathway to citizenship that I issued a national plea just weeks ago for more of our people to not only fill out those questionnaires, but also register with the Forum if, like the Filipinos and other groups, they felt the need for more information and guidance in this respect. So the only reason there were two meetings scheduled is that a group of locals decided to shun the process
that is being facilitated by the Forum. This of course is their right. But they are the ones who decided to separate themselves from the process, which makes any claim that the interim administration is conducting one set of meetings for locals and one set for expats as fatuous as it is mischievous.” Misick said it would be one thing if this were the first time a group of TC Islanders has decided to duplicate (or arguably undermine) the efforts of the Forum to inform and engage our people on an issue of national importance. But, she stressed, this is only the latest manifestation of a “strain of anti-government, anti-Forum bias that has been doing nothing but sowing discord not just between locals and expats, but also amongst ourselves”. The Consultative Forum chairperson added: “It is often said that a lie can make it around the world before the truth gets out of the door. Far too often this has been the case in our beloved country. The sad thing is
Chairperson of the Consultative Forum Lillian Misick
that our own people are invariably the ones propagating those lies and we are the only ones being hurt by them. Alas, there is nothing the governor or I can do to stop people from rumormongering under fake names on the Internet. But the governor can do more to stop this kind of mob-like behaviour, and I urge him to take all necessary steps to do so. For my part, I can only beg our people to consider the source of their information before acting on it. Because, instead of being proud of what happened tonight, all sensible TC Islanders should feel nothing but shame. I know the vast majority of us do.”
Labour Tribunal has hectic schedule It appears that the year 2012 will be another extremely busy year for the Labour Tribunal, as almost every day at least until the end of February; it will be convened to hear disputes between employees and their bosses. The first case heard this year was between Nadedge Parker and Air Turks and Caicos, which had a full hearing on January 10. That case continued on January 11 and will resume at a later date. The case between Calvert Lightbourne and the Turks and Caicos Islands Airports Authority had its preliminary issues ironed out on January 11, and should be decided on a later date as to whether or not it will go forward. The case brought by ex-Regent Palms employee
French tourist dies while diving Shortly after 9.30am on Thursday January 26, a 55-year-old French tourist was rushed to the emergency department of the Cheshire Hall Medical Centre following a diving incident off Provo. The patient was brought to shore by boat and met by an ambulance, with paramedics administering treatment throughout the journey. Intensive treatment was continued by a team of highly-skilled doctors and nurses at the hospital, but sadly this proved unsuccessful and the man was pronounced dead just after 10am. A post mortem will now be held to determine the cause of death.
Jamy Williams was settled on January 11 after both parties reach a consensus. Two matter involving Dayna Wallace and the National Health Insurance Board (NHIB) had two hearings – on January 17 and 18 – and should continue at a later date. The Marie Pena versus Tibor Machine Shop matter continued on January 24, and should resume on February 1. The preliminary hearing was held in the matter between Dreffiane Laquere and Albert’s Cleaning Services and co-respondent Parrot Cay Resort on January 25, while there was a continuation of the Moise Hitcher versus Provo Landscaping matter on the say day, and will later be heard on February 9. A full hearing will be held on January 31, in the matter between Rodin St. Louis and Express Water. Preliminary Issues between Winfield Alexander and the Veranda Resort Management Services will also be held on January 31.
The continuation of the case between Richard Santos and Murabella Spa will have its continuation on February 7, while on February 8, there will be three matters; the direction hearing of Eddie Silver versus Tortog Airways, the preliminary issues of Cecilla Vasquez versus E and L Beauty Salon, which will continue on February 15, and another preliminary issues matter between Ezionne Michel and others versus Executive Cleaning. On February 9, the court will begin preliminary issues between Lorieuse Higgs and Beaches Resort and Spa. Later that day the court will hear the matter between Marie Romeo versus Lee Forbes. A full hearing will be held in the Ruben Missick versus the Windsong Resort matter on February 14, and will continue on February 21. Over three days – February 22, 28 and 29 - the Labour Tribunal will hear the case involving Cheryl Shand versus Caicos Holdings Television LTD, the trading name for WIV.
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WHO ARE THEY TRYING TO FOOL NOW? I have been trying as best that works done. I can to find some semblance This method of payment of fairness or objectivity in the in land for works done was civil recovery process that is to no stranger to TCIG. Now all the benefit of Turks and of a sudden, the value of the Caicos Islanders. It is all well works was undervalued and and good for the team to be both the government and the saying that they would be company made a mistake as getting to the root of things so to the obligations being met. as to root out corruption that This is so stupid, to say the has reared its ugly head in a least! Every deal that was for number of areas. However, as the benefit of Turks and things progress, we see a clear Caicos Islanders was wrong pattern emerging is that Turks according to the Interim and Caicos Islanders are the Regime and its cohorts. corrupt ones, while the expats It is clear, according to have made a mistake so only these people that every need to have their wrists Attorney General and slapped a bit! Government of the past was The last legitimately elected shortsighted when it came to ROYAL ROBINSON government did all that it could ensuring that Turks and CONTRIBUTER to assist the operators of the Caicos Islanders got a fair Shore Club project in every way possible so that it shake. How come they could unearth so much could come to fruition. The Commission of Inquiry wrongdoing on the part of Turks and Caicos “flagged” a number of issues with respect to it and Islanders and none on the part of foreigners? No Wetherell did all in his powers to keep it in a stalled matter how you carve it up, that must be an position. impossible situation. Eventually a deal was cut and the operators They are now throwing in this red herring about were required to pay some undisclosed some sum Turks and Caicos Islanders “unjustly enriching” to put them in the “clear”. But two Turks and Caicos themselves through the granting to them of Crown Islanders that had provided some of the land on land. So when an expatriate obtains Crown land, which the project is being built, Clyde Robinson and subdivides it or sell it in bulk and makes a profit it Richie Arthur are still being pursued for criminal is sound business practice! But when a Turks and wrongdoing. It is a clear indication that this is Caicos Islander does the same it is a corrupt practice nothing more than an “us against them” situation. If and should be frowned upon and the land and it is tainted for one, then it must be tainted for all! whatever profits made must be returned to the In 1996, 15 Turks and Caicos Islanders came Crown! These are the actions that create the together to form a company so that they could atmosphere in which riots and unrest breed. We develop a hotel project in Providenciales. They got have to call these people out for what they are doing the requisite approvals and began to proceed as best to us. The more we keep quiet, it gives them the they could at the time. power to continue down this path of They were required to build a road from disenfranchising Turks and Caicos Islanders. Millennium Highway, opening up and giving access This nonsense of marginalizing Turks and to other Crown Land. A valuation of the works was Caicos Islanders raised its ugly head during the done and it was determined that it had a value of process of consulting on the pathway to Turks and some $1.5M. 50 acres of land was transferred from Caicos Islands citizenship. There is no doubt that the Crown to the company as compensation for the persons coming to our shores and wanting to be part
Turks and Caicos Sun Suite # 5, Airport Plaza Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands Tel: (649) 946-8542/ (649) 241-1510 Fax: (649) 941-3281 Email: sun@suntci.com Read us online at www.suntci.com
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Hayden Boyce Senior Editor: Vivian Tyson Web Designer: Patrina Moore-Pierre Graphics Editor: Joleen Grant Office Manager: Dominique Rigby Distribution Manger: Kelano Howell Advertising and Marketing ManagerPatrina Moore-Pierre
The Turks and Caicos SUN is a subsidiary of The SUN Media Group Ltd. We are committed to excellence in journalism, educating and informing our readers, serving and satisfying our advertisers and assisting in the overall development of the Turks and Caicos Islands.
of our community are impacted by whatever policies or laws with respect to that. However, to say that they must be part of the consultation process makes an absolute nonsense to put it mildly. Who and how they qualify for our status must at all times be left up to us and no other group or persons. Can I as a Turks and Caicos Islander go to the United States and tell them on what terms and conditions that I should be granted citizenship? The answer must be a resounding NO! The Americans make their rules and if we cannot abide by them, either we leave or they kick us out. I sure that you have seen parents sent to their country of origin while their children continue to be citizens once they were born there. Those are their rules that they have set up. Others grumble and moan about them, but unless and until the Americans decide to change them, they will remain as is! When the immigration advisor is going to participate in the division of our people from what is ours, I must question her motive and the integrity of the final outcome of the consultation. That is why it was good that quite a number of persons cried foul as well as attending the meeting set for “us” in Providenciales. We have to assert ourselves, otherwise these people would continue to try and run rough shod over us. I certainly think that a consensus is being arrived at as to the process for persons to be able to obtain Turks and Caicos Islands citizenship. The pathway is becoming clear, transparent and unambiguous. Those Turks and Caicos Islanders that have come to the fore to make their views known, I certainly congratulate you! Do not now sit on your laurels. The fight for the heart and soul of our country has only just begun! Stay the course! He that endures to the end shall be saved! • Royal Robinson was a former Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance and Health in the Progressive National Party (PNP) Administration.
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Governor says NIB must pay TCIG $10million despite their objection Governor Ric Todd says he has taken the decision that $10 million should be paid from the National Insurance Board (NIB) to the Turks and Caicos Islands Government (TCIG) to compensate government for the provision of medical care for employment related injuries since 1992, although the NIB still does not agree to make a payment from its Employment Injury Benefit Branch’s surplus to TCIG, or the amount to be paid. In a lengthy statement on the controversial matter, Governor Todd said he intends to make a law, the sole purpose of which is to ensure that this one time transfer can take place. “I have also put to the NIB my willingness to discuss an amendment to the NIB Ordinance to permit, in appropriately defined circumstances, a transfer between the sub funds of NIB. The NIB has also rejected this proposal, responding that it sees no immediate urgency to do so. I accept this, but I remain willing to keep this offer open to the NIB for a short period if they do wish to fulfill, in part, their own actuary’s recommendation,” Todd said. “Any statement or suggestion that this transfer constitutes “taking money from the people’s pension funds” is false. The money is not being taken from the LTPF, which is wholly unaffected by this transfer.” The Governor said that the proposal to transfer USD$10 million from the NIB to TCIG has regrettably been the subject of “ill-informed and often incorrect comment”, adding that the public has been “unnecessarily alarmed by false statements, for example that the transfer is from “their pension fund”. He said the National Insurance Ordinance divides the NIB Fund into three sub funds called benefit branches which are: the Long Term Benefits Branch (LTBF) from which pensions are paid; the Short Term Benefits Branch (STBB) from which payments such as maternity and sickness benefits are paid; and, the Employment Injury Benefits Branch (EIBB) from which injury, disablement and related
benefits are paid. According to the Governor, the EIBB is further divided into two reserve funds and under the law, these three sub funds must operate independently of each other but are described under the umbrella title of the National Insurance Fund and collectively managed by the National Insurance Board (NIB). He said that money contributed to each of these three fund branches can only be transferred from one branch to another, if there is a temporary insufficiency in any one branch and only then on a temporary basis (regulation 4(1) of the National Insurance (Finance and Accounting) Regulations). Todd said the NIB and NHIB Actuaries agree that in the Employment Injury Benefit Branch (EIBB) there is a surplus of well over USD$20 million. As already indicated, by law, he added, this surplus cannot be transferred to any other branch of the NIB Fund: the money in each must be used only for the purpose for which it was collected. “However since 2009 the NIB has a statutory obligation to transfer from the EIBB to the NHIB funds which are actuarially assessed transfers to compensate the NHIB for medical services to beneficiaries arising from employment injury and occupational disease (Section 24(2)(e) of the NHIB Ordinance). By law the NIB was obliged to transfer to TCIG from 1992 – 2009 sums collected under the EIBB to pay for the cost to TCIG of medical services provided free of charge to employed persons covered by the NIB (set out in International Labour Organisation recommendation 194) for employment injuries or occupational disease. These costs cover medical services that go much wider than just accidents in the workplace. They will include the treatment for injuries and illnesses that may build up over years of working in circumstances that, over a sustained period, are not conducive to good health. However, it is agreed that inadequacies in medical records over the past 20 years make it near
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impossible to establish precisely, on the basis of documentation, what the verifiable claims are and how much money the NIB owes to TCIG,” Todd stated. He said the NHIB Actuary has estimated that the sum owed is at least USD$10 million, adding that the NIB Actuary has not provided an estimate to cover the period since 1992, but has set out in Section 5.8 of the 6th Actuarial Review of the National Insurance Fund carried out on 31 March 2010, the following: “Section 49 of the NI Ordinance provides for the NI Fund to transfer to the Government amounts considered appropriate to cover costs associated with the care and treatment of insured persons injured due to job related accidents and illnesses.” According to the Governor, in the past, such transfers have been minimal. With the introduction of the National Health Insurance Plan (NHIP) the NHIB, which administers the NHIP, has requested an annual transfer to cover the costs associated with the care of NIB insured who suffer work-related injuries and who access care at facilities managed by Interhealth Canada. Given the mechanism by which the NHIP is being financed, no bills are produced for specific services provided. Also, the health care facility may not even know that the patient being treated is someone ordinarily covered by the NIB. The Governor continued: “Estimates of the likely cost of treating job related injuries and illnesses have been made on and range from $50,000 per year to over $500,000 per year. While such costs are difficult to estimate given that not every injury claim will lead to medical treatment and one severe injury could result in medical care costs that exceed $500,000, informed estimates using comparisons of costs in other countries may be useful. The Caribbean country with health care costs most similar to the TCI is The Bahamas. At the Bahamas NIB, Medical Care costs are around 5 times the amount paid in Injury benefits. Applying this factor to Injury benefit costs in the TCI would suggest Medical Care costs at around $568,000. Therefore, the $500,000 transfer for the current year may not be an unreasonable amount.” He said that even though, on the basis of this country comparator of 5 times the amount paid in Injury benefits, the estimated total over a 17 year period would amount to slightly
less than US$10 million, the NIB still disagrees with the NHIB actuary’s assessment of US$10 million. “It also argues that an appropriate transfer of USD$837,000 to TCIG to cover the entire 17 year period from 1992-2009 has already been made,” said Todd. “This is clearly a gross underestimate of the amount owed to TCIG. Instead of paying an appropriate amount to the public purse, the NIB’s Employment Injury Branch has, since 1992, amassed a very significant USD$20 million surplus. Much of this is money that should have been paid to TCIG. However, we now have better information available to TCIG from which to determine an appropriate payment and it would be wrong and irresponsible to ignore this. Nevertheless, NIB has rejected my proposal to reach an agreement using the NHIB’s actuary’s estimate and the NIB’s actuarial assessment (above) as the basis from which to try to reach a decision.” He said the Advisory Council and the Consultative Forum have discussed this issue and there has also been a range of informal consultations including, at my request, with representatives of the Advisory Council, the Consultative Forum, the NHIB and the NIB to work towards an agreement. “In fact, I have met NIB five times to discuss this matter and I have considered their written representations. Regrettably, the NIB still do not agree to make a payment from its Employment Injury Benefit Branch’s surplus to TCIG, or the amount to be paid. Accordingly, I have reluctantly concluded that there is no realistic prospect of agreement being reached. This presents me with a serious problem, which has to be resolved and which I have a responsibility to resolve. My conclusion is that the clear intention of the Law is that agreement should be reached between NIB and the Governor on the amount of money that should be transferred from EIBB to TCIG. However, it has not proved possible, despite repeated attempts, to reach agreement on the full amount owed since 1992. I very much regret this. Given this lack of agreement, and taking into account the NHIB actuarial advice and the NIB actuarial assessment that for 2010 alone Medical Care costs would have been US$568,000, I have had no alternative but to take a decision on how large the transfer should be.”
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Chuck Hesse fired from Conch Farm BY VIVIAN TYSON SUN SENIOR EDITOR
Charles “Chuck” Hesse has been fired from his chairmanship position and as a director of the Conch Farm by Trade Winds Industries – the management company that runs the farm - for what the organization claimed were costly business decisions into which he and others had entered, and which almost resulted in the confiscation of the property. Hesse was not the only casualty of the house-cleaning, as the slate of the entire board of directors was wiped clean. The new board of directors comprised Chairman John Hartley; Dave Bozzer, Chief Financial Officer; new CEO Richard Berke; Shaun Malcolm; and marine biologist George Nardi. Nardi, according to Berke, is considered as one of the USA’s most knowledgeable marine biologists in the field of fish husbandry. After being relieved of his managing duties, Hesse, Berke said, was offered a paid position at the farm, but he refused the offer. The new CEO of the Conch Farm indicated also that staff members had been owed money, and the new board of directors was attempting to determine which former staff members had not been paid, how much and what other debts were outstanding.
Berke said that Hesse and other investors borrowed money from the failed TCI Bank to establish Conch World – a tourism incursion on Grand Turk for cruise ship passengers. The sum borrowed, according to the company’s lawyer Norman Saunders Jr., was $3 million. Berke said the Conch Farm on Provo was used as collateral to secure the loan for the Grand Turk project, saying that when the bank collapsed, both entities – Conch World and the Conch Farm - became subjects for confiscation by the provisional liquidators. “In June of 2010, the provisional liquidators for the TCI Bank announced in writing their intention to foreclose on a past due loan that had been made to Conch World in Grand Turk. Chuck Hesse and some other local investors had borrowed money to create an excursion on Grand Turk for the cruise ship terminal. “So, when the provisional liquidators at the TCI Bank announced that they were going to call the loan, there was not only the risk of losing Conch World on Grand Turk, which is the borrower, but they were also threatening to take the rest of the assets,” Berke pointed out. Berke continued: “At that time in 2010, a new lender stepped forward, and that lender bought the note from TCI Bank. And that time that lender bought some stock in TWI (Trade Winds Industries). That lender also provided some additional funds for some operations.”
Berke told The SUN that for the past 20 months, he had worked with Hesse to develop a new business plan for the Conch Farm, and the directors would be overjoyed to have him back to work at the facility to make the plan become a reality. The new Conch Farm CEO said that the stockholders replaced the board with another group of professionals with the intention of developing a commercial fish farm in conjunction with the Conch Farm in Provo. “Chuck has remained the most knowledgeable person in the world about conch-farming, and the board of directors would like to employ chuck at the farm, but he has rejected our offers. “As I am sure you realized, we can’t survive on tourism alone, and we don’t have any prospective industries in the Turks and Caicos Islands right now that have the potential to employ any significant number of people. Commercial fish-farming and aquaculture is the future. “One of the advantages of growing fish and processing fish in the Turks and Caicos Islands is that you don’t need to train Turks and Caicos Islanders on how to handle seafood. They have been doing it all their lives, so, it does not require training a lot of new people. It will create some very good jobs; long term jobs and decent pay. And this is an opportunity for the TCI to diversify its financial base, which could help the country,” Berke pointed out. He said that the board was at the final stage of its fundraising efforts and by the end of June, preparation for the
new project should ram into gear beginning with the renovation of the facility. “The new project is expected to grow fish for local consumption and export, and the project is expected to employ 75 people. The new directors are serving on a voluntary basis; they are not paid and they don’t have a financial interest in TWI. With the exception of the marine biologist, the people on the board are all local residents, who all agreed to serve with the purpose of developing this project,” he revealed. Berke said the Conch Farm was initially damaged by the dredging of the Leeward channel, which was later compounded by the passage of Hurricane Ike. Both events, he said, caused the destruction of most of the inventory including eggs. He said that the facility still remained in operation and was getting tours six days a week. He said the TWI now has freehold title for the Conch Farm, which was signed off by former governor Gordon Wetherell in 2010. Hesse, in a past interview with The SUN, complained that he had put in a request for the acquisition of land on which the Conch Farm sits, but the proposition was ignored by successive administrations. Efforts to reach Hesse for a comment on his axing from the top position proved futile, as his attorney Peter McKnight, said they were considering whether or not to go public on the matter at this time.
The successful candidate(s) will assume the role of Operations Coordinator. This position reports to the Depot Manager and is responsible for the daily execution of key responsibilities within a bulk fuel facility. These responsibilities include the safe receipt, storage and distribution of bulk petroleum products in accordance with strict industry and company standards. Successful candidates must be able to demonstrate good leadership skills, ability to work will with a team alone with strong work ethics. Successful experience in the petroleum industry would be a plus.
