Tenerife Weekly Issue 42

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27th July - 2nd August 2012


Issue 42


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Fire Affected 6,500 Hectares

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FOLLOWING an evaluation by experts, the Tenerife Cabildo confirmed on Wednesday 25th that the fire that hit the southern part of the island burned only 2% of the pine forest; the majority of the burned area contained scrubland. Of the total 6,500 hectares affected by fire 4,300 were not burned, and of those 3,000 hectares of pine forest were saved. The President of the Cabildo, Ricardo Melchior, explained that of the 2,200

hectares burned 1,000 hectares corresponds to mostly pine forest, which will recover; because of its great capacity for regeneration. Mr Melchoir estimated the cost of the fire at 1,800,000 euros; mainly affecting irrigation systems, crops, tracks and trails. He is in constant contact with the Minister for the Environment, Anna Lupe Mora, and the mayors of the affected municipalities, to gain a better understanding of the damage sustained, both physically and economically. Both Mr Melchior and Miss Mora have

praised how quickly the councils acted, from the start of the emergency; “helping to coordinate troops and acting with professionalism in their fight against fire.� The President stated that in only 72 hours, the fire was stabilised and 96 hours after the onset of the flames, it was under control. He also praised the swift and timely manner in which all the fire-fighting teams and paraphernalia reached the scene. Extinguishing the fire involved over 900 people, 99 vehicles, eight helicopters and three seaplanes.

Continued on page 3


Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012 ADVERTISMENT





Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012 LOCAL NEWS

Continued from Page 1

The Cabildo supplied 536 people, 75 vehicles and 1 helicopter, including the Forest Brigades (BRIFOR) Technical Cecopin (Coordinating Centre), members of the Consortium for the Prevention and Fire-fighting, delegates from the Ministry of Environment and Environmental Volunteers. The State Government supplied 330 people, 20 vehicles, 3 helicopters and 3 seaplanes, including the Emergency Military Unit (UME), Fire Brigades Reinforcements (BRIF-A), National Police and the Guardia Civil. The Canary Islands Government supplied 36 people, 4 vehicles, 3 helicopters and the Canarian Police.

The Gran Canaria Cabildo supplied 12 people and 1 helicopter. The local police and civil protection NGOs also played major roles. The City Council wished to highlight and acknowledge “the enormous effort and impeccable work carried out by all personnel involved in the fire; not just the professionals who worked face to face against the fire, but all those administrations, public and private companies, associations and individuals who worked as volunteers during this time. We also appreciate the work of the media, in keeping everyone informed.” Of the three areas affected the most


Picture courtesy of Canaryphotostock.com

(Adeje, Guía de Isora and Vilaflor), the urgency now is to take measures to prevent runoff from rainfall.

Although some property was damaged and some animals died in the fire, there were no human casualties.

Canarian Scientists Make Titsa Increases Prices By 10% Key Finding In Milk Allergy A COLLABORATION between the University Hospital in Candelaria (HUNSC) and the University Hospital of the Canaries (HUC) over the past five years has uncovered two proteins that signal the development, or reverse, of severe allergies to dairy products; helping to establish a pattern of desensitisation that will work more efficiently and safely. One of the scientists involved in the study, Dr. Paloma Poza, said that “no one can speak of an instant cure, but certainly, from a first stage, the improvement in child patients is remarkable, and parental satisfaction is high, because they feel their child is out of danger.” The research was conducted as a pilot study with 12 children

under 15 years-of-age, with a severe allergy to milk. “Drinking milk can, at the least, cause our study patients to develop skin complaints, but in some cases they can develop asthma attacks and even anaphylaxis,” Poza explained Poza. The treatment developed by the group of medical specialists is divided into two phases. The first takes place mainly in the hospital, and is based on gradual desensitisation by adding a special milk serum to the children’s diet at a very low dosage; so not to cause a serious risk to health or a n a p hy l a c t i c shock. The second phase is based on maintaining the guidelines and appropriate doses, to move towards standardisation, resulting in a long-term cure. “Every patient is different

to the other, but they all have one thing in common; the need for a long-term answer to normalise the situation,” says Dr Yvelise Barrios, who said that the discovery is based on the shape of two proteins found in serum. “These proteins, MCP-1 and MIP-1 alpha, are at levels significantly lower in children with an allergy to proteins in cow’s milk compared with those without an allergy. With the evolution of these two markers, while no cure is known, the desensitisation therapy administered in both food and drink increases their levels to close to those of atopic children.” Allergist, Victor Matheu, said that in Tenerife alone there are about 15,000 children under the age of 2, and about 600 of them have allergies to cow’s milk; which in some cases will disappear spontaneously after infancy, but in others, almost between a 20 and 25%, persists into adolescence.

Tenerife Weekly

Contributors DJ Ben Simington Robert McAlees Liana Mẽ aly ah Jade Smith Owner & Publisher Christopher Miller Pete Quilty Meg Gallister Miller Rental S.L C.I.F: B 38709366 Karen Clack Janet Anscombe Deposito Legal: TFE 447/2012 John Sharples Steph Tufft Calder Hughes Karoline Shovlar Editor While Tenerife Weekly makes every realistic effort to inspect Colin Taylor editor@tenerife-weekly.com

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FROM Saturday, 28th July, the Tenerife Cabildo will apply a sort of long distance transport tax on fares “to reduce the growing gap between the actual cost of service and user spending,” according to a press release from the government. The updated rates, which reflect the rise of IGIC and fuel prices, will be about 10%; to come inline with an intermediate level compared to the rest of the state. The initiative will expand the group of people who can access and bonus scheme from 20,000 to 30,000 passengers.

Over 65s will also benefit from additional discounts, as will the disabled, large families and students. In the case of trunk areas, the change will be

greater. In addition, all users whose destination either of Tenerife’s airports will have to pay one euro if the route is less than 33 kilometres, or 2 euros for longer distances.

Hotel Infrastructure Modernising Plans

ARONA and Adeje have agreed to create a project for the transformation of their tourist areas, as planned in the draft ley de Renovación y Cualificación del Gobierno de Canarias; a document which is planned for approval this coming December. The President of Ashotel, Jorge Marichal, said it is “fundamental”, because the commitment to improvement is the best calling card to attract tourists.

Some, because of the demands of the market, have already brought forward changes, and have had no choice but to invest to avoid becoming obsolete. Such is the case with the director of Playa Olid, Mariano García, who has renovated 60% of the apartments at a cost of some 3 million Euros over the past two years in adapting communal areas, refurbishments, and incorporating innovations to attract visitors.

Hello, readers. Thankfully, we’re now in a stable condition regarding the fire that’s raged through parts of south Tenerife. The Cabildo has said that it will be about seven days from the last fire to be put out before they can state that there is no danger from hot spots re-igniting. People have lost homes and pets. I suppose the tragedy of that is mitigated

only by the fact that there was no loss of human life. To those who have lost possessions or animals; we are thinking of you, and wish you the best. Finally, do you have an opinion you’d like to share? Maybe you have a story to tell about the recent fires? Were you affected? We’re bringing a readers’ letters section to the paper. Have your say. Colin Taylor.

Where is Wee Keeley?

09:00 - 14:00 • 15:00 - 18:00) and tell one of our staff where he is. All the entries will go into the lucky pot on Wednesday and the winner will be given 2 free tickets for the following Monday´s Decades Spectacular Dinner and Show (drinks not included)... Happy searching.

Wee Keeley stopped on page 4 in our issue number 41, and the winner who was drawn out of the pot is Margaret Street who is coming to see the show on Monday. See if you can find where he has hidden in this week´s paper. If you can then call our office on 922 790 388 (office hours:

Colin Taylor.


Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012




Non-Stop 280 Kilometres Across Tenerife THE Tenerife Cabildo is working in conjunction with “RunSpiral 2012 - Non Stop 280 kilometres across Tenerife”, as part of a fundraising campaign for a local charity. The worthy cause is a test of endurance by runner Darío Dorta starting on 14th Sept. The athlete will travel non-stop around Tenerife, spiralling out of Santa Cruz to the south, across different municipalities, to eventually reach La Orotava and, finally, El Teide. The aim is to raise funds for the Spanish Association Against Cancer and the Maria Garcia-Estrada Foundation, an organisation that investigates sarcoma, a type of cancer. The event was launched on Wednesday 25th by

the president of the Cabildo, Ricardo Melchior, the Minister of Sports, Jesús Pérez, the athlete Darío Dorta, and the representatives of the Spanish Association Against Cancer and the Maria Garcia-Estrada Foundation, Ana Luis Bartlet and Dulce Acevedo, respectively. Melchior said, “Dorta is a generous and caring individual; thinking of others. I encourage the whole of Tenerife to work with this initiative, either by buying a T-shirt or participating in the race through the miles of solidarity that he will face. It is a difficult challenge, because there are four straight days of running, but I am sure he will succeed.” Meanwhile, Darius Dorta explained that, “it takes intense preparation to meet this challenge. -My goal is to finish the 280 miles and I think I’m ready to

do so. I want to thank the support of all institutions and sponsors and I’m sure I will complete the challenge and get to the top of El Teide. In some places I will be accompanied by athletic clubs and fund-raisers, and I encourage anyone who wants to contribute their bit to join me in the fight against cancer.” If you’d like to contribute, you can buy the Runspiral T-shirt for 10 Euros, with 100% of the profits going to the AECC, from the Intersport store in CC Carrefour, Santa Cruz. You can also run with Darius on sections of the course from 14th to 17th September. The organisers have established a symbolic price of 2 Euros per kilometre, and you can buy the number of miles you’d like to run. All event information is available at www.runspiral. com.

Garachico Hosts Underwater Photography Exhibition

THE underwater photography exhibition ‘The Sea’, organised by the Canary Government under the Septenio program (scientific and cultural study of the archipelago) has started in Garachico. It runs from Wednesday, 26th July, where it continues until 3rd September at The Stone House, the cultural hall under the town and port. The exhibition features the work of eight specialist in seabed photography, Carlos Andrades, Carlos Borbones, David Barrios, Enrique Fernández Souto, Javier Madinaveitia, Joaquín García Vera, Juanmi Alemany and Julio Díaz Sangil; all renowned Canarians. The exhibition was created to showcase the beauty

and value of one of the treasures of the natural heritage of the Canary Islands: its seabed. Its quality, unique species and the optimum conditions for this type of photography have fascinated fans of underwater activities

around the world and has become one of the international reference centres for diving and, particular, underwater photography; hosting annual competitions of major national and international awards.

Arona Promotes Valle San Lorenzo As Business Centre

ARONA’S Councillor for Economic Development and Employment, Marcos Afonso Esquivel, held a meeting on Monday (24th) with businesses based in San Lorenzo Valley, with the aim of promoting the creation of an Open Commercial Area in the centre of the town, which would join those already established in Las Galletas and Los Cristianos. Afonso Esquivel explained that this initiative is within the “Strategic Plan 20112015 - Municipal Commercial Zone”, which aims to “strengthen the municipality of Arona as a major trading centre; supporting the economic sectors involved, promoting modernisation and boosting trade and the labour market. The meeting was attended by representatives of other municipal

Open Commercial Zones, to share their experiences with the San Lorenzo Valley entrepreneurs. Open Trade Zones are recognised as “the formula of business organisation that is most appropriate and capable of ensuring the consolidation of business located in urban areas.” The councillor said that “a key factor is that there should be a high degree of participation of local businesses, within a framework of cooperation and involvement by all public and private participants.”

Fibre Optic Network Aims At 120,000 Connection Points

TELEFÓNICA and the municipalities of Santa Cruz and Laguna have presented the deployment plan of the fibre optic network that is to stretch over Tenerife’s two biggest cities. The group’s aim is to connect 120,000 homes and businesses before the end of the year. The data was released in a press conference, on Thursday, 26thJuly, attended by the mayor of Santa Cruz, José Manuel Bermúdez, the Councilman for Procurement, IT and Planning, Francisco Gutiérrez, and the director of Telefónica in the Canaries, Juan Flores. Flores said that the installation of fibre optics will allow a browsing speed of 10 times faster than is now possible, and will place the two cities at the forefront of world technology. The director of the telephone giant insisted that they will offer a genuine 100 megabytes download speed and that the installation will be done so that each optical

fibre is a single strand, which will allow a significant improvement in the latency of the connections, meaning a better quality of service to users. The plan will cost 30 million euros, will generate 300 jobs and will provide optical fibre to 80 percent of the metropolitan areas. Flores said that, in the future, optical fibre could be installed in other parts of the island.



Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012 LOCAL NEWS

The Silent Lions – An Appeal UP until now we at the Lions Club (Arona, Costa Silencio and Las Galletas) haven’t released any publicity about our work. We think the time is right for us to get a voice, and inform you about what we stand for and what is going on. Our club was founded in June 2004, and at the moment we have 22 members. We have a variety of nationalities working in our club; English, Spanish, German and Belgian members are doing their very best to make a difference. Every first Monday of the month we meet and discuss the agenda, with on-going projects or new projects. This is an open meeting, and if you are interested in “lionism” you are very welcome. As another Lions year has come to an end, we would like to thank our leaving president, Anny Noenickx, for all the support and leadership in the past year. In several of our projects we worked closely together with the Ayuntamiento, such as: • Assisting in the abused wives and family centre in Arona, • Giving cloths and food packs to families in need, • Semana Árbol Canario, 21st to 26th November. Tree planting action in cooperation with the Ayuntamiento. Together with 3 different classes of different

schools we planted trees in El Almendro , Valle San Lorenzo. This was not only a case of just planting trees, no; the children got educated at the same time about the endemic species of the canaries. That way, through education, the children will learn and understand the importance of trees and nature on our planet.- Semana de la energia, 13th to 16th February. ‘ Green energy ‘ ; children were taken up to the green energy plant to learn about green energy and its beneficial effects on the environment. • Supported a fantastic project for mentally channelled people in Centro de Diversidad Funcional, El Mojón. In this

project dogs are being used to help these people come out of their shells and learn how to count, read, etc: teaching them skills to be able to interact more comfortably in society. • donation for Ritmania dance school. ‘Christmas outfits for the children dancers’. On a more personal note, we supported littly Maisie in her challenge with eye cancer. We hope, together with her family, that all may be good. We as a club look forward to another year of serving the public, together with our new president, Luis J. Salas. Of course, for all the above to be possible we have to raise money. Our main income comes from our

charity shop in Costa del Silencio. Some of these fundraising events include; ‘Race nights’ in different bars and BBQs in Coral Mar Square every 2nd Sunday of the month at 15.00. Several of our club members organise events in their own homes, to raise extra money. If you want a fantastic night out, on 8th September we will be holding our “President’s Night”, our celebration of our president. You are very welcome to attend, in Westhaven Bay; entrance fee 25 euro, food and entertainment included. We would like to thank everybody who has participated in any of our fundraisers and hope you continue to do so. A big thank you to all the volunteers for the shop. If you feel attracted to “Lionism” and want to contribute in any way please contact us. We are currently in desperate need of helping hands in our charity shop on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 11.00 till 13.30. Contact Marlene on 696 378 696. Thank you for taking the time to read about us. Until next time. The Lions - we serve. Our next event: Sunday, 5th August. Start at 3pm in Clouseau’s, Palm Mar. Bring and buy sale, with entertainment, free buffet and raffle prizes galore. A fun-filled afternoon.


New Church C o m e s To Las Américas PASTOR Bill Jeffrey from Silencio church has started a church service on a Sunday night in the heart of the Veronicas area of Playa de las Américas. The Silencio church was established in 2001 and for some time has had contact with the ‘Living Room’ above Burger King. ‘The Living Room’, as its name suggests, is a place where workers in the area can come and relax, play a game of pool or table tennis, use the internet facility and peruse the job board. They can chat with fellow workers and with a team of young committed Christians, who are getting alongside the workers in the bars and nightclubs in the area and befriending them in times of trouble. Pastor Bill is pleased he has been given the chance to hold a service in the premises at 6 o’clock each week. At present the Living Room is the place where it is all happening, until suitable premises are found for a church. Pastor Bill can be contacted on: 609 565 528.


Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012




Live Arico Moves to New Premises

LIVE Arico, the legally registered charitable association has not closed, the shelter as stated in a press release.

Finca Chasagua, the Atogo refuge housing their dogs, has a closure order. This was no surprise to the organisation. There have been legal problems with the installation for many years, even before their time there. After moving there in 2010, it became apparent almost immediately that much work would have to be done to improve the installation to a standard acceptable for Live Arico and its dogs. However, any work was blocked, denounced by neighbours as being done without a license, and when they applied for said licenses they were declined. Live Arico considered that they were in an impossible situation. The Cabildo have offered a plot of land in Fasnia on which a refuge has been built. In respect of the closure order, the Cabildo have agreed to allow the dogs to go to the Fasnia refuge, with the condition that Eugenio de Mommio resign from the Association and has no further contact with the refuge, to ensure that no further abandoned dogs are taken in to the new refuge. Eugenio has agreed to this, as the dogs need to be moved to their new home as soon as possible. The

governing committee at Live Arico said, “this pains us deeply, but we have no choice at this time. We have to move to Fasnia as we cannot stay in Granadilla. We thank Eugenio from our hearts for all his work over the past twelve years, and recognise the sacrifices he has made to achieve this.” On the plus side, this can be good for the dogs: a new opportunity. The refuge will be under the control of FECAPAP (The Canarian Federation of Animal and Plant Protection Associations) with Live Arico in collaboration. The dogs remain the legal property of Live Arico and they will continue with adoptions in an effort to reduce the numbers. From a financial point of view, the charity has an obligation to support their dogs, and for this reason their

shops remain open and fundraising continues. They ask for our continued support in this area. It is also very important to the shelter that their debts with Hospivet Sur and La Granja are paid off. They will publish the state of affairs at monthly intervals, so their supporters can see how much they have raised, and how they have divided it between creditors and the upkeep of the dogs.

Residents Demand Change to Notorious Accident Blackspot

NEIGHBOURHOOD association, Avtiba, has called upon the Tenerife Cabildo to urgently look at the issues they’re facing with regard to the TF-82, in Adeje. The association claims that work needs to be done in the area near Tijoco Bajo to make it safer, given the number of collisions that occur there. They also request that road signs be erected, indicating the entrance to the town. A spokesperson for the

residents said that, “safety is non-existent and traffic accidents are a constant occurrence. We have been struggling to build a centre lane, for entering and leaving the neighbourhood, for more than two years. In fact, we know that the council has had conversations with the Minister of Highways from the Cabildo to solve the problem, but as always in these cases, there is much less funding and political initiative to start these works.”



Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012 LOCAL NEWS

Sunblast Festival

The day had finally arrived; Carl Cox and Afrojack were going to be Dj-ing in Tenerife at the Sunblast festival! I had been waiting a long time to see both these DJs - I don’t know how, but in my travels I hadn’t seen either. We arrived at around 4 o´clock, and you could hear the bass coming up the hill all the way from the roundabout! With the road been closed we walked down to the entrance. I prepared myself for a mission getting into the venue, but to my surprise we were greeted with friendly security, walked straight in and received our complimentary beaker and hat!

an amazing sight to see everyone all moving together, hats were flying around, inflatable crocodiles and beach balls were been thrown in the air as everyone went crazy. Afrojack did not disappoint; blending acapellas and samples seamlessly whilst keeping everyone happy by playing some of his hits. His biggest moment was when he played “Take over control” to which the crowd sang every word. It was at that time that we looked around and all agreed that it was a pretty amazing view from within the festival, with the mountains in the background, the sea the other side and Las Américas in the distance. I bet Carl Cox and Afrojack have seen many a festival, but I don’t think any can compare to the views from Sunblast! SUV come up the road and straight into the VIP area; he was here! There was a sea of phones and cameras in the air waiting for a glimpse of the master! The lights dimmed, a shadow appeared behind the decks and an English voice boomed out “Carl Cox is in da house YES YES YES” it was him! Then a roar from the crowd and boom! We were hit by the biggest techno beat I have heard ever! The crowd’s reaction was just incredible. The bass was so loud it moved your stomach, every track he played drove the crowd more and more into a frenzy. At one point he had a police siren effect going with a rumbling bass

I knew that with the multi-stage set up it was going to be impressive, but it was more than that - it was incredible. The driving range on the Adeje golf course was the perfect venue, with the two main stages in full view and the third just behind. We had come a bit early, because DJ Leon was playing from four til five and I had promised that we would be there. We made our way to the Sunblast stage; the VIP area was already packed and bouncing. The atmosphere was fantastic - Leon had the crowd in a frenzy, mixing old with new tracks. To top it off he finished with Greg Cerrones - Invincible - which were the biggest tracks we used to play at the first year of Monkey Beach. Next came my two friends, Carlos Kinn and Alexei, who I worked with a lot in Tibu, I knew they had been looking forward to playing this gig and had put a lot of preparation into their set, and it showed. They opened with their new track “Better man” which features Leon and Arron Cormack. From then on it was nonstop anthem after anthem. They had a lot of home support at the front of the stage and even came round from behind the decks to interact with the crowd! We then moved onto Electric stage to go and catch DJ Jekey perform. He was as to be expected, outstanding; blending RandB, HipHop, Dubstep and Electro into an energyfilled, exciting set. With his lightning-fast scratching and mixing it is no wonder he is at the top in his game. The sun had started to go down and it was time to return to the Sunblast stage. We managed to catch the end of Apster’s set, which had everyone bouncing. The music went off, lights went off and on came Afrojack’s hype man (MC) to announce the start of Afrojack’s set. The whole crowd went completely wild; everyone jumping in unison to some crazy dirty Dutch beats. It was

Next on the Sunblast stage was Real El Canario, probably the most famous DJ to come out of the Canary Islands. I have seen him play a number of times, so I knew what to expect, or so I thought!! He completely blew us away. For me it was the best set of the festival. His eclectic sound had a little something for everyone, but when he mashed up Nari and Milanis - Atom with Eye of the Tiger from the film Rocky, it was unbelievable. Everyone had fists in the air, all rocking out together! The crowd followed his every move, people had their hands in the air for his whole set! I don’t think I have seen so many smiling faces for a long time! Then it was time for the big man, Mr Carl Cox. I had been looking forward to this since I had heard that he was coming to our sunny island. He was playing on the Terrace stage, so we had to move round to the other side, which was not easy as the whole place was now packed solid! We didn’t even try and get into the VIP area, as it was so busy, so we went up onto the hill. Gary Toll was just finishing his set and you could tell everyone was getting excited for the man from Birmingham to make his debut performance in Tenerife. As we were watching the stage we saw a black


building. When the build-up reached its peak and the beat dropped, the whole crowd were screaming and going absolutely crazy, it was an awesome sight. Carl Cox took everyone on a wild ride, with a jaw dropping set, with multiple peaks. He was as I expected, fantastic. It was the best dance festival Tenerife has had ever, hands down. I hope that they continue to bring over big name DJs and acts in the future. In the last few years Tenerife is really putting its name on the map for dance festivals. We have an abundance of great talent here, DJs and Artists. It’s great that we are now getting a chance to play alongside the best in the world.

By Dj Ben Simington. Photos Courtesy of Mark Thornton

8 Sterling Hits New High Against The Euro Over Spanish Bailout Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012




The Pound has struck a new 3 ½ year high against the Euro last week after the single currency weakened further on the back of the comments made by the German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, made after the German lawmakers backed a euro-area bailout of Spanish banks. The euro hit session lows at $1.2229 in the wake of Schaeuble’s comments and was last at $1.2242, down 0.3 percent on the day. Analysts expect the euro to retest a two-year low of $1.2162 hit last week because investors, discouraged by a lack of progress being made towards solving the euro zone debt crisis, continue to shun the currency in favour of safer havens. The UK currency also edged higher towards 1.57 versus the U.S Dollar but in the main the Pound continues to struggle against the commodity-driven currencies like the Australian Dollar and South African Rand. The Pound has surged to a rate close to 1.28 versus the Euro, despite speculation over a deeper recession and further quantitative easing from the Bank of England. This provides a strong indication of just how weak demand is for the Euro and it now seems inevitable that we’ll see longterm resistance levels challenged in the region of 1.30. German lawmakers backed a euro-area bailout of Spanish banks after Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble gave assurances that Spain will remain liable for the aid and parliament will be consulted on each step of the rescue. Lower-house lawmakers were forced to interrupt their summer break as they were recalled to Berlin for a special session on bank recapitalizations for Spain of as much as 100 billion Euros. They voted 473 to 97 in favour of the bill after the main opposition parties were persuaded to back Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government and most coalition dissent quelled. Spain faces “an emergency situation” and Germany has

“a strong interest” to support the country’s economic overhaul by helping shore up Spanish banks, Schaeuble told lawmakers today as he opened the debate. “Spain is making the application, Spain is getting the money for bank recapitalization and the Spanish state must guarantee the funds.” Spain has moved centre-stage in the debt crisis now in its third year. Lawmakers in Berlin were reminded of the challenges Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s government faces as borrowing costs surged at an auction of five-year notes, pushing Spain’s 10-year benchmark bond yields past the 7 percent threshold that prompted sovereign bailouts in

Greece, Ireland and Portugal. Germany pays about 1.23 percent to borrow for 10 years. Call to find out how we can help you get the best rates and save your transfer fees. Contact the Tenerife office on +34 922 971 781 / 687 906 607 or email carol.s@currenciesdirect.com.

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Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012 BUSINESS NEWS


ISPs Split Over UK Open Internet Code Of Practice Spain Meets Bond Auction Target

SEVERAL leading UK internet service providers have refused to sign a code of conduct designed to guarantee “full and open access” to the net. Ten ISPs including BT, O2 and TalkTalk backed the agreement promising not to restrict or block content unless there was a reason to deploy “reasonable traffic management practices”. But Virgin Media said the principles set out were too vague while Vodafone said the code was “impractical”. The Open Internet Code of Practice builds on an earlier traffic management agreement - which the three hold-outs did agree to - adding three new commitments: ISPs promise open and full access to the net across their range of products. Firms cannot market a subscription package as including “internet access” if certain kinds of legal content or services are barred.

Members must not target and degrade content or applications offered by a specific rival. Exceptions to the rule include sites or services blocked by a court order; the need to manage congestion on the network if too many people are using data-hungry services at once; the imposition of data caps that are part of a user’s contract; and the use of parental blocks deployed to keep children safe.

Business Briefs

The Bank of Spain has said the Spanish economy reduced by 0.4% of GDP in the second quarter. It takes the inter-annual rate to 1% of GDP. The report has shown that a fall in consumer spending is deepening the recession, but prices are continued to rise. The Bank talks of a ‘moderate recovery’ in exports which has softened the fall in the GDP. The state of the regional governments in Spain is causing concern after Valencia has asked for help from Central Government. The amount requested by Valencia is 3.5 billion euro. The regions, such as Cataluña, Castilla-La Mancha and Murcia, are thinking about following suit. Castilla-La Mancha and Cantabria have both issued a statement saying they will not ask for funding ‘for now’. The German Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, has said that the start of protests in Spain show the country opening to democracy. He thinks Spain will make a rapid return to growth. He said it was not another Greece. After Spain had asked for help from the European Central Bank, the ECB Chairman, Mario Draghi said that ‘The ECB is not for resolving the financial problems of the state’, and on Monday morning (23rd), Schäuble came out in support of the independence for ECB. The PP Deputy General Secretary, González Pons, has said that ‘The ECB has the power to do away with the speculators in its hands’, while the PSOE leader, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, said that the Government must fight with the European Central Bank. National Court Judge, Fernando Andreu, has refused to take a statement from the ex-Chairman of Bankia, Rodrigo Rato, before he decides whether to judicially intervene in the bank, and substitute the current managers for an administrator as requested of him by the UPyD. The National Court has indicted the two ex-Chairmen of Bankia and Bancaja. La Caixa bank is to reduce the wages of 21 members on its board by 10% from August. It comes after a request from the Minister for the Economy and Competitiveness, Luis de Guindos. The measure will also affect the nine members who integrate the new control commission of the entity. P.P. President of the Madrid region, Esperanza Aguirre, has called on the citizens to do away with ‘the subsidies and grants’. She said that public spending must be reduced unless Spain wants follow Argentina, with 20% inflation. Iñaki Urdangarin and his partner, Diegro Torres, are facing the payment of five million euro to the prosecutor. The prosecutor, Horrach, has sent his report to the judge. He considers the Nóos Institute as ‘an entity with profit’ and he called on Hacienda to stop camouflaged payments to the ‘fraudulent’ Non-Governmental Organisation. The Government has sent a letter to the protesting Civil Servants reminding them of the norms in protest. A statement calls on the demonstrators to following the Statute of the Workers and the collective agreement. Iberia workers have called off the strike action at Barcelona’s El Prat airport, which had been planned to be held over the summer. The company will study the contraction of new workers and analyse the viability of its departments. Spain welcomed more foreign tourist for the year to June that last year. During the first six months of the year, more than 25 million foreign tourists came to Spain, a number 2.9% higher than last year. There was a 4.8% increase in visitors who flew into Spain, 82% of the total, while those who drove into the country were down by 3.1%.

