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JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017

VOLUME 13 - NO. 22


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Information on social media accounts and emails now required


he Donald Trump administration is making it more difficult for people in Turks and Caicos Islands and other parts of the world to get visas to enter the United States of America. The Trump administration approved the harsher vetting process which allows consular officials to ask US visa applicants for social media handles, email addresses and phone numbers from the past five years, addresses, employment and travel history going back 15 years, and all previous passport numbers.(See page 2 for new form) The new questions, part of an effort to tighten vetting of wouldbe visitors to the United States, was approved on May 23 by the Office of Management and Budget despite criticism from a range of education officials and academic groups during a public comment period. Critics argued that the new questions would be overly burdensome, lead to long delays in processing and discourage international students and scientists from coming to the United


States. Under the new procedures, consular officials can request all prior passport numbers, five years’ worth of social media handles, email addresses and phone numbers and 15 years of biographical information including addresses, employment and travel history. Officials will request the additional information when they determine “that such information is required to confirm identity or conduct more rigorous national security vetting,” a State Department official said. The State Department said earlier the tighter vetting would apply to visa applicants “who have been determined to warrant additional scrutiny in connection with terrorism or other national security-related visa ineligibilities.” While the new questions are voluntary, the form says failure to provide the information may delay or prevent the processing of an individual visa application.

Immigration lawyers and advocates say the request for 15 years of detailed biographical information, as well as the expectation that applicants remember all their social media handles, is likely to catch applicants who make innocent mistakes or do not remember all the information requested. Some analysts said that the new questions grant arbitrary power to consular officials to determine who gets a visa with no effective check on their decisions. However, every person trying to get into the U.S. may not necessarily be subjected to the increased vetting. A State Department official is reported as saying that consular officials will only require applicants to provide additional information when they feel it is needed to “confirm identity or conduct more rigorous national security vetting.” The State Department also explained that the questionnaire also was voluntary; however, application approval is at risk of being delayed if

an applicant who has been requested to fill out the form decides not to. Despite the Trump administration’s strong-armed stance on tightening vetting procedures, the State Department previously said the heightened security measures would apply only to visa applicants deemed as a potential threat to national security and those “who have been determined to warrant additional scrutiny in connection with terrorism or other national security-related ineligibilities.” The newly approved vetting process has sparked criticism from several American academic groups, who argue the constricted procedures could affect international students studying in the U.S. Recently, more than 50 academic and educational groups requested that the State Department reconsider the new application measures, stating that the changes may cause “uncertainties and confusion” and “unacceptably long delays in process” for students hoping to further their education in the states. Continue on Page 2

Gansevoort recognizes over 40 employees at Second Annual Recognition Cocktail event

ansevoort hosted its Second Annual Recognition Cocktail event to recognize their employees who went above and beyond the call of duty to provide service excellence. The event took place at the Gansevoort hotel on Wednesday 31st May 2017. During the event over 40 employees at the Gansevoort hotel were awarded. Employee of the Month winners 2016 were Woodson Pierre Louis, Karen Watt – Scott, Lucienne Handfield, Bodlet Louis, Weke Dorvil, Loroy Missick, Janette Green Linsey Rigby, Dianne Williams, Obed Dupre, Samuel Joseph, Marie Durand, Jackson Williams, Roosevelt Boucard, Dadou

Gibson, Yvette Henderson, Collet Beal Celianise Brunel, Jean Millien, Alba Melendez and Jean Theresias. Supervisor of the quarter winners were Deborah Powell, Jullette Bowen, Yvette Henderson and Kenrico Hall. 43 staff members received trip advisor mentions for 2016. Employee of the year winners for 2016 was Karen Watt-Scott, Bodlet Louis, Roosevelt Boucard and Shanice Williams. Walking away as Supervisor of the year winner for 2016 was Deborah Powell. Pictured here are some of the awardees, Managers and staff members of Gansevoort hotel. (See Page 26 &27 for more photos)

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JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017



Continued from Page 1

“We are very concerned that if the proposed changes are implemented, international undergraduate and graduate students, scholars, and scientific collaborators may be discouraged from coming to the United States,” the letter said. The new questionnaire

had been up for public comment through May 18. The majority of the commenters opposed the new procedures, many of whom thought students’ social media presence could face higher scrutiny if they had to provide such information. President Donald Trump has vowed

to increase national security and border protections, proposing to give more money to the military and make Mexico pay to build a wall along the southern U.S. border. He has tried to implement a temporary travel ban on people from six Muslim-majority nations that a


Digicel’s COO - Stephen Murad

U.S. appeals court refused to reinstate, calling it discriminatory and setting the stage for a showdown in the Supreme Court. The Office of Management and Budget granted emergency approval for the new questions for six months, rather than the usual three years.


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JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017


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Thinking of trying out the game of golf, or joining us again? Well now is the time with rates starting as low as

$60 * Visit www.provogolfclub.com for details. *Conditions apply


JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017

JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017


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The Shore Club addresses social media reports about disciplinary action against staff The Shore Club would like to take this opportunity to address the speculation and rumors recently posted in social media with respect to disciplinary action taken against team members. First, we say thank you to our team who have worked so hard to allow us to achieve what we have thus far. In opening this resort, we have created over 180 jobs and less than 35% have required a work permit. Within our group there are Turks and Caicos Islanders, many of whom are shining examples of stellar performance and exude our Core Values of Accountability, Leadership, Integrity, Safety, Team and Respect. Although only open for a few months, we have already hosted

several major events including the most recent Taste of Tapas in support of our Lil’ Chef ’s program and a Masquerade Ball in support of drug prevention. We are grateful to the community for trusting us with such opportunities. At The Shore Club, it is our obligation to provide a peaceful and professional work environment, and to protect the integrity and reputation of all our employees who work hard daily to make this company successful. With that said, the company has and is currently conducting internal investigations into conduct that is in violation of company policies and are of a gross nature. It is important to note that these matters of improper conduct are predominantly of a criminal nature.

There have been several matters that have arisen involving numerous persons. We are committed to completing a thorough investigation into these cases and will take necessary action that is in the best interest of fairness and objectivity. Please note that we are also doing what we can to keep the matters and the identity of the individuals involved confidential and ask for the public to respect the nature of such an investigation and allow due process to occur. Although there is attention being given to this particular situation, any disciplinary matters we have had are very low in number when compared to the number of staff we have working with us.

When it comes to conduct of this nature we do not take it lightly and we uphold our policies and decisions. Furthermore, the actions of a few should not be allowed to have a negative impact on our employees both local and international who work very hard, provide great service every day and conduct themselves honestly and in a professionally consistent way; and our management team who are only doing their jobs to grow the team and ensure that the policies and guidelines are followed in order to make us all successful. *Respectfully submitted by The Ownership and Management, The Shore Club Turks and Caicos


Seeks motivated proactive individuals to join its REGENT GRAND ‘resort team’ and contribute to this growing beachfront boutique luxury property. Candidates MUST want to actively participate in creating an excellent and professional guest experience. PUBLIC AREA ATTENDANT •Candidate will be responsible to ensure the highest level of cleanliness and safety in all public and back of house areas of the resort •Ensure that all lobbies and public facilities are kept in a neat and clean condition, such as rooms, hallways and restrooms. •Sweeps, mops, scrubs and polishes floors, remove trash collected by attendants and collects linen and other supplies from floor linen closets. •Promotes a positive image of the property to guests and owners. •Must be responsible for spring cleaning of their area as per schedule. Must be pleasant, honest and friendly; must have a good command of written and verbal communication. •Fit and able for heavy lifting •Willing to work split shifts, holidays and weekends Wages: $6.25/per hour HOUSEKEEPER •Performs routine duties in cleaning and servicing of guest rooms under supervision of housekeeping supervisor. •Prepares and cleans guests’ rooms by making beds, cleaning kitchen areas, bathrooms, floors, corridors, furniture and appliances. •Removal of trash and dirty linen from rooms. •Responsible for spring cleaning of their area as per schedule. •Provide turndown services as required and replenishes guestroom and bath supplies. •Promotes a positive image of the property to guests and owners. Must be pleasant, honest, friendly and should also able to address guest requests and problems. •Willing to work split shifts, holidays and weekends

throughout the entire work area •Record and report linen left on Buildings and delivery to closets •Perform general cleaning tasks of Staff Break Area and Restroom •Respond and execute special guest requests Wages: $6.25 per hour SECURITY •Responsible for patrolling resort facility on foot and create a general security/public safety presence to deter inappropriate activity. •Answers radio calls from other departments with requests for assistance, and respond to emergency situations involving guests, owners and employees. •Interact with guests of the resort to provide customer service and assistance when needed. •Participate in briefings with heads of departments and assist with internal investigations relating to sensitive security matters involving guests and resort employees. •Assist other departments as needed regarding safety and security matters. •Fit and able for heavy lifting •Willing to work split shifts, holidays and weekends Wages: $7.15 per hour Requirements: Should have four years or more experience in the Public Area, Housekeeping, laundry and Security Department of a resort. Should be able to work cohesively with co-workers as part of a team. Must be able to read and write in English and understand verbal and written instructions.

These positions are currently held by work permit holders

Applications will be accepted up to June 17 th, 2017 Please forward resumes to:

Wages: $6.25 per hour LAUNDRY ATTENDANT •Operate equipment necessary to sort, weigh, wash, dry, iron and fold Resort linen also beach and Pool towels •Maintain proper documentation of linen rotating through the laundry and results from special stain treating •Maintain an acceptable state of cleanliness and organization

Email: rosemary@rwimgt.com Regent Grand Management Ltd. c/o Regent Street TKCA 1ZZ Grace Bay, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Tel: (649) 941-7770

䘀伀刀 䄀䰀䰀 夀伀唀刀 䄀䐀嘀䔀刀吀䤀匀䤀一䜀 一䔀䔀䐀匀 䌀伀一吀䄀䌀吀 ⠀㘀㐀㤀⤀ⴀ㌀㌀㤀ⴀ㔀㠀㜀㤀   漀爀   䔀䴀䄀䤀䰀㨀 猀甀渀䀀猀甀渀琀挀椀⸀挀漀洀 䄀昀昀漀爀搀愀戀氀攀 刀愀琀攀猀  簀  䠀椀最栀 瘀漀氀甀洀攀 琀爀愀昀昀椀挀  簀  刀攀氀椀愀戀氀攀

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JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017


Burglary at DDME office in Providenciales The Department of Disaster Management and Emergencies (DDME), was once again the target of a burglary at the Providenciales office, on Tuesday May 30th, 2017 This is the third appalling incident of this nature within the past two (2) years to such a critical department. The DDME is seeking the assistance of the general public in the recovery of these items (Satellite Phones, Digicel Smart Phones, Radios, CPUs,

Computer Monitors, Smart TV60”) to facilitate the prosecution of the person(s) responsible. With the commencement of the 2017 hurricane season being only two (2) days away, this act is extremely disheartening as several pieces of equipment have been stolen that are essential to the functioning of the department, and as a result their loss will undoubtedly hinder the DDME’s ability to communicate and protect the

lives of residents and visitors to the TCI. Hon. Delroy Williams said: “The discovery of this unfortunate circumstance has significantly retarded the efforts of the DDME in achieving its objectives and mandate considering the imminent start of the 2017 hurricane season. Persons who commit such acts do a great disservice to themselves, their fellow men and the country at large.”

Hon. Delroy Williams

CDB approves funding to support climate resilience in TCI The Board of Directors of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) has approved funding to the Government of the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) to enhance its capacity to protect and manage the islands’ coastlines using climate-resilient approaches. The funding will support a feasibility study and designs for coastal protection works in Grand Turk, North Providenciales and Salt Cay, and the development of a Shoreline Management Plan. The Shoreline Management Plan will strengthen TCI’s capacity

to sustainably monitor and manage the country’s beaches and related coastal assets. It will also assist the Government with the development of a more comprehensive Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan. The project will be supported by a $440,000 loan, a $50,000 grant allocated from resources provided by the European Investment Bank under the Grant Facility for Climate Action Support to CDB, and counterpart funding of $289,000 from the Government of TCI. O’Reilly Lewis, Division Chief, Economic Infrastructure

QUALIFIED PADI/OPEN WATER SCUBA INSTRUCTORS A dive shop based in Providenciales is seeking suitably qualified candidates for the above position. Ideal candidate/s must have a minimum of (2) two years experience: must be able to speak French and English and have knowledge of boat operation. Equipment and compressor maintenance would be a Starting Salary $800.00 to $1100.00 per month based on experience and qualifications. Kindly forward resumes and qualification to the below address copy to the Turks and Caicos Islands Labour Department and Immigration Board: Employment Department F Corporate & Management Services Limited Tel: 649-339-6275 Fax 649-941-4777 Email: oa@fcorporatemsl.com

Division, CDB stated, “Tourism is the main pillar of TCI’s economy, with its coastal and marine resources as the basis of the sector. The loss of critical beach assets due to coastal erosion, as well as the other anticipated changes resulting from climate change, would potentially have significant negative implications for settlements, tourism sites and livelihoods resulting from the reduction in coastal and marine economic activity.” “The feasibility study and designs derived from the technical assistance project will provide the Government of TCI with viable

designs for climate-resilient infrastructure solutions to safeguard social and economic development, economic growth and livelihood security,” he said. The intervention is consistent with the Bank’s strategic objective of supporting inclusive growth and sustainable development within its Borrowing Member Countries. It also aligns with CDB’s corporate priorities of promoting disaster risk management and climate change mitigation and adaptation; and improved protection and sustainable management of natural resources.

PROVO WATER COMPANY LTD. We are currently seeking a qualified Turks & Caicos Islander to fill the position of Pipe Fitter:

REQUIREMENTS: o Minimum of 5 years experience in waterworks and piping networks. o Must be available for emergency maintenance calls on evenings and weekends according to rotational schedule. WORK ENVIRONMENT: • Hot, dusty and wet conditions including open and confined spaces • Active roadways and associated traffic noise levels • Remote locations JOB DESCRIPTION: The Pipe fitter is responsible for installing, repairing and maintaining pipes, fixtures and other plumbing used for water distribution in residential, commercial and industrial connections. MAJOR DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ARE TO: 1. Fill pipes or plumbing fixtures with water or air and observe pressure gauges to detect and locate leaks. 2. Reads and follows installation plans and establish the sequence of pipe installations. 3. Measure, cut, thread and bend pipe to required angle, using hand and power tools or machine such as pipe cutters, pipe threading machines and pipe bending machine. 4. Use hand or powered tools to excavate trenches and ditches 5. Cut openings in structures to accommodate pipes and pipe fittings, using hand and power tools. 6. Repair and maintain plumbing, replacing defective washers, replacing or mending broken pipes. 7. Attend Emergency callout when necessary. 8. Carry out all other duties as directed by the Supervisor. Salary Range: US$ 12.00 - $15.00 per hour All applications must be submitted June 9th, 2017. Turks & Caicos Islanders need only apply.


Office Manager PROVO WATER COMPANY LTD. P.O. Box 39, Grace Bay Road Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands (649) 941-8310 Email: K.Clarke@provowater.tc

JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017


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Premier pleased with passage of historical and empowering legislation The Turks and Caicos Islands Wealth Fund day and 2) saving for future investment.” was passed in the House of Assembly this past week. This Fund will allow Turks and Caicos She also listed a few benefits as follows: Islands Government to save for a rainy day and to 1.it ensures economic stabilisation and economic save for investment. resilience; Premier Hon. Sharlene Cartwright2.it facilitates the implementation of significant Robinson said, “ I am happy to have been the mover of such an important Bill for this country. This Bill capital investment that will have the greatest impact on the economic infrastructure of a is a mark of maturity for both sides of the House country, encouraging long-term sustainability; as there was bi partisan support and I am grateful. 3.it mitigates the impact of climate change and There was much talk about this over the past 3 years catastrophic disaster risks; and I was careful to say that and I am happy to have 4.it provides access to low-cost capital; been able to move it forward with my Government’s 5.it promotes international competitiveness; and input and welcomed passage through Cabinet. I would wish the people of this country to understand 6.it facilitates savings for posterity. its importance to us as a people and will speak more Premier Robinson assured the people of to it during my upcoming Media Tour.” Premier Robinson during the tabling of this country in addressing “the issue of saving, the Bill and beginning of the Debate stated,“The investing, building reserves and the inception of a Fund can simply be described as pools of nationally- National Wealth Fund” that it would not be a case of owned monies that will be set aside, purposefully doing this to the disadvantage of the people of this saved, and invested to meet three overarching country. She quoted the “popular medieval phrase: objectives: economic stabilisation (Stabilisation “While the grass grows, the steed (horse) starves” – Fund), undertaking of large-scale infrastructural which is to say that dreams or expectations may be investments (Infrastructure and Competitiveness realized too late if one waits too long and stated that Fund); and saving for posterity (Heritage Fund). In “It [would] certainly [be] a difficult sell to ask the a nutshell we as a country will be: 1) saving for rainy peoples of the Turks and Caicos Islands who have

Premier Hon. Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson buckled under the weight of sacrifice to do so, in like manner going forth.” She assured the people that is exactly not what her Government was proposing as her Government believes in balance. This historical and important Bill was passed with unanimous support.

Job readiness and national career and recruitment expo date change The Ministry of Border Control and Employment wishes to inform the general public that the Job Readiness and National Career and Recruitment Expo that was scheduled for June 2017 has been postponed

until further notice. Many companies and individuals have expressed great interest in this event, we asked that you be patient as we work with our partners to ensure that the event is a success.

To ensure that persons in the various islands are afforded the opportunity in this event, new dates will be communicated shortly. We regret having to postpone this important event.

COHEN & KLEIN CONSULTING, INC Customized Training and Consulting Services The most comprehensive training programs to improve productivity and increase efficiency Over One-Hundred training programs to choose from Training Programs in St. Maarten Location – Sonesta Resorts, Sint Maarten July 25-28, 2017 CK 600 Debt Collection and Revenue Management for Managers and Supervisors CK 700 Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques for New and Experienced Collectors August 1-4, 2017 CK 2000 Supervisory Management CK 5600 Customer Service, Sales, Marketing & Public Relations Management REGISTRATION DEADLINE DATE – Wednesday, June 5, 2017 All classes start at 9:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M. daily! Register for courses online: www.cohenandklein.com EMAIL: COLLECT@GATE.NET TEL 954-731-6340- FAX 954-731-6606

OPERATORS, DECK HAND, STEVEDORES & JANITOR JOB PURPOSE: •Transports material and equipment to/from vessels and job sites. •Off load and Back load container ships. Must be able to operate Top Pick, Reach Stacker, Excavator, Front End Loader & Forklift. •Must be able to work unsupervised. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: •Knowledge of various truck types and their use of maintenance. •Ability to operate jockey truck, flatbed truck and pick up truck. •Ability to use hand tools and basic grounds keeping tools and equipment. •Knowledge of standard crane signal and safety procedures. QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: •Must have a high school diploma or GED •Must have at least 5 years experience. •Must summit a clean police record. •Must summit a valid driving license. •Must summit a clean drug medical. •Must be willing to work extended hours, night/day, weekend and public holidays. •Must be willing to cooperate and work as a joint team with other staff members. PHYSICAL REQUIRMENTS: Sitting, standing, walking, driving, climbing/ladders, squatting/kneeling, reaching, grasping, pushing/pulling, twisting/bending, lifting/carrying up to 50 lbs multiple times per shift, fingering, talking, hearing, and seeing. WORKING CONDITIONS: Spends most time outdoors, frequent exposure to extreme hot or cold temperature for one hour plus. Possible exposure to distraction/uncomfortable noise levels and vibration of body or extremities. Risk of bodily injury from mechanical parts, electricity, etc. Possible exposure to fumes, odors, etc. that may effect respiration and skin. Please apply before June 1st, 2017 to: Crystal Greene Human Resources Manager P.O. Box 427 Ports Administration Building South Dock, Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands

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JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017


Tourist arrivals starting to decline Visitor arrivals to the Turks & Caicos Islands for the first quarter of 2017 totaled 403,667 for both air and cruise arrivals, according to the Turks and Caicos Islands Tourist Board. The overall total for arrivals for the period January—March 2017 remain the same when compared to the same period in 2016. However arrivals for the month of January showed an 1% increase a total of 44, 888 stay-over arrivals, February showed a 4% increase totaling 43,597 stay-over arrivals, while in the month of March there was a 5% decrease in

stay-over arrivals when compared to the same month in 2017. Stay-over arrivals from the USA remain the same when compared to the first quarter of 2016, while France, Brazil and the Caribbean were the only three major source markets to record an increase in stay-over arrivals for thr first three months of this year when compared to the same period in 2016. The remaining source markets registered lower visitor arrivals, most notably the European market which saw a 44% decrease in stay-over arrivals in the first three months of this year,

compared to the first quarter of 2016, while arrivals from other countries fell by 42% relative to the same period in 2016. While cruise arrivals for the first quarter of 2017 showed a 1% increased in passenger arrivals (266,828), there was a 5% decrease in ship calls, i.e. a decrease in the number of cruise ships that docked at the cruise center, when compared to the previous year. The months of January and March showed a declined in ship calls by 8% and 6%, respectively, while ship calls for February remained the same.

