DECEMBER 18TH, 2015 – DECEMBER 25TH, 2015
VOLUME 11 - NO. 48
Tel: (649) 339-5879
Fax: (649) 941-3281
MORE THAN 100 WITNESSES FOR CORRUPTION CASE by Hayden Boyce Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
Photo by Todeline Defralien
ore than 100 persons, including former Governor Richard Tauwhare, current Attorney General Hon. Rhondalee Brathwaite-Knowles, former First Lady LisaRaye McCoy, several former and current senior civil servants, local developers, lawyers, business persons and residents, will be called as prosecution witnesses, or their statements to the Special Investigation and Prosecution Team (SIPT) relied upon, when the highprofile corruption case officially starts on January 18th, 2016. The draft witness list, which was drawn up by Special Prosecutor Helen Garlick and her lead prosecutor, Queen’s Counsel Andrew Mitchell, reads like a virtual who’s who in the Turks and Caicos Islands. The case, which was scheduled to start on December 8th, was adjourned until January by Mr. Justice Paul Harrison, after he ruled against motions brought on behalf of former Premier Michael Misick and former Deputy Premier Floyd Hall. Lead Prosecutor Andrew Mitchell informed the court that his opening statement will take approximately three weeks, after which he will start calling witnesses in the case which is expected to stretch beyond six months, with sessions of three weeks, followed by one-week breaks. The prosecution witnesses whose will be called or relied upon, include: Kingsley Been, former PS to the Governor’s Office, Ruth Blackman, former Clerk to the Executive Council and former Cabinet Secretary; Delton Jones, former senior economist and PS Finance; Terry Selver, former Collector of Customs; Karen Delancy, former PNP Cabinet Minister; Tracey Parker, Clerk of Parliament; Gordon Burton, PNP treasurer; Tatum FisherClerveaux, Deputy Commissioner of Lands; Johantan Llewelyn, Crown
Beaches TCI hosted it’s team members kids Christmas Party
Beaches Turks and Caicos hosted its Annual team members Christmas party on Tuesday December 15th, 2015 at Treasure Beach, Beaches Resorts. The event was hosted to give Christmas Treat to over 1,000 kids. The event saw attendance of kids all over Providenciales, where they enjoyed themselves with games, toys, and various other activities on the beach. Pictured here are the over excited kids, Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus as they meet and greet the kids. Land Advisor; Jan Fuller of the Department for International Development; Shaaban Hoza, Chief Valuation officer; Leroy Charles Director of Survey and Mapping; Ian Astwood, former acting director of planning; Clyde Robinson, former director of planning; Marc Rawlins of the FSC; Clayton Been, former Inward Investment manager of the former TC Invest; former Governor Richard Tauwhare, Attorney General Rhondalee Brathwaite-Knowles; Shaun Malcolm, former PNP and PDM politician; Dale Piergiovanni, a
developer contractor and resident of North Caicos; Irvin Coalbrooke, former PS Finance; Ian Meredith, developer of Water Cay, Christopher Meredith, managing partner of Water Cay; attorney Steve Finkelstein; Rebecca Cain and Danzella Jennings of Morris Cottingham; Marsha Cummings from the AG’s office; Athenee Harvey, PS Finance; Andrew Dedman of Water Cay, Richard Sankar, CEO of Tropical Realty; Hugh McClean, Ogail Awad, Doreen Williams, Marsha Cummings, David Green, Karen Biker, Timothy Smith, Timothy Prudhoe,
Christian Papachristou, Arthur Robinson, Catherin Caldwell, Simon Kelly, Hugh O’Neil, Sigrid Lightbourne, Steven Carey and Lourdes Blanco of Beaches, Robert Hall of Provo Water Company, Dion Pratt, Simon Wood, Gary Lightbourne, Garnett Jolly, Willard Williams, Earl Ingham, Sherlock Walkin, Martin Robinson, Paul Dempsey, Henry Harvey, Elliott Harvey, Clay Arthur, Dwight Hall, Chame Williams, Royal Robinson, Keris SimmsGardiner, Richie Been, Ethlyn Gibbs-Williams, Andrew Neutelings, Mark Durlait, Irvine Quelch, Felton Clare, Vivienne Bassett, Kenric Hall, Alphonzo Seymour, David Clare, Linley Goldman, Arhur Bassett, David Hartshorn, Olincia Missick, Crystal Robinson, Beryl Lightbourne, Lisa-Raye McCoy, Tanya Parnell, Tolani Kanchan, Gautam Tolani, Audley Williams, David Bozzer, Patricia Selver, Jai Tolani. wThe defence will also call several other witnesses. JUDGE DISMISSES MISICK’s SUBMISSIONS
When the matter came before Mr. Justice Harrison last week, former premier Michael Misick, through his lawyer Ralph Thorne, QC, from Barbados, sought orders that having been extradited from Brazil on a treaty between the UK and Brazil, and being charged and tried in breach of the specialty rule under such treaty, that there be a stay of the criminal proceedings against him on the ground that its continuation is an abuse of process. He also argued that the financial evidence to be used against him should be excluded because the use of such evidence is in breach of Section8 of the Commission of Inquiry Ordinance 1998 and that he is entitled to redress under the constitution for breaches if his Constitutional rights. In his ruling, Judge Harrison noted that in respect of the treaty law, extradition is usually done by diplomatic exchanges and is a contractual agreement between states, enforceable by the relevant states. Continued on Page 2