Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
Lorna Eade editor@tenerife-weekly.com
The opinion of the owner or staff of Tenerife Weekly is not necessarily mirrored in the opinions or assertions made by any of our contributors.
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Issue 78
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The material contained within Tenerife Weekly may not to be reproduced unless permission has been received from the Owner.
Stephen Eade design@tenerife-weekly.com
CONTRIBUTERS Sir Old Golfer Steve Andrews
John Sharples
Barry Pugh
Janet Anscombe
Paul Ling
Marc Craig
Red Queen Musings Colin Kirby
While we strive to bring you a quality newspaper Tenerife Weekly cannot be held responsible for the print quality of this publication. The responsibility for print quality lies directly with our printers (TF Print, S.A.). Please be aware that advertising in Tenerife Weekly will require you to sign a declaration agreeing to this disclaimer.
PUB QUIZ (Page 34)
1. The Yellow Sea 2. Fashion Designer 3. Kent 4. Devon 5. Silver 6. Seven Swans Swimming 7. Cook Strait 8. Anne of Cleves 9. Brussels 10. The Who 11. Republic of Ireland 12. 640
SUDOKU TANTO Easy (Page 16)
While Tenerife Weekly makes every realistic effort to inspect the contents of all of our advertising, it cannot be held responsible for any assertions or declarations they may make.
Owner & Publisher - Christopher Miller
1. Go Doe 2. Play Day 3. Half Laugh 4. Rad Dad 5. Claw Flaw 6. Teal Eel 7. Plain Train 8. Male Snail 9. Flat Hat 10. Gray Day 11. Lace Race 12. Brave Shave 13. False Waltz 14. Yarn Barn 15. Bird Turd
SUDOKU TANTO Hard (Page 16)
HINK PINKS (Page 38)
Solutions to this week´s puzzles
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
Well, the sun is shining properly again and we have a brilliant weekend lined up for everyone. Firstly there is a charity golf tournament on Saturday 27th in conjunction with Pearly Grey and Dorada - Ingane Yami, a very special children’s charity that helps build houses and works with communities in South Africa. For golfing fans this is a must see event, full details are on pages 28-29. Secondly, we have the Help For
Heroes Fund Raiser at Vivo Decades in las Americas, also on Saturday 27th. The cream of Tenerife’s entertainment will be there, as well as Mickey & Minnie Mouse, a balloon sculptor, a giant paddling pool, bouncy castle, and we will also be offering an English favourites menu. Last year we helped to raise 2,500 Euros for our military men and women, this year we would love to double it. The raffle has some spectacular prizes, all donated from some of the biggest names on the Island. It is sure to be a superb day
out, the complete line –up is available on page, 24, I really hope to see you all there. This week’s issue has a couple of articles with a twist. Marc Craig went Ghost hunting, with some spectacular results, on page 5, and Steve Andrews has discovered what you can find on a cactus farm, page 11. Both couldn’t be further away from what people expect here in Tenerife. Who says it is all about, sun, sand and bar hopping?? See you all next week.
Continued from page 1
Immigration regulations for European citizens in general and specifically Brits in Tenerife can be somewhat confusing. As proprietor of the One Stop Problem Shop I deal with Tenerife officialdom on a daily basis, this information is current, although as is the case with all legislation, can be open to interpretation by the functionary concerned on the day!
“But we didn’t have to do that” will be the cry of the bane of my life; Manin-the-pub. Man-in-the-pub is not necessarily malicious, he often really wants to help, but at best gives out-of-date information or at worst down right misinformation, because after all, “It’s not like that in the UK is it? And don’t EU regulations state this, that, and the other?” No – I’m afraid it’s not like that in the UK, and in the real world, the one in which we have to deal with officialdom here in Tenerife, the local functionaries are the ones who ultimately allow or deny your application.
So I will begin with some words of caution to some British ex-pats already here in Tenerife; Don’t listen to what Man-in-the-pub says, there is no right or wrong of these situations, no one size solution fits all cases. Your requirements, obligations and ultimate application for a residence certificate here may be very different to your neighbour’s depending on INDIVIDUAL circumstances and more importantly the regulations in force at the time you are applying or renewing. If you already have a residence certificate, do not let your existing document lapse - if you do you may be classed as a new applicant and will not only have been in breach of immigration regulations but will have to jump through quite a few hoops to obtain another residence certificate. For those in the South of the island these matters are dealt with at the Comisaría (Main National Police Station). This is just off junction 28 of the TF1 and you should always consult officials on the specifics of YOUR case before taking action. If you still have a plastic residence card with your picture and finger print
on, or worse still an old burgundy red folded document, I am very much afraid your ship has sailed, you will be treated as a new applicant. For those with A4-sized green paper certificates the date of issue is IN WORDS at the bottom of the document, just above the signature (use Google translate if you don’t know your Spanish numbers), your certificate will need to be renewed five years from that date, CONTRARY to what applicants were told at the time of issue, as regulations have now been amended. For those in possession of the most recent style, wallet-sized green lightweight card-board residence certificate, the issue date is in numbers and words, again just above the signature. If your green paper document has indeed expired you may need to check with the Comisaría as to whether they consider you as a new applicant or not. This will very much depend on whether the green paper was issued as a result of an initial application, as a renewal of the old style plastic photo card, by how much time your certificate has expired and, in truth, the officer you deal with on the day. There has been much discussion in social media over “residente permanente” -Permanent Resident status, in my personal opinion if you have made your life here and are staying in Tenerife, stop looking for reasons not to renew your residence certificate, just do it and possibly save yourself untold grief in the future. All applicants who are renewing a European citizen in-date residence certificate will need to provide an original up to date empadronamiento document from your town hall prov-
Lorna Eade
ing where you currently live in Tenerife, together with a photograph, your passport and photocopy, an EX18 application form and a modelo 790 with paid paying in slip for the fee, currently 10,40 Euros. You will surrender your current green coloured certificate and will be issued a credit card sized certificate, also green, printed on lightweight card. Currently we are being advised this also will be valid for 5 years. So what about new applicants or those who have let their residency status lapse? If you are a new applicant (or are considered as one because of expiration of entitlement) as well as the standard requirements detailed above, you either have to be: • Currently working legally in Spain, or be self employed and so have a Spanish income. Or you have to prove your income is sufficient to support you and your family. This is done either: • By having a lump sum in a Spanish bank or regular income over a period of time from a Spanish source paid into a Spanish bank. • A letter authenticating your pension entitlement, (or other source of income), which has to be apostilled and legally translated if it originates outside of Spain. An amount over the minimum wage in Spain or a lump sum of 5,100 euros per person or more has been acceptable to date. But again this is not set in stone and may be amended in conjunction with other income sources or number of persons in the family; as the legislation states each case is judged on its merits.
You also have to show health care entitlement for you and your family, with either: • Health care funded by Spain if you are employed or self employed and are paying contributions here. • Health care funded by Spain if you are the legally registered dependant of an employed or self employed person as above. • Health care funded by Spain because you retired from working here and used to pay contributions here before retirement. • Health care funded by the UK because prior to current regulation changes you already processed an E121 or S1 document with the Spanish health authorities. • A current EHIC card, in date, issued by the UK together with an S1 document, if you are entitled to one, which will be subsequently processed by the Spanish Social security to enable you to have state health care in Spain funded by the UK • Or alternatively proof of an in date private health care insurance for you and your family. You may not like the requirements but they sound straight forward enough don’t they? Well here are some of the pitfalls you might come across during your application process. Q: I am already employed or self employed here and have health care but I don’t know how to prove it to the Extranjeria. A: You need to register at the Social Security to enable you to receive SMS notifications to your Spanish mobile, you do this at the INSS in Los Cristianos, you do not need an ap-
Continued on page 4
4 Continued Fashion as hot as The night from page 3 at arona esta De Moda Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
By Colin Kirby
pointment, but you do need your passport and you need to know your NIE number or Spanish Social Security number. Once you are registered in the SMS system you can go to the Spanish Social Security website at www.seg-social.es, and arrange to download at any time an “Informe de Situación actual del trabajador” – an up to date report on your actual health care entitlement in Spain. Q: I am a Pensioner or unemployed but I do have health entitlement in Spain, I have a Spanish health card, why won’t the Extranjeria accept that as proof? A: If you are a Pensioner (without entitlement to a UK EHIC card) you will have to make an appointment at the CAISS Granadilla office and get an updated stamped report of your current situation from there. You can make an appointment to obtain this via the Social security website; there is normally a week to ten day delay so allow time for this if necessary. If you are legally registered as unemployed you should ask at your INEM office for proof of your situation, your case will be individually assessed. Q: Why won’t the Extranjeria accept my UK issued pension letter or P60 certificate? A: Because all documentation issued from outside Spain has to be Apostilled and legally translated into Spanish. Apostilles are dealt with by the UK - for more information see this website: https://www.gov.uk/get-document-legalised You may need to apply for a specifically authenticated letter from your bank in the UK or pension provider rather than a general bank statement. Check with the FCO what they will and won’t authenticate. There are any number of sworn translators who can officially translate your documents once they are apostilled, look in Paginas Amarillas or contact the British Consulate for information on your nearest one. Q: Why won’t the Extranjeria accept my new DKV private health card as proof of Private health care? A: The card may not have an expiry date on it and so would need to be accompanied by a copy of your latest contract or a letter proving current entitlement (in Spanish) Q: I have a Spanish company why won’t the Extranjeria accept this as proof? A: It is possible to be a shareholder or outright owner of a Spanish company but not to be paying Spanish social security contributions. If you are non-working director for example you may need to make arrangements for private health care cover. Q: I have thousands in the bank here; I showed them a statement why won’t the Extranjeria accept this as proof that I can support myself? A: Original passbooks (together with a photocopy) are acceptable, but a statement for a current or other type of account is only acceptable if your bank issues an official stamped letter detailing your holdings with them. The banks are used to this request and will do this for you within a couple of days; they may charge you for the privilege. Q: I’m new here and I want to be self employed but I can’t sort it out because they won’t let me have a residencia? A: The process is like a row of dominoes; first you get a nonresidents white NIE paper, you only need your passport and copy, application form and fee paid to do this. Once you have your white A4 NIE paper which lasts 90 days, you register to start your self employment and then return to the Extranjeria with a tax office Modelo 36 and a Social Security actual situation document as described above. Q: I’m new here and I’ve been offered a real job but I can’t get a residencia so I can’t work, what can I do? A: Again you need to do things in the right order, get your nonresidents NIE A4 white paper which will last 90 days, and a job offer in writing in Spanish, go and get a Spanish Social Security number, go back to your new employer and let them have copies of both numbers. Once you have your contract and your employment has started you can go back to the Extranjeria to get your residence certificate. The above Q & A are based on actual cases and reasons for applications being denied this year, but the list is not exhaustive, make sure you find out what applies to you and what doesn’t. You can find more information at www.theonestopproblemshop.com Diana McGlone
moVE over Paris, milan, and London, the place to be last weekend was Los Cristianos as the catwalk purred for two nights with fashion for the people. arona Esta de moda has established itself as the glittering shop window for affordable, eye catching styles on sale at local outlets. this year the stage was bigger with a pulsating video wall and vibrant music to entertain the large crowd on the sweltering evenings.
All the models were amateurs but they showed a flair for their big moment, some looked a little shy but there was always an encouraging word or helping hand from their friends and supporters in the audience. At least they weren’t isolated in the spotlight, each section of clothing started with dancers who formed a backdrop as the bright young things took it in turns to stroll out among the seated admirers for some close up views of what will be turning heads on the promenades of Tenerife this summer. If it was warm and sticky for the onlookers, spare a thought for the quick change stars who did a great job of looking cool in the face of a humid calima hanging in the air. It wasn’t just the ladies who did a twirl, the chaps did their bit and the childrens models added an extra layer
of cuteness and innocence. Some of the older musical numbers were a bit more raunchy, there was something for all age groups to enjoy and long after the music had faded local traders were hoping that an increase in clothes sales would be music to their ears.
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
Table Dancing Proof (for me at least), that ghosts exist.
By Marc Craig
I’m not a sceptic, in the words of The Xfile’s Fox Mulder, “I want to believe”. I’ve always been fascinated by all aspects of the unexplained. A scifi fan from an early age I often dreamed of encountering an extra-terrestrial- one of my favourite childhood daydreams was that George Lucas wrote Star Wars after he was somehow transported to that galaxy far, far away!!
Unfortunately I’ve yet to meet a little green man, but after last Wednesday I’m now convinced that I was in the presence of more than one spirit, spirits that were fully aware of us, understood us and responded to us in several ways.
A night in a ghost town
Church The investigation had been planned weeks ago, after I had written a piece about hauntings in Tenerife I was contacted by Keith and Angie Freeland, a psychic medium (Angie) and a paranormal investigator and after a meeting over coffee we arranged to visit the abandoned leper colony by Abades, one of the locations I’d written about and a place the Freeland’s had investigated many times before. By the time the day arrived I’d accumulated several ghost hunters of my own which I was told was good as the more people there, the more perspectives we would have on any paranormal activity
we experienced, so myself, my wife Becky, mother inlaw Linda and neighbours Sue Cass and Jackie Clark, met the Freelands and their curious friend, Tish, at the car park by the beach in Abades at 8pm and, as the sun set, we all made our way up the steep dirt track to the church at the top of the hill that dominates the colony. By the time we entered the church it was pretty much dark so we all turned our flashlights on to explore. As we stood in the main room, Angie asked us all to say how we were feeling and to “not delete anything” in other words mention anything no matter how insignificant you think it might be. People began to describe how they felt almost immediately, slight headaches, nervousness, and Becky didn’t want to stay in the main room and felt “pin pricks” starting with her legs then across the rest of her body. Initially I was disappointed as I felt absolutely nothing. That soon changed however as soon as we moved into a smaller side room, I instantly felt a shortness of breath like I’d just ran up a flight of stairs and it took me several minutes to breathe normally. Jackie and I tried the dowsing rods, a copper tube into which fits a brass L shaped rod, by resting an index finger underneath the right angle you “dampen” the movement so they don’t swing around wildly-both of us seemed to get activity with the rods seemingly moving by themselves, often at the instruction of Angie who was speaking out to any spirits that may have been there.
All the while Keith busied himself with taking EMF readings (nothing) temperature readings (no change) and photographing the proceedings and it was in one of those photos we could clearly see an orb (above the rather disturbing graffiti “meurte todo vosotros”-death to all of you), that appeared on only one of a series of photos of that wall.
moved to the spot outside the bathroom door-this spot Becky had refused to stand in when we first arrived. Within 30 seconds of swapping, I too pitched forward as if a very strong gust of wind had hit me from behind-my back by this time ached as if I had resisting a slight but persistent pressure against my knees! Making our way back to the front of the building Keith placed his wedding ring and bracelet on the floor, marking
a spirit named Eduardo who she’d encountered before was responsible, he was 5060 married with 3 kids and was involved in the building of the colony until he died of an illness-he also responded to Angie’s knocks on the table top by very faintly rapping underneath-at first I was sure the “knocks” were just the creaking of the metal frame, however as she tried to get him to respond over and over again, I’m convinced that at least some were genuine
Eduardo’s room Next we moved to a dormitory just past the church to the left where they’d experienced activity before-this proved to be everyone’s favourite part of the night, we made our way to the back room of the rectangular building, a smallish bedroom sized space with a bathroom in the corner, we joined hands and formed a circle whilst Angie attempted to encourage the spirits that she said she sensed in the vicinity to make themselves known by pushing one of us, lighting up the EMF, tugging someone’s hair or by “making Marc’s knees buckle”!! After 10 minutes of nothing Jackie suddenly pitched forward into the middle of the circle! This happened again a few minutes later, so when Jackie said she no longer wanted to stand there, I agreed to swap places and
their position with black tape to check before we left (they didn’t move). In the entrance to the building we then set up a perfectly normal folding table (we checked it) upon which Angie placed a planchette and the 6 non-professionals placed a finger on it. Almost immediately it began moving swiftly and surely across the surface of the table, even sliding onto the rim of the table top and even upside down and underneath!! I have to admit I kept a close eye on Tish as she was the only person touching the planchette that I didn’t know but I can honestly say without any doubt she wasn’t moving it! We ditched the planchette and with fingertips on the table top, watched in amazement as the table span, jumped, hopped on one leg and “walked” across the room!! Angie told us that
copied rhythms that I can’t explain. It’s interesting to note that Keith noticed a definite drop in temperature at that specific point by as much as 3-4 degrees that he can’t explain scientifically. Children and the speed freak As we edged toward midnight we decided to try one more location -a large build-
ing, possibly a dining hall with archways that Linda felt drawn to checking out. The light mood that Eduardo had put us in soon left us as no one felt very comfortable at all, I felt a sadness, Becky felt close to tears and the majority of us felt unnerved. Angie was interested to hear that Tish felt the presence of children, as she had recently discovered that there were rumoured to be children buried somewhere in the area. We saw more strange graffiti such as “mama leprosa” or mother leprosy and “I was an actress” in Spanish-although Angie assured me ghosts don’t graffiti!! Lastly, we moved back through the very large building to the room by the arches where Angie and I experienced the most impressive table dancing of the evening. Observed by the rest of the group, we could barely keep one finger on the surface as the table leaped and pirouetted across the room-manipulated by, according to what Angie felt- a tall handsome young man of 28-30 who loved speed and died in a car accident. Finally as we prepared to leave, Becky was helping collect all the equipment and picked up the EMF meter and, for the first and only time that night, it leapt to life crackling and lighting up like a Christmas tree causing the girls to scream!! I can’t explain most of what happened that night, I know I didn’t try to make anything move or fake anything and I’m absolutely sure nobody else did, but regardless, it was a night I’ll never forget and I’d like to thank Keith and Angie for allowing us to spend a night in their fascinating world!!
Email Marc: marc@tenerife-weekly.com
6 Tenerife nature Walks: a newly Published Walking book for Tenerife Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
a Brand new walking guide has arrived in tenerife. It has 212 pages and describes 35 walks throughout the island, giving full directions to the start, instructions for the walk, and many references to the plants and wildlife which can be seen en route. It is lavishly illustrated with colour photographs of landscapes, flowers and wildlife, and supported by full colour maps covering every walk.
Sally Lamdin-Whymark lives in Tenerife and loves to explore the island on foot, and has chosen to write about some of the most scenic routes. There are walks of different grades to suit both the beginner and the experienced. The book is available in the UK from the internet at www.abebooks.co.uk , and www.amazon.co.uk at £14.99 plus p+p and is now available
Estrellas Theatre School SUNDAY 12TH MAY AT 2PM
Charity Event Estrellas in collaboration with Amate The First event in the North 9€ Adults with Paella 6€ Children up to 8 years with Paella, popcorn, icecream 3€ Entrance without food
S T A R R I N G: Estrellitas, The sleeping Beauty, Solo performances, Hip Hop, Songs from Hairspray and Much More!!!! A fun day for all the family!
in Tenerife at Bookswop in Puerto Colon, Libreria Barbara in Los Cristianos and other outlets at 17 Euros.
If you are having difficulty locating a copy, contact the author at sallywhymark@ hotmail.es.
26 Apr
27 Apr
28 Apr
29 Apr
30 Apr
1 May
2nd May
Partly sunny
Partly sunny
Partly sunny
High: 27oC
High: 26oC
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High: 22oC
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Real Feel: 30oC
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Real Feel: 22oC
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Mostly clear
Low: 19oC
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Real Feel: 17oC
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Real Feel: 15oC
Real Feel: 15oC
Real Feel: 14oC
Real Feel: 14oC
Fighting the Cause
Fri th
For Tickets call Mo on 647 844 794 or email mo@estrellastheatreschool.com
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
St Georges Flag Day Competition
Ian Campbell
Robert Leadbetter Amarilla Golf Members Club By Sir Old Golfer This was the 14th year the competition has been held at Amarilla Golf Course by the club members.
Players were asked to wear red and white and the golf club terrace was decked out in red and white balloons and bunting. Each player took a small flag and wrote his name on it. He then went around the course until he used up all his shots. Par 71 for the course plus his handicap. eg 71+12 h/c would give 83 shots. When the players shots are used
up he placed his flag in the ground. The player that placed his flag farthest around the course was declared the winner. This year flags first started appearing from the 15th green onwards. 3 players had a shot left after playing 18 holes and had to play their remaining shot up the first fairway. Balls were drawn for the order of play and Rob Leadbeater went first followed by Mick Samson and Tony Bolsover. Rob hit a long straight drive down the fairway which the other two
were unable to better on this occasion so, as last year’s winner, Rob retained “the flag”. The Flag is an English St Georges across which are the signatures of all the previous winners and kept in the trophy cabinet. During this year’s event Club Member Ian Campbell recorded his first ever hole-in-one, on the 18th hole, and everyone enjoyed a drink courtesy of the Club. Club Captain Simon Shovlar then made the presentation and a toast was made to St George before Members enjoyed a splendid buffet from Karoline Shovlar.
Pilgrimage of San Marcos, Tegueste
The Pilgrimage of San Marcos is held each year in Tegueste on the Sunday closest to April 25 and marks the start of “the season”. This year it will be on Sunday 28th April.
The festivities start by choosing the “Romera Mayor”, a sort of carnival queen and there are a multitude of events including Canary wrestling, fireworks and a concert in the Plaza that lead up to the actual day of the pilgrimage. On this day, the massive influx of people seems to confirm it is one of the most popular celebrations on the Island; the side effect is monumental traffic queues that form from early morning. An hour before the true shin-dig begins, which is the bit us heathens really want to see, there is mass and the image of San Marcos Evan-
gelista is placed in front of the square to bless the pilgrims, livestock and carters. This year 26 wagons and floats decorated with the natural produce of the countryside will participate, accompanied by the tantalizing aroma of grilled meat, wrinkled potatoes and boiled eggs. The main feature of this romería is the generosity of the wagons that throw food to the crowds that line the route. So with 26 mobile sources of give-away food and booze, I thought it would be a particularly good feast or should that be fiesta! Some bystanders deftly use hats and baskets
to increase their chances of catching the flying food. Along with the procession there is the historic Dance of Flowers a folk event whose existence can be traced back to the 16th century. The dance is done by dancers, all impeccably dressed in white with plumed hats that have
different coloured ribbons hanging down the back. It is testament to the idiosyncrasies and cultural heritage of the Tegueste people. The dancers carry a pole with a crown of flowers on the top and they dance around it to the beat of drums and castanets.
Boats accompany the procession and are part of the culture, I don´t know why but they have been there for years and years. These sail smoothly along pulled by oxen. After the procession, the feast continues throughout the afternoon with the blessing of the livestock and offerings to the saint, consisting of an assortment of farm produce. This isn´t however, a fiesta just for the lovers of tradition – the pilgrimage of San Marcos attracts thousands of young people, most dressed in traditional costumes, that party in their own way, capturing events on their mobile phones and transmitting in real time to social networks around the world. They share everything not just music, food and joy. The final act of the fiesta is a bonfire: a rag doll made from straw and old clothes represents a public figure, which is burned to the shouts and cheers of the public. The bonfire is a ritual way of returning to everyday life. So hours after they arrived, crowds of people with full stomachs and glasses of local wine in hand start to migrate homewards. There are parties like this in many countries, but none with such good cheer and such good food.
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
Los Cristianos Squares Up To The Sea
By Colin Kirby Shielding Los Cristianos beach like a comforting embrace the harbour wall has stood firm against the seasonal tides, and wakes produced by the daily ferry journeys between islands. Now the time has come to bolster the defences and give a bright new face to the flaking paint work.
Over the last few months giant concrete cubes have been formed in moulds on a building site just beside the ring road to Playa de Las Americas and with the help of towering cranes at each end of the operation they are now being transferred and dropped into place along the outside of the harbour wall. The process is costing a fraction under one million euros and is financed by the port authority. That’s the safety
angle taken care of, and then comes the decorative and educational part of the revamp. The original mural of whales and dolphins was painted ten years ago by volunteers from the Atlantic Whale Foundation to highlight the threat to these magnificent animals. One third of the world’s species of whales and dolphins either live or pass through Canarian waters. The huge task of stripping down the old covering and doing a new template before filling it in has been taken on by 100 students from the Art Faculty of La Laguna University in the north of Tenerife. In total there are 2,000 square meters to paint and once finished it will be one of the biggest in Europe. It will be a fitting reminder of Tenerife’s unique place in the Atlantic eco system and also make a bright and uplifting spectacle on the beach and town side of the wall.
Dog Owners Warning Lions Support Schools Tenerife Sur Lions Club are pleased to help the I.E.S. School in Los Cristianos with support and sponsorship for the Athletics team who are due to compete on the mainland in the National Inter Schools Sports Tournament due to take place next week.
Many of our readers will know, and have enjoyed reports by Janet Anscombe. It is with incredible sadness that Janet and her husband, Jeremy, reported the loss their “baby” Rosie this week. She is the latest victim of poisoning. She died very shortly after ingesting the poison, even though the antidote, Atropina, was administered very quickly. Heartbreakingly her brother, owned by a neighbour, was also poisoned and died. They died together after enjoying a runabout together in the fields close to their homes.
