Yearbook 2015

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English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School Vision




The teaching philosophy of the program is to encourage the students to become strong and independent while acquiring knowledge through critical thinking and student centered learning activities. Ratchaborikanukroh School, which is known for its excellent foreign language program, was permitted by the Ministry of Education to open its English Program in 2002 to promote the teaching and learning of English. The program currently has M1 – M6 classes (7th-12th grades). This makes us one of the few English programs in Thailand that has complete upper secondary English program.

Extra curricular activities

• Every year, in April, there are preparation courses for the new students (grades 7 and 10) to improve their English skills and bring them up to our high standard of learning. • Extra tutoring classes every weekend by qualified Thai teachers (Science and Math). • English camp once a year – fun and educational activities in English while experiencing new environments. • We encourage our students to be part of Student Exchange programs in different countries.

The curriculum is Thai-based with all subjects except Thai language taught in English. Math, Science and English are taught by fully qualified foreign teachers as well as computers, art and social studies. The main goals of the program are, to provide our students with the best possible academic foundation, preparing them for further study in their chosen field or for a future in business, while grooming them to take their places as citizens of the world. This is done through the reinforcement of the importance of the Thai culture, as well as teaching about other cultures and the need for tolerance and understanding when dealing with others.

Learning resources

The benefits of our English Program:

• Small classes (about 20 students per class). • Experienced teachers. • Highly equipped classes with TV, projectors, DVD’s etc. • High tech science labs. • Well equipped computer room with internet access, software and audio equipment. • Well organized library with the best books in English for every subject and level. • Quality teaching methods.

English Program Ratchaborikanukroh School

T.Namuang, A.Muang Ratchaburi 70000 Tel.032-328284 Website: E-mail: Facebook:

Editor’s Page

“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” - Buddha EP is celebrating its 12th year of academic excellence, leading students to their bright futures and molding them to become worldclass citizens. We always tell our graduates to keep the RBEP spirit alive wherever they go. Their triumphs are also a reflection of how our school was, is and will be. We will place that flame, that spirit, burning within EP students in order for them to believe in themselves more, to be socially conscious and to become better in what they do. Next school year, we are saddened for A. Kalayanee and A. Pallapa will bid farewell to our EP family. They have been influential to how EP is today. We wouldn’t have been more successful as we are now without their guidance and management. We will surely miss you both. Thank you for everything you have shared with us. Share the love, share the happiness and always KEEP THE RBEP SPIRIT ALIVE!

Mr. Romeo Ordan, Jr. Editor-in-Chief, EP Yearbook 2014-2015 Advisor

A. Kalayanee Reunthong


A. Romeo T. Ordan, Jr.

Assistant Editor

A. Saychol Boonthongluan


A. Catherine Robyn Trostle


Mr. Sayan Yamyen Mrs. Kanchana Janevithesook





Graduates of 2014 – 2015 12–29


Exchange Students

EP Activities 33-37

Achievements 38-43

Asst. Photographers Siripat Kitipornpanich Chattapod Chompunuch Nichanan Kongsuwan Owned by Ratchaborikanukroh School English Program 421 Yutthitham Road, T. Namueng, A. Mueng, Ratchaburi 70000 Tel./Fax #032-328284

Ai209/4DesiMontreesuriyawong gn Road, T. Namueng, Published by

A. Mueng, Ratchaburi 70000 Tel. 0958295014


English Camp

Special Page for A.Kan& A. Au


Message from the Director ถ้าย้อนเวลากลับไปเมื่อนักเรียนเดินเข้าสู่รั้ว ราชโบริกาฯ ในวันแรก หากล�ำดับเหตุการณ์จะเห็นว่า เริ่มจากที่เป็นรุ่นน้อง ม.1 ม.2 ม.3 และสุดท้าย ม.6 ถ้าถามตัวเองว่าอะไรที่เราพัฒนาขึ้น แน่นอนทุก คนต้องตอบว่าความรู้และทักษะ นอกจากสิ่งเหล่า นี้แล้ว สิ่งหนึ่งที่ติดตัวเราไปตลอดคือความผูกพัน ทีถ่ กู บ่มเพาะจากการอบรมสัง่ สอนของคุณครูดว้ ย ความรัก ความปรารถนาดี ความเสียสละของ คุณครูทุกคนในราชโบริกาฯ ความรู้สึกเช่นนี้หาได้ ไม่ยากถ้านักเรียนคือลูกราชโบริกาฯ ตั้งแต่วันนี้...วันที่นักเรียนจบการศึกษา นับเป็นก้าวแรกของนักเรียนที่จะก้าวออกจากรั้ว โรงเรียนไปสู่สถานที่แห่งใหม่ ความรู้ที่นักเรียนได้ เรียนรู้มาจนถึงวันนี้ จะเป็นพื้นฐานที่ส�ำคัญอย่างยิ่งใน การน�ำไปพัฒนาและต่อยอดทางความคิดต่อไป สิ่งส�ำคัญที่ นักเรียนละทิง้ ไม่ได้คอื การเรียนรูแ้ ละพัฒนาตนเองอยูต่ ลอดเวลา ด้วยความอุตสาหะ และความใฝ่ดี ซึ่งหลังจากนี้จะไม่มีคุณครูมาคอย สั่งสอนแล้ว หากแต่ต้องเรียนรู้ด้วยตนเอง ขอให้เก็บความทรงจ�ำที่ดีๆที่เคยมีกับราชโบริกาฯไว้ แม้นวันเวลาล่วงเลยไปขอให้จดจ�ำ ไว้ว่า เราเป็นลูกราชโบริกาที่ผอ.และคุณครูทุกคนภาคภูมิใจ ขอให้คิดดี ท�ำดี ใฝ่ดี แล้วจะประสบ ความส�ำเร็จในชีวติ ทีส่ ำ� คัญทีส่ ดุ ขอให้ทกุ คนเป็นคนดีของสังคม เห็นแก่ประโยชน์สว่ นรวมและประเทศชาติ มากกว่าประโยชน์สว่ นตัว เชือ่ มัน่ ในความดี ไม่ทจุ ริตหรือคดโกงให้องค์กรทีเ่ ราอยูเ่ กิดความเสียหายได้ ขออาราธนาคุณพระศรีรัตนตรัยและสิ่งศักดิ์สิทธิ์ทั้งหลายในสากลโลก โปรดดลบันดาลให้ นักเรียนทุกคน ผู้ปกครอง คุณครู และผู้มีส่วนเกี่ยวข้องทุกฝ่าย จงมีสุขภาพร่างกายที่แข็งแรง มีสมอง แจ่มใส พร้อมที่จะร่วมกันพัฒนาตนเอง สังคม และประเทศชาติให้มีความเจริญก้าวหน้าต่อไป นางนวลจันทร์ ลักษิตานนท์



Celebrating OurOur Celebrating 12 Years 12 of Years Success of Success

Messages from the Deputy Directors ผมขอแสดงความยินดีกับ นักเรียน English Program ชั้น ม.3 และ ม.6 ทุกคนที่จบ การศึกษาในปี 2557 และขอฝากให้นักเรียนจงใช้ความพยายามในการศึกษา ใน program นี้ ต่อไป ทั้งนี้เพื่อขีวิต อนาคต ทั้งของตนเอง ครอบครัว และประเทศชาติ ในโอกาสนี้ ผมขออาราธนาคุ ณ พระศรี รั ต นตรั ย และสิ่ ง ศั ก ดิ์ สิ ท ธิ์ ทั้ ง หลาย จงช่ ว ย ปกป้องคุ้มครองให้นักเรียนทุกคนประสบความสุข ความเจริญ คิดสิ่งใดขอให้ได้สมดังใจปรารถนา ทุกประการ (นายธนู ไผ่ทอง) รองผู้อำ� นวยการกลุ่มงานบริหารวิชาการ Congratulations on your graduation, my dear children. I am very proud of you. Because of your gained knowledge, mental focus, and hard work, I can envision a bright future ahead of you all. All your hard work ought to get a fruitful reward and that is “to be successful”. I wish you all good luck, good health and hope you achieve all the good things that you wanted. Don’t forget to come back and visit your school. I always love you. (นางประนอม ศรีทอง) รองผู้อำ� นวยการกลุ่มงานบริหารบุคคลและงบประมาณ ขอแสดงความยินดีกับลูกๆทุกคนที่จบการศึกษาในระดับชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที 3 และชั้น มัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 6 ขอให้ลูกๆทุกคนได้นำ� ความรู้ ประสบการณ์ ไปประยุกต์ใช้กับชีวิตจริงในสังคม ได้อย่างมีสติ รู้เท่าทันและแก้ปัญหาได้อย่างถูกต้อง นางสาวกัญญา เริ่มภักตร์ รองผู้อำ� นวยการกลุ่มงานบริหารกิจการนักเรียน ขอแสดงความยินดีกบั นักเรียนEP ทัง้ ม.3 และ ม.6 ตลอดจนผูป้ กครองนักเรียนทีใ่ ห้ความ ร่วมมือกับทางโรงเรียน และคณะครูผดู้ ำ� เนินการของโครงการ EP ทีม่ คี วามพยายามจนลูกศิษย์ของ เราได้ประสบผลส�ำเร็จในวันนี้ ขอให้นักเรียนทุกคนน�ำความรู้ที่ได้ไปต่อยอด เพื่อเป็นบุคลากรที่มี คุณภาพของสังคม และสามารถด�ำรงชีวิตอยู่ในสังคมได้อย่างมีความสุข (นายตุ๋ย สมศรี ) รองผู้อ�ำนวยการกลุ่มงานบริหารงานทั่วไป Celebrating OurOur Celebrating 12 Years 12 of Years Success of Success


