Tenerife weekly issue 117

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Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014

Editor Marc Craig editor@tenerife-weekly.com Production Colm McCarroll design@tenerife-weekly.com


The material contained within Tenerife Weekly may not to be reproduced unless permission has been received from the Owner. Disclaimer

CONTRIBUTORS John Sharples Sir Old Golfer Steve Andrews Barry Pugh Diane McGlone Colin Kirby English Time

The opinion of the owner or staff of Tenerife Weekly is not necessarily mirrored in the opinions or assertions made by any of our contributors.

Janet Anscombe


Meryl Kew

(Red Queen Musings)

lagomera1.blogspot Adeje Blog


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PUB QUIZ (Page 34) 1: 18 inches (45.7cm) 2: The dragonfly 3: Captain Hastings 4: The ankle 5: Distress 6: The George Cross 7: Multiple Sclerosis 8: Gargoyle 9: 12 10: Louis XIV of France 11: S

SUDOKU Easy (Page 24)


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Issue 117

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While Tenerife Weekly makes every realistic effort to inspect the contents of all of our advertising, it cannot be held responsible for any assertions or declarations they may make.

SUDOKU Challenging (Page 24)

Owner & Publisher - Christopher Miller

1. They all have blocks 2. Cars by Volkswagen 3. They have nails. 4. They are stuffed 5. Bears 6. Islands 7. Golf terms 8. Fevers 9. They have lids 10. They are paints 11. They have spines 12. Cheese 13. They have springs. 14. They have pits 15. Drums




Solutions to this week’s puzzles



Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014

editorial Well, what a week it has been! Down at Vivo Decades, we’ve got a week off from the show, as the venue welcomes the Scooter boys and girls, who are here on a long weekend, meaning there is no Decades dinner dance until next Thursday and the cast are enjoying a well-earned break. That doesn’t mean that the rest of us haven’t been busy, as the mid-week carvery is getting busier day by day, with the excellent food speaking for itself, the live entertainment on the front terrace has been extended from 2pm to 6pm thanks to the very welcome addition of Mr. andy briggs who we are so happy to welcome on to the team!

andy is certainly no stranger to the island, having lived here for most of his life, but he’s a fairly new act on the entertainment scene – although you wouldn’t know it, he is a great acoustic guitarist/vocalist, he takes well known songs from almost every style of music, and makes them his own. add to that the fact that he’s a genuinely nice guy with a great rapport with the audience, i can honestly say i’m very excited about our Vivo afternoon sessions! andy and i are live from 2pm every day during the carvery. apart from that, all our regular columnist have still provided informative, entertaining and tasty articles for you to enjoy, even though


many are on their holidays. So enjoy reading and if you are free on any afternoon, come and see us for great food and fantastic entertainment!

Marc Craig

Who Will it be?

ContinUeD FroM page 1


ere’s the kind of election i can actually get excited about! this Wednesday, 26th of February, at the Centro internacional de Ferias y Congresos in santa Cruz at 9.30pm, one lucky lady will be crowned Queen of the Carnival 2014 at the Gran Gala de elección de la Reina del Carnaval 2014.

The Wednesday before Carnival weekend, is always the day that the Queen of the Carnival is elected. It is a very big deal and huge honour for the lucky winner among

the hopeful beauties. The event is usually broadcast to the entire country, and abroad by satellite. During the gala, the candidates parade across the main stage. A jury composed of members of the municipal corporation and celebrities chooses the queen; there is also a vote via SMS (short messaging service). After choosing the bridesmaids, the mayor hands the scepter to the winner. Since the costumes are heavy, the candidates rely on wheeled transportation. The costumes are also expensive, so the candidates are sponsored (usually by a multinational corporation with a presence on the islands). The Hogar Canario Venezolano also sends its own Queen and holds a privileged position in the next Announcement Parade. Costumes are usually made

of feathers, plastic, metal and paper. The queen is responsible for representing the carnival at tourism fairs as an ambassador for the Canary Islands. There are also elections held for the child Queen and the elderly Queen. All three take pride of place on the floats during the parade along Avenida de Anaga on Carnival Tuesday, the highlight and finale of the Carnival. For those who don’t know, Arona elects their own Queens, the election for the main Queen takes place the day after the Santa Cruz election, at the Valdes Center, Starting at 9pm on Thursday 27th February. Photos of last year’s elections courtesy of Gerard Zenou

photos by Gerard Zenou.

Teide’s Winter Whites photo by Gerard Zenou.

laST WeeKenD brought us another set of weather warnings, and with the gale force winds and extreme cold (for Tenerife anyway) came more rain and snow, with with many mountain

roads closed and snow ploughs working to clear the huge drifts that had built up in many places… but at least Teide looked pretty in her finest winter whites, as Gerard’s photo shows.

concerned Hi Marc, I write to you as a person who has been holidaying in Tenerife since 1986 and now stay here for 12 weeks over the winter period .The apartment where we stay is located on the Calle Victor Zorita Solar the home to the very busy Piramedes Hotel .Since we have been here this year there have been at least five muggings in the Calle and most nights prostitutes are in the street approaching any man on his own trying to pick pockets they even tried to get a man in a wheelchair refusing to leave him alone till some men chased them away they approached me when I was watching some friends go home after an evening with us. Last week an elderly couple coming out of Iceland had 150 euros stolen. Why is it you see the Police up and down by the beach during the day but never

about at night when the serious crimes are taking place? Perhaps they will finally be happy when people no longer come to Tenerife once people move on it is very difficult to get them back. Yours, a very concerned visitor who loves this island. editors response: Dear reader, Thank you for your letter, i certainly understand your concern, this area has often been a problem area and certainly requires policing as you say. i only hope that more people like you speak up, then finally the powers that be might take notice and clean up areas like this that, thankfully are becoming scarcer on this beautiful island that i love so much.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014



“riSky” aCtiVitieS

by janetanscombe.com

a group of eight walkers has had to be rescued from Montaña Blanca in Las Cañadas after retreating from the refuge Alta Vista after attempting to climb Teide. One of them, a young Chinese woman from Madrid, was on the point of being taken to hospital with severe hypothermia but said she felt better and the transfer was aborted. The group was rescued by the Guardia Civil’s Mountain Rescue Unit and the Canarian Government’s Search and Rescue team a man has been arrested in Santa Cruz for knocking down and killing the man found dead on the TF1 on Valentine’s day morning . Emergency services were called out call around 5.20am but on arrival, paramedics could do nothing other than confirm his death at the scene. Gruesomely, police say that remains of the dead man’s organs were found underneath his car. He has been tested for alcohol and drugs and the results are awaited. There is no news at present as to whether the detainee was also responsible for the second accident on the Avenida Marítima. Shortly after the man was fatally knocked down, another accident was recorded on the Avenida Marítima, the TF4 extension road down to the auditoriuim and harbour. At present, they are treating it as a serious possibility that it’s the same vehicle involved in two hit and run accidents this morning. There is no detail on the second accident yet. Bomberos have found the 29-year-old who was reported missing at 10pm last evening. His family had called in emergency services after leaving him at the top of the barranco to walk down to the coast. a 40-year-old woman has died after being knocked down by a van on the TF-657 Aldea Blanca-Buzanada-La Camella road. The accident happened just before 9am on Valentine’s Day, and emergency services found her with such critical head injuries that they were unable to do anything to save her life. She was pronounced dead at the scene. It now appears that this was a tragic accident after an unattended van which was parked at the side of the road started moving after its handbrake failed. The vehicle crossed the road and ran into a wall just where the woman happened to be. air sea rescue were mobilised in the main port of La Palma after a prank backfired yesterday afternoon. Apparently when a young German tourist jumped from the cruise liner Aida into the sea his companion sounded the alarm after he did not appear to surface. The Santa Cruz de La Palma Maritime Rescue boat scoured the sea around the cruise liner and a GES helicopter was scrambled to search from the air. After two hours, the young man appeared back on the liner; after jumping into the sea he swam to one of the pontoons and was perfectly safe. Authorities are considering what action to take, swimming in the port waters is expressly forbidden, after this costly exercise as the result of a joke in very bad taste. the Guardia Civil have detained 2 people and charged 3 more in connection with the robbery of ten thousand metres of copper wire from various locations in the north of Tenerife. The accused, who come from the Tacoronte and Puerto de la Cuz areas, sold the stolen metal worth around 43,000 euros, via the internet and also to recycling plants. In some cases local inhabitants were left without street lighting after the thieves struck, mostly during weekends and at night time. Officers are now investigating whether the recipients of the stolen metal were aware of its illicit origin. the Cabildo has announced that Tenerife started the year with an increase of 3.7% on last January’s tourist numbers. After last year’s record-breaking figures, President Carlos Alonso said that figures were again up whichever data one looked at, and that January’s visitors boded well for 2014. Some 402,494 holidaymakers stayed in tourist accommodation here last month, both hotels, apartments and rural houses. British and German visitors continue to be Tenerife’s two main markets, with Scandinavian visitor numbers increasing some 15%. Russian holidaymakers are the fourth major market. Also showing good growth, however, are the markets the tourist authorities are now giving paying attention, namely France, Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Austria and eastern Europe. The only figures to decrease were the Dutch and Belgian markets.


eneRiFe is increasingly known as a location for “activity” holidays like walking, windsurfing, star gazing, golfing, etc.

These are part of the niche markets that the tourism authorities are hoping will attract “upmarket” holidaymakers. There are, however, risks to many such activities, particularly those like barranco hiking and paragliding, and in 2012, the Canarian Government passed a law which introduced a charge for emergency rescues for those undertaking “risky activities”. The Canaries is not the only autonomous region to do this, with similar laws in place in Cantabria, Catalonia and the Basque Country. Here, the so-called “Ley de Tasas”, properly Ley 4/2012 de 25 de junio de medidas administrativas y fiscales, allows for charges to be made up to a maximum of 6,000 euro when rescues are required because of recreational or sporting activities that involve risk or danger. Charges towards costs for emergency assistance can be made when the participant was undertaking an activity defined by the law as risky (see list below) failed to obey official warning instructions or bans failed to observe warning signs was undertaking a banned activity was undertaking an activity without required authorization was undertaking an activity without equipping themselves appropriately The Ley de Tasas sets charges in terms of the numbers needing rescue, and so a rescue involving up to 4 victims will have a ceiling of 6,000 euro. In very rare cases where larger groups are involved the ceiling will be set at 8,000 euro for 5-8 needing rescue, 10,000 euro for 9-16, and 12,000 euro for 16+. The law also allows that the charges will be levied against the estate of anyone who dies during their rescue; a measure which the regional Goverment insists complies with the provisions of national fiscal legislation. The list of activities classified by the law as risky is the following.

The translation is immediately below the list in Spanish – some of these I just don’t recognize in any language! others are universally recognizable. submarinismo, travesía de natación, windsurfing, flysurf, esquí acuático, wakeboard, wakesurf, skurfer, motos de agua, bodyboard, surf, rafting, hydrospeed, piragüismo, remo, descenso de cañones y barrancos, puenting, goming, kite buggy, quads, escalada, espeleología deportiva o “espeleismo”, bicicleta en montaña, motocross, vehículos de motor en montaña, raid y trec hípico, marchas y turismo ecuestre, esquí, snowboard, paraski, snowbike, skibike, aerostación, paracaidismo, salto base, vuelo de ultraligeros, vuelo en aparatos con motor y sin motor, parapente, ala delta y parasailing. scuba diving, open sea swimming, windsurfing, kitesurfing, waterskiing, wakeboarding, wakesurf, skurfing, jet skiing, bodyboarding, surfing, rafting, hydro, kayaking, rowing, descending barrancos, bungee jumping, kite buggy, quads, rock climbing, pot holing, mountain biking, motocross, mountain motorbiking, equestrian trekking, horse riding, skiing, snowboarding, paraskiing, snowbiking, skibiking, hot air ballooning, parachuting, base jumping, ultralight flying, powered paragliding, paragliding, hang gliding and parasailing.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014

Spanish Celebrations, Part 2.


ast time I covered the celebrations, religious and others, that Britain and Spain, and of course The Canary Islands all participate in, albeit not always in the same manner! This week I’m going to take a look at some of the primarily Spanish fiestas and celebrations. I’ve omitted a few that have been covered in articles from other issues and I’m sure there are dozens more that I have missed, so feel free to write in with any interesting celebrations you may have come across!

When it comes to fiestas, Spaniards have an abiding respect for the past, and the sillier the tradition, the more tenaciously they cling to it. “The most serious and reasonable people, such as the Spaniards, are the craziest when it comes to having fun,” wrote Antoine de Brunel, a French nobleman visiting Spain in the 17th century. Some Spanish festivals, such as the running of the bulls in Pamplona or la Tomatina, or tomato fight, in Buñol, have become known around the world. Less publicized, but no less unusual, is the 400-year-old baby jumping festival in the village of Castrillo de Murcia. Each year, townsmen dressed in devils’ costumes make running leaps over recently born babies. That rids the infants of original sin, legend holds. In the venerable feast of Santa Marta de Ribarteme in As Neves, people who have recovered from a serious illness or accident give thanks by allowing themselves to be paraded through the streets in open coffins. “This may be the only place in the world where you can rent a coffin,” said parish priest Alfonso Besada, who uses the same wooden boxes year after year. In Santa Cruz de la Palma, people dance the polka in dwarf costumes. In Murcia, revelers burn a giant papier-mâché sardine after a parade and a reading of the sardine’s last will. There is a fiesta where partyers walk on fire. There is another where they leap into the water and snatch ducks. In a host of different festivals involving hurling things, Spaniards pelt each other with wine, water, flour and flowers. Sometimes Spain can be a very surreal place, where you might hear Christmas carols in August (as part of the New Year’s Eve in August celebrations), the fountains are filled with wine (in Cadiar in February and October and in Toro, Castilla y Leon in August) and farmers march their sheep through the centre of Madrid just because they can. It is a country where some of the world’s most traditional festivals take on a peculiar twist – such Salamanca’s bizarre Easter Monday tradition of welcoming back the city’s ‘ladies of the night’ after their expulsion for Lent (in their Lunes de Aguas festival). We’ve all heard of The Tomatina tomato fight, it is one of the most famous of Spain’s bizarre festivals, but it isn’t the only time the Spanish throw things at each other. In Lanjarón in the Alpujarras (near Granada), the locals have a giant water fight each June 24th. A little stickier is the Batalla del Vino in Haro, La Rioja each June 29th, where the locals fight each other with wine. Of course, La Rioja is one of Spain’s most important wine region, so there’s plenty to spare.

I’ve told you about the battle of the rat in El Puig before... but how about ant throwing? Not just any ants… biting ants! To make sure these biting ants that you are to throw at friends and family are on full form, they are previously doused in vinegar which apparently keeps them extra feisty! This is what the inhabitants of Laza, Galicia do at Carnival time each year! The Cascamorras in Baza and Gaudix, Granada, (September 6th and 9th) just seems like an excuse for an entire town to gang up on one poor bloke. An old battle between the two towns is reenacted, where an inhabitant of Gaudix is sent to Baza to steal the image of the Virgen de la Piedad. Legend has it that if this person can do so without getting dirty, it is said he gets to bring back the statue to Guadix, so he is pelted with tar and paint and inevitably fails in his quest. He then returns to Gaudix, where he is pelted again for having failed. And this happens every year. You’d think they poor guy would book a weekend away! If dead rats, ants, tar and paint don’t sound very appealing, you can always let Lou Reed-loving Valencians viciously try to hit you with flowers in the Batallas de los Flores (Battle of Flowers). Bulls have always had a bit of a hard time in sunny Spain, although alot of them get their own back in Pamplona! Here are some more animals that should run for the hills come fiesta time! Early September in Lekeitio (Lequeiti), the Fiesta de los Gansos (Goose Festival) sees a dead goose hung over the harbour while men jump to catch hold of it, trying to see who can hold on for the longest. Animal rights activists have had some success here, as in the past the goose would have been alive when this was done. Another famous event is the tossing a goat from a bell tower in Manganeses de la Polverosa. The festival arose when a local priest once had a goat which he took to nearby villages so that the poor could take some milk. One Sunday the goat climbed up the church bell tower and was startled when the bell rung and fell. Luckily the goat was saved by a man with some tarpaulin. So to celebrate the luck of this famous goat… they began each year to test the luck of other goats by throwing them from the top of the church bell tower. You won’t be surprised to hear that these other goats were often not so lucky. Completely bizarre, unbelievably cruel and thankfully, now illegal. The town council outlawed the event in 1992, even though it was ominously admitted at the time that what people do in their own time is their own business.



Wine Festival



Capras Bajada Virge

Baby jumping festival

Burial of the Sardine

Fiesta de los Gansos


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014


teneriFe tigerS repreSent Spain in eUropean ChaMpionShipS


Redy Bedoa, director at esPaÑa CheeR and danCe sends Congratulations to the tenerife tigers cheerleading team for the marvelous work they are doing

The team Tenerife Tigers Junior ages 12-16 years, will hopefully represent Spain in the European cheerleading championships. The championship will take place in Germany during the 28th and 29th June and only the best teams from each country participate in this great event. This is the official European Championship.

We have one of the the best junior teams in Spain and Bedoa would like this team to travel to España Cheer and Dance to experience the highest level of tuition for all of the Tigers athletes, as this is the you most important cheerleading and dance event in Europe. Spain has participated for 3 consecutive years in European. The first year only aisitimos Brian and Fredy, participated within the organization, the second year was attended by 8 athletes from Spain, the third year 40 athletes participated from Spain and this year will be the fourth, we expect to have about 100 athletes representing Spain in Europeans. Good Luck Tigers!

photos by Gerard Zenou

getting ready For School?


s youR ChiLd ready to start school?

It’s amazing how quickly the time goes and already the Infant and office staff of Wingate School have a list of children who are ready to start school in September, some for Nursery (3/4yrs), some for Reception class (4/5yrs). So what goes on in a Nursery or Reception class? Don’t the children just play? Not at all, although obviously play is an important aspect of a child’s learning. Perhaps I can shed some light on what goes on at our school. In our Nursery and Reception classes, we follow the Foundation Curriculum as in Britain. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this curriculum, it is basically the National Curriculum for 3-5 year olds and falls into the following six areas of learning: 1. Personal, Social and Emotional – develops social skills, positive attitudes towards their learning and towards others and exploring their own feelings as well as valuing others. 2. Communication, Language and Literacy – providing opportunities for the children to talk and communicate in a widening range of situations, to practise and extend the range

of vocabulary and communication skills they use and to listen carefully. There are opportunities for the children to experience a rich variety of books as well as to explore, enjoy and learn about and use words and text. 3. Mathematics – to develop the children’s understanding of number, measurement, pattern, shape and space by providing a broad range of contexts in which they can explore, enjoy, learn, practise and talk about them. 4. Understanding the World – with opportunities for all children to solve problems, make decisions, experiment, predict, plan and question in a variety of contexts, and to explore and find out about the environment and people and places that have significance in their lives. 5. Physical Development – with opportunities for the children to practise their fine and gross motor skills ( from cutting out a shape to batting a ball!) and to increase their understanding of how their bodies work and what they need to do to be healthy and safe. 6. Expressive Arts and Design – providing opportunities for the children to explore, and share their thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of art, design and technology, music, movement, dance and imaginative and role play activities.

Sounds daunting? Not at all! Our emphasis in Nursery is for the children to learn through play, in a warm, caring and stimulating environment, whilst being prepared for the next step – Reception class – the following year. Due to the excellent staff /pupil ratio, the children are involved in more meaningful play

and therefore achieve greater results. The Nursery and Reception classes work closely together and meet for various sessions during the week, for example assemblies and music, as well as integration sessions, where members of the Reception class join the Nursery children to help their social, communication and co-operation skills. Once the children start Reception, it’s time to learn how to be good little readers and by the end of Reception class all the children can read books of varying levels and write simple words or sentences. So, what do you do if you have a child who is Nursery or Reception age and want to enrol in Wingate School? Well, if your child has his/her 3rd birthday before 1st September 2014 (Nursery age) or a 4th birthday before 1st September 2014 (Reception age) why not come and visit the school. There is so much more to see than I’ve been able to describe here. Appointments can be made, and enrolment forms obtained through the school office. We will hap-

pily give you a tour and staff can answer any questions you may have. And if your child is too young but you would like to consider British education for next year I would advise you to fill in the necessary forms now to avoid disappointment! Places are limited. To make an appointment, or for further details, please contact Julia in our school office on 922 72 0102. Or have a look at our website - www.wingatschool.com Miss Lynne Pearson Head of Infants


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014

vivo.11783 acROSS


CryptiC CroSSWorD

8. Coping with fellow getting old (8) 9. Penelope rashly reveals dramas (6) 10. Uncle Sam is even in Russia (1,1,1) 11. Drastic to cut off the east (6) 12. Article about mite (4) 14. Some clam, bass, a dory, for diplomat (10) 17. Raised area included in template automatically (7)

18. Journey taken by yourself, for yourself (3,4) 19. Address where one can enjoy freedom from financial worries (4,6) 22. Heartless notion at midday (4) 23. A beast becomes agitated and dies down (6) 24. It’s a long time in therapy (3) 26. Get to grips with fishing gear (6) 27. Performs in theatre (8)

7. Bedouin transport came and left (5) 13. Toy with reptile - a viper!(11) 1. I break into a smile after endless fact makes an 15. The sort of post that made an impression (10) exact copy (9) 16. Team to send out for salad, for example (4,5) 2. Flabby, adipose tissue is just the beginning (3) 20. Silhouette had acronym, depending on weather 3. Pull trigger and get away via emergency exit (4,6) (6) 4. Concurred on a deadly sin (6) 21. Carol in trouble on sharp reef deposit (5) 5. Socks for new shoe (4) 23. Monkeys seen in Budapest? (4) 25. Champ’s odd-looking hat (3) 6. Choppers chopped up pet - or chisel? (11)


av Rafael Puig 7, Playa De las americas arona ( in Front Of Hotel Tenerife Sol)

Answers to the CRYPTIC CROSSWORD are on page 2


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014

Fly DireCt to Dakar


The cabildo and binter airlines have announced the new flight, that leaves Tenerife north every Wednesday to the Senegalese capital


eneRiFe WiLL have a new direct connection to senegal from march 26th. this route, which will be operated by Binter, linking the island with dakar will last approximately two hours and ten minutes. the president of the Cabildo, Carlos alonso, and the president of Binter, Pedro agustín del Castillo, presented the new flight during the course of a ceremony held at the Palacio insular, also present were action exterior, delia herrera, and other regional

and island authorities and members of the senegalese community in the island

Alonso said the new connection “is the result of intense negotiations between the council and the Senegalese Government to ratify the close relationship between the two territories not only in the area of connectivity but also through other areas of cooperation in the field of agriculture, municipal modernization, health, connectivity and renewable energy. “ The president of Senegal, Macky Sall rated this connection as a definitive commitment under this partnership that “will strengthen ties in dif-

ferent fields of action in which the two institutions work together as the case of the use of solar energy, tropical medicine, which has resulted in the creation of a laboratory for the study of these diseases, not to mention the trade.” Macky Sall finally encouraged Senegalese and Tenerife businessmen to work together on projects of different economic sectors. For his part, President of Binter, Pedro Agustín del Castillo, has highlighted the commitment of Binter with the Archipelago and the efforts being made by the airline to ensure connectivity to the Canary Islands with neighboring countries, to enable access of island businesses to new markets. The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Delia Herrera, commended the company for its commitment and thanked the Senegalese government collaboration “that this flight has gone ahead.” This route to Dakar and two are direct connections from Tenerife to the African continent, after a few months the company Royal

Sting City photos by Gerard Zenou


his Was What greeted early morning bathers and sun worshippers on Wednesday morning as they turned up at La troya beach, Las americas, more than 500 small but nasty Portuguese

man ‘o’ war jellyfish had washed up overnight. Possibly due to the high temperatures for the time of year as well as rough seas, which can cause them to spawn early and be washed up in large numbers.

