Ahhhhh, cute pup!
THIS gorgeous new orca pup has been born at Loro Parque in Tenerife, Spain. This unique event confirms the success of the breeding programme and the total well-being of the animals. Our veterinarians are cautiously watching the progress of the calf.
The female pup is the second baby orca to be born at the park since 2010. She weighted 335 lb when she was born but will grow to a whopping 6.613 kg by the time she is and adult. She has been named Victoria and this birth after 2 hours of labour is a major milestone for
the breeding programme, of which Loro Parque is extremely proud because reproduction is the most important factor confirming the well-being of the animals at the site, which was specially created for these marine mammals. Continued on Page 3
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012 ADVERTISMENT
Hello, readers. Firstly, an apology: our office was inundated with people asking where last week’s edition was – they simply couldn’t find a copy. The answer to that was that we decided not to print last week; as it came to our attention that the paper wasn’t being distributed efficiently enough to reach our full readership, so we did a little in-house shuffling. We were delivering 8,000 copies of our newspaper to over 430 locations, but not all of them were working out; leaving some of our papers unread. We believe we’ve come up with a solution to the problem – we have set up local distribution points around the south of the island. These distribution points have been selected at great care. None of the new pick up points will make you feel obliged to buy anything when you enter their premises (news agents, shops, bars, etc) – you can simply collect your paper and leave. Vivo Treasure Island, in Las Américas will be one of the collection points in the main resort area. You’re welcome to pick up your copy from there, and take advantage of our free parking and a free cuppa (between 09:00-11:00 on Fridays) while you flick through the pages. Not wanting to miss an opportunity, whilst out of print we re-designed TW as a family-friendly fun paper. We’re still chockfull of local, national and international news, but now we’re making it more interesting. We’ve gone out of our way to bring you a more informative read; plenty of what’s going on in Tenerife. You’ll see lots of local content filling our pages, with interesting insights into the people that make up our community on the island. So, onto the news: The Supreme Court has seen fit to give the go ahead for oil tasting in the waters off the coasts of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura. This is a major blow for many of the residents of the two islands, who have been campaigning hard to stop the works. Repsol will be surveying beneath the seabed in search of hydrocarbons, a chemical marker that signifies the presence of oil deposits. The national government say that, if the tastings are successful, the implications for the local and national economies is huge; creating jobs, commerce and generating a vast amount of crude oil, which can then be sold on the world markets. Spain is in a debt crisis, the like of which haven’t been seen since the days of General Franco, but the popular consensus in the islands is that Madrid is ready to put the archipelago in harm’s way for the sake of profit. Obviously, the worst case scenario is that we experience something like the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, which poisoned the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. More than 400 species of land and sea creatures were put at risk in that incident. Also, if crude oil was to ingress onto our beaches, we’d see the vast majority of our GDP
evaporate overnight. Of course, this is all conjecture, but it’s a real concern to both Canarian politicians and locals alike. Works on the tastings are not due to start until 2014; following an environmental impact study, though this is just a formality. One thing I do wonder about, though: if, as the government says, this will be a boon for our economy; what percentage of the profits will go to the islands that are taking all the risks? Geographically, we are about 1,000 from the mainland, though unfortunately, we seem to be the other side of the world, politically. The national government have unveiled a relief package for those whose homes were destroyed or damaged in the recent fires in the Canary Islands. The upper ceiling will be 30,000 euros for properties that were totally destroyed, with no more than 50% of the government’s valuation being paid out to the owners. Many of the homes on the islands have been passed down through generations; with children, parents and grandparents often sharing a home. The problem with this situation is that most homeowners don’t have building’s insurance, leaving them unprotected. This could be the straw that broke the camel’s back for most people. I sincerely hope that this government grant goes some way towards helping these unfortunate souls. After jumping through political hoops and coming up with a plan that doesn’t sacrifice the landscape, it would seem that the tram link between Santa Cruz and Puerto de la Cruz could become a reality. With the north-south train link and the extension of the south motorway, it could mean that you can circumnavigate the island with ease. The problem here, though, is when things seem to be going smoothly; suddenly a spanner is thrown into the works. A good case in point is the south motorway extension project. This was a plan that was first muted almost 30 years ago, yet has still to be completed. The government “forgot” to budget for the works for the 2012 fiscal year. Bureaucratic fumblings aside, let’s see how far the tram scheme gets before someone realises that there’s a problem… Finally, Tesco and Asda have been caught with egg (well, water) on their faces. They’ve been passing off tap water as spring water, and charging 17p a bottle for it! Both companies have tried to justify their “Del Boy” tactics by stressing they perform further filtration on the liquid. Coca-Cola tried the same ploy back in 2004, with their “Dasani” water, which turned out to be filtered tap water from Sidcup in Kent. Coke’s product launch was labelled “a disaster”, a “fiasco” and a “PR catastrophe”. We’ll watch (with a wry smile) to see how the Supermarkets riddle out of this one! Colin Taylor
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
Queues Form For Certificate Of Residence LOCAL NEWS
LOCAL councils have been inundated with residents wishing to obtain a certificate of residence for travel. From September the certificate will be valid for six months. It will need to be shown at the airport departure gate, to show that the passenger is traveling with the correct “resident status” in the Canary Islands. The ruling Partido Popular (PP) says that with this formula the certificate is intended to avoid fraud, but the truth is that it is far more likely to simply impede people’s travel. Neither the criticism in the media or the public outrage has made the government reconsider the scheme.
To obtain a certificate of residence for travel costs between 1.20 and 1.55 euros. Some councils say that, within a short period of time, the process will be free and applications will be able to be submitted by fax or through the council’s website. For some years, the document showing a traveller’s residence was their DNI, but the Ministry of Development says there are indications that there has been a lot of fraud when airlines issue tickets to residents, and indeed, the Anticorruption Prosecutor is investigating several airlines who have allegedly been defrauded.
Continued from Page 1
park, which is now almost 2 years old” explained Dr. Javier Almunia, Deputy Director of the Loro Parque Foundation. This is the second birth of a killer whale in the OrcaOcean facility which was inaugurated in 2006 and where there are 7 orcas living together including Adan (born at Loro Parque), the female Morgan coming from Holland and four others born in 2nd and 3rd generation in captivity at Sea World in the United States, where already a total of 30 orcas have been born in the breeding programme (including this birth) which is the most successful in the world with more than 40 years of experience. This exceptional case will provide scientific information and knowledge about breeding and the care of the baby, which will benefit future offspring of this and other cetacean species.
Kohana, the new mother, is 10 years old and was born in San Antonio in Sea World in the USA. She was attended and assisted constantly by a team of veterinarians, biologists and her trainers. Just moments after the birth, the baby, who measures 1.40 metres, instinctively swam to the surface to take hers first breath. ‘It is a very important day for all of us at Loro Parque as this birth is clear evidence of the well-being that all our animals enjoy’ said Miguel Díaz, Orca trainer manager. “The little calf is strong, swims with energy and we are very happy to have the privilege to see how she grows up” remarked Diaz. “The experience with assistedrearing of this species at Loro Parque is very important, proven by the appropriate growth and development of Adan, the first calf born in the
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012 LOCAL NEWS
Spanair Flight JK5022: Search For Truth Continues RELATIVES of the victims of the Spanair flight JK5022 accident have remembered the loved ones who lost their lives in the incident, in a commemoration organised by the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, in the memorial plaza. The group took the opportunity to state that they have reaffirmed their commitment to the search for truth, and asked for cooperation in their fight. The ceremony were attended by the vice president of the “Association of Affected People of Flight JK5022”, Margarita Henríquez, who stressed the special significance of the ceremony for two reasons, the proximity to the time when the tragedy occurred in 2008 and the placing of a plaque bearing the 154 names of the deceased. During the ceremony 30 bouquets of flowers were laid and musical pieces by Piroska Katalin Doughty, a cellist from the Philharmonic Orchestra of Gran Canaria, were played. Henríquez wanted to reaffirm the
commitment of the association in their search for the truth, saying that those affected by the crash of Spanair are convinced that it was not an accident, but a catastrophe “that could have been avoided if they had complied with the regulations.” The vice president of the association also stated the need for a joint effort by local, regional and state legislatures to prevent tragedies like this ever happening again. The mayor of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Juan José Cardona, thanked the work of the group; for bringing civil aviation safety into the mainstream forum, stating “all islanders live and depend on air transport, and deserve the highest safety standards.” After the reading of the names of all those killed, the ceremony continued with the reading of two poems, ‘This nostalgia’ by Gioconda Belli and ‘Do not give up’ by Mario Benedetti by two representatives of the association.
A ROCK fall on the TF-13, between Bajamar and La Punta, has caused damage to the vehicles travelling in the direction of La Laguna. The incident happened on Monday, 20th just before ten o’clock in the morning. The falling boulders contained shards of twisted wire mesh from the retaining net that was supposed to hold them in place.
Juani Garcia, president of the Association of Residents of Bajamar, said that the retaining mesh was in a dire state; being riddled with holes. He said that when the authorities from the City Hall had visited the area earlier this month, to monitor repaving works to the TF-13, “we talked about making a retaining wall to prevent such an occurrence.” According to local resident, Stephanie
ROCK FALL DAMAGES THREE VEHICLES García, the people in the neighbourhood are angry about the widespread problem of rock falls in both Bajamar and La Punta. “This issue is a priority for most of us who live here and travel to work every day through this area. It’s our only access and we are afraid to drive alone, in case of an emergency,” she explained. García says she is afraid that nothing will be done about the problem until someone is killed. “If the stones fall in front of the car, nothing happens, but if a large rock falls on someone they might be hurt or even killed. There are many pedestrians who walk through the area.” The Tenerife Cabildo’s Highways Commission plans to build a tunnel, similar to the Garachico and Puerto de la Cruz tunnels; to contain the usual landslides on the TF-13. The work is included in
an ambitious project which has already started to run with the repaving of the TF-13. The building of the retaining walls will be the third and final phase of the scheme. The work’s engineer, Jose Luis Delgado, proposes making “a tunnel with open arches that eliminates all risk of falling stones on vehicles, while still allowing passengers to enjoy the view.” He added that the risk of landslides in the area not only affects the slopes that rise above the road, but also the shoreline. “We must also resolve the problems between El Arenal beach and the walkway from the road.” El Arenal beach was closed in December 2009, when large stones fell off the side of the cliffs above. The incident forced the preventive evacuation of properties built on the cliff.
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
THE Canarian government has suffered a third setback in its court battle to stop oil exploration off the east shores of the archipelago. The Supreme Court rejected the appeal lodged by the Island’s legal team against the order from the High Court on 4th June, which supports the decree by the Ministry of Public Works authorising surveys to be conducted by Repsol to search for oil close to Fuerteventura and Lanzarote. The Supreme Court criticised the appeal by the regional government for trying to make it a “direct and full challenge” to the Ministry of Industry’s Royal Decree 547/2012, which validates the work order adopted in 2001, though the order was partially cancelled by the Supreme Court on 2004 at the behest of appeals from Lanzarote. The Supreme Court argues that their decision to cancel part of the works in 2004 was because limited research data was available at the time regarding the environmental impact of the scheme. Given this situation, the Autonomous region sought to nullify the entire government decree, a petition dismissed outright by the Court. The oil company’s Board of Administrators say they have now incorporated the measures that caused the partial annulment of the works, so argue that “it can hardly be admissible” that this new decree the islands have sought to evade should be upheld,” adding, “the design aims for the exploration will fully incorporate the research data for the environmental measures required for the project.” Besides the two judgments against dismissing the Royal Decree, the Supreme Court also ruled against the Canarian government’s request to suspend
Repsol is planning to complete the environmental report by mid-September. Their schedule to start tastings for hydrocarbons is due to begin in 2014, once all consultations have been completed and submitted to the ministry. Once submitted, the Ministry for Industry will evaluate the project, and then the oil company will bring the documents into the public domain; allowing any institutions, associations and communities affected by the drilling to give their response. The three judgments that have so far been made public allow Repsol to keep to their 2014 schedule. While the legal battle continues, the Autonomous councils, the Ministry of Industry and environmental organisation groups are preparing for the content of the environmental impact assessment. Soria will have to submit the ministry’s own assessment of the environmental impact and then also hand the documents to the institutions and organisations that have a hand in the process. All entities may then make submissions to the assessment, after which Repsol must extend the environmental study to accommodate any changes and resubmit it to the state for reappraisal.
surveys, as a precautionary Government are given according to law.” measure, until a ruling on Soria insisted that if it were shown by the the legality of the surveys surveys that there are hydrocarbons in has been reached. the area it “would be good, not only for Faced with this new the Spanish economy, but also for the ruling, the Canarian Islands’ economy; both in generation of Government’s spokesman, jobs and economic activity. The Canaries Martin Marrero, noted that cannot, now or ever, afford to forgo the court has not yet ruled opportunities like this.” on the legality of the surveys, but merely to resolve an appeal on a possible contradiction with The Bonanza Express Fast Ferry will STARTING Friday, 24th August travel 16 times per week between the Fred. Olsen Express will be its 2004 ruling. islands, from 11.50 euros per person connecting Las Palmas in Gran The regional each way. The estimated duration Canaria with Morro Jable (in the executive pointed of the voyage will be 90 minutes to south of Fuerteventura) and out that the Morro Jable and 70 minutes from Puerto del Rosario in the east of main legal action, which settles there to Puerto del Rosario. the island. the legality of the surveys “has not been finalised, since we are still in the Autonomous Community; giving us our own voice, regardless of the central government’s actions.” The Minister of Industry and Energy, José Manuel Soria, said that the order of the Supreme Court “shows once again that the decisions of the Spanish
‘Fast Ferry’ Connects Islands
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
40% of Unemployed People in Canaries Have No Education LOCAL NEWS
THE General Union of Workers (UGT) in the Canary Islands has released a report by the Labour Force Survey (LFS), stating that 40% of unemployed people in the archipelago have either no education or only a primary school education. Through a press release, UGT-Canarias suggested that just over 16% of the unemployed on the islands have college degrees, although this percentile does not include those who have completed their university studies and subsequently migrated away from the islands to find work. As for the age of unemployed people, the union pointed out that almost 63% are under 25 years-of-age, while 32% are aged between 25 and 54 years. The UGT also suggests that as people grow older they lose the initiative to
access training. Thus, almost 40% of people under 25 years access some training, whether formal or otherwise, while only 8.1% of those between 40 and 54 years follow the same path, even less for those over 55 years, at just 2%. Therefore, the union has put its efforts in to giving workers in the archipelago “free training, offering a wide and varied subject base”, financed by the Canarian Employment Service and the European Social Fund. The organisation stressed that when a worker acquires or develops specific skills for their occupation, “it improves the professionalism in their fields, and also spurs the worker on to acquire or develop other skills; adding value to their CV”. The union believes that at a time like the present, when jobs are scarce, we must “improve in order to compete.”
AN earthquake of magnitude 3.8 on the Richter scale occurred early Saturday morning (18th) near the town of El Sauzal, in the north of Tenerife. The tremor was felt in several cities, including Santa Cruz, reported the National Geographic Institute. The quake was followed, a few minutes later, by aftershocks measuring 2.8 and 2.6. The movement occurred at a depth of 27 km under the seabed at 02.50. The shocks were also felt in Candelaria, La Matanza de Acentejo, La Orotava, Punta del Hidalgo and La Laguna. The magnitude 3.8 seismic event places the quake in the “intermediate” region of the earthquake scale, which is not serious
enough to raise an alarm. Earthquakes of this intensity are relatively common, according to the Institute’s website, with, for example, dozens of such earthquakes in recent month; many of them focused on the island of El Hierro. Following the tremors, the 112 emergency services received some 1,250 calls overnight. The Canary Islands’ Geographic Institute confirmed that the three earthquakes were volcanic and tectonic in origin. Its director, María José Blanco, said that such earthquakes are common in the historical record of this northern part of Tenerife and that residents should not worry. The three earthquakes occurred in just five minutes.
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
Port Authority Looking To Salvage Sunken Ships THE Tenerife Port Authority plans to spend 222,500 euros to carry out cleaning duties in the waters off Santa Cruz, and hopes to recover valuables from sunken boats that, over the centuries, have been left at the bottom of the port. According to scholars the sunken archaeological treasures should provide useful data on the type of boats passing by the Canary Islands in antiquity. A study by the Port Authority confirms that under the waters of the port of the capital there remains at least 44 ships that sank between 1552 and 1797. Specifically, in the area where the Fred Olsen ferry docks today, scholars believe there hides a fleet of boats that may be between 500 and 600 years old. Pirate attacks and defences by Chicharreros (original natives of the Santa Cruz area) were the main reasons why
these remains rest in the coastal city. naval attack in 1797. Even suspected wrecks of boats used in The archaeological wealth of the seabed in the Second World War are amongst the the capital is such that the State requires fleet. a study of environmental impact on these Until now scholars have criticised the sites every time to a project on the coast inactivity of the Port Authority to bring is considered. In many cases objections these artefacts ashore. However, the Port have been raised since some of the works Authority say they now have the intention involved the disappearance of the remains of continuing the salvage works for the of these vessels. next 12 months, renewable for a total of 48. During low tides remains of a Chicharrero shipwreck and that of Antoine Fonteneau Alfonse de Saintonge (which sank during a pirate attack in 1552) can be seen. Of 11 ships that foundered in the storm of 1591; seven boats burned and sank in the port and four ships grounded on the beach in 1657. One of the most interesting ships is a cutter vessel, which was part of Admiral Nelson’s flotilla during his Admiral Nelson’s naval attack of 1797
THE local police in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria must pay any legal defence costs, arising from their actions in service, out their own pockets. That, at least, is the conclusion they have drawn from UGT union representatives, after the applications have been rejected by several policemen to have a Municipal Legal Service lawyer to attend trials arising from acts of service. A statement from the organisation states that “in a recent meeting with municipal legal services, they said that the policemen must pay their own fees, and payment to the City coffers will only happen if the case is won.” The legal protection of agents is one of the conditions that the union believe to be “elementary for the normal development of policing, because otherwise we are under the law of the jungle.” They pointed out that the Civil Service Basic
Statute agreement, which the police work to, includes among the police’s rights “legal defence and protection of the public administration in the procedures to be conducted before any court as a result of the legitimate exercise of their duties.” Union representatives say this state of affairs generates a state of “helplessness that will have serious consequences for the performance of the duties of the police, because nobody will want to address conflict situations for fear the cost that may entail.”
Local Police Have No Legal Defence
THIEVES STEAL THURSDAYS FAR from the popular belief that Saturday is the day when most burglaries are committed (because of the tendency to use the weekend for leisure activities outside the home), in the Canary Islands most break-ins take place on Thursdays. According to insurance company, AXA, 18.2 percent of thefts from dwellings occurred on a Thursday, followed by Monday (17.3 percent) and on Wednesdays and Fridays (17 percent each). Saturdays and Sundays are the days when fewer robberies of this type were committed last year, with 9.1 percent and 8.8 percent respectively. But Thursday is not only the preferred day for Canarian burglars, but also for criminals from other regions, such as Andalusia and Valencia, both with 16.2 percent; Galicia (15.7 percent), Navarra (16.5 percent) and La Rioja (23.1 percent). Regarding the national average, Friday is the day that most thefts occurred last year, with 15.6 percent. In 2010, Canarian thieves preferred Monday (17.7 percent) to commit their crimes.
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012 LOCAL NEWS
THE Canary Islands government has granted a relief package designed to help with the most basic needs of families affected by the fires that have swept the islands, with a maximum of 4,000 euros per household, depending on the level of devastation the fire had and the economic situation of the household. The Decree of aid to the islands of La Palma, La Gomera and Tenerife, for damages caused during the fires in July and August, was published Monday (20th) in the Official Gazette of the Canary Islands (BOCA). The document states that financial compensation for houses affected by fires shall deal only with properties that are intended for permanent residence. According to the Decree, the owners of the houses that were completely destroyed will receive a maximum of 50% of the value of the property, according to the government’s own loss adjusters, although the maximum pay-out will not exceed 30,000 euros. Similarly, those whose houses are to be repaired, if the structure has been damaged, will undergo the same damage survey and receive no more than 15,000 euros. Those with damage that does not stop the property being used will receive up to 7,500 euros. Homeowners who rent their property will be granted an aid of 350 euros per month, for 12 months,
Up To €4,000 For Homes Affected By Fires renewable. Communities of owners who are in a position to reuse or repair the common areas of the residence will receive up to 4,300 euros to cover the works. The homeowners receiving assistance from the Institute may not have incomes exceeding 4.5 times the Public Multiple
Effect Income indicator, i.e. 33,549 euros. To be eligible for the aid package those affected will have to submit their applicstion before the expiry date of Monday, 24th September. The processing of applications, as reported in the Decree, will be held no later than six months from the date of filing. The payments will be
implemented in two stages: an initial grant of 20% of the total amount and a second grant of the remaining 80%. The application forms can be found in the virtual document 4246 DECREE 75/2012 on www.gobcan.es/boc. The documents should be submitted to the council in which the property is registered.
Tenerife’s Northern Tramway is Heading Underground
ALMOST 50% of the 36 kilometres of tram track planned to unite North Santa Cruz with Puerto de la Cruz will run through tunnels, rather than spoil local beauty spots. It is hoped that the travel time between the two cities will take less than thirty minutes. Depending on the exact route chosen by the council, 17 kilometres of the route will go underground, with an added 1.2 Km “cut and cover” tunnel. The planning department is hoping to allay people’s fears and stop protests from residents living in the areas where the tram will run. The tram is set to depart from Santa María del Mar in Santa Cruz and will run underground to the North Airport, which, according to the council, will save entire neighbourhoods, like Cruz Chica. Aguere will have two stations, one in the city and one at Los Rodeos. From this point they have designed a series of tunnels that will prevent the demolition of other area, such as La Luz, various houses in Santa Úrsula and an urban development in La Orotava. The tram will have an operating speed of between 120-220 Km/h, according to the terrain; which will connect Santa Cruz and Puerto de la Cruz in about 27 minutes, not counting stops in the exchanges en route: Los Realejos, Puerto de La Cruz, La Orotava, La Victoria -Santa Úrsula, La
Matanza, Sauzal-Tacoronte, North Airport and La Laguna, while the Santa María del Mar exchange will also be a terminus for the southern railway line. In total there will be five trams with a capacity of 450 seats each. Of the five trams four will be constantly operational, departing with a 15 minute interval. The draft proposals for the plan, which are currently in the public information centre in the Cabildo, indicate that the tram line will represent “a radical transformation of the communications on the island, which will offer services competitive with other means of transport on the eastern seaboard in order to achieve a substantial improvement in its unity and territorial structure.” A study estimates that the new transport system will be used by around 52 million passengers a year, of which about 1.5 million will be travelling to the north airport; where it is expected to capture up to 20% of the 4 million passengers flying out of the facility. They also expect to attract about 142,000 tourists daily, mainly from excursions around the island or people not wanting to rent a car or take a bus. From the point of view of tourism it is estimated that up to six million passengers a year may travel through the Los Rodeos area. According to a study, the tram will lower bus usage by 3% and those using private vehicles by 8%. The Ministry of Development is investing 1,147 million euros in the project, which is set to get underway at the start of 2016; lasting for four years. It is estimated that the new infrastructure will not be profitable for at least two decades from inception.
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012 ADVERTISMENT
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
Ayuda Arsonists payment Are Out U-turn To Destroy LOCAL NEWS
MARIO Rajoy has listened to the protests of the ending of the 400 euro a month payment to those whose unemployment money has expired (called “ayuda”) and decided to extend the payment past his previously announced six months. The change was passed in Friday’s (17th) council meeting. Mariano Rajoy has now said the 400 euros ‘sustains many people’.
PSOE leader, Rubalcaba, claimed it was the pressure of the Socialists which led to Rajoy’s U-turn. More than 200,000 people receive the payment. Some people supported Rajoy. Severino García Vigón, the President of the Asturias Business Federation of Entrepreneurs, said that those whose unemployment benefit had run out should go and clean the forests to prevent more forest fires.
A TOP park official in La Gomera has said that the Cabildo believe that the raging fire that has been burning uncontrollably since 4th August was the work of arsonists attempting to destroy one of the greatest natural wonders in the European Union, the Garajonay National Park. For the past year, officials have recorded 30 attempts to set fire to the park. The blaze has so far destroyed 800 hectares of the Garajonay. “We cannot forget that this was the work of environmental terrorists, and these criminals have been trying to do this since the month of May,” said Ángel Fernández, the park’s director. “Since then we have been able to stamp out various blazes, but this time they accomplished what they set out to do.”
The fire, which has forced the evacuation of hundreds of residents in different areas of La Gomera, has destroyed some 4,200 hectares of the island — 800 inside the park’s jurisdiction. “It is just an estimate but this is a barbarity, seeing that Garajonay is one of the smallest natural parks. That figure represents 20 percent of the park’s 4,000 hectares,” he said. Meanwhile, Canary Islands regional premier Paulino Rivero accused Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy of ignoring the emergency in La Gomera. “This is the first time I have encountered a Spanish government that has no interest in asking me what is happening,” he said after attending an emergency regional cabinet meeting.
