DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
VOLUME 12 - NO. 51
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NHIP WILL BE FIXED New Premier committed to solving serious healthcare issues
Hon. Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson, the first female Premier of the Turks and Caicos Islands, taking her oath of allegiance from His Excellency Governor Dr. John Freeman in Grand Turk, on December 20th, 2016. Looking on are her husband, Mr. Lorn Robinson and her sister, Ms. Rhesa Carthwright. by Hayden Boyce Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
ewly-elected Premier Hon. Sharlene CartwrightRobinson has hit the ground running and has promised to immediately fix the myriad of problems at the National Health Insurance Plan (NHIP). “Some immediate financial decisions will have to be taken to avoid a crisis at the NHIB,” the Premier said in a post-election address to the country. “Our people’s health is our number one priority and we will spare nothing to ensure they are well cared for.” Premier RobinsonCartwright did not elaborate on what steps will be taken, but indications are that the situation at NHIP is much worse than was stated by the former Progressive National Party (PNP) government which lost the December 15th general elections The country’s first female Premier is on record as saying that the National Health
Insurance Plan (NHIP) and the health care system in the Turks and Caicos Islands are broken and need to be fixed,” she said at a town hall meeting earlier this year. “Our healthcare system is broken. The hospital is broken and it needs to be fixed. It’s costing us. Forget the monies right now; it is costing us lives and health. Our people are dying, they’re getting worst and we’re losing monies and the problem is nobody is paying attention.” The shocking state of the NHIP’s financial affairs was revealed after a Cabinet meeting chaired by His Excellency Governor, Dr. John Freeman, on Wednesday, 23 November 2016, where Cabinet received a paper from NHIP’s interim CEO, Mrs. Tammy Howell-Robinson, “setting out for the first time” the current resource challenges faced by the NHIB and requesting additional emergency funding of $6.1 million to meet an unforeseen budget shortfall. Continued on Page 2
Cabinet Ministers of the People’s Democratic Movement (PDM) government were officially sworn into Office on December 20th 2016. The party was successful in securing victory at the polls on December 15th winning 10 out of 15 electoral seats. Pictured here are the Cabinet ministers along with His Excellency Governor Dr. John Freeman, Deputy Governor, Her Excellency Anya Williams and Attorney General Rhondalee Brathwaite Knowles.
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DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
New Premier committed to solving serious healthcare issues Continued from Page 1 The report noted that in approving a transfer from contingency funds of $2 million to the NHIB to meet immediate needs, Cabinet expressed “grave concern about the failure of NHIB management to bring to the attention of Cabinet in a timely fashion the parlous state of its financial situation”. TIME FOR HEALING Meantime, in her address, Premier Cartwright-Robinson also called for national healing in the aftermath of the election. “The process of electioneering is not easy,” she said. “It is tough, believe me, I have been involved in a few. It is tough because many old wounds get reopened and political battle lines are drawn with numerous attacks by each side to try and win the hearts and minds of you the voting public. Those wounds need to heal now, and so we invite you, our
opponents, into a period of bandaging up the proverbial battle scars so that the healing can begin. And what better time to heal than now, when we can forget about politics and focus on the One who is Greater than allJesus the Christ child.” She added: “The Nation is calling us, politicians and public servants to rise above bickering and bitterness and to escape the fray and provide a path to growth and opportunity, hope and joy and success. My party campaigned on these tenets and won the hearts and minds of the people as evidenced by the votes at the ballot box. And so, we respectfully ask all of you to allow my Government a period to set the course and put the ship of state in the right direction. The people felt for too long that it had lost touch with the Government and our people cried out that enough was enough and that it was time for a change. That change is finally here.”
The Premier said it is “a privilege and honor to have been voted into office by you, the people of this great country”, adding that she is humbled by the outpouring of support, love and goodwill offered to her Government by the people. “I am grateful to the many residents and visitors to our shores who have expressed their desire to work peacefully towards improving our country during my time in office. I am thankful to all of you. However, none of this would be possible without the guidance, protection, mercy and grace of Almighty God who has forever kept our people and country in his hands. He has brought us through an election season safely with peace and order. I thank God for his blessings on you the people of our beloved country,” she added. “Members of our party should feel proud of the fact that the campaign you supported was embraced by a great majority of the
people. Equally important however, is that supporters and members of the other parties should know that now is the time for unity in our country. The campaign is over and we must return to the awesome task of nation building.” The Premier said that the PDM’s manifesto, The Change Document, which is an essential guide to what her Government intends to accomplish in this term of office, has been delivered to every Government Permanent Secretary and heads of departments. “We intend to fulfill our campaign promises to you the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands. Briefings were held by all Ministers on the state of Government affairs. I will be making a more complete statement on this in the New Year. Ministers will split duties between the Nations Capital and Providenciales,” she added.
“Remembering a Reputable Rastafarian” by Keteis Brissett Freelance Journalist Turtle Cove Marina, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos was awashed with “belongers”, families, colleagues and friends who came out to celebrate the life of Shaun Deane aka “King Spliff” at his homegoing service on Sunday, December 18, 2016. The thanksgiving service which started at approximately 11am was officiated by Ethiopian Orthodox Priest Reverend Bings Darling ( Kez Haile Giyorgis) and Alfred Brissett (Deacon Haile Mikael) who travelled from Jamaica for the heartfelt occasion. When the casket entered the large tent that housed the congregation, a unison of mourning could be heard. Sadness filled the air and the many white clad outfits were tainted with tears. From the children
to the elderly, it was evident that Shaun was overtly loved and truly missed. The order of the service saw the Ethiopian Orthodox clergymen burning incense, chanting and reading from the Ethiopian liturgy in three different languages-geez, amharic and english. Memorable tributes came from Shaun’s cousin Michael Deane, close friends, Graduating Class of 1996, Mills Institute, Elite High School, Bobby and Marvin of Island Tours Limited, Emmanuel Pierre, the Rastafarian Community of TCI, R & S Funeral Service among others. All accounts showed that “King Spliff” (as he was affectionately called) was larger than life. He was a visionary, a pioneer and a devoted family man. He was truly benevolent and the exemplary life he led touched the lives of all who came in contact
with him. The respect he had in his making efforts to be a member of the social, spiritual and economic circles Ethiopian church. He was always giving adherence to the tenets of were conspicuous. He was more than an avid love, joy and peace, actively teaching seaman or captain. But a people his fellow Rastafarian family about person, a musician and a shrewd the importance of spirituality while entrepreneur. Shaun showed and expressing his loyalty to the principles gave meaning to Calvin Coolidge’s “no of Haile Selassie Ist. person was ever honored for what he “Prior to his passing Shaun received. Honor has been the reward spoke seriously about baptising in the Orthodox faith and had ultimate for what he gave”. As the program prolonged, plans to repatriate to Ethiopia with the audience were given a brief his family” said his widow Shernett introduction about the ancient Deane. Shaun died tragically in a car Ethiopian Orthodox Christian church. accident in TCI on November 25, 2016. The priest subsequently gave the “For life and death are one even as the sermon which detailed the five steps river and sea are one” (Khalil Gibran). of mourning: Grief, anger, denial, Hence, Shaun Deane’s vision for the bargaining and acceptance. This Ethiopian Church here and a unified resonated with the audience to shouts people, will continue to shape his legacy. His life and works will go of amen. And so, it was more of destiny down in the annals of the history of rather than coincident when Shaun the Turks and Caicos Islands for the visited Ethiopia in 2015 and began benefit of posterity.
DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
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DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
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Deputy Commissioner of Police resigns
Deputy Commissioner of Police Marc Callaghan has after spending nine months on the job. Callaghan tendered his resignation on Tuesday, December 21st and it will be effective March 2017. A press release from the police force gave no reasons for the resignation but said Commissioner James Smith will be advertising the post in due course. Callaghan, who joined the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force in March 2016, has over 37 years of Policing experience in the
United Kingdom. He has a strong operational background and in 2002, he was promoted to Detective Superintendent in West Yorkshire where he was working on reducing crime and disorder. He was promoted to Chief Superintendent in 2005 and was posted to Chapeltown in Leeds. During his time, he introduced Neighborhood Policing Teams and by working with partners and the community significantly reduced the incidences of robbery, gun crimes, and drug dealings. In 2007, Marc became the Police Commander at
Wakefield where he was recognized nationally for his innovative methods of involving and engaging his community and his work in significantly reducing anti-social behavior and reducing crime by over 20%. Later that year, he took command of the Force’s Professional Standards and Anti- Corruption Unit. He was responsible for the investigation of complaints against the Police and conducting targeted anticorruption investigations. He was also responsible for security and management of Police information and the Force Deputy Commissioner of Police Marc Callaghan Criminal Records Bureau.
Independent investigation into police involved shooting An independent investigation is ongoing into the circumstances that led to the officerinvolved shooting of 17-year-old male who was found at a business establishment after a report was made on Saturday 10th December 2016 in Grand Turk. Around 4:30 a.m. that date, police officers responded to a burglary report at
the Epic Corporate establishment on Church Folly when they came in direct contact with the suspect which resulted in shots fired. He received non-life threatening injuries and had since been treated. He was arrested on suspicion of burglary. Commissioner of Police James Smith stated, “We treat any officer involved shooting
with the utmost seriousness. To ensure an independent oversight, I have called in investigators from the Royal Bermuda Police Service to carry out an investigation into the circumstances around this incident. Once enquiries are completed, the officers will produce a comprehensive report with recommendations for my consideration.”
Kylie Jenner Rents A $10,000 A Night Airbnb Home InTurks and Caicos
The Pearls of Long Bay estate
Ardent followers and bashers alike will, undoubtedly, drool over the full-on glamour girl, Kylie Jenner as she lavished herself and her squad with a five-day party trip to Turks and Caicos. Their special abode for the trip was a vacation rental listed on Airbnb for a huge amount of $10,000 a night. Some might get astonished with this spectacle, but what could a $10,000 per night stay offer a vacationer? For one, it is a 6-acre property lounged at a dazzling seaside of Caicos, boasting of three villas with exclusive set of outstanding comforts and niceties. The property is called The Pearls of Long Bay Estatein Providenciales and is managed by the Hummingbird Luxury Management Ltd. The vacationers enjoyed the cosiness of the sauna, jacuzzis, private deck area, private gym, tennis court, and beachfront cabana. There
are two vast swimming pools that come with a complete bar and bartender service. There are twentythree bedrooms and each has its own extravagant bathroom. Moreover, there are gardens and lagoons inside the property. The socialite model has stayed with her sister, Kendall Jenner and her beau, Tyga, Hailey Baldwin, Bella Hadid, and other friends. It has been said that this grand vacation is part of the sassy lady’s 19th birthday fete. It will be remembered that Kylie had a fantastic celebration last August with red tresses, red swimsuits, fireworks, and a yacht by the beach. Not everyone gets to celebrate this lavishly. If you and 53 (maximum number of guests who can stay) other friends can splurge a total of $50,000 to splurge for a 5-night stay (minimum requirement), then, you might just experience a holiday as Kylie Jenner fabulous as Kylie’s.
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DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
Skip quits politics By Todeline Defralien
Oswald Skippings, Leader of the Progressive Democratic Alliance (PDA), says he is quitting politics after a big loss in the December 15 general elections. Skippings, who ran as an AtLarge candidate, received 549 votes. In an interview with The SUN Skippings said that the Turks and Caicos Islands people have spoken and he believes that the PDA Party did not perform better than it did because it’s a third party. “I have no plans to run again,” he said. “I’m not contesting elections anymore, but that does not mean I will not have a national voice. However, I have committed to the advancement of my country and though not elected,
I am going to pursue that goal nonetheless, hopefully through, a vigorous investment agenda.” When asked if he feels that third parties are viable in the Turks and Caicos Islands, Skippings said, “Third parties are essential and sooner or later the public will have no choice but to see their viability by looking at people involved and what they have to offer and not party names. The economic and social plight of our people, their continuous disempowerment and the despair and marginalization of our youth will dictate that third parties are essential to break the retrogressive stranglehold on our people and country.” Skippings said he has the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands best interest at heart.
UK MPs unite to push for greater transparency from tax havens Cross-party group backs amendment proposal. If such levels amendment to criminal finances bill of support hold, it is expected to put making overseas territories introduce intense pressure on the home secretary, public registers Amber Rudd, to add her backing. The UK’s overseas territories Such a move could spark face renewed pressure to abandon angry reactions from many overseas corporate secrecy after 80 MPs joined jurisdictions and could even provoke forces to demand greater financial local politicians to call for a severing of transparency from offshore havens. ties with the UK. Many territories may The cross-party group question why the amendment does not is backing an amendment to the extend to the UK’s crown dependencies, government’s criminal finances bill on include as Jersey, Guernsey and the Tuesday that would force Britain’s 14 Isle of Man. overseas territories to introduce public It is extremely rare for the registers revealing the true owners of UK to use its special powers – known locally registered companies. as “order in council” edicts – to impose The move is expected to face laws on overseas territories. “Of course fierce opposition from the handful political parties have shied away from of the UK’s overseas territories – using these powers. They can seem including the British Virgin Islands, somewhat colonial,” said Hodge. “But Turks and Caicos Islands and Anguilla I think there are overwhelming moral – that have become some of the world’s arguments at stake here. most active secrecy havens. “The Conservatives used them Earlier this year, the Panama to outlaw capital punishment; Labour Papers scandal laid bare how offshore used them to get rid of laws against corporate secrecy regularly attracts homosexuality. Now we are facing illicit money flows linked to terrorism, another big moral issue ... Over half of corruption, money laundering, tax the corporate entities exposed by the evasion, drugs and fraud. Some Panama papers were registered in the estimates have suggested as much as BVI, a British overseas territory. $32tn (£26tn) of the world’s wealth has “The UK is at the centre of a been hidden offshore. global web of tax havens which are The MPs’ proposal, which is costing UK taxpayers and developing being tabled on the last day before countries huge sums of money.” parliament breaks for Christmas, There are at least seven would effectively give all overseas Tories supporting the amendment, territories until 2020 to introduce led by Mitchell, who is calling on public registers. Theresa May’s government not to Earlier this year, many let the momentum for reform, built overseas territories refused to buckle up by Cameron, fade away. “I hope under intense pressure from then UK this amendment will help the UK prime minister David Cameron, who government to persuade the overseas called for them to introduce registers. territories to adopt the same level of The MPs’ amendment is to be transparency as the UK,” he said. “This tabled by Labour’s Dame Margaret is so important for people in developing Hodge, former chair of parliament’s countries who are losing out due to tax public accounts committee. It has dodging.” won backing from a wide cross-party Sally Copley, the head of base of backbench MPs, including campaigns for Oxfam, the anti-poverty including Andrew Mitchell, the charity, said a number of developing Conservative former international world charities were backing the move. development secretary, and Nigel “These tax transparency standards Dodds, the Democratic Unionist party’s are essential to hold the overseas Westminster leader. territories accountable for their policies’ About 80 MPs – among them impact on other countries – especially Greens, Liberal Democrats, Plaid the poorest, which are hardest hit and Cymru, SNP and SDLP politicians have the most to lose from tax dodging,” – are due to add their voice to the she said.
Candidates from the Progressive Democratic Alliance Party did not perform well in the election. Samuel Harvey got 255 votes, Mr. Herbert Swann, 135 votes, Mrs. Shirley Clarke-Calcanio, 178 votes, Ms. Calsada Johnson, 17 votes, Mr. Kwame Smith, 21 votes, Mr. Dozzlie Delancy, 38 votes, Mr. Bobbie Chambers, 15 votes, Mr. Christopher Hall, 6 votes, Mr. Noel Skippings, 66 votes, Mr. Charles Delancy, 43 votes. The 63-year-old Skippings, was a former leader of the People’s Democratic Movement, which he led to a loss election loss in the 2012 general elections. Following the death of former Chief Minister JAGS McCartney, Skippings became the youngest leader of a Caribbean government ever when
Oswald Skippings he became Chief Minister in 1980 at the age of 26. Skippings was Chief Minister of the TCI between June and November 1980 and again between March 1988 and April 1991.
DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
Washington Misick Former Minister of Finance Washington Misick has been elected Opposition Leader and interim leader of the Progressive National Party (PNP) after its crushing defeat in the December 15th elections. PNP chairman Royal Robinson is the party’s Appointed Member in the House of Assembly. The SUN understands that
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Washie is Opposition Leader and PNP boss
Akierra Missick declined the post of Opposition Leader and interim party leader. The other PNP Members of Parliament are Hon. Ruth Blackman, Hon. George Lightbourne and Hon. Portia Stubbs-Smith. Misick was the only PNP AtLarge candidate who was successful in the elections, congratulated Premier Hon. Sharlene CartwrightRobinson and the People’s Democratic Movement for their “impressive victory”. “The people have spoken and “the voice of the people is the voice of God.” We wish the new government well in the interest of all who call these islands home,” he said. Misick, who is a former Chief Minister, added: “While we in the PNP
are proud of our record of success in restoring growth and stability to these islands; we accept that the people responded to the PDM’s appeal for a change – we could not identify any detail of the changes they refer to, but nevertheless will keep a watchful eye out for them to ensure that when they come that they are in the public’s best interest.” He added: By the standards of any international measurement the PNP in government achieved in four years what previous governments have not achieved in forty. We thank those who recognise our achievements and supported the party at the poles; we promise that you will not be disappointed. As the alternative government the PNP team is grounded in experience and expertise
and in opposition will support the policies, programs, projects and the legislative agenda it left in place; and to the extent that in its judgement government policies align with its own progressive agenda will support those policies. “ Misick said the PNP will continue to articulate and promote the broad interests of all voters and work to improve parliamentary decisionmaking procedures by ensuring debate, reflection and contradiction; scrutinise the legislative and budgetary proposals of the government; supervise and oversee the government and the administration with the view to enhance stability, legitimacy, accountability and transparency in the political processes.
Holiday Message from Opposition Leader Hon. Washington Misick “It is with profound pleasure that I bring holiday greetings to the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands on behalf of the Office of the Leader of the Opposition, and the Progressive National Party during this advent season and as we look forward to the New Year.” “This annual season gives us an opportunity like no other time to reflect and introspect. Reflect on the events of the last twelve months and how it has shaped the lives of us all. In that regard we have much to be thankful for as our beloved Turks and Caicos continues to prosper, and be peaceful albeit new concerns about increased crime. Introspective
as we look-back over our own behaviour and resolve to summon the courage to face these girded actions to discover consistencies and contradictions in the faith of our fathers pledging our commitment regarding our calling to ‘Love mercy and do justly’ first to God and our loyalty to country above self and all others.” and to walk in humility before our God. “ “In the words of the great philosophers “As some of you look forward to the – ‘the unexamined life is not worth living’. As we promise of change I find the words of Shakespeare examine our own lives let us extend charity in words appropriate.” and in deed and repent of the motives for the way we have judged others so that the spirit of goodwill to “This above all: to thine own self be true all men ushered in by the saviour will prevail.” And it must follow, as the night the day “As we face a new year we will continue to Thou canst not then be false to any man.” experience triumphs and despair at the personal and “May God’s blessings continue to be with us all national level for so goes the course of life. Let us during this season.”