Air Maroc premiered their regular flight between Tenerife and Casablanca. The flight will depart from Senegal to Tenerife North to 16.15 hours every Wednesday and then heading back to the Archipelago, taking off at 18.05 the African country. The beginning of this new connection from Tenerife match replacement tickets Binter currently performs with Dakar route a Bombardier CRJ200, for

a new appliance, CRJ900, which will increase the number of seats per flight by 80%. The route to Senegal, a country at a distance of about 1,800 miles from the Canary Islands and the most westerly point of the African continent, is the last that has incorporated the Canary airline to its international programming. Binter went international in 2005, with flights to Madeira, Marrakech and

Laayoune. Since then it has been adding new destinations abroad-Casablanca, Agadir, Praia, Lisbon and Dakar-Banjul so that currently offers a total of 9 international routes. Tickets for the new international programming are now available through all sales channels of the airline-www.bintercanarias. com, 902 391 392, travel agencies and Binter sales offices in the airports.

10 Walk for life organiser receives abinque prize Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014


The aim of this prize is to recognise a woman or women for their work in promoting equal opportunities and their work in enhancing the life of the people of adeje


families. The mayor added, “it is important to continue to support solidarity initiatives such as the Walk for Life which has become a movement that attracts more people to participate each year. This project is a true example of a social reality that exists here in the south of Tenerife where people of many different backgrounds live together and which underlines our commitment to fight the problem of breast cancer. “ For her part Brigitte Gypen said “I am absolutely delighted to receive the Abinque prize. It is an honour, because it will be of great help to all those who work to make the Walk for Life a reality.” She continued, “every year we make a bigger effort and are stronger and more motivated to continue, fundamentally because we put our heart and soul into the event and as you now, now thousands of people join us

n maRCh 8th adeje Council will present Brigitte Gypen, the Walk for Life organiser, with the Xi abinque 2014 award. the prize is given to honour and mark the achievements of a woman or women from many different walks of life who have worked to promote equality of opportunity and through their work improved the lives of people in adeje and in the name of adeje. Adeje mayor José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga said “after consideration the commission has awarded this prize to Brigitte Gypen, the organiser of the Walk for Life, and her team , for their humanitarian work and the assistance they offer to women who have breast cancer, and their








21 Feb

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25 Feb

26 Feb

27th Feb















Mostly Sunny

Partly Sunny

Mostly Sunny



Mostly Sunny

Mostly Cloudy

High: 18oC

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High: 22oC

Real Feel: 13oC

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Real Feel: 19oC

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Real Feel: 21oC








Patchy Clouds

Mainly Clear


Mainly Clear

Patchy Clouds

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Mainly Clear

Low: 13oC

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Low: 12oC

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Low: 15oC

Real Feel: 9oC

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Real Feel: 9 oC

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Real Feel: 10oC

Real Feel: 10oC







every year. “The Walk for Life began as a personal project; I wanted to create an event to raise awareness among people about the importance of early detection of breast cancer, which was considered a taboo subject in the past. For that reason I involved my family, my friends and acquaintances all of whom were happy to support the cause”, Brigitte says. Each year the Walk for Life sends all the monies raised to the Amate and Spanish Cancer Association who use the money to treat women resident in South Tenerife who are suffering from breast cancer. These organisations care for and help those persons suffering from the disease and their families. During the ten years of the Walk for Life the organisers and charities have been able to offer psychological help, all kinds of assessments, residential options for patients who have to travel long distances for chemotherapy treatments, help such as free wigs, make up workshops, transport to hospitals, etc Brigitte Gypen promises that she will continue to “walk for life” for as long as she can, because there are always things that can be improved. The Abinque prize will be awarded during a dinner celebrating International Women’s Day on March 8th in the Costa Adeje Tourism Development Centre (the CDTCA). For the second consecutive year men are also welcome to the dinner. As the mayor has said, “we want to advance equality, eliminate barriers that separate men and women and share moments of celebration and we recognise that this is a day

to commemorate the advances already made by women in equality of opportunities but we also need to remember that there is still work to be done to achieve real and effective equality. With that in mind we invite everyone to take part”. People interested in acquiring tickets for the dinner should contact the Adeje department of Equality in the town’s Cultural Centre the history of the abinque prize Created in 2004, the Abinque prize has recognised the work of a number of individuals and collectives, including the Association of Women Managers, the Union of Saharan Women, Orbelinda Pérez Médina, Ana Oneida Borges Medina, Amada Trujillo Bencomo, Visiting Nurses, Rosa María Medina García, Adeje’s tomato and banana packers, the Limpiezas Domínguez S.L. cleaning company and employees and last year Maria Isabel Fernández González and her team at the Niño de Adeje crèche. The prize itself, always crafted by the Asociación San Juan, is a sculpture made with natural materials such as wood, wax and natural pigments. The name Abinque honours the Roque Abinque, a natural monument to the richness, beauty and history of the borough of Adeje. “With this recognition”, concluded the mayor “we work to recognise and value the work of so many women who, on a daily basis, are an example to the rest of the world. Thanks to them today we have the energy to continue to fight for equal rights. All of them deserve a lasting recognition which perpetuates their example and memory.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014 Kenya and Rosa are 6 month old sisters looking for their forever families. They are quite small, loving, playful, and extremely sweet. They are also fully vaccinated,chipped and sterilised. Our usual adoption fee of 140 euros includes all the above. Call Sue on 629 388102 for more information.

Get Involved In Live Arico

Why not become a member of Live Arico and get involved in what we do. You can set up a regular payment of just 3 euro per month via our website www.livearico.com or make a one off yearly payment in cash at any of our shops. We will just need a little bit of info about you to add you tour members book, and you can attend our AGM and really get into the work we do. Call Sue on 629 388102 for more information.

Yes, in collaboration with Hospivet Sur, Las Chafiras we are subsidising vaccination costs for the third time. Get your dog’s annual V7 and rabies jabs done for just 25 euros. We also offer the legal minimum of microchip and rabies vaccination for the same price, 25 eu-

birthdays of Alfie, Olivia and Luke which all fall at the same time. From 2pm there will be food and drink a plenty. It will be our third bbq there and the first two were fantastic so come and enjoy yourselves.

Please call 922778630 for more information, The refuge is situated at Poligono De Industrial Estate, Granadilla, Exit 51 on the TF1, directly next to ITER the Parque Eolica where the windmills are. Directions: Coming from the south of the island exit Poligono Industrial de Granadilla, Salida A exit 51, drive down towards the sea until the last roundabout (Signposted ITER) and turn right. Before the electric barrier of ITER (parking for renewable energy) on

Making Abandonment Easier

Lucky Dog

Last Sunday one of our regular volunteers organised an English Afternoon Tea , it was a great success with lots of yummy homemade cakes . It was very well supported and it was great to see Elsie Clinton -Leslie, the president of K9 joining in our festivities. Accion Del Sol would like to thank everyone who donated cakes and supported this event. Our Saturday club next Saturday the 22nd of February will be spent with the refuges two pony’s, you will learn how to groom and care for them as well as having the chance to ride them. The club is open to all children between the ages of 5 and 12. Please call the number below for more information.

ros. No appointment necessary, just get yourself (and your pooch) to the clinic, just off the roundabout by Solbank. They open all day from 10am to 8pm, and quote “Live Arico” to get this knock down price. For the month of February only!!!

Please, if you have QUALITY unwanted clothes, cds, dvds, shoes, household items or childrens clothing, call Siobhan now on 630 857626. And do come and see us, we have shops in Los Cristianos, Calle Revron near Churchills Bar, and San Eugenio opposite Hotel La Nina by Amandas bar at las Carabelas complex. Both shops open from 10 – 4 Monday to Friday, and until 2pm Saturday. Kel even opens the Los Cristianos shop on Sundays.... Come and have a browse, bag a bargain and help the animals.

Accion Del Sol News Gina is one very lucky dog who last week flew to Germany to start her new life with her loving new owners. She arrived at the refuge in a very bad way and needed mayor surgery , after much time and care she made a very good recovery and was lucky to be chosen for adoption. We wish her a very long and happy new life.

Live Aricco News

Get your doggie’s jabs up to date!!

Katie and friends’ BBQ

Our lovely horse Katie will be 13 years old soon and we are having a party!!! Come and join us at Horse Riding Adventures on Sunday the 2nd March for a birthday barbecue as we celebrate not only her birthday, but the


Our opening hours are as follows:Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 14:00 – 17:00 Saturday 13.00 – 16.00 The Refuge will be closed Wednesday, Sunday and on Public Holidays.

your right is a dirt track leading directly to the refuge (4 large oval yellow houses). Parking is available directly by the main gate entrance. The best clue to look for if you get lost is the huge windmills, directly next to the refuge. Towels, sheets and blankets are always needed at the refuge, if you have any to spare then please kindly donate them to this worthy cause.


he Adeje Council has signed an agreement this week to work in conjunction with the animal protection association MADAT, the Dogs Welfare Trust and the veterinarian Nahum García del Río to promote and advance the adoption of abandoned animals that are cared for in the Adeje Animal Refuge. The associations will have preference when it comes to adopting dogs from the centre who have stayed beyond the normal legal limit, with no financial benefit to either side in this regard.

The councillor with responsibility for Municipal Services, Gonzalo Delgado Díaz, says “we have been working on this initiative for some time, and in recent months met with all the animal protection agencies on the island who had shown an interest in the Council coming to an agreement with one or more of them to speed up and assist the adoption of animals, mostly dogs, who have been abandoned by their owners. From the Council’s point of view we see these agencies are the ones who can help to promote the adoption of these animals”. Under the agreement MADAT (Manos Amigas de los Animales en Tenerife / Friends of animals in Tenerife) commit to taking, over a period of 15 days, all the dogs who can be adopted, and who have passed the 20 days they need to have stayed in the centre, under the municipal by-law, so that owners my reclaim them. The by-law states that once that period has passed the Council is allowed to seek a new owner for the animal, or pass it on to an animal protection agency. The Dogs Welfare Trust Tenerife will meet the costs of the vet who is also a part of the agreement, and who will include a health report, check for worms, and carry out any other treatment required by the animals such as vaccinations and

microchipping. The current agreement will last for a year and will be overseeen by a committee made up of representatives from each of the involved associations and the Council. An abandoned animal, under the Adeje Council Municicpal Ordenance Regulating The Ownership of Animals, is one wearing no identification, whose owner is unknown to the authorities and is not registered on the census. The Council identifies the animal if it has a micro-chip and lets the owner know he or she has ten days to collect the animal. Once this period of time has passed the Council and the protection agencies who are named in this agreement may offer the dog for adoption. The Adeje Animal Refuge was created in 2012 at a cost of 120.000 euro financed under the Plan E of the central government. The Centre has individual spaces for up to almost 100 animals depending on their size and whether they are considered dangerour or not. There is also an office and a veterinary zone. The animals are fed different foods according to their age and size and are visited by a qualified vet who attendts to any medical needs they may have. Councillor Delgado Díaz added that “since October we have been running a wide-spread consiousness raising campaign making people in Adeje more aware of the responsibility that goes with pet ownership. We have placed particular attention on sending out the message to anyone who is thinking about getting a dog to come along to the Refuge first and consider adoption. At the same time, as part of the camaign, we outline both the rights and duties that having a pet involves, such as vaccinations, care and hygiene and particularly the need to be aware of your pet’s behaviour in public spaces, with one of the biggest complaints from the local population being the amount of dog droppings left on the street. To drive the message home the Council, along with the borough’s sanitation company Ascan Torrabonaf, have undertaken a number of wide-ranging initiatives including public meetings, dog exhibitions, workshops in schools, competitions, etc. “


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014


i playeD With the beatleS!


oLLoWinG ouR ReCent coverage of the Beatles 50th anniversary of their 1st american performance, one of our readers who had read the article, popped down to the tenerife Weekly office with a very interesting insight into the 50 year anniversary of a Beatles story of his own…

George McCormick, who is staying in Costa del Silencio, used to be the lead singer of a band of Harrogate Musicians called Ricky Fenton and the Apaches, who were a hard working rock and roll band who, in 1963 were asked along with fellow Harrogate band Bar-

ry Corbett and his Mustangs, to play a gig at the Royal Hall to support a little known group who had just recently returned from Hamburg and were supposed to be “quite good”. They were such unknowns that the evening programme contained a brief story of them, explaining who they were! The band was, of course, The Beatles and although on the night the two bands played with them “Please Please Me” had just become their first number one, none of them could possibly have known just how important to popular music the “Fab Four” would become. George told me that in Harrogate and surrounding areas, the night they famously sup-

icod de los Vinos

santiago del teide

Plaza del Cristo, s/n, 38640 Plaza General Franco, s/n, Arona. 38300, La Orotava. Tel: 922 725 100 y 922 725 Tel: 922 324 444 - Fax 922 125 - Fax: 922 725 478 334 512

La orotava

el sauzal

Granadilla de abona

el tanque


C/ Grande 1, 38670, Adeje. Plaza Luis de León Huertas, Tel: 922 756 200 - 922 710 1, 38440, Icod de los Vinos. Tel: 922 869 600 - Fax 922 120 - 922 710 420 869 643


C/ San Francisco, 14, 38600, Granadilla de Abona Tel: 922 759 953 y 922 759 902 - Fax 922 759 965

Guía de isora

Puerto de la Cruz

C/ Santo Domingo, s/n, 38400, Puerto de la Cruz. Tel: 922 378 400 - Fax 922 375 253

el Rosario

C/ del Ayuntamiento, 4, 38680, Guía de Isora. Tel: 922 850 100 - Fax 922 850 354

Plaza del Ayuntamiento 1, 38290, El Rosario. Tel: 922 297 447 - Fax 922 548 280


Ctra. de Los Abrigos 30, 38620, San Miguel de Abona. Tel: 922 700 000 y 922 700 001 - Fax 922 167 168

Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 4, 38500, Güímar. Tel: 922 526 100 y 922 526 101 - Fax 922 526 102

san miguel de abona

C/ la Placeta 10, 38436, Santiago del Teide. Tel: 922 863 127 y 922 863 150 - Fax 922 863 212 C/ La Constitución 3, 38360, El Sauzal. Tel: 922 570 000 y 922 570 24 - Fax 922 570 973 Avda. Príncipes de España 24, 38435, El Tanque. Tel: 922 136 715 y 922 136 623 - Fax 922 136 766


Plaza de San Marcos 1, 38280, Tegueste. Tel: 922 541 799 y 922 541 851 - Fax 922 540 903


C/ Doctor Pérez Cáceres 1, 38613, Vilaflor. Tel 922 709 002 - Fax 922 709 151

ported John, Paul, Ringo and George is still fondly remembered, and to commemorate this historic night in music, the two acts reunited for the first time in nearly 50 years to play a reunion gig at the same venue they shared the stage with the legends. The gig was held on March 27th 2013 which was the closest to the actual anniversary the veteran rock and rollers could guarantee to be in the same spot together. George’s group, The Apaches, consisted of Bob Mason, lead guitar, Dennis Wardman, bass guitar, Dave Reed, keyboards and John Cowley, drums George told me it was an amazing night, they

performed a few rock and roll classics such as “Blue Suede Shoes “ and “All Shook Up” and once again shared the stage with the Beatles…this time of course it was not the actual surviving members but the Upbeat Beatles, one of the thousands of tribute bands that gig worldwide! When the lights went up after one of the numbers the packed room was asked if anyone was there the first time, and there were several sets of hands, well done George, who joked with me about how, in the good old days the running joke with his band was “Apaches is an anagram of cheap as!” Thanks for sharing your amazing story, it really please pleased me!


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014


EVENTS ON Dangerous Dogs : THE ROCK Definitions, Rules, And Fines Craft day We have been having such wonderful fun at the craft days at Tenerife Family Church in Coral Mar, Costa Del Silencio and we are pleased to announce our next event on Wednesday 5th March starting at 11am. Come along and bring a packed lunch that yo can enjoy during the short break and get the chance to chat with everyone who comes along. All are welcomed to come along and explore their creative side, men and women. We look forward to seeing you all there. There is a small charge of 3euro per person for the craft work. For more details contact Irene Bruce on 602586565

Cinderella, the musical, comes to Los Cristianos janetanscombe.com

Tempus Producciones is bringing Cinderella, the musical, to Los Cristianos’ Auditorio Infanta Leonor. Two performances will be given on 16 March, one at midday and another at 5.30pm. Tickets, already on sale, cost 10 euro for children under 12, and 12 euro for everyone else, and can be bought from the auditorium box office or the Cultural Centre – but as required by laws governing public performances, 5% will be held back to be sold on the day itself. The show lasts around an hour, and there are details of its production, and a video to give a taste of the performance. For more information, call 010 (922 761 600 if calling from outside Arona municipality). Bernie Bucket’s Charity night is tonight! Good Luck Bernie x

by Red Queen’s Musings s an animaL LoVeR i think that as many people as can possibly be reached should be aware of this information, hence i am copying the following article from janet anscombe


Many residents keep dogs, but there are clear rules that they are often unaware of. Moreover, the authorities actively encourage the public to report irresponsible owners, and fines are often considerable. Throughout the canaries, the registration of pets is legally required. although this is done at local ayuntamientos, some are more conscientious than others, and owners may be told that there is no actual need, or requirement, to register their pet. Where all councils agree, however, and where the rules are rigid, is in respect of the further requirements for dogs considered “potentially dangerous” (perros potencialmente peligrosos). Such dogs are defined as follows by Royal Decree 287/2002 which itself is a continuation of 50/1999, and local ayuntamientos will often have their own, usually stricter, criteria beyond this generic description. 1. Those belonging to any of the following breeds and their crosses: Pit bull Terrier Staffordshire bull Terrier american Staffordshire Terrier

Rottweiler Dogo argentino Fila brasileiro Tosa inu akita inu

2. Those animals that have all or many of the following characteristics: Strong musculature, powerful or athletic constitution, robustness, agility, vigor and endurance. Strong character and marked courage. Short hair. Thoracic perimeter between 6080cm, shoulder height of between 50-70cm and weight over 20kg. Voluminous, square, robust head, with a wide and large skull and muscular and pronounced cheeks. Strong and large jaws, robust, wide and deep snout. broad, short and muscled neck. broad, thick, deep chest, with arched ribs and short and muscled back. Straight, parallel and robust forelegs and muscular hindquarters, with relatively long hindlegs at a moderate angle. 3. Those dogs with a record of aggressive tendencies or prior attacks on humans or other animals. all dogs covered by the act must be taken out on a lead – a fixed lead of a maximum 2 metre length, not an extendable one – and wearing a muzzle They must be tied up even on private property that is

not fully enclosed; and their owners must have a licence and public liability insurance of 150,000 euro, proof of which must be carried with them when they walk their dog. The authorities consider that we are all responsible when it comes to ensuring that tragedies such as the killing in 2010 of a Santa cruz toddler by the family pitbull become a thing of the past. Fines range from a minimum of 2,500 euro to a maximum of of 15,000 euro for anyone who fails to comply with the law. Fines at the lower end are for owners who do not muzzle such dogs; top end fines will be for failing to register and not having insurance, and so on. To clarify the rules: owners cannot be children owners must not have a criminal record owners must register their dog with their local townhall and pay a local tax when they do so owners must be physically and psychologically accredited by their local town hall owners must have public liability insurance to a minimum of 150,000 euros. ayuntamientos will create a file for the animal. it will include photographs (owners supply two when they register the dog) and record the number of its chip.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014

teiDe iS aMong the ten MoSt ViSiteD national parkS in the WorlD

by Red Queen’s Musings.wordpress.com


CCoRdinG to La opinion the volcano receives more tourists than protected areas as important as Kruger (south africa), masai mara (Kenya), serengeti (tanzania) and iguazú (argentina and Brazil) Tenerife has a great advantage which partly explains

its tourism leadership over Gran Canaria, by over a million visitors a year – it has El Teide, the jewel in the crown, the most precious place in the Canarias. But now is not only the leader in the Archipelago. Teide is placed among the ten most visited national parks in the world, the only one in Europe with this privilege. With more than 2.5 million

visitors each year, it is only surpassed by five national parks: Great Smoky Mountains (United States), Grand Canyon (USA), Yosemite (USA), Blue Mountains (Australia) and Zhangjiajie (China). The news comes shortly after the 60th anniversary in January when the volcano and its surrounding area was declared a national park


the CabilDo exhibitS naVa CarriageS


The Sedan and landau are two pieces of great historical and artistic value

he CaBiLdo of tenerife exhibits at the museum of history and anthropology of tenerife (Lercaro house) located at san agustin, number 22, (Lagoon) two exceptional pieces of the historical heritage of the Canary islands: the nava carriages. the works can be seen in a conservatory attached to the backyard of the museum from tuesday to saturday from 9.00 to 20.00 and on sundays, mondays and holidays from 10.00 to 17.00. These two pieces of great artistic and historical value were donated by families and Ascanio Nava Tavares de Montemayor and the Canary

Islands in 1999. From the Palacio de Nava, and after undergoing a major restoration process by the Department of Culture of the Government of the Canary Islands, were deposited at the headquarters of Casa Lercaro in 2009. Both carriages were made in the eighteenth century. The limousine, French rococo style is characterized by the damping system of leather straps on the box on which it is suspended. It has been classified by the Department of National Heritage Restoration as “a piece of both artistic and historic journey.” The Landau, of English origin, was considered a very comfortable luxury vehicle,and was widely used until the early twentieth century.

community administration Hestria is a professional company with more than 10 years' experience in conducting the administration of communities which are situated in the south of Tenerife. The staff of the company consists of 4 people, all speaking more than 1 language. Together we speak the following languages: Spanish, English, Dutch, French and German.

