Volume 7 Issue 38

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New work permit system on hold


Continued from Page 1

“Following strong representations from a number of resort owners it was decided that any change in work permit fees needed to be linked with a revised immigration policy, the Governor at the time decided to defer implementation of the work permit fees increase until any relevant changes in immigration policy have been implemented,” McGarel Groves said. Another senior Government official told The SUN it is “ridiculous” to ask employers to pay more for work permits at this time. According to TCIG’s financial results for April to June 2011, revenue from work permit and residency fees was $2.5million. This was $435, 000 less (15 percent decrease) on both budget and last year.


Chief Financial Officer Hugh McGarel-Groves

Under the proposed new work permit system, 10% of work permit holder’s monthly salary was supposed to be paid by employers to the National


Health Insurance Board (NHIB). For example, if an employee is working for $2,000 per month, his or her boss would have to pay $200 per month or $2,400 a year for that employee’s work permit. This, in many, if not all cases, would have worked out to be far more expensive than the original cost of the work permit itself based on the category of work, and would therefore have been an additional financial burden on employers. Work Permits and Residency Fees represent almost 10 percent of Government’s total revenue. When the new system was first being considered last year, the Interim Government said that the downturn within the construction sector had adversely affected revenues from work permit application and renewals in recent years.

It was noted then that companies in this sector which used to employ a large number of non-residents are leaving or have left the country and are not returning. Their thinking was that this situation highlighted the need to replace the current work permit system, which was based to a large degree on the performance of the construction sector, by a system that relies more on tourism activities, since tourism has proven to be more resilient to the global financial crisis.” Given this significant shortfall in revenue from that particular source, and with TCIG now having to postpone the implementation of the ten percent of work permits, Government will have to seek additional and alternative sources of raising revenue, especially since they have also postponed the water tax which was expected to raise $700, 000.



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The rise and fall of Bruce Golding


The troubled tenure of Orette Bruce Golding as the eighth leader of the Jamaican government since independence nearly a half-century ago appears set to end with just about a year left before Jamaicans are constitutionally due to elect a new government. For his critics and supporters of the opposition People’s National Party (PNP), the end of Golding’s reign in office could not come soon enough; for his supporters and the party faithful in the ruling Jamaica Labour Party (JLP), it will be a dashing of hopes pinned on a political darling, coupled with mounting fears of a one-term administration. Annus horribilis? For the Jamaican pol, whose clean-cut image has been tarnished by the taint of improper conduct, it appeared a horrible month in what may well be his ‘annus horribilis’ – only the death of his mother two weeks’ ago would eclipse mounting criticism, calls for his resignation and his appearance in the witness box of a public inquiry over his handling of the extradition of a confessed drug lord and gang leader in his West Kingston constituency. Golding became Prime Minister following the JLP’s narrow win in the September 2007 general election when he defeated the People’s National Party’s Portia Simpson-Miller, 18 months after she succeeded a retiring PJ Patterson as prime minister. It seemed the summit of a carefully crafted though not risk-free political career for a man born to a public service lineage. His father, Tacius, became the first Speaker of the House of Representatives in an independent Jamaica, a parliamentary secretary, and a long-standing MP for the West St. Catherine riding – a seat that would be inherited by a future JLP leader and prime minister, Edward Seaga - until Golding’s retirement in 1977. In a nation long used to the see-saw domination of the PNP and the JLP, Golding took the risk of quitting as JLP chairman to form the National Democratic Movement (NDM) in 1995. But in what many saw as a well-timed, if convenient, return to the fold of the party, then into its 14th year in the wilderness of opposition and the third term of PJ Patterson’s PNP administration, Golding was back in Belmont Road, home of the JLP, the party that took Jamaica out of the ill-fated West Indies Federation and into independence in 1962. A series of fortunate events Within a year, he was party chairman again. The first decade of the 21st Century proved to be Golding’s decade with a continuing series of fortunate events. On February 20 2005, succeeding Edward Seaga as opposition leader, he began to prime his party to contest the next general elections. With Patterson’s resignation as prime minister and PNP leader in 2006, Jamaicans were already sensing a mood for change – and so was Bruce Golding. The choice of Portia Simpson-Miller as the populist leader of the centre-left incumbent party after a bitterly contested leadership battle did little to swing the pendulum back in the incumbent’s favour. Simpson-Miller led the PNP in the general election of 2007, with the JLP squeezing past by 50.1 per cent to 49.8 per cent of the popular vote. Simpson-Miller conceded two days later, and on September 11, 2007, Golding was sworn in as the country’s eighth prime minister. Orette Bruce Golding was born on December 5 1947, the third of four children born to Tacius and Enid Golding, both teachers by profession. After five years at St. George’s College, he transferred to Jamaica College to study for his ALevel exams. In 1966, he entered the University of the West Indies (UWI) at Mona and read Economics and Public Administration, graduating in 1969 with second-class honours. Married to Lorna Golding with three children, Sherene, Steven, and Ann-Merita, Golding stuck


firmly to the script for the leader of the centre-right JLP. Matter-of-fact in tone, with the workman-like air of a wonk, devoid of the verbal bravado, zeal or rhetorical sloganeering of the traditional West Indian politician or even his JLP predecessors, Golding began a slow, steady, seemingly methodical rise to power. Bland but blunt As prime minister, his rhetoric was no less bland but blunt. Within a year of coming to office, the prime minister appeared on a BBC television programme, broadcast worldwide, in which declared that any Cabinet he formed would exclude any known homosexuals. The statement captured headlines but was consistent with previous pronouncements in which the JLP showed its disdain for public displays of gay sexuality. Given the mores of Jamaican society and public opinion often criticised internationally as homophobic, Golding was opposed to the legalisation of homosexuality. But given the slender mandate given to Golding in the 2007 general election, he also kept faith with the philosophy of a centre-right JLP, the party that triggered the break-up of the West Indies federal experiment. As legal luminaries pressed the case for the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) as the court of last resort for Jamaica, Golding announced a preference for Jamaica to create its own final appeals court should it abolish its ties to the law lords of the Privy Council in London. His rhetoric on regional integration was decidedly cool and seemed deeply centred in the JLP’s scepticism of the value of regionalism to Jamaica, but he maintained a cautious note of pragmatism in his utterances during his turn in the rotating chairmanship of the Caribbean Community counterparts. Then came the intrigue that would send Golding’s meticulously crafted political train off the rails. Manatt Affair In March 2010, Opposition MP Dr. Peter Phillips told the House of the existence of a contractual arrangement between the administration and an American law firm, Manatt, Phelps & Phillips. The law firm’s brief included lobbying the United States on an extradition treaty dispute. Kingston had refused Washington’s request for the extradition of Christopher 'Dudus' Coke, alleged kingpin of the volatile Tivoli Gardens political garrison in Golding’s West Kingston constituency. The Golding administration blocked the extradition, arguing that the evidence was obtained illegally under Jamaican law. Then Golding denied claims that Manatt, Phelps & Phillips was contracted to represent the Jamaican government, instead pointing to party insiders. After US government documents showed that the firm had been retained for 400,000 US dollars to represent Kingston’s interests in the matter, Golding would later admit in Parliament that he had approved the initiative to lobby the US but that contact was to be made by the JLP and not officially on behalf of the government. With this revelation, both the PNP and the NDM – the party that Golding built - called for his resignation. Six days later, on May 17, 2010, in a national broadcast, the prime minister apologized to the Jamaican people for his involvement in what had become known as the Manatt affair. He also disclosed that at a party executive meeting he put his position of prime minister and party leader at the leaders’ disposal. His resignation offer rebuffed, Golding appeared to receive a new lease on life from the party bosses. In response, he announced a minireshuffle in which he shed some of his own


Turks and Caicos Sun Suite # 5, Airport Plaza Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands Tel: (649) 946-8542/ (649) 241-1510 Fax: (649) 941-3281 Email: sun@suntci.com Read us online at www.suntci.com

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Hayden Boyce Senior Editor: Vivian Tyson Web Designer: Patrina Moore-Pierre Graphics Editor: Joleen Grant Office Manager: Dominique Rigby Distribution Manger: Kelano Howell Advertising and Marketing ManagerPatrina Moore-Pierre

The Turks and Caicos SUN is a subsidiary of The SUN Media Group Ltd.

We are committed to excellence in journalism, educating and informing our readers, serving and satisfying our advertisers and assisting in the overall development of the Turks and Caicos Islands. portfolios and announced a push to enact legislation for recall of parliamentarians, prime ministerial term-limits and campaign finance reform. State of emergency It would be the goings-on, not in Jamaica House but in his own constituency, that would lead to Golding’s second, and seemingly permanent, mea culpa. Following the broadcast, Coke’s supporters barricaded themselves in Tivoli Gardens, prompting the army and police to enter the volatile community to try to arrest him. On May 23, 2010, police stations in and around the capital were attacked by gunfire and two were later burned down. Golding issued a state of emergency over the capital area, while the security forces staged a joint operation to enforce the arrest warrant and seize weapons. Coke’s henchmen fired back, leading to a siege that lasted several days and left scores dead, including two police officers and a soldier. Threedozen weapons and thousands of rounds of ammunition were seized. Coke, disguised as a woman and in the company of a priest, was later arrested, purportedly on his way to turn himself in to the authorities. Bad news in Belmont Road Golding’s decision to hold on as prime minister triggered four days of debate on a no-confidence motion in the House. The final vote replayed the general election result of 30-28 in the government’s favour - a strict party-line vote. Last week, Coke pleaded guilty to drugs and weapons charges in a US federal court. But in a year that saw the sale of a national icon, Air Jamaica, to its Trinidadian rival, Caribbean Airlines, and with an ongoing global economic crisis eroding the country’s gains in tourism and trade, Golding could not shake off the apparent notion that many Jamaicans had, like their leader, become cool, dispassionate and devoid of zeal for their prime minister. That notion was reportedly measured by an opinion poll conducted by UWI professionals for the JLP that sought to ascertain Golding’s electability. Though its results have not been published, the timing of Bruce Golding’s resignation could only suggest that the pollsters had delivered bad news in Belmont Road.

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Health Service Director Dr. Rufus Ewing resigns



By Vivian Tyson SUN Senior Editor

FRUSTRATED BY WHAT he described as attempts by the Interim Administration to muzzle him from speaking out against the acrimonious conditions under which civil servants are being made to work and the stymieing of local expertise within the sector, Director for Health Services and Head of the Civil Service Association, Dr. Rufus Ewing has decided to call it quits. Dr. Ewing announced his resignation at a news conference on Thursday (September 29) at the Ministry of Health’s office, located upstairs Royal Jewels, Providenciales. “Effective September 27, 2011 I submitted a letter of resignation from my post of Director of Health Services, following periods of vacation leave in October and January 2012 and, my final day of work will be March 31, 2012,” Dr. Ewing said Addressing speculations that he was pushed from the position by the current administration, Dr. Ewing said his decision rested solely on his frustration with the British administration and what he described as the scant regard shown to civil servants on a whole, saying that it was a difficult decision to make. “It has become exceedingly difficult for me to remain a part of this administration and even more of a challenge to remain quiet about the policies that are being developed that are not in the best interest of the

Director for Health Services and Head of the Civil Service Association, Dr. Rufus Ewing

health of the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands and are not in the best interest of the country on the whole. I wish to strongly state that I support public service reform; I wish to strongly state that reform is essential in order to ensure the improvement and efficiency of our public service. “I will continue to state however, that the approach to the reform process by the current administration does nothing but place Turks and Caicos Islanders at a disadvantage by seeking to eliminate them from their current positions of employment with no efforts being made to review options available for training, upgrading of skills and performance enhancement. These changes (are) being made with intentions of denying earned gratuities and reducing pension benefits. “In more recent days, the

Chief Financial Officer meets with Grand Turk Chamber of Commerce

HUGH MCGAREL-GROVES, the new Chief Financial Officer of the Turks and Caicos Islands Government, recently met with the Grand Turk Chamber of Commerce. "I was pleased to meet this week with the Executive Director, Glen Clark and President Designate, Pedro Ariza, of the Grand Turk Chamber of Commerce and to hear their views on development prospects for the Grand Turk business community and the TCI in general. We discussed various possible avenues for working together of mutual benefit,” McGarel-Groves said in a Government statement. He said the business community has a major role to play in helping to restore economic growth and stability to the TCI and this process can only be enhanced by this type of dialogue between their representative body and government. “As indicated when I assumed this position a few weeks ago TCI has been making progress in working its way out of the deep financial crisis of recent years, but the effort must be sustained to overcome the challengers which still lie ahead and keep the TCI on the path to long term economic prosperity," the CFO added.

disrespectful declaration of the performance of our Permanent Secretaries and the intended dismantling of these offices to allow entry of non-public servants into the service at this high level indicates the lack of regard for trained and qualified Turks and Caicos Islanders,” Dr. Ewing stated. Dr. Ewing also accused the Government of applying what he dubbed a disturbing and calculated effort to further damage the service as well as to marginalize long serving, qualified, educated and efficient locals, by replacing them with what he described as individuals that are untrained and also unfamiliar with the functions of the various departments. Such a move, he said, is a recipe for disaster for the country in general. “The effect of this move, intentional or otherwise, will be the further blurring of the lines which separate the function of the civil service from the dictates of the political leadership and also compromises the integrity of governmental agencies to function as an entity both regulatory and independent of the private sector. “My position on all of these issues, are well known, by the administration and the people of this country. I am, therefore, removing myself from my position within the service as I will not remain silent on these issues. I have made this decision as I also intend to fight for and alongside my fellow Turks and Caicos Islanders both in the public and private sector, both employed and unemployed, against the prevailing winds of injustice in this our country,” Dr. Ewing charged. According to the Health Service Head, in recent times, a raft of measures aimed at restricting civil servants to function effectively has been implemented, while at the same time, when those measures failed civil servants are the ones blamed. “Many high ranking civil servants like myself, have long held the responsibility for the delivery of critical services to the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands. In recent times there has been significant restriction in regards to the authority and autonomy required to effectively function in several of these offices. “These changes have


compromised service delivery in many areas, the Ministry of Health being no exception. As a healthcare practitioner first and foremost, it is distressing to witness these changes and it is also equally distressing to be placed at a professional disadvantage in this environment where responsibility without authority and autonomy burdens an office with accountability and blame to the detriment of one’s professional reputation and character,” Ewing continued. Dr. Ewing added: “Over the past decade I was instrumental in the development of surgical services in the Turks and Caicos Islands, particularly on the island of Providenciales and, was very actively involved in the delivery of surgical services at the MRHC (Myrtle Rigby Health Clinic) and Grand Turk Hospital, prior to the closure of these two facilities, even while effectively carrying out my duties as Director of Health Services. “However, after the closure of these two facilities, I took the decision not to engage myself in surgical practice at the new hospital facilities because of potential conflict of interest in my capacity as Director of Health Services advising on health policies that affect hospital operations.” Ewing pointed out that now that he has resigned from the Director of Health Services position, he now would be able to reengage and to maintain his surgical skills to meet the needs of the TCI. He told the press gathering that he has taken the decision to delay his departure, to facilitate a smooth transition to his successor. He said he would serve as Head of the Civil Service until an election to select someone else is held. He said, too, that he would be taking 90 of the 180 days leave accrued overtime leading up to his exit date, since he would not be compensated for them. Ewing has worked under all administrations since 2001, serving in the capacities as providing advice on policies in healthcare. He also served in the capacities of General Surgeon, Deputy Chief Medical Officer and Director of Health Services / Chief Medical Officer since August 2, 2001.

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Popular businessman Mackie Palmer shot and robbed



By Vivian Tyson SUN Senior Editor

POPULAR PROVIDENCIALES BUSINESSMAN Mackie Palmer was shot and injured on September 28, by a group of armed men who robbed him of an undisclosed sum of money while at his restaurant at Market Place on that Island early Wednesday night. The incident took place at Mackie’s Café, and the police the matter is actively being pursued by crime sleuths from the Criminal Investigation Department. According to reports, the businessman was at his establishment when the hoodlums, who pounced on him, demanded cash. However, the fearless businessman challenged the criminals, and during the ensuring struggle one of the men shot him to a section of his upper body. “… (He) received a gunshot wound to his left shoulder. The injuries are determined to be non-life threatening. An undisclosed amount of money was taken,” a police report from the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police said. In wake of the attack, the police have once again encouraged individuals to be vigilant during their various modes of operation, so as to minimise their chances of being attacked by and gun-slinging and knifewielding predators. “The Police are asking that individuals and businesses to take necessary precautions to deter incidents of this nature and to immediately report any suspicious activities to the police. “The police are also appealing to the public to come forward with any information they may have in relation to this matter. Contact can be made by contacting the Police Service directly, calling 911 or utilizing Crime Stoppers by calling 1-800-TIPS (8477), or be sending an encrypted web tip on www.crimestoppers.tc or friend Crime Stoppers Turks & Caicos on Facebook,” the release said.

