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LET’S REVISIT THAT CONCEPT OF A MEMORIAL TO SLAVERY ‘LEST WE FORGET’!! By Calvin G. Brown Among the greatest indignities to have been visited upon the world in the creation of western hegemonic powers is that of the enslavement of Africans and their subsequent trade and forced labour in the building of the modern economic system. United Nations Resolution 64/169, passed last year, declared 2011 to be the International Year for People of African Descent (IYPAD), aiming to “strengthen support for people of African descent with respect to the full enjoyment of their economic, cultural, social, civil and political rights; their integration in all political, economic, social and cultural aspects of society; and a greater knowledge of and respect for their heritage and culture.” Further, IYPAD aims at strengthening national actions and regional and international cooperation for the benefit of people of African descent in relation to these stated goals. Member States and the specialized agencies of the United Nations system were encouraged to make preparations for and identify possible initiatives that can contribute to the success of the Year. Speaking at a launching ceremony, UN SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki-moon said the year seeks to strengthen commitment to eradicating discrimination against people of African descent. He added that the International Year also aims to promote greater awareness of and respect for the diverse heritage and culture of people of African descent. “At the same time, we must remember that people of African descent are among those most affected by racism. Too often, they face denial of basic rights such as access to quality health services and education. Such fundamental wrongs have a long and terrible history.” This resolution arose out of the recommendations from the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance that took place in 2001 in Durban, South Africa. One of the outcomes of the conference was that delegates ensured that the United Nations recognized and declared the brutality and horror of the Maafa the slave trade and four hundred years enslavement of Africans - a crime against humanity. The conference examined the concept of reparations for the unpaid labour of millions of enslaved Africans throughout the Caribbean and the Americas and looked at their role in the enrichment and financial development of Europe and the Americas. The UN designation follows closely on the heels of the recent bicentenary of the abolition of the British slave trade and the recent UN declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. What is sad in all of this, is that, despite overwhelming encouragement by the United Nations, that its member states within their respective mandates and existing resources, and civil society to make preparations for and identify possible initiatives that can contribute to the success of the Year, very few have been interested enough even to review the concept of the declaration. While we do not expect countries like the United States of America, Britain, France, Canada, Spain and the likes that have benefitted tremendously from the institution of slavery to lead the charge in this regard, member states such as the countries in the Caribbean, like Jamaica and Trinidad, the majority of whose population are black and have been victims of the slave trade should be leading the charge in commemoration of these declarative years. They are psychologically important. They provide a forum for widespread discussion as to why after all these years since the abolition of slavery, the descendants of slaves in the US and the Caribbean have not been able to divest themselves of its repressive yoke. Is it any wonder that among our young people, to be Black is no longer considered ‘beautiful’ and that there is a tremendous increase in the sale of skin bleaching cream which is proudly being advertised as a means to ‘get your skin looking whiter.’ In a commentary on the skin bleaching phenomenon, Merrick A. Andrew (writing in in September 2002), quotes pretty
Tamara Richards as saying that she is “convinced that white people have all the advantages in the world. She believes that white people get jobs easier, earn the highest salaries and attract handsome and wealthy men. But there’s one little problem: Tamara is just about four shades darker than the typical white woman and just barely graces the ‘browning’ category among her black people. Her perception is that the fairer you are, the more likely one is to become successful socially, economically and romantically. The 18-year-old Jamaican has always wished she had a lighter colour. So to solve her ‘problem’, Tamara is using skin-lightening creams. “White people get the better things in life, yes,” she says. “You have a lot of advantages when you are white,” Tamara declared. Slavery has wounded our people, leaving deep scars on their psyche that can only be exorcised through honest dialogue and an acceptance of the fact that we have been deeply hurt and psychologically demoralized by slavery. This was effected through hundreds of years of mis-education emphasizing the superiority of whites and the inferiority of Blacks, destruction of the black collective identity, family structure, cultural identity, religion and history. The ‘coup de grace’ was the strategic pitting of one against the other and creating divisions among Africans. In his comment on this, Marcus Garvey in his Philisophies and Opinions said: "This propaganda of dis-associating Western Negroes from Africa is not a new one. For many years white propagandists have been printing tons of literature to impress scattered Ethiopia, especially that portion within their civilization, with the idea that Africa is a despised place, inhabited by savages, and cannibals, where no civilized human being should go, especially black civilized human beings. This propaganda is promulgated for the cause that is being realized today. That cause is colonial expansion for the white nations of the world." Hence, The International Year for People of African Descent is an opportunity to engage in some serious education about African, Afro-Caribbean and Afro American culture and offers an amazing opportunity to tell our stories. Unfortunately, for many, unless this is supported by the power structure, all we are prepared to pay is lip service to the concept. I am yet to see the Government of Jamaica put out a programme embracing the concept and urging the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission to design programmes aimed at highlighting the year as requested by the United Nations. Conversely, we seem to be making diverse plans to celebrate Jamaica’s 50th anniversary in 2012 in as far as London. This year may give us an opportunity to, like the Jews of the Holocaust, develop a seriously superior memorial to Slavery, where that ignoble institution can be properly placed within the annals of history, and where our descendants can visit to understand that those of our ancestors who survived the gruelling crossing, were among the most physically strong to have left the shores of Africa. This Memorial to slavery can take many forms and should be located, not in the United States which uses its visa policy as a political weapon against those with whom they may have a difference of opinion. Rather, it should be located in a country like Jamaica or Haiti which is international accessible and which can make this an exciting international project that can complement other such projects on a lesser scale. It could perhaps securing funding from the United Nations agencies as well as major international funders of history and culture. It could become a major attraction for visitors as well as historians interested in learning about the phenomenon of slavery. This should in fact be complementary to the Government of Ghana’s construction of a monument dedicated to “all those who suffered one way or another in the slave trade,” as announced by Tourism and Diaspora Relations Minister Jake ObetsebiLamptey at the official launch of the Joseph Project
Turks and Caicos Sun Suite # 5, Airport Plaza Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands Tel: (649) 946-8542/ (649) 241-1510 Fax: (649) 941-3281 Email: Read us online at
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Hayden Boyce Senior Editor: Vivian Tyson Web Designer: Patrina Moore-Pierre Graphics Editor: Joleen Grant Office Manager: Dominique Rigby Distribution Manger: Kelano Howell Advertising and Marketing ManagerPatrina Moore-Pierre
The Turks and Caicos SUN is a subsidiary of The SUN Media Group Ltd.
We are committed to excellence in journalism, educating and informing our readers, serving and satisfying our advertisers and assisting in the overall development of the Turks and Caicos Islands. at Elmina Castle. With the Joseph Project, a national initiative, Ghana aims to position itself as Diasporas' “Door of Return” back to Africa. “We want to establish a pilgrimage to Ghana, one which every member of the Diaspora must take at least once in their lifetimes,” Mr. Obetsebi-Lamptey said. In promotional materials, the pilgrimage of Diasporas back to Ghana has been compared to the Muslim hajj. Perhaps the benefit of collaboration can offer the project the richness of cooperation detailing the experience of the ‘door or no return’ and the benefit of the slave experience of the Americas. Finally, this may perhaps spur the Government of Jamaica to finally put measures in place to build a national museum and monument dedicated to the memory of National Hero Marcus Mosiah Garvey, and which will pull together all the historical and academic material floating internationally in one physical space. This, no doubt, would redound to the benefit of Jamaica and the Jamaican people as it would provide a focal point for Garvey’s studies and a point of pilgramage for Garveyites the world over.
TURKS AND CAICOS SUN’S LETTERS POLICY The Turks and Caicos SUN welcomes Letters to the Editor.
Letters containing libelous or defamatory charges, personal attacks or abusive language will not be considered for publication. We would prefer letters of 500 words or less, and we will not print anonymous letters or letters tagged with initials.
All letters are subject to the final approval of the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, who reserves the right to accept or reject submissions and to edit letters and headlines to meet our established standards for grammar, clarity and length.
Police investigate second murder for the year
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THE ROYAL TURKS and Caicos Islands Police said they are leaving no stones unturned in their quest to solve the country’s second murder for the year – that of a 52 year-old male Haitian national, who was suspected to have been shot by unknown assailants. Celestin Louidor was discovered on Saturday, September 10, suffering from what appeared to be bullet wounds, in the South Dock area of Providenciales at a spot described as
the former dump. He was taken to the Cheshire Hall Medical Centre and later died from the injured received. Louidor reportedly lived in the vicinity of the South Dock Road area across from construction company CBMS. The Criminal Investigation Division (CID), which is leading the investigations, said one man was picked up for questioning, but according to Deputy Commissioner of Police Brad Sullivan, there has not been any evidence
to arrest anyone in relation to the killing. The police said an autopsy is to be performed on the body of the deceased man so as to ascertain the cause of death. Deputy Commission Sullivan said the police are appealing to the general public who may have seen suspicious activities in the areas to contact the police and relate the information, which he said would be treated in the strictest of confidence. “We are very actively investigating that homicide, running down leads and
furthering the examination of evidence and that sort of thing. But to date, we have no one in custody. The team is fully engaged with furthering the investigation,” Deputy Commissioner Sullivan said. Persons with information are asked to contact the police directly by calling 911 or by utilizing Crime Stoppers by calling 1-800-TIPS (8477), or by sending an encrypted web tip on or friend Crime Stoppers Turks and Caicos on Facebook
Beaches Turks & Caicos to Regularize Employment at the Resort’s Spa
SANDALS RESORTS INTERNATIONAL has advised the Labour Department of the Turks & Caicos Islands of a pending impasse relating to contract employees at Beaches Turks & Caicos Resort Villages and Spa, one of the resorts of the Sandals group. In a letter to Labour Commissioner of Turks and Caicos Islands, Michelle Fulford-Gardiner, and copied to His Excellency the Governor, Mr Damian Roderic Todd and Acting Governor Mr. Martin Stanley, the General Manager of Beaches, Mr Don Dagenais pointed to a long-standing effort by the hotel to regularize the status of workers at the Spa, consistent with the practice throughout the regional chain of hotels operated by Sandals Resorts International. He said that in all the Spas, workers were full
time employees with the associated benefits of fulltime employment and that it was never the intention to permanently maintain contract employment at the Turks and Caicos Resort, as this would be uneconomical and unsustainable. Mr. Dagenais said that after much consultation, notice had been given to the workers of the intention of the hotel to convert all contract employment at the Spa to fulltime tenure by September 2011; however, a small number of workers had been resisting the decision. He said it would be inimical to the reopening of the hotel, which now closed for repairs, to have this issue remain unresolved. And therefore everyone concerned had been informed of the decision to proceed with regularizing the employment status of the workers at the Spa in time for the reopening of
Police investigate severe baby injuries
A SIX MONTH-OLD bay is now in Intensive Care Unit in a Bahamas hospital with severe injuries to its head and eye as the Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Unit of the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police in Providenciales carries out investigation to determine whether or not it was a case of child abuse. According to Police Press Officer Inspector Calvin Chase, the incident first came to light on Friday, September 2, when a report was made to the police. The police said due to the severity of the injuries, the child was flown to Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas, for further medical attention and is still hospitalized in critical condition. Investigators from the Sexual
Assault Domestic Violence unit travelled to the Bahamas to continue their investigation, the report said. The SUN understands that Sandar Toussaint, the mother of the child, left the baby at home with her boyfriend – a Bahamian national who is not the biological father of the child. Reports are that, the man claimed that the bay fell from the bed and sustained the severe injuries. According to Inspector Chase, at this time, no one is in custody and the investigation continues. The SUN learned that Toussaint’s boyfriend was arrested on suspicion but was later released pending the outcome of the police investigation.
THE ROYAL TURKS and Caicos Islands Police in Providenciales arrested and charged a female Canadian national residing in Providenciales for Possession of Cocaine and Possession of Cannabis. Her name was not released, but she was released on police bail with a surety and is scheduled to appear in the Providenciales Magistrate’s Court # 1 on Tuesday 27th September 2011 to answer to those charges.
the resort in early October. Accordingly, he said the attorneys of the hotel had been asked to pursue the matter consistent with the respective legal provisions to ensure that the process was in keeping with the relevant legal requirements. Emphasizing that his letter was aimed at avoiding any misunderstanding of situation, Mr. Dagenais said it was essential that issues surrounding employment were not allowed to distract current efforts to restore Beaches Turks & Caicos to it required operating standard, following the damage done by the recent Hurricane. He pointed to the prevailing economic climate which had resulted in a serious downtown in the major tourism markets of the world and said the focus must be on restoring the hotel in the shortest possible time and maintaining its viability.
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Cutbacks to subsistence for students on scholarships
NEW STUDENTS FROM the Turks and Caicos Islands who will be studying internationally will receive an immediate ten percent reduction in their subsistence. And existing students on international scholarship will also have their subsistence slashed by ten percent as of January 1, 2012 According to a Government press release, full local subsistence of $495 to existing and new local scholars will be paid up to December 31, 2011, but as of January 1, 2012 local subsistence will be discontinued and students would
have to apply for further assistance through the Hardship Fund to be established and administered by the HEB and MOE. These measures were implemented because of the current financial position of the Government, and in an effort to ensure that a larger number of students benefit from government support , the release said. According to the release, students can now breathe a sigh of relief as the Ministry of Finance has made available an additional $700,000 for scholarships, bringing
the total scholarship budget to $4.4m. The additional funding will facilitate the award of new international scholarships, extensions to a limited number of existing scholarships, and local scholarships, the number of which exceeds that awarded during the 2010/11 academic year, based on the same grade performance criteria. “The international scholarships this year are specifically earmarked for students to whom commitments have already been made by virtue of the High School Graduation and National Awards Programmes and students from the TCICC who have maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher,” the release said. “These students will be undertaking studies in areas that are consistent with priority needs of the Turks and Caicos Islands, but areas that are not offered locally. Three students to whom scholarships were offered last year will also commence their studies this year.” The statement said the Higher Education Board (HEB) met during the course of this week to review
applications for scholarships to local institutions, and students were notified of the outcome of their application by Wednesday, 14th September. The HEB emphasizes that scholarships will be based on merit, and will be determined by the priority needs of the Turks and Caicos Islands. During the year the National Scholarship Program will be revised through wide stakeholder consultation. “The Ministry of Education will be monitoring more closely the performance of students and will be enforcing the policies governing the scholarship programme. Students who are not meeting the required standards will be withdrawn from the programme,” the statement added. “The Ministry of Education urges all new scholarship recipients at both the international and local level to take the opportunity for higher education very seriously and act responsibly as they pursue their studies. Parents are also implored to not only encourage their children to remain focused, but to also check on their academic progress regularly with the aim of ensuring that they complete their programme in a timely manner.”
Responsibilities: The successful applicant will be responsible for the general cleaning of communal areas, sweeping and mopping of floors, cleaning of windows and removal of trash. The applicant will also be responsible for any other duties assigned in regards to general cleaning. Requirements: The successful applicant must be able to work with little to no supervision, should be physically fit, hard working and reliable. Wages: $6.00 per hour Interested applicants should contact Veronica Rigby via email by September 23, 2011 at or by fax 649-946-5191. Suitable applicants will be contacted by email or telephone to schedule an interview.
VANDERLINE GARDINER is seeking persons To work in North Caicos
Two Labourers
Should be able to work shifts, holidays & weekends, physically capable to do hard manual labour and lift heavy equipment.
One Domestic Helper
Should be able to Lift heavy objects, clean, iron & wash. Salary $6.00 per hour Please contact 339-4100 ex 4
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Turks and Caicos Bar Council responds to Attorney General Huw Shepheard’s call for investigation
THE BAR COUNCIL has responded to the Attorney General’s (AG’s) press release on August 31, 2011 wherein the AG announced that he has asked SIPT to undertake an investigation against 2 attorneys following the judgment of Mr. Justice Geoffrey Martin in the case of the AG v Emerald Cay Ltd and others. The learned Judge had invited the AG to investigate and if thought appropriate to consider making a formal complaint to the Bar Council against the 2 attorneys under section 24 of the Legal Profession Ordinance. The Bar Council confirms that the AG has not yet made any such formal complaint to it in respect of this George Missick President of the TCI Bar Council matter. The AG also announced in his expected that the AG would comply press release that in addition to with His Lordship’s recommendation carrying out the Judge’s wishes that he in the Emerald Cay case, it is wished to establish whether the committed to upholding the honour practice of deliberate underpayment of and independence of the Bar. stamp duty had prevailed more widely The Bar Council therefore labels throughout the TCI and if so, whether the AG’s press release as reckless as there is evidence of the commission of although it does not say so, it has led criminal offences. many to believe that the entire In the final paragraph of the AG’s profession is to be investigated with release he states that he expects and the effect that it has diminished the have no doubt that all members of the reputation of attorneys and the TCI Bar will cooperate fully and in practice of law in these islands. accordance with their professional This is evident from the fact that obligation. Although the Bar Council immediately following the Attorney
General’s statement there were articles in the Turks & Caicos Free Press, the Turks & Caicos Sun, the Turks & Caicos Weekly News, and an editorial in the TCI Journal all commenting on the Press Release as “an investigation of attorneys”. The Bar Council is therefore calling on the Attorney General to clarify this matter posthaste as it has led to much speculation and unfair criticisms of the profession. Additionally, the Bar Council also questions by what authority the AG has purported to act in enlarging and extending the remit of SIPT to conduct such a wide spread investigation where a very specific complaint has been made by a judge. The AG accepts that by asking SIPT to conduct such a wide investigation that this will lead to an increase in staffing numbers and no doubt an increase in cost. Further, as the conclusion of the SIPT investigations is apparently one of the last milestones to be reached before elections are allowed to be held in the Turks and Caicos, how and why are SIPT being tasked with additional work which could have the affect of delaying such an important milestone? The public may rest assured that the Bar will continue to carry out its functions which are to maintain the
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honour and independence of the Bar Association and to promote and encourage proper standards of practice and conduct among members of the Bar Association. Any complaint of professional misconduct received against a member will be taken seriously, investigated and where such complaint discloses a prima facie case of professional misconduct will be referred to the Chief Justice for disciplinary action in accordance with Section 24 of the Legal Profession Ordinance.
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Must be a Trained Teacher At least 10 Teaching Experience at the Elementary Level Preferably a Masters Degree in Education Must possess and uphold strong Christian values Must be able to work on own initiative Belonger preferable. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Submitted by Tuesday, September 20, 2011 to: The Chairman, Antioch Seventh-day Adventist Church P.O 803 Grand Turk
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Workers take Provo Building Supply and Doug Parnell to Labour Tribunal again
Som workers employed by Provo Building Supply in Providenciales are taking their employers, Doug Parnell, to court on what they claimed is its failure to pay them salaries owed for more than three months. The Labour Tribunal, which is the body that the matter is now before, has yet to respond to the workers’ request, which was being made for the second time, having withdrawn their first application early this year, after filing for the first time late last year. The workers are claiming that Provo Building Supply paid them only a small part of their respective salaries. The funds received so far, according to their originating application, was doled out in piecemeal fashion, some claiming that of the almost $10,000 owed to some of them, they received only $900, which was dispensed in three installments of $300. Some of them are also claiming vacation monies, which they said the company failed to pay. Doug Parnell In 2010, Parnell, who is also leader of the People’s Democratic Movement (PDM), paid out to have a backlog of cases waiting to be disposed $200,000 to victims of massive multi-millionof, did not give a date for a preliminary hearing in dollar scam in which he was involved in the USA. that case. Meantime, the Labour Tribunal, which is said
Labour Tribunal records also show that seven employees from Provo Building Supply made an application there on November 30, 2011. On December 6, that same year, the Labour Tribunal served notice on Provo Building Supply regarding the matter. A hearing was set for March 11, 2011, but on January 18, the workers withdrew their application. The Labour Tribunal then closed the case on the same day, and on February 2, 2011, notified Provo Building Supply of the withdrawal notice by the workers and the subsequent closure. On August 16 this year, the employees contacted the Labour Tribunal with a request to reopen the case. Such request is still pending, according to the Tribunal, but the matter will definitely be heard. No defense was filed by Provo Building Supply on the first application by the workers. The SUN learned that several of the Employees at Provo Building Supply have been employed to that entity for many years and said they are not prepared to walk away leaving their years of service pay behind, even though at times frustration on the job have been forcing them to pull up stumps.
