Yearbook 2009

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ting O

a t in g C

st M.6 Gradu r i F ur

Ce l e b r a

Greetings Friends, Teachers and Students, As you know learning is a complex, multi-faceted process which must include learning not just from math, science, social studies and language books, but also learning from the book of life. As globalization continues to blur the borders between countries and international commerce is the rule of the day, it becomes increasingly important for students not only to understand their own people and cultures, but to understand the peoples and cultures of the world. Students today who enter the working world with the idea that they are taking their place as citizens of the world, and with all the responsibility that accompanies that place, will not only be personally successful, but will also have in important role in teaching by example the appreciation of otherûs differences and how those differences make us strong. Our English Program was established six years ago with 51 brave M.1 students, 3 foreign teachers and a dream › now, as we are about to graduate our first M.6 class, I am proud to say we have 148 students from M.1 through M.6 and 11 foreign teachers from 4 continents › Africa, Asia, Europe p and North America and 9 countries › China, India, Ireland, Israel, Kenya, the Philippines, Poland, Uganda, the United States, not to mention many dedicated Thai teachers. We are so proud that our students have the opportunity to study with teachers, from such culturally diverse backgrounds. To those teachers weûd like to say çThank you for leaving your home, your families and your friends in order to teach here in Thailand › we are so fortunate to have you. We hope to have you as part of our E.P.. family for a long time to come.é

As we prepare our first class of graduates to embark on the next phase of their education, we must take a moment to reflect on the past 6 years, both our successes and our failures for it is the lessons of the past which will serve as our road map to a successful future. I hope that this Yearbook, our first of many to come, will serve as a window by which all who read it may get a glimpse into the first 6 years in the life and times of the Ratchaborikanukroh English Program. To the graduating classes of 2009 we say çMay good health, good fortune and good friends be yours throughout your life-long journey. Donût keep the lessons youûve learned through your time as part of the E.P. family selfishly, reach out and share with all you meet for it is in each of us the ability to change the world.é

We love you and will miss you.

Year Book 2009 - Celebrating Our First M.6 Graduating Class


Message from.....

3 6

Our Exchange Students

12 15

7 11

18 23

Our Achievements

7 11 24 - 31

M.6 Graduation

Our Activities

Meet Our Teachers Our Program

33 39

M.3 Graduation

Meet Our Students 2008 In Sympathy & Farewell

40-41, 46-47 48

42 45 Message from the EP Student Body President 32 OWNER : English Program, Ratchaborikanukroh School 421 Yuttitham Rd., T.Namuang, A.Muang, Ratchaburi 70000 Tel. 032-328284 Fax. 032-328284 Website : Publisher : Thammarak Publishing 1/5 Kraiphet Rd., T.Namuang, A.Muang, Ratchaburi 70000 Tel. 032-325534-5 Fax. 032-314147

English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School


Message from the Director “√®“°...∑à“πºŸâÕ”π«¬°“√ ‚√߇√’¬π√“™‚∫√‘°“πÿ‡§√“–Àå ‰¥â‡ªî¥‚§√ß°“√À≈—° Ÿμ√¿“§¿“…“Õ—ß°ƒ… ¢÷Èπ„πªï 2546 ®«∫®πªí®®ÿ∫—π‡ªìπªï∑’Ë 6 ¢Õß°“√‡ªî¥À≈—° Ÿμ√π’È π—°‡√’¬π ∑’ˇ√’¬πÕ¬Ÿà™—Èπ ¡.6 ·≈–π—°‡√’¬π∑’ˇ√’¬πÕ¬Ÿà™—Èπ ¡.3 °”≈—ß®–°â“«‰ª Ÿà°“√»÷°…“ ∑’Ë Ÿß¢÷Èπ ‚¥¬‡©æ“–π—°‡√’¬π™—Èπ ¡.6 ®–μâÕß»÷°…“μàÕ„π√–¥—∫Õÿ¥¡»÷°…“ §√Ÿ ¢ ÕΩ“°¢â Õ §‘ ¥ ®“°Àπ— ß ◊ Õ ù°â “ «‰ª¢â “ ßÀπâ “ û ´÷Ë ß ·ª≈·≈–‡√’ ¬ ∫‡√’ ¬ ß ‚¥¬ æ√«‘¿“ «à“ 秫“¡ ”‡√Á ® „π°“√»÷ ° …“‡ªì π ‡√◊Ë Õ ß∑’Ë ‡ √“∑ÿ ° §πÕ“®ª√– ∫‰¥â Õ¬à“߉√°Áμ“¡‡√◊ËÕßπ’È°Á‰¡à„™à ‘Ëß∑’Ë®Ÿà Ê °Á®–‡°‘¥¢÷Èπ‰¥âÕ¬à“߉¡à§“¥§‘¥ ‚¥¬∑’Ë ‰¡àμâÕß„™â §«“¡æ¬“¬“¡„¥ Ê μ—Èß·μà Õ¥’ μ°“≈ ºŸâ§ß·°à‡√’ ¬π ∑—Èß„π‰∑¬ ·≈–μà“ߪ√–‡∑»®”π«π¡“°¡“¬‡°‘π®–°≈à“« μâÕß»÷°…“‡≈à“‡√’¬π ·≈–∑π≈”∫“° μ√“°μ√”®π‰¥â√—∫§«“¡ ”‡√Á®„π∑’Ë ÿ¥ ∫“ß§π§‘¥«à“‡ªìπ‰ª‰¥â∑’Ë®–°≈“¬‡ªìπ§π¬‘Ëß„À≠à ‚¥¬‰¡àμâÕß ≈ߧ«“¡æ¬“¬“¡ „¥ Ê ‰ª≈à«ßÀπâ“ ·μ৫“¡‡ÀÁππ’È À𒧫“¡®√‘߉ª‰¡àæâπ ‡√“À«—ß«à“ºŸâ§πÀπÿà¡ “« ®–®¥®”‰«â«à“ Õπ“§μÕ—π ¥„ ¢÷ÈπÕ¬Ÿà°—∫°“√»÷°…“‡≈à“‡√’¬πÕ¬à“߉¡àÀ¬ÿ¥ ·≈–°“√∫“°∫—ËπÕ¬à“߉¡à≈¥≈–é

