1 minute read
by James Clark
From Hell is a fnt 1--idtrying to cah:h a train, /\t first we lhink that he'll make it but as the train pulls nut o the statilln. he falls in a sweaty heap. From hell is a new lllnk al the ol<l mystery of jack thc Ripper. It's an umalganrntion l>f' everything that pop nilture knows about Victorian Urituin. or shoul<l we "'Y that it\ what the politically correct would haw liked it to lrnve been. Johnny O1:pp rlays Shcrlnck llolmcs' iucntkal, poorly n.:sca1chcdtwin: an opiu111sni,il-..ing./\bsinth1: drinking, hullucinating ddcctivc. In this vcrsion uf' the ~tory, Jack the Ripper is not just an educated psyehnpath hut al-,o n nw1nhl 1 ul a secret society al the head a Roswell ,1yk conspiracy.
lnsleaJ or ,ll·tion, (fut kids arc ,lnwl we arc gi vcn an urgy or blood un<lguts. Movies like Sc, en unJ Silcm;c of the Lamb~ uscd the la1:k or car dl,l',CS and explosions lll builJ sus JK'nse From Hcll uses this time lo c11nl'use. This nm\ le is so ambitious that it tries to include all motives anJ possible sw,pcets in solving the riddle of the killings. /\nliScrnitism, class warl'arc, women's rights and. of course, the Masons arc all brought out and snnitiled for our Twenticth Ccmury scnsibili ties.
The movic's overall "look'' is terrific. The costumes, scenes,uml props arc all cxcelknt. The accents arc poor. Overall the movic is poor to ball, but I really have tu give them credit for having thnt many horses on a sound stage at once.