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JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017

VOLUME 13 - NO. 28


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by Hayden Boyce Publisher & Editor-in-Chief


fter almost two years of legal wrangling and hundreds of thousands in legal expenses, objectors to the 12-storey $224million Ritz Carlton hotel in Grace Bay, Providenciales have withdrawn their appeal to the Privy Council in London. In an interview with The SUN, Conrad Griffiths QC, the lawyers for Tuscany Strata Corp. and The Venetian Strata Corp., said: “We confirm the appeal has been withdrawn, the parties having reached agreed terms.” However, although the appeal has been withdrawn, it is understood that there will be another three months of public consultation before any construction commences. The hotel, which will be built by the Desarrollos Hotelco Turks and Caicos, will be the most significant and expensive hotel development in the history of the Turks and Caicos Islands. In addition to 380 guest rooms and suites, the hotel will feature a gourmet specialty restaurant, a three-meal-a-day restaurant, a lobby bar and lounge and a pool bar & grill, some 1,300 square meters of meeting space, including a ballroom; as well as a 962 square meter spa and fitness center, a kids/teen club, three swimming pools and a 901 square meter casino. The primary architect for the project is Robert M. Coleman & Partners, whose also designed the Ritz-Carlton New Orleans, the Marriott’s Aruba Surf Club timeshare resort, the recently-opened Renaissance Curaçao Resort & Casino and the Ritz-Carlton Aruba. Walter Stipa, the majority investor of Desarrollos Hotelco Turks and Caicos Ltd is also the majority shareholder of the 269-room JW Marriott Hotel Caracas, the 207-room Venezuela Marriott Hotel Playa Grande and the 212-room Renaissance La Castellana

The Ritz-Carlton Residences, which will be located on the world-famous Grace Bay, will be the first luxury-branded homes to be built on the islands of Turks and Caicos. This sumptuous beachfront development will feature a contemporary design, with access to the amenities of The Ritz-Carlton hotel. The property will be built on 11 acres of land and spans 688 linear feet of ocean frontage Caracas. frame expired before the Court of Additionally, he owns the 320- Appeal’s written reasons were delivered room Ritz-Carlton Aruba. on March 17th, 2017. In the Caribbean, Ritz-Carlton In their appeal, the two has hotels in the Cayman Islands, companies contended that the Chief Puerto Rico, and St. Thomas in the US Justice erred in law and fact in Virgin Islands. concluding there had been adequate In February 2017, the Turks consultation with respect to the 2016 and Caicos Islands Court of Appeal changes to the Development Manual dismissed an appeal brought by the to permit increases in height from 7 to developers who had challenged Chief 12 storeys and also density increases Justice Margaret Ramsay-Hale’s and that she she erred in law and fact decision to dismiss their judicial in concluding that the environmental review into Turks and Caicos Islands protections of section 18 of the Government’s decision to raise the Constitution had been met. building height and density in the Turks Elliott Mottley, QC, President and Caicos Islands. of the Court of Appeal, who wrote the After the Court of Appeal dismissed the decision, stated: “I agree with the Chief appeal, the Tuscany and The Venetian Justice in her conclusion that whether had 21 days within which to give notice the decision to adopt the proposal was of their intention to appeal. That time- the right one and whether 12 storey

developments will in fact enhance the Turks and Caicos Islands tourism product and grow the economy are questions on the merit of the decision. I also accept that these are issues of policy which fall outside the ambit of judicial review. The case is concerned only with the process by which the decision was reached and not with whether the prospective gains justify a change in policy as such a question is for the policy makers, and not the Court. This Court cannot concern itself with the issue whether the Government’s policy to increase the height of the building or the density of bedrooms per acre is the correct policy. I accept that the issue of whether this is the correct policy is not for the Court but is one for the Executive, and, as was pointed out by the Privy Council” Continued on Page 2


Your Favourite Hits All Day Turks & Caicos Islands

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JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


12-STOREY APPEAL WITHDRAWN Continued from Page 1


it followed the correct procedure in carrying that policy into effect. Although a Development Plan for Providenciales had been previously published for the period 1987-1997, it was accepted that subsequently no development plan had been formally ‘approved’ within the meaning of the PPO. The 1987-1997 Providenciales Development Plan formed the basis of the original Development Manual and was part of a United Nations project which lead to the PPO.”

The Court of Appeal president added: “I accept counsel’s submission that adequate time for consideration and response has to be viewed in the context of what is being proposed. I do not however accept that the proposal which was said to radically alter height and density requirements would irreversibly change the character of Grace Bay. He said that the operative factors included According to the judgment, the Chief environmental impact issues and Justice held that Mr. Griffiths was economic impact issues both for and right when he said that the public against the proposal. However, I do had no information about how these not accept counsel’s submission that a 12 storey developments might affect mere 7 days’ response was insufficient the environment or on what evidence and was unprecedented and a clear TCIG relied to say that a policy error of law and fact. I am of the which permitted building heights view that, in the circumstances of of 12 storeys would be economically the case, the Chief Justice was correct favourable. However, the Chief Justice in holding that the time limited for held that, on the evidence, she was consultation was adequate. “ satisfied that the public had sufficient The Court of Appeal noted information about what was proposed that complaint was made that the in order to make an intelligent Chief Justice failed to address the response; this was demonstrated by submissions of the Appellants that (i) the challenges of Kathleen Wood in this exercise was being conducted in the context of the 2015 consultations, the absence of a national development to both propositions. plan and (ii) TCIG had had no “ The Chief Justice indicated environmental evidence to weigh in that the appellants challenged the the decision making process, and that adequacy of the consultation on the such evidence could only come from ground that consultees, had only a a strategic environmental impact week in which to respond. She held assessment prior to the decision being that what was adequate, however, weighed. Justice Mottley said he does depended on the circumstances, not accept this complaint. and in this context of this case, the According to the judgment, circumstances include the fact that Conrad Griffith, QC, argued that the changing building heights have been Minister of Infrastructure is under a the subject of public debate since 2012 dual duty to: (i) secure the development when the proposal for a 28 storey and operation of a comprehensive and building was the subject of public consistent planning policy for the consultation. The public was on notice Islands; and (ii) discharge that duty in from the 2015 consultation process of accordance with a development plan. the proposal to allow building heights He said that section 26 of the Physical of 12 storeys. The decision of this Court Planning Ordinance (PPO) reinforced in the first judicial review brought this duty and extended it to all by these appellants was published public officials involved in planning in the press and was the subject of decisions. He urged upon the Court comment. In light of the above there that the respondents are obliged to can be no question that the public is promote the development of land and was aware of the proposed change consistently with a ‘coherent policy for in building heights and the reasons the development of land’. therefore advanced by TCIG,” the That policy, he suggested, judgment continued. must have regard to the stipulations The Court of Appeal said of any development plan. He stated the Chief Justice reached the that section 26 does not qualify conclusion that the period allowed the mandatory duty to adopt a for consultation was sufficient for the development plan set out in section public to respond to the proposal. She 3. Nor has the general duty been pointed out that the appellants were, abrogated even by section 39A. Section despite their protests, able to make 39A, he suggested, relates to Part V of both oral and written submissions in the PPO, not Part IV of the PPO under the time allotted. They restated their which the general duty at section 26 complaints about the shortcomings of arises. the consultation process, including President Mottley stated: “In the lack of any documents relating to my view, the use of the word ‘any’ in the proposals, and their belief that a section 26(1)(a) merely refers to the development plan should be prepared fact that if there was a development before any changes were made to the plan in existence it was necessary to build environment of Provo. refer to the plan in the performance of Mr. Justice Mottley added: the duty to be consistent and coherent “The Chief Justice correctly in my when considering the development opinion stated that what is fair is of land in TCI....In my view, it was a to be determined by the context of matter of policy for the Government to the consultation. The proposal is decide whether to freeze development to add 12 storey developments to while a medium term plan was being the mix of developments on Grace developed or to adopt an interim plan Bay, restricting such developments which would govern any development to coastal parcels of land of 5 acres pertaining the introduction of a new or more, as part of TCIG’s policy for Development Plan. It is not a matter encouraging and for the Court to decide if the TCIG facilitating the growth in tourism adopted the correct approach. The by increasing the number of rooms role of the Court is to ensure that once in order to expand economic the TCIG opted for a particular policy, growth, increase air lift increase job

opportunities, improve infrastructure and increase population to sustainable levels. The Chief Justice concluded that the proposal and the reasons for such proposal had been sufficiently explained by TCIG. She found that it was not a requirement that the proposals of the TCIG should be put in writing, in circumstances where what was being proposed was not the approval of a particular development but merely an overarching policy of permitting 12 storey developments on coastal parcels of 5 acres or more in Grace Bay and Northwest Point. The

TCIG had stated that no proposal for 12 storey development will be approved unless it met appropriate planning standards or satisfy an environmental impact assessment. The Chief Justice observed that failing to tell consultees that TCIG could also achieve its objective of increasing the number of rooms on Provo by promoting the development of more 7 storey developments or by increasing building heights to something less than 12 storeys could hardly be unfair as those alternatives were self-evident.”

ROYAL WEST INDIES RESORT, is looking for motivated proactive individuals to join its ‘Resort Team’ and contribute to this growing property and brand. Candidates MUST want to actively participate in creating an excellent and professional guest experience. RWI Management Ltd. A growing Turks and Caicos Islands management company is seeking a qualified and experienced Managing Director to head corporate and client level operations. The successful candidate must possess: •University Degree In Hotel and Food Administration •Masters in Business Administration •Minimum 10 years relevant work experience at directorial and regional level in a hospitality company. •Proven track record in growing business and contract negotiation. Will be able to produce mission critical reporting and provide solutions and decision-making based on proper analysis and understanding. •Computer literate with knowledge of modern property management systems, resort productivity software and internet distributed marketing and reservations systems. The suitable candidate: Must be able to lead all aspects of hospitality and corporate operations. All resumes and applications must be forwarded to: Royal West Indies Resort P.O. Box 482, Providenciales Turks & Caicos Islands You may also fax to: (649)946-5008

JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


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Thinking of trying out the game of golf, or joining us again? Well now is the time with rates starting as low as

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JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017

JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


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Premier Robinson addresses Salt Cay’s runway and temporary suspension of flights The Government deeply regrets the serious inconvenience that the temporary suspension of flights into and out of Salt Cay has caused the traveling public on the Island particularly the aged residents and the already challenged businesses. This is nothing short of a sad turn of events which unfortunately has worsened over the years due to poor or no maintenance and which has led us to a place where safety must be our number one concern for the traveling public. On Saturday past, I met with the CEOs of both the Airports Authority and the Civil Aviation Authority, Mr John

Smith and Mr Thomas Swann respectively. Also joining in this Meeting were the Chairmen of the Airports Authority Board, Mr Gordon Burton and Chairman of the Civil Aviation Authority Board, Mr EJ Saunders. I was again informed of the safety concerns due to the dilapidated conditions of the Island’s runway and the fact that the expired Certificate issued by the regulator, the Civil Aviation Authority could not be renewed in the absence of efforts to mitigate the risks brought on. I am pleased to say that efforts are underway to address the Regulator’s concern as a matter of urgency.

And I therefore wish to assure the people of Salt Cay that this recent development has only further strengthened this Government’s resolve to carry out the urgent works and assure the people of Salt Cay that efforts are being made already to transport the much needed materials into Salt Cay for this project. We are committed as a Government to seeing this resolved as soon as possible and will provide the necessary support to realize same. Certain steps were agreed during the weekend Meeting and the public will be updated within a week’s time as to the progress made.

Premier Hon. Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson

Registration and citizenship - Ministry of Border Control and Employment The Department of Registration and Citizenship, Ministry of Border Control and Employment is pleased to announce that the issuance of Turks and Caicos Island Passports (BOTC) is now current, with few exceptions. `Those persons who have applied for passports are urged to call the Customer Service Center

in Grand Turk 649-338-2983/2982 or in Providenciales at 649-338-4121 commencing Monday, 17th July 2017 for collection of their documents or for further information. The Ministry apologizes to the General Public for any inconvenience that they may have experienced over the last few months with

this delay and reassures the public that with the reorganization and improved measures implemented in this Unit, future delays would be at a minimum. We will continue to update the public on the various areas of reorganization and improvement on delivery of services and products.


The position of Controller is critical to the efficient and successful operation of both Hotel and Villas (private homes), having responsibility for maintaining & improving accounting systems, internal controls & processes. The Controller is responsible for ensuring financial results are maximized, through effective budgeting, forecasting and cost controls. The role requires a team player with strong operational & financial focus, good judgment, passion, vision and exceptional leadership skills. Key Responsibilities: 1) Assume responsibility for all day-to day accounting functions within the Hotel and the Villas, including banking, accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, inventory, and cash management. 2) Lead the accounting teams, ensuring all daily operational & financial transactions are prepared accurately and in a timely manner. Hire, train, and evaluate the performance of the accounting team members. 3) Produce month-end & year-end financial statements and forecasts in an accurate and timely manner, analyzing, understanding and communicating the relationship between actual results to budget and prior year and provide commentary on variances. 4) Review and continually improve internal controls, processes and procedures to ensure financial information is complete & accurate and to ensure the security of assets. 5) As an active member of the Management Team, assist the GM & Division Heads in budget preparation, business plans & the gathering of financial data for special projects & reports. Recommend and implement cost savings strategies. Job Requirements: Degree in Accounting/ Finance/ Business, and a professional accounting designation or MBA in business are essential. Complete knowledge and experience with hotel accounting systems, USALI, and procedures. Minimum 10 years of International Managerial Accounting/ Finance experience in the hotel/resort industry within recognized branded properties, and exceptional analytical ability required. Experience and working knowledge of Sun Systems, Opera, Micros, Adaco and Advanced Excel skills. Ability to plan, prioritize & implement effectively, multi-task while working effectively in a fast paced and ever changing and challenging environment. Willingness to work weekends, holidays and long hours during high season. Applicants may be required to take a skills assessment test.

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JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


New Scholarship Policy announced

(From L-R) - Curriculum Development Officer Mrs. Ronda A. Blackman-Smith, Edgar Howell Director of Education at Department of Education, Minister of Education Hon. Karen Malcolm, Permanent Secretary, Wesley V. Clerveaux and Ms. Tracey Outten Scholarship Policy Manager. The Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports and Library Services recently announced the new Scholarship Policy which will come into effect shortly. The Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports and Library Services on June 30th 2017 received approval from House of Assembly to make amendments to its National Scholarship Policy 2011. The main emphasis of the new Scholarship Policy is to implement necessary changes to the existing 2011 Policy. These changes include the following: expansion of approved institutions list & inclusion of criteria

for those institutions, distinction of institutions on approved list, provide further information on the facility and distinction of award types - full scholarship, partial scholarship, onetime grants and distance learning scholarships and change the standard of GPA for those eligible for Scholarship to a two-tier system to make a distinction of eligibility for those achieving 2.5 - 2.9 and those achieving 3.0 and above. Speaking during a press conference on Monday, July 10th, 2017 at the Office of the Premier in Providenciales, Minister of Education Hon. Karen Malcolm said, “In November 2007 the TCI the

Milano Diamond Gallery is interested in hiring persons to fill the position of Sales Person and Sales Manager. Candidates should have as a minimum qualification For Sales Manager: •At least 10 years in the fine Jewelry Industry with at least 5yrs experience in a similar position •Certificate or Diploma in Gemology Studies •Excellent communication and a strong sense of responsibility •Willingness to work weekends or additional hours when required •The ability to speak other languages would be considered an asset. Based on experience salary will start at $2500 a month Candidates for Sales Person requirements: •Good Communication Skills •sales experience would be an asset • All candidates must be willing to work with an irregular cruise ship schedule. Based on experience Salary starts at $6.25 an hour Applications can be submitted to Milano Diamond Gallery, Grand Turk Cruise Center 946-2276.

scholarship policy was put in place and there were a list of institutions that our students were able to attend, but in looking over that we’ve realized that there are a lot of other institutions that were approved for our students to attend that were not on the list, hence the amendments to the policy to include the institutions, accredited institutions to this year scholarship applicants.” She added: “Also there are the three point GPA that was the GPA that would allow scholarships to be based on. We are also looking at providing partial scholarships to our students with GPA’s from 2.5 - 2.9. Once they have improved to that 2.3 during their first year of Universality or local college attendance they will automatically be given a full scholarship. The amendments also included online education; you can also apply for scholarships to do your studies online and for students who are not taking up the list of occupations that’s on the required list will be awarded a/two grants to attend a university or college of their choice.” Malcolm stated she wants the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands to know that they are here to support students and to ensure that they perform and to ensure that when they finish their university studies that they return home and give back to the Turks and Caicos Islands. With the changes to the new policies an expansion of approved institutions list & inclusions of criteria for those institutions has increased from 24 institutions -50 institutions. Permanent Secretary Wesley V. Clerveaux added: “As a result of the standard we were able to expand the number of institutions that were previously approved from 24 institutions to 50 institutions of which students can apply and be awarded a scholarship or partial scholarship. We defined it into two broad lists. We had a primary list/approved list and on that approved list. If you apply to any institution on that primary approved list you will be allegeable for full scholarship. As a result we’ve increased a number of institutions in the Caribbean, like Edna Manley School of Visual & Performing Arts. Again, we

want to encourage performing arts we are not only focusing on academics, but we will also be looking at performing arts as an area of study as well to which we will give full scholarships. In the United States we’ve added the key universities which we’ve seen in a high frequency of applicants seeking to get accepted to the institution Florida International University, Walden University and Broward College are the top ranking institutions that our students have been applying to and with that it fit within the financial sustainability criteria.” Clerveaux noted that most of the institutions students were applying to were in the United Kingdom in which they have included a number of well known universities such as University of Hull, Leciester University and University of Liverpool. He continued: “We also have a secondary list, either for financial reasons that are not sustainable for students to have a full scholarship but also they are of high standard that we figure that we can get a partial scholarship. A partial scholarship allows the persons to attend the universality in which we’ll cover tuition fees and textbooks, accommodation and subsistence would be up to the student. At least it broadens the prospective for students to have opportunities to go to more institutions of their choice at least starting off with a partial scholarship.” An addition change to the policy includes distinct between scholarship categories to further define the criteria of awarding amounts for Full, Partial Scholarship, Grants and Distance learning. Clerveaux said that the Ministry would like to encourage persons to be aware that scholarships are something dear that should be paid attention to, and not an opportunity to go and have fun overseas, but an opportunity to advance learning. This modified National Scholarship Policy 2017 document will be implemented by the Ministry of Education and the Education Advisory Committee immediately for applicants who have applied for tertiary education scholarships during this year’s scholarship review process.

JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017



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Detectives of the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force continue to investigate the death of a 24-year-old male of Kew Town Providenciales, which occurred around 2:31a.m. on Tuesday 11th July 2017. 29 year old Richard Gail, aka ‘Richboi,’ is identified as a person of interest in this matter and the police have issued a Wanted Poster to the media for the assistance of the public to locate him. Commissioner of Police James Smith said: “Our condolences go out to family and friends of this young man. We assure you that a thorough probe is being conducted in this case by our detectives and we will do everything possible to find the person or persons responsible for this to bring them to justice. At this time, we are unable to release the name of the victim because we have not been able to locate his next of kin” Detectives are treating his death as a homicide. An autopsy will be conducted later this week to determine the exact cause of death. Further updates will be provided once received. Smith appealed to persons who may have any information that may assist in this investigation, particularly those who were present at the location in Kew Town to please contact police at 338-5901 or Crimestoppers at 1-800-8477.

Male arrested and charged by Financial Crime Unit Financial Crimes Detectives of the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police have arrested and charged a 72-year-old man of Providenciales with 88 (eighty-eight) counts of Forgery, 88 (eighty-eight) counts of Uttering Forged Documents, One (1) count of Theft of a Chose in Action and one (1) count of use of Criminal Property in connection with a report made on 10th April 2017. These charges stem from a report that was made, whereby the male stole a large sum of money from a well-known association for which he represented. Investigation revealed that the offences were committed between March 2009 and December 2011. He is presently on Fifty Five Thousand Dollars (USD$55000.00) bail and will appear before the court later this month.

Paul Missick and Jamal Missick Thompson sentenced Jamal Missick Thompson, 25 and 24-yearold Paul Missick have both sentenced to 5 years imprisonment each for the burglary of a guest room at the Ocean Club East Resort in Grace Bay, Providenciales. On Sunday 10th July 2016 at 1:30 a.m., the visiting couple secured their room by locking the door and sliding doors and went to bed. Around 3 a.m. they were awakened by noises inside their hotel room and saw two male persons inside. A chased ensued and one of the culprits was apprehended. A report was made and police were dispatched to the location. Upon arrival, it was ascertained that the culprit was Paul Missick and he was arrested. Upon making checks in the room, it was discovered that a number of items including Jewelry, Credit Cards, Identifications cards and a

large sum of cash were missing. Further enquiries made the police to know that the other culprit was Jamal Thompson. He was later arrested and both were charged for burglary. At their first appearance in court they both pleaded not guilty; hence a trial date was set. After the trial they were both found guilty.

was ransacked. A number of items were reported missing. An investigation commenced. On Saturday 8th July 2017, the suspect was arrested and immediately charged and cautioned for the offence mentioned. He was taken to court for the charges and remanded into custody.

Police investigate aggravated burglary and robbery

Burglary reports

Around 9:53 p.m. on Monday 10th July 2017, 911 dispatched Police Officers to the Seaflower Town Homes area on the Turtle Cove Road after a report of an Aggravated Burglary was made. On arrival at the location, the victims told officers that a male with a black handgun, face covered with white cloth, forced himself into their home and stole a black back pack containing camera equipment and a laptop computer before running away in the nearby bushes. At 10:52 p.m. the same night, Police also responded to a Robbery in the Turtle Cove Drive where the complainant told officers that she was walking along Turtle Cove road when she was robbed by a male about 5ft 6in with a white cloth covering his face and a white T-shirt with a black handgun. The suspect got away with a handbag containing property. No injuries were sustained during these offences and investigations are being conducted. Man arrested on suspicion of robbery, charged with possession of drugs Police have arrested a 20 year old male of Providenciales on suspicion of Robbery in connection with a report that was made on Saturday 8th July 2017. Around 8:11a.m. on that date, police were dispatched to the Good Taste Liquor Store located in the same building of the Rubis Gas Station on South Dock Road after report of a Robbery was made. The complainant told officers that shortly after 8am after noticing a male wearing a skimasked walked into the store brandishing a small gun, he ran into the store room and hide. The culprit took a small sum of money from the cash register and then exited the store and ran towards Five Cays. Police launched an investigation. No one was injured during the incident. Later that day, around 6:06 p.m. Detectives identified the suspect who was seen in the area of Stammers Road. He was arrested on suspicion of Robbery. While executing a search on him a quantity of suspected cannabis was found in his possession. He was later charged and cautioned for Possession of Controlled Drugs namely Cannabis.

Man charged for burglary A 21-year-old male of Providenciales was arrested and charged by Detectives of the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force with Burglary in connection with a report made on Tuesday 13th June 2017. The complainant told officers that he secured his shed located at the Kids Park on the Lower Bight on Sunday 11th June 2017 and upon arrival around 3:30pm the day of the report he noticed the corrugated door slightly up and inside

Police are investigating three incidents of Burglary that occurred on the islands of Providenciales and Grand Turk on Wednesday 6th July 2017. At 5:06 a.m. complainant reported to the police that she saw a man exiting a window at her home located on Middle Street Grand Turk. Upon making checks she discovered a bag containing identification cards, cash and vehicle keys missing. Police made checks around the area and discovered the bag with all items inside. Police immediately arrested two males aged 30 and 52 on suspicion of that burglary. Around 6:10 p.m. police responded to a home in Norway Road Five Cays, where the complainant informed officers that he left his home secured around 8:30 a.m. and upon his returned at 5:45 p.m. he discovered his eastern front door opened and his bedroom ransacked. The culprit (s) stole a number of property. Also, at 9:15 p.m. Police responded to the Leeward Gates area of Providenciales where the security guard informed officers that while making checks around the location, he noticed a skinny short male about 5’2 dressed in dark clothing with a black mask over his face in one of the villas. Upon seeing the security, the culprit fled the scene in an unknown direction. Officers spoke with the victims who stated that they secured their villa at 8:05pm and went for dinner. Upon making checks they noticed a laptop and jewelry were missing.

