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A22(l 3~844
Ki11gRo11d Abbotsford, BC V2V 7M8 cascadc@ucfv.be.ea
JAMES CLARK Editor in Chief
News nnd PeururesEditor
DEAN TJEPKEMA Layout Coordint1tor
Staff Writer
MARY GLASGOW Photo fournalist
Sex Columnist
The Cascade is tho UCFV students' free press. lt provide~ a forum for UCFV students to have their joumali~m ptiblished. lt al1:,oacts a~ the nltemative press for the FraserV,illey. 'The Cnscnde is funded with VCFY studlll1t funtlll. ·r1ie Castnde is pub-Hshed twice mo11thly. The Castade has11 clrculntion of 1000 um! is dlstribumd lhrQughout Abbots ford, Chilll wack and Mission. The Cuscnde ls a very proud member of the Canadian Vnivcrsity .Press, u nalit1nal cooptrath•e of 72 university and <;0llege n~W$pnpers from Victorja to St. John's. The Cascade foi l(lW!> the CUP eth• ic,U policy concerning material of a prejudicial or oppressive nnrure.
Submissions are preferr~d in electronic format eithtr through e-mail or on disk. Please send 1,1ubmission:;in 1txt.'' Pormat only.
Letters to the editor must be ul)\lble-spnced :in.d Lyped. Letters will also be ttcccptcd via e-mnil only if they rnt·et the necessnry requiremenli; its outlined in this section.
Thu Cu!iCudcTC:icrVC$(he righl tc, odll lot• ters 10 the editor for clarity and length. Only one letter per wrircr lhay uppear in nny given addition. The Cascade will not piint any letters that contain racist. s~xist, ht,lmophof?ic or lihelous content. The writer's nunw and ~tudcnt num~r m11~1be subn1itted wirh CJ3Chlener, Lettersto the editor rnulit be lln~lcr 400 words if intended for print.
Conttihutors JohnBllrkcr DovePurnie
Keiran Gibhs lennifer Henderson
Shannon Loewen
K & li Sedore.
Jose Uzcategui Dawn
by JarnesClark
There is an olu song that .1sksthe 4ue~tio11, "why docs hc have to be such an angry you11gman?" Kris Lind, why are yOll so bitter at the Cuscade? I am not gning to make this another diu1rihe like the one you printed in the Toque. I'm sick of this whnlc Toque versus the Cascade thing. I guess it was bound to happen. ln the immortal words or thut crack adi.Jledjunkie Rodney King. "Can't we all jl1st get along'?"
I really have to udn1irc ytiu, Kris. for being so idealistic und at the same lime so under• hunded. [ believe that it was you who said that people should think before they speak. You could have also added that people who intemJ lo publish something should first get the permission frnm the writer or at lea~t let them know. But hey wusn't it you who also said that we shouldn't let this "good" journalism get personal?
Now time lo answer somc or your rather personal questions. Kris as you kn(lw, I was in New Zealand over the sum111er. RcmcrnbC'r when I came into the oftice ,lf(llllld lhe end uf spring semester and told you'! Remember it wa~ lhC' time whcn I wished ynu luck for the upcoming season and congn11ula1edyou un getting the job thut I have now and said that if you needed help you should call me?
Kris J under-tand your concerns about editorial control over the Castadc. I know that you care passionately about the Cascade nnd that you didn't realize that implying the Cuscude is un SUS puppet, managed by someone with no ni!w:-.paper experience, would be considered "slaging" to someone who has worked on the Cascade for four years. I thought that I had made i1 clear to you when we spoke before your paper wenl to print that we conrorm to the CUP editorial guidelines not the sus·s.Js that clenr now? There were several reasons that the Cascadewas late lo print this year. The lack of carryovcr staff was a problem, so were the password locks on the computers and that we all got hired so late. (The locked co111puterswere not due to some kind of Touqeish plot 10 sabotage the Cascade, in fact both Conrad and Jeff from The Toque did try to help us, thanks for the help guys.) I thought that ynu knew all of this s\uff, why do you keep bringin~ it up? Look Kris, I never knew you well enough to c.ill you a frienu but I thought that we at least shared a 11111wnlrespect or one unothcr. I tried tn help you ou1 as mu<;h us I could when the Toque was starting 0\11 and I don't like the implication that the Cascade and the SUS arc oul to get yrn,i. I can '1 speuk for the SUS. who arc piggies ai the trough. but I really don't want to get into some kind of yelling 111atch.Except with reople who try to justify their 1000% wage increase hy saying that the money makes 1he111more efficient but it $till takes them three weeks 10 print out an ad sales C1Jntrac1.We should also question people who justify a 50% Cascade wage reduction on the basis that lhc money just isn't there; then they increase their pay by us much as 1000% percent. I wish you nothing but the best in future issues. As for our newspaper war, l' 111 sure that there must be some critical issue that deserves more press hint, hint.