Message of the EP Head Hello everybody, It’s with great pride to say that this year has been a challenging year for all of us and that we have come through with flying colors. As you read through this year book, you will get a picture of what we have accomplished over the past academic year. You will see a variety of activities and experiences that were not only educational, but also inspirational, exciting, enjoyable and worthwhile. This year has been a highly successful year. Our school was declared A “Royal Award School” , granted to outstanding school in recognition of their high quality, achievement and standards. Our English Program has served as one of the six most outstanding and recognized projects of the school. We are glad to be part of the school is success. This success was not by chance, but resulted from the tremendous dedication, hard work and commitment of students, parents, teachers and staff members. Inaddition to this, we were honoured to host the zone B academic competition for the 11 EP schools from 6 provinces. This meant extra hard work, but it proved effective teamwork, collaboration and co-operation of our team and staff. In this competition many of our students accomplished academic achievement as competitors at both the zone and regional level. As a matter of fact, we have won first place gold medal at the regional level for 6 consecutive years. Our commitment is not only to academic excellence but also to student life. Educational research confirms that students who excel outside the classroom perform better inside the classroom. We bear this in mind and provide an opportunity for our students to be well-rounded students who engage in extra-curricular activities and community service. One highlighted activity is the EP. English Camp. This year was so special because it’s my last camp and it was a genuine student-centered camp. Matayom 6 students together with EP Student Body volunteered to host the camp. They made their own plans for the camp the theme of which was “Social Conscience : One World, One love” It was delightful to see the excitement in the eyes of our students as they were actively engaged in preparing activities. This has been a truly amazing year – the year that’s full of hard work and learning experiences for all of us. I’d like to take this opportunity to extend my thanks to all staff, teachers, students and parents who have helped make this year remarkable. Special thanks to Ajarn Romeo, Saichol and her staff for compiling such a memorable edition. To all graduates, congratulations on your success. We are so proud of you and wish you the best of luck. We hope that you will stay in touch via Facebook and remain part of our EP family throughout your lives. Kalayanee Reunthong Head of the English Program Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

Messages from the Head Assistants Dear M.3, M.6

Congratulations on your graduation to M.3 and M.6 students. Remember that: “When facing with difficult situations, You will never regret choosing the most positive way ; and even though they will demand much of you, you will not regret taking on the meaningful challenges.� With Love With love, A.Pallapa Rattanakusump Head Assistant of EP Student Affairs,EP Business and Office Affairs.


Education is the key to unlock the world and will give you more opportunities to choose what you want to do. Good luck. A.Thitinan Pratumnan Head Assistant of EP Services, EP Bursar and Evaluation Co-ordinator


Congratulations for successfully completing your studies. Good luck in your future plans. A.Samanya Kerdphol Head Assistant of Academic Affairs Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success


Meet our New Teachers 先生 Pla    

Miss Krongkaew Pusiri Born on December 26, 1991 Studied Bachelor in Arts Major in Japanese at Rajamongkla University of Technology Rattanakosin, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand Teaches Japanese M1 & Japanese M4 - M6

先生 Pla

A. Mallika     

A. Mallika

Mrs. Mallika Kalathipambu Born on October 11, 1979 Studied Bachelor of Science Major in Physics at University of Kelara, India Studied Bachelor of Education Major in Physics at Sri Bodhi University, Dondichery, India Teaches Physics M4 – M6 &Mathematics M2 – M3

A. Anis     

Mr. Anis Imran Abdul Aziz Born on May 9, 1988 Studied Bachelor of Science in Chemistry & Polymer Chemistry, University of Kerala, India Studied Master of Science in Chemistry & Analytical Chemistry, University of Kerala, India Teaches Chemistry M4-M6, Biology M5 & Science M1

A. Anis 6

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

EP Academic Staff

2014 -2015

Ajarn Kalayanee Reunthong Head of the English Program

Ajarn Pallapa Rattanakusump Head Asst. of EP Student Affairs, EP Business and Office Affairs

Ajarn Thitinan Pratumnan Head Asst. of EP Services, EP Bursars and Evaluation Coordinator

Ajarn Pakapan Srivorakan Head of EP Public Relations

Ajarn Tassana Ninfu Head of EP Procurement

Miss Kanjana Janvitheesuk EP Asst. Librarian

Mr. Sayan Yamyen EP Audio-Visual and IT Manager

Ajarn Samanya Kerdphol Head Asst. of EP Academic Affairs

Mrs. Saychol Boonthongluan EP Head Librarian

Miss Kanokpan Sornnarai EP Office Secretary

Miss Penapa Lekwichen EP Office Asst. Secretary

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success


Meet our English Pro

Ms. Catherine Robyn “Mama” Trostle (English Language) • A.B. English at Ashford University, USA

Mr. Shane Mac Aodha (English Language)

Mr. Romeo Terogo Ordan, Jr. (Mathematics & Science)

• B.S.Ed. Major in Science at Angelicum College, Quezon City Philippines

• B.E. in Electronic Engineering at the Institute of Technology Tallaght, Ireland • TESOL Certificate at the English Langugae Institue, Dublin, Ireland • M.A. in Online and Distance Education, The Open Univeristy, U.K

Mr. Ram Levin (Science & Computer)

• B.Sc. Technological Education at Tel Aviv University, Israel • M.Sc. E-Learning Methodology at Assumption University, Thailand

Mr. Jean-Marie Boesel (French Language)

Mr. Duncan Kuria Muturi (Mathematics & Science)

• B.Sc. (Hons) Wood Science & Technology at Moi University, Eldoret City, Kenya


• Diplômé de l’Ècole Professionnelle Supérieure Informatique at EPSI, Paris, France • Diplômé de ICS (Integrated Computer Systems) at Méthodes de Direction Technique, Paris, France

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

Mr. Bradley Eugene Opatz, Jr. (Buddhism) • A.B. Religious Studies at the University of New Mexico, USA

Long-Term gram Teachers

Miss Sansanee Thongprayom (Physical Education & Health) • Studied Physical Education at Srinakarinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand

Mr. Mahesh Kumar (Mathematics)

Mr. Bruce Levy (English & Social Studies) • B. Sc. Engineering at the University of Dublin, California, USA

Mr. Charlou Rosales Alistre (Arts, Economics & Occupation Studies) • BS in Nursing, Adventist University of the Philippines, Davao del Sur, Philippines

• B. Sc. in Mathematics, University of Kerala, India • Bachelor in Education, S.N. Educational Research & Examination Board, Kerala India • M.Sc in Mathematics, Tecno Global University, Shillong, India • M.A in Education, S. B. Univeristy, Pondichery, India

Miss Tadsika Moonmom (Science)

• Bachelor in Education Major in Science, Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, Thailand

Miss Warapon Nuya (Chinese Language) • Studied Chinese Language Education at Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University, Ratchaburi, Thailand

Miss Tae Otani (Japanese Language)

• Studied Liberal Arts in Japanese Language Education at J.F. Oberlin University, Tokyo, Japan

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success


10 10 


A.Waraporn Limpiyapan

A.Chuanpit Khamprem

A.Supang Wongsup

A.Endo Jitpranee

A.Kanokrat Nakratchataamorn

A. Rongrat Samaisompob

A.Kalayanee Triratputaporn

A.Jidapa Poonmee Social Studies

A.Kanokrat Nakratchataamorn

A.Chutima Panbusarakham

A. Rongrat Samaisompob

A.Amornrat Rattasaksiri

A.Chariya Wuthirat

A.Nahathai Jaidee

A.Sujin Thepwonge

A.Jiraporn Noonoi

A.Lookin Soiakas

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

A.Nichapa Athichalinthan

Art Teacher

A.Narumon Saila

A.Sujirat Surawirot

A.Soontaree Chaikajorn


IS Teacher

Social Studies

Thai Teachers

Our Thai Teachers

A.Siriluk Kaewwonglom

A message from the EP Student Body President My name is Supakorn Athichalintorn. I am the English Program student body president and astudent in M.5. It’s been challenging being president and even more challenging being a good president. There are many things that I used to do, but asthe president, can’t do anymore – things such as being noisy in the library, wearing shoes inside the locker room, using my mobile phone in the library and dressing untidily. This job has really changedthe way I think. I am worried every time I dress untidily or do something to break the rules. I want to express my thanks to all the EP staff and teachers, especially Ajarn Kalayanee. Ajarn Kalayanee has always helped me and given me great suggestions on how to handle this difficult job. Thank you to all of my friends and student council members who always help me. I know that all that I have done couldn’t have been successful without you. Finally, I want to tell all EP students to take care our EP building, it is our home and to follow the rules because breaking them doesn’t make any sense and worse yet, if you break the EP, rules you will be fined.