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012 NATIONAL NEWS
19th - Century Spanish Fresco Is Destroyed
AN elderly woman has destroyed a 19thcentury Spanish fresco in a botched restoration conducted without permission. The damage was discovered after Martinez’s granddaughter made a donation to the Centro de Estudios Borjanos which holds an archive of local religious artworks, a couple of weeks ago. Staff then went to check on the work at the Santuario de Misericodia church in Borja, near Zaragoza in north eastern Spain, only to find it dramatically altered. The three photographs show the changing face of the artwork over the last two years. In the first photograph, taken in 2010, slight speckling is apparent. In the second photograph, taken just last month, large patches of white dominate the picture. One theory is that the elderly woman had already begun her work on the painting at this point,
and the white marks are the result of her scraping away the paint. The third photograph shows the image transformed beyond recognition, with a childlike reworking of Jesus’ face, broad
brush strokes removing any subtlety from the clothing and thick layers of red and brown paint covering several key details, including the crown of thorns. Despite the terrible results, the
restoration, which was completed without permission, is not thought to have been malicious; rather the work of an enthusiastic, if somewhat misguided, amateur who lived near to the church and
simply wanted to repair the ageing artwork. Culture councillor Juan Maria de Ojeda was quoted in the Spanish newspaper El Pais, taking a somewhat sympathetic tone, saying the elderly perpetrator had undertaken the project “with good intentions” and had reported and admitted causing the damage when she realised it had “gotten out of hand”. Despite being a work of little artistic importance, and not part of any painting or altarpiece, it did have some local sentimental value. “The family used to come here to spend the holidays. One summer the artist made the portrait and bequeathed it to the people,” Ojeda said. The damage is currently being assessed in an attempt to work out exactly what materials the amateur restorer used. The long-term hope is that a professional may be able to remove the layers of paint and restore the work to some semblance of its former state.
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012 NATIONAL NEWS
Spain’s Rescue Arrests For ‘Seems Inevitable’ 19m Euros In
THE mayor of Madrid, Ana Botella, a prominent member of Spain’s ruling party, said last week that it “seems inevitable” the central government would apply for some kind of international aid package as the country goes through a deep recession and borrowing costs soar. Mrs Botella, wife of former Prime Minister José María Aznar, is the first high-level Spanish official to say publicly that the country would need a financial rescue. “There’s no doubt about it. It’s very probable that we’re going to have to ask for help from the European Union,” Botella told Spanish news agency Europa Press in an interview. “It seems inevitable,” the agency quoted her as saying. Spain’s recession-hit economy, shattered banking system and skyhigh unemployment are at the centre of concerns
Fa ke N o t e s
MORE than 400 people have been arrested for the falsification of 19 million euros in notes in three years. The 100 Euro notes were found by the National Police in one of their recent operations.
over the future of the euro zone as investors worry a bailout of the bloc’s fourth largest economy would stretch its rescue funds to breaking point. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has said he would not take a decision on whether to apply for a new aid package, on top of a 100bn Euro loan for the country’s banks, until he knew what conditions would be attached. Possible options would be for Spain to apply for a precautionary credit line or to petition the European rescue fund to buy Spanish sovereign bonds to force down yields. The yield on Spain’s benchmark 10-year government bond
dropped on Friday to 6.49 percent, its lowest level since early July, as banks took the bonds for use as collateral to raise funds. Rajoy has slashed public spending and hiked taxes in an effort to deflate one of the euro zone’s largest public deficits and convince nervous markets, which have pushed borrowing costs to 14-year highs, that he can control the country’s finances. Botella was made mayor after the conservatives came to power in December. She said she blamed the previous Socialist government for leaving the country with a massive public account shortfall and leaving Rajoy no choice but to seek international aid.
Ryanair Could Lose Licence to Fly in Spain
THE Irish low-cost airline has been repeatedly mentioned in the Spanish media since 26th July, when three of its planes were diverted from Madrid to Valencia because of storms over the capital.
Because of an alleged lack of fuel it was reported that the three pilots issued ‘Mayday’ calls, but all managed to land safely on Runway 12 at Manises Airport in Valencia. The company said that it had activated the alert when there was enough fuel left for 30 minutes. The three planes had to wait in a queue before landing. Ryanair claims that the three planes were flying in the stack over Valencia for 50, 68 and 69 minutes,
The arrests come thanks to the coordination of the national forces with the regional police and international cooperation. The National Police have a specialised unit against fake money, which has broken up 35 organisations in three years. This latest operation ended with the arrest of ten people in the city of Plodiv in Bulgaria where, in conjunction with Europol and Eurojust, 660 fake 100 Euro notes were found. In Spain operations have taken place in Murcia, and Gijón. Over the past 3 years the security services have arrested 415 people, broken up 35 gangs and dismantled 24 distribution centres in several operations. respectively. Now, the State Agency for Security, which depends on the Ministry for Development, announced on Tuesday (14th), that they have started an investigation as to why Ryanair had to make three emergency landings in one day. The investigation was opened on 9th August after they received a denuncia from AENA, the Spanish Airport Authority. Ryanair says that it operates with fuel levels demanded by the European Authorities and that its fuel levels had never fallen below the permitted level. Ryanair spokesman, Stephen McNamara, is quoted in El País as saying
It’s thought the face value of the notes collected amounts to as much as 19 million Euros. In the face of these high numbers the Director General has advised the public to look at their notes, ‘Touch, study and turn it over’. The police say a real Euro note has a certain firm tact and characteristic which is missing on the fake notes. When Euro notes are put up to the light you should see two security items: the watermark and the security thread. But if you put it up to the light and look at the white part of the note you can also see a design which includes the number of Euros the note is worth. The Bank of Spain has a special unit, BIBE, looking for counterfeit notes.
all the Ryanair flights operate with fuel levels demanded by Boeing and the European Air Safety Agency. ‘This includes that necessary for taxiing, when in the air and diversions in the case of unforeseen circumstances’. The Official College of Commercial Aviation Pilots, (COPAC), say the fuel calculation is complicated, and before take-off the commander should calculate how much kerosene he will need. If there is a delay before take-off more fuel may be needed. The question is whether the company is looking for savings, and some suggest they do this by carrying
less fuel, which means less weight and lower consumption. COPAC says that is putting economic considerations before safety. Consumers’ organisation, CEACCU, said ‘The Spanish Confederation of Organisations of Housewives, Consumers and Users’, has called on the Director General of Civil Aviation to investigate Ryanair and the emergency landings for lack of fuel by the three planes on the same day. El País reports that they say if irregularities are found, the airline would face a suspension of the licence to fly in Spain for as long as three years, and a fine of 4.5 million euros.
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
UK Supermarkets’ “Peckham Spring”
Retailers pass tap water off as mineral spring water – Del Boy would be proud
ONE day, Rodney, we’ll be millionaires. That was the get-ric h-q uic k mantra of Peckham’s Del Boy in Only Fools and Horses. It now seems t h a t two
major UK supermarkets have seen the wisdom of Del’s words and followed him into bottling tap water, to label and sell as mineral spring water. Tesco and Asda have denied claims that their economyprice own-brand bottled water is in fact from the tap. The Daily Mail reported that bottles of Tesco Everyday Value Still Water and Asda Smartprice Still Water were sitting on shelves alongside big brands of mineral water, such as Evian and Perrier, and the newspaper further claimed that they were simply a filtered version of what is supplied to almost all domestic homes in the UK and that there was no labelling on the bottles to say so. It was likened to the fictional situation in the sitcom Only Fools and Horses, where protagonists Del Boy and Rodney Trotter start selling “Peckham Spring”, which is in fact
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water from the taps of their council flat in London. Both supermarkets denied misleading their customers in any way, saying the bottles gave customers a clear idea of what they were buying. A spokeswoman for Asda, which sources its bottled water supplied from Yorkshire Water, said it was wrong to call its product tap water. “Our Smart Price water is treated to remove chlorine, further filtered, then bottled,” she said. “If sparkling, carbon dioxide is added for a bit of fizz. The label on the bottle tells our customers just that. Our two-litre bottle is 17p. For comparison - if a customer bought a Brita water filter jug at £16 and used it for the recommended 40 gallons, it would cost 21p to produce two litres of filtered water. We’re saving our customers time and money - as well as providing a container.” Tesco, whose Everyday Value Still Water also retails for 17p for two litres, painted a similar picture. “Our Everyday Value Still Water goes through a complex filtration process to improve the taste and remove impurities,” a spokeswoman said. “Tesco
sells a wide range of waters to suit all tastes and budgets. All of our products are clearly labelled so customers know what they are buying.” Although, at first glance, the 17p price tag seems reasonably it is estimated that tap water in the UK costs approximately one-third of a penny per litre, meaning that the supermarkets have placed a 2,500% mark-up on the price. Jeanette Longfield of campaigning ethical food group, Sustain, told The Daily Mail: “I hope people return to trustworthy tap water - saving money, saving energy and saving waste in the process.”
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012 WORLD NEWS
LOCKED-IN syndrome sufferer Tony Nicklinson, who last week lost his legal challenge for the right to end his life with a doctor’s help, died at home in Wiltshire on Wednesday (22nd) after contracting pneumonia. His lawyer said Nicklinson had died at 10am, following a “rapid deterioration in health”, and had been refusing food and medical treatment. Family solicitor Saimo Chahal said: “I am extremely sad to tell you that I received a call at 10.45am from Jane Nicklinson to inform me that her husband Tony died peacefully at home at about 10am this morning.” He added: “Jane told me that Tony went downhill over last weekend, having contracted pneumonia. He had made an advanced directive in 2004 refusing any life-sustaining treatment and also refused food from last week.” Nicklinson suffered a stroke six years ago which caused him to develop locked-in syndrome. He lost his High Court
Right-To-Die Campaigner Passes Away
battle last week for the right to end his life when he chooses. Following the ruling Nicklinson sobbed in his wheelchair, next to his wife, who
described the 58-yearold as “heartbroken” in an interview with the BBC. His condition meant that while his mind worked just as it did before the stroke,
he could only use muscles that control blinking and vertical eye movements. Laura Nickelson tweeted a message to paparazzi photographers outside
Photo Credit SWNS the family home to leave her family in peace. A Wiltshire Police spokesman said the force would not be investigating Mr Nicklinson’s death.
“Police are not involved at all. We can confirm he passed away and it is not a matter for Wiltshire Police,” he said. “His death certificate has been signed by a doctor, so it is not a matter for Wiltshire Police or the coroner.” Nicklinson had previously described himself as “utterly miserable with my life, powerless to do anything about it.” “I do not want to carry on and should be able to have a dignified death. I am saddened that the law wants to condemn me to a life of increasing indignity and misery.” A further statement released by Mr Nicklinson confirmed that he planned to instruct his legal team to “go all the way” and launch an appeal against the ruling. “Judges, like politicians, are happiest when they can avoid confronting the real issues - and this judgment is not an exception to this rule. I believe the legal team acting on my behalf is prepared to go all the way with this but, unfortunately for me, it means yet another period of physical discomfort, misery and mental anguish while we find out who controls my life - me or the State.”
Royal Mail in Stamp U-turn
PARALYMPIC gold medal winners will be honoured with their own stamp after Royal Mail succumbed to growing pressure from the general public, disabled campaigners and politicians. It had planned to celebrate Paralympics winners in a set of six stamps, unlike Olympic gold medallists who were all given their own stamp. But Royal Mail has now announced that following the success of Team GB at London 2012 and “in response to public demand” it will produce a stamp for each individual or team Paralympics GB gold medal win. It will be the first time ever any host country has issued Gold Medal stamps for their Paralympic winners since the movement was founded in 1948 at Stoke
Mandeville Hospital by Dr Ludwig Guttmann. The decision comes after The shadow Olympics minister, Tessa Jowell, waded into the row, urging Royal Mail to reconsider its decision. In a letter to the chief executive of Royal Mail, Jowell accused the postal administrators of veering away from the spirit of integration of the Olympics and Paralympics in London 2012, a key feature in its organisation. “From the moment that London won the right to host the Olympics and Paralympics in Singapore, we were always determined to ensure that they would be one vision and one Games,” wrote Jowell. “The people of this country have demonstrated their enthusiasm for the Paralympics through record ticket sales and the prospect of the first ever sell-out Games. The stamps for Team GB’s gold
medallists have been such an emblematic part of this nation’s celebrations during the Olympic Games. It would be a shame if this important symbol was not offered to our Paralympian heroes as well.” Other critics also questioned the decision. “How are we going to inspire this generation and the future children of this generation if you exclude our Paralympians from the full celebration of the UK’s sporting achievements?” said one person commenting on the British Paralympic Association website. “Are they somehow not good enough or perhaps not worthy enough to have their individual achievements recognised?” Following Royal Mail’s decision Tim Hollingsworth, Chief Executive Officer, British Paralympic Association, said: “We are delighted that the offer has been increased to enable
individual stamps to celebrate our athletes’ achievements and thank Royal Mail for reconsidering this proposal. We
hope that the whole nation will continue their support of British athletes and cheer us on to many gold medals.”
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
D a l l a s Brit Dies Returns In Thai WORLD NEWS
D a l l a s i s u p d a t e d f o r a n ew g e n e r a t i o n b u t t h e s o a p s t i c ks t o i t s g l o s s y r o o t s
ORIGINAL US glossy soap Dallas, which ran from 1978 to 1991, is set for a 2012 update. With the cast’s shiny hair, over-the-top fashions and family feuds, it’ll make TOWIE look like Downton Abbey. Original star Linda Gray is set to make a glamorous return, as will her big backcombed ’do’ - hair sprayed to within an inch of its life. Bouffant hair is back
and no matter how many passionate embraces or fights there are, it won’t move a strand. Along with Patrick Duffy and Larry Hagman, Linda, who played Sue Ellen Ewing, will reprise her role in the new show; with the storyline focusing on her and JR’s son, John Ross Ewing III, and his cousin, Christopher Ewing, Bobby’s son. Dallas airs in September on Channel 5.
A BRITISH man has been confirmed as one of four people killed when a fire swept through a nightclub in Thailand. Michael Pio Tzouvanni, 24, from London, was caught up in the blaze at the Tiger Discotheque on the island of Phuket in the early hours of Friday (17th). He had been with two friends, but split up from them just before the fire broke out. Three other people, believed to be two Thai women and a Frenchman, also died, while at least 11 people were injured. Police in Thailand said Tzouvanni died from smoke inhalation. A spokeswoman for the family said they were too upset to talk. As the family awaited news, his brother, Joseph,
26, flew out to Phuket to appeal for help in tracing him. He told Englishlanguage newspaper the Phuket Gazette that his brother, who was a construction developer, had been on the island for 10 days and had extended his stay because he was enjoying himself so much. He had been to the island many times before,
he added. He told the paper: “Michael called his friend at 4am at the Tiger Discotheque on the day of the fire … I don’t know what he talked about with his friend. We love him and we need to find him.” A Foreign Office spokesman confirmed officials were providing consular assistance to the family.
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
Royal Vegas Strip WORLD NEWS
RINCE Harry is letting his hair down – and everything else – as he parties in Las Vegas. The gossip website TMZ published photos showing the playboy prince cavorting naked around a pool table with some equally uninhibited women in a game of strip billiards. Sources told TMZ that Harry and friends invited the women up to his VIP suite at the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino last Friday (17th). A round of strip pool erupted, and apparently everyone lost. One photo shows Harry in the buff being embraced from behind by a topless woman, while another has him pulling the same move on a nude girl next to the pool table.
Photo Credit AP
Asked for a comment, Clarence House, Harry’s official residence and household, said that Harry was “on a private holiday and due back in the UK soon.” The prince, who is set to resume his military duties upon his return to the United Kingdom, could face censure or be reprimanded by the Army for “social misbehaviour,” military experts said. Security for the Royal Family costs almost £120m a year, former Metropolitan Police head of protection, Dai Davies, told the Daily Telegraph. British taxpayers are “paying huge amounts of money for this young man to be followed everywhere he goes by security,” Davies said of the hard-partying prince. “But on the other hand, [royals] have to have a life.” Davies described Harry, 27, as “a young man with lots of testosterone,” but said there is a delicate balance for royals on holiday. “Occasionally that
X-Ray Reveals Drunk Tourist Sleeping On Baggage Belt
balance slips,” he admitted. “There’s a responsibility on the person being secured as well as those trying to protect him.” The same weekend Harry was caught nude by the pool table, he took on U.S. Olympic swimming champ Ryan Lochte in a boozy impromptu race in a pool full of bikini-clad women. As in his game of strip billiards, Harry lost the race. The third in line to the throne of England had some mellower moments on his Vegas trip. As he and his entourage lounged by the MGM Grand’s pool, one witness told People magazine that the prince was approached by bathing beauties throughout the day, but he preferred to toss a beach ball around with his pals. “He talked to them briefly, but he didn’t really centre his attention on anyone,” the source said. “He definitely loved the attention, but he looked to be a gentleman with all the women.”
A NORWEGIAN tourist has been caught on X-ray sleeping on a moving baggage belt at Rome’s Fiumicino airport. The unnamed 36 year-old man reportedly climbed over one of the check-in desks and fell asleep on the belt that takes luggage to be loaded on to planes. When the belt started moving, he travelled for around 50m curled up in the foetal position. He apparently remained asleep after staff spotted him in the X-ray machine, stopped the belt and alerted police. The tourist, who appeared to have been
drinking heavily, will now face charges in relation to the incident according to Italy’s La Repubblica newspaper. The incident has raised questions about security at the airport, but a police spokesperson told the paper that the man could not have got through to secure areas of the airport. “There is a security system - a sort of roll-up blind - which can only be opened by the member of staff who loads the baggage,” the officer said. “[The Norwegian] could have carried on going round the main belt, but he could never have ended up in sensitive areas of the airport.”
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012 ADVERTISMENT
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012 COMMUNITY NEWS
Welcome To The Brand Spanking New Week In Vivo Tenerife Pages
And what a fabulous week it has been; filled to the rafters with guests for our show, as well as a couple of Special Events, the odd celebrity visit and the golfers and kids running riot. Marc Craig, our resident singer and, for those who have long memories, a founder member of the multi-award
The Suncare Central team are regular visitors to Vivo. They hold their weekly team meeting here on a Thursday morning and, in-between bites of bacon butties and huge amounts of caffeine, they actually manage to get some work done. Mainly due to The Boss, Craig, who keeps them all well in line! This week Craig treated the team to a night on the town, starting off at Vivo. We organised a cold buffet to line their stomachs and they launched a very offthe-cuff golf tournament, which involved various rule changes and ad hoc prize opportunities. At one stage it was deemed extremely important that they all downed Bailey’s shots.... Was this a cunning plan by
winning group Wildboyz, celebrated his birthday. We made an event for him, but never once disclosed his age (42) - we had a ball. Guests were plied with free Caramel Vodka shots and hot dogs, and we made Marc sing for his supper! If you have not had the pleasure of hearing Marc sing you are seriously missing out, he is absolutely brilliant; and it is not just us who say so. He has an extraordinary following of fans that always make a point of coming to
Craig to make sure he won? We couldn’t possibly comment! He failed, by the way! The entire team stayed until 9pm, leaving exhausted staff and an awful lot of empty plates and glasses and were last seen heading off in the direction of Veronicas. We are unable to comment any further on this epic night out; suffice to say there were some very, very sore heads the next day. We’ll mention no names, to protect the guilty, but you know who you are! On a celebratory note, we are delighted to be hosting a post wedding party next week. Ciaran and Marian are tying the knot in a very plush hotel and wanted a more relaxed party to celebrate with their friends.
see him when they are on their holidays. Residents alike love coming to see him. His birthday was no exception; loads of you came to party into the wee small hours, and we even had a few “guest entertainers” who gave Marc a hand with his vocals. Vivo is not generally known as a Karaoke venue, but what the hell, it was his birthday! Happy Birthday, Marc, from all of us at Vivo. We love you.
They had requested a BBQ out on our back terrace. We were happy to oblige, even though we had to coerce Jake, one of our managers, into building one. This was one element of the wedding that was going according to plan; as Marian has surely to be one of the unluckiest brides around, as she had to have her wedding dress made 3 times before it even vaguely resembled what she had ordered. The bride’s last resort was her mother, last seen sitting in her apartment here in Tenerife, and sewing like a dervish. By the time of our meeting, all was in order. We had a great time playing with ideas for the venue, especially tying in the bride’s dress; navy blue, in with the
colour scheme, and working closely with Sally from Balloon Warehouse about what was possible in an outdoor venue; incorporating swags of material, candles, and balloons as both table decorations and general decor for the back pergola, bridges and surrounding areas. In keeping with the flavour of the day, Ciaran and Marian wanted a laid back, fluid menu, so we had our chef come up with some beautiful BBQ ideas incorporating chicken breasts with garlic and lemon, lamb chops with a hint of rosemary and mint alongside the usual burgers and hot dogs with a cold meat selection and some gorgeous salads. We will be printing some pictures in our
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012 COMMUNITY NEWS
a personal friend of Gillian’s, sang to her, and again she posed for more pictures with the Decades Dancers and Bitter & Twisted. It was a real pleasure for all of us at Vivo to have Gillian with us; we were all a little star struck by the end, even those of us who, allegedly, should have known better! Check out Bitter and Twisted at VIVO Decades Treasure Island:
next issue so you can see the results for yourselves. We will also be offering BBQs for Special Events, now that we have one! Decades played host to a VIP this week. Gillian Taylforth, who has made her name in British T.V. favourites such as EastEnders, Footballers’ Wives and The Bill, was on her latest trip to Tenerife visiting her daughter, and we were delighted that she came to our Saturday showing of Decades Goes To Hollywood with Bitter & Twisted and the Decades Dancers. We made sure she had a brilliant evening, unlike an un-named venue that promised her a VIP birthday party last week and then presented her with a bill at the end! Gillian, her son Harrison and two family friends arrived to a champagne reception and 3 course meal, and thoroughly
enjoyed the Hollywood show. One number, “One Day My Prince Will Come” usually features Barry holding a picture of David Beckham for him to sing to; however Barry had his naughty knickers on and replaced the picture with one of Adam Woodyatt, (Ian Beale from EastEnders.) The whole audience got the joke before Gillian did, much to the amusement of everyone. When she realised what Barry had done, she fell about! There is much said about celebrities these days, but I honestly have to say that Gillian Taylforth is one of the nicest people you could possibly meet. She happily posed for loads of pictures with the audience at the end of the show and signed autographs for anyone that asked. Steve and I joined her for a drink at the end of the show and Marc Craig,
Gillian asked for Barry´s Autograph or was it a secret wedding!!!!
Monday and Thursday Decades Spectacular Music though the Decades, Friday Bitter and Twisted experience (child free zone), Saturday Decades goes to Hollywood Movies through the Decades, Especially popular with families. Tickets are from 25.00 Euros and all include a 3 course meal. For more information about booking your tickets for any of our 3 shows, organising your special event, or corporate “do” please telephone 627 686 830 or email events@vivotreasureisland.com You can get a discount on our Silver and Gold packages if you book online at www. vivotreasureisland.com
Gillian with Sam Kelly our Bar Manager
Gillian with Barry Pugh, Marc Craig and the Decades Dancers
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012 ADVERTISMENT
Harry’s Mountain Heroes
ITV 1 Monday 27th 9:00 - 10:30 pm
“I think to give yourself a challenge on such a magnitude as climbing Everest is remarkable, it really is, but it just proves that and hopefully what these guys are proving is no matter what your injury, no matter whether you’re military or civilian, you can overcome injuries.”
– Prince Harry at the launch of the Everest expedition
In this new documentary five soldiers wounded on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan take on one of the world’s toughest challenges, Mount Everest, supported by Prince Harry. Narrated by John Simm, this 90-minute observational programme follows the quintet from training in the UK with Harry to their attempt to
climb the 8,848-metre peak. In a year that saw 11 deaths on the world’s highest mountain, the team struggles with altitude, night climbs in extreme temperatures, deadly avalanches and terrifying crossings over seemingly bottomless crevasses. It is a journey almost as fraught and as tough as the one these wounded soldiers have taken since being blown up, shot and set on fire. This film also tells the human story of the journey the soldiers have been on since being wounded Private Jaco van Gass lost his left arm in a rocketpropelled grenade attack in 2009; Private Karl Hinett suffered 37 per cent burns in a petrol bomb attack on his tank in Basra; Captain Martin Hewitt and Captain David Wiseman were both shot through the chest in Afghanistan; and Doctor Francis Atkinson was ambushed and shot in 2011, ending his chances of becoming a surgeon.
