The 4th Day of Christmas

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INSPIRING THIS GAZEBO HUNTER #5 Donogh chats Sci-Fi miniatures, Apocalypse World, and Archer


've always been interested in what inspires gamers to break new ground and start another project. This series of articles is a brief overview of things which caught my eye over the last few months some have already prompted me to try something new, some may lurk in the long grass until their time has come. I hope that something here grabs your attention and calls you to action! Blog I know a lot of people enjoyed the X-Com series of PC games; Bloggity-Blog-Blog put together a great tabletop version. It just

remains for me to put together some suitable alien figures which will scale well with my 20mm moderns and this is an eminently achievable project. Miniatures I’m always on the look-out to integrate civilian pieces on my wargaming table. Ground Zero Games have again delivered for the 15mm Sci-Fi fan with these robust civilian vehicles. Dropship Horizon did a review a while back with some pictures. I haven’t been bitten by the Dark Ages bug currently sweeping through wargaming circles. Gripping Beast’s box of 40 plastic warriors at a very reasonable price will surely make assembling your warband much easier. Non-Fiction Book I finally got around to reading the acclaimed Lions of Kandahar which details a daring Green Beret mission in

THE GAZEBO 12 days of Christmas

Donogh Donogh has been gaming in some shape or form since school, though with two young daughters under four I’m restrained to a couple of wargames a month and an infrequent Saturday of roleplaying with my old college group. Though I'll happily engage in a quick pick-up boardgame or indie roleplaying game, you'll usually find me running participation wargames at most conventions I go to. You can find my wargaming exploits at Land War in Asia and the annals of my current roleplaying campaign at Giyhonan Chronicles. Email

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