Tenerife Weekly
The Best Climate in the World Certificate Of
In a clear statement that Turismo wants the Canaries to go up-market, the new tourism promotion strategy for 2012-2016, unveiled on Tuesday by the viceconsejero de Turismo del Gobierno canario, Ricardo Fernández de la Puente, will take the islands back to their roots; namely the scientific and irrefutable fact that they have “the best climate in the world”. The central strategic themes of the new plan are to promote culture and a touristic awareness in residents, to improve information and touristic knowledge, to encourage training and increase cooperation in touristic administration. The strategic plan points out that the Canaries are losing out to the competition, but that the causes are not just based on current problems, but are due to the increase in rival destinations, the limitations of air connectivity, and the need for an overhaul of the islands’ image, including becoming increasingly specialised with a particular identity.
Continued on page 3
Residency To Be Reintroduced For Travel Discounts
The requirement for a Certificado de Empadronamiento (certificate of residence) to obtain a resident discount for travel within Spain has been postponed until September. The measure was due to come into
force on 1st July, but some outlets were already requiring the certificate before applying the discount. That will no doubt continue to be the case even though the introduction of the measure has been delayed.
15th June - 21st June 2012
Issue 36
3 10 11 12 14 16 19 34 36 37 39
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 editorial & legal
Men In Black III (PG13)
Showing daily at 15:30 103 min
Will Smith as Agent J Tommy Lee Jones as Agent K Josh Brolin as Young Agent K
Where is Wee Keeley? Fri
15th June
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17th June
18th June
19th June
20th June
21st June
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Editor Colin Taylor
Manager & Production Stephen Eade
Tenerife Weekly
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Another week and another lucky winner courtesy of Vivo Decades Treasure Island. Wee Keeley had chosen page 53 to stop on in our issue number 35. The lucky winner this week is Rose who is coming to see the show on Sunday night. Wee Keeley has changed pages again, will you be the lucky winner that finds him hidden in the paper. If you can spot him then call our office on 922 790 388 (office hours: 09:00 - 14:00 • 15:00 - 18:00) and tell Matt where he is.
All the names will be put into the lucky pot on Wednesday and the winner will be given 2 free tickets for the following Sunday´s Decades Goes To Hollywood Dinner and Show (drinks not included)... Happy searching.
Colin Taylor.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 LOCAL NEWS
Brits Head for Sunnier Shores On the Beach, the UK’s leading online travel agent has witnessed a massive increase in bookings for cheap summer holidays abroad. This suggests that once again domestic holidays have been left behind as Brits pack their bags and escape to warmer climates.
As the UK plunges back into another recession, true British grit has prevailed and nothing can stop holidaymakers from jetting off to enjoy their well-deserved beach holidays. The sun-kissed Canary Islands are proving most popular for British holidaymakers this summer; bargain holidays to Tenerife have topped the charts with a year on year boost in bookings of 60% making it the nation’s favourite destination in 2012. Tenerife is followed closely by holidays to Majorca and Costa del Sol both of which have experienced a 90% increase in bookings. This surge in bookings to popular beach destinations follow an abundance of summer holiday deals this year; for example family friendly resorts across Europe offering child free places and hoteliers discounting holidays by up to 50% when booking on all-inclusive basis. These great value holidays continue as in-resort prices in Egypt have also decreased by an average of 20% compared to 2011, making
the popular Red Sea resorts ever more desirable, resulting in a year on year bookings increase of more than 70%. Alistair Daly, Marketing Director at On the Beach said, “With Britain focusing on the Queen’s Jubilee and the Olympics the UK will be saturated with tourists. Our booking data shows that Brits have chosen to avoid these crowds and take advantage of the great family holiday deals this summer to many of the nations’ favourite destinations and guarantee themselves their share of the sun. It is evident that for now, “staycations” (people spending their holidays at home) have taken a back seat in 2012.”
Continued from Page 1 Sr Fernández said that the Canaries, therefore, needed to consolidate a recognisable image. This image was based, he said, in the climate, “the best in the world”, and it needed to be linked to and complemented by specialist offers, e.g. marriages and honeymoons, diving, cycling, conventions, cruises, golf, and environmental and thematic offers, among others. The key markets that this message will be taken to are Germany, Britain, Spain, Norway, Belgium and Ireland; where the intention is to overhaul and upgrade the islands’ image. Other markets where special attention will also be paid are Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Switzerland, Austria, Holland, Finland and the Czech Republic. The message for all will be that the Canaries is a place for families and senior citizens to come for rest, relaxation and awareness.
Fiscal Policy May Cause Price Hikes
Breathing Space for Coastal Residents
Up to 46 coastal areas in the Canaries will benefit from a moratorium approved in a new Ley de Costas and will avoid demolitions, said lawyer and Asociación Europea de Perjudicados por la Ley de Costas en Canarias representative, José Luis Langa, on Tuesday (12th). Sr Langa explained that under the revised legislation, those areas which do not already have final Court judgements against them could avoid this legal action, at least until the new law is finally on the statute books. In Tenerife, only Cho Vito was subject to full demolition, with part of Igueste de San Andrés also being included. The other areas affected are; Las Resbaladas, Boca Cangrejo, Playa de la Viuda, Playa de Lima, Las Galletas, El Médano, Mesa del Mar, [the remainder of] Igueste de San Andrés, El Caletón de la Matanza, Bajo La Cuesta, El Varadero, Santa Lucia, Agache, San Juan de la Rambla, AlmácigaTaganana-Roque Bermejo, Los Cristianos, La Caleta-Adeje, Guía Cho Vito (before and after) de Isora and Playa San Juan. Barbara Pointon has been a regular visitor to Tenerife for the last 20 years and is well known in Silencio visiting every 3-4 months. Barbara has been a nurse and senior manager for over 30 years in the UK, after specialising in Neuro Sciences before embarking on a long career in Management. She is a member of the British Association of Cosmetic Nurses (BACN) and is trained to aesthetics master class level, having treated many hundreds of people with excellent results in both the U.K and Tenerife. Barbara uses only the best products and her top priority is to work with you to achieve the look you desire in a safe and comfortable environment. Barbara is affiliated with The Beauty Spot in Coral mar Square, Silencio. Visit Barbara on www.scary-barbie.co.uk where you will find a Q & A page and a link to
ask any direct queries you may have. What is Botox?: Botulinum Type A is a refined bacteria which is injected into the target muscle to soften the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Used most commonly to treat crow’s feet around the eye area; frown lines between the brow and forehead lines, Botox can also be used to treat the lower facial area and plasmyl bands (neck bands). It is extremely effective in defying the appearance of ageing and facial sun damage and where there is excessive perspiration under the arm/hands. Treatment takes only 10-15 minutes following a medical consultation. Tiny needles and a topical anaesthetic are used to promote comfort and the treatment is relatively pain free. You can expect it to last for 3-4 months for the first year of treatment and up to 6 months thereafter.
Santa Cruz’s President of the Chamber of Commerce, Ignacio Gonzalez, has warned that the tax measures proposed by the Canary Islands Government “will have a negative impact on the economy and could have direct consequences, such as unemployment and domestic consumption.” Santa Cruz also values the development of prices in the current scenario of economic recession because it “eliminates pressure” on the “weak” economic situation of families living in the Canaries. However, he clarified that the price behaviour is a reflection of the “complicated” situation in which there are companies whose sales revenues
continue to decline. He predicts that the tax increase will raise prices, “further pushing down the purchasing power of households and Canarian businesses.” Therefore, the Chamber demand “urgent” stimulus measures to revive the economy and employment of the islands, and also warns that “if consumption continues to fall and credit is given without money flowing back into commerce, many businesses will fail.” It also calls for joint efforts in improving the environment in which enterprises operate, and encourages support initiatives that improve access to business finance; administrative simplification, the development of innovation and training support.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 local news
Montoro: “It Is Impossible To Invest More in the Canaries’
The Minister of Finance and Public Administration, Cristobal Montoro, said on Wednesday (13th) that the Government would like to invest more in the Canaries, but “it’s not possible”, and stressed that this in no way amounts to a breach of the Economic and Fiscal Regime (REF) of the archipelago. Montoro responded well in Congress to the question posed by the New Canary deputy, Pedro Quevedo, about how the government justifies the breach of budget provisions set out in the REF. The Minister said that there is no such breach, and the reduction of investments in the islands is less than the national average. “As a government, we have said that we would like to invest more, but it is not possible,” said the minister, who explained to the NC deputy that the National Budget recognises the tax benefits of the Canary Islands.
The minister reiterated that what matters now is “to work together” to correct the deficit.
Tenerife Lan Party Received A Registration Every Two Seconds Santa Cruz will host, from 17th to 22nd July, the seventh edition of the biggest technological festival in the Canary Islands; and one of the best in Spain, Tenerife Lan Party. At exactly 6:00 pm on Monday (11th June) the registration for the event opened: a date marked on the calendar of thousands of young people hoping to get a place at the biggest festival of Canarian technology. Organisers were expecting to cover their quota of applicants within an hour. People who have made requests to enter the
event have been entered directly onto the waiting list. There were more than two thousand one hundred requests up to Tuesday afternoon.
A major new feature this year is the culmination of the professional PC sports league in Spain, the ESL Pro Series IX. It is the largest professional league for gamers on the PC platform. In this year’s festival players can expect to win over 20,000 euros in prize money. It is the first time that Tenerife is home to a national final of electronic sports, through the support and sponsorship of major technology companies like HP and Intel. Sebastian Radu, CEO of the company running the competition in Spain, visited the venue last year, and was impressed. During his stay on the island, he told El Día: “Over the past eight years we have been to all the events on the European continent and have found a concept for putting on a great show, as presented in Tenerife.”
Repsol Begins Environmental Impact Stage
With the last two Supreme Court decisions in hand, giving Repsol the right to conduct surveys in Spanish waters near the Canary Islands, the company has already begun the second phase of the process: the environment. The process will last for two years, if the Canarian courts cannot delay its start. The two judgments, made public last week, will allow the oil company to maintain the schedule that was originally set; the first phase being to check for the
existence of hydrocarbons. This phase is not expected to be completed until 2014. In separate proceedings, the Supreme Court refused, on the one hand, the claim of the Canary Islands and Lanzarote Council to consider not validating the Royal Decree allowing
prospecting and, on the other, its intention to proceed with the suspension of prudential tastings. After both decisions had been taken, Repsol has begun the search for companies to perform the work plan, with the environmental considerations that should be taken to complete the survey. Interested companies are being invited to submit bids to take the work on. All viable bids must be submitted to the Ministry of Industry before any further progress can be taken.
Government to L owe r A i r Ra te s The Spanish central government are to launch a new initiative for airlines flying to the archipelago, which aims “to increase traffic from the Peninsula on days that are normally considered quiet.” This aid was announced on Tuesday (12th) by the PP in the Senate, with additional provisions approved by the Budget Committee. However, to complete its approval, which given that PP hold the majority in both houses can be taken for granted, the plans need to be pushed through the next session of the Senate and then run by the Congress of Deputies. Specifically, the plan is to provide a subsidy of 50% off the fees paid to the Canary Island airports for those airlines that fly from anywhere in Spain (but not including inter-island flights). However, this measure may not be made in conjunction with the generic subsidy rates for take-off and landing, which represents a 15% discount on flights to and from the mainland. In addition, to collect it, the airline must keep the number of operations already scheduled for the remaining days of the week.
The grant must be requested during the month of January for the previous year’s operations and will be fulfilled by Aena as of 31st May, “through compensation in the amount corresponding to the amounts you owe the beneficiaries.” Similarly, the “Law of the State Budget each year may update the terms of this grant.” The PP senator for Tenerife, Antonio Alarcó, said: “this is a great achievement and we are talking about a land where it is extremely necessary and important for connectivity.” He added that, “in this way, we get better use of airport facilities and optimise their management.” Finally, Alarcó said that “the adoption of this amendment demonstrates the central government will reach broad consensus in a time like the present, and its firm commitment to this Archipelago.” The president of the hoteliers’’ association and other infrastructures of Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro (Ashotel), Jorge Marichal, welcomed these measures “to revive tourism, especially in the capital’s islands, which are those with the worse connectivity,” he said.
Man Arrested for Sleeping at the Wheel
Local Police in Santa Cruz found a 35 year old man asleep at the wheel of a vehicle that was stopped at a red light in Calle Benito Pérez Armas. He has since been charged with several crimes against road safety. A statement from the police said “this person apparently had driven off an hour earlier, after colliding with a car and a taxi in the area.” The collision occurred at about four o’clock in the morning on Saturday (10th). The man has been identified with the initials CBG. A breath test found that he was
driving with 0.89 milligrams of alcohol per litre of breath, when the maximum rate allowed is 0.25. An hour after the collision police officers observed a vehicle, which had stopped at a traffic light, in the middle lane of the road; so the officers approached it and the driver up. The offender at first tried to restart his car and drive away, but the car began to move backwards. One officer reached through the car window to activate the hand brake and stop the engine, and the driver had to be helped by agents to prevent him from falling.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 LOCAL NEWS
The Bhagavad Geeta - As A Theistic Disser tation Jyoti Prakash Udhwani, Correspondant for the local Indian Community
“Thy right is to work only, but never to its fruits. Let the fruits of action be not thy motive, nor let thy attachment be to inaction.”
The Bhagavad Geeta is the most popular, profound and poetic philosophical composition in Sanskrit literature. It is said to be conceivably the only philosophical lyric of its kind existing in any known language. It is a text that introduces an individual to noble spiritual teachings and the art of living. If we are to take into consideration as to its influence on mankind or human thought, then probably it is the most influential work from the Indian thought and frame. The Geeta also carries a lot of allegorical significance, since the plot has taken place in a crucial battlefield, where each and everyone fights with a single ulterior motive - this is simply the reason why the teachings of the Geeta are not only feasible at a universal level, but they also adhere to humanity everywhere, at all times and in all aspects. The Geeta which is also otherwise referred to as the Divine Song of the Lord, is actually one of the main episodes of the most acclaimed Hindu epic - Mahabharata, and comprises of eighteen chapters. The underlying theme of this epic is “where there is dharma, there is victory,” thus indicating that the good always triumphs over evil, and righteousness as an established virtue. The Geeta is actually a compiled handbook of instructions as to how every human being can come to live the subtle philosophical principles in actual day-to-day life. This great handbook of practical living marked a positive revolution in Hinduism and became the onset of Renaissance for the Hindus. In this divine literary text the Hindu poet Sage Vyasa, who is the actual composer of this divine song, presents to mankind practical realities which he puts across in a perceptive and rational manner, so as making them relevant in political life , and conflicts in daily human relationships. Why the Lord’s song? Since it fell from the divine lips of Shri Krishna on the battlefield, and thus stagnated and calmed the overflowing emotions of his disciple and friend, Arjuna, who was hesitant to fight, thus, completing his duties. But, not only had it been beneficial to Arjuna himself, it has also strengthened, the hearts of many, and in the process awakened so many weary souls. It is also meant to lift the aspirant from the lower levels of renunciation, where objects are relinquished to the soaring heights , where desires are completely killed and vanished, thus the being dwells in calm and ceaseless contemplation, while his body and mind are actively employed in completing the duties that fall to his lot in life. That one that aspires to be spiritual does not have to recluse himself in total solitude, he can very much be in union and attainment of a divine life, being in the midst of his worldly affairs and duties, as the obstacles to the union between the divine and the material world are existing not outside us but within us, such is the
main focal point of the Bhagavad Geeta. It is a Scripture that affiliates us with the Divine law, thus creating a harmony with the divine life and making us one with it. Moderation is also a prominent keynote of the Geeta, in conformity with all the elements of man, till they pulsate in perfect unison with the one, the supreme self. Man must be versed with the virtues of not getting carried away with the beauty of the objects, and annoyed by the unpleasant, he must have the capabilities to accept both as revelations of the Lord or God himself, so that they may serve as basis for his principles and lessons for his guidance, and not restraints for his slavery. In time of hardships, one must take refuge in the Lord for peace, completing his own duty to the fullest, not expecting though any merits for his action, but keeping the intention of performing his duties rightfully. We should realise that everything we do, all our actions, may they be physical or mental are our offerings and sacrifices meant for the Lord, and once we offer them, we therefore have no concern in them. Let us put ourselves in the position of Arjun, where our duty as Prince or as a warrior, is to fight for the redemption of our nation, and to restore peace and order. We are then put forward against our own loved- ones, friends and even family on all sides, thus putting us in personal affliction,
and creating a conflict between our duties. This is the solution that the Geeta provides us; it serves as a platform or basis of action, it provides us a mirror that, no matter what, we should not keep a personal involvement in the fulfilment of our worldly obligations and duties; we should carry out our duties which are imposed by our positions, and occupations, and at the same
time condition ourselves that the Lord is the actual doer or performer of the action, and we are mere pawns: subdue the I or the ego and thus we shall be freed from all enslavery of the mind. The Geeta further reveals that there is but one path to follow- one path to righteousness for each and every soul, though it comes in many forms, or manifests itself in various names, but the soul has but one goal- to merge itself with the creator, or eternal peace. Lord Krishna indicates two main lines of treatment in one of the chapters of the Geeta. The first line of treatment is that of “IDEALISM”, wherein Arjuna is directed to a greater reality- that which is beyond the capacity of the human mind, ego and intellect- therefore creating a detachment between the specific and general aspects of the mind and to eliminate them to some extent. In the second half of the same chapter, we shall come across how selfless activities will purge the existing expectations and desires of the individuals. Thus, we find Lord Krishna, repeatedly encouraging his friend with the words, “Get up and Fight”. This does not signify that the Geeta is a war promoting scripture of the ruling class. It is a call to each one of us to get up and fight the battle of our own lives, according to our own ideals, expectations, thus exhausting all possible means to attain purity of the soul. Do we not experience, a continuous fight of Mahabharata going on inside us, when faced with tricky and conflicting situations? The Kauravas, large in number, represent the innumerable evil forces that surround us at all times in any given situation, while the Pandavas, obviously represent the divine impulses which are already innate in us. In all cases, the negative forces in each one of us are larger in number and usually mightier in their effectiveness, while the consciousness of our divine army is lesser in number and comparatively weaker in efficiency. As a conclusion, The Kingdom of Joy lies within all of us. Heaven is not somewhere distant, it here in our midst, and it is now. Happiness and sorrow are both within us. To the extent we learn and live the principles of right living, as cited in the Geeta, up to the extent, of gaining cultural eminence within, thus living a great life of noble achievements. The essence of “TRUE” knowledge is evident in the way we display our actions in the service of society, so if one has indeed understood the philosophy of the Geeta, therefore we shall not hesitate in meeting the challenges that face us. As Arjuna beautifully puts it...
“Destroyed is my delusion, as I have now gained my knowledge through your grace, o lord. I am firm; my doubts are gone. I will do according to your word”.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
local news
Canary Pharmacies Ready to Apply New Co-Payment
The roll-out of pharmaceutical copayments will not cause any disruption to patients in the Canaries, because pharmacies already have a computer protocol specially designed for operation that directly cross-references the Social Security data to calculate the percentage payable in each case. This was confirmed by the President of the College of Pharmacists of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, William Schwartz, who predicts “there will be few problems if all goes as planned.” Patients already included within electronic prescriptions will not have to make any changes. The doctor will give the patient a prescription, which they would take to the pharmacy using a specific code for that prescription, which will be linked to data held by the Social Security and, thanks to this software,
the percentage will be calculated immediately for the total to be paid. “It is very operational and reliable, because the data is updated monthly, so that if there is some variation in the patient’s condition the co-payment percentage can be amended,” says a source. Neither doctors nor pharmacists have access to patients’ income, which will remain confidential within the Social Security database. The scheme will create six models to identify
different levels of income; for instance, contributory pension retirees pay 10% of the cost of their medicines, with a maximum of 8 euros monthly. Also, working citizens with an income below 18,000 Euros and large families will continue to pay 40% of the drug’s cost, as before, while those with a salary above that amount will pay 50% of the price, a percentage that rises to 60% for those who have incomes above 100,000 euros per year.
Julio Iglesias Concert Goes Ahead
The Julio Iglesias concert, which has suffered various postponements, will finally take place on 8th August in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The gala, which will be about two hours long and will be held at the stadium in Gran Canaria, will be the first time the Spanish singer has been to the island in 18 years. The representative of the company promoting the concert, Emotional Events, Jose Antonio Torrano, announced the change of date and confirmed that 12,000 tickets will be on sale.
Two Arrested For Supermarket Robbery
Guardia Civil officers in Tacoronte have arrested a 17-year-old and one 18-year-old, both residents of the municipality, as alleged perpetrators of a robbery with violence and intimidation in a supermarket. On 3rd May, the hooded detainees reportedly entered a supermarket and
stole about 850 euros from the till, “after intimidating two workers with a 25cm-blade kitchen knife, then making their getaway in an all-terrain vehicle,” said the Guardia Civil in a statement. The police are still investigating the case, because “there just might be more coconspirators of the robbery.”
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 advertisment
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
local news
L a n g u a g e L e v e l The Island’s Ring Road Is Testing Fee Imposed Practically Paralysed
Students wishing to measure their skill level in a particular language, to access an official language school with the right course for their knowledge, must now pay 16.52 euros for the entrance exam.
The charge has been introduced by the Nationalist parliamentary groups (CC-PNC- NCC) in one of the amendments to the bill of administrative and fiscal measures of the regional government. This measure is in addition to other tax collection already included in the bill for education; such as that applied to adults who want to obtain a Bachelor’s degree, which involves an outlay of 108 euros. The law of administrative and fiscal measures will be discussed, and predictably, approved in the extraordinary plenary session of the Canarian Parliament, scheduled for next Friday. Other measures to be included are: a fee
for the issuance of duplicates of academic and professional qualifications. The applicant must also pay 3.55 euros for each of the documents they want to duplicate. This government initiative has the largest tax increase in the autonomous period of the Canaries and includes, among other measures, the overall rate increase from 5% IGIC to 7%.
Canaries Head the Nationwide Cheese Consumption League The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment has conducted a market study on varieties of cheeses, as part of the celebration of Week Cheese. This study reveals that in the last rolling year, to March 2012, the consumption of cheese in Spain rose by +2.2 per cent over the same period last year. This is an increase in per capita consumption of +2 per cent, and the average consumption stands at 8.02 kilos per person per year. Among all the regions, the Canary Islands topped the list with 10.40 kilos of cheese consumed per person per year. Because of the average price stability, the same percentage of +2 per cent is the increase that has occurred in overall household spending, which,
In the edition of the Official Gazette of the Canary Islands (BOC) of 19th October 2006 the award of the contract was made public, by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport and Housing of the Canarian Government, for the construction of a new road between Adeje and Santiago del Teide. The duration of the works was forecast at 31 months from the commencement of the work, starting on 17th April, 2007. Therefore, the project should have ended in November 2009. The money awarded to the scheme amounted to 167,836,150 euros. Today, two and a half years after the expiration of that date, the work is almost paralysed. A visual inspection of the work confirms that there are hardly any workers on site, and most efforts seem to be focused on completing the El Bicho tunnel (1,320 meters), in the town of Las Manchas. The 27 kilometre track runs between La Atalaya (Adeje), where the
highway currently ends in the South, and Santiago del Teide, where it appears nearly complete. Potential users of the road will eventually be able to link up with Icod, though this will not be for several years. When that happens, the current travel time between Armeñime and Santiago del Teide (and vice versa) could be reduced from 35 minutes to 12 minutes; while from Armeñime, Playa San Juan and Alcalá could be reached in 10 minutes instead of the current 25. For now, this first phase of the island ring road is fully affected by the economic situation. The Minister of Works,
Transport and Regional Policy of the Canary Islands, Domingo Berriel said that the budget for road works in Tenerife will be reduced by a whopping 91.29%. He explained that the annual budget of 2012 for the road amounted to 207 million euros and the central government reduced this figure to 68.54 million euros. However, the Ministry of Development has showed its readiness to increase that amount to continue those works that are in the final phase, or as necessary for safety reasons. Uncertainty about the immediate future of the construction has not yet been cleared.
Los Rodeos Emergency Ambulance Is Mothballed
according to the study, have devoted 3.9 per cent of their budget purchasing cheese during the period April 2011 to May 2012. As for varieties, panel data shows that 50.4 per cent of the cheese consumed
in Spanish homes is fresh cheese (31.3%) and then semi-cured (21.1%). In contrast, soft cheese varieties have reduced their presence in the home (-9.9%).
Tenerife to Debut Sustainable Energy
The Deputy Minister of Industry and Energy of the Canary Islands, Francisca Luengo, and President of the Tenerife Cabildo, Ricardo Melchior, have released details of a draft for a new energy system, which will be cheaper and more sustainable. The plans for the hydroelectric pumping facilities are to be presented to the national government, with an emphasis on
reaching all the islands in the archipelago and revolutionising the industry; to focus on renewables and the beginning of a new energy era. Both Luengo and Melchior explained that the Canary Islands’ energy system has a 98% dependence on oil, and that with the implementation of the pumping system, in principle, this could be reduced up to 30%, representing a huge saving.
AENA have announced that Tenerife North (Los Rodeos) airport has dispensed with its emergency ambulance service for the facility. Alternatively, the airport will use equipment supplied by an adequate communication system with the Emergency Coordination Centre of the Canary Islands (112) and with hospitals. A campaign has been launched to collect signatures from workers and users of the airport, in order to express their rejection of the measure and demand AENA continue the use of the emergency ambulance service. Four years ago Spanish airports and airspace responded that it is
required to provide ambulance service in North Tenerife whenever its annual passenger traffic numbers remain at about four million people, while the law provides mandatory installations only if the passenger numbers are twice that amount. The workers’ representatives point out that currently the emergency ambulance remains operational only
during public opening hours, “but the site also remains operational to meet emergency situations.” Because of this, the representatives believe that an ambulance in Los Rodeos is “fully justified” given that “it makes an average of five urgent transfers per week” as a result, in many cases of “heart attacks, strokes and other life-threatening situations.”
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 LOCAL NEWS
El Hierro to Be First Island in the World with Free Access to the Internet El Hierro will have 26 WiFi points before the end of the year. The map showing the hotspots (pictured) will be officially presented on Monday (18th). The Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism designed the map with the 26 Wi-Fi hotspots. The works will make El Hierro the only island in the world to have full and free access to the web. The map will be presented by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, Enrique Hernández Bento, as part of celebrations to mark the European Union’s Sustainable Energy Week. For the survey to determine the locations of the points, the work was undertaken as a joint effort between the State Agency for the Management of Innovation and Technology (Segittur), the Council of El Hierro and the municipalities of El Pinar, Frontera and Valverde.
The locations are intended to provide free internet access in the main tourist areas, since the objective of the initiative is to provide visitors a chance to share their experiences with their friends and family, thus being a boost to a greater influx of tourists. To achieve the wireless distribution, 26 antennas will provide a speed of 256 Kbps, which will be enough for the use of social networks like Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest. The WiFi network will be advertised with the slogan, “El Hierro follows
you” and will also allow access to information and tourist services on the Island. The 26 locations that will have Wi-Fi are: Sabinosa, Pozo de La Salud, Faro de Orchilla, Erese, Echedo, Puerto de La Estaca, La Maceta, Guarazoca, Árbol Garoé, Tacorón, El Mocanal, El Morcillo, San Andrés, Pozo de Las Calcosas, Cruz de Los Reyes, Isora, Mirador de Isora, El Julan, La Restinga, Ermita de Los Reyes, Mirador de Bascos, Las Puntas, El Sabinal, Mirador de Las Playas, Ecomuseo de Guinea-Lagartario and the airport.
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The Ministry Of Education to Maintain Additional Teacher Hours
Staff Director General of the Ministry of Education, Universities and Sustainability, Carlos Quesada Frigolet, said on Wednesday (13th) that the union sector will table a meeting with the Canary Islands’ Government; its priority is to cushion the negative effects of the forced implementation of educational rules, as set out by Royal Decree, which provides increased teaching time for secondary teachers. Quesada added that the Royal Decree under review includes an increase of two hours per week for secondary teachers from the next academic year. “The Government is clear that the hours spent on
the organisation of schools are essential to ensure the best performance of them, so let’s keep the additional six hours per week, which is spread over time to coordinate management teams, educational committees, educational departments, etc.,” he explains. “On the contrary,” Quesada said,”secondary teachers’ hours would be reduced from four hours to three hours, and the nine hours devoted to preparing and conducting educational and development activities will reduce from nine hours to eight. “
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
local interest
The Municipality of E l R o s a r i o An Insightful Guide By Carlos Hernández
El Rosario (meaning “The Rosary”) is a municipality of the north-eastern part of the island. The city is also a suburban area of the Santa Cruz de Tenerife area. The seat of the municipality is La Esperanza, located in the mountains to the west. Rosario is linked with the old highway, linking Abona, Santa Cruz and the TF1 superhighway and is linked with the TF2 to the north. Its economy consists of business, tourism, and some agriculture. Tourism is less common inland than on its coastline and in the two large cities on Tenerife, Santa Cruz and La Laguna. The urban area dominates the coastline. There are farmlands in valley areas and the mountains with grasslands and some forests to the west. This municipality boasts excellent cultivation lands which have made it a region dedicated mainly to agricultural and cattle raising activities. The coastal area is undergoing an urbanisation process, mainly Tabaiba and Radazul, both of which have a sports harbour. The eastern coastal strip has many cliffs, with some coves. It has good potential for developing rural tourism. History This region was populated by the aborigines. Its name is intimately related to La Esperanza. The story goes that it owes its name to the hope with which the Spanish were able to escape from the battle of Acentejo. Since the area became populated there has existed a modest temple, consecrated to La Esperanza , which the Coronado family substituted for a new building halfway through the 16th century, dedicating it to San Juan Evangelista. The temple of Rosario is from the same time frame. The municipality has had a royal mayor since the 14th century, and obtained the
consummate players of the half sick mode, with a particular style, inherited by the master in such practices: Cho Eugenio Díaz. Today, one of the area’s most representative elements is the traditional “Manta Esperancera” an ancient garment, used to fight the rigors of the cold climate. In some areas of the municipality, such as Llano del Moro, there are remains of old wind mills; witnesses of an already disappearing activity, where the daily roasted corn meal was produced. Among the municipality’s festivities is Our Lady of la Esperanza, on the first Sunday of August, with the popular pilgrimage that features as a last act, the burning of the “Haragán”. Climate The climactic characteristics are clearly differentiated, between the midlands and the summits, with the humid influence of the trade winds, and the coastal area that shows a marked dryness. Flora & Fauna The municipality boasts a notable forest mass of Canary pine, maintained on ample original surfaces, as well as repopulated ones. The Eucalyptus, a tree introduced by man, competes for space among the scarce areas of mountain green and pine trees.
status of municipality in 1813. It was in 1929 when the present day churches of La Esperanza and El Rosario were built. Places of Historical Interest
Historical road: Plaza Llano del Moro – Las Toscales – Machado – Candelaria Pirate House Temple of Our Lady of Rosario (Ermita de Nuestra Señora del Rosario): It has images of San Amaro and San José from the 18th century, a canvas of the Christ of Humanity and Patience, a high altarpiece with the Virgin of El Rosario, dating from the 16th century and a multi-coloured sculpture of San Sebastian from the 17th century. Church of Our Lady of La Esperanza: Colonial style, it was built on the grounds of an ancient temple from the 16th century. It preserves the image of the Patroness from the 17th century, a baroque image of Our Lady of Los Dolores and a San Juan from the 17th century. Culture Interesting examples of architecture in different houses can be appreciated, such as the Pirate’s House. Also well worth visiting are the religious buildings. The Game of the Stick (Juego del Palo), one of the oldest indigenous sports of the Canaries, is a tradition in this municipality. It is a vernacular sport that has had a good number of players in the entire region and that today is represented by the Verga family. They are considered the most
Calendar of Popular Festivities in El Rosario First Sunday after 15th January
San Amaro, Santa Lucía and San Sebastián. Machado
15th May
San Isidro Labrador. El Chorrillo
24th June
San Juan . Tabaiba
First Sunday in July
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross and Pilgrimage to Santo Hermano Pedro. Llano del Moro
16th July
Our Lady of Carmen. Radazul
First Sunday in August
Pilgrimage of Our Lady of La Esperanza
7th October
Our Lady of El Rosario
Second Sunday in October
Our Lady of Los Dolores. Las Rosas, Lomo Pelado, Las Barreras
Shine Coming Off Spain’s Bank Rescue Pac kag e The shine is rapidly coming off Spain’s bank rescue plan as investors doubt the effectiveness and with the Risk Premium between Spanish and German ten year bonds continuing to rise and passing 530. The lack of details for the package, and the Greek elections at the weekend are holding the EU in check. Mariano Rajoy, who initially presented the package as a ‘victory’ has gone back to ground and he will not explain the rescue to Congress until July. All the opposition parties in block want explanations, but the Secretary General of the PP, María Dolores de Cospedal, said Rajoy would appear after the EU summit. She said that Congress would take a week to study the requests to appear in the debate, and estimated that 30% of the financial system would have to turn to the FROB funds, which are being boosted by Europe. José Manuel Durao Borroso, the President of the European Commission, has revealed, in an interview in the Financial Times that he had been putting pressure on Mariano Rajoy to ask for a rescue. His statement flies in
the face of what Rajoy has said himself, but Durao Barroso said it was he who convinced a ‘reluctant’ Rajoy in a phone call made last week. Santander, BBVA, Popular and Sabadell banks have all said they do not want anything from the rescue fund. Novagalicia on the other hand is considering a public injection of funds, and to allow the participation of private investors. Paul Krugman, Nobel Prize winner for Economy in 2008, is the latest to criticise the financial bailout. ‘The political elite are defending the banks and failing the unemployed’, he says in an article in the New York Times. He says everything indicates we are entering into a new recession. Christine Lagarde, Head of the International Monetary Fund, has said ‘The Euro has to be saved in less than three months’. Her words echo that of multimillionaire George Soros, who said that Europe had three months to save the single currency. Lagarde did not want to comment on whether she thought that Greece would leave the Eurozone, more than saying it would be a political decision.
Business Briefs
Fitch has reduced their ranking of Santander and BBVA, taking them down to BBB+. The note keeps the banks above the average qualification in Spain, but the reduction has come as previsions for Spain in 2013 remain bad. Fitch says that Santander and BBVA are much more prepared than other competitors. Businessmen and the self-employed have said that credit will still not flow after the EU bank rescue in Spain, saying there will be only a ‘very light improvement’ in credit. The ATA self-employed association said ‘With this injection we have won the battle, but not the war’. There have been increasing calls from Consumers for an investigation into the bankers who want help, and the ADICAE association of consumers and users has said that clients ‘will end pay paying for the broken plates with their commissions’. Brussels has said it sees an interest rate of between 3% and 4% as being reasonable. The European Commission has explained that the full details on the Spanish bank rescue will be known in a few weeks’ time when the sector has been evaluated. King Juan Carlos said ‘What a moment!’ when the new Governor of the Bank of Spain, Luis María Linde, was sworn in before the Monarch. Also present at the ceremony was the Economy Minister, Luis de Guindos and Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy. Linde responded to the King, ‘Well, here we are, let’s see what happens’. The National Court will be the scenario for an investigation into Bankia. The judge in Instruction Court 21 Madrid has passed the case over to the National Court, as the Manos Limpias group denounced the ex-Chairmen of Bankia, accusing them of crimes of serious imprudence in control of the company, of unfair administration and misuse of public funds. The Federation of Professionals in the Savings Banks, FEPXA, has asked to see the audit of Bankia carried out by Deloitte, and other papers, and are demanding at least that an investigation is opened. The OECD, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, has recommended delaying the retirement age beyond 67. They have also called for more incentives for private pensions, and think that the profits of the public systems will be reduced in the future. They say people will have to work more and then see smaller public pensions, and will get 25% less for their pensions. Private pensions are obligatory in 13 countries of the OECD. The Barcelona Chamber of Commerce has said that the pending debt from the state is 2.658 billion euro. They say it is because the Staten has not met the addition outlined in the third Statue, which obliges the State to invest in infrastructures in proportion to the Spanish GDP. It wants to use 1 billion to promote the Mediterranean rail corridor, and another 500 to build several new accesses and a new railway to Barcelona Port. A group of scientists have called for the resignation of the Secretary of State for Research and Development, Carmen Vela. It followers her controversial comments to Nature magazine when she said there were too many scientists in Spain. Airlines will see profits this year half what they were last year when the sector made 6.254 billion euro. The estimated profit for the airlines this year will be 2.375 billion, despite a fall in aviation fuel. The numbers are from IATA, the International Air Transport Association, who expect the European Airlines to lose some 860 million euro this year, if the crisis continues in the Eurozone. CEO of IATA, Tony Tyler, said our concern is no is so much the cost of kerosene, but the crisis in the Eurozone and the banking crisis in some countries.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 business news
India’s Industrial Output Slows
India’s industrial output rose by less than expected in April, adding to concerns about the health of the country’s economy. Output rose by 0.1% from a year earlier, much less than projected growth of 1.7%. It comes a day after ratings agency Standard & Poor’s warned that India may lose its investment grade status. Analysts said the weak numbers may prompt the central bank to introduce fresh measures to boost growth. “The data clearly points to industrial growth being extremely weak, and it is in clear need of monetary as well as fiscal support,” said Abheek Barua, chief economist at HDFC Bank. “There is a case for a sharp move from the Reserve Bank of India.” India’s Finance Minister, Pranab Mukherjee, said the latest numbers were “disappointing” and that
the government needed to “take steps to give positive signals”. The weak output numbers are the latest in a series of bad news for India. Data released last month showed that its economy grew at an annual rate of 5.3% in the first quarter, the slowest rate in almost a decade. A widening trade gap and poor investment were among the key contributors to slowing growth. At the same time, the country has been hurt by the sliding value of its currency. The Indian rupee has fallen by almost 25% against the US dollar in the past 12 months. To make
matters worse, political differences have delayed the introduction of key reforms. The combination of these factors resulted in Standard & Poor’s (S&P) warning on Monday that “slowing GDP growth and political roadblocks to economic policymaking could put India at risk of losing its investment grade rating”. “The paramount political power rests with Sonia Gandhi, who holds no cabinet position, while the government is led by an unelected prime minister, who lacks a political base of his own,” S&P said.
