1 minute read


Another soccer season ha!-;come to .in end at U.C.F.Y, yel bo1h the men anJ the women walked awuy with well-de~erved hardware. This past weekend our soccer squads competed in the 13.C provi11dal tournament in Capilano. Every player ran 10 the ends of 1he earth. through rorr~nlial rain 1111dsubzero temperatures, for the chflnce to represent our province in the natiotud churnpionship. As n result. U.C.EV is now lhe proud owner of third place in the prnvini::e for both genders.

for the women's team. their first game was the contin11ation of an i111e11serivalry with Cariboo College. Unfort11natcly the ladies came out on the wrong end of a 3-0 score Ii nc. The second game on Sunday had a di f. l'crcnl ending. After regulation play


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