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AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017

Website: www.suntci.com

Email: sun@suntci.com

VOLUME 13 - NO. 31

Tel: (649) 348-6838


Fax: (649) 941-3281


NO BRITISH TROOPS COMING by Hayden Boyce Publisher & Editor-in-Chief


o British troops will be coming to Turks and Caicos Islands to assist with the fight against crime, but police officers from Jamaica are already here and more are coming. In recent days there were widespread reports that hundreds of British troops and/or police officers would be swooping down on this British Overseas Territory. The speculation intensified when a military aircraft was seen refueling at one of the Fixed Base Operators (FBO) in Providenciales. When contacted by The SUN, Dave Moore, spokesman for His Excellency Governor Dr. John Freeman said: “I have seen Facebook posts and heard that rumours are circulating on social media about British troops coming to TCI to assist with the fight against crime. There is absolutely no foundation to those accounts.” However, this newspaper can confirm that around a dozen Jamaican officers have already joined the ranks of the local police. National discussion about foreign law enforcement assistance for Turks and Caicos Islands escalated after Michael D. Jones, a litigation partner in the Washington DC office of the international law firm of Kirkland & Ellis was shot in a burglary attempt while staying in a villa in the Long Bay area of Providenciales. The shooting, which the second of an American tourist in recent months, rocked the image of the Turks and Caicos Islands regionally and led to negative comments on tourism sites and some strong statements from political and law enforcement officials. Following discussions with the Acting Premier Honourable Sean Astwood and Commissioner of Police James Smith, Governor Dr. John Freeman also mentioned

TCI Rising Stars Basketball Club Places 2nd in Puerto Rico’s Basketball International Tournament 2017


he TCI Rising Stars Basketball Club came up short in a hard fought game vs. Puerto Rico Placing 2nd in the championship game at this year’s Puerto Rico Basketball International Tournament. Couches described the games as a valiant effort by the boys who made them proud. According to Coach Forbes “This was a great learning experience for the team as

we realized the importance of maximizing every possession, especially in crucial moments”. The President Mervin Forbes expressed that the team has made vast improvement over the years in international play and he is excited to see what the future would bring to the Rising Stars players as his organization continues to grow. He

outside law enforcement help for TCI. discuss all of the particular steps being “Most immediately we need to undertaken,” the Governor stated. ensure the RTCIPF have the resources He added: “Recent incidents of they need to do their job. I have aggravated burglaries have again given discussed this requirement with the rise to understandable public concern. Premier and with the Commissioner. There are immediate but also wider Much has already been put in train and dimensions to the increased incidence of following recent incidents additional violent crimes. Our thoughts - as always and specialised support (including from - are with the victims of recent crimes outside the Islands) is being put in place and their families. Facing down crime already or to be examined urgently. It requires a combination of properly would not be in the public interest to resourced law enforcement agencies, a

also expressed that the addition of Coach Jarrett Forbes to the organization, has made a tremendous impact on the level of performance of his athletes and he believes that basketball in TCI as a whole would grow to a higher level. Pictured here is team TCI at Puerto Rico’s Basketball International Tournament 2017. sustained determination to deal with wider challenges - including from illegal migration and other factors - and a due commitment not just to imprisonment but to the rehabilitation of offenders. The effort to deal with violent crime is ongoing. More resources are being dedicated to security needs and more will be available in the future. And all of us with responsibilities for security are committed to seeing the task through.” Continued on Page 2


Your Favourite Hits All Day Turks & Caicos Islands

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AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017



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Despite the statements from the Governor, there have been strident calls for the British Government, which has responsibility for national security, to lend more assistance to the Turks and Caicos Islands in the fight against crime. The local government has also been under attack, especially on social media, but Acting Premier, Hon. Sean Astwood said the islands “have not been shortchanged” by Government. In a press statement, he said the Premier, the Governor and the Commissioner of Police are all engaged and there has been no dereliction of duties. Hon Astwood stated: “On Friday, the Premier and I, as Minister of Border Control& Employment attended a National Security

Council Meeting where we received the National Security Assessment Report which has made very practical recommendations. We have also had direct talks with police officials and discussed the strategic initiatives being taken to address the more recent matter. It will be inappropriate to speak to the specifics of any action being taken at this time, but I want to assure the general public that we are on the job and are approaching this matter with the sense of urgency that it deserves.” He added: “Over the past few days, I have met with our private sector partners and they have committed to assisting in many ways, including but not limited to the creation of a fund to supplement the efforts of the Government to address

and stamp out the scourge of violent crime from our Beautiful by Nature country. We will update the public on our actions and the results thereof as matters progress. We do however ask the general to public remain calm but alert and vigilant. Call crime stoppers or the police with information that would assist in its investigations and together we will return to the peace and tranquility that we know Turk and Caicos to be.” Astwood said he wanted to assure the public at large that Government is “exhausting every effort and will spare no cost or effort to apprehend these criminals and we will, by the grace of God and with your help, succeed”. He continued: “Since coming to office we have communicated our

commitment to the police force by indicating that we will provide the resources needed and have restated that commitment to that effect.” In a statement following the shooting, the Ministry of Tourism stated: “While our Country remains safe, any acts of crime against residents or tourists are unacceptable....Our residents and visitors should continue to enjoy our islands, as we will not be intimidated by acts of cowardice.... Rest assured that we are working together with the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands’ Police Force and the community to triumph over these heinous acts of crime. The Ministry of Tourism encourages all persons to exercise vigilance as we seek to restore the Turks and Caicos Islands that you have come to know and love.”

Premier Hon. Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson says not a crisis in leadership, but a crisis in morality: government on the job! “A Leader of a country is never on vacation and no one must feel that there is a crisis in leadership on the matter of crime in the Turks and Caicos Islands. The Acting Premier is fully engaged and I am fully aware of what is transpiring. We continue to engage law enforcement on their needs and will continue to support them. “We will continue our efforts as a Government on the initiatives we have committed to for the short term as well as the long term future. There are those who would seek to reduce the efforts by this Government over the past few months to Press Releases and it would be irresponsible if we do not remind persons and counter the falsehoods. On coming to Office we promised the people that we would make representation to the United Kingdom (UK) for assistance and this we did on two separate occasions with the UK Ministers responsible for Overseas Territories in the past 7 months. This request was made initially to Baroness Anelay during a bi-lateral meeting in February and again with Lord Ahmad last month. We were grateful when in February when the UK agreed to have a security needs assessment carried out. The TCI was one of the earliest countries to receive a Team who assessed our needs. We are now in possession of that Report with recommendations. We will continue our efforts in this regard and are pleased with the reception by both Ministers. Nonetheless, we will continue to fund policing initiatives and would wish to remind our people

again of our other efforts thus far in 7 months: 1.The purchasing of a building to house the highly anticipated CCTV Program and other new crime fighting initiatives; 2.The approval of funding for additional Police Officers including managers of the CCTV Project in the recently passed Budget; 3.The approval of $1.2m in the purchase of new cars in the recently passed budget; 4.The agreement in the National Security Council to devise a national security strategy; 5.The inclusion of modern crime fighting initiatives and other legislative support for the Police in our legislative calendar; 6.The beginning works jointly between the Police and Immigration to seek out and to repatriate undocumented persons; 7.The presentation, as Premier, to Cabinet of a Paper on the rehabilitation of offenders in an effort to reduce the rate of repeat offenders; 8.The initial dialogue with the TCHTA and the wider business community to employ those at risk under the Government’s Change for Change Program to be led by the Ministry of Home Affairs; and 9.Holding meetings with Pastors and other civic leaders to assist in identifying and creating Programs that will address our youth. “I want to encourage us as a people not to be led blindly by those who

choose the way of personal attacks and gutter politics to score political points and to exploit those who are genuinely fearful and concerned for their country. This has and always will be bigger than politics. This time calls for calm, responsible and strong leadership and while finger pointing is all that some know or have come to accept as leadership, much is happening in the area of national security,” says Premier Robinson. “The people of this country must know that all who share a function in addressing national security is well alert, engaged and on the job. I have not left matters unattended as it relates to the role of Government neither have I been disconnected nor reckless in the carriage of my duties or trust. I am asking each of us to be careful of what we share by Whatsapp and on social media as this is contributing to how we market our tourist destination. We must not want our postings to be the one advertisement that a tourist or potential tourist reads. These latest experiences reveal not a crisis in leadership but one of a crisis in morality. We have a few misguided youth who for whatever reason has chosen this destructive path that threatens life and also put their lives at risk. What sets us apart from all of our neighbors is the fact that a few reckless acts as well as a few reckless statements in such a small country can have a devastating impact. What I wish to say to my people is that we must take stock of our actions and resist the temptation

Premier Hon. Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson to turn this into a fight with each other and to turn this on a fight for our misguided youth, our troubled homes and communities and if we must turn it on persons, turn it on those who seek to exploit this troubled time for political and personal gain at the loss of our country. We are all in this together and if we are going to win which I am sure that we will, we must not delay the win by wasting time on issues that pale in comparison to the challenges we face as a people. Oh how I would wish to be the super woman with a magical wand that can turn everything perfect instantly but what I am is a leader that will not neglect her people nor stand down in the face of a fight for us as a people; what I am is a leader that is hurt for my people who are in too many ways being exploited by selfish persons. This is not at all a crisis in leadership: it is a crisis in morality and we must address the real issues while law enforcement does its part. My Government remains committed to addressing causal factors as well as funding policing initiatives.”

HOUSEKEEPER/DOMESTIC WORKER Needed to take care of young children as well as household duties. •Candidate must be reliable and physically able to perform their duties. •They should have good time management skills as well as the ability to work with minimal supervision. •Must be fluent in English language, written and oral. Pay rate is $6.25 per hour. Please send resumes to charisse_gibbons@hotmail.com

G.M. MECHANIC SHOP Is seeking to employ a Mechanic To work 6 days per week including Holidays and Weekends Salary $9.00 per hour Please Contact 331-0221

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


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AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


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National Security Council discusses crime-fighting measures His Excellency the Governor, Dr John Freeman, and the Hon. Premier, Hon. Sharlene CartwrightRobinson, co-chaired a meeting of the TCI National Security Council (NSC) on Friday, 28 July, at the Hon. Hilly Ewing Building in Providenciales. In attendance as members of the NSC were the Hon. Deputy Premier, Mr Sean Astwood; Her Excellency the Deputy Governor, Hon. Anya Williams; the Hon. Attorney-General, Mrs Rhondalee Braithwaite-Knowles; and the Commissioner of Police, Mr James Smith. The Superintendent of HM Prison, Mr Steve Barrett, also attended the meeting to up-date the NSC on the situation at HM Prison. At this meeting, the NSC: •Received a security up-date from the Commissioner of Police on: -Crime statistics for the period April-June 2017 which showed that overall crime incidents across TCI had decreased by 15% with burglaries down by 56% when compared to the same period last year. However, arrests for possession of drugs had risen significantly as had the number of robberies and incidents involving

firearms; RTCIPF on intercepting illegal -Recent successes in the migrants which were generally fight against crime including on joint working well. More staff were being operations with partners on illegal recruited to the Task Force to improve migration; TCI’s interception and enforcement -Challenges facing the capability. Technical up-grades were RTCIPF, particularly the problem of also being introduced to improve the controlling people entering TCI and capability of the radar station to detect illegal migrants in the country; illegal sloops; -Recent senior appointments -Introduction of the Advanced and promotions in the RTCIPF and Passenger Information System (APIS) on future recruitment as well as on a which was expected to be approved proposed new structure for the police at the next sitting of the House of force; Assembly; -The RTCIF proposed strategic -Proposals announced in the plan to address the challenges faced by House of Assembly for the temporary the nation which focused on the four suspension of visa applications and pillars of prevention, intervention, first time work permits to enable enforcement and rehabilitation. The the Ministry to clear backlogs and NSC agreed to discuss the strategic to assess and improve immigration plan in more detail at its next meeting control processes. It was proposed on 14 August and to decide. that an enforcement drive would •Received an up-date from the commence from 14 August to identify Deputy Premier on: and repatriate illegal migrants from -Improvements that are being TCI. The NSC highlighted the need made to procedures and processes for early engagement and consultation to eliminate alleged corruption in with all the relevant agencies and the Ministry of Border Control and organisations who would be involved Employment. The Deputy Governor in the enforcement drive. explained that similar processes are being implemented across TCIG. • Received an up-date from the -Joint operations with the Superintendent of HM Prison on the

Sea Spice Ltd “Seaspicetci” is looking for an EXECUTIVE GENERAL MANAGER The selected candidate will be responsible for: ➢ Managing the company’s finances ➢ Preparing proposals and other correspondence ➢ Managing human resources ➢ Coordinating schedule, booking, preparation of charters and basic logistics ➢ Sales and marketing ➢ Guest Relations: Must have excellent communication skills ➢ Providing the Owners of the company with weekly screenshot report Must be proficient in QuickBooks and Microsoft Office Must be willing to work weekends and holidays Experience in boat/fishing charters, boat captain/mate, concierge services or graphic design, either is a plus Salary and benefits is commensurate with experience Please forward resume to jobs.seaspicetci@gmail.com on or before August 15th, 2017 with the caption EXECUTIVE GENERAL MANAGER Sea Spice Ltd is looking for experienced Boat Captains and Mates The selected candidates will be responsible for:

continuing problems at the prison and measures taken to address them. At the request of the Premier, the Superintendent presented an overview of a strategic plan which he had drawn up to highlight areas of concern, associated risks and mitigations needed to address them. The NSC called for the strategic plan to be circulated to all members of the NSC for detailed discussion and assessment of the issues and mitigations at its next meeting on 14 August. •Received and had a preliminary discussion of the Security Needs Assessment Report for TCI sponsored by the UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Whilst many of the identified priorities and recommendations mirrored existing TCIG security objectives, the report would serve as a key input in the development of a TCI National Security Strategy, the development of which the NSC committed itself to; •Received an update from the Attorney General on the completion of the anti-money laundering and prevention of terrorism financing National Risk Assessment which would be presented to the Cabinet for final approval at its next meeting.

➢ Boat Captain - the safe operation of vessels and must ensure that it is operated and crewed according to both company and legal guidelines and train and supervise his/her crew in their tasks, monitoring the performance ➢ Regular boat maintenance ➢ Fuel record keeping ➢ Guest Relations Turks and Caicos Islands Captain’s License is required Must be willing to work weekends and holidays ➢ Mate - second in command aboard the vessel and must be capable of assuming full command should the Captain become incapacitated. ➢ Upkeep of vessel’s external structure - cleaning ➢ Guest Relations: Must have excellent communication skills ➢ Concierge services to the Guest ➢ Preparation of charters and basic logistics Must be willing to work weekends and holidays Experience in boat/fishing charters, boat captain/mate, concierge services is a plus Salary and benefits commensurate with experience Please forward resume to jobs.seaspicetci@gmail.com on or before August 15th, 2017 with the caption BOAT CAPTAIN OR MATE

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AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


Prominent Washington lawyer shot in TCI

Michael D. Jones, a litigation partner in the Washington DC office of the international law firm of Kirkland & Ellis was shot in a burglary attempt while on vacation in Turks and Caicos Islands this week according to authorities. Jones, an established litigator, is serving as lead attorney for plaintiffs in the lawsuit, “Coalition for Equity and Excellence in Maryland Higher Education v. Maryland Higher Education Commission,” also known as the HBCU Equity Lawsuit. This case represents one of the most significant higher education desegregation cases in the last two decades. Jones recently delivered closing arguments in the HBCU Equity

Lawsuit trial held in Maryland District & Ellis confirmed Jones is now resting Court earlier this summer. in stable condition. “Mike Jones, a Jones, was shot once in the partner in our Washington DC office, torso by a masked gunman who entered was shot during a burglary while on his family’s vacation villa shortly after vacation with his family,” the firm 10:00 pm according to media reports stated. “Mike was treated successfully and was immediately transferred to a and is in stable condition and is local hospital before being medically expected to fully recover. Our thoughts evacuated to Memorial Regional and prayers are with Mike and his Hospital in Hollywood, Florida where family.” he is in stable condition. A spokesman for the Turks and Local police report that at Caicos Islands Ministry of Tourism, least two suspects were involved. Environment, Heritage and Culture Robbers fled the scene after stealing expressed remorse over the shooting. a laptop from the villa and are still at “It is with regret that we report any large at the time this report was filed. situation involving the safety or wellInvestigators are reviewing footage being of residents or quests to our country.” from security cameras in the villa. Michael Jones A spokesperson from Kirkland

Hotel & Tourism Taxation Ordinance amendments The Revenue Department within the •The prohibition of proprietors for collecting tax on any failure to remit such tax collected by the Ministry of Finance would like to advise the general any deposits paid; proprietor to the Government; public that the House of Assembly has approved •The imposition of a duty on proprietors to keep the Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism (Taxation) a record of deposits received for reservations •The imposition of a duty on all restaurant owners (Amendment) Ordinance 2017 (hereinafter “the for services and also records in regards to to keep proper books and records; Ordinance”). The Ordinance which regulates the cancellations; treatment of taxes on deposits for reservations for •The additional of a monthly or annual turnover to services and criteria for designation, comes into •Where the tax was collected on reservations that the criteria for designation of a restaurant. were cancelled the proprietor must remit those •The imposition of a duty on restaurant owners effect on 1st August, 2017. monies to the Government; to permit the Permanent Secretary, Finance to inspect all books and records for the purposes of The Ordinance amended and imposed the following provisions: •The creation of an offence and penalties for the designating the restaurant for the collection of collection of any tax on deposits paid and for the tax. Intercaribbean Airways has the following vacancies: 1.

Customer service agents/ airport host: must have 1-2 years working experience in aviation industry, computer literate, hardworking, reliable and trustworthy with a valid police record and passport. Willing and able to work weekends and holidays.

2. Security Officer: 1-2 years experience, computer literate, excellent commend of the English language, both verbal and written. Valid TCI driver’s license, police record and passport. 2. Flight Dispatcher – 2 years experience, Dispatchers license, computer literate, strong work ethics, must be willing to work weekends and holidays.


Laborers/ Baggage handlers/ cleaners: Must be fluent in English language, computer literate hard working, reliable and willing to work weekends and holidays.

4. Aircraft Mechanic: Certification from an accredited institution, with A&P License. 2-3 years or more experience. Dependable, innovative, with strong team player, can work independently. 5.

Aircraft Mechanic Helper – 2 years or more experience with aircraft maintenance, Dependable, innovative, with strong team player.


Mechanic – experience with fixing diesel engine, and with hydraulics.

Interested persons send resume to HR@incaribbean.com. Belongers and PRC holders need only apply.

NOTICE Regulation 7 of the Physical Planning (Development Permission) Regulations, 1990 Planning Application SC 760: An Application, REGISTERED SC 760, Parcel 20307/78 for Development Permission for rehabilitation of the existing wharf on South Caicos Port, with works in the marine environment that include sheet piling along the shoreline and along port walls and limited maintenance dredging of the approach channel to the wharf, was submitted by Ports Authority, TCI Government. Anyone wishing to make representation(s) may do so in writing to the Director of Planning, South Base, Grand Turk or through the Department of Planning, Emily House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, within twenty-eight (28) days of publication of this Notice. Dated Posted: August 3, 2017

EXECUTIVE TOURS LTD. IS SEEKING: HEAVY DUTY DIESEL MECHANIC Preferably ASE certified DUTIES INCLUDE: •Troubleshooting and repairs to all buses and coasters •Troubleshooting and repairs to all electrical and computerized systems •Troubleshooting and repair of transmissions, manual and automatic Starting salary $2,200.00 per month (44) forty-four hour per week Contact: 649-946-4524


LABOURER To work 44 hours a week Salary $6.25 per hour Contact: 946-4524 SPOTLIGHT COMMUNICATIONS LTD. IS LOOKING FOR A PHOTOGRAPHER Qualifications and Experience •Significant experience in various forms of photography and media. •Bachelor’s degree in Communication or Broadcasting, or academic equivalent, along with extensive knowledge of Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Premiere Pro. •Must be able to operate cameras and video cameras and carry out shooting assignments. •Must be able to edit film and photo material. •Must have good client interaction skills, can travel to different locations for assignments and be willing to work under deadlines as required. Remuneration is $1,800.00 per month. All suitably qualified TC Islanders are requested to submit resumes/ portfolios to info@spotlight-communications.com. Prospective TC Islander applicants are also free to lodge a copy of their applications with the Labour Board.

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


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Special Prosecutor retires from Turks and Caicos corruption case

The Special Prosecutor Mrs Helen Garlick has given notice that, for personal reasons and having reached the retirement age of 65, she intends to retire from legal practice this year and stepped down from the post of Special Prosecutor on 3rd August 2017. According to a Government press statement, Mrs Garlick informed the Attorney General Rhondalee Brathwaite-Knowles and the then Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Gillian Williams, of her intention at the beginning of 2016, because she wished to give those concerned as much notice as possible. The Turks and Caicos SUN first broke the story about Garlick’s retirement last week.

Special Prosecutor Mrs Helen Garlick The role of Special Prosecutor was created in 2009, as the result of recommendations made by the

Commission of Inquiry and in order to ensure that the subsequent criminal investigation was conducted with the benefit of experienced and independent legal advice and that all prosecution decisions were made similarly. The Government press statement noted that the investigation is largely concluded and all the principal prosecuting decisions have been made. “The trial is now well underway. Leading counsel has been instructed since 2010 and is continuously supported by junior counsel, who are fully embedded in the case. The Senior Investigating Officer (who was appointed in 2009), his Deputy and a number of investigators will remain in

place,” the statement added. Under the Constitution the post of Special Prosecutor has always sat within the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. The statement added that following the appointment of Ms Gillian Williams in November 2016 as DPP, Mrs Garlick discussed retirement with her on a number of occasions. “They agreed that should the need arise Ms Garlick would be available to the DPP and to the SIPT to be consulted and to assist. Given the absence from the Island, due to ill health, of the DPP the Acting DPP will take on the supervisory role of the case, for the time being,” the statement added.

Robberies and firearm crimes on the increase The Commissioner of the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force, Mr. James Smith has updated the media on the Crime Statistics for the month ranging from April, May and June 2017. He has decided to issue the states every quarter instead of yearly. From the month of April to June there were 585 crimes reported, and compared to last year for the same three month period there were 676 reports; therefore a 15% decrease or 91

less crimes reported across all islands. For the same period Burglaries are down 56% -209 reported last year compare to 92 reported this year or 117 less burglary reports. Arrests made for possession of drugs for the same period are up 110% from 10 arrests last year to 21 arrests for the first three months of this financial year; arrests for possession of drugs with intent to supply up 200%, from 2 last year to 6 so far this year.

Robberies are up 221% for the three month period; that is from 18 reported incidents last year to 56 this year or an increase of 38 reported incidents. Some 44 of these robberies involved the use of a firearm by one or more persons. When included in overall firearm offences for the three months period we have an increase of 158% or a total of 41 more firearm related offences, that is from 26 reported last Police Commissioner Mr. James Smith year to 67 so far this year.

NOTICE Regulation 7 of the Physical Planning (Development Permission) Regulations, 1990 Planning Application NC 1109: An Application, REGISTERED NC 1109, Parcel 50303/1 for Development Permission to perform dredging of the channel approaching Bellefield Landing and Sandy Point on North Caicos, was submitted by Ports Authority of the Turks and Caicos Islands. Anyone wishing to make representation(s) may do so in writing to the Director of Planning, South Base, Grand Turk or through the Department of Planning, Emily House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, within twenty-eight (28) days of publication of this Notice. Dated Posted: August 3, 2017

Beach Attendant Beach attendant with solid experience, proven record in taking care sail boats, canoes, surfing equipment and chase boat. Minimum qualifications: Red Cross First Aid and Lifeguard Certificates. Wage range $6.25 - $7.00 per hour depending on experience, plus service charge.

Cook The successful candidate is required to have experience with, preparing a variety of different cuisines in a fine dining environment. They will understand the importance of consistency and have knowledge of food preparation techniques and health and safety requirements. Duties include preparation of all food items according to standard. Maintain the highest quality and appearance of all food orders. Maintain orderly, clean refrigerators and work areas. Wage range $7.00 - $10.00 per hour commensurate with qualifications and experience. Please submit applications to: Human Resources Manager, Point Grace Management, P.O. Box 700, Grace Bay, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands, Tel: (649) 946-5096; Fax (649) 946-5097; Email: humanresources@pointgrace.com. Interested Belongers must submit copies of their application to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2. Closing date for application is August 9th, 2017.