We know that transparency is very important. We therefore offer the owners in our communities complete access to the information of their community through our website. On the 24 hour office you can find the announcements of the General Meetings, the minutes, a monthly survey of the income and expenses of the community, see the state of your personal payments of the community fees, internal rules and/or the statutes, insurance policy, etc. In fact, anything you need to know as an owner.

The financial situation of the community has improved significantly since Hestria took over the administration of our complex, with a strong reduction of debtors.

Hestria is a professional company. They always respond immediately to any questions or issues that arise and they look at all viable options, keeping in mind price and quality.

They also publish the community accounts on their website, so nobody has to wonder how the community money is spent.

I would highly recommend Hestria to others!

Robert Hobbs, President Tagoro Park Costa del Silencio

Jim Halliday, President Villas del Duque Fañabe (Adeje)

For more info: www.hestria.es Hestria Administración de Fincas, S.L. Avda. Rafael Puig Llivina, 19 Centro Comercial City Center, local 23 38660 Playa de las Américas Tel: 922 795 613 Fax: 922 789 820 E-mail: info@hestria.es

15 Three Moonwalkers join the Starmus Festival


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014

Charlie duke


arrison hagan “jack” schmitt, Charles moss “Charlie” duke, and edgar dean“ed” mitchell will meet in tenerife in september to participate in the starmus Festival 2014.

The Starmus international Festival dedicated to the world of astronomy, space exploration and science returns to Tenerife to address “ beginnings: the making of the modern cosmos.” This will include the participation of three of the men who walked on the Moon: Harrison Schmitt of apollo 17, charlie Duke of apollo 16 and edgar Mitchell of apollo 14. Thus, the festival aims to continue the success in 2011 of the first Starmus which included

apollo astronauts like neil armstrong and buzz aldrin of apollo 11, bill anders of apollo 8 and Jim lovell of apollo 13. This second edition of the festival, will merge culture and science, and will once again be held at the abama Golf & Spa Resort, in the south of Tenerife, between 22nd and 27th September. The Festival will allow us to enjoy, learn and share knowledge and experiences of astronomy, space exploration and science with three apollo astronauts, in addition to nobel Prize Winners such as Robert Wilson and Sir Harold Kroto and ethologist, evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins,along with eminent researchers and international figures from various fields of science, knowledge and the arts.

Science Ship Open its Doors

by janetanscombe.com


’Ve Posted before about “science ships”, which have often been sailing over the eruption area in el hierro, taking samples, measuring gases, collecting lava fragments, etc. Now, the Tenerife Cabildo has announced the arrival in Tenerife of the Instituto Español de Oceanografía’s science vessel Ángeles Alvariño, which is heading back to El Hierro for a new study, but is stopping off here first to give the public a chance to

have a look around. The Ángeles Alvariño is said to be the most sophisticated and modern science ship that the Institute has, and it is to celebrate the Institute’s centenary (1914-2014) that the open day is being held – in Los Cristianos on 24 March. There will be another open day on 8 March in Puerto de La Estaca, El Hierro. Investigators of the Vulcano project will be on hand to discuss the ship and its work, and to answer questions from the public. Vulcano is an investigative project forming part of the Plan Nacional, financed by

the three moonwalkers Harrison “Jack” Schmitt was the lunar module pilot of apollo 17 and became the last person to walk on the moon. Schmitt suggested that the landing site of apollo 17 should be the large crater Tsiolkovsky, located on the far side of the moon, but naSa considered it too dangerous so it was rejected. Schmitt was also selected for the backup crew of apollo 15, and he was a clear candidate to participate in the apollo 18 mission. in 1965 Schmitt resigned his position at the U.S. space agency with the aim to stand as a Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate. He is currently Director of Orbital Sciences corporation. edgar Dean “ed” Mitchell was the lunar module pilot on the apollo 14 mission and the sixth

ed mitchell

man to walk on the moon. Mitchell served as an astronaut in mission support and as a substitute apollo 9 lunar module pilot for the apollo 10 mission. He was also selected as a substitute for lunar module pilot of the apollo 16 mission. edgar Dean was nominated for the nobel Peace Prize in 2005. He is the founder of the institute of noetic Sciences and co-founder of the association of Space explorers. charles Moss “charlie” Duke, participated as Orion lunar module pilot on the apollo 16 mission in 1972 and explored Descartes. The apollo 16 mission is considered one of the most successful, due to the number of experiments performed on lunar terrain, and the amount of rocky material brought back to earth. charles M.

jack schmidt

Duke decided to leave the apollo programme after the apollo 16 mission concluded and founded charlie Duke enterprises, inc. starmus For this occasion, and after the success of the first Starmus held in 2011, the organizers have worked hard to create a unique event. if you would like to attend Starmus 2014, you can do so by accessing the web http://www. starmus.com Starmus 2014 includes a three-day conference, a roundtable discussion transmitted live from the GTc Telescope in la Palma, a Star Party in the Teide national Park, an astro photography exhibition, a “Space legends” event and the “Sonic Universe” concert. There are also optional tours to the observatories in Tenerife and la Palma.

SNAKE IN THE GRASS by newsinthesun.com

o the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y fondos FEDER. It is headed by the Centro Oceanográfico de Canarias del Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO) with collaboration by the Universities of La Laguna and Las Palmas, the Banco Español de Algas and the Museo de la Naturaleza y el Hombre de Tenerife. Its main objective is to characterize the spatialtemporal variability of the physical-chemical-geological and biological properties of the entire periphery of El Hierro from the sea’s surface to a depth of 2,000 metres.

FFiCeRs from the nature Protection arm of the Guardia Civil (seprona) in Playa de Las americas have captured a python (morelia variegata) snake which had made it its home in the el Fraile area. one officer confirmed the python is about two years old and in good health. This type of snake is considered to be an invasive species and very harmful to the environment of the archipelago, so after it’s capture it was transferred to the Neotropic Foundation, prior to further investigation by customs authorities. Exotic pets of this kind are usually let loose illegally when they become too much for their owners.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014


Banana Boat Gang Slip Up


shiP Bound for Galicia with 20 tons of bananas dispatched by the Colombian company Ci Kogi Ltda, in what seemed to be a routine international export operation, was found to be concealing a cargo of cocaine valued at five million euros within one of the ship’s pallets. a paperwork issue helped the police uncover the drugs on board the ship miv maers Ravennan. the recipient of the shipment of bananas was

the company Vite established in Vigo.


Businessman José Ramón del Río Dacosta, had created the corporation to give legal cover to the business proposed Alfredo González Martí, according to the indictment. With a few shipments of cocaine a year; using the same infrastructure but alternating points of destination with Marin, they would have become millionaires, but, the police, responding to a tip off, were waiting for the arrival of the container with the cocaine. However, although they searched for several hours, the authorities found nothing. No doubt amazed by their lucky escape, the alleged traffickers were getting ready

to remove the container from the port but, once they checked the paperwork due to a glitch in the import documents, the customs inspectors retained the cargo. The paperwork stated that the ship’s cargo was of macho bananas, a variety that needs no license or quota to be sold in Spain, when in reality it was of Cavendish banana. A variety that is also produced in Spain and that is subject to trade restrictions by the EU. By the time the administrative errors were corrected, Port Health authorities found the cargo to be very damaged and not be fit for human consumption and ordered its destruction. At this point, police, who had bugged the

group’s mobile phones, heard them planning to kidnap the container as it was being transferred by road to an incinerator plant. Given this new indication, the investigators had little doubt that the containers were carrying more than bananas. This time they discovered the cocaine within six wooden boards supporting the cargo. The prosecutor has asked that Alfredo Marti, the alleged leader of the group who was found in possession of a 22 caliber revolver, be imprisoned for 22 years, and that the other defendants be sentenced to 16 years. He also asked that they be fined 20 million euros each.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014

MAINLAND NEWS IN BRIEF thousands took to the streets in Madrid last Saturday in protest at the closure of four bottling plants of US soft-drink giant Coca-Cola that would affect 1,250 workers. Demonstrators, carried banners condemning the layoffs and calling for a boycott of Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola Iberian Partners, which currently has 4,000 employees on its books, was founded last year by merging the seven bottling companies in Spain owned by the US brand. Under the restructuring plan, four of the 11 plants in Spain -- Fuenlabrada near Madrid, Palma, Oviedo and Alicante -- will close. Of the affected 1,250 jobs, 750 will be axed and 500 relocated to other plants. university of Basque Country researchers have discovered 1, 000-year-old ancient vineyards in the terraced fields of Zaballa, an abandoned village in Spain. Zaballa was abandoned in the 15th century after residents were asked to pay rent for their homes and land. The village is the first deserted settlement in Spain. Zaballa is one of more than 300 abandoned settlements collectively known as Araba-Alava. “Archaeo-botanical studies of seed remains found in the excavations and pollen studies have provided material evidence of the existence of vine cultivation in a relatively early period like the 10th century,” Juan Antonio Quiros-Castillo, study author, said in a press release.



the tW Political showcase with Brian harrison

ast sunday, at a meeting with the Canarian Business Confederation, josé manuel soria dropped a bombshell on the future of tourism in the Canary islands. For those who are not familiar with soria, he is a long standing member of the Canarian PP, who since 2011 has been spain’s minister of industry, energy and tourism. the guy to blame for hikes in our electricity bills and record unemployment within the tourism sector. Back to the meeting. This Canarian born

politician announced that the tourism reform laws which were recently passed by the Canarian Parliament would be overturned by central government. In brief, he claimed that Madrid had already passed national tourism laws, and that Moncloa would not allow any deviation from those laws. Even for a semiautonomous economy located on a different continent. Meanwhile, Canarian president PaulinoRivero was busy on TVE1 debating Repsol’s plans to dig up the ocean floor in our backyard. Whilst I’m no great fan of Paulino, he has in this case set an exemplary standard by representing the will of the Canarian people: “We have tourism, we are capable of providing our own renewable energy, we don’t need oil drilling, we won’t risk an ecological

disaster, and Repsol will just take the money and run”. He promised a public referendum on the matter, but was quickly warned by Rajoy that central government would never allow such a referendum to take place. Can we see a pattern to all of this? Will Rajoy’s stubborn refusal to allow autonomous communities to make decisions push the Canary Island’s into a similar situation to the Catalan government? Could we see an EU in 2020 with Scotland, Catalunya and Islas Canarias as independent state members? Probably not, but I can’t help wondering how long it would take to renew an Islas Canarias driving license. Next week, (unless there is another mass slaughter of immigrants by the border police) The Great Spanish Media Swindle: Part 1.

the spanish government is set to move ahead with a ban on E-cigarette ads during times when children are most likely to be watching television, officials said. The devices, which some insist are a tool to help smokers quit and others say are more likely to hook young people on nicotine, cannot be advertised on television from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. under a law that’s supported by a majority of the nation’s political parties. Additionally, any advertising for E-cigarettes must clearly state the product contains nicotine, and is highly addictive. descendants of muslims exiled from Spain in the 17th century have decried the granting of citizenship to descendants of exiled Jews as racist, a spokesman said. Spain’s Justice Ministry recently extended citizenship to those who could prove familial relationships to Sephardi Jews who were expelled from Spain in 1492, but withheld a similar grant to descendants of Moriscos, Spanish Muslims who converted to Christianity but were expelled to North Africa in 1609. spanish infrastructure group Ferrovial has made an offer to Heathrow Airport Holdings (HAH) for British airports Aberdeen, Glasgow and Southampton. The offer, for which Ferrovial has held talks over a joint bid with at least two Australian funds – Macquarie and Industry Funds Management, was worth £800 million, citing industry sources. The Spanish company has been on the hunt to strengthen its airport business as it seeks to diversify further from its crisis-hit domestic construction business. Ferrovial bought Heathrow and a number of other UK airports as part of its acquisition of BAA in 2006 for £10.3 billion in a highly leveraged deal, but has gradually sold stakes to new partners at a profit to reduce debt. Last year it failed with a bid for Brazil’s five largest airports and had been eyeing the on-and-off privatisation of Chicago’s Midway airport. spain, is considering “turning back the clocks an hour, which would move Spain out of the time zone that includes France, Germany and Italy. Instead, Spain would join its natural geographical slot with Portugal and Britain in Coordinated Universal Time, the modern successor to Greenwich Mean Time.” spain’s public debt is on its way to surpass total annual economic output, as it reached 93.7 percent of the country’s GDP in 2013. It stood at $1.317 trillion, which is three times as much as at the start of the crisis in 2008, a bigger debt to GDP ratio was fixed about a century ago, at about 123 percent. Initially the government planned to cap the debt at 90.5 percent, but the figure was raised to 94.2 percent, driven by unemployment benefits to the increasing number of jobless and a $56 billion (41 billion euro) European bailout to clean up the banking system. Unemployment remains a huge drag on the recovery, as a 26 percent jobless rate in 3Q 2013 was still the second highest in Europe after Greece. Although the Spanish government aims to stabilize the debt at 100 percent of GDP in 2016, the latest figures show that the debt could become equal to economic output in 2015.

“Paulino Rivero taking in public opinion”

“José Manuel Soria, Minister of expensive dirty energy, empty hotels and europe’s slowest broadband.”

“central Government’s plan of the new all-inclusive canarian holiday resort.”

Pink Panther Gang Member Caught


he PinK PantheR gang are a notorious band of jewellery thieves believed to be responsible for hundreds of robberies across the world, including the Wafi heist in dubai. Police have announced that a suspected member of the gang has been arrested in spain. the Pink Panther group, named after the 1963 movie starring Peter sellers, is believed to be a loose network of some 800 criminals, which interpol suspects is behind nearly 300 robberies in 35 countries since 1999,

stealing jewelry worth some 350 million euros.

The Serbian, Borko Ilincic, 33, was arrested in the central town of Alcala de Henares last week, police said in a statement that he was carrying a false Bosnian passport. A judge has ordered that Ilincic be kept in jail while the United Arab Emirates starts extradition proceedings. He can be held up to 40 days. According to Interpol, Ilincic is a suspect in the 2007 Wafi Mall robbery in Dubai where the robbers made off with around 11 million euros in jewellry.

In 2008, fellow Serbian Nicola S., 33, was sentenced to 10 years in jail in Dubai for the Dh14.7 million Wafi jewellery smash-andgrab heist, for aiding and abetting the robbery, dubbed as the emirate’s most daring heist thus far. Ilincic was acquitted.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014


laDieS oF the night Fight For the right


Rostitutes in spain have demonstrated to defend their livelihoods in central madrid, against a planned crackdown on streetwalking. The prostitutes’ rights group Hetaira said it would rally against plans to fine prostitutes and those who pick them up on the street, fearing it will force them to work in dangerous conditions. Nereyda Lakulok, a 54-year-old grandmother from Costa Rica who works as a prostitute in Madrid said: “It is directly affecting us already because the clients have got scared and aren’t coming. We want our work to be regularised so that we have the same labour rights and the same treatment as any other worker. It was my decision to exercise this noble profession, which

has allowed me to put food on the table every day. We are all proud to have supported our families, not with the sweat of our brow but with the sweat of our sex.” Determined to curb the curb crawling, Madrid city hall has drawn up proposals to fine those who pick up prostitutes in the street, while the national government plans to fine those offering or soliciting sex near schools or other children’s areas, offering or soliciting sex in prohibited areas punishable by a fine of between 1,000 and 30,000 euros The laws proposed in Madrid would fine a person caught soliciting sex in public up to 750 euros, or up to 3,000 euros if it is done near schools or shopping centres. another prostitute in the rights group, Carolina Hernandez, from Ecuador said:

“The law turns us into delinquents, it does not help us at all. They want to get us out of sight, clear us out of the street and into the underworld,” where women risk being exploited by gangs or sex clubs, she added. Hetaira called a demonstration last Saturday afternoon at the foot of Calle Montera, a street next to Madrid’s central Puerta del Sol square where prostitutes habitually stand waiting for clients, to demand that authorities allocate places where those who choose to work as prostitutes can do so in safety. Prostitution is neither illegal nor regulated nationwide in Spain. A parliamentary report in 2007 estimated there were 400,000 prostitutes working in the country -- the latest such figures available.

simple Well targeted advertising Really Works!


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014


mnesty International is calling for a full, effective and independent investigation, following confirmation by Spain’s Interior Minister that police fired rubber bullets in an attempt to stop migrants from entering the Spanish enclave of Ceuta, which may have contributed to at least 11 drowning deaths. . The drowned migrants were among some 250 subSaharan Africans who had been attempting to cross into Ceuta via the sea from neighbouring Morocco. on 6th February. Jezerca Tigani, Director at Amnesty International said: “This loss of life is appalling, and the Spanish authorities must come clean on what happened – particularly as the Minister’s version of events contradicts earlier official statements.




They must determine what went wrong and bring those responsible to account as a matter of urgency. Regardless of whether any of the migrants were hit, it will be up to an independent investigation to determine whether the Civil Guard and border authorities acted appropriately. The results of any such investigation must be made public, and anyone responsible for human rights violations brought to justice,” Last week in a statement

to Spanish Congress, Interior Minister Jorge Fernández Díaz confirmed that members of the Spanish Civil Guard used anti-riot equipment, including rubber bullets, to stop the migrants swimming towards Ceuta. At least 11 migrants drowned and a group of 23 people who reached the shore were forced back across the border to Morocco without formal procedures. The Spanish Minister of Interior has admitted that 23 individuals were handed over to Moroccan authorities by the Spanish Civil Guard, after being apprehended on Ceuta’s shores. He claimed that this was lawful, arguing that the migrants had not arrived in Spanish territory. “Regardless of their lo-

cation, the 23 individuals were clearly under Spanish jurisdiction once apprehended by the Spanish Civil Guard officers. The actions of the Spanish officials can be described as a push-back operation, the practice of summarily turning back a group of migrants across the border. Summary deportations of migrants or push-backs without giving them a chance to challenge

their deportation is a direct breach of Spanish, EU and international obligations; so is the rejection of asylumseekers at the border,” said Jezerca Tigani. Another Body Recovered Spain’s Civil Guard said on Saturday it had found a body in its waters off the

North African coast which could be that of a migrant, likely raising to 13 the number of people who drowned. The bodies of eight men and one woman have already been recovered from Moroccan waters, and three by Spanish authorities.

Pot Cake Puts Student into Coma

student at Madrid’s Alfonso X University, went into coma for a brief period last Sunday at a Madrid hospital after eating a cake baked with marijuana. A city emergency services spokesman, Javier Chivite said that the student has re-

covered but he is still hospitalised, they were unable to determine whether the birthday cake was responsible for the student’s comatose state, or if he consumed other substances or was suffering from pre-existing medical problems. 11 people were affected by eating the cake. 10 of them were hospitalized for ir-

Expats To Lose Winter Fuel Payments


ue to newly announced cuts in welfare benefits expats are set to lose their winter fuel payments

Mr Duncan Smith, the Work and Pensions Secretary, announced that countries with higher temperatures than the UK could be affected, saving the UK £17 million a year. Winter payments had been put in place to help pensioners with their heating costs and by changing the rules from winter 2015/16 people with higher temperatures than those in the UK would no longer receive the payment, which could affect around 100,000 British pensioners living abroad in Spain, France and Greece. By far the biggest expat population is in Spain, where over 49,000 pensioners are

receiving the benefit of £200 for the over60s and £300 for the over 80’s. This move follows discussions about cutting spending to expats recently, however David Cameron promised in his last election campaign that payments would be protected until 2015. Claimants who still qualify for benefits even though they live in warmer climates abroad are costing the taxpayer millions. Previously, people were only eligible for the winter fuel payment if they moved abroad after the age of 60. But a ruling by the European Court of Justice, insisted that any eligible expat should receive the payment, whenever they left Britain. The judgement meant that costs to the British taxpayer nearly doubled.

regular heartbeat. University Dean, Jose Dominguez de Posada, said the affected male students, aged between 18 and 22, were studying veterinary sciences. Laws on marijuana in Spain are a little vague. Buying, selling and smoking cannabis (also known as marijuana) at public spaces in Spain constitutes a criminal offense. But growing and consuming the plant on private properties is legal. Due to the strict laws, numerous private, member-only clubs have surfaced in Spain in recent years to make smoking cannabis seem legal. Private Cannabis Club in the Madrid dormitory town of Paracuellos de Jarama is one of the 40 clubs that have appeared in garages and back rooms around the country, the association’s president, Pedro Álvaro Zamora says: “We’ve been open for two months and we already have 125 members. This is the one place we can smoke in peace. The club recognises that cannabis is not good for everyone. We propose a responsible form of

consumption. Not everyone should smoke. We know there are risks,” Club official Alicia Méndez, said: “The club is not open to public. Potential members need to have a right profile and are interviewed before being admitted.” Zamora said that the members can carry their own cannabis or take it from the club’s stockpile. They can even take some back home. “It is illegal to buy, sell or transport, so you can be fined if caught with it on you.” The club offers legal assistance to fined members.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014

bamboo towels & Sheets they are brand new to tenerife; in fact, they are brand new to anywhere! you may not have heard of Bamboo towels or sheets before, but they are here and they are fabulous. Take an opportunity to discover the benefits of having bamboo bath towels. Picture yourself getting out of the bath or shower and wrapping yourself in pure heaven, in possibly the softest bath towel ever. Bamboo towels allow you to dry yourself off quickly due to their premium absorbent properties while also giving you the luxurious feeling of the softest fabric you have ever felt against your body. Imagine sleeping on pure heaven, now you can with the amazing Bamboo sheets that are now also available in a selection of different colours. Experience the ultimate in sleep comfort. Pure cotton can often feel a bit rough to the touch; not only will you find that the towels are exceptionally soft and absorbent, but you will also find that they are durable for everyday use. They are also perfect for people who want to maintain a hygienic environment, because they

are naturally odour resistant due to the fibres fast-drying characteristics. So say goodbye to that disgusting mildew smell you get from other towels from time to time, and bathe in serenity. Bamboo fabric is created from the bamboo pulp and is 100% biodegradable. It is also anti-bacterial and hypoallergenic; bamboo is naturally antibacterial and resists mould, mildew, fungi and dust mites. These properties remain intact, making it suitable for those with eczema, hyper-sensitive skin or hay fever caused by dust mite. Even better news is that bamboo fabric require less frequent washing, it needs no more than a 30ËšC wash and dries in half the time of cotton. Tumble dry low and remove from dryer as soon as it stops to avoid unnecessary creasing. The only place that actually stocks these delicious items is Antiquities Tenerife in Las Chafiras. The have stock in three different colours, soft brown, grey and aubergine. Pop in and see them and feel the difference for yourself.



Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014

WoMan bUrneD by exploDing toilet


Woman was badly burnt and suffered second and third degree burns to her legs in a freak accident after a toilet in a bar in Barcelona exploded while she was using it in a bar in Barcelona’s Gothic Quarter. The woman was sitting on the toilet when it exploded from underneath her, she is now undergoing skin grafting on her legs. According to the of-

ficial police report, the blast was caused by the unhygienic conditions of the septic tank and the lack of ventilation in the lavatory, when the woman switched on the light, a spark acted as a trigger for the methane gas which filled the toilet, as the victim was sitting down, the gas was compressed therefore causing a strong blast. The woman is reportedly suing the owners of the bar for the serious injuries she sustained.

yoU’re gonna neeD a bigger SaUCer oF Milk


Giant hedgehog has suddenly appeared on Clapham Common in south London.

The life-like 7ft structure created to promote David Attenborough’s new TV series, took over two months to build and with 2,000 soft wood spikes and fake fur produced using willow and coconut fibre is 12ft long and 8ft wide, making it larger than a rhinoceros. The well-known garden dwelling animal will feature in the broadcaster’s new show Natural Curiosities, which starts on

February 18th on Watch. Each episode will feature two creatures that, while hugely different from one another, share a ‘distinctive evolutionary quirk’. According to research by UKTV, A quarter of British adults have never seen a hedgehog, while a further 74 per cent are worried about the species’ decreasing numbers. Mr Attenborough asks: ‘[The] hedgehog is one of the most familiar animals in our countryside, but actually what do people know about hedgehogs?’ Catherine Catton, senior

eta FUgitiVe arreSteD in lonDon

commissioning editor at UKTV, said: ‘This series is amazing because it takes creatures that people think they know really well but actually reveals really unknown stories behind them.’ The episode with the hedgehog will also take a look at the rhino and discuss how both ‘hide behind seemingly impregnable coat of arms’. Other animals featured in the series include the giant squid, owls and cuckoos. The new series started on February 18th

DozenS DeaD in Ukraine UnreSt

t L

ast thuRsday Police in London arrested antonio troitino, a fugitive killer from the armed Basque separatist movement eta who is wanted by spain. he was released from prison in october under a ruling by a european rights court which shortened the jail time of scores of eta convicts, but the spanish courts demanded Britain send him back to spain to answer unsettled charges against him. Troitino, 56, was on conditional


release from jail in England but Spain had maintained an extradition warrant for him. A Spanish interior ministry official who asked not to be named said he was arrested in London under “a Spanish police warrant”, In the 1980s, Troitino was a member of ETA’s Madrid unit, which carried out some of the separatist group’s bloodiest attacks, he was arrested in 1987 and sentenced to more than 2,000 years for 22 killings. A legal error set Troitino free in April 2011 and before it was re-

solved he went on the run to London, where he was arrested the following year. He was among scores of ETA members released under the ruling by the European Court of Human Rights in October 2013, which outraged the families of people killed by the group. ETA is responsiblefor more than 800 deaths in a four-decade campaign of bombings and shootings for an independent homeland in northern Spain and south-western France.

he uKRaine ambassador has been summoned to the Foreign office in London after dozens of people were killed and hundreds injured in ukraine following a day of street battles and overnight clashes. The violence on Tuesday was the deadly result of nearly three months of anti-government protests that have paralysed the capital of Kiev, turning it into a virtual war zone. It comes after the Ukrainian health ministry said at least 25 people were killed after the worst day of fighting since the nationwide demonstrations began in November. Another 241 have been injured in the clashes. The EU and US are considering sanctions on both sides and the EU has called an extraordinary meeting of the bloc’s 28

foreign ministers to discuss the violence. European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said he expected the EU to adopt “targeted measures against those responsible for violence and use of excessive force”. Foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton added: “All possible options will be explored, including restrictive measures against those responsible for repression and human rights violations.” There were cries of ‘Glory to Ukraine!’ as thousands of riot police armed with stun grenades and water cannons attacked the sprawling protest camp in Independence Square. Protesters set fire to blankets, tyres, barricades and wood surrounding their camp in Independence Square in an attempt to prevent police moving in. The unrest has spread to at least three cities in the west of the country.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014


how to Find piccalilli in peru! or Marmite in Minsk, or branston in bruges!


he GReat BRitish food map is a new interactive map that shows expats exactly where they can find their favourite foods. Butchers are represented by a pig, bakeries by a meat pie, and general food stores by a pot of marmite.

The map uses Google’s powerful maps interface, meaning that users are able not just to look at the interactive map and discover British shops, but get directions there. Potential customers can check addresses, websites and phone numbers of the businesses simply by clicking on the icon. The map’s creators, expat financial advisor

Which Offshore, say they are responding to demand. Which Offshore online editor Michael Brinksman said: “We noticed there are loads of expats asking on forums where they can get British food products, HP sauce, Branston Pickle, Monster Munch crisps, Curly Wurly chocolate bars; you name it. So a few of us got together and

started compiling a list of British food stores around the world to make the expat search easier.” While France and Spain are well covered for British expats, there are large areas of the map where British food seems to disappear. Mr Brinksman said: “Spain and France seem to have the greatest number of British food shops but we want users

in other parts of the world like Scandinavia and Eastern Europe to let us know of any other stores as the aim is to continue updating it.” The team is asking for people to contribute new places and suggest additional locations to the map through its website.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014


liberace’s lover Jailed


iBeRaCe’s FoRmeR LoVeR who was the subject of an hBo film on the pianist’s life and played by matt damon, has been sentenced to eight to 20 years in a nevada prison for failing another court-or-

dered drug test while on probation for burglary and identity theft convictions.

Thorson was sentenced last week byWashoe District Judge Patrick Flanagan after repeated bad drug tests and his failure to show up at a courtordered treatment facility.

The judge originally suspended the prison sentence in July and gave Thorson a second chance in September after testing positive for methamphetamine, but he failed tests twice in October and again on November 1st. He was arrested November 19th after violating an order to enter an inpatient treatment facility in Reno two weeks earlier. Thorson, 54, real name Jess Marlow, admitted he was an addict but insisted he was determined to get sober when he tearfully appealed to the judge in September to spare him from prison. Thorson said: “I’m just asking for another chance”, citing his newfound celebrity stature as the cause of his slip into drug abuse. “I can’t help who I am,” he told the judge at the time. “I’m in show business. I attract these cameras.” Flanagan said it would be his “last chance.” The judge said: “I’m not impressed — I don’t think anybody is — with this

so-called celebrity status, you’re just like any other addict who has committed a crime against a victim.” Thorson had intended to write another book on the heels of his Behind the Candelabra, which was used as the basis for the HBO film of the same name directed by Steven Soderburgh. The movie won the Golden Globe for best TV movie earlier this month. Matt Damon played Thorson in the film, and Michael Douglas, who donned the flamboyant costumes to play Liberace, claimed his fourth Golden Globe for his work. Deputy District Attorney John Helzer who demanded prison time in September claimed that Thorson had been trying to capitalize on his fame since he told arresting officers last year he couldn’t afford the bad publicity of going to jail. Helzer said: “He’s not a celebrity. He’s a story. It’s one of accusation and manipulation and failure.”

Valentine Birth For Baby Cowell


V and musiC mogul simon Cowell’s, Representative annmarie thomson, has announced the birth of his son on Valentine’s day The former “X-factor/Britain’s Got Talent” judge/mastermind/culprit ,had long said fa-

therhood was not in his plans, nevertheless girlfriend, Lauren Silverman, gave birth to the 6 pound, 7 ounce (2.9 kilograms) boy in New York. It is her second child and Cowell’s first. Cowell, 54, who gained fame as an acidtongued judge on television singing contests in the United States and Britain, has had a string

of high profile relationships including Danni Minogue and Sinitta, but has never married. Cowell said: “I’m not brilliant with babies, I never know what to do. But (once he’s older) I think I’ll be a good dad in terms of advice.” Silverman’s pregnancy made headlines last

year when her ex-husband filed for divorce in New York and named Cowell as a co-respondent. Cowell’s American version of his brainchild “The X Factor” contest was cancelled last week by U.S. broadcaster Fox, he has said that he would return to the judges panel on its UK counterpart amid sagging ratings.


SUDOKU cHallenGinG Puzzle

eaSY Puzzle


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014

every Sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically.

enter numbers into the blank spaces so that each row, column and 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9.

answers to the sudoKu are on page 2.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014


Chinese Hotel Is The Pits!


he InterContinental Shimao China’s Underground Hotel, located 30 miles outside of Shanghai, Wonderland plans to open in late 2014 or early 2015.

China is famous for its towering skyscrapers that almost touch the clouds, but a new hotel plans to take luxury accommodation to new depths. Construction is underway to build a luxury resort delving 100 meters underground on the side of an abandoned quarry at the foot of Tianmashan Mountain, which will be surrounded by a theme park. The 380-room resort hotel will have three levels above ground and 16 underground, it will also offer guests spa services, a sports facility and an underwater restaurant. If you think that’s unusual, check out some of the most weird and wonderful hotels across the globe! Hang Nga Guesthouse, Vietnam Affectionately nicknamed “the Crazy House,” this is in the popular tourist destination of Da Lat, Central Vietnam. It has been described as a Disney cartoon palace that has been rearranged randomly and then partially melted. Some tourists come just to walk through the twisty tunnels, unusually decorated rooms, and hidden hollowed-out nooks. But it is also possible to spend the night in one of the guest rooms. Propeller Island City Lodge, Berlin This Berlin hotel takes quirkiness to a new level. Each of its 30-plus rooms has a different theme, emphasis on “different.” One room has a king bed that has been divided into two singles by a giant guillotine. Another has a bathtub made to resemble an oversized plastic bag. Others are furnished and laid out like prison cells or mortuaries

Cappadocia Cave Suites, Turkey

(complete with coffin beds). Kumbuk River Resort, Sri Lanka This Sri Lankan eco-resort sits near its namesake river bordering Yala National Park, one of Sri Lanka’s best nature adventure destinations. This is elephant country, and pachyderms roam freely through the park, as do a variety of other interesting animal species. Kumbuk celebrates Yala’s headlining mammal with a unique design. Dubbed the Elephant Villa, the resort’s most stunning structure is made of wood and topped with a straw roof that sways in the breeze. Ariau Amazon Towers, Brazil This Brazilian resort sits at treetop level in the heart of the Amazon. Ariau’s huge circular structures, built on stilts above the water and connected by a series of walkways, are not unlike something out of a “Star Wars” film. However, there is nothing sci-fi about this resort, surrounded by rain forest and the teeming waters of the Amazon . Canopy tours and chances to get up close with the Amazon’s rare pink dolphins are on the agenda for the Towers’ guests. Cappadocia Cave Suites, Turkey Cappadocia is a series of unique cave dwellings in the region which were occupied by members of the Hittite civilization long before the age of the Roman Empire. Despite the “cave” theme, these are fully functioning hotel rooms with Internet access, minibars and coffeemakers. Free Spirit Spheres, Vancouver Island Vancouver Island’s Free Spirit Spheres offer an interesting spin on the idea of treehouse hotels. Hanging from the treetops, these spherical rooms resemble ornaments on a Christmas tree and gently sway when the wind blows through the forest. Das Park Hotel, Germany and Austria

Palacio de Sal, Uyuni, Bolivia

This industrial-themed hotel, with locations in Germany and Austria, might be mistaken for a construction site at first glance. This is because the “rooms” are made out of giant concrete sections of pipe with coverings on both sides. The pipes are furnished with beds and lights and have interior murals. Though not luxurious by any definition, these rooms are definitely designed to provide a feeling of cozy comfort. And you certainly won’t be able to beat the amount of privacy. Palacio de Sal, Uyuni, Bolivia Hotels made with ice blocks are a dime a dozen, but salt blocks? Palacio de Sal is one million salt blocks measuring 14 inches were mortared together with salty water to construct everything—even the beds, chairs, and dry sauna. Just pray it doesn’t rain. Sala Silvermine Underground Suite, Västmanland, Sweden At 500 feet underground, this hotel, hewn from the rock by 18th-century silver miners, is the deepest in the world. Comprising only one room, with silver furniture (naturally), the suite in the abandoned Sala Silver Mine is not for the claustrophobic. On check-in, a guide provides a brief tour of the mine then leaves guests to endure the constant 36 degrees, with possible side effects of loneliness and paranoia, until morning. La Villa Hamster, Nantes, France The name is no joke: guests of this one-room hotel receive hamster masks on check-in and, once inside, find water is dispensed only by stomping on a metal lever. A giant haystack functions as a bed, and the bathroom is covered in wood chips (a regular human toilet is also provided). The centerpiece, naturally, is the life-size hamster wheel.

Kumbuk River Resort, Sri Lanka

Propeller Island City Lodge, Berlin

La Villa Hamster, Nantes, France

Sala Silvermine Underground Suite, Västmanland, Sweden

Ariau Amazon Towers, Brazil

Hang Nga Guesthouse, Vietnam


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014


Fusion “holy grail” almost achieved


n eRa oF virtually limitless energy could be just around the corner after an important step has been taken towards harnessing power from the nuclear reactions that fuel the sun.

US Scientists at a fusion power facility have succeeded in tipping the balance between energy input and output to achieve a net gain, falling just short of “ignition”, the “Holy Grail” of fusion science, which would generate more energy than the total

amount needed to operate the reactor. Although ignition was not achieved this is still seen as a turning point. By carefully tuning the laser pulses to maintain stability, a team at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) in California used 192 lasers to heat and compress a small pellet of fuel, a mixture of deuterium and tritium (DT), until its atoms began to collide and fuse. The scientists produced an energy yield 10 times greater than any achieved before, but most importantly, the fusion

energy obtained exceeded the amount of energy absorbed by the fuel to trigger the reaction. This is not the same as generating more than the total energy needed to compress the fuel pellet, which is necessary for ignition. Lead scientist Dr Omar Hurricane says: “There is more work to do and physics problems that need to be addressed before we get to the end. But our team is working to address all the challenges, and that’s what a scientific team

thrives on. What’s really exciting is that we are seeing a steadily increasing contribution to the yield coming from the boot strapping process we call alpha particle self-heating as we push the implosion a little harder each time.” Natural nuclear fusion powers the sun and other stars, and is also responsible for the devastating destructive force of the man created hydrogen bomb. The technology could provide almost limitless supplies of clean energy from special forms of hy-

drogen, the most abundant element in the universe. Professor Steve Cowley, director of the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE), the UK centre of fusion research, said: “We have waited 60 years to get close to controlled fusion, and we are now close in both magnetic and inertial confinement research. We must keep at it. The engineering milestone is when the whole plant produces more energy than it consumes.”

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Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014

Spotlight On…El Parque De Las Aguilas


ecently we decided to pay a long overdue return visit to El Parque De Las Aguilas, The Eagle Park or Jungle Park as it’s also known.

The park is situated above Chayofa, just minutes on the free bus service from Los Cristianos and Las Americas; “Las Águilas-Jungle Park is a zoological and botanical park located near the Los Cristianos beach on the Canary Island of Tenerife. Consisting of 7.5 hectares (19 acres) of jungle with over 500 animals, the park contains a number walking paths with tunnels, suspension bridges, waterfalls, lagoons, and caves. The park also boasts daily flight shows featuring exotic birds and birds of prey.” Owned and operated by the largest tourism group in Europe, Aspro Ocio S.A. The Spanish company owns the large chain of water parks known as Aqualand, which of course is represented in Tenerife also. Opening times all year round are 10am-17.30pm, admission is 24 euro for adults or 18.50 for residents, children 17 or 14 and toddlers, 8 or 6.50. Bizarrely the prices seem to go by height not age so if you’re vertically

challenged you may get a bargain!! Making our way down into the park, past the enclosure for the beautiful white Tigers, a photographer awaits you with a huge Eagle Owl and 2 cheeky Cockatoos whose comedy routine includes baby impersonations and removing headgear!! The park itself is a labyrinth of paths, tunnels, suspended walkways, rope bridges and much more, with countless, roomy enclosures for a multitude of birds, mammals and reptiles-the lions, tigers, leopards and the black Jaguar were my favourites, but meerkats,porcupine,orang-utans,chim ps,gibbons,crocodiles,alligators,the list goes on and on! It’s worth keeping track of everything with the small map provided as it’s easy to get turned around and pay attention to the many signs to help you find what you missed-it’s also worth mentioning that although it’s possible to take a wheelchair, I’ve done it, be prepared, it’s bloody hard work!! There are 3 shows available throughout the day, parrots and exotic birds (11 and 14.30), Birds of Prey (12 and 16.00) and the sea-lions (13.45 and 15.15). The Birds of Prey show is unlike anything I’ve seen anywhere else,

we sat in an open amphitheater whilst dozens of eagles, kites, vultures, storks and many more swooped down barely missing our heads to the trainers food laden arms. It’s truly impressive but our favourite part of the day had to be the sea-lions, so much like aquatic versions of man’s best friend, the 2 girls Cookie and Senna had us totally enchanted...I’m just glad we haven’t got a pool or we’d be taking one home!! We ended the day with a quick go on the jungle raid obstacle course and a quick circuit on the “Bob”, a toboggan ride that costs an additional 4 euros but it’s great fun!!



Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014


aQUaMan – Soggy SUperhero or UntappeD treaSUre?


ith aLL the buzz and rumours flying around about the long proposed justice League movie, one veteran jLa hero seems to be at best treading water or worse, sunk without a trace. In the comics, Aquaman is royalty, King of the Seven Seas. But outside of DC’s pages, he’s treated like a damp squib (or squid), the joke of the League, everyone from Robot Chicken to Family Guy to The Big Bang Theory has had a crack at the nautical non-event. While Aquaman is recognized as king of the undersea country of Atlantis, writers have had problems dealing with him when he’s asked to take part in land-based adventures with the publisher’s vaunted Justice League of America, of which he’s a charter member. And only in an alternate universe where “Entourage’s” Vincent

Chase is a real megastar, not a TV character does Aquaman get big budget blockbuster he deserves, with Vinnie cast and James Cameron behind the camera! While other DC heroes like Superman, Batman, and Green Arrow have enjoyed success at the movies and on TV, Aquaman still lurks in the depths. Apparently there was a failed pilot filmed which was so awful it was probably actually sent to the bottom of the sea and a recurring role on Smallville hardly set the world alight. But things could be changing. At DC, for months a plan has been hatching to help Aquaman, well, catch a wave. “He’s a priority character for the company,” said Geoff Johns, DC Entertainment’s chief creative officer. The company has announced plans for an animated Aquaman series and according to Comichron, a web site that tracks comic-book sales, the Aquaman comic is outselling Marvel’s cult-

favourite archer “Hawkeye” and former Batman sidekick “Nightwing,” but is selling far fewer than Batman, The Avengers or The X-Men. Peter Coogan, author of the 2006 book “Superhero: The Secret Origin of a Genre”, says: Aquaman’s root problem is that he’s boring, in many ways, he suffers from the problems that plague King Arthur as a main character, which is why most Arthurian stories are not about Arthur but about his knights.” Plotlines that might drum up new interest, he said, come with limitations. Playing up the character’s royal heritage might set him at odds with surface governments, potentially turning him into a villain. In recent months, characters like The Flash and Commissioner Gordon, have been assigned TV projects, while speculation has intensified over the future of DC’s film projects since actor Ben Affleck was named to take over the role of

no Unitard For Scarlet Witch


LiZaBeth olsen on what scarlet Witch will look like in ‘avengers: age of ultron,’ confirms she won’t be wearing the classic red unitard. With casting rumours and confirmations flying out a rapid pace, the next big question once you’ve matched an actor with a character is, what will they wear? Costumes that work well on the printed page can look unintentionally hilarious on the the live action counterpart – imagine all of the X-men in black and yellow spandex! With comic-book adaptations becoming increasingly popular designers are getting better and better at bringing these looks to life The look of the Scarlet Witch in “The Avengers: Age of Ultron” has been a hot topic since writer/director Joss Whedon confirmed in May that the character and her twin brother Quicksilver are part of his plans for the Marvel sequel, Joss had already hinted that changes would need to be made: “It can’t be too oldschool. She can’t wear a leotard.” Six months later, actress Elizabeth Olsen under-

scored that she won’t be wearing the classic red unitard: “I don’t think Joss ever would have hired me, honestly, if he wanted me to wear those outfits, I am not a professional athlete and nor am I a model. Wearing those costumes wouldn’t be fun for anyone who wasn’t those things. He already had a different idea. It respects and involves the comic book c h a racter b u t it’s different, more rooted. It’s for someone today… Well, if someone walked around wearing what she wore in the comics, people would stop and say, ‘What the hell

… she thinks she’s a superhero!’” Olsen also revealed her movie costume comes complete with a “secrecy cloak” to prevent any photo leaks as she travels to and from the set. “The Avengers: Age of Ultron” opens May 1st 2015.

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Author P.L. Travers reflects on her childhood after reluctantly meeting with Walt Disney, who seeks to adapt her Mary Poppins books for the big screen.

Batman. Aside from Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and Green Arrow, only Aquaman, who debuted in 1941, has appeared continuously throughout DC’s history, Johns is sure that any perceived weaknesses in the character’s storyline potential can be turned into strengths: “There is no doubt in my mind that this is one of the most well-known characters among super-heroes, and in popular culture,” the ocean setting, he suggested, should work to a writer’s advantage. “We are finding new areas in the ocean every day. It’s as alien as going to outer space,” he said. So, maybe it’s time for Aquaman to rise proudly from his watery exile and take his place alongside Batman and co, who knows, in a perfect circle of life imitating art, we could try and James Cameron to direct?


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014


Sign of the times a

FebrUary 2014 Friday 28th February . . . . . . . . . bitter & Twisted experience

MarCh 2014 Saturday 1st March . . . . . . . . . . .Saturday Gala night Sunday 2nd March . . . . . . . . . . . .ViVO Sunday carvery

man is B e i n G treated in hospital after being hit by ‘Feeling under the weather?’ nhs sign which was ripped off wall of chemist during a storm. the incident occurred last Friday during the storms which raged across the uK again wreaking havoc. Winds of up to 60mph ripped the sign off the wall of premises in Leicester, the victim suffered a

gash in his head and had to be taken to a local hospital.

