Volume 7 Issue 46

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Police want top cops to go (Cont’d)


Continued from page 1

It continued, “former Governor Wetherell informed us that on reading the succession plan Mr. Hal’s successors were two sergeants; one who had just completed recruit training and the other who seems to be his own boss and is at present on suspension. If this is true we must thank former Governor Wetherell for saving us from this disaster but in return for saving us they gave us two blind mice in a blanket that is as lost as they can be and below we will outline to you step by step our reason for this request.” The police force was in a poor state before but it has gotten to the pits and has now become a battle ground with police officers against each other by being (telling) tales for promotion that is not earn and hard working police officers are de-motivated and demoralized and we cannot go on like this and to save this country from being swallow in crime we ask that for these two person resignations as soon as possible.” The officers said Commissioner Colin Farquhar is “as lost as he can be and is being bullied and control by the deputy”. It continued: “He displays to the whole police force that is afraid of this man who place himself in charge of the police force over the commissioner of police. Commissioner Farquhar runs the police force on what the deputy


commissioner tells him to do no matter how silly the decision may be and we have noticed that he seems to be a totally different person when his deputy is not around pushing and dictating to him what to do and what not to do and all we know of him is his long list of work with the United Nations in Haiti that we read on the internet when we searched his name, nothing else. The commissioner of police is so afraid of the deputy that he is forced to share a small office with him upstairs Headquarters with the deputy sitting behind the desk as the commissioner and the commissioner sitting at a small round table as the deputy. The Commissioner do not tells to truth and has to often be telling lies to the media and the force to cover to the deputy commissioner. “The Deputy Commissioner of Police Brad Sullivan behaves as if he is the great I am is just as lost for he has no managerial skills and background and is an arrogant empty headed… and cannot be trusted but such is expected from someone who is a sergeant in his own police force and is deem incapable of making the gazetted ranks in hisforce and was at home on pre retirement due to him suffering a stroke when he was chosen by Mark Capes to come here as deputy commissioner of police.” The officers added that Sullivan has created a climate of fear within the police force due to the daily threats that he is making towards police officers to a point


that when police officers visit police head quarters he calls them into the office that is shared by himself and the commissioner and he ask them how many years they have in the service and for example if they reply that they have four years he ask them if they want to see five. “ That is a direct threat to officers career and is very de-motivating and demoralizing and he very unprofessional and is not deputy commissioner material and came here with one agenda that is to force police officers to leave so that they can bring in police officers from Canada since we are now the Royal Canadian Police Force,” the letter added. When contacted for a response, Commissioner Farquhar said: “I want everyone to be clear that as the Commissioner I work collaboratively with all members of the organization. I believe in obtaining a collective understanding of issues and then making an informed decision. I have a very good working relationship with the Deputy and I value his viewpoint on certain matters but, at the end of the day, I make the decisions. We will continue to stay focused and will continue the strategy that a strong safety and security program is one that identifies, mobilizes, and coordinates personnel and resources as part of a security governance system that effectively and legitimately promotes safe communities. I am extremely proud of the civilian staff and the police officers. I believe that we are building on the strengths within the organization. I will continue in my commitment of supporting the frontline officers, who ensure our safety and security.” He said that although I do not wish to go through the letter line and line and defend or refute certain allegations, he believes that it is important to be factual. He said Sullivan was a gazetteofficer of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police after having achieved the ranks of Constable, Sargeant and Staff Sargeant. “Deputy Sullivan is fully capable to manage any critical incident. He had over 33 years of commendable service with the RCMP before taking retirement. Deputy Sullivan has taken the professional integrity of the RTCI Police very seriously and will immediately respond to complaints by the public of unethical conduct and criminal behaviour. ,” Farquhar added. The complaint letter stated that Sullivan is “so badly lack knowledge that he is Deputy Commissioner of police and do not know about a critical incident command and it’s structures and procedures and this proves that he had never reach the rank of an inspector and is indeed a sergeant . Lord help us if we are in a critical crisis because how he likes to be in charge he will be at a total lost and will have to delegate to someone else who knows”. The letter said Sullivan “controls everything right down to the finances and each and every unit , the rank of operational Assistant Commissioner was phased out and he now takes on that role by controlling vehicles, duties, and he loves the media so much that when ever there are serious crimes he shows up and for a person who has so much knowledge he tramples all over the crime scenes and dictates to the officers what to do his way

which is the wrong way and he seems to forget that we are a dependent territory of Britain and not a province of Canada and our procedures are different and he has no more experience then what the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police officers has if anything we can teach him for the dumb things he does and decisions that he makes” . The letter continued: “They both came here trying to impress the expatiate community and got the shock of their lives because they were off the impression that they were coming here to a police force full of slow and ignorant people and on getting here realized that it was far from what they were told by their recruiters. They are so threaten that they sent persons in the top brass with vast wealth of knowledge and experience on long periods of vacation to avoid being showed up and look small. The Deputy is so insecure that whenever he is in a meeting along with other officers he displays a nasty look when other officers are speaking and he gets upset if the officer has a good knowledge of what is being discuss and he does not know. They are using the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force as a training target.” “They have gotten rid of the Policy Board meetings and just the two of them makes all of the decisions as it relates to the police force without the input of any other person in top management and when the Commissioner of Police is away the deputy commissioner acts as both commissioner and deputy which is wrong and should not be. The change the uniform, remove the woman from the females, close down the criminal investigations department including the scenes of crime unit in Grand Turk and posted everyone to the beat and has removed the station officer and deputy divisional commander from the Grand Turk station without the input of anyone and just based of the decision of the two of them and has the residents of Grand Turk in a state of sadness and police officers on that island sad and de-motivated. We ask how can these two people just make these decisions and just shove them down our throats. How can this be and we ask for this to be explain to us.” “As in all police forces in our region there is a promotion examination scheme in place and police officers are promoted based on them passing a promotion examination, an interview with a promotion board and performance appraisal. Since they came here in March 2011 they have made the constable rank extinct by giving out promotions like free candy at a party at 5pm on a Friday afternoon and we hereby ask that they give a clear and true outline of their criteria for promotion when there were no promotion examinations, no promotion board interview and no performance appraisals for all three quarters of this year.” “They are placing persons in areas for which they had no knowledge and we can outline examples here: One of the biggest criminals in the police force was promoted to the rank of sergeant in the Cold Case Unit without checking his personal file this same police officer when working in Middle Caicos pulled the police force firearm on a resident of that community because he is having an affair with the man’s wife and has committed so many crimes against residents of this country and yet he was promoted .”








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FRANCE'S President Nicolas Sarkozy has wrongly identified three Caribbean countries as "tax havens''. The response to him should be unified and robust. Sarkozy named Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago, among eight others — Botswana, Brunei, Panama, Seychelles, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Among French presidents, he is not alone. Jacques Chirac also made similar statements in the late-1990s. Then, under Chirac, as now under Sarkozy, the French government's sole intention was to shut down all off-shore financial centres anywhere outside the European Union (EU) countries and the United States on the basis that they are "tax havens'' Yet, the biggest tax havens exist in the EU and the US. The instrument for beating up and booting out jurisdictions with offshore banking sectors is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in which the EU countries predominate. In 1998, the OECD produced a list of countries which it said would be "blacklisted'' for "harmful tax competition''. Included in this "harmful competition'' was the exercise of their sovereign right not to tax offshore companies or their deposits in banks. It was only after a spirited joint response, supported by intellectual and lobbying work by the Commonwealth Secretariat, exposed the OECD's actions as unilateral, bullying, and without authority in international law, that the organisation relaxed its demands in 2000. But the major players in the OECD created a so-called Global Forum into which offshore jurisdictions allowed themselves to be lured. The OECD has become a cartel for dictating global tax policy in a way that suits EU countries in particular. In reality, the governance and rule-making of the Global Forum is not global at all. Up to 2009, it was run by the OECD Secretariat and it set standards and practices for jurisdictions other than

the large and powerful member nations of the OECD. The OECD nations attend the forum to pass judgement on others. China has now joined the Global Forum, largely to protect its own interests in Hong Kong and Macao which the OECD had contemplated blacklisting. But little has changed, and engagement by the non-OECD countries with China as an ally is urgently needed. While within the forum, there is no solidarity among developing countries, which hold no premeetings and have no joint strategy and no common position, the OECD members carefully co-ordinate their positions, set the agenda and prepare the working papers. Few government ministers of the developing countries attend the forum, and civil servants from developing countries are overwhelmed by the high-powered OECD staff and the representatives of the big OECD member states particularly France, Germany and Japan. The ultimate weapon that the OECD uses to force other jurisdictions to comply with their unilaterally determined "standards and best practices'' is publication of areas of legislation, regulation and enforcement in which it is claimed that the non-OECD countries are not compliant and are, therefore, open to illegal activities. The result is that, over time, the OECD has succeeded in killing or crippling the offshore financial sectors of several developing countries. This has been achieved by demands for requirements that not only cost the governments of these countries large sums of money to implement, but also by depriving them of their sovereign right to tax or not tax as they see fit, and coercing them to enter into Tax Information Exchange Agreements (TIEAs). There are also no accompanying doubletaxation agreements that would make tax information agreements palatable. At least, a double taxation agreement would make an investor more comfortable to invest in a country, which has TIEAs, on the basis that he/she would not be taxed


Turks and Caicos Sun Suite # 5, Airport Plaza Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands Tel: (649) 946-8542/ (649) 241-1510 Fax: (649) 941-3281 Email: sun@suntci.com Read us online at www.suntci.com

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Hayden Boyce Senior Editor: Vivian Tyson Web Designer: Patrina Moore-Pierre Graphics Editor: Joleen Grant Office Manager: Dominique Rigby Distribution Manger: Kelano Howell Advertising and Marketing ManagerPatrina Moore-Pierre

The Turks and Caicos SUN is a subsidiary of The SUN Media Group Ltd.

We are committed to excellence in journalism, educating and informing our readers, serving and satisfying our advertisers and assisting in the overall development of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

twice. The OECD has itself counted over 600 TIEAs signed since 2009. Some of them are between countries that have very little trade or investment relationship. But they establish for the OECD a network of TIEAs through which it influences tax policies across the globe. Additionally, over 60 peer reviews of jurisdictions have been completed. The point is that jurisdictions with offshore financial centres have bent over backwards to accept the intrusions of the OECD because of fear of being blacklisted. It is not for nothing that President Sarkozy has invoked the G20 as the latest forum for judging countries as "tax havens''. Membership of the G20 is heavily — and wrongfully — weighted in favour of EU countries, and even the European Commission has a voice in it. They are well-placed to push an EU agenda while the jurisdictions they attack have no opportunity to put forward their case. Countries of the Caribbean and others not represented in the G20 have an obligation to fight back. The Caribbean countries would best do so by creating joint regional machinery, under the Caricom Secretariat, to represent their collective interests; to build alliances with other countries that have been equally affected by the OECD's overwhelming ambition either to direct their tax policies or to close them down as financial centres. No one country can do this alone. This is a time for joint actions to put their case before influential nations in the G20 such as Canada, which represents Caribbean countries on the boards of the World Bank and the IMF. It is also time for the Global Forum to be extracted from the hands of the OECD and placed under the auspices of the United Nations where it will truly be global. If the countries accused of being "tax havens'' now fail to act collectively, coherently and decisively, no statements that President Sarkozy got it wrong will help them. • Ronald Sanders is a consultant and former Caribbean diplomat

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Former Deputy Premier Lillian Boyce says SIPT probe is a massive conspiracy


FORMER DEPUTY PREMIER Lillian Boyce has accused the Britishappointed Special Investigation and Prosecution Team (SIPT) of a massive conspiracy to tarnish and destroy the reputation of politicians and other high-profile persons in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Boyce made the comments while confirming that she was arrested and subsequently charged with conspiracy, in relation to the sale of land for a proposed hotel and condominium development at North West Point. “They charged me with conspiracy, but they know deep in their hearts that they had no reason or evidence to charge me. I want to say publicly that I am completely innocent. There’s a God above and he alone will be my ultimate judge,” Boyce said. She added: “The SIPT should be charged with conspiracy because it is clear that this whole investigation is politically-motivated and premeditated, and that they have conspired with others to tarnish and destroy the reputation of former government ministers and officials and other high-profile persons in the



Turks and Caicos Islands. It is me now, but I can tell you that there are a lot more to come. After more than two years of enjoying an all-expensespaid luxury vacation in the Turks and Caicos Islands and putting pressure on the Treasury, they now have to justify why they wasted millions and millions of dollars, while the country is broke, civil servants are being sent home and poverty is increasing. Even MPs in the House of Commons have expressed concern about the millions of dollars that they are spending.” The prominent businesswoman said she felt it necessary to clear the air and put certain matters in true and proper perspective because there were many false rumours circulating. Boyce explained: “The facts are that over the past few months I have been cooperating fully with the SIPT on a voluntary basis. They interviewed me extensively on a number of occasions and I was completely honest and open with them. Sometime in early October, they contacted my lawyer Neale Coleman and set a date for me to return to continue the interview process. When I returned to their office on November 21st ,

accompanied by my husband Hayden, the officers sat across from me and in a few minutes told me I was under arrest and asked me to sign a form. Contrary to reports, I wasn’t picked up by SIPT, I wasn’t handcuffed and none of my documents were taken. They asked me to return two days later, I did so with my lawyer and they said they will charge me with conspiracy to defraud the government. I categorically denied those charges, because I know and they know that I did not conspire with anyone to defraud government.” Boyce, who served as a Cabinet Minister in the Progressive National Party (PNP) from 2003 to 2008, said she was thankful for the outpouring of support which she has received from her family and friends, members of her church, the wider Turks and Caicos Islands community and around the region. She added: “The people who know me can tell you that I’ve worked extremely hard over the years for everything that I have and to build my reputation as a businesswoman and a true servant of the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands, and I’m not going to allow the SIPT or anyone to

Former Deputy Premier Lillian Boyce

destroy any of that,” she added. “They are abusing and misusing their power. What they are trying to do to me and many others is unfair and it is wrong, but God does not sleep!” The former minister of education, health, youth, sports, culture and immigration, said the SIPT is trying to create a media circus. “A few weeks ago they had a press briefing at which they told reporters that they will have a number of persons in court on December 6, 2011. They told that to reporters before they even arrested or charged anyone. Is that fair? Is that justice? This whole situation is stage-managed to create a media circus and to cause embarrassment. All of this is preconceived and it is a total miscarriage of justice,” she added.

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Two accused in Santa Suarez murder out on bail


TWO OF THE four accused in the Santa Suarez murder case were granted bail when they appeared in the Grand Turk Supreme Court earlier this month. The two, 27-year-old Collin Delancy and 18-year-old Lavardo Smith, were released on the grounds that preliminary DNA evidence presented to the court did not link them to the crime scene at this time. The police told the court, however, that a second analysis was to be done, but presiding judge Chief Justice E.P. Goldsbrough decided to release the men on bail in the meantime. The two other accused 22 year-old Renego Missick and 20 year-old Jasario Robinson were, however, remanded in custody at Her Majesty’s Prison in Grand Turk until the case is again called on December 7. Suarez, a 28 year-old Dominican National, was shot to death while working at the popular sea side restaurant Sailing Paradise in Blue Hills on July 20, by one of three gunmen. Investigations subsequently led police to the four men, who they later


27-year-old Collin Delancy

18-year-old Lavardo Smith

charged jointly with murder, robbery, discharging firearm, conspiracy to rob and possession of firearm with intent to commit robbery. When the four first appeared in the packed Providenciales Magistrate’s Court located along the Leeward Highway, they were all remanded in custody, after the court granted investigators leave to extract what has been described as intimate DNA

sample from them. Finbar Grant is leading the defense for Delancy; Guy Chapman is the Smith’s legal representative; Mark Fulford is the attorney for Robinson, while; Noel Skippings is representing Missick. In the first court appearance, Grant questioned decision by the police to link his client to the crime scene. He said that the affidavit presented by the



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Santa Suarez was killed at her work place

police in their quest to collect DNA samples from his client, clearly showed that he was not at the scene at the time of the robbery/murder. Grant described the police’s attempts to Delancy to the crime as ridiculous. He said since the affidavit claimed that Delancy drove the get-away car, argued that there was no need to collect DNA sample from him. Grant also bemoaned the fact that investigators wanted to establish his client as the mastermind behind the robbery based on certain points established in the affidavit. Fulford and Chapman, who were in court at the time, did not object to samples being taken from their clients. Skippings was absent from that sitting.