This all took place in a mountain village a kilometre above Playa San Juan in Guía de Isora, away from tourist areas and a haven for dogs and residents who prefer the quiet life. Janet and Jeremy were taken on by Rosie, a podenco cross, in June 2012, she was just six weeks old and they fell in love with her: “This is a breed (or a cross breed anyway) that people say is unhomeable. We’ve found ours to be a stubborn, pig-headed, opinionated, disobedient little madam … and loyal, loving, gentle, calm, affectionate, and incredibly intelligent! She was so loved, and we tried and I hope succeeded in giving her the best life a dog could wish for. She was almost human at home, but lived a full free and happy dog’s life in the mountains which her breed is at home in.” Poison is often put down in an effort to kill off vermin, or by people who don’t like animals; tragically, it is often the case that well-loved family pets can eat the poison with horrifying effects. As a pet owner it is wise to make sure you have some of the antidote at home. It comes in a pack of ten for 2 Euros, and you syringe it into the scruff of the neck. Vets say that it will counter almost every poison likely to be put down in Tenerife, but of course it needs to be ad-
ministered very quickly. In Rosie’s and her brother’s case it was too late even though it was very quickly given ... confirming it must have been a massive dose of poison. It could, theoretically, though unlikely, have been a different poison than that which can be dealt with by this antidote. It can be bought over the counter, although some chemists may insist on a prescription. In some they will simply sell the antidote with an explanation of why you want it. Rosie was a beautiful dog and will be incredibly missed by her family; you can see her life with Janet and Jeremy on her diary page www.janetanscombe.com/rosies-diary. All of us at Tenerife Weekly send our deepest sympathy.
This Photograph shows Lion President Norman Goodall with some of the school team, who will be taking part in the event, along with the head coach and Prakash Udhwani Chairman of the Lions helpline. Tenerife Sur club is committed in their support for young people in our community who are striving to achieve success and excellence in their sporting field. The club recently outfitted a youngsters football team in Arona with a complete strip of shirts, shorts and socks which has enabled them to join and play in a league. This encouraging work helps young people become involved and interested in sporting activities and thereby becoming more health conscious by avoiding alcohol and smoking. Two nights weekly training also keeps the children off the streets.
The girls are from Left to Right; Lia García, Arinegua Pérez, Sol Arnoso, Noelia Vicente y Meritxell García.
news ON THE ROCK The Guardia Civil has detained three men on suspicion of this attack on the Ceila jewellers in San Isidro, and on suspicion also of seriously wounding the shop’s owner. The trio is accused of robbery with violence and intimidation, and wounding, and are now being processed by the judicial authorities. Two of the three are men of 23 and 30 years of age, both resident in the Granadilla municipality, and a 20-year-old Adeje man. All have a police record for various robberies.
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
WaRning ORDeR
have you served in the military? have any members of your family served in the military? have any of your friends served in the military. do you have any connections at all with the military? or do you just like a uniform? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then we have a day to remember planned just for you!
A note for your diaries: Saturday 27th April from noon, the most spectacular Help For Heroes and Help Our Wounded event for 2013. Prior to the day’s activities there will be a Falkland style sponsored YOMP starting at 11am at Palm Mar. Starting at El Rancho restaurant. The first leg of the route will
be across the foothills of Guaza mountain to Los Cristianos, where there will be a short break for refreshments at the Market Tavern on the Paloma Beach complex. Anyone wishing to take part, or sponsor a YOMPER call Barry on 679 66 02 45. The second leg of the route will be along the seafront to Las Americas, arriving at Vivo Treasure Island at approximately 1pm. From 1pm there will be the crème de la crème of the Islands entertainers ready and waiting for you. We can confirm we have; Marc Craig, Leslie Elvis Moore, Storm, Fusion, Kerry Railton, Vanessa Pindoria, Bitter & Twisted, The Decades Dancers, Luke Towler, The Timelordz, Vicky Denton, Luke Carey, with many more to be announced closer to the
date. Mickey & Minnie Mouse and friends will be here, there is a bouncy castle, giant paddling pool and an amusement arcade and loads of other treats just for the kids. The bar has very reasonably priced drinks; this is one afternoon’s entertainment where everything is covered for all the family and stretches on into the evening. There is a menu available for only 6,00 Euros a plate of Chicken Curry, Chilli, Vegetable Chilli, Paella and Shepherd’s Pie. Not only this, but also…. We have a raffle to end all raffles, with some magnificent prizes on offer. Where else would you want to spend your Saturday? Come down and help us say a huge THANK YOU to our servicemen.
2011 Starmus Festival CD Released
tangerine dream has announced the release of Starmus’’ Sonic Universe with guest guitarist Brian may. one of the most diverse and musical collaborations is finally available on double Cd: the result of a very special set at the Starmus Festival here in sunny tenerife, the album immortalizes an unlikely yet heavenly match, as tangerine dream join forces on stage with the legendary musician.
May has earned himself a place in rock history with one of the most iconic bands of all times: Queen. Tangerine Dream are well known for their highly acclaimed Hollywood film scores. However, the fusion of such different talents is not the only thing making ‘Starmus ‘ Sonic Universe’ unique. The Starmus Festival was held in June 2011 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Juri Ga-
garin’s first spaceflight; it was attended by spacemen Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Alexei Leonow and Jim Lovell amongst others. The first track of the album, ‘Supernova’, features the real sound of acoustic pressure waves from stars, captured by astrophysicist Prof. Garik Israelian, also founder of the event. ‘We did send it to Brian some time prior to the concert, so he had the chance to get an overall feel for this very progressive score’ ‘ comments Edgar Froese ‘ ‘He’s not only an exceptional guitarist, but also a very openminded artist to work with’. The second track on Starmus is May’s solo hit Last Horizon: ‘We knew that one already’ ‘ says Edgar ‘ ‘so it was easy for Brian to join on guitar’. Brian May is back again at the end of the set for Sally’s Garden, a traditional Irish air arranged by Tangerine Dream, and a very special version of We Will Rock You with a coda ‘largely improvised by us all on the spot’ ‘ according to May.
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
Down On The Tenerife Cactus Farm
By Steve Andrews aka The Bard Of Ely
Tenerife is a wonderful place for cacti and succulents and you will see these exotic plants all over the island. Prickly Pears (Opuntia species) are a feature of the landscape here in so many places.
Because of the subtropical climate cacti and succulents are perfect plants for our gardens, unlike in the UK where most would need to be kept indoors or in greenhouses. But let me introduce you to Søren Juhl Friis-Jespersen, an enterprising Tenerife resident who has taken this idea much further indeed, because he is running a cactus farm just outside Garachico in the north-west of the island. I went along to meet him and was amazed to see the vast number and variety of cacti and succulents he has growing on the several fields that make up his farm. It was like looking at a sea of cacti or a forest of the taller types! Søren has thousands of barrel cacti, such as the Golden Barrel or Mother-in-law’s Seat Cactus (Echinocactus grusonii). This is a cactus that got its humorous name because you definitely wouldn’t want to sit down on it! There are little ones in pots,
really big ones and groups of assorted sizes, as well as row after row of all sorts of smaller cacti. I would be here all day if I was going to name them all! He has fields full of the succulent Euphorbia species that looks like a cactus and is known as the Candelabra Tree (Euphorbia ingens). They are all planted in rows, staggered across the ground or already potted up ready for sale. He tells me this is one of his best-sellers, as are other types of Euphorbia. Plants in this large family are also known as spurges and a characteristic they all share is a white and toxic sap inside their stems and leaves. Break one and it oozes out. One of the species he grows on his farm is the Milk-Striped Spurge (E. lactea) which gets its name because of the whitish milky marbling in the middle of its stems and branches. It grows into a small tree and is often planted in shrub borders. There are some wonderful specimens in
Los Cristianos near the bus station. Søren also has the variety of this plant known to specialists as E. lactea compacta. Not surprisingly he grows Aloe Vera in large numbers too. This is a succulent that forms large rosettes of grey-green spiky leaves and carries its yellow tubular flowers high above on flowering spikes. The gel and sap from this plant is used for its healing properties to treat skin conditions and also is an ingredient in cosmetic products, soaps, shampoos and creams. Søren has a special interest and liking for the Houseleeks or Veroles as they are called in Spanish. He has the variety known as Black Rose (Aeonium arboreum var artopurpureum ‘Schwarzkopf’) with its really dark purple-black rosettes of
succulent leaves. But it not just cacti and succulents you will find on this really interesting farm because there are also Dragon Trees (Dracaena draco) and the weird plant known as Elephant’s Foot or Ponytail Palm (Beaucarnea recurvata), which stores water in the swollen base of its trunk. It is actually in the Asparagus family (Asparagaceae) though you wouldn’t think so to look at it. It can reach nearly 5 metres in height and its trunk is crowned with a tuft of long leathery leaves. I couldn’t get over the vast number of cacti and ornamental plants I saw growing on the farm and was amazed at the prices Søren was giving me when I asked. He says he has the “cheapest prices on the island” and I can well believe it. Just a few Euros would get you a potted cactus that would cost at least double that amount in a shop or from a garden centre. Back in Britain many of the cacti and succulents he has for sale would cost an extortionate price to buy! Of course it would be possible to buy stock from Søren and then sell on again at markets or elsewhere, and if you just wanted to give your garden or terrace that tropical touch with an array of cacti this would be the place to get your plants from. The farm is open to the public by arrangement only so you would need to phone Søren for details of how to get there and to sort out a date when you could meet him. He speaks fluent English or Spanish and his telephone number is 636 231 705 and he is happy to sell individual plants or to take large bulk orders. I know where to go if I want any cacti now. I have never seen so many of these spiny plants in my life!
12 DeSeRving a SeCOnD Sophia Wellness Centre DOgS Different From Other gyms - the only ChanCe - live aRiCO neWS Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
toning table centre in the Canary islands
on arrival at the centre you will be met by gabriela who will immediately make you feel at home. the aim of the Wellness Centre is to make members feel comfortable and relaxed while they work away their excess inches. Whatever your shape, age or size, gabriela is on hand to offer a solution in a friendly, family atmosphere.
The power assisted exercise machines can be used by any age group and have many benefits such as mobility, flexibility and total body toning. The eight toning tables are programmed for 30 minutes only in total, so whether you are aiming to create a narrow waistline, firm your inner or outer thighs, bums and tums, the tables provide superb exercise for an all-over toned and firm body, working lower back and abdominal muscles and increasing joint mobility. Clients can also use the Power Plate for ten minutes a day. This is an ideal tonic to increase metabolism, tone muscle and it helps with weight loss. The Sophia Wellness Centre provides an important approach to a healthy life, (less stress, better sleep, more energy, less pain and better circulation). Special offers are available for both residents and non residents. For more information about our centre, which is near Adeje town hall, please call on 922 102 723 or contact our email address: gabriela@sophiawellness.com. For a limited period we are offering a free trial at the centre, valid for up two people.
SomE dogs are easy to adopt, the puppies, the cute ones. It’s not so easy as a dog gets older of course, and some are forgotten in refuges for many years – some cannot be homed with children, not because they are aggressive, but because they are simply suited to more tranquil surroundings and homes with not so many people in them. We have two dogs that fit this category; can you offer them a forever home?
Golfo is a 4 year old spaniel mix male. He is like a big cuddly bear and craves attention, but he needs to be with a single person or couple who have time and patience. He is currently being fostered by Alice and Mark at Poochies Pet Hotel, and Alice says, “He has so much love to give but seems so confused as to how to take it or give it. He growls when he wants loving, and this can be off putting. He doesn’t like being told what to do but I believe he could be trained, he won’t let you take him by the collar but will be led on a lead quite happily. He is not particularly sociable with other dogs, as in he doesn’t want to play much, but he is ok in their company and doesn’t fight”
golfo We thank Alice for her honest assessment of Golfo. Popov has been with us many years and is one of our dogs in the Agua Dulce Dog Hotel. He is a Labrador of 8 years old, brought here from Argentina at great expense only to be abandoned. He barks loudly to say hello, which could be off putting to some children, but is otherwise a lovely dog who really deserves some love for the rest of his years. If you can help by taking one of these lovely boys, even on a “see how it goes” basis, please call Sue on 629 388 102 to arrange a meeting. They have been with us for too long, please give them a second chance.
At Our Place, Costa del Silencio form 4pm, we team up
Popov once again with our friends at K9 and Cats Welfare to bring you a fantastic afternoon’s entertainment. Aidy Evans will be introducing you to Storm Duo, Vicky Denton, Steve Delsey, Suzy Q, Alfie B and the world class Nick Page, with more to be confirmed. Add to that one of Mikeys famous quizzes and it is looking to be a good one. See you there.
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
Mainland New Energy Certificates News In Required For All Properties Brief American authorities have finally handed over a 16th century tapestry that turned up in Texas last year, more than three decades after it was stolen from a church in northern Spain. The woven, saint-filled altarpiece, thought to be produced in the early 1500s, was taken from a national cathedral in Roda de Isábena, in the Spanish province of Huesca, in December 1979. It resurfaced a few years ago, passing through the hands of European gallery owners and art dealers and until it was bought at an auction by a business in Houston for $369,000 in 2010. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) seized the tapestry from that business back in November under the National Stolen Property Act. The investigation was part of an ICE operation dubbed “Hidden Relic,” which is aims to find and return stolen art, artefacts and other cultural property. Emilio Morenatti, an Associated Press photographer has won a prestigious Spanish journalism award for his photograph of a store worker terrified by a violent street protest; the image illustrates the effects of the country’s financial crisis. The snapper has covered war zones for almost a decade, from Afghanistan and Pakistan to the Middle East, has been awarded the 2013 Ortega y Gasset award by Spain’s leading newspaper El Pais. An anarchist group in Spain has been sending bombs to prominent Roman Catholics, hiding the explosives inside packages containing vibrators. At least two such mini-bombs have been sent by a group that calls itself the Anticlerical Pro Sex Toys Group. One device exploded at a postal sorting office, slightly injuring the woman who was handling the package. The group apologised for the mistake. The group targeted the Roman Catholic archbishop of Pamplona, Francisco Pérez, and the head teacher of a private school belonging to the ultra-conservative Legionnaires of Christ movement in Madrid. Police believe the same group is behind a bomb packed inside a pressure cooker that was left near the public prosecutor’s office in Madrid, but failed to explode. New figures released by Spain’s national statistics institute, the INE show that there are nearly three and a half million empty homes in Spain, 10.8% more than a decade ago. The total number of empty homes in Spain is 3,443,365, 13.7% of more than 25 million homes are empty. The highest percentage is in Andalucia, which registers 18.5%. Valencia has 14.7% and Catalonia registers 13%. One in five of the empty properties was built within the last 10 years. In November 2011, INE’s building census showed that 25,208,623 homes were empty. Spanish finance Minister Cristóbal Montoro has said that he believes 2013 will be the last year of recession in Spain, as there are signs that market confidence in the Mediterranean economy is returning. Montoro speculated that inflation would likely be closer to 1% than 2% this year. While Spain may technically leave recession, a full recovery seems less likely. Any growth at all would be surprising as Spain remains weighed down by high debts and the Eurozone as a whole is expected to contract further this year. Spain sacked its consul in Boston for failing to carry out his duties following the bombing in the US city’s marathon that killed three people and wounded more than 170, a foreign ministry official said. Consul Pablo Sanchez-Teran “has been informed that he was dismissed for breach of his consular obligations”.
The CEE – Certificado de Eficiencia Energética – has come into effect in Mainland Spain. From the 1st of June 2013, no property transfer, either by sale or lease, will be registered by a Notary without a CEE. This result comes from an EU regulation that has actually been in effect from 2002 and equivalent CEE’s have been required for many years in other countries. New property in Spain has had to have the CEE since 2008 and the new regulation now brings that requirement to resale properties. The property owner is obliged to get the certificate by instructing a suitably qualified property professional. They inspect the property; note the many relevant points of location, construction and condition; enter the information into a highly complex computer formula; and the bar chart ‘banding’ of the property will be produced. This is then submitted to the appropriate Comunidad’s office (eg Junta de Andalucia or Murcia or Valencia) for ratifying and then the CEE is issued to the owner. The new system will cost, and take time, so home owners are advised that it would be wise to start work promptly. If you wait until, for example, the buyer gives his deposit, and then there is a risk that the issue of the CEE could delay the sale. The professional can be encouraged to work more quickly, but once the report is submitted to the Junta’s office then it will take time. Everybody is new to the system and will have to learn how it works. Over the last few months, professionals such as Architects, Technical Architects and Building Engineers have been sent on courses on how to generate the certificate and hopefully the government officials have been similarly training in the scrutiny and issuance of the final CEEs. There appear to be different levels of work that can be carried out to provide a certificate, with cursory ones resulting in poorer levels of banding, but with the more studious giving the possibility of raising the banding. Inevitably the better the band the higher will be the price of the property, as buyers will see that there will be energy savings over a poorer band property. There is also talk of the system leading to ‘encouragement’ for owners
to improve the energy rating of their property by, for example, reductions in the level of IBI having to be paid: poorer banding indicates higher energy costs and potentially higher taxes. It is up to the individual professional and their client to agree the fee; the Government has indicated that the professionals should charge only 90€ euro and the Junta official will charge nothing. Having taken one of the courses and knowing the amount of work involved in producing the band correctly, that might just be the fee that could be charged per owner if a professional is surveying a large block
of identical apartments at the one time. It would certainly be sensible for presidents and administrators to instruct a professional to carry out the work on the whole of their community and thus save the costs to the individual owner. The certificate lasts for 10 years so even if owners are not selling or renting now, it will be prudent while as there is bound to be an obligation in the future for all properties to have a Certificado de Eficiencia Energética. However, if you are the owner of an individual villa, it will cost considerably more for a proper survey to increase the possibility of getting a better
CEE banding. It details the window glass thickness, the efficiency of the water heater, the orientation of the walls and roof, etc. It could easily take 4 to 5 hours for a large property and then all that information has to be entered into the formula and the result submitted to the officials. Inevitably there will be some queries from them that will involve more work and then the CEE will be issued. This also means more work for estate agents who will not be allowed to market a property after 1st June without the certificate being displayed, if not there will be fines for agents and property owners.
Earthquake In Navarra
The Spanish National Geographical Institute has confirmed that a 4.2-magnitude earthquake hit Navarra in the north of Spain last Saturday evening but did not cause serious damages.
The quake, which hit at 5:18 p.m. local time, is the strongest of many tremors to have hit the region this year, and was followed by four aftershocks. The epicenter was near the town of Uterga, although tremor was felt in
all of the towns of the region and also in the Navarran capital of Pamplona. Navarra has recorded a series of low level seismic activities over recent months. Between February 14 and April 14, the National Geographical Institute registered 119 tremors measuring 1.5 degrees on the Richter Scale or above. Nine people were killed in a stronger quake on May 11, 2011, when a 5.1-magnitude quake hit the city of Lorca. Another 400 people were injured.
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
Classic Wines of Spain
IF you don’t know anything about wine, but would love to try something a bit different, then check out the following highly recommended Vinos. you can even pretend to be a wine buff!
Adega Cachin Peza Do Rei Blanco 2011 (Ribeira Sacra, Galicia, Spain) Possibly one of the most intricate and fascinating white wines around. Harvested from a set of vineyards arranged on steep terraces above a river valley floor, it’s as if the vines know they must perform well. A blend of the “rockstar” grapes from North West Spain, Albariño and Godello, proves a winning combination of all the styles: bright, focused tropical notes that lead to plump flavours of citrus, apple, and spiced mineral which carry a length and breadth of great complexity. Chive and salt details add extra intrigue and layers. Possibly a bit pricey for some though as only 300 cases have been made, only 3,600 bottles—for the whole world to sample. Vinicola Corellana Viña Zoral Rosado 2011 (Navarra, Spain) 100% Garnacha, which is a delightfully zesty and spicy grape, so this is
not the usual rose. Fresh, lively, and still somehow delicate, this shows great traditional notes of watermelon and berry riding on a clean mineral frame. There’s nice zip from acidity and the light spice typical for Garnacha. If there isn’t any sunshine, a sip of this will make you at least feel like there is! Adega Cachin Peza do Rei Menciá 2009 (Ribeira Sacro, Galicia, Spain) It is said that wines produced in the rugged yet fertile valleys of the Ribeira Sacro were sent directly to be consumed by the Caesars and Emperors of Rome. Distinct and of high quality, Mencia is grown only in a few areas in Spain, and his its own distinct qualities. As a result, this wine may fall outside the regular conventional descriptions: it seems to show all kinds of different styles, with a wealth of dark fruit, smoke, meat, spice, and very noticeable mineral notes. There’s a great touch of cardamom on this finish, with a great return of the fruit and wood, to make for a very exotic yet elegant experience. Bodegas Martinez Corta Cepas Antiguas Rioja 2011 (Rioja, Spain) Tempranillo is again the star here with this older vine project made
with traditional methods and style. You will be hard pressed to find something this well done for the price. Deliciously earthy, rough, and downright sexy, this shows dark, almost blueberry like fruit with leather, spice, and solid structure with tannins, mineral, and only a slight touch of dusty espresso on the fin-
ish. This could be a secret weapon wine: your guests will think you spent a lot, but your budget will be intact. Alconte Ribera del Duero 2007 (Ribera Del Duero, Spain) Alconte may be a newer winery (founded in 2001 by a publisher), but the wines are made from a com-
bination of vines that range from new (8 years) to very old (100 plus years). The results are complex and very traditional somehow. Big, ripe flavours of cherry, blackberry, and sweet wood mix effortlessly with cola, spice, generous mineral and a touch of smoke. Salud!
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
The Crisis Leads To The Spain Searching Fall Of The Pura Raza For Films To Sell Española Breed
The Southern Spanish region of Andalusia, famed for flamenco and Moorish castles, is also home to the legendary breed of horses, “Pura Raza Espanola” — Pure Spanish Breed — that carried conquistadors into battle, featured in Hollywood epics and more recently became trophy acquisitions for Spaniards during the economic boom.
The number of big films going into production in Spain is dropping, so top Spanish movie companies are going abroad for sizable, sell-able movies to co-produce and sell. For foreign companies, this opens up a realm of opportunities - Spanish production co-finance and sales agents’ minimum guarantees.
However, they are now the latest to fall victim to the Spanish economic collapse. The Pura Raza Espanola breed has always been popular in Spain but their popularity increased after the start of the country’s biggest ever economic boom in the late 1990s. They had already won fame as war horses and were often gifts exchanged between European nobility, and have been featured in Hollywood films such as “Gladiator” and “Braveheart.” The spike in demand over the last decade triggered a breeding frenzy in which the number of horses in Spain rose by the hundreds of thousands, nearly half of them purebreds like Pura Raza Espanola. Spain’s newly minted affluent classes couldn’t get enough of them. When the bubble finally burst, the first demand for the horses dried up. Now, as the financial crisis deepens with no end in sight, horse owners are finding it increasingly difficult to pay for the upkeep of these animals. Owners who can’t find anybody to take the animals off their hands, face sending them to the slaughterhouse. Up until last year, Spanish law dictated that rejected horses had to be sent to the slaughterhouse, that is now no longer the case, but most are still turned into meat because there’s
little alternative. Owners who simply abandon horses face steep fines. 70,000 horses were sent to slaughter in Spain by owners and breeders in 2012, more than double the 30,000 recorded killed by the country’s Agriculture Ministry in 2008 A buyer who sells horses to the slaughterhouses pays about 150 euros per animal, and sends a truck to pick them up. The horses then remain in a corral until the local slaughterhouse gets through its waiting list of horses registered for butchery. The Agriculture Ministry horse census counted 660,889 horses in Spain this year, down from a high of 748,622 in 2011 — but the number is still much higher than the 435,598 counted in 2007 just before Spain’s economic boom imploded. Veterinarians and horse experts warn that the high number of horses being killed in Spain could continue for many years. Government officials have taken notice but there doesn’t seem to be any solution to prevent the slaughters. It all boils down to simple economics: Horses have working lives of 10 to 12 years, and many of those alive now were born just a few years ago for a market that has disappeared. Many breeders have gone out of business and those that remain are breeding fewer
horses, said Leopoldo Fernandez, president of the Spain-based Union of Breeders of Spanish Horses association: “The inventory is being diminished and breeders are being diminished,” said Fernandez, who runs a large Pura Raza Espanola breeding operation in Segovia, about an hour from Madrid. “You have the breeder who throws in the towel, and the breeder diminishing the amount he is breeding. Horses are either being sold at a very low price or going to the butcher. We don’t know how many people are digging holes in the ground and putting their horses there.” Fernandez said he’s seen evidence of some Spanish breeders underfeeding their horses amid their struggle to make ends meet. And animal rights activists say the crisis has sparked an increase in the number of abandoned horses despite the threat of fines. But the slaughterhouse is still the more common fate. Most Spanish horse owners complied with a government mandate requiring microchips that include ownership details to be surgically implanted into horses. That means owners who abandon their horses can be tracked down and assessed penalties ranging from hundreds to thousands of euros and adding to their own financial crisis.
