Plastics Rubber& IndustryPlasticsforMagazineInternationaltheglobal&Rubber TecnA Plastics & Rubber - September 2022 - ISSN 2723-9187

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50 New machine lines for K 2022The world’s leading trade fair K presents new products www.tecnaplastics.comcontentsinnovationsandPlastics Rubber& 14Customized turnkey solutions for extrusion lines and toolings Evolution regenerationand 38 6 32Mr. Plastore is back! productionscompound:wasteFromtogreener54 11 th Interplast celebrates audience and business generation records 56

Plastics Rubber& IndustryPlasticsforMagazineInternationaltheglobal&Rubber TecnA Plastics Rubber September 2022 ISSN 2723-9187

Published by Editrice EDF Trend srl Corso del Popolo, 42 31100 Treviso – Italy

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TecnA Plastics & Rubber is a magazine by EDITRICE EDF TREND SRL INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINES .it Plastics Rubber& INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINES year XXVI 72Strategicallysustainabilitytackling 78 90 28th Fakuma in October 2023 –booking levels already high

CMG Granulators at K 2022 TECNOLOGIE PER L’INDUSTRIA DEGLI ALIMENTI E MANGIMI PER ANIMALI ANIMALFOODETFEED & TECHNOLOGY 2498-9541ISSN4/2019N°24AnnoNE/TVcommaart.46)27/02/2004(conv.353/2003D.L.PostaleAbbonamento TecnA Plastics & Rubber September 2022 Issue 7 - Year IV Publisher Fabiana Da Cortà Fumei Editorial Staff & Design: Sabrina Fattoretto Claudia Bosco Elena Abbondanza Advertising & Marketing Anita Pozzi Franco Giordano Printing L’Artegrafica Srl &ManagementEditorialOffice Editrice EDF Trend srl Corso del Popolo, 42 31100 Treviso – Italy Tel. +39 0422 549305 Fax +39 0422 commaL.-inPostenonInISSNComunicazione):degliN°www.tecnaplastics.comredazione@tecnaplastics.com591736iscrizioneROC(RegistroOperatoridi220542723-9187questonumerolapubblicitàsuperail45%ItalianeSpA-SpedizioneAbbonamentoPostaleD.L.353/2003(conv.in27/02/2004n.46)art.11NE/TV

Responsabile del trattamento dati è il direttore responsabile a cui ci si può rivolgere presso la sede di Treviso - Corso del Popolo, 42 per i diritti previsti dalla legge 675/1996.

by the Special Show „Plastics shape the future“ in hall 6. The focus of the special show under the auspices of Plastics Europe Deutschland (PED), the plastics producers’ association, and Messe Düsseldorf will be on the three ground-breaking hot topics of K 2022: climate protection, circular economy, and digitalisation. Progress starts in Düsseldorf In entertaining formats, high-level guests from the world of politics, science, and the industry, as well as NGOs will share information about and discuss economic, social, and

The world’s leading trade fair K presents new products and innovations
Official special show “Plastics shape the future” focuses on the hot topics climate protection, circular economy and digitalization

environmental challenges and solutions around the leading themes of K 2022 – thus connecting the trade fair presentations of the companies with the societal agenda of K. Ingemar Bühler, Managing Director of PED, puts it in a nutshell: “These are really exciting times: in this year’s K special show, we make it clear where our industry shifts into the turbo mode in terms of greenhouse gas neutrality and circularity. But we also listen carefully to what critical experts tell us and which solutions be proposed to us.” Bühler continues “It
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very three years, and this coming autumn again, the world of plastics meets in Düsseldorf: from October 19 to 26, 2022, the world’s leading trade fair K presents new products and innovations from all sectors of the industry – from production to processing, to mechanical engineering. Once again, the central point of contact for the critical exchange of information, thoughts, and opinions is represented
K was first organised by Messe Düsseldorf in 1952 and is held every three years. The last K in 2019 recorded 3,330 exhibitors from 63 countries on 177,000 m² net exhibition space, and 224,116 trade visitors, 73% of whom came from abroad. Further information at’sonlinemagazine:
make sure that the special exhibition will enrich the extensive and socially highly relevant exhibition offering of K 2022.
is undisputed that there is still a lot to catch up on the path towards decarbonisation in our industry, e.g. in terms of raw material supply or recycling. Here, we want to improve – and the K 2022 fair is the right place to come up with fresh ideas and to drive – together with you – many innovative solutions of tomorrow that are allegedly considered to be still unthinkable today”. No ducking away – listening!
K Basics:
The following theme days also focus on the plastics industry’s concrete paths towards greenhouse gas neutrality, or on plastics as enablers of the clean energy transition. This will
The centrepiece of “Plastics shape the future” is provided by the theme days with speeches, keynotes, and panel discussions on the three K hot topics climate protection, circular economy, and digitalisation. At the

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As an example, it will focus on the implementation of the results of the “Reshaping Plastics” report presented by the European thinktank SystemIQ in April 2022. The report outlines several scenarios that are supposed to improve the circularity of plastics and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions in Europe.
start of the trade fair on Wednesday, October 19, 2022, key topics and challenges of the industry will be directly addressed on the K-Forum.
In-line automatic blister packing machines for industrial products & consumer goods

Acquired competence and high-tech technology enable AL.MA. to produce blisters in as many different shapes as possible, with or without euro hole.
AL.MA. offers in-line automatic blister packing machines for the production of the following types of packaging:
AL.MA. bespoke tailor of andthermoformingblisterpackingmachines
AL.MA.’s packaging machines are the result of an ongoing research process, always aiming at significant increase in flexibility, versatility and cost-effectiveness. Each machine AL.MA. delivers to one of its customers has been designed with their specific needs in mind, both from a performance and from a functional standpoint –in the food, medical, or industrial sector – whether it uses thermoforming or blister packing technology.
L.MA. focuses on the manufacture of strictly made-to-order thermoforming and blister packaging machines. Each of AL.MA. product is customized and equipped with the components actually required by the customer’s specific needs: this approach allows this company to optimize packaging efficiency on each single product, at the same time minimizing waste on used materials.
• Plastic/cardboard blister with valve having the same dimensions of the blister card or with die-cut card having valve with smaller dimensions compared to the blister card
There is the possibility to install in-line labelling systems in order to apply labels both above and below the package and printers of different types.
Automatic blister packing machines for disposable medical devices
It offers automatic blister packing machines designed and built in order to be used in cleaning rooms.
You have the possibility to use rigid films, flexible films, multi-layer aluminum films, medical paper and Tyvek® in order to be able to access to the following sterilization procedure.
Today, AL.MA. is a renowned oversectors,medical,throughoutnamethefood,andindustrialsuccessearneddecadesofwork
• Plastic/plastic blister with printed top film or with blank top film including a leaflet inside
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AL.MA. provides on a daily basis tailor-made and hightech solutions for the blister packing of disposable medical devices and pharmaceutical products like syringes, needles, catheters, filters, gauzes, surgical kits, valves, cannulas, phials and much more.
AL.MA. designs and engineers tailor-made and hightech solutions for the blister packing of industrial products and consumer goods like: toothbrushes, stationary, small metal goods, sim cards, cosmetics, air fresheners, car air fresheners, spare parts of various types, household articles, electrical and electronic products, do-it-yourself products, products for children, personal care articles, household products and much more.

Thermoforming packing machines for food products (HFFS)

AL.MA. will consider your future goals and exceed your expectations.
AL.MA. has a wide range of printers depending on the required application such as inkjet printers, flexographic printers or thermal transfer printers. There is the possibility to install in-line labelling systems in order to apply labels both above and below the packages.
AL.MA. has a wide range of printers depending on the required application, such as ink-jet printers, thermal transfer printers, … with personalized solutions. There is the possibility to install in-line labelling systems in order to apply labels both above and below the packages.
AL.MA. thermoforming packing machines for food products are completely made in stainless steel in order to respond to typical requirements from this field.
Experience and knowledge acquired in almost 40 years of business activity enable AL.MA. to provide on a daily basis tailor-made and high-tech solutions for the packing of food products in modified atmosphere, under vacuum, with skin or with simple sealing.
You can choose the option to get only trays up to 1 mm of thickness, without top sealing.

If necessary, AL.MA. can offer machines that produce packages in modified atmosphere and/or under vacuum for particular applications.
In case of need, AL.MA. can install in-line gas analyzers (oxygen/carbon dioxide) and gas mixers. The acquired competence and high-tech technology enable AL.MA. to produce packs with euro hole, if required.
Are you looking for a competent and reliable partner to boost the packaging of your products? Contact AL.MA.! Together you will find the best fit solution to your AL.MA.requirements.willdesign your tailor-made machine that will satisfy your current production requirements.
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With AL.MA. lines you can pack different products, such as: fresh pasta, filled fresh pasta, gnocchi, ready meals, bakery products, pizza, flat bread, bread, snacks, pieces of salami, sliced salami, olives, fruit, vegetables, cakes, sliced cheese, soft cheese, hard cheese, meat, fish, sandwiches, croissants, dairy products, dried fruits and much more.

any detail of the proposed solutions, paying attention to important factors, such as the energy efficiency and the safety of the machineries, innovation, high performance and quality standards, and other crucial aspects to have the best final product possible.
Customized turnkey solutions for extrusion lines and toolings

means multiple advantages for the customers in terms of management efforts with the possibility to interact with just one referee.
With Tecno System turnkey solutions all the activities like designing, manufacturing, testing, installing, and servicing, training, and documenting the products are managed directly, with no need to rely on third parties and simplifying therefore the overall investment. This approach
Once Tecno System engineers have approved and defined the overall layout, it is the turn of manufacturing processes, relying on high skilled employees and an excellent network of suppliers in order to ensure topquality products characterized by robustness and reliability. Ultimately, there is the testing phase where the testing departments also
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All products are completely designed, manufactured, and tested in the historic plant in Consandolo (Ferrara, Italy) applying very stringent process quality standards and ensuring therefore the full compliance with the European standards about the offers its customers a high level of experience, specific and consolidated know-how, and constant R&D efforts combined with the professionalism of a high-skilled team, in order to give clients the smartest solutions possible. The focus is to grant the customer satisfaction, which is the linchpin of Tecno System’s mission.
ecno System is amongst the leading companies in the development of lines for thermoplastic profiles and pipes, producing customized turnkey systems, such as extrusion lines complete with moulds and integrated on-line or off-line solutions, very appreciated in the domestic and international markets.
The project moves then to the design step, where the engineering departments examine and validate
The whole project develops in many specific steps. First of all there is the commercial phase: on this regard, the intention of the company is to support its clients in the decision making process, by developing different solutions and guiding them to the strategic choice. Sales department is always available for any doubt and/or inquiry and is ready to suggest the best solution for the specific purpose requested by the customer. The result is a “custom made” solution which represents obviously a high value-added product particularly appreciated in the international market, specifically designed, and tailored on the specific customer’s needs.
The main goal for Tecno System has always been the maximization of customer satisfaction and for this reason it has been focusing for over 60 years on customization of the products and customer service as foudamental keys to its success. As Tecno System’s clients already know very well, the company is always ready to support its partners for any type of issue connected to extrusion technologies
Another strength is the construction of dedicated single or multi layer extrusion lines for medical pipes made with medical grade raw materials used in clean room environments (soft PVC, TPU, PEBAX, ect.). Tecno System’s medical tubing extrusion lines are becoming very popular among the customers in Italy and abroad for the achievable high-speed extrusion standards, which are the results of the most recent achievements in automation and mechanics, combined with a close cooperation with raw material
producers in order to improve and refine screw geometry and design. In addition, there is also the possibility to have 4.0 ready extrusion lines for multilayer pipe complete with OD/ wall thickness control, inkjet printer, and a final semi-automatic single or double coiler to facilitate and optimize any step of the production
Itprocess.mustbe said then that the wide range of Tecno System’s products does not end with extrusion lines and tooling systems: besides these main solutions, in facts, the company can also provide in-house technologies for mechanical processing of profile: for example, the great experience in the field of punching unit systems allowed Tecno System to develop integrated and customer tailored solutions for their extrusion lines, which became strategic solutions in the company’s market policy
Finally, talking about process efficiency we cannot forget to mention another Tecno System’s flagship: thanks to a new 2D scanner, the company can now measure and digitize any section of the extruded profiles, allowing therefore to optimize in real-time and with extraordinary levels of accuracy the final product directly in the testing phase, according to the technical specifications requested by customers. This means much higher process efficiency, less waste of time and costs due to testing activities for the clients and last but not least

Particular attention is paid to the main business of PVC profile, with the very solid Tecno System’s experience in designing and constructing of highquality extrusion dyes and calibrators for the extrusion of PVC window frames, roller shutters, panels, cable management ducts, gutters and rainwater pipes, etc.
As already mentioned, one of Tecno System’s biggest selling points is its after-sales service where the technical assistance team provides its support to the customers any time they need after the delivery of the product, and for any kind of reason, from the resolution of incurred issues up to the possibility to rethink and upgrade obsolete machineries.
The company believes in technological innovation as one of the most important critical success factors to be competitive in the market. On this regard, Tecno System has recently invested many efforts and resources in the digitalization and hyperconnectivity of its extrusion lines, adapting extruders and the other machineries to the Industry 4.0 prerequisites. In these terms, the company is becoming a reference point in Italy and abroad for what concerns the supply of innovative 4.0 ready extrusion lines for spiral hoses for example, thanks to the very good results achieved in the configuration of IT-communication between the two in-line extruders, one for U-PVC and one for the soft grade PVC, with the other units. Obviously, this high-advanced technology includes many different advantages for the customer who can rely, for example, on continuous marking process of the tubes before becoming spirals, a fully automated cutting system and ejection system with any operator during the process, and many other tips through which it is possible to consistently reduce the waste and costs. This means optimizing processes and maximization of the efficiency for the customer.

easy and fast communication with customers around the world due to “digitized real profiles”.

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deal with the final acceptance test in the presence of the end customer. With special care of the prototypes, Tecno System makes available its specialized technicians to the final users for training days, both in its plant and in the client’s end plant to be able to exploit at the maximum levels the new product completely safely.

By opting for Tecno System’s extrusion lines, clients can satisfy different capacity needs (5-350 kg/h) as well as a wide range of purposes in the field of extrusion of profiles as pipes, technical profiles, profiles for the building industry, medical tubes, thermal break profiles with fiberglass, etc., and made of a great variety of thermoplastic materials, such as plasticized PVC, rigid PVC, PP, PC, HDPE, LDPE, PP, PMMA, etc. The lines are also characterized by low energy consumption of the calibrating units and innovative cutting units with radial hot blades.
Tovo Gomma staff, led by a qualified and experienced managerial structure, has a technological laboratory with the most recent and complete equipment for the development and quality control of Theproducts.mixing plants are completely controlled by PLC, the dosages take place automatically on dedicated plants and the materials are managed to guarantee their traceability. The mixing and dosing lines of the small ingredients are duplicated and redundant, in order to ensure production continuity in all Forcircumstances.theproduction of sheets, Tovo Gomma has systems for continuous vulcanization and machines for compression moulding. The implementation of a company policy geared towards the environment issues, requires an integrated approach and attention to details. Tovo Gomma intends to continue this path within a strategy of continuous improvement that in the future will make sustainability an element of advantage, even economic, for everyone.
Focusing on sustainability
In 2021, Tovo Gomma started a new line for the production of silicone compounds. In the new department dedicated to silicone compounds, inaugurated in 2021, heating and air conditioning are provided by an innovative heat pump system with
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ovo Gomma Spa, characterized by a solid and stable corporate structure with a family character, has been operating in the elastomers sector since 1973 and is specialized in the project and production of rubber compounds, vulcanized sheets and foam for the most varied industrial sectors, from automotive to food, from petrochemicals to construction, in Europe and in the world.
very high COP, which exploits the fluid-dynamic properties of the air in contact with the surfaces to reduce Theconsumption.strengths that characterize this company are the completeness of the range of solutions available, the ability to project and fine-tune products for specific applications, production flexibility and efficiency in all process phases.
Tovo controlanddevelopmentforequipmentandthelaboratorytechnologicalboastsGommaawithmostrecentcompleteproductquality
Hall 7 / C 30

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The best engineering and customization solutions
Vibrowest Italiana is a leading manufacturer in the sieving industry and technology, and offers the international plastics industry a truly comprehensive product range
• Rectangular Screener VRU Hybrid
Vibrowest technical staff, thanks to many years of experience in the sieving process, is here to provide the best solutions with the help of lab tests at its headquarters in Solaro (MI) - Italy.
able to provide a solution to all separation and filtration-related problems.
• Rectangular Screener VRU-RE
In addition to the same advantages of separation and easy cleaning, the VRU Hybrid is also able to cool and/ or condition the material through a fan.
• Elevator Spiral Track EVS
the equipment on site at the factory in Italy before it is shipped worldwide. The Made in Italy gives the warranty of high quality standards.
• Circular Vibrating Sieve MR
The circular vibrating sieves MR are used in the plastic industry to separate long shape parts, oversized parts, and dust from 3×3 pellets. Thanks to their flexibility and multiple functions, the MR models are always
The rectangular sieves VRU are used to separate long shape parts, oversized parts, and dust from 3×3 pellets.
• Rectangular Screener VRU
ibrowest Italiana S.r.l., a leading manufacturer in the sieving industry and technology, is one of the biggest companies in terms of engineering and customization, always guaranteeing high quality and matching every customer’s requests by providing all sorts of certifications and after-sales assistance and by creating a personalized global service.
The rectangular screeners VRURE are used to eliminate dust from the pellets for high-capacity applications and they can also be used to separate different sizes of PET-HDPE-LDPE flakes.
Vibrowest offers a range of products dedicated to the plastic industry, suitable for air pelletizing, strand pelletizing, o-ring water and under water pelletizing, in addition to the grinding, regeneration and Somerecycling.applications in the plastics industry are: Compound - Master Batch - Regeneration - Recycling Solid/Liquid Separation - Long Fiber. Its products for the plastic industry:
For over sixty years, Vibrowest has been a leader in the production of a wide range of separation and screening machines. Its production team manufacture and assemble all

