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Humans can get some pre11yweird idea~ when il comes to the iLlt:n of what it means to be clean. This quiz hos been cons1ru<.:tedfor lht purpose nf scouring out all the filthy extremes soaked in by years of washing them di:..hcs.
How often do you take out the Garbage?
u) When I can ·1see the bottom of the garbage bug anyn1ure b) When no more garbage can be squashed in c) Well, the last time I took the garbage out, I found liulc worms crawling around so I've avoided close <.:on1uc1 with that green monster ever since!
According to you, Deodorant is: al My lilllc "dove" and I meet so often, l include her nalllc 011 my li~l of "significant others'' b) A sub).tunce, usually fragrance and made for the µurpose of uniting underarms with lht freshness that is associated with uvoiding body odor c) A dead ant? a) As &oon as I peel them off my body b) When they take on u smell of' their own c) As soon a1othey <.:anstand by themselves u) Every other day (unlci>s I invest in Costco's three-pack. in which cnsc. once a week) b) Bi-weekly tl) I don't have to. Sanla leaves men wbe in rny l>tocking EVERY year!!!
How oftt!n do your dothcs get lucky with the wa~hing machine?
How often <lo you buy toothpaste'?
Enter your bcoroom and: a) Be sure to leave your shoes ul the door b) Just shove my books ofl the bed and have a scat c) The snow shovel shoultl be just outside the door
Cleaning the bathroom incllllfos: a) On a good clny- only 3.75 hours b) The hasic "3 T's'' (Tub, Toilet. Tap) c) Flushing the toilet
If you answered mostly a·s Clenning is nm an Olympic sporl, hpwever with the !ruining you 're putting in you might want to look into Lhc for- mnli1b needed to do so!
If you answcreu mostly b's c) Look uroum.l, is there anyone within a ten point three meter radius left standing, you must smell like a the friuge I clear1edout thut had been hosting a rotim temperature bng of meal for way Loo long! However. I have to say I respect your laziness for leaving your dwelling tls u garbage heap despite the pressures of your peer world.
So far, you seem to be preuy balanced in your view of keeping well saniti,ed however watch out. it is a thin rope ynu walk on.
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