Turks and Caicos Sun Suite#5, Airport Plaza Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands Tel: (649) 348-6838 Fax: (649) 941-3281 Email: sun@suntci.com Read us online at www.suntci.com

Minister of Health comments on recent drowning of tourist On Thursday, 18th May, 2017, Emergency Medical Responders and a male tourist was pronounced dead Technicians are continuously trained following an apparent drowning incident on the medical protocol administered on patients as it relates to drowning or at the Coral Beach on Providenciales. While details surrounding submersion incidents. Minister with responsibility this incident are still unknown at this time, staff at the Emergency Medical for the Emergency Medical Services Services Department and the Royal Department, Hon. Edwin Astwood said; Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force “First and foremost, our Government is disheartened to learn of the loss of life is investigating the matter. The Ministry of Health would in this horrific incident. As a country, like to reassure residents and visitors we are cognizant that instances of this alike that the Emergency Medical unfortunate nature may occur. However, Services Department followed, adhered we must continue to exercise due care and complied to the clinical evaluation in the preservation of life. I would like to reassure the public that the staff in assessment of the patient. The general public is to be at the Emergency Medical Services informed that as a standard procedure Department applied every effort to and out of degree of caution, the revive the patient as per their

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Hayden Boyce Graphic designer Information Technology and Production Manager: Kelano Howell Todeline Defralien Reporter

The Turks and Caicos SUN is a subsidiary of The SUN Media Group Ltd.

Minister of Health, Hon. Edwin Astwood operation protocol. We extend our deepest condolences to the friends and family of the deceased.”

We are committed to excellence in journalism, educating and informing our readers, serving and satisfying our advertisers and assisting in the overall development of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

JD for Intelligence /Investigative Officer

The Turks and Caicos Islands Integrity Commission invites applications from suitably qualified individuals for the position of Intelligence/Investigations Officer. Purpose and Key Responsibilities: To oversee and manage the acquisition and development of tactical and strategic intelligence and other prevention initiatives focused on the identification of corrupt activities and practices within the Turks & Caicos Islands public sector; to lead in the effective implementation of a ‘Whistle-blowing’ regime within the statutory framework underpinning the work of the Integrity Commission as an anti-corruption; to assist the Senior Investigative Officer in the discharge of his investigative duties as more particularly set out herein. Key responsibilities will include: • to receive and manage all intelligence matters of the Commission; • to maintain and manage appropriate mechanism for receiving reports, complaints and information on potential and alleged corrupt practices and acts, as well as breaches of the Code of Conduct; • to participate in operations, investigations, projects and prevention initiatives; gathering information, intelligence and evidence in order to build knowledge of corrupt activities and practices; • to provide advice on legislation, policy and tactical options to assist in the planning and implementation of investigations, operations and prevention initiatives; • to provide tactical and strategic support to the Commission through research, target profile development, the collection and analysis of evidence/data, production and dissemination of intelligence and evidential products and identify prevention opportunities; • to develop and implement relevant policy to ensure the quality, secure handling and dissemination of intelligence, maintaining confidentiality, sensitivity and associated duty of care; • to provide expertise and advice on all intelligence gathering and enforcement related issues and to function as a member of the enforcement team reporting to the Commission through the Director; • to conduct case management, and create, maintain and update relevant records and data base including operational or programme activity spreadsheets, case files and monthly reports. You will also assist the Senior Investigative Officer to discharge the following duties:•manage, conduct, direct or supervise investigations into allegations, reports or complaints of any act of corruption under the Integrity Commission Ordinance, any contravention of the Code of Conduct, any offence under the Political Activities Ordinance or any other Ordinance or the Constitution which has assigned responsibility for the investigation of such offences to the Commission; •develop methods and strategies to detect, deter and prevent corruption and misconduct among persons in public life; •assist in the analysis of declarations filed by persons in public life pursuant to the Integrity Commission Ordinance and the Constitution; •prepare and present reports of investigations to the Director and the members of the Commission or any sub-committee thereof; •liaise and cooperate with local, regional or international police forces and other law enforcement agencies; •participate, when necessary, in the review and examination of processes and practices of public bodies to facilitate the discovery or prevention of corrupt practices; •prepare and present to the members of the Commission a programme for the conduct of investigations within the Public Service and other bodies which come under the purview of the Integrity Commission. •prepare and present to the members of the Commission an analysis of declarations which appear not to be in compliance with the Ordinance or raise suspicion of corruption or illegality. •perform such other duties and discharge such other responsibilities consistent with the mandate of the Commission, as may be assigned to you from time to time by the Commission directly or through the Director or the Senior Investigative Officer.

Qualifications/Experience; •Have a minimum of ten years substantially relevant experience required in areas such as: sensitive intelligence and evidence-gathering, complex financial crime investigations and criminal prosecution, fraud or corruption/forensic auditing or accounting. •Have proven experience in interviews and interrogation involving both cooperative and hostile witnesses, and subjects of investigations. Recent and relevant senior policing, fraud and intelligence – gathering squad experience would be particularly valued. • Preferably has overseas work experience (ideally in the Overseas Territories) or experience at senior level working closely with other cultures in a small Islandsenvironment. Technical and related Skills: Comprehensive knowledge of investigative strategies, methodologies and techniques, which may include experience in complex litigation/prosecution strategies; • Ability to conduct witness interviews; •Strong writing and editing skills; experience in collating, collecting and reviewing documentation to identify relevant evidence; •Outstanding ability in gathering, analyzing and synthesizing sensitive information from multiple sources and/or formulating perspectives to make clear, timely and wellreasoned decisions and recommendations; •Strong IT knowledge and the ability to drill down into IT systems and computerized data to discover hidden information. •Outstanding ability in using an Open Source Intelligence to augment and support existing investigations. •Preferably have experience in development and management of covert operations and Integrity Testing operations. •Good analytic, risk-assessment and evaluation skills to identify procedural or compliance weaknesses, and strong problem solving abilities.

Competencies and other desirable qualities include: •Possession of the highest standards of integrity and probity, and understanding of fiduciary responsibilities to the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands; •The ability to work effectively in teams, as well as being able to work independently and under pressure; • Ability to demonstrate cross-cultural sensitivity in sharing knowledge and information; •Excellent oral and written communication and presentation skills and inter-personal skills; •demonstrate the ability to rapidly attain a good knowledge and appreciation of TCI law as it pertains to corruption and integrity in public life; Remuneration Salary is $66,000 per annum (circa) but negotiable depending on qualification and experience. Application procedure Applicants are requested to submit their CV together with an accompanying letter demonstrating why they would wish to work with the Commission and what attributes they would bring to its work. Certified copies of qualifications as well as the names and letters of two referees must be submitted with your application. The deadline for applications is June 23, 2017 with a view to commencing work latest by August 1, 2017. Please note that only applicants selected for interview will be notified. Applicants who had previously applied for this post need not re-apply. Applications should be returned to the Secretary, TCI Integrity Commission either by email, fax, or mail. Direct mail should be addressed to Mrs. Wanda Ariza, Secretary, The Integrity Commission, Franklyn Missicks Building, Church Folly, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands. The contact details are: e-mail: secretary@integritycommission.tc; Tel. 9461941; Fax. 9461355.

JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017


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alexandra resort | beach house | blue haven resort


Blue Haven Resort of the Turks and Caicos Collection welcomed its first All Inclusive guests on June 1st, 2017. In celebration of the heavily anticipated occasion, the resort brought out all the bells and whistles to give the guests VIP treatment. The family from New Mexico had chosen to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary at Blue Haven Resort and were surprised at the airport by a limousine transfer awaiting them. Upon arrival at the resort, the various department managers greeted the guests in the lobby to give a big welcome with flowers, balloons and champagne. Media from radio and television also covered the arrival to interview the guests and management on the launch of All-Inclusive.

All-Inclusive guests have access to all three Turks and Caicos Collection properties - Alexandra Resort, Beach House and Blue Haven Resort. All-Inclusive stays include all meals, premium beverages, drinks, snacks and resort activities. A free shuttle allows guests to dine-around with a choice of 7 restaurants and 8 bars. turks and caicos collection all inclusive resorts


Alexandra Resort alexandraresort.com contact@alexandraresort.com +1.800.284.0699 +1.649.946.5807

Beach House Turks & Caicos beachhousetci.com contact@beachhousetci.com +1.855.946.5800 +1.649.946.5800

Blue Haven Resort bluehaventci.com contact@bluehaventci.com +1.855.832.7667 +1.649.946.9900

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JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017


Sister Sister TCI presents $800 check to E.C.P.S for hygiene kits for female students By Todeline Defralien On Thursday June 1st, 2017 Founder of Sister Sister TCI former Deputy Premier and Minister of Health, Lillian Boyce made a generous donation of $800 to the Enid Capron Primary School towards providing hygienic products for all female students attending the primary school. The hygienic products will be distributed to all 307 girls who attend the Enid Capron primary School. The items in the kits include toothpaste, hand sanitizers, facial tissue, napkins, deodorant, pads etc. Boyce told The SUN, “The school approached me and said they had a project for me and I was very happy the project was to give some of the girls hygienic products. They just wanted me to pay a portion of it ($500) but I decided to pay the full price for all of the girls.” She added: “Why hygienic products? Because we know that things are hard in this country today and this is a way to give parents a break. Parents have to decide whether its food, or the hygienic products that their children need. Parents have to decide whether it’s the rent or school books. Things are very hard and what is important is that organizations can help parents and help their communities and so Sister Sister TCI

Founder of Sister Sister TCI Mrs. Lillian Boyce, students from the Enid Capron primary School and Guidance Councilor for Enid Capron Primary School Zoe Barnett-Butler. my foundation decided that we want to general outlook on life. A lot of our for us to feel better for ourselves to help. We want to help this school and girls look better and smell better and just we’re going to take this school on and enter the puberty stage between the be phenomenal women.” continue to provide these kits.” ages of 9-12 and so it is very expensive. “We cannot underscore the Boyce noted that this initiative We serve low income families and low value of these gifts because it does a lot will take place once per year using the income communities and so sometimes for the girls. It does a lot for their selfSister Sister Mother’s Day event to the hygiene for girls are neglected esteem and even the home, because refill these kits to help parents and to based on social economic issues, so the parents no longer have to put take some of the load off of the parents the fact that Mrs. Boyce stepped aside this money to get this particular in these tough economical times. in at this critical time in our girls’ kit because an outstanding citizen has Guidance Councilor for Enid developmental stage to provide them taken up the responsibility. So I would Capron Primary School Zoe Barnett- with hygiene kits says a lot to the girls. like to say thank you on behalf of the Butler said: “We serve girls age 4-13 It says that we have someone outside girls and the Enid Capron Family and so hygiene is very high on our of our family, outside of our school because these kids go a far way in agenda for young ladies, as it helps family that is caring so much for us helping our young girls become young with their self-esteem and their that they’re willing to spend money ladies,” Butler said.

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JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017


Page 11


FortisTCI Announces New Vice President of Strategic Planning, Innovation & Technology FortisTCI (the Company) for company acquisition and Value has announced the promotion of Chain Analysis application. She Rachell Salao Roullet to the role of was one of the founders and past Vice President of Strategic Planning, vice chairman of the Board of The Innovation, and Technology, with Institute of Internal Audit, Cayman effect from April 7, 2017. Islands Chapter. In this capacity, Mrs. Mrs. Roullet has a Bachelor Roullet provides high quality of Science degree in Accountancy executive expertise and visionary from University of the East. She leadership in the areas of strategic is a Certified Public Accountant, planning; business innovation and a Certified Information Security developments; and information and Auditor, a Certified Internal Auditor. communication technology a Certified Fraud Examiner, a Six This is a new role for the Sigma Black Belt Professional, Company, and comes as part of its and also received a Professional ongoing organizational restructuring Certificate in Energy Innovation and exercise, aimed at positioning Emerging Technology from SCPD FortisTCI to better respond to Stanford University. changing market conditions, rapid FortisTCI President and organizational growth and an CEO Eddinton Powell congratulated expanded service territory across the Mrs. Roullett on her promotion, and Turks and Caicos Islands. remarked: “As we enter a new era in Mrs. Roullet previously served the energy business, our adaptation FortisTCI as Director of Innovation of current and future technology and and Resources Planning, and in our ability to innovate will make the this role, she successfully developed difference in responding with agility the Integrated Resource Planning to our customers’ needs. I am confident Program and was instrumental in in Rachell’s ability and vision to help launching the Renewable Energy lead our company forward in this Program. regard.” She has over 10 years of Mrs. Roullet stated: experience in the electric utility “FortisTCI is an essential company in industry. Prior to joining FortisTCI, the Turks and Caicos Islands and a she worked in the field of auditing jewel within the Fortis Inc. group of and risk management with Caribbean companies. It is an honor for me to Utilities Company, Ltd. (CUC) in the serve and to be part of the leadership Cayman Islands and has been part team of this great company. I am of the consulting services of Deloitte. excited for the opportunities ahead of She has been deeply involved in this company in terms of business and organizational transformation and technological innovations.” strategy work, including due diligence Under its restructuring

Rachell Salao Roullet, FortisTCI’s Vice President of Strategic Planning, Innovation, and Technology programme, FortisTCI has been reorganised into three main divisions: Corporate Services; Operations; and Innovation, Technology and Strategic Planning. The Company recently announced the promotion of Senior

Vice Presidents Ruth Forbes to lead the Corporate Services Division, and Devon Cox as head of the Operations Division, along with responsibility for Grand Turk and the Sister Islands Operations.

DELUXE EMPLOYMENT AND RECRUITMENT SERVICES Grand Turk Cruise Center is currently accepting applications for motivated individuals interested in the following positions listed:

Is seeking on behalf of an establish business organization Candidates to fill the following positions:

SECURITY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Security Administrative Assistant is responsible for providing technical level support to the departmental operations and for coordinating various activities with many staffs and other clients and offices. To perform tasks that include gathering, compiling, evaluating and reporting administrative information or program that is departmental specific. Use of computer keyboards, peripheral equipment Use of standard office automation software

Store Manager: The successful applicant must have a minimum of over five (5) experience in store management within retail outlets. Responsibilities and functions include but not limited to the following: •To consistently offer professional, cordial and engaging services •General concept of computer analysis, quick books, basic graphic art, merchandising, specific, inventory knowledge base and ordering He or she must have the ability to multitask. Salary ranges from $10.00 - $12.00 per hr.

HESS TECHNICIAN: Grand Turk Cruise Center is currently seeking a suitably qualified individual to fill the position of HESS Technician. Ideal candidates must be well apt in the area of Environmental Health Sciences, be computer literate and have a strong command of English Language (oral and written). Additionally the successful candidates must possess relevant experience associated with the position (minimum of 3 years work experience) and, or knowledge in the areas outlined below: •Operation of Waste Water Treatment Plants •Operation of Recreational Water Facilities (RWF) – Commercial Swimming Pools and Flowrider •Monitoring of Water Treatment Processes and Reporting of data •RO Plant operations

Computer Engineers and Technicians: The successful applicants must have the requisite qualifications and experience to perform the following duties: •Maintain and repair all computer network and databases for the company and customers •Plan and develop various hardware /software systems and programs •Make systems more efficient in keeping with current data processing methods and machinery for sales forecasting, payroll, program languages etc. •Assist with staff training Salary ranges from $10.00 - $12.00 per hr.

LIFE GUARDS: •Must have training in CPR and First responder. •Assisting in line handling for docking cruise ships as needed •Ensure the safety and security of passengers, tenants and their employees, personnel and guest at the GTCC. •Job related experience with increasing levels of responsibility •Effective human relations skills in oral and written communication GENERAL MAINTENANCE: This position requires experience in general maintenance skills such as building, painting and masonry, to facilitate maintenance of all buildings and public areas in optimum condition. •Knowledge of plumbing and/or masonry would be an asset. •Knowledge of landscaping •Assisting in any various tasks, necessary to keep GTCC operating to the highest standard. Applicants must be willing to work nights, weekends and holidays. Must be able to lift minimum of 50lbs, have a strong command of English Language (oral and written); and able to work well as part of a culturally diverse team. WAGES BASED ON QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE. Interested parties are encouraged to contact Ms. Wilson at Grand Turk Cruise Center office Phone: 649- 946-1040 /649-332-1304 E-Mail: admin@grandturkcc.com

Artist and Graphic Artist: Candidates recruited for these positions should be well focus, a good attention span with the ability to: •Manually sketch drawings for final designing •Create visual concepts, using computer software or by hand •Produce designs that get the clients’ messages across with high visual impact He or she must be able to work under pressure and meet set deadline Salary ranges from $8.00 - $10.00 Salesperson and Sales Clerks: The successful applicants must have excellent customer service skills, with the ability to: •Engage the customer interest •Master the art of selling goods and services •Properly organize and keep inventory of merchandise on display and general stock. Salary ranges from $ 7:00 - $8.00 per hr Domestic workers and Labourers: We seek to employ unskilled workers to perform the following duties: •General cleaning and maintenance of the building both inside and out •And other duties associated with unskilled chores Salary $6.25 per hr. All successful candidates must be willing to work on a shift basis and weekends. Contact: Telephone number 946-8876 or Email: deluxebusinesscenter@tciway.tc

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JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017


Beaches TCI Staff Receives Fire Safety Training Certification With fires resulting in vital to each and every company to thousands of deaths annually and provide fire safety training to its staff billions of dollars in losses every year, but it’s not only essential at work Beaches Turks and Caicos Resort and but also at home, and I hope many of Spa (Beaches TCI) has taken the lead them would buy smoke alarms and on Fire Safety Training for its staff. extinguishers just in case something Embarking on an ambitious happens.” plan to train nearly 300 staff members Penn said every company this year, the Environmental Health should ensure that their staff is Safety Department (EHS) of the resort certified or knowledgeable on fire began a series of training sessions safety and the use of fire extinguishers, with team members to highlight the calling them the first line of defense importance of fire safety. in a fire. The training courses which Stefon Tyndall EHS are being conducted by the Turks Coordinator said 21 persons and Caicos Fire Department focuses participated in this first set of on identifying the different types trainings and said more staff members of fires and the different types of will be trained over the course of fire extinguishers to use in a fire. the next few months. Tyndall said, Training sessions also included topics “It’s essential first and foremost to on personal safety and conduct before preserve our safety. We understand emergency personnel can arrive on that fires can occur in industrialized the scene. areas and also in guest areas as well, George Penn Fire Prevention so if we can fight fires in its infancy Officer at the Turks and Caicos Fire stages, we can save a lot of lives and Department commended Beaches TCI Beaches property as well.” for embarking on this training exercise Participants in the training stating that it will be a very beneficial received practical training and asset for the preservation of life and hands on fire safety practices. Craig infrastructure. Penn remarked, ‘It’s Nazareth Executive Sous Chef at

Beaches TCI Staff member puts out fire Beaches TCI said, “I think it’s a great exercise especially coming from North America where we don’t do training exercises like this so here at a resort this big, having myself and all of the other colleagues being trained in fire prevention is great.” Assistant HR Manager Deleria Simms said the training enlightened her on the different classes of fires and will be beneficial in her professional and personal life. Simms commented, “Normally you would be afraid to approach a fire but this training takes away the fear of

using a fire extinguisher.” Cornelia Jimenez Security Officer said, “I believe it was very knowledgeable. I learned about the different types of fires and I also gained knowledge on how to use the extinguisher.” Participants will receive certification on Fire Safety Training from the Turks and Caicos Fire Department which encouraged the resorts management team to ensure continuous trainings throughout the year.

George Penn shows quick spread of fire

Western Union transferred from Aviation Plaza to Sunny Foods By Todeline Defralien On Wednesday May 17th, 2017, GraceKennedy Money Services NEW primary agent for Western Union transferred their second Western Union Location at Olympic Plaza (the Building popularly known as 2005 plaza) on Aviation Drive Providenciales to Sunny Food on Five Cays Road. This is the second of six possible Western Union Locations to be opened throughout the Turks and Caicos

Islands. Customers can now visit any of their locations to send and receive money from their loved ones from any of Western Union’s over 200 countries and territories. Gemma McLaughlin of Grace Kennedy Insurance told The SUN, “Western Union has transferred now from Aviation Plaza down here to Sunny Foods to better serve the community at large. We welcome everyone to come down to Sunny Foods and take advantage of our promotions.