Airbus A380 Wing Repairs Could Take Weeks Airbus has confirmed its flagship A380 planes could be grounded for up to eight weeks if work to repair cracks in their wings is done in one go. “This is from start to finish,” Airbus spokesman Justin Dubon told the BBC. However, he added that Airbus expected most customers to do the repairs step by step, as part of regular required maintenance checks. “In this case, it would only add a few days to the overall procedure,” Mr Dubon said. Airbus has been dogged by the problem with its superjumbo A380s, which have seen hairline cracks appear on some of the brackets used to link the wing to the plane. Each A380 has 4,000 such brackets. The problem has cost Airbus more than 250m euros (£201.9m) in repair and service costs. Airbus has said it will not pay any
compensation for revenue lost during repair work. The problem poses no safety threat, according to Airbus. “The important thing is that these aircraft are safe to fly,” added Mr Dubon. The plane manufacturer, a subsidiary of aerospace giant EADS, will begin building A380 wings with a new type of aluminium from next year, meaning aircraft delivered from 2014 onwards will not have the defect.
Apple Ditches Google Maps
Apple has unveiled its latest mobile operating system, iOS6, at its annual Worldwide Developers Conference. The operating system, which runs on its iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices, will no longer include Google Maps software. Apple will instead run its own mapping app, which has a high-quality 3D mode, on the platform. Google announced its own 3D mapping software last week on its competing mobile
platform, Android. Both companies have used fleets of planes to capture the imagery, drawing concerns from some privacy campaigners. Apple’s updated iOS software was released in beta on Tuesday (12th), and will be available for general consumers by the autumn, chief executive Tim Cook said. It will be a free update for owners of either an iPhone 4S, iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS - as well as users of the latest iPad, the iPad 2 and fourth generation iPod touch.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
national news
Caixanova, the failed savings bank that merged with Caixa Galicia to create NovaGalicia in late 2010 and which in turn was taken over by the Bank of Spain, mis-sold shares to hundreds of customers to generate cash and inflate its book value, according to documents seen by El Páis. The documents show that the bank systematically ignored the National Securities Commission’s (CNMV) recommendations to only offer shares to customers with experience of the financial markets. One purchase form for 6,000 euros’ worth of shares dating from 2007 was signed with a fingerprint by an 86year woman. Several memorandums sent by the head office of the Caixanova to branches between 2004 and 2009 encouraged bank staff to sell, on a “preferential” basis to its customers shares and CDOs, or Collateralised Debt Obligations — complex financial tools that repackage individual loans into a product that can be sold to investors on the secondary market, typically made up of auto loans, credit card debt, mortgages, or corporate debt. Caixanova’s policy not only generated more cash to make new loans, but moved the risk of those loans, defaulting from the bank to investors, as well as giving it new and more profitable products to sell, which boosted share prices and managers’ bonuses. But the strategy flew in the face of the CNMV’s instructions advising banks to exercise caution when selling such products, and to carefully assess potential buyers. Several Caixanova customers who bought preferential shares have told El País that they were never asked about their knowledge or understanding of the financial markets. Some had copies of still-unsigned purchase forms. The lack of any guarantees to protect customers has been highlighted
Smudge On The Dotted Line
by consumer protection groups as well as Galicia’s top court, which is to bring charges against NovaGalicia. Carlos Varela, the chief prosecutor of the Galician High Court, said last week that the case against Novagalicia would represent people who had already brought cases against Caixanova for mis-selling shares, and who subsequently saw their investments wiped out when the price collapsed and the bank was taken over by the Bank of Spain. Caixanova even used money from depositors to buy shares without their knowledge. Varela says that he is aware of cases where Caixanova even used money from depositors to buy shares for them without their consent. He adds that his office is currently looking into around 500 cases of customers who were mis-sold shares. Spanish banks sold around 30 billion euros’ worth of socalled preferential shares between 1999 and 2011. Growing numbers of investors, who feel that the risks associated with buying shares in their banks, many of which had huge investments in the property sector and were hard hit when the real estate bubble burst, are now seeking legal redress. The regional government of Galicia has advised bank customers who feel that they were duped to seek arbitration. No definitive solution has yet been found to help Caixanova customers. Some other savings banks that have been taken over by the Bank of Spain have proposed setting up an account that would allow customers who bought preferential shares to get their initial investment back. NovaGalicia has been given money from the FROB Orderly Banking Restructuring Fund. It remains to be seen whether Novagalicia’s customers will benefit directly from the EU bailout of the Spain’s banking sector.
Prince Edward Gibraltar Tour Begins F i r e m e n
Save Man’s Penis Stuck In A Tube
Gibraltar is under attack, according to Chief Minister Fabian Picardo. The inflammatory statement was made on day one of a visit to the British territory by Prince Edward and his wife as part of Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations. The “attack” was a reference to the dispute with Spain over fishing rights in waters that Gibraltar claims as its own, but which Spain does not recognise as such. For the last two months, most of the fishing fleet from Algeciras and La Línea has been grounded while a negotiated solution to the conflict is sought. Minutes before Picardo made his statement, journalists asked Prince Edward for his opinion on the fishing dispute. But the Earl of Wessex and his consort, Sophie Rhys-Jones, remained silent on the issue. A Gibraltar government spokesman then tried to defuse the situation by saying that “the issue is now technical, not political,” and that experts were working on it. But the chief minister immediately contradicted him. The latest bilateral meeting on the fishing issue took place last Friday (8th). Things seem to have calmed down since May, when Spanish fishing boats were being harassed by Gibraltar patrols to prevent them from casting their nets. That is why Picardo’s statement came as a surprise. During the visit by the royal couple, seven policemen kept photographers out of the way as the Earl and Countess of Wessex advanced down a packed Main Street. Union Flags were everywhere to be seen as people took pictures with cameras, mobile phones and tablets. “There are more people on the streets and the reason for that could be the tension,” said the government spokesman. “We are British and they are our royalty. That’s reason enough to be happy today,” concluded Angelique Ruiz, 28. “I like the
royal family because they keep the country united,” added Richard Morris, a 28-year-old tourist from Hull. But Spanish authorities have described the royal visit as “unfortunate,” coming as it does in the middle of the fishing dispute. Previously, Queen Sofía of Spain opted not to attend a Diamond Jubilee celebration dinner in Britain, in protest over the situation. “Spain already made its stand clear following the violent episodes in the waters of Algeciras Bay, and given the circumstances, it was decided that the queen would not go,” said a source at the Spanish Foreign Ministry. The Spanish government also formally protested to the British ambassador in Madrid, Giles Paxman. But that is not the only dispute between Spain and Gibraltar. Spain has also gone before the European Commission to appeal against Gibraltar’s new tax regime, claiming it is incompatible with European legislation.
The Gibraltar Income Tax Act 2010 says Spain is a cover for state subsidies that are prohibited under EU law. The new rules reduce corporate tax from 22-percent to 10-percent (it is around 30-percent in Spain and 28-percent in Britain) and it is only applied to income originating in Gibraltar. Spanish authorities say this is an incentive for companies to register in Gibraltar and do business in Spain. Although Gibraltar has been arguing for years that it is no longer a tax haven, there is little doubt that the new regime seeks to attract companies with the lure of lower taxes. The official presentation of the act stated that, combined with the absence of taxes on capital income, wealth and property, the abolition of taxes on most forms of investment is a powerful lure for citizens and companies wishing to relocate from jurisdictions with greater fiscal pressure.
Granada fire-fighters have avoided the need for a penis to be amputated after it got stuck in a steel cylinder after a 52 year old man had placed it there in what appears to be part of a sexual act. Doctors in the emergency department of the Hospital Ruiz de Alda in Granada were unable to release the member, as it seems the penis was suffering what is described as ‘an important inflammation’. The doctors found they could not cut the tube which was some two centimetres diameter and four millimetres thick, and something over five centimetres long and which was strangling the penis, stopping the erection from going down. The fire service decided to cut the tube with a do-it-yourself Bremen circular saw, which the sub-inspector brought from his home, as the fire service did not have such a device which could be operated with the needed precision. The procedure took two hours and was carried out in the hospital operating theatre. A spokesman from the fire-service said it was the first time they had intervened in a hospital operating theatre, although they are often called to extract organs trapped in vending machines, such as fingers or arms. The hospital has declined to comment on the case.
Dívar Faces Up To Fresh Charges
The cost of the chief justice’s publicly paid trips keep adding up. Based on new information gathered by a member of Spain’s legal watchdog panel, Supreme Court head Carlos Dívar charged an additional 15,185 euros to the judiciary for 12 previously undeclared long weekends across the country from March 2008 to June 2011. The new amount adds to the 13,000 euros Dívar spent on 20 four- and five-day weekend trips to Marbella’s Puerto Banús, as part of which he also charged dinners, with his personal assistant Jerónimo Escorial, to the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ). CGPJ member José Manuel Gómez Benítez, who unsuccessfully tried to get the Attorney General’s Office last month to prosecute Dívar for misuse of public funds, found that the chief justice, who also serves as CGPJ president, made four trips to Bilbao, two to Barcelona, three to Galicia, and visited Valencia, Palma de Mallorca and Oviedo on at least one occasion during this period. During a 1st June news conference, Dívar explained that all the trips he made to Marbella and the rest of Andalusia coincided with the demands of official business, such as visiting the courts in Cádiz and Málaga. He said that he separated his professional and personal expenses. But in this latest inventory of trips, a national newspaper was able to determine that the chief justice at times charged 500 euros per night for hotel stays to the CGPJ. On one trip to Bilbao from Friday 23rd July to Sunday 25th July, 2010, Dívar claimed he attended the swearing-in ceremony of Juan Luis Ibarra as chief justice in the Basque Country. But the ceremony actually took place on 10th May, 2010. “I was there, and Ibarra’s swearing in took place on a Monday in May and not during a weekend in July as Dívar claims,” said Gómez Benítez. Andalusian city halls have also said that they cannot corroborate some of Dívar’s statements to the effect that he
national news
Possible Increase in Motorway Speed Limit After Zapatero’s experiment of changing speed limits on Spain’s roads from 120km/h to 110km/h, now the DGT traffic authority says an increase in speed limits is ‘under study’.
The DGT is considering upping the speed limit on autopistas (motorways) and autovias (duel carriageways), with DGT boss María Seguí making the revelation during the presentation of the new campaign against accidents on secondary roads.
She said that increasing speeds on such roads would be ‘totally imprudent’ where already 80% of fatal accidents are seen, and the chance of an accident is double that on the motorways. However DGT sources later said that the speed increase is not a priority.
287kg Cocaine Intercepted In Madrid had attended official events under their auspices. On Tuesday, after Benítez’s information had been posted on different newspaper websites, Dívar sent out a statement clarifying that he effectively did attend Ibarra’s swearing in on Monday 10th May. But just before, records show, he stayed from Thursday to Sunday in Palma de Mallorca, charging 1,752 euros to his judicial expense account. The weekend trip in July 2010 was “an invitation” by the Cantabria tourism department. But despite the fact that it was an “official” invitation, Dívar still charged 1,045 euros to the CGPJ to visit the medieval seaside village of Santillana del Mar. In response to a national newspaper story that the chief justice dined with his personal assistant Escorial, who is also head of his security detail, Dívar simply said “it isn’t that way” but offers no other explanation. Sources at the CGPJ and the High Court have said that Escorial, who has been working with Dívar for 15 years, frequently travels and dines with the chief justice. Escorial declined to comment about the issue.
Rajoy in the Congress Control Session
Speaking at the Control Session in Congress on Wednesday morning (13th), the Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy said with regard to Spanish bail-out plans, ‘The credit is for the bank and the bank is going to pay for it, and therefore there are no macroeconomic conditions which directly affect the citizens’. He said that Spain was three years behind everyone else, and the problem of the banks should have been solved by the Zapatero government, but they had denied that there was even a crisis for some time. Rajoy said that ‘We should celebrate that our partners in the EU have helped us’. PSOE leader, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, asked Rajoy for the small print on the agreement with Europe saying, ‘The devil is in the detail’. The Minister for the Economy, Luis de Guindos, has predicted ‘enormous tension’ in the markets over the next few
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
days. He called for calm and the unity of Europe in support of the Euro. Nerves are high ahead of the Greek General Election on Sunday. The procedures were interrupted in Congress for a time when the chamber was cleared after some striking coal miners started exhibiting some t-shirts from the gallery. There was a mixture of applause and support from Socialists as the chamber was cleared.
Officers with the National Police have intercepted a “delivery” of 287 kilos of cocaine, when traffickers went to collect a van loaded with the drug from a public car park at a shopping centre in the Villaverde district of Madrid. The drug, wrapped in 287 individual packages and packed into nine sports bags, was due to be sold to traffickers based in France for distribution throughout that country. The investigation began in late February, when French police told their Spanish counterparts that three people resident in France were planning on buying cocaine in Madrid. After a series of investigations, the agents were able to identify the traffickers’ supplier in Spain - a known drugs dealer, who owns a bar in the capital and who had been arrested for similar crimes in the past. Once the supplier had been identified, the police set up surveillance, following him to a shopping centre in Villaverde, where
he appeared accompanied by another individual. The accomplice got out of the car and got into a van, at which point the police intervened, arresting both the supplier and the accomplice and confiscating the 287kg packets of cocaine found in sports bags in the back of the van. Three properties connected to the detainees were subsequently searched and two computers were confiscated. The investigation by Spanish police was carried in conjunction with police in France and Costa Rica.
Fraud School in Spain Closed Down
A British gang who ran a lucrative ‘fraud school’ for conmen has been jailed.
The group, who trained wannabe fraudsters and supplied them with fake documentation, got up to six years each following a three-year investigation. They had made millions providing fake documents and instructions on how to commit fraud to thousands of clients online. This included the creation of false bank statements, wage slips, driving licences and utility bills from their office in Alicante. They also gave advice and unofficial ‘tutorials’ to conmen based on the Costa del Sol and Costa Blanca. The criminal enterprise, known as Confidential Access (CA), even sold so-called ‘platinum’ products costing 7,000 Euros, which included detailed information about how to commit identity fraud. In total, around 11,000 people used CA’s services through online forums which used nautical terms to determine the level of trust given to each member. Some spent more than 25,000 Euros on false documents, with some going on to commit crimes worth more than 1 million Euros. Detective Inspector Tim Dowdeswell said: “This was a sophisticated operation which
has netted millions of pounds over the years. These cyber criminals not only provided the tools to commit fraud, they instructed their clients in how to use them to make the maximum amount of money, while ruining real people’s credit histories into the bargain.” Alicante-based Jason Place, 42, from Kent, was jailed for six years, while accomplice Barry Sales was not prosecuted due to terminal illness. Mark Powell-Richards, 59, a credit broker from Kent and Allen Stringer, 57, from Leeds, were both sentenced to 225 months for conspiracy to defraud. Michael Daly, 68, and Arun Thear, 22, both received suspended sentences, while Jaipal Singh, 31, was sentenced to 18 months for conspiracy to defraud.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
Papal Legate Meets Abuse Victims Gardaí Jailed After
Papal legate, Cardinal Marc Ouellet, has asked for forgiveness from victims of clerical child abuse during his visit to Co Donegal. The papal legate, who is representing Pope Benedict XVI at this week’s International Eucharistic Congress in Dublin, met victims of abuse while on a pilgrimage to Lough Derg. The meeting lasted two hours, during which survivors spoke of his or her own personal experience of abuse and its impact on their lives. After the meeting, the former archbishop of Quebec celebrated Mass in St Patrick’s Basilica on the island with about 100 pilgrims. “I come here with the specific intention of seeking forgiveness, from God and from the Victims, for the grave sin of sexual abuse of children by clerics,” he said during his homily. “We have learned over the last decades how much harm and despair such abuse caused to thousands of victims. We learned too that the response of some Church authorities to these crimes was often inadequate and inefficient in stopping the crimes, in spite of clear indications in the code of canon law. The tragedy of the sexual abuse of minors perpetrated by Christians, especially when done so by members of the clergy, is a source of great shame and enormous scandal,” he said. “From the context of this International
GSOC Inquiries
President Michael D Higgins with Cardinal Marc Ouellet Eucharistic Congress, I reaffirm the commitment of the Catholic Church to create a safe environment for children and we pray that a new culture of respect, integrity and Christ like love would prevail in our midst and permeate the whole society.” The Papal Legate and his delegation, including the Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Charles Brown, along with the Bishop of Clogher, Dr Liam MacDaid, stayed overnight on the island during which time they fasted and participated in other penitential exercises with the pilgrims on the island. The International Eucharistic Congress ends on Sunday.
Irish Supporters Have Lucky Escape
Two young supporters of the Irish soccer team had a lucky escape in New York on Sunday night (10th) when they fell onto subway tracks at Times Square after watching the Ireland Vs. Croatia game in the city. The incident was documented by 22-yearold Raphael Orlove, an onlooker who took several photographs and later blogged about the incident. “I was coming down the platform at around 7.45pm,” said Mr Orlove, speaking to the Irish Times. “I don’t know if I first saw the crowd of people who were looking across the tracks or if I first saw the figures of two people lifting a body up onto the platform, and then sort of jumping and getting pulled up themselves,” he said. The couple were rescued by two bystanders who Mr Orlove said “ignored all safety recommendations and jumped in after them”. Mr Orlove’s photographs show a young girl wearing a green top lying on the platform with her eyes closed and blood on her
Six Gardaí and one civilian were convicted of offences last year following investigations by the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission (GSOC). Two of the Gardaí were given custodial sentences. The figures are contained in the commission’s annual report for 2011, which was published in Dublin on Wednesday (13th). The commission investigated a total of 2,275 complaints, containing 6,230 allegations of misconduct, against members of the Garda Síochána. Some 54 sanctions were applied by the Garda Commissioner against members of the force. The commission closed 2,544 complaints in 2011, more than was received during the year. In keeping with previous years, the single most
common complaint against gardaí was that of abuse of authority, which accounted for 39 per cent. Neglect of duty accounted for 26 per cent of complaints, 12 per cent related to alleged discourtesy and 11 per cent referred to nonfatal offences against the person. GSOC received 90 referrals from the Garda Commissioner during 2011,
of which 23 related to fatalities. Referrals occur where the commissioner suspects the conduct of a member of the Garda Síochána may have resulted in the death of or serious harm to, a member of the public. Forty-six referrals received during 2011 related to road traffic incidents and 20 per cent related to deaths in Garda custody.
Groom Defies Gangland Threats A man forced to flee Ireland after gangland threats against his family returned in secret last weekend to marry his sweetheart in a hometown wedding.
face. An Irish tricolour is draped over one of her arms. Another girl, dressed in an orange top, is kneeling beside her. “They said they were from Yonkers, they had American accents,” Mr Orlove said. A witness recounted what had happened to Mr Orlove, “They were horsing around and then they fell in.” Mr Orlove, an editorial assistant for the ‘tips’, news and culture website Jalopnik.com – on which his photographs first appeared – also spoke to the young man who had fallen onto the tracks. “He was really out of it, his feet were really dirty and he was trying to put his flip flops back on,” he said, adding, “He said they had both fallen in and she had hit her head.” The incident happened on
the Uptown platform of the 2 and 3 subway trains, which terminate in the Bronx, just south of Yonkers. According to Mr Orlove, the next train to arrive on the tracks came approximately eight minutes after the couple was rescued. The young man is understood to have sustained no major injuries and was later reportedly seen washing the grime from the subway tracks off his feet in the bathroom of a pub on McLean Avenue in the Bronx. The young woman is understood to have been taken to Bellevue Hospital in the city by paramedics from the New York Fire Department who attended the scene along with two members of the NYPD.
The Collins family, who left the country earlier this year following threats to their lives, risked returning to Limerick to celebrate the marriage of Steve Jnr to Ciara Clancy. Friends and family wept as they were reunited for the massive celebration in defiance of the city’s violent gangsters. Celebrant at the wedding Monsignor Daniel Neenan said that the Collins family were “the pride of Limerick”. He described them as a remarkable family, who were admired by all for their courage after their son Roy was murdered. Steve Jnr emigrated with his father Steve, mother Carmel and sister Leanne just three months ago following the threats.
Older brother Roy (34) was shot dead in 2009 by the McCarthy-Dundon gang, after members of the Collins family gave evidence that led to the conviction of Wayne Dundon for threatening to kill their relative Ryan Lee. The family felt they were left with no option but to move abroad as they lived under constant threat of attack. But last weekend they made the brave decision to return in order to celebrate the wedding with family and friends in their hometown. Roy Collins was also remembered at the Mass,
prompting tears from many in the congregation. Gardaí helped bring the family home from an undisclosed location abroad and armed officers kept a discreet watch on the area surrounding Monaleen church during last Saturday’s ceremony. The newlyweds and 200 guests later celebrated at Ballykisteen Hotel and Golf Resort in Tipperary. Steve and Carmel’s children grew up in Limerick, and it had been decided that this is where the wedding would take place, as they will always regard the city as their home.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 irish news
Respect Queen’s role, says Robinson Northern Ireland First Minister Peter Robinson said the Queen is not “in the business of doing deals” but he hopes a meeting with Martin McGuinness can be arranged. The DUP leader was responding to Sinn Fein claims that a “do-able proposition” on a royal handshake had yet to be agreed. Mr Robinson said: “I don’t think Her Majesty is in the business of doing deals on these matters.” But he called on republicans to show respect to the Queen’s importance to many people in Northern Ireland when she visits later this month. “We’re not asking Martin McGuinness to become a royalist,” he said. “All we’re asking for is that there is a recognition of
the two traditions that exist in Northern Ireland, and that is something that both
50,000 Euros Auction Reserve o n 14 U n f i n i s h e d H o u s e s A housing estate made up of 14 unfinished houses, a 700-year-old castle and an 8,000sq ft Georgian building on Dublin’s Merrion Square are three of the lots set to go under the hammer at the next Allsop-Space auction. The unfinished housing development at Annagh Banks in Castlemaine, Co Kerry, is being offered for sale as a single lot with a minimum reserve of just 50,000 Euros. It is likely to attract interest from developers, as the development of 14 houses built to shell condition on 3.03 acres remains unfinished. The same site previously had planning permission for nine apartments, a 12-bedroom hotel with pub and restaurant and two retail units, which has since lapsed. The Georgian townhouse at 26 Merrion Square has a reserve no higher than 1 million Euros and is likely to be the star property at the auction, from 11am on July 6th at the Shelbourne Hotel. The house, on the Holles Street side, features rear access on to Denzille Lane. It has planning permission for a 1,916sq ft extension. Key Georgian features in the four-storey over basement building have been conserved and the property will be sold with vacant possession.
he and I have to do.” Mr Robinson said he had met the president of Ireland, had attended a Catholic church, and sat among supporters at a Gaelic football match as part of his efforts to reach out to nationalists. He said such gestures challenged some of his political support base, but added: “They look so difficult to do on one side of it, but after you’ve done it, you wonder what the fuss was about.” He noted that the Queen had a family member, Lord Mountbatten, murdered by republicans. “So these are difficult issues and Her Majesty is able to overcome these difficulties. I think Sinn Fein should be able to overcome these difficulties as well.”
On her state visit to the Irish Republic last year the Queen laid a wreath to republicans who died fighting British rule. She also broke new ground by speaking Irish during a banquet held in her honour. There has been widespread speculation that Sinn Fein was negotiating a meeting between the Queen and Martin McGuinness. But last weekend the party said it was surprised by media reports that 10,000 tickets will be handed to the public for a major Diamond Jubilee event at Stormont to coincide with the Queen’s visit to Northern Ireland on 26th and 27th June. This sparked political tensions around the prospect of a royal meeting with republicans near such a celebration.
Justice Minister Alan Shatter is under fire after referring to Derry as Londonderry. His comments were made in the Dail when he was putting through legislation to extend anti-terrorist powers under the Offences Against the State Act. He was listing out numerous recent attacks on PSNI officers and other security personnel when he made the gaffe while outlining some of the reasons why the powers should remain. The act was introduced after the tragic Omagh bombings in 1998. Mr Shatter said: “Two pipe bombs set off in Londonderry on January 19, 2012.”
His comments quickly went viral and are trending on Twitter. The name of the Northern Irish city has been the subject of an on-going debate, but the common reference in Ireland is Derry.
Shatter´s Derry Faux Pas
B al m oral S h ow Moving To Maze
The auction will feature 90 properties across the country, comprising a mix of residential and commercial opportunities. A castle on the banks of the River Barrow in Athy, Co Kildare, is being offered with a reserve not to exceed 50,000 Euros. White’s Castle was built in 1417 by Sir John Talbot, the Viceroy of Ireland. The Stout Bar and No 1
Richmond Hill on the Lower Rathmines Road, Dublin 6, is a freehold vacant public house of 5,000sq ft which comes with a substantial adjoining Georgian property in four residential units. It has a reserve not to exceed 600,000 Euros. The residential units have a rental income of 28,200 Euros annually. The catalogue is available online at allsopspace.ie.
Plans to redevelop the former Maze prison site have been given a major boost as members of the Royal Ulster Agricultural Society voted to move to the location. The organisation behind the famous Balmoral show, held around the King’s Hall in Belfast for over a century, will stage the event at the Maze from next year. The organisation’s figurehead said members had voted for a better future for the show, which had out-grown its traditional venue. Following the vote held in the King’s Hall, Royal Ulster Agricultural Society chief executive Colin McDonald welcomed the result. He said: “We always knew that, for many, this would be a hearts and minds issue which is
totally understandable due to our connection to the King’s Hall and the entire Balmoral site. This proposal has always focused on the commercial realities market competition, capacity, and the future of the King’s Hall. I am delighted that our members have
grasped the rationale behind the Legacy Project and supported the RUAS Council in this groundbreaking vote.” He told the BBC: “They have risen to the occasion, demonstrated the foresight of their predecessors, and seized the moment.”
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 world NEWS
China Football Ex-Chief Jailed
Two ex-heads of China’s football league have been jailed for 10-anda-half years each for corruption, making them the most senior football officials sentenced. Nan Yong and his predecessor Xie Yalong were both accused of accepting bribes. Nan was also fined 200,000 yuan ($31,400; £20,200) and Xie is set to have personal assets and illegal takings confiscated. China has increased efforts to clean up the game, hit by a series of scandals. Nan, charged with 17 counts of taking bribes, was sentenced by a court in Tieling in north-eastern China. Xie, who was sentenced in Dandong, denies the charges against him adding that he only confessed to the allegations under torture. More than 900,000 yuan in personal assets and illegal takings of his are set to be confiscated. Several other verdicts have also been delivered in similar cases in other cities, Chinese media reported. In Dandong, a former national team captain was also sentenced to 10 years and six months in jail and fined 200,000 yuan. Four former national team players were sentenced in Shenyang for to up to six years’ jail and fined 500,000 yuan for taking bribes and match fixing. For long suffering Chinese football fans, the latest convictions further underline what they already knew - that the corruption in Chinese football has been deep and blatant, says the BBC’s John Sudworth in
Shanghai. There are stories of defenders taking shots at their own goal and of whole teams refusing to play. But this year China is sending a clear message that it is cleaning up its act. Dozens of people - referees, players, officials and coaches - have been arrested following a campaign to reform the sport, launched in 2009. Referee Lu Jun, who officiated at the World Cup, was jailed in February for receiving more than $128,000 in bribes to fix the results of seven football league games. Some commentators have suggested that there could be a bigger political agenda at work. Xi Jinping, the man widely tipped to become China’s next president is reported to have set his sight on an international footballing trophy. Cleaning up corruption, coupled with the drive to bring expensive foreign talent into the game, could help raise standards, says our correspondent, although most Chinese fans would probably agree that a World Cup win is still a long way off.
UK Reopens Data Probe Into Google Google is back under investigation after gathering personal data while cameras on its cars took pictures for its UK Street View service. The Information Commissioner’s Office previously dropped a probe into the affair after being told limited data had been “mistakenly collected”. However, it said it had since become aware of reports that a Google engineer had deliberately written software to obtain a wider range of material. The ICO has asked for more information. Specifically it wants to know what type of data was captured; when Google managers became aware of the issue; how the news was managed and why the full range of gathered data was not represented in a sample the firm presented to it in 2010. Furthermore it has requested a certificate to show that the data had since been destroyed. The authority said it was prompted to re-examine the case after a separate investigation by the Federal Communications Commission into material gathered by Street View cars in the US.
The Washington-based government body concluded the engineer behind the computer program had told at least two of the firm’s other employees about the software, one of whom was a senior manager. In a letter to Google, the ICO noted that the FCC had said that the resulting captured data had included “complete email messages, email headings, instant messages and their content, loggingin credentials, medical listings and legal infractions, information in relation to online dating and visits to pornographic sites”. It added: “It therefore seems likely such information was deliberately captured during the Google Street View operations conducted in the UK.”
A Google spokesman said: “We’re happy to answer the ICO’s questions. We have always said that the project leaders did not want and did not use this payload data. Indeed, they never even looked at it.” One UK-based privacy campaign group welcomed the latest development. “The investigation must now be pursued with the vigour sadly lacking in 2010, and every effort made to ensure that Google answers the extremely important questions that it has so far avoided,” said Nick Pickles, director of Big Brother Watch. “Breaching the Data Protection Act is a criminal offence and the law should be applied to Google in the same way as any other company or individual.”
US Raid Targets Mexico Drug Gang
US officials say they have dismantled a major money-laundering ring used by Mexico’s Zetas drug gang to funnel drug proceeds through American horse racing. Police raided a number of locations, including a racetrack in New Mexico. Among several people arrested was José Trevino, a brother of a suspected Zetas leader, Miguel Ángel Trevino, who has been indicted but remains at large. US authorities say the case shows how Mexican gangs are able to infiltrate legitimate American businesses. José Trevino and his wife, Zulema, were arrested at their stables near Lexington, south of Oklahoma City. Federal agents also made arrests in California and Texas, as well as the Ruidoso Downs racetrack in New Mexico. A total of 14 people have been indicted with money-laundering. Prosecutors say Miguel Ángel and José, along with another brother Óscar Omar, used drugs money to buy American quarter horses, which race over short distances. Some of the horses carried names with drug references, such as Corona Coronita Cartel and Number One Cartel. The company that allegedly acted as a front, Tremor Enterprises, was quite successful
with some of its horses winning important races in the US. And success on the track meant that José Trevino was able to hire top trainers and jockeys, the New York Times reported. “This case highlights the capacity of Mexican drug gangs “to establish footholds in legitimate US industries,” said Richard Weber, chief of the US Internal Revenue Service’s criminal investigation division. “This attack on the Zetas’ most profitable money laundering schemes is an essential front in the war on drugs and will financially disrupt this violent international criminal organisation.” The Zetas are one of the most powerful and ruthless drug cartels in Mexico. They were formed by deserters from the Mexican Special Forces and originally worked as hitmen for the Gulf Cartel. Miguel Ángel Trevino, known as “Z40”, is believed to be a key figure in the organisation. He and Óscar Omar Trevino are thought to be in Mexico.
‘Accidental Millionaire’ Pleads Guilty To Theft
A New Zealand petrol station owner, who became an overnight millionaire after a banking error, and later an international fugitive, has pleaded guilty to seven counts of theft. Nicknamed the “accidental millionaire, Hui “Leo” Gao made headlines three years ago after he and his girlfriend fled the country when he accidentally received access to $10 million New Zealand dollars (U.S.$7 million). He is scheduled to be sentenced on 24th August. Gao and his girlfriend withdrew $6.8 million and transferred the money to overseas accounts in Hong Kong, China and the Wynn casino in Macau, according to court documents. Gao has not made any statements to the New Zealand Police. His journey from a BP service station owner to a runaway millionaire began in 2009. In April of that year, Gao applied for overdraft financing for the petrol station he co-owned with his mother in Rotorua, New Zealand, according to court records. The bank, Westpac, approved his application with a $100,000 limit. But a clerical error by the bank’s employee placed the limit as $10 million - 100 times the intended amount. The next day, Gao discovered the error in his bank account and told his girlfriend, Kara Hurring that
he was “f—ing rich” and had millions of dollars, according to court documents. After transferring money to overseas accounts in the names of his mother, his girlfriend and himself, Gao fled to Hong Kong in April 2009. Hurring joined him there in May. By 4th May, the bank became aware of the error and alerted authorities. A global manhunt, which included Interpol, focused on finding the accidental millionaires. After two and a half years on the run, Gao was arrested in Hong Kong in September 2011, and extradited to New Zealand in December.
Hurring returned to the country voluntarily in February 2011. She has been found guilty of 28 counts of theft and two counts of money laundering, court records show. She denied knowing where the money came from, reported TVNZ, CNN’s affiliate. Westpac, the Australian bank, recovered about $2.9 million from the couple’s New Zealand accounts, but has yet to recoup the remaining $3.8 million. Reparations totalling that amount are sought by Westpac, according to court documents. The bank had no comment.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 world news
Russia Protesters Demand Putin’s Resignation
Tens of thousands of antigovernment protesters marched in Moscow on Tuesday (12th), rejecting the legitimacy of President Vladimir Putin and demanding new elections, a prominent opposition leader said. “We believe that his presidency right now is not legitimate at all,” former Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov told CNN from the rally. The elections in March that returned Putin to the presidency after four years as prime minister “were not free, they were not fair and the results were not credible,” Kasyanov said. The only thing that Putin should do now is “sit with us on a round table and discuss the terms and conditions of his departure,” Kasyanov said. International observers said in March that the elections did not meet international standards. The presidential election came just months after allegations of fraud in parliamentary elections prompted the largest antigovernment demonstrations Russia had seen in two
decades. Kasyanov called for more street demonstrations to increase pressure on Putin, but said the opposition was not trying to mimic the Arab Spring. “The best way is just peaceful protests on the streets,” he said. “We would like something like what happened at the end of the ‘80s in Eastern Europe” when Communist regimes fell without violence in the face of public dissent. The demonstration finished without violence and with noticeably less police
presence than at a protest before Putin’s inauguration last month. More than 250 people were arrested at that demonstration, including leading opposition figure Boris Nemtsov, leftist radical group leader Sergei Udaltsov and popular blogger Alexei Navalny, Moscow police told CNN. In March, Putin won the country’s presidential election with nearly 65% of the vote, claiming victory amid allegations by independent polling monitors
of widespread electoral violations. International observers said there was legitimate uncertainty about the vote, with chess champion-turned opposition activist Garry Kasparov accusing Putin’s supporters of “massive fraud.” Putin, the former KGB officer who has worked to both stabilise Russia’s economy and curtail dissent, held the presidency for eight years before term limits forced him to step down in 2008.