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No plans to abolish kindergarten


By Vivian Tyson SUN Senior Editor

THE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT has sought to allay the fears of the general public among whom it has been rumoured that the Interim Administration plans to chop kindergarten classes from public schools’ curriculum. It is widespread among the islands that as part of its cost-cutting measures, the Interim Administration was contemplating cutting kindergarten classes, which would normally cater to children aged four to six. As a result, Children, according to rumours, would now begin their schooling at age six – at the grade one level. But some fear that it would

handicap the country’s education system, since children, who parents cannot afford to send them to kindergarten would be at a disadvantage against their more fortunate counterparts when they enter the primary school system. Concerns by the general popular regarding the measure was so intense that it has found its way in the country’s main stream media, so much so that it was featured as some of the entities’ top story. Even talk shows picked up on it, as some hosts expressed concern that such a move was designed to create educational deficit among these islands. Even in the recent civil service march and strike last week and this week, the issue was one of the hot


MR. PATRICK BOYLE has been appointed to succeed Mr. Martin Stanley as the next Chief Executive of the Turks and Caicos Government on Tuesday November 15, 2011. He takes up the position on the 3rd January 2012. Mr. Boyle is an experienced UK Senior Civil Servant and has held Chief Executive roles across the public service. He is currently Chief Executive of the Independent Living Fund; a Non Departmental Public Body sponsored by the Mr. Patrick Boyle UK Department for Work and Pensions providing financial support to disabled people across the UK. He joined the UK Civil Service in 2005 leading the programme to establish the British Equality and Human Rights Commission and more recently as Chief Executive of the Housing Benefit Agency in England. A Health Service Chief Executive by background, Mr. Boyle has held senior positions in Primary Care, Mental Health and Acute Services. He was Chief Administrator in a London Council and is a former Commissioner and Board member of the NHS Regulator. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and is a graduate of the world renowned Meyler Campbell Executive Coaching Programme. He has wide ranging experience of public service reform and change management. Martin Stanley took up the position of CEO on a temporary basis in August this year, following the appointment of the incumbent Mark Capes as Governor of St. Helena. Mr. Capes had been CEO for two years.


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topics. Also at least local political party has issued a public response. But the Education Department which also got wind of the rumour, stated that it was not true, as there were no plans to phase out that section of the curriculum. "The Department of Education has no plans to cut resources to kindergarten classes," a news release attributed to Director of Education Edgar Howell, stated. Howell said converse to such rumour, the Ministry of Education has been taking steps to augment the sector with the help of local and international partners. "The Department has instead been working at further improving the curriculum and other areas, with the assistance of the UNICEF – the United Nations Children’s Fund. That work

Director of Education Edgar Howell

will ensure that age four students in the TCI continue to get a solid start to their education," Howell said.


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TCI Civil Servants strike for their rights

By Vivian Tyson SUN Senior Editor

Provo only opened for a brief period are vacated. The constitutional right severance payments which can amount to as much as two years salary. in the morning. The Labour Tribunal to trial by jury was also suspended. Reacting to the strike action, Furthermore, the original offer was was forced to suspend operations Hundreds of angry Civil Servants British-appointed Chief Executive, improved following representations because the telephone and other in the Turks and Caicos Islands Martin Stanley, who is currently from the CSA. The offer to weekly support services were not available went on strike early Tuesday for most of the day. The government acting as Governor, threatened paid staff was approximately doubled, morning, disconnecting the power telephone system was down for to dock a day’s pay from the for example,” he said. to Government’s administrative “I appreciate that the CSA most of the day and limited public striking workers, while adding that building in the island-capital of Government has contingency plans would have preferred the scheme telephone access to government Grand Turk and marching to the in place for such events. to be even more generous but – as departments. Governor’s office where they “During the strike as we we have already received nearly “Government again thanks the chained doors to a building in concentrate on essential and 500 expressions of interest in this public servants who turned out to which a meeting of UK-advisors emergency services, we ask the scheme – there is clearly a large work in critical areas, especially was being held. people of TCI to be patient as they number of civil servants who see this teachers , health care workers and Wearing red shirts and will not receive the usual high as an opportunity. We are currently those dealing with the vulnerable. brandishing strongly-worded standard of public service on strike generating individual offers for each Dr. Rufus Ewing, President of placards, the civil servants The Civil Service Association (CSA) days,” Stanley said in a press release. of these people, and we will ask them vented their rage at the Interim’s which organised the strike, took a “I would also ask those strikers who to indicate whether or not they wish Government’s austerity measures microphone and encouraged the civil work with the vulnerable members to accept by Friday, 9 Dec 2011.” which include plans to sever 300 of of our society to continue to balance He also stated that the servants to stand up for their rights. them by the end of the year. their desire to protest with ensuring Interim Administration is “deeply “We’ve had enough of the British The majority of Government that there is adequate service sympathetic to the challenging Government and their oppressive services in Grand Turk, where most provision to the needy. While there circumstances faced by public policies,” he stated. “Enough is of the country’s 2,500 civil servants is no law against striking in the TCI servants” as it works to improve the enough.” are located, ground to a crippling , clearly there are consequences for Government’s financial situation and He then led a motorcade from halt. In Providenciales, the most workers who do strike, such as losing rebalance the TCI civil service to the airport to the Hilly Ewing populous of the 30 Turks and a day’s pay.” better meet local needs and priorities. Building (named after his father, Caicos Islands and which is located In a separate statement issued on “I am therefore keen to continue a former political leader) which 22 miles from Grand Turk, about 50 Monday night, Stanley said he was to meet with the Civil Service houses the Special Investigation and civil servants also took industrial surprised that the CSA called a strike Association to discuss their concerns Prosecution Team (SIPT) and the action, blocking the entry to the concerning the terms of the voluntary and would ask again for their Governor’s office in Providenciales. Immigration Department where severance scheme. support in making the changes Ewing said Civil Servants are they held a rally. “This scheme offers public and improvements required for the protesting because of the Interim Government schools were servants the opportunity to volunteer greater good of the TCI,” Stanley Government’s failure to extend the closed country-wide, as well as deadline for expression of interest to leave the service in return for added. the Treasury Departments, Labour, in the voluntary severance scheme Immigration, the Maritime Division for all civil servants and its failure to and a section of the Judiciary, provide a severance package based including the Labour Tribunal. on civil servants' highest basis salary There were reports that the strike during their period of employment. action hadJOSEPH affected domestic and WILLIAMS The CSA is also against international flights, but John Smith, Government’s failure to reduce the CEO for the TurksSEEKS and Caicos period of ban from the civil service HAB Management Limited is seeking applicants for the following Islands Airports Authority said from 4 years to 2 years and its failure positions: the industrial action did not affect to consider staff redeployment before aviation. In a few instances there voluntary or compulsory redundancy, were slight delays, he said, but and its unwillingness to complete this could be attributed to several a proper public sector reform Job Description factors, including the weather. assessment before redundancy. The Candidates will be responsible to clean guest rooms as assigned, Later in the afternoon, about association is also up in arms because ensuring the hotel’s established standards of cleanliness. 60 civil servants descended on the of increased taxation, significantly Providenciales International Airport reduced scholarship opportunities, Requirements where they chanted “We want our reduced social services support, country back! We want our country increasing unemployment, reduced Should have six years or more experience as a Room Attendant. back!” Must have knowledge of proper cleaning techniques. Maintain support for Youth programmes, Reflecting upon the impact of positive guest relations at all times. Should be able to work unfair laws and unfair policies that the strike on 22 November, Martin cohesively with co-workers as part of a team. Must be able to read are detrimental to the well-being of TCI LOTTO GAMES LTD Stanley, Chief Executive of TCI Turks and Caicos Islands’ children. and write in English and understand verbal and written instructions. Phone: 941-5763 Government said: In a telephone interview from Good presentation and a pleasant, friendly personality required. “I can confirm the that while Grand Turk, one irate protestor Salary $12,000 per annum. essential and emergency services told The SUN: “We’ve had enough remained available throughout of the Brits. It’s time for them to the strike, some government leave the Turks and Caicos Islands BELLMAN (1) departments were clearly affected because all they are doing in messing by Tuesday’s public servants action. up our country and inflicting pain Job Description TCI LottoHealth Games Ltd. Is now reported accepting applications/resumes for an Operational “The Ministry To provide baggage services between the lobby area and the and suffering on our people, while General Manager. that all clinics were opened to the guestroom. To provide information on hotel services and facilities. they are living it up and enjoying The position involves general operation and supervision of a gaming operation public throughout thethe day, and were themselves like they are on an from the main office on applicants must possess the adequately staffed byProvidenciales. doctors and Successful extended vacation. They just don’t Requirements followingMost qualifications musthad be fluent English: nurses. schoolsandalso a incare about our people. Enough is Should have six years or more experience as a Bellman. Must be minimum fiveclosed years experience in a fast paced environment as well as 1. A full day, but a of few at middayworking enough!” able to read and write in English and understand verbal and written a positive and aptitude to work in a customer service oriented business; because of attitude a shortage of teachers. A range of UK Government instructions. Must be well presented and physically fit. Should be 2.“Critical Exceptional communication and customer service skills (is a must); immigration funded advisers are now in place to a team player. Salary $12,000 per annum. 3. Trustworthy and dependable; and customs operations at offer skills; support and guidance to the 4. Excellent communication, writing and computer Providenciales International Governor and and to the public service hours including weekends holidays; 5. Must be willinglargely to work flexible Interested applicants should contact Veronica Rigby via email by Airport were unaffected after the British suspended parts 6. Good organizational and problem solving skill; November 11, 2011 at ronnie@habgroup.com or by fax 649-946and the Ministry of Border Control of the Turks and Caicos Islands 7. Clean criminal record; that the and Labour confirmed 5191. Only persons selected for an interview will be contacted by Constitution on August 14, 2009. 8. Unblemished employment Immigration Departmenthistory also email or telephone to schedule an interview. Ministerial government and the remained opened. House of Assembly suspended Those required qualifications and/or skills will were be contacted for “Theapplicants Treasurywithwas affected, meaning that Cabinet no longer an interview. with the Grand Turk office closed exists and the House of Assembly for the entire day and the office on was dissolved and Members’ seats

1 Labourer

Salary $6.00 per hour 6 days per week Contact 244-9040

Operational General Manager



Derek Taylor wins PDM leadership



Page 11


The new executive of the PDM. New PDM Leader, Derek Taylor is seated at left and beside him is new The SUN could not miss the opportunity of photographing four individuals who have been named leader of the PDM. They are seen all smiles from left – Floyd Seymour, newly elected leader Derek Deputy Leader Doug Parnell. Stand from left are: new National Chairman Reuben Hall; Deputy Taylor, immediate past leader Doug Parnell and Oswald Skippings. National Chairman Cheryl Astwood-Tull; O’Neil Delancy, Assistant Secretary General; Lewis Astwood, Party Whip; Hormel Harvey, Party Chaplain and; Herbert Been, Trustee. The other two trustees are Lou Handfield and Hilly Ewing. government in waiting. “We are going to have experience

By Vivian Tyson SUN Senior Editor FORMER CHIEF MINISTER Derek Taylor is back in the saddle as the Peoples Democratic Movement’s (PDM) Leader after defeating incumbent Doug Parnell 44 to 24 at the annual conference held at party headquarters in Providenciales on Saturday (November 19, 2011). Parnell, in his resolve to remain in the executive, staved off a spirited challenge from former government minister Sam Harvey to secure the second tier leadership position that of Deputy Leader, by a 39 to 28 margin. Former cabinet member Reuben Hall is the new National Chairman after coming out head of his nearest rival and another former minister Cheryl Astwood-Tull, who gets the automatic Vice Chairman position by virtue of placing second in the fourway race. The vivacious Lewis Astwood is the new Party Whip. Taylor attributed his victory to past success in government as leader of the country. He told the throng of media representatives shortly after winning the party’s top job that since the TCI is in a crisis, delegates chose someone they believe has the ability to steady the economic ship in the midst of turbulence, and he is that person based on his track record. “Between 1995 and 2003 (while in government), we set a record like never before. In 2003, the incoming administration (PNP) was handed the country on a golden platter and, basically, they behaved then as if it was Christmas time and Santa Claus with a lot of toys. That Peter Pan syndrome must be a thing of the past,” he said. Taylor pledged to work with Parnell to ensure that the PDM will be back in the leadership saddle when an election is called. “Under the Peoples Democratic Movement, we are mandated to work together. We are one people, and therefore, Doug and the team on a whole, we are going to step up to the plate, and it is not going to be a one man band,” Taylor said. For his part, Parnell said he has pledged to work closely with the new leader in whatever capacity, echoing similar sentiments to Taylor, that there needs to be party unity in order to form

the next government. “I am very pleased to serve in the office of Deputy Leader. I gave a pledge to all attendees to this convention that no matter what the outcome, first and foremost, I am a servant of the Peoples Democratic Movement and, I am a servant of the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands. “And whatever position that is, that this convention thought was good for me, I was prepared to accept the outcome. I believe that is a spirit that all of us are going forward out of this convention in – a spirit of unity, a spirit of togetherness and a spirit towards winning the next general election,” Parnell said. Both men have assured the public that the relationship between them has not been ruptured despite the intense electoral process. Both even joked about sharing a bed together, which they said proved that politics could not create a rift between them. In the meantime, Taylor said the title of hard worker must be returned to the Turks and Caicos Islands people. He intimated that such position eroded during the PNP administration and, an administration led by him will bring that spirit back. “Our people have always been regarded as hard-working people going way back to the days of the 1970s and right up to the 1980s; we know that Turks and Caicos people are hard-working people. They proved that here, they proved that in the Bahamas and they proved that wherever they went. We are going to bring back that spirit,” the former chief minister insisted. Meanwhile, another former chief minister Oswald Skippings expressed elation that his former fellow parliamentarian was returned to the helm of the party, claiming that Taylor’s ascendancy could prove a political shot in the arm for the party at the polls whenever the Interim Government decides to announce one. “I am elated, because for too long now, the PDM was struggling and not really making any in-roads and, the situation that the country is now in, it demands that the PDM organize itself and become once again an effective force, to demonstrate that there is a

“And with Derek Taylor back at the helm I am fully behind him; I have his back one hundred percent and, we can turn this country around. We can take this country back for the people. (With Derek Taylor in leadership) the PDM has a much better chance at winning. We have proven leadership here, and I think we are going to put together an excellent team.

and we are going to have some new blood and move head. We know what to do, we have done it before. We have taken this country out of the doldrums time and time again. We are the cleanup people, we can get the economy back, get the jobs back, get the tourism back, our health services back in order, education; we can do,” Skippings remarked.

Page 12


Grace Bay Realty Joins Luxury Portfolio International™ 1 LABOURER NEEDED

Salary $5.00 per hour Contact 231-0250


SEEKS 1 HOUSEKEEPER Salary $6.00 per hour 5 days per week Contact 2410348

RICARDO FULFORD CONSULTANTS SERVICES On behalf of its clients: Is seeking: Gardeners, (2) Salespersons (2) Painters (2) Plumbers (2) Electricians (2) Labourers (5) Carpenters (3) Masons (2) Babysitters (3) All applicants must have two (2) or more years of exp at these various employments Salary starts at $5.00 per hour and over, base on special skills Interested candidate must be able to speak a different language in some of these categories Best of luck to all interested candidates. Call tel: 346-1121 to apply


Provo Golf Club is seeking a suitably qualified individual to fill the following opening. Only candidates who meet the minimum requirements will be considered.



GRACE BAY REALTY recently joined Luxury Portfolio International™, the fastest growing luxury property network, with more than 200 affiliate companies around the world and more listings over $1 million than any other luxury real estate organization. “Luxury Portfolio is delighted to have Grace Bay Realty as part of our distinguished Broker Collection. The company has an impeccable reputation for marketing the Turks & Caicos Islands globally having historically spent more internationally and we are committed to helping them achieve even greater success,” said Paul Boomsma, president of Luxury Portfolio. “Luxury Portfolio boasts the most comprehensive marketing program in the industry, encompassing advertising in high net-worth publications, an awardwinning website and premium marketing materials. The scope of the program benefits Grace Bay Realty and all of our agents, as well as the luxury clientele they serve.” “Grace Bay Realty is excited about partnering with the Luxury Portfolio organization. Over the years, we have prided ourselves on providing our clients with the most effective and credible affiliations in the industry. Our decision to take this next, and best, step forward should come as little surprise” said Lyle Schmidek Managing Director of Grace Bay Realty, “it is simply the right thing to do. One doesn’t pass on an invitation such as this. Real estate is ever changing and many branded global firms are striving to keep pace. Luxury Portfolio is setting that pace”. We are adding Luxury Portfolio to one of our oldest and more successful affiliates, LuxuryRealEstate.com who is the number one luxury real estate network in the world for their global reach of over 85 countries Luxury Portfolio International™ markets over 25,000 of the world’s most remarkable properties annually totally $300 billion in sales on its award-winning website, www.LuxuryPortfolio.com. The site attracts over 1.2 million high-net-worth visitors a year and features a total inventory of available properties in excess of $40 billion. Luxury Portfolio is unmatched in the global arena, with members in 30 countries, site translation in nine languages and multiple currencies and visitors from 200 countries/territories visit the site every month.