Turks and Caicos Islands Airports Authority Addendum extending RFP closing date Notice of Request for Proposals (RFP) for Passenger Terminal Building and Combined Services Building Project Management Services South Caicos International Airport In anticipation of future growth of hotel accommodation on South Caicos Island and the subsequent increase of tourism activity, The Turks & Caicos Islands Airports Authority (TCIAA) has embarked on a multi-phase, multi-year redevelopment program to expand capacity and enhance the operational safety/security of the South Caicos International Airport in the Turks and Caicos. As part of this Airport Redevelopment Program the TCIAA intends to construct a new Passenger Terminal Building (PTB) and Combined Services Building (CSB). The TCIAA has already completed a procurement process and identified a preferred Contractor to provide design-build services for the Project. The TCIAA is now seeking qualified professional service firms to provide Project Management Services and to administer the Project on behalf of TCIAA. This Project Management Firm would provide services during the project initiation, design, construction, commissioning and post-construction stages of the Project. The TCIAA views Project Management as the comprehensive management and control of all aspects of the Project throughout all phases of its life-cycle to achieve prescribed objectives defined in terms of time, quality, and cost. Through the application of appropriate management techniques, the designated PM will lead and manage the efforts of the Project Team to achieve the objectives of the Project to meet all requirements of function, schedule and budget. The PM will require strong presentation and communication skills as well as necessary leadership qualities that are able to elicit the needs of the TCIAA. Within the PM’s project experience, they will have already developed processes and project management principles that effectively work and can be founded on Project Management Institute’s (PMI) core knowledge areas and industry Best Practices. The project initiation, contract preparations, design and approval phases are expected to last approximately 4.5 months. The construction phase for the project is estimated as 56 weeks (13 months), and is anticipated to begin by mid-2017. A detailed construction schedule will be received and confirmed from the Contractor following the start-up meeting with the entire Project Team. In general, the Project Management Services required are as follow, but not limited to: •Have overall responsibility for ensuring that the Project is delivered on time and within budget; •Lead and coordinate the efforts of the Project Team to achieve project objectives; •Provide resident site inspection, including milestone inspections by key engineering disciplines (architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, security/IT, baggage handling, airport specialist) during construction; •Attend and chair meetings with the Project Team (TCIAA, its technical advisors and Contractor); •Develop Project Plans, Statement of Work, Implementation Plan, Communication Plan, etc.; •Monitor and control project scope, budget and schedule; RFP will close December 30, 2016. Those wishing to receive a copy of the RFP shall contact: John T. Smith, CEO Turks and Caicos Islands Airports Authority
British Caribbean Bank Limited Financial Controller We are looking for an objective Financial Controller to add value and improve our operations by bringing a systematic and disciplined approach to the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes. The successful candidate will possess a thorough knowledge of accounting procedures and a sound judgement. LOCATION: Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands EDUCATIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL REQUIREMENTS •Chartered Accountant qualified or equivalent •A university degree in Finance, Accounting, or related field •Minimum 10 years of banking or financial credit analysis experience and credit risk underwriting •Knowledge of financial and banking, policies, operations and applicable procedures •Strong analytical and research skills, combined with technical ability to capture data and make decision with good judgement and a sense of urgency for high priority issues •Ability to handle multiple priorities and deadlines effectively and efficiently •Excellent communication and writing skills BUSINESS EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENT Applicants should have a minimum of 15 years in a broad range of financial management roles at a senior level. Experience in the following area would be a significant advantage: financial and management accounting, business acquisitions and deposits, corporate restructurings, regulatory reporting, strategic financial and business planning, ability to interpret complex legal documentation. The salary for this position ranges from $60,000 to $ 100,000 per annum based on experience belongers only need apply. Interested persons may submit Applications no later than December 31st 2016 to: HR@WIHL.COM Phone: 649-9415028 P.O. Box 270, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Please also submit a copy to the TCI Labor Department
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DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
LOCAL NEWS Temard Butterfield appointed Governor’s Nominee to the House of Assembly Temard Butterfield says he is honoured and privileged to be Governor’s appointed Member in the House of Assembly. “I would like to thank His Excellency Governor Dr. John Freeman for affording me the opportunity to serve in this capacity,” he told The SUN. “I will endeavour to practice high levels of professionalism, integrity honesty and transparency ensuring that ALL bills that I support are in the best interest of all Turks and Caicos Islanders.” Butterfield said he will be focusing on the overall economy, security, youth and education. “While the areas listed are few, it is my intention to take a holistic and wholesome approach as the newly appointed Governor’s Appointed Member,” he added. Butterfield said that after the elections he received a call from the Governor’s Office requesting his presence to meet with the Governor as soon as possible and it was during that meeting he was told of the consideration. “I was overwhelmed with joy and appreciative to God and His Excellency Dr. Freeman,” he said. “I’m just simply grateful that I was considered for this appointment.” Butterfield grew up with his grandparents, Agatha and Lester Butterfield of Palm Grove Grand Turk, and a single parent mother, Paula Butterfield. A dedicated teacher, pastor and civil servant, Butterfield is committed to being a transformational leader and personifies the principle of selfless service; service above self. As a native of Turks and Caicos
Island, who resides in the Nation’s Capital Grand Turk, TCI, Mr. Butterfield is all things Turks and Caicos. His love for people and positive progress has moulded him into a dynamic young professional, who is involved with several public and private sector and community based organizations. He serves as a mentor and is actively involved in supporting programs geared at developing well-rounded and civic minded young people and citizens. Prior to his recent appointment as the Governor’s Nominee to the House of Assembly, he served as an educator with the Ministry of Education, Department of Education TCI, first at the Eliza Simons Primary School, and most recently a Business and Technology Teacher at the H. J. Robinson High School both being his alma maters. Butterfield has left a significant mark on the lives of every student by his daily interactions, student centered environment and empowerment and support for every child. Mr. Butterfield earned a Bachelor’s degree in Education from the University of Technology Jamaica. During his academic tenure, he also gained quality leadership experiences as his passion for representation has pushed him to serve as the elected President of the University Students Union Board serving approximately 14000 registered students of this institution. He also served as a member on the University Council, Governance Board, Joint Board of Honourary Degrees, Academic Misconduct Board. These awesome experiences have propelled him to becoming the first
Turks and Caicos Sun
Temard Rudardo Butterfield student to assume the role as the University President carrying out all function as prescribed by the sitting president. This was done by the University President to provide Butterfield with another dimension to his leadership experience. While in Jamaica Mr. Butterfield was further elected as the Vice President for the Jamaica Union of Tertiary Students, and a sitting member of the Jamaica Student Loan Bureau. His passion for excellence and the development of his country has seen him being nominated and there after elected as the Vice President of the Turks and Caicos Islands Civil Service Association. He is an ordained minister serving in the capacity as Interim Pastor for the Revival Faith CenterThe Potter’s House, and a member of the Rotary Club of Grand Turk, District 7020. Mr. Butterfield’s love for, and dedication to, his country is at the core of his existence. His love for educating and empowering the young minds of this country will always remain. His new appointment is an extension of this love and dedication and pledge to continue to serve his community and the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Suite#5, Airport Plaza Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands Tel: (649) 339-5879 Fax: (649) 941-3281 Email: Read us online at
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Hayden Boyce Office Manager: Dominique Rigby Graphic designer Information Technology and Production Manager: Kelano Howell Todeline Defralien Reporter
The Turks and Caicos SUN is a subsidiary of The SUN Media Group Ltd. We are committed to excellence in journalism, educating and informing our readers, serving and satisfying our advertisers and assisting in the overall development of the Turks and Caicos Islands.
TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS FINANCIAL SERVICES COMMISSION Regulating with Honesty, Integrity and Transparency
NOTICE TO CURRENT AND POTENTIAL CREDIT UNIONS IN THE TCI RECENTLY PASSED CREDIT UNION ORDINANCE The recently enacted Credit Union Ordinance provides the Financial Services Commission with responsibility for the regulation and supervision of credit unions in the Turks and Caicos Islands. The Credit Union Ordinance can be found on the Commission’s website at
NOTICE An Application registered # PR 12887 by Sky Poultry Farm Ltd for the development of proposed Poultry Farm, containing Hatchery, broiler house, all facilities related. Has been submitted to the department for consideration of online development permission on parcel 60509/3 in Blue Hills Stammers run Providenciales Anyone wishing to make representation(s) may do so in writing to the Director of Planning, South Base, Grand Turk or through the Department of Planning, Downtown, Town CenterMall, Providenciales, within twenty-eight (28) days of Publication of this Notcice. Date posted 18TH NOVEMBER 2016
All entities currently or intending to engage in credit union business, as set out in the Ordinance, will require a licence issued by the Commission. Accordingly, all entities currently conducting credit union business in the Islands are asked to contact the Commission at 946-5314/941-8311 or Recognising the early stage of credit union regulation in the Islands, the Commission is committed to working with potential licensees in developing compliant credit union models. This includes providing training to the executive and promotors of credit unions. Accordingly, the Commission strongly recommends that groups that currently operate informal credit union type businesses seize this opportunity to regularise their operations and become formally recognised under the new regulatory regime.
DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
ELEVATE SPA Stop by any day of the week for our daily specials!
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PDM Ministers sworn into office T he People’s Democratic Movement was officially sworn into Office on December 20th 2016. The party was successful in securing victory at the polls on December 15th winning 10 out of 15 electoral seats. Ministerial appointments are as follows: Hon. Sharlene Cartwright- RobinsonPremier and Minister of Finance, Trade and Investment Hon. Sean R. Astwood- Deputy Premier and Minister of Immigration and Border Control and Employment Hon. Vaden D. Williams- Minister of Home Affairs, Transportation and Communication Hon. McMillin Goldray EwingMinister of Infrastructure, Housing and Planning Hon. Josephine Connolly-Minister of Education, Youth, Sports, Culture and Library Services Hon. Edwin Astwood- Minister of
Health, Agriculture and Human Services Hon. Ralph Higgs- Minister of Tourism, Environment, Heritage and Culture The party has agreed that there will be periodic rotation of Ministerial positions. The PDM has selected Hon. Karen Malcolm to serve as Deputy Speaker of the House of Assembly. Hon. Derek Taylor will work out of the Premier’s Office in Grand Turk. Hon. Douglas Parnell will work of out of the Premier’s Office in Providenciales and will spearhead negotiations on constitutional change, UK relations, business development and inward investment. Hon. Dwayne Taylor has been selected to become Speaker of the House of Assembly upon the opening of the House of Assembly. Mr. Maxovonno Thomas has been selected to become the PDM Government’s appointed member to the House of Assembly.
DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
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DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Have a safe and joyous holiday season. | 649-946-4313 | 1030 Leeward HWY, Providenciales, TCI
DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
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Kayana Gibsons’s song “Bush Music” makes waves in TCI By Todeline Defralien Young and talented Kayana Gibson is making waves with her new her new hit single “Bush Music”. Gibson, a former TCI Junior Minister of Tourism who attends high school in South Caicos, is the first of her age to release a song. The song entitled “Bush Music” was produced by Jack “Jack Nasty” Lightbourne and engineered at music world with Mathew Knowles (Beyonce’s Father) and mixed and mastered by Engineer T Berry. The single is the first song off of a nation youth album which Jack intends on producing and releasing later this year with other TCI young talents. “Bush Music” includes unique sounds of the TCI to include buckets, rip saw and rhythm guitars. The song is a huge accomplishment for Kayana and will definitely inspire other young people in the community to chase their dreams. Kayana Gibson told The SUN, “Working with Jack Nasty was one of the best opportunities that had been afforded to me. I’m so happy that he chose me to start off such a great project and with so much talented Youth in the TCI, I know that it is only the beginning. Singing has been
my passion ever since I entered high school and over the years I was able to grow and develop singing skills with the help of my music teacher Mr Hamilton. In the future I plan to continue growing as a performer but my main focus is studying mass communication when I leave high school next year, God willing.” She added: “I like to advise the youth that we are the future of the Turks and Caicos Islands and in order for us to achieve success in anything we desire, we must first put our trust in God and believe in ourselves for we are our biggest motivators and we can do anything we put our mind to.” Jack Lightbourne told The SUN he first saw Gibson during a live facebook feed of the Youth Day Celebrations where she was performing. “I immediately realized that she was super talented, a natural performer and very comfortable on stage,” he said. “My first thought was to try and produce a song for her. I reached out to her parents and that was the beginning of this song. My first time meeting her in person was during the recording when I travelled to South Caicos and voiced her with my mobile studio. Kayana was very positive, funny, intelligent and easy to
Jack “Jack Nasty” Lightbourne Kayana Gibson work with.” Lightbourne added: “There are many more talented young persons in the TCI who are just looking for support and opportunities, which makes me more than happy to be a vessel and lend my resources to helping out. My goal is to produce a national youth album and have a full concert with our youth performing their own music, backed by young vibrant musicians of their peers live in concert. I also believe that music
can be a powerful tool in combating crime in the TCI and someday I hope to go into some of our challenging communities and give young men and women on the streets an equal opportunity to express themselves through music.” Lightbourne said he would like to thank Caicos Express who provided local travel to South Caicos and he urged urging the community to assist in any capacity to making dreams come true.
MECHANIC GOLF COURSE EQUIPMENT Provo Golf Club seeks a qualified mechanic. A minimum of twelve (8) years’ experience in golf course equipment is required and the applicant must possess the following skills and experience.
Stay Close to her heart Give her a Christmas to remember with fast and secure money transfer
Requirements •A history of maintenance of Golf Carts, mowers and tractors. •General maintenance and repairs of all equipment used and operated on the Golf Course. •Ordering or replacing any parts necessary. •An aptitude to work unsociable hours is required. The remuneration for this position is $2700.00 monthly commensurate with experience. Please submit applications to: Veronica Rigby, HS Ltd, P.O. Box 124, Regent House, The Regent Village, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands, Tel: (649) 946-5126; Fax (649) 946-5191; Email: ronnie@ Interested Belongers must also submit copies of their application to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2. Position currently held by a work permit holder. Closing date for application is January 6, 2017.
MoneyGram, the Globe and MoneyGram Bringing You Closer are marks of MoneyGram. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. © 2016 MoneyGram All rights reserved.
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DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
To the Turks and Caicos Islands’ First Female Premier
From The SUN Media Group, Airport Hotel, Tumble Totz, Occasions Ballroom, the Boyce, the Cooks, Sister sister TCI, and Robinson families. Victory belongs to the most persevering- Napoleon Bonaparte
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FLOW annual Providenciales senior party T
he Annual Providenciales Senior’s Party hosted by FLOW was a successful one again this year. Senior citizens all across Providenciales got the chance to enjoy themselves with a night filled with fun, happiness and smiles. Hosted at the flagship store, located along the Leeward Highway in Providenciales on Thursday December 6th, 2016, this year Flow remember the life of one of their long-time supporters, Ma Caf, who is the mother of Mrs. Gertrude SaundersForbes. The family paid tribute to the late Ma Caf with special selections, along with selections from the Bethany Baptist Dance Group, and more. The following are photographs from this year’s Senior Christmas Party.
DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
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A Christmas Message From The Desk Of The Premier Hon. Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson My people from across the length and breadth of our beautiful by nature Turks and Caicos Islands, I bring greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who is the reason for the season. As we emerge from the recent general elections, where you the people stated resoundingly that enough was enough and that there was a need for a change by voting overwhelmingly for a People’s Democratic Movement Government, I am indeed humbled to address you as your Premier and First All Island Elected Member, at this Christmas time. This is a time when we remember and celebrate the birth of Jesus, and for me there is no greater time to celebrate the Saviour whose grace and mercy have seen us through many trials and difficult periods and who has remained faithful in keeping us and blessing us along the way. It is with God’s grace that my Government and I, together with you the people of these beloved islands, begin our journey together in rebuilding this great nation. Having come through what was often time an intense and bitter election season, it is
now time for us to heal as a people and as a country. In so doing, we must now put aside our differences both, political and personal, and come together in unity for the common good and for a common cause, that being a better, brighter future for us all. The birth of Jesus some two thousand years ago brought joy, peace, love and hope to the world and in these few short days left before Christmas, I pray that the joy of Christ uplifts our spirits so that we may sow words of peace and love to all at this time, knowing and believing that with me as your Premier, and this your People’s Democratic Movement Government, you can again have hearts filled with renewed hope of a better tomorrow and a prosperous future. As we soon shed the victories of a year past and don the exciting possibilities of the year anew, it is my promise to you that I am and remain a Premier for all, Turks and Caicos Islanders, residents and visitors alike, and my Government and I pledge to represent you and be the instruments of change that you have long been waiting for. In our few short days in office,
Health and Wellness week
Monday 9th
Wrightfully Fit Fitness Centre
Tuesday 10th
9th-14th January 2017
Free seminars, workshops and classes! Free Health Seminars If you want to lose weight, making a change to your diet is by far the most important thing you can do. You are welcome to participate even if you are not a member. Come and educate yourself and start to see your results. *The seminars are open to everyone.
Free Classes Sculpt, tone and strengthen your entire body, fast. Focusing on low weight and high repetition movements, you'll burn fat, gain strength and quickly produce lean body muscle conditioning. Inspiring instructor and energizing music will keep you moving and smiling.
PREMIER HON. SHARLENE CARTWRIGHTROBINSON we have begun the process to fulfil our mandate of ensuring that you the people have real leadership, with real plans for real change. We have begun engagement with key bodies and stakeholders both, in the public
08:00am - Class: Body Toning (all body workout 55min) 07:30pm - Seminar: Eat more to weigh less Location: Salt Mills
06:30pm - Class: YogaFunc (strength and flexibility 55min) Location: Salt Mills Wednesday 11th 08:00am - Class: Body Toning (all body workout 55min) 07:30pm - Seminar: Secrets to a flatter stomach Location: Salt Mills Thursday 12th 06:30pm - Class: YogaFunc (strength and flexibility 55min) Location: Salt Mills Friday 13th 08:00am - Class: Circuit training (all body workout 55min) Location: Salt Mills
*Free class to new participants ONLY!
Saturday 14th
Locations: Salt Mills - Salt Mills Plaza 2nd floor Wright Hook Boxing Gym - 1059 Leeward
08:00am - Seminar: Eat more to weigh less 09:00am - Class: Cardio Boxing (special for ladies 30 min)
and private sectors and in the next 90 days we will present to our immediate steps on how we intend to make our communities safer, our borders more secure, our health care more affordable and accessible, crown land more available, housing and cost of living more affordable and employment more obtainable and rewarding, and also how we will engage our youth more. We know that these are the issues that are of most concern to you and I can assure you that they are the concerns of your Government too and we are committed to addressing these critical matters and improving the lives of our people. For now, let us take the time to enjoy this Christmas season in fellowship with our families and our loved ones, and celebrating with fellow Christians, all around the world, the birth of Christ. On behalf of my Government and my family, I wish for you the very best, for a safe and joyful Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year. May God continue to bless you and may he continue to bless these beautiful by nature Turks and Caicos Islands.
Meelike Mitt Certified Personal Trainer and Educator Meelike loves guiding people, whose aim is to achieve better physical fitness, health and self-satisfaction through trainings and nutrition. The most popular question that people asked me every day is ”How do I get a flatter stomach?” Do you know the answer? Come to my seminar and get an answer.