Health worries at Five Cays Cemetery
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RESIDENTS OF FIVE CAYS are calling on the Environmental Health Department to clean up the Five Cays Cemetery and institute some order there as it is being operated contrary to health regulation. Some of the residents, who said that they have reached frustration level after dozens of complaints to the Environmental Health Department, pointed out that the facility was not only left to deteriorate by the authorities but also was becoming a free-for-all for persons of other communities to come and bury their dead. One of the many contentious issues, the residents say, was the lack of health concern exhibited by some people, who left graves improperly covered at the facility. They feared that an outbreak of disease caused as a result, could easily overwhelm the community, since the cemetery is in such close proximity. They said that some of the people, who used the Five Cays Cemetery, actually refused to bury their dead in their own communities where public cemeteries have been designated, which they said was wrong. The angry residents claimed that due to the lack of Government oversight, individuals have begun to bury their dead in areas designated for parking and driveways, which they said now makes it very difficult to access other graves on the compound. One of the residents, Angela TuckerArthur said: ‘The graveyard is in a very deplorable condition. People can’t even get to their graves. The graveyards in other areas are kept to the point that they look like people can go there and live. Ours is not in that kind of condition, and
A section of the Five Cays cemetery which shows bushes camouflaging the tombs
we want to the Government to step up and do something about Five Cays graveyard like they do about the others.” Arthur-Tucker added: “This graveyard was always kept in good condition by the Government until a few years ago. The same people who cleaned the streets would be the same people who clean the graveyard. They are not organizing anything here. There is an area for burial and the front area for parking, but now, graves are coming to the front.” Another resident, Mettie MorleyDelancy said officials from the Environmental Health Department told her that relatives are required to seek permission to bury their dead in a designated area, and when the funeral has ended officials from that department would visit the gravesite to ensure that the body is buried according to public health regulation. But she said it appears that the authorities have stopped doing such follow ups. “So we have watched the
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graveyard deteriorate. We have been asking for help peacefully. We went to the Environmental Health Department and met with them, and they said they would have met with us, but they never did. So we can’t take it anymore. The Environmental Health does not come in Five Cays. I don’t see somebody dying in Blue Hills and coming to five Cays to be buried; I don’t see why someone dies in the Bight and have to come into Five Cays to be buried. That is absolutely wrong. The Planning Department does not come in Five Cays, so we are angry and we are tired.” Morley-Delancy said. The residents are also not happy
about what they described as a mass grave that Government dug to bury bodies several bodies before relocating the Myrtle Rigby Clinic Operation from the former spot to the Cheshire Hall Medical Centre. In the meantime, pastor for the Rock of Jesus Ministry in Five Cays, Bishop Bryant Cox, who expressed oneness with the residents and their views, said he met with a representative of the Environmental Health Department, who visited the cemetery sometime on Wednesday (September 14). He said during the meeting a plan was devised to address the vexing problem at the facility.
The Joint Liquidators of Johnston International Limited (In Liquidation) invite Creditors to attend a Meeting to receive a report on the progress of the Liquidation to date and to attend to such other business as may properly be conducted at the Meeting. DATE: TIME: LOCATION: CENTRE
PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT: Only those creditors who have submitted Proof of Debt Forms to the Joint Liquidators prior to 12.00 noon on Monday September 26, 2011 will be admitted to the meeting. A creditor may appoint a proxy to attend and vote on his or her behalf. For further information, Proof of Debt or Proxy Forms please contact: Andrew J. Newlands/Paul Dempsey (Joint Liquidators) JOHNSTON INTERNATIONAL LIMITED (IN LIQUIDATION) c/o 1, Caribbean Place P.O. Box 97 Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands Tel: 649-946-4109/946-4344 Fax: 649-941-4561/946-4564 Email:
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Attacker attempts to cut-off Philippino man’s tongue TURKS AND CAICOS SUN
By Vivian Tyson SUN Senior Editor
Emilia points to the section of his tongue which required stitches to reattach after an attacker tried to apparently severe it.
Emilia showed a healing knife wound on his thigh which he was inflicted by an attacker
WHEN ONE OF FOUR armed men barged into the South Dock Road boat repair sleeping quarters occupied by Philippines national Virgilio Emilia on August 29, not only did he try to stab and slice him to death, but also attempted to sever his tongue. The Philippines national who was attacked by the man slinging a gun and a knife, has fled the TCI with his family, fearing that he may not survive another such attack, since it was his second brutal encounter at the facility. A day before his Sunday, September 11 departure from the TCI, Emilia was caught by The SUN shortly after worshipping at the Blue Hills Seventh Day Adventists Church, where his plight was highlighted by pastor for the church, Michael A. Smith, during his short sermon. Giving an account of the first attack, Emilia said about three weeks to a month ago, he was inside the facility early one morning when he was attacked by three men with guns and knives, who robbed him of two computers, jewelry and money. He was also physically attacked during the incident and was hit on the head. The mechanic said he identified one of the men who he said was not wearing a disguise. He said he told the police during the ensuing interview. “The police said they caught that one person, but (police) never called me to identify that person,” Emilia said. He said following the attack he went to Grand Turk for brief working period, where he related the incident to a friend, who assured him he would assist the police in apprehending the culprits, pointing out that the second attack took place hours after he returned from the country’s capital. “When I came back to Provo from Grand Turk in the afternoon, I was very tired. I washed my clothes, I then went to sleep. I called my wife about 11 o’clock in the night and told her I was okay. “Early in the morning, I hear noise on the outside, but I thought it was my friend, so I went back to sleep again. Then a few minutes later I heard another loud
sound which knocked my door open. Then one person came in with a gun and knocked me in the back. I tried to fight back, but he took a knife and start to cut me really, really fast,” Emilia said. He said while he was on the ground the man paused his attack and then relieved him of all the money he had in the room, before resuming their onslaught on him again. “He stabbed my chest, he stabbed my back plenty times, and then he stabbed my legs. Then before he went away, he cut my tongue. The doctor stitched it back up when I went to the hospital,” Emilia said. Emilia continued: “When he (attacker) left, another person came in to check on me, because (first attacker) thought I was dead. When he came in the room, I told him that I wanted to go back to my country, and he said ‘I know you. I didn’t touch you’;” he called the other person (attacker) and said ‘why you kill this man?’” Emilia said he beseeched the second man to take him to the hospital, telling him that Jesus loved him. He said the man informed him that he would fetch his (Emilia) friend to take him to the hospital. ‘I said to him ‘you don’t kill me friend?’ and he said ‘no, I will get your friend to take you to the hospital’,” Emilia further noted. He said the second man assisted in getting him to the jeep for his friend to drive him to the hospital. Emilia said he spent two weeks in the hospital where he underwent life-saving surgery. He said a number of tubes were placed into sections of his body to drain blood which bled internally as a result of the knife attack. He said before the operation he was coughing up a great deal of blood. “I think I know the guy (who attacked me), because somebody was telling that he came to me already about fixing a boat with fiberglass,” Emilia said. He said the attack on him did not only threaten his life but also jeopardized his children’s future, since he was forced to leave the job to return to his homeland. He said though, that his boss – Sherlock Walkin - told him that his job would be waiting for him if he so desires to return to the TCI, an invitation Emilia said he would not be willing to take up in the foreseeable future as a result of his experience.
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Grand Turk schools left in the cold, residents say
By Vivian Tyson SUN Senior Editor
TOO MUCH ATTENTION is being focused on public schools on Providenciales especially, while little consideration is being given to schools in Grand Turk, more so the Ona Glinton Primary, which was razed by fire some time ago; that is the concern expressed by a number of persons across the length and breadth of the Turks and Caicos Islands. The residents even took their concern inside cyber space where it is being hotly debated on popular social network site Facebook. One of the participants wrote: “Are there any schools on Grand Turk? Everyone is just focusing on schools on Providenciales as if the schools in Grand Turk do not need any help, especially Ona Glinton that was destroyed by fire.” Another wrote: “Some schools have two sponsors while others have none. The schools in the other islands need help also especially Grand Turk and Salt Cay. Someone needs to highlight the plight and struggles of the schools in Grand Turk. A ministry official who spoke to The SUN on the issue said efforts
were being made to make the lives of children and teachers at the Ona Glinton High School better, but has not been done the way they would have loved it so far. The source said a pair of containerized classrooms, which arrived recently, was being prepared so that it could be occupied by the children as soon as possible to address the cramped space at the now limited learning facility. As it relates to physical construction on the property, the source said the Engineering and Maintenance Service (EMS) was hammering out the best suitable way to commence such undertaking, but could not say when that would come The Ona Glinton Primary School was ravaged by fire on Sunday, November 21, 2010 displacing 312 children. on stream. Addressing the issue of However, despite the setback, worshipping at the time, rushed to sponsorship, the Ministry official the scene and even quickly formed Ona Glinton still managed to register said such initiative was being done their own fire-dousing unit before the two top ten places in the recent by private enterprises, and apart from Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) official fire service arrived. making suggestions when Despite their efforts, the blaze in Esperaneza Pardo and Kristien approached by these entities, there is gutted more than fifty percent of the Simons. little the Ministry could do to make The last known public building, destroying unspecified the business places channel their amount of school and personal presentation to the school following resources into places other than their the fire was made by valuables. areas of choice. One of the most vital areas telecommunications provider LIME, Fifty percent of the Ona Glinton destroyed was the computer room. on Wednesday, June 15 this year. Primary was destroyed when a raging No public statement from the The donation was $6,000, and was inferno ripped through the building relevant authorities as to the origin designated towards the school’s on November 21, 2010. Residents, development. of the fire was made. some of whom were in church
TWO LABOURERS - Should be able to work shifts, physically capable to do hard manual labour and lift heavy equipment.
AIRCRAFT MECHANICS- Experience working on piston and turbopropeller aircraft. Responsible for inspecting, servicing, repairing and testing aircraft, engines and related systems as directed. Read, understand and work from aircraft maintenance manuals and specifications. Salaries commensurate with experience. ONE (1) FLIGHT ATTENDANT Five (5) years or more experience. Willing to work flexible hours. Proficient in word, power point and excel: 90 words per minute crew quality data entry. Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Manage over all safety, crew coordination briefing paper work and in flight entertainment. Instill quality Customer Service in front line position. Salary commensurate with experience.
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CAUSE AND EFFECT AT THE PUBLIC TROUGH By The Torch The Torch has presented proposals for TCI economic recovery. Please see prior issues of the Sun for those proposals. If implemented, they would cause the additional and entirely secondary benefits of public debt repayment and TCIG revenue enhancement. The rationale behind The Torch's economic recovery proposals is that nothing alleviates poverty better than wealth. There is obviously not enough available wealth already in these islands to support either a vibrant local economy or the profligate spending programs of the Socialist TCIG. Therefore, we equally obviously need to attract new wealth. Meanwhile, the Brit High Command continues to pretend that seizing more of the ever-diminishing existent wealth for their Socialist spending programs will cause TCI economic recovery, when in fact it will not even cause real or sustainable TCIG revenue enhancement. According to the recently disclosed Brit figures for 2Q 2011, Taxes on Transactions, Taxes on Domestic Goods and Transactions, Licenses and Duties went up 30.6%, 47.3%, 64.8% and 17.8%, respectively, year over year. Cumulatively, these increases were $8.2963M or 117% of the overall increase in TCIG revenue year on year. In other words, all other areas of TCIG revenue combined, albeit smaller ones, contracted. These superficially impressive increases happened in an unarguably receding economy. By definition, people were not spending more on transactions, domestic goods, purchases of licenses or dutiable goods during this period. They were spending less! So how did these figures increase so much over last year's? Easy. These increases do not represent a sustainable expansion of TCIG earning capacity. They represent an extraordinary single corrective event. Notwithstanding any included marginal increase in low value resort tourism and even lower value cruise ship tourism, these increases substantially represent nothing more than a decriminalization of the duty and tax collection systems of the Tauwhare/Misick regime. These increases were the amounts, for the putative benefit of public schools, the police force, roads, bridges, infrastructure, scholarships and public debt reduction, that were instead given by the Plunder Nepotism and Pilfering political gang to their cronies year after year as “empowerment of TCIslanders.” That un-collected money should have benefited all TCIslanders and residents equally. It should also have been an indication of fiscal responsibility to potential inbound investors. Instead, it is now an actual dollar quantification of how badly so-called TCI leaders screwed their countrymen under the comatose watch of Dick Tauwhare. So these otherwise impressive revenue increases are fine as far as they go. They are real money, but no one should be confused. This actual TCIG revenue enhancement is not based upon anything but a decriminalization of TCIG functions. In other words, notwithstanding that we don't yet know whether there is more decriminalization to be revealed, this type of increase won't happen next year, though the enhanced amounts collected will now begin to contract at a rate based upon the effects of the global recession and the anti-business policies of the Brit High Command. These decriminalization figures also finally provide us an answer as to why the Brit High Command could not be “transparent” until now. They were waiting for the big kick from decriminalization. The new FCO drones now coming in will be able to spout “transparency” and the imagined effects of their intervention ad nauseum. Don't forget. Brit constitutional failures allowed the TCI economic downturn far beyond the level dictated by the global recession and anyone, including a panel consisting of the next 10 people who walk into Smokey's, could decriminalize the Brit-supervised economic morass at least as well as the culpable Brits. So while The Torch has focused on expanding the existing wealth pool on an objective, sustainable and controllable free-market basis, the Brit High Command has pursued a disingenuous course of unexplained budgetary tricks, tax increases better suited to a large non-island welfare state and continuity of profligate Socialist spending that will scare away new investors and their wealth. No one will come here to pay our public debt through a VAT. Potential new investors will also be painfully aware of the pent-up criminal frustrations of the political gangs, which are only temporarily disconnected from their “empowerment” business.
On TCIG's revenue side, apart from licenses and so-called “services,” TCIG has nothing to sell in order to increase its revenue. This is so for at least two reasons: (1) Tourism happens regardless of anything TCIG does. It is a national asset of the TCI, but it is not a product of TCIG, though TCIG behaves like it is; and (2) TCIG has not embraced, at least publicly, any sense of The Torch's Designer Immigration product, and it is therefore not a product of TCIG, though it should be. Accordingly, all that the Socialist TCIG considers it can do to enhance its revenue is to raise its prices on licenses, duties, fines and its fees for what it considers its “services.” Every experienced retailer of products or services knows that raising prices in a receding economy is Retail Mistake #1. When a government on an island raises its prices, it is a double-whammy. It will sell less of what its existent customers consider its discretionary “services,” such that overall sales revenues will be flat, and potential new customers are dis-incentivized. It is much more easy to attract new wealth, which inevitably would trickle down to TCIG revenue, than it is to affect the public debt side of the equation. When wealth is attracted, there are no losers. When you cut spending, someone always gets hurt. When the spending you are cutting is government spending, most of those hurt will have had no right to be receiving the public funding in the first place, but they rarely realize that or understand that their unjustified receipts are a windfall with which they should graciously walk away. The overspending of the Tauwhare/Misick regime and its consequences will dog the TCI for years to come. It is proportionately more difficult to attract new wealth to cause TCI economic recovery when there is a relatively large known public debt and nothing but anti-investment and anti-retirement Socialist rhetoric and action emanating from the Brit High Command. On TCIG's expenditure side, what can be done? A lot, and it is obvious. However, that logical question will be irrelevant due to the Socialist ideology of the Brit High Command. Public employment is seen by the Brits as the purest and most socially acceptable form of human employment. So while at this writing, the Brit time and motion “experts” will meet shortly with the representatives of those holding approximately 1500 TCIG welfare non-jobs, the real question for taxpayers is not what can or should be done, but what will be done. Thanks to the Brit High Command's eventual release of some financial figures recently, we have some indication of how bad things are on the public debt side for our economic recovery. This is not intended as a complete analysis of those figures, but The Torch briefly highlights a few points for the potential attention of others: - (1) What could possibly be hidden in the quarterly $8.7M expenditure category benignly entitled, “Sundry Expenses?” It amounts to 19.5% of TCIG's total expenditures of your money. It went up 60% last year. The Brits have declined to tell you what it includes; - (2) If the Brit High Command has last year's figures against which to compare 2Q 2011, why didn't they release 2Q 2010 figures before? Wouldn't it make more sense to have released the earlier figures first – as soon as they were compiled reliably – even if they had no prior year figures against which to be compared? That would provide us and our potential investors with a better benchmark for improvement. Isn't that what the Brit High Command wants? - (3)The most sensational figure in the recent budget disclosure is that if you deduct Pension and Gratuities from the total of Personnel Costs, and ignore the potential meaning of “Gratuities” such that it is assumed that these are not amounts being received by current TCIG personnel, we are left with current personnel costs of $14.9872M for the quarter or perhaps $4.996M per month. This figure doesn't include other secondary personnel expenditures such as rent, training and equipment, which are dispersed elsewhere throughout the budget. Direct current personnel costs represent 33.8% of overall TCIG expenditures! We still have no actual disclosed personnel statistics. The two figures The Torch has heard authoritatively used for numbers of civil service personnel are 2300 and 3000. If the former is accurate, the average monthly gross wage of a TCI civil servant was $2172 in 2Q 2011. If the latter, the average would have been $1665. The Torch finds the latter figure more credible, so will assume again an approximate civil service staffing of 3000. And once again, we have no idea if this includes the police force
or not. This is worse than The Torch predicted in the Sun edition right after February 22 (The Torch's submission date will be slightly before actual publication date), when he wrote: “The Torch guesses on the basis of prior civil service job advertisements to which he barely paid attention that the AVERAGE TCI civil service gross monthly salary is $1200. The Torch has found no one in his circle who has disagreed with that guess. The Torch will also assume an extra 40% on top for the cost to TCIG to provide a workplace, equipment, holidays, sick days, health and retirement benefits, etc. That means each civil servant costs TCIG on AVERAGE about $1200 + $480 (40%)=$1680 per month. If we had a 3% ratio of civil servants to resident population, that would mean 900 civil servants. That would mean we are now paying 1400 untenable civil servants [The Torch was working at that time with the 2300 guess] an AVERAGE of $1680 each, including benefits, per month. The Torch is assuming a level redundancy across all wage levels of the civil service as he has no data indicating there are more hangerson at the top or the bottom. 1400 unnecessary civil servants X $1680 per month X 12 months = $28,224,000 in target budgetary savings per annum from the civil service payroll. That's over 56% of the overall annual budget deficit.” [end of Feb 22 quote] It now appears that more accurate figures would be 2100 unnecessary civil servants X $1665 average gross monthly wages (NOT including any secondary personnel costs, which could still be 40% of gross wages) = $3.4965M per month in TCIG public expenditure reductions. Across 2Q 2011, that kind of savings would have produced a TCIG income or recurrent surplus of $6.3411M, not including the $3.1786M capital surplus, and continuing quarter after quarter thereafter. What does all of this mean? It means that TCIG expenditures have consequences that are not always immediately apparent. And it means that there is an ideology component to public finance. The Brits are not going to fire anything like 1400 or 2100 civil servants. Not only do they not have whatever it takes to do so, but a $25.3M TCIG annual revenue surplus would obliterate their own declared primary milestone towards permitting democracy in the TCI. This would be too good a result. The Brits will not permit it. Let's see now. $25.3M surplus per year. That would cover: (1) a new state of the art police station or three; (2) funding for proper police training, equipment and maintenance; (3) a serious repayment schedule for the $260M Britsupervised public debt; (4) regular maintenance and replacement programs for all ambulances and garbage trucks (services which should be privatized anyway); (5) an Internet-ready laptop for every 11-year old and older student (“Lost another one? No probs. We've got plenty. Here, take two;”) (6) completion of the illegal alien radar detection system; (7) establishment of an islands-wide wifi network, which should be privately owned and operated – a nobrainer boom for businesses, students and tourists; (8) TCIG electric bills (only just); (9) the prison camps that will be necessary if the cops ever begin to enforce traffic laws and hundreds of people are advised by the magistrate, “That'll be $350 or 10 days;” (10) renegotiation from a more powerful position of the PPC and Provo Stevedoring monopolies; (11) a rocket up the collective backsides of the laggards at SIPT, so that we can begin to take out the trash and attract honest inbound investment; and (12) democracy! So, to the CSA and the “empowered” 2100 welfare job holders – please enjoy your non-jobs as long as you possibly can. TCIslanders and residents are very happy to buy them for you. We'd much rather support you than buy anything from the above list or risk looking like a fiscally responsible destination for new wealth. “Those who profess to favor freedom, yet deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightening. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will." -- Frederick Douglass
Ten illegal Haitians drown; alleged traffickers in lock-up
By Vivian Tyson SUN Senior Editor
THE SUN WAS reliably informed that a former Bahamian Coast Guard and his brother are among a crew of 10 people in custody facing drugs and human trafficking charges arising from the drowning of 10 Haitian nationals who met their untimely death while seeking to enter the Turks and Caicos Islands illegally - and the seizure of a sizable amount of drugs, on Saturday September 10. Deputy Commissioner of Police Brad Sullivan, said charges were expected to be laid against the men late Thursday evening, saying also that at this time they were not being charged in relation to the drowning. Ten bodies – five men and five women - were fished from the sea by a search and rescue crew in the South Dock area of Providenciales, after it was suspected that the captain of the cargo boat, which appeared to have been moonlighting as a smuggler's vessel, allegedly forced the illegal Haitian migrants into a rickety overloaded wooden boat destined to shore. Government communications
officer, Kendol Morgan, who issued a statement on the incident, said the migrants drowned while being transferred to shore by a smaller vessel. “TCIG (Turks and Caicos Islands Government) confirms that persons travelling on a Haitian commercial vessel were seeking to enter the TCI illegally, and in the process of being transferred to shore by smaller boat, a number tragically drowned. Illegal drugs were also found,” Morgan said in the statement. Directly addressing the drowning, Morgan said: “These tragic events show just how dangerous it is to seek to enter the TCI illegally by boat. TCIG, supported by Crimestoppers and the US Coastguard, wants to send a clear message to would-be illegal migrants from neighbouring countries not to dice with death in this way.” In the meantime, Larry Mills, Acting Director for Immigration has announced that a National Contingency Plan has been put in place to handle the problem of mass illegal migration. He said under the plan, any wouldbe migrant coming to the TCI in such a fashion would be treated humanely,
but also questioned closely and returned home swiftly in accordance with TCI law. Morgan added that the work to get the new coastal radar system up and running continues. He said a piece of equipment to fully commission the facility has been erected and an expert from Bermuda was due in TCI this month to assist with further stages. “As part of the Ministry of Border Control and Labour's current change programme, a Border Control and Enforcement command is being set up under the leadership of the Director of Immigration. This command will work in closer partnership with the police, customs and other key agencies to strengthen TCI's borders and enforce the law effectively. “As advised by the public service reform process, immigration officers will be deployed according to priorities, and provided with more training, to maximise the effectiveness of the department. This work is being supported by a Change Manager from the UK Border Agency, Mr Simon Excell, who arrived in TCI this month. “Mr Excell has many years experience of borders and enforcement
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LOCAL NEWS operations in the UK. He is being funded by the UK as part of a comprehensive programme of support and capability building for the Ministry of Border Control and Labour, including a senior UK immigration adviser, and a policy and casework change manager located in Grand Turk,” Morgan pointed out. Haitians, whose country is listed as the poorest in the Western Hemisphere, often make treacherous voyage to the TCI, risking their lives in search of jobs. However, over the years, many have lost their lives during the two to three day journey. In the meantime, Deputy Police Commissioner Sullivan said the back of certain illegal activities taking place within the country and on our waters can be broken with greater involvement of individuals and closer networking of the relevant parties. “I really believe that community involvement along with the better working relationships lawenforcement agencies – from Port Authority, Immigration to Customs and police, can stop some of these activities. “And also, we have to work with other countries and build better working relationship with them, to incorporate better sharing of information and intelligence in a timely manner, so that we are prepared, that we can, hopefully stop these tragic incidents before they happen,” Deputy Commissioner Sullivan said.