Female, husband and cousin charged Detectives of the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force have arrested and charged a 36-year-old female, her 31-year-old husband and 32-year-old male cousin with numerous counts of Handling Stolen Goods in connection with a report that was made on Monday 12th June 2017. Around 8:39 p.m. that date, Police responded to a Villa in the Long Bay Beach Drive area of Long Bay Hills after the victim reported that he returned home and noticed his villa burglarized and a number of clothing and electronics missing. Detectives commenced investigation. The lady and both males were later arrested and charged by the Police. Makenson Legiste, 32, was charged with 3 counts of Handling Stolen Goods by receiving. He pleaded guilty and was ordered to pay $300 for each count or 30 days imprisonment to run concurrent for each count, in default he was sentenced to one month imprisonment. The female was charged with one (1) one count of Handling Stolen Goods by receiving and her husband with four (4) counts of Handling Stolen Goods by disposal. Her husband was remanded and she is expected to appear before a Magistrate next month.

Investigative Officer completes attachment in Saint Maarten The Investigative Officer within The Turks and Caicos Islands Office of the Complaints Commission, Ms. Ciphany Skippings, recently completed a one week attachment with the Bureau of the Ombudsman in Saint Maarten. The objective of the attachment was to bring about an awareness of the overall structure, capabilities and functioning of the Complaints Commission and to enhance the knowledge, skills, expertise and social behavior of the Investigative Officer.

Ms. Skippings was able to participate in a number of planned programmes which allowed for the exchange of ideas, techniques, practices and procedures, ultimately being able to receive the benefit of observing and experiencing the day to day activities and functioning of the operation of the Bureau of the Ombudsman in Saint Maarten, with an aim to being able to compare and comprise an analysis of the similarities and differences in the carrying out of investigative duties here in the Turks and Caicos Islands with those of our counter

parts. The training aspects targeted areas which included: Investigative Planning Strategies The Importance of Establishing Guidelines for Procedures, Report Writing, The Importance of Maintaining Equilibrium and; Progressive Patterns of Interdependence in the workplace Ms. Skippings stated; “The experience gained was very rewarding, comprehensive and thought provoking.”

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JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


Statement from Premier Hon. Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson on crime in the Turks and Caicos Islands UK ministers met Overseas Territories at Joint Ministerial Council in London

Minister for Exiting the European Union Robin Walker and Foreign Office Minister Lord Ahmad today (Wednesday, 12 July) met leaders and representatives from the Overseas Territories to discuss Brexit following the triggering of Article 50 in March. Attendees were updated on the government’s ongoing preparations for EU negotiations and action taken since the inaugural Overseas Territories Joint Ministerial Council on European Negotiations in February. Leaders and representatives discussed the areas of priority for their territories and ministers reaffirmed the UK government commitment to ensure the interests of the Overseas Territories are taken into account as the UK prepares to leave the EU. Speaking after the meeting, Minister for Exiting the European Union Robin Walker said: “Negotiations to leave the European Union are now underway, and we are working hard to deliver a deal that works for everyone including

Turks and Caicos Sun

our friends in the Overseas Territories. We have engaged extensively with the Overseas Territories already and will continue to make sure their interests are taken into account as the UK leaves the EU.” Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon said: “The Overseas Territories are integral to what defines Britain on the global stage and to our influence across the world. I look forward to continuing engagement with the Territories on the key challenges they face as a result of

Brexit and to work collaboratively on the great opportunities that lie ahead.” Leaders and representatives from the following Overseas Territories attended the half-day conference in London: Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Montserrat, Pitcairn Islands, St Helena, Turks and Caicos Islands and Tristan da Cunha Gibraltar also attended the Council as an observer. The UK-Gibraltar JMC on EU Negotiations will take place on 17 July.

Canine distemper outbreak The Animal Health Services sneezing, thick mucus coming from the eyes Division within the Department of and nose, fever, lethargy, coughing, sudden Agriculture (DoA) wishes to advise animal vomiting and diarrhea, depression and loss of appetite, seizures, pneumonia, shaking owners on Providenciales that there appears to be an outbreak of Canine Distemper and trembling. disease on the island particularly in Blue The virus is spread through, direct contact with fresh urine, blood or saliva, Hills, Leeward and Five Cays. This disease can be fatal to dogs especially sneezing, coughing sharing food bowls and beddings. puppies and adolescent dogs that have not been vaccinated against the virus. The Animal Health Services Canine Distemper is a highly is recommending that dog owners of contagious virus that can cause a life- unvaccinated dogs or dogs showing threatening illness. The virus affects symptoms consistent with the disease; the respiratory system, the conjunctiva •have animals examined/treated by a membrane of the eyes, gastrointestinal and veterinarian. nervous systems. •get dogs vaccinated as a preventative Symptoms of the disease include measure.

•contact a veterinarian if symptoms are noticed or unsure. •not move animals from suspected infected areas to other areas. •not transport/ship dogs from Providenciales to other islands without approval from the Department of Agriculture. •exercise caution when handling sick animals. A veterinarian can be contacted at any of the three veterinary clinics on Providenciales: *TCI Veterinary Association 649-946-4353 *Bark and Bliss - 649-2322275 *Woodring Vet Services-649-231-0685. For further information, please contact the Department of Agriculture at 649-946-5800.

Suite#5, Airport Plaza Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands Tel: (649) 348-6838 Fax: (649) 941-3281 Email: sun@suntci.com Read us online at www.suntci.com

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Hayden Boyce Graphic designer Information Technology and Production Manager: Kelano Howell Todeline Defralien Reporter

The Turks and Caicos SUN is a subsidiary of The SUN Media Group Ltd. We are committed to excellence in journalism, educating and informing our readers, serving and satisfying our advertisers and assisting in the overall development of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

financial operations of the hotel.

The Shore Club, on Long Bay Beach is now accepting resumes for the following positions. Only highly self-driven & motivated, personable and professional individuals, whom have the desire to serve others, need apply. COST CONTROLLER This position is in charge of the hotel cost and assets. Manages all responsible areas accurately, reports and summarizes all cost concerns. Assists and supports all cost information to the Financial Controller. Key Responsibilities •Plan and manage all hotel cost concerns •Organize the cost & asset controlling system •Organize the store and receiving system •Track all records of all cost issues •Coordinate with all departments for inventory monthly, quarterly and yearly •Participate in the monthly inventory counts in the warehouse and/or outlets. •Develop cost report for Financial Controller •Support cost information for all concerned departments upon request •Control the cost of merchandise as per the market list •Proper documentation of receiving report and checking of invoices. •Investigate the activities of various outlets •Assist Financial Controller for smooth functioning of Finance Department •Perform related duties and special projects as assigned Requirement 2 years Cost Controller previous experience or demonstrated experience in a related area 2 years of Hotel working experiences. Salary range is $30,000-$32,000 per annum and is based on previous experience and qualifications. ACCOUNTANT The Accountant position will assist in day to day finance operations and is primarily responsible for computing, recording, collecting, analysing and verifying numerical data for use in maintaining accounting records of the

Key Responsibilities •Attention to detail as you’ll be preparing detailed financial information. •Posting of all recurring General Ledger entries each month and maintain an updated list of all for Management and Strata Corp. •Monthly reconciliation of all balance sheet accounts. •Preparation of monthly Income Statements for final review by Financial Controller for the Management and Strata Corp. •Ensure that cash reconciliation is maintained and any variances are being followed up. •Verify physical counts received from General Cashier with bank deposits according to bank statements. •Verify credit card batches with credit card payments received in bank account. •Assist in budgets and forecasts. •Attend to inventory counts in the outlets where needed. •Participate in monthly Financial Department Meetings. •Keep Fixed Assets register updated with copy of related invoices. •Any other job-related duties as and when assigned by the Financial controller. Requirement: •1-2 years’ work experience with previous accounting Office experience or experience in Hotel or Hospitality Related Finance and Accounting. •Ability to compile facts and figures •Data processing skills, including spreadsheet packages •Analytical and communication skills •Command of the English language both written and verbal. •Proficiency with MS Office (Excel / Word) and experience with ADP Salary range is $40,000-$45,000 per annum and is based on previous experiences and qualifications. PLEASE NOTE: All resumes are subject to screening. Accepted candidates will receive a call or email confirmation with a scheduled time for meeting and required documents for the actual interview. All applicants must be able to speak English and available to work a rotating and flexible schedule, including evenings, weekends and holidays. A clean police record and professional references is required. For consideration, apply to the Human Resources Department at The Shore Club, Long Bay Beach, Providenciales, TCI or e-mail: careers@ theshoreclubtc.com Prospective applicants who are Turks & Caicos Islanders, kindly send copies of your application to Employment Services. Closing Date: July 21, 2017.

JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


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Page 10


JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


Increased sightings of nurse sharks in the shallows The Department of Environment & Coastal Resources (DECR) has had a number of reports of nurse sharks swimming around in the very shallow waters of the Turks and Caicos Islands’ shores. The DECR would like to reassure the public that this is not a cause for concern and implore members of the public to leave the sharks wellalone, for the public safety as well as the sharks. Nurse sharks are not a threat to humans, and will not bite unless they feel threatened. DECR would encourage members of the public to observe the behaviour of the nurse sharks in their natural environment, keeping a safe distance so that the sharks are not disturbed.

Nurse sharks swimming in the shallows is not unusual behaviour,

in fact this is indeed very encouraging to see, as it indicates that it is mating

season for these important apex predators. Studies have indicated that female nurse sharks swim to the shallows to get away from the unwanted attention of a male shark - Scientists have observed female sharks avoiding males by swimming to shallow water and burying their pectoral fin in the sand, so that the males are unable to bite the fin in order to mate. Please play your part in public safety and in keeping TCI ‘beautiful by nature’ and allow these creatures the safety they require to keep our reefs and ocean healthy! Should you have any questions or concerns please contact the DECR at 338.4176 or environment@gov.tc, or connect with us on the DECR Outreach & Education Facebook Page.

Her Majesty’s Prison welcomes eight new prison officers The Ministry of Home Affairs Transportation and Communication and Her Majesty’s Prison Service jointly awarded certificates to eight newly recruited Prison Officers at a graduation ceremony commemorating the successful completion of their training. The training was delivered locally over a three week period and covered areas that will help the new recruits to understand their roles and responsibilities prior to being assigned to a full schedule of normal duties. Acting Governor Hon. Anya Williams, Minister with responsibility for Prison, Hon. Vaden Delroy

Williams, Permanent Secretary, Mrs. Clara Gardiner OBE, and Prison Superintendent Mr. Steven Barrett, brought brief remarks during the ceremony. They all commended the new recruits on their achievement, outlined their expectations for them and highlighted the critical role they each play in operating an efficient, effective and secure prison system. These remarks were preceded by those given by His Excellency the Governor, Dr. John Freeman, who called on the team during the first week of training. During his visit, the Governor conveyed similar messages and offered words of encouragement.

Highlights and memorable moments of the ceremony included precision drills by the entire cohort, and presentations by two of the new recruits, Officers Jerry Lowe and Collin DaSilva. This represents the largest number of Prison Officers recruited to the Prison Service in recent times. In addition to increasing manpower, the Government is demonstrating its commitment to improving the prison system by upgrading the physical estate. Equally important, plans are underway to introduce joint prison and private sector based prevention programs to equip inmates with skills

that will help them succeed, once they return to society. The event was also attended by the Acting Premier and Minister for Border Control and Employment, Hon. Sean Astwood, the Director of the Integrity Commission, Mr Eugene Otounye and Mrs. Otounye, the Head of the Governor’s Office Mr. David Moore, Under Secretary in the Ministry, Mrs. Bridgette Newman, Director of Gender Affairs, Mrs. Carolyn Dickenson, senior staff from Her Majesty Prison, families, well-wishers and friends. The ceremony was held at the Salem Baptist Church in Grand Turk on Friday, July 7, 2017.


Alexandra Resort, Blue Haven Resort & Marina and the Beach House Food & Beverage Director Reporting to the General Manager, responsibilities and essential job functions include but are not limited to the following: ➢ Consistently offer professional, friendly and engaging service. ➢ Lead and manage the day to day operations of the Food & Beverage Division ensuring all service standards are followed. ➢ Drive innovative promotions, menus and concepts; creating a destination of choice for both Hotel and external guests. ➢ Lead and support all Food & Beverage departments in the achievement of their financial and operational targets. ➢ Prepare annual budgets and administer in a fiscally responsible manner. ➢ Implement effective control of food, beverage, labor and operating expenses throughout the F&B division. ➢ Assist in the preparation of the annual strategic plan and achieve the goals and targets therein. ➢ Ensure the implementation of standards in guest service and constantly seek out ways to improve product and service as well as increase volumes and profits. ➢ Follow department policies, procedures and service standards. ➢ Follow all safety policies Requirements: ➢ Minimum of 5 years of previous Food and Beverage international experience in a senior leadership role ➢ University/College degree ➢ Computer literate in Microsoft Window applications required ➢ Strong interpersonal and problem solving abilities ➢ Highly responsible & reliable with the ability to work well under pressure in a fast paced environment ➢ Ability to work cohesively as part of a team ➢ Ability to focus attention on guest needs, remaining calm and courteous at all times Salary for this position will commensurate with qualifications and experience. Entry point is at $60,000.00 per annum including the benefit of service charge. Please Submit Applications to: hr@wihl.com A copy should also be submitted to the TCI Labour Department. Submissions to be no later than July 31st 2017 Belongers need only apply.

Sailrock Development Limited [Sailrock Living] is seeking a qualified candidate for the position below: Marketing Specialist •Sailrock Marketing Specialist is responsible for developing and executing social media strategies, facilitating and further developing our digital partnerships, specific but not limited to Villas, Weddings, and local activities and entities. Responsibilities •Conduct market research to uncover insights on consumer requirements, habits and trends •Brainstorm and develop ideas for creative marketing campaigns •Assist in outbound or inbound marketing activities by demonstrating expertise in various areas (content development and optimization, advertising, events planning etc.) •Lead strategy development and execution across our social presence and digital partnerships •Liaise with external vendors and Sailrock team members to execute promotional activations and campaigns •Collaborate with marketing team members to coordinate brand awareness and marketing efforts •Plan and execute initiatives to reach the target audience through appropriate marketing channels •Assist in analyzing marketing data (campaign results, conversion rates, traffic, comp set etc.) to help shape future marketing strategies •Undertake individual tasks of a marketing plan as assigned Qualified Candidates will have/be: •Proven experience as marketing specialist or similar role •Thorough understanding of marketing elements (including traditional and digital marketing such as SEO/Social media etc.) and market research methods •Demonstrable experience in marketing data analytics and tools •Solid computer skills, including MS Office, marketing software (Google Analytics & CRM) and applications (Shortstack, Hootsuite, Canva, etc.) •Well-organized and detail oriented •Exceptional communication and writing skills •Commercial awareness partnered with a creative mind •BSc/BA in marketing, communications or equivalent •Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS language a plus Salary Range • $40,000 - $55,000 yearly Please submit applications to the Marketing Manager, Alec Schraegle: o Fax: (312) 376-2056 o Email: aschraegle@cmkdev.com Interested Turks and Caicos Islanders must also submit copies of their application to the TCI Labour Board.

JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


It's here!!


I’m Locked in already A delightful blend of today's R & B and Old Skool hits! Gospel music from 4 a.m. to 7 a.m. every day.

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JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


Sailrock Resort hires first set of Summer student interns SAILROCK RESORT has recently welcomed four students from the Marjorie Basden High School in South Caicos to participate in the first set of a three-week summer internship. Rashaunda Cooke, Gregory Williams, Lashanna Goldman, and Alteema Johnson were each selected to take part in the 2017 Sailrock Summer Internship Program. During their internships, the 2017 Sailrock Resort Summer Interns will have the opportunity to apply their academic knowledge and get hands-on experience in their desired fields, while earning salaries. Sailrock Resort believes that this exposure will assist the interns in identifying their preferred working styles and developing their career paths. Operations and Human Resources Manager, Keno Forbes said, “We are excited to welcome these four interns to the Sailrock family for our first ever Sailrock Summer Internship Program. The selection process was very tough, and we expect that it will only get tougher as Sailrock expands and more students apply. That being said, we have hired an impressive group of interns and look forward to assisting their career growth over the next three weeks.” Rashaunda Cooke is a 17-yearold who recently graduated from Marjorie Basden High School and is working as the Front Desk Intern. She

(Left to Right) Gregory Williams, Lashanna Goldman, Alteema Johnson and Rashaunda Cooke. said, “I was attracted to Sailrock Resort because of the multiple opportunities and settings to interact with people of various backgrounds and cultures. I look forward to building my confidence and communication skills.” Lashanna Goldman, a 17-yearold who also graduated from the Marjorie Basden High School this year, is working as a Food and Beverage Intern. She said, “the Sailrock Summer Internship Program interested me because I knew that it would provide me with an opportunity to really experience the hospitality industry first hand. I’m looking forward to learning something new every day.” Alteema Johnson, a 16-year-

old Marjorie Basden High School `goals as a luxury resort. I hope to student in Fourth Form whose develop a long-lasting relationship long-term career goal is to become with Sailrock Resort and work with a registered nurse, is also working them to build up the South Caicos as a Food and Beverage Intern. She community.” said, “I was attracted to the Sailrock The Sailrock Summer Summer Internship Program because Internship Program commenced on it will provide me with an opportunity July 10th and will end on August to serve others and truly strengthen 26th, with the first set of summer my communication skills, which is interns participating in the internship essential for becoming a successful program from July 10th – July 29th, registered nurse.” and the second set from August 7th – Gregory Williams is a 17-year- August 26th. Sailrock Resort thanks old recent graduate from Marjorie the students of Marjorie Basden High Basden High School who is working School for expressing great interest as a Housekeeping Intern. He said, “I in the first annual Sailrock Summer look forward to doing all that I can to Internship Program. assist Sailrock Resort in achieving its


Say yes to more places


Starting Salary $1600.00 $2000.00 per month based on experience and qualifications.


Kindly forward resumes and qualification to the below address copy to the Turks and Caicos Islands Labour Department and Immigration Board:




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Spotlight Communication Ltd wishes to employ a Sales and Marketing Specialist. The Sales and Marketing will be under the direction of the Business Director and will be mainly responsible for planning and implementing sales, marketing and product development programs, both short and long range, targeted toward existing and new markets by performing the following duties personally or through subordinates. Successful applicant will be judged on previous success rate and must be self-motivated to complete all tasks at hand with a positive and respectful attitude.




*Conditions apply. Bonus offer ends July 31, 2017. Subject to credit approval. Offer subject to change without notice. Customers earn 10,000 ScotiaPoints as follows: you earn a welcome bonus of 3,000 ScotiaPoints on your first purchase of any amount. Thereafter, you earn the additional 7,000 ScotiaPoints after you have spent a cumulative amount of USD$1,700 on your new Scotiabank AERO™ Platinum MasterCard® credit card during the first 3 cycles from the account open date. For full terms & conditions, visit tc.scotiabank.com/sayyes or pick up a brochure in-branch. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia, used under licence. ™Trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia, used under licence. ®MasterCard is a registered trademark of MasterCard International Incorporated.

Employment Department Spotlight Communication Ltd Gracebay Tel: 649-339-6275 Fax 649-941-4777 Email: andre@spotlightcommunication.com

IMMEDIATE OPENING COSMETOLOGIST Requirements: � At least 2 years in a similar role in a luxury spa or hotel � Appropriate certifications and qualifications � Proficient in all aspects of proper skin care, hair care and spa treatments offered by the resort Duties Include: � Perform nail, hand and foot treatments, facials, hair styling, makeup and other spa treatments � Enhance department revenue by promoting and selling massage and skin care products � Prepare and maintain treatment areas and products Interested applicants should apply to The Palms, in person, for a first interview Monday through Friday 10AM to 12PM and bring along a recent C.V. Appointments may also be made by calling the The Palms Human Resources department at 946-8666 during normal business hours.

JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


Page 13


Beaches resort recruits over 100 Summer interns Over 100 enthusiastic students have been selected to join the Beaches Turks and Caicos Resorts Villages and Spa summer intern program which is a part of the company’s work study program aimed at providing students with work experience in the hospitality industry. The new interns were selected following a rigorous recruitment exercise and have since been placed in various departments within the company working in Public Relations, Cost Control, Environmental Health Services and Concierge just to name a few. The initiative is part of the company’s long standing commitment to assisting in the growth and development of the youth of the Turks and Caicos Islands providing practical experience to those who wish to venture into hospitality and related fields. Interns range from high school graduates to college students and include first time interns and returnees. Deleria Simms, assistant human Resources manager for Beaches TCI said the program has been very successful over the years. “We recruited a total of 106 interns. Our goal is to introduce the students to the hospitality industry with the hope of

developing a labor pool from which we can pull on in the future and we focus on developing skills as well as actual learning as opposed to just providing them with a summer job. Even our application process is designed to assess their interview writing skills and to develop their interviewing skills.” Simms said the interns were informed on best practices, hospitality standards and conduct during their training. Guerta Toussaint who is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Supply Chain Management at Broward College in Florida said she was excited to be returning home to gain experience in her field of study. “I am looking to gain experience in the field. I did want to spend the summer doing something constructive that would give me field experience. I’m excited to be able to foster experience in supply chain management. I’m excited to learn more about my field by actually doing it.” Tajh Missick a second year Computer Studies student at the Turks and Caicos Islands Community College was also elated about the program, stating; “I don’t really think of it as a job, I look at it as a learning experience because you learn a lot by interacting with the guest and the


ROYAL WEST INDIES RESORT, is looking for motivated proactive individuals to join its ‘Resort Team’ and contribute to this growing Condominium Resort. Candidates MUST want to actively participate in creating an excellent and professional guest experience. •WASTE WATER MAINTENANCE •HOUSEMAN •GARDENER •LABOURER •POOL & BEACH ATTENDANT Requirements: •MUST speak English and the ability to write and read English •Ability to maintain pools and hot tub chemicals and maintenance issues related to same •Fit and able for heavy lifting •Personality suited for the hotel industry •Must be customer friendly •Willing to work split shifts, holidays and weekends. •Knowledge of waste water treatment plants •Knowledge of Commercial Laundry Equipment including propane systems •Air Conditioning systems, Fire Alarm systems, Domestic Water systems including Water Heaters •Irrigation systems •Greet and escort guests to room •Monthly housekeeping inventory •Daily replenishment of room items and restocking of closets •Daily cleaning of buildings •Maintain pool areas according to RWI standards •Conduct pool chemical test and add chemicals required to ensure safe use •Vacuum and clean both pools also the hot tub •Maintain beach and pool towel level •Ensure life vests are cared for as directed by RWI Management •Kayak and Hobie Cats ensure all guests/owners sign Liability form prior to use •Kayak and Hobie Cats kept clean and secured daily •Sweep wooden deck as needed •Wood deck chairs and tables keep neat •Has working knowledge of the property and facilities •Maintain cleanliness of Pool Restroom •Must be able to work on weekends and public holidays Wages $6.50-$8.00/hour

All resumes and applications must be forwarded to: Royal West Indies Resort P.O. Box 482, Providenciales Turks & Caicos Islands You may also fax to: (649)946-5008

employees.” The Internship program is facilitated in part by the Human Resources Department and the Training Department of the Resort. Successful applicants have the option of returning during holidays to intern with the company and are given special consideration for full time employment in the future. Monique Graham- Training Manager at BTC remarked, “Internship is always good because what it does is

it helps team members understand what the working world is like so they are better able to transition from high school into the real job and it also helps them to have some savings to help their parents for back to school. For persons who have a greater career expectation, it gives them a true exposure of what the hospitality industry is like so they know if this is what they want to do for the future or this is not what they want to do.”


