2015 SILK ROAD No.39 臺北市立國樂團 國樂‧新絲路雙月刊 No.39

Page 10

New Vision

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潘努拉:指揮的責任 就是帶領樂團演奏 潘努拉口述,陳君笠撰文 圖│臺北市立國樂團

A Music Memo For Young Conductors From Jorma Panula By Christie Chen

高興臺北市立國樂團能夠舉辦一個跨越中 西音樂的比賽。其實,任何類型的音樂,對 指揮來說,都是一樣的。我個人認為,指揮最重 要工作,就是將樂譜上謄寫與記載的任何資訊, 透過與樂團合作,忠實地傳遞出來。所以,無論 音樂素材來自何處,指揮所肩負的責任,就是帶 領樂團演奏。 透過每位參賽者與樂團的排練,我們可以觀察 到樂曲速度是否恰當,預備拍手勢是否清晰,樂 團各聲部之間音量是否達到平衡,是否有做出樂 曲中音量或音色的強弱變化等細節。上述幾點, 是演奏音樂最基本的條件與要求,透過指揮動作 或手勢,並能夠傳達訊息給團員,由樂團演奏出 來。 慶賀比賽圓滿結束,在此也要給新秀指揮一些 建議: ( 一 ) 有效率的排練: 分配好樂曲每個段落所需要的排練時間,並關


February 2015

潘努拉說, Panula sa


am very glad that the Taipei Chinese Orchestra has organized an international conducting competition that saw contestants conducting both Chinese and Western music pieces. In fact, the responsibility of a conductor is the same no matter what the genre of music. In my view, the most important task of a conductor is to collaborate with the orchestra to faithfully relay whatever is written on the sheet music to the audience. A conductor’s job is to lead the orchestra, regardless of where the music comes from. By sitting in for the rehearsals of each contestant, we were able to learn if the tempo of the music was appropriate; if the preparatory beat gesture was clear; if the volume was balanced among the different parts of the orchestra; and if the timbre was right. These are the basic components of music performance. Through his or her gestures, a

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