What’s in the box launched


JOB SUMMARY • Provide competent golf instruction to members and guests. • Run Golf Clinics for larger groups needing instruction. • Organize the Turks & Caicos Junior Golf Program for belongers. • Assist with organizing the many T & C Charity Golf events at PGC. • Fully co-ordinate group events from start to finish. • Assist in tournament sales and set up. • Assist in budgeting and forecasting. • Assist in a variety of other Professional Golf duties at PGC. REQUIREMENTS • Must have membership in PGA of America or Canada. • Strong computer skills using Microsoft Word, Excel and Publisher. • Minimum (5) years or more experience as a Golf Professional. • Proven organizational skills. The salary for this position is commensurate with experience, training and education. Interested applicants should contact Veronica Rigby via email by November 11, 2011 at ronnie@habgroup.com or by fax 649-946-5191. Only persons selected for an interview will be contacted by email or telephone to schedule an interview.

The second annual What’s in the Box Christmas Contest sponsored by telecoms provider LIME, Grace Bay Resorts and CIBC FirstCaribbean International Bank was launched on Wednesday, November 16 at the round-a-bout in the vicinity of the bank. This year a lucky winner will get the opportunity to win a round trip to New York and accommodation with all expenses paid and an iPad. Only persons with LIME phones can enter the contest. To win, the LIME customer must text 4946, type the word “box” followed by the answer of what the individual believe is in the box. The winner will be announced on December 21. Each text will cost a dollar and, according to LIME’s Country Manager, Drexwell Seymour, proceeds will go towards Christmas activities for the schools that have been adopted by the entities. LIME has adopted the Oseta Jolly Primary School in Providenciales, while the Grace Bay Club has adopted the Ianthe Pratt Primary School also in Providenciales, as well as the Marjorie Basden High School and the Iris Stubbs Primary School in South Caicos and Adalaide Oemler and Charles Hubert James Primary Schools in North Caicos. Dr. Carlton Mills from Grace Bay Resorts said the drawing will be made at 4pm on December 21. Last year the item in the box was a Turk Head Cactus, two people guessed it right. But according to Dr. Mills, there will be just one winner this year. He said if there is more that one right answer, the winning entries will be placed in a pool raffled. In the meantime, Bianca O’Neil of CIBC FirstCaribbean International Bank said her entity was again honoured to be part of the experience. In photo from left: Dr. Carlton Mills, Bianca O’Neil and Drexwell Seymour.




Requirements • One year experience in fine dining restaurant Luxury Resort as a waitress/waiter • Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts Duties Include: • Server food and beverages to guests in a prompt manner. • Knowledge of food and beverages on the menu up-sell and maximize revenue • Prepare, arrange and serve food or drinks that are attractive and appetizing to the guests.


Requirements: • Must have 3 years experience as a bartender in branded luxury resort • Must have advanced knowledge of beverage preparation and service of alcoholic beverages with ability to mix, garnishes and present drinks using standard ingredient recipes. • Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts Duties Include: • Maintain proper and adequate set-up of the bar on a daily basis and cleaning of bar area on closing. • Requisitioning and stocking of all beer, wine, spirits, paper products, etc. and produce based projections from the daily functions sheet. • Maintaining stock, cutting and storing of all fresh fruit and vegetable garnishes, juices and other perishables daily to insure product quality.


Requirements: • Must be able to work in all outdoor element, rain, sun, etc. as required • Must be able to work long hours on feet • Must be able to lift 30lbs or more • Must be trained and certified in CPR, First Aid. • Life guard experience is a plus • Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts Duties Include: • Creating a luxury guest experience through delivery of high level service for all pool and beach services


Requirements: • BA/BS Degree or equivalent. • At least 10 years experience. • At least 5 years management/supervisory experience at a property of similar size and quality. • At least 3 years of international multi-unit property experience. • Post secondary degree or equivalent qualification by experience • Advanced knowledge and skills in computer systems, most specifically, Excel Spreadsheet Solutions. • Complete understanding of Executive Committee level functions. • Demonstrated understanding of interdepartmental relations and expectations in the luxury hotel market. • Sound knowledge of both European and American Accounting Plans. • Previous and in depth experience, understanding and application of management contracts. • Thorough understanding of H.O.A. contracts and contractual management. • Solid training in all areas of Accounting from A/P, A/R, General Ledger, Credit, Collections, Audit, Inventory control, Payroll, Budgeting, Costing, P&L preparation and analysis, etc.

Page 13

• Ability to inspire, develop and train people for promotion. • Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts Duties Include: • Managing the day to day operations of the accounting department and overseeing the staff. • Assisting executive management, ownership and related associations with the production of financial reports, detailed analysis and business outlook. • Directing departments in the preparation and consolidation of financial budgets and projections. • Prepare, present and provide interpretation of operational reports as they impact the business finances. • Developing and maintaining chart of accounts and master lists. • Actively involved in yield management and revenue enhancement. • Coordinating internal and external audits.


Requirements: • 3-5 years experience working in a luxury restaurant environment • Throughout knowledge of wines and mixed beverages • Excellent communication skills • Ability to understand the guest, internal and external, and meet and exceed the needs of both the guest and the company • Ability to provide genuine service through actions that display self-confidence, grace and courtesy to guests and colleagues • Must be able and willing to work all days and shift Duties Include: • Offering beverage suggestions and taking guest orders • Exhibit knowledge of all cocktails, beverage items and wine list • Demonstrating knowledge of resort, in-house facilities and local information to respond to guest questions • Maintaining cleanliness and appearance of outlet • Adhere to legal and/or Regent Policies and Standards


Requirements: • Must have minimum 10-12 years experience as an executive housekeeper in branded luxury hotel/resort • Post secondary degree or equivalent qualification by experience • Must have knowledge of Opera (Fidelio) hotel operating system • Must have knowledge of laundry operations • Must have experience managing large department (50 or more employees) • Ability to train coach and counsel staff • Ability to determine appropriate staffing levels based on anticipated business, and create staffing schedules which optimize the balance between desired profitability, guest demands and employee desires • Thorough understanding of the elements and components of luxury services, set-ups and supplies • Must have financial knowledge and ability to analyze P & L statements, develop operating budgets, forecasting and capital expenditure planning • Must have advanced knowledge of standard software applications • Good communication and relationship building skills to interact effectively with managers and unit owners. • Must be able and willing to work all shifts and days Duties Include: • Develops and implements business strategies for the housekeeping department • Develops annual operating and capital expenditures budget for department • Manages the operation of the housekeeping department including guest rooms and public space areas. • Inspects rooms, public space and back-of-the house areas continually and adjusts operations accordingly • Oversees inventory, purchasing, disbursement, cost control for all linens, Cleaning supplies, guest rooms and restroom and laundry supplies, etc. • Adheres to brand marketing, sales and quality standards • Coordinates room availability with the Front Office Manager and room maintenance with Director of Engineering Interested applicants should apply to Regent Palms, and bring along a recent C.V., or by emailing to marjorie.dorsett@regenthotels.com, no later than December 2, 2011

Page 14

Derek Taylor defends returning to active politics




By Vivian Tyson SUN Senior Editor

NEWLY-ELECTED PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC Movement (PDM) Leader Derek Taylor is defending his decision to return to active politics at the age of 60, in a post election interview shortly after dethroning Doug Parnell for the leadership of that party. Taylor said a number of countries in the region, including fellow British Overseas Territories have opted for leaders in the 70s to those in their 80s, and therefore, him coming back at 60, would be to shore up the party’s fortunes at the next polls for the party rather than a liability. “I don’t look at it in the terms of old guard and new guard; I have been trying to get away from that. If you look at the region, the majority of leaders in the region are much older than me. There are leaders who are in their late 70s and early 80s. Hubert Hughes (Chief Minister of Anguilla), who have been there for all these years; Hubert is in his late 70s hitting the 80 and, also (Ralph) O’Neil in the British Virgin Islands, he is in his early



Salary $5.00 per hour Please call 242-1582

PDM Leader Derek Taylor

PDM National Chairman Reuben Hall

80s,” Taylor said. Responding to talk that he was old fashioned, Taylor said: “Old fashion? I will tell you, I have certain principles and morals, and so if you want to regard that as old fashion, then you can call me old fashion. Honest, integrity and being responsible and accountable are my abiding principles, and I have said before, if we abide by legislations that have been set out there we can’t go wrong.

“There has to be accountability, there has to be checks and balances and, therefore, if you want to say that I am old fashion, I am sorry, going forward that has got to be the order of the day,” Meanwhile, new National Party Chairman Reuben Hall insisted that the mixture of youth and experience augurs well for the party and, Taylor has well-needed experience that the party can bank on, pointing to the

Bishop Coleta Williams III Seeks a


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As of December 1, 2011, TCI BANK LIMITED (IN LIQUIDATION) will be relocated to REGENT VILLAGE F203, Grace Bay, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Island. Our contact information remains the same: Telephone: 1-649-941-7500; Fax: 1-649-9417501, and email address info@tcibpliquidation.com. Anthony S. Kikivarakis and Mark E. Munnings Joint Liquidators

aging Hubert Ingraham leadership in the Bahamas, who has a young deputy in Tommy Turnquest. He said the PDM now mirrors that complexion of leadership. “We have an excellent group that has been formed and, you (journalists) speak about Mr. Parnell and Mr. Taylor….in the Bahamas where you have Mr. Ingraham and Mr. Tommy Turnquest, it is a similar programme (here). Mr. Taylor (who has) has certain experience, will lead this party and I am sure that Mr. Parnell will follow likewise,” Hall pointed out. In the meantime, Taylor charged that the British Interim Government does not understand the dynamics of the Turks and Caicos Islands, and so they have been feeling their way through. “I don’t believe that the British understand the dynamics of Turks and Caicos, so therefore, when they came in, I though it was timely, but they are now feeling their way through here. And you cannot get blood out of stone. Our people here are a struggling people, so to lump everybody together and say they are corrupt, I think that is wrong,” Taylor charged.


Applications are invited from interested and suitably qualified individuals for the position of Line-Foreman in our Operations Department in Providenciales.

Description To provide leadership of the assigned Line Crew in the safe efficient construction, operation and maintenance of the transmission and distribution systems in order to achieve a safe and reliable supply of electricity to customers.

Main Duties 1. Responsible for leading a line crew consisting of Linemen and Apprentice Linemen in carrying out line work in a safe and efficient manner consistent with Safe Work Practices and Work Methods. 2. Responsible for ensuring that line crews are productive. 3. Responsible for carrying out overhead and underground distribution and transmission work, as well as work in substations and other areas. 4. Responsible for operating line trucks and other line equipment, keeping safety, housekeeping and proper care uppermost in mind. 5. Responsible for taking stand-by duty on a regular scheduled basis. 6. Responsible for providing high-quality, on-the-job training to Apprentice Linemen. 7. Responsible for maintaining a neat appearance and tidy worksite in order to project a positive image of the Company with the public. Minimum Requirements • Journeyman Lineman’s Qualifications. • 3 years post qualification experience in an electric utility environment. • Excellent team player with good analytical skills. • Excellent written and oral communication skills. • Ability to deliver to strict deadlines and to work under pressure. • Goal-oriented and self-motivated. Compensation Grade 12 Deadline for submission of applications is December 5th, 2011. Please submit to: Ms. Judith V. Missick Director, Human Resources Fortis TCI Limited P. O. Box 132, Providenciale Email address: jmissick@ppcltd.tc or by fax: 649-941-4304

Page 15





THE TURKS AND CAICOS Islands Civil Servants at last have decided to push back on the policies of the Interim Administration. They have seen that these guys are not negotiating in good faith or engaging them effectively in the process. It cannot be a serious discussion exercise when these so called experts call senior Civil Servants together just to tell them what the decision is as to the way forward on any issue. This is a gathering to provide information on a decision reached and not one in which a decision is to be reached after inputs from the Turks and Caicos Islanders on the ground. It is abundantly clear now for all Turks and Caicos Islanders that these experts do not have a clue as to what they are supposed to do to turn around our economic situation except raising taxes. Having the budget tending towards balance by 2012/2013 - is one of the Milestones set for us to be able to have elections next year, 2012! Caroline Gardiner said that a good platform had been set, $260M were borrowed to take care of all of the “outstanding” debt left behind by the previous government, new taxes were imposed and Civil Servants were given a 10% pay cut all in the name of balancing the budget. The 2011/2012 budged that was passed in the dead of night without the requisite debate in the Consultative Forum, projected that the deficit would be pegged at $8.5M. In comes Hugh in the middle of the financial year, and the projected deficit has now mushroomed to $35M! Now they are coming back in the same fiscal year and saying that our taxes must be raised again! In any other institution, if the forecast were found to be so far off base, the whole economic team would be fired! But this exercise is not about getting it right, but making sure that the hole that is dug for us is so deep when they decide to cut and run, it would only be good enough to bury us all in. This administration stated that there should not be any “unexpected expenditure from liabilities of the past administration that have to be met”.

ROYAL ROBINSON CONTRIBUTER That is pure smoke and mirrors if ever there were ones. It is time that these bumblers to be called into account and in the interest of transparency show the paying public the book, itemizing these areas and the amount. They cannot, after three years of operating in silos, with all of the technical expertise at their finger tips, now still trying to lay the blame on the previous administration. It was not the previous administration that did away with the 10% customs duty surcharge in the height of the greatest revenuegenerating period. It was not the past administration that tried to put a tax on electricity and had to back off, tried to tax water and had to back off and of recent time, tried to eliminate work permit holders from obtaining overseas health care while raising the rate of contribution for NHIP. These guys only solution is to raise taxes because that is the easiest thing to suggest. However, as has been seen, people are beginning to revolt against such imposition. I might not be a fan of Beaches, but how much do you think that they can eat when they have sent out their pricing for the season, to be hit with a 35% increase in work permit fees that come into effect less than three weeks after it announced along with the change in how the taxes on fuel would


1 CHEF AND 1 BARTENDER Salary $5.00 per hour 6 days per week Contact 247-0187



Salary $5.00 per hour Contact 247-0187

be calculated as well as an increase in the taxes, coupled with an increase in charges on alcohol and tobacco. These types of imposition do not bode well for a well-regulated and predictable financial situation. On Saturday last, I was more than heartened by the turn out to the Civil Service rally and the attendance and active participation of the Pastors Fraternal. When the pastors spoke, to a man, they put in context the plight of the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands generally, and the civil servants specifically. Pastor Vernon Malcolm made it clear that it would have been a dereliction of his duty as the shepherd of his flock not to speak out against the injustice being meted out to members of the civil service. He clearly understood that if his people were hurting, it was incumbent on him to provide them with succor and support. For me, the bombshell was delivered by none other than Pastor Dennis Swann. He had standing, as well as a dog in the fight! Pastor Swann said that the oppressors were more of our own people and the institutions that were put in place to protect the service, than the infidels and puppet masters from the UK. First and foremost, he said that the OPSM failed the people and it could be clearly seen that that operation was a complete sellout. That was primarily so because that office did not provide the leadership in directing people like Catchpole who came with an agenda to right size/downsize the public service. If they felt that the expertise to assist was not within the organization, then they should have solicited additional help. However, having being given a substantial increase in salary, in the face of all other civil servants being given a 10% pay cut, they just rolled over and played dead and allowed advantage to be taken of the service. It was first RAT in the hole; his tail covered. At first I could not fathom how my good friend Susan Malcolm could have stood by and allow such havoc to be meted out to the service, when she in times past complained bitterly about being mistreated in the Ministry of Education as well as Health. Or is it as

the good Pastor suggested that she got a raise to keep her mouth shut and turn a blind eye to the plight of her fellow civil servants? The next failing institution directly impacting the public service is the Public Service Commission. This body was given additional teeth so that it could deal effectively with Public Servants and deal directly on their behalf so that the service could be more accountable and effective. But it seems from all indications, and with the Pastor’s confirmation, that they too have gone asleep at the switch. Pastor Montel Archibold put things in perspective, particularly as they relate to the youth! Bishop Austraham Hamilton closed out with the prayerful charge to all. Be thy brothers’ keeper! I am no fan of the Consultative Forum! There are some bright lights there, but if darkness overshadows light, then you have darkness! There is certainly more darkness in that body, particularly when it comes to the rights of the people. I have yet to see them respond positively to the wishes of the people, except on one or two occasions, when they rubber-stamped Legislations and policies that were not in our best interest. It was very instructive for me on Saturday when Pastor Dennis Swann in no uncertain terms said that the biggest oppressors of our people at this point in time are OPSM, Consultative Forum and PSC. The Forum is chaired by his sister Lillian Swann-Missick and the PSC by his first cousin Mr. Cynthia Astwood! He was not fearful or reluctant to call for the persons in both these institutions to resign, knowing full well their relationship to him and the possible blow back from family. If he could do that in light of the possible repercussion, I do not see why Civil Servants cannot in greater numbers come out and support a cause that would benefit them more than anyone else. It is like Bob Marley says: “Stand up and fight back, you have nothing to lose”! My fellow Turks and Caicos Islanders, “time is of the absolute essence!” If it is not now, in God’s name tell me when?

