6 minute read
It has come to our attention thal yo11 have received a si7,eable increase in pay ~1fterthe last AGM, which wo attended by one nou-student union member (Editors note: There were nlso four faculty llll!tnbers at the mectin~). We, as well as many other students feel that perhaps to give yoursch•cs such 11 substantial pay raise without a ful1 canwul refercn• dum ls a sad oveHiight. 'fo refer to L>ylawsset.forth by Ottawa to give yourselvc~ credibility is no helter than to say you are adhering to the laws set l'orth by King John (as in the King that took from the poor), or perhaps the Canadian senate which regularly also use such slanted logk lo line their pockccs.
While we arc not opposed to financial co111pensatio11for those individuals elected lo student governmenl, we propose that payment remain in line with student hased ca111pusemployment rules. At your proposed rate of pay you willbe earning more than work-study stude1,t5, term-six co-op st11d1mtsand auxiliary UCFV staff at pay ~roup one. Not to mention the lovely people that have thii pleasure providing food for UCFV student body and staff, some of whomhave been here for many, years and make much less money then your $15.00 an hour.
Although is has been pointed out to us thal your wage is in line with other Student Unions across Canada, we still feel thal the autonomous nature of your AGM was not the mos( ideal formn for voting in a pay ral e. lt is our under ·tanding that the iclc11 behind this p11yincrease was to create controvcr y. On that point we concede that you have 1;ucceeded. In the future we suggest that the Student Union Society produce colourful pa111phlcl information prior to such 011 importont issue 11ndnot afterward celebrating an flUtonomous decision.
The previous SUS mcmhcrs were not willing to allow themselves such pay increases in order to mllkesure there were funds for other more needy areas. We certainly hope that due to this ne" expenditure 011 the part of the SU ' executive, st111lcntemergency hur. arics will not be put in jcop11rdy for those sludcnls who cannot offord to put food on their table. On this 11ote,for those stu~cnts who arc in need plMse rememhcr you can apply for emergency relief futtd!i through the financiol aid office, or flsk them for food certificates. As well you can apply for Food Bank hampers throui:1hthe Student Events office located in room A215 at lhc Ahhot~ford Campus.
Thank•)Oµ for your allention to this matter,
Sandy Weipert Spiel~r (fnrmer 'US WesI Cnn1pus Rep anJ SUS Vi1.:e Presidi.:111External)
M,111ree11Sowasy ( Fourth year UCFV ,1t:tive i11Student Event:; !Ind Theatre) ~111111thcrcunt·crncd students.
Defendingtherightsof The Unborn
Abortion kills innocent, unborn chil• drcn, who arc fully deserving of human rights. Science rrovcs that the fctus is a hunwn being. Every living thing reproduces after its own kind. To find out what stimething i we simply ask; "\iVho arc its pnrents?" Unlike spen11anJ ovum, the zygote is alrcudy u whole h11manbeing. It possesses1hc natural, inherent cupacily w develop into an embryo, fctus, infant, and adult. Consider the four ways how an unborn child differs from a rle!wborn; Silt:, level of development, environment, and dependency. None of thcsc actually relate to whether it is a human being or nut. First if size Jctcrmincd aml defined whal is human, then my 6"2" ba~ketball player brother would be more humun than I um. Of course he isn't. Bigger people me no more humnn than smaller ones. As Doctor Seuss said, "No mutter how sn1all, rI pcr:mn is n person." Ir level of development wns an issue then a four-year old who husn't yet got1l' through pubcrty would be lei.s l111manthnn a twenty live yenr nld. Once .igain, uf c:oursc nut; that would be absurd. Thirdly. the unborn baby is in a different plac:e than the newhorn. The unborn is within the mother's womb and the newborn i~ outside. Uut where you arc ha!i no bearing on who you arc. Whether you're Hl the store or al home your identity ns n hu1na11uoes not t:hungc. Why should a baby whn i~ si;.. i11chcsuwuy from her mother's womb be called human when in its previous position it hau bccn called not human? Lastly. pro-obottionists of"len deny lhc unborn human slnllls becuusl' it is dcpcntlcnt on its mother. I3ut if indepcndcncl! is whar makes us huI1Ian, then nil those whn are ctepende111on kidney machines, heart p,,cenrnkers. ur insulin are .ilso nor l1111n.in.Of wursc we know this is false. There ii, 110 cthi cal differt:ncc bctwccn an unborn child \\ hn is plugged into and Jcpc11de111 llpon its mother and ., kidney pulic111 who is plugged into and dcrendc11t IIpo11,1 kidnt:y muchinc.