It’s just Western Union trying to serve the people and we feel that Sunny Foods is one of the better locations and essentially located and we look forward to expanding our services as we continue to grow.” She added: “Right now we operate two locations in Providenciales, one location in South Caicos and we are looking to expand into Grand Turk and North Caicos.” McLaughlin stated that

Western Union is delighted to be able to serve the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands and they look forward to introducing new and exciting products and services in the near future. Customers can also look forward to a big expansion hopefully before the end of the year. The opening hours for this new location is 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm on Saturdays, Closed on Sundays.

NOTICE Regulation 7 of the Physical Planning (Development Permission) Regulations, 1990 An Application, REGISTERED PR 13036, by Windward Development Ltd. For the development of Residential, Tourism and Marina Community has been submitted to the Department of Planning for consideration of Development Permission on 61101/67,75,76,77,78,83,84 & 61002/4,6,7 Shipyard, Long Bay Hills on Providenciales. The application as submitted seeks planning consideration for a Residential, Tourism and Marina Community inclusive amenities including, clubhouse building, tennis court, marina, docks, piers, restaurant, bar, spa gym & overwater structures. Anyone wishing to make representation(s) may do so in writing to the Director of Planning, South Base, Grand Turk or through the Department of Planning, Downtown, Town Center Mall, Providenciales, within twenty eight (28) days of publication of this Notice.

Photographs taken at the new location

Dated Posted: ______________________________________________

JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017


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TCI Boat Club and Sailrock assist Sailing Club’s historical trip to the South Caicos Regatta The 50th South Caicos Regatta took place last weekend (Thursday, May 25th – Sunday, May 28th), and it was set to be a first for many. No more so than for the Provo Sailing Club, which was represented for the first time ever at TCI’s oldest running festival. At only 45 miles “down the road” and across the Caicos Bank, it was a little too far to expect the 15 kids and adults, and their 6 laser picos to sail to the “Big South”, so the guys from the Provo Sailing Club teamed up with Sailrock Resort and the TCI Boat Club to assist with a few obstacles. Firstly, the TCI Boat Club needs to be given a special mention for their assistance in getting the boats to South Caicos and back! The boats were packed up and loaded onto a very heavy barge & then towed down to South by another speedboat. This required a lot of energy, effort & dedication from David, Martee, Ralp, Soli and the entire TCI Boat Club team. There are a few stories on the windy & wavy trip down there that should probably only remain with the crew themselves! Needless to say, the boats made it there and back in one piece, and thanks to those guys we were able to get some great sailing in. `As for the sailors, without their boats they now needed transport! This is where the team at Sailrock Resort truly stepped in and lived up to their name as community providers. A plane was chartered for the entire team, consisting of 15 sailors, of which 10 are Provo Sailing Club’s Scholarship kids. An excited group of kids and adults arrived to the private, luxury FBO Airport to

make the short, but beautiful flight down on the Saturday morning to offload the boats. On arrival, the boats were offloaded and sailed around the corner to the Regatta Village. Weeks ago, when Provo Sailing Club’s Head Coach & Manager Keir Clarke visited South Caicos for a recon trip and to figure out the location, he had one big worry – how the team was going to launch and land their boats from the beach to the east of the Regatta Village. In April, the beach was rocky and posed some potential dangers to children launching dinghies all day long. On arrival last Saturday, Clarke and the team of sailors were greeted with an almost different beach altogether, as Sailrock had cleaned up the beach and removed the sharp rocks, leaving behind a beautiful, soft, golden powdery beach for the boats to land on. Boats now landed, the kids went off to explore the Regatta Village, where there was lots going on. Snow cones, candy floss, and bouncy castles within Sailrock Resort’s designated kids’ fun zone, as well as great music and of course, celebrations from Friday’s pageant! At 12pm, the first of 6 races got underway right in front of the Regatta Village. 12 kids racing in 6 picos, a hobie wave from Sailrock and 2 hobie kayaks, kindly donated for the day by East Bay Resort headed out in to the crystal clear waters and 8-10 knot easterly breeze for some close fought action. One of the turning marks, as well as the finish was right in front of the jetty, giving spectators and media

TCI Boat Club and Sailrock Assist Sailing Club’s Historical Trip to the South Caicos Regatta.

teams the opportunity to watch the Ocean and the Caicos Bank from the racing from a birds eye view, just reception. They were then escorted to metres away! the luxurious 4-bedroom beach villa, After 6 closely fought races, which had also been sponsored by the it was the team of Tarick Germeil & team at Sailrock resort. To say the Deshawn Handfield, who triumphed, kids (and adults) were overwhelmed finishing on equal points with laser is an understatement! An infinity star, Rori Bywater & Spring Fling pool, massive televisions & 5 star Opti Champion, Brad Gerard, who luxury were what greeted us before came second due to a worse last race. we took a quick shower and headed Bronze medal position went to young up to the restaurant for dinner. A hotshot, Valentine Osmond & the beautiful, healthy & tasty dinner Spring Fling Pico Champion, “Gentle” awaited the team all along with some George Ellis! well-enjoyed cocktails & drinks for Jacinthe Cote sailed the adults! extremely well in her hobie wave After a good night’s sleep in to take victory in all three morning the softest sheets, it was off to pack races, but patience got the better of the boats up and load them back her in the afternoon and she decided on their “barge” for transport back to stay on land and enjoy the regatta to Provo. The sailors were on their vibes. Cameron Rennie & Grace final land transfer of the trip to the Reaston Brown should have also airport, when they were greeted with been pushing for medal positions, 2 private planes from Caicos Express but with a misplaced bung in the (courtesy of Sailrock) for the exciting afternoon races, they almost sank by trip back home. race 6 due to their pico filling up with Sailrock’s Keno Forbes said, water! Other notable performances “Sailrock is proud to have supported were by Alex “Stand Up & Talk to the team from Provo Sailing Club. Everyone” Cox, and his teammate The 50th South Caicos Regatta was Paul Cartwright. Paul said “I enjoyed definitely a memorable occasion and the racing here in South, which is my the young sailors really added to home soil, but I feel that I should have the positive atmosphere with their done better. I’m looking forward to competitive and cheerful spirits. We coming back next year for the trophy!” look forward to supporting Provo Deshawn Handfield & Demarco Sailing Club in the future.” Outten were taking advantage of The Provo Sailing Club the opportunity to sail in the hobie would like to thank the South Caicos kayaks throughout the day, and both Regatta Committee for putting on had a great time on the user-friendly such a fantastic event, TCI Boat Club fast boats. for their hard work and dedication to On Saturday night, the getting our boats there and back, as sailors were whisked back to the well as a huge thank you to the staff brand new Sailrock Resort. On & management at Sailrock Resort for arrival, the team was astounded by being the best host. the 360-degree views of the Atlantic

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JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017


Sailrock Resort Chef, Jose Francois Alias impresses at Taste of Tapas! Jose Francois Alias, Sailrock Resort’s Executive Chef impressed attendees at the Taste of Tapas event with his selection of delicious tapas. The Sailrock table was filled with an array of different foods including sweet potato and conch coconut balls with vegetable escabeche and orange-saffron dressing, marinated dill Scottish salmon with mango, pineapple & mint salsa, as well as vanilla, coffee and chocolate petits choux for those with a sweet tooth. “I normally don’t enjoy any food with conch, but surprisingly I found the sweet potato and conch coconut balls absolutely delicious. The coffee petits choux was definitely my favourite by far though,” said Drani Saunders. The Taste of Tapas event, which was hosted by the Turks and Caicos Hotel and Tourism Association (TCHTA), was a fundraising “Chef Jose Francois Alias (Left) and Chef Basil Marachery (Right) of Sailrock Resort posing at Taste of Tapas” initiative to send a TCI team to compete in the Taste of the Caribbean the front-of-the-house experience for by Serena Williams, and attended Jose Francois Alias fashions culinary competition. Of the 11 chefs onsite dining at Sailrock Resort holds by many famous tennis players and an authentic taste of the Caribbean participating, Chef Jose was the an impressive résumé having cooked celebrities. for visitors of the Sailrock Resort, lone participant representing South for George W. Bush, former PM of the “Taste of Tapas was an including locally caught seafood Caicos. UK, Sir John Major, former French enjoyable experience and is for a great and seasonal ingredients, as well as Chef Jose said, “It was an President, François Mitterrand, King cause – providing future generations regionally inspired cocktails. Chef honour to be the only participant of Saudi Arabia, Fahd bin Abdulaziz of chefs from the Turks and Caicos Jose provides an incredible dining from South Caicos. It made me feel as Al Saud, and former President of the with the opportunity to explore their experience, which is complemented though I was representing culinary UAE, Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. passion of the culinary arts while by the serene views of the Caicos arts not only for Sailrock, but also for Chef Jose is also popular with world- representing their home at the Taste Bank and the Atlantic Ocean. Make the entire island of South Caicos.” class athletes having been invited to of the Caribbean competition. I’m a reservation at the Great House The French Chef who directs menu the 14th Annual BNP Paribas Taste looking forward to participating again Restaurant at Sailrock Resort in creation, kitchen operations, and of Tennis, which was hosted next year,” added Chef Jose. South Caicos by calling 649-946-3777.

JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017


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Observance of World No Tobacco Day On 31st May, 2017, the Turks and Caicos Islands will join in the annual observation of World No Tobacco Day. Introduced during the World Health Assembly in 1987, as a world no smoking day, the primary focus of this day is to reduce the global health issues related to tobacco. The Department of Mental Health and Substance Dependence in the Ministry of Health, Agriculture and Human Services, governs such activities and will be operating this year under the theme: Tobacco: A threat to Development. Tobacco is known to be detrimental to a nation’s growth as it a demoralizing assailant; it increases the likely of respiratory issues through secondhand smoke, a leading factor of multiple cancers such as those of the lung, jaw, liver, colon; as well as an amplifier of healthcare cost/needs and so on. The latest Report from WHO released May, 2017, reveals the alarming statistics that over seven (7) million of the world’s population have lost their lives as a result of tobacco product use; of this number more than six (6) million were claimed through direct usage, whereas second hand smoked victimized more than eight hundred and ninety thousand (890,000) non tobacco users. It is for this reason that tobacco is seen as a threat to development as it is a leading cause of preventable death, illness, as well as other public health issues. In an era where governments are focused on reactive measures/ laws against public health issues, the

Turks & Caicos Islands Government has fortunately escaped this trend. Effective 1st April, 2016, the Tobacco Control Ordinance came into force. This new legislation was designed to protect the population of the Turks and Caicos Islands from the harmful effects of exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke and regulate the distribution, sale and manufacturing of tobacco products. While statistics in the Turks and Caicos Islands are of no comparison to the global figures, with tobacco/nicotine dependence being the least sought treatment for; initiatives undertaken by the department have caused an increase of these persons seeking assistance during last few years. These campaigns were comprised of presentations at schools, workshops/discussions with various companies on the ordinance and tobacco use, as well as accessibility to quit kits, which are a jumpstart to the nicotine replacement treatment offered by the department. Also to ensure that practices were current, staff received training from the United Kingdom’s, National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training in 2016. On World No Tobacco Day and the days leading up to it, the Department of Mental Health and Substance Dependence will engage in a number of activities to increase awareness about the Tobacco dependence and Nicotine replacement treatment opportunities. This will include:

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Detectives of the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force are investigating an Aggravated Burglary Report that occurred on Tuesday 30th May 2017, in the Blue Hills area of Providenciales. Around 3:22 a.m. on that date, Police responded to a home on the Millennium Highway where two victims were met and they told officers that around 11:25 p.m. that night they secured their home and went to bed. They were awakened by the shattering sound of their back glass door by a rock that was thrown by two slim built masked men who entered the home, brandished and pointed a gun at them and demanded

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Page 16


JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017


Dietary tips to help reduce cancer risk By Dr. Marsha Barnett Most of dread a cancer diagnosis, and with good reason. Cancer is a leading cause for morbidity and mortality worldwide and we all have friends or family members who have been affected. Whilst the development of any type of cancer is multifactorial and no set of guidelines or lifestyle can guarantee that you will be immune, research does suggest that simple changes to our diet and lifestyles can help reduce our risk. Go Green Whatever your health goals may be, focusing on vegetables is always an integral part of wellness. Eating a variety of vegetables with a wide range of colors ensures that you are getting a diverse selection of nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants. Vegetables are stocked with phytochemicals and antioxidants that fight cancer cells. In fact, a recent study at the University of Oregon found that a dietary compound present in high amounts in broccoli, can help prevent cells from becoming malignant! Limit Alcohol Intake The link between alcohol and cancer

is well-established. In fact, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services lists alcohol as a known carcinogen. Excessive and prolonged alcohol use can weaken the immune system, which is important for preventing and controlling cancer. The ethanol in alcohol also breaks down to a toxic chemical that can damage DNA. Cool It With Hot Dogs Processed meats such as hot dogs, bacon, sausage, and some deli meats are classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as carcinogens! Studies have shown that the higher the intake of processed meat, the higher the risk of colorectal cancers. So, if you love your deli meat sandwiches or hot dog, have them as an occasional treat and not a constant staple in your diet. Grill Less If you eat meat, rethink how you cook it. Chemicals called heterocyclic amines and hydrocarbons can be produced when cooking muscle meat like beef, pork and poultry at high temperatures over an open flame. These chemical reactions cause compounds in the meat to change into

potentially cancer-causing agents. Also, avoid any meats that have been smoked or cured. Trim The Fat, Cut The Sugar A diet free from high-fat foods not only has benefits in your trimmer waistline and weight but may also have the benefit of stopping the spread of cancer! According to ScienceDaily. com, a recent study showed how a fatty diet can lead to cancer growth and a study from the University of North Carolina found that prostate cancer was more aggressive in men who ate a lot of saturated fat. High-sugar and high-fat foods tend to lead to increased inflammation in the body so cut back on fried foods especially meats and limit your dessert treats. Have Your Morning Coffee

Dr. Marsha Barnett lower the cancer risk. Additionally, other cancers such as prostate, liver, and uterine cancer have also been associated with drinking coffee. Have it in moderation however as it can cause increases in your blood pressure and lead to insomnia if had close to bedtime. In general, a diet that contains lots of fruits and vegetables, as well as beans, nuts and seeds, and that is low on simple carbohydrates with small amounts of lean poultry and fish is probably the best diet for overall health.

Don’t feel guilty about your morning ritual. A recent study published in SienceDaily.com from the University of Southern California found that drinking even modest amounts of coffee reduced the risk *Dr. Marsha Barnett is a general of colorectal cancer by 26 percent. practitioner who also specializes According to the American Cancer in dermatology. For questions Society, it could be the antioxidant or comments, please contact at properties of coffee beans that helps drmarshabarnett@gmail.com

Intercaribbean Airways has the following vacancies: 1. Customer service agents/ airport host: must have 1-2 years working experience in hospitality industry, computer literate, hardworking, reliable and trustworthy with a valid police record and passport. Willing and able to work weekends and holidays.


Alexandra Resort, Blue Haven Resort & Marina and the Beach House


3. Pilots : 2-5 years experience with type rating on EMB120 aircraft.

To maintain the kitchen and restaurant work area, equipment and utensils: Duties also include washing of dishes, pots, pans and trays by hand; sweeping and moping of floors and banquet set up and break down.

4. Aircraft cleaners and domestic workers: Must be fluent in English language, computer literate hard working and willing to work weekends and holidays.

Salary range for the line positions listed above begin at $6.50 per hour and will commensurate with qualifications and experience.

2. Ramp agents: 1-2 years experience, computer literate, excellent commend of the English language. Valid TCI driver’s license, police record and passport.

5. Electrical Technician. Certification from an accredited institution with 2-3 years or more experience. Dependable, innovative, with strong team player, can work independently.

Interested persons send resume to HR@incaribbean.com. Belongers and PRC holders need only apply.

Interested persons may contact our HR department Mon. – Fri. from 9am-3pm via telephone number 946-8054 or you may submit your resume with qualifications and experience to: cgibbons@wihl.com Closing date ---- June 2nd, 2017

JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017


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Remarks delivered by Premier Hon Sharlene Cartwright Robinson, at the opening ceremony the 47th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of CDB, on May 23rd , 2017 Governor of the Turks & Caicos Islands - His Excellency Dr. John Freeman; Premier of Montserrat – Honourable Donaldson Romeo; Chief Minister of Anguilla – Honourable Victor Banks; Dr Warren Smith, President of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB); Members of The Turks & Caicos Islands Cabinet; Fellow Parliamentarians; Governors of CDB; Members of the Diplomatic Corps; Members of the Board of Directors of CDB; Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen. On behalf of the Government and People of Turks and Caicos Islands, I extend a warm welcome to attendees and trust that you have found your visit thus far to be most enjoyable. It is an honour and privilege for The Turks and Caicos Islands to host the 47th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of CDB and to serve as Chair for this Meeting. The Caribbean Development Bank plays a very intricate role in the continued economic advancement of the Turks and Caicos Islands and many of its borrowing member countries. The bank, with its proficiency and assistance through concessionary financing, technical assistance and grants, has significantly assisted member countries’ in its economic

growth and development. Within the Turks & Caicos Islands, CDB has assisted substantially with various infrastructure developments within the Educational sector through the early childhood facility and in the past through the upgrading of our national Community College. The bank, has in the past provided concessionary loans to assist in the development of the TCIs MSME sector and also assisted in social programmes that has aided in the reduction of poverty within these Islands. It should be highlighted that we have been able to garner the assistance of the bank in the drafting of our Country Strategy Paper and also the continued assistance in the formation of our Medium Term Strategy document. I am happy to announce that most recently the bank has graciously agreed to assist with a Technical Assistance Loan for the Climate Resilient Coastal Protection Premier Hon Sharlene Cartwright Robinson and Management. We are well aware that to foster integration. this is a new era, one of change and The theme of this year’s conference also one in which an appreciation of “Integration, Trade and Growth” is the knowledge economy. The world most befitting, as I am of the belief economies are constantly evolving that economic integration, within the and it is imperative that we in the Caribbean, can cause an increase in the Caribbean region continue to grow, to region’s rate of growth. Additionally, share our ideas, create alliances and closer integration can be achievable

HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION JOB VACANCY JOB TITLE: DIRECTOR JOB SUMMARY: The Director shall be accountable for the day to day management and administration of the Commission. The ideal candidate must possess a demonstrated ability and commitment to represent on issues of justice, equality and human rights; must have exceptional organizational, decision-making, written, oral and interpersonal skills and can clearly, effectively and publicly communicate with a range of stakeholders. The Director should be efficient and have demonstrated experience in the management of human and financial resources, with the skill-set needed to implement and manage change. Consistent with the provisions of the Turks and Caicos Islands Human Rights Commission Ordinance, this post will direct and manage the activities of any and all such employees and professional persons as may be appointed by the Commission. The candidate should possess a good knowledge and understanding of relevant local laws, the international human rights framework, its monitoring process and similar jurisdictions, or be a quick learner. The Director reports to the Chairman, Human Rights Commission and performs such duties as may be delegated by the Commission. KEY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: •To conceptualize, plan, direct, coordinate, monitor and report on progress of initiatives and projects relating to human rights in consultation with the Chairman and Members of the Commission. •Ability to prepare, present and support reports to officials and the public both orally and written. •To provide expertise and advice on all compliance, statutory implementation and public education human rights issues. •Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships. •To manage team functions as they relate to review of processes and practices of public bodies. •Comprehensive knowledge of the legal and administrative requirements for investigating, preparing and processing cases of alleged discrimination; •Comprehensive knowledge of Turks and Caicos laws, regulations and court rulings related to human rights; •Expert knowledge of the relevant human rights Conventions and Treaties that the Turks and Caicos Islands are signatories to; •Ability to identify critical factors and to formulate realistic proposals; •Assign and supervise the work of professional, administrative and clerical staff involved in the enforcement of human rights statutes/regulations, conventions and treaties; •Formulating service plans and priorities relative to fair opportunities for all citizens; •Collaborating with relevant NGOs on devising programmes that address human rights issues (eg women and children). •Sourcing grants and funding for programmes & projects. COMPETENCIES •Knowledge on Human Rights Laws and Principles. •Ability to think strategically, prioritize and manage competing deadlines, exercise good judgement and meaningfully engage the public. •Interpersonal skills and effective leadership qualities. •Thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of administration,

by increasing trade in goods, as well as ideas. It is assuring to know that we, as Borrowing Member Countries of the Bank, have available to us the resources and expertise of the Bank to assist us in realizing our visions regarding trade, integration and economic growth. It is also comforting to know that through the various fruitions the bank continues to meet these types of needs. As you know, much work goes into the hosting of this Meeting and we have sought to be diligent about meeting every necessary provision for its accommodation. We certainly hope that the arrangements that have been put in place for hosting of this Meeting will meet with your expectations; indeed we want you to be comfortable, productive, excited and pleased. Additionally we want to ensure that you efficiently and effectively execute your roles as representatives of your country at this meeting. Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands is an exotic and beautiful place with warm and friendly people. Dare I also say, the consistently voted world best island and beach destination, so please do take the opportunity to enjoy our Sun, Sand and Sea during your stay.

management and supervision •Must be a team player, ability to problem-solve and communicate effectively. •Excellent written and oral communication skills. •Good knowledge of the issues faced by victims of discrimination and abuse. •Able to promote, coach, advocate, protect and appreciate the core human characteristics of dignity and respect. •Proficiency in computer applications such as spreadsheets, word processing, email and database software •Must be resourceful, imaginative and show initiative, tact, diplomacy, integrity and diligence. QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE: •A Master’s degree is desirable but the candidate must possess the following: •A Bachelor’s Degree in Law, Management, Public Administration or related field. •Have a minimum of 5 years professional experience in law, strategic management, business and/or public administration including at least two (2) years experience in the supervision of staff. •Qualifications in sociology, social work/policy, community studies, communications or social sciences can be advantageous. •Commitment to the Mission, values and aspirations of the Human Rights Commission. •Facilitative and collaborative leadership style. Proven ability to work in a dynamic national team and build working partnerships. Takes initiative and reaches firm conclusions with confidence. •Success supervising and mentoring staff and supporting professional and leadership development. •Outstanding interpersonal skills. •Proficiency in spoken and written Spanish and Creole is advantageous. SALARY: •$73,000 - $85,000 per annum based on qualifications and experience. The appointment is on contractual terms for a period of three years. At the end of a satisfactory contractual service, a gratuity is payable at the rate of 10% of the salary during the contract period. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Resumes with current contact information must be accompanied by a Cover Letter and two References (one preferably from a previous employer) as well as copies of educational certificates, a copy of the passport photo page and a Police Certificate. Applications should be addressed to The Chairman, Human Rights Commission, Cabot House Suite C-104, Providenciales. Envelopes should have the Subject: ‘Application, Director Human Rights Commission’ clearly marked on the front. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday 23rd June 2017.