For more information: Meelike Mitt 1 (649) 441 6051
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DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
Candidates comment after general election Sabrina E Green
Michael Misick
The result of the election Good morning Turks and has been loud and clear, the country Caicos I would like to thank all of screamed for change. the people that voted for me. I want To the People’s Democratic to assure you that no matter the final Movement for their landslide victory outcome I will continue the fight for I say a huge congratulations to Turks freedom and progress for all of our and Caicos’ first female Premiere people. I would further like to thank the Honorable Sharlene Cartwright- my campaign committee for a job well Robinson and her team. done. We have started a movement and I want to thank my supporters, this movement will not stop until power family and friends and my biggest is in the hands of the people. May god thank you to my most amazing team, bless one and all and may he bless our you guys are the absolute best! Turks and Caicos. #powertothepeople The work now begins, to the #movementforchange. new government, it is my hope that you represent our people well, that Oscar O’Brien Forbes you’ll put them first and ensure a better tomorrow for the neglected I am thankful for a spirited youth of our country. I will continue to Campaign, enthusiastic Candidates be the people’s watch dog and feet will and a peaceful Election Day. I am be held to the fire if you are to fail in thankful for the 66 Citizens who representing them at optimal levels. believed in a re-imagination of the My people you have spoken, Turks and Caicos that is United, Just please allow the new government a & Free. I am thankful for the grace fair opportunity to get things right, it’s and dignity, in victory, shown by not an overnight thing. Madame Premier, Elect Hon. Sharlene I am pleading on behalf of the Cartwright-Robinson and the PDM people of the Turks and Caicos Islands Congratulations on your well earned particularly the people of Backsalina victory. where this party has never lost a seat (JAGS’s seat) please do something Jas Walkin for the people in this community, I SURRENDER (FOR NOW) they need access to far too many Having accepted the official opportunities that persons throughout the TCI have experienced and enjoyed! results from the Elections Office; it is Again, hearty congratulations with great regret that I tell my troops to the PDM and a big thank you to all that we lost this battle and must surrender (for now). my well wishers. I wish to congratulate the The representation continues.
KISHCO/KLASS ENTERPRISE 2 Sales Clerk Receiving and entering of items into the store inventory, assisting customers with purchases. Salary $9.50 per hour 4 Domestic Workers Cleaning of store and dusting shelves, arranging and sorting stock for display Salary $6.25 per hour 4 Labourers Loading and offloading service vehicles and containers to the store and customers residence from warehouse. Salary $7.50 per hour Must be able to work weekends and holidays 1 Warehouse Manager Salary $9.50 per hour Interested persons should drop off resume to TVS/Klass Ent, Opposite Scotia Bank Leeward Highway or call 649-941-7242/232-1199
Bachelor’s degree in Biology, Marine Biology or related field required. Must have a minimum of ten (10) years husbandry experience in a marine environment and Industry experience in Broodstock incubation/larval production/hatchery & nursery protocol, as well as complete knowledge & familiarity with pumping, filtration and sterilizing systems. The Manager of Aquaculture Operations manages and is responsible for both skilled and unskilled employees (10) and answers directly to the TWI Board of Directors. Compensation commensurate with experience. Submit resume to: SAUNDERS & CO/Attention Caicos Conch Farm. Town Centre Building *Box 257* Providenciales*Turks and Caicos Islands ATTENTION: TWI Board of Directors prefer Belongers
Hon Sharlene Cartwright and Sean R. Astwood and their PDM team on a resounding victory at the polls. The people have spoken and have given you a clear mandate. I wish to especially congratulate you Hon. Sharlene Cartwright on your historic achievement in becoming the TCI first female Premier- Elect. To my family, friends, and supporters, thank you for voting and believing in me. We fought a good fight and have impacted politics in the TCI. The Movement we started shall not die. As for me, I have learnt a lot from my experience and remain resolute about my convictions and vision for this country and will never give up on my generation. I will report for duty in whatever capacity I can contribute to the development of this country. A 15 year old TC Islander Zaria Ingham called me at 4:15pm while writing this concession and said “I am proud of you and never stop fighting”. Zaria you have reminded me of why I entered this race. Winning is not everything! I will take some time to assess my present and begin to consider my future. The General has surrendered for now, but in the words of PJ Patterson (former Prime Min. of Jamaica): “I SHALL RETURN” Just Another Soldier -JAS Reporting For Duty Clarence Selver
This morning I am reflecting
on the outcome of the general elections on 15th December. I believe that the people wanted a change in government and that the country got. Secondly, many hoped that the composition of the House would have been varied where the government would be made up of men and women who are qualified and have the best interest of this country at heart. This did not happen. I made a bid to be elected but the people largely voted for Parties and not for independent candidates regardless to what they brought to the table. The PDM is the government now and with a wide margin of victory. I congratulate them on their resounding victory at the polls. Now it’s time to show management skills and deliver to the people who have been waiting for 13 long years. Best wishes and a successful term in office.
Courtney M M Missick Good morning to all the people in this Turks and caicos that have voted for me. I want to say thanks and I will continue to be your voice. I set out five years ago with my show talk and I realized the power of media. I want to say congratulations to the PDM party on their big win and looking forward in working with you all in developing agriculture in this country. Many thanks to all. I love you all.
British Caribbean Bank Limited
Senior Compliance Analyst As a professional, the Senior Compliance Analyst will form part of the management team at British Caribbean Bank (BCB). The overall responsibility will be directed towards achieving the goals and objectives of the Bank and ensure full compliance with all relevant local and international laws, regulations and best practices pertaining to banking, tackling changes in relevant laws, and educating the bank’s staff on such requirements to enhance and maintain compliance. Duties •To regularly review internal policies in line with changing international and local laws and regulations •To review policies to enhance compliance and improve efficiency •To ensure cases of noncompliance are detected early and corrective measures are taken before becoming a violation •To perform advanced level investigations or inspections of assigned cases and/or client audits •To analyse or sample various processes or banking records •To develop, implement and maintain Risk Management Strategies that offer solutions beyond detecting potential problems and avoiding litigation. Requirements •University degree in Finance or Business Administration and a minimum of 5 years relevant experience •Knowledge of financial and banking, policies, operations and applicable procedures •Strong analytical and research skills, combined with technical ability to capture data and make decision with good judgement and a sense of urgency for high priority issues •Ability to handle multiple priorities and deadlines effectively and efficiently •Excellent communication and writing skills Senior Credit Analyst The Senior Credit Analyst is a quantitative expert who can extract meaningful business insights from multiple data sources, analyse key credit metrics, and leverage predictive models to create decision strategies that will optimise business performance. The successful candidate will also identify credit risk and recommend possible processes, improvements and opportunities for automation and support their implementation. In addition, the individual will oversee the day-to-day credit underwriting function and partner with other departments to design tactical strategic tools. Finally, we are seeking results driven and proactive individual with experience gained in a commercial environment, who will be working with corporate head office as well as the multiple global sectors to provide commercial support and reporting. Duties •To take ownership of projects/key risk decision areas, utilising your expert command of statistical analysis •To liaise with internal and external customers in collection efforts to ensure timely payments, address queries as required with appropriate departments and personnel •To process letters of credit and bank collections for assigned customers and cover for rest of Emerging Markets. •To be responsible for obtaining, analyzing and providing relevant information, advice and opinion to Credit Manager on new Emerging Markets. •To complete all necessary manual credit analyses of customers’ financial accounts and oversee the credit underwriting function. •To provide mentoring support to other members of the team in credit analysis and other areas of expertise and experience. •To identify risks associated with potential business transactions and where appropriate give recommendations on risk mitigation in different business areas •To investigate and analyse information from a variety of data source •To pro-actively review and improve processes to increase the level of service provided to customers Requirements •A university degree in Finance, Accounting, Business or related field •Minimum 5 years of credit analysis experience and credit risk underwriting •Minimum 5 years in a banking or financial services environment •Excellent computer skills in Microsoft Access, Excel, Word and PowerPoint are essential •Strong communication skills and ability to defend decisions made Salary range for these positions are between $39,000 to $45,000 per annum, the starting point will depend on qualifications and experience. These positions are not for work permit renewals. Closing date for all applications to be submitted is Friday 10th June, 2016 Interested persons may contact our Corporate HR department Mon. – Fri. from 9am-3pm via telephone number 946-8054 or you may submit your resume with qualifications and experience to: Please also submit a copy to the TCI Labor Department
DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
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Move - A- Thon TCI scheduled for January 14th, 2017
classes for children and physical activity and nutrition camps. This event will also help Mrs. Tamika Handfield The 2017 Move-A-Thon is scheduled to persons kick start their healthy resolutions take place early next year January 14th, 2017, for the New Year as it is right after the holiday starting at 6:00am. The event will start and season. A time when we all over indulge in various foods and drinks.” finish at the Children’s Park in Lower Bight. Handfield added that she and her Move-a-thon is a 5k, 10k and half marathon walk, run or bike event. This year team are expecting a great turnout as always. there will be medals for everyone, thanks to a “The community has always given us generous donation from NorthWinds Bus Lines great support and we are asking for the same this time around. We are also asking for the Ltd. In an interview with The SUN, support from the corporate community. Thanks organizer of the event and Registered Dietitian, for the continued support we have gotten from Mrs. Tamika Handfield said the event is a everyone,” she added fundraiser for the nonprofit organisation, One of the goals of the organisers Nutrition in Demand. of the event is to make Move-a-thon TCI an “All funds raised, help carry out the international event. An event that attracts programs of the nonprofit in the community,” world class runners from around the world. she said. “These programs include providing Sports tourism is a big deal in other countries nutrition education workshops for churches, and they believe the same can be true for Turks schools and other community groups, culinary & Caicos Islands. A group of Bikers from the 2016 Move-A-Thon event By Todeline Defralien
Wrightfully Fit gym to host Health and Wellness week in January By Todeline Defralien The Wrightfully Fit gym will host its very first Health and Wellness week on January 9th -14th, 2017 at the Wrightfully Fit centre in Providenciale. The health and wellness week will consist of free seminars, workshops and classes. The seminars are opened to everyone and free class CEO/Founder of Wrightfully Fit Centre John Wright to new participants only. This is the first Health Fit Centre John Wright told The SUN, and Wellness event to be hosted by “The wellness week is something Wrightfully Fit Gym and will be an that we’ve wanted to do for a while annual event if it’s a success. Certified but now having three facilities to be personal trainer and educator for the able to facilitate a wellness week like event is Meelike Mitt this week. We basically want to help educate the public on the importance CEO/Founder of Wrightfully OASIS DIVERS is seeking applications from suitably qualified candidates for the following positions. The successful applicants must: CERTIFIED DIVERS / LIFEGUARDS -Hold a valid diving certification of Open Water Diver or higher -Be at least 25 years old -Have a clean criminal record -Have a valid passport -Hold a valid certification in CPR and First Aid -Have at least 3 years’ experience in the tourism and hospitality industry. Other experience in the tourism industry would be an asset -Must be willing and able to work flexible hours, including on weekends and Public Holidays, as necessary to meet the challenging needs of the cruise ship schedule and/or reasonable needs of the business TOUR DISPATCHER -Have at least 3 years’ experience dispatching tours -Possess the ability to remain calm in a high stress environment -Be well spoken with English as primary language -Must be willing and able to work flexible hours, including on weekends and Public Holidays, as necessary to meet the challenging needs of the cruise ship schedule and/or reasonable needs of the business -Have a valid passport -Be at least 25 years old -Have a clean criminal record TOUR GUIDES -Be at least 25 years old -Have a clean criminal record -Have a valid passport -Hold a valid certification in CPR and First Aid -Have at least 3 years’ experience in the tourism and hospitality industry. Other experience in the tourism industry would be an asset -Must be willing and able to work flexible hours, including on weekends and Public Holidays, as necessary to meet the challenging needs of the cruise ship schedule and/or reasonable needs of the business SALES ASSISTANT / LABOURER -Minimum of 3 years general sales and merchandising experience (Sales Assistant) -Proven and unblemished track record of employment -Positive and disciplined attitude toward work in a customer service oriented business (Sales Clerk) -Excellent communication, inter-personal and customer service skills -Trustworthy and reliable disposition -Must be willing and able to work flexible hours, including on weekends and Public Holidays, as necessary to meet the challenging needs of the cruise ship schedule and/or reasonable needs of the business
of living a healthier lifestyle and taking control of their life.” Wright noted that he decided to make the event free because a lot of people may feel like they can’t afford it and its more of knowledge that they want to pass down. “You shouldn’t have to pay for knowledge all the time. I feel very blessed to have this platform to be able to reach out to the community and give them a free comprehensive workout programs and schedules and educate them more on health and wellness,” he said. Wright said that trying to get the Government support in hosting the Health and wellness week since 2012 was unsuccessful and very
frustrating. He said: “I find it very frustrating and unfortunate because I’m here to help people. I will keep the fight going, it doesn’t stop me from what I’m doing because there’s are some people that do really want help here and those are the people that I’m going to reach out to and capture now with this free seminar. I don’t really need the government really to do it, it would have been nice to have their help because I think that the heartbeat of a country.” Wright encourages the people of the TCI to take more control of their life and health and come out in number to support their Health Week in January.
BOAT PAINTER -Have a proven and unblemished track record of employment -Have a valid passport -Have at least 5 years’ experience in boat repair, including working with fiberglass and other dangerous chemicals -Positive and disciplined attitude toward work -Trustworthy and reliable disposition -Must be willing and able to work flexible hours, including on weekends and Public Holidays, as necessary to meet the challenging needs of the cruise ship schedule and/or reasonable needs of the business WATERSPORTS SUPERVISOR -Have a proven and unblemished track record of employment - High school diploma/ Bachelors -Dive Instructor or higher professional dive rating from an internationally recognized organization -Five years’ experience in a related position -C.P.R. and First Aid - Extensive knowledge of all standards and procedures with regards to international dive regulations -Ability to repair scuba equipment. -Basic knowledge of boat engine maintenance/repair -Basic knowledge of compressor maintenance and repair -Detailed knowledge of dive shop and watersports operation, organization and recording/ logging protocol. Must be willing and able to work flexible hours, including on weekends and Public Holidays, as necessary to meet the challenging needs of the cruise ship schedule and/or reasonable needs of the business ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT OFFICER -Minimum 2 years’ experience in cruise allocation and allotments -Minimum 2 years’ experience in cruise dispatch -Basic accounting background -Certificate in office procedures -Computer literate - Proficient in Quick books -Excellent written and verbal communication skills -Excellent organizational skills -Possess a valid driver’s license Preference will be given to documented Turks and Caicos Islanders Written applications only and accompanying CVs/resumes must be addressed to the Manager at the following address: Cee’s Plaza, Suite No. 1 Church Folly PO Box 86 Grand Turk Turks & Caicos Islands
OASIS DIVING, LTD. c/o EPIC Corporate & Consultancy Services Ltd. Phone: 649-946-1128 Fax: 649-946-1128 Email:
Page 20
DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
We hire smiles!!!
Beaches Turks and Caicos Resort Villages and Spa, the only 6 Diamond All-inclusive property in the Caribbean is inviting applications from Turks and Caicos Islanders for the following vacant positions. We hire the personality and train the individual. Applicants must have a clean police record and a good command of the English language both written and spoken. In addition candidates must be able to work nights, public holidays and week-ends. The Resort thanks everyone for their interest in advance and advises that applicants will be contacted for an interview via Text Message.
The Administration Department requires: ✓ Reports to:
The Butler Department requires:
Executive Assistant Manager(s)
Managing Director
Reports to:
The Executive Assistant Manager is responsible for the daily operation of a village and/ or departments, to improve and maintain a high quality of service. He/she is expected to give direction to all management and staff within the portfolio assigned and to ensure that this direction being in line with that of the company. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: • Minimum Bsc. Preferably in Hospitality from a recognized institution; • Minimum eight (8) years’ work experience in the Hotel Industry; • Experience managing in a 400 room or more hotel; • Experience managing a team of minimum 1000 employees; The Executive Assistant Manager position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder and more than one is required. . The salary for this position is dependent on experience The Maintenance Department requires: ✓ Reports to:
The Technical Operations Manager position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder. The salary for this position is dependent on experience.
Housekeeping Manager
Reports to:
Executive Housekeeper
The Housekeeping Manager reports directly to the Executive Housekeeper. He/ She has the responsibility to ensure that the property is well furnished: guest rooms are cleaned on a timely basis and are well maintained. The public areas should be aesthetically pleasing and be maintained at the highest level of cleanliness. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: • BSc. Hotel/Business Management or equivalent; • Minimum two years’ work experience in a similar or comparative position;
Assistant Spa Manager
Reports to:
Spa Manager
Assist the manager in the daily operation of the Spa. Provide guests with the highest quality service and ensure their complete satisfaction with every aspect of the Spa experience. Supervising all Spa employees including but not limited; to Spa Attendants, Receptionists, Massage Therapists, Beauticians, and the Fitness Coordinator. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: • Minimum of 2 to 3 years’ experience in a supervisory or leadership position. • Excellent communication and organizational skills. • Computer skills and ability to work successfully in Microsoft Office programs.
The Grounds Manager (Regional) position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder. The salary for this position is dependent on experience. The Kitchen Department requires:
The Assistant Spa Manager position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder.
Sous Chef Assistant Pastry Chef
The salary for this position ranges from $35,000.00 to $45,000.00
Executive Chef
Under the guidance and supervision of the Executive Chef and within the limits of established Sandals Resorts policies and procedures, oversees and directs all aspects of the kitchen operation at the level of standard and quality established by the company.
The Accounts/Cost Control Department requires: ✓
Cost Control Manager
Reports to:
Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: • Culinary institution or equivalent technical schooling or apprenticeship training preferred • Three to five years’ experience as a manager/supervisor in an international first-class hotel/resort. The Sous Chef and Assistant Pastry Chef positions are currently held by a Work Permit Holder (however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The salary for these positions ranges between $23,000.00 and $38,000.00
Director of Finance
As a Cost Control Manager, the primary function is to monitor cost effectively to ensure maximum profitability for the organization. The role exists to primarily perform cost estimating, tracking, analyses and reporting. The Cost Control Manager is envisaged to eventually become a focal point and custodian of all current and historical cost related information. Based on this premise the Cost Control Manager plays a vital role in achieving maximum efficiency & profitability. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: • A minimum of a first degree in accounting, finance or business related discipline or ACCA / CPA designation • At least three years’ experience in a similar position; • Experience in managing diverse teams.
The Watersports Department requires:
Reports to:
The Spa Department requires:
Managing Director
Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: • Diploma or Associates degree in Horticulture or other Landscaping related discipline; • Four (4) years’ experience in a similar position; • Knowledge of landscaping. • Ability to travel frequently throughout the northern region
The Butler Manager position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder.
The salary for this position ranges from $35,000.00 to $45,000.00
Grounds Manager (Regional)
Directly supervise and coordinate activities of workers engaged in landscaping activities. Overall, ensure that the hotel grounds are kept in immaculate condition and that all plants are free from disease.
Reports to:
Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: • College or University Degree (Hospitality and/ or equivalent experience • Minimum Four years’ work experience managing Butler team; • Must be Guild Certified;
The Housekeeping Manager position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder.