The victim had noticed that it was flapping about in winds which reached nearly 60mph, and went into the shop to inform the owner. He had only moments before pointed out to a chemist that the hoarding was insecure when a gust of wind blew it away from the building and onto his head. The solid wood sign advises people to see their GP if they are ‘feeling under the weather’, the Leicester Mercury reported. A bystander told the Mercury: ‘As the two of them were standing there it came down and hit him - it missed her by inches,’ ‘She was very shaken afterwards and very lucky, too.’ Other passers-by said incident made such a crashing noise that they thought it might have been a car crash.

nike goeS baCk to the FUtUre

Monday 3rd March. . . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular Thursday 6th March . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 7th March . . . . . . . . . . . . . .bitter & Twisted experience Saturday 8th March . . . . . . . . . . .Saturday Gala night Sunday 9th March . . . . . . . . . . . .ViVO Sunday carvery Monday 10th March. . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular Thursday 13th March . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 14th March . . . . . . . . . . . . . bitter & Twisted experience Saturday 15th March . . . . . . . . . .Saturday Gala night Sunday 16th March . . . . . . . . . . .ViVO Sunday carvery Monday 17th March. . . . . . . . . . .St. Patrick´s Day Party (noon ´til 6) Monday 17th March . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 20th March . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 21st March . . . . . . . . . . . . . bitter & Twisted experience Saturday 22nd March . . . . . . . . . Saturday Gala night Sunday 23rd March . . . . . . . . . . . .ViVO Sunday carvery Monday 24th March. . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular

april 2014 Thursday 10th april . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 11th april . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .bitter & Twisted experience Saturday 12th april . . . . . . . . . . . Saturday Gala night Sunday 13th april. . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday carvery Monday 14th april. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular Thursday 17th april . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 18th april . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .bitter & Twisted experience Saturday 19th april . . . . . . . . . . . Saturday Gala night Sunday 20th april. . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday carvery Monday 21st april. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular Thursday 24th april . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular * Discount vouchers are not accepted for these dates


niKe designer says the nike mag trainer, shoes like those worn by marty mcFly in the hit movie Back to the Future - which lace themselves up automatically - will be available next year. The ‘Back To The Future’style self-lacing trainers are set to become a reality in 2015, according to a Nike designer, Tinker Hatfield The company is apparently working on power laces like those

worn by time-travelling teenager Marty McFly in the classic film series. The designer told trainer news website Sole Collector: “Are we gonna see power laces in 2015? To that, I say yes!” Back To The Future II, set in 2015, includes a scene where McFly, played by Michael J Fox, slips on a pair of Nike High Tops that adjust automatically to his feet. The company applied for a patent for “automatically lacing trainers” in 2010. A year, later Nike produced illuminating

trainers based on those worn by McFly – the Nike Mag. A total of 1,500 pairs were auctioned off to raise money for the Michael J Fox Foundation. Fox has Parkinson’s and his organisation funds research into the disease, the auction raised £3.4m. Among those who bought the shoes were UK rapper Tinie Tempah - who spent £24,000 ($40,000) to own the first available pair - and fellow musicians Kanye West and Kid Cudi.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014





heRe is no doubt that the world’s weather has gone mad. somerset and London are getting the worst of it in the uK. towns close to madrid have been deluged with snow. in California a drought has killed of wheat and corn crops and on the other side of the states icy weather has killed almost 30 people. there is also a huge ice storm in Canada. this has all just happened in the last couple of weeks.

There is one place in the world that is due to disappear completely in the next ten years due to rising seas caused by global warming. This little village of people isn’t responsible for what is going to happen to them. The place is called Kivalina and its residents are going to be the world’s first climate change refugees. They are depentdent on fishing for their food and aren’t able to reach their fishing grounds because the ice has become too thin for them to cross. The American government is set to relocate the people but the area that they live in isn’t easily accessed and the cost is thought to be over

400, 000, 000 dollars. There are planning to rebuild the town on higher ground. Given the changes that we are seeing in the weather around the world, it might be a good idea if they get their act together and start building before it is too late. Global sea levels have been rising by about 3mm a year. That is 3cm in the last ten years. It doesn’t seem much, but if they continue to rise at that rate many parts of Britain will be underwater permanently in the future. Maybe our government should start making some serious plans for the future before it is too late.


Sir toM Finney

ome yeaRs aGo i was in my home town of Preston in Lancashire. i had been invited to be part of the opening ceremony of the new st George’s shopping centre. Roy Castle was going to cut the ribbon and six Guinness world record breakers were going to be interviewed or perform. i was going to dance. i had recently broken the world record for nonstop disco dancing by dancing for 15 days and 11 hours.

It was a fabulous day and I was in the green room with Roy Castle and the other record breakers. We were chatting to each other and I noticed that an older guy was stood in the corner. He didn’t seem to be very comfortable so I sidled over to him to introduce myself. “Hello,” I said, “I’m John Sharples, nice to meet you.”

“You too,” he said, “I’m Tom Finney” “What record do you hold Tom?” I asked. He muttered something about holding caps or collecting caps. English ones. The conversation disintegrated and I returned to the fold. I couldn’t understand what was so special about having a collection of 100 caps. My dad had about ten at home. Pretty normal for a Lancashire guy. The man went out onto the stage to the sound of screaming and shouting and very loud applause. When I went home, my dad killed himself laughing. The man that I had introduced myself to was Sir Tom Finney, one of the greatest footballers that Britain ever produced. Needless to say, I knew nothing about football. I felt such a plum! God Bless Him and rest in peace Sir Tom Finney. (I wonder who he left his cap collection to).

Cilla blaCk’S baCk m y

es, that’s right. just when you thought it was safe to switch on the television some bright spark at itV has decid-

Mr grUMpy

y FRiend dave owen never ceases to make me laugh with his comments about life. here are some of his thoughts from the past week.

ed to make a drama about the woman. sheridan smith is the little chuck that will be playing her. at the moment she is proba-

bly having some false teeth manufactured. the drama will unfold over three episodes and i will be making it one to miss!

“How your money is spent by that bastion of frugal finances the BBC. A new set is to be built for Eastenders at a cost of £15.000.000 May I suggest a new story

line that includes the total destruction of Albert Square and where all the resident’s ascend to heaven or the alternative direction as is appropriate.” On York council …… “I see our friend Jobsworth is still very active. Parents have been left stunned after a council said it could not provide a lollipop person near their village primary school because the road is dangerous. City of York Council claimed

the road in the village of Bishopthorpe breached its workplace health and safety rules, as crossing workers were at risk of being hit by a vehicle.” On Television ….. “Reality television star White Dee is set to go from Benefits Street to Downing Street after announcing she is to stand as an MP and has already attacked the welfare system for encouraging scroungers. Totally lost me and I watched the programme!”


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014


Mardi gras! o

n FeBRuaRy 27th 187 years ago in 1827, a group of masked and costumed students took to the streets of new orleans, Louisiana, dancing, singing and celebrating to mark the birth of the city’s famous mardi Gras celebrations. The celebration of Carnival--or the weeks between Twelfth Night on January 6th and Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Christian period of Lent--spread from Rome across Europe and later to the Americas and of course, right here in Tenerife. Nowhere in the United States is Carnival celebrated as grandly

as in New Orleans, famous for its over-the-top parades and parties for Mardi Gras, literally, Fat Tuesday, the last day of the Carnival season. Early French settlers brought the tradition of Mardi Gras to Louisiana at the end of the 17th century, however , Spanish governors of the province banned the celebrations. Once Louisiana became part of the United States in 1803, New Orleanians managed to convince the city council to lift the ban on wearing masks and partying in the streets. The city’s new Mardi Gras tradition began in 1827 when the group of students, inspired by their experiences studying in Paris, donned masks and jester costumes and staged their own Fat Tuesday festivities.

Question 1: What is the diameter of a basketball hoop? Question 2: What is the oldest type of winged insect? Question 3: Who is “mon ami” to ace detective Hercule Poirot? Question 4: What is the human tarsus? Question 5: What is signified by a Union flag flying upside-down? Question 6: What is the highest British decoration for civilians? Question 7: Name the disease abbreviated to MS. Question 8: What word is used to describe a grotesque carving of an animal, man, or devil?

Question 9: How many players does a woman’s lacrosse team have? Question 10: Who was known as “The Sun King”? Question 11: Which letter of the alphabet is represented in Morse Code

by three dots?

The event grew in popularity, and in 1833, a rich plantation owner named Bernard Xavier de Marigny de Mandeville raised money to fund an official Mardi Gras celebration. The celebrations continued for several years until in the 1850s, rowdy revelers began to get violent. Then in 1857 a secret society called the Mistick Krewe of Comus staged the first large-scale, wellorganized Mardi Gras parade. Over time, hundreds of krewes formed, building elaborate and colorful floats for parades held over the two weeks leading up to Fat Tuesday. Riders on the floats are usually local citizens who toss “throws” at passersby, including metal coins, stuffed toys or those now-infamous strands of beads. A popular

misconception is that Bourbon Street and the historic French Quarter are the heart of Mardi Gras festivities, but none of the major parades have been allowed to enter the area since 1979 because of its narrow streets. In February 2006, New Orleans held its Mardi Gras celebrations despite the fact that Hurricane Katrina had devastated much of the city with massive flooding the previous August. Attendance was at only 60-70 percent of the 300,000-400,000 visitors who usually attend Mardi Gras, but the celebration marked an important step in the recovery of the city, which counts on hospitality and tourism as its single largest industry.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014




e aLL tend to look at items in our everyday use at home and wonder how else they could be made useful..here i’ve compiled a little list of common household products that can also be used or recycled into our gardens. 1. Place a sponge or no longer needed bean bag beads into the bottom of pots, planters or window boxes before adding the soil to help keep water in reserve. 2.VINEGAR ...is a natural herbicide killing weeds and any other plant it touches. 3.NEWSPAPER...use by laying several sheets over the soil and cover with mulch to retain moisture and suffocate weeds. Add wet shred-


bet you Didn’t know …

ded newspaper to your compost to remove the odour. 4. TEABAGS...water ferns and acid loving plants like hydrangeas with a brewed cuppa for luscious leaves. 5.BANANA...to keep aphids from off rosebushes try burying dried or cut up banana skin an inch or two deep around the base of the plant. 6.SALT...is a natural pest killer and they won’t survive for long. You can also prevent the growth of weeds in walkway cracks by making a solution of 1 cup salt to 2 cups water and pouring it directly onto the offending weeds. 7.COFFEE GROUNDS...can be added

directly to the top soil, especially on plants that like high acidity in the soil such as Azaleas or Roses because coffee grounds are high in nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, potassium and other trace minerals. By scattering a thin layer onto your soil it provides a slow release of these minerals onto plants. 8.EGGSHELLS...calcium rich eggshells make an excellent fertilizer for tomatoes. simply crush and place in the bottom of pots before planting .Eggshells can also be used as a deterrent to soft bodied blighties such as slugs and snails. They really don’t like crawling over sharp pieces,so scatter them freely around your garden to keep them away. 9.Toilet paper tubes and empty egg cartons are perfect for starting seedlings off in before being ready to plant into the ground...and they are not the only recyclable items for this use. Think on the lines of yogurt cartons, take away food containers etc or why not shape your own pots out of dampened newspapers. 10.Do you own a fish tank and its due for a water change? Nearly any plant would welcome a splash of this nitrogen rich liquid. 11.Transform the use of plastic

spoons or cut out tags from empty plastic milk jugs to make plant markers...better still cut up an old mini blind for a lifetimes supply of them. 12.That wonderful plastic milk jug again. This is so a gardeners best friend there being absolutely dozens of uses for it. Cut it in half and use the bottom as a saucer for potted plants or as a tray for seeds. You can also bury this bottom half in soil so that it is level with the ground and fill with beer to make an excellent slug trap. Turn the top half of the milk carton upside down and you have a funnel. Stick it in the ground next to a plant and you have prolonged even watering...to mention but a few. 13.Spare plastic piping laying around...dig short lengths into your garden and fill with sand...excellent for growing carrots in and helps keep them pest free as well as straight. 14.Why not re-invent old or worn out articles around your home into fun filled flower pots. Get thinking along the lines of old boots

Big Living In Small Spaces

t can be especially tough living in a small space when your decorating options are limited by rental rules, landlord laws and rental furniture, but there are quite a few options for you to make your space into the home you want that suits you, maybe it only be temporary. you can make it interesting without committing. Finding non-permanent ways to update your home or apartment is the key to making it feel like home. Obviously your usually stuck with whatever your rental home or apartment has in the way of flooring or furniture, but they can be brightened up or covered over. Shabby tiles or floors?....then throw

down bright colourful rugs. Sling throws onto your settees or chairs with accompanying cushions in differing shapes sizes and colours.Ok. It doesn’t have to be bright and colourful, thats just my view; but you could also colour coordinate your rugs and throws in varying hues of the same colour. Your home so your choice..so choose shades you can relax in. Some original elements can pose a decorating challenge to work around .If the bathroom has a colour of tiling you just cannot stand then see if there is another colour within the tile that you do ,you may even find it in a border tile, and accentuate it with towels, shower curtains and or bathroom accessories. If not then use a colour that you do like that will blend and compliment those offensive tiles. You could hang a skirt (curtain ) around the bathroom sink behind which you could store all bathroom essentials either on low shelving or in baskets

and out of view. In other rooms hang up some artwork, favourite pictures or photos. See if you can cover those bare bulbs with shades to enhance the lighting, or maybe even purchase a floor or table lamp to give a better ambiance. Adding your own floating shelves to show off your own collections of glassware, pottery, books or mementos will give you the chance to change the look around by simply changing your collections from time to time. Have you thought of using colourful garden stools as bedside or coffee tables? They are easy to move around, less bulky than the original versions, whilst providing extra seating for party nights. Cool or what! If you can afford to introduce rental to luxury in a small place then i would definitely go for gorgeous drapes and curtains. There is absolutely nothing to say you cannot store the originals to replace

back against your own once your rental expires. If you are really short on space then i would recommend buying a bookcase...and go as large as you have the space for. It would serve you so well as multipurpose storage. You could place books and dishes on the upper shelves then bins, baskets or hampers on the lower shelves for all those things that just don’t have a place of their own to live. You could also place a smaller bookcase inside your wardrobe to be used as instant shelving for clothes, shoes, cosmetics and jewelry etc. Why you could even place items of furniture in the corners of rooms at an angle, using the space behind to stash even more storage boxes and hampers. With a little thought you really can make that rental feel well and truly your own home...with moveable objects.....that can and do move when you do.

and tin buckets to toilets and children’s outgrown potties. 15.And finally here’s one for all you youngies with babies or oldies with your own diapers........they don’t call them ‘Huggies’ for nothing you know ......Simply use them to line the bottom of your hanging baskets..... yes it is a well proven fact.....They Do Retain Water.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014


Ellen’s Prank is Smmmokin’!

aquarius 20 January to 18 February


Pisces 19 February to 20 March

The actress, 41, was chatting with DeGeneres on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” last Thursday about her very first movie, “The Mask,” which is almost 20 years old! Diaz turned 21 on set and spoke about how Jim (Carrey) and the crew helped her to cel-

This week resist the temptation to deplete resources that may not be entirely your own. The more you keep track of the details of your finances, the easier it will be to navigate through the days ahead. Valentine’s Day could be rather special this year, as a Full Moon has all the hallmarks of sexiness and passion. Whether you’re with a partner or latest lover, there will be plenty to delight. There is also a very sociable aspect to the week ahead, which could bring a new friendship your way. You may want to feel part of something bigger than yourself, but be careful to choose your causes wisely. This week it’s better to grow disenchanted than be misled. as Mercury rewinds, a certain matter could leave you feeling perplexed. You could be in your element as Valentine’s Day comes around again, as the Full Moon in leo demands a romantic occasion with all the trimmings. Whatever you do, the stars reveal that you could have a day to remember.

aries 21 March to 19 april

Don’t fight any delays and frustrations encountered at the start of the week because you might want to save your energy for later when there’s fun to be had. Take any problems on the chin, as Valentine’s Day promises to be a sizzling occasion. a Full Moon in leo makes this a time of romantic gestures and super-hot chemistry. anything could happen! later, old friends could come back into the fold. You might consider a reunion as a way to connect and catch up.

taurus 20 april to 20 May

lunch with a friend brings good conversation plus a few ideas worth considering. However, when it comes to personal goals or career, an unconventional approach might work best. This being Valentine’s week, there’s a sensational atmosphere building in your home sector. This is your opportunity to spend quality time in private with your sweetheart. allow your sensual side to emerge and enjoy this chance for intimacy and sharing. later, an offer you missed could come around again. it’s time to grab it!

Gemini 21 May to 21 June

You won’t be happy if someone tries to pin you down at the start of the week. Freedom might be your mantra, but you have tasks or chores to deal with and need to get those out of the way first. Once they’re done, the rest of the week looks delightful. Valentine’s Day could be an extra special occasion because a Full Moon in leo highlights a sassy social theme. There’s also an urge to expand your horizons, perhaps through study or travel.

Cancer 22 June to 22 July

innovative ideas are powerful, and perhaps this is one time when you should listen. What you hear and pay attention to could lead to a change of direction, perhaps for the better. When it comes to Valentine’s Day, your generosity may know no bounds. a Full Moon in leo might encourage you to splurge on your sweetheart as a way to show how much you care. On another note, you might want to spend money on your home to give it a cozy, harmonious vibe.

leo 23 July to 22 august

Discord is possible early in the week, but don’t let minor frustrations keep you from enjoying the days ahead. With a Full Moon in your sign on Valentine’s Day, you could be in your element. For you, this yearly lovefest could highlight your use of dramatic gesture along with a potential for declarations of romantic feelings. Your social life seems particularly buoyant, with plenty of opportunities to network with folks on your wavelength. Someone could have a surprise for you!

Virgo 23 august to 22 September

as Mercury rewinds into your work and lifestyle sector, stay on your guard against malfunctioning computers or other equipment, especially if you have deadlines to meet or important deals to sign. Give yourself leeway in case of any problems. later, Valentine’s Day might be something you’ll want to celebrate in a secret and very personal way. a Full Moon in your spiritual sector spotlights a desire for privacy and the chance for just the two of you to kick back and enjoy a little intimacy.

Libra 23 September to 23 October

Romance could bring disappointment early on, so have a plan you can fall back on. Don’t let a minor frustration spoil the days ahead, however, especially as Valentine’s Day looks to be such a special occasion. The Full Moon in fiery leo hints at passion and intensity, as well as the possibility of grand gestures. if you’re out and about as a party, this could be an evening you won’t forget in a hurry. The rest of the week is fun, but this could be the high point!

scorpio 24 October to 21 november

even though you want things to be perfect, especially concerning home projects and entertaining, try not to set the bar too high early. You could leave yourself open to disappointment. However, as this is Valentine’s week, a powerful Full Moon in leo suggests that you could be the center of attention. Whether you’re out and about with friends or having fun at your place, you seem to ooze charm and sexiness, suggesting that you won’t be short of company for long.

sagittarius 22 november to 21 December

You may feel touched by someone’s plight and moved to help with a charitable demonstration. Putting yourself in this person’s shoes could give you insight into his or her life, encouraging you to help in any way you can. later, you will love Valentine’s Day whether you’re single or in a long-term relationship. The Full Moon sizzles in leo, bringing opportunities for a love adventure that you’re unlikely to forget in a hurry. later, an old pal or flame might walk back into your life.

Capricorn 22 december to 19 january

be patient could be your motto this week, especially as rash words or unpremeditated actions could have consequences. This is so unlike you, yet a moment of madness could cause upset if you aren’t careful. later, you will respond to Valentine’s Day with an intensity that delights your partner or sweetheart. The Full Moon could bring out the animal within, paving the way for an evening or night of passion and fun. On another note, finances might need careful handling.

s Chat shoW host ellen deGeneres managed to scare hollywood movie star Cameron diaz live on tV with a “mask” inspired prank

ebrate, DeGeneres then asked Diaz if she was ever freaked out by co-star Jim Carrey when he wore the mask on set, and as she began recounting her memories, a guy dressed in the iconic yellow suit and green mask crept up behind her. An oblivious Diaz went on saying: “The process of taking it off is terrifying, it’s just like glue, and chunks of sponge, would stay on his face, ‘cause …” The Mask leapt up behind with a BOO! Cameron’s reaction was priceless!


37 parkle´s S y r r Ba

Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014


Bit On The Side

the italian pot paSta hellooo Sparklettes!


his dish is incredibly easy and full of flavour. the pasta cooks in a mixture of broth, herbs, and aromatics, like onion and garlic, which really ramp up the flavour. the starch that leaches off of the pasta as it cooks helps create a thick sauce right in

900ml vegetable stock 2 Tbsp. olive oil 350g fettuccine 225g. frozen chopped spinach 1 (750g) can diced tomatoes 1 medium onion

the pan. it’s magic! so fast and easy, i do want to mention, though, that if you’re the type of person that can’t handle pasta any other way than al dente, you may not like this one. the pasta can get a little soft, if you let it cook even just a little too long. other great ideas for

add-ins: mushrooms, parmesan, artichoke hearts, or olives.

I think next time I’ll save adding the frozen spinach until the end so that it will defrost and heat quickly from the pasta’s residual heat. That way the spinach will stay bright green and pretty, and it will not darken the pasta as it cooks. But hey, either way it tasted fantastic!