Reports to: Finance Director
Main Duties and Responsibilities:
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Ambergris Cay Facilities Ltd is seeking an employee on a month to month basis to fill a post on Ambergris Cay. The available post is for a
1. Maintain Fuel Farm, gray tank, generator tank and tractor fuel in accordance with international standards. 2. Maintain and supply treatment to fuel tanks. 3. Maintain and control stocks of fuel. 4. Maintain inventory of spare and repair parts, materials and tools to ensure continuous functioning without discontinuity. 5. Provide weekly and monthly reports on fuel. 6. Check all piping for leakage. 7. Report any and all matters to Facilities Manager 8. basic power plant maintenance. 9. Incinerator maintenance & operation and all related tasks 10. Ensure all work sites are left in a usable and safe condition. 11. Participate in fire training. Salary: Between US$33,000 to US$36.000 per annum.
Closing Date for Applications is Friday September 30th, 2011.
Applications must be in writing addressed to: Ambergris Cay Facilities Ltd, Unit 51, Salt Mills Plaza, Grace Bay, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, E-mail: Tel: (649)-941-3777 Fax: (649)-941-3778
Page 16
1. Parcel 60605/136, Norway & Five Cays, Providenciales. Comprising of a single storey residential development, providing four bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms and spacious general living areas. Located in front, a guest house with accommodations of two bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen, one ensuite bathroom and one bathroom. Registered Proprietors: Strashun Dakaria Williams
Interested persons should submit resume to: Alpha Christian Academy School Board Kishco Plaza Leeward Highway Attn: Chairman ACA School Board
Scotiabank (Turks & Caicos) Ltd. of Cherokee Road, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands hereby gives notice of its intention to sell by Public Auction the following properties pursuant to its power of sale as registered Chargee under the Registered Land Ordinance of the Turks and Caicos Islands:
2. Parcel 60505/226, Blue Hills and Stamers Run, Providenciales. Comprising of a single storey development, providing three bedrooms, two bathrooms, living room, kitchen and dining area. Registered Proprietor: Demetria Latoya Simmons. 3. Parcel 10409/51, East Suburbs, Grand Turk. Comprising of a two- storey residential development providing four bedrooms, three bathrooms, kitchen living and dining area. Registered Proprietor: Warren Alexander Williams 4. Parcel 60003/73, North West and North Central, Providenciales.Comprising of a single storey residential development providing two bedrooms, one bathroom, great room, dining area, kitchen, one bathroom and a covered porch. Registered proprietor: Keisha Andrea Gilbert
5. Parcel 10303/49 Central, Grand Turk. Comprising of a detached single storey residential development providing four bedrooms, three bathrooms, kichen, dining living area, family room, laundry, outdoor garage and a tank. Registered Proprietor: Terrilyn Brendalee Ingham 6. Parcel 60811/23, The Bight & Thomas Stubbs, Providenciales. Comprising of a single storey development, providing 3 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, living/dining areas. Registered proprietor: Oletta Louise Robinson
7. Parcel 60003/08, North West & North Central, Providenciales. Comprising of a single storey development providing three bedrooms, two bathrooms (one en-suite), a laundry room, closets and a porch area to the front of the Property. Registered Proprietor: Alan James Percy 8. Parcel 10409/56 East Suburbs, Grand Turk. Comprising of a single storey building providing three main bedrooms, two bathrooms, spacious living areas as well as an internal garage. Outside land is fenced with overground water catchment system. Registered Proprietor: Richard Peter Garland
1 DOMESTIC WORKER Salary $5.00 per hr. Must be hardworking and reliable Contact 231-3892
To work six days per week Salary $9.00 per hour Contact Edith Williams at 244-0212
9. Parcel 60716/138, Cheshire Hall Richmond Hill, Providenciales. Comprising of a detached single storey residential development with a gazebo, guest house, swimming pool and outbuildings. The property provides two bedrooms, two full baths, one part bath, a family room, living, dining and kitchen area. Registered Proprietor: Ronald Joseph Burton 10. Parcel 60003/123 North West and North Central Providenciales. Comprising of a single storey residential development providing an open plan living room/kitchen/diner, three bedrooms, two bathrooms (one ensuite), laundry room and closets Registered Proprietors: Nathan Glyndwr Busby and Sarah Jane Edge
11. Parcel 60505/173 Blue Hills and Stamers Run, Providenciales. Comprising of a single storey residential development providing two bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen and living area. Externally, there is a utility house to the rear end of the property. Registered Proprietors: Lenford Cordel Butler and Tamara Olita Munroe 12. Parcel 60003/51, North West and North Central, Providenciales. Comprising of a one storey residential development, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, living room, kitchen and dining room. Registered Proprietor: Barbara Lynn Harris
13. Parcel 60602/123, Norway Five Cays, Providenciales. Comprising of a two storey residential development, providing two, one bedroom apartments on the ground floor and one, two bedroom apartment on the upper floor, ground floor deck and upper floor balcony. Registered Proprietor: Shirlen Grovernor Hamilton 14.Parcel 60503/152, Blue Hills and Stamers Run, Providenciales. Comprising of a single residential development providing bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living and dining area. Registered Proprietor: Kirkley George Rigby
15.Parcel 60604/112, Norway & Five Cays, Providenciales. Comprising of a single storey detached building with a partial lower floor which provides 2 two bedroom apartments to the main floor and a single studio to the partial lower floor. A second detached single storey two bedroom residence. Registered Proprietors: Frank Carlos Duverge and Mernela Lexis Duverge
16.Parcel 60807/90, The Bight & Thomas Stubbs, Providenciales comprising of a guest residence providing two bedrooms, one bathroom, open plan living, dining and kitchen area including an external covered porch. Second building provides a main house with garage efficiency and a separate one bedroom efficiency unit. Registered Proprietors: John Emanuel Williams and Carlene Andra Nadine Williams
The auction will be held at the offices of Scotiabank (Turks and Caicos) Limited, Grace Bay Branch, Providenciales at 10 o’clock in the morning on Friday the 23rd day of September 2011. A reserve price will be fixed on all parcels. A deposit of 10% is due immediately upon all accepted bids. Terms and Conditions of Sale by Auction are available by request from Scotiabank Collections Manager (649) 946-4750.
IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Manager of Travel Industry Sales
The Manger of Travel Industry Sales is a key part of our U. S. based sales team, responsible for group and leisure sales. May be based on South Florida or NYC area. Requirements: • Proven Post secondary degree or equivalent or equivalent qualification by experience • Strong written and verbal skills with documented responsibility for promotions, sales and marketing. • Proven success in luxury travel/hospitality sales, with established relationships with top luxury tour operators, travel agents, incentive houses, and meeting planners • Must have experience selling luxury Caribbean properties and understand wholesalers, FIT and high-end travel agency professionals. • Able and willing to work all days and shift
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Page 17
Former Governor Gordon Wetherell was certain about constitution suspension long before it was announced
FOR AT LEAST three months before the Constitution of the Turks and Caicos Islands was suspended, former Governor Gordon Wetherell told officials at the US Embassy in The Bahamas that was “certain” about direct rule being imposed on this country. That’s according to a US Embassy cable that was created on June 13th, 2009 and released by WikiLeaks on August 30,2011. The cable said Wetherell acknowledged to the US Ambassador that the relationship between former Governor Richard Tauwhare and former Premier Michael Misick was “uncomfortably close”. Commenting on the suspension of the Constitution which actually took place on August 14, 2009, the US Embassy cable stated: “Gordon Wetherell, Britain's new governor of the tiny Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) British Overseas Territory just to the south of The Bahamas, told Embassy Nassau Charge that he is certain that the final report from a Commission of Inquiry into gross mismanagement by ex-Premier Michael Misick - due to be made public in the next few weeks - will cause London to suspend TCI's constitution and its elected House of Assembly,” the cable said. “Wetherell admitted that the suspension of local elected government is a harsh but necessary step toward rectifying years of financial mismanagement the by the Misick administration. In a separate conversation May 29 with Embassy London Poloff, an FCO officer who covers TCI issues observed that "the situation has not improved" in TCI since the issuance of the interim report. The FCO officer affirmed that the final report should be complete soon, that HMG would spend a few weeks "digesting" the report, and would "almost certainly" suspend the constitution and take steps to introduce direct British rule.” The cable also noted that former Premier Michael Misick “launched a bitter tirade on a radio show May 5 that blasted Wetherell personally as an arrogant dictator and called for TCI independence as the only way to stop the suspension of local government and save TCI from losing its "sovereignty." The cable said that Misick charged that the proposed suspension of the constitution contravened the EU Convention on Human Rights, but according to Wetherell and local press the UK has withdrawn its commitment to the section of the Convention which guaranteed the territory's right to self-
Former Governor Gordon Wetherell
Former Governor Richard Tauwhare
determination, making the point moot. The cable stated that Galmo Williams, who became Premier on March 25, traveled to the UK May 17 for a last ditch direct appeal to London, met with members of the House of Lords as well as FCO Under-Secretary Gillian Merron, who has responsibility for Overseas Territories. “Williams presented actions already being taken by his fledgling government to address recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry's interim report, such as a Code of Conduct for government officials and beefing up laws on apportioning Crown lands. He also explored whether Britain would consider becoming financially responsible for the TCI. Failing to secure an audience with Prime Minister Gordon Brown or Opposition leader David Cameron, Williams returned with little to show for his
Former Premier Michael Misick
Former Premier Galmo Williams effort,” the cable added. According to the cable, speaking with the Charge just before his trip to London, Premier Williams warned that Governor Wetherell's plan to appoint consultative bodies to act as counsels instead of the House of Assembly would be a fiasco. Wetherell separately confirmed to the Charge that he was compiling a "representative list" of TCI locals, known as Belongers, which would include "every element" of TCI society. These would include Belongers of Haitian descent, a highly sensitive issue in a territory of 30,000 of whom half are estimated to be illegal Haitian migrants (nonBelongers). Williams acknowledged that the suspension of local governance currently had strong support among some Belongers but cautioned that the 17,000 Belongers were all interrelated and resentment against UK rule would
build rapidly, particularly as the cost of returning TCI to financial soundness began to bite amidst the economic pain of the global recession already affecting the islands. The cable said Premier Williams passionately argued that the British bear some responsibility for TCI's mess. He pointed out that Governor Tauwhare, who left under a cloud last July, sat in on cabinet meetings and "signed off" on budgets, investment decisions and disposition of Crown lands. The cable also added that Wetherell insisted to the Charge that the UK would not repeat the mistake of being too soft on TCI, a reference to what he characterized as London's lenient approach when it was forced to intervene against former Chief Minister Norman Saunders' government after Saunders was arrested in Miami on drug charges in 1985. After serving time in the U.S., Saunders returned to a hero's welcome and is currently a sitting member of the Assembly. Wetherell noted that trial by jury would be suspended when UK rule took effect because the pool of jurors was too small for the expected criminal prosecutions against senior TCI officials. Premier Williams seemed to unintentionally support Wetherell's comments when he told the Charge that any prosecutions would inevitably hit leaders of powerful local families, which "in a short time" would alienate many Belongers. The cable added that Williams predicted that Wetherell would likely seek to change the deep- seated patronage system in TCI under the "guise" of good governance measures. Williams pointed out that the opposition People's Democratic Party (PDM) was already divided over the constitutional suspension, an indicator of the fragility of the UK's position. “The point on the fractured nature of TCI's political leadership was reinforced by former Bahamian Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell. Mitchell, shadow foreign affairs leader for the Bahamian opposition party, recently led a delegation to TCI that wanted to explore ways to rally CARICOM against London resuming direct rule. Mitchell told the Charge that they found surprising ambivalence among TCI government officials and that the opposition PDM refused even to meet with the Bahamian delegation. Mitchell said that this explained the lack of serious Caribbean-wide efforts, at least for now, against the resumption of direct UK rule,” the cable continued.
1 DOMESTIC WORKER Salary $5.00 per hour 5 days per week Contact 246-2253
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Career Opportunities
Grace Bay Club is looking for candidates that have the requirements listed along with an outgoing professional manner. They love to work with different types of people, meet challenges with a positive attitude and live the standards of our organization. Their management style is one that balances a commitment to people and their development with business/financial accountability and delivers an exceptional guest experience.