DOMESTIC HELPER NEEDED Salary $6.50 per hour Contact M. Wynns at 231-7188

La Famalia


Salary $6.00 per hour Contact 241-0348

Page 16

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Digicel Launches 12 Days of Christmas Promotion

Digicel TCI launches its 12 Days of Christmas promotion on Friday, November 18, which gives customers a change to win the top prize that of a 60-inch 3D Home Stereo System. Customers can qualify to win the colour-crisp Samsung LED TV by topping up with $15 or more, the purchasing a Nokia or Blackberry Smartphone or paying their postpaid bill on time. Ava-Dayne Fulford, Head of Marketing at Digicel said the 3D TV is on display in the Flagship store in Providenciales and in the Grand Turk store. She said customers will be able to visit the stores and experience the power, technology and fun of 3D Entertainment. “3D technology is what is fresh and exciting in the world of technology and the 3D experience which was once only enjoyed in movie theatres is now available to be seen in the comfort of your own home. Digicel wants to make someone’s Christmas extra special this year by giving them this gift that is sure to provide hours of entertainment, fun and laughter. The winner is bound to have a Merry Christmas”. The Promotion which runs from November 18 through to December 22 will also award 11 other prizes which include a Blackberry Torch, a Digital Camera, Nintendo WII, Play Station 3, Couples Spa Treatment, $200 gas, $500 cash, Trip for 2, An Ipod, Laptop Computer and $1000 cash. Two winners will chosen each week initially with the number of winners per week increasing as Christmas draws closer. She said winners can be tracked on Digicel’s Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/ digiceltci.

Head of Marketing at Digicel Ava-Dayne Fulford at the launch of Digicel 12 Days of Christmas


INTEllEcTuAl ProPErTy MANAgEr/oWNEr’s rEPrEsENTATIvE FuENTE MArKETINg lTD holds various intellectual property rights that are registered and used around the world. It is looking for a manager to oversee those intellectual property rights and represent the owner/head office in relation to those rights. The applicant must have knowledge of trademark law and protection of intellectual property rights both in the us and worldwide. The applicant will be responsible for instructing outside counsel where necessary, overseeing intellectual property licensing, intellectual property registration and protection, as well as brand management and development. The position reports directly to the Board of Directors of the company. The successful applicant will require not less than 10 years of experience in intellectual property and specifically brand protection rights and a legal qualification is required. The successful candidate will need to divide his or her time between the Turks and caicos Islands and other countries as required in order to provide services to the company and the head office as necessary. Applications should be sent to Fuente Marketing ltd, c/o M & s Trust company limited, P o Box 560 Butterfield square, Providenciales and should be headed “Application for Intellectual Property Manager” and should be accompanied by a full curriculum vitae. A copy of the application should be sent to the labour Department. Fluency in English is mandatory, with knowledge of spanish, german and French also being desirable. BEloNgErs oNly NEED APPly. sAlAry AND BENEFITs DEPENDENT oN AgE AND ExPErIENcE.

Digicel Santa Helpers show off the 60-inch 3D Home Stereo System

COLLIN WILLIAMS Seeks to employ

3 BARMAIDS To work at a local bar From 8 – 11am Salary $5.00 per hour


TWO BARMAIDS Salary $120.00 per week 4 days per week Contact 344-6873

A&M CLEANING Is seeking

SUPERVISOR - $6.00 per hour 2 CLEANING LADIES Salary $5.00 per hour 2 SALES PERSONS $5.00 per hour 1 CASHIER - $5.00 per hour GARDENER - $5.00 per hour Contact 343-3123




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LIME gives free service for a “lifetime” this Christmas Customers will win free landline, mobile and internet service for forty years Every customer on the network will get a free gift this Christmas Some LIME customers will literally get a gift for a lifetime this holiday as the telecoms company has announced plans to give away landline, mobile and internet services for forty years. In addition to the centrepiece lifetime prize, for which weekly winners will be named, the company will also give away prizes of free LIME services to every customer on its network throughout the promotional period. Chief Executive Officer, David Shaw says this truly once-in-a-lifetime offer changes the way companies think about promotional offers and provides exactly what the people of the Caribbean need to prepare for the demands of the future, one in which everything will be driven by technology and everybody will need to be connected at all times. “We have redefined the concept of giving and are offering customers the biggest and the first-ever such prize offered by any brand in the region; a chance to win one of our services for a lifetime. That’s because we are creating the future we want. A future in which we provide all

the technology people need for everyday living. And this is our way of making sure that the future we imagine is the future we get.” Explaining that from simply ‘topping’ up on credit to buying a new handset, customers can get a chance to win a lifetime of service; Shaw noted that while the lifetime prize sits on top of the Christmas tree, customers can also win in the many weekly prizes from the thousands available as part of the company’s plan to reward their loyalty. “Christmas is a time of giving and these gifts will be a real treat for our loyal customers, who stand a chance of getting free services for one year, as well as instant prizes of free weekend calls, free nights, unlimited text messaging and a whole lot more.” In addition to this, the company will also roll-out “LIME LIFETIME Moments” across the region. This is an unexpected, simple yet enduring act of kindness to members of the public as they go about their busy lives. “This season gives us a chance to further demonstrate to our customers that we are a



Applications are invited from interested and suitably qualified individuals for the position of Plant Production Manager, Fortis TCI Power Plant, Providenciales.

Description • Responsible for detailed supervision of subordinate employees and contractors, who perform installation and maintenance work at Fortis TCI’s generating facilities. Under the direction of the Director of Energy Production, provide expert decision making assistance in the installation and maintenance of diesel engines (Caterpillar and Wartsila); high voltage equipment and electrical control systems in the plant and substations in a sound technical manner, to ensure the reliable operation and functionality of this equipment, as per design specifications. • As a member of the management team, the Production Manager must understand and commit to the corporate vision, and gain the support of subordinate employees to successfully implement that vision Main Duties • Assist in hiring, supervising and mentoring a knowledgeable and motivated plant work force • Assist the Director in identifying training requirement, annual training plans as well as training and mentoring of the work force. • The use of progressive discipline methods when called for. • Prepare weekly, monthly and annual work plans and associated reports as directed by Director of Energy Production. • Ensure a high degree of familiarity and profound knowledge of specifications, fundamental operating concepts, operating and maintenance manuals and procedures for all plant assets and equipment. • Prepare work instructions and supervise the duties of the plant technicians with particular regard to safety, efficiency and functionality of the plant and substations. • Prepare layout diagrams and work orders for larger projects as may be assigned and directed. • Prepare cost estimates and material lists for various projects as assigned.

natural fit for their lifestyle. And we will do this with a season full of ‘LIME lifetime moments’ – which are occasions where people will enjoy free services, such as meals, transportation and even movies tickets on us. While they are busy doing their everyday activities we will join them and spread our ‘LIME LIFETIME moments’ to as many people this season,” explained Shaw. The LIME LIFETIME Christmas campaign, which runs from November 18 to December 24, provides new and existing customers with many ways to win. Customers could win a lifetime of mobile services if they top-up as little as $10 or if they buy a mobile phone or sign-up any postpaid service or upgrade any existing service. Customers who sign-up for any LIME postpaid service or pay any post-paid bills on time and in full, are all automatically entered in to win one of the respective products for a lifetime. People who want more information about the promotion can call customer care at 1 800 804 2994 or visit www.lime.com.

• Assist in the preparation of capital and maintenance budgets by the preparation of cost estimates for the electrical section as assigned and directed. • Conduct testing and trouble - shooting of plant equipment in areas of responsibility and in keeping with succession plan, train others to perform these functions. • Be familiar with and adhere to all Company policies and procedures (including those established by past practice) relating to the position and to observe and enforce compliance of subordinate employees to these policies and procedures. • Plan and conduct work in a manner consistent with the company’s commitment to the environment and ensure that subordinate employees are likewise in compliance. • Be familiar with and adhere to the safety and operating procedures of the company and ensure that all personnel in the department follow these procedures. • Maintain and ensure the accuracy of statistical records of plant operations and maintenance activities as required by the company. • Provide calm and competent leadership in response to plant emergencies in a manner that inspires others to do likewise. • Be professional in dress and demeanor as befits the position of management personnel and ensure that a good public image of Fortis TCI is maintained at all times. Perform other duties as may be assigned and/or required by Plant Operations contingencies from time to time. Minimum Requirements • Technical certification in the trades equivalent to the City and Guilds of London Institute • Extensive experience trouble shooting Caterpillar and Wartsila Motor Generator sets • 20 to 25 years’ experience in Utility Industry in power systems application. • A minimum of five (5) years’ experience at mid to senior management level Proficiency in production and interpretation of electrical and Mechanical drawings is required. Compensation Grade 15 (US$79,000-$98,750.00 per annum) Deadline for submission of applications is December 9th, 2011. Please submit to: Director, Human Resources Fortis TCI Limited P. O. Box 132, Providenciales Email address: hrapplications@ppcltd.tc or by fax: 649-946-4532

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ALPHABETICAL ORDER (1-5) Study this section of the telephone directory and answer the following questions. Ainsley, Tim ........................ 946-4238 Box 385, Blue Hills Adam, Tom ........................... 946-2232 West Road Astwood, Lewis ......................946-3131 Marjorie Basden High School Arthur, Dolphus ...................... 946-7 102 Sandy Point 5 Anderson, Cooper....................946-6241 Conch Bar 1. On the spaces provided below, write the names of the individuals in alphabetical order. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (V) 2. From the information provided, say which person has a mailbox. 3. Which person is likely to reside on the island of South Caicos? 4. Which person is likely to reside on the island of Grand Turk? 5. lf you were calling persons in an alphabetical order, which number would you dial third? In items 6-25 circle the letter A-D which corresponds with the correct answer. SPELLING ln items 6-10, what is the correct spelling for the word that completes each sentence? 6. The construction __________was covered with materials to be used for the building. A. suite B. sute C. site D. sight 7. The concert was ___________because it rained heavily and persons could not attend. A. canceled B. cancelled C. canselled D. canceled 8. You will ____________ if you work hard. A. sukseed B. sucede C. succeed D. suceed 9. lf you look in the _________ you will find fresh fruits and vegetables. A. refrigerator B. refrigerator C. refregirater D. refrigarrator 10. “ __________________yourself from mental slavery” sang the popular singer, Bob Marley. A. Emansipate B. Emancepate C. Emancipate D. Emansipeate





ANTONYMS (11 – 15) Which word is OPPOSITE in meaning to the one underlined in the sentences given in items 11-15? 11. Many persons disliked the loud music that was played by the disc jockey A. accepted B. feared C. hated D. enjoyed 12. The cook used a straight knife to slice the ham. A. long B. dull C. decorative D. curved 13. Mrs. Selver purchased fresh flowers at the flower shop in Grace Bay, Providenciales. A. sold B. collected C. distributed D. bought 14. There is a plan to construct a new school in Providenciales. A. build B. expand C. demolish D. refurbish 15. The police reported that counterfeit one hundred dollar bills are in circulation. A. fake B. torn C. genuine D. damaged SUBJECT VERB AGREEMENT (16 – 20) Circle the letter A-D which corresponding with the word or phrase which will make each sentence grammatically correct 16. The bag of apples _________ on the table. A. is B. were C. been D. are 17. Each day of the week ___________ new challenges. A. brings B. bring C. bringing D. is bringing 18. All the children __________ at the concert last evening. A. was B. were C. are D. is 19. Why have they _________ so far into the next? A. go B. gone C. goes D. going 20. “There much time left before GSAT”, Miss Brown reminded the class. A. haven’t B. hasn’t C. isn’t


D. aren’t BASIC PUNCTUATION (21-25) (Questions 21-23) Which sentence A-D is correctly punctuated? 21. A Give it to John it’s his. B. Give it to John its his. C. Give it to John, it’s his. D Give it to John; it’s his. 22. A. “I prayed please God.” Let her listen. B. I prayed please God, let her listen. C. I prayed, “please God, let her listen. D. I prayed, “Please God, let her listen.” 23. A. The two shits’ werent very dirty. B. The two shirts were’nt very dirty. C. The two shirts we’rent very dirty. D. The two shirts weren’t very dirty. (Questions 24-25) Circle the letter (A—D) which corresponds with the punctuation used at the place marked by a dash (-). 24. My friend exclaimed, “What a lovely view _” A. . B. , C? D! 25. The teachers passed through many towns _ May Pen, Kingston, Mandeville, Santa Cruz and Negril. A. : B. , C. ? D. ; METAPHOR/SIMILE (26-30) At the end of each sentence write either simile or metaphor. 26. The basketball player was as tall as a steeple ______________. 27. The night was as black as ebony______________________. 28. Mary is a bundle of joy_______________ . 29. Jerry is a tower of strength ______________ 30. Paula said she felt as sick as a dog________________. TENSES (31-35) (Questions 31-33) Choose the letter A, B, C, D or E and write it in the space to show the tense of the underlined verb in the sentences below. A. Present Participle B. Past, Participle C. Present Tense D. Past Tense E. Future Tense 31. Our hens lay large number of eggs every day. 32. The criminals were hanged early in the morning. 33. Tomorrow my class will visit the museum.

Stay tuned next week for more past papers

Page 19 NOVEMBER 25TH - DECEMBER 2ND, 2011



On Saturday, November 19, 2011, over a hundred demonstrators marched in support of the Turks and Caicos Islands Civil Service, which is in danger of losing 300 of its members as the Interim Administrator implements austerity measures to balance the budget. The marcher congregated at the Sammy Been Plaza on Airport Road and marched along that strip to Downtown Providenciales where a rally was held in front of the Gustarvus Lightbourne Complex. Several persons, majority of them ministers of religion, spoke at the rally.

This youngster bats for youth employment

Overall rights and retention of jobs were among the things that individuals marched for

This trio of boys hitched a ride in the trunk of this SUV

These four ladies are all dressed for the cause

This protestor fears going back to the country’s terrible economic past

Some want the British to clear out of the TCI

This sign speaks to the pressures of the milestones set out by the Interim Government before election can be called

Head of the Civil Service Association Dr. Rufus Ewing

The messages were clear

Many of the placards on display needed no explanation

Clayton Greene (centre) – Leader of the PNP – came out in support of the event

Parents brought their young to support the march

Some marchers stated on their placards exactly what they were marching for

Pastor Wilbert Jennings also came out to support the cause

The future of the children was one of the main concerns of protestors

Among the rights that Dr. Ewing – Head of the Civil Service - batted for during the march was self determination

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A section of the gathering as the march along Airport Road in Providenciales



Some of the marchers were militant in their stance

This sign bears one of the many concerns that the citizens have

Justin Missick was one of the youth speakers at the event The marchers are led by this ‘yes, we shall overcome” banner

Member of the Consultative Forum Pastor Courtney Missick was one of the speakers

Pastor Reuben Johnson spoke at the event

Dr. Ewing leads the placard-bearing protestors

This little girl joins her adult counterparts in marching against the Civil Service job cuts

Television host and notary public Bill Clare batted for pensioners

All sorts of signs depicting the demonstrators’ disgust were on display during the march

Children bat for education



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Nicki Minaj Named Billboard's 'Rising Star' for 2011



Nicki Minaj has been named Billboard's "Rising Star" for 2011, capping off a year that has seen the hip-hop star top the charts with her massive-selling "Pink Friday" album and, most recently, earn a pair of trophies at the American Music Awards. The Rising Star Award acknowledges Minaj's phenomenal year and will be presented at the Billboard Women in Music Event on Dec. 2 in New York City. Minaj will be joined at the sixth annual event by Billboard Woman of the Year Taylor Swift, her friend and an early booster through radio interviews and a widely seen concert cameo. "I am deeply honored to be recognized by Billboard," says Minaj. "My nation of barbz and I have come a mighty long way; yet we are nowhere close to where God will take us. Sit back and enjoy the ride." She cemented her status as the breakout star of the year early on, when "Pink Friday" helped her become the first female rapper in a decade to top the Billboard 200. Her mega-

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single, "Super Bass," became a viral sensation and the song reached No. 3 on the Hot 100. The debut album has gone on to sell 1.6 million, according to Nielsen SoundScan. The 28-year-old star, born Onika Tanya Maraj, began releasing mix-tapes in 2007 and later signed with Young Money Entertainment, a label founded by Lil Wayne. She rapped a solo verse on the 2010 hit "BedRock," which reached No. 2 on the Hot 100. "Pink Friday," released in November 2010, has yielded eight singles so far, including "Your Love," "Moment 4 Life" and "Super Bass," which is actually a bonus track on a deluxe edition of the album. On Nov. 20, Minaj cleaned up at the AMAs, earning Favorite Rap/Hip-Hop Artist and Favorite Soul/R&B Album. In being named Billboard's Rising Star, Minaj follows in the footsteps of Jazmine Sullivan (2010), Lady Gaga (2009), and Colbie Caillat, who in 2008 was the first artist ever to be given this honor.