Persons must be able to work long hours, holidays and weekends and be willing to work as part of a team. Submit applications accompanied by a resume to the Human Resource Department at nrobinson@margaritavillecaribbean.com or by faxing to 649-9461514. APPLICATIONS CLOSE ON 4TH AUGUST 2017 Whilst we thank every applicant for their interest in Margaritaville Grand Turk, only short-listed persons will be contacted. Only applications from Belongers will be accepted.

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JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


Former CIBC FCIB branch manager Joy Callender passes Joy Callender, a former branch manager of CIBC FCIB in Turks and Caicos Islands, passed away in Florida on July 9th after battling cancer for some time. A Barbadian by birth, Joy lent her expertise in the area of Retail Banking to several of our business units, including Barbados, British Virgin Islands, TCI and most recently The Cayman Islands Joy began her banking career with CIBC in March of 1978. She first came to the Turks & Caicos in 1999 where she worked as the Operations manager until 2004. Her second stint in TCI was

from January 2008 to April 2013 where she held the position of Senior Branch Manager and later District Manager. She went on to become the Associate Director of Retail, Wealth, Business Banking & Operations in the Cayman Islands, then Associate Director Retail Banking Channels, the position she held at the time of her death. A statement from CIBC FCIB said: “Joy’s bubbly enthusiasm for her work with the bank and her infectious smile were her hallmark, and she readily shared her expertise with her colleagues, constantly striving to achieve excellence in client service

delivery. These were not just words to Joy; they guided her approach to her work every day. It was this passion for her work which she passed on to her team wherever she was stationed that led to her having the distinction of being the only person in the bank to have hoisted the Branch of the Year trophy twice, in two different jurisdictions, mostly recently in The Cayman Islands where she is stationed and in TCI in 2013. We extend our sincere condolences to Joy’s family and friends and to the entire CIBC FirstCaribbean network. Please remember Joy’s family in your prayers.” Joy Callender

Ports Authority launches newsletter, The Navigator The Ports Authority of the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) recently launched the inaugural issue of its industry newsletter, The Navigator. Ports play a fundamental role in the development of the Turks and Caicos Islands. For many years,

their importance to our economy has not been fully realized, yet we have come a long way from the days of the salt industry and sustenance trade with our neighbors as our ports now facilitate international cargo imports and cruise ship operations.

In this inaugural edition, the Ports Authority seeks to raise greater awareness of the importance of ports to the sustainable development of the Turks and Caicos Islands and the maritime challenges we are currently faced with. In this issue,

contributions have been made by the Hon. Premier, Chairman of the Ports Authority Board and the Director of Ports. The Navigator will be published on a quarterly basis. The next issue is scheduled to be published in September 2017.

Housekeeping Manager Job Summary: responsible for the planning, organizing and development of the overall operation of the housekeeping department. Responsible for staffing, scheduling, training and developing hourly staff. To ensure standards of cleanliness, hygiene and tidiness are maintained throughout the hotel. Must be able to evaluate and ensure guest satisfaction and report and solve any guest problems immediately. Setting and maintaining standards of service commensurate with the standing of the Resort. Managing a stock control and ordering system to ensure availability of stock and cost control to maintain costs to a minimum. Qualifications Minimum of 5 years’ experience in all aspects of Housekeeping and customer service experience required At least 2 years of supervisory experience Strong organizational skills required The ability to lift heavy objects and stand for long periods of time Great customer service skills

JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


Page 15

GREAT NEWS! RBC Clients can View & Manage eStatements using RBC Digital Banking!

RBC Digital Banking clients can now access Electronic Statements (eStatements) for Savings, Chequing/Banking and Credit Card accounts. The new view & manage eStatements options in RBC Digital Banking allow you to view FREE eStatements plus you can stop the print and mail out of paper statements for your credit card and savings accounts. Locate menu options for eStatements under the Services/eStatement menu via Digital Banking which can be found at https://caribbean.rbcroyalbank.com. You will be able to “opt out” of paper statements here. Kindly note that if you opt to maintain paper statements, a fee will be charged for savings and credit card account statements effective August 18, 2017. If you are not currently enrolled in RBC Digital Banking, please do so via http://caribbeandigital.rbc.com. For more information on eStatements, please visit www.rbc.com/caribbean. We thank you for your business and pledge our continued commitment to providing you with innovative solutions. *Note that RBC Leo’s Young Savers, RBC 60+ Current/Savings accounts, RBC Private Banking and RBC VIP Banking accounts are exempted from the paper statement fee. The view and Manage eStatement options are not available in Royal Online Gold.

Page 16


JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


Problematic Insect Bites By Dr. Marsha Barnett Ever wondered why some persons are bitten by insects and have absolutely no visible reaction, whereas others are bitten by the same insects and develop itchy bumps, swelling and even scarring? That’s because some persons are hypersensitive to insect bites. This condition is known as papular urticaria. What is the cause of papular urticaria?

Papular urticaria is more common in children than in adults. Bumps crop up where the bites occurred and sometimes each spot develops a fluid-filled blister. They are most often on the legs and other uncovered areas such as forearms and face, but sometimes they are scattered in small groups all over the body. The lesions can become infected especially if you have been scratching the area. When this happens, it will get swollen, tender to touch and even exude pus and cause a fever. In many person, after the lesions have resolved they are left with spots and scars which can take years to clear or never resolve on its own.

home by investing in window meshes and if an infant has papular urticaria, covering the crib with a mosquito net might be a good idea. Cover up when you go outdoors especially at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most likely to pounce. Use insect repellants on all exposed areas when outdoors especially when in areas notorious for insects or at the beach in the evenings if you react when bitten by sandflies. DEET is the gold standard however in persons who are averse to using synthetic chemicals or in infants, a good alternative is products containing lemon and eucalyptus oils.

Dr. Marsha Barnett the appearance is bothersome, your skin care specialist will be able to suggest creams and even procedures such as chemical peels to help lighten spots and improve texture. Long-term Outlook

Many children with papular urticaria become desensitized to the insect bites Papular urticaria is thought as they age and no longer develop to be an allergic or hypersensitivity reaction to insects in the environment. •Treat Bites Promptly bumps when bitten. The same applies Affected individuals rarely notice the How is It Treated? to individuals who migrate to an area initial bite but once bitten, a cascade When bitten, the process that has insects in its environment The best approach to managing is fueled by histamine release so if to which they are allergic. However, of chemicals, especially histamine is released, leading to the stereotypical papular urticaria is a multi-leveled one. you are prone to itchy bumps, take the condition is notorious for leaving itchy bumps. When you are bitten an oral antihistamine promptly and difficult to treat spots on the skin, continue to do so once the lesions are so prompt management is key. by an insect such as a mosquito or a •Avoid Getting Bites mite, your body releases histamine as a itchy. Topical steroid creams can also Additionally, not everyone becomes reaction to the bite. In most persons, a Monitor your outdoors for be helpful to help reduce itching and immune and so this can be a lifelong small amount of histamine is produced mosquito breeding sites such as inflammation in the area. problem for some individuals. however in some persons, excessive containers with stagnant water. amounts are released, leading to itchy Stagnant water that cannot be drained •Treat The Complications areas and bumps. It is not known why can be treated to reduce infestation. *Dr. Marsha Barnett is a general If the bumps become infected, practitioner who also specializes some persons exhibit a hypersensitivity Because you can react to fleas and mites reaction to insect bites. from animals in your household, ensure your doctor may give you antibiotics in dermatology. For questions they are properly cared for. Reduce to clear the infection. Also, the lesions or comments, please contact at What Does It Look Like? the likelihood of insects entering your may heal with dark spots and scars. If drmarshabarnett@gmail.com


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JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


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Designer Anya explains why sustainability and slow-fashion principles are important to her luxury leather goods brand: Willique. Willique – the London based luxury leather, bespoke handbag brand is fast establishing an international reputation for craftsmanship and design, whilst championing the idea that luxury too can be part of the slow fashion movement. So what exactly is slow fashion? The movement is gaining momentum within the industry. Representing ethicality, sustainability and “green” ideals within fashion, the core values include diversity, ethical practises, resourcefulness, quality and slowing down consumption. Recognising that it can be difficult to find luxury leather goods that are both bespoke and cruelty free, designer Anya has forged links with an innovative alternative leather company. London based designer Anya, was born and raised in both the Turks & Caicos Islands and Bahamas, and credits her love for the ethics of the slow fashion model to her childhood and extensive travelling - including spending years in education in the USA and UK. “In the Caribbean, you are surrounded by the vibrancy of nature, respect of resources and extremely talented artists practising skills such as weaving, embroidery and art – and never receiving recognition. When I moved to London, I was excited to see a wealth of emerging designers and brands really embracing and

successfully pioneering an ideal that is very much close to my heart.” With international press exposure including UK Pride, E-Luxe, Caribbean Posh and She Caribbean, within the first year of inception the brand has already gained the attention and support of The Royal Prince’s Trust and has had the privileged opportunity of gifting to the MOBO awards attendees. So what does the rest of 2017 hold for Willique? Anya will be joining other emerging fashion designers who champion ethical and sustainable practises in production for the inaugural Eco Fashion Week Australia (EFWA) taking place in Perth, Australia and also be one of the leading sponsors for the Bahamas International Film Festival - taking place in December. Anya states, “I just never

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understood the concept of fast fashion. The idea of mass produced items and the accompanying controversy and (often compromise on quality) I cannot be a part of. With Willique, I have built personal relationships with my manufactures, sourcing and team over time. I love both luxury and ethicality so it’s therefore very obvious in which direction to head to. The Caribbean is never directly looked at being a pioneer for sustainable fashion, and Willique plans to change that.” With more brands and designers such as Stella McCartney and ASOS embracing the idea of slow, eco fashion and bringing it mainstream - it has never been so on trend to be green. To discover more about Anya and to shop her luxury leather goods range Willique, visit www.willique. co.uk


Business Banking Sales Support – Turks and Caicos What is the opportunity? As an RBC Ambassador, you will put clients first and find solutions to meet their individual needs. You will champion the RBC brand and drive business by supporting new client acquisition and deepening existing relationships through RBC Merchant solutions. If you have the self-motivation to deliver exceptional client experiences and thrive in a challenging, ever changing environment, you can build a great career with us as a future Business Banking Sales Support (BBSS)

What will you do? •

• • • • •

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What do you need to succeed? Must have:


• Demonstrated passion for putting clients first, as well as success in hands-on, target-driven solutions environment • Drive and self-motivation, as well as excellent communication skills and emotional intelligence • Digital literacy across a broad range of devices (i.e., smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc.) • Personal flexibility to work flex hours • Eagerness to learn and determination to succeed • Confidence and ability to learn financial concepts • Proficient computer skills using standard software – Microsoft office suite • Successful completion of RBC’s Behavioural assessment • Track record in building rapport and maintaining client relationships within the financial, service or retail industry • Undergraduate Degree in Business, Banking or related field • A minimum of two (2) to four (4) years banking experience

What’s in it for you? We thrive on the challenge to be our best, progressive thinking to keep growing, and working together to deliver trusted advice to help our clients thrive and communities prosper. We care about each other, reaching our potential, making a difference to our communities, and achieving success that is mutual. • A comprehensive Total Rewards Program including bonuses and flexible benefits, competitive compensation, commissions, and stock where applicable • A world-class training program in financial services • Excellent career development and access to a variety of job opportunities across business and geographies • Leaders who support your development through coaching and managing opportunities • Work in a dynamic, collaborative, progressive, and high-performing team Interested persons should apply by July 18, 2017 and forward your resume to:tt-ec-bbrecruitmentjobpostings@rbc.com www.rbcroyalbank.com/caribbean

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Scotiabank (Turks & Caicos) Ltd. of Cherokee Road, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands hereby gives notice of its intention to sell by Public Auction the following properties pursuant to its power of sale as registered Chargee under the Registered Land Ordinance of the Turks and Caicos Islands. Parcel 60717/107/K11 Cheshire Hall & Richmond Hill, Providenciales One bedroom, one bathroom, approximately 448 sq. ft. unit in the One on Marlin Condominium Development, Strata Plan Number SP 107 Registered Proprietor: Tamika Latoya Thompson The auction will be held at the office of Scotiabank (Turks and Caicos) Limited, Grace Bay Branch, Providenciales at 10 o’clock in the morning on Friday the 4 day of August 2017. A reserved price will be fixed on all parcels and a deposit of 10% is due immediately upon all accepted bids. Conditions of Sale available upon request or at the Auction.

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JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017

Come and join our winning team at Seven Star Resort & Spa The following positions are currently available Landscaping Manager The successful candidate will be responsible for managing the entire Landscaping Department which includes the sunflower property. Responsibilities: •Provides professional advice on the selection, ordering, planting, and maintenance of trees, shrubs, ground covers, and turf grasses on the Resort’s property •Plans and designs annual and perennial flower beds •Grows potted plants and nursery stock and maintains records on the growing operation •Trains and supervises subordinate personnel in greenhouse operations and in the proper methods and techniques of planting and maintaining the grounds •Trains ground personnel in the techniques of pruning, wound dressing, cavity repair, and the cabling and bracing of trees and shrubs •Prepares orders for various types of plants and seeds •Inventories, maps, and labels trees and shrubs on campus for instructional and maintenance purposes •Assists in the preparation of maintenance programs for the control of plant diseases and insects •Prepares fertilizer programs for various types of plants •Confers with landscape architect and other personnel in the selection of plants •Performs related duties as required Knowledge, Skills & Abilities •5 years’ experience or equivalent combination of experience and education •Knowledge of landscaping in all phases •Knowledge of plant propagation and cultivation •Knowledge of the principles of supervision •Ability to supervise the work of others •Must be able to work long hours and in all weather conditions Salary USD45,000 to USD55,000 per annum (Salary is negotiable and based on level, experience and qualifications). Position held by a work permit holder Front Office Manager We are seeking an accomplished individual with demonstrated experiences as a Front Office Manager within a Five Star Resort. The successful applicant would oversee the Front Office Operations in accordance with the objectives, performance and quality standards established by the Seven Stars Resort & Spa. This includes Reception, Concierge, Business Centre, Switchboards and Duty Managers. Requirements: •Demonstrated strong experience & background in Front Office Operations with specific emphasis on guest satisfaction. •Four to Five years Five Star Hotel managerial experience •Excellent people skills, high-energy, entrepreneurial spirit, and professionalism •Must have International hotel exposure •Must be bilingual - French /Italian •Must be willing to work long hours, holidays and weekends •Working knowledge of all hotel systems, computers and Microsoft office suite with proficiency in excel and word •Well organized with great written and verbal communication skills Responsible for: •To plan, organize, and motivate all colleagues to excel in delivering quality experience to all guests. •Provide leadership in establishing high-quality standards within the front office department and must possess excellent communication and leadership skills •Responsible for the efficiency and profitable functioning of the Front Office Department which includes Front Desk, Duty Manager Concierge and Bellman Services •Motivate all Front Office colleagues to up sell rooms and achieve higher average room rate. Maximize rooms revenue and occupancy by effectively maximizing yield and excel in room up selling and other revenue centers •Identify training needs and implements effective training program. Train colleagues on new work processes, understanding of policies and procedures •Must prepare weekly forecast completed and observes future occupancy •Review all Managers on Duty report and ensure corrective action is carried out •Review all guest comment cards/ESurvey and ensure data is updated to profile notes for future reference. Salary range: USD40,000 to USD54,000 per annum (Salary is negotiable and based on level, experience and qualifications). New Position SUNFLOWERS FACILITIES MANAGER Providing efficient and accurate management of the property, including; administration, tenant relations, maintenance, repair, security, janitorial service and landscaping. The Facilities Manager handles tenant complaints and service requests, and must be familiar with the terms of tenant leases. Requirements: •Must have at least 10 years’ managerial/supervisory experience. •Must have administrative skills, basic accounting skills and excellent customer service skills. •Highly organised, efficient, self-motivated and hands-on reliable team player. •Must be willing to work long hours and on call in case of an emergency. Responsible for: •Work closely with the HR and Employee Welfare Department to ensure that employee’s accommodations are kept up to standard. •Inspect property daily to ensure compliance with established policies, safety measures and quality standards •Preparing units for lease and ensure that tenants comply with the terms and conditions of their lease. •Ensure the timely collection of rent, utility costs and prepare monthly accounting statements.

•Manage on site staff, security team and sub-contractors •Arrange vector control for site and apartment buildings. •Keep complete set of documents and leases relating to Sunflowers operations and tenants Salary range: USD16,000 to USD36,000 per annum (Salary is negotiable and based on level, experience and qualifications) HOUSEKEEPING ATTENDANT/ROOM ATTENDANT Candidates will be required to assist in all Housekeeping responsibilities, cleaning of guest rooms, stocking amenities and linens. There are new positions available and some positions are held by work permit holders. Minimum Requirements: •Suitable candidates must have a minimum of 2 years’ experience working at a 5 Star Resort in a similar role. •Must have a strong attention to details and exceptional ability to maintain the highest standards of quality required. •Must have the ability to lift at least 50lbs. Wages: 6.31 per hour. Chef de Partie The Chef de Partie is responsible for running a specific section of the kitchen. The chef manages a small team of workers, which are responsible for keeping organized so that meals go out on time and the work area remains clean and orderly. Requirements: •5 to 15 culinary experiences in a five star hotel/resort. •Knowledgeable in international cuisine such as Japanese and other Asian dishes. •HACCP knowledge, self-motivated and passion for hospitality and cooking. •Excellent palate and attention to detail. Duties and Responsibilities: •To work and lead the kitchen team. •Execute cooking to the expected high standard quickly and efficiently. •To maintain the required level of hygiene standards/HACCP as laid down both legally and by the standards manual. •To be responsible for the day to day training of the team. Salary range: USD13,200 to USD14,400 Position currently held by a work permit hold LEAD SERVER Candidate will lead their section team and at times be responsible for opening or closing the restaurant including responsibility for end of day procedures. •Suitable candidates must have a minimum of 4 years’ experience working in a lead position at a five-star resort or fine dining restaurant in a lead position •High energy with excellent interpersonal skills •Excellent command of English language (writing/reading/speaking) •Experience with point-of-service system, prior cashier or banking experience preferred Wages: $7.60 per hour and position currently held by a work permit holder CRYSTALLIZATION SPECIALIST: This individual will be responsible for grinding and leveling of floors with the required machinery. Responsible for all of the following: Travertine Cleaning , Marble Polishing, Marble Cleaning, Granite Polishing, Etch Removal, Stain Removal, Limestone Cleaning, Lippage Removal, Crack & Chip Repair and Marble Floor Maintenance Requirements: •Knowledge of working with chemicals used for floor restoration, polishing, buffing or crystallization on different stone floor types – Limestone/granite/marble •Some math and measuring skills along with an eye for detail. •Also requires a great deal of lifting, bending and squatting, so a reasonable level of physical fitness is needed. Salary range: USD12,000 to USD 13,500 per annum Position currently held by a work permit hold Security Officers This position is under the direct supervision of the Owners Relations Manager/General Manager and is responsible for the protection, safeguarding, and security of assets for the assigned Home Owners and Guests. Duties and Requirements: •A minimum of 5 years’ experience •Able to work flexible hours, holidays and weekends. •Highly trained in security procedures and martial arts. •First Aid training is preferable and ability to communicate effectively •Physical ability to run, walk, jump and bend. •Willing to work long Shifts (up to 14hrs) and split shift during the night. •Willing to work in all weather conditions and ability to respond to patron problems effectively. •Excellent customer service skills •Must have clean employment behavior records and police records Salary range: USD1,100 per month New position Other positions: Carpenter Restaurant Hostess Head Butler Salary range: USD12,000 to $17,000 per annum and is based on experience and qualification. Some position currently held by a work permit holder.

ONLY CANDIDATES MEETING ABOVE REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS WILL BE CONTACTED Candidates should apply to Seven Stars Resort & Spa, Grace Bay Road, Providenciales via e-mail at hr@sevenstarsgracebay.com for consideration or should leave CV’s at the security building for the attention of HR. Prospective applicants who are Belongers kindly send copies of your application to the board. Application deadline: July 15, 2017

JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


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Other Essential Duties and Responsibilities;

JOB ADVERTISEMENT Gansevoort Turks + Caicos is a contemporary luxury full service boutique resort on Grace Bay Beach. We are looking for driven and energetic professionals with Five Star experience and who are committed to achieving excellence by ensuring Five Star standards and services are continuously delivered. Position:

Director of Asset Management

Responsible To: Resort Manager Overall Scope and Responsibility: CANDIDATE PROFILE: Experienced in onsite resort asset management, governance, financial, planning and operations management and preventive maintenance of resort assets. This includes managing asset inventories, inspections of operations, planning for improvements and preventive maintenance, development proposals, budgets and contracts for vital services to support the operations, standard operating procedures and working with the teams to ensure knowledge and skill levels are in place to support the operation and protect the assets. Provides regular reports and recommendations for projects and improvements to the executive management team. CORE WORK ACTIVITIES Managing Property Assets •Supervises management of resort assets and preventive maintenance programs to ensure property is in ‘Like New’ operation to support the highest of luxury standards. •Assists in overseeing management of the physical plant including equipment, refrigeration, kitchen, HVAC, plumbing, water treatment, electrical and life safety systems. •Ensures equipment is maintained and operated at optimum effectiveness, efficiency and safety. •Establish measures for operational service delivery and achieves goals annually •Manages assets to meet CAPEX and improvement budgets and project expenses as well as the associated maintenance contracts. •Monitor asset procurement and inventory controls (equipment, supplies, costs and furnishings) •Assist in inspection and evaluation of the physical condition of facilities in order to determine the type of work required to maintain. •Review and manage controllable expenses such as tools, equipment, uniforms, property supplies, •Review asset management procedures and upgrade as required •Analysis of consumption of power and water and develop methods for cost and energy savings with Engineering •Supervises the day to day management of FF&E •Provide weekly and monthly reports and recommendations to executive management on overall management of property assets. Maintaining Property Standards •Maintains accurate databases, logs and records as required. •Assists in effectively planning, scheduling and evaluating preventative maintenance and inventory programs. Providing Exceptional Customer Service •Handles guest/departmental problems and complaints effectively. •Empowers employees to provide excellent customer service. •Displays leadership in guest hospitality by exemplifying excellent customer service and creating a positive atmosphere for guest relations. Managing Profitability •Helps establish priorities for total property maintenance needs. •Ensures on-going communication occurs in all areas of responsibility to create awareness of business objectives, awareness of expectations and recognition of exemplary performance. Managing and Conducting Human Resources Activities •Celebrates successes and publicly recognizes the contributions of team members. •Establishes and maintains open, collaborative relationships with employees. •Ensures employees are treated fairly and equitably. •Strives to improve service performance. •Provides feedback to employees based on observation of service behaviors. •Supervises employee’s ability to execute departmental and property emergency procedures. •Helps ensure regulatory compliance to facility regulations and safety standards. •Ensures disciplinary procedures and documentation are completed according to Standard and Local Operating Procedures (SOPs) and support review process. •Ensures property policies are administered fairly and consistently.