“promoting your rights” Cabot House Suite C-104 Providenciales P.O. Box 249 Tel: 649-941-5343 Email: tcihumanrights@gmail.com

Turks and Caicos Islands Human Rights Commission

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JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017

WATERLOO HOTEL MANAGEMENT LTD Alexandra Resort, Blue Haven Resort & Marina and the Beach House

We are seeking to employ, suitably qualified and experienced hospitality professionals in the positions listed below. Our ideal candidates should have an outstanding command of the English language, written and oral, strong communication and excellent customer service skills with an all-inclusive background. HOSPITALITY ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST Reporting to the CFO, responsibilities and essential job functions include but are not limited to the following: RESPONSIBILITIES: •Coordinate the operations of the accounts office, Night Audit, Resort and Restaurant •Assist with the Management of the finance functions and overseeing the finance team. •Prepare End of Month journals and conduct the Closing process. •Assist in the installation of any new software - document retention, inventory management, payroll, POS, Opera, HotSoS •Preparation of budgets, forecasts, payrolls and cash flows •Maintenance of financial ledgers and accounting processes •Preparation of Monthly P&L and Balance Sheet •Ensuring that appropriate systems and internal controls are implemented and maintained. QUALIFICATIONS: •CPA Certification (CA, CGA or CMA) •5 to 10 years proven experience in hospitality financial management to include condo management, food and beverage, and preferably in an All-Inclusive environment •Experience in timeshare/condo financial preferred or required •Proficiency in all areas of PMS and POS hotel systems, including but not limited to: Microsoft Office, Opera, HotSoS, Micros, Symphony, Delphi with Microsoft Office and Yellow Dog •Verbal and written English/Spanish with good interpersonal skills •Capacity to plan and organize work •Analytical skills and problem solving capacities. HOSPITALITY ACCOUNTING MANAGER The Hospitality Accounting Manager will assist the FC in managing the day to day operation of the Accounting Department. Primary responsibilities include audit and control, asset and liability reconciliation and supervising the AR, AP and Inventory Systems. The candidate should be a highly-motivated self-starter with supervisory experience. RESPONSIBILITIES: •Reconciles the balance sheet, ensuring that supported documents are relevant. •Reviews audit issues and make the corrections as necessary. •Verifies contracts for groups and attends Pre-con meetings. •Manages the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable •Assists with the preparation of monthly journal entries. •Overseas the inventory management in stores and maintains integrity of the physical inventory. Investigates book to physical inventory variances and ensure that policies and procedures are being adhered by department heads. •Ensures that correct taxation is applied on all billing software (PMS and POS) in accordance with Government Regulations. Files and pay taxes timely. •Codes and verifies information or data, ensuring that costs are properly matched to revenues and recorded in the proper account. •Advises the FC on existing and evolving operating/financial issues. •Assists with several other processes and projects as required.

QUALIFICATIONS: •CPA Certification (CA, CGA or CMA) or Bachelor’s Degree in Finance or Accounting •5 or more years proven experience in hospitality financial management to include condo management, food and beverage, and preferably in an All-Inclusive environment •Proficiency in all areas of PMS and POS hotel systems, including but not limited to: Microsoft Office, Opera, HotSoS, Micros, Symphony, Delphi with Microsoft Office and Yellow Dog •Verbal and written English with good interpersonal skills •Capacity to plan and organize work •Analytical skills and problem solving capacities. Salary for the above positions will commensurate with qualifications and experience. Entry point starts at $38,000.00 per annum. ELECTRICAL & AIR CONDITION TECHNICIAN Reporting to the Chief Engineer, responsibilities and essential job functions include but are not limited to the following: RESPONSIBILITIES: •Installing, troubleshooting, repairing and maintaining the refrigeration and air conditioning systems •Fabricate and assemble refrigeration and air conditioning systems. •Carry out all necessary changes to air in the system, test lines, components and connections for leaks. •Install expansion and control valves on units and adjust and replace parts as needed. QUALIFICATIONS: •Must possess a minimum of 6-10 years 4-star background in same or similar position •Certification or diploma from a formal Electrical or Technical Institution is required. •Must be highly organized individual. •Must be computer literate and have excellent, clear communication skills written and oral SPA THERAPIST Reporting to the General Manager, responsibilities and essential job functions include but are not limited to the following: RESPONSIBILITIES: •Training and experience in recognized professional product modalities welcomed. •You will be required to work weekends and public holidays. •Candidate will be required to perform mobile services on board yachts, location and in room treatments. •Reception and treatment booking experience required. •Serve as a catalyst to promote spa services to hotel guests. •The position is commission based. •Must have a minimum of 6 years’ experience in a luxury resort and spa. QUALIFICATIONS: •Graduate from an accredited school of massage and esthetics with a massage certification and esthetic certification. •The ideal candidate needs to be qualified in Deep tissue massage, Swedish massage, Hot Stone Massage, Prenatal massage and Reflexology. Esthetic treatments such as facials, body scrubs and wraps. •Must possess excellent communication skills. •Must be a team player. •Must have a keen desire to serve the public. Salary range for the positions listed above begin at $9.00 per hour and will commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Interested persons may contact our HR department Mon. – Fri. from 9am-3pm via telephone number 946-8054 or you may submit your resume with qualifications and experience to: cgibbons@wihl.com Closing date ---- June 10th , 2017

JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017


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JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017

Career Opportunity Scotiabank (Turks and Caicos) Limited is seeking the services of a

Branch Manager, Grace Bay Salary ranges between $64,350-$108,800 Commensurate with qualifications and experience Position Summary: The Branch Manager has direct responsibility for the Grace Bay Branch. The Branch Manager is responsible for development, maintenance and communication of the retail banking business – inclusive of Insurance and Small Business; and for contributing to the quality of the loan portfolio, ensuring adequate controls and procedures are in place to safeguard the bank’s assets.

Key Accountabilities for this role include: • Develop maintain and execute a strategic marketing plan designed to develop new business opportunities and maximize profits for the branch as well as support the development and negotiation of team sales goals with Lead Branch Manager for team. • Develop and foster a customer driven culture throughout the Branch and ensure the delivery of a high standard of customer service and execution of Sales Management Platform processes and procedures. • Ensure the branches’ profitability and maintenance of the Retail/ Small Business/Insurance/Investment business by consistently using the bank’s relationship Focused Selling Process. • Effectively manage and control portfolios (Retail/Small Business) at an acceptable level of risk. • Maximize profitability and effectively control Branch operations by ensuring branch control checklists are regularly reviewed and monitored and branch service check-ups are rated satisfactory or better. • Effectively manage and develop staff in order to achieve Bank’s marketing objective via coaching and review of individual selfservice checkups. • Manage Anti Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorist Financing, bank policies and Compliance procedures and educates and advises staff members on compliance matters. • Sales Leadership and Sales Management. • In conjunction with the Human Resources Manager, work with managers to ensure that the Performance Management and Employee Development process are carried out in line with the bank’s requirements and guidelines.

Functional Competencies: • Strong Marketing/Business Development Skills • Expert knowledge in Retail & Premium Relationship Management Business and sales management techniques/disciplines • Expert knowledge of Compliance • Strong in Human Resource/People Management • Experience in motivating & building a team • Strong Leader who is people driven, customer & results focused

Educational Requirements: • A minimum of five (5) years’ experience in the field; • Degree in business administration or related discipline, or equivalent work experience. • Formal training in Compliance a plus

Qualified candidates should submit C.V. via email to: The Human Resources Dept., Scotiabank Turks and Caicos: santresha.gardiner@scotiabank.com on or before June 9th, 2017. Note: Only persons short-listed for an interview will be contacted.


Trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia, used under licence (where applicable).

JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017


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JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AT THE TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS COMMUNITY COLLEGE and no less than three years post qualification teaching experience. A Bachelor’s Degree with a minimum of a second class honors or other postgraduate qualifications, teaching certificate/Diploma and experience in teaching at Tertiary level may be considered.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced persons for the following full-time lecturing positions at the Turks and Caicos Islands Community College for the semester commencing August 29, 2017:. Faculty of Business Administration (BAD): 1 position: Management/Marketing/Human Resource Management Faculty of Computer Engineering and Mathematics (CEM): 1 position: Mathematics/Physics Faculty of Humanities and Fine Arts (HFA): 1 position: Politics/Sociology/Social Work/TCI Studies Faculty of Technology Education (TED): 1position: Architectural/Building Design Technology/Civil Engineering/Automotive Engineering Tech Lecturers are required to teach across different academic levels from the G.C.E. Advanced level, Caribbean Advanced Proficiency and up to the Associate and Bachelor Degree levels. Multidisciplinary candidates are particularly encouraged to apply for these positions. The ideal candidate must have knowledge and skills obtained through collegiate preparation resulting in a Master’s degree (Doctorate preferred) which must include eighteen (18) graduate semester hours in the area being applied for, from an accredited and recognized institution plus a Teaching Diploma or Postgraduate Diploma

Salary is in the scale: Level I: US$27,399.90 - $39,102.30 per annum. Level II: US$40,210 - $43,488.40 per annum. Entry point will depend on qualifications and experience. In the case of staff recruited from overseas, appointment is on contractual terms for an initial period of two years. A gratuity is payable at the end of satisfactory contractual service at the rate of 10% of salary drawn during the period of service. A housing allowance is payable at existing rates. Applications with copies of qualifications (including official transcripts), two character references, a police record and a recent testimonial from current place of employment should be sent to the: PRESIDENT, TCI COMMUNITY COLLEGE, P.O. BOX 236, LIGHTHOUSE ROAD, GRAND TURK, TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS to reach not later than 10th June, 2017. Where possible applicants should e-mail or fax their applications. FAX 649 946 1661 TELE 649 946 1163 EMAIL tcicomc@tciway.tc dean@tcicomc-edu.com We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only persons selected for interview will be contacted.

JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017


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Grace Bay Resorts Launches Rock House, a Mediterranean-Inspired Collection of Cottages, Homes and Suites with Drop-Dead Views The Hon. Premier and Minster of Finance, Sharlene CartwrightRobinson along with the Min. Tourism, Hon. Ralph Higgs met at Rock House Resort, the newest addition to the Grace Bay Resorts brand today with Principals of Grace Bay Resorts to solidify recently signed agreement between the Government and the Developers of this exciting new project. Pioneer developer, Mark Durliat is enthused about the collaborative efforts and is thrilled to be able to introduce to the local population his new vision for Elevated Island living in Turks and Caicos with the launch of Rock House, the first residential luxury resort tucked into the rugged, untouched limestone cliffs of Providenciales’ north shore. Emulating the idyllic seaside towns found in the South of France, Capri and elsewhere on the Mediterranean coast, Rock House will feature 41 studio suites, one- and two-bedroom cottages ranging from 600 to 1,750 square feet and priced from $600,000 to $1.4 million. Four additional four- and five-bedroom single-family estates at the hillside resort will be offered for sale in the second phase. Stone-Clad Cottages Built Into Limestone Cliffs Coast Architects, one of the leading design firms in Turks and Caicos, together with master planner Epikos Design and celebrated New York-based interior designer Shawn Henderson are creating an authentic, Capri-inspired community of contemporary, stone-clad cottages cascading down the sloping coastal rock. Built by hand by local artisans with materials sourced from the landscape’s limestone cliffs, stone façades will wrap around each residence both outdoors and indoors. Much of the present natural landscape of Rock House will be retained,

including the site’s centuries old, slowgrowing Joewood trees, native orchids and ancient lignum vitae, also called the “tree of life” for its medicinal use. “We are re-imaging what it means to escape to the islands, and buyers are responding. Twenty-five percent of the homes have already been reserved,” said Mark Durliat, CEO and co-founder of Grace Bay Resorts. “With an exclusive location in the upscale residential neighborhood of International Drive, Rock House will deliver an elegant property with timeless appeal that cannot be found in a traditional oceanfront condominium.” Indoor/Outdoor Living The free-standing, one- and two-bedroom cottages will include private pools and outdoor terraces, bathrooms with outdoor private shower gardens, 13-foot vaulted ceilings and floor-to-ceiling glass windows and doors to maximize the seductive views of the island’s renowned turquoise waters. Studio suites, all with private terraces, will overlook the 100-foot infinity pool, a focal point of the property. Steps down a 25-foot ancient limestone cliff will lead from the pool to Rock House’s secluded beach and jetty. Interiors Draw Inspiration from Amalfi Coast Envisioned by Architectural Digest’s AD100 interior designer Shawn Henderson, each residence’s interiors will feature an eclectic mix of contemporary and traditional design with Scandinavian and custom-made furnishings, porcelain and terrazzo flooring, oversized soaking tubs and Waterworks fixtures in their kitchens and bathrooms. Scenic Amenities

to relax and on top of that, we Set upon a soaring hilltop, are quickly becoming a culinary Rock House’s signature restaurant destination,” stated Director of will blend into the site’s natural Tourism Ramon Andrews. “All of beauty and remoteness while offering this is only possible because of the dazzling 180-degree views of the great relationship between the archipelago’s barrier reef and Atlantic private sector and the government, Ocean. A relaxing spa and energizing and we will continue to build on fitness center, tennis courts and this. Now is a wonderful time to winding jogging trails will enhance the discover Turks and Caicos and its sense of well-being at Rock House. infinite possibilities, as a country Turks and Caicos’ Record Real Estate with a luxurious name that is Market quickly emerging into a place that “Rock House provides a highly everyone talks about, as well as a unique opportunity to purchase a truly country that is on the move. The five-star property at a surprisingly introduction of Rock House is a moderate price point, in perhaps the testament to that.” most spectacular, elevated location of the main island of Providencales. “Our Government is pleased to The fact that well-respect developer create a business environment and operator, Grace Bay Resorts, is that fosters professional building this project provides great opportunities for Turks & Caicos confidence and security for our islanders, while at the same time buyers,” said Joe Zahm of Turks and preserving the character of our Caicos Sotheby’s International Realty, ‘beautiful by nature’ islands. Rock which is handling real estate sales for House Resort will do both things, Rock House. “This property elegantly while at the same time creating fulfills a gap in a villa market that is gorgeous new accommodations dominated by larger villas over $3.5 that welcome visitors to the million. Our network of buyers is Islands and their natural beauty,” thirsty for a product like Rock House said Madam Premier Hon. either as a primary vacation residence Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson. in TCI, or as a pied-à-terre away from the more populated areas of the island.” “As stewards of our gorgeous The first phase of Rock House Turks & Caicos Islands on behalf is slated to be finished in 2020, with of the people of Turks & Caicos, a second phase of homes to follow. we are pleased to welcome Rock Once completed, buyers will enjoy House Resort, and its low-density inclusion in the resorts’ exclusive approach that sits in perfect rental program, managed by Grace balance with the stunning nature Bay Resorts. “Buyers will benefit from of its surroundings. The project Turks and Caicos’ popular and affluent will contribute an entirely new tourism market,” noted Zahm. kind of luxury resort to our exceptional hospitality offerings Fostering Turks and Caicos’ that we are certain guests will Growth enjoy, at the same time offering professional opportunities for “The fundamentals of Turks and the people of our islands,” added Caicos are extremely strong, as Minister of Tourism Hon. Ralph we are a beautiful place to raise Higgs. a family with all of the necessary amenities. It is an amazing place (SEE PAGES 24 & 25 for photos)

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Gansevoort hosts Second Annual Recognition Cocktail event for employees G

ansevoort hosted its Second Annual Recognition Cocktail event to recognize their employees who went above and beyond the call of duty to provide service excellence. The event took place at the Gansevoort hotel on Wednesday 31st May 2017. During the event 50 employees at the Gansevoort were awarded. Employee of the Month winners 2016 were Woodson Pierre Louis, Karen Watt – Scott, Lucienne Handfield, Bodlet Louis, Weke Dorvil, Loroy Missick, Janette Green, Linsey Rigby, Dianne Williams, Obed Dupre, Samuel Joseph, Marie Durand, Jackson Williams, Roosevelt Boucard, Dadou Gibson, Yvette Henderson, Collet

Beal,Celianise Brunel, Jean Millien, Alba Melendez and Jean Theresias. Supervisor of the quarter winners were Deborah Powell, Jullette Bowen, Yvette Henderson and Kenrico Hall. 43 staff members received trip advisor mentions for 2016. Employee of the year winners for 2016 was Karen Watt-Scott, Bodlet Louis, Roosevelt Boucard and Shanice Williams. Walking away as Supervisor of the year winner for 2016 was Deborah Powell. Celianise Brunel Human Resources Coordinator told the SUN, “This event is hosted to recognize all of our employees who did well throughout 2016. Throughout the year we

nominate and persons won in the Employee of the year category as well as Supervisor of the quarter category throughout the year and to commemorate with all and announce the Employee of the year and the Supervisor of the quarter we have an annual recognition party so that they can be announced and we can recognize all of the employees who were nominated and who won the categories.” Brunel stated that what makes Gansevoort staff different from other Resorts is that they are consistent and go out of their way and continues to give great services at all times. The following are photo highlights from the event.

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TCI celebrates 5th Annual National Heroes Day I

t appears that National Heroes Day in the Turks and Caicos Islands, over the past five years, have been gathering more and more awareness. In addition to the civic ceremony held in Grand Turk each year to honour the life and legacy of our first and only National Hero Hon. JAGS McCartney, in Providenciales there was a motorcade event that took place to commemorate the day. Locals and other nationalities living in the TCI participated in this year’s event, with a crowed of over a

thousand persons that come out to show their support, with performances by several local artists and a number of other activities taking place. The event took place at Downtown Ball Park in Providenciales on Monday May 29th. The motorcade in Providenciales graced the support of a number of communities, including Blue Hills, Five Cays, the Bight and Grace Bay. The following are photo highlights of the motorcade in Providenciales.

JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017

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Does telling patients of possible side effects make them more likely? Patients who are told their medication can have certain side effects may report these symptoms more often than patients who aren’t aware their treatment carries these risks, a study of popular cholesterol pills suggests. Researchers focused on what they dubbed the “nocebo” effect, or the potential for people to complain of treatment-related side effects when they think they’re taking a specific drug but are actually given a placebo, or dummy pill, without any active ingredients. “It has been recognized for many years that when patients are warned about possible adverse reactions to a drug, they are much more likely to complain of these side effects than when they are unaware of the possibility that such side effects might occur,” said senior study author Dr. Peter Sever, a researcher at Imperial College London. To test this “nocebo” effect, researchers first randomly assigned about 10,000 trial participants in the UK, Ireland and Scandinavia to take either a statin pill to lower cholesterol or a placebo, then followed people for around three years to see how often they complained of four known statin side effects: muscle aches, erectile dysfunction, sleep problems and cognitive impairment.