Core Responsibilities • IMPORT: The coordination, documentation and reporting of bulk product receipt in accordance with company procedures and local authority guidelines. • STORAGE: The execution of daily inventory and product quality controls along with all related documentation and reporting requirements. • DISTRIBUTION: The daily coordination of customer deliveries, delivery equipment maintenance and the execution and enforcement of all associated internal controls and documentation. • MAINTENANCE: The execution and coordination of the Depot’s Maintenance Program in accordance with established company procedures. Job Requirements • 5 years minimum work experience in a similar capacity. • A technical degree or diploma would be a plus. • Excellent computer skills with working knowledge of Microsoft Office Programs. • A strong safety record. Safety related trainings would be a plus. • A mechanical aptitude with some experience with equipment maintenance and repairs. • Strong leadership skills with the ability to work as an effective team member. • Excellent verbal and written communication skills. • The ability to work flexible hours and weekends. Benefits include: Competitive salary and benefits package, commensurate with work experience and qualifications. Interested persons should apply no later than January 31, 2012 to: jobs@sunoilbahamas.com
Page 9
Civil Recovery Team probing 51 new cases The Civil Recovery Team, which is seeking to regain what it termed as illgotten land and cash on behalf of the Crown said it is now probing 51 cases with others to come on stream soon. From the new claims, the unit is actively seeking to recover in excess of $50million in cash and more that 1,200 acres of Crown Land. The team is seeking to recover properties and or damages from the sale of those pieces of land. Laurence Harris, of the law firm Edwards Wildman, formerly Edward Angel Palmer Dodge (EAPD), which was appointed in December of 2009, said the probe included cases identified by the Commission of Inquiry and others that were not mentioned in the inquiry but were uncovered since the recovery process began. “The range of claims is mainly either for the recovery of land of damages, or both. There are claims for corruption, fraud – some of which were identified in
Laurence Harris
the Commission of Inquiry report. We have got claims for breaches of contract, for unjust enrichment, for recovery of avoided stamp duty, and for a number of other civil causes of action,” Harris said. Harris said the Civil Recovery Unit has already recovered cash which is now
Must be able to work 6 days per week, must be trustworthy and reliable. Salary $200usd per week. Contact Carl/Marjorie Simmons at 649 331 5396.
in Government’s bank accounts, saying also that they were waiting to collect other funds amounting to almost $2.5 million as a result of court judgments. He stated that some of the guilty parties have signed agreements to repay the money in the future. Harris pointed out that more than 900 acres of Crown Land has been recovered and returned to the Crown, saying also that another 15 acres of land was due to be collected. “We have a substantial number of claims in other cases, which are currently on-going. If you were to take the five largest number of cases that we are currently pursuing, the government’s claim in total are for recovery of more than another 1,200 acres of land, and for damages, very substantially in excess of $50 million,” Harris said. Harris told media representatives that the Civil Recovery Team was seeking to complete the major civil matters by the end of this calendar year. He also pointed out that trial dates have already been scheduled to begin, while others will be scheduled soon. He noted however, that some smaller cases that have already begun may be pushed back to 2013 or could be settled before going to trial. “The Government continues to
encourage settlements in civil claims in a way of bringing matters to an end more quickly. Some matters have settled, and there are currently other matters where there are settlement discussions. “If the Government is able to receive a sensible commercial settlement which appears to be reasonable, having regard to the size of the Government’s claim, and is consistent with the approach that the Government has been following in those sorts of cases, then it will seek to settle those civil claims. “If they don’t settle and go to trial, then there will often be an appeal stage after trial. In the TCI under the court ordinance here, there is an automatic right of appeal from judgments in the Supreme Court to the Court of Appeal, which is currently sitting twice a year in the TCI, but that might increase to three times a year coming up,” Harris said. The attorney said that appeals tend to be heard about six months or a bit longer after a judgment is handed down, which he said should be added to the proceeding along with a further appeal to the Privy Council, if leave is given. A Privy Council appeal, according to Harris, takes about a year to be heard after judgment is handed down by the Count of Appeal.
Carambola Grill and Lounge is seeking a suitably qualified individual to fill the following position. Only candidates who meet the minimum requirements will be considered.
Job Description The Chef will be responsible for all aspects of managing the kitchen and kitchen staff, ensuring the quality preparation and presentation of all food for the restaurant.
Main Duties - Responsible for the day to day food and beverage operation of the restaurant. - Develop creative menus and catering packages to assure maximum appeal to customers. - Hire, supervise, schedule, train and develop kitchen staff. - Must maintain a clean and orderly kitchen and conform to all local sanitation standards and regulations. - Oversee the inventory process for food and beverage products.
Requirements - Must have ten (10) years or more culinary experience from an accredited culinary school or equivalent work experience. - Thorough knowledge of food preparation, purchasing and inventory procedures. - Must be proficient in MS Office application and QuickBooks. - Good organizational and administrative skills required. - Excellent oral and written communication skills are required. - Must be willing to work a variety of day/night and weekend shifts. - Excellent people skills in order to communicate well with guests and staff. The salary for this position will be commensurate with experience, training and education. Interested applicants should contact 946-4701 or email info@carambolatci.com
FINANCIAL / MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANT Applications are invited for the position of
Location - Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Educational requirements - Bachelors degree in finance and accounting or equivalent Professional requirements - US Certified Public Accountant or UK Chartered Accountant Some practical experience in the financial services sector, management accounting and accounting IT systems is preferred. ONLY BELONGERS NEED APPLY. Please submit applications to: Human Resources P.O. Box 270 Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands
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Public Discussions scheduled on Pathway to Citizenship Public discussions on a new Pathway to TCI Citizenship are increasing in intensity with a series of countrywide community meetings being jointly facilitated by the Consultative Forum and the Ministry of Border Control and Labour. Further meetings have been planned for Middle and North Caicos on Wednesday February 1st, another on Grand Turk on Thursday 2nd and South Caicos on Monday 6th. The Youth Parliament will also discuss the provisions at a meeting on Friday February 3rd at the House of Assembly Chamber. “I want to strongly urge all citizens to participate in these discussions,” said Forum Chair Lillian Misick. “This exercise gives us all a chance to help create the framework that will determine the future make-up of our society; the TCI we wish to pass on to future generations. We may not have this opportunity again for a long time.” The Ministry has developed a consultation document and an accompanying questionnaire which can be downloaded from the TCIG website www.gov.tc. Completed questionnaires should be sent via email to the Chair of the Consultative Forum at citizenship@gov.tc. Key questions for consideration include whether TCI should move to a points system for deciding Turks and Caicos Islander status. This approach was first recommended in a 2004 Immigration Review Commission report which proposed points for age, type of occupation, level of skill, level of income, country of origin, ethnicity and ability to speak and write English. The pathway to Permanent Residence Certificates (PRCs) also raises several questions including
whether persons should qualify purely by investment in the TCI; what is an adequate time period for someone applying as a worker; and should the current three categories of PRCs be merged into a single category without limitations or restrictions. The length of time for marriage before a non-Belonger spouse can apply for TCI status is another key question as is whether there should be a new offence of entering into a marriage on convenience. The meeting in Middle Caicos on Wednesday, February 01st will take place at the Conch Bar Community Center at 3pm and the panel will comprise Ethlyn Gibbs-Williams, Rev. Courtney Missick, Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson, Clara Gardiner and Lorraine Rogerson. The North Caicos meeting will also be held on Wednesday. February 01st at the Teachers Resource Center in Bottle Creek at 7pm. On the panel will be Rev. Courtney Missick, Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson, Ethlyn GibbsWilliams, Clara Gardiner and Lorraine Rogerson. The Grand Turk meeting will be at the H.J Robinson High School Auditorium on Thursday, February 02nd at 6pm. The resource persons will be Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson and members of the Youth Fellowship. The Youth Parliament will meet on Friday February 3rd in the House of Assembly Chamber. On Monday February 06th will be the South Caicos meeting at the Iris Stubbs Primary School at 7pm. The panel will comprise Rev. Courtney Missick, Sharlene CartwrightRobinson, Ethlyn Gibbs-Williams and representatives from the Ministry of Border Control.
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Robert Hall to leave Expressions radio show for politics BY VIVIAN TYSON SUN SENIOR EDITOR
At the end of April this year, the popular talk show – Expressions – aired on Radio Turks and Caicos (RTC) will no longer has its firebrand host, as Robert Hall will leave that programme to contest one of the At-Large Seats when elections are called tentatively before the end of the year. Hall confirmed his departure to The SUN during an interview earlier this week. He said that stepping down would give him sufficient time to effectively prepare himself for contesting one of the seats. “Yes, I intend to resign from the programme “Expressions” at the end of April, to give myself much more time to concentrate on some private business and make myself available to the political process. As you do know, I have been a former minister several times in the PNP administration; I am a member of the PNP. I do not say much about those things on my show because I don’t want to use the radio station and the programme as a personal and political tool for me, but I can speak freely anywhere else and that is why I can tell you that I am making myself available,” Hall said. Hall added: “There is considerable amount of work to be done in terms of educating the masses at various processes on the way forward, and the various parties in general, but particularly the PNP, which I am associated with, certainly needs to be
Samuel Lightbourn Seeking 1
Labourer Salary $6 pr hr Please Contact 244 3336
Robert Hall
restructured and put on a firm footing, so that it can be a credible and forceful organization to represent the interest of the people, and hence I am making myself available to that.” Hall told The SUN that while he was more interested in running in one of the At-Large Seats, such decision would lie with the movers and shakers of the party, stressing also that since he considered himself a team player, he would abide by the party’s final decision. “But I do believe, considering whatever profile I may have and enjoy, it might be the best thing for the party and for myself to run in an At-Large Seat,” Hall said. In the meantime, Hall said he would not consider running for leadership of the party in the event that its current leader Clayton Greene, who announced last week that he has been
a subject of the Special Investigation and Prosecution Team (SIPT) probe, resigns. Hall gives one of the reasons for the apathy towards running for leader as the expected high level of mudslinging that might take place during the leadership race. “I will not be offering myself for leadership as such. I am committed to work tirelessly with regards to rebuilding, reorganizing, reenergizing the base of the PNP. And while I am not offering myself as a candidate, of course, if it is the expressed wish of the vast majority, then maybe it would be something that I would find difficult to refuse. “But one of the reasons why I am not offering myself as a candidate (for leadership) is simply this – the considerable cutting down of one another that happens in these kinds of contexts – I am not really about that. And having been in the process for so long I am prepared to serve the party with any credible leader. I believe the success of the party depends on team work more than just one individual. I have played number two before, and it doesn’t matter to me if I am number three or number four as the case might be. “But certainly, if it were to fall to me, as there is no question in my mind in terms of my ability and, my track records in leading roles speaks for itself, and of course, the dedication that I have displayed at almost anything that I have done in this country and the selfless efforts that I have made in many times at great sacrifice, one should realize that about me its all about serving more than
about the perks that come along with some positions,” Hall asserted. Hall declared that one of the reasons he will be embarking on an early campaign and urge the PNP and the People Democratic Movement (PDM) to do the same, is to make themselves ready so that the Interim Administration would not have an excuse to kick the election can down the road on the basis of ill-preparedness by the parties. “I am convinced that unless both parties were to put themselves on an election footing, that is, to get their candidates selected; get their manifestos ready; start to engage the public, educating them to the process; it’s only then that you can convincingly say to the British ‘now, we are ready for elections, we must have elections before the end of the year’. Right now they have the upper hand. They know that we are not ready, and so, they can do almost anything. “But if we get the people of this country together; and as much as I am speaking for a party, I am more for country; I can work across party lines, and I hope in this endeavour, all parties can be singing on the same page. Because, in 2012, to sit back with some foreign entity, some other individuals dictating the pace, no representation, taxation, redundancies and all the rest; that is totally unacceptable,” Hall declared. Hall indicated that following his stepping down from his show, he intends to engage in news conferences and a barrage of town hall meetings aimed at educating the people.
ROSE STORE Five Cays Seeks
1 Helper
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Atlantic Consultancy Services
is seeking on behalf of their client Things Unlimited Salary: $5.50 per hour Please submit your resumes to: atlanticconsultancy@hotmail.com Turks & Caicos Islanders only need apply Closing date: February 10, 2012
Salary $200 per week Interested person should contact 231-3892
Page 12
South Caicos businessman freed of rape
Provo Golf Club seeks a qualified mechanic. A minimum of twelve (12) years experience in golf course equipment is required and the applicant must possess the following skills and experience. • A history of maintenance of Golf Carts, mowers and tractors. • General maintenance and repairs of all equipment used and operated on the Golf Course. • Ordering or replacing any parts necessary. • An aptitude to work unsociable hours is required. • Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Interested applicants should contact Veronica Rigby via email by January 9, 2012 at ronnie@habgroup.com or by fax 649-946-5191. Only persons selected for an interview will be contacted by email or telephone to schedule an interview.
Bishop Coleta Williams III seeks a
MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Freed businessman Jim Baker (right) with attorneys Lara Maroof and Mark Fulford BY VIVIAN TYSON SUN SENIOR EDITOR
South Caicos businessman Jim Baker was on Thursday, January 19, found not guilty in the Supreme Count before Justice Margaret RamseyHale of four counts of rape following an eight-day trial. Baker was accused of raping a female Haitian national, and was charged in March of 2011. He was initially remanded at Her Majesty’s Prison on Grand Turk but eventually released on bail with stringent conditions. Baker’s defence comprised of lead barrister with 11 year’s experience Lara Maroof and Mark Fulford both of the law firm F Chambers and Co. Maroof successfully applied for a no case submission in the matter, arguing that there was insufficient evidence by the prosecution to support the rape charges. Prosecution attorney, Mrs. Glenda Clarke, argued that there was sufficient evidence and the case should proceed. After hearing both Attorneys, the Judge
Ramsey-Hales ruled that there was no evidence of rape. She then instructed the jury to return a not guilty verdict on all counts. In the first ever successful application for costs in the Supreme Court in a criminal matter, RamseyHale upheld the defence’s application for all of the defendants legal fees to be paid by the Attorney General’s Chambers. When contacted, Baker said he was happy that the matter was over and that he could get back to putting his life on track again. He told The SUN that the matter had gravely affected his ability to run his business effectively and that he was evicted from his place of abode for more two decades. “You know, any man would feel really good. I just want to start putting my life back together again. Of course it affected my business and personal life. They barred me from my place where I live for 20 years and told me I couldn’t live here (South Caicos). Only now that I am free to live back in South Caicos. My business suffered tremendously, but I will pick it back up,” Baker revealed.
Atlantic Consultancy Services
is seeking on behalf of their client First Class Cleaning Services
Salary: $5.00 per hour Please submit your resumes to: atlanticconsultancy@hotmail.com Turks & Caicos Islanders only need apply Closing date: February 10, 2012
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1 Cosmologist 1 Hair styles Salary $6.00 per hour Contact 232-1726
BABYSITTER Salary $5.00 per hour Contact 232-1726
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Deputy Commissioner denies penalising cops over Jah Cure concert LOCAL NEWS Page 13
Deputy Commissioner of Police Brad Sullivan is dismissing rumours that a shake-up occurred at the B Division, which is the Providenciales branch, over what some members of the force are saying cause from a concert held in the Grace Bay area late December. It is understood that the Jah Cure concert that was held at the Casablanca Casino in the heart of Grace Bay caused headaches for hoteliers in the area who complained bitterly to the Police High Command that their guests could not sleep because the event prolonged until about 4a.m. the next morning. A police officer told The SUN, on the grounds of anonymity, that a woman who lived in the area called the police and complained that music from the sound system was disturbing her sleep and requested that the police turned down sound or shut the concert shutdown. But the source said the police on the 11p.m. to 7.am. shift refused the woman’s request on the grounds that there were other officers working at the concert and did not see it fit to act on that front. To that end, the police source said the incensed woman began hurling disparaging remarks of racial proportion to the cops. It is alleged that the woman then called the high command, who instructed senior officers on shift to visit the venue and shut down the sound system. But the cops refused on the grounds that there was nothing in law giving them the authority to arbitrarily shut down the concert. An argument
ensued between the senior officer and his superior, who subsequently recommended that two senior cops on the shift be transferred to a different division. However, when The SUN contacted Deputy Commissioner of Police, Brad Sullivan to clarify the matter, he said that the rumour was false, as no body was demoted or transferred as a result. “No officers were demoted in rank. That is a rumour that is not true. There is no truth to that at all, and there is nothing close to that, at least not that I am aware of. No one was transferred or demoted in any punitive way at all to deal with any discipline; there is nothing like that,” Sullivan said. In the meantime, The SUN understands that some hotels on Grace Bay had to refund guests who complained bitterly about the noise and the Turks and Caicos Islands Hotel and Tourism Association is not happy. At a recent Chamber of Commerce Meeting at the Windsong Resort, where Governor Ric Todd was the main speaker, Stacy Cox from that Hotel and Tourism Association complained to the Governor about the development and requested that something be done to rectify what she said had come to be nuisance to guests. According to one hotelier: “On Grace Bay, we sell sun, beach and tranquility. When night falls there is no sun, and for the most part, the beach aspect of it is not as enjoyable as in the day, so the only thing we have left is tranquility. So, when the only remaining component is disturbed, we have a problem.” In a December 25th email to Casa Blanca’s CEO Andy Stephens, Owner of Grace Bay Club
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Mark Durliat wrote: “We (Grace Bay Club) are but only one of many properties in this tiny community who are immensely disappointed in the actions of your Casino last night. Your company’s decision to host such a disruptive event until 6am in a neighborhood of luxury residences and hotel rooms during the most busy week of the year was incredibly reckless and disrespectful at the highest level. If your goal was to alienate yourself while also creating an enemy in Grace Bay Club and its guests, (and possibly other adjacent properties and their guests) you have succeeded.” The email continued: “Regrettably the displeasure that has been relayed to us from our guests and residential owners has forced us to now completely boycott your facility. You will hopefully appreciate that for us to recommend it any longer to our guests would be idiotic. We understand you have plans to host another such event again on the 31st of December to which we object in the strongest way.You will know that this country is in the business of luxury tourism and parties such as this one which continue until 6am act completely contrary to that business. It has succeeded in discouraging some paying guests from returning and I can inform you that we have already had some financial damage as a result of early checkouts. We expect more, as well as negative feedback on the popular travel websites. It is truly unfortunate that you have allowed your firm to act in such a manner toward your neighbors who have clearly been providers of customers to your business to this date.”
• Ability to prepare revenue forecasts for department based on business booked to date, current and historical booking pace and impact of special promotions. • Ability to act as project leader for hotel utilization of the HARMONY Product Suite • Ability to develop of business strategies for reservations which are aligned with the overall objectives of the hotel. • Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts. Duties Include: • Maximize room revenue by utilizing yield management techniques and managing the operation of the Reservations Department • Prepares accurate twelve day, three and six month forecasts, monitors revenue and Yield management and takes corrective steps to improve results. • Develop and implement strategies and practices which support employee engagements. • Work with Systems to manage and monitor inventories, rates and reservations
Duties: • Ensuring luggage handling upon arrival and departure according to Regent’s standards. • Instructing taxi drivers about designated waiting area and pick-up and drop-off procedures. • Maintaining luggage carts, cleaning and polishing as instructed. • Using guests knowledge and information to ensure a high level of guest recognition and personalized service. • Delivers phone messages, mail or packages, faxes, flowers, etc. to guest rooms. • Maintaining the upkeep and appearance of the resort lobby and entrance. • Providing valet parking services when requested. • Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts.
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Interested applicants should apply to Regent Palms human resources department in person, Monday through Friday and bring along an updated resume or by emailing marjorie.dorsett@regenthotels.com no later than Friday, February 10, 2012.