•Directs all activities related to the bid process, state requirements for quotes and processing of purchase orders •Reviews floor plans and product specifications provided by design consultants to ensure they meet applicable requirements, such as ADA regulations, and standards •Prepares reports and maintains logs on projects related with procurement of all furniture, fixture and equipment •Provides estimates and issues work orders to meet project budget and deadlines •Creates standards and procedures and researches data and selection of products required for resort to maintained to the highest standards •Collaborates and works closely with Senior Management and other colleagues in the planning, development and completion of improvement projects •Knowledge and understanding of goals and objectives, and policies and procedures •Possess strong written and verbal skills and the ability to work and communicate effectively in a high volume, high pace environment with all levels •Must demonstrate supervisory skills and be able to direct and secure the cooperation of the staff and contracted personnel and vendors. •Ability to work well in a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural environment •Collaborates with vendors/contractors and monitors work product to ensure quality standards are consistent with the requirements of a luxury resort. •Liaises with department heads to understand challenges and ensure maintenance needs are addressed. •Due to the nature of the business, the incumbent may be required to do other duties and special projects and other duties as assigned by Management. Skills/Qualifications/Experience: The individual must possess the following knowledge, skills and abilities, and be able to explain and demonstrate that he or he can perform the essential functions of the job, with or without reasonable accommodation, using some other combination of skills and abilities. •B.A or equivalent preferred, 2-year degree from an accredited university in Engineering, Mechanics, Community Association Management certification or related major; •2 years experience in the engineering and maintenance or related professional area; technical training in HVAC-R/electrical/plumbing. •4 years progressive experience in luxury hospitality environment (Forbes 4-5 Star rated or equivalent standards) •Resort residence or community association management experience •Knowledge and high skill level of Microsoft Office applications to include spreadsheets and databases, project management and presentation software as well as other operation systems such as OPERA, SAP •Considerable knowledge of mathematical skills (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) necessary to interpret electrical, mechanical and building systems. •Thorough knowledge of building codes, fire safety systems, plumbing and electrical systems, mechanical and HVAC, and carpentry disciplines •Considerable knowledge of electrical and mechanical systems with the ability to analyze their design intent and performance. Considerable knowledge of construction and building systems. •Strong communication and interpersonal skills; ability to speak, read and write fluently in the English language •Ability to grasp, lift and/or carry or otherwise move goods weighing a minimum of 50 Ibs. •Ability to perform tasks requiring bending, stooping, kneeling, walking and standing for an extended period of time. •Ability to hear a change in a pitch of high-speed mechanical equipment. •Ability to remain calm and professional in emergency situations and to effectively deal with internal and external customers, some of whom will require patience, tact, and diplomacy to defuse anger, collect accurate information and solve customer concerns. •Ability to instruct subordinates and accomplish goals on a timely basis. •Ability to translate technical information or challenges into layman’s terms. •Strong leadership skills with the ability to train, develop skills, mentor and motivate a team •Self-motivated and dependable with an exceptional work ethic and strong problem solving skills Key Relationships •Executive Management •Finance •Engineering •Food & Beverage •Vendors/Suppliers/Contractors Salary Range $35k-$45k per annum. Interested applicants can contact our Human Resources Department, Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm on (649)941-7555. E- Mail cover letter outlining your interest and supporting experience in a particular position along with your Resume or C.V. to hr@wymara.com

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JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


Food For Thought Celebrates Completing First Year Of Successful Breakfast Programme With Sold Out Event At Bella Luna Popular Italian Restaurant hosts intimate family style dinner in its enchanting pizza garden, raising over $8,500 for the charity’s new food bank project On Saturday 8 July 2017 to Cosimo and his superb Bella Luna almost 100 guests filled the charming team for hosting such a delightful pizza garden at Bella Luna to dine al evening, and for donating all the fresco in support of Food for Thought wonderful food! They went above and who have finished the first year of beyond to ensure our guests had a their breakfast programme on a magnificent night. Everyone has been high note, with teachers reporting so complimentary of the amazing food, increased concentration and improved fantastic service and close attention to attendance in their classes. detail. Lucky diners were treated The $8,500 raised at this to delicious fare donated by Bella event will go a long way towards Luna - including caprese salad, a launching our food bank project, and variety of artisan pizzas, homemade help to subsidise the Breakfast Boxes meatballs with spaghetti, and mouth- to ensure at least ten children from watering tiramisu. They also enjoyed each of those government schools a discounted cash bar, and a raffle can receive something for breakfast sponsored by Turks & Caicos Banking every school day. We have spoken to Company, while reveling in the musical the schools, who have confirmed the talents of Brentford and Brenten urgent need for the Breakfast Boxes so Handfield. There was also a pop up we are pleased to be able to expand in shop on the night, with a night’s stay our second year, thanks to such great donated by Amanyara helping to boost community support. sales. The owner of Tangled Hair However, we still need help. Salon, Brigitte Wildt, kindly ran an We are calling on local businesses to accompanying promotion on the same come on board and join up to become day, offering special deals to customers corporate sponsors. We have packages - with all funds raised being donated to for all business sizes. Individual Food for Thought. sponsors can also do their part by Co-founder of the charity donating to the food banks, sponsoring Karen Savory thanked supporters and a child for just $200, or by giving donors, especially Food for Thought’s monthly donations.” breakfast programme partners: Food for Thought would like to Quality Food Centre, Tropical thank the following generous sponsors Shipping, Lew 1 Shipping and Caicos of their event: Cosimo and Bella Luna, Express Airways; as well as Partner Amanyara Resort, Turks & Caicos Sponsor Sotheby’s International Realty. Banking Company, Island Fire Supplies, Tribute was also paid to the charity’s Sotheby’s, Spa Tropique, Goldsmith, invaluable honourary member, Joan SURFside Ocean Academy, Point ConnollyGregg, for all of her hard work Grace, Parallel 23, Atelys, Needles and and support. Pins Upholstery, Caribbean Outpost, Karen also took the opportunity Turquoise Distribution, Atabeyra, to announce Food for Thought’s plans Bark + Bliss, Thai Orchid, Sharon Weil to expand its reach in the new school Hornstein, After5 Island Concierge, year - to the ten government schools not Freediving for Me, Swift Delivery currently in the breakfast programme. Services, Islehelp, Tangled Hair The new food bank programme will Salon, Brentford & Brenten Handfield, seek donations of non-perishable Eustace, Jovan & Sanjay, Theresa, breakfast items to fill Breakfast Boxes Kathleen and Melanie, and as always in each of the guidance counsellor’s Richard & Robin Savory. offices, to discretely provide some food If you would like to learn more to those students most in need of a about or donate to Food for Thought nutritious breakfast. please email foodforthoughttci@gmail. Food for Thought co-founder com or visit foodforthoughttci.com. Jeanne Savory said “We are so grateful

JOB TITLE: Creole/French and Spanish Interpreter SUMMARY OF DUTIES AND RESPONBILITIES: The Supreme Court and Magistrate’s Court are seeking to compile a roster of Creole/French and Spanish Interpreters. The incumbent will be facilitating the Providenciales and Grand Turk Courts and will be expected to; •speak, •read and; •write English,Creole/French and Spanish fluently. They will have to translate the English language into the Creole/ French and or Spanish Language and vice versa in a court setting. It will be an asset if persons are multilingual and have flexible schedules. We are seeking reliable and capable individuals who may be called on spontaneously. All persons must be of good character and possess the necessary competencies to effectively respond to what is required of them. This is NOT a full time post and that the interpreting assistance will be required solely when needed. REMUNERATION: $100 per sittting. Please send your expression of interest with your CV to: nshiwram@ gov.tc or hand deliver to the Supreme Court Grand Turk or Providenciales addressed to ‘the Court Administrator”

JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


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JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


No development since 2010, are you surprised?? by Maxwell Smith Jr. Dear Mr. Editor,

or control of the elected Government. •Placement of the Commissioner of Lands; Land Registry; Land Valuation; Lands & Surveys; and the Crown Land Unit under the control of the appointed and contracted Attorney General. •Appointment of only foreigners to head the Departments of Land Registry; Land Valuation; Lands &Surveys; the Crown Land Unit; Office of the Commissioner of Lands; and the Department of Environment. •A Crown Land Policy, which is disadvantageous to indigenous Turks and Caicos Islanders and prevents access to and ownership of Crown Land which previously existed for generations. •Emergence of foreign owned, controlled and agenda driven environmental/interest groups in the Islands, which are actively opposing any major economic development that would create jobs and opportunities for indigenous Turks and Caicos Islanders. •Direct channels of reporting for these agenda driven interest groups to the highest levels of Government, including those across the Atlantic Ocean. •Collusion of agenda driven interest groups and the highest levels of Government, especially the Department of Environment; and finally;

Please allow me space in your newspaper to share my thoughts with the community of the Turks and Caicos Islands, whose people are from a pedigree of God-fearing, humble, loving, dignified, gifted and hospitable ancestry. I pray that they continue to cling to their traditional way of life, elevate themselves to the highest level of their expectations and overcome trials and tribulations. Until 2010, our economy was booming. For the first time in the history of the Islands’ development, we had witnessed the emergence of a middle-class comprised of indigenous people who were formerly limited to being civil servants or labourers for expatriate businesses. During the “boom”, wealth trickled to the lowest within society because of our Islands’ family ties. Even bullfrogs were dressed in soldier clothes and driving Escalades - boy what an exciting time it was and a sight to see. Condominiums; hotels; high end villas; homes and businesses; airports; hospitals; roads; and other forms of infrastructure were being built. Donkeys, goats, cows and pigs were on scholarships and acquiring degrees from the best institutions in the UK, USA, Canada, the Caribbean and elsewhere in the world. In addition to the private sector initiatives and • Egregious, vindictive and vibrancy, the Government adapted opportunistic individuals giving by facilitating and changing to meet advice and instructions within the the growing demands placed upon it. upper echelons of Government, Civil servants were motivated, caring, with detrimental consequences to rational and responsive, they were indigenous Turks Islanders. Turks and Caicos Islanders. I am wondering how, when Post allegations of corruption, and where did it become ‘them’ versus interim administration and ‘us’ (indigenous people and their elected propaganda networks, our economy is representatives)? From a quick glance, now in the reverse, with a serious turn you would conclude that it’s black of events which threatens the very versus white, locals versus foreigners, existence of the indigenous people. the environmentally conscious versus It’s unfortunate for our newly elected the ignoramus, but no, it is a small Madam Premier that her also newly selected group of foreigners, who elected Government is faced with the are determined to undermine the following appointments, changes and development of the Turks and Caicos circumstances: Islands and preserve the status quo. •No control or influence over There are many foreigners appointments to the Civil that are genuinely working tirelessly Service, which is supposed to be for the development and betterment the implementation arm of her of our country. They also want to see Government’s policies. the upliftment and empowerment •A buffer between the elected of the indigenous people, their own Government and the Civil Service; economic future here depends on it. On and direct tight fist control of the Civil the ocxAZzther hand, there are those Service by H.E. The Governor (the who are resentful and bitter, acting as Civil Service falls directly under the though there was a “big bang” when Deputy Governor). they arrived and all of a sudden we •Removal of the Commissioner of the people were enlightened through Lands; Land Registry; Land Valuation; their presence. They cannot grasp Lands & Surveys; and the Crown the reality that people whom were Land Unit from direct administration formerly fishermen, salt rakers, their

yard and house cleaners, construction labourers and so on, are now competing with them as building contractors, attorneys, real estate agents, doctors and other types of professionals. Isn’t it supposed to be about the indigenous people? Isn’t sustainable development about the indigenous people, their future, their children’s future and not compromising the lives of their future generations? Isn’t democracy about them electing their representatives to institute systems and policies of Government to bring about their best goals and fulfill their aspirations? Or is it that foreigners/expatriates, those who are completely alien to our woes, sorrows, desires and ambitions, know what’s best for us? These folks have perfected the art of creating causes that will give themselves jobs; sources of donations, monies and sponsorships; occupy their time; and keep themselves in the Islands – all in the name of the environment and saving the Turks and Caicos Islands. You all have seen the various ‘societies and funds’ that have been created in aid of the aforementioned: save the potcakes, donkeys, reefs and so on. Soon there will be the “Save the Roaches Fund”, but NEVER will you see a “Save the livelihood of the Turks & Caicos Islanders’ Fund”. The present institutional infrastructure, modus operandi and attitudes appears to be the implementation of an antidevelopment, development agenda. Somehow, they truly believe that they are on an environmental protection and good governance agenda to save the Islands; mostly though to save the Islands from its indigenous people. The result of all their policies, regulations and actions is stagnation of development and everyone is feeling the pinch. You only need to read the recent press to see that everyone is feeling financial pains. The status quo is clearly not working. What’s the point of regulations overkill and BBB+ ratings when the native people are dying a slow death as a result? Another area of hypocrisy is the changing of the Crown Land Policy, which is of no consequence to the preservation, conservation or reservation of Crown Land. The same lands are still available in the same locations and in declining acreages. The only changes are that, they are now managed by foreigners, issued to foreigners, and unattractive to indigenous Turks and Caicos Islanders. We have become spectators to development of and in our land and country. What is clear, is that land for future generations of indigenous Turks and Caicos Islanders is not

a factor, land as an empowerment instrument for indigenous Turks and Caicos Islanders is not a factor, and development of land is good, only if it’s done by anyone other than an indigenous Turks and Caicos Islander. The only changes needed for the previous Crown Land Policy was for it to be operated concurrently with a Development Plan and better institutional arrangements – proper management, transparency, and free from corruption. Who knows our environment better than us? We were the ones that remained during the exhaustion of the soils after Cotton; and the destruction and decline after Salt. Our forefathers learned, adapted and survived these evolutionary changes. Today, their heritage landscape is what we now call pristine and are promoting for economic development. Again, who knows our environment better than us? My fellow natives, we must not fall into destructive personal or political arguments. They love it when we are fighting with each other on Facebook, in the newspapers and elsewhere. Their worse possible scenario is unity amongst us including the political parties towards common goals. Let us fight for our country and a prosperous future. Let us congregate, consult, communicate and develop OUR plan for OUR way forward. Who else knows best? The way forward is for the present institutional arrangement to be reviewed and revised to allow for greater control of the Civil Service by our elected representatives as previously existed. Provide them with the best qualified advice, but allow them to do whatever they decide in a democratic way to ensure the development of our country. We must ensure that measures of transparency, good integrity, good governance and accountability are in place, whilst at the same time ensuring that the indigenous people are the primary beneficiaries of growth and development, employment opportunities, and shapers of their society and destiny. Take a good look at the world, Britain no longer wants to be part of the European Community; the United States is looking inwards; pacts and treaties are being dismantled; and it appears that globalization is slowly dying. Nations are concerned about their own people and livelihoods, erosion of their culture and resources, and their future generations. Why aren’t we?! Please release these chains, turn us loose and let us go – the current policies and institutional arrangements are hurting us!

TCI ombudsman attends 9TH Biennial Caribbean Ombudsman Association Conference IN Bonaire The Complaints Commissioner of the Turks and Caicos Islands, Mrs. Cynthia Astwood, along with the Senior Investigative Officer, Mrs. Caulette Simmons represented the Turks and Caicos Islands at the 9th Biennial Caribbean Ombudsman Association (CAROA) Conference held June 11th – 13th 2017 in Bonaire. The Conference focused on topics such as Ombudsman Relationships; Challenges facing the Ombudsman; Networking and Non-traditional issues facing Ombudsman Institutions. This forum was a platform from which a plethora of ideas relevant to the work of the Ombudsman were addressed and discussed among colleagues with an aim to strengthening ties with the Ombudsman Community not only in the Caribbean but internationally as well. The structured framework of the Ombudsman is such that having the ability to share experiences with counter parts around the

region proves vital to the organization in concluding recommendations for the ultimate benefit of the citizenry of each country. The Senior Investigative Officer attended training put on in collaboration with The Caribbean Ombudsman Association, The International Ombudsman Institute as well as Queen Margaret University Edinburgh. The two day training sessions were held June 14th -15th 2017. “We were indeed delighted to have the opportunity to benefit from the level of engaging and informative training which was provided for investigative officers by the Queen Margaret University, the training will no doubt enhance the skills of the officers in their quest to bring some form of resolution to the concerns of the public when complaints have been brought to the attention of the Ombudsman.” CAROA seeks to maintain and promote the Institution of the Ombudsman by encouraging its

development throughout the Caribbean. The organization aims to strengthen the offices of the Ombudsman in the Caribbean in order to foster cooperative work among regional colleagues, to harness resources, network and provide continued enrichment for regional and international offices of the Ombudsman. The Conference was well attended by both regional and international Ombudsman including the President of the International Ombudsman Institute Mr. Peter Tyndall who was the key note speaker at the opening ceremony. Also speaking at the Conference were Dr. Nilda Arduin, President of CAROA and Ombudsman for Saint Maarten, Ms. Arlene Brock (former Ombudsman for Bermuda) who is the Centre Director of the African Ombudsman Research Centre in South Africa as well as Mr. Reinier van Zutphen Ombudsman for The Netherlands.

JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


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Kiwanis Club of Providenciales raffle prizes gitveaway The Kiwanis Club of Providenciales continues to bring forth great initiatives for the TCI community. The Kiwanis Club of Providenciales took up a project to raise funds in order to help restock the Victoria Public Library in Grand Turk, one of the oldest and most historic buildings in Grand Turk which was destroyed by a fire earlier this year. The Kiwanis Club of Providenciales put together a raffle and the draw took place at Fish Fry on June 29th, 2017. Twenty six persons won prizes. The prizes were handed over to the winners on Wednesday, July 5th at Hole in the Wall, Providenciales. Over $5,000 in funds were raised by the Kiwanis Club to go towards restocking the Victoria Public Library in Grand Turk. Lorraine Green one of the Directors of Kiwanis Club of Providenciales told the SUN, “At the Kiwanis Club we raise money and it’s put towards a project and sometimes we have specific projects in mind

along with other projects during the year. This year our project was the library and we were raising funds to help to restock the library in terms of purchasing or getting books for the library in Grand Turk. After having the representative from Grand Turk libraries we saw the need there to put some of the funds towards that as well as other projects we are doing.” Around 4:41 a.m. on Thursday, March 9th, 2017, fire and police officials along with personnel from Fortis were dispatched to a report of a concrete structure on fire on Front Street, Grand Turk. Police officers arrived on scene and noticed the main building that housed the Victoria Public Library engulfed in flames and completely destroyed. A smaller building located at the back received damage to the roof. A number of books, files and other items were saved. An Investigation was launched by the three responding agencies to determine the exact cause of this fire.

TCI dance students to study abroad this summer Five talented dance 4:30p, they will be immersed in students from Providenciales comprehensive ballet training have been chosen to study abroad with pointe, variations, partnering, this summer, courtesy of and classical repertory, choreographic funded by the Turks and Caicos workshops and dance history. Friends of the Arts Foundation To add to this rigorous (TCFAF). Earltray Robinson (18), dance schedule, their visit will Caitlin Lewis (15), Zaria Thomas include extra-curricular activities (16), Aaliyah Oudman (15), and — an introduction to Philadelphia Makhya Wignal (11) will travel Rhythm Tap, musical theatre on July 7 to Philadelphia with classes, arts and crafts projects, chaperone Barbara Pankhurst of Shakespeare in the Park, a TCFAF. The five lucky students Broadway show, and visiting fun will attend a 4-week, full day local landmarks, such as The Summer Dance Intensive at the Philadelphia Zoo, the Camden Gwendolyn Bye Dance Center in Aquarium, the Franklin Institute, West Philadelphia. an Amish Farm, King of Prussia The program is specifically Mall, an IMAX theatre, etc. designed to help them grow A big thank you to their as young artists and develop dance teachers and mentors in TCI: strong technical foundations Niki Flowers and Sandy Ferguson in an enriching and energetic of Provo Performing Arts School, environment. The program Roxann Wake-Forbes and Tamara emphasizes self-discipline, Megrelishvili of the Edward concentration, self-confidence, and Gartland Youth Centre, Natasha the value of teamwork. They will Leybush of Rock It Hot Fitness, study modern, jazz, hip-hop and Shara Goldsmith of Breaking ethnic dance with focus on Graham, Free Dance, and everyone who Limón, and Horton techniques, has wholeheartedly supported the as well as choreography and events of TCFAF over the past improvisation, from 9:30a to 12:30p years, making this extraordinary every day. Afternoons, 1:30p to opportunity possible!

TCI dance students

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TCI leg of the Queen’s Baton Relay of the Commonwealth Games T

he Queen’s Baton arrived on July 11th, 2017 in the Turks and Caicos at the Providenciales International Airport, ahead of the 2018 Gold Coast Games, set for April 4th, 2018 – April 15th, 2018 in Australia. The Queen’s Baton arrival at the Providenciales International Airport was welcomed by Acting Governor Hon. Anya Williams, Acting Premier and Minister for Border Control and Employment, Hon. Sean Astwood and Minister of Education Hon. Karen Malcolm for the official hand over. A welcome meet and greet was held at the Graceway Sports Center and then the evening ceremony at Shore

Club. Turks and Caicos culture was on display every step of the way as the route of the relay through the Turks and Caicos beginning in South Caicos on July 12th and skip over to Salt Cay the same day. A huge at Carnival Cruise Lines, Grand Turk Cruise Center after the Baton makes its way from Salt Cay by way of the ferry to the nation’s capital island. The Queen’s Baton Relay continued on July 13th from Grand Turk to lush North Caicos, through to majestic Middle Caicos and climaxing at the world renowned, Grace Bay in Providenciales for the finale at the famous Island Fish Fry with the

Tourism Minister and the CYG athletes, which this year number 31 and which this year for the first time features TCIFA athletes. The stop of the Queen’s Baton in the TCI comes ahead of the Commonwealth Youth Games which will take place in Nassau, Bahamas July 16th - 24th, where some 31 TCI athletes will participate in seven sporting disciplines. It will be the first time the Queen’s Baton visits the Commonwealth Youth Games. The following are photographs from the TCI leg of the Queen’s Baton Relay of the Commonwealth Games.

JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017

JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017



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ST Monica’s Anglican Church bible school tour Summer school is here and the airport is bustling with persons traveling for vacation. In this case the excitement and movement was due to a Vacation Bible School tour with the Church Of St Monica here in Providenciales. During the month of July, this church will be hosting Vacation Bible School in Providenciales, Grand Turk and South Caicos. In an effort to “share in the Ministry of God”, St Monica’s Anglican church which was led by Father Tellison Glover led approximately 40 youth to the Providenciales International Airport to tour the facility. Their focus was safety and merging fun with learning. The Turks & Caicos Islands Airports Authority (TCIAA) is always proud to offer tours of this

nature to the public. One of the highlights of the tour was of course the Fire Station. The firemen were proud to demonstrate their drills and even suit up in full fire gear for the students to see their equipment in action. Youths were given the opportunity to spray the hose and learn about what they do in case of an emergency. These tours are available to schools or even community groups on a prearranged and pre-approved basis. It is important for children to lean of the basics of “_stop, drop and roll”_ in order to keep themselves and their family safe by shouting “Fire” and running away from danger. These basic tips go a long way in keeping the community on a whole safe.

JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017

JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


Clement Howell High School graduation & prizing giving ceremony 2017


he Clement Howell High School held its annual graduation ceremony on Monday, July 3rd, 2017, at the Gustavas Lightbourne Sports Complex, Providenciales. The theme for this year’s graduation was ‘Perseverance Through an Era of Change’. The event was attended by a whole host of dignitaries, including His Excellency the Governor, Dr John Freeman and Wife, Her Excellency Deputy Governor Anya Williams and Minister of Education Hon. Karen Malcolm. A feature address was done by former student Ms. Candia T. Ewing – Valedictorian ‘Class of 2006’. This year’s Valedictorian was Angelina Howell; Randeann Ellis was the Salutatorian, Shaniel Swaby the second runner up and Katanna Bain third runner up. 167 students graduated from the class of 2017. Here are photo highlights of the event. Photo Credit: Charlie’s Photography.


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JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017

It takes each of us to make a difference for all of us Help us fill our Breakfast Boxes which will be going into schools this September. Food for Thought is expanding its reach by providing breakfast items to the ten government schools not currently receiving daily breakfast.

Shopping List (Approved by Grace Bay Medical Centre) Nut/grain bar


Fruit/nut trail mix

Instant oatmeal

Instant grits

Long life milk (chocolate milk accepted)

Wholegrain cereal

Dried fruit

Peanut butter (Smuckers Natural preferred)

Drop your donations off at Savory & Co. in Regent Village West or visit foodforthoughttci.com for current locations.

JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


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GOVERNMENT VACANCIES – (APPLICATION DEADLINE: JOB TITLE: Exchange of Information Officer 28th July 2017) - JCB3-6 DEPARTMENT: Exchange of Information Unit JOB TITLE: Crown Counsel, LOCATION: Providenciales Commercial/Civil – CBB3- 1 SALARY: Grade 8 - $51,147.50 per annum plus DEPARTMENT: Attorney General Chambers allowances LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 8 - $51,147.50 per annum plus JOB SUMMARY: allowances The incumbent in this position will report to the Director of Exchange of Information and will be responsible for assisting JOB SUMMARY: with the full range of competent authority functions, including The job holder in this position must be able to provide legal the implementation of new agreements, the execution of requests, advice to the Turks and Caicos Islands Government as it relates the making of judicial applications, and the handling of legal to a wide range of Government activities, public service matters, issues arising from any aspect of the competent authority’s and advice to the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force: work. other than in relation to criminal prosecutions. JOB TITLE: Administrative Officer – JCB3-7 DEPARTMENT: Exchange of Information Unit JOB TITLE: Land Registry Officer – CBB3-2 LOCATION: Grand Turk DEPARTMENT: Land Registry SALARY: Grade 5 - $26,650.00 per annum LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 5 - $26,650.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: To ensure the efficient administrative and accounting operation JOB SUMMARY: of the EOI Unit as it relates to the financial information This is a support position, which has departmental responsibility gathering and sharing with international treaty partners in to assist the Registrar in the registration of all instruments accordance with global standards in practice. The incumbent relating to dealings in land namely, transfer, charges, caution, will have oversight for managing routine office administration, restrictions etc. in accordance with the Registered Land schedules, calendar, meetings, administrative & finance Ordinance. activities and any other tasks as assigned. JOB TITLE: DEPARTMENT: LOCATION: SALARY:

Senior Administrative Officer CBB3-3 Crown Land Unit Grand Turk Grade 6 - $33,415.00 per annum


Canine Enforcement Officer - JCB3-8 Customs Department Providenciales Grade 5 - $26,650.00 per annum plus allowances

JOB SUMMARY: JOB SUMMARY: The incumbent in this position will be responsible for the day to The incumbent will be responsible for the operational day operations of administrative deployment of their canine and daily care, feeding and exercise functions in the office and provide support in resource of the canine. Additionally, the incumbent will be responsible management of Finances, Human for general Customs duties, which includes and is not limited Resources, Facilities and Purchasing. to; maintaining Customs Intelligence Database, assisting at the Transit Sheds, Airport, FBO and Bonded Warehouses; be JOB TITLE: Assistant Land Registry actively involved in searches of passengers, premises, vessels Officer - CBB3- 4 and aircrafts for evidence of narcotics as well as aiding in the DEPARTMENT: Land Registry Department pursuit of suspected criminals LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 3 - $16,707.50 per annum JOB TITLE: Network and Wiring Specialist – JCB39 JOB SUMMARY: DEPARTMENT: CITU This is an administrative support position for the Lands Division. LOCATION: Providenciales The job holder will undertake clerical and administrative tasks SALARY: Grade 7 - $41,205.00 per annum to support the day-to-day operations of the assigned unit. plus allowances JOB TITLE: DEPARTMENT: LOCATION: SALARY:

Cashier – JCB3- 5 Accountant General (Treasury) South Caicos Grade 4 - $21,935.00 per annum


This position will seek to address the need for permanent IT personnel presence and support on the island of Providenciales to service the IT needs of Government Offices on site and offices JOB SUMMARY in the neighboring islands of North and Middle Caicos as needed. This is an administrative support position, with floor level This position will also ensure an efficient response time to the responsibility for the effective management and collection locations mentioned, as well as ensuring proper connectivity to of revenue. The position requires that the job holder provide end users in the event remote assistance is to be provided by service to the customers of TCIG in the receiving of revenue, CITU staff located in Grand Turk. responding to queries and where required issuing payments to suppliers. For more details regarding this position, kindly refer to the attached documents or visit http://www.gov.tc/government-vacancies Please Note: Applications that are not accompanied by all required supporting documents will not be processed. Only applicants shortlisted for an interview will be contacted. We thank you for your interest in joining The Turks & Caicos Islands Public Service!

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JOB TITLE: Director of Health Policy and Planning – KHB3-10 DEPARTMENT: Ministry of Health, Agriculture and Human Services LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 9 - $59,552.50 per annum JOB SUMMARY: This is a senior management position with responsibility for leading the Health Policy and Planning Unit. The job holder is also responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of health sector policies, plans, strategies and programmes. He/she works with MHAHS units/ departments to develop, assess and update departmental health policies and plans and aides them in the design and implementation. JOB TITLE:

Deputy Contract Performance Manager - KHB3-11 DEPARTMENT: Contract Management Unit LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 8 - $51,147.50 per annum plus allowances

JOB SUMMARY The incumbent is required to monitor and coordinate the implementation of all obligations under the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) hospital project agreement and other Pay for Performance contracts entered into by the MOHAHS. JOB TITLE: Clinical Nurse –KHB3-12 DEPARTMENT: Special Needs Unit – Wellness Center LOCATION: South Caicos SALARY: Grade 5 - $26,650.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: This a professional nursing position with basic level responsibility for patient/client health care in the Wellness Center/Special Needs Unit on South Caicos. JOB TITLE: Client Care Assistant - KHB3-13 DEPARTMENT: Special Needs Unit – Wellness Center LOCATION: South Caicos SALARY: Grade 4 - $21,935.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: This is a practical nursing position with basic level responsibility for patient health care in the Wellness Center. JOB TITLE: DEPARTMENT: LOCATION: SALARY:

Quarantine Officer – KHB3-14 Agriculture Department Providenciales/Grand Turk Grade 6 - $33,415.00 per annum plus allowances

JOB SUMMARY: The incumbent will oversee and evaluate the trapping operations of the animal welfare unit and enforcement of animal control ordinances. To investigate cases of mistreatment, nuisance and other breaches of the animal control ordinances. To control abandoned, dangerous, feral, stray and unattended animals. To enforce the Plant Health Act and Subsidiary regulations with the goal of preventing the ingress and spread of plant pests and diseases of

JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017

quarantine significance. JOB TITLE: DEPARTMENT: LOCATION: SALARY:

Vector Control Officer - KHB3 -15 Environmental Health Department North Caicos Grade 4 - $21,935.00 per annum

JOB SUMMARY: The incumbent in this position will control of diseasecarrying mosquitoes and other vectors that pose a threat to public health within the Turks and Caicos Islands. JOB TITLE: Psychiatrist - KHB3 – 16 DEPARTMENT: Mental Health and Substance Dependence LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 8 - $51,147.50 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: The purpose of this job is to ensure provision of a high standard of Mental Health Care to the residents of Zone 1 (Grand Turk, South Caicos and Salt Cay). JOB TITLE: DEPARTMENT: LOCATION: SALARY:

Liaison Officer – CFB3-17 Road Safety Department Providenciales Grade 5 - $26,650.00 per annum

JOB SUMMARY: To ensure that all public and private vehicles are in compliance with the Road Safety Ordinance and to assist with the processing of vehicle registration, driver’s license and data entry. JOB TITLE: Social Worker – CFB3-18 DEPARTMENT: Social Development and Gender Affairs LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 6 $33,415.00 per annum plus Allowances To provide professional social work services to the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands. This is a specialized professional position, which has departmental wide responsibility for the elderly, orphans, juveniles, probationers and parolees. JOB TITLE: Psychiatric Social Worker – CFB3- 19 DEPARTMENT: Social Development and Gender Affairs LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 6 - $33,415.00 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: The incumbent of the Department of Social Development will apply specialised clinical knowledge and advanced clinical skills in the areas of assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental, emotional, behavioural and developmental disorders, conditions and addictions.

For more details regarding this position, kindly refer to the attached documents or visit http://www.gov.tc/government-vacancies Please Note: Applications that are not accompanied by all required supporting documents will not be processed. Only applicants shortlisted for an interview will be contacted. We thank you for your interest in joining The Turks & Caicos Islands Public Service!

JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017



Administrative Officer – CFB3- 20 Publishing Department Grand Turk Grade 5 - $26,650.00 per annum

JOB SUMMARY: The incumbent in this post will be responsible for preparing appropriate documentation for approval, ensures all transactions are properly recorded. The incumbent will also manage databases, systems for filing and secure all documents that is sensitive and/or confidential. JOB TITLE: MINISTRY: LOCATION: SALARY:

Head of Secretariat – CFB3-21 Home Affairs, Transportation & Communications Grand Turk Grade 7 - $41,205.00 per annum

JOB SUMMARY: This is a senior position responsible for co-ordinating the political and administrative interface between the Minister and Permanent Secretary in the allocated Ministry. JOB TITLE: Deputy Director of Estates – CBB3- 22 DEPARTMENT: Estate Management Department LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 8 - $51,147.50 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: The Deputy Director of Estates has responsibility for assisting the Director of Estates with the development, management and control of TCIG’s evolving Estate Strategy which will witness the Estate being developed to meet with the short, medium and long term requirements of the Ministries and government departments as well as creating a far more efficient Estate. JOB TITLE: DEPARTMENT: LOCATION: SALARY:

Development Control Officer – CBB3-23 Planning Department Grand Turk & Providenciales Grade 5 - $26,650.00 per annum



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Executive Administrator – CFB3- 25 /JCB3 -38 Ministry of Tourism, Environment, Heritage and Culture & Ministry of Border Control and Employment Providenciales Grade 6 - $33,415.00 per annum plus allowances

JOB SUMMARY: This senior administrative support position will provide an efficient and responsive administrative, organisational and logistical service to the Minister and members of Senior Executive Team JOB TITLE:

Tourism Risk Disaster Strategic Manager – CFB3-26 DEPARTMENT: Ministry of Tourism, Environment, Heritage & Culture LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 8 - $51,148.00 per annum plus allowances

JOB SUMMARY: The incumbent will report to the Permanent Secretary and will function as the key policy and strategic management contact in the Ministry. Will act as liaison between the Ministry, Tourist Board, Cruise Ship Industry Officials and the wider community. The Job holder will assess & monitor risks to the tourism industry, with an emphasis on the Cruise Ship Sector, and develop disaster management plans, whilst overseeing its activity and service delivery standards. JOB TITLE:

Assistant Director of Law and Enforcement – CFB3-27 DEPARTMENT: Department of Environment & Coastal Resources LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 7 - $41,205.00 per annum plus allowances

JOB SUMMARY: This is a junior position with responsibility for the enforcement of the Physical Planning Ordinance and the regulations made thereunder throughout TCI. The job holder will assist in ensuring the enforcement of the Code, educate the public and liaise as required regarding amendments to the Planning and Building Regulations.

JOB SUMMARY: This post supports the Director in terms of the law enforcement of the Fisheries Protected Areas and Environment. It is a senior management position with responsibility to oversee the enforcement of environmental and fisheries in the TCI. The Assistant Director supports the Director to carry out strategic planning towards proper management of the protected areas, environment and fisheries.



Scientific Officer – CFB3-24 Environmental and Coastal Resources South Caicos Grade 6 - $33,415.00 per annum

JOB SUMMARY This is a mid-level position with nationwide responsibility to oversee scientific and monitoring activities of the Department. The job holder will provide science-based advice on various issues affecting environmental integrity in TCI.

Education Officer (Private Schools) – LWB3 - 28 Education Department Providenciales Grade 8 - $51,147.50 per annum plus allowances

JOB SUMMARY: This managerial position is responsible for the direction and oversight of a school system or set of programs in a specialized field and will oversee formulation of policies, setting of standards, development of the capabilities of staff, development and promotion of programs and targets to increase and improve capacity of the education sector.

For more details regarding this position, kindly refer to the attached documents or visit http://www.gov.tc/government-vacancies Please Note: Applications that are not accompanied by all required supporting documents will not be processed. Only applicants shortlisted for an interview will be contacted. We thank you for your interest in joining The Turks & Caicos Islands Public Service!

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JOB TITLE: Secondary Science Teacher – LWB3- 29 DEPARTMENT: Education Department LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: 35,926.25 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: This is a specialist position which has unit level responsibility for the teaching of one or more of the school’s curriculum subjects to students. JOB TITLE: Assistant Teacher – LWB3-30 DEPARTMENT: Education Department LOCATION: Grand Turk (Eliza Simons Primary School) SALARY: Grade 5 - $26,650.00 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: This is a paraprofessional position which has responsibility for working under a teacher’s supervision to give students additional attention and instruction. JOB TITLE:

Administrative Assistant (Executive Officer) - JCB3-32 DEPARTMENT: Employment Services LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 4 - $21,935.00 per annum

JOB SUMMARY: This is an administrative support position, which has responsibility for secretarial and administrative support functions in the office. JOB TITLE: Assistant Immigration Officer JCB3-33 DEPARTMENT: Immigration Department LOCATION: Various SALARY: Grade 4 - $21,935.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: This is a first level position within the Border Control & Enforcement/Immigration Department. The responsibility includes examining persons on arrival to the Islands, performing shift duties at all ports of entry and assisting the general public with delivery of service. JOB TITLE: DEPARTMENT: LOCATION: SALARY:

Environmental Health Officer - KHB3-34 Education Department Grand Turk Grade 6 - $33,415.00 per annum

JOB SUMMARY: The incumbent in this position will ensure that Public and Environmental Health and sanitation Standards are adhered to in all areas, both public and private.

JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


Financial Manager - JCB3-35 Accountant General Grand Turk Grade 8 - $51,147.50 per annum

JOB SUMMARY: This is a senior professional position, which has been established in each Ministry within the government. Each Financial Manager has a responsibility for compliance with the TCI Public Service budgetary and financial policy such as revenue generation, cost containment and delivery of other budget targets. (Application Deadline: 21st July 2017) JOB TITLE: DEPARTMENT: LOCATION: SALARY:

Director of Immigration - JCB3-36 Immigration Department Grand Turk GRADE 10.1 -$73,185.00 per annum plus allowances

JOB SUMMARY: This is a Senior Management position with strategic oversight and responsibility for the administration of the entire Border Control and Enforcement / Immigration Turks and Caicos Islands. The job holder will be responsible for devising strategies to implement Policies that oversee the Department’s daily functions, manage the staff, and ensure that policies under the Immigration Ordinance are followed; facilitate social dialogue which protects the interest, rights and obligating of Employers and Employees; allow lawful entry of people who will benefit the Turks and Caicos Islands, while preventing abuse of T.C.I society and economy; allow a pathway to citizenship while encouraging social cohesion. (Application Deadline: 21st July 2017) JOB TITLE: Commissioner of Labour - JCB3-37 DEPARTMENT: Employment Services LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: GRADE 10.1 -$73,185.00 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: This is a senior managerial and professional position, which has nationwide responsibility for the management and coordination of the various aspects of the labour and the TCI employment system providing strategic direction at the highest level to ensure harmonious labour relations and economic growth and development of the people of the Turks & Caicos Islands. This includes developing and implementing policies and protocols for promoting international labour standards in TCI. Providing leadership to the Deputy Commissioner and Senior Labour Inspectors, Senior Employment Officer and Secretary to Immigration Board.

For more details regarding this position, kindly refer to the attached documents or visit http://www.gov.tc/government-vacancies Please Note: Applications that are not accompanied by all required supporting documents will not be processed. Only applicants shortlisted for an interview will be contacted. We thank you for your interest in joining The Turks & Caicos Islands Public Service!

JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017



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Former Bahamian Government minister charged with bribery

FORMER Environment and Housing Minister Kenred Dorsett has been arraigned on a single count of misconduct in public office and four counts each of extortion and bribery totalling $120,000. According to the Tribune newspaper, he was remanded in custody until August 31, but he has the right to apply for bail in the Supreme Court. Dorsett was taken into police custody on Wednesday and is assisting the Royal Bahamas Police Force with a bribery investigation connected to the New Providence Landfill, The Tribune understands. Attorney Wayne Munroe, QC, who said he is representing Mr Dorsett, said the police investigation is centred around allegations that $80,000 to $100,000 was allegedly exchanged in connection with work done by a heavy equipment operator to move debris from the landfill following a massive fire at the site in March. The attorney told The Tribune that Mr Dorsett voluntarily went to police for questioning. #Mr Munroe questioned the basis of the police investigation, which he called a “witch hunt” saying the allegations involved could be made against anyone, and claimed investigators could show no

Former Government minister Kenred Dorsett (center) arrives at court on Thursday afternoon proof of their claims. “He [Mr Dorsett] was contacted to come in and so we went to see the police at the Central Detective Unit and they questioned him with matters surrounding the dump fire,” Mr Munroe told The Tribune, saying he was authorised by his client to release this information. “Remember when there was a dump fire, the government called for anyone to come with heavy equipment and so a gentleman made an allegation stemming from then and that issue. “When we sat down with the

police, all they said was the allegations stemmed during an unspecified time, between March and April, involving between $80,000 to $100,000. This guy [who is giving information to police] is making these accusations but they could show no evidence of money being exchanged, no wire transfers, we were not shown any documents or any cheques,” Mr Munroe claimed. “I do not think these men know what they are doing. This new administration seems to be on a witch hunt. They won, they beat the PLP bad and now they need to

get to the business of governing the country.“What these things open up, and the FNM doesn’t understand this, is if anyone can make an allegation against any minister at any time with no proof – that is a dangerous precedent. So anyone can say ‘between this amount of time, I gave someone between $80,00 to $100,000,’ that sets a dangerous precedent. What now stops someone who had a meeting with the present prime minister from doing the same thing? In the other cases, there was at least a trail that could be followed. This is a classic case of a witch hunt. The problem with a witch hunt is, the same people who started off as the accusers, end up as the accused.” He also said: “The same things they are looking at about him, by next week someone could make a similar allegation against the present prime minister or any one of his ministers, with the same measure of proof and they could be where Mr Dorsett is now, in custody,” Mr Munroe told The Tribune. “So if someone is to stand up and say something—without more (proof)—I expect the police will be arresting every serving Cabinet minister if a member of the public were to do that and that is how silly these fellows are.”

Jamaican Finance Minister under fire for $8.34 million cell phone bill Embattled Finance Minister Audley Shaw has disclosed more information as he seeks to explain his $8.34 million dollars in cell phone bills in a year. In posts on his official Twitter account, Mr Shaw reiterated that the bulk of the money was for data charges. He said when he queried about excessive charges on his bill, he was told that they were attributable to data roaming charges billed at US$8 per megabyte. The finance minister indicated that he racked up US$8,000 in data charges. Shaw noted that one gigabyte of data while roaming costs $1 million or US$8,000 on some networks. Television Jamaica has reported based on data obtained through the Access to Information Act that the $8.34 million bill covers the

AJ Nicholson named officer emeritus of PNP

period February 2016 to March this year. In October, the finance minister’s phone bill was $4.22 million. Meantime, a Government senator has come to the defence of embattled Finance and the Public Service Minister Audley Shaw, suggesting that he was the victim of “reckless business practices”, which has caused him to rack up a whopping telephone bill of more than $8 million in one year. Dr Saphire Longmore is arguing that customers of telecommunications providers are vulnerable because the companies do not enquire about suspicious activities taking place on the accounts of their clients. “If it were a credit card or a loan, such would be followed up,” she told The Gleaner. Earlier this week, Shaw said that he was oblivious to the fact that roaming charges were being applied

Queen’s Counsel, Arnold “AJ” Nicholson, the former foreign minister, has been named officer emeritus of the People’s National Party (PNP), a rarely accorded accolade in honour of his almost three decades of service to the party. Nicholson served the PNP as legal advisor from 1995 to 2017 and has been a longstanding member of its Executive Committee. He retired from public service last year March, ending 27 years in representational politics. “The Executive Committee of the PNP expresses its immense

to his account while he was overseas on government business. The finance minister said he had paid $2.5 million from his pocket and secured a discount of a little over $1 million from the cell phone service provider to help cover the alarming cost that led to a public uproar. According to a Television Jamaica report, based on data obtained through the Access to Information Act, from February 2016 to March this year, Shaw incurred $8.34 million in phone bills. On Tuesday, Prime Minister Andrew Holness, who described the exorbitant bill as unacceptable, ordered that an audit be done on the bills of government ministers and state ministers, and said that charges to the accounts are to be capped at an amount to be determined by the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service. He also urged Cabinet

gratitude to you for the 22 years you have served as legal advisor to the party,” said General Secretary Julian Robinson, in a letter to Nicholson. “Your wise counsel has always been appreciated and we consider your contribution to the forward movement of the party to have been both invaluable and immeasurable,” Robinson wrote. The decision to name Nicholson officer emeritus came at the most recent meeting of the PNP Executive Committee late June. It was approved on a motion by Party

Jamaica’s Minister of Finance Audley Shaw ministers to take responsibility to clear their cell phone bills. Longmore hailed Holness for his “rapid response” in addressing the matter, agreeing that it was necessary to place a limit, especially because the public purse was footing the bill. “If even the minister of finance can fall victim, imagine you and me!” the senator reasoned.

President Dr Peter Phillips. The late Roger Clarke was the last person to be accorded emeritus status after he tearfully lost the position of vice-president and was made Vice -President Emeritus upon the initiative of then President PJ Patterson. An officer emeritus enjoys lofty standing in the party and the privilege of attending all meetings, including meetings of officers. The badge of honour remains unless it is removed as a result of conduct inimical to the best interests of the party.

AJ Nicholson

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JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


Accounting firm gets $143,000 contract to evaluate Cayman Islands immigration strategy Accounting firm Deloitte has received a $143,000 contract to conduct a wholesale review of the Cayman Islands Immigration Department, as well as two other agencies, as government seeks to improve the hiring process for Caymanians and work permit holders. The Caymanian Compass reported that Premier Alden McLaughlin said in June that one of his coalition government’s primary tasks would be to “sort out” immigration and reform the public sector’s hiring mechanism. Mr. McLaughlin acknowledged that difficulties ranging from the permanent residence application backlog, to long wait times for work permit approvals, to Caymanian unemployment and uncertainties about who will lead the Immigration Department have plagued government for years. “There are significant problems there on a whole range of issues,” Mr. McLaughlin said. “We’ve got to sort out immigration generally.” According to bid documents reviewed by the Cayman Compass, Deloitte will be given wide latitude in developing strategies to restructure the department from its primary law enforcement role into a human resources and immigration onestop-shop. The review is to include the National Workforce Development Agency and the government Department of Labor and Pensions. It seeks a “viable alternative” to the current organizational structure, the bid documents state. “While organizational restructuring may result in altering the current number of posts … strategies should not financially penalize incumbent personnel, or de-incentivize promotion opportunities,” according to tender documents sent out seeking bidders to perform the review earlier this year. The review will seek to reduce duplication of tasks in the department and improve the “relevance” of corporate planning and decisionmaking processes, according to the bid documents. “Restructuring options … are intended to provide strategic advice to the chief immigration officer – the principal change leader,” the request for bids states. There has not been a full-time chief immigration officer since the suspension of Linda Evans in December 2014. Ms. Evans remains on required leave, paid suspension. Bruce Smith has served as acting chief for the department for twoand-a-half years. The review will involve “directly observing” operations at the Immigration Department as well as business practices “at all levels.” A portion of the consultant’s review got under way this week, as an online survey was sent out to the general public. Recipients were asked to give their views on how customer service and operations at the Immigration Department might be improved.

High level of corruption in Barbados, says former Chief Justice Sir David Simmons There is a high level of corruption in Barbados and it is high time Barbadians admit it in order to combat the problem, former Chief Justice Sir David Simmons charged. Appearing as a guest on the radio talk show Down To Brass Tacks on Starcom Network, Sir David did not cite specific examples, but he said the problem was not new. Sir David Simmons, former Attorney “I have been walking General and Chief Justice of Barbados, is around telling the country that also chairman of the Turks and Caicos for years, but we have been Islands Integrity Commission denying it. I think there is a lot of evidence but it seems to be more “More and more we are than a perception of corruption at having evidence that there is all kinds of level in this society,” probably a genuine increase in the former Attorney General the incidence of corrupt practices under a Barbados Labour Party both at the private sector and the administration told his audience. public sector levels. According to Barbados “The bribers are usually Today newspaper, Sir David did the people in the private not say how rife the problem sector. All the big international was when he was in Government. companies that get exposed from However, he was emphatic that time to time, they would have Barbadians had swept it under bribed the politician who is then the carpet for much too long and held up to ridicule and exposed that the problem was worsening and often a lot of them get away. over time, in both Government They are the ones in the wrong. and the private sector. You have to look at the briber and

the “bribee,” the former Member of Parliament for St Thomas said. The retired jurist recommended that Barbados follows the examples of Jamaica and Trinidad and establish a branch of the global anticorruption agency Transparency International (TI) here. He also volunteered to give evidence if TI were invited here “to carry out a proper study”. While acknowledging that some changes had been made to the Prevention of Corruption Act, he said the legislation was still antiquated and needed to be modernized. In any event, Sir David stressed, corruption existed essentially in people’s attitudes. “You are either corrupt or you are not corrupt. You are either corruptible or you are not. If it is known that somebody would take a couple of dollars to do a favour which as a public person, they ought to do as a matter of routine, as a necessary part of your functioning, then people would prey on that weakness,” Sir David said.