THE Spanish Treasury has managed to place the maximum amount of bonds forecast, but it is paying a higher interest. It has sold 3.05 billion euro in letters. Demand was higher than at the previous auction, and the Risk Premium reduced slightly to 630 points. The Treasury placed 1.42044 billion in 6 month bonds, with more demand than seen in June, as it was three times oversubscribed, compared to 2.8 times

last month. Interest was 3.691%, up from 3.237% a month ago. The three month bonds were 2.9 times oversubscribed, they were 2.6 times oversubscribed a month ago. The interest rate was 2.434% up from 2.362% last month. This week’s auction is the first since Congress approved the Government’s new adjustment plan, after the requests from Valencia and Murcia regions for funding from central government.

Moody’s Puts Germany On Notice

MOODY’S have cut the outlook on Germany’s prized Aaa credit rating from “stable” to “negative”. The move could precede a full-blown downgrade, which would mark a grim turn for a country long thought of as a bulwark of financial stability in Europe. The rating agency also revised the outlooks on the Aaa ratings of the Netherlands and Luxembourg from “stable” to negative.” Finland maintained its Aaa rating and stable outlook. Moody’s said the revisions for the three countries were prompted by “the rising uncertainty regarding the outcome of the euro

area debt crisis” and the “increasing likelihood that greater collective support for other euro area sovereigns, most notably Spain and Italy, will be required.” The possibility of a Greek exit from the euro, Moody’s said, could threaten banks throughout the Eurozone. German banks also have significant exposure to other struggling countries on the continent, particularly Italy and Spain, the agency added.

Even if the monetary union remains intact, Moody’s said Germany, as the Eurozone’s largest economy, will likely bear an increased financial burden as further bailout funds are required. “We reiterate our strong commitment to ensure the stability of the euro area as a whole,” said Eurogroup president Jean-Claude Juncker, following Moody’s actions. Stocks fell globally on Monday (23rd) amid fears that Spain may need an expanded bailout package. Fellow ratings agency Standard & Poor’s has Germany rated AAA with a stable outlook.


Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012




Baltasar Garzón To Recession Tightens Its Grip Defend Wikileaks Founder

EX-NATIONAL Court Judge, Baltasar Garzón, who was suspended from his post for requesting that recordings be made in prison of the Gürtel suspects with their lawyers, has himself a new client. Baltasar Garzón will lead the legal defence for the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange. The news was confirmed by Kristinn Hrafnsson, spokesman of the company. Previous reports were on Twitter. The decision comes after Garzón held a private meeting with Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London on the judicial strategy to follow in the process against the founder

SPAIN’S second recession in three years deepened in the second quarter, as the pace in the decline of domestic demand quickened and was only partly offset by a recovery in exports, the Bank of Spain said. In its quarterly report on the economy, the central bank said output shrank 0.4 percent on a quarterly basis after contracting 0.3 percent at the start of the year. Domestic demand declined 1.2 percent, compared with a fall of 0.5 percent in the first quarter. That reflected a drop in household spending, due to high unemployment of about a quarter of the working population. Government spending also shrank due to the government’s austerity drive to rein in

of Wikileaks. Wikileaks issued a statement which says that Garzón expressed his ‘serious concern for the absence of guarantees’ from those who are acting against Julian Assange, and the harassment that he is being subjected to, with irreparable consequences

for his physical and mental health. Assange claims that a process in the United States as to whether he violated the espionage laws is a clear threat to any other case against him, including the attempts by Sweden to extradite him to face questions on alleged rape.

Al Gore To Visit Gibraltar

FORMER US Presidential candidate Al Gore is to visit Gibraltar as part of the Rock’s efforts to become ‘a major environmental hub’. Gore – who also served as Vice-President under Bill Clinton – will deliver a speech on economic strategy at a major environmental forum to be held on 21st October. Joining him will be Juan Verde, the international co-director of Barack Obama’s re-election campaign, who will discuss how Obama’s renewable energy policies affect Europe. Gore’s film An Inconvenient Truth shocked audiences worldwide into taking the issue of global warming seriously.

Fetal Deformity No Longer Grounds For Abortion

FETAL malformation will no longer be a valid reason for aborting an unborn child, according Justice Minister, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, in an interview published by Spanish-language newspaper, La Razón. Current legislation allows for an unwanted pregnancy to be terminated up until the 14th week, or up until the 22nd week if the foetus would suffer from deformities or mental handicaps upon birth, or if the mother’s physical health is in immediate danger. The age of consent currently stands at 16. In the interview, Gallardón announces that abortion

the public deficit. Net external demand — the difference between exports and imports — continued to make a positive contribution to growth. In the case of the second quarter, the contribution was 0.8 percentage points on a quarterly basis, “thanks to a moderate pick-up in exports,” the report said. On an annual basis, GDP shrank 1.0 percent in the fourth quarter after declining 0.4 percent in the first three months of the year. The government last week revised its forecasts to show that output would remain negative next year. It now expects GDP to shrink 1.5 percent this year and by 0.5 percent in 2013 when it initially expected a modest recovery.

Father And Child Jump To Death While Fleeing Fire

A HOLIDAYING French family of five jumped off a seaside cliff in a desperate attempt to escape a raging wildfire, with the father and one of his children plummeting some 50 metres (165 feet) to their deaths, authorities said on Monday (23rd). Flames forced the family, and about 150 other tourists, out of their cars on Sunday night as most were returning home to France, and the group scrambled down hillsides toward the beach in the border town of Portbou to escape the blaze, said Deputy Mayor Elisabet Cortaba. The French family of five got separated from the rest of the group on their way down and ended up at the cliff with no way out as the fire, fanned by heavy winds, approached them, Cortaba said. “The fire started to close in on them and they couldn’t climb up or climb down,” she said after speaking with witnesses. “The only way out was to jump into the sea.” The 60-year-old father died instantly after landing on rocks, and his 15-year-old daughter drowned, Cortaba said. The mother was in critical condition on Monday with a back injury, and the son and other daughter did not suffer life-threatening injuries. All were fished out of the sea by Portbou boaters

and their identities were not released, Cortaba said. Two other people were also killed by the weekend fires in north-eastern Spain that have burned 35 square miles, including one man who had a heart attack dousing flames around his home. They were also French, said French Foreign Ministry spokesman Bernard Valero. Many of the tourists that made it to the beach in Portbou suffered injuries ranging from broken bones and burns in their dash down the hillsides with no wellused paths, Cortaba said. The fires that broke out Sunday in several parts of the Catalonia region forced more than 1,400 people to stay the night in shelters. Fires were still burning on Monday in many places, with roads cut off because of billowing smoke. In some areas farmers were helping fire-fighters by driving water tanker trucks to burning areas.

Train service in the region was suspended and several cross-border roads linking Barcelona with France closed on Sunday because of the advancing flames, regional government spokesman Felip Puig said on Sunday. Santiago Villa, mayor of Figueres, which houses the famous Salvador Dali museum, said he had ordered the city’s 44,000 residents to stay indoors until further notice. The fire service said in a statement that more than 80 teams had been deployed to combat the wildfires. The Interior Ministry said in a statement that it had sent three specially equipped aircraft to dump water on the fires. A north wind called the Tramontana is a regular feature in mountainous north-eastern Spain, and its strong gusts, that often exceed 100mph, can spread fires rapidly across the heavily forested area.

British Expats Heading Home For Olympics

legislation will go back to being based on a series of suppositions “that will not be exactly the same as before”. “Experience has shown us that certain aspects need to be revised”, said the minister, who described living with

the current abortion legislation as “ethically inconceivable”. “We have to give the same level of protection to a foetus with a handicap or malformation as we do to a healthy foetus,” he added.

HUNDREDS of thousands of British expats worldwide are flocking to the UK for the 2012 Olympics, many coming from Spain. Nearly 385,000 of the estimated 5.5 million British expats living abroad will return home in the coming weeks, 275,000 of whom have tickets to the London Games. And the highest number of returning expats is from Spain. A recent survey reported 21 per cent of British expats in Spain are returning home for

the Olympics, compared to just six per cent of those living in the US and three per cent in Canada. The explanation for this mass homecoming is a combination of patriotic zeal and general excitement. “Britain is at the centre of the world stage. While there are many things that expats prefer about living overseas, many identify strongly with their home country,” explains Richard Musty, director of a major expat banking network.



Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012 NATIONAL NEWS


King Ousted From WWF Presidency Burglar Critical After Fifth Floor Fall

KING Juan Carlos of Spain has been removed as honorary president of a leading conservation group after the row over his elephant hunting trip to Botswana earlier this year. The Spanish branch of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) says it stripped the King of his position because his participation in the hunting safari was incompatible with the group’s goal of conserving endangered species. Although the King had long been known to be a hunter, he normally kept a low profile during such trips. But his visit to Botswana came to light because he broke his hip and had to be evacuated to Spain for emergency replacement surgery. Shortly afterwards, newspapers printed a publicity photograph for a safari company in which the King was seen, posing with a rifle in front of a dead elephant. The picture fanned criticism for his leading such an ostentatious lifestyle at a time when one in four Spaniards are out of work. In the hue and cry that followed, the 74-year-old King was forced to apologise and a nationwide

petition was launched calling for him to step down from his role in the group, which he helped to found in Spain in 1968. At an extraordinary general meeting of the group, held in Madrid, 94 per cent of members present voted to remove him. “Although this type of hunting is legal and regulated, it has been deemed incompatible by many members with the honorary presidency of an international organisation that defends wildlife and the environment like WWF,” WWF Spain said in a statement. The Royal Palace made no comment, but sources quoted

in local media said the monarchy would respect the decision. The reproach to the King, who is widely credited with steering his country from dictatorship to democracy, is unprecedented, but follows a series of dents to the image of the Spanish royal family. Last year a state-sponsored poll revealed that the monarchy’s approval rating had fallen below 50 per cent. Spanish media coverage of the House of Bourbon is generally deferential, and it was only in December that details of the royal family’s spending were revealed for the first time. In February Inaki Urdangarin,

Seasick Man Abandoned By ‘Friends’ On Drifting Dinghy

A MAN on a dinghy, who was dumped in the open water by his ‘friends’ when he felt seasick, has been rescued off the coast of Alicante - and the coastguard has sent his two companions the bill for the operation. They found a 38-year-old man wearing a life jacket in a small sailing boat, calling for help and, when they questioned him, he said his two fellow passengers had sailed

off in a nearby ship and left him to his fate when he said he felt dizzy and sick. These other two men did not let anyone know what had happened to their companion, or where he was. Coastguard rescuers brought the lone sailor ashore, and say he was in good health other than feeling seasick. They then managed to track down his two companions and told them they would be charged for the costs of the rescue.

Minister’s Son Victim Of Assault In Brazil

FAMILY members of Justice Minister Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón said on Tuesday (24th) that they were shocked and saddened by the attempted robbery of the Cabinet member’s 26-year-old son in São Paulo, in an incident that claimed the life of his close friend. José Ruiz-Gallardón Utrera, a partner in the Uría Menéndez-Proença de Carvalho law firm, was driving a Honda Civic with his friend, Italian Tomasso Loto, in the Jardins neighbourhood

on Saturday night when four armed men on motorcycles forced them to pull over. After the two tried to get out of the vehicle, one of the men fired a shot that killed the 26-year-old Loto. José Ruiz-Gallardón, who was not injured,

took a flight back to Madrid the following day. The family said that he is recovering over the shock of witnessing his friend die. He plans to return to his job in Brazil, where he works as a representative of the Uría law firm in the Brazilian city.

the King’s son-in-law, appeared in court to answer questions in a criminal inquiry into alleged fraud and embezzlement. A former Olympic handball player, who is married to Juan Carlos’s youngest daughter Infanta Cristina, Inaki Urdangarin was side-lined from official events at the end of last year, when formal proceedings against him were first begun. He has denied any wrongdoing and says he will clarify the truth and defend his honour. Last week the royal family announced it had trimmed 100,000 Euros from its annual budget of 8.3 million Euros after angry street protests erupted across Spain in response to the 65 billion Euros austerity programme planned by the government. Juan Carlos is best remembered in Spain for having donned his Commander-in-Chief’s uniform and gone live on television in 1981 to condemn an attempted coup by right-wing army officers. He was crowned King days after the death of the dictator Francisco Franco in 1975 and oversaw Spain’s swift transition to a modern European democracy from the dictatorship he had inherited.

A WOMAN has survived a fall from a fifth-storey flat after breaking in to burgle it, say Valencia police. The 30-year-old, whose identity and nationality have not been revealed, has suffered serious head injuries and is in a critical condition, but the fact she is still alive has been described as a medical miracle. She allegedly fell off a drainpipe she was climbing to get into a flat in Torrent (Valencia). When police and local residents found her on the pavement, she had a male companion with her who concocted a vague story about how they had been trying to get into the house of a friend, but other occupants said neither of them lived in, or knew anyone, in the block. It eventually transpired that they had been trying to burgle one of the flats. The man has been arrested and his accomplice remains in intensive care.


Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012




Iraq’s Deadliest Day Of 2012 NotW Executives to

THE number of dead in a wave of attacks across Iraq on Monday (23rd) has risen to 103, authorities said Tuesday, making it the deadliest day in the country this year. The attacks wounded 267 people, they said. There were at least 35 attacks in seven provinces, authorities said, ranging from shootings and assassinations to car bombs and roadside explosives. The Islamic State of Iraq, an al Qaeda-linked group, claimed responsibility for the attacks. In a statement, posted on radical jihadist websites, the group praised

be Officially Charged

the operation calling it a “new phase.” Monday’s violence evoked the bloodiest days of the war, when random and targeted attacks routinely killed scores of people per day. Attacks have declined sharply since their peak in 2006, but insurgents have

continued to target civilians and security forces since the United States withdrew its forces in December. Before Monday’s attacks, the deadliest day this year had been 13th June, when a number of coordinated attacks nationwide killed 93 people.

South Korean President Apologises Over Scandals SOUTH Korean president, Lee Myung-bak, apologised to his country for what he called “shameful incidents” involving his family and inner circle on Tuesday (24th).

REBEKAH Brooks and Andy Coulson are among eight people who have been charged in relation to a phone hacking scandal, the Crown Prosecution Service has confirmed. Brooks is facing two charges. One of the charges relates to the alleged accessing of murdered Milly Dowler’s phone messages. “I am not guilty of these charges. I did not authorise, nor was I aware of, phone hacking under my editorship,” Brooks said in a statement. “I am distressed and angry that the CPS have reached this decision when they knew all the facts and were in a position to stop the case at this stage. The charge concerning Milly Dowler is particularly upsetting, not only as it is untrue, but also because I have spent my journalistic career campaigning for victims of crime. I will vigorously defend these allegations,” the statement read. Coulson, who quit as David Cameron’s chief spin doctor in January 2011 and used to edit the News Of The World, is also accused in relation to allegedly hacking into the schoolgirl’s phone.

11-Year-Old Catches Plane Without Ticket Or Passport AUTHORITIES at Manchester airport are investigating how an 11-year-old boy managed to catch a flight to Rome without a passport or a ticket. In a statement on Wednesday (25th), Manchester airport management called it was an “extremely serious matter” which is being investigated by officials of the airline and the airport. It says that some

staff had been suspended from duty, but did not say how many. The boy passed through security without being checked, before making his way on to the Jet2.com flight on Tuesday. The Manchester Evening News reports that he was kept on the plane when it landed in Italy, and was put on a return flight home to Manchester.

THE surface of Greenland’s massive ice sheet has melted this month over an unusually large area, Nasa has said. Scientists said the “unprecedented” melting took place over a larger area than has been detected in three decades of satellite observation. Melting even occurred at Greenland’s coldest and highest place, Summit station. The thawed ice area jumped from 40% of the ice sheet to 97% in just four days from 8th July. Although about half of Greenland’s ice sheet normally sees surface melting over the summer months, the speed and scale of this year’s thaw surprised scientists, who described the phenomenon as “extraordinary”. Nasa said that nearly the entire ice cover of Greenland, from its thin, low-lying coastal edges to its centre, which is 3km (two miles) thick, experienced some degree of melting at its surface. “When we see melt in places that we haven’t seen before, at least in a long period of time, it makes you sit up and ask what’s happening,” Nasa chief scientist Waleed Abdalati said. “It’s a big signal, the meaning of which we’re going to sort out for years to come.” He said that, because this Greenlandwide melting has happened before, Nasa is not yet able to determine whether this is

a natural but rare event, or if it has been sparked by man-made climate change. Scientists said they believed that much of Greenland’s ice was already freezing again. Until now, the most extensive melting seen by satellites in the past three decades was about 55% of the area. According to ice core records, such pronounced melting at Summit station and across the ice sheet has not occurred since 1889. The news comes just days after Nasa satellite imagery revealed that a massive iceberg, twice the size of Manhattan, had broken off a glacier in Greenland. “This event, combined with other natural but uncommon phenomena, such as the large calving event last week on Petermann Glacier, are part of a complex story,” said Nasa’s Tom Wagner.

Satellites Reveal Greenland Ice Melt

Earlier this month, his older brother, Lee Sang-deuk was arrested on bribery charges involving two troubled Korean banks. This week, prosecutors in Korea sought arrest warrants for two former aides to Lee on the suspicion of receiving bribes from the same two banks, according to Yonhap, a South Korean news agency. Lee addressed the nation with a speech that was carried live. “I came into the office with firm determination to bring a clean political climate,” Lee said. “I tried, by returning my entire fortune to the society and donating my salary. I was proud that I thought I brought in good results. But my heart collapsed and I cannot keep my head up after what happened to people so

close to me. This is all my fault.” His brother, Lee Sangdeuk is a former six-term lawmaker and has widely been considered the major force behind Lee’s presidential election in 2007. Lee Sang-deuk has remained in a detention centre since his arrest, on 11th July, over allegations he received about half a million dollars from the banks Solomon and Mirae in exchange for exerting influence over officials investigating the banks, according to a court official. The operations of those two banks were suspended in May for six months by authorities. In his address to the nation, Lee said he felt pain and regret over the scandals. “I will receive any criticism as if it is sweet,”

he said. Lee is not running for reelection this year because South Korean presidents are limited to a single fiveyear term. But the recent scandals could affect his political party in the December elections. “I express sincere apology to the people,” Lee said. Lee’s brother is not the first relative of a South Korean president to face criminal charges. Former President, Roh Moo-hyun, committed suicide in 2009 amid an investigation into a bribery scandal that had tarnished his reputation. His older brother was convicted and sentenced to prison. Former President Kim Dae-jung’s three sons were also imprisoned for corruption by the end of his presidential term.



Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012 WORLD NEWS

Copycat Panic Hits Batman Screenings

AT least three people have been arrested at American showings of the new Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises, amid fears of a copycat Colorado cinema massacre. All were accused of making threats during or after watching the film in separate incidents. Timothy Courtois was arrested on Monday (23rd) when he told Maine police he was on his way to shoot a

former employer a day after watching the film. He was stopped for speeding and a search of his car found an AK-47 assault weapon, four handguns, ammunition and news clippings about the shooting on Friday that left 12 people dead. On Sunday, Clark Tabor, 52, was arrested at a cinema complex in Norwalk, California, after witnesses said he made threats and alluded to the shooting when the movie did not

start on time. Michael William Borboa, 27, was arrested after his drunken and intimidating behaviour caused ‘mass hysteria’ at a screening of the film in Sierra Visa, Arizona, on the same day as the Denver shooting. Fears of copycat attacks have failed to dampen enthusiasm for the final instalment of the trilogy starring Christian Bale. It took £103 million at the US box office at the weekend.

Drug-Resistant HIV May End Fall In Deaths

HIV STRAINS, which are resistant to drugs, could end ten years of falling Aids-related deaths in poorer countries, warned experts at a global summit on the disease. In East Africa – one of the world’s poorest regions – resistance to anti-retroviral drugs is increasing at 29 per cent a year, scientists say. Researchers Dr Silvia Bertagnolio from the World Health Organisation and Dr Ravindra Gupta at University College London warned rising HIV drug resistance could ‘jeopardise a decade-long trend of decreasing Aidsrelated illness and death in low and middleincome countries’. Dr Elly Katabira, president of the International Aids Society, said: ‘We must resolve together never to go backwards. Future generations are counting on our courage.’ He was addressing delegates at the International Aids Conference in

Washington DC, where Sir Elton John is due to speak in the next few days. Deborah Jack, chief executive of the National Aids Trust, concluded: ‘We need further research into the causes of this drug resistance in Africa, and urgent action to support people’s daily access to their medication.’ While drug-resistant HIV is not seen as a serious problem in Europe, governments in sub-Saharan Africa have been implored not to cut Aids funding.

Afghan Police Commander Def ects To Taliban

MORE than a dozen members of Afghanistan’s national police have defected and joined the Taliban in the last few days, Afghan officials have said. A police commander in the Shewain area of Farah, a western province bordering Iran, led 13 junior Afghan National Police (ANP) members under his command in a mass defection on Saturday night, taking with them weapons and two Humvees, an official told NBC News. According to another official in Farah, the commander had been with the ANP for two-and-a-half years, and had poisoned seven other police officers who refused to defect with

him. Those seven survived. It was not the first defection from ANP ranks, although it was among the largest to be reported. In February 2010, a group of two dozen police officers left their posts in Wardak province to join the Taliban, taking with them weapons and trucks, The New York Times reported. A Taliban spokesman later claimed the officers had surrendered to them, the newspaper said.

Several smaller-scale defections have been reported across the country in recent years. According to NATO figures, there were 149,642 ANP members serving in various roles across Afghanistan as of April 2012. New members are being trained with a goal of reaching a target strength of 157,000 by October 2012, as NATO troops prepare to withdraw from the country in 2014.


Gay Marriage To Be Introduced In Scotland SCOTLAND is set to become the first part of the UK to introduce gay marriage, after the SNP government announced plans to make the change. Scottish ministers confirmed they would bring forward a bill on the issue. Political leaders, equality groups and others support gay marriage, but it is strongly opposed by the Catholic Church and Church of Scotland. The announcement was made in the wake of a government consultation which produced a massive response. Same-sex couples in Scotland currently have the option to enter into civil partnerships and the Holyrood government has insisted no part of the religious community would be forced to hold same-sex weddings in churches. The issue also caused a split in the SNP, after a parliamentary motion tabled by party MSP John Mason, stating no person or organisation should be forced to be involved in or to approve of samesex marriage, led to accusations by some of his colleagues that his actions encouraged discrimination. Gordon Wilson, a former SNP leader, has also warned plans for same-sex marriage

could “alienate” people considering voting for independence in the 2014 referendum. Civil partnerships in Scotland offer the same legal treatment as marriage in areas such as inheritance, pensions provision, life assurance, child maintenance, next of kin and immigration rights, but are still seen as distinct from marriage. A man and a woman can opt for a religious or civil marriage ceremony, whereas a same-sex partnership is an exclusively civil procedure. The UK government, which is consulting on changing the status of civil ceremonies to allow gay and lesbian couples in England and Wales to get married, wants to make the change by 2015. The Scottish government’s decision came on the same day that the partner of the late Labour MP David Cairns said anti-gay remarks by the new Archbishop of Glasgow added to his “grief and pain”. Dermot Kehoe spoke after it emerged Philip Tartaglia appeared to link the death of Mr Cairns to his sexuality. Mr Cairns, who was Labour MP for Inverclyde and a former Catholic priest, died at the age of 44 in May last year after suffering from acute pancreatitis.


Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012






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Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012 TV GUIDE


Broadcasting the Olympics - BBC 1 from Friday 27th July

Every session of every sport, every day. That’s the BBC’s ambition to offer its audience for London 2012 in the first fully ‘Digital Olympics’. Building on the multi-platform success of the Beijing coverage, this time there will be even more available – offering viewers almost virtually unlimited choice on all platforms. “It’s serving audiences in a way we’ve never been able to do before,” explains Dave Gordon, BBC Sport’s Head of Major Events and the Corporation’s “Mr Olympics” – this being the 10th summer Games he will have worked on. “From even more extensive coverage on TV, radio and online to mobile phones and tablets, there will be unlimited content available. “The technology is now in place to offer the ultimate choice for our viewers and there will be times when we’ll have up to 24 screens of sport,” he continues. “We’re delivering 2,500 hours of unique sport which we’re streaming on the web and through other platforms, and that’s not to mention our BBC One and BBC Three output, our red button output, our HD output – and that’s just on TV! Then we have the three radio stations, and our web offering isn’t just the sport we’re streaming: there will be features, stats and profiles to support what we’re doing, audio and video offering, sports news coverage; we’re more joined up than we’ve ever been. Multi-platform means we can share this content and get the maximum value out of it. It’s very exciting.” Dave admits that he personally has been excited by these Games ever since the announcement of the award to London back in 2005. “I was out in Singapore and the euphoria of it was just terrific. When I got home I said to my wife it was the best day of my life –

and then had to furiously backtrack when she reminded me of our wedding day and the birth of our two children! But from my personal point of view I knew it would be my last Olympics for the BBC so what a way to finish. “I get excited too by seeing the Olympic Park grow. We journalists are terribly bad at telling good news stories but the way they



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have built the park and restored the whole area around Stratford is a huge British success story that goes beyond sport, so I take a pride in that.” And the BBC can contribute to that success, he says. “I want this to be a real landmark in British broadcasting history. I’m sure it will be and I think we can play our part in making it so. The scale of what we’re

doing is enormous, and hugely exciting, not just in sport but across all genres. The breadth of the offer for our audience is just fabulous. We’re trying to pull something off that we’ve never done before – I wouldn’t say it’s terrifying but at times we’re daunted by ambition, and you do feel the added responsibility and the ownership of it, being in London.”


Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012




F R I D AY 6:00am ......................................Olympic Breakfast 9:15am................................................... Heir Hunters 10:00am..................Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am ........................................Cash in the Attic 11:30am ...........................You’ve Been Scammed 12:00pm .............................................. London 2012 1:00pm ........................................ BBC News at One 1:30pm .......................................BBC London News 1:45pm ..................................................Bargain Hunt 2:15pm ............................ Escape to the Country 3:00pm ........................................................ BBC News 3:05pm .........................................Horrible Histories Sport Special. All the top sporting action from the past, including Emperor Nero and Jesse Owens singing the history of the Olympics. We’re at the finish line to see Pheidippides run the first ever marathon, then we count down the top Marathon Cheats of all time and take a look back at some of our favourite Horrible Histories sporting events. 3:35pm ...........................................................12 Again 4:00pm ..............................................................My Life 4:30pm .............................................CBBC’s Olympic Games Challenge 5:00pm ................................................. London 2012 Countdown to the Olympics. Sophie Raworth presents live coverage from East London ahead of the Olympic opening ceremony.

