1 minute read


by Arnundu Mills

lt is my np1nion thnt something must 111.: done ,\imut the pnrking lot smrn. In thc p;1rking lnt there ,ire IHl yield or str,p signs. Th~y' re: there when ex it i ng the parking lot h111what abnut lxt11een ~ectil>ns'! In th1: rrnnt parking lul there is a 11,aind1·ui;!hut goes all thl' wuy ni.:niss to the nther purki Ilg lot. Plus then.: ure se\,Cl'td Innes thal interscl:t "i1h tl,is ltrri~· Dri\cr:- HIT tuk111g mh.intagc nr othcr drivers by not ktting them 111rrnnl m by culling tht:m off Yrhcn they an: tryi11g Ill kn1c. Okay if one c.:ar goes hy in t'rn111that one th111g,but tl1nigl11


I SU\\ three cars CUI 111rro111or a Dmlge trul'k Nut unc ol the peuplc v.hu cul 111111

11111\:,1l'd lli ,.i) tlia11k)'Oll f'n1lclt111gthem

111.111d 11111,111l'"'" lhe pcnplc I sn\\ i:111nlf h11nkcJ th1,:i1lh1t11. 11·,;1hrn11time tlley \h11ulJ.

I \\l'l11t111l1e -.i;ltn11I ,\I 4ptn tl1li;1y, Oi.:tnhc1 till' mth, u11dI Stl\1 lnur (11.:l:llll'Clll"l'S thut sho1tld 11111lt,1\e happen,.:d. 111the Iron! purkili!-! 1111The ri1s1 wu, a l)ndgt: lrui.:k gclli11!,!i.:111nl'I' hy 1h1eel:<11,. I dnn't know f>ede~trio.111~ do not have to yield In vehicles hut 1hcy shoulcln·1 wnlk out ~lowly between two parked cars. They shouldn't walk across two Innes holding up th,·ee c.irs. notice th,11they should move foster but they slnw down. anti ~1,1-earat the one Jriver who i'i11<1llyhnnked his hllrn at thc,e l\\ll younld teenager:;, The third w.i:,, .i ,lupid, arrog,1111prnblcrn th,ll could hi.we been ~oh.-ed ea~ily with bnlh ,1Jes rnopcrnting. At live thirty I wutehcJ two cars leaving the 11l'\Vparking IOI n11J the one by lhL· libraty. As you know liien: arl· two swp signs hl:rl· on both ~idl's. Ndllll'I' driver stoppl·d or illokcd. .ind both 1<llled In tltc 1hird ~top sign hl·Hd· ing out 011It! llte rnml. The dri~crs ,ILlrpl'd side hy stdc al the tlmd stnp i-ign and ycllcJ at each nther ror gn111gon tlw nthcr's turn. I was trying to get \lUl Clr the pm king lut and glll :.tuck behind these two ,pnn~ cnr~. J wutchcJ a~ tlit'y yelled ,0111c 111oreand both tried lo inch i'1Jrwardto go When the durk one 11nthe lct't hit his ga~ and p1illt:d out in l'n1111oi' thee other he nlt1H1s1hit "i.:nr thut wih trying 1t1get into

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