Restaurant Servers
Requirements: • 1-2 years restaurant service experience, with five star experiences is an asset. • Personable, professional, flexible, always smiling and helpful • Punctual, detail oriented, able to work split shifts when required • Physical ability to move throughout the property constantly to provide support to the team • Ability to manage multiple tasks and meet deadlines at the same time • Must be competent with a PC and Visual 1 experience is an asset • Team player driven to deliver exceptional customer service. Qualified Belongers need only apply. Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience
Requirements: • Applicant must be a minimum of 19 years of age. • Be fluent in written and spoken English. • Possess a High School Certificate. • Have two years experience as a Bartender, or one year as a Bar back in a five star-hotel upscale environment. • Perform specified Bartender duties, including food and drink orders, preparation, and serving. • Direct and assist the Bar back and beverage servers. • Follow specific cash and system handling procedures. • Be responsible in the serving of alcohol and the laws and regulations surrounding it. • Maintain ongoing knowledge of the hotel operations. • Maintain the cleanliness, working order, and presentation of the bar top, tables, service areas and outlet itself. Qualified Belongers need only apply. Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience
Spa Therapists
Job Requirements: • Grace Bay Club is looking for a Massage Therapist/Esthetician who is an enthusiastic team player with excellent customer service. • The therapist will be responsible for administering professional facial, massage and body treatments to our guests. • Must have a thorough knowledge of the skin with numerous massage modalities. • Must possess a general understanding of body treatments and be willing to train in our spa’s specific facial, massage and body treatment offerings. • Must possess excellent communication skills and be able to learn the product and service knowledge necessary to effectively provide wellness solutions to meet the needs of our guests. • The Therapist will be required to properly care for equipment, perform prep work, clean and restock spa rooms • Assist in all areas of the spa operation as requested by Supervisors or coaches. • Be flexible with your schedule, supporting the needs of the spa. • Build respectful and cooperative relationships with colleagues and leaders. • He/she must maintain the standards of Grace Bay as found in the standard operating procedures of the department, an as they are amended from time to time. Education and Experience: • Secondary level education is required. Good writing, reading, listening and basic computation skills are necessary. • Previous experience in a 5 star spa is required. • International qualifications (or qualifications equivalent to international standards) are required in Esthetics and Massage Therapy. Qualified Belongers need only apply. Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience
Requirements: • Ensure the cleanliness of all hotel areas. • Assist in all Housekeeping responsibilities, transporting linen, assist in cleaning of all guests’ room, stocking amenities and linens • Perform any other tasks or projects as directed by Housekeeping Management to continue high levels of guest care. • Ensure inventory is used properly and in supply at all times. Qualified Belongers need only apply. Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience
Spa Concierge
Requirements: • The Spa Concierge is responsible for orientating guest to the spa facilities, preparing and closing of the spa guest’s areas. • Maintaining spa cleanliness and performing prep work behind the scenes to assist in providing the world class standard. • The Spa Concierge is responsible for providing extraordinary guest service. • The employee must be able to stand for extended periods of time and walk on a regular basis, be able to stand, walk, crouch, kneel or bend. • Must engage in interpersonal relations with guests. • Must be bright and personable and have the ability to get along with others. • Must be able to work cooperatively within a team and take personal responsibility for actions. • Should be highly service oriented, possess exemplary personal skills, and be well organized and self-motivated. • High School Diploma or equivalent. Spa or hospitality experience is a plus. Qualified Belongers need only apply. Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience
Nail Technician
Requirements: • Providing consistent professional nail, foot and hand treatments in compliance with spa protocols as well as accepted certification practices. • Taking proper car of all nail equipment and using proper quantities of product to help with cost controls • Maintaining the standards of sterilization and sanitation as directed by spa’s procedures and policies and law. • Performing prep work, cleaning properly, and restock work environment as required. • Communicating with management all occurrences relating guests or staff in the spa. • Promote actively the spa, services, treatments, retail and sessions as well as promotions, promotions, programs, or discounts available. • Handling concerns and questions of guests courteously and professionally. • Maintaining an organized. Clean, well-stocked and secure working environment. • Practicing safe work habits and routines at all times, in order to avoid injury. • Attending, participating in, supporting staff meetings and training for the spa. • Ability to work alone without direct supervision. • Must have at least 1 year previous hospitality spa nail technician experience. • High school diploma in nail care related field. Qualified Belongers need only apply. Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience
Kitchen Helper
Requirements: • Assist with Food & Beverage service • Receive and store supplies. • Stock cupboards, refrigerators and salad bars • Clean food preparation and storage areas • Assist with food preparation • Work with minimal supervision Qualified Belongers need only to apply. Salary Range: Commensurate based on qualification and experience
Interested persons can contact our Human Resources Department no later than 23rd September 2011 @ (649) 946-5050 Ext. 1050 Email: or Fax: (649) 946-5758 P.O. Box 128 Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies
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Why the lights go out – The Bahamas perspective
(Reproduced from the Nassau Guardian) AT A PRESS conference earlier this year, Bahamas Electricity Corporation officials said they expected no load shedding to take place this summer. After the hottest summer in recent memory, and the failure of BEC to prevent repeated instances of prolonged load shedding, many people now look skeptically at anything uttered by management at BEC. The blackouts have also left Bahamians calling for the head of BEC general manager Kevin Basden. But Basden, who holds a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical power from Oklahoma State University, and has worked at BEC for 30 years, is not to blame. At least, not for what happened this summer. If one wishes to attribute the state of BEC, which up until a few months ago was flat broke and near failing, to anyone in particular, then one need look no further than the usual suspects involved in floundering state enterprises — the politicians and their appointees. The reason your power goes off so frequently is that BEC — not too long ago a profit-making corporation that came to the brink of financial collapse last year — has been repeatedly subjected to the poor policy-making decisions of previous government administrations. Why so many blackouts? Without money, BEC was unable to stick to its maintenance schedule and overhaul the nine diesel generators at its Clifton Pier plant and the seven gas turbines at its Blue Hills plant before summer began. Without proper maintenance, some of the generators — as most mechanical equipment tend to do — eventually failed. BEC was unable to meet the demand for electricity, and on more occasions than many would care to remember, had to institute a systematic shutdown of certain areas of New Providence for several hours. These shutdowns are also called ‘rolling blackouts’. BEC officials have estimated the cost of servicing the generators at the Clifton Pier and Blue Hills plants at $30 million. All the generators that have failed are located at the Clifton Pier plant. The diesel generators require overhauling each year, according to BEC general manager Basden, who also told National Review that they have not been properly serviced in four years. Basden said that the gas turbines require servicing every three to four years. He said they had also not been serviced in four years. BEC was $30 million in the hole when its fiscal year ended at the beginning of October last year. The majority of parts required for an overhaul must be ordered 12 months in advance. BEC was so broke at the end of its last fiscal year and had such a dismal track record, that the companies that make these parts insisted on payment up front. BEC simply did not have the money. Many of the parts for the
overhaul of the diesel generators will arrive in August, according to BEC executive chairman Michael Moss. He also said that parts for the overhaul of the gas turbines would continue coming in up to the end of December. Moss pointed out that some of the overhauls at Clifton Pier have begun, but the technicians who service these generators would not begin work until all the parts were on site. Why is BEC broke? Progressive Liberal Party chairman Bradley Roberts has promised that if his party should form the next government, there will be a commission of inquiry launched into why the Bahamas Electricity Corporation is in its current financial state. The PLP would do well to save taxpayers’ time and money by admitting the obvious, which is that for the past 50 years politicians have meddled in BEC’s affairs to the point that the state-run power provider can barely function on its own. And both the PLP and the Free National Movement are culpable. BEC’s decline really started in 1993, when the then Ingraham administration decided to stop paying BEC for streetlights and made the corporation absorb that cost. Then in 1994, the Ingraham administration imposed what amounts to a 10 percent tax on fuel BEC imports. Making a bad situation worse was the FNM government’s decision to not allow BEC to pass that cost on to customers. The Ingraham administration also imposed a seven percent stamp tax on fuel imports. BEC is allowed to pass that on to the customer. BEC’s profits took a serious hit because of those decisions and the corporation steadily made less money. That move set the corporation up for the knockout which came in 2004 when electricity rates were reduced across the board and the way BEC was allowed to charge customers was fundamentally changed by the Christie administration. Roberts and then BEC chairman Al Jarrett have repeatedly denied that the rate reduction negatively impacted the corporation’s finances, but the data proves them wrong. In 2004, the Christie administration decreased some residential customers' rates by 10.4 percent and other residential and small commercial consumers' rates by five percent. That same reduction exercise also reduced large commercial customers' rates by seven percent. BEC claims that not only did the rate changes affect its bottom line, but two other government decisions also cut heavily into its profits. Prior to 2004, BEC was able to charge the highest maximum demand recorded by a commercial customer in a particular month for a period of 11 months after that month. During that reduction exercise the number of months BEC could charge that high demand figure was scaled down to six. In addition, the 2004 exercise required BEC to pay a three percent interest rate on all deposits, but the corporation was not given the power to penalize customers for late payment
by withholding that interest, as is the case with many other utilities in the region. In 2004, BEC was still a viable operation when it earned a profit of $14.16 million. BEC's records show that in 2005 it made a profit of $15.306 million. But $14 million of that profit came from the sale of BEC’s shares in Cable Bahamas. In 2005, BEC only made $1.306 million profit from its operations. BEC actually lost $2.916 million in 2006. In 2007, the corporation lost $21.23 million. In 2008, BEC lost $16.015 million In 2009, BEC lost $26 million. In 2010, BEC lost more than $28 million. Last year, BEC raised rates by about 5.25 percent across the board and stopped paying the government for street lights. Those two moves were expected to generate about $24 million for the corporation. BEC also started passing the extra 10 percent fuel tax on to customers. Moss said the corporation is now on track to make $7 million profit when its fiscal year ends in October. That is just a general overview of the state of BEC’s finances. There are hundreds of millions of dollars behind this picture that have been shifted, begged and borrowed to keep the corporation afloat. BEC moving forward Moss and Basden claim that a generation assistance plan which asks businesses that use a large amount of electricity during peak hours will remain in effect until rental generation units can be installed. The fact that the rental units were not installed sooner as was promised, is mainly the fault of management but could be also due to BEC’s bad credit. The owners of these units wanted to be paid upfront and insisted on guarantees from European financial institutions before they would ship them. But that doesn’t change the fact that rental units could have been ordered earlier. Moss and Basden have made promises that the situation will improve — promises they have both made before. While there have been
some critically good decisions made by the government regarding BEC, there are several decisions the current Ingraham administration has made in running the corporation that have been a complete waste of taxpayer dollars. The most glaring would be the repeated decisions to have mass reconnections for thousands of disconnected customers. These moves tug at the heartstrings and make for good political fodder, but are impractical and costly. For now, Bahamians must accept the fact that electricity rates will remain high in The Bahamas. The country has no coal and does not drill for oil or natural gas. There is no nuclear or hydroelectric power in The Bahamas, and the cost of solar power on the level that BEC would need to implement it is prohibitive. Wave generation and wind technology could be explored, but that will take time, and of course, money. That means that the country is stuck importing Bunker C diesel fuel — one of the most toxic types of fuel on earth. More Bahamians would do well to learn better conservation techniques. Simple things like not running your water heater all day and replacing traditional light bulbs with energysaving ones are a start. Also, BEC conducts free energy audits on homes. People should seek to take advantage of this. And for those who can afford it, installing solar panels on homes is also a good idea. As far as the future of BEC, the Ingraham administration appears to have saved the corporation from doom for the time being. We will see how this plays out over the next few years. If the PLP returns to power it will hopefully give the corporation some time to heal before it starts meddling again. But if history is any indicator, that is a doubtful prospect. However, if any government is really serious about BEC, it will do what it knows needs to be done and privatize it. After all, governments should regulate corporations not run them.
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Interspace Airport Advertising Launches State-of-theArt Display Program at Turks & Caicos Islands Airports
A view of the new creative displays at the Providenciales International Airport
Interspace Airport Advertising, TCI, Ltd. (IAA), a subsidiary of Clear Channel Airports (CCA), the world’s leading marketer of airport advertising, and Turks & Caicos Islands Airport Authority have launched new Corporate and Community Showcase Programs at Providenciales International Airport and JAGS McCartney International Airport for area businesses and organizations, aiming to provide the airport with digitally driven platforms that will better welcome the islands’ visitors more than ever before. The program launch is timed to a newly signed 10-year contract that names IAA as the exclusive advertising marketer for the two airports. As part of this unique program, IAA invested in state-of-the-art advertising displays interspersed throughout the Airports. IAA has installed strategically placed innovative digital displays, incorporating modern technology throughout the entire airport, such as Hi-Def LCD screens and large Tension Fabric Displays, setting a warm scenic tone that welcomes the affluent, luxury-seeking tourists and business travelers visiting the islands. “We are excited to engage in such a
A brand new look for the Providenciales International Airport
productive partnership with Interspace,” said John T. Smith, CEO of Turks & Caicos Islands Airport Authority. “The airport has been looking to partner with a professional company with great expertise, and we are thrilled to have the opportunity to bring in IAA’s dynamic new technology and creative displays that will drive interest towards leading businesses and attractions on the islands.” Scott Appnel, Project Marketing Manager of Interspace, said: “This new platform will accommodate more local and national businesses who are targetingthe increasing audience of jet-setters and business travelers to the islands. More than 40 companies in the hospitality, tourism, telecom and real estate industries have already taken advantage of the opportunity to solidify long-term campaigns around these new marketing platforms.” Toby Sturek, President of Clear Channel Airports, IAA’s parent company, added: “The unique displays and technology being introduced into Providenciales International and JAGS McCartney Airports are representative of our ability to offer our customers extensive reach and knowledge. Through this program,
the airport will be further transformed into an innovative, leading attraction for the entire Caribbean business community.” The new digital advertising and large format graphical program options were developed to provide contemporary marketing solutions to local brands and organizations and enhance IAA’s ability to drive the results that they need. Clear Channel Airports is the premiere airport advertising company, whose programs serve as a catalyst for promoting tourism, economic development and community support for local airports. Clear Channel Airports has grown to handle more than 260 airport programs throughout North and Central America, the Caribbean and the Pacific Rim. Dedicated to airport advertising for more than 37 years, Clear Channel Airports is the premier innovator of contemporary display concepts. The Company, a division of Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:CCO), the world’s largest outdoor advertising company, currently operates more than 260 airport programs across the globe and has a presence in 32 of the top 50 U.S. markets with major airports.
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New Governor Ric Todd sworn in
In a ceremony that was marked by the traditional pomp and pageantry, new Governor of the Turks and Caicos Islands Ric Todd was sworn in at the NJS Francis Building in Grand Turk on September 12, 2011. Chief Justice His Lordship Gordon Ward administered the oath of Allegiance and Office to Todd. His Excellency the Governor also inspected the Guard of Honour and met members of the Advisory Council and the Consultative Forum. He also took time out to meet and greet residents of Grand Turk.
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Some members of the church’s dance troupe perform during the service
Former Chief Minister Washington Misick was honoured for his role in politics and economics of the country
A section of the congregation
Elder Mr. and Mrs. Dean presided over the presentation segment
Mr. Allan Hutchinson owner of Chinson’s Bakery and his Wife Yvonne Hutchinson, principal of Precious Treasures Pre and Primary School were honoured for their sterling contribution
Sportswoman extraordinaire Judith Robinson (right) was also honoured at the event. Robinson, a member of the Blue Hills Seventh Day Adventist Church, is a sports officer for the Turks and Caicos Islands and is the owner of the Panthers Track Club. She accepts the plaque from Fay McCarthy
Businessman Kenneth Walters and his wife Linda were also honoured
Hilly and Jane Ewing, who have been married for 60 years, received thunderous applause from the congregation on their union’s longevity
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Thirty individuals and one organization – the Kiwanis Club of Providenciales were honoured by the Blue Hills Seventh Day Adventist Church for sterling services to the Turks and Caicos Islands in General. The event took place on Saturday, September 10, during Sabbath worshipping at the sanctuary. The highlight of the occasion was the presence centenarian Clementine Walkin who celebrated her 102 birthday recently. Mrs. Walkin, popularly known as ‘Ma Clem’, was also awarded by the church body. The following are highlights from the event.
Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Gibson, who is accompanied by their son, were also honoured at the event
Members of the Blue Hills Seventh Day Adventist Church Praise and Worship group
Fay McCarthy (left) makes a presentation to Police Officer Paulin Nemours and his wife Cindy
Elder Jermaine Reid introducing the honorees
Retired educator Timothy Dean, who taught a number of the TCI’s most prominent individual, was also recognised. The 82 year-old Dean is seen accepting a plaque from Pastor Michael Smith
Mr. Ken Adams, operator of the DO IT Centre and his wife Abby were also recognized for their contribution to TCI community
Althea Williams (second left), wife of former Premier Galmo ‘Gilly’ Williams accepts the award for herself and behalf of her husband who she said was unavoidably absent. Looking on are Mrs. Fay McCarthy (left) and Pastor Michael Smith and his wife
Former airline owner Harold Charles (second left) was also honoured for his benevolent spirit. He is accompanied by his wife for the presentation, which was made by Pastor Michael Smith (right)
Bishop Bryant Cox of Rock of Jesus Ministry in Five Cays is all smiles as he collects his award from Pastor Michael Smith
The Kiwanis Club of Providenciales was also honoured. Accepting the award on behalf of the club are Catherine Sims (third left) and Lorraine Guthrie (second left). Pastor Michael Smith of the church makes the presentation
Drs. Rufus Ewing and wife Dawn Perry-Ewing were awarded for their efforts in the field of medicine
Former Deputy Commissioner of Police and ex-politician Albert Grant, accompanied by his wife, Marilyn, was also honoured at the event. Mrs. Fay McCarthy is seen here making the presentation
Former government minister Karen Delancy was awarded for her role in community development
Centenarian Clementine ‘Ma Clem’ Walkin is being prayed for by Pastor Michael Smith (left), after being presented with an award. Third from left is daughter Tina Walkin. Also in photo at left is Fay McCarthy and other members of the church
Pastor Emmanuel and Mrs. Dean celebrated their 59th anniversary on the day that event was held. The presentation was made by Associate Pastor, Roy Lindsay (right)
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Throughout life there are certain tests that are critical to your career path. These include the GSAT. The outcome of these exams often determines whether you are eligible for a particular career track and able to get into the schools you want. The test score may have an impact on your finances worth hundreds of thousands of dollars over your life. So preparing for this exam is critical. The key to any exam is preparation and for some this is a major headache. This does not have to be. If you can manage your time, prioritise, rest well and work smarter you will be able to pass any exam and test you have on your plate. Here are three easy steps that is student-proof to help you study: 1. Preparation About a month before GSAT start summarising important information and make notes of all the work the teacher constantly refer to. You can bet that this is because it is important for the upcoming exam. So when the time gets closer and closer and you have gathered a substantial amount of notes and summaries, your workload is less! Start gathering what you’ll need. Make sure you know where the exam is located, have your registration ticket, and have the rules. Start making a list of everything you need for exam day. Consider starting a little pile in your bedroom of the things that you need on exam day. 2. Prioritise! Make sure the time you have left is time well spent. It is not necessary to lose those much needed 8 hours of sleep over GSAT. In fact you would be in a much better state of mind if your body is well rested. So how do you use your time effectively? There are many ways to deal with this issue but first and foremost, make sure what is the most important to you and what is the least. Arrange your timetable in such a way that you go to classes, do your tutorial assignment and still make time to study. Friends, the launch of new movies, are all things that should be pushed aside if you are serious about studying. Now that you have all the summary notes you don’t need to feel down and out facing all those readers, textbooks and printouts. Go through the work systematically, from most important to least important thus leaving enough time to revise every day up until the day of GSAT. 3. Relax After all the hard work and effort you put into GSAT, the best thing you can do is relax and sleep. Before the exam should be focused on rest and peacefulness. This doesn’t mean sleeping more than normal, because you don’t want to mess up your normal sleep schedule, which could cause you to have a difficult time sleeping the night before the exam or feel tired on exam day because your usual sleep schedule was altered. What you want to do is give your mind and body a break so they have energy on the big day You deserve it and it won’t affect your test results as the groundwork has been done to award success. Plan to arrive at your exam location at least one hour before the exam is scheduled to start to eliminate the anxiety of problems that can cause you to be late. When the exam is over, congratulate yourself on having taken the exam. The past few months will have been in marathon, and you completed it.
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ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th Carambola Grill and Lounge in partnership with Unique Party Kreations, hosted a “Blue Carpet Baby Shower” for new mother, Vanesha Williams. Baby Zeyphion, had arrived earlier due to the tumultuous hurricane Irene, but organizers rallied to give Vanesha the shower of her dreams. In the style of Unique Party Kreations, the dining area was decorated in pretty blue and green, and the star of the event was treated to a night of baby themed fun from family and friends. As usual Carambola supplied a superb meal capped off with a delicious dessert of frosted cupcakes and the lovely baby carriage cake was made by Tekora Pratt. Party goers played games, and Vanessa was showered with gifts, all items necessary for her new life with baby. After the shower, organizer Eunica Davol, sent Carambola a wonderful thank you note, expressing her appreciation for “excellent services provided” and her eagerness to work with us in the future. Thank you Eunica and Congratulations Vanessa!