§√Ÿ¢Õ„Àâπ—°‡√’¬π∑ÿ°§π‚™§¥’ ·≈–¡’™’«‘μ°â“« Ÿà§«“¡ ”‡√Á®∑ÿ°ª√–°“√ Success in study is something that every one of us can achieve. However, it is not something which appears out of the blue with no effort on our part. Since ancient times, the number of hard working scholars both here in Thailand and abroad has been too numerous to mention. Had they not been eager to learn, and willing to withstand suffering and hard work, they certainly would not have been that successful. Some people think that it is possible to become a great person without putting forth any effort, but this view couldn’t be further from the truth. We hope all young people can remember that a bright future depends on persistent studying, and on constant hard work.

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English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School

Message from the Deputy Director “√®“°...∑à“π√ÕߺŸâÕ”π«¬°“√


English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School


Message from the Head of English Program “√®“°...À—«Àπâ“‚§√ß°“√À≈—° Ÿμ√¿“§¿“…“Õ—ß°ƒ…



English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School

Message from the Head Assistants “√®“°...ºŸâ™à«¬À—«Àπâ“‚§√ß°“√ As I came to work in EP, I thought it was totally different from my former work place. It’s a huge responsibility working as an assistant of Academic Affairs. But I believe in working as a team I can work happily because of my colleagues and all the lovely staff who work so hard. I would like to express my appreciation for their dedication and to say thank you to the students for their cooperation. They always do a good job. Their participation’s splendid. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish the M.3 and M.6 students good luck and great achievements. I hope they enjoy and will further their study as they like. Mrs.Piyanard Sawangsak Head Assistant

I’ve worked in the EP office for 8 months. I’ve seen that the students here are very smart. They are ready to get the knowledge from the teachers and they have abilities to search from the other resources, so I think that the students in our EP program will be successful and I hope they have a lot of happiness in their lives. Mrs.Titinun Pratumnun Head Assistant


English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School


Meet Our Teachers Hello,

A. M


My name is Catherine Robyn Trostle › everyone in America calls me Robyn, but here in Thailand, I am known as Mama a nickname given to me by some very special friends. I have been living in Thailand for eleven years and, as you might guess, I would like to stay here forever. I started working at Ratchaborikanukroh School eight years ago, teaching English in the regular program. When the English Program was born six years ago, I was lucky enough to be one of the first teachers invited to join and have been here ever since. It has been a wonderful experience being a part of the growth and ensuing changes of the program and now, through the hard work of many people, we have reached our ultimate goal › graduating our first M.6 class. I sincerely believe that it is the first of many to come. To our M.6 students I would like to say, çWell done.é Although it has been a long and sometimes arduous journey, youûve done it!!! You are an amazing group of young people and as I look at each of your faces, I am filled hank yyou ou ffor or aallowing llowing m ccompany yyou. ou. with pride at having been a part of your passage from childhood to young adulthoodd › tthank mee ttoo aaccompany As you are about to set off on the next leg of your voyage through life, always remember no matter where you go, no matter how near or far, this will always be your home and when you return for a visit, you will be welcomed with open arms and warm hearts. As the years pass and the English Program grows and thrives, never forget, you did it first. To the M.3 students who will return to study in the EP in upper secondary, I say welcome and I look forward to teaching you. To those who will scatter and join other programs, good luck, weûll miss you, take care. Love, Mama

e n a h S . A key Mac

My name is Shane Mackey. Iûm from a place called Ashbourne, County Meath Me in Ireland. I teach English to M1, M2 and M3. I am 28 years old, but feel fee that it might no longer be necessary to mention my age as part of my introduction, (that must mean that Iûm not so young anymore!) int I graduated with honours from The Institute of Technology Tallaght (Dublin, (Du Ireland) in 2002 with a Bachelorûs Degree in Electronic Engineering. I then the completed a TEFL course in Dublin. This was where I discovered my love l of teaching. After some time teaching in Mexico, I ventured to Thailand. I have been in Thailand for five years now. I spent the first year and a half in Ban Pong, and then I moved to Ratchaburi to teach here in Ratchaborikanukroh. This is my fourth year teaching in the English Program, and I love it! Not many people I know in Ireland go to work with a smile on their face every morning. I can not imagine a more satisfying place to work. They say a teacher is like a third parent. I am starting to understand why. I have felt tremendous pride in each and every one of our students at one time or another. To the students I sayÇ çTeachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.é



