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thing tha1 1sin any eupbo:ird.

Women 11111st be slinky ,111darouse the 111:111. while men should get behind the womun und turn h..:r quickly and kiss her. Placing the rcmale 011the cupboard nnd co1111111ring to kiss hi!r helps. Now, you can play the game.


Who ever started thi~ should stop kis~ing l'or a second und gnib n r,ieci; of fruit nnd feed ii In lheir purtner. This imaigutes them to return the fiwor. The whip cream is for slicking fruit lo pans or your purtner s body. Place a piece of pineapple on the woman s nursing tool and cover with whip ncam. Thcn plucc something else on the other tool and cover. This i~ why you didn t hav(! u big dinner .ind you re hungry. Eat the l'ruit. M:ike sure n lot ol' sucking and fondlill,b\ is involved.

The chocolnte b mainly fol' lhe wonrnn. There is a property in chocolate that assists in the arousal process of women and this will mukc her more into slccping. Melted chocolate is very sticky lo gi.!l off and is for advn11ccdpcrsonni;I, or people who wunt to ttdvuncc. Dipping fruit in chocolalc and sticking to the other~. or your own body is gm1tly appreciuted,

The game is sin1plc. Eat the fruit by placing in weird places and stick the whip creHm where you normally wouldn I fin<l any, Men this is cusi..:r for you but try not lo disgust your partner. Turn-on:~ an: very probable al this lime. Men, who have men pnrtners, 1his is hnrd for you. Men don I nornwlly get tt1r1wd-ofTby s11chactivities like this.

The sleeping comes after the two or you have successl'ully screamed th:it you want each other right now. I have u word of cn11lion !or in lhi.! bulhlub or deaning up in the bathtub, whip crenm and fndt becomes very slippery on porcelain.

Thi~ game is only to arouse your purtner, but the lhiits I have chosen do enhance sen• s.rtions and at·t u~ a s.rl'c form of E for you younger people. Arousal is ~on1etimes lhe hurdcst thin(;, tnkc pride i11working 11pto naptimc. Never rush the i'Lln. the end result is better if you hold it in.

Also, if you gel your partm:r lo a state or almost peak swndings, STOP! Repeat several times (5-14 works well) and when you finally linish off complct..:ly, you will sing louder than you ever have. That s a hint from Tnntalus.

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