The lift spiral series EVS is indispensable in the transport of all the materials that need to be elevated in height, cooled and/or heated.
For more information visit the website:

of Padua, will be followed by refreshments starting at 5:30 p.m. GAPP favours the interpenetration of weld line flow fronts in a way that modifies the shape of the interface, promotes interdiffusion between flow fronts, and realigns reinforcing fibres. Weld lines are some of the
attend K 2022 in weldmaterialthermoplasticmouldingallowstechnologyinnovativeandDüsseldorfintroduceGAPPthatinjectionofwithoutlines

ore than just compounds. This year, Sirmax Group, a company that is among the world’s top producers of thermoplastic granulates for all areas of use –automotive, appliance, power tools and household, electrical, electronics, construction, and furniture – is focusing on customer service more than ever before. The Italian company will attend the 2022 edition of K, the world’s number 1 plastics trade fair, which will be held in Düsseldorf from October 19 to 26, with a brand new innovation: GAPP (Gas-Assisted Push Pull) technology. This innovation allows for the injection moulding of thermoplastic material without weld lines. Through Smart Mold, a university spin-off company that Sirmax acquired 50% of in 2020, the Group has developed an innovative system that eliminates weld lines in plastic products, bringing time and cost savings to the customer. Sirmax Group will present GAPP on Thursday, October 20 from 5 p.m. at booth C69, Hall 8B. The presentation, with Professor Giovanni Lucchetta of the University
At K fair Sirmax Group presents a new technology for injection moulding company will

most critical structural defects in parts made by injection moulding fibre-reinforced thermoplastics. In a weld line, reinforcement fibres adopt an orthogonal orientation to the filling direction, which results in a significant reduction in the strength and stiffness of the moulded part,
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adversely affecting its structural performance. With GAPP technology, pressurized nitrogen is used to displace the molten thermoplastic material across the weld line interface without leaving cavities in the moulded part during the packing stage. Experimental tests have shown that GAPP can increase weld line strength by 240% in polypropylene reinforced with 35% short glass fibres, almost reaching the nominal resistance of the compound. GAPP technology is an addition to the many technologies that Sirmax Group offers in order to give its end customers customized products that increasingly conform to their needs. A global company, Sirmax delivers its products and technology equally to all parts of the world through its 13 plants and 5 R&D centres. Sirmax will also bring its latest product innovations to the K trade show. Among them

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are new grades of Xelter®-brand thermoplastic elastomers. The Sirmax Group’s Xelter® family of thermoplastic products finds its strength in its extreme flexibility and ability to adapt to specific client needs. The wide product range (which includes five different Xelter® types plus Hybrid, which contains other sub-families) is able to provide materials for soft components, as well as for rigid-soft couplings and integrations, thanks to the hightech Hybrid type. Also in the family is the Xelter® Bio range made from bio-based sources, and the Xelter® Green range made with recycled raw materials from post-consumer or post-industrial waste. Thanks to their thermoplastic recyclability, all Xelter®-branded products offer a viable and sustainable alternative to vulcanized rubber, finding multiple applications in a wide variety of commodity sectors. In the world of household appliances, for example, an ongoing collaboration with a major industry player has led to the production of gaskets for washing machine baskets. Again, this is a viable alternative to rubber, as Sirmax elastomers are the only elastomers with the same physical characteristics as rubber currently

available on the market. However, there is one key difference: Xelter® products are all recyclable. Other sectors of application include construction, where Xelters are used for insulation and sealing systems, and Sport & Leisure, where Sirmax’s new-generation polymers are used in ski boots, technical soles and in all sport equipment that requires a secure grip (for example, Pro Grip branded grips). In every case, Sirmax products are tailor-made and capable of adapting – just like Xelter® – to client requirements, in total proximity to their wishes.

Packaging has been playing a key role in the marketing strategies of all companies of the industry and has increasingly been the focus of attention of a series of European directives that promote the use of renewable materials. The pack plays an equally important role, as it ensures product protection and safety, avoiding damages and contamination during transport and
Forstorage.this reason, food & beverage companies pay great attention to the packaging solutions to be used in their plants and increasingly invest in environmentally sustainable and energy-efficient production technologies, like those presented by SMI during Drinktec trade fair held in Munich (Germany).
• The structure that embeds the heating tunnel and the carousel is equipped with slightly rounded safety doors, which increase the space inside the machine in order to perform cleaning and maintenance operations easily and safely;
want to invest in cutting-edge, ecofriendly bottling and packaging solutions, inspired by Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things (IoT) principles.
The new compact blow moulder by SMI is a cutting-edge technical solution that stands out in the reference market for a wide range of advantages: the preform heating section (heating tunnel) is integrated with the stretch-blow moulding section (carousel) into a single, very compact module that makes the system suitable for the installation even in small bottling lines.
The main features of the new range •are:Production speed up to 2,500 bottles/hour per mould (0.5 L format);
New EBS KL stretch-blow moulder: compact, fast and efficient The latest example of such innovations is represented by the new compact EBS KL ERGON rotary stretch-blow moulder, presented in world preview at Drinktec. The project has begun after the success of several technical innovations introduced on the stretch-blow moulders from the EBS K ERGON range, that has met for
choices of companies that have increasingly been opting for compact and efficient systems and machines, capable of ensuring an environmentally sustainable and high-quality production Yesterday as today, SMI has been the reference point for many food and beverage manufacturers that
New EBS KL ERGON: efficiency and sustainability in a small space
EBS KL: compact and highperformance stretch-blow moulders
several years the needs of a growing number of middle-sized companies within the primary packaging sector.
• The stretch-blow moulding carousel is equipped with motorized stretch rods, whose functioning, controlled by electronic drives, does not require pneumatic cams; this is an innovative solution that ensures a precise management of the stretch rod path and an accurate control of its position, as a well as a considerable energy saving (compressed air is not required
he topics of energy efficiency
Yesterday as today, SMI has been the reference point for many food and beverage manufacturers that want to invest in cutting-edge, eco-friendly bottling and packaging solutions, inspired by Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things (IoT) principles
The new series is composed of models up to 10 cavities for the stretch-blow moulding of PET / rPET / PP / PLA containers up to 3 liters, available in stand-alone as well as in ECOBLOC® version, integrated with electronic filler and capper and three models for the stretchblow moulding of high-capacity containers up to 10 litres.
The need to meet the requirements of higher production speeds led SMI designers to develop the new series of ultra-compact rotary machines called EBS KL ERGON (where the letters KL stand for “Kompakt Large”), suitable for meeting production requirements up to 25,000 bottles/ hour.
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• Use of plastic bearings that reduce the wear and the vibrations to which the grippers are subject and do not require lubrication;
• The stretch-blow moulding system uses high-performance valves with low dead volumes (-50%), that reduce the pre-blowing and blowing times, with advantages in terms of machine performance and quality of the bottles produced;
and the consumption of electricity is lower compared to the solutions with linear motors);
•positioned;Thanksto its compact structure, EBS KL blow moulder can be easily transported in a container, thus saving on transport costs;
• The machine is equipped with an energy consumption counter that allows to detect the electric consumption of the heating tunnel only or of the whole blower, to compare the specific consumption of different recipes, etc.
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Innovative preform heating tunnel EBS KL ERGON stretch-blow moulding system is equipped with an innovative preform heating tunnel with an extremely compact design, that is integrated with the stretch-blow moulding carousel into the same machine module and stands out for several advantages:

• Simple and intuitive Posyc® operator interface, that uses advanced software for the management and diagnostic of the production efficiency, energy saving and predictive maintenance
• The adjustment of the blowing pressure according to the bottle format is automatic with undoubted advantages compared to the solutions with manual adjustment on the linear blowers;
• New motion system of the grippers, based on preform/bottle grippers without springs equipped with desmodromic cams; this new technical solution optimizes the spaces and reduces the diameter in which the grippers move with subsequent lower wear and higher precision in the management of the blow moulder;
• The preform feeding system is equipped with adjustments by means of position numeric counters, that speed up the format changeover operations;
• Thanks to the cam-free technology it is possible to modify the stretch speed without mechanical interventions (replacement of cams), as the servo-motor automatically adjusts according to the production speed (up to 2.4 m/s). This solution reduces the machine vibrations and the adjustments to be performed in case of format changeover;
• Mechanical, electrical and pneumatic connections are located in a single area inside the machine frame, where the connections of the utilities are tidily and optimally
• Staggered position of the spindles which allows to adopt optimized chain pitches according to the preform diameter and to shorten the heating tunnel length, thus reducing
• air recovery single-stage system installed as a standard device;
• The mechanical unit of the mould is equipped with its own motorization, that performs with the utmost precision the up/down-motion of the mould bottom and the opening and closing operations of the mould holder unit; innovative solution with advantages in terms of greater precision, lower maintenance, fewer vibration, greater silence and long life of the plant;
• the compactness also simplifies the installation and set-up operations, that are performed in about two days of work, ensuring a great quality-price ratio;
• The compact design ensures high speeds despite the reduced space;
• Plant managed by Motornet System® automation and control system that ensures the constant maintenance of optimal working parameters during the whole production cycle and the direct modification of the machine parameters, easy format changeover operations and possibility to temporarily disable one or more moulds in case of need;
• The preform gripping spindle unit is equipped with a new system of diffusers, without spheres and with gasket, for the heat dissipation, which allows to significantly reduce the component wear;

• Easy and intuitive management
•preform;New ventilation system of the heating tunnel equipped with high-capacity centrifugal fans, that take fresh air from the bottom and channel it to preform body and neck. This system reduces the temperature of the preform neck with advantages in terms of thickness optimization and elimination of the ovalization and deformation of the preform neck and ring.
• Greater precision in the operations.
• Easy and fast format changeover
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• Predictive maintenance
• Better blowing quality
• Reduced size
• Saving on transport costs (a container is enough)
• Lower maintenance
• The infrared lamp units for heating the preforms in transit are equipped with thermo-reflective panels made of highly energy efficient ceramic material, placed on the lamp front and rear. This solution ensures a high reflection of the heat generated by a more uniform distribution of the heat over the entire surface of the
the number of preforms inside the heating tunnel, as well as the waste and the consumption;
• Considerable energy saving
• Fast and economic installation and start up
EBS KL range: the advantages at a glance

and there is every indication that it will again underline its position as the No. 1 event for Printing Technologies. Under the motto “we create the future” drupa will serve as a global meeting point presenting the visions of the print and packaging industries. This edition will specifically focus on the mega trends sustainability and digitalisation as well as their influence on processes, products, sustainable business models and the future of the industry. “Current registration levels, exhibitor feedback on impressive stand concepts, scheduled product launches and live demos of machinery all build suspense among the global community and are the reason for our great optimism,” delights Sabine Geldermann, Project Director of Print Technologies at Messe Düsseldorf, who adds: “The industry has again proven its pivotal relevance with its broad-based applications on so many vertical markets – especially in times of crisis.”
ince February companies have been able to register for drupa 2024 and a very positive trend is now already emerging.

drupa 2024 is well on track
Renowned global players and newcomers across the entire print and packaging value chain from a total of 32 countries are already on board. Drupa 2024 is gaining momentum

KURZ to act as Platinum Partner for drupa 2024 After already acting as a Platinum

Partner for virtual.drupa KURZ, a worldwide market leader in thinfilm technologies, unequivocally demonstrates its strong commitment returning as an exclusive partner of drupa “drupa2024.isthe most relevant trade fair for the graphic industry,” explains Walter Kurz, board member of LEONHARD KURZ Stiftung & Co. KG.
“All decision-makers, innovators, but also providers and processors of progressive technologies come together here, present their solutions and marvel at new trends – no market player can or wants to miss this date. We are already looking forward to presenting our innovative solutions in 2024 – first and foremost with a focus on sustainability.”
Under the motto “we create the future” drupa will serve as a global meeting point presenting the visions of the print and packaging industries
For interested firms drupa offers
Plastics Rubber& SEPTEMBER 202228
“Promoting young talent and the ‘next generation of print’ is especially dear to our hearts just as it is to our partners and customers,” explains Sabine Geldermann. “Against this background we will design a fascinating paper artwork for drupa 2024 together with the Academy for Fashion & Design from Düsseldorf; in cooperation with other universities such as Stuttgart Media University as well as vocational training colleges such as FHBK Dortmund we will move the importance and fascination of this industry with its highly attractive job profiles to the foreground.”
Although there are just under two years to go until the start of the trade fair, planning is already in full swing. Operative planning of global marketing initiatives, special forums and networking events has already got off to a dynamic start. Likewise, the partners operating the touchpoints and the Special Forum drupa next age (dna) – the innovative technology driver to connect industry newcomers, young talents, explorative start-ups and wellestablished enterprises – have already submitted their conceptual ideas and involvement of exhibitor partners.
Young Talents @ drupa
Other events from the Global Portfolio for Print Technologies 2022 will see several other international trade fairs being held as part of the global portfolio of drupa 2022: Indoprint in Jakarta (31 August – 3
Full steam ahead
its exclusive “Platinum Exhibitor” packages (which are already sold out), alongside its “Golden Exhibitor” and “Silver Exhibitor” packages in limited numbers. For further information go to

The next drupa will be held from 28 May to 7 June 2024 at Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre. Exhibitors can

register online by late October 2022 via
September), PackPrintPlas Philippines in Manila (6 – 8 October), All in Print in Shanghai (11 – 15 October) as well as PackPrint International and Corrutec Asia in Bangkok (19 – 22 October). For more information on these trade fairs visit drupa_global
Plastics Plastics Rubber&SEPTEMBER 2022 29
FIMIC: Leading plastics recycling towards a circular economy
customer satisfaction, social and environmental responsibility.
In this way FIMIC avoids a protective prefilter and will achieve extremely low maintenance costs.

SPA will be installed this year in Japan and Saudi Arabia on two twinscrew extruders, and it will obviously be FIMIC’s responsibility to inform you about the results immediately

As companies in this sector, FIMIC also has the duty of giving advice to its customers and in this period, also to those who want to enter this world, with little experience in the sector. Recycling needs us, there are no books but only experience in the Basedfield.
Allafterwards.thisisFIMIC, 65 melt filters sold in 2021, 45 people dedicated to the world of recycling to improve the quality of plastic as a real value for the future.
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surface of the RAS 700 (almost 4 thousand cm2) with only two screens by 35%. GEM 600 in fact has 5500 cm2 with only two screens.
RAS does not need prefilters and reaches up to 2 tons of LDPE or HDPE with a single laser or punched screen, (different according to the filtration Inneeded).theevent of an increase in hourly production, the GEM takes over, to reach up to 3 tons of LDPE or HDPE, obviously based on MFI or filtration. In this case we are talking about a TWIN filter, as we increase the filtering
RAS, GEM and ERA are therefore suggested for materials defined as post-consumer, while if we wanted to talk about post-industrial material, in this case, FIMIC has recently completed the development of a filter suitable for an automatic but very fine and delicate filtration. The TEN in fact uses the mesh belt, which as everyone knows, is perfect for the filtration of low contaminated materials (max 1%) and small in size.
Thischambers.allows to avoid having two filters in the same line, because ERA filters twice with in a single screen changer.
FIMIC knows all about
or a long time, our economy has been dominated by a linear approach under which raw materials are manufactured, processed, used once, and thrown away. But the future calls for a circular economy in which we reuse our products and recycle them efficiently at the end of their life. And that holds true for plastic as well. This is not a new topic, but it is one that has been gaining ground in recent years.
The TEN has been recently installed in Italy and like many meshes, a manual protection filter was recommended to the customer to avoid excessive consumption of the mesh for contaminations exceeding a Tomillimeter.complete the product range, in 2021 FIMIC also launched a new product, SPA. A pump dedicated to the world of recycling, as it avoids gears and use a single screw.
In the case of very high and probably aggressive contaminations, there is also the possibility of installing the ERA, a melt filter with two filtration
on its experience and based on the material to be processed, FIMIC does not recommend the same filter based on just the type of FIMICmaterial.historic RAS melt filter has reached the serial number 430. Versatile melt filter, sold all over the world, allows you to handle the dirtiest materials on the market. To give some indications FIMIC has come to remove 15% of paper, but obviously if we are talking about more aggressive contaminants, the percentage is drastically reduced. In the case of metals or soil for example, it is reduced to 1% in order to work safely, with little risk of breakage or Inwear.fact, FIMIC’s customers generally use 1 to 2 lasers per month, but those customers who decide to use the melt filter to eliminate very high percentages of contamination, due to a poorly performing or non-existent washing, pay obviously much more for the filter maintenance. And the waste increases. In fact, the percentage of plastic waste generally is around 1%, but if we increase the contamination, the waste can also increase proportionally.
While we recognize and appreciate the numerous applications and long-life cycle that plastics delivers, it is precisely these properties that sometimes generate challenges when recycling. Due to the experience and knowledge gained over 25 years in the plastic recycling market, FIMIC knows all about recycling processes and what is really needed for efficient plastics recycling as part of a circular economy. With this knowledge and a clear vision of its mission worldwide: the protection of the environment through the proper recycling of plastic and its optimal reuse, FIMIC orient its strategy towards continuous improvement with the aim of achieving high levels of technological competence,

e had left him at the beginning of the pandemic grappling with the unblocking of plastic supplies from the Far-East and, in this difficult period, he could not but return to the scene.
business partner, a key player in the plastic supplies sector. In the current period, new difficulties, linked to international market instability and the geopolitical crisis, seem to paint difficult scenarios for the sector, and the possibility of being able to move in the raw material supply market seems to be just a comic book business.
“We launched the comic character Mr. Plastore a few years ago not only to create something stylistically striking for our advertising communication, which is completely innovative in the sector, but also to be able to tell in an original way what we do with passion and professionalism”. - Monica Mingoia of Plastore tells us - “we handle over 600 types of materials that you can find on our website and that we actually have in our warehouse in Villamarzana. A warehouse that we continually update thanks to our dynamic procurement. This makes us a reliable resource for our customers. A point of reference for finding any type of plastic material in

“Mission possible” for Plastore, the plastic materials specialist

SEPTEMBER 2022Plastics Rubber&32
Mr. Plastore is back!
Mr. Plastore is not a superhero but a true professional in the plastics market, a “problem solver” who, when the going gets tough, knows well how to move and turn difficulties into profit opportunities to be Mr.seized.Plastore embodies the philosophy and mission of Plastore, the first and only professional outlet in Italy for plastic materials, a leading player in the granules trade. He is one of the reference points in the sector, and the first to put online, on its site, a vast granule warehouse that is always put-to-date and with the possibility of purchasing immediately the plastic materials that are really available, without waiting or pre-ordering times. Plastore also buys its customers’ inventories, allowing them to make an immediate profit from what was potentially only a cost.
of a kind of hero? “Mr. Plastore is not a superhero, he is a super salesman, an experienced and competent agent who, thanks to his perfect knowledge of the market, solves the ‘plastic problem’ of the companies that turn to him. Uniqueness, competence and stock are the key.