Our t.:lub. Sllldent Advocates for Life. believes th,1I thc unborn arc human 111:ings.anJ we arl!commilleu 111 defending life from conception t11n:11u1al de.ith. Thc only is. uc rclc\.,lnl 1111hc abortion debate is whether '·1i-·,~ hl1111un or not, Canadi.l. through aburtiu11.k.1lh I 15, 000 babies ;i year. Canudians therefore are killing children. and this i~ genocide. There 11reno nborliun laws in unada at this time. Women 1hc111sclvcs nre also victims in this horrible injustice. We believe that wo111e11 in a crisis pregIianey need tn have oil tllC foets about their baby and the abortion process, and husi ness.
I lclp for those in a crisis prcg11ancyis ,)\ail.ible tll; 1-877 88 WOMAN.
If ynu would likc tu gi.:t in conIacI with our duh, y11ucan e-n,ail us at :,all200l@hotn1ail.com.
Web~ites of interest for further inlo: www.inlcrlife.org www. l'eminis1sforl i fr .nrg www.lifcsile.net www.ncln.ca
SPphia Schmidt
Abortion Pro
I would like to respond 10 your article nrst I want to say 1ha1I a111not proaburtion, but pro-ch0ice. I bcli1.:ve.just as you do. that aborti<111is a sad and lrngic thing.. llowcver. I must acccpt that unwanteJ pregnancies arc ;1 facl of life. While it is essential lhul we do everything we can to prevent them (birth control, nbstinence) there are ~imply racwrs which we cannot conIrnl. In a perfect world n woman would 1101 have to face an unplanned pregnnncy. We <lo nnt live in n perfect wnrld.
Abortion: The Other Side. which appeared in the October I 0-24 issue of The Cascade. I make this response not because I feel 1h01you arc wrong u11dI am right. but because 1 0111just c1s e11tiIleu 10 have 11Iyopi11ionhcurd by fello\\ UCFV studc11tsas you urc.
Choosing to termin,Hc u pregna11cyis u chnice thnt I wish 110 fellow fe111alc would ever have to make. The fo1,;1of the mailer i~. that sometimes, fnr sonIt: people thnI is the right choice. While we must do our best to prc~cnl all options. neither you nor I have the right 10 tell n woman sht: must carry a child to term. l see from ynur article that we t1grec on one thing; people mu,~tbe educ,lled on the facts of t1bonion. /\s with any surgical prnced11re.there are side effects lo ,1hortion. There ore nlsti, as you put it. "c111otio11alrisks" to it. Thal docs 1101 mean 1ha1abortion is universully evil and wrong. Do not think for n second lliHl there arc no side effects or "e1110Iio1n1Irisks" l\l carrying nn unwnnrecl pregnancy tu term. In racI, cvi.:n when the b,1hy is plu11necl,postpurtum Jcprcssion can bring intense stress to the new mother.
I am !>Url·that you ,11IdI t:uuld dl·batc thi~ is:sw: for quite ,0I11etim1.:.1 have much 111oreto say uII this ~uhjeu 1hc11 WhLltI have \Vritlen hel'e. 1 only hope that rny words help ynu Lu undeNanJ the other, other side.
Bk:ssings of whomcv.:r.
Glynis Hannaford
I' v,: be~·11c11couragcJIn put forth i11letter form;lt I he events that happened <111 01.:1nber23rd, 2001. I fear this I11aybe the 1.ist written work I ~ubmit 10 U.F.Y.C. While- I have alw,1ys found full-lime studies in nllllition to single parl'.nting extremely chnl ll'.nging. it has now become overwhelming. 11ill nnt that I'm unable 10 fullill the academic work lon<l: Iny four yrar nld ~<111and I can no longer cope with inadcqu:.11e parking acrnmnwdwions anti abusive r,olk1l'.s cv1dcnI by Ilic M:t:urity staff. My son oltc11dscampw, daycare while I'm in c.:lass.After class i~ over, I hn\e fifteen mim11es10 pick him up a11ddri,·c him ll> ldndergartcn. ~tnpping rnr lund1 on the wuy. T rypic.illy park in line nf ihe f<1urspn-:esdcsignated rur <.layenre co11II1111cd on page 12 ot a scien ist, u did st 1}6ita Holiday Inn Inst night
by Keirnn ciibh~ nnd k1111il"!.!rlk11tkrson, The Picarn
HALIFAX (CUP) - r:'rom the American Congres~ tn the Canadian Senucc. From university campuses to post offices. Since Sept. 11, anthrax scare!>- and in some in~tnnce conlirrncd cases - have been popping up acros~ North Amcrk:a.
But how much <foes the average.: pc.:rson really know about this pote111inlly dc.:adly bacteria?
Anthrax is actually an acute infectiQUSdise.isl.! cnused by the sporc.:-forming bacteria anthracis. rnost comn1only found in domes• ticated animnls such as cuttle and sheep. Humans can become infected with anthrax by in~csting ii, inhaling it or thrnugh cuts and abrasion~ in the !>kin. ,.., r-1 1~ id<:?"
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