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Cusc,u/ers are notorious for e.,·celle11cein i1111estigati11ereporting

and 1111co11erjo11r11alis111,however this ,vriter has decicled to venture ,w,y beyond to the roots of the metaphor


By Athena Eros

First you must want to chance your uctiviti.::s in your sh:cpinl:\ quarter~. Try adding fruit!

Just like champagne, cerwin types or food cun arouse your s..:nsor~. In the four different food grours all can he appealing to bo1h men and women.

In the meat group, there arc sevcrul servings of protl.!in and muscle building nutrients. Men i r you wunl 10 perlonn a greut show, with several ucts and NO intc1111issions.try eating a steak clinn1:r. Reminder, this dinner should bear least four hours before lhe long nap. That wny the meat has digested itself enough that you wont feel bloated or tin:d. Also, you need to !..:ave yourself hungry. Never cul until you are full, you always need desert. This two will help with the digestion.

Women in the meat group you should never cul like u mun. Women use their fots that they break clown in their system lo conve1i it into energy. Exercise twic..: a~ much a~ you normully would wilh mostly cardiovascular activities, the day before. Only a J'ew sexy strctchi;s before nap time is needed the day or the sleep. A small steak or bowl of spaghetti with meat will be sufficient for you.

In the breads and sturches, this is needed for both sides. The starches, however, breuk down different tliut1 111euls. I would suggest th:it you eat a big pasta lunch with bread sticks the d:;iy of the llibe111ation.

The dairy food group is namely for fun. Jersey milk ILHOCOLATE would fit in this group with some curbohydratus on the side. Here you can get u lilllc kinky. Well, this and the next group fit hand in hand. (Sorry bad metaphor hehe)


For this activity you will need a quai1 of strawberries. a can oi' whip crcum, two bunanus sliced. und two other l'ruits with high juice ccmtcnt. For this example I will use orange slices for a 1.ingy taste, and pineapple chunks. You II also need one box of sweet chocol.ite 111elted,or u 250g of sweetened chocol.ite chips not 1m:l1..:d.

This game is call..:d, HIDE AND SEEK!

P'irst nfler the wo111e11have successfully stretched un<l 1101 shown their pmim:r of this. and thc men hnvc eaten mid urc fully awake, you can gather tlie ingrc<licnts. Usually one partner gather~ all the ingredients and strategically places them nround the bathtub, bed, floor.kitchen, or new and exciting.


For my example I will use, my kitclic11. will place the whip crewn on the counter by the fridge (not 10 nroui;e suspicion of anything new). Next, I mnke a fruit salad ond place a contraceptive under the bowl. The chocolali.! can rcsl in u bowl in the nearest cupbourd, for cusy access.

WOMEN need to be wenring something soft and silky, like a housecont or erotic like a kimono with nothing underneath. The MEN should wear a towel aml just get out of a shower. I find that women love lhe scent or a fn:sh, clean, and cologne-covered 111u11.Wet ht1ir only adds to tlrn dfect, 011 both sides.

If the woman is in the kitchen s1urti11gthis activity she should grab u jM or something to lure him iii, or even her, il will wurk for everyone. Try to get them in front of you and get really close. Ki~sing of the neck helps in this case.

Men should act dumb, I know bul we should. and ask where something simpli! i~. This includes putting uway dishi.!s and not knowing where it goes, ur getli11g some-

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