SUPERSINCROpreparation. is a horizontal automatic weighing system for chemicals used in the mixing room. It is a custom project that feed different materials, stored in silos, hoppers, big-bag and interchangeable silos, in a variable size bag produced

- Higher productivity. Output up to one bag every 30”
-productionEnvironment respect. Latest component version that helps to reduce the equipment footprint consumption.
- Less labour involved in the daily
- Higher OEE. Overall Equipment
Lawer servicessolutionsproducts,andsupply the rubber, tire, plastic and food industries to andreliability,increasesafetyefficiency
At the basis of all the production of the rubber industry are the recipes of the compounds. Complex formulations, expertly constructed with the contribution of many substances, whose quantities are rigorously predefined. The qualitative constancy of the final product therefore depends on the ability to feed the machinery of the mixing rooms with perfectly weighed doses and capable of perfectly respecting the proportions of all the required ingredients: raw materials, additives, dyes and much more. And this is where the competence and technological capacity of Lawer come into play.
- Higher accuracy. Up to a tolerance of ± 0.1 gr the first generation SUPERSINCRO V2 includes:
ounded in 1970, Lawer is an Italian company that specializes in industrial weighing systems. It has developed advanced technologies and know-how in the automatic weighing of powder products, including pigments, additives and chemicals, as well as single- or multi-weighting systems, and equipment for the preparation of compounds, fillers, masterbatch,
Observing an ongoing trend among manufacturers to automate mixing rooms to improve product quality, safety, and hygiene, Lawer launched the second generation of its fully automated dosing systems

Lawer, the industrial factor
for compound and masterbatch
handling and packaging systems. Its products, solutions and services supply the rubber, tire, plastic and food industries to increase reliability, safety and efficiency.

- Higher repeatability. CPK more than 1.67
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-EffectivenessHigherflexibility. Custom project configuration, variable bag size, and bag management till the mixing line.
Hall 10 / F 01

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The technological evolution for Gamma Meccanica lines: New design, energy savings and smart solutions for the recycling of plastic materials
he new sinceregenerationmanufacturingbeenS.p.A.GammaforevolutiontechnologicalbeganItaliancompanyMeccanicathathasdesigningandthelinesfortheofplasticmaterials1987.
Gamma Meccanica’s technologies for regeneration are known for their high level of automation and energy efficiency. The recent Tandem and Tandem PLUS technologies have contributed to the growing success of the company on the market.

Smart solutions for plastic recycling
Andrea Burini, vice president of Gamma Meccanica
GM Tandem lines allow to recycle heavily printed (over 100%), high
The first line realized with the new design is the GM100 Compac which will be exhibited at K 2022.
Among the various features, it is able to offer better performance thanks to a more efficient insulation designed for less heat dispersion and greater temperature control of the various areas. The production capacity of the GM100 Compac is about 500 kg/h, depending on the type of material to be recycled and processing conditions. The composition is typical of GM Compac series: power supply equipped with shredder and densifier with Ecotronic system for power control. The material can be loaded with a conveyor belt or reel unwinder tow; pressing screw placed between the feed and the extruder, an extruder (or two in the case of Tandem models) with one or more degassing chambers. At the end of the extruder, the cabiafilter supplied by qualified and consolidated suppliers with whom Gamma has been collaborating for years is installed. The pelletizing of the material and the cooling will be obtained with the TDA model cut designed by Gamma Meccanica not only to guarantee the highest quality of the granule, but also to make cleaning and maintenance operations of this unit quick and easy. This line, once the fair is completed, will be installed in the new laboratory center that Gamma is setting up to test the materials supplied by customers and to verify the quality
humidity (up to 12% of humidity) and contaminated materials. The Tandem PLUS line thanks to the combination of a single screw extruder with a twin screw extruder and a special degassing chamber improves the characteristics during the upcycling process, so it is ideal for the production of compounds from recycled materials for special Toapplications.improvethe performance in terms of production, efficiency and quality of the final product, the company has studied a new design for its lines that will be presented at the next edition of K 2022. The new series has an aesthetically homogeneous design. The lines are characterized by lower energy consumption and the new compact layout that helps to save space.
made solutions for each customer.
We have many innovations in store to unveil to the market over the next year, and we are sure that once again our commitment and our experience will be rewarded with
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of the workmanship. Therefore, even if the incidence of challenging plastics is increasing, Gamma Meccanica is working to solve the problem of their recovery and make the principle of the circular economy effective.

Andrea Burini, vice president of Gamma Meccanica, gives some anticipation on the new lines: “Our commitment is to “tear” more and more plastic from the wasteto-energy plants and recover as many materials as possible thanks to the latest technological solutions we offer. In recent years, our company has collected a whole series of suggestions, information and requests to create a new generation of machines with the aim of improving performance and their application on materials that are more difficult to regenerate”.
Burini states: “If all plastic waste were diverted from landfills to recycling plants and if the most advanced technologies for their recovery were applied, it would be possible to recycle an additional quantity equal to over 5 million tons / year of plastic waste with a reduction of about 7 million tons of CO2 emissions. Our experience and consolidated skills, combined with a high level of know-how, allow us to meet the demands of international markets and to propose tailor-
the satisfaction of our customers all over the world” - concludes Burini. For more information about Gamma Meccanica’s lines, come and visit the commercial and technical staff in hall 9, stand C18.

Hall 14 / B 56

Plastiblow electric blow moulding machines for sustainablepackagingindustrial
lastiblow entered the demanding sector of industrial packaging back in 2001 with machines for the production of stackable containers, equipped with electric drives and characterized by innovative solutions and surprisingly high performances compared to the massive and energy-absorbing blow moulding machines used until then in this sector, equipped with hydraulic units, large pumps and Onaccumulators.Plastiblow machines, the technology of the electric axes
The focus on reducing energy consumption and maintenance costs, the implementation of control systems for the remote diagnosis of processes from an Industry 4.0 perspective and, above all, the commitment to reducing environmental impact are fundamental elements of the success of Plastiblow blow moulding machines in all fields and in particular in the industrial packaging sector.

controlled by brushless motors, the efficient kinematics, the use of linear guides, roller bearings and kinetic energy recovery modules, allow us to achieve strong reductions in energy consumption, up to 70% lower than those of obsolete hydraulic machines.
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The Plastiblow range includes machines for the production of industrial containers with a capacity of up to 30 litres in single and double station, for mono-layer or multi-layer containers, with standard extruders or with versions utilizing a forced feeding section for the use of high molecular weight polyethylene in granules or powders.

All Plastiblow blow moulding machines are perfectly customizable, as is normally required in a highly specialized, demanding and competent segment such as that of containers for industrial Thepackaging.machines may have one or more post cooling stations, to reduce the production cycles of UN approved stackable jerry cans. It is also possible to apply static (SFDR) or dynamic (PWDS) ring extrusion equipment for thickness control and optimization of the parison radially.
Plastiblow has long been committed to the reduction of the use of virgin plastic, and has developed multilayer coextrusion technologies capable of processing more recycled materials for the production of new containers.
For the production of containers such as shoulder pumps and
This year Plastiblow has already delivered, and currently has in production, several large-sized blowing machines (mod. PB22, PB26 and PB35 with horizontal shuttle strokes from 500 to 1000 mm), in single or double station models for the production of 5 & 10 litre stackable jerry cans in one, two and three cavities and 20 litres size in single or double cavities. The containers are manufactured in one, two and three-layer setup, with as many horizontal extruders as needed, and also with an additional vertical extruder for the applying the view stripe (to display the level of liquid inside the container).

in Düsseldorf will be made with a particular compound composed of recycled material (PCR) of the highest quality, odourless, colourable and with such an aesthetically pleasing structure, to be comparable to virgin HDPE
This machine is equipped with a clamping unit with a closing force of 50 tons, three high output horizontal extruders, one with a diameter of 100 mm for the middle layer and two with a diameter of 80 mm for the outer and inner layers and a double 3-layer coextrusion head with 200 mm die size and 400 mm centre

Thedistance.twin cavity mould has a moveable bottom section, driven by electric servomotors, and allows to reach hourly production figures of over 240 jerrycans. The new model, made for customers who have high productivity needs, is also available in a double station and double head version, with a production capacity of more than 480 pcs/h. Thanks to the cooperation with the well-known French oil company TotalEnergies, the containers that will be produced at the exhibition
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Among many accessories of Plastiblow blow moulding machines, in addition to the patented system for fine tuning of the neck calibration in complete safety with the machine in running mode, there are extrusion equipment for incorporating view stripes, automatic devices for trimming and finishing, needle blowing for pinched handles, downstream units for container inline quality control, packing units and manipulators, etc.
At the next K 2022 exhibition in Düsseldorf, Plastiblow will be
showing a brand new blow moulding machine model PB50ES-1000 Coex3 for the production of stackable 20-litre jerrycans in two cavities and in three layer configuration.
pressure vessels, it is possible to use lower blowing units, with parison spreading device, and rotating blowpins for containers that require an inner thread.
to exhibit at K 2022 an electrically driven multi-layer coextrusion system that allows the use of recycled plastic in an intermediate layer, with minimal energy expenditure, confirms Plastiblow’s commitment to the development of a virtuous production process that is more environmentally friendly and more attentive to the enhancement of resources and the containment of waste.
From BINOVA, solutions for recycling and compounds of thermoplastic materials
passion, the continuous research aimed at improving the products and the desire to carry out increasingly cutting-edge projects, are the foundations on which the philosophy of the team, made up of highly qualified engineers, technicians and workers, constantly engaged in research of new solutions to be applied to the world of polymers, is based. In response to the ever-increasing demand for innovative solutions and systems for the treatment and extrusion of plastic materials, which are increasingly complex,
also produces, in cooperation with other manufacturers, special extrusion lines for the production of semi-finished products, directly using thermoplastic

n Oleggio (NO), a few kilometres from Milan and Milan Malpensa airport, there is BINOVA, a young and promising company, founded by Luigi Maria Borzoni in 2006, making use of over 30 years of experience in the production of recycling lines. BINOVA designs and manufactures plants for recycling, compounding and extrusion of thermoplastic materials and already has over 70 production lines around the Theworld.professionalism of the staff and the effective collaboration with suppliers, have made BINOVA a solid reality among the manufacturers of machinery in this sector, confirming itself as a reliable partner for its Thecustomers.great
BINOVA produces: Complete systems for recycling and compounds, twin and single screw extruders, special cascade extruders, systems for production of masterbatches, as well as revamping existing lines and creating systems and accessories on specific customer BINOVArequests.
Less waste more profit
Hall 10 / F 17

control system for the ground film, even if with an apparent density of around 0.05 kg / dm3, has been patented and developed from the BINOVA research and development department: this guarantees the exact percentage of product that will feed the extruder.
The conception of this technology is totally Made in Italy, with particular attention to the quality of all components. The customer first
scraps, according to drp (direct recycling process), from scraps to finished product in a single step. Recycling and compounding
BINOVA plants allow you to carry out in a single step what is normally made in two: Recycling and compounding. This technology is able to process post-consumer material in the form of ground and non-ground sheets, coming from a washing plant or not. The pellet obtained guarantees a high-quality final product.
The immediate after-sales service, able to satisfy any customer need, combined with the high-quality standard offered at an appreciable quality/price ratio, are the keystones that have allowed the company to achieve important results. The service includes a wellequipped spare parts warehouse, the installation and commissioning of machines and systems by qualified personnel available to the customer for start-up and fitting of the production process, as well as for the training of employees for use and maintenance of the plant. The BINOVA team offers continuous and immediate assistance even remotely, through production control and management software which, through an internet connection, allows to monitor and correct production parameters and troubleshoot any anomalies in real time.
Through the use of a co-rotating twin-screw extruder, the plants are able to compound scraps even with high residual moisture. The presence of a high vacuum degassing system, distributed over almost the entire length of the extruder barrel, allows the process of highly printed films (up to 80% of the print area). From the mixing of raw materials, which takes place directly in the machine, a perfectly homogeneous material comes out, capable of raising the quality of the final product. The dosing system of the various components can be either gravimetric or volumetric. A new gravimetric

Being able to do this process in a single step makes the line very competitive: customers are offered a unique product with reduced material handling within the production plant, and a proven reduction in energy consumption compared to systems on the market today. Compared to a traditional line with single screw, the twin screw extruder is able to guarantee up to 30% energy savings.

Hall 10 /G 02

Color Service, high performance innovative automatic dosing systems

With a significant sales increase in 2021 and a record orders acquisition in 2022, Color Service enthusiastically celebrates its 35th anniversary with a commitment to develop continuous innovations
olor Service represents the most important Italian reality in the production of automatic dosing systems for solid and liquid products present on the world market. The company achieved a significant sales increase in 2021 and a record orders acquisition in 2022. It is a perfect scenario to celebrate its 35th anniversary with a commitment to develop continuous innovations.
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In 2021, pre-Covid order volumes and production have returned, with an increase of 40% of order intake in 2022, compared to the previous year.
The systems are user-friendly and software is intuitive and easy to use, allowing a quick and easy understanding; after the installation, the company provides specialized technicians to teach the local personnel the professional handling of the machines.
and reliable, allowing the creation of mixtures of additives with the same specifications and a “zero defects” production. The necessity of uniformity on the finished products is essential for all kind of industries. By optimizing and automating weighing operations, any chance of mistakes or human error is totally removed: the operator is guided by computerized procedures, which ensures superior quality, lower variability and constant uniformity on the Consequently,batch. human intervention is totally confined to the fulfilment of raw material into the storage stations, while the automatic dosing system ensures the correct dispensing of ingredients according to the desired formula to make, reducing to zero the risk Weighingfactors. manually raw material can expose operators to the inhalation of hazardous powders, dust and chemical that could be toxic and carcinogenic and even exposure to non-toxic powders on a regular basis might cause respiratory difficulties. Automating the weighing phase, the discharge of powders and odors in the environment work is extremely limited thanks to dust extractors
The customer is always supported also in the after sales phase, with a 24/7 remote assistance service and scheduled maintenance in order to ensure long term viability of installed systems and production
Incontinuity.lightof this scenario, it is straightforward to understand the crucial role Color Service systems play in quality of control, traceability, safety, productivity, efficiency and reduction of costs. This innovation marks a significant progress in the optimization and automation of systems and technologies, as well as representing a new and revolutionary product for the market.
In fact, the system is able to guarantee a high production speed and a refined dosing methodology. This makes the production process repetitive 24/7

After the expansion in 2019 with the purchase of a third building, Color Service has invested in its fourth production plant in Dueville with a total surface area of 4,500 sqm to meet increased demand with an expected start of production by the end of 2022. This new expansion will enable them to achieve higher production and turnover.
Colorregulations.Service machines offer a significant increase in productivity and quality of products. It also guarantees improvement in working conditions and a remarkable energy saving.

In addition, all the dispersed additives that are aspirated during the weighing phase are recovered and reintroduced into the production cycle with obvious ecological and economic benefits, in accordance with the circular economy production method.