The Grounds Department requires:
✓ ✓
Responsible for the Management of the Butler suites and team members, co-coordinating and overseeing the butler Service department to ensure consistency in service delivery while paying attention details so as to ensure a smooth operation in the department. He/ She must be able to train and coach butlers that will ensure total guest satisfaction. In addition to this, must have an excellent rapport with all in house butler VIP guests to ensure that their expectations are exceeded.
The Housekeeping Department requires:
Managing Director
Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: • Minimum 5 years’ experience in a similar capacity • Extensive knowledge of building trades, electrical, mechanical, HVAC&R, plumbing and general building practices • Knowledge of facility regulations and safety standards (OSHA, EPA, AD, CFC, NFPA)
Reports to:
Managing Director
The salary for this position ranges from $35,000.00 to $50,000.00
Technical Operations Manager
The Technical Operations Manager ensures the engineering operations meets the brand’s target customer needs, team member satisfaction and maximizes the cost effectiveness of the department through efficient utilization of all utilities and ensuring continued asset value through predictive and preventative maintenance techniques.
Butler Manager
Assistant Dive Shop Manager Dive Shop Manager
The Assistant Dive Shop Manager will be in charge of the overall experience and quality of the boats and dive equipment and machinery. This individual will also be responsible for establishing and maintaining systems, processes and policies for the smooth and timely operating of all vessels in the Watersports department.
The Cost Control Manager position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder. The salary for this position ranges from $35,000.00 to $55,000.00
Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: • Certified PADI/NAUI Instructor ;
Applications giving full details of qualifications and experience should be sent to: or placed in the secure drop box at the service gate or Fax to: 941-4870 Attn: M McClean-Vaughn The Labour Commissioner Labour Department Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands
The Human Resources Department Beaches Turks and Caicos P.O. Box 186 Lower Bight Road
and should reach not later than January 6th 2017
DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
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events for the holidays
alexandra resort
December 25th & January 1st – Holiday Brunch @ Asú on the Beach Celebrate the holidays with a delicious a la carte brunch menu. 11am – 5pm December 25th – Christmas Dinner @ Asú on the Beach $65++ pp - Half price for children 12 and under. December 31st – New Years Eve Dinner @ Asú on the Beach Unlimited dinner buffet and party favors are included. $125++ pp - Half price for children 12 and under. 6pm – 10pm Dancing, Bites and Fireworks!! @ Asú on the Beach Come and enjoy an international 8 piece band joined by internationally renowned DJ Jolanda van Remundt. There will be a beachfront dance floor, fireworks at midnight and dancing, dancing, dancing!! $35++ pp | 10pm until...
beach house turks & caicos December 25th – Christmas Dinner @ Kitchen 218 $140++ pp - Half price for children 12 and under. Regular dinner menu will also be available.
December 31st – New Year’s Eve Party @ Beach House Join us this New Years Eve on the Beach Deck for fireworks, DJ, food, cash bar, and a bonfire with s’mores for kids to enjoy! This is an event you don’t want to miss. 11pm until...
blue haven resort
December 23rd – Almost Christmas: Movie Under the Stars @ Salt Beach $15 pp - Tickets for pre-sale and popcorn included. 7:30 pm December 24th – Christmas Eve Dinner @ Fire & Ice Enjoy a 3 course dinner featuring lobster cataplana and live entertainment with Elroy Simmons. $75++ pp - Half price for children 12 and under. December 25th – Christmas Dinner @ Fire & Ice Enjoy a 3 course dinner featuring lobster cataplana and live entertainment with Correy Forbes. $75++ pp - Half price for children 12 and under. December 28th – Live Entertainment @ Fire & Ice Dinner at Fire & Ice with live entertainment by Roger George, Trinidad artist and former feature singer of Machel Montano’s band “Xtatik”. 7pm – 11pm December 29th – Elf: Movie Under the Stars @ Salt Beach $15 pp - Tickets for pre-sale. Popcorn, s’mores, and bonfire are included! 7:30 pm December 31st – New Year’s Eve Buffet @ Fire & Ice Live entertainment with Elroy Simmons. $125++ pp - Half price for children 12 and under.
alexandra resort | 649.946.5807
blue haven resort | 649.946.9900
beach house turks & caicos | 649.946.5377
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DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
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DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
PDM Celebrates Victory!!
DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
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DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
Holidays Thank you and Happy Holidays From RBC Royal Bank Around the world friends, families and loved ones gather to celebrate the joy of Christmas… To you our valued clients, partners and friends, we extend warm greetings for the holidays and wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. You continue to be an integral part of our success story and we look forward to providing you with the best solutions for your financial future in the coming year. Our brand promise reminds us to keep our clients at the center of all that we do - It’s all about YOU! Wishing you hope, love, joy and peace for the holidays.
It’s All About You ® / ™ Trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence.
Season’s Greet ings
DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
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As we are fast approaching this glorious season we would like to extend special greetings to all of our committed Contributors, Retirees, Employers and Employees associated with the National Insurance Board (NIB). It has been a privilege and pleasure serving you. On this joyous occasion we would like to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas. Our NIB family wishes you and yours a beautiful holiday, filled with the warmth of the season and the promise of a successful New Year.
At this festive time when we gather with our closest family and friends let us take the time to give thanks for the blessings of the past year. We wish that this feeling of togetherness would stay with us not only during this great holiday season but throughout the year. Christmas reminds us that the values we share should far outweigh our differences. We wish you, our beautiful Turks & Caicos inner peace and happiness this holiday season. We sincerely wish that our community be surrounded and inspired by faith, hope and love striving together to be a prosperous nation. May God grant you wisdom to prevent the little things from overshadowing our lives and help us find true value!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year “WE GOT YOU TODAY, TOMRROW, FOREVER!”
The Minister, Chair Lady and Members of the Board of Trustees, Director and Staff National Insurance Board.
Happy Holidays! We wish you and your family a joyous holiday season. May your New Year be filled with happiness and prosperity.
Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia, used under licence.
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DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
Seasons Greetings! Wishing you a Joyous Holiday Season and a Prosperous New Year filled with Peace and Happiness
From the Management and Staff of
DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
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Study ties pubic hair grooming to sexually transmitted infections
Women who have a sunny outlook on life may live longer than their peers who take a dimmer view of the world, a recent study suggests. Researchers analyzed data collected over eight years on about 70,000 women and found that the most optimistic people were significantly less likely to die from cancer, heart disease, stroke, respiratory disease or infections during the study period than the least optimistic. “Optimistic people tend to act in healthier ways (i.e., more exercise, healthier diets, higher quality sleep, etc.), which reduces one’s risk of death,” said one of the study’s lead authors, Kaitlin Hagan, a public health researcher at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard University in Boston. “Optimism may also have a direct impact on our biological functioning,” Hagan added by email. “Other studies have shown that higher optimism is linked with lower inflammation, healthier lipid levels and higher antioxidants.” Hagan and colleagues examined data from the Nurses
Health Study, which began following female registered nurses in 1976 when they were 30 to 55 years old. The study surveyed women about their physical and mental health as well as their habits related to things like diet, exercise, smoking and drinking. Starting in 2004, the survey added a question about optimism. Beginning that year, and continuing through 2012, researchers looked at what participants said about optimism to see how this related to their other responses and their survival odds. Researchers divided women into four groups, from least to most optimistic. Compared with the least optimistic women, those in the most optimistic group were 29 percent less likely to die of all causes during the study period, researchers report in the American Journal of Epidemiology. Once researchers adjusted the data for health habits, greater optimism was still associated with lower odds of dying during the study, though the effect wasn’t as pronounced.
Still, the most optimistic may be worthwhile to pursue public women had 16 percent lower odds of health efforts focused on optimism for dying from cancer during the study, all patients, Kim said by email. 38 percent lower odds of death from That’s because even though heart disease or respiratory disease, some people may have a less positive 39 percent lower odds of dying from outlook on life for reasons beyond stroke and a 52 percent lower risk of their control like unemployment or death from an infection. a debilitating illness, some previous While other studies have research suggests that optimism can linked optimism with reduced risk be learned. of early death from cardiovascular “Negative thinking isn’t the cause or problems, this was the first to find a the only contributor to these illnesses,” link between optimism and reduced said Dr. Susan Albers, a psychologist risk from other major causes, the at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio who study authors note. wasn’t involved in the study. “Mindset One limitation of the study is just one factor, but the results of the is the possibility that in some cases, study indicate they are a significant underlying health problems caused a one and can’t be ignored.” lack of optimism, rather than a grim Some people can develop outlook on life making people sick, optimism when it doesn’t come the authors point out. naturally, Albers added by email. They also didn’t include men, “It is worth tweaking your though previous research has found mindset as much as taking your the connection between optimism and medicine,” Albers said. “Work with health is similar for both sexes, said a counselor, join with a friend, hang the study’s other lead author, Dr. Eric up optimistic messages, watch films Kim, also of Brigham and Women’s and movies with a hopeful, positive and Harvard. message, find the silver lining in the Despite the lack of men in the situation.” study, the findings still suggest that it
North Carolina rebuffs transgender bathroom law repeal
Civil rights Leader Reverend Williams Barber, President of the NAACP in North Carolina, speaks to the media North Carolina’s Republican-controlled legislature on Wednesday rejected a bid to repeal a state law restricting bathroom access for transgender people, which has drawn months of protests and boycotts by opponents decrying the measure as discriminatory. A one-day special legislative session ended abruptly after the state Senate voted against abolishing a law that has made North Carolina the latest U.S. battleground over lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights. The repeal legislation was rejected 32-16, leaving the bathroom restrictions in place statewide. The rejection followed Republican-led political maneuvering that tied repeal to a second provision that would have temporarily banned cities from affirming transgender bathroom rights. Democratic Senator Jeff Jackson said the repeal effort failed because Republicans reneged on their deal to bring the measure to a floor vote with no
strings attached. The moratorium on municipal bathroom regulations, described by Jackson as a “poison pill,” withered Democratic support, and in the end all 16 Senate Democrats joined 16 Republicans in voting against repeal. Another 16 Republicans voted for it. The Senate then adjourned without acting on the temporary municipal ban. The state’s House of Representatives had already called it quits. Democratic Governorelect Roy Cooper accused Republican leaders of backpeddling on an agreement ironed out in lengthy negotiations. He said both chambers had the votes for a full repeal, but divisions within the Republican Party killed it. “The Republican legislative leaders have broken their word to me, and they have broken their trust with the people of North Carolina,” he said. Senate Republican leader Phil Berger earlier defended the proposal to link repeal with
temporary municipal restrictions as a genuine attempt at compromise, citing “the passion and disagreement surrounding this issue.” After the vote, outgoing Republican Governor Pat McCrory blamed “well-funded left-wing interest groups” that he said “sabotaged bipartisan good faith agreements for political purposes.” BACKLASH OVER BATHROOM RESTRICTIONS Earlier in the week, McCrory had called the special session to consider scrapping the law, which passed in March and made North Carolina the first state to bar transgender people from using public restrooms that match their gender identity. Supporters of the statute, known as House Bill 2 (HB 2), have cited traditional values and a need for public safety, while opponents called it mean-spirited, unnecessary and a violation of civil liberties. The national backlash was swift and fierce, leading to boycotts that have been blamed for millions of dollars in economic losses for the state as events, such as business conferences and the National Basketball Association’s 2017 All-Star Game, were moved out of North Carolina. The pushback contributed to McCrory’s razorthin defeat in a fall re-election bid against Cooper, an opponent of the law.
Better aerobic fitness may reduce men’s risk of cancer death The better a man’s cardiorespiratory fitness, the less likely he is to die from cancer, suggests a long-term study from Denmark. Cardiorespiratory fitness is a measurement of how well the body uses oxygen during intense exercise. Good cardiorespiratory fitness is well known to be associated with better cardiovascular health, but less is known about its effect on cancer risk, the study team writes in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. “We understand that many cancers are due to unhealthy lifestyle factors and many cancers are therefore preventable,” lead author Dr. Magnus Thorsten Jensen told Reuters Health by email. “There have previously been reports that higher levels of physical activity may reduce the risk of cancer, which is one of the reasons why physical activity is encouraged by the World Health Organization,” said Jensen, a researcher at Holbaeck Hospital in Denmark. Jensen and his colleagues analyzed data from the Copenhagen Male Study, which recruited middle-aged men who worked in Copenhagen starting in 1970. The researchers followed 5,131 men who were about 49 years old, on average, and cancerfree when the study began. All of the participants underwent VO2 Max tests along with regular physical examinations at that time. VO2 Max gauges the maximum amount of oxygen the body can process to make energy during exercise and is measured in milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute. Over the next 44 years, 4,482 participants died, 1,527 of them from cancer. Researchers found that for every 10 mL/ kg/min increase in VO2Max at the baseline test, there was a 17 percent lower risk of cancer death and an 11 percent lower risk of death from any cause during the follow up period.
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JUNE 18TH - JUNE 25TH, 2010
KFWS • MindGym Page 31 DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
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Diamond Cleaning Services
Seeks 1 Labourer Salary $6.25 per hour Mon-Fri 8:00am to 3:00pm Contact 241-7600 from Mon-Fri between the hours of 9:00am to 4:00pm #440309
Dwight Higgs
A&L TRUCKING SEEKS 2 Truck Drivers Must have 8 years experience driving a tractor trailer Must be able to work on weekends & some nights when needed Must have a clean police record Salary $10.00 per hour Contact 331-4719 OR 246-5644
DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
Philome Pierre
Otis Construction Company
Is seeking a Labourer in South Caicos To work Mon-Sat 7:00am – 5:00pm Salary: Negotiable Contact: 245-2005
Is seeking 1 Labourer To work 5 days a week Salary $6.50 per hour Contact: 241-0616
Is seeking a Store Maintenance Associate To work 6 days a week Salary $7.75 per hour Contact: 946-4986
Karen Sue
Salomon Altidor GRAND TURK
Are looking to fill the following positions
Is seeking a Labourer in Grand Turk To work 6 days a week Must be able to work Holidays and Weekends Wages starting at $6.25 per hour BELONGERS WILL BE GIVEN FIRST PREFERENCE May be contacted between the hours of 9:00am and 4:00pm Monday-Friday
SEEKS 1 DOMESTIC WORKER IN GRAND TURK. To work 5 days a week SALARY $6.50 PER HR PLEASE CONTACT CHERYL at telephone no. 243 3875
1 Sales manager 5 Sales Associates 1 Jeweler 1 Cashier Minimum 5 years experience in each category except for Cashier Belongers only need apply Impeccable references and Police Clearance Impeccable English, Other language gives an advantage High level of customer service and attending skills Strong Motivational Skills would be an asset Tel:649-946-1083 Email: Or Tel:649-331-0477 Email:
Eric Lightbourne
Is seeking 1 Labourer in Grand Turk To work 5 days a week Salary $6.25 per hour Contact: 232-9756
Casa Bendijo Ltd Is seeking a Babysitter who will be required to look after two infant children This position is currently held by a work permit holder Salary $600.00 to $800.00 per month Kindly forward resumes and qualifications to the below address copy to the Turks and Caicos Islands Labour Department and Immigration Board: Employment Department F Corporate & Management Service Limited Tel: 649-339-6275 Fax 649-941-4777 Email:
Glen A. William
Is Seeking 1 Hair Dresser To wok 6 days a week Applicants must be courteous and hard working Salary $7.00 per hour Contact: 246-3137 #440326
Brital Gray
Salomon Altidor
Jay’s Garbage Disposal
Is seeking 1 Labourer To Work 6 days a week Salary $7.00 per hour Contact: 343-9394 #440328
David Saunders
Is seeking a Domestic Worker in Grand TurkTo work 6 days a week Must be able to work Holidays and Weekends Wages starting at $6.25 per hour BELONGERS will be given first preference Contact: 231-6432 between the hours of 9:00am and 4:00pm Monday – Friday
Seeking 1 Helper To work 5 days a week Salary $6.50 per hour Contact: 432-6622 #440314
La Familia Restaurant
Is seeking a Delivery Driver To work 5 days a week Applicants must be fluent in English, Spanish, Creole and hold a valid driver’s license Salary $6.50 per hour Serious applicants can contact Miss Martines at 341-1021 #440321
Butler Needed
Carl Robinson
An experienced Butler is required based in Providenciales References will be required Remuneration based on experience
Airport Road, South Caicos Is seeking 1 Domestic Worker To work 5 days per week Salary $6.25 per hour Contact: Brital Gray #440329
Benson Rigby
Is seeking 1 Labourer To work 6 days a week Salary $7.00 per hour Contact 341-8585
Is seeking a Domestic Worker in Grand Turk To work 6 days a week Must be able to work Holidays and Weekends Wages starting at $6.25 per hour BELONGERS will be given first preference Contact: 231-6432 between the hours of 9:00am and 4:00pm Monday – Friday
Yvon Petit
Is seeking 1 Labourer To work 5 days a week from 8:00am 4:00pm Salary $6.25 per hour Contact: 241-8978 or 346-6622 #440315
Is seeking a Fisherman in South Caicos To work 6days a week Salary is on commission basis Contact: 344-8758
Turquoise Construction Company Ltd Is seeking a foremen To work 6 days a week Salary $2700.00 per month Contact: 332-0158
All applicants must submit to: Employment Department F Corporate & Management Service Limited 007 Emily House, 1105 Leeward Highway, Providenciales Tel # 649-339-6275 Fax 649-333-7777
Is seeking a Domestic in Grand Turk, To work 6 days a week Salary $6.25 an hour Contact No. 348-6626
Rotika Johnson
Is seeking 1 Domestic Worker To work 6 days a week Salary $6.25 an hour Contact 346-6801
DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
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People protest outside St Lucia Parliament against multibillion-dollar project
CASTRIES, St Lucia — A group of at least 50 people staged a protest outside the St Lucia Parliament on Tuesday demanding that the Allen Chastanet Government scrap a multibillion-dollar project they say will severely affect residents in the south of the island. The protestors argue that the US$2.6 billion Desert Star Holdings Limited (DSH) project that includes the construction of a race course, a free trade zone, a shopping mall complex, marina, and other facilities on 700 acres of land in Vieux Fort will destroy the environment in that area. Bertrand Fevrier, who described himself as the spokesman for the protestors, told reporters that the action outside the Parliament building in the capital “was just the beginning. “We will be marching from now until the end of the year”, he said, as the protestors, clad in T-shirts with the slogan “Save our sandy beach”, voiced their support for the action. Fevrier said that the residents of Vieux Fort and surrounding areas believe that the project would not be beneficial to them and one religious person, Father Kevin Murray, who was among the protestors, described the project as a travesty. “This project is there to destruct, I will not use the word develop. It is there to destruct Sandy beach, to take away homes from poor
Protesters outside the St Lucia Parliament building. people in Bruceville, to take away playing fields from people in the ghetto, and this is a travesty against your own people.” He said the contract specifies that there will be no cattle rearing within a three miles radius of the hotel, and this therefore means that many people livelihoods will be affected. “This is not political, this is about preservation. It is not about party, but about principle and about people here who live, work and breathe in the Vieux Fort area. Their rights and dignity have to be upheld.” Legislators were greeted by
shouts from the protestors who were insisting that the project is “not good for St Lucia” and “we will not allow government to give away our land for $1 per acre”. House Speaker Leonne Theodore-John also left Parliament chambers to intervene in the noisy protest as supporters of the ruling United Workers Party (UWP) and the main Opposition St Lucia Labour Party (SLP) engaged in verbal confrontations over the issue. Police were called to restore calm in the area. In August, the government issued
a statement that sought to dispel rumours surrounding the project with the Hong Kong-based DSH. The government statement indicated that it had been alerted “to the many comments, queries, and concerns and expressed views that have been circulating in the media” since the July 29 announcement of the proposed US$2.6 billion integrated development project. The Chastanet government said that it welcomes any questions and scrutiny that naturally follows from such a potentially transformative project, “which promises to significantly reduce unemployment levels, enhance the tourism, sporting and entertainment product, widen the opportunities for local businesses, and improve the attractiveness of St Lucia as an investment location of choice”. The government said that the DHS project will result in a mixed-use real estate development enterprise involving, inter-alia, entertainment and sporting facilities, as a third category under the real estate provisions of the Citizenship by Investment Programme (CIP) legislation. In its statement, the government said that the proposed DSH project is indeed a significant project, which is anticipated to advance the socio-economic status of the southern part of the island.