Page 14
activities. She said Fortis was also looking to adopt a school. For her part, Tammika Lall, the 911 Manager, in responding to the donation, said that since the signs were being made off island, the cost for each one, comprising mount and bracket, was $110. She said 90 percent of street naming across the country has been completed, and funds were being sought to ensure that the remaining 10 percent will be carried out in due course. She said that 911 was working closely with the Mapping Department to ensure that the project is done with precision. “Probably 10 percent of street naming is left; we have completed 90 percent. The Mapping Department has been instrumental in getting that part of the work done because we need to find you when there is an emergency, because the first Tammika Lall (fifth form right) collects the cheque from Fortis representatives. Joining in the presentation at centre is the Fortis place you call is 911. mascot – the Electric Gecko. Also sharing in the moment are Commissioner of Police Colin Farquar (third from right); Inspector Roy Russell (fourth from right), who is in charge of 911 and Inspector Calvin Chase (second from right). Immediately beside the Gecko at “We go to our maps and we have a data base left is Vice President in charge of Corporate Service, Allan Robinson, while third from the Gecko at left is Daphne Penn, Manager for – once you have registered – it is in that data Customer Service, and who also presented the cheque. base and we can find you from a phone number. Then we can send the respondents – police, fire, whatever – we can send them to where you are registered,” Lall explained. She said that since 911 was introduced the response has been a lot quicker. Meanwhile, Commissioner Farquar said that the donation from Fortis TCI was timely, BY VIVIAN TYSON saying also that partnerships were paramount for a call is made from certain communities. SUN SENIOR EDITOR effective policing. “We think what they are doing is great. We hope “I think it is excellent that Fortis has come The street-naming initiative carried out by to see them get those signs erected in those areas true with this donation because one of the things 911 received a healthy boast on Wednesday, where they are getting major calls from, where right that the police rely on and the 911 programme January 25, when Fortis TCI handed that now it is a little bit difficult for emergency personnel relies on are partnerships. Fortis has really been entity a cheque valued at $2,000 and witnessed to get to because those signs aren’t erected. We see helpful to us in the past, one time we even used it as a way to save lives,” Simons noted. by Commissioner of Police Colin Farquar. She further explained that Fortis prides itself one of their conference rooms to put on one of our Talisha Simons, Corporate Communication workshops. Officer at Fortis TCI explained that her company on being a community oriented entity, supporting So Fortis is really working with the community was happy to help with the erection of streets various organizations such as the Edward Gartland to help advance the community programme, so signs across the Turks and Caicos Islands, bearing Youth Centre, the Diabetic Association, the Cricket I really appreciate what Fortis has done today,” in mind that it has been somewhat difficult for Association through the sponsoring of their leagues, Commissioner Farquar said. emergency personnel to respond effectively when the Bight Park and played a key role in Earth Day
Fortis gives $2,000 to street naming programme
Nixon Dickenson captures LIME’s Grand Prize in LIME’s Lifetime Campaign
Mr. Nixon Dickenson is the biggest winner among many customers whose Christmas gift from LIME will keep on giving for the next forty years. For the holiday season twenty- eight winners were announced in LIME’s Christmas of a Lifetime promotion with six customers winning landline, eleven winning mobile and eleven getting a prize of internet service for forty years. The difference with Mr. Dickenson is that he gets all three services for next four decades. When the members from Team LIME surprised him at his office in Grand Turk, He said, “Are you joking with me?” “Is this April Fools? Are you serious?” Nixon then said, “I am so elated to be the Grand Prize winner and I am so appreciative of the prizes.” Mr. Drexwell Seymour said, “We are so happy to present all these winners with 40 years of service from LIME. This gives us a chance to help meet the needs of our customers in a meaningful way.” Mr. Seymour continued, “We know that telecoms services
LIME staff and winners celebrate
Nixon Dickenson lifetime winner
are very important to the daily lives of our customers, and the family who will save on the internet bill could pay for music lessons, or extra classes. That’s the value we deliver to our customers.” Customers were entered into the competition by paying their bill in full and on time; topping up $10 or more; purchasing a product or service from LIME and by signing up for a service during the period. One winner, Ms. Denise Elmerich said, “I have been a LIME customer for 24 years now and I am
so happy to be a winner.” Many of the winners said, “I have never won anything in my life”. But LIME wishes to recognize the Lifetime winners and to express thanks to all our customers for their patronage through the years. Lifetime Mobile Winners Jason Forbes Kenva Williams Turton Williams Joanna Ivasiuk Coree Robinson Torrell Garland
Jean Taylor Shaudly Gardiner Shavonye Ernest Dario Chase Rosabell Adams Grand Prize Winner Mr. Nixon Dickenson – 40 years of landline, mobile and ADSL services. The Team at LIME wishes to congratulate all of our lifetime winners. LIME was here in the TCI for many years and we are so proud to give our customers 40 years of lifetime services.
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Civil Recovery Unit and AG take former Minister of Lands to court over land
Former Minister of Natural Resources McAllister “Piper” Hanchell and his brother Elliott Hanchell, the owners of a company called Akita Holdings Limited, have been taken to court by the Attorney General and the Civil Recovery Unit. They are claiming that the two brothers and their company were unjustly enriched by acquiring land and they are also making a case for nonpayment of rent and for the termination of the conditional purchase lease over the land. In court documents given to the media by Laurence Harris, of the English law firm Edwards Wildman, on 10 November 2004, a Commercial Conditional Purchase Lease (CPL) over the Initial Land was entered into between Mr Hanchell and TCIG. The CPL contained the following terms, amongst others: a leasehold interest in the Initial Land be granted to Mr Hanchell for 3 years, starting on 10 November 2004 and expiring on 9 November 2007. Mr Hanchell was to pay an annual rental rate of $2,510 by 10 November of each year (2004, 2005 and 2006); Mr Hanchell was to construct 'a warehouse and storage' at a cost of no less than $200,000. Upon the expiry of the 3-year term, Mr Hanchell had an option to purchase the freehold interest in the Land for $50,200, being a 50% discount from
a stated 'Open Market Value' of $100,400, provided that he had duly and punctually complied with his obligations under the CPL. According to the documents, on 7 January 2005, a CPL over the Additional Land was entered into between Mr Hanchell and the Government. This CPL was also granted for the purpose of constructing a warehouse, it granted an option to purchase the freehold interest land for $25,000, and provided that the annual rental rate was $1,250. On 2 August 2005, an undated application for freehold title to the Initial Land and the Additional Land was received by the Planning Department from Mr Hanchell. On 5 August 2005, the then Minister for Natural Resources wrote to Mr Hanchell stating that the Executive Council had agreed that freehold title over the Initial Land should be granted to him. In fact, according to court documents, the Executive Council had not considered the matter and Mr Hanchell, being a member of the Executive Council would or should have been aware of such. The document stated that on a date unknown, but close to or after his appointment as Minister of Natural Resources, Mr Hanchell sent an email to officials within the Land Registry requesting that freehold title to the
Initial Land and the Additional Land be transferred to the Government. In this email, Mr Hanchell stated that freehold title to this land had been granted to him on 5 August 2005 and also represented that the freehold purchase prices had already been paid. On 2 August 2006, Mr Hanchell introduced Paper 06/428 before Cabinet, which proposed that a commercial CPL over the Leasehold Land be granted to the Government. Mr Hanchell declared that his sister was one of the applicants and that he therefore had an interest in the application. However, he did not inform Cabinet that he was an owner of the company. Cabinet approved the grant of the CPL. The writ said that on 2l October 2006, Mr Hanchell wrote a letter (in his capacity as Minister for Natural Resources) to himself (as an owner of the company) stating that freehold title in the Initial Land should be granted to the company in accordance with Cabinet’s decision. The letter did not mention the Additional Land. Furthermore, there was no Cabinet decision relating specifically to the Initial Land and Mr Hanchell, as a member of Cabinet, would or should have been aware of such. On 3 November 2006, the company was registered as the owner of a leasehold interest in the Leasehold Land. The term of the CPL was from 2
November 2006 to 2 November 2009, with an annual rent of $5,075. On 22 November 2006, Mr Hanchell made a number of payments to TCIG. Mr Hanchell paid $50,200 for the purchase of the freehold interest in the Initial Land, $25,000 for the purchase of the freehold in the Additional Land, and $30 and $3,263 for registration fees and stamp duty respectively in relation to the transfer of the Initial Land. On 8 December 2006, the company was registered as the freehold owner of the Initial Land and the Additional Land. On 15 November 2007, collateral charges of $3.4 million were registered against the Initial Land and the Additional Land as security for loans made by FCIB to the company (the FCIAB Charge). On 13 May 2008, the FCIB Charge was increased to $3.9million. The Civil Recovery Unit is claiming that the company has received benefits, namely its freehold and leasehold interests in the initial Land, the Additional Land and the Leasehold Land, alternatively the difference between the market value of this land at the time of the transfer of title to the company and the price paid by the company for the land. They are also saying that in receiving these benefits the company has been unjustly enriched at the expense of the government.
Veranda is currently seeking qualified candidates that have the requirements listed along with an outgoing professional manner. Our ideal candidates must love to work with different types of people, meet challenges with a positive attitude and live the standards of our organization.
Groups Coordinator
Basic Purpose of Job: Responsible for (with the guidance of the Sales & Weddings Mgr) • Assist the Sales & Weddings Manager • Promotion of the F&B banqueting facilities • Organization and Administration of the events Ensuring that all Group functions are performed flawlessly • Timely and efficient execution of events. Understand and perform all required duties in the Promotion, PreFunction, Function and Post Function of group events Key Responsibilities: • Support and assist the Sales & Wedding Manager • Supporting Groups on property with all aspects of their events • Production of a variety of documents (some of which are confidential in nature) • Handling of correspondence as related to the job • Schedules meetings and appointments • Attend any in-house functions as requested by the F&B Management • To have complete knowledge of local laws, customs and
hotel and company policy. • Liaises with other departments ensuring communication and the resolution of problems. Liaise with TCI Tourist board on upcoming events and promotions. • Assist in developing action plan to GM’s & F&B Director on how to meet banquet budget. • Gather vendor quotes for all outsourced items. • Coordinate the delivery of all goods. Basic Requirements: • 2-3 years experience in luxury resorts • Minimum of high school diploma, bachelor degree preferred • Excellent knowledge of hotel reservation systems Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience Interested persons may contact our Human Resource Manager No later than February 13, 2012 Email: deleria.simms@verandatci.com Or hand deliver to our office at Veranda Resort and Residences Princess Dr. Lower Bight, Providenciales
• Must be computer literate Windows and have experience working in a • Database environment; • Must have knowledge of Aircraft Technical Log Book; • Must have experience as a Data Entry clerk. • Must Liaison with flight operations Knowledge of Technical Record keeping • Must be able to Maintain the tracking of aircrafts times and cycles • Must be able to Prepare and manage work load for mechanics Salary commensurate with experience. Position require the following: • Excellent command of the English language – reading, writing and speaking. • Good communication skills and team player • Detail oriented & organized individual • Ability to work shifts, early mornings, late nights, weekends and Holidays. • Clean police record • Able to work under pressure Belongers need only apply. Interested person should apply to HR@flyairtc.com or via fax to HR Department 649-946-4040. No phone call please. Qualified candidates will be contacted for interview
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Career Opportunities Grace Bay Club is looking for candidates that have the requirements listed along with an outgoing professional manner. They love to work with different types of people, meet challenges with a positive attitude and live the standards of our organization. Their management style is one that balances a commitment to people and their development with business/financial accountability and delivers an exceptional guest experience
Job Requirements: Grace Bay Clubs Food and Beverage operation is looking for a Sommelier that will be responsible of all aspects of the hotels wine program. • He/she directs implements and maintains a service and management philosophy, which serves as a guide to respective staff. • Ensuring that dining patrons are able to find a wine within their budget that fits their tastes and complements their food. • You will work with the kitchen to find suitable wines to pair with dishes on the menu. • You will also work on the floor of the restaurant, helping customers to decide the exact wine that best meets their needs. • Must have at least 2 years experience as Head Sommelier in a 4/5 star establishment, International experience required. • Must have worked in restaurants as a successful salesman, worked with wine lists that cover all the regions represented in our wine list (Unites States, South American, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe) and have an education as a Sommelier. Qualified Belongers need only apply. Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience
Position Overview: Reservation sales specialists must be detail oriented, able to handle difficult situations efficiently while always maintaining a friendly helpful manner. Reservation Specialists are responsible for all duties within the reservations /pre arrivals departments, including answering the phone and maintaining a professional manner while achieving mandatory sales and service standards. Specialists are responsible in assisting with reservations and pre arrival questions. Responsibilities & Qualifications: • Duties include answering emails in a timely and professional manner. • Preparing each guest for arrival including making dining, spa and excursion reservations obtaining flight information, preferences and auditing reservations. • Entering tour operator, website and GDS reservations accurately and in a timely manner. • Each applicant must be able to perform multiple tasks quickly and efficiently, able to work flexible hours including additional hours during busy time periods. • They must be a quick learner and able to achieve department and individual goals. • The Reservations Sales Specialist must have prior Sales, Customer Service, and Hospitality or Front Office experience. • All candidates must be fluent in the English language, for both written and oral communication. Candidates should also have excellent grammar and spelling skills. • Opera reservation operating system experience preferred. Applicant must have a high school diploma or equivalent. Applicant should be computer literate and have basic knowledge in Excel, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Outlook. Qualified Belongers need only apply. Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience
Position Overview: • Public Safety and Security - Knowledge of relevant equipment, policies, procedures, and strategies to promote effective operations for the protection of people, data and property. • Equipment Maintenance - Performing routine maintenance and corrective repairs on all refrigeration equipment and determining when and what kind of maintenance is needed. • Mechanical - Knowledge of machines, computers, tools and
other equipment, including their designs, uses, repair, and maintenance. Responsibilities & Qualifications: • Applicant must be fluent in the English language, and possess good communication skills (verbal, listening, writing) • The candidate must be innovative, pro-active and reliable. • 2 years Diploma in Trade Course A/C & Refrigeration; minimum 3 to 5 years experience in the hotel engineering and maintenance department is a must. • Assists in the daily scheduling and weekly forecasting of all refrigeration equipment maintenance work. • Ensures the execution of Construction Work Orders, and/ or Repair and Maintenance Order systems applicable to the hotel. • Maintains proper safety/ hygienic conditions in all equipment rooms. • Supports and initiates program for the improvement in procedures and the reduction of the Energy and utility costs. • Assist maintenance crew in ordering the required materials prior to commencing the work and critical inventory • Attend to any kind of urgent break downs during the shift • Attend to guest complaints as well as complaints from other departments regarding break downs or malfunction of equipments, this is not limited to AC units and or refrigeration equipment • Attend to guest room complaints as first priority • Check BMS current status and compare with the set parameters & action accordingly • Check mechanical rooms such as A/C & Ref: boilers, heat exchangers, pumps, AHU's, Pool, HVAC, AV etc. • Check the operation of air compressor, all pumps, chillers, boilers, elevators, fountain, hotel signage, walk-in coolers & and freezer rooms and other commercial/ industrial refrigeration equipments etc. • Check the status of essential equipments such as fire pumps, Fire Alarm, Security systems • Clean all AHU's & FCUs as per schedule • Clean all condensers of coolers, freezers, walk-in coolers, walk-in freezers, chillers on a regular basis • Prepare A/C & Ref report in detail. Qualified Belongers need only apply. Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience
Job Requirements: • Provides a very personal, detailed, seamless service to guests • Take care of guests needs in a highly professional manner. • Be seen by the guests in response to all the guest’s needs and requests. • The attention to detail required and the ability to anticipate the needs of guests needs demand that the butler is a consummate hotel professional with impeccable standards • Strive to create an atmosphere that makes a ‘wow’ impression on the guests • Will not accept anything less that the best available presentation of the suites/rooms and public areas of the floors. • Must take gentle care of all their guests from arrival until departure without imposing themselves on the guest Qualified Belongers need only apply Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience
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Job Requirements: • Middle level culinary skills • Dependable, proactive, organized, team player. • Education from a formal culinary program • At least two to three years cooking experience; preparing international breakfast, lunch and dinner in regional cooking environment. • Sanitation certificate. • Ability to plan, organize and execute meal plans • Must speak and read English fluently. Additional languages an asset. Salary Range: Commensurate with experience
Job Requirements • Secondary level education is required. Good writing, reading, listening and computation skills are necessary. • Education from a formal culinary institution is required. Kitchen terminology required. • Perform mathematical calculation including but not limited to conversion of recipes, inventories etc • Advanced culinary and artistic skills, cooking methods, knowledge of all different kitchen departments and product identification. • Deputize in the absence of the Chef de cuisine. • Prepare weekly rosters and payroll reports. • Check stock and requisition as necessary; record all stock which is to be discarded. • Ensure that all check lists are completed, Haccp, production, etc. • Assist the Chef de cuisine in the day to day management of the kitchen. • Enforce Health and Hygiene regulations within the kitchen and heighten staff’s awareness of good personal and food hygiene practices and procedures, i.e. cleaning of kitchen, storage, handling of food, etc. • Identify training needs of staff and assist Head Chef with on the job training. Belongers need only to apply Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience
Job Overview: Qualified individuals should have a minimum of 3 years restaurant experience. Individuals must possess strong work ethics; have a working knowledge of fine dining steps of service, and the ability to provide our guests with an outstanding dining experience. Servers should be industry professionals with excellent food and wine knowledge. Job Requirements: • Responsibilities include setup, organization and cleanup of service areas. • Responsible for staying current with daily menu items and changing wine lists. • Must be able to work as part of a motivated, high energy team that takes pride in their work. • Lifting of trays loaded with food, plates and glassware required. • Responsible for responding to any situation at any given time in a professional and courteous manner. This may include answering any questions posed by guests • Stack, lift, and carry trays in a systematic and safe manner. • Clean and retrieve tables in a neat, timely and professional manner. • Receive, process, and present all food and beverage orders according to Grace Bay Club standards. • Responsible for using suggestive selling techniques, when appropriate, and doing so in a courteous manner to up sell and, in turn, increase the average check
Job Requirements: • Performs all the audit of all hotel income, including Food & Beverages. Working and applying mathematical concepts. • Must possess excellent investigative and audit oriented skills. • Handles all functions related to the Front Desk including
cashiering and posting of charges to the guest accounts. • Performs regular spot checks on food and beverage outlets. • Must have knowledge of hotel operating functions. • Applicants must be well groomed, personable and have excellent customer service skills • Full-time, week-end and holiday work required.
Job Requirements: • The candidate must have good communications skills and must be able to work in a fast paced environment. • Individual is responsible for the set up and breakdown of the pool and beach umbrellas & beach beds. • 1-2 year related experience and/or training. • Provide towels/chairs/umbrellas to guests. • Perform side work including the folding of towels, preparing water and fruit skewers • Clean ashtrays, straighten chairs, and keep all outside beach and pool areas free of debris. • Must be friendly and guest service minded. • Must be able to carry heavy loads and work outdoors for long hours. Belongers need only to apply Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience
Job Overview: We are currently seeking a self motivated Pastry Chef. This culinary experienced professional will be responsible for performing various baking-related duties including preparing various types of breads ,rolls, cakes, pastries, cookies, and other dessert items, working closely with the Executive Chef and to determine the type and quantity of each item. This individual must display a positive attitude; have a high level of energy and commitment to quality throughout all aspects of the job. Job Requirements & Qualifications: • Oversee the day to day operation of the Bakery. • Responsible for new product development as well as maintaining existing recipes. • Creates new dessert items • Must be at least 18 years of age. • Requires a minimum of three (3) years pastry experience to include a minimum of one (1) year supervisory experience in the hospitality industry. • Requires working knowledge of methods and materials used in commercial baking. • Must be able to operate various types of ovens, mixers, and other kitchen appliances. Requires the ability to read, interpret, and follow complex recipes and directions. • Must be able to work efficiently in a fast-paced environment, meeting strict deadlines, and have good interpersonal skills with the ability to interact effectively with people. • Self motivate, detail orientated professional • Extensive experience with plated desserts, artisan breads and classic pastries. Belongers need only to apply Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience Interested persons can contact our Human Resources Department no later than February 3, 2012 @ (649) 946-5050 Ext. 1050 Email: veronica.clare@gracebayclub.com or albray.lightbourne@gracebayclub.com Fax: (649) 946-5758 P.O. Box 128 Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies
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OperationMiddle put on hold The Radar 11th Annual Caicos Valentine’s Day Cup Model Sail Boat Race
By David Newlands Sun Reporter
In December of last year the ground was broken for the radar station. It was said then,talents that thethat station would One of the many Turks be operational by February, or March and Caicos Islanders are known at the latest. for is Inbuilding things with their May, it was confirmed that the hands. Those grew up inthough the radar was stillwho not functioning, 60’s, 70’s, and even 80’s learned to in Clara Gardiner, Permanent Secretary take andControl fashionand the everyday Ministry ofitems Border Labour said:toys, especially sail them into boats.“We are experiencing a few delays, but are still making progress on the It’sweamazing that with a few project, that is as much as I can say at items such as an old sheet, cork, and this time. But it is on-going and we a few sticks you can make the fastest hope to finish the project soon”. sail boat or your six friends have Nowyou in August, months after ever seen. For some, the creationthe initial predictions for completion, of station toy boat building evolved from has still not reached completion. everyday items into wood. That time old tradition has not
The radar station, which is sited in Five Cays, Providenciales, is geared towards further protecting the borders of the TCI by spotting illegal activities off shore, including the transportation of illegal migrants, weapons andCaicos drugs. lost its flavour in Turks and The station wouldevents be equipped to scan culture with promoting the practice shoreline such at 180asdegrees, and be the the Middle turned off when it sweeps over land in Caicos Valentine’s Day Cup. The order to prevent radiation exposure; Valentine’s Day the Cup takes love once it reached shore linethe it would for boat carving into a sporting event reactivate. attended a vast amount people The by radar, which was of a topic of from aroundsince the 2007 nation. discussion had only become a reality in December of lastValentine’s year, when The Middle Caicos contracts were signed to allow its Day Cup is a model sail boatfor race construction; at first, the project was on held every year around Valentine’s schedule, the land was purchased, the Day. Each year, boat carvers and boat road was paved, and the complex was captains gather atit Bambarra Beach erected. However appears to have hit toanshow off their sail boat obstacle, which model has hindered its creations. Some boats are small but powerful, some are huge and sleek.