During the pandemic period, R&D activities played a vital role in the revolution of machines. Indeed, most innovations were designed based on environmental sustainability and Industry 4.0
under every dispensing point as well as industrial wastages are significantly reduced thanks to the right dosing at the first time.
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To underline the sustainability of the new line of machines, the AE25HY model will be in production using PCR material in order to employ low environmental impact polymers, with a circular economy perspective.
A project that saw the joining of two of the leaders in the Extrusion Blow Moulding sector who have been competitors for many years, and can boast a worldwide presence, with numerous customers who purchased both Magic and Automa machines.
This machine has a mould closing force of 80 KN and a carriage stroke of 420mm; the model presented at next K 2022 will be equipped by a double cavity head and an 80mm extruder for HDPE.
At K 2022, Automa by Magic will introduce EVO Line, a new line of machines developed by targeting low consumption while keeping minimum quantity of hydraulics to allow clamping force and production flexibility
SEPTEMBER 2022Plastics Rubber&50
The second model, AE25HY with accumulation head, is an absolute innovation on the market, due to the very strong use of both electric and hydrostatic solutions (patent pending) that considerably reduce the high consumption which is typical of this kind of energyintensive machines.
New machine lines for K 2022
At coming edition of K 2022, Automa by Magic will introduce a new line of machines, EVO Line, developed by targeting low consumption, while keeping a minimum quantity of hydraulics to allow the clamping force and the production flexibility.
This new machine will see severely reduced the presence and use of oil because of the technical solutions applied. The exclusive employment of brushless motors to manage the high efficiency pumps, implies that the electrical consumption is practically zeroed in certain specific phases of machine cycle. Consequently, even the cooling of the little employed oil will be drastically reduced to reach levels very similar to the ones of fully electric machines.
The double station model AT08HY with continuous extrusion: machine with electric movements and with an innovative solution for the clamping system. It is distinguished for its flexibility of mould adaptation, definitively less restrictive than the classic mould sizing required by actual machines.
As a matter of fact, both for the necessary technical evolution, using new and technologically advanced components, and to fight the ever-increasing management costs influenced by post-pandemic energy factors, it became necessary to redirect the design helm of Automa by Magic in the direction of ecocompatibility energy and electricity low consumption, which are so afflicting the world economies and the European ones particularly.
Several machines have been also set up in the COEX 3 version to fully satisfy the most recent requests for sustainability and reduced ecological impact, using recycled materials (PCR) between the layers of virgin plastic. All this in multi-cavity, and for high productivity of very low weight containers.

Two new brand machine models will be presented at Düsseldorf exhibition, K 2022.
The over 20 machines produced after last edition of K, in 2019, together with the after-sales services of Automa by Magic such as the sale of original Automa spare parts, the overhauling of any brand EBM machines at its plant in Imola (Bologna - Italy), the over 130 PLC controller replacements and upgrades with its own SW tailor-made for the EBM sector known as UNIKO 2.0®, brought Automa brand back on top of blow moulding stage again.
The most representative projects have been the sale of machines producing with special resins such as clarified Polypropylene and Polycarbonate for the creation of 19L (5G) water containers, together with the more traditional and ordinary HDPE.
lmost 3 years since its establishment, Automa by Magic is preparing itself for the world largest fair of the plastic sector: K 2022 in AlthoughDüsseldorf.thelast two years have been dominated by the Covid-19 pandemic, it is precisely in this period that Automa by Magic has doubled its turnover, reaching those targets set at the beginning of the company project.
The accumulation machine presented at the show is the model AE25HY with 250KN of clamping force, 2 Kg accumulation head and extruder with 80mm screw.
The machines produced and sold in this period include continuous extrusion, single and double station models, in addition to the ones with accumulation head technology, up to 50T of clamp force, thanks to the renewed interest of the market for this sector.
Hall 14 /C 32

As an alternative to the novelties, the traditional models and best-known by the sector operators, are always Thisavailable.tosatisfy the requests of those plastic transformers who, for many years, have been used to operating with simple and consolidated technical solutions such as the hydraulic machines that contributed to the global image of Automa brand.
By introducing its new series of machines, Automa by Magic confirms its commitment in this direction.
Among the latest history cases, Automa by Magic includes new experiences with the supply of a special machine to produce Polypropylene containers for products designed for laboratories. These productions, made with accumulation machine technology, allow the manufacture of high weight containers to satisfy the characteristics required by the medical and pharmaceutical sectors to which these products are intended for. The productions reach volumes of 50L with container weight up to 4 Kg net.
Automa by Magic combines the experience and reliability of two brands that have technically and technologically influenced the extrusion blow moulding worldwide market. All this can only be a great advantage for the industry and for customers who still have these machines in their plants and who can continue to use them for many more years of production, thanks to the possibility of renewing and replacing obsolete components and retrofitting them with alternative
The advanced technology of the employed moulds, in combination to blowing solutions with air at 4° C, allow very significant productions, reducing the cost of the product itself and creating, at the same time, a container that perfectly matches the required technical Automaspecifications.ByMagic machines are addressed to all industrial sectors such as packaging, food & beverage, automotive, homecare and detergents products, medical and pharmaceutical, and all those technical applications that identify blow moulding as the ideal solution for the production of items at unmistakably advantageous costs.

Automa by Magic makes available to its customers more than thirty years of experience in the sector, as its staff is made of technicians and experts who gained their valuable experience with Automa, and other manufacturers, thus allowing Automa by Magic

of our world requires economic and environmental sustainability.
Automa by Magic target is to maintain the same objectives that characterized its previous name for over 45 years of activity, selling more than 3,500 machines all over the world, that even today are remembered and sought for their indistinguishable solidity and manufacturing quality.
These machines have been synonym of quality, reliability and solidity undeniably identified with Automa name during the last 50 years.
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The target is to reduce energy consumption and propose solutions that use the minimum possible amount of plastic while maintaining, at the same time, the best mechanical characteristics of the final product.

to assist clients on various brands of the blow moulding extrusion market.

A range of products, those of Caldara Plast, capable of satisfying the needs of all companies in the world of plastics in numerous sectors (electrical, electronic, automotive, furniture, household appliances, packaging, construction, housewares, molding, agriculture...) for both the Italian and international markets in which the company is finding ever greater space.
• GREENLAC – ABS compound from Industrial Waste, Mixeco, Separate Waste or GRS
Caldara Plast works greenerlife,plasticinvestsandtogiveasecondforanever-future
• GREENKRYL – SAN compound from Industrial Waste or Mixeco
022 has been a year full of new investments for Caldara Plast, despite the complex global situation. In the perspective of continuous improvement of the production lines, two new dies were added to replace some that were close to obsolescence. The new dies and filters make it possible to create an even better-performing product by reducing waste, thus improving production performances and, thanks to the 4.0 software, allowing the entire production cycle to be controlled remotely. The challenge now is to train operators in the optimal use of this software in order to optimize the entire production
The Recovery Division offers the service of collecting and storing industrial plastic waste, possessing all the necessary legal authorizations. Being able to dispose of one’s industrial plastic waste with the certainty that it will be reused is increasingly an added value for companies that supply it to Caldara Plast, obtaining a reasonable remuneration in return. The ground material is also among the products available in the catalogue, with the added advantage of being compliant with the UNI 10667 standard that certifies the origin of these by-products from the recovery and recycling of plastic waste.
• GREENGLASS – PMMA compound from Industrial Waste, Mixeco or GRS
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Caldara Plast is a company that has been on the market since 1963 and will proudly celebrate sixty years on the market in 2023. The company operates in two distinct yet wellintegrated activities: on one hand, we find the Recovery Division in Erba

• GREENSTYR – PS compound from Industrial Waste, Mixeco, Separate Waste or GRS
• GREENMIDE –PA compound from Industrial Waste, Mixeco or GRS
• GREENBLEND – PC/ABS compound from Industrial Waste, Mixeco, Separate Waste or GRS
• GREENTRON – PPS compound from Industrial Waste or Mixeco
From waste to compound:productionsgreener
time, efforts continue for quality certifications of both business processes and products. In particular, the latest inspection confirmed the PSV label also applied to post-consumer PC/ABS, i.e. GREENBLEND PC/ABS from separate waste collection, which has officially
• GREENPOM – POM compound from Industrial Waste, or Mixeco
(CO), whose premises cover a total area of about 13,000 square meters and specialize in the management and recovery of scrap from different types of plastic materials (including ABS, SAN, PST, PMMA, PC, PP, PE, PA).

The other side of the coin is represented by the Compound Division of Alzate Brianza (CO), specialized in the production and
• GREENPET – PET compound from Mixeco, Separate Waste or GRS
Six decades of specialization for greener plastics
• GREENTER – PBT compound from Industrial Waste, Mixeco or GRS
• GREENCARB – PC compound from Industrial Waste, Mixeco or GRS
entered the range of certified Second Life Plastic products. This product is in addition to the products in the green line with the registered trademark “Caldara 2nd Life” with different percentages of certified recycled material contained in it and of different origins:
In addition to its line of certified green products, Caldara is able to produce tailor-made thermoplastic compounds from first-choice materials or modified industrial-grade products, guaranteeing constant support from our specialized pre- and post-sales technicians to customize the finished product.

The company’s core business has always been the recovery of industrial processing waste, mainly from processes such as molding, thermoforming, extrusion and blowmolding of different types of plastics. These materials are then ground through mills at the Erba site, which is duly authorized for the recovery, transport and storage of the inputs used, which by law are considered waste. Caldara Plast directly organizes the entire cycle, from the collection of waste with the help of its own fleet of vehicles, providing companies with special tanks, rolloff skips and presses to collect the material. The material destined for recovery, once ground, is stored in the warehouses and can consequently be sold as such or sent to the Alzate Brianza site, which specializes in extrusion for the production of customized thermoplastic granules.
Caldara guarantees its customers compliance with all legal authorizations for waste collection and storage, as well as with all relevant European and international regulations (RoHS, REACH, etc.). The company is also ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certified.

Caldara Plast production process
Caldara Plast is increasingly convinced that the use of regenerated plastic material must increasingly be the first choice of companies that care about the

In the Compound Division, the ground material is thus processed and, depending on the customer’s specific requirements, it can be re-
Plast works in the field of innovation understood as a renewal action, which has led the company to collaborate with some researchers and professors at the University of Pisa with the aim of focusing on product innovation.
So many actions, those of the Comobased company, that day after day allow it to work to give a second life to plastic. For an ever greener future.
The ‘Planet Bioplastics’ start-up, of which we are a part is a reality where real technical skills and theoretical expertise meet in a constructive dialogue capable of creating innovation. The goal is to achieve industrial production of biopolymer compounds with commercial application in the future. Caldara Plast is also the partner for the industrialization of a new generation of self-extinguishing halogen-free PA6 with excellent mechanical properties studied by the start-up ‘Velaworks’ starting from research carried out by the University of Padua - Department of Industrial Engineering.
granulated without additions, or it can be additivated (with flame retardants, also halogen-free, glass fibre, carbon fibre, glass spheres, antistatic, laserable, UV, antibacterial, conductive additives, aramid fibre) and/or pigmented and then extruded with special single and twinscrew dies. All together, Caldara Plast boasts no less than 15 extrusion lines with relative mixers to homogenize production batches. Processing takes place on a continuous cycle, consequently managing to extrude, at full capacity, over 100 tonnes per day of material for a total of approximately 22,000 tonnes per
trade of plastic compounds, with a particular focus on technical polymers. The granules produced are mainly ABS, PC/ABS, PC, PS, PA, PBT, PET, PPS, PMMA, POM, etc. All this takes place at a production site covering a total area of approximately 33,000 square meters, about one third of which is covered.

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the culture of using regenerated material, considerably reducing the use of virgin raw materials, where technically feasible.
Theyear. division’s laboratory houses specialized technicians who constantly check the quality of the product, both incoming and outgoing, directly on site, thus personally guaranteeing high quality standards and keeping them constant over time. Well aware of the fact that respect for the environment and the incentive to use recycled plastic are driving the markets well beyond forecasts, Caldara Plast is structuring itself in an increasingly efficient manner to respond to the consequent constantly evolving market dynamics, in line with the company mission, which is to reduce the share of non-recoverable plastic waste to a minimum and to promote
Among the public, representatives from 695 cities and 24 states, especially Santa Catarina, Paraná and São Paulo. A highlight, also, for visitors coming from the Northeast region. The fair was also attended by foreign visitors from 17 countries, especially those from South America, such as Paraguay and Argentina.
During the four days, 30 thousand people visited the event, including visitors, exhibitors, congressmen and participants in the Business Round.
11th Interplast celebrates audience and business generation records

Presenting the main technologies, equipment, raw materials and innovations developed by the industry since the beginning of the pandemic, presence of 400 national and international brands.
he plastics industry returned to the rhythm of effervescence with the 11th Interplast – Plastic Technology Integration Fair and Congress, which took place from April 5th to 8th, at the Expoville Convention Center, in Joinville (SC).

For the director of Messe Brasil, the movement of
As a result of this great meeting, the 11th Interplast estimates the generation of R$ 300 million in business, which should be handled over the next twelve months. The value represents a growth of 16% compared to the previous edition, held in 2018.
In the resumption of the face-to-face model, the event brought together 400 brands, 30 thousand people and should generate another R$ 300 million in the next twelve months
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“Interplast is the only fair that brings together the entire plastic chain. In this edition, which is even more special for breaking public and business records, at the time of the post-pandemic recovery, we show the strength of our state, which has high rates of industry growth and concentrates some of the main plastic transformation companies in Brazil, recognized for the quality of their products worldwide”, says Richard Spirandelli.
“Measuring in numbers, I would translate that 85% of the public is quite qualified and interested in finding solutions. The result was also very satisfactory in terms of business generation: we sold two pieces of equipment and another six are scheduled to close in the coming week”, celebrates the commercial consultant of Virtual Automação, Jaan Tammerik.
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For the first time exhibiting at the event, Virtual Automação had its expectations exceeded.

people and businesses registered at the event proves that Interplast remains a protagonist, being a showcase for the plastic industry in the country, marking the resumption of face-to-face events and projecting the importance of the state of Santa Catarina for the sector.
The high level of Interplast’s visiting public can be demonstrated in the following numbers: 10% of visitors are business partners/owners; 12% are managers; 10% are Regardingdirectors.the closing of the deal, 39% of the visitors have a purchase decision, and 33% participate in the
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Qualified Audience
In addition to the record number, Interplast’s public is increasingly qualified, resulting in more assertive and profitable negotiations.
This year, it is estimated that the round has generated R$ 5 million in business, in 586 meetings, with the participation of 40 suppliers and 20 buyers.
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A hot topic in all sectors of society, sustainability also gained special space at the 11th Interplast, with the 1st Forum on Circular Economy Plastic South.
“ and the exchange of cards were very good. We came looking for suppliers of resin for raw materials and machines and we found some contacts with companies here in the South region that I didn’t have access to, in São Paulo. Here we already had the return of what we came to look for. We will definitely come back again”, said the buyer of CR Produtos, Monica Maria Silva.
During an afternoon, the public followed discussions about public policies in the recycling industry and challenges of the national solid waste policy; impact of the war in Europe on Brazilian petrochemical investments; high-performance PCR flexible packaging and circular ecosystem; and saw successful cases of large companies such as JBS Ambiental and O Boticário.
After participating in the Business Round held in 2020, online, the plastic injection company CR Produtos, from Bragança Paulista (SP), approved the face-to-face

Technical content approved by the public Also essential for the development of companies and professionals, technical content was one of the points valued by the 11th Interplast, which offered extensive free programming.
According to Érica Ferreira, innovation director at Zextec, a company specialized in improving industrial processes, focusing on the development of nano solutions from graphene, the objective of the journey was to demystify graphene and show professionals in the area how it can
planning and recommendation processes of Inacquisitions.addition,19% of Interplast visitors work in companies with more than 500 employees. Among the products of greatest interest at the fair, 14% of visitors came for machinery and equipment, 12% for raw materials and inputs, and 8% for industrial automation.
One of the highlights was the Graphene Journey, with the participation of 120 people who were able to learn more about the technology that makes it possible to produce plastics that are more resistant than steel.
be applied in different types of industry, its differentials, benefits and also its economic viability.
“Interplast is being important to give more visibility to graphene, to show that it is economically viable, its technical benefits such as greater durability, heat resistance, flexibility. At the fair we are making many contacts that should become new partnerships in the coming days”, evaluates Érica.
The technical content program also featured the exhibitors’ Workshops, which brought together 540 participants; the CINTEC Plásticos 2022 technical congress, held in partnership with IST, Senai SC and Fiesc, which brought together 180 people; and the 1st South Plastic Circular Economy Forum, an initiative supported by Simpesc, Simpep, Sinplast-RS and Simplas, which was attended by 140 participants.
Sustainability at interplast
Business roundtable
The event was held in a hybrid format with the participation of the public in person and broadcast live on the Plástico Sul YouTube channel (youtube/ plasticosultv), where the content remains available for Accordingviewing.
to the president of the Union of Plastic Material Industry of Santa Catarina (Simpesc), Albano Schmidt, the event was enriching for addressing all aspects of the circular economy, such as logistics, legislation, practical examples of cooperatives, final products, additives , among “Discussingothers.the
topic in a Forum like this is fundamental because it brings together all the interested parties and in an event like this, with the repercussion it brings, we
In addition to the commercial relations initiated and implemented at the fair’s stands, the Business Round was another important moment for the consolidation of new partnerships.
reinforce the responsibility to continue the event’s evolution process.
In addition to highlighting the circular economy in its technical content programming, the 11th Interplast also played its part and sent 15 tons of waste generated during the fair for recycling, benefiting several families that work with this activity.
managed to reach many more people and sensitize all the actors in this chain, without this communication, without the everyone’s participation does not circulate”, he declared.
“For the next edition, we will work harder in parallel events, seeking to present news and subjects that bring competitiveness to the industry; We will seek partnerships with publications and entities worldwide to expand the scope of the fair, in order to attract exhibitors and visitors from outside Brazil, especially from South America”, he Thepredicts.12thInterplast will be held in August 2024, returning to its original date, during the second half of the year. And Spirandelli points out: “We are already waiting in line for the spaces for the next edition”.
For the director of Messe Brasil, Richard Spirandelli, the results obtained by the 11th Interplast prove the importance of the event for the plastics industry and

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Overcome and goals for 2024
Reaching out internationalimportantmarkets
Theuse. Bruno Folcieri’s market offer consists of three main ranges: TOP, HF and EASY POWER, whose model 2,000, represents the flagship of Bruno Folcieri production. It is the largest machine in the range, weighing 32 tons, and offers important performance. The weight denotes its significant structural strength and the ability to withstand production efforts. While the internal casing coating in interchangeable manganese steel plates is effective in resisting the abrasiveness of certain materials and contaminants. Top line is the special configuration This configuration is recommended for the grinding of heavy and tough materials. Sorting screen with upper discharge surface Granulators with a high production capacity suitable for particularly intensive applications, such as the grinding of heavy lumps, hard fibers, extremely thin films or simply large quantities of material. The great versatility in grinding operations allows for the management of a very wide range of plastic materials in terms of type
reality in the development, design and construction of systems for the grinding of plastic waste deriving for post-industrial and post-consumer

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The growth path is
he top seller granulator in the Bruno Folcieri line, is the TOP range. Bruno Folcieri operates 6570% outside national borders. In Europe, it is present in a widespread manner and the overseas gaze is focused on America, where there is a strong interest because it is an emerging market in terms of recycling. South America is an equally interesting commercial outlet, where there are important realities. Bruno Folcieri also reaches Asia, a rapidly expanding market. The growth path is unstoppable and marked by important milestones that have seen the Italian company become one of the reference companies in the plastics sector, establishing itself as an important industrial

• Quality and reliability
• Versatility of grinding
Available industry package 4.0 Bruno Folcieri is actively involved in the 4.0 Industry, with systems that make the machines “intelligent communicating entities”, even when working remotely. Integrated with the IT and ITC worlds, the remote assistance service allows changes to be made to the configuration of the control system, through a company tpc/ip network connection and an Internet connection.
• Long-term durability
• Remarkably easy to maintain
The features common to the ranges
• Custom-made configuration
• Wide range of models.
• Highly robust oversized mechanics

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• High productivity
• High safety standards
• Suitable for intensive and highcapacity operations

• Constructed with top-quality materials and 100% made in Italy
and configuration. The machines in this series stand out due to their highly sturdy and heavy-duty construction, whose main feature is the rotor made from a solid forged monoblock without welding. Another unique feature is the interchangeability of many of the components which are subject to wear over time, such as the rotor blade holders and the cutting chamber protection plates. These machines are also available in the wet water version.