English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School

Meet Our Teachers Hi, my name is Marcin Kempka, but everyone in Thailand calls me Martin. I come from Poland. I have been living in Thailand for 6 years and am married to a lovely Thai lady named Kaew, who is also a math teacher. I have been teaching at Ratchaburikanukroh school for 5 years. In my first year here, I taught English in the regular program and have been teaching Mathematics in the English Program for the past 4 years. I currently teach Mathematics to upper secondary students (M4 › M6). It has been exciting being involved in the English Program, watching it grow and develop. I enjoy teaching a lot, and I love my students very much. It is exciting knowing that we are graduating our first M.6 class this year. I have a feeling everyone in the graduating class is going to be extremely successful as they have proven themselves to be excellent in all areas, not just academics. Although I will miss them, they know that I am always here to help them in any way I can, they will always have a special place in my heart as the first students I taught in the EP. Ratchaborikanukroh EP is a great place to work and a place where students study hard but also have a lot of fun. I look forward to being a part of the program for many years to come.

n i c r a A. Mempka K

My name is David W. Waswa. I come from Nairobi Kenya. I have been in Thailand for one year and six months now, and I have enjoyed every bit of it. I teach Mathematics and Biology. Thailand is a great place to be, but Ratchaborikanukroh is a home way away from home. Everybody right from the students through to the management form a closely knit community that I am happy and proud to be a part of. The students are great and fun to be with in class. The teachers are hardworking and supportive to each other. The administration, particularly the head of department and her team, have made work in the office much lighter by injecting ssmiles m and laughter into it. Keep it up maĂťam.

A. Davida Wasw 8

English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School


Meet Our Teachers I am Gopinath Subramanian from India. I have a BS from Calcutta University with diplomas in Programming and Management. Among my many accomplishments are the Fellow of Royal Astronomical Society (F.R.A.S) from London and the Znanij Young Scientist Award from Russia for my work on the structure of the Solar Corona. Before coming to Thailand, I functioned as the Scientific Officer of the Birla Institute of Fundamental Research and Deputy Director of the Tamilnadu Science and Technology Centres. My published works include the book çThe World of Comets.é çI have lectured extensively across Asia, Europe and America. I have been living and teaching in Thailand for the past nine years and have been teaching Physics and Astronomy for the Upper Secondary and General Science for Lower Secondary in the English Program for three years. I find working with the professional E.P.staff and teaching the students to be a very rewarding experience. 2009 will see our first M.6 graduating class. I would like to express my best wishes to each of them and will cherish many fond memories of being their teacher and mentor, they an exceptional group of young people who will find sure success at university and after.

.A Gopinaitahn Subraman

With love and Regards, A.Gopinath Subramanian Hi there, everybody,

A.Ra Levimbo n

My name is Ram Levin, but everybody calls me Rambo. Iûm from Israel. I have been living in Thailand for 9 years and have loved every minute of it. I hold a B.Sc.T.E degree Bachelor of Science in Technological Education, major in Electricity and Electronics. Thailand is a great place to be with fantastic people, tasty food, great weather and an amazing culture. I have been teaching Science and Computers in the English Program for four years now. I also take care of the computer room and the EP web site which our students love so much. The students in the English Program are very mature, open-minded, nice kids who love to study. They not only live up to my expectations, but go way beyond. Itûs a genuine pleasure to teach here. The EP management consists of top teachers who make this place much more than a work place, itûs like a second family which I feel very lucky to be a part of. To the Mathayom6 students who will be leaving us this year, I will miss you all. We have had such an amazing time together since my first day working in the EP. I hope you will keep in touch in the future, itûs always nice to know where my students end up. Iûm sure that all of you will have great futures wherever you go. And to those Mathayom 3 students who will be leaving this year, good luck, guys wherever you go. Donût forget to check out the EP web site ( to see whatûs going on here. Iûll keep it up-to-date at all times. Hope to see you again in the many years to come. May the force be with you Rambo Levin



English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School

Meet Our Teachers

l e u m A. Sambuya Se

Hello! My name is Sembuya Samuel Richard. I am a Ugandan by nationality, holding a degree in Business Administration from the National University of Rwanda and a diploma in Education for Secondary School. I have worked as a teacher at Hands of Grace Secondary School in Uganda and also worked as a Marketing personnel with Uganda in the World Eco-Social Firm and Information Centre in Uganda. This is however my 13th month of stay in Thailand and my second term to teach at Ratchaborikanukroh School. Thank you so much. All is good. Semuel Sembuya