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
6:00am.........................................Breakfast 9:15am ................................... Heir Hunters 10:00am ...............................Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am .............. Saints and Scroungers 11:30am .................................. Animal 24:7 12:15pm ............................... Bargain Hunt 1:00pm .......................... BBC News at One 1:30pm .........................BBC London News 1:45pm ........................................... Doctors 2:15pm.................Escape to the Country 3:00pm ........................................BBC News 3:05pm .................. I Want My Own Room 3:35pm ......................................... Splatalot 4:00pm .......................... Shaun the Sheep 4:10pm .........................................Wingin’ It 4:30pm .......................................Blue Peter 5:00pm .....................................Newsround 5:15pm.......................................... Pointless 6:00pm ...........................BBC News at Six 6:30pm ....................... BBC London News 7:00pm .............................. The One Show 7:30pm ..................A Question of Sport: Extra Time 8:00pm ....................................EastEnders Facing increasing pressure from Phil, Ian contemplates what to do about Ben - but the decision is unexpectedly taken out of his hands when he receives a phone call from prison. 8:30pm .......................................... Miranda 9:00pm ...................... In with the Flynns 9:30pm .......................Mrs. Brown’s Boys 10:00pm ...................... BBC News at Ten 10:25pm .................... BBC London News 10:35pm .................. Would I Lie to You? 11:05pm..................... Come Fly with Me 11:35pm...............The National Lottery Friday Night Draws 11:45pm............... EastEnders Omnibus 1:35am ............................... Weatherview 1:40am ............Hairy Bikers’ Bake-ation
6:00am..................................Children´s TV 7:00am ................ Barney’s Latin America 7:30am .............The League of Super Evil 7:40am ........................ Frankenstein’s Cat 7:50am .............................................. Arthur 8:15am ..............................................Ooglies 8:30am....Nina and the Neurons Go Eco! 8:45am.........................................Baby Jake 9:00am...........................Tinga Tinga Tales 9:10am .........................Little Charley Bear 9:20am................. Raa Raa the Noisy Lion 9:30am............................. Bob the Builder: Project Build It 9:40am....................... The Koala Brothers 9:50am......................................... Lunar Jim 10:00am .....................................Octonauts 10:05am ....................................... Kerwhizz 10:30am ............Driver Dan’s Story Train 10:40am ......................................Waybuloo 11:00am ................... In the Night Garden 11:30am ..........................BBC World News 12:00pm ..............................................Coast 12:10pm .........................Hands on Nature 12:40pm ................Dangerous Moonlight 2:15pm.......................... The Weakest Link 3:00pm .................................. Real Rescues 3:45pm ...........................The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 4:30pm ............................................. Flog It! 5:15pm............................. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 6:00pm .......................................Eggheads 6:30pm ................Celebrity MasterChef 7:00pm ..............Escape to the Country 8:00pm .................................. Mastermind 8:30pm ........................ Gardeners’ World 9:00pm .................................Parade’s End 10:00pm ... The World of Parade’s End 10:30pm ..................................Newsnight 11:00pm...........The Book Review Show 11:50pm............................ 2 Days in Paris 1:25am ....................................... BBC News
Editor Recommends
6:00am..........................................Daybreak 8:30am............................................Lorraine 9:25am................. The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am ................................This Morning 11:25am ....................................... ITV News 11:30am ................................This Morning 12:30pm .......................... Let’s Do Lunch... With Gino and Mel 1:30pm ................ITV News and Weather 2:00pm ....................... Murder, She Wrote 3:00pm ...............................Secret Dealers 4:00pm .......................Midsomer Murders 5:00pm ........Don’t Blow the Inheritance 6:00pm ........................... London Tonight 6:30pm ..............ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ....................................Emmerdale Cameron is gutted when Dan proposes to Chas. David is tempted but refuses to get involved with Priya. 7:30pm ...................... Coronation Street Tyrone begins to piece his life back together but is it all in vain? Sunita still harbours feelings for Dev. Eileen offers to help Kevin -but she may have an ulterior motive. 8:00pm ........Tonight: The Food We Eat In the final part of a special three-part series in examining our relationship with food, Julie Etchingham looks at how our growing demand for food at affordable prices is leading to changes in the way it is produced. 8:30pm ...................... Coronation Street Tommy is devastated when confronted by the truth about Kirsty. Dev and Stella resolve to move on. Gail continues to rile Eileen. 9:00pm ................. Corrie Goes to Kenya Conclusion of the two-part programme which sees four Coronation Street stars take a break from the cobbles of Weatherfield to spread a life-saving message in Africa. 10:00pm ..ITV News at Ten & Weather 10:35pm ................... We Own the Night
6:25am........................The Treacle People 6:35am....................................... The Hoobs 7:00am .......................... Freshly Squeezed 7:30am ........................... According to Jim 7:55am .................................Will and Grace 8:25am.........Everybody Loves Raymond 8:55am.............................................. Frasier 9:25am.............................................. Frasier 9:55am....................... Come Dine with Me 10:25am .................... Come Dine with Me 10:55am .................... Come Dine with Me 11:25am .................... Come Dine with Me 12:00pm .................... Come Dine with Me 12:30pm ...........................Channel 4 News 12:35pm ............................. Three in a Bed 1:35pm ............Sainsbury’s London 2012 1:40pm .......................... Channel 4 Racing 4:00pm ..............................Deal or No Deal 5:00pm ...................... Come Dine with Me 6:00pm ............................... The Simpsons 6:30pm ....................................... Hollyoaks Maddie manages to alienate Esther from the group. Meanwhile, Jen tries to make amends with Tilly. 7:00pm ........................... Channel 4 News 7:25pm ..................................4thought.tv 7:30pm .....................................Jon Snow’s Paralympic Show Well-known celebrities and faces from the world of sport and entertainment join Jon Snow’s live nightly weekday countdown to the eagerly anticipated London 2012 Paralympic Games, the biggest event in Channel 4’s history. 8:00pm .................... Come Dine with Me The week kicks off with a ‘wear your worst tracksuit’ evening hosted by Giles, and the dress code quickly ignites a battle of banter between the boys. 9:00pm ................8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 10:00pm ...... Idris Elba’s How Clubbing Changed the World 12:00am ................................ House Party
Parade´s End
BBC 2 - 9:00 - 10:00 pm The five-part drama is adapted by Sir Tom Stoppard from Ford Madox Ford’s quartet of novels, widely acknowledged be one of the literary masterworks of the 20th century. It is directed by multi award-winning film maker Susanna White and stars Benedict Cumberbatch and Rebecca Hall. In the dying days of Edwardian England, aristocrat Christopher Tietjens enters into a destructive marriage with the beautiful but cruel socialite Sylvia. Ignoring her overt
flirtation with other men, Christopher resolves to remain faithful to her, even when he encounters fearless young suffragette Valentine. Cast; Christopher Tietjens is played by Benedict Cumberbatch, Sylvia Tietjens by Rebecca Hall, Valentine Wannop by Adelaide Clemens. Other cast includes Janet McTeer as Mr Satterthwaite, Stephen Graham as Vincent MacMaster, Rupert Everett as Mark Tietjens, Roger Allam as General Campion, Miranda Richardson as Mrs Wannop and Anne-Marie Duff as Edith Duchemin.
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
7:00am ...............................................Arthur 7:10am .............The League of Super Evil 7:25am ........................................ Pet Squad 7:35am ............ What’s New Scooby-Doo? 8:00am.........................................Deadly 60 8:30am...........................Horrible Histories 9:00am.......................................... Splatalot 9:30am................Marrying Mum and Dad 10:00am ............................ Alesha’s Street Dance Stars
10:30am ................................................ Help 11:00am .................................Dani’s House 11:30am ........................... Junior Bake Off 12:00pm ................................The Slammer 12:30pm ............................................Sadie J 12:55pm .......................................Wingin’ It 1:15pm............................................M.I. High 1:45pm ...................................Dani’s House 2:15pm....................................The Story of Tracy Beaker 2:30pm ........................................Deadly 60 3:00pm ............................. Junior Bake Off 3:30pm ...............Marrying Mum and Dad 4:00pm ........... What’s New Scooby-Doo? 4:30pm .............................. Alesha’s Street Dance Stars 5:00pm ............................... Young Dracula 5:30pm .........................................Leonardo 6:00pm ...............................................Merlin 6:45pm ............................. Deadly 60 Bites
2 4
6:00am................................. Children´s TV 11:40am ....... Andy Bates’ Street Feasts 12:10pm ..................... 5 News Lunchtime 12:15pm ................ Celebrity Big Brother 1:15pm......................................Pawn Stars 1:45pm .................................... Neighbours 2:15pm...................................................NCIS 3:15pm................................... Hard Ground 5:00pm ....................................5 News at 5 5:30pm .................................... Neighbours 6:00pm .................................. Monkey Life 6:30pm ............................................5 News 7:00pm .................................. Cricket on 5 8:00pm ......................Ice Road Truckers: Deadliest Roads 9:00pm ................ Celebrity Big Brother 10:30pm .......... Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 11:15pm .............................. The Bachelor 12:15am ...............................Super Casino
7:00pm ....................Don’t Tell the Bride Mike and Katie. Blackpool boy Mike plans a wedding for his glamorous bride-to-be Katie in just three weeks. The seaside sweethearts met seven years ago under the bright lights of Blackpool, and Katie has been looking after Mike ever since. 8:00pm ............. The Hives and Bombay Bicycle Club @ Reading 9:00pm .......... The Cure Live @ Reading 10:00pm ......Celebrity Bitchslap News 10:30pm ................................ EastEnders 11:00pm........................... Bad Education 11:30pm..................... The Cure and the Maccabees @ Reading 1:00am ............................The Revolution Will be Televised 1:30am ............................. Bad Education 2:00am .........Celebrity Bitchslap News 2:30am ............... The Premier League’s Most Amazing Moments
8:55am...... Location, Location, Location 10:00am ............................... Four in a Bed 10:30am .............. Relocation, Relocation 11:35am ...........................A Challenge for Robin Hood 1:25pm ..................................... Time Team 2:30pm ..................................... Time Team 3:35pm ........................ The Food Hospital 4:40pm ........................ A Place in the Sun Home or USA? 5:45pm ....................... A Place in the Sun: Home or Away
8:10am ......................................Judge Judy 8:40am.................. The Only Way is Essex 9:25am....................The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:15am..................The Real Housewives of New York City 11:10am ....................................Judge Judy 12:00pm ...................................Emmerdale 1:00pm ........................Coronation Street 1:30pm ................The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm ...................The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm ...................The Real Housewives of New York City 5:35pm .....................................Judge Judy 6:00pm ........The Jeremy Kyle Show US 7:00pm ...............................Peter Andre’s Bad Boyfriend Club 8:00pm ........................... Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 9:00pm ................................... Notting Hill 11:30pm............. The Only Way is Essex 1:00am ................................. Take Me Out
6:25am....................................... Heartbeat 7:25am .................... Upstairs, Downstairs 8:35am.................................. On the Buses 9:05am........Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 10:05am .............Ruth Rendell Mysteries 11:10am ......................Murder, She Wrote 1:10pm ...................................... Heartbeat 2:10pm ...........................Hamish Macbeth 3:15pm................................ The Return of Sherlock Holmes 4:30pm ................... Dickinson’s Real Deal 5:30pm ................................. On the Buses
6:00am..... Greatest World Cup Matches 6:15am ..........................The Professionals 7:05am ............................................ Batman 7:55am ..............................................Minder 9:00am.................................... The Fall Guy 10:00am ............................ Quantum Leap 11:00am ...........................................Cycling 12:00pm ...........................................Minder 1:00pm .........................The Professionals 2:00pm .............................. Quantum Leap 2:55pm ................................... The Fall Guy 3:55pm ........................................... Batman 5:00pm .........................The Professionals
6:00pm ..................................... Heartbeat 7:00pm .....................Murder, She Wrote 8:00pm ...............................................Monk 9:00pm .........................A Touch of Frost 11:05pm............ The Portrait of a Lady 1:45am .............................. The Return of Sherlock Holmes 2:40am ......................Carry on Laughing
6:50pm ....................Come Dine with Me 7:55pm ..............................Grand Designs 9:00pm .......... Vicky Cristina Barcelona 10:55pm ..............Embarrassing Bodies 12:00am ..................Come Dine with Me 1:05am ..............................Grand Designs 2:10am .................Embarrassing Bodies
6:00pm ............................. Quantum Leap 7:00pm ............................................Cycling 8:00pm ............................................ Minder 9:00pm ...........................Police Academy 11:00pm........................................ The Fog 12:50am .......................................... Minder 1:50am .......................The Professionals
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
S AT U R D AY 6:00am.........................................Breakfast 10:00am ........................Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:30am ............................Lorraine’s Fast, Fresh and Easy Food 12:00pm ......................................BBC News 12:10pm .......................BBC London News 12:15pm .............................Football Focus 1:00pm ............Jessica Ennis: Golden Girl 1:30pm .............. British Olympic Dreams 2:00pm ................................Rugby League Challenge Cup Final - Leeds v Warrington. Clare Balding presents live Challenge Cup final action from Wembley Stadium. 5:00pm ........................................BBC News 5:10pm .........................BBC London News 5:20pm ................................Total Wipeout 6:20pm .........Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Eccentric Captain Sparrow is on a mission to rescue the Governer’s beautiful daughter, Elizabeth, and his ship, the Black Pearl, both of which have been captured by curse-ridden pirate, Captain Barbossa. 8:30pm ................The National Lottery: Secret Fortune 9:20pm ......................................... Casualty Tamsin faces a ghost from her past when she and Jeff attend a call out at a lap dancing club. Sam attempts to unravel the mystery of a patient with amnesia. 10:10pm..................................... BBC News 10:30pm .....................Match of the Day Gary Lineker introduces the best of the action and reaction from the day’s eight Premier League matches. Including Chelsea’s clash with Newcastle, Southampton taking on Wigan to St Mary’s in their first top flight home game in over seven years. 12:00am ............................... The Football League Show 1:15am ............................... Weatherview 1:20am ....................................... BBC News
6:00am..............................Guess with Jess 6:10am ................................................. Louie 6:20am........................................Wibbly Pig 6:30am.............................................. Dipdap 6:35am...................................Chuggington 6:45am.................................... Rastamouse 7:00am ...................................................Roar 7:30am ............................... Project Parent 7:55am ..................The Scooby-Doo Show 8:20am...................... Dennis and Gnasher 8:30am.................................. The Slammer 9:00am................Who Let the Dogs Out? 9:30am.......................... Incredible Edibles 10:00am ....................................Cop School 10:30am ....................................... Splatalot 11:00am .......................................Copycats 11:30am ...........................................Ooglies 11:45am ......................... MOTD Kickabout 12:00pm ...................Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco 1:25pm ......................................... Gymnast 2:55pm ........................................Tara Road 4:30pm ......................................Final Score 5:15pm.................................................Coast 5:45pm ...........................The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 6:30pm .............................................Flog It! Kilmarnock plays host to the Flog It! team, with experts James Lewis and David Fletcher doing the valuation rounds at the Palace Theatre. 7:30pm ....................................Dad’s Army When the wardens’ HQ is bombed, they have to share the church hall with the Home Guard, despite Captain Mainwaring’s disapproval. The wardens are terribly disruptive and decide to start a fire since it is a bit drafty in the hall. 8:00pm ..................................... BBC Proms 10:30pm ......................................... TOTP 2 11:30pm...........................Before Sunrise 1:10am ................................................ Once
Editor Recommends
6:00am................................ Signed Stories 6:10am ..................................... Engie Benjy 6:25am..............Olly the Little White Van 6:30am............................... Fluffy Gardens 6:40am........................................... The Hive 6:45am........................................... The Hive 6:55am........................................ Poppy Cat 7:05am ...............................Curious George 7:20am ...... The Super Hero Squad Show 7:40am .....................Fleabag Monkeyface 8:00am................................... Horrid Henry 8:10am ................................... Horrid Henry 8:25am...................... Saturday Cookbook 9:25am.......................................... ITV News 9:30am........... The Jeremy Kyle Show US 10:25am ........ The Jeremy Kyle Show US 11:20am ................. The Real Housewives of New York City 12:20pm ................. The Real Housewives of New York City 1:20pm ................ITV News and Weather 1:25pm ........ The Hit Factory: The Stock Aitken and Waterman Story 2:25pm .................................. Countrywise 3:00pm ...............................A View to a Kill 5:30pm .............................London Tonight 5:45pm ................ITV News and Weather
6:00am....................................... The Hoobs 6:25am.....................British Formula Ford 6:55am.....................Bg Energy Challenge 7:25am ............................. Mobil 1 The Grid 7:55am ...........................The Morning Line 8:55am...............................V Festival 2012 9:25am......................Itunes Festival 2012 9:45am............................................New Girl 10:15am......................................... Revenge 11:15am ................................. Suburgatory 11:50am .............................. Summer Daze with Blackberry 12:25pm ................. The Big Bang Theory 12:55pm ................. The Big Bang Theory 1:20pm ................................ The Simpsons 1:55pm .......................... Channel 4 Racing York and Goodwood. It’s Ebor day at York, with a capacity crowd packing the Knavesmire, all enthusiastically hoping to back the winner of this great race. 3:55pm ................................ The Simpsons Mr Burns is fined $3,000,000 for dumping nuclear waste, so a town meeting is called to decide what to do with the money. 4:25pm ...................... Come Dine with Me 4:55pm ...................... Come Dine with Me 5:25pm ...................... Come Dine with Me 5:55pm ...................... Come Dine with Me
6:00pm .................................. You’ve Been Framed Extreme! 7:00pm ................................Red or Black? 7:45pm ................................. The X Factor 9:00pm ................................Red or Black? 9:45pm ......... The Jonathan Ross Show Jonathan’s guest tonight include racing driver Jenson Button, former Corrie star Suranne Jones who chats about her new crime drama parody A Touch of Cloth and British hard man Ray Winstone. 10:45pm ...........ITV News and Weather 11:00pm.......................................Duplicity 1:15am .......................................The Store
6:25pm .................... Come Dine with Me 6:55pm ........................... Channel 4 News 7:25pm ..................................4thought.tv 7:30pm ..................Whatever Happened to Harry Hill? 8:30pm ........................................ Harry Hill 9:00pm ......... C4’s 30 Greatest Comedy Shows 11:05pm............ C4’s Greatest Comedy: The Winner is... 1:10am ................... Vintage Comic Strip 1:45am .................................. Comedy Lab 2:10am ............................. Happy Endings 2:35am ............................................ Alamar
BBC 1 - 9:20 - 10:10 pm When baby Lucy is left home alone, Tamzin and Jeff are called to her rescue. With no one to look after her and in her new role of boss, Zoe puts Dylan in charge of Lucy’s care until social services arrive. Initially reluctant, Dylan soon begins to enjoy the company of a baby...a surprise to everyone including himself! When Lucy suddenly deteriorates it is left to Tom to revive her, while Dylan starts to accuse her mother Taylor of inadvertently passing drugs to Lucy through her breast
milk. Is this just wild accusations or has Dylan got a case? Meanwhile Tamzin and Jeff are asked to attend to a lap dancer who has collapsed at work. When Tamzin becomes protective of Taylor, saying that she shouldn’t be judged, Jeff begins to wonder just why she is so defensive. In the ED Sam treats a mystery man called Alan, who has lost his memory after being hit by car as he was chased from a house that he had broken in to. She soon begins to piece together the puzzle and suspects he is the long-lost son of the family who own the house.