6:00pm ............................... BBC News at Six 6:30pm ............................BBC London News 7:00pm ..................................Olympics 2012 Sue Barker and the BBC team are in place from 7.00 to capture the atmosphere around London and the UK. They are joined by some of the biggest names in sport as they follow the activity around the Olympic Park, see the dignitaries and crowds arrive to take their seats, and look forward to 16 days of world-class sporting competition. 9:00pm ..................................Olympics 2012 With the eyes of the world focused on the Olympic Stadium as the 30th Olympiad is officially declared open by Her Majesty the Queen. 12:30am ..................................Weatherview 12:35am .........................................BBC News

6:00am ................................................Children´s TV 6:50am ................................................... Rastamouse 7:00am................................................Deadly Top 10 7:30am............................................................Splatalot 7:55am........................ The League of Super Evil 8:05am ......................................Frankenstein’s Cat 8:15am.........................................................Pet Squad 8:30am ...............................Nina and the Neurons Go Inventing 8:45am ................................................. Big and Small 9:00am .........................................Tinga Tinga Tales 9:10am ......................................Little Charley Bear 9:20am .............................Raa Raa the Noisy Lion 9:30am ..........Bob the Builder: Project Build It 9:45am .................................... The Koala Brothers 9:55am .........................................................Lunar Jim 10:05am.........................................................Kerwhizz 10:30am................................................................ Louie 10:40am.........................Driver Dan’s Story Train 10:50am.......................................................Waybuloo 11:10am ................................. In the Night Garden 11:40am .................................................. Animal Park 12:25pm .................The Saint’s Double Trouble 1:30pm ................................To Buy or Not to Buy 2:15pm ........................................The Weakest Link 3:00pm ..................................Show Me the Monet 3:45pm ..........................................The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 4:30pm ............................................................... Flog It! 5:15pm .....................................Antiques Road Trip 6:00pm ...........................................Eggheads 6:30pm ..................................... Great British Railway Journeys 7:00pm .................................................. Coast 7:30pm .................The Great British Story: A People’s History 8:30pm .............................Gardeners’ World 9:00pm ....................................... Snowdonia: A Year in the Wild 10:00pm ............................BBC News at Ten 10:30pm .......................................Newsnight 11:00pm ....................The National Lottery 11:10pm ....................... The Shipping News 12:55am .............................Orchestra Seats

Editor Recommends

6:00am ..........................................................Daybreak 8:30am ............................................................Lorraine 9:25am .............................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am................................................This Morning 11:25am ........................................................ITV News 11:30am ................................................This Morning 12:30pm ........................................Let’s Do Lunch... With Gino and Mel 1:30pm .............................ITV News and Weather 2:00pm .....................................Murder, She Wrote 3:00pm .............................................. Secret Dealers 4:00pm .....................................Midsomer Murders 5:00pm .................................................Tipping Point 6:00pm ............................... London Tonight 6:30pm .................. ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ....................................... Emmerdale Rachel gives Jai an ultimatum, refusing to be his dirty little secret. Jimmy is heartbroken saying goodbye to Elliot, but is indifferent to Carl’s frustration. Moira is unsettled by a hint of chemistry with Alex. 7:30pm ...........................Coronation Street Disaster strikes for Izzy when Gary causes a scene. Lloyd and Sunita are shocked by the state of Dev. Ryan becomes restless at Streetcars. 8:30pm .................................................... Vera After two young people are killed in the same way - placed in water and surrounded by flowers - DCI Vera Stanhope knows that she must catch the murderer before they strike again. 10:30pm ........ITV News at Ten & Weather 11:05pm ..................... The Big Sports Quiz: Boys v Girls Celebrating an eventful summer of sport, Stephen Mulhern presides over two teams of men against women consisting of some of the fiercest competitors from the sporting world. 12:05am .................................Grimefighters Extreme cleaner Steve is called to clear a north London flat with a bathroom which has been used as a giant cat litter tray, Grimsby enforcement officer John calls in the police to help remove a huge ship container from a local car park. 12:35am ........................................ The Store

6:00am ....................... Sainsbury’s London 2012 6:05am .................................... The Treacle People 6:15am....................................................... The Hoobs 6:40am ...................................................... The Hoobs 7:05am........................................ Freshly Squeezed 7:35am..........................................According to Jim 8:00am ...............................................Will and Grace 8:30am ...................Everybody Loves Raymond 8:55am ...............................................................Frasier 9:30am ................................... Come Dine with Me 10:00am................................. Come Dine with Me 10:30am................................. Come Dine with Me 11:00am ................................. Come Dine with Me 11:30am ................................. Come Dine with Me 12:00pm ........................................ Channel 4 News 12:05pm .................... Sainsbury’s London 2012 12:10pm.................................... A Place in the Sun 1:10pm ...............Quick Bakes with Eric Lanlard 1:20pm ........................................................Cat Ballou 3:10pm .................................................... Countdown 4:00pm ............................................ Deal or No Deal 5:00pm .................................................Four in a Bed 5:30pm ................................... Come Dine with Me 6:00pm ...................................The Simpsons 6:30pm ........................................... Hollyoaks The Kanes’ discovery about what happened in the club has serious repercussions for Callum. Mercedes and Dr Browning grow closer while they try to make Riley jealous. And the students race against time to find alternative accommodation. 7:00pm ............................... Channel 4 News 7:55pm ......................................4thought.tv 8:00pm .......... Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 9:00pm ................. The Million Pound Drop 10:35pm ................................... The Angelos Epithemiou Show 11:10pm ...................... Friday Night Dinner 11:40pm ........................................... New Girl 12:10am...................................Random Acts 12:15am ................Margot at the Wedding 1:55am................................ My Name is Earl 2:15am .......................... Crash Bang Wallow 2:20am.................. The Million Pound Drop

Friday Night Dinner Channel 4 - 11:10 - 11:40 pm Another chance to see the six-part sitcom written and produced by Robert Popper, starring Tamsin Greig (Green Wing, Black Books), Paul Ritter (Pulling), Simon Bird (The Inbetweeners) and comedy newcomer Tom Rosenthal, plus special guest star Mark Heap (Green Wing, Spaced). The Goodmans have made an art form of their eccentricities. In this first episode Mum (Greig) and Dad (Ritter) are having a clearout, but Dad is reluctant to chuck away all his old magazines and ropes in Jonny (Rosenthal) to secretly hide the stash at his flat.

Mum is excited - ‘It’s the final of Masterchef!’, she gushes; ‘Mastershit?’ says Jonny, while the neighbour Jim (Heap) keeps interrupting the family dinner to use their toilet as he’s mysteriously broken his own loo. Meanwhile, Dad has forgotten that he asked a man off eBay to come and pick up their old sofabed. Mum is livid that her meal is ruined. The sofabed weighs a tonne, and gets stuck on the stairs. Mum and Adam (Bird) are stranded upstairs. How will they get down? And will Mum ever get to see her precious Masterchef?



Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012

2 7 6:00am ................................................Children´s TV 9:15am......................................... The Wright Stuff 11:10am ...............Ultimate Police Interceptors 12:10pm....................................5 News Lunchtime 12:15pm ...................................................Big Brother 1:15pm ...........................................Home and Away 1:45pm .....................................................Neighbours 2:15pm ................................................The Mentalist 3:15pm ...................................................The Wild Girl 5:00pm ....................................................5 News at 5 5:30pm .....................................................Neighbours 6:00pm ...............................Home and Away 6:30pm ............................................... 5 News 7:00pm ..............................Cowboy Builders 8:00pm ...........................Ice Road Truckers: Deadliest Roads 9:00pm ....................................... Big Brother 10:00pm .................................. The Bachelor 11:00pm ..................................... Big Brother 11:30pm ...... Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 12:15am ....................................Super Casino

6:50am ......................................Coronation Street 7:15am .......................The Jeremy Kyle Show US 8:10am .....................................................Judge Judy 8:40am ..............................The Only Way is Essex 9:25am ................................ The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30am.............................. The Real Housewives of New York City 11:30am ...................................................Judge Judy 12:00pm ..................................................Emmerdale 1:00pm ......................................Coronation Street 1:30pm .............................The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm ................................ The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm ................................ The Real Housewives of New York City 5:35pm .....................................................Judge Judy 6:00pm .............The Jeremy Kyle Show US 7:00pm ........................................... The Cube 8:00pm .........................Super Tiny Animals 9:00pm ....................The Only Way is Essex 10:30pm .......................Quantum of Solace

6:45am ...........................The Magic Roundabout 8:00am ...................................................Doctor Who 9:00am ............................................The Real Hustle 10:00am............................. Great Movie Mistakes 11:00am ............................................First Daughter 12:40pm ................................................Doctor Who 1:40pm ..................................Snog, Marry, Avoid? 2:10pm ....................................Don’t Tell the Bride 3:10pm ................ Revenge of the Bridesmaids 4:30pm ............................................The Real Hustle 5:30pm ..................................Snog, Marry, Avoid? 6:00pm .........................Don’t Tell the Bride 7:00pm ................................... Top Gear USA 8:30pm ................. Beverly Hills Chihuahua 10:00pm ......Russell Howard’s Good News 10:30pm ......Russell Howard’s Good News 11:00pm ...................................... Family Guy 12:30am ............................... American Dad! 12:55am ............................... American Dad! 2:00am.........Russell Howard’s Good News 3:00am...................................... Little Britain

8:55am ................Location, Location, Location 10:00am...............................................Four in a Bed 10:30am...................Sainsbury’s and Channel 4 Presents... London 2012: Stephen Miller 10:35am................................. River Cottage Bites 10:50am...........................Terms of Endearment 1:25pm ..................................................... Time Team 2:30pm .....................................Time Team Special 3:35pm ................................The Restoration Man 4:40pm .....................................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 5:45pm .....................................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

6:00am ............................Goodnight Sweetheart 6:30am .......................................................Heartbeat 7:25am..................................Upstairs, Downstairs 8:40am ...................................................Rising Damp 9:05am .................. Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 10:10am ................................................................Monk 11:05am .................................. Murder, She Wrote 1:05pm .......................................................Heartbeat 2:10pm ........................The Darling Buds of May 3:20pm ..................................................................Monk 4:15pm ...............................................World Kitchen 5:15pm .................................................On the Buses 5:45pm .......................................................Heartbeat

6:05am .......................................The Professionals 6:55am ............................................................ Batman 7:50am............................................................... Minder 8:50am ...................................................The Fall Guy 9:50am ............................................. Quantum Leap 10:50am.....................................The Professionals 11:50am ............................................................ Minder 12:55pm .........................Police, Camera, Action! 1:55pm ............................................. Quantum Leap 2:55pm ...................................................The Fall Guy 3:55pm ............................................................ Batman 5:00pm .......................................The Professionals

6:50pm ......................... Murder, She Wrote 7:55pm ................ Agatha Christie’s Poirot 9:00pm .................................................. Monk 10:00pm ....................................Mystic River 12:45am ........................... A Touch of Frost 2:30am........................... Carry on Laughing 2:55am...................................... Drama Trails

6:50pm ........................ Come Dine with Me 7:55pm ..................................Grand Designs 9:00pm ...........................................M*A*S*H 11:15pm............................................ Coppers 12:20am ...................... Come Dine with Me 1:25am......................... Come Dine with Me 2:30am...................................Grand Designs

6:00pm ................................. Quantum Leap 7:00pm ................................... The Sweeney 8:00pm .............................Send in the Dogs 9:00pm ................. Escape From New York 11:00pm ........................................Tightrope 1:20am................................................ Minder 2:20am...................Police, Camera, Action! 2:45am.............................................. Film File




6:00am ................................................................Volver Raimunda, her daughter Paula and her sister Sole travel from Madrid to the windy and superstitious village of Alcanfor de las Infantas to visit the grave of their mother and aunt Irene, who died years ago in a fire with her husband. 8:00am ............................................Eight Millimeter A private investigator is hired to discover if a “snuff film” is authentic or not. 10:00am..........True Hollywood Stories: Young Hollywood: A to Zac part 2 11:00am .................................. The Closer You Get Irish lads send an ad to the Miami Herald inviting fit and enticing women, between the ages of 20 and 21, to live in their isolated Donegal village. 1:00pm .............................................................Chicago Murderesses Velma Kelly (a chanteuse and tease who killed her husband and sister after finding them in bed together) and Roxie Hart (who killed her boyfriend when she discovered he wasn’t going to make her a star) find themselves on death row together and fight for the fame that will keep them from the gallows in 1920s Chicago. 3:00pm ........................................15 Unforgettable Hollywood Tragedies 4:00pm ........................ Jackie Chan’s First Strike Jackie, a cop, participates in a sting operation on an international spy-ring. But when one of them (Tsui) gets away, Jackie is ordered to apprehend him. 6:00pm ...................................... Married Life The late 1940s. Richard Langley, a bachelor playboy, narrates a story that starts when his best friend, Harry Allen, invites him to lunch to tell Richard he’s in love. 8:30pm ..............................No Looking Back Charlie returns to his quiet seaboard hometown to win back his ex-girlfriend Claudia whom he abandoned 3 years earlier. He quickly learns that she’s now engaged to his best buddy since elementary school. 10:30pm ........................................... Payback They took his money. They took his wife. And they tried to take his life. Now it’’s time for payback as one man starts his own personal war against the syndicate in this hard-edged thriller based on the novel The Hunter by Richard Stark.


Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012




S AT U R D AY 6:00am ......................................Olympic Breakfast 9:00am .............................................. Olympics 2012 Mishal Hussain and the team present coverage of swimming and rowing events as the Games get under way, with 302 gold medals at stake over the next sixteen days of competition. 11:30am ............................................ Olympics 2012 More action from the first morning of the rowing at Eton Dorney and the swimming at the Aquatics Centre. 1:00pm ........................................................ BBC News 1:10pm .......................................BBC London News 1:15pm .............................................. Olympics 2012 The biggest spectacle of day one draws to a close as the world’s leading road cyclists prepare to do battle over the closing stages of the men’s road race, culminating in a finish in The Mall. 4:45pm ........................................................ BBC News 4:55pm .......................................BBC London News 5:00pm .............................................. Olympics 2012 Sue Barker presents more action from across the Games, as Lords stages the men’s team archery competition and the men’s and women’s singles get underway at Wimbledon. 7:00pm ..................................Olympics 2012 The first four medals are won in swimming events at the Aquatics Centre. Can Michael Phelps pick up where he left off in Beijing, or will US compatriot Ryan Lochte take the first honours? 10:00pm .........................................BBC News 10:20pm ....................The National Lottery Saturday Night Draws 10:30pm .......................... Olympics Tonight In the company of star guests from the world of sport and beyond, Gabby Logan looks at the stories and personalities that have dominated the first day of competition, where 12 gold medals were awarded. 12:00am .........................................BBC News 12:10am.........................Olympic Sportsday A full round-up of the news and stories making the headlines on day one of the games. 12:55am ..................................Weatherview 1:00am............................................BBC News

6:00am ..................................................Postman Pat 6:15am....................................................Timmy Time 6:25am .....................................The Adventures of Abney and Teal 6:35am ....................................................... Octonauts 6:45am ................................................... Rastamouse 7:00am.....................................................................Roar 7:30am...............................................Project Parent 8:00am .............................The Scooby-Doo Show 8:20am ...................................Dennis and Gnasher 8:30am .................................................The Slammer 9:05am ...........................Who Let the Dogs Out? 9:30am .........................................Incredible Edibles 10:00am............................................My Genius Idea 10:30am.........................................................Splatalot 11:00am ........................................................Copycats 11:30am ............................................................ Ooglies 11:45am ............................................... Diddy Movies 12:00pm .....................................Run of the Arrow 1:20pm ..................................................................El Cid 4:15pm ............................ Escape to the Country 5:15pm ........................ F1: Grand Prix Qualifying 6:30pm ................................................ Flog It! Southend. Experts Will Axon and Thomas Plant join Paul Martin in Southend-on-Sea. Will’s star find is a delftware bowl, but it is a cigarette lighter abandoned in a drawer that really lights up the auction. 7:30pm ........................................Dad’s Army Frazer loses a vital part of a gun he was responsible for. 8:00pm .........................................BBC Proms Beethoven’s 9th Symphony. Daniel Barenboim’s complete cycle of Beethoven symphonies reaches its climactic conclusion. 9:20pm ............. Barenboim on Beethoven Nine Symphonies That Changed The World. Over the last three summers conductor Daniel Barenboim and his West-Eastern Divan Orchestra have been performing all nine Beethoven symphonies across the world. 10:50pm ..............................................TOTP 2 11:50pm ........................................Jersey Girl Mature comedy drama in which a newly unemployed, widowed man manages to stay devoted to his baby girl. 1:30am...............................The Golden Door

Editor Recommends

6:00am ...............................................Signed Stories 6:10am .................................................... Engie Benjy 6:25am ......................... Olly the Little White Van 6:30am ............................................ Curious George 6:40am ...........................................................The Hive 6:50am ...........................................................The Hive 7:00am........................................................ Poppy Cat 7:10am .............................................. Fluffy Gardens 7:20am.................The Super Hero Squad Show 7:45am.................................. Fleabag Monkeyface 8:00am ..................................................Horrid Henry 8:10am ..................................................Horrid Henry 8:25am ................................... Saturday Cookbook 9:25am ..........................................................ITV News 9:30am ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show US 11:20am ...............................The Real Housewives of New York City 12:20pm ..........................ITV News and Weather 12:30pm .......................All Star Family Fortunes 1:10pm ....................... Dancing on Ice Goes Gold 3:10pm ...........................The Spy Who Loved Me When a massive underwater craft abducts U.S. and Russian submarines, global tensions are heightened to the brink of war. 5:30pm ............................................London Tonight 5:45pm .............................ITV News and Weather

6:10am ...................................................... The Hoobs 6:35am .................................British Formula Ford 7:00am........................................... Mobil 1 The Grid 7:30am................................The Paralympic Show 7:55am.........................................The Morning Line 8:55am .......................................................Ibiza Rocks 9:10am ..............................Shooting Calvin Harris and Example 9:45am ............................................................New Girl 10:15am .........................................................Revenge 11:15am ................................................Suburgatory 11:45am ..........Summer Daze with Blackberry 12:20pm .............................The Big Bang Theory 12:50pm .............................The Big Bang Theory 1:20pm ............................................... The Simpsons 1:55pm .........................................Channel 4 Racing York, Ascot and Newmarket. The Channel 4 Racing team join the 30,000 plus crowd at York’s delightful Knavesmire course, where the punters can look forward to musical interludes peppering the racing action. 4:15pm ....................... Sainsbury’s London 2012 4:20pm ................................... Come Dine with Me First to host in York is motivational master and training guru Steve Carlyle, whose ‘sophisticated’ dinner party, complete with butler and posh nosh, does anything but boost his reputation. 4:50pm ................................... Come Dine with Me 5:20pm ................................... Come Dine with Me 5:55pm ................................... Come Dine with Me

6:00pm ............... Agatha Christie’s Marple When business magnate Rex Fortescue, his young wife and their maid are found murdered, Miss Marple notices that the circumstances recall the nursery rhyme Sing a Song of Sixpence. 8:00pm ..........................Midsomer Murders When a farmer is found horribly murdered in the middle of a stone circle, suspicion points at a group of druids. 10:00pm ................ ITV News and Weather 10:15pm ..............................Mad Mad World 10:55pm ........................................Alexander Oliver Stone’s grandiose historical epic chronicles the tumultuous life and loves of the legendary Macedonian ruler Alexander the Great. Alexander’s armies had conquered most of the known world from Europe to Asia Minor and India by the time he was 25. 1:50am........................................... The Store 2:55am......................................In Plain Sight

6:20pm .........................Come Dine with Me 6:50pm ............................... Channel 4 News 7:20pm ......................................4thought.tv 7:25pm ................. The Million Pound Drop 9:00pm ...................................... The Women Meg Ryan, Eva Mendes and Annette Bening head an all-female cast in this comedy drama, a remake of George Cukor’s 1939 satire, from writer-director Diane English. 11:10pm ...........................................Red Cliff Director John Woo returned home from his lengthy period of working in Hollywood to make this astonishing, fact-based historical epic - at the time the most expensive Chinese film ever. 1:50am.................. The Million Pound Drop

The Women Channel 4 - 9:00 - 11:10 pm Based on a very clever comedy by Claire Booth, wife of Time Publisher Henry Luce and later Ambassador to Italy. One of the surprises was an all-woman cast, novel in the 1930’s. And although there were no men in the cast, most of the dialog was about them. The story is rather thin and depended on the fact that divorce, in the 1930’s, was not only difficult but almost impossible in New York. Mrs. Stephen Haynes learns that her husband is seeing a salesgirl at Saks, and

reluctantly divorces him, abetted by her friends, all of whom have romantic problems of their own. In the 1930’s New York women who could afford it went to Nevada, where residency could be established quickly and divorce was relatively easy. The 1939 film, starring Norma Shearer, Paulette Goddard, Rosalind Russell, and Joan Crawford, was a hit. This one, with an even better looking cast, is definitely not, largely because someone tried to move a 1930’s situation comedy into the present.



Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012

2 8 6:00am ................................................Children´s TV 9:00am ............ Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:15am........................................The Mr Men Show 9:30am ................................ Roary the Racing Car 9:45am ......................................................Jelly Jamm 10:00am...........................................Meerkat Manor 10:30am..................................................Monkey Life 11:00am ...................................................Big Brother 12:00pm ................................The Hotel Inspector 1:00pm .................................................... Murder 101 2:45pm ................................................. Football on 5 5:15pm ...................Jesse Stone: Night Passage 7:00pm ............................. 5 News Weekend 7:05pm .....................................................NCIS 7:55pm .....................................................NCIS 9:00pm ....................................... Big Brother 10:00pm ........................................ CSI: Miami 11:00pm ............................ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12:00am ...................................Super Casino

6:00am ..................Coronation Street Omnibus 8:35am .................................Emmerdale Omnibus 11:35am .................................................Take Me Out 12:45pm .............Models, Misfits and Mayhem 1:40pm .....................................Holiday Showdown 2:40pm .................................America’s Got Talent 5:25pm ........................................................King Kong 9:00pm .........................Quantum of Solace After an assassination attempt on the life of James Bond’s commander at MI5, Bond heads to Bolivia to track down the villain. All roads lead to shadowy environmentalist Dominic Greene, whose dealings may be more sinister than they appear. 11:10pm ............................... Celebrity Juice 12:00am ............................ Batman Forever Comic book sequel in which caped crusader Batman teams up with Robin to fight villains Two-Face and the Riddler. His alter ego, billionaire Bruce Wayne, falls for beautiful psychologist Dr Chase Meridian, but she is more interested in Batman. 2:20am.....................The Only Way is Essex

6:00am ..............................................Olympics 2012 8:30am ..............................................Olympics 2012 2:00pm ..............................................Olympics 2012 7:00pm ................................. Olympics 2012 Live coverage of the third and final qualifying session in the men’s gymnastics, which may have a crucial bearing on Britain’s qualification for the team and individual events, plus live coverage of the start of Team GB’s first women’s basketball match against Australia. 11:00pm ............................Russell Howard’s Good News Russell will, as always, be joined by special mystery guests and sign off the show with an often under-reported feelgood tale of triumph, courage or kindness. 11:30pm ....................... Live at the Electric 12:00am ...................................... Family Guy 12:20am ...................................... Family Guy 12:45am ............................... American Dad! 1:05am.................................. American Dad! 1:30am................................. Adventureland

6:00am ...................................................Drama Trails 6:10am .................................................On the Buses 6:35am ...................... The Agatha Christie Hour 7:45am..................................Upstairs, Downstairs 8:50am .................................Upstairs, Downstairs 10:00am...................................... A Touch of Frost 12:10pm........................................Inspector Morse 2:25pm ..........................Agatha Christie’s Poirot 3:35pm ..........................Agatha Christie’s Poirot 5:50pm ....................The Secret of My Succe$s 8:00pm .................................Doc Hollywood Lively romantic comedy about a brash young man with a lucrative future as a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon who suffers a setback when he crashes his Porsche in a rural South Carolina backwater, destroying the mayor’s new fence. 10:00pm .............Agatha Christie’s Marple 12:00am ................................ The Return of Sherlock Holmes 1:05am................................. Terry and June 1:40am................................. Terry and June

8:55am ..................................................... Time Team 12:05pm ..................................Time Team Special 1:15pm ..........20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 3:40pm .................... Kirstie’s Handmade Britain 4:45pm ................Location, Location, Location 5:50pm ................Location, Location, Location 6:55pm ........Location, Location, Location 8:00pm ...............Supersize v Superskinny It’s a bumpy ride in the feeding clinic as superskinny size zero Louise Sapsford, who clocks in at 6 stone 2lb, faces up to supersize 28 stone 13 pounder Desroy Gordon’s diet of non-stop take-aways. 9:00pm ..................... Embarrassing Bodies 10:05pm .........................................M*A*S*H Irreverent surgeons Hawkeye Pierce and Duke Forrest are drafted during the Korean War and assigned to the 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital. 12:25am .............Supersize v Superskinny 1:30am...................... Embarrassing Bodies 2:35am.........Location, Location, Location

6:20am ............................................Tommy Cooper 7:10am .............................................. Quantum Leap 8:05am .......................................The Professionals 9:05am ................................................ The Sweeney 10:00am............................................................ Minder 11:05am ...........................................Motorsport UK 12:05pm ....................................The Professionals 1:05pm ................................................ The Sweeney 2:05pm .............................................................. Minder 3:10pm ............................................Tommy Cooper 3:45pm .........British Superbike Championship Highlights 4:45pm ...........................................The Cycle Show 5:15pm ..................................The Great Outdoors 7:00pm ................................... The Sweeney 8:00pm ............................................... Minder 9:00pm ............................. Fire Down Below 11:10pm ............... Escape From New York 1:10am ................................................ Minder 2:10am ...................Police, Camera, Action!

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6:00am ........................................... Buffalo Soldiers 1989. The Berlin Wall is about to fall, and the world is about to be made safe for the new world order. But outside of Stuttgart, West Germany, at Theodore Roosevelt Army Base, Specialist Ray Elwood of the 317th Supply Battalion is about to find his own cold war turn white hot. 8:00am ..........................................No Looking Back Charlie returns to his quiet seaboard hometown to win back his ex-girlfriend Claudia whom he abandoned 3 years earlier. He quickly learns that she’s now engaged to his best buddy since elementary school. 10:00am......................................15 Unforgettable Hollywood Tragedies 11:00am .......................................................Peter Pan The Darling family children receive a visit from Peter Pan, who takes them to Never Never Land where an ongoing war with the evil Pirate Captain Hook is taking place. 1:00pm ....................................................Married Life The late 1940s. Richard Langley, a bachelor playboy, narrates a story that starts when his best friend, Harry Allen, invites him to lunch to tell Richard he’s in love. 3:00pm ........................................15 Unforgettable Hollywood Tragedies 4:00pm ..........................................No Looking Back Charlie returns to his quiet seaboard hometown to win back his ex-girlfriend Claudia whom he abandoned 3 years earlier. He quickly learns that she’s now engaged to his best buddy since elementary school. 6:00pm ................................. Primary Colors Jack Stanton is running for president. The election is seen through the eyes of young Henry Burton. Along the way Stanton must deal with a sex scandal. 8:30pm .....................Night At the Museum A newly recruited night security guard at the Museum of Natural History discovers that an ancient curse causes the animals and exhibits on display to come to life and wreak havoc. 10:30pm ......................................... Scream 3 After surviving numerous attacks by knife-wielding maniacs, Sidney lays low as a telephone crisis counselor in a secluded Northern California compound.


Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012




S U N D AY 6:00am ......................................Olympic Breakfast 9:00am .............................................. Olympics 2012 The action gets under way on day two, with 14 gold medals at stake over the next fifteen hours of competition. Beijing gold medallists Mark Hunter and Zac Purchase start the defence of their title in the men’s lightweight double sculls. 11:30am ............................................ Olympics 2012 Hazel Irvine, John Inverdale and Clare Balding present more action from the rowing at Eton Dorney and the swimming at the Aquatics Centre, as Rebecca Adlington begins the defence of her 400m freestyle title. 1:00pm ........................................................ BBC News 1:10pm .............................................. Olympics 2012 The world’s leading road cyclists prepare to do battle over the closing stages of the women’s road race, culminating in a finish at The Mall. 5:00pm ................................................F1: Grand Prix Hungary. Lee McKenzie introduces highlights of the Hungarian Grand Prix, with commentary by Ben Edwards and David Coulthard. The Hungaroring circuit has seen plenty of success for British drivers in recent years, with Jenson Button and Lewis Hamilton both winning the race twice. 6:30pm ...........................................BBC News 6:50pm ............................BBC London News 7:00pm ..................................Olympics 2012 Four more medals are to be won at the Aquatics Centre, with the spotlight firmly trained on Britain’s golden girl Rebecca Adlington as she seeks to defend her women’s 400m freestyle title. 10:00pm .........................................BBC News 10:25pm .......................... Olympics Tonight In the company of star guests from the world of sport and beyond, Gabby Logan looks at the stories and personalities that have made the headlines on day two, which saw 14 gold medals being awarded. 12:00am .........................................BBC News 12:10am.........................Olympic Sportsday Olly Foster presents all the key news, action and stories from day two of the Olympic Games. 12:55am ..................................Weatherview 1:00am............................................BBC News

6:00am ..................................................Postman Pat 6:15am....................................................Timmy Time 6:25am .....................................The Adventures of Abney and Teal 6:35am ....................................................... Octonauts 6:45am ................................................... Rastamouse 7:05am.....................................................................Roar 7:30am.................................................Paradise Cafe 7:55am..............................The Scooby-Doo Show 8:20am ...................................Dennis and Gnasher 8:30am ..........................................................Wingin’ It 8:50am .........................................Shaun the Sheep 9:00am ...........................Who Let the Dogs Out? 9:30am ............................................Junior Bake Off 10:00am............... Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:30am ..........................................Raymond Blanc: The Very Hungry Frenchman 12:30pm ......................... Escape to the Country 1:15pm ............................The Man From Laramie 2:55pm .............Great British Railway Journeys 3:25pm .............................................................. Oceans 4:25pm ............................................ Songs of Praise 5:00pm .............................................. Olympics 2012 7:00pm ........................Antiques Roadshow 8:00pm ..........................Engineering Giants Engineer turned comedian Tom Wrigglesworth and Rob Bell, rising star of mechanical engineering, climb on board the The Pride of Bruges, a massive, 25 thousand ton North Sea ferry as it is brought into dry dock in Newcastle. 9:00pm .......................... The Dark: Nature’s Nighttime World Central American Jungle. This illuminating natural history series reveals a totally new perspective on wildlife at night. Over six months, a team of biologists and specialist camera crew explore the length of South and Central America to find out how animals have adapted to life in the dark. 10:00pm ............................................ MotoGP 11:00pm ....................................Line of Duty 12:00am ...............................Twenty Twelve 12:30am .................................F1: Grand Prix 2:00am...........................................Holby City 3:00am............... Britain’s Heritage Heroes

6:00am ...............................................................Boblins 6:10am ..................................................Fireman Sam 6:20am ......................... Olly the Little White Van 6:25am ............................................ Curious George 6:40am ............................................Jungle Junction 7:00am........................................................ Poppy Cat 7:15am .......................... Olly the Little White Van 7:20am.............................................. Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil 7:30am.............................................. Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil 7:45am.................................. Fleabag Monkeyface 8:00am ............................................... Big Time Rush 8:25am ....................................................Dinner Date 9:25am ..........................................................ITV News 9:30am .......................................................House Gift 10:25am................There’s No Taste Like Home 11:20am ...................................The Hungry Sailors 12:20pm ..........................ITV News and Weather 12:30pm ..................................................Baby Boom 2:35pm ........................................ Columbo and the Murder of a Rock Star 4:30pm ......................................................Doc Martin 5:30pm ......................................................Doc Martin 6:30pm ............................... London Tonight 6:45pm .................. ITV News and Weather 7:00pm .............................. Royal Greenwich In February 2012, Greenwich became a Royal Borough. John Sergeant tells the story of this frequently visited and iconic part of the capital, exploring its royal past and charting the remarkable year to come. 8:00pm ..............................................The Zoo Cameras return to London Zoo for a second series, exploring the changing role of zoos in the 21st century. Love is in the air in this episode as the keepers play matchmakers. 9:00pm ............................. A Touch of Frost A 20 year-old missing persons case is reopened when the remains of a teenage girl are finally found. 11:00pm ................ ITV News and Weather 11:20pm ....................................Take Me Out 12:25am ............... JP Morgan Premiership Rugby 7s Highlights

Editor Recommends The Zoo

6:15am....................................................... The Hoobs 6:40am ............................................... Ironman 2012 7:05am.................................. FIM Superbike World Championship 2012 7:35am........................................Paralympics Extra 8:00am ...............................................Will and Grace 8:55am ...............................................................Frasier 9:25am ...............................................................Frasier 10:00am...........................................Sunday Brunch 12:35pm ...............................................Jamie Does... 1:35pm ................................The Big Bang Theory 2:05pm ................................The Big Bang Theory 2:35pm ............................................... The Simpsons 3:05pm ............................................... The Simpsons 3:30pm ..............................................Three in a Bed 4:35pm ............................................ Deal or No Deal 5:35pm ........................................... Channel 4 News 6:05pm ......................................4thought.tv 6:10pm .............................................17 Again Burr Steers’ teen body-swap comedy stars Zac Efron and Matthew Perry in the dual lead role. In 1989, high school student Mike O’Donnell’s hopes of a great basketball career were put on hold when his girlfriend Scarlett fell pregnant and he did the right thing by her. 8:00pm .........................Come Dine with Me This brand new episode finds four Olympic athletes going for gold in the kitchen. On the starting blocks are hurdler and bronze medallist Tasha Danvers; retired swimmer and celebrity hunk Mark Foster; exBritish 400m runner Derek Redmond; and heptathlete Louise Hazel. 9:00pm .......................Thelma’s Gypsy Girls Pressure mounts for the team as tragedy hits Grace’s family and she has to leave to attend a traditional Gypsy funeral. Despite being tasked with creating Lycra dresses to showcase the skills they’ve learnt on the course, some of the girls refuse to wear their creations. 10:00pm ........................................Sex Story: Fifty Shades of Grey 11:00pm .........................Indecent Proposal 1:10am .............................................. Camelot 2:00am............................................ The Big C 2:30am...........................Hollyoaks Omnibus

ITV 1 - 8:00 - 9:00 pm “I do consider myself probably one of the most fortunate people, it’s almost like I am a sort of striker for a premiership football team in the sense that I believe I’m working for the best institution that I could work for in the job that I would dream to do. What more can you ask?” – Dr Ian Stephen, curator of herpetology, ZSL London Zoo This returning two-part documentary series for ITV1 brings viewers a candid look into the daily lives of staff and animals at ZSL London Zoo. ITV cameras have been given all-areas access

behind the scenes at the zoo in Regent’s Park, and its ‘country estate’ at Whipsnade, for an exclusive peek behind the scenes at the life and death stories created there. The Zoological Society of London (ZSL), which invented the word “zoo”, has a collection of more than 17,000 wild animals at its two sites. This series reveals what it means to be part of ZSL’s dedicated team of 800 staff, including some of the world’s best vets. The series follows the emotionally intense, and occasionally heartbreaking experiences, of the devoted keepers and the animals in their care.



Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012

2 9 6:00am ................................................Children´s TV 8:45am ....................................................Rupert Bear 9:00am ............ Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:15am.......................................The Mr. Men Show 9:25am ................................ Roary the Racing Car 9:40am ......................................................Jelly Jamm 10:00am........................................Inside Hollywood 10:05am..................................................Monkey Life 10:35am.....................................Ice Road Truckers: Deadliest Roads 11:35am ...................................................Big Brother 12:35pm ............... Doctor Who and the Daleks 2:15pm ..................................................................Zoom 4:00pm .......................................Police Academy 5: Assignment Miami Beach 5:50pm ............................................. Ghostbusters II 7:55pm ............................. 5 News Weekend 8:00pm ...........................Once Upon a Time 9:00pm ....................................... Big Brother 10:00pm ..................................... Bulletproof 11:35pm ..................................... Undisputed

6:00am ...................................... The Biggest Loser 6:50am .................................Emmerdale Omnibus 9:35am ..................Coronation Street Omnibus 12:35pm ................................Winners and Losers 1:35pm ..............................The Only Way is Essex 3:00pm .......................................The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas 4:50pm ..................................................Dante’s Peak 6:50pm .................................... The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor The third instalment of the Mummy films. In this action sequel, in the Far East, adventurer Rick O’Connell and his son, Alex, fights to prevent a resurrected Chinese emperor taking over the world after he was cursed by a wizard years ago. 9:00pm .......................................... Benidorm 10:00pm ..................The Only Way is Essex 10:45pm ...................................... The Jacket 12:50am ..................The Only Way is Essex 1:35am.....................The Only Way is Essex 2:15am ..............Planet’s Funniest Animals

6:00am ............................................Hole in the Wall 6:30am ...............................................Total Wipeout 7:35am.............................Beverly Hills Chihuahua 9:00am ..............................................Olympics 2012 2:00pm ..............................................Olympics 2012 7:00pm ................................. Olympics 2012 Football dominates the coverage as Britain’s men play their second round-robin match against UAE at Wembley Stadium from 7.45pm, with commentary by Jonathan Pearce and Mark Lawrenson. 11:00pm ...................................... Family Guy 11:45pm ............................... American Dad! 12:30am ............................Russell Howard’s Good News 1:00am...............................Russell Howard’s Good News 1:30am......................................Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents 2:30am................................. White Van Man 3:00am................................. White Van Man 5:30am................................... Total Wipeout

8:55am ...............Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard 9:35am ................................... River Cottage Bites 9:45am .........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 12:25pm .................................................. Time Team 2:30pm .................................................Four in a Bed 3:05pm .................................................Four in a Bed 3:35pm .................................................Four in a Bed 4:10pm .................................................Four in a Bed 4:40pm .................................................Four in a Bed 5:15pm ................................... Come Dine with Me 5:45pm ................................... Come Dine with Me 6:20pm ........................ Come Dine with Me 6:50pm ........................ Come Dine with Me 7:25pm ........................ Come Dine with Me 7:55pm ...............River Cottage Every Day 9:00pm ................. One Born Every Minute 10:00pm ...................................... Father Ted 10:35pm ...................................... Father Ted 11:10pm ................... Embarrassing Bodies 12:15am ................ One Born Every Minute 1:20am.........................................Time Team

6:10am ..................................... Carry on Laughing 6:35am .................................... Murder, She Wrote 8:35am .......................................................Heartbeat 9:35am .......................................................Heartbeat 10:40am............................Rosemary and Thyme 11:40am ............................Rosemary and Thyme 12:45pm ..................................... The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes 1:50pm .................................Dickinson’s Real Deal 2:50pm .................................Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:50pm .............................................Doc Hollywood 5:50pm ..........................Agatha Christie’s Poirot

6:00am ...............Greatest World Cup Matches 6:15am.............................................Tommy Cooper 6:40am .........................................................The Saint 7:30am............................................................... Minder 8:25am ......................... The Big Match Revisited 9:15am.............................Police, Camera, Action! 9:50am .................................Border Security USA 10:50am.........................................The Cycle Show 11:15am ............................................................ Minder 12:20pm ....................................The Professionals 1:20pm ..............The Sea Shall Not Have Them 3:20pm .............................................................Midway

7:55pm ................ Agatha Christie’s Poirot 9:00pm .............................................. Vertigo Classic drama. An ex-police officer who suffers from an intense fear of heights is hired to prevent an old friend’s wife from committing suicide, but all is not as it seems. 11:40pm ....................Trial and Retribution 1:40am.....................Rosemary and Thyme 2:30am.....................Rosemary and Thyme

6:00pm .................................. 633 Squadron 8:00pm ................. JP Morgan Premiership Rugby 7s Highlights 9:00pm ............................................ The Jerk 11:00pm ..................................Midnight Run 1:25am........ Vinnie Jones’ Toughest Cops 2:25am...................Police, Camera, Action! 2:55am............................. ITV4 Nightscreen




6:00am ...............................Night At the Museum A newly recruited night security guard at the Museum of Natural History discovers that an ancient curse causes the animals and exhibits on display to come to life and wreak havoc. 8:00am ....................................................Married Life The late 1940s. Richard Langley, a bachelor playboy, narrates a story that starts when his best friend, Harry Allen, invites him to lunch to tell Richard he’s in love. 10:00am......................................15 Unforgettable Hollywood Tragedies 11:00am ..................................... Before And After When teenage son Jacob is being accused of murdering his girlfriend, the well-respected and close-knit Ryan family is in turmoil. Jacob flees, father Ben destroys possible evidence, the village community turns hostile and mother Carolyn is forced to temporarily close her doctor’s practice. 1:00pm ......The Nightmare before Christmas Jack Skellington, the pumpkin king of Halloween Town, is bored with doing the same thing every year for Halloween. One day he stumbles into Christmas Town, and is so taken with the idea of Christmas that he tries to get the resident bats, ghouls, and goblins of Halloween town to help him put on Christmas instead of Halloween. 3:00pm ................................... Reese Witherspoon 4:00pm ...............................Night At the Museum A newly recruited night security guard at the Museum of Natural History discovers that an ancient curse causes the animals and exhibits on display to come to life and wreak havoc. 6:00pm ..............................Doctor Dolittle 2 The continuing tale of the doctor who can talk to the animals--this time, it’s Dolittle versus Darwin when the animals launch a labor strike to protect their forest from unscrupulous human developers. 8:30pm .................................The Full Monty Six unemployed steel workers form a male show act. The women cheer them on to go for “the full monty” 10:30pm ........................................ Notorious Christopher Wallace, a.k.a. Biggie Smalls, was born in Brooklyn, New York, May 21, 1972. He was raised in the poor Brooklyn neighborhood of Bedford-Stuyvesant as the son of a preschool teacher.


Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012




M O N D AY 6:00am ......................................Olympic Breakfast 9:00am .............................................. Olympics 2012 Mishal Husain, John Inverdale and Clare Balding host as rowing events at Eton Dorney take the limelight. In particular, the men’s four start their quest for a fourth successive Olympic gold, and Katherine Grainger and partner Anna Watkins begin their fight to add Olympic gold to their world title. 11:30am ............................................ Olympics 2012 The drama and excitement shifts to Greenwich Park as the world’s leading threeday event riders prepare for the gruelling cross-country stage after two days of dressage. 1:00pm ........................................ BBC News at One 1:30pm .......................................BBC London News 1:45pm .............................................. Olympics 2012 Jake Humphrey and Clare Balding present as the spotlight falls on teenage diver Tom Daley in the men’s synchronised 10m platform final. 4:00pm .............................................. Olympics 2012 The world’s leading male gymnasts take to the podium for the team competition. A packed crowd at the North Greenwich arena is guaranteed for one of the great spectacles of any Games.

6:00am ................................................Children´s TV 6:30am .....................................The Adventures of Abney and Teal 6:40am ....................................................... Octonauts 6:50am ................................................... Rastamouse 7:05am......................................................... Deadly 60 7:30am..........................................Horrible Histories 8:00am .............................The Scooby-Doo Show 8:25am ...................................................Tree Fu Tom 8:45am ...............................................Justin’s House 9:15am....................................................Heir Hunters 10:00am..................Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am ............................................... Cowboy Trap 11:45am ........................................Cash in the Attic 12:15pm ................................................Bargain Hunt 1:00pm .............................................. Olympics 2012 1:45pm ............................ Escape to the Country 2:15pm ............................................................... Flog It! 3:00pm ..................................Ultimate Sports Day 3:30pm ..........................................................Copycats 4:00pm ..................The Sarah Jane Adventures 4:30pm ..............................................Project Parent 5:00pm ..................................................... Newsround 5:05pm .........................................Shaun the Sheep 5:15pm .....................................Antiques Road Trip

6:00pm ............................... BBC News at Six 6:30pm ............................BBC London News 7:00pm ..................................Olympics 2012 Gary Lineker and Clare Balding present as attention switches to the Aquatics Centre, where Americans Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte prepare to battle it out in the men’s 200m freestyle final. 10:00pm ............................BBC News at Ten 10:30pm ..........................BBC London News 10:40pm .......................... Olympics Tonight With Olympic action happening across London until midnight, Gabby Logan mixes the best of the sport with stories, personalities and guests from across the city. 12:00am .........................................BBC News 12:10am.........................Olympic Sportsday 12:55am ..................................Weatherview 1:00am............................................BBC News

6:00pm ..................................Olympics 2012 7:00pm .................................................. Coast Riddle of the Tides. A journey around Britain to experience our surrounding seas’ tidal ebb and flow at their most extreme. Nick Crane confronts the terrifying power of the tides head-on as he paddles for dear life in a kayak to conquer the fearsome, tidal rapids that swirl off the island of Anglesey. 8:00pm ........................................EastEnders 8:30pm ..........................................Panorama 9:00pm ...............................Mission to Mars: A Horizon Special 10:00pm ................................Olympics 2012 10:40pm .......................................Newsnight 11:30pm ..................Prince: A Purple Reign 12:30am ........................ The Dark: Nature’s Nighttime World 1:30am................................................... Coast 2:30am......................Alex Polizzi: The Fixer

Editor Recommends

6:00am ..........................................................Daybreak 8:30am ............................................................Lorraine 9:25am .............................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am................................................This Morning 11:25am ........................................................ITV News 11:30am ................................................This Morning 12:30pm .............................. 60 Minute Makeover 1:30pm .............................ITV News and Weather 2:00pm .....................................Murder, She Wrote 3:00pm ..................................Dickinson’s Real Deal 4:00pm .....................................Midsomer Murders 5:00pm ....................................................Dinner Date 6:00pm ............................... London Tonight 6:30pm .................. ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ....................................... Emmerdale Charity plans to cash in on the Kings’ desperation. Moira and Alex try to fight their growing mutual attraction. Brenda feels increasingly pushed out by Val. 7:30pm ...........................Coronation Street Is Ryan’s behaviour spiralling out of control? Gary is devastated by Izzy’s revelation. Karl cannot resist the chance of winning Stella back. 8:00pm ..................................... Countrywise The team are at St David’s Head the most western point in Wales where Paul Heiney walks the famous Pembrokeshire coastal path. 8:30pm ...........................Coronation Street Michelle forces Ryan to face the consequences of his actions. Can Gary let Izzy go? Kevin and Sally grow closer. 9:00pm .................... We Love the Monkees Documentary celebrating the career of the Monkees, initially conceived as the American answer to the Beatles. Charting the group’s meteoric rise during the sixties, the programme features new interviews with former members Micky Dolenz and Peter Tork. 10:00pm .............................ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:35pm ....................................... Real Crime 11:35pm ...................................In Plain Sight 12:20am ..................................... Jackpot247 2:35am....................The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:10am ....................... Sainsbury’s London 2012 6:15am....................................................... The Hoobs 6:40am ...................................................... The Hoobs 7:05am........................................ Freshly Squeezed 7:30am..........................................According to Jim 7:55am................................................Will and Grace 8:25am ...................Everybody Loves Raymond 8:55am ...............................................................Frasier 9:30am ................................... Come Dine with Me 10:00am................................. Come Dine with Me 10:30am................................. Come Dine with Me 11:00am ................................. Come Dine with Me 11:30am ................................. Come Dine with Me 12:00pm ........................................ Channel 4 News 12:05pm ..................Sainsbury’s and Channel 4 Presents... London 2012: Ellie Simmonds 12:10pm..................................River Cottage Bites 12:25pm ...................................Anna and the King 3:10pm .................................................... Countdown 4:00pm ............................................ Deal or No Deal 5:00pm .................................................Four in a Bed 5:30pm ................................... Come Dine with Me 6:00pm ...................................The Simpsons 6:30pm ........................................... Hollyoaks When Mercedes earns a kiss from Riley, Dr Browning is furious - is Mercedes in too deep? Excited at having Rob and Barney to bounce ideas off, Tony decides College Coffee should host its own version of the Olympics. 7:00pm ............................... Channel 4 News 7:55pm ......................................4thought.tv 8:00pm ........................................ Dispatches 8:30pm ....................................Simply Italian 9:00pm ............................. Undercover Boss 10:00pm ..................................... Jimmy Carr 11:05pm ...................................... Coming Up 11:40pm ..........................................What If... 12:10am...................................Random Acts 12:15am .....................Embarrassing Bodies 1:10am ..................................The Good Wife 1:55am..................................The Good Wife 2:35am............................................ The Big C

We Love The Monkees ITV 1 - 9:00 - 10:00 pm Pop sensation The Monkees changed the face of pop music when they stormed into the charts in the 1960s following their ground-breaking TV series. Now, set to a soundtrack of their best work, including I’m a Believer, Last Train to Clarksville, Daydream Believer and Pleasant Valley Sunday, We Love The Monkees tells the story of this much-loved boy band’s rise to international stardom. This hour-long special features brand new interviews from producers of The Monkees TV series, The Monkees’ songwriters, their

photographer, their family, their fans and Micky Dolenz and Peter Tork themselves, as well as rarely seen footage of the late Davy Jones. Davy’s sisters take the programme back to Manchester where it all began for Davy when he took a part in Coronation Street. And the Monkees’ fans recall Monkeemania sweeping England and the heart-stopping moment when some of them were treated to a rare sing-along with Micky. Plus, Micky and Peter talk to the programme and reveal what it was really like to be a part of The Monkees.

Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012





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Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012




Beauty Salon

3 plus 2 seater sofa

Fr idge

Washing Machine

M & S Tankini Top

Very well known beauty salon, established over 15 years with many regular clients. Situated at prominent position on the first floor of busy shopping centre. Fully licensed Costa del Silencio 22,000 Euros

3 plus 2 seater sofa,red and black and grey,washable covers Very comfortable,good condition tel ....

under unit fridge,good working order. tel ...

whirlpool top loader,5kg AA,good condition,brilliant for quilts....

Black & White Brand New Marks & Spencer Tankini Top Price tag still attached, originally £19.50 selling for €10.00 Sizes available 34DD, ...

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

Philips 32 inch LCD TV

3 seater bed settee 50 eur

65.00 €

50.00 €

90.00 €

10.00 €

Peugeot 106 Spor t

NEW Business Oppor tunity -

Alactel 813F mobile phone

Philips 32 inch LCD TV silver with remote control (No DTV or HD) nice clear picture100 euros...

3 seater bed settee 50 euros...

Peugeot 106 Sport 1999. 1.4cc. No Scratches No dents 100% perfect body and paintwork. 4 new tyres and 12 months ITV. Last Owner of 7 years a...

Become the Tenerife Distributor for SafeTbox and get this unique safety product out to Tenerife beaches, pool complexes and golf courses in ...

Brand new boxed with charger and earphones, With Orange but easily liberated...

Callao Salvaje

Callao Salvaje

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

100.00 €

50.00 €



60.00 €

Spit r oasted Chicken Machi

Atlantis Spor ts Bar & Bist

Chicco Baby Walker

Hot Diamond Wr ist Watch

Solid wood wall shelving 2

In immaculate condition a spit roast chichen machine that can hold upto 40 chickens. Sale includes gas bottle, all swords and attachments. C...

Due to personel reasons the lease on this large well established bar is now for sale at a reduced price. Atlantis is the only English bar in...

Chicco Blue, Car Themed Baby Walker. Baby walker has three adjustable heights to suit your baby as they grow. Activity centre on the top, re...

Brand New. Never Been Worn. Silver Hot Diamond Wrist Watch has easy self adjustable links to suit your wrist size. The watch has 5 delicate ...

solid wood units in perfect condition unit for bathroom or anywhere, double unit as seen but has 3 drawers,25€ and a single unit same with...

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

P. Las Amér icas

P. Las Amér icas

Adeje Casco



40.00 €

60.00 €

40.00 €

oil paintings

bar stools

solid wood glass fr onted c

lar ge table with 6 chair s

coffee table

4 oil paintings in beautiful frames ...

5 rattan bar stools with cushions 25€ each plus 8 same but without cushions at 15€ each 115cm high total up to 74cm ...

cabinet with glass doors both sides and a glass shelf, excellent cond...

large 6 seater table with wrought iron body and ceramic top and 6 chairs in iron...

wrought iron coffee table 20€ and smaller table 15€...

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

20.00 €

25.00 €

25.00 €

100.00 €

20.00 €

tv stand

lar ge tv

Wadr obe/units

Peugot 206

Four poster bespoke wr ough

wrought iron unit with 3 gass shelves...

large tv with remote just been serviced 28"...

White high gloss double wardrobe 100cm wide x 230 high with 2 matching 100cm wide x 70cm high base units with end shelving and black worktop...

For sale Peugot 206,1400cc Petrol car,registered May 2000, kms, ITV july 2013 this has been a great reliable car. The prices includes the tr...

four poster bespoke wrought iron bed Super King size purchased from Biombo OPEN TO OFFERS ...

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

Los Cr istianos

10.00 €

50.00 €

300.00 €


Adeje Casco

0.00 €

Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012





Ikea display cabinets

Rowing machine


Bamboo r ocking chair

FAX machine

Ikea display cabinets three in total €15 each contents not included...

Rowing machine:- Striale, with adjustable resistance and digital readout. Very easy to use and has wheels for easy manoueverability ...

2 seat sofa-bed:- good quality, removable washable covers and removable arm rest protectors ...

Bamboo rocking chair:- good condition ...

FAX machine:- BT model DF60, compatible with Tenerife phone system, good condition, caller display, hands free, memory etc...

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

15.00 €

35.00 €

50.00 €

20.00 €

20.00 €

Coffee Table

Cer amic fish decor ation

2 folding fishing/camping

Per fumes & Cosmetics

FM Make Up

Glass topped coffe table on wheels, beech veneer, good condition, dismantlable for transportation....

Ceramic wall decoration in the shape of a fish, made in Spain, approx 20cm long by 15 cm high....

2 folding fishing/camping armchairs, with footrests if wanted. price is for each chair. good condition....

FM offer high quality Designer Perfumes & Cosmetics at knock down prices. The FM Perfume range contains 20% perfume oil so your favorite sce...

The FM Make Up range was developed on the basis of mineral components enriched with organic extract and oils that provide the skin with a na...

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

Los Cr istianos

Los Cr istianos

20.00 €

5.00 €

10.00 €

0.00 €

0.00 €

FM Spa Collection

coffee or tv table

Bir d cages

Round bir dcage for sale

Bir d cage for sale

Relax your body and soul with our with our wonderfull Spa Senses Collection. The collection includes shower gel, bath salts, body scrubs and...

like new unmarked glass fixed top square coffee or tv table, 2 wooden shelves underneath also on castors which can be secured telephone eng... Adeje 35.00 €

Bird cages for sale in good condition. 55cm long x 29cm wide x 40cm high. Divide into two sections. Three available. Ring 922. or 666. ...

Round birdcage in vgc for sale. Cage 55cm high on stand. Phone 922. or 666....

Bird cage for sale in good condition. 45cm high x 33cm wide x 26cm deep. Ring 922. or 666....

Los Gigantes

Los Gigantes

Los Gigantes

Los Cr istianos

39.00 €

Car mats

Dog guar d for estate car

Set of front and rear mats for Ford Mondeo Estate. Roque del Conde, call me on or for more details....

Sturdy steel tubular frame steel mesh dog guard. Mondeo estate but could modified for others. Roque Conde, call for further ...

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

10.00 €

and fits be del

15.00 €

IKEA shelving unit

Fr idge - Fr igor ifico

IKEA shelving unit, 1.5m high x1.5m long x 39cm deep,beech veneer, Roque del Conde, call for further details on or ....

Fridge Liebherr, High 85cm x Large 56cm x depth 61cm. Class A, with little deepfreeze **** inside very well seperate from the fridge. Workin...

Adeje Casco

San Eugenio

25.00 €

120.00 €

20.00 €

20.00 €

15.00 €


Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012




FM Pher omone Collection

Fender DG-14S/12 Acoustic

Ger onimo Stilton har d back

Atlantis Spor ts Bar & Bist

Beer Tap - Par isienne

"Something for the weekend Lad & Lasses?" Try FMs Pheromone Collection - our secret weapon. These volatile scentless substances make you mor...

Fender DG-14S/12 Acoustic 12 string guitar with "Gator" hard flight case. Excellent full bodied sound a condition. Contact Paul, ....

brand new kids books, and 2 more worn in this very popular collection, in spanish for kids 8 to 12 and the hobbit hard back in spanish 7€...

Due to personel reasons Atlantis is closing 31st July, Offers welcome for well established business or complete sale of fixtures & fittings....

Original Parisienne beer tap with 4 faucets....

Los Cr istianos

Ar ona

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

16.90 €

wor k fr om home

270.00 €

blackber r y tour ch (white)

30.00 €

0.00 €

Baby pr am for sale

Ber g Mountainbike

Solton 100W monitor

work from anywhere you wish. 100% commisions blog daily promote your existing business or build your own work with one of the internets fast...

Blackberry tourch contact no ...

Used Minimondo baby pram for sale, 3 pieces all in good condition....

Almost new, only the center bearing wobble little, need to change....

Used 100W monitor...

Los Cr istianos

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

25.00 €

100.00 €

60.00 €

60.00 €

50.00 €



100.00 €


Ber g Mountainbike

Amati Alt Saxophone

Hama DSLR case

Chevy Tahoe 4x4 SUV for sa

U-Flycam stabilizer for DSLR cameras or videocams. http://ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYuCB Ar1dgk...

Almost new, only the bearing wobble in the middle, need to change. ...

Old Amati Kraslice Silver Alt Saxophone, made in Czeslovakia! Good for learning. plus Sax Stand. No case. ...

Brand new Hama case for DSLR cameras. Ideal protecting....

For sale is our great SUV which brought most of our stuff here. It is a 2002 Chevrolet Tahoe 5.3, 300 HP. Because of it's size it is probabl...