Like all bfm machines, the Sirio S-PLUS model is also suitable for being connected to the network and allows to take advantage of the expected benefits and resources
Sirio S-Plus is a high performance 8-color stack type flexographic printer, which guarantee excellent results and high-quality printing on different materials from plastic to paper, for various fields of application, flexible packaging for food, clothing and pharmaceutical. Particularly versatile, it allows to print various flexible plastic materials: HDPE, LDPE, PP, PET and also of bio origin.
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26th October and which this year will celebrate its 70th anniversary, bfm will have the pleasure of meeting the market again in presence with the hope of consolidating relations with customers already acquired and to create new ones.
On occasion of the next K 2022, which will be held in Düsseldorf from 19th to
Sustainable leadership
bfm has grown and become a companyleading in the field machineryof for plastic materials, always with an eye on sustainabilityglobal
All the technological innovations of the machine will be illustrated, including high print quality, energy saving, efficiency and productivity thanks to easy and precise job changes, great flexibility of use, thanks to the ability to process polymeric materials of different types and finally, a compact layout and modern design.

bfm, during the exhibition will present in the Stack type flexographic printing field, the Flexo Printer Stack type “SIRIO S PLUS” with some news linked to energy saving, as well as the possibility of printing with water-based inks in line with bfm’s commitment to global sustainability.
fm, present in the field of machinery for plastic materials since 1975, has been able to grow over the decades to become, today, a leading company in this field, from take-off units and automatic winders for extrusion blown film lines, to flexographic printing machines with central drum up to 10 colors and Stack type up to 8 ThanksCol. to the experience gained in over 45 years of business activity, a goal reached in 2020, the company has achieved excellent results in the acquisition of customers all over the world, with a significant presence in the Italian market.
Machine continuous improvement is for bfm a daily task: Every machine always shows something new, thanks to bfm’s attention to the inputs coming from the market and from its customers. bfm will be at K in Düsseldorf, Hall 17 – Booth C 05.
The Marte printer is available in different printing widths; standard repeat length from 350 mm up to 800 mm (or 1200 mm Plus Model); the maximum production speed is 400 meters per minute.
allocated by the National Industry 4.0 Plan, which has as its purpose the digital transformation of companies.
This FFS line (Form, Fill & Seal) is composed of a motorized unwinder suitable for reels with a maximum diameter of 1500 mm, a 4-color Flexo printer (which can also be
stack type sector bfm will present a “Line for industrial bags” complete with printing, gusseting and embossing for tubular (FFS), a line that has recently had a great success.
The industrial bag (FFS) is a flat tube with an embossed area and side gussets. This type of bags is normally used for the packaging of granules of plastic polymers (LDPEHDPE-PP), fertilizers, salts, bulk goods.
Among the novelties of S-Plus the new graphic interface, designed on 22”, simple and intuitive but at the same time complete for the management of all the machine Stillfunctions.inthe
The Sirio S-Plus is equipped with Easygear and automatic print presetting, thanks to these features job change can be carried in total safety.
In the central drum Flexo printer field, bfm will have the pleasure of offering to potential customers its Marte 8-color gearless flexographic printing machine, designed using the proven application experience from Bosch Rexroth, the industry leader in the automation of printing and converting machines.

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with 2 and / or 6 colors depending on the customer’s request) width 800 mm, gusseting and embossing and finally an automatic winder, mod. W 400 - width 800 mm. This line can also be equipped with corona treatment (refreshing or total) and micro-perforator.
The features of keywords search tool, posting sourcing request, and Live Chat function of “CPS+ eMarketplace” can further enhance the overall sourcing experience with seamless connection and direct communication. The traffic of the platform has increased by 300%, comparing with that of a month before. During the Virtual Show, over 30% of the visitors are from overseas, and the top 20 overseas countries are from Pakistan, India, the United States, Malaysia, the Philippines, Mexico, Vietnam, Indonesia, South Korea, Brazil, Japan, Thailand, Italy, the United Kingdom, Egypt, etc., which indicated the high demand from potential buyers around the world.
Suppliers met their potential buyers online via 40+ sessions of Business e-Match
Set sail to new adventures
“Thank you all the guest speakers, attendees, media partners, and everyone who have supported the show wholeheartedly and made CHINAPLAS Virtual Show 2022 a great success. Though we could only see each other on the screen, we felt your enthusiasm on our platform when exchanging latest technologies of plastics and rubber industries. We are humble to bring you our first virtual show in this digital era, aiming to help the upstream and downstream of plastics and rubber industries to explore new business opportunities without travelling around. The next CHINAPLAS will make a return in Shenzhen World Exhibition and Convention Centre (SWECC), Shenzhen, on April 17-20, 2023. Thank you for your continuous support and we look forward to serving and meeting you all in 2023!” said Ms. Leung.
Digital analyzing tool helps enterprises implement development directions, allocate resources, and go towards digitalization. Mr. Leo Zhang, Sales Manager Digital Solutions, Engel Machinery (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. shared at the Industry 4.0 Factory of the Future eForum “We are experiencing a new industrial revolution. For injection industry, it will be a transformation revolution from digitalization to smart manufacturing, and manufacturer is facing the challenges of continuous increasing demand on energy saving, environmental protection, product’s complexity and machinery efficiency maximization. Smart assistant systems could satisfy the pursuit of economies of scale and expansion of capabilities, and fulfill the requirements on product’s complexity, stability and Productconsistency.”design is an indispensable part of building a successful brand. Mr. Daisuke Ishii, Head of Creative Center from Sony Group Corporation who is also a guest speaker of the webinar DxI: Design eForum mentioned “I think one of the roles of designers is to use visual tools to visualize some concepts, such as some technologies that we can’t see yet, or some new products that have not been realized before.”
economy is built. Circular Economy is possible if flexible packages are rendered ‘recyclable’ by Design-forrecycling (D4R).”
virtualCHINAPLASshow 2022: innovative plastics & rubber connectstechnologytheworld
HINAPLAS Virtual Show 2022: Innovative Plastics & Rubber Technology Connects the World” has finally come to an end on 14 June, 2022 with a total of 218,995 visitors
CHINAPLAS first ever virtual show concluded with visitors
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“CHINAPLASworldwide.isthe first among the world-class plastics and rubber exhibitions to organize a virtual show. Being the world’s leading plastics and rubber exchange platform, we are dedicated to promoting business and technical exchange of plastics and rubber industries in time of adversity, connecting upstream and downstream enterprises to cope with the impact of the pandemic, as well as grasping the golden period of business cooperation in the 2nd quarter of the year,” said Ms. Ada Leung, General Manager of Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd., organizer of CHINAPLAS.

To usher the business cooperation, over 40 sessions of Business e-Match with overseas buyers and suppliers were organized. All suppliers are willing to attend Business e-Match again. The high-quality services with smooth implementation of liaison and professional interpretation service in the Business e-Match facilitated them to expand their business network. Brand owners and senior experts share insights
Connected seamlessly in CPS+ eMarketplace
CHINAPLAS has acted swiftly to organize their first innovative Virtual Show by showcasing the technological breakthrough via videos, images and text, users can access to 5,000+ solutions and product information without geographical boundaries and restriction from busy schedules. By sparing no effort to plan and deliver the Virtual Show and a bundle of innovative services, the relationship between suppliers and buyers will be undoubtedly strengthened in the post-pandemic era.
During the Virtual Show, 40+ brand owners and senior experts from different industries have addressed hottest trends and share their professional views with over 30K participants online at webinars and Factory iVisit, from dual-carbon economy and recycling to industrial design innovation and automotive Circularintellectualization.economy has a strong impact on the global plastics and rubber industries. It is not only a hot topic in all circles, but also a huge new market of 100 billion level. At the “Low-carbon Commitment: Plastics Recycling, Mono-material and Circular Economy eForum”, Dr. Karlheinz Hausmann, Board Director, CEFLEX mentioned “Good DESIGN is the foundation on which the circular
Where top technologies gathered COVID-19 development and travel restriction didn’t stop the industry from connecting global users and gathering 4,000+ high-quality plastics and rubber suppliers from all over the world online, helping upgrade their “EXP Level” in 3 weeks’ time.
The company has developed in the last year new automated extrusion lines for the production of drip irrigation pipes with flat drippers, which reach a maximum output speed of 250 m. per minute and can insert up to 2000 drippers per minute with mechanical or laser drilling machine and extrusion lines for the production of round drip

• Minimum wall thickness: 5-6 mils.
• Minimum spacing (distance between holes): 10 cm.
The company also manufactures extrusion lines for the production of furniture trim (PVC, PP or ABS) with thickness from 0,4 to 3 mm, PE/PP/ PC/PMMA hollow sheets and profiles with thickness from 2 to 60 mm (up to 9 layers), and extrusion lines for the production of flat sheets with thickness from 0,2 to 15 mm.
The new line technical specifications •are: Maximum output speed: up to 250 m. per minute
In the plastics extrusion sector for more than 30 years, Profile Dies is specialized in the design and production of special equipment and complete systems for drip irrigation pipes, films, flat sheets, hollow profiles and sheets and equipment tailored to customers’ specific requirements.
a view to develop solutions for the irrigation field, Profile Dies has recently presented to the market a new extrusion line for the production of drip-tape. This irrigation system is extremely cheap and is suitable for both crops in open fields and gardens. It is easy to install and to remove after use, thanks to the low thickness of the pipe.
Profile Dies
Profile Dies boasts more than thirty years of specialization in the extrusionplasticsector
irrigation pipes with a production speed between 80 and 100 m per minute and inserting capacity up to 400 drippers per minute, to produce pipes with diameter from 16 up to 20 Stillmm.with

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Discover RPE by application: Professional food equipment: Its solenoid valves have been developed and are used in combi-steam ovens, ice and vending machines and ware-washing equipment.
PE designs, develops and manufactures high-quality solenoid valves, flow meters, pressure reducers, filters and fittings for a wide array of industries and applications.
Development and the flexibility to customize products to customer’s requirements and specifications. This company is continuously working in the development of new products and creative solutions for a wide variety of applications, including professional food equipment, coffee and tea machines, beverage and filtration systems, medical and dental solutions, sanitary applications, commercial cleaning equipment, marina applications, irrigation systems, steam machines, household appliances and hot tubs and spas.
With almost 50 years’ experience, RPE is wellknown in international markets for its highquality solenoid valves, flow meters, pressure reducers, filters and fittings for a wide array of industries and applications
Coffee and tea machines: Solenoid valves, flow meters, pressure regulators and filters for espresso machines, coffee and tea brewers and dispensers.
Beverage and filtration systems: The solenoid valves, designed for water and beverage dispensers and vending machines can have 2 or 3 inlets. As they have been specifically designed for handling two or more different types of liquids such as sparkling and tap water, cold and ambient temperature water. These valves are also used in filtration and reverse osmosis systems, providing flexibility and reduced dimensions for small equipment units.
Medical & dental solutions: RPE entire product range, from an inlet valve to fluid control components, such as our flow meters, pressure regulators and filters are a perfect fit for laboratory equipment, dental chairs,
RPE has almost 50 years of experience in the industry, offering its products worldwide. It is proud to be ISO 9001:2015 certified and compliant with international food and electrical certifications. RPE’s leading assets are its continuous Research &
RPE SRL solenoid manufacturervalves

Commercial cleaning equipment: Customized solutions for floor scrubbers, sweeper-scrubbers, carpet cleaners and extractors, floor machines for the professional and DIY cleaning industry.
Alldispensers.ofthese valves are characterized by their reduced size, extreme performance and resistance.
The use of high-temperature polymers ensures strong quality life under the complex and extreme conditions found in sanitary applications.
Sanitary applications: RPE’s R Mini and Micro Series solenoid valves are widely used in electronic faucets and flush valves and the 800 Series has showed great results and extraordinary features on automatic soap
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professional sterilization machines, bedpan washers and disinfecting equipment.
Marine applications: RPE’s unique assortment and broad configurations make its products a reliable and essential solution to supply water in boat docks and marinas, as well as for sanitary applications in boats, cruise ships and working vessels.
THERE IS ONLY A PLAN There can only be one greatest plan! And we have it! For a secure and successful future. Sustainability, efficiency and cutting-edge technology, perfectly combined. No compromises. You can rely on our Plan A – A for ARBURG. Wir sind da. 19Hall26/10/202213,standA13DüsseldorfGermany

At Stand 13 A in Hall 13, Arburg is launching a clear economyandsustainabilitytosolutionsbringsone“TheremessageisonlyPlanA”andconcretetacklecircularissues A An Allrounder Cube 1800 with an 8+8+8-cavity cube mould, implementing Foboha’s new CITI technology. A PP, TPE and POM component will be produced with this cube mould SEPTEMBER 2022Plastics Rubber&72

Strategically tackling sustainability
Atcentre.Stand 13 A in Hall 13, Arburg is launching a clear message for its participation at the trade fair in Düsseldorf: “There is only one Plan A”. “Plan A: Arburg has well understood the difficult context in relation to the important global issues of sustainability, the circular economy and the reduction of CO2 emissions, is approaching the issue strategically and operationally and is making its contribution as a machine manufacturer by bringing concrete solutions. The communication line ‘There is only Plan A’ also makes it clear that there can be no alternative Plan B when it comes to setting goals for resource conservation, circular economy and CO2 reductionsomehow also following the motto of the sustainability movement ‘There is no Planet B’.” And of course ‘Plan A’ also corresponds to the K fair’s focal points of the circular economy, digitalisation and climate protection, which have become even more important globally since the last fair in 2019.
rburg will be exhibiting at the K 2022 trade fair in Düsseldorf from 19 to 26 October with its own stand of 1,900 square metres, plus a further 400 square metres for the arburgGREENworld pavilion in the VDMA Circular Economy Forum in the inner courtyard of the exhibition
Arburg will be at K with its entire staff to illustrate with its ‘Plan A’ how digitalised and highly networked production contributes to resource conservation and greater production efficiency. In other words, it is about the interplay between the circular economy and high technology with the help of targeted digitalisation. Digitalisation can help to increase sustainability, conserve resources and realise the Circular Economy: for example, through the targeted separation and recycling of plastics. The R-Cycle initiative and marking technologies such as watermarks or QR codes, which are applied to products during the production process, serve this purpose. Or the
Allrounder 630 H in packaging version set up as a clean room version to produce 18,000 clear PET blood tubes per hour, via the Gestica control system and OPC-UA protocol, the press is able to communicate with the mould, hot runner controller, dryer and process automation

Apart from Arburg’s own products, products from two sister companies will also be on show: two 3D printers from innnovatiQ and components from AMKmotion for the Allrounder powertrain. With the acquisition of AMK - which took place last year - Arburg now has complete control over the development and production of the entire machine drive unit, including servo motors and servo inverters.
equipping of the Gestica control system with various digital assistance systems to make the problem of the fluctuating quality of recycled materials easily manageable for all customers. Arburg will be addressing these issues both at stand 13A13 and in the arburgGREENworld pavilion. Arburg will present technologies that enable sustainable and efficient production. Space-saving solutions, process control and networked peripherals will be on display, as well as completely new technologies, compact automation configurations and series production. A total of eight hydraulic, hybrid and electric Allrounder machines with a clamping force between 350 and 6,500 kN and two Freeformers for industrial additive manufacturing will be on display. All the injection moulding machines will be automated with robotic systems, in some cases integrated in complex turnkey systems and connected to the “arburgXworld” customer portal, which offers comprehensive digital support and access to a wealth of information and extensive Arburg know-how. Through the connection of the Allrounder machines and the
A electric machine with ‘recycle’ package and Multilift robot system. The cell on the exhibition stand in the arburgGreenworld pavilion is able to recover the sprue, granulate it and feed it back into the production
will produce a bicycle tool from recycled PA66/6 (GF50).
-cycleInaddition to this application, three other machines will be equipped for green injection moulding specially equipped with the ARBURG recycling package:

With regard to the hybrid drive, an Allrounder 1120 H, with a clamping force of 650 tonnes, will print a high-quality toolbox in Arburg design, while an Allrounder 630 H in packaging version will be set up as a clean room version to produce 18,000 clear PET blood tubes per hour. Using the Gestica control system and the OPC-UA protocol, the machine is able to communicate with the mould, hot runner controller, dryer and process automation.
Among the various interesting live applications, we highlight the production of “Greenline” plugs from Fischer on an Allrounder 370
Arburg ALS host computer system, it will also be possible to acquire and analyse production data in real time and significantly increase production efficiency and transparency.
Among the various interesting live applications Arburg highlights the production of Fischer’s ‘Greenline’ plugs on an Allrounder 370 A electric press with ‘recycle’ package and Multilift robot system. The cell on the exhibition stand in the arburgGreenworld pavilion is capable of recovering the sprue, granulating it and feeding it back into the production cycle
An Allrounder 1120 H hybrid, with a clamping force of 650 tonnes, moulds a high-quality toolbox in ARBURG design
Allrounder 720 A electric, Arburg will present an alternative to deepdrawing. Equipped with the new 1300-size injection unit, it enables high injection volume flows thanks to precise AMK servomotors. The machine produces round and thin-walled IML cups.
- The electric Allrounder 470 A will mould PP handles from postconsumer recyclate (PCR). The application also offers secure 5G mobile connectivity, a pilot project of Arburg and Telekom.
Completing the exhibition is an Allrounder More 1600 for the production of medical Luer lock connectors. The machine will be equipped with a Yaskawa robot, programmed directly via the press’s Gestica control system, and an Allrounder Cube 1800 with an 8+8+8-cavity cube mould, implementing Foboha’s new CITI technology. A PP, TPE and POM component will be produced with this cube mould.
Allrounder 270 S servo-hydraulic will use recycled fibreglass-reinforced PPS to make tweezers,

- Allrounder 375 V with six-axis robot and control module (ATCM)
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iltration systems are a crucial component of extrusion, remanufacturing, and recycling lines of polymeric materials.
The final product’s quality and the process’s efficiency depend on
Thanks to these screen changers’ versions, BD Plast’s technology can supply specific solutions capable of processing any kind of polymer while maximizing production and reducing at minimum material
BD Plast: The partnerstrategic
BD materialatandproductionwhilekindprocessingcapablespecificcantechnologyPlast’ssupplysolutionsofanyofpolymermaximizingreducingminimumwaste
BDthem.Plast supplies a complete range of products to extrusion plant manufacturers and plastics transformers all over the world composed by manual screen changers, static filters, hydraulic

screen changers, extrusion components (adapters, elbows, pipes, static mixers, diverter valves, strand dies), continuous flow screen changers, continuous flow self-cleaning screen changers, accessories (hydraulic power units, undercarriage supports, elastomers, hydraulic die changers).

Thewaste.strategy that has allowed BD Plast to grow and develop over the years, becoming from a small national company to a strategic partner of important manufacturers of extrusion plants in Europe, Canada, and the United States, is to engineer and produce all the machines and their components internally, to keep every aspect of the production process under control, thus offering the market unique and customized solutions, capable of responding to even the most demanding requests. It was 1986 when a family business opened its doors in Bondeno, in the province of Ferrara, immediately engaged in the production and sale of screen changers for plastic extrusion lines, consolidating its position in Italy over time through downstream technology, with the awareness of being able to compete by the flexibility of its systems and the ability to customize products.
Thirty-six years of innovation, development of ideas, and proposals for innovative solutions have characterized BD Plast’s approach to the market, with a propensity for renewal not only as regards the supply of systems but also for strategic choices aimed at responding to various changes in the production context.
The Emilian company now employs fifty highly qualified employees, capable of contributing to the growth of the company through the design and construction of new lines of machines and products such as adapters, elbows, and pipes, consolidating important international partnerships over time and enhancing the service, intended as a real added value for maximum customer satisfaction BD Plast can provide complete platforms that are grouped with screen changers of any type integrated with volumetric
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always been one strength of BD Plast. This sensitivity has developed thanks to constant and punctual attention that has been implemented over the years at all levels: technical assistance, availability of spare parts and components, speed of deliveries, and prompt intervention. All these ingredients make it possible to keep the equipment efficiency and to avoid production stops.
The self-cleaning continuous flow screen changer, CleanChanger©, is currently at the top of BD Plast’s range of products. This product’s major strength is carrying out the self-cleaning cycle at particularly low back pressure. Added to this is the fact that this is continuous flow equipment in which, unlike what happens with other types of screen changers, the replacement of the filtering elements takes place without stopping the extrusion line, thus avoiding waste of time and waste of materials typical of the stopping and restarting phases of the line. In addition, on CleanChanger© the replacement of the screens takes place with the automatic ejection of the breaker plates, allowing easy replacement of the filtering elements and further timesaving. The self-cleaning capacity at low back pressure, the automatic ejection of the breaker plates, and the reduced purge times are the key elements that allow up to 300 self-cleaning cycles to be reached before having to change the screens.
“We have also grown a lot in terms of information technology and customer services, using the new telematics tools to reach companies and end users in difficult times, such as the one we are going through due to the known emergencies that have marked the last two years–added Dante Boicelli-the engineer Stefano Gallieni, our new General Manager, is favoring the generational transition by guiding the company towards a mediumindustrial dimension and offering, to those who choose our expertise, a high-level service, and a very important consultancy, to analyze and solve every type of problem that arises within the production process, in a rather complex market, like today’s one ».
entrepreneurial family. Clarissa Frazzoli, the wife of Dante Boicelli, has always led the administrative area with the utmost attention and, since 1988, has started the IT development process of the company, bringing it nowadays to the daily use of software and IT technologies best positioned in the Magic Quadrant for the various areas, cybersecurity among the priorities.
BD Plast has reached the third generation of management and still employs the founding
Currently, a few dozen CleanChanger© are operating at plastics transformers and on extrusion plants assembled by the most important Italian and European manufacturers. Some players who purchased CleanChanger© subsequently implemented a second model, a sign of high satisfaction that BD Plast product gives to the customers.
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The son Dino Boicelli, after a degree and a master’s degree in business administration, attended Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan and is in charge of the company’s marketing management.
or gear pumps, complex solutions in which the company can supply all the downstream, excluding the extrusion heads.

Many requests from the market also concern continuous flow screen changer, capable of perfect continuity of the melt flow, according to a high technology developed to minimize waste in the production cycle.

“Ours is a reality which does not work through upheavals, but follows a logic of continuous improvement and, in this sense, we are also working on traditional plants to make them economically better and safer. We have a complete line of reliable and high-quality screen changers, guaranteed by the internal mastery of the entire process, from machine design to assembly at the customer premises - said Dante Boicelli, CEO of BD Plast - We manufacture 1400 systems per year, and this commits us a lot also from the point of view of our Technical Office, which is focused on making products of different sizes and deeply customized.”
Through the most recent IT platforms and CAD-CAM integrated design systems, the engineers of the company exploit all the experience and professionalism gained in the sector to offer the market the best technologies, allowing BD Plast to act as an extrusion partner, looking at the entire extrusion process, to grasp its problems and needs, to experiment with new responses modeled on different systems and to react in real-time, guaranteeing speed at every level of intervention, from the economic offer to the sharing of the project, up to aftersales assistance.
Customer service, both in the purchase and after-sales phase, has

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ecycling of plastics with 50% energy consumption reduction
Robustness and dependability across the line CMG provides technologies and solutions designed to meet all the unique and innovative demands of the Circular Economy. The post-industrial and post-consumer recycling processes have renewed connotations that aim at the reintroduction of recycled materials in the production processes on large scale. CMG’s solutions
With the new Evoluzione series, CMG presents the EV916 and EV616 models, solutions suitable for the most critical operating conditions, for wet or dry granulation, which require high performance characteristics such as granulation capacity from 2,000 to over 5,000 kg/h, versatility, efficiency and sustainability. The Evoluzione series guarantees operational consistency and wear resistance of a higher degree, with its construction solutions that involve the use of harmonic steel, Hardox and assembled modular structures. In addition to the precision to the hundredth of a millimeter on the construction of the new cutting chamber, which allows a much longer duration of the blades when compared to conventional models, all the Evoluzione are equipped with advanced controls, in the Industry 4.0 style, to make the machine functions 100% monitorable and manageable. Operating temperature, blade wear, productivity, operational efficiency, energy use, all functional parameters managed on the machine or remotely, with connectivity based on the OPC-UA protocol, are just some distinctive features.
CMG Granulators at K 2022
CMG Granulators will be at K 2022 - hall 9 / C10 –to present its innovative, energy efficient and sustainable recycling solutions

Evoluzione series super granulators for post-consumer recycling
for the world of recycling include granulators, shredders, integral feed conveyors, evacuation and regrind transport systems, dedusting units, dust management and air filtration. CMG’s installed base is considerable: over 30,000 units supplied to its customers in the company’s 43 years of activity.
All CMG units for Recycling applications, with capacities from 800 kg/h to over 5,000 kg/h, feature the Adaptive Motor Power (AMP) function, unique in the size reduction industry. The granulator is able to autonomously establish which power level to adopt to carry out its work, according to quantity of material to be ground, shape, weight, thickness, type of plastic, and temperature of the piece. The AMP allows to optimize the quality of the regrind material to the maximum (dimensional and physical homogeneity of the regrind particle and absence of dust) and minimize the use of electricity. From 20 to 25 Wh/kg is the small amount of energy that a CMG granulator uses, compared to over 50 Wh/kg that a conventional unit consumes. The ROI for the AMP is less than 12 months.

High efficiency shredders: TRM1500 with patented blade design
The CMG Granulators patented shredder blade design provides the highest degree of cutting precision. The blade is inserted in a V shaped slot on the rotor. Such assembly provides the highest resistance to mechanical stress and the best cutting performance. Shredding is amongst the initial phases of the recycling process. Post consumer plastics require reduction in size prior to being washed and to go through the secondary sorting phase. Shredding precision allows dimensional homogeneity and absence of small particles. Along with a unique blade design every CMG shredder is equipped with advanced controls to self-adjust motor power and rotor RPM, to obtain the highest quality of the shredded plastic with the lowest utilization of energy. CMG Granulators is one of the very few suppliers of recycling equipment that produces both granulators and shredders. The range of CMG shredders covers small to medium capacity applications, in kg/h: from 200 to 1.500. The TRM series is represented by four models,
of the new series and all contribute to obtaining the highest degree of productivity, regrind quality (homogeneous particle dimensions and absence of dust), efficiency of operation, cleanest environment and the lowest TCO. The standard configurations of the new series cover capacities starting from 20 kg/h all the way up to 1500 kg/h. The new range is composed of 11 granulator models, all purposely designed for grinding blow moulded containers or bulky objects.

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The New G26 Line: flexibility of application and dependability
TRM600, TRM900, TRM1200 and TRM1500, all equipped with the most advanced blade design, covered by patent, and intelligent PLC based controls.
Purpose designed screen-less granulators SL series for highly technical injection moulding CMG launches a new series of low speed screen-less granulators with innovative and unique attributes, all contributing to obtaining the highest degree of regrind quality (homogeneous particle dimensions and absence of dust), efficiency of operation, ease of cleaning and the best application flexibility. The new SL range consists of four models, for capacities going from 5 kg/h up to 30 Thekg/ SL granulators by CMG are designed to produce the most homogeneous regrind shape and dimensions, without any dust. The rotor cutters perform a fine and precise cut of the parts to regrind and do not fracture or crash them as conventional screen-less granulators do. The sector grinding elements are available in three different sizes, to obtain the most adequate regrind size for the injection process. The great advantage of dimensionally adequate regrind is most appreciated when the SL granulator is coupled with small tonnage injection moulding machines. The SL granulators produce regrind having dimensions comparable to the virgin Anotherpellet.unique feature of the SL series is the metal trap positioned at the feeding point of the unit. Any metal that could potentially contaminate the regrind, or damage the granulator or the injection moulding machine, is captured by a high intensity magnetic plate.
The new G26 Line is made of three models: G26-30, G26-45 and G26-60. The line features integral sound enclosure and a very innovative feed hopper design to accommodate the widest variety of shapes and dimensions for the parts to grind. All models operate in high-efficiency conditions, are all equipped with EISA premium-efficiency motors and can have AMP controls (Adaptive Motor Power). Energy utilization is 20 Wh/kg vs the + 40 Wh/kg of conventional solutions.
CMG will put on display a new series of recycling system solutions for application with blow moulding machines. Many are the very innovative and unique attributes
Purpose designed GT line for thermoforming CMG Granulators introduces a newly designed granulator series for in-line scrap recycling, suitable for sheet, skeletal sheet and reject parts grinding.
The new GT series comprises four models, suitable for small to medium capacities, to cover applications ranging from 200 through to 1,000 kg/h.
The signature feature of the GT series from CMG Granulators is the blade set up design: the rotor blades are positioned at a high degree of inclination, 50°, in respect to the bed blade, so to guarantee the best cutting precision, the highest dimensional homogeneity of the regrind, the lowest sound emissions and absence of Thepowder.cutting chamber is “bolt & dowel” assembled, does not utilize cast or welded component and all parts are CNC machined to obtain the highest precision of assembly to the 100th of millimetre. 20 Wh/kg is the small amount of energy that a CMG granulator uses, compared to over 40 Wh/kg that a conventional unit consumes.

New blow moulding solutions
ET series: extrusion solutions for recycling processes CMG Granulators presents the ET2 configuration applicable to a vast range of models to recycle the trimmings from the extrusion line at the source of them. The high precision of assembly of the cutting chamber allows the granulation of the thinnest trimmings, obtaining the highest degree of regrind quality (homogeneous particle dimensions and absence of dust), efficiency of operation, ease of cleaning and the best application
All the GT models are low profile and sound enclosed, so to be positioned right underneath the finished product conveyor belt and to keep the production environment the quietest possible.
production site and technical centre in Italy, and the largest distribution network in the plastics industry, CMG is active all over the world with localized technical service, spare parts and sales centres. Find the nearest CMG service centre at the following link https://
CMG presents the new G26 granulator line, for application with injection moulding, blow moulding and extrusion processes. Many are the very innovative and unique attributes of the new series and all contribute to obtaining the highest degree of productivity, regrind quality (homogeneous particle dimensions and absence of dust), efficiency of operation, cleanest environment and the lowest TCO. The standard configurations of the new series cover capacities starting from 50 kg/h all the way up to 300 kg/h.
hen in OR.P. we talk about moulds, it is now customary to include in addition to the raw material or steel, also various equipment for automation, mechanics, cooling/heating and injection systems of all kinds. Precisely for all these elements of daily consumption, the theme of renewal in the transformation of polymers in the district can give great support to the community. A support that should arise autonomously within each company, without waiting for legislations or local impositions.
The study of behaviour of heat dispersion in mould plates, technical rubber articles need a constant thermal stability, maximum variable difference ranging from 1-2°C, maintained throughout the moulding cycle. Again, the choice of steel, combined with the innovative systems applied to the individual plates, suggested and proposed by OR.P. Stampi for its customers, are able to guarantee a stable homogeneity regarding moulds and its Thecustomers.studyand research undertaken in recent years has involved, in addition to OR.P. Stampi R&D dept., suppliers and collaborators from overseas, world-wide. From these, beneficial results have also emerged in terms of compound savings and reduction of
The choice of combinedsteel, with the homogeneityaguaranteeplates,tosystemsinnovativeappliedtheindividualcanstable

OR.P. Stampi, innovative revolutionizingand
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friction of the part, once installed in its final application. The latest initiative that OR.P. will present to its customers will be conceived, designed and developed exclusively for their productions. We know well how much the cost of energy is now a primary burden. For this reason OR.P. Stampi has committed itself with important studies via thermodynamics centres, to the creation implementations within its Cold Runner Block Systems that will revolutionize the sector in terms of energy consumption, and will also favour production capacity.
At the same time, during the K 2022 fair in Düsseldorf, OR.P. will offer its customers the opportunity to discover a new technology to facilitate the separation of moulded parts, and more. Thanks to the study of these new mechanical processes, the surface of the mould, and of the moulded article will be able to achieve a totally controlled surface finish, roughness and/or opaqueness. This is not a surface coating, but a specific mechanical process, dedicated exclusively according to the moulding requirement, and of a finished part.

Hall 1 / A31

Hall 9 stand E29

The Screen-Changers are a high-quality solution for melted material filtration in granulation lines. They are available in different versions depending on the product that needs to be filtered.
This year Filtec has decided to enrich its historical range of products, according to the market changes and evolution. Compact, easy to transport and excellent for producing minimum batches of material: the UW LAB is the new machine introduced by Filtec. The structure and technical configuration of the UW LAB are the same as those of an underwater pelletizer for big productions: therefore, all the advantages of a normal-sized UW can be found in the UW LAB but condensed into much lower dimensions and management costs. Suitable for any space, this new system guarantees reduced energy consumption, obviously without losing the efficiency and excellent performance of its “big brothers”. Even if depending on the material characteristics, the UW LAB has a maximum production capacity of approx. 40kg/h.
Filtec range of highly customizable products allows not only the granulation of plastic materials, including the more fluid ones that can be an obstacle for less technologically advanced machines. The Underwater and Water Ring systems are surely Filtec’s showpieces, but not less important are the vertical and horizontal Centrifuges, Screen-Changers, Vented Vibrating Screens and Water Filtering/Cooling Units.