Patients on statins and on to rule out the possibility that it was • Indonesia tobacco bill would placebo pills reported similar rates of due to chance. open tap for ads aimed at kids, health muscle aches and erectile dysfunction, But then during the second official says the study found. People taking portion of the study, 1.26 percent “Among these, it is common placebo also reported higher rates of statin users reported muscle for patients to hear that statins can of sleep difficulties than patients on aches compared with just 1 percent cause muscle aches,” Kronish added. statins. of people not taking the pills. This “This can create an expectation among But when doctors offered difference was too big to be random. certain patients that they will have statins to every patient, people who One limitation of the study is this adverse side effect.” knowingly took these pills reported there were too few cases of cognitive It’s unclear whether this higher rates of muscle aches than impairment to assess how patients’ expectation of harm might cause a people who opted not to take the knowledge of statin use influenced biological reaction that makes people drugs over about a two-year period. their reporting of this side effect. feel aches in their muscles, or if it “This is not a unique Even so, the study offers might lead people to blame statins phenomenon associated with statins,” fresh insight into how an expectation for pain that’s really caused by Sever said by email. “It can occur of side effects may make patients something else, Kronish said. with any drug.” more likely to perceive these “Once patients knew they All of the participants in the adverse symptoms, said Dr. Ian were taking the statin, they became study were between 40 and 79 years Kronish, of the Center for Behavioral susceptible to this expectation bias,” old and had high blood pressure Cardiovascular Health at Columbia Kronish said. as well as at least three other risk University Medical Center in New The nocebo effect is not factors for heart disease. At the start York. innocuous, Juan Pedro-Botet and of the study, they were not taking “Given the blockbuster Juan Rubies-Prat of Hospital del Mar statins and had no history of heart popularity of statins, it is not in Barcelona write in an accompanying attacks. surprising that patients hear a editorial. It can lead to patients failing During the first phase of the mixture of good and bad things about to take their medications regularly or study, from 1998 to 2002, patients these pills both from the press and discontinuing them entirely, which is didn’t know whether they were their social networks,” Kronish, who tied to higher rates of heart attacks, taking a statin or a placebo. For the wasn’t involved in the study, said by strokes and death, they note. second part of the study, from 2002 to email. “Therefore, clinicians should 2005, every person on a statin knew be fully informed about potential they were taking a statin. ALSO IN HEALTH NEWS nocebo effects, including patients’ Each year, for example, 2 previous knowledge or perceptions percent of patients on the placebo and •EU approves Biogen’s of statin therapy, and discuss the 2.03 percent of statin users reported Spinraza for lead genetic cause of evidence for (side effects) with muscle aches, a difference too small infant death patients,” they write.

How good are activity trackers at counting calories burned? People who wear activity trackers to count the calories they’re burning are probably not getting accurate estimates, suggests a new study. Researchers who tested seven popular activity trackers found that while heart rate measurements were generally accurate, none of the devices provided a reliable calorie count. “At this point with this level of error, I would be wary of using that estimate to alter a calorie-controlled diet,” said senior author Dr. Euan Ashley, of Stanford University in California. Patients “have been bringing data from these devices to us and some of us were using these devices ourselves,” Ashley told Reuters Health. Because so little is known about the data’s accuracy, “We realized that we had to do our own study,” he said. Ashley’s team recruited 60 healthy adults to test seven popular wrist-worn activity trackers: the Apple Watch, Basis Peak, Fitbit Surge, Microsoft Band, MIO Alpha 2,

PulseOn and Samsung Gear S2. accurate for men, people with higher on heart rate zone training, and not Participants wore up to four body weights and darker skin tones, for all-day activity tracking, we agree devices at a time, and they also wore and while walking. that more accurate calorie estimation laboratory devices to measure heart Ashley’s team hopes the is important for the industry as a rate and calories burned while sitting, devices’ calorie counting technology whole, since most individuals are walking, running and cycling. will improve. “I think we’re all monitoring calorie deficits for weight All of the devices but one hopeful that as we move forward they loss,” said Mark Gorelick, chief had an average heart rate error rate will get better,” he said. science officer at Mio Global, in a below 5 percent. The exception was statement. the Samsung Gear S2, which had an ALSO IN HEALTH NEWS Markku Lankinen, who is error rate of 5.1 percent. head of operations for PulseOn Oy, But for calculating energy •EU approves Biogen’s said in an email that the researchers expenditure - or calories burned - all Spinraza for lead genetic cause of may not have adjusted the device of the devices had error rates above infant death specifically for each participant. 25 percent. The Fitbit Surge had the •Indonesia tobacco bill would “With PulseOn device, you would need lowest average error rate for calories open tap for ads aimed at kids, health to apply these user parameters in the burned at about 27 percent. The official says application before exercising, and PulseOn had the highest at about 93 In a statement to Reuters Health, this seems not to have been done,” percent, according to a report in the Fitbit said its trackers show an said Lankinen. “This causes the Journal of Personalized Medicine. estimated total number of calories. (energy expenditure) estimates to be Overall, the Apple Watch “Fitbit uses a scientifically validated badly off.” had the lowest error rates while the estimate of (basal metabolic rate) Apple, Microsoft and Samsung Gear S2 had the highest. based on height, weight, age, and Samsung did not provide comments The researchers were gender information that users provide for publication. All Basis Peak surprised at the unreliability of the when setting up their Fitbit account,” watches were recalled in 2016 due to calorie counts. said the statement, which added that overheating, according to its website. The devices “were literally the measure also takes into account Ashley’s team is currently all over the map with error rates,” people’s heart rates. conducting a study to test the Ashley said. “While the Mio ALPHA 2 was accuracy of devices in the real world. Data tended to be less designed for the individuals focused

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JOB ADVERTISEMENT Gansevoort Turks + Caicos is a contemporary luxury full service boutique resort on Grace Bay Beach. We are looking for driven and energetic professionals with Five Star experience and who are committed to achieving excellence by ensuring Five Star standards and services are continuously delivered. Assistant Director of Housekeeping Job Summary: The Assistant Director of Housekeeping is responsible for co-directing, planning, organizing and developing of the overall operation of the housekeeping and laundry departments, to ensure exceptional levels of guest service and satisfaction with cleanliness and comfort of guest facilities. These includes: guest rooms, laundry, public areas, storage areas and other work areas. Responsible also for the selection, training and development of all housekeeping and laundry employees. Maintain outstanding relationships with all areas and leaders of the resort. Be fully versed on Forbes Service Standards and ensure all these are communicated to all Housekeeping and Laundry employees. Summary of responsibilities: Reporting to the Director of Housekeeping, responsibilities and essential job functions include but are not limited to the following: o Provides input into, and executes, strategic plan for assigned department(s) consistent with the strategic vision of the division and Gansevoort Turks and Caicos. o Co-responsible for preparing and monitoring of fiscal budgets, CAPEX, division operations and marketing strategies to produce both short-term and long-term profitability for Gansevoort Turks and Caicos. o Co-responsible for establishing and maintaining cost controls systems for linen inventories, cleaning supplies, laundry supplies and guest supplies. o Provides input into, and executes, the development, implementation, and measurement of guest service standards within assigned department(s), consistent with the company’s established guidelines/standards. o Participates in the research, development, evaluation and implementation of new products, services, technology and processes to ensure Gansevoort Turks and Caicos competitive position and in anticipation of changing customer needs within the dynamic hospitality environment. o Directs Human Resources responsibilities for Housekeeping to include: • creating a work environment that promotes teamwork • performance feedback • recognition, mutual respect and employee satisfaction • quality hiring • training and succession planning processes that encompass the company’s diversity commitment o Works closely in mentoring/coaching the Housekeeping Team Leaders and housekeeping attendants in additional tasks/responsibilities to optimize advancement opportunities available for subordinate staff. o Co-directs and co-manages all functions performed within Housekeeping & Laundry. Works closely with department management to ensure the establishment of sound operational business practices that produce positive methods to ensure all projects/assignments produce quality result; remain within budgetary constraints, and meet targeted deadlines. Ensures Housekeeping meets all codes and safety standards. o Researches supply sources; consults with purveyors, and ensures ongoing implementation of cost effective supply management control programs, submitting purchase orders for all supplies/equipment needed. o Monitors, consistently reevaluates, and implements effective guidelines/ procedures for inventory control. o Assists in development of cost proposals and cost estimates for equipment,

JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017

departmental changes, and allocation of resources, as needed. o Provides management guidance and technical direction in the resolution of problems associated with Housekeeping. o Ensure departmental operations manuals are kept current and accurately reflect the duties and functions of assigned employees. o Maintains effective communications with all subordinates. Conducts staff meetings on a regular basis to review departmental progress on projects and assignments. Establishes the parameters that empower managers/ supervisors with the authority to accomplish the duties of their assigned positions. o Management of staffing and achieving hourly budgets for department, monitor to ensure staffing levels are adequate for demand. o Performs all other management duties as assigned/required by the Director of Housekeeping or Senior Management. Required Qualifications: o Ability to perform a myriad of duties with extreme care and attention to detail, while working in a fast-paced and busy environment. o Computer proficiency with MS Excel, MS Word, Opera PMS, HotSOS and Knowcross. o Working knowledge of chemicals, fabric care, carpet care, floor and stone care. o Knowledge of Laundry operations, textiles, fabric care, equipment and housekeeping techniques. o Strong leadership qualities, sound judgment, superior decision-making and problemsolving skills. o Ability to read and interpret business records and statistical reports. o Ability to use mathematical skills to interpret financial information and prepare budgets. o Effective listening abilities. o Excellent customer service skills. o Ability to lead and mentor a team. o Have interpersonal skills to deal effectively with all business contacts. o Professional appearance and demeanor. o Work varied shifts, including weekends and holidays. o A B.S. degree in Hotel Administration o Working knowledge of MS Word, Excel, and Outlook. o Able to effectively communicate in English, in both written and oral forms. o Knowledge of a second language is preferred o Minimum of 5 years of management experience in a major hotel/resort complex with a Forbes Five Star Rating & AAA – 5 Diamond Rating o Minimum of 5 years of management experience in a large Housekeeping department of an internationally recognized luxury hotel brand o Pre-opening Experience with proven ability to successfully lead, train motivate, develop staff and processes implementation is essential o Previous experience working in a similar resort setting o Minimum of 2 years working experience in a remote island Physical & other demands: Busy fast paced work area. Walking and sitting for long periods of time are required for this job. Physical activities include walking, talking, seeing, hearing, standing, bending, stooping, reaching, lifting, carrying, fingering feeling, grasping, pushing, pulling. Due to the cyclical nature of the hospitality industry, employees may be required to work varying schedules to reflect the business needs of the hotel. In addition, attendance at all scheduled training sessions and meetings is required. At least 5 years experience as luxury resort Housekeeping Manager and Management experience preferred. Salary Range: $35k-$42k Housekeeping Supervisor - Works with Room Attendants to ensure guest rooms and public areas are maintained to luxury standards. Assists in assigning staff daily tasks according to occupancy. Inspects work and coaches to develop consistent skills, assists in inventory and reporting. At least 2 years experience as luxury resort room attendant and supervisory experience preferred. PC skills required, Opera preferred, must have exceptional attention to detail and consistency in adhering to luxury standards. Salary Range: $20k-$25k Interested applicants can contact our Human Resources Department, Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm on (649)941-7555. E- Mail cover letter outlining your interest and supporting experience in a particular position along with your Resume or C.V. to hr@wymara.com

JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017


Page 31

Page 32

ACE PLUMBING Is looking for a Plumber With ten (10) years experience This individual must work on his own And must be able to handle and solve all types of plumbing problem Will be station in North Caicos Salary $13.00 an hour Tel; 346-6222

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JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017

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A Domestic Worker To work 5 days per week Salary $6.25 per hour Contact # 332-2528


Is looking for a Domestic Worker To work five days a week Salary $6.25 an hour Please contact 241-9340

JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017



Page 33



Coalition government in Cayman Islands

A coalition of 13 elected members of the Cayman Islands Legislative Assembly was sworn in Wednesday in downtown George Town, bringing an end to the political scramble that followed the territory’s May 24 general election. Leading the coalition, for the second term, is Red Bay MLA Alden McLaughlin, who will be premier for the “government of national unity” that features seven Progressives party members, including Mr. McLaughlin, three Cayman Democratic Party members and three independent politicians. CDP Party Leader McKeeva Bush was sworn in as Speaker of the House. The ministers in the coalition government were expected to be Mr. McLaughlin, Deputy Premier Moses Kirkconnell, Cayman Brac East MLA Juliana O’Connor-Connolly, Bodden Town East MLA Dwayne Seymour, George Town East MLA Roy McTaggart, George Town North MLA Joey Hew and West Bay South MLA Tara Rivers. By press time Wednesday, the ministerial assignments had not all been decided. Mr. McLaughlin acknowledged

it would not all be “smooth sailing” Bryan and the premier – bitter political in the next four years, as there are opponents during the campaign – genuine government policy differences agreed to bury the previous enmity between members of the Progressives between them Wednesday morning and CDP coalition as to how to grow in a private meeting, Mr. Bryan said. the economy and provide opportunities The new member for George Town for Caymanians. Central said he had asked to join the “The [debate] process, I believe, Progressives coalition on Tuesday, but will lead to better policy positions,” government declined the offer. Mr. McLaughlin said, noting that Nonetheless, Mr. Bryan said his Progressives party ended up a he would not “oppose for opposition’s mere 50 votes away from winning full sake” during the next Legislative control of the government. That was Assembly term. the total number of votes that former Speaking to a crowd of Progressives Ministers Marco Archer supporters outside the Legislative and Wayne Panton lost their re-election Assembly Wednesday afternoon, Mr. bids by on May 24. McLaughlin said, after meeting with “The outcome of the elections Mr. Miller, he thought things could not was very nearly different … by such get any better. slim margins are things decided in a “Then someone showed me democracy,” the premier said. “But I the editorial in [Wednesday’s] Cayman will embrace the opportunity the voters Compass: ‘Mr. Premier: “We’re all in have given us for a different approach your corner.”’ Thank you, Jesus!” the to governance.” premier said, eliciting laughter from Mr. McLaughlin said he the crowd. had been contacted by newly named Mr. McLaughlin said during Opposition Leader Ezzard Miller, who his address outside the assembly told the premier that “the battle was the building that he intended to have a battle,” but now the two groups need to governance plan in place, possibly as move forward for the betterment of the early as July, so that government could country. crystallize its priorities before the next Opposition MLA Kenneth budget cycle begins toward the end of

Premier Alden McLaughlin this year. Mr. Miller said Wednesday in an impromptu press conference outside the assembly chamber that he was honored to be opposition leader and that he hoped “we can change the whole style of government” Cayman currently maintains. “I’ve always pledged my support to any government that’s doing something good,” Mr. Miller said. “I don’t simply criticize, I try to constructively criticize.” Mr. Miller also confirmed that Newlands MLA Alva Suckoo would be his deputy leader. The remaining opposition members would be Mr. Bryan, Bodden Town West MLA Chris Saunders, Savannah MLA Anthony Eden and East End MLA Arden McLean.

The Bahamas cracking down on work permits NASSAU, The Bahamas – A directive from newly installed Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis stipulates that Bahamians must fill all available posts before any consideration is given to foreigners. In fact, Minister of Labour Dion Foulkes made it clear that he has already been “very strict” in approving labour certificates for work permits and has denied or deferred several applications since taking office just over two weeks ago. “The Prime Minister has given me directions to ensure that no foreigner gets a permit where there is

a Bahamian available to do the job,” unemployed Bahamians qualified to Foulkes said while speaking on a local fill the post. radio talk show yesterday. “We had an application from Noting the Bahamas has “a a major hotel for a food and beverage serious unemployment problem”, director. I declined it, because there Foulkes was adamant there would be are Bahamians who are trained in no backing down from implementing food and beverage in this country who the policy. are unemployed and we know who “Wherever there is a they are and we are sending some of Bahamian who is qualified to do the them to that hotel to be interviewed,” job and a foreigner or an expat is the minister said. applying for that position, we will refuse the application,” he insisted. Foulkes expressed concern that some He cited a recent case where companies were trying various tactics a work permit request from a hotel to bypass the rule, charging that was turned down because there were some had set unfair criteria to deter

Bahamians. “For example, say you want a front desk manager at one of the hotels, but (the candidate) must be fluent in four languages. That’s absolutely ridiculous. What that means is they have somebody at their head office who speaks four languages and they want to bring them to Nassau.” He disclosed that where special skills were required, the employer must identify a Bahamian who has skills in that area to train for the post, to eventually take over from the foreign worker.

New Designate Chief Executive Officer of Colonial Group On behalf of the Board of Directors of Colonial Group International, Chairman Dr. Grant Gibbons is pleased to announce that Naz Farrow, COO - Health, has been appointed Designate Chief Executive Officer of Colonial Group International (CGI) effective June 1st 2017. Naz will assume the CEO role in mid-2018 when Alan Peacock will retire as CEO and President and take on a supporting and advisory role to CGI for at least another year. Gibbons says, “Naz Farrow joined Colonial in 1997 and has managed the Group Health portfolio since 1998. Under her leadership, the health business has grown significantly and attained new levels of client service and efficiency. She has

been a driving force in the success of our health business, and during her time as COO, Colonial Medical has consistently outperformed strategic targets. “We are confident that Naz possesses the expertise and commitment to meet the challenges of the CEO role and believe her experience with our strategy and culture will allow her to manage the talent needed to build on our success. During the coming months, Alan and Naz will work closely to maintain strategic priorities and ensure a smooth transition. The outlook for CGI continues to be bright, and I look forward to supporting Naz as she takes on her new responsibilities. “For more than 40 years, Alan

Peacock has provided strong and consistent leadership to the Colonial Group. From the time he joined the company in 1975, we have seen Colonial grow from a small domestic motor insurer to one of the region’s largest insurance and financial services providers. Alan has set the highest standards and values for the Colonial Group. He has contributed to the overall success of Colonial, enhanced policyholder value and developed industry strength in the region. “Under Alan’s leadership CGI’s capital base has grown significantly to provide the financial strength required by our clients and policyholders. Alan has embedded a strong strategic framework within the

organization and introduced a culture of risk and compliance management to meet today’s enhanced regulatory requirements. His management has placed Colonial Group in a strong position to face future challenges. “I am pleased to congratulate Naz Farrow as she assumes her new role.” Colonial Group International Ltd. is a Bermuda-based company with commercial operations in Bermuda and the Caribbean. The Group comprises independently incorporated companies offering property and casualty insurance, employee benefits for pensions and health and personal investment products. Underwriting and investment management are supported by international partners.

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JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017



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JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017


Page 35


SEASON is open Every Saturday: Jul. 1, 2017 - Dec. 16, 2017 8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Graceway Sports Centre $70 for the season + t-shirt Get your registration forms at: www.tripledoubletc.com Coach Dwyane - 431-5019

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Page 36



JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017


Prime Minister May loses ground in latest UK poll

British Prime Minister Theresa May’s gamble on a snap election was under question on Thursday after the latest opinion polls showed her Conservative Party’s lead was dwindling just a week before voting begins. Failure to win the June 8 election with a large majority would weaken May just as formal Brexit talks are due to begin while the loss of her majority in parliament would pitch British politics into turmoil. In the strongest signal yet that the election is much closer than previously thought, May’s lead has collapsed from 24 points since she surprised both rivals and financial markets on April 18 by calling the election. A YouGov survey showed May’s lead at a fresh low of 3 percentage points with the opposition Labour party polling 39 percent against the Conservatives’ 42 percent. There was slightly better news for May from a Panelbase poll which put her party 8 points ahead of Labour, but that still meant the Conservatives’ advantage had almost halved in a week. Meanwhile a separate YouGov model based on different data estimated the Conservatives would win 317 seats, nine short of an overall majority of 326 seats. In a hectic campaign which was suspended after a suicide bombing last week, pollsters, who universally got it wrong before the last vote in 2015, have offered a vast range for the result of the election: From May losing her majority to a landslide victory for her Conservatives of more than 100 seats. “From the pollsters’ point of view this is an experimental election.