Position: Director of Guest Experiences Job Overview: A member of the Senior Leader Team. Responsible for the overall performance of the Personal Concierges (Butlers) staff and the operation of the Concierge Department; to include, but not limited to staffing, training, scheduling, ensuring high guest satisfaction. Reports to: The General Manager Grand Turk Cruise Center LTD is currently seeking qualified applicants to fill the following position: Minimum Qualifications: • Certification by a recognized Butler school • 6 - 10 years experience in Butler service • 5 years experience in the hospitality industry, preferably as Butler •Applicants must be able to demonstrate proficiency in both rough and finish Manager carpentry and be familiar with the safe and efficient operation of most commonly • used International hospitality experience power tools. • •Shape Read, write and speak English (2 or more additional or cut materials to specific measurements usinglanguages hand tools,desired) machines or power saw. or basic plans to prepare project layouts and determine •Interpret sketches Essential Job Functions: andthe materials • dimensions Ensuring that staff ofrequired. the Personal Concierge Department provides •Build and repair wooden bridges and guests. world-class and personal service to allbuildings. •Build or repair fixtures and fittings used in buildings. • Daily training through the Line-up process plus weekly/monthly training •Erect scaffolding and ladders for assembling structures above ground. sessions with Personal Concierge and other members. Maintaining •Repair or replace damaged or defective partsstaff or sections of structures using records of all training hand tools. • •Finish Upholding the Grace Bay Resort’s Credo and culture using paint, hand tools in buildings surfaces of woodwork or wallboard • and Co-ordinate paneling.and ensure smooth operations of all Guest Service areas ceiling, floor tile, wallguests coverings, siding, glass or woodwork to detect • •Inspect Build rapport with in-house broken or damaged structures. • Utilize leadership skills, motivation techniques and experience in order to •Knowledge of plumbing and/or masonry would be an asset. maximize employee productivity. • Interact with all guests to ensure their satisfaction, to gather personal Applicants must be willing to work nights, weekends and holidays. preferences Must be able to lift min. of 50lbs, speak English and able to work well as part of a • culturally Conduct himself/herself diverse team. in a manner reflecting the position as a department head and a senior member of the Grace Bay Club management SALARY / WAGES BASED ON QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE. team persons should contact: • Interested Update and maintain all Guest History Files. GTCC Human Resources Fax: (649) 946-1041 or Interested persons can contact our Human Resource Department at E-Mail: admin@grandturkcc.com telephone: (649) 339-5050
station’s completion has been delayed; when a SUn reporter spoke with Fred Skovberg, the Canadian national who conceptualized the radar station, he remarked on the fact that the facility Each year you are guaranteed needed to be “We at theexpanded. Middle Caicos Sailing Skovberg that the ecstatic radar to see a design you have never seen Association stated are absolutely originally the intended be before. This year’s event, sponsored station to bewas celebrating 11th toannual attached to another government facility. by Islandcom, will feature four Valentine’s Day Cup. Each year gets facility would have all of the different races - Class A for big boats, This better and better. We truly appreciate amenities including staff quarters, to Class B for medium size boats, and the community involvement from all allow for staff to work at the radar Class C for smaller boats. Newly around the TCI.” station, since it would be a 24 hour added to the event is the Women’s While numerous model operation; however this second facilitysail Cup race. boats race the seas, on land attendees was never constructed, leaving only a Islandcom CEO Kate Bonner monitoring partake inbooth the various and the entertainment radar itself. speaking on the event says, “ This andextension other festivities. is a requirement in order Islandcom is delighted to sponsor at this within year’sitsevent there site to operate optimal Clara Gardiner, Permanent Secretary in thethe for theSlated Valentine’s once functionality. Ministry of Day BorderCup Control andagain. Labour will be music, and games sponsored We believe it is important to byThe replacement the extension Islandcomand Team for adults parts both require funding from take part in community events that progress. and children alike. Also at the the event to variety be purchased Due tothe thetraditions fact that parts the government embrace of theforTurks there will in be order a wide of local constructed to makeasthe radar kept in storage for years, and and were Caicos Islands. Wetwoenjoyed cuisine specialintoorder the islands well radar fully operational. When the Sun they have become unfit for use. It is ourselves immensely last year and as live entertainment for everyone to of this, with that the station attempted to contact Gardiner, she could because were pleased theradar community enjoy. needs government funding in order to not be reached for comment. turn out.” This year’s eventstatement, will take the place purchase new parts and complete the Without Gardiner’s The most joyous element in Saturday, February 11th at Bambarra construction of the facility. government’s plans for funding and the The event is for watching master Beach, Middle Caicos. need replacement partsboat is further progress of this vital operation carvers alike the raceradar with are unknown. Ferry shuttle service from not the and only children reason why pride their own boat inventions. Providenciales to Bambarra Beach Event coordinator Sara Kaufman, by boat and bus will be available to looks forward to this years event. all who wish to attend.
A DomestIc Worker salary $5.00 per hour contact 241-3943
B’S BEAUTY BOX Is looking to employ
A Hair Stylist To work 6 days per week Salary ranging from $5.00 to $7.00 per hour Applicants must be willing to work on weekends and holidays. Perspective applicants must have experience in hair grooming and hair care Please submit all applications to the Snack Spot Opposite Air Turk and Caicos, Old Airport Road Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands Tel: 241-2185
ONE LABOURER To work 5 days per week Salary $5.00 per hour Contact 441-6669
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Page 19 JANUARY 27TH - FEBRUARY 3RD, 2012
The Regent Grand and Villa Renaissance receive Prestigious Awards
HAB Management is delighted to announce that both the Villa Renaissance and Regent Grand are winners of Trip Advisor’s® Traveler’s Choice® 2012 awards in category of Top Hotels in the Caribbean. This is the fourth year that Villa Renaissance has been the recipient of a Trip Advisor honor and the second for The Regent Grand. “To be voted in at the number eight and eleven spots of the Top Hotels in the Caribbean is a marvelous achievement for our beautiful, boutique and beachfront hotels. Our staff has worked exceptionally hard since our resorts opened to provide a wonderful experience and excellence in value and service. We will continue to strive for the quality that has become expected of us, with our goal being to make sure we secure these awards for 2013”. Commented General Manager, HAB Management, Eoin O’Sullivan. TripAdvisor® is the world's largest travel site attracting more than 50 million unique monthly visitors. Their branded sites show more than 60 million reviews and opinions posted on their sites making it the largest travel community in the world. Now in its tenth year, the annual TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice® awards honor the world’s best hotels, earning their distinction from those who know them best – real travelers; and unlike other hotel awards programs, the winners are based
on the opinions of millions of real and unbiased reviews and opinions posted by the world’s largest travel community. 2012 sees this year’s awards bigger than ever with 3,943 properties globally being recognized with dedicated lists featured for 30 countries and eight regions worldwide. The lists cover 19 new markets and expanded categories from "Top 10" to "Top 25" winners, providing more inspiration for travelers seeking remarkable properties around the world. Villa Renaissance is a magnificent beach front Retreat located directly on internationally renowned Grace Bay beach on Providenciales in the Turks and Caicos Islands. With 28 luxurious one, two and three bedroom beachfront villas and 8 charming and equally luxuriously appointed poolside cottages, Villa Renaissance offers its relaxed elegance at surprisingly accessible rates. Expansive ocean frontages; romantic "Juliet" balconies; full modern kitchens featuring stainless steel appliances and marble countertops and an international décor of only the finest quality, makes the luxurious appointment seemingly endless! Alongside the elegant mosaic pool, find shady walk ways, pool bar, charming cottages. A central archway, takes you into the center of the majestic building, leading out to the endless splendor of
Grace Bay. Stretching across 300 feet of award winning Grace Bay Beach, the Regent Grand, ideally situated in the heart of Grace Bay, minutes away from shops and restaurants, takes you into a world of elegant privacy and the timeless grace of Italian design. This beautiful, boutique and beachfront property enjoys spectacular views of Princess Alexandra National Park which includes one of the largest coral reef systems in the world. From private, over-sized balconies you will see the surf breaking on the reef just two hundred yards offshore, protecting Grace Bay and giving it some of the calmest, crystal clear waters in the world! HAB DEVELOPERS HAB is the leading Developer in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Founded in 1983 their portfolio includes the Turks & Caicos Water Company, Provo Golf and Country Club, the Villa Renaissance, The Regent Grand and the Regent Village. They also own large tracts of land on North Caicos and elsewhere on Providenciales. HAB Group has been at the forefront of Property Development and has a reputation within the Turks and Caicos Islands as outstanding developers of luxury beachfront condominiums. HAB are in the process of developing their most prestigious development to date, The Vellagio.
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(d) State two ways by which your sense of taste and smell can protect you. ________________________________________________________
SCIENCE PAPER 02 SECTION A This section consists of five (5) structured questions. You are required to Answer ALL questions from this section in the spaces provided. 1. Use the words in the list provided to complete the given sentences *pollutant *friction *vertebrate * epidermis *transparent * wind vane * bacteria * non-conductor *water *magnet
5. Use the diagrams below to help you answer the questions which follow:
(a) The outer layer of the skin is called the_____________________ (b) Any substance that contaminates or harms the environment is called_________________ (c) When the skin is cut the body may be invaded by ___________________ (d) The earth’s surface is covered by more than 70% of _________________ (e) A ______________________ shows the direction of the wind. (f) Two objects rubbing against each other produce ____________________ (g) A ___________________________ pulls iron and steel objects to it. (h) Plastic is a _______________________ of electricity. (i) Light rays can pass through__________________ objects. (j) An animal with a spine (backbone) is a ________________________.
A. Complete the following table of names and functions.
2. A Indicate whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F) by drawing a circle around your answer. (a) Heredity influences our looks T (b) A flesh eater is called a carnivore T (c) Saliva does not play a role in digestion T (d) Anger is a good sign of self control T (e) Peer pressure always influences others to do wrong T
B. Match the word or phrase in Column A with the correct word or phrase in Column B by writing the number on the lines in Column A. COLUMN A COLUMN B A form of energy________ Diaphragm h Digestive juice in the stomach _______ Rock v Tubes that carry blood_____________ Heat Sheet of muscle that works in breathing _______ Gastric juice Natural solid found in the earth’s crust______ Blood Vessels
B (i) Name one food item that will help you develop strong bones and teeth. (ii) State two things you should do if one of your friends breaks a bone while playing. SECTION B 6. The picture below is showing the leaves of a plant.
3. Fill in the spaces from the word list below to complete the given paragraph. *ovaries *eggs *sperm *reproduce * offspring *nubertv *fertilization *sexual * testes * sex organs Young children are unable to ________________________because their ______________ are not fully developed. In order to produce _____________ the female ________________ must produce __________________ and the male_____________________ must produce . When the egg and Sperm are brought together, ________________________takes place. This Process of reproduction in humans is called _________________________ reproduction. The stage of life when the sex organs begins to develop is known as ___________________. 4. The tongue is an elongated muscular organ located in the mouth. Answer the questions which follow. (a) List two functions of the tongue 1____________________ 2 ______________________________ (b) What four tastes do taste buds recognize? 1____________________ 2 ______________________________ 3____________________ 4 ______________________________ (c) Why are you unable to taste food very well when you are having a cold? ___________________________________________
(a) What is the main fuction of the leaf of a plant? _________________________________________________ (b) Name the three main things that plants need to make their food. 1____________________ 2 ______________________________ 3_________________ (c) How is water carried from the root of the plant to theleaves? _____________________________________________________ (d) List two functions of the roots of plants. ____________________________________________ (e) the shoot system in a flowering plant is made up of a stem, leaves, buds, and flowers. State one function of the stem of a plant _________________________ (f) Explain why flowers of plants have bright colours.
GSAT Past Papers will continue next week
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Big Blue Unlimited hosts
Expo 2012
- Highlights the importance of marine preservation for the future of the Turks and Caicos Islands A plethora of people attended Big Blue Unlimited’s Expo 2012 on Monday, 23 January 2012. The Expo, which was held at Opus Restaurant in Grace Bay, Providenciales, marked the official launch of the Big Blue short film and of the company’s education initiative with TCI Public High schools. Stakeholders in the tourism industry as well as members of the local community came out in full support of the young local company, which started in 1997. The Expo showcased numerous tours and services offered by the company and saw a full team of 17 Big Blue members engage with the community and discussing their
work. It was also, according to Philip Shearer and Mark Parrish, owners and founders of Big Blue, an excellent opportunity to recognize and honor individuals from the family Islands as well as a special resort who have contributed to making the Turks and Caicos Islands one of the best destinations in the Caribbean. As such, five individuals from North and Middle Caicos received Eco Tourism awards on the night. During the ceremony, Mark Parrish said that persons such as Susan Butterfield were a shining examples “ of generosity, hard work and dedication.” He stressed that the Awards
Ray Azimar, Ted Weldon from Sailrock project , Alvado
winners of North Caicos and Middle Caicos were true ambassadors for the islands. The recipients were Cardinal Arthur, Johnston Dee Thomson, Lawrence Campbell, Susan Butterfield, Danny Forbes and Sarah Kaufman from the Middle Caicos Co-op. The evening ended with the announcement of the donation of a program geared towards high school students’ involvement in marine preservation. During an interview with Turk and Caicos Islands’ local media, Philip Shearer stressed the importance of a sustainable approach to working in the tourism industry. “The Marine Aptitude Program proposes to work with school
Pastor Bradley Handfield, David Bowen, Lynn Robinson and Sharon Myburg
Susan Butterfield and Brent Forbes
teachers to enhance topics already offered in the classroom.” he said. He added: “The emphasis would be on the appreciation and understanding of the marine environment and associated pursuits so that students would be well prepared for employment in the eco tourism sector and would make wise conservation decisions for the TCI in years to come.” The program which is welcomed by the incoming Permanent Secretary of Education, Judith Campbell, will only be offered to the public high schools and will include subjects such as conchology, coastal ecology, geography and geology of the TCI and Oceanography.
Co-owners of Big Blue Unlimited Philip Shearer and Mark Parrish
Keisha Reid from Veranda, Jay Stubbs and Tanya Carson
Big Blue Team talks about Paddle Boarding and other eco activities
Lawrence Campbell aka “Big Mac” receives Eco tourism Awards
Johnston Dee Thomson known as JD showing his Eco Tourism Award.
Ray Azimar and Ben Zirin from Big Blue showing Paddle boards
Shirley Williams receives the Award on behalf of Parrot Cay.
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University College of the Caribbean (UCC) in partnership with Turks & Caicos Institute of Professional Studies (TCIPS) offers...
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Rahman Ravelli Solicitors… Defending people against fraud and corruption allegations in the TCI and around the world Since investigations began into bribery and corruption allegations in the Turks and Caicos (TCI), Rahman Ravelli Solicitors has been advising current and potential clients in need of expert legal advice. Rahman Ravelli has spent much of 2011 in detailed legal discussion with the TCI authorities regarding the investigation and the interests of its clients. Our feedback informs us that our clients are most attracted to us by our pro-active handling of litigation and our swift, strong and intelligent legal representation that gets results. Recently, Rahman Ravelli has again received much sought-after entries in legal guides cataloguing the UK’s and the world’s highest-rated legal firms. In the world’s most prestigious legal directory, The Legal 500, Rahman Ravelli was rated as an excellent firm specialising in fraud and regulatory matters. It singled out Rahman Ravelli’s founder Aziz Rahman for his “first class and highly experienced’’ handling of cases. The UK’s most authoritative legal guide, the Chambers UK Guide, said of Aziz Rahman:
“He courts growing recognition as a very bright, dedicated and shrewd tactician who prepares all of his cases to an incredibly high standard.’’ The recognition came after a year in which Rahman Ravelli took on high-profile UK and international clients and successfully represented them in some of the biggest fraud cases. Last year, Rahman Ravelli secured the acquittal in London of the main defendant in the $0.5 billion Imperial Consolidated case – one of the largest ever investment fraud trials. The firm has a ten-year track record of success in representing clients of all nationalities in courts around the globe. Rahman Ravelli continues to build on its huge experience of defending clients all over the world who have faced corruption allegations involving billions of dollars. With a growing number of national state agencies worldwide now confiscating people’s assets, many people need such representation to defend what is theirs. Rahman Ravelli is going to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) to challenge the UK government’s right to make a person forfeit assets without them
having been convicted of a crime. This forfeiture is possible under the UK’s Proceeds of Crime Act; upon which the TCI POCA Ordinance was based. Our pioneering ECHR challenge is typical of our “outside of the box’’ thinking that ensures our clients receive fair treatment. Rahman Ravelli’s worldwide experience, network of expert partners around the globe and record of success make it the logical choice for people looking for legal representation because of the TCI’s fraud and corruption investigation. Rahman Ravelli represents clients in cases brought by all manner of UK, US, European and worldwide agencies. Clients gain the expertise and resources of a big firm and yet also benefit from our personal touch. Our international clients can talk to our staff and can access their lead lawyers 24 hours a day. For each client, we assemble a bespoke legal team and devise the most intelligent, appropriate defence case while keeping the client informed clearly of every development. Rahman Ravelli. Sharp legal minds with a personal touch.
www.rahmanravelli.co.uk | International 24-hour phone number +44 (0)1422-346666 | E: enquiries@rahmanravelli.co.uk
23/12/2011 10:46
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The One That Got Away Summer after high school when we first met We make out in your Mustang to Radiohead And on my 18th Birthday We got matching tattoos
Used to steal your parents' liquor And climb to the roof Talk about our future Like we had a clue Never planned that one day I'd be losing you In another life I would be your girl We'd keep all our promises Be us against the world In another life I would make you stay So I don't have to say You were the one that got away The one that got away I was June and you were my Johnny Cash Never one without the other we made a pact Sometimes when I miss you I put those records on (Whoa) Someone said you had your tattoo removed Saw you downtown singing the Blues It's time to face the music I'm no longer your muse
But in another life I would be your girl We'd keep all our promises Be us against the world
In another life I would make you stay So I don't have to say You were the one that got away The one that got away The o-o-o-o-o-one [x3] The one that got away
[Bridge:] All this money can't buy me a time machine (Nooooo) It can't replace you with a million rings (Nooooo) I should've told you what you meant to me (Whoa) 'Cause now I pay the price In another life I would be your girl We'd keep all our promises Be us against the world In another life I would make you stay So I don't have to say You were the one that got away The one that got away The o-o-o-o-o-one [x3] In another life I would make you stay So I don't have to say You were the one that got away The one that got away
Blues singer Etta James dies at 73 years old Etta James, the influential 1950s rhythm-and-blues singer best known for her showstopping hit "At Last," died on Friday from complications of leukemia in a California hospital surrounded by her family. She was 73. Her death prompted tributes from numerous musicians and artists who were influenced by her singing, from pop star Mariah Carey to Aretha Franklin and legendary rock band The Doors. James died in her home town of Riverside, California, east of Los Angeles, said her manager and friend of some 30 years, Lupe De Leon. She would have turned 74 on Wednesday. James was diagnosed with leukemia two years ago and had been in failing health for a number of years. Her live-in doctor said in December she was terminally ill with leukemia. James also suffered from diabetes, kidney problems and dementia and was hospitalized late in 2011 because she was struggling to breathe. The three time Grammy-award winning R&B singer saw numerous ups-and-downs in her career and personal life. She struggled with obesity and heroin addiction, ran a hot-check scheme and had troubled relationships with men, including some gangsters. Her weight ballooned, and in 2003 she underwent gastric bypass surgery and lost more than 200 pounds. Yet in the music industry, among fellow R&B artists and rock icons, James' career was legendary. With songs like "The Wallflower" and "Good Rockin' Daddy," the threetime Grammy winner was a key figure in the early days of rock 'n' roll, and her signature song, the 1961 ballad "At Last," proved her mastery of the blues. In the 1960s, James signed with Chicago's legendary Chess Records label and sang songs like "At Last" and "Trust in Me" that were backed by orchestras. Over the decades, James' hit the R&B charts with 30 singles, and placed nine of those songs in pop music's top 40. She has often been cited as influencing singers including Raitt, Janis Joplin and Tina Turner. James won her first Grammy in 1995 for her album, "Mystery Lady: The Songs of Billie Holiday." She also won Grammys in 2003 and 2005, as well as a lifetime achievement award in 2003 from the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, which gives out the Grammys. She is survived by her husband, Artis Mills, two sons Donto and Sametto who played in James' backing band, and four grandchildren.