This outreach will allow more foreign companies to tap into a major advantage; selling to one of the world’s fastest-growing big movie markets, Latin America: “Ten years ago, Latin America was dead and Western Europe very strong. Now it’s pretty well the other way round,” said Geraldine Gonard, at Imagina Intl. Sales. Recently there have been a flurry of recent Spanish outreach deals. Barcelona-based Film Factory recently announced it had taken international rights to “Relatos salvajes,” a six-part omnibus headed by one of Argentina’s most talked-about crossover talents, Daniel Szifron (“The Pretender,” “On Probation”), about people driven to flashpoint by their own ambition or the world’s inequalities; said to draw inspiration from 1989 film “New York Stories” and Steven Spielberg’s “Amazing Stories.” In further announcements, Latido unveiled further features that
includes “Black Diamonds,” Spaniard Miguel Alcantud’s tale of an African soccer star wannabe; “Thesis From a Homicide,” from Argentina’s Hernan Goldfrid; “Puppy Love,” Belgian Delphine Lehericey’s coming-of-age tale; and “Jungle,” a tale of a bickering couple on a cannibal island that grossed a smash $16.0 million in Russia since its Jan. 17 bow. Spain’s TV advertising market shrank a huge 19% to 1.8 billion euros in 2012, according to Infoadex: “Spanish broadcasters’ money is driving the industry. But networks are thinking twice before greenlighting new projects, while sales agents need a full slate for Cannes. Argentina produces 140 films a year,” said Film Factory’s Vicente Canales. The number of sellable independent films is declining. “A film either sells well or almost not at all. There’s no midway point,” Canales added. “Spain’s film industry is producing fewer films, many aren’t that big. Having bridged to Latin America, we want to extend that bridge to Europe,” said Latido’s Silvia Iturbe. And Spanish audience tastes are evolving. “We want to take on foreign movies, especially ones that will appeal to our portfolio of clients in Latin America,” said Geraldine Gonard, at Imagina. “We are very well established in terms of Latin America and Latino markets. That’s why production companies are coming to us.”
Leibish Colored Diamonds
To Be Sold Across Spain
El Corte Ingles, the biggest department store group in Europe, has added fancy colour stones from Israeli diamond company Leibish & Co. to its stores in Spain. More than 100 pieces of the unique diamond jewellery will be sold under the brand name Diamonds by El Corte Ingles. The jewellery, which will eventually be sold in all 87 department stores, is currently only stocked in
Castellana, Serrano in Madrid, Marbella, Valencia and Barcelona. “These gems are the symbol of fun and lifestyle,” said Leibish Polnauer, president of Leibish & Co. “Spain was the right country to present this collection because it is the country of joy.” The department store chain, will also be launching a diamond jewellery website under the joint brand name: El Corte Ingles Diamonds powered by Leibish.
HARD Puzzle
EASY Puzzle
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
SUdoKU tanto Solve a SudokuTanto puzzle in the same way as you would solve a standard Sudoku puzzle. The numbers 1 to 9 must appear once in every row, column & box of 9. The difference in a Sudoku Tanto is that the shaded cells show the locations of all the even numbers (2, 4, 6 & 8)
answers to the SUdoKU tanto on page 2.
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
Do your research before you buy property in Spain, Foreign Office advises Consular staff on hand to guide potential buyers at ‘A Place In The Sun’ show in London
Access to healthcare, obtaining independent property advice and learning the language are all things to consider carefully before deciding to move abroad, Foreign Office staff advised wouldbe buyers at the annual ‘A Place in the Sun’ overseas homes show in London last week.
Consular staff from Spain were on hand to provide more than 1,000 Britons with impartial advice on things to think about before moving abroad. British Consul Paul Rodwell said: “We offered clear advice that helps people to think more carefully about planning their move. We made them aware of potential pitfalls when buying property overseas, as well as thinking about other important issues such as access to healthcare and how they’re going to integrate into local life by learning the Spanish language.” Potential buyers are encouraged
to visit the wealth of information on living abroad within the UK Government’s new www.gov.uk website, as well as to look at the property advice on Spain at www.gov.uk/howto-buy-property-in-spain. New official figures show that last year some 4,148 Spanish homes were purchased by British nationals, an increase of 3.5% compared with 2011, though still far from the peak of more than 17,000 British buyers in 2007. Mr Rodwell, Consul for the Alicante region, and Bernadette Gallagher, property expert for southern Europe, attended the London property show as part of a continuing drive by the Foreign Office to ensure that Britons who are thinking about moving abroad have all the information they need before making final decisions. Six out of ten people who spoke to Foreign Office staff were thinking of Spain as their place in the sun, showing that the country continues to be the most popular destination for Britons thinking about moving overseas.
Spain approves new Spanish Police Arrest Kidnappers Evictions Law
Spain’s Parliament has approved a new mortgage law in the hope it will calm the national outcry over the dramatic increase in recent evictions, but anti-eviction lobbyists say it is insufficient.
The new law offers home owners having difficulties more opportunities to keep their home, but opponents’ have demanded an insolvency law to allow defaulters to simply hand back the keys to their homes. The bill was approved on the strength of the governing Popular Party’s absolute majority with opposition parties all voting against. The Popular Party bowing to pressure to bring in the new law after the Stop Evictions group presented more than 1 million signatures calling for change. Repossessions due to nonpayment of mortgages have increased since the economic crisis began in 2008. Property registrars state that around 30,000 residence owners were evicted in 2012. Spaniards are angry that most people will still have to pay off their debt even after
Spanish police were involved in an operation which resulted in the arrest of a gang responsible for the kidnapping of 21 businessmen in France and Luxembourg to raise over three million euros in ransom. Eight suspects, including the ring’s suspected leader who had escaped from a prison in Avignon in south eastern France in October 2012, were detained in Spain. A further eight were arrested in France.
they have been evicted. At least five people have committed suicide in Spain because they had either been evicted or were about to be forced out of their repossessed homes. 150 people staged a protest outside Parliament last week, but police kept them well away from the building. Stop Evictions platform spokeswoman Ada Colau said
they felt totally deceived by the new law and that the almost daily protests would continue. The European Court of Justice last month ruled that Spain’s harsh property repossession laws violated EU laws on consumer protection. It was not immediately clear if the new law was in full compliance with EU legislation.
The group used a highclass prostitute to lure six businessmen to a Paris hotel from Morocco in November 2012 with the promise of a profitable deal involving information technology products. They were then held captive in the hotel until they handed over around one million euros in cash to the gang. The suspected leader of the group, who is of Algerian origin, posed as the head of security of an Arab prince and organised a meeting with 15 jewellers and watchmakers at a Luxembourg store,
claiming his boss wanted to make a huge purchase. Members of the gang then held the businessmen at ransom at gunpoint and made off with 1.3 million euros in jewellery and watches and one million euros in cash. “To prevent the businessmen from escaping, the kidnappers used fake bomb vests which they said were loaded with explosives which would go off if they left the premises,” the Spanish police statement said. After the two kidnappings, the ringleader moved to
Malaga on Spain’s southern Costa del Sol. He was arrested after police stopped him during a routine road check and saw that he was wearing one of the high-end watches stolen in Luxembourg. Police seized 127,000 euros in cash as well as five luxury watches, six guns, three swords, three motorcycles, two cars and two bulletproof vests in various home searches carried out as part of the investigation carried out by police in Spain, France and Luxembourg.
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
Spanish Football Spanish Minimum Marriage age Raised Clubs back Tax Row
thE Spanish government has raised the minimum age for marriage in Spain from 14 to 16 in an effort to combat child abuse and exploitation. minister for Social services ana mato said the government also proposes to revise the age of sexual consent which currently stands at just 13, amongst the lowest in the world.
SPanISh football clubs owe the government 670 million euros in taxes, according to Spain’s Sports Council. miguel Cardenal, Council president said the amount of back taxes clubs owed was down from 750 million euros in 2012.
Cardenal told a Spanish radio station that the reduction was “a positive piece of data,’’ while insisting that the league must find a more profitable way to distribute its television revenues to ensure the survival of many clubs in financial difficulties. Cardenal said that he is pushing for a new law that would force clubs to sell the TV rights for games collectively, instead of individually as they do now. In 2011, Real Madrid and Barcelona each took in a reported 140 million euros, with the next biggest earner, Atletico Madrid, getting less than 50 million euros. “It’s very important because (TV money) is a principal source of financing for
clubs,’’ Cardenal said: “It is natural to think that the difference between what the biggest clubs receive and those that receive the least become smaller. There are teams in very difficult situations, and we are doing all we can to help them move into this new era in the best possible way.’’ UEFA has barred Malaga
from European competition for one season for not paying player wages and taxes on time as part of its effort to force clubs to clean up their finances. High debts have forced several Spanish clubs to seek bankruptcy protection in recent years. Deportivo La Coruna became the latest topflight club to do so in January of this year.
Under the previous law, in certain circumstances a child was allowed to enter into marriage with a court’s permission from the age of 14 The reforms are part of major government plans to combat the abuse of minors, and will be funded with a budget estimated at 5.2 billion Euros over the next four years. Critics of the legislation argues that this could result in children being forced into the union and open the way for exploitation, but children’s organisations have wel-
comed the reforms as a means to prevent child abuse and fight paedophilia more effectively. Mato told a news conference: “Although the age to enter into marriage in our country is 18 years, the law does allow in certain circumstances for marriage at 14. We are going to raise that age to 16,” adding added that the government will now work with political parties and children’s organisations to increase the age of consent in line with European Union nations.
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
Scottish Golfer Spain Grants US Marine Drowns Deployment
Golf loving Thomas Ross, 73, drowned after he slipped into the water on Sunday morning while playing the fifth hole at the Dunas de Donana course in Almonte, southern Spain. It is believed he was trying to retrieve a golf ball. The pensioner could not swim and, although he was rescued from the water alive, emergency services were unable to save him.
Mr Ross was staying at the four-star Carabela Beach and Golf Hotel as part of a group of six tourists. A worker at the hotel said staff and guests were shocked by the news, adding: “It is upsetting because
this sort of thing doesn’t usually happen here.” Local authorities took Mr Ross’s body to Huelva for a post-mortem examination. A Foreign Office spokeswoman said: “We are aware of the death of a British national in the Huelva area of
Andalusia and have offered consular assistance to the family.” Boasting an 18-hole course with a driving range, putting green and tennis school, Dunas de Donana is billed as the “first ecological golf course in Europe”.
Spain’s Unemployment Hits 6 Million
Spain’s unemployment rate soared to 27.2% in the first quarter of the year, worse than economists had predicted. The official figures revealed that the number of those without jobs passed the six million mark for the first time, with 237,400 people added to the dire unemployment statistics over the period taking the total to 6.2 million.
Economists had predicted the unemployment rate would grow from 26% in the final quarter of 2012 to 26.5%. The figures were released by Spain’s National Statistics Institute against a backdrop of recession, which is expected to continue throughout 2013. The Spanish economy, the Eurozone’s fourth biggest, contracted by 1.4% last year, the second worst yearly slump since 1970 The Bank of Spain has predicted a 0.5% fall in GDP during the first three months of 2013 while the
International Monetary Fund’s recent World Economic Outlook report expects a contraction of 1.6% over the 12 months. Spain’s problems stem from the collapse of its once-booming real estate sector in 2008, which resulted in a facility of up to 100 billion euros (£85bn) in rescue funds being made available by its Eurozone partners. The government has introduced a series of financial and labour reforms and launched a battery of spending cuts and tax increases which have managed to reduce a swollen deficit but been blamed for choking economic growth. Despite these measures, Spain had the highest budget deficit among the 17 European Union countries that use the euro in 2012. A key fear behind Spain’s soaring unemployment crisis is that it is damaging the country’s prospects by consigning a generation of young people to financial hardship. The official statistics agency for the European Union, Eurostat, said earlier this month that youth unemployment in Spain
The Spanish government has granted temporary deployment of US Marine forces to an air base in Moron de la Frontera, Seville, to the US forces for one year for 500 Marines and eight aircrafts.
The United States Embassy in Madrid; stated that it needed a force to respond quickly to crises in northwest Africa. On September 11, 2012, four Americans were killed in the city of Benghazi, Libya. Army General David
had topped almost 56%. Its Budget, due out today (Friday), is expected to focus less on austerity and include more meas-
Rodriguez, the head of US military’s African Command, said in that the military needed to boost its “intelligence-gathering and spying missions in Africa by nearly 15-fold.” In December 2012, the Pentagon announced that the “Dagger Brigade” consisting of 3,500 combat troops was set up to be deployed to as many as 35 African nations to train local forces. The US Africa Command has been based in Stuttgart, Germany, since it was established in 2007. Efforts to move the headquar-
ures to stimulate activity in the economy. Analysts expect the Budget to try and address the issue, despite the spending con-
ters to an African country faced hurdles as numerous nations expressed concern that the Pentagon was seeking to militarize US policy or infringe on their sovereignty. Spain also granted the US another temporary deployment from March to November 2011, in which up to 45 US aircraft were stationed at the Moron and Rota airbases in the south western parts of the country. Spain’s authorizations originate from a 1988 defence cooperation agreement between Spain and the United States.
straints faced by Mariano Rajoy’s government, as he took office in December 2011 on the back of a core pledge to create jobs.
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
yolk, giant egg bamboo Towels no Makes a Fortune
an egg laid by the long extinct elephant bird has sold for more than double its estimate, fetching £66,675 at auction at Christie’s. the rare, partly-fossilised egg is 30cm high and 21cm in diameter, over 100 times the size of a chicken egg.
thEy are brand new to tenerife; in fact, they are brand new to anywhere! you may not have heard of Bamboo towels before, but they are here and they are fabulous. Take an opportunity to discover the benefits of having bamboo bath towels. Picture yourself getting out of the bath or shower and wrapping yourself in pure heaven, in possibly the softest bath towel ever. Bamboo towels allow you to dry yourself off quickly due to their premium absorbent properties while also giving you the luxurious feeling of the softest fabric you have ever felt against your body. Pure cotton can often feel a bit rough to the touch; not only will you find that the towels are exceptionally soft and absorbent, but you will also find that they are durable for everyday use. They are also perfect for people who want to maintain a hygienic environment, because they are naturally odour resistant due to the fibres fast-drying characteristics. So say goodbye to that disgust-
ing mildew smell you get from other towels from time to time, and bathe in serenity. Bamboo fabric is created from the bamboo pulp and is 100% biodegradable. It is also anti-bacterial and hypo-allergenic; bamboo is naturally anti-bacterial and resists mould, mildew, fungi and dust mites. These properties remain intact, making it suitable for those with eczema, hyper-sensitive skin or hay fever caused by dust mite. Even better news is that bamboo fabric require less frequent washing, it needs no more than a 30˚C wash and dries in half the time of cotton. Tumble dry low and remove from dryer as soon as it stops to avoid unnecessary creasing. The only place that actually stocks these delicious items is Antiquities Tenerife in Las Chafiras. The have stock in three different colours, soft brown, grey and aubergine and at the moment they have an offer for one bath towel and a hand towel for just 15,00 Euros. Pop in and see them and feel the difference for yourself.
The elephant bird looked like a heavily-built ostrich and grew to well over three metres (11ft) in height. The creature, possibly the largest bird ever, is believed to have been hunted to extinc-
tion between the 14th and 17th centuries in Madagascar. Although egg fragments can be found on the island, intact specimens are extremely rare.
The egg, which had been valued at £20-£30,000 before the sale, was one of the most celebrated lots at Christie’s Travel, Science and Natural History sale in London.
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
Primark Shame
he building that collapsed in Bangladesh killing at least 175 people, was ordered to be evacuated a day before it collapsed but clothing factories there continued working and ignored police instructions. The order was made after deep cracks became visible, and the managers of a bank that also had
an office in the building, evacuated their workers and suspended their operations.
However, the garment factories continued working, ignoring the instructions of officers, said police spokesman Mostafizur Rahman. The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association had asked all the factories to suspend work starting on Wednesday morning, just hours before the building fell. “After we got the crack reports, we
asked them to suspend work until further examination, but they did not pay heed,” said Atiqul Islam, the group’s president. Survivors say
they were made to carry on working in the eight-storey block despite apparent concerns about its safety. It has emerged that a Primark supplier was based at the premises. The building, in Savar on the outskirts of the capital Dhaka, housed at least four factories producing clothes for leading Western retailers. The high street giant confirmed that one of its suppliers occupied the second floor of the building. Bosses at the retailer say they were “shocked and saddened” by the collapse. In a statement released on the company’s website, a Primark spokesman said: “The Company is shocked and deeply saddened by this appalling incident at Savar, near Dhaka, and expresses its condolences to all of those involved. Primark has been engaged for several years with NGOs and other retailers to review the Bangladeshi industry’s approach to factory standards. Prima-
China Boosts Iconic UK Brands
As Britain manages to avoid a triple-dip recession, a growing number of iconic ‘Made in Britain’ brands are focussing their attention on China.
Torsten Muller-Otvos, chief executive of Rolls-Royce, said the Chinese market is vital: “The Chinese are in love with Rolls-Royce,” he said as he showed off the company’s latest model, the Wraith, to the Asian market at the Shanghai Motor Show this week. “It is definitely good for Britain because 90% of our cars produced in Britain are exported and 10% roughly stay in the home market. That is basically very good for business and for the economy in Britain.” Rolls-Royce is now owned by Ger-
many’s BMW but the brand itself is still an iconic British brand. The company produced 3,575 vehicles in 2012 from its factory in Chichester, West Sussex. Although it won’t reveal how many of those went to China, along with the Middle East, China is a vital market. “When you look at the longterm forecast for so-called ultrahigh-net-worth individuals, this is forecast to grow 3-5% year by year,” Mr Muller-Otvos said. These ultra-high-net-worth individuals are people like Chen Anzhi, a businessman from Shanghai. He owns three Rolls-Royces: “British to me means very high quality of workmanship; attention to detail. I appreciate that,” Mr Chen said at the wheel of his bright green convertible Roller. “Look at my suit!”
he said, taking both hands off the steering wheel of his vastly expensive car. “I think I am wearing Dunhill today. Dunhill’s also British I think? I bought three of these Rolls-Royces. Presently I have two: a white one, this green one and I had a burgundy one but I gave it away.” Mr Chen represents one of a growing number of people in China with an eye-watering amount of money and a love affair for luxury and all things British: “I love British cars, British furniture, I love to go to London,” he said. “I enjoy the very luxury lifestyle, yes. Chinese and British - good friends!” Shanghai’s flagship stores, include more British names, including Burberry. “Fourteen years ago you rarely see BMW and Mercedes,” Mr Chen said. “Now you see Rolls-Royce and
rk will push for this review to also include building integrity. Meanwhile Primark’s ethical trade team is at this moment working to collect information, assess which communities the workers come from, and to provide support where possible.” Army Brigadier General Mohammed Siddiqul Alam Shikder said late on Thursday that many people were still trapped in the building. The disaster came less than five months after a factory fire killed 112 people and underscored the unsafe conditions faced by Bangladesh’s garment workers. Workers said they had hesitated to enter the building on Wednesday morning because it had developed such large cracks a day earlier that it even drew the attention of local news channels. Just hours later, the building collapsed. Tens of thousands of people have gathered at the site, weeping and search-
you think ‘wow’! What happened here to the economy? It’s booming.” Jaguar Land Rover, another ‘Made in Britain’ brand, is increasingly popular in China. The Chinese market is now the company’s largest globally, allowing it to invest in new jobs in the UK and set up a new joint-venture project in China. At this week’s Auto Show in Shanghai, the new Jaguar F-Type and the new Range Rover Sport were both
ing for family members. Searchers worked through the night to get through the jumbled mess of concrete with drills or their bare hands, passing water and flashlights to those pinned inside the building. “I gave them whistles, water, torchlights. I heard them cry. We can’t leave them behind this way,” said fire official Abul Khayer. Abdur Rahim, who worked on the fifth floor, said a factory manager gave assurances that the cracks in the building were no cause for concern, so employees went inside: “After about an hour or so, the building collapsed suddenly,” Mr Rahim said. The next thing he remembers is regaining consciousness outside. On a visit to the site, Home Minister Muhiuddin Khan Alamgir told reporters the building had violated construction codes and that “the culprits would be punished.”
unveiled to the Asian market. Range Rovers, often in garish colours with added body-kits, are a regular sight on the streets of Beijing and Shanghai. So, how much did it cost Mr Chen? “I knew that question was coming,” he laughs! “It’s close to $1.8m dollars. The price is crazy, I know, but after you drive this car, the enjoyment and pleasure, you just forget about the price.”
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
Focus, Frame and Fire
leaping Shark Steals Catch
Exeter to Lands End thE commander of the International Space Station (ISS), Commander Chris hadfield, has been sharing tips and showing how he and his team managed to take so many amazing pictures of Earth. In a four-minute video called Snapshots From Space, the astronaut points out the ISS is in orbit 400km (250 miles) above the blue planet.
That being the case he says a camera with a powerful lens is absolutely essential. The other key thing, he says, is to “focus, frame and fire!” With the ISS travelling so quickly - 8km or 5m per second - he tells viewers: “You cannot afford to waste a single moment.” Cmdr Hadfield, who arrived at the station on December 21st, last year, says one of the
most striking spectacles on Earth is the Sahara Desert: “Huge, barren, colourful rock ... no vegetation covering it up. You can see all the textures and varying shades of the world. The Sahara is beautiful,” he says. “We’re coming up on it now” he adds, and proceeds to take a series of breath-taking snaps. Cmdr Hadfield points out it is “lunchtime” on the Sahara and “the sun is shining right down, which means it is strong on the surface and it’s good to get the detail”. Something he looks for he says is “edges and borders and changes”, which the Sahara has in abundance. The beauty of taking photos from space, he concludes, is that “if something is not here this time, tomorrow it might be ... or maybe next week or maybe a month from now. “There’s not a race to get a picture ... you can be patient.”
a FIShErman got the fright of his life when a 9ft-long shark leapt out of the water right next to his kayak and stole his catch, and he had it all caught on camera.
Isaac Brumaghim was reeling in his mackerel tuna when the shark jumped up behind him and tried to steal the fish before going back under water. In the video, the panicked man was then seen trying to haul the tuna on board that he wanted for a competition. But it broke off his line and then disappeared. Mr Brumaghim, 37, put his fishing rod away, picked up
his paddle, shouted “Oh my God”, and starting paddling. He checked his hand for injuries before cheering, shivering and laughing in excitement. Recalling the experience off the Waianae Coast, Hawaii, he said of the shark: “He exploded under my kayak, his dorsal hit my kayak. It was just like a rush.” Many thoughts ran through his head: fear, excitement and disappointment at losing a big catch. “The shark scared me,” he said. “But I really needed that fish for my job.” His next thought was: “I hope I got that on camera.” He often goes fishing with a camera mounted to his kay-
ak. At home, he watched the footage and posted it online, not expecting it to generate the attention he is attracting at the moment. However, many people are said to be sceptical, accusing him of doctoring the footage. The father of three is still in shock. “I just have to laugh about it,” he said, hoping the experience at least brings some attention to the growing sport of kayak fishing and Aquahunters, the company he runs. He also said the experience was a humble reminder of the creatures he shares the ocean with: “You get the chills when it happens,” he said, “but it never scares me from going in.”
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Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 1pm and 4pm to 8pm Saturday 9am to 1pm Industrial Estate Las Chafiras, Motorway Exit South 24, North 64, Tel. / Fax. 922 735 335 Avd. Modesto Hernandez Gonzalez N°46, Opposite Coca Cola, Next to Koala Sur, 200m behind Biombo
www.tenerife-weekly.com According to a report by UK Peace Index , the UK has seen a “substantial and sustained” fall in violent crime over the last decade, and violent crime in Britain is falling more rapidly than anywhere else in Western Europe.