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You had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever Now you in this corner tryna put it together How to love How to love For a second you were here Now you over there Its hard not to stare, the way you moving your body Like you never had a love Never had a love When you was just a young’un you’re looks were so precious But now your grown up So fly its like a blessing but you can’t have a man look at you for 5 seconds Without you being insecure You never credit yourself, so when you got older It’s seems like you came back 10 times over Now you’re sitting here in this damn corner Looking through all your thoughts and looking over your shoulder See you had a lot of crooks tryna steal your heart Never really had luck, couldn’t ever figure out How to love How to love See you had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever Now you in this corner tryna put it together How to love How to love
For a second you were here Why you over there? your Its hard not to stare the way you moving body Like you never had a love Had a love to You had a lot of dreams that transformed visions all your The fact that you saw the world affected decisions But it wasn’t your fault Wasn’t in your intentions To be the one here talking to me Be the one listenin' in’ But I admire your poppin bottles and dipp and ing end Just as much as you admire bart stripping Baby, so don’t be mad Nobody else trippin still crook You see a lot of crooks and the crooks your See You had a lot of crooks tryna steal heart re out Never really had luck, couldn’t ever figu How to love How to love ’t last See you had a lot of moments that didn forever ther Now you in this corner tryna put it toge How to love How to love Oooh,
See I just want you to know That you deserve the best You’re beautiful You’re beautiful Yeah And I want you to know, you’re far from the usual Far from the usual You see you had a lot of crooks tryna steal your heart Never really had luck, couldn’t ever figure out How to love How to love See you had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever Now you in this corner tryna put it together How to love How to love See you had a lot of crooks tryna steal your heart Never really had luck, couldn’t ever figure out How to love How to love See you had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever Now you in this corner tryna put it together How to love How to love
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Study: ‘SpongeBob SqaurePants’ Negatively Affects Kids’ Attention Spans
LOS ANGELES- First it was the far right, which singled out the animated kids' series "SpongeBob SquarePants" for promoting pro-gay and globalwarming-awareness agendas. And Monday, the American Academy of Pediatrics will take aim at the 12-year-old Nickelodeon show, reporting a study that concludes the fast-paced show, and others like it, aren't good for children. According to an individual with knowledge of the AAP's press strategy, the organization's Monday announcement will be picked up by news organizations including ABC and NBC. Nickelodeon didn't have a comment
on the matter, but did release this statement, questioning the seaworthiness of the study: "Having 60 non-diverse kids, who are not part of the show's targeted demo, watch nine minutes of programing is questionable methodology and could not possibly provide the basis for any valid findings that parents could trust." A key issue for Nickelodeon officials: "SpongeBob" is targeted to kids 6-11, but the study focused on 4year-olds. An individual close to the network said the program's broad awareness among parents has been leveraged
Pat Robertson says Alzheimer's makes divorce OK
Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson told his "700 Club" viewers that divorcing a spouse with Alzheimer's is justifiable because the disease is "a kind of death." During the portion of the show where the one-time Republican presidential candidate takes questions from viewers, Robertson was asked what advice a man should give to a friend who began seeing another woman after his wife started suffering from the incurable neurological disorder. "I know it sounds cruel, but if Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson he's going to do something, he should divorce her and start all over again, but make sure she has custodial care and somebody looking after her," Robertson said. The chairman of the Christian Broadcasting Network, which airs the "700 Club," said he wouldn't "put a guilt trip" on anyone who divorces a spouse who suffers from the illness, but added, "Get some ethicist besides me to give you the answer." Most Christian denominations at least discourage divorce, citing Jesus' words in the Gospel of Mark that equate divorce and remarriage with adultery. Terry Meeuwsen, Robertson's co-host, asked him about couples' marriage vows to take care of each other "for better or for worse" and "in sickness and in health." "If you respect that vow, you say 'til death do us part,'" Robertson said during the Tuesday broadcast. "This is a kind of death." A network spokesman said Wednesday that Robertson had no further statement. Divorce is uncommon among couples where one partner is suffering from Alzheimer's, said Beth Kallmyer, director of constituent services for the Alzheimer's Association, which provides resources to sufferers and their families. "We don't hear a lot of people saying 'I'm going to get divorced,'" she told The Associated Press. "Families typically respond the way they do to any other fatal disease." The stress can be significant in marriages though, Kallmyer said, because it results in the gradual loss of a person's mental faculties. "The caregiving can be really stressful on a couple of levels," she said. "There's the physical level. There's also the emotional level of feeling like you're losing that person you love." As a result, she said, it's important for couples to make decisions about care together in the early stages of the illness, when its effects aren't as prominent.
before to gain noteriety and spur funding. In 2005, James Dobson, head of the Christian right group Focus on the Family, said the cartoon's tolerance themes were really code for gay-agenda promotion. And just last month, Fox News personalities Steve Doocy and Gretchen Carlson criticized the series, as well as the U.S. Department of Education, for allegedly promoting global-warming science. As for its study, officials for the
SpongeBob SquarePants
American Academy of Pediatrics were unavailable for comment on Sunday. "People do studies all the time about the effects of media. This one will stress out parents unnecessarily," said an individual close to Nickelodeon.
LOS ANGELES - Andy Starz network and made Whitfield, who played the title waves with its graphic role in the hit cable series violence and sexuality. "Spartacus: Blood and Sand," Whitfield appeared in all 13 has died at age 39, according to episodes of the first season that representatives and family. aired in 2010, and was preparing Whitfield died Sunday in to shoot the second when he was Sydney, Australia, 18 months diagnosed with cancer. after he was diagnosed with While waiting for non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Whitfield's treatment and manager Sam Maydew told the expected recovery, the network Associated Press. produced a six-part prequel, "On a beautiful sunny "Spartacus: Gods of the Arena," Sydney spring morning, that aired earlier this year with surrounded by his family, in only a brief voiceover from the Andy Whitfield the arms of his loving wife, our actor. beautiful young warrior Andy Whitfield lost his But in January after Whitfield's condition grew 18 month battle with lymphoma cancer," worse, the network announced that another Whitfield's wife Vashti said in a statement. "He Australian actor, Liam McIntyre, would take over passed peacefully surrounded by love. Thank the role. you to all his fans whose love and support have "We are deeply saddened by the loss of our help carry him to this point. He will be dear friend and colleague, Andy Whitfield," Starz remembered as the inspiring, courageous and President and CEO Chris Albrecht said in a gentle man, father and husband he was." statement Sunday night. "We were fortunate to have Andy Whitfield — who was born in Wales worked with Andy in 'Spartacus' and came to know and moved to Australia in 1999 — was a that the man who played a champion on-screen was virtual unknown when he was cast as the also a champion in his own life." legendary Thracian slave in "Spartacus," a role Whitfield's previous credits included made famous by Kirk Douglas in the 1960 appearances on the Australian TV shows Stanley Kubrick film. "Packed to the Rafters" and "McLeod's The series proved a breakout hit for the Daughters."
FBI INVESTIGATING ALLEGED NUDE SCARLETT JOHANSSON PHOTO HACK Scarlett Johansson is the latest celebrity wrapped up in a nude photo scandal. The FBI is reportedly investigating the release of photos allegedly hacked from the 26year-old actress' cell phone. "The FBI is aware of the alleged hacking incident and is looking into it," an FBI official told Sources close to Johansson told TMZ that the FBI would be contacted because they believe the leak is a criminal act. The photos, which surfaced online Wednesday, show a woman who appears to be Johansson snapping pictures of her backside and breasts. According to the Los Angeles Times, Johansson's name was among around 50 potential victims mentioned back in March in connection with the investigation of a hacking ring targeting celebrities' email accounts and smartphones. Vanessa Hudgens previously met with authorities, TMZ reports, over nude pictures allegedly hacked from her Gmail account that surfaced online. Three months ago, nude photos purported to be of actress Blake Lively also surfaced online. Her rep denied the photos were of Lively.
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Cayman Islands suspends term limits on foreign workers residency
Cayman Islands Premier McKeeva Bush said Wednesday that he would ask Cabinet to temporarily suspend Cayman’s term limit on foreign workers’ residency, according to the Caymanian Compass newspaper. The proposal, which Mr. Bush said would be presented to Cabinet members next week, would be to suspend the term-limit requirements contained within the country’s Immigration Law for up to two years to allow for a comprehensive review of the policy. The review, to be done by a committee consisting of members from Cayman’s Chamber of Commerce, the financial services industry, the government’s Immigration Review Team and other local stakeholders who represent “a range of small businesses”, should be completed with findings reported to Cabinet within 180 days, Mr. Bush said. The Premier also noted that appropriate amendments would be made to Immigration Law in due course. “This amendment should give clear directions to Immigration that if a person is being rolled over, they would be given an opportunity to re-apply for a work permit,” Mr. Bush said. “It would be reasonable to expect that persons rolled over in the 30 days immediately prior to the effective date of the amendment should also be allowed to re-apply for a
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permit.” Mr. Bush said the Work Permit Board would still have the authority to refuse work permit applications given the usual considerations, such as the availability of suitable Caymanians who apply for a position and the character of the work permit applicant. Cayman Islands Immigration Law requires all foreign-born workers to obtain permits to take up employment in the country. Typically, a seven-year limit on their residency – often referred to as the rollover policy – is placed on those workers unless they are granted what is known as key employee status. Key employee designations allow a foreign worker to obtain work permits for nine years in Cayman, long enough to apply for permanent residence – the right to reside in the country for the rest of their lives - after eight years. Premier Bush told members of the assembly that he had urged reform of the present “rollover system” since the May 2009 general elections. “Many thought rolling over qualified and trained persons would create opportunities for Caymanians,” Mr. Bush said. “This has not happened. In fact, many of the persons that were rolled over took up positions in other competing jurisdictions. We need the right people to remain on Islands to ensure that our people have the ability to
benefit from our own economy.” In addition, Mr. Bush said an “undesirable scenario” government sought to prevent was the departure of senior company managers to other jurisdictions. “The Caymanian secretaries and administrators working in the business become immediately unemployed,” Mr. Bush said. Over the past few years, Cayman’s rental market has plummeted and Mr. Bush said the effect of expatriate workers departing has also hit service industries such as supermarkets, construction companies and other trade jobs. “My information is that there are over 2,200 rental apartments currently empty,” the premier told the House. Even with the temporary suspension of the term-limit policy on foreign workers’ residency, Mr. Bush noted that local companies will still have to adhere to statutory requirements to put Caymanians first in any and all hiring efforts. “Any business which does not put policies in place for the employment and promotion of able and willing Caymanians are not the sort of partners we need for our sustained development,” Mr. Bush said. “[They] will not be permitted to benefit from this temporary suspension of the rollover policy.”
Cayman Islands Premier McKeeva Bush
Mr. Bush may find some support for his proposal from an unlikely source: Opposition Leader Alden McLaughlin. In June, Mr. McLaughlin said the People’s Progressive Movement executive wanted to see significant changes in the term-limit policy. In particular, he suggested doing away with the provisions in the Immigration Law dealing with key employees and allowing all expatriates the chance to remain in the Cayman Islands for eight years, long enough to apply for permanent residency. The applications for permanent residence would considered and determined on a points-system basis and not all applications would be granted. “But we should not set the bar for permanent residence so high that only professional and managerial persons can ever hope to achieve it,” he said at the time. “Nor should we set it so low that just about anyone will qualify.”
Bermuda Tourism plan will bring dormant hotel plans to life
Dormant hotel projects will be brought back to life through a sharply focused National Tourism Plan, panel member Vince Ingham said last night. Mr Ingham, who is part of the team drafting the plan, stressed the group's determination to help seven hotel proposals become a reality to kickstart tourism. Speaking at a town hall meeting to allow public consultation on the issue, he told the audience: "We
have spent some time looking into the future. We have some seven properties on the Island right now that are zoned for tourism development. Our view is that we have to get those properties back into play. We must look very proactively at doing that. At the same time, we need to focus on existing properties to ensure we don't lose ground as we try to break new ground.”
ELEMENTARY HEAD TEACHER Applications is invited for the Position of Head Teacher for the Newman’s Preparatory School in Grand Turk Qualifications include: • Must be a Trained Teacher • At least 10 Teaching Experience at the Elementary Level • Preferably a Masters Degree in Education • Must possess and uphold strong Christian values • Must be able to work on own initiative Belonger preferable. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted Applications should be submitted by Tuesday, September 20, 2011 to: The Chairman, Antioch Seventh-day Adventist Church Grand Turk Turks and Caicos Islands
He added: "This should be done very simply by being absolutely committed and clear about what those properties can do for Bermuda. We believe if we can get two or three properies moving in Bermuda, we will start to generate an interest in this Island. We will generate new job opportunities both in construction when we build the hotels and then to work in hotels after they are built."
Property/Maintenance Manager
The Proprietors of Strata Plan #23 (PSP #23) requires a Property/Maintenance Manager the suitable candidate must have building system technologist certificate or better; must have Property Management certificate or better. A verifiable 5 years minimum experience in Quick Books, reverse osmosis water treatment equipment, sewage treatment equipment, air condition, pool maintenance, building envelopes etc.. This job is not a supervisory position only, hands on work is required in the maintenance and day to day operation of the property. The successful candidate is expected to work a minimum of six days a week at a salary of $50,000.00 per year.
The Proprietors of Strata Plan #23 (PSP #23) requires a Landscaper/Gardener the successful candidate must have 10 years experience, and is expected to work a minimum of 6 days a week. Salary payable is $8.00 per hour. All resumes should be submitted no later than 20th September 2011 to Misick Gardiner Attorneys (Suite A1, Windsor Place, Leeward Highway, Providenciales) via Email: or Fax: 649-941-7211
Page 34
State of emergency curfew extended in Trinidad LOCAL NEWS CARIBBEAN NEWS
Prime Minister Kamla PersadBissessar has announced that 11 new areas as well as the maritime boundary are to be included in the 11 pm to 4 am curfer, effective last Wednesday. She made the announcement yesterday following a seven-hour meeting of the National Security Council. The 11 new areas are Carli Bay; Maloney; Moruga; Cedros; Claxton Bay; Toco; Dow Village; California; La Horquetta; Windy Hill, Arouca; McBean, Couva and Chase Village, Carapichaima.
The Prime Minister said also to be subjected to the curfew will be “those areas on land around the 362 kilometres of our Trinidad and Tobago coastline and that will extend outward, outland three nautical miles". “Based on the intelligence we have from the Police and the Army the boundaries will be demarcated. We will work on that and those will be demarcated in the exact way we would want to have gazetted for those areas to include in the curfew,” she said. The areas initially announced as being under the curfew since the start
of the State of Emergency on August 21, and which still remain under curfew are San Fernando; Port of Spain; Arima; Chaguanas; San Juan and Diego Martin. "I just want to give the reassurance that our plans to ensure the safety of our citizens are well advanced. We are collecting new intelligence as we are going along and this has caused us to add new areas under curfew and I want to tell you quite honestly I intend to win this war," Persad-Bissessar said. "This is a fight which is not only
between the government and the criminals, this is a fight between our citizens, our people and the criminals. Our protective services are working extremely hard and I ask all of you to continue to support them with information.” "We are all in this, we will win together. No criminal will be allowed to deny our country and its citizens of their freedom. I want to give the assurance I will not abandon this fight. I will pursue this to the end to ensure that our country and our people are safe," the Prime Minister added.
Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Grenada, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago have become the latest Caribbean countries to agree to on-site visits to evaluate their compliance with the Inter-American Convention against Corruption. They now join a number of offshore Caribbean territories who have notified their consent to receive on-site visits by the Mechanism for Follow-Up on the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption (MESICIC), an inter-governmental body established within the framework of the
Organisation of American States (OAS). On September 9, Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Grenada, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago, communicated to the OAS their consent to be investigated by the Technical Secretariat of the MESICIC. Consequently, this brings the number of territories that have consented to MESICIC visits to 26, the others including: Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala,
Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, the United States and Uruguay. According to the body, MESICIC supports member states in the implementation of the provisions of the Convention through a process of
reciprocal evaluation. In this mechanism, recommendations are formulated with respect to those areas in which there are legal gaps or where further progress is necessary.
Caribbean financial centres sign on to anti-corruption convention
Violent Guyanese convict nabbed in Toronto
A violent convict, who was one of Canada’s Most Wanted, was arrested in the Toronto area this morning. According to the Toronto Sun, Guyanese Shameer Allie, 36, has a number of criminal convictions including assault with a weapon. He was named among four Guyanese on Canada Border Services Agency’s recently released list of names and photos of foreign fugitives hiding in Canada. Allie was wanted on a Canada-wide warrant for removal from the country. A tip Shameer Allie to the CBSA website led to his arrest, the agency said. The other three men, who are still at large, are Vibert Henry, Delon Jemmott and Krishnadat Ramnarine.
Salary $5.00 per hour Contact 347-2341 or 243-8081 Elite Plaza, Airport Road Provo
The Turks & Caicos Islands National Health Insurance Board (NHIB) invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the post of
Job Summary This officer is responsible for coordinating appropriate cost efficient health care services with best medical practice, so enabling the claimant to reach the highest possible level of physical and mental functioning; and over sees the general supervision of patient case management. Purpose and Scope of Job 1. Initiate and facilitate communication between the healthcare provider and the claimant. 2. Assess the physical and medical status of the critically injured claimant during hospitalization or while convalescing at home. 3. Coordinate an action plan with healthcare provider, employee and claimant for the claimant’s return to work. 4. Enforce cost-reduction strategies and recommend options in the management of claimant’s care. 5. Approve certain services within a specified time period. 6. Prepare request for specific medical services to the Medical Officer. 7. Participate in utilization review process. 8. Provide direction, control and leadership to staff of responsibility while monitoring and assessing performance, conduct, attendance and other related matters. 9. Suggest systems and procedures to facilitate achieving objectives in areas of responsibility. 10. Candidate should be willing to participate in on call duties as require.
Minimum Qualification & Experience Required: Preferred candidate should have a Bachelor’s Degree in Health Service Administration or Business Management. REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS:1. Knowledgeable in the law (Benefits & Assistance Regulations) pertaining to Industrial Accidents; 2. Knowledgeable in health insurance and medical coding/billing practices; 3. Effective, interpersonal, communication and customer services skills; 4. Registered Professional Nurse with well rounded experience in medical case management including, but not limited to rehabilitation, emergency, critical care and health care administration; 5. Advance certification in case management and related disciplines; 6. Should have proven oral and written communication skills and ability. Salary: Salary will commensurate with qualifications and experience within the range of $48,000 to $54,000 per annum Deadline for submission: September 23, 2011 All applicants should be addressed to: Zaneta Burton Chief Executive Officer National Health Insurance Board Salt Mills Plaza Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands, British West Indies Email:,
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China announces US$1 billion Caribbean initiative
PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad — The two-day China Caribbean Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum opened here on today with China announcing that it would pump millions of dollars in assistance to the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). Vice Premier of the People's Republic of China, Wang Qishan told the opening ceremony attended by a number of Caribbean leaders including Jamaica’s Prime Minister Bruce Golding, his Antigua and Barbuda counterpart Baldwin Spencer and the Guyana President Bharrat Jagdeo, that Beijing would provide funds for six initiatives aimed at boosting relations between the two regions. “China will provide one billion US dollars in loans and preferential nature to the Caribbean countries in support of local economic development,” he said. “China encourages exchanges and cooperation between the commercial banks of the two sides.