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
7:00am ...............................................Arthur 7:10am .............The League of Super Evil 7:25am ........................................ Pet Squad 7:40am .............................MOTD Kickabout 8:00am.........................................Deadly 60 8:30am.................................Total Wipeout 9:30am................................ Young Dracula 10:00am ........................Horrible Histories 10:30am ................................................ Help 11:00am .................................Dani’s House 11:30am ........................... Junior Bake Off 12:05pm ................................The Slammer 12:35pm ............................................Sadie J 1:00pm ........................................Deadly 60 1:30pm .......................................Blue Peter
2:05pm .................. Tracy Beaker Returns 2:30pm ........................................Deadly 60 3:05pm ............................. Junior Bake Off 3:35pm ............................. Hole in the Wall 4:05pm ....................................................Roy 4:35pm .......................... School of Silence 5:05pm ......................................... Hounded 5:30pm ..............................The Ministry of Curious Stuff 6:00pm ..........................Four O’Clock Club 6:30pm ..............................The Sarah Jane Adventures
2 5
7:05pm ........................ 5 News Weekend 7:10pm ................................................. NCIS 8:00pm ................................................. NCIS 9:00pm ................ Celebrity Big Brother 10:00pm ................................... CSI: Miami 11:10pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
7:00pm .... Fearne and Greg @ Reading Day two sees presenters Fearne Cotton and Greg James continue with live coverage of highlights from the Reading Festival including the likes of the Shins and Mystery Jets, plus special acoustic performances direct from the BBC Three tree house. 8:00pm ..... The Vaccines and Florence and the Machine @ Reading 10:00pm ....... Kasabian Live @ Reading 12:00am .................................. Family Guy Overwhelmed with financial troubles, Mort asks Peter and Quagmire to help him save his pharmacy. However, things take a turn for the worse when they decide to burn it down to collect the insurance money. 12:45am ........................... American Dad! 1:25am ............................The Revolution Will be Televised 1:55am ...........................................Wilfred 2:15am .............The Batman Shootings
6:00am...........Planet’s Funniest Animals 6:15am ....... Coronation Street Omnibus 8:15am .................... Emmerdale Omnibus 11:15am ..................................Take Me Out 12:30pm ............................................. Twins 2:40pm ................... America’s Got Talent 4:30pm ................... America’s Got Talent 5:25pm .......................................Garfield 2: A Tail of Two Kitties
6:00am........................ Carry on Laughing 6:30am............................Hamish Macbeth 7:30am ............................Hamish Macbeth 8:35am.................... Upstairs, Downstairs 9:40am.................... Upstairs, Downstairs 10:50am .... Carry on Follow That Camel 12:45pm ......................... Inspector Morse 2:45pm ........................... Inspector Morse 4:50pm ............. Agatha Christie’s Poirot
7:00pm ..................................About a Boy Adaptation of the Nick Hornby novel about the friendship that develops between a bright but awkward 12-yearold boy and a wayward thirtysomething man masquerading as a lone parent in a bid to seduce single mothers. 9:00pm ........................... Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 9:15pm ................................... Xtra Factor 10:15pm ............................... Mamma Mia! 12:25am ...............................The X Factor 1:45am ................................... Xtra Factor
7:00pm ..........Agatha Christie’s Marple Miss Marple tries to stop a court hearing when she discovers important new evidence about the ‘Blue Geranium’ murder case. 9:00pm ...........Agatha Christie’s Poirot Poirot is approached by a young heiress who tells him that she may have killed someone. 11:00pm.......................A Touch of Frost 1:05am ............................ Terry and June 1:35am ............................ Terry and June
6:00am................................. Children´s TV 9:40am...................................... Jelly Jamm 10:00am .......... Power Rangers: Samurai 10:35am .................... Batman: The Brave and the Bold 11:10am ............................... Looney Tunes 11:15am ............................... Looney Tunes 11:55am ................ Celebrity Big Brother 12:55pm ................................. Monkey Life 1:30pm .................................Blue Thunder 3:30pm ...........................We’ll Meet Again 5:20pm ..........Jesse Stone - No Remorse
Tel: 922 78 77 00 www.crisabora.com
8:55am...................................... Time Team 10:00am ................................... Time Team 11:00am ................................... Time Team 12:05pm ................................... Time Team 1:10pm ................................. King of Kings 4:20pm ... Quick Bakes with Eric Lanlard 4:40pm ..... Location, Location, Location 6:55pm ...Location, Location, Location 8:00pm ..........Supersize v Superskinny Superskinny Yasmin Smith is forced to swallow a gargantuan diet of snack foods and diet drinks, while Supersize Darryl Weston, weighing in at a whopping 33 stone and one pound, suffers on Yasmin’s lactose-, wheat-, sugar- and fat-free diet. 9:00pm .................Embarrassing Bodies 10:10pm........ Vicky Cristina Barcelona 12:00am ...............Embarrassing Bodies 1:05am ..........Supersize v Superskinny 2:10am .................Embarrassing Bodies 6:00am............................................Film File 6:10am ..........................The Professionals 7:00am ............................... Quantum Leap 8:00am.............................. Highway Patrol 8:25am..............The Big Match Revisited 9:25am............................UEFA Champions League Weekly 10:00am ...........................The Cycle Show 11:00am ...........................................Cycling 12:00pm ............................Motorsport UK 1:00pm ..................................................DTM 1:35pm ...............Police, Camera, Action! 2:05pm ......................................MacArthur 4:45pm ............................................Shalako 7:00pm ............................................Cycling 8:00pm ............................................ Minder 9:00pm ......................................... Rocky IV 10:55pm .....................The Big Lebowski 1:10am ............................................ Minder 2:10am .. Sports Mash: Taking the Mic
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
S U N D AY 6:00am.........................................Breakfast 7:30am .......................... Match of the Day 9:00am.........................................BBC News 10:00am ................. Sunday Morning Live 11:00am ........................... Country Tracks 12:00pm ......................................BBC News 12:05pm ...... Homes Under the Hammer 1:05pm ................................. Bargain Hunt 2:05pm ...........................Cash in the Attic 2:45pm ................Escape to the Country 3:45pm ..................................Ocean Giants 4:45pm ............................. Songs of Praise 5:20pm ........................ The Indian Doctor 6:05pm ....................................... BBC News 6:20pm ....................... BBC London News 6:30pm .........Britain’s Hidden Heritage 7:30pm ................................... Countryfile In a livestock special, Adam looks back through the archives at some of the team’s favourite encounters with farm animals. Including Matt Baker getting a helping from his family at lambing time. 8:30pm ..........Inspector George Gently Gently and Bacchus have their eyes opened to the shocking consequences of casual racism after a young black girl is murdered at a Northern Soul all-night dance. 10:00pm .................................... BBC News 10:15pm ..................... BBC London News 10:25pm ................. Match of the Day 2 Colin Murray presents highlights of the day’s two Premier League fixtures. Champions Manchester City travelled to Liverpool for the Reds’ first top flight home match under the management of Brendan Rodgers, and Stoke took on Arsenal at the Britannia Stadium in day’s other game. 11:25pm.................... In with the Flynns 11:55pm................ Flashbacks of a Fool 1:40am ............................... Weatherview 1:45am ......................The Dark: Nature’s Nighttime World 2:45am ...................................... Holby City
6:00am..............................Guess with Jess 6:10am ................................................. Louie 6:20am........................................Wibbly Pig 6:30am.............................................. Dipdap 6:35am...................................Chuggington 6:45am.................................... Rastamouse 7:00am ...................................................Roar 7:30am ................................. Paradise Cafe 7:55am .............................................. Arthur 8:08am.............................................. Arthur 8:20am...................... Dennis and Gnasher 8:30am..........................................Wingin’ It 8:55am........................... Shaun the Sheep 9:00am................Who Let the Dogs Out? 9:30am.............................. Junior Bake Off 10:00am ........................Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:30am ........................ The Great British Bake Off 12:30pm ......................................... MotoGP 2:00pm ......................................... Athletics Birmingham Grand Prix. John Inverdale introduces live coverage from Birmingham’s Alexander Stadium as a host of newly crowned Olympic champions look to round off the most exciting summer of athletics on these shores in convincing style. 5:00pm .............................................Oceans 6:00pm ....................... Top of the Pops 2 7:00pm .........................................Top Gear Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May head to Italy for a supercar shootout featuring the Lamborghini Aventador, the McLaren MP4-12C and the Noble M600. 8:00pm .......................... Exploring China: A Culinary Adventure 9:00pm ..........Toughest Place to be a... 10:00pm .........................................Murder 11:00pm...........A Guide to Recognising Your Saints 12:35am ...........................Adam and Paul 2:00am ....................................... BBC News
Editor Recommends
6:00am..............................................Boblins 6:10am ...................................Fireman Sam 6:20am..............Olly the Little White Van 6:30am..............................Jungle Junction 6:40am..............................Jungle Junction 6:55am........................................ Poppy Cat 7:05am ...............................Curious George 7:20am .............................. Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil 7:30am .............................. Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil 7:40am .....................Fleabag Monkeyface 8:00am................................. Big Time Rush 8:25am.....................................Dinner Date 9:25am.......................................... ITV News 9:30am........................................House Gift 10:25am .....There’s No Taste Like Home 11:25am .....................The Hungry Sailors 12:30pm ..............ITV News and Weather 12:40pm ................................ The X Factor 1:55pm .......................The Unforgettable 2:25pm ..........................................Columbo 4:25pm ......................................Doc Martin 5:25pm ................The Talent Show Story 6:30pm ........................... London Tonight 6:45pm ..............ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ...................................... The Chase 8:00pm .................Celebrity Who Wants to be a Millionaire? 9:00pm ...................... The Last Weekend Two couples with a shared history embark on a relaxing four-day break on a summer bank holiday weekend in the Suffolk countryside. 10:00pm ...........ITV News and Weather 10:15pm ..............Tomorrow Never Dies James Bond 007 action thriller in which a media baron sets about triggering World War III so that his 24-hour news network can profit from exclusive coverage of the conflict. 12:25am .....................................The Store 2:30am ...................................Golden Balls
6:00am........................The Treacle People 6:10am ....................................... The Hoobs 6:35am................................. Ironman 2012 7:00am ........BT and Channel 4 Present... 7:05am ......................... Paralympics Extra 7:35am ............................... Surfing Special 8:00am.................................Will and Grace 8:30am.................................Will and Grace 8:55am.............................................. Frasier 9:25am.............................................. Frasier 10:00am ............................ Sunday Brunch 12:25pm ................................ Jamie Does... 1:25pm ................... The Big Bang Theory 1:55pm ................... The Big Bang Theory 2:20pm ................................ The Simpsons 2:50pm ................................ The Simpsons 3:20pm ............................... Three in a Bed 4:20pm ...................... Come Dine with Me 5:25pm ..............................Deal or No Deal 6:20pm ........................... Channel 4 News 6:50pm ..................................4thought.tv 6:55pm ..........X-Men Origins: Wolverine Tsotsi and Rendition director Gavin Hood’s fantasy adventure explores the backstory of the most hirsute and mercurial of the X-Men; Wolverine. 9:00pm ................ Peter Kay Live at The Manchester Arena The multi award-winning Peter Kay’s live national stand-up show at Manchester’s Nimex. Playing to a packed house, tickets for the venue, which holds 9,000, sold out within minutes. 10:00pm ................................... Bad Sugar 10:50pm ................................Black Books 11:20pm.......................Dylan Moran Live 12:25am ................................ Comedy Lab 12:55am ..............................Da Ali G Show 1:30am .................................. Comedy Lab 1:55am ....................... The Mark Thomas Comedy Product 2:25am ............................. Happy Endings 2:50am ..................... Hollyoaks Omnibus
Inspector George Gently BBC 1 - 8:30 - 10:00 pm It’s 1968 and the racial unrest sweeping the United States has reached British shores, with the National Front launching a tirade against immigration and “multiculturalists’ policies”. But racial harmony can be found at the allnighters, where disillusioned young people, black and white, escape the boredom of factory life to dance the night away to obscure soul music. In Newcastle, the haven of equality found at the Carlton all-nighter is destroyed when a young black girl Dolores Kenny (Pippa Bennett-Warner) is murdered.
Chief Inspector George Gently (Martin Shaw) soon uncovers a disturbing and malevolent racist undercurrent lurking both within the local community and his own police force. Set against the backdrop of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Gently and Bacchus (Lee Ingleby) have their eyes opened to the shocking consequences of casual racism, as racial tension spirals out of control, leaving a path of destroyed friendships, love affairs and families in its wake. Refusing to let deep-seated prejudices cloud their vision, Gently and Bacchus work tirelessly to unmask how Dolores died.
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
7:00am ...............................................Arthur 7:10am .............The League of Super Evil 7:25am ........................................ Pet Squad 7:35am ............ What’s New Scooby-Doo? 8:00am......................Scooby-Doo and the Loch Ness Monster 9:10am ....................................... Deadly Art 9:30am................... Tracy Beaker Returns 10:00am ................ Tracy Beaker Returns 10:30am ..................................................Roy 11:00am .................................Dani’s House 11:30am ........................... Junior Bake Off 12:00pm ................................The Slammer 12:30pm ........The Tracy Beaker Survival Files: Tales From the Dumping Ground 1:00pm ...............Marrying Mum and Dad 1:30pm ................................... Hacker Time 2:00pm ..............................................Sadie J 2:30pm ..............................................Sadie J
3:00pm ..........................Incredible Edibles 3:30pm ............................. Hole in the Wall 4:00pm ....................................................Roy 4:30pm ...............................................Merlin 5:15pm.......... The Story of Tracy Beaker 5:30pm .............................................My Life 6:00pm .............................. Show Me What You’re Made of 6:30pm ..............................The Sarah Jane Adventures
6:00am................................. Children´s TV 9:45am...................................... Jelly Jamm 10:00am .......... Power Rangers: Samurai 10:35am .................... Batman: The Brave and the Bold 11:10am ............................... Looney Tunes 11:20am ................ Celebrity Big Brother 12:30pm .......................... World’s Scariest Near Misses 1:20pm .........................What About Bob? 3:10pm ............................................ The Kid 5:20pm ...................................... Mutt Ugly: World’s Ugliest Dog 6:20pm ............... Beauty and the Beast 8:00pm ...................... Once Upon a Time 8:55pm ........................ 5 News Weekend 9:00pm ................ Celebrity Big Brother 10:00pm ...................Two Weeks Notice 11:55pm......................... Frontline Police 12:55am ...............................Super Casino 6:00am..................................The Hot Desk 6:10am ...........Planet’s Funniest Animals 6:30am.................... Emmerdale Omnibus 9:10am .........................Coronation Street Omnibus 11:40am ................... Winners and Losers 12:40pm ...................... Peter Andre’s Bad Boyfriend Club 1:40pm ................. The Only Way is Essex 2:25pm ................. The Only Way is Essex 3:10pm ................................... Free Willy 3: The Rescue 5:00pm ......................................Beethoven 6:45pm .................................The X Factor 8:00pm ................................... Xtra Factor 9:00pm .......................................Benidorm 10:00pm .................Lemon La Vida Loca 10:45pm .............................. The Fugitive 1:30am ...................The Big Sports Quiz: Boys v Girls 2:20am ..........Life’s Funniest Moments
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Olympic legend, Sir Steve Redgrave, soap star Kelvin Fletcher and TV favourite Dermot Murnaghan will appear with their teenage kin, in the hope of raising as much money as possible for their chosen charities. Sir Steve will be joined by 14-year-old son Zak, Kelvin (who plays Andy Sugden in Emmerdale) by 15-year-old brother Brayden and Dermot by his 15-year-old daughter Molly. With the help of their famous relatives, the teenagers will be up against the ticking clock in a bid to reach the million pound mark. Will Sir Steve’s son posses gold winning
7:00pm .........Kaiser Chiefs and Django Django @ Reading The final day of Reading Festival sees Fearne Cotton and Greg James introduce set highlights from the festival veterans and crowd pleasers Kaiser Chiefs. 8:00pm .................... The Black Keys and Two Door Cinema Club @ Reading 9:00pm .................................Foo Fighters Live @ Reading 10:00pm ................................. Family Guy 10:20pm ................................. Family Guy 10:45pm .......................... Bad Education 11:15pm ..........Foo Fighters @ Reading 1:00am ..........................................Our War 2:00am ............................The Revolution Will be Televised 2:30am ............................. Bad Education 3:00am ............................. Cherry Healey: How to Get a Life
8:55am.....Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard 9:35am.......................River Cottage Bites 9:45am..............Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 12:25pm ................................... Time Team 2:35pm ................................. Four in a Bed 3:05pm ................................. Four in a Bed 3:35pm ................................. Four in a Bed 4:10pm ................................. Four in a Bed 4:40pm ................................. Four in a Bed 5:10pm ......................Come Dine with Me 5:45pm ......................Come Dine with Me 6:15pm ....................Come Dine with Me 6:50pm ....................Come Dine with Me 7:25pm ....................Come Dine with Me 7:55pm .......... River Cottage Every Day 9:00pm ............ One Born Every Minute 10:00pm ................................. Father Ted 11:10pm ...............Embarrassing Bodies 12:15am .......... One Born Every Minute 1:20am .................................... Father Ted 2:25am .................Embarrassing Bodies
6:00am........................ Carry on Laughing 6:25am............................Hamish Macbeth 8:35am....................................... Heartbeat 10:40am ........... Agatha Christie’s Poirot 12:55pm .................... The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 2:05pm ...............Carry on Up the Jungle 3:55pm ..........................Carry on Cowboy 5:45pm ............. Agatha Christie’s Poirot
6:00am.............................. Greatest World Cup Matches 6:15am ..............................World’s Wildest Police Videos 7:00am ..............................................Minder 8:00am................Police, Camera, Action! 8:25am...................................................DTM 8:55am..............................The Cycle Show 10:00am ...........................................Cycling 11:00am ............MSA British Touring Car Championship
8:00pm .........................The Story of the Costume Drama 9:00pm ................................... Atonement Romantic drama based on the novel by Ian McEwan. The affair between the daughter of a wealthy family and the son of their housekeeper is interrupted when her younger sister falsely implicates him in a sexual assault. 11:25pm.........................................Cracker 12:35am ...................Inspector Wexford 2:25am .....................The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? ITV 1 - 8:00 - 9:00 pm
genes, can one of the brothers be crowned head boy and who will be the egg-head in the Murnaghan family. Steve and Zak are taking part on behalf of Sparks, who fund life-saving research into conditions affecting babies, children and mums-to-be. Commenting on his involvement, the five times Olympic champion said; “I am thrilled to be taking part in the show with my son Zak. I am sure it will be a challenge but I think we will be a strong team and we are looking forward to it. It will be great to help raise money for my chosen charity Sparks.”
6:00pm ................................The Sweeney 7:00pm ............................................Cycling 8:00pm .....................................The Alamo Star-studded saga of the 1836 defence of the Alamo, when a 187-strong garrison including William Travis and Jim Bowie fought to save Texas from Santa Anna’s Mexican army for 13 days. 11:00pm.............................. Resident Evil 1:00am ................................The Sweeney 1:55am ....................................... The Saint
Editor Recommends
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
M O N D AY 6:00am.........................................Breakfast 9:00am................................... Heir Hunters 9:45am......... Homes Under the Hammer 10:45am .............. Saints and Scroungers 11:15am ................................... Animal 24:7 12:00pm ............................... Bargain Hunt 1:00pm .......................... BBC News at One 1:15pm..........................BBC London News 1:20pm ............................................... Paulie 2:45pm ......................................BBC Proms 3:30pm ..........Wallace and Gromit in the Curse of the Were-Rabbit 4:45pm ......................................... Pointless 5:30pm ........................................BBC News 5:50pm .........................BBC London News 6:00pm ................................... Countryfile Summer Special 7:00pm ................. The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo From the unique setting of the Esplanade of Edinburgh Castle, the 2012 Tattoo celebrates the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen. 8:00pm ....................................EastEnders Abi returns to the Square early eager to see Jay again. But what will happen when she learns of his role in recent events? 8:30pm .............................. The One Show 9:00pm .................................... New Tricks 10:00pm ...................... BBC News at Ten 10:10pm..................... BBC London News 10:20pm .............................. Citizen Khan Sitcom following the trials and tribulations of self-appointed Muslim community leader Mr Khan and his long suffering family. 10:50pm ..................... Gavin and Stacey Gavin starts his new job in Cardiff and Stacey is thrilled to be at home again. 11:20pm..................................... Eagle Eye 1:10am ............................... Weatherview 1:15am .....................Engineering Giants 2:15am ................... Babies in the Office
6:00am..................................Children´s TV 7:50am .............................................. Arthur 8:03am.............................................. Arthur 8:15am ..............................................Ooglies 8:30am................. Nina and the Neurons: In the Lab 8:45am.........................................Baby Jake 9:00am...........................Tinga Tinga Tales 9:10am .........................Little Charley Bear 9:20am................. Raa Raa the Noisy Lion 9:30am............................. Bob the Builder: Project Build It 9:40am....................... The Koala Brothers 9:50am......................................... Lunar Jim 10:00am .....................................Octonauts 10:05am ....................................... Kerwhizz 10:30am ............Driver Dan’s Story Train 10:40am ......................................Waybuloo 11:00am ................... In the Night Garden 11:30am ..........................BBC World News 12:00pm ..............................................Coast 12:10pm .................To Buy or Not to Buy 12:40pm ........................... Out of the Past 2:15pm.......................... The Weakest Link 3:00pm .................................. Real Rescues 3:45pm ...........................The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 4:30pm ............................................. Flog It! 5:15pm............................. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 6:00pm .......................................Eggheads 6:30pm ................Celebrity MasterChef 7:00pm ..........Dig WW2 with Dan Snow 8:00pm ................. University Challenge 8:30pm ............................ Lorraine’s Fast, Fresh and Easy Food 9:00pm ...........................................Horizon 10:00pm .................James May’s Things You Need to Know... 10:30pm ...................................... Precious 12:15am ........Toughest Place to be a... 1:15am ....................................... BBC News
Editor Recommends
6:00am..........................................Daybreak 8:30am............................................Lorraine 9:25am................. The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am ........ The Jeremy Kyle Show US 11:25am ..................Dickinson’s Real Deal 12:25pm ..................60 Minute Makeover 1:30pm ................ITV News and Weather 1:45pm .................................. Countrywise 2:05pm ....................... Murder, She Wrote 3:00pm ...............................Secret Dealers 4:00pm ......................... An Audience with Barry Manilow 5:00pm ........Don’t Blow the Inheritance 6:00pm ........................... London Tonight 6:15pm ..............ITV News and Weather 6:30pm ................. You’ve Been Framed! 7:00pm ....................................Emmerdale Laurel resolves to tell Ashley about her relationship with Marlon. David succumbs to temptation with Priya. Jimmy is furious when Carl and Charity overrule him on a business deal. 7:30pm ...................... Coronation Street Tommy exposes the truth for the sake of his friend. Karl has a proposition for Sunita. Rob prepares to land a big client for Underworld. 8:00pm ................................. Countrywise 8:30pm ...................... Coronation Street Tyrone opens up to Kirsty. Sophie is concerned by Ryan’s behaviour. Is Sunita about to make a grave mistake? 9:00pm ......... Harry’s Mountain Heroes Five soldiers wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan take on one of the world’s toughest challenges, Mount Everest, supported by Prince Harry - the expedition’s patron and their friend. 10:30pm ...........ITV News and Weather 10:45pm ...................................... Serenity Government weapons’ researchers have been manipulating the intelligence of some very bright teenagers, until one of them, River, escapes. 12:50am ................................. Jackpot247
6:10am .............................................Sali Mali 6:15am ....................................... The Hoobs 6:40am....................................... The Hoobs 7:05am .......................... Freshly Squeezed 7:35am ........................... According to Jim 8:00am.................................Will and Grace 8:30am.........Everybody Loves Raymond 9:00am.........Everybody Loves Raymond 9:35am.............................................. Frasier 10:05am ........................................... Frasier 10:35am .................... Come Dine with Me 11:10am ..................... Come Dine with Me 11:40am .................... Come Dine with Me 12:10pm .................... Come Dine with Me 12:45pm .................... Come Dine with Me 1:20pm ................... Sense and Sensibility 4:00pm ..............................Deal or No Deal 5:00pm ...................... Come Dine with Me 6:00pm ............................... The Simpsons 6:30pm ....................................... Hollyoaks Tensions are running high in the village on the day of Mitzeee’s hearing. 7:00pm ........................... Channel 4 News 7:25pm ....................................Sainsbury’s Ellie Simmonds 2012 7:30pm .....................................Jon Snow’s Paralympic Show 8:00pm .................The Restoration Man 9:00pm .............................. Alan Carr Live: Spexy Beast 10:00pm .................... The Boyle Variety Performance 11:10pm .................... The Inbetweeners 11:40pm........ Harry Enfield Presents... 11:45pm...............Norbert Smith, a Life 12:45am ................................. Star Stories 1:15am .......................... Smack the Pony 1:40am ................................ Bill Hicks Live 2:40am ............Whatever Turns You On 2:45am ............................. Elizabethtown 5:45am ......................... Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard
New Tricks
BBC 1 - 9:00 - 10:00 pm Jack Halford’s behaviour - secret calls, personal appointments and an obsession over an outstanding case - is causing the team some concern. But nothing can prepare them for the bombshell he’s about to drop. Halford is quitting UCOS. But any thoughts that Pullman, Lane and Standing have about probing his motives and persuading him to change his mind are sidelined by the arrival of shadowy Whitehall Intelligence figure Stephen Fisher, who demands they turn their full attention to what appears to be a pointless reinvestigation into a 100-year-old murder.
With any potential witnesses and leads dead, cases don’t come much colder than this one, but with Fisher breathing down their necks the team try to retrace the victim Abigail Padua’s steps through the streets of Victorian London. Grateful that his colleagues are distracted by Fisher and his case, Jack privately continues to make plans for his departure, but the team are extremely unsettled. Sandra faces the prospect of losing her mentor and the man who has become a father figure and Brian and Gerry are determined not to let him go without a fight.