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY JOB TITLE: ACCOUNTS EXECUTIVE JOB TYPE: Full Time LOCATION: Providenciales JOB DESCRIPTION: Duties & Responsibilities -Attend to customers needs and resolved all outstanding queries. -Maintain business relationships with current Clients and prospective Clients -Start new customer contracts and renew old contracts. -Develops clear and effective written proposals/quotations for current and prospective customers. -Makes telephone calls and in-person visits to existing and prospective customers. -Provide daily report to Management with customer’s needs, problems and interest and see how best we can assist them. -Communicate effectively and efficiently -Must have Vehicle to carry out the Sales Duties day to day. PREFERRED JOB QUALIFICATIONS: Education: Bachelors Degree Marketing Experiences: At least 2 years experience in Marketing Industry Languages: Must be fluent in English Contact Person: Donvonno Cox Operations Manager docox@ckor.com 649-941-5411

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AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


Statement from Premier Hon. Sharlene Report from August 2nd Cartwright-Robinson on crime in the Turks Cabinet meeting and Caicos Islands His Excellency the Governor, Dr John Freeman, chaired the 19th meeting of the Cabinet on Wednesday, 2 August 2017, at the N J S Francis Building on Grand Turk. All Ministers were present except the Hon. Premier. At this meeting Cabinet: • Advised His Excellency the Governor to approve the recommendations of the TCI AntiMoney Laundering Committee for the expenditure of $24,910.00 to be drawn from the National Forfeiture Fund for the purpose of Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Standards Training on 20-22 September 2017 and Pre-Assessment Training on 1820 October 2017; • Advised His Excellency the Governor to approve the TCI Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment (National Risk Assessment) Report and for the expanded summary of the report to be published; •Advised His Excellency the Governor to approve the duty waiver to the amount of $1,404.59 for the import of building materials for the

construction of the Provo Halfway House drug rehabilitation centre. Cabinet requested that the process for approving future such waivers be reviewed; • Advised His Excellency the Governor to approve, subject to the Minister retaining appropriate discretion to be agreed by Cabinet, the implementation of temporary restrictions on the acceptance of visa applications from all countries for a period of 25 days with effect from 7 August – 1 September 2017; and on the acceptance of applications for first-time work permits, based on current industry volumes and needs, for a period of 55 days with effect from 7 August – 30 September 2017, in order to clear backlogs and to assess and improve immigration control processes; •Received an information paper by the Hon. Minister for Education, Youth, Sports and Library Services on the number of international scholarships awarded for TCI students for 2017/18 and noted the recommendations for scholarships of the Scholarships Committee; •Advised His Excellency the Governor to include on the 2017/18 Legislative Agenda amendments to

Vacancy Notice Turks and Caicos Islands National Health Insurance Board The Turks & Caicos Islands National Health Insurance Board (NHIB) invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the post of Chief Financial Officer. POSITION: Chief Financial Officer REPORTS TO: Chief Executive Officer LOCATION: Providenciales Job Summary The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for directing the fiscal functions of the NHIB in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and any other financial management techniques and practices appropriate within the health and insurance industry. Main Duties and Responsibilities •Plan, develop, organize, implement, direct and evaluate the NHIB’s fiscal function and performance. •Participate in the development of the company’s plans and programs as a strategic partner. •Evaluate and advise on the impact of long-range planning and the introduction of new programs/strategies •Provide timely and accurate analysis of budgets, financial reports and financial trends in order to assist the CEO and the Board in performing their responsibilities. •Develop, implement and enforce financial policies and procedures that will improve the overall operation, efficiency and effectiveness of the company. •Provide technical financial knowledge and advice to others within the financial discipline. •May perform other duties as assigned by the CEO or any other person authorized to give instructions or assignments.

the Physical Planning Ordinance in relation to enforcement measures to uphold planning standards and regulations; •Received an information paper from the Hon. Minister of Infrastructure Housing and Planning on a report by the Director of Planning on Phase II of the Priton Homes Development on Millennium Highway, Providenciales; • Advised His Excellency the Governor to approve implementation of the new TCI Immigration Stop List Protocol with effect from 15 August 2017 and for details of the new protocol to be made public; •Received an up-date from the Hon. Minister for the Environment on the disposal of the illegal catch of marine product from the fishing vessel Capitan Blaze; • Received an up-date by His Excellency the Governor on discussions with the Hon. Premier and others on resources to tackle crime and discussed additional matters related to the government’s response to the crime situation in TCI. Further information on these matters will be provided by Ministers in due course.

Turks and Caicos Sun Suite#5, Airport Plaza Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands Tel: (649) 348-6838 Fax: (649) 941-3281 Email: sun@suntci.com Read us online at www.suntci.com Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Hayden Boyce Graphic designer Information Technology and Production Manager: Kelano Howell Todeline Defralien Reporter

The Turks and Caicos SUN is a subsidiary of The SUN Media Group Ltd. We are committed to excellence in journalism, educating and informing our readers, serving and satisfying our advertisers and assisting in the overall development of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

•Lead the timely completion of the financial statement audit process. •Assist in the completion of key accounting functions such as reconciliations, manage and supervise the finance, compliance and billing teams. Minimum Qualification & Experience Required: •Candidates should have a Master’s degree in Accounting or equivalent combination of education and experience • Preferably with professional qualification as a CPA or any equivalent accounting designation. • At least 7 years of experience in a senior finance management role is a must. REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS: •Experienced financial leader with appropriate industry experience, strong supervisory and mentoring skills, high ethical standards, exceptional analytical and problem solving, well organized and selfdirected, excellent written/verbal communication, speak, read and write in excellent English language, proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel Spreadsheets and Pivot Tables, and Accounting software packages, effective time management skills. • Solid understanding of international financial reporting standards • Solid understanding of the NHIB Ordinance and Regulations • Experience in healthcare financing • Training in International Accounting Standards for Social Security • Experience In Microsoft Dynamics • Team worker who is willing to take a hands-on approach to the role. Salary Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience scale $82,200 to $89,310.00 per annum. A standard set of benefits and allowances are additional. Interested persons are requested to submit a resume, cover letter, two letters of reference (one preferably from a former employer), copies of educational certificates, a Police Certificate and a copy of the Passport photo page. Deadline for submission: August 18, 2017 If delivering in person envelope shall be marked Chief Financial Officer Position and addressed to: Dr. Hamlet Nation CEO Actg. National Health Insurance Board Salt Mills Plaza Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands British West Indies If by Email send to: recruitment@tcinhip.tc

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


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AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


TCIG appoints new senior tax officers Following the successful promotion of former Senior Tax Officers Keshia Handfield and Mrychina Lewis earlier this year to the positions of Deputy Revenue Commissioner and Financial Manager within the Ministry of Finance, the Turks and Caicos Islands Government is pleased to announce the promotion of Ms. Natasha Ewing and Ms. Ruthann Gardiner and to the role of Senior Tax Officers within the Turks and Caicos Islands Revenue Department. Ms. Ewing a former graduate of the Clement Howell High School, holds an Associate of Science Degree in Business Administration from the Turks and Caicos Islands Community College; a Bachelor of Science Degree in Marketing and International Business from Nova Southeastern University in Davie, Florida and is

currently by Online Distance Learning pursuing a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Arden University partially supported by the Turks and Caicos Islands Civil Service Professional Development Fund. Ms. Ewing a former Personal Banking Officer at the International Banking Group during the period 20102012, has served as Tax Officer within the Revenue Department from 2012 to present. While Ms. Gardiner a former graduate of the Raymond Gardiner High School, who holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management from Barry University in Miami, Florida, previously served as date. Both appointments take effect on Cost Control Clerk at Beaches Resort August 1st, 2017. and Spa from 2011 to 2015 and has Commenting on these served as a Tax Officer within the appointment Deputy Governor Anya Revenue Department from 2015 to Williams said: Congratulations is

extended to both Natasha and Ruthann on their recent promotions. During their tenure as a Tax Officers they both have had the opportunity to work in all three sections of the Revenue Department: Compliance, Business Licencing and Audit and Investigation and are equipped with a wide range of skills that will assist them in their new roles as Senior Tax Officers.” Through the Civil Service Professional Development Fund they also had the opportunity to participate last year in TCIG’s Training and Secondment Program which afforded Ms. Gardiner the opportunity to spend a week at Inland Revenue Jamaica and Ms. Ewing a week at Inland Revenue St. Kitts. I wish them all the best on their new roles and look forward to even greater accomplishments in the years to come.”

Police investigate Darron Hilaire robbery Around 10:31pm on Friday 28th June 2017, 23-year-old Darron Hilaire reported to 911 that he was robbed by two masked gunmen in the Long Bay area of Providenciales. According to a police statement, Hilaire told officers that he had just arrived

in the parking lot of his residence at Carib Club when the two masked gun men approached him, one from the bush and the other from behind; both with guns. The culprits demanded money, they then tied the victim up and drove him to the Scotia Bank ATM in his white Nissan Sentra

car registration number TC7745 and forced him to withdraw an undisclosed amount of money. The culprits left the victim unharmed and drove away in the vehicle. The vehicle has not been recovered and an investigation is ongoing into this report.

VACANCY NOTICE Turks and Caicos Island National Health Insurance Board (NHIB) Providenciales Position Title: Chief Executive Officer, NHIB Reports To: Minister of NHIB and Board of Directors Job Summary: The Chief Executive Officer is the chief executive of the National Health Insurance Board (NHIB) and, has system wide responsibility for the effective and efficient administration and day-to-day management and administration of the of NHIB in accordance with the National Health Insurance Ordinance and Regulations. Providing supervision to other professional and clerical staff. The CEO is expected to generate satisfactory results when the qualitative and quantitative output of the staff is at a high level, the expenditure of the NHIB is within the limits of the budget, and the services of the NHIP are provided to the Government and the beneficiaries in a timely and value for money basis. Key Duties and Responsibilities required to be performed effectively and efficiently:

•Monitoring and administering the Plan; •Monitoring and administering the Fund; •Monitoring the collection of contributions under the NHIB Ordinance; •Advise the Minister on the policies relating to the health care needs of the beneficiaries •Advise the Minister on the policies and directions concerning the use of monies of the Fund; •Establish a quality assurance programme for the functioning of the Plan through monitoring of the health care service being provided to the beneficiaries; •Supervise and control expenditure from the Fund; •Financial and operational matters; •Developing administrative and human resources development manuals for approval by the Board; •Preparing regular financial and operational reports for the Board; •The administration and control of the staff of the Board; •Accounting for all monies collected, paid or invested under the Ordinance; •Contracting health service providers for the purposes of the objects of the NHIP; •Ensuring compliance by contracted health service providers with the quality standards as may be prescribed by the Minister from time to

time; •Make disbursements from the Fund; and •Perform such functions as are for the time being conferred on him or her by Virtue of the Ordinance or any other law or any Regulations and as the Board or the Minister may from time to time assign. Qualifications and Experience: •A Master’s Degree in Health Administration/Health Financing/Health Insurance/Finance or a related field; •A minimum of ten (10) years’ on the job experience in a senior management position in insurance or health related field to acquire the necessary competencies to effectively respond to the challenges of the role; •Certification in the Accounting/Finance field (such as ACCA, CPA, CMA or CGMA would be an asset). Salary and Allowances: Salary is in the range of US$115,000.00 to $130,380.00 negotiable based on qualifications and experience. A standard set of benefits and allowances are additional. Interested persons are requested to submit a resume, along with their contact information, cover letter, two letters of reference (one preferably from a former employer), copies of educational certificates, a Police Certificate and a copy of the Passport photo page. Applications can be had delivered to the National Health Insurance Office addressed to: Chairman NHIB, subject line should read “Chief Executive Officer Position” Alternatively, applications can be emailed to rawilliams@gov.tc . The subject line in the email should read “Chief Executive Officer Position”. We thank all applicants for their interest but only candidates selected for an interview will be acknowledged. Deadline Date for Applications: The deadline date for applications is Tuesday, August 8, 2017 by 5:00pm Full Job Description can be found on The National Health Insurance Board website: www.tcinhip.tc

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


It's here!!


I’m Locked in already A delightful blend of today's R & B and Old Skool hits! Gospel music from 4 a.m. to 7 a.m. every day.

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AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


Hon. Derek Taylor appointed Deputy Speaker of the House of Assembly By Todeline Defralien Former Chief Minister Hon. Derek Taylor was recently appointed Deputy Speaker of the House of Assembly in the Turks and Caicos Islands. He was nominated by Premier Hon. Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson and seconded by Deputy Premier Hon. Sean Astwood and overwhelming supported by members of the House. Former Deputy Speaker was Hon. Karen Malcolm who was appointed Minister of Education in June 2017, after the Premier fired Hon.

Josephine Connolly. In an interview with the SUN Hon. Taylor said, “Basically I’ve been in the House of Assembly now for 24 years this year and it would not be the first time that I’ve acted during the budget, so therefore it wouldn’t be anything new to me. I am quite versatile in the House of Assembly.” He continued: “To be honest I don’t think in terms of it being well deserved. Once you’re a member of the House of Assembly you’re not a Minister of Government it’s one of those areas where you can be called upon either through the Deputy

Hot dog recall

Marathon Enterprises Inc. a Bronx, NY establishment is recalling hot dog products that may be contaminated with extraneous materials, specifically bone fragments. The Animal Health Service Division of the Department of Agriculture wishes to inform the public that it is issuing an immediate recall for these hot dog products. The initial recall was issued by Marathon Enterprises Inc. a Bronx, NY. Establishment on July 15, 2017, the company is recalling approximately 7,196,084 pounds of hot dog products due contaminated with extraneous materials,

Speaker or to preside. I count it a privilege in terms of being called upon presently as a part of the House of Assembly. It is basically to preside when the Speaker of the House is not present and to preside over the meetings of the Committee when they are in the House, during the budget sessions. On behalf of the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands as an all island elected member I count as a privilege on behalf of the people to do things. It also gives me an opportunity in terms of the region and dealing with parliamentary procedures in the region. I had the opportunity to have

Hon. Derek Taylor attended the CPA in the region a few weeks ago in St. Kitts so I’ve had the opportunity to reach a number of the Speakers and we can basically engage each other.”

Another illegal sloop intercepted Around 12:48am on Monday 31st July 2017, The Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Marine officers intercepted an illegal Haitian Sloop located 2.2 miles on the Southern Side of South Dock, Providenciales. The 35 foot purple and black sloop supported by a 9.9 Nissan engine and a 70 horse power Evinrude engine was taken into South Dock with 99 persons onboard (79 males and 20 females). Upon arrival at South Dock they were handed over to Immigration Officials and escorted to the Detention Centre for processing and detention. A search for illegal drugs and firearms were conducted on the

specifically bone fragment. The beef and pork hotdog sausages were produced between March 17 and July 4, 2017(Brands- Sabrett, Western Beef, 1906 Premium Beef Franks, Papaya King). The United States Department of Agriculture has learned that some of the recalled product was exported to the Turks and Caicos Islands. The Agriculture Department has ensured that these products are not on the supermarket shelves. For further information you may contact the Agriculture Department at 946-5801.

sloop, but nothing was found. In a separate incident, on Sunday 30th July 2017 around 11:13am, after receiving a report from Coastal Radar Station about a suspicious vessel, Marine officers saw a 15 ft boat with 5 males onboard, two (2) of the males had no status and was detained for Immigration purposes. They were handed over to Immigration for processing. The communities of the Turks and Caicos Islands are encouraged to contact law enforcement with any information concerning the whereabouts of any illegal migrants or on pending sloop arrivals.

Harvest Reapers School of Ministry Bible Institute of Theology Turks and Caicos Islands Campus Accepting Application for Training in the Following Courses; ♦ Life Coaching License ♦ Life Skills License ♦ Chaplaincy License ♦ Minister, Pastor, Evangelist Licenses ♦ Bachelor, Master and Doctorate Degrees in Theology

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AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


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Immigration gives time to regularize status The general public is advised that the Ministry of Border Control and Employment Services is giving persons that are currently in the country on expired visas or work permits until the 14th of August to regularize their statuses. This measure, one of several, comes as a result of the policy statements made by the Deputy Premier and Minister of Border Control and Employment Hon. Sean Astwood, during the recent meeting of the House of Assembly when it commenced on Wednesday July 26th, earlier this week. Excerpt below: Mr. Speaker, with immediate effect, all persons that have remained in the country on expired visas or permits are being given 14 days to voluntarily leave our country – as failure to do so Mr. Speaker, will result in serious consequences. Any person found illegally residing and/or working here after August 15th will be charged, deported and added to the Immigration Stop List. As a result of this announcement, many persons have resorted to less than honourable tactics of instilling fear in persons that otherwise fall outside of this category. Therefore the Ministry wishes to advise the following: The Turks and Caicos Islands Immigration Regulations 2016 Sections 38 (3) Extension or renewal

Deputy Premier and Minister of Border Control and Employment Hon. Sean Astwood of Work Permit (Self-Employed) and 46 (5) Extension or renewal of Work Permit (Employed Persons) state: Section 38 (3) If an application for the extension or renewal of a Work Permit has been made before the expiry of the existing permit but has not been dealt with by the Board when the permit is due to expire, the permit continues in force until the application for extension or renewal is dealt with and any extension or renewal in such case shall be taken to have commenced from the day when the permit would have expired, but for the extension or renewal. Section 46 (5) If an application for the extension or renewal of a Work Permit has been made before the expiry of the existing permit but

has not been dealt with by the Board when the permit is due to expire, the permit continues in force until the application for extension or renewal is dealt with and any extension or renewal in such case shall be taken to have commenced from the day when the permit would have expired, but for the extension or renewal. Therefore and based on the above, the public is asked to note the following: •The 14-day measure does not apply to the following persons: •Those with active applications for renewals or extensions that are already before the Labour Commissioner for labour clearances

or the Work Permits Boards for work permits. •Persons with applications in for Freelance Work Permits •Persons who have applied for Permanent Residency Certificates, Residency Permits, Naturalization or Registration, nor any other residence product other than those specified. •Persons that have expired work permits or have yet to apply for the Freelance Work Permits, and who desire to remain in the country after the 14 days are able to apply for same during this period. •Persons who have remained here on expired Visas without the benefit of an extension must make preparations to leave the country. •Persons that have entered the country illegally must make preparations to leave •Persons who have matters under dispute with the Labour Tribunal are being asked to contact the Tribunal office for advise on status. The Ministry of Border Control and Employment Services will continue to engage with the public and companies on the initiatives announced on Wednesday and invites persons wanting additional information or clarity to contact the Customer Services Quality Assurance Manager, Mr. Emilio Seymour, on (649) 338.4114 or via email infobordercontrol@gov.tc.

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AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


TCI Hospital unveils Breastfeeding Room Turks and Caicos Islands Hospital unveiled the first of two designated breastfeeding rooms during World Breast Feeding Week on Wednesday, 02 August 2017 as a continuation of its effort to implement the steps underscored in the global Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI). While mothers may choose to breast feed in public spaces, the hospital has provided additional support for mothers through the option to nurse in a comfortable private space, if desired. The room located near the main entrance of Cheshire Hall Medical Centre and strategically positioned across from the designated baby changing room, was donned in soft hues of pink and blue with soothing lullabies. In the coming months, the dedicated room will include a television, additional breast feeding resources, rocking chairs, and breast pumps will be made available for usage upon request. A breast feeding room has also been designated at Cockburn Town Medical Centre on Grand Turk and will be opening soon. Yolande Pompey-Robinson became the first mother to utilize the special space at the medical centre on Providenciales with her 6-week

The Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding are:

Yolande and Baby old son, Jacob, who has become a poster child for breastfed babies. The local mother of three volunteered to publically breastfeed daily inside the hospital foyer to raise awareness of the healthiest form of feeding as part of the Maternity Unit’s exhibition. The exhibition featured natural herbs to increase breast milk supply such as Fenugreek, Blessed thistle, Milk thistle and Fennel; foods to increase breast milk supply such as ground flaxseed, garlic, dark green leafy vegetables, sesame seeds and whole grain. Other items on display included prenatal vitamins, electric and manual breast pumps, reusable and disposable nursing pads,

nursing bras, Lanolin Cream, breast milk storage bags and a cooler with icepacks used to store and transport stored breast milk. The Hospital’s Baby Friendly Policy has been erected outside the Maternity Unit and inside the Breastfeeding Room at Cheshire Hall Medical Centre along with the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding established by WHO and UNICEF. Baby-Friendly hospitals and birthing facilities must adhere to the steps to receive, and retain, a BabyFriendly designation. TCI Hospital seeks to acquire the designation by December 2019.

1. Have a written breastfeeding policy that is routinely communicated to all health care staff. 2. Train all health care staff in the skills necessary to implement this policy. 3. Inform all pregnant women about the benefits and management of breastfeeding. 4. Help mothers initiate breastfeeding within one hour of birth. 5. Show mothers how to breastfeed and how to maintain lactation, even if they are separated from their infants. 6. Give infants no food or drink other than breast-milk, unless medically indicated. 7. Practice rooming in - allow mothers and infants to remain together 24 hours a day. 8. Encourage breastfeeding on demand. 9. Give no pacifiers or artificial nipples to breastfeeding infants. 10. Foster the establishment of breastfeeding support groups and refer mothers to them on discharge from the hospital or birth center.

POSITION AVAILABLE Sibonne Beach Hotel (the “Hotel”) is seeking an ambitious and energetic individual to fill the position of Hotel Operations Manager Position Summary: The Hotel Operations Manager will be responsible for all aspects of the Hotel including but not limited to guest relations, marketing, human resources/staffing, maintenance, management of rental property for the on-site restaurant, accounting/reporting and cost and budget analysis. Essential Functions: 1.Manages and is responsible for all aspects of the Hotel. 2.Interacts with Hotel guests to ensure the best experience possible and responsible for dealing with guest complaints. 3.Responsible for all facets of marketing of the Hotel to ensure maximum occupancy and profitability and works with independent consultants assisting with marketing. 4.Works directly with all staff motivating them to do the best job possible and to provide excellent service. Responsible for hiring, training, evaluation and disciplinary action of all staff. 5.In charge of maintenance and repairs of properties and facilities of the Hotels ensuring quality standards. 6.Responsible for managing commercial rental property for the on-site restaurant at the Hotel. 7.Prepares annual operating budgets for the operations of the Hotel and provides full and detailed reporting to owner representative. Manages budgets and cash flows of the Hotel ensuring efficient use of funds. 8.Responsible for establishing goals and objectives for the Hotel and devising strategic planning and implementation procedures to achieve such goals and objectives. 9.Maintains effective owner relations by communicating regularly with owner representative and responding to owner requests in a timely and effective manner. 10.Performs additional responsibilities and duties as required by owner representative. Qualifications: 1.Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality Management, or educational equivalent, and/ or significant hands-on management experience in the hospitality industry. 2.Ability to effectively interact with and project a positive professional image to guests and supervising personnel. 3.Strong oral and written communication skills and advance computer skills. 4.Solid management, financial and supervisory skills. Miscellaneous 1.Applications by suitably qualified TC Islanders only. 2.Salary range is $60,000.00 to $80,000.00. Salary and bonus shall be commensurate with experience. 3.Applications must be submitted in writing to resume@sibonne.com and closing date for applications is 18 August 2017.

Prospective TC Islander applicants are also free to lodge a copy of their applications with the Labour Board.