‘Whitney's fortune is gone. Music industry heavy hitters are supporting her and her label is fronting her cash against her next album, but no one knows when that will be released’ a source told Radaronline.com.
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Adele sets another record, topples Rihanna from No. 1 spot British singer Adele is still proving to be the ultimate chart-breaker. “Set Fire to the Rain,” the singer’s third 21 single, has toppled Rihanna’s “We Found Love” to claim top spot on the Billboard Hot 100. Ri Ri’s Calvin Harris-assisted track, which slips to number two this week, spent 10 total weeks on top of the chart, the stoutest run at that spot since Ke$ha notched nine weeks there at the beginning of 2010 with “Tik Tok.” “Set Fire to the Rain” is Adele’s third number one, joining “Rolling in the Deep” (which spent seven weeks on top last year) and “Someone Like You” (five total weeks in 2011). Of course, 21 is also the number one album in the country this week, which means that Adele rules both charts simultaneously. That’s not necessarily a remarkable feat, as plenty of artists have lorded over both charts simultaneously, and 10 artists have even done it with two songs (most recently, Usher pulled it off with the
Rihanna To Launch Reality TV Fashion Show Rihanna is launching a reality TV, competition-style fashion show. She will executive produce, cast, and edit the show, as well as serve as part of the grand prize. However, she won’t be hosting – that duty has been given to UK singer Nicola Roberts. Undiscovered fashion designers will compete to dress Rihanna, ultimately creating a stage outfit for her Wireless performance in London’s Hyde Park in July 2012. Unfortunately, the show is set to air on the UK’s Sky Living channel. She told them: “I’ve always had a great love of fashion. It’s a constant source of inspiration in my life, and is a big reason why I’ve grown into the person and artist I am today.” The channel’s website says: “The show will celebrate the extraordinary talent and creativity in the British fashion scene. With Rihanna, a fashion icon herself, and Nicola, who created her own Dainty Doll make-up range, at the helm, the show will recognise the increasing influence popstars have on mainstream trends.” Let’s hope some clips make it this way
Confessions singles “Yeah!” and “Burn” back in 2004). But in an interesting bit of trivia, Adele is now the only artist in history to rule both charts with three different singles from the same album. Scoring three number ones is tricky business, but scoring those hit singles while still keeping your album sales robust is more or less impossible. What’s more impressive is that Adele continues to climb these charts and break these records without much promotion, as she has only recently emerged from a brief sabbatical she took to recover from vocal cord surgery. According to Bilboard, Adele’s 21 just notched its 17th week as the number one album in the country, which ties it with Billy Ray Cyrus’ Some Gave All on the all-time most weeks at number one list. Adele’s next target is the Whitney Houston-centric soundtrack to The Bodyguard, which spent 20 weeks at number one. Considering Adele has a Grammy bump to look forward to, and
with her greatest chart-topping challenger Nicki Minaj now sitting out until April, another three weeks on top seems like child’s play. Once she crosses that threshold, Adele enters into a whole new sales universe. The Bodyguard has the most weeks at number one in the SoundScan era (1991-present), though there are eight other albums that have spent more weeks at the top of the chart. The soundtrack to West Side Story is the official all-time leader, with 54 weeks at the pinnacle in 1962-63. That record, like Cy Young’s all-time wins mark for pitchers, is unlikely to ever be toppled, but it was also set in an era when album sales were an extremely loose science (or, at worst, not a science at all). Should 21 notch 21 weeks at number one (poetic!), it should be considered the record holder in this particular category. If anyone still doubted the commercial appeal of an old-fashioned soul singer who can channel raw emotion into song, Adele has put those
British singer Adele
doubts to rest. Not since 1993 has an album remained at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 chart for as long as her album, “21” (XL/Columbia). That album finished its 17th week atop the sales chart since its release in the United States last February, selling 95,000 copies last week. That’s the best any album has done since “The Bodyguard” soundtrack, released in 1993, was on top for 20 weeks, Billboard reported.
Seal opens up about his split from Heidi Klum Despite the pain from his split with Heidi Klum, Seal says he believes the pair can avoid a messy breakup. "In terms of our love and respect for each other, it hasn't changed at all," he says in an interview airing Friday on Tavis Smiley on PBS. "And I think that when two people feel that way about each other, it is easy – it is easier to make that transition." Seal adds that their children "are our first priority" and that the pair can still remain friends "especially when there are other things to take into consideration like family." "What one has to do in this situation is remain civil and to retain one's dignity and to be professional and to understand that we are not the only people on this planet that go through this," he says. "It is just unfortunately a chapter of life." Making the publicity rounds Monday to promote his album Soul 2, Seal also taped an interview on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, where he explained why he was still
wearing his wedding ring. "It's just pretty much a token of how I feel about this woman," he says on the show airing Wednesday. "We have eight years, eight wonderful years together. Just because we have decided to separate doesn't necessarily mean you take off your ring and you're no longer connected to that person. We will be connected in many ways 'til the rest of our lives." As to whether he'll wear the ring for the rest of his life, he says, "Who knows?" "But right now it feels really comfortable on my hand so I have no intentions of taking it off anytime soon," he says. The separation, he tells DeGeneres, left him and Klum just as "shocked" as everybody. But he says the pair found that "you just grow apart after awhile." "It's a shame," he says. "To say that neither of us were grieving would be an out-and-out lie."
Whitney Houston is flat broke after spending her $100m fortune She’s about to make her big screen comeback in the remake of Sparkle with popstar Jordin Sparks but Whitney Houston is reportedly 'broke'. The 48-year-old singer - who has overcome crack cocaine addiction - has allegedly spent all of her fortune, including a reported $100million record deal. Whitney is being financially supported by her record label Arista, which has given her an advance payment on her next album, according to reports. ‘Whitney's fortune is gone. Music industry heavy hitters are supporting her and her label is fronting her cash against her next album, but no one knows when that will be released’ a source told Radaronline.com. ‘She might be homeless if not for
people saving her. She is broke as a joke.’ Whitney - whose ex-husband is Bobby Brown - is believed to be in such a dire financial position she has even had to resort to contacting friends for small loans. The source added: ‘She called someone to ask for $100. It is so sad. She should have Mariah Carey money, and she's flat broke.’ A spokesperson for the singer strongly denied the claims when contacted by MailOnline and said: 'That is ridiculous and not true! She stars in SPARKLE out in August which she also Exec produced. She just wrapped the film.' In August 2001, Whitney signed the biggest record deal in music history at the time with Arista/BMG, renewing her contract with the label for $100million
to deliver six new albums. She released her last LP I Look to You in August 2009. In August, her first film since 1996’s The Preacher’s Wife will hit cinemas in the US and Houston plays, Emma, the mother of Sparks’ character, Sparkle. In a new shot from the flick, the pair can be seen all glammed up for the new version of the blockbuster about how a girl group experiences turmoil after one of their members turns to drugs and another achieves their desired fame alone. Co-star Jordin spoke highly of the diva to People magazine. ‘She was so cool and very motherly toward me. If I ever looked like I needed something, here she came saying 'Are you okay?'
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KFWS • MindGym October 4, 2010
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MAY 27TH - JUNE 3RD, 2011
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MAY 27TH - JUNE 3RD, 2011
King Features Weekly Service
October 4, 2010
October 4, 2010
King Features Weekly Service
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Some flashes of Aries ire might erupt as you confront an unusually bewildering situation. But you should be able to keep your temper under control as you work through it. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) That marriage ‘twixt the arts and practicality that Taureans excel at once again highlights your enjoyment of much of the week. However, you need to watch any sudden urge to splurge. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Even with all the plusses apparently outweighing the minuses, you still might want to defer an important decision to make sure you have all the facts you need. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) One or two problems might threaten to derail otherwise smoothly running situations at work or at home. But a few well-placed words should help get things back on track quickly. LEO (July 23 to August 22) This could be a good time for all you Leos and Leonas in the spotlight to open your generous Lion’s hearts and share the glory with those who helped you accomplish so much along the way. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) You might want to get advice from someone who’s been there and knows these situations better than you do, before investing time or money (or both) in a questionable matter. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Be careful how you handle a workplace matter that seems out of place
October 4, 2010
King Features Weekly Servic
If a contract can be made only when the defenders’ cards are divided in a certain way, declarer must play for that distribution to exist. He lays his plans accordingly —15— all other disand dismisses tributions from his mind. Here is a typical case: West leads the king of clubs, won by dummy’s ace. The situation is far from promising, since it is possible to lose three hearts, a club and a diamond. However, there is a good chance that West, who overcalled, has the king of diamonds, in which case one loser can be lopped off. Furthermore, dummy’s fourth diamond offers the prospect
in the schedule you’ve prepared. Before you act, one way or another, find out who set it up and why. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Your entertainment aspect is strong this week. Besides providing a wonderful break from everyday obligations, sharing fun times brings you closer to those you care for. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Having a weekend fun fest? Your friend or relative who’s down in the emotional dumps could perk up if you find a way to include him or her in your plans. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) If you’re in one of those “the Goat knows best” periods, you might want to ease up and try listening to what others have to say. You could learn something. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) That new challenge is getting closer, and you should be out there now showing facts and figures to potential allies to help persuade them to rally to your support. Good luck. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Getting a head start on holiday plans could help free up some time later to spend on other projects. Meanwhile, a colleague has some ideas that you might find worth discussing. BORN THIS WEEK: You are always there for others, and sometimes you need to be reminded that you need to be there for yourself as well.
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© 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.
of saving still another trick. But this latter possibility is complicated somewhat by the built-in block in diamonds. Thus, suppose declarer draws three rounds of trumps immediately and leads the diamond queen. Whether West plays the king on this trick or the next, South is unable to utilize dummy’s fourth diamond, and he goes down one. This threatening complication should start South on a train of thought that will lead him to the winning solution. He should cash the Q-J of trumps and then lead the queen of diamonds, leaving one trump at large. It does not matter whether or not West covers; in either case, South plays three diamonds in succession, ending in his hand. As it happens, West cannot ruff the third diamond, and South makes the contract, since he can next cross to the king of spades and discard a loser on the nine of diamonds. It is true that declarer runs the risk of the second or third diamond being ruffed, but, because making the contract is his primary consideration, he has no choice but to proceed on the assumption that the winning distribution actually exists. © 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.
Unstop A Girl’s Tall In By Laur (Health $14.95 Reviewe McAllis
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King Features Weekly Service
October 4, 2010
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MAY 27TH - JUNE 3RD, 2011
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HIGHLIGHTS • Trinidad Prime Minister cleared by Integrity Commission Ingraham changes Bahamas Election laws
Stanford defence lawyers say he was successful without fraud Attorneys for embattled Texas financier Allen Stanford have mounted a defence that contends their client was a savvy businessman whose financial empire was legitimate and who never failed to pay what was owed to investors. This is the hand that the court appointed defence lawyers played when Stanford’s court case went to trial this week after several years of delays. Prosecutor Gregg Costa told jurors in the Houston federal court that Stanford used investors’ money to buy homes and yachts and fund cricket matches, stealing their hard-earned savings so he could live the lavish lifestyle of a billionaire.
Former Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister stable after uffering stroke
The prosecution says Stanford’s business empire was built on smoke and mirrors and he bilked investors out of more than US$7 billion over 20 years as part of a massive Ponzi scheme centred on sales of certificates of deposit from an Antiguan bank he owned. However, Stanford, denies the claims and says his businesses were legitimate, is charged with 14 counts, including wire and mail fraud. He faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted. Robert Scardino, one of Stanford’s attorneys, told jurors the financier was a clever and resourceful businessman who for 22 years paid investors every penny that he promised them. “We’re going to prove to you that (his business empire) was real and it existed,” Scardino said. Scardino told jurors that Stanford didn’t need to steal depositors’ money and use it as personal loans. “If he needed money, could go to a bank and borrow up to US$1 billion,”
he said. Scardino suggested to jurors that the chief financial officer for Stanford’s company, James Davis, is the real culprit behind the financial fraud alleged by prosecutors. Davis has pleaded guilty and is expected to testify on behalf of prosecutors during the trial. Davis “ran the company, he managed the business, he handled the money,” Scardino said. “Stanford was kind of an absentee CEO, the visionary, the guy who had the ideas.” In court documents filed earlier this month, Stanford’s attorneys argued that he intended to pay CD investors through his other companies if authorities hadn’t seized them and begun selling them off. Stanford, 61, is expected to testify during the trial, which will likely last at least six weeks. Once considered one of the United State’s wealthiest people, with an estimated net worth of more than US$2
billion. His business empire was run through the Houston-based Stanford Financial Group, but at its heart was Antigua-based Stanford International Bank. The bank mainly sold certificates of deposit, or CDs, that promised substantially higher rates of return than US banks and promised investors their money was safe. Prosecutors say Stanford used money from the sale of the CDs, which were sold to clients from more than 100 countries, to pay off those purchased earlier once they matured and to support his other businesses, which included other banks, a brokerage firm that sold the CDs, an airline, cricket grounds and restaurants. They say Stanford used up to US$2 billion of investor funds as personal loans to support his lifestyle, and that he and three former executives at his companies who also face charges covered up their misdeeds by fabricating the bank’s records and bribing Antiguan regulators.
UK boosts Caribbean aid Patrick Manning
Former prime minister Patrick Manning remains warded in a stable condition at the San Fernando General Hospital after he suffered, what his son Brian Manning described as “a mild stroke” on Monday night. Manning who is the longest serving Member of Parliament, with service of 40 years, is the Opposition People’s National Movement (PNM) Member of Parliament for San Fernando East. His constituents last night held a candle-light vigil inclusive of prayers for his recovery. Manning fell ill on Monday night at his Sumadh Gardens, Vistabella home. He remains warded in stable condition at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Hospital under tight security. Reporters were told that Manning suffered an embolism which is a blood clot in the brain which led to the stroke. “It is a wait and see situation right now. And really we thank the country for their prayers and all the other well-wishers. We hope that those prayers continue,” Brian Manning said. Speaking outside the hospital, Manning’s wife Hazel, said that her husband is “doing very well”.
The Caribbean is to receive £75 million (US$116.5 million) in development projects from the United Kingdom over four years to help with job-creation, improve security, and combat the threat posed by natural disasters and climate change. UK Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, William Hague said the funds represent a considerable increase on previous aid budgets, signaling the strong commitment to the region. The disclosure was made during the just-ended two-day 7th Seventh UK-Caribbean Ministerial Forum held under the theme, “Sustainable Growth Towards Prosperity”. “We are one of the few nations in the world that is maintaining its international development commitments at a time of financial difficulty. We will stick to our pledge to raise our aid to 0.7 of GNI (gross national income), and you will find us a reliable partner,” he told participants. Foreign Secretary Hague said the core task of both regions was to create new opportunities for trade, investment and innovation in their respective economies.
Sam Condor, the Foreign Minister for St Kitts and Nevis and the forum co-chair explained that the conference revitalized the partnership between the two regions as reflected in the 31-point Plan of Action agreed to. The discussions, he stated, centred on economic resilience, climate change and security as well as the UK Air Passenger Duty (APD), which regional officials complain discriminates against the Caribbean. Minister Condor stated that the region’s tourism sector was staggering under the weight of the tax that has made travel very expensive. He urged the UK to consider reforming the APD to level the playing field and provide a win-win situation for both regions. Jeremy Browne, Minister of State, UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office described the two-day political dialogue as fruitful, noting that the Forum provided a framework for continuing activities with the High Commissioners in London.
APD results in loss of 90 thousand Britons to Caribbean It is estimated that the Caribbean has been losing about 90 thousand visitors per year from Britain, because of the Air Passenger Duty, APD. The estimate comes from the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association, CHTA, which says the tax has resulted in 270 thousand fewer tourists visiting the Caribbean from Britain. The CHTA also says that its
findings indicate there has been an approximate 20 per cent reduction in ethnic market travel to the region. The APD, which is a pollution tax placed on airlines which use British airports is to increase by a further 8 percent this April. In what has been described as a “slap in the face of the Caribbean,” by the UK, after almost two years of fierce lobbying, APD rates to Caribbean
destinations remain considerably higher than those to some competitor destinations, namely Hawaii. CHTA President Josef Fortsmayr said the loss of visitors from Britain is serious situation, because UK travellers usually book extended vacations and are among the highest spenders. Mr Fortsmayr says that while travel from Continental Europe is on the increase, the UK is the troubling zone. In addition, Premium Economy passengers coming to the region will continue to be charged the same APD as First Class passengers.