Bermuda nationals jailed in UK over drugs plot Two Bermudian “embroiled in gang culture in nationals living in Britain have Bermuda”. been jailed in this northern port Lightbourne had moved city after police discovered a plot to Britain three years earlier to smuggle more than US$30,000 to look after his teenage son, a worth of cocaine into England. member of English Premier Drugs mule Sharnell League club Stoke City’s football Simmons arrived in Hull on academy, because the boy’s mother a ferry from the Netherlands had moved back to Bermuda after in August last year, with two her brother’s murder. packages of cocaine glued to the Prosecutor Richard insoles of her shoes, Hull Crown Thompson said: “They arrived in Court heard. the port of Hull from Rotterdam But Simmons, who by ferry. Having proceeded to worked as a cleaner at the ferry passport control, they were asked terminal, panicked while waiting to wait while other passengers in the arrivals lounge and tried to disembarked so that passport hide the drugs on a table, while and nationality tests could be her accomplice, Kyle Lightbourne, completed and their luggage who travelled with her, tried to searched. distract staff by talking to them. “In the arrivals area, it Lightbourne, 36, was was apparent, the Crown say, jailed for six years, while from that point they were likely Simmons, 41, was sentenced to to be searched, so Ms Simmons three years’ imprisonment after set about seeking to dispose of the both pleaded guilty. drugs concealed by the insoles of The court heard that the shoes she was wearing. although both had family contacts “Initially, she went to use in their native Bermuda, they met the toilet, but she was followed by in England and Lightbourne had an alert member of Border Agency “pressured” Simmons, a former staff. Once back in the waiting pub singer, into carrying the area, CCTV footage shows her drugs with the promise of helping removing her shoes, leaning over her nephew, who had become a headrest to a table behind her,

and clearly disposing of something on that table underneath tourist information leaflets.” Lightbourne also tried to cover the drugs with leaflets and then spoke to Border Agency staff as a distraction. Thompson said: “Checks were carried out in relation to their identity, and they were about to be allowed to proceed when a member of staff cleaning the arrivals hall discovered two packages concealed under a pile of leaflets, so the two defendants were arrested.” The two packages had a combined weight of 307 grams, were of more than 50 per cent purity, and had an estimated street value of approximately US$31,500. Simmons had no previous convictions. Lightbourne – not to be confused with the 48-year-old Bermudian footballer of the same name who played professionally in England — had none in Britain, but had two convictions for possessing cannabis in Bermuda, and one for possessing cocaine with intent to supply.

JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


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Use of Chinese Renminbi could help safeguard Caribbean’s access to global finance As global financial institutions continue to withdraw banking services from the Region, the Chinese Renminbi could help to safeguard the Region’s access to global financial services. This was one of the topics explored at a conference hosted by Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), held under the theme ‘Chinese Renminbi in the Caribbean: Opportunities for Trade, Aid and Investment’. “The conference comes at a time when the ability of many Caribbean countries to engage in international trade and financial services is being undermined by the withdrawal of correspondent banking services by North American and European financial institutions. An urgent resolution of the dilemma is required,” said President of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), Dr. Wm. Warren Smith. Smith also highlighted the partnership between China and the Caribbean, which has been growing in recent decades. “China has itself been successfully undergoing major economic transformation built on the win-win strategy of opening-up for common prosperity. It is that strategy

(L-R) Dr. Justin Ram, Director, Economics, CDB; Monica La Bennett, Vice-President (Operations), CDB; Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Barbados, H.E. Wang Ke; Dr. Warren Smith, President, CDB; Yvette Lemonias Seale, Vice President (Corporate Services), CDB and Dr. Wen Xinxiang, Secretary General, Monetary Policy Committee, Director General, Monetary Policy Department, People’s Bank of China, pose for a photo at the CDBhosted conference on Chinese Renminbi in the Caribbean, held on July 10, 2017 that helps to explain the strengthening of China-Caribbean diplomatic ties and our increasing engagement in the areas of investment, contracted projects, and bilateral trade over the past two to three decades. One of the spin-off benefits of the transformation taking place in China is the rapid internationalisation of the Renminbi, starting in 2006 with the floating of the exchange rate,” he said. The conference also explored the opportunities for deepening trade between China and the Caribbean and how greater use of the Renminbi, which is now an International Monetary Fund (IMF) reserve currency, could

facilitate greater foreign direct investment from China into the Caribbean. As an IMF reserve currency, the Renminbi is now in the IMF’s special drawing rights (SDR) basket, which determines currencies that countries can receive as part of IMF loans. The other currencies in the basket are the U.S. dollar, the euro, the yen and British pound Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Barbados, H.E. Wang Ke, said China is continuing to build economic and diplomatic partnerships in the Caribbean, noting that the country welcomes further cooperation efforts.

“In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis many Caribbean countries have struggled with bottlenecks such as having indebtedness, difficult access to finance and insufficient connectivity, and with addition of rising global protectionism and uncertainties between the Caribbean and its traditional partners, the Caribbean countries are facing more challenges in achieving sustainable growth. China is working on building new international relations based on cooperation and mutual benefit and stands ready to strengthen global cooperation with the Caribbean countries.”

Anguilla named Best Caribbean Island in Travel+Leisure World’s Best Awards 2017 The Anguilla Tourist Board (ATB) is pleased to announce that Anguilla has won top honors as “Best Island in the Caribbean, Bermuda & Bahamas”, in Travel + Leisure World’s Best Awards 2017. Travel + Leisure is the largest travel magazine brand in the United States, and the winners of the prestigious award are determined by their annual World’s Best Awards survey, now in its 22nd year. Readers are invited to participate through Travel + Leisure magazine, T+L tablet editions, newsletters, social media, and travelandleisure.com, and this year’s edition once again attracted record participation from their enthusiastic audiences. “We are thrilled that Anguilla was voted the #1 Island in the Caribbean by the readers of Travel

An aerial view of Anguilla + Leisure, a discerning group of experienced global travelers,” said ATB Chairperson, Mrs. Donna Banks. “This Award represents a tremendous vote of confidence in our destination, and inspires us to take pride in our island,

invest in our product, and burnish our unique brand of Anguillian hospitality that has no doubt enabled us to secure this privileged position,” she continued. Two iconic Anguillian properties feature in the “Top 25 Resort

Hotels Caribbean, Bermuda, Bahamas” category - Zemi Beach House, at #10, and Malliouhana, An Auberge Resort, at #19. A special cocktail reception to celebrate the winners will be held in New York City on July 26, 2017. Tucked away in the northern Caribbean, Anguilla is a shy beauty with a warm smile. A slender length of coral and limestone fringed with green, the island is ringed with 33 beaches, considered by savvy travelers and top travel magazines, to be the most beautiful in the world. Anguilla lies just off the beaten path, so it has retained a charming character and exclusivity. Yet because it can be conveniently reached from two major gateways: Puerto Rico and St Martin, and by private air, it’s a hop and a skip away.

Saint Maarten jet engine blast kills New Zealand woman A New Zealand woman has died on the Caribbean territory of Sint Maarten after the blast from a powerful jet engine knocked her to the ground. The incident happened at the famous Princess Juliana International Airport, which is just metres from the beach. Beachgoers can walk up to the airport fence as planes take off. Police said the 57-year-old woman had been holding on to the fence before the force of the jet engines threw her backwards, causing serious injury. She was taken to hospital for treatment, but died later. The particular stretch of beach on the Dutch territory is popular with tourists, partly because the planes fly extremely low over the sand before landing. The beginning of the runway is just 50m (160ft) from the fence on Maho beach, and about the same distance to the waterline.There are prominent warning signs in the area instructing beachgoers not to stand near the fence because of the dangerous air blasts.

Despite the danger, a number of videos circulating online show tourists clinging to the fence to prevent being swept away – and in some cases, almost being lifted off the ground. The island’s tourism director, Rolando Brison, told the New Zealand Herald he had spoken to the family of the dead woman. “I met with the family of the deceased this evening and while they recognised that what they did was wrong, through the clearly visible danger

signs, they regret that risk they took turned out in the worst possible way,” he said. The newspaper also said the plane taking off was a Boeing 737, a commercial jet. A number of local media reports said the woman struck her head on concrete when she was blown back from the fence line. In a statement, Sint Maarten police said they visit the area daily to discourage tourists from clinging to the runway fence.`

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JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


North Korea may have more bomb fuel than thought

WASHINGTON - Thermal images of North Korea’s main nuclear site show Pyongyang may have reprocessed more plutonium than previously thought that can be used to enlarge its nuclear weapons stockpile, a U.S. think tank said on Friday. The analysis by 38 North, a Washington-based North Korean monitoring project, was based on satellite images of the radiochemical laboratory at the Yongbyon nuclear plant from September until the end of June, amid rising international concerns over North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs. The think tank said images of the uranium enrichment facility at Yongbyon could also indicate operation of centrifuges that could be used

to increase North Korea’s stock of enriched uranium, its other source of bomb fuel. There were signs too of at least short-term activity at North Korea’s Experimental Light Water Reactor that could be cause for concern, 38 North said. Reuters received a copy of the report before its scheduled release later on Friday. The images of the radiochemical laboratory showed there had been at least two reprocessing cycles not previously known aimed at producing “an undetermined amount of plutonium that can further increase North Korea’s nuclear weapons stockpile,” something that would worry U.S. officials who see Pyongyang as

one of the world’s top security threats. It was unclear if the thermal activity detected at the uranium plant was the result of centrifuge operations or maintenance. It said the thermal patterns at the plant’s isotope/tritium production facility suggested it was not operational and was therefore not producing tritium, an essential isotope used in boosted yield and hydrogen weapons. North Korea manufactures atomic bombs using uranium and plutonium and has tested five nuclear bombs. Officials and experts say it could test a sixth at any time, despite U.S.-led international efforts to curb its program. Pyongyang said its penultimate test in January 2016 was

of a hydrogen bomb, something experts have treated with skepticism. North Korea has been working to develop a nuclear-tipped missile capable of hitting the United States and last week tested its first intercontinental ballistic missile, which experts said could hit all of Alaska and parts of the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Experts at 38 North estimated in April that North Korea could have as many as 20 nuclear bombs and could produce one more each month. A report by U.S.-based nuclear expert Siegfried Hecker published by 38 North last September estimated North Korea had stockpiles of 32 to 54 kg (70 to 119 pounds) of plutonium, enough for six to eight bombs.

Massive iceberg breaks away from Antarctica

The rift, then spanning 70 miles, on Larsen C pictured in November last year A massive iceberg weighing miles) -- about the size of the state of more than one trillion tons has Connecticut or the island of Jamaica broken away from western Antarctica, -- it calved off Antarctica’s Ross Ice according to a UK-based research Shelf in March 2000. With the iceberg team. now floating independently, the area Scientists from Project of Larsen C has been reduced by MIDAS had been monitoring a break more than 12%, forever changing the in the Larsen C ice shelf -- the fourth- landscape of the peninsula, according largest in Antarctica -- following the to experts. collapse of the Larsen A ice shelf in Read: Is it time to stop 1995 and had observed significant vacationing in Antarctica? advances in the rift over the past 12 Luckman said that as the months. sheet of ice was floating before it Experts said a 5,800-square-kilometer carved off the shelf “there will be no (2,239-square-mile) section of Larsen immediate impact.” C was confirmed to have broken away “This event does not directly affect between Monday and Wednesday by anyone, and repercussions, if there are NASA’s Aqua MODIS satellite. any, will not be felt for years. However, “We have been anticipating it is a spectacular and enormous this event for months, and have been geographical event which has changed surprised how long it took for the the landscape.” rift to break through the final few “We will study the ice shelf for kilometers of ice,” professor Adrian signs that it is reacting to the calving Luckman of Swansea University, lead -- but we do not expect anything much investigator of the MIDAS project said to happen for perhaps years. Icebergs in a statement. are routinely monitored by various He told CNN the team agencies, and they will be keen to keep believes the iceberg has remained track of this one,” Luckman added. intact adding, “This is part of the Calving is a natural normal behavior of ice shelves. What occurrence, but scientists have been makes this unusual is the size.” exploring whether climate change Scientists believe the iceberg -- may have played a role in expediting likely to be named A68 -- has a volume the rift. twice that of Lake Erie in North The team of researchers have America and is more than three times not yet found “any link to humanthe size of the greater London area. It’s induced climate change,” Martin half the size of the largest iceberg ever O’Leary, a Swansea University recorded: B15. With an area of 11,007 glaciologist and member of the MIDAS square kilometers (4,250 square project team, said in a statement.

Runners fall in front of bulls during the eighth running of the bulls at the San Fermin festival in Pamplona, northern Spain, July 14, 2017.

At least 10 hurt in Pamplona’s final bull run of 2017

PAMPLONA, Spain - At least 10 people were hurt at Pamplona’s final bull run of 2017, though no one was gored as runners, many wearing traditional white shirts with red neckties, raced through the narrow city streets chased by a dozen bulls and steers. Around 2,000 people a day take part in the centuries-old tradition, in which especially-bred animals are released from their pen to stampede through a 875-metre stretch of the city to the bull ring as runners attempt to dodge out of their way.

Made famous internationally by Ernest Hemingway’s novel “The Sun Also Rises”, the Pamplona bull run is the largest of many similar local events throughout Spain. The bull run on Friday, the last of eight runs which start every day at 8 a.m. from July 7 to July 14, included bulls from the Miura ranch and was the fastest this year at 2 minutes, 10 seconds. Once the morning run is over, the bulls face off with matadors in the city’s bull ring in the afternoon.

Send us your sports reports and photos to sun@suntci.com And we will publish them at no cost

JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


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U.S. asks nations to provide more traveler data or face sanctions WASHINGTON - The U.S. State Department will require all nations to provide extensive data to help it vet visa applicants and determine whether a traveler poses a terrorist threat, according to a cable obtained by Reuters. Countries that fail to comply with the new protocols or take steps to do so within 50 days could face travel sanctions. The cable, sent to all U.S. diplomatic posts on Wednesday, is a summary of a worldwide review of vetting procedures that was required under Trump’s revised March 6 executive order that temporarily banned U.S. travel by most citizens from six predominantly Muslim countries. The memo lays out a series of standards the United States will require of other countries, including that they issue, or have active plans to issue, electronic passports and regularly report lost and stolen passports to INTERPOL. It also directs nations to provide “any other identity information” requested by Washington for U.S. visa applicants, including biometric or biographic details. The cable sets out requirements for countries to provide data on individuals it knows or has grounds to believe are terrorists as

well as criminal record information. Further, countries are asked not to block the transfer of information about U.S.-bound travelers to the U.S. government and not to designate people for travel watchlists based solely on their political or religious beliefs. “This is the first time that the U.S. Government is setting standards for the information that is required from all countries specifically in support of immigration and traveler vetting,” the cable said. The new requirements are the latest in a series of steps the Trump administration says it is taking to better protect the United States from terrorist attack. However, former officials said much of the information sought is routinely shared between countries, including examples of passports and additional details about particular travelers that may present security concerns. Some U.S. allies may worry about privacy protections if Washington is seen as seeking information beyond what is already shared, said John Sandweg, a former senior Homeland Security Department official now with the firm Frontier Solutions. “I don’t think you can ignore the political aspects of the unpopularity of the current administration. That

Staff demonstrate the flow of passengers as they queue to X-ray shoes, mobile phone and bags at the security gates at Cointrin airport in Geneva puts political pressure to stand up to the administration,” he said. The cable lays out risk factors the U.S. government will consider when evaluating a country. Some of these are controversial and could be difficult for countries to prove to U.S. satisfaction, including ensuring “that they are not and do not have the potential to become a terrorist safe haven.” Countries are also expected to agree to take back citizens ordered removed from the United States. If they do not provide the information requested, or come up with an adequate plan to, countries

could end up on a list to be submitted to Trump for possible sanction, including barring “categories” of their citizens from entering the United States. The real worries for countries may not come until the results of this review are known, said Leon Rodriguez, the former director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. “Once they start making decisions I think that is where there is going to be a lot of anxiety,” he said, saying delays in visa processing for nations that do not pose much of a threat could start to hurt “ordinary business and personal travel.” The most controversial of Trump’s immigration-related moves are two executive orders, challenged in federal court, which impose a temporary ban on travel to the United States for most citizens from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. While the orders were initially blocked from being enforced, the Supreme Court on June 26 allowed the ban to go into effect for people from the six nations with no strong ties to the United States. The cable requires countries to act quickly, but stressed that the United States would work with foreign nations to assess if they meet the standards and, if not, to come up with a plan to help them do so.

Russian opposition leader says security service tracking his children MOSCOW Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny complains his wife and two children are being tracked by the security services, but says he’s not afraid to challenge Vladimir Putin for the presidency whatever the risks. Navalny, a 41-year-old lawyer who has organized the biggest antiKremlin protests in years, hopes to run against Putin in a presidential election in March and told Reuters he planned to call for more big antigovernment demonstrations. “My mood is generally really positive,” said Navalny. “I have 125,000 volunteers, people turn out to demonstrate, they are detained, campaign literature is confiscated. (But) I see that people support us.” Putin, who has dominated Russia’s political landscape for the last 17 years and remains highly popular according to opinion polls, has yet to confirm whether he will run for what would be a fourth term, but is widely expected to do so - and to win. “I constantly hear that it’s impossible to change anything and that there is this 86 percent (which supports Putin). But I don’t see this 86

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny speaks during an interview with Reuters in Moscow, Russia, July 12, 2017 percent,” Navalny said in an interview in his office overlooking a gray Moscow suburb. “In an authoritarian country, such a number is not relevant. There will be an election campaign, people will see an alternative, and this 86 percent will crumble.” Previous opposition contenders have struggled to get their message across in a tightly-controlled media landscape where state TV hews closely to the Kremlin line and either ignores or denigrates rivals. They faced a particular challenge in areas of the vast Russian Federation far from

Moscow and St Petersburg. Navalny, who has used the Internet to try to tap into public anger over official corruption, is battling to even be allowed to take part in the election after the Central Election Commission said a suspended conviction for embezzlement he describes as politically-motivated disqualified him. He has been jailed twice in recent months for his role in organizing anti-government protests, had a caustic liquid thrown in his eyes by an assailant, and investigators have raided his Moscow election headquarters. Police have also confiscated copies of his campaign newspaper and hundreds of his supporters have been detained at protests and election events. “How many times can you be afraid?” quipped Navalny, whose sprawling offices inside a business center buzz with young people working on laptops, as well as allies broadcasting from a small studio to his online TV channel. “The Kremlin’s strategy is to prevent our activities. That’s because the only reason for Putin’s support is

because nobody else is carrying out any other (political) activity.” His investigations into the high-rolling lifestyles of top government officials have riled the authorities and Navalny says his own family is now under constant pressure. Navalny has a 9-year-old boy and a 15-year-old daughter. “The security services are following us,” said Navalny. “They follow my children, my wife and me. Cars are constantly passing by. I don’t even pay attention to it any more, but Yulia (his wife) is really bothered by it.” Some opposition activists left the country after opposition politician Boris Nemtsov was shot dead near the Kremlin walls in 2015. Oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky was arrested on fraud charges in 2003, after expressing political ambitions, and imprisoned until 2013 when he was allowed to go abroad. Since being temporarily blinded in one eye in the caustic liquid attack, Navalny sometimes appears with a bodyguard. The FSB security service did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Britain to hold inquiry into contaminated blood scandal which killed 2,400 Britain will hold a public inquiry into contaminated blood supplied to patients in the state-run National Health Service which killed at least 2,400 people, the government said on Tuesday. During the 1970s and 1980s, blood products supplied to the NHS was contaminated with viruses such as HIV or hepatitis C and infected thousands of people with hemophilia or other bleeding disorders. There would be a consultation with

families of victims to decide what form the “wideranging” inquiry would take, a spokesman for Prime Minister Theresa May said. A report by lawmakers in 2015 said the Department of Health estimated that more than 30,000 people might have been infected with hepatitis C between 1970 and 1991 but just 6,000 had been identified. A further 1,500 were infected with HIV between 1978 and 1985. The inquiry comes after leaders from all of Britain’s main political parties, except the

ruling Conservatives, wrote a joint letter to May demanding an investigation into the issue. “For decades people with bleeding disorders and their families have sought the truth,” said Liz Carroll, Chief Executive of The Haemophilia Society. “Instead, they were told by the government that no mistakes were made while it repeatedly refused to acknowledge evidence of negligence and a subsequent cover up. Finally, they will have the chance to see justice.”

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JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


Former Brazilian president vows to appeal conviction, run for office

SAO PAULO - Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva vowed on Thursday to appeal his conviction on corruption charges and run for president next year, calling the case against him a politicized effort to influence the 2018 election. “They haven’t taken me out of the game,” Lula told supporters at the headquarters of his Workers Party a day after he received a nearly 10-year sentence for accepting bribes in return for helping an engineering company win contracts with state oil company Petroleo Brasileiro. The ruling was a stunning setback for Lula, one of the country’s most popular politicians, and a serious blow to his chances of a political comeback. The former union leader, who won global praise for policies to reduce harsh inequality in Brazil, faces four more trials and will remain free on appeal. If his conviction is upheld on appeal, Lula will be barred from office, removing the front-runner from the 2018 race and opening the door to outsiders playing to widespread outrage over a deep economic recession and evidence of vast political

Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva vowed on Thursday to appeal his conviction on corruption charges graft. But Workers Party (PT) leaders and Lula’s defense team are working on strategy to delay the decision by an appeals court, using every legal tool available, such as multiple appeals, to slow the process down, possibly allowing Lula to run for the presidency before any appeals court ruling. However, the head of the appeals court in charge of Lula’s case, Judge Carlos Thompson Flores, told Bandnews radio on Thursday that the court would have a ruling finalized before the October 2018 election. Senator Gleisi Hoffmann, leader of the PT, said that the party would protest Lula’s

sentence internationally, though she did not define where. Lula’s legal team has already asked the United Nations Commission on Human Rights to examine the prosecution of Lula. Lula remains Brazil’s best-known politician and has retained a base of loyal supporters despite his legal woes. As president, he put resources from a commodities boom into social programs helping to lift millions from poverty. Lula characterized the verdict against him as part of Brazilian elites’ backlash against his legacy. He denied any wrongdoing and excoriated the decision handed down by Judge Sergio Moro, who has overseen a sweeping three-year graft probe. Wearing a bright red shirt and a dark blazer, Lula made an appeal to fellow partisans that was folksy and upbeat, soliciting laughter and cheers from party elders and a crowd of hundreds outside the Workers Party offices in downtown Sao Paulo. The former president said he continued to support strong democratic institutions, including police and prosecutors, but he lamented what he called politically-driven lies in the case against him.

Queen Elizabeth opens new Scotland Yard LONDON - Britain’s Queen Elizabeth opened the new headquarters of London’s police on Thursday in a ceremony that was delayed by nearly four months due to a militant attack which took place on nearby Westminster Bridge. The New Scotland Yard building is located on London’s Victoria Embankment, overlooking the River Thames and close to the Houses of Parliament. It will save the police force around six million pounds a year through improved efficiency. It was the second time that the Queen opened a headquarters of London’s police - in 1967, she inaugurated the previous New Scotland Yard building located near St James’ Park. The monarch had been due to open the new building in March but the event was postponed after a man drove a car into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge and fatally stabbed a police officer in the grounds of parliament before he was shot dead.