IGY Marinas to launch its 2nd annual “Inspire Giving Through You’ philanthropic initiative IGY Marinas announced that it will be hosting its second annual philanthropic initiative, Inspire Giving through You, on February 25, 2017. The first of two global community outreach events for the New Year, Inspire Giving through You will once again call upon the hands of IGY Marinas’ corporate staff, marina associates, Anchor Club Strategic Partners, yacht owners, captains and crew members to take part in supporting the local communities where the company operates. “IGY Marinas is excited to once again team up with members in our network and beyond for a day of giving, inspiring, and having fun,” said Tom Mukamal, CEO of IGY Marinas. “We received such tremendous support during our first Inspire Giving through You projects in 2016, welcoming hundreds of volunteers in North America, Latin America and the Caribbean. Our mission for 2017 is to inspire even more members in the industry to join us in giving back to the destinations where we live, work, and travel.” The 2017 Inspire Giving through You community outreach events will benefit the following charitable organizations in the Caribbean and Latin America: Turks & Caicos – Extraordinary Minds Ashley
Learning Centre provides a Therapeutic Centre intended to educational opportunities for provide psychotherapy treatment. children with Autism who are Rodney Bay Marina and its group of refused entry into primary schools. volunteers will focus on improving Blue Haven Marina volunteers the aesthetics of the facility, with will construct an outdoor play and plans to construct a gazebo and discovery area, with plans to install a enhance the surrounding landscape. fence, ground cover, and sand pit, as St. Thomas – Addelita well as provide outdoor furnishings. Cancryn Junior High School Colombia – Fundehumac’s caters to the educational needs of offers special programs, education more than 800 students, providing and support each year to more resources to help them succeed in than 80 children and youth in need. higher education. Volunteers from Volunteers from Marina Santa Yacht Haven Grande Marina and Marta will once again partner with American Yacht Harbor will come the organization to rebuild the together to construct a Hydrologic school’s ceiling as part of its ongoing Environmental Learning Center, support of the facility. which will include the construction Mexico – Escuela de of a green house, raised beds and Colima is an educational institution orchard, along with a work station in west central Mexico that focuses that will be used as an outdoor on social responsibility and human science lab. development. The volunteer team IGY Marinas’ St. Maarten at Marina Cabo San Lucas will locations – Yacht Club at Isle de work to enhance the facility by Sol and Simpson Bay Marina replacing the roof, purchasing desks – will also be participating in the and school supplies, painting the corporate initiative’s winter efforts building, replacing the security grills, with plans to announce their constructing a shaded area outside charitable organization soon. Plans and installing new windows and a for Inspire Giving through You’s recreation field. summer outreach projects are St. Lucia – New scheduled for June 10, 2017. The Beginnings Transit Home company will announce more details caters to children who are victims on participating marina locations of severe child abuse and neglect, and non-profit organizations in the accommodating up to twenty-two coming months. children. The Home also includes Based in Fort Lauderdale,
FL, IGY Marinas is the largest international marina company in the world and a leading point of contact for vessels in the western hemisphere. The company’s network includes 15 marinas operating in 7 countries (United States, Colombia, Mexico, St. Lucia, St. Maarten, Panama, and Turks & Caicos); more than 8,000 unique vessels serviced annually and approximately 100,000 customers each year. With more than 2,000 slips under management, IGY Marinas caters to a variety of markets including, sportfish, cruise, sail and megayacht. With more than 300 slips accommodating vessels over 80 feet, IGY Marinas is also home port to some of the world’s largest yachts. IGY Marinas additionally has one of the world’s leading large vessel support networks, IGY Anchor Club Strategic Partners, encompassing an array of services ranging from provisioning to crew training and health and maritime travel. IGY Marinas also hosts top international sailing, fishing and nautical-related events, making its marinas highly sought after maritime activity destinations. With a passion for giving back on a global scale, the company supports its marinas twice a year as part of its “Inspire Giving through You” philanthropy project.
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DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
Garfield Sinclair Appointed Head Of Caribbean For C&W Garfield (Garry) Sinclair was today announced as President, Caribbean for Cable & Wireless Communications (“C&W” or “The Company”). The position has responsibility for operations in 15 territories across the region, including C&W’s Jamaica, Trinidad and Barbados markets. John Reid, CEO of C&W who was recently confirmed as top executive of the region-leading full service operator, said: “Our business is entering a new phase of its development and evolution, and I am excited about the expertise, experience and passion for customers that Garry brings to what is a critical role.” As head of the Caribbean, Sinclair will be responsible for the strategic execution, financial performance and reputation of the Caribbean business, developing the Company’s growth opportunities, in
particular triple-play, mobile data and fixed-mobile convergence, as well as capturing the growing demand for business-to-business services. Sinclair, a Jamaica national, is uniquely qualified to lead the Caribbean business given his twenty years’ experience in developing growth opportunities and transformation in organizations across the region. In his role as President and COO of investment bank Dehring Bunting & Golding, Garry grew a start-up business to be key player in the Caribbean financial services industry. More recently, for the past seven years as CEO of Cable & Wireless Jamaica he has successfully led the operation’s transformation, growing the mobile subscriber base from two hundred thousand to almost one million customers, as well as leading the Company’s 800+ employees through the integration of the Columbus and C&W businesses to become the
Garfield Sinclair, President Caribbean, C&W Communications. country’s leading converged telecoms operator. In addition, his range of Board
Bermuda is world’s worst corporate tax haven, says Oxfam
Tuckers Town in Bermuda, which is under the sovereignty of the UK. Four UK territories in Earlier this year, the list ‘undermine Britain’s efforts charity said that British overseas to be responsible member of the territories such as Bermuda were international community’ popular with US firms seeking Bermuda is the world’s to slash their tax bill by “profitworst corporate tax haven, shifting”. In 2012, it found US according to a list by Oxfam, firms had reported $80bn (£64bn) which includes three other UK of profit in Bermuda, more than territories among those it names their combined reported profits and shames. in Japan, China, Germany and The charity’s list of the France. “world’s worst” 15 tax havens It said that though includes the Cayman Islands, these practices, tax havens were Jersey and the British Virgin distorting the global economy Islands, which, like Bermuda, are and depriving other governments under the sovereignty of the UK. of much-needed resources. The It warned that allowing these pressure to compete by offering territories to act as tax havens tax incentives to multinationals “undermines Britain’s efforts to costs developing countries $138bn be an outward-facing, responsible annually, it said. member of the international Ana Arendar, Oxfam’s community”. head of inequality, said: “Tax To compile the list, dodging isn’t an abstract Oxfam looked at practices such as accounting game – the lost revenue offering unfair and unproductive has devastating consequences for tax incentives and zero or the world’s poorest people who extremely low corporate tax rates, miss out on life-saving medicines as well as failure to co-operate and the chance to go to school.” with international processes to The government of combat tax avoidance. Bermuda said there were
“substantial errors” in Oxfam’s report. It disputed claims that there were “anonymous shell corporations” on the island, and said that it cooperated with international attempts to combat tax avoidance. Its deputy premier and minister of finance, Everard Richards, said in a statement: “The government of Bermuda notes with surprise and disappointment statements by Oxfam concerning tax and transparency in which Bermuda has been wrongly included.” He added: “We have a leading role in supporting global property/catastrophe and other insurance, which directly benefits many of the ‘poorest people’ to which Oxfam refers, as well as providing employment in many economies beyond our shores, including the UK.” In October Theresa May, the prime minister, pledged to “come after” the accountants, financial advisers and middlemen who help tax dodgers avoid paying what they owe to society. However, Arendar said: “Allowing our overseas territories and Crown dependencies to operate as tax havens undermines Britain’s efforts to be an outwardfacing, responsible member of the international community. It’s time to end this embarrassing contradiction in our own backyard.” UK corporation tax is due to fall to 17% by 2020 from its current level of 20%, and the prime minister has suggested there could be further cuts to attract businesses. Oxfam warned that governments that cut corporate tax balance their books by reducing public spending or by raising taxes such as VAT that fall disproportionately on the poorest.
appointments including financial institutions, youth empowerment and the Jamaica Football Federation demonstrates Sinclair’s leadership experience and passion for Caribbean development, qualities key to C&W’s development and growth across the Caribbean. “I am honored to lead our Caribbean business into the next chapter of its development. I look forward to working with our 3,300 employees across the region as we look to seize the opportunity to develop our products and services, continue the transformation of our operations, and lead the region in innovation and quality of customer experience”, said Sinclair. Sinclair’s appointment will take effect on January 1, 2017; in addition he will continue to oversee C&W’s Jamaica business directly until the appointment of new leadership for that operation later in the New Year.
Feds bust Bahamasto-Keys immigrant smuggling network Federal agents have dismantled a South Florida immigrant smuggling network that brought undocumented foreign nationals from the Bahamas in boats to the Florida Keys so they could live and work in the United States illegally, according to federal court records. Federal immigration agencies discovered the migrant smuggling ring after a joint covert operation based on a confidential tip, according to court records. South Florida immigration authorities say fishing and pleasure boat owners often become enticed by the money to be made in migrant smuggling. In the latest case, for example, migrant traffickers charged $8,000 per person to transport people from the Bahamas to South Florida. The case began Nov. 23 when special agents assigned to the Miami Alien Smuggling Group, part of Homeland Security Investigations, received information about a migrant smuggling venture from Bimini, in the Bahamas, around Nov. 25. Investigators located family members of at least two undocumented immigrants from Brazil who were going to be transported by boat to Key Largo from Bimini, according to a criminal complaint filed by an HSI special agent. “Family member one,” the complaint said, “was...told that he would have to deliver the smuggling fee of $16,000, $8,000 per person.” Family members awaited word of their relatives’ arrival at Gilbert’s Resort in Key Largo, according to the criminal complaint. HSI and other immigration agencies organized the surveillance operation to stop the illegal smuggling, according to the criminal complaint. “On Nov. 26, 2016, at approximately 1:15 a.m., a United States Coast Guard air asset observed a 25-30 foot center console vessel with several persons on board, approximately 20 nautical miles east of Miami,” the complaint said. The plane crew witnessed how at one point near the coast, the vessel stopped and transferred passengers to a small boat. In all, 14 people were transferred from one boat to the other. About four hours later, HSI agents in Key Largo saw a white pickup truck deliver several people to a residence in Key Largo where they were picked up by family members. Several of the migrants were undocumented Brazilians, according to the complaint. After the transfer, Coast Guard personnel intercepted the larger vessel and arrested one of the suspected smugglers.
DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
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Rubis Argues For Haiti Panel Orders Partial Margin Increase Audit of Presidential Vote
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Rubis Caribbean, Mauricio Nicholls After being the subject of criticism for a week over its calls for an increase to wholesale fuel margins, Rubis Caribbean has argued that its cries are not unjust, as according to the company, margins in Antigua & Barbuda have been frozen for 27 years. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Rubis Caribbean, Mauricio Nicholls said, “A business cannot survive on margins that are frozen forever where the cost of doing business is rising every year.” According to the CEO, the wholesale fuel margins in Antigua & Barbuda “have been frozen since 1989”. He said the company had “approached this government and the prior government” to make a case to update the margin. However, he said that thus far the government has “never found the right time to review the margins and update them”, arguing that wholesale margins “have not kept up with inflation or with the cost of doing business in Antigua”. “All we are asking the government and have been asking for years is that the margins are brought in line with the accumulated inflation with the 27-year period and in line with average wholesale margins in the rest of the Eastern Caribbean countries,” the CEO said. Speaking on the Antigua Broadcasting Service (ABS) television yesterday morning Prime Minister Gaston Browne said, “Clearly it would be unacceptable for us to allow them to increase their margins and then to pass it on to consumers and increase petrol prices.” According to the government it is satisfied from reviews of Rubis’ financial statements that the company is making a reasonable profit and it does not see the company’s pleas as justified. Browne said that Rubis’ position is that it is not making “enough profit”. However, Nicholls told OBSERVER media, “Just roughly, the wholesale margins in the Eastern Caribbean are about twice the wholesale margins in Antigua so there is a big gap,” adding, “The margins have not been frozen in any other country…for as long.
PM says dispute ends as Sandals agrees to pay The government says it has reached an agreement with Sandals in the dispute over the payment of the Antigua Barbuda Sales Tax (ABST). Prime Minister Gaston Browne says Sandals will be paying its ABST in full come next year. The Prime Minister was not asked to give more details about the settlement when he spoke on state media yesterday. His announcement brings to and end months of speculation about the negotiations which took place behind closed doors after a very public disagreement. In June, the Browne administration withdrew a tax concession agreement that Sandals had signed with the previous Baldwin Spencer Government in 2009, saying it was illegal and accusing the hotel of not paying over sales tax under the agreement. Sandals has hit back that Browne’s decision was done unilaterally, without notice and without any evidence of wrongdoing on the hotel’s part. SRI has also said it would sue the Antigua Government for defaming its vaunted international brand.
P O R T- A U - P R I N C E — A Haitian electoral court on Tuesday ordered authorities to test the reliability of last month’s disputed presidential election results by conducting a random sample of vote count sheets. The ruling by the National Electoral Litigation Office ordered an immediate audit of 12 percent of vote tallies nationwide, watched by Haitian and international monitors. The panel’s binding decision said the partial review was necessary to “shine a light” on the tabulation process at a warehouse computer center guarded by armed U.N. peacekeepers in Port-au-Prince. It declined a full recount or other measures sought by lawyers for three losing candidates alleging electoral fraud and errors in the tabulation process. Among other complaints, the lawyers have asserted that some tally sheets were unfairly authorized even though voters didn’t sign their ballots or mark them with fingerprints. The decision to audit 12 percent of the tally sheets was trumpeted as a victory by factions that contested preliminary results showing a landslide victory for the candidate backed by ex-President Michel Martelly.
Electoral workers count ballots at a polling station in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Nov. 20, 2016. The ruling by the National Electoral Litigation Office orders an audit of 12 percent of vote tallies nationwide, watched by Haitian and international monitors “The ruling is a significant achievement. It’s a triumph for justice and reason,” said Axene Joseph, a lawyer who represents the Fanmi Lavalas party of fourth place presidential candidate Maryse Narcisse. Tuesday’s decision comes nine days before a deadline for publication of final results by Haiti’s Provisional Electoral Council. The panel of judges did not set a date by which the partial review must be completed. Preliminary results issued late last month showed Jovenel Moise easily winning a Nov. 20 election redo against 26 rivals, topping the nearest
challenger by more than 385,000 votes. The political newcomer backed by Martelly did not immediately comment on the Tuesday ruling. Moise’s Tet Kale party objected to an audit and has claimed victory following the preliminary results. Haiti’s electoral cycle began last year, but results of an October 2015 presidential vote showing Moise in the top spot were annulled after a special commission reported finding what appeared to be significant fraud and misconduct. The redo election last month had a participation rate of 21 percent.
UWI does not accept responsibility for students’ debt Students attending the University of the West Indies (UWI), who have not received their scholarship funds from the Government of Antigua & Barbuda, have been told they should monitor their own accounts since the university is not responsible for any debt they incur. A little over a week ago, beneficiaries of the Prime Minister’s Scholarship Programme who are pursuing studies at various UWI campuses had been assured that they would have received their grants last Monday.
The announcement was made by the Chairman of the Prime Minister’s Scholarship Programme, Maurice Merchant, who said that the government was aware of the students’ financial situation and had renegotiated the due date of final payments for the first semester to be made by December 12. Now, the Head of the UWI Open Campus in Antigua & Barbuda, Ian Benn, said the university has no control over students incurring debt due to overdue government scholarships. “That’s not a new
problem; it is an old problem and let’s just face it, governments do face financial constraints from time to time and generally we would just let the powers that be make financial arrangements that are mutually acceptable to both entities. Once a debt is incurred, somebody is waiting down the line to be paid and they have someone they have to pay,” Benn said on OBSERVER AM yesterday. He added that delays in the process of funding scholarships are unavoidable, and cautioned students to monitor that process.
Booby found on UK beach flown back to Caribbean home LONDON — Norman the booby bird may have clocked up the most unlikely air miles in aviation history. The red-footed booby, a native of tropical zones, was discovered on a southern English beach Sept. 4, some 5,000 miles (8,000 kilometers) from his nearest Caribbean habitat. It
was first recorded sighting of the species in Britain. Named Norman by his rescuers, the starving, dehydrated bird spent months under heat lamps as a Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals wildlife center nursed him back to health. Wildlife officials said
Saturday that the bird is back where he belongs, a Cayman Islands nature reserve following a 12-hour British Airways flight Thursday with a veterinary escort. The pilot, Capt. Shaun Griffiths, described Norman as “by far the most unusual” passenger he’s ever had.
