Product design development

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Product Design and Development FDD Contour Fashion Sportswear

Introduction Your brief is to research, design, develop and realise a desirable end product for an existing designer or leading brand. You have been assigned a team and your team has been allocated a designer/brand. Your team need to organise itself into to effectively undertake brand research and decide on a theme that will lead the direction of each team members own personal design direction. At the start of next term each team will present their brand research and theme. Each team will receive formative feedback on the day, from both the academic tutors and students from other design groups. You will then work independently to develop your own design and development project which must reflect the CORE VALUES and DESIGN ETHOS agreed by your team. The final team presentation should be uploaded to Workflow on your personal page.

Team presentations: Team research into your designer or brand should be in depth. Each team may want to consider the following, taking into account the key areas which will influence your future design development: • Design ethos & brand values • Historical review of the development of the brand or designer’s collections • Target consumer • Range of product offer and pricing • Major competitors in their field The final team presentation should be uploaded to Workflow on your personal page.

Presentations format: Each team will have 7 minutes maximum for their presentation in April – this will be timed. As a team you need to decide: • What type of presentation is appropriate to your brand ethos? • How should the research be carried out? • What responsibilities will each member have? • How will the team collate and present information?

Note: All presentations will be run from a PC. Any presentations created on a MAC must be transferred to a memory stick and checked for compatibility on a PC prior to the presentation day. As part of your own personal and professional development each team will peer assess other team presentations. You will be given information and guidance on how, what and which teams you will be formatively assessing. Export you PPT, InDesign or Keynote as a PDF to ensure that it compatible across format.

Assessment requirements A portfolio of work to include: Team: Visual and verbal team presentation of brand analysis and research and analysis. The presentation must be a copy of the FINAL digital team presentation uploaded to WORKFLOW. This must include the verbal commentary in written format. For example a printed copy of a PowerPoint presentation with full speaker notes. Each team member must include a copy of the complete presentation in his or her own individual portfolio of work.

Assessment requirements Individual: For physical hand in on 12th june (09.30-11.00 Hrs) A portfolio of work to include: • Individual final prototype product with supporting toile developments, experimentation into seam finishes etc. • Final pattern in card annotated to industry standard • Evidence of materials sourcing, experimentation and selection together with appropriate testing procedures such as seam finishes. • Technical folder with completed and annotated technical development samples as directed • PPD reflective statement (500 words)

Assessment requirements A product development/technical file to include: • Annotated evidence (e.g. photos) of 3D development work • 3 separate specifications. • A design specification • A sample size specification • Order of assembly specification for the final sample. This should be professionally presented using IT and to include detailed seam types where appropriate) • Completed Grading exercises as directed • A written evaluation of your final realised garment to include the decision making processes undertaken during development and the final product, with suggestions for any further refinement of the final sample.

Assessment requirements Design submission to include: • Concept or mood pages, consumer or brand pages (minimum of 2 A3/A4) • Concept / initial design development together with experimentation and evaluation. • Minimum 6 design development sheets • A final range plan, using appropriate IT applications showing your strategic product range with material and colour options.

Assessment requirements A portfolio of work to include: Research Report For submission on-line on workflow on before 16.00hrs • A professionally presented, Harvard Referenced, word processed and formally structured report (maximum 800 words, including visuals as appropriate) investigating: • An appropriate retail position AND RETAIL ENVIRONMENT for your product and target customer. • An overview of the key elements of the design ethos of your brand which informed your design development and range planning. • Evidence of research into appropriate pricing levels for your realised outcome

Team Tasks Overview of Research and Preparation for Team Presentations: • Select a team leader to co-ordinate the team or distribute tasks equally amongst all team members. • Consider various roles and specialism, researchers, writers, presentation designers, presenters etc. • It is up to you as a group how want to organise this. • Consider using Workflow, Google Docs and to share information during the Easter Break Consider your availability over the Easter holiday, some people may be returning to homes outside of the UK, with time differences and various internet connection speeds others may be working throughout.

Team Tasks Overview of Research and Preparation for Team Presentations: • Team research into your designer or brand should be indepth. • Gather primary research, don’t just rely on Wikepedia. • Each team may want to consider some key tasks when researching the brand • You also take into account the key areas which will influence your individual future design development

Key Tasks •

Design ethos

Brand values

Historical review of the development of the brand or designer’s collections

Market positioning

Target consumer

Range of product offer and pricing

Major equivalent competitors in their field

Retail presence ( physical and on-line)

Timing & Practice • Each team will have 7 minutes maximum for their presentation in Aprilthis will be timed, so please rehearse BEFORE you present! • As a team you need to decide what type of presentation is appropriate to your brand ethos. • Consider the variety and originality of presentation formats that are most appropriate to your designer or brand

Case example: Celine

Student assessment

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
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