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New Turks and Caicos Islands Crown Land Policy to be published


HIS EXCELLENCY THE Governor, Ric Todd has announced the publication of the new Crown Land Policy for the Turks and Caicos Islands. The policy was prepared following extensive public consultations last year and a number of meetings with the Advisory Council and Consultative Forum. It is published ahead of the resumption of service later this year for TCI Islanders who wish to apply for an allocation of Crown land for residential use. During the course of the past two years, considerable work has been undertaken by the Crown Land Unit, Land Registry, the Survey and Mapping Department, and the Valuation Office to update their records and to improve administrative processes for the effective management of Crown land in the Territory. This has included the development and publication of a new Crown land Allocation Register and Crown land



Inventory maps for each island. According to a Government press release, while the Government has continued to process commercial applications for land, applications for residential use stopped in April 2009 due to a decision taken by the then Premier Galmo Williams. Work undertaken to improve the administration of residential applications is expected to reach a point before the end of the year where it will be possible to again provide a full service to TCI Islanders wishing to acquire land for their own use. An announcement inviting residential applications will be issued later in the year. The new policy has been published today to provide clarity to all potential applicants about the new eligibility criteria in place to acquire Crown land in the TCI. Speaking about the publication, the Governor said: “Publication of the new Crown Land Policy for the Turks

and Caicos Islands is a major achievement. The new policy, together with the extensive work that continues to reform the administration of Crown land, represent a significant step towards the completion of the milestone, set by UK Ministers, for the implementation of a new Crown Land Policy. I congratulate Ministry of Environment and District Administration officials, and the Crown Land Adviser, for all of their hard work. I would also like to thank the public and the Advisory Council and Consultative Forum for their valuable contributions during consultations. The remaining task is now to prepare and enact a new Crown Land Ordinance. This will be a priority for the Interim Administration.� The Crown Land Policy establishes a framework that will help bring transparency and accountability to Government, and will ensure that remaining Crown land is sustainably

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managed for the benefit of all in the TCI. It contains many new proposals such as allowing residential allottees of Crown land to go straight to freehold rather than having to engage in a conditional purchase lease arrangements as provided under the old policy. The 2011 policy also sets out clear tests for those proposing commercial development of Crown land and places an emphasis on preserving the natural beauty of the islands whilst providing opportunities for all to enjoy these heritage assets for leisure and recreational purposes.

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Ten Haitian escapees still at large


By Vivian Tyson SUN Senior Editor

UP TO PRESS time, the 10 Haitian nationals who escaped from the Five Cays Detention on Providenciales between Saturday evening, September 24 and Sunday morning, September 25, were still at large, as the police seek the assistance of the public to rope them back into custody. Deputy Commissioner of Police Brad Sullivan told The SUN that while lawmen are working around the clock to apprehend the escapees, so far, they have come-up empty-handed. “Our investigation is still ongoing. We are working closely with Immigration to identify these subjects who escaped from the Detention Centre, but to date we have been unsuccessful in apprehending any of


them,” Deputy Commissioner Sullivan said. The 10 escapees were among a population of 29 illegal Haitian migrants held at the centre awaiting repatriation to their homeland after being ruled to have entered the Turks and Caicos Islands illegally. They were also among a group that was fished from an ill-fated rickety wooden boat that capsized near the South Dock Port on Saturday, September 10, killing at least 10 of them. A news release from the Ministry of Border Control and Labour on Wednesday, September 28, stated: “The Ministry of Border Control and Labour can confirm that 10 Haitian nationals, detained at the Five Cays Detention Center for repatriation, escaped sometime between Saturday evening, September 24, and Sunday


morning September 25, 2011. A full investigation of the incident is being carried out by the Immigration and Police Departments.” The mass escape has forced the authorities to put the private security mechanism at the facility under the microscope. From the statement issued, it appears a lapse in security was responsible for the inmate’s breakout; since the release pointed out that Government has commenced its review of the security franchise at the facility with a view to make a replacement. “TCIG is currently reviewing the contract for security for the Center, and a new contract should be in place as soon as possible,” the releases said. The incident has also spiked Government to renew its resolve to get the radar station in Five Cays,

Providenciales up and running. “TCIG is pursuing urgently, the full operation of the coastal radar system and will very soon recruit a supervisor with expertise in this field. The system should be fully operational by April 2012,” the statement said. During the contract-signing and ground-breaking ceremony in November of last year, it was announced that the Radar Station would be completed in February of this year. But to date it has not been completed. The final piece of element to commission the facility into operation went bad, The SUN learnt, and ways were being sought to source another piece. Meanwhile, a further 19 Haitian nationals detained in the Center will be repatriated to Haiti this week, according to the authorities.



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The salary for the position listed above ranges from $25,000 to $40,000 per annum CONCIERGE DEPARTMENT REQUIRES:

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Administrative Assistant Requirements include but are not limited to: • Experience in administrating a construction and property a management operation

The rate for the position listed above is $8.00 to $13.00 an hour. The Grounds Department requires: Supervisor • Experience in Horticulture • Physically Fit • Ability to manage a diverse team

The rate for the position listed above is $6.00 to $10.00 an hour. WATERSPORTS DEPARTMENT REQUIRES:

Lifeguard Requirements include but are not limited to: • Ability to Swim • First aid/ CPR Certification

Deck Hand Requirements include but are not limited to: • Ability to Swim • Knowledge of a boat and its handling operations

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The salary for the position listed above is $20,000.00 to $29,000.00 per annum. SPA DEPARTMENT REQUIRES:

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The rate for the positions listed above is $6.00 to $9.00 an hour.


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The salary for the position listed above is $25,000.00 to $40,000.00 per annum. SUPERVISOR GIFT SHOP Requirements include but are not limited to: • Maintain par levels in inventory • Ensure daily, week, monthly and yearly Sales targets are met The rate for the position listed above is $6.00 to $9.00 an hour. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT REQUIRES: Painter Sewage Plant Operator Requirements include but are not limited to: • Physically Fit • Ability to carry out labour intensive task

The rate for the positions listed above is $5.00 to $6.00 an hour. HOUSEKEEPING DEPARTMENT REQUIRES:

Housekeeping Supervisor • Supervises and may participate in housekeeping services including cleaning, mopping, scrubbing, sanitizing the floors and other surfaces as well as the refinishing, waxing and polishing of floors, tile work and other various floor and wall surfaces in stairways, hallways, restrooms, offices, laboratories, recreation and locker rooms.

Applications giving full details of qualifications and experience should be sent to: mmvaughn@grp.sandals.com or Fax to: 9414870 Attn: M McClean-Vaughn The Human Resources Department Beaches Turks and Caicos P.O. Box 186 Lower Bight Road and

The Labour Commissioner Labour Department Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands and should reach not later than October 7th 2011 Otherwise, please call for additional information tel # 649-946-8000 ext 4138

Page 13

Harold Charles appointed to Haiti’s presidential advisory council


HAROLD CHARLES, A Turks and Caicos Islands businessman, philanthropist, president and CEO of Harold Charles & Co. and founder of the former Sky King Group of Companies, has been appointed by Haiti’s President Michel Martelly as one of the 32 members of a newly established Presidential Advisory Council on Growth and Investments, co-chaired by former US President Bill Clinton. Charles was appointed last Tuesday, September 21, along with 31 other members, including several former heads of state from Spain, Philippines, Colombia, among many others, and business leaders from around the world, when Martelly launched the presidential council in downtown Manhattan. Charles, who was born in Haiti, said that he was honoured to be singled out by Martelly to be a part of this magnificent dream team. “I am so proud to be part of this effort because the people of Haiti have been suffering for too long and I think it’s about time for Haiti and



the Haitian people to take their rightful place in the Caribbean and the world”, said Charles. A prosperous Haiti, with jobs, education and development, would definitely lessen the number of Haitians who become illegal migrants to other island nations in search of better conditions. The Turks and Caicos businessman said that with his expertise in business and development, along with his exposure to a vast network of international business associates, he believes he can play a vital role in attracting the investments that Haiti so badly needs. Charles said that one of the developments he would like to see is the building of a first class airport in Cap Haitien and along with hotels. These developments will attract tourism and other business ventures which will be a catalyst for economic success in the region. “Additionally, I would advise this administration to provide vocational schools and institutions of

Harold Charles

higher learning so that fewer Haitians have to go to the Dominican Republic and other places for education. It is so expensive and provides a burden on their families. In addition, the cost of such education abroad inhibits the opportunities for the students whose families are unable to pay to send them abroad to study. Providing these opportunities for education in Haiti will prevent the brain drain, allowing more students to study and work in

Haiti, which human resource is a vital commodity needed for the development of any nation,” he said. Other aspects that need attention in Haiti include investment in housing, agriculture, health, tourism among other sectors. However, Charles cautioned that time be first spent on developing the country’s infrastructure before beginning the promotion of tourism. He was very optimistic about the future of Haiti. “Going forward I feel very encouraged about the direction in which Haiti is moving. I would advise the president to find a way to unite the people. As you know, united we stand, divided we fall, so Haitians in Haiti and the Diaspora must stand united so that Haiti will succeed. The Presidential Advisory Council will have a three-fold objective -- to promote the brand called Haiti, to advise the president on policies and strategies to solicit investments to spur economic growth and improve the country’s economic outlook and to attract investments that will create sustainable jobs.

Page 14

Man freed on DNA technicality


By Vivian Tyson SUN Senior Editor


A DNA COLLECTION bungling on the part of the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force has resulted in the freedom of a man accused of the raping and murder of a female Dominican waitress in February of 2009. Seasoned attorney Stephen Akinsanya and his firebrand partner Mark Fulford of F Chambers Attorneys at Law argued successfully that proper procedures were not followed in obtaining intimate DNA samples from accused Dwayne Belazaire. Belazaire was charged with the murder of 27 year-old Ramona Lopez, who was living in Five Cays in Providenciales. Police reports indicated that the body of the woman was found in a ditch near the La Familia Restaurant and Nightclub, adjacent the Down Town Ball Park, at about 3:40am Monday, February 2, 2009. Persons allegedly saw a partially burnt object resembling a human and called the police. Investigators later identified the body to be that of a woman, who later turned out to be Lopez. Later

Attorneys Mark Fulford (right) and Stephenson Akinsanya outside their offices at Southern Shores Building located along the Leeward Highway

examinations on the body revealed that she was also so raped. Family members said the Lopez was out partying with friends on the night of her death. Belazaire was subsequently taken into custody on April 17 that same year and charged with rape and murder of the woman. During his incarceration he provided DNA sample to investigators by way of saliva. In the Providenciales Supreme

Come and join our winning team!!!

Beaches Turks & Caicos Resort Villages and Spa, the only 6 Diamond all inclusive property in the Caribbean and its authorized Recruitment Agencies are inviting applications from suitably qualified Turks and Caicos Islanders for the following vacant positions. Applicants must have a clean police record and a good command of the English language both written and spoken. In addition candidates must be able to work nights, public holidays and week-ends. The Resort thanks everyone for their interest in advance and advises that only short listed applicants will be contacted for an interview.

SPA THERAPIST/COSMETOLOGIST/ESTHETICIAN Successful candidate will direct all efforts toward guest satisfaction, achievement of Spa standards and profit maximization.

The ideal candidate must satisfy the following criteria: • Certification in one or more of the following areas: Massage, Esthetics, Body treatments, Hair services, Tattoos and Nail services. • Must have a friendly and nurturing personality. • Must be sensitive to the needs of the customer. • The ability to communicate in English both verbally and written. • Must be flexible with work schedule supporting the needs of the Spa covering evenings, weekends and Public Holidays. • Must be sales driven with proven customer service skills, upgrading of services/ retail. • Team player • Must lead a fit and healthy lifestyle and have a positive approach to life and work. • Set high standards as it relates to professional grooming and presentation.

Remuneration: Bi-weekly base pay plus commission

Applications giving full details of qualifications and experience should be sent to: mmvaughn@grp.sandals.com or Fax to: 941-4870 Attn: M McClean-Vaughn

The Human Resources Department Beaches Turks and Caicos P.O. Box 186 Lower Bight Road



The Labour Commissioner Labour Department Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands

Court, the accused man’s attorneys argued that the DNA sample obtained and was being used as evidence against him was not taken in accordance with Turks and Caicos law. Belazaire was said to have complied with investigators’ request for DNA sample to be taken from him, but it later came out in court that detectives did not seek the blessing of the court to do so, thus ruling the procedure illegal. Akinsanya said it was unclear to the defense as to under what circumstance Belazaire was arrested and charged with the crimes. “But what we do know is that after that, on the 18th of April 2009, his DNA was taken. It was taken illegally, contrary to the police ordinance, and as a result of that, even though he was subsequently charged in May, 2009, with that rape and murder, we took a point before the case started as to the admissibility of that DNA evidence,”

Akinsanya said, following the trial. According to Akinsanya, the Ordinance stated that for someone to provide an intimate sample, a court order and the consent of the person have to be sought. “In this case, whilst arguably, they obtained his consent, what they did not do was get a court order. And because of that, there was a point for myself and Mr. Fulford to take with relation to the correctness of that DNA being obtained from him (Belazaire) and, subsequently the admissibility of any evidence relating to DNA,” Atkinsanya disclosed. The Prosecution, headed by JoAnn Meloche, decided to discontinue the case against Belazaire, upon the defense raising the matter in court. “I can’t speak for what they may or may not do from this point onwards, but at the moment, we consider Mr. Belazaire a man who should release from custody, and that was the order of the court,” Akinsanya said. In the Meantime, Fulford said it is up to Belazaire to determine whether or not he wishes to seek restitution for his incarceration since 2009, even though he believes that his client is not interested. “I think Mr. Belazaire wants to move on with his life now that his name has been cleared and, that is the obvious thing to do. I don’t think he is seeking any financial redress, because he has not given us any instruction to do so,” Fulford said. The two attorneys said Belazaire maintained his innocence through-out the trial, which concluded on Tuesday, September 27. The Presiding judge in the matter was Justice E.P. Goldsbrough.

Page 15

British Airways pulling routes will have minimal impact on TCI, says Director of Tourism Ralph Higgs



By Vivian Tyson SUN Senior Editor

DIRECTOR OF TOURISM Ralph Higgs is concerned with the news that British Airways is to yank its Gatwick to Montego Bay route, saying that while the cessation of such operation does not affect the TCI, it is not good for regional tourism as a whole. “As I am not aware of any direct threat to BA service the Turks and Caicos or any threats of pull out, or any scaling back of BA service to Turks and Caicos, I would say that any direct impact will be minimal. “However, as part of the broader Caribbean Community, we would have concerns, because we like to see people come to the Caribbean. Try Jamaica one summer, try Turks and Caicos Islands the next. That is the

Director of Tourism Ralph Higgs

way we grow our business in the region. Introduce them (tourists) to the region, and hope that they would go on a see other Caribbean destinations,”

Higgs said. British Airways blames insufficient collection of revenue for its decision to halt that route. It also blames the UK Government-imposed Air Passenger Duty (APD) – an environmental charged levied by that Government on passenger planes into the Caribbean region. Regional tourism interest have slammed the UK Government for introducing the APD, saying that if the charge remains it could have a damaging effect on Caribbean tourism from Europe. Travelers from the European Union normally stay longer in the Caribbean than their North American counterparts, thereby spending more money. Regional governments and industry players are planning to lobby the British Government to, if not


THE SANDS AT Grace Bay recently announced the appointment of Mona Beeson as the resort’s new general manager. Beeson brings more than 32 years of hospitality experience to the luxurious Providenciales resort, having most recently served as the resident manager for The Sands at Grace Bay’s sister-property - The Regent Palms Resort, Turks & Caicos. Pierre Beswick, The Sands at Grace Bay's former general manager for six years, will serve as the vice president of resort assets for The Hartling Group. Beswick will oversee the asset management department for The Hartling Group’s three Providenciales properties, including The Sands at Grace Bay, The Regent Palms and the company's most recent luxury pre-construction development, The Shore Club on Long Bay. Beeson acquired extensive industry knowledge and leadership experience through Marriott Hotels, where she held several key management positions over a 24-year period. Beeson spent 16 successful years at the Albuquerque, New Mexico Marriott Hotel where she escalated to the director of rooms operations.