A YouGov survey showed PM May’s lead at a fresh low of 3 percentage points We all got it wrong in 2015 and we are all trying different methods to get it right this year,” said Anthony Wells, a research director at YouGov. Betting that she would win a strong majority, May called the snap election to strengthen her position at home as she embarked on complicated Brexit negotiations with 27 other members of the European Union. But if she fails to beat the 12seat majority her predecessor David Cameron won in 2015, her electoral gamble will have failed and her authority will be seriously undermined. If May failed to win an overall majority, she would be forced to strike a deal with another party to continue governing either as a coalition or a minority government. That would have uncertain consequences for Britain’s $2.5 trillion economy, and future government

policy on everything from government spending and corporate taxation to bond issuance. BRIGHT BREXIT FUTURE? YouGov said May was still the most favoured choice for prime minister, though her 43 percent rating is the lowest it has ever been. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is on his highest ever rating of 30 percent. Corbyn, a 68-year-old peace campaigner, has been pulling in big crowds at rallies across the country despite warnings from opponents in his own party that he is leading Labour to the worst defeat in its history. May, who won the top job in the political chaos following the shock June 23 Brexit vote, used a speech on Thursday in northern England to pitch her vision of Brexit.

“Set free from the shackles of EU control, we will be a great, global trading nation once again bringing new jobs and new opportunities for ordinary working families here at home,” May said. “You can only deliver Brexit if you believe in Brexit.” May backed the “remain” campaign in the runup to last year’s referendum on EU membership, though she made few public appearances, but has repeatedly sought to present herself as the only party leader able to make a success of Brexit despite giving few details of how she will handle the negotiations. The Financial Times came out publicly for May, saying she was the safer bet, though The Sun newspaper, Britain’s top selling paper, cautioned that May’s campaign was far too defensive. “Corbyn is selling a wonderland,” The Sun said. “And even if his promises are practically impossible and economically catastrophic, set against the Tories’ unnecessarily defensive campaign it’s small wonder he appears to be picking up support.” May was taunted by other party leaders for not attending a televised debate with them. Instead, May sent her interior minister, Amber Rudd, who dismissed the leaders as members of a “coalition of chaos”. The Financial Times said in an editorial that an increased Conservative majority could lead to more hardline Eurosceptics in May’s party. “Her resolve on Brexit is not in doubt; but her ability to deliver the best deal for Britain in terms of the closest possible relationship with the EU is worryingly unclear,” it said.

Gunman spreads panic at Philippines casino A gunman burst into a casino, fired shots and set gaming tables alight in the Philippine capital early on Friday, sowing panic in a country on high alert after martial law was declared in the south, but police said the motive was likely robbery. National police chief Ronald dela Rosa told DZMM radio the lone gunman had not aimed his assault rifle at people at the Resorts World Manila entertainment complex, and may have been trying to steal casino chips. Shots and loud bangs rang out shortly after midnight (1600 GMT) in the buildings close to Terminal Three of Ninoy Aquino International Airport and an air force base, prompting fears that a militant attack was under way. Medical officials said at least 25

people were hurt, some seriously, as they rushed to escape. “Don’t panic, this is not a cause for alarm. We cannot attribute this to terrorism,” police chief dela Rosa said. “We are looking into a robbery angle because he did not hurt any people and went straight to the casino chips storage room. He parked at the second floor and barged into the casino, shooting large TV screens and poured gasoline on a table setting it on fire.” Police were in the complex searching for the gunman, whom dela Rosa described as “foreignlooking, a Caucasian, about six feet tall”. The suspect may have escaped because smoke had obscured footage for CCTV cameras, he added. A Reuters witness saw

armed police entering a hotel near the complex. Videos posted earlier on social media showed people fleeing as several loud bangs were heard. The local Pasay Chapter of the Philippine Red Cross said 25 people had been taken to hospital. Jeri Ann Santiago, who works in the emergency room at the San Juan de Dios hospital, close to Resorts World, said 13 people were being treated, but more were on the way. Most of the patients were suffering the effects of smoke inhalation and some had injuries such as fractures, she said, adding that none had gunshot wounds. HEIGHTENED ALERT

The Philippines has been on

heightened alert amid a crisis in the south of the country, where troops have been battling Islamist rebels since May 23. President Rodrigo Duterte declared martial law on the southern island of Mindanao last week. U.S. President Donald Trump said Washington was closely monitoring events unfolding in Manila. The U.S. embassy in Manila told Americans there to exercise caution and review their personal security. As the drama unfolded, dozens of police trucks and a handful of huge Special Action Force vans and armored personnel carriers lined side streets near the hotel, casino and shopping mall complex.

JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017


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Trump says U.S. to quit Paris climate pact President Donald that the global pact could be Trump on Thursday said he revised. will withdraw the United With Trump’s action, States from the landmark the United States will walk 2015 global agreement to fight away from nearly every nation climate change, spurning in the world on one of the pleas from U.S. allies and pressing global issues of the corporate leaders in an 21st century. The pullout will action that fulfilled a major align the United States with campaign pledge. Syria and Nicaragua as the Supporters of the world’s only non-participants accord condemned Trump’s in the accord. move as an abdication of Trump said the American leadership, an United States would cease international disgrace and a payments to the U.N. Green monumental foreign policy Climate Fund, in which rich blunder. His predecessor, countries committed billions Barack Obama, expressed of dollars to help developing regret over the pullout from countries deal with floods, a deal he was instrumental in droughts and other impacts brokering. from climate change. “We’re getting out,” The United States Trump said at a ceremony in was one of 195 nations that the White House Rose Garden agreed to the accord in Paris in which he decried the Paris in December 2015. But accord’s “draconian” financial Trump said the accord would and economic burdens. He “undermine our economy, said American withdrawal hamstring our workers, “represents a reassertion of weaken our sovereignty, American sovereignty.” impose unacceptable legal risk, Trump said the and put us at a permanent United States would begin disadvantage to the other negotiations either to re-enter countries of the world.” the Paris accord or to have a “We don’t want other new agreement “on terms that leaders and other countries are fair to the United States, laughing at us any more. And its businesses, its workers, its they won’t be,” Trump added people, its taxpayers.” as he tapped into the “America U.S. allies voiced First” message he used when dismay over Trump’s move, he was elected president last and France, Germany and year. Italy dismissed his suggestion Under the pact,

which was years in the making, nations both rich and poor committed to reducing emissions of so-called greenhouse gases generated by burning fossils fuels and blamed by scientists for warming the planet. “I was elected to US president Donald Trump represent the citizens of “Climate change is real. Pittsburgh, not Paris,” the Industry must now lead and Republican president said. not depend on government.” Obama, a Democrat, Republican U.S. said in a statement that the congressional leaders backed nations that remain in the Trump. Senate Majority agreement will be the ones Leader Mitch McConnell that reap the benefits in jobs applauded Trump “for dealing and industries created. yet another significant blow to “But even in the Obama administration’s the absence of American assault on domestic energy leadership; even as this production and jobs.” administration joins a small Democrats blasted handful of nations that reject the president’s move. the future; I’m confident Senate Democratic leader that our states, cities, and Chuck Schumer called the businesses will step up and decision “one of the worst do even more to lead the way, policy moves made in the and help protect for future 21st century because of the generations the one planet huge damage to our economy, we’ve got,” Obama added. our environment and our Tesla Inc Chief geopolitical standing.” Executive Officer Elon Musk “At this moment, said he will leave White when climate change is House advisory councils after already causing devastating Trump’s move. harm around the world, we “Climate change is do not have the moral right real. Leaving Paris is not to turn our backs on efforts good for America or the world,” to preserve this planet for Musk said in a Twitter post. future generations,” added General Electric U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, CEO Jeff Immelt said he was who sought the Democratic disappointed, adding, presidential nomination last

year. The Democratic mayor of the city mentioned by Trump, Pittsburgh’s Bill Peduto, quickly chimed in that his town long known for the steel industry actually embraced the Paris accord. Under the pact, the United States had committed to reduce its emissions by 26 percent to 28 percent from 2005 levels by 2025. The United States, exceeded only by China in greenhouse gas emissions, accounts for more than 15 percent of the worldwide total. Trump during last year’s presidential election campaign promised voters an American withdrawal. He has expressed doubts about climate change, at times calling it a hoax to weaken U.S. industry. U.S. supporters of the pact said any pullout by Trump would show that the United States can no longer be trusted to follow through on international commitments.

Putin says U.S. missile systems in Alaska, South Korea challenge Russia Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that elements of a U.S. anti-missile system in Alaska and South Korea were a challenge to Russia and that Moscow had no choice but to build up its own forces in response. Putin, speaking at an economic forum in St Petersburg, said Russia could not stand idly by and watch while others increased their military capabilities along its borders in the Far East in the same way as he said had been done in Europe. He said Moscow was particularly alarmed by the deployment of the U.S. THAAD antimissile system to South Korea to counter a North Korean missile threat and to reported U.S. plans to beef up Fort Greely in Alaska, a launch site for anti-ballistic missiles. “This destroys the strategic balance in the world,” Putin told a meeting with international media, the start of which was broadcast on state TV. “What is happening is a very serious and alarming process. In Alaska, and now in South Korea, elements of the anti-missile defence system are emerging. Should we

just stand idly by and watch this? Of course not. We are thinking about how to respond to these challenges. This is a challenge for us.” Washington was using North Korea as a pretext to expand its military infrastructure in Asia in the same way it had used Iran as a pretext to develop a missile shield in Europe, charged Putin. RUSSIAN RESPONSE Putin said the Kurile Islands, a chain of islands in the Far East where Moscow and Tokyo have rival territorial claims, were “quite a convenient place” to deploy Russian military hardware to respond to such threats. Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said last year Russia planned to deploy some of its newest missile defence systems and drones to the islands, part of a drive to rearm military units already stationed there. He has also spoken of Russia building a military base there. “I don’t agree that we are unilaterally starting to militarize these islands,” said Putin. “It is simply a forced response to what is

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during a meeting with representatives of international news agencies in St. Petersburg, Russia happening in the region.” Any talk of demilitarizing the islands could only occur once tensions in the entire region had been reduced, he said. Tokyo and Moscow have long been locked in talks over the contested islands, known as the Northern Territories in Japan. Putin said Russia was alive to the danger that Japan might allow U.S. troops to deploy there if it struck a deal to hand over some of the islands to Tokyo’s

jurisdiction. “Such a possibility exists,” said Putin. Russia did not want to worsen already poor relations with Washington by fuelling what he described as an arms race, but Putin said the United States was still consumed by what he called an anti-Russian campaign. “How will the situation develop? We don’t know,” said Putin.

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U.S. companies Cuba warns of sign billions in deals human trafficking risk due with Vietnam to frosty U.S. ties U.S. companies signed business deals with Vietnam worth over $8 billion on Wednesday, including power projects and jet engines from General Electric Co and diesel generator technology from Caterpillar , the Commerce Department said. The 13 deals were announced as Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc met with U.S. President Donald Trump as part of a three-day, trade-focused trip to the United States. U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, who has pledged to shrink U.S. trade deficits, said the transactions would include $3.4 billion in U.S. produced content that would support 23,000 jobs. But the Trump administration still wants more work from Vietnam to bring down a rapidly growing $32 billion trade surplus with the United States, said Murray Hiebert, a Southeast Asia expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. “I heard from U.S. officials ahead of the trip that just signing deals with U.S. companies was nice but not enough,” Hiebert said. GE said on Wednesday it had signed deals in Vietnam worth about $5.58 billion for power generation, aircraft engines and services, its largest single combined sale with the country in GE’s history. GE’s agreement with Vietjet Aviation JSC VJC.HM includes 20 jet engines made by CFM International, a joint venture of GE and Safran SA of France. It also includes a 12-year engine service contract for 215 LEAP-1B engines on 100 Boeing 737 MAX aircraft that Vietjet has ordered, GE said. GE’s power unit signed a memorandum of understanding to build two 750-megawatt gas fired turbine power plants in conjunction with state energy group PetroVietnam, using the Blue Whale gas field. GE also signed a joint development agreement to erect an 800-megawatt wind power facility. Partners in the agreement are Phu Cuong Group and International Mainstream Renewable Power, GE said. Honeywell also signed a $100 million deal to supply VietJet with 98 auxiliary power units for the airline’s new fleet of Airbus A320 aircraft, including maintenance for 12 years. Caterpillar and its dealer in Vietnam, Phu Thai Cat, agreed to provide generator management technology for more than 100 generators in Vietnam, the company said. The technology would allow for remote function monitoring including fuel, temperature and pressure. The value of the Caterpillar deal was not disclosed. Hilton Worldwide signed a deal worth $650 million to manage a 610-room dual-branded hotel in Vietnam, while port security firm Passport Systems Inc signed a deal worth $1 billion, with $420 million in U.S. content, Commerce said.

A Cuban immigration official checks the passport of a Cuban national before she boards her flight at the Jose Marti International Airport in Havana, Cuba June 1, 2017 Cuba and the United coast guard, spoke to Reuters on said the smuggling of illegal States have dramatically reduced Wednesday in a rare opening to immigrants had dropped the rate of human trafficking the foreign media, limiting their remarkably since Jan. 12, the since reaching a landmark accord comments to human trafficking day the United States ended the in January but risk losing those and immigration fraud. “wet foot, dry foot” policy. gains if the two neighbors fail to The interview took place as the In the first 12 days of this year, resume high-level talks, Cuban Trump administration nears Cuba intercepted 69 plots to Interior Ministry officials said in completion of a policy review to smuggle people off the island, an exclusive interview. determine how far it will go in but there were only 44 such cases During bilateral talks rolling back Obama’s engagement in the following three and a half in the final days of former U.S. with Cuba, according to current months, Rodriguez said. President Barack Obama’s and former U.S. officials The U.S. Coast Guard administration, the United and people familiar with the reported zero detention of States agreed on Jan. 12 to end a discussions. The announcement Cubans at sea in April, the first longstanding policy of admitting of any policy change could come month in seven years that has Cubans who set foot on U.S. soil, in June, they said. Trump, a happened. It is just 90 miles a move aimed at discouraging Republican, has been critical (145 km) from Cuba to Key West, them from taking a dangerous of the move by his Democratic Florida, and tens of thousands of voyage on the high seas. predecessor on the grounds it did Cubans, if not more, have made The “wet foot, dry not push Cuba hard enough on the journey since Cuba’s 1959 foot” policy was one example human rights issues. revolution. of the special welcome the U.S. At a meeting of senior Cuba describes human government extended to Cubans officials from major U.S. trafficking as the work of paid as it sought to isolate the island’s government agencies in mid- smugglers in organized criminal Communist government, and its May, Justice Department and gangs, distinguishing it from repeal marked the culmination immigration service officials cases of Cubans attempting to of Obama’s rapprochement with were among those who expressed leave on their own in home-made America’s former Cold War rival. support for continuing law rafts. It also considers the forced Since President Donald enforcement engagement trafficking of people for sexual Trump assumed power on Jan. implemented under Obama’s exploitation a separate category. 20 with promises to review the The Cuban officials detente, high-level bilateral rapprochement, according also revealed a host of other talks have ground to a halt. In to people familiar with the previously unreported statistics. the meantime, smuggling rings discussions. However, Trump’s Since 2013, officials have been trying to reorganize senior national security aides have stopped 1,153 Cubans and consolidate, Cuban officials have yet to take up the issue in attempting to reach the United said, seeking new ways to detail, the sources said. States with false visas or travel sneak Cubans and other foreign Bilateral talks enable documents, Lamorut said. nationals into the United States. multiple agencies from both In 2015 and 2016 alone, Although U.S. and sides to coordinate and update she said, on 23 occasions Cuba Cuban law enforcement agencies strategies against criminal stopped a total of 86 foreigners maintain direct communications organizations, said Lieutenant trying to enter the United States with each other, the high-level Colonel Marco Rodriguez, via illegal voyages from Cuban talks are essential, the Cubans representing Cuban police. territory, but none since Jan. 12 say. “These organizations are of this year. “It’s of great importance not going to cease their criminal From 2010 to 2017, for both countries because the activity, which undoubtedly is Cuba detained 182 traffickers security of both is put at risk,” going to involve Cuba and the including four U.S. citizens in Lieutenant Colonel Dalgys United States,” Rodriguez said. Cuban territory, confiscating 83 Lamorut said. “Cooperation “Together we can speed boats, said Lieutenant is important to safeguard the continue neutralizing these Colonel Imandra Oceguera, advances we have made.” structures,” he said. representing the Cuban coast Lamorut, representing guard. the immigration directorate, SHARP DROP IN During that time 49 died and two other lieutenant TRAFFICKING while being smuggled, including colonels in the Interior Ministry, 30 from one launch last year, representing the police and The Cuba officials Oceguera said.

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Kathy Griffin loses CNN deal after photos with fake severed Trump head

CNN fired comedian Kathy humor, has appeared since 2007 as Griffin from its annual New Year’s co-host of CNN’s New Year’s Eve Eve broadcast on Wednesday after broadcast from Times Square in New she drew strong criticism for posing in York with anchor Anderson Cooper. photographs holding up the likeness of CNN did not make clear a bloody, severed head resembling U.S. whether it was cutting its New Year’s President Donald Trump. Eve deal with Griffin for just the The network announced the upcoming 2017 broadcast or for good. termination after earlier criticizing the The furor also cost Griffin a photos as “disgusting and offensive.” show at the Route 66 Casino Hotel Griffin posted a videotaped outside Albuquerque, New Mexico. apology on Tuesday night amid a Management of the Laguna Pueblo public outcry from Republicans and tribe-operated establishment decided Democrats alike over the images, to cancel a one-night appearance including condemnation from Trump. by Griffin scheduled for July 22, a “Kathy Griffin should be spokesman said. ashamed of herself,” Trump wrote. Griffin apologized profusely in “My children, especially my 11-year-old a video message posted to her official son, Barron, are having a hard time Twitter account late on Tuesday, with this. Sick!” saying that as a comic she routinely The U.S. Secret Service, seeks to “cross the line” but realized in responsible for presidential security, this case, “I went too far.” has opened an inquiry into the posting “The image is too disturbing. of Griffin posing with the severed- I understand how it offends people. It head replica, a spokesman in Los wasn’t funny. I get it,” she said, adding Angeles said when asked whether the that she was seeking to have the agency was looking into the incident images taken down from social media. as a potential threat on the president’s “I beg for your forgiveness,” she life. concluded. “I made a mistake and I “We’re aware of it and we’re was wrong.” investigating it,” the spokesman, George Fernandez, told Reuters. He ‘VILE AND WRONG’ declined to elaborate. Griffin, 56, a two-time Emmy- Celebrity news website TMZ winning performer known for her published a behind-the-scenes video deliberately provocative brand of on Tuesday of Griffin posing with

Comedian Kathy Griffin the model head for a photo shoot. She was seen reviewing the images with photographer Tyler Shields and jokingly saying, “We have to move to Mexico today because we’re going to go to prison, federal prison.” TMZ posted an image from the shoot on Twitter. “This is vile and wrong,” Chelsea Clinton, daughter of former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, wrote on Twitter. “It is never funny to joke about killing a president.” Trump’s oldest son, Donald Trump Jr., called on sponsors of Griffin to condemn the comedian. At his daily briefing with

reporters in Washington, presidential spokesman Sean Spicer declined to answer directly when asked whether it was appropriate for Trump to have hosted a White House visit by rocker Ted Nugent last month despite violent remarks the musician made in 2012 about then-President Barack Obama. Secret Service agents met with Nugent after the performer told a National Rifle Association convention in St. Louis that he would be “dead or in jail” if Obama were re-elected. He also declared, “We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their heads off in November.” The Secret Service later said the matter had been resolved with no further action. “To be honest with you, I’d have to look back and see what those statements were and what the reaction was at the time,” Spicer said when pressed for a comment on Wednesday. Griffin’s firing by CNN drew widely divergent reactions, with one Twitter follower, Anand Elgie, calling her termination “over reaction,” adding: “she had a bad moment of judgment... Trump bring out the worse in us all.” Another, Mark Dice, said CNN should have acted sooner. “The fact that you waited this long proves your network endorses the assassination of our president. You are the enemy of the people!!!”