Falkland Islands to Hold Referendum on Sovereignty
The Falkland Islands will hold a referendum on its “political status” in a bid to end the dispute with Argentina over the archipelago’s sovereignty. The islands’ government made the announcement ahead of the anniversary marking 30 years since the end of Argentina’s 74-day occupation in 1982. It said it wanted to send a firm message to Argentina that islanders want to remain British. The UK prime minister said Britain would support the result of the vote. The referendum will be organised by the Falkland Islands government and will take place in the first half of next year. The announcement comes amid growing tensions between the UK and Argentina surrounding the anniversary commemorations marking the islands’ liberation by British forces on 14 June, 1982. Foreign Office Minister Jeremy Browne is currently there on an official trip. Argentina claims sovereignty over the islands it calls the Malvinas, and wants the UK to negotiate over their rule. Recently, UK ministers have accused Argentina of trying to impose an “economic blockade” on the islands. The South American country has been turning away cruise ships carrying the British flag and is taking legal action against five British oil firms exploring the coast of the islands. Gavin Short, chairman of the islands’ legislative assembly, said they were holding the referendum “to show the world just how certain we are about it [our future]”. “I have no doubt that
the people of the Falklands wish for the islands to remain a self-governing overseas territory of the United Kingdom. We certainly have no desire to be ruled by the government in Buenos Aires, a fact that is immediately obvious to anyone who has visited the islands and heard our views. But we are aware that not everybody is able to come to these beautiful islands and to see this reality for themselves. And the Argentine government deploys misleading rhetoric that wrongly implies that we have no strong views or even that we are being held hostage by the UK military. This is simply absurd.” Prime Minister David Cameron said it was “absolutely right” that the islanders set out how they intended to “make their voices heard once more”. “And Britain will be resolute in supporting their choice,” he said. “Next year’s referendum will determine beyond doubt the views of the people of the Falklands. Britain will respect and defend their choice. We look to
all UN members to live up to their responsibilities under the UN charter and accept the islanders’ decision about how they want to live.” Foreign Secretary William Hague said: “I hope very much that Argentina, and indeed the whole of the international community, joins the UK in listening carefully to what they have to say.” The prime minister’s official spokesman later confirmed the UK government had been aware of the plans and had been in discussions with the Falklands government before the announcement, but said “it was their decision and we fully support it”. Argentinian president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, is was due to attend a meeting of the UN’s decolonisation committee on Thursday. The Falkland Islands, a rocky archipelago in the South Atlantic, are 7,780 miles from the UK and 1,140 miles from Buenos Aires. With the exception of the 1982 occupation by Argentina - which sparked the Falklands War - they have been under British control since 1833.
Burma’s Suu Kyi Embarks On Landmark Europe Trip
Pro-democracy leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, has left Burma for her first trip to Europe since 1988, in what is seen as another milestone for the country’s political progress.
During a trip lasting over two weeks, she will visit the UK, Switzerland, Ireland, France and Norway, where she will accept her 1991 Nobel Peace Prize. Ms Suu Kyi has spent much of the past 24 years under house arrest in Burma. This is her second recent overseas trip after visiting Thailand in May. She told reporters before she left Burma that she expects the trip to Europe to be eye-opening. “Each country will be different. I will know how backward [Burma] is when I reach the other countries,” she said. She also added that she “would like to do my best for the interests of the people”. Ms Suu Kyi has spent much
of the past two decades under house arrest as a political prisoner. But amid a process of reform in Burma, she was freed in late 2010 and won a seat in parliament in the recent by-elections. Her decision to travel is being seen as a sign of her confidence in the government of President Thein Sein, who brought in reforms after he came to power last year in Burma’s first elections in 20 years. She was visiting Burma in 1988 to look after her sick mother when protests broke out and has not left the country until recently. She had always feared she would not be able to return to Burma if she left.
Tunisia Shaken By ‘Islamist Pr otests’
The Tunisian government has condemned a series of attacks on police stations, a court and an art gallery. Government officials said ultra-conservative Salafist Muslims and criminals were behind the violence, much of which took place overnight. But the Salafists denied being involved in the rampage, which took place in several areas of the capital Tunis and in the country’s north-west. At least 90 people were arrested in the violence, and seven policemen hurt. In one northern suburb, La Marsa, rioters tried to force their way into an art gallery where several paintings deemed “blasphemous” had been slashed a day earlier by Islamists. The exhibition included paintings that caricatured Mecca, portrayed a nude woman, and showed the word “Allah” spelled out with strings of ants. The offices of Tunisia’s main labour union in the northwest city of Jendouba were set alight by Salafis overnight, state television reported according to Reuters. A government spokesman said that police had fired tear-gas as a group of Salafists who torched a local court in west
Tunis, the AFP news agency reports. Several police stations in the north were also attacked, AFP reports. The country’s Justice Minister Nourredine Bhiri said that those behind the violence would “pay a heavy price”. “These are terrorist groups which have lost control, they are isolated in society,” he told a Tunisian radio station. An official from the justice ministry said that those arrested would be brought to justice under a 2003 anti-terror law, AFP reports. He said some of the violence, which came hours after al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri urged Tunisians to turn against the government, may have been inspired by the group. The Salafist movement called on Tunisians to protest against “infringements against Islam” but said it had nothing to do with the violence. Since the fall of Tunisia’s autocratic leader Zine alAbidine Ben Ali, in January 2011, there has been a resurgence of hard-line Islamists in the country. Some of the Salafists’ most radical branches have been holding demonstrations to demand an introduction of Sharia in Tunisia.
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Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 tv guide
Primeval - Saturday 16
One year after the death of Johnson and the disappearance of three key ARC personnel (Danny, Connor and Abby), the government lost faith in Lester’s abilities to run such a dangerous and expensive operation on his own. They placed the ARC in the hands of a public/private partnership, part-owned by the government, and partly by entrepreneurial scientist Philip Burton (think Richard Branson with a microscope). The ARC operates from the industrial complex which houses Philip’s scientific empire; an estate of buildings with all the hustle and bustle of a thriving scientific community. As with any public/private partnership, there’s tension over who’s really in charge; Lester still runs the day-to-day operation but begrudgingly, he realizes that Philip will want involvement in the operation when it suits him.
Following Connor, Abby and Danny’s departure, the ARC found new recruits to take their place: Matt, new field leader, now handles the incursions. He’s more than just an ex-soldier; he’s a zoologist, with an uncanny ability to understand animals. A private man, Matt carefully guards the secrets of his past - and the real reason he has joined the ARC team. Unconventional Jess now runs operations from the ARC Control Centre – highly efficient and organized, her work ethic is second to none, though she is human enough to nurse an unrequited crush on Becker. Becker reigned from the military when the ARC was destroyed, and has lived with a sense of responsibility for the original team going missing. He now works as Head of Security for the ARC. They came complete with new uniforms, and most importantly to Matt, new taser guns
June ITV 1 - 6:00 pm
which avoid killing the creatures. Since Abby and Connor returned from the Cretaceous, they’ve been sacked, re-hired, caught up with old friends, and lost them to new adventures. Matt’s been forced to reveal his mission to Emily in order to persuade her to return to her own time. After the death of his father, Gideon, it’s now his own responsibility to carry the mission through, and he’s pretty sure he knows where to start. Following Danny’s revelations on his return, Philip now has his suspicions raised and is keeping a careful watch on the team for anyone stepping out of line. The tension is about to be ramped up tenfold as relationships are tested, anomalies become more dangerous, and secrets are revealed. Who will survive the apocalypse about to befall the world?
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
tv guide
fr i d a y 6:00am ���������������������������������������������������������Breakfast 9:15am ����������������������������� Crimewatch Roadshow 10:00am ������������������Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am ������������������������������������������������ Real Rescues 11:45am ����������������������������������������Cash in the Attic 12:15pm ������������������������������������������������Bargain Hunt 1:00pm ���������������������������������������� BBC News at One 1:30pm ���������������������������������������BBC London News 1:45pm �������������������������������������������������������������Doctors 2:15pm ���������������������������� Escape to the Country 3:00pm �������������������������������������������������������� BBC News 3:05pm �������������������������������������������������������� Deadly 60 3:35pm �����������������������Prank Patrol Down Under 4:00pm ����������������������������������������������������������Copycats 4:30pm ������������������������������������������������������� Blue Peter 5:00pm ����������������������������������������������������� Newsround 5:15pm �����������������������������������������������������������Pointless 6:00pm ������������������������������� BBC News at Six 6:30pm ����������������������������BBC London News 7:00pm ��������������������Match of the Day Live Sweden v England. Gary Lineker introduces live coverage of England’s second Group D encounter, against Sweden. The two countries have a history of producing tight but dramatic matches, and this second Group D clash promises more of the same, with three crucial points on offer. 10:00pm ����������������������������BBC News at Ten 10:25pm ��������������������������BBC London News 10:35pm ���������� The Graham Norton Show The award-winning host continues his anarchic talk show. Among the guests on Graham’s sofa is British actress Emily Blunt, currently making waves in Hollywood. 11:20pm ��������������������The National Lottery Friday Night Draws 11:30pm �������������������������������White Van Man Ollie suspects Darren of moonlighting with a rival firm and hires a new assistant. Darren soon finds himself in way over his head. Meanwhile, Emma quickly wangles herself a promotion at work. 12:00am ��������������������������������������EastEnders 1:00am ������������������������������������Weatherview 1:05am �������������������������������������������������������Silk 2:05am ����������������������������������Question Time
6:00am ������������������������������������������������Children´s TV 6:50am ��������������������������������������������������� Rastamouse 7:00am ���������������������������������������������������������������������Roar 7:30am ������������������������ The League of Super Evil 7:45am ���������������������������������������Frankenstein’s Cat 7:55am ������������������������������������������������������ Newsround 8:00am ����������������������������������������� Driving Academy 8:30am �������Nina and the Neurons: In the Lab 8:45am ������������������������������������������������� Big and Small 8:55am ���������������������������������������������������������������Dipdap 9:00am �����������������������������������������Tinga Tinga Tales 9:10am ��������������������������������������Little Charley Bear 9:20am �����������������������������Raa Raa the Noisy Lion 9:30am ����������Bob the Builder: Project Build It 9:40am ������������������������������������ The Koala Brothers 9:50am �����������������������������������������������������������ZingZillas 10:05am ����������������������������������������������������������Iconicles 10:30am �������������������������Driver Dan’s Story Train 10:40am �������������������������������������������������������Waybuloo 11:00am ��������������������������������� In the Night Garden 11:30am ���������������������������������������� BBC World News 12:00pm ���������������������������������������The Daily Politics 1:00pm ���������������������������������Tennis from Queen’s 5:15pm ��������������������������� Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 6:00pm ���������������������������������Royal Academy Summer Exhibition Alastair Sooke goes behind-the-scenes of the Royal Academy’s 244th Summer Exhibition, the biggest open-submission contemporary art show in the world. 7:00pm ������������������������� Antiques Road Trip 8:00pm �����������������������������Gardeners’ World In this hour-long special, Monty Don, Carol Klein, Rachel de Thame and Joe Swift report from Gardeners’ World Live at the NEC in Birmingham on the very best the show has to offer. 9:00pm �����������������The Great British Story: A People’s History 10:00pm ������������������������������������������ Episodes 10:30pm ���������������������������������������Newsnight 11:20pm �������������������������� The Review Show 12:05am ������������������������������������������������� Klute 1:55am ��������������������������������������������������Taken
Editor Recommends
6:00am ����������������������������������������������������������Daybreak 8:30am ������������������������������������������������������������Lorraine 9:25am �����������������������������The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am ������������������������������������������������This Morning 11:25am ��������������������������������������������������������ITV News 11:30am ������������������������������������������������This Morning 12:30pm ��������������������������������������������Loose Women Ricky Tomlinson and TOWIE’s Sam Faiers help Andrea McLean, Denise Welch and Carol McGiffin round off another week of lunchtime chat. 1:30pm �����������������������������ITV News and Weather 2:00pm �������������������������May the Best House Win In the East Midlands, cruise ship singer Shelley hopes her converted baby hospital home will have them all cooing. 3:00pm ����������������������������������Dickinson’s Real Deal 4:00pm �������������������������������� You’ve Been Framed! 4:30pm ����������������������������������������������Euro 2012 Live Ukraine v France. Co-hosts Ukraine have never appeared in a European Championship, but they need to make the most of home advantage against France. 7:00pm ������������������������������� London Tonight 7:15pm ������������������� ITV News and Weather 7:30pm ��������������������������������������� Emmerdale Chas and Cameron’s perfect day is ruined by Cain. Laurel is shocked at the state Ashley is in. Moira discovers Hannah has ditched her exams. 8:00pm ���������������������������������������������������Lewis When Lewis and Hathaway investigate the death of a young orphan, forensic evidence leads them to suspect there is a link with an old rock band on the verge of a comeback. Following a report of a disturbance of the peace, Lewis pays a visit to the mansion of rock legend Richie Maguire. 10:00pm ��������ITV News at Ten & Weather 10:35pm ��������������������Euro 2012 Highlights 11:35pm �����������������������������������Dante’s Peak Action thriller about volcanologist Harry Dalton who believes that the town of Dante’s Peak is built on a mountain that’s about to blow. The townsfolk ignore Harry’s warning... until rivers of lava cause a panic-stricken palaver and they have to fight for their lives. 1:25am ��������������������������������������� Jackpot247
6:10am �������������������������������������������������������������Sali Mali 6:15am ������������������������������������������������������� The Hoobs 6:40am ������������������������������������������������������ The Hoobs 7:05am ���������������������������������������� Freshly Squeezed 7:35am ������������������������������������������According to Jim 8:00am �������������������Everybody Loves Raymond 8:30am ���������������������������������������������������������������Frasier 9:00am �����������������������������������������Undercover Boss 10:00am �������������� Location, Location, Location 11:00am ���������������������������������������Secret Removers 12:00pm ���������������������������������������� Channel 4 News 12:05pm �������������������������������������������Three in a Bed 1:00pm �������������������������������������The Four Feathers 3:10pm ���������������������������������������������������� Countdown 4:00pm �������������������������������������������� Deal or No Deal 5:00pm ����������������������������������� Come Dine with Me 6:00pm �����������������������������������The Simpsons 6:30pm ������������������������������������������� Hollyoaks Joel’s unnerved by Walker’s continued presence in the village, while Lynsey calls time on her relationship with Riley, admitting that she can’t be second best to Mitzeee. 7:00pm ������������������������������� Channel 4 News 7:25pm ��������������������������������������4thought.tv 7:30pm �������������������������Come Dine with Me Battling it out under the sun on the Costa del Sol are fun-loving Welsh girl Kate Forrest, gardening guru Ben Knight, friend-of-thefamous and bus driver Tony Reddin, and straight-talking Marilyn Bevins. 8:30pm ���������The Million Pound Drop Live 10:00pm ���������������������������� 8 Out of 10 Cats Jimmy oversees the disputes and deliberations on the current events that set the nation’s chins wagging with celebrity guests. 10:50pm ����������������Stand Up for the Week 11:40pm ����������������������������������Random Acts 11:45pm �������������������������� Without a Paddle Buddies Dan, Jerry and Tom decide to go on a bonding canoe trip in the Oregon wilderness and, at the same time, search for the legendary ‘Mr Cooper’ fortune. 1:35am ����������������������������������������� No, No, No 1:40am ������������������������������� My Name is Earl 2:00am ����������������������������Dirty Sexy Money
Euro 2012: Sweden Vs England BBC 1 - 7:00 - 10:00 pm Gary Lineker introduces live coverage of England’s second Group D encounter against Sweden. The two countries have a history of producing tight but dramatic matches and this second Group D clash promises more of the same with three crucial points on offer. England tasted victory over the Swedes for the first time since 1968 in November’s friendly win at Wembley, however the fact remains that they have never beaten Sweden competitively. New England boss Roy Hodgson managed
Swedish club sides Orebro and Malmo earlier in his career but can this insight into the Swedish psyche finally help end England’s hoodoo? Alan Hansen, Alan Shearer and Lee Dixon give their expert analysis. There is also chance to see highlights of the Ukraine’s clash with France from earlier in the day with the co-hosts looking for a first win over Les Bleus. They were humbled 4-1 by them in a friendly with an experimental lineup last June but were hoping of a different outcome this time around in Donetsk.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
15 6:00am ������������������������������������������������Children´s TV 9:00am �������������������������������������������������������������������Olivia 9:15am ����������������������������������������� The Wright Stuff 11:10am �������������������������������������������������Rough Guide 12:10pm ������������������������������������5 News Lunchtime 12:15pm ���������������������������������������������������Big Brother 1:15pm �������������������������������������������Home and Away 1:45pm �����������������������������������������������������Neighbours 2:15pm �������������CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3:15pm ����������������������������Beyond the Blackboard 5:00pm ����������������������������������������������������5 News at 5 5:30pm �����������������������������������������������������Neighbours 6:00pm �������������������������������Home and Away 6:30pm ����������������������������������������������� 5 News 7:00pm ���� CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 7:50pm �����������������������������������������������������NCIS 9:05pm ������������������������������������������������ CSI: NY 10:00pm ������������������������������������� Big Brother 11:00pm ������ Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 12:00am �����������������������������������Super Casino
6:00am �����������������������������������������������������Emmerdale 6:25am �������������������������������������������������������Nanny 911 7:15am �����������������������The Jeremy Kyle Show US 8:10am �����������������������������������������������������Judge Judy 9:25am �������������������������������� The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30am ���������������������������������������������������Judge Judy 12:00pm ��������������������������������������������������Emmerdale 12:30pm ����������������������������������������������������Nanny 911 1:30pm �����������������������������The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm �������������������������������� The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm �����������������������������������������������������Judge Judy 6:00pm �������������The Jeremy Kyle Show US 7:00pm ������������������������������������������� The Cube 8:00pm ��������������������� You’ve Been Framed! 8:30pm ��������������������� You’ve Been Framed! 9:00pm �����������Piers Morgan’s Life Stories 10:00pm ������������������The Only Way is Essex 11:00pm ������������������������������������Take Me Out 12:00am ����������������������������������������Alexander
7:00pm ��������������������������������������Doctor Who The Doctor and Amy Pond meet Vincent van Gogh... And an ancient, terrifying monster. 7:50pm ��������������������������������������Doctor Who The Doctor must pass himself off as a human being to solve the mystery of a staircase that people go up but never go down. 8:30pm ����������������������� Snog, Marry, Avoid? 9:00pm ����������������������������������������� Dead Boss 9:30pm ����������������������������������������� Dead Boss 10:00pm ����������������������������Russell Howard’s Good News Extra 10:50pm �������������������������������������� Family Guy 11:10pm �������������������������������������� Family Guy 11:30pm ������������������������������� American Dad! 12:15am ���������������������������������������� Dead Boss 1:15am �������������������������� Live at the Electric 1:45am ������������������������������Russell Howard’s Good News Extra 2:30am ����������������������� Snog, Marry, Avoid? 3:00am ���������������������������������������Euros’ Most Shocking Moments
6:00am �������������������������������������������������������Heartbeat 6:50am ������������ The Father Dowling Mysteries 7:55am ����������������������������������������������Terry and June 8:30am �������������������������������������������The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes 9:40am �������������������������������������������������������������Maigret 10:50am ������������������������������� Jeeves and Wooster 11:55am ������������������������������� Jeeves and Wooster 1:00pm �������������������������������������������������������Heartbeat 2:00pm ������������������������������������ Murder, She Wrote 3:00pm ������������ The Father Dowling Mysteries 4:00pm �������������������������Agatha Christie’s Marple 6:00pm ����������������������������������������� Heartbeat 7:00pm ������������������������� Murder, She Wrote 8:00pm �������������������������������������������������� Monk 9:00pm ��������������������������� An Audience with Freddie Starr 10:00pm ��������������������������� A Touch of Frost 12:05am �������������������������������� Kavanagh Q.C. 1:35am ����������������������������������������������Maigret 2:55am ����������������������������������������������Maigret
The Million Pound Drop Live Channel 4 - 8:30 - 10:00 Pm The Million Pound Drop Live is back with ten brand new shows over five consecutive weekends.
With Davina McCall at the helm, new pairs of players will be taking on the Drop in an attempt to win big, and once again there will be some celebrity duos playing live in the hope of bagging some serious cash for their chosen charities - starting with Kirstie Allsopp and Phil Spencer in this edition. However, this series one of our celebrity players is without a partner so is on the
lookout for one lucky viewer to join them. The celebrity in question will be announced live during the first show, so tune in for details on how to be in with a chance of playing alongside them live on Channel 4. Last series saw Alan Carr and Melanie Sykes emerge victorious, winning an incredible £175,000 for their charities. Find out how the latest pairs of contestants fare with only eight questions standing between them and one million pounds.
8:55am ��������������������������������������������Deal or No Deal 10:00am ��������������������������Country House Rescue 11:05am ��������������������������������� River Cottage Bites 11:20am ������������������������������ The Thief of Bagdad 1:25pm ����������������������������������������������������� Time Team 2:30pm �������������������������������������������������Four in a Bed 3:00pm ����������������������������������� Come Dine with Me 3:35pm ����������������������������� Relocation, Relocation 4:40pm �������������������������������������A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 5:45pm ��������������������������������������River Cottage Veg 6:50pm ���������������� Grand Designs Australia Chris spent two years building his timberand-steel dream home in Callignee, in Victoria’s Gippsland region, but less than a week after completion, it was burnt to the ground in the devastating Black Saturday bushfires. 7:55pm ���������������� Grand Designs Australia 9:00pm ������������������������Kingdom of Heaven 11:45pm ������������������������������������������� Coppers 12:50am �������������Supersize v Superskinny
6:00am �������������������������Uefa Champions League Greatest Goals 6:10am ���������������������������������������The Professionals 7:00am ������������������������������������������������������������� Batman 7:50am ��������������������������������������������������������������� Minder 8:50am ���������������������������������������������������The Fall Guy 9:50am ��������������������������������������������� Quantum Leap 10:50am �������������������������������������The Professionals 11:50am ������������������������������������������������������������ Minder 12:55pm ����������Deadliest Season in the World 1:55pm ��������������������������������������������� Quantum Leap 2:55pm ���������������������������������������������������The Fall Guy 3:55pm ������������������������������������������������������������ Batman 4:55pm ���������������������������������������The Professionals 6:00pm ��������������������������������� Quantum Leap 7:00pm ������������������������������������������Imploders 8:00pm ����������������������������������������������� Minder 9:00pm �������������������������������� River Monsters 10:00pm ���������������������� Cycling: Tour Series 11:05pm �������������������� A Clockwork Orange 1:55am ����������������������������������������������� Minder
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6:48am �����������������Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter 7:00am ����������������������������������������� The 13th Warrior A disgraced nobleman exiled from his Baghdad home joins forces with Norse warriors at the end of the first millennium, and ends up battling seemingly invincible attackers during an epic journey. 9:00am ��������������������������������������������������������������Porky’s A gang of four raucous high school students who are desperate to lose their virginity decide to visit Porky, the redneck owner of a strip bar, in the hope that he can help. 11:00am ������������������������ It Happened in Flatbush The new manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers woos a socialite to take stock in the club. 12:30pm �������������������������������������������Follow the Sun Pro golfer Ben Hogan marries his childhood sweetheart and makes a comeback after an auto accident. 2:30pm ������������������������������� The Pride of St. Louis Colorful pitcher Dizzy Dean takes the Cardinals to the World Series, then turns sports announcer. 4:15pm ������������������������������������������������������The Games Michael Winner’s tepid sporting drama following four athletes from around the world as they prepare for a gruelling Olympic marathon. 6:00pm ��������������������������������� Breaking Away Oscar-winning coming-of-age comedy drama about four high-school graduates leading aimless lives in a working-class Indiana town. After coming into conflict with a group of snobbish local college students, the friends enter an annual university cycle race as a gesture of defiance. 8:00pm ���������������������������� Finding Forrester Reclusive writer Sean Connery befriends a gifted student and tries to help him in his struggle for acceptance at an exclusive school. However, events take an unexpected turn when the youngster is accused of plagiarism by an embittered professor and he’s forced to rely on his friend to help prove his innocence. 11:00pm ���������������������������The 13th Warrior A disgraced nobleman exiled from his Baghdad home joins forces with Norse warriors at the end of the first millennium, and ends up battling seemingly invincible attackers during an epic journey.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
tv guide
s a t u rd a y 6:00am ���������������������������������������������������������Breakfast 9:00am �����������������������������������������Saturday Kitchen 10:30am ��������������������������������Trooping the Colour The Queen’s Birthday Parade. Live from Horse Guards Parade in London, Huw Edwards presents coverage of the world’s most famous military parade. 1:00pm �������������������������������������������������������� BBC News 1:10pm ���������������������������������������BBC London News 1:15pm ����������������������������������������������������������������Tennis Queen’s Semi-Finals. Sue Barker presents live coverage of the semi-finals from the Queen’s Club in London. 5:30pm ����������������������������������A Question of Sport 6:00pm ����������������������� Pointless Celebrities 6:50pm �������������������������������������������BBC News 7:00pm �������� Regional News and Weather 7:10pm ���������������������Match of the Day Live Czech Republic v Poland or Greece v Russia. Gary Lineker introduces live Euro 2012 coverage as the final round of Group A matches gets underway. 7:20pm ����������������������������BBC London News 7:30pm ��������������������Match of the Day Live Czech Republic v Poland or Greece v Russia. Gary Lineker introduces live Euro 2012 coverage as the final round of Group A matches gets underway. 10:00pm �����������������������������������������BBC News 10:20pm ��������������������The National Lottery Saturday Night Draws 10:30pm ������������������������� Mrs. Brown’s Boys Agnes Brown has family troubles to contend with: her son Dermot has fallen out with Maria Nicholson, his long-term girlfriend, and Grandad is feeling poorly. 11:00pm ��������������������������Live at the Apollo Chatty Man Alan Carr introduces, in his own inimitable style, sets from the fabulous Andi Osho and the always magnificent Patrick Kielty. 11:45pm ���������������������������������The Uninvited Horror about teenager Anna, who experiences bizarre supernatural visions after surviving the house fire that killed her mother. 1:05am ������������������������������������Weatherview 1:10am ��������������������������������������������BBC News
6:00am �������������������������������������������The Pingu Show 6:10am ������������������������������������������� Pinky Dinky Doo 6:25am ���������������������������������������������������Timmy Time 6:35am ��������������������������������������������������Chuggington 6:45am ��������������������������������������������������� Rastamouse 7:00am ���������������������������������Barney’s Barrier Reef 7:30am ������������������������������������Dennis and Gnasher 7:40am ������������������������������The Scooby-Doo Show 8:05am ������������������Alesha’s Street Dance Stars 8:30am �������������������������������������������������The Slammer 9:00am ��������������Blue Peter’s Big Olympic Tour 9:30am ��������������The Ministry of Curious Stuff 10:00am ��������������������������������������������My Genius Idea 10:30am ���������������������������������������������������������Splatalot 10:55am ��������������������������������������������������������Copycats 11:25am ������������������������������������������������������������ Ooglies 11:35am ���������������������������������������������������������� Eliot Kid 11:50am ���������������������������������������� MOTD Kickabout 12:10pm �������������������������� Escape to the Country 12:40pm ����������������������������Anatomy of a Murder 3:15pm ��������������������������Goal II: Living the Dream 5:00pm ��������������������������������������������������������������� Flog It! 6:00pm ����������������������������������������Dad’s Army The verger gets tied up with disastrous consequences. Can the platoon set him free? And where will they hide the runaway barrage balloon? 6:30pm ����������������������� Trooping the Colour Highlights. The Queen’s Birthday Parade. Highlights of the military spectacle from Horse Guards Parade in London, when HM the Queen’s Colour of the Coldstream Guards was trooped to mark the monarch’s official birthday. 8:00pm ������������������A Culture Show Special 9:00pm ������������������������� The Young Victoria Period drama from Downton Abbey writer Julian Fellowes. After a confined and controlled childhood, Princess Victoria faces a fight just to become queen, then is caught between the schemes of more men out to steer her rule - the Belgian king has primed Prince Albert to woo her, while politician Lord Melbourne seeks to charm her. 10:40pm ����������������������������������������������TOTP 2 11:40pm ����������������������Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
Editor Recommends
6:00am �����������������������������������������������Signed Stories 6:10am ���������������������������������������������������� Engie Benjy 6:20am ������������������������� Olly the Little White Van 6:30am ������������������������� Olly the Little White Van 6:35am ��������������������������������������������� Fluffy Gardens 6:40am �����������������������������������������������������������The Hive 6:50am �����������������������������������������������������������The Hive 7:00am �������������������������������������������������������� Poppy Cat 7:10am ������������������������������������������������������������������Sooty 7:25am �����������������The Super Hero Squad Show 7:45am ���������������������������������� Fleabag Monkeyface 8:00am ���������������������������������Sonny with a Chance 8:25am ����������������������������������� Saturday Cookbook 9:25am ����������������������������������������������������������ITV News 9:30am ����������������������The Jeremy Kyle Show US 10:25am ��������������������The Jeremy Kyle Show US 11:20am �������������������������������The Real Housewives of New York City 12:15pm �����������������������������������Murder, She Wrote 1:20pm �����������������������������ITV News and Weather 1:30pm ������������������������������� Murder in Three Acts 3:15pm ����������������������������������������������������Thunderball In his fourth outing as James Bond, Sean Connery comes up against the evil Emilio Largo, who holds the world to ransom with a nuclear bomb stolen from NATO. 5:40pm ��������������������������������������������London Tonight 5:50pm �����������������������������ITV News and Weather
6:00am ������������������������������������ The Treacle People 6:10am ������������������������������������������������������ The Hoobs 6:35am ��������������������������������� FIM Superbike World Championship 2012 7:00am ����������������������������������������������������������British F3 7:25am ������������������������������������������� Mobil 1 The Grid 7:55am �����������������������������������������The Morning Line 8:55am ����������������������������������������� T4 Movie Special 9:30am ����������������������������������������������������������������Cheryl 10:00am �����������������������������������������Made in Chelsea 11:05am ���������������������������������������������������������Revenge 12:10pm ������������������������������The Big Bang Theory 12:45pm �������������������������������������������� The Simpsons 1:20pm �������������������������������The Paralympic Show 1:55pm �����������������������������������������Channel 4 Racing York and Sandown Park. There’s always an element of fun to this day at York: it’s a feast to satisfy the taste of every racing enthusiast. 3:55pm ����������������������������������� Come Dine with Me 4:25pm ����������������������������������� Come Dine with Me 4:55pm ����������������������������������� Come Dine with Me 5:25pm ����������������������������������� Come Dine with Me 6:00pm �������������������������Come Dine with Me 6:25pm ������������������������������� Channel 4 News 6:55pm ��������������������������������������4thought.tv 7:00pm ������������������������������������������ Sister Act Whoopi Goldberg stars in Emile Ardolino’s comedy thriller as Deloris Van Cartier, a lounge singer at a casino managed by her lover Vince LaRocca. 9:00pm ���������The Million Pound Drop Live 10:35pm ��������������������������������Patriot Games Harrison Ford plays an ex-CIA agent who, on a visit to London with his family, foils the assassination of a government minister by the IRA, killing one of the attackers in the process. 12:55am �������������������������Dawn of the Dead After a plague turns most of humanity into blood-crazed zombies, a small band of survivors find refuge in a shopping mall. 2:30am ���������������������������������������������� Enough A young couple’s screaming row goes unnoticed in a restaurant. 2:35am ���������The Million Pound Drop Live
6:00pm ���������������������������������������������Primeval An vicious underground creature brings chaos to the city, and the team must race against time to track its movements and prevent it from causing more damage. 7:00pm ������������������You Cannot be Serious! 7:30pm ����������������������You’ve Been Framed! 8:00pm ���������������� Agatha Christie’s Poirot After revolution overthrows Prince Ali Yusuf, his friend hides priceless jewels in the tennis racquet belonging to English schoolgirl Jennifer Sutcliffe. 10:00pm ���������������� ITV News and Weather 10:15pm ��������������������Euro 2012 Highlights 11:15pm ������������������������������������Take Me Out 12:15am ����������������������������������������� The Store 2:20am �������������������������������������In Plain Sight
Tennis: Queen’s Semi Finals BBC 1 - 1:15 - 5:30 pm Sue Barker presents live coverage of the semi-finals from the Queen’s Club in London. The tournament always attracts a topclass field eager to hone their grass court skills ahead of Wimbledon. Last year Andy Murray reached the final by outplaying four-time champion Andy Roddick, while Jo-Wilfried Tsonga beat James Ward in the other semi-final. Commentary comes from Andrew
Castle, John Lloyd, Andrew Cotter and Peter Fleming.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
16 6:00am ������������������������������������������������Children´s TV 8:35am ����������������������������������������������������Rupert Bear 8:50am ������������ Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:05am �������������������������������������� The Mr. Men Show 9:30am �������������������������������� Roary the Racing Car 9:35am ����������������������������������The Milkshake! Show 10:00am ����������������������������������������Inside Hollywood 10:05am ������������������������������������������Big Body Squad 11:05am ���������������������������������������������������Big Brother 12:05pm ������������������������������������Emergency Bikers 1:05pm ���������������������������������������Chief Crazy Horse 2:50pm ������������������������������������������������Calamity Jane 4:50pm �������������������������������������������������������Bewitched 6:55pm ����������������������������� 5 News Weekend 7:00pm �������������������������������������� Cricket on 5 8:00pm �����������������������������������������������������NCIS 9:00pm ��������������������������������������� Big Brother 10:00pm �������������������������������Law and Order: Special Victims Unit 11:00pm �� CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12:00am �����������������������������������Super Casino
7:00pm ��������������������World’s Craziest Fools Comedy series in which the A-Team’s Mr T tracks down the world’s craziest fools, from dumb drivers to stupid soldiers. 7:30pm ������������������� Match of the Day Live 10:00pm ����������������������� Live at the Electric Stand-up comic Russell Kane return to the stage for the third helping of short films, quick-fire sketches and musical comedy. 10:30pm ����������������������������Russell Howard’s Good News 11:00pm �������������������������������������� Family Guy In a bid to change history, Brian and Stewie travel back in time to the pilot episode of Family Guy. 11:20pm �������������������������������������� Family Guy 11:45pm ������������������������������� American Dad! 12:05am ������������������������������� American Dad! 12:30am �������������������England’s Worst Ever Football Team 1:30am ������������������������������Russell Howard’s Good News 2:00am ������������������������� Live at the Electric
6:00am ���������������������� Planet’s Funniest Animals 6:25am �����������������������������������This is Justin Bieber 7:15am ����������������������������������������������Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 7:45am ����������������������������������������������Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 8:15am �������������������Coronation Street Omnibus 9:45am ���������������������������������Emmerdale Omnibus 10:45am �����������������������������������Holiday Showdown 11:45am ������ Mark Wright’s Hollywood Nights 12:45pm ������������������������������America’s Got Talent 1:45pm ���������������������������������America’s Got Talent 2:45pm ���������������������������������America’s Got Talent 3:45pm ������������������������E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
6:00am ������������������������������������� Carry on Laughing 6:30am ����� The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes 7:30am �����������������������������Goodnight Sweetheart 8:05am ����������������������������Goodnight Sweetheart 8:45am ���������������������������������Upstairs, Downstairs 9:55am ���������������������������������Upstairs, Downstairs 10:55am ���������� The Father Dowling Mysteries 11:55am �����������������������������������������������On the Buses 12:30pm ����������������������������������������������On the Buses 1:00pm �������������������������������������������� Lost for Words 2:30pm �����������������������������������������������������������Wycliffe 4:05pm ����������������������������������� Murder, She Wrote: The Last Free Man 5:55pm ���������������������������������������The Butlin’s Story
6:00pm ��������������������������������� Nanny McPhee 8:00pm �������������� Britain’s Got More Talent 9:00pm ��������������������� Bridget Jones’s Diary 11:05pm ���������������������������������Mark Wright’s Hollywood Nights 12:05am ������������������The Only Way is Essex 1:05am �������������������������������Love in the Wild
6:55pm ���������������� Agatha Christie’s Poirot 8:00pm �������������������������������������� Parenthood 10:30pm ������������������������������������������������ Lewis 12:35am �������������� Agatha Christie’s Poirot 1:30am ����������������� Goodnight Sweetheart 2:00am ����������������� Goodnight Sweetheart
6:15pm ������ Phil’s Empty Homes Giveaway 7:20pm ���������������Supersize v Superskinny 8:25pm ������������������������������Elizabeth Taylor: Auction of a Lifetime This feature-length documentary explores Elizabeth Taylor’s extraordinary life story through some of her most precious possessions, which featured in landmark auctions in New York and London in December 2011. 10:00pm ����������������������Kingdom of Heaven 12:50am ��� Phil’s Empty Homes Giveaway 1:50am ��������Relocation: Phil Down Under 2:55am ��������Location, Location, Location
6:00am ���������������������������������������The Professionals 6:50am �������������������������������������������������������������� Minder 7:40am ���������������������������������������������� Quantum Leap 8:40am ���������������������������������������������Motorsport UK 9:40am ����������������������������������� Cycling: Tour Series 10:40am ������������������������������������������������������Imploders 11:45am �������������������������������������The Professionals 12:50pm ����������������������������������������������������������� Minder 1:50pm ��������������������������������Euro 2012 Highlights 2:55pm �������������������������������������British Touring Car Championship Highlights 4:25pm ������������������������������������������ The Last Sunset 6:45pm ����������������������������������������������� Minder 7:45pm ��������������� Any Which Way You Can 10:00pm �����������������������������Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life 12:15am �����������������������������������Smokin’ Aces 2:25am ��������Sports Mash: Taking the Mic 2:50am ���������������������������� ITV4 Nightscreen 3:00am ������������������������������������Teleshopping
5:00am ���������������������������������Dragonball Evolution Live action movie of the popular computer game as Son Goku embarks on a quest to collect a set of magical orbs that will grant whoever holds them unlimited power. 7:00am................................................Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li Kristin Kreuk stars as the well-known ‘Street Fighter’ character, Chun Li, as she hunts for justice. 9:00am................... Porky’s III : Porky’s Revenge Third in the series of comedies, chronicling the complications arising from the school basketball coach’s efforts to pay off a gambling debt. 11:00am..................Thunderhead: Son of Flicka A rancher’s young son tries to make a racehorse out of a white colt foaled by his friend Flicka. 12:30pm �����������������������������������������������������������Flicka 2 A big city girl is far from happy when she is sent to live with her father on his ranch, but she forms a close friendship with a freespirited horse that makes her realise the importance of family. 2:15pm ���������������������������������������������Baby’s Day Out Three kidnappers hatch a plan to pose as society reporters and kidnap the baby son of a wealthy couple. However, their scheme ends in disaster when the youngster escapes and goes wandering around New York. 4:00pm.....................................................................Toys Another misfire from Robin Williams, which sees him playing a zany inventor who takes on the might of his villainous uncle, a former military man intent on turning the family toy factory into a munitions plant. 6:10pm ������������������������������������������������������� Big Tom Hanks stars in this hugely successful family fantasy comedy, as a boy ridiculed for his size who makes a wish on a fairground machine to become bigger - only to wake up as a 30-year-old man. 8:00pm............................... Everyone’s Hero A boy begins a grand journey to return Babe Ruth’s baseball bat before the deciding game of the 1932 World Series comes to a close. 10:00pm �����������������������������������������Snow Day A New York borough is shut down during a blizzard - and a group of cheeky local children steal a snowplough in a desperate attempt to ensure the roads to their school stay closed as long as possible.