The China Development Bank will put aside one billion US dollars to be used as special commercial loans for infrastructural development.” The visiting Chinese government official said Beijing also wanted to discuss and sign a protection agreement with the Caribbean to promote two way investments. He also announced that China would provide one million USA dollars to the Caribbean Development Fund (CDF) in addition “to providing no less than 2,500 training opportunities for Caribbean countries and 30 opportunities with Masters Degrees for Caribbean professionals to study in China”. He said China would also help the in-house capabilities of Caribbean countries fight natural disasters and that Beijing would provide support in the building of seismic and tsunami early warning and monitoring networks. Trinidad and Tobago’s Prime Minister Kamla
Persad Bissessar told Wang and the visiting Chinese delegation that the Caribbean is an ideal location for investment. “Ours is a region replete with opportunities and an enabling investment environment. Indeed you will find that not only is our all year round weather ideal, but our investment climate is perfect as well.” She said that the “synergies that exist between our Caribbean territories offer a collaborative investment potential that is well worth exploring. In Trinidad and Tobago as indeed in many other Caribbean nations there has been a dramatic shift in the way we conduct business as governments,” she said urging the visitors to recognise the potential of the region. The two-day forum is being held under the theme “Development Co-operation: Win for All” and officials here promise it will build upon the successes of the first two forums held in Jamaica and China in 2005 and 2007 respectively.
St Lucia Opposition legislators stage walkout
CASTRIES, St Lucia – Opposition legislators Tuesday walked out of the House of Assembly after a verbal clash with Speaker Rosemary Mathurin over the failure to elect a new deputy to replace to Marcus Nicholas who resigned last month. The members of the main opposition St. Lucia Labour Party (SLP) argued that the deputy speaker
had to be elected in accordance with the Standing Orders. However Mathurin said she had invited legislators from the government, the opposition and the two independents to submit nominations for the post of deputy speaker, but no name had been put forward. As a result, she ruled that the
HAB LIMITED HAB Limited is seeking a suitably qualified individual to fill the following opening. Only candidates who meet the minimum requirements will be considered:
JOB DESCRIPTION •Provide technical assistance and advice to developer’s management team including review of design drawings and recommendations of installation methods and materials. • Provide daily review of on-site activities of main contractors personnel for new build projects. • Supervision of developer’s maintenance personnel in respect of existing properties. • Preparation and review of preventative maintenance programs for all MEP Systems for all properties.
REQUIREMENTS • Minimum 10 years MEP experience. • Certificate/Degree in Engineering or related field preferred. • Knowledge of all technical aspects of MEP. • Must have extensive MEP experience in commercial construction. • Proficiency in MS Office, AutoCAD Design Review and MS Project. • Strong problem solving and analytical ability skills. • Excellent oral and written communication skills. The salary for this position is commensurate with experience, training and education. Interested applicants should contact Veronica Rigby via email by September 23, 2011 at or by fax 649-946-5191. Suitable applicants will be contacted by email or telephone to schedule an interview.
election of a deputy speaker would take place at the next sitting of the parliament. “Members I state my case that there being no nominations the House has given sufficient evidence that it is not convenient to elect a deputy speaker at this time.” “I have ruled that the business of the House will continue today without a deputy speaker as Section 35 of the Constitution states that the business of the House shall at no time proceed in the absence of a Speaker of the House. “There is a Speaker in the chair so the business of the House will continue. However the matter related to the appointment of a deputy speaker will be placed on the order paper in time for the next meeting of the House of Assembly, when the House will find it convenient to resolve the matter,” Mathurin said. She said that she had taken her decision after much advice and counsel from the region, that if the Chamber is not prepared to appoint a deputy speaker at this time, “then we have to assume as soon as convenient will prevail.” Nicholas resigned as deputy speaker and a member of the ruling United Workers Party (UWP) last month after publicly disagreeing with how funds were being disbursed in his constituency. His resignation from the UWP followed that of Janine Compton, the daughter of the late prime minister Sir
John Compton, a founding member of the ruling party. The resignations meant that a member of the Cabinet would have had to resign his ministerial post since the rules do not allow for a government minister to be elected as deputy speaker. The Stephenson King government controls nine of the 17 seats in parliament. Opposition Leader Dr. Kenny Anthony, who led the walkout, said that the issue before the House was a legal matter. He said that the term convenience had to mean on the occasion when the parliament is meeting and any departure from this would be flouting a naked provision of the rules that have governed parliament for several years. “The issue is not about politics the issue is about the lawfulness of the action of this House, as there is the possibility that if this House continues to sit and pass the resolutions before it, then all of these laws can be declared unlawful,” Anthony said. The Speaker said that while his point was noted, the Chair does not take political decisions but was simply ask to preside. She said that the Constitution provides instructions that the deputy speaker will be elected as soon as is convenient, and she was forced to give her ruling since there had been no nominations.
Nail Technician
Salary $150.00 per week For information contact Rafael Adams #332-7881 or 431-2518
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Gaddafi loyalists hold off new Libyan attacks TURKS AND CAICOS SUN
Diehard loyalists of Muammar Gaddafi threw rockets, mortars and heavy gunfire at Libyan fighters who pushed into two besieged towns on Friday in a bid to end months of civil war and capture key figures from the old ruling system. The smoke of battle hung over Gaddafi's home town of Sirte, on the Mediterranean coast between Tripoli and Benghazi, and Bani Walid, a tribal stronghold in the desert, as the motley forces of the National Transitional Council (NTC) mounted their biggest advances after weeks of stalemate and skirmishing. But the word coming back from the frontlines to Reuters correspondents on the outskirts of both cities was that fierce defense was not being overcome quickly, nearly four weeks after the rebel coalition overran Gaddafi's capital. Libya's new leaders are getting on with the business of government, trying to impose order on a host of irregular armed forces and restart the oil-based economy. Their latest foreign visitor was Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, who hailed the fate of Gaddafi as an example to Turkey's Syrian neighbor. He also called on the people of Sirte
The smoke of battle hung over Gaddafi's home town of Sirte
to give up the fight and make peace, though in neither town did that seem imminent. "It's a very strong resistance," Abusif Ghnyah, a spokesman for the NTC forces at Bani Walid, told reporters watching the battle from high ground. "The most difficult part is the central market, that is where they are firing from." A Reuters correspondent watched anti-Gaddafi fighters move forward under mortar, rocket and sniper fire,
edging from house to house and sheltering behind walls from shrapnel and bullets. A faux-ancient castle built for Gaddafi on a hill in the center of Bani Walid was also under attack, fighters said. Many of the town's 100,000 residents fled in recent days. It was also unclear how many civilians remain in Sirte, a sprawling city of a similar size, which Gaddafi created out of his native village. NTC
fighters, who brought up scores of machinegun-mounted pickup trucks and a handful of tanks, spoke of scattered pockets of heavily armed opponents dug in there. Contact has not been possible with Gaddafi loyalists inside the two towns, as well as at Sabha, deep in Libya's southern desert where several senior Gaddafi aides have been lately. Details of developments around Sabha are scant, but a British military spokesman said that British jets had fired about two dozen Brimstone missiles to destroy a group of Libyan armored vehicles near the desert town on Thursday. Erdogan, visiting a day after the French and British leaders credited by the NTC with rallying support for them, displayed NATO-member Turkey's Muslim credentials by joining NTC chairman Mustafa Abdel Jalil for Friday prayers at the newly renamed Martyrs' Square, once a showcase for Gaddafi. "From here I call out to Sirte," he said of the beleaguered city. "Come, right now. Some 10,000 brothers and sisters are hungry and thirsty -- embrace your brothers in Tripoli. "Spilling blood does not suit us. Let us come together."
Syrian forces kill 20 in anti-Assad protests
Syrian forces shot dead 20 people on Friday and flooded rural areas around Damascus with troops to try to end six months of demonstrations against President Bashar al-Assad, activists said. Despite the heavy deployment, activists reported protests on the edges of the capital, the northern province of Idlib bordering Turkey and other parts of Syria. Banners proclaimed protesters were "on course to bring down the regime." After storming several cities in August to crush protest centers, the Syrian army has swept through rural districts in recent weeks, hunting down activists and army defectors, carrying out widespread arrests and killing dozens of people. State television broadcast an interview on Thursday night with one of the most prominent
military deserters, appearing to recant claims made when he defected and saying he had never been ordered to fire on protesters. It was not clear how Lieutenant-Colonel Hussein Harmoush, who announced his desertion in June, ended up back in Damascus. Turkey's foreign ministry denied reports it had handed him over to Syrian authorities, saying it would be out of the question to return anyone against their will. The operations in the north have led to renewed refugee flows into Turkey, Turkish officials say, and on Thursday night Syrian forces crossed 200 meters (yards) into Lebanese territory in pursuit of fugitives, according to the Lebanese army. Lebanese sources said a Lebanese man was wounded in gunfire.
Activists said most of Friday's killings occurred in the countryside around the city of Hama and in Jabal al-Zawiya, a rugged region near Turkey, both scenes of military operations in the last week. Protesters were also killed on the edge of Damascus, including a 12-year-old boy, and in Homs, 165 km (100 miles) to the north, the activists said. The Local Coordination Committee, a grassroots activist group, said 27 people died on Friday, though that figure included a handful who died from wounds suffered earlier. The United Nations says 2,600 people have been killed since Syrians rose up against Assad six months ago, inspired by revolts in North Africa which overthrew leaders of Egypt and Tunisia and have now also ousted Libya's Muammar Gaddafi.
Anthony must pay almost $100K for investigation
ORLANDO, Fla. — Casey Anthony must pay almost $100,000 in law enforcement costs for investigating the death of her 2-year-old daughter, a Florida judge ruled Thursday. Circuit Judge Belvin Perry's ruling fell well short of the more than $500,000 that prosecutors and law enforcement agencies in Orlando asked for during a hearing earlier this month. Prosecutors had asked that Anthony be forced to pay those costs since she lied repeatedly to
investigators who were searching for her missing toddler, Caylee, in summer 2008. The judge said the costs should only cover the period when detectives were investigating a missing person and not the homicide investigation — a sum of $97,676. Anthony was acquitted in July of murdering Caylee. But the 25-year-old was convicted of four misdemeanor counts of lying to authorities. She told officers a baby sitter had kidnapped the child. Authorities later learned the baby
sitter never existed. Anthony has appealed her misdemeanor convictions. Her attorneys didn't respond immediately to emails seeking comment Thursday. Perry denied requests to pay for prosecutors' costs of pressing the murder charges and said they were only entitled to $50. He ordered that $61,500 be paid to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, that $25,837 be paid to the Orange County Sheriff's Office and
that $10,283 be paid to the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation in central Florida. He left open the possibility that the Orange County Sheriff's Office could recover more money if the agency re-files expenses with greater details. Anthony is serving probation at an undisclosed location in Florida for unrelated check fraud charges. She is being hidden for her safety, since she received death threats after her acquittal.
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Breast and cervical cancers kill 625,000 women each year
Breast and cervical cancers are on the rise worldwide, according to the first global analysis of incidence and mortality trends for the two cancers. Global breast cancer incidence rose to 1.6 million cases in 2010, up 3.1 percent per year since 1980, Dr. Christopher J.L. Murray of the University of Washington in Seattle, and colleagues found. Global cervical cancer incidence was up 0.6 percent per year to 454,000 cases in 2010, the group reported online in The Lancet. Together, the 625,000 deaths per year in 2010 from breast and cervical cancers found in the study is staggering, equivalent to six jumbo jets crashing every day, Dr. Jan W. Coebergh of Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, wrote in an accompanying commentary. The findings suggest that -contrary to previous assumptions -more women die from breast and cervical cancers than from childbirth in over 60 developing countries. Specifically, officials say an estimated 343,000 women, mostly in developing countries, die every year due to labor-related complications. Breast cancer, by comparison, now
kills 425,000 women a year, the researchers said, while cervical cancer is responsible for approximately 200,000 deaths. The burden of death from these cancers was uneven, with deaths and incidence rising most in south and east Asia, Latin America, and Africa but decreasing in industrialized countries, she noted. Women younger than 50 in developing countries accounted for 23 percent of global breast cancer deaths and 34 percent of global cervical cancer deaths, whereas their peers in developed nations accounted for 10 percent of both. If the overall study trends continue for another 15 years, developing countries could see breast and cervical cancers rising among women's health issues, Murray's group noted. For women in their reproductive years in developing countries, "breast and cervical cancer are substantial problems of a similar importance to major global priorities such as maternal mortality," the researchers argued. They compiled data from more than 300 population-based cancer registries and vital status registries along with verbal autopsy data to
The Turks & Caicos Islands National Health Insurance Board (NHIB) invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the post of Accountant.
Purpose and Scope of Job The position holder will be required to: • Maintain the General/Financial Ledger and the sub ledgers (the fixed asset register, accounts receivables, accounts payables, cash and banks); • Preparation of the monthly and weekly payroll; • Perform Accounts reconciliations; • Perform Systems reconciliations; • Assist the Chief Financial Officer in the preparation of appropriate, timely and accurate financial statements on a monthly basis or when requested; • Assist the Chief Financial Officer in the preparation of the annual and revised budgets; • Assist the Chief Financial Officer in the preparation of the annual financial statements for auditing; • Assisting the Chief Financial Officer with the preparation of yearly budgets and operational forecasts; • Other administrative duties as required
Minimum Qualification & Experience Required • A Bachelor’s Degree in Accountancy or equivalent qualification plus five (5) years post qualification experience in a senior level position in Accounting/Finance. Minimum Technical Skills • Must be able to use Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Power Point etc) • Excellent team player with team building skills. • Excellent writer and oral communication skills. • Ability to deliver to strict deadlines and to work under pressure. • Preference for knowledge in MS Dynamics/Great Plains
Salary: Salary will be reflective of qualification and experience within the range $36,000 to $45,000 per annum. Deadline for submission: September 23, 2011 All applicants should be addressed to: Mrs. Zaneta Burton Chief Executive Officer National Health Insurance Board Salt Mills Plaza Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands British West Indies Ph: 941-8861 Email:
determine breast and cervical cancer incidence and mortality in 187 countries. Total breast cancer incidence steadily rose 2.6-fold from 641,000 cases per year in 1980 to 1,643,000 in 2010. Breast cancer deaths rose 1.8 percent per year from 250,000 to 425,000 over the same period. For cervical cancer, the global increase in incidence was more modest, increasing from 378,000 new cases in 1980 to 454,000 in 2010. Cervical cancer deaths rose at 0.46 percent per year from 174,000 to 200,000 over the same period. "Increases in the absolute number of cases and deaths are driven by the interaction of three distinct reasons:
rising population numbers in women of at-risk age, population aging such that the median age is rising in most regions, and changes in age-specific incidence and death rates," the researchers explained in the paper. Whereas two-thirds of breast cancer developed in women 50 and older in developed nations, the same proportion of cervical cancer occurred in developing nations. The researchers cautioned that many of the countries had populationbased cancer registry data available only up until 2002 and weren't able to provide updated numbers and that some countries used an ill-defined "cancers of the uterus" category for cause of death that introduced some uncertainty.
Routine Colorado traffic stop turns up $10 million in cocaine
DENVER - A routine Colorado traffic stop led to the discovery of 220 pounds of cocaine with a street value of $10 million in the rental car of a California couple, police said on Monday. Mark Bailey and Lisa Calderon, both of Sylmar, California, were arrested on Sunday in the southern Colorado city of Pueblo on suspicion of cocaine possession, Pueblo Deputy Police Chief Andrew McLachlan said. "This is definitely the largest cocaine seizure in our department's history," McLachlan told Reuters. McLachlan said a patrol officer was tipped off by an off-duty detective to a car making an illegal lane change on Interstate 25, about 115 miles south of Denver. The north-south highway has long been a drug-smuggling corridor, he said. When the officer pulled over the rented Chevrolet Malibu, he discovered that Bailey's
California driver's license had been revoked. Bailey, 37, told the officer he owned an auto body shop in California, and was en route to Iowa to look at a 1955 Chevy, police said. The officer became suspicious because when Calderon, 35, was questioned she appeared nervous. She said the pair were going to visit her brother in Iowa but couldn't say where, police said. When the officer noticed that the back of the car appeared to be weighed down, he summoned a drug-sniffing dog and its handler to the scene. The dog, name Raleigh, "alerted on the rear of the Chevy," McLachlan said. A search of the trunk uncovered four black duffel bags stuffed with bricks of cocaine, and the pair was arrested, he said. Bailey was also cited for driving with a suspended license, and no proof of insurance.
CARACAS, Venezuela — Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez says he expects to undergo a fourth phase of chemotherapy to prevent cancer from reappearing and that it should be the last round. Chavez says he will probably begin the treatment in the coming days and then will undergo tests to verify that no malignant cells have reappeared. Chavez underwent an operation in June that removed a tumor from his pelvic region. The president plans to run for re-election in 2012. He said in a telephone call on state television Tuesday morning that he will be "renewed, refreshed and strengthened" in time for his campaign. Chavez also noted that he plans to host a summit of Latin American and Caribbean leaders in Venezuela on Dec. 2.
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Obama leads Perry, Romney in new poll
Barack Obama would beat Rick Perry by 11 percentage points in a head-tohead match up, while Romney would hold the president to a four-point lead, according to a poll released Tuesday by Public Policy Polling. Obama beats all four of the GOP contenders that PPP included in its survey, but Romney holds him to the smallest lead; the former Massachusetts governor is also the only candidate to keep Obama from getting less than 50percent support. Obama beats Bachmann by a 53 “39 margin, and Rick Perry by only slightly less — 52 percent to 41 percent. Newt Gingrich performs similarly, losing to the president 41 “53. If Romney were the nominee and the election were held today, however, the race would be much tighter. Romney takes 45 percent of the vote to Obama’s 49 percent. Obama has widened his lead since PPP’s last poll three weeks ago. Then, Obama led Perry by just 49 percent to 43 percent, and Romney and Obama tied at 45 percent. However, a Rasmussen poll of 1,000 likely voters polled on September 10 and September 11 found Romney leading the president, 43 percent to 40 percent. PPP notes that Obama has both
shored up his support from his own party, as well as gotten more support from Republicans. They also argue that Perry’s fall comes from his comments that social security is a ponzi scheme, and a failure, a view generally considered to be unpopular among seniors. Just 10 percent of the population favors eliminating social security, while 82 percent oppose it. Seventy percent disagree with the statement that Social Security is a ponzi scheme; just 20
percent agree. However, Perry does better than his average among older voters. 45 percent of voters aged 46 to 65 say they would vote compared to 47 percent for Obama. Among voters older than 65, half say they would vote for Obama, while 45 percent said they would vote for Perry. PPP surveyed 665 U.S. voters using robo-calls from September 8 through September 11. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.8 percentage points.
House probing $528M loan to failed solar company
WASHINGTON- The Obama administration's eagerness to deliver economic stimulus may have influenced a federal review of a loan to a now bankrupt solar panel manufacturer, a move that may have left taxpayers on the hook for a $528 million debt, House Republicans said Wednesday. The panel examining the loan disclosed e-mails that appear to show senior staff at the White House Office of Management and Budget chafing about having to conduct "rushed approvals" of federal loan guarantees designed to help jumpstart the nation's renewable energy industry. GOP lawmakers said the White House had scheduled a groundbreaking for Solyndra Inc. even before the Department of Energy had submitted its final paperwork on the terms of the loan to the OMB. "We would prefer to have sufficient time to do our due diligence reviews and have the approval set the date for the
US President, Barack Obama
announcement rather than the other way around," said one of the emails from an unnamed OMB aide to the office of Vice President Joe Biden. Solyndra was cited by President Barack Obama as an example of how the economic stimulus bill would increase employment through investments in renewable energy. But it couldn't compete with foreign manufacturers of solar panels in the U.S. and the European market dried up. It has filed for bankruptcy, laying off 1,100 workers. Shortly after the filing, FBI officials raided the company's headquarters in Fremont, Calif. The company said the FBI was seeking records on the loans. Republican lawmakers on the House Energy and Commerce Committee's investigations panel are questioning why there was a rush to approve the loan and whether the entire loan guarantee program is warranted.