UNITED CONSULTANT IMMIGRATION SERVICES ON BEHALF OF CUSTOMERS seeks 1 Waiter (Salary $5.00 per hour) 1 Waitress (salary $5.00 per hour) 1 green keeper (Salary $5.00 per hour) 1 Kitchen helper (Salary $5.00 per hour) 1 Cook helper ($5.00 per hour) 1 Cashier ($5.00 per hour0 For information contact :649-242-6217 or email: unitedconsultant@hotmail .com

She continued on to five revered Marriott property locations including Marriott’s Grand Hotel Resort in Point Clear, Alabama as resident manager; the Crystal Palace Resort and Casino in Cable Beach Bahamas as the executive director of the rooms division; the New Orleans Marriott as front office manager and at the Courtyard by Marriott in Metairie, Louisiana as general manager. Finally, Beeson arrived in Houston at the JW Marriott at the Galleria as director of operations. Seeking a new career challenge in the land of sea and sun, Mona arrived on Grace Bay Beach in Providenciales, Turks & Caicos in 2007 to join Regent Hotels. In February 2007, Mona was appointed to serve as Resident Manager for The Regent Palms Resort, Turks & Caicos. During her five years as Resident Manager, The Regent Palms Resort received several prestigious awards including Robb Report’s, "Top 100 Resorts In The World" award as well as global travel recognition by the World Travel Awards, which named The Regent Palms Resort the "Turks and Caicos Leading Hotel."


TURKS AND CAICOS WATER COMPANY LIMITED is seeking a suitably qualified individual to fill the following position. Only candidates who meet the minimum requirements will be considered.

Duties Responsible for all general electrical maintenance and repairs of electrical problems. Must be able to operate electrical and control systems, generators and SWRO equipment in excess of 200 HP. Must be able to inspect various electrical systems and equipment for proper functioning. Proficient in diagnosing problems concerning PLCs and analog control circuits. Complete daily tasks as outlined by Supervisor. Complete maintenance request work orders on a timely basis. Performs all weekly, monthly and other scheduled preventative maintenance programs. Actively pursue new tasks or jobs when assigned work is completed. Requirements Must have eight years experience and certification as an Electrician. Must have strong troubleshooting skills in order to diagnose and repair electrical problems. Must be proficient in Microsoft Office. Should have great oral and written communication skills. Work with minimal supervision. Applicant must be drug free, have a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation and clean criminal record. Position requires the successful applicant to be willing to work swing shift hours, including holidays and weekends. Position requires for the successful applicant to be on standby for 24 hours call out emergencies.

The wages for this position is $8.00 per hour. Interested applicants should contact Veronica Rigby via email by October 10, 2011 at ronnie@habgroup.com or by fax 649-946-5191. Suitable applicants will be contacted by email or telephone to schedule an interview.


dissolve the charge, chisel it to acceptable level. In the meantime, Higgs said there has been a great deal of interest from new carriers to the TCI. However, he said the prospective airline companies remain in two minds as to whether to take such risk at this time bearing in mind the current economic conditions. “There are strong interests from a number of new carriers to TCI. However, people are not as bullish about taking opportunities or risks as they were when the economy was a little more robust. But I am convinced that with the continued demand for Turks and Caicos as a tourism product, that it is only a matter of time before a number of airlines will get due diligence and take a risk on Brand TCI,” Higgs said.

Page 16

Haitians say they are assets to Turks and Caicos Islands



By Vivian Tyson Sun Senior Editor

S OME HAITIANS IN the Turks and Caicos Islands have labeled as unfair a confidential cable by United States Embassy in the Bahamas and later accessed by whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks, that the continued influx into the Turks and Caicos Islands by people from that side of Hispaniola, pose a threat to the national security of the TCI. The US Embassy also revealed in another clandestine cable on February 1, 2010, that the TCI’s “migrant handling capabilities are at a breaking point”, referring the existing local immigration problems. The cable went on to say: “If the Bahamians are anxious and concerned about the impact of a large illegal Haitian presence in

their country, citizens of the Turks and Caicos, with less than 10 percent of the population of the Bahamas, are petrified. They fear that imminent loss of their cultural identity and, perhaps, political control of their country. But like their neighbours to the north, they do not know how to resolve the problem.” However, some of the Haitians living in the TCI said the cable did not look deep enough at the economic value that Haitians bring to the TCI. Jean-Claude Cius, one of the Haitians who took objections to the report, said people from his country bring added value to where ever they go, but just because their homeland has been going through a torrid time, they are being discriminated against. “If we refer back to the years of

The Turks and Caicos Islands National Board is seeking a suitably qualified applicant for the post of


Responsibilities Include: Reporting to the Deputy Director Corporate Services, the Human Resources & Administration Manager is generally accountable for availing a human resource management infrastructure, related institutional policies and support systems which facilitate the attraction, management, development and retention of the human resources required to effectively achieve the stated objectives of the Turks and Caicos Islands National Insurance Board. This position is also responsible for working with management to prepare and implement staff annual training plans and recommending, where appropriate and in accordance with policies, financial support for persons who undergo training. The applicant should also be able to provide advice to the executive team on the full range of HR issues.

Required Experience & Qualifications This position requires: - A minimum of five (5) years experience in a similar corporate position in any or combination of any of these types of organizations: merchandising, hospitality, public administration of financial services. - A Masters Degree in Human Resource and Industrial Relations. The incumbent should also have solid competencies in: - Negotiations - Human relations - Communications - Compensation - Performance Appraisal - Highly motivated, and results-oriented - Dynamic team player, committed to problem solving - Excellent interpersonal, communication and presentation skills The successful candidate will be appointed subject to the completion of a three month probationary period. The Employment Terms and Salary are negotiable. Interested applicants should contact the Deputy Director Corporate Service for further information at the following address: National Insurance Board Hon. Hilly Ewing Building Leeward Highway Providenciales Telephone Number (649) 941-5806\5906

All applications along with detailed curriculum vitae must be addressed to the Director, National Insurance Board, Waterloo Property Development, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands to reach no later than October 3, 2011.


the 1970s and the years of the 1980s, it was these same (Haitian) migrants who flew to the United States and who make the United States – like parts of Miami – doing well. We also had some of them who flew to Canada, they are doing well. They represent a good asset for the Canadian government, as well as the United States. “A few months ago, a district in Miami a reward for one of the best districts in the United States; run by whom? Not by Miami; run by Haitians. The Mayor, the commissioner of police and the deputy, they are Haitians,” Cius explained. Cius added: “Haitians don’t go to destroy anywhere. But I can say that we are being discriminated against over the face of the world, especially through-out the Caribbean. Some of us know why. We were the first group of slaves who stood for rights and justice because we were being manipulated at the time of colonization by Spain, Italy and also the French and British.” Cius said when Haitians who travel to the TCI and the Bahamas without proper documentation to seek jobs are discriminated against by those who employ them. “Some of them who come here are carpenters, masons, plumbers and so on. But the bosses are not paying them according to the work that they do or as skilled men. In Nassau, the Dominica Republic and here, they are taking advantage of the Haitians who don’t come here with proper documents. “Also, the Dominican Republic, the Bahamas and here, they always use Haitians for their elections. After that, they forget about them. It was not too long ago that the TCI had a demonstration against some of the decisions that the British Interim Government took. They (demonstrators) invited all the Haitians to take part. They did not care if they were legal or illegal, they invite everybody. The rights of Haitians are being violated as humans whether in the Dominican

Jean –Claude Cius

Republic, whether in Nassau and whether in the TCI. Everybody knows,” Cius continued. According to Cius, most Haitians are even more patriotic than a number of locals, since the money that they make they invest it in the TCI, pointing to, among other things, housing developments. “In the past whenever crime happened in the TCI they blame it on Haitians, but if you go to the prison now, you would see different kinds of people, very much, people from here, too,” he pointed out. Cius noted also that the trafficking of humans between Haiti and the TCI is being run by natives, pointing to the recent incident in South Dock where police confiscated a boatload of drugs and arrested a number of people. “They would come here with the drugs and carry some illegal Haitians who pay them some money. That has been happening long ago, but they put all the blame on the Haitians,” he said. Cius said, since Haitians travel to other countries for mere opportunities and not to devalue those territories, opportunities should be afforded to them to educate themselves and to feed their families, so as to become respected people of society. He noted that former US President Bill Clinton, who is now United Nations Ambassador to Haiti lauded that country for its economic potential and urges investors to come. Cius said also that Haiti has been blessed with some of the most historical structures, and once investors begin to come, the people would stay.



Must be reliable, honest & hardworking. Salary $5.00 per hour 4 hours per day Contact Dave Melhado at 241-1052 or 342-1347

Scotia injects over $20,000 in High School online study programme



Cecil Arnold (right), Managing Director of Scotiabank (Cherokee Road Branch) and Patricia Adams (second left), Senior Manager for Business Support display the giant check bearing the sum that Scotia plans to fund the Caribbean Examinations Council Online Study programme. At left is Tamera Robinson from the Education Department, while looking on are students from the Clement Howell High School and Wesley Methodist High School By Vivian Tyson SUN Senior Editor

FOUR HUNDRED FOURTH and Fifth Form Students from public and private high schools across the TCI are to benefit from a munificent gesture by Scotiabank that will see the financial institution pumping $20,800 in the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) and Caribbean Education Certificate (CSEC) Online Study Programme. The free unlimited online study and tutoring access in the respective subject areas is already getting rave reviews from students present at the event, some of whom have hailed the move by Scotia, saying that it would enable them to improve on what they learn in the classroom. The presentation was made through the Education Department and coincided with the Annual National Youth Week activities. Certain aspects of the Online Study Programme are free to students, but with the sponsorship funds, they will now be able to, among other things submit problems that would be graded in real time by a real tutor. Cecil Arnold, Managing Director for Scotia Centre, located along the Leeward Highway in

Providenciales, said that such a move was in keeping with the longstanding community involvement perennially displayed by the international financial institution, which is headquartered in Nova Scotia, Canada. “As we celebrate Youth Week, Scotiabank Turks and Caicos Limited, continues this tradition, as we partner with Turks and Caicos Islands Government, Ministry of Education and the Caribbean Examination Council to grant online access to Caribbean Exams that come to all four hundred fifth form students in TCI. My staff and I are excited to join the online mentoring and we look forward to see the great results. This is a three-year commitment by Scotiabank, for the advancement of education in the Turks and Caicos. We are therefore, calling on all teachers, students and parents, to join us in this partnership and make this an effective and successful venture initiative for all of us,” Arnold said. In the meantime, Tamera Robinson from the Education Department pointed out that owing to the success of Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) Online, was thrilled when Scotia informed


ONE GARDENER to work 6 days per week 7 am to 2:30 pm. Contact Management at 9413312 or 231-4363. The Proprietors, Strata Plan No. 38 (The Grandview on Grace Bay)

Page 17


Kayanna Seymour of Scotiabank, giving background of the Scotiabank Online funding

Cecil Arnold (left), Managing Director for the Cherokee Road Branch of Scotiabank and Patricia Adams (right), Senior Manager in charge of Business Support are captured with students from the Clement Howell and Wesley Methodist High Schools

that department that it would stand as sponsor of the CXC and CSEC online programmes. “With this sponsorship, students will have access to a live real teacher who marks the short answer tests, a twenty-four seven online help desk, select past paper question revision notes – all the things that they need to prepare for the CSEC Exams in January and in the May/June exams,” Robinson said. Robinson said the Education Department views the Caribbean Examination Council Online study programme as another centre of learning of which the country’s young persons can take advantage. Among the following subjects that would be available through the programme are Biology, Chemistry, English Language, English Literature, Geography, History, Information Technology, Math, Physics, Principle of Accounts, Principle of Business, Social Studies, Spanish and Home Economics.

Hermynn Mullings, student of the Clement Howell High School said the funds pumped by Scotiabank into the programme should assist students a great deal. “I think this programme will actually help and encourage us as students, and enable us to do better because now we have practice, will be able to answer questions, we can see our scores, so we will know where we are weak, and areas in which we can improve. So, I think it is a good programme; we can actually do well,” she said. Shibh Hyland of Wesley Methodist High School also praised the programme and Scotia for pumping the funds to sustain it. “It is a very nice gesture of Scotia Bank to give the money to us. Because now with the click of a button we can now access live teachers at home and make our study easier, especially for the harder subjects like Physics and Chemistry – the sciences – that will make it easier,” Hyland said.

Page 18

It’s Domino Time again with Islandcom Wireless



The Unbeatables receive their $2,000 cash prize, Blackberry Pearl 3Gs, trophies and more after becoming the First National Domino Champions in 2010!

ISLANDCOM WIRELESS ANNOUNCES the dates for the Wireless Provider’s Second Annual National Domino Tournament. The event is to kick off September 30th in North Caicos, followed by South Caicos and Grand Turk the next two weekends and culminating in Providenciales with the finals, October 22nd. Last year’s tournament was a huge success following Islandcom’s launch in June of the same year. Now with a good foothold in the market and a growing customer base, Islandcom

hopes for the event to be even bigger and better than last year. Marketing Specialist Chandra Craigg says of last year’s event “The 2010 National Domino Tournament was Islandcom’s first solo event last year and while it was incredibly successful, we are certain we can top it this year! We would like to continue and improve each year and make the event more enjoyable and exciting for all those involved.” Leonard Forbes, member of Provo’s Bambarra Buds Team said of

PROVO WATER COMPANY LTD. We are currently seeking a qualified individual to fill the position of


REQUIREMENTS: • Minimum of 5 years experience in waterworks and piping networks. • Must be available for emergency maintenance calls on evenings and weekends according to rotational schedule. WORK ENVIRONMENT: • Hot, dusty and wet conditions including open and confined spaces • Active roadways and associated traffic noise levels • Remote locations

JOB DESCRIPTION: The Pipe fitter is responsible for installing, repairing and maintaining pipes, fixtures and other plumbing used for water distribution in residential, commercial and industrial connections. MAJOR DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ARE TO: 1. Fill pipes or plumbing fixtures with water or air and observe pressure gauges to detect and locate leaks. 2. Reads and follows installation plans and establish the sequence of pipe installations. 3. Measure, cut, thread and bend pipe to required angle, using hand and power tools or machine such as pipe cutters, pipe threading machines and pipe bending machine. 4. Use hand or powered tools to excavate trenches and ditches 5. Cut openings in structures to accommodate pipes and pipe fittings, using hand and power tools. 6. Repair and maintain plumbing, replacing defective washers, replacing or mending broken pipes. 7. Attend Emergency callout when necessary. 8. Carry out all other duties as directed by the Supervisor. Salary Range: US$ 12.00 - $15.00 per hour

All applications must be submitted by October 6th, 2011. Turks & Caicos Islanders need only apply. Office Manager PROVO WATER COMPANY LTD. P.O. Box 39, Grace Bay Road Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Fax: (649) 946-5204 Email: L.Handfield@provowater.tc


Who will take the title of National Domino Champions this year?

last year’s tournament, “This tournament gave the people of the Turks and Caicos a chance to enjoy themselves whether they were playing [dominoes] or just watching!” This year’s event will certainly be superior for players and spectators alike! The Defending Champions – Provo’s The Undefeatables - will surely be back to defend their title. Grand Prize winners this year can look forward to taking home the crown of National Domino Champions as well as bragging rights until next year. The winning team will also take home $2,000 cash and a 3G Blackberry Bold each with one full year of Islandcom’s incredible 3G service. In addition to the Grand Prize and National Title, winners from each of the islands the event will be traveling

will also take home cash and phone prizes. Local winners from North, South, Grand Turk and Provo will take home Nokia Touch & Type smartphones as well as ‘the pot’, the entry fees collected from each island or $500 – whichever is greater. Teams are encouraged to visit their local Islandcom location to register. Each team will be required to fill out a registration form and include $20 registration fee. Those wanting to participate are encouraged to register by September 30th. A limit of 32 teams will be in effect for each local leg of the tournament. Anyone in need of details can contact their local Islandcom Retail Store or Dealer, call 941-8188 or e-mail marketing@islandcom.tc.