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

50.00 €

60.00 €

200.00 €

6.00 €


VW Golf Conver tible

Under water camer as for sal

Audi A6 2.4

Beautiful antique Italian

Samsonite tr avel dr ess car

An immaculate VW Golf convertible with every available option. The unmarked electric roof is fast and smooth with a heated glass rear scree...

For sale: two Olympus µ600 digital compact cameras. Complete with PT-029 underwater housing to take pictures whilst snorkelling or Callao Salvaje 220€

Drives and runs perfect, recently serviced and ITV. Must see to appreciate offers accepted...

Beautiful antique (early 19th century) Italian carved wooden frame for a picture, large mirror or even a door or alcove measurements: top 13...

Samsonite almost new navy blue dress/suite carrier....

Guía de Isor a

Playa San J uan

Playa San J uan

Zeiss Icon autofocus slide

for sale


star war s toy ship with ch

Zeiss Icon autofocus slide projector with remote control and slide holders....

1998 Alfa Romeo for sale with itv until december 2012 Car has 194,000 km on the clock but starts and runs well Champagne gold paintwork in f...


star wars ship with 5 figures brand new...

Playa San J uan

Gar achico

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco



Sper r y Remington por table

Sperry Remington travel complete with carry case....

Playa San J uan


19.00 €

19.00 €


600.00 €


250.00 €

25.00 €

15.00 €

Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012


Facebook.com/Tenebay telescope




Ikea standar d Lamp

Bar gain!

3m antenna

telescope with various lens ...

24inch Phillips LCD Television Prefect working order Model 23PF9945/.00ono call ...

IKea standard Lamp as new Just €15.00 Call on ...

This beautiful SAMSUNG 42 inch TV is less than a year old. HD. 3xHDMI. USB etc. Fully equipped. Still have original box. ...

3m antenna. great working order. picks up all the freeview english programmes with freeview box. it is now dismantled. parque de la reina ar...

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

Par que La Reina

40.00 €

150.00 €

15.00 €

200.00 €

0.00 €

Lapis Lazuli ear r ings

Cat char m

penthouse apar tment

Fr idge Fr eezer

apar tment

These earrings are made from 2 x 12mm crystal rhinestone Swarovski rivoli with pale turquoise and silver miyuki delica beads and real lapis ...

This is a phone charm with a black/gold cat with two orange fish on a white miyuki back ground. The whole of this tag charm can be made in a...

2 bedroom 1 bathroom penthouse apartment for rent. seperate kitchen 85 sq mtre roof terrace . underground car parking and trastero.450 euros...

Fridge Freezer in full working condition Slight mark on front Size 1.30cm tall and 55cm wide...

2 bedroom 1 bathroom penthouse apartment.seperate kitchen 85 sq mtre roof terrace.underground car parking and trastero...

Costa del Silencio

Costa del Silencio

Adeje Casco


12.00 €

7.00 €

0.00 €


Ssangyong Kyr on TDI 2 litr



Ssangyong Kyron TDI 2 litre diesel, jeep. Mercedes based jeep, fully loaded, 84,000kms, ITV 2014, 2.0 diesel automatic, tiptronic, superb c... Chayofa 7995.00


800.00 €


Assor ted Toys ( ages 1 to

Various toys, various prices...

0.00 €


Assor ted Books Var ious Aut

50 cents per book, various authors...

0.50 €


Scooter Retr o

Philips tv

A new 50 cc retro scooter (only 23 Kilometers), colour black, black seat and lots of chrome. New price was € 1499,-. Not in use anymore, k...

philips 22in tv v.g.c ...

Adeje Casco


750.00 €

35.00 €


180.00 €

95.00 €

9 x Lar ge Dinner Plates Wh


8 x Decor ative r ose cockta

15€ for all...

10€ for all ...


Adeje Casco

10.00 €


15.00 €


Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012



Local Markets






09:00 - 16:00



19:00 - 22:00


Los Abrigos

17:00 - 21:00

Wednesday Playa San Juan 09:00 - 14:00 Thursday


09:00 - 14:00


Golf del Sur

09:00 - 14:00


San Isidro

17:00 - 21:00



09:00 - 14:00


El Médano

09:00 - 14:00


Los Cristianos

09:00 - 14:00

Markets information numbers: 922 716 867 / 610 464 841


1 1




Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012




Call today on

See our advert on page 42

922 793 172



Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012




Mer cedes C220 CDI Estate

Moder n Sun Lounger / Moder

gr an ocacion!!!

Solar ium UVA upr ight Tanni

Pur e Per sian Kittens for s

Post-facelift model!! -- 6-speed manual gear box - Automatic airconditioning - 7inch alloy wheels (AMG look) - Rear wheel traction - 4 Elect... El Medano 17900.0

Modern pool lounge design. Very comfotable, light and with a very trendy design. Made with synthetic flat wicker of high quality and built o... Adeje 150.00 €

Se vende quad susuki ltz 400 por no usar, cuentakilometros de fabrica tan solo 3500kilometros, cubiertas de fabrica, estriberas, escape leo ... Arona 2300.00

Professional UVA upright tanning machine size: 2.4m high x 1.17m diametro 60 uva tubes and extractor fan Works but no instructions Needs a b... Las Chafiras 350.00 €

Ready to find a new home. Pure breed Persian Kittens in various colours, male and females. Mother HImalayian Persian and father White Persia... Adeje 180.00 €

Poppy Lane English Nur ser y

Keyr ing char m

Local Tener ife Pie Company

8,000 m2 For r ent

1996 for d exployer v8

Focusing on learning-through play, Poppy Lane Nursery in Tenerife, is the island's leading nursery for children of all nationalities up to t... Arona 0.00 €

This is a 'KEY'-ring. You can add this to your keys or onto your phone. Would also be a nice present for a 21st! This is made from red miyuk...

Local Tenerife Pie Company For Sale, Exclusively Made In Tenerife Supplying Direct To The Local`s And Tourist, Along With Regular Supplies T... Adeje 10000.0

Commercial unit available in part or complete. Ideal for storage units or private and public parking with licence....

1996 ford exployer v8. leather seats double air bags, cd radio a/c automatic.power steering,5 seater. i.t.v. till feb 13. asking for 3,000 e... Guaza 3000.00

Costa del Silencio

• Situations Vacant

Live-in nanny/tutor required

8.00 €

Ar ona

• Air Con

• Cars for Sale


1.6 Petrol ITV until August 2013, Only 71,500 Km, Aircon, Electric windows, Rear parking sensors, Recent service, Immaculate.

in south area for weekends - should have ability to learn. Energetic and organised. If interested e-mail: lin@rebl.biz

Vivo Decades Treasure Island

0.00 €


• Photography & Design

Tel: 690 753 561

• Cinema

has vacancies for waiting staff. Either full or part time, with a contract. This is a fully legal position, so applicants must have an NIE and a Social Security Number. Please email your C.V. to info@vivotreasureisland.com

Immediate start


• Property to Rent

• Videography • Photography • Graphic Design M T











Complete Media Design Service utilising the latest Canon HD video/still cameras, lenses, Glidecam, etc with Adobe Master Collection Design software. Please email or call to discuss your project needs

Contact : 636 04 09 35 gordon@canaryphotostock.com • Property to Rent

Amazing Spiderman (PG-13) Showing daily at 15:30 136 min Action/Adventure/Fantasy


Andrew Garfield as Spiderman/Peter Parker Emma Stone as gwen Stacy Rhys Ifans as The Lizard/Dr. Curt Connors

Facebook.com/Tenebay • Financial Services


Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012

• Car Lease/Rentals

Cars to rent

Long and short term From 270€ per month Including insurance

Phone Mags: 600 88 27 22 Email: magsbehan@gmail.com • Car Maintenance

Lease-A-Car Long Term Prices from 250€ per month. Including fully comprehensive insurance & breakdown cover.


605 298 500 • Delivery Services

• Technology


• Accommodation



Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012



Epson printer/scanner model DX7400, very good condition with 2 sets print cartridges. 30 euros ono. Tel: 632 356 206

Philips Avent microwave sterilizer 10 euro, Chico rear facing 0-13kg, car seat/carrier and base, fixes with adult lap and diagonal seatbelt 30 euro. Tel: 922 708 204 Shar Pei Pups For Sale - 700euro Not ready for another 7 weeks, but welcome to reserve one with a deposit of 100 euro now. I have 6 stunning, wrinkly puppies 2: boys and 4 girls, all black and have turned out fabulous with no health problems and temperament of parents is very good. Pups will go to a Shar Pei specialist to be checked over at 4 weeks and have their eyes tacked if needed, then will have another vet check and 1st injection at 8 weeks and will be wormed regular before they leave, Their parents are house dogs family pets and the pups are brought up around children handled daily from birth and will be partly house trained. E-mail: philportanova@hotmail.com Contact Number: 618342636 Philip Ikea children’s bed, excellent condition, red with animal cut outs on headboard. Up to 7 yrs old. Price 45.00 euros Ikea wooden double bed with slatted base (similar to Hennes model), as new, bargain at 125.00euros Tel: 626 285 880 3 Seater sofa bed and 2 matching armchairs. Beige and brown. Lovely suite in excellent condition. Originally from Biombo. Detachable cushion and arm covers etc. €485 o.n.o Tel 637 157 098


Philips Avent microwave steriliser 10 euro, Chico rear facing baby, 0-13kg., car seat and base, fixes with adult lap and diagonal strap, 30 euro. Brand new Bay Hill golf bag with aluminium stand, quick kick stand system, graphite friendly top, 6 full length drivers integral putter and wedge compartments, multifunctional dual strap, ball holder, 8 zippered pockets, umbrella holder, easy lift handle, travel and rain hood, 40 euro. Tel. 922 708 204 Lladro and Nao figurines from 30 euros, over 30 to choose, all boxed 676051341

2 x single headboards, white bamboo style. 15 euros for the pair Tel 636 002 873 8 adult life jackets rated 100n. CE Approved. Suitable for boating and water sport activities. Unused. 100 euros or will sell separately for 15 euros each. Tel No. 697513944 Mobility Heavy Duty 4 Wheeled Walker with Seat and brakes superb mobility walker that is ideal for trips around town or to use when going to the shops. 90 euros Shoprider Wispa Mobility Scooter: electric mini scooter. EXCELLENT MANOEUVRABILITY from articulating double front wheels. Complete with Charger and shopping basket. 295 euros DVD rack art deco style steel holds about 60 DVD/ CDs in the shape of a musical note. 25 euros Play Station One with controller and memory card with 6 games excellent condition. 25 euros Phone 922742257 or 661084981 Callao Salvaje Set of four bowls, Taylor international No 1, €50 Teka cooking hob 2 gas and 2 electric rings €45. Wind surf board Starlight F2 no sail, €65 Wave Minstral 265 wind surf board no sail,€65 Television wall/ceiling heavy duty frame for 33 inch TV, new, ideal for bar €20 Corner unit dark wood, cupboard and shelves, 1.8 mt high €65 Sideboard/dressing table, (two end cupboards and top over them) pine finish 2.1 mt €60 Silencio. Tel 629570945

Facebook.com/Tenebay Drum kit for sale. Black 5 shell with stool and crash and ride cymbals. Very good condition 400 euros ono Tel 608 560 005 1 single Ikea natural wood colour bed with solid base and mattress, exc condition. 100.00 euros 26” Samsung Flat Screen TV - 50 euros DVD / DTD box, as new 20.00 euros 2 Ikea natural wood colour bedside cabinets, 20.00 euros each Model sailing boat 20” high 21” across as new 10.00 euros Classic style natural wood bookcase as new, 35” high, 30” wide, 12” depth, bargain @ 70.00 euros Samsung microwave/grill, white only 6 mths old, 50.00 euros Please call 626 285 880 FOR SALE Call 634015852 (Niki) OR 618941183 (Val) Samsung 42” Flat Screen (available approx. 15th June) 300€ Sharp Video Recorder 20€ Panasonic TV 29” 50€ Sky Reciever Box & LMB 35€ Acer 17” Flat Screen PC Monitor 50€ Coberó tall Fridge Freezer 50€ Zanussi Table Top Freezer 35€ 3 Litre Stainless Steel Digital Fryer 30€ Sandwich Toaster 8€ Sandwich Toaster (Fagor) 8€ Slow Cooker (Cordon Bleu) 8€ Wok with lid 5€ Coffee Maker ( Morphy Richards) 15€ 9 x Large Dinner Plates White 10€ for all 8 x Decorative rose cocktail dishes pale pink 15€ for all Microwave/Convection Oven/Grill (Blue Sky) 25€ Patio Table & 4 reclining chairs inc cushions 75€ Ufesa Stand Up Fan 5€ Heater 5€ Ikea Stand Up Lamp 10€ Funai DVD/Video Recorder/ player 25€ Phillips Hand Blender 8€ Ikea rose thick pile rug (5´3” x 7´7”) 40€ Ikea dark blue & purple thick pile rug (4´4” x 6´5”) 40€ 3 draw chest of drawers (40” x 30” x 17.5”) 20€ Nest of 3 side tables (dark wood) 10€ 6 drawer chest of drawers (75cm x 37cm x 105 cm) light wood 25€ Severin Footspa 10€ Chico Car Seat suitable up to 4 years 15€ Electric Bike for child up to 4 years (Abigo) 15€ Chico Travel Cot 30€ Ikea Black Coffee Table (90cm x 55cm x 45cm) 15€ Barrel Coffee Table (46 cm x 60cm diameter) 15€ DVD burners (x3) in tower 30€ CD burners (x3) in tower 25€ 3 x Ikea ´under bed´ plastic storage containers 15€ Plastic storage drawers 10€ Film Projector 1950´s (prinz magnon super IQ, standard & super 8 cine films) 40€ Slide Projector (rank aldis TK300, 35mm) 30€ 2 x Badminton Racquets 10€ each Squash Racquets 10€ Assorted Toys ( ages 1 to 10 years) Various prices Assorted Books Various Authors 50 cents each

Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012





jet boat

3 bed Apar tment for sale o

Playstation 3

Phillips Sur r ound Sound Sy

King size Bedspr ead

selling a jetboat business with all necessary paperwork and spear parts ...

3 bed 2 bath apartment. Very spacious 100sqm + 100sqm roof terrace. In Las Chafiras situated between Los Cristiaños and the Airport 10 mins... Las Chafiras 0.00 €

PlayStation 3 Fat, 40 gig 4.11 firmware. mint condition. Hdmi & Power cable.1 controller.661=039=715...

Phillips surround system with DVD player in Excellent condition €50.00...

Reversible padded king size bedspread Excellent condition lemon/blue/green...

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

Single padded fitted bed t

HE@D Digital Nilesat Satel

Sofa bed and chair (Apar tm

hologr amas secur ity etique

Citr oen C2 VTR 1.4 For sal

Single fully fitted bed throw. Excellent condition ...

Nile sat receiver HE@D digital SD2700 Black Panther.Conax Embedded. As new ...

Adeje Casco

Adeje Casco

Blue floral sofa bed with matching chair. Also available matching dinning table four chairs,TV unit, drinks cabinet, coffee table plus two f... Playa Santiago 400.00 €

Te ofremos el metodo mas eficaz de diferenciar tus productos en el mercado de los hologramas. Los hologramas tienen un efecto visual y este... Adeje 37.00 €

Red Citroen C2 VTR, 1.4 engine for sale, car is like new, one very careful lady owner, only 35,000km, 2005, ITV until September 2013. Please... San Miguel 5000.00



15.00 €

50.00 €

130.00 €

San Isidro

50.00 €

30.00 €

Beautiful Per sian kittens.

Fibr eglass boat 2005 4.6m

pack of movies

Dog Cage

Genuine Pr ada Sunglasses -

Pure Persian kittens for sale, very fluffy, used to humans, already purring at 2 week! Ready on the 29/04/12. Come and pick yours NOW!! In p... Adeje 250.00 €

recently changed, remote cables and impeller seats recently uphosltered With new Bimini and trailer Papers and security kit complete Outboar... Adeje 7500.00

terminator 3 rise of the machines/ ocean´s eleven/ in the shadows/ employee of the month/ brokeback mountain/ varian`s war/ big mommas´s h... Adeje 36.00 €

Dog cage with one week of use. We have paid 200€ for it. NOW only 50€. messuments are 80 x 80 x 1,20 cm...

GENUINE prada sunglasses. Aviator Style. They are brilliant and exceptionally stylish with sophisticated decoration. The sides are a camoufl... Los Cristianos 90.00 €

Dining Table with 4 chair s

2 Seater Sofa / Sofa 2 pla

Cur tains

Set of Cur tains, bed cover

Giant elephant

Extensible dining table in good condition sold with 4 chairs. Measurements: Closed: 90cm wide, 76cm tall. Open: 114cm long. Torviscas Alto. ... Adeje 170.00 €

2 seater sofa measuring 140cm wide x 85cm tall x 90cm. In good condition. Torviscas Alto. More information, please send e-mail. Sofa de 2 pl... Adeje 110.00 €

Pair of purple curtains in good condition. Price negotiable. Torviscas Alto. For more information, please send e-mail. ... Adeje 40.00 €

Set of 1 pair of curtains, 2 bed throws (for single beds), and 6 cushions. Green and white. In very good conditions. Torviscas Alto. For mor... Torviscas Alto 50.00 €

Giant elephant soft toy in good condition. Ideal as a birthday present... ...

2 Coffee Tables / 2 Mesas

Per sian kittens for sale.

Antique Chair

Distr ibution


2 coffee tables. 1 Measures: 100cm long x 50cm wide x 40cm tall, and the other: 50cm x 50cm x 40cm. Both in good condition. They can be sold... Arona 40.00 €

Pure Persian kittens for sale, very fluffy, very playful, used to humans, like to be held, 5 weeks old, Come and pick yours now!! (we can de... Adeje 250.00 €

Antique Chair well mantained, new leatherette seat....

Can you imagine how far you can go? Do you know someone using a cleaning product, hygiene or maintenance? Someone who clean their home, busi... Adeje 400.00 €

Gents OMEGA CONSTELLATION DOUBLE EAGLE Gold and Stainless steal. 5 years old in excellent condition.... Vilaflor 2000.00

San Miguel

80.00 €

50.00 €



10.00 €


Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012






Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012

3 0 6:00am ................................................Children´s TV 9:15am......................................... The Wright Stuff 11:10am ........................................Cowboy Builders 12:10pm....................................5 News Lunchtime 12:15pm ...................................................Big Brother 1:15pm ................................... Extraordinary Dogs 1:45pm .....................................................Neighbours 2:15pm ................................................The Mentalist 3:15pm .................. Rosamunde Pilcher’s Spring 5:00pm ....................................................5 News at 5 5:30pm .....................................................Neighbours 6:00pm ...................................... Monkey Life 6:30pm ............................................... 5 News 7:00pm ......................... Police Interceptors 8:00pm ...........................Arctic Icebreakers 9:00pm ....................................... Big Brother 10:00pm ......................... The Walking Dead 11:00pm ................................... Once Upon a Time in Mexico 12:55am ...................................Super Casino

7:30am.......................The Jeremy Kyle Show US 8:25am .....................................................Judge Judy 8:55am ..............................The Only Way is Essex 9:40am ................................ The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30am.............................. The Real Housewives of New York City 11:30am ...................................................Judge Judy 12:00pm ..................................................Emmerdale 12:30pm ...................................Coronation Street 1:30pm .............................The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm ................................ The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm ................................ The Real Housewives of New York City 5:35pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show US 6:30pm ..............................................Beat TV 7:00pm ...............................The Xtra Factor 8:00pm ........................................... The Cube 9:00pm ........................... Hell’s Kitchen USA 10:00pm ..............................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 11:00pm ........................................Alexander

6:30am ............................................The Real Hustle 7:00am..........Doctor Who Greatest Moments 8:00am ...............................................Total Wipeout 9:00am ..............................................Olympics 2012 2:00pm ..............................................Olympics 2012 7:00pm ................................. Olympics 2012 Britain’s men’s hockey team play the first of five preliminary matches against Argentina - a win will help their campaign to secure a top two place in their group and a semi-final place. 11:00pm ..................................... EastEnders 11:30pm ........................................ Pramface 12:30am ...................................... Family Guy 12:50am ...................................... Family Guy 1:15am .................................. American Dad! 1:35am.................................. American Dad! 2:00am........Lee Nelson’s Well Good Show 2:30am........Lee Nelson’s Well Good Show 3:00am........Lee Nelson’s Well Good Show 5:30am................................... Total Wipeout

6:00am ...................................................Drama Trails 6:10am ..................................... Carry on Laughing 6:35am .......................................................Heartbeat 7:35am..................................Upstairs, Downstairs 8:40am ...................................................Rising Damp 9:10am .................. Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 10:10am ................................................................Monk 11:05am .................................. Murder, She Wrote 1:10pm .......................................................Heartbeat 2:10pm ........................The Darling Buds of May 3:15pm ..................................................................Monk 4:15pm ..................................................Perspectives 5:20pm .................................................On the Buses 5:55pm .......................................................Heartbeat 6:55pm ......................... Murder, She Wrote 8:00pm ................ Agatha Christie’s Poirot 9:00pm ..............................................Taggart 11:00pm .......................Murder in Suburbia 12:05am ....................................................Life 12:55am .............................. Terry and June

8:55am ................Location, Location, Location 10:00am...............................................Four in a Bed 10:30am........................... Relocation, Relocation 11:35am ...........................................Gunman’s Walk 1:25pm ..................................................... Time Team 2:30pm ..................................................... Time Team 3:35pm ...................................................Four Rooms 4:40pm .....................................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 5:45pm .....................................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

6:50pm ........................ Come Dine with Me 7:55pm ..................................Grand Designs 9:00pm ..................................Grand Designs 10:00pm ............ Britain’s Oldest Stand Up 10:35pm ................... Embarrassing Bodies 11:40pm ..............Big Fat Gypsy Weddings 12:40am ................................Grand Designs 1:45am.........................................Time Team 2:55am............................A Place in the Sun

6:05am .......................................The Professionals 6:55am ............................................................ Batman 7:45am............................................................... Minder 8:50am ...................................................The Fall Guy 9:50am ............................................. Quantum Leap 10:50am.....................................The Professionals 11:50am ............................................................ Minder 12:55pm ......................................................The Saint 1:55pm ............................................. Quantum Leap 2:55pm ...................................................The Fall Guy 3:55pm ............................................................ Batman 5:00pm .......................................The Professionals 6:00pm ................. JP Morgan Premiership Rugby 7s Highlights 7:00pm ............. From Ronaldo to Ronaldo 8:00pm ............................... The Cycle Show 8:30pm ..................Police, Camera, Action! 9:00pm ..........Paul McCartney and Wings: Band on the Run 10:00pm ..................................Midnight Run 12:30am .................... Blues Brothers 2000


6:00pm ................................ The Art Of War Shaw is an operative for the UN‘s covert dirty-tricks squad. When a shipping container full of dead Vietnamese refugees turns up on the docks & China’s ambassador is gunned down, Shaw is framed for the murder. 8:30pm ................................................Snatch Unscrupulous boxing promoters, violent bookmakers, a Russian gangster, incompetent amateur robbers, and supposedly Jewish jewelers fight to track down a priceless stolen diamond. 10:30pm ........................................... The One There is not one universe, but there are many, which is a multiverse. Supposing you are just one person, there are many other versions of you in the other universes, there are ways to travel, but only a police agency,MVA, can travel only for police procedures.

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6:00am ............................................. The Full Monty 8:00am ......The Nightmare before Christmas Jack Skellington, the pumpkin king of Halloween Town, is bored with doing the same thing every year for Halloween. One day he stumbles into Christmas Town, and is so taken with the idea of Christmas that he tries to get the resident bats, ghouls, and goblins of Halloween town to help him put on Christmas instead of Halloween. 10:00am................................. Reese Witherspoon 11:00am ......................................................Rushmore Max Fischer is a precocious 15-year-old whose reason for living is his attendance at Rushmore, a private school where he’s not doing well in any of his classes, but where he’s the king of extracurricular activities. 1:00pm ......................................... Doctor Dolittle 2 The continuing tale of the doctor who can talk to the animals--this time, it’s Dolittle versus Darwin when the animals launch a labor strike to protect their forest from unscrupulous human developers. 3:00pm ........................................Forbes Top 20 Tv Cash Queens 4:00pm ........................................................ Notorious Christopher Wallace, a.k.a. Biggie Smalls, was born in Brooklyn, New York, May 21, 1972. He was raised in the poor Brooklyn neighborhood of Bedford-Stuyvesant as the son of a preschool teacher.

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Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012




T U E S D AY 6:00am ......................................Olympic Breakfast 9:00am .............................................. Olympics 2012 Fifteen more medals will be won on day four of the Games, including the first two in equestrianism. The team and individual three-day event competitions reach a climax, with the Queen’s grand-daughter Zara Phillips among those aiming for the podium. 11:30am ............................................ Olympics 2012 The climax of the equestrian three-day event team competition. Team GB won a bronze in Beijing in 2008, but it has been 40 years since GB last won gold. 1:15pm ........................................ BBC News at One 1:45pm .......................................BBC London News 2:00pm .............................................. Olympics 2012 Jake Humphrey, Jonathan Edwards and Rishi Persad present as the individual honours are awarded in the three-day event, and the Canadian singles canoe slalom title is decided at the Lee Valley Water Centre. 4:00pm .............................................. Olympics 2012 Sue Barker and Matt Baker present live coverage from the women’s team gymnastics final. Great Britain managed a creditable fifth place in the 2011 world championships. 6:00pm ............................... BBC News at Six 6:30pm ............................BBC London News 7:00pm ..................................Olympics 2012 The swimming competition reaches the halfway stage, with four more finals. Is Michael Phelps shaping up to be the star of the Games, or will that honour go elsewhere? 10:00pm ............................BBC News at Ten 10:30pm ..........................BBC London News 10:40pm .......................... Olympics Tonight A look at the day’s big Olympic stories. By the time midnight comes, the last of the sport will be over for the day and another 15 medals will have been won. 12:00am .........................................BBC News 12:10am.........................Olympic Sportsday Dan Walker presents highlights of the key action and stories on day four of the 2012 Olympics. 12:55am ..................................Weatherview 1:00am............................................BBC News

6:00am ..................................................Postman Pat 6:15am...................................................Chuggington 6:20am ...................................................Timmy Time 6:30am .....................................The Adventures of Abney and Teal 6:40am ....................................................... Octonauts 6:50am ................................................... Rastamouse 7:05am......................................................... Deadly 60 7:30am..........................................Horrible Histories 8:00am .............................The Scooby-Doo Show 8:25am ...................................................Tree Fu Tom 8:45am ...............................................Justin’s House 9:15am....................................................Heir Hunters 10:00am..................Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am ............................................... Cowboy Trap 11:45am ........................................Cash in the Attic 12:30pm ...............................................Bargain Hunt 1:15pm .............................................. Olympics 2012 2:00pm ............................................................... Flog It! 3:00pm ..................................Ultimate Sports Day 3:30pm ..........................................................Copycats 4:00pm ..................The Sarah Jane Adventures 4:30pm .............Livingstone: Serious Explorers 5:00pm ..................................................... Newsround 5:05pm .........................................Shaun the Sheep 5:15pm .....................................Antiques Road Trip 6:00pm ..................................Olympics 2012 7:00pm ........................... Helicopter Rescue 7:30pm ........................................EastEnders Lucy makes a decision about the cafe after a series of disasters threaten to derail her businesses. Poppy’s attempt to cheer up Alice has unfortunate consequences for Anthony. 8:00pm ..........................................Holby City 9:00pm ...................................The Midwives: Delivering Under Pressure 10:00pm ................................Olympics 2012 10:40pm .......................................Newsnight 11:30pm ..............The Super League Show 12:15am .............Word Up! Black American Pop at the BBC 1:15am ............................ Indian Ocean with Simon Reeve 2:15am ......................Alex Polizzi: The Fixer

Editor Recommends

6:00am ..........................................................Daybreak 8:30am ............................................................Lorraine 9:25am .............................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am................................................This Morning 11:25am ........................................................ITV News 11:30am ................................................This Morning 12:30pm .............................. 60 Minute Makeover 1:30pm .............................ITV News and Weather 2:00pm .....................................Murder, She Wrote 3:00pm ..................................Dickinson’s Real Deal 4:00pm .....................................Midsomer Murders 5:00pm ....................................................Dinner Date 6:00pm ............................... London Tonight 6:30pm .................. ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ....................................... Emmerdale Moira is disturbed by her attraction to Alex. Charity cooks up a plan with Rishi as the Kings struggle. Amelia has a wobble about her christening. 7:30pm ............................Trash to Treasure At Ribble Paul’s entrepreneurial spirit is frustrated by the number of people who turn up wanting to sell rather than buy. 8:00pm ............................Love Your Garden Alan Titchmarsh and the team are at the Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice in South Yorkshire. The charitable establishment gives support to children with shortened life expectancy, as well as providing respite and support to parents and siblings. 9:00pm ...........................................Benidorm When Madge’s estranged daughter Valda arrives at The Solana, Madge is convinced that she is after Mel’s money. Cockney conman Gary starts working his way through the holidaymakers, and a remedy for an upset stomach proves unsettling for Madge. 10:00pm ........ITV News at Ten & Weather 10:35pm ....................................The Fugitive Blockbuster adventure movie based on the TV series about a doctor who goes on the run after being wrongly convicted of murdering his wife. Dr Richard Kimble fails to persuade the court of his innocence, but a freak train crash on the way to prison enables him to escape. 1:00am........................................ Jackpot247 3:00am........................................Golden Balls

6:15am....................................................... The Hoobs 7:05am........................................ Freshly Squeezed 7:30am..........................................According to Jim 7:55am................................................Will and Grace 8:20am ...................Everybody Loves Raymond 8:50am ...............................................................Frasier 9:20am ................................... Come Dine with Me 10:25am................................. Come Dine with Me 10:55am................................. Come Dine with Me 11:30am ................................. Come Dine with Me 12:00pm ........................................ Channel 4 News 12:05pm ................................... A Place in the Sun 1:00pm .........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 1:35pm .........................................Channel 4 Racing 4:00pm ............................................ Deal or No Deal 5:00pm .................................................Four in a Bed 5:30pm ................................... Come Dine with Me 6:00pm ...................................The Simpsons 6:30pm ........................................... Hollyoaks Mercedes is finally getting closer to Riley, but does Dr Browning offer a more exciting and thrilling alternative? With Callum’s help, Martha attempts to deal with her demons and, with his relationship on the rocks, Scott takes drastic measures to save face. 7:00pm ............................... Channel 4 News 7:55pm ......................................4thought.tv 8:00pm ................... Beauty and the Beast: The Ugly Face of Prejudice Beauty obsessed hairdresser Corinne Harrison meets teacher Simon Moore. Corinne spends up to £3000 a month on beauty treatments and has had two boob jobs, leaving her with no sensation in either breast. 9:00pm ............Secrets of the Shoplifters 10:00pm .................................. Lost Children 11:05pm ..................................Random Acts 11:10pm .....................Thelma’s Gypsy Girls 12:15am ............................Pokerstars.Co.UK Caribbean Adventure 1:15am ............................Paralympics Extra 1:40am....................... KOTV Boxing Weekly 2:10am ..................................................Sailing 2:35am............................. FIVB World Beach Volleyball Tour

Secrets Of The Shoplifters Channel 4 - 9:00 - 10:00 pm It’s early summer 2012, and the battle between the shops and robbers is gaining in intensity across Britain. With extraordinary access to police, store detectives and lifters, this follow up documentary gives viewers an even closer ringside seat to this giant game of cat and mouse that goes on between persistent shoplifters and the police determined to catch them. This time the cameras move to York, a town which faces the twin threat of local lifters and the inter-city professional gangs who prey on the vulnerabilities of smalltown Britain. As the nation faces a second

recession in just four years, the profile of shoplifters is changing, as a female pensioner and a wheelchair user are among the bewildering array of characters caught stealing. The film learns about the latest tricks of the shoplifting trade: from ‘bollocksing’ (hiding stolen goods inside your underwear) to stuffing items into a fake cushion. And Steve and Dan, the self-proclaimed Batman and Robin of Brighton seen in the first Secrets of the Shoplifters film, are brought in by a local store to help them defeat the lifters who are stealing around £1000 worth of goods per week.



Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012

31 6:00am ................................................Children´s TV 9:15am......................................... The Wright Stuff 11:10am .........................................Cowboy Traders 12:10pm....................................5 News Lunchtime 12:15pm ...................................................Big Brother 1:15pm ................................... Extraordinary Dogs 1:45pm .....................................................Neighbours 2:15pm ................................................The Mentalist 3:15pm ..................................A Place Called Home 5:00pm ....................................................5 News at 5 5:30pm .....................................................Neighbours 6:00pm ...................................... Monkey Life 6:30pm ............................................... 5 News 7:00pm ........................The Hotel Inspector 8:00pm ............................... Half Built House 9:00pm .... CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 10:00pm ..................................... Big Brother 11:00pm ...... Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 12:00am ........................Banged Up Abroad 12:55am ...................................Super Casino

6:00am .....................................................Emmerdale 6:30am ......................................Coronation Street 7:30am.......................The Jeremy Kyle Show US 8:25am .....................................................Judge Judy 8:55am ..............................The Only Way is Essex 9:40am ................................ The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30am.............................. The Real Housewives of New York City 11:30am ...................................................Judge Judy 12:00pm ..................................................Emmerdale 12:30pm ...................................Coronation Street 1:30pm .............................The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm ................................ The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm ................................ The Real Housewives of New York City 5:35pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show US 6:30pm ..............................................Beat TV 7:00pm ......................America’s Got Talent 9:00pm ........................... Hell’s Kitchen USA 10:00pm ........................ Batman and Robin 12:30am ...................................... The Jacket

6:30am ............................................The Real Hustle 7:00am..........Doctor Who Greatest Moments 8:00am ...............................................Total Wipeout 9:00am ..............................................Olympics 2012 2:00pm ..............................................Olympics 2012 7:00pm ................................. Olympics 2012 Wembley stadium stages the final football preliminary match for Team GB’s women. A place in Friday’s quarter-finals is the target. Followed by highlights of the men’s volleyball match between Great Britain and Australia. 11:00pm ..................................... EastEnders 11:30pm ................Can Anyone Beat Bolt? 12:30am ...................................... Family Guy 12:50am ...................................... Family Guy 1:15am .................................. American Dad! 1:35am.................................. American Dad! 2:00am................................................Wilfred 2:25am................................................Wilfred 2:45am................................................Wilfred 5:30am................................... Total Wipeout

6:00am ............................................................Film File 6:10am .................................................On the Buses 6:35am .......................................................Heartbeat 7:35am..................................Upstairs, Downstairs 8:40am ...................................................Rising Damp 9:10am .................. Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 10:10am ................................................................Monk 11:10am .................................. Murder, She Wrote 1:10pm .......................................................Heartbeat 2:15pm ........................The Darling Buds of May 3:20pm ..................................................................Monk 4:20pm ..................................................Perspectives 5:20pm .................................................On the Buses 5:55pm .......................................................Heartbeat 6:55pm ......................... Murder, She Wrote 8:00pm ................ Agatha Christie’s Poirot 9:00pm ...............Agatha Christie’s Marple 11:10pm .......................... Canterbury Tales 12:20am .............. Agatha Christie’s Poirot 1:20am................................. Terry and June

8:55am .................Location, Location, Location 10:00am............................................... Four in a Bed 10:30am................... Sainsbury’s and Channel 4 Presents... London 2012: Ellie Simmonds 10:35am.....................................A Place in the Sun 11:10am ......................................Escape to Athena 1:25pm ......................................................Time Team 2:30pm ......................................................Time Team 3:35pm ....................................................Four Rooms 4:40pm ......................................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 5:45pm ......................................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 6:50pm .........................Come Dine with Me 7:55pm .................................. Grand Designs 9:00pm .........................Come Dine with Me 10:00pm ............................................Coppers 11:05pm ............. My Transsexual Summer 12:10am........................Come Dine with Me 1:15am ...............................................Coppers 2:20am................ My Transsexual Summer

6:15am...................World Cup Hat-Trick Heroes 6:20am .......................................The Professionals 7:10am ............................................................. Batman 8:05am .........................................................The Saint 9:05am ...................................................The Fall Guy 10:05am............ World’s Wildest Police Videos 11:00am .....................................The Professionals 12:00pm ........................................................... Minder 1:00pm ................................................ The Sweeney 2:00pm .............. World’s Wildest Police Videos 2:55pm ...................................................The Fall Guy 3:55pm ............................................................ Batman 5:00pm .............................................Motorsport UK 6:00pm ................................. Quantum Leap 7:00pm .......Greatest World Cup Matches 7:15pm ........................ The Great Outdoors 9:00pm ...................... Blues Brothers 2000 11:30pm .......................................... The Jerk 1:25am.................................Tommy Cooper 1:55am................................................ Minder





6:00am ..............................................Boy Next Door TV movie where a novelist (Dina Meyer) moves to a little town to write her next novel. She loves to get inspiration and as time goes by she gathers information about her neighbor, a young and wealthy guy whom she observes and picture from her window most of the time. 7:30am.....................................Rookie Of The Year 9:00am ...................................................... The Singer 11:00am ..................... High Heels And Low Lifes Two best girlfriends living in London suddenly find themselves battling wits with seasoned criminals when they decide to blackmail the culprits of a bank heist in their neighborhood rather than reporting the crime to the police. 1:00pm ........................Recess: All Growed Down it’s an all-new Recess! Discover how the gang first met in kindergarten days, with a look back at all your favorite characters when they first came to the Third Street School! Join in the joy and laughter of All Growed Down - full of hilarious twists and turns, important lessons about meeting new friends, self-esteem... and the very fun business of growing up. 2:30pm ..............................................The Aristocats Retired madame Adelaide Bonfamille enjoys the good life in her Paris villa with even classier cat Duchess and three kittens: pianist Berlioz, painter Toulouse and sanctimonious Marie. 4:00pm ..................................................Brown Sugar Dre and Sidney can attribute their friendship and the launch of their careers to a single childhood moment--the day they discovered hip-hop on a New York street corner. 6:00pm ..................................... The Promise When the world was young, laid a Kingdom between the Land of Snow and the Barbarian Territory where gods and men lived side by side and promises were lies. 8:00pm ........................................ Last Dance The relationship between an unproven lawyer and the female convict he attempts to save from execution is detailed in this death-row drama. Sharon Stone plays against type as Cindy Liggett, convicted of murder at the age of 19, who has spent over a decade in prison awaiting execution.


Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012




W E D N E S D AY 6:00am ......................................Olympic Breakfast 9:00am .............................................. Olympics 2012 Mishal Husain, John Inverdale and Clare Balding present live coverage from day five of the Games, the first of four days of rowing finals. 11:30am ............................................ Olympics 2012 A win for the women’s pair of Helen Glover and Heather Stanning would earn them the honour of being Britain’s first-ever female rowing gold medallists. 1:00pm ........................................ BBC News at One 1:30pm .......................................BBC London News 1:45pm .............................................. Olympics 2012 Jake Humphrey and Tanni Grey-Thompson present more cycling action, with the men taking to the streets around Hampton Court Palace. 4:00pm .............................................. Olympics 2012 Sue Barker and Matt Baker present coverage of the men’s individual all-around final. By the end of the afternoon, the world’s leading male individual gymnast will have been crowned. 6:00pm ............................... BBC News at Six 6:30pm ............................BBC London News 7:00pm ..................................Olympics 2012 Gary Lineker and Clare Balding present coverage from the Olympics, where once again the focus is on the Aquatics Centre. Much is expected of Britain’s Ellen Gandy, world silver medallist in the women’s 200m butterfly final. 10:00pm ............................BBC News at Ten 10:30pm ..........................BBC London News 10:40pm .......................... Olympics Tonight On the busiest day of the Games so far, with twenty gold medals having been awarded, Gabby Logan takes a look back at some of the story makers in the company of leading figures from the world of sport and beyond. 12:00am .........................................BBC News 12:10am.........................Olympic Sportsday As the fifth day of the Games draws to a close, Dan Walker presents a round-up of the action and stories that have captured the headlines. 12:55am ..................................Weatherview 1:00am............................................BBC News

6:00am ..................................................Postman Pat 6:15am...................................................Chuggington 6:20am ...................................................Timmy Time 6:30am .....................................The Adventures of Abney and Teal 6:40am ....................................................... Octonauts 6:50am ................................................... Rastamouse 7:05am......................................................... Deadly 60 7:30am..........................................Horrible Histories 8:00am .............................The Scooby-Doo Show 8:25am ...................................................Tree Fu Tom 8:45am ...............................................Justin’s House 9:15am....................................................Heir Hunters 10:00am..................Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am ............................................... Cowboy Trap 11:45am ........................................Cash in the Attic 12:15pm ................................................Bargain Hunt 1:00pm .............................................. Olympics 2012 1:45pm ............................ Escape to the Country 2:15pm ............................................................... Flog It! 3:00pm ..................................Ultimate Sports Day 3:30pm ..........................................................Copycats 4:00pm ..................The Sarah Jane Adventures 4:30pm ........................................................... 12 Again 5:00pm ..................................................... Newsround 5:05pm .........................................Shaun the Sheep 5:15pm .....................................Antiques Road Trip 6:00pm ..................................Olympics 2012 7:00pm .................................................. Coast The Netherlands. The Bafta winning Coast ventures out to brand new territory, the astonishing man-made shoreline of the Netherlands. 8:00pm ...........................Restoration Home 9:00pm ..................................................Vexed 10:00pm ................................Olympics 2012 10:40pm .......................................Newsnight 11:30pm ....................The National Lottery Wednesday Night Draws 11:35pm .................................The Midwives: Delivering Under Pressure 12:35am ....................DIY SOS The Big Build 1:35am......................Alex Polizzi: The Fixer 2:35am.....................................Food Factory

Editor Recommends

6:00am ..........................................................Daybreak 8:30am ............................................................Lorraine 9:25am .............................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am................................................This Morning 11:25am ........................................................ITV News 11:30am ................................................This Morning 12:30pm .............................. 60 Minute Makeover 1:30pm .............................ITV News and Weather 2:00pm .....................................Murder, She Wrote 3:00pm ..................................Dickinson’s Real Deal 4:00pm .....................................Midsomer Murders 5:00pm ....................................................Dinner Date 6:00pm ............................... London Tonight 6:30pm .................. ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ....................................... Emmerdale Amy is stunned to learn her mum is gravely ill in hospital. Moira tries to clear the air with Alex. Charity sets the wheels in motion to shaft the Kings. 7:30pm .......................................... The Lakes Observational documentary based in the Lake District. This episode sees one of Britain’s biggest open water swimming events, The Great North Swim, facing trouble as thick early morning fog descends on the Lake District. 8:00pm ................ Agatha Christie’s Poirot Poirot arrives in Dover to help Lieutenant Colin Race determine if Sheila Webb is responsible for the murder of a middleaged man found stabbed at 19 Wilbraham Crescent. 10:00pm .............................ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:35pm .................................Deep Blue Sea Adventure story about a team of scientists who find themselves at the mercy of genetically modified sharks. A millionaire hoping to find a cure for brain diseases establishes a research programme on a lab at sea. 12:25am ..................................... Jackpot247 3:00am...................................Before Sunset Critically acclaimed sequel to romantic drama Before Sunrise in which the original protagonists, Jesse and Celine, meet again nine years after their first encounter in Vienna.

6:10am ...................................................... The Hoobs 6:35am ...................................................... The Hoobs 7:00am........................................ Freshly Squeezed 7:25am..........................................According to Jim 7:50am................................................Will and Grace 8:20am ...................Everybody Loves Raymond 8:50am ...............................................................Frasier 9:20am ................................... Come Dine with Me 9:55am ................................... Come Dine with Me 10:25am................................. Come Dine with Me 10:55am................................. Come Dine with Me 11:30am ................................. Come Dine with Me 12:00pm ........................................ Channel 4 News 12:05pm ................................... A Place in the Sun 1:05pm .........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 1:35pm .........................................Channel 4 Racing 4:00pm ............................................ Deal or No Deal 5:00pm .................................................Four in a Bed 5:30pm ................................... Come Dine with Me 6:00pm ...................................The Simpsons 6:30pm ........................................... Hollyoaks Faced with life-changing news, Will finally admits his feelings for Ash, but it seems he’s too late when she’s spotted cosying up to Ally. 7:00pm ............................... Channel 4 News 7:55pm ......................................4thought.tv 8:00pm .............................. Superscrimpers: Waste Not, Want Not Mrs Moneypenny shows how to save a fortune on pets and how to save hundreds, if not thousands, on buying a car - the second biggest purchase most people will ever make. 9:00pm ........................ 24 Hours in A and E 10:00pm ..........Secrets of the Shoplifters 11:05pm ..................................Random Acts 11:10pm ................................... 2 Broke Girls 11:40pm ................................... 2 Broke Girls 12:10am............................................ New Girl 12:40am .................................Summer Daze with Blackberry 1:05am.......................Barclaycard Mercury Prize Sessions 1:15am ......................................... Ibiza Rocks

Vexed BBC 2 - 9:00 - 10:00 pm Detective comedy drama Vexed returns for a brand new series, seeing DI Jack Armstrong (Toby Stephens) paired with a new partner, in the shape of fast-tracked rookie detective Georgina Dixon (Miranda Raison). DI Armstrong is charming, disorganised and prone to laziness - so it comes as no surprise that sparks fly when he’s partnered with the ambitious and highly efficient newby DI Dixon. Fiercely bright and keen to make her mark, Georgina is exactly what Jack didn’t

want for his partner in crime. Jack’s best friend, café-owner and ex-cop Tony (Roger Griffiths) and forensics officer Naz (Ronny Jhutti) provide crime solving support. In this first episode the duo are thrown together to investigate the death of car salesman Carl Mercer, who is found dead in the boot of one of the showroom’s finest vehicles. The bitter jealousies and rivalry between staff put Carl’s colleagues into the frame, with Georgina becoming increasingly fixated on solving her first murder.



Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012

1 6:00am ................................................Children´s TV 9:15am......................................... The Wright Stuff 11:10am .........................................Cowboy Traders 12:10pm....................................5 News Lunchtime 12:15pm ...................................................Big Brother 1:15pm ................................... Extraordinary Dogs 1:45pm .....................................................Neighbours 2:15pm ................................................The Mentalist 3:15pm .....................................Lies and Deception 5:00pm ....................................................5 News at 5 5:30pm .....................................................Neighbours

6:30am ............................................The Real Hustle 7:00am....................................................Doctor Who Greatest Moments 8:00am ...............................................Total Wipeout 9:00am ..............................................Olympics 2012 2:00pm ..............................................Olympics 2012

6:00pm ...................................... Monkey Life 6:30pm ............................................... 5 News 7:00pm ...........................Ice Road Truckers: Deadliest Roads 8:00pm .................Britain’s Strangest Pets 9:00pm ....................................... Big Brother 10:30pm ...... Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 11:30pm ......................... Police Academy 5: Assignment Miami Beach 1:15am ......................................Super Casino

7:00pm ................................. Olympics 2012 This could be a crucial evening for the British football team the men seek to achieve a quarter-final place. 11:00pm .......................Don’t Tell the Bride John and his fiancee Jackie live in Kirkintilloch, an old mining town on the outskirts of Glasgow. Country boy John was born there and has never left, but city girl Jackie hails from Glasgow’s West End and has always dreamt of a sophisticated and glamorous wedding. 12:00am ...................................... Family Guy 12:45am ............................... American Dad! 1:30am..................... Highlander: Endgame 5:30am................................... Total Wipeout

6:50am .....................................................Judge Judy 7:20am.......................The Jeremy Kyle Show US 8:15am...............................The Only Way is Essex 9:40am ................................ The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30am.............................. The Real Housewives of New York City 11:30am ...................................................Judge Judy 12:00pm ..................................................Emmerdale 12:30pm ..................................................Judge Judy 1:30pm .............................The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm ................................ The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm ................................ The Real Housewives of New York City 5:35pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show US

6:00am ...................................................Drama Trails 6:10am .................................................On the Buses 6:35am .......................................................Heartbeat 7:40am..................................Upstairs, Downstairs 8:45am ...................................................Rising Damp 9:10am .................. Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 10:10am ................................................................Monk 11:05am .................................. Murder, She Wrote 1:10pm .......................................................Heartbeat 2:10pm ........................The Darling Buds of May 3:15pm ..................................................................Monk 4:15pm .................................. Fisherman’s Friends 5:20pm .................................................On the Buses 5:55pm .......................................................Heartbeat

6:30pm ..............................................Beat TV 7:00pm ........................................... The Cube 8:00pm ......................America’s Got Talent 9:00pm ...........Piers Morgan’s Life Stories 10:00pm ..................The Only Way is Essex 10:45pm ................ American Pie Presents Band Camp

6:55pm ......................... Murder, She Wrote 8:00pm ................................................Arthur 10:00pm ........................... A Touch of Frost 12:10am................................................. Monk 1:05am................................. Terry and June 1:35am................................. Terry and June



8:55am ................Location, Location, Location 10:00am...............................................Four in a Bed 10:30am...................Sainsbury’s and Channel 4 Present... London 2012 10:35am................................. River Cottage Bites 10:40am........................... Relocation, Relocation 11:50am ........................................................Gun Fury 1:25pm ..................................................... Time Team 2:30pm .....................................Time Team Special 3:35pm ...................................................Four Rooms 4:40pm .....................................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 5:45pm .....................................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 6:50pm ........................ Come Dine with Me 7:55pm ..................................Grand Designs 9:00pm ....................The Secret Millionaire 10:00pm ............... One Born Every Minute 11:05pm ................... Embarrassing Bodies 12:10am...................The Secret Millionaire 1:15am .................. One Born Every Minute

6:20am .......................................The Professionals 7:10am ............................................................. Batman 8:00am ................................................ The Sweeney 9:00am ...................................................The Fall Guy 10:00am........................................... Quantum Leap 11:00am .....................................The Professionals 12:00pm ......................................................The Saint 1:00pm .............. World’s Wildest Police Videos 1:55pm ................................................ The Sweeney 2:55pm ...................................................The Fall Guy 3:55pm ............................................................ Batman 5:00pm .......................................The Professionals 6:00pm ................................. Quantum Leap 7:00pm ................................... The Sweeney 8:00pm .............................Motorway Patrol 8:30pm .............................Motorway Patrol 9:00pm ................................ River Monsters 10:00pm ............................Bradley Wiggins: A Very British Champion 11:00pm ...........................Escape From L.A. 1:05am............................ The Professionals


A U G U S T 6:00am ............................................................Fab Five 7:30am...................................................Brown Sugar Dre and Sidney can attribute their friendship and the launch of their careers to a single childhood moment--the day they discovered hip-hop on a New York street corner. 9:00am ...................................................The Promise 11:00am ....................................................Last Dance The relationship between an unproven lawyer and the female convict he attempts to save from execution is detailed in this death-row drama. Sharon Stone plays against type as Cindy Liggett, convicted of murder at the age of 19, who has spent over a decade in prison awaiting execution. 1:00pm ....................................The Black Cauldron Taran is an assistant pigkeeper who longs to be a knight. He’s given his chance to live his dream when he is sent out in search of a magical black cauldron which can either be a powerful instrument of good or a bottomless font of evil, depending entirely upon who should find it. 2:30pm ..........................The Sword In The Stone Animated version of the legend of King Arthur as he is raised and trained by the wizard, Merlin. 4:00pm .........The Curse of the Jade Scorpion CW Briggs is a veteran insurance investigator, with many successes. Betty Ann Fitzgerald is a new employee in the company he works for, with the task of reorganizing the office. They don’t like each other - or at least that’s what they think. 6:00pm .........................................Vanity Fair Growing up poor in London, Becky Sharp (Witherspoon) defies her poverty-stricken background and ascends the social ladder alongside her best friend, amelia. 8:00pm ......................................... Get Carter When his brother dies under mysterious circumstances in a car accident, London gangster Jack Carter travels to Newcastle to investigate. 10:00pm .................... My Name Is Modesty The story of how Modesty got her name. 11:30pm .................................The Big White To remedy his financial problems, a travel agent has his eye on a frozen corpse, which just happens to be sought after by two hitmen.


Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012




T H U R S D AY 6:00am ......................................Olympic Breakfast 9:00am .............................................. Olympics 2012 Mishal Husain, John Inverdale and Steve Redgrave present Olympic archery and rowing events. Anticipation of a successful day for Britain’s rowers builds at Eton Dorney, with the first medals due to be won. 11:30am ............................................ Olympics 2012 Matt Baker and John Inverdale present coverage of three rowing finals, with commentary from Garry Herbert and Dan Topolski. 1:00pm ........................................ BBC News at One 1:30pm .......................................BBC London News 1:45pm .............................................. Olympics 2012 Hazel Irvine and Sonali Shah present an afternoon of tennis, archery and shooting. Britain has a good chance of success in the men’s double trap final, a competition in which Sydney gold medallist Richard Faulds and his team-mate Peter Wilson are hoping to make an impact. 4:00pm .............................................. Olympics 2012 Sue Barker and Jake Humphrey present coverage from the first of six days of track cycling, with two gold medals at stake today. 6:00pm ............................... BBC News at Six 6:30pm ............................BBC London News 7:00pm ..................................Olympics 2012 Gary Lineker and Clare Balding present swimming coverage, including the latest instalment of the battle between Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte. Hoping to make the podium in the women’s 100m freestyle is Britain’s Fran Halsall. 10:00pm ............................BBC News at Ten 10:30pm ..........................BBC London News 10:40pm .......................... Olympics Tonight Gabby Logan looks back on the day’s events, in the company of star guests from the world of sport. Eighteen gold medals were won, with a host of stories dominating the headlines. 12:00am .........................................BBC News 12:10am.........................Olympic Sportsday At the end of the sixth day of the 2012 Olympics, Dan Walker presents a round-up of the main stories. 1:00am............................................BBC News

6:00am ................................................Children´s TV 6:20am ...................................................Timmy Time 6:30am .....................................The Adventures of Abney and Teal 6:40am ....................................................... Octonauts 6:50am ................................................... Rastamouse 7:05am......................................................... Deadly 60 7:30am..........................................Horrible Histories 8:00am .............................The Scooby-Doo Show 8:25am ...................................................Tree Fu Tom 8:45am ...............................................Justin’s House 9:15am....................................................Heir Hunters 10:00am..................Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am ............................................... Cowboy Trap 11:45am ........................................Cash in the Attic 12:15pm ................................................Bargain Hunt 1:00pm .............................................. Olympics 2012 1:45pm ............................ Escape to the Country 2:15pm ............................................................... Flog It! 3:00pm ..................................Ultimate Sports Day 3:30pm ..........................................................Copycats 4:00pm ..................The Sarah Jane Adventures 4:30pm ......................................................................Roy 5:00pm ..................................................... Newsround 5:05pm .........................................Shaun the Sheep 5:15pm .....................................Antiques Road Trip 6:00pm ..................................Olympics 2012 7:00pm ........................... Helicopter Rescue 7:30pm ........................................EastEnders Lauren plucks up the courage to tell a horrified Tanya and Max the truth behind Ian’s disappearance. Michael feels lonely and isolated when he faces the reality of becoming a full-time father. 8:00pm ........... Hairy Dieters: How to Love Food and Lose Weight 9:00pm ....................... Amish: A Secret Life 10:00pm ................................Olympics 2012 10:40pm .......................................Newsnight 11:25pm ...................................Lionel Richie: Dancing on the Ceiling 12:25am ........................Engineering Giants 1:25am...........................................Panorama 2:00am......................Alex Polizzi: The Fixer 3:00am....................................Natural World

Editor Recommends

6:00am ..........................................................Daybreak 8:30am ............................................................Lorraine 9:25am .............................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am................................................This Morning 11:25am ........................................................ITV News 11:30am ................................................This Morning 12:30pm .............................. 60 Minute Makeover 1:30pm .............................ITV News and Weather 2:00pm .....................................Murder, She Wrote 3:00pm ..................................Dickinson’s Real Deal 4:00pm .....................................Midsomer Murders 5:00pm ....................................................Dinner Date 6:00pm ............................... London Tonight 6:30pm .................. ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ....................................... Emmerdale Amy gets a shock when she visits her mum in hospital. Victoria starts to make plans to win Alex back. David worries about Jacob after his visit to see Alicia in prison. 7:30pm .............................................. Tonight Divided Britain. You might think that the more you earn the better off you will be. But that is not always the case, where you live makes a difference to the value of the pound in your pocket. 8:00pm ....................................... Emmerdale Amy is worried to learn her mum has nowhere to go. Victoria is gutted when Alex doesn’t want to get back together. Ruby is miffed when Ali and Rachel secretly gossip at Amelia’s christening. 8:30pm ...........................Coronation Street Tyrone faces Kirsty’s wrath when his deal with Tommy is exposed. Michelle goes to great lengths to repair the damage caused by Ryan. Is Karl ready to give up on his past? 9:00pm ..........................................The Briefs 10:00pm .............................ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:35pm ................ The Talent Show Story Victoria Wood narrates a documentary series looking back at the history of talent shows on British TV. In this episode, there is a look at how Britain’s Got Talent revived variety shows. 11:35pm ........................... Poms in Paradise 12:05am ..................................... Jackpot247 3:00am............................................... Tonight

6:10am ...................................................... The Hoobs 6:35am ...................................................... The Hoobs 7:00am........................................ Freshly Squeezed 7:30am..........................................According to Jim 7:55am................................................Will and Grace 8:20am ...................Everybody Loves Raymond 8:50am ...............................................................Frasier 9:25am ................................... Come Dine with Me 9:55am ................................... Come Dine with Me 10:25am................................. Come Dine with Me 10:55am................................. Come Dine with Me 11:30am ................................. Come Dine with Me 12:00pm ........................................ Channel 4 News 12:05pm ................................... A Place in the Sun 1:05pm .........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 1:35pm .........................................Channel 4 Racing 4:00pm ............................................ Deal or No Deal 5:00pm .................................................Four in a Bed 5:30pm ................................... Come Dine with Me 6:00pm ...................................The Simpsons 6:30pm ........................................... Hollyoaks Amy and Ally’s relationship reaches crisis point, but is this really the end? Elsewhere, Scott has shock news for his friends and Leanne gets a position working in Attwells, but can she prove she’s up to the job? 7:00pm ............................... Channel 4 News 7:55pm ......................................4thought.tv 8:00pm .................................. The Churchills 9:00pm ......................Embarrassing Bodies In this episode, About Face, the doctors catch up with some of the most memorable embarrassing problems. Dr Christian continues the story with a woman as she opts for radical surgery hoping to see the end of her facial malformation. 10:00pm ...................... 24 Hours in A and E 11:05pm ........................ Undercover at the News of the World 12:05am ..................................Random Acts 12:10am............................ Undercover Boss 1:05am................................ Jon Richardson: A Little Bit OCD 2:00am.................................A Short History of Everything Else 2:30am......................................... Dispatches

The Briefs ITV 1 - 9:00 am - 10:00 pm “Everybody on the face of it is against our client. The police are against him. He feels the court is against him. The prosecutor is against him. He thinks the judge is against him. So we’re his only friend.”