4 cloves garlic ½ Tbsp. dried basil ½ Tbsp. dried oregano ¼ tsp. red pepper flakes Freshly cracked pepper to taste 50g feta cheese


add FouR CuPs of vegetable broth to a large pot. Break the fettuccine in half to make stirring easier later, and then add it to the pan. Also add the canned tomatoes (undrained), olive oil, frozen spinach, onion (thinly sliced), garlic (thinly sliced), basil, oregano, red pepper, and some freshly cracked black pepper. Make sure the ingredients are submerged under the liquid, place a lid on top of the pot, and then turn the heat on to high. Allow the pot to come up to a full, rolling boil over high heat

then remove the lid and turn the heat down to medium. Allow the pan to continue to boil over medium heat, without a lid, for 10-15 minutes, or until the pasta is cooked and most of the liquid has been absorbed. Stir the pan every few minutes as it cooks to prevent the pasta from sticking to the bottom, but avoid over stirring which can cause the pasta to become sticky and mushy. The pan must be boiling the entire time. After the pasta is cooked, crumble the feta cheese over top and serve.


ell i write to you whilst s i p p i n g champagne, lying on a Polar Bear skin rug (probably one of Prince William’s collection), in front of a log fire at the top of mount teide...yes, you’ve guessed it.. i’m on my holidays !!! Luckily for you lot, I’ve still been keeping my ear to the ground and my eyes on the box, so I can give you all the latest gossip !!! So, it was no big surprise when little sideshow Perry won the UK final of Splash 2014, saving the best till last and scoring the maximum 30 points! let’s face it, the little loo brush had the advantage from day one, he’s been

diving off the shoulders of the bigger Diversity members for years and not only that, anyone with that amount of Afro hair is hardly going to be afraid of cracking his head open... it’s like wearing a helmet of slinky springs !!! On holiday to help me to relax, I like nothing more than to pop on some headphones and put on a bunch of old 80’s and 90’s classics. Well if you too like a trip down musical memory lane, then ITV2 is the channel for you, appearing on “the Big Reuinion” are Eternal, A1, Jacko’s nephews 3T, Damage and Girl Thing, the Band Simon Cowell thought were the next Spice Girls who turned out to be the next nothing! Also put together especially for the show is

Supergroup 5th Story ( a group of mine and Jordan’s ex’s more like), has been formed by solo artists Dane Bowers, Kenzie, Kavana, Gareth Gates and Adam Rickitt. As individuals, 5th Story have a combined total of 27 top ten hits, including five number ones...it’s just a shame that none of them were any guh guh guh good! So, before I go back to enjoying my well earned holiday I’ve heard that TOWIE is back this Sunday for another series of Essex based shenanigans!! The Only Way is Essex? I prefer the Only Way Is Up by Yazz, another 90’s classic... And the only way is up... Is the way my chilled champagne bubbles are going !!! I Love Holidays !!! Until next week... Keeep Sparkling !!!


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014


What’s a commonym you ask?

a commonyms is group of words that have a common trait in the three words/items listed. For example: the words; a car - a tree - an elephant.. they all have trunks. These will make you think! 1. a Sprinter - a city - an icehouse _______________________________________ 2. a beetle - a Fox - a Rabbit ____________________________________________ 3. a Toe - a carpenter - a Finger _________________________________________ 4. a basketball - a Turkey - a christmas Stocking _________________________ 5. chicago - Smokey - Yogi ______________________________________________ 6. easter - christmas - Virgin ____________________________________________ 7. Draw - Fade - Slice ____________________________________________________ 8. Yellow - Scarlet - cabin _________________________________________________________________ 9. Toilets - eyes - Trash cans ______________________________________________________________ 10. Finger - Oil - latex ____________________________________________________________________ 11. Humans - Porcupines - books __________________________________________________________ 12. Head - Goat - String ___________________________________________________________________ 13. a Year - a Mattress - a car _____________________________________________________________ 14. an arm - a Race Track - an Olive _______________________________________________________ 15. ear - Steel - Kettle ____________________________________________________________________


issue 117 - PuZZLes Page 8. Page 16. Page 34. Page 56.


cryptic crossword Sudoku Pub Quiz Quick crossword

answers to the cOMMOnYMS are on page 2.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014



By Lingy

Smart helmets Make bikes Safer


otoRBiKes. For many they are a passion, albeit a dangerous one, but thanks to a newly developed smart helmet they just got a lot safer. San Francisco based helmet manufacturer Skully, claims its P-1 helmet is the first motorbike helmet with a digital heads-up display built in. It will show maps and realtime views of blind spots on a heads up display inside the helmet and can connect to a smartphone via Bluetooth The helmet will be available this summer,

Corvette Upset


F you aRe a Fan oF the CLassiC CoRVette you BetteR moVe on and tuRn the PaGe. a CCtV CameRa has CaPtuRed the moment eiGht CLassiC ‘Vettes WeRe sWaLLoWed into the GRound By a 40-Foot sinKhoLe The gaping sinkhole formed under the National Corvette Museum, a not-for-profit museum just down the road from GM’s Kentucky-based Bowling Green Assembly plant, where Corvettes have been built since 1981. The 40-foot natural phenomena occurred underneath the museum’s iconic 140-foot Skydome, swallowing eight cars in the process, and required the NCM to evacuate the remaining 80 vehicles. Only two cars remain, as authorities try and work out the safest way to remove them.

but no price has yet been released SKULLY P-1 SPECIFICATIONS Visor: ‘Skully Synapse’ heads up display (HUD) with voice control and an anti-fog, anti-scratch, anti-glare coating HUD features: Visual GPS navigation, live rear view camera feed and Bluetooth connectivity to smartphone Camera: 180 degree wide angle rear view Battery life: 9 hours Material: Lightweight, aerodynamic shell Safety approval: DOT and ECE certified Skully claims the helmet will provide riders

with: ‘advanced situational awareness system, showing navigation and blind spot data, allowing you to stay focused on the most important part of your ride - the road.’ A screen measuring just one inch across is situated on the right-hand side of the helmet visor – and the rider’s field of view – and can show a turn-by-turn map to give people directions, without them having to take their eyes off the road. The screen can also display a live feed from a 180-degree rear view camera, to get rid of dangerous blind spots and show a rider if someone is driving dangerously closely behind, giving riders ‘complete situational awareness’. Users will be able to connect their helmet

to a smartphone via Bluetooth to let the smart helmet read back text messages so that they will not be distracted by trying to grapple with a handset on the road. Once connected, a smartphone will be controlled by voice instructions so that the volume of music can be adjusted and calls made completely hands-free. Users will be able to connect their helmet to a smartphone via Bluetooth to let the smart helmet read back text messages so that a rider will not be distracted by trying to grapple with a handset on the road The cost of the P-1 helmet will be released once the beta testing programme begins this summer and testers can apply via the company’s Facebook page.



Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014

21 F e b r u a r y

Friday - TV 10:00: 11:00: 11:45: 12:15: 13:00: 13:45: 14:15: 15:00: 15:45: 16:30: 17:15: 18:00: 19:00: 19:25: 19:55: 22:00: 22:35: 23:25: 23:55: 01:50: 01:55:

07:00: 07:45: 08:30: 09:30: 10:30: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 16:10: 17:05: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 23:10: 00:20: 01:15: 01:40:

Homes Under the Hammer The Sheriffs are Coming Saints and Scroungers Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Perfection Escape to the Country James Martin: Home Comforts Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Pointless BBC News at Six The One Show Room 101 Six Nations Rugby Union BBC News at Ten The Graham Norton Show Pound Shop Wars EastEnders Omnibus Weatherview BBC News

You’ve Been Framed! The Jeremy Kyle Show USA Dinner Date The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of New Jersey The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale You’ve Been Framed! Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of New Jersey The Millionaire Matchmaker Dinner Date You’ve Been Framed! Two and a Half Men 2 Fast 2 Furious Take Me Out Two and a Half Men Dads Mom

06:00: 06:20: 07:20: 08:20: 08:30: 20:00: 20:30:

21:00: 21:30: 22:00: 22:30: 23:05: 01:05:

06:00: 06:25: 07:15: 08:20: 09:30: 09:55: 10:20: 10:45: 11:50: 13:00: 14:00: 15:05: 16:05: 16:40: 17:15: 17:50: 18:55: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:05: 01:55:


This is BBC Two The Great Interior Design Challenge Torvill and Dean: The Perfect Day Lifeline Winter Olympics Mastermind An Island Parish Series following the community on the island of Sark. The final episode covers the delicate position that Sark finds itself in, as it balances its uniquely oldfashioned qualities against the arrival of the 21st century and all the modern initiatives that brings Mock the Week QI Alan Davies Apres-Ski Newsnight Synecdoche, New York Question Time

08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30:

French Fields Heartbeat The Royal Agatha Christie’s Poirot Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes Heartbeat The Royal The Royal French Fields Second Thoughts George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Agatha Christie’s Poirot Caroline Quentin’s National Parks Scott and Bailey Law and Order: UK Gregory’s Girl George and Mildred

06:00: 06:25:

14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:35: 23:40: 00:30:

07:05: 07:55: 08:55: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 13:55: 14:50: 15:55: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:10: 00:05: 01:55:

Lorraine Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Dickinson’s Real Deal The Alan Titchmarsh Show Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street Student Nurses: Bedpans and Bandages Coronation Street Edge of Heaven ITV News at Ten The Americans The Chase Jackpot247

06:25: 07:10: 08:00:

Tommy Cooper World’s Wildest Police Videos Black Gold Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. Wildlife Patrol Wildlife Patrol Minder Black Gold World’s Wildest Police Videos Kojak Magnum, P.I. Minder UEFA Europa League Highlights Cheers Cheers River Monsters An Audience with Billy Connolly The Glimmer Man Out for Justice Motorbike Show

06:00: 07:10:

09:30: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 14:40: 15:30: 16:30: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:50: 23:20: 00:50:

07:35: 08:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:30: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 15:30: 16:00: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:40: 23:20: 00:00: 01:00: 01:40:

Countdown Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Big Bang Theory Channel 4 News Celebrity Come Dine with Me: Ireland Countdown Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me Coach Trip Superstar Dogs: Countdown to Crufts The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Extreme Dog Styling 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown The Last Leg Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell of Fear The Simpsons

Home Shopping Matt and Allegra’s Big Farm Matt and Allegra’s Big Farm Top Gear Storage Hunters Lizard Lick Towing Man v Food Man v Food Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Suits Dynamo: Magician Impossible Not Going Out Not Going Out Mock the Week Suits Not Going Out Not Going Out

06:00 08:25: 08:35: 08:45: 09:00: 09:15: 11:10: 12:10: 12:15: 13:15: 13:45: 14:15: 15:15: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 00:15:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:30: 16:00: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:30: 22:00: 23:00: 23:30: 00:00:

Children’s TV Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Police Interceptors 5 News Lunchtime Benidorm ER Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Recipe for Murder 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away Newstalk Live World’s Fastest Train Ice Road Truckers Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild Navy Seals Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans FL72 Ringside Barclays Premier League World FL72 Premier League Darts FL72 Football’s Greatest Football’s Greatest Champions League Weekly The Fantasy Football Club Rugby League The Fantasy Football Club Barclays Premier League Preview Champions League Weekly Super League Highlights


19:25: 20:15: 21:00: 22:55: 23:15: 23:35: 00:35: 01:05:

11:00: 13:50: 16:00: 18:10: 21:00: 23:40: 02:00:

06:00: 06:30: 08:25: 16:00: 17:00: 19:00:

19:30: 22:00:


01:00: 02:00:

Great Movie Mistakes V: Revenge of the Fifth Doctor Who Doctor Who Meet the Fockers Family Guy Family Guy Live at the Electric Uncle Ja’mie: Private School Girl

Doctor Dolittle Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Rat Race Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Terminator 2: Judgement Day The X Files Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem

Sporting Greats Rugby Union Cricket The Rugby Club Rugby Union Football’s Greatest George Best. A look at Manchester United star George Best. One of the greatest players never to play in a World Cup, Best was a hugely talented winger who played a pivotal role in the 1968 European Cup. Football World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Smackdown World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Bottom Line Football Cricket

Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014


S a t u r d ay - T V 06:00: 10:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:05: 12:10: 12:15: 13:00: 15:30: 17:55: 18:05: 18:10: 18:15: 19:00: 20:30: 21:20: 22:10: 22:25: 22:30: 23:55: 01:15: 01:20:

06:00: 06:45: 09:05: 12:00: 12:30: 13:30: 14:30: 14:35: 15:40: 17:55: 18:55: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 21:05: 22:20: 23:10: 00:10: 00:15: 01:45:

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Live Food and Drink BBC News Regional News Weather Football Focus Six Nations Rugby Union Six Nations Rugby Union BBC News Regional News Weather Pointless The Voice UK The National Lottery: Who Dares Wins Casualty BBC News Weather Match of the Day The Football League Show Weatherview BBC News

Beauty and the Geek Coronation Street Omnibus Emmerdale Omnibus You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! The Mighty Ducks FYI Daily The Mighty Ducks The Brit Awards 2014 The Perfect Man FYI Daily The Perfect Man Ocean’s Eleven FYI Daily Ocean’s Eleven Celebrity Juice Hannibal FYI Daily Hannibal Utterly Outrageous Reality TV Moments 2013


07:15: 09:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:30: 16:00: 16:50: 17:05: 17:35: 18:00: 19:10: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:45: 01:15:

06:00: 06:20: 07:15: 08:15: 08:20: 09:30: 11:40: 13:40: 15:50: 16:50: 16:55: 17:45: 18:55: 20:00: 21:00: 23:00: 00:35: 01:35: 01:55:

The Little Polar Bear 2: The Mysterious Island The Magic Box Winter Olympics Escape to the Country Flog It! Winter Olympics Winter Olympics Final Score Winter Olympics Final Score Winter Olympics Winter Olympics Top Gear A Culture Show Special QI XL There Will be Blood This is BBC Two

Judge Judy Agatha Christie’s Partners in Crime The Three Musketeers FYI Daily The Three Musketeers Inspector Morse Lewis Agatha Christie’s Marple Clockwise FYI Daily Clockwise Agatha Christie’s Poirot Rosemary and Thyme Doc Martin Vera A Touch of Frost The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes Judge Judy Judge Judy

22 06:00: CITV 09:25: ITV News 09:30: Dinner Date 10:30: Murder, She Wrote 11:30: ITV News and Weather 11:40: The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 12:10: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 13:05: Casino Royale 15:35: Midsomer Murders 17:35: Local News and Weather 17:45: ITV News and Weather 18:00: The Cube 19:00: Saturday Night Takeaway 20:20: Take Me Out 21:50: The Jonathan Ross Show 22:50: ITV News and Weather 23:05: The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift 01:00: Jackpot247

06:00: 06:15: 06:40: 08:25: 09:25: 10:25: 11:00: 11:55: 12:55: 13:00: 14:10: 15:10: 15:15: 16:15: 17:20: 18:20: 18:25: 19:55: 22:00: 23:00: 23:05: 00:05: 01:05: 02:00:

Greatest World Cup Matches Tommy Cooper Cheers Minder Bundesliga UEFA Champions League Weekly Duck Dynasty The Secret War of Harry Frigg FYI Daily The Secret War of Harry Frigg The Appaloosa FYI Daily The Appaloosa Storage Wars Superman 2 FYI Daily Superman 2 Hornblower Above the Law FYI Daily Above the Law The Cycle Show World’s Wildest Police Videos The Professionals

06:00: 06:10: 07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 09:30: 10:35: 11:00: 11:30: 12:25: 13:30: 16:10: 18:15: 18:45: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 21:55: 23:55: 01:45:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:30: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 15:30: 16:00: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 21:40: 22:20: 23:00: 23:40: 00:40: 01:20: 02:00:

Six nations Rugby Union: england V ireland

bbc 1 - 15:30 - 17:55


iVe CoVeRaGe of the clash between england and ireland on the third weekend of the six nations championship.

England ground out a 12-6 win on a tricky day for rugby in Dublin last season and the Red Rose also emerged victorious during their last Six Nations meeting at Twickenham, a 30-9 win in March 2012. With a home World Cup on the horizon next year, England have spoken of wanting to make Twickenham a fortress, but legendary Irish centre Brian O’Driscoll will no doubt have other ideas. If he plays in Ireland’s opening two fixtures, O’Driscoll

will equal Australian legend George Gregan’s world record of 139 Test appearances at Twickenham in what is his final season as a professional. John Inverdale introduces the action, with studio analysis from Sir Clive Woodward, Jeremy Guscott and Keith Wood plus commentary from Eddie Butler, Brian Moore and Philip Matthews Live coverage of England against Ireland in the Women’s Six Nations will be available on the BBC Red Button from 6.30pm to 8.30pm today. Ireland took their first Six Nations title in 2013, but with England having won the seven previous tournaments, this is sure to be a crunch game.

Superscrimpers: Waste Not, Want Not The Hoobs Transworld Sport The Morning Line Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier The Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory How I Met Your Mother The Simpsons Channel 4 Racing Come Dine with Me Superstar Dogs: Countdown to Crufts Channel 4 News The Restoration Man Walking Through History Hostages Transporter 3 Cop Land Boss

Home Shopping Ray Mears’ Northern Wilderness Top Gear Storage Hunters Flip Men Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Top Gear Dynamo: Magician Impossible Storage Hunters Storage Hunters QI XL Mock the Week Mock the Week Mock the Week Mock the Week QI XL Mock the Week Mock the Week Mock the Week



10:00: Access 10:15: Paul Blart: Mall Cop 12:00: Sabrina 14:25: Diagnosis Murder Lighthearted mystery drama series about a hospital doctor who uses his sleuthing skills to help the LAPD crack baffling cases. 15:25: Columbo A Bird in Hand. Special Episode 3. Another baffling case for the crumpled cigarchewing sleuth. After a brutish, bullying sports magnate is killed in a hit-and-run accident, suspicions are aroused when his wife immediately takes up with her dead husband’s nephew. 17:20: Columbo 18:40: 5 News 18:45: NCIS 20:30: NCIS 22:10: Midnight Bayou 00:00: Super Casino

06:00: 06:15: 06:30: 07:30:


Football Gold Football Gold Ringside Barclays Premier League Preview 08:00: The Fantasy Football Club 09:00: Game Changers 10:00: Soccer A.M. 12:00: Football 14:30: Saturday Night Football: Team Talk 15:00: Gillette Soccer Saturday 17:00: Ford Saturday Night Football Live 20:00: Saturday Night Football: Game of the Day 22:00: Saturday Night Football: Match Choice 23:30: FL72 00:00: Saturday Reloaded 01:00: Saturday Night Football: Match Choice


19:15: 20:00: 21:00: 22:30: 23:14: 00:42: 01:04: 01:30: 02:00:

Great Movie Mistakes V: Revenge of the Fifth Doctor Who Doctor Who Little Fockers Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Bad Education Uncle

11:00: Arabian Adventure 13:00: The Golden Compass 15:10: Carry on Up the Khyber 16:55: Coraline 18:55: The Day the Earth Stood Still 21:00: Babylon A.D. The concluding day of Film4’s Science Fiction Season.. 22:45: Carriers 00:25: The X Files

06:00: 07:00: 07:15: 07:30: 10:30: 12:30: 15:00: 17:00: 18:00: 20:00:

23:30: 00:30: 02:00:

Max Power World Club Challenge Gold World Club Challenge Gold World Club Challenge WWE SmackDown! Football Rugby Union Rugby Union Rugby Union Fight Night Live Darren Hamilton v Curtis Woodhouse (British Lightweight Title). Darren Hamilton defends his British lightwelterweight title against Curtis Woodhouse at the Hull Ice Arena. Due to retire after this bout, Woodhouse will be determined to go out on a high. World Club Challenge Super League Gold Cricket

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Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014

23 February

Sunday - TV

6:00: Breakfast 07:30: Match of the Day 09:00: Andrew Marr Show 10:00: The Big Questions 11:00: Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:15: MOTD2 Extra 13:00: BBC News 13:10: Weather for the Week Ahead 13:15: Bargain Hunt 14:15: The Indian Doctor 14:55: Flog It! 15:30: Escape to the Country 16:15: Deadly on a Mission: Pole to Pole 16:45: Songs of Praise 17:20: Pointless 18:10: BBC News 118:28: Weather 18:30: Blandings 19:00: Countryfile 20:00: Call the Midwife 21:00: The Musketeers 22:00: BBC News 22:25: Match of the Day 2 23:35: The Devil’s Double 01:15: Weatherview

06:45: 09:35: 12:05: 13:35: 14:05: 15:05: 15:10: 15:50: 17:15: 18:15: 18:20: 19:30: 20:30: 20:35: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 01:05: 01:30: 01:55:

Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus Take Me Out You’ve Been Framed! Kangaroo Jack FYI Daily Kangaroo Jack Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway Junior FYI Daily Junior Ocean’s Thirteen FYI Daily Ocean’s Thirteen The Only Way is Essex Utterly Outrageous Reality TV Moments 2013 The Big Reunion Mom Dads Ultimate You’ve Been Framed!