Ambergris Cay Facilities Ltd is seeking an employee on a month to month basis to fill a post on Ambergris Cay. The available post is for a
to manage and be responsible for all facets of day-to-day maintenance operations.
1. Providing general and technical services necessary to maintain the assets and facilities on Ambergris Cay during the Receivership. 2. Working closely with all department heads to ensure all maintenance needs are met. 3. Defining all facility needs, develop and execute plans that will ensure a highly functioning maintenance department. 4. Analyzing cost and budget and establish quality assurance measures. 5. Coordinate and manage all activities in the maintenance department. Determine needed repairs and improvements. 6. Establish project priorities and assign work tasks. 7. Schedule work to most effectively meet facility needs. 8. Develop and coordinate a solid PM schedule program. 9. Develop and implement a training program for maintenance employees. 10. Utilize effective, logical troubleshooting skills to develop corrective action plans. 11. Document departmental activity through preparation of various reports, work orders, maintenance schedules and other incidental record keeping. 12. Prepare, implement and monitor departmental budget. 13. Develop and maintain inventory of spare and repair parts, materials and tools. 14. Operate hand tools, light machinery and other equipment to make repairs or improvements to the facilities. 15. Assure all work sites are left in a usable and safe working condition. 16. Assure that all work is completed in a timely and professional manner.
1. Must have at least five (5) years of thorough working knowledge of building design and construction methods, techniques and industry standards. 2. Comprehensive knowledge of methods and techniques of facilities and equipment maintenance, including program organization and implementation methods of HVAC, plumbing, waste disposal and electrical systems. 3. Knowledge of and ability to operate tools and machinery. 4. Strong management skills for delegating project and task responsibilities, monitoring and evaluating work performance and maintaining an effective, trained work staff. 5. Must be a Certified Pool Operator (CPO). Must have a valid TCI driver’s license’s to operate company vehicles. Salary: Between US$70,000 to US$80.000 per annum.
Closing Date for Applications is Friday September 30th, 2011.
Applications must be in writing addressed to: Ambergris Cay Facilities Ltd, Unit 51, Salt Mills Plaza, Grace Bay, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands E-mail: Tel: (649)-941-3777 ; Fax: (649)-941-3778
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GOP wins in NY House race, seen as Obama rebuke
NEW YORK — Republicans have scored an upset victory in a House race that started as a contest to replace Rep. Anthony Weiner after he resigned in a sexting scandal but became a referendum on President Barack Obama's economic policies. Retired media executive and political novice Bob Turner defeated Democratic state Assemblyman David Weprin on Tuesday in the special election to fill the seat vacated by Weiner, a seven-term Democrat who resigned in June. With more than 80 percent of precincts reporting, Turner had 54 percent of the vote to Weprin's 46 percent in unofficial results. "We've been asked by the people of this district to send a message to Washington," Turner told supporters after the landmark win. "I hope they hear it loud and clear. We've been told this is a referendum. Mr. President, we are on the wrong track. We have had it with an irresponsible fiscal policy which endangers the entire economy." The heavily Democratic district,
World loCAlNeWs NeWs
Bob Turner
David Weprin
which spans parts of Queens and Brooklyn, had never sent a Republican to the House. But frustration with the continued weak national economy gave Republicans the edge. Turner has vowed to bring business practicality to Washington and push back on spending and taxes. The race was supposed to be an easy win for Democrats, who have a 3-
1 ratio registration advantage in the district. Weprin, a 56-year-old Orthodox Jew and member of a prominent Queens political family, seemed a good fit for the largely white, working-class district, which is nearly 40 percent Jewish. But voter frustration with Obama put Weprin in the unlikely spot of
Number of poor hit record 46 million in 2010
WASHINGTON - The number of Americans living below the poverty line rose to a record 46 million last year, the government said on Tuesday, underscoring the challenges facing President Barack Obama and Congress as they try to tackle high unemployment and a moribund economy. The Census Bureau's annual report on income, poverty and health insurance coverage said the national poverty rate climbed for a third consecutive year to 15.1 percent in 2010 as the economy struggled to recover from the recession that began in December 2007 and ended in June 2009. That marked a 0.8 percent increase from 2009, when there were 43.6 million Americans living in poverty. The number of poor Americans in 2010 was the largest in the 52 years that the Census Bureau has been publishing poverty estimates, the report said, while the poverty rate was the highest since 1993. The specter of economic deterioration also afflicted working Americans who saw their median income decline 2.3 percent to an annual $49,445. About 1.5 million fewer Americans were covered by employersponsored health insurance plans, while the number of people covered by government health insurance increased by nearly 2 million. All told, the number of Americans with no health insurance hovered at 49.9 million, up slightly from 49 million in 2010. The economic deterioration depicted by the figures is likely to have continued into 2011 as economic growth diminished, unemployment remained stuck above 9 percent and fears grew of a possible double-dip recession. The report of rising poverty coincides with Obama's push for a $450 billion job creation package, and deliberations by a congressional "super committee" tasked with cutting at least $1.2 trillion from the budget deficit over 10 years. Faced with deteriorating job approval ratings, the president is trying to convince Republicans in Congress to support his package. Analysts said poverty-related issues have relatively little hold on politicians in Washington but hoped the new figures would encourage the bipartisan super committee to avoid deficit cuts that would hurt the poor. The United States has long had one of the highest poverty rates in the developed world. Among 34 countries tracked by the Parisbased Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, only Chile, Israel and Mexico have higher rates of poverty.
playing defense. A Siena Poll released Friday found just 43 percent of likely voters approved of the president's job performance, while 54 percent said they disapproved. Among independents, just 29 percent said they approved of Obama's job performance. Turner, a 70-year-old Catholic, vowed to push back on Obama's policies if elected. He received help from prominent Republicans including former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, whose much-praised stewardship of the city after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks was recalled during the 10th anniversary of the attacks last weekend. Weprin became embroiled in New York-centric disputes over Israel and gay marriage, which cost him some support among Jewish voters. Orthodox Jews, who tend to be conservative on social issues, expressed anger over Weprin's vote in the Assembly to legalize gay marriage. In July, New York became one of six states to recognize same-sex nuptials.
A lone walker watches as gales and high tides sweep the coast at Blackpool, in the north west of England, as the remnants of Hurricane Katia hit British shores, Monday Sept. 12, 2011.
DUBLIN- Tropical Storm Katia shut down roads and power and led to one death Monday in Ireland and Britain, where residents braced for the strongest wind gusts in 15 years. Forecasters in both countries said Monday's gusts topped 80 mph (125 kph) as the storm — previously a hurricane as it roared across the Atlantic — made driving, ship-faring and even walking dangerous in broad swathes of Ireland, Scotland and northern England. In northeast England's County Durham, a driver died after a tree fell on a car on the highway, Durham police said. Officers later warned all drivers to be careful driving through the high winds. Most ferry services between Ireland and Britain were canceled, and fishing boats along the Atlantic coasts of Ireland and Scotland were warned to head into port. Britain's government forecasting service, the Met Office, told the public to
be ready for the strongest winds since October 1996, when the tail end of Hurricane Lili killed five Britons and caused an estimated 150 million pounds ($250 million) of damage there. Ireland and Britain periodically catch the tail-end of Atlantic hurricanes as they travel northeast with the Gulf Stream and weaken into tropical storms. The Met Office said Britain and Ireland felt the winds of one former hurricane in 2009, three in 2006, two in 2000, one in 1998 and one in 1996, when Lili's winds topped 90 mph (145 kph) and brought widespread disruption to Britain and Ireland. Katia is the second major hurricane of the 2011 Atlantic hurricane season, forming two weeks ago near the west African islands of Cape Verde. Katia traveled in a C-shape route toward the Caribbean and the eastern United States but didn't reach landfall there, then headed northeast to Europe.
UBS $2 billion rogue trade suspect held in London
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LONDON/ZURICH - UBS said a trader who lost the Swiss bank around $2 billion in unauthorized deals had been arrested in London, with sources close to the situation naming the man as 31-year-old Kweku Adoboli. Adoboli -- working as a director of exchange traded funds and Delta 1 trading, according to his profile on LinkedIn -- was arrested during the night at UBS's London office on suspicion of fraud, the sources told Reuters on Thursday. UBS said it discovered the problem on Wednesday afternoon, but gave no details of the trades involved. Police said they had arrested a man at 0230 GMT on Thursday, 2-1/2 hours after being contacted by the bank. "The man was taken to a City of London police station for questioning and he remains in custody while officers are continuing to investigate this matter," City of London police Commander Ian Dyson told reporters. Adoboli, a University of Nottingham computer science and management graduate, was described by a former landlord as a good tenant of a 1,000 pound ($1,600) per week apartment close to UBS in London's East End, where he lived until recently. "I can confirm that an employee of the bank was arrested in London in
connection with the statement," a UBS spokesman said, after the bank had revealed the loss. UBS shares dropped to their lowest close since March 2009, ending the day down 10.8 percent after it said it might post a third-quarter loss following the trades, a huge blow as it struggles to rebuild its credibility after years of crises. The loss effectively cancels out the 2 billion Swiss franc ($2.3 billion) saving it had hoped to make in a costcutting program announced last month in which it will axe 3,500 jobs. It also threatens the future of UBS's investment bank, which is being reviewed by chief executive Oswald Gruebel as part of a wide-ranging restructuring following heavy losses in the credit crisis and a damaging scandal over bankers helping rich U.S. clients dodge taxes. It also undermines claims by the Swiss bank and the industry that such events are a thing of the past. UBS, which said no client positions were affected, is scheduled to hold an investor day on November 17 at which it was expected to announce a major overhaul of the investment bank. "The matter is still being investigated, but UBS's current estimate of the loss on the trades is in
A trader who lost the Swiss bank around $2 billion in unauthorized deals
the range of $2 billion," the bank said in a statement. UBS employed almost 18,000 people in its investment bank at the end of June, most of them outside Switzerland, particularly in London and the United States. "(This) is a staggering demonstration that all the clever systems that the banks now have, especially after the financial crisis, still cannot stop a determined individual getting round them if they want to," said Chris Roebuck, Visiting Professor at Cass Business School in London. "It will yet again confirm to the majority of shareholders who are
Swiss that investment banking is not 'proper' banking, as private banking is." UBS had started to see client confidence return this year after it had to be rescued by the Swiss state in 2008 following massive losses on toxic assets held by its investment bank. The bank has had a history of major risk management glitches followed by repeated pledges to fix risk systems. The last similar case was when Jerome Kerviel, then a trader at Societe Generale, racked up a $6.7 billion loss in unauthorized deals revealed in 2008. Kerviel was sentenced to three years in prison in October 2010.
US Postal Service considers closing facilities
The U.S. Postal Service said Thursday it was considering closing more than half of its 487 mail-processing facilities, eliminating 35,000 mailprocessing positions and slowing mail delivery service, its latest move in a fight to remain solvent. "We simply need fewer facilities to process less mail," Megan Brennan, the chief operating officer of the Postal Service, said at a press conference. As more people communicate online instead of through paper and pen, the country's Postal Service has been losing money and says it now has more capacity than needed to process mail. The mail service, which says it lost more than $9 billion last year, has already proposed ending Saturday delivery service--a change that Congress has so far resisted. The Postal Service now wants to close more facilities and slash its work force to make up for ongoing declines in mail volumes. Earlier this year, the Postal Service said it would study as many as 2,000 post offices for possible closure. Of the 1,200 ultimately selected, as of July, 300 were still being studied, 280 had
The U.S. Postal Service is considering closing more than half of its 487 mail-processing facilities, eliminating 35,000 mail-processing positions
closed, and 620 were in various stages of closing. In March, the mail service said it would eliminate 7,500 managers and shut seven district offices. Then, in July, the Postal Service said it would consider closing 3,653 post offices, mostly in rural areas.
The newest plan calls for a study of closing as many as 252 mailprocessing facilities in a bid to save about $3 billion a year. In addition, the U.S. Postal Service would end one-day delivery service for first-class mail. The move would enable it to sort
letters more frequently each day, instead of waiting until the night to process mail collected during the day. The result would be greater efficiency, as processing could start at noon and occur 16 hours a day, instead of from 12:30 a.m. to 7 a.m. each day. The Postal Service, which is the country's largest employer after the military and Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (WMT), said it intends to eliminate 35,000 mail-processing jobs, out of a total of 151,000 such positions. It said it would work with the union and hopes to avoid layoffs, relying instead of retirements. The Postal Service currently has 559,000 employees. The mail service also said that the restructuring would mean fewer mail trucks and half as much mailprocessing equipment. The plan still faces a comment period, but the Postal Service says it could be implemented without congressional approval. Even so, with a list of possible facility closures circulating, lawmakers could push back and challenge the closure of facilities within their own districts.
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Central banks step in as European debt crisis goes global
As European banks find it increasingly harder to get cash they need to operate, central banks from around the world opened their vaults Thursday to head off another credit crunch like the one that crashed the financial system in 2008 and sent the global economy into a deep recession. Exactly three years to the day after the collapse of Lehman Brothers touched off a credit panic, confidence in European leaders is fading as they scramble to head off a default on Greek debt and ease fears that Italy may headed for the same fate. After a year and half of failed attempts at a solution, the world economy has entered A “dangerous new phase” International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde said in a Washington speech Thursday. “Without collective resolve, the confidence that the world so badly needs will not return,” Lagarde said. The crisis stems from a downward economic spiral that has trapped Europe’s weaker economies, starting
International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde
with Greece. Burdened by a debt load that exceeds its gross domestic product, the Athens government has been forced to cut spending and raise taxes to convince stronger economies like Germany and France to backstop its bonds. But those budget cuts have sent the Greek economy lurching in reverse, shrinking economic growth and forcing deeper cuts in services and higher taxes. For a time, the hope was that the crisis could be contained to Greece
The Turks & Caicos Islands National Health Insurance Board (NHIB) invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the post of Medical Officer.
JOB SUMMARY Medical Officer is responsible for development and enforcement of policies and procedures as it relates to the NHIP Emergency Overseas Treatment Programme as well as coordinating appropriate cost efficient health care services with best medical practice.
PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF JOB • Manage the Medical Aspects of the NHIP Emergency Overseas Treatment Programme • Enforce cost-reduction strategies and recommend options in the management of claimant’s care • Suggest systems and procedures to facilitate achieving objectives in areas of responsibility • Conduct a sample survey of health providers and facilities to derive baseline data on the availability and quality of services as well as the capacity and readiness to meet demands of NHIB • Coordinate activities and provide advice to the NHIB team charged with specification and costing of the service benefit package and in the development of provider payment systems; • Convene and take the lead in meetings and other mechanisms aimed at defining criteria for inclusion in the NHIB provider network as well, as developing norms and protocols for quality assurance utilization reviews, access to overseas care; modifications (inclusion an exclusion) of items in the benefit package; • Collaborate with other members of the NHIB team in the design and implementation of activities related to accreditation of health providers • Collaborate with other members of the NHIB team in defining and developing contractual agreements with local and overseas providers for services in the benefit package; • Assist in the development of detailed terms of reference and procedures for the activities of the NHIB Medical Review Committee Minimum Qualification & Experience Required • Education: Academic qualification at least at the level of Bachelor in Medicine/Bachelor in Surgery; • Experience: At least 7 years experience as a full time practitioner in primary care and hospital settings. • Experience with health insurance operations such as member of medical review panel will be an asset. REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS:• In-dept knowledge of the local health sector; • Strong written and oral skills including computer literacy in the main word processing, spreadsheet and presentation graphics programmes • Skills in managing meetings, negotiation and consensus building. • Effective, interpersonal, communication and customer services skills Salary: Salary will commensurate with qualifications and experience within the range of $70,000 to $90,000 per annum Deadline for submission: September 23, 2011 All applicants should be addressed to: Zaneta Burton Chief Executive Officer National Health Insurance Board Salt Mills Plaza, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands, British West Indies Email:;
and the weakest “peripheral” economies in the European Monetary Union. But the confidence contagion has now spread to Italy, Europe's third largest economy. This week, after the Italian government failed four times to trim its budget, investors demanded a huge premium to buy a fresh round of Italian bonds. The final budget plan, approved Wednesday, calls for tax increases that will create an even bigger drag on Italy's economy. Germany and France, the last hope of a European bailout, have seen their economies grind to a halt as the crisis widened. Investors have bailed out of European bank stocks, fearing they could lose large chunks of capital if governments default on the bonds they hold. Some bank stocks are now trading for less than half the reported value of the assets on their books, a sign that investors believe those assets will inevitably have to be written down. European leaders have been working for more than a year to
assemble a financial backstop, similar to the reponse by the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve to the collapse of credit markets in 2008. The European Central Bank has stepped in on a limited basis to buy Greek and Italian bonds to prop up those markets. But those efforts have not been big enough to calm jittery bond investors. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, one of the architects of the plan to stop the 2008 financial crisis, was in Poland Thursday pushing a similar plan to European officials to help stop the current problems. The European Union has established a bailout fund, the European Financial Stability Facility, or ESFS, which stands ready to intervene if a default appears imminent. But most observers doubt that the $750 billion euro fund is adequate. Geithner was expected to suggest to EU leaders that they leverage the fund to make it more effective in fighting the contagion.
The eurozone debt crisis now threatening banks could destroy six decades of post-war European integration, top EU officials warned on Wednesday. The dire warning that post World War II Europe risks disaster came shortly after Moody's credit rating agency downgraded two French banks and as financial markets increasingly calculate the domino damage if Greece defaults. "Europe is in danger," Polish Finance Minister Jacek Rostowski, whose country currently chairs EU meetings, told the European Parliament in Strasbourg ahead of emergency talks between leaders from Germany, France and debt-hit Greece. "If the eurozone breaks up, the European Union will not be able to survive," Rostowski said of the currency bloc that comprises 17 of the 27 EU countries, a day before European finance ministers gather in Poland alongside US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. EU officials have warned repeatedly that Athens will not receive the next slice of aid, worth eight billion euros ($11.0 billion), unless it can persuade EU and IMF auditors, about to resume work, that it can overcome its deficit crisis. At his most dramatic, Rostowski even warned that "war" could return to Europe if the crisis weakens fatally the EU, founded amid the rubble of World War II. But his underlying message that the ties binding the EU are under intense strain was backed up European Commission head Jose Manuel Barroso. The head of the EU executive described the crisis as "the most serious challenge of a generation. This is a fight... for the economic and political future of Europe." German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou are to discuss the Greek emergency at a teleconference scheduled for 1600 GMT on Wednesday. Sarkozy will "do everything to save Greece," government spokeswoman Valerie Pecresse said. Analysts say that decision makers on financial markets are broadly working on an assumption that Greece will default to a substantial degree. That would hit government creditors as well as private banks and other investors which accepted a partial loss on their investments in July under a yet-to-be completed second rescue for Greece. "The question of whether or not Greece will default is pretty much solved for the financial markets," said analysts at German lender Commerzbank, terming a "short-term" default "more or less unavoidable." However, EU economic affairs commissioner Olli Rehn maintained that "a default or exit of Greece from the eurozone would carry dramatic social, economic and political costs." He added: "Not only for Greece, but also for euro area member states, other EU states, as well as global partners."