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth is greeted by Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick as she arives with Prince Philip for a visit to open the new headquarters of the Metropolitan Police, in central London, Britain July 13, 2017

New Senate Republicans healthcare bill already in trouble WASHINGTON - Senate Republican leaders released on Thursday a revised plan to dismantle the Obamacare law, but it drew criticism from senators on both sides of the political divide within the Republican party, indicating a treacherous path for the bill. The bill played to the party’s disparate factions by letting insurers sell cheap, barebones policies while retaining taxes on the wealthy. But the immediate outcry illustrated the difficult political terrain that U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell must navigate. He is under pressure by President Donald Trump to pass a healthcare bill and make

good on Republicans’ seven- Paul voiced opposition to even year mission to gut Democratic bringing the new plan up for former President Barack Obama’s debate. signature legislative achievement. Several senators said they “The American people had concerns about the legislation, deserve better than the pain of particularly its Medicaid cuts, Obamacare. They deserve better including Shelley Moore Capito, care. And the time to deliver that Rob Portman and John McCain. to them is next week,” McConnell And two other Republican senators, Lindsey Graham and said. In addition to the criticism Bill Cassidy, complicated matters from some senators, a major by announcing an alternative hospital association and one large plan. insurer said the measure falls McConnell, a skillful tactician who was forced two short in critical areas. With Democrats united weeks ago to scrub a planned vote against it, McConnell cannot on an earlier version opposed by afford to lose more than two both moderates and hard-line Republican senators to win conservatives in his party, has passage. But moderate Susan planned for a vote on the retooled Collins and conservative Rand bill next week.

Trump Jr. emails suggest he welcomed Russian help against Clinton

Donald Trump Jr. gives a thumbs-up beside his father, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, after Trump’s debate against Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y., in September 2016 WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump’s eldest son eagerly agreed last year to meet a woman he was told was a Russian government lawyer who might have damaging information about Democratic White House rival Hillary Clinton as part of Moscow’s official support for his father, according to emails released on Tuesday. The emails, released by Donald Trump Jr., are the most concrete evidence yet that Trump campaign officials welcomed Russian help to win the election, a subject that has cast a cloud over Trump’s presidency and spurred investigations by the Justice Department and Congress. The messages show that the younger Trump was open to the prospect of “very high level and sensitive information” from a Russian attorney that a go-between described as “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump” ahead of a meeting on June 9, 2016. “If it’s what you say I love it,” Trump Jr. responded. He released the messages on Twitter after the New York Times said it planned to write about them and sought comment from him. In an interview with Fox News, Trump Jr. said that Trump’s campaign manager at the time, Paul Manafort, and son-in-law Jared Kushner, now a top White House adviser, also attended the meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, who denies having Kremlin ties. He said Veselnitskaya did not provide any damaging information about Clinton at the meeting and instead sought to discuss Russian sanctions. “In retrospect, I probably would have done things a little differently,” he said. “For me, this was opposition research.” Nevertheless, the correspondence between him and Rob Goldstone, a publicist who arranged the meeting, could provide fodder for U.S. investigators probing whether Trump’s campaign colluded with the Kremlin. “The crown prosecutor of Russia ... offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father,” Goldstone wrote Trump Jr. on June 3. Russia does not have a “crown prosecutor” - the equivalent title is prosecutor general. U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Moscow sought to help Trump win the election, in part by releasing private emails from Democratic Party officials. “The conversation will now turn to whether President Trump was personally involved or not. But the question of the campaign’s involvement appears settled now,” Cornell Law School professor Jens David Ohlin said in an interview. “The answer is yes.” Moscow has denied any interference, and Trump says his campaign did not collude with Russia. Trump Jr. said he did not tell his father about the meeting. He said he may have since had contact with other Russians. “I’ve probably met with other people from Russia, but certainly not in the context of actual formalized meetings or anything,” he said on Fox News. The news jarred financial markets as investors worried it presented a fresh distraction from the administration’s economic agenda.

JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


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British peer gets 12 weeks in jail for racist threat to Brexit challenger LONDON - A British aristocrat was sentenced to 12 weeks in prison on Thursday for racially aggravated threats to a woman who mounted a legal challenge to the government’s plans to trigger Brexit. Rhodri Philipps, who inherited the title viscount from his father, offered 5,000 pounds on Facebook to anyone who “accidentally” ran over Gina Miller, whom he described as a “bloody troublesome first generation immigrant”. Miller received death threats after her campaign to force the government to get parliamentary approval for withdrawal from the European Union. The legal suit succeeded in ensuring a parliamentary vote but has not stopped Brexit going ahead. She said that the sentence was too lenient and that Philipps should have been charged with a more serious crime, such as inciting racial violence, which would have

sent a stronger message to online abusers. “I think the severity of an attempt to have me killed is much more than just a malicious communication,” Miller told Reuters. “There was this apprehension that somehow this case would open the floodgates. But I think the floodgates should be opened, because people are crossing the lines of decency.” The racial nature of Philipps’ threat prompted prosecutors to request a longer sentence than the standard eight weeks. “The menacing comment by Philipps about Gina Miller was clearly Rhodri Philipps (left) and Gina Miller, whom he described as a”bloody troublesome first racially motivated and as a result he generation immigrant” has received a longer sentence today to reflect the hate crime element,” benefits who had featured in a news said. said Kate Mulholland, a prosecution article. “If you think about them Miller also criticized being a publisher, then they need to lawyer. be reprimanded as well. And they’ve Philipps was convicted on two Facebook for not removing the post. counts of sending a menacing public “Facebook allowed the post to got away with it scot-free.” was not communication, one relating to Miller be published, and didn’t take it down Facebook and one about an immigrant on ... so Facebook are culpable,” Miller immediately available for comment.

New York City declares war on rats with $32 million plan NEW YORK - New York City on Wednesday announced a $32 million plan to reduce the rat population by 70 percent in the city’s three most infested neighborhoods by the end of 2018. The three targeted neighborhoods are in Manhattan, the Bronx and Brooklyn. Rats are seen as a public health threat as carriers of disease, and as a plague on the quality of life. Since the beginning of 2017, the New York City Health Department has received more than 10,000 complaints of rat sightings, and more than 15 percent of the more than 24,000 properties inspected in Manhattan, Brooklyn and the Bronx showed “Active Rat Signs,” the mayor’s office said. “We refuse to accept rats as a normal part of living in New York City,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said in a statement. The plan will begin to roll out in September, and multiple city agencies, including the Sanitation, Parks and Health departments, will be involved.

Most of the money will be spent on improvements in public housing apartment buildings, replacing dirt basement floors with concrete “rat pads” and installing solar trash compactors with a “mailbox” opening to replace the 20-yearold compactors now in use. Wire waste baskets on city streets will be replaced with new steel ones. Both the new trash compactors and new trash baskets will dramatically diminish rats’ access to food sources. “The best way to eliminate rats is to deprive them of food, including garbage in homes and litter on New York City streets,” Sanitation Commissioner Kathryn Garcia said in the statement. The city had cut its budget for rodent control programs by $1.5 million in 2010 to help reduce its overall deficit, but four years later, with estimates of 2 million rats sharing space with the city’s population of 8 million, the Health Department started a $3.5 million program targeting rat colonies.

Jet was within 100 feet of hitting 2 planes in San Francisco An Air Canada plane with 140 people on board came within 100 feet of crashing onto two of four planes lined up to take off at San Francisco International Airport last week, according to a preliminary report by Canadian air safety regulators released Thursday. The finding provided the first official accounting of how close the Air Canada plane came to causing what could have been one of the worst disasters in commercial aviation history. Instead of lining up to land on the runway, the pilot of the flight from Toronto mistakenly descended toward a taxiway just to the right of where four other airliners were idling in the darkness. Canada’s Transportation Safety Board released a short summary of the July 7 incident which U.S. authorities are still investigating. The summary said Air Canada Flight 759 had already traveled one-quarter of a mile over the taxiway before aborting the landing. As the Airbus 320 pulled up sharply it flew 100 feet over the first two jets, 200 feet above the third and 300 feet over the fourth, the summary

said. It then circled and landed safely. “This was very close to a catastrophic event,” said John Cox, a safety consultant and retired airline pilot. The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board, which is heading the investigation, has not released any information and spokesman Keith Holloway said he could not comment on another agency’s data. Transportation Safety Board of Canada spokesman Chris Krepski said he did not know the source of the data in the document, which was released as part of a “daily notification log” of safety incidents that Canadian air operators are obliged to report to regulators. Air Canada did not immediately return a request for comment. Collisions on the ground are particularly dangerous because planes waiting to take off are loaded with fuel. The worst crash in aviation history occurred in 1977 when a KLM Boeing 747 taking off in the Canary Islands plowed into a Pan Am 747 that was waiting to take off; 583 people died in the crash and fires.

Jay Z’s new album goes platinum but absent from Billboard chart LOS ANGELES - Jay Z’s latest album “4:44” may already be certified platinum but it was noticeably absent from Monday’s Billboard 200 album chart because the rapper’s own streaming platform Tidal did not report numbers to Nielsen Music. The album, on which the Jay Z addresses cheating on his wife Beyonce and the birth of their twins, was released on June 30 as an exclusive to members of Tidal and customers of wireless carrier Sprint Corp, who were offered a free six-month subscription to Tidal to listen to the album. The Billboard 200 album chart is based on retailers and streaming platforms reporting sales and streaming figures to Nielsen SoundScan. Tidal did not report first week streaming figures of “4:44” to Nielsen, David Bakula of Nielsen Music said.

But instead of featuring Jay Z, DJ Khaled’s Representatives for Tidal and Jay Z did not immediately respond to Reuters’ request for “Grateful” topped the Billboard 200 chart for a comment on the album’s exclusion from this week’s second consecutive week on Monday with another Billboard chart, but this is not the first time the 70,000 album units sold. streaming platform’s exclusive releases have not “4:44” was made available to purchase and charted on Billboard. stream widely on July 7, which will count toward Kanye West’s “Life of Pablo” did not enter next week’s Billboard chart. The album has been the Billboard charts during its exclusive Tidal praised by critics for Jay Z’s raw self-examination release in February 2016. It only debuted on the and socially conscious themes. Billboard 200 chart, at No. 1, after West made it Jay Z announced a “4:44” tour on Monday available widely in April last year on platforms and will play 31 shows across North America and including iTunes, Apple Music and Spotify. Canada from October to December. Just six days after “4:44” was released, New albums in the top 10 of this week’s the Recording Industry Association of America Billboard 200 album chart include electro-pop DJ certified the album as platinum, meaning one Calvin Harris’ “Funk Wav Bounces Vol. 1” at No. 2 million U.S. consumers had already downloaded with 68,000 album units sold and rock group Stone the album. Sour at No. 8 with “Hydrograd.”

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JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017

JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017

ChamB- Groceries Is seeking a Cleaner To work 6 days per week Salary $6.25 per hour Contact# 649-946-3422 A work permit holder is currently holding the position #461919


In Grand Turk Salary $6.25 per hour To work 6 days per week Contact 241-4027

F.D.A.P Variety Store Is seeking a Labourer To work Monday to Friday Salary $6.25 per hour Contact #346-7379 Blue Orchid Landscaping and Nurserie Needs 5 Farmers and Landscapers Must be willing to work 6 days a week Experience 2 to 5 years as farmer or landscaping Salary $6.25 per hour Contact: (649)331-1073 Email:blueorchidtci@ gmail.com

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NEEDS A BEAUTICIAN In Grand Turk Salary $6.25 per hour To work 6 days per week Please Contact: 242-3823

Tamika Thompson Luxe Beauty Salon and Day Spa

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Kenva Williams

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NEEDS A NAIL TECHNICIAN In Grand Turk Salary $6.25 per hour To work 6 days per week Contact: 348-6489


Seeks a Domestic Worker Basic pay $6.25/hr Please contact Tel: 232-1468

Is seeking for a Labourer In South Caicos Please Contact: 347-1286


Oyster House

Is seeking a Baker Should have 5 years of baking experience and bread, desserts with a creative imagination A Bartender To work 6 days per week/ flexible hours Salary is negotiable based on experience Contact #331-0221 Email @ Oysterhousetciway.tc #461924

Genarra Jones




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Richard Stubbs

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Grand Turk NEEDS A DOMESTIC WORKER To work 5 days per week Salary $6.25 per hour


Tanya Taylor



Page 41


Cougar Investments Ltd

Requires Labourer for August 2017 start Must speak, read & understand English Must be available to work weekends and holidays Must have own transport $7.00 per hour, 6 days per week Please email a letter of application to centralstoragetci@gmail.com Or call our office on 946-5701 #461922


One Labourer To work 6 days per week Hours: 7:30am3:30pm Salary: $6.50 per hour Location: Bottle Creek, North Caicos Contact# 649-231-0005 #461917

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Seeks to employ a Labourer in Grand Turk To work 5 days a week At a salary of $250.00 per week Please contact Dorothy Been at phone no. 241-2514

Total Technology Ltd


Is seeking a Domestic Worker To work 4 days per week Salary $6.50 per hour Contact # 241-3092

Is seeking Farmers To work 6 days per week Salary $6.25 per hour Contact # 231-3898


Henry N Rigby




Grand Turk NEEDS A DOMESTIC WORKER To work 5 days per week Salary $6.25 per hour Please Contact 343-1691

In Grand Turk NEEDS A DRIVER Salary $8.00 per hour To work 6 days per week Contact 331-6208

Is seeking a Labourer To work 8 hours per day Salary $6.25 per hour Contact#241-4054


Page 42


JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


TECHNOLOGY New Honda Accord charges into a slumping U.S. sedan market

DETROIT - Honda Motor Co Ltd on Friday unveiled its newest-generation Accord, one of four re-engineered midsize sedans that Asian automakers are betting on to win market share as Detroit automakers shift focus to SUVs, crossovers and pickup trucks. The new Accord, like rival Toyota Motor Corp’s all-new Camry launching this month, is expected to offer major improvements in fuel economy, technology, styling and safety, according to Honda’s U.S. dealers. Honda declined to discuss details ahead of Friday’s event in Detroit. The Accord and Camry are pillars of their manufacturers’ U.S. businesses, each selling well over 300,000 vehicles a year. In the coming months, Nissan Motor Co Ltd is expected to launch a new Altima midsize sedan, and Hyundai Motor Co <005380.KS will launch a new Sonata midsize car. Both are popular marques that will be promoted heavily. “There has been no new news on the midsize sedan side for three years and we think this is a great opportunity to bring attention back to the segment,” said Jack Hollis, Toyota’s head of marketing for North America. Year to date, U.S. passenger car sales are down 11.4 percent and sales of midsize sedans are down 14.2 percent. Still, Americans bought 7.1 million sedans in 2016. With General Motors Co and Ford Motor Co cutting sedan production, and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV abandoning the segment, Honda and its Asian rivals could boost sales with updated models, dealers said. “They could take share from other brands, which is traditionally what happens when a new product is launched,” said Pete DeLongchamps, vice president for manufacturer relations at Group 1 Automotive Inc, the third-largest U.S. auto dealer group. “Not Finding a Place With Consumers” The Accord for years was Honda’s topselling model in the United States. Within the past year, U.S. sales of the Honda CR-V compact utility vehicle have eclipsed the aging Accord as Honda has expanded production capacity for the former. Passenger car sales have steadily declined since 2012 when they made up 51.2 percent of the U.S. market. Sedans have sagged to a 38.1 percent share in the first half of this year. IHS Markit said U.S. consumer loyalty to SUVs and pickup trucks has risen since 2012, but declined for sedans. The new Accord and Camry “may stem the decline,” said IHS Markit’s Tom Libby. “I don’t think they will cause a marked reverse.”

Streaming TV apps grapple with password sharing

More than one-fifth live-in nanny in Smyrna, Georgia, Netflix Chief Financial Officer of young adults who stream said she uses her 28-year-old David Wells said at a Goldman shows like “Game of Thrones” sister’s password for Hulu, Sachs conference last September. or “Stranger Things” borrow and her 32-year-old brother’s Missing a Chance passwords from people who do password for Netflix. Industry analysts say not live with them, according to “I feel like since we are family, companies are missing a chance a Reuters/Ipsos poll, a finding it’s OK,” said the 22-year-old to grow revenue. An analysis that suggests media companies Bradshaw, who estimates she by Parks Associates estimated are missing out on significant watches four hours of shows on streaming providers will lose $550 revenue as digital viewership weeknights and 10 hours a day on million in 2019 from password explodes. weekends. sharing. Twenty-one percent of If companies cracked “There has been this streaming viewers ages 18 to 24 down on password sharing, kind of cavalier attitude about it,” said they had accessed at least Bradshaw said she would be Parks Associates analyst Glenn one digital video service such as willing to pay for her own Netflix Hower said. “It hasn’t been a Netflix Inc, HBO Now or Hulu subscription but is not sure about priority.” by using log-in credentials from Hulu, which is owned by several Companies could crack someone outside their household media companies. “I binge a lot of down if they want. Cisco Systems at some time. Overall, 12 percent shows on Netflix. I don’t think I Inc, for example, sells products of adults said they did the same could do without it,” she said. that can detect abnormal activity thing. Companies say they on an account such as an unusual Subscription revenue accept some sharing as a way to time or place, said Conrad is likely to come under scrutiny promote their programming to Clemson, Cisco’s senior vice starting next week when TV potential customers, but they president and general manager industry players begin reporting also take steps to curtail blatant of service provider platforms and quarterly earnings. Netflix, the freeloading. applications. dominant streaming service, Many networks limit the Cisco’s customers, which releases its results on Monday. number of people who can watch include streaming services and Up to now, Netflix and programming at the same time. pay TV distributors, decide other streaming networks have Netflix, for example, allows two whether to use the information accepted some password-sharing, to four simultaneous streams per simply for monitoring or take but they may face pressure from subscription, depending on the additional steps such as sending investors to change course if new plan, and charges more for the a warning to account holders or sign-ups slow substantially, Wall higher number of streams. shutting down an account, he Street analysts said. Revenue HBO, a unit of Time said. growth at Netflix is projected to Warner Inc, actually encourages “A lot of service providers drop from 31 percent in this year’s younger viewers to use its HBO and content providers are very second quarter to 19 percent in Now and HBO Go services for free much in the experimental phase the second quarter of next year, by offering it to about 100 U.S. right now,” he said. according to Thomson Reuters colleges and universities. Streaming providers say I/B/E/S. “For us it’s more they do track account use but “If Netflix goes from a important that at that age have provided few specifics. 30 percent revenue growth story where they are not financially The Reuters/Ipsos poll to a 10 percent story, there is independent quite yet, they are was conducted online in English absolutely going to be more focus habituating to using the product throughout the United States on their leaving money on the to ultimately aspiring to becoming from June 8 to June 26. It table,” said Justin Patterson, an paid customers,” Bernadette gathered responses from 4,453 analyst with Raymond James. Aulestia, executive vice president adults, including 3,557 people Netflix declined to comment. of global distribution, said in an who said they streamed video Respondents to the interview. from their cable TV provider or Reuters/Ipsos survey said they Netflix executives also have said from standalone services like borrow passwords to save money they know some viewers share Amazon Prime, Hulu or Netflix. on video subscriptions, which can passwords. The poll has a credibility interval, be cheap on their own but add up “We could crack down a measure of accuracy, of 2 with multiple services. on it, but you wouldn’t suddenly percentage points. Donielle Bradshaw, a turn all those folks to paid users,”

Trump Hotels discloses data breach at 14 properties Trump International Hotels Management LLC said late on Tuesday a data breach at a service provider compromised card payment details at 14 of its properties. The compromised information included payment card numbers and card security codes for some of the hotel chain’s reservations processed through service provider Sabre Corp’s central reservation system, according to a notice on the Trump Hotels’ website. The breach is part of a cyber attack on Sabre’s systems disclosed in May. Sabre’s reservation systems are used by nearly 32,000 properties worldwide. Sabre informed Trump Hotels about the current breach at

its properties including Trump Las Vegas and Trump Chicago on June 5, according to the notice. The breach did not affect Trump Hotels’ own systems, according to the notice. This was the third involving the hotel chain since May 2015. The company, formerly led by U.S. President Donald Trump, agreed to pay $50,000 last year in a settlement over data breaches that exposed 70,000 credit card numbers and other personal information. Sabre’s investigation found that the unauthorized party first accessed reservation information on Aug. 10, 2016. The last unauthorized access was on March 9. Trump Hotels could not be immediately reached for comment.

The Trump International Hotel & Tower owned by President Donald Trump is seen in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.

JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017


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GENERAL MANAGER Minimum Requirements in order to be considered for an interview:

Bachelor’s degree or higher from an internationally renowned Hospitality Management School a must – (Swiss or any top European Hotel school ie; Lausanne, Luzerne, Glion or The Hague preferred. Cornell only if a US based Hotel School). Must be able to pass at a high level, Talent + executive leadership psychometric testing. Twelve (12) plus year’s hospitality experience, with at least eight (8) years in luxury resort senior management with Asia resort experience highly desired. (International deluxe brands only ie: Four Seasons, Six Senses, Mandarin Oriental, One & Only, Banyan Tree, Shangri-La or Ritz Carlton). Mwust have the motivation, experience and qualifications to be able to continue to grow the business and maintain the highest levels of exemplary service consistency. Progressive career path in top level hotel products with exemplary references from senior hotel management – absolutely no “job hoppers” . Experience in Rooms Division, Spa Operations, POMEC, Food & Beverage and Sales & Marketing essential – must be well rounded and disciplined. International experience in luxury resort brands of note (at least one Asian region or UAE/Indian Ocean experience). Must have experience creating and analyzing budgets, P&L’s, and financial reports. Very strong financial acumen needed. Marketing and travel trade sales experience required. Ownership association experience required. Reservations experience required with focus on revenue/yield management. Strong management and operational skills, customer service, public relations skills, and the ability to communicate proficiently/ effectively both in writing and verbally. Excellent computer literacy in MS Office suite of products, Opera and Micros. Complete fluency in at least three (3) languages, including English and 2 other European languages Experience in at least 3 overseas countries within 5 star luxury brands.


Manage the relationship between real estate owners and resort management. Build and maintain a strong relationship between resort owner, resort management and corporate office. Live the brand ethos and promote the philosophy of the brand in all professional interactions. Ensure luxury product positioning is maintained as per Aman corporate brand standards Ensure hotel is well respected as a strong community/environmental education advocate and responsible corporate citizen


Manage a dynamic international team of hospitality individuals to achieve highest standards of service and quality at all times. Analyze and prepare annual and long-term budgets, monitor income statements, variance reports, identify market trends, and control costs. Adhere to internal audit processes and procedures. Ensure effective reservation process which maximizes revenue. Ensure physical operations are maintained to company standards by conducting inspections of grounds and buildings. Maximize the profitability and flow thru of the resort and any associated businesses. Work endlessly to ensure the hotel exceeds guest and employee satisfaction. Train, mentor and coach department heads and employees to ensure a high performance team is maintained. Maintain strong positive relationships with all travel industry partners. Understand and implement requirements from regulatory agencies and service providers. Groom, coach and mentor the next generation of luxury hoteliers. SALES & MARKETING:

Attract new residents/guests by marketing resort features. Obtain referrals from current residents/guests or via corporate marketing campaigns. Practice revenue management as per company policy to maximize occupancies and promote growth in ARR/REVPAR. Explain advantages of brand, services and location relative to high end real estate product. Conduct market surveys and analyses within region and competitive set. Travel to promote and sell product when needed and be able to communicate in several languages. Maintain and grow luxury travel trade contacts.

AMANYARA FINANCIAL CONTROLLER The position of Controller is critical to the efficient and successful operation of both Hotel and Villas (private homes), having responsibility for maintaining & improving accounting systems, internal controls & processes. The Controller is responsible for ensuring financial results are maximized, through effective budgeting, forecasting and cost controls. The role requires a team player with strong operational & financial focus, good judgment, passion, vision and exceptional leadership skills.

