1 minute read
By Desiree Mayhew
Weekend play led to yet unothcr pair of victories for thc :,;cc1ningly unstuppuble Cascades. Taking on locul rivub thc Langara FakllllS. wins were weighing heavily on the minds 111'players ,1nJ couches alike. Thus fur, the Falcons have hecn the only teuI11 in the province to defeat the Cascade ladies, and unothcr loss to the Fnlcons would drop them into second place. Tensio11swcre high as the Cascades plnyecl in Fnkun tcrritnry at Langara, and came through with a convincing 70-48 win. Thc rivalry between the men was cau~e for sorne te11sion,us Langarn seemcd IO have the Cascudc I11e11by the short hairs, anJ 8 points, with just a few minutes left or pluy. So111equicl\ thinking anu true teamwork was put forth by the men. who managed IO pull off a 9~-81 victory. coming hnck from what lnllkctl to be the first loss of the leaguc SCU1'011,
The Cupiluno Blues wrrc certainly singing the blues uftcr their defeats nl the hanus of the Cascades on Suturuay night. ln the lirst gnmc, the ladit.:stnnk control anu puccd Cap for the first few minu1es of play. then got borcu and took the lend to win 61-44. The men took on the Blues shortly uftcr. and with a \iule effort i1nd u lot of i;ame !'ace led the C's to an easy 9:'i-71 win.
National rankings still n.:1m1inthe snme with the UCPV womcn ranking lirsl, nnd the men secnnd. With only a few mnre weekends of leui;uc play ld1 to go, can the Cascudes hold their positions'! S1,1ytuned to find out.
Check nut www.udy b1.,,cq/athletics for 11lllfC info.