The murder rate has halved since 2003, from 1.99 per 100,000 people to one per 100,000 with violent crime rate falling from 1,255 to 933 per 100,000 people, according to the research. Broadland, in Norfolk, was reported to be the most peaceful area at local authority level, followed by Three Rivers in Hertfordshire, South Cambridgeshire, East Dorset and Maldon in Essex. On the other hand, inner London boroughs were the least peaceful – ln the lead was Lewisham, followed by Lambeth, Hackney, Newham and Tower Hamlets. The most peaceful region in the UK was South East England and the least peaceful Greater London followed by Scotland and Northern Ireland. The least peaceful major urban centre in the UK was Glasgow, followed by London and then Belfast. The research covers the 10-year period from 2003 to 2012, and showed the rate of murders and manslaughter in Britain was recorded at its lowest level since 1978,
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
New Report Show Crime Drop
almost all categories of crime, including burglary and fraud, have dropped - except drug offences. The findings come from the Institute for Economics and Peace
(IEP), which defines peace as the absence of violence or fear of violence. Their report says: “Both crime and murder have fallen significantly: “The fall over the last decade has
Pensioners Sing For Charity
resulted in the UK homicide rate now being roughly equivalent to that of the Western European average, and it is now at its lowest level since 1978. However, the UK violent
Below are most and least safe areas in the UK. MOST PEACEFUL 1. Broadland, Norfolk 2. Three Rivers, Hertfordshire 3. South Cambridgeshire 4. East Dorset 5. Maldon, Essex LEAST PEACEFUL 1. Lewisham, London 2. Lambeth, London 3. Hackney, London 4. Newham, London 5. Tower Hamlets, London
crime rate is significantly higher than the European Union average.” The study acredited the falling crime rate to changes in policing, improved technology, as well as an ageing population, reduced alcohol consumption and the introduction of the minimum wage. The IEP also claims that violent crime costs the UK economy more than £124bn each year - £4,700 for every household. Murder alone costs the economy around £131m a year, which does not include lost productivity. The cost of theft and burglary adds up to around £7bn.
Soft Drinks Link To Raised Diabetes Risk
350 pensioners joined forces to record a charity single and video as part of a campaign to target loneliness. Residents of Anchor care homes and retirement housing properties contributed to the song ‘See Yourself’, inspired by comments from older people across England, Scotland and Wales.
All profits from sales will be donated to Contact the Elderly, a national charity that aims to combat loneliness and social isolation among the elderly. Pensioner David Speedy, 70, who plays the trumpet and his wife Denise, 69, both took part. They live at a sheltered housing scheme in Harpenden, near Luton. Grandmother-offour Denise said: “I first started singing at the age of 10 in school and then joined a church
choir. Music is everything to me. You can turn off and become a different person. Music just takes over. We feel very proud that we have contributed to a record which will hopefully raise lots of money for a worthwhile charity. We’re aiming to get into the top 40.” The track, in aid of national charity Contact the Elderly, is now available to pre-order as a CD on Amazon.co.uk and as a download on iTunes. It is released officially on June 3.
A study has found that drinking just one can of a sugary soft drink every day raises the relative risk of diabetes by around a fifth. Every extra can consumed increases the chances of having the disease by 22%, compared with drinking one can a month or less, researchers say.
The increase in risk only fell slightly after adjusting the findings to take account of body mass index (BMI). This suggests it was not simply being overweight that
led to the trend, said the researchers. Sugar-sweetened drinks appeared to have an effect on the body unrelated to obesity. The results of the study conducted in the UK and eight other European countries mirrors previous findings from mostly American research. A total of 350,000 people were questioned about their diet, including their consumption of sugar-sweetened and artificially sweetened “light” soft drinks and juices. All were participants in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (Epic) study looking at links between diet and
cancer. Incidence of Type2 diabetes was compared with consumption of 12 fluid ounce servings of sweetened drinks, equivalent to a normal-sized can of Coca-Cola. The scientists, led by Dr Dora Romaguera, from Imperial College London, wrote in the journal Diabetologia: “This study corroborates the association between increased incidence of Type-2 diabetes and high consumption of sugar-sweetened soft drinks in European adults. Given the increase in sweet beverage consumption in Europe, clear messages on its deleterious effect on health should be given to the population.”
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
Saturday 27th April Starting at 1pm Supporting Help for Heroes & Help Our Wounded
The action takes place this Saturday 27th April at VIVO Treasure Island, Las Americas. Starting at 1pm and continuing until approx 11pm. Prior to the afternoon event a “Falklands Style” sponsored YOMP will take place commencing at 11am from Palm Mar. Food will be available during the day. There will also be stalls with quality products. Mickey and Minnie Mouse and Balloon Sculpting by Russ Myers. Last year´s event for Help for Heroes raised a little over € 2,500 which we hope to better... Raffle prizes include: Tickets for Loro Parque, Seed Pearl Necklace from Tenerife Pearl, Week’s Holiday at Pearly Grey, Set of Bamboo Towels and a voucher for € 100 from Antiquities Tenerife, Horse Riding at Juan Martin Stables, Meal For Two at Olivers, Los Cristianos, Set of Nails and a Cut, Wash and Blow dry from Cloud Nine, Tickets for Submarine Safari, Tickets for the Muscat Excursion, 2 X Silver Decades Show Tickets, Family Mini Golf Tickets and much more. Any queries please contact Barry on 679 660 245.
1.00 pm Compere Indianna Mcdonagh 1.00 pm Yomp arrival & Reception With Marc Craig 1.30 pm Leslie Elvis Moore 2.00 pm Indianna Mcdonagh & Roseanne 2.30 pm Storm Duo 3.00 pm Compere Marc Craig 3.00 pm Bitter & Twisted, Decades Dancers & Friends 3.30 pm Vanessa Pindoria 4.00 pm Raffle hosted by Bitter & Twisted 4.30 pm Luke Towler 5.00 pm Timelordz Paul Monroe & Mick Percy 5.30 pm Vicky Denton 6.00 pm Luke Carey 6.30 pm Les Budd 7.00 pm Scott Bateman 7.30 pm Aidy Evans 8.00 pm Cara Cher Madonna 9.00 pm Marc Craig
Olivers, Los Cristianos
The VIVO venue is an ideal setting for the event, with plenty of free parking.
rItISh boy band JLS have announced they are splitting up five years after coming second in the tV reality show X Factor. the group - made up of aston merrygold, 25, marvin humes, 28, Jonathan ‘JB’ gill, 26, and oritse Williams, also 26 - shot to fame in 2008 after losing out to alexandra Burke. Now, after five number one hits and two Brit awards under their belts, they are going their separate ways. The quartet will leave fans with more than just memories, bowing out with a farewell tour currently planned for December, a final single and a greatest hits album. In a message on their website they said: “To each and every JLSter, our beloved fans around the world. We wanted to make sure that you heard it from the four of us that we have decided to bring our time as a band to an end. It has been the most incredible journey over the last six years and we have achieved more things than we could have ever dreamed possible. Thanks to all of you guys, your support, your dedication and your love, you have changed our lives forever and we wouldn’t be where we are today without you. We are currently in the studio working on what will be our last album - Goodbye: The Greatest Hits. We will be bringing you a new single later in the year to coincide with the album and the tour. Goodbye: The Greatest Hits Tour will be the last time that we will perform together as a 4 and we want to make sure that this tour is the best ever and that we end on a high! We will always remain brothers and friends and we will always be your boys.” Merrygold, a judge on talent
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
JlS annOUnCe SPliT
show series Got to Dance, said it was the right time for the band to go their separate ways, saying: “We are still the best of friends and always will be - but this is the end.” Humes added: “It’s an emotional time. There’s no getting away from that. We have been through so much together. But we have to be mature and look at this decision as a celebration of what we managed to achieve. We wanted to finish on a
gwyneth Paltrow named Most beautiful 2013 gWynEth Paltrow has topped People magazine’s annual list and been named as the world’s most beautiful woman of 2013. the 40-year-old Iron man star pushed ray actress Kerry Washington into second place and Les miserables’ amanda Seyfried into third.
Paltrow is married to Coldplay rocker Chris Martin. They have two children, Apple, eight, and Moses,
seven. She said: “Around the house, I’m in jeans and a T-shirt. I don’t
high. We’re finishing with an arena tour - our third arena tour - and that is a massive achievement. The last five or so years have been nothing short of incredible. It has been an incredible journey.” Williams said: “I remember that moment in my bedroom when JLS was just an idea and I was determined to make this dream a reality. They say all good things come to an end and for us it just felt like it was
the right time to move forward and pursue different ventures.” JLS have sold more than 10 million records over the past five years, had five number one singles and won two Brit awards in 2010, as well as five MOBO awards. One Direction member Louis Tomlinson said on Twitter that he was sorry to hear about the end of his fellow boy band: “Sad to hear about JLS. Wish them all the best of luck really wear make-up. That’s what they’re used to.” And she said of her 36-year-old husband: “He’ll make a joke about it. If I’ve gotten fully dressed up, he’ll be like ‘Oh, wow! You’re Gwyneth Paltrow!’ because he’s used to seeing me in like baggy shorts and frizzy hair.” The US star credits her workout routine for keeping her looking young and feeling strong. Paltrow uses the Tracy Anderson Method, along with fellow fans which include Madonna, Nicole Richie, Courteney Cox, Shakira and Jennifer Lopez. She explained: “When I first started, I thought ‘I’ll never be good at this. This is a nightmare!’, but now it’s like brushing my teeth, I just do it.” Paltrow also says she hopes to instil a good body image in her children, especially her daughter, who is becoming interested in things like make-up: “Also having a father who adores you the way that he adores her is very good for your body image. The more we can love her and let her be who she is, the more confident she’ll feel.” Paltrow can next be seen on the big screen when Iron Man 3 goes on general release across the UK today (Friday). She plays Pepper Potts, the girlfriend of Robert Downey Jr’s character Tony Stark, aka Iron Man.
in what they go on to do,” he said. Singer Marcus Collins said: “Can’t believe it! I’m devastated.” And fan @JoeyCottle said: “JLS split??! They are lovely lads, what a shame.” Despite going their separate ways, JLS - which stands for Jack the Lad Swing - have pledged to continue with their work related to a charitable foundation they established.
People’s 10 Most beautiful Women 1: Gwyneth Paltrow 2: Kerry Washington 3: Amanda Seyfried 4: Zooey Deschanel 5: Jane Fonda 6: Jennifer Lawrence 7: Kelly Rowland 8: Halle Berry 9: Drew Barrymore 10: Pink
26 Cosmetic Procedure Controls Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
goVErnmEnt health advisers have warned that injectable anti-wrinkle treatments are a “crisis waiting to happen”. a review of cosmetic procedures, ordered by the department of health, found that widely-used dermal fillers are as loosely regulated as toothbrushes and ballpoint pens, yet they have potentially serious side effects.
The report says the injections should in future be available only on prescription and used solely by qualified practitioners. In the US, where there are much tighter regulations, just 14 products are on the market. But in Europe there are 190 different types of filler on sale. The NHS medical director Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, who led the independent review, said: “The most striking thing is that anybody, anywhere, anytime can give a filler to anybody else and that is bizarre. Dermal fillers - which are things you inject into people and put beneath their skin, and they stay there for a period of time - should be treated the same way as other types of implants.” The review of the cosmetic surgery industry was ordered after the PIP scandal, in which up to 40,000 British women were given breast implants that were filled with nonmedical grade silicone. Sir Bruce said the debacle had led to a “cacopho-
ny” of concern about the industry. His final report to ministers calls for a ban on financial inducements and time-limited deals that could influence vulnerable consumers. Patients need to be better informed by surgeons about the risks and potential benefits of a treatment, and there should be an insurance scheme to pay compensation when treatments go wrong, the report says. The report also criticised TV shows such as The Only Way is Essex (Towie) for trivialising cosmetic procedures, and companies that offer procedures as prizes or on a two- for-one basis. Health minister Dr Dan Poulter said there was currently a “significant risk of people falling into the
hands of cowboy firms or individuals whose only aim is to make a quick profit”. The UK’s largest chain of cosmetic surgery clinics, Transform, supports reform of the industry. But chief operating officer Pat Dunion said tighter rules for clinics will not prevent another PIP scare: “The whole PIP scandal was caused by a fraudulent manufacturer and a failure of the regulatory body to check the quality of the implants,” she said. “We urge the Government to address that now. There is a need for the regulatory bodies to come into hospitals and take sample implants and check the quality of them.” The Department of Health are due to announce a series of controls on the industry later this summer.
Costly Cigarette
a SmoKEr fined £75 for dropping a cigarette butt in the street had his fine increased to £560 after the case was transferred to court. gethin richards, 30, was stopped by an anti-litter patrol officer who saw him throw the cigarette as he used a cashpoint in in Pontyclun, rhondda Cynon taf, in Wales.
At the time, he was issued with a £75 fixed penalty ticket, but he failed to pay. His case was then referred to Pontypridd Magistrates’ Court where he was prosecuted under the Environmental Protection Act. Richards failed to attend so he was convicted in his absence and ordered to pay £400, plus £120
costs with an additional £40 victim surcharge. “Littering of any kind is illegal and is a common problem throughout the area of Rhondda Cynon Taf,” said Nigel Wheeler, from Rhondda County Council. “We all have a right to live in a clean, green environment and the council is committed to ensuring that those who jeopardise this with thoughtless acts will face the consequences. As well as creating unsightly environmental conditions, the clean-up costs leave a financial burden on the local authority and the taxpayer.” The council has collected £43,950 since April 2012 from 586 fixed penalty notices including dog fouling, fly-tipping and littering. Its dedicated litter patrol team are out in force on foot, bikes and in cars looking for offenders.
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Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
Kate – A Working Mum T he Duchess of Cambridge’s workload is set to double just months before she is due to give birth to her first child. Kate is taking on a further three patronages, taking her total to seven. The Duchess is already Patron of Action on Addiction and the National Portrait Gallery and is Royal Patron of East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices and The Art Room. A statement from St James’s Palace said: “The Duchess will, over the coming months, undertake both private and public visits across the UK to these organisations.” Kate, who is now more than six months pregnant, has chosen Place2Be, SportsAid and the Natural History Museum to add to the four patronages she already has. A Palace aide said that her inspiration for choosing Place2Be came from an increased understanding of the need to intervene early with children who experience problems. “Through her other patronages like Action on Addiction, The Duchess of Cambridge realises early intervention is key for vulnerable children,” explained
the aide. Her experiences as an ambassador for the London 2012 games and her love of sport inspired her second choice, SportsAid, which helps Olympians and Paralympians by offering funding that helps young athletes focus on competitions. She is also giving her backing to the Natural History Museum. “The Duchess of Cambridge visited the museum a number of times as a child. She’s an avid supporter,” the statement from St James’s Palace added. “One of the key things she’s interested in, along with Princes
William and Harry, is protecting the natural world for future generations.” As her new patronages prepare to experience a new level of exposure which comes with Kate, they ready themselves too for other benefits. Benita Refson, chief executive of Place2Be, said: “What I hope this will do is help people understand and recognise how vital it is to support any charity or any work that’s going on with mental health. Along with that we hope will also come the support we need to sustain the services and reach more children across
Petrol Price Cuts
Four major supermarkets have cut the price of petrol and diesel. Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Morrisons all announced that they have reduced petrol and diesel by up to 2p a litre. The cut is in response to lower wholesale fuel prices.
Asda said that its customers would pay no more than 131.7p a litre for petrol and 135.7p a litre for diesel. Andy Peake, Asda’s petrol trading director said: “We’re pleased to be reducing the price of fuel yet again for all our customers. Our national price cap benefits everyone across the country, meaning that noone filling up at Asda will be forced to pay a premium for their fuel because of where they live.”
Peter Cattell, Tesco petrol category director, said: “Tesco is dropping the price of petrol and diesel by up to 2p per litre. As Britain’s biggest fuel retailer with 497 forecourts, more motorists make savings at Tesco petrol filling stations than any other fuel retailer.” Richard Crampton, Sainsbury’s head of fuel, said: “We are always looking at ways to help our customers save money and we know that fuel is a big part of
household budgets. Which is why we are pleased to announce we will cut petrol and diesel prices by up to 2p per litre across our 280 forecourts.” Morrisons petrol director Mark Todd added: “Wholesale prices are continuing to fall and that’s great news for customers because we’re able to keep passing these savings on to them. As always, we’ll continue to offer some of the lowest prices on the market.”
the country.” Compared to the Queen, who has more than 600 patronages, and the Duke of Edinburgh, who has 700, Kate’s seven may seem few in number. But she is adding to the list which shows her determination to return to work soon after her baby is born. Kate is not the only member of the royal family to announce new patronages. Princess Beatrice, who was diagnosed with dyslexia at the age of seven, has become patron of the Helen Arkell Dyslexia Centre in Surrey: “I have benefited hugely
Daughter Will Be Queen
A new law means that Kate and William’s daughter will be Queen. The Queen will have to give her Royal Assent to the Bill which ends the historic principle that men take precedence over women, in line to the throne.
The Bill has received its third reading in the House of Lords, The Succession to the Crown Bill will be sent to Her Majesty “in the coming days or weeks”, a Cabinet Office spokesman said. The Bill also ends the ban on anyone in the line of succession marrying a Roman Catholic. It also cancels the provision requiring any descendant of George II to seek the Sovereign’s permission to marry. Instead, only the first six people in line to the Throne will be required to do so. The new rules ending archaic Primogeniture applies to any baby born in the line of succession, since the Bill was announced in Australia, at the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in October 2011. It means regardless of whether the Duchess of Cambridge gives birth to a boy or a girl, her first child will be the Monarch after Prince William. The other Realms of the Commonwealth where The Queen is head of state are taking parallel steps to make the changes to the laws of succession in their countries. Once every Realm has the necessary measures in place the changes will be implemented simultaneously across the Commonwealth. Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, who introduced the Bill in the House of Commons, said: “This is a truly historic moment. I am proud that the British Parliament has taken this step to end centuries of religious and gender discrimination. Once the other Realms of the Commonwealth have taken the necessary steps, we will move to commence the new law together.”
from the Helen Arkell Dyslexia Centre and I am looking forward to supporting them in giving a chance to others to benefit from their experience and teaching. I would not have been able to achieve my academic results
without the support I received from the centre.” The princess passed eight GCSE’s, three A-levels and graduated with a 2:1 in History and the History of Ideas from Goldsmiths College, London.
Stillborn Remains Found in Laundry Basket
A Minnesota hospital says the remains of two stillborn babies may have been sent to a laundry service. Regions Hospital of St Paul said it believes the second set of remains were in the same basket of linens that held the remains of another stillborn baby. The linen had been sent to a laundry in Red Wing.
On Wednesday of last week, the hospital discovered a stillborn at 22 weeks gestational age had been found by laundry service workers. The hospital then announced on Friday that the remains of a stillborn at 19 weeks gestational age were also in the same basket of linen. Chief nursing officer Chris Boese said: “As we investigated, our records indicated that there should have been another set of remains in the same location. We have now ruled out that those remains went to the funeral home or to another location.” Ms Boese added: “A tragic human error was made and we believe both sets of remains were mistaken as empty linens and placed in the laundry at the same time by a hospital worker.” Hospital CEO Brock Nelson said there were no words to describe how “deeply saddened we are and how sorry we are for this terrible mistake. Words are not adequate. We have
reached the families to apologise and offer any support that we can,” Mr Nelson added in a statement. The hospital said it is investigating and has taken steps to ensure this does not happen again. Regions Hospital, one of the largest hospitals in the Twin Cities, handles about 2,500 births every year, and about 20 to 25 of the infants are stillborn, Ms Boese said. Families of those infants are given the choice of making their own arrangements or allowing the hospital to work with community groups that take care of the burial or cremation.
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
DORaDa-ingane yaMi g about the charity
Ingane Yami is a non-profit organisation whose primary goal and purpose is to provide a stable family environment for orphaned children in the KwaZulu Natal province, South Africa. Since 2009 Pearly Grey Ocean Club has been actively involved helping to raise the funds required to support this great cause. We have undertaken to fund the building of, and on-going running costs, of houses in the village, each house costs around 38,000 Euros to build. To date the funds we have raised have paid for the building of one house and we are already 50% of the way to the building of a second home. Our involvement doesn’t stop once we have built enough houses. Ingane Yami is a responsibility, its core values are our values, and its long term strategy is a shared belief. That is, to raise and nurture a child’s life in a loving family environment, to give them the tools and opportunities to realise their true potential.
hE dorada-Ingane yami golf tournament 2013 is an exciting golf day with the potential to capture hearts and change lives. the event is being put together by the staff and management of Pearly grey ocean Club together
with Costa adeje golf Course. our aim is to ensure that it is a 1st class experience and a memorable day for the golfers and the purpose of it all is to raise awareness and funds for Ingane yami Children’s Village. Together with our principal sponsors Dorada,
lueber ry Open Tuesday to Saturday 10am - 6pm
922 73 75 69 HAIR & BEAUTY SALON
Est 1995
ob s
we are extremely proud to be hosting the fourth annual Ingane Yami Golf Tournament. Dorada’s parent company is SAB Miller, a South African beer company founded in 1895 in Johannesburg. So the Ingane Yami charity is close to the hearts and heritage of Dorada, giving additional relevance to their sponsorship and partnership with this year’s golf day.
the Village Update
We currently have five houses completed of which one house is fully occupied. Training of the house mothers who will care for and raise the children is ongoing, at the moment four potential house mothers are in the training programme. A 300m2 community hall is just being built which will host various events and social gatherings in the village.
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
In addition an ablution block to facilitate 150 children is being constructed, one of the many projects either underway or completed that together will help realise the vision that is Ingane Yami.
About the Golf
The format Shotgun start, 4 ball alliance
(Specific rules may be added or amended on the day)
The details
Date: Saturday 27th April 2013 Venue: Costa Adeje Golf Course, Adeje, Tenerife. Times: Tee off time 10.00am (you need to be at the course 45 minutes before)
The prize giving event
The prize giving buffet dinner will take place at the golf course once the tournament has finished. Live entertainment will be provided to coincide with the prize raffle and auction of exclusive items.
Media coverage
Local radio station Coast FM will be providing
on the day coverage with regular live on-air broadcasts. Tenerife Weekly newspaper has been promoting the golf day in the weeks leading up to the event, and will also provide a post event feature in the next publication. For more information or to register to play in the tournament please contact info@pearlygrey. com or telephone 922 743 903
We would also like to thank these companies for donating prizes:
Submarine Safaris S.L. Buenavista Golf Hotel Jardín Tecina Sheraton La Caleta Resort & Spa Fairways Club Vitanova Spa Royal Delfin Golf del Sur Tenerife Tenerife Pearl
Restaurante La Brasa Jungle Park & Aqualand Rosso sul Mare Restaurante Hairitorium El Corte Ingles Adidas Thai Botanico Gourmet Thai Restaurant Tenerife Golf Shop Iberostar
Golf Costa Adeje Karting Las Américas Piramides de Güimar Coca Cola Fuente Alta ACG Imarca Panificadora de Tenerife Fruvesur Vivo Decades Dinner Show
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
Woodstock Star Dies
rIChIE havens, star of the historic 1969 Woodstock festival, has died at the age of 72 after a heart attack at his home in Jersey City, new Jersey.
The US musician emerged from the New York folk scene in the 1960s and went on to sing for the Dalai Lama and President Bill Clinton, “Beyond his music, those
who have met Havens will remember his gentle and compassionate nature, his light humour and his powerful presence,” his family said in a statement. The eldest of nine children, Havens began his singing career in local groups before moving to Greenwich Village in the late 1950s where he performed as a poet and an artist, immersing himself in the folk music scene. Known for his acoustic gui-
tar-playing and soulful covers of songs by The Beatles, Bob Dylan and The Who, Havens used his music to champion the causes of personal freedom and brotherhood. The musician’s improvised version of gospel song Motherless Child evolved into Freedom at Woodstock and became the anthem of the 60s hippie generation. He opened the festival and played for three hours, wowed the crowd and proved a breakthrough, with the inclusion of the song on the Woodstock concert film broadening his audience appeal. A different version of Freedom was included on the soundtrack of Quentin Tarantino’s award-winning 2012 slavery era movie Django Unchained. Havens sang at President Clinton’s 1993 inauguration, performed several times for the Dalai Lama, he also gave a show-stopping performance of Just Like A Woman at the all-star Bob Dylan 30th Anniversary Concert in 1992. Other hits included versions of Beatles classics Here Comes The Sun and Strawberry Fields Forever, and The Who’s Won’t Get Fooled Again. The singer branched out into acting in the 1970s, appearing in The Who’s rock opera Tommy and taking the lead role in the Othelloinspired 1974 movie Catch My Soul.
Dawn French Marries again
daWn French has married for the second time. She wed her partner mark Bignell in a hotel wedding in Fowey, near St austell, with celebrity guests including comedy partner Jennifer Saunders, tV presenter Sue Perkins, actress Kathy Burke and screenwriter richard Curtis.
The nuptials are said to have taken place in Fowey Hall, which is described on its website as “one of the most impressive family hotels in Cornwall” and “sophisticated yet uncomplicated, luxurious yet laid back, grand yet comfy”. Cornish born and bred, French owns a home in Fowey. French has reportedly been seeing Mr Bignell, the CEO of a drug rehabilitation charity, for about a year-and-a-half. She was
previously married to fellow comedian Lenny Henry, but they divorced in 2010. Henry and French met on the alternative comedy circuit of the early 1980s. They married in London in October 1984 and have an adopted daughter, Billie. Speaking on Radio 4’s Desert Islands Discs last year, she talked about the end of her marriage to Henry, saying: “Those last few months were pretty much like the first few months, we were
good friends. It was a tribute to the way we’d been married the way we accomplished it.” Although French is best known for her comedy partnership with Saunders, she has been a hit with TV audiences around the world as Reverend Boadicea Geraldine Kennedy in The Vicar Of Dibley. Last month she announced she would be joining former Spice Girl Melanie Brown on the judging panel of Australia’s Got Talent.