Jewish Community honours Digicel


Page 19



By Vivian Tyson SUN Senior Editor

THE JEWISH COMMUNITY in the Turks and Caicos Islands has recognized telecoms provider Digicel for its support to that demography with the presentation of a Shofar – a ram’s horn - traditionally used for blowing during Jewish religious purposes. Rabbi Sholom Bluming, Visiting Chabad to the TCI, who made the presentation to E. Jay Saunders, Chief Executive Officer for Digicel, said the offering coincided with the Jewish New Year - Rosh Hashanah. “Rosh Hashanah symbolizes the first day of the new Jewish Year. In Jewish Tradition we are taught that every year God gives us the opportunity to start a new, to start fresh (and) to start a new page with our life. And traditionally we blow a special horn called the Shofar. The Shofar is like the simple cry of a child. “The Shofar is to remind us – it’s like when our cell phone starts ringing, and text message starts beeping – there is a wake-up call. God is telling us its time to change; time to become a better person; time for us to look into the mirror and to see what we can do to make the world a better place,” Rabbi Bluming said. In response, Saunders said he was honoured to receive such award. He said of all the gifts and awards presented to Digicel, the Shofar was among the most rewarding, saying that over the past year he and Rabbi Bluming have become good friends. “This gift is very touching. I am honoured and touched to receive this particular gift. I have been given gifts in the past, but this one really touches my heart and, we are going to display it prominently in or store, so the community could see that Digicel supports all the different cultures and

E. Jay Saunders CEO of Digicel TCI proudly displays the Shofar presented to by Rabbi Bluming (left), to mark the Jewish New Year. Sharing in the moment is Marketing Executive Ava-Dayne Kerr

Rabbi Bluming demonstrates the blowing of the Shofar

groups within the Turks and Caicos. We are happy to support the Jewish Community and we look forward to many more years of friendship,” Saunders said.

E. Jay Saunders attempts to blow the Shofar

On the Jewish calendar, 2011 marks the 5,772 years God created the Earth. The Shofar dates back to the Old Testament. It is mentioned frequently in the Hebrew Bible, the Talmud and

rabbinic literature. The blast of a shofar emanating from the thick cloud on Mount Sinai made the Israelites tremble in awe (Exodus 18, 20).

Page 20







Page 21


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Minister Alice Stubbs of Abundant Life Ministries International Church moderated the service

Erma Williams, Requell’s cousin read the scripture at the memorial service

Pastor for the Rock of Jesus Ministry, Bishop Bryant Cox, expressed his association with both Requell’s families



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The Abundant Life Ministries International Church located along the Leeward Highway in Providenciales was left with only standing room on Saturday, September 24, as hundreds turned out to pay their last respects to Requell RobinsonMorley, a popular and beloved figure, especially on Providenciales. Requell was the niece of former government minister Lillian Boyce. Following the funeral service at the church, her body was interred at the Five Cays Cemetery. The following are photo highlights of the church service.

Somoni Williams, Requell’s cousin read the scripture at the memorial service

Pastor for the Paradise Baptist Church, Goldstone Williams


Uncle-in-law Bert Missick render an item during the service

Requell’s aunt, Lillian Boyce and husband Hayden Boyce and uncle, David were among the packed church

Requell’s uncle, Earlson Robinson is comforted by bother Phillip Robinson (left) and brother-in-law Bert Missick during the service

A section of the packed church

Family members huddle together for comfort

The Rock of Jesus Ministry Praise team ministering in song at the occasion

Requell’s mom, McLean Robinson, gives standing acknowledgement to a rendition

Even during their mourning, the family was praising God

The funeral was well supported by a number of ministers of the Gospel

Requell’s uncles Phillip and Earlson Robinson

Requll’s aunt, Lillian Boyce reading the eulogy

Pastor of the Abundant Life Ministries International Church, Bishop Dr. C.A. Williams III lead ministerial procession into the church

Lofton Morley (left) Requell’s father is greeted by SUN Publisher and Editor-In-Chief Hayden Boyce (centre) and Corey’s Funeral Chapel Director Stalvert Outten

The Abundant Life Ministries International Praise Team ministering to the audience

Pallbearers exit the church with the casket bearing the body of Requell’s funeral

The Morley family mourning their loss

Grieving family members leave the church service

Requell’s mom, McLean Robinson and uncle, Phillip Robinson, react to the Abundant Life Ministries International Praise team

Some family members could not contain their grief, and had to be helped from the church after the service

Pastor for the Jericho Baptist Church, Pedro Williams said Requell was on of his closest friends

Former Government Ministers Amanda Misick (left) and Floyd Hall (front), former Premier Galmo Williams (right second row) and PNP Leader Clayton Greene (partly hidden in the third row) were only some of the dignitaries that turned up to pay their last respects to Requell Morley

The Church of God of Prophesy Marching Band playing outside the church at the end of the service

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Demi Moore Splitting From Ashton Kutcher




Ashton Kutcher and wife Demi Moore

Cheers to the freakin weekend Might be mad in the morning but you know we I drink to that, yeah yeah goin hard tonight Oh let the jameson sink in It's getting coyote ugly up in here, no tyra I drink to that, yeah yeah It's only up from here, no downward spiral Don't let the bastards get ya down Got my raybans Ray-Bans on and I'm feelin' Turn it around with another round hella cool tonight, yeah There's a party at the bar everybody putcha Everybody's vibin' so don't nobody start a glasses up and I drink to that fight, yeaaaahhh I drink to thaaaaaaaat. Cheers to the freakin weekend Life's too short to be sittin' round miserable I drink to that, yeah yeah People gon' talk whether you doing bad or Oh let the jameson sink in good, yeah I drink to that, yeah yeah Got a drink on my mind and my mind on my Don't let the bastards get ya down money, yeah Turn it around with another round Looking so bomb, gonna find me a honeyyy There's a party at the bar everybody putcha Got my Ray-Bans on and I'm feelin' hella cool glasses up and I drink to that tonight, yeah I drink to thaaaaaaaaat. Everybody's vibin' so don't nobody start a fight, yeah-ah-ah-ah Cheers to the freakin weekend I drink to that, yeah yeah Cheers to the freakin weekend Oh let the jameson sink in I drink to that, yeah yeah I drink to that, yeah yeah Oh, let the jameson sink in Don't let the bastards get ya down I drink to that, yeah yeah Turn it around with another round ha Don't let the bastards get ya down There's a party at the bar everybody putc Turn it around with another round glasses up and I drink to that There's a party at the bar everybody putcha I drink to thaaaaaaaat. glasses up and I drink to thaaaaat And I drink to thaaaat. I drink to thaaaaaaaat. I drink to thaaaaaaat. And I drink to that. Bout to hop on the bar, put it all on my card tonight, yeah

A 23-year-old woman has come forward with the bombshell claim that she had a fling with Ashton Kutcher at a San Diego club last Friday, the same weekend of his six-year wedding anniversary with wife Demi Moore, according to a report from Radar Online. According to Radar, the unidentified woman has gone into hiding and hired a top Hollywood attorney. The “Two and a Half Men” actor and his movie star wife’s anniversary was Saturday, September 24, the night after the alleged incident took place. Sources told Radar that Ashton, 33, partied into the wee hours of the night Friday and was not behaving like someone “celebrating a wedding anniversary.” The woman’s claims follow a Star magazine report that Kutcher and Moore have separated as a result of his alleged constant cheating. “Ashton and Demi have separated and the marriage is over,” a source close to the pair told Star magazine. On September 23, the night Kutcher was allegedly out partying, Moore, 48, sent a cryptic tweet, quoting Greek philosopher Epictetus. ""When we are offended at any man's fault, turn to yourself & study your own failings. Then you will forget your anger," she wrote. Days later, she tweeted a photo of herself with her eyes closed, writing "I see through you.... twitpic.com/6r21p5 ." Comments under the photo included "stay strong" and "Hope everything is ok." Earlier this week, Moore walked the red carpet alone at the premiere of “Five,” her new Lifetime project with Jen Aniston and Alicia Keys. The actress’ super skinny frame shocked onlookers. Last year, Kutcher was accused of having a fling with 21-year-old Brittney Jones while Moore was filming a movie in Detroit. He denied the claims and threatened legal action after tabloids published the report. Kutcher and Moore have not responded to the allegations.

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Michael Jackson’s doctor collected vials before 911 call, say security guard SEPTEMBER 30TH - OCTOBER 7TH, 2011

LOS ANGELES — One of Michael Jackson's bodyguards had barely stepped into the singer's bedroom when he heard a scream. "Daddy!" Jackson's young daughter cried. A few feet away, the singer lay motionless in his bed, eyes slightly open. His personal doctor, Conrad Murray, was trying to revive him when he saw that Jackson's eldest children were watching. "Don't let them see their dad like this," Murray said, the first of many orders that bodyguard Alberto Alvarez testified Thursday that he heeded in the moments before paramedics arrived at Jackson's home in June 2009. What happened next — after Alvarez said he ushered Jackson's eldest son and daughter from the room — is one of the key pieces of prosecutors' involuntary manslaughter case against Murray. According to Alvarez, Murray scooped up vials of medicine from Jackson's nightstand and told the bodyguard to put them away. "He said, 'Here, put these in a bag,'" Alvarez said. Alvarez complied. He placed an IV bag into another bag, and then Murray told him to call 911, Alvarez said On the third day of the trial, prosecutors tried to show that Murray, who has pleaded not guilty, delayed calling authorities and that he was intent on concealing signs that he had


been giving the singer doses of the anesthetic propofol. Alvarez said he thought Murray might be preparing to take the items to the hospital, but didn't question him. The bags never made it to the hospital, and prosecutors claim Murray repeatedly lied to emergency personnel and did not tell them he had been giving Jackson doses of the drug as a sleep aid. If convicted, Murray, 58, could face up to four years in prison and lose his medical license. Defense attorney Ed Chernoff questioned whether there was enough time for Alvarez to shield Jackson's children, survey the room and stow away the drugs in the brief period that phone records show he was in the home before calling emergency responders. The bodyguard insisted there was, telling the attorney, "I'm very efficient, sir." Chernoff was not convinced, questioning whether 30 seconds was enough time for the dramatic sequence to play out. Alvarez assured him it was. The defense attorney also challenged Alvarez's recollection, asking whether the collection of the vials happened after paramedics had come and whisked Jackson to a nearby hospital. Alvarez denied it happened after he called 911. Chernoff questioned why Alvarez didn't tell authorities about Murray's

TNorthern Ireland farmer orders Rihanna off his land

Rihanna's position as one of the world's top pin ups had little effect on one man, a farmer who ordered her off his land after discovering her topless during a video shoot. In fact, Alan Graham, 61, was so impervious to her sensual allure that he not only sent the superstar singer packing but he also warned that she should 'find a greater God'. The 23-year-old singer was forced to beat a hasty retreat from Mr Graham’s muddy field in Northern Ireland after he interrupted the filming and told her to cover up. The devout Christian farmer said: 'If someone wants to borrow my field and things become inappropriate, then I say, "Enough is enough"' 'I wish no ill will against Rihanna and her friends. Perhaps they could acquaint themselves with a greater God.' Rihanna had been filming the video for her latest single, We Found Love, with Scottish DJ Calvin Harris – which at one point saw the singer go topless – when Mr Graham spotted her stripping down to a bikini made up of red handkerchiefs. The furious farmer, who asked for filming to be halted, defended his actions yesterday, saying Rihanna’s behaviour was ‘inappropriate’. Mr Graham had agreed for one of his fields in Bangor, County Down, to be used for recording but was not aware what the production team had in mind for the star. The father-of-four, a member the Democratic Unionist Party on North Down Borough Council, said: ‘I had never heard of Rihanna until someone called me requesting the use of my land. I knew on Monday who she was. ‘Someone explained she was as big as it gets as far as pop stars were concerned. I am a bit illiterate about those issues. ‘I realised things had got to a stage which was not acceptable to me. Things became inappropriate and I asked the film crew to stop. ‘If someone wants to borrow my field and things become inappropriate, then I say, “Enough is enough. You are not entitled to do that”. She understood where I was coming from. We shook hands and parted company on good terms.’ Mr Graham, who owns 60 acres at Clandeboye outside Bangor, said: ‘There was no firm arrangement about borrowing the field. ‘Everything that was going to take place was not made clear to me. ‘To be fair to the people involved in asking for the field, I don’t think they were aware either of what would take place. ‘I have not received any payment at this moment in time and I don’t know if I will be paid.


wanted him to make it.'" Alvarez's testimony allowed Walgren to present jurors directly with a bottle of propofol that they've heard much about throughout the previous two days of the commands to bag up trial. the medication Jurors intently looked immediately after at the bottle, which Jackson died, but appeared to still contain instead waited until two some liquid. months after the When he entered the singer's death. The bedroom, Alvarez said, he Conrad Murray bodyguard said he saw Jackson's eyes were didn't realize its open and was surprised to significance until seeing a news report see the singer was wearing a condom in late June in which he recognized catheter, a medical device that allows one of the bags detectives were one to urinate without having to get up. carrying out of Jackson's mansion. Alvarez testified that Murray only The burly Alvarez became told him Jackson had a "bad reaction." emotional as the 911 call was played Jackson's personal assistant, who for jurors. Jackson's mother, Katherine, appeared distraught and her testified Wednesday, said Murray told son, Randy, huddled next to her and him the same thing. Alvarez said it was a stunning put his arm around her. She did not scene, a far cry from the night before attend the afternoon proceedings. when the bodyguard stood backstage "Was that difficult to hear?" at Staples Center, sneaking peeks of prosecutor David Walgren asked. Jackson performing during what "It is," Alvarez replied. After hanging up with dispatchers, would be his final rehearsal. "He was very happy," Alvarez Alvarez said he performed chest testified. "I do recall he was in very compressions on Jackson while Murray gave the singer mouth-to- good spirits." In another effort to cast doubt on mouth resuscitation. The doctor remarked it was his first time the bodyguard's testimony, Chernoff asked whether Alvarez, another performing the procedure. "'I have to,'" Alvarez recalled bodyguard, Faheem Muhammad, and Murray telling him, "'because he's my Jackson's assistant, Michael Amir Williams, colluded before being friend.'" Alvarez recalled seeing Murray at interviewed by detectives two months the hospital where Jackson was taken after Jackson's death. and sitting next to the emergency The three men, who were among room. the first to interact with Murray after "'I wanted him to make it,'" Jackson stopped breathing, have Alvarez quoted Murray as saying. "'I denied the accusation.


Four new movies were no match for the feline phenom The Lion King 3D, which ruled the box office for the second weekend in a row with $22.1 million, according to studio estimates. The 1994 Disney classic dropped only 27 percent — an incredibly impressive hold considering this is the re-release of a 17-year-old film that’s coming out on Blu-ray/DVD in one week. The 3-D version has now grossed $61.7 million, bringing The Lion King‘s cumulative tally to $390.2 million. Disney says it plans to extend what was originally intended to be just a two-week release, although details are still being ironed out. The weekend’s runner-up was the new Brad Pitt baseball drama Moneyball, which batted a solid $20.6 million. Both critics and moviegoers were fans — the PG-13 film received some of the strongest reviews of the year and earned an “A” rating from CinemaScore participants. Right behind Moneyball was the PG-rated family drama Dolphin Tale with $20.3 million. The Warner Bros. film joined Soul Surfer and The Help to become the year’s third release to score an “A+” from CinemaScore

audiences. As a result, Dolphin Tale is expected to hold up particularly well in the next few weeks and should easily earn back its $37 million budget. Showings in 3-D theaters accounted for 50 percent of the film’s opening. Fourth place went to Lionsgate’s Abduction, starring The Twilight Saga‘s Taylor Lautner is his first solo lead role. The PG-13 action film debuted to a modest $11.2 million — slightly below industry predictions. The $35 million movie received most of its business from young women, with 68 percent of the audience being female and 56 percent under than age of 25. Abduction garnered a lackluster “B-” rating from CinemaScore moviegoers, though women under the age of 18 were more generous with an “A-” grade. And according to CinemaScore, 56 percent of ticket buyers listed Lautner as their main reason for attending the movie. So the 19-year-old actor does have box-office potential, but it’s currently limited to teenage girls. 1. The Lion King 3D — $22.1 mil 2. Moneyball — $20.6 mil 3. Dolphin Tale — $20.3 mil 4. Abduction — $11.2 mil 5. Killer Elite — $9.5 mil

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Jamaica PM Bruce Golding stepping down


KINGSTON, Jamaica — Jamaica's departing prime minister Bruce Golding met privately with his Cabinet colleagues Monday as the Caribbean country's governing party looked for a new chief to lead them into next year's general elections. Golding has made no public comments since he and the Jamaica Labor Party announced Sunday that he is stepping down after four years in office. They said Golding would formally resign once a new party leader is chosen in an internal election expected in November. Attention focused on Education Minister Andrew Holness and Commerce Minister Christopher Tufton, young Labor politicians who are relatively popular with the public. Another possibility is the finance minister, Audley Shaw. Golding would resign once a new leader of the Jamaica Labor Party is elected, expected at an annual general conference in November. The party's leader automatically becomes the prime minister. The announcement was made in a brief statement credited to Golding and the party. It said Golding informed its central executive committee of his decision at a quarterly meeting in the capital of Kingston. The 63-year-old Golding is a veteran lawmaker who was expected to lead his party into the 2012 general elections. "(Golding) said the challenges of the last four years have taken their toll and it was appropriate now to make way for new leadership to continue the programmes of economic recovery and transformation while mobilizing the party for victory in the next general elections," the statement said.