Applications are invited for teaching positions

Preschool Teachers RESPONSIBILITIES The Preschool Teachers will be responsible for teaching the Abeka program to young children. DUTIES Design educational programs for students based on their needs. KNOWLEDGE The incumbent must have proficient knowledge in the following areas: Child development and early education theories and practices Safe and appropriate activities for children Ensure that children are supervised and safe at all times EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: The incumbent should attain the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for the position through completion of an Early Childhood Education Program combined with related day care and/or preschool teacher’s diploma experience or its equivalent. Interested applicants please contact Tumble Totz at 649-339-5878 or email resume to tumbletotz@ gmail.com

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


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BUTTERFIELD GOLD GROUP OF COMPANIES POSITIONS AVAILABLE One (2) Electrician Minimum seven years experience in the installation, maintenance and repair of electrical equipment, including electronic circuit boards. Individual should also posses basic plumbing knowledge and be capable of setting up and implementing a maintenance schedule. Certification required. Salary: commensurate with experience starting from $8.00 per hour One (1) Mechanic Knowledge of CAT and Cummings Engines as well as John Deer Equipment would be an asset. Will be requiring setting up and implementing a maintenance schedule. Proof of certification required, and a minimum of ten years work experience The employee is responsible for the repair and maintenance of all Company equipment/machinery, and to ensure minimum downtime of same through proper coordination of the preventative maintenance program. Must have least 10 years experience Must have the ability to lift and move up to 100lbsMust have vision abilities; close vision, color vision, peripheral vision and depth perception.The applicant must have knowledge of occupational hazards and safety precautions applicable to the trade. Must have the ability to communicate effectively Salary: commensurate with experience starting from $13.00 per hour One (1) Gas Attendant Good oral and written skills, no experience necessary. Knowledge of basic mechanically skills would be an asset. Knowledge to maintain gas pump machines would be an asset. Wages: From $6.50 per hour Application forms available from Butterfield Gold Human Resource Department. Only applicants selected for interview will be notified. Submit applications to by August 8, 2017 to: Butterfield Gold Ltd., Human Resource Department Town Center Mall Providenciales Tel: 649-946-4211

East Bay Resort Ltd. is seeking to fill the position of a Dive master/Dive Instructor Job Summary: Supervise both training and non-training-related activities by assisting divers and student divers in the planning, organizing and direction of dives. Assist Instructors on courses and independently guide some portions of the course. QUALIFICATIONS Please note that all applications must be submitted with a valid police record, and copies of all educational certifications. Applicants must be willing to relocate and live in South Caicos. Only suitable candidates will be contacted for an interview. Interested Applicants should send their resumes to info@saunders.tc or facsimile 649-941-4533 and also submit a copy to the Turks and Caicos Employment Services. Salary Commensurate with Position is currently not filled


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AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


Treating excessive sweating

being implicated in cancers and Alzheimer’s’ however there hasn’t been We are in the swing of the any substantial proof of that and so summer and whilst it can be hot year- they are still thought to be safe for use round, the summer brings with it, a on the skin. There is a wide variety greater intensity of heat and of course of antiperspirants on the market and sweating. Although everyone sweats, many are coupled with deodorants about 3% of the population is thought to to reduce the smell of perspiration have excess sweating or hyperhidrosis. throughout the day. If you are trying This is usually a constant problem for the over the counter antiperspirants those affected but of course, can be and you are not happy with your exacerbated in hotter climates. Most results, a prescription one may be persons with this condition complain tried after discussion with your doctor. of heavy sweating that affects their Antiperspirants aren’t only for your lifestyle, whether from drenching underarms as you can also apply them shirts, marking the armpits of their to other problematic areas such as on clothing when at meetings or causing the palms and groin. a noticeable body odor along with the sweating, the effects of hyperhidrosis Iontophoresis can be quite embarrassing and even affects one’s social life and self-esteem. Iontophoresis uses a machine that generates an electrical pulse to How Can I Treat It? the skin which is thought to block the sweat from getting to the skin’s There are a few lifestyle surface and reduce the activity of the changes, medical and surgical sweat glands. Although it is generally treatment options that may be thought to be safe, because it uses an explored: electrical current it’s not recommended for pregnant women nor persons who Antiperspirants have cardiac conditions or epilepsy. Persons with pacemakers or metal The easiest way to tackle implants such as joint replacements excessive sweating is with an should not use this treatment. You’ll antiperspirant. Most antiperspirants have to repeat treatment sessions at contain aluminum salts which form a least a few times a week initially, but plug that blocks perspiration. There some people only require a couple of have been some reports of aluminum treatments a month for maintenance. By Dr. Marsha Barnett

Botulinum Toxin (Botox) One of the best treatments for heavy sweating is injections of botox! Botox is FDA-approved for treating excessive sweating of the underarms, but many doctors also use it in other areas such as the palms, soles and even groin! Botox works by preventing the release of a chemical that signals the sweat glands to produce sweat. Although botox is injected, the procedure is usually not painful and results tend to last 6 to 9 months. It is effective in about 95% of patients. Medications In the rare case where botox hasn’t worked or if your sweating is generalized and not confined to a few troublesome areas like the armpits and groin, your doctor might suggest oral medications. These drugs stop the activation of the sweat glands. They can however, have side effects such as fainting, blurred vision, heart palpitations, and urinary problems.

Dr. Marsha Barnett very small incisions and cut the nerves in your armpit that normally activate the sweat glands. Of course, these procedures are irreversible and can leave scars. Dress And Act The Part Whether regular over the counter antiperspirants do the trick, or you’re getting botox injections at intervals, some tweaking to your lifestyle might be beneficial. Wear light, breathable fabrics like cotton instead of synthetic materials. Try not to layer clothing in warm climates and try to keep as cool as possible. Carry an extra shirt when you know you’ll be exercising or outdoors. If your feet are sweaty, wear socks made of natural fabrics that are able to absorb moisture. If you believe your sweating is accompanied by a body odor, shower every day with an antibacterial soap.

Surgery Surgery is only recommended for people with severe hyperhidrosis that hasn’t responded to other treatments. During surgery, the doctor may cut, scrape, or suction out the sweat glands. A surgeon can also make

*Dr. Marsha Barnett is a general practitioner who also specializes in dermatology. For questions or comments, please contact at drmarshabarnett@gmail.com or at Associated Medical Practices - 9464242.

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


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WeWe Hire hireSmiles!!! smiles!!!

Beaches Turks and Caicos Resort Villages and Spa, the only 6 Diamond All-inclusive property in the Caribbean is inviting applications from Turks and Caicos Islanders for the following vacant positions. We hire the personality and train the individual. Applicants must have a clean police record and a good command of the English language both written and spoken. In addition candidates must be able to work nights, public holidays and week-ends. The Resort thanks everyone for their interest in advance and advises that applicants will be contacted for an interview via Text Message. The Loyalty and Travel Department requires:

The Maintenance Department requires: ✓

Director of Maintenance Facilities

Reports to:

Loyalty and Travel Consultant

Reports to: Loyalty and Travel Manager

Managing Director

The Director of Maintenance Facilities ensures the engineering operations meets the brand’s target customer needs, team member satisfaction and maximizes the cost effectiveness of the department through efficient utilization of all utilities and ensuring continued asset value through predictive and preventative maintenance techniques. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: • Minimum 5 years’ experience in a similar capacity • Extensive knowledge of building trades, electrical, mechanical, HVAC&R, plumbing and general building practices • Knowledge of facility regulations and safety standards (OSHA, EPA, AD, CFC, NFPA) The Director of Maintenance Facilities position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder.

The Loyalty and Travel Consultant facilitates the booking of our repeat guests and ensures all membership benefits of the programme are received according to the level. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: • Certification in Sales techniques preferred • Sales experience • Ability to go above and beyond for guests This position is currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The range for this position is $6.25 to $6.75 per hour plus commissions

The Accounts/Cost Control Department requires: ✓

The Spa Department requires:

Logistics Manager

Reports to:

Financial Controller

The Logistics Manager is responsible to maintain constraints and reduce cost in any way possible to ensure the company’s viability by developing, revolutionizing, if necessary, all regulations surrounding the company’s current, operating and fixed assets. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: o Experience in controlling cost example fuel, electricity, water. o Experience in controlling a multi-million dollar portfolio o Ability to cover day and night shifts

Spa Attendant (Cleaner)

Reports to:

Spa Manager

Under the guidance and supervision of the Spa Manager within the scope of established Sandals Resort policies, the Spa Attendant (Cleaner) will ensure that all aspects of Spa cleaning duties are performed accordingly

The Logistics Manager position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder.

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: • Physically fit with the ability to lift over 30 lbs. • No allergies to chemicals • Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position.

The salary for the positions indicated above is dependent on skills and experience and is negotiable.

This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder.

The Concierge Department requires: ✓

The Photoshop Department requires:


Reports to:

✓ ✓

Concierge Manager

The Concierge Agent serves as the guest’s liaison for hotel services. Functions are an extension of the front desk with emphasis on the personalized services. Assist the guests in inquiries concerning the hotel or off-premises attractions, facilities, services or activities. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: • Associates Degree preferred; • Minimum two years’ work experience in a similar or comparative position’ • Computer literate with computer application and software i.e. Windows/Excel/Access/ Outlook. Ability to input and access information from a computer and to adapt to new computer technology. This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. ✓

Responsible for the photographic experience, including the flow of guests through the photography, selection and purchase process Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: • Certifications in field or studio Photography (both required for Lead Photographer) • Sales experience and able to meet quotas • Two (2) years’ experience in a similar position These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

Concierge Manager

To maintain an effective and detailed control on the movement of beverage items/guest supplies, from ordering to placement in rooms. Maintains standards of quality and presentation and assists with guest services. To work closely with Concierge and Housekeeping to ensure that Guests receive friendly, efficient service from the point of arrival until departure in regards to stocking and restocking of rooms, assistance with luggage, location of amenities, delivery of WOWs, and TLC calls, to assist in the Concierge when needed. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: • High School diploma / certificate • Knowledgeable about inventory / accounting • Understand ordering and receiving processes

Shift Leader

Reports to:

Restaurant Manager

Is responsible to assist with Dining Room supervision this includes the coordination, planning, organizing and control the activities of the restaurant. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: • Supervisor certification • One year experience in similar capacity • Extensive food & beverage/wine knowledge; This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder (however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

The Junior Concierge position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder (however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The Watersports and Catamaran Departments require: ✓ ✓

Reports to: Photoshop Manager

The Dining Room Department requires:

Junior Concierge (formally Mini-Bar Stocker)

Reports to:

Lead Photographer Photographer

The Kitchen Department requires: ✓

Watersports/ Pool/ Beach Attendant Deck Hand

Chef (Supervisor)

Reports to:

Reports to: Watersports Manager Under general supervision, ensures the safety of patrons of an aquatic facility by preventing and responding to emergencies. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: • First Aid & CPR Certified;

Sous Chef

Under the guidance and supervision of the Sous Chef and within the limits of established Sandals Resorts policies, procedures, assist with all aspects of the kitchen operation at the level of standard and quality established by the company. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: • Culinary institution or equivalent technical schooling or apprenticeship training preferred • Three to five years’ experience as supervisor in an international first-class hotel/resort.

These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

The Chef (Supervisor) position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder (however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

The range for these positions is $6.25 to $11.00 per hour

The range for these positions is $6.25 to $11.00 per hour

Applications giving full details of qualifications and experience should be sent to: mmvaughn@grp.sandals.com or placed in the secure drop box at the service gate or Fax to: 941-4870 Attn: M McClean-Vaughn The Labour Commissioner Labour Department Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands

and and should reach not later than August 18th 2017

The Human Resources Department Beaches Turks and Caicos P.O. Box 186 Lower Bight Road

Page 18


AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017

wine knowledge and creativity. At least 4 years practical culinary experience. Physical requirements: Stand and walk, stoop, bend or crouch. Occasionally lift and/or move to 50 pounds. Schedule varies. Full time. Week-end and holiday work required This position is currently held by an expatriate worker Qualified Islanders need only to apply copying applications to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $2,000 - $2,250 per month OPEN JOB POSITION DATE OPEN: August 1, 2017 POSITION: Houseman


Job Responsibilities: A houseman’s primary job duties include cleaning and maintaining guest rooms, bathrooms, work areas, furnishings and carpets. Cleaning rooms includes duties such as changing bed linens and emptying trash as well as vacuuming carpets and dusting furniture. You’ll also replenish guest supplies, such as hand soap and shampoo. Your duties don’t end with guest rooms, however, because you’re responsible for cleaning common areas, such as banquet and meeting rooms. Secondary duties may include shoveling snow from walkways, assisting bellmen, answering guest questions and helping the front desk person. This position is currently held by an expatriate worker Qualified Islanders need only to apply copying applications to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $6.25 - $7.10 per hour DATE OPEN: April 3, 2017 START DATE: September 1, 2017 POSITION: Kids’ Camp Supervisor Job Overview: •Supervise and monitor staff •Structure and coordinate training for all staff •Assist in planning and organization of activities, programs and services for the Kids’ Town Department •Communicate with parents, community partners, and managers on property •Monitor the health and safety of guests and staff •Assist with managing overall program content and structure The Kids’ Town Supervisor must have extensive experience managing staff and working in youth-based programs and will participate in hiring staff, communicating with partnering organizations, and attending training sessions throughout the year. Qualified Islanders and Belongers need only to apply Salary Range: $24,000 per annum DATE OPEN: August 1, 2017 START DATE: September 1, 2017 POSITION: Jr.Sous Chef Job Overview: The jr. sous chef reports to the sous chef and will quickly amass an in-depth familiarity with the kitchen’s operations so that they may fill in for the sous chefs when needed and assist them in resolving any problems that may arise on the job. A jr. sous chef must possess the ability to quickly and authoritatively delegate job tasks to a large staff. They must also be able to draw upon their considerable experience as a culinary chef who has worked in many different roles and settings in order to effectively coach and mentor junior chefs. Full time. Weekend and holiday work may be required.

DATE OPEN: August 12017 POSITION: Housekeeper (2)


Job Overview: We are looking for a professional Housekeeper able of attending to our facilities with integrity and attention to detail. The goal is to create a clean and orderly environment for our guests that will become a critical factor in maintaining and strengthening our reputation. Responsibilities: •Perform a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, dusting and polishing •Ensure all rooms are cared for and inspected according to standards •Protect equipment and make sure there are no inadequacies •Notify superiors on any damages, deficits and disturbances •Deal with reasonable complaints/requests with professionalism and patience •Check stocking levels of all consumables and replace when appropriate •Adhere strictly to rules regarding health and safety and be aware of any company-related practices Shifts varies. Full time. Weekend and holiday work may be required. This position is currently held by an expatriate worker Qualified Islanders need only to apply copying applications to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $6.75 - $7.40 per hour

DATE OPEN: August 1, 2017 START DATE: ASAP POSITION: Pool and Beach Attendant Job Overview: Assists guest with beach and pool recreational activities supervising, swimming and ensuring that the guests are catered to while they are relaxing on the beach or by the pool. Responsibilities: •Assists swimmers from water when in danger. •Provide excellent service consistent with the hotels standards operating procedures and brand attributes. •Greet all guests upon arrival, distribute towels, offer assistance with seating, and delivering consistent guest service, exceeding guest expectations, and providing all other supporting services. •Knowledgeable of pool facility such as length and depth of all pools etc. •Pool side bar hours of operation, location of facilities, and emergency procedure for rescue. •Knowledgeable of hotel facilities and services to answer guest inquiries. Shifts varies. Full time. Weekend and holiday work may be required. This position is currently held by an expatriate worker Qualified Islanders need only to apply copying applications to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Salary Range: $6.25 - $6.65 per hour

Qualified Islanders and Belongers need only to apply Salary Range: $24,000 per annum

DATE OPEN: August 1, 2017 POSITION: Strata Engineer

DATE OPEN: July 17, 2017 POSITION: Houseman (2)

Job Overview: Engineering course undergraduate or Vocational School graduate with good verbal and communication skill. With at least four years work experience in the field Hospitality. His main role is to liaise between the owner and supplier/ contractor and Maintenance Department with regards to owner’s requests. He will ensure that owners unit are maintain to the highest standard and communicate to them any engineering concern in their unit.

START DATE: August 1, 2017

Job Responsibilities: A houseman’s primary job duties include cleaning and maintaining guest rooms, bathrooms, work areas, furnishings and carpets. Cleaning rooms includes duties such as changing bed linens and emptying trash as well as vacuuming carpets and dusting furniture. You’ll also replenish guest supplies, such as hand soap and shampoo. Your duties don’t end with guest rooms, however, because you’re responsible for cleaning common areas, such as banquet and meeting rooms. Secondary duties may include shoveling snow from walkways, assisting bellmen, answering guest questions and helping the front desk person. Qualified Islanders and Belongers need only to apply Salary Range: $6.25 per hour


Job Requirements: • Must have excellent oral and written communication skill. • Highly knowledgeable on engineering aspects of the hotel operation • Knowledge on construction and other related discipline. • Knowledge on computer and its peripherals • Have strong leadership skills • Can maintain his composure while working under pressure • Punctual and discipline in term of attendance • Excellent planner • Fast learner Qualified Islanders and Belongers need only to apply Salary Range: $33,000 per annum

DATE OPEN: July 24, 2017 START DATE: ASAP POSITION: Chef de Partie Job Overview: Ensure that all stocks are kept under optimum condition, miseen-place is always freshly prepared and on time, dishes are being prepared to the correct recipe and to the correct quantity, dishes reach the hot plate or passé correctly garnished, the correct portion and size, presented on the correct serving dish in the prescribed manner. Must attend all training classes required. Report any shortages promptly to the Sous Chefs. Education and/or experience: Language skills required: read, write and speak English. Formal training in culinary arts considered highly desirable. Food and

Interested persons can contact our Human Resources Department no later than August 31, 2017 @ (649) 946-5050 Ext. 1081 Email: delthia.russell@gracebayclub.com Fax: (649) 946-5758 P.O. Box 128 Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


Page 19


Turks & Caicos Reef Fund and SWA Environmental Workshop on East Caicos a Success The Turks & Caicos Reef Fund traditional uses, such as fishing (TCRF), the only active environmental occur, in order to ensure that those non-governmental organization in the activities can sustainably continue Turks & Caicos Islands, in association into the future. Ongoing monitoring at with SWA Environmental and Marine sites identified during the workshop Ecological Services, has been awarded will help us to work with fishers to a grant, under the E.U. BEST 2.0 maintain traditional use, while also Programme to study the coral reef making recommendations to protect ecosystems off the coast of East Caicos. the many important natural features The grant, entitled “Understanding of the island’s coastal areas.” East Caicos KBA’s Corals and Coasts: The project aims to address the current A Key to Safeguarding TCI’s Future,” limitations of management and is looking at the biodiversity and monitoring policy and improve longecosystem service values (such as, term conservation and sustainable commercial fishing, tourism and use of biodiversity and ecosystem coastal protection values) of East services within East Caicos’ coral reef Caicos reefs in order to inform ecosystems through the development sustainable management and use for of recommended conservation zones that island. A workshop was conducted and management and monitoring on 26th July to present preliminary protocols. “A significant part of findings from the research project and the project involves engaging local to gather input from stakeholders with stakeholders to let us know how the an interest in East Caicos on how the coral reefs and beaches of East Caicos resources of the island are currently are currently being used,” said Don being used. Stark, the Chairman of TCRF. “What “The workshop was very the workshop illustrated is that well attended by fishers from there are areas that are important South Caicos, TCI Government fishing grounds, areas of historical officials, DECR officials, and water significance, turtle foraging and sport and ecotourism operators,” nesting areas and bird watching areas said Mrs. Kathleen Wood of SWA and that those areas where traditional Environmental, who also functions as uses occur must be managed to ensure the volunteer Research Director for such uses can be enjoyed by future the TCRF. “We learned a great deal generations.” about what activities are currently East Caicos is also the conducted on East Caicos and in the location of the highest peak in the TCI waters surrounding the island. Our – Flamingo Hill – and also the site of goal is to identify those areas where several different cave systems where

Lucayan relics have been found. In addition, the wreck of the slave ship, Trouvadore, which is thought to be the source of many of the ancestors of current TCI residents, is located off the north coast of East Caicos. “There are many historical and cultural sites on East Caicos, and they should be sustainably managed for both economic benefits and for future generations to enjoy,” said Mr. Stark. “TCRF works with government and the private sector with an aim of sustainably conserving TCI’s unique natural resources for the benefit of the all people who rely on them and for generations to come,” Ms. Wood concluded. “We consider the Understanding East Caicos KBA’s Corals and Coasts: A Key to Safeguarding TCI’s Future project to be the first of many that will work with local communities to look at how the needs of people and the needs of environment can both be met, in the

interest of conservation and better qualities of life for all TCI’s people.” Next steps will include quantitative field studies to identify and establish permanent monitoring sites at East Caicos, followed by another workshop with stakeholders, where the results of the project will be presented and final feedback will be received. The project team will then provide DECR and TCIG with recommendations for conservation and management. Any final decisions regarding conservation at East Caicos will need to follow standard protocol, government review and public consultation prior to implementation. Anyone with questions about this project can contact Don Stark or Kathleen Wood at donstark@tcreef. org and kw@swa.tc. Everyone is also encouraged to become a member of the TCRF to help preserve and protect the environment of the TCI.

JOB VACANCY The Somerset Resort Management Ltd. is seeking to fill the below mentioned position. The ideal candidate will possess extensive high-end luxury resort experience, be professional in attitude and demeanor and must read and speak English fluently. Position requires a flexible schedule which includes holidays, weekends and evenings and extended hours on occasion.

FRONT OFFICE MANAGER JOB SUMMARY: Including but not limited to •Manages day-to-day operations, ensuring the quality, standards and meeting the expectations of the customers daily. •Keeps Front Office team focused on the critical components of operations to drive guest satisfaction and the desired financial results. •Conducts departmental meetings and continually communicates a clear and consistent message regarding the Front Office goals to produce desired results. •Manages operating expenses and purchasing for the department •Supervises and manages employees. Understanding each employees position well enough to perform duties in employees’ absence. •Displays leadership in guest hospitality, exemplifies excellent customer service, and creates a positive atmosphere for guest relations.

•Responds to and handles guest inquiries and or complaints. •Provides guidance and direction to subordinates, including setting performance standards and monitoring performance. •Identifies and analyzes Front Office operational challenges and facilitates the development of solutions to prevent reoccurrence. •Identify the developmental needs of others and coach others while helping them to improve their knowledge or skill. •Maintain petty cash float for resort and Front Office agents •Manages all aspects of Kids Club including staffing, scheduling, planning, and ordering supplies •Maintain vendor relations to ensure daily operations including staff cafeteria, deliveries, F&B relations •Any other tasks assigned by General Manager REQUIREMENTS: •Undergraduate Degree with Focus on Hospitality Management preferred. •2 years Front Office Management experience in supervisory/ management capacity •Computer literacy in: MS Office, Visual One •Excellent command of the English Language, Second Language a plus •Must be able to work weekends and holidays •Base salary range: $36,000 to commensurate with qualification & experience. Benefits: Service gratuity, vacation & employee meals

Qualified Belonger candidates can complete an application form in person at The Somerset on Grace Bay, 10 Sibonne Drive, Providenciales, TCI or submit a resume by e-mail at twilliams@thesomerset.com for questions call (649) 339 5900, fax number (649) 946 5839. The closing date for applications is August 11th, 2017.

Page 20


AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017

TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS FINANCIAL SERVICES COMMISSION EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES! The Financial Services Commission (FSC), the regulator of financial services business in the Turks and Caicos Islands, is seeking suitably qualified applicants to fill a number of vacancies.

APPLICATION DEADLINE AUGUST 11, 2017 money laundering and terrorist financing risk measures and/or metrics undertaken by Compliance Analysts.

Credit Institution Analyst II Department: Credit Institutions Location: Providenciales Salary: Grade 6 JOB SUMMARY This position is part of the junior management and reports to the Supervisor, Credit Institutions. The post holder will be responsible for conducting offsite monitoring and on-site examination reviews of licensed financial institutions (Banks, Trust Companies, Credit Unions and Investment Business) from the pre-planning stages to post-examination follow-up. Internal Auditor Department: Finance Salary: Grade 4 JOB SUMMARY Responsible for conducting and documenting moderately complex internal audits and risk assessments. Verifies accuracy and ensures compliance with plans, policies and procedures prescribed by the Board of the Commission. Prepares reports to communicate audit results to management and regulatory compliance agencies, and makes recommendations as appropriate. Tests and documents the financial and operating system processes for information integrity of transaction documents. This is a high visibility role on the Commission’s team and provides the successful candidate with an opportunity to contribute to the organizations’ control environment. This position is currently held by a work permit holder.

Insurance Analyst II Department: Insurance Location: Providenciales Salary: Grade 6 JOB SUMMARY The Insurance Analyst II is responsible for planning and conduct off-site and on-site inspections of the financial and operational systems of insurance businesses, which involves, analysing and verifying information to determine the entities’ financial status and level of compliance with their own internal policies and standards and relevant local and international standards, ordinances and regulations. Insurance Analyst III Department: Insurance Location: Providenciales Salary: Grade 5 JOB SUMMARY The Insurance Analyst III is responsible for participating in the planning and conduct of off-site examinations and on-site inspections of the financial and operational systems of insurance businesses, which involves, analysing and verifying information to determine the licensees’ financial status and level of compliance with their own internal policies and standards and relevant local and international standards, ordinances and regulations. This position is currently held by a work permit holder.

Compliance Analyst I Department: Compliance Location: Providenciales Salary: Grade 7

Assistant Manager, Domestic Insurance Department: Insurance Location: Providenciales Salary: Grade 4

JOB SUMMARY The successful candidate will actively participate in Anti Money Laundering and Prevention of Terrorist Financing (AML/PTF) regulation/supervision of financial institutions and designated non-financial and non-profit entities. Specific duties will include assessing and reporting on the level of compliance with the TCI’s AML/PTF Regulations and Code by way of on-site examinations and off-site monitoring. The job holder will also assist with raising awareness of AML/PTF issues and competencies, and in maintaining accurate records on supervised entities.

JOB SUMMARY This position is part of the junior management and reports to the Director of Insurance. The post holder will be responsible to develop detail plan for the implementation of the insurance risk based supervisory framework, write guidelines and codes of conduct for insurance entities, supervise the Senior and Junior Insurance Analysts and plan the work flow relating to offsite and onsite supervision of licensed entities.

Compliance Analyst II

This position is currently held by a work permit holder.