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
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7:00am ...............................................Arthur 7:10am .............The League of Super Evil 7:25am ........................................ Pet Squad 7:35am ............ What’s New Scooby-Doo? 8:00am.........................................Deadly 60 8:30am.......................................Cop School 9:00am.......................................... Splatalot 9:30am.......................................Cop School 10:00am ............................ Alesha’s Street Dance Stars 10:30am ......... Jedward’s Big Adventure 11:00am ............................. Young Dracula 11:30am ............................. Young Dracula 12:00pm ............................. Young Dracula 12:25pm ............................. Young Dracula 12:55pm ............................. Young Dracula 1:25pm ............................... Young Dracula
6:00am................................. Children´s TV 11:10am ....Ultimate Police Interceptors 12:10pm ..................... 5 News Lunchtime 12:15pm ................ Celebrity Big Brother 1:15pm......................................Pawn Stars 1:45pm .................................... Neighbours 2:15pm.................................... Monkey Life 2:45pm ................................ Looney Tunes 2:55pm ..........................The Wizard of Oz 5:00pm ....................................5 News at 5 5:30pm .................................... Neighbours 6:00pm .......Andy Bates’ Street Feasts 6:30pm ...............................Looney Tunes 6:35pm .............. Alone Among Grizzlies 8:00pm ........................... Frontline Police 9:00pm ................ Celebrity Big Brother 10:00pm .. Celebrity Wedding Planner 11:00pm........... Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 12:00am .................The Hotel Inspector
7:00pm ...........Great Movie Mistakes 2: 7:10pm ...........Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life Globe-trotting action sequel in which intrepid archaeologist Lara Croft is recruited by British intelligence to track down mad bioweapons genius Dr Reiss, who holds the orb showing the whereabouts of the mythical Pandora’s Box. 9:00pm ..........................................Our War 10:00pm .........................The Revolution Will be Televised 10:30pm ................................ EastEnders 11:00pm.................................. Family Guy 11:45pm........................... American Dad! 12:30am ........................................Our War 1:30am ............................The Revolution Will be Televised 2:00am ....................Don’t Tell the Bride 3:00am ............................. Cherry Healey: How to Get a Life
8:55am...... Location, Location, Location 10:00am ............................... Four in a Bed 10:35am .............. Relocation, Relocation 11:40am ....................River Cottage Bites 11:45am ............................... The 39 Steps 1:35pm ....................... Time Team Special 2:40pm ..................................... Time Team 3:45pm ............................Carry on Doctor 5:45pm ....................... A Place in the Sun: Home or Away
2:00pm ..............................The Sarah Jane Adventures 2:30pm ........................................Deadly 60 3:00pm ..........................Incredible Edibles 3:30pm ................................... Hacker Time 4:00pm ........... What’s New Scooby-Doo? 4:30pm .............................. Alesha’s Street Dance Stars 5:00pm ......... The Story of Tracy Beaker 5:15pm................... Tracy Beaker Returns 5:45pm .............................................My Life 6:15pm.............................. Hole in the Wall 6:45pm ...........................Shaun the Sheep
6:00am......................................Emmerdale 6:25am.........................Coronation Street 6:50am.........................Coronation Street 7:15am ...........The Jeremy Kyle Show US 8:10am ......................................Judge Judy 8:40am.................. The Only Way is Essex 9:25am.................. The Only Way is Essex 10:10am............Free Willy 3: The Rescue 12:00pm ...................................Emmerdale 12:30pm ......................Coronation Street 1:00pm ........................Coronation Street 1:30pm ................The Jeremy Kyle Show 2:35pm ................The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm ..........Planet’s Funniest Animals 3:50pm ................Batteries Not Included 5:55pm .................................................Babe 7:45pm .................................The X Factor 9:00pm ....................The Incredible Hulk 11:15pm ..................Lemon La Vida Loca 12:00am ......................... Rumour Has It... 1:55am ......................Coronation Street
6:00am........................ Carry on Laughing 6:25am....................................... Heartbeat 7:20am .................... Upstairs, Downstairs 8:30am.................................. On the Buses 9:00am........Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 10:00am .............Ruth Rendell Mysteries 11:05am ........... Agatha Christie’s Poirot 1:20pm ...................................... Heartbeat 2:20pm ...........................Hamish Macbeth 3:20pm ............................... The Return of Sherlock Holmes 4:30pm ................... Dickinson’s Real Deal 5:30pm ............................Downton Abbey
6:00am..........................The Professionals 6:50am............................................ Batman 7:55am ..............................................Minder 8:55am.................................... The Fall Guy 9:55am..................................The Sweeney 11:00am ...........................................Cycling 12:00pm ..........UEFA Champions League Greatest Finals 12:20pm ........................... The Rare Breed 2:20pm ........................................ Red River 5:00pm ......................................The Alamo
7:00pm .....................Murder, She Wrote 8:00pm ...........Agatha Christie’s Poirot 9:00pm ...........Agatha Christie’s Poirot 11:15pm ..................Murder in Suburbia 12:20am .........Agatha Christie’s Poirot 1:15am ............................ Terry and June 1:45am ............................ Terry and June
Citizen Khan
BBC 1 - 10:20 - 10:50 pm The first in this new family-based sitcom set in the capital of British Pakistan - Sparkhill, Birmingham. Citizen Khan follows the trials and tribulations of loud-mouthed, tight-fisted, selfappointed community leader Mr Khan (Adil Ray) and his long suffering family, wife Mrs Khan (Shobu Kapoor) and daughters Shazia (Maya Sondhi) and Alia (Bhavna Limbachia). Mr Khan is a larger than life character, with strong opinions and big dreams. The challenges he faces are those of many fathers - how to make ends meet, keep his
wife and daughters happy and impress his daughter’s future in-laws. Things would be so much easier if everyone just listened to him and followed his lead, but his obsessively house-proud wife and two feisty daughters usually have other ideas. This week, plans are being made for Shazia’s forthcoming wedding to her handsome but dim fiancé Amjad (Abdullah Afzal). Mrs Khan’s on the warpath because Mr Khan’s forgotten to book the wedding venue, but it shouldn’t be a problem as long as he can persuade mosque manager Dave (Kris Marshall) to do him a favour…
6:50pm ....................Come Dine with Me 7:55pm ..............................Grand Designs 9:00pm ............................ Jimmy’s Forest 10:00pm ..................................Fraud Lord 10:35pm ..............Embarrassing Bodies 11:40pm.............................. Half Ton Man 12:50am .......................... Jimmy’s Forest 1:50am .....................................Fraud Lord 2:20am .................Embarrassing Bodies
8:00pm ........................... The Cycle Show 9:00pm ..................Lionel Messi: World’s Greatest Player A look at the career of the tiny Argentinian striker who at the age of just 24 has already established himself as the greatest player currently active, and some would argue the most complete footballer ever. 10:00pm ................................. Bundesliga 11:00pm................................ Hard Target
Editor Recommends
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
T U E S D AY 6:00am.........................................Breakfast 9:15am ................................... Heir Hunters 10:00am ...... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am .............. Saints and Scroungers 11:30am .................................. Animal 24:7 12:15pm ............................... Bargain Hunt 1:00pm .......................... BBC News at One 1:30pm .........................BBC London News 1:45pm ........................................... Doctors 2:15pm.................Escape to the Country 3:00pm ........................................BBC News 3:05pm .................. I Want My Own Room 3:35pm ......................................... Splatalot 4:00pm .......................... Shaun the Sheep 4:10pm .........................................Wingin’ It 4:30pm ....... Trade Your Way to the USA 5:00pm .....................................Newsround 5:15pm.......................................... Pointless 6:00pm ...........................BBC News at Six 6:30pm ....................... BBC London News 7:00pm .............................. The One Show 7:30pm ....................................EastEnders Sharon prepares to leave Walford but reconsiders her decision after some wise advice from a surprising source. Tanya counsels a struggling Janine. 8:00pm ...................................... Holby City Michael risks everything to save a patient’s life. Serena and Ric clash over an emotional transplant case. 9:00pm ..........................................Accused Seventeen-year-old Stephen Cartwright stands charged with a serious offence as his anxious father Peter looks on. 10:00pm ...................... BBC News at Ten 10:25pm .................... BBC London News 10:32pm ............................. BBC Weather 10:35pm ............................... The Lock Up 11:15pm ............................... Citizen Khan 11:45pm.............................. Greenfingers 1:15am ............................... Weatherview 1:20am ............ 7/7: One Day in London
6:00am..................................Children´s TV 7:50am .............................................. Arthur 8:03am.............................................. Arthur 8:15am ..............................................Ooglies 8:30am................. Nina and the Neurons: In the Lab 8:45am.........................................Baby Jake 9:00am...........................Tinga Tinga Tales 9:10am .........................Little Charley Bear 9:20am................. Raa Raa the Noisy Lion 9:30am............................. Bob the Builder: Project Build It 9:40am....................... The Koala Brothers 9:50am......................................... Lunar Jim 10:00am .....................................Octonauts 10:05am ....................................... Kerwhizz 10:30am ............Driver Dan’s Story Train 10:40am ......................................Waybuloo 11:00am ................... In the Night Garden 11:30am ..........................BBC World News 12:00pm ..............................................Coast 12:05pm .................To Buy or Not to Buy 12:50pm ............................... Days of Glory 2:15pm.......................... The Weakest Link 3:00pm .................................. Real Rescues 3:45pm ...........................The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 4:30pm ............................................. Flog It! 5:15pm............................. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 6:00pm .......................................Eggheads 6:30pm ................Celebrity MasterChef 7:00pm ..........Dig WW2 with Dan Snow 8:00pm ...... The Great British Bake Off 9:00pm ......... The Midwives: Delivering Under Pressure 10:00pm ............The Rob Brydon Show 10:30pm ..................................Newsnight 11:20pm......... James May’s Things You Need to Know... 11:50pm.... The World of Parade’s End 12:20am ..................................... BBC News
Editor Recommends
6:00am..........................................Daybreak 8:30am............................................Lorraine 9:25am................. The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am ................................This Morning 11:25am ....................................... ITV News 11:30am ................................This Morning 12:30pm .......................... Let’s Do Lunch... With Gino and Mel 1:30pm ................ITV News and Weather 2:00pm ....................... Murder, She Wrote 3:00pm ...............................Secret Dealers 4:00pm .......................Midsomer Murders Barnaby and Scott delve into the murder of a visitor to Plummer’s Relish factory and discover that the dead man was employed by a rival company. 5:00pm ........Don’t Blow the Inheritance 6:00pm ........................... London Tonight 6:30pm ..............ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ....................................Emmerdale Rhona’s stirring makes Marlon doubt Laurel’s commitment. Carl resolves to put Jimmy’s rent up to fund Charity’s business proposal. 7:30pm ........................................Live UEFA Champions League Play-off Second Leg. Adrian Chiles presents live Champions League playoff second-leg action as the teams fight to reach the lucrative group stage. 10:00pm ..ITV News at Ten & Weather 10:35pm .............. Corrie Goes to Kenya Conclusion of the two-part programme which sees four Coronation Street stars take a break from the cobbles of Weatherfield to spread a life-saving message in Africa. 11:35pm........ UEFA Champions League Extra Time. Adrian Chiles presents highlights of the day’s Champions League play-off second-leg matches as five teams celebrate reaching the group stage of the competition. 12:30am ................................. Jackpot247 3:00am ...................................Golden Balls
6:10am ....................................... The Hoobs 7:00am .......................... Freshly Squeezed 7:30am ........................... According to Jim 7:55am .................................Will and Grace 8:25am.........Everybody Loves Raymond 8:55am.............................................. Frasier 9:25am.............................................. Frasier 9:55am....................... Come Dine with Me 10:25am .................... Come Dine with Me 10:55am .................... Come Dine with Me 11:25am .................... Come Dine with Me 12:00pm .................... Come Dine with Me 12:30pm ...........................Channel 4 News 12:35pm .....BT and Channel 4 Present... 12:40pm .......................A Place in the Sun 1:40pm ...................... River Cottage Bites 1:50pm ................ Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 4:00pm ..............................Deal or No Deal 5:00pm ...................... Come Dine with Me 6:00pm ............................... The Simpsons 6:30pm ....................................... Hollyoaks 7:00pm ........................... Channel 4 News 7:25pm .....BT and Channel 4 Present... 7:30pm .....................................Jon Snow’s Paralympic Show 8:00pm .......................... Superscrimpers: Waste Not, Want Not On average couples blow more than £20,000 on their big day, and spendthrift fiancés Craig and Shanice are no different. 9:00pm ............ Islam: The Untold Story 10:35pm ............ Obsessive Compulsive Hoarder: The Big Clear Out 11:40pm.................. 24 Hours in A and E 12:40am ...........................Surfing Special 1:05am .................. KOTV Boxing Weekly 1:30am ............................................. Sailing 1:55am ............ International Volleyball 2:50am .......................... Mobil 1 The Grid 5:40am ............................... Ironman 2012
Islam: The Untold Story Channel 4 - 9:00 - 10:35 pm In this ground-breaking film, historian Tom Holland explores how a new religion - Islam - emerged from the seedbed of the ancient world, and asks what we really know for certain about the rise of Islam. The result is an extraordinary detective story. Traditionally, Muslims and non-Muslims alike have believed that Islam was born in the full light of history. But a large number of historians now doubt that presumption, and question much of what Muslim tradition has to tell us about the birth of Islam. As a result, Tom finds himself embroiled in what, for 40 years now, has been an
underground but seismic debate: the issue of whether, as Muslims have always believed, Islam was born fully formed in all its fundamentals, or else evolved gradually, over many years - and in ways that Muslims today might not necessarily recognise. So who was the historical Muhammad, and where - if not from God - might the Qur’an, the Holy Book of Islam, actually have come from? By asking these questions, Tom - as a nonMuslim - has no choice, over the course of the film, but to negotiate the fault-line that runs between history and religion, between doubt and faith.
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
7:00am ...............................................Arthur 7:10am .............The League of Super Evil 7:25am ........................................ Pet Squad 7:35am ............ What’s New Scooby-Doo? 8:00am.........................................Deadly 60 8:30am.......................................Cop School 9:00am.......................................... Splatalot 9:30am.......................................Cop School 10:00am ............................ Alesha’s Street Dance Stars 10:30am ......... Jedward’s Big Adventure
11:00am ............................................Sadie J 11:30am ............................................Sadie J 12:00pm ............................................Sadie J 12:25pm ........................... Style Download 12:30pm ............................................Sadie J 1:00pm ..............................................Sadie J 1:35pm ..............................................Sadie J 2:00pm ..............................The Sarah Jane Adventures 2:30pm ........................................Deadly 60 3:00pm ..........................Incredible Edibles 3:30pm ................................... Hacker Time 4:00pm ........... What’s New Scooby-Doo? 4:30pm .............................. Alesha’s Street Dance Stars 5:00pm ......... The Story of Tracy Beaker 5:15pm............................................M.I. High 5:45pm ................... Me and My Monsters 6:15pm.............................. Hole in the Wall 6:45pm ...........................Shaun the Sheep
2 8
6:00am................................. Children´s TV 11:10am ....Ultimate Police Interceptors 12:10pm ..................... 5 News Lunchtime 12:15pm ................ Celebrity Big Brother 1:15pm......................................Pawn Stars 1:45pm .................................... Neighbours 2:15pm...................................................NCIS 3:15pm..............Incident in a Small Town 5:00pm ....................................5 News at 5 5:30pm .................................... Neighbours 6:00pm .......Andy Bates’ Street Feasts 6:30pm ............................................5 News 7:00pm ......................Ice Road Truckers: Deadliest Roads 8:00pm ................................ Myra Hindley 9:00pm ......................Person of Interest 10:00pm ............. Celebrity Big Brother 11:00pm........... Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 12:00am ................................ Cricket on 5
7:00pm ..............................Total Wipeout 8:00pm ...................Snog, Marry, Avoid? First up is Adrienne, who is a tanned WAG wannabe - but the trouble is that her boyfriend is a plumber. Then it’s Lottie Lou, who has taught her kids how to apply her spray tan, but they hate her Oompa Loompa look. 8:30pm ...................Snog, Marry, Avoid? 9:00pm ....................Don’t Tell the Bride 10:00pm .......................... Bad Education 10:30pm ................................ EastEnders 11:00pm.................................. Family Guy 11:45pm........................... American Dad! 12:05am ........................... American Dad! 12:30am ........................... Bad Education 1:00am ....................Don’t Tell the Bride 2:00am ...................Snog, Marry, Avoid? 2:30am ...................Snog, Marry, Avoid? 3:00am ..............The Revolution Will be Televised
7:15am ....................................... Nanny 911 8:10am ......................................Judge Judy 8:40am.................. The Only Way is Essex 9:25am....................The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:15am..................The Real Housewives of New York City 11:10am ....................................Judge Judy 12:00pm ...................................Emmerdale 12:30pm ......................Coronation Street 1:30pm ................The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm ...................The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm ...................The Real Housewives of New York City 5:35pm .....................................Judge Judy
6:00am........................ Carry on Laughing 6:25am....................................... Heartbeat 7:20am .................... Upstairs, Downstairs 8:30am.................................. On the Buses 9:00am........Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 10:00am .............Ruth Rendell Mysteries 11:05am .....................Murder, She Wrote 1:05pm ...................................... Heartbeat 2:05pm ...........................Hamish Macbeth 3:10pm ............................... The Return of Sherlock Holmes 4:15pm.................................. On the Buses 4:50pm ...................................... Heartbeat 5:50pm ............................Downton Abbey
6:00pm ........The Jeremy Kyle Show US 7:00pm ........................................The Cube 8:00pm ................. America’s Got Talent 9:00pm .......................Hell’s Kitchen USA 10:00pm ................................ Notting Hill
6:55pm .....................Murder, She Wrote 8:00pm .....................Midsomer Murders 10:00pm ..................................... Rain Man 12:40am ............................ The Return of Sherlock Holmes 1:35am ............................ Terry and June
A U G U S T 8:55am...... Location, Location, Location 10:00am ............................... Four in a Bed 10:30am .............. Relocation, Relocation 11:35am ................. When Eight Bells Toll 1:25pm ....................... Time Team Special 2:30pm ..................................... Time Team 3:35pm ....................................Four Rooms 4:40pm ..... Location, Location, Location 5:45pm ....................... A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 6:50pm ....................Come Dine with Me 7:55pm ..............................Grand Designs 9:00pm ............................... Secret Eaters 10:00pm .......................................Coppers 11:05pm.........Big Fat Gypsy Weddings 12:10am ............................. Secret Eaters In this edition Dawn and Mike, a married couple from Hull, plus their best mate and lodger Gareth, want to solve the riddle of why they’re putting on weight. 7:15am ......................................... The Saint 8:05am..................................The Sweeney 9:05am.... World’s Wildest Police Videos 10:00am ............................ Quantum Leap 11:00am .......................The Professionals 12:00pm ...................................... The Saint 1:00pm .................................The Sweeney 2:00pm .............................. Quantum Leap 3:00pm ...............Police, Camera, Action! 3:25pm ..............................Motorsport UK 4:30pm .......................British Touring Car Championship Highlights 6:00pm ............................. Quantum Leap 7:00pm ............................................Cycling 8:00pm ..............................Grimefighters 9:00pm .............Police, Camera, Action! 10:00pm ............................... Hard Target 12:00am ......................... World’s Wildest Police Videos 12:55am ..............................The Sweeney 1:55am ....................................... The Saint
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Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
W E D N E S DAY 6:00am.........................................Breakfast 9:15am ................................... Heir Hunters 10:00am ...... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am .............. Saints and Scroungers 11:30am .................................. Animal 24:7 12:15pm ............................... Bargain Hunt 1:00pm .......................... BBC News at One 1:30pm .........................BBC London News 1:45pm ........................................... Doctors 2:15pm.................Escape to the Country 3:00pm ........................................BBC News 3:05pm .................. I Want My Own Room 3:35pm ......................................... Splatalot 4:00pm .......................... Shaun the Sheep 4:10pm .........................................Wingin’ It 4:30pm ........... Jedward’s Big Adventure 5:00pm .....................................Newsround 5:15pm.......................................... Pointless 6:00pm ...........................BBC News at Six 6:30pm ....................... BBC London News 7:00pm .............................. The One Show 8:00pm .................. The Flowerpot Gang Today Anneka, Phil and Joe help two Bristol schools that have formed an unlikely partnership. While the Student Support Centre helps students who have been excluded from mainstream schools. 9:00pm .................................. Who Do You Think You Are? Patrick Stewart investigates his father’s extraordinary war career and discovers the shocking impact it had on his father’s character. 10:00pm ...................... BBC News at Ten 10:25pm .................... BBC London News 10:32pm ............................. BBC Weather 10:35pm ..............The National Lottery Wednesday Night Draws 10:45pm ............................Have I Got Old News for You 11:15pm ............. The League Cup Show 12:15am ....................The Color of Night
6:00am..................................Children´s TV 7:30am .............The League of Super Evil 7:40am ........................ Frankenstein’s Cat 7:50am .............................................. Arthur 8:03am.............................................. Arthur 8:15am ..............................................Ooglies 8:30am................. Nina and the Neurons: In the Lab 8:45am.........................................Baby Jake 9:00am...........................Tinga Tinga Tales 9:10am .........................Little Charley Bear 9:20am................. Raa Raa the Noisy Lion 9:30am............................. Bob the Builder: Project Build It 9:40am....................... The Koala Brothers 9:50am......................................... Lunar Jim 10:00am .....................................Octonauts 10:05am ....................................... Kerwhizz 10:30am ............Driver Dan’s Story Train 10:40am ......................................Waybuloo 11:00am ................... In the Night Garden 11:30am ..........................BBC World News 12:00pm ..............................................Coast 12:20pm ..................................... Gunga Din 2:15pm.......................... The Weakest Link 3:00pm .................................. Real Rescues 3:45pm ...........................The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 4:30pm ............................................. Flog It! 5:15pm............................. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 6:00pm .......................................Eggheads 6:30pm ................Celebrity MasterChef 7:00pm ..........Dig WW2 with Dan Snow 8:00pm ...................... Restoration Home 9:00pm .............................................. Vexed 10:00pm .......The Culture Show at the Edinburgh Festival 10:30pm ..................................Newsnight 11:20pm....... The Midwives: Delivering Under Pressure 12:20am ..................................... BBC News
Editor Recommends
6:00am..........................................Daybreak 8:30am............................................Lorraine 9:25am................. The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am ................................This Morning 11:25am ....................................... ITV News 11:30am ................................This Morning 12:30pm .......................... Let’s Do Lunch... With Gino and Mel 1:30pm ................ITV News and Weather 2:00pm ....................... Murder, She Wrote 3:00pm ...............................Secret Dealers 4:00pm .......................Midsomer Murders 5:00pm ........Don’t Blow the Inheritance 6:00pm ........................... London Tonight 6:30pm ..............ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ....................................Emmerdale The day of the court hearing sees relations between Paddy and Marlon crumble. Charity takes it upon herself to rebrand Emmerdale Haulage. Nikhil is oblivious to Gennie’s frustration at living with his family. 7:30pm ..........................The Corrie Years The programme looks at some of Corrie’s firsts, including the first live episode for nearly 40 years, the first specially written hour-long episode and the show’s first transsexual character. 8:00pm .................... Super Tiny Animals In the USA, Einstein the little horse shares his super-sized secret about his super tiny life, and meet Lucy the Yorkshire terrier- who is officially the world’s smallest working dog. 9:00pm ............... Britain Then and Now Imagine you could turn back the clock and revisit a moment from the past. This is what the residents of one East London street set out to do when they celebrated the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee with a street party. 10:00pm ........................ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:35pm ..................................The Jacket 12:25am ................................. Jackpot247
6:10am ....................................... The Hoobs 6:35am....................................... The Hoobs 7:00am .......................... Freshly Squeezed 7:30am ........................... According to Jim 7:55am .................................Will and Grace 8:25am.........Everybody Loves Raymond 8:55am.............................................. Frasier 9:25am....................... Come Dine with Me 9:55am....................... Come Dine with Me 10:25am .................... Come Dine with Me 10:55am .................... Come Dine with Me 11:30am .................... Come Dine with Me 12:00pm ...........................Channel 4 News 12:05pm .................................The Odyssey 12:40pm ...........A Place in the Sun Home 1:45pm .......BT and Channel 4 Present... 1:50pm ............................................ Sabrina 4:00pm ..............................Deal or No Deal 5:00pm ...................... Come Dine with Me 6:00pm ............................... The Simpsons 6:30pm ....................................... Hollyoaks 7:00pm ........................... Channel 4 News 8:00pm ..........London 2012 Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony The eyes of the world are on London for the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Paralympic Games. Jon Snow and Krishnan Guru-Murthy present live coverage from the Olympic Park, where the Opening Ceremony promises to be an electrifying celebration to mark the occasion. 11:20pm........................ 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 12:25am ..................................Jimmy Carr 1:20am ............................... Summer Daze with Blackberry 1:50am ................. Barclaycard Mercury Prize Sessions 2:00am ...................Itunes Festival 2012 2:15am ........................................Spotlight 2:30am ..................................... Coming Up 2:55am ................................................Mesh
Britain Then and Now ITV 1 - 9:00 - 10:00 pm “I can remember being there, now again, looking at the pictures… it is like yesterday.”
– Photographer John Chillingworth
This new 60-minute documentary for ITV1 follows the residents of one East London street as they attempt to turn back the clock and re-enact a street party held for the Coronation to the last detail. From tracking down the original partygoers, piecing together peoples’ memories of the day Morpeth Street held its party in 1953, to recreating the original Spam
sandwiches and photographs, what unfolds is a fascinating look into the lives of people in post-war Britain. One of the main obstacles facing the 2012 party’s organisers is that the street has changed beyond all recognition – where there were once Victorian terraced houses now stand 1960s tower blocks. Narrated by Sarah Lancashire, the factual documentary charts how Morpeth Street resident Ruth Scola teams up with other locals to bring the street party together and shows the parallels between life in 1953 and 2012.