Pentagon successfully tests ICBM defense system for first time The U.S. military on Tuesday (GMD), managed by Boeing Co GMD system had successfully hit its cheered a successful, first-ever missile (BA.N), and hailed it as an “incredible target in only nine of 17 tests since 1999. The last test was in 2014. defense test involving a simulated accomplishment.” North Korea has dramatically “This system is vitally attack by an intercontinental ballistic missile, in a major milestone for a important to the defense of our ramped up missile tests over the past program meant to defend against a homeland, and this test demonstrates year in its effort to develop an ICBM mounting North Korean threat. that we have a capable, credible that can strike the U.S. mainland. The continental United States The U.S. military fired an deterrent against a very real threat,” ICBM-type missile from the Kwajalein Vice Admiral Jim Syring, director of is around 9,000 km (5,500 miles) from North Korea. ICBMs have a minimum Atoll in the Marshall Islands toward the agency, said in a statement. A successful test was by no range of about 5,500 km (3,400 miles), the waters just south of Alaska. It then fired a missile to intercept it means guaranteed and the Pentagon but some are designed to travel 10,000 from Vandenberg Air Force Base in sought to manage expectations earlier km (6,200 miles) or farther. Riki Ellison, founder of the California. in the day, noting that the United Experts compare the job to States had multiple ways to try to Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance, hitting a bullet with another bullet shoot down a missile from North Korea. described the test as “vital” prior to and note the complexity is magnified “This is one element of a broader missile launch. defense strategy that we can use to by the enormous distances involved. The Missile Defense Agency employ against potential threats,” RELATED COVERAGE said it was the first live-fire test Pentagon spokesman Captain Jeff •VIDEOU.S. stages successful against a simulated ICBM for the Davis told reporters. Prior to Tuesday’s launch, the test of ICBM defense system Ground-based Midcourse Defense

“We are replicating our ability to defend the United States of America from North Korea, today,” Ellison said. Failure could have deepened concern about a program that according to one estimate has so far cost more than $40 billion. Its success could translate into calls by Congress to speed development. In the fiscal year 2018 budget proposal sent to Congress last week, the Pentagon requested $7.9 billion for the Missile Defense Agency, including about $1.5 billion for the GMD program. A 2016 assessment released by the Pentagon’s weapons testing office in January said that U.S. groundbased interceptors meant to knock out any incoming ICBM still had low reliability, giving the system a limited capability of shielding the United States.

Trump delays moving U.S. embassy to Jerusalem despite campaign pledge The status of Jerusalem is one President Donald Trump happens, but only when,” the White Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office of the major stumbling blocks. Israel said in a statement. signed a temporary order on Thursday House said in a statement. Taking a harder stance, Israeli captured Arab East Jerusalem during to keep the U.S. embassy in Israel With a deadline looming, in Tel Aviv instead of relocating it to Trump made the decision to defer Education Minister Naftali Bennett, the 1967 Middle East war and later Jerusalem, despite his campaign pledge action on the embassy “to maximize a far-right member of Netanyahu’s annexed it, a move not recognized to go ahead with the controversial the chances of successfully negotiating coalition, said delaying the move would internationally. Israel considers all of a deal between Israel and the “damage the prospect of a lasting peace the city its indivisible capital. move. The Palestinians want East After months of fierce debate Palestinians, fulfilling his solemn by nurturing false expectations among within his administration, Trump chose obligation to defend America’s national the Palestinians regarding the division Jerusalem as the capital of their future to continue his predecessors’ policy of security interests,” the White House of Jerusalem, which will never happen.” state. Jerusalem is home to sites Nabil Abu Rdainah, a close considered holy by the Jewish, Muslim signing a six-month waiver overriding said. a 1995 law requiring that the embassy Palestinian leaders, Arab aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud and Christian religions. U.S. be transferred to Jerusalem, an action governments and Western allies had Abbas, said Trump’s decision “reaffirms Successive that would have complicated his efforts urged Trump not to proceed with the the seriousness of the United States in administrations have insisted that Jerusalem’s status must be decided in to restart Israeli-Palestinian peace embassy relocation, which would have its efforts to achieve peace.” upended decades of U.S. policy by negotiations. talks. On the campaign trail, Trump’s The White House insisted, granting what would have been seen NO MENTION OF EMBASSY pro-Israel rhetoric raised expectations however, that the decision, which as de facto U.S. recognition of Israel’s is sure to disappoint Israel’s U.S. claim to all of Jerusalem as its capital. Trump avoided any public mention that he would act quickly to move supporters, did not mean Trump was “Though Israel is disappointed that the of a potential embassy move during the embassy. But after he took office abandoning the goal of eventually embassy will not move at this time, his visit to Israel and the West Bank in January, the issue lost momentum shifting the embassy to Jerusalem. But we appreciate today’s expression of in May. Despite that, most experts as he met Arab leaders who warned a U.S. official said no timetable has President Trump’s friendship to Israel are skeptical of Trump’s chances for it would be hard to rejuvenate longand his commitment to moving the achieving a peace deal that had eluded stalled peace efforts unless he acted as been set. a fair mediator. “The question is not if that move embassy in the future,” Israeli Prime other U.S. presidents.

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BA flights restored but questions remain after weekend IT meltdown

British Airways flights were back in the skies on Tuesday but the company faced increasing pressure over its response to the huge IT failure that left 75,000 passengers stranded over a holiday weekend and dealt a major blow to its reputation. BA, which once marketed itself as “the world’s favorite airline” suffered a public relations disaster after it had to cancel all flights from London’s Heathrow and Gatwick airports on Saturday. It blamed a power surge that knocked out its computer system, disrupting flight operations, call centers and its website. Although BA said it expected to run a full schedule from Heathrow and Gatwick on Tuesday, it was left with work to do in the longer term to restore its reputation after a long weekend of chaos and frustration for passengers. British Prime Minister Theresa May weighed in on the issue on the campaign trial ahead of the June 8 national election. “It is up to them to sort their IT out and to ensure that they’re able to provide the services that people expect them to provide as British Airways,” May said. London-listed shares in BA’s parent company IAG fell when the stock market reopened. BA said it was launching a thorough investigation to understand what happened and make

sure there was no repeat. complaints and compensations claims BA had already come under in order to rebuild trust and confidence fire for charging extra for food and with the public,” said Mark Simpson, baggage and the sight of stranded analyst at Goodbody. He estimated the passengers trying to sleep on the floor cost of the outage at 82 million euros of its gleaming Heathrow Terminal 5 ($91.6 million). building is likely to tarnish its image. “This will certainly damage POWER PROBLEMS their reputation,” said Angharad Griffiths, a travel agent who was at BA Chief Executive Alex Heathrow picking up a tour group Cruz had said on Monday that the from Lisbon. “I’ve never had a good power surge was so strong that it experience with them, even before this.” also rendered the back-up systems Like other European full- ineffective. The firm said a supply service airlines, BA is facing increased issue at a data center near Heathrow competition from budget rivals Ryanair sparked the surge. and easyJet. Scottish and Southern “British Airways’ IT failure Electricity Networks, which manages over the weekend is clearly a PR the electricity distribution network nightmare and will take a real focus in in Harmondsworth just north of terms of handling customers’ Heathrow airport, said its network in

Nokia takes its relaunched 3310 ‘brick’ home to Finland The updated version, in bright red or yellow or more modest blue or gray and featuring the classic Snake game, sells for 49 euros ($52). HMD hopes that its 22 hours of talk time and up to one month of standby time will heighten its appeal for customers looking for a break from smartphone overload or a reliable device for lively nights out. Initial demand appears to be strong. “The first delivery was fully pre-ordered and we’ll probably need The Nokia 3310 is seen in an office in London, to wait couple of weeks before we have Britain February 24, 2017 3310 widely available in our stores,” good achievement because this is a said Jan Virkki, head of consumer very basic phone, it doesn’t even have products at Finland’s largest telecom Wi-Fi on it,” said Ben Wood, analyst operator Elisa. at CCS Insight. The nostalgic appeal was clear. Three new Nokia “It looks like the brick, like smartphones running on Google’s the ones we had when we were kids,” Android platform are due to go on said student Oona Patomaki, walking sale in upcoming weeks and the hope by Elisa’s store in downtown Helsinki. is that the 3310 will whet appetites. While operators and retailers “The mid-range Android in other countries - including smartphone space is probably the Britain’s Carphone Warehouse - have toughest of the mobile phone markets echoed Elisa’s message, the precise in existence... This is their challenge, level of consumer appetite is difficult and HMD needs to quickly move the to estimate as HMD did not give any market forward,” said Wood. sales figures. “New 3310s, at least, mean “In the UK, initial sales have that consumers are now aware that been very strong, and that’s a pretty Nokia is back.”

the area was running as normal on Saturday morning. “The power surge that BA is referring to could have taken place at the customer side of the meter,” a spokesman said. A spokeswoman for Heathrow Airport said that there were no issues with the site’s private electricity network on Saturday. Cruz, who moved to BA from low cost sister airline Vueling, denied that the outage was linked to a decision to cut staff numbers and outsource work to India. Irish rival Ryanair, which reported record annual profits on Tuesday, said it had systems in place to avoid a similar fiasco. “We have three IT locations in different countries across Europe,” Kenny Jacobs, chief marketing officer, told reporters in London. “If there’s a power surge at one, the second kicks in, and the third one would kick in. That’s what most businesses would do. That’s our approach and we’ve never had a major outage.” Ryanair Chief Executive Michael O’Leary said his company saw very strong bookings over the weekend, but added it was unclear if this was related to the BA problems. In the wake of the outage, Ryanair had taken to social media to poke fun at BA.

US companies add 253,000 jobs in May U.S. companies in May hired more workers than anticipated by a wide margin to rebound from a six-month low in the prior month, while a tightening labor market should point to increasing wage growth. U.S. private employers added 253,000 jobs in May, above economists’ expectations, a report by a payrolls processor showed on Thursday. Economists surveyed by Reuters had forecast the ADP National Employment Report would show a gain of 185,000 jobs, with estimates ranging from 155,000 to 240,000. Private payroll gains in the month earlier were revised down to 174,000 from an originally reported 177,000 increase, which was the lowest since October. The report is jointly developed with Moody’s Analytics. “Given the strong argument that this labor market is going to get really tight, wage growth should pick up much more meaningfully as we make our way through the year into 2018,” Moody’s Analytics’ chief economist Mark Zandi said on a conference call with reporters. Zandi said with the U.S. economy growing at about a 2 percent rate, job creation of about 200,000 per month is much

greater than labor force growth, which will make the labor market even tighter. “Labor shortages are quickly becoming businesses’ number one problem and that problem is only going to get worse going forward.” An improving labor market will likely support traders’ expectations that the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates further in the coming months. Traders currently anticipate a 94.7 percent chance the Fed will raise rates by a quarter point at its June 13-14 meeting, according to Thomson Reuters data. The ADP figures come ahead of the U.S. Labor Department’s more comprehensive non-farm payrolls report on Friday, which includes both public and private-sector employment. Economists polled by Reuters are looking for U.S. private payroll employment to have grown by 173,000 jobs in May, down from 194,000 the month before. Total non-farm employment is expected to have changed by 185,000. The unemployment rate is forecast to stay steady at the 4.4 percent recorded a month earlier.

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Skype draws inspiration from Snapchat in big redesign SAN FRANCISCO - You can add Skype to the growing list of services copying features straight from Snapchat. The Microsoft Corp communications service on Thursday announced a major redesign of its mobile app, including a “Highlights” feature that lets customers snap photos and videos that will be temporarily visible to their connections. The feature carries a strong resemblance to Snapchat’s “Stories.” That format has been growing in popularity within social and messaging services and has recently been incorporated into Facebook Inc’s <FB. O> family of apps, most notably by Instagram. Highlights is a key capability included in the revamp of Skype, which

has not had a radical facelift like this since it introduced video calls in 2006. It is also the most extensive update since Microsoft purchased Skype for $8.5 billion in 2011. Skype does not disclose exact user figures but claims to have hundreds of millions of monthly users, of which 50 percent access the service on mobile. The hope is that the combination of new features and the large existing base of Skype users will be enough of a draw to get people to use the app every day. “What differentiates one application from the other is the network that you have,” said Amritansh Raghav, corporate vice president of Skype. “For us, we have a network on Skype, and it is the exact network that we want to grow - the personal network.”

A web camera is seen in front of a Skype logo in this photo illustration taken in Zenica Besides Highlights, the new Skype puts an emphasis on group messaging. Users can react to one another using emoji, they can send

Social media firms have increased removals of online hate speech Social media companies action in Europe within 24 hours, like Facebook, Twitter and following rising concerns about Google’s YouTube have stepped the proliferation of racist and up both the speed and number of xenophobic content on social removals of hate speech on their media triggered by the refugee platforms in response to pressure crisis and attacks in Western from the European Union to do Europe. more to tackle the issue, according This included removing to the results of an EU evaluation. or disabling access to the content Facebook won particular if necessary, better cooperation praise for reviewing most with civil society organizations complaints within a 24-hour and the promotion of “countertarget timeframe set down in narratives” to hate speech. a code of conduct agreed in Facebook assessed December by the European notifications of hateful content in Commission, Facebook, Microsoft less than 24 hours in 58 percent , Twitter and YouTube. of cases, up from 50 percent in Calling the results December, according to the report. “encouraging” for the Twitter also sped up Commission’s push for self- its dealing with notifications, regulation, Justice Commissioner reviewing 39 percent of them in Vera Jourova said the proportion less than 24 hours, as opposed to of offending items taken down 23.5 percent in December, when had doubled and action was being the Commission first reviewed taken more quickly than when the companies’ progress and the EU checked six months ago. warned them they were being too “This ... shows that a self- slow. regulatory approach can work, if YouTube, on the other all actors do their part. At the hand, slowed down, reviewing same time, companies ... need to 42.6 percent of notifications in make further progress to deliver less than 24 hours, down from on all the commitments,” Jourova 60.8 percent in December, the said in a statement, adding results showed. that firms should provide more “IT companies have all feedback to people who brought been improving time and response abuses to their attention. to notifications on manifest Facebook scored highly on this, illegal hate speech,” Jourova Twitter and YouTube less so. said at a meeting of the EU High The voluntary code of Level Group on combating racism, conduct obliges firms to take xenophobia and other forms of

intolerance on Wednesday. “There are differences among the companies ... but we can objectively say that all have improved.” All the companies significantly increased the number of removals. Overall, content was removed in 59.2 percent of cases, more than double the rate in December which was 28.2 percent. The proliferation of hate speech on social media has increased pressure on the companies to remove the content swiftly as they face the prospect of legislation at both EU and national level. Last week EU ministers approved plans to force social networks to take measures to block videos with hateful content while the German government approved a plan in April to fine companies up to 50 million euros if they fail to remove hateful postings quickly. The most common ground of hate speech the Commission identified was xenophobia, including expressions of hatred against migrants and refugees, together with anti-Muslim hatred, followed by ethnic origin. The spread of fake news and racist content has taken on more urgency in Germany after the arrival of about a million migrants over the last two years.

Android creator unveils new phone, home assistant device Andy Rubin, the co- Samsung’s Galaxy S8. creator of the Android mobile Essential also launched phone operating system, has a household assistant called launched a new company called Home that looks like an angled Essential Products to sell a high- hockey puck with a screen. The end smartphone and a home device will compete against the assistant device. Amazon.com Echo and Alphabet’s Palo Alto-based Essential Google Home speaker, which are said the new Essential Phone powered by the Alexa and the features an edge-to-edge screen, Google Assistant voice services a titanium-and-ceramic case and respectively. dual cameras. The phone sells Essential confirmed the for $699 and will run the Android Home device will let the user operating system. The price pits choose between Alexa, Google it against high-end smartphones Assistant or Siri. It was not including Apple Inc’s iPhone and immediately clear how Siri would

be available on Essential. While Amazon and Google have released the software needed to embed their assistants on devices they do not make, Apple has not done so. Essential declined to elaborate on how it plans to embed Siri on the device, and Apple declined to comment. The Essential Home takes a page from Apple’s privacy play book. Like an iPhone, the Home will do much of the processing for voice and image recognition on the device itself rather than sending data to remote servers.

messages on top of attractive and colorful backgrounds or they can infuse a chat with content from third-party services, such as animated images from Giphy. The service also features a variety of bots made by Microsoft with the purpose of helping users get more done. This includes Scoop, a bot that can fetch news of interest to an individual, and Cortana, Microsoft’s virtual assistant. Staying true to its identity, Skype has also improved its video calling capabilities, adding the ability to send photos, stickers and emoji during calls. Over time, Skype hopes to enable users to watch videos and play games together during video calls. “We want people to experience things together,” Raghav said.

Samsung’s Notebook 9 Pro harbors a stowaway S Pen

The S Pen on Samsung’s 13-inch Notebook 9 Pro slides into a slot on the front of the machine Whether it’s your shirt pocket, the zippered compartment in your backpack or a pencil case, existing spots to stow your stylus just aren’t as convenient as an on-device dock. And few laptops these days have built-in slots for a digital pen, which is why Samsung’s latest convertible laptop is unique. The Notebook 9 Pro comes with a helpful S Pen that conveniently slides under the keyboard for storage, and will be available in 13.3- and 15-inch full HD models. The S Pen that comes with the Notebook 9 Pro is the same one that accompanies the Galaxy Tab S3 and Galaxy Book. It has a fine 0.7mm nib, can detect up to 4,000 levels of pressure, and supports Windows Ink as well as the Galaxy smartphones’ Air Command. That means you can use the S Pen to sign documents and take notes on the Windows 10 laptop. To be fair, many convertibles already support stylus input, including options from HP, Lenovo and Dell, but Samsung’s device offers more comprehensive and helpful tools. Like previous Samsung Notebooks, the 9 Pro also supports fast charging over USB Type-C using a compatible smartphone charger, although the company hasn’t provided an estimate for how long it would take to fully power the 54Whr cell. You can also plug it into a portable battery pack to draw power on the go. Just like the new laptops that ASUS unveiled this week, the Notebook 9 Pro sports a latest-generation Intel Core i7 processor, with boost speeds going up to an impressive 3.5GHz. The 15-inch version also carries a discrete Radeon 540 graphics chip with 2GB memory, while the smaller model uses Intel’s integrated HD card. We don’t know how much the Notebook 9 Pro will cost or when it will be available just yet, but S Pen who need a laptop should keep an eye out for this device to hit stores.

JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017


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WATERLOO HOTEL MANAGEMENT LTD Alexandra Resort, Blue Haven Resort & Marina and the Beach House

We are seeking to employ, suitably qualified and experienced hospitality professionals in the positions listed below. Our ideal candidates should have an outstanding command of the English language, written and oral, strong communication and excellent customer service skills with an all-inclusive background.

Executive Chef Job Summary: Candidate must demonstrate a proven track record of successfully leading/managing in an upscale Food & Beverage environment; with strong culinary experience and training. •Responsible for the execution of all company policies and procedures, ensuring that all services provided achieve the established standards within the agreed budgetary controls. •Advise the Corporate Executive Chef on all matters relating to the kitchen area and ensure a high standard of cleanliness and hygienic practice throughout the kitchen. •To assist the Corporate Executive Chef in budgeting i.e food cost/ payroll/etc. •Ensure guest satisfaction with the smooth and effective running of the day-to-day operation. •Assist in training and development of Culinary staff members. •To maintain control of the standards for purchasing and receiving items. •To test and evaluate products for quality, paying particular attention to yield/holding qualities/market price/wastage usage of leftovers. •Constantly inspect all food service sections during service time to ensure that the correct standards are maintained. •Responsible for control of equipment and scheduling maintenance. Requirements: •Minimum of 5 years of previous Food and Beverage international experience in a senior leadership role. •University/College degree •Computer literate in Microsoft Window applications required •Strong interpersonal and problem solving abilities •Developed proficiency with forecasting, cost controls and scheduling through related experience. •Dynamic, enthusiastic, creative leader who thrives under pressure and is able to perform multiple functions and troubleshoot when need. •Highly responsible & reliable with the ability to work well under pressure in fast paced environment. •Ability to work cohesively as part of a team •Ability to focus attention on guest needs, remaining calm and courteous at all times •The ability to stand and/or walk for a long periods of time, lift up to 40lbs and push/pull up to 50 lbs. •Must be able to work a flexible schedule including nights, weekends and holidays. Salary for this position begins at $50,000 per annum and will commensurate with qualifications and experience. Carpenter Job Summary: •Maintaining all furniture (wood floors, fences, decorations, lodging) in accordance with international standards. •Maintain buildings interiors and exteriors •Inspect municipal buildings and facilities for needed services and repairs •Ordering of spare parts to ensure consistent functioning without discontinuity •Ensure work site is left is usable and safe condition •Maintain inventory of spare and repair parts and tools Requirements: •At least four (4) years experience in hospitality carpentry •A high school diploma or equivalent •Attentive to details •Able to understand and speak English fluently •Able to work with little or no supervision •Physically fit, dependable and had working Food & Beverage Server Job Summary: •Supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of staff who serve food and beverages •Establish methods to meet work schedules

•Maintain records of stock, repairs, sales and wastage •Ensures alcohol inventory control system is performed at prescribed times and proper follow-up is performed in areas of concern •Train staff in job duties, and sanitation and safety procedures •Ensure that food and service meet quality control standards •May participate in the selection of food service staff and assist in the development of policies, •procedures and budgets •Works closely with the Outlets manager and the Sales and Marketing specialist in the Development and implement of marketing promotion strategies for the Restaurant and Bar to increase revenue. •Welcomes and greets guests with a warm friendly smile. Informs guests of specials and menu changes, makes suggestions and answers questions regarding food, beverages, and service. •Processes guests’ orders and ensures all items are prepared properly and in a timely manner. •Communicates with kitchen staff to ensure guest satisfaction with the food and service. •Observes diners to ensure guests are satisfied with the food and service, and respond to any additional requests. •Clears and resets table at the end of each course or upon completion of the meal. •Prepares guest checks that itemize and total meal costs and sales tax. Accepts payment. •Follows food safety and handling procedures and compliance regulations as outlined by hotel standards and Local TCI laws. •Adheres to all hotel safety and security policies and procedures as outlined by hotel standards •Maintains superior standards of quality, service, and cleanliness in the restaurant and service area. •Consistently maintains a neat, organized and clean workspace and uniform. •Demonstrates a commitment to provide the best possible experience for guests, ensuring superior personalized service. •Ensures adherence to SOPs and brand standards •Performs opening and closing duties as assigned. •Performs other duties as assigned Requirements: •High school graduate or equivalent preferred. •Strong computer skills a strong asset •1 -3 years of supervisory experience in a Restaurant and/or Bar •Must have current food and beverage •handling licenses/permits and maintain such licenses/permits. •Strong communication, organization, and problem -solving skills. •Knowledge of principles, values and processes for providing superior guest service. •Knowledge of basic math. •Ability to operate cash register. •Ability to project a professional, friendly and courteous image to guests. •Ability to multi-task and be detailed oriented. •Ability to work well under pressure in a fast-paced environment. •Ability to work a flexible schedule, including weekends and holiday Houseman o Provide support services for housekeeping associates and maintain cleanliness throughout the hotel. Respond to guest request. Must be able to, work flexible shifts, holidays and weekends. Must be able to push and pull carts weighing up to 250lbs, must be able to lift 50lbs. Salary range for the positions listed above begin at $7.00 per hour and will commensurate with qualifications and experience. Interested persons may contact our HR department Mon. – Fri. from 9am-3pm via telephone number 946-8054 or you may submit your resume with qualifications and experience to: hr@wihl.com Closing date ---- June 17th , 2017

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JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017

We hire smiles!!!