The year 2022 will not only bring brand new machines and new ways to simplify their usage, but also a modernization of the longstanding logo and website.
Being on the worldwide market for nearly 30 years, Filtec makes use its long experience but at the same
It has been specially designed for particular needs such as carrying out laboratory tests, researching new materials and producing small quantity demonstrative batches. Furthermore, the UW LAB, as per Filtec tradition, can be customized in order to adapt to every need: from the connection flange to the die plate, up to the colour of the machinery itself, so that it can stand out or homogenize itself to your system. In addition, to ensure the quality of its machinery, Filtec can support its customers with a testing laboratory to study and know new materials behaviour.
Long experience behind a fresh and renewed look
The centrifuges are used both in washing and drying plants and allowing a fast cleaning and quality drying of pellets, flakes or chips. They can be supplied with different customizations like the rotor lifting system or the washing system of the external part of the screens for water-pellets separation.
The Vented Vibrating Screens are used for the cooling and separation of granules up to three different sizes and they work both as coolers and classifiers between granules, agglomerates and fines.
Small, compact and efficient: the new UW LAB
Filtec: the perfect example of innovation sustainabilityand
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The strategic organization, the passion of its workers and the will to constantly improve allowed the company to become a fundamental player and commercial partner for many different clients all over the world
orn from the mind of Gianfranco Baracco, and today managed by his son Giovanni, Filtec has been a leader in the plastic material processing for over 29 years.
The strategic organization, the passion of its workers and the will to constantly improve allowed the company to become a fundamental player and commercial partner for many different clients all over the world. Filtec aims to be the perfect solution for every customer and every need.
Finally, the Water Filtering/Cooling Units are used to filter and cool process water from our systems. We have studied and designed these machines in response to the growing need of savings in terms of resources used in the production system. Indeed, the advantages obtained from the reuse of process water are considerable.
Towards a greener tomorrow
Even if the focus is on innovation, Filtec always shows its commitment to a greener future. Indeed, Filtec took the opportunity to teach the process of granulation and the importance of plastics recycling to children in first grade, to ensure that the good practices are transmitted among younger people and future generations. Filtec is also a founder member of the project Are You R, a community first born on Facebook and then supported by a web site can now allow to reach more than 80,000 contacts by Linkedin and
in the right way. The increase in the usage of food and products delivery, electronic commerce and Personal Protection Equipment like surgical masks correspond to the increase in the production and consequently disposal of plastic packaging. It is essential for companies, whether big or small, to invest in new ways to optimize the processing of plastic Formaterials.allthese reasons, Filtec takes part to EU projects such as the last in time dedicated to the valorisation of waste coming from PPE, even sanitary ones and attends to social networks, to make itself more visible but at the same time to reach the younger age groups. The Facebook/ Meta page can count on loyal followers and the YouTube channel is also growing and already enjoys more than 7,000 views. These two channels are constantly updated with video interviews, posts and shares from the “Are You R” Page, which offers numerous articles on recycling and the latest innovations in the circular economy. shares the latest news about technological advancement about recycling and its results. This is one of the objectives that the project Are You R and Filtec have in common: that is, to realize that plastics are all around us and are very important materials, that need to be treated and processed

International exhibition presence Finally, not only social networks and the web are the answer. Filtec is in fact a permanent exhibitor of numerous sector fairs throughout Europe. Thanks to the almost total return to normality, this year Filtec has taken part in numerous fairs, such as Greenplast in Milan, Plastpol in Poland and PRS Europe in Amsterdam. Then in October Filtec will exhibit at the K-show in Düsseldorf, using this international stage to show the new UW LAB and other products.

In all these events Filtec participated with architecturally updated stands, revealing and enhancing the new lines that will characterize the company’s brand from now on. This new image will accompany Filtec at the K Fair, where a large audience is expected at Hall 9 Stand E29. These, some of the reasons why Filtec can consider itself an essential protagonist of the current market, and its will to evolve and develop will allow it to stay one for many years to come.
moment recognizes the importance of offering a fresh and modern look, to attract new partners and, at the same time, to prove to the loyal clients that the company follows carefully, the development of the market not only in terms of technology and innovation, but also of aesthetic and renovation. Both the new logo and website are simplified and intuitive with modern design and customer-friendly interface, all to show the focus of the company on being the best partner it can be.
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Germany, Italy and many more countries join PLASTPOL This year’s edition is marked by a strong presence of companies and institutions representing critical economic centres; for 26 years, German, Austrian and Swiss companies have perceived

PLASTPOL Expo is Central Europe’s leader in the sector of plastics processing industry events. This is a must-see expo, a permanent fixture in the calendar of many national and global concerns. This year’s event was no different; the trade fair hosted almost 400 companies from 26 Countries worldwide, which used almost 10 thousand. sq.m. as the exhibition space
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his year’s PLASTPOL - International Fair of Plastics and Rubber Processing proved to be an important enabler for new supply and sales chains within the plastics processing sector. This expo mission has been confirmed by a successful visit of Qatar and Angola representatives. They were looking for new investors at the Kielce exhibition and congress centre. Foreign missions were prospering for companies from Poland but also from other European countries.
PLASTPOL as the place to prosper for important customers, new markets and key business contacts. Targi Kielce hosted, to name a few, ENGEL, ARBURG, KRAUSSMAFFEI, BATTENFELD- WITTMANN, EREMA, MEUSBURGER and EVONIK INDUSTRIES, to name just a few firms. Italy also enjoyed a strong representation; the expo halls were the showcase for MORETTO, MEPOL, CONFINDUSTRIA POLONIA and AMBRA POLYMERS. The potential of Polish processing trade show is also recognised by global institutions; both the Embassy of Angola and Qatar Development Bank together with Qatar Financial Centre joined the expo to present their economic potential. Not only did they exhibit at Plastpol, but also organised a series of meetings devoted to investment opportunities as well as these
PLASTPOL - a truly international event which brings together the whole industry


The power of Targi Kielce’s meetings
PLASTPOL: 23-26 May, 2023.
This is where the Foundation presented its annual report on the plastics and rubber processing industry’s standing. The PLASTECHINFO technical seminar was an equally valuable and informative event; the seminar’s thematic scope put last decade’s extremely dynamic development of the technology in in the limelight. The conference included a discussion on plastic products manufacturing, injection moulding in particular.
The industry finds recycling important As every year, recycling and the activities targeted at producers, institutions, and consumers in particular, were discussed at the conference “Plastics recyclingone goal, many possibilities” held within the scope of the PLASTPOL Expo held in Targi Kielce. The meeting was organised by the Waste Management and Recycling Cluster- National Key Cluster.
Foundation, including Anna KozeraSzałkowska, Managing Director of Plastics Europe Polska, Andzej Kubik from GPR GUMA and Plastik Recycling, and Kazimierz Borkowski from MoreAmbiente.information can be found at: and on the Linkedin Profile:’sFairofPlasticsandProcessing
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The events staged in the Kielce expo’s exhibition space have enjoyed long-term traditions. Not only are we accustomed to the rich and diversified thematic offer and the possibility of expanding business contacts. This is also the place to acquire specialist knowledge. The same is true for PLASTPOL, which follows a many-year example.
The expo commenced with the conference hosted by the PlasticsEurope Foundation Polska.
The meeting brought together experts in plastics processing and plastics recycling associated with at the PlasticsEurope Polska

countries’ production industries’ development prospects.
One of the conference topics was the use of platforms to track the raw materials circulation and recirculation on the example of the RecoTrace platform.
PLAS MEC, 55 years of experience in the technology of plastic powders mixing leadershipconfirmingoffromachieved:MECmilestoneimportantforPLAShasbeen55yearsthefoundationthecompany,theItalianworldwide in manufacturing of mixing equipment and plants for plastics powders
Aproduction.veryhighoutput can be achieved thanks to the optimized design of the high-speed mixer type “TRM” and the latest technologies of thermofluidynamic engineering of the high-efficiency cooler type “HEC”. COMBIMIX HC versions span from 200/800 to 2500/8500 litres
All the equipment can be designed and built to be compliant with the ATEX directives, following the requirement of the customers.
Overpowders.the years, PLAS MEC has built and delivered thousands of mixers and accessories all over the world. One of the distinguishing features of the company is its flexibility in designing and providing high-tech solutions “tailored” to the customer.
LAS MEC is a 100% Italian equipment1967company,family-ownedfoundedinmanufacturingand
A complete automation to control the process gives the customer a complete solution and a fully controlled mixing system thanks also to the full remote access to the plant, for diagnostic, support and has changed completely in the last years. It has become much more demanding and selective, and this is due to several factors: the evolution of the automation processes, the demand for productivity and efficiency, workplace safety, regulatory constraints, and competition. These are all aspects that have led to a transformation in the approach by the manufacturer and user of the plants. PLAS MEC has continued to keep pace with the needs of the customer and the market. Today, the hardest challenge is the difficulty to find components on the market, especially electronic ones and this requires a great flexibility, which PLAS MEC can handle in a better way since it has kept inside the design of the automation. Safety, efficiency and reliability, these are the aspects where PLAS MEC is more focused today and for the next future. Safety is not an option, efficiency is an absolute need to be competitive, reliability must be maintained to add value to the customers. PLAS MEC dedicates efforts and resources to the research and development to improve all these aspects.
PLAS MEC’s policy is also to grow the development of its technological relationship with customers, so it is increasing the number of industrial tests held in its R&D department. The aim is to fully incorporate customers’ requests and be able to offer a tailor-made product, as well as foster customer loyalty.

The range of production is completed by all the accessories to load, transport, weight and store the powders.
Container Mixer TRR - The ideal alternative to conventional turbomixer for masterbatch, pigments, technopolimers, powder coatings preparation, when production conditions require a high degree of versatility and a wide range of different recipes to be mixed with the same machine. The container mixer can be built as High Power for the application where high intensity mixing is required and there is a need of significant temperature increase of the mixture. Several improvements have been introduced in the last years to get a better performance and better easy use.
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Acapacity.highproductivity and reliability of this flagship combination of equipment can be achieved thanks to a large number of accessories related to the type of production and the needs of the customers.
The choice to keep a fundamental part of the production within the company allows PLAS MEC to keep an eye on every detail and thus produce robust and durable machinery that maintains high levels of PLASquality.MEC manufacturing range comprises mainly the following:
COMBIMIX HC - The combination of the high-speed mixer type “TRM” and the high-efficiency cooler type “HEC” is the ideal solution for any technical mixing requirement in the field of PVC or WPC dry blend

accessories for the mixing of plastic materials (PVC, PE, PP, ABS), technical and special polymers (TPE, PA, PC, PU, PET, PTFE and others), powder coatings resins, woodplastics composites, masterbatch, additives, pigments, thermoplastic rubber etc. PLAS MEC has been recognized for years as one of the leaders in the manufacturing and supply of mixing systems for plastic

The next Fakuma international trade fair for plastics processing will take place in Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance from the 17 th through the 21 st of October, 2023
28 th Fakuma in October 2023 – booking levels already high
The exhibition halls in Friedrichshafen are filling up. “One and a half years before the trade fair opens its
doors, industry players are already booking floor space at Fakuma, which underscores the great importance of the event throughout the world,” explains Fakuma project manager Annemarie Schur from Schall trade fair promoters.
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ey issues include injection moulding, extrusion
“Fakuma is traditionally one of the top events in the plastics industry, as demonstrated once again by the live trade fair held in the fall of 2021. Fakuma was greatly celebrated and we’ll pick up where we left off again in 2023.”

as sustainability, circular economy and recycling. The international, world-class live event for the plastics industry will continue its tradition and follow up on the inspiring success achieved in fall 2021.

solutions,” affirms the project manager with certainty. Professor Dr.-Ing. Martin Bastian, director of the SKZ Institute in Würzburg, appealed for more responsibility in determining what happens to plastics at Fakuma 2021. In his passionate plea for the importance of plastics, he made it clear that they should not only be accepted, but used with enthusiasm. “And we have to do a lot more to educate people about its benefits,” said Bastian last fall. All companies and households are working hard on implementing the energy transition, which won’t be possible without plastics. Exciting issues explored in a trendsetting manner
from 17 to 21 October 2023 will once again be an exciting and important information and business platform. Exhibitors and expert visitors meet here to exchange ideas on automation and digitalisation, as well as circular economy and the conservation of resources. Numerous traditional world market leaders have already saved the dates for the 29th Fakuma in Friedrichshafen from the 15th through the 19th of October, 2024. “Our proven trade fair concept for Fakuma is unique and enjoys widespread acclaim –and we’ll stick with it,” says Bettina Schall, trade fair promoter and managing director of P. E. Schall GmbH & Co. KG. “Fakuma unites practical relevance with high levels of professional competence, as usual in a familiar atmosphere. More than any other event, Fakuma is the perfect place for discussing new products and forward-looking solutions in the plastics industry on an equal footing.” Save the dates for the upcoming Fakuma events in Friedrichshafen: 17 to 21 October 2023 and 15 to 19 October 2024.
The 28th Fakuma in Friedrichshafen

Fakuma: one of the most important industrial trade fairs 1470 exhibitors from 39 countries came to Lake Constance in October 2021 and showcased their innovations covering all aspects of injection moulding, extrusion technology, thermoforming and 3D printing on 85,000 square metres of overall exhibition floor space. Special attention was focused on the issues of environmental protection, circular economy and sustainability. “Recycling and environmental compatibility will be dealt with again extensively in 2023. There can be no doubt that the exhibitors will present groundbreaking innovations and continue to work intensively on pioneering
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- Machine suitable for medical and food industry. Any “old” hydraulic system includes a tank from where oil is drawn by a pump and sent to the circuit. Then the oil returns to the tank to be cooled and filtered. The tank must be sized to contain the variation in oil level within certain limits. Because of the return flows, it must be equipped with air exhaust valves, which are filtered but still cannot 100% retain the sprayed oil, thus some may leak into the mechatronic system allows to work without contamination, so it is perfectly suited for the medical and food industry.
3. Automatic clamping force adjustment without manual intervention on the tie-bar bolts.

SEPTEMBER 2022Plastics Rubber&92 Visit Magic Mp at K 2022! Hall 14 / C33

Compared to a hydraulic system, the new Magic system with electrically driven accumulator head generates an average energy saving of 60%. In addition, Magic can define its mechatronic system as ‘power on demand’, i.e. it uses energy only as much as is needed, with obvious advantages in terms of energy consumption, but also major benefits in terms of repeatability of working cycles and long life.
Compared to the fast mould change-over modes known up to now, Magic new system will differ from all the others because it will be able to carry out a full change-over in double head with the peculiarity that the following components (which until now have conditioned the total change-over time, meant as fast) will be changed electrically, automatically and not manually. Here are the 8 points that will make your machines more profitable:
- Increased safety, oil free machine: Magic mechatronic system has no oil under pressure. This means the non-existence of the risk of breakage of the pressurised system components, and therefore also the absence of related safety systems. Thermoplastics processing machines
So, at this point, the new Magic technology has made the machines adjustable in self-learning, a technology called SAM (Self Adjustment Machine).
The system Magic has adopted has an efficiency of approximately 95%. This efficiency remains consistent at any load and speed. Magic has adopted a motor torque capable of developing, under the heaviest conditions, a combined power of 28 kW, generating, where requested, a pressure in the accumulation chamber of approximately 200 bar at a movement speed of 90 mm per Finally,second. we must consider the following: most productions only utilise part of the system’s power, generally between 30% and 60%. Energy cost is automatically reduced in the mechatronic system, while the hydraulic system always compresses the oil to its nominal value. As a result, the further the system operates away from its maximum potential, the more energy is saved by the new mechatronic system.
At this point the machine will selfadjust with the points listed above: head centre distance, blowpin centre distance, parison centring, post cooling centring and clamping force setting, if needed. You can then go from 240 mm to 280 mm centre distance with completely different bottles.
1. Automatic head centre distance 2.adjustment.Automatic blowpin centre distance.
Other advantages of the mechatronic system:

lectrically driven accumulator head
have heating elements that heat the extrusion system parts up to 300 degrees. Accidental spillage of pressurised oil from an ‘old’ hydraulic system atomises the oil to such an extent that its contact with the incandescent heating elements can lead to a fire hazard. This is not the case with Magic new patented electrically driven system. Safe and oil-free machines.
Magic quick mould changeover and SAM technology
All this will be managed by a camera that will read a QR code applied to the mould. The system will automatically process all the previously pre-set data to switch from a 10-litre stackable container with handle to a 5-litre F-style container with handle.
For what concerns dummy moulds and deflashing adjustments, these will be managed by state-of-the-art manual systems that will also speed up format changeover.
It is estimated that with the new Magic systems, changing from a 10-litre bottle with handle to a 5-litre F-Style bottle, including blowpin centre-distance, deflashing and the various equipment needed to complete the format change, will only take 45 minutes.

