1 minute read
Ry Nicole Pecenka
This is by far, the brownest movie I have ever seen. The Royal Tennenhaums is an amusing way to spend 2 hours, and the directors use very interesting methods to emphasize the personalities of the characters. The basic outline of the rnovie is this: despite having no coniact with his family for several years, Royal Tennenbaum is still married to his wife. He is emanged from his three adult children: the;:yarc all prodigies in their own right, and have fallen from grace in some manner. When he runs out of money, Royal tries 10 gel his wife and children to rnke him back through deception.
The RoyalTennenbtlums is an unusual movie. The dysfuction of each of the characters separately as well as the profound dysfunction of the family unit is emphasized through color usage. The characters spend more time surrounded in brown than in any other color throughout the movie. When their surroundings and color are not brown they are so intense they make your eyes hurt. This just seemsto emphasize the imbalances within the fomily. With an all-star cast including Gene Hackman. Danny Gl@ver, Angelica Houston, Bill Murray, Ben Stiller, Gwynnclh Pahrow, Luke Wilson and Owen Wilson, this movie is not wanting in the talent department.
The Tennenbaum family is profoundly screwed up. This movie is profoundly screwed up, but T truly enjoyed it.