Beaches Turks and Caicos Resort Villages and Spa, the only 6 Diamond All-inclusive property in the Caribbean is inviting applications from Turks and Caicos Islanders for the following vacant positions. We hire the personality and train the individual. Applicants must have a clean police record and a good command of the English language both written and spoken. In addition candidates must be able to work nights, public holidays and week-ends. The Resort thanks everyone for their interest in advance and advises that applicants will be contacted for an interview via Text Message. The Food and Beverage Department requires: ✓ ✓

The Entertainment and Kids Kamp Departments require:

Food and Beverage Manager Assistant Food and Beverage Manager

Reports to:

Player (Creativiva)

Reports to: Director of Entertainment

Director of Food and Beverage

Plans and directs the functions of administration and planning of the Food and Beverage Department to meet the daily needs of the operation. Clearly describes, assigns and delegates responsibility and authority for the operation of the various food and beverage sub-departments, e.g., restaurants, banquets, etc. Develops, implements and monitor schedules for the operation of all restaurants and bars to achieve a profitable result.

To engage the guests and their children to participate in activities, attend shows and special guest events. Part of the responsibility as an Entertainment is to create lasting memories while on vacation.

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: As an entertainer/ player under the Creativiva umbrella they must have one or more of the Applicants should satisfy the following criteria: following skills to qualified: • Singers - vocal and minor acting and dancing performances • College or University Degree (Hospitality Management,) and or equivalent experience. • Aerialists - performing aerial acrobatic tricks on apparatuses (i.e. aerial silks, aerial • Demonstrate knowledge of an ability to manage Food & Beverage operation, hoop, aerial trapeze), which are rigged to the truss above the stage (min 5.5 meters) obtained through hotel school, university and / or equivalent experience and • Other type of circus artists - ground circus acts (i.e. contortion, cyr wheel, juggling, apprenticeship training • hand stand, hand-to-hand duo, other) Minimum of five (5) years’ experience as a Manager in Food and Beverage The Food and Beverage and Assistant Food and Beverage Manager positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders and persons with On Island Status (however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. Should a suitable local applicant not be found a permit application will be submitted. The salary for the position indicated above is negotiable and dependent on experience. ✓

Restaurant Manager

Reports to:

• •

Comedians - comedy and physical comedy performances

Dancers - dance performances of various genre (contemporary, jazz, modern, ballet, hip-hop, other)

Actors - acting, minor singing and dancing performances

Rigger - responsible for rigging and taking down the aerial apparatuses to the truss bar safely (includes climbing up the trussing while wearing a safety harness), and for bringing the apparatuses down and lifting them up during the shows

Director of Food and Beverage

Floor Acrobats - floor acrobatic tricks, tumbling passes (somersaults, rolls, handsprings, tucks, layouts, twists)

Under the guidance and supervision of the Director of Food and Beverage and within the limits of Recruitment on island is being undertaken for these positions, should suitable local applicants not established Sandals Resorts policies, procedures, oversees and directs all aspects of the be found permit applications will be submitted. Restaurant operation at the level of standard and quality established by the company. The Stewarding Department requires: Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: ✓ Steward/Labour • Minimum three experience as Restaurant Manager in an international first-class hotel/ Reports to: Stewarding Manager resort. • Experience managing a restaurant with over 300 persons seating area Under the guidance and supervision of the Stewarding Manager and Stewarding Supervisors The Restaurant Manager position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder (however more than within the scope of established Sandals Resort & Spa policies, the Steward will ensure that all one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. Should a suitable local aspects the stewarding operation are performed accordingly. applicant not be found a permit application will be submitted. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: The salary for this position ranges between $ 25,000.00 and $35,000.00 • Physically fit with the ability to lift over 30 lbs. • No allergies to chemicals The House Keeping Department requires: • Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position. ✓ Houseman These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders and persons with on-island status (note ✓ Room Attendant however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. ✓ Turn down Attendant Should a suitable local applicant not be found a permit application will be submitted. ✓ Public Area Attendant Reports to:

The Watersports and Catamaran Departments require:

Executive Housekeeper

The Room Attendant assumes primary responsibility for guestroom cleaning and servicing. The ✓ Watersports/ Pool/ Beach Attendant Housemen are responsible for delivering clean linen and clearing dirty linen from Room ✓ Lifeguard Attendants’ trolley. The general maintenance of all corridors and walkways on assigned floor/ ✓ Player/DJ section are also the responsibility of the Housemen. The Public Area Cleaner/ Attendant is Reports to: Watersports Manager responsible to service all other areas and offices. Under general supervision, ensures the safety of patrons of an aquatic facility by preventing and responding to emergencies.

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: • Physically fit with the ability to lift and bend. • No allergies to chemicals or dust • Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position.

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: • First Aid & CPR Certified;

These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders and persons with on-island status (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. Should a suitable local applicant not be found a permit application will be submitted. The Grounds Department requires: ✓

Reports to: Watersports Manager

Grounds Man

Reports to:

Boat Captain

Grounds Manager

Grow and propagate plants; cultivating, and harvesting horticultural specialties, such as trees, shrubs, flowers, mushrooms, and other plants. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: • Physically fit with the ability to lift over 30 lbs. • No allergies to chemicals • Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position. This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder.

The main function of the Boat Captain is to supervise all activities of the dive boat while in operation. The Dive Instructors and Technician take care of the guest and equipment. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: • Certified PADI/NAUI Instructor; • Basic Compressor Certification (an asset) (MAKO); These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The range for these positions is $6.25 to $12.00 per hour

The range for these positions is $6.25 to $6.75 per hour

Applications giving full details of qualifications and experience should be sent to: mmvaughn@grp.sandals.com or placed in the secure drop box at the service gate or Fax to: 941-4870 Attn: M McClean-Vaughn The Labour Commissioner Labour Department Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands


and should reach not later than June 16th 2017

The Human Resources Department Beaches Turks and Caicos P.O. Box 186 Lower Bight Road

JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017


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THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE EVIDENCE OF COVERAGE FOR COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE AGAINST LIABILITY FOR INJURIES TO STUDENTS OR OTHER THIRD PARTIES THAT MAY BE INCURRED IN THE COURSE OF THE PROVISION OF THE TRANSPORTATION SERVICE TO THE COLLEGE. PAYMENT The Contractor, subject to satisfactory service, shall be paid in monthly instalments. The contractor will not be paid for school vacations -Easter, summer and Christmas. School Semesters this year are as follows: August – December (First Semester) January – May (Second Semester) May – July (Summer Semester) As this is a Service Contract no advance payment will be made. Interested persons should apply to The Chairman of the Board of Governors, Thru: The President of the Turks and Caicos Islands Community College, no later than June 30th 2017.

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JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017


NBA star LeBron James’ L.A. Serena still in the home vandalized with racial slur dark about unborn Basketball superstar LeBron James’ Los Angeles home was vandalized with a racial slur, police said on Wednesday, a day before the Cleveland Cavaliers player was set to take the court in the first game of the NBA finals. The graffiti was spraypainted on the front gate of James’ house. Investigators are looking for any possible suspect involved, Los Angeles police spokeswoman Norma Eisenman said. Eisenman declined to specify the racial slur used. It was reported to police shortly after dawn on Wednesday and has since been painted over, she said. “No matter how much money you have, no matter how famous you are, no matter how many people admire you, being black in America is tough,” James, a three-time NBA champion, told reporters when asked about the incident at a news conference in Oakland, California, where he is preparing for the NBA Finals. “And we’ve got a long way to go for us as a society and for us as African-Americans until we feel equal in America,” he

baby’s sex

LeBron James’ $21 million six-bedroom, seven-bathroom mansion in Brentwood, California added. James was not at his west Los Angeles residence at the time of the vandalism, Eisenman said by phone. James, 32, is the National Basketball Association’s most prolific playoff scorer and has been named the league’s Most Valuable Player four times. The Cavaliers are scheduled to face off on Thursday against the Golden State Warriors in Oakland. Mary Kay Wulf, who

lives a couple houses away from James, told a group of reporters that she was appalled by the vandalism. “I hope that they find the people who have done it and they label it for what it was - a hate crime - and punish them,” Wulf said. Police are investigating the graffiti as an act of vandalism and have not determined whether to treat it as a hate crime, another Los Angeles police spokeswoman, Irma Mota, said by phone.

Reinvented and refreshed Ronaldo ready to fire Rteal to glory

Real Madrid’s Cristiano Ronaldo looks at the ball during the training session at open media day. Once famous for his extravagant stepovers and ability to leave defenders in his wake, Cristiano Ronaldo has this season evolved from fleet-footed winger to penalty box predator extraordinaire. Real Madrid have reaped the rewards of switching the Portuguese to play as more of a central striker. With eight goals in his last four knockout stage appearances, Ronaldo has almost single-handedly fired Zinedine Zidane’s side into Saturday’s Champions League final with Juventus. That also puts Los Blancos on the brink of their first league and European Cup double in 59 years as they seek to become the first side to retain the European trophy in successive

seasons in its current format. The switch to center forward has also seen Ronaldo overtake Jimmy Greaves as the top goalscorer in Europe’s top five leagues with 368 goals between the Premier League and La Liga, while also passing the milestones of 400 goals for Real and 100 Champions League strikes. “The business end of the season is important. I feel good and want to be fit and firing because this is where things are decided,” Ronaldo said. “I want to score goals and hopefully we don’t suffer too much. The team are in good form and we’ll try to enjoy it. Winning the league helped calm us down a lot. We want to make history and be the first side to defend our title.

“I’m at the best level physically as I have in the last few seasons because I have played less. It is down to the intelligence of Zidane and my teammates.” Indeed, the Frenchman’s decision to rotate the No. 7 has been a key factor in their success this season. Ronaldo has sat out four of the side’s previous nine games and is looking fresh. It is a stark contrast with last year, where he started 34 La Liga games before picking up an injury that saw him miss the Champions League semi-final victory over Manchester City. The return speaks for itself, with 13 goals in his last nine appearances and the lowest number of games played in a single campaign since missing a large chunk of 2009/10 through injury. “We’re intelligent, and even he sometimes needs to play a bit less,” Zidane said. “It’s not because he isn’t as physically fit but because he wants to head into the final stage of the season, when everything is at stake, in top form. “Now, he’s in fantastic shape. It isn’t just about this year, it’s the accumulation of all the seasons in his career in which he has played 60 or 70 matches. It gets to the point where you need to take a breather.”

Serena Williams of the USA hits to Vania King of USA (not pictured) on day four of the 2016 U.S. Open tennis tournament at USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center. Serena Williams has denied that she already knows the sex of her unborn baby, a day after big sister Venus appeared to hint that the former world number one was expecting a girl. Serena, the winner of 23 grand slam singles titles, announced her pregnancy in April and is on maternity leave for the rest of the year. The 35-year-old is engaged to Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian. Venus referred to the baby as “she” and listed a series of girl names during an interview after her second-round win over Japan’s Kurumi Nara at Roland Garros on Wednesday. “She is going to call me favorite aunt,” she told Eurosport, while joking that her other siblings -- Lyndrea and Isha -- were involved in a light-hearted rivalry with her, with each sister trying to get Serena to name the baby after them. “We’re all like, baby V, baby Isha, baby Lyn... We all want the baby to be named after us,” she added. Serena, who is expected to give birth this fall, tweeted on Thursday that she was using that rivalry to trick her siblings into doing favors for her, but added that she was waiting for the birth to discover if her child was a boy or a girl. “I think the surprise of knowing what you are going to have on that very special day you give birth is probably the best surprise possible,” Serena tweeted. “To clarify what Venus said, I am always joking with my sisters to see what favors I can get them do for me next. If I want something from one of my sisters, I say baby Venus, baby Lyn or baby Isha needs it. “I did not grow up with any brothers, only sisters and we all say “she” more than “he”.”

JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017


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Tiger’s image takes Tiger Woods asleep at wheel hit but sponsors of car before Florida arrest staying put The marketability of Tiger Woods will suffer following his arrest for driving under the influence, but the former world number one golfer’s current sponsors will likely stay by his side, according to experts. Woods, who had surgery in April to relieve back pain, blamed the incident on prescription drugs, but that was not enough to keep his droopyeyed mug shot from being etched in the minds of many who were once captivated by his dominance on the course. Still, despite his struggles on and off the course, Woods is the greatest golfer of his generation and sponsors like Nike, Bridgestone Golf, Monster Energy and TaylorMade are not likely to rush and cut ties with him, marketing experts told Reuters. “They have to be very measured in terms of their response to their relation with him,” said David Carter, professor of sports business at the University of Southern California’s Marshal School of Business. “He may not be delivering value but you could also be doing harm to your own brand if you cut and run on a guy with such global notoriety.” Woods is second on the all-time list with 14 major titles but a player whose famous fist pump and beaming smile were once a regular site on the PGA Tour has lost his form and barely played in recent years. Most of his sponsors, when asked by Reuters if they would review their agreements with Woods in light of Monday’s DUI arrest, either did not respond to requests for comment or said it was inappropriate to do so at this time. Bridgestone Golf, however, said they “will continue to monitor this situation and gather information from the appropriate sources investigating the matter.” But details of the arrest report which stated, among other things, that Woods was asleep at the wheel of a parked car with the engine running and was disoriented when woken up by a police officer, cannot be sitting well with sponsors. And with Woods expected to miss the rest of the 2016-17 PGA Tour season after back surgery, his level of appeal to companies may be at an alltime low. “You can overcome a DUI if you are a big enough star and you keep winning,” said Bob Dorfman, creative director of Baker Street Advertising in San Francisco. “But you can’t overcome not being on the course for months, not winning championships and being pretty much a non entity in the golf world. And that’s what Tiger has become and the prospects don’t look very promising for him.” This is not the first time Woods has made headlines away from the course. In 2009, a sex scandal turned his previously unblemished life and career upside down. It also cost Woods a number of endorsement deals, while other sponsors shifted away from using him in marketing but did not end their contracts with him.

Tiger Woods was asleep at the wheel of a MercedesBenz stopped on a Florida road and did not know where he was, said a police report released on Tuesday, a day after the former world No. 1 golfer was arrested on a charge of driving under the influence. Woods, 41, blamed the incident on medications. Woods had “extremely slow and slurred speech” after being awakened by a Jupiter police officer, who found the car the golfer was driving stopped in the right lane of the roadway and still running with the right blinker light flashing, the report said. Woods was heading south, away from his Jupiter Island home, before his arrest at about 3 a.m. (0700 GMT) on Monday, according to the report. It said Woods was cooperative but had a hard time walking and keeping his eyes open. The police report said that during his interaction with the arresting officer, Woods “changed his story of where he was going and where he was coming from.” At one point he

Tiger Eldrick Woods appears in a booking photo released by Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office in Palm Beach, Florida, U.S., May 29, 2017 indicated he was returning from a golf trip in Los Angeles, the report said. The athlete, currently sidelined from competition after his fourth back surgery in April, said on Monday that an unexpected reaction to legal drugs led to his arrest on the DUI charge. He also was cited for improper parking. Two breath tests showed Woods’ blood alcohol content to be zero, according

to the report, which added he performed several field sobriety tests incorrectly. “I want the public to know that alcohol was not involved,” Woods said in a statement. “What happened was an unexpected reaction to prescribed medications. I didn’t realize the mix of medications had affected me so strongly.” Woods apologized, saying, “I will do everything in my power to ensure this never happens again.” Woods, who is second on the all-time list with 14 major titles, was released from jail on his own recognizance and is due in court on July 5, records show. This was not Woods’ first run-in with Florida police. A bizarre early morning car crash outside his then-home in 2009 rapidly ballooned into a sex scandal involving allegations of extramarital affairs with several women. His previously unblemished life and career were turned upside down as he lost both his marriage and some lucrative endorsement deals.

Durant not feeling pressure of NBA Finals expectations When Kevin Durant joined the talent-rich Golden State Warriors the pressure was on for him to land an elusive title in his first season with his new team but on the eve of the NBA Finals he said the expectations would not rattle him. The four-time scoring champion is the biggest addition to a team favored to beat the Cleveland Cavaliers in the Finals starting Thursday in Oakland, and he is not about to change anything in his approach. “Just approach basketball like I always have, which is with love and care and hard work, and we’ll see what happens,” Durant told reporters. “It’s a team game. I can’t go out there and do everything on my own, or I can’t go out there and just let my team mates do all the work for me. I got to do my part and we all got to make it come together as a group. “So that’s the most important thing, but individually, just work on my game, like I said, approach the game like I always

Kevin Durant do, and we’ll see what happens.” Durant took his former Oklahoma City Thunder team to the NBA Finals in 2012, where they fell in five games to a Miami Heat squad that featured current Cavaliers forward LeBron James. He was also one win away from returning to the Finals last year with Oklahoma City but they squandered a 3-1

series lead to Golden State, the team he joined a little over a month later. Durant’s move to Golden State, who won the 2015 title and had a record-setting 73-win campaign the next season before losing the decisive game of the Finals, created a super team that also features two-time reigning league MVP Stephen Curry. Anything less than a maiden NBA championship this year for Durant, a former MVP himself, would be a massive disappointment but the eighttimes All-Star is not allowing himself to get caught up in the big picture. “I’m just trying to be the best me I can be. That’s the only pressure I worry about,” said Durant. “If I don’t play up to my standards, then that’s what -that’s when I get upset. “I have bad games, but it’s just a matter of me just trying to be the best me I can be, go out there and work extremely hard on my game and try to showcase it.”

The Warriors can prove they’re the best NBA team ever by crushing LeBron’s Cavaliers The 2015-16 Golden State Warriors — last year’s recordbreaking, 3-1-Finals-lead-blowing squad — were among the very best teams in NBA history, as evidenced by their 73-9 record. All that talent wasn’t enough, though, as a Draymond Green suspension and a Stephen Curry injury joined forces with the greatest performance in Finals history from LeBron James to cost

the Warriors a championship to cap Klay Thompson leading the way their record-setting season. and Andre Iguodala, Zaza Pachulia, When those Warriors JaVale McGee, David West and watched that lead over LeBron’s Shaun Livingston filling in the Cleveland Cavaliers evaporate last cracks, the 2016-17 Warriors are year, they did what any reasonable even better than last year’s team. team would do — went out and They’re already an all-time signed the second-best player great squad heading into the Finals in the NBA to add to an already once again, right up there with the stacked squad. 1995-96 Chicago Bulls and the best Now, with Kevin Durant, Lakers and Celtics teams of the two-time MVP Curry, Green and ‘80s.

Those teams boasted some of the most legendary players in NBA history — names such as Jordan, Magic, Bird, Kareem, Worthy and McHale, but none had four bonafide stars in their prime like these Warriors. None embraced the power of the 3-point shot the way Golden State has. And none had quite this much firepower on both ends of the court, fantastic as those historic teams were.

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JUNE 3RD, 2017 – JUNE 10TH, 2017

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