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
7:00am ...............................................Arthur 7:10am .............The League of Super Evil 7:25am ........................................ Pet Squad 7:35am ............ What’s New Scooby-Doo? 8:00am................................... Self Defence 8:30am.......................................Cop School 9:00am.......................................... Splatalot 9:30am.......................................Cop School 10:00am ............................ Alesha’s Street Dance Stars 10:30am ......... Jedward’s Big Adventure 11:00am .................. Bear Behaving Badly 11:20am .................. Bear Behaving Badly 11:45am .................. Bear Behaving Badly 12:10pm .................. Bear Behaving Badly 12:30pm .................. Bear Behaving Badly 12:55pm .................. Bear Behaving Badly
2:00pm ..............................The Sarah Jane Adventures 2:30pm .................................. Self Defence 3:00pm ..........................Incredible Edibles 3:30pm ................................... Hacker Time 4:00pm ........... What’s New Scooby-Doo? 4:30pm .............................. Alesha’s Street Dance Stars 5:00pm ......... The Story of Tracy Beaker 5:15pm.....................................................Roy 5:45pm ..........................Horrible Histories 6:15pm...........................Four O’Clock Club 6:45pm ...........................Shaun the Sheep
2 9
6:00am................................. Children´s TV 11:10am ....Ultimate Police Interceptors 12:10pm ..................... 5 News Lunchtime 12:15pm ................ Celebrity Big Brother 1:15pm......................................Pawn Stars 1:45pm .................................... Neighbours 2:15pm...CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3:15pm.......................Thicker than Water 5:00pm ....................................5 News at 5 5:30pm .................................... Neighbours 6:00pm .......Andy Bates’ Street Feasts 6:30pm ............................................5 News 7:00pm ...................The Hotel Inspector 8:00pm .........................Secret Interview 9:00pm ................ Celebrity Big Brother 10:00pm ......John Barrowman’s Dallas 11:10pm .............. Celebrity Big Brother 11:35pm........... Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 12:35am ............................ Comedy Kings
7:00pm ........................................ Top Gear Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May attempt to make train travel cheaper, faster and more interesting by replacing the conventional carriages and locomotive with a series of caravans attached to a specially modified car. 8:00pm ...........Great Movie Mistakes 2: The Sequel 8:10pm .............. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 10:00pm .........................The Revolution Will be Televised 10:30pm ................................. Family Guy 11:15pm ........................... American Dad! 12:00am ..........................The Revolution Will be Televised 12:30am ........................... Bad Education 1:00am ..........................................Our War 2:00am ...................Russell Brand: From Addiction to Recovery
8:55am...... Location, Location, Location 10:00am ............................... Four in a Bed 10:30am ...................... A Place in the Sun 11:00am ...............................Never So Few 1:25pm ....................... Time Team Special 2:35pm ..................................... Time Team 3:35pm ....................................Four Rooms 4:40pm ..... Location, Location, Location 5:45pm ....................... A Place in the Sun: Home or Away
7:15am ...........The Jeremy Kyle Show US 8:10am ......................................Judge Judy 8:40am.................. The Only Way is Essex 9:25am....................The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:15am..................The Real Housewives of New York City 11:10am ....................................Judge Judy 12:00pm ...................................Emmerdale 12:30pm .................................... Nanny 911 1:30pm ................The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm ...................The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm ...................The Real Housewives of New York City 5:35pm .....................................Judge Judy
6:00am....................................Drama Trails 6:10am ....................................... Heartbeat 7:05am .................... Upstairs, Downstairs 8:15am .................................. On the Buses 8:50am........Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 9:50am................Ruth Rendell Mysteries 10:55am .....................Murder, She Wrote 11:55am .....................Murder, She Wrote 12:55pm .................................... Heartbeat 2:00pm ...........................Hamish Macbeth 3:05pm ............................... The Return of Sherlock Holmes 4:15pm.................................. On the Buses 4:50pm ...................................... Heartbeat 5:50pm ............................Downton Abbey
6:10am ............................................Film File 6:20am..........................The Professionals 7:10am ......................................... The Saint 8:00am..............................................Minder 9:00am.... World’s Wildest Police Videos 10:00am ............................ Quantum Leap 11:00am ...........................................Cycling 12:00pm ...................................... The Saint 1:00pm ... World’s Wildest Police Videos 2:00pm .............................................Minder 3:00pm ................................... The Fall Guy 3:55pm ........................................... Batman 5:00pm .........................The Professionals
6:00pm ........The Jeremy Kyle Show US 7:00pm ................. America’s Got Talent 9:00pm ...............................Peter Andre’s Bad Boyfriend Club 10:00pm ................................ Total Recall 12:20am .................................. Innerspace
6:55pm .....................Murder, She Wrote 8:00pm ...........Agatha Christie’s Poirot 10:00pm ..................Inspector Wexford 11:45pm.............................................Monk 12:40am .......................... Terry and June 1:40am ......................Carry on Laughing
6:55pm ....................Come Dine with Me 8:00pm ..........London 2012 Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony 11:20pm...............Embarrassing Bodies 12:20am ..................Come Dine with Me 1:30am ....................River Cottage Bites 1:35am ...Location, Location, Location 2:40am ....................River Cottage Bites 2:50am ................................ Four in a Bed
6:00pm ............................. Quantum Leap 7:00pm ............................................Cycling 8:00pm ........................British Superbike Championship Highlights 9:00pm ........ Ulster GP Highlights 2012 10:00pm ........................Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life 12:15am ....................Real Prison Breaks
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
T H U R S D AY 6:00am.........................................Breakfast 9:15am ................................... Heir Hunters 10:00am ...... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am .............. Saints and Scroungers 11:30am .................................. Animal 24:7 12:15pm ............................... Bargain Hunt 1:00pm .......................... BBC News at One 1:30pm .........................BBC London News 1:45pm ........................................... Doctors 2:15pm.................Escape to the Country 3:00pm ........................................BBC News 3:05pm .................. I Want My Own Room 3:35pm ......................................... Splatalot 4:00pm .......................... Shaun the Sheep 4:10pm .........................................Wingin’ It 4:30pm ................................................... Roy 5:00pm .....................................Newsround 5:15pm.......................................... Pointless 6:00pm ...........................BBC News at Six 6:30pm ....................... BBC London News 7:00pm .............................. The One Show 7:30pm ....................................EastEnders Anthony faces a dilemma when Derek and Joey propse a game of poker on the night that he has romantic plans with Alice. Ian is devastated when Lucy tells him that she is planning to let the stall out, but can Sharon change her mind? 8:00pm ............................. Waterloo Road Troublemaker Lula’s home life spills into school but can Tom discover the cause of her disruptive behaviour? 9:00pm ....................................... Good Cop 10:00pm ...................... BBC News at Ten 10:25pm .................... BBC London News 10:32pm ............................. BBC Weather 10:35pm ........................ Neighbourhood Watched 11:20pm.......................................... Duplex 12:45am ..............Holiday Weatherview 12:50am ................................. Countryfile 1:45am ..................................June Brown: Respect Your Elders
6:00am..................................Children´s TV 7:50am .............................................. Arthur 8:15am ..............................................Ooglies 8:30am................. Nina and the Neurons: In the Lab 8:45am.........................................Baby Jake 9:00am...........................Tinga Tinga Tales 9:10am .........................Little Charley Bear 9:20am................. Raa Raa the Noisy Lion 9:30am............................. Bob the Builder: Project Build It 9:40am....................... The Koala Brothers 9:50am......................................... Lunar Jim 10:00am .....................................Octonauts 10:05am ....................................... Kerwhizz 10:30am ............Driver Dan’s Story Train 10:40am ......................................Waybuloo 11:00am ................... In the Night Garden 11:30am ..........................BBC World News 12:00pm ..............................................Coast 12:20pm .................To Buy or Not to Buy 12:50pm .............................. Hotel Reserve 2:15pm.......................... The Weakest Link 3:00pm .................................. Real Rescues 3:45pm ...........................The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 4:30pm ............................................. Flog It! 5:15pm............................. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 6:00pm .......................................Eggheads 6:30pm ................Celebrity MasterChef 7:00pm ........................................ Athletics 9:00pm .............................Iceland Erupts: A Volcano Live Special 10:00pm ....................... The Boss is Back 10:30pm ..................................Newsnight 11:20pm.............The Rob Brydon Show 11:50pm......... James May’s Things You Need to Know... 12:20am ........The Culture Show at the Edinburgh Festival 12:50am ..................................... BBC News
Editor Recommends
6:00am..........................................Daybreak 8:30am............................................Lorraine 9:25am................. The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am ................................This Morning 11:25am ....................................... ITV News 11:30am ................................This Morning 12:30pm .......................... Let’s Do Lunch... With Gino and Mel 1:30pm ................ITV News and Weather 2:00pm ....................... Murder, She Wrote 3:00pm ...............................Secret Dealers 4:00pm .......................Midsomer Murders 5:00pm ........Don’t Blow the Inheritance
6:00am........................The Treacle People 6:10am ....................................... The Hoobs 6:35am.......................... Freshly Squeezed 7:00am ......................... Paralympic Games Breakfast Show 9:15am ...............Paralympic Games 2012 12:00pm ...........................Channel 4 News 12:05pm ............Paralympic Games 2012 1:00pm ..............Paralympic Games 2012 3:25pm ..............................Deal or No Deal 4:25pm ...................... Come Dine with Me 4:55pm ................................ The Simpsons 5:25pm ..............Paralympic Games 2012
6:00pm ........................... London Tonight 6:30pm ..............ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ....................................Emmerdale Ashley is stunned as Paddy outs Laurel and Marlon’s relationship in the pub. Nikhil is distraught when he realises Gennie has moved out. 7:30pm ...........................................Tonight This week a controversial US website allowing kidney donors to choose who gets their organ is launched in the UK. 8:00pm ....................................Emmerdale Paddy and Marlon realise their friendship is over. Devastated by the news, Ashley moves out of Marlon’s. Alex is torn between Victoria and Moira. 8:30pm ...................... Coronation Street Tyrone burns his bridges with Tommy and Tina. Ryan’s behaviour spirals out of control. Can Eileen turn a blind eye to Paul’s new addition to the house? 9:00pm ........................... Britain by Night Tony has been cleaning the streets of London for 17 years. But this night he is broken-hearted as his wife has run off with another man. 10:00pm ........................ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:35pm ...... The Jonathan Ross Show 11:35pm.......................Poms in Paradise 12:05am ................................. Jackpot247 2:35am ...........................................Tonight
6:30pm ....................................... Hollyoaks Worried that he’ll never find his real father, an upset Dodger drowns his sorrows. Myra finds an unusual way of letting out her anger and Theresa, still angry at Joel, turns elsewhere for comfort. 7:00pm ........................... Channel 4 News 7:30pm ............Paralympic Games 2012 Tonight: Swimming, Wheelchair Basketball and Table Tennis Clare Balding and Ade Adepitan present exclusive coverage of the first evening of competition at the 2012 Paralympics in London. It’s a busy night of swimming Finals at the Aquatics Centre. GB’s 19-year-old Gemma Almond was a bronze medallist in the SM10 200m Individual Medley at last year’s European Championships. 10:30pm .............................. The Last Leg with Adam Hills Adam Hills presents an alternative review of each day at the London 2012 Paralympic Games, showing all the best gems of action and taking a sideways look at the intricacies of disability sport. 11:15pm ............................... The Odyssey 11:50pm........................ A Running Jump 12:35am ...........................Ben Rushgrove 1:30am ................. Embarrassing Bodies
Good Cop
BBC 1 - 9:00 - 10:00 pm Warren Brown (Luther, Occupation) stars in the lead role of Stephen Butchard’s (Five Daughters, House of Saddam), Good Cop, a new four-part drama series made by BBC Drama Production North. It starts as an ordinary day, but while out running on Crosby beach, beat cop PC John Paul Rocksavage (Sav) bumps into his exgirlfriend Cassandra and their daughter Libby. Sav catches a glimpse of the family he could have had, but Cassie isn’t interested in a reunion. Later that day Sav is having lunch with his best friend and colleague Andy Stockwell
when he witnesses a gang of men mistreating a waitress. Sav intervenes and finds himself face to face with a very unpleasant Finch, who threatens to attack the next copper he sees. Their shift starts and Sav and Andy attend what seems like another regular call out: neighbours have complained about the noise at a house party. But when they arrive at the house, Finch and the gang from the diner are waiting. As Sav tries to get in from the back, Andy manages to get in through the front where the gang launch a brutal assault on him.
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
7:00am ...............................................Arthur 7:10am .............The League of Super Evil 7:25am ........................................ Pet Squad 7:35am ............ What’s New Scooby-Doo? 8:00am................................... Self Defence 8:30am.......................................Cop School 9:00am.......................................... Splatalot 9:30am.......................................Cop School 10:00am ............................ Alesha’s Street Dance Stars 10:30am ......... Jedward’s Big Adventure 11:00am ................................Diddy Movies 11:20am ................................Diddy Movies 11:40am ................................Diddy Movies 12:00pm ................................Diddy Movies 12:20pm ................................Diddy Movies 12:40pm ................................Diddy Movies 1:00pm ..................................Diddy Movies 1:20pm ..................................Diddy Movies
1:30pm ................................... Hacker Time 2:00pm ..............................The Sarah Jane Adventures 2:30pm .................................. Self Defence 3:00pm ..........................Incredible Edibles 3:30pm ................................... Hacker Time 4:00pm ........... What’s New Scooby-Doo? 4:30pm .............................. Alesha’s Street Dance Stars 5:00pm ...................................The Story of Tracy Beaker 5:15pm....................................Dani’s House 5:45pm .......................................Blue Peter 6:15pm..................The Sparticle Mystery 6:45pm ...........................Shaun the Sheep
6:00am................................. Children´s TV 9:15am ...........................The Wright Stuff 11:10am ....Ultimate Police Interceptors 12:10pm ..................... 5 News Lunchtime 12:15pm ................ Celebrity Big Brother 1:15pm......................................Pawn Stars 1:45pm .................................... Neighbours 2:15pm...CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3:15pm...... McBride: It’s Murder, Madam 5:00pm ....................................5 News at 5 5:30pm .................................... Neighbours 6:00pm .......Andy Bates’ Street Feasts 6:30pm ............................................5 News 7:00pm ......Stansted: The Inside Story 8:00pm ........................................ Revealed 9:00pm ...................The Hotel Inspector 10:00pm ............. Celebrity Big Brother 11:00pm........... Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 6:25am......................................Judge Judy 6:55am...........The Jeremy Kyle Show US 7:50am .................. The Only Way is Essex 9:25am....................The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:15am..................The Real Housewives of New York City 11:10am ....................................Judge Judy 12:00pm ...................................Emmerdale 12:30pm .................................... Nanny 911 1:30pm ................The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm ...................The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm ...................The Real Housewives of New York City 5:35pm .....................................Judge Judy 6:00pm ........The Jeremy Kyle Show US 6:50pm .......................Kindergarten Cop 9:00pm .......................................Benidorm 10:00pm ..........................Celebrity Juice 10:45pm .................Lemon La Vida Loca 1:45am .......................Hell’s Kitchen USA
Tel. 922 714 500 Whale Watching Puerto Colon - 2 Hours 22 Euros
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7:00pm ...................................The World’s Strictest Parents Wayward British teenagers experience strict parenting on the other side of the world. Two despairing single dads agree to send their out-of-control teenagers to Argentina for a dose of good old-fashioned South American parenting. 8:00pm ....................Don’t Tell the Bride 9:00pm ................................. Russell Kane 10:00pm ........................................Wilfred 10:20pm ........Great Movie Mistakes 2: The Sequel 10:30pm ................................ EastEnders 11:00pm.................................. Family Guy 11:45pm........................... American Dad! 12:30am ............................... Russell Kane 1:30am ...........................................Wilfred 1:50am ....................Don’t Tell the Bride 2:50am ...................................The World’s Strictest Parents
8:55am...... Location, Location, Location 10:00am ............................... Four in a Bed 10:35am ....................River Cottage Bites 10:50am ...................... A Place in the Sun 11:25am ......... The Belles of St. Trinian’s 1:15pm...................................... Time Team 2:20pm ..................................... Time Team 3:25pm ............. Paralympic Games 2012 5:25pm ......................Come Dine with Me
6:00am....................................Drama Trails 6:10am ....................................... Heartbeat 7:05am .................... Upstairs, Downstairs 8:15am .................................. On the Buses 8:50am........Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 9:50am................Ruth Rendell Mysteries 10:55am .....................Murder, She Wrote 12:55pm .................................... Heartbeat 2:00pm ...........................Hamish Macbeth 3:10pm .........The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes 4:15pm.................................. On the Buses 4:50pm ...................................... Heartbeat 5:50pm ............................Downton Abbey
6:00am.............UEFA Champions League Greatest Goals 6:10am ..........................The Professionals 7:00am ............................................ Batman 8:00am......................................... The Saint 9:00am.................................... The Fall Guy 10:00am ............................ Quantum Leap 11:00am ...........................................Cycling 12:00pm ...................................... The Saint 1:00pm .........................The Professionals 2:00pm ...............Police, Camera, Action! 2:55pm ................................... The Fall Guy 3:55pm ........................................... Batman 5:00pm .........................The Professionals
6:55pm .....................Murder, She Wrote 8:00pm .............................. The Return of Sherlock Holmes 9:00pm ...............................................Lewis 11:05pm........................Inspector Morse 1:10am .............................. Kavanagh Q.C.
6:00pm ............................. Quantum Leap 7:00pm .............Police, Camera, Action! 7:30pm .........UEFA Europa League Live 10:15pm ..........................................Cycling 11:15pm ........................................ Rocky V 1:25am ............................................ Minder 2:25am .............Police, Camera, Action!
6:25pm ........... Paralympic Games 2012 7:30pm ..................... Gok Cooks Chinese 8:00pm ..............................Grand Designs 9:00pm ...........Big Fat Gypsy Weddings 10:05pm .................................. The Closer 11:00pm.................................. Father Ted 12:05am .........Big Fat Gypsy Weddings 1:10am ..................................... The Closer 2:05am ................. Brothers and Sisters 3:00am ..............................Grand Designs
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012 ADVERTISMENT
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
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Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
Tenerife Properties have been trading on the island for over 30 years. Their offices are located in San Eugenio, in between the Santander and BBVA banks, opposite the car park entrance to the San Eugenio Shopping Centre. Partners are Lynne Leadbetter and Mike Woodhouse, along with Sales Director Rachel Rogers and Secretary Delia Rodríguez Boue. Mike is a member of The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, a member of the National
Association of Estate Agents (Overseas) and a member of the Spanish College, known as the Associación Profesional de Gestores Intermediarias en Promociones de Edificaciones. His college number being GIPE 2676 and he has been practicing in Tenerife since 1988. He is also the Appointed Valuer for the Abbey National International in the Canary Islands. Property purchase can be very stressful, particularly if you are situated 2,000 miles away.
Tenerife Properties aims to take that stress away for you. They assist in arranging mortgages, valuations, Spanish bank accounts, NIE numbers, contents and buildings insurance, Spanish wills and even assist in obtaining discounted rates when transferring money. In short, they assist in every aspect of the purchasing and selling process, right through to and beyond the day of completion at the Notary. They also offer an excellent after sales service.
Reference I708 - REDUCED FROM 850,000 TO 550,000 Euros
Our first property promotion is an idyllic rural house in the typically Canarian village of El Roque. Nestled into the mountainside of the San Miguel area, this beautifully renovated house was reconstructed from ruins by the current owners, who did not think twice about investing in this picturesque site and restoring the house to an extremely high standard; however, still in keeping with the original structure and character of the property.
The original walls were left in and the property reconstructed around these walls, giving a truly authentic result. The finished house has a strong South American influence, particularly from Venezuela and Mexico. The owners are collectors of fine art and antiques which adorn each room of the house. The house has various lounges, reading rooms and dining areas, which are all interconnected and each one has its own interesting feature.
In the reading room the old oven has been converted into an open fireplace; making for a very cosy feel in the winter months. Outside, the very private garden area has a swimming pool for cooling off in the summer and beautiful and well-kept gardens and seating areas. There is also a wonderful natural feature – a large cave that could easily be converted into a party room, kitchen or bodega, to give just some ideas.
The property has 5 bedrooms in total, 5 bathrooms and is constructed over 2 floors. It has 3 kitchen areas and several dining /eating areas. It is ideal for a family looking to lead an authentic rural lifestyle, away from the busy tourist areas, or a small rural guest house. This property can be viewed at www. tenerifeproperties.net Contact numbers – 922 724 110 / 608 573 443 / 699 250 870 info@tenerifeproperties.net
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
‘Is there hope?’
In Association With
Eyelashes for Cars The Perfect Gift
Get over me
How can I help my ex move on? We broke up 7 months ago but we’re still friends; we’d just grown apart and I didn’t love him anymore. But while I’m out having a good time with my friends and meeting new guys, he hasn’t moved on at all. He calls me all the time, begging me to come over and I know that he hasn’t seen anyone else since we split. It makes me feel really sad for him, but I don’t know what to do. Lizzie
Are you sure it’s just your ex that has a problem moving on, Lizzie? You should be thinking about you and your life rather than looking over your shoulder to make sure he’s ok. Sometimes you know, you’ve got to be cruel to be kind. That relationship ended months ago and you’ve done the right thing in moving on with your own life. You need to make sure your ex understands that there’s no future for the two of you as
a couple. Your concern and sensitivity here is admirable but its probably giving this poor guy false hope. Be straight with him and warn him that this whole thing is jeopardising your friendship. The worst thing in the world you could do right now is put your own life on hold just because he isn’t happy. We all have to face things in life and it’s high time this guy faced the fact that its over. Ignoring one or two of his calls and leaving him to his own devices should go some way to getting that message across.
Toy boy for mum
My mum has just started dating since her divorce three years ago and I’m very happy that she’s moved on from my dad, who was a nasty person. The problem is the man that she is dating. My mum is 45, and I am 29 but the guy that my mum has started seeing is 27! I can’t believe that she’s going out with someone younger than me. I’ve no idea what he wants with my mum but it can hardly be true love with that age gap. It’s driving me crazy, because on one hand she’s not been this happy for ages, but on the other hand he’s totally wrong for her. Joanne Over the years, I’ve spoken to thousands of people about age differences. I’ve heard from the couples themselves as well as their friends and families. My overriding view here is that, provided
two people are over the age of consent, they should be free to be with whoever they choose. Look at this situation, Joanne. The bloke might be absolutely perfect for your mum, who are you to say he isn’t? OK, so he’s a little younger than you but at the end of the day, age is little more than a number isn’t it? Your mum is a big girl and is really the only person qualified to say who’s right for her and who isn’t. If you came to me saying that she was being beaten or abused in some other way, of course I’d be completely on your side, Joanne. That’s not the case though is it? So my advice to you now is to respect your mum’s choices and be happy for her. Her new romance may last forever or it may just fizzle out of its own accord, but ultimately that’s between her and this new guy
The love of my life left me after a seven year relationship. He met someone online and moved out of our flat to be with her. This happened about six months ago and recently he’s been calling a lot and complaining that he’s not happy and misses me. I really think we’re supposed to be together. Should I take him back? Sasha,
Some relationships can survive this sort of thing, whereas others can’t. It’s a difficult one for me to answer, Sasha, and I don’t think there are any right answers. What you need to do is put your feelings aside and look at exactly what this
guy did to you. He cheated didn’t he? In simple terms, he disrespected you and your relationship despite knowing how devoted to him you were. Now, if you think you can take this in your stride and trust him again, that’s up to you. Like I said, some relationships can survive infidelity, but my gut instinct in your situation would be to forget him! You say you love him to bits, but it’s clear that he thinks he can pick you up and drop you whenever he needs to. What you do is your business, but if you do take him back, don’t be surprised if the same thing happens all over again.
Sister trouble I’ve noticed recently that my sister is making herself sick after eating. She runs off after meals and takes ages in the bathroom. She’s always battled with her weight and was bullied at school, but that was 4 years ago now and I thought she was feeling better about herself. I’ve tried telling my mum but she doesn’t believe me and won’t talk to her so I don’t know who else to turn to. What can I do to help her? Evie Your sister clearly needs your mum’s love and support right now, even if neither of them are ready to admit it! Keep talking to
your mum; make her see that this isn’t just going to go away all by itself. You’re doing the right thing by the way, Evie, your sister is very lucky to have you looking out for her. B-eat is a UK charity who work tirelessly to help people like your sister and their families. Their website (www.b-eat.co.uk) contains a wealth of information and advice for people in your situation. Sweetheart, I know you feel completely helpless here, but you are making a difference, trust me. The good news is that people can and do overcome eating disorders. Arm yourself with as much information as you can, keep on at your mum and maybe talk to others with experience of this. I’m not going to say it’s going to be plain sailing, but with the help of her family, your sister will hopefully get through this.
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
Here’s something special to share with you all. I obtained this recipe whilst working at The Alton Towers Hotel. It’s been tried and tested and never fails to satisfy. It’s easy, and the beauty of it is you can make it a couple of days before and let all the chocolate soak into the bread! It is, quite simply, one of the most brilliant hot puddings ever invented. It’s so simple, but so good! Serve in small portions because it is very rich. Though I doubt if there will be any left over, it’s also wonderful cold. Furthermore I’ve just added it to VIVO’S private function menus!
Chocolate Bread and Butter Pudding
Ingredients 9 slices white bread, 5 oz (150 g) dark chocolate (the cheapest you can find!) 3 oz (75 g) butter, 15 fl oz (425 ml) whipping cream, 4 tablespoons dark rum, 4 oz (110 g) sugar, good pinch cinnamon, 3 large eggs.
Begin by removing the crusts from the slices of bread. Now cut each slice into 4 triangles. Next, place the chocolate, whipping cream, rum, sugar, butter and cinnamon in a bowl set over a saucepan of barely simmering water, being careful not to let the bowl touch the water. Then wait until the butter and chocolate have melted and the sugar has completely dissolved. Next, remove the bowl from the heat and give it a really good stir to mix all the ingredients. Now in a separate bowl, whisk the eggs and then pour the chocolate mixture over them and whisk again very thoroughly to blend them together. Arrange the bread triangles in the tray in overlapping rows. Pour the chocolate mixture all over the bread as evenly as possible, use a
fork to press the bread gently down so that it gets covered very evenly with the liquid as it cools. Cover the dish with cling film and allow to stand at room temperature for 2 hours before transferring it to the fridge for a minimum of 2 hours (but preferably 48 hours) before cooking. When you’re ready to cook the pudding, preheat the oven to gas mark 4, 350°F (180°C). Remove the cling film and bake in the oven for 30-35 minutes, by which time the top will be crunchy and the inside soft and squidgy. Leave it to stand for 10 minutes before serving. Serve with pouring cream, Custard or Vanilla Ice-cream! Some variations/suggestions that I have tried over the years: Try using cheap Sweet Spanish bread with
the crusts already removed for that little extra sweetness! Want to be totally different? - Instead of using bread, get some cheap breakfast croissants from Mercadona! Slice them in half and layer them the same way... Scrumptious! Even more different - Add some white chocolate chips or smash up a block of chilled white chocolate and sprinkle it in between the layers of bread! Add extra Dark Rum and a little bit more Cinnamon for that totally different taste! Have you made it? Created your own variation? Something you want to share? Let me know by email and I will add your comments next time....
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
Nellie’s Greeting Cards
What A Political Mess!