Department: Compliance Location: Providenciales Salary: Grade 6

Supervisor, Bank & Trust Department: Bank & Trust Location: Providenciales Salary: Grade 4

JOB SUMMARY The successful candidate will actively participate in Anti Money Laundering and Prevention of Terrorist Financing (AML/PTF) regulation/supervision of financial institutions and designated non-financial and non-profit entities. Specific duties will include supporting the Director of Compliance in the development and implementation of an AML/PTF risk based, examination, monitoring and reporting environment that meets global standards. The job holder will also supervise on-going offsite surveillance of critical

JOB SUMMARY This position is part of the junior management and reports to the Director of Bank & Trust. The post holder will be responsible for conducting offsite review and on-site examination reviews of assigned licensed deposit-taking institutions from the pre-planning stages to post-examination follow up. This position is currently held by a work permit holder.

Details on the above vacancies can be found on the FSC’s website at http://tcifsc.tc/careers. Applications should be emailed to administration@tcifsc.tc no later than August 11, 2017. Applications received after the application deadline may not be considered in this recruitment phase but may be placed on file for future reference. (We appreciate all responses but only shortlisted candidates will be notified)

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


SARBANES-OXLEY COMPLIANCE SPECIALIST Applications are invited from interested and suitably qualified individuals for the position of Sarbanes- Oxley Compliance Specialist FortisTCI, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands. Description



 Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, Computer Science/Management Information Systems, Business or equivalent combination of related work experience and education  5 - 7+ years of internal or external auditing experience at a publicly traded company’s internal audit department or at a public accounting firm.  Must be a CPA, CIA or CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) Preferred:

This job will focus on coordinating, monitoring, maintaining and evaluating SarbanesOxley (SOX) compliance requirements with key IT/Business Process Control Owners including management’s control self- assessments and ensuring that all SOX related activities are done in an efficient, effective and timely manner. Main Duties  Maintains and manages the Sarbanes-Oxley Roadmap and ensure that FortisTCI will remain on track.  Evaluates the pertinence of all process narratives and risk and control matrices (RCMs) and recommend changes to the IT/Business Process Owners where required.  Serves as business process consultant to standardize operation and financial areas and processes in specific risk accounts or as may be assigned by the Director of Internal Audit, Risk and Compliance  Ensures that all identified control gaps and deficiencies in the design and operation of controls are logged, monitored, and maintained in the Issues Management Log in accordance to Fortis Inc. requirements.  Assists the Internal Audit team and management in the formulation of remediation plans and determination of compensating controls in accordance to SOX guidelines.  Performs validation of all remediation efforts as relates to control deficiencies identified either by the Internal Audit department or the external auditors.  Lead the SOX 404 assessments including performing evaluation of the design effectiveness and tests of controls with focus on specific risk accounts and related End User Computing controls  Assists with the implementation of tools or software used for the Company’s SOX compliance program  Assists in providing SOX compliance training and guidance (as necessary) to IT/Business Process Control Owners.  Researches new and technical subjects (when required) and regulations to support the audits.  Assists in operational audits and advisory services as may be assigned.  Pursues professional development opportunities, including external and internal training and professional association memberships, and shares information gained with co-workers.  Performs related work as assigned by the Director of Internal Audit, Risk and Compliance.

LS LTD. LS Limited is seeking suitable applicants for the following position:

LABOURERS Candidates must be physically capable of performing hard manual labour outside on a daily basis to be able to carry out duties which involve grass cutting, tree trimming, removal of brush and weed, general cleanup of debris and garbage from the company properties. Assist with irrigation and small construction installation projects which includes manual trenching and digging. Previous experience is preferred. Candidates must be willing to work holidays and weekends when required. Starting wage: $6.50 per hour Please submit applications to: Veronica Rigby, LS Ltd, P.O. Box 124, Regent House, The Regent Village, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands, Tel: (649) 946-5126; Fax (649) 946-5191; Email: ronnie@habgroup.com Interested Belongers must also submit copies of their application to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2. Position currently held by a work permit holder. Closing date for application is August 11, 2017.

 Certification in fields of project management, governance, risk and compliance a plus  Proficiency with computer applications and tools such as: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint,Access), Visio, etc. is a plus  Must have experience with Sarbanes-Oxley methodologies and requirements  Degree in Accounting and Computer Science/Management Information Systems or equivalent education. Abilities; Skills; Experience; Aptitude and Judgment:  Knowledge of ERP system-based control design and optimization  Strong understanding of corporate accounting processes  Must continuously learn and monitor advancements in technology.  Proficient in using computer software (e.g., ACL, SQL, Excel) and application systems  Working knowledge of auditing processes/procedures  Must possess excellent team playing and leadership abilities  Comfortable with leading edge risk assessment methodologies.  Must possess strong inter-personal, organizational, multi-tasking and written and oral communication skills.  Skill in negotiating issues and resolving problems.  Strong interpersonal skills able to build excellent working relationships with Finance management, and third party contractors  High degree of initiative, dependability and ability to work with minimum supervision Compensation commensurate with experience and qualifications Deadline for submission of applications (inclusive of a cover letter, resume and a FortisTCI application form) is August 8th, 2017. Avi Adams Manager Human Resources FortisTCI Limited P. O. Box 132, Providenciales Email address: hrapplications@fortistci.comOR cmunnings@fortistci.com

BOAT CAPTAIN Turks Fleet Ltd is seeking suitably qualified candidates for the above position. Applicant must have a valid Boat Master’s License and be proficient in any software on the vessel, able to use it day to day or in an emergency. Applicant must also be organized and have a strong eye for detail, able to find any reason why the vessel may not be seaworthy or any machinery would be dangerous and able to deal with any problems effectively in open sea. Starting Salary $1400.00 to $2000.00 per month based on experience and qualifications Kindly forward resumes and qualification to the below address copy to the Turks and Caicos Islands Labour Department and Immigration Board:

Employment Department Turks Fleet Ltd Club Med, Gracebay Tel: 649-339-6275 Fax 649-941-4777 Email: turkoisemanager@seafaridiving.com


A private villa is currently seeking a part time Executive Chef. The successful applicant should have at least 5 years experience running kitchens, knowledge of food costing and controls, monthly inventory, knowledge of proper hygiene and safety, menu planning and costing and managing and scheduling staff. As a private rental villa expertise in catering such as weddings, cocktail parties and special events is crucial. Plus knowledge and experience in preparation of cuisine worldwide, pastries, desserts, chocolates and wine/food pairing, is essential. Due to the nature of our guests and to be able to provide direction to the other staff as required, the need to be fluent in English and conversant in Spanish, is required. A car, driver’s license and a clean police record is necessary. This position requires working long hours, both nights and days, public holidays and weekends. Salary - $700 - $900 weekly depending on experience. All applications must be made in writing, including a complete resume, to either: QED Enterprises at PO BOX 196 Providenciales or email to bstrogatz@aol.com, or fax at 649-941-5832. Successful applicants will be notified by phone. Only qualified Belongers need apply.

Page 22


AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017

We welcome you to join the unparalleled award-winning Hotel Group in the Turks and Caicos


Our updated vacancies open to Turks and Caicos Islanders are as follows;

Duty Manager Retail Manager Engineering Supervisor, Maintenance Technician (part-time) Front Office Supervisor, Night Auditor, Guest Service Representatives Food Runner, Stewards Sous Chef, Chef De Partie (Pastry) Laundry Attendants, Laundry Driver Room Attendants, Groundskeepers Engineering Storeroom Clerk

Executive Housekeeping Manager Housekeeping Supervisor Front Desk Agent, PBX Operator & Night Auditor Security Officer

Restaurant Supervisor Security Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor, Maintenance Technicians Butlers, Beach Runner, Bartenders, Barbacks & Stewards Concierge Agents Room Attendants, Pool and Beach Attendants & Housemen All interested applicants should send an email to the careers@thepalmstc.com,

humanresource@thesandstc.com or careers@theshoreclubtc.com or drop off a resume to the Human Resources Department at any of our three Resorts for consideration.

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


Page 23

Page 24


AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017

Pearls Before Sw

Monty by Jim Meddick

Brewster Rockit by Tim Rickard

The Flying McCoys

The Du

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


Herman by Jim Unger

wine by Stephan Pastis

by Glenn and Gary McCoy

uplex by Glenn McCoy

F Minus by Tony Carrillo

Page 25

Page 26


AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017

“How do I get more customers to my business?”


Page 27


SEM (Search Engine Marketing)


Generate Leads

with a local partner that has 35 years of media expertise and built over 4,000 websites.



of your business 649-941-7757 www.yellomg.com

YOUTUBE ADS We know digital


Google Display and Mobile



Page 28


AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017

Austin Dickenson

Is seeking 1 Labourer To work 5 days per week Salary $7.50 per hour Contact# 241-1549 #461967

Housekeeper Needed

Domestic worker needed in South Caicos

Grand Turk Salary $6.25 per hour To work 5 days per week Please Contact 231-0500

Judymae Johnson

Kishco Trading Ltd.

Is seeks a Domestic Worker To work 4 days per week Basic Pay $6.50/hr Please contact 241-1194


Bernadine Smith


Kerns Daniel

James Barrett

To work 5 days per week Salary $7.00 per hour Must be able to cook, clean, wash & take care of kids Please Contact # 333-0034

To work 5 days per week Salary $7.00 per hour Must be able to cook, wash, clean & take care of 2 small kids Contact#331-3529

Is seeking 1 SALES CLERK Salary Offering: $6.25per hour Closing date for application is the29th April, 2017 Applications should be emailed topdl@tciway.tc


Harvest Barber Shop

Port Atlantic Construction

Is seeking a Barber To work 6 days per week Salary$6.50 per hour Contact# 232-8748

Is seeking 1 Painter To work 5 days per week Salary $7.00 per hour Contact# 345-9596



Seeks to Employ: 1 Handyman 1 Mechanic 1 Store Manager 1 Store Cleaner 1 Warehouse Manager To wok 6 days per week and flexible hours Salary- Negotiable and is based on experience Please Contact 331-0221/331-0220 All interested persons can drop resumes to Kishco location on Leeward Highway


Beach Boys Adventures

Now hiring Beach Boys/Attendants in Grand Turk & Providenciales location For more info please call Smokey Burns 345-8791 or 442-5665


Franklyn W. Construction Is seeking One (1) Labourer To assist in carrying out minor labor jobs To work 5 days per week at $ 6.25 per hour Applicants must be in good health and in possession of a clean police record All interested persons may contact 649-242-4542


ESS Salon


Franklyn W. Construction

Is seeking a Salon Helper To work 6 days per week Salary$6.25 per hour Contact #345-9235

Is seeking a Domestic Worker in Grand Turk To work 6 days per week Salary $7.00 per hour Please Contact: 331-0611

Life Changing Liquor Store

Page 29

Is seeking One (1) Labourer To assist in carrying out minor labor jobs To work 5 days per week at $ 6.25 per hour Applicants must be in good health and in possession of a clean police record All interested persons may contact 649-242-4542 #461962




Trevor Watkins

Is seeking to employ:

Is seeking a Domestic Worker Must be willing to work 5 days per week Salary $160 per week Contact# (649)343-6794 #461956

Is seeking a Labourer To work 6 days per week Salary $6.25 per hour Please Contact: 244-2154

Nekoda Fulford

Elaine Saint-Vil Joseph

Needs A Domestic Worker in Grand Turk Salary $6.25 per hour To work 6 days per week Please Contact 241-2560

Is seeking a Handyman To work 6 days per week Should be able to work flexible hours, Do heavy lifting and assist with taking care of the command grounds and must be good with animals Please Contact: 346-6694/332-0221

SEEKS 1 BARBER Salary $7.00 per hour Interested persons should contact 333-6695

The Out Liner’s Barber Shop & Beauty Salon Is looking to employ 2 barbers. Candidates must have at least 1 years experience in field. Suitable applicant must be able to work flexible hours including weekends and holidays. Located in Kishco Building Leeward HighwayUnit # 1 Providenciales. Contact # 245-0105/332-9606 or email johnsonsnco@yahoo.com

HOUSEKEEPING SUPERVISOR DOMESTIC WORKER Minimum of 2 years housekeeping experience Strong English written and verbal skills Able to work weekends and holiday when required Salary based on and qualification and experiences Interested person contact: 941-6422 Email: llawrence@hlbtci.com

Dolphin Restaurant & Bar

Is seeking 1 Cook To work 6 days per week Salary $6.75 per hour Contact# 347-2320


Is seeking a Labourer To work 6 days per week Salary $6.25 per hour Contact# 232-1243



Grand Turk Salary $6.25 per hour To work 6 days per week Please Contact 242-3875

Page 30


DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING & PLANNING Description To provide leadership of the T&D Design Section in the safe and efficient design of the transmission and distribution system to meet current and future customer needs. To provide leadership in strategic planning of substation requirements, construction, operation, and maintenance To provide leadership in the area of transmission and distribution asset management via interaction with the transmission and distribution line construction, operations and maintenance team. To understand the corporate vision, successfully gain support for and implement that vision. Main Duties and Responsibilities  Responsible for supporting the enterprise in all areas of electrical engineering and design.  Responsible for the supervision and leadership of T & D Design and Engineering; substation development, project management, commissioning, and maintenance; and Grand Turk and Sister Islands Operations.  Responsible for developing and maintaining T&D system computer based technical modeling  Responsible for planning, scheduling and implementing of resources for T&D projects.  Responsible for overseeing the distribution standard and substation committee.  Responsible for determining the need for new equipment, tools, and materials.  Responsible to assist in annual budget preparation and ensure that spending is justified and within budget  Responsible for troubleshooting the electrical system for power restoration and improved reliability.  Responsible to ensure that the electrical system mapping database is maintained  Responsible for development of policies and processes that track customer requested work from initial contact to completion of as-built information in the mapping system.  Perform other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Senior Director of T&D and Engineering.

Lavardo Talbot Is seeking a Mason To work 6 days per week Salary $9.00 per hour Please call 3310221 or 3310220


Is seeking 2 beautician Workers Salary $7.00 per Hour Contact – 331-0375


AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017

Academic/Technical/Management: Experience and Qualifications:  A Degree in Electrical Engineering or Electrical Engineering Technology and 7-10 years post-graduate experience working in the utility industry  Hold an MBA degree  Experience substation design and transmission terminations  Experience in all aspects of the electricity utility operations including generation, T&D, protection systems, relays and SCADA Development  Minimum 10-year experience in senior management positions within the utility industry.  Excellent written and oral communications skills.  Excellent team player with proven team building skills.  Ability to deliver to strict deadlines.  Self-motivated, solution oriented and positive in outlook Abilities and Skills:  Excellent team player and team building skills  Good analytical skills  Excellent written and oral communication skills  Ability to deliver to strict deadlines and to work under pressure  Ability to build strong trust relationships and maintain positive relationships internally and externally  Ability to communicate clearly the work priorities and direction of the departments  Ability to lead change processes, strong project management and time management skills  Solid numerical and budgeting skills  Must be goal oriented and self-motivated  Must possess strong, organisational, multi-tasking, analytical and problem solving skills  Must have a solid working knowledge of MS Office software programs, including MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and various databases. Core competencies & full details of job description- Must be obtained upon request to apply. Compensation is commensurate with experience and qualifications. Deadline for submission of applications (inclusive of a cover letter, resume and a FortisTCI application form) is Tuesday August 8, 2017 to: Mr. Avi Adams Manager, Human Resources FortisTCI Limited P. O. Box 132, Providenciales Email address: hrapplications@fortistci.com and aadams@fortistci.com

HS Ltd. HS Limited is seeking a suitably qualified individual to fill the following opening. Only candidates who meet the minimum requirements will be considered:


SEEKS 2 Assistant Cooks 1 Cashier Salary $7.00 per hour 6 days per week contact: 431-6994

Oyster House Is seeking 1 Kitchen Helper - $6.50 1 Baker - $ 6.50 per hour 1 Head Chef – Salary Negotiable To work 6 days per week and be flexible Head chef salary is based on experience Please Email resume to oyserterhousetciway. com/331-0221

Main Duties Applicants will be required to greet and take food and beverages orders from restaurant guest, serve orders and accommodate guest requests. Applicants will be required to serve guests’ promptly and according to established restaurant standards, policies and procedures. Requirements Must have a minimum of six years’ experience working in a restaurant. Must have strong working knowledge of dining room procedures, policies and EPOS System. Applicants must be a customer service advocate, maintaining a high level of customer service standards. Maintain a friendly, cheerful and courteous demeanor at all times. Perform other duties as assigned, requested or deemed necessary by management. Applicants must be willing to work varied shifts, split shifts, nights, weekends and holidays as required by management. Applicants will be required to work on a full time basis. Must be able to walk, stand or stoop for the duration of shift (at least 8 hours). Applicants must be able to understand/speak/read/write English proficiently. All applicants must be hardworking team players. Wages for this position starts at $7.00 per hour commensurate with experience and training. Please submit applications to: Veronica Rigby, HS Ltd, P.O. Box 124, Regent House, The Regent Village, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands, Tel: (649) 946-5126; Fax (649) 946-5191; Email: ronnie@habgroup.com. Interested Belongers must submit copies of their application to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2. Position currently held by a work permit holder. Closing date for application is August 11, 2017.

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017

Job Title: Reporting to: Location:


Investment Services Executive - Aftercare Senior Vice President/Deputy CEO – Investor Services Invest TCI Offices - Providenciales

Page 31

13.To assist the Marketing and Communications team to identify and target investors who would participate in Team TCI and assist in the various marketing efforts. 14.To undertake any other relevant activities or duties as deemed by the CEO.

Job Summary: The Aftercare Executive is a key member of the Agency team with the responsibility of providing support and assistance to current domestic and foreign investors. The position is responsible for administering a relationship management programme with key investors and becoming a trusted advisor to company executives. As Account Manager, the role involves working closely with the CEO, SVP and Chairman to show support and encouragement to businesses with a propensity to expand or invest elsewhere on the islands. This position is vital to improving business retention and expansion and to encourage positive perceptions of the country through providing a strong ‘post-investment’ support programme. The work includes developing and maintaining account plans for a group of selected businesses (key accounts); as Account Manager arranging proactive meetings for senior staff (Account Directors) with key accounts; as Account Director, taking the lead on relationship managing a further group of key accounts; monitoring operational businesses with Development Agreement commitments; monitoring trends in investor issues and preparing reports to Government; assisting any existing overseas investor, when requested, to address administrative hurdles related to their projects; and to take the lead in advocating for improvements to the business environment. Key Duties and Responsibilities: 1.To develop, on an annual basis, an aftercare plan and budget that will ensure that all existing clients can be properly supported. 2.To create a database of all foreign-owned businesses on the islands, including their commercial activities; 3.To be the first point of contact for general enquiries by existing investors on the islands; 4.To identify a list of key businesses (domestic and foreign) that are strategically important to the islands and have a propensity to invest further; 5.To maintain up to date Account Plans for the top 15 companies identified as being Tier 1 accounts and to arrange at least twice yearly meetings with their key executive for the Account Director of Invest TCI; 6.To maintain up to date Account Plans for 12 Tier 2 companies and to lead on aftercare services for these companies, including twice yearly visits; 7.To lead on arranging a twice-yearly meeting involving key accounts with the Premier/Minister of Finance to discuss matters of interest; 8.To collaborate with domestic and foreign investors to identify impediments to business development, conduct research on those various aspects of the business environment and make recommendations to the Board and Government on specific ways to enhance the business environment of the TCI; 9.To conduct an annual survey of investors and prepare a report for Government on the main findings of the investor contacts and identify what actions may be needed to assist investors in general and specific investors as appropriate. 10.To monitor progress for all Development Agreements, post business opening and alert Government Departments and the investors regarding key milestones in the Agreements; 11.Liaising with VP MSME over any issues affecting businesses in that programme; 12.Through CRM, to produce a quarterly report on all Aftercare contacts. Contents of report to be defined but should include activities and results of individual investor visits, surveys and advocacy work set against the initial objectives.

PERSONAL SPECIFICATIONS Education and qualifications: A Bachelor’s degree in finance, business, economics or related field. A Master’s degree will be an asset. Experience and Knowledge: 1.A minimum of five years’ experience in project development, with knowledge of TCI laws dealing with investment projects. 2.Experience dealing with domestic and foreign investors in a commercial law environment. 3.Experience in marketing and sales and knowledge of networking and contact management. 4.Strong background in using various types of office related software and preparation of presentations and reports. Skills: 1.Commercial awareness. 2.Outgoing individual with creativity, drive and determination. 3.Strong Writing and presentational skills. 4.Ability to visualize, plan, execute and monitor an After-Care program. 5.Excellent Communication and interpersonal skills. 6.Expert in use of MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook or any other relevant software package. 7.Ability to maintain confidentiality Personal Qualities: 1.Open and engaging demeanor. 2.High ethical standards 3.Able to generate and share ideas. 4.Hands-on approach. 5.Willing to take personal responsibility 6.Able to win trust and personal credibility 7.Persistence and personal resilience. 8.Willingness to personally deliver quality to business clients. 9.Willingness to understand different cultures, lifestyles and associated points of view. 10.Willingness to understand the values associated with small communities. Other Requirements: 1.Fluent English 2.Additional language skills a plus Salary and Allowances: 1.Negotiable in a range of $55,000 to $70,000 based on qualifications and experience. Application Procedure Interested persons should submit a resume, along with their contact information, cover letter, two letters of reference (one preferably from a former employer), and copies of educational certificates, a Police Certificate and a copy of the Passport photo page. Applications should be addressed to the CEO, Invest Turks & Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands and can be delivered in person prior to the deadline date or emailed to dastwood@investturksandcaicos.tc. The subject line in the email should read “After Care Executive”. Envelopes should have the subject After Care Executive clearly marked on the front. Application deadline August 11th, 2017.

We thank all applicants for their interest. However, only persons selected for an interview will be contacted.