Jamaica's prime minister Bruce Golding

Dennis Meadows, a senator and member of the Jamaica Labor Party's executive committee, said there has been an "overwhelming response" for Golding to stay on as party leader. "He feels the chances of the party winning the next elections are at a disadvantage with him at the head, but there's no questioning of his competence," Meadows said. Later in the day, party chairman Mike Henry said the central executive voted to reject Golding's decision to resign as party leader. However, Information Minister Daryl Vaz said on local radio that the decision about the prime minister's upcoming resignation was final. Education Minister Andrew Holness, also from the Labor Party, dominated a poll conducted earlier this year asking islanders who should lead the Caribbean country if Golding were to step down. Golding's career has been in jeopardy since 2009 because of his handling of the extradition of Jamaican drug kingpin Christopher "Dudus"

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Coke to the United States. Critics have slammed Golding for allowing the contracting of a law firm to lobby Washington to drop their request for extradition. Golding resisted Coke's extradition for nine months, arguing the U.S. indictment on gun and drug trafficking charges relied on illegal wiretap evidence. Golding's Parliament district included Coke's West Kingston slum stronghold. The stance strained relations with Washington, which questioned Jamaica's reliability as an ally in the fight against drug trafficking. When Golding finally agreed to send Coke to the U.S., a hunt for the fugitive led to days of fighting in May 2010 that killed at least 73 civilians and three security officers. Coke was captured about a month later and extradicted. Last month, Coke pleaded guilty to racketeering and assault charges, admitting his leadership of the brutal Shower Posse gang. He is due to be sentenced in December. The Coke controversy prompted Golding to offer his resignation last year, but it was rejected by his party. Peter Phillips, a spokesman for the main opposition People's National Party, asserted that the ruling party's announcement was brought on by the Coke saga, one of the bloodiest episodes in Jamaica's recent history, and the government's inability to fix the island's poor economy. "I think it is reflective of the low standing the prime minister has amongst the Jamaican people. His credibility was destroyed in the Christopher Coke fiasco," Phillips said during a Sunday phone interview.

From its national executive council gathering in the northern city of Montego Bay, the People's National Party called on Golding to immediately call general elections "to resolve the crisis of governance in the country." Golding, the son of a successful businessman who also served in Parliament, returned his party to power in 2007 after 18 years in opposition. Last year, he vowed to crush street gangs and replace their strong-armed rule with social programs for the poor. While security forces have since launched a sustained crackdown on gangs that has resulted in decreases in homicides and other crimes, Jamaica's sprawling underclass is still struggling. Golding has repeatedly denied any ties to Coke, and even resigned from the Labor Party in the mid-1990s to form a new party that would be free of gang links. He rejoined Labor in 2002. Political observers say Golding could not have been elected to his parliament seat without the support of Coke, the former don of Tivoli Gardens, which has a long-standing reputation as a vote-rich stronghold for the Jamaica Labor Party. Coke also thrived under the opposition People's National Party, which led the island for nearly two decades before Labor's 2007 win. Rupert Lewis, a political science professor at the University of the West Indies in Kingston, said the extradition battle over Coke in 2009 and 2010 hobbled Golding and "exposed the degeneration of party politics and the international gangsterism and criminality which many Jamaicans across party lines have come to accept as part of how the party system works."

Fidel Castro lashes out at Obama

HAVANA - Former Cuban President Fidel Castro lashed out at U.S. President Barack Obama on Thursday for suggesting bilateral relations could improve if Cuba became more democratic, and he said the communist nation would not bow to U.S. pressure. He also said Obama was being "stupid" over the case of five Cuban agents imprisoned for spying in the United States, who Cuba believes have been treated unjustly. In his latest opinion column published in Cuba's state-run media, Castro said his country, which is in the midst of economic reforms, will change in the future, but not because of pressure from Obama and the United States, its longtime ideological enemy. "Many things will change in Cuba, but they will change by our own effort and in spite of the United States. Maybe before that empire falls," he wrote. Obama said on Wednesday the United States was ready to improve relations with Cuba if the

communist-led island embraced democracy and gave its people more freedom. "If we see positive movement then we will respond in a positive way," Obama said. "How nice! How intelligent!," Castro said. "So much kindness has not permitted him still to understand that 50 years of blockade and of crimes against our homeland have not been able to break our people." The Cuban government refers to the fivedecade-old U.S. trade embargo against the island as the "blockade." Castro, 85, complained about the treatment of the five Cuban agents imprisoned in the United States since 1998 and in particular one, Rene Gonzalez, who is set to be released next week after serving his sentence. U.S. prosecutors have insisted that he remain in the United States for three more years on probation, which Cuba considers unfair. Havana has said he faces danger from anti-Castro Cubans

if he does not return to Cuba. "Such is how the empire responds to the growing global call for the freedom of (the agents)," Castro wrote. "If it were not that way, the empire would cease to be the empire and Obama would cease being stupid." Castro has written three columns, or "reflections" as he calls them, this week after writing only one all summer. He said he is working on a project that has taken precedence over the columns, but his long silence prompted a spate of rumors that his health was failing. Health problems and age forced Castro to formally cede the Cuban presidency to his younger brother Raul Castro in 2008 after ruling Cuba for 49 years. On Monday, he described Obama's recent speech to the United Nations General Assembly as "gibberish."

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Cayman Islands extends visa restrictions for Jamaicans LOCAL NEWS CARIBBEAN NEWS

GEORGE TOWN, Cayman Islands The Governor of the Cayman Islands has decided against easing visa restrictions for Jamaicans, citing risks to internal security. Governor Duncan Taylor said the country’s Immigration Department does not have the capability to identify fraudulent visas for the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada. Earlier this year, Cabinet considered a proposal to waive the requirement for a visitor’s visa for Jamaicans under the

age of 15, over the age of 70, and in possession of a valid Canadian, UK or US visa. However, Governor Taylor said he does not agree with the across-the-board waiver. While noting that the majority of Jamaicans are law-abiding citizens and make positive contributions to the society, he said, there is a minority with the potential to cause trouble. “The problem is that I am advised that there is a lively market in forged and counterfeit documentation in



Jamaica, including in visas for the UK, the US and Canada,” he stated. “The Cayman Islands Immigration Department does not have the capability to determine whether such a visa is genuine or not and the respective countries have indicated that they are unable to provide the Cayman Islands with the access to the resources on which they rely to make these determinations. The authenticity of a Jamaican national's UK, US or Canadian visa could therefore not be guaranteed and this fact could be exploited.

Document details Martelly plan for new Haiti army

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — initially name an interim military Haiti's president is moving forward staff and identify sites for with a controversial campaign pledge military bases in the countryside, to restore the country's disbanded with the first class of troops military with an initial force of 3,500 recruited from November to soldiers, according to a document January. obtained Tuesday by The Associated The plan also calls for Press. creation of a "national The role for the army replacing intelligence service," a special the former discredited military would unit to deal with terrorism be to patrol Haiti's border, keep order threats, criminal syndicates and during times of crisis and provide illegal trafficking networks. It opportunities for young people, says would also monitor "extremist the document outlining the plan. organizations and movements President Michel Martelly's intended to spread anarchy." government proposes spending $95 A U.S. Embassy million to train and equip the new Haiti's president, Michel Martelly spokesman, Jon Piechowski, armed force with the goal of said by email that Haitian eventually replacing the 12,000 U.N. peacekeepers government officials had recently met with in the country. embassy personnel to discuss the plan. "The fragility of the Haitian state now makes it "We are reviewing the information they have vulnerable to the risks of internal unrest that could shared in support of their vision," Piechowski said. plunge the country into anarchy," the document A human rights lawyer criticized the idea, says. noting that the military has long been used in Haiti Martelly spokesman Lucien Jura said Tuesday as a tool to quash democratic movements. afternoon that he was unaware of the document, "The problems raised in the proposal are real, and referred questions to security consultant but there is little basis for believing that the army Reginald Delva, who told the AP he would would be an effective solution," said attorney Brian comment later. Concannon, director and founder of the Institute Haiti has not had a military since it was for Justice and Democracy in Haiti. disbanded in 1995 under President Jean-Bertrand "The (army) did not successfully defend the Aristide after years of coups and human rights borders against foreign attacks, and the other listed abuses. Some Haitians have said in recent months functions — development, disaster response and they welcome the creation of a new army, a policing are done more cheaply and efficiently by reflection of patriotism but also of the expectation civilian entities. What the army has done well that it would create jobs in an impoverished throughout its history is attack unarmed civilians country. Human rights groups have expressed and stunt democracy." Haiti-born political observer Jocelyn McCalla uneasiness with the idea of restoring a military that said the country would be better served by creating was notorious for abuses. The Martelly administration's proposal has a job program that focuses on young people. "An army is the last thing that Haiti needs at been circulating among foreign officials in Haiti and would need the approval of Parliament as well this point," McCalla wrote in an email. as funding that would likely have to come from Martelly's push to bring back the army stems in international aid. part from uneasy relations between United Nations The AP obtained the document from an official troops and many Haitians, who view the on condition of anonymity because the person was peacekeepers as an occupation force and an affront not authorized to distribute it. to national sovereignty. Haiti's government notes in the report that it Such opposition has been stoked by evidence does not face any threat from other countries but suggesting that U.N. peacekeepers from Nepal says a new army is necessary to patrol the porous accidentally started a cholera outbreak that has border with the Dominican Republic, now killed more than 6,200 people and by a recent frequently used by drug traffickers and for other video allegedly showing U.N. soldiers from types of smuggling. Uruguay sexually abusing a Haitian youth. The budget for the project, known as the Despite the outcry, Martelly has said he would National Council of Defense and Security, includes seek to renew the U.N. force's mandate for another $15 million to compensate former military year. On Friday, he said at the U.N. General personnel who lost wages and pensions when Assembly that the force has committed Aristide disbanded the military. That is a long- "unacceptable errors" in Haiti but it should stay to standing grievance of the former soldiers. help rebuild the country after last year's devastating The 22-page proposal says organizers would earthquake.

According to the governor, the visa restriction that was imposed in 2005, has led to a “significant and measurable” reduction in the involvement of Jamaicans in crime in the Cayman Islands. “Lifting the visa requirement as proposed could potentially allow unscrupulous Jamaicans visitors to gain entry to the Islands using forged or counterfeit visas which could have a significant negative impact on the security of the Cayman Islands,” he added.

National identification card launched in Jamaica

KINGSTON, Jamaica - Prime Minister Bruce Golding has launched the National Identification System (NIDS) which will see every Jamaican citizen in possession of a national identification card that will have universal application. The launch took place at Jamaica House with a formal exchange of a technical cooperation agreement between the Governments of Jamaica, the Republic of Korea and the Inter-American Development Bank which have partnered with the government to provide funding to the tune of US$670,000. The Government of Jamaica has provided an additional US$120,000 for the project. In his address, Mr Golding said the new identification card will have a multiplicity of uses that have to do with government services, legal, civic, statutory responsibilities, security, personal use and other sensitive issues. “We want to get to the stage where we have a single identification that is acceptable …the integrity and security of which are beyond any question, any doubt”, Mr Golding said. However, he said ‘There are some knotty issues that have to be addressed. We are going to have to make a policy decision as to how this identification system will interface with law enforcement functions’. He said a full communications programme will be rolled out to sensitise and educate the public about the NIDS programme because it will not just capture names but will include all the information that the ID card should cover, the integrity and security of which, will be beyond any doubt. Mr Golding said government had long recognized the need for a central multi purpose system of identification. Serious work on this had started from as far back as 1979 with recommendations coming out of the electoral advisory commission. It had not progressed over the years because the cost was considered to be unaffordable. However Mr Golding said when the responsibility for National Identification system was transferred to the Office of the Prime Minister a review was done and it was discovered that much of the data gathering was already done by the Registrar General’s department, the electoral office and other government departments and it would not have been as expensive as previously thought. Mr Golding expressed gratitude to the Korean government and especially to the Charge d’affaires, Mr Kim Mo Lim, the IDB and the many government agencies which played a critical role in bringing the project to its present stage of development.

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British Overseas Territory Montserrat has a new Constitution


BRADES, Montserrat – Reuben Theodore Meade, 57, was sworn in as the first ever Premier of this Caribbean island as it adopted a new constitution that the head of government acknowledged is not a perfect document. “We must continue the work of improving the document over time. We must however, not lose sight of the focus on development issues while at the same time honouring the provisions of the constitution,” Meade told a ceremony at the Cultural Center soon after he was sworn into office. The new Opposition Leader Donaldson Romeo and his opposition colleague, former chief minister Dr Lowell Lewis, have campaigned against the new constitution and have called for various changes to the document. However, the island's British governor, Adrian Davis, said officials in London were not considering any amendments at this time. Davis said Montserrat was ushering in a "modern constitution for a modern country" after the "culmination of a long process of work and negotiation”. Meade told the ceremony that the process of revising the constitution started in 1999 with the advent of the so called White Paper on the Overseas Territories. But he said that in 2002 a two member team that also included him, the task of commencing the process on behalf of the Legislative Council after


the Chief Minister, John A Osbourne intimated that this constitution must not be seen as partisan “but must include us all in its development”. Osborne died earlier this year and Meade traced the various levels of consultations involving Montserratians both here and abroad in shaping the new document. “ Many long hours of consultations took place between the local team over the years and the UK team as the negotiations moved back and forth until we agreed on the document which we now have as our Constitution of 2011.’ Meade said that throughout the process, the public were given an opportunity to participate. “All of that work and time enabled us to agree a document which was ready for debate in our local legislative council. It was not a requirement, but I felt it necessary for us to first have it debated and approved by our Legislative Council to signal acceptance and ownership of the document. It was approved by a margin of 7-2 by the elected members.” The Premier said that once the document was approved locally, it was then sent to the British government for consideration by their Parliament and their Privy Council. “It is the first time in the entire process of governance in Montserrat that the people truly took part in the development of their constitution. It took nine years for us to reach this

FORMER SANDALS GROUP EXECS TO RETURN TO COURT OCT 11 THE former executives of the Gordon 'Butch' Stewart-owned Appliance Traders (ATL) Group who are facing fraud charges are to next appear in the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate's Court on October 11. The date was set last Thursday when the three appeared in court for a case management hearing. The prosecution is expected to disclose further documents to the defence. Accused Patrick Lynch, Dr Jeffery Pyne and Catherine Barber are facing the court as a result of a high-level multi-million-dollar investigation into the ATL Group pension scheme. Allegations are that payments of over $600 million were made from the ATL Pension Fund by forged documents from 1998 to 2008. The three are currently on $5 million bail each. Lynch is being represented by Frank Phipps, QC and his daughter Kathryn; Barber is being represented by Patrick Atkinson, QC and Debra Martin; while Pyne is being represented by KD Knight, QC and John Junor.