Editor Recommends
Sister Act Channel 4 - 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Whoopi Goldberg stars in Emile Ardolino’s comedy thriller as Deloris Van Cartier, a lounge singer at a casino managed by her lover Vince LaRocca (Harvey Keitel). He’s also a drugs baron, and when she accidentally interrupts him in the process of disposing of a stool pigeon, she has to run for her life. To keep her safe until LaRocca can be charged, the police arrange for her to become Sister Mary Clarence at a
8:55am ����������������������������������������������������� Time Team 10:00am ��������������������������������������������������� Time Team 11:05am ��������������������������������������������������� Time Team 12:10pm ���������������������������������������������������� McLintock! 2:40pm �������������� Quick Bakes with Eric Lanlard 3:00pm ����������������Location, Location, Location 4:05pm �����������������Relocation: Phil Down Under 5:10pm �����������������Relocation: Phil Down Under
tv guide
t h
nunnery overseen by stern Mother Superior (Maggie Smith). But you can’t keep a good singer down and Sister Mary has soon so successfully invigorated the choir with her musical talent that the church is packed - and there is even a call from Rome for a Papal performance. Unfortunately, thanks to an inside man in the police department, LaRocca learns of her whereabouts and sets out to prevent her testifying. Can the nuns protect her?
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
tv guide
s u nd a y 6:00am ���������������������������������������������������������Breakfast 9:00am ���������������������������The Andrew Marr Show 10:00am �������������������������������Sunday Morning Live 11:00am �������������������������������������������Country Tracks 12:00pm �������������������������������������������Sunday Politics 1:00pm ��������������������������������������������������Bargain Hunt 2:00pm ����������������������������������������������������������������Tennis 5:00pm �������������������������������������������������������������� Lifeline 5:10pm �����������������������������������������������Points of View 5:25pm ��������������������������������������������Songs of Praise
6:00pm �������������������������������������������BBC News 6:20pm ����������������������������BBC London News 6:30pm ��������������������������������������� Countryfile The team visit the Isle of Purbeck in Dorset, where Matt Baker celebrates the 70th anniversary of Enid Blyton’s Famous Five. 7:30pm ������������������������Antiques Roadshow Birmingham University. A second visit to Birmingham University for Fiona Bruce and the team as they embark on another busy day of valuations. 8:30pm �����������������������������������The Inspector Lynley Mysteries Lynley and Havers’s friendship is pushed to its limits in a high profile and chilling investigation into the disappearance of two teenage girls. 10:00pm �����������������������������������������BBC News 10:15pm ��������������������������BBC London News 10:25pm �����������������������������������������True Love Nick is happily married; his wife and children are everything to him. But when his first love appears out of the blue, he suddenly starts to question his life. Can they go back to what they had all those years ago? 10:55pm �������������������������� Match of the Day 11:45pm ����������������������������������������Alpha Dog Drama. When Californian drug dealer Johnny Truelove is double-crossed by another dealer, things quickly begin to spiral out of control and an impulsive kidnapping leads to a shocking conclusion. 1:35am ������������������������������������Weatherview 1:40am ����������������������� Two Greedy Italians: Still Hungry 2:40am ������������������������������������������Holby City
6:00am �������������������������������������������The Pingu Show 6:10am ������������������������������������������� Pinky Dinky Doo 6:25am ���������������������������������������������������Timmy Time 6:35am ��������������������������������������������������Chuggington 6:45am ��������������������������������������������������� Rastamouse 7:00am ���������������������������������Barney’s Barrier Reef 7:30am ������������������������������������Dennis and Gnasher 7:40am ������������������������������The Scooby-Doo Show 8:05am �����������������������������������������������������������������Scoop 8:30am ������������������������������������������Friday Download 9:30am ����������������� Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:00am ������������������Rowing World Cup -Munich 12:30pm ����������������������������������������������������������MotoGP 2:30pm ������������������������������������� The Four Feathers 4:30pm ���������������������������� Escape to the Country 5:00pm ������������������������������Match of the Day Live Women’s Football - England v Holland. Live coverage of the match between England’s women and their Dutch counterparts, with qualification for next summer’s European Championship at stake. 7:15pm ������������������������������������������������� Flog It! The Flog It! team visit Lancaster where experts Anita Manning and Phillip Serrell cast an eagle eye over local heirlooms. 8:00pm �������� Secrets of Our Living Planet How Nature Works. Global nature series with Chris Packham. Secrets of Our Living Planet showcases the incredible ecosystems that make life on Earth possible. 9:00pm �������������������������������������������������� Coast This time the all-new series of Coast is exploring the glorious diversity and endless delights offered by our beaches. Nick Crane digs deep to discover what it is like to live on Britain’s most unusual beach, the eerily beautiful, vast shingle spit at Dungeness in Kent. 10:00pm ������������������������������Mock the Week Dara O Briain and regulars Chris Addison, Hugh Dennis and Andy Parsons return for another series of topical mockery with guests Nathan Caton, Greg Davies and Micky Flanagan. 10:30pm ������������������������������������������ Episodes 11:00pm ����������������������������������������The Hours 12:50am �����������������������������������������BBC News
6:00am ���������������������������������������������������������������Boblins 6:10am ��������������������������������������������������Fireman Sam 6:20am ������������������������� Olly the Little White Van 6:30am �����������Jake and the Neverland Pirates 6:45am �����������Jake and the Neverland Pirates 7:00am �������������������������������������������������������� Poppy Cat 7:10am �������������������������������������������������������Tati’s Hotel 7:25am ���������������������������������������������� Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil 7:35am ���������������������������������������������� Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil 7:45am ���������������������������������� Fleabag Monkeyface 8:00am ����������������������������������������������� Big Time Rush 8:25am ����������������������������������������������������Dinner Date 9:25am ����������������������������������������������������������ITV News 9:30am �������������������������������������������������Ade in Britain 10:25am �����������������������May the Best House Win 11:25am �����������������������������������The Hungry Sailors 12:25pm ��������������������������ITV News and Weather 12:35pm �������������������������������Dickinson’s Real Deal 1:35pm �������������������������������������Murder, She Wrote 2:35pm �����������������������������������������������������������Columbo 4:30pm ������������������������������������������������������Doc Martin 5:30pm ������������������������������������������������������� The Chase
6:25pm ������������������������������� London Tonight 6:35pm ������������������ ITV News and Weather 6:45pm ��������������������������������������� Emmerdale Cameron and Chas desperately try to cover their tracks. Laurel drops a bombshell on Ashley. David has a change of heart after seeing how upset Jacob is. 7:15pm ���������������������������������� Euro 2012 Live Portugal v Holland. Adrian Chiles presents coverage from the last round of matches in group B as World Cup finalists Holland take on Portugal in Kharkiv. 10:00pm ���������������� ITV News and Weather 10:15pm ������The Shawshank Redemption Prison drama about the relationship between two inmates of Shawshank State Prison over two decades. When a New England banker begins a double life sentence in 1946 for the murder of his wife and her lover. 12:50am ���������������������������������������� The Store 2:55am ���������������������������������Motorsport UK
6:05am ������������������������������������ The Treacle People 6:15am ������������������������������������������������ Ironman 2012 6:40am ������������������������������������������������Kingsmeadow 7:05am ��������������������� Nathan Stephens ‘Warrior’ 7:10am ��������������������������������������������������������������� Cycling 8:05am �������������������Everybody Loves Raymond 8:30am �������������������Everybody Loves Raymond 9:00am ���������������������������������������������������������������Frasier 9:30am ���������������������������������������������������������������Frasier 10:00am �������������������������������������������Sunday Brunch 12:30pm �����������������������������The Big Bang Theory 1:00pm ��������������������������������The Big Bang Theory 1:30pm ����������������������������������������������� The Simpsons 2:00pm ���������������������������Speed 2: Cruise Control 4:20pm �������������������������������������������� Deal or No Deal 5:20pm ������������������������������������� Time Team Special
6:20pm ������������������������������� Channel 4 News 6:50pm ��������������������������������������4thought.tv 6:55pm ����������������������������� The Political Slot 7:00pm ����������������� One Born Every Minute This episode features unexpected twins, and the tables are turned when one of the midwives arrives for labour. Neither mum wants intervention or an epidural; they both want to do it naturally. 8:00pm �������������������������Come Dine with Me Competing for the culinary prize in Windsor are hairdresser Leanne Strachan, dizzy property manager Jill Rendell, saucy lighting designer Daphne Diluce, and fun and flirty flooring specialist Chaz Fearnley. 9:00pm �������������������������� My Sister’s Keeper Writer and director Nick Cassavetes’ drama, based on the best-selling novel by Jodi Picoult, raises interesting ethical and legal questions. Eleven-year-old Anna Fitzgerald and her family tell, in flashbacks, the story of her older sister Kate’s diagnosis of leukaemia and her mother Sara’s and father Brian’s decision to conceive a genetically engineered daughter for the express purpose of donating body parts to Kate. 11:10pm ����������������������Little Miss Sunshine 1:05am ��������������������������������������������� Camelot 2:00am ������������������������������������� The Tannery 2:05am ��������������������������Hollyoaks Omnibus
My Sister’s Keeper Channel 4 - 9:00 - 11:10 pm Writer and director Nick Cassavetes’ (The Notebook) drama, based on the best-selling novel by Jodi Picoult, raises interesting ethical and legal questions. Eleven-year-old Anna Fitzgerald (Abigail Breslin - Little Miss Sunshine) and her family tell, in flashbacks, the story of her older sister Kate’s (Sofia Vassilieva) diagnosis of leukaemia and her mother Sara’s (Cameron Diaz) and father Brian’s (Jason Patric) decision to conceive a genetically engineered daughter
for the express purpose of donating body par ts to Kate. When Kate desperately needs a kidney, Anna decides that she doesn’t want to donate hers and goes to the lengths of hiring a lawyer, Campbell Alexander (Alec Baldwin), in her quest for medical emancipation from her family. Anna’s decision sends shock waves through the family, with angry Sara eventually taking their fight to cour t.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
17 6:00am ������������������������������������������������Children´s TV 8:05am �����The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 8:20am ����������������������������������������Angelina Ballerina 8:35am ����������������������������������������������������Rupert Bear 8:50am ������������ Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:05am ���������������������������������������The Mr Men Show 9:20am �������������������������������� Roary the Racing Car 9:35am ����������������������������������The Milkshake! Show 10:00am �������������������������������������������Meerkat Manor 10:30am ����������������������������������������� Grey’s Anatomy 11:25am ���������������������������������������������������Big Brother 12:25pm ����������������������������������Police Interceptors 1:30pm ������������������������������������������Last Action Hero 3:50pm �����������������������������������������5 News Weekend 3:55pm �����������������������������Getting Even with Dad 6:00pm ����������������������������������� Dirty Dancing 8:00pm ���������������������������Once Upon a Time 9:00pm ��������������������������������������� Big Brother 10:00pm ��������������������������������������� Bad Boys II 12:50am �����������������������������������Super Casino
6:00am �������������������������������������������������������Nanny 911 6:45am �������������������������������������Holiday Showdown 7:40am ��������������������������������������Holiday Showdown 8:40am ��������������������������All Star Family Fortunes 9:25am ���������������������������������Emmerdale Omnibus 10:25am ����������������Coronation Street Omnibus 12:00pm ��������������������������������������������������������Primeval 1:00pm ���������������������������������������������Holiday Airport 2:00pm ������������������������������The Only Way is Essex 3:00pm ���������������������������������������������������������������Dennis 4:50pm ���������������������������������������A Cinderella Story 6:45pm �������������������������������� Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 9:00pm ������������������������������������������ Benidorm 10:00pm ���������������������������������Mark Wright’s Hollywood Nights 11:00pm ������������������������������� The Exclusives 12:00am ������������ Britain’s Got More Talent 1:00am ������������������� Perez Hilton Superfan 1:55am ��������������������������������������� Emmerdale 2:20am ������������������������������������Teleshopping
7:00pm �������������������� Great Movie Mistakes 7:20pm ���������������������������������������� Ratatouille Children’s animation. A rat moves to Paris to pursue his unlikely dream of becoming a chef. 9:00pm ����������Plan B, Leona and Labrinth: Project Hackney Plan B goes back to his old school in east London on a mission to change young lives. He went to a pupil referral unit in Newham where kids unable to attend mainstream school go. 10:00pm �������������������������������������� Family Guy 10:20pm �������������������������������������� Family Guy 10:45pm ������������������������������� American Dad! 11:30pm ������Russell Howard’s Good News 12:00am ����������������������� Live at the Electric 12:30am ��������������������� Snog, Marry, Avoid? 1:00am ����������Plan B, Leona and Labrinth: Project Hackney 1:55am �������������������� Euros’ Most Shocking Moments 2:55am ��������Russell Howard’s Good News
6:00am ����� The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes 7:00am ������������������������������������������������Kavanagh Q.C. 8:40am �������������������������������������������������������Heartbeat 9:40am �������������������������������������������������������Heartbeat 10:45am ����������������������������Rosemary and Thyme 12:50pm ���������������������The Darling Buds of May 1:55pm ������������������������������������������Hidden Treasure 3:55pm ��������������������������������������������� Forever Young 5:55pm ��������������������������Agatha Christie’s Poirot 8:00pm ������������������������� Midsomer Murders DI Tom Barnaby realises that there is more to a case than first appears when the father of a young poacher jailed for killing a tramp is himself brutally murdered. 10:05pm �������������������������������������������Wycliffe A bookshop owner in Penzance is brutally murdered, and Wycliffe discovers all is not well among the members of one of the area’s most respected families. 11:45pm �������������������������������������������� Cracker 12:50am �������������� Agatha Christie’s Poirot 2:35am ���������������The Darling Buds of May
True Love
BBC 1 - 10:25 - 10:55 pm Created and directed by Bafta winning Dominic Savage, True Love stars David Tennant, Ashley Walters, Billie Piper, Jane Horrocks and David Morrissey. BBC One’s first improvised series, it explores five powerful and overlapping love stories set in the same town. The first episode centres on Nick, who is happily married: his wife and children are everything to him,
but when his first love appears out of the blue he starts to question everything. Could they go back to what they had all those years ago? Cast: Nick is played by David Tennant, Ruth is played by Joanne Froggatt, Serena is played by Vicky McClure, Michelle is played by Lacey Turner, Darren is played by Luke Bryant and Lorraine is played by Jo Woodcock.
8:55am ��������������������������������������������Deal or No Deal 9:55am ��������������������������������Scrapheap Challenge 11:05am ��������������������������������� River Cottage Bites 11:15am �������������Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard 11:50am �����������������������������������������������Four in a Bed 2:30pm �������������������������Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 3:35pm �������������������������Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 4:05pm �������������������������Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 4:40pm �������������������������Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 5:10pm ����������������������������������� Come Dine with Me 5:45pm ����������������������������������� Come Dine with Me 6:15pm ������������������������� Come Dine with Me 6:50pm ������������������������ Come Dine with Me 7:25pm ������������������������ Come Dine with Me 7:55pm ���������������������������River Cottage Veg 9:00pm ������������������������������������ Jamie Does... 10:00pm �������������������������������������� Father Ted 11:10pm ���������������������� Come Dine with Me 12:15am ��������������������������River Cottage Veg 1:20am ������������������������������������ Jamie Does... 2:25am ���������������������������������������� Father Ted
6:00am ������������������������������������������������������������Film File 6:10am �������������������������������������������������������������� Minder 7:00am ����������������������������������������������������������The Saint 7:55am ������������������������������������������Motorway Patrol 8:25am �����������������������������������������Motorway Patrol 8:55am ���������������������������������Border Security USA 9:55am �������������������������������������������������������������� Minder 10:55am ������������������������������Euro 2012 Highlights 12:00pm ��������������������������������������� The Last Sunset 2:15pm �����������������������������Captain Newman, M.D. 4:55pm ���������������������������������������Escape to Victory 7:15pm ���������������������������������� Euro 2012 Live 9:45pm ��������������� Uefa Champions League Greatest Matches 10:00pm ��������������������������� Full Metal Jacket 12:20am ��������������������������������������������� Minder 1:20am �������������������������������������������The Saint 2:20am ��������Sports Mash: Taking the Mic 2:45am ���������������������������� ITV4 Nightscreen 3:00am ������������������������������������Teleshopping
tv guide
t h
6:30am ���������������������������������������������� Fantastic Four When a group of astronauts are exposed to cosmic rays they each develop special powers. However, one of them decides to use his new-found strength for his own nefarious ends, leaving the others to join forces and stop him. 9:00am ��������������������� Robin Hood: Men in Tights Mel Brooks sends up the Sherwood Forest legend in this dim, laugh-an-hour spoof, which came just two years after Kevin Costner had given the legend a more serious reappraisal. 11:00am.....................................Let’s Make It Legal A woman divorces her husband of 20 years because he gambles too much. 12:30pm ������������������������������ The Girl Can’t Help It A down-on-his-luck theatrical agent takes on a dangerous assignment when a gangster hires him to make a star out of his girlfriend. However, the woman in question freely admits to having no talent, and matters are complicated further when she and the agent fall in love. 2:15pm...........Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? A struggling advertising executive is desperate to recruit a Hollywood star to be the face of a lipstick campaign. When the press claim they are having an affair. 4:00pm.........................................Kiss Them for Me Three Navy pilots are given four days leave during the Second World War so they can take part in a promotional event for the war effort. However, the lucky trio prefer spending their free time throwing a party. 5:55pm..................................... Where the Heart Is Natalie Portman stars as a pregnant teenager who is left shattered when she’s abandoned by her boyfriend. In desperation, she makes a home for herself in a local supermarket, where she remains until the birth of her baby. 8:00pm �����������������������������������������27 Dresses A perpetual bridesmaid balks upon learning that her next assignment would be standing up for her sister, who will marry the man the bridesmaid secretly loves. 10:30pm ���������������What Happens in Vegas Two total strangers meet when they are accidentally booked into the same hotel room in Las Vegas.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
tv guide
m ond a y 6:00am ���������������������������������������������������������Breakfast 9:15am ����������������������������� Crimewatch Roadshow 10:00am ������������������Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am ������������������������������������������������ Real Rescues 11:45am ����������������������������������������Cash in the Attic 12:15pm ������������������������������������������������Bargain Hunt 1:00pm ���������������������������������������� BBC News at One 1:30pm ���������������������������������������BBC London News 1:45pm �������������������������������������������������������������Doctors 2:15pm ���������������������������� Escape to the Country 3:00pm �������������������������������������������������������� BBC News 3:05pm �������������������������������������������������������� Deadly 60 3:35pm �����������������������Prank Patrol Down Under 4:00pm ����������������������������������������������������������Copycats 4:30pm �������Help! My Supply Teacher is Magic 5:00pm ����������������������������������������������������� Newsround 5:15pm �����������������������������������������������������������Pointless 6:00pm ������������������������������� BBC News at Six 6:30pm ����������������������������BBC London News 7:00pm ��������������������Match of the Day Live Italy v Republic of Ireland or Croatia v Spain. Gary Lineker presents live coverage of a Group C match in the Euro 2012 tournament. 10:00pm ����������������������������BBC News at Ten 10:25pm ��������������������������BBC London News 10:35pm �����������������������������������������True Love There is nothing really wrong with Paul’s life; he has a lovely wife, a baby boy, a nice house... He just considers it a bit ordinary, a bit lacking in excitement. Then he catches sight of a girl on his way to work and feels an instant attraction - could this really be love at first sight? 11:05pm ���������� The Graham Norton Show Among the guests on Graham’s sofa is British actress Emily Blunt, currently making waves in Hollywood. 11:50pm ������������������������������ The Lonely Guy Comedy about a struggling young writer in New York who has his world turned upside down when he comes home and discovers his girlfriend in bed with another man. 1:15am �������������������������������������Weatherview 1:20am �����������������������Antiques Uncovered 2:20am ���������������� The Little Paris Kitchen: Cooking with Rachel Khoo
6:00am �������������������������������������������The Pingu Show 6:10am ������������������������������������������� Pinky Dinky Doo 6:25am ���������������������������������������������������Timmy Time 6:35am ��������������������������������������������������Chuggington 6:50am ��������������������������������������������������� Rastamouse 7:00am ���������������������������������������������������������������������Roar 7:30am ������������������������ The League of Super Evil 7:45am ���������������������������������������Frankenstein’s Cat 7:55am ������������������������������������������������������ Newsround 8:00am ����������������������������������������� Driving Academy 8:30am �������Nina and the Neurons: In the Lab 8:45am ������������������������������������������������� Big and Small 8:55am ���������������������������������������������������������������Dipdap 9:00am �����������������������������������������Tinga Tinga Tales 9:10am ��������������������������������������Little Charley Bear 9:20am �����������������������������Raa Raa the Noisy Lion 9:30am ����������Bob the Builder: Project Build It 9:40am ������������������������������������ The Koala Brothers 9:50am �����������������������������������������������������������ZingZillas 10:05am ����������������������������������������������������������Iconicles 10:30am �������������������������Driver Dan’s Story Train 10:40am �������������������������������������������������������Waybuloo 11:00am ��������������������������������� In the Night Garden 11:30am ���������������������������������������� BBC World News 12:00pm ���������������������������������������The Daily Politics 1:00pm ���������������������������������������������������� Animal Park 1:30pm ����������������������������������������The Weakest Link 2:15pm ��������������������������������To Buy or Not to Buy 3:00pm ���������������������������������������������������Heir Hunters 3:45pm �������������������Hairy Bikers’ Best of British 4:30pm ��������������������������������������������������������������� Flog It! 5:15pm �������������������������������������������Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 6:00pm �������������������������������������������Eggheads 6:30pm ���� Great British Railway Journeys 7:00pm ������The Hairy Bikers: Mums Know Best 8:00pm �����������������������������������Natural World 9:00pm ����� King George and Queen Mary: The Royals Who Rescued The Monarchy 10:00pm �������������������������Sounds of the 70s 10:30pm ���������������������������������������Newsnight 11:20pm ������ Secrets of Our Living Planet 12:20am �����������������������������������������BBC News
Editor Recommends
6:00am ����������������������������������������������������������Daybreak 8:30am ������������������������������������������������������������Lorraine 9:25am �����������������������������The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am ������������������������������������������������This Morning 11:25am ��������������������������������������������������������ITV News 11:30am ������������������������������������������������This Morning 12:30pm ��������������������������������������������Loose Women 1:30pm �����������������������������ITV News and Weather 2:00pm �������������������������May the Best House Win 3:00pm ����������������������������������Dickinson’s Real Deal 4:00pm �����������������������������������������A Touch of Frost 5:00pm ������������������������������������������������������� The Chase 6:00pm ������������������������������� London Tonight 6:30pm ������������������ ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ��������������������������������������� Emmerdale Alicia is gobsmacked by David’s plan to keep Jacob. As Cain’s accusations fly, Cameron prays Debbie will believe his lies. Hannah is thrilled when Holly asks her to move to London with her. 7:30pm ���������������������������Coronation Street Karl grows frantic as his affair with Sunita begins to unravel. Stella encourages Leanne to stand up to Peter. Beth and Tracy make a pact. 8:00pm ����������������� The Walton Sextuplets: Moving On This film captures them at an important stage in their lives, exploring how they have grown up to become independent young women and examining the close bond that the family shares. 9:00pm �������������������������������������������Benidorm On a trip to the waterfalls of Callosa, Mick upsets Janice and it looks like their relationship might not survive this time. 10:00pm �����������������������������ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:35pm ��������������������Euro 2012 Highlights 11:35pm �����������������������������������In Plain Sight After being in a coma for three years, an ATF agent wakes up to find out he is now in the witness protection program after a weapons dealer tried to kill him. 12:25am ������������������������������������� Jackpot247 3:00am �������������������The Jeremy Kyle Show
6:15am �������������������������������������������������Children´s TV 7:35am ������������������������������������������According to Jim 8:00am �������������������Everybody Loves Raymond 8:30am ���������������������������������������������������������������Frasier 9:00am �����������������������������������������Undercover Boss 10:00am �������������� Location, Location, Location 11:00am ���������������������������������������Secret Removers 12:00pm ���������������������������������������� Channel 4 News 12:05pm ����������������������Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 12:35pm ������������ Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard 1:05pm ���������Oscar Pistorius ‘One Giant Leap’ 1:10pm ��������������������������������������Damn the Defiant! 3:10pm ���������������������������������������������������� Countdown 4:00pm �������������������������������������������� Deal or No Deal 5:00pm �������������������������������������������������Four in a Bed 5:30pm ����������������������������������� Come Dine with Me 6:00pm �����������������������������������The Simpsons 6:30pm ������������������������������������������� Hollyoaks Mitzeee’s sudden return from New York makes Nancy suspicious, but then they meet gorgeous footballer Jay... could he be everything Mitzeee has ever wanted? 7:00pm ������������������������������� Channel 4 News 7:55pm ��������������������������������������4thought.tv 8:00pm ���������������������������������������� Dispatches Let My Dad Die. Seven years ago Tony Nicklinson had a catastrophic stroke, which has left him utterly paralysed. He has what is known as ‘locked in syndrome’ and cannot move, talk, feed himself or perform even the most basic function without help. 8:30pm ��������������������������Gok Cooks Chinese Gok goes back to basics creating delicious dishes usually served as street food in China, starting with lamb and cucumber kebabs and the ultimate one-pot wonder - Tender Beef Noodle Soup. 9:00pm �������������������� The Secret Millionaire 10:00pm ���������������������������� 8 Out of 10 Cats 10:50pm ������������������������ A Short History of Everything Else 11:20pm ����������������������������������Random Acts 11:25pm ��������������������Embarrassing Bodies 12:30am ������������������������������� The Good Wife 1:25am ������������������������������������������� The Big C 1:55am �������������������������� Lost in Translation
Let Our Dad Die: Channel 4 Dispatches Channel 4 - 8:00 - 8:30 pm Seven years ago Tony Nicklinson had a catastrophic stroke, which has left him utterly paralysed. He has what is known as ‘locked in syndrome’ and cannot move, talk, feed himself or perform even the most basic function without help.
He can only communicate via a computer controlled by his eyes. Tony Nicklinson wants to die, but he cannot kill himself without help, and anyone who helped him would be committing murder. On the eve of a historic
and controversial legal bid to demand the right to be killed, he tells his story, comes face to face with his critics, and hears from the Greek doctor who saved his life seven years ago who says he wouldn’t wish this condition on his worst enemy.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
18 6:00am ������������������������������������������������Children´s TV 9:15am ����������������������������������������� The Wright Stuff 11:10am �������������������������������������������������Rough Guide 12:10pm ������������������������������������5 News Lunchtime 12:15pm ���������������������������������������������������Big Brother 1:15pm �������������������������������������������Home and Away 1:45pm �����������������������������������������������������Neighbours 2:15pm ����������������������������������������������������Monkey Life 2:50pm �������������������������Chinese Food in Minutes 3:00pm ����������������������������������������������The Long Shot 5:00pm ����������������������������������������������������5 News at 5 5:30pm �����������������������������������������������������Neighbours 6:00pm �������������������������������Home and Away 6:30pm ����������������������������������������������� 5 News 7:00pm ��������������������������� Emergency Bikers 8:00pm �������������The Restaurant Inspector 9:00pm ��������������������������������������� Big Brother 10:00pm ������������������������� The Walking Dead 11:00pm ������ Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 12:00am ���������������������������� Sons of Anarchy
6:00am �����������������������������������������������������Emmerdale 6:50am ���������������������� Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:15am �����������������������The Jeremy Kyle Show US 8:10am �����������������������������������������������������Judge Judy 9:25am �������������������������������� The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30am ���������������������������������������������������Judge Judy 12:00pm ��������������������������������������������������Emmerdale 1:00pm ���������������������� Planet’s Funniest Animals 1:30pm �����������������������������The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm �������������������������������� The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm �������������������������������� The Real Housewives of New York City 5:35pm �����������������������������������������������������Judge Judy 6:00pm �������������The Jeremy Kyle Show US 7:00pm ����������������All Star Family Fortunes 8:00pm ������������������������������������������� The Cube 9:00pm �����������������Something’s Gotta Give 11:30pm �������������������������������������� The Jacket 1:30am �������������������������� Coronation Street
7:00pm ��������������������World’s Craziest Fools 7:30pm ������������������� Match of the Day Live 10:00pm ��� Chris Moyles’ Comedy Empire Chris Moyles hosts a gala evening of comedy to kick-start BBC Three’s coverage of the London 2012 Festival. Recorded at the iconic Hackney Empire and featuring some of the funniest names in comedy. 11:00pm ��������������������� Snog, Marry, Avoid? First to face POD is Kiya, a pole dancing accountant with a mountain of matted hair. Then it’s Adele, a Derby lass who is addicted to dressing up. Can POD turn them both back into natural beauties? 11:30pm �������������������������������������� Family Guy 11:50pm �������������������������������������� Family Guy 12:15am �������������������������������� American Dad! 12:35am ������������������������������� American Dad! 1:00am ����� Chris Moyles’ Comedy Empire 2:00am ����������������������� Snog, Marry, Avoid? 2:25am ��������Russell Howard’s Good News 2:55am ����������Plan B, Leona and Labrinth: Project Hackney
6:05am �������������������������������������������������������Heartbeat 7:00am ����������������������� The Agatha Christie Hour 8:05am �������������������������������������������������On the Buses 8:40am ����� The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes 9:45am �������������������������������������������������������������Maigret 11:00am ������������������������������� Jeeves and Wooster 1:10pm �������������������������������������������������������Heartbeat 2:10pm ������������������������������������ Murder, She Wrote 3:10pm ������������ The Father Dowling Mysteries 4:15pm ��������������������������������������������������Countrywise 4:45pm �����������������������������������������������World Kitchen 5:15pm ���������������������������������������������Terry and June 5:55pm �������������������������������������������������������Heartbeat 6:55pm ������������������������� Murder, She Wrote 8:00pm ���������������� Agatha Christie’s Poirot 9:00pm ����������������������������� A Touch of Frost 11:05pm �����������������������Murder in Suburbia 12:05am ����������������������������������������������������Life 1:00am ����������������� Ruth Rendell Mysteries 1:55am ������������������������������������� Drama Trails
Gok Cooks Chinese Channel 4 - 8:30 - 9:00 pm Gok Wan is firing up his wok to showcase his other great passion in life, Chinese cooking. Growing up with a Chinese restaurateur and chef for a father, Gok loves nothing more than home cooked Chinese food and has perfected many dishes of his own. Gok goes back to basics creating delicious dishes usually served as street food in China, starting with
lamb and cucumber kebabs and the ultimate one-pot wonder - Tender Beef Noodle Soup. For his third dish, Gok heads off to Brixton to meet Auntie Li, a dumpling demon who is bringing real Beijing street food to south London. When he challenges her to a dumpling making race, there can only be one winner.