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Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success



Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success


Jirakid Wongluksakul (J)

Address : 34/5 Rodfai Road, Nameuang, Meuang, Ratchaburi 70000 Email : Tel. 0985079596 Facebook : Jirakid Wongkuraskun

Teerapat Sittiwutworapan (kunjae) Address : 65/13 kaokanjarn, Dontako Ratchaburi 70000 Email : Tel. 0863376738 Facebook : Kunjae Key

Patcharapon Linchi (Bank)

Address : 183/48 Moo5, Paktho, Paktho, Ratchaburi 70140 Email : Tel. 0901411140 Facebook : P’Bank Ham Chese

Pipat Somboonsinchai (Sega)

Address : 5/4 bankhong hospital road, Photharam, Ratchaburi 70120 Tel. 082-4459451 Email : Facebook : Sega Pipat

Natcha Wongwattanakit (Mook)

Address : 255/15 Moo10, Wititworakarn11, Dontrako, Ratchaburi 70000 Tel. 0874009133 Email : Facebook : Mookies mooksh

Kittituch Suwanpraset (Mongkorn) Address : 124/102 Suarpa Rd., Namueang Muang, Ratchaburi 70000 E-mail : Tel. : 0924485559 Facebook : Vampier Korn

Polkrit Srikirin (Ping)

Address : 433/115 Suarpa Rd., Namueang Muang,Ratchaburi 70000 E-mail : Tel. : 0959866140 Facebook : Polkris Srikirin

Ariya Chaisiripanich (Pun)

Address : 162/98 Suriwayong Rd., Namueang Muang, Ratchaburi 70000 E-mail : Tel. : 0880042914 Facebook : Ariya Chaisiripanich


Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

Nuttha Boontham (May)

Address : 232 Moo7, Angthong, Mueang, Ratchaburi 70000 Tel. 0946744477 Email : Facebook : Nattha Boontham

Thawalrat Pinkasemjit (Baitoey)

Address : 169 Moo 6, Chetsamian, Photharam, Ratchaburi 70120 Tel. 0917799719 Email : Facebook : Baitoey Thawalrat

Thunyaluk Glinson (Tanoy)

Address : 140 Moo.8, Donkruy, Damnoensaduak, Ratchaburi 70130 Tel. 0851975893 Email : Facebook : Thtn’s Noy

Sasiporn Rungtrakul (Mook)

Address : 18/2 Moo3, Watkeaw, Bangphae, Ratchaburi 70160 Tel. 0983081509 Email : Facebook : ศศิพร รุ่งตระกูล

Sarita Huang (Yu-wern)

Address : 50/2 Moo3,Nampu Ratchaburi 70000 Tel. 0863540351 E-mail : Facebook : Yuwernn Sarita

Nicharee Teekasutamakorn (Punch)

Address : 20/62 Rungrueng Village, Moo 6 Jaedeehak, Muang, Ratchaburi 70000 E-mail : Tel. : 0920926475 Facebook : Nicharee Teekautamakorn

Thanwimon Hengsen (Poy)

Address : 179 Moo 9, Pakrat Banpong, Ratchaburi 70110 E-mail : Tel. : 0822983838 Facebook : PoyNa Ka

Namtip Junjerm (Tip)

Address : 125/1 Moo 1, Bokadaan Paktho, Rtachaburi 70140 E-mail : Tel. : 0904426656 Facebook : Tippu Namtip

Pussaya Pormsinchai (Point)

Address : 162/54 Srisuriyawong Rd., Namueang Muang Ratchaburi 70000 IG : Point_pornsinchai Tel. : 0909835299 Facebook : Point Pornsinchai

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success


Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success


Matayom 6 contacts นาย คุณากร แสงสัตตรัตน์ ชื่อเล่น บอส ที่อยู่ 270 ม.4 ต.ดอนทราย อ.ปากท่อ จ.ราชบุรี เบอร์โทร 0918878725 เกิด 21/08/39

น.ส.ขจี หวง ชื่อเล่น อี้ตัน ที่อยู่ 50/2 ม.3 ต.น้ำ�พุ อ.เมือง จ.ราชบุรี เกิด 28/02/40 ig: ahputony

นายญาณวุฒิ คำ�ธนะ ชื่อเล่น เพชร ที่อยู่ 205/18 ถ.มนตรีสุริยวงศ์ ต.หน้าเมือง อ.เมือง จ.ราชบุรี เกิด 08/08/39

น.ส.ชนาภา สุดแสนสง่า ชื่อเล่น กิ่ง ที่อยู่ 88/1 ถ.ราษฎรยินดี ต.หน้าเมือง อ.เมือง จ.ราชบุรี เกิด 09/05/40 ig: Gingringo

นาย ธราเทพ อึ๊งโพธิ์ ชื่อเล่น คิว ที่อยู่ 23/1 ม.3 ต.หนองกลางนา อ.เมือง จ.ราชบุรี เบอร์โทร 0809077058 เกิด 05/06/39

น.ส.ณุกานดา เลิศวัชรา ชื่อเล่น ทราย ที่อยู่88/60 แกรนการ์เด้นเพลส1 ต.บ้านไร่ อ.บ้านไร่ จ.ราชบุรี เบอร์โทร 0917391796

นายนราธิป พละสาร ชื่อเล่น โอ๊ด ที่อยู่ 319 ม.4 ต.ดินตะโก อ.เมือง จ.ราชบุรี

น.ส.ทิพาพร วิเวก ชื่อเล่น จิ๋ว ที่อยู่ 118/3 ม.1 ต.คลองตาคต อ.โพธาราม จ.ราชบุรี เบอร์โทร 0884540813 เกิด 14/09/39

นายพิเชษฐ์ อารีประเสริฐกุล ชื่อเล่น เฉินหลง ที่อยู่ 503 ถ.ศรีสุริยวงศ์ ต.หน้าเมือง อ.เมือง จ.ราชบุรี เบอร์โทร 0806606380 เกิด 18/10/39

น.ส.ปภาวี กุลชนะไพโรจน์ ชื่อเล่น เบลเล่ ที่อยู่ 153/165 ม.12 ต.เจดีย์หัก อ.เมือง จ.ราชบุรี เกิด 20/06/39 เบอร์โทร 0830744315 fb: Blle Paphawee

นาย วงศ์พัทธ์ บุญวรรณา ชื่อเล่น เวล ที่อยู่ 151/1 ม.3 ต.สวนกล้วย อ.บ้านโป่ง จ.ราชบุรี เบอร์โทร 0889166786 เกิด 03/05/40

น.ส.พิชญานิน เดชคุณากร ชื่อเล่น เบรฟ ที่อยู่101 ม.7 ต.คูบัว อ.เมือง จ.ราชบุรี เกิด 30/09/39 เบอณ์โทร 0833155775

นาย วรปรัชญ์ สวนคำ�นา ชื่อเล่น เจมส์ ที่อยู่ 97 ม.3 ต.บางโตนด อ.โพธาราม จ.ราชบุรี เบอร์โทร 0818089518 เกิด 7//12/39

น.ส.วรวีย์ ภูวพานิช ชื่อเล่น อ้อน ที่อยู่ 189 ม.7 ต.อ่างทอง อ.เมือง จ.ราชบุรี เกิด 19/09/39, Fb: Oonann Phuwaphanit, ig: oonannwrv, เบอร์โทร 0863886589

นายวสุพล ใช่รุ่งเรือง ชื่อเล่น แม็กซ์ ที่อยู่ 329 ม.3 ต.จอมบึง อ.จอมบึง จ.ราชบุรี เบอร์โทร 0918873867 เกิด 4/8/39 นายณัฐชนน สนองคล้าย ชื่อเล่น นน ที่อยู่ 136/24 ม.3 ต.ลาดใหญ่ อ.เมือง จ.สมุทรสงคราม เบอร์โทร 0831234003 เกิด 03/02/40 น.ส.ภภัสสร หนุนภักดี ชื่อเล่น ออยล์ ที่อยู่ 26 ถ.สมบูรณ์กุล2 ต.หน้าเมือง อ.เมือง จ.ราชบุรี เบอร์โทร 0949064516 เกิด 25/11/39


Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

น.ส.นฤมล ทองใบใหญ่ ชื่อเล่น มล ที่อยู่ 65/213 ต.คฑาธร อ.หน้าเมือง อ.เมือง จ.ราชบุรี เบอร์โทร 0840176519, เกิด 9/9/39, fb: Mon Narumon, ig: MNNRM น.ส.ชัญญา ลือโสภณ ชื่อเล่น มะนาว ที่อยู่ 28/30 ถนนรถไฟ ต.หน้าเมือง อ.เมือง จ.ราชบุรี เบอร์โทร 0926450081, fb: Chanya Manow น.ส.ธนารักษ์ เอี่ยมสะอาด ชื่อเล่น แคชเชียร์ ที่อยู่ 14 ม.5 ต.วังก์พง อ.ปราณบุรี จ.ประจวบคีรีขันธ์ เบอร์โทร 0833103416 เกิด 19/02/40

น.ส.เบญญาภา วงษ์วานิช ชื่อเล่น ภา ที่อยู่ 134 ม.2 ต.เจ็ดเสมียน อ.โพธาราม จ.ราชบุรี เกิด 05/09/39 เบอร์โทร 0926475183

น.ส.ปัณณิกา มาตังครัตน์ ชื่อเล่น ปันปัน ที่อยู่ 1/29 ถ.สมบูรณ์กุล ต.หน้าเมือง อ.เมือง จ.ราชบุรี ig: ppungpun เกิด 26/12/39

น.ส.มลธิชา เกิดสุข ชื่อเล่น มิ้ว ที่อยู่ 49 ม.7 ต.หนองปลาหมา อ.บ้านโป่ง จ.ราชบุรี เกิด 14/10/39 เบอร์โทร 0859467433

น.ส พรปวีณ์ แป้นภู ชื่อเล่น บิว ที่อยู่177/49 หมู่บ้านราชพงษ์ ต.โคกหม้อ อ.เมือง จ.ราชบุรี เบอร์โทร 0902109650 เกิด 6/06/40, fb: Pornpawee Panphoo, ig: BEWPPW

น.ส.เจนิส หวัง ชื่อเล่น ชินหยา ที่อยู่157/3 ม.4 ถ.เพชรเกษมสายเก่า ต.โคกหม้อ อ.เมือง จ.ราชบุรี เกิด 26/06/40 เบอร์โทร 0817103074

น.ส.ปตินันท์ เกิดทรัพย์ ชื่อเล่น เบลล่า ที่อยู่ 8 ม.4 ต.พงสวาย อ.เมือง จ.ราชบุรี เบอร์โทร 0838969560 เกิด 18/10/39

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success


Messages from the First of all, we want to say “thank you” to all of the EP teachers that taught us and to all the EP staff that helped us. We may sometimes ignore your teachings, being noisy in the class and being lazy, however, you always give us chances and you never cease to remind us to be responsible to our actions. And for that we would like to say sorry. You may often see or hear these word being said every year but this words truly comes from our hearts. Thank you to A. Kalayanee Reunthong who gave us the chance to study, to grow, to live our youthful lives happily in RBEP, a place where we found great friends and great knowledge. It’s not just a place to learn languages and sciences but also to learn how to become a good person with good values that can make our lives better. Lastly, we will not forget all of the EP students because we’re not just seniors or juniors but, we are “family” and it will be forever in our hearts. Miss Thawalrat “Baitoey” Pinkasemjit Class President, M3/14 Since day one as a part of the EP family, we felt that everyone, teachers & staff, are so kind. Teachers here aren’t just teachers, they can be our mom, dad, a brother, a sister and a dear friend. When we are under a lot of stress, our teachers are always present, always find the time to give us an advice to solve any problem. Thank you so much. Thank you for your taking care of us for the past 3 years. Even though, some of us won’t be here in m.4 anymore but our hearts will be here forever. Every memory that we’ve made won’t disappear. Sometimes we were naughty in the class, we didn’t have focus to study, and we made you angry, sad and disappointed even though there are just 18 in the class. We would like to say sorry to all of you. We are very happy being in school - all 3 years of it. You always support us in everything we do. You sent us to competitions so that we can gain new experiences. Win or lose, you never complain. EP teachers will always say, “We’ve done our best. We can always try it again and be better.” EP teachers always give us an inspiration and makes us believe in ourselves more. Once again, we would like to say thank you to every teacher that taught us since M.1, All of the bad things, we will learn from it and we will keep the good memories. Our best memories happen while being in EP for 3 years. We will cherish it forever. Miss Pussaya Pornsinchai Class President, M.3/15


Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

Graduating Class Presidents

This is now the time when my friends and I are leaving RBEP to start a new chapter of our lives in different universities. Honestly, we don’t want to go but we MUST. How time flies! In 6 years, we did a few bad and stupid things to our teachers and the staff and for that we would like to say sorry for those days that we behaved poorly. We are not the perfect students but we tried our very best to be one. In behalf of the graduating Matayom 6 students, I would like to say a big THANK YOU to every teacher and staff who has taught us, punished us, reminded us what we should do, advised us to do better things, and listened to us when we got problems. Being in RBEP for 6years, we have learned a lot of good and useful things not just to become a great student but also to become a great citizen of this ever-changing world. And last but not the least, everything that we have been through together is going to be in our memories forever. WE LOVE YOU ALL!!! Miss Benyapa Wongwanich Class President, M.6/14

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success


Messages for the Graduates

It’s been a great pleasure getting to know you and having you as students in EP for the past three or six years. I’ve been impressed with the growth you’ve shown and also your attitude towards our EP and your life. I wish you much happiness and success in whatever you do. Feel free to keep in touch and let us share your experiences outside our home, EP. Love you all. Ajarn Kalayanee Congratulations on your graduation to M.3 and M.6 students. Remember that: “When facing with difficult situations, you will never regret choosing the most positive way; and even though they will demand much of you, you will not regret taking on the meaningful challenges.” Love you all so much. Ajarn Pallapa Congratulations! Education is the key to unlock the world and will give you more opportunities to choose what you want to do. Good luck. Ajarn Thitinan


It was a pleasure having you here with us for the past 6 or 3 years. I hope you enjoyed your time and learned how to be good citizens of the world. Even though you are moving on to your next challenge we would like to hear from you in the future, so please keep in touch and share your success with us wherever you are. May the force be with you! Ajarn Rambo The more you learn different languages, the more your brain will work. The more you gain experience of life, The more you travel in the world. The more you open your spirit to the world, The better will be your thoughts. With positive thoughts all along your life, you will have a better life. And when you have that better life, I hope you remember what your E.P. teachers say for your future. Do not forget them, they will not forget you. That’s for sure! Ajarn Jean-Marie

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

Firstly, to all this year’s M6 students, I wish you good luck and prosperity in your future. You never finish learning, so continue and be the best you can be! And secondly to M3, I will miss you all greatly. You have been such a fun class to teach. You have given me headaches, laughter, and satisfaction. I will remember you all fondly. Keep in touch and good luck on the next stage of your journey. Don’t lose your energy! Ajarn Shane So proud of you all! Remember, learning lasts a lifetime. I hope that you take this away with you knowing that ending your school years is simply one marker on your journey albeit an important one. As you continue your journey, whatever path you choose in your life, I encourage you to be curious, to ask questions and to dig deeper so that you are an engaged learner. School shouldn’t simply be about just getting good grades or what you need to complete to get

a m f i P l E y r u o y from into the next stage of your life, but rather an opportunity to truly understand the inter-connectedness of knowledge and how it can be used to make the world a better place. I bid you good bye with the words of Albert Einstein “The impor tant thing is to not stop questioning.” Ajarn Mahesh Congratulations on your graduation and good luck in the future. บทความดีๆๆที่มอบให้ M.3 & M.6 Do not allow what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. You can reach your dreams faster by doing things you’re good at.” “อย่าปล่อยให้สิ่งที่คุณทำ�ไม่ได้ มา เป็ น อุ ป สรรคในการทำ � สิ่ ง ที่ คุ ณ ทำ � ได้ คุณสามารถเอื้อมคว้าความฝันให้เร็วขึ้น ได้ หากเลือกทำ�ในสิ่งที่คุณรัก” Ajarn Pang The time you spent here is an opportunity - a chance to make yourselves be fully prepared for the next big step you’ll going to face. The focused effort that you exerted to get the most out of that opportunity determines the number of opportunities you’re going to get in the future. Congratulations, you did yourselves a favor. Widen your opportunities and focus on what you dream of yourselves. Take calculated risks and shoot yourselves up high. Your success roots from deep within you. Ajarn Carlo To M3’s - Congratulations for your academic achievement. Keep the ‘flame burning’ and never give up on what you do. Thanks for your cooperation.