– Franklin Sinclair, Tuckers Solicitors

ITV1’s new two-part documentary, The Briefs, takes us into the cut-throat world of criminal law, following the lawyers from a Manchester firm as they represent clients on cases ranging from drug dealing to blackmail to murder. With unprecedented access to Britain’s

busiest legal aid-funded law practice, these programmes show privileged conversations between lawyer and client, and follow the cases from police station to court, and even to prison. In the first programme, the lawyers represent a drug dealing mum and a man on trial for blackmailing a footballer’s family. In the second episode, we experience the unique marketing techniques lawyers’ use, the case of a performance poet accused of benefit fraud, a particularly emotive murder, and a gay couple whose fights always seem to end up in a police station.



Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012

2 6:00am ................................................Children´s TV 9:00am ..................................................... Igam Ogam 9:15am......................................... The Wright Stuff 11:10am .........................................Cowboy Traders 12:10pm....................................5 News Lunchtime 12:15pm ...................................................Big Brother 1:45pm .....................................................Neighbours 2:15pm ................................................The Mentalist 3:15pm ...................................................................Trust 5:00pm ....................................................5 News at 5 5:30pm .....................................................Neighbours 6:00pm ...................................... Monkey Life 6:30pm ............................................... 5 News 7:00pm ...................................... Cricket on 5 8:00pm ............................... Harold Shipman 9:00pm ........................The Hotel Inspector 10:00pm ..................................... Big Brother 11:00pm ...................................Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 12:00am ...................................Super Casino

6:50am .....................................................Judge Judy 7:20am.......................The Jeremy Kyle Show US 8:15am...............................The Only Way is Essex 9:40am ................................ The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30am.............................. The Real Housewives of New York City 11:30am ...................................................Judge Judy 12:00pm ..................................................Emmerdale 12:30pm ..................................................Judge Judy 1:30pm .............................The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm ................................ The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:35pm ................................ The Real Housewives of New York City 5:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show US 6:30pm ..............................................Beat TV 7:00pm .....................................Dante’s Peak 9:00pm .......................................... Benidorm 10:00pm ......................Lemon La Vida Loca 10:45pm ..............................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 11:50pm ......................... Hell’s Kitchen USA

6:30am ............................................The Real Hustle 7:00am.....................................Don’t Tell the Bride 8:00am ...............................................Total Wipeout 9:00am ..............................................Olympics 2012 2:00pm ..............................................Olympics 2012 7:00pm ................................. Olympics 2012 The evening starts with hockey as the British women play their third preliminary match against Belgium. Then Britain’s men’s basketball team take on Beijing silver medallists Spain, followed by the start of the men’s volleyball match between Great Britain and Italy. 11:00pm ..................................... EastEnders 11:30pm ...................................Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents 12:30am ...................................... Family Guy 1:15am .................................. American Dad! 2:00am.......................................... Dead Boss 2:30am.......................................... Dead Boss 3:00am.......................................... Dead Boss 5:30am................................... Total Wipeout

6:10am .................................................On the Buses 6:35am .......................................................Heartbeat 7:35am..................................Upstairs, Downstairs 8:40am ...................................................Rising Damp 9:10am .................. Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 10:15am ................................................................Monk 11:10am .................................. Murder, She Wrote 1:15pm .......................................................Heartbeat 2:20pm ........................The Darling Buds of May 3:25pm ..................................................................Monk 4:20pm ..................................................Perspectives 5:20pm .................................................On the Buses 5:55pm .......................................................Heartbeat 6:55pm ......................... Murder, She Wrote 8:00pm .................................. The Return of Sherlock Holmes 9:00pm .................................................. Lewis 11:05pm .................................... Eternal Law 12:05am ....................... Murder, She Wrote 1:05am................................. Terry and June



8:55am ................Location, Location, Location 10:00am...............................................Four in a Bed 10:30am...................Sainsbury’s and Channel 4 Presents... London 2012: Mandip Sehmi 10:35am........................... Relocation, Relocation 11:40am ........................Carry on Up the Khyber 1:25pm ..................................................... Time Team 2:30pm .....................................Time Team Special 3:35pm ...................................................Four Rooms 4:40pm .....................................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 6:50pm ........................ Come Dine with Me 7:55pm ..................................Grand Designs 9:00pm .................The Hoarder Next Door 10:00pm .......................................The Closer 11:00pm ...................................... Father Ted 11:30pm ...................................... Father Ted 12:00am ................... Embarrassing Bodies 1:05am..........................................The Closer 2:00am....................... Brothers and Sisters

6:10am .......................................The Professionals 7:00am............................................................. Batman 7:55am..........................................................The Saint 8:55am ...................................................The Fall Guy 9:55am ............................................. Quantum Leap 10:55am.....................................The Professionals 11:55am .......................................................The Saint 12:55pm ............................................. The Sweeney 1:55pm .........................................Motorway Patrol 2:55pm ...................................................The Fall Guy 3:55pm ............................................................ Batman 5:00pm .......................................The Professionals 6:00pm ................................. Quantum Leap 7:00pm ..................Police, Camera, Action! 8:00pm ...................... Border Security USA 9:00pm ..... The Greatest Footie Ads Ever 10:00pm ............................................... Rocky 12:25am ................Police, Camera, Action! 1:00am............................ The Professionals 2:00am...................Police, Camera, Action! 2:25am.................................Tommy Cooper


A U G U S T 6:00am .................................................... Unthinkable 7:30am..........The Curse of the Jade Scorpion 9:00am .......................................................Vanity Fair Growing up poor in London, Becky Sharp (Witherspoon) defies her poverty-stricken background and ascends the social ladder alongside her best friend, amelia. 11:00am .....................................................Get Carter When his brother dies under mysterious circumstances in a car accident, London gangster Jack Carter travels to Newcastle to investigate. 1:00pm .............................................................Mulan 2 After protecting her beloved country from the Huns, Mulan receives an unexpected marriage proposal from General Li Shang. But before they can tie the knot, Mulan must accompany Shang on a perilous journey to escort three princesses to Chang’an, China. 2:30pm ...........................................................The Wild Ryan is a lion who wants to go to the wild, where his dad (Samson) once lived. When he gets himself shipped to Africa, his zoo friends (and Samson) work together to bring him back. When they get to Africa, however, the animals find themselves in a pile of danger. 4:00pm .................................................................Duets A professional karaoke hustler reconnects with his daughter and a bored suburban businessman turns outlaw karaoke singer, among other plotlines. 6:00pm ...................................... Prefontaine Life and times of Steve Prefontaine, a young long-distance runner from Oregon who pursued the dream of Olympic gold in Munich and became one of the biggest, yet most tragic sport stars in America. 8:00pm ........................................... Hard Rain Set during a massive flood started by a dam accident in a small town, Tom (Christian Slater) is an armored truck guard who gets robbed by Jim (‘Morgan Freeman’ ). Tom gets away with all the money and hides it. 10:00pm .........................................Black Box 11:30pm ............................ Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon The disappearance of a magical jade sword spurs a breathtaking quest for the missing treasure. Li is embittered by the loss of his jade sword, and his unrequited pursuit of Yu is further complicated by the mysterious intrusion of an assassin.


Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012 ADVERTISMENT





Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012 CALDERS CONFESSIONS

‘Wish I was young’

Nobody is going to turn your life around for you, Naomi; only you can do that. So you’ve suffered a set back, it’s not the end of the

world is it? I know jobs are few and far between right now, but the economy is on the turn and things are starting to look up. Your priorities

right now should be to speak to everybody you owe money to, including the mortgage company. Explain that you’re temporarily unemployed and ask them if they will accept reduced payments. Sinking into depression and longing for the good old days isn’t going to help. You’re wasting precious time and doing nothing more than bringing yourself down. Try to create something positive for yourself. If you can’t find work, consider retraining to give yourself a better chance. Whatever you do, keep pushing yourself forwards and, ultimately, your circumstances will improve as a result.

‘I don’t want this baby’

boyfriend at this point in time obviously isn’t ideal but you do have more important things to worry about don’t you? It’s all too easy to sit and let life get on top of you. It’s going to take you a little time to get over the breakup, but once you’re past that, things should improve. I don’t think I’ve ever met an expectant mother, especially with her first pregnancy, who isn’t apprehensive about becoming a parent. It’s a whole new world; you go from just having yourself to worry about to suddenly being responsible for another life! A new baby can bring such joy into your life provided

you’re not expecting it to compensate for your unhappiness. Talk your feelings through with your GP and take things from there, but in all honesty, aside from your relationship issues, I think what you’re experiencing right now is perfectly normal and will pass in time.

‘No communication’

your newfound freedom and peace! None of that can happen of course unless you can communicate! It’s all very well sitting and moaning about your life, but that just leads to misery doesn’t it? Try to bring the spark back somehow; maybe plan some nights out or even a romantic candlelit dinner at home! Your husband probably sits at that table with you night after night wondering why you never talk to him, just as you do. Nothing will change unless you yourself take the bull by the horns. Hopefully, if you work hard at bringing your relationship back to life, you’ll have many happy years ahead!

After being made redundant a few months ago, I’ve been feeling really stressed. I can’t afford to pay my mortgage and my bills are mounting up. I keep wishing that I was just a child again, with no responsibilities. I know it seems pathetic but I can’t handle my problems and I hate the fact that I’m wishing my life away as I feel so scared. Naomi

Calders Confessions

Calder spent twelve years working as PA and Co-presenter with Jeremy Kyle on various radio stations, he is now a Freelance Radio Presenter where he answers listeners´dilemmas each Sunday night on the airwaves. We are also very grateful to have him here, answering your questions and queries as part of the Tenerife Weekly team. If you have an issue you can`t overcome or just need general help and confidential advice, why not email Calder: calder@ tenerife-weekly.com


I’m four months pregnant and recently broke up with the father of the baby. I was excited when I first found out, as I’ve had a lot of heartache in my life and I thought having a baby might change this. Now, four months later, I’m dreading having this baby. Some people might think I’m being selfish but I don’t think I can cope with it. Angela You’re bound to go through the entire spectrum of emotions, Angela, its all part and parcel of being pregnant! Splitting up with your

they’ve left, it seems quiet. My husband and I have nothing to talk about, and we sit there in silence when we eat dinner and for the rest of the evening. It’s making me really depressed. Irene

I’ve been married for 24 years now and I’m worried about our relationship. The kids have left home now and while they were around the house was full of noise and laughter. Now

Have you thought about making an effort yourself, Irene? For over twenty years both you and your husband have had very definitive roles. Getting used to living together as a couple again, with no kids placing demands on you must be difficult. What you need to do is rediscover each other and try to enjoy


Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012










27th July

28th July

29th July

30th July

31st July

1st August

2nd August

















Partly cloudy





High: 28 C

High: 27 C

High: 27 C

High: 28 C

High: 31 C

High: 32 C

High: 30oC

Real Feel: 27oC

Real Feel: 28oC

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Low: 22 C

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Low: 23 C

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Real Feel: 19oC

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U s e f u l Emergencies Emergency services (all) 112 National Police 091 Local police 092 Ambulance 061 Fire Brigade 080 Guardia Civil 062 Pharmacy information 922 282 424 Citizen information 010 Lost property 092 International operator 11825 Local operator 11818 TFS - Tenerife Sur Airport Flight information 902 404 704


N u m b e r s

National Ferry Services Armas - 902 456 500 Fred Olsen - 922 628 252 Tourist offices Costa Adeje 922 750 633 El Médano 922 176 002 La Laguna 922 631 194 La Orotava 922 323 041 Las Galletas 922 730 133 Los Cristianos 922 757 137 Multi-lingual police Central office 902 102 112

Call this number and ask for an English operator to make an official report or complaint.

Local police


922 757 006

Red Cross Emergencies and ambulances 922 281 800 Hospital Las Américas, 922 750 022 Centro Médicos Del Sur 922 791 000 British Consulate 922 286 863 Opening hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30am - 1:30pm British Consul: Matthew Vickers British Vice-Consul Helen Keating




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Weekly Horoscopes

Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19 A loved one will be in a playful mood on Monday. This person will encourage you to enjoy life. You might become overly dramatic when the Moon conjuncts your ruler Mars on Tuesday. Don’t overreact to frustrations. An old flame may want a second chance on Thursday. Remember, you ended the relationship for good reasons. A relative will ask you for a favor on Sunday. Taurus Apr 20 - May 20 The boss will reward your efforts on Monday. It’s wise to be on your best behavior on the job. Think carefully before committing to a project on Tuesday. You could be getting in over your head. A lover will be in an ornery mood when the Moon is quincunx your ruler Venus on Friday. Give this individual plenty of space. The urge to splurge will be strong on Saturday. Gemini May 21 - June 20 Lady Luck will smile on you when your ruler Mercury sextiles Jupiter on Tuesday. Good fortune will accompany all of your endeavors. You’ll be hit with a huge brainstorm on Wednesday. Write down your thoughts for future reference. Sugarcoat your words to a loved one on Thursday. This person will be offended if you’re too blunt. Cancer June 21 - July 22 You may experience some mental confusion when your ruler Moon is quincunx Neptune on Monday. Wait until you’re thinking more clearly to make important decisions. A colleague may try to provoke you on Tuesday. Don’t rise to the bait. Maintain your poise when dealing with difficult folks. Your energy level will accelerate on Saturday.

Leo July 23 - Aug 22 You’ll be in the spotlight when the Moon sextiles the Sun in Leo on Monday. Get ready to smile for the camera. Your agenda will be jam-packed on Wednesday. Don’t spread yourself too thin. A loved one could criticize you on Thursday. Remember, you don’t have to meet this person’s expectations. Create a new goal list on Friday. Virgo Aug 23 - Sept 22 You’ll learn an important life lesson on Tuesday. This experience will open your heart and mind. You’ll go in search of excitement when your ruler Mercury trines Uranus on Wednesday. Take precautions if you’re doing anything risky. Household repairs will need attention on Saturday. Invite over a friend who’s handy with a hammer and nails. Libra Sept 23 - Oct 22 A loved one could play power games with you when the Moon in Libra squares Pluto on Tuesday. Don’t let others dictate your actions. A new friend could bounce into your life on Wednesday. This person will love to talk, and you’ll share many of the same interests. You may be indecisive regarding a life choice on Friday. Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21 You might be tempted to engage in a clandestine activity on Monday. Consider the consequences first. You’ll have a very prophetic dream on Tuesday. Tone down your intensity on Thursday. Playing it cool is the key to success. A unique job opportunity will open up for you when the Sun conjuncts Mercury in your career zone on Saturday.

Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21 You’ll possess a very dynamic aura on Tuesday. Capitalize on your powerful vibrations. Introduce yourself to people of influence in the neighborhood. Your generous side will be on display on Wednesday. You may offer to help out a friend financially. Don’t believe everything you hear on Saturday. An associate might deliberately spread false rumors. Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19 Follow your bliss on Tuesday. It’s time you made yourself happy. You may be asked to take charge on the job on Wednesday. Call on your leadership skills. An endeavor won’t turn out the way you’d hoped when Mercury is quincunx Pluto in Capricorn on Thursday. Don’t be discouraged that matters didn’t work out. It’s a blessing in disguise. Aquarius Jan 19 - Feb 18 Listen to your creative intuition and go with the flow. Mars in Libra may coincide with some interesting events, especially as it aspects Pluto and Uranus. Whatever happens, keep your cool and allow yourself to consider possibilities that may have seemed out of reach before. This is the time to be creative and inventive and let go of the negative patterns. Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20 A lover may ask for a formal commitment on Monday. This person is ready to move forward in the relationship. Look both ways before crossing the street when the Sun is quincunx Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. Be extremely vigilant about your personal safety. Your living arrangements may change suddenly on Friday.



Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012 PETS’ PAGE

Pets’ Corner

Welcome to Tenerife Weekly’s Pets’ Page

My name is Steph and some of you may have heard me on the radio each Thursday when I try to find good homes for fantastic pets. Each week this page will be filled with both useful and entertaining information to keep you up to date with the world of pets here in the Canaries.

Another “Pitt Bull” attack?!

Not here in Tenerife, but back in the UK another dog attack has taken place. Two dogs were loose on the streets and a number of people were hurt. Obviously, without knowing the dogs the owners and the actual series of events, it is very hard to give an explanation as to why this happened. However, what cannot be ignored is the BREED of dog involved in the situation. “Pit Bull TYPE dog” was what was specified, as is so often the case, but what people fail to realise is just how many dogs resemble a pit bull and just how few of them actually have any pit bull in them at all. This interesting little segment shows, by DNA testing, just how wrong we sometimes are. And so based on this, perhaps inaccurate assumption that the dogs to blame were indeed “Pit Bull type dogs”, it could in fact be

Paws for Thought

This week a very special home is needed for Gizmo. His original owners brought him from the UK but re-homed him when they got two new puppies. He is now being looked after by foster carers who can no longer keep him. He is a lovely chap and very friendly. Also completely unfazed by my own large dogs, so he’s a tough cookie to boot. If you can offer him a forever home please get in touch on 922 738 885 or 628 859 973. You can also contact me via email.

The Little Dogs’ Home

that this breed has been wrongly accused for any number of attacks over the years. And if that were true what could be to blame here is a cross between a boxer and a cocker spaniel……

Acción del Sol’s weekly news By Karen Clack

without actual DNA evidence is it just to label a type of dog based purely on how they look? It is deemed racist in the human world, so why not the dog one?

Can you help one of the featured animals? H ave yo u a n a r t i c l e o f i n t e r e s t ? D o e s yo u r p e t d e s e r ve a f e a t u r e ? Drop me an email at vetpetcare@hotmail.com

These three dogs were all brought into Acción Del Sol during the terrible fires that have recently ravaged our beautiful island. The dogs were all picked up in Guia De Isora, the dogs were not micro chipped, and we think they may have been let loose to avoid the fires. If you recognise these dogs then please do call Acción Del Sol on 922 778 630 for more information.

Friday the 20th of July seen some of the refuge’s avid supporters and volunteers from the Atlantic Whale Foundation complete a walk around the streets of Santa Cruz, raising awareness on animal welfare here in Tenerife. This was a huge success, with people from the public stopping to admire some of the

Useful Numbers Dog & Cat Grooming 628 859 973 - 922 738 885

If you find an abandoned dog

Arona - 010 Everywhere else – 112 24 Hour Vets Fanabe 617 483 707 El Medano 607 346 183 Playa San Juan 922 832 344


dogs from the refuge, as well as asking many questions about Acción Del Sol. The dogs enjoyed there walk and all the attention whilst the volunteers handed out leaflets raising public knowledge of Acción Del Sol. These walks will start on a more regular basis, meeting in various locations, so again please do call the refuge if maybe you would like to be involved in their next walk or maybe you would just like to become an Acción Del Sol volunteer and help with dog walking at the refuge. Believe me, there’s always many a dog or two that would love a walk. Please call 922 778 630 for more information or if you would like to help out in anyway. Towels and blankets are always needed for the dogs if you have any to spare. They would be very much appreciated by our four-legged friends. The refuge is situated at Polígono De Industrial Estate, Granadilla, Exit 51 on the TF1, directly next to ITER the Parque Eolica, where the windmills are. We are open to the public Monday - Friday 3-6pm, if you are interested in adopting a dog or maybe just taking a dog or two for a leisurely walk.

Another fantastic week for “The Little Dogs’ Home” as they find new owners for a further two canines. A huge “congratulations” goes out to them. They have worked tirelessly since setting up the small refuge several months back and the rewards have been clear to see. Each week striving to better themselves it only goes to show how their hard work is paying off. If you would like to adopt or can help please call 672 917 193


Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012 TIME OUT

Take a little

ACROSS 2. Arid areas (7)





7. Practical joke (4) 8. Soon (4) 9. Plant flower (5) 10. The ratio between circumference and diameter (2) 11. Miniature (6) 12. Eight singers (5) 13. Effects (5) 15. Wading bird (5) 20. Vast (6) 22. Affectionate (6) 23. Social gathering (5) 24. Decline (4) 25. Wife of Jacob (4) 26. Pentland Hills village (7)

Solutions to our puzzles can be found on page 48


1. Member of the Mafia (7) 2. Recorded item of debt (5) 3. Condescending (6) 4. Battered (6) 5. Fine wood particles (7) 6. Standard for comparison (5) 14. Determined (7) 16. Locomotive track (7) 17. Sty (3-3) 18. Disease caused by a lack of vitamin C (6) 19. Book of the Bible (5) 21. Genre (5)

This week’s clever quote A verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it is written on. - Sam Goldwyn

The brain train

MATHS CHALLENGE Try to fill in the missing numbers. Use the numbers 1 through 9 to complete the equations.


Fill in the black squares so that each row, each column and each 3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 through 9.

Each number is only used once. Each row is a math equation. Work from left to right. Each column is a math equation. Work from top to bottom

An easy one



2 3




9 5

3 5


3 6


3 7 5

7 5



Question Two: In the Tarzan films, what was Jane’s last name? Question Three: What was Belize called until 1973? Question Four: Which popular UK band takes its name from a fictional doctor in Barbarella? Question Five: Which popular fictional film character’s name means ‘fox’? Question Six: What is the name of a 17th century Italian clown in a popular song from the band Queen?

Spot the 10 differences





Question One: Which London born actor has hosted the Academy Awards a record 18 times?


9 4






The dotted lines indicate areas which also contain a nonrepeating set of digits. These squares can be added together to produce the sums shown in the clues. A little tougher

Word search Find and circle all of the Tool Box words that are hidden in the grid. The words may be hidden in any direction. Drill

File Flashlight Gloves Hacksaw Hammer Hooks Knife Level Nails Pliers Safety Glasses Screwdrivers Screws Tape Washers Wire Cutters Wood Glue Wrenches



Sharples in Session By John Sharples

N o

P a r k i n g

When oh when will the authorities here in Tenerife realise that there is NOWHERE to park. What is the point of hiring a car on the Island if you can’t park anywhere? I’m talking about everywhere. They have refurbished our seafronts and taken away the parking spaces without any consideration for parking whatsoever. I don’t suppose that the ministers and

mayors who pass the building plans need to worry for one minute about where to park. They don’t have to drive around for hours on end looking for a space. They don’t get towed away and fined when they are over the parking line. GET IT SORTED! Don’t these people in offices know that they should be making it easier for tourists to enjoy the Tenerife experience, not harder?!

T h e F o u n t a i n s O f Te n e r i f e Many towns now boast some of the most spectacular fountains I’ve seen. Roundabouts everywhere have been converted. Fountains and artistic sculptures have been fitted onto most of the bigger ones in Adeje, Los Cristianos and La Orotava. The water displays are truly spectacular and add something extra special to the areas that they have been placed in. So why, for the love of Neptune, do they spend most of their time ... SWITCHED OFF! I can’t make any sense of it. The things don’t use up terrible amounts of water. They pump the same water, over and over again, through their pipes. Amongst all the

cement and tarmac, it is wonderful to see these uplifting water fountains operating. Maybe someone can enlighten us! Maybe someone knows why they are off more than they are on!

When will the British people realise that they are being led by their press? The Olympics will be slated as a disaster. That is what will happen. It’s written in the stars. Just because G4S have screwed things up and the police and army have had to be brought in to maintain security levels, they will be looking for every little thing that doesn’t quite work as they think it should. The Olympics are Britain’s chance to show

what we can do when we put our minds to it. I hope that all goes well; that British and Spanish athletes, of all types, win lots and lots of medals. I hope that people watch the opening ceremony and feel the same awe as they did when Beijing opened the Olympics. I hope that the British press enthuse and cry out “WELL DONE BRITAIN” ...... but I won’t hold my breath. Happy London Olympics everyone. MAY THE BEST ONES WIN!

Over The Hurdles

Elton John Ann Germain

I have always loved the music of Elton John, although I have never really like the man. OK, so you may wonder, how do I know the man? I don’t! I only know what I have seen, read and heard, just like you. I remember a TV documentary called “Tantrums and Tiaras”. It was all about him and given his approval. It showed his ridiculous waste of money and his self-importance. Also his waste, and his control of others. From that programme, I took a dislike to the man. An intense dislike! However I still admired his musical talent. I still bought his music and I still love it! Once again, this giant of British music is in the charts. He’s number one in the album charts again. It’s a collaboration between him and a remix duo. The resulting album has catapulted him and his brilliance to the forefront of music once again. Good luck to him. I don’t like him; I don’t envy him, but, like so many people, I love his music.

This Englishwoman is a star in Spain. She appears on Spanish TV every week, speaking in English.

She is a medium. She gives people messages from their deceased families and friends. She is quite amazing to watch, although I am no convert to the “belief mob”. The TV show is on channel 7. The programme is called “Más allá de la vida”. It goes out on Sunday evenings and is enjoyable to watch, at times emotional. Everything is said in English or Spanish. Take a look. See what you think. Ann has many, many people who are convinced of her authenticity. I’m not, I don’t believe in the spiritual world, but it is unnerving to watch her work. Give the show a try.

Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012 SHARPLES IN SESSION


Welcome to Karoline’s Kitchen

The weather has increased a few degrees and the majority of the children have finished school for the summer, so there is nothing better than inviting a few friends around and lighting up the barbecue. So get your barbecue cleaned up and dusted off, and start

sesame oil, sugar, chili paste, garlic and olive oil. Cover and refrigerate. Dry fry your tofu, let cool and then soak in the marinade. Leave to chill then cook.

Lemon Pepper Marinade

2 tablespoons olive oil 1/2 small onion, finely chopped 1 clove garlic, crushed 2 tablespoons rosemary fresh or 1 tbsp dried 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice fresh course ground black pepper, to taste grated zest of one lemon Mix all the ingredients and

use the marinade immediately with meat or fish in your choice of a plastic bag or container. Cover or seal and marinate in refrigerator. Use this as a basting sauce as well. If you wish for a sweeter marinade then add a few squirts of honey.