Bolt blasts 9.85 and cruises to 100m win at Zagreb
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ZAGREB, Croatia — Usain Bolt made a cautious start in his first 100 metres since his disqualification at the World Championships last month, and still ended up winning in a season-best 9.85 seconds at the Zagreb World Challenge yesterday. Bolt, who false-started in Daegu to end his hopes of defending his world title, shaved 0.03 seconds off his previous fastest time this year — 9.88 at Monaco in June — on a warm, still night. "It was a poor start," said Bolt, the world and Olympic record-holder. "I kind of lost concentration and just went through the line. It was OK, I suppose, but I could have done better, especially with the weather like that." Kim Collins of Saint Kitts and Nevis ran a season-best 10.01 seconds to finish second, ahead of Trinidad's Richard Thompson at 10.03. There was standing room only at the 61st Boris Hanzekovic Memorial, where Real Madrid president
SAMUELS IN AUSTRALIA TO REVIEW BOWLING ACTION The West Indies Twenty20 squad has started a weeklong training camp in preparation for the upcoming two-match series against England later this month. Meanwhile, Jamaican middleorder batsman Marlon Samuels has travelled to Australia to do an assessment on his bowling action. Samuels had been barred from bowling by the International Cricket Council (ICC) after his bowling action was deemed to be illegal, specifically as it relates to the delivery of the faster ball. Under the guidance of head coach Ottis Gibson, the squad has undergone testing, training and planning since the camp started on Sunday at the Sagicor High Performance Centre at the UWI Cave Hill Campus in BArbados. The West Indies Cricket Board said players holding developmental contracts would also undergo fitness assessments as part of the camp. West Indies will play England in the double-header on September 23 and 25.
Usain Bolt
Florentino Perez and club official Emilio Butragueno arrived in time to see Bolt in action. "It was wonderful, the crowd here," Bolt said. "I loved that they were excited and that the fans come up to me. I'm always grateful for that."
However, security had trouble controlling the crowd as "Boltmania" took hold when he celebrated with delirious fans. "It's not as bad in Jamaica, where they see me every day," Bolt laughed. In the men's 100 hurdles, Cuba's world record-holder Dayron Robles beat world champion Jason Richardson for the second race in a row. Robles finished first at the World Championships but was disqualified for impeding Liu Xiang of China, giving Richardson of the US the gold. Richardson, who was also beaten by Robles at the Weltklasse in Zurich last week, set a personal best of 13.04 seconds, but Robles won in 13.00. David Oliver of the US was third in 13.20. Carmelita Jeter claimed the women's 100 in 11.00. The American was pushed hard to the line by Schillonie Calvert of Jamaica, who finished in 11.13, with Bulgaria's Ivet
Lalova third in 11.33. "Hopefully, I'll come back next year. I've enjoyed myself so much so far," Jeter said. Calvert won the 200, setting a personal best to clock 22.55 ahead of fellow Jamaican Sherone Simpson, 22.95, and Debbie FergusonMcKenzie of the Bahamas, 22.97. In the women's 100 hurdles, world champion Sally Pearson followed up her success at the Weltklasse in Zurich to claim the gold in 12.67. "Relief more than anything. I came into this meeting a bit tired," Pearson said. Lashawn Merrit of the United States claimed the men's 400 in 45.20 seconds after a slow start, finishing ahead of compatriot Greg Nixon (45.73) and Trinidad's Renny Quow (45.95). Jamaica's Novlene Williams Mills set a meet record of 50.31 seconds to win the women's 400.
Regional leaders to engage stakeholders on future of West Indies cricket
CARICOM leaders said they will engage the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) and the West Indies Players Association (WIPA) to ascertain their positions regarding the future of the game in the region. A statement issued after the Prime Ministerial SubCommittee on Cricket (PMSC) met in Port of Spain on Monday gave no indication as to when the engagement would take place. They said, however, that other stakeholders would be invited "to ascertain their respective positions regarding the charting of a collective course forward which would not only improve the arrangements for governance of West Indies cricket, but also the performance of our players". At their summit last July in St Kitts, CARICOM leaders expressed serious concerns about the relationship between WICB and WIPA as it relates to the future of West Indies cricket, and the statement on Monday said that the PMSC reiterated the position that "West Indies cricket belongs to the people of the region". The PMSC meeting, chaired by Antigua & Barbuda Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer, was also attended by Guyana President Bharrat Jagdeo, Prime Minister Bruce Golding of Jamaica, host Prime Minister Kamla PersadBissessar, Barbados Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Minister Maxine McClean, and CARICOM Secretary General Irwin LaRocque. According to the statement, "the meeting held a critical and in-depth discussion on the current state of cricket in the region" and, in particular, the status of the relations between the WICB and WIPA. "In examining the issues related to governance of West Indies cricket, the PMSC reiterated that West Indies cricket belongs to the people of the region to whom the stewardship of the game must be accountable," the statement said. The statement also said that other proposals put forward "for returning the game of cricket in the region to its glorious past" include carrying out an assessment "of the prevailing arrangements for governance of West Indies cricket to determine whether the best interests of cricket in the region and of its people are being served".
The PMSC also said there is a need to "revisit the recommendations of the Final Report of the Committee on Governance of West Indies Cricket of 2007 ("the Patterson Report") to determine the extent to which its implementation would impact positively on West Indies cricket, including its future development". The review of the governance of West Indies cricket was commissioned by former WICB president Ken Gordon. It was headed by former Jamaica Prime Minister P J Patterson with the other members being Dr Ian McDonald and former University of the West Indies icon, Sir Alister McIntyre. The committee was asked to examine how the governance of West Indies cricket could be improved, as well as how the current performance of the representative teams be taken to a higher level. It was also asked to examine how might the broad base of the game, and its immediate prospects and popularity in the region, be strengthened, as well as how the financial and commercial state of West Indies cricket could be improved and secured on a lasting basis. Prior to his arrival for the meeting, Prime Minister Golding had indicated he would put forward his country's position to the PMSC. But the statement gave no indication as to whether or not Golding had raised the issue of former West Indies captain Chris Gayle, whose ommission from the regional team has been at the centre of the latest controversy involving the WICB and WIPA. The left-handed opener was left out of the recent home series against India, following a highly-charged interview with a radio station in his native Jamaica in which he was heavily critical of the WICB. He subsequently met with the WICB to resolve the issue, but the meeting, involving Board and WIPA officials ended in confusion. With no end in sight to the dispute, Gayle called for CARICOM's intervention in the matter and chairman, St Kitts & Nevis Prime Minister Denzil Douglas, announced in July that the sub-committee would be re-established to deal with the issue.
Djokovic defeats Nadal to win US Open
Forecasting nobility in sports is tougher than predicting the weather, which mercifully held Monday at the sodden United States Open for the final between Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal. After Nadal defeated Djokovic in four sets a year ago to complete a career Grand Slam, a debate raged about whether Nadal or Roger Federer, the 16-time major champion, deserved to lead the greatest-player-of-all-time conversation. This year the talk has turned like pages in a history book to a discussion of whether Djokovic is in the midst of the all-time greatest season. It is an argument the top-ranked Djokovic ended with the authority of an overhead smash winner by dethroning Nadal, 62, 6-4, 6-7 (3), 6-1. “Maybe it is the best match I played this year,” Djokovic said. “I stepped on the court believing I could win. I didn’t give him any comfort. I didn’t give him any room.” Djokovic extended his match record for the year to 64-2 and secured his fourth career major title and his third of 2011. It was his sixth victory — all in finals — this year against Nadal, the No. 2 seed, who told him during the awards ceremony: “What you did this year is probably impossible to repeat. So well done.” When they last met, in the Wimbledon final, Nadal was beaten, 64, 6-1, 1-6, 6-3, and sounded utterly defeated afterward, as if Djokovic had made off with his confidence along with his crown. “I go back to Spain more happy today than after the Wimbledon final,” Nadal said, “because after here I think
Novak Djokovic (pictured) overwhelmed Rafael Nadal to clinch fourth Grand Slam Title.
I am on the right way to try to beat him. After Wimbledon, I didn’t feel that.” The match at Arthur Ashe Stadium lasted 4 hours 10 minutes, which was not too tough a trial for the 24-year-old Djokovic. He spent four years honing his patience while stuck at No. 3 in the world behind Nadal and Federer — not always in that order. Djokovic’s hardwon forbearance was an asset on a night that featured one 17-minute game, a few 30-stroke rallies and numerous displays of can-you-top-this shot-making. There were 17 breaks of service, including 11 by Djokovic, an astonishing statistic given that Nadal was broken only five times during the 2010 tournament. Nadal’s serve was not the dagger it was last year, but Djokovic returns so well, the racket is
Britain and Ireland beats US to win Walker Cup
ABERDEEN, Scotland — Britain & Ireland regained the Walker Cup from the United States for the first time since 2003 on Sunday, holding off the Americans in the afternoon singles for a 14-12 victory. The hosts needed 13 1/2 points to win the title and took an insurmountable lead after 17-year-old Welshman Rhys Pugh won his singles match against U.S. Amateur champion Kelly Kraft 2 and 1 and Steven Brown halved with Blayne Barber. Paul Cutler than halved with American Patrick Cantlay in the final match of the biennial event between leading amateur players. "I'm proud of all the boys," Britain & Ireland captain Nigel Edwards said. "They've all played their part in beating what is a very good American team." The U.S. team received a letter from former President George W. Bush on the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. It was Bush's great-grandfather, George Herbert Walker, who played an instrumental role in the start of the amateur showcase and who donated the cup that bears his name. U.S. captain Jim Holtgrieve read the letter to the team during its morning meeting. "As you compete I hope you will reflect on the freedoms you enjoy as Americans," Bush wrote in the letter. "Remember those who have defended your liberties and way of life. I know you will represent the United States with pride and honor." Holtgrieve said the letter served as inspiration for the team. "It obviously meant a great deal to the guys in the team room this morning, especially on this day of all days," he said.
like a shield in his hands. On Monday it kept him from getting hurt by Nadal’s serve. That’s not to say he wasn’t hurting. Before the fourth set, Djokovic was facedown on the court receiving medical treatment for a strained muscle in his back. Forty-two minutes later, after striking the last of his 20 forehand winners on his first championship point, he ended up faceup on the court, howling at the full moon. In his postmatch news conference, Nadal was asked if fatigue was a factor in the outcome (he had one less day of rest in the final weekend than Djokovic). He was asked if the sixminute injury timeout that Djokovic took threw him off his rhythm. “We are starting the press conference in a bad way, I think,” he
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said with a smile. “Let’s talk about the match. It’s not the right moment to find excuses if he stops the match or if I was tired. I fought until the last point. I tried my best in every moment.” He added, “But in general, I think he did great, no?” Men’s tennis is top-heavy right now, which is what makes it so attractive. Federer’s brilliance in 2005-6, when he was 173-9, compelled Nadal to keep improving, and when Nadal elevated his game, it stimulated Djokovic to upgrade his. After his 6-4, 5-7, 6-4, 6-2 loss to Nadal last year, Djokovic said: “He’s getting better each time you play him. He’s so mentally strong and dedicated to this sport. He has all the capabilities, everything he needs, in order to be the biggest ever.” It’s not a coincidence his opponents are saying much the same thing about Djokovic in 2011. He has improved his fitness and conditioning, enabling him to chase down everything, it seems, but the setting sun. He has shored up his forehand, and seen his self-belief soar. The anything-you-can-do-I-willaim-to-do-better mind-set of the top three players has elevated the games of those like Andy Murray, Jo-Wilfried Tsonga and Mardy Fish who are in hot pursuit. “Djokovic didn’t arrive this year, no?” Nadal said, adding: “For me is a little bit strange about the people here from tennis talks about Djokovic, about his big new improvement. Djokovic was here before, no? Djokovic played fantastic before. He had fantastic potential to be where he is today.”
Mohamed bin Hammam will take his case against a lifetime ban from football to the Court of Arbitration for Sport after Fifa rejected his initial appeal. Fifa banned Bin Hammam, 62, after finding him guilty of bribing Caribbean voters with $40,000 to back his later abandoned campaign to become president. The original Fifa report said there was "convincing and overwhelming" proof that bribes had been paid to officials. Bin Hammam is the most senior figure banned by Fifa in its 107-year history. A statement from Bin Hammam's lawyer, Eugene Gulland, confirmed: "As expected, the Fifa appeals panel, which met in Zurich today [Thursday], upheld the 23 July ruling by the Fifa ethics committee, and we will therefore be taking our appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS)." Fifa's statement, released on Thursday, read: "The appeal made by Mohammed Bin Hammam has been rejected and the decision of the Fifa ethics committee confirmed.
"The sanction of being banned from taking part in any kind of football-related activity [administrative, sports or any other] at national and international level for life has therefore been maintained." Bin Hammam was accused of attempting to buy votes ahead of June's Fifa presidential election which led to his withdrawal from the race, handing incumbent president Sepp Blatter a fourth consecutive term as head of football's world governing body. His lawyer Gulland added: "Mr Bin Hammam has already gone on record stating that he was not optimistic of justice prevailing from the Fifa appeals process but this was a protocol to enable him to obtain access to Cas. "We have also brought a separate legal proceeding before Cas which challenges the right of Fifa to designate Zhang Jilong as 'acting president' of the Asian Football Confederation and appoint him to sit on the Fifa executive committee. "These decisions infringe the Asian Football Confederation's constitution."
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AFC Academy: A promising start to the season The young men of AFC Academy kicked off their 2011-2012 season with a friendly game against a seasoned side in Provo Golf Club FC on the 10th of September at the TCIFA Academy, securing a hard fought victory, 5 goals to 1. The game started slowly with little in the way of match action or tempo as both sides attempted to find their rhythm. A defensive mistake on the half hour allowed Blanc Edmond to open the scoring for the Golf Club. Going behind spurred the Academy boys into life and a particularly impressive cameo performance by Jeff Joseph on the right side of midfield saw a number of chances created to see out the first half. The second half offered improvement in quality on the first as the boys used the fact that they had been training all summer to impose their superior conditioning on the game, upping the speed and intensity of play and eventually overwhelming the Golf Club physically. Good tactical awareness finally enabled striker Jerry Liluce to score the Academy’s leveler by sitting on the shoulder and then getting in behind a Golf Club defender who was sat far too deep. Jerry would go on to net twice more and in completing his hatrick was fully deserving of the MVP award for his tireless work, unselfish link play and clinical finishing. Teammates Matthew Green and Steve Wilson who have been integrated into the side to aid the boys development by providing necessary in-game experience also got on the score sheet by finishing a couple of quick, well-worked passing moves. Although disappointed by the lack of energy and focus in the first half Coach Ian Hurdle was very happy to see his team move up a gear in the second half and although knowing they need to improve greatly in order to compete in the upcoming United Soccer League was pleased that the boys managed to continue their winning streak from the end of last season; he added “the fact that they did not panic when they went a goal down shows how far the boys have come mentally over the last few months, they kept their heads up and continued to try and play football the right way. Our last four goals came from keeping the ball on the deck and passing our way in behind the full backs at pace’. Notable mentions were the battling performance of Herby Magny as he dueled it out with a very physical Donave Charles for the majority of the second half. Benji St. Amoue showed flashes of his talent despite some excellent defending from Sanjay Campbell who played very well at the back for the Golf Club in spite of the score line. A special thank you from the Coaching Staff to Davidson Martins and David Jasmine who once again showed their commitment to the Academy team by doing not only a great job taking turns as goalkeeper but also playing very well when moving out onto the pitch. AFC Academy’s next scheduled fixture will be at the TCIFA Academy on the 24th of September - 5pm Kick-off. An open invitation to the Public at large: come down and support the boys as we work towards developing them into future National Team players.
National coach impressed with turnout for new season Technical Director for the Turks and Caicos Islands Football Programme, Mathew Green, said he is encouraged by the huge turnout at the start of the new season. "Normally it takes a few weeks to get back into the swing of things, but I have been pleasantly surprised how many new players we have recruited already, especially in the Under 7 age group." The TCIFA runs regional academies in both Providenciales and Grand Turk and aims to set up similar programmes though-out the rest of the country. In addition, the TCIFA organizes youth leagues and school competitions through-out the year, so that players are able to put into practice the skills they learn during their academy coaching sessions. The TCIFA ensures that players get to learn all the necessary skills to become well rounded players. "All our coaches are qualified and they follow a curriculum that is designed to prepare our youth players to play at the highest levels. At the moment we have almost twenty players that have graduated through our academies in recent years and are playing football overseas whilst they complete their studies. In addition, eleven of our most recent senior men's squad came though our academies,” he said. Green added without the hard work of his volunteer coaches, the success would not have been so tremendous. "The TCIFA is always keen to take on board people who are reliable and enthusiastic to help with our programmes either in a coaching or administrative capacity. The TCIFA provides training free of charge for anyone who wants to become more
Local soccer programme coach gets playing contract with US club
By Vivian Tyson
Ricardo Henry, an associate coach of the TCI soccer programme could land a long term goal-keeping contract with USA National Soccer League semiprofessional club – CKS WARTA - after not only displaying dazzling goalkeeping skills but also by scoring the winning goal in the dying minutes to keep that team on course for a shot at the title. CKS is presently third in the standings with two games in hand playing in the Midwest Division – a good position to qualify for the playoffs - which begins on October 2. Henry was invited for a try-out with the club, and after just one practice session, the president of the club was impressed with what he saw and arranged a meeting with the clinical goalkeeper the following day. At the end of the meeting he was
handed a contract to last until the end of the season. He was included in the 18-man squad for the game played on Friday, September 9, and immediately made his debut in the second 45 minutes of play. However, he was signed to the club a time when the next could not be less than a win. However, at the end of the first 45 minutes the score was tied at 1-1. Since the regular goalkeeper picked up an injury during the first half, Henry was entrusted to be the team’s custodian. But while he thwarted many attacks mounted by the opposition, his team could not find the go-ahead goal. With about a minute left on the clock, CKS won a corner, and Henry abandoned the goal and went in his team’s territory to bolster his team’s offense, which paid off handsomely.
active in youth football,” he said. He said the TCIFA continues to show its commitment to developing its young stars by allowing them to participate in the senior domestic leagues. The TCIFA will enter three Academy teams in senior competitions this year. The AFC Academy Boys team, coached by Ian Hurdle, will compete in the United Football League, Men's Football league (MFL) and the TCIFA Super 7's Football League. This, according to Green, will give them an opportunity to test themselves against experienced and more physical teams. Green added that Hurdle has made a tremendous impact with the young boys, shaping them into a team in just a few months. "The growth rate of this group is phenomenal. A few months ago they had little concept of what a team was really about but they are really coming together under Ian's leadership. They are very much a ‘work in progress’, but they are definitely improving in all areas and in a years time they should be very competitive," he said. He said also that the TCIFA would also be putting in two young teams into the Women's Football League (WFL) which is due to start on 30th October. AFC Hurricanes will consist of players from the Provo U17 and U20 Academies and will be coached by ex-national team goal keeper Gerry Gregg. Having coached several successful teams in the WFL, Gregg's experience will no doubt allow the Hurricanes to be serious title contenders this season. The most ambitious team in the TCIFA family this year is AFC Strikers who will be comprised of players from the U14 / U12 Academies.
“The ball was headed out to my teammate who passed it to me, and I made a one time shot into the net for the winning goal. It was the greatest feeling anyone could have at that time and a great start to life in semi-pro soccer,” Henry said following the game. He team came away 2-1 winners of that game, which now increases their chances of reaching the playoffs. “I have settled well since my arrival at CKS WARTA, the players and coaching staff makes me feel at home. The supporters like me here, especially since my performance in my first game, they see me in the streets and called me by name and that is real special. But for now I just have to take it step by step and continue to work hard in training and hopefully I can get into the squad for the next game on Friday September 16th, and on a longer term get a permanent contract,” Henry said. Henry was voted MVP during the Jamaican Independence football match-up between Jamaica Invitation and a Haitian Invitational on August 7, at the National Stadium, where he guided the Jamaican team to a 4-2 penalty shoot-out win.
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