06:00: 07:30:

08:30: 09:30: 14:30: 16:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:30: 00:45:

06:00: 06:10: 06:30: 06:50: 07:50: 08:50: 08:55: 09:45: 10:45: 11:50: 12:55: 14:55: 16:55: 19:00: 21:00:

22:00: 00:15: 01:15: 01:20:


Bachelor Knight Monty Don’s Italian Gardens Monty Don takes a grand tour around Italy’s magnificent gardens, from the luxurious retreats of the moneyed North to the lavish hideaways of the romantic South. Countryfile Winter Olympics Winter Olympics Winter Olympics Hunt v Lauda: F1’s Greatest Racing Rivals Top Gear Dragons’ Den Alan Davies Apres-Ski Line of Duty Of Time and the City Silkwood

06:00: CITV 09:25: Murder, She Wrote 10:20: Dickinson’s Real Deal 11:20: ITV News and Weather 11:30: Countrywise Cutdowns 11:45: Inside the National Trust 12:45: Evil Under the Sun 15:00: On Her Majesty’s Secret Service 17:50: Local News and Weather 18:00: ITV News and Weather 18:15: Dancing on Ice 19:45: All Star Family Fortunes 20:30: Dancing on Ice 21:00: Mr Selfridge 22:00: ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:15: It’ll be Alright on the Night 23:15: Aviva Premiership Rugby Highlights 00:15: The Store

Movies Now Judge Judy Judge Judy Agatha Christie’s Partners in Crime Clockwise FYI Daily Clockwise Heartbeat Heartbeat Rosemary and Thyme Inspector Morse Agatha Christie’s Marple Lewis Agatha Christie’s Poirot Ronnie Corbett’s Comedy Tour of Britain Inspector Morse Dead Calm FYI Daily Dead Calm

06:00: World Cup Hat-Trick Heroes 06:05: Cheers 06:50: Cheers 07:50: Cheers 08:20: The Professionals 09:15: Motorbike Show 10:10: I Want That Car 11:10: Ax Men 12:15: The Manchurian Candidate 13:15: FYI Daily 13:20: The Manchurian Candidate 14:50: North West Mounted Police 15:50: FYI Daily 15:55: North West Mounted Police 17:20: Nevada Smith 18:20: FYI Daily 18:25: Nevada Smith 20:00: Rugby Highlights 21:00: The Keeper 22:00: FYI Daily 22:05: The Keeper 23:00: Hell on Wheels 23:55: Nitro Circus 00:25: Nitro Circus


Tel. 922 714 500 Whale Watching Puerto colon 2 Hours 22 euros

06:10: 06:35: 07:05: 07:30: 08:00: 08:25: 09:30: 12:30: 13:00: 13:30: 13:55: 14:25: 15:00: 15:30: 16:30: 17:35: 19:40: 20:00: 21:00: 23:25: 01:55: 05:30:

06:00: 07:15: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 10:30: 11:00: 11:35: 12:15: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 18:40: 19:20: 20:00: 21:20: 22:40: 23:20: 00:00: 00:40: 01:20:

The Hoobs The Hoobs Freesports on 4 Garmin Arenacross Frasier The Taste Sunday Brunch Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Simpsons The Simpsons Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast Deal or No Deal The Devil Wears Prada Channel 4 News Time Team Special Bridesmaids Sex and the City Boss Deal or No Deal

The Milkshake! Show 11:00: Access 11:10: The Dog Rescuers 11:45: The Hotel Inspector 12:45: Ice Road Truckers 13:45: Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild 14:45: The Kid 16:45: Over Her Dead Body 18:35: 5 News 18:40: The Man in the Iron Mask 21:00: Daybreakers 22:55: The Matrix Revolutions Neo, Morpheus and Trinity continue their battle to save Zion from the onslaught of the machines. Neo finds himself trapped between the Matrix and the real world, and must escape to stop Agent Smith from taking over and destroying everything. 01:15: Super Casino

Home Shopping Top Gear Top Gear Total Wipeout Australia Storage Hunters Storage Hunters QI Have I Got News for You QI Top Gear Top Gear Dynamo: Magician Impossible Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Top Gear QI Have I Got News for You QI Would I Lie to You? Would I Lie to You? Would I Lie to You? Would I Lie to You? Would I Lie to You? Would I Lie to You? Al Murray’s One Night Stand



07:30: 08:30: 09:00: 10:30: 12:30:

15:30: 18:30:

20:00: 22:00: 00:00: 01:00:

Saturday Night Football: Match Choice Game Changers FL72 The Sunday Supplement Goals on Sunday Ford Super Sunday Newcastle United v Aston Villa. Newcastle United host Aston Villa at St James’ Park in the Barclays Premier League. The Magpies claimed the spoils when the sides last met. Ford Super Sunday Football Valencia v Granada. Valencia take on Granada at the Mestalla in this La Liga clash. Football Ford Football Special Football WWE Elimination Chamber - Live

19:00: 19:25: 21:00: 22:00: 22:45: 23:15: 01:05: 01:30: 02:00:

Pop’s Greatest Dance Crazes The Voice UK Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents Family Guy Uncle American Dad! Ja’mie: Private School Girl Uncle Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents

11:00: Treasure Island 13:00: Inspector Gadget 14:35: At the Earth’s Core 16:20: Freaky Friday 18:15: Independence Day 21:00: Unknown Liam Neeson, January Jones and Diane Kruger star in this dynamic action mystery. 23:15: The Talented Mr. Ripley 01:55: Hard Eight

06:00: 06:30: 07:30: 08:30: 16:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00:

22:30: 23:00: 00:00: 00:30: 01:30:

This Week in WWE WWE Vintage Collection WWE Afterburn Cricket Fight Night Super Rugby ICC U19 Highlights Cricket Cricket Gold Brian Lara Masterclass. Ian Ward sits down with West Indies’ legendary batsman Brian Lara to discuss the records he set. His 501-run innings for Warwickshire is the highest individual score in first-class cricket. Cricket Gold ICC U19 Highlights Super Rugby Rio 500 Final Ford Football Special

Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014


24 F e b r u a r y

M o n d ay - T V 10:00: 11:00: 11:45: 12:15: 13:00: 13:45: 14:15: 15:00: 15:45: 16:30: 17:15: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:35: 23:20: 23:50: 00:35: 00:40:

07:25: 07:45: 08:30: 09:30: 10:30: 11:30: 12:30: 13:00: 14:00: 16:10: 17:05: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 21:30: 22:00: 22:30: 23:00: 23:50:

Homes Under the Hammer Countryside 999 Caught Red Handed Bargain Hunt BBC News Doctors Perfection Escape to the Country James Martin: Home Comforts Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News The One Show Inside Out EastEnders Panorama Silk BBC News Have I Got Old News for You BBC News: The Editors The Graham Norton Show Weatherview BBC News

You’ve Been Framed! The Jeremy Kyle Show USA Dinner Date The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of New Jersey The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale Coronation Street Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of New Jersey The Millionaire Matchmaker Dinner Date You’ve Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Mom Dads The Job Lot Plebs Fake Reaction Two and a Half Men

10:05: 10:35: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 13:45: 14:45: 15:30: 16:20: 16:50: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:20: 00:20: 00:50: 01:50:


Great British Railway Journeys Click BBC News World News The Daily Politics Instant Restaurant Andrew Marr’s The Making of Modern Britain Cagney and Lacey Bergerac Are You Being Served? ’Allo, ‘Allo! Antiques Roadshow Revenge of the Eggheads Great Continental Railway Journeys Top Gear University Challenge Food and Drink Horizon The Culture Show Newsnight Dragons’ Den Film 2014 Animal Odd Couples This is BBC Two

06:00: French Fields 06:25: Second Thoughts 06:50: Heartbeat 07:55: The Royal 08:55: The Royal 09:55: Judge Judy 10:20: Judge Judy 10:50: Judge Judy 11:15: Murder, She Wrote 12:15: The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes 13:20: Heartbeat 14:25: Columbo 16:00: French Fields 16:40: Second Thoughts 17:15: The Upper Hand 17:50: Heartbeat 18:50: Murder, She Wrote 19:55: Agatha Christie’s Poirot 21:00: Long Lost Family 22:00: The Children 23:00: Law and Order: UK 00:05: Agatha Christie’s Poirot 01:10: Agatha Christie’s Partners in Crime

Dci banks

08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:35: 23:05: 00:05:

06:00: 06:10: 06:25: 07:05: 07:50: 08:20: 08:50: 09:50: 10:55: 11:20: 11:55: 12:55: 13:50: 14:50: 15:50: 16:55: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:30: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 01:00: 01:50:

Lorraine Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Dickinson’s Real Deal The Alan Titchmarsh Show Tipping Point The Chase Local News and Weather ITV News Emmerdale Coronation Street A Great Welsh Adventure with Griff Rhys Jones Coronation Street DCI Banks ITV News at Ten The Agenda The Mighty Mississippi Jackpot247

07:10: 08:00:

Movies Now World of Sport World’s Wildest Police Videos Black Gold Cheers Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. Wildlife Patrol Wildlife Patrol Minder Black Gold World’s Wildest Police Videos Kojak Magnum, P.I. The New Avengers Minder Cheers Cheers Storage Wars Storage Wars Ax Men Bundesliga Rugby Highlights World’s Wildest Police Videos Minder

06:00: 07:00:

09:30: 11:05: 12:00: 12:05: 14:40: 15:30: 16:30: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:55: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:50: 23:50: 00:50:

08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:30: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 15:30: 16:00: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:40: 23:40: 00:20: 01:20:

iTV - 21:00 - 22:00


ith daVid hornby now a suspect in the case, annie is forced to admit that the father of her baby doesn’t know anything about her pregnancy. Banks tries to be supportive, but soon annie finds juggling the affections of her boss and her former lover leads her to a difficult choice.

When Banks and Helen learn that Ian Basset has returned to the country, the surviving members of The Crystal Kiss are reunited, and the trio seem tighter than ever.


What is it about John Gaunt’s death that provided the motive for Matt Barber’s murder? When Annie discovers that Martin Harford’s confession in the John Gaunt case is missing and that Jack Barber was the original investigating officer, Helen believes she has the evidence she needs to push Barber harder. But when Banks learns of a mysterious tape recording that appears to bind both Jack and The Crystal Kiss together, he realises he is in a race to find the tape and understand it’s significance if he has any hope of uncovering the truth.

Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Big Bang Theory Channel 4 News Four in a Bed Countdown Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me Coach Trip Superstar Dogs: Countdown to Crufts The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Paralympic Winter Games... The Countdown Dispatches Food Unwrapped One Born Every Minute 8 Out of 10 Cats Troy The 27 Inch Man: A Bodyshock Special Random Acts

Home Shopping India with Sanjeev Bhaskar Man v Food Top Gear Top Gear Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Man v Food Man v Food Top Gear Top Gear Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Man v Food Man v Food Top Gear Top Gear Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing QI XL QI XL Would I Lie to You? Russell Howard’s Good News Extra Alexander Armstrong’s Big Ask QI XL QI XL

09:15: The Wright Stuff 11:10: Police Interceptors 12:10: 5 News 12:15: Ultimate Emergency Bikers 13:15: Home and Away 13:45: Neighbours 14:20: NCIS 15:15: Chinese Food in Minutes 15:20: McBride: Fallen Idol 17:00: 5 News 17:30: Neighbours 18:00: Home and Away 18:30: Newstalk Live 19:00: The Gadget Show 20:00: Police Interceptors 21:00: Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 22:00: Caught on Camera 23:00: Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery 01:00: Super Casino

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 08:30: 16:00: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 21:30: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 00:30: 01:30: 02:00:

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Cricket Gold Cricket Cricket Gold The Fantasy Football Club Game Changers Soccer A.M. The Best Bits FL72 The Footballer’s Football Show Football’s Greatest Teams Football’s Greatest Teams The Footballer’s Football Show FL72 SPFL Round Up Soccer A.M. The Best Bits Football’s Greatest Teams Football’s Greatest Teams

19:30: 20:00:

21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:00: 23:45:

11:00: 12:55: 14:50: 16:55: 18:40: 21:00:

23:10: 01:20:

06:00: 06:30: 07:30: 07:55: 16:00: 17:00: 19:00: 21:00:

00:00: 01:00:

Would I Lie to You? Cinderellas of the Slums: Secrets of South America Reggie Yates’ Extreme South Africa Impractical Jokers EastEnders Family Guy American Dad!

The Admirable Crichton Broken Lance Kidnapped They Might be Giants Ladyhawke Sanctum Richard Roxburgh, Rhys Wakefield and Ioan Gruffudd star in Alister Grierson’s caving drama. Antichrist Internal Affairs

Super Rugby Football Ashes Modern Classics ICC U19 Cricket World Cup WWE Afterburn WWE Raw WWE SmackDown! WWE Elimination WWE Elimination Chamber from the Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Randy Orton defends the WWE World Heavyweight Championship against five other superstars in the main event. Chamber WWE NXT World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Raw

editor Recommends



Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014

25 February

Tu e s d a y - T V

09:15: Operation Hospital Food with James Martin 10:00: Homes Under the Hammer 11:00: Countryside 999 11:45: Caught Red Handed 12:15: Bargain Hunt 13:00: BBC News 13:45: Doctors 14:15: Perfection 15:00: Escape to the Country 15:45: James Martin: Home Comforts 16:30: Antiques Road Trip 17:15: Pointless 18:00: BBC News 19:00: The One Show 19:30: EastEnders 20:00: Holby City 21:00: Death in Paradise 22:00: BBC News 22:30: Weather 22:35: Traffic Cops 23:35: Who Do You Think You Are? USA 00:20: Weatherview 00:25: BBC News

07:25: 07:45: 08:30: 09:30: 10:30: 11:30: 12:30: 13:00: 14:00: 16:10: 17:05: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:50: 23:50: 23:55:

You’ve Been Framed! The Jeremy Kyle Show USA Dinner Date The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of New Jersey The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale Coronation Street Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of New Jersey The Millionaire Matchmaker Dinner Date You’ve Been Framed! Two and a Half Men The Vampire Diaries Celebrity Juice 2 Fast 2 Furious FYI Daily 2 Fast 2 Furious

10:05: 10:35: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 13:45: 14:45: 15:30: 16:20: 16:50: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:20: 00:20:

Great British Railway Journeys HARDtalk BBC News World News The Daily Politics Instant Restaurant Andrew Marr’s The Making of Modern Britain Cagney and Lacey Bergerac Are You Being Served? ’Allo, ‘Allo! Antiques Roadshow Revenge of the Eggheads Great Continental Railway Journeys Permission Impossible The Great British Sewing Bee The Necessary War QI Newsnight Horizon The Super League Show

06:00: Movies Now 06:10: French Fields 06:35: Heartbeat 07:25: Columbo 09:05: Judge Judy 09:30: Judge Judy 09:55: Judge Judy 10:25: Murder, She Wrote 11:25: The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes 12:35: Heartbeat 13:40: Columbo 15:15: Murder, She Wrote 16:15: French Fields 16:50: Second Thoughts 17:20: The Upper Hand 17:55: Heartbeat 19:00: Murder, She Wrote 20:00: Midsomer Murders 22:00: The Children 23:00: Law and Order: UK 00:05: Life with Judy Garland: Me and My Shadows 02:00: ITV3 Nightscreen


06:00: 08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 22:00: 22:35: 23:35: 00:30:

06:00: 06:15: 07:05: 07:50: 08:50: 09:55: 10:55: 12:00: 13:00: 13:55: 14:45: 15:50: 16:55: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 23:05: 00:00: 00:30: 00:50: 01:40:

Daybreak Lorraine Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Dickinson’s Real Deal The Alan Titchmarsh Show Tipping Point The Chase Local News and Weather ITV News and Weather Emmerdale UEFA Champions League ITV News at Ten and Weather UEFA Champions League Sports Life Stories Jackpot247

UEFA Champions League Greatest Finals World’s Wildest Police Videos Black Gold Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. The New Avengers Minder Black Gold World’s Wildest Police Videos Kojak Magnum, P.I. The New Avengers Minder Cheers I Want That Car Duck Dynasty Driven to Kill FYI Daily Driven to Kill Nitro Circus Nitro Circus World’s Wildest Police Videos Minder

07:05: 07:10: 08:00: 09:30: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 14:40: 15:30: 16:30: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:55: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:05: 23:50:

06:00: 07:15: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:30: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 15:30: 16:00: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:40: 23:20: 00:00: 01:00: 01:40:

Paralympic Winter Games... The Countdown Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Big Bang Theory Channel 4 News Four in a Bed Countdown Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me Coach Trip Superstar Dogs: Countdown to Crufts The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Paralympic Winter Games... The Countdown Kirstie’s Best of Both Worlds The Taste Strippers 8 Out of 10 Cats Random Acts

Home Shopping India with Sanjeev Bhaskar Man v Food Top Gear Top Gear Lizard Lick Towing Man v Food Man v Food Top Gear Top Gear Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Man v Food Man v Food Top Gear Top Gear Flip Men Flip Men Storage Hunters Storage Hunters QI XL Mock the Week Mock the Week Never Mind the Buzzcocks QI XL Mock the Week Mock the Week

09:15: 11:10: 12:10: 12:15: 13:15: 13:45: 14:20: 15:15: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00:

23:00: 23:55: 00:55:


The Wright Stuff Police Interceptors 5 News Trauma Doctors Home and Away Neighbours NCIS The Shell Seekers 5 News Neighbours Home and Away Newstalk Live The Dog Rescuers Police 5 Benidorm ER The Mentalist Law and Order: Special Victims Unit Body of Proof CSI: Miami Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans 07:00: Good Morning Sports Fans 08:00: Good Morning Sports Fans 09:00: Football’s Greatest Teams 09:30: Football’s Greatest Teams 10:00: The Footballer’s Football Show 11:00: Soccer A.M. The Best Bits 12:00: FL72 16:45: UEFA Champions League 19:00: Revista de la Liga 20:00: UEFA Champions League 22:15: Revista de la Liga 23:15: Barclays Premier League Review 01:15: Football’s Greatest International Teams 01:45: Football Gold 02:00: Football Asia

19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:00: 23:22: 23:45: 00:10: 01:10: 01:40:

Snog, Marry, Avoid? Snog, Marry, Avoid? Don’t Tell the Bride Hair Pramface EastEnders Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! Hair Pramface Live at the Electric


The Black Knight The Time Machine The Big Blockade They Who Dare Stardust Enemy at the Gates Repo Men Cold Weather

12:45: 14:50: 16:25: 18:35: 21:00: 23:35: 01:45:

06:00: Football Gold 06:30: Football Gold 07:00: Football’s Greatest Teams 08:00: FL72 09:00: Netball 11:00: Racing News 11:30: Extreme Sports 12:00: Netball 14:00: Soccer A.M. -The Best Bits 15:00: The Footballer’s Football Show 16:00: Football Asia 16:30: Football’s Greatest International Teams 18:00: Football Asia 18:30: Football’s Greatest International Teams 19:00: Lara Masterclass 19:30: Lara Masterclass 20:00: To be Announced 21:00: Lara Masterclass 21:30: Lara Masterclass 22:00: Super League Backchat 23:30: Super League Backchat 00:00: Netball

Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014


We d n e s d ay - T V 09:15: Operation Hospital Food with James Martin 10:00: Homes Under the Hammer 11:00: Countryside 999 11:45: Caught Red Handed 12:15: Bargain Hunt 13:00: BBC News 13:45: Doctors 14:15: Perfection 15:00: Escape to the Country 15:45: James Martin: Home Comforts 16:30: Antiques Road Trip 17:15: Pointless 18:00: BBC News 18:30: Regional News 19:00: The One Show 20:00: Waterloo Road 21:00: Outnumbered 21:30: Mrs. Brown’s Boys 22:00: BBC News 22:30: Weather 22:35: A Question of Sport 23:05: Film 2014 23:35: Blandings 00:05: Weatherview

10:00: Island Parish Sark Winter 10:30: See Hear 11:00: BBC News 11:30: The Daily Politics 13:00: Instant Restaurant 13:45: Andrew Marr’s The Making of Modern Britain 14:45: Cagney and Lacey 15:30: Bergerac 16:20: Are You Being Served? 16:50: ’Allo, ‘Allo! 17:15: Antiques Roadshow 18:00: Revenge of the Eggheads 18:30: Great Continental Railway Journeys 19:00: Permission Impossible 20:00: The Restaurant Man 21:00: Line of Duty 22:00: Inside No 9 22:30: Newsnight 23:20: The Necessary War 00:20: See Hear


06:00: 06:25: 07:15: 08:50: 09:15: 09:40: 10:05:

08:30: 09:30: 10:30: 11:30: 12:30: 13:00: 14:00: 16:10: 17:05: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:50: 23:50: 00:20: 00:50:

The Jeremy Kyle Show USA Dinner Date The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of New Jersey The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale The Cube Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of New Jersey The Millionaire Matchmaker Dinner Date You’ve Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Party Wright Around the World The Only Way is Essex The Big Reunion Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Fake Reaction

11:10: 11:20: 13:20: 15:20: 16:20: 16:55: 17:25: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 01:05: 02:00:

French Fields Heartbeat Columbo Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes Heartbeat Columbo Murder, She Wrote French Fields Second Thoughts The Upper Hand Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Lewis The Children Law and Order: UK Trial and Retribution Murder, She Wrote ITV3 Nightscreen

06:00: 08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 22:20: 22:55: 23:35: 00:05:

06:00: 06:25: 07:05: 07:50: 08:20: 08:50: 09:50: 10:50: 11:55: 12:55: 13:50: 14:50: 15:55: 16:55: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 00:05: 01:10: 02:00:


26 February th

Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Dickinson’s Real Deal The Alan Titchmarsh Show Tipping Point The Chase Local News and Weather ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street The FA Cup ITV News at Ten and Weather The FA Cup The Jonathan Ross Show Jackpot247

06:20: Countdown 07:05: Paralympic Winter Games... The Countdown 07:10: Will and Grace 08:00: Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30: Frasier 11:00: Big Bang Theory 12:00: Channel 4 News 12:05: Four in a Bed 14:40: Countdown 15:30: Deal or No Deal 16:30: Come Dine with Me 17:00: Coach Trip 17:30: Superstar Dogs: Countdown to Crufts 18:00: The Simpsons 18:30: Hollyoaks 19:00: Channel 4 News 19:55: Paralympic Winter Games... The Countdown 20:00: The Restoration Man 21:00: 24 Hours in A and E 22:00: First Dates 23:00: Bodyshockers 00:00: Random Acts 00:05: Beginners

Tommy Cooper World’s Wildest Police Videos Black Gold Cheers Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. The New Avengers Minder Black Gold World’s Wildest Police Videos Kojak Magnum, P.I. The New Avengers Minder Cheers Cheers Car Chasers River Monsters Hell on Wheels Above the Law FYI Daily Above the Law World’s Wildest Police Videos Minder

06:00: 07:15: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 23:40: 00:20:

Home Shopping India with Sanjeev Bhaskar Storage Hunters Flip Men Top Gear Lizard Lick Towing Storage Hunters Flip Men Flip Men Top Gear Lizard Lick Towing Storage Hunters Flip Men Flip Men Top Gear Lizard Lick Towing The Hairy Bikers’ Cookbook The Hairy Bikers’ Cookbook Have I Got a Bit More News for You Dave’s One Night Stand Mock the Week Mock the Week Have I Got a Bit More News for You

09:15: 11:10: 12:10: 12:15: 13:15: 13:45: 14:20: 15:15: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 23:55: 00:50:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 10:00: 11:00: 11:15: 11:30: 16:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 22:15: 23:15: 23:30: 23:45: 01:00: 02:00:

The Wright Stuff Police Interceptors 5 News The Gadget Show Home and Away Neighbours NCIS The Shell Seekers 5 News Neighbours Home and Away Newstalk Live Trauma Doctors Born to Kill? NCIS Suspects Law and Order: Special Victims Unit Law and Order: Special Victims Unit Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Revista de la Liga Football Gold Football Gold Football’s Greatest International Teams Revista de la Liga Football’s Greatest Teams Football’s Greatest Teams Football What’s the Story? Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold What’s the Story? Football Gold

19:00: Total Wipeout 20:00: Don’t Tell the Bride 21:00: Festivals, Sex and Suspicious Parents 22:00: Ja’mie: Private School Girl 22:30: Bad Education 23:00: Family Guy 23:45: American Dad! 00:05: Festivals, Sex and Suspicious Parents 01:05: Ja’mie: Private School Girl 01:30: Pramface

11:00: 13:50: 15:35: 17:05: 18:50: 21:00: 23:15: 01:20:

06:00: 07:00: 07:30: 07:55: 16:00: 16:30: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00:

19:00: 19:30: 21:00: 21:30: 22:00: 00:00: 01:00: 01:15: 01:30:

Battle Cry The Big Trees Comanche Station Carry on Up the Khyber Rat Race Road to Perdition The Company Men 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days

Revista de la Liga Football Asia Ashes Modern Classics ICC U19 Cricket World Cup Lara Masterclass Lara Masterclass Lara Masterclass Lara Masterclass Boots ‘n’ All Eddie Hemmings and Mike Stephenson present the weekly round-up of all the tries, tackles and kicks from Super League. Saturday Story Saturday Story Saturday Story Saturday Story Boots ‘n’ All Boots ‘n’ All Super League Gold Super League Gold Total Rugby

Party Wright around The World editor Recommends iTV 2 - 21:00 - 22:00


arty Wright around the World sees king of the essex party scene mark Wright travel the globe in search of new surroundings and social groups, before throwing them the party of a lifetime. On home turf he’s the life and soul of the party, but out of his comfort zone, how will Mark cope when confronted with an entirely different social soiree? Each week, Mark will be challenged to take on some of the weirdest and wildest parties on the

planet, throwing himself into a new ‘tribe’, learning about the people he is planning a party for, and ultimately throwing them an event to remember. From US frat parties to Harlem block bashes, the former Essex promoter has just one week to immerse himself into a brand new way of life and pull out all the stops as an expert party planner. Mark said “I know the Essex party scene inside out, but I’ve no idea what to expect about the people I’ll be meeting or the parties I’ll be throwing. Not since leaving the jungle have I been put in a situation that feels completely out of my comfort zone, but I’m determined to take on whatever challenge comes my way.”



Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014

Thursday - TV

09:15: 10:00: 11:00: 11:45: 12:15: 13:00: 13:45: 14:15: 15:00: 15:45: 16:30: 17:15: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 22:00: 22:30: 22:35: 23:35: 00:20: 00:25:

07:45: 08:30: 09:30: 10:30: 11:30: 12:30: 13:00: 13:30: 14:00: 16:10: 17:05: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:50: 23:20: 23:45: 00:15:

Operation Hospital Food with James Martin Homes Under the Hammer Countryside 999 Caught Red Handed Bargain Hunt BBC News Doctors Perfection Escape to the Country James Martin: Home Comforts Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News The One Show EastEnders Pound Shop Wars Inspector George Gently BBC News Weather Question Time This Week Skiing Weatherview BBC News

The Jeremy Kyle Show USA Dinner Date The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of New Jersey The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale Coronation Street You’ve Been Framed! Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of New Jersey The Millionaire Matchmaker Dinner Date You’ve Been Framed! Two and a Half Men The Big Reunion Fake Reaction Mom Dads Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men

09:05: 10:05: 10:35: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 13:45: 14:45: 15:30: 16:20: 16:50: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:20:

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Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014



dress for communion

single bed

Panasonic twin phone

Golf set left handed

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dress for communion one time used only in good condition. For 7 to 8 years....

single bed mattress and headboard all in good condition ...

Panasonic cordless phone, two handsets, full instructions in original box , like new....

Amarilla Golf: As new golf set left handed. If you´re interested please send mail, I´ll be back in March....

922 867 478



Samsung galaxy trend

10 €

MacLaren XT Buggy

50 € 674 948 505

Yellow velour playsuit (

Wall lights

35 € 922738790

100 €

2 uplighters

Excellent condition just getting contract phone so not needed .. cost 150 euro, will take 100 ono ..complete with box, usb and charger .. is unlocked to al...

MacLaren XT Buggy Push Chair... Yellow sleeveless velour playsuit, size M (approx. UK 14). San Miguel area, but can deliver in south....

3 wall fitted lights ideal for bedroom reading light...

2 silver and white uplighters new still in box 10 wuros each...


922 788 946

603 256 420

605 740 410

100 €

45 €

654 873 853

10 €

10 €

10 €


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014


LG refrigerator

Brass Cornet

Lynx Washing machine.


chiffon top & blouse uk1

LG refrigerator no forst A+ very gud condition....

Brass Cornet for sale In original case ideal for CHILD learning in school ...

Lynx Washing Machine 6 kiols very good condition....

Bungalow one bed for rent unfurnished on Fairway Village Golf Del Sur...

navy stripe fully lined chiffon sleeveless top and matching long blouse. fabric has a nice seersucker feel to it and set looks lovely worn with white trous...


922 790 388


922 788 946

654 873 853

250 €


Range Rover

2 single bed heads

Range Rover 4.6 HSE petrol automatic 1999 excellent condition new itv good air con, rhd spanish matriculated,125,000 miles...

2 solid wood single bed heads. In good condition. Torviscas Alto....

922 782 357

690 375 706

3,500 €

120 €


Bedroom suite furniture

Silver twirl/swirl necklace & earrings - 15E - sold Silver mother-of-pearl look necklace & earrings - 15E Silver 'Next' pink pendant (no chain) & earring...

Double bed with matching headboard and two bedside tables with two drawers. Matching mirror with glass shelves....

922 794 409

10 € 677126506

150 €

150 €


15 €

TO SELL ( call 637581392

UK Keyboard

Classic Castellon Furnit

Lovely Dúplex with extraordinary sea views , 3 bethrooms abd 2 bathrooms , spacious balconies and living room , plenty of natural light , comunitary pool ...

Brand new in original box Keyboard and optical mouse. USB connections, PS2 adapters available if needed (€ 2.50 each)....

Bed Headboard, pair, for 960mm, 3 foot, single bed. All wood, classic style Color: Brown Matching furniture items are shown in other pages, offers in...

13 € 637 581 392 2,500 € 922370328 beko fridge freezer English Double Bed

689 008 644

40 €

blue baby equipment

beko fridge freezer white fridge 237 litre freezer 73 litre can deliver charges will apply...

Complete with mattress in Pine good condition ...

Travel cot. baby bath . high chair . travel door gate . Will split if need be bargain the lot...

605 740 410

922 742 257

95 €

004477215018 25 € 20 Light Set - Rustic Style

200 €

Scalextric montecarlo

camcorder handycam

5 books

Writing Desk

Scalextric montecarlo classics set with separate snow track extension pack, hardy used....

Sony handycam with charger extra casettes and carrying holdel...

5 books - 9E - excellent condition Los Cristianos pick up...

Beautiful Writing Desk for sale (100 E). Can Deliver. Tel: ...

Rustic style lighting set (used) comprising of a 3 lamp suspended center fitting and two complimenting single lamp wall fittings. The center fitting is s...

REF: 3567


922 794 409

922 790 388

689 008 644

170 €

150 €



50 €

Black & White dress size

Range Rover Classic

Opel Astra 1.7 CDTI

Matching Pottery set


Zara beautiful quality black & white geometric print button through (hidden) sleeveless dress with wide black plaited effect buckle belt. mid calf length. ...

Range Rover Classic. 1987, 3.9 efi petrol, automatic, ITV November 2014, Good tyres, new starter motor, new fuel pump, recent service. Very good condition....

Registered new 12 December 2013, 6 week old, white Opel Astra 1.7 CDTI 6 speed gearbox, diesel, 5 door, 4 year manufactures extended warranty, parking sens...

By Johnson Brothers ribbons & roses pattern all dishwasher and microwave proof complete with matching 3 tier hostess trolley and wall clock...

Roof fan used only one month,very good condition....

654 873 853



20 €

2,200 €

13,500 € 922 742 257

40 €


20 €


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014 shoes etc

Karaoke / Music Laptop


External 3TB Hard Drive

White Reeboks-20E - 5 1/2/38 1/2, Aubergine Lilley & Skinner pumps-6E - 5/38, Black Miss Fiori pumps-6E - 5/38, Silver buckle pumps-6E - 6/39, Black/white ...

KARAOKE/MUSIC Laptop €349 ono Ideal for any Singer.. Amature or Professional.. Perfect for any BAR.. CUSTOMISED Toshiba Pro 15" HIGH Gloss Wi...

Brand new in original packing. Buffalo Drive station 3 Tb external Hard Drive. USB2 interface. All cables and power adapter supplied in box. Totaly Plug...

922 794 409




349 €

111 €

Personal Vibration Machine Brand new in boxes, your own personal weight loss vibration machine. I have 14, will sell individually or make an offer for the lot.

Contact: 603 194 568

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Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014



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Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014


rip Sir tom


ootBaLLinG legend sir tom Finney has died aged 91.the former england winger and Preston north end legend made more than 400 league appearances for Preston between 1946 and 1960, won 76 caps for his country and was widely regarded as one of the most talented footballers the Britain has ever produced. Finney is joint sixth on the all-time highest England scorers,with 30 goals

for England putting him level with Alan Shearer and Nat Lofthouse. The Football Association tweeted: ‘The FA is saddened to hear of the passing of Sir Tom Finney, one of England’s all-time greatest players.’ Born next to Preston’s Deepdale ground, he overcame a sickly childhood and completed an apprenticeship as a plumber before signing as a professional. His career was delayed by the Second World War and he served in the army in Egypt and Italy.

Finney twice won the footballer of the year title, in 1953-54 and 1956-57. A Preston statement said: ‘Preston North End have been informed of the extremely sad news of the passing of Sir Tom Finney. Sir Tom was the greatest player to ever play for Preston North End and one of the all time greats for England. The thoughts of everyone at the club, and those connected with it, are with his family at this time.’ Finney retired from Preston North End

in 1960, only when forced out with a persistent groin injury. He had played his entire career for his local club, appearing 433 times and scoring 187 goals. Finney is immortalised in ‘The Splash’, a sculpture by Peter Hodgkinson, which stands outside The National Football Museum. The sculpture was inspired by the 1956 Sports Photograph of the Year which features Finney beating two defenders at a waterlogged Stamford Bridge.

lebanon Furious about topless pics


eBanese skier, jackie Chamoun who is currently competing at the sochi Winter olympics, has caused outrage with a racy nude photoshoot and could face an investigation after images appeared online.

the Lebanese press have been very critical of her because of the photoshoot she took part in. The country’s caretaker sports minister has called for an investigation “to take the required steps to avoid harming Lebanon’s reputation” and Lebanon’s Olympic Committee condemned the skier’s behaviour. Ms Chamoun is one of only two Lebanese participants at the Sochi Games. She is set to compete in the slalom and giant slalom

skiing events next week. The official photos were taken for a calendar showing Ms Chamoun topless, but with skis strategically placed across her body. However, a ‘behind the scenes’ video, shows her undressed, preparing for the photoshoot, was leaked online. Jackie Chamoun has apologised and said: “The video and photos that you are now seeing are part of the making of, the preparation, it wasn’t supposed to go public. Anyways, I want to apologise to all of you, I know that Lebanon is a conservative country and this is not the image that reflects our culture.” Thousands of people have come out to support the skier, with many criticising journalists and politicians for highlighting a seemingly insignificant issue in light of the

real crises in a country facing political instability, where politicians have failed to form a Government for nearly a year and has seen increased violence in cities across the country. The ‘I Am Not Naked’ campaign has more than 5,000 likes on Facebook with male and female models holding up #stripforjackie signs in solidarity. The photographers behind the ‘I Am Not Naked’ campaign say on their Facebook page: “Some women are beaten or killed, others are raped, and the media shifts their attention to a confident talented beautiful woman who represents her country at the Olympic Games. Middle East analyst and commentator, Patrick Galey,said: “I can’t think of a clearer example of

Lebanese political impotence than ordering an inquiry into a photoshoot while bombs go off throughout the country and sorely needed reform and infrastructure projects gather dust. This is a cause that has been taken up by some outlets, partly because it wishes to draw attention away from the terrible and serious developments in Lebanon, and probably because it wishes too to draw some heat away from (media) owners, who are clearly acting contrary to national interests by refusing to form a government to deal with Lebanon’s real problems.” A recent Lebanese Ministry of Tourism advert was criticised by women’s rights campaigners in Lebanon for exploiting the female form to attract visitors.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014


Sochi Olympics: First Gold for Britain


ritain’s recent success in the women’s skeleton continues, Lizzy Yarnold has repeated Amy Williams’ 2010 Olympic triumph.

Lizzy Yarnold has won Britain’s first gold of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, an event won by fellow Brit Amy Williams’ in Vancouver in 2010, making it the second successive triumph in this field for Great Britain, it also means Team GB has won skeleton medals at every Games since the event was introduced to the Olympic programme in 2002 in Salt Lake City. The 25-year-old athlete from Kent, had a lead of almost half a second over her nearest rival following the first two runs on Thursday and this made her favourite going into

day two in Russia, she went on to smash the track record in her third run to move over three quarters of a second clear of American Noelle PikusPace. Yarnold clocked 58.09 seconds on her fourth and final run to win by 0.97secs from Pikus-Pace with a combined time of three minutes 52.89secs. She celebrated after her gold winning final run by running towards the British fans in the crowd holding up the Union Jack. Later in an interview she thanked supporters back home claiming she “could not have done it without you all”. Her sled nicknamed Mervyn is named after one of her supporters, the sled can reach speeds of around 80mph. Her parents Clive and Judith, sisters Katie and Charlotte, and her boy-

friend James Roche, who is a sled technician with the British bobsleigh team, were present to witness her triumph. Yarnold was a promising heptathlete as a teenager and took part in the ‘Girls4Gold’ talent identification programme when she was 19 in the hope she would be diverted into Great Britain’s modern pentathlon programme. Instead, she was sent to skeleton, whose programme had increased since Rudman won the silver medal at the Turin Olympics two years previously, within four years of getting on a sled for the first time, she was crowned junior world champion in Innsbruck in 2012. Her Olympic victory is 30 years to the day since ice skaters Torvill and Dean scooped gold for Britain in Sarajevo.

Howl Did That Get In Here?

Smoke Bomb Disrupts La Liga Match


esterday morning, American luger Kate Hansen uploaded a video to YouTube on appearing to show a wolf wandering down her hallway in the Russian city of Sochi where she is competing in the 2014 Winter Olympics.

Hansen shared the clip with her followers on Twitter but failed to provide any other information, simply tweeting ‘Wolf in my hall?!?’

On her YouTube page, she was also fairly cryptic, writing: ‘I’m pretty sure this is a wolf wandering my hall in Sochi.’ She failed to neither question how and why it was there nor show concern for her safety. Without any further information there is every chance the video may be a hoax or Hansen playing a trick on her followers. That hasn’t stopped the video quickly going viral though, with people around the world sharing the ‘Epic #SochiFail’ clip.

game between host Villarreal and Celta Vigo had to be temporarily stopped on Saturday, when a smoke bomb with effects similar to tear gas was thrown onto the pitch of El Madrigal Stadium. Fans surged toward the exits and players called for water as it apparently irritated their eyes, when the device was thrown in the 87th minute, a public announcement asked for the stadium to be evacuated. The game was interrupted

after Fabian Orellana’s score in the 83rd minute putting Celta in the lead at 1-0, after a 20-minute delay for the smoke to clear,the game was restarted and Celta’s Manuel “Nolito” Agudo scored off a free kick in the 90th minute to give the visitors a 2-0 victory. Villarreal president Fernando Roig said police are looking for the person who threw the bomb. He said the device had released tear gas and was similar to ones used by police: “Villarreal condemns and laments what has happened. This type of act in no way represents our fan base, which is calm and controlled. I am

convinced that this was done by someone who came from outside to hurt Villarreal.” Villarreal midfielder Bruno Soriano added: “These things can’t happen in our house. I hope the person is found.” Celta coach and former Barcelona player Luis Enrique said: “Everyone thought it was a flare, but when we saw (goalkeeper) Yoel (Rodriguez’s) eyes, which were bright red, we immediately realized that it was something more dangerous, this should never have happened.”


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014



CD Marino ChaSe FoUrth Straight Win


Ven the weather couldn’t halt Cd marino’s February charge as they defied the storms to win 0-1 at union Vera last saturday to consolidate third spot. That’s a three game winning roll including two away victories, they have become a hard side to beat and spread the goals around. This week

full back Roberto Carlos was the hero with a goal just before the break. Coach Sosa Espinel deserves a lot of credit for rebuilding the squad with a mix of experienced heads and well picked new players. Youth is also getting a chance with products of the clubs large development programme like Facundo Valiente and Fran Alonso showing they are ready to challenge for a regular start.

This Sunday crisis club Vecindario from Gran Canaria are the visitors to the Playa de Las Americas ground at noon, entry is just eight euros for adults and free for kids. The visitors have lost their Vice President and main sponsor and may have to pull out of the league next week despite being well placed in 7th position.

SoMething FiShy in Santa CrUz


basketball Slide Despite greek gifts

BeRostaR teneRiFe are in a bit of a slump and down to 10 th place in spain’s elite aCB League. the latest defeat came at home to Zaragoza by 75 to 78 in a game that slipped away from them in the final quarter. Another large crowd of 3,565 turned out in La Laguna with high hopes for the debut of Greek pivot Lazaros Papadopoulos. The new boy didn’t


eRe’s a neW twist for santa Cruz Carnaval season, a fancy dress run. on saturday 1st march a strange collection of clowns, cross dressers, and cartoon characters will gather at the Parque maritimo near the auditorium for a

5 km run around a set circuit. It should add another colourful excuse for a party when the annual celebrations are in full swing. As this year’s theme is cartoon stars you can expect a Speedy Gonzalez or two but it’s more about fun than breaking any records. There is no entrance fee,

you just need to be over 15 years old and register at the website www.carnivalrunning.com . The winners will receive a kilo of chicharros, the small fish that lends its name to the Carnaval anthem Chicharrero de Corazon. That’s gotta be better than a bunch of flowers and a medal.

let them down, he top scored with 15 points, followed by Ricardo Uriz on 12 and Saul Blanco with 10 but Tenerife didn’t quite have the depth of scoring to match their visitors. This Sunday it’s one of the biggest league games of the season as they welcome leaders Barcelona for a 6pm tip off. Tenerife are still smarting from a 102 to 60 mauling by Barcelona in the Copa del Rey play offs in Malaga a few weeks ago and would love to rip up the form book.



ature served up the worst of nights as rain lashed and icy gales howled but CD Tenerife and Real Zaragoza defied the lot to produce a cracking 1-1 draw. In the end the difference was human error with home goalie Roberto leaking an equalizer and Ayoze’s finishing as accurate as a spinning weathervane.

Santa Cruz needed something special to warm us up and we got it with two well matched teams giving their all and even a decent ref who let the game flow. Cidoncha beat

Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014

Ruiz early on but ran the ball wide where Roberto quickly nabbed it, Ayoze got his first chance at the other end but took the ball on too far and was robbed by Laguardia. A moment of brilliance from Suso opened the scoring, he flew down the right, beat Rico, and screwed the ball back from the byline perfectly for Juanjo to drill his header into the net. The stats suggested the new forward from Ponferradina wasn’t a prolific marksman but maybe he has been waiting for someone like Suso to light his fuse. Zaragoza came back and Garcia did the hard work of chesting the ball down but then couldn’t get his shot on target. Roberto was fast and decisive off his line and snuffed


A Downpour Of Good Football In Santa Cruz

out several clear openings, particularly one for Montanes just before the break. This was good stuff, well worth a soaking and a blast of cold air up the trouser leg and the second half picked up at the same pace with Ayoze curling a shot straight at the keeper. Speculation over the young striker’s big money move is at fever pitch and he seemed to be carrying a heavy load, that spark was missing and nothing quite came off for him.

Victor couldn’t quite stretch to poke in from another attack from the visitors, Tenerife full back Moyano showed he wanted a slice of the action too and wasn’t too far away with a long range punt. Aridane made his comeback taking over from Juanjo and speedy winger Edgar replaced Cristo who along with Sanz and Ricardo had the midfield purring. With 16 minutes left a Rico free kick on the left sailed in and Roberto charged out to

clear but committed too soon and missed the ball, Arzo had an easy header to level the scores. Tenerife picked themselves up and pressed for a second goal, From a Ricardo corner the ball fell to Ayoze for a simple tap in and he fluffed it, then he had a chance to make up for it when a ball in from Suso went over the goalie and found him free at the far post but somehow he headed across the goal rather than in. Once more for Ayoze, this time the goalie

came out and blocked, the ball broke loose to Edgar and the goalie was stranded out of position but Edgar’s shot went over the bar It was the lowest crowd of the season, 7,180, but the best match and a fair draw, two away games on the trot starting at Lugo on Sunday will be a tough test. Tenerife will need Ayoze at his sharpest, Oporto of Portugal and Lyon of France are the latest to add him to their wanted list.

Firemen Rescue Granadilla Football Match


t wouldn’t even happen to Roy of the Rovers or Billy the Fish but it happened before the Atletico Granadilla v CD Tenerife B game last Sunday. The top two teams in their Tercera Division section and 300 supporters arrived for the noon game to find the ground locked. A severe weather alert had been

in place for a couple of days and the local council decided it would be dangerous to play the game – but it seems only a few privileged people were told this fixture was a casualty.

Both sides were eager to play the important match and although the surrounding hills were caked in snow the weather was

cool but bright and sunny so the hopeful parties kicked their heels outside the sealed fortress. Eventually the police and fire brigade arrived and the firemen unloaded their ladders and were allowed inside to make sure the ground was safe. There were just a few loose strands of fencing high up that needed a quick adjustment and the players and fans were allowed in after a 90 minute delay.

The home side had the most reason to be thankful as they battled to a 2-0 win with goals from an Alexis de Paz free kick and a Ruben Rosquete strike after a defensive gift. It was a day to forget for Tenerife as both goal scorers used to play for them. The home win put Granadilla back on top of their tree, and now they know who to call if they get stuck there.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st February 2014 - 27th February 2014




1. Earnest request 7. Greek liquor 10. Cheap trinkets (5,6) 11. Assist illegally 12. Charismatic air 13. Cricket ball stitching 15. Tofu bean 17. Cow sound

DOWn 1. Biblical prayer 2. Supplements (4,3) 3. The A of AM 4. Fraud 5. Glide on ice 6. Marsupial pouches 7. Go-ahead 8. Generally

av Rafael Puig 7, Playa De las americas arona ( in Front Of Hotel Tenerife Sol)


18. Chaps 20. Set down 21. Top dog, numero ... 23. Zilch 25. Proportional, pro ... 26. Religious sects 28. Exercise clubs 30. Pub table game 31. Ring up

32. Steal a look 34. Evening 35. Statement of allegiance 37. Cereal grass 39. Seed case 40. Meadow (poetic) 41. Helium or hydrogen 43. By that route

45. Large water masses 48. Scruff of neck 50. Zenith 51. Killer whale 52. Chief troublemakers 53. Ants’ home 54. Avid

9. Reproductive gland 14. A long time ... 16. Have 18. Attacking savagely 19. Scores, ... up 22. Baby’s skin problem, ... rash

24. Snow shelter 25. Sales agent 26. Rip off 27. Took (exam) 29. Fifth musical note 33. Pencil rubbers 36. Negative (criticism)

38. Historical period 39. Ham & ... soup 40. Gain knowledge 42. Daisy-like flower 44. Once more 46. Way out 47. Wise man 48. Lumpy growth 49. Pig meat

Answers to the QUICK CROSSWORD are on page 2

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