çTeaching is a noble profession.é I am Miss Beverlyn Rondina Bernales or Ajarn Bee. I come from Philippines. I have been here in Thailand for 1 year and 3 months now. To be away from my family, my friends and all the things that I love is difficult, but I have really begun to love Thailand and Thai people, so itûs easier now. Since my very first day of teaching here at the Ratchaborikanukroh School English Program, my heart is full of joy. Iûm happy to meet all my students, impart my knowledge about Health, Art, Home Economics, and English. Iûm also happy working with all the EP teachers and staff and above all with our Head Ajarn Kalayanee sheûs such a good friend, teacher and English Program Head. Ratchaborikanukroh School English Program is a program tthat hat nnurtures u excellence. Students, keep up the good work!

n y l r e v e B A. Rondina Bernales 10

Beverlyn Rondina Bernales

English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School


Meet Our Teachers ·√ß∫—π¥“≈„®...

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A.Li Yuond) (A.M My name is Li Yun or Ajarn Mod. I come from China. I have been here in Thailand for 1 year now. Iûm teaching Chinese from Mattayom 2 to Mattayom 6. I love Thailand because it is not much different from my home country China in terms of traditions and culture. I see Thailand as a sister country to my home country of China. The two countries have had a strong business relationship for a long time. These days many Chinese people wish to learn Thai and vice verse. I am here to strengthen this bond by teaching Thai students the traditions, culture and language of China. A.Li Yun (A.Mod)



English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School Eng

Operations Team

Pi anard Sa angsak g ak A.Piyanard Sawangsak Head Assistant of Academic Affairs

AA.Kalayanee Kl RReunthong th Head of the English Program

Pallapa Rattanakusump Rattanak s mp A.Pallapa Head Assistant of EP Student Affairs. EP Business and Office Affairs

A Titin m Pratumnun Prat mn n A.Titinum Head Assistant of EP Services, EP Bursar and Evaluation Coordinator

AA.Duangjai Duangjai Pansuwan Head of EP Visa Extension

A Tasana A.Tasana Ninfoo Head of Procurement

Ms.Saychol ada ad Ms.Paweerada Boonthongluan Keawnin EP Office Secretary - Head Librarian - Public Relations Assistant


AA.Wanchai Wanchai Choocherd Head of EP Audio - Visual Aids

Ms.Kano Ms.Kanokpan ann kppan Sornnarai EP Office Secretarial Assistant

Pakapan Srivorakar A.Pakapan Head of Public Relations

Ms.Kanjana Janvitheesuk - Assistant Librarian - EP Library Audio-Visual Aids Manager - Head Assistant of EP Audio-Visual Aids - Public Relations Staff Member - EP Student Affairs Staff Member