Barbecue sauce

8 floz ketchup 4 tablespoons black treacle 3 tablespoons brown sugar 4 floz cider vinegar 2 tablespoons tomato puree dash Tabasco or ground cayenne, to taste 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper Combine all ingredients in

a saucepan; stir to blend. Bring to a simmer over medium heat; reduce heat to low and simmer for about 1 minute. Use on ribs, chops, chicken, or burgers as you grill, or serve as a condiment or topping.

Solutions to this week’s puzzles

Brain Train An easy one

1. Bob Hope 2. Parker (Porter in the books) 3. British Honduras 4. Duran Duran 5. Zorro 6. Scaramouche













9 6 7 4 2 3 8

6 3 5 4 8 2 7 9 1

1 8 2 7 9 3 6 4 5

7 9 4 5 6 1 3 8 2

4 6 3 8 2 5 9 1 7

8 2 1 9 3 7 4 5 6



5 7 1 4 6 8 2 3


A little tougher




3 6 2 8 9 7 4

7 9 6 5 3 4 1 8 2

8 2 4 9 7 1 6 5 3

3 7 9 1 5 6 2 4 8

5 6 8 2 4 7 3 1 9

4 1 2 3 8 9 5 6 7

9 4 5 8 6 2 7 3 1

6 8 1 7 9 3 4 2 5

2 3 7 4 1 5 8 9 6

In a bowl, mix together oil, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, wine vinegar, and lemon juice. Stir in mustard, salt, pepper, and parsley. Use to marinate chicken before cooking as desired. The longer you marinate, the more flavour it will have.

5 tablespoons rice vinegar 3 tablespoons light soy sauce 2 tablespoons dark soy sauce 1 1/2 teaspoons sesame oil 1 teaspoon granulated sugar 3/4 teaspoon chili paste or 2 fresh chillis, crushed 1 1/2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh garlic 1 1/2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil In a small bowl, whisk together the rice vinegar, light and dark soy sauce, Asian


27 floz vegetable oil 6 floz soy sauce 4 fl oz Worcestershire sauce 4 fl/oz red wine vinegar 2 fl oz lemon juice 3 teaspoons of mustard 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon black pepper 1.5 teaspoons finely chopped fresh parsley

Asian Tofu Marinade


Chic ken Marinade

to plan a great afternoon in the sun with good friends and maybe even a mojito or two. I have prepared a couple of recipes that will need a little bit of organisation for the best results; you just need to get organised and get marinating to achieve the best results.


Have a great week cooking and if you have any recipes that you wish to share or any tips or family cheats then get in touch by email on; karoline@ tenerife-weekly.com Until next time, Karoline







Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012



MacBook Air 2 012 Rev i ew

Back in 2008, Apple made laptops cool again by unleashing the super-skinny MacBook Air. The slimline beauty was made even thinner in 2010, and the 2012 version – which is on review here – is the latest iteration of that design. Packing the latest Intel Core processing power, alongside nippy DDR3L RAM, SSD flash storage and ultrafast connectivity, the new MacBook Air 2012 - available as 11- and 13-inch versions - has not only the looks, but the power to once again dominate the ultraportable notebook market. But this time around, it does face stiff competition at least. Apple seemingly kicked off a slimline laptop revolution with the MacBook Air, and if you haven’t heard the word Ultrabook by now, you soon will have. The shops are now packed with svelte laptops, with the likes of the Asus ZenBook UX31, the HP Envy 14 Spectre, the Dell XPS 13 and the Acer Aspire S3 wowing buyers with their impressive spec sheets and their skinny chassis. But has the new MacBook Air still got enough about it to lead the pack Build While we welcome the new hardware inside the MacBook Air, we can’t help but feel that the 2012 models are more evolution than revolution. That’s not to say that we don’t love the Air’s beautiful design – it’s impossible not to. But, as this is the third time that Apple has wheeled out exactly the same chassis, we are slightly underwhelmed. There’s only so long the wow-factor can last and, two years down the line, the awe surrounding the MacBook Air has definitely diminished, especially when you consider the wealth of new design ideas hitting the Ultrabook market. But, and it’s a big but - the MacBook Air design and build is still one that the new Ultrabook brigade strive for. Sure, there are a lot of refreshing new ideas in the laptop arena, but more than a handful of Ultrabooks are clearly trying to emulate Apple’s famous design. Despite its age, it’s easy to see why. At 300 x 192 x 17mm it’s tiny. Even tinier when you consider the graded base which helps the Air hit a ridiculously lean 3mm at its thinnest point. The 11.6-inch model that we reviewed weighs just over 1kg as well, making it the

ultimate portable PC (the 13-inch model weighs just 270g more). The keyboard that we know and love from the MacBook family, with its isolated backlit keys, is back – alongside the brilliant trackpad which supports a plethora of multitouch gestures. Features In the face of the new Ultrabook competition Apple has responded with a major refresh of the MacBook Air’s hardware setup, offering the latest tech at a much more competitive price. The biggest change is the addition of a third-generation Intel Core platform. The 11.6-inch model that we used for this review was running via a 1.7GHz dual-core i5 chip, which can run as fast as 2.6GHz using Intel’s Turbo Boost tech. On the 13-inch model it’s a 1.8GHz i5 CPU as standard; you can opt for an i7

processor on both versions for £130 more. Intel’s third-generation core setup, codenamed Ivy Bridge, also gives you access to Intel HD Graphics 4000, meaning graphics that are twice as fast as the previous MacBook Air generation. There’s also 4GB of 1600MHz DDR3L RAM on board and the overall result is a performance that is much more impressive than last time around. However, if you’re biggest desire with a MacBook is performance; you should consider one of the Pro models, which substitute portability for power. If you want an Apple notebook which boasts both incredible operation and desirability, you should take a look at the MacBook Pro with Retina display – although, be warned, it doesn’t come cheap. In terms of connectivity the new MacBook Air packs a couple of USB 3.0 ports – a nice update from the 2011 model – as well as a Thunderbolt port. There’s no SD card reader on the 11-incher, although there is on the 13-inch machine. There’s also a 3.5mm headphone jack and an updated power adaptor. Screen Unfortunately, the eye-boggling Retina display that amazes on the iPhone 4S, the new iPad 3 and now the MacBook Pro, hasn’t found its way to the MacBook Air range yet. Instead, we’re looking at the same glossy LED-backlit display as before, with a 1,366 x 768 resolution (1,440 x 900 for the 13-inch model). Colours appear vibrant, especially with brightness turned up fullwhack, and there are no signs

o f ghosting or blurriness when playing back HD content. The viewing angles are good, if not great.

Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012 TECHNOPHILE

Performance The latest-generation Intel Core power results in a vastly improved experience when using the 2012 MacBook Air. The lack of a discrete graphics processor means that you won’t be able to seamlessly play the latest games, quickly edit HD movies or anything else too demanding, but that’s not really what the Air is all about. It’s a slimline machine that won’t take up too much space in your bag that will be more than up to the task for anything you demand of it when you’re out and about. If you need to do a bit of work on the go, or quickly check something on the web, the instant-on feature will come in incredibly handy, and the 30-day standby life-span makes it a brilliant living-room machine. As an entertainment hub it thrives with photos and HD movies looking great on its LED display. Storing your digital media may be a bit of a pain, however, with just 64GB of storage on the cheapest setup (£849/1,080 Euros). A higher price tag of £80/100 Euros more gets you 128GB on the smaller model and you can go up to 512GB of storage for £640/815 Euros extra, should money not be an issue. This storage is of the SSD variety though – so it’s lightning fast to access your files. The webcam has also been improved; it’s now a 720p HD one, so your FaceTime calls should be clearer than ever.


Battery Apple is promising a battery life of five hours for the 11-inch model and seven hours on the 13-inch one. In a test, which involves looping HD video using Apple’s QuickTime on full brightness, it lasted just under four hours, indicating that Apple’s promise for normal usage should be about right. Charging the MacBook Air is a quick and easy affair using the relatively small power pack and the new MagSafe 2 power adaptor, which is thinner than the previous incumbent. If you want to use your old Mac powerpack, Apple will sell you an adaptor for £9/11.50 Euros. Verdict In terms of performance and usability it’s hard to fault the 2012 Apple MacBook Air. It may not have the sheer power of its MacBook Pro brethren, but it’s hardly a slacker either with the third-generation Intel Core power making for a much slicker experience than last year’s range. Its slimline chassis and lightweight footprint mean that it is the perfect portable machine and, despite the Ultrabook onslaught, it is still the most desirable notebook available. But we’re not too sure just how much longer that desirability can last. Yes, it looks brilliant, is a pleasure to use, and it has a fantastic build quality. But these are all plus points that could be said of both the 2010 and 2010 MacBook Airs. Ultimately, we think it’s time that Apple shook up the laptop market again and we’re desperately hoping that the 2013 Air refresh shows more signs of the unique innovation that has made the Cupertinobased company the biggest name in tech.

50 Spotlight Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012




bar had ever seen. It was time to do something with her!!!!!

Barry flew off on holiday to Tenerife when he was twenty. He decided, with a group of friends, to create a “naughty” pantomime which was created for Christmas. The panto was a huge success! He then worked on a smaller solo show (mainly drag!) He thoroughly enjoyed performing the show in the south of Tenerife – and what a huge success it was! This is how his Drag Character, Dame Estos was born. She appeared weekly in a small bar in Tenerife Royal Gardens, and her overwhelming success created by far the busiest nights the

WHERE ARE YOU FROM Scouseland - Liverpool! WHEN AND WHY DID YOU MOVE TO TENERIFE? I moved here 11 years ago, doesn’t time go quick! - I decided to go and see what all the fuss was about! WHEN’S YOUR BIRTHDAY? February 5th DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE FAMOUS? Not at all. I would rather use the word ‘extraordinary’! ALTHOUGH YOU ARE IN THE LIMELIGHT, DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE SHY? Yes I am quite shy, but it depends if you catch me after a couple of pints! WHO IS YOUR IDOL? WHY? Brendan O’Carroll - I just adore Mrs Browns Boy WHAT IS THE BIGGEST DISASTER YOU HAVE EVER HAD ON STAGE? Probably the time I needed to get a guy up on stage, after about 1 minute into the number - I realised the very butch lady had a cleavage! The Compare and staff at the venue were in stitches! - Should’ve gone to Specsavers! WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE SPORT? Sport? Don’t swear at me- I’m a drag queen darling!!!! HOW MANY LANGUAGES DO YOU SPEAK?

Barry Pugh

English and Spanglish HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU EARN IN A MONTH? Nosey, aren’t you! WHAT DO YOU SPEND YOUR MONEY ON? Sequins, Sequins and more Sequins! DO YOU DO CHARITY WORK? Yes, we have done a lot in the past. We enjoy doing it - if we can fit it into our schedule. WHY DID YOU BECOME AN ENTERTAINER? I fell into it by accident. I always enjoyed performing when I was younger, and never thought that it would be my full time job a few years later. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? Yes, I have a dog and a cat - Samui and Felix. They cuddle up together, clean each other, and keep me amused for hours! WHAT DO YOU DO IN YOUR FREE TIME? Shopping, Sewing & Surfing......... (the internet!)... TELL US A SECRET ABOUT YOU! I once did a bit of naked sunbathing, and burnt a very ‘fragile’ part of my body! Answers on a postcard please! DO YOU ENJOY YOUR CELEBRITY STATUS? What celebrity status? DO YOU WEAR BOXERS OR BRIEFS? Neither - it’s more economical! IF YOU WERE A BISCUIT, WHICH WOULD YOU BE? Jammie Dodgers - I have a fetish for them. I was once stopped at security in Manchester airport because my hand luggage was

loaded with them! You see they were 3 packs for £1 in Poundland, and I couldn’t leave them. Security thought I had lost the plot - or maybe they thought they were explosives with a pink heart shaped detonator in the middle!?!?!?!?!? They found it amusing; although I was more worried they might confiscate them! WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE PLACE TO EAT? Mammas Italian Restaurant- San Eugenio Alto. Just up from where Bens bar used to be! HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE THE MOST DESIRABLE MAN ON THE EARTH? Wonderful. IF I CAME TO YOUR HOME AND LOOKED INSIDE THE FRIDGE, WHAT WOULD I FIND? Always fully stocked with homemade treats- a Victoria Sponge normally once a week or always some of yesterday’s dinner, in case I am peckish when I get in from work! HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOURSELF IN THREE WORDS? Loveable, Fun and Relaxed. WHAT´S THE MOST EMBARRASSING SITUATION YOU HAVE BEEN IN? I was in a bar once in Madrid with my partner. It was quite busy with nowhere to sit or put your drinks down. I said to him - look there’s a little wall there. As I walked over to the wall I didn’t realise there were steps leading to a fire escape. I fell down them, burst through the fire doors and rolled into the street. Everybody stood in fits of laughter!



Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012 HEALTH, BEAUTY & FASHION

Your Hair & B eauty Advice C olumn


by Jade & staff at The Perfect Gift Salon

Beauty disasters: how to cover up almost anything! We spend so much time examining our flaws and looking so closely at whatever we are trying to cover up, that the problem almost becomes magnified. Don’t worry if something doesn’t look perfect, maybe we can help.

Zits: I would normally say don’t bother fussing with zits, as it does more harm than good. Zits need air to heal and dry out, but one of the most frustrating things that can happen to you is having a huge zit on your cheek, or even worse, on the tip of your nose, just before an important event or party. But fret not, because now there are you a few easy home remedies that can help you fix those zits! 1. You can apply aloe vera gel on the affected area. Aloe vera has amazing healing properties that can help to repair and calm your irritated skin. 2. Crush Aspirins in a small bowl and add a few drops of warm water, aloe vera gel or honey to make it into a thick paste. Apply on the affected area and wash it off after it has dried up. 3. Put a bit of baking soda in a bowl and mix it with water until it forms a thick paste. Then apply it onto the affected area and wash it off when completely dried out.

4. Squeeze some lemon juice and apply it to your entire face. Once it dries up, you can wash it off. You will experience, clearer and brighter skin after that. Most importantly, you must bear in mind not to scratch or squeeze a zit. Excessive touching will only further irritate it, making it more inflamed and infected, resulting in an angrier looking zit. Remember to follow these tips and remedies and you will be able to attend all important functions and events “zit free”!

Dark circles under eyes: I find that people who suffer with dark under eye circles tend to try too hard to cover them up, and half the time the problem is only noticeable because they’ve tried to hide them with a too-light concealers and light reflecting creams. If you suffer with dark circles under the eyes and it is something that concerns you, set yourself aside 1 hour to lay back and relax with either slices of frozen cucumber or cold, green tea bags on your eyes. It will help to draw out the circles or puffiness. If you are going somewhere special, apply a concealer and try layering a quality, full coverage foundation that matches your skin

tone, which comes with a setting powder. And drink plenty of water.

Fake tan disasters: Here´s the scenario! You´ve gone for a spray tan or decided to apply one yourself, the day before you have somewhere special to attend, and as the hours go by you notice that you have gone a bright orange, leaving you looking like an oompa- loompa! Start the tan fading process to get rid of orange, blotchy fake tans by filling your bath with water that is as hot as you can comfortably manage, with baby oil. Soak your skin in the tub for 15 to 30 minutes. The hot water helps soften the skin tissue and prepares the stains for the next step of tan removal. Use an exfoliating body scrub mixed with whitening toothpaste to fade the orange results. Exfoliating the skin removes the upper layer of dead skin to reveal newer skin underneath. The spray-on tanning product only stains the top layer of skin. Removing this layer can help to easily fade an orange or blotchy tan, then dry with a clean towel. Hair disasters: There are days when you wake up with the hair of a Goddess; it’s shiny, it’s silky, everything is perfect. Then there are ‘those’ days, when the hair monster has paid a visit to us in the middle of the night. So what should you do when these bad hair days occur?

Dry Hair: Dry hair lacks the oil and moisture needed to give it a sheen and softness. To treat this you should follow every shampoo with a deep cream conditioner. Combat dryness with a weekly deep conditioning hair mask or hot-oil treatment. Let your hair dry naturally whenever possible, and always apply a serum to shield the hair. Quick Fix: Hide dry frayed ends by pulling hair up into a bun. Oily hair: sticks together, lies flat, separates and is difficult to style. The best way to deal with oily hair is to shampoo every day with a mild clarifying shampoo. If you use a conditioner, only apply to the ends rather than the roots. Too much brushing of hair stimulates the oil glands that are already over-active. Quick Fix: Use hair powder or dry shampoo for a dry cleanse and a quick finish!

Frizzy Hair: Usually affects those with naturally curly and/or coarse hair. When the hair becomes dry and damaged, the curls frizz out and eventually become split ends. To beat the frizz, try not to wash your hair more than twice a week. It is best to keep your hair well conditioned with a rich moisturising product. Lastly, when blowdrying, use a diffuser. Quick Fix: Curl ends with an iron and be sure to use a siliconebased product on the tips. If all else fails cover you bad hair day up with a funky hat, stick on some sunglasses and, with plenty of attitude, walk out the door.

If you would like to enter our competition, just fill in the voucher, stating your name, telephone number, age and the reason you think you, or someone you wish to nominate for the competition, should win. Attach a recent photo and pop it into the salon by the 30th September. We are in the island village resort, Torviscas Alto, Nr. Roy’s Pizza & the Toby Jug pub. Tel: 662 601 429 For beauty advice email us at: the.perfect.gift.@hotmail.com


Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012 SPORT

Another successful day in the “Wild Bull Coast FM singles darts KO”on Sunday at Camping Nauta, with Coast FM broadcasting from 6 on till almost 10pm. We had the Golden Voice of Phil West, assisted by Chipeque’s Paul, giving the upto-date results live on the radio, with Gert and Raf busy organising the competition sponsored by STARMAKER and TENERIFE WEEKLY. In total 59 players registered: made up Rank Team 1




from 14 ladies, 17 players in the 2nd division competition and 28 players from the 1st division. Some great darts were thrown on the day from Simon Nauta (100 finish), Luc Rood (106 finish) and 3 players hitting the maximum 180: Del boy - Our Place, Ray – Target and Bubbles - Target. The darts won praise for the standard thrown, with players and spectators alike enthralled by the talent on display. To ensure more players left the day with something, a random draw was made for prizes, donated by sponsors. Our thanks go to the following: Ruth (Beesnees) wins a 20 Euro voucher from bar COSY CORNER, Costa del Silencio;




















Jackster (Beesnees) wins a 20 Euros dinner voucher from bar restaurant MANHATTANS, Los Cristianos; Ray R. (Nauta) wins a 20 Euros voucher from bar TARGET, Los Cristianos; Rob (Chipeque) Nomads wins a 20 Euros voucher from Fish & Chips Shop PICNIC, Los Cristianos; George (Target) wins a voucher for 2 hours free snooker in bar LEGENDS, Los Cristianos; Del Boy (Our Place) wins a full English Breakfast for 4 people in pool bar CHIPEQUE, Los Cristianos; Yet again the people stayed until the very end to watch the finals and to enjoy the atmosphere created by everybody in Bar Nauta ... A great day.. See ya all soon.

Rank Team










Chipeque Nomads











Cosy Wanderers











La Central











Our Place B






















Target A











Our Place A

































El Candel de Abuela











Target B











Happy Gavines

































Los Halcones











Beesnees Hunnies











Belgian Beer Bar











Cosy Cabrons






















Nifty Nauta










Pool Superleague Kicks Off in Style Vivo Treasure Island, in Las Américas, hosted the launch party of the new Tenerife Weekly Pool Superleague on Tuesday. The venue was swamped with countless people, all of who

WILD BULL COAST FM Singles KO 501 Roll of Honour Ladies Winner’s side: Betty bar Rood beat Kerry Beesnees Losers’ side: Julie Camping Nauta beat Jackster Beesnees 2nd DIV Losers’ side: Ricky La Central beat Frank Beesnees Winner’s side: Johnny La Central beat Simon Beesnees 1st DIV Losers’ side: Andy Our Place beat Ray Target Winner’s side: Mitch Meigas beat Shammy Cosy

Tenerife Weekly

P o o l Superleague

done behind the scenes to get the league up and running. It was then onto the singles competition: 32 players battling it out to win hard cash. The games were hard fought, and it was deemed necessary to go to sudden death, rather than best-out-of-three frames. Before anyone knew it, it was quickly approaching midnight. Time flies when you’re having fun! Many teams were represented, all enjoying the hospitality of Vivos, and just having a party. The ethos of this league is to have fun, and that’s just what everyone did. We’re now looking forward to starting the league proper, with games starting on Tuesday 31st July. Good luck to all the teams involved!

Singles Final: Steve Beats Glynne Our first league competition winner, Steve, goes into the record books as the winner of the singles competition, after beating Bungalow Glen (left in picture).

seemed to own a cue – and wanted to put them to good use! The evening started with Simon, the chairman of the committee, taking to the microphone to thank all the hard work



Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012 SPORT

With the opening ceremony on the day our paper goes to print, one of the greatest sporting events to occur in the UK since the 66 World Cup, we find a man and his company that could not organise a booze up in brewer, G4S boss Nick Buckles. He has admitted that his firm’s handling of Olympic security was a “humiliating shambles”, as it was revealed that only 4,200 staff were in place out of a promised 10,000 ahead of the Games.

The chief executive of the embattled company apologised while being grilled by MPs, after G4S, which is running the £284million contract for Games security, failed to meet its targets. Mr Buckles is under pressure to quit his £830,000-a-year job over the scandal, that’s just his salary, not to mention the perks that take wage packet to near 3 million. This has resulted

in the emergency deployment of soldiers and police officers, and seen £400million wiped off the market value of G4S. He admitted only 4,200 security guards of the required 10,000 are currently working at Olympic venues. He said that by the time the Olympics started he expected to be able to provide “a minimum of 7,000”. When asked by Labour MP David Winnick if it was a “humiliating shambles for the company”, Mr Buckles said: “I could not disagree with you.” And asked if he agreed the reputation of G4S was in tatters, Mr Buckles said: “At the moment, I would have to agree with you.” He insisted the firm has had a good reputation “over the years”, but added: “At the moment, it’s not a good position to be in.” But he insisted the £50million loss the firm now faces was not insignificant, saying it was a “huge amount”, representing ten per cent of its annual £500million profit. This profit should pay for all the extra police and military. I have no idea how G4S got this contract, over the years they have made a catalogue of errors and in answer to that comment above, hmmmm no Mr Buckles your company certainly does not have a good reputation! The security for this event should be of paramount importance there is no room for errors, because if I was Taliban this would be the perfect moment for me to make my imprint in history! Apparently there have already been problems with uniforms and ID badges going missing, so how will you know who is security and who isn’t if you can’t even “police” the uniforms?!! I see this being a shambles of epic proportions and something going badly wrong!! Sir, you are a moron and should be sacked. And get your hair Cut. Now the government will keep an additional 1,200 troops that will be Open 7 days a week Serving breakfast, lunch, tapas, menu of the day, dinner and Sunday roast. Watch all the major sporting events on our terrace or in our air conditioned bar. Find us on the sea front road in Callao Salvaje, Edificio el Ancala, Calle La Lava Call 922 741 524 for reservations

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deployed at the Olympics, amid continued concern of the security staffing of beleaguered firm G4S. Ministers took the decision to call up the 1,200 troops who were on standby last week, as the crisis surrounding G4S deepened just three days before the London 2012 opening ceremony. The military is already plugging the gap left by G4S with 3,500 troops after the security firm admitted two weeks ago it could not provide its 10,400 contracted guards. The chairman of G4S has admitted the world’s largest security group could lose out on public sector contracts following the shambles over hiring Olympic guards, and so they should.

Last Sunday we were watching the fire strike our island, this Sunday saw a different spark; as The Open Golf Championship came to a dramatic end. Adam Scott’s late collapse handed a second Open Championship to Ernie Els. The Australian, who led by four strokes at the start of the final day, bogeyed the final four holes and eventually lost out by one shot to Els. Having dropped a shot on the 15th, a three-foot par putt


agonisingly lipped out at the 16th before Scott hooked his approach into thick rough at the 17th and failed to hole out from 25 feet. On the 18th, Scott found a deep bunker off the tee and could only move his ball a few yards forward. He struck a fine approach to eight feet, but his putt, which would have secured a play-off, missed the hole to the left, and he sank to his knees. Scott has won eight times, on both the US and European tours, and was bidding to become the first Australian to lift the Claret Jug since Greg Norman in 1993. When I sat down in the seat at 2pm to do my Sunday Radio Show I did say that I thought Els could be the wild card in the pack, and as I rushed back to Callao to watch the closing holes I didn’t think it would end like that.

You can say what you like about the merits, or otherwise, of including football in the Olympics, but there was plenty on display at the Riverside Stadium in Middlesbrough on Friday to indicate that the tournament will add value and entertainment to the Games. The bad news from a Team GB perspective was that most of it was provided by a Brazil side that looked so in control they brought to mind a conjurer who had decided to save most of his party tricks for a more demanding occasion. For the Brazilians, the fact they have never won Olympic gold is an itch that needs scratching and they intend to do just that. They are also here to continue their preparations towards the World Cup, which they are hosting in 2014. Team GB might well be on a voyage of discovery, like a child with a new and shiny toy, but for Brazil this is strictly business.

Bring on the Games.


Tenerife Weekly - 27th July - 2nd August 2012




Hyundai i30 Hatchback Review

On The Road

Performance: 3 out of 5 The Hyundai i30’s line-up starts with a 99bhp 1.4-litre petrol engine, and while it’s not especially fast, it’s reasonably flexible. The emphasis, though, is on diesel. The 1.6 in both its guises – with 109bhp or 126bhp – is very punchy indeed. The standard gearbox is a six-speed manual, but an automatic is offered with either a 118bhp 1.6-litre petrol or the 109bhp diesel. Ride & Handling: 4 out of 5 The i30’s suspension is extremely supple, and copes brilliantly with uneven surfaces at all speeds. The car feels pretty composed in bends, too; there’s more body lean than you feel in many rivals, but it never feels

too wallowy and there’s plenty of grip. The steering is frustrating, though, because it feels disconcertingly vague around the straight-ahead. The FlexSteer system on most versions lets you select different weights of steering, but fails to make much difference. Refinement: 3 out of 5 The 1.4-litre petrol engine is smooth and reasonably restrained even when revved hard. The 1.6 diesel clatters at start-up, and has a slightly gruff edge if you get beyond 4000rpm, but once it’s warmed up and/ or cruising, it becomes a more subdued companion. Unfortunately, road noise ruins the calm; the tyres rumble irritatingly even at low speeds.


Buying & Owning: 4 out of 5 Pick one of the diesels, and you’ll enjoy bargain basement running costs. Even the more powerful 1.6 with 126bhp has emissions that are low enough to excuse you from paying road tax, and the correspondingly low fuel consumption keeps costs down, too. The petrols aren’t quite so impressive, but all versions of the i30 are aggressively priced and give you lots of kit for your cash. Quality & Reliability: 4 out of 5 The i30’s dashboard has a striking design, and while the entry Classic trim level looks a little basic, the other three specs – Active, Style and Style Nav – get nicer materials that are the equal to any Ford Focus. Hyundai did well in What Car?’s most recent reliability survey, too, finishing well clear of VW, Ford and Vauxhall. Safety & Security: 4 out of 5 There’s no shortage of safety kit with the i30. Standard equipment includes anti-lock brakes, six airbags, and stability control. You can also add a driver’s knee airbag as an option. It’s no great surprise, then that the i30 has received the full five stars in Euro NCAP crash tests.

In the Cabin

Behind The Wheel: 4 out of 5 Every button on the dashboard is big enough to hit at a glance, and all the controls are clearly marked, too. Most of them are also positioned high up for added ease of use, and this has also freed up a storage space area ahead of the gearlever, so there’s a decent amount of oddment space. The seats are well positioned, comfortable and supportive. Space & Practicality: 4 out of 5 Front passengers get lots of head and shoulder room, and those in the rear are unlikely to complain about the amount of head- and knee-room. The boot has a reasonably low lip and offers 378 litres of capacity; that’s more than either the VW Golf or Ford Focus. With the rear seats folded flat (and the seat cushions themselves folded forwards), that volume increases to an equally impressive 1,316 litres. Equipment: 4 out of 5 You might not expect basic Classic-spec i30s to bring many toys, but you’ll get a decent list of them, including Bluetooth, LED daytime running lights, air-con, multifunction steering wheel, electricallyadjustable and heated door mirrors, and one-touch indicators. Active trim adds rear parking sensors and FlexSteer, while Style gets dual-zone climate control, front parking sensors, rainsensing wipers, automatic headlights and electrically folding door mirrors.



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