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DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
Syrian army says it has retaken Aleppo in victory for Assad
The Syrian army said it had retaken complete control of Aleppo on Thursday after the last rebel fighters were evacuated from the city, handing President Bashar al-Assad his biggest victory of the war. The military said it had brought “the return of safety and security to the city of Aleppo”, ending four years of rebel resistance in parts of the northern Syrian city. “This victory constitutes an important turning point,” the army statement said. The last group of rebels and their families holed up in a small eastern enclave were evacuated under a deal that gives the army and its allies full control of the city after years
of fighting, Syrian state television said. At least 34,000 people, both civilians and fighters, have been evacuated from east Aleppo in a weeklong operation hampered by severe winter weather, according to the United Nations, which estimates that thousands more remain behind. “The process for evacuation was traumatic, with crowding, and vulnerable people waiting for hours and exposed to sub-zero temperatures,” U.N. spokesman Farhan Haq told reporters in New York. The last evacuees left a tiny pocket that was all that remained of a rebel sector that covered nearly half the city before being besieged in the
summer and hit by intense air strikes that reduced much of it to rubble. As the months of bombardment wore on, rescue and health services collapsed. The final phase of the evacuation ended when a convoy carrying nearly 150 people, including fighters and members of their families, departed toward rebel-held areas outside the city, state television said. State media showed a convoy crossing from the Ramousah highway junction in south Aleppo to al-Rashideen in the countryside just southwest of the city. In parallel, two buses carrying people from the pro-government villages of al-Foua and Kefraya, besieged by rebels in Idlib province,
Russian ambassador shot dead in Ankara gallery
The Russian ambassador to Turkey was shot in the back and killed as he gave a speech at an Ankara art gallery on Monday by an off-duty police officer who shouted “Don’t forget Aleppo” and “Allahu Akbar” as he opened fire. President Tayyip Erdogan, in a video message to the nation, cast the attack as an attempt to undermine NATOmember Turkey’s relations with Russia - ties long tested by the war in Syria. He said he had agreed in a telephone call with Russia’s Vladimir Putin to step up cooperation in fighting terrorism. At a special meeting at the Kremlin, President Putin ordered increased security at all Russian missions and said “the bandits” who committed the act would feel retribution. We must know who directed the killer’s hand.” The assassination of Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrei Karlov lies on the ground after he was shot by an ambassador, not least of a unidentified man at an art gallery in Ankara major power such as Russia, “He took out his gun about and shouted as he held the marks a dangerous escalation of and shot the ambassador from gun in one hand and waved the tension in the region and beyond. behind. We saw him lying on the other in the air. Security sources said he was off floor and then we ran out,” said Russia is an ally of duty and some witnesses said the witness, who asked not to be Syrian President Bashar there was no security scanning identified. People took refuge in al-Assad and its air strikes machine at the entrance. adjoining rooms as the shooting helped Syrian forces end rebel The attacker was continued. resistance last week in the smartly dressed in black suit A video showed the northern city of Aleppo. Turkey, and tie and stood, alone, behind attacker shouting: “Don’t forget which seeks Assad’s ouster, has the ambassador as he began his Aleppo, don’t forget Syria!” and been repairing ties with Moscow speech at the art exhibition, a “Allahu Akbar” (“God is Greatest”) after shooting down a Russian person at the scene told Reuters. as screams rang out. He paced warplane over Syria last year.
UK PM May will carefully consider Scottish Brexit proposals
Prime Minister Theresa May will carefully consider proposals for Brexit put forward on Tuesday by Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, May’s spokesman said. “We are going to get this paper delivered to us today. It is right that we consider it carefully,” he told reporters. Sturgeon has frequently said Scotland should have the option of a
second independence referendum if her proposals to retain EU links are rejected. The spokesman said: “Our position is there shouldn’t be a second referendum. There was a referendum, it was only two years ago, the result was very decisive (and) both parties agreed to abide by the result of that referendum.”
arrived in government-held Aleppo. Government forces had insisted the two villages must be included in the deal to bring people out of Aleppo. Under a deal brokered by Turkey and Russia, convoys of buses and cars have shuttled thousands of civilians and fighters out of Aleppo’s last rebel-held pocket toward opposition areas outside the city since late last week. In the western part of the city, held throughout the war by the government, there was celebratory gunfire, fireworks, and street parties on Thursday night, witnesses told Reuters.
DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
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Clinton lawyer blasts FBI after Zimbabwe’s Mugabe email search warrant release confirmed as ruling party The FBI acted on a laptop in an unrelated than routine correspondence inappropriately when it probe that contained U.S. State between Secretary Clinton announced the revival of its Department correspondence. and her longtime aide Huma investigation into Hillary But the documents Abedin.” Clinton’s private email gave no indication the FBI Brian Fallon, who setup days before the Nov. 8 had any evidence at the time served as the national press presidential election, Clinton’s of Comey’s letter that any secretary for Clinton’s lawyer said, citing search of the emails on found on campaign, said on Twitter warrant documents made a laptop involved classified the search warrant “reveals public on Tuesday. communications with Clinton. Comey’s intrusion on the The pointed criticism Kendall said the election was as utterly from Clinton attorney David documents showed the unjustified as we suspected at Kendall followed the release “extraordinary impropriety” of time.” in federal court in Manhattan Comey’s letter, which “produced In July, Comey of documents related to an devastating but predictable recommended no charges be October search warrant damage politically and which brought over Clinton’s handing targeting emails involving was both legally unauthorized of classified information in the Democratic presidential and factually unnecessary.” the emails, although he said nominee. The FBI declined to comment. she and her colleagues were The warrant was issued The laptop belonged “extremely careless” in handling two days after Federal Bureau to former Democratic U.S. such information. of Investigation Director James Representative Anthony That determination Comey informed Congress Weiner, the estranged husband followed what the search in a letter on Oct. 28 of of Clinton aide Huma Abedin warrant materials called newly discovered emails that who was the subject of an a “criminal investigation appeared “pertinent” to his investigation after a report concerning the improper agency’s probe. about cellphone and online transmission and storage of Comey’s letter drew messages he sent a 15-year-old classified info on unclassified new attention to Clinton’s use girl. email systems and servers.” of the server while she was The search warrant In his letter to Congress, secretary of state from 2009 to materials’ release was sought Comey said emails potentially 2013 and roiled the campaign 11 by Randol Schoenberg, a Los related to the investigation days before the election, which Angeles-based lawyer, who had been discovered in an Republican Donald Trump won. contended that transparency “unrelated case.” Clinton has blamed Comey and was crucial given the potential Federal investigators his letter for her defeat. influence the probe had on the obtained the warrant to In an affidavit unsealed election’s outcome. examine the emails on Oct. 30. on Tuesday, an FBI agent said In a statement, Two days before the election, there was “probable cause” to Schoenberg said he saw Comey disclosed the emails did believe emails involving Clinton “nothing to suggest that there nothing to change his earlier were among “thousands” found would be anything other recommendation.
Facebook to roll out new tools to tackle fake news Facebook Inc said it will introduce tools to prevent fake news stories from spreading on its platform, an about-face in response to rising criticism that it did not do enough to combat the problem during the U.S. presidential campaign. The social network company stressed that the new features are part of an ongoing process to refine and test how it deals with fake news. It has faced complaints this year involving how it monitors and polices content produced by its 1.8 billion users. Facebook said users will find it easier to flag fake articles on their News Feed as a hoax, and it will work with organizations such as fact-checking website Snopes, ABC News and the Associated Press to check the authenticity of stories. If such organizations identify a story as fake, Facebook said, it will get flagged as “disputed” and be linked to the corresponding article explaining why. The company said
disputed stories may appear president in charge of its News lower in its news feed, adding Feed, said in a blog post. that once a story is flagged, it Some far-right cannot be promoted. conservative writers quickly A few weeks ago, Chief pounced on the announcement, Executive Mark Zuckerberg said decrying it as a covert attempt to it was a “crazy idea” that fake muzzle their legitimate content. or misleading news on Facebook Translation: A group of helped swing the election in favor incredibly biased left-wing fake of Republican Donald Trump. news outlets will bury dissenting But criticism persisted amid opinions,” Paul Joseph Watson, reports that people in the United editor-at-large of the far-right States and other countries have website Infowars, which routinely fabricated sensational hoaxes peddles unsubstantiated meant to appeal to conservatives. conspiracy theories, said on Critics said fake news Twitter. often was more widely read than Facebook has struggled news reported by major media throughout the year to mollify organizations. conservatives who fear the Ahead of the Nov. 8 company may be censoring them. election, Facebook users saw The company fired contractors fake news reports saying Pope who managed the site’s trending Francis endorsed Trump and news sidebar after a report that a federal agent who had by Gizmodo in May quoted an been investigating Democratic anonymous employee claiming candidate Hillary Clinton was the site routinely suppressed found dead. conservative news. The effort by Facebook is On Thursday, intended to focus on the “worst of Joel Kaplan, Facebook’s vice the worst” of clear hoaxes created president for U.S. public policy, by “spammers for their own gain,” met with President-elect Trump Adam Mosseri, Facebook’s vice at his Manhattan tower.
candidate for 2018
President Robert Mugabe leaves after delivering his State Of the Nation address at Parliament in Harare, Zimbabwe, December 6, 2016 Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe was confirmed on Saturday as his party’s sole candidate for the next presidential election in 2018, when he will be 94. Supporters at a party conference sang a song titled “Mugabe should rule until eternity” as the veteran leader rose to give a speech in which he called for an end to infighting within the ruling ZANU-PF over his eventual successor. “We came with our problems, which we heard. We also came knowing we had differences. We agreed our differences should end and fighting should stop,” said Mugabe, who has faced unprecedented protests this year. Mugabe, the only ruler that the southern African nation has known since independence from Britain in 1980, has come under pressure from a deteriorating economy, corruption and cash shortages that have seen the central bank introducing a new “bond note” currency in November. In July, he was deserted by some of his once stalwart supporters, war veterans that have backed him in previous elections. Still, Mugabe retains unrivalled support in ZANU-PF, which is grappling with factional fights as party officials maneuver for advantage in a post-Mugabe era. ZANU-PF’s various entities, including the youth and women’s wings, confirmed him as the sole candidate to contest the 2018 election at the end of a two-day conference on Saturday, which was held in Masvingo town, 300 km (186 miles) south of the capital, Harare. That means potential successors who wish to challenge Mugabe for the leadership of the party would have to wait for the 2019 party congress when ZANU-PF chooses its leaders. There are two camps vying to succeed Mugabe, with one with faction supporting Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa while another backs first lady Grace Mugabe. In one of its resolutions, the ZANU-PF Youth League said presidential term limits should be abolished and Mugabe should be declared life president. Under the constitution adopted in 2013, Mugabe can only serve one final term. Political analysts say Mugabe runs an effective patronage system that rewards supporters and punishes those who seek to challenge his rule, as happened to his former vice president of 10 years Joice Mujuru in 2014.
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DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
Deadly Mexico fireworks blast hit market packed for holidays
TULTEPEC, Mexico — The San Pablito fireworks market was especially well stocked for the holidays and bustling with hundreds of shoppers when a powerful chain-reaction explosion ripped through its stalls, killing at least 29 people and leaving dozens more badly burned. The third such blast to ravage the market on the northern outskirts of Mexico’s capital since 2005 sent up a towering plume of smoke that was lit up by a staccato of bangs and flashes of light. Once the smoke cleared, the open-air bazaar was reduced to a stark expanse of ash, rubble and the charred metal of fireworks stands, casting a pall over the country’s Christmas season. Mexico State health officials said 72 people were being treated for injuries from Tuesday’s explosion, including for severe burns, in some cases over 90 percent of their bodies. Ten children were among the hospitalized. Authorities have not yet said what may have caused the explosions which took place in Mexico State, which rings the capital. Survivor Crescencia Francisco Garcia said she was in the middle of the grid of stalls when the thunderous explosions began. She froze, reflexively looked up at the sky and then took off running through the smoke once she realized everyone was
This image made from video recorded from a passing car shows an explosion ripping through the San Pablito fireworks’ market in Tultepec, Mexico, Tuesday, Dec. 20, 2016. Sirens wailed and a heavy scent of gunpowder lingered in the air after the afternoon blast at the market, where most of the fireworks stalls were completely leveled. According to the Mexico state prosecutor there are at least 26 dead doing so. As she ran she saw people with burns and cuts, and lots of blood. “Everything was catching fire. Everything was exploding,” Francisco said. “The stones were
flying, pieces of brick, everything was flying.” Mexico State Gov. Eruviel Avila reported Tuesday night that in addition to the 26 people who perished at the market, three more victims died later in hospitals. “We are going to identify who is responsible,” Avila said. Sirens wailed and a heavy scent of gunpowder lingered in the air well after the thunderous explosions at the market, which were widely seen in a dramatic video. The smoking, burned out shells of vehicles ringed the perimeter, and first responders and local residents wearing blue masks over their mouths combed through the ash and debris. Firefighters hosed down stillsmoldering hotspots. Tultepec Mayor Armando Portuguez Fuentes said the market was especially well stocked because demand for noisy firecrackers and rockets soars this time of year. “We are obviously in the high season,” Portuguez said. “There was more product than usual because we are a few days away from Christmas, a few days away from New Year’s, and those are the days when the products made here are consumed the most.”
China returns underwater drone, U.S. condemns ‘unlawful’ seizure
Crew members aboard the VOS Raasay recover U.S. and British Royal Navy ocean gliders taking part in the Unmanned Warrior exercise off the North coast of Scotland. China has returned a U.S. underwater drone taken by one of its naval vessels in the disputed South China Sea last week after what it said were friendly talks with the United States, which reiterated its criticism of the “unlawful” seizure. The taking of the unmanned underwater vehicle in international waters near the Philippines triggered a diplomatic protest and speculation about whether it would strengthen U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s hand as he seeks a tougher line with China. A Chinese naval ship took the drone, which the Pentagon says uses
unclassified, commercially available technology to collect oceanographic data, on Thursday about 50 nautical miles northwest of Subic Bay in the Philippines. China’s defence ministry said in a brief statement the drone had been given back to the United States on Tuesday. “After friendly consultations between the Chinese and U.S. sides, the handover work for the U.S. underwater drone was smoothly completed in relevant waters in the South China Sea at midday,” the ministry said. The defence ministry declined
to give more details about the handover with the military. But I think what they said is unreasonable as we have when contacted by Reuters. The Pentagon said the vehicle always said that for a long time the had been handed over to the guided U.S. military has regularly sent ships missile destroyer USS Mustin near and aircraft to carry out close up where it had been “unlawfully seized”. surveillance and military surveys in It called on China to comply with waters facing China, which threatens international law and refrain from China’s sovereignty and security,” Hua further efforts to impede lawful U.S. told reporters. “China is resolutely opposed activities. “The U.S. remains committed to this and has always demanded the to upholding the accepted principles U.S. end these kinds of activities. I and norms of international law and think this is the cause of this or similar freedom of navigation and overflight incidents.” The seizure has added to U.S. and will continue to fly, sail, and operate in the South China Sea concern about China’s growing military wherever international law allows,” presence and aggressive posture in the Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook disputed South China Sea, including its militarization of maritime outposts. said in a statement. Chinese foreign ministry China is deeply suspicious of any U.S. spokeswoman Hua Chunying referred military activity in the resource-rich questions about the handover and South China Sea, with state media other details of the case to the defence and experts saying the use of the drone was likely part of U.S. surveillance ministry. “The handling of this efforts in the disputed waterway. The U.S. Navy has about incident shows that the Chinese and U.S. militaries have quite smooth 130 such underwater drones, made communication channels. We think by Teledyne Webb, each weighing that this communication channel is about 60 kg (130 lb) and able to stay beneficial to timely communication underwater for up to five months. and the handling of sudden incidents They are used around the world to and prevention of miscalculations and collect unclassified data about oceans, including temperature and depth. misunderstandings,” she said. It is not clear how many are “As to what the U.S. defence department said, I have to verify it used in the South China Sea.
Britain’s 90-year-old Queen to Step Back From Some Charity Work Britain’s Queen Elizabeth will step down as patron from a number of national organizations in the coming months after she turned 90 in April, Buckingham Palace said in a statement on Tuesday. Elizabeth, the world’s longestreigning living monarch, will pass her patronage of dozens of charities, academic institutions and sporting groups to other members of the royal family. “Her Majesty will continue to serve as Patron to hundreds of charities and institutions but will now share this work with her family,” the statement said. inReadinReadBorn on April
21, 1926 in central London, Elizabeth still hosts foreign dignitaries, presides over the annual state opening of parliament and holds a weekly audience with the prime minister, but has cut back on foreign travel in recent years. Aides and commentators say there is no prospect of her giving up her job, and Buckingham Palace said on Tuesday she would remain patron of more than 600 organizations. The royal office named 25 national groups which will be handed over to existing royal family vicepatrons or presidents as she comes to the end of her 90th year. They include charities like
Queen Elizabeth II visits Goodenough College, the leading residential community for British and international postgraduate students studying in London, Britain December 1, 2016. the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) and Save the Children UK, plus academic groups like the Institution of Civil Engineers and the Royal Geographic Society, as well as sporting bodies
including the Rugby Football Union and the Lawn Tennis Association. Elizabeth’s husband Prince Philip also resigned from a number of patronages when he turned 90 in 2011.
DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
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Heimlich, developer of maneuver to save choking victims, dead at 96
Henry Heimlich, the medical maverick who came up with a maneuver credited with saving thousands of choking victims but who damaged his standing as a proponent of the curative powers of malaria, died on Saturday at the age of 96. Heimlich, a doctor who developed a life-saving technique to dislodge airway blockages, died at Christ Hospital in Cincinnati of complications from a massive heart attack he suffered on Monday, his family said in a statement. A thoracic surgeon who often feuded with the established medical community, Heimlich said the maneuver which was named after him saved more than 100,000 lives. He claimed to have used it himself last May on another resident of the Cincinnati retirement home where he lived. “It made me appreciate how wonderful it has been to be able to save all those lives,” he once told the Cincinnati Enquirer. Heimlich came up with the ground-breaking technique in 1974 after reading about the high rate of deaths in restaurants that first were attributed to heart attacks, but later found to have been caused by diners choking on food. An ordinary person could be a hero with “the Heimlich Maneuver” - it requires no equipment, no great strength and only minimal training. The popular wisdom at the time called for repeatedly slapping the back of person struggling with an obstruction of the passage to the lungs. But Heimlich, who was then at Jewish Hospital in Cincinnati, believed the back slaps could force the blockage deeper. To prove his method, he took anesthetized lab dogs, blocked their windpipes with hunks of meat attached to strings in case of emergency and developed a technique that would send his name around the world. The Heimlich Maneuver called for the rescuer to stand behind the choking victim, apply the thumb-side of a fist to a spot just under the diaphragm and between the lungs. By pushing sharply on that spot, a surge of air from the lungs would then expel the blockage. Heimlich wrote about his discovery for a medical journal and it began to spread due to media coverage. A man in Washington state who came to a neighbor’s rescue was credited with being the first person to use the Heimlich Maneuver shortly
Charleston gunman will not use mental health to avoid death penalty
Dylann Roof is seen in this June 18, 2015 handout booking photo provided by Charleston County Sheriff’s Office
Dr. Henry Heimlich (L), the 96-year-old Cincinnati surgeon credited with inventing the life-saving technique named for him, poses with Patty Ris, 87, who he saved this week from choking on a hamburger, at the Deupree House seniors’ home in Cincinatti, Ohio, U.S. May 27 after reading a newspaper In 1986, it was officially story about it. The charismatic recommended as the primary doctor also busily promoted the anti-choking technique by technique, including appearances the Red Cross, although the on late-night television talk organization would reverse shows with Johnny Carson and that decision in 2006, saying David Letterman. “abdominal thrusts” should only Heimlich collected be a secondary method. anecdotes about Heimlich As the Heimlich rescues throughout his life. Maneuver became part of Among them were the aide who American culture, its namesake saved Ronald Reagan during his sought more innovation. He 1976 presidential campaign and thought his technique should Tom Brokaw coming to the aid also be used to clear mucus from of fellow NBC newsman John the lungs during an asthma Chancellor. attack and was better than Actress Cher was saved cardiopulmonary resuscitation by director Robert Altman and for drowning victims - claims that Clint Eastwood once prevented were dismissed by authorities a partygoer from choking. In such as the Red Cross and the 2015, a 13-year-old boy was able American Medical Association. to clear a classmate’s blockage Heimlich damaged his after learning the move watching credibility further by espousing the cartoon “SpongeBob malaria therapy, saying the high SquarePants.” fevers of malaria stimulated the body’s immune system enough to ‘ONLY METHOD’ counter AIDS, cancer and Lyme disease. It took more than The U.S. Centers for a decade for the medical Disease Control and Prevention establishment to adopt the discounted that theory, but under Heimlich Maneuver, partly Heimlich’s direction, human because there had been no official malaria therapy trials were human trials. The American Red conducted in Mexico, China and Cross recommended it only as Africa because they would never a secondary method to back- have been permitted in the slapping. United States. In 1984, Heimlich was “I don’t follow all the given the prestigious Lasker rules if there’s a better, faster way Award for public service. A year to do it,” he told the Los Angeles later C. Everett Koop, then the Times in a 1994 interview. “If U.S. surgeon general, said the your peers understand what Heimlich method should be “the you’ve done, you are not being only method” used for choking creative.” victims.