Michael Buble to Muffle Rihanna’s Talk on Billboard 200 Nicki Minaj

It would seem Rihanna will yet again be denied her first No. 1 album on the Billboard 200 chart. Industry sources suggest that her new "Talk That Talk" album, released Nov. 21, may sell around 200,000 by the end of the tracking week on Sunday, Nov. 27 -but that won't be enough to score the No. 1 album next week. So who will be No. 1 next week? Perhaps surprisingly, it could be Michael Buble, with his "Christmas"

album. Sources say that it will not only easily sell more than Rihanna's "Talk," but it could also trump the debut of Nickelback's new "Here and Now" album. "Christmas" is on course to sell around 250,000 to 270,000, while Nickelback might move around 225,000 to 250,000. Rihanna's "Talk," on the other hand, may shift 200,000 to 210,000. "Christmas" will mark Buble's


Despite tabloid reports of a split between Jennifer Hudson and fiance David Otunga, the singer told Access Hollywood that their wedding is still on. “We’re going to get married,” Jennifer told Access guest correspondent Tim Vincent at Sunday’s American Music Awards. “I know they said we had broken up. We’re never broken up,” the 30-yearold singer said of David, 31, who she’s been engaged to since September 2008. The Oscar winner said distance is to blame for their nuptials being put on hold. “We’re still here, but we’re very busy people. He’s always on the road, I’m always on the road,” she explained. “We are together, we just do it at home in Chicago. That’s our meeting place.” When Jennifer does walk down the aisle, it will be in her hometown. “Our wedding will be at home in Chicago, with family,” she said. As for the recent wave of celebrity splits, Jennifer said she feels every relationship takes work – famous pair or not.

third No. 1 album, following "Call Me Irresponsible" (2007) and "Crazy Love" (2009). "Christmas" could end up being the top selling album every week through the Christmas holiday, much like how Josh Groban's "Noel" took over the charts in late 2007. Rather amazingly, Rihanna has yet to score a No. 1 album in her prolific -yet still young -- career. How prolific?

"Talk That Talk" is her sixth studio set in a little more than six years. Despite her staggering success with singles on the Billboard Hot 100 chart (11 No. 1s and counting), she's never gone higher than No. 2 on the Billboard 200 (with 2007's "Good Girl Gone Bad"). Her best sales week for an album was for 2010's "Loud," which shifted 207,000 in its premiere frame at No. 3.

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Plot uncovered to assassinate T&T prime minister and Cabinet ministers


Security officials in Trinidad and Tobago have uncovered a plot to assassinate Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and three senior Cabinet ministers. As a result, Security forces have been placed on high alert after intelligence revealed the assassination plot was expected to be initiated from today. Its understood that the Government ministers identified as targets in the alleged plot are National Security Minister Brigadier John Sandy, Attorney General Anand Ramlogan and Foreign Affairs and Information Minister Dr Surujrattan Rambachan. Security arrangements has been heightened for the Prime Minister and the three ministers, and the necessary mechanisms have been put place to dismantle the threat according to a government source. Reports are that some ten persons


Trinidad’s Prime Minister Kamla PersadBissessar

including a police sergeant have been detained in connection with the plot, including a Valsayn businessman and a person who had been detained, charged

and released under the state of emergency. The Policeman was arrested while on duty at the St Clair Police Station. He was taken to the Woodbrook Police Station. A senior Government minister, who asked not to be named, said, "The police are on high alert about certain matters involving State security. They unearthed an assassination plot against the PM and the AG, who are specific targets, by an extremist fringe group, comprising various discreet elements from criminal underworld gangs and persons suspected to be involved in the international drug and arms trade." The Defence Force and other security agencies were yesterday placed on high alert, with the Army, Coast Guard and Air Guard ordering all its personnel to report for duty at their various headquarters no later than 11.59 p.m. last night.

Bermuda going full tilt for gambling

HAMILTON, Bermuda – A public referendum could be coming in Bermuda on liberalising the country’s gaming laws. This was announced by Minister of Tourism and Business Development Wayne Furbert as he disclosed recently that the when the Bermuda Tourism Board was formulating the forthcoming National Tourism Plan, schedule to be released in early 2012, it had identified casino gambling as a strategic imperative for resuscitating the island’s hospitality industry. “Through its research the board identified gaming as a potential benefit to the success of the tourism industry. In this vein, the Ministry will consider holding a referendum on whether Bermuda should allow gaming,” said Furbert. The Minister has previously said that while he personally opposes the introduction of casino gambling to Bermuda, he believes the final decision on the subject should be made by the Bermudian people rather than Government. According to the 2010 the Green Paper on the subject, gambling would add nearly 3,000 jobs and up to $146 million a year to Bermuda’s economy. The release of the Green Paper was followed by a debate on gaming in the House of Assembly, with only a handful of Bermuda’s 36 Parliamentarians speaking in favour of relaxing the anti-gaming laws.

The only MPs to speak in favour were then-Premier Dr Ewart Brown, Zane DeSilva, Walter Lister, Michael Weeks, Mark Pettingill, Shawn Crockwell and Darius Tucker. Furbert also announced during the briefing that the island’s tourism branding would be undergoing a makeover in the coming months. “After discussions with many stakeholder groups, the board also identified that the question of branding needs to be addressed,” he said. “The topic of branding is labelled as a key ‘Hot Button’, requiring immediate attention. “The board recommended that the brand must clearly identify Bermuda in order to raise awareness and that it must be supported by brand promises that our visitors will buy into and most importantly, experience once on island.” “To this end, in the near future, the Ministry will be issuing an open Request for Proposal for Bermudian advertising agencies, especially, to submit their best creative ideas for a new brand and campaign creative concepts for the destination. It is essential that the Company appointed fully understands Bermuda’s target audience and relates a robust, timeless campaign to support the brand,” he said. “It is essential that the Company appointed fully understands Bermuda’s target audience and relates a robust, timeless campaign to support the brand,” he said.

Page 33 There is also going to be a heightened police and army presence in several communities, effective from today, which will involve stop and searches of pedestrians and motor vehicles. On Tuesday night, DCP Mervyn Richardson, through the Police Command Centre, issued messages to all police stations, special units, branches and sections, advising officers to exercise extreme caution while on duty and pay extra vigilance.

US COAST GUARD INTERDICTS AND REPATRIATES 172 HAITIAN MIGRANTS OFF THE BAHAMAS On Tuesday November 22, the crew of the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Cutter Vigorous repatriated a group of 172 Haitian migrants to Cap Haitien, Haiti. The migrants were interdicted during two separate patrols near The Bahamas. While on patrol on Friday November 18, a Coast Guard MH60 Jayhawk helicopter crew spotted an overloaded Haitian sail freighter near the Bahamas. The crew of the Coast Guard Cutter Confidence was diverted and interdicted the sail freighter north of Punta Maisi, Cuba. Coast Guard crewmembers provided life jackets and safely embarked 60 Haitian migrants. The Haitian migrants were later transferred to the cutter Vigorous for repatriation. A second group of migrants were discovered by the Coast Guard while on patrol on Saturday November 19 when the MH-65 Dolphin helicopter crew spotted an overloaded Haitian sail freighter near The Bahamas. The crews of the Coast Guard Cutters Northland and Vigorous arrived on scene and distributed life jackets to the passengers. The Vigorous crew embarked 112 Haitian migrants. Once aboard a Coast Guard cutter, migrants are provided food, water, shelter and basic medical care.

Cuba to increase tourist arrivals by 2012

HAVANA, Cuba– Up to September this year the number of tourist arrivals to Cuba had increased by 7.9 per cent over the same period last year, and 2012 arrivals look to show even further growth. This was revealed by the Cuban minister of tourism, Manuel Marrero, who affirmed that tourist arrivals in Cuba are expected to increase by 2012 with the entrance of about 2.9 million

foreign visitors. Marrero also revealed that Canada was the foremost provider of tourists to Cuba from north America and that relations among Cuban and Canadian tour-operators were very strong. The tourism minister’s buoyant forecast follows the resumption of flights to Cuba at the end of last month by the Dutch airline KLM after a 68year absence.

KLM, which connects over 130 cities in the world, is expected to significantly contribute to an increase in the number of visitors arriving in the island, particularly from Scandinavia, Russia, Germany, the United Kingdom and Holland, three times a week. Harm Kreulen, the entity’s main vice-president, who travelled together with an important group of Dutch tour operators and entrepreneurs to know

Cuba, described the flight as a good start, without mishaps and with 99 percent of its capacity covered. He described Cuba as a potential tourist destination for the European market, due to its good climate and its culture, people and history. These trips will be carried out with MD11 airplanes, with a capacity for 285 passengers -261 economy class and 24 for executives.

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Royal Caribbean to develop Port Castries in St Lucia CARIBBEAN NEWS

The Port of Castries in St. Lucia will join the Port of Falmouth in Jamaica as being among the major ports in the Caribbean to be developed and operated under an agreement between the government and Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines. The Government of Saint Lucia and Royal Caribbean International have signed a deal that will see the transformation of Port Castries into one of the leading cruise ship destinations in the southern Caribbean. The deal will see the realization of the Saint Lucia Air and Sea Ports Authority and the Government of Saint Lucia’s vision to transform the City of Castries into a bustling attraction for citizens and tourists alike. Royal Caribbean International will fund a part of the deal to an estimated cost of US$20 – US$25 million which will see the southern Caribbean cruise capital Port Castries acquiring a

makeover the likes of which is expected to be on par with some major tourist ports in the world. Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance and Chairman of SLASPA Isaac Anthony, confirmed at the signing that the Port Castries redevelopment project is part of a wider Castries re-development project the implementation of which will see the transformation of Castries into one of the most modern, attractive and tourism oriented cities in the eastern Caribbean. This transformation of Castries, Anthony stressed, is but a component of a wider development plan for Saint Lucia which the Government of Saint is beginning to roll out and which may span between 10 – 15 years. To those behind the plan for Port Castries the change, to be done in phases, would begin from where the vendors’ arcade is into the space occupied by the old fire building and all


the way up to shed five. The re-development of this prime piece of area will include a vendors’ craft market, a Waterfront pedestrian zone, a new ferry terminal complete with shops, restaurant and car park. Also to be included in the redevelopment of the port are yachting berths, a boutique hotel and office space. Isaac intimated that the plan must be implemented in a responsible manner and was upbeat that it did not require any financial outlay by the Government of Saint Lucia at this particular time neither did it impact on Saint Lucia’s debt to GDP ratio. “I was encouraged by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently concluded Article IV consultation on Saint Lucia that it had endorsed the Government’s decision to pursue public/private partnership as a strategy for creating and promoting

Jamaica PM defends decision to teach sons at home Jamaica’s Prime Minister Andrew Holness has defended his decision to homeschool his sons, following criticism that the move could be seen as an indictment on the Jamaican education system. Responding to questions asked by the Observer following outcry by members of the public, Holness said that he and his wife pulled their sons out of a leading Corporate Area preparatory (independent) school to provide an "individualised learning solution" at home for one of his sons who was falling behind in class. Holness, who retained the position of minister of education upon becoming prime minister two months ago, said further that his own experience with his children informed the development of the Alternative Secondary Transition Education Programme (ASTEP), which emphasises that the education system must be flexible to the different learning styles of children. Juliet Holness, the prime minister's wife was reported in the Sunday Gleaner last weekend as saying that two months ago the couple decided to homeschool their two young sons, Adam and Andrew Jr, on a temporary basis. Mrs Holness' comments that "it wasn't fair to them to spend so much time doing schoolwork" and that she wanted to ensure "a more well-rounded experience" for the boys, aged nine and seven, suggested to some that Jamaican schools, both private or public are inadequate in addressing the children's needs. Members of the public, including contributors to social media forums vented their concern, with some describing Holness as selfish to pull his children out of the education system


instead of fixing it. However, in a response, Holness said that his children were registered in a preparatory school, like the children of previous prime ministers and education ministers, but in paying close attention to their progress it was noticed one of the sons "was not focused and attentive in his class and was falling behind. "Despite several interventions, we came to the conclusion that it would be best to create an individualised learning solution that would cater to his interest and stimulate his appetite for knowledge while teaching in the way he learns best. My wife decided that she would manage the process," the prime minister stated. In the meantime, the boys will participate in physical education and other activities at the school. Holness said further that the experience gave him a deeper understanding of the teaching/learning process and the need for the education system to accommodate different learning styles. He said that ASTEP, which was started in September to assist students who were barred from sitting the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) because they had not achieved literacy to the grade four level, was "designed to deliver a rich learning experience to children who would otherwise be discarded or left behind in mainstream education". Mrs Holness also said that she was involved in a programme to assist boys who had dropped out of school. The prime minister also dismissed the criticisms of a member of the Opposition as politicking, noting that some were "sending their children to private elite boarding institutions abroad".

growth while keeping the national debt within manageable limits,” Anthony said. Tourism Minister Allen Chastanet says the country owes a debt of gratitude to Royal Caribbean International for bringing the project to the forefront. Castries, Chastanet said, had stopped being part of Saint Lucia’s tourism product for a very long time and that the quality of shops there and the quality of the experience in coming to Castries had been under pressure. “When you look at the fact that we have a three and a half mile waterfront and calculate the amount of revenue that waterfront is generating, the amount of jobs it is generating, it’s a pittance to the opportunity that is afford us,” Chastanet said, adding that the redevelopment project is going to require the support of every one in Castries to make it a success.

IDB APPROVES MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR LOAN FOR THE BAHAMAS NASSAU, The Bahamas - The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has approved a US$81 million loan for The Bahamas to overhaul major parts of the water infrastructure on the island of New Providence. The money will be used to improve water pressure, quality, and volume for 38,000 households, a release from the IDB stated. The five-year programme is expected to cut in half the amount of water lost through leakages. It would also conserve drinking water and improve financial sustainability for local water suppliers. The release stated that 6,000 leaks will be repaired and 9,000 new water connections will be activated by the end of the project. It said water pressure and continuity are expected to rise significantly, leading to better service for the 38,000 households that are already connected to the water network. “The Bahamas has by far the lowest ratio of fresh water to population in Latin America and the Caribbean,” said Evan Cayetano, project team leader at the IDB. “The amount of available fresh water per capita is less than 0.1 percent of the regional average, which highlights the need for action in this sector.” The operation will establish a new independent environmental regulator to protect the country’s scarce fresh water resources, as well as a new economic regulator. It also seeks to strengthen management of the Water and Sewerage Corporation, the country’s main provider of water services. The program will also target potential health hazards by rehabilitating broken sewerage infrastructure and coming up with a master plan to address wastewater collection and treatment in New Providence. The IDB loan is for 25 years, with a five-year grace period and a variable interest rate based on London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR).

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Page 35

UK and Cayman Islands sign financial agreement


The Foreign Office Minister for the Overseas Territories and Cayman Islands Premier McKeeva Bush signed a Framework for Fiscal Responsibility agreement Wednesday in London. According to a statement released by the UK's Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the framework "demonstrates the Cayman Islands government’s commitment to prudent and transparent fiscal management through effective medium-term planning and putting


value for money considerations at the heart of decision making". The FCO officials said the deal also includes a commitment to effective risk management and delivering improved accountability in all public sector operations. "The agreement of a Framework for Fiscal Responsibility with the Cayman Islands government is a strong example of the UK Government’s strategy towards the Overseas Territories in action," said Overseas Territories Minister Henry

Bellingham. "The strategy aims to help territories strengthen public financial management and economic planning and this Framework is a clear sign of the Cayman Island Government’s commitment to those goals. I am sure this development, and returning the public finances of the Caymans Islands to a sustainable footing, will be welcomed in the Cayman Islands and internationally.” The Framework for Fiscal Responsibility sets out a range of measures to strengthen public


On Tuesday November 22, the crew of the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Cutter Vigorous repatriated a group of 172 Haitian migrants to Cap Haitien, Haiti. The migrants were interdicted during two separate patrols near The Bahamas. While on patrol on Friday November 18, a Coast Guard MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew spotted an overloaded Haitian sail freighter near the Bahamas. The crew of the Coast Guard Cutter Confidence was diverted and interdicted the sail freighter north of Punta Maisi, Cuba. Coast Guard crewmembers provided life jackets and safely embarked 60 Haitian migrants. The


financial management in the Cayman Islands. The provisions of the Framework will be reflected in a revision of the Cayman Islands Public Management and Finance Law which will enter into force by July 2012. The Cayman Islands Government and the UK Government are agreed that immediate compliance with the limits on public borrowing specified in the framework cannot reasonably be achieved. The Framework therefore provides for full compliance to be achieved by the end of 2015-16.

Haitian migrants were later transferred to the cutter Vigorous for repatriation. A second group of migrants were discovered by the Coast Guard while on patrol on Saturday November 19 when the MH-65 Dolphin helicopter crew spotted an overloaded Haitian sail freighter near The Bahamas. The crews of the Coast Guard Cutters Northland and Vigorous arrived on scene and distributed life jackets to the passengers. The Vigorous crew embarked 112 Haitian migrants. Once aboard a Coast Guard cutter, migrants are provided food, water, shelter and basic medical care.