Page 32

Mary's Cleaning Services

Is seeking (1) Domestic Worker To work 3 days per week Salary: $7 per hour Island: Salt Cay Contact Info: Maryal Wilson 346-1258

Sharol Newman

Is seeking a Domestic Worker To work 5 days per week Salary $6.25 per hour Contact#244-1458

Alcidas & Jonathan Gardiner Is looking for a MAID To work 4 days a week to do general household chores Must be honest and should be able to work without supervision Salary $6.25 per hour Call 242-4684

Island Wheels & rentals


Position available from October 2017 Min. 2 years experience in similar position Culinary diploma preferred Responsible for cold and hot appetizers Must provide clean police record $8 per hour plus a share of gratuities 6 day work week including evenings, weekends and public holidays Please send resume's to: magnoliaprovo@live.com


1 Cook To work 6 days per week Salary $6.50 per hour Please Contact: Sakera Cook at 946-4701

Broze Pierre

Is seeking a Domestic Worker To work 6 days per week Salary $6.50 per hour Contact#344-2818

Is seeking a Babysitter To work 5 days per week Salary $6.50 per hour Please Contact: 231-0013

Simeon Hamilton

Rodemide Joseph Is seeking a Greens Keeper To work 5 days per week Salary $6.25 per hour Contact# 348-8986 # 461950

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


Beauty & Elegant Salon

LABOURER WANTED IN GRAND TURK Salary $6.25 per hour To work 6 days per week Please Contact 232-6534

Is seeking a Hairstylist To work 5 days per week Salary $6.50 per hour Contact# 241-4404

United Pentecostal Church,

Ward’s Consultancy

Is accepting resumes for position of Minister of Religion Candidates should be able to cast God’s vision and endeavor to assist in leading others to fulfill their purpose in God, foster partnerships between other charitable organizations and starting new congregations To work 5 days a week Salary $6.25 per hour Send resumes to: Attention: United Pentecostal Church, Kishco Plaza, Leeward Hwy or email to derek655@hotmail.com by August 12th, 2017

Ocean Vibes Scuba & Watersports Ltd Is seeking 1 dive instructor $100 per day Two parasail boat captains $100 per day One snorkel boat captain $85 per day To apply please send resume, copies of certifications, proof of experience and references to gtshoreexcursions@gmail.com


Tumble Totz

Is seeking a domestic worker / Helper to worker six days a week Salary $6.50 per Contact Mrs. Naomi Swann Brown 649-244-7089

Grand Turk Needs a Carpenter Salary $6.25 per hour To work 6 days per week Please Contact 231-0650


LABOURER Wanted In Grand Turk Salary $6.25 per hour To work 6 days per week Please Contact: 243-7331


A² Fashions

Is seeking a Store Clerk To work 6 days per week Salary – Negotiable Interested persons may contact 231-2358 regarding employment. #461944

Is acting on behalf of our clientele Kalooki’s and Patty Place who is looking for:

1 Labourer - $7.00 per hour

Yvon Petit

1 Baker- $9.00 per hour 1 Waiter - $6.25 per hour Please Contact: 345-7212

Is seeking a Labourer To work 3 days per week Salary $6.25 per hour Contact#241-8978 346-6622 #461951

Wilbert Sylvestre Delancy

Versace Bar and Lounge

Is seeking a Domestic worker To work 3 days per week Salary $6.25 per hour Contact#347-2608 #461942

Is seeking 1 Barmaid 2 Hostesses To work 6 days per week Salary $7 per hour Contact# 441-3231 #461947 332-1726

Whatta Burga Is seeking 1 Bartender 1 Kitchen Helper 1 Maintenance To work 6 days per week Salary $6.25 per hour Contact# 649-243-5151 #461955

Tumble Totz

Is seeking a Caregiver To work 5 days per week Salary $6.50 per hour Please Contact: 231-0013

Interisland Builders Interisland Builders Is seeking 1 Diesel Mechanic 1 Driver 1 ACHVR Technician To work full-time Salary – Negotiable Please Contact (649) 244-2212

Is seeking 1 Carpenter 1 Mason 2 Labourers - $6.50 per hour To work full-time Salary – Negotiable Please Contact (649) 244-2212

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017



Page 33


NEWS NEWS Politicians not above the law, says Bahamian PM

Prime Minister of The Bahamas, Dr. Hubert Minnis Nassau, The Bahamas -- Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis said on Wednesday night that he is “disturbed” that some people believe politicians in The Bahamas are above the law and should not be held accountable for alleged misconduct while in office. “It is unfair and unjust for politicians to accumulate considerable wealth from corruption, while the citizens of a country, especially the poor, are left behind,” the prime minister said in his first national address. “We need a new era of public integrity and reform. This era is upon us.” Minnis’ comments come after opposition leader Philip Brave Davis alleged abuse in relation to the recent arrests of former parliamentarians. Davis, in a letter to the prime minister, has vowed that where such abuses of power occur, the offending parties, be they police officers or politicians, need to understand that there will come a day of reckoning for them as well. Minnis said he does not accept that any group of Bahamians should have special protection. “We are a nation of laws,” he said. “All Bahamians should follow those laws or face the consequences of transgression.” He noted that leaders, in the past, have chosen “corruption and fast money” over the best interests of the people. “We must restore the productive values of Bahamian culture,” he said. “I intend to lead that fight by ensuring there is honesty in government; that there is fairness in contracting; that public service promotions are based on merit; and that the corrupt are no longer able to use power to protect themselves from the law.” Minnis said individuals should be treated equally before the law. “If judicial or police officials do not have the requisite paperwork necessary to charge any citizen, regardless of standing in the country, that individual should not be charged until the appropriate time,” Minnis said. “If all people deserve to be treated equally before the law, I find it disturbing that some people believe that politicians in The Bahamas should be above the law and should not be held accountable for misfeasance or misdeeds while in office.” He added: “Around the world, politicians are often charged for certain crimes and when found guilty they pay the penalty for such crimes. Political leaders next door in the United States of America regularly are charged and found guilty of certain crimes. Bahamian politicians are not so special that we should be exempt from the rule of law. This includes members of my party and my government. Public corruption places a heavy toll on a country. Foreign investors become frustrated or often stay away because of corruption. “Millions [of dollars] that can be used for the public good too often end up in private pockets. Public finances are wrecked when there is mass corruption by politicians and public officials.” Minnis’ comments were made after the recent arrests of former Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Cabinet minister Kenred Dorsett and former senator and Public Hospitals Authority chairman Frank Smith.

Former Bahamian Cabinet minister Shane Gibson charged

Former Minister of Labour and National Insurance Shane Gibson was arraigned in a magistrate’s court today with 16 counts of bribery and 15 counts of extortion. According to the Bahamas Tribune newspaper, Gibson has been charged with 36 counts in total: 1 of misconduct in public office, 16 counts of bribery, 2 counts of conspiracy to commit bribery, 2 counts of conspiracy to commit extortion and 15 counts of extortion - all of these concerned with Jonathan Ash. Gibson has been granted $40,000 bail in the Supreme Court. He is due to return to court on September 19th Former Minister of Labour and National Insurance Shane Gibson arrives at court for a status hearing. Scores of PLP supporters Commenting on the McKinney also did not gathered outside court. They arrest, the former minister’s indicate where Gibson was being screamed, “PLP, all the way” as attorney, Anthony McKinney, said: held last night. Gibson limped inside. “He was met by two officers. At Wayne Munroe, QC., who Gibson’s attorney told The that time he was advised that he said he is one of Mr Gibson’s Nassau Guardian that Gibson was being taken into custody and lawyers, confirmed the former injured his foot during a recent asked if he understood what was member of Parliament for Golden boating trip. With the assistance happening. He indicated to them Gates was being questioned by of officers, Gibson, who was that he did. Then he was taken members of the Anti-Corruption handcuffed, hopped up the steps into an interview room and he Unit in relation to Mr Gibson’s of the magistrate’s court. was interviewed by three officers, time serving as hurricane czar Former ministers Jerome one asking the questions and after the passage of Hurricane Fitzgerald and Melanie Griffin two observing. They more or less Matthew. supported Gibson in court. Family indicated from the jump that, that “I am told it has to do members were also there. would not be the course that they with his time dealing with the Gibson is the fourth would be taking, that is, releasing hurricane. What I do know is, if member of the former Christie him.” you are going to question someone administration to be questioned When asked about who was in charge of a ministry, by police since the May 10 general Gibson’s demeanor, McKinney you should at least let them know election. said, “He was very calm and so they could get the records they Two others, former PLP very careful in his approach in need to assist you. I do not think Senator Frank Smith and former whatever it is he is dealing with. it has anything to do with the Minister of the Environment Ken “He is not a bombastic National Insurance Board because Dorsett, have been arraigned in person. He’s easy to get along with it is run by an executive chairman, Magistrate’s Court for separate and certainly had no difficulties in so I imagine it would be from matters. the interview.” his time as the hurricane czar Former Deputy Speaker McKinney did not indicate because you have people doing of the House Dion Smith was also what police questioned Gibson all sorts of shenanigans during questioned by police and held about. a hurricane,” he said. ““I mean overnight in late May in connection “Well, obviously the if you don’t tell me the scope of with an alleged theft probe at interview, because of where it was (what) the investigations is about, the Bahamas Agricultural and being held, has a criminal aspect you are not serious about the Industrial Corporation, however to it and the issues that are being investigation. These people will do he was released without charge. probed were placed before him,” what they will do and all we can Police later said they had McKinney said. do is prepare. I do not know why no evidence of wrongdoing in that “And he, I think, did as he was these men keep going to the police matter. Mr Smith was executive expected to do, and that is answer voluntarily, they would have to chairman of BAIC at the time. the questions.” come and pick me up.”

More than 200 road deaths in Jamaica so far this year THE number of people killed in motor vehicle crashes this year in Jamaica now stands at 205, according to the Jamaica Observer. This is, however, a 12 per cent decrease over the corresponding period last year when the figure was a shocking 233, comprising 194 males and 39 females. Transport and Mining Minister Lester “Mike” Henry said that, while the figure is encouraging, far too many people are giving away their lives needlessly on the roads. According to Minister Henry, as Jamaica prepares

to celebrate its 55th year of Independence, the tendency is for people to drink and party heavily, and then drive impaired and sleepy. This, he said, puts drivers, their passengers, and other road users at risk. Henry said statistics from the Road Safety Unit in his ministry have revealed that Friday is the most deadly day of the week on the roads, with 39 of the 205 people killed so far on that day. He said the police will have to pay special attention to motorists in Westmoreland, St Ann, Clarendon, Hanover, St Catherine north and south, and St James as these are the areas

that account for the highest number of fatalities so far this year. The minister said also that the age group 19 to 34 has accounted for the most fatalities and he has appealed to motorists to cut their speed, overtake only when its safe to do so, reduce the use of cellphones and other mobile devices while driving, and look out for pedestrians, especially children and the elderly. In the meantime, the transport minister has urged partygoers to appoint a designated driver to ensure their safety.

Page 34


AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


Cayman Islands coach sentenced to 18 months over photos of teen

Ato Modibo Stephens, former athletics coach, was sentenced Thursday to 18 months in prison for convincing a 14-year-old girl on his track team to send him topless photographs of herself. According to the Caymanian compass, Stephens, 38, was found guilty of using an information and communication technology (ICT) network to annoy, harass or abuse, but not guilty of indecent assault or gross indecency involving the teenage girl, after a judge-alone trial. Justice Michael Wood said he did not for a moment find that the girl was a liar, but that was not the test. He had to be sure of the defendant’s guilt and there was “just enough doubt for me to be not sure.” He said it was perhaps with a degree of reluctance that he found Stephens not guilty on the first three charges against him. Justice Wood pointed out that the maximum sentence for using an ICT network to abuse is two years. He considered that Stephens’s offending

had been at the top end of such offending, but said he was bearing in mind that Stephens had pleaded not guilty only on legal advice. He had given his ruling earlier in the week that WhatsApp messages sent by Stephens to the girl were an offense: “It’s hard to imagine how they could not be abusive,” he said. Stephens had asked the girl to send him photos to help him “relax,” the court heard. The requests had become more explicit, first asking for pictures in her underwear, and then topless, then with a shifting of her underwear to show more skin. “Your behavior was absolutely disgraceful,” the judge told Stephens. He said some of the photos were provocative posing, as encouraged by Stephens. The defense, conducted by lead counsel Paul Keleher and instructing counsel Amelia Fosuhene, contended that Stephens never touched the girl or exposed himself – that the messages between them were more like “sexting.” The judge agreed that Stephens was getting sexual pleasure

Destra hurt in Bermuda stage fall HAMILTON, Bermuda – Trinidadian soca star Destra Garcia has reportedly broken an ankle after falling from a stage during her performance at a concert here late Wednesday. destra-garciaAccording to an eyewitness, the 38-year-old performer slipped between the stage and a speaker during the Summer Splash concert ahead of Bermuda’s two-day national Cup Match holiday. While she had earlier placed a foot on a speaker during the show, she fell attempting to do so again, bringing her performance to a halt, the witness said. “It looked like she might have hit her head as well,” the witness told the Royal Gazette newspaper. “She was down for about 20 minutes before they took her away on a stretcher. It was scary.” Known as the Queen of Bacchanal, Garcia was joined by a number of other stars at the concert, including Jamaican dancehall artiste Sean Paul.


from the messages and pictures. Jutice Wood said the girl had been a credible witness, but there were some troubling aspects. For example, she had said she complied with requests for pictures because the coach had told her if she did not, she would get kicked off the team. But there were no messages recovered from their phones to indicate any such threat or reference to being dropped from the team. Some messages had indicated a caring relationship, the judge noted. The defense had also queried whether there was any opportunity for the indecent acts to have taken place in Stephens’s vehicle, as the girl described. Justice Wood referred to a hearsay statement from one athlete and testimony in court from two others about the way in which athletes would be dropped off by Stephens after practice. They indicated that the girl had been dropped off before they were. One young person said there was not a single practice when the girl would have been dropped off after he was.

Justice Wood said he found it extraordinary that the police officer investigating the matter made no effort to speak to the athletes about the girl being in the vehicle after police received the complaint from the girl’s mother. The officer did not flag this factor for another officer when he was transferred. As a result, the young people were not spoken to until the trial, which was not satisfactory, the judge said. Justice Wood also suggested that it would have been better for the officer to interview the girl in the presence of a social worker instead of her mother. In passing the sentence of 18 months, he noted that Stephens had already spent about 12 months in custody (some time in Florida awaiting extradition, and here in Cayman awaiting trial). Sixty percent of 18 months is some 11-plus months, he noted. He said he would order Stephens’s deportation when the sentence is completed.

Haitian defence minister to visit Dominican Republic PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti – Haiti’s Defence Minister, Hervé Denis, travels to the Dominican Republic next week as the Spanish speaking country steps up its deployment of troops along the borders between the two countries. Denis is expected to discuss the process of withdrawal of the United Nations Multinational Interim Force (MIF) after then President Bertrand Aristide departed Haiti for exile in the aftermath of an armed conflict, which spread, to several cities across the country. Haitian armyThe Dominican Republic officials have already held talks with Michel-Ange Gédéon, the Director General of the Haitian National Police (Haitian PNH) and Sandra Honoré Head of the UN Stabilisation Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). The Dominican Republic Minister of Defense, LieutenantGeneral Rubén Darío Paulino Sem, said that the members of his

country’s armed forces were being deployed along the border between the two countries. The army is increasing the effectiveness of its military at checkpoints and other sensitive areas nearby, in order to be able to face any situation that could affect the Dominican Republic before and after the departure of the MINUSTAH in October. He said new security measures including surveillance cameras have been installed at strategic control points. Meanwhile, figures released here show that for the first two weeks of July this year, a total of 4,143 undocumented Haitian migrants living in the Dominican Republic returned to the French-speaking Caribbean Community (CARICOM) country. The figures show that 2,170 were expelled by the Dominican authorities and 1,973 returned voluntarily.

Jamaica on course for “record-breaking growth” in tourism KINGSTON, Jamaica – June this year, which is 3.9 per cent Jamaica’s Minister of Tourism higher than the corresponding period Edmund Bartlett says the Tourism last year. sector is on course for “record For the first two weeks of July -breaking growth” this year. there were 104,098 stop over visitors Bartlett who was addressing — a massive 14.9 per cent increase Wednesday’s session of the Jamaica over the same period in 2016. The strong sector performance 55 Diaspora Conference said revenue earnings for the first half of the year since the start of the year builds on is estimated at US$1.84 billion, which the successes of 2016, when the sector is an increase of over eight per cent expanded by an unprecedented four compared to the first six months of per cent, and welcomed over 3.84 million visitors in total. 2016. He said the country welcomed Gross Foreign Exchange 2,165,330 visitors up to the end of Earnings for the period amounted

to US$2.55 billion up 6.2 per cent, with stopover arrival earnings of US$2.4 billion, representing a 6.1 per cent increase; and cruise passenger earnings of US$148.6 million, up eight per cent. In spite of these prolific numbers, Bartlett said the ministry, its agencies and other key stakeholders are never complacent and “we continue to revamp and intensify our strategies to identify key drivers of competitiveness and sustainable tourism development in Jamaica.”

Bartlett noted that tourism remains one of the few labourintensive sectors and directly employs over 106,000 Jamaicans, and another 250, 000 indirectly, through linkages with agriculture, the creative and cultural industries, entertainment, manufacturing, transportation, finance and other services. Over the last 10 years, tourism has expanded by 36 per cent. Direct contribution of tourism to GDP is estimated at 8.4 per cent while total contribution is estimated at 27.2 per cent of GDP.

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


Page 35


Barbadians must come to grips with harsh economic reality says former PM Former Prime Minister office, especially those who aspire to Owen Arthur has called for cooler hold the office,” Arthur stressed. heads to prevail in the local trade In further criticizing the move union movement, while warning that made Tby the leaders of the National Barbados’ “vast” economic problems Union of Public Workers, the Barbados will not be solved by “political theatre Workers’ Union, the Barbados or gimmickry”. Secondary Teachers’ Union and the Reacting to a recent failed Barbados Union of Teachers to handattempt by the leaders of the island’s deliver a letter to Stuart outlining four major trade unions to get an their case for immediate relief from immediate audience with Prime the National Social Responsibility Minister Freundel Stuart while Levy, Arthur said while the Opposition Parliament was in session, Arthur told Leader had a fully equipped office on Barbados TODAY he “fully respected” the west wing of Parliament, the Prime and supported Stuart’s stance in the Minister only had a small “cubbyhole” matter, while describing the unions’ office within the precincts of the House effort to get urgent tax relief as of Assembly. “misguided” and “totally out of order”. “[Therefore] anybody who At the same time, the former in good faith and genuinely wants to Barbados Labour Party (BLP) have an engagement with the Prime Former Barbados Prime Minister Owen Arthur leader, now Independent Member of Minister of Barbados, to discuss, in the the unions were accommodated by Parliament for St Peter, took a swipe presence of a substantial delegation, a Mottley, who not only came out of the at the current Opposition BLP Leader matter as far reaching as the future Chamber to receive them, but also took Mia Mottley for seemingly upholding economic policy of the Government them into her office on the west wing. the unions’ behaviour, while insisting should be advised that they should However, Stuart’s letter, that the Office of the Prime Minister seek to have such a meeting in the as well as two other pieces of must be respected, “especially by those Prime Minister’s Office [on Bay Street] correspondence which were intended who aspire to hold that office”. where they could bring their flock and for the independent members of Though making it clear that he he has his advisors, but also on a day Parliament had to be left at reception. was neither defending Stuart nor the when a prime minister is free to have Up to Wednesday afternoon, current failed economic policies of his such meetings, rather than on a day Arthur, who was absent from Democratic Labour Party Government, that collides with other things that Parliament Tuesday, was yet to receive Arthur contended that the Office of a prime minister has to do,” Arthur his correspondence. the Prime Minister was currently suggested, while insisting there was a But he cautioned the unions being disrespected in a way that would right and a wrong way for things to be that with the local economy on the not have been tolerated by him, and done. brink of collapse, he would not allow certainly not by his predecessors Errol “We have seen where a political himself to be used as “a stage prop in a Barrow or Tom Adams, whose tongues party in Barbados, in my view quite political opera”. “would have been sharpened on both wrongly, lead a delegation to the Prime “I don’t have an office in sides”. Minister’s Office and sought to have Parliament and I would have had, if I “I suspect quite frankly that I the Prime Minister come and collect a were to acquiesce, to meet with them would not have been as courteous as petition on a Thursday when a prime under a tree in the hot sun to receive a Stuart . . . and I have known all the minister is chairing Cabinet,” he said, letter,” he told Barbados TODAY. other prime ministers and I know before informing that “a prime minister “That is for me a waste of my how forceful they were, and I cannot is [usually] available to meet in his time. If the unions want to sit down and imagine any delegation turning up at office on a Monday, on a Wednesday, on discuss how we could get out of this and Parliament on a Tuesday and seeking a Friday . . . but Thursday is Cabinet how we can build a consensus, I would to have that kind of audience on that and Tuesday is Parliament. be happy to meet with the unions, but kind of subject with let’s say, an Errol “[So] for the unions just to turn quite frankly, I know what the unions Barrow or a Tom Adams and expect to up in Parliament where the Prime are opposed to, [but] I don’t know what be treated with even decorum,” he said. Minister just has a cubbyhole office, they are for, and perhaps it behooves “If they were to do that to those to expect that they can meet a prime all of us in Barbados to sit down and two forceful prime ministers, I believe minister there to discuss a matter as think carefully what we need to do to that when you look out at Carlisle Bay serious as this, I think is totally out get out of this situation,” he said. the figures that you would see running of order and misguided and I support On the heels of Minister of on water towards St Vincent would be Stuart saying that ‘I can see one, but Finance Chris Sinckler’s announcement the persons who would have incurred I can’t have a full delegation’ because of a $542 million austerity package on the awful ire of those prime ministers it would be physically impractical for May 30, the former prime minister by seeking to have them in that kind of him to do so,” said Arthur, who served further warned that “incantations posture. as prime minister for 14 years between cannot create what reality denies” and “And the reality is that even if 1994 and 2008. “gimmickry will not solve our problems”. you don’t like the holder of the office, Although they were In response to the union’s 48-hour you have to respect the dignity of the unsuccessful in meeting with Stuart, ultimatum, Arthur suggested that the

country as a whole still needed to come to terms with the enormity of Barbados’ economic situation. In fact, he said there were a number of serious questions which the unions’ leadership needed to answer. “What happens after 48 hours? Are you going to close down the country? If you force the minister to do what you want, what are going to be the repercussions, cause the minister will tell you, ‘ok, you want me to stop printing money, you want me however to maintain public sector employment, then what are my options? “Let us discuss those. That is the reality of where were,’ Arthur told Barbados TODAY. While making it clear he was not pleading a case for Sinckler, who has been under pressure from the unions to reduce the amount of taxation he has imposed on the country and to grant a “coping subsidy” for public servants, Arthur warned that Government had simply run out of options. “They don’t want on the eve of elections to send home people and I believe that the union will say they don’t want people sent home either, so this is a conundrum that requires very serious engagement,” the former Prime Minister said. “If the minister buckles and cuts the taxes, then he has to find an alternative way of paying the bills. What are those? I have said that in my view the only alternative way is [policy based loans from] the IMF, IDB, CDB. Are [the unions] prepared to come and go there with me?” Arthur enquired. While stressing there was “no wrong time to do the right thing”, he further cautioned the unions that “at some stage any government – Bee or Dee – that will have to fix this problem will have to institute changes to the structure and functioning of the economy that may affect the standing of workers in both the public and the private sector and it would serve the unions better to just sit down and discuss if you have to institute tough policies . . . how you could mitigate the risks and turn such strategizations into things that can have a positive outcome. “I would love to sit down and discuss if you had to deal with the state enterprises what you should do, but just to hand me a letter on the way into Parliament under a tree in the hot sun, that is not for me!

US control board to probe Puerto Rico debt, ties to crisis SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — A federal control board overseeing the finances of Puerto Rico’s government said Wednesday that it will investigate the causes of the island’s economic crisis as well as examine how its debt was issued and probe disclosure and selling practices. The announcement comes as government officials seek to restructure a portion of the $70 billion public debt in a process similar to bankruptcy following multimilliondollar defaults that have angered

creditors. Board members said they will form a special committee that will appoint an independent investigator, and the findings will be made public. The board said the investigation aims to restore fiscal balance and help Puerto Rico re-enter the capital market. It is unclear what happens next if significant findings emerge and whether any federal government agencies would become involved. The board did not respond to a request for

additional comment. Puerto Ricans affected by austerity measures amid a 10-year recession and those who have faced big losses after investing in government bonds have long demanded an audit of the debt as they seek to hold officials accountable. A federal judge next week is expected to address a demand by a group of creditors to probe what role several banks played in the sale of debt obligations. Economist Vicente Feliciano said the investigation adds uncertainty

to debt restructurings hearings that recently began in federal court. “At the same time, it strengthens the position of the board and the government when negotiating with creditors,” he said, adding that creditors may be willing to make additional concessions before the investigation concludes. One fear creditors may have is that the investigator finds some of the debt may have been illegally issued, which raises the question of whether it should be paid, he said.

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Trump administration moves to make tougher U.S. visa vetting permanent

WASHINGTON - The Trump administration moved on Thursday to make permanent a new questionnaire that asks some U.S. visa applicants to provide their social media handles and detailed biographical and travel history, according to a public notice. The questionnaire was rolled out in May as part of an effort to tighten vetting of wouldbe visitors to the United States, and asks for all prior passport numbers, five years’ worth of social media handles, email addresses and phone numbers and 15 years of biographical information including addresses, employment and travel history. A State Department official declined to provide data on how many times the form had been used or which nationalities had been asked to fill it out since May, only stating that it estimates 65,000 visa applicants per year “will present a threat profile” that warrants the extra screening. President Donald Trump ran for office in 2016 pledging to crack down on illegal immigration for security reasons, and has called for “extreme vetting” of foreigners entering the United States. On Wednesday, he threw his support behind a bill that would cut legal immigration to the United States by 50 percent over 10 years. The Office of Management and Budget, which must approve most new federal requests of information from the public, initially approved the form on an “emergency” basis, which allowed its use for six months rather than

A sign warns of surveillance at the International Arrival area the usual three years. The State Department published a notice in the Federal Register on Thursday seeking to use the form for the next three years. The public has 60 days to comment on the request. The questions are meant to “more rigorously evaluate applicants for terrorism, national security-related, or other visa ineligibilities,” the notice said. While the questions are voluntary, the form says failure to provide the information may delay or prevent the processing of a visa application. Trump ordered a temporary travel ban in March on citizens of Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. After months of legal wrangling, the Supreme Court in June allowed the travel ban to go forward with a limited scope. The form does not target any particular nationality.

Seyed Ali Sepehr, who runs an immigration consultancy in California serving Iranian clients applying for U.S. visas, said that since late June, all of his clients who have been referred for extra security checks have also been asked to fill out the new form. Kiyanoush Razaghi, an immigration attorney based in Maryland, said he knows of Iraqis, Libyans and Iranians who have been asked to fill out the form. Immigration attorney Steve Pattison said one of his clients, who is not from one of the six travel ban countries, had been asked to fill out the new form when applying for a visitor visa, indicating that consular officers are using it broadly. “It could be that everyone is missing another consequence of the use of the form – its deployment in a far wider sense to cover all sorts of individuals,” Pattison said.