Convicted murderer Dylann Roof will not ask jurors to take his mental health into consideration next month during the death penalty phase of his trial for killing nine black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina. In a handwritten note filed in a South Carolina federal court on Friday, Roof, an avowed white supremacist, wrote, “I will not be calling mental health experts or presenting mental health evidence.” Roof was found guilty on Thursday of 33 charges of federal hate crimes after a six-day trial featuring harrowing testimony about the night of June 17, 2015, when he attended Bible study at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church before opening fire on the parishioners. He spent months scouting potential sites for the attack, which he confessed to carrying out, and wrote a journal and online manifesto filled with hatred toward Jewish and black people. Roof ’s decision not to call mental health experts or present mental health evidence came after he called the field of psychology a “Jewish invention” in his journal, part of which was read aloud at his trial earlier this month. “I am morally opposed to psychology. It is a Jewish invention that does nothing but invent diseases and tell people they have problems when they don’t,” Roof wrote. The jury is scheduled to begin hearing evidence on Jan. 3 in the second phase of the trial, which will determine whether Roof faces execution. Roof is acting as his own lawyer in that proceeding. He still faces a trial next year on state charges in connection with the church killings. South Carolina prosecutors have said they intend to seek the death penalty as well.
U.S. offers $25 million reward for information on Islamic State leader The United States on Friday more than doubled its previous reward for information on Islamic State leader Abu Bakr alBaghdadi, offering $25 million for information that would help locate, arrest or convict the head of the jihadist group.
The U.S. State Department’s Rewards for Justice program previously offered $10 million for information on Baghdadi, announced in October 2011. The increase was announced in a statement on Friday. Baghdadi, an Iraqi whose
real name is Ibrahim al-Samarrai, declared himself the caliph of a huge swath of Iraq and Syria two years ago. His exact location is not clear. Reports have said he may be in the Islamic State-held city of Mosul, Iraq, or in Islamic State-
held territory to the west of the city, close to the border with Syria. Kurdish officials believe that growing pressure resulting from a coalition military assault on Mosul is causing Baghdadi and his top lieutenants to move around and try to hide themselves.
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DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
Miss Puerto Rico takes the crown at the Miss World pageant Stephanie Del Valle, a 19-year-old student from Puerto Rico, was crowned Miss World in a splashy ceremony Sunday at the new MGM National Harbor. What’s Miss World, you ask? The pageant is the lesserknown competitor to Miss Universe — a global beauty contest with a progressive bent, eschewing the swimsuit competition to judge women on their athletic prowess and charitable works, instead. (Also, their modeling skills — it is a beauty competition, after all.) The contest was presided over by Megan Young, a former Miss World who has local ties — born in Alexandria, Va., she represented the Philippines in the pageant, and subsequently became a huge star in that country. Del Valle’s win was a big upset for the crowd favorite, Catriona Gray of the Philippines, who made it to the top five. Yaritza Miguelina Reyes Ramirez of the Dominican Republic was first runner-up, followed by Natasha Mannuela of Indonesia. Our own Miss World America (yes, that’s a different pageant from Miss America) Audra Mari of Fargo, N.D., made it to the top 10. And Miss World
Stephanie Del Valle, a 19-year-old student from Puerto Rico, was crowned Miss World in a splashy ceremony Sunday at the new MGM National Harbor. Canada Anastasia Lin never had Miss World doesn’t try to stump a chance — though she made its beauty queens with tough headlines for speaking out against geopolitical questions, so Del human rights abuses in China, Valle’s final question at the she butted heads with organizers pageant was a real softball: “If throughout the pageant and was you had an opportunity to change relegated to the back row for some something about the world, what of the dance sequences. would it be?” Her answer, straight Del Valle is a student out of the “Miss Congeniality” at Pace University in New York, world peace pageant playbook: studying law and communications, “What I would do is send the but with an interest in the message of how important it is to entertainment industry. Wearing change exclusion for acceptance, a frothy pink princess gown, she to promote and provide justice said her “passion for music” makes for others, and the importance of her who she is. And alas, helping those in need.”
Family drama ‘Fences’ gets its big screen moment Denzel Washington is excited. Not so much because he is an Oscar front-runner for his role in “Fences,” but because bringing the award-winning stage play about blue collar AfricanAmericans to the big screen has been a long-held dream. “It’s brilliant. It’s like, why would they make ‘Hamlet’ a movie? Why would they make ‘Death of a Salesman” a movie? Because it is some of the greatest writing in the 20th century,” the actor told Reuters. Pulitzer-Prize-winning “Fences,” which opens in U.S. Denzel Washington movie theaters on Dec. 25, is the with their game,” Washington said first play by the late, influential of adapting “Fences” to film, which black playwright August Wilson he also directed and produced. to be turned into a film. Washington is also involved in Washington and Viola filming all 10 of Wilson’s stage Davis reprise their 2010 Tony- plays for TV channel HBO. winning roles as egotistical With strong reviews, garbage worker Troy Maxson and “Fences” has put Washington his long-suffering wife Rose in the and Davis front and center of intense family drama about lost a Hollywood awards season hope, betrayal and race prejudice looking to redeem itself after the in 1950s America. #OscarsSoWhite furor of the past “There’s an excitement two years. because we knew that this is Washington, 61, is seen permanent now. This is forever. as a leading contender for his So everybody’s coming third Oscar, while Davis, 51, is
regarded by awards pundits as a shoo-in in the supporting actress race. “Every day was an acting Olympics,” said Davis of the film shoot. “There was no scene where you just walked in and put down a pot.” Wilson, who died in 2005, set many of his plays in the precivil rights era, charting the experience of African-American working men and women and their struggle for dignity and love. “He honored people that literally had been seen as invisible throughout history and he uplifts them as exactly who they are,” Davis said. Stephen McKinley Henderson, who plays Troy’s best friend Jim Bono, said “Fences” is timeless. “Great writers write about the capacity of being human. ... The politics is just the background of our lives. The really important things are the people who are closest to us, not the people who are in some seat of power a long way away. So (the play) is always going to speak to you, whatever period you are in,” he said.
Singer Marc Anthony divorcing Venezuelan model wife SANTO DOMINGO, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC — Grammy-winning singer Marc Anthony and his wife announced Sunday that they are divorcing after a two-year marriage. A brief statement said the decision to end the marriage was made mutually by Anthony,
a New York-born singer of Puerto Rican roots, and Shannon de Lima, a Venezuelan model. Anthony wed de Lima in 2014 at his residence in the Dominican Republic resort of Case de Campo. It was the third marriage for Anthony, who has six children
from previous relationships. In 2011, he divorced from pop star and actress Jennifer Lopez. Anthony is also an actor, appearing in TV and films. He starred with Lopez in the 2007 film “El Cantante,” about the life of salsa pioneer Hector Lavoe.
Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor dies at age 99
Zsa Zsa Gabor at Home in 1992 Nine-times married Hollywood star who attained cult figure status starring in 1950s B-movies has passed away at her home The actor and celebrity Zsa Zsa Gabor has died aged 99. The Hollywood star, arguably more famous for her larger than life personality and string of marriages than for her films, passed away at her home in Los Angeles on Sunday. Her husband, Frederic von Anhalt, said she died of a heart attack. “We tried everything, but her heart just stopped and that was it,” he said. “Even the ambulance tried very hard to get her back, but there was no way.” Gabor suffered a series of illnesses in recent years and had to have her leg partially amputated in January due to poor circulation. She suffered a stroke in 2005, three years after a car accident had left her partially paralysed. In 2010 she reportedly asked a priest to administer the last rites after surgery to remove two blood clots; the following year she had a leg amputated. The last stage of her life was reported to have been spent suffering from dementia. This spell of ill-health was said to have begun after she was sent to hospital suffering from grief and anxiety over the death of Elizabeth Taylor in March 2011. Her then publicist John Blanchette (who died in 2014) revealed that Gabor suffered dangerously high blood pressure watching TV coverage of the news of Taylor’s death, saying: “Oh, Jane Russell and Liz Taylor – I’m next.” Although many of the details of her early life are disputed, Gabor is believed to have been born on 6 February 1917 as Sari Gabor in Budapest, Hungary, where she was brought up with her older and younger sisters, Magda and Eva. She acted on stage in Vienna in her youth before emigrating to the United States in 1941. Her first starring role was in Moulin Rouge (1952), directed by John Huston. She attained cult figure status starring in 1950s B-movies, including Queen of Outer Space, in which she played a rebel Venusian who falls in love with four Earthmen whom her manhating queen wants to destroy. Later, she maintained her profile with film and TV cameos. She made one such appearance in The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear (1991), featuring in a scene that appeared to make fun of her real-life conviction for slapping a police officer in a traffic incident. She appeared in dozens of films, but these achievements were arguably overshadowed later on by public interest in her extravagant style and fondness for wealthy husbands. She married nine times and her spouses included Conrad Hilton, the founder of the Hilton hotel chain, and Barbie doll creator Jack Ryan. Her last marriage was also her longest lasting: she tied the knot with Frédéric Prinz von Anhalt in 1986. He has also battled ill-health in recent years, hospitalised twice in 2010, once after swallowing a bee and another time following his gluing his eye shut. He was also involved in a motor accident in 2011 . Gabor’s only child, Francesca Hilton, died aged 67 in February 2015. As news of Gabor’s death spread, friends and fans paid tribute to her on Twitter.
DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
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EU accuses Facebook of misleading it in WhatsApp takeover probe
The European Commission has charged Facebook Inc with providing misleading information during its takeover of the online messaging service WhatsApp, opening the company to a possible fine of 1 percent of its turnover. However, the statement of objections sent to Facebook will not affect the EC’s approval of the $22 billion merger in 2014, the Commission said in a statement on Tuesday. Facebook becomes the latest Silicon Valley target of EU competition commissioner Margrethe Vestager, who has demanded Apple pay back $14 billion in taxes to Ireland and hit Google with two market abuse investigations. The issue regards a WhatsApp privacy policy change in August when it said it would share some users’
phone numbers with parent company Facebook, triggering investigations by a number of EU data protection authorities. The Commission said Facebook had indicated in its notification of the planned acquisition that it would be unable reliably to match the two companies’ user accounts. “The Commission’s preliminary view is that Facebook gave us incorrect or misleading information during the investigation into its acquisition of WhatsApp,” said Vestager. The EU executive said it took the preliminary view that the technical possibility of automatically matching Facebook users’ IDs with those of WhatsApp already existed in 2014 when Facebook sought EU approval for the merger.
The Commission - which approved the transaction without conditions - said it did not only rely on the information about the possibility of matching user accounts when reviewing the deal. Facebook has until Jan. 31 to respond. If the Commission’s concerns are confirmed it can impose a fine on the U.S. company of up to 1 percent of turnover, or about $179 million based on 2015 revenues. Companies fined can appeal to the European Court of Justice, which has overturned some penalties in the past. “We respect the Commission’s process and are confident that a full review of the facts will confirm Facebook has acted in good faith, a Facebook spokeswoman said. “We’ve consistently provided accurate information about our
technical capabilities and plans, including in submissions about the WhatsApp acquisition and in voluntary briefings before WhatsApp’s privacy policy update this year,” she added. The company will continue to cooperate and give the information officials need to resolve their questions, she said. Facebook informed the Commission of the planned change in January. In response to separate concerns from EU data protection watchdogs Facebook has agreed to stop sharing WhatsApp users’ information with Facebook for the purposes of improving Facebook products and advertising experiences. The watchdogs wrote to the company last week asking for more information about the privacy policy change.
Apple’s new AirPods tough to recycle Apple Inc’s new wireless headphones could be a problem for recyclers, according to an electronics firm that took apart the device to review its component parts. Apple has been promoting a more environmentally conscious image for the company after having come under fire in the past for constructing its devices so tightly that their components can be difficult to cost-effectively disassemble for recycling. But Apple’s latest 4-gram wireless headphones, or AirPods, Apple AirPods are displayed during a have glued-in tiny lithium media event in San Francisco, California batteries that make recycling AirPods may signal Apple’s future. difficult, said Kyle Wiens, chief “There could easily be a executive of iFixit, the company billion of these things over the which took apart the AirPods and next 10 years,” Wiens said. has previously analyzed other Apple has said that the Apple products. $159 AirPods can be returned “They’re basically saying to the company for recycling. A this is the future of headphones,” spokesman declined to comment said Wiens. He estimates Apple further on recycling the devices. has sold 1.4 billion pairs of iPhone The headphones, which and iPod headphones, weighing Apple released last week after a about 31 million pounds. Given one-month delay, have garnered that the iPhone 7 ships without a positive reviews. traditional headphone jack, The AirPods contain
three lithium-ion batteries, one in each pod and one in an accompanying charging case. Recyclers can shred wired headphones and send them to a smelter that will melt them down for the copper inside. But the lithium-ion batteries in AirPods cannot be shredded because they could catch fire while being destroyed. The AirPods carry regulatory markings that say they are not intended to be thrown away in the trash and should be disposed of as electronics waste. Willie Cade, CEO of Chicago-based PC Rebuilders & Recyclers, who was briefed on the AirPods’ construction by iFixit, said the labor involved in removing the batteries would make it hard to cost-effectively recover any of the materials from the devices. “I can’t do it by hand. It’s cost prohibitive,” Cade said, adding that the AirPods would need to go into a shredder, but that “there’s a relatively high risk of fire”.
Nintendo’s mobile Mario game sets download record but pricing proves sticking point Nintendo Co Ltd’s first Mario smartphone title has set a download record but gamers baulked at the one-time cost of unlocking content, prompting investors to push the Japanese game makers’ stock to a onemonth low. Super Mario Run hit 25 million downloads just four days after its Dec. 15 release in 151 countries on Apple Inc’s AAPL. App Store, earning gross sales of about $21 million, showed data from app analyst Sensor Tower. But Nintendo shares have lost 11 percent since the launch as the latest game to feature Nintendo’s princess-rescuing Italian plumber received negative reviews from users mainly complaining about its $9.99 one-time cost, rather than the usual
model of paying small amounts for special features. “Mario is arguably the most popular gaming franchise in the world, yet we see only about 8 percent of those who try the game actually purchasing it,” said Sensor Tower analyst Spencer Gabriel. “I don’t think this is a statement on the game’s quality ... but rather the perceived value when compared to free-to-play games that offer much more content with optional microtransactions that enable players to experience it sooner.” Super Mario Run is free to download on the App Store where, in Japan, it is rated 2.5 stars out of 5 based on 1,095 reviews. “This is a fee app disguised
Takuya Nishya shows Nintendo’s ‘Super Mario Run’ game on his smartphone. as a free app,” wrote reviewer Racing Game Guy. “You need to pay after
playing for 10 minutes. I don’t mind paying but the fee is a bit big. It’s a disappointment after waiting with so much expectation.” Nintendo belatedly decided to enter smartphone gaming after resisting initial pressure from shareholders concerned about that segment’s threat to its core console gaming business. Soon after, Pokemon GO based on Nintendo characters - reached 25 million downloads in a then-record 11 days from about 35 countries via the app stores of Apple and Alphabet Inc’s (GOOGL.O) Google. Nintendo shares more than doubled in price, reaching a six-year high, but plunged soon after the firm said Pokemon GO would have little impact on profit.
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DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
Britain urged to increase cyber security in financial services
Lagarde keeps IMF job, escapes penalty after negligence conviction in France
Britain’s intelligence agencies need to do more to help regulators to protect the financial services industry from cyber crime, the head of an influential parliamentary committee said on Monday. Andrew Tyrie, a lawmaker in the ruling Conservative Party, said parliament’s Treasury Committee was concerned about the “opaque lines of accountability”, particularly between regulators and intelligence agencies. While financial regulators are accountable to the Treasury, Britain’s GCHQ security agency reports to the foreign minister, who may be more focused on the need to address state-sponsored cyber crime and terrorism, he said. “It is essential that the intelligence community gives the regulators the technical and practical support they need to do their job. This means making sure that financial cyber crime has a high priority, and is not subordinate to other work,” he said. “Failure to do so would inhibit the ability of financial institutions to maintain an adequate level of protection for millions of consumers.” Last month Tesco Bank, the banking arm of retailer Tesco, said 2.5 million pounds ($3 million) was stolen from a total of 9,000 customers in what cyber experts said was the first mass hacking of accounts at a western bank. In a letter to the head of the National Cyber Security Centre, dated Dec. 7 and published on Monday, Tyrie said this was only the latest example of criminals exploiting vulnerabilities in the banking industry’s IT systems. “Legacy systems, human error and deliberate attack have resulted in unacceptable interruptions to vital banking services and weakened the public’s confidence in the banking system as a whole,” he said. Tyrie said greater scrutiny of the existing arrangements was needed, and the National Cyber Security Centre, which is part of GCHQ, should consider creating a single point of responsibility for cyber risk in financial services.
International Monetary globalization and adopt policies Fund chief Christine Lagarde that combat growing inequality. escaped punishment and kept Reappointed to a fiveher job despite a conviction on year term in February, Lagarde negligence charges over a state said on Monday that she would payout made while she served as now “focus all my attention, all France’s finance minister in 2008. my time, all my efforts, all my The executive board energy and enthusiasm to my representing the IMF’s 189 mission as head of the IMF.” member countries reaffirmed Lagarde, 60, who its full confidence in Lagarde’s described the case as a five-yearability to lead the crisis lender, long ordeal, argued in the trial hours after the verdict was issued last week that she had acted in by a panel of judges in Paris with good faith and with the public no fine or jail term. interest in mind. Lagarde told reporters She also said she had at IMF headquarters that she signed off on the arbitration would not appeal the decision - against the advice of some after vigorously fighting the Finance Ministry officials - to charge since she took the IMF’s International Monetary Fund (IMF) end a costly 15-year-old legal Managing Director Christine Lagarde helm in 2011. battle between the government “I have been held participates October 9, 2016 in the Oneand Tapie, a supporter of thennegligent, but without penalty, to-One event featuring Michael Lewis President Nicolas Sarkozy. without sanction, without during the last day of the IMF/World Bank The case dates back to registration of the decision,” she annual meetings in Washington, U.S. when Tapie sued the French state said. “I am not satisfied with it, financial crisis that was raging for compensation after selling his but there’s a point in time when at the time of the payout as stake in sports company Adidas one has to just stop, turn the well as her strong international to then state-owned Credit page and move on and continue reputation. The charge could Lyonnais in 1993. to work with those who have put have carried a maximum one- He accused the bank of their trust in me.” year prison sentence. defrauding him after it resold In Monday’s ruling, the U.S. Treasury Secretary its stake for a much higher judges did not find negligence in Jack Lew called Lagarde a price. With the case stuck in the Lagarde’s decision to seek an out- “strong leader,” adding: “We have courts, the two sides agreed to of-court settlement with tycoon every confidence in her ability to a private settlement and Tapie Bernard Tapie, but they said her guide the fund at a critical time was awarded a 403 million euro failure to contest the award to for the global economy.” payout, including interest and him of about 400 million euros But the conviction may damages. ($417 million) was negligent and still work against Lagarde in her The case was only the led to a misuse of public funds. campaign to push back against a fifth ever heard by a special The lead judge on the wave of protectionist sentiment French court created in 1993 to case, Martine Ract Madoux, and populist mistrust of public try government ministers. The explained the absence of any officials. She has called on IMF court of 15 judges, including 12 sentence by citing Lagarde’s member countries to better lawmakers, has never handed preoccupation with the 2008-09 promote the benefits of trade and down a firm prison sentence.