Key Responsibilities:

1) Assume responsibility for all day-to day accounting functions within the Hotel and the Villas, including banking, accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, inventory, and cash management. 2) Lead the accounting teams, ensuring all daily operational & financial transactions are prepared accurately and in a timely manner. Hire, train, and evaluate the performance of the accounting team members. 3) Produce month-end & year-end financial statements and forecasts in an accurate and timely manner, analyzing, understanding and communicating the relationship between actual results to budget and prior year and provide commentary on variances. 4) Review and continually improve internal controls, processes and procedures to ensure financial information is complete & accurate and to ensure the security of assets. 5) As an active member of the Management Team, assist the GM & Division Heads in budget preparation, business plans & the gathering of financial data for special projects & reports. Recommend and implement cost savings strategies.

Job Requirements:

Degree in Accounting/ Finance/ Business, and a professional accounting designation or MBA in business are essential. Complete knowledge and experience with hotel accounting systems, USALI, and procedures. Minimum 10 years of International Managerial Accounting/ Finance experience in the hotel/resort industry within recognized branded properties, and exceptional analytical ability required. Experience and working knowledge of Sun Systems, Opera, Micros, Adaco and Advanced Excel skills. Ability to plan, prioritize & implement effectively, multi-task while working effectively in a fast paced and ever changing and challenging environment. Willingness to work weekends, holidays and long hours during high season. Applicants may be required to take a skills assessment test.

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JULY 15TH, 2017 – JULY 22TH, 2017



Cricket West Indies agrees truce with star players over availability

The biggest names in West Indies. Hopefully, things can get their desire to change the policy, with Caribbean cricket could be about to better. Hopefully I can play a few more Adams labelling it “unsustainable”. In the meantime, though, return to the West Indies team after games. I definitely want to play the significant progress was made in 2019 World Cup,” Gayle said. “Things an amnesty has been proposed to negotiations between players and the are beginning to open up a little more those who have not been involved now between players and the board. in regional cricket, giving them the board. Not only has a resolution been It’s looking good, and we’ve to try and chance to represent West Indies agreed to the Darren Bravo impasse, build from this to get the best players again. The likes of Marlon Samuels, Lendl Simmons, Darren Sammy and, but the likes of Kieron Pollard, Sunil out on the field.” The key to the resolution has once his WADA ban is served, Andre Narine, Dwayne Bravo and Chris Gayle are also available for selection been Cricket West Indies abandoning Russell could be other beneficiaries. While the amnesty has for the ODI side after an amnesty was its contentious policy regarding proposed by WIPA, the players’ union. player availability for regional cricket. yet to be ratified by the board of That means they could be Whereas, in recent years, CWI policy CWI, ESPNcricinfo understands a available for the limited-overs section dictated that players would only be conference call will take place before of the tour to England that starts in a eligible for West Indies selection if the end of the week where it is hoped they had played in the corresponding the proposal will be accepted. few weeks. Darren Bravo, who has been Gayle, who marked his format in regional cricket, the board international return after 15 is now in the process of softening that suspended since November 2016 when he was sent home from the tour months during the one-off Twenty20 hardline stance. International against India in It is anticipated it will be of Zimbabwe following his Twitter Kingston last week, said during an formally relaxed when the new round condemnation of board president, event in Bengaluru on Thursday that of central contracts are introduced in Dave Cameron, is also set to return. Both parties have released “things have been steadily improving” October, with a new range of white- and playing the 2019 World Cup, for ball contracts also adding to the statements of apology* and Bravo’s tweet will be deleted with no admission which West Indies may have to qualify, players’ security and flexibility. Both Jimmy Adams, Director of liability and without prejudice to is still a burning desire. “The fans were happy to see Of Cricket, and Johnny Grave, CWI the pursuit of any claim for damages. me back on the field representing CEO, have previously intimated That will not only allow Bravo to

take a full part in the forthcoming CPL season but render him eligible for West Indies selection once more. Having not played much red ball cricket of late, he is not thought to be a realistic candidate for the Test tour of England. He could well feature in the ODI team, though. That method of solution had been suggested as far back as February. But Bravo instead pursued legal action against the board, claiming lost earnings. It seems that action is ongoing despite the apparent thawing in relations, though it is understood no damages have been paid to date. It all amounts to encouraging news for long-suffering West Indies supporters. With the side having slipped to 9th in the ODI rankings (they are 8th in the Test rankings and 5th in T20), it is almost impossible for them to qualify automatically for the 2019 World Cup ahead of the ODI rankings qualification cut-off date in September. The availability of some familiar faces is a significant step in the right direction.

Jamaica’s Livermore tests positive says anti-doping panel chief Jamaica’s Commonwealth Games Livermore, who also won gold at 200-metres bronze medalist Jason the 2014 Commonwealth Games Livermore tested positive for a in the 4x100m with Usain Bolt, banned substance in December, Kemar Bailey-Cole and Nickel the chairman of the country’s Ashmeade, had a preliminary Anti-Doping Disciplinary Panel hearing on Friday in front of the said on Friday. disciplinary panel at the Jamaica Kent Gammon, who heads the Conference Centre. independent three-member panel, He will start the fight to clear his told Reuters that the 29-year- name at a full hearing on Sept. 11 old Livermore had returned to be attended by JADCO and his the positive result in an out-of- representatives. Sources close to the case told competition test on Dec. 16. Livermore, who could face a four- Reuters Livermore had not asked year ban, declined to comment for his ‘B’ sample to be tested. on Gammon’s statement when Livermore declined to comment when asked by Reuters if he had contacted by Reuters. Gammon would not name the requested such a test. Livermore, a 200m alleged banned substance but said Livermore had violated Article semi-finalist at the 2013 world 2.1 of the Jamaica Anti-Doping championships in Moscow, did not Commission’s (JADCO’s) rules, compete at Jamaica’s senior trials which refer to the “Presence of last month and will not be part of a prohibited substance or its the national team at the worlds metabolites or markers in an being held in London next month. Livermore, who has a athlete’s sample”.

Elaine Thompson

Elaine Thompson runs 100m dash in less than 11 seconds wearing trainers Jason Livermore personal best of 10.03 seconds in the 100m and 20.13 in the 200m, was also a member of Jamaica’s gold-medal winning 4x200m team at the World Relays in 2015.

Usain Bolt wants to celebrate retirement with a pint of Guinness USAIN BOLT has forward to letting loose as he revealed how he plans to brings the curtain down on his celebrate hanging up his running incredible career. spikes – by having a Guinness He told the Daily Star Sunday: and Nando’s with his pal Paul “I’ve not decided exactly how I will celebrate the end of my career, Pogba. The eight-time Olympic but as I am in the UK I hope to gold medallist is calling it a day see my good friend Paul. in front of 60,000 fans at next “We can go and have month’s World Championships at dinner at Nando’s. And maybe the London Stadium. afterwards we can party a little And the 30-year-old and I might buy him a Guinness . . Jamaican is already looking . but not too many because I expect

him to lead Manchester United to be champions next season!” Manchester United fan Bolt backed himself to play for the Old Trafford club in 2015. He said: “In my mind I think I should do a trial and see if they would say ‘Alright, come on in’ or if they would say ‘No, you are not any good’. I think I would be pretty good because I am fit, I am quick, I can control the ball and I understand all of the play.

At the Anniversary Games staged in London, Jamaican sprinter Elaine Thompson was feeling uncomfortable in her spikes. She decided to try something different, lacing up her trainers, and proceeding to win the 100-meter dash in 10.94 seconds. Thompson cited discomfort and injury concerns as her reason for wearing the trainers. She was running into a headwind as well, which makes the time all the more impressive. In the Diamond League events she participated in, Thompson went 7-7. Most sprinters prefer spikes due to their light weight and the way that they keep sprinters on the balls of their feet. Trainers are more comfortable, but they weigh more. At times they may be spiked, as Thompson’s are in the photo, but it’s generally to simulate how the track will feel on the spikes and they don’t offer much in the way of grip. Runners will occasionally move from spikes to flats, which are a “weight class” above spikes, but Thompson skipped over flats and went to trainers. Trainers are ideal for runners nursing injuries, which was Thompson’s reasoning for going to the them.

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The Turks and Caicos Cycling Federation Travels to First Regional Competition Four members of the Turks and Caicos Cycling Federation are preparing to attend their first regional cycling competition. Shanwell Gardiner, Kenny Grant, Kevin Ewing and Yoshi Ono will travel to the island of Anguilla to participate in the 18th Annual John T. Memorial Cycling Race on Sunday July 9th, 2017. President of the Turks and Caicos Cycling Federation Mr. Shanwell Gardiner expressed the team’s enthusiasm when he said, “We are extremely excited to have this opportunity to represent our

organization and Country in this regional competition.” The Turks and Caicos Cycling Federation was born when a few passionate cyclists came together to organize routes and cycle as a group on a regular basis. Seeing the potential for the sport to expand in the country, the decision was made to create an official organization that would be

recognized both locally and internationally. Since its inception the Turks and Caicos Cycling Federation has hosted a number of cycle meets including The National Heroes Day IGA Classic and The First Circuit, with categories for both adults and children. Group rides are scheduled at

5:30 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:00 am on Saturdays. President Shanwell stressed the many health and fitness benefits of cycling. He welcomes all interested persons to join in the weekly rides and to become members of the organization. We wish our team the best of luck as they proudly represent us in this upcoming competition.

Anti-Gravity Treadmill Helps Patients Bounce Back If you’ve ever had an injury The physical therapist can control in 1 gait. Some people return from an that made it difficult to walk, you may percent increments what proportion of injury or surgery with a limp, which have discovered that putting weight body weight the patient is bearing — can cause problems to other joints and on your bad foot or leg is much easier from 20 percent to 100 percent. Then become chronic. if you’re standing in a pool. That’s the patient can walk, limp-free, or “If they limp too long, it’s hard for patients to break bad habits,” Mr. because the buoyancy of the water even run. “We treat a wide variety Buesch said. “This is a very healthy supports most of the body’s weight and counteracts the effects of gravity. Less of patients with the anti-gravity way to start training the limb.” For a young competitive weight on the injured limb means less treadmill,” said Luke Buech, a physical stress on the joints, which translates therapist with Miami Orthopedics & runner like Julia Villena, 18, the to less pain. Sports Medicine Institute. “Athletes anti-gravity treadmill allowed her to A special anti-gravity with injuries such as ACL tears, ankle maintain her fitness while she rested treadmill at Miami Orthopedics & sprains and hip injuries; and older a painful left knee. The treadmill’s Sports Medicine Institute’s outpatient people who are recovering from hip built-in video also allowed Mr. Buesch rehabilitation center in Coral Gables and knee replacements or injuries.” and Ms. Villena to evaluate her foot essentially does the same thing, and The benefits are many. For placement, gait and stride. The use of the anti-gravity more — not with water but compressed people recovering from injuries, air. surgery or joint replacements, the treadmill was part of the physical prescribed by Keith This treadmill, called the anti-gravity treadmill gets them therapy AlterG, is helping many physical walking sooner — and that weight- Hechtman, M.D., orthopedic surgeon therapy and rehab patients regain bearing activity helps in their recovery. with Miami Orthopedics & Sports mobility faster, more easily and more “The muscles will get stronger faster,” Medicine Institute, after an imaging scan showed that Ms. Villena’s knee comfortably. After the patient is zipped Mr. Buesch explained. Walking on the anti-gravity cap was shifting higher on her leg into the treadmill at the waist, air is blown into the airtight compartment. treadmill also results in a more normal than normal, which was likely caused

by weakness in her hip and hamstring. Shortly after the track season began in her senior year at St. Brendan High School, she had to slow down. Mr. Buesch put Ms. Villena on the AlterG after she had rested her knee for several weeks and had done therapeutic exercises to strengthen her hip. She started out jogging at 50 percent of her body weight and, over a few weeks, worked up to running at 70 percent of her body weight. “It’s pretty cool,” Ms. Villena said during one session. “I can run without pain.” The middle distance runner is set to attend St. Thomas University in the fall on an athletic scholarship. She plans to focus on cross country competition and major in nursing. “It’s always nice to keep an athlete moving,” Mr. Buesch said. “I didn’t want to shut her down during her season. This allowed her to stay at the competitive level.”

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Banned former FIFA executive Chuck Blazer dies

Chuck Blazer, the former FIFA executive committee member who pleaded guilty to racketeering, wire fraud and money laundering, has died, his lawyers said on Wednesday. A statement from Blazer’s two lawyers did not provide details or the circumstances of his death. The New York Times reported he had died of rectal cancer, which he had suffered for years. Blazer, 72, was general secretary of the Confederation of North, Central America and Caribbean Association Football (CONCACAF) from 1990 to 2011. He pleaded guilty in the United States to bribery and financial offences in 2013 and was later banned by FIFA from all football activities for life. reut.rs/2tKRfAd According to the transcript of his November 2013 guilty plea, Blazer and others in FIFA agreed to accept bribes in the bidding process for the 1998 World Cup in France and the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. FIFA’s ethics committee said Blazer breached rules on loyalty, confidentiality, duty of disclosure, conflicts of interest, offering and accepting gifts, and bribery and corruption.

As part of the 2013 plea A spokesman for the U.S. agreement, Blazer agreed to cooperate Attorney’s Office in Brooklyn, which with investigating authorities in the is overseeing the FIFA probe, did not United States while they investigated respond to a request for comment. the FIFA corruption scandal, which Blazer was born on April eventually played a crucial role in 26, 1945 in New York, according to the departure of its former president, the New York Times. He worked as a Sepp Blatter. salesman and coached his son’s soccer Blazer had accused another games in New Rochelle, New York, in former CONCACAF president, Jack the late 1970s before beginning his Warner, of having pocketed funds rise in international soccer. from a $10 million project to support Blazer kept a blog detailing the African diaspora in Caribbean his travels and his meetings with countries at the time of South Africa’s dignitaries, celebrities and politicians, successful bid to stage the 2010 World including a visit with Russian Cup. reut.rs/2sS00oZ President Vladimir Putin in 2010. FIFA opened an ethics “At one moment, he looked at investigation over bribes-for- me with a very serious gaze and said, votes allegations in the 2011 FIFA without cracking a smile, “You know, presidential election after Blazer you look like Karl Marx!” Blazer wrote. reported a possible case of bribery In one blog post, the white-bearded between Blatter and then FIFA Blazer posted a photo of himself presidential candidate Mohamed Bin dressed in a red Santa Claus suit Hammam. reut.rs/2uU1yR0 Warner smiling as he peered over a pair of eye and Bin Hammam were also banned glasses. In another, Blazer posted a by FIFA for life. video of Max, his blue and gold parrot, FIFA expressed its dancing as he stood on the front of a condolences to Blazer’s family, in an scooter in Central Park near a group emailed statement to Reuters, but of jazz musicians. made no further comment on how “Go max, go. It’s ok,” a man’s Blazer’s death would impact the voice, purportedly Blazer’s, is heard corruption probe. on the video.

McGregor, Mayweather continue war of words in Toronto

A larger-than-life figure, Chuck Blazer has an $18,000-a-month apartment at Trump Tower plus a $6,000-per-month unit just for his cats Blazer was on a motorized scooter along Fifth Avenue in New York in November of 2011 when federal agents approached him, the New York Daily News reported. “We can take you away in handcuffs now, or you can cooperate,” the agents told him, according to the newspaper. He cooperated. His thendomestic partner, Mary Lynn Blanks, told Reuters in a 2016 article that she accompanied Blazer to soccerrelated events while he was acting as an informant for U.S. investigators, sometimes wearing a bugging device.

Djokovic considers break after painful 18 months

Jul 12, 2017; Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Floyd Mayweather and Conor McGregor stare each other down during a world tour press conference to promote the upcoming Mayweather vs McGregor boxing fight at Budweiser Stage. Mandatory Credit: Tom Szczerbowski-USA TODAY Sports Undefeated boxer Floyd Mayweather is the heavy favorite to win his bout against mixed marital arts champion Conor McGregor but the Irishman again won the war of words at their media conference in Toronto on Wednesday. A day after McGregor mercilessly mocked the American in Los Angeles to launch a four-day international promotional tour for their Aug. 26 fight, the flamboyant 28-year-old again went on the offensive, ridiculing Mayweather’s attire and landing a low blow with a comment about his rumored reading difficulties. “How do I look?” McGregor asked the crowd, before taking a swipe at Mayweather’s bag. “He’s 40! Dress your age, carrying a school bag on stage. “What are you doing with a

school bag on stage? You can’t even read.” Mayweather, dressed casually for a second straight day in a t-shirt and cap while McGregor again wore a suit, did his best to counter. “I’m the (one) that can’t read? I do numbers, I make money,” he said. “You owe money,” McGregor responded, referring to reports that Mayweather earlier this month asked the IRS for more time to pay his 2015 tax bill. Mayweather, who holds a perfect 49-0 record, was jeered relentlessly by the audience but did not appear rattled. At one point he grabbed an Irish flag from the crowd and posed in front of McGregor. When the flag was passed to the Irishman he tossed it back in the boxer’s face.

“The specialists that I’ve LONDON - Novak Djokovic is considering taking a break from talked with haven’t been really competitive tennis to recover after too clear, mentioning also surgery, a long-standing elbow injury forced mentioning different options,” him out of Wimbledon on Wednesday. Djokovic said. “Nobody was very clear in The three-times champion retired hurt from his quarter-final against what needs to be done. I guess the Tomas Berdych after he had lost the break is something that I will have opening set and was down a break to consider right now,” he added. in the second. “The more I play, the worse it gets.” The 30-year-old Serb said Djokovic remained philosophical. his right elbow had been bothering “It’s just unfortunate - but him off-and-for over a year and in life, these particular things a half. The injury has coincided happen for a reason. It takes some with a slump in form during time and obviously thinking to which the former world number understand why this happened and one surrendered his Australian to obviously learn from it,” he said. and French Open titles this year “At the end of the day, this and slipped to fourth in the world is something I have to deal with and accept.” rankings.

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NFL’s Cowboys top Forbes’ most valuable teams list

The Cowboys lead 29 NFL teams among the world’s 50 most valuable (only the Bengals, Lions and Bills missed the cut). Credit the massive profitability across the league -- every team turned a profit of at least $26 million for the 2015 season. The NFL’s Cowboys, who last year unseated Spanish soccer club Real Madrid for top spot on the list, were valued at $4.2 billion, a 5 percent jump compared to last year, Forbes said in a statement. Major League Baseball’s New York Yankees, who have both the highest sponsorship revenue and premium seating revenue in MLB, jumped two spots to second on the list as their value rose 9 percent to $3.7 billion. Soccer clubs Manchester Jerry Jones, owner of the NFL’s Dallas Cowboys, speaks during the SALT conference in United ($3.69 billion), Barcelona Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S. ($3.64 billion) and Real Madrid ($3.58 billion) rounded out the pays an average of $80 million Rockets and Liverpool FC) fell top five. annually to promote its Chevy out of the top 50, while British NFL owners are also brand on the shirts of the Red soccer club Arsenal had the in line for a windfall from the Devils. Adidas outbid Nike for kit biggest decline, falling 20 spots relocations of the Rams, Chargers manufacturer/sponsor rights in a to No. 43. Arsenal’s value fell 4% and Raiders. The other 29 teams deal that’s worth nearly $1 billion to $1.93 billion largely due to will each receive more than $50 over 10 years, starting from the the decline in the British pound million in relocation fees, with ‘15-‘16 season. following Britain’s vote to leave none of that money shared with In addition to the 29 the European Union. In a strange the players. teams from the NFL among the twist of fate, Arsenal’s biggest The New York Yankees top 50 (versus 27 last year), there shareholder is Kroenke, whose are undergoing a youth movement are eight MLB (up from seven) fortune rose with the Rams’ move. on the field led by Aaron Judge and seven each from the NBA Almost everyone in the and Gary Sanchez, but the team’s and European soccer (both had top 50 is making bank, with finances are still tops in baseball. eight entries in 2016). The top 50 43 teams earning at least $50 The Yankees are the world’s is comprised of 51 teams thanks million on an operating basis second most valuable team, to a tie at the bottom: The New (earnings before interest, taxes, worth $3.7 billion, up 9% from Orleans Saints and Los Angeles depreciation and amortization) 2016, when the Bronx Bombers Angels of Anaheim are both and 19 franchises north of $100 ranked fourth. The Yankees have worth $1.75 billion. The cutoff million in the most recent seasons the highest sponsorship revenue is up 18% from $1.48 billion last we examined. Only two were in ($120 million) and premium year. Overall, there are 87 sports the red: the Los Angeles Dodgers seating revenue ($130 million) in franchises worldwide now worth lost $20.5 million and the Los the sport. at least $1 billion. Angeles Clippers are estimated A trio of soccer clubs The Rams were the to have lost $11.8 million. Both round out the top five, with biggest gainer, moving from L.A. franchises sported massive Manchester United leapfrogging outside the top 50 to No. 12 with payrolls triggering luxury tax Spanish titans Barcelona ($3.64 a worth of $2.9 billion. The value payments in their respective billion) and Real Madrid ($3.58 of the franchise doubled by our sports. billion). United is worth $3.69 count with the team’s relocation The franchise values billion, up 11% over last year. from St. Louis to Los Angeles last are based on Forbes valuations Premier League clubs year. Owner Stanley Kroenke is done over the past year for NFL, have the biggest domestic and footing the bill for a $2.6 billion NHL, NBA, MLB, F1, soccer and international TV deals among stadium in Inglewood, Calif., Nascar (no NHL, F1 or Nascar soccer leagues; United separates to house the Rams and newly teams made the top 50). Forbes’ itself from the pack with its relocated Chargers. The stadium team values reflect enterprise sponsorship and advertising haul, is projected to open for the 2020 values (equity plus debt) based which hit $405 million for the NFL season. on current venue deals unless a 2015-16 season. General Motors Two teams (Houston new venue is pending.

Florida police say Venus Williams entered intersection lawfully before crash

Tennis star Venus Williams Florida police said on Friday that a newly surfaced video shows that tennis star Venus Williams was acting lawfully when she drove her sports utility vehicle into an intersection before a fatal crash with another car on June 9. Jerome Barson, 78, who was a passenger in a sedan that collided with the vehicle Williams was driving, was fatally injured. His family filed a wrongful death suit against Williams last week. Williams, the former top-ranked tennis player in the world, on Friday won her third-round match at the Wimbledon tournament in England. A statement from the Palm Beach Gardens Police Department said a video, taken from the entrance to the gated community where Williams lives, indicates she acted lawfully in entering the intersection before the crash. The statement said the video showed that a car not involved in the collision stalled Williams’ progress, causing her to linger in the intersection. When the traffic light changed, an approaching car driven by Barson’s wife, Linda, collided with Williams’ vehicle. The initial traffic report said Williams, 37, was at fault for failing to yield the right of way to Barson. But on Friday, Major Paul Rogers of the Palm Beach Gardens Police Department said a fuller investigation began after Barson’s death on June 22. He said police have not made a final determination of fault in the investigation. The Barson family attorney, Michael Steinger, in a statement issued Friday, said the video “continues to support the fact that Ms. Williams remained in the intersection at a red light, violating the Barsons’ right of way.” Williams’ attorney, Malcolm Cunningham, on Friday did not immediately reply to an email requesting comment.

U.S. sprinter Coleman to run only 100 at world championships American Christian Coleman will run only the 100 metres at the world championships in London next month, his management company said on Friday. Coleman had qualified for the 100 and 200 with runner-up finishes at last month’s U.S. championships. The 21-year-old, who set the fastest time of the year in the 100 by running

9.82 seconds in June, and his coach decided to concentrate on the shorter race after a lengthy collegiate season. With 48 races indoors and out, Coleman had run more often this year than Usain Bolt, Justin Gatlin and Andre De Grasse combined, HSI Sports Management’s Emanuel Hudson told Reuters. Coleman, who has not

competed since the U.S championships, wanted to make his European professional debut in the 100 at the Monaco Diamond League’s meeting on July 21, Hudson said. “We have requested a lane for him in the men’s 100 metres, but as of today have not been given a spot,” Hudson said by telephone. World record holder Bolt

has already been announced for the meeting’s 100m in his last competition before the Aug. 4-13 world championships. Coleman will be in Monaco to train and run with the U.S. 4x100 metes relay team. “If not the Monaco 100, we will go to worlds as is,” Hudson said.

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