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Regional hoteliers want new initiatives to deal with controversial APD NASSAU, Bahamas – The Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA) has passed a resolution urging Caribbean Community (CARICOM) governments to initiate immediately “all necessary steps” to discuss the controversial Air Passenger Duty (APD) with the British government. “We want it made clear that APD is damaging the Caribbean tourism economy and the once positive relationship between the United Kingdom and the region,” according to the by the CHTA board of directors. A “Final Action Plan” document issued at the end of the weekend UKCaribbean Forum held in Grenada, British and CARICOM foreign
ministers agreed “to continue dialogue…in the spirit of cooperation and in the context of the importance of tourism to the economic development of the Caribbean, with a view to assisting the region in mitigating any deleterious effects that the application of the APD may have on its economies”. London late last year announced that the APD rates to Caribbean destinations will continue to be considerably higher than those to some competitor destinations. The detailed tax tables show that the tax on economy long-haul flights of more than 6,000 miles will rise from £85 (US$132) to £92 (US$143) per
Trinidad prime minister cleared by Integrity Commission PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad – Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar has been cleared of wrongdoing by the Integrity Commission following a complaint she interfered in the appointment of the Director of the Financial Intelligence Unit. The Integrity Commission this week dismissed the complaint made last year by Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley and ruled there was no breach of the Integrity in Trinidad Prime Minister Persad Bissessar Public Life Act, a statement from the Office of the Prime Minister said. Rowley leveled the charge after Persad Bissessar vetoed the Public Service Commission appointment of Michelle Austin to the position of Director of the Financial Intelligence Unit. The prime minister said her decision was based on representation by Minister of Finance Winston Dookeran who feared that the stability of the work undertaken by the unit would be adversely affected by a sudden change at the helm. Dookeran had commended acting Director Susan Francios for her efforts in the strategic planning and management, stating that this contributed to the improved rating given to Trinidad and Tobago by the Financial Action Task Force. The opposition leader said he would abide by the ruling. “If the Integrity Commission after investigating the matter has found that there was no breach, then so be it,” he said, adding, “The facts don’t change but we have to accept the ruling of the commission.” The parliamentary opposition has suggested that the state was black listed by the Financial Action Task Force, but this was rejected by the government. The administration later said the country had been placed on the “dark grey list” and was subject to enhanced monitoring. The statement added that Trinidad and Tobago’s position was upgraded to the “light grey” list after a review in June 2011 found it had taken action and showed progress.
person. The new measure goes into effect in April this year. But according to the CHTA resolution calls on regional governments to make it clear to London that the APD banding structure contravenes the spirit of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) signed between the European Union and Caribbean Forum (CARIFORUM) countries in 2008. In addition, the regional hoteliers are urging Caribbean governments to review alternate options to address the issue including the bringing a complaint to the World Trade Organization (WTO). “The Caribbean Hotel and
Tourism Association fully supports any such action as may be initiated by the Caribbean Tourism Organisation and is willing to partner with the CTO in doing so based on available resources,” the resolution noted. The CTO has reported a marked decrease in visitor arrivals from the United Kingdom, noting that in 2007, the number of visitors coming to the Caribbean from the UK market was 1,373,600. But that figure has declined to 1,103,400 in 2010. The CHTA said that despite the disappointment it applauds the efforts and support of the CTO and individual Caribbean governments since 2008 to get London to revise the APD
Lack of competition in airline industry stifling regional tourism NASSAU, The Bahamas — President of the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA) Josef Forstmayr says the lack of competition in the regional airline industry is stifling the tourism sector resulting in outrageous ticket prices and an ill-conceived network. Addressing the official opening of the CHTA Caribbean Marketplace 2012 yesterday, Forstmayr said regional travel was also being hampered by Caribbean nationals not being able to travel freely between their countries without being subjected to visas, long immigration lines and other bureaucratic indulgences that stifle any sense of hospitality. The CHTA official said that with the combined population of the Caribbean totalling 40 million, intra-Caribbean tourism once represented 13 per cent of the market, the same as Canada. However, he noted that conditions had changed significantly with very little travel taking place among the organisation's 18 member countries. "As a result of the lack of a competitive and truly regional airline, regional tourism has been suffocated by outrageous ticket prices and a cumbersome and ill-conceived network. "We need to establish the very best welcome and farewell to all our visitors as well as returning residents within the Caribbean. "This must be a call to action to all governments and airport operators to focus on this issue. Too often, we hear that long lines, antiquated bureaucracy and surly attitudes are commonplace in our islands ...this is not acceptable," Forstmayr told hoteliers, travel agents, tour operators and buyers from the regional and international community. He said the CHTA estimated that in 2010,
the Caribbean governments collectively paid US$45 million to secure airlift, only to find that the situation is still inadequate and way too expensive for visitors. Figures released by the Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO) suggest that 2010 was a record year for 'stop-over' arrivals with 23.1 million visitors, and their forecast for this year is a four per cent growth. Forstmayr said that the Caribbean tourism industry's marketing and business development unit, CTDC, has taken an important step towards relaunching its vacation website, and that Caribbean Marketplace is "as strong as ever" with registration numbers this year very encouraging. "There is no question that our buyers who are attending Caribbean Travel Marketplace are in large part responsible for these encouraging and welcome statistics. "The Caribbean remains the most tourismdependent region in the world and the substantial volume of transactions -- generated by the 15,000 appointments -- that will take place here over the next two days will bolster the Caribbean nations' economies directly resulting in a better standard of living for our Caribbean citizens," he noted. He said there has to be a strong consensus of regional leaders and the public so that travel and tourism will receive the full support it needs as the Caribbean's most vital export industry. "It is the fastest way to create jobs, grow the economy and generate income for all. Every citizen needs to understand that, whether or not he or she works directly in the tourism areas, every tourist's dollar brings economic and social benefits to every level of our society," he added.
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Page 35
e Bahamas Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham introduces changes to elections laws NASSAU, The Bahamas -- Bahamas Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham introduced amendments to the Parliamentary Elections Act on that would allow Bahamian students in Jamaica, Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago to vote at consulates in those countries, and to allow for international monitoring agencies to observe the upcoming general election. The legislation also seeks to modify the provision that determines the size of the ballot boxes for overseas voting so that they can fit into the overhead compartments of airplanes. Ingraham said parts of the law are too restrictive. “The government has determined that the time has come in The Bahamas to permit independent observers to observe our election process and in order for that to happen the law has to be amended to accommodate it,” he said. “We have one of the most restrictive laws anywhere for what happens in a polling station. For instance, you will notice that in any part of the world a television camera would be in the polling booth showing when
Bahamas Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham
somebody votes, etc., not all day but it will show you a candidate voting. We don’t allow that in The Bahamas. You [have] to be outside the door.” Ingraham told reporters last Wednesday that he would welcome any organization that wants to monitor the election. “They can let us know and we will facilitate them and accommodate them, whether it’s the OAS (Organization of American States), the
United States of America, the UN (United Nations), whoever monitors elections in the world. If they want to come to The Bahamas to see how an election is done, they can come,” he said. “We are going to have an open, fair and transparent process and so we are taking time to ensure the election procedures and things that need to be done, are done, prior to calling an election.” Turning to the amendment that would allow students in the three Caribbean nations to vote, Ingraham noted that there are University of West Indies campuses on those island nations where The Bahamas does not have embassies. He noted however that there are honorary consuls on those islands. Asked by a sitting member if the government would seek to establish consuls in other Caribbean countries, Ingraham repeated, “We can accommodate Barbados, Trinidad and Jamaica. “That is what I can accommodate. That is what I am proposing at the moment.”
Haiti leader launches power program PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Haiti's president said he hopes to double the number of rural households that receive electricity within two years by offering people small loans to buy solar kits. The announcement by President Michel Martelly is part of a $45 millionplus energy package that aims to introduce electricity to thousands of people in this impoverished nation who otherwise illuminate their homes by candlelight. The program, dubbed "Give me light, give me life," seeks to build credit for rural Haitians as they take out loans to purchase small solar kits for charging their cell phones or computers. It also aims to line streets with light posts in the countryside and repair power lines in poor neighborhoods in the capital. "If a country wants to talk about development it's imperative to talk about energy and electricity," Martelly said at a news conference at a hotel in downtown Port-au-Prince. The need for energy in Haiti is critical to the reconstruction of Haiti as the Caribbean country struggles to recover from a massive earthquake two years ago that devastated much of the southern half and initially displaced 1.5 million people. The 40-year-old state-run Electricity of Haiti can only power 200,000 homes, Martelly said, and only 30 percent of the population in this country of 10 million has access to a power supply. Even then, most parts of Haiti only have electricity for a few hours a day, forcing many businesses and
some homes to rely on generators and expensive fuel imports. The new program will call on smaller Haitian banks to issue $30 million in loans with an interest rate of 7 percent, payable over seven years. The credit will help families purchase solar kits that will each cost between $250 and $350. The families in question live in two of the most remote corners of the country — the Grand-Anse, the mountainous tip of the western peninsula, and the Northwest province. In the end, the program seeks to give a power supply to 200,000 households within two years before moving onto the rest of Haiti, Martelly said. "We feel they have less access than the rest of the country," said Rene JeanJumeau, Secretary of State of Energy. Another part of the program, budgeted for $15 million, will give the government loans so that mayors in the countryside can line 375 kilometers (233 miles) of streets with lamps. It will begin in three years. The government project will also focus on urban areas. It will repair street lights and electric posts in 10 popular neighborhoods with $300,000 from the national treasury. The program joins other efforts to boost energy production in Haiti. The Inter-American Development Bank last month announced that it had approved a $20 million grant to help refurbish Haiti's Peligre hydroelectric plant, the country's largest renewable energy generation facility.
He said he wishes he could establish voting stations across the world. Previous amendments made to the bill last year, will also allow students to vote in Miami, Atlanta, Washington, New York, London, and Toronto. Under the new legislation, polling places will be established at Bahamian embassies and high commissions. In addition to students, Bahamians eligible to vote outside the country would include staff of Bahamian embassies, high commissions or other foreign missions of The Bahamas posted overseas and their spouses or members of their immediate families residing with them. Public officers or Ministry of Tourism staff on official duty outside of the country and staff of the Bahamas Maritime Authority or any other agency of the government are also eligible to vote outside of the country. Voting would take place on the same day as the advanced poll and at the end of that poll the sealed ballot boxes would be returned to The Bahamas and delivered to the parliamentary commissioner.
Studies show despite some success, CSME still not fully embraced GEORGETOWN, Guyana – The Guyana-based Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat says despite some successes, there is still need for improving some core elements of the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME). In a statement, the Secretariat said that the studies facilitated through the CARICOM Trade and Competitiveness Project (CTCP) – an arrangement between Canada and CARICOM – show that the CSME is operating overall at about 64 per cent. The CSME, which regional governments regard as a major initiative to counter the effect of a changing global environment, provides for the free movement of goods, skills, labour and services and the right of establishment across the region. The Secretariat said that the five core CSME regimes are functioning “but not at the level of effectiveness contemplated by the Community. The studies were carried out over the last three years. The Secretariat said the “core regimes operate through transactions between governments and CARICOM businesses and persons. “The CSME functions on the basis of a number of central legislation, institutional arrangements and administrative processes. These legal, institutional and administrative measures form part of the foundation elements from which compliance is determined and measured,” the statement said. It said the major deficiencies are with respect to the free movement of services and the regime on the right of establishment. “In addition there is need for improvement with the regime for the free movement of skills regarding the level of efficiency and effectiveness of administrative transactions between government authorities and CARICOM nationals.” The studies were designed to help create the capabilities within member states to deliver the rights conferred under CARICOM agreements and to further enhance the effectiveness of the CSME.
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• Drink Alcohol, Live Longer?
• Sarkozy to quit politics if he loses elections
Costa Concordia offers settlement for passengers ROME - Costa Cruises has offered to pay 11,000 euros ($14,500) in compensation to each of the more than 3,000 passengers aboard the ship that capsized near the island of Giglio two weeks ago, Italian consumer groups said on Friday. The offer, negotiated by the consumer groups, is an attempt by Costa Cruises to limit the legal fallout of the accident. Each passenger would also receive a refund on the cruise and costs of their return home. The offer applies to all passengers, whether a child or an adult, who suffered no physical injuries. Injured passengers will be dealt with individually. Those accepting the offer would have to agree to drop all future
litigation, and receive payment within seven days. Costa Cruises' U.S. parent company Carnival Plc is already facing legal action for compensation. Codacons, a consumer group which did not participate in the negotiation, is collecting names for a class action suit to be filed in Miami requesting 125,000 euros for each passenger. Carlo Rienzi, president of Codacons, said the offer was insufficient and urged passengers to see a doctor to check whether they had suffered psychological trauma. Meanwhile, John Arthur Eaves, a U.S. personal injury lawyer, is urging passengers to file individual lawsuits in the United States. Eaves represented
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families of some of those killed when a U.S. military jet struck and severed cables holding skiers in a cable car in northern Italy in 1998, killing 20. "The class action is not the right tool for this case," Eaves told Reuters Television. "In this case people need to be treated like individuals. Everyone in this boat had different damages." But Roberto Corbella, head of Italy's association of tour operators, and who helped Costa negotiate the offer with the consumer protection groups, urged passengers to accept it. "Lawsuits have uncertain outcomes, they take a long time, there are legal costs, and some studies indicate that it's not at all certain that passengers would get more than the company is offering," he said. Crew member Gary Lobaton has already filed a lawsuit against Carnival in a U.S. district court. His lawyers
Giffords quits congress
said in his court filing that he was not aware of the "dangerous conditions" of the cruise ship until it was too late to abandon it safely. On Thursday, Italy's top-ranking Coast Guard official, Marco Brusco, said Concordia Captain Francesco Schettino lost "a precious hour," which made evacuating the ship more difficult. Had the order been given earlier, "the lifeboats could have been launched calmly, people could have been reassured," Brusco said in Senate testimony. Passengers have complained the evacuation was chaotic, with some left waiting in lifeboats for two hours before being able to leave the ship. Several bodies were found by divers in submerged evacuation assembly points, wearing life vests. Sixteen bodies have so far been recovered and 16 are still missing after the 290-metre long cruise liner struck a rock near the Tuscan island. As divers continued to comb the submerged parts of the ship, Dutch salvage team SMIT finalized preparations to remove fuel from the ship's tanks.
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Ahmadinejad says Iran ready for nuclear talks TEHRAN, Iran — Iran is ready to revive talks with the world powers, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said, as toughening sanctions aim at forcing Tehran to sharply scale back its nuclear program. Even so, he insisted that the pressures will not force Iran to give up its demands, including to continue enriching uranium, that led to the collapse of dialogue last year. The United States and its allies want Iran to halt making nuclear fuel, which they worry could eventually lead to weapons-grade material and the production of nuclear weapons. Iran says its program is for peaceful purposes — generating electricity and producing medical radioisotopes to treat cancer patients. The 27-member European Union imposed an oil embargo against Iran on Monday, part of sanctions to pressure Tehran into resuming talks on the country's nuclear program. It follows U.S. action also aimed at limiting Iran's ability to sell oil, which accounts for 80 percent of its foreign revenue.
Argentina’s Fernandez attacks UK comments on Falkland Islands Argentina's president has condemned the UK prime minister's claim last week that her government takes a colonialist attitude to the Falklands Islands. Making her first public appearance after undergoing surgery, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner criticised David Cameron's comments. A surgery scar was visible on her throat as she spoke at government headquarters in Buenos Aires. This April marks 30 years since the start of the Falklands War. "They are trying to paint us as bad guys, or violent guys and really, that is not who we are," Mrs Fernandez told a packed auditorium after 20 days of medical leave for thyroid surgery. Mr Cameron outraged many in Argentina last week when he accused the country of having a "colonialist" attitude over the disputed islands. Protesters marched on the British embassy in Buenos Aires on Friday, burning the Union flag, and demanding that diplomatic ties with London be severed. Referring to Mr Cameron's comments, Mrs Fernandez said that people only talk in such a way when they do not have solid arguments. Mrs Fernandez's comments came mid-way through her remarks to supporters at the Argentine Presidential Palace. Her remarks illustrate how potent the issue of the Falklands Islands remains across Argentine society.
Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
No date is set for the possible resumption of talks between Iran and the five permanent U.N. Security Council members plus Germany. Negotiations ended in stalemate in January 2011, and Iran later rejected a plan to send its stockpile of lowenriched uranium abroad in exchange for reactor-ready fuel rods. Iran had previously indicated that
it is ready for a new round of talks. Ahmadinejad is the highest-ranking official to make the offer. He accused the West of trying to scuttle negotiations as a way to further squeeze Iran. "It is you who come up with excuses each time and issue resolutions on the verge of talks so that negotiations collapse," Ahmadinejad said in a speech in Kerman in southeastern Iran. "Why should we shun talks? Why and how should a party that has logic and is right shun talks? It is evident that those who resort to coercion are opposed to talks and always bring pretexts and blame us instead." Iran begun uranium enrichment at a new underground site built to withstand possible airstrikes earlier this month, in another show of defiance against Western pressure to rein in Tehran's nuclear program. Centrifuges at the bunker-like Fordo facility near Iran's holy city of Qom are churning out uranium enriched to 20 percent. That level is higher than the 3.5 percent being made at Iran's main enrichment plant at Natanz, central
Iran, and can be turned into warhead material faster and with less work. Iran says it won't give up its right to enrich uranium and produce nuclear fuel, but it has offered to allow the International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors to visit its nuclear sites to ensure that its nuclear program won't be weaponized. Ahmadinejad also said sanctions and oil embargo will backfire because it has minimum trade with EU. "Americans have not purchased Iranian oil for 30 years. Our central bank has had no dealings with them ... our (total) foreign trade is about $200 billion. Between $23 billion to $24 billion of our trade is with Europeans, making up about 10 percent of our total trade ... Iran won't suffer," Ahmadinejad said. His comments were posted on state TV's website. Ahmadinejad said sanctions won't harm the government, but only the people. The EU had been importing about 450,000 barrels of oil a day from Iran, making up 18 percent of Iran's oil exports.
Philippines may allow greater US military presence in reaction to China’s rise Two decades after evicting U.S. forces from their biggest base in the Pacific, the Philippines is in talks with the Obama administration about expanding the American military presence in the island nation, the latest in a series of strategic moves aimed at China. Although negotiations are in the early stages, officials from both governments said they are favorably inclined toward a deal. They are scheduled to intensify the discussions Thursday and Friday in Washington before higher-level meetings in March. If an arrangement is reached, it would follow other recent agreements to base thousands of U.S. Marines in northern Australia and to station Navy warships in Singapore. Among the options under consideration are operating Navy ships from the Philippines, deploying troops on a rotational basis and staging more frequent joint exercises. Under each scenario, U.S. forces would effectively be guests at existing foreign bases. The sudden rush by many in the Asia-Pacific region to embrace Washington is a direct reaction to China’s rise as a military power and its assertiveness in staking claims to disputed territories, such as the energy-rich South China Sea. “We can point to other countries: Australia, Japan, Singapore,” said a senior Philippine official involved in the talks, speaking on the condition of anonymity because
of the confidentiality of the deliberations. “We’re not the only one doing this, and for good reason. We all want to see a peaceful and stable region. Nobody wants to have to face China or confront China.” The strategic talks with the Philippines are in addition to feelers that the Obama administration has put out to other Southeast Asian countries, including Vietnam and Thailand, about possibly bolstering military partnerships. The United States already has about 600 Special Operations troops in the Philippines, where they advise local forces in their fight with rebels sympathetic to alQaeda. But the talks underway between Manila and Washington potentially involve a much more extensive partnership. Officials in the Philippines — which has 7,107 islands — said their priority is to strengthen maritime defenses, especially near the South China Sea. They indicated a willingness to host American ships and surveillance aircraft. Although the U.S. military has tens of thousands of troops stationed at long-standing bases in Japan, South Korea and Guam, as well as the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, it is seeking to solidify its presence in Southeast Asia. Some of the world’s busiest trade routes pass through the South China Sea and the nearby Strait of Malacca.
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Page 38
Giffords quits Congress to focus on recovery Amid tears, salutes and standing ovations, Representative Gabrielle Giffords submitted her resignation from Congress on Wednesday to focus on her recovery from an assassination attempt in Tucson, Arizona, last year. In farewell remarks that hinted at a second political career in the future, the Democratic lawmaker said: "I will recover and will return. And we will work together again, for Arizona, and all Americans." Her remarks were read to the House by one of her friends, Democratic Representative Deborah Wasserman-Schultz. Giffords' fellow Arizonan, Republican Representative Jeff Flake, held her hand as the speech was read as they stood at the front of the chamber. Her resignation takes effect at the end of Wednesday. In resignation letters to House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner and Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, Giffords spoke of the need to dedicate herself fully to her recovery from attempt on her life. She added in the letter that "my district deserves to elect a U.S. Representative who can give 100 percent to the job."