Politicians are always good fun to laugh at, they are also easy meet. Back in the 1980’s, photographers managed to get Margaret Thatcher to stand on a mound of grass with a calf in her hand. The headline on the following day read “Let them eat grass”. Only a couple of weeks ago, poor old London mayor, Boris Johnson was left hanging in mid-air when an Olympic stunt went wrong. David Cameron said that Boris was probably the only person that could come out of such an incident unscathed and be more popular than he was before. This has proved itself to be true, as he is being hailed as the successor to David Cameron as leader of the conservative party. I didn’t used to like Boris. I mistakenly took him for an idiot. In actual fact the man is very clever indeed and always manages to make me laugh when he is trying to get his point over. He even manages to bring a smile to po-faced
Jeremy Paxman, so he can’t be bad at all! Anyway, here is my top four for Boris Johnson. 1. You keep me hanging on - The Supremes 2. Get Down - Gilbert O Sullivan 3. Stuck in the middle - Stealers Wheel 4. Puppet on a string - Sandie Shaw Earlier in the Olympics celebrations, Jeremy Hunt, a politician who I really have little time for, lost his bell end. It flew off into the crowd when he got over excited and almost hurt the onlookers. Why don’t these politicians stick to politics and let the celebs do the daft stuff? It doesn’t really endear them to the public. Here are a few hits that Mr Hunt might enjoy. I thought he looked a bit of a campanologist! 1. Ring my bell - Anita Ward 2. Ding dong merrily on high - Carol 3. My Ding a ling - Chuck Berry 4. For whom the bell tolls - Metallica
The Girl With Fattitude
It was great to see Heather Haworth in the audience at Vivo this week. Heather is the producer and performer of “Fattitude”. There are many shows to choose from on our little Island. There is everything from singers, jugglers, magicians and clowns - and even hypnotists. However, there is one show that doesn’t fit into any particular category, it is so totally different. Fattitude is a lively, colourful and highly original show; a show
which she personally worked on and put together over a long period of time. Heather’s experience goes back to working on the UK Haven Holiday camps, a superb grounding for any entertainer. She is a clever all-rounder whose show is well worth a look. She uses costume changes and audience participation and has the crowd in the palm of her hand. This photograph was taken just before our Decades International show at Vivo. Now that’s a face that could launch a thousand ships! Check her out!
Very soon, you will be able to buy a greeting card made from elephant dung. Wow! I can just imagine the rush. People will be flocking for this latest crackpot idea. It will probably catch on; after all, I have a paperweight which contains a piece of genuine elephant muck! Oh yes, we’re classy in our house! Apparently, an elephant’s digestive system can’t deal very well with fibre and approximately half of the stuff it eats comes out of the other end, soft and pulped. The man who had the idea reckons that it makes fantastic paper when it’s processed. I can think of a few extra people to add to my Christmas list this year!
What A Dandy Time
When I was a kid, I would spend my pocket money on comics. I used to buy all the first editions and have many of them in storage in the loft back in the UK. One of the best reads was the Dandy, which along with the Beano, was tops with children for many years. Sadly, last week, it was announced that the Dandy was to be discontinued. The kids of today don’t have the same interests as we did. They are busy throwing angry birds at piles of boxes or surfing the internet or watching satellite TV. The comics were magical. I remember having a letter printed in one of the comics and getting a prize for it. I remember the fun that Desperate Dan and Korky the cat would get up to. Sadly, that is all coming to an end on the Dandy’s 75th birthday in December, when the final copy will roll of the press. They used to sell 2,000,000 copies a week, now they only manage a paltry 8,000. On the final week they will also be reprinting the very first copy of the comic from all those years ago. The Dandy will be joining
Spangles, Penny Arrows and all those fabulous things from our past that we can no longer buy. They say that they have an online experience in mind, but I think that the kids of today would probably prefer an Angry Bird to a Desperate Dan.
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
In The Spotlight By Barry Sparkles Pip started at the age of 4 in plays written by his mother at their local church, and was thrust in to piano lessons before switching to guitar. He went on to do radio, then amateur dramatics before finally signing to Jive Records (of Britney and NSYNC fame).
See more info at www.pipbrownshows. com or Facebook: www.facebook.com/ pipbrownentertainment WHERE ARE YOU FROM? Like half the Island, Yorkshire – Leeds specifically. WHEN AND WHY DID YOU MOVE TO TENERIFE? March 26th 2010… Best thing I ever did! Should have done it sooner. WHEN’S YOUR BIRTHDAY? December 6th 1980… I was only on the same planet as John Lennon for 2 whole days. DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE FAMOUS? On the island?? Urmm, no, but maybe I’m known for all the wrong reasons *chuckle* ALTHOUGH YOU ARE IN THE LIMELIGHT, DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE SHY? Hell no, though when around other fantastic performers I usually am the quieter one. Many can testify to this and ask “is Pip in a mood?”
IF YOU HAD A DIFFERENT JOB, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Ride tester at Siam Park? But seriously, probably an event organiser or something; I get a kick out of that… though it is stressful. WHO IS YOUR IDOL? WHY? My mother. She went through life threatening illness and still fought back, and since then continues to challenge herself. An OU in Science and now studying HR at her age, a massive inspiration that it is NEVER too late to learn. WHAT IS THE BIGGEST DISASTER YOU HAVE EVER HAD ON STAGE? During an encore I managed to knock my front teeth in with the microphone, but carried on anyway and finished the song. An expensive trip to the dentist that following day! WHAT IS YOUR TIPPLE? Something I can’t publish... that’s a bit personal isn’t it??? WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE SPORT? Football for sure! Super Leeds United!
HOW MANY LANGUAGES DO YOU SPEAK? English. I just cannot get any others to sink in to my brain; it’s frustrating and embarrassing as I should be half decent at Spanish by now… I am trying! HOW MANY HOUSES DO YOU HAVE? Well, I live with 2 toddlers, two female kittens and the future Mrs Brown, so I dare say I don’t have any claim on mine! Hahaha. WHAT TIME DO YOU GET UP IN THE MORNING? Stupidly, even when the girls aren’t here I’m up way too early! Even when there is no school run. HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU EARN IN A MONTH? Including my shares in Facebook – close to 1.4 million Euros though most goes on therapy for “compulsive liar syndrome.” HOW MUCH MONEY WOULD YOU LIKE TO EARN IN A MONTH? Enough to put food on the table, roof over my head and the odd day/ night out. WHAT DO YOU SPEND YOUR MONEY ON? Charity shops and bargain hunting, after rent, car and children. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST JOB? Brother, and I picked up fag butts in a pub for £1 and a glass of lemonade, then I was working in a chippy from 12 years old. Never been out of work since. DO YOU DO CHARITY WORK? Of course, whenever asked, I’m there. WHY DID YOU BECOME AN ENTERTAINER? Because I have an apparent lack of inhibition and desire to perform any medium of entertainment, which seems to work for me! Haha. DO YOU HAVE A PRIVATE PLANE? Yeah, I loan it to Dragon’s Den. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? Use to breed snakes, had an iguana off Simply Mo, which I had to give up for the kid’s sake. Now have two psycho kittens. WHAT DO YOU DO IN YOUR FREE TIME? Cuddle with my gorgeous fiancé when I can, teach guitar, poster designs, plot my next project and campaign against the rising price of gobstoppers. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE FOOD? Yorkshire pudding! WOULD YOU EVER GO “BACK HOME” This is home to me; I’ve been on my way here all my life. I’d only go for Leeds United matches if anything at all. WHERE WAS YOUR LAST HOLIDAY I get too fidgety so not had one for years, though technically I’m always on holiday in my eyes. It implies I ACTUALLY work, when I see it as getting paid to be an idiot half the time. TELL US A SECRET ABOUT YOU! I use to be a girl called Sophie. DO YOU WEAR BOXERS OR BRIEFS? Indianna’s (my other half’s) thongs… shhhhhhh… Don’t tell anyone. IF YOU WERE A BISCUIT, WHICH WOULD YOU BE? Hob Nob…. I’ve been called the latter several times I’m sure.
WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE PLACE TO EAT? In the conservatory, with the candlestick and Professor Plum. NAME ONE ACTRESS YOU WOULD LOVE TO GET NAUGHTY WITH? Honestly don’t have a celeb crush. More than happy with the Mrs :D WERE YOU BULLIED AS A KID? Of course, I am small and had buck teeth. I was “chipmunk” through primary school. IF YOU WERE GIVEN A CHANCE, WOULD YOU ENTER BIG BROTHER? Only for the social experiment, not the fame. WOMEN OR CARS? In a Stan Collymore kind of way?? HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE THE MOST DESIRABLE MAN/WOMAN ON THE EARTH? Well I am half-man half-woman and wore Indianna’s dress in a karaoke bar last night. I could see heads turning, which was sweet and flattering. IF I CAME TO YOUR HOME AND LOOKED INSIDE THE FRIDGE, WHAT WOULD I FIND? Top Shelf: my private stash of chocolate, couple of beers, a dog/demon monster shouting ZUUL and Narnia… WHAT’S YOUR BAD QUALITY? Picking fights with people my own height.. am banned from Snow White’s house, the local park and Willy Wonka’s Chocolate factory. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOURSELF IN THREE WORDS? Intense, unpredictable and driven! WHAT MAKES YOU ANGRY? When I can’t get the lid off the Valium. WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE DO YOU DISLIKE? Racists, sexists, homophobes and any other moron. IF I GIVE YOU ONE MILLION EUROS HOW WOULD YOU SPEND IT? Honestly? Investing it in a business. I’m always looking for new challenges. WHAT´S THE MOST EMBARRASSING SITUATION YOU HAVE BEEN IN? It’s quite hard to embarrass me, as I am pretty quick to make a fool of myself. It’s when I’m with someone who says very shocking things in public and F-ing and blinding every other word. I cringe at their social unawareness.
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
By Marc Craig
Ever Danced With The Devil In The Pale Moonlight? Greetings movie-lovers!! When I was approached by the editor of Tenerife weekly and asked if I was interested in doing a weekly column, the subject matter for me was a no-brainer.
Being a lifelong movie, TV and video-game addict, the chance to share my knowledge (mostly useless ) sounded great! Actually, if I’m honest, it wasn’t my first choice but the suggestion of a weekly 6-page article on “why Star Wars is mega” was greeted with a resounding “NO!!” So without any further ado, here’s a few of my recommendations from the world of entertainment. Of course, a downside to life on this beautiful island is
this will sometimes be more of a “wishlist” but I’ll try to include something that’s available here! First on many a fanboys’ list at the cinema now is “The Dark Knight Rises”, 3rd and final instalment in director Chris Nolan’s Batman trilogy. Eight years have passed in Gotham city after the events of “The Dark Knight”, which ended with Batman taking the blame for actions of district attorney/ disfigured homicidal maniac, Harvey Dent/ Two-Face. Now a virtual recluse, Batman/Bruce Wayne is forced out of hiding by the arrival of hulking masked terrorist, Bane, and a certain catsuit wearing female cat-burglar (although rumours say she’s never referred to as “cat-woman”. Played by Brit Tom Hardy and Anne Hathaway respectively, they have a lot to live up to after the Oscar-winning performance by the late Heath Ledger as The Joker. So, as I said earlier, unless you have a pirated copy (which I of course can’t condone;) it’s not gonna be one
you can see any time soon over here; however I hope I’ve whetted your appetite for when you can finally get your hands on it! So before I leave you here’s something you can check out on TV!! “Modern Family” is one of the funniest U.S. Sitcoms I’ve seen in a long time. A mockumentary, based on the converging lives of three modern families; Jay, his much younger Colombian wife Gloria and her son Manny, Jay’s gay son, Mitchell, his partner Cameron and adopted Vietnamese baby Lily. Along with Jay’s daughter Claire, husband Phil and 3 children, Hayley, Alex and Luke. With well written likeable characters, great scripts and good use of the talking to the camera style of comedy, this multi-Emmy award-winning series is a must see and is showing on Canarian channel Neox every Tuesday night! Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed my first column and if anyone guesses what movie the quote at the beginning of this article is from, come see me at Vivo every night (except Tuesday). I’ll buy a drink for the first person to get it right!! May the force be with you!!!
CHICS’ CORNER By Bambi Dhami
Having worked most of my adult life behind the scenes in shows, not a lot of people get to peek at the things that go on in dressings rooms! Over the years I have seen tears, tantrums, boobs, bums, catfights, injuries and lots of things that could never be repeated in “The Outside World”. It’s almost like a clandestine secret society that one is privileged to be a part of. I have used many dressing rooms all around the world. The smartest being in TV studios and theatres around the UK and the grottiest was a broom cupboard in Finland!! And I MEAN a broom cupboard! Decade’s dressing room is about 16 ft. long and about 5ft wide. Doesn’t sound that small, until you put 2 drag queens, 3 dancers, 5 chairs, 50 wigs about the same in shoes, and hundreds of costumes! To mention just a few things that we have to navigate through each show! Luckily, for the 5 cast members, there is mainly laughter and banter between us. With the odd expletive if things go wrong or a costume snaps mid show! We all help each other if one has a quick change. As an example, when Barry was doing a quick change his zip went in his “New York” dress. The dancers jumped into action grabbing safety pins to fasten the back of
Bambi, Johnny & Naomi
his dress (didn’t quite look like Liz Hurley in her safety pin dress) but it got him through the number. Barry is the sweetest guy and very dry in his sense of humour. He is always walking about in his tights and high heels; it is a sight to behold!! Barry sits in-between Johnny and John. John’s place is the furthest from the stage entrance. He is hilarious if something goes wrong in a fast change. First he says “I’m not going to make it, I’m not going to
make it” Then he shouts it I’M NOT GOING TO MAKE IT ARRRGGGGH, then, he runs the length of the dressing room shouting “I’m ON, out of the way!” Dancers, glasses, boas etc. being pushed out of the way in the stampede! We all fall about laughing, and when he comes off, he’ll laugh too. John is hysterically funny and keeps us all giggling with his story telling. Naomi is the baby of the group and she gets some stick!! We take the mickey out of her when she asks things like “Who is Marilyn Monroe?” We call them “Naomisms!” She gives as good as she gets. I’m next to Naomi in the dressing room and we always have girlie conversations about shoes, handbags, hair and clothes. We help each other with our changes too. Johnny is in the middle of the dressing room in between Naomi and Barry. Johnny has worked for many years as a dancer and there is hardly a place on earth he hasn’t visited when he worked on cruises. I gave Johnny his first dancing job back in 2000 in Lanzarote. We have been friends ever since (our apartments are next door to each other here!) He doesn’t say much, but when he does, it’s usually gold. He is the consummate professional who is always a pleasure to work with. He hardly ever puts a foot wrong on stage.
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012 SPORT
Tenerife Weekly Pool Superleague
Barracuda Bandit v Legends C (6-4) The Bandits were very slow off the mark and found themselves down by 4 -2 when the food break came. Thank goodness for Kristov’s Spag Bol type thing, made with chicken. It completely doped the Legends and, once eaten, they were unable to pot a ball. This, of course, is one of the advantages of being at home; you can dope your opposition without them even knowing. It was a great night and we had great guests. Look forward to the return match. Nauta A v Bar 180 Titans (0-10) Not so much Titans, more like Titanic, as Nauta sank more white balls than any other colour. An off-form Ray lost the first and it was all downhill from there. A little bit of hope for the future was Joule’s two frames; easily Nauta’s best player and unlucky when potting the black, she also potted the white. The best was saved till last when Leon potted his last yellow from a full ball and then the black with a superb cut, to seven-ball Ray. Ray’s immediate response was a lap of the pool table with his trollies round his ankles. Great night - chicken/chips – luverly. Shame about the score, but for Titans - a perfect ten. Oasis Bar v Barracuda Hunters (4-6)
Oasis Comments
Great to see the team from Barracuda Hunters, great games, great spirit, good food. Looking forwards to the rematch
This week’s action Atlantis Crew
already. Credit to your bar.
Hunters Comments
frame to finish the game with a well fought 6 -4 win to the Hunters. Our thanks to the Oasis Bar, who provided great refreshment at half time and a great time was had by all, Thanks to the Oasis Bar. Atlantis Crew v Vivo (1-9) A brilliant performance from Vivo; even accomplished performers Kev and Liam failing to score a single’s point. Atlantis, saved from a complete whitewash by duo Josh and Liam, but not all plain sailing
A Wonderful night and a good game all round with wonderful hosts. The hunters started on their usual form, but then Helen showed somebody (?) a thing or two. John, a Spanish player, beat Roger. The second doubles resulted in a black being potted too early, Helen never had a shot in this one, Klaus brought the game round with a win to ensure a draw in frame 8. Then, with no help from Captain Roger, the Hunters pulled a win out of the bag, Fester & Jonas (Mountain Rangers A) with Steve winning the last
Position 1 Bar Tasca A 2 Summerland Elite 3 Trap Door 4 Bar 180 Titans 5 Barracuda Bandits 6 Target Rangers 7 Treasure Island 8 Target Bar 9 Hoops 10 Clouseaus Diamonds 11 Britannia Inn 12 Legends A 13 Legends C 14 Barracuda Hunters 15 Bar 180 B 16 Oasis 17 Mountain Rangers A 18 Nauta A 19 Clouseaus Emeralds 20 Nauta B
P 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
W D 4 0 3 1 3 0 3 0 3 0 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 0 2 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
L 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4
F 31 29 23 27 25 26 25 20 19 23 18 19 19 16 15 16 12 10 10 11
A 9 11 7 13 15 14 15 20 11 17 22 21 21 24 25 24 28 30 30 29
PTS 12 10 9 9 9 8 7 7 6 6 5 4 4 4 4 3 1 1 1 0
for Vivo, the Crew had some chances on the black but failed to complete. Clouseau’s Diamonds v Bar 180 B (9-1) Raj was unlucky to pot the black in the first frame to give the visitors a flying start. Paul (Meatloaf) put in a solid performance to level. Gary for Bar 180 should have given them the lead, only to see the white go in-off. Steady, positive play by the home side saw them go into a five one lead after the doubles. “Grub Up” gave Graeme and co. time to regroup. Things didn’t get any better for the visitors though, and in the final frame Andy cleared up until the black; only to miss a grandstand finish. Graeme took advantage and cleared up himself, until the white decided to go in off again, leaving the Clouseau’s captain 2 on a straight black to claim a 9-1 victory. Target Bar v Mountain Rangers A (9-1) Not a good night for the boys from the hills. Claire (Target Bar) started their run by beating Jonas. In his defence, Jonas said that he always goes to pieces when he plays against women or kids! The night rolled on into the wee hours, with the only victory on the Mountain Ranger’s side being Colin’s in the penultimate frame – apparently he was gloating about that all the way back up the mountain! Colin said, “As always, the guys at the Target Bar were friendly and fun to play against. See you on the return leg – bring a warm coat!” Note: Please remember that ALL players in the Tenerife Weekly Superleague can go to the league’s Facebook page. Once you “Like” the page, this will enable you to comment about your match, message other players, and not have to solely rely on the captain to write a report.
Position P 1 Lowrys 4 2 Vivo 4 3 Bar 180 A 4 4 Atlantis Sharks 3 5 Dos Hermanos 4 6 Legendary Jokers 4 7 Bar Tasca B 4 8 Fosters 4 9 Bar 180C 4 10 Welkom Wanderers 4 11 Leones 3 12 Summerlands Allstars 4 13 Frosties 4 14 Leones B 1 15 Atlantis Crew 4 16 Chipeque 4 17 Red Pride 4 18 Sloop Bar 3 19 Lupain 4 20 Mountain Rangers B 4
W 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
D 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0
L 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 0 3 3 2 3 4 4
F 26 30 26 28 26 23 24 21 19 16 17 18 17 7 16 11 14 10 13 8
A 14 10 14 2 14 17 16 19 21 24 13 22 23 3 24 29 26 20 27 32
PTS 12 10 10 9 9 9 7 6 6 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 0 0 0
PARALYMPICS 2012: Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
All Change For Venues, Logos and Volunteers Facts & Figures
• There will be 284 sessions of 503 events of 20 sports across 11 days of competition. • In a first, street dressing will remain dual branded after an agreement between the IOC and IPC. • 70 per cent of volunteers will be new for the Paralympics but the central team from the Olympics remains in place. • There will be 4,280 athletes who will be joined by 3,500 team officials, 1,255 Games officials and 22 assistance dogs in the Athletes’ Village.
• 14 tonnes of spare parts and equipment has arrived for service provision, including a wheelchair repair centre, provided by Ottobock. • A 60m2 giant screen will show daily live coverage in Trafalgar Square. • There are 8.7 miles of Games Lanes.
WITH the dust barely settled after a successful Olympics, organisers have been racing to get London ready for the Paralympics with updated signage, revised flags and adjustments to sports venues. The five Olympic rings are being taken down from their many locations across the country and replaced by the three Paralympic agitos. Over 2,000 fleet vehicles will be rebranded while Tower Bridge will showcase the new logo during the Games. Meanwhile, new venues are being prepared, some used at the Olympics have been converted and 17 are being dismantled or handed back to their owners. Eton Manor, in the Olympic Park, and Brands Hatch, the famous motor racing circuit, are the two new competition venues for the Paralympics
space. Over 70 per cent of volunteers will be new and Locog (London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games) will hope they can replicate the success of the Olympic Games Makers, who received widespread praise.
Carroll Exit Not On The Cards Picture courtesy of Getty Images
LIVERPOOL manager, Brendan Rodgers, has claimed he would ‘need to be a nutcase’ to let striker Andy Carroll leave Anfield on loan. Rodgers hit out at Newcastle for trying to get Carroll back on the cheap - a player they sold to the Merseysiders for £35million in January 2011. The Reds boss, who had previously hinted a move could be on the cards, insisted he did not have enough depth in his squad to let the England striker leave without raising funds for a replacement. “There is absolutely no chance [of a loan deal] - and certainly not with Newcastle,” Rodgers said. “Newcastle got £35m for this player last year. To even consider
- to be used for wheelchair tennis and road cycling respectively. Those no longer needed by organisers include Horse Guards Parade, Hyde Park, Lee Valley and Lord’s, which has already staged an England cricket Test match since the Olympics. All football stadia used at the Olympics, such as Wembley and Old Trafford, have been handed back for regular use. The athletes’ village has had to undergo significant changes in order to accommodate 1,800 wheelchair users and 22 assistance dogs, while 293 buses will be converted to provide extra wheelchair
wanting to take him on loan is a liberty really. We have got a very small squad as it is. We have lost a lot of players this summer and I have not replaced them, as of yet. That is the reality of where we are. I need a minimum of three strikers. Once the window shuts, that is it until January. I have got (Luis) Suarez, Fabio Borini, and Andy Carroll. I would need to be a nutcase even to consider at this moment to let Carroll go out, unless there are other solutions for that.” Newcastle and other clubs were alerted to Carroll’s potential availability in July when Rodgers suggested he would be open to a loan move for the 23-year-old if it “can benefit the club in the long term”.
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
Take a little Crossword
1. Located (6) 4. Flatulent (5) 8. Score (4) 9. Doorway (8) 10. Wither (7) 12. Prevail (5) 13. Gammy (4) 14. Locations (5)
1. Winged horse (7) 2. Crash (7) 3. Fuel oil (6) 5. Crew of an aircraft (7) 6. Submerging (7) 7. Sharp (4) 11. Bodies of water (5)
Solutions to our puzzles can be found on page 55
17. Earnings (5) 20. Bottom of ship’s hull (4) 22. Succulent (5) 23. Having all tickets sold (4,3) 24. Province in E China (8) 25. Oxidize (4) 26. Having an edge (5) 27. Pertaining to scenery (6)
This week’s clever quote
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; I’m not sure about the universe.” - Albert Einstein
15. Final part (4,3) 16. Horizon (7) 18. Loud enough to be heard (7) 19. Diabolical (7) 21. Lives in rented rooms (6) 22. New Orleans music (4)
The brain train
A Rosetta is made up of a centre coloured hexagon encircled by 6 white hexagons.
To complete the puzzle, fill in all 7 Rosettas with each number between 1 and 7 in no particular order while also ensuring that :
Fill in the black squares so that each row, each column and each 3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 through 9.
An easy one
2 6
5 5 6 4
8 2
9 8 5
2. Each number from 1 to 7 are represented in the 7 grey coloured hexagon cells.
Word search
3 9 2
Spot the 10 differences
1. No number is repeated in a horizontal row
3 2
3 1
The dotted lines indicate areas which also contain a non-repeating set of digits. These squares can be added together to produce the sums shown in the clues.
A little tougher
Question One: London are hosts for the 2012 Olympic Games. In which previous years have London hosted the games? Qu e st i o n T wo : In the 19 94 Winter Olympics, how many athletes represented Israel? Question Three: Which racket sport made its Olympic debut in 1992? Question Four: What colours make up the Olympic rings? Question Five: Which Summer Olympic Games was the first to be televised live? Question Six: How old was Linford Christie when he won gold for the 100m in Barcelona (a record age)?
Find and circle all of the Pet Store words that are hidden in the grid. The words may be hidden in any direction.
Accountant Architect Chef Dentist Doctor Fire Fighter Lawyer Librarian Mail Carrier Mechanic Nurse Optometrist Pharmacist Pilot Police Officer Reporter Secretary Teacher
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
Pisces 19 February - 20 March You may find solace in someone’s choice of underwear today. See how clever you can be today by attempting to count your loose change inside your pocket WITHOUT taking your hand or the money out. Hearing clicking noises in your head is not a good sign for you today. Aquarius 20 January - 18 February Although danger is never far away, you may have an exhilarating time in the coming days. If you think it’s my job to tell you good news, you’re wrong, pal. You’re going down! Your patronising ways will only make someone angry with you. Try to avoid low blows. Capricorn 22 December - 19 January Always make time to shop for car insurance. It will make your day more fulfilling. Chasing cats and dogs around the streets after midnight is probably not the best way to endear yourself to new neighbours. Sagittarius 22 November - 21 December Half of what I say is meaningless...the other half is pure gold, purer than any snow that ever fell. Purer than the white cover on that classic Beatles’ album. Homeless people may wander up to you today and offer to buy the magazine you’re holding.