Amid Brexit squabbling, PM May’s spokesman says EU free movement to end in 2019 LONDON The automatic right of European Union citizens to live and work in Britain will end in March 2019 with Brexit, Prime Minister Theresa May’s spokesman said on Monday, after her ministers publicly differed over the shape of the divorce with the EU. Since May’s failed gamble on a snap election last month, the future of Brexit has been thrown into question with squabbling between her ministers over the pace, tone and terms of Britain’s departure from the club it joined in 1973. May, who on Monday interrupted a three-week holiday to attend a World War One commemoration ceremony, has faced public pressure to temper her plans for a clean break from the EU. The level of discord

is such that one opposition spokesman said the government politician spoke of “civil war” remained committed to the exit within the government over timetable. Brexit and some of the bloc’s Immigration from the most powerful politicians have EU is one of the most contentious even raised the prospect of issues because the economy relies on imported labor but Britain scrapping Brexit. May has repeatedly many British voters are angry said Brexit will take place as over what they consider to be uncontrolled immigration. scheduled in late March 2019. But the Archbishop of “Free movement will Canterbury said the chance of end in March 2019,” May’s this was “infinitesimally small” spokesman told reporters, because political wrangling will adding that the government prevent the detailed work that had already set out some details is needed. including proposals on EU Justin Welby, who citizens’ rights after Brexit. is the spiritual head of the “Other elements of the postimmigration system Anglican communion of millions Brexit of Christians globally and sits will be brought forward in due in the House of Lords, said course. It would be wrong to domestic political wrangling speculate on what these might would impede the detailed work look like or to suggest that free movement will continue as it is that is needed for Brexit. In response, May’s now.”

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017

Israeli PM could face corruption charges

JERUSALEM - An Israeli court said on Thursday that two police investigations in which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been questioned could result in corruption charges, and that prosecutors were in talks with one of his former top aides. The disclosures, made in an court order limiting media coverage of the cases, did not name Netanyahu. But they ramped up speculation among Israeli legal analysts that he could face indictment if ex-chief of staff Ari Harow turns state’s witness. Netanyahu has denied any wrongdoing, and his spokesman said in a statement on Thursday that the premier was the target of “a witch-hunt, now at its peak, aimed at changing the government”. “This is destined to fail, for a simple reason: Nothing will happen because nothing happened,” the spokesman said. Netanyahu had been questioned under caution by police over so-called Case 1,000, dealing with gifts given to him and his family by businessmen, and Case 2,000, related to conversations he held with an Israeli publisher. Harow did not return a call from Reuters seeking comment. His lawyer declined to respond to Israeli media reports this week that he was in talks about testifying against his former boss. Thursday’s order by Rishon Lezion Magistrate’s Court said the two cases involved “suspicion of the commission of the felonies of bribery, fraud and breach of trust”. The court order further barred publication of “any details from the negotiations under way with Ari Harrow and counsel and the substance of matters relayed during the negotiations”. If charges are brought, political upheaval in Israel would be likely, with pressure on Netanyahu, 67, to step down after 11 years in office, spread over four terms. Case 1,000 involves Netanyahu and family members receiving gifts on a regular basis from two businessmen. Israeli media have reported that the gifts included cigars and champagne. Case 2,000 involves a deal Netanyahu allegedly discussed with the owner of one of Israel’s largest newspapers, Yedioth Ahronoth, for better coverage in return for curbs on competition from a free paper owned by U.S. casino mogul Sheldon Adelson. The latter paper has long promoted the prime minister. Israeli media said Harow had recorded Netanyahu’s conversations with Yedioth publisher Arnon Mozes. Under Israeli law, Netanyahu would not be obliged to resign were he charged. Opponents are calling for him to do so. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem July 30, 2017.

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


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Eyeing Russia, U.S. military shifts toward more global war games STUTTGART, Germany - The U.S. military is moving toward more global exercises to better prepare for a more assertive Russia and other worldwide threats, a senior officer said in an interview with Reuters. Air Force Brigadier General John Healy, who directs exercises for U.S. forces in Europe, said officials realized they needed to better prepare for increasingly complex threats across all domains of war - land, sea, air, space and cyber. Some smaller-scale war games with a global focus had already occurred, but the goal was to carry out more challenging exercises by fiscal year 2020 that involved forces from all nine U.S. combatant commands instead of focusing on specific regions or one military service, such as the Marines. “What we’re eventually going toward is a globally integrated exercise program so that we (are) ... all working off the same sheet of music in one combined global exercise,” Healy said in an interview this week.

U.S. army soldiers take part in Suwalki gap defence exercise in Mikyciai, Lithuania, June 17, 2017 He said war games and training were experts say could involve about imperative to rehearse for possible 100,000 troops. He said Russian observers conflicts and they needed to reflect the global nature of today’s military attended recent U.S. and NATO exercises in the Black Sea region, but threats, including cyber warfare. Healy said Russia was his Moscow had not extended a similar main focus in Europe, and officials invitation to its own war games. were keeping a close watch on “They’re not being as transparent as Moscow’s Zapad military exercises we are,” he said. Moscow says its war games that begin next month and which

will involve less than 13,000 troops and so do not require invitations to outside observers. Healy said an initial assessment of a range of exercises conducted across Europe this summer with over 40,000 U.S. and allied forces had been positive, but a deeper assessment would be completed in October. As a deterrent to Russia after its 2014 annexation of the Crimea region of Ukraine, U.S. and NATO forces have boosted their presence and training in Europe. This has included the addition of four NATO battle groups with 1,000 soldiers each in Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland, all of which have borders with Russia. Next year, the U.S. military plans 11 major exercises that will take in a range of NATO allies from Iceland to Britain, the Baltic states, and possibly Finland, according to Healy. Those exercises too will bring together air, ground and naval forces.

Venezuela president disputes vote tampering allegations CARACAS, Venezuela — Venezuela’s president defiantly dismissed allegations that official turnout figures for the election of an all-powerful constituent assembly were manipulated, accusing the international software firm behind the claim of bowing to U.S. pressure to cast doubt over a body that he hopes will entrench an even more staunchly socialist state. In his first meeting with assembly delegates Wednesday night, President Nicolas Maduro not only

stood by the official count of Venezuela’s constitution and 8 million-plus votes cast in Maduro vows he will use it Sunday’s divisive election, but to target his opponents and proclaimed that an additional solidify the socialist system 2 million people would have installed by the late President voted if they hadn’t been Hugo Chavez. Maduro called blocked by anti-government the vote in May after weeks of protesters. protests fueled by widespread Maduro also anger over food shortages, announced a one-day delay triple-digit inflation and high in the assembly’s installation, crime — unrest that continues saying it would convene on and has caused at least 125 Friday instead of Thursday as deaths. planned, in order to “organize The head of voting it well in peace and tranquility.” technology company The body is Smartmatic said earlier empowered to rewrite Wednesday that the National

Electoral Council’s voter turnout number was off by at least 1 million, further darkening uncertainty over the veracity over the results. Independent analysts and opposition leaders have contended that the actual participation level was much lower. With the opposition boycotting the election, virtually all the candidates were supporters of Maduro’s ruling socialist party, so turnout was watched as one of the only indicators of how

much popular support there is for the constituent assembly. “That stupid guy, the president of Smartmatic, pressured to the neck by the gringos and the Brits, said there were 7.5 million,” Maduro said in televised remarks. “I think there were 10 million Venezuelans who went out.” Maduro provided no evidence to support his claim, but his remarks were received with resounding applause from about 500 people elected to the assembly.

Brazil’s president dodges bribery charge, but risks remain BRASILIA, Brazil — With his job on the line, President Michel Temer eked out a victory in a congressional vote over a bribery charge against him that has fueled angst and anger across Latin America’s largest nation. But there are more legal woes ahead and clear chinks in his governing coalition, so Temer will have little time to celebrate. Members of Congress’ lower house, the Chamber of Deputies, voted 263-227 Wednesday night against suspending the president and sending him for trial before Brazil’s highest court. The result effectively suspended the bribery charge, which was filed by Attorney General Ricardo Janot in June. However, Janot is expected to charge Temer with obstruction of justice by the end of this month, which would prompt another vote that even Temer’s most stalwart supporters would rather not have to go through as elections loom next year. In a troubling sign for Temer, the 263 votes cast in support of him fell far short of the crucial 308, or 60 percent of the 513-member body, that he needs to pass an overhaul of the pension system. It is an unpopular proposal supported by the business

class, which has helped keep an otherwise deeply unpopular leader in power. “This is far from over,” said Rafael Salies, a risk consultant with the Rio de Janeiro-based Southern Pulse. “August may still have many surprises in store for him.” The vote on the bribery charge came after a full day of procedural wrangling by the opposition, maneuvers intended to stall and force legislators to vote in the evening, when many Brazilians were home and able to watch the proceedings being broadcast live. The moves may have worked. While Temer’s opponents made impassioned speeches about the need for him to go, many supporters said nothing beyond the minimum to procedurally cast their vote. The measure was before the chamber because by Brazilian law a sitting president cannot be tried without the approval of the lower house, which is considered the conduit for the voice of the people. Throughout the day, there was shouting and even periodic pushing between lawmakers. “Temer is a crook and he needs to sort out his situation with

the Justice Department,” said Elvino Bohn Gass, a member of the Workers’ Party, one of the main opposition parties. “Brazil should not be governed by a gang of thugs.” “Brazil can’t change presidents three times in one year,” said Sergio Moraes, making a common argument among Temer supporters that it was worth keeping him for the sake of stability. “He will be investigated later.” A year ago, Temer, then vice president, took office after Dilma Rousseff was impeached and removed as president for improperly handling government finances. Since becoming president, his administration has been rocked by repeated scandals while still managing to move unpopular legislation forward, such as a loosening of labor rules and the proposals to trim pension benefits. All the while, his popularity has plunged. The latest national poll said just 5 percent of Brazilians approve of Temer while the vast majority said he should be tried for the bribery allegation. Thanking the lower chamber for the “eloquent decision,” Temer said late Wednesday it was time for his government to return its focus to

President Michel Temer reforms. “I won’t rest until Dec. 31, 2018,” he said, referring to the end of his term. The bribery allegation stunned even Brazilians inured to graft cases, and represented the latest in a bevy of scandals flowing out of a mammoth investigation into kickbacks that has led to the jailing of many of the country’s elite the last three years. A recording purportedly made in March emerged in which Temer apparently supported the continued payment of hush money to Eduardo Cunha, the powerful former speaker believed to have dirt on many politicians. Cunha is serving a 15-year sentence for corruption.

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AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


Canada’s immigration system and targets for 2017

Grand jury subpoenas issued in relation to Trump Jr., Russian lawyer meeting

Donald Trump Jr. (L) talks with his father, Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio U.S. July 20, 2016

Signs pointing to pedestrian and cycle routes are seen outside a Canada Border Service Agency crossing at the Peace Bridge in Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada OTTAWA - The U.S. administration is putting its support behind a bill that would reduce the number of legal immigrants into the United States and prioritize high-skilled workers by setting up a merits-based system similar to those used by Canada and Australia. To bring in skilled workers, Canada uses a points system to assess immigrants’ ability to enter the Canadian workforce. The majority of Canada’s economic immigrants this year are expected to come from this so-called express entry system. Canada plans to allow 300,000 immigrants into the country this year. Applicants are ranked on their age, education, language ability, and work experience and earn points for each category up to 600. For example, people aged between 20-29 years get the maximum 100 points while those over 45 get zero for that category. Potential immigrants get additional points if they have a sibling who is a citizen or permanent resident of Canada. Immigrants’ spouses are assessed on the same criteria if they are also applying to come to Canada. For a full list of points awarded under the ranking system, see here

With a population of about 35 million, the immigration target for 2017 amounts to 0.9 percent of the population. According to the 2011 census, 20.6 percent of the population were foreign-born and immigrated to Canada. More recent numbers for 2016 will be released later this year. The following are Canada’s immigration targets by category for 2017. Category Target Pct of Population Economic 172,500 0.5 Family 84,000 0.2 Refugees, protected persons 40,000 0.1 Humanitarian, other 3,500 0.01 Immigrants as Pct of Population Canada (2011) 20.6 United States (2015) 13.5*

WASHINGTON - Grand jury subpoenas have been issued in connection with a June 2016 meeting that included President Donald Trump’s son, his son-in-law and a Russian lawyer, two sources familiar with the matter told Reuters on Thursday. The sources added that special counsel Robert Mueller had convened a grand jury in Washington to investigate allegations of Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election. Russia has loomed large over the first six months of the Trump presidency, with U.S. congressional panels also investigating the Russian election interference that U.S. intelligence agencies believe was meant to tilt the vote in Trump’s favor. Moscow denies any meddling and Trump denies any collusion by his campaign, while regularly denouncing the investigations as political witch hunts. Mueller’s use of a grand jury could give him expansive tools to pursue evidence, including issuing subpoenas and compelling witnesses to testify. The impaneling of the grand jury was first reported by the Wall Street Journal. A grand jury is a group of ordinary citizens who, working behind closed doors, considers evidence and potential criminal wrongdoing that a prosecutor is investigating and decide on whether charges should be brought. Earlier this week, Reuters reported that Mueller, who was appointed special counsel in May, brought a former U.S. Justice Department official to join his investigative team. Greg Andres started on Tuesday, becoming the 16th lawyer on the team.

In phone call, Trump pressured Mexico on border wall payment WASHINGTON U.S. pressed Pena Nieto to avoid saying President Donald Trump pressured in public that Mexico would not fund the Mexican president to stop voicing the planned border wall. But he opposition in public to his plan to have complimented the Mexican leader’s Mexico pay for a border wall, according “beautiful words” and said he hoped to transcripts of phone calls published Mexico would change its constitution on Thursday that gave an insight into to allow Pena Nieto to extend his stay Trump’s attempts to influence foreign in office. The proposed wall, aimed at leaders in his first days in office. The Washington Post preventing illegal immigration to the published texts of sometimes fraught United States, is a bone of contention calls with Mexico’s Enrique Pena between Mexico and Washington. Nieto and Australian Prime Minister Pena Nieto has repeatedly rejected Malcolm Turnbull just days after the Trump’s promise that Mexico will end Republican took office on Jan. 20. up paying billions of dollars for its The substance of the calls construction. has previously been reported but the lengthy transcripts reveal Trump, ‘You Cannot Say That’ whose first elected office is the presidency, trying to use a mixture of Trump told the Mexican bluster, tough talk and charm as he leader in the call that “if you are going fully enters the world of diplomacy. to say that Mexico is not going to pay Trump argued with Turnbull for the wall, then I do not want to over refugees in an acrimonious call on meet with you guys anymore because I Jan. 28 which the new U.S. president cannot live with that,” according to the told his counterpart was “unpleasant.” transcript. In a Jan. 27 call, Trump “You cannot say that to the

press,” Trump said. matter what I think of this president, Pena Nieto had earlier this is terrible.” scrapped a plan to hold talks with In the conversation with Pena Trump in the United States due to Nieto, Trump said both leaders were tensions over the wall and trade. The “in a little bit of a political bind” due to two men have since met, holding talks Trump’s campaign pledge to build the at a summit of the Group of 20 nations wall and have Mexico foot the bill. in Germany last month. “I have to have Mexico pay The White House has said for the wall – I have to. I have been the U.S. government will pay for the talking about it for a two-year period,” wall initially to get the project off the Trump said. He suggested that the two ground but that Mexico will eventually reimburse it for the work. men avoid the issue of paying for the Both the White House and wall when asked. Mexico’s foreign ministry did not have “They are going to say, ‘Who is any immediate comment on Thursday going to pay for the wall, Mr. President?’ about the release of the call transcripts. to both of us, and we should both say, It was the latest in a series of leaks ‘We will work it out,’” Trump said. “It from inside Trump’s administration will work out in the formula somehow. which have angered the president. As opposed to you saying, ‘We will not The Republican won some sympathy pay’ and me saying, ‘We will not pay,’” over leaks from a political opponent on the U.S. president said. Pena Nieto said he understood Thursday. “ “I am alarmed at leaks of Trump’s position on how to refer conversations between two heads of to paying for the border wall and state,” Democratic U.S. Senator Brian suggested seeking “a creative way to Schatz wrote on Twitter. “It doesn’t jump over this obstacle.”

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


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Prince Philip, 96, bids adieu with final solo official duty

LONDON — For over 65 years, he has been the unwavering presence alongside Britain’s longestserving monarch, the consummate consort and royal representative. On Wednesday Prince Philip, 96, made his 22,219th — and final — solo public engagement, braving heavy rain to meet Royal Marines at Buckingham Palace. The royal appeared in good spirits, waving to cheering crowds and joking with the soldiers, Prince Philip, also known as the Duke of who have completed a 1,664-mile Edinburgh, is patron, president or a member of (2,678-kilometer) trek to raise money over 780 organizations for charity. active role by attending engagements. “You all should be locked up,” The queen supported the decision. he quipped, making the soldiers laugh. Wednesday’s event marks Philip announced he was a major landmark for the man born stepping down from public duties in Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark May. The royal, known for his sense of in Corfu on June 10, 1921, to Princess humor and gaffes, recently joked about Alice of Battenberg and Prince Andrew his big retirement day, telling celebrity of Greece. Amid the upheaval of the chef Prue Leith: “I’m discovering what military coup that overthrew his uncle, it’s like to be on your last legs.” King Constantine, in 1922, the family Also known as the Duke of fled. Edinburgh, he will still appear at King George V, the queen’s Queen Elizabeth II’s side — from time grandfather, sent a Royal Navy to time — as the 91-year-old monarch cruiser to evacuate Philip’s family and soldiers on. he was whisked to safety in a cot made Philip is patron, president or from an orange box. Later, he rarely a member of over 780 organizations, saw his parents and went to school in with which he will continue to be Germany and Britain. associated — but he won’t play an Philip has had a long

association with the military and had license in 1959. once had promising military career. All that activity has led to He joined the Royal Navy as a cadet overall good health. But Philip has in 1939 and served during World War been admitted to the hospital on a II, winning mention in dispatches for number of occasions in the last few service aboard the battleship HMS years for abdominal surgery, bladder Valiant at Cape Matapan, on Greece’s infections and a blocked coronary Peloponnesian peninsula. He rose to artery. the level of commander. Many of his health issues are Two years after the war ended, related to sports. He has arthritis in Philip married the future queen at his right wrist and broke a bone in his Westminster Abbey when she was ankle from playing polo. He developed 21 and he was 26. He renounced his a rheumatic condition of the tendon in Greek title and King George VI made the hand after a taking a fall in polo. him the Duke of Edinburgh. His He takes the stairs rather career came to an abrupt end with than elevators and can still fit into the George’s death in 1952. At the queen’s uniform he wore for his wedding. He coronation in 1953, Philip swore to was only seen wearing hearing aids be his wife’s “liege man of life and for the first time at a palace reception limb.” He settled into a life supporting in 2014 at the age of 93. Elizabeth in her role as queen and The palace says his health they had four children — Charles, wasn’t behind the retirement decision. Anne, Andrew and Edward. Philip, who enjoys a slightly Philip has given 5,496 wicked turn of phrase, has poked fun speeches, written 14 books and gone at himself and his advancing years. In on 637 solo visits overseas. a letter to The Oldie magazine in 2011, He’s championed he said he appreciated being named environmental and conservation “Consort of the Year.” issues, and has interests in science, “There is nothing like it for engineering and industry. An morale to be reminded that the years accomplished sportsman, he played are passing — ever more quickly — polo regularly until 1971. He earned and that bits are beginning to drop off his RAF wings in 1953, his helicopter the ancient frame,” he wrote. “But it is wings in 1956 and his private pilot’s nice to be remembered at all.”

Secret Service to test small drone at Donald Trump’s golf club

U.S. Justice Department urges cities to focus on crime committed by illegal immigrants

President Donald Trump at one of his golf courses The US Secret Service plans to test a security drone when President Trump visits his New Jersey golf club later this month, according to a document seen by Reuters. A small drone will be trialled by the agency at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster. The President is expected to make a long visit to the club. The Secret Service has said that it is experimenting with various drones for security monitoring. In this case, the drone will fly at an altitude of between 300 and 400 ft (91 to 121 metres), observing the perimeter of the protection zone at the club.

It is equipped with optical and infrared cameras and will be physically linked via a microfilament tether to a power source. The Secret Service has said it will notify people at the club that the vehicle is in operation. It is also aware that private residences will be within range of the drone’s surveillance equipment. Images and video recorded by the drone will be overwritten within 30 days unless they are part of a law enforcement investigation at that time. The BBC’s Rory Cellan-Jones tested a number of consumer drones last year, although one that he was holding via a tether did not survive.

WASHINGTON/NEW YORK - U.S. cities that refuse to step up efforts to focus on crimes committed by undocumented immigrants will not be allowed to participate in a new crime reduction training program unveiled earlier this year by the Justice Department, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said on Thursday. In making the announcement, Sessions singled out four local police departments that had expressed interest in the new Public Safety Partnership Program, saying they first had to answer a list of questions by Aug. 18 confirming they do not have any “sanctuary” policies to shield illegal immigrants from possible deportation by ensuring they will allow federal immigration officials access to local jails. “By protecting criminals from immigration enforcement, cities and states with so-called ‘sanctuary’ policies make all of us less safe,” Sessions said. The four police departments that must respond are Albuquerque, New Mexico; Baltimore, Maryland; and San Bernardino and Stockton, California. Representatives from the police departments did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Sessions’ announcement reflects part of a broader policy push by President Donald Trump to crack down generally on illegal immigration. He has urged Congress to

support funding the building of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, and the administration has moved to dramatically widen the net of illegal immigrants targeted for deportation. The National Public Safety Partnership is a new program launched in June that involves a three-year initiative geared toward areas with high rates of violent crime. Twelve cities were selected when it was first launched, including Buffalo, New York, Houston, Texas and in Sessions’ home state, Birmingham, Alabama. It is unclear how cities with interest in the program may respond to the Justice Department’s stance, but some municipalities have pushed back against the Trump administration’s immigration policies. A U.S. judge last month refused to remove a block on an executive order by President Donald Trump that would have withheld federal funds from sanctuary cities, which do not use municipal funds or resources to help advance the enforcement of federal immigration laws. New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and Acting Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez on Thursday called on U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to stop making arrests in courthouses amid concerns it has a chilling effect on local policing and is sweeping up those with lowlevel misdemeanor cases.