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US military works to get troops home faster from Iraq


Page 36

The U.S. military is ordering that soldiers crossing from Iraq into Kuwait be returned home at a faster rate, a move that comes as commanders work to break up a bottleneck of troops who have been pouring across the border ahead of a year-end deadline to withdraw, CNN has learned. "The order is to have these soldiers off the ground in Kuwait as soon as possible," a military official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told CNN. The official, based in Kuwait, was not authorized to speak to the media. "They don't want these soldiers sitting around here. They want them home." The official did not immediately know whether the military was moving up or adding flights for troops from Kuwait. The order follows President Barack Obama's announcement last month that he would pull virtually all troops from Iraq by year's end, meeting the terms of a U.S.-Iraqi security pact that set a December 31, 2011, withdrawal deadline. The president's announcement followed news that negotiations to extend the deadline broke down after Iraq's top political leaders refused to grant U.S. troops legal immunity, opening up the prospect of soldiers being tried in Iraqi courts and being subjected to Iraqi punishment. Of the approximate 11,000 troops in Iraq, down from the 50,000 three months earlier, only about 150 will remain after the deadline to assist in arms sales, a U.S. official previously told CNN. The road home for most troops will require them to cross from Iraq, either by convoy or airplane, into Kuwait. There, they will turn in equipment before starting the journey back to the United States. The move to rotate soldiers more quickly out of Kuwait also is aimed at placating the oil kingdom. Kuwait has long been concerned that the U.S. military not increase its footprint in the country. Since mid-October, troops have been rolling almost every day into Camp Virginia, a short distance from the very border crossing used in the 2003 invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein. About 1,200 troops are permanently based at Camp Virginia. The population has swelled, at times,

to more than four or five times that number. To accommodate the influx, the dining facilities extended hours of operation, expanded retail hours, opened a second PX, and increased the number of cleaning crews. "We increased the space available for housing troops, as well as doubled our space for units to perform the administrative work they need to do to redeploy," said Lt. Col. Brian Bobo, commander of the 134th Brigade Support Battalion, a Minnesotabased National Guard unit deployed to Camp Virginia. "We also increased showers and latrines to make sure we had enough." In Iraq, a U.S. military spokesman says every step in the withdrawal is a "deliberate operation in which we collect intelligence, coordinate with the Iraqi Security Forces, clear routes and ensure that every convoy has ground security and air cover." "We take that approach because force protection is inherent in every one of our operations, and we're going to do everything we can to protect our troops," Army Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan, the senior military spokesman for United States Forces-Iraq, told CNN. Buchanan said the U.S. withdrawal is on track, with all troops out of Iraq by year's end. While Buchanan did not address whether troops were being sent home at a faster rate, he said that the U.S. military in Iraq was working with counterparts in Kuwait to streamline the effort to move troops across the border. "As a result, we're able to get them on a plane headed home quicker than before," he said. Meanwhile, the U.S. military is moving tens of thousands of pieces of equipment, including armored vehicles and equipment to counter improvised explosives, across the border from Iraq to Kuwait. More than 5,800 armored vehicles are expected to pass through Camp Virginia by year's end, though it will take months more before the equipment is either shipped back to the U.S. or Afghanistan, said Lt. Col. Ronald O'Bryant, a liaison officer with the team overseeing the receipt and shipment of equipment at Camp Virginia.



Kamal Ganzouri

Kamal Ganzouri has agreed to become Egypt's prime minister and will form a new government, an Egyptian army spokesman said Thursday. This development -- announced by Lt. Col. Amr Imam -- comes days after former Prime Minister Essam Sharaf and his government quit en masse, and days before Monday's parliamentary elections that Egypt's military rulers vowed Thursday would go on despite ongoing unrest. Ganzouri, who was Egypt's prime minister between 1996 and 1999 under President Hosni Mubarak, could not be reached to confirm his appointment. He met Thursday with Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, field marshal of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces and Egypt's dominant force since Mubarak's ouster in February, according to the state-run MENA news agency. Ganzouri would remain prime minister until at least January 10, when results of the parliamentary elections are finalized, said Aly Hassan, a judicial consultant. After that, Parliament would have to back Ganzouri for him to remain in the position.

Palestinians talk unity, no sign of progress

Leaders of Fatah and Hamas met for the first time in six months and hailed progress toward ending a rift that has led to separate governments in the West Bank and Gaza, but there was no sign of a breakthrough. The last meeting between President Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal in Cairo in May yielded an agreement aimed at reuniting the Palestinian territories under a single government that would oversee new elections set for May 2012. There has been no progress toward implementation since then. Hamas defeated Fatah in a 2006 parliamentary election and has run the Gaza Strip since 2007, when it seized control of the territory from the Abbas administration. Since then, the Iran- and Syria-

backed group has built its own government and security forces, complicating any attempt to reunite Gaza with the Western-backed Palestinian Authority. Abbas, in comments carried by the Palestinian news agency WAFA, said after the Thursday talks there were "no differences between us now." Meshaal, who lives in exile in Damascus, said: "We have opened in a new page of partnership." Azzam al-Ahmed, a senior Fatah official, said the leaders would hold another meeting to continue discussions. Abbas wants the head of his Ramallah administration, the independent former World Bank economist Salam Fayyad, to stay on as prime minister. That choice is rejected by

Hamas and there has been recent speculation Abbas is now willing to give way. Fatah and Hamas representatives said there was agreement that elections should happen in May as agreed in the deal. But analysts doubt whether the vote will happen if the sides have not formed a government by then. In a sign of some tangible progress, the sides announced that an allencompassing Palestinian leadership body tasked with reforming the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) would hold its first meeting on December 22. The body was first envisioned by a 2005 agreement among Palestinian factions. The PLO, led by Abbas, was founded in 1964 and is recognized internationally as the legitimate representative of the

Palestinian people. Hamas is not currently part of the PLO, which is dominated by the Fatah movement. Hamas, which is shunned by the West for its hostility to Israel, believes that joining the PLO would bolster its international standing. "It's been a long wait but God willing it will finally happen," said Izzat al-Rishq, a Hamas official, referring to the December 22 meeting. "This is the start of the participation of Hamas in the PLO," said Hany alMasri, a Palestinian political commentator based in Ramallah who has been involved in efforts to foster reconciliation. "It's not the end of the road, but it's a step." A spokesman for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Palestinian unity moves were reducing the prospects for peace.

Chelsea Clinton to report for NBC


NBC announced that it has hired Chelsea Clinton to become a full-time special correspondent for NBC News. The appointment was immediate. Ms. Clinton will begin work on stories that NBC expects to use as part of its “Making a Difference” series, which runs on “NBC Nightly News,” said Steve Capus, president of NBC News. Ms. Clinton has been a national figure since her father won the presidency in 1992, but she has remained — first by her parents’ request and then by her own choice — largely out of the public eye. Mr. Capus said an intermediary contacted him in July with word that “she was kicking around what she wanted to do next.” Mr. Capus said he had met with Ms. Clinton and had a long conversation that began with a simple question. “I asked her: ‘What are you interested in doing?’ ” Ms. Clinton told him, he said, that during her mother’s campaign for president in 2008, she had been moved by stories of people making personal contributions. “What we talked about was if she were to come on board that’s the kind of thing she would be interested in doing. We knew she wasn’t going to do


the lead story. But having somebody who was going to do really captivating feature assignments for the ‘Making a Difference’ franchise really kind of synced up,” Mr. Capus said. Those feature reports, which have become popular on NBC’s evening newscast — and which may be added to NBC’s new prime-time newsmagazine program, “Rock Center With Brian Williams” — spotlight people who are making volunteer commitments to improve the lives of others in their community. Mr. Capus said Ms. Clinton had said to him, “That’s the kind of thing, if this were to happen, that I would really like to do.” He added, “It’s not about Chelsea Clinton saying, ‘Here I am; I want to be a TV star.’ ” Ms. Clinton, who was not available for comment, said in a statement: “I hope telling stories through ‘Making a Difference’ — as in my academic work and nonprofit work — will help me to live my grandmother’s adage of ‘Life is not about what happens to you, but about what you do with what happens to you.’ ” One person close to Ms. Clinton said she had been quietly raising her profile for some time, though the public had not been completely aware of it.

That person, who asked not to be identified because of a reluctance to speak for her, said Ms. Clinton had been more active in causes backed by her family’s William J. Clinton Foundation, and that she had, in fact, spoken at more than 400 town halls in 2008 in support of her mother’s candidacy. “Even after that people would say they didn’t know what her voice sounds like,” the person close to her said. “But she enjoyed doing it.” Ms. Clinton will continue her work with the Clinton Foundation and her studies at Oxford as she pursues the new job with NBC. The person also said that Ms. Clinton had said she intended to donate most of the money she earned from NBC to the Clinton Foundation and the George Washington University Hospital in the name of her grandmother, who died this month. Ms. Clinton will become the second daughter of a president hired by NBC News, and the third daughter of a recent presidential candidate. Jenna Bush Hager, daughter of President George W. Bush, works as a correspondent for NBC’s “Today” show, and Meghan McCain, daughter of John McCain, is a contributor to MSNBC.

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Chelsea Clinton

Mr. Capus said the issue of the other political daughters did not come up in his conversations with Ms. Clinton. But Mr. Capus emphasized that this, and the others, are all serious hires by NBC News. He said Ms. Clinton had “made it very clear that this is not going to be a surface-deep relationship.” He added, “She wants to be in the field for the shoot and in the edit room for the edit.” Might this be the start of a full-time television career for Ms. Clinton? Mr. Capus said, “We both want to see how this goes. It will be full time for the near-term future. But I hope it’s the beginning of a nice, long-term relationship.”

Gingrich puts himself on the line for immigration reform

Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich finally reached front-runner status this week after a long climb and may now have drawn the wrath of conservatives by professing a moderate position on illegal immigration. The former speaker of the House of Representatives was sailing along confidently at a CNN-sponsored debate on Tuesday night and seemed to be wearing the front-runner label with pride after seeing his campaign nearly collapse six months ago. But toward the end of the two-hour debate, Gingrich declared himself in favor of a comprehensive immigration overhaul that would include a guest-worker program for millions of illegal immigrants in the United States. Many Americans, including current Democratic President Barack Obama and former Republican President George W. Bush, back that approach. But to the conservatives who tend to vote in the Republican presidential primary races, the loquacious Gingrich may have talked himself into a corner. "If you've been here 25 years and you've got three kids and two grandkids, you've been paying taxes and obeying the law, you belong to a local church, I don't think we're going to separate you from your family, uproot you forcefully and kick you out," he said. Rival Michele Bachmann was quick to pounce. "He wants to legalize 11 million illegal aliens in the


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United States," the representative told CNN after the debate. When Bush attempted to get a similar immigration plan through Congress in 2007, opponents called lawmakers so often in protest that it shut down the phone system. By supporting the Bush plan, Republican Senator John McCain, then running for president, almost saw his candidacy run out of money. The collapse of the legislation has made it hard to bring up the issue again. Obama has shied away from it despite promising to do so in his 2008 campaign, saying there is a lack of political will to tackle the problem. "It was an unnecessary position for Gingrich to take," said Republican strategist Ron Bonjean. "He's surging in the polls. The last thing he wants to do is get on the other side of Republican primary voters by getting into an intellectual debate." Gingrich will have some explaining to do in Iowa, where he has jumped into the lead in polls among the social conservatives who dominate the state's Republican Party. Iowa holds the first U.S. nominating contest of 2012 on January 3. "There is a professional cottage industry that exists within the conservative universe that is intensely focused on the details of this issue, and



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Newt for better or for worse walked squarely into a hornet's nest," said Republican strategist Phil Musser. Gingrich has risen to the top despite personal baggage and a number of questions that have dogged him for years, becoming the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney now that Rick Perry and Herman Cain have faded. He seemed undamaged by last week's revelations he received up to $1.8 million in consulting fees from troubled mortgage giant Freddie Mac, a disclosure that made clear he is a Washington insider who has profited from the culture of consultants he likes to denounce. It would be easy to surmise that Gingrich rival Mitt Romney could gain from Gingrich's mistake, but that may not be the case. The former Massachusetts governor has been tough on illegal immigration throughout the campaign, and was a chief tormentor of Perry, who as Texas governor approved a plan to let the children of illegal immigration gain tuition assistance to Texas colleges. While Romney said he disagreed with Gingrich's position, he seemed to offer a waffling response. "I'm not going to start drawing lines here about who gets to stay and who gets to go," he said.



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Page 38

New Libyan government sworn in


TRIPOLI, Libya — Libya's transitional government was sworn in Thursday before the country's interim leader, another step in the oil-rich country's roadmap to elections next year. Starting with Prime Minister Prime Minister Abdurrahim el-Keib, each minister faced the transitional council's leader, Mustafa Abdel-Jalil, placed his hand on a Quran and swore to "remain loyal to the goals" of the revolution that overthrew longtime leader Moammar Gadhafi. Each shook Abdel-Jalil's hand as he stood in front of two national flags, and some also embraced him. The country faces huge challenges now, but el-Keib said he and his ministers were "upbeat" and optimistic about leading Libya toward elections by next June. "We are looking forward to having an exciting seven months ahead of us, with lots of things to do and hopefully good results," el-Keib said. The lineup of relative unknowns,


almost all of them older men, will confront daunting challenges, like establishing control over the fractured nation after the ousting of Gadhafi's 42year regime, along with building up state institutions practically from scratch. El-Keib pledged to represent the interests of all Libyans. "I am a son of all Libyans," he said. "I will represent everyone and share wealth with everyone." The transitional Cabinet includes 24 ministers, though several, including the defense minister, were missing from Thursday's ceremony. The prime minister explained that they were out of Tripoli, some of them attending to personal preparations in their hometowns before taking up their new posts. Among the institutions that must be built is a justice system that will be able to put on trial two key members of the Gadhafi regime — Seif al-Islam Gadhafi, the dictator's recently captured son and one-time heir-apparent, and the

Russia says US imposes missile shield on Europe

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev accused Washington on Thursday of imposing its plans to deploy a missile defense shield on European countries, a day after he threatened to retaliate if the United States pressed ahead with the project. On Wednesday Medvedev said he would arm Russia with missiles capable of countering the U.S. shield, deploy additional weapons in the west and south and set up an early-warning radar system in its Baltic enclave to counteract the U.S. system, which is not expected to be fully in place until 2020. "The construction of the European missile defense shield has been largely imposed (on Europe) by the United States," he told regional reporters at a briefing in the northern town of Petrozavodsk, some 920 km (570 miles) north of Moscow. He quoted unnamed European leaders who, he said, had complained to him that they had a minor role in the project. "My partners...have hinted to me from time to time: "It is the Americans who decided that, they are promoting it, and our role as NATO member states is to provide territory," he said. Medvedev's attempt to divide Washington and its NATO partners could irk European countries, especially Poland and Romania, former Soviet bloc states that had agreed, along with Spain, to house parts of the missile shield. Russia's ex-satellites are traditionally sensitive to Moscow belittling their authority. Russia maintains that the U.S. missile defense system aims to weaken its nuclear deterrent and wants legally binding guarantees that the system will not be directed against it. Washington says the shield will be deployed against countries like Iran and is not a threat to Russia. Medvedev, who together with his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama called for a 'reset' in relations less than three years ago to improve Russia's ties with the West, has recently tended to echo Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's anti-western rhetoric. His latest statements are widely seen as a way to please the domestic audience ahead of December 4 parliamentary polls and the March 2012 presidential vote, which are expected to steer Putin back to the Kremlin and secure Medvedev the post of prime minister by agreement between the two men.


ex-intelligence chief Abdullah alSenoussi. The International Criminal Court has charged them both with crimes against humanity for alleged atrocities committed during the recent civil war. Libyan authorities insist the be tried in Libya, and not at the court in The Hague, Netherlands, a decision aimed at asserting their national authority. However, they have promised to work with the ICC and with the United Nations in investigating the alleged crimes. ICC prosecutor Luis MorenoOcampo told The Associated Press on Thursday that the court received the formal pledge of cooperation in a letter from Abdul-Jalil, the NTC chairman. Moreno-Ocampo said he was satisfied with that move, which appeared to settle a dispute between the international court and Libyan authorities over which body should try Seif al-Islam Gadhafi. Moreno-Ocampo said the most

important thing is for "face of the old regime" to face justice. It "is very important for the world and for Libya to understand what happened here, how they attacked these people, how they killed these people," Moreno-Ocampo said. He said investigations are under way into the alleged crimes committed by Gadhafi's son and that he believed it would be ready for trial "in a few months." Seif al-Islam was captured on Saturday and is being held by fighters from the Libyan town of Zintan, who flew him there after his arrest in the south. He appeared to be in good health despite a hand injury, according to the International Committee of the Red Cross, which visited him Tuesday. Officials with the NTC have reported that al-Senoussi, the former intelligence chief, has also been captured. But some later cast doubt on that assertion, and his whereabouts are not known.