8:55am ��������������������������������������������Deal or No Deal 9:55am ������������������BT and Channel 4 Present... 10:05am �����������������������������������Time Team Special 11:10am �����������������������������������������������Up Periscope 1:25pm ����������������������������������������������������� Time Team 2:30pm �������������������������������������������������Four in a Bed 3:00pm �������������������������������������������������Four in a Bed 3:35pm ����������������������������� Relocation, Relocation 4:40pm ����A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 5:45pm ������������������� Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 6:50pm ������ Celebrity Come Dine with Me 7:55pm ����������������������������������Grand Designs 9:00pm ����������������������������������Grand Designs 10:00pm ��������������Big Fat Gypsy Weddings 11:05pm ������������������The Secret Millionaire Changed My Life 12:10am ���� The Daily Show Global Edition 12:40am ��������������������������������Grand Designs 1:50am ����������������Big Fat Gypsy Weddings 2:50am ��������������������The Secret Millionaire Changed My Life
6:10am ���������������������������������������The Professionals 7:00am ������������������������������������������������������������� Batman 7:50am ��������������������������������������������������������������� Minder 8:50am ���������������������������������������������������The Fall Guy 9:50am ��������������������������������������������� Quantum Leap 10:50am �������������������������������������The Professionals 11:55am ������������������������������������������������������������ Minder 12:55pm �������������������������Police, Camera, Action! 1:55pm ��������������������������������������������� Quantum Leap 2:55pm ���������������������������������������������������The Fall Guy 3:55pm ������������������������������������������������������������ Batman 5:00pm ���������������������������������������The Professionals 6:00pm ��������������������������������� Quantum Leap 7:00pm ����������������� You Cannot be Serious! 7:30pm ����������������Greatest England World Cup Matches 7:45pm ��������������� Any Which Way You Can 10:00pm �������������������������� Universal Soldier: Regeneration 12:00am ����������������Police, Camera, Action! 1:00am ����������������������������������������������� Minder 2:00am ��������������������������� The Professionals
tv guide
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5:00am ���������������������������What Happens in Vegas Two total strangers meet when they are accidentally booked into the same hotel room in Las Vegas. 6:49am �����������������Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter 7:00am ���������������������������������������������All About Steve Mary Horowitz is an eccentric crossword puzzler who is convinced that a CNN cameraman is the love of her life. 8:49am �����������������Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter 9:00am ����������������������������������������� Kiss Me Goodbye Romantic comedy, starring Sally Field as a perky widow whose dead husband returns as a ghost, making her think twice about getting hitched again. 11:00am ������������������������Blue, White and Perfect Private eye Michael Shayne tracks industrial diamonds stolen by spies, bound for Honolulu. 12:30pm ��������������������Where the Sidewalk Ends A New York cop is determined to make up for his father’s criminal past, which makes him overly zealous in enforcing the law. When he beats a robbery suspect to death, he pins the blame on his victim’s father-inlaw. 2:15pm ����������������������������������� House of Strangers An Italian New York banker has a son who is loyal and three who are not. 4:00pm ���������������������������������������Honor Thy Father The son of New York mobster Joseph Bonanno inherits the troubled family business. From the Gay Talese book. 5:40pm ���������������������������������������������������� The Hustler An arrogant pool shark challenges a renowned champion player, only to lose the match and end up broke with his confidence shattered. With the aid of a cut-throat manager, he sets about honing his skills for a rematch. 8:00pm ��������������������������������������������Break Up A woman trapped in an abusive relationship becomes the prime suspect for murder when her husband’s charred body is apparently discovered in a burnt-out car - prompting her to embark on a desperate attempt to prove the violent bully is not really dead. 10:00pm ����������������������������������������25th Hour A drug-dealer spends his last day of freedom attempting to set his life in order before beginning a prison sentence.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
tv guide
t u e sd a y 6:00am ���������������������������������������������������������Breakfast 9:15am ����������������������������Crimewatch Roadshow 10:00am ���������������� Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am �����������������������������������������������Real Rescues 11:45am ���������������������������������������Cash in the Attic 12:15pm �����������������������������������������������Bargain Hunt 1:00pm ���������������������������������������� BBC News at One 1:30pm ���������������������������������������BBC London News 1:45pm ���������������������������������������������������� Royal Ascot Clare Balding hosts coverage from Ascot at the start of a five-day horse racing extravaganza, billed as the greatest race meeting in the world. 3:20pm ��������������������������������������������������������BBC News 3:25pm �������������������������������������������������������Deadly Art 3:40pm �����������������������Prank Patrol Down Under 4:00pm ����������������������������������������������������������Copycats 4:30pm ���������������������������Who Let the Dogs Out? 5:00pm �����������������������������������������������������Newsround 5:15pm �����������������������������������������������������������Pointless 6:00pm ������������������������������� BBC News at Six 6:30pm ��������������������������� BBC London News 7:00pm ����������������������������������������EastEnders Abi remains determined to keep her engagement to Jay a secret, but when her ring becomes firmly stuck on her finger, all hell breaks loose. 7:30pm ������������������������������������������Holby City In the face of a hospital-wide outbreak, Luc is determined to make up for missing a diagnosis the day before. 8:30pm ���������������Inspector George Gently Gently and his sidekick Bacchus investigate the suspicious death of Gently’s ex-snout, China. 10:00pm ��������������������������� BBC News at Ten 10:25pm ������������������������� BBC London News 10:35pm ���������������������������������������� True Love Holly is a young unfulfilled teacher who is in an unsatisfactory relationship with a married man. 11:05pm �������������������������� Match of the Day 12:05am ��������������� Highlander: The Source 1:25am ������������������������������������Weatherview 1:30am ���������������������The Great Euro Crash with Robert Peston
6:00am �������������������������������������������The Pingu Show 6:10am ������������������������������������������� Pinky Dinky Doo 6:25am ���������������������������������������������������Timmy Time 6:35am ��������������������������������������������������Chuggington 6:50am ��������������������������������������������������� Rastamouse 7:00am ���������������������������������������������������������������������Roar 7:30am ������������������������ The League of Super Evil 7:45am ���������������������������������������Frankenstein’s Cat 7:55am ������������������������������������������������������ Newsround 8:00am ����������������������������������������� Driving Academy 8:30am �������Nina and the Neurons: In the Lab 8:45am ������������������������������������������������� Big and Small 8:55am ���������������������������������������������������������������Dipdap 9:00am �����������������������������������������Tinga Tinga Tales 9:10am ��������������������������������������Little Charley Bear 9:20am �����������������������������Raa Raa the Noisy Lion 9:30am ����������Bob the Builder: Project Build It 9:40am ������������������������������������ The Koala Brothers 9:50am �����������������������������������������������������������ZingZillas 10:05am ���������������������������������������������������������Kerwhizz 10:30am �������������������������Driver Dan’s Story Train 10:40am �������������������������������������������������������Waybuloo 11:00am ��������������������������������� In the Night Garden 11:30am ���������������������������������������� BBC World News 12:00pm ���������������������������������������The Daily Politics 1:00pm ������������������������������������������������������������������Coast 1:05pm ���������������������������������������������������� Animal Park 1:50pm ����������������������������������������The Weakest Link 2:35pm ��������������������������������To Buy or Not to Buy 3:20pm �����������������������������������������������������Royal Ascot 5:15pm �������������������������������������������Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 6:00pm �������������������������������������������Eggheads 6:30pm ���� Great British Railway Journeys 7:00pm ������������������������������The Hairy Bikers: Mums Know Best 8:00pm �������������������������������������Ocean Giants 9:00pm ��������������������� Great Ormond Street 10:00pm ������������������������������������������������������� QI 10:30pm ���������������������������������������Newsnight 11:20pm ������������������������The Secret History of Our Streets 12:20am �����������������������������������������BBC News
Editor Recommends
6:00am ����������������������������������������������������������Daybreak 8:30am ������������������������������������������������������������Lorraine 9:25am �����������������������������The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am ������������������������������������������������This Morning 11:25am ��������������������������������������������������������ITV News 11:30am ������������������������������������������������This Morning 12:30pm ��������������������������������������������Loose Women Loose ladies Carol Vorderman, Jenny Eclair, Carol McGiffin and Denise Welch are joined by Gareth Gates. 1:30pm �����������������������������ITV News and Weather 2:00pm �������������������������May the Best House Win In York, four proud homeowners open up their houses in a bid to win a cash prize. Floral designer Kathleen shows off her Georgian home, museum guide Manfred reveals his higgledy-piggledy terrace, fashion graduate Jordan opens the doors to her family’s pad and ice cream parlour manager Suzie hopes her 1960s detached property will melt her guests’ hearts. 3:00pm ����������������������������������Dickinson’s Real Deal David and the team are in Colne, Lancashire, where Simon Schneider talks football history, Tim Hogarth bids big for diamonds and Karen Dalmeny falls in love with a pair of Spelter figurines. 4:00pm �����������������������������������������A Touch of Frost An unsolved case returns to haunt Frost when a man is found hanged in his apartment. 5:00pm ������������������������������������������������������� The Chase 6:00pm ������������������������������� London Tonight 6:30pm ������������������ ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ��������������������������������� Euro 2012 Live England v Ukraine. Adrian Chiles introduces live coverage of England’s final group game against co-hosts Ukraine at the Donbass Arena in Donetsk. 10:00pm �����������������������������ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:35pm ��������������������������������������� Inside Man Heist thriller with a twist as a calculating gang carry out what their leader describes as the perfect bank robbery. As the drama unfolds, a tough policeman and the bank president’s ‘fixer’ pit themselves against the criminal mastermind leader. 1:00am ��������������������������������������� Jackpot247 3:00am �����������������������������������Loose Women
6:10am �������������������������������������������������������������Sali Mali 6:15am ������������������������������������������������������� The Hoobs 6:40am ������������������������������������������������������ The Hoobs 7:05am ���������������������������������������� Freshly Squeezed 7:35am ������������������������������������������According to Jim 8:00am �������������������Everybody Loves Raymond 8:30am ���������������������������������������������������������������Frasier 9:00am �����������������������������������������Undercover Boss 10:00am �������������� Location, Location, Location 11:00am ���������������������������������������Secret Removers 12:00pm ���������������������������������������� Channel 4 News 12:05pm ����������������������Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 12:35pm ���������������������������������River Cottage Bites 12:50pm �������������������������������������������������������Stalag 17 3:10pm ���������������������������������������������������� Countdown 4:00pm �������������������������������������������� Deal or No Deal 5:00pm �������������������������������������������������Four in a Bed 5:30pm ����������������������������������� Come Dine with Me 6:00pm �����������������������������������The Simpsons 6:30pm ������������������������������������������� Hollyoaks When a sick Riley needs help, Mitzeee is torn; should she choose the man she loves or a dream date with Jay? Lynsey finds a distraught Carmel on the hospital roof; can she talk her down in time? 7:00pm ������������������������������� Channel 4 News 7:55pm ��������������������������������������4thought.tv 8:00pm ����������������������Embarrassing Bodies After having a revolutionary cochlear implant, will 46 year-old Suzanne be able to hear her children for the first time? 9:00pm ��������������������� The Restoration Man Architect George Clarke revisits Gareth Williams and his family in their restored Victorian Welsh church. 10:00pm ����� All in the Best Possible Taste with Grayson Perry 11:05pm ����������������������������������Random Acts 11:10pm ��������������������������� Extreme A and E 12:10am ����������������������������Pokerstars.Co.UK Caribbean Adventure 1:15am ����������������������� KOTV Boxing Weekly 1:40am �������������������������������������������������Sailing 2:05am ���������������������������� FIVB World Beach Volleyball Tour
Euro 2012 - England vs Ukraine ITV 1 - 7:00 - 10:00 pm Adrian Chiles introduces live coverage of England’s final group game against co-hosts Ukraine at the Donbass Arena in Donetsk. Wayne Rooney is available to lead England’s attack following his two-game suspension. The minimum requirement for Roy Hodgson’s team will be to reach the knockout stages. But Ukraine will be determined to impress their home fans. It has the makings of a dramatic night of international football.
Jamie Carragher, Gareth Southgate and Roy Keane are the studio guests. Commentary from Clive Tyldesley and Andy Townsend.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
19 6:00am ������������������������������������������������Children´s TV 11:10am �������������������������������������������������Rough Guide 12:15pm ���������������������������������������������������Big Brother 1:15pm �������������������������������������������Home and Away 1:45pm �����������������������������������������������������Neighbours 2:15pm ����������������������������������������������������Monkey Life 2:50pm �������������������������Chinese Food in Minutes 3:05pm �����������������������������������Mary Higgins Clark’s Pretend You Don’t See Her 5:00pm ����������������������������������������������������5 News at 5 5:30pm �����������������������������������������������������Neighbours 6:00pm �������������������������������Home and Away 6:30pm ����������������������������������������������� 5 News 7:00pm �������������������������������������� Cricket on 5 8:00pm ������������������������� Killers Behind Bars: The Untold Story 9:00pm ���� CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 10:00pm ������������������������������������� Big Brother 11:00pm ������ Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 12:00am �������������������������������Law and Order: Special Victims Unit
6:25am ��������������������������������������Coronation Street 6:50am ���������������������� Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:15am �����������������������The Jeremy Kyle Show US 8:10am �����������������������������������������������������Judge Judy 9:25am �������������������������������� The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30am ������������������������������ The Real Housewives of New York City 11:30am ���������������������������������������������������Judge Judy 12:00pm ��������������������������������������������������Emmerdale 12:30pm �����������������������������������Coronation Street 1:00pm ���������������������� Planet’s Funniest Animals 1:30pm �����������������������������The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm �������������������������������� The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm �������������������������������� The Real Housewives of New York City 5:35pm �����������������������������������������������������Judge Judy 6:00pm �������������The Jeremy Kyle Show US 7:00pm ����������������All Star Family Fortunes 8:00pm ����������������������America’s Got Talent 10:00pm ���������������������������������Mark Wright’s Hollywood Nights 11:00pm �����������������������Quantum of Solace
7:00pm �������������������� Great Movie Mistakes 7:15pm ��������������������� High School Musical 2
What time is it? It’s summer time, and for the pupils of East High it means leaving their desks for fun in the sun, sea and sand. 9:00pm �������������������� The 16-Year-Old Killer: Cyntoia’s Story In 2004, Cyntoia Brown was arrested for the murder of a 43-year-old man. Cyntoia was a prostitute and he was her client. 10:00pm ������������������������������������� EastEnders 10:30pm ����������������������� Live at the Electric 11:00pm �������������������������������������� Family Guy 11:20pm �������������������������������������� Family Guy 11:45pm ������������������������������� American Dad! 12:05am ������������������������������� American Dad! 12:30am ���������������������������������� Chris Moyles’ Comedy Empire 1:25am ����������Plan B, Leona and Labrinth: Project Hackney 2:25am �������������������� The 16-Year-Old Killer: Cyntoia’s Story
6:00am ���������������������������������������������������Drama Trails 6:10am �������������������������������������������������������Heartbeat 7:05am ������������� The Father Dowling Mysteries 8:05am ���������������������������������������������Terry and June 8:50am ������������������������������������������Sherlock Holmes 11:00am ������������������������������� Jeeves and Wooster 12:05pm ������������������������������ Jeeves and Wooster 1:10pm �������������������������������������������������������Heartbeat 2:10pm ������������������������������������ Murder, She Wrote 3:10pm ������������ The Father Dowling Mysteries 4:15pm ��������������������������������������������������Countrywise 4:50pm �����������������������������������������������World Kitchen 5:15pm ���������������������������������������������Terry and June 5:55pm �������������������������������������������������������Heartbeat 6:55pm ������������������������� Murder, She Wrote 8:00pm ������������������������� Midsomer Murders 10:00pm ������������������������������������ Parenthood 12:30am ��������������� Ruth Rendell Mysteries 1:25am ����������������� Ruth Rendell Mysteries 2:20am ���������������������������� ITV3 Nightscreen
8:55am ���������������������������������������������Deal or No Deal 9:55am ���������������������������������������A Place in the Sun 10:30am ������������������������������������Time Team Special 11:35am ������������������������Appointment in London 1:25pm ������������������������������������������������������Time Team 2:30pm ������������������������������������������������� Four in a Bed 3:00pm ������������������������������������������������� Four in a Bed 3:35pm ������������������������������Relocation, Relocation 4:40pm ��������������������������������������A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 5:45pm ��������������������Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 6:50pm �������Celebrity Come Dine with Me 7:55pm ���������������������������������� Grand Designs 9:00pm ���������������������������������Wallis Simpson: The Secret Letters 10:00pm �����������������������Come Dine with Me 11:05pm ��������������������������������������������Coppers 12:10am ��������������������������������Wallis Simpson: The Secret Letters 1:15am ��������������������������Come Dine with Me 2:20am ����������������������������������������������Coppers
6:00am ������������������������������������������������������������Film File 6:10am ���������������������������������������The Professionals 7:00am ������������������������������������������������������������� Batman 7:50am ��������������������������������������������������������������� Minder 8:50am ���������������������������������������������������The Fall Guy 9:50am ��������������������������������������������� Quantum Leap 10:50am �������������������������������������The Professionals 11:50am ������������������������������������������������������������ Minder 12:50pm �����������������������������Euro 2012 Highlights 1:55pm ��������������������������������������������� Quantum Leap 2:55pm ���������������������������������������������������The Fall Guy 3:55pm ������������������������������������������������������������ Batman 4:55pm ���������������������������������������������Motorsport UK 6:00pm ��������������������������������� Quantum Leap 7:00pm ��������������������������������� Euro 2012 Live 9:45pm ��������������� Uefa Champions League Greatest Matches 10:00pm ���������Eurogeddon: Why England Shouldn’t Win Euro 2012 11:00pm ��������������� You Cannot be Serious! 11:30pm �������������������������������������� Get Shorty
t h
tv guide
6:00am ������������������������������������������������������� 25th Hour A drug-dealer spends his last day of freedom attempting to set his life in order before beginning a prison sentence. He decides to renew old friendships with a couple of schoolmates - an encounter which leaves him wondering where he went wrong. 7:49am ������������������Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter 8:00am ���������������������������������������������������Garage Days A young rock band struggle to get a foothold in the music industry, and are forced to resort to desperate measures after a disastrous gig - but first they must put their differences aside and work on their act. 9:50am................................................ The Silent Call A dog embarks on a journey from Nevada to Los Angeles to find the family that left it behind. 11:00am...................................Tales of Manhattan As a formal black jacket gets passed on from person to person, these stories set in New York City follow the lives of the coat’s owners. 1:15pm ������� The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit A speech writer takes on the demands of a prestigious new job for a TV executive, he is torn in several directions by his conflicting loyalties to his employer, current family, and to a son he never knew he had by a woman in his past. 4:00pm........................................... Madison Avenue An adman and an adwoman put a dangerous milk tycoon in line for the White House. 5:40pm ����������������������������������������������� Grand Canyon Mack, a lawyer whose car breaks down in a dangerous neighbourhood, is rescued from a street gang by tow truck driver Simon, and seeks to repay the act of kindness. 8:00pm �������������������������There Will Be Blood Daniel Plainview becomes a self-made oil tycoon, but he becomes morally bankrupt as his material fortune grows. Based on a novel by Upton Sinclair. 11:06pm....... Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter 11:30pm ���������������������� Slumdog Millionaire Oscar winnning drama from director Danny Boyle, following a Mumbai orphan who grew up in the slums (Dev Patel). The teen’s fortune changes when he becomes a contestant on India’s version of “Who Wants to be a Millionaire”.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
tv guide
w e dn e sd a y 6:00am ���������������������������������������������������������Breakfast 9:15am ����������������������������� Crimewatch Roadshow 10:00am ������������������Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am ������������������������������������������������ Real Rescues 11:45am ����������������������������������������Cash in the Attic 12:15pm ������������������������������������������������Bargain Hunt 1:00pm ���������������������������������������� BBC News at One 1:45pm �����������������������������������������������������Royal Ascot 3:20pm �������������������������������������������������������� BBC News 3:25pm �������������������������������������������������������Deadly Art 3:40pm �����������������������Prank Patrol Down Under 4:00pm ����������������������������������������������������������Copycats 4:30pm ������������Horrible Histories: Gory Games 5:00pm ����������������������������������������������������� Newsround 5:15pm �����������������������������������������������������������Pointless 6:00pm ������������������������������� BBC News at Six 6:30pm ����������������������������BBC London News 7:00pm �����������������������Britain’s Lost Routes with Griff Rhys Jones Pilgrims. Griff picks up the staff of the medieval pilgrim to retrace medieval pilgrimage from Holywell to St Davids. 8:00pm ����������������������������������������EastEnders Jean shows Michael that she is a force to be reckoned with when she destroys his most valued possession, while Kat and Alfie reach an alarming conclusion about recent events. 9:00pm �������������������������������������������������������Silk Reluctantly representing Jody Farr, Martha vows to do her job, but she will not allow him or Micky to get under her skin. Fighting shifting power plays and an untenable defence, she begins to feel that Jody is not getting a fair trial and suspects foul play. 10:00pm ����������������������������BBC News at Ten 10:35pm ��������������������The National Lottery Wednesday Night Draws 10:45pm �����������������������������������������True Love 11:40pm ���������������������������������������Possession Romantic drama about two academics attempting to hold on to a dramatic discovery - that a Victorian writer’s romantic poems were penned for his lover, not his wife - before it falls in to the hands of a rival. 1:15am �������������������������������������Weatherview 1:20am ���������������������Great Ormond Street 2:20am ���������������������������������������Fake Britain
6:00am �������������������������������������������The Pingu Show 6:10am ������������������������������������������� Pinky Dinky Doo 6:25am ���������������������������������������������������Timmy Time 6:35am ��������������������������������������������������Chuggington 6:50am ��������������������������������������������������� Rastamouse 7:00am ���������������������������������������������������������������������Roar 7:30am ������������������������ The League of Super Evil 7:45am ���������������������������������������Frankenstein’s Cat 7:55am ������������������������������������������������������ Newsround 8:00am ����������������������������������������� Driving Academy 8:30am �������Nina and the Neurons: In the Lab 8:45am ������������������������������������������������� Big and Small 8:55am ���������������������������������������������������������������Dipdap 9:00am �����������������������������������������Tinga Tinga Tales 9:10am ��������������������������������������Little Charley Bear 9:20am �����������������������������Raa Raa the Noisy Lion 9:30am ����������Bob the Builder: Project Build It 9:40am ������������������������������������ The Koala Brothers 9:50am �����������������������������������������������������������ZingZillas 10:05am ���������������������������������������������������������Kerwhizz 10:30am �������������������������Driver Dan’s Story Train 10:40am �������������������������������������������������������Waybuloo 11:00am ��������������������������������� In the Night Garden 11:30am ����������������������������������������The Daily Politics 1:00pm �����������������������������������������������������������See Hear 1:30pm �������������������������������������������������������������� Lifeline 1:40pm ������������������������������������������������������������������Coast 1:50pm ����������������������������������������The Weakest Link 2:35pm ��������������������������������To Buy or Not to Buy 3:20pm �����������������������������������������������������Royal Ascot 5:15pm �������������������������������������������Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 6:00pm �������������������������������������������Eggheads 6:30pm ���� Great British Railway Journeys 7:00pm ������������������������������The Hairy Bikers: Mums Know Best 8:00pm �������������������������������������Ocean Giants 9:00pm �������������The Secret History of Our Streets 10:00pm ��������������������������The Culture Show 10:30pm ���������������������������������������Newsnight 11:20pm ��������������������������The Meat Market: Inside Smithfield 12:20am �����������������������������������������BBC News
Editor Recommends
6:00am ����������������������������������������������������������Daybreak 8:30am ������������������������������������������������������������Lorraine 9:25am �����������������������������The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am ������������������������������������������������This Morning 11:25am ��������������������������������������������������������ITV News 11:30am ������������������������������������������������This Morning 12:30pm ��������������������������������������������Loose Women 1:30pm �����������������������������ITV News and Weather 2:00pm �������������������������May the Best House Win 3:00pm ����������������������������������Dickinson’s Real Deal 4:00pm �����������������������������������������A Touch of Frost The theft of Superintendent Mullett’s car from a golf club leads Inspector Jack Frost into a murder investigation. 5:00pm ������������������������������������������������������� The Chase 6:00pm ������������������������������� London Tonight 6:30pm ������������������ ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ��������������������������������������� Emmerdale Holly and Hannah leave the village for a new life in London. Chas worries about Cain’s determination to find out the truth about Cameron. Pollard is exasperated when David tells him he is going to marry Alicia. 7:30pm ���������������������������Coronation Street Sunita and Dev stun the Rovers with their news. Can Karl win Stella round? Carla is shocked by Peter’s plans for their future. 8:00pm ��������������������������Midsomer Murders A social services investigator calls on elderly eccentrics William and Mary Bingham, but he is sent away rudely by their daughter Selina and her husband Eddie Stanton. 10:00pm �����������������������������ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:35pm ���������������������������������� The Enforcer Police thriller sequel. Maverick cop Dirty Harry Callahan is unimpressed with his new partner Kate Moore. But the pair must try to put their differences aside in order to tackle the People’s Revolutionary Strike Force. 12:20am ������������������������������������� Jackpot247 2:25am ��������������������������������������������������Kojak: The Marcus Nelson Murders Emmy Award-winning TV adaptation of Selwyn Raab’s book based on the 1963 WylieHoffert murders in Manhattan. Hard-boiled detective Kojak is called on to investigate the deaths of two roommates.
6:35am ������������������������������������������������������ The Hoobs 7:00am ����������������������������������������London Dreaming 7:05am ���������������������������������������� Freshly Squeezed 7:35am ������������������������������������������According to Jim 8:00am �������������������Everybody Loves Raymond 8:30am ���������������������������������������������������������������Frasier 9:00am �����������������������������������������Undercover Boss 10:00am �������������� Location, Location, Location 11:00am ���������������������������������������Secret Removers 12:00pm ���������������������������������������� Channel 4 News 12:05pm ����������������������Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 12:35pm ���������������������������������River Cottage Bites 12:45pm ����������������� Nathan Stephens ‘Warrior’ 12:50pm �������������������������������������������Roman Holiday 3:10pm ���������������������������������������������������� Countdown 4:00pm �������������������������������������������� Deal or No Deal 5:00pm �������������������������������������������������Four in a Bed 5:30pm ����������������������������������� Come Dine with Me 6:00pm �����������������������������������The Simpsons 6:30pm ������������������������������������������� Hollyoaks Mitzeee puts it all on the line when she declares her love for Riley, but his reaction isn’t what she expected. 7:00pm ������������������������������� Channel 4 News 7:55pm ��������������������������������������4thought.tv 8:00pm ����������������������������������� Secret Eaters 9:00pm ������������������������ 24 Hours in A and E 10:00pm ������������������������ A Short History of Everything Else 10:30pm ��������������������������������������� The Killing 11:25pm ����������������������������������Random Acts 11:30pm ����������������������������������� 2 Broke Girls 12:00am ���������������������Fred Perry Presents Subculture 12:15am �������������������������������Nando’s Gignics 12:35am �������������������������JD Roots Presents 12:55am ����������������������������������������������� Benga 1:10am �������������������������������������������� Spotlight 1:25am ����������������������Barclaycard Mercury Prize Sessions 1:35am ������ Launched at Red Bull Studios 1:50am �������������������������������������Skinny Lister 2:05am ��������������������������������� Graham Coxon 2:20am ��������������������������������� How She Move
Silk BBC 1 - 9:00 - 10:00 pm In representing Jody Farr Martha has truly supped with the Devil. Despite pleading his innocence to this crime, Farr is a notorious criminal responsible for the death of Martha’s former client Brendan Kay. But is he getting a fair trial? Struggling with shifting power plays and an untenable defence, Martha decides to do her job while not allowing Jody to get under her skin. However, when she senses that he isn’t getting a fair trial she suspects foul play and sets a dangerous trap to uncover the truth. With the date of his tribunal looming Clive focuses all his efforts on prosecuting Jody
Farr, but becomes progressively worried about CW’s state of mind and whether he can still support her application to chambers. In the face of an uncertain future, Billy finds himself trapped by Micky Joy. Loyalties are stretched to breaking point as the trial runs towards its explosive climax. Maxine Peake is Martha; Rupert Penry-Jones is Clive; Neil Stuke is Billy; Phil Davis is Micky Joy; Frances Barber is Caroline Warwick ‘CW’; Indira Varma is George Duggan; Alex Jennings is Alan Cowdrey; Shaun Evans is Daniel; Finbar Lynch is Jody Farr and Kaye Wragg is Jamie Slotover.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
2 0 6:00am ������������������������������������������������Children´s TV 9:15am ����������������������������������������� The Wright Stuff 11:10am �������������������� Best House on the Street 12:10pm ������������������������������������5 News Lunchtime 12:15pm ���������������������������������������������������Big Brother 1:15pm �������������������������������������������Home and Away 1:45pm �����������������������������������������������������Neighbours 2:15pm ����������������������������������������������������Monkey Life 2:50pm �������������������������Chinese Food in Minutes 3:05pm �������������������������������������������It Had to be You 5:00pm ����������������������������������������������������5 News at 5 5:30pm �����������������������������������������������������Neighbours 6:00pm �������������������������������Home and Away 6:30pm ����������������������������������������������� 5 News 7:00pm ������������������������� Police Interceptors 8:00pm �� World’s Craziest Police Pursuits 9:00pm �����������������������������������������������������NCIS 10:00pm ������������������������������������� Big Brother 11:00pm ������ Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 12:00am ���������������������������������������Pokerstars
6:00am ���������������������� Planet’s Funniest Animals 6:25am �������������������������������������������������������Nanny 911 7:15am �����������������������The Jeremy Kyle Show US 8:10am �����������������������������������������������������Judge Judy 9:25am �������������������������������� The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30am ������������������������������ The Real Housewives of New York City 11:30am ���������������������������������������������������Judge Judy 12:00pm �������������������������������������� The Corrie Years 12:30pm ����������������������������������������������������Nanny 911 1:30pm �����������������������������The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm �������������������������������� The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm �������������������������������� The Real Housewives of New York City 5:35pm �����������������������������������������������������Judge Judy 6:00pm �������������The Jeremy Kyle Show US 7:00pm ����������������������America’s Got Talent 9:00pm �������������������������Quantum of Solace 11:10pm ��������������������The Devil’s Advocate
7:00pm ���������������� Great Movie Mistakes 2: The Sequel 7:20pm ���������������������������������������� Ratatouille A rat moves to Paris to pursue his unlikely dream of becoming a chef. With the help of a hapless kitchen boy, he puts his culinary skills to the test in the kitchen of a top restaurant while remaining in hiding. 9:00pm ��������������������������������� Cherry Healey: How to Get a Life Single v Settled. After a year of sleepless nights following the birth of her daughter, Cherry Healey wants to get back on the rollercoaster of modern life - but wonders if she’s been left behind. 10:00pm ������������������������������������� EastEnders 11:00pm �������������������������������������� Family Guy 11:45pm ������������������������������� American Dad! 12:30am ������������������������������� Cherry Healey: How to Get a Life 1:30am ����������������������� Snog, Marry, Avoid? 2:00am ������������������������� Live at the Electric 2:30am ����� Chris Moyles’ Comedy Empire
6:00am ������������������������������������������������������������Film File 6:10am �������������������������������������������������������Heartbeat 7:05am ������������� The Father Dowling Mysteries 8:05am ���������������������������������������������Terry and June 8:45am ������������������������������������������������������P. D. James 10:55am ������������������������������� Jeeves and Wooster 12:00pm ������������������������������ Jeeves and Wooster 1:10pm �������������������������������������������������������Heartbeat 2:10pm ������������������������������������ Murder, She Wrote 3:10pm ������������ The Father Dowling Mysteries 4:15pm ��������������������������������������������������Countrywise 4:50pm �����������������������������������������������World Kitchen 5:15pm ���������������������������������������������Terry and June 5:55pm �������������������������������������������������������Heartbeat 6:55pm ������������������������� Murder, She Wrote 8:00pm ��������������� The American President 10:10pm ��������������������������� A Touch of Frost 12:25am �������� The Blackheath Poisonings 1:20am �������������������������������������������������� Monk 2:05am ���������������������������� ITV3 Nightscreen
24 Hours In A&E Channel 4 - 9:00 - 10:00 pm The RTS award-winning documentary series continues with a powerful and cautionary episode following the work of King’s College Hospital’s A&E department on the night that singing superstar Whitney Houston died aged 47. As staff and patients come to terms with Whitney’s untimely death, King’s is filling up with young people who were having fun with their friends when disaster struck. Twenty-one-year-old Danielle is on her first trip to London from Northern Ireland for a girls’ weekend with her best friend Leanne. She’d collapsed after an exercise
class shortly before to leaving, but was determined not to miss the weekend and caught her flight. Now she’s hundreds of miles from home and seriously ill. Leanne, a newly qualified nurse, quickly realises the gravity of the situation and Registrar Swetha is concerned that Danielle’s kidneys may be failing, and that she may even be at risk of cardiac arrest. As Danielle’s health deteriorates, a new patient arrives in resus in a critical condition. He fell 20 feet from a friend’s balcony, hitting his head as he landed, and has been rushed to King’s by the Helicopter Emergency Medics (HEMS).
8:55am ��������������������������������������������Deal or No Deal 9:55am ��������������������������������������A Place in the Sun 10:30am ����������������BT and Channel 4 Present... 10:35am ����������������BT and Channel 4 Present... 10:40am �����������������������������������Time Team Special 11:50am ���������������������Across the Wide Missouri 1:25pm ����������������������������������������������������� Time Team 2:30pm �������������������������������������������������Four in a Bed 3:00pm �������������������������������������������������Four in a Bed 3:35pm ����������������������������� Relocation, Relocation 4:40pm ����A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 5:45pm ������������������� Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 6:50pm ������������������������ Come Dine with Me 7:55pm ����������������������������������Grand Designs 9:00pm ������������������� Make Bradford British 10:00pm ��������������� One Born Every Minute 11:05pm ������������������� Embarrassing Bodies 12:10am ������������������������������ Confession of a Cannibal Convict 1:30am ������������������� Make Bradford British 2:35am ����������������� One Born Every Minute
6:00am ���������������Greatest World Cup Matches 6:15am ����������������������������������������The Professionals 7:05am ������������������������������������������������������������� Batman 7:55am ��������������������������������������������������������������� Minder 9:00am ���������������������������������������������������The Fall Guy 10:00am ������������������������������������������� Quantum Leap 11:00am �������������������������������������The Professionals 12:00pm ������������������������������������������������������The Saint 1:00pm �������������������������������������������������������������� Minder 2:00pm �������������� World’s Wildest Police Videos 2:50pm ���������������������������������������������������The Fall Guy 3:55pm ������������������������������������������������������������ Batman 4:55pm ���������������������������������������The Professionals 6:00pm ��������������������������������� Quantum Leap 7:00pm ����������������������������������������������� Minder 8:00pm �������������� England’s Greatest Goals 9:00pm �����������Piers Morgan’s Life Stories 10:30pm �������������������������One Night in Turin 12:35am ��������������������������������������������� Minder 1:35am ��������������������������� The Professionals 2:30am ��������Sports Mash: Taking the Mic
tv guide
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5:30am ������������������������������������������������The Departed Martin Scorsese’s Oscar-winning gangster thriller stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon as Boston cops each involved in a deadly game of deception. 8:30am �����������������Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter The process of how ‘Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter’ and other films were made from script to screen. 9:00am �����������������������Big Trouble in Little China An all-American trucker encounters supernatural goings-on while trying to rescue a friend’s fiancee from the clutches of an immortal sorcerer in Los Angeles’ Chinatown. 11:00am �������������������������������������������Born to Be Bad An unwed mother sues and woos a millionaire who runs over her no-good son with a milk truck. 12:05pm ����������������������The Sound and the Fury Fallen Southern aristocrats fall further. Based on the book by William Faulkner. 2:00pm ������������������������������������Tender Is the Night F. Scott Fitzgerald’s tragic Dick and Nicole Diver mix with other American expatriates in 1920s Europe. 4:30pm ������������The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds A bitter widow raises two odd daughters: loud Ruth and shy Matilda. 6:15pm ������������������������������ A Cool, Dry Place A single father struggling to raise his son finds love with a vet’s assistant and starts to turn his life around - until his ex-wife turns up unexpectedly to throw a spanner in the works. 8:00pm �������������������������� An Unfinished Life An ageing rancher divides his time between working on his land and caring for his friend, who came out the loser in a fight with a bear. Then his dead son’s widow arrives with a grand-daughter he never knew he had. 9:49pm �������� Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter The process of how ‘Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter’ and other films were made from script to screen. 10:00pm ������������������������������������������������ Crash Provocative and disturbing drama following a diverse set of characters brought together by a series of collisions and crimes during a turbulent 36 hours in multicultural Los Angeles.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
tv guide
t h u rsd a y 6:00am ���������������������������������������������������������Breakfast 9:15am ����������������������������� Crimewatch Roadshow 10:00am ������������������Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am ������������������������������������������������ Real Rescues 11:45am ����������������������������������������Cash in the Attic 12:15pm ������������������������������������������������Bargain Hunt 1:00pm ���������������������������������������� BBC News at One 1:45pm �����������������������������������������������������Royal Ascot Coverage from Ladies’ Day, the third and biggest day of the world-famous race meeting. High-stakes style is the order of the day, and big hitters from the international fashion industry are out in force, bringing glitz and glamour to one of the biggest fixtures in the social calendar. 3:20pm �������������������������������������������������������� BBC News 3:25pm �������������������������������������������������������Deadly Art 3:40pm �����������������������Prank Patrol Down Under 4:00pm ����������������������������������������������������������Copycats 4:30pm �����������������������������������������������Young Dracula 5:00pm ����������������������������������������������������� Newsround 5:15pm �����������������������������������������������������������Pointless 6:00pm ������������������������������� BBC News at Six 6:30pm ����������������������������BBC London News 7:00pm ��������������������Match of the Day Live Quarter Final 1. Gary Lineker introduces live Euro 2012 coverage as the quarter-finals get underway, with the winners of Group A facing the runners-up in Group B at Warsaw’s National Stadium. 10:00pm ����������������������������BBC News at Ten 10:25pm ��������������������������BBC London News 10:35pm ��������������������������������Question Time Joining David Dimbleby in West Bromwich are justice secretary Ken Clarke; shadow health secretary Andy Burnham; and Len McCluskey, general secretary of the Unite union. 11:35pm ����������������������������������������This Week 12:20am ������������������� Holiday Weatherview 12:25am ������������������������������������� Countryfile The team visit The Isle of Purbeck in Dorset, where Matt Baker celebrates the 70th anniversary of Enid Blyton’s Famous Five. 1:25am ������������������������Antiques Roadshow 2:25am ���������������� Crime and Punishment The Story of Capital Punishment
6:00am �������������������������������������������The Pingu Show 6:10am ������������������������������������������� Pinky Dinky Doo 6:25am ���������������������������������������������������Timmy Time 6:35am ��������������������������������������������������Chuggington 6:50am ��������������������������������������������������� Rastamouse 7:00am ���������������������������������������������������������������������Roar 7:30am ������������������������ The League of Super Evil 7:45am ���������������������������������������Frankenstein’s Cat 7:55am ������������������������������������������������������ Newsround 8:00am ����������������������������������������� Driving Academy 8:30am �������Nina and the Neurons: In the Lab 8:45am ������������������������������������������������� Big and Small 8:55am ���������������������������������������������������������������Dipdap 9:00am �����������������������������������������Tinga Tinga Tales 9:10am ��������������������������������������Little Charley Bear 9:20am �����������������������������Raa Raa the Noisy Lion 9:30am ����������Bob the Builder: Project Build It 9:40am ������������������������������������ The Koala Brothers 9:50am �����������������������������������������������������������ZingZillas 10:05am ���������������������������������������������������������Kerwhizz 10:30am �������������������������Driver Dan’s Story Train 10:40am �������������������������������������������������������Waybuloo 11:00am ��������������������������������� In the Night Garden 11:30am ���������������������������������������� BBC World News 12:00pm ���������������������������������������The Daily Politics 1:00pm ������������������������������������������������������������������Coast 1:05pm ���������������������������������������������������� Animal Park 1:50pm ����������������������������������������The Weakest Link 2:35pm ��������������������������������To Buy or Not to Buy 3:20pm �����������������������������������������������������Royal Ascot 5:15pm �������������������������������������������Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 6:00pm �������������������������������������������Eggheads 6:30pm ���� Great British Railway Journeys 7:00pm ������������������������������The Hairy Bikers: Mums Know Best 8:00pm �������������������������������������Ocean Giants 9:00pm ����������� The Men Who Made Us Fat 10:00pm ������������������������������Mock the Week 10:30pm ���������������������������������������Newsnight 11:20pm ����������������������������� Hitler’s Children 12:20am ��������������������������The Culture Show 12:50am �����������������������������������������BBC News
Editor Recommends
6:00am ����������������������������������������������������������Daybreak 8:30am ������������������������������������������������������������Lorraine 9:25am �����������������������������The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am ������������������������������������������������This Morning 11:25am ��������������������������������������������������������ITV News 11:30am ������������������������������������������������This Morning 12:30pm ��������������������������������������������Loose Women Andrea McLean, Sherrie Hewson, Carol McGiffin and Janet Street-Porter welcome Tony Parsons onto the show. 1:30pm �����������������������������ITV News and Weather 2:00pm �������������������������May the Best House Win In Greater Manchester, four homeowners compete for a cash prize. Sales manager Angela shows off her Victorian semi -complete with sauna, Sharon’s new build is a bit of ‘all white’, estate agent Ella believes her converted chapel is divine and interior designer Alex reveals her stylish city centre apartment. 3:00pm ����������������������������������Dickinson’s Real Deal 4:00pm �����������������������������������������A Touch of Frost 5:00pm ������������������������������������������������������� The Chase 6:00pm ������������������������������� London Tonight 6:25pm ������������������ ITV News and Weather 6:50pm ��������������������������������������� Emmerdale Alicia feels conflicted about the wedding, wishing it was real. Adam begs Moira to reconsider when she suggests selling the farm. Gennie tries to pluck up the courage to tell Nikhil she is pregnant. 7:20pm ��������������������������������� Euro 2012 Live Adrian Chiles presents live coverage of tonight’s quarter-final. 10:00pm ��������ITV News at Ten & Weather 10:35pm ��������� Piers Morgan’s Life Stories Alicia feels conflicted about the wedding, wishing it was real. Adam begs Moira to reconsider when she suggests selling the farm. Gennie tries to pluck up the courage to tell Nikhil she is pregnant. 11:35pm ���������������������������Caroline Quentin: A Passage Through India She begins in the colourful city of Varanasi - the religious and cultural capital of India where she attends an evening ceremony in which thousands of people light lamps and pray to the River Ganges.