English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School

Operations Team Science Teachers


Math Teachers Japanese

A. Gopinath Subramanian

A. Ram Levin

A. Samuel Sembuya

A. David Waswa

English Teachers

A. Shane Mac Aodha

A. David Waswa

A. Kulyarat Kitudon

Career And Technology

A. Kalayanee Reunthong

A. Ram Levin

A. Samuel Sembuya

A. David Waswa

A. Chuanpit Kamprem

A. Weerachard Sripetpat

A. Pranom Yodkambai

A. Sa-ard Sungkheaw

A. Rungrat Samaisompob

A. Sawit Auttamana

A. Sripan Tantasuwan

A. Chumsai Chaiwat

A. Beverlyn R. Bernales


A. Catherine Robyn Trostle

A. Marcin Kempka

Thai Language Teachers

A. Linda Wichadakul

A. Rujira Kampradit

A. Warapom Limpiyapan

Social Science Teachers

A. Opas Horasit

A. Malee Suksan

Art Teachers

A. Beverlyn R. Bernales


A. Juranun Jinda

A. Siripong Sridara

A. Satit Pothisuwan

Health and Physical Education Teachers

A. Kantima Intarabut

A. Wannee Pungtum

A. Kumpon Chanthongin

A. Pornchai Panyasarot

A. Li Yun

Guidance & Counselling

A. Lookin Soiakas

A. Maturos Wongkunandorn


A. Beverlyn R. Bernales

A. Surin Kaewkerd


A. Yuppadee Puapanpong



A. Kanokrat Nakratchataamom



English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School Eng

Our EP Facilities

Science Lab


E.P.Office Science Lab Computer Room Library Meeting Room


English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School




English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School

Our Achievements Àπ—ß —Èπ ‡√◊ËÕß Living Beyond ´÷Ëß∂à“¬∑” ‚¥¬ π“ß “« æ√“«√«’ ·°â«∑Õß π“ß “« «™‘√π—π∑å ¡“§– ‘√– π“ß “«Õ—≠™‘ “ ‚¿§–¡≥’ ·≈– π“ß “«Õ√≠“ ‡≈‘ » «— ™ √“ π— ° ‡√’ ¬ π™—È π ¡.5/14 ºà “ π°“√ ‡¢â“√Õ∫ 10 ∑’¡ ÿ¥∑⓬®“°∑—ÈßÀ¡¥ 38 ∑’¡∑—Ë«ª√–‡∑» „π°“√ àß Àπ— ß —È π ‡¢â “ √à « ¡ª√–°«¥„π‚§√ß°“√ Idealism „πÀ— « ¢â Õ The meaning of life ®—¥‚¥¬‚√߇√’¬π «π°ÿÀ≈“∫«‘∑¬“≈—¬ °√ÿ߇∑æœ ¥.≠.¡≥‘»“ æÿà¡π«≈ ºà“π°“√∑¥ Õ∫«‘™“¿“…“Õ—ß°ƒ… ‰¥â≈”¥—∫∑’Ë 1 ¢Õß®—ßÀ«—¥√“™∫ÿ√’ „π°“√ Õ∫´÷Ëß®—¥‚¥¬∫√‘…—∑‡ √‘¡ªí≠≠“ª√–®”ªï 2551

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π. .®ÿ±“∏‘ª ∫Ÿ√‡∑æ ¡.6/14 √“ß«—≈‡°’¬√μ‘∫—μ√‡À√’¬≠∑Õß °“√·¢àߢ—π Speech Contest

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English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School


Our Achievements ≈ “ æ‘≥‡°…¡®‘μ ≈”¥—∫∑’Ë 34 °“√·¢àߢ—π·∫√π¥å§√Õ ‡«‘√奙‘ß·™¡ªáª√–‡∑»‰∑¬ ·≈–π“𓙓쑧√—Èß∑’Ë 23

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English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School

Goodluck to Pair, Pak-kard, May and Jo



π“¬æ™√ ®—π∑√凥◊Õπ (Jo) ∑ÿπ YFU ª√–‡∑»‡¬Õ√¡π’ π“ß “« ÿ¿“«¥’ ‡¡∏’™—¬¡ß§≈ (May) ∑ÿπ YFU ª√–‡∑»‡¬Õ√¡π’ π“ß “«·æ√«“ ·®à¡®—π∑√“ (Pak-kard) ∑ÿπ YFU ª√–‡∑» À√—∞Õ‡¡√‘°“ π“ß “«»‘«–ª√’¬“ ∑«’ªí≠≠“ °ÿ≈ (Pair) ∑ÿπ AFS ª√–‡∑»Ω√—Ë߇»



Welcome Back Grace

𓬰“≠®∏√√¡å « ÿ«—≤π°ÿ≈ (Mac) ∑ÿπ YFU, USA π“ß “«Õ√≠“ ‡≈‘»«—™√“ (Pang) ∑ÿπ YFU, USA π“ß “«Õ—≠™‘ “ ‚¿§–¡≥’ (Mew) ∑ÿπ YFU, USA π“¬≥—∞™“ 𓧄À≠à (Nut) ∑ÿπ YFU, USA π“ß “«Õ— ®‘¡“ ƒ°…å∑«’ ÿ¢ (Beer) ∑ÿπ EF, USA π“ß “«Õ¿‘≠≠“ »‘≈ª–«‘≈“«—≥¬å (Tai) ∑ÿπ WE, USA π“ß “«‡ª√¡√—°…å Õ√‘¬ ÿ√– (Mild) ∑ÿπ AFS ∑ÿπ UCE ª√–‡∑»π‘«´’·≈π¥å π“ß “«°“πμå∏‘¥“ ª“≈–∏π‘μ (Kan) ∑ÿπ UCE π“ß “«‡∫≠≠“ ™”π“≠‡«™ (Eye) ∑ÿπ UCE ‡¥Á°À≠‘ß°ÿ≈∏‘¥“ ª“≈–∏π‘μ (Grace) ∑ÿπ UCE ‡¥Á°À≠‘ß ÿ¿“√—μπå π“¡· ß (Beer) ∑ÿπ UCE ‡¥Á°™“¬∏π«‘™≠å ‡™…∞∫—≥±‘μ¬å (Mean) ∑ÿπ UCE

Mean Beer




Pang Mew




Beer Tai

Mac in Michigan My name is Mac. I went to U.S.A. and stayed with American family in Kalamazoo, Michigan, for 1 year. It was a great experience for me. My host parents were very nice to me. I studied at Comstock Public High School, where I had many American friends. I really enjoyed my life at school. I stayed with another exchange student from Finland, I learn American culture and Finnish culture both at the same time. My host parents took us to many beautiful places such as Florida, Michigan adventure and college American Football game. It没s a very good experience and I enjoyed my life in U.S.A., I had a lot of fun. Kanchatham Wasuwatthanakul (Mac)



English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School Eng

My life as an exchange student Hello everybody, I am Pang from M.5. I have a story to tell you. Last year, I made a big decision in my life by joining an exchange program. Frankly Fran speaking, I am not a gutsy girl but I thought participating in an exchange program prog could add more relish to my life. I went to Rhode Island, USA US for a year. I went to Providence Academy of International Pro Studies. My host family consisted Stu of 4 people; my host mom, host dad, da host sister from Ghana, and a dog do named ùObieû. The school that I went to has the students from many different but most of them were diffee r enn t countries coo u nt hispanic. hispanic It was fortunate for me to be be surrounded surroounde by these people, I learnt a lot about other cultures and also gained many nice friends.