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
By Marc Craig
lOki COUlD be neXT CROW
tom hiddleston, British thespian and avengers star might be swapping his horned helmet for goth togs and eye liner as he is in early talks to play murdered rock musician turned undead vigilante, Eric draven in the remake or” reimagining” of “the Crow”.
The Crow first came to the big screen back in 1994, based on James ‘O’ Barr comic book of the same name, he wrote the story to help him deal with the death of his girlfriend. It starred the late Brandon Lee, son of martial arts legend Bruce Lee. Brandon was tragically killed in an accident on set during his onscreen murder, when an inexperienced and rushed filmcrew used live rounds instead of industry dummy rounds, removing the gunpowder but leaving the live primer, when fired this caused the bullet to tear through his abdomen and lodge in his spine causing massive blood loss.
“new girl” named as bomb suspect!
KooKy actress and star of the US comedy series new girl got the shock of her life when she was named as a suspect in the Boston marathon bombing.
Lee’s uncompleted scenes had to be shot with a body double, onto which the actors face was “grafted” using computer generation-one of the earliest instances of this technique. Although Relativity Media, the studio involved have not yet confirmed casting, Hiddleston has sent them a make-up test that he did himself and is now scheduled for a studio make up test, as it will be very important to the dedicated fans that he looks
the part. The original Crow movie was a critical and commercial success and spawned 3 sequels, each featuring new characters (and actors) that were resurrected as a new Crow to seek vengeance. They rapidly declined in quality and a TV series starring Mark Damascus in the same role played by Brandon Lee (Eric Draven) was cancelled after only one season. Production is scheduled to begin this autumn.
So who did the child pictures from last week belong to? the answers from left to right are; rihanna, yes that is me! - Before anyone assumes I think a lot of myself- I didn’t say “famous” or “celebrity” just singer/artist!.... I wonder if I managed to throw many people with that one! Lady gaga, Eminem
The mistake occurred during a news broadcast on a local Fox affiliate station Fox 4 Dallas- Fort Worth when newscaster Peter Ogburn read his close caption (autocue) which read; “Marathon bombing, he is 19-year-old Zooey Deschanel” Of course the actress had nothing to do with the disgusting attack- it should have read Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev the real suspect who has since been arrested. Both the news anchor and Zooey had something to say about the boob, with Ogburn tweeting “oh come on Fox!!” with a pic of his Screen and Deschanel tweeting; @ZooeyDeschanel Whoa! Epic closed captioning FAIL! “@joelmchale: Oh my RT @peterogburn: pic.twitter.
com/F3sbpmq9WO” Sounds like a case of autocorrect strikes again-God i
hate that thong!! Sorry, should have read thing!
Lin stood beneath his friend climbed above to the rope and began frantically ringing it causing the antique device to snap sending the monster bell crashing down on top of Wang, completely enveloping him like a giant version of the game “mousetrap”! Miraculously the young man was unharmed and was rescued by fireman who used a pulley system to free him.
Footage of the rescue can be seen on YouTube. ‘This bell is very old and should have been treated with respect,’ said a temple spokesman. The youth however was unapologetic and unaware of what a lucky escape he really had; ‘It’s a bell, it’s supposed to be rung,’ ‘They should have made sure it was safe.’.......Bell end!
Man has a “Ding Dong” with giant bell!
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Iron man 3
a man had to be rescued by firefighter after an enormous bronze temple bell weighing over 2 tonnes fell on top of him.
Lin Wang was visiting a museum in Eastern China with a friend when they came across the ancient bronze bell that was suspended from the ceiling and still operational. While
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
Drugs Worth £250 Million Seized at Sea
aPRil 2013 Friday 26th April . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 27th April - 12pm to Midnight
Live Entertainment and Food Come and support your heroes Sunday 28th April . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 29th April . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular
May 2013 Thursday 2nd May . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 3rd May . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 4th May . . . . . . . . . . . Saturday GALA Night Sunday 5th May . . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 6th May . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 9th May . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 10th May . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 11th May . . . . . . . . . . . Saturday GALA Night Sunday 12th May . . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 13th May . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 16th May . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 17th May . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 18th May . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Birthday Sunday 19th May . . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 20th May . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 23rd May . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 24th May . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 25th May . . . . . . . . . . . Saturday GALA Night Sunday 26th May . . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 27th May . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 30th May . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 31st May . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience
JUne 2013 Saturday 1st June . . . . . . . . . . . . Saturday GALA Night Sunday 2nd June . . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 3rd June . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular
ItaLIan police seized 20 tons of marijuana with an estimated street value of £250m after boarding a ship in the mediterranean. the haul, thought to be the biggest ever of its kind at sea, was intercepted by two Italian customs vessels after it sailed close to the island of Pantelleria.
Officials said they had been informed that the freighter, called Adam, was carrying the marijuana after receiving intelligence from the Maritime Analysis Operations Centre (MAOC) in Lisbon, which deals with drugs shipments within the European Union. The operation began with officers in Morocco watching as the ship was loaded with more than 800 packets of the drug weighing 26kg, which were wrapped in sacks and on the top deck under tarpaulin covers. The ship was tracked by radar for several days but no action could be taken until the Adam entered Italian waters, just off
the coast of Pantelleria, an island off the coast of Sicily. Footage taken from a coastguard plane and released by Italian customs officials shows a ship drawing alongside the Adam as it eventually comes to a halt and officers then going on board and carrying out a search that led to the drugs being found. Lt Col Cristino Alemanno said: ‘’To my knowledge this is the biggest haul of its kind ever seized in the Mediterranean. To describe it as a small mountain of hashish would not be inaccurate. We had intelligence that the drugs were onboard the ship but we were unable to intervene until it entered Italian waters, which eventually it did by half a mile close to the island of Pantelleria and that’s when we went alongside and boarded the Adam. The ship had been followed for some time but we needed a certain amount of luck as until it entered Italian waters there was nothing we could do.” Lt Col Alemanno added that the freighter belonged to an Egyptian shipping line and was registered in the Co-
moros Islands but requests there for assistance in stopping it went unanswered: “The request to the authorities there was made several times but there was no reply and so when it entered Italian waters that was when we acted.” The ship was bound for Tobruk in Libya and it was later escorted to the port of Trapani in Sicily, where a full search was also scheduled to take place, including below the waterline and in the inside decks. Officials believe the drugs were destined for the European market and the crew of six Syrians are being held in custody on suspicion of international drugs trafficking. Members of the MAOC include Portugal, Spain, Britain, France, Holland and Italy. Set up in April 2006, it has been involved in several drug seizes at sea in operations that covers thousands of square miles of ocean, from the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa to Norway. More than 50 tons of cocaine and 40 tons of marijuana have been seized since the unit started work.
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
Sharples in Session By John Sharples
Crisis In Spain!
The Spanish crisis has been a long one and it is still hitting people hard. During my stay in Madrid, you could be forgiven for thinking that the country was going through a boom time. The markets were jammed with people buying food and the street cafes and bars were rammed with people buying drinks and eating out. The price of a pint of lager in one bar that I visited was 6 euros. It didn’t seem to stop people from knocking them back with great relish.
The shops were bustling with people falling over each other to buy clothes and souvenirs and anything you could imagine, so where is the crisis. Is it all in the imagination? The plain and simple answer is NO! It is very real and it makes itself evident in various ways. On every street corner, at every entrance to the tube and on the steps of every church, there are people begging for money. There are buskers everywhere. At one point a man got onto the train and put a photograph of himself and his family onto every seat with a note saying that he had been reduced to begging people in order to feed his young family. My heart went out to him,
but by the time this man got to me, I had become numb to the beggars. It was a painful experience and I hope that things improve soon. It seemed ridiculous to me that a man could be begging for money for food outside a bar that charges 7 euros for a normal glass of wine. The famous plaza Mayor was completely surrounded each night with cardboard box housing that the poor people would erect to sleep in. Although the city centre was bustling and people were spending, some of the places to visit were obviously suffering. Madrid Zoo, which is a wonderful example of a modern happy zoo, full of amazing animals and rare
species was practically empty. I arrived when the animals were being fed and we saw all of them in good form. The lack of people was quite worrying. There can’t have been any more than 200 people there. The Zoo is enormous and we hardly saw a soul. We couldn’t find anywhere to eat in the Zoo. All of the shops were closed. The only one that was open was at the entrance. A beef burger cost 13 euros! I paid the price because the money all goes back into looking after the animals but I couldn’t help thinking that there would be a few more people eating in the cafe if it was a little more sensibly priced. My visit to Warner World was a sad experience too. We asked so many people where it was and how to get there.
Back To Work And Birthday
No-one seemed to know. It was almost as though it was a national secret. We finally got there via underground and then a bus. The place was dead. It was my biggest disappointment. Three roller coasters, three water rides and again most cafes and bars were closed. There were a few other attractions, but nothing to write home about. The big movie stunt show was cancelled that day and I aimlessly wandered around wondering what I had paid 39 euros for. The lack of people in these places has to be a di-
rect result of the economic crisis. Many parts of Madrid are covered in graffiti. This is particularly evident at night when all the shop shutters are down. The place looked like something out of a futuristic movie where society has lost its way. I thoroughly enjoyed my holiday. I was determined to. I had plenty of money with me and for that week, I did whatever I wanted to. I just hope that this fantastic city manages to drag itself up again soon.
A Right Royal Palace
Now the holidays are over, it was a real pleasure to get back on stage at VIVO and perform. Next month, Bitter and Twisted will be ten years old and we are busy putting together a special night to celebrate our Birthday.
It will be a special Gala night with some new numbers and some things that we have never performed at Vivo before. It seems that there is always something else to do. I love it. We love performing new numbers and having the chance to put together special themed nights. I hope you can join us for our special night on Saturday May 18th. Keep an eye on the Tenerife Weekly for full details.
I went to Madrid with the intention of visiting the Royal Palace. What an opulent and beautiful place it is.
The entrance fee was nominal and we were able to visit the throne room and the main banquet hall. There were chandeliers of crystal that were bigger than my kitchen and it was a breath-taking sight to behold. I couldn’t help thinking though, that being a King or Queen must be a very lonely job. It wouldn’t do for me, they can have it!
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
haRRy TakeS On The SOUTh POle
Facebook.com/TenerifeWeekly PrInCE harry will take part in a race to the South Pole with a team of wounded British servicemen and women. the 28-year-old will race teams from the United States and the Commonwealth in the 208-mile (335km) Walking With the Wounded South Pole allied Challenge in november and december this year.
Speaking at a conference in London where the teams were announced, Prince Harry said: “It just remains for me to say to Soldier On Canada, Soldiers To Summits from the US and Soldier On Australia - welcome to the party. As a member of the British team, I will have a brew ready for you when you join us at the Pole.” Harry is the event’s patron and took part in the charity’s trek to the North Pole in 2011, confirmed he will be competing as part of Team Glenfiddich. He missed out on a bid to conquer Mount Everest with the group last year due to military commitments and he withdrew early from the successful North Pole expedition to attend his brother’s wedding.
Question one: Which sea is between Korea and Shanghai? Question two: For what was Christian Dior famous for? Question three: Which English County is called the Garden of England? Question Four: In which county is Dartmoor? Question Five: In the television series, what was the name of the Lone
Ranger’s horse?
Question Six: According to the traditional song, what did my true love give to me on the 7th day of Christmas?
Question Seven: What is the name of the channel between the North and South islands of New Zealand?
Question Eight: Who was the fourth wife of Henry the Eighth? Question nine: What is the capital of Belgium? Question ten: Of which pop group was Roger Daltry the lead singer? Question Eleven: In which country are the Wicklow Mountains? Question twelve: How many acres in a square mile?
Of the South Pole race he said: “The format may be different. The scale is certainly different. But the aim remains the same - to enable our wounded to do what they and all other servicemen and women do better than anyone else I know - meet a challenge head-on and overcome it and inspire others to do the same. Ladies and gentlemen, these men and women have given their all in the cause of freedom, in our cause. That they should once again step into the breach - this time facing down the extreme physical and mental challenges of trekking to the South Pole - just underlines their remarkable qualities.” Captain Wales, as he is known in the Army, will race in Team Glenfiddich with Sergeant Duncan Slater, 34, who lost both his legs in Afghanistan in 2009; Major Kate Philp, 34, who lost her left leg after a bomb blast in 2008; Captain Guy Disney, 31, who lost his right leg in a rocket attack in 2009; and Captain Ibrar Ali, who lost his right arm in a roadside bomb in 2007. Vivo are supporting our military ladies and gentlemen on Saturday 27th April with a Help For Heroes fund raiser. Check out page 24 for more details.
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
gardening and Nature By Steve Andrews - aka Green Bard
Herb Gardening in Tenerife Fresh herbs are usually the best for cooking with and adding to our meals and here on Tenerife the warm climate really brings out the flavour and aroma in the ones we grow ourselves. Most of the plants that are grown in herb gardens in the UK and elsewhere in the world will do fine here and many will even do better.
many varieties of this popular herb and the leaves are used to add flavour to a wide variety of cooked dishes as well as being an important ingredient of stuffing. Tenerife even has its own wild form of the plant. Canary Islands Sage (S. canariensis) can be found forming large clumps where it grows on waste-ground and in dry and rocky areas. It is an important herb in traditional herbal medicine of the Canary Islands and is used for its antiseptic properties and as a mouthwash. Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is a commonly grown herb that is used both in cooking and for its medicinal properties, It is added to many dishes, including soups and casseroles, and in herbal medicine it is used to treat eczema, psoriasis and ringworm, as well as for mouth infections. There are many other varieties and species of Thyme, and here in the Canary Islands where all types of the herb are known as “Tomillo,” there are a number of species in the genus Micromeria that grow wild and
Culinary And Medicinal Uses Of Cilantro
In the kitchen: Coriander or Cilantro leaves are good in salads and as a garnish. Leaves and seeds can be added to curries, pickle and chutneys, as well as ingredients in Middle Eastern, Indian and South
Fennel Flowers terest though, it is a member of the vast family known as the Apiaceae, to which the Coriander also belongs.
Coriander in a pot on a balcony
If you don’t have a proper garden but only a balcony or terrace it is still possible to grow herbs in pots and other containers. Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) or Cilantro as many call it today is perfect for this. I find the seeds will germinate if simply scattered on wet compost and soon produce plenty of the aromatic and spicy foliage which is so good as an ingredient of curries and many other dishes. You really can’t beat fresh home-grown Coriander for flavour! The herbs of that old hit song Scarborough Fair by Simon and Garfunkel, Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme, are all easily grown here too and the subtropical climate really helps to bring out the best flavours and aromas from these popular garden herbs. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) will form an evergreen and fragrant
bush and can be grown from cuttings. It provides a classic flavouring for many meat dishes and an infusion of Rosemary leaves makes a good hair rinse. The dried herb can be added to pot-pourri. You can often see Rosemary growing in gardens around the island. Sage (Salvia officinalis), like Rosemary can be propagated by cuttings and forms a small bush. There are
Canary Islands Lavender are also called this. Strictly speaking these Micromeria species, such as M. varia should be known as Canarian Savoury and not as Thyme, though they are very similar being small shrubs with tiny aromatic leaves. Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is probably too well known to need much of a description. This popular culinary herb that is used as a garnish and in cooked dishes is rich in Vitamin A and C. As a matter of in-
American cuisine. The seeds are used as flavourings for sweet dishes, bread and cakes. In herbal medicine: The leaves and seeds of Coriander are good for the digestion and stimulate the appetite. In Indian traditional medicine decoctions made from the seeds were thought to be a Smallpox preventive. The essential oil of the herb is antibacterial and antifungal and is used by the pharmaceutical industry. Coriander is believed to lower cholesterol levels.
which we use in curries and to make tea from. Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) grows well in the Tenerife garden and is often available from garden centres. This herb is well known for its attractive purple flowers and wonderful scent. There is a Canary Islands Lavender too which is the species L. canariensis and it can be found growing wild in many parts of Tenerife in the semi-desert areas along the coast and on volcanic hillsides. It is a very pretty plant again but is sadly lacking in perfume though it has its place in traditional herbal medicine. Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is another very popular herb that we use in our cooking and that grows very well on Tenerife. It is easy to grow in pots and is often sold by garden centres and florists. Or you can buy the seeds in packets. The Internet is an excellent source of seeds for most garden herbs too. One more herb that is often grown in gardens here on Tenerife but not back in Britain is the succulent Aloe Vera. It is too cold and wet for it in the UK but the warm climate here is just right for it.
The flowers of most species in this family are carried in umbels. Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is also in this family and grows wild on Tenerife in many places in the north of the island. It is very popular as a herbal tea and known as “Hinojo” in Spanish. This herb has delicate feathery foliage that smells of Aniseed and tall stems that carry umbels of yellowish flowers which in turn become the brown seeds
Aloe Vera
Also known as the Bard of Ely, the Green Bard has a Green Beard, as can be seen in the photo. He is an expert on nature and loves to write about wildlife and conservation. He has a very wide knowledge of edible plants, foraging and herbs.
He was quoted as a “Weed expert” in The Ecologist. The Green Bard, though originally from Cardiff in Wales, is currently based in Tenerife where he has successfully reared many Monarch butterflies on plants grown on his apartment balcony. In May, 2012, at the English Library in Puerto de la Cruz he gave a talk on the Flora and Fauna of Tenerife to a full house and has been invited back to be a guest speaker again.
Keep up to date with him at: http://greenbard.hubpages.com/
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
aquarius 20 January to 18 February
You’ll experience job stress on Monday. Take time for a quick break whenever the pressure builds. You may have a mystical experience on Wednesday. A vision of the future will set your feet in a new direction. A naysayer may try to put you down on Thursday. Ignore folks who give off negative vibrations. An unexpected blessing will come your way when the Moon trines your ruler Uranus on Sunday. Call a loved one and celebrate your good fortune.
gRanDMOTheR aPPealS againST DeaTh SenTenCe
Pisces 19 February to 20 March
You might have to make a difficult decision on Monday. Follow your heart in the matter. A loved one could give you the cold shoulder on Thursday. It’s not wise to crowd this person. He or she needs some space. Dynamic energy will surround you when Mars sextiles Neptune in Pisces on Friday. Strive to be all that you can be. A friend may ask you to settle an argument on Saturday. Don’t get involved in this person’s quarrels.
aries 21 March to 19 April
Think about what you really value on Monday. Put family and friends at the top of your agenda. Optimistic thoughts will fill your mind when Mercury in Aries sextiles Jupiter on Tuesday. Self-doubt will vanish as if by magic. Transform your life on Thursday. It’s a great time to quit a bad habit. Your imagination will soar on Friday. Write a love poem for someone special. Count your pennies carefully on Sunday. A slick salesperson may try to shortchange you.
taurus 20 April to 20 May
You may be in a grumpy mood on Monday. Take some time alone until you feel more sociable. Your sense of personal power will kick up a notch when Venus in Taurus trines Pluto on Wednesday. You’ll be ready to stand your ground with others. Try to forget about past mistakes on Thursday. Focus your energy on making yourself happy now! A loved one will do you a favor on Sunday. This person has your best interests at heart.
gemini 21 May to 21 June
The temptation to overindulge will be strong on Monday. Get a loved one to hide the chocolate chip cookies! Concentrate on the big picture on Tuesday. Don’t get caught up in the petty details of a certain matter. A minor medical issue may flare up when the Full Moon Eclipse takes place in your health zone on Thursday. Schedule a checkup with a doctor. An associate will ask for your honest opinion on Sunday. Sugarcoat your words to this person.
Cancer 22 June to 22 July
A project could be delayed on Monday. The timing isn’t right for this endeavor. Spruce up your living quarters when the Moon enters your home zone on Tuesday. Put fresh flowers on the kitchen table. Your emotions may become intense on Thursday. Don’t overreact to life’s little annoyances. Volunteer for a worthy cause on Friday. Generate good karma by helping others. Have some fun on Saturday. Go to a comedy show with a friend. Laughter will erase your worries this weekend.
Leo 23 July to 22 August
Be proactive on Tuesday. Getting a jump on the competition will increase your chances of success. You’ll project a very alluring aura to others when your ruler Sun sextiles Neptune on Wednesday. It’s a great time to hit the social scene. Domestic matters will need your full attention on Thursday. Have a hammer and nails handy for a household repair job. Resist the urge to buy a lottery ticket on Saturday. Lady Luck won’t be by your side.
Virgo 23 August to 22 September
Don’t promise more than you can deliver when the Moon in Virgo squares Jupiter on Monday. Be realistic when offering your services to an associate. A lover will overflow with amorous desire on Wednesday. If you’re single, someone special may ask you on a date. You’ll discover your true destiny on Thursday. It’s time to walk on the path that’s meant for you. Share your thoughts with a friend on Sunday. This person wants to get to know you better.
Libra 23 September to 23 October
A loved one may criticize your actions when your ruler Venus opposes Saturn on Monday. Remember that you have the right to live your own life. A friend might ask you to invest in a financial endeavor on Thursday. Do the math before writing this person a check. Think outside the box on Saturday. It’s time to take a different approach to a longstanding problem. Your travel plans will change without warning on Sunday. Have an alternate itinerary available.
Scorpio 24 October to 21 November
Read between the lines on Tuesday. An associate’s words will contain hidden meaning. Take it easy on Wednesday. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Your life may start to resemble a soap opera when the Full Moon Eclipse occurs in Scorpio on Thursday. High drama will be the norm! A partner will give you moral support on Friday. Let this person help you cope with a burden. Summon up your industrious side on Sunday. A project will require extra effort.
Sagittarius 22 November to 21 December
The temptation to overindulge will be strong on Monday. Get a loved one to hide the chocolate chip cookies! Concentrate on the big picture on Tuesday. Don’t get caught up in the petty details of a certain matter. A minor medical issue may flare up when the Full Moon Eclipse takes place in your health zone on Thursday. Schedule a checkup with a doctor. An associate will ask for your honest opinion on Sunday. Sugarcoat your words to this person.
LaWyErS representing a British grandmother on death row in Bali have lodged an appeal against her sentence. Lindsay Sandiford, 56, was sentenced to death by firing squad by a court in Bali in January for taking £1.6m of cocaine on to the island last year. her execution has been scheduled for may 7.
Last Monday Sandiford lost an appeal asking the UK Government’s to fund her legal challenge against her death sentence. The Court of Appeal in London heard she needs about £8,000 to fight on and so far only £2,000 has been raised. But the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) refused to fund her case as a matter of Government policy. The FCO reiterated the UK’s opposition to the death penalty and said it had repeatedly made representations to the Indonesian government about the case. On Tuesday her lawyer, Fadillah Agus, lodged a last-ditch appeal to the country’s top court. “I lodged an official notification to appeal to the Supreme Court through the district court in (Bali’s capital) Denpasar.” If she makes the deadline and the Supreme Court also rejects her appeal, she can then seek a judicial review of the decision from the same court. After that, only the president can grant her a reprieve. Sandiford lost her first appeal to the Bali High Court on April 8 after a closed hearing by three judges who decided the original court’s sentence had been “accurate and correct”. Balinese police said Sandiford was at the centre of a drugs-importing ring involving three other Britons.
But the grandmother, originally from Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, says she was forced to transport the drugs to protect her children she claims their safety was at stake. She received the death sentence despite prosecutors asking only for a 15-year jail term, after she was accused of damaging the image of Bali. Sandiford told those who have donated money towards her appeal that she has been humbled by the experience as she deals with “the ultimate emotional rollercoaster ride”. In a message sent to supporters, she said: “I cannot thank you enough for your generosity and caring. I’ve always been an independent person and I hate not to be able to pay my way. So for me this is a very humbling experience having to rely on the kindness of strangers and (I’m) very deeply touched. I am trying to help myself. As you are probably aware the Government won’t assist despite pontificating that they are opposed to the death penalty. I knit and have just finished a piece that I’m hoping to auction to assist paying for my local lawyer and his assistants. They are really good people along with the enormous debt I owe to Reprieve for their support and simple caring. I know I have been difficult to deal with as the situation I am in leads to the ultimate emotional rollercoaster ride. They have been brilliant.” She also thanked UK charity Prisoners Abroad for “quietly” supporting her with funds for drinking water and food: ”I will never be able to express the joy they gave to me,” she said. Sandiford claims that she is appealing “first and foremost” so she can meet her granddaughter, who was born in December.
Children from 6 months to 5 years For more information: Call: 693 730 444
Capricorn 22 december to 19 January
You may be short of cash on Monday. Take steps to generate some extra income. Offer to walk a neighbor’s dog. One door may close so that another one can open on Thursday. Pat yourself on the back on Friday. You made the right choice regarding a certain situation. Life could throw an obstacle in your path when the Sun opposes your ruler Saturn on Sunday. Never fear - you’ll overcome any challenge that you encounter this weekend.