6:10am ������������������������������������������������������ The Hoobs 6:35am ������������������������������������������������������ The Hoobs 7:00am ����������������������������������������London Dreaming 7:05am ���������������������������������������� Freshly Squeezed 7:35am ������������������������������������������According to Jim 8:00am �������������������Everybody Loves Raymond 8:30am ���������������������������������������������������������������Frasier 9:00am �����������������������������������������Undercover Boss 10:00am �������������� Location, Location, Location 11:00am ���������������������������������������Secret Removers 12:00pm ���������������������������������������� Channel 4 News 12:05pm ����������������������Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 12:35pm ���������������������������������River Cottage Bites 12:45pm ����������������� Nathan Stephens ‘Warrior’ 12:50pm �������������������������������������������Roman Holiday 3:10pm ���������������������������������������������������� Countdown 4:00pm �������������������������������������������� Deal or No Deal 5:00pm �������������������������������������������������Four in a Bed 5:30pm ����������������������������������� Come Dine with Me 6:00pm �����������������������������������The Simpsons 6:30pm ������������������������������������������� Hollyoaks Mitzeee puts it all on the line when she declares her love for Riley, but his reaction isn’t what she expected. 7:00pm ������������������������������� Channel 4 News 7:55pm ��������������������������������������4thought.tv 8:00pm ����������������������������������� Secret Eaters 9:00pm ������������������������ 24 Hours in A and E 10:00pm ������������������������ A Short History of Everything Else 10:30pm ��������������������������������������� The Killing 11:25pm ����������������������������������Random Acts 12:00am ���������������������Fred Perry Presents Subculture 12:15am �������������������������������Nando’s Gignics 12:35am �������������������������JD Roots Presents 12:55am ����������������������������������������������� Benga 1:10am �������������������������������������������� Spotlight 1:25am ����������������������Barclaycard Mercury Prize Sessions 1:35am ������ Launched at Red Bull Studios 1:50am �������������������������������������Skinny Lister 2:05am ��������������������������������� Graham Coxon 2:20am ��������������������������������� How She Move
Royal Ascot BBC 1 - 1:45 - 3:20 pm The third and biggest day of the worldfamous race meeting is Ladies Day. High-stakes style is the order of the day and big hitters from the international fashion industry will be out in force, bringing glitz and glamour to one of ‘the’ fixtures on the social calendar.
On the track the week’s racing highlight, the Ascot Gold Cup, is run. Today’s runners will strive to match the record-breaking perfomances of Yeats. A statue in the parade ring commemorates the achievement of this equine legend in winning
the long distance race four times in a row. Clare Balding will host the coverage from Ascot. She’ll be joined by Willie Carson, Mick Fitzgerald, Rishi Persad, Suzi Perry, Ian Bartlett and John Parrott. Race commentary will come from Jim McGrath.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
2 1 6:00am ������������������������������������������������Children´s TV 9:15am ����������������������������������������� The Wright Stuff 11:10am �������������������� Best House on the Street 12:10pm ������������������������������������5 News Lunchtime 12:15pm ���������������������������������������������������Big Brother 1:15pm �������������������������������������������Home and Away 1:45pm �����������������������������������������������������Neighbours 2:10pm �������������������������Chinese Food in Minutes 2:15pm ����������������������������������������������������Monkey Life 3:05pm �������������������������������������The Last Trimester 5:00pm ����������������������������������������������������5 News at 5 5:30pm �����������������������������������������������������Neighbours 6:00pm �������������������������������Home and Away 6:30pm ����������������������������������������������� 5 News 7:00pm ��������������������������������Big Body Squad 8:00pm ���������������������� Marco Pierre White’s Kitchen Wars 9:00pm ���������������������Extraordinary People 10:00pm ������������������������������������� Big Brother 11:00pm ������ Big Brother’s Bit on the Side
6:25am ��������������������������������������Coronation Street 6:50am ���������������������� Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:15am �����������������������The Jeremy Kyle Show US 8:10am �����������������������������������������������������Judge Judy 9:25am �������������������������������� The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30am ������������������������������ The Real Housewives of New York City 11:30am ���������������������������������������������������Judge Judy 12:00pm ��������������������������������������������������Emmerdale 12:30pm �����������������������������������Coronation Street 1:00pm ���������������������� Planet’s Funniest Animals 1:30pm �����������������������������The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm �������������������������������� The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm �������������������������������� The Real Housewives of New York City 5:35pm �����������������������������������������������������Judge Judy 6:00pm �������������The Jeremy Kyle Show US 7:00pm ����������������������America’s Got Talent 8:00pm ��������������������� You’ve Been Framed! 9:00pm ��������������������������������� The Exclusives 10:00pm ���������������Something’s Gotta Give
8:55am ��������������������������������������������Deal or No Deal 9:55am ��������������������������������������A Place in the Sun 10:30am ����������������BT and Channel 4 Present... 10:35am ��������������������������������� River Cottage Bites 10:45am �������������������������������������Reach for the Sky 1:25pm ����������������������������������������������������� Time Team 2:30pm �������������������������������������������������Four in a Bed 3:00pm �������������������������������������������������Four in a Bed 3:35pm ����������������������������� Relocation, Relocation 4:40pm ����A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 5:45pm ������������������� Phil Spencer: Secret Agent
7:00pm ��������������������������������������������Top Gear Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May set out to end the chaos and misery that snowfall brings to Britain every year, using a combine harvester, some basic engineering skills and a quick trip to Norway. 8:00pm �������������������������Don’t Tell the Bride 9:00pm ������������������������������Russell Howard’s Good News 9:30pm ������������������������� Live at the Electric 10:00pm ����������������������������������� Little Britain 10:30pm ��������������������������������������� Dead Boss 11:00pm �������������������������������������� Family Guy 11:20pm �������������������������������������� Family Guy 11:45pm ������������������������������� American Dad! 12:05am ������������������������������� American Dad! 12:30am ����������������������������Russell Howard’s Good News 1:00am ������������������������� Live at the Electric 1:30am ����������������������������������������� Dead Boss 2:00am ��������������������������������� Cherry Healey: How to Get a Life 2:55am ������������������������������������� Little Britain
6:50pm ������������������������ Come Dine with Me 7:55pm ���������������� Grand Designs Australia 9:00pm ����������������Big Fat Gypsy Weddings 10:00pm ���������������������������������������The Closer 11:00pm �������������������������������������� Father Ted 12:05am ��������������Big Fat Gypsy Weddings 1:05am �����������������������������������������The Closer 2:05am ���������������������� Brothers and Sisters 3:00am ���������������������������������������� Father Ted
6:00am ���������������������������������������������������Drama Trails 6:10am �������������������������������������������������������Heartbeat 7:00am ������������� The Father Dowling Mysteries 8:05am ���������������������������������������������Terry and June 8:45am ������������������������������������������������������P. D. James 11:00am ������������������������������� Jeeves and Wooster 12:05pm ������������������������������ Jeeves and Wooster 1:10pm �������������������������������������������������������Heartbeat 2:10pm ������������������������������������ Murder, She Wrote 3:10pm ������������ The Father Dowling Mysteries 4:15pm ��������������������������������������������������Countrywise 4:50pm �����������������������������������������������World Kitchen 5:15pm ���������������������������������������������Terry and June 5:55pm �������������������������������������������������������Heartbeat
6:00am ������������������������UEFA Champions League Greatest Finals 6:20am ���������������������������������������The Professionals 7:10am ������������������������������������������������������������� Batman 8:00am �������������������������������������������������������������� Minder 9:00am ���������������������������������������������������The Fall Guy 10:05am ������������������������������������������� Quantum Leap 11:05am �������������������������������������The Professionals 12:05pm ����������������������������������������������������������� Minder 1:05pm �������������� World’s Wildest Police Videos 1:55pm ���������������������������������������������������������The Saint 2:55pm ���������������������������������������������������The Fall Guy 3:55pm ������������������������������������������������������������ Batman 5:00pm ���������������������������������������The Professionals
6:55pm ������������������������� Murder, She Wrote 8:00pm ������������������������� Midsomer Murders 10:00pm ���������������������������������������� Jane Eyre 12:15am ���������������������������� Sherlock Holmes 2:10am ����������������������������� ITV3 Nightscreen 2:30am ������������������������������������Teleshopping
6:00pm ��������������������������������� Quantum Leap 7:00pm �����Deadliest Season in the World 8:00pm ���������������������� Border Security USA 9:00pm �������������������������Cops with Cameras 10:00pm �����������������Village of the Damned 12:00am �����������������������������Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life
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6:00am �����������������������������������Enemy at the Gates Russian sniper Jude Law becomes a national hero during the battle of Stalingrad in World War Two, and soon the Germans have enlisted a crack marksman of their own (Ed Harris) to deal with him. 9:00am �����������������������������������������A Cool, Dry Place A single father struggling to raise his son finds love with a vet’s assistant and starts to turn his life around - until his ex-wife turns up unexpectedly to throw a spanner in the works. 11:00am �������������������������������������Hello, Frisco, Hello A bandleader lets success go to his head and leaves his singer girlfriend to marry a wealthy socialite. His new wife persuades him to undertake some disastrous ventures, while his ex pursues a successful solo career. 12:45pm �����������������������������The Beautiful Blonde from Bashful Bend A tough saloon girl tries to shoot her unfaithful boyfriend, but accidentally hits a judge instead. Forced to go on the run, she holes up in a small town where she poses as a prim schoolteacher. 2:15pm �������������������������������������������������������Golden Girl A woman’s encounter with showbiz idol Lola Montez inspires her to become a star : but little does she realise the heartache waiting just around the corner. 4:15pm....................................................Flaming Star Poor old Elvis Presley faces a test of his loyalties in this high-quality Western adventure. His mother’s an Indian while his father’s white - so when his tribal brothers go on the warpath against the settlers, he’s plunged into indecision. 6:00pm..............................................Bad Girls A prostitute is sentenced to hang for killing an abusive customer, but her three friends ride to the rescue and together they flee their frontier town in search of a new life. 8:00pm ���������������������������������������The Missing Cate Blanchett and Tommy Lee Jones provide impressive performances in Ron Howard’s acclaimed Western thriller. Blanchett stars as a desperate mother willing to do whatever it takes to rescue her kidnapped daughter from renegade Indians. 11:00pm ������������������������������ The Happening A series of unexplained suicides is the first sign of an impending crisis sweeping America, as a mysterious airborne toxin drives those exposed insane until they take their own lives.
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Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
Dan & Hubby Seas The Day Vintage Perry These two are the king and queen of the world right now. Don’t pretend you wouldn’t try the old Titanic trick if you had a whole yacht to yourself, too. (The standing on the front of the ship thing rather than the sinking of it just to be clear.) Anyhoo, Danielle Lloyd and Jamie O’Hara are currently winding down on their honeymoon in Dubai. The trip follows their romantic nuptials last week, and it seems they really pushed the boat out this time, so to speak. Clad in a red hot bikini with ‘Mrs O’Hara’ inscribed on her bottoms, Danielle was a picture of happiness as she canoodled with her new husband aboard the luxury vessel. We’ve decided not to feel jealous about the whole thing. If we shut our eyes tightly we can almost feel the sea breeze and ocean spray on our very own cheeks, too.
The City Of Hope 2012’s Spirit Of Life Awards was held in Los Angeles last week. Katy Perry ditched the blue wigs and PVC dresses in favour of a sophisticated 1920s look - and we love it.
Divorce Time for Court & Dave
They’ve been separated for almost two years. And we were under the impression that they were in no rush to go their separate ways. But David Arquette has filed for divorce - on his 13th wedding anniversary with Cougar Town star Courtney Cox. Talk about awkward. The papers cite irreconcilable differences as the cause of the marriage breakdown, and David is asking for joint legal and physical custody of their daughter Coco, who turned eight this week. The couple got together after meeting of the set of the first Scream film in 1995. They married in 1999, but separated in October 2010. At the time, they released a statement saying: “We are comfortable with the boundaries that we have established for each other during this separation and
we hope that our friends, family, fans and the media also show us respect, dignity, understanding and love at this time as well.” They’ve remained on good terms, with both Courtney and Coco supporting David when he appeared on Dancing On Ice in the US last year. And Court told radio DJ Howard Stern last year: “We are always going to be a family whether we’re together or not.” Let’s hope they really do stay true to their word and remain friends.
Drew: The Perfect Wifey
It’s her first outing as Mrs Kopelman. Drew Barrymore and her new hubby Will are enjoying some fresh air after their recent nuptials. And it looks like she’s carrying a bag bearing her spouse’s name. Now isn’t that adorable?! The star’s also sporting a rather large bump, which makes us think it won’t be too long before they welcome a new addition to their little family. The couple have just returned from their honeymoon at a resort in Big Sur, California, and are already settling in to married life. Drew, 37, and Will, 34, tied the knot at her home on 5th June, surrounded by showbiz pals including Cameron Diaz, Reese Witherspoon and Busy Philipps. Talking about her wedding to People Magazine, Drew said: “The day was perfect. Everyone we love and care about was there. It was as fun and meaningful as we ever could have hoped.”
We Do NOT Look Like This After A Long-Haul Flight!
Miranda Kerr is effortlessly gorgeous as she arrives in New Aww. York.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 showbiz
Life Goes On For Demi A r e D a n n i i & Kris Back On? Demi Moore is seizing the day. It seems she’s had enough of lying low at her LA home. The troubled actress was supporting her daughter Tallulah at her high-school graduation over the weekend. Dressed in a short black shift dress with her locks loose and glossy, the mum-ofthree had that familiar Hollywood look about her as she joined ex-husband Bruce Willis and their brood for the ceremony. Following her split from Ashton Kutcher and a stint in rehab, we think you’ll agree it’s nice to see the 49-year-old out and about again. The trip comes amid rumours of a possible reconciliation between Demi and Ashton. We think we’ll wait for the evidence.
Geri = Student Spice
Is there nothing this girl can’t do? Geri Halliwell braved the rain to attend Oxford University this week. But it’s not what it looks like... The Spice Girl wasn’t enrolling on a course she was in fact giving a speech. Ginger Spice joins a whole host of luminaries who’ve spoken at the Student Union, including the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa and Winston Churchill. Geri could hardly contain her excitement as she arrived at the Union building and was more than happy to pose for a number of pretty snaps for the paps, ensuring they got her best angle at all times. We can only imagine what she talked to the crowd about. Girl Power, perhaps?
Mark Wright Launches Questionable T-Shirt Range
Have you got £18 just burning a hole in your pocket? Or are you on the lookout for a T-shirt with a virtually naked reality star on it? Then we’ve got just the thing for you.
The Only Way Is Essex’s Mark Wright has launched his own T-shirt range, available to buy from the lothario’s official website. Our personal favourite is the one with Mark’s oiled up body strewn across the front... The T-shirts have arrived just in time for the start of Mark’s new show, Mark Wright’s Hollywood Nights, which follows Mark and his entourage as they soak up the LA sun, sip expensive drinks and stay in glamorous apartments. Talk about feeling rubbish about your own life, eh? The show’s received mixed reviews after the first episode aired on Sunday night. But what did you think?
We so hope this is true. Reports are circulating that Dannii Minogue and Kris Smith are giving their relationship another shot. The news comes just weeks after the shock revelations about her affair with Simon Cowell. Can they really put all the drama behind them and move on? The Daily Star reckons that the reason Dannii turned down a hefty pay packet to be an X Factor judge this year is because she’s about to get back with her ex. A pal of the couple, who split in April this year, told the tabloid: “Dannii and Kris are working on the relationship in the hope of getting back together. They have both acknowledged they still love each other but know they still have a lot of work to do before being one happy family again.” The source added: “Dannii is committed to putting her family first and knows how much strain working on The X Factor put on her relationship before. Since becoming a mum her priorities have changed.
Her career now comes second to her family.” Dannii herself told Marie Claire Australia in May that her two-year-old son Ethan is her priority. She said: “He has his little routine now. He has swimming lessons; he has things that are important to him. I don’t want to unsettle him to follow me around the globe.” But where does Kris factor into those plans? Dannii’s rep said: “Dannii wouldn’t want to offer any comment on speculation about her family life.” We don’t blame her. But the rep told the Daily Star: “Dannii and Kris have remained on good terms since the split, mainly for the sake of their son Ethan, but also due to the fact they did not split because they fell out of love with one another. They just stopped working as a couple. Dannii always hoped it would just be a break to reflect on things and get some space.” Come on, Dan - spill the beans. Whatever you decide, we’re behind you 100%.
Brit’s Shock Make-Under What a difference a few days make. Talk about letting yourself go. Britney Spears has gone from groomed goddess to (we hate to say it, but) total scruffbag in less than a week. We’re big Brit fans here at Tenerife Weekly, but we want to give the 30-yearold star a little slap on the wrist for slipping back into her old ways. There we were thinking she’d ditched her denim hot pants and slouchy Uggs in favour of a glamorous new look for The X Factor USA, when all along she was just playing dress-up. Britney was enjoying a day out in Santa Barbara with her sons, Sean Preston, six, and Jayden James, five, so we guess we should let her off. She is a busy mum-oftwo, after all. But then, if mum-of-four Victoria Beckham can look groomed to perfection at all times, why can’t our Britters? Get those heels back on, lady.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 time out
Take a little
1. Football 4. Hebrew patriarch 8. Information 9. Wedding 10. Animate 12. Computer memory units 13. Member 14. Bender 17. Stories 20. Remove 22. Tree branch 23. Undermine 24. Travelling case for clothes 25. Paul the Apostle 26. Rings 27. Apprehensive
1. Misery 2. Goblet 3. The Desert Fox 5. Like a shrub 6. One that adapts 7. Fast aircraft 11. Notches 15. Method of procedure 16. Moral 18. Counsellor 19. Fixed 21. Shout of discovery 22. Engaged
Solutions to our puzzles can be found on page 46 This week’s clever quote “I never forget a face, but in your case I’ll be glad to make an exception.” - Groucho Marx
The brain train
MATHS CHALLENGE Try to fill in the missing numbers. Use the numbers 1 through 9 to complete the equations.
Fill in the black squares so that each row, each column and each 3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 through 9.
Each number is only used once. Each row is a math equation. Work from left to right. Each column is a math equation. Work from top to bottom
An easy one
4 6 5 9 1 8 7 3 4 6 8 1 8 4 9 7 5 7 2 5 9 4 8 6 3 2 1 2 8 9 7 7 2 1 5 4 3
The dotted lines indicate areas which also contain a nonrepeating set of digits. These squares can be added together to produce the sums shown in the clues. A little tougher
Word search
Find and circle all of the Dogs words that are hidden in the grid. The words may be hidden in any direction. Beagle
Bloodhound Boxer Bulldog Chihuahua Collie Dachshund Dalmatian Dingo Greyhound Husky Mastiff Pekinese Pointer Poodle Pug Samoyed Sheepdog Terrier
Spot the 5 differences
Question One: In which three countries in the world would one find the most Spanish speaking people? Question Two: Which animal does a Hippophobe fear? Question Three: Which is further south Folkstone or Southampton? Question Four: What are O.J. Simpson’s first names? Question Five: Where in London is the staue of Eros? Question Six: How many pounds are there in a hundredweight?
Sharples in Session By John Sharples
The Olympic Torch So the Olympic Torch is currently doing the rounds in Great Britain. It will spend a couple of months visiting as many parts of the country as possible. Don’t get me wrong, please. I love Ireland and have many Irish friends, but I can’t understand, for the life of me, why the Torch travelled to Dublin when it should be touring the UK. Apparently the Irish Olympic Committee called the British one and asked if they would visit Dublin. They said that their small country would never be host to the games. Lord Coe agreed, as it would be a symbol of the peace process that has been going on recently. What do Politics have to do with sport? Maybe he should have included Monaco, San Marino, Malta and Lichtenstein in the Torch’s relay.
When the Irish get their hands on the coveted flame, what do they do with it? They give it to Jedward, Yes! JEDWARD, who promptly skip about with it for a while before handing it back to someone that matters. I repeat: I love Ireland and the Irish, but that flame and its run is part of a British celebration and there are people in Britain who would like to see it, that won’t get the opportunity.
I was working when the Jubilee concert was shown on TV, so I finally got to watch it last night! It was a triumph. Cliff Richard, resplendent in his “macho” pink jacket and glittery gold tie reminded me of the clothes that I used to wear in the eighties. Grace Jones was dressed as a Plastic Voodoo Drag Queen Doll. I watched her hoola hoop her way through the full song hoping that the damn thing would drop to the floor and that her microphone would breakdown. It was painful to watch. It was equally as
embarrassing to watch her as she spoke to the queen. Poor old Lizzie couldn’t get away from her. She kept talking and talking! I have always loved Madness, but I now see why the hits have dried up. They performed on the Palace roof. The Cellar would have been a better place! The Tower would have been perfect. All that aside, Bassey was super. She’s still got it. The girl from Splott can still belt out a good song. I wish she had given us just a little more, but Diamonds are forever was the perfect choice or the occasion. Tom Jones too is enjoying a resurgence. Thank God for the Welsh contingent! The concert was very well put together and Gary Barlow should be very proud of himself. One worry, though. I hope the lad doesn’t get knighted. It is the kiss of death for a pop star. Since becoming “Sir”, Elton, Cliff, Paul and Mick have stopped having hits! I think Take That still have a hell of a lot to give!
Tenerife really is a diverse place when it comes to weather. I drove home from the South last night, where the air was very warm and humid. By the time I arrived in La Orotava, I had used my fog lights, my windscreen wipers and my car heater. The car was blown in gusts of wind from one lane to another in the Güímar area. In Tacoronte, it poured with rain for all of three minutes and the fog around the North Airport was scary! As I approached Puerto de La Cruz, the sky cleared and the stars came out a twinkling. I parked the car and spent half an hour in the garden staring at the starlit sky with a nice big glass of Orotava wine.
I had a lovely night out in Puerto: The Welcome Bar, who arrange trips from the North to our show at Vivo, opened their new British Bar. It’s great when businesses support each other. Gillian, from Zepps Bar, joined in the celebrations and the place was packed. When it was over I popped over to the Robin Hood for a quick one before home. Good luck Michael and Leo. Welcome Back!
Stand Up Sir Gary Barlow
The Sun And The Wind And The Rain
W a r m Welcome
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 sharples in session
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 advertisment
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 COMMUNITY MATTERS
Community matters
Written by Ken Cumming Pastor of Callao Salvaje Community Church
Overcoming the fear Of loneliness
To overcome the fear of loneliness you must: (1) Understand who you are. Let scientists argue about whether or not there was a ‘big bang.’ If there was, you were not the result of it! Nor did you descend from an amoeba in a pond. You are ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’ (Psalm 139:14-15). Made ‘in his own image’ (Genesis 1:27). God didn’t assign your creation to His most powerful angels. You’re a hands-on, made-toorder, one-of-a-kind product. As a redeemed child of God you are His ‘workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works’ (Ephesians 2:10). Believe that and stand on itregardless of your feelings or your social status. (2) Understand who God is. He calls Himself your ‘Heavenly Father,’ not just your creator and designer. Your creator and designer refer to what He does; your Father refers to who He is. ‘He will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace’ (Isaiah 9:6). These aren’t His roles, they’re His proper names. They are capitalized in Scripture because they are what you are to call Him! When Jesus taught us to pray He didn’t begin with ‘O, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God.’ Yes, He’s all of those, but when it comes to us He wants to be recognized
and called ‘Father’ (Matthew 6:9). That’s how He thinks about us, and wants us to think and to feel about Him. ‘Father’ is meant to convey warmth, security, acceptance, concern, compassion, protection, assurance, provision, etc. He’s your Father-when you grasp the truth of that you will begin to overcome the fear of loneliness.
‘Nothing can ever separate us from God’s love.’ Romans 8:38 Overcoming the fear of loneliness requires understanding God’s commitment to you. His fatherhood isn’t based upon mood, sentiment or emotion; it’s based on His unchanging character and reputation. Everything He is, and claims to be, stands or falls apart, depending on His faithfulness to you. ‘For the sake of his great name the Lord will not reject his people, because the Lord was pleased to make you his own’ (1Samuel 12:22). Notice two things in this Scripture: Concern for His good name, and the pleasure He takes in being your Father, are why He will never turn His
back on you. Your problems don’t mean that God is judging or disowning you. Satan would love to convince you of that. He will tell you that you’ve failed God, or that God has failed you in order to make you feel unworthy, hopeless, disowned by God and abandoned. No, generations of believers have sung through their soul’s dark night, ‘Great is thy faithfulness, O God, my father.’ In your circumstances and suffering, ‘God’s loyal love couldn’t have run out, his merciful love couldn’t have dried up. They’re created new every morning. How great your faithfulness!’ (Lamentations 3:22-23). Suffering and adversity don’t cancel His faithfulness, He’s ‘the same yesterday, today, and forever’ (Hebrews 13:8). He can’t love you once, and not love you always. ‘After you suffer for a short time, God, who gives all grace, will make everything right. He will make you strong and support you and keep you from falling’ (1Peter 5:10). Today declare, ‘Nothing can ever separate me from God’s love.’ Tuesday 10.30am Little Angels Silencio Church Tuesday 11.00am Play Zone STCF Wednesday 11.00am Stay n Play Callao Salvaje Friday 11.00am Stay n Play Callao Salvaje
Some of the Local Church Sunday Morning Services Las Americas Anglican Church Pueblo Canario 10.15am Los Cristianos South Tenerife Christian Fellowship Apolo Centre 11:00am Los Cristianos International Church Princesa Dácil Hotel 11:00am Costa del Silencio Silencio Church Coral Mar Square 11:00am Callao Salvaje Community Church Sueño Azul 11:00am Valle San Lorenzo Calvary Assembly Eng / Spanish 11:00am
SPANISH CORNER Welcome to our next issue of the Spanish corner. I hope you found last week’s words useful. Let’s continue with our progress. Football.
Some of the Local Church Sunday Evening Services Los Cristianos South Tenerife Christian Fellowship Apolo Centre 6:00pm Valle San Lorenzo Calvary Deutsch Bi Lingual Eng/Ger 2:00pm Las Americas The Living Room Veronica’s 6:00pm Some Other Church activities Many of the local churches also hold mid week services and Bible studies So phone the numbers below or check out the information on their websites.
La Sustitución
La Sus-ti-tuci-on
La Enchada
La En-cha-da
Crowd Of Supporters, Fans
El Jugador
El Huu-gad-or
Saturday Market Free Literature stall at the Las Américas market.
El Delantero
El Del-an-tair-oh
SHE Europe (Confidential HELPLINE for women in crisis) 690 964 145
El Voleador
El Bol-eh-a-dor
El Mediocampista
El Med-e-ocamp-ist-ah
El Defensor
El Deh-fen-sor
El Primer Tiempo
El Prim-air Teeem-poh
First Half
El Segundo Tiempo
El Seg-un-do Tee-em-poh El Ent-reh-teeem-poh
Second Half
Tuesday Little Angels Mums & Tots Silencio Church 10:30am Tuesday Play Zone Mums & Tots STCF 11:00am Wednesday Stay n Play Mums & Tots Callao Salvaje 11:00am Friday Stay n Play Mums & Tots Callao Salvaje 11:00am The Living Room (Christian drop-in centre) Veronicas Las Americas 922 75 23 64 (above Burger King) Tue – Fri
Also if visiting the North of the Island Puerto del la Cruz Puerto de la Cruz Anglican Church North Tenerife Christian Fellowship, next to Post Office Puerto de la Cruz (Parque Taoro) Anglican Church – All Saints, Website: allsaintstenerife.com Telephone: 922 384 038
11.30am 9.30 and 11.00 am
More details on all the above can be found on the following websites: www.christiansintenerife.co.uk covering most of the churches www.silenciochurch.org 922 78 40 17 / 609 565 528 www.tenerifechurch.com 922 74 20 45 / 679 660 277 www.callaosalvajecommunitychurch.com 922 78 48 77 / 654 932 541 www.stcf.org 922 79 00 07 / 660 183 760 www.caictenerife.com 922 73 16 91 / 628 107 316 www.ntcf.org 922 35 10 11 / 677 349 088
4 -7:00pm
El Entretiempo
See you next week!
Half Time
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
health, beauty & fashion
Your Hair & Beauty Advice Column by Jade & staff at The Perfect Gift Salon
A Little Effort Goes A Long Way
Do you ever sit in front of the mirror and think, “my god I’m a mess”; well then you probably are! Stop sitting and do something about it, after all, if you don’t love yourself, how can you expect anyone else to? Now, take one last long look at yourself in that mirror and write down a list of all the things that you would like to change about yourself, and start one step at a time. It drives me nuts when I hear people comparing themselves to others, saying ´I wish I had nice hair like hers´ or ´lucky cow, she’s so skinny´. Come on all you moaners; there is a lot you can change about yourselves if you are not happy, and these days we are looking younger and younger for our age, thanks to all the magic potions and treatments we have at our fingertips. Beauty can cost as little or as much, and be as easy or hard as you want it to. So let’s look at the main moans that we have!
“Why can´t I have a figure like hers ?” I know we’ve heard it all a million times before, but burning those unwanted pounds is possible with determination, selfcontrol and perseverance. You cannot lose weight by exercising or dieting, you have to do both. So here are my top tips for shedding those inches. Drink plenty of water; it suppresses your appetite, flushes toxins and excess sodium. Swap tea & coffee for an antioxidant (which breaks down the fat) like green tea or chamomile. Cut down on alcohol and fatty foods, and swap for fruit and veg; they also act as an antioxidant. Cut out salt, it attaches its self to the water, pulling it back into the blood stream. Start exercising more, make yourself go for a fast walk for at least 20 minutes a day. Make yourself do those sit ups that you put off every morning, saying ´I’ll start tomorrow´ and like I’ve mentioned before, if you don’t have the finances or the time to use a gym, try a vibration platform for 1020 minutes a day. “I wish I still looked young” There are many things that you can do to get your youth back, but firstly start
Diamond Year
by feeling younger! It’s never too late to start taking care of your skin and there are options to minimise those fine lines and protect ourselves from further damage. Try to incorporate exfoliation and moisturising with rejuvenating creams into your routine; to soften those fine lines, and always apply sunscreen. Drinking plenty of water to plump up your cheeks, and eat plenty of fruit and veg, it’s great for the skin and the body, and will put that extra spring in your step! Avoiding smoking is the best way to preserve youthful skin. Concentrate on the eyes; having longer, thicker looking lashes will not only widen the appearance of the eyes but will make you look instantly younger. And don’t forget to do your facial exercises!
“My nails never grow” We can all have nice hands if we took a little care and attention, and I can’t count how many people have said to me ´my nails never grow´. Of course they grow, like our hair, it is constantly growing, it’s just that
they have never been given the correct advice on how to look after the growing nail. Use a cuticle conditioning cream and massage daily to promote strong nails. File a small amount each day with a sand or glass file to encourage them to grow faster. Use a nail strengthening varnish. And lastly, stop nibbling!
“My hair never grows!” Although many of us feel that our hair never grows, it does! It could be that you’re using heat appliances’ which are burning the ends, or not using a UV protector in the sun. Your hair is constantly growing, but breaking off at the ends, which is why it doesn’t seem like its growing in length. So protect your hair from heat damage; use calcium tablets, have regular trims and be patient.
For hair & beauty advice email us at: the.perfect.gift@hotmail.com Metallic leathers at Giles, Marc Jacobs and Diesel Black Gold provide an edgier alternative to the dazzle, while Christopher Kane peppered his collection with gems graduating to an all-embellished glittering dress. On a beauty note, Fendi applied silver foil from the lashes up to the brow for a final note of shimmer.
