1 minute read


Arc you interesteu in seeing the Cascades in action 1his semester'! You still have a chance! In fact, you mny have the opportunity to sec them on the home court! Here is n tentative schedule:

The Men's team will be playing Douglas college at Bateman on Feb. 8th. 8: 15pm. The next game will hopefully be played AT UCFV BUlLDING E against Kwantlcn College, nt 8:00 pm.


In women's Basketball. the Cascadcs will also be playing Douglas College ul Bateman, on February 8th. 6:30 pm. And once again, on the 9th, The Cascades will have the home court advantage playing Kwantlcn at 6:00 pm in building E.

If you have any questions about times or venues for the Cascades' basketball games, gn to www.ucfv.bc.ca/athlctics

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