My generous host family took me to visit many famous places like the Statue of Liberty, Times Square and Broadway in New York and Chicago. In school, I joined the Li Cultural Dance Club. It was really entertaining to learn the dances from other countries. I am Cu so proud to say that I was an honor student. English is very difficult but I always tried to study stu hard. What I like about America is the people there. Their smiles were warm and friendly. I remember two of my American teachers; Miss Haywood and Miss Turnipseed. They taught me m English and Social Studies. They were such sweethearts because they were willing to help me m all the time.

çThe ç life of an exchange student is not always paved with rose petals.é Iûm very confident that th all exchange students agree with this quote. Being an exchange student is not always easy; you have to deal with many different things that you might have never faced when en you are at home. My life in America was an unforgettable experience. There were lots of tears but also lots of joy. I admit that the first two weeks in the US I was very homesick. Every night I cried before I went to sleep. Everything was so hard for me. It took time to adapt myself to a whole new world. Later, I realized nothing is wrong or right, itûs just different!

The exchange program gave me pr something more than so just ju a trip I think. I learnt learnt many manyy thingss from from my my exchange exchange experiences and I could do things I never thought I could. As time ex passes pa by, I look at myself again and I found that I have changed to be a different person. I have changed to be ùThe Stronger Oneû. By Auraya Lertwatchara (Pang M.5/14)


English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School


Mew in Minnesota 1 year


I went to America . 0 1 # U YF ) ew (M ee Aunchisa Pokaman ve 3 host brothers ha I e. m to ce Hello. My name is ni ry ve My host family was gs that I had never done before and . ar ye le ib ed cr in e for on did a lot of thin I s. er st si st ho 2 (in collage) and fore. ldness freaked me co had never seen in be I s ou gs ri in se th e of Th t lo A. a saw northern part of US enjoyed winter Minnesota is in the F (OoO)! Could you survive??? I ting. Sometimes we 50 below gh fi ll e ba ag im ow st sn d Ju an out. iing at all. While I was ball, ice skating, sk en m op oo 没t br dn as di ch or y su rl ts spor e osed ea orms that school cl k Team, and in th st ac Tr ow e sn th g bi on ch as su w had . I language - German d ir th a ok to I e, ther t I had learned a lo d German Clubs. y. an da nt un de S tu y S er e ev ng ha ch Exc d I went to chur I went door-to-door d an s er st si My host family an st ho , my Easter, Thanksgiving On Halloween Day on e. ur er lt th cu ge r to ei th ed t er gath abou t.茅 All of the family all my host brothers e ea m Tr ti or y er ck ev ri n 莽T fu ng sayi it was With a big family, . ys da as m st ri Ch and s. a n d ex pe ri en ce s ie or e. em m m ho e e cam fo rg et a ll th I w on 没t ev er year of my life. That was the best ee Aunchisa Pokaman



English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School Eng

My life in California Premrak Ariyasura (Mild) I went to Paso Robles in California, America for ab about 1 year. I had 2 host families, the first one was the we welcoming family, they were extremely nice to me. There were 4 people in the family: the dad, the m mom, the son, and the daughter. The second family was als also very nice, they really took care of me. They also to took me to see a lot of interesting places. Learning in an American high school wasnût di difficult. There were only 6 classes to take, so I took U.S Hi History, P.E., Biology, Math, English, and French. Everyone was really nice to me, other exchange ststudents as well as my American friends. They took me to th the beach and lots of other places too! We hung out on SSaturday or Sunday. But the friends who understood me th the most were exchange students because we were in the sa same position. I fell in love with all the places I visited, like HHilton Head, South Carolina. There were fantstic beaches an and outdoor activities such as sailing out into the ocean to se see dolphins. Charleston, South Carolina and Atlanta GGeorgia, are really neat historical places that you should vvisit if you get a chance. Yosemite, California and the Grand Canyon, AArizona are places that are perfect for those who ppositively love nature. They should be experienced once in ev everyoneûs lifetime. San Francisco, Las Vegas and Washington D.C ar are busy cities. They are great places to visit, but if only you like to live in the city When I left Thailand, I was extremely excited, and I couldnût wait to get there. Luckily, I didnût have any problems adjusting. I didnût even feel homesick. The teenagers over there have lots of freedom. I thi think maybe itûs because they can drive a car from the age of 16. Also theyûre responsible. They act like young adu adults, but itûs not the same amount of freedom as we see on TV. When they have free time, they usually hang out tog together, go to the park, the movies, the beach or a frie friendûs house. Sport is very popular because itûs an easy wa way to get a scholarship for university. The main difference between Thailand and the US is the way they treat people. The adults treat the kids USA with the level of respect that they would expect in return. People respect each other regardless of who they are. AFS is a great program, and I would recommend it to anyone because they really take care of the students. There were lots of activities to get exchange students to come together and discuss their problems. It was a huge part of my life experience so far.