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stage. It is not a perfect document but it is workable with provisions for future amendments. “However, we must give it some time to work before we seek to change it. We must now concentrate our focus on economic issues of growth and development for the people whom we represent.” Meade said that the constitution, for the first time in the island’s history, provides for a Leader of the Opposition with certain responsibilities. He said that person will be the head of the Public Accounts Committee, share in the selection of the Public Service Commission and the Electoral Commission, be a member of the National Advisory Council, and other authority now vested legally in the person holding that post. Meade also announced that as a result of the new constitution, the functions of the governor will also be changed. He said the holder of that office will no longer have sole discretionary powers over a range of areas. “He is mandated to consult with the Premier on many matters to include the appointment of Senior Public Servants to include the Deputy Governor, the Financial Secretary and the Commissioner of Police. He is

obliged to consult the Chief Justice on the appointment of the Attorney General, the Director of Public Prosecutions, Magistrates and other offices requiring legal qualifications. “A Mercy Committee is to be established to reduce the discretionary powers of the governor in clemency matters. Regional Affairs to include OECS and CARICOM will now be vested in the Premier or his nominee. “The Governor is also required to discuss the operations of the areas falling under his remit. A subtle but important provision is for the Ministers to obtain the approval of the Premier, rather than the Governor, for all absences from the island.” Meade also announced that several new commissions will be created to enable persons to benefit from the fundamental rights provisions through the complaints Commission. He said Montserratians will also be able to monitor any aspects of perceived corruption on the part of senior public officials to include the members of the Legislative Assembly. “The walk has been a long one. Whereas we have reached this particular milestone, we still have a long way to go on this journey. It is my hope that those who will lead the walk in the future will continue on the path to sustainable development and the eventual milestone of self determination,” Meade said as he also paid tribute to those political and other leaders who would have contributed to the development of the British Overseas Territory in the past.

SLP says it’s ready to take over governance

CASTRIES, St. Lucia – The opposition St. Lucia Labour Party (SLP) has declared itself ready to take over the reins of power, after Prime Minister Stephenson King announced, Monday night, that he has accepted the housing minister’s resignation, and would take over the portfolio. The SLP said the country is in a crisis, and indicated its readiness to resume governance. “The SLP will continue to unfold its plans about how it intends to govern and bring meaningful change to the lives of the people of St. Lucia,” the party stated. “In the days ahead, we will commence a process of articulating clearly our policies and how we intend to pursue them.” The Commonwealth Secretariat, the Organisation of American States and the Caricom have already been invited to monitor general election, which is constitutionally due by next year March. The Prime Minister has urged residents not to be sidetracked by the issues surrounding the revocation of the diplomatic and resident visas of Richard Frederick, who quit the post Monday. He did acknowledge, during his five-minute national address, that the US Embassy did not provide reasons for the visa revocation in its letter to him dated September 22. “There is so much to be done to enhance our country’s development, we must not permit ourselves to be side-tracked,” he told residents, while stating that government will continue to pursue the matter at the diplomatic level. “I would however like to re-iterate that our priority, as always, is to proceed with our task of governing on behalf of the people. We will not be side- tracked. I take this opportunity on behalf of my Cabinet colleagues to thank Mr. Frederick for his valuable contributions to the Government and people of Saint Lucia,” the prime minister added.

Prominent US-born al-Qaida cleric killed in Yemen TURKS AND CAICOS SUN

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SANAA, Yemen — Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S.-born Islamic militant cleric who became a prominent figure in alQaida's most active branch, using his fluent English and Internet savvy to draw recruits to carry out attacks in the United States, was killed Friday in the mountains of Yemen, American and Yemeni officials said. The Yemeni government and Defense Ministry announced alAwlaki's death, but gave no details. A senior U.S. official said American intelligence supports the claim that he had been killed. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters. Yemeni security officials and local tribal leaders said the was killed in an airstrike on his convoy that they believed was carried out by the Americans. They said pilotless drones had been seen over the area in previous days. Al-Awlaki would be the most prominent al-Qaida figure to be killed since Osama bin Laden's death in a U.S. raid in Pakistan in May. In July, U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said the Yemeni-American was a priority target alongside Ayman alZawahri, bin Laden's successor as the terror network's leader. The 40-year-old al-Awlaki had been in the U.S. crosshairs since his killing was approved by President Barack Obama in April 2010 — making him the first American placed on the CIA "kill or capture" list. At least twice, airstrikes were called in on locations in Yemen where al-Awlaki was suspected of being, but he wasn't harmed. Al-Awlaki, born in New Mexico to

Yemeni parents, was believed to be key in turning al-Qaida's affiliate in Yemen into what American officials have called the most significant and immediate threat to the Untied States. The branch, led by a Yemeni militant named Nasser al-Wahishi, plotted several failed attacks on U.S. soil — the botched Christmas 2009 attempt to blow up an American airliner heading to Detroit and a foiled 2010 attempt to main explosives to Chicago. Known as an eloquent preacher who spread English-language sermons on the internet calling for "holy war" against the United States, al-Awlaki's role was to inspire and — it is believed — even directly recruit militants to carry out attacks. U.S. officials believe he went beyond just being an inspiring spiritual leader to become involved in operational planning for al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, as the Yemen branch is called. Yemeni officials have said al-Awlaki had contacts with Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the accused

Supporters of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have thrown tomatoes and eggs at US ambassador Robert Ford as he met an opposition figure in Damascus. Veteran politician Hassan Abdul Azim said about 100 protesters tried to get into his office as Mr Ford arrived and then surrounded it. Mr Ford, who has been accused of inciting protests, was trapped inside the building for at least two hours. Meanwhile, Syria has accused the US of inciting violence against its military. "Recent statements from American administration officials... clearly indicate that the United States is involved in encouraging armed groups to practice violence against the Syrian

Arab Army," a foreign ministry statement said. It is thought the statement was referring to comments made by US state department spokesman Mark Toner, who said on Tuesday that it was "not surprising" that the opposition were using violence against the military. Mr Ford has angered Damascus in the past, notably by visiting the central city of Hama with his French counterpart in July. It led to both the French and US embassies coming under attack from supporters of the Assad regime. Mr Abdul Azim, who heads the outlawed Arab Socialist Democratic Union party, said the ambassador's arrival at his office on Thursday led to

Anwar al-Awlaki


would-be Christmas plane bomber, who was in Yemen in 2009. They say the believe al-Awlaki met with the 23year-old Nigerian, along with other alQaida leaders, in al-Qaida strongholds in the country in the weeks before the failed bombing. In New York, the PakistaniAmerican man who pleaded guilty to the May 2010 Times Square car bombing attempt told interrogators he was "inspired" by al-Awlaki after making contact over the Internet. Al-Awlaki also exchanged up to 20 emails with U.S. Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, alleged killer of 13 people in the Nov. 5, 2009, rampage at Fort Hood. Hasan initiated the contacts, drawn by al-Awlaki's Internet sermons, and approached him for religious advice. Al-Awlaki has said he didn't tell Hasan to carry out the shootings, but he later praised Hasan as a "hero" on his Web site for killing American soldiers who would be heading for Afghanistan or Iraq to fight Muslims. The cleric similarly said Abdulmutallab was his "student" but said he never told him to carry out the airline attack. In a statement, the Yemeni government said al-Awlaki was "targeted and killed" 5 miles (8 kilometers) from the town of Khashef in the Province of al-Jawf. The town is located 87 miles (140 kilometers) east of the capital Sanaa. The statement says the operation was launched on Friday around 9:55 a.m. It gave no other details. The Yemeni Defense Ministry also reported the death, without elaborating, in a mobile phone SMS message. Local tribal and security officials said al-Awlaki was travelling in a two-

US ambassador Robert Ford pelted with tomatoes in Syria

a demonstration. "They were protesting in the street and at the entrance to the building. They tried to break down the door of my office, but didn't succeed," he told AFP news agency. As soon as the ambassador came in at around 11:00 (08:00 GMT) we heard a noise outside and hostile slogans being chanted. The demonstrators tried to attack the office." He told the Associated Press that security forces had arrived after about three hours and that he did not believe Mr Ford's life had been in danger. The US embassy confirmed in a statement to AFP that Mr Ford had returned to its embassy unharmed. Syria is under international pressure to stop using force to suppress

car convoy with two other al-Qaida in Yemen operatives from al-Jawf to neighboring Marib province when they were hit. They said the other two operatives were also believed dead. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the press. Yemen, the Arab world's most impoverished nation, has become a haven for hundreds of al-Qaida militants. The United States has been deeply concerned that militants will take advantage of the country's political turmoil to strengthen their positions. In recent months, militants have seized control of several cities in Yemen's south. A previous attack against alAwlaki on May 5, shortly after the May raid that killed Osama bin Laden, was carried out by a combination of U.S. drones and jets. The operation was run by the U.S. military's elite counterterrorism unit, the Joint Special Operations Command — the same unit that got bin Laden. JSOC has worked closely with Yemeni counterterrorism forces for years, in the fight against al-Qaida. Top U.S. counterterrorism adviser John Brennan says such cooperation with Yemen has improved since the political unrest there. Brennan said the Yemenis have been more willing to share information about the location of al-Qaida targets, as a way to fight the Yemeni branch challenging them for power. Other U.S. officials say the Yemenis have also allowed the U.S. to fly more armed drone and aircraft missions over its territory than ever previously, trying to use U.S. military power to stay in power.

US ambassador Robert Ford

protests that began six months ago. The UN estimates that more than 2,700 people have been killed across Syria since the crackdown began. The government says it is in the process of introducing reforms and is speaking to members of the opposition - it blames the unrest on armed gangs.

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Egypt parties threaten poll boycott, protest planned


Political parties from across Egypt's political spectrum threatened to boycott elections scheduled to start in November unless the country's military rulers amend the election law. The United States also put pressure on the government, saying it hoped Egypt's emergency law -- widely seen as a tool of repression under exPresident Hosni Mubarak -- would be scrapped sooner than the military foresees next year. Parties made their boycott threat in a joint statement on Wednesday as activists prepared another protest in Cairo for Friday. They hope it will attract thousands of people unhappy with the way the military rulers who replaced Mubarak after he was forced to step down in February have run the country. About 60 political parties and groups, including the political wing of Egypt's powerful Muslim Brotherhood, set a deadline of Sunday for the


military council to meet their demands. These include approving a law that would effectively prevent many Mubarak supporters from running for office. "We will boycott (the elections) if they have not responded positively to our demands by Sunday," Sayyid alBadawi, the head of the Wafd party, told Reuters. The Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party is the largest and best organized party in Egypt, since Mubarak's National Democratic Party was dissolved by a court order. The military council said on Tuesday that parliamentary elections would start in stages from November 28, and invited candidates to start registering for the poll from October 12. Under rules approved by the council, which took over for a transitional period after Mubarak's overthrow, parties will compete for two

thirds of the upper and lower houses of parliament while the rest will be allocated to individuals. Badawi said all the parties had agreed to set the demands in the statement to allow parties to field candidates on both party lists and for seats allocated to individuals.

MUBARAK'S TIMELINE Egypt's military rulers said last week that the emergency law would remain in place until June next year, in keeping with a timeline set by Mubarak. However, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called for a faster end to the law, which was reactivated two days after a September 9 attack by protesters on the Israeli embassy in Cairo. "We hope to see the law lifted sooner than that because we think that is an important step on the way to the rule of law and to the kind of system of


checks and balances that are important in protecting the rights of the Egyptian people," she said in Washington on Wednesday. "We want to see this as soon as possible," she told a news conference with Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohamed Kamel Amr. Egyptian political parties want the military council to activate a "Treason Law" issued in the 1950s to fight political corruption and abuse of office. In August the government revived an amended version of the law, state news agency MENA reported. It was sent to the military council but has yet to be approved. Under the law, any government official, member of parliament or minister may be punished for abuse of power if they, their relatives or acquaintances benefited from any public office they had held. Activists said the law would effectively bar many Mubarak loyalists from running for office for another 10 years.

US man charged in Pentagon, Capitol explosive plot

follow up the aerial assault with Boston began planning to commit a ground assault involving six a violent "jihad" against the people armed with automatic United States in early 2010, weapons, according to the calling Americans "enemies of affidavit. Allah." Authorities said Ferdaus Ferdaus, of Ashland, traveled to Washington to Massachusetts, about 25 miles conduct surveillance and take west of Boston, allegedly photographs of his target, and modified mobile phones to act as identified sites at East Potomac electrical switches for improvised Park, near the Capitol, from explosive devices. He is accused which he planned to launch his of supplying the phones to the explosive-filled aircraft. undercover FBI agents, whom he He then delivered two thumb believed were members of, or drives to the undercover agents recruiters for, al Qaeda. Rezwan Ferdaus with detailed attack plans with "During a June 2011 meeting, step-by-step instructions as to he appeared gratified when he was told that his first phone detonation device had how he planned to attack the Pentagon and Capitol, killed three U.S. soldiers and injured four or five they said. An F-86 Sabre remote-controlled aircraft -- a others in Iraq. Ferdaus responded, 'That was small-scale version of a U.S. fighter jet -- was exactly what I wanted,'" the affidavit said. Ferdaus allegedly told a cooperating witness delivered to Ferdaus' Framingham, Massachusetts, that he planned to attack the Pentagon using "small storage unit last month, according to the affidavit. Ferdaus allegedly ordered the plane using the drone airplanes" filled with explosives and guided by GPS equipment. He later expanded the plot to alias "Dave Winfield." Ferdaus' arrest came immediately after he took include an attack on the U.S. Capitol, and hoped to possession of various weaponry from the undercover agents -- including explosives, grenades and AK-47 assault rifles -- and brought them to and locked them in his storage unit, the affidavit said. Peter King, chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security, said the arrest showed "that the threat of Islamic terrorism transcends socioeconomics and does not CAIRO — Saudi activists say a court has sentenced a Saudi woman with 10 lashes for defying only emanate from the poor and under-privileged." the kingdom's ban on women driving. "Ten years after the attacks of 9/11, al Qaeda, Activist Samar Badawi says Shaima Ghassaniya was found guilty Tuesday of driving its affiliates, and its adherents remain committed without the government's permission. to attacking the U.S. homeland," said the New York No laws prohibit women from driving, but conservative religious edicts have banned it. Republican, citing domestic radicalization and the The ruling comes just two days after Saudi King Abdullah announced that, for the first threat of 'lone wolf' extremists. time, women have the right to vote and run in the country's 2015 local elections. Ferdaus, who is being held without bail, did Najalaa Harriri, who is also facing court for driving, told The Associated Press she needed to drive to take better care of her children. not enter a plea at an initial status hearing in U.S. Tuesday's verdict is the first of its kind in Saudi Arabia. Other women were detained for District Court in Worcester. A detention hearing several days, but had not been sentenced by a court. was set for Monday.

U.S. authorities on Wednesday arrested and charged a Massachusetts man with plotting to damage or destroy the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol by using remote-controlled aircraft filled with plastic explosives. Rezwan Ferdaus, 26, a U.S. citizen, was also charged with attempting to provide support and resources to al Qaeda in order to carry out attacks on U.S. soldiers overseas, the U.S. attorney's office in Boston said. He was arrested after an undercover operation. "The conduct alleged today shows that Mr. Ferdaus had long planned to commit violent acts against our country," U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz said in a statement. The statement said the public was never in danger from the explosive devices, which were controlled by undercover FBI employees. If convicted Ferdaus faces up to 15 years in jail for providing support to foreign terrorists, up to 20 years on a charge of attempting to destroy national defense premises, and up to 20 years on a charge of attempting to damage and destroy buildings owned by the United States. In a 42-page affidavit, authorities said the physics graduate from Northeastern University in


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Florida to set presidential primary for January 31 LOCAL NEWS WORLD NEWS

MIAMI - Florida is expected to set its presidential primary election for January 31, setting off a game of leapfrog as various states try to increase their influence by moving ahead in the nominating process, state officials said on Wednesday. The date will not become final until Florida's date selection committee meets in Tallahassee on Friday. But the governor, the Florida Senate president and the speaker of the Florida House of Representatives -- who appointed the nine-member date selection committee -- have asked for the January 31 date, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Dean Cannon said. "The three principals shared a goal of Florida being early in the process.