Scorpio 24 October - 21 November Whilst we are not all superhuman, some of us are at least able to go to sleep without wetting ourselves in the night. Your ideals are starting to shape the way you’re living, so congratulations. Woke up on the couch again? Don’t let your drinking get you down, go and have a beer. Libra 23 September - 23 October To say that love is dumb is just acknowledging the fact that love hasn’t affected you in the way you need it to. You do have romance in your heart, but it needs to be released. Relax all your muscles, perhaps excluding any sphincters, and then tense them all again. Virgo 23 August - 22 September Round things may become useful to you today. Life’s problems, however, cannot all be solved by round things. Brown is your unlucky colour for today. Avoid it where ever possible. Leo 23 July - 22 August Terrible consequences will occur when you fall out with someone this week. Make sure you avoid that situation by giving in immediately and giving them whatever they want regardless of practicality or whether it’s physically possible. Love comes in all shapes and sizes.
Cancer 22 June - 22 July Your package will arrive this week, delivered by an expected person. Whether you want to or not, this week will have a journey in store for you. The richer they are, the more money they have to spend paying you off. Remember that. Gemini 21 May - 21 June A taxi queue may be a surprising place for love to strike this week. And of course, you’ll be parted without getting each other’s phone numbers or having any chance of meeting again because they just arrived on the plane and don’t live anywhere near here. Still, love can do that, can’t it? Taurus 20 April - 20 May You may develop a sudden interest in the backs of things this week. Looking into your future is like looking into a blocked pipe on a waste disposal machine. Aries 21 March - 19 April A terrific thought will enter your brain at around lunchtime in the next couple of days. During that period you’ll be unable to suppress the giddy feeling that you’re soon going to be emotionally elevated to heights you’ve never before dreamed of being able to reach.
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
Tenerife Weekly are proud to work in partnership with Tenebay.com Tenerife’s best place to buy and sell anything!
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amd x2 desktop computer
postquam tints
hairdressing chairs
amd xgb hdd 1 gb ram onboard graphics and sound card keyboard + mouse included...
2 bedroom apartment. all mod cons. close to all amenities, gated community, cctv cameras and security patrol.large and small swimming pools.will accept eur...
base 6x3. base 7x11. base 8x6. base 6.75x8. base 7.55x2. base 7.75x13. base 8.55x4 2€ per tint...
2 salon chair.1 gas lift and 1 without. black with silver arms. 100€ gas lift. 85€ other. good condition ...
hairdressing workstation
Free standing work 2mx90cmx35cm.color madera/wood colour. ...
unit. de
100.00 € 922784676 2.00 € 650256556 150.00 € 45000.00 650256556 100.00 € 650256556 659773147 € latest mr rusty story! photocopier for sale for sale filing cabinet safe for sale office desk and chairs
Office desk with swivel chair and two armchairs, stainless steel and leather, well maintained....
for sale security safe with key and combination...
600.00 € 679400193
1 filing cabinet with 2 sliding doors, almost new...
1500.00 € 679400193
The latest mr rusty story – ‘mr rusty goes to the fiesta!’ – is available now for immediate download to your kindle reader or pc /smart phone with ...
400.00 € 922702569
for sale photocopying, professional printer konica minolta bizhub c253 model, in perfect condition....
2.68 € 679400193
2500.00 €
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
mattress topper
lynx oven & ceramic hob
packard bell laptop
digital camcorder
Double bed memory foam mattress topper 2.5 months old cost 105 from chic in chafiras...
Lynx oven & ceramic hob installed as one unit my wife wants it changing for fan oven buyer collects...
Packard bell f5280 hr laptop with windows xp, intel celeron, 12 inch screen in silver colour. comes with black carry bag. offers invited....
Canon mv500 digital camcorder. hardly used. comes with 2 batteries and case. offers invited...
Baby safety gate or safety gate for pets, fully adjustable with secure opening area. in excellent condition....
922 703709
922 703709
922 578083
922 578083
80.00 €
100.00 €
115.00 €
125.00 €
safety gate
65.00 €
baby cot
boys bike
yamaha audiogram
alesis q49 usb/midi
maybelline instant age r
Wooden baby cot with mattress in excellent condition. very little use....
Boys bike only used 5 or 6 times due to relocation, as new....
Yamaha audiogram 3, usb-audio interface, 1 x mic-/hi-z input xlr / trs, switchable phantom power 48v, 1 x stereo thomann line-input 2 x trs 1/4" / rca, 2 x...
The q49 is a 49-note keyboard controller that works with virtually all music software and midi hardware devices. the compact controller features usb-midi a...
Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Foundation in Porcelain Ivory, Classic Ivory, Creamy Natural, Medium Beige, Pure Beige, Sandy Beige, Honey Beige or Caramel -...
45.00 €
50.00 €
70.00 €
80.00 €
8.00 €
george best autobiograph
travel chair
"ikea" childrens bed
very large fish tank
set of 4 cushions
George Best "Blessed the Autobiography.€1.00Ring Kath ...
"nurse" Travel feeding chair, folds flat for ease. This item is in an excellent clean condition. Ted not included. €15 Ring Kath ...
Ikea "SNIGLAR" Childrens bed 160cm x 70cm. Foam matress with washable cover. This bed is in good condition. €25. Ring Kath on ...
Very large fish tank used for commercial breeding Garra Rafa fish, can be used for a number of other species of fish or even lobsters. The tank has 4 compa...
Set of 4 throw cushions, back ground white with orange and green pattern. Call Jean ...
922 729 965
922 729 965
922 729 965
1.00 €
15.00 €
25.00 €
100.00 €
6.00 €
set of 6 cushions
childs blue ikea bed + m
karaoke system
line 6 bass pod xt live
yamah bb 615 active 5 st
Set of 6 Blue throw cushions for the sofa, can sell separate at 2€ each. BARGAIN! Please call Jean ...
Childs blue IKEA matching bedroom set - includes bed and bedside table with one draw, as new must be seen (bargain) Please call - Jean...
2 peavy speakers, 1 symphasizer digital echo AV amplifier DA-x1, J.V.C video C.D player play back control C.D version 2-0, 2x mike stands + mike. Over 350 ...
Used but fully functional great sounding box with everything you need on the floor....
Hardly ever used bass,customized with brass nut. Great condition and tone....
12.00 €
productos para tratamien
Productos para corporales...
120.00 €
70.00 €
tabla de vela
Precio negociable En estado Mide 3,80cm...
600.00 €
600.00 €
150.00 €
400.00 €
productos uñas acrilica
productos corporal
Aparato de vapor-ozono...
Productos para esculpir uñas acrilicas...
Aparato de depilación eléctrica ...
175.00 €
90.00 €
90.00 €
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
luther king school books
real leather jacket by s
taylor ace red bowls
oakley golf shoes
swarovski ball earrings
Varios reading books : La Selva de los numeros - Se Vende Mama - Stink el increible niño menguante - Regreso a Africa Los inventores de cuentos - El Bol...
100% Real leather jacket with polyster lining in Black - Size 10 - Good condition - Furry collar and trim...
Taylor Ace - Red - Size 4 - Stamp WB11 - Good condition with carrier....
Oakley slip-on golf shoes. Size UK 7.5 / Eur 42. Brand New. Black...
These earrings are made from padparadscha coloured swarovski crystals. they can be made in any colour. ...
30.00 €
30.00 €
50.00 €
30.00 €
6.00 €
crystal bracelet
delica earrings
patio curtains
cream patio curtains
light saving bulbs
This is a nice slim, delicate bracelet. it is made from white and denim coloured miyuki delicas and capri blue ab swarovski crystals. this bracelet can be ...
The earrings are made from champagne and capri blue colour miyuki delica beads and capri blue ab swarovski crystals. these can be made in any colour. ...
Pink/burgundy/white full length patio curtains two curtains per set 253cms drop 220cms wide ...
Pair cream patio cutains excellent condition each curtain 253cms drop 270cms wide...
e27 8w not dimmable. more then 800 lumen warm white replacement for saving bulbs...
12.00 €
7.00 €
922 47 34 38
spa bath
tapas bar and restaurant
Spa bath perfect condition used rarely 5 nozzles pop up waste 70 c wide 160 c long 60c high comes with front panel and two end panels...
Canarian style, cozy wine and tapas bar fully equipped and licensed, with established clientele, perfect for a couple to work. low rent....
Aluminium euros ...
375.00 €
30000.00 €
50.00 €
20.00 €
922 47 34 38
50.00 €
634 376 373
10.00 €
foot spar
fridge freezer
Foot Spar Never been used still in box Price 20.00 euros ...
Fridge Freezer Clean and in good condition In full working order sold with a guarantee Size 1.30cm tall x 55cm wide x 55cm deep Price 110.00 euros ...
20.00 €
110.00 €
micro wave
daewoo musso 4x4
mitsubishi generator
flat-share in a penthous
himalayian persian
Whirlpool Micro Wave Very clean and in good condition Price 30.00 euros ...
Daewoo Musso 4x4 wagon. Year 2000. Vehicle with engine failure, ideal for parts or for mechanic to repair and sell-on. Good body-work. Recently had break p...
mitsubishi mgk2400, 2100 watt generator. hardly used but been sitting for a while. will need a service to enable starting. buyer to collect in chio. phone ...
Looking for a flat-share, have one bedroom available in a large 3 bedroom penthouse in Fañabe. Rate includes all utility bills and unlimited wifi. Great l...
selling a beautiful himalayian female persian on 2 years old. she is a chocolate point himalayian and very good natured, excellent with children. she has b...
30.00 €
1000.00 €
75.00 €
240.00 €
120.00 €
second hand engines
kodak esp3200 series all
dive/wet suit
we can supply second hand engines, all makes and models: vw, seat, renault, citroen/peugeot, toyota, nissan. free delivery in the canaries....
Black silver salon footrests. price per footrest...
For sale several items. 2 sofa-beds in good condition 40 e 1 small square table(white) 60x 60x 50(hight) 10e a collection of books(40), magazines(200) and ...
Kodak ESP 3200 Series All in One Printer Print, copy, scan Approx 2 years old Perfect working condition Includes sealed Ink Combo Pack, full instructions a...
Dive/wet suit 5mm size 3, full length 50€͵ shorty dive/wet suit, 5mm size 3 40€ Or 80€ for both, as new hardly used...
300.00 €
30.00 €
20.00 €
35.00 €
80.00 €
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
honda crv
teka oven and hob
ballet type shoes
single bed with mattress
For sale, Honda CRV, 1998 petrol 2ltr 2,000€ tax paid upto date Tel: ...
Oven and hob in very good condition. Can deliver...
I have for sale Brand new in boxes "Butterfly Twists" clever little shoes in satin finish 4 x Small UK 3-4, EU 36-37 in gold colour. They look like a balle...
Single bed with matress for sale in good clean condition €40, can deliver once seen for a small charge, los chis/las americas area....
Nuevo: cambiador prenatal...
922 729 965
922 729 965
2000.00 €
150.00 €
mac g5 power pc
soundcraft ghost 32
Mac g5 power pc, dual processor 2.0 and 2gb ram along with osx leopard 10,5,6 installed, is what it is! good little machine...bit old! but still runnin and...
32 channel soundcraft ghost analogue full pre amps and pre amped eq on each channel mixing desk for sale!! an incredible sound, im only selling because im ...
200.00 €
iinternet router
Telefonica router...
922 781 702
1100.00 €
limited edition pictures
Two limited edition pictures...
20.00 €
922 781 702
20.00 €
two seater settee
cut glass fruit dish
Two seater settee chocolate brown and green fleck. purchased brand new in march (have receipt) for 177 euros. only been sat on a few time as brand new. ope...
Beautiful cut glass fruit dish, two glass items to go on candle sticks with silver edge...
150.00 €
922 781 702
20.00 €
8.00 €
internet box
coffee maker
Internet box...
922 781 702
40.00 €
922 781 702
10.00 €
eericcson mobile phone
cut glass fruit dish
Eericcson phone with car charger and selection of leads...
Beautiful cut glass fruit dish, two glass items to go on candle sticks ...
922 781 702
50.00 €
sony radio cd/cassette
Sony radio cassette player almost new...
922 781 702
30.00 €
922 781 702
45.00 €
wooden fruit dish
Hand turned wooden fruit dish...
Coffee maker...
20.00 €
baby bath
20.00 €
922 781 702
10.00 €
internet box
Internet box...
922 781 702
20.00 €
bread - pizza oven
stag dining table
Big professional bread- pizza oven with 8 trays and a stainless steal table. 380 volt. ...
Stag dining table with six chairs including two carver chairs centre section is removable ...
350.00 €
922 47 34 38
100.00 €
garden patio furniture
golf shoes
golf clubs & bag
glass top wall cabinet
beauty salon
Five piece patio furniture originally from stil garden aluminium frame all cushions included excellent condition €700ono ...
Pair of men's addidas golf shoes like new size 8...
Set of golf clubs & bag in excellent condition but one, that has a split in the covering in the grip handle, 2 woods, 9 irons, 1 putter, ...
Glass wall display cabinet, with two glass doors and shelves solid wood sides, top and solid bottom size 60cm wide x 72 cm tall 10% of my sales always goes...
Very well known beauty salon , established over 15 years with many regular clients . situated at prominent position on the first floor of busy shopping cen...
922 47 34 38
700.00 €
10.00 €
30.00 €
45.00 €
22000.00 €
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
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Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
Delivery Services
New 10,000 BTU freestanding air-con unit Still in box. €200 Fold up table tennis table on wheels. €50 Iron gate automatic opener. New in box. With remote. €1,200 Tel: 670 647 765 Creative Surround Sound System - sub woofer, mid speaker, front and back speakers. All good working condition. €30.00 646 684 672
Epson printer/scanner model DX7400, very good condition with 2 sets print cartridges. 30 euros ono. Tel: 632 356 206 Philips Avent microwave sterilizer 10 euro, Epson printer/scanner model DX7400, good condition, 30 euros ono. Tel 632 356 206 6 Adult Life jackets Rated 100N CE Approved. Complete with holdall. Suitable for boating and water sport activities. 80 euros or will sell separately 15 euros each. Tel No. 697513944 Air Mattress - brand new blow up flocked air mattress indoor/outdoor use. Includes air pump. €10.00 922 717 353 PC: (2 years old) Asus tower, Benq 19” flat screen, Logitech keyboard, Speakers, Camera, Telefónica router, Swivel chair. All in good working order 300 euro Tel: 626050832 or 922751681 (San Eugenio area) Quinny pushchair seat €20 (no base) Maxi-cosi car seat from birth, sun canopy, booster cushion, rain cover, fly net €30 Origional Babasling black €20 Baby Phat pink zebra print baby bag changing mat and thermal bottle pocket €30 650 719 822 Tiojo
Maclaren “Techno XT” Reclining Buggy buggy is in really good condition and has only been used for my grandchildren when here on holiday. €35 call Kath on 922 729 965
Berg Mountain bike Almost new, only the bearing wobbles in the middle, need to change. €60.00 638 553 030 Computer Desk Well looked after computer desk with lots of work & storage space. Size 1.50cm long x 70cm deep easy to take apart. Price 70.00 euros. 661 703 766 PS3 40gb with 1 controller & FIFA 09, like new. €95.00 680 136 880 Fridge freezer clean and in good condition in full working order. Sold with a guarantee. Size 1.30cm tall x 55cm wide x 55cm deep. €110.00 661 703 766
Saba Mi215 Bolide Collector’s item and still very good and powerful sound!! Google “Saba M215” and you will see..... €39.00 650 730 334
Child’s blue Ikea matching bedroom set - includes bed and bedside table with one draw. As new must be seen. €70.00 ono 648 089 399 or 922 739 500
Beautifully designed sofa bed. Bought for 950.00 euros. Opens up to a single bed which has never been used. Size 1.60cm long. €195.00 661 703 766
Samsung mm-c530d (micro audio system) iPod/iPhone docking, CD ripping, HDMI out. It supports a variety of disc formats such as: DVD video/audio, DVD±R, DVD±RW, CD, and CD-R/RW and also supports the following file formats: mp3, wma, jpeg, divx, and mpeg-4. €150.00 683 596 994
Acoustic Guitar With Case And Accessories Never used. Comes with soft case, electronic tuner, foot rest, DVD and book. €50.00 646 684 672 Yamaha Audiogram 3, usb-audio interface, 1 x mic-/hi-z input xlr / trs, switchable phantom power 48v, 1 x stereo thomann line-input 2 x trs 1/4” / rca, 2 x line-out 1/4” trs, headphone-out, usb bus powered, asio-driver, 16-bit / 44.1 khz, for windows xp / vista,7 and mac osx €70.00 600 608 037 Dive/wet suit 5mm size 3, full length 50€͵ Shorty dive/wet suit, 5mm size 3 40€ or 80€ for both, as new hardly used. 600 342 152 Alesis Q49 Usb/midi keyboard The Q49 is a 49-note keyboard controller that works with virtually all music software and midi hardware devices. The compact controller features usb-midi and traditional midi jacks for easy connection to mac, PC and midi hardware. The Q49 provides keyboard players with a full compliment of controls including pitch and modulation wheels, octave up and down buttons, an assignable data slider, and the ability to send program changes from the keys. €80.00 600 608 037
Slide Projector. (Rank Aldis TK300, 35mm) €30.00 634 015 852 Mac G5 power PC, dual processor 2.0 and 2gb ram along with OSx Leopard 10,5,6 installed. It is what it is! Good little machine...bit old! but still running and singing!! No mouse, monitor or keyboard! €200.00 663 637 978 Mountain Bike MB Knona mountain bike in good condition. Size medium, reason for sale never used. €225.00 687 023 216 Circular mitre saw used once. €140.00 610 285 954 iPad 2 in white, unwanted gift, will give you receipt. Worth €579. Comes with bluetooth keyboard in leather case. €500.00 633 596 097 Karaoke System 2 peavy speakers, 1 synthesizer, digital echo, av amplifier da-x1, j.v.c video c.d player play back control c.d version 2-0, 2x mike stands + mike. Over 350 songs, great sound system + remote. Mike needs slight attention. €600.00 ono 648 089 399 or 922 739 500
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012 CLASSIFIEDS
Car Lease/Rentals
Car Maintenance
Situations Vacant
Cars to rent
Long and short term From 270€ per month Including insurance
Phone Mags: 600 88 27 22 Email: magsbehan@gmail.com
Space available in large salon for a hair stylist, nail technician & Botox/filler professional. Very low rent-a-chair basis with contract. Huge earning potential for right applicant.
For more enquiries call: 662 601 429
Air Con •
Property to Rent
Shar Pei Pups - Ready Now
I have 2 stunning, wrinkly puppies both girls - all black and have turned out fabulous, with no health problems and temperament of parents is very good. Pups have had 1st injection at 7 weeks and will have been wormed regularly before they leave, plus their eyes have been checked by a vet. Their parents are house dogs, family pets and the pups are brought up around children. Pups are full pedigree (Father has 4 times champion history.)
500 euros ono
Contact 618342636
Experienced dog-carer offers large enclosed garden and happy home environment for 2-3 dogs only. Prior viewing of facilities welcome. Short and long stays, possible to prepare and ship to UK. Collection and return available. Call 634 914 534 or email propertymarket@terra.es
Brave (PG)
Showing daily at 15:30 hr - 100 min Animation | Adventure | Action
Kelly Macdonald, Merida (voice) - Billy Connolly, Fergus (voice) Emma Thompson, Elinor (voice) - Julie Walters, The Witch (voice) Robbie Coltrane, Lord Dingwall (voice)
Hi Tenerife Weekly, Just wanted to let you know that we have now sold our bar. The initial contact from the new buyers come through Tenebay, so thanks for that. Tenebay managed to do in a month what 4 estate agents could not do in 2 years! Thanks again x
Tenerife Weekly - 24th August - 30th August 2012
24th August
25th August
26th August
27th August
28th August
29th August
30th August
Mostly Sunny
Mostly Cloudy
Plenty of Sunshine Plenty of Sunshine High: 29oC
High: 29oC
High: 29oC
High: 28oC
High: 28oC
High: 28oC
High: 27oC
Real Feel: 34oC
Real Feel: 31oC
Real Feel: 29oC
Real Feel: 27oC
Real Feel: 27oC
Real Feel: 28oC
Real Feel: 26oC
Partly Cloudy
Periods of Rain
Low: 24oC
Low: 22oC
Low: 21oC
Low: 21oC
Low: 20oC
Low: 21oC
Low: 20oC
Real Feel: 23oC
Real Feel: 20oC
Real Feel: 18oC
Real Feel: 18oC
Real Feel: 16oC
Real Feel: 17oC
Real Feel: 16oC
Local Markets Location
Monday Monday
Alcalá Torviscas
9:00 am to 4:00 pm 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Los Abrigos
5:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Wednesday Thursday Friday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday
Playa San Juan Fañabé Golf del Sur San Isidro Fañabé El Médano Los Cristianos
9:00 am to 2:00 pm 9:00 am to 2:00 pm 9:00 am to 2:00 pm 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm 9:00 am to 2:00 pm 9:00 am to 2:00 pm 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Markets information numbers: 922 716 867 / 610 464 841
Tenerife Weekly
Colin Taylor editor@tenerife-weekly.com Manager & Production Stephen Eade design@tenerife-weekly.com
can be purchased from all TITSA stations and terminals and reduces the cost of transport by up to 30%
TFS - Tenerife Sur Airport Flight info 902 404 704 Airport info 922 759 000 Tourist info 922 392 037 TFN - Tenerife North Airport
Flight info 902 404 704 General info 922 635 800 National Ferry Services Armas 902 456 500 Fred Olsen 922 628 252 Tourist offices Costa Adeje 922 750 633 Los Cristianos 922 757 137 Las Américas 922 796 668 Puerto de la Cruz 922 386 000 Santiago del Teide 922 860 348
The “Bono-Bus” discount card
Multi-lingual police Central office 902 102 112
Call this number and ask for an English operator to make an official report or complaint.
Local police 922 757 006 Hospitals 094 Hospital Las Américas, Playa de Las Américas 922 750 022 Playa de las Américas Centro Médicos Del Sur 922 791 000 Candelaria Hospital 922 602 000 British Consulate 922 286 863 Opening hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30am - 1:30pm Irish Consulate Phone: +34 922 245 671 Opening hours: 10am-1pm
Solutions to this week’s puzzles
While Tenerife Weekly makes every realistic effort to inspect the contents of all of our advertising, it cannot be held responsible for any assertions or declarations they may make. The opinion of the owner or staff of Tenerife Weekly is not necessarily mirrored in the opinions or assertions made by any of our contributors. The material contained within Tenerife Weekly may not to be reproduced unless permission has been received from the Owner.
Brain Train
An easy one
1. 1948 and 1908 2. One 3. Badminton 4. Blue, Black, Red, Yellow and Green 5. 1936 in Berlin, Germany 6. 32 years old
7 2 8 1 4 5 9
3 1 9 4 8 7 6
6 9 4 8 7 5 2 1 3
8 7 1 3 2 6 5 9 4
1 2 5 9 4 3 7 6 8
9 4 6 7 5 8 1 3 2
3 8 6 1 2 9 4 5
A little tougher
7 9 5 1 6 4 8
1 5 4 6 8 3 9 2 7
6 8 9 2 4 7 3 5 1
9 6 8 3 7 5 4 1 2
4 7 5 1 9 2 8 3 6
3 2 1 4 6 8 7 9 5
5 4 3 7 2 6 1 8 9
7 9 2 8 1 4 5 6 3
8 1 6 5 3 9 2 7 4
Calder Hughes Janet Anscombe Lynne Leadbetter
Marc Craig Bambi Dhami Barry Sparkle
sales@tenerife-weekly.com Office hours: Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
922 790 388
While we strive to bring you a quality newspaper Tenerife Weekly cannot be held responsible for the print quality of this publication. The responsibility for print quality lies directly with our printers (TF Print, SL.). Please be aware that advertising in Tenerife Weekly will require you to sign a declaration agreeing to this disclaimer.
Lorna Eade John Sharples Barry Pugh
Emergencies Emergency services (all) 112 National Police 091 Local police 092 Ambulance 061 Fire Brigade 080 Guardia Civil 062 Red Cross 922 281 800 Pharmacy 922 282 424 Citizen information 010 Lost property 092 Postal services 902 197 197 International operator 11825 Local operator 11818 Tour operators Cosmos 922 793 802 Thomas Cook 922 757 409 Thomson 922 798 607 TUI 922 777 720 Transport Buses TITSA 922 531 300
Owner & Publisher Christopher Miller Miller Rental S.L C.I.F: B 38709366 Deposito Legal: TFE 447/2012
Useful Numbers
Tenerife Weekly - 17th August - 23rd August 2012 ADVERTISEMENT