Situated in Las Chafiras Email: steppingstonesenglishnursery@hotmail.co.uk
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
pugh´S pantrY
By Barry pugh
Flaming Saddles!
as you may well know, some of the staff at the Vivo group has just had their holidays. I took a short break to the Big apple and I came across this fantastic bar called “Flaming Saddles”. It was a fantastic country and Western Saloon style bar right in the centre of new york! this place was the best ever and I strongly encourage anybody that travels over there to visit this place. Whilst there, I got chatting to Jackie the owner, and I got to sample their award winning Frito Pie! I’ve never been to the US before never mind to the Wild, Wild West, so here was a cuisine that was going to be different! It is something I want to share with you. I have adapted it so you can make it with your favourite tortilla Chips; in the U.S. they use Fritos. there are so many things that you can do with a good Chilli but this is really cool. It is basically a Chilli Pie, layered in the style of a lasagne, between Frito corn chips (tortilla chips to us)!
To start here is a basic Chilli recipe for you: 500g minced beef 1 onion, chopped 1 can chopped tomatoes 1 can tomato Frito or ½ can tomato puree 1 can kidney beans 1 1/2 cups water 1 pinch chilli powder 1 pinch garlic powder Salt and pepper to taste
In a large saucepan over medium heat, fry the beef and onion until meat is browned and onion is tender. Add the chopped tomatoes, Frito or tomato puree, beans and water. Season with the chilli powder, garlic powder, salt and ground black pepper to taste. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, cover and let simmer for 15 minutes. (Add more or less chilli as you require!)
the Frito Pie: Ingredients:
Pre-made Chilli German Mustard Good sized bag of Tortilla chips (the flavour of your choice) Jalapeno Peppers, sliced (optional) Sour cream Fried egg Grated cheddar cheese
Method: Individual portions! Fill a deep plate, bowl or a pie bowl with Tortilla Chips and evenly cover the bottom of it. Drizzle with Mustard. Next ladle the chilli over the chips completely covering and then top with the grated cheese and a dollop of sour cream. Add the sliced Jalapenos if you want and then top it with a fried egg, season with a light sprinkling of salt and pepper if you wish. – Simply delicious!
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
What’s a Hink Pink you ask?
Hink Pinks are fun rhyming word riddles. The answer to the riddle is a pair of words that rhyme with each other. For example: Large Feline would be Fat Cat.
1. move, Female deer _____________________________________________________ 2. 24 hours with toys _____________________________________________________ 3. 50% giggle ____________________________________________________________ 4. a totally cool dad ______________________________________________________ 5. a birds foot defect ____________________________________________________ 6. a blue-green moray ____________________________________________________ 7. a boring Choo-choo ____________________________________________________ 8. a boy slug with a shell ____________________________________________________________________ 9. a cap that got sat on _____________________________________________________________________ 10. a cloudy 24 hours _______________________________________________________________________ 11. a contest for who ties their shoes the fastest ____________________________________________ 12. a daring removal of hair from the face ___________________________________________________ 13. a fake formal dance _____________________________________________________________________ 14. a farm house used to store the favorite string ___________________________________________ 15. a feathered animals droppings __________________________________________________________
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
Motoring News
By Lingy
Jaguar XF Sportbrake New upgrades for the Ford Mondeo During the summer of 2012, cycling became a sport the majority tuned into. One man was dominating the biggest cycling event in the world, the Tour de France. That man was Bradley Wiggins who later became the first Brit to win the yellow jersey.
Apart from the famous sideburns, one thing that we saw a lot of was the Team Sky support vehicles. Logo’d up in the black and blue colours of the major sponsor, the estate cars were seen following the peloton as they covered over 2,000 miles across France. The Jaguar XF Sportbrake was the car used by the team and based on the XF saloon it was eagerly anticipated when it was unveiled in March 2012. The Crystal Blue Metallic coloured Sportbrake beemed like a flare in the Heritage Museum event area at Gaydon, just a stone’s throw from the Jaguar and Land Rover headquarters.
The defining front grille with the cat badge dominated the mean-looking front of the car along with the LED daytime running lights. Now I wouldn’t say it’s the most stunning car on the market, but it is after all an estate. Estates aren’t about looks, all about practicality and this has it in abundance. On opening the car door, you are greeted by the Jaguar emblazoned door sill and sitting in you feel like you’re in a private jet. The centre console comes up quite high almost encasing you in the cabin. When you first got in you stare down at a very dark console, the silver plated gear change dial was flush with the rest of it and it makes you wonder how it would work. But once you press the start button, the vent will automatically spin open, the dial pushes itself up and it feels like a cinematic experience. The estate car has suddenly taken on another identity and it feels like you are sitting in the luxury saloon. The charcoal coloured leather
seats with a cream insert mixed with the carbon veneer make it smart and the cream stitching on the leather on the doors make it well thought out and all about the detail. The Jaguar embossed steering wheel stares at you, while the blue-green dials are simple yet ooze premium. The 7-inch touchscreen also makes using bluetooth, iPod and navigation much easier to use. The powered opening and closing tailgate reveales the boot space, with seats down is 1,675 litres so perfect for loading and that’s why buyers flocked to this car. They wanted a luxurious Jaguar, but also top of the list was the space to go with it.
Jaguar XF Sportbrake Engine and driving
The 2.2-litre i4 Turbocharged Diesel produces 163 hp and with a top speed of 124 mph isn’t sluggish. It is a fairly quiet engine, a plus point and has 8 speed automatic transmission, standard on all models. With Jaguar only producing diesel models, there is a 200hp version of this 2.2-litre and also a 3.0-litre V6 with 240hp and 271hp. The RWD can be thrown into corners without it batting an eyelid and has you believing you’re driving something that isn’t an estate. JaguarDrive Control™ with Sport Mode and Winter Mode adds to the driving experience dependent on the roads you’re driving and the self-levelling rear air suspension keeps the ride smooth regardless of whether you have ten bags of concrete in the boot.
Airless Tyre To Launch In 2014
Ford has announced upgraded versions of its Mondeo executive car range this follows on the success of the Ford Mondeo Zetec Business Edition. The new versions are the Mondeo Graphite and the Mondeo Titanium X Business Edition these new editions are competitively priced and have high equipment levels. Both models are equipped with the 2.0-litre Duratorq diesel engine that offers CO2 emissions from 119g/ km, increasing combined fuel economy to over 61mpg. The latest Mondeo is the first Ford to feature headlamps with LED high-beam, low-beam and signal lighting these are quicker to illuminate, more durable and more energy-efficient than traditional filament bulb headlamps, the all-new Mondeo’s LED headlamps turn with the steering and adapt beam projection to vehicle speed providing a greater depth of illumination at high speeds and a wider field of vision at slower speeds. The new Mondeo Graphite also has LED rear tail lights plus other head turning exterior features such as 17in 5x2 spoke alloy wheels, body
An airless tyre will be launched in the USA next year by all-terrain vehicle specialist Polaris, the Mail Online has reported. The benefit, of course, is that this tyre cannot puncture.
What a boost for the military, rescue services, and thrill seekers who take vehicles over extremely rough terrain. The tyre’s solid rubber tread surrounds a honeycomb-shaped plastic that – in turn – encloses a steel core. The latter connects the wheel to the vehicle. The honeycomb-web bends to absorb obstacles such as rocks, logs and curbs. What a contrast to the traditional set-up whereby the tyre compresses significantly and the wheel maintains most of its shape. This revolutionary product has been tested over hundreds of hours – and five-thousand miles – and proven to be tougher than its traditional counterparts.
colour bumpers, door handles and door mirrors and a chrome upper grille surround. The interior is equally impressive with CD/MP3 audio system, Bluetooth® hands-free and voice control, air conditioning, ‘Quickclear’ heated front windscreen, electrically-operated front and rear windows with global opening/closing, power rear door and window child locks and a leather-trimmed steering wheel The new Titanium X Business Edition also offers advanced levels of technology and luxury, the interior boasts full Windsor leather seats, 7in touchscreen navigation, DAB radio and USB connectivity, Bluetooth® hands-free and voice control, air conditioning with dual zone electronic temperature control, Ford Power Start, aluminium interior trim and front door scuff plates, electrically-operated heated and folding door mirrors with
It therefore still operates when thirty percent of its honeycombweb is damaged. This is another striking contrast to today’s rubber. The airless tyre started life with Resilient Technologies which was engaged by the Department of Defence. However, the company has been bought by all-terrain specialist Polaris who will now market the tyre. I suspect its rivals will soon launch similar products.
The Future Of Tyres
The Polaris tyre is for the off-road market but surely the concept could be expanded to road cars. Imagine that. No punctures – ever. This could make life safer as thousands of accidents have been caused by air leaks and inappropriate tyre pressures. Furthermore nobody would have to carry spare wheels, jacks, pumps, and gas repair kits. Future generations will laugh when they learn that old-style
puddle light, automatic headlights and rain sensing windscreen wipers, auto-dimming rear mirror, ambient lighting and front footwell illuminations plus leather steering wheel and hand brake covers. Ford Mondeo 2.0 litre Duratorq diesel engine Ford have refined the calibration of the Mondeo’s 2.0-litre Duratorq diesel engine and optimised aerodynamics to achieve 119g/ km targeted CO2 emissions from the five-door version and120g/km from the estate. These lower CO2 levels qualify for annual road tax (VED) of £30 which is down from £105 which is a great saving. Barb Samardzich, Ford Europe Product Development vice president said “our engineers worked hard to deliver a leading combination of power and low CO2 emissions that offers customers great real-world fuel efficiency and Mondeo’s famous driving quality.”
tyres – those delicate things that travelled at high speed over rough and sharp surfaces – were filled with oxygen and nitrogen. But there might be a downside. Breakdown specialists such as the Automobile Association replace thousands of flat tyres every year. it is one of the most common problems motorists face along with dead batteries, misplaced keys, and a lack of fuel. However, fewer motorists would require their spare wheel and that could lead to mechanics twiddling their thumbs. Redundancies might follow. Furthermore, new tyre sales could fall as a higher percentage would be replaced when worn rather than damaged. Those who fix holed tyres might struggle too. But this has always been the case. As the world evolves skills become redundant and new ones replace them. How many people can shoe horses these days? So, bring on the airless tyre - it could save lives.
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
26 April
Friday - TV 06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:30 22:00 22:35 23:20 23:50
06:00 06:55 07:25 08:10 08:40 09:05 10:35 11:35 12:30 13:30 14:00 16:10 17:05
Breakfast Heir Hunters Homes Under the Hammer Don’t Get Done, Get Dom Crime Scene Rescue Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Escape to the Country Perfection Chefs: Put Your Menu Where Your Mouth is Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six The One Show A Question of Sport EastEnders MasterChef Have I Got News for You BBC News at Ten Graham Norton Show The Wright Way Metro
Emmerdale Planet’s Funniest Animals The Jeremy Kyle Show US You’ve Been Framed! Judge Judy The Only Way is Essex Real Housewives of Atlanta The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale Judge Judy Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of Atlanta The Millionaire Matchmaker
18:00 Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 Funniest Ever You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Shaun of the Dead 23:00 Body of Lies 01:30 Switch
06:00 07:00 07:45 08:15 09:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:05 00:10
Homes Under the Hammer Don’t Get Done, Get Dom Crime Scene Rescue Saints and Scroungers Countryfile World Championship Snooker The Daily Politics World Championship Snooker Eggheads Flog It! Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Nature’s Microworlds Gardeners’ World Genius of Turner: Painting the Industrial Revolution QI Newsnight Later... with Jools Holland World Championship Snooker Highlights
06:00 Heartbeat 06:55 The Royal 08:00 The Father Dowling Mysteries 09:00 Ideal World 10:00 On the Buses 10:30 George and Mildred 11:00 Inspector Morse 13:00 Heartbeat 14:00 The Royal 15:05 The Return of Sherlock Holmes 16:15 Home to Roost 16:50 On the Buses 17:20 George and Mildred 17:55 Heartbeat 18:55 19:55 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:05 02:30 02:55
Murder, She Wrote Agatha Christie’s Poirot Supersleuths Taggart Law and Order: UK afterlife Cracker On the Buses On the Buses Film File
06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:35 00:30 03:00
06:00 06:50 07:15 07:50 08:50 09:50 10:50 11:20 11:50 12:50 13:55 15:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 01:45 02:45 02:50 03:00
Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Rory Bremner’s Great British Views Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News Emmerdale Coronation Street The Martin Lewis Money Show Coronation Street The Ice Cream Girls ITV News at Ten and Weather 2 Fast 2 Furious Jackpot247 Dante’s Peak
The Professionals Police, Camera, Action! Police, Camera, Action! The Sweeney Minder The Saint Police, Camera, Action! Police, Camera, Action! The Professionals Minder The Saint Cricket UEFA Europa League Highlights Motorway Patrol Motorway Patrol Dakar Rally The Green Mile The Saint Film File ITV4 Nightscreen Teleshopping
06:10 07:30
Children’s TV Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier The Secret Millionaire Location, Location, Location Come Dine with Me What’s Cooking? Channel 4 Racing 1001 Things You Should Know Deal or No Deal Five Minutes to a Fortune The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Unreported World Big Fat Gypsy Weddings Ben Earl: Trick Artist Alan Carr: Chatty Man 10 O’Clock Live Random Acts New Girl
06:00 Children’s TV 08:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00 Tickety Toc 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 Trisha 12:00 Looney Tunes 12:05 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 Royal Navy Submarine Mission 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 CSI: NY 15:15 Disney Shorts 15:20 Lies and Deception 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 Home and Away 18:30 5 News at 6.30 19:00 Aircrash 20:00 Iceland: Ashcloud Apocalypse 21:00 The Mentalist 22:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 22:55 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23:50 Inside Hollywood 00:00 Super Casino
08:10 09:00 10:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00
Home Shopping Later Live... with Jools Holland Later Live... with Jools Holland Fifth Gear The Gadget Show Top Gear Massive Moves Massive Moves Top Gear Top Gear Traffic Cops Massive Moves Massive Moves Top Gear
18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:40 23:20 00:00 01:00 02:00 02:35
Top Gear Traffic Cops Suits QI XL Extras Mock the Week Mongrels Suits QI XL Extras Carpool
06:00 European Tour Golf 09:30 Ringside 10:30 Barclays Premier League World 11:00 County Championship Cricket Day two of the LV= County Championship match between Somerset and Warwickshire. 18:30 NBA Action 19:00 Barclays Premier League 19:30 Football Leicester City lock horns with Watford at the King Power Stadium. 22:00 The Fantasy Football Club 23:00 Barclays Premier League 23:30 NBA Action 00:00 Football 01:30 The Fantasy Football Club 02:30 Football
08:25 10:00 11:00 12:05 12:35 13:30 15:30 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:05 00:00 00:05
06:00 07:10 07:40
19:00 Great Movie Mistakes 19:15 Doctor Who 20:00 World’s Craziest Fools 20:30 Snog, Marry, Avoid? 21:00 Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents 22:00 Lee Nelson’s Well Funny People 22:30 EastEnders 23:00 Family Guy 23:45 American Dad! 00:30 Bluestone 42
11:00 14:05 16:45 19:00 20:50 21:00 22:40 00:20 02:30
06:00 07:00 08:00 08:30 10:30 12:30 13:00 15:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:30 22:00 00:00 01:00 03:00
Cheyenne Autumn Ice Cold in Alex Rear Window My Super Ex-Girlfriend The Look of Love Interview Special Airplane II: The Sequel Scary Movie 2 Withnail and I A Town Called Panic
Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Barclays Premier League World Super Rugby Union Super Rugby Union Barclays Premier League World Netball Cycling-Tour De Romandie The Rugby Club IRB 7’s Highlights Show Tight Lines Rugby League WWE SmackDown! World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Bottom Line Rugby Super League Tight Lines
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
S a t u r d ay - T V 06:00 10:00 11:30 12:00 12:10 12:15 13:00 14:00 16:30 17:20 18:10 18:20 18:30 19:15 20:05 21:25 22:15 22:30 00:05 01:25 01:30
06:00 06:25 08:50 11:50 12:50 13:20 13:50 14:20 16:10 18:00 19:50 20:20 21:20 22:20 23:10 23:40 01:00 01:55 02:20
Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Live Nigel Slater’s Simple Suppers BBC News BBC London News Football Focus Triathlon World Championship Snooker Final Score Pointless BBC News BBC London News Doctor Who National Lottery: Who Dares Wins The Voice UK Casualty BBC News Match of the Day The Football League Show Weatherview BBC News
Planet’s Funniest Animals Coronation Street Emmerdale Omnibus Britain’s Got More Talent You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! Toy Story Toy Story 2 The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records Britain’s Got More Talent Totally You’ve Been Framed! Celebrity Juice Plebs Britain’s Got Talent Britain’s Got More Talent You’ve Been Framed! All Star Family Fortunes
06:40 Station West 08:10 Spellbound 10:00 World Championship Snooker 12:00 Paul Hollywood’s Bread 12:30 Just a Minute 13:00 University Challenge 13:30 Talking Pictures 14:05 Notorious 15:45 Coast 16:30 World Championship Snooker 17:30 The Great British Sewing Bee 18:30 Flog It! 19:00 World Championship Snooker 20:00 Dad’s Army 20:30 QI 21:00 Young Margaret 22:30 United States of Television: America in Primetime 23:30 Blackpool: Big Night Out 00:30 World Championship Snooker Highlights
06:00 06:10 06:40 07:40 08:45 09:50 10:55 12:00 14:45 15:50
Film File Home to Roost Murder, She Wrote The Return of Sherlock Holmes The Royal The Royal Pie in the Sky Hamlet Agatha Christie’s Poirot A Touch of Frost
Agatha Christie’s Marple A Body in the Library. When a young blonde is found strangled in the library of Gossington Hall l, Dolly Bantry quickly calls in her old friend Miss Marple. 20:00 Doc Martin 21:00 Lewis 23:00 A Touch of Frost 01:00 Pie in the Sky 01:55 ITV3 Nightscreen 02:30 Teleshopping
27 A p r i l th
06:00 06:25 06:40 07:05 07:20 07:35 08:00 08:25 09:25 10:20 11:20 12:20 12:35 14:35 15:35 17:30 18:00 19:00 20:20 21:20 22:20 22:35 00:20 00:50
06:00 06:55 07:25 08:25 09:25 10:00 11:00
Jungle Junction The Hive Dino Dan Canimals Almost Naked Animals Ultimate Spider-Man Jessie Saturday Farm Jeremy Kyle Show My Tasty Travels Lynda Bellingham Murder, She Wrote ITV News and Weather Midsomer Murders The Chase Uncle Buck ITV News You’ve Been Framed! Britain’s Got Talent The Cube The Jonathan Ross Show ITV News Commando River Monsters Jackpot247
The Professionals Motorway Patrol The Big Match Revisited Bundesliga UEFA Champions League Weekly Motorsport UK Cricket Pepsi Indian Premier League Live. An IPL double bill featuring the Rajasthan Royals against Sunrisers Hyderabad.
British Touring Car Championship Highlights Donington Park. Steve Rider and Louise Goodman bring you the best of rounds four, five and six. 21:30 Public Enemies 00:15 The Quest 02:05 Richard Bacon’s Beer and Pizza Club
06:05 Kirsty’s Homemade Home 06:10 The Hoobs 07:05 British Rallycross 07:30 Mobil 1 The Grid 08:00 The Morning Line 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:05 Frasier 11:10 Big Bang Theory 12:10 The Simpsons 12:40 The Secret Millionaire 13:40 Channel 4 Racing 16:10 Come Dine with Me 16:40 Come Dine with Me 17:10 Come Dine with Me 17:40 Come Dine with Me 18:15 Come Dine with Me 18:40 Channel 4 News 19:00 Sarah Beeny’s Selling Houses 20:00 Grand Designs 21:00 Season of the Witch 22:45 Derren Brown Investigates 23:50 The Libertine 01:55 Hollyoaks Omnibus
06:00 09:00
06:00 07:15 08:05 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00
06:00 European Tour Golf 08:00 NBA Action 08:30 Super Rugby Union 10:30 Super Rugby Union 13:00 Super Rugby Extra-Time 13:30 IRB Sevens World Series Rugby 14:00 European Rugby Semi-Final Leinster face Biarritz at the RDS Arena. 16:30 European Rugby Semi-Final Clermont Auvergne take on Munster at Stade de la Mosson.
15:45 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:55 23:55 00:55
Season Of The Witch Channel 4 - 21:00 - 22:45 a middle ages fantasy actionadventure starring nicolas Cage, ron Perlman and Claire Foy.
Sickened by the carnage of their Crusade, knights Behman (Cage) and Felson (Perlman) have deserted and returned to Europe, where they are shocked to find the Black Death ravaging the land. In the town of Marburg they meet Cardinal D’Ambroise (Christopher Lee), who claims to know both the cause - a girl who’s suspected of witchcraft (Foy) - and the solution to the pestilence: a ceremony at a far distant monastery.
But there remains the tricky question of getting the girl there without her unleashing supernatural malevolence upon them (if witch she indeed be). Still, as deserters, they have little choice but to accept their mission and so off they set, on a journey that will prove much darker and more terrifying than they could possibly guess. The movie definitely falls within the ‘guilty pleasure’ category - but if you’re up for a bit of 14th-century silliness, with a few demonic scares thrown in for good measure, then you’re in for a treat.
Home Shopping Driving Wars Top Gear Storage Hunters Lizard Lick Towing Man v Food Man v Food Top Gear Last of the Comanches Carpool Top Gear Top Gear Total Wipeout USA Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Man v Food Man v Food Russell Howard’s Good News Russell Howard’s Good News Have I Got a Bit More News for You Russell Howard’s Good News Russell Howard’s Good News
09:15 09:25 09:40 10:00 10:35 11:00 12:00 13:00 15:15 17:00 19:20 19:25 20:15 21:15 22:15 23:10 00:10
23:00 01:00 02:30 03:00
Children’s TV Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Toby’s Travelling Circus Roary the Racing Car Jelly Jamm Power Rangers: Super Samurai Batman: The Brave and the Bold Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild Royal Navy Submarine Mission Up Periscope Run Silent Run Deep The Caine Mutiny 5 News Weekend NCIS NCIS Law and Order: Criminal Intent Law and Order: Special Victims Unit Law and Order: Special Victims Unit Super Casino
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Day three of the Zurich Classic of New Orleans from TPC Louisiana. European Tour Golf La Liga Football’s Greatest Football’s Greatest
21:00 22:25 22:55 23:40 00:25 01:20
11:00 13:00 14:55 16:45 18:50
21:00 23:20 01:15
06:00 06:30 08:00 08:30 09:00 10:00 12:00 15:15 17:00
19:55 20:10 20:25 22:15 23:45 01:15 02:45
Great Movie Mistakes IV: May the Fourth be with You Blades of Glory Russell Howard’s Good News Family Guy American Dad! Edinburgh Comedy Festival Live Lee Nelson’s Well Funny People
Son of the Mask Just Wright Porridge Never Been Kissed Last Holiday Wayne Wang’s remake of the 1950s comedy stars Queen Latifah as Georgia Byrd. Eclipse The Number 23 The Last Detai
FIFA Futbol Mundial Football League Champions League Weekly Barclays Premier League The Fantasy Football Club Soccer A.M. Football Cycling-Tour De Romandie Football Peterborough United host Sheffield Wednesday at London Road in the npower Championship. Football Gold Football Gold Football First Football First Football First Football First Football First
Editor Recommends
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
28 April
Sunday - TV
06:00 07:25 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:20 13:20 14:20 14:45 15:00 16:00 16:35 17:35
Breakfast Match of the Day The Andrew Marr Show The Big Questions Sunday Politics Bargain Hunt Homes Under the Hammer Flog It! Points of View Escape to the Country Songs of Praise Great Bear Stakeout The Diamond Queen
18:35 BBC News 18:50 BBC London News 19:00 Countryfile 20:00 Antiques Roadshow 21:00 The Village 22:00 BBC News 22:25 Match of the Day 2 23:40 Late Kick Off 00:10 Mother’s Boys 01:40 Weatherview 01:45 BBC News
06:00 Emmerdale 08:50 Coronation Street 11:20 King Ralph 13:20 The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor 15:35 You’ve Been Framed! 16:05 The Hot Desk 16:20 Britain’s Got Talent 17:40 Britain’s Got More Talent 18:40
21:00 23:20 00:05 01:05 01:50 02:30
Twister Fast-paced action adventure about tornado chasers -scientists who track, measure and predict the viciously destructive storms. Hot Fuzz Celebrity Juice Piers Morgan’s Life Stories 666 Park Avenue Gossip Girl You’ve Been Framed!