To M6’s - Seasons come and go. Time has come to move on to the next academic level. Each of you has a unique intellectual capacity of which used well will take you to greater heights. Thanks for your good cooperation. Congratulations!!! Ajarn Duncan To M3’s - There’s nothing in the world that you can’t do. Congratulations! To M6’s - Wishing you a wonderful future. Filled with all the happiness and success you deserve. Congratulations! We are all so proud of you. Ajarn Gig ご卒業おめでとうご ざいます! Congratulations on your graduation! M3もM6も面白くてパ ワフルなクラスだったの で、みんなが卒業してし まうのは、さみしいで す。 I will miss you all because M.3 and M.6 students are funny and have so much energy. これからの幸運と成 功をお祈りしています。 Wish you good luck and success in your future. Ajarn Tae Otani It’s that time again when our M.3 and M.6 students take that next step in the journey of their lives. I hope you take a good look around and bring to mind memories of the experiences you have shared during your time together in the English Program. These memories like precious gems should be treasured and taken out and pol-

ished often in the future for they are valuable beyond compare. As you prepare to embark upon this first leg of your journey into adulthood, remember that we are all so proud of each and every one of you. You are amazing young people with very bright futures. This will always be your home and you will always be welcomed back with open arms. You will be in my heart always and on my mind often. Remember – YOU ARE WHAT YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE. Love and good luck to each of you. Ajarn Mama First of all, congratulations M6! This is only the beginning. I wish you all success, happiness and peace of mind. Keep the EP flame burning wherever you go. Be good citizens of the world and never ever hesitate to ask us, your EP family, for help. Live and Learn! Hakuna Matata! Peace! And second, to my lovely children M3, thank you so much for three years of happy, terrible, wonderful, funny and amazing moments as your teacher and adviser. Improve not just your HEAD but also your HEART. A man of good character is more respectful than any man of superior intellect. On your next journey to upper secondary, things won’t be as easy as before but if you’re prepared and focused, there is nothing you can’t do. Keep your head high and your foot on the ground. I will surely miss you all. Keep in touch. LOVE YOU ALL, MY PRECIOUS CHILDREN! Ajarn Romeo

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success


Meet the Undergradua

Advisers: Front Row: Back Row:

Mrs. Prapai Khaochaweerattanachat and Mr. Charlou Rosales Alistre Busayarin Thiempanpong (Cream), Daranphon Poenwongnitikhon (Fha), Sasimaporn Layklang (Far), A. Carlo, A. Prapai, Jaruwan Ngajuer (Pang), Isariya Wongseng (Fuji), Boonsita Boonthongluan (Jee) Paween Pangbupha (Mai), Rapeepum Teekavativ (Jus), Ditvat Tanwettayanon (Sun), Wattanaporn Likicharoentham (Kee), Krit Pratumnan (Kimleng), Kulburut Kanokrattananukul (Boss)

Advisers: Front Row: Back Row:

Mrs. Wilaiporn Kempka and Miss Tae Otani Sutheera Kasinurak (Jin), Anuttaree Montaka (Jajar), Raveewan Limploy (Pair), Geerawan Boonyuen (Web), Thanaporn Uengpho (Cream), Waratchaya Suwanpreecha (Eihung), A. Tae Phuthep Patee (Winner), Kananon Thawonkajonsiri (Je), Woragun Suankamna (Job), Thanin Athi worapanya (Nin), Nopparuj Thamjinda (Aun)


Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

ates (Lower Secondary)

Advisers: Front Row: Back Row:

Mrs. Cholakan Benjawong and Mr. Shane Mac Aodha Nakkanan Klapajon (Nut), Mananchaya Kittipornkul (Mind), A. Shane, A. Cholakan, Wanwanach Kitja (Kam), Prueksa Prueksakorn (Mhai), Panuwat Pawangkarat (Por), Chanpiwat Kongprapi (Mark), Nonthawat Jitbunjong (Non), Chatchayodom Juntiwas (Sam), Pongsapak Tingjaroen (Pee)

Advisers: Front Row: Back Row:

Miss Pallapa Rattanakusump, Miss Krongkaew Pusiri and Mr. Ram Levin Anchitta Jeerasuk (Gain), Wipawee Sondech (Wan), A. Pallapa, A. Ram, Kunjanaporn Inyam (Aey), Pantaree Tumsud (Fresh), Chinathip Chairungrueng (Son), Parit Plianpran (Nampu), Purakorn Juthasom (Milo), Krittee Chaichinda (Kao) Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success


Meet the Undergradua

Advisers: Front Row: Back Row: Inserts:


Mrs. Thitinan Pratunam, Miss Sansanee Thongprayoon & Mr. Duncan Muturi Nichapa Supapongngamsiri (China), Chanakan Taksapiyabut (Kan), Rinrada Sripramong (Ink), Boonyanuch Thiansirichot (Nuch), Parichat Bunsoom (Mook), A. Sansanee, A. Duncan, A. Thitinan, Sierra Napoli (Sierra), Patarapong Khemratch (Eem), Tiwanard Kongprapi (Mind), Gunkarin Latthasaksri (June), Peerada Theinrungroj (Jor), Sujira Klowutiwat (Ice) Sumetee Kasinurak (Ta), Theerachai Pollaboon (Kirk), Geerapat Kitrungpipat (Phet), Sipaquan Choksasomnitipop (Aingfa), Neeracha Kwanprai (Dream), Punrawee Jootharee (Mint), Weerapong Tepkeaw (Guy), Patarapon Khemratch (Arm), Waranon Utsamanee (A-leave), Kraisima Maitrechit (God), Kanatach Singthong (Pu), Akaradej Im-uton (Nueng), Nattapon Auttawattana (Nut), Kristsana Layklang (Kong), Chiratcha Phetdang (Jean), Sutthinee Jantason (May), Chanaporn Wongseng (Earn), Sajikhan Sriniwach (Mook) Chatchapong Kaewpichit (Pond), Thitsana Saengsawang (Aum), Thanakorn Pasangtein (Ming)

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

ates (Upper Secondary)

Advisers: Front Row: Back Row: Inserts:

Mrs. Wilaiwan Ternkao and Mrs. Catherine Robyn Trostle Rujirek Poolsawat (Gift), Yanisa Saimee (Dew), Apicha Srisuwan (Pun-pun), Chananchida Maliwan (Kluayhom), Kultida Kanorattananukul (Ked), A. Mama, A. Wilaiwan, Papitchaya Srisawang (May), Chutikarn Pandara (Baitoey), Paramee Tamcharoen (Pan), Nichanan Kongsuwan (Ice), Mayuree U-dong (Mew), Arnan Siripong (Sister) Paruch Plianparan (Pudjeeb), Tewit Danthanawit (Tor), Siwakorn Vilaiwong (Korn), Supakorn Athichalinthorn (Pond), Siripat Kitipornpanich (Chel), , Likitsawan Sukthawat (Num), Sanhanat Sittiwutworapan (Save), Phattadon Pansap (Suky), Chattapod Chompunuch (Pod), Kanitha Promsopee (Jaonine),Panida Chantasa (Pan) Pasagorn Riddle (Kody), Wankeaw Srivilai (Nine), Pheerapat Thienrungroj (Big), Kusuma Burakorn (Pop)

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success



Miss Kultida Kanorattananukul (Ked) Centenario, Neuquen, Argentina AFS (American Field Service) Exchange Program

Hola! My name is Kultida Kanokrattananukul or you can call me Ked. I am currently a student in M.5/14. I was an AFS (American Field Service) exchange student to Argentina in 2013-2014 While there, I lived in Centenario, Neuquen Province. It is a small town that doesn’t have anything so, if I wanted to go shopping in a department store I had to go to the city center about 30 minutes away. My host family is consisted of my host dad and mom, an older sister and 2 younger brothers. My host mom and dad love cooking very much, so I had yummy food to eat all year! I was really close to my sister and brothers, we always did everything together. My host family was really nice to me. Even though our cultures are very different, they always understood me and helped me with everything such as the language and they taught me about their culture as well. In Argentina, people love football, so I watched and cheered the football leagues with my host family every week - it was a very fun time! I attended is Colegio Virgen de Lujan. It’s a small school with only about 600 students. Schools in Argentina was easier than in Thailand. They study only half a day. It was at school where I met a lot of friends and learnt more Spanish quickly. Teachers were very kind. Whenever I didn’t understand something in school, they tried to teach me in English even though they couldn’t speak well. My friends were very friendly with me. They always invited me to go out together and also helped me in everyway possible. Besides football, Argentineans love to party!! Teenagers like to go to pubs very much, so they go every weekend. The teenagers who are 15 years old are allowed in pubs, so my friends and I went for 4-5 times. It was a very difficult time. I can never do this in Thailand. Argentineans don’t speak English, they speak Spanish (which is more difficult than English). I had never studied it before, so I had to start at level 0. I spent 6 months practicing Spanish until I was able to speak well. It was really difficult time for me because I had to live in a place so far from my family with a very different culture and I couldn’t understand anything about what they talked about or what the teachers taught. Sometimes I had to ask myself, “What am I doing here?” But this experience made me more responsible and grown up. After I got over that hard time, everything was very fun, amazing and unforgettable. It was the best experience I have ever done in my life and with memories that will last a lifetime. I hope that I can go back someday. Yes, being an exchange student isn’t easy, but if you open your mind to accept new things, to learn about another culture and to meet a lot of people from another part of the world, this will be the best experience of your life. You should try it!