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AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017

Come and join our winning team at Seven Star Resort & Spa The following positions are currently available General Manager The Successful candidate will report to the CEO and will be responsible for all aspects of operations of Seven Stars Resort & Spa. Work very closely with the Owners and other stake holders. Responsible for managing the Hotels management team (HOD’s) and overall hotel targets to deliver an excellent Guest experience. Responsibilities: •Oversee the operations functions of the hotel, as per the Organizational chart. •Hold regular briefings and meetings with all head of departments. •Ensure full compliance to Hotel operating controls, SOP’s, policies, procedures and service standards. •Lead all key property issues including capital projects, customer service and refurbishment. •Handling complaints, and oversee the service recovery procedures. •Manage on-going profitability of the hotel, ensuring revenue and guest satisfaction targets are met and exceeded •Deliver hotel budget goals and set other short and long term strategic goals for the property •Developing improvement actions carry out costs savings initiatives •A strong understanding of P&L statements and the ability to react with impactful strategies •Closely monitor the hotels business reports on a daily basis and make decisions accordingly •Maximizing room yield and hotels / resort revenue through innovative sales practices and yield management programs •Prepare a monthly financial reporting for the owners and stake holders •Draw up plans and budget (revenues, costs, etc.) for the owners •Helping in the procurement of operating supplies and equipment, and contracting with third-party vendors for essential equipment’s and services •Coordination with HOD’s for the execution of all activities and functions •Manage and develop the Hotel Executive team to ensure career progression and development •Lead in all aspects of business planning Requirements •The ideal candidate must be seasoned and highly intelligent hotel professional with outstanding, management skills and extensive hands-on experience. Available to work when needed, including weekends, holidays, and nights. Will be on call 24hrs a day. •A degree in hotel management or a related field with experience in opening, managing or re-positioning a hotel with clear track record. Excellent computer system skills. •At least 10 to 20 years’ experience in the hospitality industry, with significant luxury and international experience, ideally including experience in remote locations. And 5 to 10 years of experience as a General Manager or Asst. General Manager. Salary USD100,000 to USD120,000 per annum (Salary is negotiable and based on level, experience and qualifications). Position held by a work permit holder HOUSEKEEPING MANAGER The Housekeeping manager will be responsible for planning, organizing, and developing of the overall operation of the housekeeping department in accordance with standards and guidelines along with assuring the highest degree of quality guest care is maintained at all times. In this role, the manager will also responsible for staffing, scheduling, training and developing staff. Salary for this position range at $3,000.00 monthly and based on experience and qualification Essential Duties: •Manage the daily activities of the Housekeeping department to include appropriate cleaning of all guest suites, offices, concourses, seating areas, washrooms, restaurants, concession stands and all public spaces. •Planning, organizing and directing team members to ensure the highest degree of guest satisfaction •Daily supervision of the housekeeping staff, including the day, event and postevent •Daily supervision of the grounds keeping staff, including the day, event and post-event •Purchase, re-order and maintain housekeeping supplies and inventory •Conduct pre-event inspections of all rooms, concourses, clubs, seating areas and public areas prior gate opening for every event held at the hotel •Schedule and train all new housekeeping staff members •Maintain the housekeeping budget, providing billing summaries and expenses for all pre and post events •Uphold the highest standards of cleanliness, safety, and conduct •Knowledge of safety standards within Housekeeping department •Determines and maintains the department work schedule used to notify staff of upcoming events and ensure proper preparation and staffing for each event •Ensures the proper maintenance of all equipment; makes arrangements for repair and/or replacement of used and damaged equipment •Source the proper chemicals and items needed for the productive running of the housekeeping department •Other duties and responsibilities may be assigned not listed in this job description Requirements: •Communication Proficiency, Customer/Client Focus, Organizational Skills, Performance Management, Problem Solving/Analysis, Results Driven, Teamwork Orientation, Technical Capacity and Time Management. •The employee is occasionally required to sit; climb or balance; and stoop, kneel,

crouch or crawl. The employee must frequently lift and/or move up to 25/50 lbs. •Five (5) years of related housekeeping managerial experience, with a working background in productivity planning and interior design •Must be able to work long hours, weekends and holidays •Required to work up to 72 or more hours in any given week Salary range: USD40,000 to USD54,000 per annum (Salary is negotiable and based on level, experience and qualifications). SUNFLOWERS FACILITIES MANAGER Providing efficient and accurate management of the property, including; administration, tenant relations, maintenance, repair, security, janitorial service and landscaping. The Facilities Manager handles tenant complaints and service requests, and must be familiar with the terms of tenant leases. Requirements: •Must have at least 10 years’ managerial/supervisory experience. •Must have administrative skills, basic accounting skills and excellent customer service skills. •Highly organised, efficient, self-motivated and hands-on reliable team player. •Must be willing to work long hours and on call in case of an emergency. Responsibilities: •Work closely with the HR and Employee Welfare Department to ensure that employee’s accommodations are kept up to standard. •Inspect property daily to ensure compliance with established policies, safety measures and quality standards •Preparing units for lease and ensure that tenants comply with the terms and conditions of their lease. •Ensure the timely collection of rent, utility costs and prepare monthly accounting statements. •Manage on site staff, security team and sub-contractors •Arrange vector control for site and apartment buildings. •Keep complete set of documents and leases relating to Sunflowers operations and tenants Salary range: USD16,000 to USD36,000 per annum (Salary is negotiable and based on level, experience and qualifications) HOUSEKEEPING ATTENDANT/ROOM ATTENDANT Candidates will be required to assist in all Housekeeping responsibilities, cleaning of guest rooms, stocking amenities and linens. There are new positions available and some positions are held by work permit holders. Minimum Requirements: •Suitable candidates must have a minimum of 2 years’ experience working at a 5 Star Resort in a similar role. •Must have a strong attention to details and exceptional ability to maintain the highest standards of quality required. •Must have the ability to lift at least 50lbs. •Must be able to work long hours, public holidays and weekend Wages: 6.31 per hour. CRYSTALLIZATION SPECIALIST: This individual will be responsible for grinding and leveling of floors with the required machinery. Responsible for all of the following: Travertine Cleaning , Marble Polishing, Marble Cleaning, Granite Polishing, Etch Removal, Stain Removal, Limestone Cleaning, Lippage Removal, Crack & Chip Repair and Marble Floor Maintenance Requirements: •Knowledge of working with chemicals used for floor restoration, polishing, buffing or crystallization on different stone floor types – Limestone/granite/ marble •Some math and measuring skills along with an eye for detail. •Also requires a great deal of lifting, bending and squatting, so a reasonable level of physical fitness is needed. Salary range: USD12,000 to USD 13,500 per annum Position currently held by a work permit hold Owners Asset Protection Officer This position is under the direct supervision of the Owners Relations Manager/ General Manager and is responsible for the protection, safeguarding, and security of assets for the assigned Home Owners. Duties and Requirements: •A minimum of 5 years’ experience •Able to work flexible hours, holidays and weekends. •Highly trained in security procedures and martial arts. •First Aid training is preferable and ability to communicate effectively •Physical ability to run, walk, jump and bend. •Willing to work long Shifts (up to 14hrs) and split shift during the night. •Willing to work in all weather conditions and ability to respond to patron problems effectively. •Excellent customer service skills Salary range: USD1,100 per month New position Other positions: Part-time server Public area cleaner Salary range: USD12,000 to $17,000 per annum and is based on experience and qualification. Some position currently held by a work permit holder.

ONLY CANDIDATES MEETING ABOVE REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS WILL BE CONTACTED Candidates should apply to Seven Stars Resort & Spa, Grace Bay Road, Providenciales via e-mail at hr@sevenstarsgracebay.com for consideration or should leave CV’s at the security building for the attention of HR. Prospective applicants who are Belongers kindly send copies of your application to the board. Application deadline: Aug 15, 2017

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


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Facebook to step up fact-checking in fight against fake news

BERLIN - Facebook is to send more potential hoax articles to third-party fact checkers and show their findings below the original post, the world’s largest online social network said on Thursday as it tries to fight socalled fake news. The company said in a statement on its website it will start using updated machine learning to detect possible hoaxes and send them to fact checkers, potentially showing fact-checking results under the original article. Facebook has been criticized as being one of the main distribution points for socalled fake news, which many think influenced the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The issue has also

become a big political topic in Europe, with French voters deluged with false stories ahead of the presidential election in May and Germany backing a plan to fine social media networks if they fail to remove hateful postings promptly, ahead of elections there in September. On Thursday Facebook said in a separate statement in German that a test of the new fact-checking feature was being launched in the United States, France, the Netherlands

and Germany. “In addition to seeing which stories are disputed by third-party fact checkers, people want more context to make informed decisions about what they read and share,” said Sara Su, Facebook news feed product manager, in a blog. She added that Facebook would keep testing its “related article” feature and work on other changes to its news feed to cut down on false news.

Bank of England cuts growth forecasts, keeps rates low LONDON — The Bank tighten their belts because the of England kept interest rates on pound’s weakness has made hold Thursday as it cut growth many imported goods more forecasts for this year and expensive. Negotiations between next, saying that it expects the the two sides are in their early economy to remain “sluggish” as stages, with differences over and financial household incomes are squeezed immigration by inflation that followed the obligations threatening Britain’s goal of retaining access to the Brexit vote. The bank’s Monetary European single market. uncertainty Policy Committee voted 6-2 to Brexit keep rates at a record-low 0.25 “weighs on the decisions of percent amid uncertainty about businesses and households and Britain’s economic prospects holds down both demand and when it leaves the European supply,” Carney told reporters Union in 2019. The central bank after the bank released its cut its estimate for economic quarterly review of economic growth this year to 1.7 percent trends. The pound fell 0.7 from the previous estimate of 1.9 percent, and to 1.6 percent in percent to $1.3132 in early afternoon trading as the prospect 2018 from 1.7 percent. Bank Governor Mark of slower economic growth Carney said companies are damped expectations for a rate reining in spending because increase in the next few months. the details of Britain’s future The currency had risen to an relationship with the EU are 11-month high after the MPC’s still unclear, even as consumers previous meeting, when three

policymakers voted to raise rates. Some economists had called for a rate increase after inflation accelerated to 2.9 percent in May, well above the bank’s target of 2 percent. But the rate dipped to 2.6 percent in June, easing pressure for a rise. While rates are on hold for now, the bank warned they may eventually rise more quickly than markets seem to expect. For example, Howard Archer, chief economist of the EY ITEM Club, has predicted rates will rise to 0.50 percent by the third quarter of 2018. “If the economy follows a path broadly consistent with its central projection, then monetary policy could need to be tightened by a somewhat greater extent over the forecast horizon than the very gently rising path implied by the market yield curve at the time of the forecast,” Carney said.

HBO plays down threat of hacked internal documents YORK — HBO, which acknowledged Monday that hackers had broken into its systems and stolen “proprietary information,” now says the attackers likely haven’t breached the network’s entire email system. In a Wednesday email to employees, CEO Richard Plepler wrote that “we do not believe that our email system as a whole has been compromised.” He added that a review continues, and said HBO is hiring an outside firm to help employees monitor their financial accounts. Purported hackers said in email that they’d accessed HBO’s internal network and email system and then posted

stolen information online. An with Google on behalf of HBO, archived version of the named noting that the named website website appeared to have links to “shares thousands of Home Box downloadable episodes for several Office (HBO) internal company HBO shows, including “Insecure” documents.” IP-Echelon Pty Ltd. and “Ballers,” and what it said regularly files such copyrightwas a link to “script & film” to infringement notices on behalf two “Game of Thrones” episodes, of large media entertainment including an upcoming one. companies, including HBO. AP did not test the Federal law requires links. The site was not loading internet companies like Google Wednesday afternoon. to remove links to sites that But HBO appeared infringe copyright once they to indirectly confirm that this receive such notifications. Google website linked to potentially routinely forward such notices to sensitive internal material the longstanding public-interest including “documents, images, repository Lumen, formerly videos and sound.” known as Chilling Effects, once it On Tuesday, a company has complied. called IP-Echelon filed a report

Thousands show up for jobs at Amazon warehouses in US cities

Applicants wait in line to enter a job fair at an Amazon fulfillment center, in Kent, Washington FALL RIVER, Mass. — Thousands of people showed up Wednesday for a chance to pack and ship products to Amazon customers, as the e-commerce company held a giant job fair at nearly a dozen U.S. warehouses. Although the wages offered will make it hard for some to make ends meet, many of the candidates were excited by the prospect of health insurance and other benefits, as well as advancement opportunities. It’s common for Amazon to ramp up its shipping center staff in August to prepare for holiday shopping. But the magnitude of its current hiring spree underscores Amazon’s growth when traditional retailers are closing stores — and blaming Amazon for a shift to buying goods online. Amazon said it received “a record-breaking 20,000 applications” and hired thousands of people on the spot, and will hire more in the coming days. That number represented fewer than half of the 50,000 people it had said it planned to hire. Most of the jobs are full-time positions in packing, sorting and shipping and will count toward Amazon’s previously announced goal of adding 100,000 full-time workers by the middle of next year. The bad news is that more people are likely to lose jobs in stores than get jobs in warehouses, said Anthony Carnevale, director of Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce. On the flip side, Amazon’s warehouse jobs provide “decent and competitive” wages and could help build skills. “Interpersonal team work, problem solving, critical thinking, all that stuff goes on in these warehouses,” Carnevale said. “They’re serious entry-level jobs for a lot of young people, even those who are still making their way through school.” The company is advertising starting wages that range from $11.50 an hour in Chattanooga, Tennessee, to $13.75 an hour in Kent, Washington, near Amazon’s Seattle headquarters. The $11.50 rate amounts to about $23,920 a year. In Washington state, the current minimum wage is $11.50 but by 2020 will increase to $13.50. By comparison, the warehouse store operator Costco raised its minimum wage for entry-level workers last year from $13 to $13.50 an hour. Some job candidates Wednesday were looking to supplement other income. Rodney Huffman, a 27-year-old personal trainer, said the $13-an-hour job in Baltimore would pay enough to help cover bills while he starts his own company. “I’m looking to do the night shifts and then run my own company during the day,” he said. At one warehouse — Amazon calls them “fulfillment centers” — in Fall River, Massachusetts, Amazon was looking to hire more than 200 people Wednesday, adding to a workforce of about 1,500. Employees there focus on sorting, labeling and shipping what the company calls “non-sortable” items — big products such as shovels, kayaks, surfboards, grills, car seats — and lots of giant diaper boxes. Other warehouses are focused on smaller products.

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Maintenance Technician (Part-Time) Looking for a qualified and experience Maintenance Technician to work around 3 days a week. Duties include: •Perform general repair and maintenance work as assigned. •Respond to work orders as requested and complete all recordkeeping associated with the order. •Ensure all work is carried out safely and efficiently and in compliance with any applicable regulations. •Ensure all equipment, materials and supplies are used in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. •Ensure all work areas are kept clean, tidy and safe. •Other duties as may be requested or required by department or another manager. Key Skills and Requirement: • AC/Refrigeration & Plumbing Skills are a plus •Knowledge of safe and proper use of equipment and materials. •Able to stand, bend and reach for extended periods. • Able to lift 50 lbs. Starting salary $10 per hour Engineering Storeroom Clerk Requirements: • Customer services skills • 2 years’ experience work as a storeroom clerk Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts including Saturdays and Sundays. Duties Include: • maintain the storeroom by properly storing all food, beverage and consumable goods in pre- designated areas with proper rotation • Maintains proper storage of all food goods in their pre-designated areas • Keep storerooms organized and clean for proper storage • Maintain cleanliness of storerooms daily • Maintains and clean delivery truck • Deliver in-house requisitions to each department location and ensures that requisition is signed by the receiver. • Ensures that requisition signed by the receiver is given to Purchasing Director and Purchasing Assistant. Starting salary $8 per hour plus service charge. IT Technician* Requirements: • Minimum of 3 years’ experience as an IT Technician • Post -secondary degree or equivalent qualification by experience Stewarding Trainee Manager Requirements: • Looking for a bright, ambitious and focused person who wants to grow in the field of stewarding. • Must have a passion or interest in working in the kitchens, equipment, food productions, sanitation,hygiene and safety. • Must be willing to work late evenings beyond midnight as major banqueting events and functions require. Must be willing and able to assist in organizing and delegating large banquet functions. • Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts including Saturdays and Sundays. Duties Include: • Ensures the maintenance of clean, sanitized kitchen by supervising steward personnel • Issuing cleaning supplies to stewards, checking usage and making adjustments • Ensuring that kitchen floors and walk-ins are clean • Monitoring cafeteria and provide assistance to kitchen personnel during setup and clean-up Working with the Food & Beverage Director banquet orders • Conducting regular inventory of and ensuring proper amounts china, dishes etc. are available • Assisting in ensuring the training of and proper use daily of all safety, hygiene and sanitation

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017

planners • Must have experience selling luxury Caribbean properties and understand wholesalers, FIT and high-end travel agency professionals. • Must understand sales metrics and reporting • Must be able and willing to work all days and shift Duties Include: • Analyzing sales and marketing statistics to determine profitability of sold business and opportunities within target markets • Must have experience working with Opera and Visual One, Mitel Phone System, Cisco CCTV System, Fiber Optic Music System (fiber optic), Micros, Data Works and Premier Spa • Must be able to respond quickly and effectively to diagnose and resolve hardware and software problems for all systems, and document tracks and reports on deficiencies, progress and follow-up • Must read, speak and write English fluently • Must be able to work all days and shifts and be on call for emergency service request Duties Include: • Providing routine maintenance of hardware,software and systems • Installing/configuring computers/telephones and point of sales equipment and other systems equipment. • Installing, maintaining and repairing wifi system equipment • Installing/maintaining/repairing CCTV System • Repairing/upgrading hardware and software. • Troubleshooting printers/scanners/copiers. • Maintaining inventory of equipment and supplies. • Maintaining server room(s) and ensuring proper security for such. • Completing system backups according to required schedule. Starting salary $32,000-$35,000 not including service charge. Gardener * Duties Include: • Take on special landscaping or planting projects as deemed necessary by the Landscaping manager • Mow the lawns, prune the bushes and trees, edge the walkways and give the grounds a manicured look • Operate equipment to keep all of the walkways and building entrances cleared and safe • Collaborate with maintenance team to make sure the grounds and the building are always properly cared for • Perform regular maintenance and minor repairs on the lawn care equipment and tools • Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts including Saturdays and Sundays. • Negotiating and closing contracts, with approval of Director of Sales and Marketing, with key customers • Creating 100% guest satisfaction and delivery of Regent experience • Communicating sales and guest information to departments as appropriate • Identify potential customers, initiate contract, and make sales call • Conduct on-site tour sales presentation in accordance with brand standards Starting salary $40,000- 60,000 per annum not including service charge Pool and Beach Attendant * Requirements: • Must be able to work in all outdoor element, rain, sun, etc. as required • Must be able to work long hours on feet • Must be able to lift 30lbs or more • Must be trained and certified in CPR, First Aid. • Life guard experience is a plus • Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts Duties Include: •t Creating a luxury guest experience through delivery of high level service for all pool and beach services Starting salary $6.25 per hour not including service charge.

Manager of Travel Industry Sales * The Palms Turks and Caicos is a 72-suite luxury resort, which features elegantly appointed luxury rooms, with one, two and three-bedroom suites. World class amenities include a 25,000 square foot spa, banquet facilities and two signature restaurants. The Manger of Travel Industry Sales is a key part of our U. S. based sales team, responsible for group and leisure sales.

Youth Program Manager* Requirements: • 3-5 years’ experience managing children’s program and facilities with capability to distinguish age-appropriate activities and behavior; education and credentials in child development • Certified in CPR, water safety and First Aid • Post-secondary degree or equivalent qualification by experience • Knowledge of kids’ programs, logistics and related skills as well as competitor’s products and services • Experience developing annual budget in conjunction with Controller and General Manager Must be able and willing to work all days and shifts including Saturdays and Sundays.

Requirements: • Post-secondary degree or equivalent qualification by experience • Strong written and verbal skills with documented responsibility for promotions, sales and marketing. • 5-7 yrs. in luxury travel/hospitality sales, with established relationships with top luxury wholesalers, travel agents, incentive houses, and meeting

Duties Include: • Developing, implementing and marketing youth program facilities • Managing the operations of the kids’ club with wide variety of activities for all ages • Order and maintain supplies and equipment as well as operating equipment Starting salary $28,000 per annum not including service charge.

POSITIONS MARKED WITH (*) ARE POSITIONS CURRENTLY HELD BY A WORK PERMIT HOLDER Interested applicants should apply to The Palms, Human Resources Department, Monday through Friday, and bring along an updated resume, or by emailing your resume to careers@thepalmstc.com, no later than end of day Monday, August 17th, 2017

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


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Alexandra Resort, Blue Haven Resort & Marina and the Beach House We are seeking to employ, suitably qualified and experienced hospitality professionals in the positions listed below. Our ideal candidate should have an outstanding command of the English language, written and oral, strong communication and excellent customer service skills. Salary for these positions will commensurate with qualifications and experience. Executive Sous Chef Reporting to the Executive Chef, responsibilities and essential job functions include but are not limited to the following: Responsibilities: •Candidate must demonstrate a proven track record of successfully leading/managing in an upscale Food & Beverage environment; with strong culinary experience and training. •Responsible for the execution of all company policies and procedures, ensuring that all services provided achieve the established standards within the agreed budgetary controls. •Advise the Executive Chef on all matters relating to the kitchen area and ensure a high standard of cleanliness and hygienic practice throughout the kitchen. •To assist the Executive Chef in budgeting i.e food cost/payroll/etc. •Ensure guest satisfaction with the smooth and effective running of the day-to-day operation. •Organize training and development of culinary staff members through the training department •To maintain control of the standards for purchasing and receiving items. •To test and evaluate products for quality, paying particular attention to yield/holding qualities/market price and wastage •Constantly inspect all food service sections during service time to ensure that the correct standards are maintained. •Responsible for control of equipment and scheduling maintenance. Requirements: •Minimum of 5 years of previous Food and Beverage international experience in a senior leadership role. •University/College degree •Computer literate in Microsoft Window applications required •Strong interpersonal and problem solving abilities •Developed proficiency with forecasting, cost controls and scheduling through related experience. •Dynamic, enthusiastic, creative leader who thrives under pressure and is able to perform multiple functions and troubleshoot when need. •Highly responsible & reliable with the ability to work well under pressure in fast paced environment. •Ability to work cohesively as part of a team •Ability to focus attention on guest needs, remaining calm and courteous at all times •Must be able to work a flexible schedule including nights, weekends and holidays.

qualifications and experience of the successful applicant. Group Executive Pastry Chef Reporting to the Vice President of Hospitality, responsibilities and essential job functions include but are not limited to the following: Responsibilities: •Monitors customer satisfaction and consistently offer professional, friendly and proactive guest service while supporting fellow colleagues •Directs and oversees the pastry and baking functions of the kitchen(s), including menu development, •Develop new dessert, pastry and bread products while testing and developing recipes •Will be responsible for the creation of dessert menus to maximize profits and minimize loss. •Lead and manage the quality and quantity of the Pastry department, as well as coordinate the production as it relates to banquet and restaurant functions •Create budgets and adhering to sanitation regulations. •Maintaining payroll costs, inventories, purchasing, cost control and productivity within budgeted guidelines •Supervising employees, ordering supplies, •To assist in the recruitment and training of all new Pastry Cooks •Balance operational, administrative and Colleague needs •Follow company policies, procedures and service standards •Follow all safety and sanitation policies when handling food and beverage •Other duties as may be assigned by management •A formal contract will be drawn up once you have accepted our offer. Meanwhile this letter outlines the basic employment agreement. Requirements: •Minimum of 5 years of previous Food and Beverage international experience in a senior leadership role. •University/College degree •Computer literate in Microsoft Window applications required •Strong interpersonal and problem solving abilities •Developed proficiency with forecasting, cost controls and scheduling through related experience. •Dynamic, enthusiastic, creative leader who thrives under pressure and is able to perform multiple functions and troubleshoot when need. •Highly responsible & reliable with the ability to work well under pressure in fast paced environment. •Ability to work cohesively as part of a team •Ability to focus attention on guest needs, remaining calm and courteous at all times •Must be able to work a flexible schedule including nights, weekends and holidays. Salary range for this position begins at $45,000.00 per annum and will commensurate with the qualifications and experience of the successful applicant.