06:00 This is BBC Two 06:45 Never a Dull Moment 08:15 Gardeners’ World 08:45 A to Z of TV Gardening 09:30 Beechgrove Garden 10:00 World Championship Snooker 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:30 EastEnders Omnibus 14:20 World Championship Snooker 18:00 Coast 19:00 World Championship Snooker 20:00 Bill Bailey’s Jungle Hero 21:00 Rupert MurdochBattle with Britain 22:00 Mock the Week 22:30 It’s Kevin 23:00 World Championship Snooker Highlights 23:50 World Championship Snooker - Extra 01:50 Countryfile 02:45 Holby City
06:00 06:10 06:35 07:35 09:40 10:40 11:45 12:55 13:55 16:00 17:50
20:00 22:30 00:30 01:35 02:20
Drama Trails World Kitchen Murder, She Wrote A Touch of Frost Heartbeat Heartbeat Wycliffe The Return of Sherlock Holmes Agatha Christie’s Marple Agatha Christie’s Thirteen at Dinner Agatha Christie’s Poirot Poirot takes a holiday at a stylish Devon hotel, only to find himself in the middle of another mystery when a guest is found murdered. Parenthood A Touch of Frost Wycliffe Murder, She Wrote Agatha Christie’s Partners in Crime
06:00 07:20 07:30 08:00 08:25 08:30 09:25 10:20 11:20 11:35 13:35 14:05 15:20 16:25
CITV Almost Naked Animals Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Sonny with a Chance ITV News Country House Sunday Jeremy Kyle Show Dickinson’s Real Deal ITV News Columbo You’ve Been Framed! Britain’s Got Talent Food Glorious Food Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home
18:15 18:45 19:30 20:00 22:00 22:15
ITV News Catchphrase Off Their Rockers Endeavour ITV News The Olivier Awards 2013 23:45 The Unforgettable... 00:40 The Store
06:00 06:55 07:20 07:55 08:55 09:55 11:00 20:00
22:00 00:50 01:45
World’s Wildest Police Videos Police, Camera, Action! Police, Camera, Action! The Big Match Revisited The Saint Indian Premier League Greatest Games Cricket From the Ashes Fascinating cricket documentary which goes back to the summer of 1981 against a backdrop of riots on the streets and England one down against Australia and 500-1 odds against beating their old enemy. L.A. Confidential World’s Wildest Police Videos The Saint
Tel. 922 714 500 Whale Watching Puerto Colon 2 Hours 22 Euros
06:05 06:15 06:40 07:35 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 12:00 12:30 12:55 13:20 13:50 15:45 16:45
The Treacle People The Hoobs Blancpain Endurance Series Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Sunday Brunch The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons The Simpsons The Phantom Deal or No Deal Five Minutes to a Fortune
17:50 19:30 20:00 21:00
Marmaduke Channel 4 News The Secret Millions Love and Other Drugs 23:10 Dangerous Minds 01:00 How Hip Hop Changed the World
06:00 07:20 08:10 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:40 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:40 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00
Home Shopping Storage Hunters Top Gear Man v Food Total Wipeout USA Top Gear Have I Got News for You QI Man v Food Top Gear Have I Got News for You QI Have I Got a Bit More News for You Man v Food Man v Food Have I Got a Bit More News for You Have I Got a Bit More News for You Russell Howard’s Good News Have I Got a Bit More News for You Dave’s One Night Stand
06:00 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:20 10:55 11:20 12:20 14:45 16:35 18:25 18:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 00:05
Children’s TV Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Toby’s Travelling Circus Roary the Racing Car Jelly Jamm The Mr. Men Show Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures Power Rangers: Super Samurai Batman: The Brave and the Bold Cowboy Builders The Fifth Element Cheaper by the Dozen 2 Zathura: A Space Adventure 5 News Weekend Along Came Polly Once Upon a Time The Truth About Travellers Harry Brown Soho Blues
06:00 European Tour Golf 08:00 La Liga 09:30 The Sunday Supplement 11:00 Goals on Sunday 13:00 Football Reading v Queens Park Rangers. 15:30 Football Arsenal host Manchester United at the Emirates Stadium. 18:30 Football Real Valladolid host Sevilla at the Estadio Jose Zorrilla. 20:00 Football Real Sociedad take on Valencia. 22:00 Ford Football Special 23:30 Scottish Premier League 00:00 La Liga 01:30 Ford Football Special 03:00 Scottish Premier League
19:00 Great TV Mistakes 19:10 Snog, Marry, Avoid? 19:40 The Voice UK 21:00 Russell Howard’s Good News 21:45 Barely Legal Drivers 22:45 Family Guy 23:30 American Dad! 00:15 Russell Howard’s Good News 01:00 Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents
11:00 Seven Days to Noon 13:00 In and Out 14:50 Murder at the Gallop 16:30 The Hunt for Red October 19:10 Legend Ridley Scott’s fantasy stars Tom Cruise as Jack, the hero whose mission is to conquer Darkness. 21:00 Coming to America 23:20 Under Siege 2: Dark Territory
06:00 06:30 09:30 10:00 14:00
17:30 18:00
01:00 01:30 02:30
Champions League Weekly Football First Sporting Greats European Tour Golf European Rugby Semi-Final Saracens take on Toulon at Twickenham. Sporting Greats Zurich Classic of New Orleans Day four of the Zurich Classic of New Orleans from TPC Louisiana. European Tour Golf Day four of the Ballantine’s Championship from Blackstone Golf Club in Icheon, South Korea. Super Rugby European Rugby Special NBA
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
M o n d ay - T V 06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:35 22:40 23:25
Breakfast Fake Britain Homes Under the Hammer Don’t Get Done, Get Dom Animal Frontline Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Escape to the Country Perfection The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six The One Show Bang Goes the Theory EastEnders Panorama Crimewatch BBC News at Ten Crimewatch Update Have I Got a Bit More News for You BBC News: The Editors
06:00 Emmerdale 06:25 Coronation Street 07:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 08:10 You’ve Been Framed! 08:40 Judge Judy 09:00 The Only Way is Essex 10:35 Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:35 The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30 Emmerdale 13:00 Coronation Street 14:00 Jeremy Kyle Show 16:10 Real Housewives of Atlanta 17:05 The Millionaire Matchmaker 18:00 Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 Funniest Ever You’ve Been Framed! 19:45 Britain’s Got Talent 21:00 Van Helsing 23:35 The Invention of Lying 01:35 Britain’s Got More Talent
06:05 07:05 07:50 08:20 09:05 10:05 10:35 11:00 12:00 13:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:20
29 April th
Homes Under the Hammer Don’t Get Done, Get Dom Crime Scene Rescue Saints and Scroungers Great British Menu Great British Railway Journeys Click BBC News The Daily Politics World Championship Snooker Eggheads Flog It! World Championship Snooker University Challenge Only Connect Dave Allen: God’s Own Comedian Never Mind the Buzzcocks Newsnight World Championship Snooker Highlights
06:00 Heartbeat 06:55 The Royal 08:00 The Father Dowling Mysteries 09:00 Ideal World 10:00 On the Buses 10:30 George and Mildred 11:00 Inspector Morse 13:00 Heartbeat 14:00 The Royal 15:05 The Return of Sherlock Holmes 16:15 Home to Roost 16:50 On the Buses 17:20 George and Mildred 17:50 Heartbeat 18:55 19:55 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:05
Murder, She Wrote Wycliffe Cornwall with Caroline Quentin Cornwall with Caroline Quentin afterlife Law and Order: UK Murder in Suburbia The Father Dowling Mysteries
06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:35 23:40 00:30
06:00 06:55 08:00 09:00 09:55 10:25 11:00 20:00
23:05 00:00 03:00
Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News Rory Bremner’s Great British Views Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News Emmerdale Coronation Street James Nesbitt’s Ireland Coronation Street Vicious The Job Lot ITV News at Ten The Jonathan Ross Show Monk Jackpot247
The Professionals The Saint The Big Match Revisited World’s Wildest Police Videos Police, Camera, Action! Police, Camera, Action! Cricket Indian Premier League Greatest Moments Simon Hughes presents a round up of some of the magic moments of the IPL to date. Escape From New York Cult action thriller, set in a Manhattan that has become a high-security prison. Bundesliga Sleepers Teleshopping
06:10 07:30
Children’s TV Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Secret Millionaire Location, Location, Location Come Dine with Me What’s Cooking? Four Rooms Countdown 1001 Things You Should Know Deal or No Deal Five Minutes to a Fortune The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Dispatches Superscrimpers: Waste Not, Want Not The Hoarder Next Door Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Alan Carr: Chatty Man Random Acts
06:00 07:10 08:10 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00
Home Shopping Dragons’ Den Fifth Gear The Gadget Show Top Gear Top Gear Massive Moves Massive Moves Top Gear Top Gear Traffic Cops Massive Moves Massive Moves Top Gear
18:00 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00
Top Gear Traffic Cops Man v Food Man v Food Have I Got a Bit More News for You Russell Howard’s Good News Mock the Week Never Mind the Buzzcocks Have I Got a Bit More News for You
08:25 10:00 11:00 12:05 12:35 13:45 14:45 15:30 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:05
22:00 23:00 23:40 00:20
The Job Lot ITV 1 - 21:30 - 22:00
the comedy is set in a busy West midlands Job Centre and will focus on the relationships between the people that work there and the people that don’t work there, or anywhere else for that matter. It’s work, or the lack of it, that brings the characters together, and their relationships, or lack of them, around which the series revolves. Episode one: Job centre manager Trish [Sarah Hadland] is struggling to manage. She’s got a world of
work seminar to run, the temp’s late and Angela [Jo Enright], the most difficult employee in the West Midlands is back – fresh from winning an employment tribunal. She’s unmanageable and now, unsackable. Karl [Russell Tovey] is the only member of staff Trish can rely on, but now even he’s reached the end of his tether. Although he spends every day surrounded by people who need a job, he decides to take his chances and quit – until somebody changes his mind...
06:00 Children’s TV 08:30 Castle Farm 08:35 Roary the Racing Car 08:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00 Tickety Toc 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 Trauma Doctors 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 Extraordinary People 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 NCIS 15:15 The Trail to Hope Rose 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 00:00
06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:30 12:00 12:30 14:00 15:30 17:00 17:30 18:30 19:00 22:30 00:00 01:30
Home and Away 5 News at 6.30 Austin Stevens Adventures Nature Shock: The Pig Bang Theory Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild The Invasion Britain’s Closest Encounters
Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Ford Football Special La Liga Scottish Premier League Ford Football Special La Liga Ford Football Special Scottish Premier League Soccer A.M. The Best Bits Netbusters Football PFA Awards Footballers’ Football Show Ford Monday Night Football
19:00 20:00 20:50 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:45 00:30
Britain’s Youngest Head Chef Joined for Life: Abby and Brittany Pop’s Greatest Dance Crazes Unsafe Sex in the City Snog, Marry, Avoid? EastEnders Family Guy American Dad! Some Girls
Yangtse Incident: The Story of H.M.S. Amethyst 12:50 Hell and High Water 14:55 The Colditz Story 16:50 Danger Within 18:50 Another Stakeout 21:00 Iron Man 23:25 Showgirls 02:00 Samson and Delilah
06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00
11:00 13:00 14:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 21:30 22:30 23:00 00:00 02:00 03:00
Aerobics: Oz Style Thrillseekers: Dirt WWE Bottom Line PGA Tour Golf Day four of the Zurich Classic of New Orleans from TPC Louisiana. European Tour Golf European Rugby Special PGA Tour Golf European Rugby Special Super League Fulltime Inside Sailing Elite League Speedway European Rugby Special SPL Round-Up Soccer A.M. -The Best Bits Elite League Speedway PGA Tour Classic European Tour Golf
Editor Recommends
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
30 April
Tu e s d a y - T V
06:00 09:15 10:00
16:30 17:15
Breakfast Fake Britain Homes Under the Hammer Don’t Get Done, Get Dom Animal Frontline Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Escape to the Country Perfection The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain Antiques Road Trip Pointless
18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:05 01:45 01:50
BBC News at Six The One Show EastEnders Holby City MasterChef BBC News at Ten The Wright Way The Aviator Weatherview BBC News
11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45
06:00 Emmerdale 06:25 Coronation Street 07:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 08:10 You’ve Been Framed! 08:40 Judge Judy 09:05 Only Way is Essex 10:35 Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:35 The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30 Emmerdale 13:00 Coronation Street 14:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:10 Real Housewives of Atlanta 17:35 The Millionaire Matchmaker 18:30 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 Peter Andre: My Life 21:00 The Vampire Diaries 22:00 666 Park Avenue 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:45 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 00:15 The Vampire Diaries
06:00 07:00 07:45 08:15 09:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:20 00:10
Homes Under the Hammer Don’t Get Done, Get Dom Animal Frontline Saints and Scroungers Great British Menu World Championship Snooker The Daily Politics World Championship Snooker Eggheads Flog It! World Championship Snooker Alex Polizzi -The Fixer Returns Keeping Britain Alive: The NHS in a Day Later Live... with Jools Holland Newsnight World Championship Snooker Highlights World Championship Snooker - Extra
06:00 Heartbeat 06:55 The Royal 08:00 The Father Dowling Mysteries 09:00 Ideal World 10:00 On the Buses 10:30 George and Mildred 11:00 Inspector Morse 13:00 Heartbeat 14:00 The Royal 15:05 The Return of Sherlock Holmes 16:15 Home to Roost 16:50 On the Buses 17:20 George and Mildred 17:50 Heartbeat Feelings run high when a community of travellers passes through Aidensfield, but worse is to come when a bank robber goes on the run. 18:55 Murder, She Wrote 19:55 Midsomer Murders 22:00 Case Sensitive 23:00 Law and Order: UK 00:00 Inspector Morse
06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 22:00 22:35 23:35 00:25 03:00
06:00 06:10 07:00 08:00 08:55 09:55 10:55 11:55 13:00 14:00 15:00
19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 01:45 02:40 02:50 03:00
Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News Rory Bremner’s Great British Views Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase
06:10 07:05 07:30
ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Live UEFA Champions League ITV News at Ten and Weather The Big Quiz: Benidorm v Essex In Plain Sight Jackpot247 Loose Women
16:00 17:00
Film File The Professionals The Big Match Revisited The Sweeney Minder The Saint World’s Wildest Police Videos The Professionals Minder Motorsport UK Cricket Live IPL action as Pune Warriors take on Chennai Super Kings.
06:00 07:10 08:10 09:00 09:30 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00
Home Shopping Dragons’ Den Fifth Gear The Gadget Show The Gadget Show Top Gear Top Gear Fifth Gear Fifth Gear Top Gear Top Gear Traffic Cops Fifth Gear Fifth Gear Top Gear
18:00 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:40 23:20 00:00 01:00 01:40 02:20
Top Gear Traffic Cops Storage Hunters Storage Hunters QI XL Mock the Week QI QI QI XL Mock the Week Argumental QI
Police, Camera, Action! The Chase Her Majesty’s Prison: Aylesbury The Green Mile Minder Film File ITV4 Nightscreen Teleshopping
08:25 10:00 11:00 12:05 12:35 13:45 14:45 15:30
18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:05 00:10 00:15
The Hoobs According to Jim Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Secret Millionaire USA Location, Location, Location Come Dine with Me What’s Cooking? Four Rooms Countdown 1001 Things You Should Know Deal or No Deal Five Minutes to a Fortune The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Embarrassing Bodies Crash for Cash Shameless Ben Earl: Trick Artist Random Acts Pokerstars.Co.UK Ept Barcelona
06:00 Children’s TV 08:15 Peppa Pig 08:30 Castle Farm 08:35 Roary the Racing Car 08:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00 Tickety Toc 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 Emergency Bikers 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 Cowboy Builders 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 NCIS 15:15 McBride: It’s Murder, Madam 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:55 23:55
06:00 09:00 11:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 15:30 16:00 17:30
18:30 19:30 21:30 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 01:30 02:30
19:00 Total Wipeout 20:00 Don’t Tell the Bride 21:00 Barely Legal Drivers 22:00 Sweat the Small Stuff 22:30 EastEnders 23:00 Family Guy 23:45 American Dad! 00:30 Sweat the Small Stuff 01:00 Barely Legal Drivers 02:00 Russell Howard’s Good News
11:00 14:05
Cheyenne Autumn Heaven Knows, Mr Allison Ice Cold in Alex She’s the Man Andy Fickman’s comedy, lightly based on Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. Predator The Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell of Fear Lady Chatterley
Home and Away 5 News at 6.30 Extraordinary People Big Body Squad CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Body of Proof Dallas CSI: NY
16:15 18:55
Good Morning Sports Fans Ford Monday Night Football PFA Awards Netbusters SPL Round Up Ford Monday Night Football Netbusters PFA Awards Barclays Premier League Review
06:30 Thrillseekers: Dirt 07:00 WWE Afterburn 08:00 PGA Tour Classic 09:00 PGA Tour Golf 10:00 European Tour Golf 12:00 Shell’s Wonderful World of Golf 13:30 PGA Tour Classic 14:30 PGA Tour Golf 15:30 European Tour Golf 17:30 NFL
Revista de la Liga Premier League Speedway Sporting Greats Revista de la Liga Barclays Premier League Review UEFA Champions League Football Asia Revista de la Liga Barclays Premier League Review
21:00 23:05 00:45
18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 22:45 23:00 01:00 02:00 03:00
Golfing World World Cup of Pool Bass Fishing Emirates T20 Cricket Super League Backchat Football Gold Football Gold Premier League Speedway Emirates T20 ricket NFL Super League Backchat
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
We d n e s d ay - T V 06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 12:38 13:00 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15
Breakfast Fake Britain Homes Under the Hammer Don’t Get Done, Get Dom Animal Frontline Bargain Hunt Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Escape to the Country Perfection The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain Antiques Road Trip Pointless
18:00 BBC News at Six 18:30 BBC London News 19:00 The One Show 20:00 Watchdog 21:00 MasterChef 22:00 BBC News at Ten 22:35 A Question of Sport 23:05 Michael Clayton 01:00 Weatherview
06:25 07:25 08:10 08:40 10:05 11:35 12:30 13:00 14:00 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:55
Britain’s Got More Talent Jeremy Kyle Show You’ve Been Framed! The Only Way is Essex Real Housewives of Atlanta The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale Britain’s Got More Talent Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of Atlanta The Millionaire Matchmaker Jeremy Kyle Show You’ve Been Framed! Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records Benidorm The Grudge Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records
06:00 06:15 07:15 08:00 08:30 09:30 10:00 11:30 13:00
This is BBC Two Homes Under the Hammer Don’t Get Done, Get Dom Animal Frontline Great British Menu See Hear World Championship Snooker The Daily Politics World Championship Snooker
18:00 Eggheads 18:30 Flog It! 19:00 World Championship Snooker 20:00 Coast 21:00 The Mafia’s Secret Bunkers 22:00 Celebrity Mastermind 22:30 Newsnight 23:20 World Championship Snooker Highlights 00:10 World Championship Snooker - Extra
06:00 Heartbeat 06:55 The Royal 08:00 The Father Dowling Mysteries 09:00 Ideal World 10:00 On the Buses 10:30 Film File 10:45 Inspector Morse 13:00 Heartbeat 14:00 The Royal 15:05 The Return of Sherlock Holmes 16:15 Home to Roost 16:50 On the Buses 17:20 George and Mildred 17:50 18:55 19:55 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 02:05 02:30
Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote The Return of Sherlock Holmes The Mighty Mississippi Case Sensitive Law and Order: UK Inspector Morse ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping
06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
1 M ay st
Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Rory Bremner’s Great British Views Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase
18:00 ITV News 19:00 Emmerdale 19:30 Coronation Street 20:00 All Star Mr and Mrs 21:00 Scott and Bailey 22:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:35 We Love the Monkees 23:35 The Dales 00:05 Jackpot247 03:00 Columbo
06:00 06:10 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00
21:00 22:00 00:25 02:30
Film File The Professionals The Sweeney The Big Match Revisited Minder World’s Wildest Police Videos Cricket Live double bill action as the Sunrisers Hyderabad meet the Mumbai Indians, then Delhi Daredevils take on the Kolkata Knight Riders. River Monsters In this episode, he goes to Thailand in search of one of the world’s most terrifying fish- the giant freshwater stingray. Her Majesty’s Prison: Aylesbury Natural Born Killers From the Ashes Police, Camera, Action!
06:10 07:30
Children’s TV Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Secret Millionaire USA Location, Location, Location Come Dine with Me What’s Cooking? Four Rooms Countdown 1001 Things You Should Know Deal or No Deal Five Minutes to a Fortune The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 24 Hours in A and E 10 O’Clock Live Random Acts The Hoarder Next Door The Sex Clinic
06:00 07:10 08:10 09:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00
Home Shopping Dragons’ Den Storage Hunters The Gadget Show Top Gear Storage Hunters Top Gear Traffic Cops Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Top Gear
08:25 10:00 11:00 12:05 12:35 13:45 14:45 15:30 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:55 23:00
18:00 Top Gear 20:00 Dara O’Briain: School of Hard Sums 20:50 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 21:50 The Rob Brydon Show 22:30 To be Announced 23:30 Russell Howard’s Good News 00:05 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 01:05 The Rob Brydon Show 01:45 Him and Her 02:20 Argumental
All Star Mr & Mrs ITV 1 - 20:00 - 21:00 this series will see celebrities such as ricky tomlinson, Sally dynevor, Una healy & Ben Foden, gabby & Kenny Logan, Jane mcdonald, Eddie “the Eagle” Edwards, tom Fletcher, Julie hesmondhalgh, Paula radcliffe, Jake Wood, Will mellor and their partners competing to win up to £30,000 for their chosen charity.
Tonight in the first show of the new series, actress Julie Hesmondhalgh & husband Ian Kershow, one half of the Hairy Bikers Dave Myers & wife
Lilianna Myers and McFly singer Tom Fletcher & wife Giovanna Fletcher will all compete for big cash prizes for a charity of their choice. Every episode, the audience gets an insight into the lives of three celebrity couples as they battle it out to win the jackpot for their charity. In the first two rounds the three couples answer questions and we get to see how much they really know about each other. The victorious couple will then go on to play for the charity jackpot, whilst the other two couples take home £5,000 each for their charity, and a coveted carriage clock for their mantelpiece!