Chananchida Maliwan (Kluayhom) Dubuque, Iowa, USA YFU (Youth for Understanding) Exchange Program My name is Chananchida Maliwan. I was an exchange student with Youth For Understanding (YFU) from Thailand. While in America, I lived in Dubuque, Iowa, a beautiful and peaceful place. I went to Hempstead High School where I met my teachers, friends, and a ton of delightful people! In summer, I traveled to New York, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C. where the Statue of Liberty stands and looks out for the people who come to visit her. I also visited the White House where the president of the United States works. This was such an amazing time! Amazingly, the year passed, very quickly and it was time to go back to Thailand. It was really hard to leave my life in America, but my exchange year will never fade from my heart. I would like to say thank you to my family, teachers, friends, and everyone who always believed and stayed beside me. Since being an exchange student, my life has changed; my attitude on everything has become more positive. I learnt so many lessons and became much stronger. Don’t let your chance go by as an exchange student; Let’s make the world your home together!


Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

Supakorn Athichalinthorn(Pond) Saga, Japan

YFU (Youth for Understanding) Exchange Program

Someone has said that if you want to travel aboard for the first time, Japan is not a good choice, because you will fall in love with the country. For me being an exchange student for 1 month really changed my life. I never thought that one day I would have the chance to be an exchange student to Japan and live how they live, eat how they eat and see what they see. I love Japanese comic books and anime but I have never studied Japanese before. That made me feel afraid because I had heard most Japanese’s English was not so good - when I was there, I found out that it was true. So I had to study Japanese really hard for 1 month. My host family was really wonderful. My host family had 8 members : my father, mother, grandmother, aunt, 2 sisters and 2 brothers. None of them could speak English, so for the first week it was really hard for me to understand what they were talking about or what they wanted me to do. I think partially because of this difficulty, my Japanese skills increased day by day and I could understand them more and more. I met many good friends at school who always helped me even though their English wasn’t very good. I still stay in contact with all of them every day. Being an exchange student doesn’t only mean it will change your experience in studying, but your whole life as well. Just like it did to me.

Tewit Danthanawit (Tor) Spray, Oregon, USA AYC (Amsam Youth Center) Intercultural Programs Thailand My name is Tewit Danthanawanit, but you can call me “Tor.” I’m going to tell you guys about my experiences in the United of America. Before I went there, I was worried a lot about what the American culture would be like and if my English was good enough to communicate. Sure enough, when I first got there, I didn’t understand anyone when they spoke to me and they didn’t understand me when I spoke to them. However, that all changed in a short time and I was able to communicate quite well. I studied at Spray High School in Spray, Oregon. My school was small (only 20 high school students and 30 kindergarten students). I think that most people wouldn’t like living in such a small town or studying in such a small school, but not me. I really liked it because I knew everyone and everyone knew me. The teachers had time to help each students with any problems they had, unlike big schools where teachers taught hundreds of students. Probably one of my favorite things about being there was that I participated in a lot of sports, for example: American football, basketball and track and field. I also did a lot of weight training which made me a lot stronger and not gained weight I was lucky enough to travel to several places while I was there: Sedona, the Grand Canyon, and Las Vegas. The place I liked the most was the Grand Canyon because of its view I had never seen such a beautiful view in my life. I would like to tell you guys that if your parents can support you and you have the opportunity to be an exchange student, go for it – it will be one of the best experiences of your life. I guarantee it. Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success


Yanawut Khamthana (Phet) Riverton, Wyoming, U.S.A. EF (Education First) Exchange Student Program

Hello! My name is Yanawut Khamthana My name is Yanawut Khamthana. You can call me Phet. I’m I’m an M.6 student student in the English Program at Ratchaborikanukroh School. I spent almost one year in the United States of America as an EF (Education First) foreign exchange student. During my exchange year, I stayed in Riverton, Wyoming, the least populated state, and went to Riverton High School, where I made lots of new friends from all over the world and participated in many activities like the RHS tennis team, Key Club by Kiwanis, FCCLA, and etc. While I was there, I got to stay with the most wonderful host family, the Hancocks, they took care of me very well. I got to experience the American holidays and culture, such as Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Halloween was very fun. I went to the main street, where the fair was held and we went trick-or-treating with my American friends. On Thanksgiving, my host family took me to their relative’s house in Idaho falls. I got to meet their huge family consisting of over 30 people and we watched American football and ate turkeys and pies together I travelled to so many fantastic places; namely Utah, Idaho, Colorado, Ohio, and Michigan. It was such a great memorable experience of my life, which I would call “the Best Year of my Life”.

Lisa Pircher

AFS (American Field Service) Exchange Program

Hello my crazy people!

My name is Lisa, I am from Italy and I will be staying in Dan Thap Tako, Thailand for one year, till May 2015! I am really enjoying my exchange year here. It is a perfect place to meet wonderful people, eat delicious food and study a really funny language. I am so happy that I am studying in the Ratchaborikanukroh School in the EP. Everybody is very helpful and in the mode of trying to speak with me. I really like it when people speak with me, because every person represents a door to another exciting world. I am looking forward to studying the language as soon as possible, so I can talk to people and understand them easier. I would like to see a lot of things in Thailand because for me, Thailand is one of the most interesting and beautiful places in the world. I want to learn as much as I can about the culture and lifestyles because there is a big difference between my home country and Thailand. However, the most important thing for me is to learn more about myself, grow up, get around the world and establish friendships in every part of this little world! Thank you guys to everyone who is part of my exciting experience, I am sure I will never forget it and you too!!


Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success


nt-Teacher The annual EP Pare 14. Parmeeting was held last June 8, 20faculty and ents were introduced to the EP l were given top EP students in each year leve nts. This awards for their academic achieveme know their was also the chance for parents to children’s class standings.


Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

กี่หยาดเหงื่อรินหยดรดลงร่าง ที่พรมพร่างนำ�ทางให้ศิษย์เห็น แต่ละถ้อยแต่ละคำ�นำ�ร่มเย็น ให้คิดเป็นกล้าทำ�กล้าทดลอง แด่มวลผองลูกศิษย์ที่ครูรัก คอยตระหนักให้ศิษย์พ้นภัยผอง ส่องแสงเทียนนำ�ทางตามครรลอง ส่งแสงส่องผ่องกระจ่างสว่างเพียร ประณตน้อมพร้อมจิตอธิษฐาน ก้มกราบกรานบูชาขึ้นเหนือเศียร ประสาทสิทธิ์สานวิชาให้ศิษย์เรียน คอยดำ�ริติเตียนเมื่อพลั้งไป เมื่อศิษย์โตเป็นผู้ใหญ่ในวันหน้า รู้คุณค่าความดีไม่เหลวไหล มิได้หวังให้เจ้าเก่งเกินใคร หวังเพียงให้เจ้าจดจำ�คำ�สอนครู For Teacher’s day By Suky 5/14 June 12, 2014 was the day students pay respect to their teachers as our school celebrated the annual “Wai Kru” ceremony. Beautifully decorated offerings of flowers, candles and joss sticks arranged on a “phan” made especially by the students to show gratitude to their teachers. In addition, students were also given recognition for participating in the “Wai Kru Poetry Writing Contest” and once again our very own Phattadon Pansap (Suky 5/14) was one of the recipient by wining 1st runner-up in the Upper Level Category. Well done! This year’s class representatives for the ceremony are as follows: M1/14 – Wanwananch Kitja (Kan) & Panuwat Pawangkarat (Por) M1/15 – Kritte Chaichinda (Kao) & Wipawee Sondech (Wan) M2/14 – Sasimaporn Layklang (Far) & Divat Tanwettayanon (Sun) M2/15 – Waratchaya Suwanpreecha (Eihung) & Thanin Athiworapanya (Nin) M3/14 – Sarita Huang (Yu-wern) & Jirakid Wongluksakul (J) M3/15 – Polkrit Srikirin (Ping) & Namtip Junjern (Tip) M4/14 – Chakorn Kasisinthanon & Rinrada Sripramong (Ink) M5/14 – Phattadon Pansap (Suky) & Apicha Srisuwan (Pun-pun) M6/14 – Narathip Palasan (Ode) & Nokanda Lertwatchara (Sai)

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success



EP celebrated its first Tana bata Festival last June 24, 2014 at the EP Meeting Hall. This was organized by the EP Japanese Classes headed by Sensei Tae and Sensei Pla. The festival was full of “tanoshi” activities such as Japanese Songs and Cover

Dancing, (短冊)Tanzaku (writing your wish) and Origami. They also have mini food stalls with “umai” food such as yakisoba, sushi, takoyaki and chocolate pudding. Tanabata, or the Star Festival, is well celebrated in Japan. The festival traces its origins to a legend that the Cowherd Star (Altair) and Weaver Star (Vega), lovers separated by the Milky Way, are allowed to meet just once a year--on the seventh day of the seventh month.


Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

RB French Day Celebration

Our EP students joined the annual French Day celebration last August 19, 2014. Our 4/14 students, Nueng, Aingfa and May and their scrumptious “canapé” won the French Food contest. Miss Chanapa Sudsansanga (Ging 6/14) won the search for “Miss Chanel 2014.” All of our students were guided by our very own French teacher, Professeur Jean-Marie Boesel. Félicitations!

Schools Visit RBEP

Word has gotten out! We are one of the best that is why various schools visited RBEP to see how the program runs. Schools such as Kanjanapisek Witthayalai Suphanburi School, Rayong Witthayakom School and Huahin School got the chance to talk to our teachers and see them in action with our students. Thank you for visiting.

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success


The EP/MEP OPEN HOUSE 2014 commenced last July 20, 2014. The Zone-B Round was held in our home base, Ratchaborikanukroh School, Ratchaburi for the very first time. The 11 EP/MEP schools from Zone-B (Nakhon Pathom, Phetchaburi, Kanchanaburi, Suphanburi, Phrachuap Khirikhan and Ratchaburi) competed for the 1st and 2nd place positions for them to advance in the final round.

And here are the awards that RBEP took home: Science Project Work-Level 2 1st place (90.33%) GOLD Wipawee Sondech 1/15 Anchitta Jeerasuk 1/15 Kunjanaporn Inyam 1/15

Science Project Work-Level 3 2nd place (80.66%) GOLD Kraisima Maitrechit 4/14 Patarapon Khemratch 4/14 Peerada Theinrungroj 4/14

Math Project Work-Level 2 2nd place (84%) GOLD Pussaya Pornsinchai 3/15 Sarita Huang 3/14 Boonsita Boonthong 2/14

Math Project Work Level 3 1st place (86.3%) GOLD Chattapod Chompoonuch 5/14 Mayuree U-dong 5/14 Paruch Plianpran 5/14

Skit Competition-Level 2 4th place (76.66%) SILVER Thawalrat Pinkasenjit 3/14 Daraphon Poemwongnitikhon 2/14 Geerawan Boonyuen 2/15 Raveewan Limploy 2/15 Sutheera Kasinurak 2/15

Skit Competition-Level 3 1st place (85.33%) GOLD Phapawee Kulchanapairote 6/14 Likitsawan Sukthawat 5/14 Wankaew Srivilai 5/14 Rujirek Poolsawat 5/14 Patarapong Khemratch 4/14

Impromptu Speech Level 3 – 1st place (84%) GOLD Janice Wang 6/14

Story Tellingnd Level 3 – 2 place (74.66%) SILVER Rinrada Sripramong 4/14


Multi-Skills stCompetition Level 3 – 1 place (84%) GOLD Sierra Napoli 4/14

Multi-Skills stCompetition Level 2 – 1 place (80.8%) GOLD Nicharee Teekautamakorn 3/15

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

Singing Level 3 – 1st place (82%) GOLD Sumetee Kasinurak 4/14

Impromptu Speech Level 2 - 4th place (83%) GOLD Nutcha Wongwattanakit 3/14

Only the 1st and 2nd place winners advanced to the final round of the competition. It was held at Saipanyarangsit School, Pathum Thani last August 5, 2015 where they competed against EP/MEP schools from all over the Central and Eastern Regions. Here are the results:

The EP/MEP OPEN HOUSE EXHIBITION 2014 commenced last August 3 – 4, 2013 at Future Rangsit Mall, Pathum Thani with this year’s theme “Joining Hands Globally” where the top 3 winners were given awards. We are proud to announce this year’s CHAMPIONS. The crème de la crème of the Upper Secondary Multi-skills Competition, Sierra Napoli 4/14 and for the 2nd time the RBEP Upper Secondary Skit team (Belle 6/14, Num 5/14, Nine 5/14, Gift 5/14 & Eem 4/14) brought home the bacon.

Congratulations for a job very well done! We are all proud of you! Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success


COMPETING WITH THE CRÈME DE LA CRÈME Our EP students passed with flying colors during the 64th Thailand Children’s Cultural Talent (งานศิลปหัตถกรรมนักเรียน) 2014. The SESAO 8 Ratchaburi Level (งานศิลปหัตถกรรมนักเรียน ระดับจังหวัด) was held last November 7, 2014 at Ratchaborikanukroh School, Ratchaburi and the Regional (Central & Eastern) Level (งานศิลปหัตถกรรมนักเรียน ระดับภาคกลางและภาคตะวันออก) with at least 51 participating schools and was held at different schools in Nonthaburi from December 17 – 19, 2014.

• Skit Competition – Lower Secondary

 Daranphon Poenwongnitikorn (Fha) 2/14  Sutheera Kasinurak (Jin) 2/15  Geerawan Boonyuen (Web) 2/15  Raveewan Limploy (Pair) 2/15  Thawalrat Pinkasemjit (Baitoey) 3/14 o 1st Place Gold – SESAO 8 Ratchaburi Zone 1 Level o 19th Place Silver – Central & Eastern Level (out of 50 teams)

• Japanese Speech – Upper Secondary  Weerapong Tepkaew (Sky) 4/14 o 1st Place Gold – SESAO 8 Ratchaburi Zone 1 Level o 13th Place Silver – Central & Eastern Level (out of 28 delegates)

• Skit Competition – Upper Secondary

 Paphawee Kulchainapairote (Belle) 6/14  Wankaew Srivilai (Nine) 5/14  Likitsawan Sukthawat (Num) 5/14  Rujirek Poolsawat (Gift) 5/14  Patarapong Khemratch (Eem) 4/14 o 1st Place Gold – SESAO 8 Ratchaburi Zone 1 Level o 22nd Place Gold – Central & Eastern Level (out of 48 teams)

• French Speech – Upper Secondary  Chanapa Sudsansanga (Ging) 6/14 o 1st Place Gold – SESAO 8 Ratchaburi Zone 1 Level o 12th Place Silver – Central & Eastern Level (out of 24 delegates)

• Multi-Skills – Upper Secondary  Sierra Napoli – 4/14 o 1st Place Gold – SESAO 8 Ratchaburi Zone 1 Level o 19th Place Gold – Central & Eastern Level (out of 45 delegates)

We would like to give a big thumbs up to the following students who gave their best during the SESAO 8 Ratchaburi Level (งานศิลปหัตถกรรมนักเรียน ระดับจังหวัด) competitions.

• Sutheera Kasinurak (Jin) 2/15 Chinese Speech (Lower Secondary) – 2nd place Gold

• Benyapa Wongwanich (Ben) 6/14 Spelling Bee (Upper Secondary) – 2nd place

• Chananchida Maliwan (Kluayhom) 5/14 Impromptu Speech (Upper Secondary) – 2nd place Gold



Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

• Pussaya Pornsinchai (Point) 3/15 ASEAN Quiz (Lower Secondary) – 4th place Silver • Tewit Dantanawit (Tor) 5/15 ASEAN Quiz (Upper Secondary) – 9th place

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success



Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success


The 43rd

RATB Games


Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

The 43rd RATB Games commenced last August 6 – 7, 2014. Our students participated during the opening day parades in their colorful costumes, the cheerleading and pep squad contest and the sports events such as running, badminton and swimming.

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success


part of All of the activities are focused on theaware of the students’ mind that makes them right or their actions as being either morally sense of wrong. We want our student to have a rds one obligation to do right or be good towa another to build a more peaceful world.

“Social Conscience: One World, One Love” was this year’s camp theme held last November 12 – 14, 2014 at the lush green Pavilion Rim Kwai Resort, Kanchanaburi Province.


Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

Theme Show The theme show on the first night of the camp was about the 21st Century Academic Skills in which students are given the task to present an activity based on a skill namely: • • • • • • • • •

Honestly Cross culture Creativity Critical Thinking Patience Information and Media Reading, Writing & Arithmetic Career & Learning Skill Computing

• Teamwork

Anti-bullying activity: This activity was the main focus of this year’s camp. The students did an anti-bullying campaign by preparing posters, a song or a skit. Students were able to understand the effects of bullying and why it should not be done.

We also had a small side trip in “floating restaurant” at KwaiNoi River, Kanchanaburi and then later we went at WatThamSeūa (Tiger Cave Temple). We had good food, great songs and the cool relaxing breeze to end yet another successful English Camp.