The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee year has ignited a season of sparkle across the spring/summer 2012 collections. Prom dresses at Rochas dripped with glimmering sequins, Louis Vuitton topped models’ heads with crystal-clad tiaras and Ralph Lauren’s evening gowns shimmied with intricate sparkling beads.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 health, beauty & fashion
The Gaia Apothecary Qualified Medical Herbalist by Meg Glaister
HERBS FOR CHILDREN Continued Earache
Earache can be very painful and cause sleepless nights for both the child and parents, although there are some natural remedies which you probably have at home that will quickly relieve the pain and inflammation. Garlic oil, which is made by soaking garlic cloves in olive oil for two to four weeks then the garlic is removed, warm the oil and use in the ear as ear drops. The garlic oil can also be rubbed around the ear and along the side of the neck. Garlic has powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and it is quicker and more powerful at fighting ear infections than antibiotics. Make a large batch and it can also be used in cooking. Always warm anything that you put into the ear because if it is too cold it will cause
more pain. Another remedy that relieves earache pain and inflammation very rapidly is onions. Steam or bake an onion with the skin on until it is soft. Crush some of the cooked onion in a bowl and press out some of the juice of the onion. A small amount of water may be added to extract some of the juice. Using an eyedropper, place some of the warm juice into some olive oil and put in the ear. This will relieve the pain almost immediately. You can also cut the cooked onion in half and place the cut part on the outside of the ear for 5 to 20 minutes, but make sure it has cooled. Cinnamon (canela) can also be used (and smells a bit better than garlic or onion). Sprinkle some cinnamon into olive oil and heat the oil gently until it is hot. Remove
from the heat and leave until it is just warm then strain through a fine cloth to remove the cinnamon powder and use the oil as drops. Lavender or tea tree oil can be used in a similar way. Dilute 1 drop of the essential oil in 20ml of olive oil and apply to the ear with a dropper. When the pain is subsiding a little, massage the ear by holding the lower part of the ear and stretch and massage it. This will help the drops to go into the ear and quickly reach the lymph glands so the infection can drain away more quickly. The drops and massage can be repeated every hour until the pain subsides. If you have any health topics you wish me to discuss on this page or would like a free 15 minute discussion to see if Herbal
Medicine can help your condition please feel free to contact Meg Glaister DBTh MIRCH (The Gaia Apothecary) on 649 529 703 or email gaiaapothecary@hotmail.com
When thirst strikes, we often reach for unhealthy beverages packed with sugar and / or caffeine. Caffeine is fine in small quantities, but sugardense beverages provide the body with empty calories. There are many drinks available in supermarkets, or those you can make at home, that not only satisfy thirst but give you a dose of profound health benefits. Stocking your fridge with nutritious beverages can help you make healthy choices that you can feel good about. This article discusses healthy, nutrientpacked beverages and why they are so good for you. Water is the healthiest drink to consume of all the beverages. It has no calories and rehydrates the body more efficiently than any other drink. Water is required for all bodily functions and helps to protect the body from disease. It is recommended to drink 8 glasses of water a day. This water requirement can come from other sources too, such as the following healthy beverage options.
It aids the digestive tract by preventing cramps, aches and spasms. It acts as a muscle relaxant and aids the movement of food through the digestive tract. It helps relieve stomach bloating and flatulence. Hibiscus Tea Hibiscus Tea is a delicious beverage that not many people have tried. It has been scientifically proven to lower blood pressure. It has also been proven to help prevent heart disease by lowering bad cholesterol levels in the blood. Chai Tea Chai tea is packed with spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and ginger. These spices combined together provide the body with powerful health benefits. They contain a n t i - i n f l a m m a t o r y, anti-cancer, anti-heart disease, Alzheimer’s prevention, digestive aiding and a treatment for type 2 diabetes. Ginger Tea Ginger tea has long been known for its ability to prevent motion sickness and morning sickness during pregnancy. It helps to prevent nausea and aid in digestion. It has been proven to help alleviate pain associated with arthritis when consumed regularly. Hot Chocolate Chocolate is a natural mood booster, it stimulates the release of serotonin from the brain, the feel good hormone. Chocolate can also help to prevent heart disease. Milk helps to prevent osteoporosis and curbs cravings. It helps to keep you satisfied for longer.
to prevent heart disease. Always choose tomato juice that is low in sodium. Cranberry Juice Cranberry juice helps to prevent gum disease. It also helps to prevent urinary tract infections. It is a powerful antibacterial drink. Always choose 100-percent cranberry juice with no added sugar. Orange Juice Orange juice is high in calories so should only be consumed in moderation. Orange juice is packed with vitamin C which helps to boost the immune system. It has been proven to help prevent cataracts and is a powerful antioxidant. Pomegranate Juice Pomegranate juice is a powerful antioxidant. It helps to prevent inflammation in the body and helps to prevent heart disease, lung cancer and prostate cancer. Only choose pomegranate juice which is 100-percent pure with no added sugar. H o m e m a d e Vegetable Juice Juicing your favourite vegetables can create a delicious cold beverage that is packed with nutrients. Your body will receive a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals. Vegetable juice helps to prevent and fight inflammation, regulates the bowels, cleanses the body and can even help you lose weight. Beetroot Juice Packed with nitrates, this beverage has been found to boost stamina and endurance in athletes and helps to lower blood pressure. It has also been shown to
increase blood flow to the brain, which is useful in the treatment and prevention of dementia. Lemon Juice Freshly squeezed lemon juice, although tart and an acquired taste, can boost the immune system, aid in digestion and cleanse the liver. It has also been shown to help prevent some forms of cancer. Freezing freshly squeezed lemon juice in an ice cube tray and then adding the ice cubes to cold water provides a zingy refreshing drink. Fruit Smoothies Blending your favourite fruits and berries into a delicious smoothie makes a nutritious, healthy breakfast option or for a snack at any time of the day. The fruits and berries give your immune system a boost, helps to fight and prevent inflammation; can protect the body from heart disease and many forms of cancer. Adding low fat unsweetened yoghurt provides a hit of calcium to help prevent osteoporosis. Red Wine Drinking one to two glasses of red wine per day is, surprisingly, considered very healthy for you. Red wine contains the chemical resveratrol which has been found to increase longevity in animal studies. It has also been found to help prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia. It is a powerful anti-oxidant which helps prevent heart disease and some forms of cancer. It also boosts the immune system, helping to ward off colds and influenza. The above beverages are highly recommended alternate options to unhealthy soft drinks, caffeinated beverages and energy drinks. Making a healthy choice when it comes to relieving thirst is a choice your body will thank you for. There are many healthier options to try. Go ahead, find your favourites and enjoy.
Miracle Drinks for Your Health
Hot Beverages
Green Tea Green Tea is rich in antioxidants, which protect the body from free radicals that are responsible for causing many disease processes. It can help prevent many forms of cancer and can protect against heart disease. It also gives your metabolism a boost. It contains no calories. Mint Tea Mint tea is very refreshing and invigorating.
Cold Beverages
Tomato Juice Tomatoes contain the chemical, lycopene, which has been scientifically proven to help prevent many forms of cancer. Also helps
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 WHO RATTLED YOUR CAGE?
By Dave Michaels
Noel Edmonds: a man decades before his time
Reflexologists must be so busy right now, the amount of itchy feet there seem to be at this time of year; as everybody starts to freshen up for a new summer (even though it is months away.) New signs replacing old ones outside bars, entertainers changing venues, complete with new posters and different days. It is the equivalent to a spring clean. It was all this changing that got me thinking about some of the people who aren’t in the position to do so. People who have what could be considered to be ‘casual’ employment. hen it comes to full time contracted employment, many employers are only permitted to employ someone for 12 months on what is a full time contract, but on a temporary basis. At the end of 12 months, there are only 2 choices. Giving the employee an indefinite contract, or letting them go for a period of months. An indefinite contract is a highly sort after piece of paper indeed, and is hard to come by (I won’t go into the legalities of this……. not my department.) However, it does mean that sometimes, bar owners are forced to lose valued members of staff every 12 months which is of course bad for the employee who has to find new work every year. Maybe I’m being over simplistic, but wouldn’t it make sense, for example, if 3 bars, each with valued staff rotated their staff on 6 monthly contracts, doing away with the need to re-train new people or have to give up forever on the people who they have invested time
and effort in, people they really don’t want to let go but through legalities, have to. If you like a JOB SWAP scheme, this would be better for everyone surely. Even for the government, decreasing unemployment and unemployment contributions. The entertainment circuit has always been like this, hence the name circuit, as one person moves on, someone else moves in. Although with the closure of so many bars in recent years and the decrease of new entertainers coming to the island, you do find yourself increasingly standing on the toes of friends. Maybe JOB SWAP would be a good thing in my business as well, keeping things fresh for everyone. This idea crept in whilst having a conversation with a fellow entertainer who literally life swapped for a week. They had commitments back in the UK, so asked a similar band to move into their slot for a week, into their house for a week, to feed the pets and water the plants etc. What a great idea! It could even work on a longer term basis. ne dear friend, although not on these terms, is taking a sabbatical for 6 months and I’m hoping will not find the grass too much greener on the other side (although I do wish her the very best) is the incomparable, original, unstoppable and very talented Vanessa. For those who haven’t had the pleasure of this ladies company, either professionally or personally, she is a very hard working woman within the entertainment industry
and holiday business on the island. Be it positive or negative. If you had met her, you would remember it! Always opinionated for better or worse, but she has earned the right to be so. Although she arrived on the island a good few years before I, she was my first ever Tenerife cabaret show when I was the compere. This was in the years before political correctness, and when the gap between what happened on the UK circuit and the entertainment scene here was more of a chasm than a gap. I had started my evening as was still typical then with a quiz and a few songs; a nice atmosphere was growing, not too loud, not too quiet. Then cabaret time came around and the quiet was shattered…. Enter the world of Vanessa Viagra!! A show that pulls no punches, a show that at first sight can give you a similar feeling in your chest as would the big dip of a rollercoaster. For me, this was quite literally a baptism by fire. Over the following years, we have become friends, colleagues, and peers. One thing that has never changed is the gusto with which she attacks everything she does, be it a pint of lager, an opinion she disagrees with or a new business she wants to start. aving watched her make an incredible success of Tenerife Sunshine, a business she works tirelessly on with her husband Ket, or one of the other 2 shows she currently performs in, The sisters of Doomresurrected (with the equality talented Dee), or her Bette Midler show (The Show that is now taking her away from the island); I have to say she is a person I believe everybody should meet at least once, and for my ten bob-worth, the twinkly lights will shine a little dimmer on the stages of Tenerife when she has gone. Maybe this sounds like an epitaph, or shameless promotion of a friend. It isn’t, it is just me recognising that yet another truly talented performer is leaving an island that she helped to shape.
Christmas At Decades Santa is coming early to Decades... and you are invited to join in the festivities as Bitter & Twisted share this magical time with you, your family and your friends.
Our Out-Of-Season Christmas party will be held on Friday 29th of June at 7.00 PM and will include a traditional Christmas dinner with 5 courses; wine, beer and soft drinks. There will be a Christmas tree, crackers and more tinsel than you can wave Santa’s little helper at!! All this for only 40,00 Euros – residents’ discount available. To book your tickets, please telephone Lorna on 627 686 830
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 CALDERS CONFESSIONS
Unhappy Slapper
I’ve got a terrible temper and if I’ve had a bad day at work I can’t help taking it out on the kids. Usually, it’s just shouting and screaming but for the past few years when it gets really bad I slap them. I know it’s wrong and I always apologise afterwards and hate myself for what I’ve done, but no matter how hard I try I just can’t stop. I love my kids and feel so guilty. Suzanne, 43
Calder spent twelve years working as PA and Co-presenter with Jeremy Kyle on various radio stations, he is now a Freelance Radio Presenter where he answers listeners´dilemmas each Sunday night on the airwaves. We are also very grateful to have him here, answering your questions and queries as part of the Tenerife Weekly team. If you have an issue you can`t overcome or just need general help and confidential advice, why not email Calder: calder@tenerife-weekly.com
‘Awkward Family’
Weighty issue
This isn’t a huge problem but it really upsets me. My family consists of my mum and dad and two sisters. The problem is that we don’t really get on. We don’t argue, but we don’t have fun together either. Our family gatherings are just rather awkward. Why do you think this is? Lorna
Just for a moment, forget about your husband and look at what you’re doing to yourself, Stacey. You’ve turned into a complete liar and you are risking your long-term health because you can’t control your eating habits. The lying has to stop sweetheart its just getting in the way of you dealing with what is obviously an issue for both you and your husband. You
Wouldn’t it be funny if you were sat there looking to each other to lift the mood? The truth is, that’s probably the case. Have you ever sat down and discussed this? There’s no time like the present is there Lorna? Arrange a family night in and raise the subject, despite feeling awkward at first, I think you’ll find that dialogue is exactly what you need to resolve this one. Just explain to them all how you feel and ask them how they feel! As the discussion starts to roll, you’ll all learn something about each other and, hopefully, you’ll see a difference at the next big family event. Too many people put up with situations like this and just accept them as they are. Talking it through and stating your case as well as listen to every body else will undoubtedly help. Give it a go and thank me later.
I can’t condone what you’re doing Suzanne, you must know that but as a parent myself I do know how difficult it can be to keep your cool at times. You seem to have taken things a little too
Calders Confessions
far in terms of the slapping and screaming and I would go so far as to say your are bordering on being a bully to your own kids! Speak to your GP about anger management sessions in your area. By recognising this problem you’ve shown that you do care and understand that what you’re turning into just isn’t right. That’s a massive step forwards and you owe it to your children to carry on the momentum and get some help for your problem. You can be free of the guilt and confident that you’re being the best parent you can so long as you work on this and turn things around. It’s not impossible so long as you have the desire to change.
Since getting married to my husband three years ago I’ve put on over 8 stone. He’s always on at me to get back to how I was when we met so this New Year I told him my resolution was to join a gym and get fit, but after a few days I lost my will power and instead of going down the gym, I’ve been getting changed into my gym kit then going round my mates for a takeaway instead. He’s got no idea and to make matters worse I’ve even lied that I’ve lost half a stone when actually been putting on weight! Should I come clean? Stacey, 33
really should just stop this whole charade and admit that the gym just isn’t your thing. Your GP will be able to advise you on the best way to lose weight for YOU and to be honest, the most vital ingredient here is your own will power. You can carry on stuffing takeaway in your mouth and pretending to be at the gym but eventually your lies will come back and haunt you. Stop hiding from this problem and face it, you may well be surprised about just how easy it is to beat once you decided to channel your efforts into looking after yourself rather than living a lie.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 PSYCHE / HOROSCOPES / local info
MIND, BODY AND with SPIRIT Liana Mẽ Aly Ah
• International Intuitive • Life Enhancement Coach • Spiritual Mentor
Do you have a strong desire to be experiencing a different life? Are you curious about what happens after we die? Are you dissatisfied with your life? Do you feel there is more to life that what you are experiencing? Do you have a desire to change the way you see and feel things? Have you experienced a life trauma that has caused you to do a 360 degree turn? Are you seeking out teachers and mentors? Are you making decisions from your heart and not your mind? If the answer is yes to any of these, then you have started to wake up. You have started the Awakening process. So what do I mean by the Awakening process? Entering the Awakened state, is starting out on your spiritual journey of remembering who you are, and why you are here. You have heard your soul calling you to wake up. On a deeper level, you have felt dissatisfaction with life, and an underlying anxiety, and a need to be different or seek out help from someone. Moving into this learning phase can be very difficult, for some as you begin to be more self orientated and guided by what you feel you need, instead of pleasing others. It is the new paradigm at work within your very being. There is a need to discuss how you are feeling, and find other likeminded people. There is a need to learn more and find others who can teach you. For some there is a need to soak up everything like a sponge, and go on course after course, developing your self. It’s as if you step onto a new planet where the right people fall into your path, and the right books are recommended to you, or you are drawn to certain places, books or people, all with an aim to move you forward on your journey. For years I have worked in Mind Body Soul fairs in Ireland. So many people have come to me for readings and help, and have told me that they have never been to such an event before, and don’t even know why they are there that particular day, but somehow felt drawn to come in and especially felt drawn to me. This is part of the Awakening process. These people have listened to their inner guidance and followed their intuition. Another aspect of your Awakening is that you may start to be more creative, either in music, or the various arts. There is
a compelling feeling of wanting to create. It may be something you did in your earlier life, or something you are drawn to, and a new venture. This creative urge is the universes way of showing you that you can create your life from whatever you think, and the flow starts with expressing your self through other mediums. It is a wondrous time when all this starts to happen, you have a plethora of new experiences and connections to make, and the pieces of your particular jigsaw are falling into place. You find you experience the phenomenon of coincidences, which synchronistic events are falling into place. Your life starts to experience the little miracles in life. Meeting people and having life changing experiences creates an excitement, and a more positive energy around you that continues to help the universe pull you to your destiny. You are simply now moving in the flow of your life. So if you are experiencing huge changes in your life, feeling a need to pull away from certain people, ending relationships, changing jobs, moving to different parts of the world, you are simply answering the call of your soul. I am an Ascension Life Coach, Reader, and work with people, to heal from past pain and old baggage, and old programming, causing negative experiences in their life Journey. If you need help, contact me on 672 994 666 for a private session. Join me on FACEBOOK for all updates on courses and workshops Liana Lovie (Mealyah) I am available as a Spiritual Life Coach, Mentor, to help anyone who maybe stuck and needs help sorting out the challenges in their lives. I also work as a Clairvoyant and give readings in many different ways. Contact me on 672 994 666 or lovieart@ gmail.com More info on www.liana.lovie.com
Until next week, LIANA MẼ ALY AH
QUESTIONS & ANSWERS I am Spiritual agony aunt, and will answer any concerns or questions anyone may have about their difficulties in life or curiosity into the spiritual field. Or if anyone wants to give me topics to discuss here, please contact me, liana@tenerifeweekly.es
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19 It’s all about you when the Moon enters your sector of self on Tuesday. You’ll shimmer and shine with a special glow. Keep a tight lid on your temper on Wednesday. Don’t respond angrily toward others even if you’re provoked. Count your money very carefully on Saturday. A salesperson may shortchange you in a financial transaction. Taurus Apr 20 - May 20 Your stubborn side will emerge on Monday. Don’t be too quick to dig in your heels. Try to be open-minded when interacting with associates. Consider reorganizing your priority list on Wednesday. Place fun activities at the top of your agenda. Follow your hunches when the Moon in Taurus sextiles Neptune on Thursday. Gemini May 21 - June 20 You’ll walk on air when beneficial Jupiter enters Gemini on Monday. Good fortune will accompany all of your endeavors. Your thoughts may be extremely scattered on Tuesday. Try to focus your mental energy, especially while doing important tasks. A blast from the past will occur on Friday. Cancer June 21 - July 22 Your perceptions will be flawed when Mercury in Cancer squares Uranus on Monday. Don’t rush to judgment in a certain situation. Call on your courage on Tuesday. You might have to stand up for your personal beliefs. A new friend will enter your life on Thursday. This person will have an artistic nature. You’ll attend many cultural events together.
Emergencies Emergency services (all) National Police Local police Ambulance Fire Brigade Guardia Civil
112 091 092 061 080 062
Pharmacy information and locator (24 hours) 922 282 424 Citizen information 010 Lost property 092 Postal services 902 197 197 International operator 11825 Local operator 11818 Tourist information 922 605 590
Tour operators Cosmos 922 793 802 Thomas Cook 922 757 409 Thomson 922 798 607 TUI 922 777 720 Transport
(Tenerife’s public bus company)
922 531 300
The “Bono-Bus” discount card can be purchased from all TITSA stations and terminals and reduces the cost of transport by up to 30%
Radio taxis
922 641 112 922 747 511
Note: taxi cabs display a “SP” (servicio público) plate on the rear of the car.
TFS - Tenerife Sur Airport (Reina Sofía) For flights from Spanish mainland and nearly all scheduled international flights
Flight information 902 404 704 (line open 24 hours)
Leo July 23 - Aug 22 Protect your own interests when the Moon squares your ruler Sun on Monday. An associate may try to take advantage of your generosity. Adventure will beckon on Tuesday. Think about packing your bags and visiting an exotic destination. The boss may promote you to a position of authority on Friday. Virgo Aug 23 - Sept 22 Frustration might be your companion on Monday. You’ll confront some of life’s little irritations. Try not to sweat the small stuff. A financial investment may prove profitable when the Sun trines Saturn in your economic zone on Wednesday. Don’t spend all of the extra cash in one place! A legal matter will finally be decided in your favour on Friday. Libra Sept 23 - Oct 22 Take your dreams out of mothballs on Monday. The time is right to pursue your most cherished goals. Avoid the temptation to lie to an associate on Tuesday. The truth will reach this person’s ears very soon. Don’t compete with a rival on Saturday. Your greatest happiness comes from following your own life path. Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21 You may have trouble communicating with others when Mercury opposes your ruler Pluto on Monday. Consider keeping a low profile in social situations. Unexpected events will alter your agenda on Tuesday. Try to go with the flow as much as possible. A colleague may try to steal your ideas on Wednesday.
Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21 A close associate will lift your spirits when Jupiter enters your relationship zone on Monday. Look to loved ones for moral support. Your creative juices will flow on Wednesday. Think about turning your talent into moneymaking opportunities. Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19 Persistence will pay off on Monday. Success will be yours if you don’t give up! You may have a fated experience on Wednesday. This event will turn your life in a different direction. Pick your battles wisely when the Moon is quincunx your ruler Saturn on Saturday. Aquarius Jan 19 - Feb 18 You’ll be eager for excitement when the Moon conjuncts your ruler Uranus on Tuesday. Having a good time will become your main objective. You’ll have an unexpected houseguest on Thursday. This person may want to take up residence in a spare room. Harmony will flow on the job on Friday. You’ll actually enjoy being at work. Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20 Your vitality may start to sag when the Moon in Pisces opposes Mars on Monday. A good night’s sleep may be just what the doctor ordered. Confidential information will come your way on Thursday. Put this knowledge to good use. A lover may ask you for a commitment on Saturday. It isn’t wise to lead this person on. If you want space in the relationship, say so.
Useful Numbers
Tenerife Sur Tourist Office (Main Tourist Office)
902 003 121
Airport information 922 759 000 Tourist information 922 392 037
Multi-lingual police central office 902 102 112
TFN - Tenerife North Airport
Local police
For all domestic flights and some international and mainland services
Red Cross Emergencies and ambulances 922 281 800
(Los Rodeos)
Flight information 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) General information 922 635 800
National Ferry Services Armas 902 456 500 Fred Olsen 922 628 252 Tourist offices Costa Adeje 922 750 633 El Médano 922 176 002 La Laguna 922 631 194 La Orotava 922 323 041 Las Galletas 922 730 133 Los Cristianos 922 757 137 Los Llanos de Aridane 922 401 899 Playa de las Américas 922 796 668 Playa de las Vistas 922 787 011 Puerto de la Cruz 922 386 000 Santa Cruz de Tenerife 922 289 394 Santiago del Teide 922 860 348
Call this number and ask for an English operator to make an official report or complaint.
922 757 006
Hospitals & Medical centres 094 Hospital Las Américas, Playa de Las Américas 922 750 022 Playa de las Américas Centro Médicos Del Sur 922 791 000 Candelaria Hospital 922 602 000 Irish Consulate 922 745 671 British Consulate Address: Plaza Wayler, 8, 1o, 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife 922 286 863 Opening hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30am - 1:30pm British Consul: Matthew Vickers British Vice-Consul Helen Keating
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 PETS’ PAGE
Welcome to Tenerife Weekly’s Pets’ Page
Pets’ Corner
My name is Steph and some of you may have heard me on Coast FM each Thursday when I try to find good homes for fantastic pets. Each week this page will be filled with both useful and entertaining information to keep you up to date with the world of pets here in the Canaries.
“Are our pets capable of love?”
A conversation with my husband this week made me think back to a photo I remember seeing some years ago following a house fire in the US. He was unaware of the photograph in question but it brought on a whole new topic of conversation for us regarding animals and “love”. The obvious answer to “Are our pets capable of loving us?” is no. Purely and simply they do not poses the chemical balance in the brain which creates emotions such as love. Or do they? I think that while I pose the question I have to look at the species to which I am referring. In the case of cats I don’t necessarily believe that they are equipped with the ability to feel love, although I dare say I will be challenged on that by avid feline devotees. Dogs, however, have always made me wonder. I look at my own dogs and would sometimes bet my bottom
dollar that there is something going on behind those eyes. Take Ellie, for instance, my female Doberman. Never before have I
met a dog who acts the way she does. She emanates what can only be described as the closest thing to love that I can think of. I’m not
Acción del Sol’s weekly news By Karen Clack Many of the dogs at the refuge have been there for many years through no fault of their own. They would love a walk and a dip in the sea maybe. So if you do have any spare time, or you would love to adopt a dog but are not able to for one reason or another, then why not come down to Acción Del Sol and make a dog or two very happy? It’s a really nice area for walking next to the Parque Eolica, and then down to the sea. Please call 922 778 630 for more information or if you would like to help out in anyway. Towels and blankets are always needed for the dogs if you have any to spare. They would be very much appreciated by our four-legged friends. The refuge is situated at Polígono De Industrial Estate, Granadilla, Exit 51 on the TF1, directly next to ITER the Parque Eolica where the windmills are and it is open to the public Monday - Friday 3-6pm. Things We Can Learn From A Dog Just for fun, but some very good points. • Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride. • Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy. • When loved ones come home, always run to greet them. • When it’s in your best interest, practice obedience. • Let others know when they’ve invaded your territory. • Take naps and stretch before rising. • Run, romp and play daily. • Eat with gusto and enthusiasm.
Useful Numbers Dog & Cat Grooming 628 859 973 - 922 738 885
If you find an abandoned dog
Arona - 010 Everywhere else – 112 24 Hour Vets Fanabe 617 483 707 El Medano 607 346 183 Playa San Juan 922 832 344
• • • •
• • • • • • • • • •
Stop when you have had enough. • Be loyal. • Never pretend to be something you’re not. • If you stare at someone long enough, eventually you’ll get what you want. • Don’t go out without ID. • Be direct with people; let them know exactly how you feel by piddling on their shoes. Be aware of when to hold your tongue, and when to use it. Leave room in your schedule for a good nap. Always give people a friendly greeting. A cold nose in the crotch is most effective. When you do something wrong, always take responsibility (as soon as you’re dragged shamefully out from under the bed). If it’s not wet and sloppy, it’s not a real kiss. If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it. When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently. Thrive on attention and let people touch you. Avoid biting when a simple growl will do. On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass. On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree. When you’re happy, dance around and wag your entire body. No matter how often you’re scolded, don’t buy into the guilt thing and pout… run right back and make friends. Delight in the simple joys of a long walk.
referring to the fact that she knows the word for “kiss” and will do just that on command, but it seems to go deeper. And to add to that she seems to use her doggy sixth sense to understand when my husband or I are not feeling on top form. Diablo, our male Doberman, was a rescue and seemed to almost physically attach himself to us from day one, the bond only getting stronger as the years went on. With the job that I do I meet dogs and cats on a daily basis and my clients will, more often than not, make the same claim – that their pet “loves” them. They have a special bond between animal and owner which cannot be matched by anything else. And so, after a long debate I am inclined to continue to wonder if animals ARE in fact capable of loving us. I can think of many a situation where they have jumped to their human’s defence, in some cases putting their own lives at risk
Paws for Thought:
in order to do so. Is this some link to love or is this just them following a protective instinct? For those of you who are unfamiliar with the photograph that instigated our discussion, allow me to briefly fill you in. It followed a house fire some years back. The fireman went into the burning house and saw the dog. He was slightly uneasy as he had not been around Dobermans before, however he put fear aside and picked up the trapped animal, carrying her outside to safety. Once the fire had been put out he sat on the front lawn and tried to regain his breath and strength. The dog clocked him from a distance and made her way over to him. As she came up to the tired fireman who had saved her life she kissed him. It is possibly important to add that this dog was also pregnant. I don’t know if it is just pregnancy hormones, but that photograph always brings a tear.
The water turtle mentioned in last week’s paper still needs a home. So if you can help please call 628 859 973
Have you an article of interest? Does your pet deserve a feature? Drop me an email at vetpetcare@hotmail.com
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
Basics of Landscape Design - Part Four and principles you can design a garden with the very best, and one that bears your own signature more than ever… kindly submitted by Tim Fells
available all the time, so use it! Choose plants that are lower maintenance; to cut down the grunt work and increase enjoyment time; ornamental grasses are a once a year chore that offers yearlong appeal in the garden. I use them all the time and there’s a grass to fit almost any niche, so try some today! You are ready to plan your garden There are a lot of things to consider when designing a garden, but taken step by step the path becomes clear and the design begins to take shape almost on its own. By adhering to a few rules
Br ain Tr ain
Solutions to this week’s puzzles
An easy one
6 5 7 3 1 2 9 4 8
8 6 7 9 2 1 5 4 3 5 2 1 3 4 8 9 7 6 4 9 5 8 6 3 2 1 7 3 7 6 2 1 5 4 9 8 2 1 8 4 9 7 3 6 5 7 3 4 6 5 9 1 8 2
A little tougher
8 1 9 4 6 5 7 2 3
9 4 3 5 7 6 8 2 1
4 3 2 8 7 9 5 1 6 1 6 5 7 2 4 8 3 9 9 8 4 1 5 3 2 6 7 7 2 3 6 9 8 1 5 4 2 9 6 5 3 7 4 8 1 5 4 1 9 8 6 3 7 2
6 5 9 1 8 2 7 3 4
3 7 8 2 4 1 6 9 5
1 8 2 7 3 4 6 5 9
hardier, more disease and pest resistant and will tolerate a wider range of conditions; because they’re home. Plant some natives, especially at the edge of your garden. You will be rewarded with fauna as well as flora… Remember to keep scale in mind Also worth repeating is to keep eventual size in mind when planting; the garden may look a touch gappy at first, but that’s why Nature created annuals. Flowers come and flowers go, but foliage lasts all season; find plants that offer more than a single burst of colour and then fade to green obscurity. Variegation and coloured foliage is becoming more
1. Mexico (111 million), Colombia (46 million) and the USA (45 million)
native plants are history. Not enough light to do what she wanted, but too much for those woodland beauties… There is a valuable and powerful lesson here; what nature wants is often not what we do. I feel it is best to bow to the wishes of Mother Nature; as she has been gardening longer than we have and usually has a better eye anyway (this is strictly my opinion and not an overriding principal, but there it is…). You can modify the site to fit your needs, but it is simpler, cheaper and more environmentally aware to find those plants that will fit the existing conditions. Native plants are great in this respect; they are
Summer’s “To Do” List Early-Summer Begin to feed, water and deadhead bedding plants. Feed and deadhead roses after the first flush of flowers. Sow seeds of perennial plants, winter bedding and biennials outdoors. Make first trim of yew and leafy hedges, such as beech. Ensure any winter planted trees and shrubs are not suffering from dry periods, give them a good soak if necessary. Mid-Summer If you have a pool, keep it aerated and the water level topped up. Plant autumn-flowering bulbs; such as colchicums and sternbergias. In dry weather, raise the mower blades slightly as longer grass stays greener. Keep on top of the weeding, feeding, deadheading and watering. Late-Summer Feed and water rhododendrons if the weather is dry. Sow hardy annual seeds in pots for autumn planting. Deadhead and stake perennials to keep them flowering and looking neat Take semi-ripe cuttings of shrubs.
2. Horses 3. Southampton 4. Orenthal James 5. Piccadilly Circus 6. 112
Welcome back to the fourth, and final, part of our garden landscape tutorial. Planting your garden Planting is the heart of the project, and while it often provides the most frustration (“You want a plant that flowers all summer, takes shade, AND is low maintenance?”), it certainly provides the greatest joy. This is where you leave your mark, forging combinations and contrasts that will be the biggest visual impact in the landscape. We could take another page just detailing the criteria for selecting the plants, but let’s just hit some high points. We have discussed the concept of the right plant in the right spot, but it bears repeating. My friend’s wife came to me a few years back and said, “Scott, how do I go about putting peonies in my garden?” and I said, “Sue, you don’t. Your garden is way too shady, and besides, we could do some lovely things with those woodland plants you already have.” (We had timbered up as far as we could and the neighbours had tall trees on either side of their narrow garden. Besides, she had varieties of ferns, jack-in-the-pulpits, and lots of other woodland wonders just volunteering all over her garden!) “But I want!” says Sue; end of conversation. I pull into her driveway a month later to find the tree crew taking down the last of the old oaks; Sue was determined to have those peonies. Years (and thousands of pounds) later, she has four or five fitful peonies that barely bloom, and all those great
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 diy
Rising Damp!
You know the feeling. You take possession of your pristine new house or apartment. It looks so perfect, beautifully furnished, new paintwork. Then a few weeks later, a thimble full of rain falls and what do you know? The builders forgot to put the damp proof course in and your walls are covered in fluffy white crystals, then mould, then the plaster starts to drop off. What do you do? This is a familiar If you don’t want to tile the wall ,then sight, here on the you can use special damp proofing paint. island. New plaster We applied it under the plasterboard in and paintwork this bedroom, but it can be applied to crumbling and a surface and painted over. You need dropping off the to put on two thick coats. It gives a walls. There are grainy surface and is not easy to work several ways to with, but it is quite effective, provided deal with such the damp is not too severe. Again, it an unsightly needs to be applied to a height of at mess. Robert least one metre above ground level. suggested that This version is made by Alabastine, but this particular there are several available. Weber make problem could imperflex or Sika make topseal. These be dealt with by are available at different ferreterias. tiling the wall Mix it according to the instructions high enough to on the packet, which may have pictures prevent damp if you don’t read Spanish. An electric from rising above whisk is better. This will give a smooth it. mixture much more easily. Another and probably more effective method is to apply bituminous paint First, all of the under the plaster. loose plaster has to be removed. The rest of the surface has to be clean and dust-free. Robert used one-coat plaster to repair the holes. Then the tiles could be applied to at least one metre height above ground level.
Useful Vocabulary Bituminous paint emulsión asfáltica Damp
Electric Whisk
batidor eléctrico
Here, Robert is painting it on to what will be a kitchen wall. If your room is decorated you will have to strip off the plaster to a height of one metre. You will need to apply two coats. On the second coat you will need to apply sand before it dries. This will ensure good adherence of plaster or plasterboard. Remember over here, “sand” is more likely to be a sort of groundup pumice, which is fine for this purpose.
Here is the finished wall, and another satisfied client!
If you need help or advice on tiling,dampproofing or other DIY techniques, you can contact Robert on 922 81 40 73 Mobile 605 469 352 or email rjmcalees@yahoo.com
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 FOOD
Welcome to Karoline’s Kitchen This week my motto is “Be Patient for the best results.” I have chosen a selection of recipes that need to be prepared well in advance for the best outcome. We live in such a fast culture, with everyone wanted
fast food or meals ready in minutes I wanted to take this opportunity to savour the pleasure of creating these dishes and enjoy the anticipation of waiting to taste these delights. Enjoy these lovely tasty treats.
Karoline Shovlar
Marinated Beef Tenderloin
1 tbsp oil 1 tbsp soy sauce 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce 2 tbsp English mustard 2 1/2 tsp salt 1 tbsp pepper 1 tbsp wine vinegar Chopped fresh parsley 2 cloves garlic 1 tsp lemon juice 1 Beef Tenderloin or fillet steaks
Place all ingredients together in a bowl. Put the beef into the mixture ensuring that the beef has been coated in the marinade. Cover with cling wrap and leave in fridge for 24 hours. After 24 hours remove from the liquid and either slice tenderloin or cook whole in oven or on BBQ.
No Knead Bread
delay the baking process, up to 24 hours or more. Place the dough onto some baking parchment and sprinkle some flour over the top, simply fold the dough from the sides, and then the top and bottom, like you were folding all four sides to the centre, and flip it over. Fold up the top of the parchment paper so the dough is covered like a little tent. Let the dough rest again for approximately 1-2 hours, it should double in size. Place an ovenproof ceramic dish into the oven so that it heats up as the oven heats to the hottest setting available. After half an hour carefully remove the hot dish and place the dough into it, covering the dish with a lid and placing back into the oven for another 30 minutes, after this time
3 cups all-purpose flour or bread flour 1.5 - 2.5 tsp salt (depending on your taste) 1/4 tsp instant dry yeast
Mix well to combine dry ingredients. Add 1 1/2 cups water. Mix again with a spoon, to get all of the flour absorbed, you may need a little extra water. Add the yeast. Cover your dough with cling wrap and place in a warm place. The microwave can be used as a great resting place. Once your dough has rested for 12 hours, it should be very bubbly and doubled in size. You can choose to knock the dough back and have it rise again if you want to
Guinness is Great
They say a meal in a glass: this old Irish drink, originally made by mistake, is internationally famous and for all the right reasons, so to combine it with food just makes it all the more special... I would welcome any feedback on the recipes at www.casatrestenerife.com
Oysters & Guinness
With Ireland surrounded by sea it is only fitting to enjoy its fruits with our favourite tipple. We don’t always have the sun. We have a lot of sea, fringed with sand, and with this combination you are almost guaranteed lots of ..........happiness. Oysters per person Tabasco Black Pepper Lemon juice Open the Oysters and remove from the shell. Rinse in light salted water and return to the shell served over crushed ice Accompany with Tabasco, black pepper, fresh lemon juice and of course A Pint of cold Draught Guinness...............
Black Velvet Cocktail
1/2 Guinness 1/2 Champagne Doesn’t get any easier Mix equal amounts and set the next day aside ..................Love being Irish lol.
Have a great week cooking and if you have any recipes that you wish to share or any tips or family cheats then get in touch by email on; karoline@tenerife-weekly.com Until next time,
remove the lid and cook again for another 30 minutes or until the bread has formed a brown crust. Now be patient as it will taste better after resting for 1 hour.