English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School

Life in Texas Miss Atchima Ruekthawisuk I was an exch (Beer) a 20 minutes f nge student in Texas for o rom Houston ne year. I live . d in LaPorte, T h e r e are many inte I experienced. rest You wanna se e it!! Check it ing things that out !!! My host family tin which is the We went to Ausexas. capital city of T

Here is my host family没s house

She is my U.S. hi stor (She was so cool!!) y teacher.

My friends in Math class (Everyone looks funny huh!) I love this class

She is my best friend. We usually hung out together. Halloween!! (Do you see that pumpkin it looks beautiful right? Yeahhh we did it)

My host family an d I often had a sw im with our neighbor hoods and our frie ming party nds.

My coach for tennis class. (He没s very kind.)

My school!!

She was my pa (I played doublerts)ner in tennis class. Can you believe It was so much fume playing doubles??? n.

We went to prom together and I really had such a great time.



English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School Eng

Borabeu School ,Maha Sarakham, 20 June 2008 Satriwittaya school, Bangkok, 11 August 2008


Sriyanusorn School , Chanthaburi, 19 December 2008

Sriyapai School , Chumporn, 11 September 2008

Triam Udom Suksa School, Nakhon Si Thammarat, 26 January 2009

English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School





English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School

English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School





English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School

English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School



o n i t a a l c T s r i p u d

P ay

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on H u n L a kh


rincess G arindra alyani Vadhana Kr om Luang Naradhiwas Rajanag

Lek Joe Louis Troupe, The

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Educational & Culture Fes tiva l2 008,


hai land -Japa

n), Bangkok

a Delivery, Muban Ch m m a h T om

bu e n g Raja

bhat University




English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School

English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School

ents Performing at d u t S r the Ou



Central Region

e s u o H n e p EP O

8 0 E W E 0 O N L 31/10/2 L A

o f r g A n i p b t p s b e t l n o o e C e B s m ” The Scariest Costu “


a s s m t A e i c s t i t i v i hr 31


English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School

I hhave ave sstudied tudied iinn tthe he EP schoo schoolol for 6 years and can proudly say that this sc school choool has taught me, not only school lessons, but also life lessons. It没s a great honor for me to be the first student president of EP. I would like to thank all the teachers and especially A. Supapan and A. Kalayanee. To all the students who follow us keep believing you can accomplish anything you wish for. Premrak Ariyasura (Mild) EP Student Body President


English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School


Bomrungsuk (Stang), a ir hj ic P , n) oo (P rada Imsap atherine (Mama), .C A , an ph ri Front row : Mathu .S A , g) at (Ton Nattaya Waewsaw Sattanawuth (Ploy) da ha uc S ), im (P sook Tanyaporn Sa-Nguan a Inchai (Mint), id an P ), ew (M t ru on Penthamrong isuk (Beer), w ha kt ue R a m Back row : Thitim hi tc (Mild), A athep (Ked) Premrak Ariyasura ur B p hi at th Ju ), ai lwat (F Nichanan Suthisaku ) Nutcha Nakyai (Nut Chanduarn (Jo), a ar ch ra P , i) ik (K i Pattharachokcha wmongkolchai (Fai) Je n na Missing : Kirathi ya ha C ), oi (K enim (Amp) ur Chitlada Lakanachok N ee ed ru om S , n) ng (Kampa Chayanan Jitjumno



English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School

e W W e r e y . . . a T he W


English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School





English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School

English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School




English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School

plum (Banchen), am K an aw up S , g) ethai Rod-io (Tan wchaisa (Beam), ae K ra ji at N ), ch Front row : Kanru ea anakit (P Kanyanat Wongwatth asittinan (Chompu) uw P ya an ar W ), an Thitima Raiwa (N akasira (Toey), M n na ra hi ac W , g) a Lertwatchara (Pan amanee (Mew), ok P a is ch Middle row : Auray un A , s) ia (P Prawrawee Kaewtong Yoodee (Eve), as am th Ju ), ik (P Surakkana Juisakun (Pang) Thrittamon Nimnuan Aiamkit (Game), ut aw th et S ), in (W ithit Kulthanapreeda w an B : w ro k ac ac), A.Gopinath, B (M ul ak an th at uw as Kanchathan W Kontikame (Mai), n po ta at N ), ya at (S h aroen (Flook) ch Satyaprakash Gopinat un ik it Th n po ue ar (Best), N Jirapat Kaewchaisa Missing


Pearewa Jamjuntra


English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School


isanun (Ae), ir S in ar kk Ja ), ob aris Pinkasamjit (M ch at W : w ro t on , A.Titinun, Fr id av .D A ), (X ng so (Tam Tam) n Apirak Chalerm oo ib pa m hi C an w oy), Korncha ukboong), (P Surabot Inmuang (T l po on bo om es Le a (Chern), Muchchim Ti in an at P : w ro e Pansiriphat (Jane), t Middl ha ap ar N ), in (Y n Supissara Sittisa Prasongkram (May), ee ad aw up S , k) oo ookh Lasa Pinkasamjit (N ) Samith Kalpiyapan (J Jitniyom (Ice), e ne ti ut S , a) in (T na Anovertan wat (Tidtee), sa aw W h ic aw Back row : Christi ap P (Nok), Nontakorn Pariwanon Palathanit (Kan) da ti an K ), w ea (K graung Duangkeaw Chairun Chamnanwet (Eve), ya en B , r) ai (P ul ak reya Thaweepanyas Missing : Siwap nyasakul (May) pa ee aw Th ee ad a aw Sup