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success


It is not a camp without the Talent Night Show with hilarious skits and surprise dance performances by students, EP staff and EP teachers. Applause, applause!! The Student Body officers, composed of M5 & M6 students, made a surprise performances for A. Kalayanee and A. Pallapa.


Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

1st place – Group 9 (Creativity Fashion Show)

2nd place – Group 10 (Skip Rope Teamwork Game)

1st place – Team 10 (The EP Classroom)

2nd place – Team 7 (EP Got Talent)

1st place – Group 4 (Dynamo)

Most Helpful Female – Nine 5/14 (Group 3)

Most Helpful Male – Phet 6/14 (Group 5)

2nd place – Group 5 (Group 5-on-Top)

Leadership Award Female - Pa 6/14 (Group 10)

Most Punctual Group - Group 4 (Dynamo)

3rd place – Group 3 (Charades Communication Game)

3rd place – Team 3 (EPTV)

3rd place – Group 10 (Team Snoopy)

Leadership Award Male – Pond 5/14 (Group 4)

EP Camp T-shirt Design Award – Milk 6/14 (Group 5)

Most English Spoken by a Student Award – Level 2 • Eihung 3/15, Jin 3/15, Cream 3/15, Jajar 3/15, Mai 3/14 Most English Spoken by a Student Award – Level 3 • Bell Paphawee 6/14, Num 5/14

We would like to thank the M6 students, headed by Pa 6/14, for organizing the camp with the help of the EP Student Body Council headed by Pond 5/14, EP staff and teachers, EP assistant heads and our EP Head, A. Kalayanee and most especially to our beloved students for making this camp possible Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success


Educational Trip Sriraj Medical Museum September 6, 2014

The EP Lower Secondary students went to Sriraj Medical Museum last Septem 6, 2014. A project of A.Rome A. Tadsika and A. Saychol. Students went in to various museum within the vicinity of Siriraj Hospital such as: • Ellis Pathological Museum – displays genuine specimens and models normal heart and heart diseases, fetal development, congenital anomalies and display types of cancer that often found in men and women. • Songkran Niyomsane Forensic Medicine Museum large collections of important forensic specimens related to the modern history of Thailand such as the first serial killer of the country, many well-known murder cases. • Congdon Anatomical Museum - displays a complete collection of dissected whole human body • Parasitology Museum - displays a large collection of important parasites in this region including exhibition of several parasitic life cycles. • Siriraj Bimuksthan Museum – focus on the founding of Siriraj Hospital and the first medical school.


Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success


Once upon a time: Senior Prom 2015


Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

January 31, 2015, under the sweet moonlight, the senior students of RBEP celebrated their “Once Upon A Time: Senior Prom 2015” at Samranraj Restaurant, Ratchaburi. It was the final night to celebrate their EP years with their teachers, alumni and fellow EP students. The night was hosted by Miss Wankaew Srivalai (Nine 5/14) & Mr. Likitsawan Sukthawat (Nam 5/14). It started with some music from the vocal styling of Mr. Wongpat Boonwanna (Well 6/14). It was followed by messages from our distinguish guests; our school director, Mrs. Nuanchan Laksitanon and our assistant director, Mrs. Pranom Srithong followed by A. Kalayanee Ruenthong, our EP Head and finally, A. Samanya Kerdphol & Mr. Bruce Levy, the M6 class advisers. As an act of gratitude to the hard work and assistance of our EP Faculty and Staff, the seniors welcomed everyone to the 1st RBEP Teachers & Staff awards. It was followed by the offering of a song and garlands to their dear teachers. The Prom Awards, which was voted by teachers, students & guest, were chosen and Miss Benyapa Wongwnich (Pa 6/14) was chosen as Prom Queen, Mr. Yanawut Khamthana (Phet 6/14) was chosen as Prom King and Miss Paphawee Kulchanapairot (Bell 6/14) won Best Dress of the night’s party as she graced the night in her fabulous red gown. It was truly a memorable night and the M6 students of this year can truly say that they had an enchanting night ONCE UPON A TIME.

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success



Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

nt Boy Council 5, our new EP Stude Last February 10, 201 ates with the theme ell party for our graofdu201 organized the Farew 4-2015 took a trip & M6 graduates rs. “Toy Story�. The M3 their past school yea e as they reminisce xt ne the e down memory langiv tak y the as s to our graduate you all!!! Well wishes were mienc live s. We will miss step of their acade

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success


The stars shined brightly once again as members of the EP ALLSTARS (Singing, Cover dancing & Acting) CLUB held their 2nd mini-concert last February 3, 2015 in a much bigger venue. This year’s concert were presented by members both in the EP and Regular Program guided by A.Rome(CoverDance)&A.Carlo(Singing),namely: Likitsawat Sukthawat (Nam 5/14), Wankeaw Srivilai (Nine 5/14), Rujirek Poolsawat (Gift 5/14), Sumethee Kasinurak (Ta 4/14), Thawalrat Pinkasenjit (Baitoey 3/14), Geerawan Boonyuen (Web 2/15), Kanapat Maleepun (Art 2/3), Saris Thonglua (Arm 2/3), Sasicha Salabkaew (Kanun 2/3), Suthasinee Petjan (Toey 2/3) and Raksina Maneechan (Pim 2/4). Good job everyone!!!


Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

We would like to express our deep gratitude to Ajarn Kalayanee for making our library makeover possible. As the result of the facelift, our students and teachers can now enjoy a light-airy atmosphere conducive to study reading and relaxation. The newly-decorated library divided into seating areas offers something for everyone. Thanks again Ajarn Kalayanee we love it!

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success


As my term as a head of the EP draws to a close due to my retirement in September 2015, I’d like to take this opportunity to offer a few reflections and a words of thanks. First, let me say I feel that it has truly been an honour to serve as the head of the English Program for the past 8 years. Unfortunately, at first I felt as though I was being coerced into quitting as the head of the English Gifted Program to take over here. Because it seemed to me at that time that I had no other choice than to accept the director’s decision, I decided to take an


analytical approach to the situation. So many complex questions arose that they set my head spinning - how to manage the program successfully, how to make the EP a place that offered its students an outstanding education, how to assure that the academics would develop and grow and earn us a worthy reputation, how to deal with disruptive students, etc. I started by studying both the weaknesses and the strengths of EP and found that I was about to face a hard time working here. After 8 years, I can say that thanks to my strong passion and leadership, I have succeeded in making the

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

EP into an institution that offers a sound balance of educational quality, a positive atmosphere, good facilities and service and disciplinary enforcement. I am so proud of all that the EP has accomplished during my stewardship. The following are some examples:  The EP academic achievement is demonstrated by the number of students winning various types of academic competitions at the provincial, regional and national levels, as well as by an increased number of students joining both short and long-term exchange programs and the high percentage of our students furthering their higher education in famous universities.  Our students’ cooperation and leadership is outstanding. Because it’s important that every student’s ideas are heard, we have our own student body government. Every year our students vote for the student body president who in turn appoints his or her team. I

work with the entire team supporting and guiding them as they develop their ideas and put them into action. I also work with all the students to help them develop their life and problem-solving skills and attitudes that help facilitate finding constructive and productive solutions to challenges they might face in the future. As a result of our annual camp activities, our students learn to respect each other, the

school and EP rules and regulations and learn to live together in peace and harmony. ďƒź Our teachers work in collaborative teams to develop the most effective teaching strategies to ensure our students meet the standards and concepts of the curriculum intellectually, socially and emotionally. I believe the good classroom and learning atmosphere reflects the quality of learning. Thus I have provided bulletin boards for teachers to display students’ work, projectors, lap tops, e-boards, laboratories and a modern and

resourceful library. I encourage teachers to make use of available facilities and create a more relaxing atmosphere for the students. ďƒź The credit for the success that the EP has achieved is attributable to parents, students, teachers, staff members and the regular program teachers who have always supported our program. I would like to express my thanks to all of you for what you have done to help fulfill the passion I feel for this program and for making my time as the head of the EP memorable. I am so proud to have been head of the EP. A.Kalayanee Reunthong

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success



Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success



Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

e d e y p S a r o f s e Well Wish very o


Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success


Congratulations to our very own, A. Kalayanee Reunthong for receiving Award of Service and Loyalty last February 3, 2014, for serving our school as the head of EP for 8 years.


Congratulations to our school for receiving the Royal Award for Outstanding Secondary School (รางวัล พระราชทาน) given by the Ministry of Education last December 19, 2014. Our EP was one of the 6 best projects that was showcased during the assessment period for this award. Great job, everyone!!!

We would to express our gratitude to all EP teachers and staff who have helped our dear school janitress, Sunanta Kongpool (Pa Noo), in her time of need. We would also like to give a huge thanks to the HSS (Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh) Thailand for supporting her housing allowance for a year. Thank you so much!

Celebrating Our 12 Years of Success

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