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The Information Technician reports to the Network Manager and provides hardware and software maintenance, training and consultation, and recommendations about future planning and development of resources. Providing these services in an effective and efficient manner will ensure maximum access to and implementation of technology services and resources. Candidate must possess strong technical and analytical skills, problem solving skills, and interpersonal skills Job Requirements: • 2+ years of Telecom and Networking experience in a technical support environment. • Minimum 2 years related experience in hardware, software, communications and network-related knowledge. • ability to follow procedure and efficiently trouble-shoot network, hardware and software operating system • Proven ability to function in a self-directed environment. • Must excel in a fast-paced environment where critical thinking and strong problem solving skills are required for success. • Strong written and verbal communication skills. • Keep up-to-date with emerging technology, especially wireless Required knowledge • Be familiar with all hardware, software and network operating system • Provide orientation to new users of existing technology • Train staff about potential uses of existing technology, new and potential use • Provide individual training and support on request • Provide recommendations about accessing information and support • Maintain current and accurate inventory of technology hardware, software and resources Compensation commensurate with qualifications and experience Deadline for submission of applications is December 9th, 2011 Please submit all applications to: Islandcom Telecommunications Ltd. Graceway House, Unit A-108 Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI Fax: (649) 941-8199 Email: CV@islandcom.tc

Obama calls for patience on economic Recovery


President Barack Obama is asking Americans to be patient with his efforts to speed economic recovery. The president again has attacked Republicans for voting down his jobs legislation. He has again gone on the road to campaign for support for his economic initiatives, speaking at a high school in the northeastern city of Manchester, New Hampshire. The nation’s unemployment rate has hovered around nine percent for several months, and Mr. Obama’s public approval ratings have suffered. Many political experts think the economy will be the main issue that determines whether the president wins re-election a year from now. Mr. Obama told the crowd in Manchester his efforts on the economy will succeed, but not immediately.


President Barack Obama

“It is going to take time to rebuild an economy that restores security for the middle class, renews opportunity for

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folks trying to reach the middle class. It is going to take time to rebuild an economy that is not based on outsourcing or tax loopholes or risky financial deals, but one that is built to last,” he said. The president’s appeal came one day after a special congressional panel, called the “supercommittee,” failed to agree on ways to cut the government’s budget deficit. Opposition Republicans and some political experts criticized Mr. Obama for not becoming more involved in pushing the supercommittee toward an agreement. But on Tuesday, the president had criticism for minority Republicans in the Senate, angrily blasting them for defeating major parts of his $447-billion jobs legislation. “They refused to even debate it. 100 percent of Republicans opposed it, even

though almost two-thirds of Americans supported the ideas in this bill Democrats, Republicans and independents alike. Not one Republican in Washington was willing to say it was the right thing to do, not one,” Obama said. Mr. Obama called on Congress to vote next week to extend tax cuts that are set to expire at the end of December. The top Republican in Congress, House Speaker John Boehner, said his party is still willing to discuss supporting the bill. The small state of New Hampshire will be the scene of one of the first Republican presidential voting contests of the 2012 campaign, on January 10. Mr. Obama is expected to be unopposed for his party’s nomination. But New Hampshire may be one of the so-called “battleground states” that will be key to winning the national election.

Three Olympus board members quit

Three directors have quit at scandal-hit Japanese camera-maker Olympus ahead of a key Tokyo board meeting that will be attended by the firm's former chief executive, Michael Woodford. The news sent shares in the company up more than 25%. Mr Woodford is due to meet the Olympus board later, a month after he was sacked for revealing that the firm had hidden multi-million dollar losses. The BBC's Roland Buerk says it could be an "explosive showdown". Our Japan correspondent adds: "Mr Woodford had questioned large and unusual advisory fees paid to obscure firms, as well as the money spent on takeovers which was subsequently largely written off.

"In all it amounted to around $1.3bn [£840m]. Olympus initially denied wrong doing, but then admitted it had been covering up huge investment losses dating back decades." Mr Woodford is able to attend the board meeting because he currently remains a director of the company. The three former directors who will now not be present include Tsuyoshi Kikukawa, who resigned as chairman last month, but until Thursday remained in a non-executive role. The two other directors who have now stood down from the board are the firm's former vice president and former auditor. Olympus has until 14 December to file its latest six-month results or else be delisted from the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Mr Woodford, who has the backing of several of Olympus' largest shareholders, has said he would be prepared to return to the chief executive position. However, most analysts say it is unlikely that the Olympus board will reappoint him. Analyst Martin Schulz, from Tokyo-based Fujitsu Research Institute, told the BBC's Asia Business Report: "It will most likely be someone else who has been following the scandal [this is appointed the new chief executive]. "I would rather guess it will be someone from within the company, from the successful core of the company, which has a very high interest of getting this company going again." The decision to sack Mr Woodford was taken unanimously by the Olympus board.

New NASA rover to scout for life on Mars

A nuclear-powered rover as big as a compact car is set to begin a ninemonth journey to Mars this weekend to learn if the planet is or ever was suitable for life. The launch of NASA's $2.5 billion Mars Science Laboratory aboard an unmanned United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket is set for 10:02 a.m. EST (1502 GMT) on Saturday from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, located just south of the Kennedy Space Center. The mission is the first since NASA's 1970s-era Viking program to directly tackle the age-old question of whether there is life in the universe beyond Earth. "This is the most complicated mission we have attempted on the surface of Mars," Peter Theisinger, Mars Science Lab project manager with NASA prime contractor Lockheed Martin, told reporters at a

pre-launch press conference on Wednesday. The consensus of scientists after experiments by the twin Viking landers was that life did not exist on Mars. Two decades later, NASA embarked on a new strategy to find signs of past water on Mars, realizing the question of life could not be examined without a better understanding of the planet's environment. "Everything we know about life and what makes a livable environment is peculiar to Earth," said astrobiologist Pamela Conrad of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., and a deputy lead scientist for the mission. "What things look like on Mars are a function of not only the initial set of ingredients that Mars had when it was made, but the processes that have affected Mars," she said. Without a large enough moon to

stabilize its tilt, Mars has undergone dramatic climate changes over the eons as its spin axis wobbled closer or farther from the sun. The history of what happened on Mars during those times is chemically locked in its rocks, including whether liquid water and other ingredients believed necessary for life existed on the planet's surface, and if so, for how long. In 2004, the golf cart-sized rovers Spirit and Opportunity landed on opposite sides of Mars' equator to tackle the question of water. Their three-month missions grew to seven years, with Spirit succumbing to the harsh winter in the past year and Opportunity beginning a search in a new area filled with water-formed clays. Both rovers found signs that water mingled with rocks during Mars' past. The new rover, nicknamed Curiosity, shifts the hunt to other elements key to life, particularly

organics. "One of the ingredients of life is water," said Mary Voytek, director of NASA's astrobiology program. "We're now looking to see if we can find other conditions that are necessary for life by defining habitability or what does it take in the environment to support life." The spacecraft, which is designed to last two years, is outfitted with 10 tools to analyze one particularly alluring site on Mars called Gale Crater. The site is a 96-mile (154kilometer) wide basin that has a layered mountain of deposits stretching 3 miles above its floor, twice as tall as the layers of rock in the Grand Canyon. Scientists do not know how the mound formed but suspect it is the eroded remains of sediment that once completely filled the crater.

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AT&T braces for T-Mobile deal collapse


AT&T said it would take a $4 billion charge in case its takeover of T-Mobile USA fails, reflecting the dwindling chances for the deal seen as jobdestroying by powerful political opponents. The U.S. telecoms group and TMobile owner Deutsche Telekom, said they would continue to pursue antitrust approval for the $39 billion takeover from the U.S. Department of Justice but withdrew for now applications to the industry regulator. "AT&T Inc and Deutsche Telekom AG are continuing to pursue the sale of Deutsche Telekom's U.S. wireless assets to AT&T," they said in a statement on Thursday. Both the DOJ and telecoms watchdog the Federal Communications Commission oppose the deal, which would reduce the

number of national mobile carriers to three while consumers are struggling to make ends meet and unemployment rises. FCC approval would be meaningless if the DOJ blocked the deal, and AT&T and Deutsche Telekom said they would return to the FCC process if they secured approval from the DOJ. Analysts said the merger, badly needed by sub-scale T-Mobile USA -the smallest of the four U.S. national mobile operators -- looked less likely than ever to succeed. Espirito Santo analysts said AT&T's decision to take the $4 billion charge this quarter showed the company's own assessment of the chances of success had fallen, causing its auditors to force the company to take the hit now.


"It tells us something about timing too -- suggesting that AT&T may decide to walk away at the first opportunity (March 20 2012) rather than waiting for the ultimate September 20 2012 deadline," they wrote in a note to clients. The FCC says the merger would result in a massive loss of U.S. jobs and investment, and significantly diminish competition, while the DOJ says it would lead to higher wireless prices for consumers and businesses. The DOJ has gone to court to block the deal, and a trial in that case is due to begin on February 13. Any administrative hearing at the FCC, which is charged with evaluating the public-interest merits of the deal, would begin after the anti-trust trial. U.S. consumer spending growth slowed last month and business capital


Is food your passion?

Well if so, O’Soleil & LunaSea Resturants under new management at the beautiful Somerset Resort invites applications from suitable qualified Turks and Caicos Islanders to fill the following vacant positions. Applicants must have a passion for serving others and willing to work week ends, nights and public holidays.

EXECUTIVE CHEF Requirements include but are not limited to: • Creativity and menu development desired to revitalize our food operation. • Lead, motivate and encourage our culinary team in achieving the best and highest level of service. • Preparing, cooking and presenting food in accordance with productivity standards, cost controls and forecast needs. • Assist in the development of annual budget. • Create and implement new menus and individual menu items for outlets based on current food trends and regional taste. • Develop innovative menu selections for special banquet themes and parties in accordance with client budgetary considerations and expectations. • Monitor staff performance, product quality and production flow; foster improvement where necessary. • Extensive knowledge of menu development, insight to marketing, cost and wage control. • Thorough knowledge of food products, standard recipes and proper preparation • 5 Star luxury hotel experience required. • Minimum of 5 years executive management experience required. Salary Negotiable EXECUTIVE SOUS CHEF / SOUS CHEFS Requirements include but are not limited to: • Assist Executive Chef in overall responsibility for activities of cooks and other personnel involved in preparing, cooking and presenting food in accordance with quality standards, productivity standards, cost controls, and forecast needs. • Monitor team performance, product quality and production flow.


• Ensure compliance with health, safety, sanitation and alcohol awareness standards. • Train, supervise, schedules and assist in evaluating staff. • Supervises kitchen staff in the proper preparation, cooking and garnishment of various menu items. • Assist in the development and enforcement of policies to control food cost and quality. • Ensure proper receiving, storage (including temperature-setting) and rotation of food products so as to comply with Health Department regulations. • Lead menu planning activities. • Schedules culinary staff so that proper coverage is maintained while keeping payroll cost in line. • 5 Star luxury hotel experience required. • Minimum of 2 years management experience required. Salary Negotiable

LINE COOKS Requirements include but are not limited to: • Able to do repetitive work • Able to prepare food according to Resturants guidelines • Knowledge of cooking procedures • Able to communicate with Prep Cooks & Wait staff • Knowledge of kitchen equipment • Knowledge of safety rules for kitchen equipment • 5 Star luxury hotel experience required. • Minimum of 2 years experience as a line Cook required. Salary Negotiable RESTAURANT SUPERVISORS Requirements include but are not limited to: • Oversee and supervise daily operations of the restaurants. • Participate with operation management team to originate, plan, develop and implement long and short term goals. • Monitor integrity of restaurant operation and the provision of services. • Delegate and oversee bartending, kitchen supervision and table service duties. • Oversee menu planning, pricing and banquet operations. • At least 2 years experience in supervisor role. Salary Scale: $8.00 to $9.00 per hour based on qualification and experience.

investment plans were weak, although first-time claims for jobless benefits remained in a range that hinted at improving labor-market conditions. AT&T has 260,000 employees, most in the United States. Deutsche Telekom employs 36,000 at its U.S. unit. AT&T argues that the T-Mobile merger could actually create tens of thousands of jobs during integration and network upgrades, and has pledged to bring back 5,000 jobs that it has moved overseas -- but many observers are skeptical. Acquiring T-Mobile would have vaulted number two-ranked AT&T into the leading position in the U.S. wireless market, overtaking Verizon Wireless, a venture of Verizon Communications Inc and Vodafone Group Plc.

HOSTESS Requirements include but are not limited to: • Warm and inviting personality • Ability to recognize guest names Salary Scale: $6.00 to $7.00 per hour based on qualification and experience

BARTENDERS Requirements include but are not limited to: • Ability to mix a variety of drinks alcoholic and nonalcoholic • Outgoing personality • Physically fit Salary Scale: $6.00 to $7.00 per hour based on qualification and experience. SERVERS Requirements include but are not limited to: • 1 year experience in 5 star restaurants • No food allergies • Physically fit Salary Scale: $6.00 to $7.00 per hour based on qualification and experience. STEWARDS Requirements include but are not limited to: • Physically fit • Ability to carry out intensive cleaning task. Salary Scale: $5.00 to $6.00 per hour based on qualification and experience.

Application giving full details of qualifications and experience should be addressed to: Office Manager. The Somerset at Grace Bay Princess DriveProvidenciales Turks & Caicos Islands and The Labour Commissioner Labour Department Providenciales Turks & Caicos Islands

Only short listed applicants will be contacted for an interview. All applications should reach no later than December 3rd, 2011 for further information/appointment you can contact us Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm at telephone # 946-5900 extensions: 7024/7025.




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Red Devils are Sailrock Girls U14 Champs The Sailrock U14 Girls League finished in fine style last weekend as two wins for the Red Devils were enough to reward them with the championship on 23 points. The Green Dragons, Orange Cheetahs and White Wolves were all tied on 14 points each, but the runners up spot went to the Dragons courtesy of their superior goal difference. Needing just one win to secure the title, the red Dragons led by Yarileny De la Cruz, defeated the Yellow Jaguars and the Titans by 2-1. The older of the two De La Cruz sisters (Yarileny) scored all her team’s goals with Guerline Hall (Jaguars) and Daria Handfield (Titans) scoring in their spirited attempts to beat the champions. Despite losing 1-0 to the White Wolves, the Green Dragons claimed second place with a 4-0 win against the Jaguars. Not to be outdone by her sister, Yarileke De La Cruz scored all four goals as she tied for the overall top-goalscorer award with her sister on seventeen goals each. Cindy Canario, who had scored for the White Wolves in their victory over the Dragons pulled off some excellent saves in goal to give her team hope of securing second place but two well taken

goals by Raquel Saunders gave the Cheetahs their second win of the day following on from their 3-0 victory over the Titans, which saw Evnisha Saintvertu score a hat-trick. After the final games the league winners and runners up received their trophies and individual awards were given out as follows: MVP Striking Cheetahs - Shinaydine Pluviose MVP Titans - Makayla Ellis MVP Yellow Jaguars - Jenika Seide MVP Green Dragons - Jenny Fluerenvil MVP Red Devils - Yarileny De La Cruz MVP White Wolves - Waldine Pierre Most Improved Player - Octavia Gardiner Top Goal Scorer - Yarieny De La Cruz / Yarileke De La Cruz (17 goals each) League MVP - Guerline Hall U14 Girls head coach Gillian Vernice was pleased with the final days play. "Today's games were fiercely competitive and it is pleasing to see so many young players enjoying the game and working hard for each other. It was a tough choice to select an MVP from all of the girls but Guerline Hall deserved her award as she gives 100% effort

Provo Basketball continued with exciting games In games played in the Provo Basketball League on Friday November 18, Lions defeated Predators 55- 39 in Game One. Kino Williams shot 27 points for the winners, while his teammate, Damian Seymour buried 10 buckets and made 10 steals. Troy Saunders of the Predators scored 12 points, while grapping 11 rebounds. In Game Two, the undefeated South Caicos continued their winning ways when they defeated Customs 56-33. Their scoring was led by Jonathon Paul, who shot 11 points. Ezra Taylor of Customs scored 6 points and grabbed 12 rebounds. In Game Three Flyers defeated Philipinos 88-46, with Chad Campbell leading the scoring with 10 points and seven rebounds. Richard Sanchez of the Philipinos shot 11 points. In action from Saturday, November 19, Knights brushed aside Cobras 73 to 42. Troy Forbes shot 23 points and provided five assists. Saundro Jermain led the Knights’ charge with 17 points and 11rebounds. Agino Agenor of the Cobras was his team’s leading shooting with 13 points. In Game Three Steelers defeated Police 74 to 61, with Alfredo Duncan Finishing as his teams marksman with 19 points. Emilio Williams of the Police shot 15 points and grabbed 17 rebounds. In Game Three Customs got edged the Lions 5857. Derek Hanna was top shooter for Customs with 17 points. His teammate Ezra Taylor gave good support with 13 points and 15 rebounds. Mervin Forbes of the Lions shot 8 points and seized 13 rebounds.

every time she steps on the field". Technical Director Matthew Green was equally full of praise for the young players. "We have a very active girls programme and they are improving at a fast pace. Clearly the girls are anxious to get more exposure to the game by being involved in the Center of Excellence and Academy teams." "Football continues to grow in popularity and I would like to thank all our coaches, referees and sponsors for supporting our youth porogrammes". National Team players Amelie Speer and Pekiera Brooks, who are assistant coaches with the girls programmes were also impressed with what they have seen. "The future of women's football looks pretty good because we now have so many young girls involved which was not the case a few years ago" said Brooks. Speer then went on to say "if these young girls continue to dedicate themselves to improving their skills and do not get side tracked by other things, we could well enjoy some international success in years to come". The TCIFA runs it programmes for girls on a Wednesday afternoon at 4.30-5.45pm and a Saturday morning from 8.30-9.30am.