5 unwaxed lemons 1l bottle vodka 750g caster sugar 700ml boiling water Zest all the lemons, taking care not to include any white pith. Put the zest in a large clean jar and pour over the vodka. Cover with a tightly fitting lid and leave for a week, shaking the jar each day. Put the sugar in a heatproof bowl and pour over the boiling water, stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Add the vodka and peels and leave for a further week, shaking the jar regularly. Strain into decorative bottles, adding a few strips of lemon zest to each bottle. Serve when desired.
Guinness Lamb Shanks
1 cup plain flour Salt pepper 4 lamb shanks Olive oil 12 shallots 1 clove of garlic finely chopped 1/2 pint Guinness 1/2 pint beef stock Fresh rosemary Fresh thyme 12 small potatoes 2 large carrots sliced 1/2 leek chopped
Guinness Cake
200g butter 3/4 pt Guinness 100g brown sugar 250g mixed raisins & sultanas 50g candied peal 800g self-raising flour 1 tea spoon mixed spice 50g candied cherries 3 large eggs, beaten Preheat the oven to 325° F. Line an 8-inch square cake pan with a double thickness of waxed paper. In a medium saucepan over medium heat, combine the butter, sugar, Guinness, raisins, sultanas, and mixed peel. Bring gently to a boil and cook, stirring frequently, for 3 to 4 minutes, or until slightly thickened. Remove from the heat and let cool for 10 to 15 minutes. In a medium bowl, sift together the flour and Mixed Spice. Stir in the cooked fruit and
Mix flour, salt, and Pepper together, coat the shanks in the mix. Heat olive oil in a thick skillet or heavy pot; fry the shanks until golden brown. Add onions, garlic & lightly fry. Add stock, Guinness & herbs, stew for 1 hour. Add vegetables and cook until tender.
cherries. Add the eggs and stir until wellblended. Spoon into the prepared pan and smooth the top. Bake on the middle shelf of the oven for 60 to 70 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the center comes out clean. Remove from the oven and let cool on a wire rack for 30 minutes. Invert the cake onto the rack to cool completely. Remove the lining paper. If not serving immediately, wrap the cake in plastic wrap, then aluminium foil, and store in a cool, dark place for several weeks to allow the cake to mature. Serves 8 to 10
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
Retro Corner: ‘International Superstar Soccer’ First released: SNES (1994)
Euro 2012 is upon us, and while the majority of us are realistic about the prospects of an England victory, that doesn’t stop us from living out this fantasy through games like FIFA 12 and Pro Evolution Soccer 2012. It was the same story back in 1994, when England failed to qualify for the World Cup. Fans didn’t have impact engines or cutting edge 3D graphics to console themselves, but they did have the makings of a great football sim in International Superstar Soccer for SNES. Konami’s smash hit was considered the greatest football game of the 16-bit era, outdoing the original FIFA in terms of innovation and realism. Its EA Sports rival may have had backing from the sport’s governing body, but International Superstar Soccer was the superior game. The series has roots in Konami’s Hyper Soccer for NES. Although its 8-bit predecessor is technically of a different franchise, it laid the ground work for International Superstar Soccer and paved the way for its success. The game featured 26 national teams loosely based on their counterparts from the ‘94 World Cup, though the likes of England, Scotland and Wales made the cut despite failing to qualify for the actual competition. Bolivia, Saudi Arabia, Greece and Morocco were not represented, though they did make it to the finals. So what gave International Superstar Soccer the edge over other footie fare? As we’ve already touched on, it favoured impressive lifelike visuals over the cartoon aesthetic used by many of its genre counterparts. Realistic physics worked
to its advantage in the gameplay stakes, offering a more fluid experience that you’d find elsewhere. Although the title wasn’t backed by the kind of licensing agreement that permitted the use of real player names, it did attempt to use their likenesses. Swedish forward Magnus was modelled on Martin Dahlin, Italy’s Galfano was Roberto Baggio, and Argentina’s Capitale was Gabriel Batistuta. It was also the first game to display squad numbers on shirts. International Superstar Soccer’s success on the SNES led to the release of a special edition called International Superstar Soccer Deluxe, which saw the series make its Sega Mega Drive debut in 1996, and hit the Sony PlayStation the following year. The N64 became the next port of call, with the release of International Superstar Soccer 64, bringing it to a new generation. This edition maintained the same feel as its SNES
forebears, adding improved graphics and animation. It was around this time that the franchise took its first steps to becoming Pro Evolution Soccer. In June 1997; an iteration called International Superstar Soccer Pro landed on the PlayStation to much critical acclaim. The scene was set for a full-on transformation, and less than a few sequels later, ISS Pro Evolution was released for the Sony console. Konami has released a new instalment of Pro Evolution Soccer each year since 2001, setting the scene for a bitter rivalry with the FIFA series. By all accounts, Pro Evo’s gameplaycentric approach gave it the edge for many years, but it is now lagging behind the EA Sports powerhouse. Regardless of how England performs over the coming weeks, the advent of the Euros is the perfect excuse to dust off your SNES and load up the original International Superstar Soccer for some nostalgic kicks.
LG’s Quad Core Optimus 4X HD Goes On Sale Tenerife Weekly Tip
Patient LG fans in Germany will be unwrapping the Optimus 4X HD this week, with the UK, Italy, Sweden and the Netherlands next in line for a release of LG’s answer to the powerful HTC One X and Samsung Galaxy S3. With specs like; a 1.5GHz NVIDIA Tegra 3 quad core processor, a big 2,150mAh battery and a 4.7in 1280x720 IPS display, the 4X HD is without a doubt a serious bit of kit for 2012. You’ve also got the delights of Optimus UI 3.0 to look forward to plus Android Ice
Cream Sandwich and an 8MP camera to keep up with the smartphone Joneses. Unlike the curvier Galaxy S3 and HTC One X, it rocks a squared off design and is also 8.99mm thick so this will by no means embarrass you walking down the street despite the grunt and hardworking battery. No sign on the web just yet from the usual suspects like Carphone Warehouse. You can pre-order the LG Optimus 4X HD from Clove for £465 right now though the release date still says late June.
How to use an Xbox 360 controller with a PlayStation 3 (and vice versa)
Ah, the ever-raging controller wars. Whether it’s the PlayStation controller’s outwardly curved triggers or the Xbox 360 controller’s flakey d-pad, everyone has their hangups as well as their gaming weapon of choice. Thankfully you can now alleviate the symptoms of gamepad rage with the Cronus USB adaptor dongle. Simply slot it into your console of choice, let the syncing magic commence, and
marvel at the wonders of mastering games on either console with whichever controller your heart desires. Did we also mention that the Wiimote is also supported? Not that we’d recommend it for gruelling CoD sessions. Sadly there’s no solid detail on pricing or availability at the moment, though reporters was told to expect a price tag somewhere between US$50US$60 (40-47 Euros).
Toner Up Your Printer
Your laser printer will lull you into a sense of security, with month after month of complaint-free printing, then just when you have to get that essay, contract or flyer for your sale printed off, wham! It hits you with an error message you may never have seen before: Low Toner. With some printers, you have a small grace period in which to print before you’re shut down; with others, it’s pretty final. If you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place — in other words, you must print something, but your printer insists it is out of toner and will not let you proceed and there are no shops open that have a replacement in stock — there are a few tricks you can try to coax a few more pages out of the stubborn machine. All of these are based on the assumption that your printer is wrong; chances are there is still a wee bit of toner left. Just keep in mind that you could end up voiding your warranty if you get too intrusive (although the original toner likely lasted longer than the warranty did). Different manufacturers use different schemes for detecting low toner, but here are some ideas to try: Turn off the printer, unplug it for a moment, and then power it up again. Sometimes this resets the error and you might be able to sneak a few pages out before it detects the low toner level and shuts down again. Some printers let the user manually reset the low toner warning and essentially tell the machine a new cartridge has been added. Check your user manual. Try removing the offending toner
cartridge and carefully giving it a shake. Don’t do this over white carpet and keep clear of your clothing as a small amount of toner might escape. Shaking redistributes the remaining toner and might be sufficient to fool the sensor. Some printer manufacturers use an optical sensor that detects low toner levels. Look for clear “windows” on the ends of the toner cartridge. Covering them with electrical tape can fool the sensor into thinking the cartridge is full and allow you to continue printing until it’s physically empty. Some people report getting a hundred pages or more of additional printing after using this method. Some printers use a gear mechanism in the toner cartridge that advances incrementally as pages are printed. It is possible to reset that gear (turn back the odometer, in other words.) Many printers still allow a test page to be printed, despite a low toner warning. Try it and if the page looks good, that means there’s definitely still toner remaining. In this case, your printer may allow you to create a custom test page (once again, check your manual). If that’s the case, you may well be able to rig your mission-critical document to be the test page and print it off despite the printer’s best efforts to thwart you.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
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Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
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Ikea children’s bed, excellent condition, red with animal cut outs on headboard. Up to 7 yrs old. Price 45.00 euros Ikea wooden double bed with slatted base (similar to Hennes model), as new, bargain at 125.00euros Tel: 626 285 880
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3 Seater sofa bed and 2 matching armchairs. Beige and brown. Lovely suite in excellent condition. Originally from Biombo. Detachable cushion and arm covers etc. €485 o.n.o Tel 637 157 098 Portable/Folding massage table with carrying case. 120Euros Tel: 628 252 551 Tailor made R9 driver 9.5 loft stiff shaft 100 euros Tel. 666878840 Clear glass top patio table with centre hole for parasol, together with 4 folding beige/brown chairs. In good condition. 50 euros Telephone 669548379 Palm Mar Persian Kittens, male and female. Available now 100 Euros. Call 634 914 534 Drum kit for sale. Black 5 shell with stool and crash and ride cymbals. Very good condition 400 euros ono Tel 608 560 005 Unwanted gift, 21 gear mountain bike, front disc, full suspension, aluminium frame, as new 175 euros ono. Los Cristianos 632 518 114
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Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012
The VW Golf GTI Cabriolet is all about performance and the stats speak for themselves: it is capable of reaching 62mph (100Km/h) in 7.3 seconds and it has a top speed of 147mph (237 Km/h). It’s not as fast as the standard GTI, which will cover the 0-62mph sprint in 6.7 seconds and has a top speed of 149mph, but it is close. Delivering this performance is the same 2.0-litre turbocharged, four-cylinder petrol engine as found in the standard Golf GTI. On offer is a six-speed manual gearbox version, with a claimed average fuel consumption of 37.2mpg and CO2 emissions of 177g/km. If you want you can spend a bit more on the dual-clutch model and this has a claimed fuel consumption average of 36.7mpg and CO2 emissions of 180g/km, which puts it into the same road tax band as the manual model. To differentiate the GTI Cabriolet from the standard version, Volkswagen has fitted a distinctive front grille with red edging and a GTI badge, plus front fog lights. Further emphasising the GTI’s sport nature are side skirt extensions, a rear diffuser, twin chrome exhaust pipes and smoked LED tail-lights. The car also comes with 18-inch alloys and low profile tyres as standard. Inside there’s a leather steering wheel, handbrake and gear lever gaiter with contrasting red stitching. The seats are covered in the classic tartan cloth though there is the option of leather upholstery. The drop-top Golf GTI comes with an EDS electronic differential lock as standard that helps to stop wheel spin on loose or slippery surfaces, while an XDS electronic transverse differential lock should ensure power is easily transferred to the road and therefore improve handling. The roof is quick to fold away: it takes just 9.5 seconds and can be raised or lowered at speeds of up to 18mph.
The Volkswagen Golf GTI Cabriolet performance is fairly accomplished. The same 2.0-litre turbocharged four-cylinder petrol engine as the GTI hatchback powers the convertible version. Producing 208bhp and 280Nm of pulling power, it is capable of powering the Cabriolet to 62mph from a standstill in 7.3 seconds. More importantly, the peak pulling power
Volkswagen Golf GTI Cabriolet
uncomfortable if they are in it too long. Drop the roof and things still feel quite refined. While you get the pleasure of roofdown motoring you aren’t buffeted by wind to such an extent that you just want to put the roof up and have a chat with your passenger. In fact you can still hold a conversation without having to shout to be heard. There’s a decent amount of movement in both the seat and steering wheel, making it easy for the driver to get in the best driving position. The ride quality is excellent even though it runs on 18-inch alloy wheels, and the overall levels of refinement demonstrate excellent build quality. There’s no crashing or jarring from the suspension, even on the most rutted roads.
kicks in at 100rpm lower than before – at 1,700rpm instead of 1,800rpm - and this substantial pulling power remains until 5,200rpm. This makes the GTI responsive on the move and keen when overtaking. 4 The power delivery is extremely smooth and refined, rather than the brutish affair you get from some other hot hatches. In some respects it is a little sedate and not worthy of the GTI badge - it doesn’t scream ‘performance convertible’. Yes, it’s quick but it just doesn’t have the urgency or the excitement of the fixed-roof version. The GTI convertible is available with a choice of six-speed manual gearbox or an optional six-speed dual-clutch DSG automatic. The manual is precise and smooth while the DSG gearbox is also very good. The GTI Cabriolet will cruise along quite happily but if you find yourself in a position where you need to overtake, this can be done without too many dramas due to the responsive engine.
The ride is smooth, despite the larger alloys and lowered body, and the general Volkswagen Golf GTI Cabriolet comfort levels are fairly impressive. It’s not uncomfortably stiff and the jolty ride you might usually expect from a hot variant isn’t present. It’s more engaging than the standard
Cabriolet model and it is an enjoyable car to drive on tight and twisting B roads, particularly once you get the roof down. The steering is perfectly weighted, not too light and not too heavy, but there’s little feedback through the wheel. Thankfully, there is little sign of any body roll and, like all Golfs, you get plenty of grip. The sure-footed nature of the car is aided by the addition of electronic differential lock, which reduces wheel-spin on slippery surfaces, and XDS electronic transverse differential lock that ensures power is easily transferred to the road.
Volkswagen Golf GTI Cabriolet comfort levels are very good. While road and wind noise have been incredibly well suppressed, especially considering this is a soft-top convertible, the exhaust note has been tuned to make it more audible and it delivers a pleasing and engaging rumble. The sports seats not only offer excellent back and side support but are comfortable enough for longer journeys. As with the standard convertible, things are a little cramped in the back. Although there is a middle rear seat, it is best reserved for children or smaller passengers as full-grown adults will start to find it
As with the standard Cabriolet model, there is a useful amount of luggage space on offer. Whether the roof is up or down, there is a potential 250 litres of space available. If you need to carry longer items the rear seats fold 50:50 to make the space more usable. There isn’t a huge amount of storage around the cabin though, but thankfully the usual central storage and door bins can happily accommodate a 500ml bottle.
While the GTI Cabriolet won’t be crash tested by Euro NCAP because it’s just a different variant, the standard cabriolet model was awarded the maximum five star rating. There’s a long list of safety kit on offer including front and side head/thorax airbags and driver’s knee airbag as standard. Other Volkswagen Golf GTI Cabriolet safety features include an automatically deploying rollover protection system, in case the car ends up on its roof in an accident.
With no major problems reported on the Golf Cabriolet, the Volkswagen Golf GTI Cabriolet reliability record should prove to be problem-free. Fitted with the same engine as the GTI hatchback, which has had no issues whatsoever, this should also help to cement the firm’s reliability record further. As with most convertibles, the main concern, if any, is the fabric roof and the mechanism that powers it. Fortunately, Volkswagen has had few issues with similar systems before.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 SPORT
McLaren to Play Hardball with Hamilton McLaren Chairman Ron Dennis has hinted that Lewis Hamilton may have to accept a less lucrative contract if he decides to stay on at the team into 2013 owing to the current economic climate. Hamilton’s current deal at McLaren expires at the end of the season and reports in the British press last month suggested that the Woking outfit, who are desperate to hang onto the driver they have nurtured since the age of 13, were poised to offer the 2008 World Champion a new five-year, £100m contract which would make him the joint highest-paid driver in Formula 1. But with the current worldwide financial climate very different to the one Hamilton signed his last five-year contract in back in early 2008, Dennis has suggested there will need to be a “balance” struck in talks over a new deal. Speaking to Sky Sports F1 in the aftermath of Hamilton’s first victory of the season in Canada, which saw him regain the lead of the Drivers’ Championship, Dennis said: “It’s a complex situation. He’s on the end of a contract which was signed at a time when the economy was somewhat different and now there has to be a balance between that.” Asked by Martin Brundle if he meant Hamilton
Lewis Hamilton and Ron Dennis celebrate in Montreal would have to accept a pay cut, Dennis replied: “He’s very highly paid. He’s certainly paid more than I am!” Hamilton has been linked with all three of the Woking team’s main rivals - Red Bull, Ferrari and Mercedes -and Dennis added that it was natural that both driver and McLaren themselves would be looking at alternative options in case a new contract didn’t materialise. However, the former Team Principal expressed hope that Hamilton’s long-established ties to McLaren will prove a decisive factor. “You’re obviously going to look at what’s
available; where can he go - he’s going to look at that we’re going to look at who’s available,” Dennis added. “At the end of the day, hopefully, the fact that he’s been part of this team from the beginning of his career will pay a significant role in whatever decisions both sides make. But it’s a little early to be talking about it.” After a turbulent year, both on and off the track in 2011, McLaren Team Principal Martin Whitmarsh has spoken about the emergence of a more mature Hamilton this year and Dennis says he has also seen signs that the 27-year-old is a far more relaxed character so far this season. “Lewis had a tough year last year for lots of reasons and not all of them on track or in car, some of them came from things [that] happened in his life,” he said. “He’s still a young guy and I always think, slightly morbidly, the last thing you learn is how to die and at the end of the day everybody learns every single day. He’s in a challenging part of his life, I think he’s come through it well now, he’s much more focused and more relaxed, and that I think is [important]. Being relaxed is what the team needs to be. We were too tense in the last races. Some of these mistakes which were made were too much pressure and this race will relax the team as a whole.”
Saints Snap Up Manu Contador Returns
St Helens have announced the signing of Hull second rower Willie Manu on a two-year contract. The 32-year-old will move to Saints at the end of the current Stobart Super League season, having turned down the offer of a new deal from his current employers. Manu - a Tonga international who is part of the Exiles’ squad to face England becomes the first signing by Nathan Brown, who takes over as head coach at Saints from November. He has missed only three matches in the last three seasons for the Black and Whites; having arrived at the KC Stadium from Castleford. “Willie is one of the best back-row forwards in rugby league and will introduce a new dimension to our game,” said St Helens chairman Eamonn McManus. “He is a devastating runner with a phenomenal work rate and is one of the league’s top tacklebust makers. He is also a great defender too and we look forward to welcoming him next season.” Manu has played for Wests Tigers, South
To S a xo B a n k
Sydney and St George Illawarra in the NRL and was briefly a member of England coach Steve McNamara’s training squad in 2010 after qualifying through residency. The strong-running forward was Hull’s player of the year in 2011 but, after rejecting their final offer, was given permission to talk to other clubs. McManus added: “I would like thank Hull FC for allowing us permission to speak to Willie and express my appreciation for the way the club has conducted itself during the negotiations.” Manu may not be the last Hull player to pitch up at Langtree Park in 2013 - former Salford centre Jordan Turner, who is also out of contract at the KC Stadium at the end of the year, has been linked with Saints.
Alberto Contador will rejoin Team Saxo Bank once he has served his doping ban, the Danish team have announced. The Spanish rider was stripped of his 2010 Tour de France victory after testing positive for clenbuterol, after which he was handed a two-year ban back-dated to January 2011. He had already served a provisional suspension of nearly six months, though, meaning he will be able to ride once more on 5th August. And Saxo Bank have signed up the 29-year-old for the remainder of this season and the next three years. Team owner Bjarne Riis said: “A lot of speculation and rumours have surrounded Alberto Contador and his future in the past months, but our sponsors, the team and Alberto have shared the same wish to continue and build on our relationship. Throughout these last two tough years we have stood by Alberto, so to be able to announce his return to the team is
something I have been really looking forward to. Now we can put an end to this speculation and start focusing on building the team for the coming years.” Contador added: “The decision to return to Team Saxo Bank has actually been pretty easy, and my first priority was always to rejoin the team and to continue working with Bjarne Riis, and the rest of the team. The support I have experienced from them in a very difficult situation is extraordinary. I’m really looking forward to getting back on the bike, and my aim is to repay that support, hopefully with some great results.”
after a rain delay of three hours the wet and heavy conditions affected the Spaniard both physically and mentally during the third and fourth sets. From 0-2 down in the third, Djokovic reeled off eight straight games to get himself right back into the match and it was Nadal who had been desperate to get off the court on Sunday evening. The Spaniard was getting increasingly irate as they continued to play, the balls so
wet and laden with clay that he could not impart his vicious spin. But he did manage to hold serve in the final game before play was abandoned and that hold turned out to be crucial when play resumed on Monday. Meanwhile, the defeat meant that Djokovic failed in his bid to become the first man since Rod Laver in 1969 to hold all four grand slam trophies at once following three successive grand slam final victories over Nadal.
Paris History For Nadal
Rafael Nadal made history by securing a record seventh French Open title on Monday (11th), winning his weatheraffected final with Novak Djokovic in four sets. With play having been held over after persistent rain on Sunday, it was the Spaniard who prevailed as he recorded a 6-4 6-3 2-6 7-5 victory that saw him eclipse the six titles of Bjorn Borg. Resuming a break down at 2-1 in the fourth set, Nadal started in the same vein as he had on Sunday when he raced into a 3-0 lead in the first set, clearly much more comfortable with the dry conditions and lack of moisture in the balls that had hampered him later that evening. A couple of lapses from Djokovic were pounced on and he secured an immediate break back, although there was a slice of fortune about it with a net-cord leaving Djokovic helpless at the net as the ball
whizzed past him. With the Spaniard having snatched the early momentum, Djokovic did well to recover and settled any nerves by holding to level as an increasingly tense set remained on serve. Both players were taken to 3030 on their delivery but, on each occasion, would go on to escape as their opponent threw in an unforced error, but it was Nadal who put himself on the brink when three huge forehands secured him a break point at 6-5, 30-40. With Djokovic’s famed powers of recovery it came as a big shock then when the world number one double-faulted to hand his opponent victory and a place in Roland Garros folklore. Sunday’s first part had certainly not been short on drama, whether it was the fluctuating fortunes of both men or the weather itself. Nadal had looked dominat as he moved two sets and a break up, but
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 sport
Muhammad Airs His Delight
European Champion Lutalo Muhammad has spoken for the first time about his selection for the London 2012 Olympic Games following the British Olympic Association’s announcement that they have ratified his nomination to the GB team. The 21-year-old Londoner told GB Taekwondo’s official website: “I am really happy, it’s fantastic news. It has been an ordeal and it has been difficult at times. And I know that there are some formalities to tie up with the BOA, but I am just pleased the Selection Panel has such confidence in me. Throughout all the headlines my focus was always on my training. I have trained ever since the announcement that I was going to the Olympics. To be honest it hasn’t been too hard because the team at the Academy has been right behind me. There’s a fantastic spirit and it’s helped me to see Jade (Jones), Martin (Stamper) and Sarah (Stevenson) cracking on with their training. It’s helped me to forget about everything that has been going on.” Muhammad, whose 21st birthday celebrations (on 3rd June) were put on hold, added: “I knew the Europeans were the last big chance for me before the Olympics. But my main aim was just to become European champion and let everything else take care of itself. So, I was ecstatic when I found out that the
selectors had that much confidence in me.” Despite this and at the height of his happiness, Muhammad is able to consider the feelings of Aaron Cook and offer the hand of friendship. He explained: “When I joined the Academy, Aaron had already left, so I haven’t had that much contact with him. But when we have met faceto-face we have always been very courteous and very civil. I have no problems with Aaron and I still don’t. We are both just athletes trying to perform to the best of our ability. It’s been tough for everyone involved, but I can only concentrate on what I can do. It’s been a tough situation for both of us. And I wish Aaron all the best for the future. As I said, I have no problems with Aaron.” There has been a lot made of Muhammad’s relative inexperience and the extra pressure on his
shoulders caused by his Olympic selection. However, he shrugs off the suggestions in his customary laid back way. He added: “When I get to London all I can do is perform to the best of my ability. Any outside pressure or whatever other people will say, I won’t let it affect me. My desire and will to win is very strong. I will give it my all. I am not really concerned about what anyone else might say. I don’t feel under any extra pressure other than that I put on myself.” After winning his European gold in Manchester last month at -87kg, the Walthamstow-born star also dismisses any talk of issues competing at -80kg. He said: “I feel really good at this weight and only stepped up to -87kg again for the Euros. I’ve fought a number of times this year at -80kg and won medals. So, if it’s a problem for some people, it’s not a problem for me.”
Tenerife Weekly 1st Division: Target B 7 – 1 Apolo Our Place B 5 – 3 Rood Cosy Wanderers 7– 1 Chipeque Meigas 4 – 4 Our Place A Los Halocnes 2 – 6 Target A Bye: Belgian Beer Bar Wild Bull Tenerife Weekly darts kicked off the second half of the season as Meigas drew 4-4 with Our place A. Mike’s version of events : “A very tight game with some fantastic high scoring legs. Tom and Mitch for Meigas and Joe and Del kept it all square after the singles. Del and
Sam stepped up and deservedly won their game to make it all square at the finish. Ashley’s comment after the game , “ you’re supposed to be a man, stop acting like a little boy” raised a few sniggers from both teams, ironically with Ash on the receiving end for a change. Well played Our Place A. A great day was had by all. Los Halcones keep making news with “Fantastic hospitality – Great food – best bar of Division 1” was the comment of Target A after the Targetboys enjoyed a close 2- 6 away win. Over in Silencio, Cosy Wonderers played hosts to Chipeque and the bar was packed
1st Division Rank
One to Watch: Gareth Evans D.O.B: 18/04/1986 Event: Weightlifting (Men’s 69kg) Place of Birth: Dundee, Scotland Gareth Evans began lifting in 1998, aged just 12. He took part in Britain’s Strongest School boy in a PE lesson and won, with his sporting career developing ever since. He has been named as part of the five-strong British weightlifting team for the London Olympics, and trains full-time at the Weightlifting Performance Centre in Leeds. He gave up his occupation as a painter and decorator in Holyhead to pursue his Olympic dream. This summer’s Games will be his first Olympics, yet he has performed on the international stage before, finishing third at the Commonwealth Championships in South Africa last year. The weightlifting competition will take place at the ExCeL Arena in London Docklands from 28th July to 7th August. One to Watch: Nick Dempsey DOB: 18/8/1980 Event: Sailing (windsurfing) Birthplace: Norwich, England After finishing in the dreaded fourth spot at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Nick Dempsey is determined to put things right this year. The 2004 Olympic bronze medallist has experienced a successful career, but he admits that since that day in China, Weymouth this summer has been his sole focus. Having started out in the sport from the age of seven, his first experience of sailing was on a Vinta 370 in Ferry Meadows, Peterborough. The 31-year-old is a former European champion as well as a three-time Olympic competitor and former world No.1 in the RS:X class. He took part in his first Olympics in 2000 in Sydney, finishing 16th, and it was in 2009 that he won the RS:X World Championships; one of the highlights of his long career. The windsurfer also has a double Olympic gold medal winner as a wife, which helps encourage him when things get tough. He will be hoping that with her support, as well as commitment and dedication in training, the 2012 Olympics will be much nicer to look back on than the 2008 equivalent.
with a party atmosphere from the off, with chipeque recruiting guest players before a dart was thrown. Sonic proved player of the match with Big Dave and Brooksy on form, throwing great arrows, has to be said a good standard of darts until Tam stepped up to play Paul “Chipeque”. Sponsor Tony from “Starmakers” offer of new spectacles instead of shirts seemed very appropriate as Tam edged the right double eventually. On the 901 game first three darts ..... Double 20 followed by 2 treble 20 started the game for Brooksy was not good enough as Cosy romped away 7-1 a true good day of darts in good company 2nd Division Beesnees 5 – 3 Cosy Cabrons Legends 7 – 1 Beesnees Hunnies La Central 5 – 3 El Candil de la Abuela
Happy Gavines – Malabar (postponed) Chipeque Nomads 7 – 1 Nifty Nauta Andy sweated out a close victory with La Central saying: “Dani was the man of the match winning his singles and doubles in only his second match. Thank you to El Candil for coming early so not to clash with the Spain game” as the boys went on to enjoy the football Chipeque Nomads took the points from Nifty to remain undefeated as we move into the second half of the season with Beesness enjoying a close game with Cosy Cabrons, and legends enjoying a good victory. Another week in the reef with a fun-filled Darts Sunday and we can still enjoy the Euro football ...why not join the fun at a bar near you !!! See ya there.
2nd Division Played
Cosy Wanderers
Chipeque Nomads
La Central
Target A
Our Place B
Our Place A
El Candel de Abuela
Target B
Happy Gavines
Los Halcones
Cosy Cabrons
Belgian Beer Bar
Nifty Nauta
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 SPORT
Hi Everyone. Firstly, may I say thank you to the kind remarks I get for this column, and to pass on the congratulations to the Red Lion, who so kindly sponsor my page. Talking of Congratulations, we at least didn’t lose: well done England. I watched the first half of England’s 1-1 draw against France via the internet and with no thanks to Telefónica, who provide the worse internet connection to Callao Salvaje in the whole of the island. It was like watching an adult movie, in short jerky movements, so I switched off and went down the pub to watch the rest. England could be described as being similar to a jabbing boxer keeping an opponent at a safe distance. A resolute defensive performance by Roy Hodgson’s side limited France to 13 of their 19 shots coming from outside the penalty area, but England’s decision to retreat meant that France dominated possession for long periods of the game. It looked like a perfect plan when England took the lead through Joleon Lescott’s header, but Samir Nasri’s long-range effort drew the score level before half-time, which I did manage to see, JUST!! England striker Danny Welbeck provided
reason for optimism at the other end, too, with his clever movement causing France’s defence problems. It was a game that dulled the early sparkle of this tournament, and was played out in searing temperatures inside the Donbass Arena by two teams who may well take satisfaction from a point from their first game. James Milner wasted an early chance for England, while new manager Roy Hodgson was grateful to goalkeeper Joe Hart for a fine block from Alou Diarra’s header. I thought Hodgson made the bold choice of Arsenal teenager Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain ahead of Stewart Downing. Opportunities for him to shine were rare but he can be pleased with his efforts in strength-sapping conditions. Once again England were tactically disciplined and highly organised, an early trademark under Hodgson since he succeeded Fabio Capello. And the manager knows this was a game safely negotiated as he waits for the return of striker Wayne Rooney. England’s preparations for Euro 2012 were disrupted by injuries - and not even Hodgson’s backroom staff were safe, as veteran coach Ray Clemence injured himself in the warmup and had to be carried off. Hodgson’s side continued to show resilience to get the reward for a dogged display and they can look forward to taking the next step in Euro 2012 against Sweden. Open 7 days a week Serving breakfast, lunch, tapas, menu of the day, dinner and Sunday roast. Watch all the major sporting events on our terrace or in our air conditioned bar. Find us on the sea front road in Callao Salvaje, Edificio el Ancala, Calle La Lava Call 922 741 524 for reservations
All our hearts will be in our mouths again on Friday. There has been some good football played in the opening matches with Poland v Greece. Fernando Santos’s team came out after the break revitalised, and the new vigour paid dividends when substitute Salpingidis fired in the loose ball following poor communication between Szczesny and defender Marcin Wasilewski. Moments later, Celtic striker Giorgios Samaras, arguably Greece’s best player on the night, should have given his side the lead, but he hopelessly mishit his shot from three yards. The 2004 champions were handed a glorious
chance to steal the points 20 minutes from time when Szczesny brought down Salpingidis in the area. Tyton came on to replace the Arsenal keeper between the posts and, with his first touch, saved Karagounis’s spot-kick low down to his right. Russia produced a powerful performance as two goals by Alan Dzagoev helped dismantle Czech Republic in their opening Euro 2012 game. Dzagoev gave Dick Advocaat’s side the lead with a shot after Aleksandr Kerzhakov headed against the post. Roman Shirokov made it 2-0 with a chip following good work by Andrey Arshavin. Vaclav Pilar reduced the deficit before two thunderous finishes by Dzagoev and substitute Roman Pavlyuchenko completed the rout. Russia were as ruthless in Wroclaw as the Czechs were poor. Saturday saw Holland take on Denmark. Michael Krohn-Dehli’s expertly taken first-half strike earned Denmark a shock win against a Netherlands side who missed a host of chances. Krohn-Dehli drifted away from two defenders to fire home the winner. But the Dutch dominated only to waste numerous efforts, with Arjen Robben and Robin van Persie the main culprits. Robben came closest when he shot against the post and the Danes survived a late handball appeal against Lars Jacobsen to hold on for victory. The Danes held firm and now have a great opportunity
THE RED LION BAR & BISTRO CALLAO SALVAJE The Red Lion Bar & Bistro has been trading in Callao Salvaje for Approximately 20 years and is now under new management. Ronnie & Shona bid all our friends and clients, new & old A heartfelt welcome.
to progress to the quarter-finals, while the Dutch must win at least one of their remaining two fixtures, against either Germany or Portugal, to have any hope. Mario Gomez’s second-half header ensured Germany made a winning start to Euro 2012 after Portugal had threatened to frustrate Joachim Loew’s side. Germany dominated possession but struggled to create many chances until Gomez broke the deadlock from Sami Khedira’s cross in the 72nd minute. Portugal were disappointing and only came to life after Germany scored. Pepe hit the bar with a rare first-half chance while Nani was also denied by the woodwork late on. Portugal must bounce back against Denmark. Sunday saw Republic of Ireland’s prospects of progressing beyond the group stages of Euro 2012 suffer a huge blow as they were undone by a clinical and classy Croatia in Poznan. Mario Mandzukic’s header eluded Shay Given to put the Croatians ahead inside three minutes, but a spirited Irish response saw Sean St Ledger equalise. Nikica Jelavic’s delightful dinked finish made it 2-1 before the break. And a second Mandzukic header, which came off Given sealed the win. After waiting 10 years to reach the finals of a major tournament, to begin Euro 2012 with a result like this will be tough for the Republic of Ireland to take. Conceding three bad goals after being so sound defensively recently and being unbeaten for 14 games is even tougher. There can be few Irish complaints about the final outcome with the superior technical quality of Croatia eventually telling in a frantic and attack-minded Group C encounter at the Municipal Stadium. Cesc Fabregas salvaged a point for Spain as the champions began the defence of their European title in a pulsating encounter in Gdansk. The Barcelona midfielder fired in after a clever pass by David Silva as Spain came from a goal down against Italy to draw the opening match of Group C. Substitute Antonio Di Natale had given Italy a deserved lead on the hour mark. Spain might have snatched all three points but Fernando Torres spurned a
succession of late chances. The Italians in the first half were exceptional. Tactically they got it right and they made Casillas make four good saves. After they scored, Spain pushed on a bit more and upped their tempo. Both teams had chances to win and it was a thoroughly entertaining game. A draw is a fair result. If the Italians continue to play this well and get through the group they really could be a threat. The result ended Spain’s run of 14 successive victories in competitive matches, dating back to their defeat by Switzerland in the opening match of the 2010 World Cup. Monday not only saw our first game, but the 2nd host nation got the tournament off to a fine start. Andriy Shevchenko was the hero for co-hosts Ukraine as they came from behind to beat Sweden and go top of Group D. The 35-year-old scored two headers in the space of six minutes to turn the game in his side’s favour after Zlatan Ibrahimovic had given Sweden a second-half lead. The Swedes applied a lot of late pressure in search of an equaliser. But the home nation and their talismanic striker were not to be denied an important opening win. So let’s have a lot more. The wife hates it. Just to close for this week, someone said to me how hot it was, my reply to that is I am glad I don’t have a Caravan in Wales. Congratulations to Lee Westwood, who won the Nordea Masters for a third time, after carding a final round 68 at Bro Hof Slott. The world number three finished the tournament in Stockholm five shots ahead of fellow Englishman Ross Fisher. McLaren’s Lewis Hamilton became the seventh different winner in as many races in a slow-burn Canadian Grand Prix that came alive in the final laps. Hamilton fought up from third place, past Fernando Alonso and Sebastian Vettel, in the closing laps.
Till next Time.
Tenerife Weekly - 15th June - 21st June 2012 ADVERTISEMENT