Speaker Cannon felt that January 31 would preserve that," said Katie Betta, Cannon's spokeswoman. That means the four states authorized by the Republican National Committee to go first would almost certainly move up their primary elections and caucuses. In the process of choosing the presidential nominees fielded by the two major political parties, candidates compete in primary elections or other contests in the U.S. states to win delegates who ultimately will pick the nominees in later party conventions. Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina are authorized by the party to kick off the contests that will eventually produce a Republican


nominee to challenge President Barack Obama in the November 2012 election. Those states had planned on holding their contests in February. Florida is a large and diverse state with nine major television markets, making it a very expensive place to campaign. If Florida succeeds in grabbing the fifth-place spot in the primaries, the candidates could be forced to spend a lot more money a lot earlier than they expected. As it stands now, the Iowa caucuses are set for February 6, the New Hampshire primary for February 14, the Nevada caucuses for February 18 and the South Carolina primary for February 28. But those dates will almost

certainly move forward. In the last presidential election in 2008, New Hampshire moved its "first in the nation" primary to January 8 to stay ahead of states that jumped the line. All states must notify the Republican National Committee on Saturday what dates they have chosen. Florida could still set its election even earlier than January 31 if other states pick earlier dates before the Saturday deadline. "The law does provide for flexibility if we need to make another decision," Betta said. Already, Arizona has set its primary election for February 28, and Colorado and Missouri have indicated they want to move forward on the calendar as well.

Christie Says he’s not running Satellite fell in south Pacific, not as he slams ‘bystander’ Obama Canada

WASHINGTON — That dead NASA satellite fell into what might be the ideal spot — part of the southern Pacific Ocean about as far from large land masses as you can get, U.S. space officials said Tuesday. New U.S. Air Force calculations put the 6-ton satellite's death plunge early Saturday thousands of miles from northwestern North America, where there were reports of sightings. Instead, it plunged into areas where remote islands dot a vast ocean. NASA says those new calculations show the 20-yearold satellite entered Earth's atmosphere generally above American Samoa. But falling debris as it broke apart didn't start hitting the water for another 300 miles to the northeast, southwest of Christmas Island, just after midnight EDT Saturday. Experts believe about two dozen metal pieces from the bus-sized satellite fell over a 500-mile span. On Saturday, scientists said it was possible some pieces could have reached northwestern Canada and claims of sightings in Canada spread on the Internet. But NASA said Tuesday that new calculations show it landed several minutes earlier than they thought, changing the debris field to an entirely different hemisphere. After UARS was launched in 1991, NASA and other space agencies adopted new procedures to lessen space junk and satellites falling back to Earth. So NASA has no more satellites as large as this one that will fall back to Earth uncontrolled in the next 25 years, according to NASA orbital debris chief scientist Nicholas Johnson. But other satellites will continue to fall. Late in October, or early in November, a German astronomy satellite is set to plunge uncontrolled back to Earth. While slightly smaller than UARS, the German satellite is expected to have more pieces survive re-entry, said McDowell, who worked on one of the instruments for it. The German ROSAT satellite was launched in 1990, died in 1998 and weighs 2 ½ tons. The German space agency figures 30 pieces weighing less than 2 tons will survive re-entry. Debris may include sharp mirror shards. The German space agency puts the odds of somebody somewhere on Earth being hurt by its satellite at 1-in-2,000 — a slightly higher level of risk than was calculated for the NASA satellite. But any one individual's odds of being struck are 1-in-14 trillion, given there are 7 billion people on the planet.

to a lesser extent, are New Jersey Governor Chris eating away at every dollar Christie said he plans to sit we raise in taxation,” out the 2012 presidential Christie said. “What we race and then used a need to do is sit down and nationally broadcast get to a common-sense appearance to assail approach to reduce President Barack Obama as benefits, to means-test a “bystander in the Oval some of this stuff and get Office.” some of the people who The 49-year-old don’t need it to stop taking Republican pointed to video it so we can get it to the clips on the Politico website people who do need it.” of him saying he’s not The first-term running. “Click on it, those governor said the nation’s are the answers,” he told a image overseas has capacity crowd at the suffered from the Ronald Reagan Presidential management of its Library in Simi Valley, domestic affairs. California. That didn’t stop “Through our own him from weighing in on New Jersey Governor Chris Christie domestic political conduct the campaign. of late, we have failed to “We continue to wait and hope that our president will finally stop live up to our own tradition of exceptionalism,” being a bystander in the Oval Office,” Christie Christie said. “Our role and ability to affect said yesterday. “We hope that he will shake off change has been diminished because of our the paralysis that has made it impossible for own problems and our inability to effectively him to take on the really big things that are deal with them.” Christie said economic health is a national obvious to all Americans.” The governor’s address, carried live by Fox security issue for the U.S. and the country has News and C- SPAN, was his most prominent lost its ability to persuade other nations to opportunity yet to expand his influence in follow its example. He called for a more national politics. He used it to blast politicians measured foreign policy, without detailing in both parties for “a Congress at war with what he’d change. “It was very much boilerplate foreignitself because they are unwilling to leave campaign-style politics at the Capitol’s door.” policy language,” said Patrick Murray, director Christie, who was interrupted several times of the Monmouth University polling institute by applause from the audience, called Obama in West Long Branch. “Except for the outright attacks on Obama and references to Reagan, it “one of the dividers.” “Insisting that we must tax and take and could have been delivered by any member of demonize those who have already achieved the either party.” Christie delivered his speech to 900 people American Dream -- that may turn out to be a good re-election strategy for President Obama, in a lecture hall decorated with pictures of but is a demoralizing message for America,” former presidents. Christie, a former U.S. Attorney for New Christie said. The governor pointed to his compromises Jersey, took office last year after defeating with the Democratic-led New Jersey incumbent Democrat Jon Corzine amid voter Legislature on an overhaul of public- worker dissatisfaction over the highest property taxes pensions and benefits that he says will save in the U.S. and the sluggish economy. He became a national Republican star after cutting $120 billion over three decades. Federal entitlement programs should be $10 billion in spending on schools, pensions subject to stricter eligibility testing, the and towns in his first budget and requiring public workers to pay more for pensions and governor said. “Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, health insurance.

Signs that a news recession is not on the cards


New claims for jobless benefits hit a five-month low last week and the economy was a touch stronger in the second quarter than previously thought, the latest suggestions a new recession is not in the cards. A gauge of future homes sales, however, showed the housing sector remained on the rocks last month. Initial claims for state unemployment benefits fell 37,000 to a seasonally adjusted 391,000, the Labor Department said on Thursday, well below economists' expectations for 420,000. However, it cautioned its seasonal adjustments may have overstated the strength. Separately, the Commerce Department said U.S. gross domestic product grew at an annual rate of 1.3 percent in the second quarter, up from the previously reported 1.0 percent. Consumer spending and export growth both were stronger than earlier estimated. The GDP data "suggests the U.S. economy entered the third quarter on a slightly better footing. That encouraging news was reinforced by the larger-than-expected decline in jobless claims, which again cast doubt on the likelihood of the economy tipping back into recession," said Joe Manimbo, a senior market analyst at Travelex Global Payments in Washington.


U.S. stocks opened higher, bolstered by the data and growing confidence in Europe's response to its debt crisis. The dollar edged higher against the yen, while prices for U.S. government debt dropped. Political haggling in Washington over budget policy and the deepening debt crisis in Europe had eroded confidence, leaving the U.S. economy on the brink of a new recession. A survey of U.S. chief executives released by the Business Roundtable on Thursday showed their views of the economy's prospects deteriorating in the third quarter, with the number who expect to cut jobs roughly doubling. Faced with a weak recovery, the Federal Reserve last week announced a new measure designed to push longterm borrowing costs lower by shifting assets on its balance sheet. In speech on Wednesday, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said the U.S. central bank might need to ease monetary policy further if inflation or inflation expectations fell significantly. The revision to GDP was a touch above economists' expectations for a 1.2 percent pace, and marked a welcome acceleration after a troubling 0.4 percent expansion in the first three months of the year. Another report from the Labor Department showed the U.S. economy likely created 192,000 more jobs in the

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year through March than previously estimated. QUESTIONS ON CLAIMS The drop in initial claims for unemployment benefits took them below 400,000 for the first time since early August. The department, however, said the weakness of the labor market in recent years may have led the model it uses to adjust the data for seasonal fluctuations to overstate the report's strength. Still, the total number of unemployed still claiming benefits after an initial week of aid fell to 3.73 million in the week ended September 17 from 3.75 million a week earlier. The September 17 week corresponds with the survey period for the department's household employment measure, which is used to construct the national unemployment rate. In August, the jobless rate remained stuck at 9.1 percent with a separate survey of employers showing hiring ground to a halt, which ratcheted up recession fears. More recent data has tempered those worries. Factory output continues to expand and businesses have maintained their appetite for spending on capital goods. Housing, however, remains a weak spot. The National Association of

Realtors said its index of pending home sales, based on contracts signed in August, fell 1.2 percent to 88.6, its lowest since April. NAR said contract signings, which usually precede actual closings by a month or two, were held back by tight credit and, in the Northeast, by Hurricane Irene. With millions of Americans locked into mortgages worth more than their homes, historically low interest rates are failing to lift sales. Freddie Mac said on Thursday that the average rate on U.S. 30-year fixed rate mortgages fell to a record low 4.01 percent this week. ENCOURAGING DETAILS Details of the GDP report were consistent with an economy that is on a slow growth track rather than sliding back into recession. Consumer spending growth and export growth were both revised up, while import growth was slower than previously estimated. In addition, businesses accumulated fewer inventories than previously estimated, which should support growth in the current quarter. Business spending was also revised higher, with spending on nonresidential structures the fastest since the third quarter of 2007. After-tax corporate profits rose at a 4.3 percent rate, the largest increase in a year.

Fake iPhone ring busted in China

Chinese police in Shanghai have arrested five people for making and selling fake versions of Apple Inc's iPhone, a local newspaper reported on Thursday. Police said those arrested were part of an organized gang that bought components for the phones from Guangdong in southern China and assembled them in rented apartments in Shanghai, the Shanghai Daily said. About 200 fake iPhones were found during the crackdown. The cost to make one fake iPhone, which used some genuine parts, was around 2,000 yuan ($313). It was sold on unauthorized markets and on the Internet for around 4,000 yuan, only a few hundred yuan cheaper than the real iPhone, the newspaper said. The fake iPhones had the same functions as the genuine ones but had a shorter battery life, it quoted the police as saying. "It's really hard for customers to distinguish the fake ones from the genuine ones," an officer was quoted as saying. Officials from Apple could not be reached for comment. China has been repeatedly criticized for widespread violation of intellectual property rights, but pirated goods from expensive brands of watches, bags and computer software can be easily found in shops.

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Fake iPhones on display in a store in China

Various pirated versions of iPhones can also be easily found. 'hiPhone 5' phones, which are based on leaked images of the yet-to-be-launched iPhone 5, are being sold in markets and on the Internet. An American blogger set off a media storm in July after she posted pictures of an elaborate fake Apple Store in Kunming, selling genuine if

unauthorized iPhones, Macbooks and other widely popular Apple products. Apple, which is expected to roll out the latest version of the iPhone 5 smartphone within a few months, sold a record 20.34 million iPhones worldwide during the last quarter, even though its newest model is over a year old.

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Europe again steps back from brink in debt crisis

BUSINESS and TEchNology locAl NEWS

Following a now-familiar script, Europe again averted disaster in its debt crisis when German deputies rallied behind Chancellor Angela Merkel to approve a stronger euro zone bailout fund on Thursday. But bigger challenges lie ahead for the euro zone and markets are already demanding more far-reaching measures to prevent a crisis that began in Greece from spreading far beyond Europe and its banks. The Bundestag (lower house) overwhelmingly approved new powers for the 440-billion-euro EFSF fund to make precautionary loans, help recapitalize banks and buy distressed countries' bonds in the secondary market. Despite a rebellion by 15 backbench Euroskeptics, Merkel won 315 votes from her own conservativeliberal coalition, enough to avoid the humiliation of having to rely on opposition Social Democrats and Greens to pass the plan. "The result of the vote is a strong signal for Europe. The broad majority in parliament clearly shows that Germany is committed to the euro and to protecting our currency," said Hermann Groehe, general secretary of her Christian Democratic party. The measure was part of a July 21 agreement by euro zone leaders meant to solve the crisis by providing a

second bailout for debt-stricken Greece, partly funded by private sector bondholders, and providing more firepower to prevent contagion engulfing bigger EU economies Spain and Italy. But that deal failed to stop Italian and Spanish borrowing costs soaring, forcing the European Central Bank to intervene in August to buy their bonds, and may yet unravel in Greece, which has fallen behind again on its deficit reduction targets, pushing it closer to default. "There is a growing realization, even among the more reticent, that the July 21 package is yesterday's war, and we need to go further," a senior EU official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. The euro and European shares ticked up and safe-haven German bonds fell after the closely-watched vote in Europe's pivotal power, where public opposition to further bailouts is rife. But analysts said financial markets and outside powers still want a more comprehensive response from European Union policymakers to the debt crisis. U.S. President Barack Obama kept up a barrage of criticism of the EU's crisis management, saying on Wednesday: "In Europe, we haven't seen them deal with their financial


system and banking system as effectively as they need to." EU officials are already working on ways of leveraging up the rescue fund, but kept those legally and politically fraught ideas under wraps ahead of the German vote to avoid antagonizing waverers in the Bundestag. The European Commission welcomed German approval of the EFSF boost and said it was confident the ratification process would be complete throughout the 17-nation currency area by mid-October. Elsewhere in Europe, there was a sense of relief. French Finance Minister Francois Baroin said the Bundestag vote "confirms German determination to preserve the financial stability of the euro zone." So far 11 states have backed the new powers. Of the rest, only Slovakia's endorsement appears politically difficult. PAIN IN SPAIN, ITALY Despite the German vote, developments in Spain and Italy highlighted the stark challenges still facing the euro zone in coping with the sovereign debt crisis. Spain's ruling Socialists abruptly shelved plans to boost public coffers by selling part of the state lottery for up to 9 billion euros ($12 billion), in

Targeting Apple's iPad, Amazon.com to Sell Kindle Fire at $199 Amazon.com lifted the veil of secrecy over its highlyanticipated Kindle Fire on Wednesday, revealing a tablet device that will be priced at just $199 and could pose a threat to Apple’s blockbuster iPad. Unveiled at a high-profile media event in New York, Amazon.com CEO Jeff Bezos said the new device will have a 7-inch display, a fast dual-core processor, weigh 14.6 ounces and include access to free cloud storage. The $199 price tag comes in at the very low end of forecasts from industry insiders and compares very favorably with Apple’s iPad, which goes for $499. In addition to the tablet device, Amazon.com unveiled a new e-reader Kindle Touch device that will cost $99 and include cell phone service as well as a $79 Kindle. But most of the attention was on the Fire tablet,


which analysts have predicted could put pressure on the iPad. Even though it is best known for its popular online marketplace, Seattle-based Amazon.com has already proven it can play in the hardware industry with its successful Kindle. The company enjoys a serious marketing advantage against rival manufacturers because of the millions of customers who visit its website to buy everything from movies to TVs and appliances. However, the Fire will not have an embedded camera, microphone or 3G connection, Amazon appeared to take a page out of the Apple playbook by keeping a tight lid on details about the device in recent weeks and sending out invitations to reporters for a secretive media event.

the face of tough market conditions, political opposition and banks' funding concerns. The backtracking, a day before bookbuilding was supposed to begin on the public offering of 30 percent of Loterias, was a blow a few weeks before a November 20 election, which opinion polls show the center-right People's Party sweeping. Banks involved in the sale, Santander and BBVA, saw the Loterias flotation as a direct rival to their efforts to bolster their capital by enticing Spaniards to withdraw deposits to invest in lottery shares. Italy meanwhile had to pay the highest yield on a 10-year bond since the introduction of the euro in 1999 at an auction on Thursday, the first longterm sale since Standard & Poor's cut the country's sovereign credit rating. Rome's funding costs remain under pressure despite ECB bondbuying and a pick-up in risk appetite due to expectations of a stronger euro zone rescue fund. Analysts say the government's tentative crisis response has harmed investor confidence. Italy sold 7.86 billion euros of long-term bonds, moving closer to an overall issuance target of 430 billion euros for the year, but the 10-year yield rose to 5.86 percent at the auction, up from 5.22 percent a month ago.

Caribbean football official banned by FIFA


ZURICH -- FIFA banned Caribbean soccer official Colin Klass for more than two years Friday for his part in a bribery scandal involving former presidential candidate Mohamed bin Hammam. Klass was found guilty of three breaches of the governing body's code of ethics, including breaking confidentiality rules and not disclosing "evidence of violations of conduct." FIFA said in a statement that Klass was barred from any soccer-related activity for 26 months. FIFA expelled Klass through October 2013 and also fined him $5,500. He can appeal. Klass will lose his seat on FIFA's futsal and beach soccer committee and the presidency of Guyana's soccer federation, which he has led since 1989.


