TOURISM NEWS Ojimah: A one-stop Travel Tech Solution Many people have never visited Africa and may never even consider visiting the continent. Yet there is a particular image of Africa in their minds. At the end of 2020, an international public service broadcaster, attributed Africa’s success in curbing the spread of the notorious coronavirus on the continent to “poverty”. The story was headlined “Coronavirus in Africa”. This is a vivid example of negative stories the media tends to publish about Africa. At Ojimah, we believe that by educating the community about our continent we can overturn some of its negative clichés and use them to our advantage. Without a doubt Africa needs to actively rebrand itself. Through Ojimah, we want
156 responsible traveller
to be part of rebranding Africa as a global touristic destination by sharing stories and genuine experiences of travelers throughout the continent. We believe that by offering ordinary people a tribune to share their everyday experiences, Ojimah will be capturing positive human moments. These moments of joy, play, celebration, love and human interaction, will help create new narratives of Africa and hopefully, start changing people’s perception of the continent. To every negative comment about Africa, Ojimah will respond with a thousand stories of success to help changing the continent’s image. Every year, billions of tourists rely on technology that has not kept up with the expectations of the modern connected traveller. That is why we have built Ojimah,