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Dis-Orientation / 200 I: Missing Funds
On November I, 200 I, I agreed to take the position of General Manager of the UCFV Student Union Society. My understanding of the situation is as follows:
• Cheque for $6280 issued on September OS, 200 I to a SUS executive as on advance to pay expenses reluted to Dis-O
To date, llpproximately $860,00in receipts have been turned in, plus estimates of expenditures for ;mother $1600.00 tor beer purchases, leaving u balance of approximately $3500.00-$4000.00still owing to lhe SlJS,
• There have been repealed requests made for a final occounting. however the person who was issued the advance claims loss of the bug / envelope containing both missing receipts and un eslimuted $3500.00 in cash.
- After exhausting all possibilities in trying to recover the missing funds, I circulated an email to SUS Council suggesting thut the police be contacted to conduct a proper investigation and seeking input from Council. Council members responses were varied.
- The SUS President decided to contact the Abbotsford Police Dept. without the approval of Council, after having made both the SUS legal counsel and officials of UCFV aware or the situation. After surviving an uttempt by certain Council members lo impeach him for his actions, the SUS President resigned,
- There have been subseql1cnt resignations by Executive Council members.
It is my understanding that uny further investigations now lie in the hands or the Abbolsford Police Dept., which I hope can bring this 111altcrton resolution.
In regards to accounting and account.iJility by the SUS to its 1rn:mbtm, I am bringing forth to SUS Council a number of recommendations to ensure that situations like this an: never ,1ll1)wcd to happen in the future. These recommendations wi II be brought forth al Council meeting~ in the very near future for aprroval.
Student Lounge:
I have completed the purchase and installation of new furnishings for the Chilliwuck student lounge nnd have urranged for a pool table, air hockey game, and other attrac• tions. In addition, there is a new couch in the SUS office in Chilliwack, and a new computer has been ordered, In Abbotsford, I am waiting for UCFV to take possession of the new SAC building ~o we can begin to furnish and add d cor to the new Student Lounge. New games and pool tables are ordered and I am in the process of arranging comfo1table furnishings, funky d cor, TVs, and great sound. Additionally, negotiations are rnnning smoothly [so far) for a branded sub sandwich national brand for the SUS food kiosk. Burry Bompass
(that big shot U FV guy] has been very supportive in helping the SUS provide the students with the services and choices they deserve. I thank him for his support. My goal is to truly creute a I ittle oasis on cnmpu~ for st11de11ts.
Parking: East C:rn1pus
We appear to have at least a short term solution for the porkini; issue in Chilliwack. The Chilliwack Fitness Club hus ui;recd to a trial plan where UCFV students may park on a portion of their gravel lot provided they park ON LY in the designuted orea. I nsk oil students 10 visit the SlJS office in Chilliwack lo obtain a parking permit nnd copy of the parking guidelines,
SUS Pund Raising: tudent llcallh & 0enfal:
I have completed ugreements with Pacific Coast Cash Services whereby they will install new ATMs on the Abbotsford campus in the new SAC, next to the SUS office in Building A, and at the main entrnnce of the cafeteria. The urrangement will provide the SUS with 0.375 for each transaction, monies to be used to buy additional fitness club equipment and olhcr puqJoses to be determined by ouncil. Additionally, SO'½, of all games and attractions revenue will go directly lo the UCFV Student llnion Society.
I attended u.one dt1y i11formation session put forth by Galivan & Associates. They arc one or the main consulting groups for university health plans and would like to present a proposal to the students or U FV. I would greatly uprreciatc feed-back from swdents on this issue,
SUS Website:
Since hiring u new web master to rebuild the SUS website, things have moved forward very quickly. The beta version looks i;rcut and is easy lo navigate. I expect tllot 1111will be running in a few days. Should anyone huvc suggestions as to other things they would like to ~ec on the website, just click Contact US.
C'hcers, Dave Melenchuk