FIFA is investigating another 15 Caribbean officials it suspects were offered or accepted $40,000 cash payments to back bin Hammam's challenge to FIFA president Sepp Blatter. Those cases likely will be heard next month. Klass was the only one of the 16 to be suspended pending a hearing after FIFA cited "consideration of the specific information received on this matter." He is a longtime ally of former FIFA vice president Jack Warner, who ran Caribbean soccer for three decades until resigning in June. FIFA then dropped its investigation into the Trinidad and Tobago government minister's role in bin Hammam's campaign visit to Port of Spain in May. Klass, who sat on the Caribbean

Colin Klass

Football Union executive committee, attended the meeting where members heard the Qatari candidate's pitch. Whistleblowers' statements said Klass was present as officials later

Spin bowler Mathurin stars as West Indies stun England

Garey Mathurin had a superb bowling display on debut as the West Indies pulled off a stunning victory over England in the second T20 International at the Kia Oval last Sunday night. The left-arm spinner had the amazing bowling analysis of 4-0-9-3 to destroy the England batting and earn the Windies a 25-run victory. He opened the bowling and had all three victims clean bowled as England were shot out for 88 off 16.4 overs in reply to 113-5. The result gave the Windies a 1-1 series result. England won the opening match on Friday by 10 wickets. The performance was a belated birthday gift for Man-of-the-Match Mathurin, who celebrated his 28th birthday on Friday. He looked confident from the start and caused problems for the batsmen with his flat, accurate left-arm spin. Playing in just his first match in England, the Windies Number 86 said: “I feel really great tonight. To come here and perform so well in just my first match in England, in a West Indies shirt, is just a wonderful feeling. We were defending a small score, so I knew I had to be spot on from ball one. I am used to opening the bowling for St Lucia and the Windwards in T20 cricket so I knew the job I had to do. “I was nervous at the start – if you do not have nerves it means that you are not human – but once I got one or two deliveries to pitch in the right areas, I quickly settled down into doing what I can do. When the

Garey Mathurin celebrates with team mates after bowling out England's Ravi Bopara

England team bowled, we saw some turn from the pitch, so I just tried to mix things up, and make it difficult for them to predict what I was bowling. “At the break between innings we knew we had a chance of winning. We didn’t get a big score but we were confident. The coach spoke to me and said he had faith that I could deliver. Smithy (Dwayne Smith) said we just needed a few early wickets and (Krishmar) Santokie said he was ready. He got the initial breakthrough and things flowed from there. Sammy was cheering me on and telling me to do my thing, so I just stuck to the basics, and did what got me here.” Mathurin added: “As everyone is aware, I came on this trip at the lastminute and I just wanted to show the West Indies public the stuff of which I am made. Everybody has their turn and it’s just that my turn came at the

age of 28. The English players hadn’t seen me before so I knew I could go out and get the job done. We have a good team unity going on and the cohesiveness just worked.” Mathurin was brilliant with the ball and also held a good diving catch coming in from the long off boundary. The Windies were superb in the outfield with four run outs – two from direct hits by Devendra Bishoo and Darren Sammy. On Saturday the Windies had an extended fielding session and Mathurin said the extra work paid off. “As a team we felt we had a point to prove. England played really, really well on Friday, so we were playing for some pride, and then we wanted to come back hard at them. We knew we could do it. Hopefully this shows everyone the energy and enthusiasm we have.”

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lined up to receive a gift distributed by CFU staffers. Witnesses said they were given brown envelopes filled with four piles of $100 bills. The case against Klass was prepared by investigators hired by FIFA from FGI Europe, an agency led by former FBI director Louis Freeh. Tarnished by the scandal, bin Hammam withdrew his candidacy three days before the FIFA election in June, though he denies the allegations. Blatter was left unopposed and received a fourth four-year presidential term. He was endorsed by 186 of FIFA's 208 national members, including most Caribbean islands. On Oct. 21, Blatter is to provide details of his promised anti-corruption project to clean up soccer and its damaged image.

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NBA season under serious threat TURKS AND CAICOS SUN

When NBA labor talks resume Friday, NBA commissioner David Stern is planning to threaten players with the cancellation of the entire 2011-12 season if the sides haven't made major progress toward a deal by the end of the weekend, according to sources close to the talks. Although sources said the union views such an extreme stance as more of a negotiating tactic than a legitimate threat, Stern went almost that far in his comments to reporters in New York on Wednesday after a second straight day of negotiations. Referring to meetings scheduled Friday that are expected to attract as many as 15 owners and star players such as the Heat's LeBron James, Stern said: "I'm focused on let's get the two committees in and see whether they can either have a season or not have a season, and that's what's at risk this weekend." The NBA denied Wednesday night that Stern has any such extreme intentions. "It's simply not true," NBA senior vice president Tim Frank said. In 1998-99, which ranks as the only season in NBA history in which regular-season games were lost to a work stoppage, no deal was reached until Jan. 6, 1999, with a 50-game season finally starting on Feb. 6, 1999. It remains to be seen if Stern's remarks to the media will have the intended "scare" effect and convince a players to accept a deal now on the premise that the NBA is not willing to stage a shortened season this time. At a minimum, sources said, cancellation of regular-season games next week is a certainty if a deal isn't within sight by Monday. The league and the union did agree Wednesday to meet again Friday and likely through the weekend, but Stern warned that there are "enormous consequences at play" in coming days. Sources said that the sides need to have an agreement in principle by the middle of the next week at the latest in order to ensure that the entire 82-game

regular season, scheduled to begin Nov. 1, can be played. Two days' worth of talks ended Wednesday to allow negotiators from both sides observer the Rosh Hashanah holiday that began Wednesday night at sundown. Each side has summoned its respective bargaining committee to New York on Friday for the most important stretch of the lockout to date, pledging to meet through the weekend if progress toward a new collective bargaining agreement is being made. NBA Players Association executive director Billy Hunter has called for his executive committee members, as well as some of the league's superstars such as Kobe Bryant and James, to meet Friday in New York, sources told ESPN The Magazine's Chris Broussard. Bryant, though, has been in Europe all week on a Nike promotional tour and is not expected to back in time for Friday's session. Sources told Broussard that Stern is also scheduled to meet with league owners Friday, with owners and players expected to end up in the same room for negotiations. If James attends, that could result in his first face-to-face meeting with Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert since James left Cleveland for Miami last summer. Union president Derek Fisher of the Los Angeles Lakers said of the expanded meetings: "I think it points more toward the calendar than actually being able to measure progress. It points to the realities that we face with our calendar and that if we can't find a way to get some common ground really, really soon, then the time of starting the regular season at its scheduled date is going to be in jeopardy big-time." Fisher said some of the league's biggest names could join the executive committee in Friday's meeting, and Miami guard Dwyane Wade has


committed to attend. Wade was part of a meeting about labor issues at the 2010 All-Star weekend in Dallas, when players were briefed about owners' plans for dramatic changes to the league's salary structure. "I look forward to learning something that I didn't learn two years ago," Wade told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. "Hopefully, it's different information, something that will move us forward. Hopefully we don't walk out of the meeting back at where we were at the All-Star game two years ago." Wade has been in New York for the past couple days for business meetings. When the invitation came to attend Friday's session, he did not hesitate. "I've talked to a couple guys," Wade said. "I'm here. ... I was going to leave tomorrow, but I'm going to stay in town and go to the next meeting." With the scheduled Nov. 1 season openers just over a month away, Stern said there would be "a lot of risk" attached to a failure to reach an agreement in principle by the end of the week. But both sides made it clear in press briefings after Wednesday's talks that there hasn't been enough progress to put them on the verge of a deal. The lockout entered its 90th day Wednesday. During Tuesday's bargaining session in New York, Stern offered a new proposal to the players' union that budged slightly from the owners' longheld position on establishing a hard cap, league sources familiar with the negotiations told ESPN The Magazine's Ric Bucher. Training camps have already been postponed and 43 preseason games scheduled for Oct. 9-15 were canceled last week. The league has said it will make decisions about the remainder of exhibition play as warranted, but further cancellations were expected at week's end even before Stern turned up

the pressure with his comments Wednesday. Fisher said the players' executive committee could be joined Friday by other star players who would be invited if their schedules allowed. The owners' labor relations committee consists of 11 members, but Fisher acknowledged that there could be about 15 owners present. "I can't say that common ground is evident, but our desire to try to get there I think is there," Fisher said. "We still have a great deal of issues to work through, so there won't be any magic that will happen this weekend to just make those things go away, but we have to put the time in." Bucher reported Tuesday night that owners did not offer players a finite annual team limit on salaries but are willing to relax their insistence on a hard cap only if certain conditions are met. Those conditions include: • The "Larry Bird exception," which allows teams to exceed the cap to retain their own free agents regardless of their other committed salaries, is limited to one player per team per season. • The mid-level exception, which the league valued at $5.8 million last season and could be extended by as many as five years, is reduced in length and size. • The current luxury tax, the $1for-$1 penalty a team must pay to the league for the amount it exceeds the salary cap, is to be severely increased. In last week's negotiating session, owners proposed that the players' share of basketball-related income (BRI) be sliced from 57 percent to 46 percent. Broussard reported Tuesday that the owners' BRI offer had increased to 48 percent. Sources say that the owners also want a five percent reduction on all existing salaries for this season, a 7.5 percent reduction of all 2012-13 salaries and 10 percent reduction of 2013-14 salaries.

Man City look into option of 15-week Tevez ban

Manchester City's lawyers are examining the club's options but it now looks as though Carlos Tevez will not kick a ball again until January at the earliest. City's legal experts are examining the rule book to find a way of suspending Tevez the maximum of two weeks on a rolling basis until the transfer window opens after manager Roberto Mancini claimed the striker refused to play against Bayern Munich on Tuesday night. Suspension is a preferable option to sacking the striker and pursuing him for compensation for gross misconduct and breach of contract, a sum which would effectively be paid by the club he signs for in January. However, that option has not as yet been ruled out. Imposing the initial two-week suspension is only the first part of City's punishment for Tevez after extensive talks between chairman

Khaldoon Al Mubarak, Mancini, This would enable Tevez to temporary chief executive John move on in January but MacBeath and their lawyers, with the continue to play in the club backing the manager against one meantime. of City's most prized players. That might entail Tevez Tevez earns £200,000-a-week, so making an apology to would lose around £3 million in Mancini, but that so far is not wages if City can ban him for the 15 forthcoming and weeks until the transfer window is ESPNsoccernet sources have open again. The internal club indicated that the player feels suspension will also cost Tevez he has done nothing wrong. appearance money and other With City taking a hardline bonuses, potentially worth £500,000 approach there seems little a week. room for compromise, and That is sure to be challenged by they are now consulting with Carlos Tevez Tevez and his legal team and the FA to see if the advisors, while Professional Footballers' suspension could be extended should that be Association chief executive Gordon Taylor is deemed necessary once the findings of the club's anxious for round-table negotiations to mediate. internal review have been completed.

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Starter who disqualified Bolt will officiate at London 2012 Olympics


The man who disqualified Usain Bolt at the World Athletics Championships in South Korea will be the chief starter at London 2012. Englishman Alan Bell, who dismissed the world record holder after the Jamaican jumped the gun in the 100m final in Daegu, has defended the controversial false-start rule. "It was probably the easiest decision I've had to make at a major event," Bell told the Independent. "It was so obvious. The hardest thing was realising who it was in lane five, but as an official you have to stay absolutely antiseptic. "The personality is not something that you have

Kobe Bryant says Italy move very possible

MILAN- Kobe Bryant said it's "very possible" he will play in Italy during the NBA lockout, adding the country is like home because he spent part of his childhood there. Virtus Bologna has made numerous contract offers to the Los Angeles Lakers star. Bryant discussed the offer with the Gazzetta dello Sport during a sponsor's appearance in Milan on Wednesday. "It's very possible. It would be a dream for me," Bryant said, according to the Gazzetta. "There's an opportunity that we've been discussing over the last few days. It's very possible and that's good news for me." Bryant later spoke to crowd — in Italian — at the event in Milan. "I don't know what's going to happen over the next three or four weeks, but Italy has always been in my heart," Bryant said. Virtus told The Associated Press that the latest talks are centered on a $2.5 million offer for 10 games over 40 days from Oct. 9 to Nov. 16. That would come out to about $1.5 million after taxes. The deal would allow Bryant to return to the Lakers immediately if the lockout ends. The 33-year-old Bryant spent several years in Italy when his father, Joe Bryant, played on five teams from 1984-91. The elder Bryant, who once owned a small part of Olimpia Milano, now coaches the Los Angeles Sparks in the WNBA. "Italy is my home. It's where my dream of playing in the NBA started.


to engage with. But I think an awful lot of credit has to go to Usain Bolt for the way he conducted himself. He realised he was at fault. He actually didn't have to formally be told. But I had to tell him and he just accepted it." Bolt's disqualification led to calls for the controversial false start rule to be scrapped, but Bell admitted such reaction was inevitable in the commotion that followed, and revealed it was not the first time Bolt had transgressed. In the semifinals at the 2009 World Championships, the onestrike false start rule had not been implemented and Bolt was permitted to return to the blocks, before

WORLD SPORTS LOCAL NEWS going on to clock a world record 9.58 seconds in the final. "I think there was undoubtedly a knee-jerk reaction because of who was involved," he says. "Would the same debate have been happening publicly had it been another athlete? Probably not. What's been forgotten in all of this discussion I think is that Usain Bolt did the same thing in Berlin in the semi-final, which I started. He just rolled out of his blocks." Bell, who will be chief starter at both the Olympics and the Paralympics next summer, believes the new false start rule should not be scrapped. "It has cut out gamesmanship, delaying tactics, and what I'd call the chancers - the people who gamble," he said. "Most of the false-starts we see now at major events frankly are bizarre lapses in concentration. They're not people trying to gain an advantage."

Lakers, Kobe Bryant

This is where I learned the fundamentals, learned to shoot, to pass and to (move) without the ball," Kobe Bryant said, according to the Gazzetta. "All things that when I came back to America the players my age didn't know how to do because they were only thinking about jumping and dunking." Turkish club Besiktas and at least one team in China have expressed interest in Bryant, a winner of five NBA championships and 13-time AllStar. However, he seems most interested in the Virtus offer. "It's a huge honor for me to return to Italy. It's home for me," Bryant said in fairly fluent Italian in a video posted on the Gazzetta website. "It's always been a dream for me to play in Italy. We've got to wait and see what happens." Virtus also recently reached out to Manu Ginobili, who played with Bologna before joining the San Antonio Spurs in 2002. Denver Nuggets forward Danilo Gallinari rejoined his former Italian club Olimpia Milano last week. The NBA season usually begins in late October, but owners and players have failed to agree on a new labor deal. The two sides are at odds over how to divide the league's revenue, a salary cap structure and the length of guaranteed contracts. Last week, NBA officials announced the postponement of training camp and the cancellation of 43 preseason games.

Virtus has won 15 Italian league titles but none since 2001, when it also won the Euroleague for the second time. Bologna opens the Italian league against Roma on Oct. 9. It did not qualify for this season's Euroleague, although the team has big ambitions after signing former Clemson point guard Terrell McIntyre, who led Siena to four consecutive Italian titles before transferring to Malaga in Spain last season.

England host West Indies, Australia and South Africa LONDON - England will play three-test series against West Indies and South Africa next year separated by a five-match one-day series against Australia, the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) said on Wednesday. The home side, who replaced India as the world's top-ranked test nation this year, will play 14 one-day internationals, including a match against Scotland, and four Twenty20 games during a crowded summer. "With England looking to maintain its position as the number one side in the ICC's World Test rankings and also preparing to defend the world T20 title in Sri Lanka next autumn, interest in next summer's international programme will be intense," ECB chief executive David Collier said in a statement. "A record number of people attended this season's international fixtures and with an exciting summer in prospect again in 2012, we would urge spectators to buy tickets early in order to avoid disappointment." TEST MATCH SCHEDULE: West Indies First test, Lord's, May 17-20 Second test, Trent Bridge, May 2529 Third test, Edgbaston, June 7-11 South Africa First test, Oval, July 19-23 Second test, Headingley, Aug. 2-6 Third test, Lord's, Aug. 16-20

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