2 minute read
Gr • _,jm1ng ain'tjust for the Dogs
by Ruby Soho
A small herd of us wannabe socialites went out one night ton poet• ry reading (also known us an excuse to drink). On the way, we picked up a guy • a strnnger to me• named Rod. As he got into the car, he took a final sip ul' his vanilla Boost and proudly proclaimed, "l just groomed nn<l<lan111. it reels great 1" Apparently it was the first time Rud had bravely ventured "down there" with his mom ·s rusty gurdcn shears. Or cuticle scissor~ • l can ·1 n:mcmber which. Du ~mailer scissors mean less chanci.: nl' slk:ing yoursclf' 1 And aren·t porn stars and the "especially hniry" the only ones whn trim h.ick their fuliuge'!
Look at the people uround you; my bets are thnt ~he has u neat little landing strip on her rnuns and he has balls smoother than b(iccc. The odds are even greater that if you arc in the "sexually active" category. you have prnhuhly corn,idcn:d the option~ of what lo <lo with that pesky pubic hnir ynursell'. Let's look at these options. There's thl! ·•au natural" look. wherein you let 111uthcrnature reign supreme::OVL'r your privates and watch that heautil'ul bush grow wild as can be. Perhap~ yol, si,nply enjoy u lush genital garden. ur perhaps you're the only gardener anyway. so who cai·es ii' your vines arc pruned?
Bl!sidcs, the curlie~ could be there for gonJ n:uson. ~erving to protect your precious parts from foreign nhjccts. But then there's those of u~ who want foreign objects in our rarts, und we say. "bring on the grooming appliances!"
But first, why uo we groom? I could get into thc debate thnt it'~ a prepubescent fantasy und that guys who prefer their partners shaven are petlophiles. However. that's just not true. It's a personal preference, just like girls who prefer their men witlmut facial hair. Sometimes we like u muus1ad1e,sometime~ H i;untce, full beard. anJ sometimes clean-shaven - same goes for the pubic urea. Fur us girls, the must rcwai·ding reason for cleaning things up down there is that it helps us feel more sensitive to touch. It's the difference between "oh, thut 's feels nice•· to "rnothcr of pearl, l' m a quivering mass of lust pudding!" And believe me, you'll neverfeel o much like u sex goddess as right after you've had a wa,111buth nnd shave-down scssion.
Now us a goddess in a sexual relntionship, I know it makes my part• ner's experience of oral pleasuring more plcasanl if there arc less ohstucles in the way. I low exhilarating to forget the fur licking while reducing the risk of a hairball hack-up. Here's an idca • ask your partner what he or· she prefers and brucc yourself for the answer. Don't get offended if he or she says. "I'd kinda like you tu shave u little heart un there!" Consider it u form of' artistic expression and enjoy the results.
[ also hear the Bra1.ilian wa.>.is quite pop11lu1right 1111w;it's a total removal ol all hair in the gcnitul area. anJ it ple;i,e\ not only the significant lllhcr who like to sec and kl.!1 as much ul' thc genital region as possible, h11tit gives the wrnmrn thut spe-:ial sexual sensitivity I was 1..111-ingnbout c,1rlicr. Alas, boldly huld i!- not my bag• T'm your average bikini-line and trim kind of girl, with the occashrnnl l'oray into more. It's rny kind nfhaireut: Ro<l agrees. We've been partners in snips. shaves. anti love for quite st1metime now. What can I s.1y. un open mind anu wcll-grollmcd hot.!y is a hot combination. So whatever your current combinntion may be. try clear-cutting that pubic forest jllsl once. You might like it. l know l do.