Fed approves rule requiring banks to publicly disclose liquid assets
BlackBerry spending $75 million on autos hub over several years
The Federal Reserve on Monday finalized a rule requiring big banks to disclose certain liquidity measures for the first time, as part of an effort to make sure they can cover large or rapid withdrawals. Notably, banks will have to post each quarter the ratio comparing their assets that can quickly be converted to cash to their expected cash outflows during a time of financial stress. They will also have to disclose the consolidated amounts of their high-quality liquid assets and their projected net cash outflow amounts over a 30-day stress period. Deadlines for banks to comply with the new requirement range from April 2017 through Oct. 18, the Fed said.
OTTAWA – Canada’s BlackBerry Ltd plans to invest C$100 million ($75 million) in a new autonomous vehicle testing hub over several years, the company’s chief executive said on Monday, as the fallen smartphone pioneer looks elsewhere for growth. Most of the money will go to engineering jobs, possibly hundreds in coming years, John Chen told reporters at the Ottawa-area headquarters of its BlackBerry QNX subsidiary, with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at his side. The company, which is racing to increase software sales as its handset unit and related legacy service access fees shrink, hopes to make itself indispensable in the automotive industry’s looming self-driving arms race. “One could make the argument that QNX is the strongest asset in their portfolio right now, so it’s refreshing to see this investment,” said IDC’s consumer mobility analyst Brian Haven. But he said scaling
the business and dealing with rivals with more money to throw at autonomous driving initiatives would be challenges for the company. BlackBerry is hoping its security and safety credentials help it win a seat at the table as an array of automakers, chip and sensor providers and software developers work in competitive co-operation to bring selfdriving cars to the mass market. “It will require significant cooperation between all those involved to be sure that the end product and its communication configuration is both safe and secure for the individuals that use them and those sharing the road,” said David Masson, Canada country manager at cybersecurity firm Darktrace. BlackBerry will initially work with middleware supplier PolySync and semiconductor company Renesas Electronics Corp , as well as its hometown University of Waterloo on its autonomous
driving project, but hopes to welcome more companies to its Ottawa facility. The company’s Toronto-listed shares were up 2.9 percent at C$10.40, after earlier rising as much as 4 percent to a onemonth high. The company’s QNX unit, renamed BlackBerry QNX, currently employs around 400 engineers, some three-quarters of them at its facility in Kanata on the outskirts of Ottawa. BlackBerry has about 5,000 employees in total. While the embedded operating system market is likely to grow quickly as autonomous driving takes off, BlackBerry faces numerous competitive threats, including from independent embedded operating system producer Green Hills Software as well as chipmakers such as Intel Corp. It must also convince system integrators including former QNX owner Harman International Industries Inc that its offering is compelling.
DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
Holiday Entertaining Safety Checklist Use the tips on this checklist to ensure that your home is ready for all of the festive activities the holiday season brings.
Fire Safety Test your smoke alarms monthly and make sure that your house is protected by an adequate number of working alarms. Smoke alarms should be located inside each bedroom, outside each sleeping area, and on every level of your home. Share your fire escape plan, including the location of your outside meeting place, with your overnight guests. Everyone should know at least two ways out of each room in your home. Keep halls, stairs, and doorways properly illuminated and free of clutter and other objects that could hinder an escape during a fire emergency. Consider having older guests or those with mobility issues sleep on the ground floor of the house.
Decorating Safety Avoid overloading electrical outlets, which can overheat and cause a fire. Do not place extension cords where they could cause a tripping hazard, like doorways. Do not run extension cords under rugs or furniture. Keep all decorations 3 feet away from heat sources, including space heaters and fireplaces. Keep young visitors in mind. Place breakables, candles, and other potentially dangerous items out of their reach. Turn off and unplug all decorations before leaving home or going to sleep. Use only weatherproof electrical devices for outside activities. Protect outdoor electrical devices from moisture. Make sure live Christmas trees are watered daily.
Heating Equipment Safety Have your heating system inspected annually by a licensed, qualified professional. Use space heaters properly and safely. Keep them out of high-traffic areas and at least 3 feet from anything that can burn. Do not leave a space heater running unattended. Turn space heaters off and unplug them when you leave the room or go to sleep. Never leave an open flame, including the fireplace, unattended.
Holiday 2012
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DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
Tiger’s return excites players and fans LONDON – Tiger Woods appeared in only one tournament all season but the year ended with the name of the 14-times major champion on the lips of most golf followers around the world. Back in action after an absence of almost 16 months caused by chronic back problems, the 40-yearold American made everyone sit up and take notice with a roller-coaster display as he finished 15th at the Hero World Challenge in the Bahamas in December. Pure box office, as ever, Woods reeled off a tournament-high 24 birdies to offer fans hope that he can rediscover former glories but also looked vulnerable as he made several errors of judgment over the four days. Compatriot Jordan Spieth expressed the views of many in the elite 17-man field with a positive assessment of the tournament host’s return to competition. “What looks like is happening is he’s being patient, he’s making a return, he’s confident in his game,” twice major winner Spieth told reporters. “That’s really exciting for us and for golf. “He’s a guy that can continue to have an influence on the golf course for players ... he can truly help get the numbers back up in golf.” Love him, or loathe him for past indiscretions, Woods simply cannot be ignored and there is always
a special frisson of anticipation whenever he tees it up. Rewinding to the opening major championship of the year, it was Spieth’s sudden and unexpected late collapse in the US Masters that opened the door for Danny Willett to claim the coveted Green Jacket. Willett’s victory at Augusta National was similarly unexpected and it was mostly a struggle for the Englishman for the rest of the campaign. Another first-time major winner emerged at the US Open in June as Dustin Johnson finally achieved the breakthrough he has threatened for so long. The long-hitting American showed nerves of steel to triumph by three shots despite being controversially handed a one-stroke penalty when his ball moved on the fifth green.
“Wow, this will take a little while to sink in,” Stenson said after he and Mickelson evoked memories of the great ‘Duel in the Sun’ Turnberry Open of 1977 when Tom Watson edged out Jack Nicklaus in another epic head-to-head. American Jimmy Walker made it a clean sweep of first-time victories in the 2016 majors when he won the US PGA Championship. Walker defeated Australian Jason Day by one stroke after playing 36 holes on a gruelling final day at a waterlogged Baltusrol. The top four players in the world rankings all elected to miss golf ’s return to the Olympics after a 112-year absence but it mattered little to gold medal winner Justin Rose. The Englishman, who recorded a hole-in-one on his first day at the Rio de Janeiro Games in August, beat runner-up Stenson by two shots in a competition that went all the way SPARKLING STENSON to the final putts. Close friends Rose and The most spectacular major Stenson were on the losing side six finish of the year occurred at Royal weeks later when the United States Troon in July as Henrik Stenson won the Ryder Cup for the first time outslugged American Phil Mickelson since 2008 by swatting aside Europe in a remarkable birdie-fest on the final 17-11 at Hazeltine, Minnesota. day. Both teams were still in The Swede’s closing 63 mourning for the great Arnold Palmer, equalled the lowest in any major and 87, who died five days before the his winning 20-under total of 264 was matches began, but it was Davis Love’s also a record for any of the ‘Big Four’ American side who powered into an tournaments. early 4-0 lead and never looked
Former world number Tiger Woods. like surrendering control. Emotional US assistant captain Bubba Watson wept on the skipper’s shoulder as the pair hugged on the 18th green. “We all pulled together for this one. We’ve been kicked around for so long. If you keep on losing you feel you’ve got to do something different,” said Love.
Murray and Kerber seize power and eye domination Audacious coups by Andy Murray and Angelique Kerber have transformed the tennis landscape and they will begin 2017 eyeing the kind of domination that few would have thought possible at the start of a seismic year. With the so-called big four in men’s tennis crumbling, the 29-yearold Murray emerged to seize power, winning the Wimbledon title and the Olympic gold medal before a relentless late-season charge toppled Novak Djokovic from his pedestal. Kerber loosened Serena Williams’ grip on the women’s game, reaching three grand slam finals and winning two of them, beginning against Williams at the Australian Open when she became Germany’s first major winner since Steffi Graf in 1999. Both Murray and Kerber ended 2016 as world number ones. Yet back in January Djokovic and Andy Murray Williams looked immovable. What is more, with Roger Djokovic trounced Murray in Federer and Rafael Nadal nursing three sets to win the Australian Open injuries and Murray seemingly under -- emulating Roy Emerson’s six titles his spell Djokovic’s path to the first in the process. calendar-year grand slam since Rod “I feel like I’ve been here Laver in 1969 looked inviting. before,” Murray quipped after a But the wheels fell off at fourth defeat in a Melbourne final to Wimbledon. Djokovic. Big-serving American Sam Querrey Djokovic downed Murray ambushed Djokovic in the third round again to win a rain-lashed French -- snapping his run of 30 consecutive Open in June, taking his haul of majors wins in slams. to 12 and meaning he held all the It opened the door for Murray sport’s crown jewels simultaneously. and when Milos Raonic outlasted
Federer in the semi-final it meant the Briton would start his 11th grand slam final as favourite. Raonic, the first Canadian man to reach a major final, brought his huge power game to Centre Court but Murray shrugged him off with a classy straight sets victory. Afterwards Murray spoke of his aim to dethrone Djokovic in the rankings -- something that had seemed nigh on impossible when he trailed by 8,000 points in the Spring. After becoming the first player to win consecutive Olympic titles, edging out a revitalised and fitagain Juan Martin del Potro in the Rio final, Murray’s tank looked empty. A weary defeat by Japan’s Kei Nishikori followed in the U.S. Open quarter-finals and Djokovic, who wept after losing to Del Potro in the first round of the Olympics, seemed to have recovered his mojo. But Djokovic ran into an inspired Stan Wawrinka in a raucous final that saw the Swiss repeat the savagery he inflicted on him to win the 2015 French Open. Murray, back in harness with coach Ivan Lendl, steamed through the rest of the year, reeling in Djokovic with titles in Beijing, Shanghai, Vienna and Paris before crowning his number one status by thrashing the Serb to win the ATP Tour Finals. With Djokovic beclamed, Federer now in his mid 30s and out of the top 10 and Nadal’s chances
of a 15th grand slam title receding, Murray’s challenges may come from new directions in 2017 with the likes of Raonic and Nishikori joined by young guns Alex Zverev and Nick Kyrgios as major contenders. Kerber burst from the pack chasing Williams to stun the American in a thrilling Australian Open final, depriving the American of the 22nd major that would have tied her with Graf. Williams fell short again when she lost to Spain’s Garbine Muguruza in the French Open final but finally matched Graf when she beat Kerber to win a seventh Wimbledon crown. Her hopes of a 23rd were dashed at the U.S. Open where she sufferered a semi-final defeat by Karolina Pliskova and she was to end her year early. That defeat sealed Kerber’s rise to number one in the rankings and the 28-year-old German rubberstamped her status with victory over Czech Pliskova in the final. As thoughts turn to a new season, the sport’s organisers can only hope to be spared the controversies that blighted 2016 in the form of match-rigging allegations and former world number one Maria Sharapova’s doping suspension. Sharapova’s two-year ban for testing positive for Meldonium was reduced on appeal in October and she will return in April to add another fascinating plotline.
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Tokyo Olympics unveils $16.8 billion budget, to seek more savings Tokyo 2020 organizers operate and play an important role unveiled on Wednesday a budget going forward in the budget process,” of $16.8 billion for hosting the next Coates said. Summer Games and vowed to seek Tokyo won hosting rights further savings in co-operation with largely on its reputation for efficiency, the International Olympic Committee but organisers have been embarrassed (IOC) which has been calling for them as budget projections were seen to cut costs. soaring far beyond the 734 billion yen At an a open meeting of a four- that was estimated during the bid party working group that includes the process. IOC, organisers said they estimated A Tokyo city government overall costs of 1.6 to 1.8 trillion yen panel commissioned by Governor ($15-$16.8 billion), the first official Yuriko Koike warned in September figures they have released since that expenses could balloon to as much winning hosting rights. 3 trillion yen. The IOC is worried such At a previous meeting about lofty figures could scare off future three weeks ago, organisers had said bidders, after cities like Rome and Tokyo 2020 Emblems Selection Committee Chairperson Ryohei Miyata (R) and committee member costs could run to as much as 2 trillion Boston dropped out of the 2024 race. Sadaharu Oh present the winning design of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games yen, a level that IOC Vice President “I appreciate we have reached during its unveiling ceremony in Tokyo, Japan April 25, 2016. John Coates had deemed too high. a very significant milestone,” Koike “We are pleased with the said. “We are still keen to see further as reducing the number of seats at In addition, they have now progress we are continuing to make,” savings.” the swimming arena, will save around set a budget of $1-$2.8 billion for Coates said via video conference on The Tokyo panel had $400 million. contingencies and a $3.8 billion Wednesday. recommended using existing facilities Organizers noted a rise service budget for transport, security He noted the $4.7 billion for three venues instead of building in construction costs, which have and other costs that had not been portion for the organising committee’s new ones, in line with the IOC’s jumped due to rebuilding from included in their bid. budget would all be paid for through “Agenda 2020” initiative which calls for Japan’s earthquake and tsunami five Coates does not think such a sponsorship, IOC contributions and utilizing more existing infrastructure years ago. They also said the projected large amount for contingencies will be other private funds, at zero cost to to ease the burden of hosting. cost of temporary facilities had more required and that the service budget the public, meaning they were really Koike ultimately abandoned than doubled as the bid file had not could provide additional cuts. looking at a budget of $12.1 billion. plans to use existing venues for the accounted for items like design costs, “The feeling we have is there “The four-party political rowing/canoeing, swimming and surrounding greenery and temporary are savings to be found there,” he said. working group will continue to volleyball but cost-cutting steps, such toilets.
British man calls off attempt to swim Atlantic
A British man aiming to become the first person to swim across the Atlantic said on Friday that he has called off his attempt after a support vessel suffered extensive damage. Former policeman Ben Hooper, 38, left Senegal on Nov. 13 in a bid to swim 2,000 miles (3,200 km) to Brazil. He said he was inspired by explorers like Ranulph Fiennes, who crossed the Antarctic on foot. Friends and former crew members said the bid was foolhardy and Hooper quickly fell far behind schedule as he encountered sharks in choppy waters and suffered from jellyfish stings and insufficient rations. Hooper said damage from a storm to his support vessel, a catamaran called Big Blue, had forced him to postpone the trip after swimming 87 miles in 33 days. At that pace, the crossing would have taken more than two years. “We have NOT failed; we have achieved and gained the knowledge to succeed in the future,” Hooper said in a statement, adding that he and his
Ben Hooper, 38, looks out to sea before starting a swim across the Atlantic from Dakar, Senegal. November 13th, 2016 team would sail to Natal in Brazil by the shortest route possible. Before setting out, Hooper vowed that if his mission failed, he would try again “as long as I have at least one leg and one arm”.
Cavs guard Smith faces surgery for fractured riight thumb Cleveland Cavaliers starting guard J.R. Smith will undergo surgery to repair a fractured right thumb suffered during Tuesday’s overtime win over the Milwaukee Bucks, the team announced on Wednesday. The Cavs said treatment and a return-to-play timeline will be established following the surgery. The recovery time from such an injury is usually 4-6 weeks. Smith left the game late in the second quarter of the 114-108
win in Milwaukee with the thumb injury. He traveled back to Cleveland with the team and was re-evaluated on Wednesday before the Cavaliers host the Bucks on the second night of a back-to-back. Smith, 31, signed a fouryear, $57 million extension in the offseason after the Cavs’ NBA championship triumph. He is averaging 8.6 points in 21 games this season and shooting 36.2 percent from 3-point range.
From humble beginnings, hoops celebrates 125th birthday A game drawn up to occupy some bored boys as winter approached at a Massachusetts gymnasium celebrates its 125th anniversary on Wednesday and basketball’s status as the world’s second most popular sport. Basketball began on Dec 21, 1891 at the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) gym in Springfield with rules made up by Canadian physical education instructor James Naismith. Last year more than one billion people watched National Basketball Association programming, said NBA Deputy Commissioner Mark Tatum, who helps preside over the world’s preeminent ‘hoops’ league. On Wednesday, Springfield’s Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame marks the anniversary with celebrations including a Birthday of Basketball college doubleheader featuring Auburn, Boston College, Fairfield and Oklahoma at Mohegan Sun Arena in Connecticut. Naismith recalled the sport’s primitive beginnings in a New York radio interview in 1939. “I called the boys to the gym, divided them up into teams of nine and gave them a little soccer ball,” he said. “I showed them two peach baskets I’d nailed up at each end of the gym (about 10 feet above the floor), and I told them the idea was to throw the ball into the opposing team’s peach basket. “I blew the whistle, and the first game of basketball began.” Running with the ball was not allowed, only passing or directing it with the hand toward a team mate or the basket. Dribbling
and other developments came over time. The new game quickly caught on after Naismith’s 13 initial rules were spread by the YMCA’s newsletter. By 1894 basketball was being played in France, China, India and more than a dozen other countries. It became a favorite in schools, college campuses and playgrounds, and at the Olympics and in professional leagues across the globe. The NBA includes international players from 41 countries and territories - a contingent making up more than 25 percent of the league. “Basketball is appealing because it can be played by both boys and girls, indoors and outdoors, in rural communities and cities, and without a lot of built-in infrastructure,” said NBA Deputy Commissioner Mark Tatum. Tatum said technology and social media had helped boost the massive growth of the sport. “NBA games and programming can be seen in 215 countries and territories in 49 languages, and last year more than 1 billion people watched NBA programming,” he said. Old fashioned technology showed its value when an alumnus of the University of Kansas, where Naismith in 1898 became its first basketball coach, paid $4.3 million at auction for the two pages of typewritten rules that launched the sport. Kansas built a $21.7 million facility that connects to the Allen Fieldhouse to house the original two-page document and a student center.
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DECEMBER 24TH, 2016 – DECEMBER 31ST, 2016
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