Super 7’s Football reaches play-off stage

The Super 7's finished its league stage this week and will now prepare for its play-offs and finals. With a lot still to play for, no team's position was guaranteed coming into the final group games and the league tables were constantly changing as the last evening of round-robin games were completed. In the opening game Air Turks and Caicos confirmed their first place seeding for the play-offs with a 3-1 win over AFC Academy, who finished in third place as they were overtaken by AFC National after their 10-1 demolition of Provo Golf Club. In the final game a 1-1 draw was enough to see Pedagogue FC finish above HAB Harriers on goal difference, pushing SWA Sharks back into sixth spot. In the opening game Air Turks and Caicos cruised to a comfortable 3-0 lead with goals from Stephen Derilien, Kaneko Stewart and Marcdonald Fenelus before Herby Magny scored a consolation goal for AFC Academy. Needing three points to secure second place AFC National put in their most accomplished performance of the season with a 10-1 win against Provo Golf Club.

Bobby Kwatt scored an impressive five goals, Luis Turbyfield helped himself to a hat-trick and Steve "Sniffer" Wilson added two more. Jaques Ettiene's goal for the Golf Club denied the impressive David Jasmine (goalkeeper) a clean sheet for AFC National. The final game had the most at stake as both Pedagogue FC and HAB Harriers has a chance to claim the final play-off spot. Pedagogue FC took the lead through Daniel Clayton before Sanjay Campbell's goal kick went straight into the goal to tie it up at 1-1. Both teams came close to getting a winner, the Harriers twice hit the bar and some great saves from Jurgen Wildt denied the Pedagogue forwards on several occasions. Yet the 1-1 result was enough to see the "teachers" make the "A" group playoffs. The bottom three teams, HAB Harriers, SWA Sharks and Provo Golf Club will compete for the B Group finals on Monday 27th November and the top four teams, Air Turks and Caicos, AFC National, AFC Academy and Pedagogue FC will compete for the "A" finals on the 5th Decmber. The overall championship will be decided on Monday 12th December. MVP for Week 7 was Bobby Kwatt.

Miniature Golf Ltd

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AFC Hurricanes blew away Revolution 8-1

AFC Academy Hurricanes defeated Revolution FC. 8-1, as the Women’s Football League (WFL) entered its fourth week. The Hurricanes started of brightly as Kadine Delphin's neat pass set up Christina Hinds to open the scoring and Delphin was on hand again to assist Sarah Cenary as she doubled the lead. An intelligent through ball from national team captain Pekiera Brooks then saw Hinds grab her second of the game. However, Revolution struck back when Barbara Anderson rounded off a surging run with a well taken goal. Hinds then added two more goals before the half time whistle to give her team a comfortable 5-1 lead having served passes by Cenary and Delphin respectively.

The Revolution's defence strengthened in the second half but the Hurricanes still added three more goals. Delphin finally got on the score sheet herself and Brooks scored twice from long range. Despite the defeat, Revolution's coach Paul Collis was pleased with his team’s second half performance. "The team fought well in the second half and created some good chances. We now need to work hard in training as we prepare for our next game". AFC Hurricanes coach Gerry Gregg was pleased with the win but said improvements will need to be made if his team is to challenge for the title. "The girls passed the ball around nicely and we kept possession well but we will need to be more

clinical in front of goal against Net Rockers, who will be a tough team to beat". Next Sunday's game (27th November) promises to be an intense and exciting affair as the top two teams (Hurricanes and Net Rockers FC) go head to head at 4.00pm. Persons can join the WFL on facebook page by adding WomensFootball League to their list of friends. Result AFC Academy Hurricanes Christina Hinds 4 Barbara Anderson 1 Pekiera Brooks 2 Sarah Cenary 1 Kadine Delphin 1

Sailrock Girls U14 presentation The Sailrock-sponsored under 14 Girls League had its presentation last week and the following are photos from the event.





CAPTIONS 1. Makayla Ellis MVP Titans and Gillian Vernice 2. Waldine Pierre MVP White Wolve 3. Yarileke De La Cruz joint top goalscorer 4. Yarileny De La Cruz MVP Red Devils and joint top goalscorer 6. Shinaydine Pluviose MVP Striking Cheetahs and Gillian Vernice 7. Jenika Seide MVP Yellow Jaguars 8. Jenny Fleurenvil MVP Green Dragons and Gillian Vernice 9. Octavia Gardiner Most Improved player





8-1 Revolution FC

Six more Caribbean football officials banned, two cleared by FIFA


ZURICH, Switzerland - Six more Caribbean Football Union (CFU) officials have been banned by FIFA, while two others have been cleared following ethics proceedings that opened last month. Patrick John of Dominica received the harshest sentence – a two-year ban and a US$3,300 fine. The other CFU officials have been banned for periods ranging from two months to seven days. Vincent Cassell of Montserrat has


been banned for 60 days and fined US$300, while Anguilla’s Raymond Guishard has been banned for 45 days with a similar fine. A 30-day ban has been served on Guyana’s Noel Adonis. He has also been ordered to pay US$300. Tandica Hughes of Montserrat has been barred for taking part in any official football-related activity for 15 days. Antigua & Barbuda’s Everton Gonsalves has been banned for seven days and was fined US$300. Gordon

Derrick, also of that country, has been ordered to pay a similar fine though he only received a reprimand. FIFA said the cases of Oliver Camps, who resigned at the end of last month, Lionel Haven of the Bahamas and Patrick Mathurin of St. Lucia were closed since they are no longer football officials. “Should they return to football official positions, their cases would be examined again by the Ethics Committee,” FIFA stated

Jamaican sprinter disappointed by lifetime ban

Jamaican sprinter Steve Mullings

JAMAICAN sprinter Steve Mullings has expressed his disappointment at Monday’s life ban handed down by the disciplinary committee of the Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission (JADCo). Two days after the sentence was announced, Mullings, who turns 29 on Monday, made his first — and what he said would be his last — statement on the matter “I’m extremely disappointed in the decision made by the panel on Monday afternoon,” he said in an email to the Observer. As he had indicated earlier, Mullings hinted that this would not be the end of the matter, and while he did not say what the next move would be, went on to say, “At this point, myself, along with my attorneys, are focusing our time and energy on proving my innocence to the world. I’m unable to comment any further on this matter.” Two weeks ago, Mullings, who tested positive for the banned diuretic, furosemide, which experts say can be used as a masking agent for the presence of performance enhancing drugs, had indicated that if the decision did not go in his favour, he would be taking his case to the Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS). Mullings, who is the 20th Jamaica athlete to have tested positive for a banned substance, returned a positive sample after he placed third in the 100m final at the Jamaican National Trials on June 24 this year. He went on to win the 200m, but was not included in the Jamaican team that took part in the IAAF World Championships in Daegu, South

Korea in late August to September. He was replaced on the team by Nesta Carter, who was a finalist in the 100m, and Marvin Anderson in the 200m. The hearings, which started back in August, were presided over by a three-man panel of attorney-at-law Lennox Gayle, who was the chairman, football administrator Peter Prendergast and Dr Japheth Ford. This was the second time the central Floridabased sprinter had failed a drug test after he was banned for two years in 2004 when he tested positive for elevated levels of testosterone while competing at the National Trials. Meanwhile, while saying he was not at liberty to comment on the upcoming season, Mullings confirmed he had started early-season workouts and had been training by himself for about a month now. Senior athletes who were preparing for the 2012 season started training between late October and early November. Mullings, who has won two sprint relay medals, a silver in 2007 and gold in 2009, had an outstanding 2011 season, running a personal best 9.80 seconds while winning the 100m at the Prefontaine Classic in Eugene, Oregon on June 4, making him the sixth fastest man of all time. His time was also the fourth fastest of the year, behind only world record-holder Usain Bolt, 9.76 seconds, Asafa Powell, 9.78, and his American training partner Tyson Gay, 9.79. The former Vere Technical, Barton County and Mississippi State sprinter clocked seven sub10 seconds times in 2011.

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Philippe White of Dominica and Damien Hughes of Anguilla have both been cleared of any ethics violation. Five officials were previously banned and eight others reprimanded or warned by the ethics committee over the cash-for-vote scandal involving former presidential candidate Mohamed bin Hammam. The officials were reportedly offered US$40,000 each at a special CFU meeting in Trinidad and Tobago in May this year


MUMBAI, India – Darren Bravo admitted he had little preparation for the third Test against India because of a bout of flu. But not even the ailment could prevent the elegant stroke-maker from fashioning his third century in four Tests, a brilliant 166 that propelled West Indies to a mammoth 575 for nine on the second day at the Wankhede Stadium. “I came into this match with a bit of the flu but I was determined not to let it keep me down,” the left-hander said. “I only hit about 10 balls in the nets on Sunday and didn’t even bat in the nets on Monday in the build-up to the match. I wasn’t feeling very well. I knew however that I had to stand up for the team and give it all I had in me. “I think I became a bit tired, with the flu over the last couple of days, and I think it took a toll on me there at the end of my innings.” Bravo counted 17 glorious fours off 284 balls in an innings that triggered memories of the legendary Brian Lara. Resuming the day on 57 with West Indies on 267 for two, Bravo carried on from where he had left off the previous day, stroking the ball confidently to all parts of the ground. In the process, he passed 1 000 runs in Tests and has now scored 901 runs in 10 Tests this year at an average of 50.05 per innings. “I think I am in pretty good form at this point in time and hopefully it can continue. It was very important for me to stay positive as much as possible,” Bravo said. “I batted well in the last innings at Eden Gardens and I just came here and looked to carry on and get a big score for the team. I was hitting the ball really and finding the gaps so I knew once I stayed at the crease I could get a good score here. “As batsmen we are very happy with the way we played and this has given the team a huge boost.” Bravo was one of six top order batsmen to pass fifty with openers Kraigg Brathwaite (68) and Adrian Barath (62), posting 137 for the first wicket before Kirk Edwards (86), Kieran Powell (81) and Marlon Samuels (61) also joining the fray. “The openers did a tremendous job to get us off to a good start on the first morning and our number three, Kirk Edwards also played really well,” the Trinidadian pointed out. “That gave me a good platform and when you come in on that platform you try and continue from where they left off. We have all been working hard and it is good to see that we have been getting some results. The aim is to strive for consistency.”

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NBA talks aim for games by Christmas

The NBA and locked-out players are expected to resume talks today in hopes of reaching a deal, saving the season and playing games on Christmas Day. Through a third party, former players union outside counsel Jim Quinn, the sides met Tuesday, a day after players refiled an amended antitrust lawsuit in Minneapolis. In a statement released Wednesday evening, an attorney for the players, Jonathan Schiller, confirmed "there would be preliminary settlement discussions with the NBA immediately after Thanksgiving with regard to the lawsuit filed recently by the players in Minnesota." A person familiar with the talks, who requested anonymity because he was not authorized to go public, said the focal point is on a collective bargaining agreement (CBA), not the suit. The person said the main participants in discussions this week were NBA Commissioner David Stern, Deputy Commissioner Adam Silver, San Antonio Spurs owner and labor relations chairman Peter Holt, players trade association chief Billy Hunter and players trade association attorney Ron Klempner. "We remain committed to a negotiated solution, but we decline to


comment further," NBA spokesman Mike Bass said. Tuesday's meeting was the first formal communication between the sides since Nov. 14, when the players rejected the owners' last offer of roughly a 50-50 split of basketballrelated income (BRI) and restrictions on how that money would be distributed. The players disbanded the union and filed antitrust lawsuits, which were merged into one complaint by attorney David Boies. The New York Times reported a person who has spoken with Quinn said the attorney recently was hired by the players to be at the talks. Quinn was


GENEVA, Switzerland — Ousted Asian football chief Mohammed Bin Hammam has appealed against a lifetime ban imposed by football's governing body over corruption in the FIFA presidential race, CAS said yesterday. "The appellant requests the annulment of the FIFA decision," said the Court of Arbitration for Sport in a statement. The Qatari was slapped with the ban in July after he was found guilty of trying to buy votes in the FIFA presidential race by offering Caribbean football officials Mohammed Bin Hammam $40,000 each. CAS said the parties in the dispute would first exchange written submissions. A hearing, whose date would be determined at a later stage, would then be held. Bin Hammam lost his post as head of Asian football to China's Zhang Jilong after FIFA's ruling. The Qatari appealed to CAS to block Zhang's appointment by the Asian Football Confederation but the court struck down the request. Nevertheless Bin Hamman had vowed to continue with his quest to clear his name, and had described the charges against him as "politically motivated." His suspension also led to his withdrawal from FIFA's leadership election, handing incumbent president Sepp Blatter a fourth consecutive term in office. The controversy highlighted allegations of corruption in FIFA and sparked calls for reform of its governance structure. It also led to a series of sanctions on several Caribbean football officials, who were in the infamous meeting in Trinidad on May 10 and 11 when Bin Hammam was accused of trying to buy votes.


involved in helping the sides broker a deal that ended the 1998-99 lockout. It remained unclear the role of outside counsel Jeffrey Kessler, who has drawn the extreme ire of Stern. It is thought any discussions of a CBA will be based off the league's 5050 proposal delivered to players Nov. 11. That offer included system issues — the means in which money is distributed to players — the union found unacceptable. To get competitive balance, the NBA wants to reduce massive payroll discrepancies between the highest and lowest spending clubs with restrictions on clubs paying the luxury tax.

Some of those restrictions in the league's last proposal: •Limited use of the mid-level exception — $3 million a year for a maximum of three years for taxpaying clubs compared to $5 million a year for three or four years for non-taxpayers. •A punitive luxury tax that escalates for each $5 million a club spends above the tax threshold. •Taxpaying clubs would not be able to acquire players via sign-andtrade after the first two years of the deal. The union argues those measures restrict player movement and serve, in essence, as a hard salary cap. One person familiar with negotiations who requested anonymity because he was not authorized to go public said ownership is expected to move closer on its proposal to the players, but what that will be is unclear. A deal soon would keep the attractive Christmas Day TV slate: first, the Boston Celtics at the New York Knicks on ESPN; followed by a doubleheader on ABC — the Miami Heat at the champion Dallas Mavericks, then the Chicago Bulls at the Los Angeles Lakers. Stern has said it would take about 30 days to start the season after a CBA is reached.


England have signed a unique sponsorship agreement with Investec that will see the specialist bank and asset managing company backing test cricket for the next 10 years. "This is excellent news... and a further boost following the England team's recent achievement in becoming the world's number one ranked test side," England and Wales Cricket Board chief executive David Collier said in a statement. "The extent of their investment reflects the fact our five-day game continues to command

very significant audiences, both at home where we achieved record attendances for international cricket in 2011 and abroad." The sponsorship agreement will begin next year when England host test series against West Indies and South Africa. Investec becomes only the third firm to sponsor test cricket in England, succeeding Npower and Cornhill. The company recently ended its 12-year backing of England's November rugby internationals.

LONDON -- A change in tax laws may help persuade such stars as Rafael Nadal and Usain Bolt to compete in Britain. Nadal plans to skip the pre-Wimbledon Queen's tournament next year because he says he'll lose money. Bolt, the Olympic track champion, also doesn't run in Britain because of the taxes. International athletes are taxed on prize money and appearance fees in Britain, along with a portion of their worldwide endorsement earnings. Chief executive Roger Draper said Wednesday that the Lawn Tennis Association is lobbying the government for a tax exemption to be included in the next budget statement in March. Athletes at the 2012

London Olympics have been granted an exemption. "The government (is) taking it seriously and we are very hopeful, but there are no guarantees," Draper said. A tax exemption could help London's O2 Arena extend its hosting rights for the seasonending ATP World Tour Finals beyond 2013. "It's a question of getting the right time to sit down with the ATP to have discussions," Draper said. "The player tax issue has got in the way and we want to have that issue out of the way." The government has so far only granted exemptions on an event-by-event basis, such as the 2011 Champions League final at Wembley and the upcoming Olympics. The tax law was implemented after Britain's tax authority won a landmark case against Andre Agassi in 2006. He was ordered to pay tax on a portion of the money paid to him by Nike and Head because he endorsed their products at Wimbledon and other events in Britain.






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Published by SUN MEDIA GROUP, Turks & Caicos Islands | Tel: 649.946.8542 | Fax: 649.941.3281

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