Gabrielle Giffords
The three-term representative, a political centrist who was seen as a rising star in the House, was holding a meet-and-greet event at a Tucson supermarket on January 8 last year when a gunman opened fire. Six people were killed, including a 9-year-old girl, a Giffords aide and a federal judge. Twelve others were wounded including Giffords, who was shot through the head. She has since received intensive
therapy at a Texas hospital to recover from the injury that left her with broken speech and a marked limp. Jared Loughner was charged with first-degree murder, the attempted assassination of Giffords and other crimes stemming from the shooting. He pleaded not guilty and was found mentally unfit to stand trial. Since the shooting, Giffords has appeared in the House chamber only two other times. In August, she surprised her fellow lawmakers when she showed up to vote for controversial legislation raising U.S. borrowing authority. On Tuesday night, Giffords was embraced by President Barack Obama when he arrived in the House to deliver his State of the Union address. During tributes on Wednesday that lasted about an hour, Boehner, like many lawmakers in the chamber, choked up and dabbed at his face with a tissue. The Republican speaker kissed Giffords twice after helping her to the chamber's podium. At a time of deep political divisions in Congress and across the United States, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said,
"Congresswoman Giffords' message of bipartisanship and civility is one that all in Washington and in the nation should honor and emulate." Watching the tribute from a gallery in the House chamber was Giffords' mother, Gloria. The congresswoman's husband, Mark Kelly, a U.S. astronaut who in May commanded one of the final space shuttle missions, also attended the session. As Giffords exited the House chamber, she was aided by an emotional Wasserman-Schultz and embraced by a tearful House aide. Giffords announced on Sunday she would step down, and has since carried out final visits and duties in the swing district where she won reelection by only 4,000 votes in 2010, a year when many Democrats lost seats as Republicans took control of the House. She cast a last vote in the House on Wednesday for legislation she crafted with Flake to levy new penalties on traffickers using small, low-flying aircraft to smuggle drugs across the U. S. border from Mexico. In a rare display of bipartisanship, the vote on the legislation was 408-0.
Drink Alcohol, Live Longer? Works for Worms
Dentist accused of paper clip use in root canals
Scientists have surprisingly discovered that a mere trace of alcohol doubles the lifespan of a tiny worm that has become a workhorse in biochemistry laboratories around the world. The dramatic finding by researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, suggests that the availability of ethanol -- the type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages -- may play an important role in delaying the aging process, at least in the life of C. elegans, a benign worm that is less than .04 of an inch long. The discovery was described as "shocking" by biochemist Steven Clarke, senior author of a study published in PLoS One, a peer-reviewed journal published by the Public Library of Science. Clarke, who described the research with the almost giddy excitement of a man who is pursuing a great scientific adventure, admits he doesn't know why alcohol would have such a dramatic increase in the worm's lifespan, but he's certain of one thing -- it didn't take a lot of booze to trip whatever makes this tiny critter live so long. The amount that worked best was roughly equivalent to a tablespoon of ethanol in a bathtub full of water, he said. Or for beer drinkers, that translates into one bottle of suds diluted with 100 gallons of water. That's "basically nothing," Clarke said in a telephone interview, but it was enough for the tiny worm. The worm normally lives for only about 15 days, but a trace of alcohol extended that to up to 40 days, according to the study. If that worked for humans, we could sniff a little booze first thing in the morning and stick around for a couple of centuries. That, unfortunately, is a really long shot. But the possibility is tantalizing, because we have much in common with C. elegans. First, a word about the hero in this story. Half a century ago molecular biologist Sydney Brenner suggested that the tiny worm could be very useful to researchers, and the creature has since played a big role in science. It reproduces quickly during its short life, so many generations can be studied in a relatively brief period of time. It is a very simple organism, making it easier to study, yet it shares many biological systems with humans. It has been described as "non-hazardous, non-infectious, non-pathogenic, and non-parasitic," and "transparent," and it has constantly amazed scientists. During one four-month period alone 73 articles about the worm appeared in international science journals. The worm is particularly useful in the study of aging, and it has been at the forefront in research in Clarke's lab. Clarke and his colleagues -- Paola Castro, Shilpi Khare and Brian Young -- were using the worm to study the effects of cholesterol, which is crucial for humans but dangerous in the bloodstream. The first hint of what lay ahead came when the researchers put C. elegans larvae in a solution of ethanol, which works as a solvent, and cholesterol. That research led to a paper showing that the cholesterol increased the lifespan of worms. But a phone call from a colleague at the California Institute of Technology introduced the first twist in this scientific journey.
NEW BEDFORD, Mass. — A former dentist in Massachusetts has pleaded guilty to Medicaid fraud for using paper clips instead of stainless steel posts in root canals. Michael Clair is scheduled to be sentenced next Monday after pleading guilty last week in New Bedford Superior Court to a variety of charges, including defrauding Medicaid of $130,000 assault and battery, illegally prescribing prescription drugs and witness intimidation. Prosecutors say the 53-year-old Clair was suspended by Medicaid in 2002, but continued to file claims from August 2003 to June 2005 by using the names of other dentists in his Fall River practice. Authorities say instead of stainless steel posts for root canals, he used sections of paper clips — which can cause pain and even infection — in an effort to save money.
Australian prime minister stumbles as riot police escort her through 200 angry protesters CANBERRA, Australia — Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard stumbled and was caught by a security guard as riot police helped her force a path through a crowd of rowdy protesters following a ceremony to mark Australia’s national day Thursday. She appeared distressed as she was pulled away from the protesters but was unharmed. She later remarked that she was made of “pretty tough stuff” and commended police for their actions. Some 200 supporters of indigenous rights had surrounded a Canberra restaurant and banged its windows while Gillard and opposition leader Tony Abbott were inside officiating at an award ceremony. Around 50 police escorted the political leaders from a side door to a car. Gillard stumbled, losing a shoe. Her personal security guard wrapped his arms around her and supported her to the waiting car, shielding her from the angry crowd. The protesters had been demonstrating for indigenous rights nearby at the socalled Aboriginal Tent Embassy, a ramshackle collection of tents and temporary shelters in the national capital that is a center point of protests against Australia Day. Australia Day marks the arrival of the first fleet of British colonists in Sydney on Jan. 26, 1788. Many Aborigines call it Invasion Day because the land was settled without a treaty with traditional owners. Abbott appeared to be the target of protesters, who chanted “shame” and “racist” outside the restaurant. The Tent Embassy celebrated its 40th anniversary on Thursday. Abbott had earlier angered indigenous activists by saying it was time the embassy “moved on.”
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Independent Scotland can be ‘beacon of progressive opinion’ for rest of UK ALEX Salmond hopes to position an independent Scotland as a "beacon for progressive opinion" for those south of the border. The First Minister, writing in the Guardian newspaper, sought to compare policies, particularly on health, with those of the Tory-led Westminster Government. Salmond wrote: "An independent Scotland can be a beacon for progressive opinion south of the border and further afield, addressing policy challenges in ways that reflect the universal values of fairness and are capable of being considered, adapted and implemented according to the circumstances and wishes within the other jurisdictions of these islands and beyond.
"That is a far more positive and practical Scottish contribution to progressive policy than sending a tribute of Labour MPs to Westminster to have the occasional turn at the Westminster tiller - particularly as the opposition's policy is increasingly converging with that of the coalition on the key issues of the economy and public spending." Mr Salmond, the SNP leader, has an overall majority at the Scottish Parliament and intends to hold a referendum on independence in autumn 2014. He underlined his ambition to bring about independence as the means by which people can "best fulfil their potential".
Governor Brewer gets book critique from Obama MESA, Ariz.) — Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer came to greet President Barack Obama upon his arrival outside Phoenix Wednesday. What she got was a critique. Of her book. The two leaders could be seen engaged in an intense conversation at the base of Air Force One's steps. Both could be seen smiling, but speaking at the same time. Asked moments later what the conversation was about, Brewer, a Republican, said, "He was a little disturbed about my book." Brewer recently published a book, "Scorpions for Breakfast," something of a memoir of her years growing up, and defends her signing of Arizona's controversial law cracking down on illegal immigrants, which Obama opposes. Obama was objecting to Brewer's description of a meeting he and Brewer had at the White House, where she described Obama as lecturing her. In an interview in November Brewer described two tense meetings. The first took place before his commencement address at Arizona State University. "He did blow me off at ASU," she said in the television interview in November. She also described meeting the president at the White House in 2010 to talk about immigration. "I felt a little bit like I was being lectured to, and I was a little kid in a classroom, if you will, and he was this wise professor and I was this little kid, and this little kid knows what the problem is and I felt minimized to say the least." On the tarmac Wednesday, Brewer handed Obama an envelope with a handwritten invitation to return to Arizona to meet her for lunch and to join her for a visit to the border. "I said to him, you know, I have always respected the office of the president and that the book is what the book is," she told reporters Wednesday. She said Obama complained that she described him as not treating her cordially. "I said that I was sorry that he felt that way. Anyway, we're glad he's here, and we'll regroup." A White House official said Brewer handed Obama a letter and said she was inviting him to meet with her. The official said Obama told her he would be glad to meet with her again. The official said Obama did note that after their last meeting, which the official described as a cordial discussion in the Oval Office, the governor inaccurately described the meeting in her book. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to describe a private conversation between the president and the governor.
He recalled the support given at a BBC Question Time appearance in Liverpool where he urged English voters not to allow Westminster parties to "destroy" the NHS south of the border. And he highlighted Scottish policies for free university tuition, no prescription charges and free personal care for the elderly. Scotland was also first in the UK to implement a smoking ban in enclosed public places, he said. Mr Salmond said the current British constitutional settlement prevents Scotland from "innovating" in more areas, such as welfare. He added that an independent Scotland would play an "active and
responsible" role in the world. "After Scotland becomes independent, we will share more than a monarchy and a currency. We will share a social union," he said. "It just won't be the same as a restrictive state which no longer serves the interests of either Scotland or England." But a poll carried by the newspaper showed the SNP still has work to do if it wants Scotland to leave the union. The ICM survey put support at 30% with 63% against. A YouGov poll for Channel 4 on January 16 showed 39% support for independence, with 61% opposed.
Sarkozy: I’ll quit politics if I lose power PARIS: The French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, has said he will leave politics if he loses in the forthcoming presidential elections. The disclosure came in a report in Le Monde newspaper which suggested that Sarkozy had been talking to 'friends' about life after power. "If I lose, I will give up politics. Yes, that's a certainty," he was quoted as saying. "I will rebuild my life. You will never hear French president, Nicolas Sarkozy of me again." But it later emerged that the 'friends' were journalists to whom the president had spoken off the record during a visit last weekend. Despite poor opinion-poll ratings, officially Sarkozy remains confident of winning a second term. He believes the opinion-poll lead of Socialist candidate, FranAois Hollande, will "melt away" in February.
Details emerge of SEAL rescue raid in Somalia More details are emerging about the rescue by U.S. Navy SEALs of two aid workers, an American and a Dane, in a daring nighttime operation in Somalia this past weekend. Jessica Buchanan and Poul Hagen Thisted had been held by pirates since being kidnapped in October. Buchanan was in Italy on her way home, recovering from her ordeal, and an undisclosed illness. Early on Wednesday, two teams from SEAL Team 6 - the same unit that killed Osama bin Laden - parachuted under the cover of darkness out of an Air Force C-130 transport plane into the Somali city of Cadaado. From there, they hiked nearly two miles to an encampment, where nine pirates were killed. The SEALs suffered no injuries. Army helicopters then picked up the SEALS and Buchanan and Thisted and flew them safely to the African nation of Djibouti. Howard Wasdin, a former member of SEAL Team 6, says, "The fact that they were able to get in, get both of these hostages out (kill all of their captors) and not get an American killed is just a tribute to how good these guys really are, how well-trained they really are." Jessica's father John Buchanan - who spoke to his daughter Tuesday night - tells CBS News, "she was emotional, but she's good. She's got some health issues, not life threatening. She'll be fine. She said, 'Daddy, I
love you, and I'll be fine.'" Buchanan and Thisted were abducted while working for a Danish aid group. The kidnappers reached out to the families through the aid organization, demanding ransom. The families then used private negotiators, who worked in tandem with U.S. officials to try to secure their release. "The FBI were looking over their shoulder the whole time," John Buchanan told CBS News. "They were efficient, they were kind, they were just on top of everything." New intelligence that Buchanan's health had gotten worse prompted the decision to use military force. Meanwhile, half a world a way, President Obama was preparing his State of the Union address when he got word that SEAL Team 6 had rescued the two hostages. Following the speech, a White House staffer phoned John Buchanan and told him to wait for an important call. "It was 40 minutes of not knowing what that call would be," said John Buchanan. "A guy came on the phone and said, Mr. Buchanan, the next voice you'll hear will be the president of the United States.' I said, 'O.K.' He said, 'John, this is Barack Obama. I've got some really good news for you. Your daughter, Jessica, has been rescued and evacuated by our SEAL team and she's on her way home."' It's expected that Buchanan will be reunited with her family in the coming days.
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Will Blackberry regain its Market Share? “RIM had its era, but now it seems very hard to gain back market share in the smartphone market even if the top managers are changed,” said one expert. “The iPhone and Android are well established in the market.” - Read RIM STRUGGLES AGAINS APPLE
Bill Gates injects $750 million into troubled AIDS fund Microsoft chairman and philanthropist Bill Gates pledged a further $750 million to the troubled global AIDS fund on Thursday and urged governments to continue their support to save lives. "These are tough economic times, but that is no excuse for cutting aid to the world's poorest," he said in Davos at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum. The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis (TB) and Malaria announced two days ago that its executive director, Michel Kazatchkine, was stepping down early following criticism over misuse of funds and cuts in funding. The public-private organization, which has the backing of celebrities like rock star Bono, accounts for around a quarter of international financing to fight HIV and AIDS, as well as the
majority of funds to fight TB and malaria. But it has been forced to cut back and said last year it would make no new grants or funding until 2014. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is giving $750 million through a promissory note -- a fresh injection in addition to the $650 million that the Gates charity has contributed since the fund was launched 10 years ago. While that will give an immediate boost, more is needed from governments, which have provided the bulk of the $22.6 billion that has been raised by the Geneva-based organization to date for its work in 150 countries. The commitment of governments was shaken last year when the fund reported "grave misuse of funds" in four recipient nations, prompting some
donors such as Germany and Sweden to freeze their donations. Gates, however, played down the problem and praised the fund's transparency, which he said had exposed corruption problems that might well have remained hidden at other organizations. "If you are going to do health programs in Africa you are going to have some percentage that is misused," he said. "We've looked at where they've found money that wasn't applied properly and how they tracked that ... the fact is the internal checks and balances have worked." Recent scientific studies have shown that getting timely AIDS drug treatment to those with HIV can significantly cut the number of people who become newly infected with the virus, increasing the case for maximum access to drugs.
Bill Gates
So the decision in 2011 to cancel fresh funding, due to waning political commitment, has alarmed healthcare activists like Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF). "Now that new scientific evidence shows that HIV treatment itself could be one of the best ways to turn the epidemic around, it's time for governments to roll up their sleeves and commit to getting the Global Fund back on track," said Tido von Schoen-Angerer, MSF's head of access.
AT&T posts $6billion Motorola Sues Apple loss on hefty charges, Over iPhone 4S, iCloud iPhone costs AT&T Inc posted a $6.7 billion quarterly loss due to a hefty break-up fee for its failed T-Mobile USA merger and other charges on top of costly subsidies for smartphones such as Apple Inc's popular iPhone. Its shares fell about 1 percent after the news. While the No. 2 U.S. wireless provider beat analysts' expectations for subscriber additions, the growth came at a cost as its wireless service margins plummeted. It also took a big non-cash pensionrelated charge on top of its $4 billion break-up package. While advanced devices like iPhone can help subscriber numbers and revenue, they also shrink earnings as operators like AT&T and its bigger rival Verizon Wireless heavily subsidize the device to attract customers to two-year contracts. AT&T's wireless service margin based on earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization dropped to 28.7 percent from 43.7 percent in the third quarter and 37.6 percent a year earlier. "If there's any reason to be upset, it certainly is the margins," said Stifel Nicolaus analyst Chris King, but he
noted that strong smartphone sales should help AT&T in the long run. The No. 2 U.S. mobile provider said it had added 717,000 subscribers in the quarter, beating the average expectation for 570,000 from seven analysts. But AT&T's subscriber growth still lagged well behind Verizon Wireless whose parent Verizon Communications reported on Tuesday that its wireless venture with Vodafone Group Plc had added 1.2 million subscribers in the quarter. Verizon Wireless margins were also hurt by smartphone sales, but not as much as AT&T. Roe Equity Research analyst Kevin Roe said that only time will tell if the race to sign on smartphone customers will be worth the massive drag on margins. "Its not getting easier. It will be tougher in 2012," he said. "The cost to capture and retain customers will increase as competition increases." AT&T forecast earnings growth in the mid-single-digit percentage range or better for 2012 and said it may be able to accelerate its earnings growth rate after 2012.
Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc. filed a new patent infringement lawsuit against Apple Inc. this week targeting the most recent version of the iPhone as Motorola's merger with Apple rival Google Inc. moves toward final regulatory approval. Motorola filed suit in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, alleging Apple has infringed on six patents related to mobile technology. Each count in the complaint names Apple's iPhone 4S, introduced last October, as an allegedly infringing device. Apple this week reported quarterly results that included record sales for the company, thanks in part to strong demand for the iPhone. The complaint filed on Tuesday also names Apple's iCloud content storage service as an infringing product. The iCloud service was unveiled last year. Motorola's latest suit comes as the Libertyville, Ill., company nears the completion of a long-anticipated merger with Google. Google, based in Mountain View, Calif., announced in August it would purchase Motorola for $12.5 billion, and the companies are currently seeking antitrust approval from regulators. Google's Android mobile software has emerged as a significant rival to Apple's iOS platform used to power the iPhone and other devices. Google has stated publicly that the Motorola purchase is intended in part to help bolster Android's legal standing, and protect it from patent litigation. The merger agreement filed publicly by the companies appears to limit Motorola's ability to independently file new patent infringement suits. However, Motorola had previously filed a related patent suit against Apple in Florida, in 2010. "Today's action relates to the same patents we are already asserting in Florida against Apple," a Motorola spokeswoman said in a statement. "Motorola Mobility has worked diligently over the years to develop cuttingedge technology and to build an intellectual property portfolio that is respected by the entire industry." A Google spokeswoman declined to comment, noting that the company and Motorola are still operating separately. An Apple representative also declined to comment.
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RIM Changes CEOs as BlackBerry maker struggles sgainst Apple Research In Motion Ltd. shook up its top management, replacing co-Chief Executive Officers Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis, who guided the BlackBerry maker for two decades and struggled to compete against Apple Inc. Thorsten Heins, a chief operating officer who joined RIM four years ago from Siemens AG, will replace the pair in the CEO post effective immediately, RIM said in a statement. Director Barbara Stymiest will take over as chairman, as the two also cede their co-chairmen positions. Lazaridis, who founded RIM in 1984, will become vice chairman; Balsillie will remain a board member without any operational role. The shakeup comes after Balsillie and Lazaridis showed little sign of being able to stop Apple and Google Inc.’s gains as the Silicon Valley companies remade the mobilecomputing market with devices such as the iPhone and iPad. Waterloo, Ontario-based RIM’s stock tumbled 75 percent last year as sales slumped, and the two men, both 50, drew investor criticism for releasing products without the features necessary to compete. “Heins is a product execution guy, he’s not a visionary,” said Ehud Gelblum, a New York-based analyst at
Morgan Stanley. “Heins has to give people a reason why they need a BlackBerry. It’s going to be very difficult for him.” RIM, once the most valuable company in Canada, fell 3.2 percent to $17 at the close in New York Jan. 20, giving it a market capitalization of $8.9 billion. In German composite trading today, the stock climbed 4.2 percent to the equivalent of $17.90 as of 12:52 p.m. in Frankfurt. RIM has lost 88 percent since its peak in 2008, when soaring BlackBerry sales pushed its market value to more than $80 billion. Last quarter, sales fell about 6 percent to $5.17 billion. Lazaridis, Balsillie and Stymiest all said the decision to step down was the men’s own and not a response to outside pressure. The shift is a result of the company’s evolution and the introduction of new technologies that will give RIM more competitive products, Lazaridis said. “This marks the beginning of a new era for RIM,” he said in an interview. “It was a bit of bumpy ride. We’ve done it as best we could. Thorsten is the ideal choice. He has the right skills at the right time.” RIM’s share of the global smartphone market sank to 11 percent in the third quarter from 15 percent a
Applications are invited from suitably qualified individuals to fill the following position:
Main Duties • Check Production schedule to determine variety and quantity of goods bake. • Measure and mix ingredients to form dough or batter following recipes. • Roll, cut and shape dough to form rolls, pie crusts, tarts, cookies and related products. • Cut, peel and prepare fruits for pie fillings. • Place dough in pans, molds or on sheets and bake in oven. Observe products while cooking and adjust controls. • Mix icings and other toppings and decorate cakes, pastries and other baked goods. • Use a variety of kitchen tools, including electric mixers, pans, rolling pins and cutting tools. • May develop new recipes. General Activities • Monitor baking process to identify needed adjustments. • Get information from products schedules and recipes. • Handle and move ingredients, tools and cooking pans. • Control mixing processes and oven controls. • Implement products by following recipes or creating new ones.