English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School

da Thoachalee (Fai), in ir S ), ie (G in an an ida Ratth Palatanit (Grace), da ti un K Front row : Supan ), ow (W ul ak Patcharaporn Jiangs in Krisarin (Pann), ar aw ap P , t) in (M aksiri (Sui), Pitchayanin Sebpool as an Th pa ra ip as S , n (Best) Bunyanuch Srisumra ngam (Stang) echaimongkol (Noon), he et Punyapa Kumkanong M ai th ha on w Ta awatwanich (Ming), ar W rn ho eer), A.Pakapan, et (B re Si ng : sa w am N ut ar Middle ro up g Pond), S m Sahao (Cross), ta Yanin Limphien (Pun ok il D , z) en (B ee Phumman A. Marcin, Thongpol howwikkai (Pond) K e at m ra or W ), ae etkul (T Thanapon Areepraso hanatrakul (Plae), nt ha C ut ar N , t) at , ee Kongthawon (P h Chatbundit (Mean) ic aw an Back row : Dusad Th , g) un (K palapoon (Bell), ha Tanut Tuntivoranukul nt Ja l po ta ri K ), athit (Nay Supasan Noppacharts (Pream) Thawiruk Koawhud t Chaijinda (Kob), ra an W : ng si is M g (Ked) Arpatsara Somprason


English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School





English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School

English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School




English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School

mphayak (Aust), ea H it w ha tc ra P , pornphanit (Champ) ti it K et m ra ao P : h Harrison (Zac), ia ar ch Front row Za ), ew (N Ratchanon Pariwanon tanasirisat (Bird), at R n or ak at N ), un (S Sareedpong Duerea it Janjeam (Pet), aw kh uk S ), rm (A ak Saorathan Chotileas ut Roopsung (Kong) aw ar S ), m er (T na ta arakul (Ice), ch at Theerapat Kuwat aw at K n do ta at Khemthong (Gun), P on ad ap ph op N : w Middle ro rapai, A.Kulyarat, .P A , d) il (M i sr ew la ng-akat (Boat), Benjamat K ae S n ri hu P , r) ea (P rnsakul Preeyanan Sakdamne (Off) tri (Mint), on nm or Saoranop Photharot ak an Th a ay ch wong (Bam), Pawit ja at S n ri si at N : atkun (Mine), aw ur as Back row P a iy it Th , s) n (Khaochao), or Arisama Phuhoy (Ari ap iy ut Th a w hi gt anie), Run ai (Jing Jing), Manisa Pumnual (M w im A a im at R ), m phat (Pee Natthaya Niramaini t (Mim) Chanitsara Chalangsu ot (Chopper) ch it m ni am Th g on w Missing : Waora


English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School


Front row :

Nitchakarn Chantarnatakul (Ying), Pitchayapa Wongyimyong (Boon), Warisara Changkrew (Funjow), Parisa Pasangthien (May), Piyatida Chairungrueng (Mint), Warisara Khamtit (Dream), Kasidit Panyachairuksa (Got) Middle row : Naattika Raakdee (Nee), Saroccha Huangg (Yu-leaan), Thannwali Chiiraniratissai (Surn)), A.Piyaanard, A..Shane, Prremyuda Matungkkarat (Jam), Kamoonwan Booonkocsaang (Mookk), Teeraadetch Koongbangpoor (Non) Back row : Archan Shimpiboon (Tintin), Neti Lappipat (Neti), Panathon Hongjalean (Pat), Jordan Harrison (Jordan)

Front row : Back row :

Chatpapa Leryim (Nam), Kansinee Kasemchatchawanwong (Cartoon), Thitinath Pasurawatkun (Mun), Chanyanut Chuttitham (Jam), Chadaporn Prathum (Wam), Sadanan Jaichansukkit (Bam), Jutamas Suviruttanapus (Ouy), Pantira Nimnual (Pey), Onanong Masaab (Fow) Suudarat Kaanaraksaanti (Ningg), Nuttaawadee Likitwatttanaset (Nutt), Kitiya Sakksombooon (Muai)), A..Ram, A.PPallapa, Raiwin Kosaborddee (Nangg), Sirippat Sakvijjarn (Tarrn), Varangkana Karpajone (Mild)


A. Meena Lochini

We would like to extend to A. Meena a great big thanks for being such a good and caring teacher. A. Meena, who has moved to Australia with her family, taught M.1 and M.2 Math, M.2 Home Economics and M.4 Biology. She was a huge bright spot for both the students and the E.P.staff. Good Luck A.Meena, we’ll miss you!

Pongpanote Eamsuwan (Pete)

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