5 minute read
U.C.F.V was all-square at 1-1 with Langara College. With a skillet! goal, allstar forward Laurie Blakeway made sure an over1i111e periotl would decide 1he match. In the extra time, all-star midfielder Jamie Zarin stole the show with the game-winning goal. Wi1h the win against Langara, the women's sqund received bronze medals und respect for their effort. 'l'he men'::; team followed the same winJing road that the ladies took in order to find their bron1,e 01ctlals. The first game against Langara. third in the country, was a buttlc where every player left a part of himself or herself nn the ritcli. Lflngara wus the eventual winnel' with a gmtl tlrnt crawled in the net with 8 minutes to go in regulation tit11c. It was the amazing piny of
by Desiree Mayhew
www.ucfv.bc.ca/athletics for quicker results.
COME SUPPORT YOUR CASCADES AS the U.C.F.V keeper, Ryan Konarski. which gave the men an excellent chance for the upset win. All star Sean Hayes thought he had n goal with 12 minutes left, but his game-winning strike was called back because of o mysterious hnm.lball penalty from the referee. ln true " Valley" fashion, the second game was an uffair to remember. Arch rival· U.C.r.V and Cariboo College were going hend to head against each other for the third time this season. Caribou had won the previous matches with a scores of 2-0 and 4-3. I am very lrnppy lo say that the buys did not make it a clean sweep in the series fur Cariboo. Striker Tyler Willnru used his pretty face to head in the equaliz~r with just 7 minutes left in the game. It wa~ a 45-yard throw in into the penalty area by all-star Gord Dickson that made Wi Ilnrd's goal possible. It wns 1-1 after the full 90 minutes of pluy. With nails being bit1en on the sideline and coach Scott Fast pacing with ancicipation, the men took to the field for overtime. Victory came in the tenth minute of extra time with a brilliant strike from all-star forward Yassir Abdalla. The scuson of 2001-2002 looks very bright with the majority of players coming back for both teams. The spirit of "Valley" ball i. alive nnd well after the weekend and will continue in to next enson. Let us as fellow students congratulate both temns on a wonderful and inspiring year of U.C.F. V soccer,
Ucfv Cascades
Friday November 9 at Robert Bateman
Secondary School
Women tip-off at 6:30PM and the men go at 8: I5PM
Saturday November 10 at St. John 8rebcur
Secondary .Schon!
Women lip-off at 6:tl0PM ut1tl the men start nt 8:00PM
Friday November I 6 at K want len
Universily College (Surrey Campus)
Women stort al 6:00PM unc.lthe men stnrt at X;OOPM
In baskctbnll, there arc two kinJ~ of THEY PLAY THEIR PIRST LEAGUE gamcs those that count. and those that GAMES AT HOME!!! count even more. The weekend of October 26 was one of those weekends where the games counted if only us practice for what is shaping up to he an awesutne season for cuscudes basketball. October 26th had the UCrV men's team playing down in Washingto11 Stute at Everett Community College, where they bounced their host to a final score of 80-60at the cn<l ur regulation time. The women. who plnycc.1 Skagit Vullcy. also from Washington State. on the 27th, began what looked like a close contest with so111cnice pressing and perimeter shots. but surged uhcad 10 win with a fint1l scort or 87-55. Thi); was ,1nexcrc:llcntweekend for both teams.
Due to the print deadline. the games 011 lht \\eel.;end of November 2 will lu1ve !heir results posted in the next issue. Check out
Sa1urtlay November 17 at Douglas College (New West Campus)
Women sturt at 6:00PM am.Ithc men slart at 8:00PM
Third At Soccer Provincials
It was bronz.e all around HS the ucrv men's und women's teams brought home metluls from the British Columbia Colleges AIhletic Asso1.:iation (BCCAA) provincial championship tournaments this past weekend.
On S,1111rduy.Oct0bcr 27, UCFV women Inst their semi-final match to UC Cariboo by o score or 3-(). The men were dcfeatcu J. 0 in their match wi11l Langara.
On Sunday, October 28. the women earned a bronle medal hy beating Langara 2 I in golden goal overtime. Cascade Laurie 13lakew11ysc1)red the first gonl, and also crossed the ball to Jarnic Zurin who scnrt:d
Cascadesgettheir Strokesin
by Jnsc U1r.:a1cgui
If you thl>ughl 1h,11the only sports at UCFV were soccer. bn!-.kethall. vollt:yball and softball: the new UCFV rowing icum made its appearnnr.:elast month with quite a s1art.
The team is rnthcr new, ii was created twu or three months ago in association with the Fort Langley ruwing club. Most of the rowers in the team ure new lo lhe spot 1, so you can imagine what they went thrnugh learn ing how the boats 11rc called (no, not ho.ns. "shells") lCl the different pnns llf it. Suying this. you rnight think that the team wouldn't dare to go on a race. right? Wrllng, in fact.
I:ist Sunday (Ot:lubcr 28) the teani came hC1mefrom !heir se1.:011dregattu which was held in Victoria,
In the firs! regatta. The Undergrndua1e Clas)tic, UCFV cu111tin FIRST! nn thrc:sec nncl final C1f1he Co-cd eighl (the ones that have H people itt it). 11mlthird uI1the scconc.l finul ol'the wnme11·squad (the one that havc 4 people in it). (CONGRATUI.A'l'IONS ucrv CREWS!) It was [I novice 500 111e1er race. but considering that our leant had hcen nn Lile water only 6 to 8 times learning how to row. AND that they raced aguinst URC. UVIC, SFU. ur1dother novice cn:ws of that culibcr. rhey ditl rxccllcnl I The Co-ed eight also did tile second best time ( I :.'.14.94)overall.
By the wny, it was quite" show w11tchi11g a novice crew race, a few of lhent aimost crashed either with each oilier, or with the dock •· way olf 1.:uurse.Many crew~ were wearing costun1es. They had names like ''Coxed suckers", "Stroke Mc Hurd''. "Chtxs With Stix~." etc. (Many names had "Cox" somewhere in them because the person who sits in the bout guiding tt1e crew - the one that you see yelling "row. row, row!" in 1he Olympics - is culled Coxswain or "Cox"). Remember. it wos n nnvic.:I!race!
The Head orTht: Elk. the 11therregatta, w:is .i rather formal, and more 1han 70 crews rn~ed, including Canac.la's Olympic team. UCPY crews meed in the 'men's novice rhe winning goal in sudden-death overtime Zarin. Blakewuy, nnd Andrea Northcott were oil named to the secrnJd (cum on the provincial all-star team. eight' with 5 mcn and 3 woI11en.( Yeuh right. like they were going to race thcOlyn1pi1; te,un ) The results of this regatta are 1101nul 111lht momenl; but it was a fairly long race - 8 kms.
The women placed third in league play. The men Juplicutec.l the 2-1 result, first on a tying goal by Tyle1· Willard and then by beating UC Caribon 2-1 in overtime on a goal by Yassir Abdalla.
Abdalla wns named a first team all-star on the provincial nil-star teum. Fellow Cascutle~ Scan Hayes and Gord Dickson were second team all-f.t.irs. The lllen placed fourth in lcagul.\ play.
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