06:00 Children’s TV 08:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00 Tickety Toc 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 Rolf’s Animal Clinic 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 NCIS 15:15 A Soldier’s Love Story 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00
Home and Away 5 News at 6.30 Frontline Police Emergency Bikers NCIS Law and Order: Special Victims Unit 22:55 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23:55 The Aussie Millions Poker Championship 00:55 Super Casino
06:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 21:30 22:00 23:00 00:00
Good Morning Sports Fans UEFA Champions League Revista de la Liga Barclays Premier League Review UEFA Champions League Football Asia Revista de la Liga UEFA Champions League Barclays Premier League Review Football Asia UEFA Champions League Boots ‘n’ All Total Rugby The Arc Total Rugby Sporting Heroes NFL: Inside the Vikings UEFA Champions League
19:00 20:00 21:00 22:30 23:00 23:45 00:30 01:25 01:55
11:00 13:15 14:50 16:40 18:25
21:00 23:30 01:15
06:30 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 22:15 22:45 23:45 00:00 01:00
Top Gear Licence to Kill Blades of Glory Sweat the Small Stuff Family Guy American Dad! Barely Legal Drivers Russell Howard’s Good News Sweat the Small Stuff
The Conqueror Waterloo Road Winchester ‘73 The Moonraker Star Trek: The Motion Picture Kirk, deskbound at Starfleet Command, goes aboard the Enterprise to hand over command. Die Hard 4.0 Cyrus Lemming
Thrillseekers: Dirt WWE Vintage Collection Barclays Premier League Review Bass Fishing Vendée Globe Sailing Emirates T20 Cricket Golfing World Super League Backchat Premier League Speedway World Cup of Pool Emirates T20 Cricket Super League Backchat Thrillseekers: Dirt FIBA World Basketball FIFA Futbol Mundial Football Football Gold Boots ‘n’ All Football Gold Watersports World Boots ‘n’ All
Editor Recommends
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
Thursday - TV
06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15
Breakfast Fake Britain Homes Under the Hammer Don’t Get Done, Get Dom Animal Frontline Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Escape to the Country Perfection The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain Antiques Road Trip Pointless
18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:35 00:20
BBC News at Six The One Show EastEnders Waterloo Road MasterChef BBC News at Ten Question Time This Week Holiday Weatherview
Planet’s Funniest Animals Jeremy Kyle Show You’ve Been Framed! Judge Judy The Only Way is Essex Real Housewives of Atlanta The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale Coronation Street Judge Judy Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of Atlanta The Millionaire Matchmaker
07:25 08:10 08:40 09:05 10:35 11:35 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 16:10 17:05
18:00 Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 Dinner Date Australia 21:00 Peter Andre: My Life 22:00 Celebrity Juice 22:50 Harold and Kumar Get the Munchies
06:05 07:05 07:50 08:20 09:05 10:05 10:35 11:00 12:00 13:00
Homes Under the Hammer Don’t Get Done, Get Dom Animal Frontline Saints and Scroungers Great British Menu Great British Railway Journeys HARDtalk BBC News The Daily Politics World Championship Snooker
18:00 Eggheads 18:30 Flog It! 19:00 World Championship Snooker 21:00 The Politician’s Husband 22:00 Watson and Oliver 22:30 Newsnight 23:20 World Championship Snooker Highlights 00:10 The Review Show 01:10 Panorama
06:00 Heartbeat 06:55 The Royal 08:00 The Father Dowling Mysteries 09:00 Ideal World 10:00 On the Buses 10:30 Drama Trails 10:45 Inspector Morse 13:00 Heartbeat 14:00 The Royal 15:05 The Return of Sherlock Holmes 16:15 Home to Roost 16:50 On the Buses 17:20 George and Mildred 17:50 Heartbeat 18:55 19:55 22:00 23:00 00:00 02:05 02:30
Murder, She Wrote Agatha Christie’s Marple Taggart Law and Order: UK The Secret of My Succe$s ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping
06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:45 19:45 22:10 22:45 23:15 23:45 00:25 03:00
06:00 07:00 08:00
Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Rory Bremner’s Great British Views Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News Emmerdale UEFA Europa League Live ITV News at Ten and Weather Vicious The Job Lot All Star Family Fortunes Jackpot247 In Plain Sight
The Professionals The Saint World’s Wildest Police Videos 08:55 Minder 09:55 The Big Match Revisited 11:00 Cricket A double helping of IPL action featuring the Chennai Super Kings versus Kings XI Punjab, then Pune Warriors against Royal Challengers Bangalore. 19:45 UEFA Europa League Live Live coverage of the Europa League semi-final second leg between Benfica and Fenerbahce in Lisbon. 22:10 Public Enemies 00:55 Police, Camera, Action! 01:25 Police, Camera, Action! 01:55 Minder
06:10 07:05 07:30 08:25 10:00 11:00 12:05 12:35 13:45 14:45 15:30 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:15 00:20 00:25
06:00 07:10 08:10 09:00 09:30 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:40
The Hoobs According to Jim Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Secret Millionaire USA Location, Location, Location Come Dine with Me What’s Cooking? Four Rooms Countdown 1001 Things You Should Know Deal or No Deal Five Minutes to a Fortune The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Secret Eaters The Repo Man True Stories 24 Hours in A and E Random Acts Sex, Lies and Rinsing Guys
06:00 08:00
Home Shopping Dragons’ Den Fifth Gear The Gadget Show The Gadget Show Dragons’ Den Top Gear Fifth Gear Fifth Gear Top Gear Top Gear Traffic Cops Fifth Gear Fifth Gear Top Gear
Top Gear Traffic Cops Top Gear Suits Mock the Week Dara O’Briain: School of Hard Sums 23:30 QI 00:05 Suits 01:05 Mock the Week 01:45 Him and Her 02:20 QI
08:15 08:20 08:25 08:35 08:45 08:50 09:00 09:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 00:15
06:30 10:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 22:00 23:30 00:00 01:00 02:30 03:00
Children’s TV Fifi and the Flowertots Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Roary the Racing Car Milkshake! Show Songs Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Big Body Squad 5 News Lunchtime The Hotel Inspector Home and Away Neighbours The Mentalist Deadly Visions 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News at 6.30 The Hotel Inspector Born to Kill? Trauma Doctors On Deadly Ground Super Casino
European Tour Weekly European Tour Golf Asian Tour Golf UEFA Champions League FIFA Futbol Mundial European Tour Golf Ringside Pro Contract The Football Dream Football League Semi-Final Play-Off The Footballer’s Football Show Pro Contract -The Football Dream Ringside Football League Semi-Final Play-Off Pro Contract -The Football Dream The Footballer’s Football Show
M ay
19:00 Top Gear 20:00 Barely Legal Drivers 21:00 Joined for Life: Abby and Brittany 22:00 Russell Howard’s Good News 22:30 EastEnders 23:00 Family Guy 23:45 American Dad! 00:30 Russell Howard’s Good News 01:00 Joined for Life: Abby and Brittany
11:00 13:35 15:55 18:15
21:00 22:50 01:00
06:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 14:00 14:30 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 22:30 00:30
A Room and a Half Blood Alley Oliver Twist The Hunt for Red October John McTiernan’s thriller stars Alec Baldwin as CIA officer Jack Ryan. Last Night Secretary Under Siege 2: Dark Territory
Good Morning Sports Fans UEFA Champions League Sporting Heroes Total Rugby FIBA World Basketball Boots ‘n’ All Sporting Heroes Total Rugby FIBA World Basketball Boots ‘n’ All UEFA Champions League Sporting Heroes Super League Superstars Barclays Premier League World Premier League Darts World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Raw WWE NXT
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
Silky summer shirts
Vivitar 80-200mm 1:4,5
Baby bedroom furniture
2 Bedroom Villa Los Silo
Giant elephant
Moving sale....2 summer silky long shirts..one blue one pink with application size 36/38 new condition....
This is a Vivitar mm 1:4.5 MC Macro focusing zoom lens – PK fit. . Classic manual focus lens. Multi coated for better optics. The lens is used, but is...
- COT, white. The bed base can be placed at two different heights. Size : 60x120cm mattress and mattress pad are included. - WARDROBE, white. Size 75x1...
This beautiful 2 bedroom villa is situated 2 minutes walk from the seafront in the district of Sibora, Los Silos (North West Tenerife). The villa has a spa...
Giant elephant soft toy in good condition. Ideal as a birthday present... ...
605 414 052
10 € 689 008 644
35 € 661 732 376
160 € 677 398 614
120,000 € 690 375 706
10 €
Nikon D5000 DSLR
Dining Room Suite
Table for sale
Hair Care
Paul Mitchell Discounts
A Nikon D5000 DSLR camera in mint condition. The camera comes with the following.. 18-55mm Nikon lens with lens hood, Nikon camera manual, Nikon view NX 2 ...
Dining Room Suite consisting of Oval extending table, 1.30 to 1.70, 4 matching chairs, & tall display/storage unit. 200 euros the lot. Buyer to arrange t...
Wooden Table for sale with central draw 1.70cm long 55 cm wide 760 high...
Zoe who is Cloud Nines junior hairdresser is now doing wash and blow drys, full head colours or root re touch for a discounted price. for prices on colours...
SHAMPOO No ml x 2 27.45€.no 1 300ml x2 11.65€. No 2 250ml x2 10.25€. No ml x1 32.20€, no 3 300ml x1 15.95€. Awapuhi 1000 ml x1 27.45€, awapuh...
689 385 190
922 850 087
605 740 410
922 753 286
650 256 556
350 €
200 €
60 €
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
Baby travel cot mattere
Citroën Berlingo XTR
BMW 735
Massage Business
baby/toddler travel/portable cot in perfect condition complete with matteress....
2010 Citroën Berlingo XTR 1.6 HDI 92hp, Full service history. Alloys, air conditioning, electric folding mirrors, rear sensor parking etc. ITV August 2...
Classic 735i years itv good engine needs a little care 5speed manual all papers inorder...
Here is a massage business for sale within a prominent 4* hotel in Las Americas, has been trading successfully for the last 4 years Rent is a very reaso...
Beautiful hand made cot less than a Year old excellent condition ...
632 258 926
REF: 2693
922 766 225
REF: 2707
697 584 383
35 €
11,000 €
1,100 €
5,500 €
125 €
Cloggy shoes pop on acce
Prodigy 5 seater Hot Tub
Britax 1st Class Car Sea
Nails with zoe at great discount prices for times available please call the salon Zoe is Cloud Nines junior technician and is now doing some beautiful nai...
Pack of 4 cloggy shoes pop on accessories 5 euros each pack...
Prodigy 5 seater Hot Tub. 6 seating positions, 19 jets, LED lighting. Only 18 months old, excellent condition. More pictures available upon request....
Britax First Class Car Seat Suitable from birth to approx 5yrs. Universal both rear and front facing with alternative belt route to fit ALL Car types. Appr...
Detached canarian house 400sqm plot fully rebuilt & modernised. In cheguergue village just past guia de isora 2 double bedrooms both with ensuite bathrooms...
922 753 286
605 740 410
REF: 2585
649 677 290
600 991 777
15 €
Aquarium 160 ltr
Fridge freezer
Juwel aquarium, with cabinet, and all pumps,filters, etc. cost over 500 euros...
White fridge perfectly ...
922 730 367
922 707 786
195 €
3,900 €
45 €
175,000 €
Dolls Highchair+Doll
2 coffee tables
Triumph Bonneville 1973
Dolls Highchair (Folding) + doll 2 bottles and feeding dish/spoons. Excellent Cond hardley used. H61 x W28 x D35sm. ...
2 coffee tables. 1 measures: 100cm long x 50cm wide x 40cm tall, and the other: 50cm x 50cm x 40cm. both in good condition. they can be sold together for 4...
Classic Triumph Bonneville 1973 owned and restored by enthusiast, thousands of £ spent on restoration, receipts available. Has the advantage of Historic S...
20 €
649 677 290
690 375 706
670 969 556
20 €
40 €
6,500 €
Town house in El Roque
Suzuki 650 DL ABS
Lateral Thigh Trainer
Mitsubishi Jeep
Beautiful Spacious 3 Bedroom 2 Bathroom Town house situated in El Roque. 138sqm Duplex only 185,000 Euros. ...
SUZUKI - 650 DL. A. B. S. 2008 Storage for 2 helmets. Very good condition. 1 owner from new. Colour red 27.000km ...
TECH DECK Mega Ramp, side ramp + 18 boards with interchangable wheels etc. (2 feet high) Excellent cond ...
Lateral Thigh Trainer for Sale, perfect working order, Must sell Costa Del Silencio area. Buyer to collect Tel Christine ...
Classic mitsubishi pajero 7 seat automatic new tyres brakes uk registered right hand drive must sell too many cars open to offers...
922 701 424
650 256 556
649 677 290
618 625 704
922 766 225
185,000 €
3,800 €
30 €
1,000 €
Powermate 1000
Electric Quad Bike
House in Chio
Cross trainer ,visual display 12 programs which include heart monitor. body fat level calculation. 1 year old. hardly used. full instruction in English. c...
Coleman Generators offer a wide range that can fit just about any need. For the sportsman, Coleman line has small portable generators that are great for c...
12v children electric quad bike. Excellent condition, comes complete with mains charger....
Modern 3 bedroom house, with new kitchen, Lounge, Dining area, 2 bathrooms, integral garage with electric door. Full roof terrace, and balcony from lounge,...
922 729 145
683 116 117
REF: 2692
922 850 087
Top loader washing machi
Cross Trainer
Top loading washing machine, only 2 years old, excellent condition, all working with user manual. Can deliver 145 Euros ono...
635 911 337
145 €
25 €
200 €
90 €
100 €
159,000 €
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
Language Lessons
Video & photoshoots with latest Canon equipment, steadicam, sliders & remote controlled helicopter. Full graphic design and print service available.
We have been providing services and IT products in Tenerife since 2007. We register, host and develop custom built web solutions.
Simply Spanish Spanish classes 1-2-1 or group classes available Simple to learn simple to use Start today
636 040 935
922 176 592
665 495 888
classified adverts - call - 627 686 830 Authorised Telecommunications Installer Nº 7902 For all your satellite TV requirements call ELECTROSAT TV S.L, we specialise in: • Community integral Maintenance Contracts for same day assistance • Repairing/Upgrading all satellite TV installations • QPSK-COFDM Digital to Digital Modulators • Italian TIVU sat, French TNT, Multilanguages • Swedish SVT Connova • After-sales 2 year Guarantee • Community Computer Network • Community WIFI & ADSL Network
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€ 21,900 - 2004 Mercedes Benz SLK 200
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€ 11,995 - 2005 Mercedes Benz B170
€ 1,995 Citroen Saxo - 2003
TEL: 922 738 410
€ 3,795 Citroen C3 - 2004
€ 2,995 Opel Corsa - 2004
Behind Iceland Las Chafiras
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
• air conditioning & electrical
classified adverts - call - 627 686 830
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Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
alonso’s hopes For home Win
FErrarI’S Fernando alonso is looking forward to better luck in his home Spanish grand Prix next month after hopes of victory in Bahrain last Sunday were wrecked by a faulty rear wing.
The double world champion had arrived at the Sakhir circuit after winning in China and was running in second place when the DRS system on the car’s wing jammed open, forcing an unscheduled pitstop. He then had to race for 50 laps without the benefit of the system to help with overtaking, finishing eighth: “We definitely didn’t have much luck today and that’s a real shame, at the end of what had been such a positive weekend,” he said after the race. “After the opening laps, when I thought the rear tyres had gone off, the pit wall informed me that the DRS was stuck. It wasn’t fixed properly at the first stop and
so I had to come in for another one. From then on, the clear instruction from the pit wall not to use it affected my race. I tried to recover but it was really difficult finding places to overtake without DRS.” Alonso, a three-times winner in Bahrain, said his car was otherwise good and certainly the best he had driven since he joined Ferrari in 2010: “Having a good race involves a lot of factors, including a bit of luck. Let’s hope it balances out very soon, maybe even starting in Barcelona, my home race.” Ferrari hailed the Spaniard, now fourth in the championship and 30 points off Red Bull’s leader Sebastian Vettel after four races - for putting in astonishing lap times despite the problem: “It’s a real shame because even with a damaged car, his race pace was among the best and it should have been enough to see us finish second or even fight for the win,” said technical director Pat Fry.
Brazilian team mate Felipe Massa finished 15th after having his front wing damaged in a first-lap collision and then suffering punctures.
Zaha Starstruck
WILFrIEd Zaha admits he will be starstruck when he becomes a regular member of manchester United’s squad.
Caxirola – brazil’s answer To The vuvuzela
BraZIL’S answer to the vuvuzela has been unveiled. the yellow and green percussion instrument is called a caxirola, and produces a rattling sound when shaken.
They are made from recycled plastic, and will be given to fans attending the Confederations Cup in June, seen as the country’s dress
The 20-year-old winger was signed by the Premier League champions in January before being loaned back to Selhurst Park for the remainder of the season. But Zaha will be with United from the summer when he will be rubbing shoulders with the likes of Robin van Persie, Ryan Giggs and fellow England international Wayne Rooney. And the young winger admits it will be slightly overwhelming, as he said in The
Sun: “I am just anxious and excited. I cannot wait. It will be something different. “When I walk into that dressing room at United, I do not know what I will feel. I will keep my head down as I am there to play football. “But I have to admit I will be a bit starstruck. Van Persie and Giggs will be in there, wow. Rooney will be in there, amazing. How can I not be looking forward to this? “I have to be patient. I do not expect to walk in and play
week in, week out. Once I get the chance I will take it.” Zaha has also revealed he is an Arsenal fan and he was surprised when United made a move for him instead. He said: “It was always Arsenal, Arsenal, Arsenal, Arsenal in terms of where I could be going. “I have always supported Arsenal. I did not expect United to come in but they did. Arsenal are a good team but United are one of the best in the world.
rehearsal for the 2014 World Cup. In 2010, matches at the World Cup in South Africa were drowned out by the droning noise of vuvuzelas. They were later banned in European competition by European football’s governing body UEFA, which said the horns detracted from the emotion of the game. Brazilian musician Carlinhos Brown worked with Fifa and
Brazil’s ministry of sports to create the caxirola. The country’s president Dilma Rousseff said: “That image of the green and yellow caxirola and the fact that we are talking about a ‘green’ plastic in a country that leads in sustainability in the world. “And at the same time it is an object that has the ability to do two things, to combine the image with sound and take us to our goals.”
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
Falcao backed for Chelsea move German media claim striker will follow Mourinho to Stamford Bridge
Chelsea have been backed in to odds-on to sign Radamel Falcao with Sky Bet, amid speculation that the Colombia striker and Jose Mourinho have both agreed moves to Stamford Bridge.
Various German media reports have suggested that the Blues have already moved to acquire the Atletico Madrid striker on the request of Mourinho. The talk has been supported by Sky Bet reporting a run of bets on Falcao heading to West London, prompting the odds on a move tumbling from 6/1 to 1/5. The 27-year-old has scored 25 goals for Atletico this season to propel them to third in La Liga, just three points adrift of rivals Real Madrid, but has a release clause of just over £50million in his contract. Meanwhile, a proposed return for the ‘Special One’ has been mooted
for some time, with Mourinho having repeatedly revealed his desire to return to the Premier League. A return to Chelsea has been odds-on for over a month but further backing on Wednesday night, when Real Madrid’s UEFA Champions League hopes were significantly dented with a 4-1 defeat to Borussia Dortmund, saw the price for a second stint at the Bridge cut to 2/7. Sky Bet’s Chris Spicer said: “It is difficult to decipher whether the backing is really from those in the know or just people buying into the reports, but the amount of stakes we have seen has certainly warranted a significant shift in odds. “Manchester United were previously backed in to favourites to sign Falcao following speculation in the Spanish media that a deal had been agreed, so it certainly would not be unprecedented for foreign media speculation followed by subsequent backing to prove misleading.”
Danny Cipriani Hit By Bus
Giroud Feels Ban ‘Very Harsh’
Arsenal striker Olivier Giroud believes it is ‘very harsh’ that he must serve a three-match suspension following his red card in the victory over Fulham.
Rugby player Danny Cipriani is in hospital after being hit by a double-decker bus during a night out in Leeds. His club, Sale Sharks has confirmed that he suffered concussion and was Xrayed overnight.
It is reported that Cipriani was on a pub crawl with his team-mates on the night of the incident and that the bus had its windscreen shattered. The First Group, which runs buses in Leeds, confirmed that one of its vehicles was involved. “A pedestrian suddenly ran into the road and
collided with a First Bus travelling at a safe speed,” said a company spokesperson “The police have investigated this incident and have reported that First and its driver are not at fault. We understand the pedestrian is an England rugby international, and we wish him a speedy recovery.” The 25-year-old former England fly-half and boyfriend of model and TV presenter Kelly Brook is nearing the end of his first season with the Aviva Premiership club. He joined the club in a bid to revive his career after a controversial stint playing for the Melbourne Rebels. The player landed in hot water in 2011 for taking a
bottle of vodka from the bar of a local nightspot without paying for it and was later stood down for a month for breaching team curfews and failing to turn up to training. His current club, Sharks, was involved in a fight against relegation for much of this season but are now safe in English rugby’s top flight. Cipriani has also previously played for Wasps and has a points tally for England of 49 from seven caps. However, he has not played for his country since 2009 after falling out of favour with recent England managers Martin Johnson and Stuart Lancaster.
The French forward was issued with his marching orders in the 1-0 victory at Craven Cottage on Saturday for a last-minute tackle on Stanislav Manolev. Arsenal’s appeal against the mandatory ban was rejected by the Football Association and Giroud must now sit out three of the Gunners’ final four games as they battle to secure a
top-four finish. And the £13million summer signing from Montpellier was left flabbergasted by the decision to uphold the original verdict. Giroud said: “I was very surprised at the verdict as my action was unintentional. “It does not hurt me but the rules in England are really very harsh. Very harsh indeed.”
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
the SportS SCene By Colin Kirby
Time Runs Out For CD Marino
dorta & noah
Iker & Balduino
aFtEr weeks of valiantly holding back the inevitable, Cd marino were relegated back to the tercera division after a 0-2 home loss to promotion chasing Leganes. defensive lapses that have dogged them all season came back to haunt them after they out played their visitors in the first half.
With nothing to lose Marino came out flying, Balduino rounded the Leganes defence in the first minute and squared the ball to Sandro, he thought he had squeezed it over the line but keeper Falcon did just enough to stop it from crossing the line. Balduino was back soon after with a solo effort but was thwarted by Falcon’s feet. Chema and Sandro did their best to unlock the visitors down the wings but were up against some heavy tackling.
Balduino With the mid day temperature at the 35 degree mark it was a testing match for stamina, too often Marino players were slow to support Iker and Balduino up front and Leganes were playing well within themselves. The pitch was certainly well watered, twice Falcon slipped over when taking goal kicks but at the other end Alberto could have pulled up a deck chair. Batres had the best chance for Leganes, the tall forward tried to impose himself on goal and could only head the ball wide. Aicart had a blast at the target but his wayward shot was more of a danger to the Green Clinic than the goal netting. Marino had only a couple of minutes to the welcome shade and water of half time but Leganes broke and the home defence was caught napping. Alberto failed to cover the shot and suddenly they were 0-1 down. Alberto Noah came off the bench to score away last week so it was worth trying again; he
did manage to get the ball in the goal but was offside. Martinez flashed a free kick wide as Leganes closed in on the win that would guarantee them a promotion play off spot. A few minutes later he went one better when the defence parted and he launched a curling shot that deceived Alberto in goal to make it 0-2. The defiance that has offered a slim lifeline to Marino since January seeped away as heads dropped, Noah was alert to win the ball in the goal mouth and pass to Iker but his shot rose over the bar. Centre back Ayoze, one of several loan players from CD Tenerife joined the attack and caused a few problems but Leganes weren’t in the mood to crumble. Raul Barcos made a wild tackle towards the end and got a straight red card, that’s another area that has dogged
Marino all season. There was still time for a late push and a couple of corners, Falcon got booked for delaying those by bouncing the ball off the pitch like a wannabe basketball player. The final divided the teams into two distinct moods, the sounds of celebration waft-
ed out from the Leganes dressing room as Marino President Pepe Barrios consoled his players with a hug and a handshake. There are still four games to go, the players have to pick themselves up if they are to haul themselves off last spot to salvage a bit of pride.
Chema on the charge
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013
A Touch Of Class For CD Tenerife Title Hopes
Tenerife trailed to a soft first half goal but a four minute blitz blew away the home side.
Loro A scorcher, a corker, a stoater, whatever you call it Alberto’s match winner in CD Tenerife’s 1-2 win at Real Oviedo was sheer brilliance. It was billed as the game of the season, Real Oviedo are bankrolled by one of the worlds richest men and were seen as the only serious threat to Tenerife’s title aspirations. The match may not have been a classic and
Coach Alvaro Cervera took a huge gamble dropping Suso and Tarantino due to injury niggles, Loro came back to support the attack despite looking out of sorts lately and January signing Baltasar Rigo was an even bigger surprise in the centre of defence. The coach was spot on, both replacements proved their worth. Oviedo put early pressure on the visitors; Sergio Aragoneses had to be on top of his game to repel a stream of corners. The normally formidable keeper wasn’t quite so sharp late in the first half when he failed to hold Dioni’s shot, that lead put a big dent in Tenerife’s plans for the
easier promotion play off route. The second half was proving fruitless before the young guns made their mark on the game. After 74 minutes Ayoze laid on a pass to Loro and he ghosted past the defence and tucked the ball in the net for his 11th strike of the season. Then came possibly the pivotal moment of the season, the ball broke loose just behind the half way line, Alberto spotted the home goalie
well out off his line and blasted a magical long ball 50 metres over his head and into the net. Oviedo were destroyed, reduced to mere mortals they never got back in the game and Ayoze could have added another goal in the final minute. Now the group one title is within Tenerife’s grasp, a win this Sunday at home to 5th placed Fuenlabrada combined with helpful results from their
rivals would cement the preferred play off spot. An aggregate win in home and away ties with one of the other three group winners would see Tenerife return to the Segunda division. There are three more regular season games after Sunday so the blanquiazul will have to wait to see who they draw but the play off fixtures should take place on Sundays 26 May and 2 June.
hooter. The win was built on a 30-20 first quarter advantage when they responded well to the temporary loss of Jakim Donaldson with 10 stitches in a cut above his left eye after a clash with a Bilbao defenceman.
Argentinian Nico Richotti blazed the way with 22 points, Blagota Sekulic wasn’t far behind with 20 and Uriz and Saul Blanco chipped in with 11 points each. This Sunday its Manresa away for a 6 pm tip off.
Free Scoring CB Canarias Have Lofty Ambitions
Surpassing themselves with every game CB Canarias can see the championship play offs on the horizon but know it will be a tough thing to achieve. The yellows think they have plenty left in the tank and eclipsing Bilbao 104 to 101 at home was another reward for their ambitious squad. The only weakness in their first season back in the ACB has been a tendency to fall away in the later stages of matches, losing the third quarter 17-27 to tie the game could have signaled a collapse but they dug deep and clinched it by the final
Three Men Out To Make A Big Splash
How far can you swim in the sea before scrabbling back to the beach? For Jose Juan Casañas, Jose Carlos Sanchez, and Jonay Garcia the answer is at least 40 kms. That´s the distance they will be swimming on Saturday 4 May as they cross from La Gomera to Tenerife.
Starting out from Playa de la Cueva in San Sebastian early morning they aim to reach the beach at Playa de la Arena between 5 and 6 pm. That is the shortest distance between the two islands but it will still be a stern test for both mind and body. All three are past the first flush of youth but keen, regular swimmers with plenty of experience of the open sea. It´s men against nature as there are no short cuts and no hanging on to the back of a ferry, just raw muscle power and determination. There will be a big reception for them as they come ashore so if you are in the area give them some encouragement.
Tenerife Weekly - 26th April - 2nd May 2013