Requirements Applicants must have at least 2 years working in a high class bakery or restaurant making a variety of bread and pastries to a high standard. Applicants will be required to work early morning hours so having personal transportation is a necessity for this position. Perform other duties as assigned, requested or deemed necessary by management. Applicants will be required to work on a full time basis. Must be able to walk, stand or stoop for the duration of shift (at least 8 hours). Applicants must be able to understand/speak/read/write English proficiently. Applicants must be detail oriented, must be hardworking and a team player. Work with minimal supervision. Wages for this position is $7.00 hourly commensurate experience and training.
Interested applicants should contact Veronica Rigby via email by January 9, 2012 at ronnie@habgroup.com or by fax 649-946-5191. Only persons selected for an interview will be contacted by email or telephone to schedule an interview.
Thorsten Heins replaces co-Chief Executive Officers Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis,
year earlier, according to research firm Gartner Inc., stung by customer defections to the iPhone, and handsets that use Google Inc.’s Android software, including Samsung Electronics Co.’s Galaxy. The company faced a Jan. 31 deadline to report the findings of a review of its management structure.
RIM agreed to the review to fend off an effort to overhaul management by investor Northwest & Ethical Investments LP, which had proposed the company split the chairman and CEO roles. “RIM had its era, but now it seems very hard to gain back market share in the smartphone market even if the top managers are changed,” said Mitsushige Akino, who oversees about $600 million in Tokyo at Ichiyoshi Investment Management Co. “The iPhone and Android are well established in the market.” The BlackBerry, which gained popularity among bankers, lawyers, executives and politicians for its reliability, has also began losing its hold of the corporate market as more companies allow workers to use iPhones and Android handsets. The BlackBerry is “a secular loser to Apple and Android devices,” Ittai Kidron, an analyst at Oppenheimer & Co. in New York, told investors in a note last month. There are few signs RIM can recover as “execution issues remain a drag,” he said.
Geithner says wouldn’t serve in an Obama 2nd term Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said on Wednesday he would not expect to be asked to continue as Treasury chief if President Barack Obama wins re-election. "He's not going to ask me to stay on, I'm pretty confident," Geithner said during a Bloomberg television interview conducted in North Carolina, where Geithner toured an electronics manufacturing plant. Geithner said he was confident Obama would win a second term in the November election and said he would then "have the privilege of having another secretary of the Treasury." US Treasury Secretary Timothy There would be "something else for me," Geithner Geithner added. Geithner's intent to leave Treasury after a first term is no surprise since he had considered leaving last summer but then agreed to stay on at Obama's request. Treasury said at the time that Geithner would continue as the department's chief through the November elections. Geithner has been Obama's only Treasury secretary, taking office in January 2009 when the economy was in deep recession. He has had to deal with a series of pressing issues, from a housing downturn to the ongoing European debt crisis. He said European leaders, widely criticized for failing to deal more forcefully with their debt crisis, finally seemed to be making progress. "They're doing a lot of things to put in place reforms that help fix their financial problems, hopefully help them grow more rapidly," Geithner said, though he added: "They've got a lot of work to do." Geithner is headed for the annual World Economic Forum held in Davos, Switzerland, where he is expected to meet with a number of European finance ministers and press them further to act. "We will tell them to keep at it, make sure they deliver and put in place a stronger, more credible firewall," he said, referring to the need for Europe to put up a rescue fund that is strong enough to give investors the confidence that risks of financial contagion are contained.
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TCIRFU launch Spring League
The Turks and Caicos Islands Rugby Football Union (TCIRFU) recently launched their boys spring league with beach rugby matches and BBQ. Tourists and residents were on hand to witness many of the players from the TCIRFU’s Under 19s and Under 15s take part in a number of highly competitive matches at the Children’s Park in the Bight. Reuben Adams and Eduardo Villaneava landed some big hits while Michael Williams and Cardashio Williams crossed for a number of impressive tries. TCIRFU Director of Rugby Sean O’Neill is excited to start the new season “it’s great to have the boys season under way after the Christmas break. Last year we had a number of the junior players step up to play in the
competitive senior match in December and they played very well. We are looking forward to developing more talent so these players can go on to represent the Turks and Caicos on a national level.” TCIRFU Captain Blair Mason said that “Having won the Shield at the North America and Caribbean Sevens last year it has given all of us a taste of what we can achieve and these are the young guys who can take rugby to the next level in the Turks and Caicos.” Training takes place on Saturdays at the Meridian Field at 10am. Age grades include from Under 12s, Under 15s and Under 19s. For more information please contact pro@rugby.tc or director@ rugby.tc NEW PLAYERS ALWAYS WELCOME.
Amanyar donates soccer gear to Oseta Jolly
The Oseta Jolly Primary School sports programme got a boost earlier this week when Amanyara Resort pesented that school with a cheque valued at $1,580 to go towards the institution’s preparation for the Inter-Primary School Football competition. Tikiera Seymour, Assistant Naturalist at Amanyara, said the donation was just a small part of the resort’s pledge of community development in the Turks and Caicos Islands, stating that the resort had partbered with that school once before. “This is the first cash donation that we have donated to the Oseta Jolly Primary school, but we have donated before in the form of a presentation. We have adopted the Oseta Jolly Primary School, so they are under the Amanyar unbrella for 2012. And we hope to do many more projects in the form of presentations as well as donations with this institution. “We had a visiting conservationist by the name of Zander Strodes, who was here to do turle presentation at our resort, and we chose Oseta Jolly, where we did presentation on turtles and the dangers of throwing litter in the water and what teachers, students and the general public can do to help to conserve turtles in the Turks and Caicos Islands,” Seymour said. Seymour said Amanyara has also entered into a partnership with the Clement Howell High school and will be doing a number of projects with them in the near future. Vice Principal, Heartlyn
Wright, who collected the cheque on behalf of the school, said the donation was timely, as it came in time for the students’ preparation for the event, which should begin in short order. “I am happy to say on behalf of the principal (Rachel Handfield), we are proud to say how well we appreciate this gift from the Amanyara, for our students to participate in the sport, because at this time, most students might find it difficult to afford to contribute to purchase a uniform at this time. So, we thank Amanyara” Wright said. Meanwhile, Sports Master at the school, Errol Jackson said too, that he was appreciative and grateful for the kind gesture by the resort. “I am grateful of the fact that we still have corporate citizens and companies who are interested in investing in the development of our young people here in the TCI, even though we are in a time of grave economic crisis. I am delighted to know that the facts still remain that there are people who are still investing in young lives. Oseta Jolly are defending champions of the Under 11 Boys in the Inter-Primary School Football Compeititon, while the girls, which Jackson described as a very young and inexperienced team, made it to the seminifnals, where he said they lost to a more experienced team. “This year, I believe, again, that our team will do well. All we need to do is just ensure that we work together as a unit,” Jackson said.
AFC Academy and SWA Sharks score season-opening wins AFC Academy and SWA Sharks FC open their accounts on positive notes as the WIV-sponsored Provo Premier League season got underway at the TCIFA Academy field on Saturday, January 21. In their first encounter AFC Academy got past new entrants HAB FC 3-2 margin, while in the feature encounter the SWA Sharks turned back another first timer Pedagogue FC 5-3. HAB, despite having never played together for a full 90 minutes, managed to get on top in the first half with Academy not being able to really get going. After a number of chances for HAB going begging, a controversial penalty was awarded to HAB which the evergreen Dukens Dorisca duly converted. The second half was more evenly contested, but HAB then lost their defender and Captain Tienne Jacque after a brave challenge to head a low ball which resulted in a head injury. This unsettled HAB somewhat and they lost some shape which gave the Academy opportunity to capitalize on their youth and pace using several long balls over the top. On the other hand the Academy goalkeeper pulled off some brilliant saves to keep his team in the game. However, after this Fred Dorvil equalized for the Academy with a good finish but HAB recovered their composure and continued to threaten, resulting in Dukens putting them 2-1 up after one of a number of good moves. The Academy hit back again with Fred Dorvil fashioning another good goal to set up the game for a finale. In the end the spoils were taken by the Academy after a penalty was awarded to them and Fred Dorvil converted. In the second encounter, the new-look Sharks with new coaching staff of Collis & Hassan, and an injection of youth after some good work on player recruitment in the off season, looked slick in their pursuit. Pedagogue, coached by Alex Cranston, also looked to be a formidable bunch comprising mainly of teachers with the addition of a number of Beaches players and others. Initially, the game was fairly even until good work from Pedagogue caused a goalmouth scramble and the ball somehow ended up in the net via Sharks keeper, Alex Paul. After this, the Sharks fought back and started creating good chances via the midfield of Paul Collis and Chris Bryan and in particular some good wing play by Xavier Gili and Ralph Pierre using the pace and movement of Rey Garcia and Stevens Derilien. This paid off with a goal for Rey Garcia and another towards the end of the half for Derilien. The Sharks defence looked fairly solid at this point, although Pedagogue did force a couple of saves from Paul but the Sharks went into the break on top with a 2-1 lead. The second half saw both teams doing well, although the excellent Derilien shone and scored the next two goals for the Sharks with two good finishes. After this, the Sharks started to tire and Pedagogue began to use some of their experience to carve out some chances which resulted in a fine Ricky Villa-esque one man dribbled goal from Ian Chang and another from Kevin Brown to leave a nervy finish for the Sharks with the new centre back pairing of Marlon Davidson and Marc Fenelus coming under a little pressure and showing that work is required on the communication at the back. Both sides brought on substitutes and in the end Derilien scored his fourth goal of the match to seal the points for the Sharks.
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EXPECTATIONS RUN HIGH FOR CHRIS GAYLE "He was at his destructive best in IPL 2011, and one can safely assume that we will see a lot more fireworks emanate from his blade in the forthcoming IPL seasons." - INDIAN PREMIER LEAGUE CHAIRMAN
Gayle signs two-year deal with Royal Challengers Bangalore MUMBAI, India — Estranged West Indies batsman Chris Gayle inked a new deal yesterday with Bangalore Royal Challengers (RCB) for the next two seasons of the Indian Premier League. Media reports indicated that Gayle is set to earn US$500,000 (J$43 million) under the deal. Gayle was part of the Kolkata Knight Riders for the first three seasons of the lucrative tournament, but he went unsold in last year's players' auction. This proved to be a slice of good fortune for RCB and Gayle. He later joined the franchise as an injury replacement player for Australian leftarm fast bowler Dirk Nannes. Gayle went on to become the highest scorer in last year's IPL and won the Orange Cap as well. He also
played for Royal Challengers in the Champions League Twenty20, leading the side to the final, where they lost to the Mumbai Indians. "We are delighted to make Chris Gayle a permanent member of our IPL squad," said Siddhartha Mallya, director of Royal Challengers Sports Pvt Ltd, in a media release. "He is one of the best batsmen in the world. His form helped us qualify for the final of the 2011 edition of the tournament." "We are confident that with players like him in our side, we will take the extra step this season, and win our maiden IPL title." Gayle said he was happy to be back at his home away from home. "I had a great time representing RCB last year," he said. "It is a terrific outfit. The players are brilliant.
"They are complemented by the support-staff and administrators, all of whom have gone out of their way to make the players comfortable, and give them the freedom to express themselves on the field. To me, Bangalore has been a home away from home." IPL chairman Rajiv Shukla said Gayle adds a lot of value to the tournament with his explosive batting. "Chris Gayle is one of those cricketers who was born to excel in all formats of the sport," he said. "He was at his destructive best in IPL 2011, and one can safely assume that we will see a lot more fireworks emanate from his blade in the forthcoming IPL seasons." Gayle has not played for West Indies since last year's World Cup on the Asian sub-continent, following a
Chris Gayle
long-running dispute with the West Indies Cricket Board over controversial remakes he made in an interview with a radio station in his native Jamaica. Meantime, a leading Indian firm announced that Gayle will be brand ambassador for its line of whiskey. Gayle also signed a deal to be brand ambassador for Whyte & Mackay whiskey of Vijay Mallya's UB Group, which also owns RCB.
Explosive Trinidad and Olympic gold medalist in Tobago batting demolishes 400metre hurdles doubtful Jamaica about running the flat 400metre IF you can run and jump 10 barriers while competing in the 400m hurdles in 52.42 seconds, can you imagine how fast that person can go if he'she runs the flat 400m without any obstacles? The general thought is that person would do extremely well, but track and field isn't that straightforward. Olympic 400m hurdles champion Melaine Walker decimated a world-class field at the 2008 Beijing Olympics in 52.64secs and a year later, miraculously went faster, adding the Berlin World Championship in 52.42, the second fastest time ever over the distance. The world record of 52.34 (SET IN 2003) is held by Russian Yuliya Pechonkina. Quizzed by the Observer if she would consider running the flat 400, Walker smiled, bit her lips and replied: "I'm not sure. I'm not a lover of the flat 400, neither the 400 hurdles, but it's working for me and I'm grateful for the 400m hurdles, but I don't think I'll be a great 400 flat runner", she asserted. The 400 hurdles race is one of the most demanding of all events in the sprint-hurdle group. It requires speed, endurance, and hurdling technique, all along with unique awareness and special concentration throughout the race. Being one of, if not the best, in that gruelling event, Walker would find the flat event much easier. "Over the years I have run 4x400s and run really great, but that's when I was
a sprinter. Now it is different, I haven't run it in a while, so I don't know what my potential is. "But I'm thinking about doing a couple this year and see what it looks like, then I will know if I'm able to run 4x400 or not," said Walker. With Jamaica's 1600m relay team constantly falling short in getting the better of the powerful United States team and sometimes the Russians, some pundits believe that her inclusion in the relay squad would bolster Jamaica's chances of winning that elusive gold medal. "I'm always open to run a relay leg, but it's for the people who made their spots and vow not to give it up and I'm not going to bear the burden of knowing that someone wanted to compete and I actually didn't run a flat 400 and given a spot, then I'm been envied for that spot. "I always said if there is a spot I can take, please have that person who want me to take their spot tell me that it's OK, then I will run," she said. As for defending her Olympic title in London, Walker, who turned 29 on January 1, said everything is going according to plan so far. "I can say all things going well so far and I'm very pleased. I'm not having too much problems and I'm dealing with it and...training well," said the former St Jago star who in 1999 was second in the 200 metres at the World Youth Championship in Poland.
BRIDGETOWN, Barbados — Explosive batting led by Dwayne Bravo and Kieron Pollard followed by crippling bowling coasted Trinidad & Tobago to their second straight Caribbean Twenty20 title on Sunday with a crushing 63-run victory over Jamaica. Bravo smashed four fours and three sixes in the top-score of 49 from 43 balls and Pollard was just himself, slamming one four and four sixes, three in the final over from Krishmar Santokie, supporting with 39 not out from 13 balls, as T&T posted a challenging 168 for five from their allocation of 20 overs in the Grand Final at Kensington Oval. Before a near capacity crowd, T&T's bits-and-pieces bowling attack never allowed Jamaica's typically free-scoring batsmen room to shake the shackles free and restricted the double-crown regional champions to 105 for five in their 20 overs. It was the second time T&T defeated Jamaica in a regional T20 final and avenged their loss in the Regional Super50 final last October in Guyana, preventing Jamaica from becoming Triple Crown champions. This was also the first major tournament that T&T have won under new captain Denesh Ramdin, following the controversial resignation of the long-standing Daren Ganga. The biggest prize for T&T, however, is a third trip to the lucrative Champions League T20 later this year in India, where they will face the world's best T20 franchises. Meantime, Jamaica's senior head coach Junior Bennett said inconsistent batting and sub-par fielding in the final against Trinidad & Tobago cost the nation its first hold on the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) Caribbean Twenty20 (CT20) title. He bemoaned the fact that despite team talks and careful planning, poor execution played a significant role in the resounding and profoundly embarrassing 63-run loss to Trinidad & Tobago in Sunday evening's final played under artificial lights. "We dropped chances and they were crucial catches at crucial stages of the game. Having Trinidad 86-4 in the 15th over we couldn't have asked for better than that. We discussed the players for Trinidad that could really hurt us and they were the ones we dropped and it cost us dearly. We let two of them off the hook. "I don't think our batting was consistent throughout the tournament. We didn't get the starts at the top of the order. Aside from that, we bowled exceptionally well and our fielding was okay, but in the final it let us down," he said.
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"It's difficult to leave the Ravens but I couldn't pass up on this great opportunity..." - PAGANO ON BEING NAMED HEAD COACH OF THE COLTS
Colts name Chuck Pagano coach The Indianapolis Colts have hired Ravens defensive coordinator Chuck Pagano as head coach. The team said Pagano will be introduced at a news conference on Thursday. It will be the first head coaching job for the 51-year-old Pagano, who has been a career assistant until now with stops in Oakland and Cleveland in the NFL and stints at schools including Miami and North Carolina. "It's difficult to leave the Ravens but I couldn't pass up on this great opportunity," Pagano said in a statement released by the Ravens. "I'm just thrilled and so excited." Pagano interviewed with the Colts on Tuesday after Baltimore was eliminated from the playoffs Sunday in a 23-20 loss to the New England Patriots in the AFC Championship Game. This season was Pagano's first in charge of the vaunted Ravens' defense. Pagano followed Greg Mattison, who left Baltimore after two seasons as defensive coordinator for the same position at the University of Michigan in January 2011. Under Pagano, Baltimore allowed the third-fewest points and yards in
Chuck Pagano
the league in 2011. Safety Ed Reed, linebackers Ray Lewis and Terrell Suggs and nose tackle Haloti Ngata also made the Pro Bowl under Pagano. "I like it," Pro Bowl defensive end Robert Mathis wrote on Twitter. Pagano replaces Jim Caldwell, who was fired after the Colts' 2-14 season in which quarterback Peyton Manning never played a down as he recovered from neck surgery. The move is just the latest in a dizzying series of changes by owner
Jim Irsay. The Colts fired Caldwell last week after three seasons. The team went to the Super Bowl during Caldwell's first year, but this year locked up the No. 1 overall draft pick with a horrid performance that also cost team vice chairman Bill Polian and his son, general manager Chris, their jobs. Irsay has since hired 39-year-old Ryan Grigson as the new GM while letting go of Caldwell's staff. In all, 11 of the 20 coaches who started the season are gone and others they may go, too, once Pagano arrives. Pagano is the fourth former Ravens defensive coordinator to land a head coaching job, following Marvin Lewis, Mike Nolan and Rex Ryan. The Wyoming graduate and former strong safety for the Cowboys began his coaching career in 1984 as a graduate assistant at Southern California and spent time at in the college ranks at Boise State, UNLV, East Carolina and Miami before joining Cleveland to coach the secondary. In 2005-06, he was defensive backs coach at Oakland, then served as defensive coordinator
at North Carolina before joining the Ravens when John Harbaugh became head coach four years ago. "Chuck is unorthodox," Suggs said. "He's like the Joker. You never really expect what he's going to do, and everything has a motive." The Ravens considered Pagano to be just one of the guys. "What makes him good? He relates to the players a whole lot," defensive end Cory Redding said. "He's almost like a player in a Dcoordinator's position. The guy has so much fun with us. He treats you like more than a player. It's like we're his sons. He wants us to do well. He keeps it fresh. He knows everybody's strengths and puts them in position to make plays." Asked last month if he had aspirations to be a head coach, Pagano replied, "When I was a kid growing up, my dad being a football coach, he asked the same question of all the assistants that he ever hired: 'Is your goal to be a head football coach?' He always said if somebody had answered him, 'Not really, I'm OK just being a position coach,' then I don't think he really wanted him on his staff because he wanted ambitious guys.
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