4. Automatic parison centring.
Magic news
5. Mould holding plates with Stäubli magnetic centring system and bayonet couplings for mould 6.cooling.Automatic parison cutting vertical 7.adjustment.Automatic centring of post 8.cooling.Automatic extruder platform adjustment for head height setting.
Have you ever seen 1600 full electric blow molding machines? MAGIC MP SPA - Via Giancarlo Puecher, 24 - 20842 Besana in Brianza (MB) - Italy Tel. +39 039.2301096 - Fax + 39 039.2301017 - E-mail: -

companies can still register for the waiting list and thus have the chance to exhibit too.
Effective planning
rom May 4 to 10 2023, Düsseldorf will once again become a business platform and future technology workshop. interpack has already been fully booked out. It returns in May 2023 – the unique flair of the Düsseldorf exhibition halls, which will turn into a platform for the world’s packaging industry during interpack: 18 halls, targeted exhibition areas, new speciality shows and forums
Taking huge strides interpack demonstrates the influence that megatrends like connectivity, security and sustainability have on the future of the continuously evolving packaging industry. “Conditions like scarcity of resources and disrupted supply chains pose great challenges to the industry, while simultaneously factors such as increasing demand, new technology and a growing awareness of sustainability offer us big chances to take huge strides forward,” says Thomas Dohse, Project Director for interpack. “interpack is the place where the industry creates the future at a global level”.
The halls are packed: This is interpack 2023
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demonstrate the industry’s innovative prowess. Around 2,700 exhibitors from around the world will present leading technology and packaging trends from the entire value chain. Six years and a forced absence during the pandemic mean that there is a multitude of novel developments on the Althoughmarket.there is still a year before the event, interpack has already been fully booked out and will occupy the entire exhibition area. Interested
interpack is back! After six years and a forced absence during the pandemic, the world’s biggest trade fair for the packaging industry and related process industries is up and running again

Visitors from the food industry will find everything in one area at interpack 2023. The same is true for visitors from the beverages, confectionery, bakery, pharma, cosmetics, non-food and industrial goods industries. This refined layout was made possible by a new concept for the exhibition halls, which will be implemented for the first
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Outside exhibition times, too, interpack’s digital communication platform Tightly Packed keeps its finger on the pulse and continues to offer information on new developments, best practices and trends.

time in the coming year. The other focal points of the exhibition, namely packaging materials and packaging goods, machines for labelling and marking, production of packaging material and integrated printed packaging, are brought together in their own halls as well. Exhibitors at the accompanying suppliers’ fair “components” will also be hosted in their own hall. Orientation for visitors is thus optimised, which allows visits to be planned more effectively. Inspiration strikes interpack delivers stimuli for progressive and visionary concepts, and continues to expand the accompanying programme accordingly. At the moment, there are plans for several speciality shows and forums. For example, specially themed days ensure that visitors receive targeted information. interpack uses this to demonstrate answers to current challenges within the packaging industry. Next year’s event will specifically focus on the topics of circular economy, resource management, digital technology and product safety.
Further up-to-date information on the trade fair is available at www.

Proven experience in the industry has enabled Baracco to acquire the solid technical knowledge necessary to produce and manufacture spare parts particularly for granulation and to represent today, in Italy, the leading companies Starlinger Recycling and Viscotec.

Experience and innovation in the plastic materials sector
Baracco Srl promises to offer quality and service through state-of-the-art technology and a qualified
Its growth can be attributed to its founder’s decades of experience in the plastics industry, who between 1983 and 1993 developed his skills working in the field, in a company that designed and manufactured pelletizing machinery. Later, from 1993 ala 2017, as co-founder of one of the leading companies in the industry, with responsibility in the technical division for design and development of die plates and spare parts.
aracco Srl is a company specialized in the creation, development, production, sales and worldwide distribution of machines, spare parts, and accessories for the granulation of plastic materials.

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hall 10 / B19

highlight that many multinationals, not only Italian ones but also Europeans in general, have already approached this product in their external subsidiaries. It’s a process of self-awareness, maybe you have to touch it before trying. And the farther you do it from home the better it is.”
In this way, two of our main areas of expertise will be covered.
The machines on display at K 2022 The three injection moulding machines that will be possible to admire at the fair, will therefore be complete with automations, made by the parent company - as specifies De Cenzo - that entering the technical details, adds: “PAC 200 tons will have a robotic side entry mod. YR8, specified for IML application, is a high-speed robot dedicated to the world of packaging. D1 model, a two-platen machine, with servo pumps and inverter dedicated to all movements. For FF240 electrical model dedicated to the technical sector, however, which falls within
SEPTEMBER 2022Plastics Rubber&102
Thesemore. specializations are tailor-made directly in the headquarters’ plants, after a long and profound process of preventive analysis of the projects. Even getting to the 3D models of the printed parts with all the dedicated automation parts, since we are now talking about complete lines and the goal is to ensure a finished product, a precise result, going beyond the simple meaning of selling machine. To be honest, even if some skepticism remains towards the Chinese product in general, it is also right to
A leap into technologysuccessful
An example of the many variants that Yizumi can provide, in addition to the standard product - also because of a great distinguish factor compared to the competition, always coming from China itself - is precisely the ability to produce many tailor-made machines at the request of the customer, so 2k, 3k models with overlapping, parallels and rolling injectors, integrated rotary tables, electric satellite injectors, and much
“An automotive moulding area consisting of a 240 ton in 2K multimaterial version (overlapping and inclined injectors) for the automotive sector and a packaging area consisting of a 200 ton PAC series press, a fast press with side entry robot for IML, dedicated to packaging, all with related automations.

20 th uniquenesstowardsmarket,presencestabilizinganniversaryitsontheheadingthe
The area will be formed by a 500 press of the D1 series (two platen), an anthropomorphic robot and a series of auxiliary accessories manufactured by Yizumi.
n the next K 22, planned in Düsseldorf the next October (19-26), Luca De Cenzo, the PPI’s sales manager of Italy’s exclusive distributor, reveals: “Yizumi will celebrate its 20 years of life, and this will be the perfect opportunity to meet up with our customers again, after two years of restrictions due to YearCovid19.”after year Yizumi has been consolidating its constant development in the injection moulding machine industry and also in the die-casting one, where the Leap technology is giving a lot of Yizumisatisfaction.isgoing to introduce in the next K 22 three important applications. An automotive application with IMC technology (in mold compression), in other words an over-molding application of electrical circuits applied for the automotive sector.
celebratesYizumi its
“A training program lasting about two months began about a month ago: a Chinese technician will support us in Italy to directly train both our employees and external technicians.

the group of machines such as C, BTP, NTW, BTL, the nomenclature depends on the configuration of the injectors; so obviously everything starts from the project, the hydraulic level that already have supplied with servo pumps and inverters. Finally, as far as the PAC is concerned, the proposed applications will be defined later through brochures, but it is traditionally hydraulic, so it could be generally equipped with accumulators or with dedicated pumps under inverters.”
After all, we notice that the product is a step above the Chinese average and, in some applications, we even begin to compete with the Germans, which means a lot in terms of reliability, performance and brand perception.”
For the assistance part we also have in charge the part relating to Industry 4.0 activations, the international interface protocol between the press and the “field”, therefore everything related to the remote control and remote assistance. At the same time,

SEPTEMBER 2022 Plastics Plastics Rubber& 103
The expansion of Yizumi brand in Italy is giving great satisfaction to PPI.

As pointed out by De Cenzo: “The reception has been very positive, and, as we expected in the last three years, the growth has been gradual but constant; we are not pushing too much also because we want to have a consolidated growth, without excesses and, consequently, the risk of leaving the market, as happened to some Chinese competitors. We plan a very precise industrial development choice and the feedback is excellent: both our customers and competitors speak well of Yizumi.
Guaranteed service
we are carrying out the development of a software package that will allow assistance through augmented reality at customers, to guarantee real-time correspondence not only from the parent company but also on the field, from the customers themselves (CMS).”
roadly positive balance for the first edition of Greenplast, the exhibition-convention which took place at Fiera Milano Rho from the 3rd to the 6th of May 2022, dedicated to materials, technologies, and transformation processes for plastics and rubber, with focus sections on sustainability, materials

recovery, recycling, and energy efficiency. Greenplast, the trade fair organized by Promaplast srl and staged in its first edition at Fiera Milano Rho-Pero from the 3rd to the 6th of May 2022 was a resounding success. In 6,000 square metres of net exhibition space, the fair hosted 170 exhibitors who showcased the most advanced solutions in terms of materials, production processes, machinery, and services for a more sustainable plastics and rubber industry working toward a circular economy. The first edition was attended by over 20,000 visitors from 55 countries, greatly exceeding expectations, and by highly qualified buyers, who were quite interested in the innovations presented at the fair. The exhibitors expressed their enormous satisfaction, positively impressed by the sensitivity and awareness of operators regarding the focus themes offered by the fair, which represent the present and the
SEPTEMBER 2022Plastics Rubber&104
The first edition was attended by over 20,000 visitors from 55 countries, greatly expectations,exceedingand by highly qualified buyers, who were quite interested in the presentedinnovationsatthefair

Over 20 thousand visitors at the first edition of Greenplast

Italia. Together, the four events attracted over 90,000 professional operators, who were given a privileged view of an exhaustive overview of technology relating to the industry. The success convinced the organizers of the four fairs to plan the next edition from the 27th to the 30th of May 2025. In the meantime, the organizational machinery of Plast, the long-running international event for the plastics and rubber industry organized by Promaplast srl, is already in motion: after the forced interruption caused by the pandemic, the 19th edition will take place in Milan from the 5th to the 8th of September 2023. Over 30,000 square metres of exhibition space have already been confirmed by the exhibitors who want to guarantee their participation in Plast 2023. New applicants may submit their requests starting in July 2022.

future of the plastics and rubber industry. The exhibition was also enriched in terms of content, hosting several events from the third edition of Packaging Speaks Green, the international forum dedicated to the development of the culture of sustainability and circular economy in the plastics and packaging industries. Over 400 operators took part in the various sessions of the event: pharma, beauty & chemicals, plastics and recycling, save food, food & beverage. The event was sponsored by Amaplast and Ucima, associations representing Italian manufacturers of plastics and rubber processing machinery and of packaging machinery, respectively. Greenplast took place in conjunction with three other leading in industrial machinery engineering fairs making up the network The Innovation Alliance: Ipack-Ima, Print4All, and Intralogistica
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Which developments and technologies will shape the work of tomorrow and what will be the importance of automatica? - which took place in Munich from June 21 to 24, 2022, provided both answers to these questions and numerous trends and innovations.

automatica showcased as a driving force for the industry • 574 exhibitors from 35 countries • More than 28,000 visitors from around 75 countries • Exhibitors praise high quality of •visitorsNext automatica from June 27 to 30, 2023 W Plastics Rubber& SEPTEMBER 2022108

approximately 38 percent, with strong participation from Eastern Europe in Dr.particular.Reinhard Pfeiffer, Managing Director of Messe München, offered a very positive conclusion: “We were able to experience the future of automation and robotics here. The level of innovation in this industry is incredible, and of course I’m very pleased that numerous exhibitors once again chose automatica as the platform to present their innovations for the first time. This is the best prerequisite for automatica to build on its success next year.” automatica - a driving force for the industry
For Frank Konrad, CEO of HAHN Automation and Chairman of the VDMA Robotics + Automation Association, one thing is certain after

the four-day event: “automatica has served as the leading trade fair for years, providing an exclusive platform for presenting, recognizing and advancing industry trends and innovations. The fair attracted many highly qualified prospects and customers seeking an opportunity for in-person contact and open
A total of 574 exhibitors from 35 countries and more than 28,000 visitors from around 75 countries took part in this leading trade fair for intelligent automation and robotics. The top ten exhibitor countries after Germany were Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, the Netherlands, Canada, France, Poland, the UK and the USA. The share of international visitors was
hat is the future role of automation and robotics in industry?
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In addition to the trade fair events, automatica 2022 once again offered a wide-ranging supporting program with more than 150 keynotes, panel discussions, presentations and live demonstrations. Patrick Schwarzkopf, CEO of VDMA Robotics + Automation, emphasizes that “this year, too, automatica has proven beyond doubt its subject leadership in terms of the quality and diversity of the supporting program. What participants get to see here is fantastic.” This was also true of the other agenda items, such as the TestZone in the Future Robotics Hall, which was held for the first time, and, not to be overlooked – munich_i, which includes the AI.Society with i_space, the Robothon and the munich_i Hightech-Summit.

munich_i Hightech-Summit celebrates in-person premiere

the positive response and the quality of the trade fair visitors.”
Supporting program shows leadership of topics
Additional information and photo and video material is available online at
Personal interaction can’t be replaced Personal interaction also plays a major role for companies after the coronavirus interruption and a digital automatica sprint, as Dr. Olaf Munkelt, Managing Director at MVTec Software, confirms: “You can tell that people want to go to the trade fair again. Not surprising, since the virtual world offers no replacement for a face-to-face exchange.” David Reger, CEO and founder of NEURA Robotics, also emphasizes the advantages of an in-person event: “Our cognitive robots have senses such as seeing, hearing, touching, thinking, making them unique in the industry. These capabilities can best be understood by seeing them live in action. Industry events like automatica are an excellent platform for this. Seeing is believing. We are overwhelmed by
The latter celebrated its in-person premiere on June 22 after being held digitally last year due to the pandemic. In addition to robotics, it also featured the topic of artificial intelligence under the central concept of “intelligence empowering tomorrow”. Dr. Markus Söder, Bavarian Minister President, highlighted the importance of these technologies at the opening of the munich_i Hightech Summit: “With this platform for AI and robotics, Bavaria is setting the benchmark for the future! Technology is changing the world for the better. We believe in the Anjaopportunities.”Schneider,automatica Exhibition Director, concludes: “I am thrilled with what has been presented here over the past four days – especially in these challenging times. After a much too long interruption, this year’s event seems like a fresh start for the industry.” automatica and LASER World of Photonics to run concurrently starting in automatica2023
communication.” Wilfried Eberhardt, Chief Marketing Officer at KUKA, agrees: “Automation, robotics and digitalization are growth drivers. automatica is an important driver for the industry in these challenging times. The fair was all about having worthwhile discussions with a diverse audience.” And Tobias Rietzler, CEO & co-founder at robominds, adds: “Innovative solutions from robotics are finding their way into entirely new industries and application areas. This makes it even more important to have automatica as a platform where technology, products and applications come together to create solutions. After automatica’s four-year absence, there is great euphoria at robominds: So far, we’ve been able to generate more leads than expected. We are already looking forward to next year!”
will be ready to take off again as early as next year. The happy reason: The trade show is changing its schedule and will be held concurrently with LASER World of PHOTONICS in the future. The world’s leading trade fairs will be held together for the first time from June 27 to 30, 2023, and thereafter every two years at the same time and under one roof.
K (Düsseldorf, Germany) – 19-26 October 2022 -

SOLIDS (Parma, Italy) – 14-15 June 2023 -
INTERPLAS (Birmingham, UK) – 26-28 September 2023 -

PLAST (Milan-Rho, Italy) – 5-8 September 2023 -

PLASTPOL (Targi Kielce, Poland) – 23-26 May 2023 -
PRS (Rai - Amsterdam, The Netherlands) 10-11 May 2023
WARSAW PLAST EXPO (Warsaw, Poland) – 7-9 November 2022 -

MECSPE (Bologna, Italy) – 29-31 March 2023 -
CHINAPLAS (Shenzhen, China) – 17-20 April 2023 -
PLASTICS RECICLING WORLD EXPO (Essen, Germany) – 14-15 June 2023 -

FAKUMA (Friedrichshafen, Germany) – 17-21 October 2023 -

(Nurnberg, Germany) - 27-29 September 2022 - www.powtech.deFACHPACK (Nurnberg, Germany) - 27-29 September 2022 -
ARGENPLAS (Buenos Aires, Argentina) – 6-9 June 2023 -
PLASTIC EXPO (Osaka, Japan) - 17-19 May 2023 -
PLASTIC & RUBBER INDONESIA (Jakarta, Indonesia) - 16-19 November 2022 -
RUBBERTEC CHINA (Shanghai, China) - 26-28 November 2022 -

PLASPACK INDONESIA (Jakarta, Indonesia) – 16-19 November 2022 –
TIRE TECHNOLOGY EXPO (Hannover, Germany) – 21-23 March 2023 -

ARABPLAST (Dubai, UAE) – 13-15 December 2023 -

PLASTIC EXPO (Tokyo, Japan) - 7-9 December 2022
SAUDIPLAS (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) 12-15 June 2023
PLASTEX (Brno, Czech Republic) – 3-7 October 2022-
DRUPA 2024 28-29
K 2022 8-9
PLASTPOL 2022 86-87
INTERPLAST 2022 56-59
C.M.G. SPA 77-79
OR.P. STAMPI SRL 3, 80-81
AL.MA. SRL 10-12

INTERPACK 2023 96-97
BFM SRL 63-65
AUTOMATICA 2022 108-109

III Cover
Plastics Rubber&
CHINAPLAS 2023 36, 66

PLASTPOL 2023 40
FAKUMA 2023 90-91
PPI SRL 101-103
SMI SPA 24-27
LAWER SPA 1, 34-35
GREENPLAST 2022 104-106
IV Cover, 4, 21-23
MAGIC MP 92-93
RPE SRL 68-70

SPS 2022 112

Technology in technopolimericmaterial Mould and mould-flow design for thermoplastic articles Mould design for elastomeric articles Print of technical details in thermoplastic Printmaterialsofelastomeric technical details Ultrasound soldering – high frequency – hot Qualitybladeservice: analysis on technical articles produces and test of in/outcoming materials FIELDS OF APPLICATION OF OUR PRODUCTS PNEUMATICSVALVESPHARMACEUTICALPAPERLABELLINGAUTOMATIONPACKAGINGBOTTLINGTRANSFORMATIONANDFITTINGS