Salary range for this position begins at $30,000.00 per annum and will commensurate with the Interested persons may contact our HR department you may submit your resume with qualifications and experience via email to: hr@wihl.com Please also submit a copy of your completed application to our local labor department. Closing date ---- August 13th, 2017`



POSITION: Housekeeping/Room Attendant Job Requirements: • Ensure the cleanliness of all hotel areas • Assist in all Housekeeping responsibilities, cleaning of all guest rooms, stocking amenities and linens • Physical stamina and mobility including ability to reach, kneel and bend • Ability to lift, push and pull required load (usually about 30lbs) • Ensure inventory is used properly and in supply at all times • Possess knowledge of proper cleaning supplies and chemical handling Qualified Islanders and Belongers need only to apply Wage: $6.25 per hour DATE OPEN: July 24, 2017


POSITION: Stove Technician Job Requirements: •Ensure equipment operating by following operating instructions •Equipment maintenance •Ability to investigate complaints; conduct tests; and resolve problems •Perform preventive maintenance duties on commercial stoves/

grills such as cleaning, greasing, oil changes •Work during scheduled shutdowns, shift work, and, when necessary, overtime hours toaccommodate scheduled maintenance of equipment This position is currently held by an expatriate worker Qualified Islanders need only to apply copying applications to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Wage: $7.00 per hour DATE OPEN: July 24, 2017


POSITION: Kitchen Steward Job Overview: Transport and clean cooking utensils and service ware in order to provide cooks, bus persons and food and food servers with appropriate equipment for guests’ dining experience, also clean physical surroundings while caring enough to do it well by adhering to the hotel standards, A few of their duties would entail promptly and carefully sorting soiled ware so that it can be put through the dish or pot machine properly; quickly washing ware and replacing them in storage areas as designated and ensuring the dish machine is properly cleaned and filled with water per hotel standards. Shifts varies. Full time. Weekend and holiday work may be required. This position is currently held by an expatriate worker Qualified Islanders need only to apply copying applications to the Commissioner of Labour & Work Permit Board Zone 2 Wage: $6.25 per hour

Interested persons can contact our Human Resources Department @ (649) 946-8550 Ext. 7500 Email: nikiesha@thewestbayclub.com Fax: (649) 941-8695 P.O. Box 128 Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies

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The Sands is now accepting applications/résumé for the following positions. Only highly self-driven & motivated, personable and professional individuals, whom have the desire to serve others, need apply: MANAGERIAL, SUPERVISORY & SKILLED POSITIONS GENERAL MANAGER* Responsibilities: •Full responsibility for operating success of the Resort •Ensuring that the selection, training and ongoing direction for Resort associates is such that it maintains high level of job satisfaction, morale and teamwork among associates in all areas •Achieve financial/budgeting goals and expectations as established in the annual business plan for all areas of responsibility, and organize/ implement strategic and tactical plans to facilitate this aim •Achieve high levels of quality guest service and customer satisfaction for Resort guests Requirements: •Must have at least 8 years managerial experience at a property of similar size and quality. •Strong operational expertise in rooms; marketing; facilities/systems (including preventive maintenance); recreation and other ancillary disciplines •Must have managerial experience in the Condo Strata Management •Ability to inspire, train, and develop people for promotion by encouraging and supporting career development, and driving continuous learning •Ability to implement a highly consistent customer service culture •Ability to instill a highly consistent guest service attitude in all employees MAINTENANCE MANAGER DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES •Establish goals, measurements and results for the department along with the General Manager. •Involvement in the preparation of the Maintenance Operating and Capital budgets. •General operational and preventative maintenance of systems including: Boilers and heating systems; make up air and HVAC systems; Pool facilities; and General plumbing issues. •Maintain hotel guest rooms and public areas by performing routine maintenance jobs and repairs. •Troubleshoot and perform minor repairs on heating, cooling and ventilation systems. •Troubleshoot and perform minor repairs on plumbing systems, electrical systems and appliances. •Maintain the hot tub by ensuring a safe chemical balance through frequent testing. •Organize, implement and track all maintenance projects for guestrooms and public areas. •Monitor and revise as needed, departmental health & safety tools including training programs, policies and practices. •Ensure a safe work environment is maintained at all times and that all colleagues are committed to working safely. •Partner with Front Office Manager to ensure safe guest evacuation during emergencies (i.e. Fire Alarm). •Motivate, train and lead maintenance personnel by personal example with a philosophy of work conduct, enthusiasm and personal development that leads to maximum performance and job satisfaction. •Effective scheduling, vacation planning and department productivity to budget. •Effective and timely interaction with all Hotel & Restaurant departments and positively impact guest experience by effectively and efficiently resolving maintenance concerns. •Effective and timely interaction with HR regarding payroll (i.e. set up new hires, etc). •Occasional maintenance to staff residence as required. •A positive contributor to the leadership team of the hotel. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES •Prior Maintenance Management and/or supervisory experience within a operation equal in size and facilities. •Strong communication skills, both written and verbal. Proven ability to motivate and lead employees in a busy, high quality environment. •Background in electrical and or plumbing are essential. •Good English communication skills (both written & oral). •Ability to respond quickly in a dynamic and changing environment. Ability to handle multiple requests in a fast-paced environment. •Good training, coaching and mentoring skills are essential. •Proven experience with budgets and payroll process is essential. •Completion of high school and technical training required. •Majority of work shift requires standing or walking 90% of the work day •Many tasks require sitting, bending, stooping, kneeling, and/or positioning to accomplish tasks •Able to lift and carry up to 50+ lbs. is common and up to 150lbs with assistance •Reaching is required at all levels throughout the work period •Climbing of stairs is required and may require up to 50% of the time •Previous hotel maintenance experience preferred •Able to work efficiently under time constraints •Able to work independently and with others Salary start at $38,000.00 commensurate with qualifications and experience

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017

EXECUTIVE HOUSEKEEPING MANAGER Responsibilities: Uphold and update established Housekeeping and Laundry operating procedures and standards. Develop, implement and coordinate new Housekeeping and Laundry procedures. Plan and coordinate housekeeping staff job duties, responsibilities, and activities including that of housekeeping managers and supervisors. Coordinate and complete inspections of assigned areas for quality checks and cleanliness controls in accordance to standards. Coordinate, administer and complete administrative tasks as required. REQUIREMENTS Education: Bachelor’s Degree preferred. Experience: Minimum of five years as an Executive Housekeeper is required. The individual must possess Housekeeping and Laundry Department management working knowledge, and experience, skills and abilities. Must be able to explain, demonstrate and perform all related job duties, functions, and responsibilities of Housekeeping and Laundry department operations. QUALIFICATION STANDARDS Education High school or equivalent education required. Bachelor’s Degree preferred. Experience Minimum of 5 years’ experience in a managerial position in the Housekeeping & Laundry Department. Licenses or Certificates Executive Housekeeper Certification or time on the job equivalent as stated above required. Essential Functions 1.Plans, organizes, directs and controls all housekeeping and laundry activities, maintains the high levels of cleanliness standards, orderly and attractive conditions on guest floors, public/common and employee areas. Oversees, and implements working rules with proper execution to meet those standards. 2.Monitors and maintains a healthy and safe environment for owners, guests, employees, suppliers and vendors. 3.Conducts and keep records of goods received, housekeeping and laundry staff, inventories, cleaning projects, housekeeping checklists, and room inspections for guest rooms and public areas. 4.Familiarizes him /herself and carries out policies and procedures established by the Sands at Grace Bay. 5.Initiates and aides in effective communication within the department and other departments. 6.Carries out the following routine assignments as required. (This list is not exhaustive) Salary start at $30, 000.00 commensurate with qualifications and experience NIGHT AUDITOR POSITION PURPOSE To maintain all necessary income reports and journals by accurately auditing the daily revenues of the hotel and it’s Outlets. DAILY COMMUNICATIONS: 1.Reports directly to Financial Controller & Front Office Manager. 2.Interacts with front office, accounting, housekeeping and security staff, staff from other departments and Sands outlets as required. 3.Works closely with staff from the front office, accounts receivable, and front office supervisors and managers. 4.Coordinates and works closely with Front Office Manager and Sands Outlets regarding room posting requirements. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS Oversees all daily and periodic audits of hotel revenues ensuring timeliness, accuracy and completeness. •Distributes the work to the appropriate accounting personnel. •Spreads all miscellaneous wash accounts. •Researches all unpaid tickets and properly posts charges. •Posts all Sands Outlet charges accordingly to the correct account/s. •Prepares all necessary daily and period end reports. •Maintains filing system for daily information; registration cards, credit cards, restaurant charges, etc. •Prepares the daily sales report. •Prepares the Maintenance work logs for arrival rooms. •Sends weekly sales information to corporate office in a timely manner. •Completes period end journals. •Completes forecast accuracy report of rooms, guests and outlets. •Prepares reports as requested for improved management decision making and critical evaluation of work activities. •Creates 100% guest satisfaction by providing Hartling Group Service Culture hospitality and by exceeding guest expectations. •Gives personal attention, takes personal responsibility and uses teamwork when providing guest service. •Listens, apologizes with empathy, finds a solution and follows through when resolving guest problems. •Assumes the responsibility to notice when the guest is not satisfied and uses their best judgment as to when it is appropriate. •Performs check-in and check-out of hotel guests and owners. •Performs other duties as required and requested by management. SPECIFIC JOB KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES The individual must possess the following knowledge, skills and abilities and be able to explain and demonstrate that he or she can perform the essential functions of the job, using some other combination of knowledge, skills, and abilities.

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


•Must be able to speak, read, write and understand the primary language(s) used in the workplace to facilitate the communication process. •Requires good communication skills, both verbal and written. •Must have prior front desk or auditor experience. •Must possess basic computational ability. QUALIFICATION STANDARDS Education Completion of High School or equivalent education preferred. Experience Must have worked in hotels or other institution in a similar capacity. Grooming Must maintain a neat, clean and well-groomed appearance per The Sands at Grace Bay standards. Salary starts at $9.00 per hour HOUSEKEEPING SUPERVISOR Responsibilities: •Ensures maximum efficiency in the performance of Housekeeping staff in guest rooms and surrounding areas. •Familiarizes him / herself with and carries out the policies and procedures of The Sands. •Offers all possible assistance to guests, initiates corrective action on complaints regarding guest cleanliness and servicing of guest rooms. •Evaluates and updates the Executive Housekeeper on the performance of Housekeeping staff. Recommends appropriate action such as commendation and/or discipline. Requirements: •High school diploma or equivalent. •Must have supervised a minimum of 10-15 employees. •Most work tasks are performed indoors and outdoors. Temperature is moderate and controlled by hotel environmental systems. •Must be able to stand and exert well-paced mobility for up to 3 hours in length. •Must be able to lift up to 40 lbs. on a regular and continual basis. •Must be able to push and/or pull carts and equipment weighing up to 200 lbs. on a regular and continual basis. •Must be able to exert well-paced ability in limited space. •Must be able to bend, stoop, squat and stretch to fulfill cleaning tasks. •Must have minimum of 3 years supervisory experience in the Hotel/Resort and/or Hospitality Industry. •Must be able to speak, read, write and understand the primary language(s) used in the workplace. •Must be able to read and write the primary language(s) to facilitate the communication process. •Requires excellent communication skills, both verbal, written. •Must possess basic computational ability and technological use of hotel PMS system, and Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook. •Must work weekends and holidays. •Must have reliable transportation to get to and from work. •Must work PM shifts as business demands according to the operations policy. MAINTENANCE TECHINICAN Responsibilities: •To skillfully and professionally perform all scheduled maintenance related jobs. •Account for time spent on individual works and actively seek further tasks when assigned tasks are completed. •To advise the Maintenance Manager/Maintenance Supervisor when parts or supplies need to be reordered.

Quincy Thomas South Caicos

Is looking for Labourer To work 6 days per week Salary Negotiable Contact# 331-0712

Frank Lockhart South Caicos

Is looking for Labourer To work 6 days per week Salary Negotiable Contact# 247-2075

Serge Bernadin

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•Perform weekly and monthly physical counts of all inventory stock and tooling and requirements. •Other duties as deemed necessary by the Maintenance Manager/ Maintenance Supervisor Requirements: •High school or equivalent education required •Must have Minimum professional qualification/certification in Plumbing/Carpentry//Electrical/ Mechanical and A/C related trades. •Must have minimum of two years hands- on experience working on minor electrical, painting, plumbing, carpentry and a/c Salary start at $7.00 per hour RESERVATIONS / SALES AGENT Responsibilities: •Handle incoming reservations, utilize up selling and value-added techniques •Process advance deposits •Process all electronic and faxed requests •Perform job functions with attention to detail, speed and accuracy •Be able to prioritize and organize incoming and outgoing work flow •Be a clear thinker, remaining calm and resolving problems using good judgment •Follow directions thoroughly •Understand guest service and request needs •Work cohesively with co-workers as part of a team •Work with minimal supervision •Maintain confidentiality of guest information and pertinent hotel data Requirements: •High school diploma •Must have experience in the Hotel/Resort and/or Hospitality Industry •Visual One/Opera experience is highly preferred •Must be able to type more than 40 words per minute •Strong Grammar, Reading and Writing Skills •Must have great Customer Service Skills and telephone etiquette •Must be able to speak, read, write and understand the primary language(s) used in the workplace. •Must possess basic computational ability (basic mathematics, word, excel, outlook) Salary start at $9.00 per hour LINE POSITIONS HOUSEKEEPING ROOM ATTENDANT* HOUSEMAN* LABOURER* GROUNDSMEN* FRONT DESK AGENT COMMON AREA ATTENDANT SECURITY OFFICER PBX OPERATOR Positions marked by asterisks are currently held by work permit persons. For the above line staff positions, Caribbean resort experience is an asset but not a requirement. Applicants must have a willing, positive and personable attitude, must be willing to work holidays and weekends as standard in the hospitality industry. Salary will commensurate with experience. Turks Island citizen’s only need to apply in person to Kitchandra McDonald, Assistant Human Resources Manager at The Sands Resort located on Grace Bay Road, Providenciales, the Turks and Caicos Labour Department, or e-mail: humanresource@thesandstc.com Resumes/CV’s must be in by Monday August 21st, 2017.

Franklyn Wilson Requires a Carpenter

Is looking for a Domestic worker To work 5 days per week in South Caicos Salary $6.25 per hour Contact# 346-4413

Andy Lightbourne Grand Turk NEEDS A CARETAKER Salary $6.25 per hour To work 6 days per week Please Contact 244-4724

To do renovations and extension to his dwelling in Grand Turk Salary $300.00 per week To work 5 days per week Please contact Frank at 243-6789

Austin Dickenson

SAVOR LTD SEEKS 1 Head Chef Must have experience in cooking, organising the kitchen, scheduling staff, experience in different cuisines To work flexible hours and weekends Salary- Negotiable and based on experience Please Contact: 331-0221/ or email resumes to savorholding.tciway.tc Is seeking a Baker Should have experience in baking different kind of pastries, bread and cakes To work 6 days per week Salary $9.00 per hour Please contact- 432-6266

Is looking for a Domestic worker To work 5 days per week Salary $6.25 per hour Contact# 241-1549 #461966

Is seeking a Bursta – $7.00 per hour Experience in coffee environment & Coffee making Chef De Partie- $9.00 per hour To work 6 days per week hours should be flexible

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AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


Look out for the new Usain! Will it be pronounced Wayde?

LONDON — Usain Bolt rarely-run 300, second-best time in the doesn’t really want to anoint the next 200 this season. And even in the 100, “Usain” in track and field, but when his 9.94 seconds makes him the sixthpressed during the leadup to his last best performer this year. world championships he does have a Don’t count on him running all name in mind — Wayde van Niekerk. three sprints in London, though. A 200 “One person I know that will 400 double would probably make him step up and he’s been doing good — the star of the event. Van Niekerk is really showing that he While van Niekerk may have wants to really take my place,” Bolt the times and the fitness to take over said. Bolt’s mantle, he is still lacking the Beyond the amazing things outsize personality, charisma and Bolt did throughout his career, two signature celebratory move. Unlike record runs by other athletes stand out Bolt, there is still no lightning when over the past decade: David Rudisha the South African runner enters a setting a world record to win the 800 room. meters at the London Olympics and And that is just OK with the South Africa’s Van Niekerk running soft-spoken 25-year-old from Cape in the outside lane at the Rio Games Town. last year to win gold with a 400-meter “I find it extremely difficult world record. to even come close to what Usain has Rudisha is out injured for represented in his charismatic ways,” the world championships, starting in Van Niekerk said. “Usain has set the London on Friday. But this year, there bar quite high.” seems to be no stopping Van Niekerk, Yet nothing daunts him. The who seems ready to stamp his name on 400-meter record by Michael Johnson the London meet. was set in 1999 and was supposed to Just how good is he now? Top be untouchable. And few gave a chance time in the 400, world-best time (the to Van Niekerk to get even close to the equivalent of a world record) in the mark last year when he was allotted

Neymar pays Barca record $262million to free him for PSG move BARCELONA, Spain — Brazil star Neymar has cleared the way for him to join Paris SaintGermain by paying a 222 million euro ($262 million) buyout clause Thursday that frees him from his contract with Barcelona. There was no immediate confirmation of a transfer by PSG. But Neymar’s representative Wagner Ribeiro had already said on Wednesday that PSG was willing to pay the clause. Barcelona said in a statement that “Neymar Jr’s legal representatives visited in person the club’s offices and made the payment of 222 million euros in the player’s name with regards to the unilateral termination of the contract that united both parties.” The payment of the clause shatters the previous world record transfer of 105 million euros (then $116 million) that Manchester United paid for France midfielder Paul Pogba last year. Barcelona also said that “the club will pass on to UEFA the details of the above operation so that they can determine the disciplinary responsibilities that may arise from this case.” The comment follows a claim by Spanish league president Javier Tebas on Wednesday that Neymar’s move would break Financial Fair Play rules introduced by UEFA, European soccer’s ruling body. Barcelona did all it could to stop Neymar from leaving, and had vowed to complain to UEFA if his seemingly untouchable release clause

At 25 years old, Neymar is already one of soccer’s top talents was triggered. France’s budget minister also had reason to celebrate. Gerald Darmanin told France-Inter radio “It’s better that this football player pays his taxes in France than elsewhere.” Neymar scored 105 goals playing alongside Lionel Messi and was a key playmaker for Barcelona as it won a Champions League, two Spanish leagues, three Copa del Reys, one Club World Cup, a UEFA Super Cup and two Spanish Super Cups. The expectation at PSG will be for him to lead it to elusive Champions League success.

Wayde van Niekerk the outside for the Olympic final, where all others can target you — and you see no one usually until it’s too late to react. Still, it produced one of the most stirring runs in Olympic history when nobody could catch him as he won in a record 43.03 seconds. Bolt’s 200 world record of

19.19 is considered out-of-reach. But Van Niekerk knows better. “I long time don’t believe in ‘unbeatable’ anymore,” he said. At a blink, he seems to be in a league all his own, yet opposition is pushing him. During his last race in Monaco two weeks ago, he only just held off Isaac Makwala, who has emerged as a top challenger. Underscoring his excellent form this season, the Botswanan became the first man ever to run a sub-20 200 and a sub-44 400 on the same night. And in the 200, Makwala has the season’s top time ahead of Van Niekerk. In the 200, Andre De Grasse was expected to take over from Bolt, but the Canadian is out injured. Too bad Bolt won’t be joining Van Niekerk in the 200. He’s only running the 100 and the relay in London, his farewell meet. The 30-year-old Bolt said age conspired against him so late in his career. “That is one of the most disappointing things: that he came along at this late stage that I didn’t get to compete against him.”

Former boxing champion Klitschko announces retirement Wladimir Klitschko ruled the had lost his WBA, IBF and WBO heavyweight scene with a steel glove heavyweight belts in a disappointing for more than a decade yet it was a defeat by Britain’s Tyson Fury in defeat by Anthony Joshua which 2015, has decided enough is enough. ensured the Ukrainian retired on “Fresh Challenges” Thursday with the universal respect “Twenty-seven years ago I that eluded him for so long. started my journey,” he said in the Often denigrated for a robotic video announcing his decision to style, short on flair, Klitschko reigned retire on Thursday. “And it was the supreme in a heavyweight era best choice of profession I could have suffering from a dearth of box office ever made. names. “At some point in our lives The 41-year-old dispatched we need to, or just want to, switch our a regular supply of average fighters careers and get ourselves ready for to reach 64 career victories yet few, if the next chapter and chart a course any of them, will feature in a showreel towards fresh challenges. Obviously I of the sport’s greatest contests. am not an exception to this and now Instead it will be his final is my turn. fight, against Britain’s Joshua, that “I’m doing this with ... will be define Klitschko’s legacy. tremendous excitement, dedication, Despite a 14-year age gap passion; expecting and hoping that and fighting in front of a partisan my next career, which I’ve already 90,000 Wembley Stadium crowd, been planning and working on Klitschko produced arguably his best for some years, will be at least as performance before being stopped in successful as my previous one, if not the 11th round of a sensational fight. more successful.” Had he finished off a wobbling Klitschko turned professional Joshua in the sixth round Klitschko in 1996 shortly after winning superwould have become only the second heavyweight gold at the Atlanta fighter after George Foreman to win Olympics. a recognised version of the world title He won his first 24 fights as a 40-something. before losing to American Ross Yet, even in defeat, a global Puritty in 1998 - his only fight in his audience finally gave the Germany- native Ukraine. based fighter the acclaim he deserved Klitschko won his first world for a career in which he carried the a title in 2000, beating American Chris sport so often dragged into the gutter Byrd to claim the WBO title. with professionalism and dignity. He suffered defeats at the An eagerly anticipated Las hands of South Africa’s Corrie Sanders Vegas re-match with Joshua was and American Lamon Brewster in in the pipeline, yet Klitschko, who 2003 and 2004.

AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


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Michael Jordan has five reasons he still ranks Kobe Bryant ahead of LeBron James

In the minds of many NBA fans, LeBron James has surpassed Kobe Bryant in the all-time rankings. After all, James has now led teams to as many consecutive NBA Finals as Bryant went to in his 20-year career, James has four MVP awards to Bryant’s one and three Finals MVP awards to Bryant’s two, and James has better numbers in almost every major statistical category. However, at least one NBA figure still ranks Bryant above James: Michael Jordan. Asked about it recently, His Airness had five reasons to side with the former Lakers great. Jordan was at his Flight School summer camp in Santa Barbara, Calif., when a camper posed the question. “Would I rank LeBron over Kobe? In terms of best of all time? No,” Jordan replied. “There’s something about five that beats three.” “Kobe won five championships. LeBron won three,” Jordan explained, although he did note James’s string of seven straight appearances. Jordan himself, of course, went six for six in

As far as Michael Jordan is concerned, LeBron James, left, is still chasing Kobe Bryant’s legacy the Finals during a career that has him on the all-time list?), but you can’t fault widely hailed as the greatest player in him for expressing an inconsistent NBA history. point of view. In 2013, before James Some might disagree with won his second title as a member of the Jordan’s stated logic (would anyone Heat, Jordan offered this answer to the argue that Robert Horry’s seven rings Kobe-LeBron question: “If you had to put him above both Bryant and James pick between the two, that would be a

De Grasse out of the World Championships with injury

tough choice, but five beats one every time I look at it,” Jordan said. “And not that [James] won’t get five. He may get more than that, but five is bigger than one.” James has closed the gap, but three is still less than five, so perhaps it’s no surprise that Jordan hasn’t changed his mind. It’s also possible that Jordan is insisting on a criterion that a) makes it impossible to argue that Bryant was better than him and b) makes it difficult, at this point in his career, for James to surpass him. James has acknowledged he is chasing the “ghost” of Jordan, in terms of trying to establish himself as No. 1 in NBA annals. In December, James noted of Jordan that “our games are so different,” and it’s possible that the latter favors Bryant as much for his similar playing style as for his championship success. Of course, one person in particular should be delighted with Jordan’s analysis, and that’s Bill Russell. You know, he of the NBArecord 11 championships, as many as Jordan and Bryant combined.

Federer to launch hardcourt campaign in Montreal

Andre de Grasse has Caribbean roots. His mother, Beverley De Grasse, was a high school sprinter in Trinidad and Tobago before she moved to Canada at age 26. His father, Alexander Waithe, moved from Barbados to Canada as a teenager Andre de Grasse, the triple the 100m and 4 x 100m relay, had been Olympic sprint medalist, has pulled out due to line up in the 100m heats on the of the World Athletics Championships Championships’ opening day on Friday in London with injury, boosting Usain as the first part of another triple medal Bolt’s chances of a golden swansong. bid. The Canadian was expected He had recorded the fastest to be Bolt’s main rival for his 100 time of the year, albeit strongly windmeters crown in the Jamaican’s assisted, of 9.69 seconds in Stockholm farewell championship but he suffered in June and had been shaping up as a hamstring strain in training on the man most likely to spoil the script Monday and will miss the rest of the in Bolt’s final Championship. season. De Grasse first came on Bolt’s “The entire year this 100m radar last year at the Rio Games race in London was my focus. I am when the confident Canadian pushed really in the best shape of my life and him hard in the 200m semi-finals, was looking forward to competing prompting the Jamaican to wag his against the best in the world,” 22-year- finger at the youngster. old De Grasse said in a statement. The pair had seemed to get “To not have this opportunity on well but the atmosphere between is unimaginable to me but it is the them had evidently chilled a little this reality I am now faced with. year, if Bolt’s comments at a media “I am sad to miss this chance conference in London on Tuesday were but I am young and with treatment anything to go by. and rehabilitation I will be back and Asked who might fill his better than ever in the near future.” shoes after he retires, Bolt made what His manager Paul Doyle told appeared to be a pointed reference to Reuters the sprinter had suffered a De Grasse when he responded: “I’m not grade two hamstring strain to his going down that road. The last guy I right leg. said was going to be great disrespected “We tried to do everything we me.” could to have him ready but he’s just This was thought to be in not going to be ready,” Doyle said. response to De Grasse suggesting Bolt “Further MRI results today might be slowing down in his final showed it’s probably going to be season. another four to six weeks before he’s Also, there had been a claim fully recovered. from De Grasse’s team that Bolt had “So unfortunately he’s out of tried to get the Canadian ousted from the 100 meters, 200 meters and the the 100m that he was running at the relay and done for the season.” Diamond League meeting in Monaco De Grasse, who won the -- a suggestion of ‘running scared’ that Olympic 200m silver and bronzes in the Jamaican vehemently denied.

Roger Federer is regarded as the greatest tennis player of all time Grand slam king Roger since 2011 in the tournament that Federer will kick off his North alternates between Montreal and American hardcourt campaign and Toronto, where he registered his buildup to the U.S. Open by competing previous wins in 2004 and 2006. at the Rogers Cup in Montreal, the It has been a magical season for the 35-year-old Swiss highlighted Swiss confirmed on Tuesday. “I’m happy to be coming back by the 18th and 19th grand slam to Montreal, as I have not had the titles of his career at the Australian chance to play there for many years,” Open and Wimbledon, extending his said Federer in a statement released all-time men’s record haul. “We are celebrating today and by Tennis Canada. “This 2017 season has been the celebrations will continue over the very exciting and I am really looking next few days especially since Federer forward to being back on the court on will celebrate his birthday with us on August 8,” said tournament director the ATP Tour.” Federer will be seeking his Eugene Lapierre. third Rogers Cup title but first in The Rogers Cup runs from Montreal, where he has not competed Aug 6-13.

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AUGUST 5TH, 2017 – AUGUST 12TH, 2017


SAILROCKLIVING.COM | 1-649-941-2121 @SAILROCKLIVING | #DISCOVERSAILROCK Published by SUN MEDIA GROUP, Turks and Caicos Islands | Tel:649 348 6838 | Fax: 649 941 3281

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