3 minute read
One need nut be bilingual tu speak the lnnguuge of human rights for it is a language inherent in us all. Amnesty International and the Student Events dcpurtmenL arc husting a campaign to reminJ UCJJV students of just how relevant and local Human Rights and Humnn Rights issues cnn be.
By concentrating on Diversity, Tolerance, Advocucy, Dignity and Freedom. the Lnngunge or Human Rights cnmpaign will highlight a Jifferent organization or department within ucrv a it pertains LO one of these impo11ant issues. 'fo be featured nn bulletin boards across the campus. this campaign will fearnre information. issm:~ of concern, ways to get involved locally and internution.illy. und people to contact.
The aim of this campaign is 10 raise awareness to specific issues surrounding Human Rights as well as to encourage students to get involved with orl.lanizations on this campus.
UCFV students and their families are hungry. Hungry enough to seek out over 60 food hampers alone last year. You can help. Bring ,1 donation or food 111 any Student Events office and be entered in a draw lo win fabulous prizes. Grand pri1.e is a Season·s Pass to Hemlul'k Moun Lain. There arc weekly prizes to win as well. llelp the hungry you· 11 be glad you <lid. SeeA 215 in Abbntsfonl or E IOI in Chilliwack.
Angels at UCFV
Student Events and Student Union arc pleased to host the Angel Tree Program again this year at lJCFV. Each fall, Angel Tree applications are made available to needy UCFV students as u way of pr')viding an extra present under the tree on Christmas day for their children. Once they arc registered, Angels will be hang• ing from cumpus Chris1111astrees and ready to be sponsored by fellow UCFV !"acuity,staff und students. Please be generous, as these children really need a great holiday. For more information. or if in need of an application, plea e ee the nearest Student Events or Student Union ~1fficefor details.
lN-Formal Philosophy Discussion (lncluJing Rosseau)
Friday Afternoons
2:30-4:00 pm
"Come in and bring your philusophical Questions"
Abboisford, October 25 - On August 30, the Student Union Society council passed a motion lo offer the six executive positions (President, VP-Internal, VP-externlll. Director of Finance, Director of East Campus and Public Information Officer) a salary rather than an honorarium.
The honornria consisted of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150) per month. The salaries now consist of fifteen hundred dollars($ I ,5(X}) per month. The change has been discussed by rnuncil the past couple ol' years, and it hns now finally come through. The current SUS council passed the motion by closed ballot. The decision was presented (It the Annual Genernl Meeting.
The minimum requirement imposed for these positions are at least twenty-five hours of work per week.
The main reason for this change is LhUL the UCPV StuJent Uniun Society needs student involvement. The SUS needs people who can devote their time in order co iniprovc services to students. It will give students who could not afford to spend an average of thirty hours per week in $ludent politics to get involved.
Any UCFV student can run for council. Brochures placed throughout the campuses provi<le information about the mailer. Because of Lhc low attendance of students to the Annuul G1;ncral Meeting held in October, the brochures also have a ''comments slip" that cnn be torn off and returned to the SUS. The ·•comments slip" poses the following question: "Would you be interested in assisting a special meeting to discuss the Student Union Society executive positions being paid'?"
Accmding IU the feedback received, the Student Union Suciety will <lccide whether or not to have u Special lnformatiun Meeting tu inform students about the mailer. Further ways of gelling this informution to students are being ~tudied by the communications committee • uny suggestions are welcome.
The SUS is looking forward to increasing student involvement as much as possible. It would be worthwhile to say that the U "FY Student Union Society is relatively young. und is looking for motivated students. Any comments ur suggestions on .rny mutter all ulways welcome. If you have any questions or comments about this or other current nrnuers, feel free tu contm.:t me.