1 minute read


by John Barker

Recently, a dangerous phenomena has been sweeping high school und college campuses lately. It's affected everything from huge, impersonal universities to our own small, local campus. This phenomc.:non is th!\l of students carrying gum 10 classes. We at the Cascade are concerned for the safety and well being of the student populous. On any given day we see hun• dreds of students walk by our humble office carrying gum, or chewing gum, or travelling in large pack of people. a majority of which have.:easy access 10 gum. Insrnnces of gum-related dcalh increase exponentially in countries whel'e gum is 1101outlawed, and ore practically non-ex istent in countries that have banned gum (like Singapore). Groups such as the Coalition for Gum Control have begun lobbying the government for laws protecting citizens from gum recently, saying that the Canadian government nc.:edsto protect it's citizens from gum deaths. The NDA (National Dcntyne Association) has been coumer-lobbying, saying 1ha1the deaths of a few people are no re11sonlo limit the freedoms of responsible gum owne1·s.Public; opinion seems split 50/50. and so the debme rages un.


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